Days Update Thursday, February 1, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Eric and Sloan kiss in bed until baby Jude wakes up crying.

At the Spectator, Chad asks Everett how it’s going. Everett calls it a run of the mill day and jokes that he’s saving the world. Chad is sure he’s doing it impressively and asks how the story is coming along. Everett says it should be in his inbox soon and he’s thinking it will become a series. Chad agrees that it’s not just about who is dealing the drugs but who it affects. Everett says that could include people they know who need a voice.

Theresa sits at the Titan office, encouraging herself that she can do this and doesn’t need help from anybody. Alex arrives, so Theresa tells him that she’s trying to figure out the layout issue, feeling there’s too much visual clutter. Brady arrives and says he’s sorry to interrupt but Theresa says thank God he’s there as she really needs his help badly.

Harris checks on Lucas in his room above the Pub. Lucas asks about the investigation. Harris says he’s on his way to the hospital to check on a perp. Harris knows it isn’t going as fast as he hoped, but assures Lucas that he is safe here. Lucas says he’d like to believe him but he knows that Clyde’s mission in life right now is to find and kill him.

Sloan tells Eric to let Jude cry and self soothe but Eric worries that it sounds like he needs something, so he gets out of bed to check on him, disappointing Sloan.

Brady asks Theresa what’s wrong. Theresa complains about the layout and thinking she screwed up some ads, so she asks Brady to take a look. Brady sees the issue and suggests making it a little less overwhelming. Brady says he can help with it, so Theresa calls him a lifesaver, annoying Alex. Brady sends Theresa to get the original proof sheet from his office. Alex mocks Brady coming to the rescue. Brady brings up that Alex urged him to make sure she feels better with her job here. Theresa comes back and tells Brady they will get to work. Brady shows her a couple things to fix it. Alex gets annoyed and walks out.

Harris knows this isn’t ideal but says Lucas is out of prison and did his part, so now he has to trust him to do his part. Harris says he’ll see him later and exits. Lucas pulls out his phone and calls Chad, who questions if he’s supposed to be in prison. Lucas reveals that he’s in Salem. Chad asks if he was released or if he escaped. Lucas says he’ll explain later, but right now he needs him to come to Harris’ room above the Pub as they need to talk and hangs up. Chad says what the hell as Everett asks who that was. Chad says he’ll know soon enough but they have to go as they have a meeting with a very important person.

Eric feeds Jude and gets him back to sleep. Sloan tells Eric to come back to bed now but Eric wants to wait to make sure he doesn’t wake up screaming again. Sloan says if he wakes up then Eric can go over there and hover. Eric agrees to stop hovering and goes back to kissing Sloan in bed until they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Eric says he’ll get it but Sloan argues that they will go away if he doesn’t. Eric worries that they will wake up the baby. It’s Leo, so Sloan says not to let him in but Eric says he won’t go away. Eric answers the door and says it’s not a good time. Leo walks in and says he was doing research for his column and it dawned on him that they haven’t reviewed his photos. Leo praises Eric’s extraordinary talent. Eric questions Leo wanting to review his photos now. Leo says unless this isn’t a good time.

Theresa comments that Brady makes this look so easy. Brady says it’s because he’s made all those mistakes too so he knows how to fix them. Brady encourages Theresa not to let it get to her and she’ll be fine. Theresa agrees to try not to and thanks Brady so much for his help. Brady has no doubt the magazine will be successful in the future and that Theresa will be a big part of that success.

Marlena runs in to Harris at the hospital and asks how everything is. Harris admits he’s not great, as he was just visiting an injured perp who got hurt during a raid but he wouldn’t give up his boss still. Harris says dealing with the drug ring is like always hitting another wall. Marlena asks if he wants to talk about it as she has some time. Harris decides it would be really good to talk to her again.

Chad and Everett go to see Lucas. Lucas complains that he didn’t mean for Chad to bring backup. Chad assures that he trusts Everett and introduces him to Lucas. Lucas tells them to have a seat because he has a hell of a story to tell them.

Alex runs in to Maggie in the town square and asks how she is. Maggie says she’s well and she’s glad she ran in to him as she asks if he has a moment to talk about Theresa. Maggie says she’s worried about Theresa as she ran in to her at the meeting and she seemed guarded with her. Maggie asks if Theresa is alright. Alex says all things considered, definitely and he’s just trying his best to be there for her and understand what she’s going through. Maggie doesn’t think he can which he questions. Maggie explains that being in a relationship with an addict takes a great deal of patience, empathy, and maturity. Alex asks if she doesn’t think he has those qualities. Maggie says that’s just her experience with him and she knows people can change, but right now with everything Theresa is going through, she doesn’t think Alex is equipped to handle it. Alex assumes that Maggie thinks he should break up with Theresa then. Maggie confirms that’s exactly what she thinks.

Eric says since Leo showed up without calling, they can get it over with quick and he’ll get his computer. Leo says it can wait as he looks over baby Jude. Leo remarks that Jude looks surprisingly like Eric. Sloan tells Leo that Jude is asleep. Leo says that’s fine and he’ll wait until he wakes up. Leo asks for a drink. There’s another knock at the door which Sloan complains about. Sloan answers the door to see Melinda, who questions her not seeing her texts. Sloan says she’s been a bit busy as Melinda comes in and greets Eric and Leo. Leo asks if Melinda came to see the baby she acquired for the couple. Melinda says she’s just checking in about the Christening but Sloan says they haven’t set a date. Melinda says she wants to run over a few details as Jude’s Godmother. Leo calls that so special and says it makes them a couple as he declares himself to be Jude’s Godfather which Eric questions.

Alex questions Maggie thinking he should break up with Theresa because he’s a jerk. Maggie says she didn’t use that word and she just wants what is best for Theresa as her sponsor and she thinks she would be better off on her own right now for her recovery. Alex disagrees and argues that he’s been patient and understanding with her. Maggie says maybe he has been, but that’s until he leaves her for another hot young woman. Alex insists that he’s not that person anymore. Maggie questions if he’s committed to Theresa for the long haul. Alex states that he’s done being a player, he’s in therapy and working hard on himself to become a better person. Alex understands she might be skeptical but at the end of the day, he is sincere about this and his feelings for Theresa. Alex says watching her hurt to the point that she had to get high to deal with the pain broke his heart and he never wants to add to that pain. Maggie decides she believes him and if he’s truly in it for the long haul, she recommends he check out an addicts support group as he needs to help himself to he can help her.

Theresa thanks Brady again for saving her. Brady says she doesn’t need to thank him. Theresa feels he went above and beyond, like he did when she had her slip. Theresa tells Brady how much that meant to her. Brady mentions getting a letter from Tate this morning. Theresa says she got one too and that he was so sweet in reassuring that he’s okay. Theresa says that Tate is strong and brave like Brady. Brady says he sees a lot of her in Tate as well in his humor and sense of adventure. Theresa states that Tate is a good kid. Brady agrees and declares they must have done something right.

Chad questions Lucas being a confidential informant who has been feeding information to Harris Michaels about the drug ring. Lucas adds that for his trouble, he got a beatdown. Everett asks how Lucas got here. Lucas explains that Harris pulled some strings as he knew he wouldn’t last much longer in prison, so he brought him here to keep his eye on him. Everett asks if they know who is coming for him. Lucas tells them that it’s the ringleader, Clyde Weston. Chad says he should’ve known.

Harris meets with Marlena and talks about thinking of all the kids effected by the drug ring, especially Holly Jonas. Marlena talks about Holly being in Italy with Nicole, getting treatment and seems to be improving. Harris says he’s praying for her. Marlena asks how he’s doing personally. Harris says he’s alright and just trying to sort some stuff out which Marlena questions. Harris talks about he and Ava getting close. Marlena asks how that’s going. Harris tells her that’s over as she’s with Stefan DiMera now or at least claims to be. Marlena asks what that means. Harris declares there is nothing between them and it’s just a lie. Marlena questions Harris thinking that Ava and Stefan are pretending to be in a relationship. Harris says it doesn’t matter as Ava moved on and he just has to accept it. Marlena imagines he still has feelings for her. Harris admits that he does as he felt a connection he didn’t expect and thinks she felt it too, but repeats that it’s over so he has to stay focused on ending the drug epidemic in Salem. Harris guesses it’s back to work for him and thanks Marlena for listening. Marlena says she’s always there for him as Harris exits her office.

Eric asks if Sloan told Leo that he’s Jude’s Godfather. Sloan says of course not and that Leo was just joking and trying to be funny, but she didn’t find it funny. Leo jokes that she doesn’t have a sense of humor but makes up with it with her own charm and charisma. Leo then admits he has yet to be anointed Godfather of Jude and talks about how hard it must have been for the birth mother to give him up. Leo questions the holdup on the Christening. Eric mentions that he kind of wanted to wait until Nicole got back. Melinda questions wanting the woman who kidnapped his son to be there for his Christening. Eric says they’ve gotten past that. Eric then mentions to Sloan that he got a text this morning from Nicole with an update on Holly. Sloan asks if Holly is out of the coma. Eric says not yet but she’s kind of responding to stimulant, so Nicole was very excited and looking forward to Jude’s Christening, so he’d like to wait for her to be there for it. Leo calls that so kind and declares that Nicole must be there after everything she’s been through because it would do her heart some good. Leo asks if Sloan agrees.

Alex thanks Maggie for the suggestion about the support group and says he’ll definitely check that out. Maggie thinks it would be very helpful. Maggie then asks how Theresa is managing at work. Alex admits it’s been a challenge, but she’s a smart girl and determined, so he thinks she will meet that challenge and she has his support. Maggie still thinks she should step back in at Titan but Alex says his stance hasn’t changed and her services are not needed. Maggie suggests bringing it up to the board. Alex wishes her luck with that and thanks her for the advice but declares Maggie coming back to Titan is not going to happen on his watch as he then walks away.

Everett asks how Lucas communicated with Harris. Lucas explains that he had a standing call with his doctor but it didn’t work because next thing he knew, he got his brans beat out. Everett asks if the attacker said anything. Lucas says he didn’t catch anything as there were a lot of them, he was in a lot of pain, and the next thing he knew, he was in the infirmary. Harris then comes back and questions what the hell is going on here.

Theresa tells Brady that she’s counting the days until they can see their son. Brady says he’s been obsessively looking at old photos on his phone. They laugh together about old videos of Tate until Alex comes back and asks what’s funny. Theresa says they were just talking about old videos of Tate when he was little. Brady says he will get going. Theresa thanks him again as he exits. Alex asks Theresa if Brady solved all her problems. Theresa confirms that he did and then tells Alex that they need to talk.

Sloan says that waiting for Nicole to come back from Italy is okay by her as there’s no reason to rush to schedule a Christening. Eric thanks her for understanding. Eric then tells Leo that they can go check out his photos, so they head to his room. Melinda asks Sloan what the hell Leo is doing here. Sloan says he is here to torture her. Sloan remarks that she doesn’t think she’s cut out to be a mother and complains about the baby crying every time she and Eric start to have sex. Sloan talks about having to clean up and the lack of sleep. Melinda questions if Sloan didn’t know what it was going to be like or if she didn’t have friends with children or read any books on what the first year would be like. Sloan admits that she didn’t. Sloan wishes they could have a nanny. Melinda tells her to get one then but Sloan says Eric doesn’t want one as he thinks it will be better for Jude if they take care of everything. Sloan adds that they can’t even afford a nanny. Melinda gets that she’s stressed but urges her to stick to the plan and that it will get easier. Sloan says maybe in 18 years but she doesn’t know if she can make it 18 months. Melinda warns Sloan that if she doesn’t and she gives Jude back to Nicole, then she will be trading it in for prison for both of them and Leo. Melinda asks if that’s what she wants.

Maggie finishes a call with the board and says she’ll be in touch. Brady approaches and hugs her, asking how it’s going. Maggie says it’s okay and she’s trying to focus on the positives. Maggie tells Brady about getting an e-mail from Nicole, who said that the treatments for Holly have been going promising. Brady says that’s great and he’ll let Justin know to relay that to Tate. Maggie asks how Brady is doing. Brady admits he’s treading water with everything that happened with Tate and Theresa. Maggie calls it a challenging time for him and she’s hoping that maybe she can help.

Harris asks if Lucas is trying to get himself killed. Lucas responds that he’s trying to do the opposite. Harris questions going after Clyde in the press which will provoke him and put his loved ones in danger. Harris asks what the guarantee is that Chad and Everett won’t reveal his location. Chad argues that won’t happen because Lucas is family and Clyde murdered his wife, so he wants him to rot in Hell. Everett adds that people have a right to know what’s going on. Harris argues that uncovering this could undo all the work they’ve done. Chad asks if he doesn’t want them to run it. Harris wants them to just run because thanks to Lucas, they have a big drug bust going down soon. Harris offers to give them the exclusive on the drug bust if they hold the story which they agree to.

Alex tells Theresa that he has a big feeling about they need to talk. Theresa tells him it’s nothing bad and she just knows that he wasn’t that happy before when Brady saved the day for her. Alex says he was glad Brady was there since he helped her and that’s all that matters. Alex adds that he’s also been thinking about joining an addict support group meeting to have a better understanding of what she’s going through as he’s trying to be more supportive. Theresa questions him doing that for her. Alex responds that he’d do anything for her. Theresa asks how she got so lucky. Alex says he’s the lucky one and kisses her. Alex adds that maybe if he shuts the door, he can get even luckier which Theresa agrees with.

Brady questions Maggie wanting back in at Titan. Maggie says for many reasons, most importantly so she can be there in a more supportive role for Theresa and to take some of the burden off Brady. Brady calls that very kind of her and asks if she talked to Alex about it. Maggie informs him that Alex rejected the idea of her coming back. Brady calls that a big mistake as she’s a terrific business woman and Titan is better with her in it. Brady agrees to talk to the board and gauge their interest. Maggie says she just wants to make sure she’s doing what’s best for everyone to thrive as they hug.

After Chad and Everett leave, Harris asks Lucas if he’s happy now. Lucas complains while Harris asks why he would talk to journalists unless he wants Clyde to find him. Harris shouts that he’s trying to keep him alive. Lucas asks where Harris was when he got jumped and if he was trying to keep him alive then. Lucas asks how Clyde even found out. Harris admits they aren’t sure. Lucas argues that he’s sure because he knows exactly how Clyde operates and that he’s got guys embedded in the Salem police department and that’s why he did what he did today because he’s trying to end Clyde’s reign of terror and save lives, including his own.

After Leo and Melinda leave, Eric tells Sloan that he will clean up later and starts kissing her until there’s another knock at the door. Sloan hopes it’s not Leo, but it’s Marlena so Eric answers the door. Marlena hopes she’s not intruding but says she was in the neighborhood so she thought she’d catch a peek at her grandbaby. Sloan lays back on the bed in frustration.

Chad and Everett walk through the town square. Everett states that this story is going to go viral and when it does, they won’t have to worry about subscription numbers for a long time. Chad agrees and says if they are going to do it right, they have one more person to interview; Clyde Weston.

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Days Update Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Chanel and Paulina have breakfast in the town square. Paulina opens up her laptop and comments on Valentine’s Day being two weeks away and they have so much to do. Paulina says she made a spreadsheet of everything they need to accomplish for Chanel’s wedding. Paulina asks where Johnny is as she thought he was coming. Chanel informs her that Johnny said he would catch up with them later because he had something to take care of.

At the Horton House, Chad calls upstairs for the kids to get ready as they have to go to school. Johnny arrives and tells Chad that he hopes he’s not interrupting. Chad says he’s just getting the kids ready for school and heads upstairs to check on them.

Brady runs in to Alex in the park and asks how Theresa is. Alex responds that she’s hanging in and adds that she was going to leave town but he convinced her to stay. Brady is glad that Alex got through to her. Alex notes that she is staying with him and remarks that she sure as hell regrets kissing Brady. Brady questions why Alex would bring that up. Alex points out that Brady didn’t really apologize for his part in it. Brady argues that she kissed him, he didn’t kiss her and she made that clear, so he didn’t feel there was a reason to apologize. Alex questions if Brady didn’t want anything to do with that kiss.

Harris and Jada return to the police station, excited about a successful drug bust. Jada sends the other cops to book the dealers that they caught. Jada asks Harris if he has a minute since Rafe told her about him kissing Ava and then she slapped him. Jada questions what he was thinking. Harris says he clearly wasn’t. Jada tells Harris that she likes him, but she’s a little worried that he can’t get Ava out of his head. Jada remarks that Harris has got it bad for a woman who is bad news.

Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion wearing a hoodie. Stefan answers the door and questions what he’s doing there, asking if the hoodie is his new business attire. Xander says he’s looking for EJ and asks where he is. Stefan suggests he probably left for the courthouse and asks if he’s tried calling him. Xander says he needs to meet with EJ in person. Stefan asks what it’s about exactly. Xander responds that it’s about a very mysterious phone call.

Brady asks if Alex is kidding as he thought they were past this. Brady assures that he has no interest in getting back with Theresa, so she’s all his. Alex asks if he’s just supposed to dismiss the fact that he saw them kissing. Brady repeats that the kiss meant nothing and he just wants Theresa to be happy and healthy because they need to be united while Tate is going through the worst thing possible. Brady advises that Alex get over his jealousy because he’s going to be around if Alex is going to be with Theresa and his son, so he better get used to that.

Chad goes back downstairs and tells Johnny that the kids were fighting over a hair brush. Johnny talks about what worked for he and Allie when they were kids. Chad asks if Johnny wanted to talk. Johnny informs Chad that he and Chanel are engaged. Chad congratulates him. Johnny reveals that they are getting married on Valentine’s Day. Chad notes that’s 2 weeks away and very fast. Johnny tells him that Chanel and Paulina are madly planning. Chad says he’ll mark it on the calendar and that the kids will be very excited. Johnny then asks Chad to be his best man but notes his reaction is not what he was expecting. Chad says it’s one thing to attend and keep his mouth shut which Johnny questions. Chad explains that being his best man is like giving his blessing to bringing an innocent woman in to the DiMera family. Johnny asks what he’s talking about since he just married EJ and Nicole a few months ago. Chad points out how that turned out, noting that they lost a child and now EJ is trying to make the whole town pay. Chad adds that with Stefan, Gabi is in prison for murdering Li and just got her leg broken. Johnny gets that is all terrible but he still fails to see the DiMera connection. Chad argues that Johnny doesn’t get that when people marry in to the family, they end up hurt and at worst, dead like Abigail.

Stefan questions Xander about the mysterious phone call and says he has no idea where EJ is. Stefan offers to help if he wants to share and if he can’t, he’ll let EJ know. Xander decides he’d rather not run around town looking for EJ, so Stefan can relay the message. Xander then informs Stefan that he got a call from a blocked number and the person asked him to kill somebody.

Jada asks Harris how he thinks this is going to end. Harris doesn’t have an answer but he hopes that he and Ava can be together, but he doesn’t know if that’s possible. Jada questions if it’s really worth fighting over and risking his career for. Harris calls it complicated. Jada says she hates to see him go through this after getting his life back on track. Jada calls him a kick ass cop and says she’d hate to see him throw it all away on Ava. The other two cops come back so Harris offers breakfast on him to celebrate their victory which they agree to.

Chanel asks if Paulina is sure she’s okay to be out and about, worrying about her wedding plans when she was just in the hospital this morning. Paulina insists that she’s fine and loving every minute of helping her. Paulina adds that Chanel’s wedding dress is on the way but she’s worried about having time for the alterations. Chanel asks if she remembered her anti-anxiety pills which Paulina confirms she did. Paulina can’t wait for Chanel’s wedding, especially after missing her last one. Paulina wishes that Eli and Lani could be at the wedding. Chanel encourages that they will be there in spirit. Paulina shows Chanel her favorite option for her veil and says they can’t have her making her own wedding cake, so she shows one they could order. Paulina then suggests a bridal bouquet made out of pastries as a nod to Chanel being a baker.

Johnny thinks Chad is just missing his wife this morning. Chad admits that he does every minute of every day. Johnny understands but still doesn’t see the DiMera connection, reminding him that Clyde said Belle was his target that night and Abigail was at the wrong place and wrong time. Chad says Abigail was at the wrong place, the DiMera mansion, and if she wasn’t there, she’d still be alive. Chad brings up what happened in Johnny’s first marriage. Johnny argues that it had nothing to do with being a DiMera and if anything, had to do with his connection to Marlena. Johnny adds that he has nothing to do with the DiMera business since he’s an aspiring filmmaker. Johnny appreciates Chad wanting to be helpful but he thinks that Chad is overreacting. Chad asks if Johnny wants to be like him and be putting flowers on his wife’s grave because she was murdered in her own bed. Chad declares that becoming a DiMera is a dangerous thing as they are a spiteful, mean, vindictive group of people. Chad adds that he wasn’t even brought up as a DiMera but still got sucked in to it while Johnny was born in to it. Chad warns that if Johnny really loves Chanel, he’ll keep her as far away as possible.

Alex sarcastically asks if Brady is going to move in with he and Theresa. Brady assures that they will have their space but he’s going to be checking in on Theresa a lot because she’s the mother of his kid and she had a big slip and could easily have another one. Alex asks if he really thinks so because she’s started meetings, she’s focused on working at Bella, and looks on the road to recovery. Brady calls it a process and she’ll never be magically cured but it’s good that she is busy. Alex agrees that it’s been a whole lot of drama. Brady says he’ll catch him later. Alex stops him and says he’s been meaning to ask him something.

Stefan asks Xander who they wanted him to kill. Xander says they didn’t say and the voice was distorted and just that they would be in touch soon. Xander says he would’ve said no as he’s not an assassin for hire. Stefan brings up Xander trying to kill Eric and Nicole which Xander says was a long time ago. Xander brings up refusing to kill Susan for Ava and declares that he’s never killed anyone in cold blood. Stefan suggests it was a wrong number but Xander reveals that they asked for him by name, so they know who he is.

Harris, Jada and the other two cops go to the Brady Pub for breakfast. Roman greets them. Harris says they just pulled an all nighter on another drug bust. Jada says they are in need of a hot meal. Roman declares that nothing would making him happier than serving his brothers and sisters in blue, so it’s on him.

Johnny tells Chad that he and Chanel already lost each other once, so there is no way in hell that he’s going to lose her again ever, so they are getting married with or without Chad’s blessing. Johnny apologizes for coming and wasting Chad’s time. Chad stops him and says when has a tough morning like today, it hits him all over again how much he misses Abigail. Chad adds that the kids don’t talk to him about how much they miss her anymore, so when they act up, he knows it’s because Abigail isn’t there to guide them and they are angry that they don’t have her. Chad admits some days he’s fine and other days, it hits him like a tidal wave that she’s gone for good and it rips his heart out all over again. Johnny sits with Chad and states that Abigail was a special person and they all miss her so much. Johnny says he’s so sorry for what has happened to him, everything he’s been through, and for the kids. Johnny admits he was kind of hoping that Chad would get to a more solid place with Stephanie. Chad says he hoped the same thing but it wasn’t the right time as his heart still belongs to Abigail. Chad adds that he still believes in true love though, so if Johnny has that with Chanel, then he should hold onto it and keep it safe because that’s a very hard thing to do as a DiMera. Johnny asks if Chad really believes their whole family is cursed. Chad advises Johnny to run with Chanel back to Italy, get married, stay there and be happy so he stays as far away from the DiMera family as he can for he and Chanel’s safety.

Stefan doesn’t understand why Xander would think EJ is behind the crazy call he got. Xander tells Stefan to think about it, reminding him that EJ recently hired a hit woman to take out Ava, so he thought he’d come see what EJ had to say about it. Stefan questions Xander thinking EJ is the only person to hire a hit person and suggests he look a little closer to home. Stefan points out that the Kiriakis family has done as many nefarious things as the DiMeras and he doesn’t appreciate him coming after his family.

Brady asks Alex what’s on his mind. Alex asks for advice since he and Theresa have been together a short time but they are living together and it’s still new, so he’s trying to figure out if there’s anything else he needs to know about Theresa. Brady says it’s been a long time since he and Theresa lived together. Alex asks Brady what it was like being married to Theresa. Brady says it was only a couple months but Alex has to understand that he doesn’t even remember marrying her since he was wasted in Las Vegas. Brady then stops and questions if Alex is thinking about marrying Theresa.

Paulina suggests to Chanel that they talk about color schemes, noting that she likes sea foam. Chanel goes along with it but Paulina knows she hates it and the pastry bouquet. Chanel says she just wants Paulina to be happy even if it means pretending to like stuff she hates. Chanel acknowledges that Paulina missed their first wedding but Paulina argues that she’s just humoring her because of her cancer. Paulina doesn’t want her treating her differently because of it and tells her to speak up if she sees something she doesn’t like. Chanel then tells Paulina that she doesn’t want the centerpieces, what’s on her wedding cake, and the veil. Paulina pretends to cough because of that and jokes that she really likes the veil.

Johnny tells Chad that they are not going to run. Johnny declares that he and Chanel are getting married here and family is important to them, so he can’t just ask her to leave Paulina when she’s just diagnosed with cancer. Johnny says he’s not a kid anymore so he can’t just run from every problem as he is committed to Chanel, marrying her on Valentine’s Day, and starting a new life with her here in Salem. Chad acknowledges that he really grew up. Johnny says he didn’t have much choice. Chad then decides he’d be honored to be his best man. Johnny thanks him and says it means a lot to him as they hug. Johnny asks Chad if he knew everything that was going to happen, if he would still have married Abigail. Chad says he would’ve taken her and run for the hills as he would’ve done anything in his power to save her and have her with him now.

Alex tells Brady that he and Theresa are not even close to being married yet. Brady points out they are living together as roommates with benefits. Alex says with everything that has happened, it made things feel more serious and they are in a good place. Alex feels he needs to know more about Theresa before marriage is even on his radar. Brady calls that smart and says he should take it slow if he’s serious about her. Alex admits the whole relapse was a shock to him, so he’s worried that it could happen again or what else could throw him off. Brady tells Alex that Theresa can be wonderful, fun, and loving but she has a wicked side to her. Brady says he’s living proof that it’s hard not to follow Theresa down a destructive path and get sucked in to it. Brady thinks Alex has only started to scratch the surface of who Theresa really is.

Stefan tells Xander to stop and think, noting that he doesn’t have a reputation for being reliable and not completely falling apart in the face of pressure and humiliating himself. Stefan questions why EJ would hire Xander of all people to kill someone. Xander says he has absolutely no idea but he’s worked for the DiMeras before including Kristen and helped EJ through his recovery in Nashville. Xander says maybe EJ sees him as having a competent work ethic. Stefan apologizes for starting the conversation. Xander says he’s going to end it by saying he does believe EJ is behind the phone call or he put somebody else up to it. Xander warns that if so, he’s out of luck because he’s walking the straight and narrow now with his daughter and his newspaper. Xander tells Stefan to tell EJ that he will have to find another hitman because he’s not interested.

Roman tells the cops a story about when he was a cop and guarantees they will never forget their time on the force. Harris toasts to Roman’s decades of work on the force and paving the way for the next generation.

Chanel shows Paulina the wedding cake that she likes. Paulina agrees that it’s beautiful and jokes with her as Johnny approaches. Chanel says they were just going over the wedding cake. Paulina says she has Mayor duties to get to, so Chanel can show Johnny everything they went over. Paulina walks away as Chanel asks Johnny what he wants to see first. Johnny says whatever she wants to show him. Chanel asks if he’s feeling overwhelmed, encouraging that Paulina is helping a ton and she thinks they will be fine. Johnny admits he’s partly overwhelmed but he’s thinking maybe they should postpone the wedding.

Stefan tells Xander to get a grip as EJ is the new district attorney so he seriously doubts he’s behind this. Xander questions if Stefan is involved somehow and covering for him. Stefan assures that he knows nothing about this. Stefan thinks Xander cooked the whole thing up in his head and that he’s losing it. Stefan says he’s needed elsewhere. Xander says he’s leaving but not until they get one thing straight in case this ever comes up again.

Johnny tells Chanel about Chad saying they shouldn’t get married in Salem and that they should run for the hills. Johnny notes that Chad seemed super intense about being connected to the DiMeras being Hell on earth and that they should stay as far away from the family as possible. Chanel asks what Johnny thinks. Johnny thinks Chad is still grieving the loss of his wife as it comes and goes in waves. Johnny feels it’s more about what Chanel thinks since she’s apparently risking her life by marrying him. Chanel declares that she would risk her life a thousand times to be with him. Johnny feels the same as they kiss. Chanel asks if he’s sure he still wants Chad as his best man. Johnny confirms that he does and thinks it will be good for him. Chanel agrees and states that Johnny is not his father, his uncles, or Stefano but his own man, so their issues have nothing to do with them. Johnny thanks her for being the voice of reason as he needed to hear that. Johnny kisses her and says he loves her so much as they hug.

Alex admits that Brady gave him a lot to think about and thanks him for the advice or warning. Brady acknowledges that they are family so he will give it to him straight. Brady knows Alex is his own man and he will make the decisions that are best for him and he hopes it works out for him. Alex thanks him. Brady thanks Alex for keeping him updated on Theresa and tells him to call if he needs any more advice. Alex thinks he’s got it from here and says he’ll see him at the office as he walks away. Brady thinks back to Alex questioning if Brady didn’t want anything to do with kissing Theresa.

Harris offers to pay for breakfast but Roman reminds him that it’s on him and says he enjoyed the conversation. Harris asks about Lucas. Roman tells him that Kate is with him now and took him breakfast. Harris asks about his injuries. Roman says he’s recovering but the beating was pretty bad. Roman asks how long Harris plans on keeping Lucas here. Harris says as long as it takes or until they know that nobody is watching.

Xander tells Stefan that there was a time that he might have been desperate enough to become a murderer for hire but repeats that he’s a changed man with a wonderful daughter who means the world to him, so he’s not going to throw his life away. Xander declares that his time as a criminal is over because Victoria needs the best dad, so he won’t put her in a position to be looking at him behind bars or in a casket. Xander tells Stefan to understand that and make EJ understand it too. Stefan responds that he understands it loud and clear, but whatever is going on here, the DiMeras have nothing to do with it. Xander is not convinced so he tells Stefan to tell EJ to go to Hell. Xander adds that Stefan can go there too, but all the DiMeras are headed to Hell anyway in due time. Xander then storms out of the mansion.

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Days Update Tuesday, January 30, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie quietly exits Everett’s room at the Salem Inn. Leo then comes around the corner and comments on her getting around. Stephanie asks what he’s doing there. Leo reminds her that he lives at the Salem Inn and remarks that he’s looked at the guest list and knows that she does not live there. Stephanie tells Leo that this is not what he thinks. Leo jokes that his imagination is on fire. Stephanie tells him it’s a false alarm. Leo says that’s what they all say. Stephanie remarks that where she spends the night is her business. Leo says it may be Lady Whistleblower’s.

Wendy comes out from the bedroom looking to find Tripp but finds Ava. Ava tells her that it looks like Tripp’s 12 hour shift has turned in to overtime. Wendy says she’ll just go back to her room and meditate but Ava stops her and says she will make some coffee so they can have a woman to woman chat.

At the DiMera Mansion, Stefan paces in the living room, looking at a photo of Gabi on his phone and talks about how they made up for lost time one year ago today. Stefan wonders how they ended up here. Johnny walks in and greets him. Johnny asks if he knows if EJ is up. Stefan mocks not having EJ’s schedule. Johnny remarks that somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed and encourages that it’s a beautiful day. Johnny then announces that he and Chanel are getting married on Valentine’s Day. Stefan says good for him. Johnny questions him not congratulating him. Stefan says it’s kind of hard for him to celebrate someone else getting married when his wife is in prison. Johnny knows that sucks but brings up Stefan having a thing with Ava. Stefan warns him that’s none of his damn business.

Chanel sets up the Bakery in the town square and greets Kayla as she comes by. Kayla says she just got off a long shift and she knows she’s probably not open but she ordered banana muffins online to surprise Steve and Stephanie. Chanel says they will be ready in a few minutes if she wants to wait. Chanel then shows Kayla her engagement ring. Kayla congratulates her and states that Johnny is a lucky man. Chanel feels she’s the lucky one and reveals they are getting married on Valentine’s Day. Kayla notes that’s what she and Steve did. Chanel says it worked for them. Kayla guesses Paulina must be thrilled. Chanel confirms that it’s given her something to focus on other than her illness.

At the hospital, a nurse tells Sarah that she has a patient waiting for her in the exam room that is listed as confidential. Sarah finds that strange and goes to the room to find Paulina. Sarah asks about her being the mystery patient. Paulina guesses it helps being Mayor.

Stephanie tells Leo that she’s sorry to deprive him of mind-blowing gossip, but she and Everett are colleagues just like they are. Leo asks if they are colleagues with benefits but Stephanie says they are just friends. Leo argues that men and women can’t be friends because sex gets in the way. Stephanie calls that outdated and says her purpose for being with Everett last night is none of Leo’s business. Stephanie asks if Leo wants to keep his job. Leo senses a threat coming. Stephanie warns that she’s tight with Everett and his boss. Stephanie says she would hate to tell Leo’s boss that his column is a detriment to the newspaper. Leo says he will see her then. After Stephanie walks away. Leo comes back around the corner and knocks on Everett’s door.

Sarah checks on Paulina in the hospital. Sarah suggests doing an ultrasound on her neck. Paulina explains that she woke up feeling panicked and having a hard time breathing, so she came right here. Sarah assures that she’s in excellent hands and will get the best care possible. Sarah says she will get her in as fast as she can. Paulina asks her not to hold anyone off on her account so she’s not interfering with anyone else’s health. Sarah insists that they will make it work and asks if she wants her to call Chanel but Paulina says absolutely not.

Stephanie comes out of the Salem Inn and runs in to Chanel.

Kayla goes home and tries to quietly get in bed with Steve but he wakes up. Kayla tells him to go back to sleep. Steve calls it a rough night as he was out late with John. Kayla thought he was on his way bed when they last talked. Steve explains that Marlena wanted him to meet with John because she’s worried about him. Kayla asks if it’s work related. Steve says no but then says it’s no big deal. Kayla questions it not being a big deal that Marlena called him after 10 PM. Steve then admits it’s about Konstantin as he and John don’t trust him and they don’t think Maggie should either. Kayla says she’s heard this before, so she asks if he has something new. Steve says it may just be a new take on him and his history with Victor as something’s not right. Kayla asks if Maggie agrees now. Steve says she unfortunately doesn’t and that every time he and John try to warn her, she shuts them down. Kayla asks if they have any proof that Maggie is in real danger. Steve admits they don’t but insists that Konstantin is dangerous. Steve brings up his ties to the Greek mafia, the baby kidnapping, and his monumental debts. Kayla encourages that Maggie is a strong woman and trusts that Konstantin is a changed man. Steve worries that Maggie will regret it. Kayla guesses Maggie will have to figure it out herself and suggests Steve try to shake it off and sleep. Steve responds that he can’t go back to sleep now because he smells banana muffins.

Ava sits with Wendy and says she understands how awkward it can be to have her boyfriend’s mother living with them. Wendy assures that they are fine with it. Ava feels it has to be tough. Ava acknowledges that it seems like they’ve gotten close and that Wendy is really in to Tripp which she confirms. Ava brings up that Tripp has been hurt a lot, first by Allie, and Haley, Ciara, and others. Ava states that women tend to take advantage of Tripp, string him along, and then cast him away. Ava adds that she has a reputation of being direct so she’s just going to ask Wendy if she’s for real. Wendy is not sure what that means. Ava asks if she’s interested in Tripp in a serious way because if not, she’d rather that she bow out now. Wendy resents Ava implying that she’s a fickle, insubstantial person so she’s reluctant to even respond. Ava says she’s just concerned about her son and she’s just wondering if Wendy is looking at Tripp as a nice safe place to land like a security blanket. Wendy tells Ava that is not it and that she is really crossing a line. Ava argues that she’ll understand one day when she’s a mother, that she’s just looking out for her son’s best interests.

Leo knocks on Everett’s door and claims to be room service. Everett answers the door. Leo asks if he’s alright. Everett calls it a long night. Leo tells him that he just saw Stephanie leave and that she called When Harry Met Sally outdated. Everett questions what he’s talking about. Leo says he saw Stephanie leaving, so they spent the night together. Everett tells Leo that he’s so out of line. Leo asks if he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Everett tells Leo that they need to talk, but not here, so he exits with him.

Chanel brings Stephanie a coffee and says she looks like she could use it. Chanel asks if Stephanie is heading home, noting that she just missed Kayla being on her way home from the hospital and that Kayla didn’t see her. Stephanie guesses she’s probably wondering why she’s leaving the Salem Inn at this hour. Chanel says she wasn’t because she’s a grown woman and whatever she does is her business and no one else’s.

Sarah tells Paulina that they can get her in for the ultrasound now and asks how she’s feeling. Paulina says she’s a whole lot calmer thanks to her. Sarah goes over it being a simple procedure and it will be done in about 30 minutes. Sarah knows if her mom was in the hospital, she’d want to be there to support her, so she asks if she’s sure she can’t call Chanel for her.

Stephanie thanks Chanel and wishes the rest of the town didn’t feel so free to nose around in other people’s business. Stephanie talks about people being fixated on her love life which is not that interesting. Stephanie then notices Chanel’s ring and asks about it. Chanel confirms that she and Johnny are engaged. Stephanie congratulates her. Chanel informs her that they are getting married on Valentine’s Day which she heard is what Stephanie’s parents did. Stephanie calls it wonderful and says it lifts her spirits to know people are happy and in love. Chanel’s phone rings so she steps away to answer as Stephanie congratulates her again and walks away. Everett and Leo then come out from the Salem Inn. Leo comments on not wanting to talk on an empty stomach. Everett says he just needs him to listen. Leo remarks that since this was Everett’s idea, breakfast is on him as he sits at a table in the town square.

Johnny apologizes to Stefan as he had no idea bringing up Ava would set him off like that. Stefan warns that he has no right sticking his nose in his personal life and whatever he’s implying is completely untrue because he’s madly in love with his wife. Johnny brings up Stefan kissing Ava in the living room right in front of Chad. Stefan responds that things in life aren’t always black and white and he’ll understand better when he grows up a little bit. Johnny asks what age he needs to be to figure out that he can always find a way to justify cheating on his wife.

Steve eats banana muffins and says it’s really hitting the spot, calling it the second best way to wake up as he kisses Kayla. Kayla says she needs to go to sleep as she is beat. Kayla mentions that she’s sure Stephanie will want a muffin when she wakes up. They then hear the front door and call out to Stephanie. Stephanie comes in and asks if she woke them. Kayla says no and that banana muffins are in the kitchen. Stephanie goes to get them while Steve wonders if she’s just getting home.

Wendy questions Ava insulting her using the excuse of protecting her son. Ava responds that she doesn’t need an excuse to protect the most important person in her life and says she wasn’t insulting her, just trying to make things clear. Wendy tells Ava that she is completely off base and that she and Tripp love each other and want to be together, so she’s not going to suffer the third degree from anyone about their relationship as it is nobody else’s business. Ava’s phone then rings with a call from Harris which Wendy questions. Ava says to let it ring as if it’s important, he will call back. Ava then asks Wendy where they were. Wendy says they were both being direct, so she asks if Ava is in love with Harris Michaels, Stefan DiMera, or both?

Stefan tells Johnny that he has no right to judge him. Johnny argues that he’s not judging him, he’s just telling him what he’s observed. Johnny questions Stefan being so madly in love but openly kissing Ava in front of his family so he doesn’t get it. Johnny says Stefan loves Gabi so much and they waited so long to be together and questions why he’s doing this to her. Stefan admits he’s screwed up a lot of relationships in his life and Gabi is the one woman that he vowed to be faithful to and he meant it. Stefan says he thinks about her every minute of every day and it makes him sick not knowing when or how she will get out of prison. Johnny asks again why he’s doing this. Stefan responds that Ava is a beautiful, fascinating woman and he is alone. Johnny decides he doesn’t have to explain himself to him, but he hopes he can live with where ever this is going. Stefan then exits the room.

Stephanie returns to Steve and Kayla’s room. Stephanie gives Steve the last of the banana muffins. Kayla asks how her night was. Stephanie says it was fine. Steve asks her to let them know when she’s going to stay out all night. Stephanie promises to do so next time. Kayla asks if she thinks there will be a next time then decides it’s none of her business. Stephanie says she’ll be out of their hair soon but Steve says no one is pressuring her to leave. Steve then asks where Stephanie was last night. Stephanie responds that she spent the night at a friend’s.

Leo gets excited about his breakfast while Everett remarks that it feels like having breakfast with a toddler. Leo calls him a buzzkill. Everett warns that he better not see a word about him and Stephanie in Leo’s column. Leo asks if he’s saying they were up all night working on a PR plan for the Spectator. Everett says they were just talking and they fell asleep, insisting they are just friends. Leo jokes about him, so Everett questions why he hits on every guy he encounters. Leo says it’s only the hot ones. Everett feels Leo is using humor to hide deep-rooted pain. Leo feels that’s how everyone uses humor. Everett asks if Leo has a therapist. Leo says not at the moment, but he does read a lot of self help books which encourage him to live out loud. Everett says self help books can be great, but talking to somebody might be helpful. Leo says he’s glad Everett is there then.

Chanel joins Paulina and Sarah in the hospital. Chanel questions that Paulina wasn’t going to call her. Paulina says she didn’t want to drag Chanel away from anything important, but Sarah insisted. Chanel says that she’s glad she did. Paulina laments that she just doesn’t want to be a bother. Johnny then arrives. Paulina questions calling him too. Johnny points out that she’s going to be his mom too in a couple of weeks. Paulina admits she’s a very lucky lady. Johnny asks how she’s feeling. Paulina guesses she’s alright since her blood pressure went down and she’s breathing better. Sarah says they will have the results from the ultrasound in a few days. Paulina thanks her for getting her in so quick. Paulina mentions being starving and offers breakfast on her. Paulina says she will get dressed and be ready to go. Johnny says he’ll wait outside and he’s glad she’s feeling better. Johnny exits with Sarah. Paulina tells Chanel that she is one lucky lady too.

Wendy asks Ava again if she is in love with Harris Michaels. Ava responds that she’s not a fan of being interrogated either, so she’s not going to dignify that with a response. Ava asks if they are good. Wendy says sure and that she has to go meditate now. Wendy heads back to her room as Ava remarks that talking to her can do that to a person. Ava then gets another call from Harris and rejects it. Ava then gets a call from Stefan and instinctively answers it, telling Harris to give it a rest but Stefan informs her that it’s him, not Harris. Stefan questions if Ava is still talking to Harris after what he pulled on her at the police station, warning her that it’s not safe since Harris is hellbent on blowing Clyde’s operations sky high. Ava hopes Stefan is somewhere private. Stefan tells her not to dodge the subject, repeating that Harris is dangerous, and questions why she’d even answer his call. Ava says she doesn’t know and she won’t do it anymore. Ava tells Stefan to let it go. Stefan then questions if she’s with Harris right now, where she is, and what she’s doing. Ava asks if he misses her already after one day off. Ava tells him that she’s at home and just finished giving her son’s girlfriend the third degree. Ava assures him that everything is good as Wendy and Tripp are genuinely happy and in love so at least somebody is. Stefan remarks that they are too. Ava says they are in lust. Ava adds that she’s happy to have the day off from faking it. Stefan asks if pretending to be hot for him is such a chore for her. Ava argues that Stefan isn’t as hot as he thinks he is and calls him kind of creepy. Stefan complains that Ava has no sex appeal and he can’t even look at her sometimes. Ava guesses it must be a chore for him to fake it too. Stefan remarks that kissing her is taxing and that he’d rather make out with a toilet seat. Ava says she can relate because he smells like a toilet seat and she cringes every time he’s near. Ava decides she’s going to take a nice hot bubble bath, telling Stefan that she’s lying naked in her room so she’s going to rub hot oil all over her body. Ava then tells Stefan to sleep well and hangs up.

Everett tells Leo that he has to get to work. Leo says he has to get to bed. Everett suggests Leo try working one day when he grows up. Leo argues that he is working by trolling the streets at night for gossip with the occasional stop at dance clubs. Everett says as long as he keeps delivering brilliant columns on time, he can’t complain about his hours. Leo adds that as long as Everett says nothing happened between he and Stephanie, then he’ll believe him. Leo pinky swears that anything Everett shared will remain classified.

Kayla falls asleep. Stephanie recalls Kayla coming home exhausted when she was a kid and how it was just the two of them. Steve wishes he hadn’t missed so many years with her and says he would do anything to get those years back and watch her grow up. Steve tells Stephanie that as soon as he was able, he made it right back to them. Stephanie admits it was hard not having him there, but having him there now makes her appreciate him so much more. Steve hopes she knows how much he has always loved her. Stephanie says she loves him too. Steve adds that he worries about her. Stephanie thinks she knows where this is going so she’s going to cut right to it. Stephanie then confirms she was with Everett last night but nothing happened and admits she may still have feelings for him, but she’s not going to rush back in to a relationship with him. Steve says that answers all his questions and thanks her. Steve is glad she’s taking it slow, but advises her that if she wants something and it feels right to her, she shouldn’t let what anyone says keep her from going for it. They hug until Stephanie gets a call from Everett. Stephanie answers and thanks him for last night. Stephanie agrees that it was like old times as she exits the room. Steve sits back down on the bed.

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Days Update Monday, January 29, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Marlena comes home and calls out to John, asking if he’s home. Marlena then pulls out her phone and calls John. John is walking through the town square and answers, asking where she is. Marlena responds that she’s home and asks where he is. John says he couldn’t sleep so he took a walk in the town square. Marlena asks if he’s on his way back. John says not yet and then apologizes as he didn’t realize it was so late. Marlena offers to pick him up but John assures that he’ll be home soon and says he loves her as they hang up.

Alex comes home to Theresa, who says she was just wondering where he was and why he was at the hospital as he seemed mysterious when they ran in to each other. Alex tells her that he was just seeing Marlena as his therapist and asks what she was doing there. Theresa says that her mom sent her to talk to Kayla and it was like a therapy session too. Alex asks what she talked to Kayla about. Theresa asks what he talked to Marlena about. Alex says he asked her first.

Stephanie questions Everett having a confession and asks if it has to do with him not showing up at the Pub. Everett reveals that he actually did go to the Pub and saw her with her friends. Stephanie asks why he didn’t come in. Everett responds that he realized what he needed to say to her needed to be in private.

Roman and Kate walk past the Brady Pub. Kate questions how a prison loses a prisoner. Roman says that’s what they are going to figure out. They then look through the window of the Pub, which is closed, and see someone inside. Roman tells Kate to stay there while he goes around back to surprise them. Kate worries about if they have a weapon and says she’s going to call the police. Kate then sees that it’s Harris, so they head inside. Kate questions what is going on and says that Lucas is missing, so if Harris knows where he is, he better find him.

Theresa tells Alex that she’s all talked out and suggests they do something really mindless and distracting instead. Alex asks what she had in mind and if she wants to watch a movie. Theresa says she’s not in the mood for that. Alex suggests a board game but Theresa says she has a better idea and she dares him not to like it.

Stephanie asks what Everett wants to tell her. Everett says this is harder than he thought it would be because it feels like a big risk. Stephanie says he’s starting to scare her. Everett says he’s scaring himself a little bit, but he has to do it. Everett tells Stephanie that working with her has been amazing and he totally respects the boundaries she set with him in the beginning, but he can’t stand this friend zone thing. Everett declares it’s not working for him anymore.

Steve finds John pacing in the town square and asks what he’s doing. John calls it a late night stroll and asks what he’s doing there. Steve says Kayla is working the night shift and he got restless. John doesn’t believe him and guesses that Marlena sent him to come looking for him. Steve admits that she’s worried about him and he is too. Steve says in their previous lives, when they used to meet in the shadows, they were usually on assignment and not always on the same side. Steve thinks the right side prevailed in most of those missions. John says that’s what he’s been told. Steve questions John still not remembering anything from that time. John argues that he knows those memories have been wiped. John says he tries not to make himself crazy over trying to get those memories back. Steve knows it must be frustrating as Hell but he envies him because he wishes he could forget.

Theresa suggests to Alex that they play Truth or Dare, noting that it can lead to enlightening conversations. Theresa decides she will go first and asks Alex who his first celebrity crush was. Alex tells her it was Lindsay Lohan which Theresa jokes with him about.

Kate questions what Harris is doing here when Lucas is missing from prison and if anything has happened to him, that’s on him. Kate asks where her son is. Roman tells Harris that he owes Kate an explanation. Harris responds that if they give him a minute, he will provide more than an explanation.

Everett calls it a relief as he’s had this monologue in his head but guesses that Stephanie is upset. Stephanie responds that she’s not upset, she just doesn’t know what to say. Everett calls Stephanie the best thing to ever happen to him and says when she’s near him, his world feels right. Everett adds that he came to Salem to find her because he can’t live without her and he would do anything to get back to what they had. Everett asks if she still doesn’t know what to say. Stephanie is sure he can understand that she wasn’t expecting this. Everett questions that as he feels he’s been so obvious about his feelings for her. Stephanie think she’s been clear about her feelings. Everett feels she has and she hasn’t. Everett understands that she wants to stay friends because she’s still recovering from her breakup with Chad but at the same time, she likes spending time with him, had him meet her parents and asked him to hang out with her friends at the Pub. Stephanie says she just wanted them to meet him as she’s been talking about him but her feelings for him are complicated. Stephanie says when he disappeared, she was heartbroken and when she was able to somewhat heal, she was determined to move on with her life and get over him. Everett asks if she stopped loving him. Everett adds that now he’s back and she knows he never left her by choice. Everett questions if her feelings are just gone. Everett reminds her that he was going to ask her to marry him and calls her everything to him. Everett states that some people wait their entire lives to find what they had and now they’ve been given a second chance. Everett begs Stephanie to not throw it away.

Alex asks Theresa what would be the worst thing she would do if she wouldn’t get caught. Theresa responds that she would break Tate out and bring him home immediately. Alex says he should’ve guessed. Theresa wishes she could really do that. Theresa then asks Alex who is the most beautiful, interesting, witty, sexy, and charming woman that he has ever kissed. Alex decides to pick dare instead. Theresa says he’s going to be sorry as she dares him to kiss her. Alex responds that he’s not sorry at all and kisses her.

John questions what Steve is talking about and what he wishes he could forget. Steve says it’s the bad stuff which for him was working for Victor back in the day but those memories won’t let go, especially lately when he’s anywhere near Konstantin. John asks if that’s because of his association with Victor. Steve adds that it maybe because he reminds him of Victor at times. John admits he does to him too. Steve guesses this is bringing back stuff for both of them now. Steve brings up how Abe has lost his memory and how that’s really tough but he doesn’t know if it’s worse to not be able to remember or not being able to forget.

Harris brings Kate and Roman to a room above the Pub where Lucas is inside. Kate hugs Lucas and says she’s so happy to see him, alive and well. Lucas responds that he’s alive and healing. Roman questions how Harris managed this. Harris explains that he snuck Lucas out in a laundry basket and that nobody knows about it, not even Rafe so no one can find out. Lucas says he’s sorry it went down this way and that Roman has to harbor the man who kidnapped his daughter. Roman calls him his stepson and he knows that Kate is happy to have him here safe and protected which means he’s happy too. Roman declares that Lucas is welcome here anytime.

Stephanie says Everett might not understand what it was like for her when he walked out of her life. Everett thinks he has some idea but Stephanie is not sure that he does. Stephanie states that once she got over the shock of his disappearance, she tormented herself for months, trying to figure out what she did and blamed herself for not being enough. Stephanie adds that she obviously knows now that it had nothing to do with her and she’s just trying to explain that when she thought he ghosted her, she wasn’t just hurt, she fell apart and didn’t recover for a long time. Stephanie doesn’t know why it was so shattering and guesses she’s just lacking in self confidence or prone to feeling like she never measures up and is always to blame when things go wrong. Everett takes her hand and says he’s so glad that she’s finally opening up about all of this because it helps him understand the depth of the pain that she went through when he disappeared that day. Everett tells her that he is so sorry that he hurt her and calls her the most important person in his life, who he loved with all his heart more than anything and still does. Everett declares that all he wants is to make it up to her. Everett asks if she will let him do that.

John asks what Steve isn’t telling him since he’s talking in circles. John assumes what’s really going on has something to do with Konstantin. Steve confirms that it does and reveals that he’s becoming more certain that somehow, Konstantin knows about The Pawn. John is shocked and can’t believe it, asking how that’s even possible. Steve responds that it’s what they need to find about. John says he hasn’t heard anyone say The Pawn for years and questions how he could even know or how much he knows. John asks what he said that made Steve believe that. Steve informs him that Konstantin asked him what he knew about The Pawn but he had a look on his face like he was an expert on it and was taunting him. John decides they are just going to have to figure out how much he knows and what his motive is. Steve says they will but they have to be strategic and careful. Steve sees this really upset John so he needs to go home to Marlena and rest. John thanks him for coming and says he is going home to Marlena because he knows she’s worried about this. They tell each other to take care of themselves as Steve walks away.

Alex and Theresa kiss until he says it’s his turn in Truth or Dare. Alex then asks Theresa what is the biggest lie she’s ever told. Alex comments on her giving this a lot of thought. Theresa then decides on a dare. Alex says it must be a hell of a lie if she’s not even going to tell him about it. Theresa responds that she’s told a lot of lies so she’d rather not get into it. Alex lets it slide and instead dares Theresa to sing her favorite childhood song at the top of her lungs. Theresa sings “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”. Alex joins in until a neighbor knocks on the door, so they decide that’s enough singing for the night. Alex suggests they should just go to bed.

Stephanie tells Everett that before they talk about the future, she doesn’t understand why nobody went looking for him in their time apart like his family or colleagues. Everett says he didn’t understand that either but from what he understands once he recovered, he wasn’t on any assignments at the time so he thinks that his boss just figured he moved on. Stephanie asks about his family not trying to find him. Everett reminds her that he lost his mom as a kid and his dad is a drunk. Stephanie understands and says she shouldn’t have asked. Everett calls it a reasonable question since family could be cousins, aunts, and uncles but he’s not that close with them. Stephanie decides it all makes sense. Stephanie asks if Everett was as lucid as he is now when he finally woke up from the coma. Everett admits that he wasn’t and says his first diagnosis was retrograde amnesia which is inability to access memories or information from before an accident, injury, or disease. Everett adds that all they could tell him was to give it time and says he was really lucky as eventually his memories did start to come back, gradually. Everett tells her that the first thing he remembered with any clarity was her and when that happened, his whole world got brighter and warmer and he felt stronger because he had purpose to get back to her. Everett declares that his goal was to tell Stephanie that she’s everything to him and she still is as they hug.

John comes home to Marlena, who is reading a book as she waited up for him. Marlena says she couldn’t go to sleep knowing he was out there late at night alone. John responds that he wasn’t alone and she knows that.

Kate tells Lucas that she panicked when Harris said he couldn’t make the deal to get him out of prison but now he’s here safe and sound. Lucas thought transport was part of the deal and questions if Harris kidnapped him. Harris says no but he would have if he had to. Roman asks what Harris did to. Harris talks about pressuring the attorney general and pointing out how important it is to have their main witness alive if they ever bring a case against Clyde and finally, he signed off the order to have Lucas in a safehouse situation. Harris adds that when the threat is eliminated, Lucas will have to return to prison to serve the rest of his sentence. Kate guesses they will just be happy with what they have now then. Lucas says they have no choice. Harris decides he’ll leave them alone and exits.

Alex thanks Theresa for the game and says it was fun. Theresa agrees and says she’ll see him in the morning then as she thinks they should get a good night sleep. Alex agrees if that’s what she wants to do, so they head to their own bedrooms. Theresa then asks who she is kidding and goes to Alex’s room.

Kate gets Lucas comfortable in bed. Lucas says it feels so good to be here even if it’s just temporary. Lucas adds that he knows it’s not easy for Roman. Roman insists that Lucas is family so he wants what is best for him. Roman acknowledges that what Lucas did is honorable and brave, so he admires him for putting his life on the line. Lucas thanks him. Kate decides it’s been a long night so he should get some sleep. They say goodnight. Kate thanks Roman.

Harris runs in to Steve in the town square. Harris asks what he’s doing out so late. Steve says Kayla is on the late shift and he got restless. Harris admits to being restless lately too. Steve says they both have jobs that can weigh heavy on the mind sometimes. Steve asks if he wants to unburden. Harris thanks him but says maybe some other time. They say goodnight as Harris walks away.

Marlena asks if John is not upset that she sent Steve to find him. John says not at all as they had a good talk. Marlena is glad and knows they can talk about anything, but she’s especially glad that he has someone who he can share concerns with. John says that Marlena always seems to know exactly what he needs which makes him a very lucky man. Marlena says she just loves him as they kiss. They then head to the bedroom together.

Everett and Stephanie end up kissing. Everett tells Stephanie that he’s missed them. Stephanie admits she did too. Everett asks Stephanie to stay the night but she says she can’t as she’s not ready. Everett says he understands but he just wants to hold her and sleep with her in his arms tonight. Stephanie admits that would be nice, so they get in bed together.

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Days Update Friday, January 26, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie joins Jada at the Brady Pub and apologizes for being late, noting that she has a new client who is extremely high maintenance. Rafe arrives to join them and also apologizes for being late. Stephanie tells him that he’s not the only one as she had a needy new client. Jada asks Stephanie who the new client is. Stephanie reveals it’s actually the Bistro, as their business was badly hurt by the drug raid, so they hired her to do damage control. Rafe says he was also held up because of that reason and suggests no work talk tonight. Jada agrees and suggests a topic of embarrassing personal stuff. Stephanie jokes that Rafe might have a problem with that. Jada agrees that Rafe probably wants to talk about macho guy stuff. Rafe assures that he’s perfectly comfortable talking about his feelings, even personal embarrassing ones.

Sarah comes home to Xander cooking. Xander asks how her day was. Sarah says it was good and exhausting but rewarding. Xander finishes cooking and talks about putting Victoria to sleep. Sarah comments on Xander taking care of everything and says he’s outdone himself. Xander responds that he was highly motivated to please her and calls her his motivation.

Alex goes to see Marlena in her office at the hospital. Alex thanks her for seeing him so late and last minute. Marlena says he sounded like he couldn’t wait. Alex says it’s about he and Theresa which Marlena says she could have guessed. Marlena asks what has happened since they last spoke about it. Alex informs her that Theresa was planning on going back to California, but then he persuaded her not to go and then they slept together. Alex then declares that they actually made love.

Theresa goes to the hospital and tries to avoid Kayla but Kayla sees her and says she’s really glad she came. Theresa says that she sees Kayla is really busy so she can just tell her mom that she saw her and that she’s fine and she will be on her way but Kayla stops her from leaving. Kayla says not until they talk and she understands what’s going on with her. Theresa is not sure she wants to know.

Stephanie tells Rafe that she and Jada decided to stay clear headed. Rafe calls that disappointing since they will be talking about embarrassing personal stuff. Jada says it might not be as fun sober but they will do their best. Jada asks if Stephanie is still swearing off men. Stephanie asks why she has to start but Jada encourages her. Stephanie declares that she is still swearing off men. Rafe feels she slightly hesitated. Stephanie admits that it’s hard because she works with two of her exes. Jada and Rafe question there being two. Jada says she knows about Chad but asks who the other guy is. Stephanie says it was a guy she knew from Seattle. Jada didn’t know she lived in Seattle and notes that she used to live out there for a few years too. Stephanie remembers Jada mentioning that and says it’s too bad they didn’t connect back then as she could have used a shoulder to cry on.

Everett works at the Spectator office. Everett wonders aloud how the dots connects as Stefan and Ava deny anything to do with the drug trade but they are lawyering up big time. Everett wonders how Ava and Harris are connected and then the Bistro hiring Stephanie to kill any negative publicity. Everett then thinks back to telling Stephanie that he loved being her friend and that he wouldn’t pressure her to be anything more.

Sarah asks Xander how Victoria did at the Spectator when he took her. Xander says she was a perfect angel and slept most of the time. Xander asks about Sarah’s day at work. Sarah says there was nothing out of the ordinary, she just did her rounds and worked on her charts. Xander asks when Sarah last asked for a raise. Sarah says not lately and asks why. Xander points out that she works so hard and long hours, so it seems she should be getting paid handsomely. Sarah says she’s fine with her salary. Xander suggests maybe she shouldn’t be.

Marlena brings up that Alex told her in their last session that he was determined not to get romantically involved with Theresa. Alex says he was totally fine with them being roommates with benefits, but Theresa recently had a slip. Marlena says she’s sorry to hear as she hadn’t heard about that. Alex guesses Brady didn’t tell her but explains that he and Brady took care of Theresa for the first few hours as she was coming down and it was really hard for both of them to see her like that. Alex admits he wanted to be the hero and to help but really, he just felt like he was in the way since Brady and Theresa have all this history. Alex adds that after Brady left and Theresa was finally sober, she made a rash decision to go back to California. Alex says he got upset and went for a jog but when he came back, Theresa had already packed and booked a red eye flight to leave tonight but she didn’t go because he talked her in to staying. Alex declares that he couldn’t let Theresa leave and that’s what he wanted to talk to Marlena about because it’s scaring the hell out of him.

Theresa asks Kayla if her mom filled her in. Kayla confirms that she told her that she had a slip but that she was determined to have it not happen again. Kayla encourages that they all know that Theresa must have been in serious pain to have a slip. Kayla adds that her mom also told her that Theresa decided not to go to California. Theresa guesses she was disappointed. Kayla says she was concerned and just wants the best for her. Kayla adds that her mom doesn’t understand her staying in Salem since she can’t see Tate for another month. Kayla then asks why Theresa decided not to go back. Theresa informs her that it’s Alex.

Jada proposes a toast to not needing shoulders to cry on. Rafe and Stephanie drink to that. Rafe finishes his beer and says he needs another one. Rafe asks if they need anything but they decline as he goes to get a beer. Stephanie tells Jada that Rafe is so charming. Jada agrees and adds that Rafe is loyal, kind, and funny which is nothing like her lying, cheating ex…

Sarah asks Xander if she shouldn’t be fine with her current salary. Xander admits he may be biased but feels she’s a stellar employee who goes above and beyond, so she should be paid accordingly. Sarah says this topic is making her a little uncomfortable because their most recent problems was because they were broke and he was willing to do dishonorable things to make them not broke. Sarah insists that she makes a decent living, so Victoria will always be taken care of. Xander supposes she’s right. Sarah adds that Xander has the Spectator, so they will both be contributing equally to their daughter. Xander didn’t mean to express doubt about that and assures that he will only make a living honorably and respectably to set a good example for his daughter which is more important to him than anything.

Marlena question why Alex is scared by needing to have Theresa stay in Salem. Alex thinks he’s just never really felt like that before. Alex says he’s been crazy about women before like Stephanie but it was different. Alex says that was more like he was wanting her, not so much needing her. Alex says Theresa has made a lot of mistakes in her life, struggled with addiction, and is flawed like him. Alex feels like he can totally be himself around her. Alex says it’s just something about her and he just wants to be around her. Alex adds that when he can’t be around her, he can’t get her out of his head. Marlena thinks she understands what he’s feeling which Alex questions. Marlena declares that she thinks Alex is in love.

Kayla questions Alex being the reason that Theresa decided to stay. Theresa confirms that he persuaded her that they are so alike and really self aware. Theresa adds that Alex insisted on them trying to become better people together which Kayla says sounds like a plan. Theresa brings up her and Brady going through so much with Tate. Theresa says when she was strung out, Brady really made her feel safe in a way that only addicts can understand and for a moment, she felt really close to him. Theresa says that when Alex took her in his arms and persuaded her to stay in Salem, that’s when she realized that Alex is what she wants and needs. Kayla asks if Theresa is saying she’s in love with Alex. Theresa responds that she supposes that she is and asks if Kayla disapproves because most people look at Alex as an egotistical womanizer. Kayla says she doesn’t know Alex that well but she believes people are a work in progress so if a man meets the right woman, he can become less egotistical and shallow. Theresa remarks that stranger things have happened. Theresa states that when she first got involved with Alex, she was the shallow one as she was just using Alex to try to get Brady jealous but when that didn’t work, she looked at Alex like a distraction from Brady, but she didn’t think she would actually develop real feelings for him. Theresa cries that now she feels so guilty which Kayla questions. Theresa complains that she is shallow and willing to screw up someone’s life just to get what she wants. Kayla thinks she’s just being hard on herself. Theresa responds that she’s ashamed of what she’s done and Alex deserves better. Kayla then asks what she has done.

Alex tells Marlena that being in love sounds so serious and mature. Marlena asks if feeling this way is new to him. Alex confirms that it is since being crazy about someone is different than being in love. Marlena says that people express their feelings differently so it’s very subjective. Marlena feels it sounds like there is a real depth to Alex’s feelings for Theresa. Alex can’t help but feel like he needs to act on these feelings. Alex then asks Marlena if he should ask Theresa to marry him. Marlena is taken aback and says she can’t tell him what to do but these feelings are very new for him. Marlena thinks he needs to just take this very slowly and see what develops. Alex worries that if he waits, he could lose her and he can’t lose her.

Sarah tells Xander that she really needed this wonderful dinner and relaxing with him and their daughter in the other room. Xander tells her about how he was reading to Victoria. They joke about her possibly understanding him. Xander talks about how Victoria reminded him of Sarah. Sarah says Victoria has Xander’s smile. Xander talks about Sarah always looking lovely. Sarah brings up everything they went through with losing her previous daughter and how blessed they are to have a perfect, healthy child. Xander feels blessed that their child is a product of their love at that time and now he’s terribly grateful that they are getting to know each other again in a different way.

Stephanie asks if Jada’s marriage ended because her ex cheated on her. Jada says that was the main reason but it was how she found out which Stephanie asks about. Jada explains that one day, she was checking the credit card bill and found a big charge for a jewelry store and he hadn’t bought her any jewelry in months. Stephanie says that must have been hard. Jada recalls her ex being furious with her when she confronted him about it and having a horrible fight. Jada says she knew it was over then. Rafe returns and asks what he missed. Jada says she was just talking about her ex so it was nothing he needs to hear. Stephanie gets a call and steps aside to answer as it’s Everett, who asks if he can e-mail her the copy of his follow up piece to the drug crisis to make sure it’s situated properly because his deadline is in two days. Stephanie says she won’t get to it until the morning as she’s out at the Pub with friends. Everett is sorry he interrupted and hopes she’s having a good time. Stephanie responds that she is and invites Everett to join them. Everett asks if she’s sure he wouldn’t be intruding. Stephanie says not at all, so Everett says he’s on his way. Stephanie says she’ll see him soon and hangs up.

Marlena asks Alex if he’s told Theresa that he’s in love with her. Alex says no, so Marlena says he can’t know how she feels then. Alex brings up Theresa telling him that she wants and needs him, which he feels is the same thing as being in love. Marlena thinks it is in this case but she thinks his fear of this is being triggered by his past. Alex admits she might be right and talks about finding out that Justin isn’t his real dad. Alex says it’s been awhile but still feels like a loss. Alex guesses he will hold off on asking Theresa to marry him. Marlena feels there isn’t any rush, especially considering that Theresa has a problem with addiction and had a slip recently. Marlena thinks the best thing Alex can do is just be there for her.

Kayla asks what Theresa has done that is making her feel so guilty and if it’s about her past mistakes. Theresa claims that she is talking about her past mistakes. Kayla feels she’s suffered enough over those. Kayla talks about reading the 12 steps program and one of those steps is making amends with the people you’ve hurt. Kayla asks if there is somebody that she needs to make amends with. Theresa decides that’s what she’ll do because Tate deserves an honest mother with integrity. Theresa declares that she will make amends with the people she has hurt.

Jada and Stephanie tell Rafe about the geocaching scavenger hunt. Stephanie says that she, Wendy, and Tripp are sorting out the details and it’s going to be great. Everett enters the Pub but upon seeing that Stephanie is with Jada, he backs out before they see him. Stephanie comments that her friend should’ve been there by now. Stephanie then gets a text from Everett, saying he can’t make it but needs to talk and asks her to call him when she’s free. Stephanie tells Jada and Rafe that he unfortunately can’t make it. Jada says that’s too bad as she was really looking forward to meeting him..

Xander and Sarah finish their bottle of wine. Sarah asks if they should try the whiskey as she likes that he said it signifies trust. Xander says that’s something they have been working real hard to rebuild and it’s become better than he anticipated. Sarah admits she’s very impressed by what a responsible and truly loving father that Xander is. Sarah adds that he’s an amazing roommate with mad cooking skills. Xander calls her a wonderful mother and a perfect roommate. Sarah and Xander then end up kissing. Sarah asks if they should take this to the bedroom but Xander says they shouldn’t.

Alex tells Marlena that she’s always helped him so much and thanks her. Marlena encourages Alex to take his time with this relationship and see what develops. Marlena says if it’s good and real, it won’t go away. Alex agrees because he is in love.

Theresa thanks Kayla for letting her talk this through and says she’s made her realize that she has to be honest and to make amends. Kayla encourages her to live with a clear conscience and self respect. Kayla hugs Theresa and says she’s there for her 24/7. Theresa thanks her and says she loves her so much.

Sarah questions Xander saying he doesn’t want to go to the bedroom. Xander assures that he’d want nothing more than to make love to her all night long, but worries about how he screwed things up before so he’s trying his damndest not to screw things up now since the stakes are so much higher because of their little girl. Sarah says she understands and jokes that at least one of them is thinking clearly. Xander jokes about being the voice of reason and they end up hugging.

Stephanie says she hates to call it a night but she has tons to follow up on tomorrow. Stephanie hugs Jada and tells her tonight was so much fun and they should do it again soon. Rafe agrees as Stephanie then exits. Jada tells Rafe that it was disappointing that they didn’t get a chance to meet Stephanie’s guy. Jada remarks that it doesn’t take a detective to see how much she likes this guy.

Outside the Pub, Stephanie calls Everett, who apologizes for standing her up tonight. Stephanie asks if he’s still at work. Everett responds that he’s in his room at the Salem Inn and asks her to come over because what he needs to say to her really can’t wait. Stephanie agrees to be there soon and hangs up.

Alex runs in to Theresa at the hospital. Theresa says she was just thinking about him. Alex calls it a coincidence as he was thinking about her too.

Rafe tells Jada they can go to his place which she calls an excellent idea as they exit the Pub together.

Stephanie goes to see Everett. He thanks her for coming so quickly. She notes that he sounded so serious on the phone and asks if everything is okay. Everett sits her down and says he has a confession and something she needs to hear.

Sarah asks Xander if they are just going to their own bedrooms to sleep. Xander doesn’t know he will since his heart is skipping beats just looking at her and thinking about what would happen. Sarah responds that her heart is skipping beats right now too. Sarah then heads to her bedroom. Xander gets a call from a private number and answers the call to hear a distorted voice, saying he has a job for him as he has someone who must be eliminated..

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Days Update Thursday, January 25, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

In the town square, Johnny surprises Chanel with a new diamond engagement ring. Chanel is surprised and asks how he got it so fast when he just proposed last night. Johnny reminds her that he’s been planning this for awhile and had the jeweler put a rush on it. Chanel tells him that she loves it and kisses him. Johnny talks about wanting to make sure the ring was as special and unique as she is which Chanel calls the most romantic thing she’s heard. Chanel calls this so perfect that they are in front of the plaque of one of Salem’s founding couples. Chanel hopes their love lasts as long as Tom and Alice’s did as they kiss.

Paulina works in her office when she gets a phone call from Abe. Paulina answers and says she’s sorry as she meant to call him. Paulina assures that she’s fine and not over doing anything. Paulina says she was out of the office at the hospital all day so she has a few things to take care of. Paulina promises she won’t be long and hangs up.

Chad joins Everett at the Spectator office. Everett informs him that he’s almost done. Chad asks what he’s writing. Everett reveals that he is typing up his resignation letter which Chad questions. Everett argues that Chad hired him to run the paper with integrity and to make it strong and relevant. Everett tells Chad that protecting Chad’s family is not what he signed up for and he feels completely duped, so he’s moving on.

Stephanie sits with Tripp and Wendy at their apartment, going over ideas for the geocaching scavenger hunt. Stephanie shows an advertisement poster she made for it while Wendy feels it’s needs a name. Stephanie suggests something love related since it’s on Valentine’s Day and comes up with Caching Cupid. Wendy says that’s perfect while Stephanie asks Tripp for his opinion but Tripp admits to being distracted. Stephanie guesses that he’s worried about his mom. Tripp questions what she means by that.

Stefan and Ava go to the interrogation room at the police station. Stefan tells Ava to just keep smiling. Ava responds that she’s been in this situation a million times, so he’s the one who needs to keep it cool. Stefan responds that he’s not sweating. Ava wonders what the cops are planning. Stefan insists that they have nothing and will continue to as long as they keep their mouths shut.

Rafe and Harris talk at the police station outside of the interrogation room. Rafe comments on making Stefan and Ava sweat. Harris suggests it’s time to turn up the heat. Harris feels they are up to their neck in Clyde’s drug ring and that he can squeeze it out of them. Rafe remarks that Ava is one stubborn woman. Harris says he knows as they head in to the interrogation room. Sloan then arrives and reveals that she is Stefan and Ava’s lawyer.

Johnny tells Chanel that Tom and Alice were great people from what he’s heard, but definitely not fans of the DiMeras. Chanel says she’s heard that Tom and Alice were very open people and not judgmental as they gave everyone a chance as long as they proved they deserved it. Johnny tells Chanel that he’s going to prove to her that he deserves her. Chanel responds that he already has and she can’t wait to be his wife. Chanel then reminds Johnny of where they are going.

Chad thinks Everett is overreacting. Everett argues that Chad told him to kill all mentions of the Bistro in the drug ring story just because Stefan preyed on his sympathies and asked him to. Chad argues that he’s not even particularly fond of Stefan, but he does think there should be some loyalty between family members. Everett disagrees when it’s to the detriment of the truth, otherwise he’s not running an unbiased newspaper. Everett says they’ve seen what selective reporting has done to the country. Chad argues that he didn’t cover anything up so it’s not even about being loyal. Chad questions why Stefan’s business should be damaged when there were no drugs found at the raid. Everett calls it part of the narrative as the Bistro was one of three locations raided that night and the only one to not come up with anything, so they can let the readers make assumptions on the whole story. Everett asks Chad what if they had found something. Chad responds then it would be the headline and Stefan would probably be in jail. Everett asks if he’s sure about that because it’s pretty easy to say when it didn’t happen. Chad repeats that he’s sure and asks Everett if he’s going to delete his resignation or if he needs to find a new editor-in-chief.

Tripp asks Stephanie why he would be worried about his mom. Stephanie brings up everything happening at the Bistro, noting that it’s really hurt the reputation of the restaurant which is why they hired her to do PR for them. Tripp hopes she can help them out with that. Stephanie says she will do her best but it’s terrible what it’s doing to their business. Tripp agrees that what happened at the Bistro is terrible.

Stefan tells Sloan that they are grateful to have her and thank her. Sloan declares that her clients have done nothing but cooperate with the Salem police department, pointing out that the raid negatively affected their business, they were both grilled afterwards, and have now been dragged here for more questioning. Sloan calls it bordering on harassment. Harris responds that they have uncovered some new evidence that they hoped to get some answers about which Sloan questions. Rafe informs them that they have reason to believe there is a new drug ring coming out of Statesville Prison, so Harris asks them to tell them what they know about Clyde Weston.

Chanel and Johnny go to Paulina’s office. Chanel hugs her and says they just came to see how she’s doing. Paulina responds that she’s doing just fine. Johnny states that he was sorry to hear about diagnosis but it sounds like her cancer is curable and he’s living proof that she can beat it. Paulina says from what the doctors have told her and everything she’s read, she knows her treatment is generally very successful, so she could be completely cured with no chemo. Paulina says she’s a very lucky woman. Chanel assures that they will be there for her every step of the way. Paulina asks what she would do without her as she hugs Chanel and Johnny.

Everett tells Chad that if he will no longer allow his family to influence any future coverage of any of their stories in any way, then he won’t resign. Chad says he can guarantee that, so Everett says they are good then and they shake hands. Chad suggests they get back to work on publishing the newspaper. Chad asks about the fundraising scavenger hunt. Everett says he told them they were on board to sponsor it, despite Xander’s objections. Everett says there will be a big PR push in the city with the mayor’s office on board. Everett is confident it will be successful and beneficial for the paper. Chad is glad he’s interested. Everett mentions being recruited to help when he was having dinner at Stephanie’s which Chad questions.

Stephanie tells Wendy and Tripp that it was very productive and they got a lot done. Stephanie thanks them for their help. Tripp says he didn’t do much and that Wendy did it all. Stephanie tells Wendy that she will connect with her tomorrow about the beta test and asks Tripp to help Steve hide the treasures if he’s not working. Tripp says he’d love to help if he can. Stephanie says goodnight and exits. Wendy then brings up when Stephanie asked if he was worried about Ava. Wendy asks if he really thinks Stephanie will be able to help. Tripp thinks it will take a lot more than a PR guru to get Ava out of this mess.

Stefan claims he knows who Clyde is but doesn’t know a thing about him. Ava says she only knows his reputation. Rafe questions them not being in communication with Clyde or knowing about his illegal dealings. Sloan argues that they just answered that they don’t know him. Harris says he knows what they said and then presents the visitor logs from prison, revealing that Stefan and Ava both apparently visited Clyde in the last few months and questions if they can explain that.

Chanel says it’s getting late so Paulina should go home and get rest. Paulina says she’s fine and that being occupied helps her. Chanel and Johnny notice the advertisement for geocaching. Paulina tells them that Stephanie is planning a treasure hunt in the town square which Chanel calls interesting. Paulina says it sounds like a good community event. Chanel agrees and asks what Paulina thinks about her hair, trying to get her to notice her ring. Paulina mentions the scavenger hunt being on Valentine’s Day. Chanel says they are busy that day and then reveals the ring to Paulina which thrills her.

Tripp tells Wendy that Ava had been trying to spin things around but something clearly derailed her and she’s in big trouble. Wendy goes over believing that the Bistro is a front for the drug trade. Wendy offers to try hacking in to the Bistro. Tripp thanks her but he doesn’t want her getting involved because it’s not safe. Wendy reminds him that they are in this together. Tripp calls him the greatest girlfriend for wanting to help but says she has to let him handle this on his own. Wendy questions why he should have to. Tripp says because it involves his mother, whose own father drugged and manipulated her. Tripp adds that Ava has been in psych wards and people have died because of her.

Everett tells Chad that Stephanie invited him over for dinner with her family and that it was a last minute thing. Everett doesn’t know if Chad knows Steve very well but says he kind of ended up in the hot seat with him. Chad guesses Steve grilled him about his intentions which Everett confirms. Everett says he assured him that Stephanie just wants to be friends and that he respects that. Chad says he didn’t mean to come across jealous as he was just curious and doesn’t even have a right to ask about it. Chad adds that whatever happens between them, he wishes him the best whether it’s friendship or something more. Everett laughs and calls it a big 180 from the Chad who confronted him about all of this before. Chad admits that he was wrong and if they mutually agree to something more, then who is he to say anything. Everett thanks him for being clear about where he stands on his relationship with Stephanie and for being cool about it. Stephanie then arrives and asks what he’s cool about. Everett says it’s just the scavenger hunt as Xander didn’t want the paper to sponsor but they overruled him. Stephanie says she just spent time with Wendy and Tripp going over all the details. Everett tells her to hold that thought as he gets an alert on his phone that Ava and Stefan have been hauled in to the police station for questioning, so he’s going to go see what he can find out. Everett assumes Chad has no objection to that. Chad tells him to go ahead, so Everett exits. Stephanie asks Chad what that was about.

Sloan asks for a moment with her clients. Stefan states that Clyde is the son of a bitch who murdered his sister in law, so he paid him a visit to tell him he hopes he rots in Hell and asks if there’s a problem with that. Rafe says no problem at all, then asks about Ava. Sloan claims that Ava was exploring opportunities to volunteer with the incarcerated. Ava says no one will buy that. Ava then reveals that Clyde threatened to kill her son if she didn’t work for him, so she went to the prison to tell him no. Harris asks if Clyde just took no for an answer and backed off. Ava responds that she can be very convincing. Harris states that she’s not very convincing right now because obviously every word out of her mouth is a lie. Sloan declares that’s enough and tells Harris to back off and Rafe to get control of his cops. Sloan says they have nothing to hold them, so they are leaving. Ava says not yet and asks to talk to Harris alone first. Stefan says no way. Sloan strongly advises against that. Stefan warns that it’s not a good idea. Ava says she has the right to speak to whoever she wants. Sloan strongly advises her to remain silent. Ava says she’s not going to do that and she’s going to speak to Harris whether they like it or not. Sloan tells Ava that it’s her neck and exits with Stefan as Rafe follows out. Everett is at the station waiting and asks Sloan what is going on in there. Sloan responds that she wishes she knew.

Chad tells Stephanie about having Everett pull mention of the Bistro from the article and it didn’t sit well with him. Stephanie says since she’s taken on the Bistro as a client, she appreciates it. Chad explains that Everett thinks he did it to protect his family but they hashed it out and came to an understanding, professionally and personally. Stephanie questions the personal part. Chad says he’s not telling her anything that she doesn’t already know, but admits he tended to be a hard ass with Everett, especially concerning Stephanie. Stephanie brings up Chad getting him fired initially. Chad admits he can get a bit worked up and overreact, but now he’s changing courses and turning a new leaf. Chad adds that ever spending some time with Everett, he’s a good person who is honest and ethical. Chad declares that Everett and Stephanie are the only two people who should have a say in regards to them.

Chanel jokes that Paulina took long enough to notice the ring. Paulina exclaims how exciting it is and happy she is. Paulina says nothing could lift her spirits more as she looks at the ring. Paulina calls it the best news ever and asks about a wedding date. They reveal that it’s Valentine’s Day which Paulina notes is just around the corner. Paulina asks if they are eloping again and declares she won’t miss her daughter’s wedding for a second time. Chanel assures that Paulina will be there but they agreed to have a small gathering out of respect for Johnny’s family and everything they are going through with Holly. Paulina worries that there is so much to do and not a lot of time to do it, so she wants to get to work. Paulina talks about needing to call the florist to make sure they have enough flowers and her gown consultant Diana to find the perfect wedding dress. Paulina calls Diana and tells her she won’t believe the wonderful news she has.

Tripp tells Wendy that he’s been thinking a lot about how the family you’re born in to can affect the trajectory of your whole life. Wendy says it can but you can also be determined not to follow in your parent’s footsteps. Tripp says ever since finding out who he really was and his mom being part of the Vitali crime family, he’s tried to distance himself but he wonders if maybe it’s just in his DNA. Wendy argues that his last name is Johnson, not Vitali, and he is not responsible for the sins of his mother, grandfather, or anyone else. Wendy calls him a good, honorable man, pointing out that he is a doctor who is dedicating his life to helping people. Wendy tells him that she loves him for that.

Ava tells Harris that she thought a lot about what he said to her on the loading dock about when they were together and how he saw the real her. Harris says he always has because what they had was real. Harris tells Ava that she can trust him. Ava responds that she knows she can and that’s why she wanted to talk to him alone, because she has real feelings for him too and she doesn’t want him to get hurt. Ava says she’s not saying she’s involved with anything but she has a feeling it could turn out to be really dangerous, so he needs to back off for everyone’s sake. Harris tells Ava to just tell him the truth as he can protect her because he loves her. Harris thinks maybe she already knew, but repeats that he loves her. Ava tells him to stop and figure out a way to get over it but Harris then kisses Ava.

Sloan tells Rafe that she’d like to take a look over his search warrant for the Bistro so Rafe takes her to it. Everett tells Stefan that he’s used his only get out of jail free card and if the story leads to him, Chad will no longer be there to protect him. Stefan argues that Chad owns the paper. Everett points out that Chad co-owns the paper with Xander and asks if he really thinks Xander will protect him. Everett adds that he now has full go ahead from his boss, so Stefan’s best bet would be to talk to him. They then get interrupted when they hear Ava call Harris a son of a bitch and slap him in the interrogation room.

Stephanie tells Chad that it means a lot to hear he appreciates Everett as an employee and that he’s no longer upset by her friendship with him. Chad says he’s just glad they are still on good terms and didn’t end things on a sour note. Chad knows the timing wasn’t right for them but says she will always be special to him. Stephanie says she feels the same about him as they hug.

Paulina tells Chanel and Johnny about how they can have the reception but Chanel reminds her it’s a small wedding. Paulina jokes about not getting Alicia Keys on board. Paulina feels they need to celebrate and goes to call Abe but she gets a call from her oncologist. Paulina answers and questions it being that long. Paulina says she understands, thanks them, and hangs up. Paulina informs Chanel and Johnny that the soonest they can do her surgery is two months from now. Johnny calls that unacceptable. Paulina feels it’s good news that there’s no urgency to get it removed and maybe it’s not too aggressive. Chanel encourages that she’s right but still thinks they need to get this behind her. Johnny says he’ll make some calls as he’s sure Kayla can get her moved up and get this sorted. Paulina feels it’s for the best and won’t interfere with their wedding this way. Paulina declares that they are going to get Abe and tonight they celebrate as they exit the office.

Tripp tells Wendy that he doesn’t know how wise it is to love the son of Ava Vitali with the baggage. Wendy doesn’t care and loves him no matter what. Tripp says he’d like to keep loving her for a really long time which is why he doesn’t want her involved. Wendy kisses him and suggests not thinking about anything else right now. Wendy then stops and brings up Ava possibly walking in on them. Tripp agrees that would be awkward and they agree to take this to the bedroom. Tripp then picks Wendy up and carries her to the bedroom.

Rafe, Sloan, and Stefan go back in to the interrogation room as Everett watches and they question what is going on here. Ava complains for Harris to keep his hands off of her. Sloan calls this outrageous and says she told Rafe to get control of his cops. Rafe asks Ava what happened and asks if she wants to file a complaint. Ava says no and that she just wants to get out of here. Ava then storms out with Stefan and Sloan follows out. Everett asks Ava if she’s okay and if she wants to give him a comment. Ava tells Everett to tell his readers that the Salem police department are harassing citizens instead of actually going after real criminals. Ava exits with Stefan while Rafe asks Harris what the hell.

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Days Update Wednesday, January 24, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At the police station, Jada talks on the phone with Brady. Jada asks about Theresa. Brady tells her that she’s doing okay and thanks her for helping track her down. Jada says she’s glad she could help as she knows Brady and Theresa have been through so much. Brady thanks her and hangs up as Kristen brings Rachel to Brady in the town square. Brady hugs Rachel and says he’s so happy to see her. Kristen remarks that they are happy that he actually showed up this time. Brady tells Rachel that he really wanted to be there but he had to help Tate. Rachel mentions that Kristen told her Tate got in trouble and asks if he’s okay now. Brady tells Rachel that Tate will be okay and says right now he is here for her as he hugs her and says he loves her.

Alex comes home from a jog to find Theresa packing her bags. Alex says he wasn’t expecting this as he hoped she decided to stay. Theresa responds that it’s for the best and that she has to go back to California to spend time with her mom and get out of Salem. Theresa says she’ll see Tate when she can in a month, so she booked a red eye ticket and she’s leaving tonight. Theresa adds that before she goes, there is something she needs to tell him as she can’t leave without making things right between them.

Eric and Sloan watch over Jude as he falls asleep. Sloan tells Eric that she’s heading out for a first meeting with new clients. Eric says between her new clients and his photography business, they’ll make enough money to put Jude through college. Eric mentions having his first client over later for a photoshoot which Sloan calls exciting. Eric hopes Jude will sleep through it and says next time, he will call Marlena and John to babysit. Sloan brings up still being mortified about the other night as she can’t believe she got so wasted. Eric assures that they understand she was nervous. Sloan promises to only drink water if there is a next time. Eric promises there will be. Sloan doesn’t remember everything that happened that night but she remembers Marlena talking about losing her first born. Sloan doesn’t know if she could survive that happening to their son. Eric assures that Jude is fine and tells her to focus on that as they are so lucky that he has come in to their lives.

Rafe joins Jada at the police station as Harris arrives. Rafe says he wanted to update them on the Bistro situation as he just got off the phone with Ava and he told her that he wanted to speak to her and Stefan at the police station. Jada questions why they are bringing them in now. Rafe explains that they had to do some investigating and get their ducks in a row, so they are ready for them. Rafe adds that if they show up, they will find out what they know about the Bistro’s connection to the drug epidemic in Salem. Rafe notes that Harris looks skeptical. Harris thinks questioning Clyde Weston might be the more worthwhile approach. Jada asks why he thinks that. Harris reveals that he had a run-in with Clyde earlier and he has an update. Harris explains that Clyde warned him that what happened to Lucas could happen to him if he doesn’t fall in line. Jada can’t believe Clyde was so open about the attack on Lucas. Rafe calls Clyde one tough son of a bitch. Jada says that means they are in for a tough fight. Harris declares that they will win this fight and take Clyde down once and for all.

Alex says he’s pretty sure he knows what Theresa is going to say so he wants to go first. Alex feels like it’s his fault that she’s leaving. Alex brings up accusing her of having feelings for Brady and says he shouldn’t have done that as it was not what she needed to deal with after everything she had gone through. Alex apologizes for falsely accusing her and admits he was wrong. Alex acknowledges that Theresa and Brady share a child together which is a lifelong commitment, so he worried that some of those old feelings would start to resurface. Theresa assures that they haven’t at all. Theresa admits when she first came back to Salem, she thought maybe she and Brady could get back together, but then she met Alex and everything changed. Theresa states that she and Brady have a child so they will share that bond together for life, but the kiss was a drug-fueled mistake. Theresa says Alex may have forgiven her but she hasn’t forgiven herself which is why she has to get out of here and away from everything that made her relapse. Alex argues that Theresa running away to California is a false solution and won’t make what she’s dealing with any less difficult. Alex then asks Theresa to stay here with him and let him help her get clear on what she needs and wants. Alex promises to help her any way he can as he hugs her.

Brady sits with Kristen and Rachel in the town square. Brady tells Rachel that he was thinking The Little Mermaid but Rachel says she’s already seen it. Brady asks what movie she’d like to see. Leo interrupts and suggests the How to Train Your Dragon trilogy which Rachel exclaims she wants to see. Leo then points out that it’s only streaming so if they want to go to an actual theatre, he suggests Wonka which Rachel exclaims she wants to see. Kristen looks it up and finds it is playing in about half an hour. Brady says they can do that and tells Leo he can go now. Leo says the whole town has been wondering and now it’s clear that Brady and Kristen are back together because they are enjoying coffee with their daughter. Rachel clarifies that they are not back together and she doesn’t want them to be. Kristen tells her that she doesn’t have to engage with Leo. Leo says he is happy to see them all together again and tells them to enjoy the movie as he walks away.

Sloan tells Eric that he always knows what to say to calm her spirits. Eric says she does the same for him. Sloan wishes him luck with his new client. Eric says he’s going to need it. Sloan asks why. Eric informs her that it’s a columnist from the Spectator that they are both all too familiar with and reveals that it’s Leo Stark.

Rafe asks for an update on Lucas. Harris says he got beat up pretty bad but he will make a full recovery. Rafe says thank God for that. Harris gets a call and steps out to answer it. Rafe then asks Jada where she was last night since he thought she was going to come over after she finished her paperwork from the raid but she never showed up. Jada apologizes and says by the time she was finished, she was exhausted and just went to sleep so she’s sorry she didn’t come over. Rafe questions why she is lying to him.

Brady questions why Rachel told Leo that she doesn’t want her parents back together. Rachel responds that she hates them fighting all the time. Brady says he gets that but he misses her very much and wishes he could share her more with Kristen instead of just seeing her once in awhile. Rachel says she misses him too but it’s better this way. Brady questions her thinking it’s better that they don’t see each other as much. Rachel says she guesses and goes to buy candy from the movie theater. Brady then questions Kristen about why Rachel is suddenly so against them getting back together and why she is fine with only seeing him once in awhile. Kristen argues that Rachel explained everything. Brady complains that Rachel did a 180 and accuses Kristen of turning her against him.

Theresa tells Alex that she already booked her flight. Alex offers to pay for cancelling it but Theresa says it’s not about the money. Alex knows he hasn’t been the greatest boyfriend and didn’t handle everything she’s going through. Alex brings up all the drama in his family and finding out that Victor is his father, not Justin, and then becoming CEO of Titan. Alex says his whole world has turned upside down so he’s questioning everything and everyone. Alex says he’s not trying to make excuses but he’s waking up some days, questioning who the hell he even is. Theresa thinks back to her and Konstantin altering Victor’s will. Theresa then tells Alex that there is something he should know.

Sloan thought Eric couldn’t stand Leo. Eric says he’s not a fan but he can’t afford to be picky. Leo then shows up at the door and talks about his lawyer and photographer being under the same roof. Leo tells Eric that he needs some wonderfully flattering photos of himself for Lady Whistleblower’s grand return. Eric says he’ll do his best. Leo is sure he will, just as Sloan has done as his lawyer. Leo remarks that he’s eternally grateful for Sloan’s lawyer skills and her generosity. Eric asks Sloan about her meeting with her client. Sloan reveals that she just told her client that she’s going to be a little late and she wants to stick around for Eric’s first shoot. Eric goes to grab something from the back, so Sloan questions Leo picking Eric out of all the photographers in Salem and asks what he is up to. Leo claims he’s not up to anything but getting some great photos and then admits he wants to make her squirm like she is now, because she knows he holds all the cards in their arrangement. Leo warns that Sloan doesn’t behave to his liking, he will drag her down to the bowels of Hell.

Theresa tells Alex that he is not to blame for how she feels. Theresa calls herself the screw up who never learns from her mistakes despite her second chances. Theresa tells him not to comfort her because she just keeps letting people down. Theresa cries that she’s a horrible mother and a terrible girlfriend. Theresa says she just finish packing and get the hell out because he’s better off without her. Alex says that she says she’s a screw up that makes a mess of things but that’s what he does. Alex talks about making terrible decisions at Titan and treating Justin like crap when he’s been a great dad to him for his whole life. Alex states that he is very flawed and he knows it, so that means there is hope for him to correct those flaws. Alex argues that they can work on their flaws, faults, and imperfections together. Alex says showing his true feelings has always been one of his flaws so he asks Theresa to allow him to work on himself and show her how much she means to him as he kisses her.

Kristen swears that she’s never turned Rachel against Brady. Kristen points out that Brady wouldn’t want to get back together anyways so she questions why he would care if Rachel doesn’t want that either. Brady says he just wants to be a decent parent but argues that Kristen doesn’t think he is. Kristen says she doesn’t think that and what happened with Tate is not his fault. Kristen brings up Rachel being very upset when Brady didn’t show up that one day and that broke her heart. Brady argues that maybe Rachel is upset because her parents fight all the time, because she can’t see her father, or because her mom has done horrendous crimes that she isn’t sorry about. Brady tells Kristen not to blame Rachel being upset on him.

Rafe takes Jada in to the interrogation room and says he saw on his daily report that she had pulled Theresa’s credit card records and asks her to explain why. Jada informs him that Brady called and said Theresa was missing, so she wanted to help find her in case she was in danger. Jada explains that she tracked Theresa to a motel where she was so strung out, then she called Brady and Alex, who dealt with her and she left. Jada apologizes for not telling Rafe and says she was just so exhausted and wanted to keep everything on the down low. Rafe tells her it’s okay and that it makes sense. Rafe asks if Theresa is okay now. Jada confirms that she checked in with Brady and that she’s recovering. Harris then comes in and announces that the call he took was about Lucas and he got some news. Harris informs them that Lucas is being moved to a new location for his safety. Jada is sure Kate will be relieved. Rafe asks where they are moving him. Harris responds that he’s sorry, but he can’t tell him that.

Kristen asks if Brady is done lashing out at her and if she can talk now. Brady tells her to go ahead. Kristen says it’s not like anything he said hasn’t been said before, but she’s a little shocked at the level of anger. Kristen says she wants him to be with Rachel and for Rachel to be in his life. Brady points out that Rachel is with her friend Lindsay. Kristen says that gives them a few more minutes to talk. Kristen tells Brady that she feels for him, having Tate in a rehab facility being falsely accused of pushing drugs. Kristen states that she gave birth to Tate and she feels for Brady and Theresa. Kristen asks how Theresa is doing. Brady admits she’s not good. Kristen asks if she has maintained her sobriety throughout this. Brady doesn’t want to talk about this with her. Kristen says they must be helping each other out during this time. Brady admits they have leaned on each other a bit. Kristen asks if that means they are getting close again and going to have a relationship. Brady questions why she cares. Kristen says she’s just curious. Brady brings up knowing what happens when Kristen gets jealous and declares that he and Theresa are never getting back together, much like he and Kristen, they are over completely, forever.

Alex tells Theresa that red eye flights can really take a toll and asks if she really wants to sit on a plane for the next 4 hours tonight when she could be sleeping a nice, comfortable bed keeping her warm. Alex adds that if she stays, he’ll be in that bed too and find more ways to warm her up as they continue kissing. Theresa decides she can keep him warm too. Alex says she can take that terribly crowded flight or she could just stay here. Theresa feels persuaded. Theresa knows that what she needs and wants is to be here with him as they continue kissing and they begin to undress.

Eric returns and tells Leo that he’s sorry for the delay but he has to run down to his car, so he exits. Sloan asks if Leo can just go and says she’ll make up an excuse for Eric. Leo says he needs those photos and talks about how he likes being in the presence of the baby that he delivered and handed to his mother, Nicole. Sloan asks why must Leo do this to her when she’s done everything he’s asked. Leo tells her to stop acting like a saintly person who has done nothing wrong. Leo argues that in Sloan’s way, the baby will never know his real mother. Leo says he might come across shallow but he actually has a heart and it breaks for the baby being stuck with a heartless fake mother. Sloan asks what he’s talking about. Leo thinks she can figure it out. Sloan warns Leo that if he rats her out, she will do everything in her power to take him down to Hell with her. Eric returns and apologizes for taking long as he ran in to a neighbor. Eric asks if Sloan is staying for the shoot. Sloan says she’s not now as she has to get to her meeting. Leo comments on the baby being lucky as Sloan angrily exits and Eric begins his photoshoot of Leo.

Rafe questions Harris not being able to tell him where Lucas is. Harris explains that he means no disrespect but he thinks after the Bistro raid got out, he thinks it’s best if he keeps it to himself so it doesn’t get out as they never know who is listening and they know Clyde has men everywhere. Rafe agrees that Harris is right as they still might have a dirty cop. Rafe looks out the window of the room at the cops in the police station.

Kristen calls it really sad that Brady insists that he could never consider even being with either mother of his children. Brady vehemently insists because he doesn’t want her to have any delusion. Brady calls it sad that Kristen tricked him in to procreating with a sociopath who has been very destructive to him and others. Kristen asks if he’ll never let that go. Brady asks how he’s supposed to let go of the fact that she has put him through Hell all these years and that she’s turning his own daughter against him. Kristen suggests letting go of all that for his daughter’s sake because once upon a time, they were crazy about each other. Kristen argues that he might realize no one is going to love him as much as she once did and cries that she still does.

Alex and Theresa kiss on the couch after having sex. Alex jokes that she can still make her flight if she really wants to. Theresa agrees to stay if he helps her unpack which Alex agrees to. Alex adds that since he is opening up his feelings, he is really starting to fall for her and admits he has been since he first saw her. Alex states that now his feelings are getting deeper and stronger, the more he gets to know her and he feels like he really does know her. Alex remarks that she has been honest with him about who she really is from the very beginning. Theresa claims she’s an open book. Alex says he’s crazy about her and continues kissing her.

Brady tells Kristen not to do this again. Kristen says she’s just being open and honest. Brady repeats there is no future for them except for her being the mother of his daughter. Brady hopes that someday he might find someone that is kind and compassionate who will love him for who he is and his kids, unconditionally. Rachel returns, so Brady says they should get going to the movies. Kristen tells Brady that until he finds the woman of his dreams, maybe they can start seeing the best of each other. Brady calls that a worthy goal as they walk away.

Sloan walks through the park, complaining about Leo. Sloan stops to text Leo, reminding him that if he says one word to Eric about their son, he’ll be screwed in every way possible.

Eric finishes his photoshoot of Leo. Eric says he’ll e-mail him a portfolio later in the day. Eric admits he is photogenic which Leo agrees with. Leo says he will be on his way as he then gets Sloan’s text. Eric wishes Leo luck being back at the Spectator. Leo remarks that there’s always a scandal waiting to be exposed in Salem and sometimes it’s right under their noses. Leo then exits.

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Days Update Tuesday, January 23, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At the hospital, Paulina complains to Abe about waiting. Chanel arrives and encourages that they should be ready to see Paulina soon. Chanel promises that everything will be okay. Abe suggests they all just relax and wait.

Everett joins Chad at the Spectator. Chad tells Everett that he thinks the mayor will be really happy. Everett calls Paulina an incredible lady and says what she has done for the city is so impressive. Chad mentions he hasn’t heard back from her office yet and asks how the drug expose is going. Everett gets an alert with newly released mugshots of all the drug dealers. Chad takes a look and calls it an interesting group. Everett remarks that he’s surprised Chad’s brother isn’t there.

Sarah comes home where Xander is going over numbers for the Spectator. Xander says Victoria is taking a nap while Sarah brings in groceries including whiskey. Xander calls it nice to have someone else in the house that knows how to cook. Xander tells Sarah that it’s nice to have her there either way. Sarah says it’s nice to be there and goes to put the groceries away.

At the Bistro, Ava and Stefan discuss having their worst lunch since they opened and worry about word of mouth killing them. Ava reveals that she called Stephanie to do PR because they need damage control. They talk about needing to stay up and running to avoid suspicion while they do Clyde’s dirty work. Stephanie arrives and greets them. Ava complains that they had no crowd and just three people for lunch. Stephanie asks why that is and how she can help. Ava explains that when they first reopened, they were doing fantastic business and their New Year’s Eve bash was a huge success with great online reviews, but now they’ve gone from 5 stars to 0 stars overnight, so they need Stephanie to turn that around.

Sarah reminds Xander that she’s going to the hospital today. Xander understands they are short staffed and she’s covering some shifts. Xander mentions that he will take Victoria in to the office later today as he just wants to check in to see what’s happening. Sarah asks if he trusts Chad. Xander says it’s not that he doesn’t, but when you’re that close to things, sometimes you miss the small things on the bottom line. Sarah reminds Xander what happened last time he was solely focused on profits. Xander assures that he is a new him and thanks her for taking him at his word. Xander adds that he’s more motivated than ever to be a stand up person because having Victoria and Sarah in his life makes him want to be a better person so he’s just looking to grow his legitimate business in legitimate ways which Sarah is happy to hear. Sarah decides she should get going, so Xander tells her to have a great day at the hospital as she exits.

Paulina reads Everett’s article in the Spectator on the MLK Day success and comments on how well things went. Abe and Chanel praise her as being wonderful. Paulina then gets an alert on her phone that the doctor can see her now, so they head to the room together.

Chad tells Everett that the bust at the Bistro went bust so he didn’t really expect to see Stefan. Everett wonders if Stefan could have been tipped off. Chad supposes it’s possible. Everett mentions quotes from witnesses saying that Stefan and Ava appeared shocked by the raid and says he still needs to do more digging but he thinks it’s their responsibility to bust this thing wide open. Chad says with as good as Everett is, he’s sure they can.

Stephanie recalls being at the Bistro on New Year’s Eve and says it was a great party. Ava and Stefan remember her being there with Everett and that he investigated the overdose of Holly. Stefan remarks that there was no reason for that raid. Stephanie understands his frustration. Stefan complains that the city has cracked down on everything and for some reason, they are one of their main targets. Ava adds that they left with nothing but their guns drawn. Stephanie understands people will stay away after hearing about a raid. Stefan asks how to get people to forget the raid and erase that from their minds. Stephanie sits with them and says she put together some ideas after Ava called. Stephanie states that they need to immediately add photos from New Year’s Eve to the website. Stefan asks about the reviews. Ava suggests writing some fake ones since people do that all the time. Stephanie says they do, but she doesn’t like that idea and thinks pictures will be enough, suggesting pictures of people having a good time at the party and pictures of the food they were serving. Stephanie adds that they need to make sure there is no more talk about the raid anywhere and delete any comments or posts that pop up. Stephanie suggests maybe mentioning that they are considering a lawsuit against the Salem police department which Stefan calls an interesting idea. Stephanie says to let her know as soon as possible whatever promotions they are open to, what they can give away and to comp their regulars so that they feel apart of the Bistro family. Ava asks if she thinks that will be enough. Stephanie responds that there might be something else she can do.

Xander goes to the Spectator and greets Chad and Everett. Xander brings Victoria in and shows her to them. Chad asks what brings him by. Xander jokes that Victoria just wanted to pop in and say hello. They say they were just going over the latest edition of the Spectator and show it to Xander. Xander reads it over and calls it excellent, noting the highlight of their sponsorship of the event. Chad mentions that he has another sponsorship idea. Chad brings up Wendy leaving a message about a geo-cash scavenger hunt in the city on Valentine’s Day which is already in the works. Xander questions why they need to throw money at it if it’s already in the works and says it seems like a bad call to him.

Paulina complains about having to wait for her prescription. Abe says that the nurse said it should be ready in 30 minutes or so. Chanel brings up getting another doctor for another opinion but Paulina says those reports don’t lie and the doctors are just there to offer the best treatments possible. Paulina wants to concentrate on what she has to do to get well. Paulina adds that she pretty much expected this diagnosis and she’s been doing a lot of reading on the different cancers and treatments, so she’s ready to do whatever she has to do to get cured. Abe assures they are ready to do whatever they have to do to help her through this. Paulina says she knows that and admits that she was very scared, hoping that there was nothing serious wrong with her and that it wasn’t cancer, but now that she knows that it is, she’s strangely feeling stronger and hopeful. Paulina is very grateful to know that she has her daughter and husband by her side. Abe insists they are going through this together as a family. Chanel adds that she’s so proud of her. Paulina complains about waiting so Chanel decides to go check on her meds. Paulina says she just wants to get her meds and go home. Paulina asks if Abe reached Nicole about Holly. Abe confirms that Nicole got Holly on the plane to Italy. Paulina says she is praying for them. Chanel goes to the counter and calls Johnny to inform him that they got Paulina’s diagnosis and it is what they were all worried about. Chanel adds that Paulina is being stoic but she doesn’t know if that’s for her and Abe. Chanel tells Johnny that she needs to see him and hangs up. Sarah then approaches and asks Chanel if everything is okay. Chanel says not really as Paulina just got her biopsy results and she has thyroid cancer. Sarah says she’s so sorry. Chanel talks about Paulina being really brave but she’s scared. Sarah asks if there’s anything she can do. Chanel asks Sarah to talk to Paulina as it might help her to get reassurance from her. Sarah agrees to do so and says she will look at her chart for some information first. Chanel thanks her.

Chad questions Xander being here to stop an opportunity for good press. Xander says he’s here to stop wasting money and worries that two major sponsorships in less than a month makes them seem desperate. Chad sees it as an opportunity for community relations while Xander feels it’s pandering for respectability. Xander adds that they can go over the numbers. Chad questions if this is why he really came by. Xander says he just came for clarity on recent expenditures. Xander notes that he noticed an unaccounted for withdrawal of $5000 while going over the books and questions what that was for. Everett informs him that was for him to grease the palms of potential informants. Xander questions that when a couple of bottles of gin might have done it. They start to argue but Leo arrives and greets them. Leo says he’s so thrilled to be back working with them. Xander calls Leo annoying and sometimes obnoxious but acknowledges that unlike some, he doesn’t squander the Spectator’s money and actually brings it in.

Stephanie tells Ava and Stefan that her date on New Year’s Eve is the editor-in-chief of the Spectator, so the Spectator is another one of her clients. Stephanie says that she and Chad are on good terms and Everett has clout there, so that definitely helps get some positive publicity out for the Bistro. Stefan adds that Chad is his brother and they are also on good terms so he’s going to go have a chat with him and also go see Gabi. Stefan tells them to continue brainstorming and he will catch up when he’s done. Stefan kisses Ava goodbye and then exits which surprises Stephanie. Ava remarks that they are a match made in Heaven.

Sarah brings Paulina, Chanel, and Abe to a waiting room at the hospital. Paulina says her doctor was fine, very direct and didn’t sugarcoat anything. Paulina doesn’t want anyone feeling sorry for her. Sarah agrees that sugarcoating a diagnosis is unfair but feels it’s their job to be there. Sarah tells Paulina that Marlena or any other psychiatrist will be happy to help her through this. Paulina says she will keep that in mind. Sarah knows cancer is very upsetting and encourages that it can be treatable and curable. Paulina talks about reading articles about the newer advancements and how cancer can affect a person. Sarah is glad she is educating herself. Paulina understands she will need surgery which Sarah confirms. Sarah adds that Paulina can live a full, long life without a thyroid as long as she takes medication to produce the hormones that her body is no longer producing. Paulina says that surgery sounds better than inoperable. Sarah notes there may be some unforeseen complications but it’s a pretty straightforward procedure. Paulina questions what those complications might be.

Ava tells Stephanie that she’s very impressed and thanks her for putting this together on such short notice. Stephanie says that stamping out fires is just part of her job. Ava bets she’s constantly on call which Stephanie confirms. Ava guesses that must damper her social life. Stephanie says it can, but her job is the priority. Ava says Stephanie has to let loose every once in awhile, go to the Pub and black out that pressure with a drink or two. Stephanie says she very rarely does and asks where they are going with that. Ava then brings up Stephanie’s sleepover with Harris.

Leo thanks Xander for his generous assessment of his contribution to the Spectator. Chad admits he was very impressed by his piece for MLK day. Everett says that everybody was and it touched a lot of people. Xander compliments Leo on a job well done. Leo thanks them all and says it’s gratifying to be appreciated. Chad calls Leo a damn good writer. Leo jokes that he’s blushing now. Xander asks what Leo has for them today. Leo responds that he has pictures from the New Year’s Bash at Julie’s Plac as Councilman Fields dropped his phone in the parking lot while leaving and he found it. Leo shows them the photos and says a blind item would sell. Xander admits gossip sells and they need the subscribers unless they get an infusion of DiMera cash. Chad asks about Kiriakis cash. Stefan then arrives and questions what the hell he just walked in to. Chad responds that a better question would be what Stefan is doing there. Stefan says he needs a private moment with Chad.

Stephanie tells Ava that she knows Harris told her about that night but it was a mistake that she deeply regrets as she had too much to drink and aside from the kiss which she instigated, it didn’t go further. Stephanie insists that Harris is one hell of a guy. Ava agrees but says he’s just not right for her. Ava admits she’s claiming that Harris being with Stephanie is why she broke it off but claims that she was seeing Stefan behind his back. Stephanie points out that Stefan is married while Ava argues that his wife is in prison. Stephanie says she doesn’t need to explain as it’s none of her business. Ava responds that what happened with her and Harris is none of her business either anymore. Ava gives Stephanie her permission to have Harris if she wants him. Stephanie responds that she doesn’t need her permission to do anything, but she’s not interested in Harris. Stephanie suggests they get back to business.

Sarah tells Paulina that the good news is that the cancer didn’t spread to any of her lymph nodes. Sarah adds that Paulina’s symptoms are normal which is why her doctor prescribed pain meds to be used as needed and then they will schedule the surgery. Paulina wants it done as quickly as possible. Sarah believes they have time this week. Abe asks how long she’ll need to be in the hospital. Sarah says a day or two at most and then the doctor will decide if she needs any additional treatment. Paulina asks what the survival rate is for thyroid cancer. Sarah encourages that it’s a very treatable and curable cancer and she believes it’s over 90%. Paulina excitedly says she likes those odds. Paulina then asks if Sarah can be her doctor.

Chad questions Stefan needing privacy as they step out of the Spectator office. Stefan explains that he’s appealing to him as his brother and because Everett is doing a piece on the drug raids including the one done on the Bistro where he and Ava were falsely accused, probably because of who they are. Stefan brings up the bad press their family has gotten for decades which Chad says was not undeserved. Stefan argues that the cops found nothing illegal or incriminating of the raid but just the slightest mention of a raid at the Bistro kills them. Stefan complains of what they are already dealing with. Chad brings up Holly overdosing on the loading dock. Stefan argues there was no proof of anything on their part. Stefan then asks if Chad thinks he’s lying to him. Chad responds that he doesn’t know what to believe. Stefan reminds Chad of when he was accused of being the Necktie Killer. Chad calls that completely irrelevant. Stefan points out that Chad was completely innocent but that almost ruined his life, so he should understand what it’s like to be vilified unjustly.

Sarah tells Paulina that she would love to be her doctor, but she would be in better hands with a specialist but she’s flattered to be asked. Sarah says she’s there for her regardless. Sarah reminds Paulina that her medication is ready at the desk as she then exits to get back to her rounds. Abe asks Paulina if she’s feeling better now. Paulina responds that she’s very lucky to have two of the best people she knows by her side because they have got this as they hug.

Everett tells Leo to make sure the blind item is actually blind. Leo jokes that Councilman Fields is not exactly easy on the eyes. Chad returns, so Everett asks if Stefan wants them to kill the story. Chad confirms that Stefan asked them to keep the Bistro out of it. Xander guesses Chad said no due to his journalistic integrity. Everett brings up the overdose on the loading dock being part of the story. Chad declares that they are going to kill that too which Everett questions. Chad says they have plenty without it, so there’s no point in vilifying Stefan if he’s innocent. Chad says to just go with the arrest and the raid. Xander argues that it makes no sense but Chad says it makes sense to him. Everett questions what the hell Stefan said to him. Chad repeats that the Bistro, the overdose and everything is out of the piece. Everett complain that this is outrageous and unfair to Holly and every victim of the people behind this as he questions how Chad can’t see that. Chad shouts that he calls the shots and tells him to get back to work. Chad tells Xander to stay in his own lane from now on. Xander then takes Victoria and exits the office. Chad tells Everett to do what he has to do. Everett calls this an assault on the integrity of the paper. Chad tells him again to do what he has to do.

Stephanie asks Ava if they have a handshake deal on these ideas. Ava says they do and they shake hands as Stefan returns and asks if all is good. Ava confirms that it is good. Stefan announces that Chad has agreed to keep any mention of the Bistro out of the Spectator story which Stephanie calls a huge help. Stephanie says she will get the budget and proposal ready and get it to them tomorrow. Ava says this makes them so happy as she and Stefan kiss. Stephanie then exits the Bistro. Stefan tells Ava that they are really good liars. Ava agrees they are in a class of their own and decides it calls for celebration. Ava asks how Stefan visiting Gabi went. Stefan says that she’s back in her cell and keeping her ears open for anything they might want to hear. Stefan reveals that Lucas is the latest patient in the men’s infirmary as Clyde’s guys beat him up because they believed he ratted on him. Stefan insists that Lucas is going to want to eliminate Clyde by any means necessary. Stefan and Ava hope that he does. Stefan adds that he also told Gabi about their fake affair and she doesn’t love the idea but admits it’s a good cover as long as they don’t take it too far. Stefan notes that Gabi doesn’t trust Ava but she does trust him. Ava suggests they have drinks to toast to all this good news. Ava sees she has a voicemail and listens to it, then tells Stefan it was Rafe, who wants them down at the police station. Stefan declares they will be there when they are ready. Ava notes that Rafe said it needs to be today so she suggests postponing their celebration. Stefan and Ava then go ahead and drink the champagne.

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Days Update Monday, January 22, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

John sits at home drinking coffee and wonders what it all means as he falls asleep on the couch. Marlena walks in and touches him, causing John to jump up in a defensive position.

Outside the Brady Pub, Steve grabs Konstantin and warns that he has pushed him too far. Maggie interrupts and questions what is going on here. Maggie asks why Steve was about to attack Konstantin. Steve tells Maggie that Konstantin is not in Salem for a peaceful existence, but to take advantage of Maggie, and he has to be stopped. Steve declares that he will not stand by and watch Maggie get hurt.

Harris meets Clyde Weston in the prison visiting room. Clyde asks if Harris is able to have a life these days or if his case load is all consuming. Harris confirms that his case load is all consuming, thanks to Clyde and his drug ring. Clyde pretends not to know what he’s talking about and talks about being against drugs. Harris tells Clyde to go to Hell and calls him a lying son of a bitch.

Theresa tells Brady that she knows things blew up between them, but notes that they still had good times together. Brady agrees that they did. Theresa blames herself for screwing up and thinking Brady would hate her forever and wouldn’t be her friend, but here he is being her friend. Theresa thanks Brady for being her friend and then kisses him right as Alex comes home and sees them kissing and asks what the hell. Theresa tells Alex that it’s not what he thinks but Alex says that it is exactly what he thinks.

Maggie tells Steve that she appreciates his concern about her, but she’s also insulted that he would think she’s so naïve and a poor judge of character that she wouldn’t know if someone was taking advantage of her. Steve says he cares about her. Konstantin talks about Maggie saving his life and being more than a friend to him. Steve tells him to cut the crap. Steve insists to Maggie that Konstantin is dangerous and is conning her. Steve knows Maggie is generally a good judge of character but she’s in a vulnerable state. Maggie tells him that she doesn’t want to hear it and compares it to everyone warning her against Victor. Maggie declares that she didn’t listen then and she’s not listening now.

John apologizes to Marlena for scaring her. Marlena says it’s okay and thinks she would be more accustomed after all these years. John kisses her and asks if she slept okay. Marlena responds that she did, but John did not again. John says he didn’t want to bother her so he came to the couch. Marlena calls that sweet but asks what has him so agitated. Marlena knows they have a lot to worry about these days but she’s never seen him lose sleep before, so she asks what is going on.

Clyde remarks that Harris has a short fuse and he wouldn’t think that would serve him well in his line of work. Harris says it serves him just fine. Clyde thought it was important to be cool and collected while confronting dangerous criminals. Clyde claims he’s not one anymore as he’s truly reformed and a model prisoner. Clyde remarks that his main goal is to set an example for his fellow inmates because he’s a people person. Clyde tells Harris that he has a good feeling about him, so he’d like to offer him his feedback on Salem’s current state of affairs. Harris tells him that he’s listening. Clyde says what Harris might see as a crisis, he sees as an opportunity to grow a substantial crisis, hypothetically. Clyde adds that if he were to venture in to a particular line of business, Harris would be exactly the kind of individual he would be seeking to employ.

Theresa tells Alex that it wasn’t Brady as she kissed him and swears that it was the drugs and a momentary lapse which meant nothing. Brady knows what it looks like but insists that Theresa is telling the truth and he doesn’t take advantage of people in pain. Theresa says she just made a poor decision but assures Alex that she wants to be with him only.

Steve tells Maggie not to compare Konstantin to Victor. Maggie suggests comparing him to Steve and how Steve worked for Victor for many years while his behavior wasn’t always ethical. Steve says he was a different man back then. Maggie says that’s the point and talks about Steve and Victor both changing their ways. Maggie asks why Steve can’t give Konstantin the benefit of the doubt and believe that he can change too. Steve states that he can became a better man thanks to Kayla and Victor became a better man thanks to Maggie. Steve calls Konstantin a low life who has an agenda. Steve argues that he didn’t come to Salem randomly and came to take advantage of Maggie. Maggie says he’s entitled to his opinion but assures that Konstantin has been nothing but open and honest with her. Maggie believes Konstantin has a good heart and declares that whatever happens between them is none of Steve’s business. Steve tells Maggie that so many people in town care deeply about her and he’s one of them. Steve asks Maggie to please be careful. Maggie thanks him for his concern and sends her best to Kayla. Steve says he’s not going to let this go and walks away.

John tells Marlena that he’s fine and that he’s just been thinking a lot about Tate and Brady. Marlena says they are all concerned but asks if something more is going on that’s keeping him up at night. John claims that’s it and he’s sure that he will sleep a lot better tonight so she doesn’t have to worry about him. John reminds her that she has to get to work. Marlena tells John that she loves him. John says he loves her and kisses her. Marlena says she will talk to him later and then exits.

Harris tells Clyde that he would have to offer a hell of a compensation package to get him out of his line of work. Clyde responds that he’s capable of exactly that, but in their hypothetical situation, it wouldn’t all be easy. Harris says he wouldn’t expect it to be. Clyde warns that Harris would have to be fully vetted and he doesn’t think he would make the cut.

Theresa asks Alex to forgive her as she was just caught up in the moment and she needed comforting so she just kissed Brady and it was stupid and wrong. Theresa apologizes as it was unfair to all of them but repeats that it wasn’t Brady, it was her fault and won’t happen again. Theresa acknowledges that she was a completely different person when she was high as there was no more pain and she was just hurting so much because of Tate. Theresa cries that she’s failed her son. Brady says she fell, but it’s about how she picks herself up and recovers for her family and herself. Brady asks Theresa what the next step is. Theresa assures that she will go to a meeting and get a sponsor to devote herself to becoming sober and a better person. Theresa promises not to let Brady and Tate down again.

Konstantin sits with Maggie and thanks her for being his advocate and defending him. Maggie says she’s sorry about all this and that Steve means well and his concern comes from a good place. Maggie feels the harassment of Konstantin is not going to stop and adds that she appreciates her friends’ concern but also resents being treated like a naïve child. Maggie talks about being subjected to this before when she first got with Victor but it didn’t phase her much. Maggie states that Konstantin being continually harassed this way worries her. Maggie wonders if Salem is the best place for him. Konstantin says that is not what he wants to hear.

Marlena runs in to Eric with Jude sleeping in his stroller in the park. Marlena asks how he is. Eric admits he’s not great and apologizes for how things went last night. Marlena says she just feels bad for Sloan. Eric talks about how Sloan was nervous and thought having a drink would calm her down. Marlena notes that she doesn’t have a patient for an hour so she invites Eric to go get coffee and talk which Eric calls a great idea so they walk off together.

Harris suggests Clyde make him an offer he can’t refuse. Clyde responds that he was speaking hypothetically so there won’t be an offer. Clyde adds that he’s been amusing himself by watching Harris play along like he was going to get some intel from him but says Harris is the fool. Clyde tells Harris to go back to Salem and find out how powerless he really is. Harris tells him that he knows he’s behind the drugs that are killing people in Salem and shouts that he won’t stop until he shuts his ass down and holds him accountable. Clyde warns him about making threats and promises he can’t keep, pointing to what happened to Lucas.

Theresa can’t believe she was so weak and says she’s so ashamed. Brady encourages her not to beat herself up as she’s been through Hell lately. Theresa feels succumbing to her addiction is weak. Brady says she’s going to recommit to sobriety and get to those meetings. Theresa repeats that she is so embarrassed and she hates that Alex had to see her this way. Alex tells her it’s okay and he gets it, so he’s not judging her, but he is concerned about her. Brady adds that nobody knows what happened besides them and Jada and they aren’t going to say anything. Brady assures he won’t say a thing to Tate either. Brady tells her to reach out to him, Alex, or Maggie if she starts to feel that way again because she has to lean on people. Alex adds that he’s here for her and wants to help her any way he can. Theresa thanks him and says she is so tired. Brady suggests they all get some sleep. Brady tells them to call if they need anything as he then exits. Theresa guesses Alex wasn’t expecting this and says she understands if he wants to end things.

Steve goes to see John and asks what happened to him since he’s looking really haggard. Steve asks if everything is alright. John claims he’s fine but didn’t sleep well because of nightmares and feelings he can’t shake that something is off here. Steve asks if he recalls the nightmares but John says they disappear like nature doesn’t want him to remember. John says he’s learned when his mind goes to these dark places, it’s trying to tell him something and it’s not good. Steve informs John that he just had another run-in with Konstantin.

Konstantin tells Maggie that he’s sad that she is so distressed on his behalf that she would advise him to leave town because he’s grown fond of Salem and he’s not ready to say goodbye. Maggie asks if he’s sure with Steve treating him so badly and John having suspicions about him. Konstantin says that’s their problem and he will be fine as long as Maggie keeps looking out for him. Maggie assures that won’t change. Maggie says they can go but then sees Brady going in to the Brady Pub. Maggie then tells Konstantin that she needs to speak to Brady, so she will see him back at the mansion. Maggie heads in to the Pub while Konstantin remarks that he will see her at home.

Eric and Marlena sit together in the town square. Marlena asks how Sloan is this morning. Eric says she’s completely hungover, embarrassed, and upset with herself. Marlena asks if the drinking is something that happens frequently. Eric says not at all and that he’s never seen her get drunk like that at all. Marlena tells him that to let her know that she and John completely understand and that Sloan is part of their family now.

John asks Steve what happened with Konstantin, assuming he gave him Hell. Steve confirms that he did but then Maggie showed up with her blinders on. Steve says he tried to talk sense in to her but she wasn’t having it. Steve adds that Maggie was quick to remind him that back in the day, people warned her about Victor and she didn’t listen then. John argues that Victor wasn’t always the most honorable man but he had redeeming qualities and loved his family desperately. Steve agrees and says Konstantin is nothing but a lying buffoon and a dangerous one. Steve adds that Victor genuinely loved Maggie but it’s obvious that Maggie is nothing but a giant payday for Konstantin. John guesses they are not facing the results they aimed for with Konstantin so he thinks they need to approach from a different angle. Steve asks what he has in mind. John thinks it’s time they just back off.

Alex tells Theresa that he doesn’t want out at all and he just wants her to be okay. Theresa hates what she put Alex through and scaring him. Alex says they are in this together. Theresa calls that really nice of him and she hates that he had to see her kissing Brady. Alex says she explained that so they aren’t going to talk about it anymore. Theresa repeats that the kiss was nothing. Alex acknowledges that she and Brady had a kid together, both struggled with addiction, and he can see how happy it made her that he came to help her tonight. Alex feels like Theresa just really needed Brady. Theresa admits that she did and that she doesn’t know if she could have gotten through this without him.

Clyde tells Harris that it’s a damn shame what happened to Lucas. Harris calls him a son of a bitch and says he’s lucky that Lucas is alive. Clyde says the whole point of the attack was to send a message outside these walls and now Harris is here across from him and he’s got a message for him.

Brady sits with Maggie in the Pub and asks how she heard about Theresa. Maggie explains that she ran in to Alex, who told her that she had a slip. Brady calls it understandable with what they have had to handle with their son. Brady assures that he hasn’t been tempted but he can relate to wanting to escape from the stress and anxiety. Brady adds that Theresa is with Alex now, but he’s worried that she could relapse again. Brady remembers that John and Marlena have an extra room and brings up moving her in to keep an eye on her but Maggie says absolutely not as that would be the worst thing he could do right now.

Marlena asks Eric for an update on his photography business. Eric says it’s doing better than he expected as he updated his website, social media, and put out some flyers. Marlena is glad that he has a creative outlet. Eric admits that the extra money will be nice too, especially after Christmas and having a kid. Marlena says she and John will be happy to babysit anytime. Eric assures that they will be soon.

Steve remarks that the lack of sleep must be really getting to John as he questions wanting to back off Konstantin. John explains that he’s thinking if they keep pushing Maggie, she’ll start resenting them more and more while Konstantin obviously wants to play the victim. John says as long as Konstantin plays that role convincingly with Maggie, they are stuck with him. John adds that Konstantin is playing the long game, so if they give him the distance but keep feeding him just enough rope, he may hang himself. Steve agrees to try it his way for Maggie’s sake. Steve says he’ll check in with him later and advises him to get some sleep. John says that’s the plan as Steve exits.

Alex tells Theresa that he needs her to be honest with him as he asks if she still has feelings for Brady. Theresa responds that Brady is the father of her son and that is the extent of their relationship and she has no romantic feelings for him at all anymore. Theresa acknowledges that they are both recovering addicts but that doesn’t mean she wants to be with him. Theresa adds that the kiss was reckless, impulsive, and a big mistake. Theresa guesses Alex doesn’t believe her.

Harris asks Clyde what his message is for him. Clyde calls it more of a mandate which Harris questions. Clyde warns him to focus his attention elsewhere as he surely has more important things to do than squander time and resources on him. Harris assures he has plenty of time because he’s a lone wolf, ex-military with no family. Harris then asks Clyde if he really wants to come after somebody who has nothing to lose. Clyde says he’ll buy him as a lone wolf but doubts he has nothing to lose because surely he has people he cares about, maybe one special person who means a lot to him that he would hate to see something bad happen to because it would be on him. Clyde says if that special person got hurt, Harris would have no one but himself to blame. Harris warns that if Clyde pushes him or comes after anyone he cares about, it will be the last thing he ever does. Clyde responds that he was nice meeting him and he really enjoyed their chat. Harris states that he’s been warned as he then exits.

Maggie tells Brady that he and Theresa are in a very fragile state while worried about Tate. Maggie thinks the stress of helping Theresa maintaining her sobriety could put Brady at risk. Maggie offers to reach out to Theresa, take her to a meeting, and find her a sponsor. Maggie adds that if she needs more help, she’ll reach out to Roman and Kayla. Brady agrees that is a good idea and mentions that he recommended Theresa reach out to Maggie. Maggie decides she will call her today. Brady appreciates her so much for doing this. Maggie assures that she is here for Brady and Theresa.

Theresa insists to Alex that she and Brady have been over for a long time and they just co-parent Tate. Theresa says right now, she needs to focus on her sobriety and she needs to know that he trusts her, so she asks if he does. Theresa declares that if he doesn’t trust her, she thinks she should move out as she thinks that would be best for both of them if she goes back to California to be with her mom, to get herself in a better place until she can see Tate.

Konstantin goes to his room in the Kiriakis Mansion and pulls out a card from a book as he declares that he never thought he would see The Pawn again.

John sits at home with his coffee and looks around confused.

Steve goes to the Brady Pub and has a drink at the bar, questioning if it could really be.

Konstantin says all in good time as he smiles.

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Days Update Friday, January 19, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Eric prays at Holly’s bedside in the hospital.

Nicole packs Holly’s bag at home.

Alex and Brady bring Theresa home. Theresa complains that she still wants to party but Brady says she’s not going anywhere. Theresa claims she wants to go run an errand as Alex and Brady try to sit her down. Brady tells Theresa that she’s not going for another fix as the most important thing she can do is recover from her relapse. Theresa says she’s not interested and tries to run but Brady stops her. Theresa yells that she needs to go and it’s really important. Brady tells her that she’s getting sober and not going anywhere.

Steve runs in to Konstantin outside of the Brady Pub. Konstantin invites him to join him for coffee in the Pub or if he’d rather ship him back to his hometown of Aria. Konstantin brings up Steve’s reaction when he first brought up Aria. Konstantin says he knows Steve was lying when he said he’s not certain if he had ever been there.

Harris goes to the prison infirmary where Kate is sitting at Lucas’s bedside as Lucas has been beaten unconscious. Kate blames Harris for saying he would protect Lucas and calls him a bastard for never caring about her son.

Eric finishes praying over Holly as Maggie joins him in the room. Eric tells Maggie that he’s so sorry for her granddaughter. Maggie calls it painfully ironic that she devoted most of her adult life to staying sober and helping other people stay sober, yet she watched drugs and alcohol claim her daughter Summer and now, she’s watched drugs put her granddaughter in a coma. Eric brings up his choice to get behind the wheel while drunk and taking her son’s life. Maggie says she found forgiveness in her heart for him because of Holly. Maggie cries that they both love Holly, so she knew she had to let go of her anger towards him. Eric responds that he’s deeply grateful. Maggie acknowledges Eric as being Holly’s father longer than EJ or Daniel. Maggie notes that the doctors say Holly can hear what they are saying. Maggie knows it means a lot to Holly that Eric is there and cries that it means a lot to her too as Eric hugs her.

EJ tells Nicole that the car will be there in five minutes to take them to the hospital and asks if she needs any help. Nicole responds that she was just packing Holly’s suitcase for Italy and she couldn’t stop thinking about how she looked on New Year’s Eve. Nicole jokes about Holly still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal. Nicole tells EJ that Holly is all grown up but she’s still her little girl. EJ asks if she’s sure she doesn’t want him to come with her to Italy. Nicole says she could be gone weeks or months and the work EJ is doing here is important. EJ tells her that he will be there when he can and he’ll be on the jet in a heartbeat if she needs him. Nicole states that EJ has done so much already and she’s so grateful that he reached out to these doctors and that Holly qualified for the treatment. Nicole adds that they said Holly needed to be surrounded by things that are important to her, so she’s got the complete Taylor Swift collection and all of her favorite books. Nicole talks about Holly making her a better person. Nicole declares that when they come home and Holly is well again, she knows that EJ will have made sure the drug dealers will never hurt Holly or anyone else again.

Harris apologizes to Kate and says that the warden assured him that the guards were supposed to protect Lucas. Kate complains that she will never trust Harris again. Lucas wakes up and tells them both to stop and says that Kate’s giving him a headache.

Steve asks Konstantin what difference it makes if he ever set foot in his hometown. Konstantin argues that if he had been there, he would never forget it as it’s the most beautiful place on Earth. Konstantin says the real question is why he’s so secretive about it and why he doesn’t want him to know.

Theresa tells Brady and Alex that she doesn’t need to hear anything from anyone. Alex argues that they are trying to help her. Theresa complains that she doesn’t need help as she’s happy for the first time in a long time. Brady argues that she’s just high. Theresa says he doesn’t understand as her son is being punished for something he didn’t do and she can’t see him. Theresa cries that it’s not fair. Brady agrees and understands. Theresa brings up Eric coming over and praying and acting like he’s really worried because of Tate when he could’ve just called Nicole. Theresa complains that Alex was supposed to call a lawyer and get the charges dropped while Brady just tried to cover for Tate. Theresa yells at them for making things worse as she ends up accidentally breaking apart the rosary that Eric had given her.

Harris asks Lucas what happened as they only told them that somebody jumped him in the yard. Lucas says they were all wearing the same thing and they came at him from behind so he can’t identify anybody. Harris asks if they said anything. Lucas says that they said a lot, most of which he can’t say in front of his mother. Lucas states that they basically said he asked the wrong people a few too many questions. Harris asks who he talked to. Lucas mentions a guard, a girl from the cafeteria, and the janitor. Lucas says he thought he could trust them but he was wrong. Harris reveals that they might have a dirty cop on the Salem PD. Kate questions why he didn’t tell them. Harris says they didn’t know for sure and it’s just a hunch, but they are taking it very seriously.

EJ and Nicole go to Holly’s hospital room. Nicole greets Eric and Maggie. Eric says he wanted to spend a few more moments with Holly before they left. Maggie asks when the helicopter will be there. EJ says it will be five minutes and the DiMera Jet is ready to go, so they should be in by the night. Maggie guesses it’s time to say goodbye. Maggie tells Holly that she loves her and that she can’t wait to hear her voice again when she comes home.

Theresa starts to panic over the broken rosary and says God will never forgive her. Alex says he’ll take care of it as he and Brady sit Theresa down on the couch. Alex asks if they should get her something stronger than water but Brady says they can’t do that. Alex argues that he can’t just do nothing so Brady tells him to leave then.

Steve tells Konstantin that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and he’s not interested. Steve orders Konstantin to go back to Maggie’s, pack his bags, and go off to Greece. Konstantin suggests there’s a reason their paths keep crossing. Konstantin stops him and asks if he’s ever heard of The Pawn. Konstantin remarks that the mere mention of The Pawn stopped him in his tracks. Steve responds that the only pawn he knows is in chess and that’s not really his game, so he has no idea what he’s talking about. Konstantin insists this is no game and says that many years ago, Victor played a deadly game and the coveted prize was the Pawn. Konstantin talks about the Pawn being a man of mystery who played an important part in Victor’s life and his.

Nicole talks about wanting Holly to be surrounded by the love of everyone who has been praying for. Eric says the doctors must be hopeful about the treatment. Nicole talks about how Holly was planning to apply for colleges but everything that seemed important then doesn’t even matter now. Eric encourages that the doctors will help her. Nicole says no matter what, she will be there for her, talking and praying for her as she will never give up on her daughter.

Kate tells Harris that she thought the reward of Lucas getting out of prison was worth the risk because Harris assured them that people would be looking over him but he was either lying or misguided because Lucas is still here with a target on his back. Kate demands Harris get Lucas out now. Harris says he’s going to make a call and exits. Lucas asks if there’s anything Harris can do. Kate says there better be since Harris got him in to this, so he better get him out.

Alex questions why he should leave when it’s his place and Theresa is his girlfriend. Brady apologizes and calls it a knee jerk reaction, saying of course he doesn’t have to leave and that he’s just rattled. Brady thinks Theresa is fine with showing her worst self to her but she’s embarrassed in front of Alex so it’s agitating her. Brady suggests Theresa could use some donuts and coffee as he doesn’t know when she’s eaten last and the caffeine might help. Alex agrees to go get her some donuts and coffee then. Brady thanks him and reminds him to get dark chocolate too. Alex tells Theresa that he will be right back and exits. Brady encourages Theresa to keep drinking water and tries to get her back to the couch but she falls in to his arms.

Eric hopes Nicole will let him know how Holly is doing which she agrees to do. Nicole tells Eric to enjoy his baby boy and cherish every moment with him. Eric says he will and thanks her. EJ then gets a text that the helicopter has landed. EJ asks Eric to give them a moment with Holly. Eric wishes safe travels and exits the room. Nicole recalls when Holly was a fussy baby and she prayed she would go to sleep and now she wishes so badly she would wake up. EJ says he can only imagine how fiercely she fought like her mother. EJ adds that he loves them both very much. EJ tells Holly to get well soon and swears to get justice done in her name.

Harris returns to Kate and Lucas and apologizes to Kate as the agreement was that Lucas would provide evidence and they won’t release him without meeting those terms. Kate argues that Harris told her that the two successful drug raids were because of the intel that Lucas provided. Lucas questions that not being enough to get him out. Harris says it’s because the raids didn’t lead to the source. Harris declares that he’s not giving up and even if he can’t get Lucas out, he will do everything in his power to make sure he’s safe. Kate complains that Harris said that before, so she doesn’t believe a word out of his mouth.

Maggie runs in to Alex in the town square. Alex asks if he can talk to her for a second. Maggie says she’s not in the mood as she just came from saying goodbye to her granddaughter, who is on her way to Italy for experimental treatments. Alex says he’s sorry as he’s sure that was rough but he thinks she might want to know about Theresa. Maggie asks if she’s alright. Alex reveals that she’s not as she had a slip up last night and got high, so he’s really worried about her.

Brady sits with Theresa, who starts to come to and asks him to please tell her this was a bad dream. Theresa questions why she just gave in like that after all her years of sobriety. Theresa feels she let Brady, Tate, and Alex down. Brady assures that Alex cares about her and no one is judging her. Theresa complains that she doesn’t deserve either of them or anyone’s love. Brady encourages that she’s worked hard and made amends and he’s seen her struggles to become a better person. Theresa says she’s not talking about the past, so Brady asks what she is talking about. Theresa states that she’s talking about now and she’s tried to change but she’s just been a failure. Theresa remarks that she’s done some really horrible things. Theresa thinks back to her and Konstantin making Alex the heir of Victor instead of Xander. Theresa cries that she’s a bad person and tells Brady that he needs to know that.

Steve questions Konstantin saying this pawn played an important role in his life but he doesn’t know who he was and asks how that makes any sense. Konstantin says his identity is certainly known to Steve as Victor’s former employee. Steve asks why he’s so determined to know who he was. Konstantin responds that to him, the Pawn was just a name until he saw his eyes and he will never forget those eyes. Steve questions Konstantin seeing the Pawn’s eyes but not knowing who he is. Konstantin says he doesn’t, but Steve does. Steve says he’s had enough of this crap but Konstantin demands that Steve tell him who he is.

Kate tells Harris that she’ll always be grateful to him for saving her life but warns him about fixing this. Harris takes full responsibility and swears that he will fix it. Harris promises nothing will happen to Lucas as long as he’s in here. The guard comes in and informs Harris that someone is in the visiting room to see him. Harris asks who it is and how they know he’s there. The guard says that the man just said he needs to talk to him. Harris agrees to be right there. Harris apologizes again to Kate and says he’s going to make this right and get Lucas out one way or another as he then exits.

Maggie asks Alex where Theresa is now. Alex informs her that she’s at home with Brady since he called Brady after being unable to find her in the middle of the night. Alex explains that the cops got involved and found her high at a motel. Alex says he wanted to bring her to the hospital but Brady and Jada said it wasn’t necessary so they didn’t bring her home right away out of worry that she would spiral further and stayed at the motel a little longer. Maggie calls it terribly sad news and says she’s very sorry to hear it. Alex agrees and says that Brady sent him to get coffee and donuts, but he thinks Brady is really just trying to get rid of him because he thinks he’s just agitating Theresa more if she thinks he’s judging her. Maggie says that caffeine and sugar will definitely help Theresa. Maggie is proud of Alex for including Brady since he’s a recovering addict and he knows Theresa very well. Maggie calls that a very good call. Alex agrees but worries about what to do or say to Theresa when Brady is gone. Maggie suggests encouraging her to go to meetings and to be very supportive, kind, and not judgmental. Alex doesn’t think he’s going to drink around her anymore. Maggie agrees that would be very helpful in the first few weeks, but eventually recovering addicts needs to tolerate drinking in their presence without being affected by it. Alex says he’s still going to abstain from alcohol for awhile. Maggie calls that very good of him. Maggie says she’s here for Theresa anytime, but she’s here for Alex too if he needs help or advice. Maggie tells him to just call and walks away as Alex thanks her.

Brady asks what Theresa is talking about as far as recent horrible things she’s done. Theresa says she shouldn’t have said anything but Brady points out that she did. Theresa calls herself a failure and says that’s all he needs to know. Brady argues that this was one slip and she’s going to fight back from this so that everything will be okay. Brady mentions Tate, so Theresa begs him not to tell Tate about this. Brady agrees not to as he sees no reason or need to tell him. Theresa thanks him. Brady knows things look bleak and she’s down but it’s always darkest before the dawn. Theresa wishes she believed that. Brady calls it a pattern in his life as things do get better. Brady tells Theresa that she’s going to be okay because she’s one of the strongest women he knows. Brady encourages that she will fight back and she will be fine, for her son and for herself.

Holly is stretchered out of her hospital room. EJ tells Nicole that he guesses this is goodbye for now. EJ and Nicole kiss as Eric looks on. EJ tells Nicole that he will miss her every day. Nicole says she will miss him too as they hug. Nicole then goes with Holly onto the elevator. EJ and Eric watch on and then Eric walks away.

Theresa tells Brady that she’s getting really sleepy now. Brady encourages her to keep drinking water. Theresa apologizes for Alex calling him. Brady says he’s glad that he did as he wants to be here for her. Theresa says she’s really glad that he is. Theresa knows things blew up between them, but notes that they still had good times together. Brady agrees that they did. Theresa blames herself for screwing up and thinking Brady would hate her forever and wouldn’t be her friend, but here he is being her friend. Theresa thanks Brady for being her friend and then kisses him right as Alex comes home and sees them kissing.

Konstantin demands Steve tell him about the Pawn. Steve shouts that there’s nothing to tell and tells him to get the hell out of his way. Konstantin accuses him of hiding something. Steve argues that Konstantin is the one who came to town to scam his way in to Maggie’s life with secrets and lies. Konstantin continues demanding answers. Steve then grabs Konstantin and warns that he has pushed him too far. Maggie interrupts and questions what is going on here.

Kate laments to Lucas that life is never easy for him. Lucas guesses he takes after her like that. Kate tells Lucas that she is so proud of him and encourages him to hang tough. Kate tells Lucas that she loves him so much as he falls back asleep.

Harris goes to the visiting room and finds Clyde Weston. Clyde informs Harris that he requested his presence in hopes that they could have a chat about current events in Salem, like what happened to Lucas. Clyde calls it a damn shame.

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Days Update Thursday, January 18, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Johnny and Chanel lay in bed together. Chanel talks about everything around them going so wrong but this feeling so right. Johnny agrees but admits he feels guilty being this happy, knowing EJ and Nicole are down the hall, feeling miserable. Chanel says at least with Holly going to Italy tomorrow, there is some hope. Johnny talks about EJ being a patient there and it working miracles for him. Johnny says the whole thing with Holly has made him realize something important that they should talk about tonight.

Wendy and Tripp lay in bed together. Tripp talks to her about the human touch as they kiss until Wendy’s phone rings. Wendy mentions expecting a call from her mom, who is not happy with her. Tripp tells her to talk to her mom while he goes to grab a drink from the kitchen. Wendy suggests continuing when he gets back. Tripp then gets out of bed and exits as Wendy answers the call from her mom. Tripp is startled to find Ava in the living room, drinking from a bottle. Tripp questions what she’s doing in the dark. Ava responds that she’s not sure he wants to know.

At the police station, Rafe tells Jada that it was a successful night with two raids and getting some drugs off the street. Jada says the intel from the new informant really paid off. Rafe says they just got to find the source. Harris comes in and says he hoped to get closer but his raid at the Bistro was a bust as they turned the place upside down, but there was nothing and he still can’t believe it.

Brady is at home when he gets a call from Alex, who says he didn’t know who else to call but Theresa is gone. Brady asks what he means. Alex responds that they went to bed and she pretty much cried herself to sleep over Tate. Alex says when he woke up, she was gone and he’s looked all over the place and called her cell phone but nothing. Brady responds that he was afraid of this. Alex asks afraid of what but Brady tells him to just stay there and he’s on his way.

Chanel notes that Johnny sounds serious and asks what it is. Johnny says the thing with Holly made him realize how unpredictable life is. Chanel relates to everything going on with Paulina and waiting on the biopsy results that could turn their lives upside down. Johnny brings up what happened to Holly and her dad Daniel, pointing out that you don’t have to be old or sick as there is no guarantee on how much time they have left. Johnny says that’s made him realize that he doesn’t want to spend another day without Chanel. Johnny suggests they get married again.

Wendy tells her mom that she knows she’s still angry with her for not coming home. Wendy is then happy to hear that her uncle is getting her dad out of the house. Wendy tells her mom that she is doing well and not to worry about her.

Tripp asks Ava what’s going on. Ava asks if he hasn’t heard that the police raided the Bistro, looking for drugs, but they didn’t find anything. Tripp asks if that’s because there was nothing to find or because she got lucky. Ava claims there’s nothing going on. Tripp brings up her track record. Ava argues that he doesn’t understand. Tripp insists something is going on that has her rattled and she doesn’t have to handle it alone. Tripp says he is her son, he’s right here and wants to help her.

Rafe, Ava, and Harris go to the interrogation room to discuss how they had 2 successful raids but one was not. They agree that the intel was solid, so Rafe asks what is the disconnect. Harris thinks there’s only one explanation. Rafe agrees that they knew they were coming. Harris and Jada wonder how. Rafe says he signed off on every cop involved but something is not right. Jada questions if the information came from within their department as Harris asks if they could have a dirty cop.

Brady goes to see Alex, who thanks him for coming so quick. Alex asks what Brady meant that he was afraid of. Brady worries that Theresa could be using again. Alex questions why when she’s been sober and Tate is safe. Brady feels it could be a culmination of everything that has happened and she’s finally cracked under the pressure of having to say goodbye to Tate, not seeing him for months, and that they couldn’t protect him. Alex knows Theresa blames herself for a lot of this. Brady declares that they have to find her.

Johnny tells Chanel that he’s been thinking about this for a long time and brings up when he wanted to do something special for their anniversary. Johnny says it was all centered around a proposal but Paulina had her health scare, the holidays happened, and the thing with Holly happened so it never seemed like the right time. Johnny doesn’t want to wait any longer and wants to have a big wedding with everyone or they could do a destination wedding if she wants. Chanel stops him and says that’s not a good idea. Johnny questions if she doesn’t want to get married. Chanel clarifies that she didn’t say that, but they can’t have a huge wedding with everything going on right now with his family. Chanel feels it would come off really insensitive while Holly is in a coma. Johnny agrees and guesses he was only thinking about them. Johnny suggests a small wedding then. Chanel agrees that Paulina would love that and jokes about Johnny asking her properly.

Wendy finishes her call and wonders why Tripp is taking so long. Wendy gets out of bed and remembers she still has to unpack. She goes to her bag and finds the Jenga block that Tripp stuck in her bag which causes her to remember when they played Jenga and she smiles.

Ava tells Tripp to go back to bed. Tripp refuses to walk away from this. Wendy comes out and apologizes as she didn’t realize Ava was there. Ava tells Wendy that they should both go back to bed since it’s late. Tripp refuses to leave without answers. Wendy says she’ll let them talk but Tripp asks her to stay because he wants her to hear this. Tripp informs Wendy that there was a drug raid at the Bistro tonight. Ava states that nothing happened. Tripp adds that he’s told Wendy how worried he is about Ava and that’s why they didn’t go to China. Ava calls that a mistake and says they should’ve gone while letting her handle this. Tripp questions there being something to handle.

Rafe hates to think there could be a dirty cop on his team as nothing makes his blood boil more. Jada feels they have to consider it. Harris says if they have a mole, they should keep things on a need to know basis. Rafe agrees and says he’ll pull all the jackets of everyone involved tomorrow and see if any red flags come up. Jada gets a text that she’s need downstairs for questions and says she’ll take care of it. Rafe thanks her and tells her to go home and get some rest after that. Jada agrees to do that as she exits. Harris complains to Rafe about Stefan being smug like he got away with something. Harris adds that he was talking to Ava afterwards alone and she was on the verge of opening up, then Stefan came out and she shut right up. Rafe says he would still question the veracity of anything Ava has to say. Rafe knows Harris hopes Ava will open up and he will get through to her, but declares that Ava can’t be trusted.

Alex agrees with Brady that they need to find Theresa but questions how. Brady guesses she turned her phone off, so Alex asks where to start looking. Brady responds that he has an idea.

Jada finishes a call at her desk and then gets a call from Brady. Brady tells Jada that he needs her help off the record as Theresa is missing. Brady says it hasn’t been long enough for a police report but long enough to be worried as they’ve been going through quite an ordeal with their son and she has history with substance abuse. Brady notes that Theresa’s phone is off so he hoped she could run her credit cards unofficially. Jada assumes that Brady knows she needs a search warrant to obtain those records. Brady says he wasn’t sure. Jada suggests he come to the station to file a missing persons report and that the waiting period is just a myth. Brady says after what happened to Holly and the drug epidemic, he worries that waiting too long might be too late, so he asks her to please help him now. Jada mentions that they are still investigating Holly’s overdose and asks if he’s suggesting they look in to Theresa’s financial records to support that investigation. Jada says if so, she can get a search warrant right now to do so. Jada asks if Brady is telling her that Theresa’s financial records can support their ongoing investigation. Brady goes along with it and says yes. Jada thanks him for the tip, says she will look into it right now, and call him if she finds anything.

Johnny guesses Chanel wants more of a formal proposal. Chanel points out that he was planning it for the anniversary. Johnny says he didn’t have all his ducks in a row but he’s always been a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy. Chanel knows that he knows this is important to her as they kiss. Johnny asks theoretically, when would be a good time for her to get married. Johnny brings up the calendar and asks if Valentine’s Day works for her. Chanel admits it’s kind of cliché but kind of perfect. Johnny jokes that he’ll never forget their anniversary and assures that he intends to spoil her as they kiss. Chanel suggests he start spoiling her right now. Johnny asks what she had in mind. Chanel tells him to surprise her with a midnight snack, so he gets out of bed.

Ava assures Tripp that everything is going to be fine and she has everything under control. Tripp tells her to just tell him what’s going on. Ava says she can’t because she would not be able to live with herself if anything ever happened to him. Tripp argues that he’s a grown man who can take care of himself. Tripp sees that she’s in trouble and wants to protect her. Ava loves him for that but says he has to let this go. Tripp tells her that’s not going to happen.

Harris acknowledges that Ava has a dark past and keeps her guard up, but says in their short time together, they really connected. Harris adds that they were talking on the loading dock after and it wasn’t like a cop questioning a suspect, but decides Rafe doesn’t need to hear that. Rafe gets that Ava has been trying to turn over a new leaf for quite some time but says that’s a lot to hope for with her past. Rafe states that if one’s past is an indicator of how one will act in the future, then Ava’s past says stay away.

Alex tells Brady that there has to be something they can do, complaining that they can’t just sit here and he wants to go look for her. Brady asks what if she comes home. Alex admits he has a point, so he tells Brady to go look for her since he has more experience in knowing where she might be. Brady admits he has some ideas but still thinks it will be a wild goose chase. Brady then gets a call back from Jada, who reveals that she found Theresa at the Prairie Motel. Brady says they will be right there. Jada then adds that Theresa is as high as a kite.

Johnny has Chanel close her eyes as he returns to the bedroom. When Chanel opens her eyes, Johnny is down on one knee to propose to her.

Harris tells Rafe that he knows Ava’s past is shady but he’s convinced that she was trying to walk the straight and narrow but everything took a turn when she got in bed with Stefan and got in over her head. Rafe asks if Harris is in over his head. Rafe points out that he’s a police detective, investigating a drug ring, yet he’s in love with one of the prime suspects. Rafe feels Harris may be having a hard time being objective and asks if he should appoint Jada to the case. Harris says that’s not necessary. Rafe asks if Harris is 100% sure that he will have no bias in this case.

Ava asks Wendy to talk some sense in to Tripp and tell him to stay away from this. Tripp asks who she is so worried about and who she thinks she needs to protect him from. Ava tells Tripp that Harris is the one who raided the Bistro tonight and he was obviously way off base or else she would be locked up in jail. Ava adds that Stefan thinks Harris did it because she dumped him. Tripp doesn’t believe Harris would raid the Bistro without a damn good reason. Tripp wants to call Harris but Ava tells him no. Wendy feels that if Ava’s in trouble, the police can help but Ava says they can’t. Ava tells them that they cannot go to the police.

Brady and Alex join Jada at the motel where Theresa is passed out on a bed. Brady thanks Jada, who says she didn’t find any cocaine but she’s guessing ecstasy. Brady tries to talk to Theresa and tell her they are here to help and to get her out of here. Theresa wakes up and asks what Brady is doing there. Brady repeats that he’s here to help her. Brady says they are going for a ride in the car. Alex says they are going to get her help. Theresa tries to say she doesn’t need help. Brady helps her up as Theresa complains that they are boring. Brady wants to get Theresa home but Alex feels she needs to get to the hospital to detox. Theresa says that’s not going to happen and she just wants to party. Theresa sits back down and tells them to let her be happy and not ruin it. Theresa complains about Brady raining on her parade. Jada checks on Theresa, who claims she feels so good. Theresa then starts saying she’s feeling hot and dizzy. Brady encourages her to breathe. Alex brings her water and still thinks they should get her to the hospital. Brady points out that Theresa isn’t overdosing, she’s just high. Jada agrees that she doesn’t think it’s related to the tainted drugs. Theresa says they are wasting their time. Brady says they need to get her to the car and keep it on the down low. Alex agrees that after everything that happened with Tate, if this gets out, it will kill her. Theresa calls him so dramatic and claims she can fine and can handle anything. Jada worries about taking her out in public right now. Alex says they definitely can’t go to the apartment where the college kids will be out and asks now what. Brady decides they have no choice but to stay here for the night.

Harris tells Rafe that he cares about Ava but swears that it’s not to the detriment of the case or his job. Rafe says for what it’s worth, he’s sorry that things didn’t work out between them. Rafe adds that he’s had his share of failed relationships and now he’s feeling lucky in this one. Rafe encourages Harris not to give up as it will work out and get easier.

Tripp asks Ava why they can’t go to the police. Ava argues that the cops can be corrupt and can’t be trusted. Tripp questions her not trusting Harris. Ava says after tonight, hell no and complains that she did not come home to be interrogated again. Ava then storms off to the bedroom.

Chanel questions this being Johnny’s formal proposal. Johnny asks what she says. Chanel says yes to marrying him and they kiss. Johnny puts a temporary ring on her finger. Chanel guesses the engagement ring was one of his ducks not in a row yet which Johnny confirms. Johnny promises she will have a formal diamond ring on her finger soon as they kiss. Chanel reminds him about the midnight snack. Johnny remembers he left a hot fudge sundae melting on the counter and goes back to get it. Johnny brings the sundae and they eat it in bed. Chanel tells him that tonight has been so romantic and perfect. Johnny tells her that he loves her so much and he can’t wait to be her husband again. Chanel says she can’t wait to be his wife again. Chanel suggests practicing for their wedding night as they kiss in bed.

Alex comments on Theresa looking really sleepy. Brady says that’s normal. They agree to call 911 if anything weird happens. Alex asks how long this stuff lasts. Brady doesn’t know what she took or how long ago she took it, so he guesses it will take a couple hours to get out of her system and they will have to ride this one out.

Rafe thinks they can do all they can do for tonight and decides they’ll jump back in tomorrow with fresh eyes. Harris calls it a frustrating day. Rafe says it happens to the best of them but they will get to the bottom of it. Rafe apologizes for saying his feelings for Ava could potentially undermine the investigation as he appreciates his commitment to the investigation. Rafe then exits.

Tripp tells Wendy that he has to help Ava. Wendy says they do but Tripp doesn’t want her involved because Ava is scared and she doesn’t scare easily. Wendy informs Tripp that she found the Jenga piece in her suitcase. Tripp wanted to make sure she was taking a piece of him with her. Wendy points out that she didn’t go, she’s here and they are stronger with all their pieces together. Wendy declares that whatever the danger, they are in this together.

Ava paces in her room with her phone and sits down on the bed. Ava thinks back to her relationship with Harris.

Harris remains in the interrogation room and slams his case file down in frustration.

Ava looks at Harris’ number on her phone and thinks back to their last conversation. Ava then throws her phone in frustration as she holds back tears.

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Days Update Wednesday, January 17, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Xander finishes bringing in the last of Sarah’s boxes as she moves in to his apartment. They joke about Sarah having boxes of clothes and shoes for Victoria already as well as Sarah having a collection of gnomes. Xander guesses they have to unpack tonight just to have a place to sit.

Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie cook dinner at home. Kayla mentions Joey, so Steve says he wishes he was there but is glad at least two of his kids are in Salem. Stephanie jokes that they aren’t exactly kids anymore but Steve says they always will be. The doorbell rings as Tripp and Wendy arrive. Steve greets them and thanks them for coming. Wendy brought pie which Kayla says they will have for dessert and thanks them for coming as well. Tripp says it was kind of touch and go since it was busy at the hospital. Kayla declares that they will have a nice family dinner with just the five of them with no interruptions. Tripp questions it being five of them and asks if that means Stephanie is flying solo tonight.

At the Bistro, Stefan talks on the phone with Gabi. Stefan asks if she’s sure she is okay and admits every time he sees the infirmary on his phone, he gets worried that something has happened to her. Stefan asks about her leg since it takes a long time to heal. Stefan swears to her that everything is fine on his end and if she’s hearing something in his voice, it’s just because he misses her terribly.

Ava goes out to the loading dock and is approached by Harris. Ava questions him texting her from an unknown number. Harris asks why she came if she didn’t know who it was, mentioning that he warned her about shady things going on here. Ava asks if this was a test. Harris says no. Ava tells him that she needs to close the Bistro and asks what he wants or if he’s going to apologize again for his search. Harris tells Ava that he’s worried about her and he needs to know what’s really going on. Harris asks Ava to just give him the truth.

Sarah goes to her bedroom to check on Victoria. Xander complains about all the boxes and thinks back to asking Sarah to move in. Sarah comes back and tells Xander that Victoria is still sleeping. Sarah suggests heating up the leftovers if they can get to it. Xander thinks they have to order a pizza and then they can unpack some of the boxes.

Stefan swears to Gabi that everything is great. Stefan admits he’s falling apart without her and he misses her. Stefan says he has to say goodbye and tells her to sleep well as he hangs up. Stefan calls out to Ava and looks around the Bistro.

Ava tells Harris that what’s going on is that she’s becoming a successful restaurant manager. Harris tells her to be serious. Ava complains that it’s cold and she needs to go inside. Harris stops her and argues that he knows something is wrong. Harris talks about knowing Ava is not being sucked back in to the mafia life but he knows and feels that something has gotten to her. Ava tells him goodnight and tries to go back in. Harris stops her and asks her to please tell him what’s going on and to let him help.

Wendy compliments Kayla on dinner and asks if they can help with anything but Kayla says they are all set and Steve gets them drinks. Stephanie gets a call from Everett, who invites her to eat at the Pub, but Stephanie says she’s just about to sit down for dinner with her family. Everett says some other time then, but Stephanie then invites Everett to join them.

Ava repeats that it’s cold outside, so she needs to get back inside. Harris takes off his jacket and puts it on Ava, asking if that’s better. Ava can’t believe that he raided her place. Harris states that he had to. Ava points out that he found nothing, so he just barged in and scared her customers. Ava asks Harris to just stop doing that. Ava asks Harris what she wants. Harris places his badge in Ava’s hand and says right now he’s not a cop, just a man who cares deeply for her.

Xander and Sarah finish eating. Sarah offers to heat up the leftovers tomorrow to make up for him doing all the heavy lifting. Sarah asks if they should start unpacking. Xander says they should probably get it over with, but first he wants them both to be comfortable together in their shared home. Xander asks if they should consider condensing a bit. Xander questions if they need a sewing machine. Sarah calls it an antique, passed through her mom’s family so she thought she would take it up but admits she doesn’t have enough free time. Sarah decides they should both downsize a bit and asks about Xander’s giant trunk. Xander says that’s his kilt trunk which Sarah laughs at, noting that she never saw that while they were married. Sarah says they have to scale back somewhere. Xander suggests putting her gnomes in a garden shed which Sarah questions. Xander tells her to keep what she likes and he’s just trying to find a way. Sarah agrees to ask Maggie to store stuff for both of them and then they can move it there tomorrow which Xander calls perfect.

Everett arrives at Steve and Kayla’s where Stephanie greets him at the door. Steve questions Tripp about him. Tripp recalls meeting Everett back when he was living with Stephanie and Joey in Seattle. Steve questions Tripp never mentioning him as he never knew Stephanie had a boyfriend back then. Stephanie introduces Everett to Kayla and Steve. Tripp introduces him to Wendy. Everett hopes they don’t mind him crashing dinner. Kayla says the more, the merrier. Everett brought bottles of wine and flowers for Kayla. Kayla calls him generous and has Stephanie set another place at the table. Tripp goes to get Everett a glass of wine. Steve then questions Everett about knowing Stephanie back in Seattle.

Xander and Sarah move boxes that they plan to move to storage. Xander finds his first Valentine’s Day card to Sarah. Sarah stops him and says he doesn’t need to look in that box so he questions it. Sarah then reveals that it’s her Xander box with mementos from when they were together. Xander is surprised that she kept mementos. Sarah says she’s just sentimental. Xander then decides he has to look in the box so Sarah gives in. Xander finds the hat that he wore on their first trip to the beach and is surprised by what else he finds.

Harris tells Ava that when they were together, he saw who she really is and that what’s been happening lately is not her. Ava insists this is who she has been all along and that he just couldn’t see it. Harris doesn’t believe that because he felt the good in her in his soul and the loving, caring person that she is. Harris says that is who he still sees. Harris goes to kiss Ava but Stefan comes out and asks if he’s interrupting something.

Steve tells Kayla that Everett was just about to tell him how he and Stephanie met. Everett says it’s not that interesting and they just met at a coffee shop. Stephanie and Everett recall their first meeting. Everett talks about knowing she was special and that she was doing PR for a non-profit that he was covering. Steve states that he and Kayla are surprised to hear that Stephanie’s Seattle ex-boyfriend was in town when they didn’t know she had one. Stephanie says she wanted to see where the relationship goes before telling her parents. Steve asks if Everett moved to Salem to be with Stephanie and if they are back together.

Xander talks about the Quaich whiskey cup that he looked all over for before their wedding. Sarah mentions Maggie finding it and is sorry that he couldn’t find it. Sarah talks about doing her research on the Scottish poet Robert Burns. Xander then finds their wedding photo. Sarah says that box can go back in to storage as they won’t be needing any of that.

Ava tells Stefan that he’s not interrupting anything and removes Harris’ jacket. Stefan says he needs to get Ava back inside because it’s cold and they have a hell of a mess to clean up thanks to Harris’ raid. Harris says that was legal and had nothing to do with his personal vendetta against him. Stefan doesn’t buy it and tells Harris to get the hell out. Harris says he has a few more questions for Ava. Stefan says he can contact his lawyer then and takes Ava back inside.

Stephanie wishes Steve wouldn’t interrogate Everett. Steve says he’s just asking simple questions. Everett clarifies that he and Stephanie are not back together and that she’s made it clear that friendship is all she wants for now. Steve asks if Everett wants more. Everett states that he respects Stephanie’s feelings on the matter and is very grateful for her friendship. Tripp decides to change the subject by announcing that he and Wendy have something to share.

Sarah thinks they’ve done enough for the night and points out that the chair is now open. Sarah has Xander sit down as he complains about pulling his shoulder with all the lifting. Sarah massages Xander and says they can take turns with this every other night. Xander suggests whoever cooks dinner, the other does the dishes which Sarah agrees to. Sarah adds that she will do his laundry if he goes to the grocery store. Xander decides he’ll take trash duty. Sarah says no splitting of cleaning the bathrooms since they each have their own. Xander jokes that he’s gotten mature and puts the toilet seat down now. Sarah points out that their child will be up at dawn so they should probably get to bed and then they end up kissing.

Ava asks what the hell is wrong with Stefan. Stefan argues that he had to get her away before she spilled everything. Ava insists that she wasn’t going to as she’s in this as deep as he is and doesn’t want to go to prison. Harris comes back inside. Stefan calls him the creature that wouldn’t die and reminds him that he told him to get the hell out. Harris declares that it’s his duty to tell him that he left his back door unlocked and to check on Ava’s well being, accusing Stefan of assaulting her. Harris asks if Ava wants to press charges. Harris argues that they can’t deny their connection and asks Ava to come with him. Stefan declares this is all that’s left for Harris to see is this as he grabs Ava and kisses her.

Tripp and Wendy present a scavenger hunt app and explain that it’s geo-cash based and they earn points by finding things hidden in containers around the city. Stephanie and Everett talk about discussing something similar recently. Stephanie suggests they could do it for charity and have the Spectator sponsor it. Kayla suggests the hospital benefitting from this as well and that Steve could place the items since he knows the city best. Stephanie says she will call Paulina in the morning and knows she will love it, so they just need to set a date. Tripp brings up February being American Heart Month, so he suggests Valentine’s Day which Kayla notes is her and Steve’s anniversary. Steve says he’d love to have a treasure hunt on their special day and asks what kind of goodies they are going to hide. They each write down their ideas which Steve reads over. Stephanie says they will regroup after she talks to Paulina to work out the details. Tripp mentions that they have to go. Kayla says the family dinner was wonderful. Steve decides to send leftovers with Tripp and Wendy. Tripp tells Kayla that dinner was amazing. Kayla encourages him to look after Wendy which he agrees to do. Kayla adds that Paulina is getting her test results back tomorrow and she’s sure she’ll be able to handle whatever it is. Tripp wishes there was something they could do for Holly. Steve tells Wendy that he’s so happy that she’s staying in Salem and that Tripp is over the moon about it. Wendy responds that she’s over the moon about Tripp. Steve calls her a special person and notes that he and Kayla are so happy that Tripp found someone he loves, who loves him too. Everett says he should probably get going too. Stephanie jokes about him being a night owl. Everett jokes that being in a coma cured his insomnia. Everett asks about Stephanie being in to the scavenger hunt. Stephanie thinks it will be an awesome fundraiser. Everett suggests they team up and treasure hunt. Stephanie says that would be cheating if they know where everything is, unless she tells Steve not to tell them and they can turn the town upside down. Everett says that sounds like a plan.

Xander and Sarah kiss until Sarah stops and says they shouldn’t do this because it’s not a good idea and they don’t want history repeating itself. Xander says he’s so glad they are in a good place and he doesn’t want to mess that up. Sarah says they have a beautiful baby girl who deserves a happy, loving home, so they should just focus on being good parents and doing what is best for her. Xander agrees that is the goal and they shake hands on that. Xander decides he should get some sleep since he has a lot of moving to do tomorrow. They say goodnight to each other and Xander heads to his bedroom. Sarah then heads to her room.

Stefan asks Harris if he gets it now. Harris complains about Stefan cheating on his incarcerated wife. Stefan points out that Ava doesn’t have a problem with that. Ava remarks that they can’t help it so they aren’t going to fight it. Harris guesses they deserve each other then. Harris hopes the next time he sees Ava is not behind bars as he then exits the Bistro. Stefan tells Ava it’s okay as Harris is gone now and he’s all talk. Stefan urges Ava to let it go. Ava asks if he had to kiss her like that. Stefan argues that she knows it was all for show and he still loves his wife deeply. Ava feels it was a bit much. Stefan complains that he had to make it believable. Stefan declares that Harris is not her friend and orders her to stay away from him or he will bury them. Stefan exits. Ava screams in frustration and drinks from a bottle behind the bar.

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Days Update Tuesday, January 16, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At the police station, Harris finishes a call and tells the rest of the cops that it’s time to go.

Sloan and Eric set up for dinner at home with John and Marlena. Eric encourages her to calm down as it’s just a casual dinner. Sloan worries that they are like royalty in Salem so everything has to be perfect. Marlena and John then arrive at the door. Sloan worries that they are early as Eric greets them with hugs.

At the Bistro, Stefan tells Ava that the loading dock is locked up for the night. Ava talks about how they might need to find a new food supplier. Stefan comments on being a distribution center for drugs. Stefan confirms to Ava that the shipment came in a few hours ago so he stashed everything in the back locker.

Brady joins Alex and Theresa in the interrogation room, asking what’s going on. Alex says that Justin just called them to meet. Justin comes in and says it’s good they are all here. Theresa desperately asks him to tell them what’s going on with her son. Tate then arrives, exciting Theresa and Brady as they embrace him. Tate says he missed them as they tell him they love him. Theresa asks Justin why Tate is there and if something changed in his case. Justin says it’s good news and announces that he filed a motion to have Tate moved to a juvenile rehab facility and the judge signed off on it. Theresa and Brady thank Justin. Brady then asks about EJ and if EJ gets the judge to revoke his decision like he did Tate’s bail.

Marlena tells Sloan that baby Jude is beautiful. Sloan asks if they want any drinks. Marlena accepts a sparkling water. Sloan mentions opening a bottle of wine but Marlena declines, saying she has a long day tomorrow and John notes that he hasn’t been drinking lately. Marlena says she is hungry as Eric goes to get the appetizers. Sloan tells Marlena and John that they are over the moon that they could make it as they’ve been waiting a long time to have them over. Marlena is glad they could as well while John comments on the place looking nice. Sloan says it works for them, though it’s a little small but fine until they get something bigger. Eric brings over the cheese and hummus while Sloan drinks her wine. Eric asks how their New Year’s was before everything went crazy. Marlena says it was fine but Theresa and Tate got back late and they were very concerned with what happened to Holly. Marlena doesn’t know how Nicole is going to handle all of this. Sloan calls it very awful and sad, but says that won’t happen to them because they will do anything to protect their son from drugs, people, and all bad stuff. Eric agrees they will do their best. Sloan insists they will move Heaven and Earth an do whatever it takes, even lie.

Stefan comments to Ava that business at the Bistro looks a little better. Ava admits she’s surprised after what happened and she doesn’t think people would want to die here. Stefan says people come for the atmosphere and the food and he upped the security on the loading dock, so hopefully they don’t have to worry about that. Ava says she’ll drink to that, but Harris then arrives with the police and orders for everyone to not move as this is a raid. Ava asks what the hell he’s doing. Harris responds that he’s doing his job. Ava accuses him of harassing a business without reason. Harris informs her that he has a reason and a warrant which they can review. Stefan says his attorney will take care of that. Ava tells everyone that this is just a misunderstanding and everything is fine. Harris tells everyone to remain seated while they conduct a search. Harris sends cops to check the loading dock and the kitchen. Ava asks Stefan what they are going to do. Stefan responds that there’s nothing they can do and they’re screwed.

Theresa argues that EJ better back off because he’s not putting Tate back in jail. Brady adds that they will fight him with everything they’ve got. Justin says he wouldn’t put anything past EJ but assures that he made a strong case with the judge or else he wouldn’t have signed off on this order. Justin says what comes next is getting Tate to the juvie rehab facility. Tate questions why he has to go to rehab when he doesn’t drink or use drugs. Justin explains that it’s also a center for behavioral issues. Tate argues that he doesn’t have behavior issues either so he questions what he’s going to do there. Justin explains that they have therapeutic group and work sessions. Tate complains that he doesn’t need any of that. Brady assures it will be okay. Theresa adds that it will be paradise compared to jail. Justin calls it the best solution they have right now. Tate insists he did nothing wrong. Justin says they understand. Theresa says they need him to be safe. Justin says they need to move things along so he asks either Brady or Theresa to pack Tate’s things because he will be leaving on a police transport tonight.

Marlena questions Sloan saying she would lie to protect her son and asks what that means. Sloan says she would tell a little white lie to protect him, not that she’s in favor of lies. Eric suggests Sloan eat something but she says she’s not hungry. Sloan hoped she could talk to Marlena about being a first time mom and bets she has a lot of good tips as a mom who had twins. Marlena brings up her son who died which Sloan says she’s sorry for as she didn’t know that. Eric mentions that he didn’t fill her in on that. Sloan says he should have so she wouldn’t have put her foot in it. Marlena encourages that she didn’t. Sloan rambles on that Marlena knows what to say because she’s like perfect, unlike her. Eric suggests they start dinner. John agrees that he’s starved. Sloan mentions that they have a lot of food. Sloan suggests Eric first tell his parents the big news about the pictures and the camera. Eric guesses she means him setting up his photography business again. Marlena is glad to hear that as she knows that was always stimulating and satisfying for Eric’s creativity. Eric talks about setting up and seeing how it goes. Sloan interrupts to tell jokes. Eric thinks she’s had enough wine and suggests she drink water. Sloan tells Marlena that she is very intimidating. Marlena disagrees but agrees that maybe Sloan should lay down. Sloan complains that she doesn’t feel like it and she thinks Marlena should laugh at her jokes. Eric tells Sloan to be nice. Sloan ends up spilling water so Eric pulls her away and tells her she’s going to lie down. Sloan starts to cry about wanting everything to be perfect and missing the dinner. John tells her it’s no big deal but Sloan cries that she wanted everything to be perfect and she just keeps screwing it up. Eric hugs Sloan as she cries.

Ava questions why Harris is doing this and if it’s because she broke up with him. Harris says he knows there’s something not right with this place, especially since it’s owned by a DiMera. Harris tells Ava to just tell him the truth so he can help her. Ava tells him that he’s acting like a spoiled child and accuses him of punishing her for breaking up with him. Harris says he would never hurt her and asks her to let him help her out of this mess. Harris tells Ava that she deserves better than this place and Stefan. Stefan tells Harris that this is over and tells him to get out before he sues the city over this.

Justin states that the bus is leaving tonight so they will need to pack up Tate’s essentials. Theresa questions where this rehab is. Justin says it’s in Southern Illinois. Theresa says she will follow the bus there and make sure Tate is settled in. Justin explains that she can’t do that because it’s not protocol and there will be no outside visitation for the first month of residency. Theresa can’t believe that she can’t see her son for a whole month. Tate assures that he’ll be okay as long as no one punches him and he’ll be out of there as soon as possible. Tate doesn’t want Theresa to worry. Theresa guesses that she has to be brave and strong like he is as they hug.

Marlena goes to get some water while Sloan complains to Eric that it’s not her fault. Jude wakes up crying, so Eric says he will take care of him while Sloan needs to sit down. Sloan complains of him treating her like a child while Eric points out that she drank an entire bottle of wine in 20 minutes. Marlena brings Sloan water to drink. Sloan continues to complain of Marlena being intimidating. John suggests he and Marlena take Jude for a walk which Eric and Sloan agree to. Sloan then finishes her glass of wine.

John and Marlena walk through the town square with Jude in his stroller and talk about how Jude fell back asleep. Marlena calls it strange how Jude’s smile reminds her of Eric. John notes that Eric wasn’t smiling much tonight. They feel sorry for Eric. John wonders why Sloan got so wasted. Marlena responds that she doesn’t know her but imagines she was nervous and wanted to impress them. John remarks that she made a pretty bad first impression. Marlena adds that she’ll be mortified when she sobers up. John wonders if it was a one off or if Sloan has a drinking problem. Marlena says she hopes not for Eric and Jude’s sake.

Eric encourages Sloan to lie down but Sloan wants to dance. Eric says it’s time to sleep but Sloan doesn’t want to. Eric tells her that she’s drunk and needs to sober up. Eric questions why she drank the entire bottle of wine. Sloan responds that she was afraid that Marlena would think she wasn’t good enough for him. Eric argues that John and Marlena are very kind people so they will understand. Sloan then rushes to the bathroom to throw up.

Ava worries to Stefan about going to prison but Harris reveals that they completed their investigation and found no drugs. Harris calls the cops off and thanks everyone for their patience, saying they will be out of there shortly and they can return to the dinner. Harris apologizes to Ava, who questions that being all he can do after defaming them in public. Ava tells Harris that his words mean nothing and to come up with something better to pay for what he just did.

Alex tells Brady that it’s going to be a long night and brings him a coffee. Brady calls it just the beginning. Alex states that Tate is a good kid caught in a bad situation, but he has faith that Justin will make things a lot better for him. Brady is glad that Alex is coming around about Justin’s capabilities. Alex admits he was unfairly critical at first but he’s come to recognize that Justin can do this. Theresa comes back with a bag of everything Tate will need. Tate tells Theresa that he’s just telling himself that things are going to work out. Justin gets an e-mail from EJ. Theresa worries about EJ coming after her child. Justin announces that EJ has accepted the judge’s order and will not appeal it which relieves them. Theresa hugs Justin and thanks him for saving her son. Alex calls Justin a damn good lawyer and apologizes for ever doubting that. Justin accepts his apology and says no matter what is happening between them, he’s always here for him as they hug. Justin goes to check on the police transport to find out when it will be ready to go. Brady decides to call John and Marlena as he’s sure they will want to see Tate off. John answers the call. Brady asks if they are at home. John informs them that they are taking Jude for an evening stroll. Brady informs him that he and Theresa are at the jail and they are happy to report that Tate is being transferred to a juvenile facility, so they thought they might want to see him off. John calls that great news and says they’ll definitely want to be there, so they’ll be there as soon as they can. Brady hangs up and informs Tate that his grandparents are on their way.

Harris tells Ava that he doesn’t have to pay for anything because he executed his orders properly. Harris adds that when Ava is ready to talk about what’s going on, she knows where to find him. Stefan argues that their lawyers know where to find him and tells Harris to get out and not come back. Harris then exits the Bistro. Ava apologizes to everyone for the interruption of their dinner, says it a mistake, and tells them to go back to enjoying their meals. Ava insists that it’s not a reflection of their management and to accept their apologies. Ava adds that dinner is on them tonight while Stefan finishes a phone call. Stefan informs Ava that he just finished a conversation with their partner and it turns out that Clyde got inside information, found out about the raid, and had a guy come in to move the product out just in time. Ava remarks that he sure runs a tight ship.

Eric gets Sloan to lay down and asks if she’s feeling better. Sloan says she’s so sorry about tonight. Eric tells her it’s okay. Sloan admits she tried too hard and made a mess of everything, so now Marlena and John probably think she’s crazy. Sloan doesn’t remember what she said other than trying to tell a joke. Sloan realizes she should not drink alcohol as she clearly can’t hold her liquor. Sloan feels she’s made much bigger mistakes than that and asks Eric to promise not to be mad if she tells him. Eric says he won’t be mad as she’s the woman he loves. Sloan calls that really sweet and starts to tell him but they are interrupted by a knock at the door. John and Marlena return with Jude. Eric thanks them for taking Jude out. Marlena says he’s been sleeping peacefully since they left. John says they are going to cut this short as Brady just called and said Tate is being transferred to a juvie facility tonight, so they are going to the station to say goodbye to him. Eric says he’ll let Sloan know but then they see Sloan has fallen asleep. Marlena suggests letting Sloan sleep as she needs it. Eric says he’s glad to hear about Tate and sends his love to Tate and Brady. John tells him to call anytime that he wants them to babysit. Eric thanks them and assures he’ll be fine. Marlena says she loves him as she and John exit. Eric sits with Jude to feed him and talks about how much they love him. Eric talks about having rough days and says Jude will always have him to lean on. Sloan repeats in her sleep that she’s so sorry.

Ava asks Stefan how someone moved the product so quickly and quietly. Stefan then gets a call from prison and it’s Gabi, so he steps away to answer it. Ava then gets a text from an unknown number, saying to meet at the loading dock now.

Marlena and John go to the police station to say goodbye to Tate. Tate thanks them for coming. Marlena says they are so happy he’s going to the facility. Tate says he is too but he’s not sure about group therapy. Marlena encourages it being positive. John says they’ll see him as soon as he’s out. Justin tells Tate that his bag is on the bus and it’s time to go. Theresa tells Tate to be strong. Brady hugs Tate and assures that they are there for him and they will not rest until he’s free and he will be home soon. Tate tells them to keep him updated on Holly. Justin then escorts Tate out of the station. Brady tells Theresa that he’s going to make it and they will get through it together. Alex hugs Theresa.

Ava goes out to the loading dock and is approached by Harris.

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Days Update Monday, January 15, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Paulina, Chanel, and Abe walk past the Brady Pub as Paulina talks about all the citizens out unifying the town. Chanel and Abe praise Paulina’s work on a podcast about Martin Luther King Day. Paulina credits what Chanel made at the Bakery for the volunteers. Johnny comes out from the Brady Pub with free coffee for them from Roman. Chanel thanks him as Johnny says he’s just happy to be of service.

Chad and Everett clean up at the park as Thomas and Charlotte play. Chad jokes with Everett about not being in to sports. Everett says he played tennis. Chad jokes that Charlotte has picked up more trash than him. Everett explains that he was multi-tasking by keeping up with the latest reports, then gets dizzy and sits down on the bench as Chad asks if he’s okay.

Chanel jokes about Johnny keeping her warm. Johnny says he has to get back to the Pub. Chanel says she’ll go with him and encourages Paulina as she and Johnny head back inside. Nicole walks by and greets Abe and Paulina with hugs. Paulina says they haven’t stopped thinking about Nicole and Holly. Paulina asks how Holly is doing. Nicole explains that they are running tests on her which is why she’s here as they kicked her out of the hospital room. Abe asks about the tests. Nicole reveals that they are seeing if she’s qualified to be moved to a facility in Italy which Paulina questions. Nicole explains that they worked miracles on EJ there and brought him back from the brink of death, so they are hoping they can do the same for Holly.

Sloan walks through the town square and runs in to Leo. Sloan complains that’s she’s running on 2 hours of sleep. Leo brings up his budget. Sloan points out that he’s been asking her for money several times and warns him about draining her bank account. Leo brings up that he gets his pay check from the Spectator today. Leo tells Sloan to wait until she reads his first comeback column as it’s going to blow her mind.

Chad asks Everett if he’s okay. Everett says he’s good and he just sometimes get dizzy spells since his coma. Chad offers to get him a water but Everett says he needs something to eat like a protein bar. Chad says they’ll get him something and calls out to the kids that they have to go. Everett assures that he’s good as they exit the park.

Paulina questions Nicole going alone to Italy with Holly. Nicole confirms that is the plan if Holly is qualified. Nicole adds that they wish EJ could go too but decided it’s best for him to stay here and try to bring down the drug traffickers who are profiting off their children’s suffering. Paulina prays that they are able to do that as nothing is more important to her. Abe adds that they are praying for Holly’s recovery and they are here for whatever Nicole needs. Nicole thanks them and says it means so much to her.

Rafe and Jada walk in to the park. Rafe tells Jada that he’s so sorry that happened to her. Jada complains about a security guard following her in a store and demanding to see her purse. Jada says she tried to go to her car to get her badge but the store owner said she wasn’t going anywhere until the units showed up and recognized her. Jada complains that they called the cops on her and accused her of stealing. Jada talks about being so furious and how she tries to let these things roll off her back. Jada remarks that she’s a black woman so she’s not allowed to get angry as Rafe hugs her.

Johnny tells Chanel that Paulina seemed to be in good spirits today so he didn’t want to ask. Chanel says there’s nothing to report yet but she has an appointment tomorrow to go over the biopsy results. Chanel thinks if it was good news, they would’ve just told her over the phone. Johnny says it could just be the way they do things. Chanel complains about the testing being drawn out for so long and admits that she doesn’t want Paulina to know how scared she is for her. Johnny encourages her and promises not to tell anyone. Johnny tells Chanel that he loves her as they kiss.

Sloan asks why Leo’s column is going to blow her mind and what it’s about. Leo asks why he would give that away and says he won’t blow her baby switching scheme out of the water yet, but reminds her that she promised to have him taken care of. Leo warns that if it gets any worse, he could leave her a scathing review about how she’s wronged other people including her baby’s real mother. Sloan argues that they had a deal and that Leo gave her his word as he walks away. Nicole then approaches and asks Sloan what Leo gave his word about.

Everett and Chad go to the Spectator office where Everett has a protein bar. Chad asks if he’s sure he’s feeling alright. Everett confirms that he’s fine. Chad mentions that Julie took the kids home if he wants to have the editorial meeting. Everett mentions having someone cover Paulina’s live podcast. Chad says they want to be careful not to blow anything out of proportion while Everett says he’s just keeping an eye out.

Paulina and Abe go to her office as Paulina talks about what an honor it is to remind the listeners of the true meaning of Martin Luther King Day. Paulina hopes her voice holds up.

Rafe and Jada go to the Brady Pub. Jada says she really should get back to the police station. Rafe tells her that she had a rough morning and she has the right to stop for a meal. Rafe adds that she should’ve taken the day off since it’s a holiday. Jada responds that she always volunteers on this day to honor Martin Luther King and what he stood for. Jada states that she’s so happy that she gets to do what she does, in large part thanks to Martin Luther King. Jada talks about imagining a woman of color on the police force in his day. Johnny comes over and brings them menus. Rafe asks if he’s working at the Pub now. Johnny explains that he’s just helping out since Roman is short staffed now that Tate is not around. Rafe is sure Roman appreciates the help. Johnny offers hot biscuits if they need to warm up or a wrap if they need an energy boost. Jada remarks that she’s had the morning from Hell. Chanel comes over and gives her donuts from the Bakery which Jada happily accepts.

Everett asks if Chad has talked to his brothers about any possible DiMera involvement in the drug ring. Chad says not to get ahead of themselves. Leo arrives at the office, interrupting them, and asks about a celebration to celebrate his return. Chad points out that his column is two days late. Leo informs them that he just sent it to them both and declares that it’s well worth the wait.

Sloan tells Nicole that Leo is her client and they were just working out their terms, noting that it’s none of her business. Nicole says she gets that but that Sloan just looked upset. Sloan questions why she would be upset when she has a wonderful husband and baby boy. Sloan says the baby keeping her up all night is totally worth it. Nicole says she’s glad that Jude is doing well. Sloan asks if there’s any change with Holly. Nicole says no but they hope that she will be getting world renowned treatment in Italy in a few days. Sloan notes that Eric didn’t tell her that. Nicole says that’s because she didn’t tell him. Sloan asks if Nicole will be going with Holly. Nicole says she’s her mother so of course she is, which Sloan says is wonderful.

Leo asks what Chad and Everett think about his column. Chad admits it’s damn impressive and Everett agrees. Everett calls it the last thing he expected from Leo and declares that Leo was right that it was worth the wait.

Nicole questions if Sloan is glad that she’s leaving town. Sloan says she meant she was glad that Holly will be receiving treatment because she and Eric have been praying for her recovery. Nicole thanks her and admits that she didn’t see Sloan as the praying type. Sloan admits that she wasn’t before but having her prayers answered with her baby changed her and made her more religious. Nicole says she can see how it would. Nicole guesses Jude is with Eric. Sloan confirms that he is and that she’s just picking up a few things since they are having John and Marlena over for dinner tonight which they’ve been trying to do for awhile. Sloan admits to being a little intimidated by Marlena. Nicole says she gets it and suggests having a large glass of wine before they get there.

Abe tells Paulina that she could have the deputy mayor step in for her but Paulina says she is doing this on today of all days as she will push through, so they prepare her podcast.

Jada tells Rafe that some might say Martin Luther King would want her to just push forward, but she feels that when you see injustice, you should do something about it. Chanel and Johnny sit together as Chanel tells Johnny that she feels for Jada being racially profiled as a shoplifter. Johnny asks if anything like that ever happened to Chanel. Chanel informs him that just the other day in the town square, a lady grabbed her purse when she saw her walking by. Johnny says he’s shocked as he feels like he’s spent a lot of time with her and never seen it. Chanel insists that it happens everywhere and feels people were looking at them in Italy because they were an interracial couple. Chanel adds that when Paulina was a kid, it would’ve been illegal for them to get married in many countries. Johnny is glad they aren’t back there. Chanel states that they’ve come a long way but they can’t pretend they still don’t have a long way to go.

Sloan tells Nicole that she’s got two bottles of wine. Nicole notes that Eric doesn’t drink and his parents will probably only have a glass, so Sloan says that’s more for her. Nicole tells Sloan that Marlena knows she comes off as intimidating and perfect but she’s still a real person with real problems. Nicole brings up Marlena’s daughter Sami being a terror. Sloan notes that Eric has mentioned Sami once or twice. Nicole tells Sloan about Marlena’s affair with John sending Sami off the deep end when she was a teenager. Sloan can’t imagine Marlena having an affair. Nicole says Marlena isn’t perfect just like the rest of them. Nicole adds that she’s found if you ask Marlena for advice upfront, she’ll feel useful and the rest of the night will be smooth sailing. Sloan thanks Nicole and calls that really good advice.

Everett tells Leo this is an amazing piece and calls him a writer. Leo calls it his passion and talks about joining a writing club. Chad admits that there’s so much in the column that he’s never heard about such as an openly gay African American man in the 60s during Martin Luther King’s time. Leo talks about how people back then didn’t want to acknowledge gay rights and civil rights as being part of the same movement. Leo says that’s sadly still the case to this day. Everett is really impressed by Leo’s research in bringing this to light. Everett thinks they should publish this under Leo’s real name instead of Lady Whistleblower. Chad says that’s assuming they can publish it at all.

Paulina and Abe prepare to start her podcast. Abe asks if Paulina went to see her doctor. Paulina responds that she’ll go see her when the biopsy results come back. Abe asks when that is. Paulina reveals it’s tomorrow. Abe questions why she didn’t tell him that. Paulina says she didn’t want him to feel obligated to go with her and she didn’t want to ask him. Abe says he’s offering. Paulina assures that she does want him to be there with her, so Abe says he will be.

Chanel talks to Johnny about when her dad got sick when she was a kid and lost health insurance. Chanel feels lucky to be who and where she is. Johnny tells her that he’s the lucky one here. Rafe tells Jada that a few years ago, he was checking out a store and the clerk asked for two forms of ID and his phone number after seeing the name “Hernandez”. Jada relates and says at least his hair isn’t a whole thing. Jada calls Chanel back over and thanks her for the donuts. Jada asks Chanel if she ever had someone ask if they could touch her hair. Chanel says it’s happened since she was three. Chanel and Johnny sit together with Rafe and Jada. Chanel talks about having these conversations and asking questions. Jada remembers a time in high school when a random girl started touching her hair and then her mom gave her a lecture about standing up for herself. Jada says she’s worked up an appetite and wants to order the full breakfast menu so Johnny goes to take care of that.

Sloan thanks Nicole again for all the suggestions on how to handle Marlena, giving her less things to be worried about right now. Nicole states that it was nice to get out of the hospital but she should get back. Nicole tells Sloan that they have a lot in common and in another lifetime, maybe they would’ve been friends. Sloan guesses she means if it wasn’t for Eric. Nicole knows that Eric has been spending a lot of time at the hospital with her and Holly which she’s sure hasn’t been easy for Sloan due to their history. Nicole assures that she appreciates how generous Sloan has been about it. Sloan responds that she hasn’t been that generous.

Leo questions Everett and Chad about not publishing his article. Chad says he’s not saying they won’t publish it at all, just that they should think about it. Chad points out that the Spectator isn’t exactly on the cutting edge of progressivism. Chad asks what Everett thinks. Everett thinks it’s their job to present a fair and valid presentation of the news. Leo questions if he’s saying they have to publish an anti-equality column after posting his pro-equality column. Everett says not at all and assures that he wants to publish Leo’s column. Chad questions it and worries about the fallout but Everett says screw that because what Leo wrote is right, true, and enlightening which is more important than the bottom line. Chad ultimately agrees and tells Leo that they will publish his excellent piece regardless if they get heat for it. Leo calls them his heroes and hugs them.

Chanel tells Rafe and Jada that her and Johnny’s families are both very supportive of their relationship so they have no speed bumps there. Jada says she’s happy for them and wishes that was the case when she first got married. Jada says she wanted her dad to be accepting but her mom was not happy that she was marrying a white, Jewish guy. Rafe hopes she got over it. Jada says sort of, but her ex disappeared on her. Johnny comes back and talks about a documentary that he and Chanel recently watched about interracial marriage no longer being banned. Chanel states that as a bisexual black woman, she stopped labeling herself. Jada talks about how it can be exhausting. Johnny can’t believe they never talked about this before. Chanel says she’s really glad they are talking about it now.

Abe asks Paulina if she wants him to stay for the podcast or if he should leave her to it. Paulina assures that she wants him there and thanks him for being there for her. Abe says she was there during his recovery, so he wants to be there for her. Paulina then begins her podcast and thanks everyone who came out to support their community, encouraging everyone to volunteer. Paulina starts to struggle through a line so Abe helps her finish it.

Nicole asks what Sloan means that she hasn’t been generous when she has been understanding about Eric spending time with her and Holly. Nicole adds that Sloan also let her off the hook when she kidnapped her son. Sloan admits that was very reluctantly, especially when the next day, she saw Nicole having lunch with Eric and Holly like the happy family they used to be and admits that was very upsetting for her. Nicole understands it would be for her too and asks what Eric said about it. Sloan admits she didn’t tell him that she saw them and she doesn’t know why, but she’s glad now that he had that time with Holly because he will always love her, just like he’ll always love Nicole. Sloan declares that she will just have to learn to live with that. Sloan says she has to catch up with Leo, thanks Nicole for the advice again and walks away.

Leo calls Everett and Chad the best. Everett thinks it will be fantastic for the paper. Leo says they have made him very happy and he’s truly in debt to them for their support. Chad states that working with someone you had conflict with in the past and learning to work through it is another way to follow Martin Luther King Day which Leo agrees with. Leo then asks for the rest of the day off. Everett remarks that journalists don’t really get days off. Leo asks what about Xander. Chad says that he’s tele-working today. Leo questions if he is or if he’s playing house with Sarah and leaving the Spectator to the three of them. Everett suggests that as a topic for another column. Leo says he’ll get right to that but Chad tells Leo that he’s going to get the break he asked for and leave the office. Chad declares that it’s the Salem City Park National Day of Service as they hand Leo a broom and dustpan. Leo jokes about that being why he wanted the day off and exits the office.

Jada compliments her food and tells Johnny that she’ll write a good review. Jada thanks Johnny and Chanel for hanging out with them. Johnny brings up how he idolized Rafe as a kid. Johnny adds that he always thought he’d join the FBI like Rafe. Rafe feels he’s always been a storyteller so film maker suits him. Johnny points out that he’s out of work as a film maker and working at the Pub is the most useful he’s felt in some time. Johnny talks about considering a career change and wanting to do something that matters. Chanel talks about how what matters is up to the person and relates it to her work at the Bakery. Chanel says Paulina is all about giving back as the Mayor and mentions that she’s recording a podcast now. Rafe remembers Paulina is broadcasting live and suggests they listen to it.

Paulina continues her podcast and thanks her special guest, Abe, for the assist. Paulina talks about how inclusion and diversity should not be controversial as it’s what makes them a great city. Paulina says they all want the same things in safety and prosperity. Paulina says they shouldn’t shun those who disagree with them, but open their hearts and minds and continue to make the world a better place for everyone to live in. Paulina states that their words are more powerful when they raise their voices together. Abe holds her hand as she finishes.

Jada, Rafe, Chanel, and Johnny toast to Martin Luther King, the future, Paulina, and to them.

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Days Update Friday, January 12, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

EJ joins Nicole in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Nicole informs him that she just got off the phone with the hospital but there is still no change with Holly. Nicole mentions gathering Holly’s favorite stuffed animal and favorite book as she asks EJ if he’s ready to go. EJ says he first wanted to address something that happened yesterday. EJ informs Nicole that he saw her and Eric together at the hospital but he didn’t want to disturb her because he knows how important Eric was in Holly’s life and that he was her father for a time. EJ knows Nicole needs as much support as she can get right now. Nicole thanks EJ and appreciates him understanding that. Nicole asks if there’s something else. EJ states that Eric being supportive is one thing but admits it was quite unsettling for him to see her in Eric’s arms. Nicole then tells EJ to stop talking now.

Eric visits Holly in her hospital room.

Brady joins Theresa in the interrogation room. Brady brings her favorite dark chocolate so she thanks him. Theresa tells Brady that she keeps wondering what Tate is doing right now, if he’s cold, hungry, or scared. Theresa worries if someone is going to give him another black eye and take his lunch. Theresa cries that this is totally killing her.

Kate visits Lucas in prison. Lucas questions how she got in after visiting hours. Kate admits she called in a favor with the warden. Lucas decides he doesn’t want to know which Kate says is probably for the best. Lucas tells Kate that he is glad to see her even though he doesn’t know why she’s here at this hour. Lucas adds that if it’s about Dimitri, no one knows what happened to him and the rumor is that he’s in super max. Kate responds that it’s not about Dimitri. Kate informs Lucas that she’s here tonight because someone wants to talk to him. Harris then enters the room.

Chad plays catch with his son, Thomas in the park. Thomas tells Chad that they should have guys night every night. Chad isn’t sure about how Charlotte would feel about that. Thomas tells Chad that it’s fun. Chad says he loves hanging out with him and he loves him. Chad tells Thomas that he’s proud of him and hugs him as Alex appears in the park and sees them.

Brady comments to Theresa that they thought having Tate away at boarding school was tough. Theresa talks about how much she missed him then but that was a walk in the park compared to this. Brady remarks that he wishes he could break Tate out of jail but he wouldn’t even know where to start. Theresa says she wishes he would and jokes that she would drive the getaway car.

Nicole tells EJ that she’s not going to listen to this. EJ apologizes for saying anything. Nicole asks how he could be jealous at a time like this and says he even pointed out that Eric is an important part of Holly’s life, so he went to the hospital. Nicole insists that she doesn’t want any secrets between them, so she tells EJ that Eric was there for Holly on Christmas morning for moral support after she got drunk. EJ questions Nicole knowing that Holly got drunk. Nicole confirms that the next day, Holly was hungover and told her everything. Nicole then asks how EJ found out. EJ reveals that Johnny told him as Holly drunk dialed him and was worried, so he rushed home to check on her. Nicole questions why EJ didn’t tell her that. EJ says he didn’t want to upset her any more and asks why Nicole didn’t tell EJ at Christmas. Nicole explains that Holly didn’t want anyone to know. EJ questions it being fine to tell Eric. Nicole informs him that she and Holly ran in to Eric on their walk that morning and Holly tried to hide that she was hungover, but Eric, being a recovering alcoholic, could see right through it and he was very kind to her and not judgmental at all. Nicole asks what EJ is thinking as he suddenly got worried. EJ says he wasn’t sure he was going to bring this up, but she’s going to find out sooner than later. EJ then informs Nicole that Rafe contacted him and said he’s been questioning Holly’s high school friends, who admitted that they have been dabbling in weed along with Holly.

Kate introduces Lucas to Harris. Lucas acknowledges Harris as the guy who almost shot Hope when he was going to marry her. Harris states that he was brainwashed by Megan DiMera at that time. Lucas then questions Harris not telling Hope that Bo was alive. Kate tells Lucas that’s all in the past and reminds him that Harris was one of the people who rescued her from Dimitri’s boat and saved her life. Lucas asks if Kate trusts Harris. Kate confirms that she does. Lucas guesses he does too and that he doesn’t have a choice. Lucas asks what the hell he wants from him. Harris informs Lucas that he’s with the Salem police department now and he’s exploring something on his own until he sees if anything comes of it. Harris reveals that he’s here to offer Lucas a deal.

Chad and Thomas continue playing catch in the park as they acknowledge Alex. Alex says he’ll let them get back to it but Thomas invites Alex to play Monkey in the Middle with them since they didn’t have three people, which Alex agrees to.

Theresa talks to Brady about how many talks they had with Tate about the dangers of drugs. Theresa knows she and Brady have lived apart for many years, but they were always united on that front. Theresa asks if Brady thinks Tate broke their rules. Brady admits that he doesn’t know but it seems unlikely. Theresa says it would explain why Tate said it at first but then backed off. Theresa says she hates to think it. Brady admits he’s thought it too and even said it out loud to John, but they weren’t there. Theresa worries that maybe they shouldn’t have sent him to boarding school in the first place. Brady says he’s thought about that too. Brady acknowledges that Tate’s spent a lot of time away from them lately. Brady talks about thinking he was close to Tate and knew who he was, but now he’s here thinking maybe he didn’t know his son as well as he thought he did.

Nicole asks EJ about Holly’s friends telling Rafe that she smoked weed, which EJ confirms. Nicole states that she shouldn’t be shocked, but she is. EJ says he is too and that her drinking caught him by surprise as well but he chalked that up to a one time thing. Nicole points out that at least weed is legal here but EJ notes it’s not if she’s not 21. Nicole wonders if Holly would go beyond that and take something more hardcore. Nicole thinks back to seeing Holly taking aspirin when she was hungover. EJ asks what she’s thinking. Nicole tells EJ about seeing Holly take pills that she thought was aspirin but maybe it wasn’t. EJ encourages her not to jump conclusions since Holly was hungover and aspirin would be the logical conclusion. EJ adds that experimenting with marijuana does not make her an addict. Nicole points out that they also don’t know of Tate using drugs when he’s a good kid. EJ questions why she would think that and brings up Tate being expelled from boarding school, questioning how that makes him a good kid. Nicole says that was just from a dumb prank as kids do stupid things but what happened to Holly is a lot worse. Nicole says drugs are illegal, dangerous, and she can’t believe she’s saying this but maybe Holly isn’t as innocent and honest as she thought she was.

Eric sits at Holly’s side in the hospital and talks about how she’s grown up. Eric talks about when he left for Africa, thinking that was the right thing to do, but now he knows there’s nothing more important in the world than her and being her dad.

Lucas questions what kind of deal Harris wants to make. Harris brings up the drug problem in Salem and informs Lucas that a dealer was caught who was back in the game less than 48 hours after being released from prison. Harris believes whoever is behind the drug epidemic in Salem is in this prison. Harris adds that Paulina gave him the green light to take action and he needs Lucas’s help getting intel on the inside. Lucas tells Harris that he’s got to be out of his damn mind. Lucas brings up the saying “snitches get stitches” and says here, you get broken bones and your skull stepped on. Lucas mentions that someone recently got killed for reporting contraband. Harris knows it’s a lot to ask but he also knows that Lucas was undercover in prison 15 years ago and then last year he helped John, Steve, and Roman with Orpheus. Lucas explains that he thought Orpheus killed Kate and talks about how many times he almost lost his life. Lucas tells Harris that he’s going to have to fight the good fight against drugs on his own as his informant days are over. Harris suggests maybe he’ll change his mind after he tells him how he can help him. Harris reveals that if Lucas is willing to do what he asks him to do, he will get him out of prison.

Chad and Alex sit together in the park. Chad compliments Alex on being good with Thomas. Alex admits he never understood parenting and questions knowing what to do. Chad jokes that you just go through it with no clue what they are doing. Alex talks about Theresa having a teenager. Chad calls that different than what he’s dealing with since his kids still listen to him. Chad asks if Alex gets along with Theresa’s kid. Alex admits he hasn’t really been around him much and doesn’t really know him. Alex doesn’t know if he’ll get the chance now that Tate is in so much trouble. Chad guesses Theresa must be a wreck which Alex confirms. Alex says he’s been trying to help her out as best he can, but instead, he totally blew it with her.

Theresa tells Brady that she totally understands what he’s feeling as she feels it too, wondering if she missed a sign or if she could’ve prevented this somehow. Theresa cries that she’s starting to feel responsible for failing their son.

Nicole asks what EJ is thinking. EJ responds that he doesn’t know what to believe anymore. Nicole says she doesn’t either but Rafe said that Holly’s friends admitting to smoking pot which is fairly benign these days. Nicole points out that if they were taking harder drugs, they wouldn’t tell the cops like Holly wouldn’t tell them. Nicole realizes that it’s possible she has deluded herself about Holly for awhile now. Nicole thought she was well-balanced, responsible, and that she would talk to her if she was struggling. Nicole never thought Holly would resort to drugs. Nicole tells EJ that they have to get going to get back to the hospital. Nicole says she’ll meet him in the car, kisses him, and exits the mansion. EJ then worries that Tate could’ve been telling the truth.

Chad asks how Alex blew it with Theresa. Alex brings up everything that went down with Holly and Tate. Chad calls that the Spectator’s biggest story and says he would be losing his mind if it was his kids. Alex says he was trying to be helpful but guesses he crossed Theresa’s boundaries, so she kicked him out of the room and told him that she wanted to be alone with Brady to discuss their son. Chad says that must have been tough for him. Alex says he understands that Brady is Tate’s dad, but he’s trying to figure out what the hell his role in all of this is as it’s new territory for him, so he’s a little lost and keeps screwing things up. Chad suggests he asks his dad for advice, clarifying that even if Justin wasn’t his biological father, he did raise teenage boys. Alex responds that he and Justin are not on the best terms which is also his fault which Chad questions. Alex guesses that it’s because his whole life has been turned upside down with Victor being his dad doing a number on his head, so he keeps lashing out at Justin for no reason. Alex guesses it’s in his blood to ruin all of his relationships.

Brady encourages Theresa that it’s not her fault and that if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s probably his because he hasn’t been there enough. Brady complains that he should’ve been there more and he should’ve been able to help Tate. Theresa assures that Tate knows how much Brady loves him and that he can reach out to him anytime. Brady thanks her for saying that. Theresa cries that she keeps replaying that night over and over in her head. Theresa talks about how excited Tate was to be on his first date with Holly. Theresa says they were having fun while Brady says he was a third wheel that should’ve kept his eye on Tate. Theresa feels she should’ve never let Tate go that night and cries that she’s his mother and he’s only 16. Theresa asks how things went so wrong and how this happened. Brady gets up and hugs Theresa as she cries.

Lucas questions how Harris is going to get him out of prison. Harris repeats that he spoke to Paulina to guarantee his release. Lucas admits it’s tempting as he wants nothing more to get out of prison but he can’t risk his life doing it, so he’s just going to keep his head down and do his time. Kate tells Harris that he got his answer, so they should go. Kate calls Lucas a good man and a wonderful son. Kate adds that as much as they all miss him terribly, she understands his decision and she respects it. Kate tells Lucas that she loves him and will see him soon. Kate and Harris go to leave but Lucas stops them and declares maybe he will do it.

EJ and Nicole go to the hospital. Nicole tells EJ that she’s going to find a nurse to see if there is any update and then she’ll meet him in Holly’s room. EJ says that sounds good and kisses her as he then heads on to Holly’s room. EJ enters to find Eric inside. Eric tells EJ that he didn’t want Holly to be alone. EJ asks how long he’s been there. Eric says it’s been about an hour as he was told that EJ and Nicole went home for awhile. Nicole then enters the room, surprised to see Eric. Eric tells her that he was just telling EJ that he was told they went home for a break, so he thought he’d stay with Holly. Nicole calls that very kind of him. EJ offers to leave and go get them some coffee but Nicole tells EJ that he needs to be here too. Eric acknowledges EJ as part of Holly’s life now and her stepfather, so he asks him to stay.

Theresa and Brady talk about having the parental guilt covered. Brady knows he’s given her a lot of crap, but he knows she’s done the best she can do with their boy. Theresa thanks him and says that really means a lot. Theresa knows she’s given him a lot of crap too and jokes that he deserves it. Theresa tells Brady that he’s a really good and loving father. Brady thanks her and says they really need to stop beating themselves up about this. Brady states that they will never be perfect but they are doing the best they can. Brady thinks the best they can do for Tate right now is to believe in him and believe him. Brady declares that he believes in his heart that their kid did not do this. Theresa agrees that from now on, they will have no more doubts that their son is innocent.

Kate tells Lucas no since he just listed valid reasons why he shouldn’t do this. Lucas knows what he said but points out that Kate said his family misses him and he wants to get out as he wants his life back. Lucas suggests starting out slow, dip his toe in and see what he can find out. Kate tells him no because she doesn’t want to see him carried out in a bodybag. Kate decides this was a mistake and worries that they could have put Lucas in danger just by being there. Harris asks Kate to tell the guard they are ready to go while he gives Lucas some tips on avoiding blowback because of them being there tonight. Kate tells Lucas that she loves him and will see him soon as she exits. Harris then tells Lucas that he doesn’t have any tips but he wanted to make sure he knew about Holly overdosing and being in a coma, fighting for her life. Harris urges Lucas that he needs him to help save kids like her. Harris tells Lucas that if he does this, he has his word that he will do everything to protect him. Harris asks what Lucas says to that. Lucas agrees to do it but says Harris has to promise to protect him and guarantee that he gets out. Harris says he’s got it so Lucas thanks him. Kate comes back and says the guard is waiting. Kate then guesses that Harris convinced Lucas. Kate questions if Lucas is sure about this. Lucas assures that he wants to help kids like Holly and get out of prison as soon as possible. Kate worries about anything happening to him. Lucas says that’s a chance he has to take. Kate advises him to be careful and warns Harris to keep him safe. Lucas tells Harris to listen to Kate or she’ll kick his ass which Harris says he doesn’t doubt. Kate says she will contact her lawyer and not to do anything until she has this in writing. Lucas responds that it’s not his first rodeo. Harris suggests Lucas put on a show for his safety so Lucas then yells at them to leave and how he’s not a rat as they exit.

Chad tells Alex that he gets it and relates to finding out that Stefano was his father when he was a grown man and struggling with it for a long time along with everything that comes with being a DiMera. Chad tells Alex that he eventually came to terms with it and so will he. Alex says he doesn’t want to think about that right now and just wants to focus on doing right by Theresa. Thomas comes back from playing with a friend and asks to play Monkey in the Middle again which Chad and Alex agree to.

Theresa asks Brady what they do now. Brady tells her that they find a way to prove their son is innocent and vow that no matter what it takes, they never give up on their son. Theresa then vows to never give up on their son and says she feels like she can breathe again. Theresa offers Brady a piece of the dark chocolate and they toast to never giving up.

Nicole sits at Holly’s side and tells her they are all there, waiting for her to come back to them. EJ asks what the nurse said when she checked in. Nicole says there was no change. EJ thinks it might be time to discuss other options. Nicole questions what he means. EJ brings up that he made a few calls before, the first one was to the clinic in Italy that brought him back from the brink of death. EJ notes they were very encouraging when he spoke to them about Holly’s condition and says they couldn’t promise anything but he really thinks it could help her. EJ calls it an extraordinary facility that is world renowned. Nicole appreciates the call but says the doctors here have been great and done so much for her. Nicole asks if taking Holly to Italy is really the answer and asks what if something happens to her while traveling. EJ assures they would take every precaution and he’d hire an expert physician to travel with them, who will never leave Holly’s side. EJ tells Nicole that if she says the word, he will make the arrangement. Nicole agrees to consider it, but she wants to talk to Kayla first. EJ understands and then thanks Eric for being there for Holly and Nicole as it’s very much appreciated. Eric says they both deserve all the support they can get, as EJ does too. Eric offers to say a prayer together if they’d like. Nicole agrees to that so Eric says a prayer for Holly to have a healthy and speedy recovery. Eric, EJ, and Nicole then recite the “Our Father” prayer.

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Days Update Thursday, January 11, 2014

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Update written by Joseph

Harris finds Paulina in the town square and says he’s glad to see her. Paulina tells him the same and thanks him for all his work against the drug operations. Harris thanks her and tells her that they made a little progress by busting a dealer who was just released from prison and may have inside information. Paulina calls that really encouraging. Harris adds that they don’t know if he was telling the truth but they are following up. Paulina worries that this crisis is spreading like wildfire and talks about it hitting close to home since it’s affected Holly. Paulina complains that Holly should be out enjoying her life instead of lying in a coma. Harris calls it a tragedy and declares that he has an idea on how to get to the bottom of this problem in Salem. Harris says if it pans out, she will be the first to know.

Everett goes to the Spectator office where Chad compliments him on his article on the drug epidemic. Chad tells him good work. Everett thanks him but asks what he has for him. Chad thinks their sources could still use an upgrade so he got them some face time with the Mayor. Everett remarks that she’s always good for noteworthy comments and that their young readers really like her. Everett mentions that Stephanie is determined to target them especially. Chad asks if that’s part of Stephanie’s new PR strategy that they discussed over dinner last night which Everett confirms. Everett asks if he wants him to get her back over but Chad says maybe another time. Chad says they should probably get over to the Mayor’s office. Everett says to let him put together some questions and then they’ll go. Chad then brings up Stephanie again and says he’s not surprised but it’s more of an observation. Chad then informs Everett that he saw them kissing on New Year’s Eve rather passionately. Chad admits that he’s just surprised and guesses so much for being just friends.

Kate and Roman sit together in the town square. Kate talks about missing Christmas. Harris approaches and says he misses it too. Harris hopes he’s not interrupting anything. Kate responds that she was just finishing a lunch date with her husband. Harris asks for a few minutes with Kate but Roman tells him that whatever he has to say to her, he can say in front of him which Kate agrees with. Harris then tells Kate that he’d like to talk to her about her son, Lucas.

Alex goes to the police station. Theresa thanks him for coming so quickly and hugs him as Alex says she had him worried from how she sounded on the phone. Rafe comes in and says he hopes he didn’t keep them waiting but he had a phone call. Theresa asks if it was about Tate. Rafe responds that they do have other cases. Theresa complains about Tate being attacked in prison which Rafe is surprised to hear about. Brady explains that Tate was punched by an adult for no reason, has a black eye, and is freaked out about it. Rafe states that he ordered for Tate to be placed in isolation so one of the guards must have made a mistake. Brady argues that the mistake was putting Tate in there in the first place and blames it all on EJ. Rafe decides to go down there to find out what happened. Theresa worries about Tate getting attacked again. Alex tells her that he’s so sorry. Theresa responds that sorry isn’t going to get them anywhere and she needs to get Tate out of there now. Theresa asks Alex to call Justin to tell him what’s going on to get Tate transferred. Justin then arrives at the police station.

Kate asks Harris if something happened with Lucas. Harris responds that Lucas is fine so Roman asks what this is about. Harris explains that they got a tip on whoever is trafficking drugs through Salem is currently in prison. Kate insists that Lucas wouldn’t be a part of that. Harris agrees that Lucas has apparently been a model prisoner so Kate asks what the problem is. Harris responds that he’s hoping Lucas can be part of the solution.

Theresa tells Justin that Tate got beat up this morning. Justin says he’s heard. Brady adds that Rafe went to go find out what he could but asks when he can get Tate transferred. Justin responds that he does have news. Theresa asks if it’s good news. Justin suggests they go in to the interrogation room to talk privately.

Everett tells Chad that he’s pretty sure he and Stephanie just got caught up in the moment as the ball had dropped and people were celebrating New Year’s with fireworks. Everett assures that right after that, he made sure she got home safely and he went back to his room at the Salem Inn. Chad says he doesn’t owe him an explanation since they are no longer together. Chad decides whatever Stephanie does is none of his business. Everett brings up that Chad felt compelled to tell him that he saw them kissing. Chad acknowledges that they were pretty serious not too long ago and they lived together. Chad says she was very close to his children and he cares about her a lot. Everett says he understands but notes that he cares about her too and always will.

Kate questions Harris wanting Lucas to be an informant. Harris says that’s what he’s thinking as he wants Lucas to help them nail the bastard that is trafficking drugs from Statesville. Roman brings up his experience in the ISA and the police force and says he knows this is very high risk and the odds are not in Lucas’s favor to carry it out. Kate says it may be the brave and noble thing but asks what good it does if he’s dead. Kate then tells Harris that her answer is most definitely no as she will not put her son in danger.

Everett asks Chad what time their meeting with the Mayor is. Chad tells him it’s in 45 minutes. Everett says that gives us enough time to review their strategy. Chad says that Paulina agreed to meet to go over her plan for Martin Luther King Day which Everett notes is important since she is Salem’s first female black mayor. They talk about discussing the issues and progress she’s made. Chad notes that at some point, they will have to talk about what to do about the drug epidemic. Everett brings up it hitting so close to home now with Holly. Everett recalls watching Holly and Tate on the dance floor at New Year’s Eve and having a great time, then just like that, their lives were shattered. Everett can’t help thinking if he and Stephanie didn’t leave the party early or if his investigator’s brain would’ve been working. Chad points out that Holly’s parents didn’t even know, so Everett couldn’t have done anything. Everett says it’s just that feeling of wishing he could help even if it’s too late but decides it’s not a rational thought. Chad brings up that Abigail once told him that for some investigators, a job is just a job, but for the good ones, it’s a calling and they are motivated by a strong desire to make a difference. Chad thinks Everett is one of those. Everett thanks him for acknowledging that. They then decide to go see the Mayor.

In the interrogation room, Justin informs Theresa, Brady, and Alex that Tate’s bail request was denied. Alex questions how Justin let this happen. Justin argues that he didn’t let it happen and notes that Tate pleading guilty didn’t help nor did getting expelled from boarding school. Theresa questions how the judge even knew about that. Justin brings up social media. Alex questions how it could’ve gotten out and argues that Justin should’ve made sure Tate’s name was erased from the internet. Justin argues that it’s not that simple as it takes time and money. Alex insists that shouldn’t have been a problem and tells Justin that he blew it. Alex remarks that Theresa and Brady keep saying it all falls on EJ but it’s not EJ or Rafe’s fault. Alex then blames Justin.

Harris gets that Kate is worried about Lucas’s safety but if they don’t get him involved to bust who is responsible for the drug crisis, it’s just going to keep going on and more people are going to get hurt and die. Roman admits he’s very right about that as they were heartbroken when they heard about Holly. Kate says when she thinks about what Nicole is going through, she really feels her but they are talking about her son and she’s going to protect him. Kate gets a call from her daughter Billie and steps away to answer it. Roman tells Harris that Kate is a lioness when it comes to her kids. Harris respects that but feels he may be able to get her to reconsider when he tells her how Lucas will be rewarded for his efforts.

Chad and Everett meet with Paulina in her office. Paulina talks about the Martin Luther King Day event having treats from the Bakery and the Pub with lots of volunteers to help clean up the town. Everett praises Paulina as the first female black mayor and following in Abe’s footsteps. Paulina talks about coming a long way and how it’s important to keep Martin Luther King’s memory alive. Chad agrees and says that is why the Spectator is going to be one of the major sponsors for the event and they will dedicate the next issue to covering the event which Paulina will have final say on. Paulina says she appreciates that. Chad assures that they are determined to keep the Spectator for the people. Chad then asks if Paulina has any comments on the growing drug epidemic.

Theresa doesn’t understand how Tate’s appeal could be revoked. Justin says it’s in the hands of the judge while Brady blames EJ. Justin declares there’s nothing more he can do and apologizes. Rafe enters the room so Brady asks if he found out why Tate was not in solitary. Rafe confirms it was mistake and he personally saw it to it that Tate was moved to a newer cell with security cameras and brought him some ice for his black eye. Rafe says he put the fear of God in the guards there and assures that Tate will not be in danger anymore which relieves Theresa. Rafe notes that Tate is brave and that he wanted to tell them he’s okay. Rafe adds that he’ll have a paramedic check on Tate periodically and exits the room. Alex remarks that Rafe is an example of someone getting the job done. Justin tells him that’s enough. Alex comments that if money can work for EJ, it can work for them and declares that they just need a lawyer who is doing what it takes.

Roman asks Harris about Lucas being rewarded for helping him. Harris reveals that he could get Lucas released from prison. Roman questions if he’s a magician. Harris says they know how the system works and that busting a drug dealer like this would be national news in addition to his good behavior. Roman reminds Harris that Lucas kidnapped Sami and that’s why he’s in prison so he’s ambivalent about his release. Harris understands that but points out that Kate is Roman’s wife and she wants nothing more than for her son to be free. Roman says that’s true and he loves Kate with all his heart. Roman acknowledges that Lucas did help them get to Orpheus so he decides he will work on getting over his ambivalence if Kate agrees to getting Lucas involved in this. Harris asks if Roman thinks she will. Roman says he’ll have to ask her.

Paulina tells Chad and Everett that she couldn’t express all her thoughts on the drug epidemic. Everett offers to record her. Paulina starts talking about drugs being around when she was growing up in the 60s and 70s. Paulina starts coughing so Everett asks if she’s okay. Paulina claims she is and tries to continue talking about the drugs. Paulina talks about how opioids can be stronger than heroin and that overdoses are causing people to die. Paulina’s coughing increases so Everett says they can do this another time but Paulina insists that she’s fine. Paulina says her heart aches for all those who have been affected which is why she is using all her resources to warn the public about the dangers of the drugs and everyone in Salem will be informed. Paulina coughs more so Chad gets up to check on her while Everett gets her a water bottle.

Justin tells Alex that he made himself clear from the beginning that he didn’t think he was ruthless or aggressive enough to be Tate’s attorney which is unfair. Justin isn’t sure why he has to defend himself to him since Alex is not Tate’s parent but argues that he’s been as aggressive as possible and done everything he can. Alex remarks that obviously everything he can isn’t enough. Justin is sorry he feels that way and decides he will file a motion to be removed from the case. Brady tries to stop him but Justin shouts that he is not going to continue to be berated by his son as he storms out of the room. Brady questions Alex. Theresa instructs Alex to call the other lawyer. Brady suggests taking a breath and acting like grown ups. Alex responds that he’s being very grown up and should be hearing from his legal counsel any minute now. Alex says it will be very lucrative if he gets the job done. Brady questions having Tate represented by a stranger while Alex argues that it’s an old friend of his who happens to be a shark of a defense attorney. Alex says he’s up to speed on Tate’s case so he just has to give him the latest. Alex then gets a call from his friend Rodney and says he has some news for him.

Kate returns to Roman and Harris, noting that Billie just wanted to wish them a Happy New Year. Roman asks if she happened to speak to Billie about Harris wanting Lucas’s help. Kate says she didn’t because she’s already made up her mind and is sorry if she wasted Harris’ time. Roman informs her that Harris might be able to make the case more appealing which Kate questions. Harris then asks how she would like to get Lucas out of prison. Kate questions how or why he would do that. Harris says it would be to save lives and he knows Lucas is a decent human being who is not a danger to society and has been punished enough which Kate says is true. Kate decides she will have to think about it and Harris will have to promise he can really do that. Harris says he will get confirmation and understands it’s a big decision, so he will let them talk and be waiting for her call. Harris thanks them and then walks away. Kate asks Roman how dangerous this would be for Lucas. Roman states that it depends on whether Lucas could pull it off. Kate calls that a really good question and questions how he will pull it off. Roman reminds her that Lucas was able to get he, John, and Steve to Orpheus, so he’s very smart and he has complete confidence in him. Kate calls that very touching but worries that if Lucas gets caught, he could die. Roman feels that’s very unlikely while it’s more likely that Lucas gets his life back.

Paulina apologizes to Chad and Everett and thanks them for the water. Chad asks if she’s sure she’s okay. Paulina claims she’s fine and it’s just something that she’s getting over but decides she should rest her voice before the big celebration tomorrow so they can continue this later. Everett thanks her for her time. Paulina asks if she gets final approval on copyright which Chad promises. Paulina then gets a phone call but says she can call them back and ignores it. Paulina thanks Chad and Everett, adding that she will definitely feel better. Chad and Everett then exit the office while Paulina looks worried over her phone.

Brady complains to Rafe that if Alex and Theresa are done with Justin, he needs someone he can trust. Brady says he’s going to call Belle and if she’s not available, he will call Carrie. Justin returns and announces it’s all done on his end and he will go in to the interrogation room to let Alex and Theresa know. Rafe stops him and says before he makes it official, he thinks it would be smart for Brady to get a second opinion first. Brady brings up Belle and Carrie. Justin points out that Alex not only insulted him but persuaded Theresa that he’s incompetent and asks if he really wants to put Belle or Carrie in that line of fire. Brady admits he doesn’t but argues that Tate is his son and he knows that Justin is his best option. Brady says he was passive before but he’s done with that. Justin tells him to just let it go and focus on Tate as he doesn’t want to be a distraction. Brady refuses and insists that Justin is best for Tate while Alex needs to butt out and shut up. Brady declares that Tate is his son, not Alex’s, so he’s going to call the shots here.

Kate worries to Roman about anything happening to Lucas because of her agreeing to this. Roman believes in Lucas and trusts Harris. Roman encourages that Lucas could regain his freedom and come home to his family. Kate then agrees to take Harris to Lucas. Kate then calls Harris and tells him that she and Roman discussed it. Kate says she still has reservations but agrees to go to the prison with him. Harris appreciates her trusting him and says the sooner they go, the better. Kate agrees to let him know when she’s free and hangs up. Roman is glad that Kate made that decision. Kate asks if Roman will be okay if Lucas is free early. Roman confirms that he would and that Lucas messed up but he’s paid for it. Roman declares that if Kate wants Lucas home, he does too. Kate thanks Roman for this.

Paulina tells herself that she will be okay as the first diagnosis might have been wrong and she just has a bad cold. Paulina starts coughing again and changes her mind, so she then grabs her phone and calls her doctor back. Paulina tries to talk up tomorrow’s event but the nurse asks her to come in tomorrow. Paulina argues that she has to be at the event and asks the doctor to just give the results over the phone. The nurse insists that Paulina come in person, so she reluctantly agrees to be there and hangs up.

Chad and Everett walk through the town square, deciding to just focus on the positives of Martin Luther King Day for this issue. Everett says he will let Stephanie know. Chad talks about how passionate Paulina was. Everett agrees that she’s definitely great with words. Chad then admits he was a bit concerned with all of her coughing. Everett says he happened to see her phone when it rang and she was ignoring a call from the hospital. Chad asks if he thinks there’s something more to this cough.

Alex argues with Rodney on the phone that they know money talks but Rodney hangs up on him. Brady comes back in to the interrogation room and tells Alex that this is his son’s case, so he’s going to make the decisions about this and he’s decided he wants Justin on the lead. Brady asks if he missed something. Alex reveals that his lawyer friend told him that there’s nothing more he can do other than what Justin has already done. Justin enters the room, so Brady tells him what Rodney told Alex which confirms Justin is doing everything he can. Brady asks Justin to continue what he’s doing and rescind the motion to remove himself. Justin agrees to stay on the case, but warns that he will no longer be reprimanded or disrespected by Alex since he busted his ass to help Tate. Justin says he will only stay on if his efforts are appreciated and acknowledged which Alex agrees to. Justin then exits the room. Theresa then asks Alex to give her and Brady some time to figure out their next move and says she’ll see him later. Alex questions her wanting him to leave. Theresa responds that she and Brady are Tate’s parents, so they are going to figure things out from here on out. Alex says fine and wishes her luck as he exits. Brady notes that was a little harsh. Theresa declares that she can’t care about hurting people’s feelings as she only cares about what is happening to their son.

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Days Update Wednesday, January 10, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At home, Paulina tells Chanel that the whole thyroid business has her thinking more about taking care of herself. Paulina adds that she hasn’t heard anything yet on the results of her biopsy but decides that no news is good news.

Everett finishes working on his laptop at the Brady Pub as Stephanie arrives and brings him espresso. She figured he would need it after he was up all night working on his story about the drugs. Everett apologizes if he derailed their meeting by going down memory lane as he got distracted by their history. Stephanie calls it a good use of their time because it gave her a fabulous idea.

After the police make an arrest, Jada and Harris confront a drug dealer in his apartment. Harris sits down to interrogate him about where the drugs came from.

EJ brings Nicole home. Nicole worries that she shouldn’t have left the hospital but EJ encourages that she has to take care of herself as she hasn’t slept in 48 hours and can’t take care of Holly if she’s running on fumes. EJ says he will have cook make her something light to eat but Nicole tells him to stop treating her like she’s 5. Nicole apologizes but EJ gets that she’s exhausted. Nicole responds that she just feels like she’s living in a nightmare that’s never going to end.

Brady and Theresa go to visit Tate in prison. Brady complains about Tate even being in here while Theresa wants to sue EJ. Brady wants to concentrate on getting Tate out. A guard brings Tate in and tells them no hugging. Brady asks how Tate is hanging in there and then they see that Tate has a black eye. Brady questions who did that to him.

Stephanie tells Everett that they can partner with the escape room downtown and arrange a murder mystery event with the Spectator as a sponsor. Everett calls it brilliant. Everett says with her amazing PR skills and his writing ability, they might just save the paper. Everett admits that Stephanie inspired him and they make a pretty good team.

Paulina tells Chanel that her hypothyroid thing might be a blessing in disguise since she found out about an anti-inflammatory diet that is supposed to help with memory which made her think about Abe. Chanel thought the doctors already tried everything. Paulina encourages that these remedies might help and she’s read that bizarre events can also be a stimulus to jog someone’s memory. Chanel jokes that it’s good that Abe lives in Salem then because there are enough bizarre events happening in this town. Abe then shows up at the door with flowers for Paulina. Abe also has double dutch chocolate croissants but Paulina says he can’t have those.

EJ encourages Nicole that Holly is young and strong, so if anyone can defy the odds it’s her. EJ brings up how he was shot in the head and the recovery was difficult, but he’s 100% fine now. EJ says Holly is full of life, spirit, and determination so she’s going to beat this. Nicole prays that he’s right. Nicole says she’s tried to be positive and optimistic and believe that God is looking out for her daughter, but remarks that he didn’t look out for their son so she’s starting to lose faith. Nicole admits that she’s having trouble believing in miracles right now.

Brady asks Tate again who did that to him. Tate asks what difference it makes. Theresa feels it needs to be reported. Tate argues that it’s not school. Brady asks if someone came in to his cell. Tate explains that some guy grabbed his sandwich off the meal tray and he punched him in the face. Brady says he’s sorry and argues that he shouldn’t be in here. Theresa insists they will get him out as Brady’s going to do something about it today.

Everett tells Stephanie that he will run the sponsorship idea by Chad and Xander and he will let her know what they say. Stephanie asks if he still plans on participating in the MLK Day park cleanup which he confirms. Stephanie then asks about Leo’s first column back. Everett says he’s late but says he has a ton of information as there’s apparently no one in Salem without at least one deep dark secret they are trying to hide. Stephanie then thinks back to waking up in Harris’ bed and remarks that he probably has a point there.

The drug dealer tells Harris that he’s not saying a word. Jada decides she will run a background check on him. Harris points out that he just sold 3 bags of dope to an undercover cop so it’s an open and shut case with a mandatory sentence. Harris warns that if he wants to cooperate, he might be able to make it all go away. Harris asks who the man’s boss is but he doesn’t respond. Jada finds no priors on the man and asks for his real name. Harris suggests Jada go get something to eat while he books the man as something tells him that he might have a change of heart. Harris warns that he’s either going to give up his boss or he’s going to do some hard time.

Brady tells Theresa that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for Tate but he doesn’t know what to do that he hasn’t already tried. Theresa suggests talking to Nicole about it. Brady questions trying to convince Nicole to get EJ to drop the charges. Theresa argues that maybe he can get his bail reinstated or his case pushed back in to the juvenile system. Brady agrees to try but doesn’t know how receptive Nicole will be, so he doesn’t want to give Tate any false hope. Tate promises not to get his hopes up but acknowledges that it can’t hurt to try. Brady agrees to give it his best shot.

Nicole tells EJ that she hasn’t told anyone but when they spread their son’s ashes outside, she said a prayer and it had been a long time since she prayed while now Holly overdosed and is in a coma. Nicole says if she had any doubt, it’s very clear now how God feels about her. EJ argues that this has nothing to do with how God feels about her or any of them. EJ states that tragedies happen but it’s not God punishing them. EJ says all they can try to do is remain as strong as they can and focus on what they still have to be grateful for. Nicole responds that it’s easier said than done. EJ understands why she feels the way she does and asks if she needs to cry. Nicole complains that all she’s been doing is crying when she really wants to scream and know why this is happening, why Holly is suffering, and why they lost their baby. EJ tells her to scream then, so she does and then breaks down crying as EJ hugs her.

Abe questions why he can’t have a chocolate croissant and asks if he’s being punished. Chanel talks about Paulina getting in to healthy eating. Paulina talks up her diet and asks for some time alone with Abe to tell him about some of the alternative options that she’s been reading about. Chanel says she’ll be back later and exits. Paulina tells Abe that she wanted to talk to him about more than just his diet. Paulina informs him that she’s come across some research about alternative treatments for memory loss. Abe stops her and says he appreciates her concern and he knows that she wants him to get his memory back very badly and he does too, but if he never does, they just have to learn to live with it. Abe then asks Paulina if she can.

Stephanie bets Everett doesn’t have any deep dark secrets. Everett gets a text alert that the police brought in a dealer for questioning. Everett decides he should get down there and see what he can find. Stephanie wishes him luck. Everett thanks her for all the great ideas as he exits the Pub. Jada then comes down the stairs on her phone, just missing Everett.

Harris brings the drug dealer in to the interrogation room at the police station and reveals that he just got his fingerprints back and found out his name as Mr. Holsencamp. Harris points out that he just got released from prison two days ago and already found a way to get back. Harris warns that he may never see the light of day again, unless he’s willing to play ball.

EJ asks Nicole if screaming helped. Nicole responds that she’s not sure but thinks she will go upstairs to shower. Nicole asks EJ to bring her a piece of toast as she feels light headed from not eating. EJ agrees to do so and kisses her as she then heads upstairs. The doorbell rings so EJ answers the door to see Brady. Brady asks if everything is okay as he heard screaming down the driveway. EJ asks Brady what he’s doing here. Brady responds that he came to see Nicole as he needs to talk to her alone.

Paulina assures Abe that she wants him to get his memory back but if he doesn’t, that doesn’t change how she feels about him as she loves him and always will. Abe thanks her and says he needed to hear that. Paulina isn’t sure she should bring this up but says she came across research about dealing with amnesia so it gave her an idea and she thought they should test it out this morning. Paulina explains that she will show him a video of their wedding and maybe it will jog something in his memory, but she understands if it’s too much pressure. Abe knows that was a very bad day for Lani and he doesn’t know if it would remind him of anything, but decides he would like to watch their wedding ceremony as it must have been one of the happiest days of his life.

Jada sees Stephanie at the Pub. Stephanie invites her to join. Jada jokes as long as there’s no booze. Stephanie apologizes if she corrupted her that day. Jada says it was her choice to get smashed. Stephanie notes that she doesn’t usually day drink and she never will again. Jada says the same and admits she couldn’t keep up with her. Jada guesses that Harris got Stephanie home safe and sound like the gentleman that he is. Stephanie assures that he was a perfect gentleman.

Harris questions the drug dealer not giving him anything and taking the fall for his boss. Everett watches from through the window. Harris decides he will leave him to ponder his choices and his offer to get out of jail. Harris tells him to think about it and exits. Harris asks if there’s something he can do for Everett. Everett explains that he’s working on a story on the drug epidemic in Salem and he got word that he made a big arrest. Harris isn’t sure it’s big and notes that the guy isn’t talking yet. Everett asks for a crack at him, pointing out that he has nothing to lose.

Theresa sits with Tate and encourages that he’s really brave but Tate says he’s just faking it and admits he’s pretty scared and angry because he didn’t do anything wrong. Tate doesn’t know how much longer he can handle this.

EJ tells Brady that if he came to plead Tate’s case, he can turn around and go straight to Hell. Nicole comes over and asks EJ to let her talk to Brady. EJ asks if she’s sure. Nicole asks EJ to give them a minute so EJ says he’ll be back in a few, kisses her, and walks away. Brady enters and tells Nicole that he’s sorry about Holly as they all love her and are hoping she pulls through. Brady says no one feels worse about what’s going on than Tate. Brady doesn’t know what she’s been told and he doesn’t want to pour it on her but he’s feeling desperate as his son insists he knew nothing about the drugs and he would never hurt her. Brady states that Tate is in a jail cell and got beaten by a grown man because EJ revoked his bail and will not charge him as a minor, but as an adult for possession of illegal drugs. Brady brings up that he and Nicole have been friends for a long time and asks if there’s any way she can get EJ to reason just a little bit. Brady knows Nicole is scared of losing Holly, but he’s also afraid of losing Tate.

Paulina and Abe sit together to watch video of their wedding ceremony which makes them emotional.

Harris tells Everett that he can’t let a reporter interrogate a suspect. Everett talks about the town being in the middle of a drug crisis and they are on the same team, trying to stop people from dying. Everett says he’s good at getting people to talk. Harris acknowledges that he makes a good case but he wants to keep his job. Everett wishes him luck then and exits the station.

Jada asks Stephanie if she’s sure she’s not interested in Harris since they seemed to really hit it off that day. Stephanie responds that Harris isn’t her type and reveals that she and her ex kissed on New Year’s Eve. Jada asks if she means Chad or Alex. Stephanie informs her that it’s the one before from Seattle that came all the way here to be close to her. Chanel arrives so Stephanie calls her over. Stephanie mentions that Abe told her that he was having breakfast at her place so she questions what she’s doing here. Chanel explains that Paulina is on a health kick so she came here for a ham and cheese omelet. Stephanie invites Chanel to join them.

Theresa promises Tate that she and Brady will not rest until he’s out. Theresa brings up when she was held captive in Mexico and how she didn’t think she would last a day but she came out so much stronger. Theresa encourages that Tate will come out of this stronger too because he is her son and he’s tougher than he knows.

Brady tells Nicole that he knows EJ feels helpless about Holly’s condition, like they all do, but his solution is to throw the book at Tate. Brady brings up that Nicole loves Tate and he doesn’t think Holly would want that either. Nicole brings up that Tate said they were Holly’s drugs and asks if Brady believes that to be true. Brady admits he can’t be sure as there is no way of knowing. Nicole reminds Brady that he confessed to protect Tate and he wouldn’t do that if he didn’t think he was innocent. Brady says he didn’t give a damn if he was guilty or not at that point as he just knew that EJ was targeting him so he wanted to deflect his wrath onto him. Brady says his parental instinct kicked in but he believes his son is telling the truth. Nicole questions Brady thinking that Holly is using drugs and that she and EJ were just oblivious. Brady acknowledges that Holly has had a difficult and unstable life as she didn’t get to know her father at all. Brady says that Nicole’s romantic and personal life has been erratic like his and that can affect a kid. Brady feels it’s possible that Holly could have resorted to something like that. Nicole yells at Brady and asks how dare he talk about her daughter like that. Brady tries to explain but Nicole screams at him to get out. EJ comes back, arguing that Brady’s family has done enough and screams at him to get out. Brady then exits in frustration.

Abe and Paulina laugh together as they finish the wedding video. Paulina guesses they didn’t dredge up any memories. Abe suggests re-enacting the first kiss of a husband and wife. They go to kiss but get interrupted by Paulina getting a phone call from Brady. Brady asks Paulina to fire EJ.

EJ complains to Nicole about Brady provoking her and asks what he said. Nicole explains that Brady thinks Tate is telling the truth and that the drugs were Holly’s. EJ regrets letting Brady in. Nicole doesn’t know if she’s more mad at Brady, Tate, the drug dealers, or herself because if Brady is right, then she’s the one at fault. EJ argues that it’s not her fault and that Brady is just trying to convince her that it’s Holly’s fault so he can get his son off the hook and that’s not going to happen. Nicole cries that she feels so helpless and worries about losing Holly. EJ reminds Nicole that he is living proof that a hopeless case can turn around for the better. Nicole points out that it took years for EJ to recover. EJ argues that there’s been extraordinary advances in modern medicine since then. EJ promises Holly will get the best care in the world and that he will do everything in his power to make sure Holly recovers while Tate pays for what he has done. EJ swears on the soul of his father.

Brady returns to Theresa and Tate at the jail. Brady apologizes as he could not convince Nicole to do anything. Brady adds that he made a desperate call to Paulina to demand that she fire EJ, but she said that he’s still operating within the law and until he crosses the line, she can’t interfere. Brady says that when EJ does cross the line, they will get him.. Tate thanks Brady for trying. Brady swears on the soul of his grandfather that he will get Tate out.

Paulina brings up that Abe was mayor longer than she has been and asks if she did right by Tate or if she just stood by while EJ railroaded an innocent young man because her public wants her looking tough on crime. Abe admits that he doesn’t know what he would do in her shoes but he knows she has a very sharp mind and a very big heart, so he trusts her judgment. Paulina says he’s always known just how to lift her spirits as they kiss.

Stephanie tells Chanel that she thinks Abe is head over heels for Paulina. Chanel hopes so because she is for him and she could use all the support she could get right now. Stephanie asks what she means. Chanel says being Mayor is just a stressful job. Stephanie insists Chanel join them. Jada then decides that Chanel can have her seat. Chanel hopes Jada isn’t leaving because of her and says she’s really sorry about Jada’s sister leaving town. Jada thanks her. Chanel asks how Talia is doing. Jada says she’s okay but admits she’s really sad that she left. Jada says that Talia wanted a fresh start and they’ve all been there.

Everett walks by the Pub and stops when he gets a call from Chad. Everett tells him he’ll be right over and walks away.

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Days Update Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Sloan is at home, on the phone with Eric. She asks when to expect him home so she can make dinner plans. Eric is at the hospital and responds that he’s sorry but he won’t be home in time for dinner as he has to stop by and see Theresa. Sloan asks how things are going. Eric informs her that Tate was arrested for supplying the drugs to Holly and Theresa must be going out of her mind. Sloan asks how Holly is doing. Eric reveals that she had a seizure while he was visiting. Eric says he has to go but he’ll be home as soon as he can. Sloan tells him they are doing fine. Eric says he loves her and hangs up.

Theresa paces at home and complains to Alex about Tate being tried as an adult. Alex feels there has to be something he can do. Theresa believes they have done everything and complains that it’s not right or fair as Alex hugs her.

Brady goes home where Marlena asks how it went and assumes it must have been so tough. Brady confirms that it was and that he can’t even see Tate until tomorrow morning because he’s in holding. Brady knows Tate is scared. Marlena tells him that she’s so sorry. Brady says he tried everything he could to help him but nothing helped and that he tried to take the fall but it only made it worse. Brady declares that he’s the worst father on the planet.

John and Steve sit together at the Brady Pub as John complains about Tate being in a holding cell and being tried as an adult, all because EJ has gone off the deep end. John calls it an abuse of power and it’s killing him to watch Brady go through this. Steve encourages that John is obviously there for him and that’s all he can do right now.

Konstantin sits in his room at the Kiriakis Mansion and pulls out some papers, wondering if this could be the man. Konstantin says he was supposed to be dead, then decides he needs to do more digging as he sits with his laptop.

Melinda goes to Sloan’s apartment. Sloan thanks her for coming so quickly. Melinda says her message had her worried and asks what’s going on. Sloan tells her that she can’t take this anymore as it’s Nicole and it’s too much. Melinda encourages her to breathe and calm down. Melinda asks what about Nicole. Sloan responds that there is a real possibility that Nicole may now lose her surviving child to a drug overdose which means she will have lost two children in weeks, leaving her childless. Sloan declares that the guilt is eating her alive and she can’t keep living in this deception so they have to do something. Melinda questions what she is suggesting. Sloan responds that they have to give the baby back.

Alex asks if Theresa has considered reaching out to her dad since he’s the head of the ISA and maybe he could help Tate. Theresa says she can’t get ahold of him as he’s on some secret mission. Alex asks about her brother since he was in town recently. Theresa argues that Andrew wouldn’t pull any strings to help and probably thinks Tate is a big screw up like her. Alex encourages while Theresa says he doesn’t know about all the stuff she’s done in the past and recently. Alex questions what kind of stuff she’s done recently. Theresa thinks back to her and Konstantin’s plan to make Alex the son of Victor instead of Xander. Alex asks her again what kind of things she’s done recently. Theresa claims just the usual and calls herself a colossal screw up. Eric then shows up at the door. Theresa asks if he came to tell her what a bad parent she is and that it’s Tate’s fault. Theresa talks about beating herself up. Eric informs her that he stopped by to give her a hug.

Marlena argues that Brady is not a bad father. Brady brings up Tate being kicked out of boarding school, so he brought him here to straighten him out but it went from bad to worse. Brady feels if he didn’t bring Tate to Salem, none of this would’ve happened. Brady wonders if he was being selfish in bringing him back. Brady adds that with everything going on with his son, he’s still lost custody of his daughter as well. Marlena encourages that could turn around and points out that he didn’t force Tate as he wanted to stay in Salem. Marlena says they can’t always make their children do what they would like, but when their children suffer, they suffer. Marlena adds that they have to let them make choices and they learn from the consequences, the hard way. Brady thanks Marlena for being there for him and Tate. Marlena mentions going to meet John and Steve at the Pub for supper, so she invites Brady to join them which he accepts. Kristen then shows up at the door. Marlena asks what she wants. Kristen responds that she’s here for Brady.

Konstantin walks past the Brady Pub and sees a message on his phone that Maggie went to see Holly at the hospital. Konstantin says he should stop by and bring her some flowers. Konstantin then looks in the window of the Pub and sees John and Steve.

Steve asks John if there’s any way to get through to EJ before he throws the book at Tate. John doubts it since he obviously isn’t thinking rationally as it’s all about revenge and using Tate as a scapegoat for his misery. John says all they can hope for is that Holly pulls through, remembers what happened that night and sets the record straight. Konstantin then enters the Pub, shocking Steve and John. Konstantin guesses they are not too pleased to see him which Steve confirms. Steve questions what he’s still doing in Salem. Konstantin tells them that they blew it and their plan to run him out of town was a miserable failure. John calls him a fool for walking around in public, unless he wanted them to find him. Konstantin claims he just came for Brady Pub chowder. Steve tells him to turn around and get the hell out, then they will be right behind him to escort him to the airport. Konstantin declares that he’s not leaving anytime in the near future and the only way he will be gone from Salem is if they kidnap him again or murder him. Konstantin remarks that he wouldn’t put it past them.

Melinda questions Sloan suggesting giving the baby back to Nicole and argues that they would be on the hook for a very big crime. Sloan says she’ll represent herself and plead insanity if she has to. Melinda argues that she’s not thinking straight, reminding her that EJ is the district attorney and he would nail them to the wall for kidnapping. Melinda feels they would be risking everything and their lives would be over. Melinda brings up what EJ is doing to Tate and warns her to think about what he would do to them. Melinda declares that they would spend the rest of their days in prison and asks if that’s what Sloan wants.

Eric asks how Theresa is holding up. Theresa admits not very well and asks if he’s been to see Holly and Nicole. Eric confirms that he just came from the hospital and nothing’s changed in Holly’s condition so all they can do is pray. Eric states that no matter what, he’ll always love Tate and Holly as he could never judge either of them. Theresa asks if he would judge her. Eric brings up how he drove drunk 8 years ago and killed Holly’s father. Eric states that right now, Holly, Theresa, and Tate all need compassion and nobody knows that better than he does.

Kristen yells at Brady, asking where he’s been. Brady says it’s been a long night. Kristen reminds him that he was supposed to see his daughter an hour ago. Brady admits he forgot. Kristen calls it unbelievable and complains that he badgered her for weeks about seeing her and when she finally agrees, he stands up his own daughter. Brady asks her to let him explain. Kristen remarks that she would love to hear why he left his daughter in tears. Kristen then asks where the hell Brady has been and warns that it better be damn good.

Konstantin informs John that one’s past cannot be swept under the rug so easily. Konstantin brings up that Steve kidnapped him while John was lurking in the corner like an assassin. Konstantin claims his hands are clean and asks if John can say the same. John warns that he could make one call to the ISA and Konstantin will wake up on an island, permanently. Steve adds that he’ll have no way out. John warns Konstantin about running his mouth. Konstantin says an island sounds ideal for him to start a new life, just like John has. Konstantin says it would remind him of his home in Aria, then asks if Steve knows the place.

Melinda talks about Holly’s overdose being a shock but says it’s not like Sloan to be in such a tailspin. Sloan complains about balancing parenting, work, and the constant feeling of living in guilt. Sloan brings up the expenses as she reveals that she’s being blackmailed by Leo Stark, who knows that Jude is Nicole’s baby. Melinda asks how he could know that since Dimitri is in a super max prison, then realizes that Dimitri must have told him before being transferred. Sloan adds that it’s much worse since Leo knows that she had a hand in having Dimitri transferred to the super max prison and he’s out for revenge. Melinda hopes that Sloan did not mention her and that she’s not compromised in this. Sloan assures that Leo has no idea of her involvement. Sloan complains that Leo has been draining her of everything. Sloan says she was able to reel in his spending but doesn’t know how long that will last or what he’s going to demand next.

Eric tells Theresa about the tremendous guilt he felt and how he went to prison for his crime. Eric talks about the shame he felt but he had to forgive himself. Theresa argues that Tate’s situation is different because he’s innocent and Holly chose to take the drugs herself. Eric says regardless, they are all hurting and if there’s anything he can do to help, he’s there for her. Theresa responds that there actually may be something he can do.

Marlena tells Kristen that there is a lot going on with the family right now and asks her to listen to Brady. Brady tells Marlena that he can handle this and that she can go on to have a meal with John while he will hopefully join them later. Marlena asks Kristen to tell Rachel that her grandparents miss her as she then exits. Brady tells Kristen that he wouldn’t miss a moment with his daughter without a really good reason. Brady then reveals that Tate is in jail. Kristen questions what he did. Brady responds that he didn’t do anything but he went to a New Year’s Eve party with Holly, who had drugs on her to his surprise. Brady then informs Kristen that Holly overdosed at the Bistro and is currently on life support in a coma. Kristen is surprised and says she’s sorry. Brady adds that to make matters worse, EJ is on the warpath and thinks it’s all Tate’s fault. Brady points out that EJ revoked Tate’s bail so Tate is in a jail cell and is going to be tried as an adult. Kristen admits she had no idea this was happening since she and Rachel have been out of town. Brady doesn’t know what he’s going to say to their daughter as he has to tell her that he stood her up, forgot he was going to see her, and her brother is in jail. Kristen decides that she will break the news to her and explain everything, so he doesn’t have to worry about it. Brady questions Kristen being kind to him and wants to know what the catch is.

Melinda asks why Sloan didn’t tell her that Leo was blackmailing her and bleeding her dry. Sloan argues that she had a lot on her mind, like Nicole kidnapping her son. Melinda thought it was an innocent mix-up but Sloan insists that Nicole planned it and had no intention of bringing the baby back until EJ convinced her, but then Eric convinced her to cover up for Nicole because she has a conscience, so she told the police that they asked Nicole to babysit. Sloan states that she did it for Eric. Sloan wishes she would’ve just violated her conscience and went with her gut, because she can’t stand seeing Nicole out and that she helped her. Melinda questions why she’s feeling sorry for her then. Melinda acknowledges that it’s awful that Nicole might lose her daughter and no one knows that more than her, but Sloan had nothing to do with Holly’s overdose. Melinda urges her to stay the course as she has everything she ever wanted so she shouldn’t blow it now for either of them.

Eric asks Theresa what he can do. Theresa asks him to speak to Nicole and plead Tate’s case by telling her that would never try to hurt Holly so maybe Nicole will get EJ to back off a bit and listen to reason. Eric agrees to talk to Nicole but says not today while Holly is in a coma and they don’t know if she’ll ever come out of it. Theresa says she understands. Eric tells her to be good to herself. Eric knows it can be hard to find faith in the chaos so he reveals that he brought Grandma Caroline’s rosary that she gave him when he became a priest. Eric says it’s gotten through tough times so he wants her to hold on to it. Theresa thanks him and says it means a lot.

Kristen tells Brady that there’s no catch as she’s been behind bars many times and she doesn’t wish that on her worst enemy, let alone her daughter’s brother. Brady continues to question her. Kristen calls the situation terrible for everyone, so she really has no interest in making it any worse. Brady thanks her as he feels really bad about letting Rachel down since he’s been waiting to see her and he blew it. Kristen understands it was an extreme circumstance that was unexpected. Brady asks for the chance to make it up to Rachel. Kristen informs him that Rachel has been having bad dreams and woke up crying one night because she dreamt that Brady was dead. Kristen acknowledges that Rachel misses him. Brady responds that he misses her too. Kristen says he can still see her and make it up to her, but warns that if he disappoints her again, she swears he will have to pay.

Steve tells Konstantin that he doesn’t know Aria. Konstantin thought he recognized the name and asks if he’s certain that he’s never been there. Steve says he’s been all over the world, so maybe he stopped by at some point but he doesn’t remember. Steve adds that it’s none of his damn business anyway. Konstantin says there’s no reason to get upset if he doesn’t want to discuss it. John questions what he’s driving at. Steve accuses him of just trying to stall. Steve tells Konstantin that he’s going back to Greece and warns that if he doesn’t go back on his own, he’ll end up in a place a lot less ideal. Konstantin notes that Steve seems quite rattled. Steve admits he’s pissed because he’s looking at the devious son of a bitch who took advantage of Maggie. Steve reminds him that he was warned to leave Salem but he ignored that, so he can either leave on his own or he will be forcibly exiled courtesy of the ISA. Steve declares that they can do it the easy way or the hard way and it’s up to him. Marlena arrives and asks if everything is okay here.

Sloan thanks Melinda for talking her off the ledge. Melinda worries that she’s still on the ledge and asks if she’s not going to change her mind and blow their covers about the baby. Eric then comes home and asks what’s going on. Sloan says that Melinda was just visiting her Godson which Eric questions. Sloan knows they haven’t discussed it but says they wouldn’t have Jude if not for Melinda. Eric agrees and tells Melinda that they are forever in her debt. Melinda asks when the Christening is. Sloan says as soon as they lock down a date, she will be the first to know. Melinda reminds Sloan what they talked about earlier about baby-proofing the place to keep him safe. Melinda then exits. Sloan tells Eric that she’s so glad he’s back. Eric asks why she seems upset then.

Brady says there’s the Kristen DiMera he knows and despises. Kristen says giving him another chance to make it up to Rachel even though he stood them up surprises her as much as it did him, because she had a lot more yelling planned. Brady guesses she must be disappointed. Kristen admits that she is a little bit because yelling gets her frustration out. Brady tells her to just yell away if it’s therapeutic for her. Kristen says it won’t work since he told her to. Brady feels they can wait a few and he’ll say something else to trigger her and then she can yell at him to her heart’s content.

Alex makes Theresa a sandwich and then sees that she is praying. Alex comments that he didn’t know she was in to all the religious stuff. Theresa says she might not be a good Catholic but it’s still her faith. Alex calls it cool. Theresa questions if he really thinks so. Alex responds that he thinks she looks very sexy when she prays. Alex tries to kiss her but Theresa questions what the hell he is doing. Alex admits that was bad timing and apologizes as he just wanted to try to make her feel better the best way he knows how. Theresa calls that totally inappropriate. Alex agrees and says he’s fully aware that most of their relationship has been focused primarily on the physical, but that’s not what he’s all about. Alex wants to be there for her emotionally too for whatever she needs. Theresa admits she wasn’t expecting that and says it means a lot to her. Theresa apologizes for snapping at him. Alex says he gets it and asks her to forgive him. Alex holds her and says it’s crazy how life throws together certain people just at the right time when you need them. Alex declares that he’s very grateful to have met Theresa.

Sloan tells Eric that she’s okay and it’s just that there is a lot going on right now with the baby and the work that never ends and it takes a little out of her. Eric understands and offers to make her dinner which she accepts. Eric tells her to just relax and goes to prepare.

Kristen tells Brady that she’ll be in touch to set up a day for he and Rachel so they can make up for lost time. Brady thanks her as he missed Rachel a lot and admits the holidays were pretty rough not seeing her. Brady mentions hearing that she had a really good Christmas though which Kristen confirms. Kristen mentions getting Rachel some Taylor Swift ear buds and that “Karma” is her favorite song. Kristen tells Brady about Rachel dancing around the room and says she will send him a video. Brady talks about needing to see Rachel as it’s just not the same and he feels like he’s let her down so much while now he’s let Tate down. Brady cries that he’s let his kids down over and over and he doesn’t want to do it anymore. Kristen encourages that they love him and that won’t change and he’ll get through this like he always does. Kristen says he will be there for his kids because that’s just who he is as she hugs Brady.

Konstantin acknowledges Marlena and says he’s heard so much about her. Marlena is surprised to see him. Konstantin says he was just leaving as he suddenly lost his taste for clam chowder. Konstantin tells them to have a nice evening and mocks that he will consider their kind words and thoughtful request as he exits the Pub. Konstantin remarks to himself that he saw the look on Steve’s face so he knows all too well about Aria in Greece. Konstantin wonders if it could really be after so many long years.

Marlena asks what that was all about as she thought Konstantin was already gone from Salem. John says they thought so too. Steve responds that he will be gone soon, for good, and they can count on that.

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Days Update Monday, January 8, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At the DiMera Mansion, Stefan is on the phone with Gabi. Stefan says he’s sorry that she’s in so much pain. Stefan mentions that he planned to come visit her today but there was a fight in the prison so they put it on lockdown. Stefan assures that he will come see her soon and that they will have an important talk.

Chad goes to the Spectator where Everett is working. Everett says it might be midnight until he finishes and that he’s not sure he made any progress, but mentions a brief conversation with Chad’s brothers, EJ and Stefan as he found them huddled together at the loading dock behind the Bistro and it sounded like they were arguing. Everett says he has no idea what they were discussing but they kind of clammed up when they saw him and the fact that they were at the exact spot where Holly overdosed, it kind of aroused his suspicion.

Maggie joins Nicole in Holly’s hospital room and tells her that she’s terribly sorry.

Ava goes home to Tripp at the apartment. Ava notices Wendy’s suitcase is gone. Tripp confirms that she’s on her way to the airport. Ava says that’s too bad as she hoped to say goodbye to her. Tripp notes that Wendy left behind her favorite scarf. Ava points out that he can bring it to her when he joins her, but Tripp reveals that he’s not going and he’s decided not to move to China. Tripp assures that Wendy understands that he is going to be here for Ava. Ava tells him no but Tripp says he knows she said nothing is going on at the Bistro but he’s not convinced. Tripp tells Ava that he’s worried about her.

Stefan tells Gabi that this is not the time to have this talk when she’s in so much pain and that it needs to be face to face, but promises that it will be soon as he hangs up.

Maggie gives Nicole a blanket that she knitted. Maggie talks about knitting again since Victor passed and she’s sometimes unable to sleep. Nicole thanks her and assures that Holly will love it. Maggie says her heart aches for them and praises Holly. Maggie talks about Holly reminding her of her father Daniel, who they lost too soon. Maggie encourages that Holly is strong and will survive this. Nicole says she will never feel more grateful than she already does for Holly because they’ve recently been reminded of just how fragile life is. Nicole declares that they have to pay attention to the people they love and never take them for granted as Maggie hugs her.

Everett tells Chad that he found out in his research that EJ apparently has more than dabbled in the drug trade in recent years. Chad confirms that is in fact what almost got him killed but questions EJ getting involved in drugs again, pointing out that he seems to have gotten his act together and asks why else the mayor would make him district attorney. Everett says he hears that but from what he’s dug up so far, Salem’s drug central seems to be right behind the Bistro which Stefan owns. Chad feels selling drugs doesn’t seem to be Stefan’s thing either since he doesn’t need the money. Everett argues that money is not everybody’s motivation.

Ava reminds Tripp that she told him already there is nothing going on at the Bistro or for him to worry about but if he’s determined to stay in Salem and give up on the woman he loves, she can’t stop him. Ava says she is tired and going to bed but Tripp says not until she tells him why she was so happy that he was moving to Hong Kong. Ava questions if a mother can’t be happy for her son. Ava says that Wendy seems like a great girl and they were crazy about each other. Tripp argues that the Ava he knows would have tried to talk her son out of moving halfway across the world. Ava feels that would be selfish. Tripp insists that Ava wanted him out of the way of danger. Ava asks why he would stay if that’s the case. Tripp responds that he’s not going to walk away when she needs him. Tripp declares that she is his mother and he feels responsible for keeping her safe, so nothing and no one is going to keep him from doing that. Wendy then returns to the apartment, surprising them.

Everett tells Chad that it just struck him as strange that Stefan was at the loading docks since there weren’t any deliveries and wonders why he was with EJ. Everett asks if Chad has any thoughts on that. Chad says not at the moment but it’s hard for him to believe that his brothers are pedaling drugs. Stephanie arrives and greets them. Stephanie mentions not knowing Chad would be there but that she and Everett are having a PR meeting to focus on getting more eyes online. Chad says he has plans anyways and tells Everett to fill him in tomorrow as he then exits. Everett tells Stephanie that he’s sorry if it feels awkward. Stephanie assures that she and Chad are fine and have moved on.

Tripp hugs Wendy and questions what she’s doing here. Wendy explains that she got all the way to the gate and was looking at photos of them on her phone and she realized that she couldn’t go without him, so she’s staying in Salem if he hasn’t found another roommate. Tripp tells her that she makes him so happy and he loves her so much as he kisses her. Ava decides she will leave as she understands they thought they would be apart but now they are together. Ava says she is happy for them and wishes she wasn’t here to intrude on their moment. Ava adds that she will give them time alone. Tripp tells Ava that they will talk soon. Ava wishes them a Happy New Year and exits. Tripp tells Wendy how happy that she’s made him but asks about her parents and if she’s sure about this. Wendy assures that she belongs here with him.

Nicole brings up Maggie being an AA sponsor for years, so she wonders if Maggie saw any signs that Holly was having any issues. Maggie confirms that she didn’t but notes that addicts are really good at hiding the disease. Maggie adds that Holly might not be an addict and may have just been experimenting with a one time thing. Nicole calls it so sad, pointing out that now Tate has been arrested when they were two young people with their whole lives ahead of them. Maggie brings up EJ thinking Tate is responsible for supplying Holly with the drugs. Maggie asks if Nicole thinks that Tate is the one to blame.

Ava goes to the DiMera Mansion and greets Stefan, who says he wasn’t expecting her. Ava says she didn’t have anywhere else to go and asks if anything has changed with Holly. Stefan says he checked but no, she’s still in a coma. Stefan offers her a drink which Ava accepts, bringing up that Tripp and Wendy have decided not to move to Hong Kong so she has to keep an eye on them and be very careful about everything she says and does. Chad then walks in and apologizes for interrupting. Chad feels they seem surprised to see him. Stefan says he’s just not used to Chad coming around much since moving in with Doug and Julie. Chad reminds him that he still has his key and that Charlotte thought she left one of her favorite dolls. Chad asks what Ava is doing there.

Stephanie and Everett eat together at the Spectator office. They talk about their past. Stephanie says she admired how passionate he was about his job. Everett regrets the nights they missed together.

Wendy repeats to Tripp that this is where she belongs, with him and questions him not saying anything. Tripp says he already told her how happy he is that she decided to come back. Wendy argues that she can tell something is bothering him. Tripp admits that as thrilled and relieved as he is that she’s not moving 8000 miles away, he also feels really guilty and questions why his family is more important than her family and why him wanting to be here for his mom is more important than Wendy being there for her parents. Wendy insists that her parents have a whole village and she will still visit as often as she can. Wendy says that she is their only child now but they have aunts, uncles, and cousins while Ava only has Tripp. Wendy asks Tripp not to feel guilty because this is her choice and she knows it’s the right one. Tripp is so glad she feels that way but he can’t stop worrying about so many things. Tripp wishes them being together here was simpler. Wendy knows that he was excited and happy when she first came back, but now it seems that he’s having some sort of delayed reaction. Wendy tells him to just say if he’s disappointed that she’s coming back and questions if he was relieved that she was moving to Hong Kong.

Nicole tells Maggie that she doesn’t blame Tate as he’s just a kid. Nicole says she blames herself the most for not realizing that Holly was having issues and being too self-consumed intead of paying attention to her. Paulina arrives with an artificial plant. Paulina says she hopes she’s not interrupting but Abe told her that the room could use some perking up which Nicole thanks her for. Paulina says she’s so sorry this happened and assures that she’s doing everything she can to get the drugs under control so no more of their youth have to suffer. Nicole knows she’s doing everything she can. Paulina starts coughing so Maggie gets her some water.

Ava tells Chad that it’s lovely to see him too. Stefan states that he and Ava have things to go over for business. Chad questions why they are doing it here and who is running the Bistro. Ava argues that the staff are capable of covering for a few hours. Chad argues that it still doesn’t explain why Stefan is working in his family living room with Ava. Stefan asks Chad to just get what he came for because he and Ava have work to do which is none of his concern. Chad responds that it actually is because he owns the Spectator now and he’s tasked his star reporter with covering the drug trafficking in Salem. Chad asks Stefan if the DiMeras are involved in this and if they are investigating his own family.

Stephanie thinks it’s great that Chad is having Everett do this lead in to the drug trafficking in Salem. Everett says somebody has to get to the bottom of it and calls it such a tragedy. Everett adds that it’s triggering for him because he was covering the heroin epidemic in Seattle before they were together. Stephanie notes that he never told her about that. Everett reveals that a musician friend of his died from it and he was the one who found him, so it was shocking and traumatizing. Stephanie tells him that she’s so sorry. Everett guesses he didn’t tell her because he was determined to supress those feelings and memories to focus on the amazing woman that he was falling in love with.

Paulina tells Holly that they are all praying for her. The nurse comes in and says it’s time for Holly’s tests so Nicole says they will give her room and exits with Maggie and Paulina. Nicole thanks Paulina for coming. Paulina assures that she will get to the bottom of whoever is pedaling the drugs. Maggie reminds Paulina to take care of herself. Paulina thanks her for her concern and says she intends to make an appointment with her doctor today. Paulina tells Nicole that she’ll be praying for her and Holly. Nicole assures that she will be there for Holly with strength and optimism.

Tripp tells Wendy that he doesn’t want her to move to Hong Kong, especially without him. Wendy asks if it’s Ava that doesn’t want her there. Tripp assures that she loves her. Wendy asks if Ava keeps getting in to these messes to keep him in her clutches. Tripp calls that unfair. Wendy declares that she’s not letting anyone else dictate her decisions and that she’s staying whether he likes it or not. Tripp assures that he likes it a lot as they kiss.

Paulina tells Nicole and Maggie not to worry about her and to focus on Holly, assuring that she’ll be back soon. Nicole thanks her for coming again as she exits. Maggie comments that they all need to take care of themselves. Nicole insists that she will. The nurse comes over and says they can go back in so Nicole and Maggie head back to Holly’s room. Maggie encourages that Holly has so many people praying for her and for Tate as well.

Stefan tells Chad to save the questions for his star reporter since he will be showing up everywhere anyways. Chad feels that Everett doesn’t know how to read Stefan and Ava like he does. Chad brings up Ava’s well-documented history with the mafia where she learned drug trafficking. Ava says the same could be said about the DiMeras. Chad states that is why them working together makes him suspicious. Ava remarks that she just can’t stay away from DiMera men. Ava tells Stefan to just give it up because Chad’s on to them as she then grabs Stefan and kisses him.

Everett and Stephanie talk about being distractions for each other when they fell in love. Stephanie suggests drinking which Everett says he would love to do but thinks coffee is a better idea since he has to finish the job. Stephanie asks if he should put it off for tonight if it’s triggering him about his friend that overdosed. Everett assures that he can handle it, especially with her by his side.

Tripp asks Wendy if it’s settled then that she’s staying, which she confirms. Tripp asks if she’s told her family yet. Wendy admits she hasn’t and wouldn’t be surprised if her mom is waiting at the airport. Wendy decides there’s no time like the present and suggests Tripp leave the room for it, joking that he’ll still probably hear her mom sobbing all the way from Hong Kong.

Maggie tells Nicole that when Holly gets better, they should have a spa day. Maggie brings up Victor and gets emotional. Nicole declares that her New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with her daughter and she prays for the chance to make that stick.

Wendy calls her mom to tell her that she’s not coming. Wendy says she knows she promised, but sometimes promises can’t be followed. Wendy apologizes and says she will video call soon but her mom hangs up on her. Tripp guesses it didn’t go well which Wendy confirms and says she didn’t expect it to. Tripp hopes that deep down Wendy’s mom understands that she’s in love. Wendy states that her parents love each other but she’s not so sure they are in love. Tripp tells her that he’s very sure that just thinking about being separated from her and picturing her 8000 miles away to then her coming back in, he has no words to express how he’s feeling but Wendy encourages him to. Tripp tells Wendy that she lights up his life and worries about being corny but Wendy says it’s great. Tripp adds that she brightens every day and makes his heart skip beats. Tripp then tells Wendy that he’s more in love with her than ever. Wendy says he found all the right words. Tripp tells her that it’s her turn now. Wendy calls Tripp the man of her dreams and says she loves him with all her heart as they kiss.

Stephanie tells Everett that she might go to Seattle soon to visit her brother Joey. Stephanie asks if Everett will ever go back. Everett responds that he goes where the job takes him but he’s been thinking it’s time to put down some roots, so he doesn’t think he’d go back to Seattle unless there’s something to go back for. Stephanie points out the time and that he needs to file that piece tonight, so she’s going to get going. Stephanie says she will see him soon and then exits.

Ava informs Chad that she and Stefan are in a relationship. Chad responds that he’s not surprised and he doesn’t care. Chad warns Stefan that he hopes he’s not involved in the drug trade or else it will be a house of cards that comes crashing down around him. Chad then exits. Stefan questions Ava about what the hell that was. Ava tells him that they need to be the happy betrayers in front of Chad and Harris to keep them off their back. Stefan complains that he’s not comfortable with that. Ava tells him to get comfortable and that they need to do this if he’s interested in surviving. Stefan assures that he is interested so Ava tells him to get interested in this as she kisses him again.

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Days Update Friday, January 5, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Sarah comes out of the spare bedroom at Xander’s apartment and finds Xander cooking. Xander tells her that he planned to surprise her with breakfast in bed, but notes that he would have knocked first as he wouldn’t just barge in while she was in bed. Sarah tells him that she wouldn’t have minded if he had done that.

Wendy packs her bags at home as Tripp comes home. Tripp apologizes for not making it home for New Year’s Eve as he got stuck at the hospital on a crazy night. Wendy tells him that they can make up for it in Hong Kong. Wendy talks about what a great time they are going to have and announces that she got a leave of absence from the police department since she hopes to come back someday, depending on her dad’s condition. Tripp asks how he’s holding up. Wendy says he’s still in rough shape, but her flight leaves tonight and then she’ll be there. Tripp knows her parents will be so happy to see her. Wendy responds that she’ll be so happy to welcome him to Hong Kong. Wendy asks if Tripp has made arrangements with the hospital to join her soon. Tripp reveals that he’s sorry but he can’t go.

At the police station, Brady tells Tate that he can’t wait to get him home. Justin returns and announces that he just got a call from the assistant district attorney. Rafe returns and announces that he just got a call from the judge, who has reversed his decision and revoked Tate’s bail. Rafe reveals that Tate’s not going anywhere as he has to take him back in to custody. Theresa argues against it while Brady questions how the judge could change his mind after just granting bail half an hour ago. Justin finishes a call and says he found out that EJ convinced the judge that Tate is a flight risk because of the family wealth. Brady argues that EJ probably owns the judge. Justin acknowledges that EJ holds a lot of sway. Theresa argues that this can’t be happening. Tate asks everyone to stop talking and just tell him what’s going to happen to him.

Xander and Sarah talk about Victoria sleeping through the night. Sarah thanks him for letting her stay the night. Xander talks about getting through the baby fever scare. Sarah says it all worked out which Xander credits her for. Xander comments that he ruined her New Year’s Eve plans as they flash back to taking care of Victoria and Sarah saying she’d rather be here with them to watching the fireworks together where they ended up kissing. Sarah tells Xander that she wouldn’t say it was ruined. Xander starts to apologize but Victoria wakes up crying. Xander says he’ll go check on her while telling Sarah to help herself to the food.

Wendy thought they had already decided and that Tripp wanted to go with her. Tripp says that was all before last night when Holly Jonas was brought in to the hospital after overdosing at the Bistro. Tripp explains that she was found on the loading dock, barely alive. Wendy asks if she’s going to be okay. Tripp says it’s too soon to tell but this isn’t exactly about Holly. Tripp informs her that he went to go check on Ava after he got off and she was acting really strange. Wendy feels it must have been traumatic for her to have someone overdose on her watch. Tripp feels it was more than that as he knows her mom and he knows when something is not right. Tripp says when Ava encouraged him to go to Hong Kong, he had the feeling that something was up with her but he doesn’t know what exactly. Tripp thinks something is going on that Ava doesn’t want him to know about which is why she was way too eager to have him 8000 miles away on another continent. Wendy says she doesn’t know Ava all that well but admits it seems out of character for her. Tripp insists that Ava is all about wanting to be close since he’s her only child now and making up for lost time. Tripp brings up that Ava used to be in the mob and he wants to think that she’s telling the truth when she adamantly denied being involved with drugs, but admits that he doesn’t believe her.

Brady tells Tate not to worry as they are never going to give up. Theresa argues that they can’t send her child to jail. Justin clarifies that it will be juvenile hall, not jail, and they will explore their options. Brady asks what options they have and asks if they can argue that EJ is a conflict of interest. Justin says he will file an appeal immediately and then they will explore every avenue. Alex asks if he can just pay double the bail amount and urges Justin to make the court system work that way since he’s been doing this a long time and knows judges. EJ arrives and greets them, so Alex, Justin, and Rafe have to hold Brady back. Brady asks EJ why he’s doing this to his son.

Wendy suggests Tripp get some sleep. Tripp says he’s not going to miss her leaving, noting that he’s already been up for 24 hours. Wendy asks if Tripp thinks his mom is back in the game. Tripp reiterates that he doesn’t want to think that but some things just don’t add up. Tripp brings up Ava suddenly breaking up with Harris, killing Gil right here in their apartment, and then out of nowhere she’s managing the Bistro with Stefan. Tripp says that Ava had an answer for everything as if she was prepared. Wendy understands why he’s so worried, especially given her history. Tripp says that Harris is not in Ava’s life anymore. Wendy understands that Ava needs Tripp now more than ever, so if he wasn’t here, no one would take care of her. Tripp says it hurts so much more that Wendy is being so understanding and he loves her for it. Wendy assures that she knows him and she loves him. Tripp says he’s so sorry because all of this is so unfair. Wendy admits she’s disappointed but says family is obviously very important to him and she respects him for that. Wendy says she has to take care of her parents now and she knows he feels the same about his mom, but now they have another issue. Tripp asks what this means for them.

Xander brings Victoria in to the living room as Sarah is finishing her breakfast. They joke about Xander’s pronunciation of the word “scone”. Sarah hopes Victoria gets Xander’s accent because it’s charming and she loves it, noting that Victoria is half Scottish. Xander hoped Victoria would take more after Sarah’s side of the family. Xander tells Sarah that he likes everything about her. Sarah thanks him and decides she should get dressed and pack up Victoria’s things since it’s her night with her. Sarah tells Xander that she’ll be out of his hair and he can have his apartment back as she goes to get dressed.

Rafe warns that Brady will just make things worse for Tate. EJ says to let him go as he’s curious to see how far Brady will take it, joking that if he assaults the district attorney then he and Tate can have father-son time in jail. Justin and Alex hold Brady back as Theresa tells Brady that they need him here with them and Justin advises him not to make things worse. Theresa doesn’t think things could get worse but EJ assures that they can. EJ brings up his family and Nicole being broken at Holly’s bedside. EJ talks about an innocent girl fighting for her life because she was pressured in to taking drugs by the son of drug addicts. Tate insists that’s not what happened and that he told Holly not to do it. EJ tells Tate to save it. EJ remarks that Tate is nearly of age and committed a crime that resulted in Holly’s condition. Theresa argues that Tate is innocent until proven guilty. EJ declares that Tate will be tried as an adult and held at the local jail with the other prisoners. Justin argues that EJ can’t charge Tate as an adult for possession because the law doesn’t support that. EJ responds that it could be manslaughter or attempted murder for pedaling drugs that may have killed his stepdaughter. Theresa tries to argue but Justin acknowledges that he can charge the minor as an adult if the crime is fitting. Theresa pleads with EJ that Tate is just a child and to have some compassion. Alex argues that they should’ve got a different lawyer and that Justin should’ve changed the venue. Justin tells Alex that he’s out of his element as you can’t change the venue until there’s a trial. Alex argues that he at least could’ve found a judge who isn’t under EJ’s thumb. EJ dares Alex to make accusations to his face. Alex gets in EJ’s face and threatens to rearrange his face. EJ points out that Alex is threatening the district attorney while surrounded by cops. Alex responds that he’s no scared of him as the Kiriakis family have friends in high places. Tate yells to stop. Tate asks Theresa not to let them send him to jail.

Wendy wishes there was a way that she could stay in Salem to be there for Tripp and Ava, but her parents need her in Hong Kong so she feels like she has to go. Tripp says he gets that as they just lost their son and she feels responsible to help them through that. Tripp assures that he totally understands, but they need to talk about what happens next. Tripp asks if they are going to try long distance. Wendy says yes but acknowledges that it’s a really long distance so it won’t be easy. Tripp says they can’t spend weekends together but they can still talk, text, and video calls along with visiting each other. Wendy says that sounds all nice and doable but says they are making these plans while in the same room. Wendy declares that they both know that when she leaves and they are separated by oceans, it won’t be the same. Tripp guesses that’s true. Wendy tells Tripp that she cares about him so much and she just wants him to be happy, so she doesn’t want to stand in his way if he meets someone else as she doesn’t expect him to wait for her. Tripp says he understands and that he wouldn’t want her waiting for him either. Wendy can’t believe they are actually saying goodbye.

Sarah and Xander joke about his neighbors seeing her leave. Xander tells Sarah that she looks beautiful and she thanks him. Sarah mentions that Victoria’s bag is packed so when she wakes up, she will head out. Sarah offers to help him with the dishes since he cooked. Xander asks her not to worry about that and forget about the dishes. Sarah asks if something is wrong. Xander says that earlier when putting Victoria down, he couldn’t help but think that now that Chloe has moved out, there is a spare room. Sarah says that’s for Victoria as he’s making it into a nursery. Xander points out that there’s a regular bed in there that Sarah slept on last night which she confirms was comfortable. Xander wonders if it’s possible that Sarah would consider moving in permanently with their daughter.

Wendy can’t imagine not having Tripp in her life as he’s been her rock and support. Wendy doesn’t think she could’ve survived her brother’s death without him. Wendy adds that he makes her laugh and she loves his shrimp tacos. Tripp says she makes him laugh too and he’s so impressed by how smart she is and how hard she works. Tripp calls her brave and kind, noting that she taught him to believe in love again as they kiss.

Sarah tells Xander that she doesn’t know what to say. Xander encourages her to say yes to moving in. Sarah admits that sharing custody is hard as she misses Victoria so much when they are apart. Xander agrees and feels it would be better for Victoria to have a permanent home rather than bouncing back and forth. Sarah brings up Konstantin staying with Maggie until his ankle heals and he can leave town. Sarah says she likes Konstantin but doesn’t trust him, so she doesn’t know how she would feel about Maggie being alone with him. Xander points out that lots of people still live there including Henderson. Xander adds that Sarah spends a good chunk of her time at the hospital anyways and suggests she trust that Maggie can take care of herself. Xander then asks if Sarah is just looking for a reason to say no.

Tate pleads with Theresa not to let them take him. Theresa asks for a minute alone with Tate. Brady assures Tate that they are going to get him out as soon as possible. Tate says he’s scared. Brady insists that he did nothing wrong. Theresa tells Tate that he’s innocent and they are going to fight like hell to prove it. EJ remarks that even if the drugs weren’t Tate’s, he didn’t pull the trigger on calling 911 and that could be the difference in whether or not Holly survives. Tate says that he’s so sorry. EJ calls it a little too late for sorry.

Sarah admits maybe she is looking for a reason to not move in. Sarah talks about how complicated this is for her and how she feels conflicted about them living together. Xander brings up that they kissed last night and they hadn’t talked about it. Xander asks if Sarah is worried that he only asked her to move in, in hopes that they would sleep together. Sarah talks about their emotions being heightened, worrying about Victoria, and getting caught up in the fireworks so it happened in the heat of the moment. Xander says that’s true but admits that he’s wanted to kiss her for a long time. Sarah admits she wanted to as well and calls their kisses amazing. Sarah adds that she’s scared of going too fast and falling madly in love with him again and regretting it.

Wendy guesses her car should be there soon. Tripp tells her to cancel it so he can take her to the airport, feeling that they should be together until the last minute. Wendy doesn’t think that’s a good idea, feeling it would just make it harder. Tripp wants to take her but Wendy says she’d rather he didn’t. Tripp says he understands. Wendy goes to freshen up before she leaves. Tripp puts a piece from their Jenga game in to Wendy’s bag. Wendy returns, having gotten a text that her car is there early. Tripp and Wendy then embrace one last time.

Theresa calls this a nightmare and repeats that her son is innocent and a good, caring person who would never willingly hurt someone he cares about. Alex tells her it will be okay. Theresa doesn’t know if she believes that as she says the look in EJ’s eyes isn’t a husband worried about his wife grieving, she just sees bitter hatred. Rafe tells Tate that he needs to get out of his suit, so Justin exits with ate. Rafe then asks for a word with EJ so they head in to the interrogation room. Theresa then agrees with Alex that she should’ve gotten another lawyer. Alex hugs her as she cries.

In the interrogation room, EJ tells Rafe to make it quick because he doesn’t want to miss Tate being taken away in handcuffs. Rafe questions what the hell is the matter with him and why he’s doing this. EJ thought since Rafe was in Holly’s life, that they would be on the same side. Rafe asks when the hell he’s ever been on the same side with EJ on anything. Rafe says even if Tate gave Holly the drugs, he’s just a kid who never meant for any of this to happen. Rafe adds that Holly took the drugs willingly. EJ calls that a baseless assumption, arguing that Tate could’ve drugged her drink for all they know. Rafe declares that soon they will know a lot more because he’s going to the high school to interview eye witnesses and maybe they’ll find out things about Holly that EJ didn’t even know. EJ warns Rafe to stay away from Nicole and not to try to make the victim the criminal. Rafe shouts that he’s trying to get EJ to see the reality of the tragedy when all he can do is lash out as a poor kid who is already traumatized. Rafe asks EJ if it makes him feel good to make Tate feel worse. EJ decides that this conversation is over. Rafe tells EJ to imagine if someone was doing this to Johnny when he was Tate’s age and how it would make him go nuts. Rafe urges EJ to think about it.

Justin and a cop escort Tate back in to the police station where Theresa hugs him.

Xander tells Sarah that if she agrees to move in, they would be roommates and co-parents. Xander promises to be a gentleman and respect her boundaries. Xander is sure that she would respect his boundaries as well. Sarah asks what his boundaries are. Xander jokes that she should never eat something from the fridge that he was saving for himself and he’d prefer if she didn’t put his phone, tablet, or laptop where he can’t find it while straightening up. Xander then asks what Sarah’s boundaries are. Sarah jokes there’s too many to state right now so she’ll have to make a list. Xander asks for her answer. Sarah responds that she’d be willing to give it a shot which excites Xander. Xander then presents Sarah with a key and welcomes her to her new home.

Wendy tells Tripp that it’s time for her to go. Tripp tells her that he’s going to miss her so much as they kiss goodbye. Wendy then takes her bag to leave and tells Tripp that she loves him. Tripp says he loves her too, always, as she then exits in tears.

Brady tells Tate to have faith that Holly is going to wake up and set things right. Justin adds that they will do everything in their power to prove his innocence and they will fight this. Tate says he never meant for any of this to happen. Brady insists that he’s innocent and they will get him home as soon as they can. Theresa tells Tate that they love him so much and hugs him. Rafe and EJ come out from the interrogation room. Rafe announces that it’s time to take Tate to his cell. EJ jokes about not keeping the other prisoners waiting. Theresa calls EJ a monster and warns him about if anything happens to her son. Alex holds her back and says he’s not worth it. Brady hugs Tate and encourages him to stay strong as he’s going to move Heaven and Earth to get him out. Rafe tells Tate that he’s sorry but it’s protocol for the transfer to jail as he then handcuffs Tate. Rafe escorts Tate out while Brady warns EJ that this is not over by a longshot.

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Days Update Thursday, January 4, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel and Johnny wake up in bed together in Johnny’s room. They talk about feeling like they never left. Johnny credits Paulina telling Chanel not to come home as he was happy to bring her to his home and his bed. Chanel tells Johnny that last night was a first for her.

Paulina wakes up to find Abe made breakfast. Paulina at first gets excited that he remembered her favorites but Abe says he just made what was in the refridgerator. Abe apologizes but Paulina says it’s not his fault that he doesn’t remember anything. Abe clarifies that he’s sorry about last night.

At the police station, Theresa thanks Justin for coming and apologizes for calling him on a holiday but she’s so scared for Tate. Justin tells her not to apologize as he’s available 24/7 for family and he knows Alex is worried about Theresa and Tate. Theresa says she really appreciates that and says she didn’t know if things were okay between them since things were tense at Christmas dinner and because of Alex. Alex then arrives and brings Theresa a latte, noting that he did so even though she kicked him out of the hospital last night. Alex greets Justin and asks what he’s doing there. Theresa explains that she called him to take Tate’s case. Justin gets a text that Tate’s arraignment will be at 11 AM. Alex thanks Justin for taking care of that and then tells him that he can go now because he’s hired somebody else to represent Tate.

In the interrogation room, Brady reminds Tate that he and Theresa told him to stay far away. Tate responds that he was going to but he couldn’t let Brady take the fall for something he didn’t do. Brady argues that he wasn’t going to let Tate take the fall either, pointing out that the cops saw him with the pills. Tate shouts that the pills weren’t his. Brady says he knows that but it looks bad because the cops saw he and Holly at the scene. Brady knows Tate thinks he can handle this but he can’t. Brady warns that EJ is out for blood, so it’s better his than Tate’s. Tate argues that he would be tried in juvenile court while Brady won’t. Tate declares this is his battle and asks Brady to let him fight it. John enters and comments on things sounding tense. Brady says things are fine. Tate reveals that he asked John to bring him a suit for his arraignment. Brady complains about Tate being stubborn which John says sounds like someone else he knows.

EJ calls Rafe from the hospital and says he wants every detail on Tate’s arraignment as it concerns the citizens of Salem. Rafe comments on knowing EJ’s demands and mutters that it’s a personal vendetta but agrees to keep him posted. Rafe asks how Holly is doing. EJ informs him that she had another seizure but she’s stable now and Nicole hasn’t left her side. Rafe promises to give EJ any updates that he can and tells him to be with his wife because she needs him. EJ responds that he would, but Nicole has company as she’s with Eric.

Theresa questions Alex hiring another lawyer. Alex argues that family is not what Theresa needs right now and that she needs a high powered ruthless attorney which is not Justin’s style. Justin agrees and says his style is facts and fighting for what’s right. Alex says that’s all good but he made some phone calls but he used his resources to hire Tate the best and that’s what is happening. Theresa tells him no, that is not what is happening.

John tells Brady that they can only move forward and Tate is going to be arraigned, so they need to remain optimistic. Tate tells John to tell Marlena that he’s sorry for sneaking out and asks how Holly is doing. John says she’s about the same. Tate apologizes to Brady for not telling him when Holly showed him the drugs and for not calling 911 right away, explaining that he was so afraid of her getting in trouble when he should’ve been more afraid that she could die.

Johnny offers to make Chanel breakfast which she accepts. Johnny notes that he wouldn’t mind dessert for breakfast as they kiss until Chanel’s phone goes off. Chanel checks her phone and sees that it’s EJ, who says he’s been trying to reach Johnny. Johnny acknowledges that he left his phone on silent all night and checks it, finding out that everyone has been trying to get a hold of him. Johnny is shocked to find out that Holly overdosed and jumps out of bed to get dressed, saying he has to get to the hospital.

Abe wants Paulina to understand that he thought it would be wrong for them to be intimate when he doesn’t remember what they had. Paulina says she does understand and promises not to hold it against him. Abe assures that he loves the woman that he is getting to know as they kiss until Chanel comes home. Chanel apologizes for interrupting and asks if she should leave them alone.

Theresa tells Alex that she appreciates him wanting the best for them, but insists that they have that in Justin and he knows Tate. Theresa asks if this has something to do with dinner the other night but Alex claims it doesn’t. Theresa argues that she and Brady trust Justin and so does Tate. Theresa declares that Justin is going to be dealing with this case. Justin appreciates her confidence but says he’s open to having a consulting lawyer. Rafe comes over and agrees that might not be a bad idea. Alex points out that even the cops are saying they need to lawyer up more. Rafe acknowledges that it’s no secret that EJ is out for blood and he has an axe to grind with Tate. Rafe states that punishing Tate if he’s innocent is not going to help anyone.

John encourages Tate to stop blaming himself as it’s not going to change a thing. John says he and Brady will be right outside as he gets dressed for his arraignment. John tells Brady that he knows he’s trying to help but Tate needs to do this himself. Brady worries that John is fooling himself with EJ as the district attorney and declares there is no way that Tate will get justice.

Johnny goes to the hospital and asks EJ how Holly is and why he’s not in there with her. EJ responds that it’s not a good time. EJ informs Johnny that Holly is in a coma. Johnny asks if he can go see her. EJ repeats that it’s not a good time as Nicole is in there and she’s with Eric.

Chanel apologizes again for interrupting but Abe says she didn’t interrupt. Paulina says they were just having a lovely breakfast that Abe made for her. Abe decides to go get dressed and leaves the room while Chanel comments that it looks like last night went well. Paulina confirms that she and Abe had a long talk where she told him everything about her medical condition. Chanel is glad that she told him and asks how he responded. Paulina says that Abe was supporting, caring, and that he’s going to be there for her. Paulina adds that Abe told her that he loves her which Chanel calls wonderful. Chanel points out that Abe is still here and was in his pajamas but Paulina clarifies that they slept in separate beds. Chanel asks why. Paulina explains that it wasn’t the right time but they talked this morning and they are in a better place now. Paulina asks how Chanel’s New Year’s Eve was and where she went after the party. Chanel admits that she went back to Johnny’s place and thinks back to last night where her and Johnny were kissing and talking about how it had been two years since they had been together. Johnny ended up saying he was hungry and pulling out whipped cream which he said he was going to eat off of her. Chanel then informs Paulina that their New Year’s Eve was pretty sweet.

John and Brady come out of the interrogation room where Brady confronts Theresa about letting Tate come here to confess. Theresa explains that he snuck out while Brady argues that if Tate would’ve just gone back to boarding school like he wanted him to, none of this would be happening. Theresa blames Brady for letting Tate do what he wanted. Justin interrupts and says that Tate needs all of them on the same side. Alex says that’s not going to happen but he’s on Theresa’s side. John says to just focus on Tate. Justin talks about being optimistic since there is very little concrete evidence against Tate and the arraignment will be quick. Justin states that Tate will plead not guilty and the judge will set bail and a trial date while Tate will be released to a parent’s supervision which he assumes will be Brady which he confirms. Justin repeats that the hearing will be quick so he suggests going to court with Tate alone while they stay here. Brady and Theresa try to argue but Justin says based on what he saw here, it’s for the best because the judge will not tolerate outbursts. John agrees that they should let Justin do his job. Tate then comes out of the interrogation room and announces that he’s ready.

Johnny questions Nicole being in Holly’s room with Eric while EJ is just out here. EJ explains that Nicole is beside herself with worry, so he wasn’t going to just storm in and pull her out of Eric’s arms. Johnny calls that out of character for EJ. EJ acknowledges that Eric has been in Holly’s life for a long time so he is a great comfort to Nicole. EJ says that Nicole needs him to take care of business. EJ declares that Nicole has been blaming herself while this is all on the shoulders of Tate. Johnny questions Tate being responsible. EJ argues that Holly never used drugs until Tate came around. Johnny asks if he’s sure about that. EJ blames Tate’s parents and suggests the apple didn’t fall far from the rotten tree. EJ declares that Tate almost killed Holly, so he will never let him anywhere near her again.

Brady complains about waiting at the police station. John suggests they go get some fresh air and tells Theresa to let them know when Justin and Tate come back. Alex tells Theresa that he knows that he got under her skin last night and he’s trying not to be that guy, but he asks if she’s sure that Tate is telling the truth. Theresa says of course he is as she and Tate have talked many times about drugs, alcohol, and addiction and he would never go down that road. Alex argues that kids don’t always listen and they learn the hard way from their own mistakes. Theresa hears what he’s saying but says she can’t go down that road as she has to believe that her son is telling the truth. Alex apologizes for being cynical and decides that if Theresa believes Tate, so does he, as he then hugs her.

Brady and John walk to the park. Brady complains that Theresa should’ve locked Tate in his room. John feels they both could’ve handled things better. Brady asks how. John points out that trying to take the fall doesn’t always work out. Brady hopes he didn’t screw up Tate’s case. John assures that everyone knows he was trying to protect his son. Brady asks if it’s not possible after all that he and Theresa did to make sure that Tate did not follow in their footsteps and do drugs. John acknowledges that kids make mistakes, so if he did do drugs, the family will rally around him to get him the help he needs but his gut says that Tate is telling the truth. Brady prays that he’s right.

Johnny asks how EJ can be so sure that it was Tate that gave Holly the drugs. EJ calls Tate a punk who is nothing but trouble. Johnny reveals to EJ that Holly got drunk on Christmas Eve while EJ and Nicole were at Green Mountain. EJ questions not knowing about this. Johnny says that kids don’t tell their parents everything but he rushed over to make sure Holly was okay. EJ asks if he saw her drunk which Johnny confirms. EJ acknowledges that Nicole didn’t think it was a good idea to leave Holly alone on her birthday and it obviously wasn’t. Johnny explains that Holly was trying to be supportive of EJ and Nicole and didn’t want to be selfish. Johnny blames himself for not keeping a closer eye on Holly at the party. EJ insists that this is nobody’s fault but Tate’s.

Paulina tells Chanel that nothing makes her happier than seeing her smile. Chanel repeats that she’s sorry for interrupting her and Abe. Paulina tells her not to be, assuring that things were not going any further than the kiss that she walked in on. Paulina asks about Chanel saying she had a sweet night with Johnny and asks what they did. Chanel responds that they just shared a little late night dessert as she flashes back to that night with whipped cream. Chanel tells Paulina that Johnny said he’d love to have late night dessert more often. Paulina comments that it’s not always a good idea to have something rich so late at night.

Johnny tells EJ that if Holly was drinking and he didn’t know about it, he thinks it’s possible that she could’ve been doing other things too. EJ argues that Holly isn’t like that and is a good kid. Johnny says that good kids do drugs and it happens. Johnny points out that Tate was there for Holly. Johnny says that he told Holly to lean on Tate, so if EJ is going to be mad at Tate, he should be mad at him too. EJ then gets a call and steps away to answer.

Brady and John return to the police station where Alex tells them there’s no news yet. Brady apologizes to Theresa for jumping down her throat earlier as it was not her fault that Tate snuck out. Theresa understands that emotions are running high and thanks him. Justin and Tate return. Tate happily announces that he made bail, relieving everyone as Justin says he can go home.

Chanel sits with Abe and Paulina as Abe talks about wondering about Holly. Paulina calls it such a tragedy. Chanel notes that Johnny said he would call as soon as he can. Paulina is glad that Holly moved on from Johnny to Tate since he’s her own age. Chanel worries that if Tate gave Holly the drugs, he could be in some big trouble. Abe says his heart goes out to Holly as this drug epidemic is out of control and people are overdosing every day and dying. Paulina wishes she knew how to stop it. Chanel encourages that she’s doing the best she can. Paulina says when she got the report of another overdose this morning, she had no idea it was someone they knew and it hits close to home. Abe decides he should get to the hospital in case Nicole needs him. Paulina calls him a good man and says she will call to find out what exactly happened since Rafe should be able to tell her more by now.

Johnny walks through the park and calls Chanel. Chanel asks how Holly is. Johnny responds that she’s not good as she’s in a coma, hooked up to tubes, and almost died. Chanel asks what happened. Johnny informs her that she overdosed outside the Bistro right after they left. Chanel wishes they went with Tate to look for her. Chanel asks if Holly was using and if the drugs were Holly’s or Tate’s. Johnny says no one really knows and EJ seems to think Tate was responsible but he left and said he’d come back later. Chanel mentions that she’s home with Paulina and Abe and that Paulina told her about last night. Johnny invites Chanel to breakfast at the Pub. Chanel agrees to meet him there and says she wants to hear more about Holly and Tate. Chanel asks where Tate is now. Johnny responds that he’s not sure but he knows EJ is bound and determined to hold Tate responsible. Johnny worries that EJ is furious and enraged, so he hopes he doesn’t do anything crazy..

At the police station, Rafe comments that it’s like a New Year’s party as Theresa, Brady, and Alex thank Justin. Justin points out that it was just the arraignment while Brady notes that who knows what could’ve happened with EJ in charge. John decides to put on a big lunch for all of them and leaves the station. Brady asks if they can leave but Justin says he has to pick up the release papers from the court and exits. Rafe encourages Tate to get some rest. Tate says he really just wants Holly to be okay. Rafe gets a call and steps away to answer. Brady tells Alex and Theresa that he’d love it if they came to lunch at the house which they agree to. Theresa talks about being relieved as Tate says he just wants to get out of here. Brady says it’s one step at a time but Tate is coming home. Justin returns and announces that he just got a call from the assistant district attorney. Rafe returns and announces that he just got a call from the judge, who has reversed his decision and revoked Tate’s bail. Rafe reveals that Tate’s not going anywhere as he has to take him back in to custody.

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Sep. 2 Sep. 3 Sep. 4 Sep. 5 Sep. 6
Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. 12 Sep. 13
Sep. 16 Sep. 17 Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 20
Sep. 23 Sep. 24 Sep. 25 Sep. 26 Sep. 27
Sep. 30

October 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 4
Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11
Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 18
Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25
Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31

November 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Nov. 1
Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 8
Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15
Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22
Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 29

December 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6
Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13
Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20
Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 27
Dec. 30 Dec. 31

*Did not air

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Some of the Y&R cast

General Hospital 2024 Archived Daytime Updates

2024 GH Daily Updates

Nurses Bobbie, Deanna, Epiphany and Felix on GH

  • Updates by Suzanne (sorry, we’re missing many because we didn’t have a regular writer for quite a while)

January 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jan. 1 Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 5
Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 12
Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 19
Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 26
Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31

February 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Feb. 1 Feb. 2
Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 9
Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 16
Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23
Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 29

March 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Mar. 1
Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 8
Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 15
Mar. 18 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 22
Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 29

April 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Apr. 5
Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 12
Apr. 15 Apr. 16 Apr. 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 19
Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr. 24 Apr. 25 Apr. 26
Apr. 29 Apr. 30

May 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
May 1 May 2 May 3
May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10
May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17
May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24
May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31

June 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jun. 3 Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7
Jun. 10 Jun. 11 Jun. 12 Jun. 13 Jun. 14
Jun. 17 Jun. 18 Jun. 19 Jun. 20 Jun. 21
Jun. 24 Jun. 25 Jun. 26 Jun. 27 Jun. 28

July 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jul. 1 Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5
Jul. 8 Jul. 9 Jul. 10 Jul. 11 Jul. 12
Jul. 15 Jul. 16 Jul. 17 Jul. 18 Jul. 19
Jul. 22 Jul. 23 Jul. 24 Jul. 25 Jul. 26
Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31

August 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Aug. 1 Aug. 2
Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 9
Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 16
Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23
Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 30

September 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sep. 2 Sep. 3 Sep. 4 Sep. 5 Sep. 6
Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. 12 Sep. 13
Sep. 16 Sep. 17 Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 20
Sep. 23 Sep. 24 Sep. 25 Sep. 26 Sep. 27
Sep. 30

October 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 4
Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11
Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 18
Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25
Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31

November 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Nov. 1
Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 8
Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15
Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22
Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 29

December 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6
Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13
Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20
Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 27
Dec. 30 Dec. 31

*Did not air

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80s GH cast

Days of Our Lives 2024 Archived Daytime Updates

2024 Days Daily Updates

Days Hourglass logos animated GIF

Updates written by  Joseph

January 2024

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024

August 2024

September 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sep. 2 Sep. 3 Sep. 4 Sep. 5 Sep. 6
Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. 12 Sep. 13
Sep. 16 Sep. 17 Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 20
Sep. 23 Sep. 24 Sep. 25 Sep. 26 Sep. 27
Sep. 30

October 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 4
Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11
Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 18
Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25
Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31

November 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Nov. 1
Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 8
Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15
Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22
Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 29

December 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6
Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13
Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20
Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 27
Dec. 30 Dec. 31

*Did not air


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DAYS OF OUR LIVES -- “Day of Days 2023” -- Pictured: (l-r) Galen Gering, Elia Cantu at Peacock Place, L.A. Live on October 21, 2023 -- (Photo by: Todd Williamson/Peacock)

Bold And The Beautiful 2024 Archived Daytime Updates

2024 Bold & The Beautiful Daily Updates

B&B logo

Updates written by Suzanne

January 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jan. 1 Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 5
Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 12
Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 19
Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 26
Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31

February 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Feb. 1 Feb. 2
Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 9
Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 16
Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23
Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 29

March 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Mar. 1
Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 8
Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 15
Mar. 18 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 22
Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 29

April 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Apr. 5
Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 12
Apr. 15 Apr. 16 Apr. 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 19
Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr. 24 Apr. 25 Apr. 26
Apr. 29 Apr. 30

May 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
May 1 May 2 May 3
May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10
May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17
May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24
May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31

June 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jun. 3 Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 6 Jun. 7
Jun. 10 Jun. 11 Jun. 12 Jun. 13 Jun. 14
Jun. 17 Jun. 18 Jun. 19 Jun. 20 Jun. 21
Jun. 24 Jun. 25 Jun. 26 Jun. 27 Jun. 28

July 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jul. 1 Jul. 2 Jul. 3 Jul. 4 Jul. 5
Jul. 8 Jul. 9 Jul. 10 Jul. 11 Jul. 12
Jul. 15 Jul. 16 Jul. 17 Jul. 18 Jul. 19
Jul. 22 Jul. 23 Jul. 24 Jul. 25 Jul. 26
Jul. 29 Jul. 30 Jul. 31

August 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Aug. 1 Aug. 2
Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 9
Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 16
Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23
Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 30

September 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sep. 2 Sep. 3 Sep. 4 Sep. 5 Sep. 6
Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. 12 Sep. 13
Sep. 16 Sep. 17 Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 20
Sep. 23 Sep. 24 Sep. 25 Sep. 26 Sep. 27
Sep. 30

October 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 4
Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11
Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 18
Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25
Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31

November 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Nov. 1
Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 8
Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15
Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22
Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 29

December 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6
Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13
Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20
Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 27
Dec. 30 Dec. 31

*Did not air

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B&B cast animated GIF