Y&R Transcript Monday, October 31, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Lily: What do you think about getting out of here and going back to our place?

Billy: I knew it.

Lily: You knew what?

Billy: Well, you were gonna get me on the dance floor and you were gonna want to take me home.

Lily: Oh, really? Or maybe I just want to take you home so you can stop embarrassing yourself.

Billy: “Potayto,” “potahtoe.”

Lily: [ Laughs ]

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Lily: What? What’s wrong?

Billy: Nothing.

Lily: Look, if you are still worried about chancellor-winters and leaving, don’t be, okay? I know that devon’s upset, but he’ll get over it.

Billy: That’s not what it is.

Lily: Well, then what is it?

Billy: You’re probably not gonna want to hear this, but I’m worried about chelsea. I’m not sure if you saw the way she bolted out of here.

Lily: No, I didn’t see ’cause I was busy enjoying our dance. But I guess you were watching chelsea.

Billy: Well, she’s a mess, lily, and I am concerned about her.

Lily: Okay. What do you think she’s gonna do?

Billy: I don’t know. But she was talking to adam, and I’m sure he said something that upset her because that’s what he does.

Lily: Well, maybe she went to go make a call and needed privacy. I mean, you’re jumping to conclusions.

Billy: Maybe, but I would feel a lot better if I knew that she came back here safely, at least for my peace of mind.

Lily: Yeah. Okay. Let’s finish our drinks.

[ Knock on door ]

Victoria: [ Gasps ]

Nate: Trick or treat.

[ Chuckles ]

Victoria: Nate. Happy halloween.

[ Chuckles ] Come on in.

Nate: Thanks. You know, I almost forgot it was halloween until I saw your security guard downstairs dressed as frankenstein.

Victoria: Oh, yes, that’s — that’s donny. The only problem is he dresses that way year round.

Nate: Well, it’s good to see someone with holiday spirit. I’ve been wrapped up in my own head lately.

Victoria: Yes, you have had a lot to think about.

Nate: But I don’t want to get in the way of your plans. We can do this tomorrow if you have to get back home to your kids.

Victoria: Oh, no, no, no. No, they’re — the kids are occupied. That’s why I reached out to you and suggested that we meet tonight. So, I’m glad you could do it. Let’s do it. Have a seat.

Nate: Alright.

Victoria: I hope that you’re here because you cannot wait to tell me, “yes, victoria, I want to be the ceo of newman media.”

Actually, I’m here to say, “no, victoria, I can’t accept your offer.”

Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Skin feeling dry? Swipe it away.

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Victoria: I’m a little surprised you’re turning down my job offer. I can only imagine the reason that you have declined is because you’ve patched things up with devon and you’re heading back to chancellor-winters. Am I right?

Nate: Not exactly. There hasn’t been a patching-up of any kind.

Victoria: Oh. Well, that’s too bad because if you had worked things out with him, I would — I would begrudgingly congratulate you and accept your decision.

Nate: Right before you made me the offer, I did seek out devon to try to talk about things. I thought we were making some headway, but he made it clear he no longer trusts me.

Victoria: I hate to see that kind of rift within a family. But if you’re not going back to chancellor-winters, why not join us at newman media?

Nate: I’ve given it a lot of thought. There’s a lot to like about your offer.

Victoria: I should say so.

Nate: But ultimately, I’m worried about how me taking this job might affect you.

Victoria: Me? [ Chuckles ] Well, now I’m totally confused.

Nate: I’m afraid of how it would look. If you hire me to run newman media, ousting sally spectra in the process, people are gonna know you were the ceo I was giving information to. Devon, lily, jill — they’ll all connect the dots.

Victoria: That’s certainly a possibility.

Nate: And after everything else that’s gone wrong with this botched deal, I don’t want them to put a target on your back.

Lily: Hello? Billy?

Billy: You know, the more time that passes, the more I’m convinced that adam said something to chelsea to make her run out the way that she did.

Lily: Even if you’re right, it is none of our business. And look at him. He doesn’t look upset at all, okay? She might have just called it a night. She has a room here, doesn’t she? Yeah.

Billy: Yeah, no, of course that’s a possibility, but the way that she ran out, it wasn’t exactly saying that she was tired and she wanted to go to sleep. It was different than that.

Lily: Mm. Okay, so now you’re an expert on exits. Right.

Billy: Lily, my gut is telling me that she’s in a bad place, okay? And she’s been through a lot, and I’m not just talking about the stuff with connor and johnny.

Lily: Look, I am really sorry that she’s struggling, and i understand that you’re worried, but I really hope this is not how you’re gonna spend your newly found free time.

Billy: What does that mean?

Lily: Well, because now that you left the company, I hope that you’re not gonna keep busy by interfering in other people’s lives.

Billy: Is that what you think I’m doing, I’m interfering with chelsea’s life?

Lily: Yes, I do. You interfered with devon and nate, and now you’re interfering with chelsea. I think it’s a pattern that you might want to avoid.

Billy: I think I know where she went.

Lily: Right, and you want to go find her right now?

Billy: I’m sorry I got to leave you like this, but I got to go.

[ Music playing faintly ]

Chelsea: Oh, my god. How did I get here? And tonight’s winning numbers are 18,

Victoria: I appreciate your concern, nate, but as I have been telling my father every day for the last 20 years, I don’t need protecting. It’s business. It’s a contact sport.

Nate: Maybe. But even guys like michael jordan had people like charles oakley looking out for him.

Victoria: Yeah, but jordan got bumps and bruises. That’s how the game is played. And I expect that. I took a calculated risk. I knew there might be consequences. So please don’t worry about me.

Nate: Noted.

Victoria: Besides, hiring you doesn’t prove anything. Devon and lily — they may think that I tried to come after their company, but they can’t prove it. Actually, hiring you to be ceo of newman media makes me look innocent.

Nate: How do you figure?

Victoria: Why would I hire somebody that just wrecked my plans? I’d have to be crazy.

[ Both laugh ]

Nate: I see you have all your bases covered, don’t you?

Victoria: I try.

[ Glasses clink ] I learned from the best. And, you know, those are the kind of real-world experiences that you will learn from me if you come aboard. But the real question is, are you the one who’s worried about being found out?

Nate: What do you mean?

Victoria: Do you think that it would cause irreparable harm to your relationship with your family if they found out that i was the ceo that you were collaborating with?

Nate: No. That ship has sailed. They feel I betrayed them. Devon and I — that can’t be fixed.

Victoria: Not at all?

Devon: Maybe one day down the road we can reconcile, but i don’t see it happening anytime soon.

Victoria: I’d say that that’s another reason that you should take the job.

Nate: I’m not so sure about that.

Victoria: Why are you holding back, nate? You can tell me.

Nate: It’s more than just keeping our alliance a secret.

Victoria: Like what?

Nate: [ Chuckles ] Like, why the hell would you offer me a job after I blew up the deal of a lifetime?

Lily: Thank you.

Adam: Hey, your date ran off and left you with the check, huh? I’m sure that’s not the first time billy’s pulled that stunt.

Lily: Actually, no. It’s not even the first time today.

Adam: All that money the abbotts have, they really don’t like to spend it, do they?

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, I guess we’re in the same boat. Where did chelsea go?

Adam: She just went to the restroom.

Lily: Are you sure? ‘Cause I saw her going in the other direction, and she looked very upset.

Adam: Did you notice that, or did billy notice that?

Lily: He mentioned it to me.

Adam: Ah. Yes, obviously he’s monitoring her, and obviously he is wrong, as usual. We actually were having a good, positive conversation. Unless you’re implying that i misread that. Maybe you think that billy knows chelsea better than I do. I know he sure does.

Lily: I didn’t mean anything by it.

Adam: Oh, no, it’s okay. I understand. I just don’t really understand why he feels compelled to be her knight in shining armor lately. It’s like every time I see chelsea, he’s not far behind.

Lily: [ Scoffs ] Yeah. I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know. They have a long history, obviously, and he’s been concerned about her behavior.

Adam: Mm-hmm. I get that. But I don’t understand why he feels the need to involve himself. I mean, what is it? Does he feel guilty about the podcast that he yanked away from her? Or is it about johnny? Is he trying to make up for something?

Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ]

Adam: Burying the pain doesn’t make it go away.

Billy: I hope you’re taking care of yourself.

Adam: But now it seems like you’re backsliding. Since rey died, you’re not yourself.

Chloe: What was I thinking? Ridiculous of me, caring about you. Instead of saving you time and time again, I should have just let you crash and burn, like you always do.

Victoria: Your goal is to weasel your way into my son’s life, even after billy obviously told you he wants nothing to do with you.

Johnny: You are not my mom.

Connor: You were pregnant with johnny, and you gave him away as a baby?

Adam: Chelsea, listen to yourself. You can’t use connor as a life preserver. He’s a kid. Fixing his mom is not his job. It’s like you’re latching on to something to fill a void.

Billy: I’m not trying to be harsh, but you’re overstepping.

Chloe: You call me controlling? You are impossible. Things can’t go on this way.

Adam: This isn’t just a mood. Something is seriously wrong.

Chelsea: Stop! I don’t want to hear this!

Billy: What are you thinking? You can’t kiss me.

Adam: You’ve turned your own son against you.

Connor: Leave me alone! Don’t ever come back!

Chloe: I was counting on you, but you gave up.

Victoria: Stay away from my son.

Johnny: You ruined my life.

Connor: You’ve ruined all of our lives.

Adam: How many lives have you ruined?

Billy: You’ve failed at the easiest job there is.

Chloe: You have failed at being a partner.

Adam: You’ve failed at every relationship.

Victoria: You’ve failed at being a mother.

Johnny: You have failed at being a mother.

Connor: You’ve failed at being my mother, too.

Chelsea: [ Gasps ]

[ Breathing heavily ] Stop. Why won’t it stop?

Johnny: You are not my mom!

Adam: It’s like you’re latching on to something to fill a void.

Connor: You were pregnant with johnny and you gave him away as a baby?

Adam: He’s a kid. Fixing his mom is not his job.

Victoria: Your goal is to weasel your way into my son’s life.

Adam: This isn’t a mood. Something is seriously wrong.

Chloe: Things can’t go on this way.

Billy: Chelsea…

you never know

what opportunities

Billy: Chelsea… you know, I thought I might find you up here.

Chelsea: Stay back, billy.

Billy: What’s going on? I saw you leave the club. Did adam say something to you to get you upset? Is that what happened? You know, I’m glad you came up here. This is our spot, and, uh, i knew where to look for you. I’m just gonna take a little step closer, okay, chelsea? That’s all.

Chelsea: I want to be alone. I want to be alone.

Billy: I get that. Alone is good, but I’m gonna stick around, if that’s okay with you…just in case you want to talk…or yell. You know, you can yell at me about anything. You know that? Are you upset about the conversation you had with victoria? Because I understand. I get it. I know how much you love johnny. And we can talk about that. We can talk about anything. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.

Chelsea: I don’t want to talk.

Billy: We don’t have to. Chels, I’m gonna, uh — I’m gonna give you my jacket ’cause it’s windy up here, okay? I want you to be warm, okay? You got to be cold up there. Chelsea, just put the jacket on, okay?

Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ]

Billy: Chelsea. Can you step back from the ledge and just put the jacket on, please?

Adam: Look, I am aware that chelsea has been overwhelmed lately. This has been a very stressful time for her. I mean, really, she’s been struggling since rey died. Professionally, she’s scattered. She’s lost friends, and she hasn’t been able to make new ones. And now she’s dealing with this johnny and connor stuff. And I’ve tried to be encouraging, but she doesn’t always seem to see it that way.

Lily: So, you were being encouraging when you were talking to her?

Adam: I was. And I got the sense that she was feeling better. I told her I think she should get some counseling, and she was leaning that way, too.

Lily: I don’t think billy’s aware of that.

Adam: Well, there’s a lot that he doesn’t know, and i can’t wrap my head around why he thinks she’s more of an expert on chelsea than I am. I mean, I’m in constant communication with her. We talk several times a day, usually about connor, and she seems to be okay.

Lily: So, what were you talking about before she left?

Adam: [ Clears throat ] Some issues that she’s dealing with. So, I really think that you and billy should just back off because I know what I’m doing when it comes to chelsea.

Lily: [ Laughs ] Well, I’m glad to hear it.

Nate: [ Sighs ] I guess I’m just cautious after the way ashland took advantage of my naiveté.

Victoria: Of course. That’s understandable. But don’t forget — he played us both for fools. We have that in common.

Nate: That’s true. But his friendship, the way he offered me a job out of the blue, seemed too good to be true. And it was.

Victoria: That is understandable. But I can assure you this is nothing like that. Ashland acted alone. My family supports this job offer.

Nate: So, you just talked to your family about this?

Victoria: Yes. And, full disclosure, nicholas would prefer to keep sally at the job. But my mother fully supports it, and I know that my father will be pleased.

Nate: Wow. See, that doesn’t make sense to me. You just named every member of your family that works at this company. You kept them in the loop because they’re important to you.

Victoria: Absolutely.

Nate: You value family more than anything else, and I just betrayed mine. Why would you want me anywhere near your family business?

Victoria: Because you’ve proven your loyalty to me. Look, I could tell you that I’m offering you this job out of gratitude for what you tried to do with the takeover, but that’s not why I want you here. And certainly you are a very strong businessman. You have great instincts, but that’s not it, either. I want you here, nate, because you’re a good and decent man with focus and drive and intelligence. And, yes, above all of that, you have loyalty. And I want to surround myself with people just like that.

Music (“I swear”) plays

“The young and the restless”

will continue. Hey! It’s me! Your dry skin!

Nate: Elena tried to warn me, but I practically ignored her. Devon, lily, even billy all appealed to me to stay, slow down, be humble. They wanted me to learn how to do the job instead of rushing full steam ahead with my big ideas. And I didn’t listen.

Victoria: You’re having regrets. It’s not a reason to turn down this offer.

Nate: I don’t know about that. The bigger mistake I made was turning on my cousins, my family. I endangered the company devon and neil built. I’ve always prided myself on being a decent human being. But now I’m having a hard time convincing even myself that’s true. So, I know if you want a good man running your company, I’m not your ideal choice.

Billy: Chelsea, come on. It’s windy up here and it’s cold, okay? I just want you to stay warm. Just put the jacket on. Alright.

Chelsea: Billy, what are you doing?

Billy: Okay.

Chelsea: What are you doing?

Billy: Wow, it’s, uh — it’s pretty high up here, isn’t it? It’s a long way down.

Chelsea: Let go.

Billy: It’s alright.

Chelsea: Billy, let go.

Billy: It’s okay, chelsea. Hey. It’s okay. I’m right here, okay?

Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ] What do you say we get down and we just keep talking?

Chelsea: I know what you’re trying to do. Please just go. I’m asking. I-I-I’m begging. I just want to be alone. I just want to be by myself.

Billy: Chelsea, I can’t leave you by yourself, okay? I’m gonna stay up here with you. I hope you don’t mind — ’cause this is our place, right?

Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ]

Billy: And I want to know what’s going on with you right now, okay? I want to be part of that conversation. So, talk to me.

Chelsea: [ Voice breaking ] I don’t have to tell you anything.

Billy: No, you don’T. Then I’ll do all the talking, okay? You know how many people love and care about you and need you? Okay, most importantly, connor. Let’s — let’s talk about — let’s talk about connor right now.

Chelsea: I-it hurts. So much. It hurts when I wake up. I lie there in bed, and… it feels like I’m floating. It feels like I’m — I’m floating in and I — and I — and I can’t keep my head up. It hurts every single day when i wake up. I don’t want to wake up anymore.

Billy: Thank you. Thank you for sharing that with me. I appreciate that.

[ Sniffles ]

Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ]

Billy: Now, I’m getting a little lightheaded, okay? So, how about we go back down there, okay? Can we go back down there? And we can keep talking. We can talk about whatever you want ’cause ’cause I’m gonna go anywhere. I’m gonna stay here with you.

Chelsea: I’ve failed. I’ve failed at everything. I can’t seem to do anything right, and maybe this is payback. Maybe it’s all payback for living such a selfish, greedy life for all those years.

Billy: I don’t think that’s true, chels.

Chelsea: Maybe it’s payback for all my scams or maybe what i did to you when we first met or what I almost did to rey or to adam.

[ Voice breaking ] I’ve hurt so many people. I don’t think… I don’t think I deserve happiness. Maybe I’m just not meant for this world.

[ Crying ]

Billy: Hey. Chelsea, I know you’re in a lot of pain right now, okay? But you are a part of this world. There are so many people that love and — and — and care about you.

Chelsea: No, no, it’s not true. It’s not true. I’ve alienated everybody, everybody — chloe. They’ve all turned their backs on me.

[ Sniffles ] Adam. Victoria. Connor. Connor thinks I don’t love him anymore because of johnny.

Billy: Connor knows that you love him, okay? He loves you. He adores you. He needs to know how much you love him. Chelsea, you are an incredibly strong person. You have overcome amazing things despite adversity. And the thing that I am so impressed with you is your profound love for your son. For both of your sons.

Chelsea: Telling johnny was a mistake. And now he wants nothing to do with me. Victoria ordered me to stay away.

Billy: Do you know where johnny and connor are right now? They’re having a sleepover. On halloween night, they’re together as brothers, okay? That is because of you. And I understand. I get it. This has been really hard on you. But we will get past this. You will get past this — i promise you — and I will be here every step of the way, okay? I ain’t gonna leave you. What do you say? Please? Can we get down? Okay.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Billy: [ Sniffles ]

Chelsea: You’re a good man, billy abbott. Tell connor I slipped.

Billy: No! (Vo) red lobster’s finer points of fun dining

Billy: Chelsea —

Chelsea: No!

Billy: Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!

Chelsea: Get off me!

Billy: It’s okay. I’m not gonna let you do this.

Chelsea: [ Sobbing ] Stop, billy. Let go!

Billy: Chelsea —

Chelsea: Get off! Ugh!

[ Crying ] Get off me, billy.

Billy: It’s okay. No, no, no, no, it’s okay. You’re gonna get through this, chelsea, okay?

Chelsea: [ Sobbing]

Billy: I promise you you’re gonna get through this. And I’m gonna be right here. I’m gonna be right here.

Chelsea: [ Continues sobbing ]

Billy: It’s okay. It’s alright.

Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ]

Billy: You’re okay. You’re okay. You’re okay.

[ Both breathing heavily ]

Victoria: So, you’re rejecting my offer out of guilt?

Nate: It’s more than that.

Victoria: Yeah, but at its core, you feel remorse for what you did to your family and the rift that it caused with you and devon. I’m not gonna try to brush that aside. I know how painful it can be when you’re at odds with a family member. It makes you feel responsible for what went wrong. It makes you second-guess yourself. It’s awful. I understand. And I understand that it’s gonna take time for you to work through that, with or without devon. But you need to hear this. Deep down, you are still one of the best men that I know. You’ve shown up for my family time and time again. You’ve been a true and loyal& friend.

[ Sighs ] And even when you lost your gift, when you couldn’t perform surgery anymore, you found a new path. You’re strong, brilliant, creative. You’re resourceful. And I am not going to allow you to dismiss all of those amazing qualities because you feel guilty. No. You know, you’re an asset. You’re not a liability. And I want newman to be a part of your future. It would only benefit the company, which in turn would benefit my family and me. So, now I have to ask. What do you want?

Adam: Hey, chels. Uh, I believe I’ve been stood up. I thought you were coming back, but clearly you are not. And, uh, it’s okay. Did you go back to the room? I just — I hope you get some rest. I know that you were tired. Just call me and, uh, let me know what happened.

Billy: I’m just gonna put this on you, okay? Here you go.

Chelsea: I’m tired. So tired.

Billy: What are you tired of?

Chelsea: Of everyone telling me to see the bright side, telling me I can turn things around.

Billy: You can turn things around, chelsea. It’s not too late.

Chelsea: Adam wants me to get help. Therapy. But no one really wants to hear what I have to say. They just want to ship me off somewhere so some stranger can try to get me better because they don’t want to have to deal with me anymore.

Billy: I’m right here, okay? And I’m not going anywhere. And I’m gonna listen. Whatever you want to talk about, I’m right here.

Chelsea: I don’t understand why you would do that. You rejected me. It was the only thing I had going for me, and I — I ruined it. I kissed you and — and you said it was a mistake and then you fired me.

Billy: No, chelsea. When I walked away from the podcast, that had nothing to do with you. In fact, I let myself down. Because you were right. I’m not — I’m not made for the corporate world. And I should have listened to you because you are smart and you are insightful. And do you remember the reason why I brought you up here in the first place? ‘Cause this is where I come when I — when I let it out. When the stress and the anxiety gets too much and it takes over everything. And I know right now you feel like you’re alone and that no one understands you. I get it, okay? I have been there. And I promise you, you will get out of the murky water that you find yourself in. You are special, and you have something to offer this world. I promise you that. And you need to hear that. You need to believe that. And I’ll be here for you, okay?

Chelsea: [ Sniffles ]

Billy: You’re gonna be all right.

Chelsea: [ Sniffles ]

[ Exhales heavily ]

From the #1 fiber brand comes

metamucil gummies.

Nate: That was quite the pep talk. Or was that a sales pitch?

Victoria: Uh, let’s see. Maybe a little bit of both, but I meant every word.

Nate: It was helpful. I’m having a hard time seeing myself properly. Does that make sense?

Victoria: Well, I think it’s only natural for your perspective to be askew when you’re in turmoil. This will pass. Don’t worry.

Nate: You’re being generous. And I got to admit, you’re persuasive. I suspect it’s because you always know who you are and what you’re about.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Well, that hasn’t always been the case, especially after all that stuff with ashland. I couldn’t see clearly, but I got through it. You will, too. And I hope you believe me when i say that I am so eager for you to take control of newman media. It’ll be a place for you to learn and grow, and you can follow your instincts. You can implement your ideas. I’m not going to judge how chancellor-winter does things, but we like big ideas around here. You can’t win big if you don’t take chances, right?

Nate: That all sounds great.

Victoria: You know, you and i have been through a lot together.

Nate: You’re right. And those experiences have shown me you’re one of the strongest people I know. I trust you. And that means a lot.

Victoria: So, I’ll ask you again. What do you want, nate?

Nate: I want to be here running newman media.

Victoria: [ Breathes deeply ] That’s great.

Billy: Okay. How about we go inside? Okay? We can get some tea. We can warm you up. And I will keep talking to you. Okay, come here.

Chelsea: Billy, I’m exhausted.

Billy: I know.

Chelsea: I just — I just want — I just want to be alone. I just wanna sleep.

Billy: I get it. Okay. Okay. Here, let’s do this. And you will. You will get some sleep, okay? But I’m not going anywhere. I’m not gonna leave you, okay?

[ Door opens ] Stay here.

Adam: What…

Billy: Adam —

Adam: …Is going on?

Billy: You need to stop. Stop.

Adam: Listen to me. Chelsea, are you alright?

Billy: Adam, you need to go away.

Adam: Tell me what happened.

Billy: I will explain to you later, okay?

Adam: Chelsea…

Billy: Hey —

Adam: …Will you tell me what is going on?

Billy: Adam! Come here.

Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ]

[ Door closes ]

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GH Transcript Monday, October 31, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[ Sighs ]

[ Door opens ] Elizabeth? Dad. You weren’t supposed to be here. Jeff, did you reset the… lizzie? Oh, my god. Is it really you? Yes, mom, it’s really me. Ohh! Hello?! Who do you have to sleep with to get some medical attention around this place?! Hi!

[ Breathing heavily ] What’s wrong? Hi. Good god! Who let her out? Ha! You’ve decided to wake up. The bed was heavenly. We have here a café au lait. And a fresh croissant. You remembered. Everything. Uh, I gotta go. Anna’s arraignment is soon. Oh, not looking like that you’re not. Huh? Come on. You’ve been in town less than, what… 24 hours, and you’re trying to fix me already. After all this time and you still haven’t learned how to tie a tie properly. Honestly, robert scorpio, you’re hopeless. I was. Not anymore.

[ Birds chirping ] Next to the stables, the chapel is my favorite place. This is amazing. This is charming. Come here to pray, meditate, or just think? Well, I’m not very good at praying, and my brain’s too busy for meditation. Yeah, I can relate to that struggle. So I mostly just think. What do you think about? All kinds of things, but mostly how much I miss you. Ohh. What a coincidence. I go whole days where all I can think about is how much I miss you. What do we think about this stiff, the “gift” from your grandfather? Grandfather victor says I can never be too safe. Well, that’s one thing that your grandfather and I agree on.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Shoot. This is america. I’m sorry. Go ahead. I’ll just sit here and think.

[ Ringing continues ] Hello? Valentin, it’s felicia. There’s something you need to know. Yeah. Lucy coe — missing and presumed dead. I’m trying to get ahold of anna. I assume she’s leading the search.

She’s not. There’s no easy way to say this, valentin. Anna’s been arrested. Is it time? Jordan: Almost. I’m told you didn’t eat your breakfast. Oh. Prisoner’s last meal, huh? Anna, it’s an arraignment, not an execution. Same, same. I wasn’t hungry. I just want to get this over with. About that.

[ Sighs ] I’m told the ada wants to nail you to the courthouse door. Mm. Are you sure that scott’s the right representation for you? Scott knows that I’ve been framed. He would love nothing more than to prove that victor’s behind it. Knowing victor’s behind this and proving it are two very different things. So, the first thing is to make bail, right? Mm-hmm. Quicker I’m out of this cell, the sooner I can get victor in it.

Is there a doctor in the house?!

[ Groans ] What the hell is heather webber doing in there? Shouldn’t she have been in d’archam? Yeah. Let me look here.

[ Sighs ] Apparently, the infirmary has sent her over here for diagnosis and treatment.

[ Sighs ] Ooh. And you have to treat her? At least initially, yes. D-do you have the option to refuse this? Well, you know, it doesn’t really work that way. She’s a patient. I don’t judge. And I provide medical attention. Okay. Okay. Okay. Finn. Uh-huh. Please proceed with caution. Okay. Heather webber is lethal. She does have a very long and perverse criminal history. Assault, poisoning. What? Murder. She shot me up with lsd! She also kidnaps adults and children alike — like luke, carly, my grandson danny. What? I gotta check in with ned. I gotta check in with dante. Robert is gonna want to know about this. He’s probably at the hearing right now. Listen to me. You do us all a favor. You treat whatever is ailing that woman, and you get heather back into the insane asylum immediately! Yes, ma’am. I was, uh — I was kind of hoping to get over to the courthouse myself and be there for anna. Oh, anna has plenty of support. Heather now has you. This is lovely. I’ve only been in town two nights. First night, I spent crawling out of a lake. Mm-hmm. And I must say… I definitely prefer night number two. Hmm. Still no memory of how you got there? Sorry. And thank you. For what? Being a gentleman and sleeping on the couch. After the way you whacked victor, you deserved the bed. He had it coming, after what you told me he did to luke and lucy and then setting up anna to take the fall.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. But I got to point out something. Victor cassadine is, uh — a cassadine. No more explanation needed. The guy should have been hanged years ago, but here he is. Alright. I’ll be cautious. But I will not back down. Fair enough. But let’s not go out of our way to poke the bear, huh? I don’t want to lose you again. You do know you’re wasting the taxpayers’ money. The evidence says otherwise. You don’t even have a body! You talk as if you’re haggling over a parking ticket. This is lucy coe you’re talking about. It’s a human life, as well as the woman I love, so, please, just a little more respect? My apologies, mr. Grey. Excuse me. Uh, just so you know. I loved her, too. Yeah. Well, in that case, mr. Baldwin, when you’re speaking of lucy, for now, it’d be a favor to me if you did it in present tense. Yeah, well, you know, she’s as wily as a fox. Nobody’s gonna get the best of her. Pray you’re right. I just wish laura were here. Now I understand why my father was so insistent I come visit charlotte. Listen. You tell anna I’ll be on the next flight home. Oh, anna has plenty of people here looking out for her. Charlotte only has you. Which is why anna wanted me to insist on her behalf that you stay with your daughter. No. No, no. If I stay here, I’m playing right into my father’s plan. Good! There’s nothing more advantageous than an enemy who thinks he’s winning. Stay with your daughter. Make sure she’s safe. Trust me. Victor is not going to get away with this. What a lovely surprise. This is so…unexpected. How did you get in? Not that you’re not welcome. I jimmied the door. Since I don’t have a key. I was hoping to be out of here before you got back. You weren’t planning to see us? Well, I haven’t seen you in years. Why should today be any different? Lizzie. If you’re worried about the door, I’ll pay for the lock. We don’t care about the lock, lizzie. We care about you. Showing up like this after all this time? Are you alright? Well, that’s what I’m here to find out.

How are your kids? Cameron must be in college by now. When jake called us, he sounded so grown up. H-he’s into art, right? Painting. Like his stepfather — my late husband, franco. We are so sorry for your loss. Truly. We are. It’s been an adjustment. Still, it — it seems like the boys are thriving. Jake with his painting. Aiden the master chef. Master dessert chef.

[ Chuckles ] The pictures he posted on social media make my mouth water. You follow my children on social media? W-we check in. W– we take a peak every now and then. Despite all of your ups and downs, it’s clear that you’ve… provided your boys with a wonderful life. And it — it seems like you’re managing to move on from the tragedy. Me maybe we didn’t set such a bad example after all. Oh, there you are, son. Hey, dad. Oh. Uh, any chance you’re free for breakfast? I realize I’m a poor substitute for elizabeth while she’s out of town, but I’ll do my best. Yeah, I appreciate the offer, but I got a patient to attend to. Good luck. Godspeed. Yeah. A bedpan! A bedpan! My kingdom for a commode! Well. That’s more like it. Uh, hello, ms. Webber. My name’s, uh, dr. Hamilton finn. Finn. Huh. What kind of a name I– wait. I know you. You’re the one that slut elizabeth webber took off with barely five minutes after my franco was cold! Why did you wish finn luck and godspeed? Because of this new patient he has. What’s so special about this one? Raging psychopath. I take it you know this from personal experience. Oh, yeah, and it’s also public record. She should be in d’archam. Should we observe? Oh, no, no. My best advice is don’t let her notice you. Anyway… I-I-I’m glad to run into you. Are you? Why’s that? Uh, I wanted to tell you that diane is on the mend. Glad to hear it. Anyway, I don’t want to keep you. Hm. I assume you’re going to the arraignment. No, I-I sent a r– a reporter because I wanted to ensure our newfound reputation for objectivity and impartiality. Good call. Credit where credit is due. You were a, um — [Sighs] A constructive influence. Oh? Well, if we make such a good team, why have you been avoiding me? I’m touched that you still care. I never stopped. Ethan and I turned monte carlo upside down looking for you. And instead, you found me half drowned in the quartermaines’ boathouse. A little damp but still gorgeous. You! Holly? You — are you remembering something? You have to stop asking me that every five minutes. If I remember something, I’ll tell you. Will you? Well, look at you, cross-examining me. Every inch the district attorney. Bit of a difference, huh? Not really. No. You’re still a man of honor. Still devoted to justice. I’ve got to get to the courthouse. Not without me. So, mr. Cassadine, what brings you by? I wanted to see that justice was done. Well, shouldn’t everybody be on the side of justice? I’m sure that you are hoping that anna walks free and that the police will find whoever it is that tried to frame her and expose them. Felicia. I know you’re a long-time friend of anna’s, but you must understand that the pcpd, including your husband, the chief of detectives, has to follow the evidence wherever it might lead. Or would you rather lucy’s killer go free? Oh, I promise you. Lucy’s killer won’t get away with it. I know you’re hurting, but before you rush to judgment, you gotta ask yourself, what would valentin say if he was here? If valentin believed in anna’s innocence, he would be here. I have to say, his absence speaks volumes. Wouldn’t you agree? Something wrong, papa? You get homesick? I love my school. And my friends. And, of course, I love the horse grandfather bought for me. Yeah. That was kind of him, wasn’t it? I’m just happy you were here to see me compete in the equestrian events. I loved that. I could not have been more proud of you. Just wish we could be together all the time. I hate this. Well, not half as much as I do. I wasn’t about to let that smug ada have the satisfaction of reprimanding you and mac for playing favorites. Let’s do this. I swore to myself I wouldn’t allow a repeat of what happened to trina. I knew she was innocent, but I couldn’t prove it. It ended well for trina. And it will for you, too.

[ Handcuffs clicking ]

You know, nina really misses you. I miss her, too. And grandmother. Yeah. She misses you. She’s been through a lot. Family emergency in italy. She told me. Her mother’s house burned down. When she gets home, she’s gonna want to spend as much time with you as possible. And anna, too? Yeah. Yeah. Anna, too. Robert! There you are. Thank god. Holly, do you mind if I borrow robert for a second? By all mea– thank you. Thank you.

[ Stammers ] You look like you’ve seen a ghost. More like an acid flashback. You’re franco’s mom. Ah. My condolences.

[ Chuckling ] Right. You’re so sorry for my loss… you’re keeping his widow’s bed warm. Anyhow, let’s talk about the reason that you’re here. I want to talk about you… and my whore of a daughter-in-law. We’re not talking about my personal life. We’ll talk about whatever I damn well want to talk about. Tell you what. Would you like a nice psychiatric consult? I’m pretty sure I can find someone on staff you haven’t already assaulted. Ooh, hoo, hoo! Spicy! I like you. Hmm. You deserve so much better than that bed-hopper, elizabeth. You know you’re just a shiny stethoscope, right? Placeholder till some other knight comes along to rescue her just so she can push him away, exactly like she’s gonna do to you. You don’t know elizabeth at all.

[ Laughs ] And you do?

[ Laughs ] Have you been overseas lately? Only in my dreams. Why, big boy? Oh, I’m just — I’m trying to figure out how you came in contact with a bacteria that’s mostly found in the rainforest. Huh. Well, there are all kinds at d’archam.

[ Whispering ] There are some crazy people in that place. You don’t say. Yeah. Look, ms. Webber.

[ Normal voice ] Please. You’re screwing my son’s wife. You can call me heather. Don’t want to alarm you, heather, but this particular strain of bacteria is particularly voracious. It literally feeds on your own skin. You mean… it can eat me alive? I’m not gonna let that happen, but I do need to know how you contracted it. When was the last time you left d’archam? Robert: Heather webber? My office hasn’t been informed that they’re sending her over to the hospital. Robert, what if she escapes? It’s happened before! Whoever thought they could get the better of anna devane messed with the wrong person. Sadly, it seems lucy learned that the hard way. Where are my manners? Elizabeth, can I get you something to drink? No. Thank you. Why are we still standing? A-at least have a seat. I don’t want to sit. I am so happy to see you, sweetheart. We thought of coming to port charles so many times. What stopped you? Well, you know, w-with the kind of medicine we practice, one minute we’re in central america, the next in west africa. And it all worked out. You’re a-a mother, a nurse. You have a rich, full life. No. You do not get to say that to me. You do not get to be absent for all of these years and then act like you’re proud of my life now. All my joys in life, all of my success, that’s because of me and my drive. It had nothing to do with you. Elizabeth. I’m sorry you were hurt. That was never our intention. You may never believe this, but we made the decision we thought was best for you. You abandoned your child! We weren’t in a position to provide what you need! And kenny and jessica were good people. The neighbors? They were strangers! I had to run away just to find my way back to my family. We were worried sick when you ran away from the johnsons. We wanted to fly home and search for you. But then we found out you were with your grandmother. We knew that you were safe, that you would be okay. Okay, so what you’re saying is that because I’m self-sufficient enough to make it back to gram that it was my fault that you stayed away? Obviously, it was a mistake that we left you with the johnsons in hindsight. We should have reached out to audrey first. Or how about giving up doctors without borders and actually staying home to raise your children? Did that ever occur to you? Was that even an option? No. No. Of course not. Because saving the world is so much more thrilling than being a parent. So you chose a planet full of strangers over the welfare of your own daughter.

We had a duty as doctors and as parents. We were needed in places that were just too dangerous for you. And they only way we could honor both was to — places filled with violence and disease. We just wanted you to have a nice, normal life. I know all of your reasons and all of your excuses. And, yes, I know all about the lives you have saved and the people you have helped. But none of them were your daughter. None of them were me. And it is not selfish for a child to want to be even a little bit important to her parents. Of course it isn’t! You were important to us. You are important to us. You barely wrote. You didn’t call. I don’t even know if you checked in. I was 15! I needed both of you. I needed parents who loved me, who cared, who were actually paying attention. How could you think that… it was “best” to just cut me loose? No, we wanted to give you the home we couldn’T. You were my home! Not four walls and a roof, but you! And I kept thinking that… whenever you came back from sarajevo or wherever you were that your next stop would be me… that sooner or later you would come back for me. But you never did. Not when I graduated high school… or nursing school. Not when I was raped on valentine’s day and wanted to die.

[ Exhales deeply ] Not when I had cameron or jake. And then aiden. And not when I thought jake had died. Or when he came back. Not when I married franco. And not when I lost him. You think these pictures make us a family? They’re a lie. And that’s why I came back here. Because the lies have got to stop. Look, you’re obviously a-a very clever person.

[ Chuckles ] Like son, like mother. Okay. Uh… it must be child’s play for someone like you to sneak out when the guards aren’t looking and then sneak back in and no one’s the wiser. You’re too good for her. Franco’s wife, I mean. Leave her. Before she leaves you. Okay. I’m not here to talk to you about elizabeth. We’re here to talk about you. Then don’t say I didn’t warn ya, doc. And I’m never wrong. Just ask jeff webber. Ring a bell?

[ Laughs ] How about my old friend anna devane? She still around? Mm-hmm. Weren’t the one that hit her over the head with something? Also tried to shoot her. Hmm. That snooty little slag.

[ Laughs ] That’s what they call people like her where she’s from. Don’t talk about anna that way. Okay. How is sweet, slatternly anna these days? Probably none of your business. Ooh. Sounds like… she’s in trouble? Maybe there’s a god after all. Why on earth would you think that I was avoiding you? Well, because I encouraged you to write a letter to the killer. From now on, I’ll stick to teaching and leave the invader to you. Now you’re quitting on me? Don’t you want to go home? Of course I do. I’m just not sure if it’s possible with the timing and everything. Take me sightseeing. I’ve seen the chapel, I’ve seen the stables, but that village looks really magical. Oh, it so is. Great. So go change, put some proper walking shoes on. And I’ll take you to one of those outdoor cafés if it’s not gonna be too cold. They all have those heaters, so it’s nice and toasty. Well, that’s perfect. I love it! We can sit there looking at the snow on the mountains and have hot chocolate. Don’t forget to bring an extra coat. Of course. Grandfather insists I always have my escort. The more the merrier. Hey. Don’t forget your backpack. Did you reach him? Valentin is safe and so is charlotte. It would be a shame — well, actually, a miscarriage of justice — if lucy’s killer were to go free. Wouldn’t you agree? I know how to do my job, mr. Cassadine. Oh, I know you do. Just as I’m sure that this job is merely a stepping-stone to bigger and better things. All rise! Court is now in session. The honorable judge walsh presiding.

[ Door opens, closes ]

I am sorry for the pain that we have clearly caused you. I hope that you can believe that’s the last thing we ever wanted. And I am sorry, truly, for all of the hardships that you have endured. But I don’t know what you want from us. I know that you were less than pleased when we were in contact with jake. It seems as much as you resent us for not being in your life, it’s too late to start. Wait. You abandoned me. And when I get upset for you communicating with my son,

I’m the bad guy? That’s not what I meant! That’s what it sounded like. Lizzie, lizzie, okay. Please, elizabeth. Let’s all just take a moment. Oh, you’ve wasted a lifetime of moments. You don’t get any more. You have no idea what I’ve been through. I’m here because I am being haunted by what I can remember and what I can’T. I am missing pieces of my memory, pieces of my life, and I just want to get… oh, elizabeth. No. I thought I could come here to get answers. I can see I wasted the airfare. You can keep your pictures and your excuses. I’m done. Where are you going? You really need another doctor, lady, one that you don’t share any sort of personal history with. Am I no longer worthy of your care? What ever happened to your vow? First, do no harm? You’d really leave me to the ravages of this flesh-eating disease? Maybe you and elizabeth

do deserve each other. The coward and the tramp. When you’re right, you’re right. About which part? Your cowardliness? Or her faithlessness? My oath. I… must do what I can to prevent harm. Alright, ms. Webber. Please. I told ya. Call me heather. Alright, heather. We’ll do what we can to take care of you here. Ohh. Let’s see. You have big veins. I do. That one especially. Alright. You’re gonna feel a little prick. Story of my life. That’s it? Hmm. All done. Oh. That didn’t hurt at all. So…what now, doc? Ohh. Now… you lose consciousness. This was A… a sedative. A sedative? I need a cure! Not knock-out drops. You can’T.

[ Slurring ] I don’t wanna… I thought your silence meant you no longer wanted my input. Did you get this confirmation from two independent sources, or did you just make this up all on your own? “A,” I was busy. “B,” since when are you so insecure about your input? I mean, you lived with an investigative reporter for years and I’m sure she must have valued your opinion. Actually, she didn’T. Jackie was the pro reporting from the trenches. For me, it was all just theoretical. She talked about the world, and I talked about how the world was talked about. Does that make sense? Absolutely. We made it work for a long time. Till it didn’T. Wonder what that’s like. I never had a partnership like that. Who says it’s too late? Wow. Wow! Told ya. Yeah, and yet somehow you still didn’t — still didn’t do heather justice. I had to sedate her just to further treatment. I — I could really use a breath of fresh air. Anybody want to go for a walk? Why don’t you two go? You sure you don’t want to join us? No. I’m busy. I’ll see you. Soon. Got it? Got it. Uh, charlotte and I are gonna do a sightseeing. She’s gonna introduce me to some proper swiss chocolate. I don’t think you have to tag along. Where she goes, I go. Yeah, well, I appreciate your dedication. I’m her father, and I will keep her safe.

Tu comprends? Okay. Well… maybe you’ll accept this. Well, zut.

[ Grunts ] Aah! Agent devane is a trained assassin. The people can present evidence, visual evidence, that ms. Devane fired the shots that killed lucy coe. Objection, your honor! There’s no evidence there even was a murder! We also have the gun that was found in ms. Devane’s car and the ammunition that was discovered in her home. Not to mention the clothes she was wearing at the time of the shooting. Given that the accused has more than adequate means to flee the jurisdiction and the country undetected, we respectfully request bail be denied. Thank you. Mr. Baldwin? Your honor, for — for crying out loud, everybody knows that that evidence was planted. That’s why I would like to file a motion to dismiss. The motion is denied. Just like that? You want me to deny it again?

[ Sighs ] It was worth a shot, your honor. My client is willing to surrender her passport so that she won’t be skipping town. What passport? Knowing the wsb, she probably has dozens. Alright. I’ve heard what I need to hear. Ms. Devane, will you please rise?

[ Grunting ] Aah! Given the defendant’s history, which includes a long career in law enforcement, both local and international, the latter of which is also based on subterfuge, deceit, and the trading of lives for secrets, as well as the gravity of the charge, the court is left with no other choice. Bail is denied. Oh!

[ Gavel bangs ] Cameron mentioned to me that the spa elizabeth is staying at is in monterey. It’s also where her parents live. You’re doing it again. Doing what? Worrying.

[ Stammers ] Am I wrong to be concerned? In principle, no, but when you start worrying, everything spirals into these scenarios where you feel compelled to rescue elizabeth. Nope. Not this time. If elizabeth needs anything, terry’s with her. And as cameron reminded me, she doesn’t need me watching over her. No. No. You would like that, wouldn’t you? For me to run out of here and leaving you thinking, “well, I did everything I could. It just wasn’t enough.” Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, again, but I came here looking for answers, and I’m not leaving without them. Enjoy your victory. Thank you, mr. Baldwin. I am. So when I prove that anna was framed, you know what you’re gonna look like? A patsy. You see? Justice is a wonderful thing. This is just round one. We’re gonna fight this and we’re gonna win. Damn right. And worse comes to worse, I’m more than ready to bust you out of jail. Ohh. That’s not a bad idea. Anna. I’m sorry. I know. So am I. What an unexpected pleasure to see you. Laura.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Monday, October 31, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


really think you’re gonna have that many more trick or treaters? That’s not the trick or treaters I’m worried about. I’ll decide if I prefer these with nuts or with that, feel like a better try another one. These are for the kids. Now these are for you. Me. How does anyone even know I’m here? No.

Collection agencies have a way of keeping track of you. These are often dough collectors. You can’t pay a single one of ’em, can you? Cause you haven’t got a job.

After Sloan gave Paulina an earful about our less than successful scam, how the spinning in the world wasn’t going to change her mind about me being able to handle it. I can’t believe she fired you. Not only did she fire me, she threatened to ruin me and my business. I’m sorry. Now I should be the one apologizing.

I hired you to consult at sjr. Now I have no work for you to consult on. Jumped on board a sinking ship. Well, it is interesting timing why just a few hours ago, my brother EJ offered me a job working at Damara and I turned him down. Oh no. Can you, can you call him back and tell me changed your mind? I don’t want to call him.

So I don’t want the job at the mirror. Why not? Because sinking chip or not? I like working with you.

Well, are you gonna see who it is? It’s not like I can answer it. Don’t worry, he’ll go away

or not. All right, fine. I’ll get rid of him. Alex, wait, what? You can’t answer the door. You’re naked. Right. Of course. I’ll just throw on some pants. Okay.

Can’t get you your,

oh. Mother. Mother, what are you doing? What? I’m trying to keep you safe. That’s what I’m doing. I’m fine. Oh my goodness. You are not listening. Did you just hear me? You are in terrible danger. But you never explained why. What are you talking about? I’m talking about I had a premonition, a horrible premonition, and it shook me to my car.

Oh, son Elvis, someone is out to get you.

How, how is, how is this possible? Are you really so surprised you saw me last Halloween when the devil brought me back from the dead? That was a fun night, wasn’t it? Yeah. The devil is gone, isn’t he? Sadly. Yeah. But lucky for you. I’m still here. Why? How, who knows, maybe I’m all in your head or maybe not.

Either way, I can see that I got here just in time,

like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

So for sure I paid this one. Huh? What? Look, I’m cool. Vague. Actually, Xander already has a job. Oh, what? Lawn care. Well, as a matter of fact, Jack offered him a job at Spectator. Really? Mm-hmm. . They must, the assignment. God columnist, obituaries? No, it’s an executive job because unlike you, Jack sees what Sandra brings to the table.

So maybe we could discuss this properly. How, but you don’t care about that, do you? All you care about is belittling your nephew so that you can feel all powerful and big. What do you wanna go ahead and belittle me to? Because I was stranded on that island for over a year. I have no savings. Not to mention I’m still on probation at the hospital, so I’m not getting my full salary.

So you explained to her that? No, I’m explaining it so that Victor will realize that you’re not the only. Who can’t pull your weight financially. But you know what, Victor? Pretty soon all of that’s gonna go away. You won’t be able to hold Xander’s financial situation over his head because his salary at the Spectator is going to be more than enough to pay off his debts.

It won’t what? Why? I was trying to tell you earlier, but. I didn’t get the job,

Alex, on. Maggie, this is a surprise. I was just visiting a friend, . I see. Um, Holly asked me to take her for a second round of trick or treating. What took you so long to answer? Uh, well, like I said, this isn’t my apartment. We were just having a little Halloween party. Who’s that lady on the blindfolded?

Oh, son, what were you thinking? You, you didn’t have any of the doors locked? I mean, come on. What kinda security system do you have here? Huh? Do you have cameras? You have dogs, you have sharpshooters on the roof. Mother, calm down. There’s no danger. What are you talking about? That there’s no danger. Just don’t see it.

And why are you in that? Get up anyway. Get up. The clown costume, the mask. What are you? Oh, kidding. Oh my God. Isn’t it do or off? No, you. From a horrifying way. Yes. What are you kidding me? Who doesn’t know clown? Uh, pretty much everyone. Mother. Okay. Oh, you’re the point. You’re missing the point. See, that’s the thing I put on this costume and I was struck by that horrible premonition that someone was after my precious son.


We got here just in time for what mother do. I really have to explain. I just watched you tell your dead boyfriend that you’re not gonna get revenge on EJ Damara. Yeah. So why? Why, what good is it gonna do me? Huh? I need to move on with my life. So one trip goes back to Seattle. I am going with him. Sure.

Yeah. Go back to Seattle with your tail between your. You can wear plaid. You can drink lattes with your golden, oh, don’t even talk about him like that. He’ll be fine. Not only does Dr. Hansen get to live out the rest of his days in peace while I molder in my grave, but now he gets his mommy to pack his lunches for him in the morning.

Do I look like the lunch packing type? No. You look like the don’t stop until vengeance is yours type. But I guess you’re making a different decision this time. What is so wrong with going to Seattle? For starters, aren’t you afraid Joey Johnson’s gonna smother you in your sleep?

You’re saying you had this vision. I was in danger when you put on the clown costume. You know what, I, I’m you. It’s, it’s true. I was right about Satan, wasn’t I? Yes, you are right. If Y watched, darn, I wasn’t by far the fuck, the first I know. I mean, they don’t scratch, I mean, he’s booted back into the underworld for good.

But that doesn’t mean that you, you from,

you think I’m around the,

maybe not really. Why not? Why not? Because I, I, I know I haven’t, but why do you believe me? Earlier tonight, I saw someone in this same costume outside the French doors. They were holding onto a knife. I was looking straight at them when Chad came in and stopped me. Well, that was your very brother live here.

Well, he didn’t mean it, although he did happen to be wearing the same Dan costume. Okay. Wait, wait, wait. There was three of us in this little delight for costume. Apparently Chad bought his in town too. Great mind, huh? Alicia. Who was the third clown? I don’t know. When Chad arrived, I looked back at the door and the first clown was gone.

I just chalked it up to a Halloween prank. Oh, oh, no, no, no. I promise you son, this is, it’s not Halloween, Frank. It’s cuz that was not what I saw in my premonition. No, this was for real. Look,

is the Pine Foot part of her costume? And why she handcuffed to the bed out the mouth of Babes Holly, we really should keep moving. We don’t wanna miss out on that candy and Alex can, uh, get back to his, um, Halloween party. Well, he didn’t gimme any candy. Oh, oh, of course. I mean, obviously Right. And it’s not like we were expecting anybody else.

Let’s see it. These are for you. Oh my goodness. You know what? Oh, there you go. Wow, grandma. We hit the jackpot. Both size bars. That’s right. Whoa. That’s right. Why do I walk you guys out? Huh? Are you coming trick or treating? Oh, you know, I would love to do that, but I can’t. But I do have a treat for grandma.

Oh, for me? What is it? Do how Open it. Hold onto it now. I’ll explain later. Okay. Thank you. Okay. All right. Hey, great costume. Huh? Happy Halloween. Let’s see you guys. Straight between.

Are they gone? They are gone. That was my aunt Maggie and her grand. It’s kinda weird them showing up at my apartment here like that. Wow. It is Halloween. Well, it was a mood killer. Almost. Almost. So where were we?

It’s my own fault for thinking that I could scam Sloane Peterson into giving up her blackmail. Well, it would’ve worked if Leo hadn’t show. So much of PR is about controlling the situation, twisting it to your advantage. I’ve been in tight spots with clients before, but I’ve always been really good at dancing my way out of them, but this time I completely botched it.

How Not completely Carbon marsh, how

Don’t know. Off the top of my head. Of fire maybe. Maybe an office building could have started on fire. Oh my god.

You have these little red licorice bites. I thought you said there’s no candy that could make you feel better. Well, I don’t know that they’ll actually do that, but when I was a kid I used to eat a million of these and then it would turn my tongue red. Ah, ah. Is they red yet? No. I don’t know. It was pretty normal to me

how I,

oh, how low. Want you wanna, my favorite match of the year. I did not of mis. Oh right, mother. So someone was outside the door with a clown costume. But who? Well, that is the question of our gonna wanna hurt my beautiful baby boy . I’m afraid that’s quite a long list. Mother. What much for showing that’s really mad at you?

Or someone that really doesn’t like you very much? Well, there is someone who springs to mind who, who, who’s. Huh? Cause your mama was not gonna let them touch one hair on your little head. I’m thinking maybe it’s Johnny. Johnny. My short little grand baby. You think he’s one that sha you? It’s possible. O Why?

Why? Oh, why do you think that is? Shas own daddy? Because I came between him and Eva.

Joey Johnson isn’t going to murder. Are you sure about that? I’d put a double lock on your bedroom door. We’ve moved past our difficulties. Mm. I’m glad you think so. But tell me, mom, what are your big plans for when you get to Seattle? You gonna join a grunge band, gonna get a job as a barista? The Space Needle?

Uh, what’s so wrong with those ideas? We both know that that’s not who you really are. Oh, okay. So who am I? You’re the coldhearted bitch that wouldn’t even save her own son. You sabotaged a plane that killed poor kindly, grandpa Sean. Oh, that was not me. I was drugged. Were you drugged when you framed Rafe when you tried to send your own boyfriend to prison?

He betrayed me with Nicole. Yeah. Mm-hmm. , there’s always an excuse. But the thing is, you don’t have to lie. You don’t have to make excuses for me, okay? You and I are more alike than you care to admit, and that is why I say you want blood? Go for it.

You didn’t get the job, Jack didn’t think it’d be a good idea for me to work there. What? Why? He’s supposed to be your best friend. What does he think? You’re not good enough to work at a stupid paper. He’d be lucky to have you. I’m gonna call him. Tell him what I think about his journalistic integrity.

Because of Gwen, what? Gwen needs a job too. So Jack hid at the Spectator. He didn’t think it was a very good idea for us to be working that together. Why is that? Because she still has feelings for, she still has feelings for. Sorry I didn’t tell you soon.

Jeff always did have very good instincts. So did I. That’s why I wouldn’t hire you either.

You guys are supposed to be sleeping. Charlotte had a nightmare. A nightmare. Well, you know, sometimes candy before bed will do that. What was your nightmare about? It was about clowns, but not the funny kind. That was really silly. That was about clowns. Uhoh, that might have been daddy’s fault. I wore a scary outfit, didn’t I?

Can I tell you a secret? I’m afraid of clowns two. Who are you? Uh, Thomas and Charlotte. This is, uh, mommy’s cousin Stephanie. Yeah, mommy’s cousin. Him. That’s right. What are you doing here in. Why have we not seen you before?

Well, I guess we haven’t met before because I haven’t lived most of my life in Salem. I. In California and your mom used to visit me all the time. You know, I was just thinking about this one time when we were kids. We watched this scary movie about a weird dog named Chucky, and I had such a bad nightmare, so scared.

I didn’t wanna go back to sleep. What did you do? Honestly, I asked your mom to stay up all night with me. She was the bravest girl I ever. And she said we should listen to our favorite song, one that made me happy. So we did, and then all this curiousness went away. Do you have a favorite song? Five Littles, Olivia rgo.

Perfect. Do you want me to play it on my phone? The stuff you take me back to bed? I, I’d be happy to. Let’s go. You can show me your room. I will. And I’ll also show you my new little dog named Audrey. Oh, I can’t wait to meet him. Oh, he’s not real. He’s, but I love him like,

Okay. Can we lose the blindfold already? I mean, it was exciting in the beginning, but I’m going crazy that I can’t see you in all your glory. All right, one second. Hold your horses.


there you go. How’s that better? But you’re not naked. I told you I had to answer the door. Remember? Yeah. Well, the trick or treaters are gone. So what are you doing? Ditch the clothes. I can’t. Well then this is gonna be very difficult because I’m sort of tied up at the moment. I mean, I can’t stay.

How are you? Isn’t it obvious

to the outside world you might seem like violent monsters. Deep down we’re just two people desperate for love, never getting, forgetting it. I’ve had love in my life. Sure, I know.

But Jake said, and let’s look at the rest of your history. RA didn’t want you, Steve didn’t want you. The only one that’s ever truly loved you is me. No. Yes, mom. Mm-hmm. . There is no love, like the love between a mother and a. And I’m not talking about your golden boy that lives in Seattle. Oh, chip and I are very close, but his love is conditional.

You have to be good. You have to do the right thing. I love you for who you really are, and that is why I came back to help you destroy EJ Damara. So you saying that Lady Boss and our little Johnny were. Loving each other tan and then you busted them up. It was for Johnny’s own good. Ava was out to hurt our family and using my son in the process.

Well, I sometimes you gotta make kids take their medicine. Although my mama, she used to put mine on a shoe. Cute. Well, I prefer to give it to them straight. Oh, Shena didn’t, uh, like taking his medicine so much? No. He said something about making me pay if it was the last thing he does. Hmm. So you’re saying that he wanted you to pay.

By, um, showing up and scaring you with a clown costume and a car born knife, what do you think? Well, I think


Chocolate Mond is my personal favorite. You have one diet. Sure. I can’t believe we’re gonna get stuck with so much candy. I told you we had too much. Well, there’s worse things than leftover candy. Mm-hmm. . Well, perhaps you should spend less time pouring candy down your gut and more time figuring out how you’re gonna pay those bills.

Don’t worry about a victim, it’s all gonna sell cell. Oh, easy. I’m gonna pay it off. No, no, I can’t let you do that. You just got your job back at the hospital and like you said, you’re only working part-time. You have no savings. I mean, well, yeah. I won’t be able to pay it all off at once, but I’ll make payments.

Trust me, those agencies are happy to take whatever they can get. It’s okay, baby. I’m my husband. We do this for each other. I told you I’m glad I am that we got married. Uh, they’re romance of a joint checking account. I’d love Sarah if we were both dead broke. Oh, you feel good about yourselves? Ander, huh?

Letting your wife clean up your mistakes. That’s enough. But it never is, is it? You always need more. Not even bad enough to put a roof over your wife’s head. Shut your mouth or manner. I’ll shut it.

You have to leave now. Why? Because my aunt Maggie was at the door, so. What I, I don’t understand. You care about what your aunt thinks about your sex life? No, actually I don’t care about that at all. But as I was walking around, she told me that my Uncle Victor is on a warpath right now over some Titan business, so I need to go deal with it and that can’t wait.

You know how these things can be time sensitive. What about my surprise? You’re surprise. That’s right. Of course, you’re surpris.


you’re gonna have to wait, baby. You know what they say? Anticipation can be a good thing, right? Um,

Alex, next time, I promise you, Sloan, next time you have my word, I will be there. I’m gonna text you later. Aren’t you forgetting something,

right? Of course. Oh my God, I am so sorry. Um, but I will tell you, it has been a whole lot of fun. Well, it would be a lot more fun you staying. Yeah, it’d be more fun with me too, baby. But you know what they say duty calls. You know where that goes. Hmm. I suppose

I’ll see you soon. Mm-hmm.

no. How good is sister? Cute. No, mother. What are you doing? What this y doing? Do what? What are you doing? What’s gonna help me? Help me? Uh, how’d you see your father? Johnny means you some harm. Oh, okay. Um, oh, uh, Berry. Is is my bitty, bitty little Johnny Grand baby? Is, is he the one out to get my, my, my, my son?

I mean, he’s the evil clown we’re searching for.

Are the spirits keeping you any,

I dunno, lazy haz.

Hey, are you still there? Hello, spirits? Can you hear me now what? I just, I, I could tell you this. The spirits are really, really wasteless tonight. I mean, there is something wicked in the air. Oh, Sean, whoever’s out to get you, they don’t wanna just scare you.

They wanna make you.

You know what you want, mother? You want to grind EJ under your heel and make him wish he never met you. That’s why you reached out to Gwen and she turned me down. I’m glad she did. No, you’re not. Isn’t that why you were so interested in Xander? I don’t know what you mean. Um, on the guy is hard up for cash, not to mention he has an incredibly corrupted soul.

Who better to do your bidding? I don’t need anyone to do my bidding. Well, you obviously can’t go after directly. The guy’s been itching to send you to prison, right? That’s why you need to recruit a desperate goon Alexander to do the dirty work. Right. Okay. Even if I wanted to get out right, even if I wanted to make EJ pay, go on,

I dunno.

I, I don’t even know what to do. I, I mean, what would I tell Xander to do? Funny you should ask. That seems I’ve touched a nerve. I’m sick. You are disrespect What gives you the right to talk to me like that? Xander. What gives me the right, I built an empire. My name is on deed to this house. I’m the one that keeps you from being on the street.

You owe me everything the hell I do. I just had the best time trick or treating. What’s going on here? We’re moving out. What? Come on, Sarah. What? What happened? I talked to Sarah.

What did you say to your nephew? I have no idea.

Very black licorice in there. Who likes black licorice? Well just gimme the bulb. Really? What? Listen, I had no mold for any lectures, my blood sugar or anything else. Tell me what you said to Xander and Sarahs. Hey Auntie Mag. Hi, uh, Henderson says you were back. Do you have that file that I gave you? Oh, yeah.

It’s right here, but, oh. Hey, uncle Vic. Sorry, I just needed to grab something. Here you go. Thank you. You are the best. Oh, what is all about? Oh, just doing a favor for a friend. Cool. Blackish Thie, huh? This family.

I am pleased to report that both Thomas and Charlotte are tucked back in bed with no residual effects of the nightmare. How many times did you have to listen to driver’s license? Hmm, only three. Maybe four. What? You got off easy.

Thank you for what you said to Charlotte. Hearing stories about her mother. I’m, I know. Makes her feel better. Anytime she wants to hear one, I’d be happy to stop by. That means a lot.

Well, I should go, I, um, I wanted to see my mom. My brothers are visiting her before she gets back to Seattle. Hi. How is, uh, how’s she doing? Uh, great. She’s getting released tomorrow. I’m glad to hear that. Thanks. I just, I wish I had some better news of my own to share. Instead, I have to tell her that her daughter just got fired by our most important client.

No, are you kidding me? After everything she just went through having you guys together and happy and healthy. I’m sure is enough. Shouldn’t take that for granted. I know. And besides, you know, you’re gonna land some new big client before you know us, so don’t waste any time beating yourself up. Talented.

And you’re dedicated and anyone would be lucky to have you doing their pr. Thank you for saying that. That’s true and, and I’m happy to help try to belt water. Get this sinking ship floating again, . I’m really glad I hired you. Me too. Goodnight, Stephanie.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I mean, what else do I have to do around here? So all these demaris that are alive, they want to present an image of strength, like nothing can hurt them, but everyone’s got a weakness. Even ej. I’ll get it go. Sure you do. But I have faith in you, mommy. I have faith that you will find e j’s Achilles heel and you will slice it open with a scalpel.

Trip is expecting me send a message to Goldie that you changed your mind, that you’re staying here in Salem. I can’t. Of course you can, because if you don’t, you’ll be sitting in rainy Seattle regretting it, thinking every day about how EJ bested you, how he was gloating on the phone, how easy it was to kick you out of town.

He was laughing with that smug grin on his. Think of how fun it would be to wipe that grin off his face. I know who you really are. I know what you really want, so why not be honest with yourself and admit that I’m right after all that boy’s best friend is his.

Stephanie. Hi Alex. What are you doing at the hospital? But you had a hot date with Sloan. I did. I cut it short. Figured I might find you here. You left your date to come see. Kim to give you this. Oh my God, you, you got it. Wait, I thought you didn’t wanna get involved. I didn’t, but then I realized that if Uncle Victor decided to fire you, he’d put me to work on the task of hiring a whole new PR firm.

You know, interviews a vetting who’s got all that time? Right. I mean, we’ve got people to see, beds to get handcuffed to. Exactly. Alex, this is a huge help. Thank you. My pleasure.

You came to say goodbye, Maggie. You’re really leaving right now. We have no choice. Can’t we talk about this? I mean, you know how Victor is. He just can’t help himself. There’s a mistake to come here in the first place, but where are you gonna go at this hour at the night? Mom does have a point. I mean, you every right to be upset.

Do we really have to rush out? Right? If Victor wants to apologize, I’m ready to listen. Apologize for giving you a free place to live. If you wanna move out, you can move into a van by the lake. See, Maggie, it’s useless. P, but where will we go? I don’t think Here’s something.


Call me when you get settled.

I hope you’re happy. I can’t believe you got cooked to wait for ship peanut butter and banana and bacon sandwiches at this hour. When I told him you’d stop by for an unexpected visit, he was more than happy to. Well, he knows just how to make ’em, and he’s just like, I question . He also asked if he should pick up some more supplies.

Do you have to go back to Roger right away or do you intend on staying? I’m not sure. Not sure. Um, but I, I really do wanna get a clear vision of who’s after you. I mean, I swear Johnny, he’s thing in the thing in the world when he was possessed Byers Pub. Don’t worry about it. I’ll speak to him when he comes back home.

Now, in the meantime, Eat up your sandwiches before your, uh, bacon gets cold. . You don’t have to tell which one. Yeah.

There is no love, like the love between a mother and a son.

Don’t worry about us, mom. Xander and I are gonna be fine. Fine. Sarah, you are living in a dive motel. You need to come back home. That is not our home mom. Victor made that very clear look, honey, I can handle Victor. Oh honey, it’s really okay. We’re not even gonna be here for that.

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B&B Transcript Monday, October 31, 2022

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Howling ]

[ Spooky organ music ]

[ Siren in a distance ]

Deacon: What the f–

Sheila: Happy halloween, mr. Sharpe. It’s time for your physical. Nurse sheila carter reporting for duty.

[ Heart beating ]

Sheila: Oh. Seems to be elevating.

Deacon: Huh?

Sheila: Your heart.

Deacon: Cute. What exactly are you doing?

Sheila: Oh. Enjoying my favorite holiday of the year.

Deacon: Well, no surprise there.

Sheila: Oh, come on. What’s the big deal?

Deacon: Well, every day that you’re here, I am harboring a fugitive.

Sheila: Harboring a fugitive?

Deacon: Mm-hmm.

Sheila: Didn’t you hear? I’m supposed to be dead.

Deacon: Oh.

Sheila: At least for now.

Deacon: Hmm.

Sheila: I’ll tell you. I can’t wait to get out there and celebrate with my family. I think it’s gonna have to wait until next year.

Deacon: Wait, wait a second. What do you mean next year? Sheila, you got a one-way trip back to prison if you’re even seen resurfacing.

Sheila: Oh come on, deacon. Don’t underestimate me. I am like a cat. I’ve got nine lives.

Deacon: Don’t you mean nine toes?

Sheila: Okay. So my back might be against the wall right now, but history has proven itself time and time again and I always find a way out. You just watch me.

Eric: All right. Uh, I’ll have carter send this to your legal over at fenmore’s and, uh, that’ll be it. We’re all done. That’s it.

Lauren: That’s it.?

Eric: Yes.

Lauren: I wish all my meetings went this smoothly.

Eric: When lauren fenmore is only here for a quick layover from genoa city, we get it done.

[ Lauren laughing ] This is a wonderful order. Thank you.

Lauren: Oh, it is my pleasure. This new hope for the future line, I mean, it is phenomenal. I have no doubt that it is gonna sell out at fenmore’s and then I’ll be back for some more.

Eric: It’s, uh, it’s halloween. Would you share a halloween cocktail with me before you get back to genoa city?

Lauren: Are you kidding? You read my mind.

Eric: Yes? Good. What do you think we should drink to?

Lauren: Oh, I think we should drink to the fact that halloween is gonna be a lot less spooky now that that witch sheila carter is dead.

[ Door banging ]

[ Doorbell ringing ]

Kids: Trick or treat!

Deacon: All right, look at you guys. Hey, let’s get you some candy here. Huh? This and take this.

Uncle: You guys you gotta show him your moves.

Deacon: Oh, yeah. Let me see. Let’s see. What do you got?

Parent: Show him your moves.

[ Kids yelling ]

Deacon: You’re karate’s awesome. You got a pretty cool uncle too.

Kid: Thank you.

Uncle: Well, we didn’t want you to miss out on all the trick or treating fun.

Deacon: Thanks, buddy. Happy halloween.

Kids: Happy halloween.

Uncle: See you, partner.

Sheila: See? Aren’t you glad I bought candy? They were adorable. I can’t wait to be on the other side of that door.

Deacon: The only other side you’re gonna be seeing is the other side of a prison cell.

Sheila: Oh, you know what? You seem to be forgetting how creative I can be.

Deacon: Uh, kidnapping, identity theft, attempted murder. No. I think I have a pretty good idea.

Sheila: All things that I never set out to do. I– I was just trying to– to make it, all right? My life in genoa city was perfect until lauren fenmore decided to target me, and that’s when everything got screwed up.

Lauren: You keep this up

and you’ll lose big.

Sheila: Are you

threatening me?

Lauren: You’re damn right

I’m threatening you.

You don’t know the meaning

of trouble. You mess with me

and you’re gonna find out.

So why don’t you just stay

away from my husband?

Sheila: ‘Cause I’m really–

Lauren: I’m a very

powerful woman,

and I wouldn’t forget that

if I were you. Now, this

will be your only warning.

You keep your claws away

from my husband or you’re

gonna have to answer to me.

And believe me,

you don’t wanna do that.

Molly: She– sheila, no!

She– she– sheila! Sheila!

Sheila: You deserve–

would you just–

[ Lantern shattering ]

Deacon: Thank god they got out of there okay.

Sheila: But you know what? What about me? She’s the one that started the fire.

Deacon: Sheila, I think it would take a lot more than an inferno to take you down.

Sheila: Okay. Well, the moral is, I– I left genoa city and I started new.

Deacon: You didn’t have a lot of options.

Sheila: We all have options. I answered an ad for a– a corporate nurse at forrester creations, and it turned into so much more.

Eric: I know it sounds

like we’re looking for

a babysitter, but the fact

is, we wouldn’t consider

anyone with credentials

less than yours. The fact is

his current nanny is

a registered nurse as well.

Are you comfortable

with children?

Sheila: Oh, yes. Yes.

I– I love children.

Eric: Well, if you are,

uh, available for a couple

of hours, uh, it wouldn’t be

much longer than that.

Sheila: No, that’s fine,

then. I’d love to watch

your child, mr. Forrester.

And I promise you, he’ll be

in very good hands.

Eric: Thank you, sheila.

Sheila: He wants me.

He really wants me.

[ Sighing ]

Watch out, brooke,

watch out.

[ Record scratching ]

Deacon: And everyone lived happily ever after, not.

Sheila: Okay. Well, the point is, I came here with nothing and I remade myself. I started a whole new glorious chapter, and I will do that again. You just mark my words. You watch me.

Find nutrients.

Find energy.

Eric: You tried to warn me time after time about sheila carter and to no avail. I ended up somehow married to her.

Lauren: Mm. I mean, I’m not normally a person for “I told you so”s, but–

Eric: As accurate as it would be, I had no idea when I hired nurse sheila, how that decision would affect our families.

Lauren: Well, to be fair, I’m sure she left off kidnapping and leaving people to die in a fire from her resume.

Eric: Yeah.

Lauren: And that was before she got to los angeles. What she did to you and stephanie.

Eric: The havoc that she caused to so many people, to anybody in her way.

Lauren: Oh my god. The battles we had.

Sheila: You can’t hurt me.

You’re no ridge.

Not with men and not with

children. Your own son even

thinks I’m his mother.

Lauren: Oh, you bitch!

[ Both grunting ]

[ Glass breaking ]

Lauren: You wouldn’t dare.

Deacon: You really get into this stuff, don’t you?

Sheila: It’s the most wonderful night of the year. Speaking of which, you know, you’re so into those toe jokes I had some chocolate once made. They’re right there. Help yourself.

Deacon: Yeah. Uh, mm, I think I’m gonna pass. Well, I gotta say this for you, you definitely know how to make the most of a situation.

Sheila: You see, you’re catching on. I really feel like I can wiggle myself out of this– this situation the same way I did when I left your girlfriend nikki’s hometown.

Deacon: Uh, she was my ex-wife. And you fled.

Sheila: I left and i started a new chapter in my life that was incredible becoming mrs. Eric forrester. You know, stephanie, she just– she fought me at every turn.

Stephanie: Until you are

mrs. Forrester, you are not

mrs. Forrester, and you’re

gonna be treated as any

other salaried employee

in this company. Secondly,

I own half of this company.

You know, it surprises me

someone as smart as you

is constantly

forgetting that.

Sheila: Well, I fail

to see the relevance as

to who owns the company.

Stephanie: Oh, I suppose

it’s just a bread and butter

issue. I’m the butter

on your bread.

Sheila: But eric is the

bread, and I prefer mine

without butter.

Would you let eric and me live

our lives?

Stephanie: Not as

a husband and wife. No. No.

Never. I am never gonna let

that happen. This wedding is

history. And you are finished

with eric. Do you understand?


Sheila: But I survived. I survived every vicious attack against me and– and my character. I may not be mrs. Eric forrester anymore, but you know what? I won. I came out on top because I’m still here. I wanna thank you my precious deacon for letting me be here. But it’s not gonna be for much longer. Soon, I’m going to be as free as a bird. You’ll see.

From the #1 fiber brand comes

metamucil gummies.

Lauren: What you and stephanie went through.

Eric: Yeah. You didn’t have it any easier.

Lauren: Oh, no. You and i were both on the receiving end of sheila’s wrath quite a few times.

[ Water splashing ]

Sheila: Die!

No, it is going

to end right here, right now.

And it’s going to start with

you, stephanie. I– I was the victim here. I never meant to do any harm to anyone. I– I just was on my own so much that I– I just– I did some things that I wasn’t very proud of.

I am through playing games

with you, stephanie. Do you

understand me? If you don’t

stop interfering,

you’re going to regret it.

You’re not going anywhere.

[ Stephanie grunting ]

Make sure you stay away

from me. Do you understand?

[ Both screaming ]

You tell any anyone one word

about what happened

last night and I swear

I will pay a little visit

to your precious grandson.

Stephanie: No, you won’T.

Sheila: Oh, yes. Yes.

Stephanie, I will.

Stephanie: You stay away

from that baby.

Sheila: Then you stay

away from my husband.

You make one more move

on him, stephanie, and thomas

won’t live to see his first

birthday. And I swear to god,

I’ll do it. You wanna play

ugly? I wrote the book on it.

And if there’s one thing

you know, stephanie dear,

I make good on my threats. I never meant to hurt anyone. I just wanted to be loved.

Deacon: Sheila, I think that desire to be loved got you in a lot of trouble.

Sheila: Yeah. But I persevered.

Deacon: Yeah. All the way back to this palace. Right? Taking you in as my roommate is gonna go down as one of the dumbest decisions I’ve ever made. But then again, I didn’t really have much of a choice. Now, did I?

Sheila: Yeah. Well, you can relax my precious, because you know what? This is not forever. This is not the end of the road.

Deacon: Sheila, admit it. You’re screwed.

Sheila: Oh my god. Do you know how many times I’ve had somebody tell me that? No. Even lauren and– and stephanie, they tried their hardest and I was damned well determined to not let those bitches take me down. And they didn’T. The best years of my life are yet to come. All right. Mr. Jack-o-lantern.

[ Sheila laughing ] Pretty scary, huh?

Deacon: Oh, yeah. Yeah. You sure as hell are.

[ Sheila laughing ] I’m getting vaccinated with prevnar 20.

Eric: Lauren, this has been wonderful.

Lauren: Yes. And thankfully, no more nasty tricks as far as sheila’s concerned.

Eric: No, no. I think that we can all rest assured, she’s had her final curtain call met with a grizzly end.

Lauren: Oh, dear. Yes.

Eric: We can all rest assured that she’s not gonna be coming around anymore.

Lauren: No.

Eric: Safe trip.

Lauren: Okay. Thank you.

Deacon: Well, I am curious how you envision this resurrection happening.

Sheila: I’m– I’m working on it.

Deacon: Sheila, we both know what happens if you leave this apartment and I’m not baking you a cake with a file in it.

Sheila: I’m going to get forgiveness.

Deacon: From who? From finn? From steffy? From the forrester’s or the logan’s? Are you forgetting what led you to faking your own death?

Sheila: It’s not like I set out to do any of this. If steffy would’ve just given me a chance. You know, let– let me get to know my son and my grandson instead of fighting me at every turn.

Finn: All my life,

I’ve wondered about meeting

you. I needed you today.

Steffy: I– I don’t wanna

hear it anymore. You’re

never gonna be welcome in

my family. So, you might as

well make your way back

to genoa city.

Sheila: You have no idea

the friend that I’ve already

been to you and your mother.

Steffy: You’re never gonna

be a friend, sheila. If you

wanna do something, you can

stay away from me, finn,

thomas, my son, my mother.

Just stay the hell away.

Being loved by you is

a curse. You will never be

part of our lives.

You hear me?

[ Gunshot ]

Finn: Oh!

[ Thud ]

Sheila: No!

Deacon: Sheila, no one can survive this. You’re guilty of a double shooting, of attempted murder, of escaping prison, which by the way, was very cool among other things. But if the forresters find out that you’re alive and they will find out, you’re gonna go to prison for the rest of your life.

Sheila: Oh deacon, deacon, deacon. You haven’t been listening. I’m a survivor. Yes, I’ve had ups and downs and there have been misunderstandings, but I– I– I truly believe people get what they deserve. I deserve another chance. The best is yet to come, so just stay tuned. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You have not seen the last of sheila carter. Not by a long shot. Happy halloween.

[ Sheila laughing ]

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Days Update Monday, October 31, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Sarah has to keep Xander away from the Halloween candy. Victor informs Xander that he has mail. Xander questions how they even know he’s there and if it’s all bill collectors. Victor remarks that Xander can’t pay a single one of them because he doesn’t have a job.

Stephanie tells Chad about how Paulina reacted after Sloan told her about their failed plan. Chad can’t believe Paulina fired her. Stephanie says not only did Paulina fire her, she threatened to ruin her and her business. Chad says he’s sorry. Stephanie responds that she should be apologizing since she hired Chad to work and now there’s nothing to work on like he jumped on board a sinking ship. Chad calls it interesting timing since a few hours ago, EJ offered him a job at DiMera and he turned him down. Stephanie asks if he can call him back to tell him that he changed his mind. Chad responds that he doesn’t want the job at DiMera because he likes working with Stephanie.

Sloan’s doorbell rings as she is handcuffed to her bed and blindfolded while Alex has stolen her file on Paulina and begins going through it. Sloan asks if he’s going to answer the door since she can’t. Alex tells her not to worry and they’ll go away but the doorbell continues ringing. Alex gives in and says he’ll get rid of them but Sloan reminds him that he can’t because she was under the belief that he had taken his clothes off for her. Alex then pretends to put his pants back on and answers the door to see Maggie has brought Holly trick or treating.

At the DiMera Mansion, Susan locks the doors and tells EJ that she’s keeping him safe. EJ insists that he’s fine while Susan complains that he’s not listening. Susan reminds EJ that she said he’s in terrible danger. EJ questions what she is talking about. Susan exclaims that she had a horrible premonition that shook her to her core because someone is out to get him.

Ava sees her dead son Charlie in the DiMera Crypt and questions how this is possible. Charlie asks if she’s really that surprised, reminding her that she saw him last Halloween when the Devil brought him back to life. Ava points out that the Devil is gone. Charlie responds that lucky for her, he’s still here. Ava asks why and how. Charlie then says maybe he’s all in her head or maybe not but he sees he got here just in time.

Xander goes through his bills and says he thought for sure he paid one off. Sarah interrupts to inform Victor that Xander already has a job which Victor questions. Sarah reveals that Jack offered Xander a job at the Spectator. Victor questions the assignment. Sarah informs Victor that it’s an executive job because unlike him, Jack sees what Xander brings to the table. Xander tells Sarah that they can discuss this privately but Sarah continues going off on Victor. Sarah talks about her situation since being stuck on the island and still being on probation at the hospital so Xander isn’t the only one that can’t pull his weight financially. Sarah tells Victor that soon, all of that is going to go away and Xander’s salary at the Spectator will pay off his debts. Xander cuts her off and tells her that it won’t because he didn’t get the job.

Alex tells Maggie that this is a surprise and that he was just visiting a friend. Maggie explains that Holly wanted her to take her for a second round of trick or treating. Holly questions what took Alex so long to answer. Alex says this isn’t his apartment and they were just having a Halloween party. Holly looks inside and questions who the lady on the bed is and why she’s blindfolded.

Susan questions what EJ was thinking by not having the doors locked and asks what kind of security system he has. EJ insists there is no danger. Susan argues that he just doesn’t see it. EJ questions Susan wearing the clown costume which she calls adorable. Susan tells EJ that she put on the costume when she got struck by the horrible premonition that someone was after him.

Ava questions what Charlie got there just in time for. Charlie says he just watched her tell her dead boyfriend that she’s not going to get revenge on EJ DiMera and questions why. Ava asks what good it would do her and says she needs to move on with her life. Ava declares that is why when Tripp goes back to Seattle, she is going with him. Charlie mocks her going back to Seattle with her tail between her legs. Charlie complains about Tripp living in peace while he’s in his grave and now he’ll have his mommy with him. Charlie remarks that Ava seems like the not stop until she gets her vengeance time but guesses she’s making a different decision this time. Ava questions what is so wrong with going to Seattle. Charlie asks if Ava’s not afraid that Joey will smother her in her sleep again.

Susan knows EJ thinks she made all this up but she insists it’s true. Susan reminds him that she was right about Satan and even with the Devil gone, that doesn’t mean EJ is safe from harm. EJ acknowledges that she might not be wrong. Susan asks why he suddenly believes her. EJ admits that earlier in the night, he saw someone outside in the same clown costume and they were holding a knife. EJ says he was looking right at them when Chad came in and startled him. EJ notes that Chad happened to be wearing the same costume. Susan jokes that great minds think alike and wonders who the third clown was. EJ says he just chalked it up to a Halloween prank but Susan promises that it’s not and that this is for real.

Holly asks Alex if the blindfold is part of the lady’s costume and why she’s handcuffed to the bed. Maggie tells Holly that they should get going so they don’t miss out on more candy and Alex can get back to his Halloween party. Holly complains that Alex didn’t give her any candy so he reaches back inside and gives her the whole bowl of candy. Holly exclaims that they hit the jackpot with full size candy bars. Alex offers to walk them out, so Holly asks if he’s coming trick or treating with them. Alex says he would love to, but he can’t. Alex adds that he does have a treat for Maggie as he then sticks the Paulina file folder in to Maggie’s purse, instructing her not to open it and to just hang on to it then he will explain later. Alex thanks her and wishes them a Happy Halloween as they walk away. Alex then heads back inside and tells Sloan that they are gone as he explains it was his Aunt Maggie and her granddaughter. Sloan calls it kind of weird for them to show up at her apartment like that. Alex reminds her that it is Halloween while Sloan comments that it was almost a mood killer. Sloan then asks where they were.

Stephanie tells Chad that it’s her own fault for thinking that she could scam Sloan. Chad points out that it would’ve worked if Leo hadn’t shown up. Stephanie complains that so much about PR is controlling the situation and twisting it to your advantage. Stephanie talks about getting out of situations like this before but this time, she completely botched it. Chad argues that it could’ve been worse. Stephanie questions how. Chad jokes that there could’ve been an office fire. Stephanie eats some of their candy until Chad’s kids, Thomas and Charlotte run in to the room and Charlotte hugs Chad.

Susan tells EJ that All Hallows Eve is one of her favorite nights of the year. EJ questions who was outside in the clown costume. Susan says the question of the hour is who wanted to hurt EJ. EJ jokes that it’d be a long list. Susan points out that it must be someone who is really mad at him or doesn’t like him much. EJ admits that someone does spring to mind. Susan declares that she won’t let them touch a hair on his head. EJ reveals that he’s thinking maybe it’s Johnny which Susan questions. EJ calls it possible. Susan asks why he would think that. EJ explains that he came between Johnny and Ava Vitali.

Ava tells Charlie that Joey is not going to murder her. Charlie asks if she’s sure about that and suggests double locking her door. Ava responds that they’ve moved past their difficulties. Charlie is glad she thinks so but questions what her big plan is in Seattle, mocking what she’ll do for a job. Charlie calls Ava the cold-hearted bitch that wouldn’t even save her own son. Charlie brings up Ava sabotaging the plane that killed Shawn Brady and Colleen which Ava blames on her being drugged. Charlie then brings up Ava framing Rafe and trying to send him to prison. Ava argues that he betrayed her with Nicole. Charlie says there’s always an excuse but she doesn’t have to make excuses for him. Charlie adds that they are more alike than she cares to admit. Charlie tells Ava that if she wants blood, she should go for it.

Sarah questions Xander not getting the job. Xander explains that Jack didn’t think it was a good idea. Sarah argues that Jack is supposed to be his best friend and that he’d be lucky to have him. Sarah starts to call Jack but Xander clarifies that Gwen needed a job too, so Jack hired her at the Spectator and didn’t think it was a good idea for them to work together. Victor questions why that is. Xander admits that Gwen still has feelings for him and apologizes to Sarah for not telling her sooner. Sarah then acknowledges that Jack always had very good instincts. Victor chimes in that he does too which is why he wouldn’t hire Xander either.

Chad reminds his kids that they are supposed to be sleeping. Thomas informs him that Charlotte had a nightmare. Charlotte tells him that it was about a clown. Chad blames himself for his costume. Stephanie adds in that she’s afraid of clowns too. Thomas questions who she is. Chad introduces Thomas and Charlotte to Abigail’s cousin, Stephanie. Thomas questions what she’s doing here and why they haven’t seen her before. Stephanie explains that she hasn’t always lived in Salem and grew up in California. Stephanie talks about Abigail visiting her there and how they watched Child’s Play which gave her nightmares. Charlotte asks what she did. Stephanie says she had Abigail stay up all night with her and calls her the bravest girl she ever met. Stephanie adds that they listened to her favorite song which helped and asks if Charlotte has a favorite song. Charlotte tells her that it’s “Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo, so Chad offers to play it on his phone. Charlotte then asks Stephanie to take her back to bed. Stephanie says she’d be happy to and then takes the kids upstairs.

Sloan asks Alex if she can lose the blindfold now, noting that it was exciting at first but she’s losing her mind not seeing him. Alex undoes his shirt and agrees to then remove the blindfold. Sloan complains that he’s not naked. Alex reminds her that he had to answer the door. Sloan points out that they are gone so she tells him to ditch the clothes. Alex responds that he can’t because he can’t stay.

Ava questions how she and Charlie are alike. Charlie calls it obvious as to the outside world, they don’t seem like violent monsters and are just two people desperate for love but never getting it. Ava argues that she’s had love in her life. Charlie acknowledges that but points out that Jake is dead. Charlie brings up the rest of her history, noting Rafe and Steve didn’t want her and the only one that ever truly loved her is him. Ava disagrees. Charlie declares that there’s no love like the love between a mother and her son. Charlie calls Tripp’s love conditional while he loves Ava for who she really is and that is why he came back to help her destroy EJ DiMera.

Susan questions EJ saying that Johnny and Ava were loving each other until he busted it up. EJ argues that it was for their own good as Ava was trying to hurt their family and using his son in the process. Susan says sometimes you have to make kids take their medicine. EJ prefers giving it straight. Susan guesses Johnny didn’t like taking his medicine. EJ brings up that Johnny said something about making him pay even if it’s the last thing he does. Susan questions thinking he meant making him pay by showing up in a clown costume to scare him. EJ asks what she thinks. Susan responds that she needs to ask the spirits.

Xander and Sarah talk about being stuck with so much candy. Victor remarks that he knew it was too much and suggests Xander spend more time figuring out how to pay his bills. Xander tells Victor not to worry as it will all sort itself out. Victor asks how. Sarah announces that she’s going to take care of it but Xander says he can’t let her do that, noting that she’s only working part time and hasn’t been able to save up. Sarah admits she won’t be able to pay it all off at once but she’ll make payments. Sarah tells Xander that it’s okay as he’s her husband and they do things for each other. Xander tells her how happy he is that they got married as they kiss. Victor mocks them and questions Xander letting his wife clean up his mess. Xander says that’s enough. Victor remarks that Xander never has enough and isn’t even man enough to put a roof over his wife’s head. Xander then threatens Victor to shut his mouth or he’ll shut it for him.

Sloan questions Alex having to leave now. Alex reminds her that his Aunt Maggie was at the door. Sloan doesn’t understand and questions if he cares what she thinks about his sex life. Alex claims that as he walked her out, Maggie told him that Victor was on the warpath about Titan business so he has to go take care of it. Sloan questions if that can’t wait. Alex says these things can be time sensitive. Sloan asks what about her surprise. Alex says they are going to have to wait and notes that anticipation can be a good thing. Alex promises next time he’ll be there and he will text her later. Alex goes to leave but Sloan reminds him to uncuff her. Alex tells her it’s been a whole lot of fun. Sloan complains that it’d be more fun if he was staying. Alex tells her that duty calls. Alex says this was nice and he’ll see her soon. Alex kisses her and then exits the apartment.

Susan finds a photo of EJ and Johnny and declares that this will help her find out if Johnny means him harm. Susan holds the photo and calls out to the spirits to ask if Johnny is the one out to get EJ and if he’s the evil clown they are searching for. EJ asks if the spirits are giving her any indication. Susan says the vision is hazy and asks if the spirits can hear her. Susan tells EJ that the spirits are really restless tonight as there is something wicked in the air. Susan warns that whatever is out to get EJ doesn’t want to just scare him, they want to make him suffer.

Charlie tells Ava that she knows she wants to grind EJ under her heel and make him wish he never met her. Charlie brings up Ava reaching out to Gwen but Ava says she’s glad Gwen turned her down. Charlie disagrees and then brings up Xander being strapped for cash and having a corrupted soul, so he asks who better to do her bidding. Ava responds that she doesn’t need anyone to do her bidding. Charlie argues that she can’t go after EJ herself since he’s been itching to send her to prison and that’s why she needs to recruit a desperate goon like Xander to do the dirty work. Ava responds that even if she wanted help making EJ pay, she doesn’t even know what she would tell Xander to do. Charlie says it’s funny she should ask.

Victor asks Xander if he touched a nerve. Xander says he’s sick of it and asks what gives Victor the right to talk to him like that. Victor argues that he built an empire and this is his house so he’s the one who keeps him from being out on the streets so he owes him everything. Maggie then walks in, declaring that she just had the best time trick or treating but then stops and questions what is going on here. Xander announces they are moving out which Maggie questions. Maggie asks what happened as Sarah says she’ll talk to him and follows Xander out. Maggie then turns to Victor and questions what he said to his nephew. Victor claims he has no idea and that he’s not in the mood for lectures. Victor asks for black licorice from the candy bowl but Maggie asks who eats that. Maggie asks him again what he said to Xander and Sarah. Alex then comes in and asks Maggie for the file that he gave her. Maggie gives it to him and asks what this is all about. Alex responds that he’s just doing a favor for a friend and exits, taking some black licorice on the way out so Victor calls him a thief.

Stephanie returns to Chad in the living room and informs him that Thomas and Charlotte are both tucked back in to bed with no nightmares. Chad asks how many times she had to listen to “Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo. Stephanie says only 3 or 4 times so Chad jokes that she got off easy. Chad then thanks Stephanie for what she said to Charlotte because he knows hearing stories about her mother makes her feel better. Stephanie says she’d be happy to stop by anytime. Chad says that means a lot. Stephanie decides she should go see Kayla since her brothers were visiting her before going back to Seattle. Chad asks how Kayla is doing. Stephanie says she’s great and getting released from the hospital tomorrow. Chad is glad to hear and she thanks him. Stephanie wishes she had better news to tell Kayla instead of having to tell her she got fired by her most important client. Chad says after everything Kayla just went through, having them together, happy, and healthy is enough and she won’t take that for granted. Chad adds that Stephanie will land another big client before she knows it because she’s talented and dedicated so anyone would be lucky to have her doing their PR. Chad adds that he’s happy to help get this sinking ship floating again. Stephanie says she’s really glad she hired him. They say goodnight as Stephanie then exits.

Charlie tells Ava that he’s been thinking about this a lot and talks about how the DiMeras like to present that nothing can hurt them but everyone has a weakness, even EJ. Ava says she has to go. Charlie tells her that he has faith that she will find EJ’s achilles heel and slice it open. Ava reminds him that Tripp is expecting her. Charlie suggests she message Tripp that she changed her mind and is staying in Salem. Ava says she can’t. Charlie argues that if she doesn’t, she’ll be sitting in Seattle regretting it and thinking every day how EJ bested her. Charlie tells Ava to think of how fun it would be to wipe the grin off EJ’s face. Charlie repeats that he knows who Ava really is and what she really wants, so he suggests she be honest with herself and admit that he’s right. Charlie remarks that a boy’s best friend is his mother. Ava’s vision of Charlie then disappears.

Chad eats a piece of the Halloween candy that he and Stephanie were having before.

Alex runs in to Stephanie at the hospital. She questions what he’s doing here as she thought he had a hot date with Sloan. Alex confirms that he did, but he cut it short and figured he might find her here. Stephanie questions him leaving his date to come see her. Alex reveals the file which shocks Stephanie, who says she thought Alex didn’t want to get involved. Alex explains that he didn’t but he started thinking that if Victor fired her, he’d put him to task to hire a whole new PR firm. Stephanie tells Alex that this is a huge help and thanks him.

Xander and Sarah return to the living room with their bags packed. Xander tells Maggie that they came to say goodbye. Maggie questions them really leaving right now. Xander responds that they have no choice. Maggie asks if they can talk about this and says Victor just can’t help himself. Xander calls it a mistake to come here in the first place. Maggie questions where they will go at this time of night. Sarah acknowledges that Maggie has a point and that Xander has every right to be upset, but questions if they have to rush out right now. Xander responds that he’s willing to listen if Victor wants to apologize. Victor questions why he should apologize for giving him a free place to live and says if he wants to move out, he can move in to a van by the lake. Xander tells Maggie that it’s useless. Sarah asks Xander where they will go. Xander assures that he’ll figure something out. Maggie tells them to call her when they get settled as they then exit the mansion. Maggie tells Victor that she hopes he’s happy.

EJ and Susan eat together. EJ asks if Susan has to go back right away or if she intends on staying. Susan is not sure and really wants to get a clear vision of who is after him. Susan calls Johnny the sweetest other than when he was possessed by the Devil. EJ tells her not to worry about it and that he’ll speak to Johnny when he comes home. Ava then sneaks up to the side door and looks in at them through the window. Ava thinks back to Charlie’s words that there’s no love like the love between a mother and son as she watches EJ with Susan. Ava then pulls out her phone and texts Tripp that she’s changed her mind about going to Seattle as there is something else she has to do.

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Days Short Recap Monday, October 31, 2022

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie talked to Chad about Paulina firing her. She let him know that Paulina planned to ruin her business. Chad let her know that EJ offered him a job at DiMera. She told him to let EJ know that he changed his mind. He said that he liked working for her. Susan locked the doors at the mansion. EJ wanted to know what she was doing. She told EJ that he was in danger. She told him that someone was out to get him. She told him that he didn’t have the doors locked. He told her that there wasn’t any danger. He wanted to know why she was dressed the way she was. She told him that she had a premonition that someone was after him. Charlie appeared to Ava. He couldn’t believe he heard her say that she wasn’t going after EJ. He didn’t understand why she would do that. Ava said that she was going to live with Tripp. He wanted her to go after EJ. She wanted to know why it was wrong with going to Seattle. Susan continued to convince EJ that he was in danger. He thought she might have been right. He told her that he saw someone dressed as a clown carrying a knife. He told her that three people were dressed as a clown. She said she didn’t see a prank in her premonition. she assured him that she wasn’t joking. Alex got the folder from Sloan. Maggie and Holly were there to get candy. He gave the folder to Maggie and asked her to hold on to it.

Stephanie continued to talk to Chad about messing up with Sloan. She couldn’t believe that she messed up getting the file. He tried to make her feel better about what happened. He was flirting with Stephanie when his kids came downstairs. Susan wanted to know who wanted to hurt EJ. He said it was a long list. She wanted to know who would go after him. He said that Johnny might be the one targeting him. She couldn’t believe her grandson would kill him. Charlie thought Joey would kill Ava. She didn’t think Joey would go after her. He wanted to know what she would do when she got to Seattle. He reminded her that she was a terrible mother and what she did to the Bradys. He told her they were alike. He told her to go after EJ. Alex told Sloan that he couldn’t stay at her place. Ava told Charlie they weren’t alike. He told her they were two people desperate for love. Charlie reminded her that none of the men in her life loved her. He said he was the only one who loved her. He said he came back to help her destroy EJ. EJ told Susan what happened with Johnny and Ava. Susan couldn’t believe that Johnny would go after him. Susan found a picture of EJ and Johnny because she hoped it would help her. She asked the spirits if Johnny was the one after EJ. She told him that whatever was out there wanted to make him suffer. Charlie continued to push for Ava to go after EJ.

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Days Short Recap Friday, October 28, 2022

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Alex wanted Stephanie to print up a press release. She told him that she said she needed his help with Paulina first. She knew the file she was looking for was in Sloan’s cabinet. He was sure he knew where the key was, but he didn’t think it was a good idea to steal from Sloan. Stephanie thought Sloan crossed the line when she went after Paulina. She told him about what Paulina could do for the town as governor. He let her know what she was asking of him. He wasn’t comfortable going over there with an agenda. She walked out the room. Paulina left a message on Stephanie’s phone about the file. She thanked Stephanie for everything she did to calm down the threat. Sloan showed up at Paulina’s office to let her know that she knew about Stephanie and Chad’s counterfeit money scheme. She told Paulina that the price went up now thanks to their scheme. Sloan wanted her to put the money in an offshore account. She gave Paulina the account number. She said if the money wasn’t in her account by the next day, her career and Chanel’s life would be over. Later, Sloan and Alex were intimate with each other. He blindfolded her so he could get in her file cabinet. He found the file marked Price and was going to look through it. The doorbell rang while he was looking in the file.

Stephanie went to see Paulina. She fired Stephanie on the spot. She begged Paulina to give her a chance to fix things. Paulina didn’t have a choice. She had to pay the blackmailer. Stephanie apologized to her. She said she would be sorrier when she told Victor and her other clients to leave her. Kayla tried to convince Joey to stay in Salem. He didn’t think it was a good idea to stay in town. She wanted him to be happy wherever he is. He noticed a present she got. She looked at the card and saw that it was from Orpheus. Steve walked in the room so Kayla told him about the card from Orpheus. Kayla thought Orpheus would be thinking about her, Kate and Marlena now that he’s back in Statesville. Steve made a call and found out that Kate and Marlena got the same card. He assured Kayla that Orpheus wouldn’t win.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, October 26, 2022

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny told Wendy that she could stay with his sister and her girlfriend. He told Wendy that Chanel used to be his wife. He said he and Allie were twins, but they had different fathers. Wendy was shocked. He continued to tell her the story about Chanel and how the devil ruined everything. She asked if he was seeing someone, but his father made her leave town. Wendy figured out he was talking about Tripp’s mother. He said he wished things could have worked out between him and Ava, but now he was ready to move on. He told her they should go to Allie’s place. Chanel wanted to tell Allie something, but Paulina texted Chanel. Paulina told her there was a problem. Chanel told Allie that she had to run an errand. Sonny showed up and asked if she had a threesome with Alex. He said he wouldn’t judge her. Allie told him that she had a threesome. Johnny and Wendy overheard them. Sonny left the apartment. Johnny made fun of Allie having a threesome. Wendy stopped him from making fun of her.

Abe told Leo not to get too comfortable with his new job. Paulina wanted to know why he didn’t want her to hire Leo. Leo told her about the things Leo did. Leo said he deserved a second chance like Paulina got. She said she liked his spirit. She said she had an instinct about him. He was excited and left. Abe wanted to know what Paulina was going to tell him. Chanel went to see Paulina. Abe left. Paulina told Chanel that Stephanie had everything under control. Chanel said she was afraid Allie wouldn’t look at her the same. Paulina told her to hold on. Sloan was with Chad. She told him that she would give him the incriminating evidence for the money. She said she had to go home for the information. He told her they could try to get more money out of Paulina and split it. He pulled out the money and asked her to have a drink with him. Leo showed up and said he got a job. He showed her his check. She took it as a down payment. He asked her to give him some money because he had to eat. She gave him money. He said the money was counterfeit. Chad told Leo to leave. Sloan told him the deal went down tomorrow or Paulina’s daughter was going to be exposed. She left the pub. He texted Stephanie to let her know that Sloan was on her way home. Stephanie told Alex that she was at Sloan’s place because she was blackmailing her client. She told him he was sleeping with a snake who didn’t have a soul. She looked through Sloan’s apartment. Alex told her she had to worry about him. She told him to keep his mouth shut. She got a text from Chad. Alex said he couldn’t wait to tell Sloan what she did. Stephanie asked him not to say anything. Sloan came back and made out with Alex. Stephanie snuck out while they were making out.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, October 27, 2022

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric wanted to get more pictures of Nicole. He promised to be quick so she could get home to Holly. She told him that he didn’t have to rush on the pictures. Nicole wanted him to have a perfect shoot for his career. She was wearing red lingerie and decided to leave to change her clothes. Eric watched her as she walked away. John walked in on Brady going through Kristen’s bag. He lied about why he searched her bag. John went off on Brady for what happened with Kristen. Brady said he was doing what’s best for his family. John knew that, but he wanted him to tell him the truth. Brady wanted him to trust him. Kristen walked in and saw them together. John decided to leave. Kristen warned Brady about their arrangement. She said the serum is somewhere he would never find it. She warned him that he was under her thumb. She advised him not to blow up their happy family. He told her they weren’t a family since she blackmailed him to be with her. Kristen wanted to seduce him, but he said it would never happen. He told her that the Kristen he knew would never humiliate herself by forcing him to sleep with her. He let her know that she can’t change the way he feels about her.

John talked to Marlena about what happened with Brady. He told her that Brady said he would do what was best for the people he loved. Marlena thought Brady would leave once the serum worked. She wondered why he chose to stay with Kristen. Li called Rolf and found out that he told Gabi the truth about Stefan and how he erased his memory. He yelled at Rolf as Gabi walked in the room. He got off the phone and admired Gabi’s costume. She wanted to know who he was talking to on the phone. He told her it was about taking over DiMera Enterprises. She told him that she wanted to celebrate Halloween with Ari while she still can. She thought she would hate her once she’s a teenager. He couldn’t believe anyone would hate her. She asked about Stefan. Li thought Stefan’s attitude towards her would make it easier for her to move on with her life. He told her that his feelings for her would never change.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chad wanted to know what Stephanie had planned for Sloan. She said she didn’t know what the plan was. They talked about how to handle Sloan. He said they could pay her. She said she wasn’t going to let him use his money to help her client. She said they would give Sloan the money she was looking for. She said Steve and John had the counterfeit money they got from the D.E.A. for busting the drug dealer. She said the bills were at Black Patch. She wanted him to handle the money with Sloan while she broke into Sloan’s apartment. Sonny told Alex that Will wasn’t coming home. He wanted to hang out with Alex, but he said he had plans. He said he was going to get lucky tonight. He said he was going to ease his broken heart. He told Sonny about his threesome with Allie and Chanel. Sonny told him not to let anyone else know that. Alex got a message from Sloan and decided to leave to meet her.

Sloan ran into Leo. She let him know that she had a detective track him down because she wanted her money. She said if he didn’t pay her back, she was going to use a collection agency to get her money. He said he didn’t have any money. She said he better get her money. Sloan went to her room and met with Alex. They started making out. While they were making out, Stephanie called her. Stephanie told her someone would meet her at the pub. Sloan told Alex to stay put. She handcuffed him on the bed. Stephanie called Chad to let him know what was going on. She picked the lock in Sloan’s apartment. Sloan met with Chad at the pub. He gave her the suitcase of money. Stephanie was shocked to see Alex in Sloan’s apartment. Abe met with Paulina in the conference room. He told her he would resign from his job if she won the election. She said she wouldn’t let him leave Salem. He said he wanted to be there with her. She said she had to tell him something. Leo went to Paulina to get his money. She said she recognized him. She gave him a check, but it wasn’t enough money. He told her about Sloan and how she was blackmailing him. She wanted him to work for her. He said he would take the job. Abe wanted to know why Leo was there.

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Days Short Recap Monday, October 24, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

John told Marlena that she would be going home from the hospital. He also told her Brady and Chloe broke up. Marlena thought it wouldn’t be good for Rachel. John thought Kristen was behind what was going on. They both thought Kristen would do anything to get her hands on Rachel. Marlena said Kristen would do the same for Brady. Brady let Chloe know that Kristen was moving in with him. Chloe told him to go back to the judge and find another way. He said it was his only option. She asked why he was doing this. He said it was for Rachel. Chloe said she didn’t even know him anymore since he caved to Kristen. Kristen was glad Chloe was gone. Brady told her Rachel would figure out that she only thought about herself. He said she wouldn’t be able to pretend to be a good mother for long. She told him to never threaten her relationship with her daughter. She said she had the upper hand. She said they would be a family if she wanted them to be. She said the women wouldn’t get their doses if he didn’t do what she wanted. She left the room. When John and Marlena came home, Brady told them he had something to tell them. Kristen came into the room. John wanted to know why she was there. She asked Brady if he wanted to tell them or did he want her to tell them. Kristen went to the kitchen. John told Brady he had some explaining to do. Stefan ran into Li. Li told Stefan to keep fighting for Chloe even though she’s with Brady. Stefan said Chloe and Brady broke up. Li said it worked out for him. Stefan thought it worked out for Li. Li said he was thrown when Stefan came to town. He said it was obvious Stefan didn’t care for Gabi. Stefan said his feelings for Gabi were gone. He said he didn’t know why. Li said Stefan could still be with Chloe. Stefan said Li could be with Gabi.

Chloe went to her room and saw Stefan leaving a note for her. He told her he was sorry about her break up. She told him she wished she was on a plane out of Salem. He found a way to recreate their night in Miami. She appreciated it. Rolf decided to leave Salem. When he was about to leave, Gabi showed up. She said he wasn’t going anywhere until they talked about what he did to Stefan. Rolf said he saved Stefan’s life. She grabbed his box and wanted to know what he did. He said he didn’t do anything. She smashed a vial from the box. He said he used Jake’s heart to save Stefan. She wanted to know what else he did. When he wouldn’t tell her anything, she smashed another vial. He said Stefan figured out that she wasn’t worthy of him. She pushed him up against the wall and put a scalpel to his throat. When she threatened to cut him, he told her he brainwashed Stefan for Kristen. He told her Li was in on it. She said she couldn’t think about that now. She wanted him to reverse what he did. He told her the antidote was in the box. She told him to get it. He pulled out a syringe and stuck it in her.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, October 24, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chance: Well, you can reserve the best table in the house tonight for date night with my beautiful wife.

Noah: Consider it done. You and Abby celebrating anything special?

Chance: Just the fact that she still loves me, considering I haven’t taken her out in centuries.


Tucker: Doesn’t matter if Devon and Lily have given up on it.

Audra: If they have, your only way in is to do something to undermine the company and force them to sell it to you in a hostile-takeover scenario.

Tucker: I hate that word “hostile” ’cause I’m anything but. I just operate under a different set of beliefs.

Audra: Oh, this I’m dying to hear.

Tucker: I believe in family and that some things are sacred. And there are only two people who should be running a Katherine Chancellor company. Moi and her grandson. Everyone else is superfluous. So, you need to figure out a way for me to set things right.

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Week of 10/30/22 Primetime News and Schedule

Primetime TV News

TV Networks

MOST OF THESE POSTS BELOW are just the main part of each bit of news. For the rest of the news, video clips, photos, and links, go to our Primetime Forum!

This Week’s News by Suzanne!

NOTE: This schedule is always subject to change…ALSO, we need more help with this, so some info may be lacking or late until further notice.


  • ABC The Rookie- Sunday, 10/30, 10:00 p.m. Show More
    “The Reckoning” – Officer John Nolan and a sleep-deprived Celina investigate a cash deposit linked to an old DEA case. Meanwhile, Wesley grows increasingly concerned about his deposition and is shocked when he realizes Elijah’s attorney is a familiar face from his past on an all-new episode of “The Rookie,” SUNDAY, OCT. 30 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (TV-14, L) “The Reckoning” was written by Leland Anderson and directed by Lanre Olabisi.
  • ABC The Good Doctor- Monday, 10/31, 10:00pm Show More
    “Growth Opportunities” – Shaun, Asher and Powell treat a young patient on Halloween with a rare hereditary disease, sending them down an uncharted path. Meanwhile, Glassman and Shaun must overcome their differences to work together to try and find a solution for Lim’s paralysis on an all-new episode of “The Good Doctor,” MONDAY, OCT. 31 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. “Growth Opportunities” was written by Peter Blake and directed by Daniel Dae Kim. October 31, 2022
  • ABC The Rookie: Feds- Tuesday, 11/1 Show More
    “The Reaper” – When Simone and Carter go undercover to find an international assassin known as The Reaper, a prisoner seeking bail recognizes Carter and nearly blows his cover. Laura and Brendon trace a lead on The Reaper’s assault rifle while Brendon works to heal his relationship with his father. Meanwhile, Simone’s demanding work schedule puts a strain on her relationship with Dina on an all-new episode of “The Rookie: Feds,” TUESDAY, NOV. 1 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT) on ABC.
  • AMC+ The Walking Dead- Sunday 10/30Show More
    “Faith” (3:01AM ET) Ezekiel and Negan team up to lead a clandestine labor revolt against the warden. Aaron, Jerry, Lydia, and Elijah catch up with Luke and Jules fleeing Oceanside. Eugene stands trial with Yumiko as his defense attorney.
  • AMC+ Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire- Sunday, 10/23Show More
    “Like Angels Put in Hell by God” #106 (3:01AM ET)Lestat attempts to make amends with Louis. The vampire family decides to live together once more. A surprising action from Lestat leads the family to decide to leave New Orleans, once and for all. In Dubai, Molloy has a shocking realization.
  • CBS East New York- Sunday, 10/30, 8:00 p.m. Show More
    THE 7-4 TEAMS UP WITH THE U.S. MARSHALS TO FIND AN ESCAPED PRISONER HAYWOOD PUT AWAY, ON “EAST NEW YORK,” SUNDAY, OCT. 30 “Going Commando” – When a prisoner serving a life sentence escapes, the 7-4 teams up with the U.S. Marshals to track down the convict before he finds the cop who put him away: Deputy Inspector Regina Haywood. Also, Officer Quinlan struggles with her living situation, on EAST NEW YORK, Sunday, Oct. 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) WRITTEN BY: Allison Intrieri DIRECTED BY: Jackeline Tejada
    Promo WHEN AIDEN HANNA’S PLANE CRASHES AND HE IS ACCUSED OF BEING AT FAULT FOR THE ACCIDENT, THE NCIS TEAM MUST INVESTIGATE TO CLEAR HIS NAME, ON “NCIS: LOS ANGELES,” SUNDAY, OCT. 30 “Dead Stick” – When Aiden Hanna’s plane crashes and he is accused of being at fault for the accident, the NCIS team must investigate to clear his name. Also, Rountree considers how he wants to handle the aftermath of the incident with the LAPD and Sam finds a new caretaker for his father, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, Oct. 30 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. WRITTEN BY: Lee A.Carlisle DIRECTED BY: Dennis Smith
  • The CW Family Law- Sunday, 10/30, 8:00 p.m.  Show More
    “Until Death Do Us Part” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) TRUE MOTIVATIONS – Abigail (Jewel Staite) and Daniel (Zach Smadu) represent Ira (Brian Markinson), who wants his wife Helen (Glynis Davies) moved from a care home that he claims is worsening her Alzheimer’s. But because his daughter doesn’t want Helen moved and holds power of attorney, Ira must challenge her in court. The more the lawyers witness, the more they wonder about Ira’s true motivations. The case, and his own family, make Daniel start to question his commitment to Danielle (guest star Yvonne Chapman). Meanwhile, Lucy (Genelle Williams) tries to maintain a sliver of sanity when her in-laws stay over. And Harry (Victor Garber) forces Abigail to represent him in a (deeply embarrassing) personal injury case. Lauren Holly also stars. The episode was written by Damon Vignale and directed by Alysse Leite-Rogers (#105). Original airdate 10/30/2022.
  • The CW Coroner- Sunday, 10/30, 8:30 p.m.  Show More
    DIGGING DEEPER – A death in a tight-knit community reveals the holes in a flawed refugee system. Gordon (Nicholas Campbell) and Peggy’s (Jennifer Dale) plans for a romantic weekend go awry when Jenny (Serinda Swan) falls ill and must oversee a remote autopsy. Donovan (Roger Cross) and Malik (Andy McQueen) solve an intracommunity case. Ross (Ehren Kassam) attempts to record an audition tape for a cooking show. Also starring Thom Allison, Kiley May, Jon De Leon and Shawn Ahmed. Farhad Mann directed the episode written by Noelle Carbone and Mazi Khalighi (#405). Original airdate 10/30/22.
  • FOX The Simpsons- Sunday, 10/30, 8:00 p.m.  Show More
    [EDITOR’S NOTE: Audio descriptions for tonight’s episodes of The Simpsons, The Great North, Bob’s Burgers and Family Guy are available on the SAP Audio Channel.] CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 IT’S THE ANNUAL HALLOWEEN-THEMED “TREEHOUSE OF HORROR XXXIII” ON AN ALL-NEW THE SIMPSONS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, ON FOX John Roberts (Bob’s Burgers) Makes a Guest-Voice Appearance In a book-themed trilogy, Marge’s resentment takes monstrous form, Lisa tries to save the planet through murder and Homer learns he’s not the man he thought he was in the all-new “Treehouse of Horror XXXIII” episode of The Simpsons airing Sunday, Oct. 30 (8:00-8:31 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (SI-3318) (TV-PG L, V) Guest Voice: John Roberts as Linda Belcher
  • FOX The Great North- Sunday, 10/30, 8:30 p.m.  Show More
    CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 HONEYBEE SHARES HER HALLOWEEN TRADITIONS ON AN ALL-NEW THE GREAT NORTH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, ON FOX It’s Halloween! When Honeybee’s plans to fly home to Fresno for her favorite holiday get ruined by a storm, she decides to bring her family traditions to Lone Moose, but faces a series of terrifying surprises in the all-new “Blood Actually Adventure” episode of The Great North, airing Sunday, Oct. 30 (8:31-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX (GRN-303) (TV-PG D,L,S,V) Guest Cast: Guy Fieri, Ron Funches as Jerry Shaw, Daniele Gaither as Ruth Shaw, and David Herman as Gill Beavers and Santiago Carpaccio.
  • FOX Bob’s Burgers- Sunday, 10/30, 9:00 p.m.  Show More
    Bob’s Burgers – (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 IT’S HALLOWEEN, AND LOUISE SUSPECTS SOMETHING ON AN ALL-NEW “BOB’S BURGERS” SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, ON FOX Louise suspects there’s something sinister afoot during a Halloween field trip to an apple orchard. Meanwhile, Tina and Gene hope to win the school costume parade in the all-new “Apple Gore-chard! (But Not Gory)” episode of Bob’s Burgers airing Sunday, Oct. 30 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BOB-1205) (TV-PG D,L) Guest Voice Cast: Laura Silverman as Andy; Damon Wayans, Jr. as Arnold, Andres Du Bouchet as Brom; Stephanie Beatriz as Chloe; Chelsea Peretti as Eleanor; Ashley Nicole Black as Harley; Kathryn Hahn as Jessica; David Herman as Mr. Frond; Sarah Silverman as Ms. Schnur, Ollie; Brian Huskey as Rudy; Bobby Tisdale as Zeke
    CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 PA: Viewer discretion is advised. PETER MAKES A HOLOGRAM OF HIMSELF IN ORDER TO GET OUT OF MENIAL HOUSEHOLD DUTIES ON AN ALL-NEW FAMILY GUY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, ON FOX Peter makes a hologram of himself in order to get out of menial household duties in the “Happy Holo-ween” episode of Family Guy airing Sunday, Oct. 30 (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FG-2003) (TV-14 D,L,S,V) Voice Cast: Seth MacFarlane as Peter Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Quagmire, and Tom Tucker; Alex Borstein as Lois Griffin; Seth Green as Chris Griffin; Mila Kunis as Meg; Patrick Warburton as Joe; Arif Zahir as Cleveland Guest Cast: Sam Elliott as Mayor Wild West
  • Hallmark Ghosts of Christmas Always- Sunday, 10/30 at 8:00 PM Show More
    Movie. Katherine is a Ghost of Christmas Present and she must help one soul, Peter, rediscover his Christmas spirit. But this year has something unusual in store.
  • HBO The White Lotus- Sunday, 10/30, 8:00pm Show More
    Season Premiere. From Mike White (HBO’s Enlightened), The White Lotus is a sharp social satire following the exploits of various employees and guests at an exclusive Hawaiian resort over the span of one highly transformative week. As darker dynamics emerge with each passing day, the six-episode first season gradually reveals the complex truths of the seemingly picture-perfect travelers, cheerful hotel employees, and idyllic locale itself.​ Season 2, which premieres October 30, is set at an exclusive Sicilian resort and, similar to the first season, follows the exploits of guests and employees over the span of a week. The White Lotus is created, written, and directed by Mike White; executive produced by Mike White, David Bernad, and Nick Hall; co-executive produced by Mark Kamine.
  • NBC Quantum Leap- Monday, 10/31/22, 8:00pmShow More
      “QUANTUM LEAP” “O YE OF LITTLE FAITH” ORIGINAL 10/31/2022 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Monday) : Ben leaps into a priest who has been called to assist a family in crisis on Halloween night. As he delves into mysterious and inexplicable events, he’s forced to muster all his resources as a scientist before time runs out. TV-14
  • Paramount+ SEAL Team- Sunday, 10/30Show More
    “Strange Bedfellows” (3:01AM ET) BRAVO is called back to Syria to handle some unfinished business.
  • PBS Miss Scarlet and The Duke- Sunday, 10/30, 8:00pm Show More
    Episode 3:  “A Pauper’s Grave” Eliza is forced into hiding when she is the prime suspect in a series of break-ins at city mortuaries. While Duke tries to find other suspects, Eliza turns to Moses and her other associates for help.
  • PBS Magpie Murders- Sunday, 10/30, 9:00 PMShow More
    Episode 3: Susan’s private life is in turmoil as she tries to close in on the killer.
  • PBS Annika- Sunday, 10/30, 10:00 PMShow More
    Annika sees one of playwright Ibsen’s plots play out in a homicide. Meanwhile, she takes more than a parental interest in Morgan’s therapist, Jake.
  • Showtime Let the Right One In- Sunday, 10/23Show More
    Airs on Demand and online Sundays and then the following Friday on Showtime.  “Outings” Mark and Zeke’s restaurant anniversary ends with an unexpected bang.
  • UpTV Squeaky Clean Mysteries: Hazardous Duty- Sunday, 10/30 at 7:00 PM Show More
    Movie. When her finances prevent her from earning a degree in forensic science, Gabby drops out of school to become a crime scene cleaner. When a routine cleaning job uncovers a murder weapon the police overlooked, Gabby realizes that the wrong person is in jail. With the help of her neighbor, Riley, Gabby plays detective. But can Riley help her before another murder occurs?



  • ABC Celebrity Jeopardy!- Sunday, 10/30, 8:00 p.m. Show More
    “Quarterfinal #5: Troian Bellisario, Wil Wheaton and Hasan Minhaj” – Quarterfinal round five of “Celebrity Jeopardy!” sees actress Troian Bellisario (“Pretty Little Liars”), actor Wil Wheaton (“Stand By Me”) and comedian Hasan Minhaj (“Patriot Act”) battle head-to-head for a chance to move on to the semifinal round, SUNDAY, OCT. 30 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
  • ABC Celebrity Wheel of Fortune- Sunday, 10/30, 9:00 p.m. Show More
    “Kate Flannery, Steve Agee and Austin Creed” – Hosted by pop-culture legends Pat Sajak and Vanna White, “Celebrity Wheel of Fortune” takes a star-studded spin on America’s Game® by welcoming celebrities to spin the world’s most famous Wheel and solve puzzles for a chance to win more than $1 million. All of the money won by the celebrity contestants will go to a charity of their choice, SUNDAY, OCT. 30 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG) This episode’s celebrity contestants include Kate Flannery (playing for Philabundance), Steve Agee (playing for Make-A-Wish) and Austin Creed (playing for Gamers Outreach).
  • ABC Bachelor in Paradise- Monday, 10/31, 8:00pm Show More
    “810” – It’s a new day in Paradise! While some couples are waking up feeling stronger than ever, for others it feels like all but a fresh start. A rose ceremony with the women in charge has several men rethinking their place on the beach; and a series of dates between new, established and even some unlikely pairings shakes things up even more. Plus, a storm is brewing for more than one formerly sturdy couple; will it blow over or break things apart for the lovebirds on “Bachelor in Paradise” MONDAY, OCT. 31 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, DL) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres.
  • ABC Bachelor in Paradise- Tuesday, 11/1 Show More
    “811” – A wave of new arrivals are ready to turn on the charm and turn up the heat in Paradise! As these fresh-faced men hand out date cards, more than one couple will find themselves questioning everything. Elsewhere, some of the strongest bonds on the beach will be put to the test; but can they talk things out or will mixed messages spell the end for the troubled pairs on “Bachelor in Paradise” TUESDAY, NOV. 1 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, DL)
  • CBS 60 Minutes- Sunday, 10/30, 7:00 p.m. Show More
    BELIEF IN THE BALLOT – Politicians who say the 2020 election was stolen are on the ballot this midterm election for key statewide positions, including secretary of state, which would give them power over elections. After two years of investigations and audits, no fraud or error has been confirmed in any state that would change the 2020 outcome. As Election Day nears, Scott Pelley reports from Arizona on a key midterm issue that has split the Republican Party and the country. Pelley interviews Arizona’s Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich and Republican House Speaker Rusty Bowers. He also speaks with State Rep. Mark Finchem, the Republican nominee who is in a neck-and-neck race for Arizona’s secretary of state and has claimed Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Aaron Weisz is the producer. PATHOGEN X – In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bill Whitaker travels to the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda with a team of American and Ugandan scientists to try and find the next deadly virus before it finds us. 60 MINUTES went along with the virus hunters as they trekked deep inside the primeval forest testing bats, baboons and monkeys for Pathogen X, new viruses capable of jumping from wild animals to us. Heather Abbott is the producer. DAVID SEDARIS – David Sedaris is one of the most famous and successful writers working today. He is a sharp chronicler of everyday life who collects experiences – his own and other people’s – and skillfully deploys them in personal essays and in front of packed crowds around the world. Jon Wertheim spends time with Sedaris in New York and in the U.K., where he surprisingly has become known for picking up trash on the side of the road, to find out where he’ll draw inspiration from next. David M. Levine is the producer.
  • FOX World Series Game 3- Monday, 10/31/22, 7:00pm   Show More
    [EDITOR’S NOTE 1: Due to Major League Baseball’s WORLD SERIES GAME 3, local programming will air in primetime on the West Coast.] [EDITOR’S NOTE 2: 9-1-1 and The Cleaning Lady are preempted for the night.] **FOX SPORTS**–“WORLD SERIES GAME 3”—(7:00 PM-CC ET live/4:00 PM-CC PT live) CC- HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 FOX SPORTS PRESENTS WORLD SERIES GAME 3 MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, ON FOX FOX Sports presents an exclusive presentation of Major League Baseball’s 2022 World Series presented by Capital One with Game 3 on Monday, Oct. 31, (7:00 PM-CC ET live/4:00 PM-CC PT live) on FOX. (FSP-2333)(n/a) 
  • NBC Football night in America- Sunday, 10/30, 7:00 p.m.  Show More
    “FOOTBALL NIGHT IN AMERICA” “103022” ORIGINAL 10/30/2022 (07:00PM – 08:15PM) (Sunday) : TV-14 Week 8 NFL highlights and discussion, plus a Packers-Bills preview. Maria Taylor hosts with Tony Dungy, Chris Simms, Jason Garrett and insider Mike Florio, plus Rodney Harrison and Jac Collinsworth on-site.
  • NBC Sunday Night Football- Sunday, 10/30, 8:15 p.m.  Show More
    “GREEN BAY PACKERS AT BUFFALO BILLS (10/30/22)” ORIGINAL 10/30/2022 (08:15PM – 11:30PM) (Sunday) :  Green Bay Packers (3-4) at Buffalo Bills (5-1). From Highmark Stadium.
  • NBC The Voice- Monday, 10/31/22, 8:00pm Show More
    “THE VOICE” “THE KNOCKOUTS PREMIERE” ORIGINAL 10/31/2022 (08:00PM – 10:00PM) (Monday) : In the first three-way Knockout in “Voice” history, the coaches group three of their artists to perform individually against each other, then select a winner to move on to the Live Playoffs. The pressure is on as each coach will only have one steal in the Knockouts. In lieu of enlisting a mega mentor, coaches will work with their artists directly to prepare them as best as possible for this new challenge. TV-PG



  • ABC Toy Story of Terror- Sunday, 10/30, 7:00 p.m. Show More
    TOY STORY OF TERROR! What starts out as a fun road trip for the “Toy Story” gang takes an unexpected turn for the worse when the trip detours to a roadside motel. After one of the toys goes missing, the others find themselves caught up in a mysterious sequence of events that must be solved before they all suffer the same fate in this “Toy Story OF TERROR!” (TV-G) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 10/16/13)
  • ABC The Conners- Sunday, 10/30, 7:30 Show More
    (Rebroadcast. OAD: 10/26/22) “Book Bans and Guillotine Hands” – It’s Halloween at the Conners, and Dan encourages the family to decorate the house. When everyone is feeling too busy and overwhelmed to help, Becky tries to take matters into her own hands. Meanwhile, Harris takes a stand on an issue that ruffles a few feathers in Darlene’s new neighborhood on The Conners,” SUNDAY OCT. 30 (7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 10/26/22)
  • CBS Fire Country- Sunday, 10/30, 10:00 p.m. Show More
    MAX THIERIOT STARS AS BODE, A YOUNG CONVICT SEEKING REDEMPTION BY JOINING A PRISON RELEASE FIREFIGHTING PROGRAM WHERE HE AND OTHER INMATES ARE PARTNERED WITH ELITE FIREFIGHTERS TO EXTINGUISH MASSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE WILDFIRES, ON THE SERIES PREMIERE OF “FIRE COUNTRY,” SUNDAY, OCT. 30 (RE-RUN FROM FRIDAY, OCT. 7) Inspired by Series Star Max Thieriot’s Experiences Growing Up in Northern California Fire Country Series Also Stars Billy Burke, Kevin Alejandro, Diane Farr, Stephanie Arcila, Jordan Calloway and Jules Latimer “Pilot” – Max Thieriot stars as Bode Donovan, a young convict seeking redemption and a shortened prison sentence by joining a prison release firefighting program in Northern California where he and other inmates are partnered with elite firefighters to extinguish massive, unpredictable wildfires across the region. It’s a high-risk, high-reward assignment, and the heat is turned up when Bode is assigned to the program in his rural hometown, where he was once a golden all-American son until his troubles began. Five years ago, Bode burned down everything in his life, leaving town with a big secret. Now he’s back, with the rap sheet of a criminal and the audacity to believe in a chance for redemption with Cal Fire, on the series premiere of FIRE COUNTRY, Sunday, Oct. 730 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. Series also stars Billy Burke, Kevin Alejandro, Diane Farr, Stephanie Arcila, Jordan Calloway and Jules Latimer. Originally broadcast Friday, Oct. 7. STORY BY: Joan Rater, Tony Phelan and Max Thieriot TELEPLAY BY: Joan Rater and Tony Phelan DIRECTED BY: James Strong
  • CBS The Neighborhood- Monday, 10/31/22, 8:00pm Show More
    CALVIN’S EXCITEMENT AT MEETING JEROME “THE BUS” BETTIS QUICKLY FADES WHEN HE REALIZES THE NFL LEGEND SHARES A PAST WITH TINA, ON “THE NEIGHBORHOOD,” MONDAY, OCT. 31 Former Pittsburgh Steeler Jerome “The Bus” Bettis Guest Stars as Himself “Welcome to the Ex-Files” – Calvin is thrilled when he unexpectedly crosses paths with NFL legend Jerome “The Bus” Bettis – until he discovers the Hall of Fame football player shares a history with Tina. Also, Dave deals with the fallout of a romantic revelation of his own, on the CBS Original series THE NEIGHBORHOOD, Monday, Oct. 31 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT). Originally aired Nov. 8, 2021. WRITTEN BY: Terrell Lawrence & Austen Faggen DIRECTED BY: Leonard R. Garner Jr.
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    Promo AS JESSE ENJOYS A DAY SAILING WITH HIS DAUGHTER, PIRATES SEIZE THEIR YACHT, TAKE EVERYONE HOSTAGE AND ATTACK JESSE, LEAVING HIS TEAM TO QUICKLY LOCATE AND RESCUE HIS DAUGHTER, ON “NCIS: HAWAI`I,” MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 “Pirates” – As Jesse enjoys a day sailing with his daughter, Gracie (Chloe Csengery), pirates suddenly seize their yacht, take all the passengers hostage and attack Jesse, leaving it up to his team to quickly locate and rescue his daughter, on the CBS Original series NCIS: HAWAI`I, Monday, October 31 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT). Originally aired March 7, 2022. WRITTEN BY: Yalun Tu DIRECTED BY: Tim Andrew 



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GH Update Friday, October 28, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Shane

At Carly’s house, Bobbie and Carly sat at the kitchen table.  Bobbie said she was excited to see what was to come in the next chapter of Carly’s life. Carly, who had just returned from Jacksonville, said that she had suffered a “crisis of identity” when she had gone to Florida and she added that she had decided she would not be keeping the name, Corinthos. Carly did not mention what had happened with Drew in Florida to Bobbie. Carly did ask Bobbie what she thought of her taking the family name of Spencer. Bobbie said it was fitting and she hugged Carly.

At Elizabeth’s house, Cameron thought that he and Josslyn had grown closer because Josslyn had stayed over the previous night. He seemed relieved that maybe they had put the shame of the leaked sex tape behind them. However, when Josslyn started to leave she ran into Finn. Josslyn excused herself and said she was just on her way to class.  Cameron began an awkward conversation with Finn who finally asked Cameron outright if Josslyn had spent the night. Cameron quickly told Finn that it was none of his business. Finn said that it was obvious that Josslyn had spent the night, but that he had no intention of telling Elizabeth but added that he thought Cameron should tell his mother the truth.  He reiterated that he was only there to check on the boys as he promised Elizabeth he would do while she was away. Cameron blurted out how odd it was thinking of his Mom being in the same city where his grandparents live.  Finn asked him to repeat what he had said.  It became obvious to Cameron that Finn didn’t know that Elizabeth’s parents also live in Monterey.  Cameron had just inadvertently informed Finn that Elizabeth was, in fact, not attending a medical conference but attempting to gain some clarity on the visions that she had been having about her past.  Cameron offered Finn some advice for being there for Elizabeth without acting like she needed to be saved.  Finn later thanked him for the pep talk. Finn left Elizabeth’s house shaken by the news of Elizabeth’s true reasoning for going to Monterey.

At Oscar’s gravesite, Drew visited Oscar on what would have been his birthday. Drew said that when he had been held captive, he had often closed his eyes and thought of Oscar and Scout. Josslyn appeared with flowers, and she and Drew hugged. Drew said he would leave to give Josslyn some privacy.  But, before he left, he thanked Josslyn for being a part of Oscar’s life. Josslyn spoke to Oscar and confessed to him that things hadn’t been the same between her and Cameron since the sex tape. Josslyn said that she worried Cameron wouldn’t “be able to handle” losing her.

In the kitchen of the Quartermaine mansion, Ned informed Michael that Valentin had been missing for several days. Ned asked if Michael had been behind Valentin’s disappearance and accused Michael of calling immigration to cause trouble for Valentin. Ned had gotten this idea because Sonny had pulled the same stunt in the past with Jax. Michael told Ned that he was nothing like Sonny. Ned quickly responded by saying that Michael was just like Sonny and at that point the conversation quickly turned into a screaming match that Olivia promptly ended by screaming herself and pounding on the table. Olivia left the kitchen to find Brook Lynn to help play referee. Olivia was mortified when she walked into Brook Lynn’s room and found Chase lying on the bed, naked. Ned and Michael were still arguing when Brook Lynn entered.  Olivia and Chase entered just after Brook Lynn and everyone wanted to know why Olivia and Chase were acting so awkward. Olivia admitted that she had walked in on Chase while he was wearing no clothes.  Ned glared at Brook Lynn like she owed him an explanation.  So, Brook Lynn admitted that she and Chase had spent the previous night together. Brook Lynn joked that everyone at the Quartermaine mansion had seen Chase naked, but Olivia quipped that Monica hadn’t, even though it was Monica’s house. “Alan gave it to her!” Chase exclaimed. Everyone had a quick laugh at the tension that was palpable.

Olivia (distracting herself and everyone else) offered to drive Willow to the hospital for her prenatal checkup, and the two left. Later, Drew arrived at the mansion. Drew told Ned that he had gone to Oscar’s Meadow. Drew recalled that Ned and Olivia had been so very kind to Oscar during his last days, and he pleaded with Ned to help fix whatever was broken in their family. Michael said that Ned could not be reasoned with. Ned pointed out that Michael still went by the Corinthos name, and he added that Michael was only a Quartermaine when it was convenient. Ned then lashed out at Drew and said that Drew’s nice-guy act was really starting to wear thin. “Wow! Okay, fine, Ned. The gloves are off, and you are not gonna like the moves that I make to get you and Valentin out,” Drew boasted. “Really? And how do you plan on doing that when you’re facing an insider-trading charge?” Ned asked a shocked Drew.

Drew tried to laugh off Ned’s accusation, but Ned explained that, as Michael’s mother, Carly had been told about the potential merger of Aurora and ELQ and that it had been the only reason why Carly had purchased Aurora shares, which then cost her the Metro Court. “That’s called insider trading, and it’s illegal. Martha Stewart went to prison for much less,” Ned said. Ned told Drew and Michael that they were fortunate that no one knew about what happened to Carly. He also threatened Drew and Michael and told them not to forget that he had knowledge of what had happened. He made it clear that he could put Michael and Drew away if he saw fit to do so. Ned left, and Michael scoffed at him and said that Ned was bluffing. Drew had nothing to say. It was clear that he was in deep thought.

In an exam room at the hospital, Britt remarked that certain areas around Willow’s lymph nodes appeared inflamed. Britt stepped out of the room to call Terry, who advised Britt to schedule an ultrasound on Willow’s liver. Alone in the room with T.J., Willow asked what Britt was so concerned about. T.J. said that if Willow’s liver and lymph nodes were swollen, it could mean that Willow’s cancer had advanced to Stage 3, which might limit their ability to treat her leukemia.

Later, Olivia greeted Finn near the hospital elevators. Olivia started to get a headache, and she asked if Finn had ever had the feeling that someone had just walked over his grave. Olivia then caught sight of a blonde-haired woman in chains and an orange prison jumpsuit. “Hello, Olivia!” the woman said. Olivia screamed when she realized the woman was Heather Webber.

Heather accused Olivia of letting her son rot in prison while Olivia had “traded up” to marry a Quartermaine. She then laughed like a mad woman as she was led away by guards. Afterwards, Finn asked Olivia who the woman was. “Don’t you know? That’s Heather Webber!”

In Monterey, Elizabeth and Terry sat in a car outside Elizabeth’s parents’ home.  Terry informed Elizabeth that her parents had agreed to meet Terry for coffee. Elizabeth planned to break into her parents home to search for clues about Reiko’s death by going through some old diaries that her parents’ had kept. Meanwhile, Terry would meet with Jeff and Carolyn to give Elizabeth enough time to search. Elizabeth flashed back to her first day in Port Charles outside Audrey’s house when she had told Sarah, “The stork brought me! Remember?” Elizabeth smiled at the memory.

Elizabeth left the car, entered her parent’s home and was able to silence the alarm. She stared at different family photos on the mantel and seemed overwhelmed by the memories they brought back. Elizabeth picked up a photo of her and Sarah and she held it closely against her chest. Elizabeth was startled to hear the doorknob rattle. An older man with gray hair entered. 

“Elizabeth?” the man asked.

“Dad,” said Elizabeth.

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Days Update Friday, October 28, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Alex works at the Titan office when he gets a text from Sloan, asking if he’s up for more tricks & treats with a photo of her handcuffs. Alex starts to respond but Stephanie walks in.

Paulina leaves another message for Stephanie that as soon as she gets the file from Sloan, she wants it delivered to her immediately. Paulina thanks Stephanie for all she has done and says that she and Chanel are forever in her debt. Sloan then arrives at Paulina’s office and hopes it isn’t a bad time. Paulina responds that it always is and their business is concluded. Sloan questions who gave her that idea.

Tripp goes to the hospital and finds Steve dressed as a pirate for Halloween. Tripp realizes he missed the kids’ Halloween party. Tripp mentions being on the hospital staff but says it’s an old habit. Steve tells Tripp that he ran in to a kid earlier who was asking about Tripp. Steve suggests Tripp stick around town a little longer. Steve admits he hopes Tripp stays in Salem because he loves having him here. Tripp responds that he loves being here but his life is in Seattle now, so he got a return ticket tonight and he just came to say goodbye.

EJ is at home on the phone with Belle. EJ thanks her and says he’s thrilled to be back running DiMera Enterprises. EJ comments that he doesn’t plan to go public with Ava Vitali’s crimes as long as she abides by their agreement. EJ remarks that he’s sure he’s not the only one celebrating Ava being banished from Salem, never to be seen or heard from ever again. Behind him, Ava then appears outside the back door and looks in through window of the DiMera Mansion.

Sloan warns Paulina that her client is growing very impatient with her games. Paulina argues that she doesn’t play games. Sloan threatens that if Paulina doesn’t pay up, the whole world will know her and Chanel’s dirty little secrets. Paulina questions what she is talking about since Stephanie assured her that everything was resolved. Sloan responds that Stephanie spun a bunch of lies to both of them.

Alex tells Stephanie about closing a deal so he will need her to put together a press release. Stephanie says she will get right on that, but first she hoped she could ask him to do something for her.

Steve questions Tripp already booking his return flight. Tripp says now that Kayla is doing well, it’s time to get back. Steve says it makes sense but notes that Ava won’t be happy if he leaves town without seeing her. Tripp guesses he hasn’t heard. Steve admits he’s been at the hospital 24/7 until now so he asks what he didn’t hear. Tripp reveals to Steve that EJ ran Ava out of town and he has no idea where she is.

EJ tells Belle that he knows Gabi and Ava are out for his blood, but if they come for him, they will live to regret it or maybe they won’t live at all which he calls a little Halloween humor. Ava remains outside the mansion and puts on a clown mask costume with a knife in hand. EJ then turns around and is shocked by what he sees.

Tripp tells Steve that he knows Ava made some bad choices but she was going to marry Jake so that wasn’t a lie. Steve questions if that excuses her from faking a marriage and helping herself to Jake’s DiMera shares. Tripp admits it doesn’t but feels the punishment doesn’t fit the crime since she was grieving while EJ took away her job and home. Steve points out that EJ could have had Ava arrested and sent to prison so he’d say he treated her pretty well considering the circumstances. Tripp argues that EJ had his own ulterior motives but he’d rather not get in to it. Steve questions Tripp having no idea where Ava is which he confirms. Tripp says all he got was a text from her saying she’s fine and would see him soon. Steve says it doesn’t make sense because it’s not like Ava to just give in and leave.

EJ goes to investigate outside when Chad enters the DiMera Mansion in the same clown costume, scaring EJ, who complains that there is someone lurking outside in the same costume. Chad points out that he doesn’t see anybody while EJ insists they were just there.

Sloan tells Paulina that Stephanie crashed and burned and didn’t have the nerve to tell her that she sent Chad to pay her off with counterfeit money. Sloan says she only found out by chance, otherwise she’d be out her retainer and her client could have been arrested for passing fake bills. Paulina doesn’t believe a word of her story. Sloan says she has no reason to lie and questions if Stephanie has called her today. Paulina admits she hasn’t. Sloan wonders why she could be avoiding her. Sloan points out that Paulina is five points ahead in the polls and the election is next week so it would be a terrible time for her daughter’s exploits to be splattered on every news paper in the state.

Alex questions Stephanie asking him for another favor. Stephanie knows she already owes him big time for covering her with Sloan last night. Alex tells Stephanie that he won’t tell Sloan that she broke in to her apartment, but she can’t do it again. Stephanie agrees that she can’t try her luck but she told Paulina that she would present her with Sloan’s incriminating files today and she doesn’t know how she will do that without Alex’s help.

Joey visits with Kayla in the hospital. Kayla mentions that Stephanie told her it’s far more interesting in Salem than Seattle. Kayla talks about there never being a dull moment in Salem and his family is here. Kayla then informs Joey that she was wondering about Wendy Shin because she heard he and Tripp talking about her while they thought she was sleeping and it sounded like they are both kind of in to her. Joey complains about her eavesdropping. Kayla points out that they were in her room and talking very loudly. Joey admits they were and jokes that he’ll let it go this time. Joey tells Kayla that he and Tripp might be kind of in to Wendy but unless she wants Salem to be even more interesting, she definitely wouldn’t want them in an intense competition for the same woman so that won’t work to keep him or Tripp in Salem. Joey tells Kayla that he loves her and assures they will be video chatting all the time and they will visit. Kayla wants Joey to be happy wherever he is. Joey thanks her and asks if she’s still on track to get out tomorrow. Kayla promises she will sign her out herself if she has to. Joey asks if she’s sure it’s not worth to stay a couple more days to make sure she’s okay. Joey comments on all the cards Kayla has been sent. Kayla says she’s been so exhausted that she hasn’t had time to look at them all yet so Joey offers to help her with that. Kayla then opens a card that came with a box of candy, assuming it’s from Julie, but it turns out to be from Orpheus.

Chad thinks EJ probably just saw a trick or treater. EJ argues that they would come to the front door. Chad suggests they got lost or were playing a prank. EJ repeats that they were wearing the exact same costume as Chad. Chad says a hundred other people are too and mentions that it was on sale when he took Thomas and Charlotte to the town square. Chad insists that EJ probably just saw a kid. EJ supposes he’s right. Chad asks why he wanted to see him as he has to get home to the kids. EJ declares that he would like Chad to come back to work at DiMera.

Stephanie informs Alex that she still thinks the file is in the locked cabinet in Sloan’s apartment. Alex calls that total speculation. Stephanie points out that it wouldn’t be if she had a chance to pick the lock. Alex reminds her that they just agreed she can’t do that again. Stephanie agrees but suggests maybe someone who is a welcome visitor to Sloan’s bedroom could somehow find the opportunity. Alex questions if she’s asking him to pick a lock and legit commit a crime. Stephanie remarks that he probably doesn’t have the skills. Alex says that’s not the point. Stephanie suggests he could look around and find the key. Alex thinks he knows where the key is but he also thinks stealing from Sloan is crossing a major line. Stephanie tells him to think about the lines Sloan has crossed and that she never should’ve had these materials in the first place. Stephanie admits she thought helping Paulina get elected would be simple but she’s never dealt with blackmail before and thought she could just do her usual spin out of it. Alex talks about how she always thinks she can get out of things until she can’t and now she’s asking him to fix things for her. Stephanie argues that this isn’t just about her but about Paulina and her family. Stephanie adds that it’s about so much more than that, the future of their community and state. Alex says she’s laying it on thick. Stephanie states that Paulina’s campaign is more than just a job to her as she believe she will do great things for the state. Stephanie declares that she would work for Paulina for free. Alex uses that to joke about the ridiculous rate she is charging Titan. Stephanie asks if he will help her or not. Alex wants to be clear on what exactly she is asking from him. Alex questions if she’s asking him to go have sex with Sloan. Stephanie argues that he can go look for a key without having sex with her. Alex says there are no real feelings between he and Sloan but he doesn’t feel comfortable going to her apartment with a secret agenda of stealing from her. Stephanie decides she shouldn’t have asked him to do this as it’s her problem and she should handle it herself. Stephanie then exits to go deal with the press release.

Paulina complains of Sloan blackmailing her. Sloan calls it business. Paulina threatens to report her to the state BAR for unethical practices when she becomes Governor. Sloan warns that she will never be Governor if she doesn’t make this deal. Sloan adds that her stalling isn’t winning points with her client. Sloan then declares that the price just went up dramatically. Paulina decides she wants to deal with the client directly but Sloan says she gets paid to protect the client’s anonymity so she will deal with her and only her. Sloan hands Paulina the new price and the number for the offshore account. Sloan then declares that if the money isn’t in there by the morning, Paulina’s political career is over and so is her daughter’s life as she knows it. Sloan then exits the office.

Tripp agrees with Steve that it’s not like Ava to let go of anything without a fight, but he thinks that falling in love with Jake and then losing him so suddenly took all the fight out of her. Steve hopes that’s true for his sake because he knows he’s devoted to his mom and doesn’t want him to worry all the time. Steve mentions Joey being in with Kayla, so he invited Tripp to come join them to say goodbye. Tripp says he’ll be there in a minute as he’s going to text Ava that he’s heading out tonight since he’s still hoping to see her before he leaves. Steve says he hopes so too and heads to Kayla’s room. Ava then arrives in her clown costume and reveals herself to Tripp.

Joey complains about Orpheus sending Kayla a get well card and asks what it says. Steve then enters the room and asks what’s wrong. Joey informs him that Orpheus sent her a gift. Steve reads the card which says “Congratulations, you lived to tell the tale. I don’t know how you managed to get your hands on the serum but I’m man enough to admit I’ve been bested.” Orpheus goes on to acknowledge that he’s heading back to prison after screwing up his pardon but that the ladies will never be far from his thoughts.

Tripp brings Ava to a waiting room at the hospital and questions what she is doing here. Ava says she knew he was leaving town so she figured he’d be here with his family. Tripp tells her that he’s been worried about her and hates what EJ did to her. Tripp adds that he really got in to it with EJ and punched him in the face. Tripp asks what Ava’s plan is, where she is staying and if she has any money. Ava says she’s making due. Tripp asks if she needs anything and argues that she shouldn’t have to sneak around. Ava says she won’t have to sneak around much longer and says Tripp is the last person left that she cares about other than her grandson who barely knows her. Tripp then invites Ava to come back to Seattle with him.

Chad asks EJ what exactly he would be doing at DiMera. EJ says it’s whatever he wants and that Chad can name his terms since he knows the company inside and out, so he needs him on his team. EJ adds that his stock shares will be returned to him. Chad calls that unexpected. EJ explains that having the company back in the family’s hands means everything to him but having everyone getting along and working together means even more. Chad tells EJ that it means a lot and he’s very grateful that they were able to make amends. Chad says he’s flattered but he has to say no to the offer.

Alex goes to Sloan’s apartment dressed as a cop. Sloan jokes about playing dress up. Sloan tells him that she could really use a de-stress because she had a hell of a day. Alex asks what happened. Sloan responds that she can’t disclose details about her cases but brings up Alex hiring Stephanie at Titan and suggests that he get rid of her. Alex asks why but Sloan repeats that she can’t go in to detail. Sloan calls Stephanie an incompetent lying bitch. Alex says he’s sorry to hear that but he didn’t come to talk about business, but to handle it. Alex decides this time he will handcuff Sloan.

Stephanie goes to Paulina’s office and tells her that she got her messages. Paulina asks if she has the materials from Sloan. Stephanie says she doesn’t have them right this minute but she’s working on it as she speaks. Paulina complains that she’s furious because Sloan was just here a few minutes ago. Stephanie guesses she is fired.

Tripp swears that cost of living in Seattle won’t be a problem for Ava as she can stay with he and Joey in Stephanie’s old room. Ava points out that Joey wouldn’t be too happy about that. Tripp asks what the alternative is and if she’s going to go back to her old life in Philadelphia. Ava responds that she couldn’t even if she wanted to because cousin Angelo made it clear there’s no room. Tripp insists on Ava coming to stay with him and says Joey is his brother so he will understand. Tripp argues that Ava has worked too hard to turn her life around and doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. Tripp pleads with Ava to come with him and let him help her out for a change. Ava then agrees to go but adds that there’s one thing she needs to take care of first.

EJ jokes with Chad that it’s hard to take rejection from a clown seriously. Chad gets that EJ is not used to hearing no. EJ admits he’s painfully aware that he treated him abysmally last time they worked together but promises that this time will be different. Chad tells EJ that means a lot to him and he appreciates it. Chad says he probably would say yes to the offer but he’s already taken another job. EJ says he knows about that as he read the press release that he’s consulting at SJ PR. EJ argues that the company can’t be much of a future for him, pointing out that they are going to lose a major client a week after the election and he’d have a lot more responsibility at DiMera. Chad responds that he doesn’t want more responsibility as he’s just dipping his toes back in and can choose how much he handle there which he appreciates. EJ tells him that he can come back to DiMera at his own pace then. Chad states that PR is different and he kind of likes it and he really likes working with Stephanie. EJ thought he detected something when he said Stephanie’s name but Chad assures that he’s not ready to date yet and probably won’t be for a very long time. EJ understands and says if Chad’s happy at his job then he’s happy for him, but if he ever changes his mind, the door to DiMera will always be open. Chad thanks him and says he really appreciates that. EJ hugs Chad and sends his love to his kids. EJ tells Chad that he’ll still get his shares back. Chad asks if Kate will get her shares back but EJ says never.

Steve finishes a call with John and informs Kayla and Joey that Marlena and Kate got the same card from Orpheus. Steve argues that Orpheus knows he failed in his mission, so he’s doing everything he can to make them think he’s still a threat, but he thinks Orpheus knows that he can’t beat them. Steve assures Kayla that Orpheus is never going to beat them. Tripp enters the room and says it looks like he’s late for the party. Tripp then asks what’s going on. Steve says it’s nothing he needs to worry about. Kayla brings up hearing that Tripp and Joey are determined to go back to Seattle tonight. Tripp informs Joey that they might have a little company staying with them for a little while.

Stephanie tells Paulina that she can explain but Paulina doesn’t want to hear it. Paulina complains that Stephanie lied to her over and over again and assured that she had the situation under control when all she’s done is make it even worse. Paulina questions what Stephanie was thinking by trying to pay off a blackmailer with fake money. Paulina complains about Stephanie not letting her know what was going on or giving her a chance to decide how to handle it. Paulina declares that now because of Stephanie’s foolishness, Sloan’s client is demanding even more money and she has no choice but to pay it. Stephanie responds that she knows where the documents are and asks for a chance to get her hands on them so she can make this right. Paulina asks how many times she’s heard that. Stephanie insists that she’s been working 24/7 to fix this but Paulina says she hasn’t accomplished anything. Stephanie reminds Paulina that she said if she pays Sloan, the demands will never stop. Paulina argues that thanks to Stephanie, she has no other choice.

Alex handcuffs Sloan to her bed and then blindfolds her. Sloan says now she can’t see him. Alex says the point is for her not to see what’s coming as he kisses her. Alex then reaches in to Sloan’s purse and says he has a surprise for her as he steals her keys. Sloan questions what he’s doing. Alex claims he’s getting undressed as he goes to unlock her filing cabinet. Sloan asks what that noise is. Alex repeats that it’s a surprise. Alex talks about a story he heard about his cousin handcuffing someone at a sex party and then not even having sex with them. Alex then retrieves the folder titled “Price” from the cabinet.

Stephanie apologizes to Paulina. Paulina doesn’t want to hear another word from her and says she can’t risk this secret coming out and ruining her chances of becoming Governor and more importantly, Chanel’s life. Stephanie repeats that she’s so sorry. Paulina warns that Stephanie will be even more sorry when she calls Victor and all of her other high profile clients to tell them that they need to cut ties with her ASAP. Paulina declares that by the time she’s done with her, SJ PR willl be DOA.

Joey questions Tripp inviting his mother to live with them without even asking him. Steve questions Ava agreeing. Tripp points out that Ava didn’t have much choice as she has nowhere else to go. Tripp adds that Ava is sad, lost, and alone but she is his mom. Joey questions wanting her to be their roommate. Kayla asks if she can’t talk Joey in to staying in Salem now.

EJ goes back to working at home and looks behind him, then tells himself to get a grip as there’s no knife wielding killer out there. The door then opens and EJ sees the person in the clown costume once again.

Stephanie goes to see Chad. Chad asks if she wants him to come in to work but Stephanie says not tonight and maybe not ever because she just got fired.

Sloan’s doorbell rings which startles Alex as Sloan remarks about the lousy timing.

EJ grabs a knife and demands to know who the clown is and what they want. She unmasks to reveal EJ’s mother, Susan Banks. EJ questions what she is doing here. Susan exclaims that she has to tell him something very important. Susan then tells EJ that he is in terrible danger.

Ava goes to the DiMera Crypt and tells Jake’s plaque that this is goodbye as she is leaving town. Ava says other than her grandson Henry, the only thing she’s sad to leave is Jake. Ava talks about what a big decision this was for her as she was determined to get revenge on EJ for what he did to them but she talked to her son Tripp and decided to just let it go. The door then opens and Ava’s dead son Charlie appears and declares that was her first mistake, listening to the wrong son.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, October 28, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Billy: Hey. Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hey.

Billy: Getting some fresh air? Just taking some time for yourself?

Chelsea: Exactly. Are you, um, meeting johnny and victoria?

Billy: I am. Yeah. Did they pass through?

Chelsea: They did. I saw them, but it was a coincidence, I swear.

Billy: I believe you.

Chelsea: I wish I hadn’t seen them.

Billy: Why do you say that?

Chelsea: Johnny seemed very shaken up to see me. Victoria sent him on his way and laid down the law.

Billy: Well, I’m not sure what she said, but I know where she stands on the subject of our son. And, you know, I have to say that I agree with her. We got to put johnny’s needs first and foremost.

Chelsea: Yeah, well, victoria’s way of doing that is basically forbidding me to see johnny ever again.

Billy: And she said that?

Chelsea: She pretty much said if I see him walking down the street, to turn around and walk in the other direction.

Billy: I’m not sure what to say to that.

Chelsea: You don’t have to say anything. Victoria’s decision is probably for the best.

Connor: Hi.

Johnny: Hey, connor.

Connor: Uh, I’m here with my dad.

Johnny: Yeah, I’m just waiting on my mom. So, I heard you know who my birth mom is.

Connor: Yeah. My mom told me everything.

Johnny: And just so you know, it’s not your fault at all. And I don’t mean to be mean, but I was pretty freaked out about it.

Connor: I know the feeling.

Johnny: Worst part is, I, uh, I think your mom’s following me.

Lily: Hello.

Abby: Hey! It’s good to see you guys.

Lily: You, too. Who are you going as tonight?

Abby: Oh, a woman who lost her enthusiasm halfway through dressing up.

Lily: [ Laughs ] I get it. You have to feel it.

Abby: Yeah, it was definitely more fun dressing up dominic earlier.

Devon: Is chance still with that new detective on the force? ‘Cause when I was over to see dominic’s costume, he said that the three of you had big plans tonight.

Abby: Yeah, we were going to, when we thought his stakeout out was canceled. But, of course, it’s back on. Happy halloween.

Lily: What’s going on?

Devon: [ Sighs ] I’m not sure. I’m a little worried about chance and abby, though.

Connor: My mom’s been acting different lately. Like really strange.

Adam: Hey, uh, listen, I have to go. I will — I’ll call you later, okay? Hey, johnny. What’s going on? Everything okay in here?

Connor: We’re fine.

Victoria: Hi, everybody. Happy halloween.

Johnny: What happened between you and chelsea in the park?

Billy: You know, I’m a little surprised you’re so on board with victoria’s demands when it comes to johnny.

Chelsea: It shouldn’t be that surprising. Victoria was right. I saw for myself today how upsetting my mere presence is for him. And it ripped my heart out. You know, you and victoria are not the only ones who want to put johnny’s happiness first. I do. I always have — since the day I gave him to you and victoria to raise.

Billy: Yeah, those were — those were complicated times.

Chelsea: I just regret after all these years, how I misjudged the situation. I never should have pushed to tell johnny the truth. And now I’ve opened this pandora’s box with both johnny and connor. I wish I could undo my mistake. But it can’t turn back the clock. Want your clothes to smell freshly

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Lily: Why would you be worried about abby and chance?

Devon: I just get a feeling that she’s not very happy with how much he’s having to work lately. ‘Cause yesterday, he was gone a little bit of the night. And today, apparently, he’s gonna be gone all night.

Lily: Well, I mean, that’s the life of a police detective, isn’t it?

Devon: Yeah, it is. But still, I imagine that it still puts stress on their relationship and on their family life. Abby has a job where she can make up her own hours. Chance doesn’t have that. Even when I was over and we were taking pictures of dominic in his costume, he got called away, and I could tell that it bugged her.

Lily: Well, I mean, that’s not chance’s fault, but I guess I can understand abby’s reaction.

Devon: Yeah, I can, too. And I’m just worried that she’s resenting his commitment to being a cop, whether she can admit that or not.

Lily: Well, whatever it is, they’ll figure it out.

Devon: I hope they can. I care about the two of them a lot.

Lily: So, speaking of couples with career issues, I have some news.

Devon: What is it?

Lily: Billy is resigning from chancellor-winters.

Devon: You serious? Of all the times to leave, he’s going to choose now?

Billy: Look, this has all been a very challenging time, but you got to try not to let the guilt overwhelm you. Johnny and connor, they were going to find out the truth eventually. And ultimately, victoria and i both agreed that now was the right time to tell him. And there’s no way of knowing how he was going to react.

Chelsea: Victoria knew. She said from the start it was a mistake to tell johnny so soon, that he had been through enough trauma. I should have listened to her. I mean, she knows him better than I do, obviously. I’m not his mom.

[ Sighs ] But it’s okay. Really. I-I’m not going to try to be a part of johnny’s life anymore. I-I have learned my lesson. I am backing off. And seeing him today, it was — it was a real wake-up call. I have to start taking my cues from him, and connor. But, you know, I’m — I’m willing to be patient. Just ’cause johnny feels a certain way about things today doesn’t mean he’ll feel that way a few years from now. And maybe connor will get used to a certain dynamic. There’s still time.

Billy: I think that’s a very logical and — and reasonable thing to say. But emotions don’t always adhere to the same rules as logic and reason. I guess I just want to — I just want you to be careful not to set your expectations too high. Okay, of course, I hope you’re right, chelsea. Just don’t pin all your hopes and dreams on whether johnny is going to accept you and love you.

Chelsea: I won’T. All my hopes are officially grounded in cold, hard reality.

Billy: Look, I know that’s — it’s a little bit of a harsh thing to say, and this is not easy, but I think you just got to wait it out.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, I-I’ll work through it. I will. I think I just got excited about the idea of johnny finding out who I was, so I was pushing for something that just wasn’t meant to be so soon. And you were right. I mean, you said I was probably lost. So I was reaching out to johnny to balance things, which, at the time, I totally disagreed with. But now I realize it’s the truth. My needs and longing were influencing my thinking. But, um… now I’m thinking really clearly. So I’m just ready to put it all behind me.

Billy: Well, that’s good. I think that’s probably best for everyone.

Chelsea: And, you know, please tell victoria, and johnny, um, they don’t have to worry. I’m not going to be popping up in places or intruding on their lives. I swear. I won’t ever bother them again.

Victoria: Chelsea and i worked everything out, so there’s nothing for you to worry about. And tonight’s halloween, so shouldn’t we be talking about the scariest movie that we’ve ever seen or who has the best costume so far? Yours is amazing, by the way.

Connor: Thanks.

Adam: She’s 100% right. Tonight is a big night, so we need to get focused.

Victoria: And I’m sure that grandma and grandpa are going to have a ton of candy waiting for you at the ranch.

Connor: I’m not going to the ranch tonight. I’m actually going to a sleepover at a friend’s house.

Victoria: Oh. Well, that sounds like a good time. I’ll have to tell you where grandpa’s secret mini bar candy stash is for the next time you have a chocolate craving.

Johnny: I want to know, too.

Adam: Wait a minute. He has a secret stash? Hey, would you guys mind if the adults talk in private for a minute?

Connor: Yeah.

Johnny: Yeah, we’re good.

Adam: Great.

Adam: Okay, what exactly went down with chelsea? Why is johnny upset?

Victoria: Because the woman doesn’t know when to quit.

When moderate to severe

ulcerative colitis persists…

Connor: The way they asked us if we’d be okay? It’s like our parents thought we were going to get into a fight or something.

Johnny: Yeah. I don’t want to fight you. I just want to hang out with you, as cousins or…brothers. I-it’s weird.

Connor: Super weird. It’s not your fault my mom wants to mess everything up. I just want things to go back to the way they were.

Johnny: Yeah, me, too. My mom wants me to go to katie’s halloween party parade or something, and that’s really the last thing I want to do.

Connor: That bites.

Johnny: Hey, what if I just hang out with you tonight? I could go to the sleepover.

Connor: I’m sure beckett and his parents would be cool with that. And it’s older kids, too, so you don’t have to wear a costume if you don’t want. You should definitely come.

Victoria: I assume that you’re aware that both johnny and connor now know that chelsea is johnny’s biological mother.

Adam: Yes, of course. It has been a seismic shift, and it’s caused a lot of distress for connor.

Victoria: For johnny, too, a lot of distress. Chelsea knows how upset he is, and she continues to push for some kind of a relationship with him. I finally had to draw the line and tell her to back off.

Adam: Hmm. Well, I can only imagine how she took that.

Victoria: Oh, you’d be surprised. I know I was. She actually didn’t argue with me at all.

Adam: Oh. Well, maybe not. But I’m sure she was deeply hurt by that.

Victoria: Possibly. I don’t mean to be insensitive.

Adam: Look, as a parent, I understand why you needed to take that stand. But at the same time, I’m hoping that you can at least try to see chelsea’s perspective in this.

Victoria: I’m sorry, but that’s not a possibility for me right now. Did she tell you the whole story about how she convinced billy and me to share this information with johnny? And why it had to be now?

Adam: Yes, we discussed it — after the fact. And I was upset that she did not include me in that decision.

Victoria: Her original claim was that she wanted to tell johnny the truth because he was going to eventually find out. But then later, she wanted more. She expected to have a relationship with my son. And yes, while I feel sympathy for her, that’s far outweighed by my concern for my son. And quite frankly, I think you would be more worried about how this is affecting connor. If he’s upset, shouldn’t he be yours and chelsea’s sole focus right now?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: [ Crying ]

Connor: Can johnny come with me to beckett’s house for the halloween sleepover party?

Adam: Um, I think that would actually be a great idea. I can text beckett’s mom right now. I mean, if you’re cool with that.

Johnny: Please, mom.

Victoria: You really do want to get out of your sister’s halloween parade, don’t you? Well, I want to say yes —

Johnny: Well, then just do. It’s pretty easy. Y-e-S.

Victoria: Okay. Very funny. I don’t need a spelling lesson. I just — I need a little more information, please.

Johnny: She always needs a little more information.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Who’s going to be bringing you home in the morning?

Adam: I can pick the boys up. It’s not a problem. I’ll bring them home.

Victoria: Alright, well, who’s the family hosting this party?

Adam: Uh, it’s the benfields. They’re on the board of walnut grove.

Victoria: Oh, yes, I know them. They’re a nice family. Okay. Sounds like fun. You can go.

Johnny: Good decision, mom. Thanks.

Connor: Let’s go text beckett.

Billy: Hey. Oh. You know, the two of you smiling at each other is definitely the scariest thing I’ll see all halloween. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition.

Lily: Look, deep down, i think that the company was more my dream than it was billy’S. And I think that he got caught up in my vision and, you know, wanted to support me. But I could tell that his heart wasn’t in it for a while. So he’s going to go pursue something else that he’s passionate about.

Devon: Well, okay. I understand where he’s coming from, but we just lost the coo, and now this is going to be the second one within weeks. And it’s all on the heels of what nate just put us through.

Lily: I know. Billy knows that, too. He offered to stay on longer, but I told him not to. I can take care of things on my own.

Devon: You don’t think that you could use his help during a time like this?

Lily: No, I think that having a coo that doesn’t want to be there is more of a hindrance.

Devon: Fair, sure. But even without him being enthusiastic about the job, you don’t think it’s worth it to have him stick around until you find his replacement?

Lily: Well, he’s more than a colleague to me, right? So I have to take that into consideration.

Devon: Meaning what? That you’d ask him to stay if he wasn’t your boyfriend?

Lily: I mean, come on, devon. Really? That’s a pointless hypothetical.

Devon: No, it’s not. It’s a real question I’m asking. I’ll turn it around on you. If he cares about you this much, wouldn’t he keep his mouth shut about wanting to resign until we’re past this crisis so he doesn’t leave too much on your plate?

Lily: I will have his support, just not at work.

Devon: I-I don’t see this being as easy as you think it’s going to be for you.

Lily: Look, I want what’s best for billy as much as I want what’s best for me. And, yeah, do I wish that he could have stayed on at chancellor-winters in full capacity? Yes, I do. Am I hurt that, you know, it didn’t work out? Of course I am. But honestly, I think it’s probably what’s best for our relationship.

Devon: Okay. I mean, that’s — that’s of course what’s most important is that you guys are happy, so…

Lily: Thank you. So, what’s going on with you? How’s amanda’s mom doing?

Devon: There’s been no change to her condition.

Lily: Is she coming home soon?

Devon: I don’t know.

Lily: Well, maybe you should go to virginia. Go be with her, you know? It could be good for you to get a trip away to sort through your emotions. You know, I can take care of things here.

Devon: Yeah, that might be a good idea. I don’t know if it’s the distance or what it’s been, but there’s been a little strain between us.

Lily: It’s definitely the distance. I mean, being that far apart for that long, I mean, it can wear on a relationship.

Devon: That’s probably what it is.

Lily: Oh, I got to meet billy in a few minutes. Do you want to join us?

Devon: No, no, not this time. Thank you, though. I’m gonna stick around and check on abby. I’m really ready to congratulate billy on his soul-searching journey yet.

Lily: Everything is going to be fine, okay? It’s all going to work out.

Devon: I hope so. I’d like to think that you’re right.

Lily: Alright, bye.

Devon: I’ll see you.

Lily: See you later.

Victoria: Adam and I were making a plan for the boys. And believe it or not, we agreed for once.

Adam: Yeah, it actually felt pretty good. Maybe you could take a page out of our playbook.

Billy: I won’t be taking any cues from you, thank you very much.

Victoria: Okay, I’m not gonna let you two ruin our almost-nice moment.

Billy: You’re right. This is about the kids. So please tell me, what are these plans that you put in place?

Victoria: Connor invited johnny to join him at a sleepover. So our son will be doing that instead of going to katie’s parade.

Billy: Well, that was very cool of connor. And I’m proud of johnny for not pushing him away.

Adam: Yeah, I think it’ll be good for both of them.

Billy: Yeah. I hope they have a good time.

Adam: Well, we should get going.

Billy: That’s a scary costume, by the way.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Alright, guys, ready to go?

Victoria: Love you, honey. Have fun.

Billy: See you, buddy. Be good, alright? So, I ran into chelsea at the park, after your run-in, apparently.

Victoria: Did she make a pitch for you to make a plea for her case to see johnny?

Billy: There was no plea of leniency. In fact, she was on board with the rules that you put into place.

Victoria: Oh, really? Well, I’m grateful for that.

Billy: Yeah. But I can’t shake the feeling that something is not right. There’s something about her demeanor that is…off.

Adam: I’ve been concerned about you lately. Are you sure everything’s alright?

Billy: I hope you’re taking care of yourself.

Adam: Nobody is wishing harm on you. Not sally. Not me.

Billy: Do you really believe that’s what’s best for you? ‘Cause I’m not sure.

Adam: When you came back to town, you were positive and looking towards the future. But now it seems like you’re backsliding. Since rey died, you’re not yourself.

Chloe: Billy starts turning on the abbott charm, and you lose perspective. You start to think everything means a little more than it does.

Billy: Uh, I’m sorry if I was giving off the wrong signals, but that was a mistake.

Chloe: What was I thinking? Ridiculous of me. Caring about you. Instead of saving you time and time again, I should have just let you crash and burn. Like you always do.

Victoria: The bottom line is that johnny and katie have had a really tough time lately. Now is not the time to do this.

Johnny: It’s my call, and I say I don’t ever want to talk about it again.

Connor: You were pregnant with johnny? And you gave him away as a baby? Just, like, handed him over to victoria and billy?

Adam: Burying the pain doesn’t make it go away.

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“The young and the restless”

will continue. If you think all pads are exactly the same…

Abby: Hey.

Devon: Hey, you.

Abby: I’m sorry I didn’t get to chat with you and lily more before. You never know when there’s going to be a rush or a little fire to put out around here with a difficult customer or a staff member that doesn’t show up.

Devon: Please, this is your job. You’re working. I understand that. And lily had to go meet billy anyway. It’s fine.

Abby: So, what’s up with you? Are you handing out candy tonight?

Devon: No. There’s never that many trick-or-treaters at the penthouse. But I do have some time if you’d like to chat.

Abby: Yeah, sure.

Devon: Yeah? I have one condition, though. You have to tell me what’s really bugging you.

Abby: I’m not hiding it well, huh?

Devon: You never do.

Abby: This is just not the halloween I envisioned. And it sounds petty to even care that I don’t get to dress up in a matching costume with chance when he could potentially be saving lives.

Devon: Well, you’re allowed to feel the way you feel.

Abby: I’m just — I’m frustrated. And I think I’m the most frustrated with myself. I-I mean, why do I care so much that chance is so dedicated and focused on his job? I mean, who gets irked by that? It — it really makes me feel like a bad person.

Devon: Come on, abby. First of all, you know better than to ever call yourself a bad person, ’cause you’re not. Sometimes we want the people we care about to be a certain way, and it’s hurtful when they can’t be that.

Billy: I know I’m biased, but katie’s by far the cutest werewolf I’ve ever seen in my life.

Victoria: By far. Are you kidding me? She was so cute. She left all of those other kids in the dust.

Billy: That was a good costume choice.

Victoria: Thank you. Well, I mean, she definitely stood out amongst all of the princesses and ballerinas.

[ Both chuckle ]

Billy: I love it. You know, I just can’t help but get caught up in their sense of fantasy and wonder. It’s — seeing them dressed up, it’s great.

Victoria: It’s nice. Really is. It’s the one night where they can be whatever they want to be.

Billy: Yeah. Let their imagination run wild without reality setting in.

Victoria: I know that today is a tough day for you, because it was delia’s favorite holiday.

Billy: Can’t help it. The memories of her keep flooding back. The girl I lost. But spending this time with johnny and katie, it — it helps.

Victoria: I wish johnny could’ve gone to the parade with us, but I know. I know he’s at that age where he doesn’t want to do kid stuff. You know, he’s been through so much lately. I think that maybe this was a good distraction for him.

Billy: No, I agree. I think it was good. Plus, we know that we’re going to deal with teenage angst at a certain point.

Victoria: Oh, god. Well, I hope that they’ll behave better than we did when they were teenagers.

Billy: Yeah. Well, if today was any indication, I would say we’re — we’re looking pretty good. I mean, that was good of him, hanging out with connor that way, them still being friends, not blaming connor for what’s going on with chelsea. I think we raised a pretty good kid there.

Victoria: Yeah. I’m trying to take it as a sign that maybe he’s making a peace with all of this. I just wish that he would want to talk to me about it.

Billy: He’s going to handle it his way. And until we see some red flags, we got to let him do that.

Victoria: That’s definitely the hardest part — standing back and letting them fly on their own when all I want to do is swoop in, take him back to the nest, and protect him.

Lily: Hello.

Billy: Hi.

Lily: Hi.

Billy: Hey.

Lily: I, um, saw katie’s costume. She looked amazing.

Billy: She did, right?

Lily: I’d be lying if i didn’t say that on halloween, I miss when the twins were that age, and I would dress them the same. But then they kind of caught on pretty quickly. They hated it.

Victoria: I would have done the exact same thing.

Billy: Yeah, no, me, too. Temptation that I could not deny.

Victoria: You know, getting them dressed for halloween does take a lot of work, though. I’m sure you’re glad you don’t have to squeeze that in anymore, given that you must be so busy at chancellor-winters these days.

Lily: Yeah, definitely. I mean, you know how it is.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Victoria: Actually, yes, i do. Ah. Duty calls, so… I’ll catch up with you later.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Happy halloween.

Billy: See you. So, are you not mad at me anymore for going to nate behind your back?

Lily: No, let’s, uh — let’s move on, especially today. Um, how do you want to finish our halloween today? Do you want to go to noah’s club for a drink?

Billy: Yes, I want to do that.

Lily: Okay.

Chelsea: Is connor okay?

Adam: He’s fine. I just dropped him off at beckett’s house for the party with, um —

Chelsea: With who?

Adam: He went to the party with johnny.

Chelsea: Well, good. That’s — that’s great. It means they’re getting along. Johnny’s not holding it against him, the news about me.

Adam: Yeah. Seems like they’re still able to be friends.

Chelsea: Well, that makes me happy. So, if connor is fine, what are you doing here?

Adam: I, um, thought maybe we could go grab a drink. Figured you might want to see some people instead of being cooped up in here. Okay? Don’t give me the “I’m under the weather” excuse, because I’m really not buying it, alright? We can go right upstairs to noah’s club, and we can get a quick cocktail.

Chelsea: Sounds like a great idea. I’m just going to clean up a little bit, and I’ll meet you there.

Victoria: “Eager to hear your response. Can you meet tonight?”

Adam: It’s like you’re latching onto something to fill a void.

Billy: I’m not trying to be harsh, but you’re overstepping.

Adam: This isn’t just a mood. Something is seriously wrong.

Victoria: Your goal is to weasel your way into my son’s life. Even after billy obviously told you he wants nothing to do with you.

Johnny: You are not my mom.

Chloe: I have tried, every way I know how, to help you navigate your emotional ups and downs. Meanwhile, all I get in return is snark and putdowns.

Billy: I can have all this equipment moved wherever you want — so you can continue the podcast without me.

Adam: Chelsea, listen to yourself. You can’t use connor as a life preserver. He’s a kid. Fixing his mom is not his job.

Connor: Mom is different now. She’d probably be happier if she had kept johnny.

Billy: Are you waiting to ambush johnny?

Victoria: You lost the right to be a part of johnny when you signed over your rights as his mother.

Billy: You’re not hearing me. The news threw him.

Johnny: You are the reason my world is turning upside-down.

Victoria: I’m sorry this isn’t what you want to hear, but we will be supporting our son’s choice. So if you happen to see him, don’t say anything. Don’t approach him. Just walk away.

Chelsea: Just stop! Stop! Stop!

Allie: You want to go talk to your uncle?

Noah: Yeah, I think I’ll pass. Hey, I’ll play host to whoever walks in next.

Allie: What if it’s someone even worse?

Lily: Hi.

Billy: Ah, hi, there.

Noah: See, that’s a much better option.

Allie: I’m going to go get us a drink.

Noah: Hey, guys. Welcome to the glam club.

Billy: Yeah, thanks for having us. We were hoping to sit down and grab a drink.

Noah: You know, I think I got a spot for that.

Lily: Oh, okay. Thanks.

Billy: Adam.

Adam: Billy.

Lily: Hi. This is perfect. Thank you. By the way, this club is a perfect addition to the grand phoenix.

Noah: I couldn’t ask for a better landlord. You guys come by anytime, okay?

Lily: Thank you.

Billy: Thank you.

Lily: [ Sighs ] So, by the way, I told devon finally that you’re leaving chancellor-winters.

Billy: I hope he wasn’t too ticked off at me.

Lily: Well, I mean, he wasn’t happy, but that’s to be expected, so… what is it?

Billy: Uh, it’s chelsea. And the last person that she should be spending any time with.

Lily: I mean, they have a long history, and she seems fine.

Billy: Yeah. I hope you’re right.

Chelsea: Did connor say anything about me after I left earlier? I hate that my actions have pushed him away, but I — I’m — I am determined to prove to him how much I love him.

Adam: I know that you will. But don’t keep beating yourself up about this.

Chelsea: You’re right. Being hard on myself isn’t going to do anyone any good. I need to focus on the future. Um, I actually told billy earlier, I, uh — I recognize now that it was a mistake, pushing to tell johnny the truth that I’m his biological mother. But, you know, that’s — that’s a big step for me, recognizing my misstep. And now, um, I just need to focus on making things right.

Adam: That is a big step. And I hope that you continue to take steps forward. You know, chelsea, I — I only want the best for you. And I know that you have felt in the past that it didn’t work. But maybe… counseling is something that you should consider now. You’re in a different place. You’re in a better place.

Chelsea: You want me to see a therapist. You’re right. I need help. I have to end this cycle of anxiety and depression. Did you know, some ordinary cold medicines can raise your blood pressure?

Adam: I’m so grateful that you are willing to see a professional. Things are going to get better for you, and that’s only going to improve your relationship with connor. Speaking of connor, he, um, really likes this beckett kit. When you stopped by the coffeehouse to see his costume, you could see how excited he was to go to this party. You know, being invited, that was a big deal for him. I mean, you remember being that age and trying to fit in. I guess in the end, no matter what age we are, we all want the same thing. Love and acceptance. I’m kind of nervous for him. I don’t know why I would be, though. Connor’s such a, uh, lovable kid.

Connor: Mom is different now. She’d probably be happier if she had kept johnny.

Johnny: You are not my mom.

Adam: It’s like you’re latching onto something to fill a void.

Adam: The, uh, the party’s going to be a mixture of younger and older kids, and he brought some regular clothes so he could change out of his costume.

Connor: You were pregnant with johnny? And you gave him away as a baby?

Adam: He’s a kid. Fixing his mom is not his job.

Victoria: Your goal is to weasel your way into my son’s life.

Billy: I’m not trying to be harsh, but you’re overstepping.

Adam: This isn’t just a mood. Something is seriously wrong.

Chloe: Things can’t go on this way.

Chelsea: Excuse me. Um, I have to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.

Chelsea: [ Hyperventilating ]

Adam: You can’t use connor as a life preserver.

Billy: Are you waiting to ambush johnny?

Adam: Burying the pain doesn’t make it go away.

Chloe: I should have just let you crash and burn. Like you always do.

Victoria: Just walk away. Understood?

Chelsea: Please. I can’t take it anymore. I just need the pain to go away.

Next week on “the young and the restless”…

Billy: I’m worried about chelsea. Not sure if you saw the way she bolted out of here.

Lily: No, I-I didn’t see, ’cause I was busy enjoying our dance, but I guess you were watching chelsea.

Billy: Well, she’s a mess.

Abby: What about the stakeout?

Chance: Oh, we, uh — we finished early.

Abby: And you chose to come here instead of home?

Victoria: You’re now the new ceo of newman media.

Devon: You’ve got to be kidding me.

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GH Transcript Friday, October 28, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[ Shower running ]

[ Water turns off ]

[ Sighs ] I’m sorry. Wanted to let you sleep in. Why would I want to sleep in when I could spend my morning with you? Sure, if the inmate needs treatment, send her our way. Just make sure there’s a guard and an orderly with her at all times. Okay. Thanks. Dr. Westbourne. What can I do for you? It’s kind of private. Follow me. What’s on your mind? I haven’t heard from willow in several days, and I’m really starting to get concerned. My one and only cup of coffee for the day. I love how, um, conscientious you’re being with this pregnancy. I can’t believe it’s already time for your second trimester checkup. I know. I almost [Sighs] Felt like we wouldn’t get here. Well, here’s hoping we get some wonderful news today. There’s a lot I hope to share with you today. Ned: Michael. Ah, you saved me a phone call. About? Valentin has been missing in action for several days. So elq is still without its ceo. Was this something you orchestrated? Or is this on drew?

[ Exhales deeply ] We’re back. We are. It’s been a crazy few weeks. Thank you for helping me with everything. Thank you for letting me help. I’m sorry. I just got to kiss you again.

[ Giggles ] So, now that we’re back in port charles, are you ready to hear some “I told you so’s,” from our friends? Oh, from all the people who said they saw sparks between us? Yeah. No, I want to hold off on telling anyone. Oh. I kinda like having you all to myself. Are you sure that jake and aiden don’t know I spent the night? Well, they were asleep when you got here. Mm-hmm. And they left very early for some pre-school activities. So I think we’re good. Okay. And you are perfect. Look, joss, I know this last year was really rough for us, but I’m really glad that we’re finding our footing again. Unless it was too fast? No. No, not at all. I’m sorry. Um…I just remember that it’s oscar’s birthday, and my mind slipped. I understand. Hi.

[ Exhales deeply ]

[ Gulls squawking ] Elizabeth: You hate me?

Well, you should.

Because I hate you.

And I hate my sister.

And I hate my parents.

I hate everybody, okay? Well, your mom and dad were shocked to hear from me and even more shocked to learn I was in town. Will they meet with you? Yes, at a coffee shop.

[ Sighs ] Elizabeth, is everything okay? Not really. We’re at my parents’ house. I haven’t been anywhere near them in decades. It’s alright if you want to turn around and go back. No. No. I need to find out the truth about what happened once and for all.

[ Sighs ] Why can’t it be the weekend? I wish we could just stay in bed together for the entire day and never leave this room. Well, that would be absolutely fine with me. But you’re the one that said we had to prep to meet with linc’s big female pop star.

[ Scoffs ] Although I’d be happy to push that. Yeah. Not on your life. However, there’s no reason we can’t prep for the meeting here. Where are you going? To get us some coffee and pastries so we don’t have to leave. Oh, um, don’t bother getting dressed.

[ Door closes ]

[ Sighs ] Look, valentin is a cassadine, and they tend to go missing under murky circumstances. So what exactly do you think that I did to him? Called immigration. Had him stopped at customs, just like your dad did to jax. I-I am nothing like my father. You and sonny are exactly alike. Both of you, that is enough. Olivia, where are you going? Get reinforcements. Come on, you two. It’s a big day for me and the baby. Can we focus on that? Look, if I don’t leave now, then, um, you and I…

[ Chuckles ] Hmm, okay, you should go.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Bye. Bye. Oh, you’re back. Hey! Who was at the door? Uh, drew. Oh. I didn’t realize the two of you were flying back this morning. Yeah, I mean, now that everything’s resolved with virginia, I can focus on my family here. You know, honey, I think it’s really beautiful what you did for virginia — scattering her ashes by the ocean. It felt right, you know? Hey, you coming all the way to jacksonville — it meant a lot. I know it couldn’t have been easy with that local station dredging up your past with aunt ruby. I know who I am. And I own my past, even the unsavory parts. I-I was actually more concerned about it being weaponized against you. But when I got to jacksonville, I realized that you already had all the support you needed with drew. I apologize for stopping by unannounced. I was just on my way to the hospital and thought I’d check in. Um, how’s aiden? How’s jake? They, uh — they already left. Ah. Had some stuff to do before school, so got out early. Yeah. My mom asked you to check on us, didn’t she? Maybe. You got any proof? Um, I — I’m gonna go. Um, I’ll see you on campus. Good to see you. I’ll see you, joss. See you. Uh, come in. Okay, thanks.

[ Sighs ] So joss, she just came by to drop off some books that I needed before class. Yeah, that’s your story and you’re sticking to it? Yep.

[ Chuckles ] Hey, cam, look, you’re, um — you’re a sophomore in college. I-I get the plot. Joss stayed the night here, didn’t she? Maybe. Got any proof?

[ Chuckles ] I think jeff and carolyn are gonna have as many questions for me as I do for them. But the coffee shop we agreed to is just around the corner, so we can’t count on traffic delay. I’ll stall as long as possible. Do you, for sure, know your parents’ alarm code?

[ Chuckles ] We’ll see, but they never changed it when I was growing up.

[ Sighs ] So if this works and you get the time you need, what are you looking for? I’m not sure. I think it’s one of those “I’ll know it when I see it” kind of things? Both of my parents kept meticulous diaries of their many years abroad. You know, the story of the doctor and the psychiatrist who saved the world. I’m just hoping that there’s something in there that will help me connect the dots. Like, how we all knew reiko — who turned out to be finn’s first wife — and how i could have forgotten. Let’s see — you’ve been raising three boys mostly by yourself, along with a full-time career as a nurse. It makes sense to me why you forgot the connection. All I know is I’m really close to getting an answer. I mean, we’re literally sitting in front of my parents’ house. There’s no way I can turn back now.

[ Sighs ] Olivia: I need some backup. Things downstairs are starting to get… hot.

The merger was nothing more thanan excuse to marginalize me. We offered you the job of coo. That is hardly marginal. You know what? Hey, brook lynn. Yeah? Can you — can you weigh in here? Because me and your dad just keep going in circles. Just pretend I’m not here. I’m just grabbing a little breakfast to go. Why are you holding two mugs of coffee? Olivia: No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, it’s my bad. It’s my bad. It’s my bad. Oh, I’m sorry. P-please forget that I saw anything. N-n-not that I saw anything. I’m — I’m — I’m so sorry. I thought that you were… …brook lynn. What’s going on with you two? I didn’t — I-I was — I was looking for brook lynn, and I forgot to knock, and I walked in on chase. In a guest room? Really? Okay. Yes. Chase and i spent the night… together. Now that we have our coffee, back to drew. Oh, well, I didn’t ask drew to come to florida. He showed up on his own. And? And as it turns out, he was exactly the friend that I needed. So that’s what you’re saying? He’s just a friend. Okay, what’s going on with your wrist here? Oh [Sighs] It’s nothing serious. I was on my laptop on the whole plane ride home, and, well, you know how those tray tables can be so awkward. Yeah. So my carpal tunnel, it’s acting up. Oh, here, let me see it. Come here. Let me massage it for you. Oh. Ready? Ahh! [ Sighs ] How’s that feel? Oh, yeah, good. Thanks. Thank you. I still remember some of my physical therapy training. You know, now that I’m starting over, I could renew my pt license or finish my nursing degree. Oh, well, that is a very different path from running

[Laughing] A luxury hotel. Okay, well, maybe not nursing school [Laughs] But, you know, physical therapy could be fun, at least until I figure out my next passion project. Honey, I know you. And I’m sure it won’t be long before you find your next inspiration. Drew: Hey. Hey, buddy.

[ Inhales sharply ] I, uh, got back in town just in time for your birthday. I, uh — I didn’t want you to think that I had forgotten. I gotta tell you something. You still inspire me. When things were, um… bleak and — and — and so hopeless, I would — I would just think… that oscar never gave up. Never. And neither should I. And on those bad days, I, uh… …I would just close my eyes and I would visualize your face… …yours and scout’S. And that’s the only way that I survive. I somehow managed to see the light again, even if it shines more dimly in a world without you in it.

[ Footsteps approach ]

[ Exhales deeply ] Willow is your friend, not your patient. Yes, but I’d been staying in regular touch with her about her condition. Unofficially, of course. I know willow is in her second trimester, but from what I understand, that’s what she was waiting for to start her leukemia treatment. What is it that you’re looking for from me? I noticed she has an appointment this morning. I was hoping I could sit in on a consult. Willow does have an appointment with me about her pregnancy. If she would like you to be there to offer moral support, that is her choice. But let me be very clear — you would be there as her friend only. Yes, but I’ve been — no. There are no “yes, buts,” dr. Ashford.

[ Sighs ] I know this is a very difficult situation. On our best days as doctors, we provide a binary option of right and wrong. But on other days, the patient is left with an option of doing the least harm. And what we might think is the most palatable outcome, it won’t be the same for every patient. It might not even be the same course we would choose for ourselves or what we’d advise for our loved ones. It’s what is right for that patient. And as doctors, we might not always agree, but we must respect their choices. It’s been so long, I can’t even remember the last time I saw my parents in person. How long’s it been again? Over 20 years. Oh, my god, elizabeth. Why didn’t you ever tell me you were hurting? How do you explain that your parents put “the greater good” over their own children? You don’t owe anyone an explanation. To the world, you’re right. But I owe one to myself. There were way more secrets being kept from me than I realized.

[ Exhales deeply ] Thank you for being here with me and coming all this way and for giving me the space to just process it all. Sometimes all a person needs is a little space and grace. I’ve got you.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, that’s jeff and carolyn. They’re at the coffee shop.

[ Sighs ]

Were back in town. Oh, your mom and I just landed a couple hours ago. I just dropped her off at the house. I know she’d love to see you. Yeah. I hope I didn’t interrupt your visit. No, no, no. Um… oscar and I just had a nice little chat, and, uh, I’m on my way out, so I’ll — I’ll give you some privacy. Okay? Hey, joss? My son’s life was way too short. But it was — it was rich and it was full of meaning because you were in it. Thank you for that. I have always admired your resilience, your fierce spirit, and especially your tenacity. Even on days when you wanted to kill me?

[ Laughs ] Yeah, well, you know, it’s not always easy being your mother. That’s something virginia benson and I both understood. Still, I’m sure it won’t be long before you discover your next chapter. And I, for one, can’t wait to read it. Well, this is beyond embarrassing. [ Chuckles ] Now we can say every woman in this house has seen my boyfriend naked. I don’t think monica has.

[ Laughs ] And it’s her house. Alan gave it to her. Hmm? Uh, sounds like you’re gonna fit in just fine here. Let’s, um — let’s go outside.

[ Clears throat ] Welcome to your latest super-awkward quartermaine family moment. I’m sure you remember those from when you were pretending to be bailey’s father.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh, one second. That is aurora. I gotta take this. I’ll be back. Look, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make things weird. Oh, no, no. Don’t worry about it. I’m really happy for you. Really? Yes. For you and brook lynn both.

[ Chuckles ] Come here. I-I hope you know how happy I am for you and michael, too. Well, that really felt like a father-daughter moment. What happened to michael? Oh, my god, dad, don’t get all patriarchal on me. Okay? If you have issues with this going on while we’re under the same roof, there’s nothing keeping you from moving out. All I was going to say is I’m sorry if I made you feel like you and chase needed to sneak around. Now, did you feel that way because of my reaction to you and valentin? Sure had an about-face on him, didn’t ya?

[ Scoffs ] Michael had to take a work call. Oh, well, that could take forever. Don’t you have a doctor’s appointment? Yes, but — oh, honey, honey, let me drive you. Michael can meet you there. Go ahead. Text him our plan. Let’s do it.

[ Door opens ] Uh, willow, before you go, maybe, uh — maybe I can be uncle chase when I get to meet your new little one. Just do me a favor. Put in a good word. I’ll stall them as long as I can. Thank you so much. Are you sure you know how to pick your front door lock? It’s been a while, but I used to be really good at it. And if I remember correctly, I taught you that skill in high school. Don’t remind me. You were such a bad influence on me back then.

[ Laughs ] But you haven’t been that girl in a very long time. You think she’s still in you? The stork brought me, remember? She better be. You know, you were right before. This is actually really none of your business. Hey, cam, relax. Alright? I’m — I’m not here to give you “the talk.” Clearly, you know the drill. It’s not my place to tell your mom, either, although you might want to come clean with her at some point. I hear you. I hear you. You — you’re probably right. I just — I can’t imagine she’ll be in the best headspace when she comes back from her trip. Why’s that? I think she’s gonna come back even more relaxed. I think she’s really gonna enjoy the spa at the hotel. Yeah, maybe. But, I mean, it might not be very easy for her to be spending time in the city where grandpa jeff and grandma carolyn live. What was that? You didn’t know, did you?

Good morning, willow. Dr. Westbourne. Dr. Ashford asked to observe our checkup, if you’re comfortable with that. Of — of course. Yeah. Tj is my friend, and I know he’s still deciding on which specialty to focus on, so sure. Let’s go to the exam room. Uh, you want me to stick around, keep you company till michael gets here? Oh, that’s — that’s very sweet of you to offer. Um, but no, no, no, you don’t have to stick around. I can see you’re still upset about my decision to side with valentin over michael and drew. Well, there are just times where it feels like it was all for nothing. I know. I know. And I don’t want you to ever feel that way. But I also learned that there is a different side to valentin. You know, when we were raising bailey together. It really proved the point to me that none of us, not me, not you, not him are all good or all bad. I appreciate you saying that. Morning.

[ Clears throat ] I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Oh, no, you didn’T. My dad and I, we were just having a moment of understanding. But I gotta go grab chase and get to work. Staff expected you back a few hours ago. It’s, um… oscar’s birthday today. So I-I stopped by his marker in the meadow. Of course. I’m sorry. I didn’t remember the date. Ned, I haven’t forgotten how incredible you and olivia were to oscar in his final days. And I mean, it’s — for oscar’s sake, can we just find a way to put aside our differences and just fix whatever is broken in this family? I can’t believe that my mom didn’t tell you that she was gonna be staying in the same town as her parents. Did I just cause trouble for you guys? No, cam, not at all. There’s no need to make a big deal out of this. Okay? Um, finn, it’s — it’s probably nothing. Okay? I mean, what are the odds that she’s seeking out her parents after all these years? I don’t know, cam. I wish I did. You know, I’ve been trying to help out where I can. But I also don’t want your mom to end up resenting me. To be honest, sometimes I know what I’m doing and other times… I just don’t get it. I do. I-I think my mom and I, we struggle with a lot of the same baggage. The people we care about tend to underestimate my family and what we’re capable of handling. Josslyn: I know it’s been a while since I last visited you here. But I want you to know that I carry you in my heart every day. If you have, you know, been checking in on me, then you know me and cam are together now. Although with all of the recent drama we’ve been a part of, it’s kind of thrown us off. Things have not been the same ever since our first time went viral on the internet. And ever since then, I feel like I’m in this current, you know. Not a riptide, nothing scary. I can just feel myself drifting further and further away from cam. And I know that I should tell him that. And I know that we should try and talk through it. But if I do, I’m just so scared that cam’s not gonna be able to handle it. People tend to confuse our manners with being weak, fragile, even. My mom is not weak. When you try to fix her problems or make decisions for her because you think she’s the victim, it takes her back to a time in her life when she did feel powerless. And trust me, she does not want to go back there again, even if that means shutting things and people out. Gotcha. I-I know your heart is in the right place. She doesn’t need you to be her hero because she’s already her own hero. Thanks, cam. Good talk.

[ Door opens ]

[ Lock rattling ]

[ Alarm beeping ]

[ Keypad beeping ]

[ Keypad chirps, beeping stops ]

[ Sighs ] I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. You and I, we’ve — we’ve come a long way. Yeah. And you had every reason to hate me. Forever. And you still found a way to forgive me. And you made a place in your life for me. I’ve always heard the stories about your upbringing. But going back to jacksonville and hearing again about “ruby anderson and the house of ill repute”…

[ Chuckles ] …I was reminded that you started off with even less than I did. And you made a name for yourself. And I admire you so much. Well, first of all, you need to visit jacksonville more often.

[ Both laugh ] And secondly, right back at ya, baby girl. I told drew that, um… I felt like I was in an identity crisis. You know, literally. I’m no longer sonny’s wife. I’m no longer the co-owner of the metro court. Who am I anymore? But sitting here with my mom… …I’m more sure of who I am than ever.

Just say the word, ned, and we can schedule a no-confidence vote on valentin’s leadership. All we need is your vote to switch and then valentin’s out. And what about the role of ceo? Oh, geez, forget it, drew. Ned’s too far gone to think about the family over himself. Oh, that’s very rich, michael. Biologically, you are A.J.’S son. But whose last name do you use? That’s right — corinthos. You’re only a quartermaine when it’s convenient. Alright, alright, come on, guys. There’s no reason for things to get escalated here. And you, drew, your insistence on being the nice guy is really starting to wear thin. Oh. Oh, I’m sorry. You’re tired of me being the nice guy? Wow! Okay, fine, ned. The gloves are off, and you are not gonna like the moves that I make to get you and valentin out. Really? And how do you plan on doing that when you’re facing an insider-trading charge? So, part of the reason I felt so lost is because my name didn’t provide any answers for me. I-I can’t be carly corinthos anymore because… I don’t want people thinking my goal is to get back together with sonny ’cause it’s not. And I can’t be carly benson anymore or carly roberts because…

[ Sighs ] …I just can’T. So what’s left? Well… sitting here with you, looking into your eyes, I know what the right answer is. I’m a spencer. I think it’s time I took your name. If that’s okay with you. Oh, honey, it’s more than okay. It’s —

[ Sighs ] It’s as it should be.

[ Both laugh ] Everything looks good with the baby. Developmentally, we’re right on track, which is what we want to see. That’s good news, right? Dr. Westbourne, what is it? I’m feeling your lymph nodes. Why? Oncology is not my specialty, but I noticed during the screening that certain areas of the surrounding tissue appear inflamed. That’s not good. Well, just to be clear, this has nothing to do with the baby. But I want to be extra cautious given your other health concerns. Dr. Randolph is away for a few days, but I’m gonna give her a call. I’ll be right back, okay? Just hang tight.

[ Door opens, closes ] Tj. What is it? What is dr. Westbourne concerned about? Hi, britt. I’m sort of in the middle of something with some family friends. What’s up? I don’t want to keep you. I just did an ultrasound on willow tait. The baby is fine, but I noticed inflamed tissue nearby and swelling in the lymph nodes. You’re worried about enlargement of her liver, aren’t you? Yes, but you are the expert. Have dr. Carmichael run her blood work and schedule an ultrasound on her liver. I should be back by the time the results are in. Okay, will do. Thanks, terry. Jeff? Carolyn? Elizabeth: So why don’t you just

go call bosnia

and tell my parents

how impossible I am?

They just want me to be like

saint sarah

and not give anybody

any problems.

Their work, their patients,

their life.

I just wish we all made

an effort to stay in touch.

My dad is almost perfect.

He and my mom have spent

most of their lives

helping other people.

My father and I aren’t close.

Your grandpa jeff is a doctor,

just like your daddy.

And he travels all over

the world helping people.

I guess those people need him

more than we do.

I’ve tried to come to terms

with my parents’ choices.

I mean,

they’ve sacrificed a lot in pursuit of a higher calling.

They’re worried

about the world,

just not about their daughter. Me and sarah, 25 years ago. Oh, good morning, olivia. Finn. If you talk to tracy, you tell her I’m waiting, alright? I mean, she hasn’t made a move in our virtual backgammon game in — in weeks. I’m not surprised. Yeah, you’d never know she was retired. She just, uh, keeps getting into all kinds of trouble.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Groans ] Are you — a-are you okay? I — it’s so weird. Do you ever get the feeling that someone just walked over your grave? Hello, olivia.

[ Gasps, screams ]

R trading. Whatthe hell are you talking about? Ned: It’s right there in the name — insider trading. I-I think coffee is a lost cause. Well, I have something that can perk you up.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Sighs ] Go ahead.

[ Sighs ] It’s linc. He wants us to meet with his pop star today. Today? That’s — that’s so soon. Yeah, well, you’re gonna have to get to know her if you’re gonna do a duet. Okay. Well, I’ve — I’ve never met a pop star. So do you have any advice? Yes. Don’t mess this up for us.

[ Laughs ] Carly spencer. Oh. That has a very nice ring to it. It does. It really does.

[ Laughs ] Mom! Hi! Hey. Oh. I heard you were home. Yes. Yes. Oh, I’m home.

[ Laughs ] Michael’s mother knew about the potential merger, which is why she bought the stock. That’s called insider trading. And it’s illegal. Martha stewart went to prison for much less. Luckily for both of you, nobody has really looked into it. But I think it’s something that you both need to consider and never forget. Look, ned’s bluffing. He wouldn’t go there. I gotta — I gotta go meet willow. But I can see that you’re worried. Don’t be. Okay? Since she noticed nearby inflamed tissue, dr. Westbourne might be concerned that your liver has enlarged as well. And that means? Well, if your liver and your lymph nodes have swollen and your blood cell count has dropped even further… …it may mean that you’ve advanced to stage iii, which may limit your treatment options.

[ Knock on door ] Willow, I’d like you to come with me upstairs. We need to run some more tests. Finn: What is all this? Are you okay? Now, there’s the scream I love so much. And here I thought you’d gotten too classy to let your emotions out…after you let my son rot in prison and traded up to marry a quartermaine. Guard: Sorry, ma’am. D’archam patient. Don’t pay her any attention. Lsd-ing you. Oops. I meant I’ll be seeing you.

[ Laughs maniacally ] W-w-w-wait. W-w-what’s going on? W-who is that woman? Don’t you know? Unh-unh. It’s heather webber.

[ Sighs ]

[ Doorknob rattling ] Elizabeth?

[ Sighs ] Dad.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Friday, October 28, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Henry, the only thing I’m sad to leave is.

Stephanie, what up?

Sorry to keep leaving messages, but I’m pretty wound up as you can imagine. So I’m telling you again that as soon as you get that file from Sloan Peterson, I wanted deliver it to me immediately. Stephanie, I wanna thank you again for all you’ve done to neutralize that Viper. Me and my Chanel, we are forever your dead.


what the hell? Hope this isn’t a bad time. It always is for you, Ms. Peterson. Not to mention our business is concluded. And who gave you that idea?

Ten two on the nose. Right? Oh, I missed the kids Halloween party, didn’t I? Yeah. You want a leftover circus peanut? Oh no. I hate circus peanuts. Yeah. Kids didn’t like ’em either. That’s why there’s nothing left in the bag. But those, well, the staff lead ’em. Don’t worry. We’re all about free food around here.

You just said we. Yeah, I did. Force of habit, right? Well, apropo of force of habit and the fact that you used to work here. I just ran into a little kid upstairs named Malachi. He was asking after you and he showed me the most impressive fake barf trick I’ve ever seen. He said you taught it to him. Oh man.

Yeah. I’m really sad I missed that, Malachi. Oh yeah, he’s a, he’s really cool kid. Yeah, he thinks you’re pretty cool too. In fact, he said, you’re best buds. So if you stick around a little longer, maybe you could teach him another trick. Mm. And if you stick around even longer, there we go. What? What? I was just about to say.

No, I was just about to say, if you stick around even longer, you could become his doc and his good butt again. Right. That I guess it actually, what I was gonna say was, I hope you stay in Salem because I really love having you here. I love being here, but my life is in Seattle now. I just got a return to get there tonight, so I just came to say goodbye.

Thank you Bell. I am indeed thrilled to be back running Damira. No, no. I don’t intend to go public about a Batali’s crimes. Not as long as she abides by our agreement. I’m sure I’m not the only one celebrating her banishment from Salem never to be seen or her from again.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

My client is growing very impatient of your games. Well, if you knew anything about me at all, you know I don’t play games and neither do I. If you don’t pay up, this whole world will know you and your daughter’s dirty little secret. What are you talking about? Stephanie Johnson assured me that everything was resolved.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but your spin doctors spun a bunch of lies to the both of us.

Glad to see you’re still in the office. I’m glad you’re here too. So, aside from my main objective, which is revitalizing Bella Magazine, I am happy to report that I closed the McGowen deal. So I’m gonna need you to put out a press release for that asap. You know, the same standard self congratulatory bs. I will get right on that.

Thank you. But first I was hoping that I could ask you to do something for me.

So how Book your return flight, huh? Yeah, yeah. You know, now that Kayla’s doing well, I get back. That makes sense. But you know, your mom’s not gonna be too happy if you leave without seeing her. Wow. Really pulling out all the stops, aren’t you? I’m trying. Yeah. Well, as far as my mom goes, because you haven’t heard, well, I’ve been at the hospital 24 7 up until now.

What didn’t I hear? EJ Damara ran her outta town. I have no idea where she is.

Yes, I’m well aware that A and Gabby are likely are for my blood, but if they come for me, they’ll live to regret it or maybe not live at all. A little Halloween humor.

My mom made some bad choices. I know, but she was going to marry Jake. That part wasn’t a lie. Well, yeah, but does that excuse her from faking a marriage and helping herself to his demari shares? No, but I’m just saying that the punishment doesn’t fit the. She was grieving and ej what he took away Her job, her home?

Yeah. You know, he could have had her arrested and sent to Statesville. I’d say he treated her pretty well considering the circumstances. Well, not out of any sense of compassion. I mean, he had his own ulterior motives. What do you mean? I’d rather I get into it. Okay. So you have no idea where your mother is?

No, no. I just have a text from her saying that she’s okay and that she would see me soon,

but, well, it just doesn’t make sense. It’s not like Eva to give in and just leave.

That was. Damn a charge. You scared the hell outta me. There’s someone sneaking around outside. It’s the same damn costume. Ask anybody. Damn. They were, they were just right here. The way your PR meisters plan crashed and burned. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised she didn’t have the nerve to tell you. Tell me what that she sent her lackey, Chad Damira, to pay me off with Who’s money?

It wasn’t money. It was counterfeit. The only reason I found out was pure chance. If I hadn’t realized I was being scammed, I’d be out my retainer and my client could be arrested for passing big bills. You’re a fine Wanna be talking about fakes. I don’t believe a word of this ridiculous story. You have seen the evidence and you’ve heard my terms.

I’ve got no reason to lie. Has Stephanie called you today? No, but I’m sure. Gee, I wonder why she might be avoiding you. You are five points ahead in the polls and the election is next week. This is a terrible time to have your daughter’s exploits lashed across every newspaper cover in the state. Wouldn’t she agree?

Are you asking me for a favor? I know, I know. I already owe you big time for covering for me with Sloan last night. You think? Well, it’s not like I meant to find you handcuffed to her bed practically naked. Well, that was a surprise for the both of us, trust me. But you know, Stephanie, I do not think that the words naked and handcuffs in the same sentence is appropriate office conversation.

Probably not. Hmm. Look, I’m not going to tell Slum that you broke into her apartment, but you can’t do it again. You’re right about that. I can’t push my luck, but I told Paul Price that I would deliver the compromising materials This. Sloan’s been threatening her with today, and I don’t know how I’m gonna do that without your help.

So Stephanie told me that it’s far more interesting to be in Salem than to live in Seattle. Oh yeah. Did she tell you why she feels that? Oh, come on. You know, there is never a dull moment here. We have our own super villains, we have paranormal activities. There’s Dr. Ralph raising people from the dead. And of course you have your wildly fascinating family who lives here.

Gee, you wouldn’t be sending me on a guilt trip now, would you, mom? Mm-hmm. Be totally outta. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. Enough about family. I was wondering about Wendy Shin. Wendy Shin. That’s a pretty random wonder. No, not really. I heard you and trip talking about her when you both thought I was sleepy.

What? You’re kidding. No. And it sounded like you were both kind of into her. Well, disregarding the fact that you were eavesdropping on trip and i’s conversation ? Um, I was not eavesdropping. You both were in my room talking very loudly as I recall. Mm, yeah, I guess we probably were. And you know, because you’re still in such a weakened state and I’ll let it go this time.

That was very kind. And uh, yeah, back to Wendy. Trip and I might be kind of into her, but unless you want Salem to get even more interesting, you definitely don’t wanna see the two of us in intense competition for the attention of the very same woman. So that won’t work for a reason, uh, to keep me or trip here.

Sorry. Okay. You’re right. But you can’t blame a girl for trying. No, I can’t. And I love you for it. Just remember, we’ll be video chatting all the time and you’ll come visit. We’ll come back here, you know? Right. But seriously, I do want you to be happy wherever you are. Thanks, mom.

So are you still on, on Track to get outta here? Absolutely. And if anybody tries to stand in my way, I promise you that I will sign me out myself. I bet you well, um, you sure it isn’t worth staying a couple extra days just to make sure you’re okay. Especially after scaring us all half to death with that, you know, flat lining stunt you pulled, tell the truth.

You did it for attention, didn’t you? Huh? Cause it worked. I mean, look at all these. Yeah. Honestly, I’ve been so exhausted. I haven a chance to look at them. Oh, I can help you out with that. What’s more fun than open in presence? Go for it. Okay. Judging by the size of this box, I’m guessing it is candy. Hm, let me see.

Well, if it is candy, it probably is from Julie. She really loves her salt water tap, and she always tapes the cards. Yeah, well see for yourself.

Wow. What’s wrong? Uh, this isn’t from Julie, it’s from Morpheus.

I’m sure you probably just saw a trick or treater

trick or treaters tend to come to the front door. Well, they probably got lost, or they’re playing a prank on you. They’re wearing the exact same outfit you have. Yeah, so we’re a hundred other people. I just took Thomas and Charlotte, the HARTON score. It’s a better song. These things were 1999.

Look what you saw out there was probably just. I suppose you right. Ah, why do you wanna see me? I gotta get home the talk of the kids very well. Um, I’ll make this short and sweet. Chad, I would like you to come back and look at the mirror.

I still think that file is in that locked filing cabinet in Sloan’s apartment, which is total speculation on your. Well, it wouldn’t be if I’d had the chance to pick the lock, but you didn’t and we just agreed that you can’t do that again. Okay. You’re right about that. Um, but maybe someone who’s a welcome visitor to slums bedroom could somehow find the opportunity.

Hold up. Are you asking me to pick a lock? Like. Legit commit a crime. Nevermind. You probably don’t have the skills. Oh, that’s not the point. Or maybe you can look around and find the key. Oh, I think I know where the key is, but I also think that stealing from Sloan is crossing a major line. Oh, come on.

Think about the line she’s crossed. Sloane should have never had these materials in the first place. Look, When I first took this job with Paulina, I thought that helping her get elected was gonna be simple, you know, the usual fundraisers and campaign speeches. I’ve never dealt with anything like this before.

It was blackmail and I guess it just threw me. I mean, the stakes have never been higher. I just, I thought I could do my usual clever spin until I managed to fix the situation. I’ve always been able to do it. Why not the ceiling? When you’re fast on your feet, you trust that you’ll always find a way to be able to run yourself outta trouble, so you can’t.

But now you’re asking me to fix things for you. This is not just about me. Well, no, this is about Paulina and her. Now you know what this is about so much more than that. This is about the future of our community and state. We are laying it on thick now, aren’t we? No, I’m not. Paulina’s campaign is way more than a job for me.

I believe in her. I think she can do great things for this state. I’d work for her for. Wow. So then I suppose that would be a bad time to ask you to maybe reconsider the ridiculous rate that you’re charging. Titan, are you gonna help me or not? Well, Stephanie, why don’t we get clear on what this help is that you are asking of me?

You are asking me to go have sex with Sloane. Yeah, you can go over to Sloan’s apartment and look for a key without having sex with her again, for sure. But

look, there are no real feelings between me and Sloan, but sex or no sex, I don’t feel comfortable going over to her apartment with a secret agenda of stealing from her.

You know what? I shouldn’t have asked you to do this. This is my problem. I will solve it myself. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go deal with this press release.

This is pure, unadulterated black male. It’s business shady as hell business. And when I’m governor, the first thing I’m going to do is report you to the state bar for unethical practices. You’ll never be governor if you don’t make this deal. And might I add these stalling techniques aren’t exactly earning points with my client.

In fact, the price just went up dramatically. Oh. Well, you can tell your mystery client, I am done dealing with underlings. I demand to speak with him directly. And what makes you think it’s a him? I’m paid to protect my client’s anonymity. So you’re gonna deal with me and only me here is the new dollar figure.

And the number to the escrow will count offshore. If the money’s not in their first thing tomorrow morning, your political career is over, and so is your daughter’s life as you know it.

I know it’s not like my mom to just let go of anything without a fight. I think that falling in love with Jake Damara and then losing him so suddenly just took all the fight out of her. Well, I hope that’s true for your’s sake, because I know how devoted you are to your mom, and I don’t want to have to see you worrying about her all the time.

Okay. It’s probably wondering where I am about now. I think your brother’s in there saying, You wanna come and join us? Yeah. I’ll be there in a minute. I’m gonna text my mom, let her know I’m heading out tonight. I’m still hoping I might find a way to be able to see her before I leave.

I hope so too.

Uh, the holiday party’s upstairs. You got off on the front floor.

What’s your mother,

son of a bitch? Has the goal to send you a get well card? What does it say? Hey, Joe. Hey dad.

Oh man, some candy,

sweetness. What’s wrong? Orpheus sent her a.

Congratulations. You’ve lived to tell the tale. I don’t know how you managed to get your hands on that serum, but I am man enough to admit when I’ve been vested, I guess it’s back to Statesville for me. I may have squandered my pardon. A few ladies will never be far from my thought. Sincerely.

Hey, what are you doing here? I, you’re leaving town, right? So I figured you’d be here hanging with the Johnson Klan. I, I’ve been so worried about you. I’m really sorry that EJ threatened you and it makes you feel any better. I really got into it with him and I punched him in the face, in fact. Okay. Well that’s my boy

So, so tell me what your plan is. Like where, where are you staying? Do you have any money? No, I’m making due. Right? Well, if you need anything, mommy shouldn’t have to be sneaking around to see the people you care about. Okay. Well, I’m not gonna have to sneak around much longer. Okay. You’re the only person left that I care about am mean other than my grandson who barely knows me.

What if you go someplace you wouldn’t sneak around at all? Come back to Seattle with me.

So what exactly would I be doing at Damara? Whatever you want. You can name me on times, you know the company inside and out, and I need you on my. And of course your stock shares will be returned to you.

That’s unexpected. Having the company back in the family’s hands means everything to me. But having everyone get along, dare I say, working together means even more.

That means. And I am very grateful that we were able to make amends. I’m flattered ej, but uh, as far as the offer, I have to say no.

Oh my, I did not know we were playing dress up tonight. So should I go put on my orange jumpsuit? You know, I think we’re both wearing too many twelves. Strip search it is then. Mm-hmm.

Oh, I could really use a dish nest. I had one hell of a day. Really? What happened? You know, I can’t disclose the details of my cases with you, but, um, you hired Stephanie Johnson for Titan pr? No. Yeah. Why?

You should really get rid of her. Like I said, I can’t go into details. Suffice to say she is an incompetent lying bitch.

Whoa. I’m sorry to hear that. It’s too bad, but I didn’t come here to talk about business. I can’t even to handle it this time. Mm-hmm. , I’ll do the honors.

Paulina. Hi. Listen, I got your messages. May I presume you have the materials you promise to get from Sloan about that. Do you have them or don’t you? I don’t have them in my hands right this minute, but don’t worry, I’m working on it as we speak. Oh, I’m not worried. I’m furious. Ms. Peterson was just here a few minutes ago.

Oh yes. Oh, I’m fired, aren’t I? With extreme prejudice.

I don’t know, trip. You know the cost of living in Seattle won’t be a problem for you, I swear. Right? You can stay with me and Joey in Stephanie’s old, old room. Yeah. Joey’s not gonna be too happy about that. What’s the alternative? Mom gonna go back to Philly. It’s the life you look behind. Okay. You know what?

You will be very glad to know that I couldn’t go back to that life, even if I wanted. Cousin Angelo’s taking a new bride, and he made it crystal clear that there is no room in the tri-state area for two mafia princesses. Okay, then come and stay with me. Joey’s my brother, he’ll understand. Mom, you’ve worked too hard to turn your life around and you don’t deserve to be treated like this.

So just come with me please. Let me help you out for a change.

Okay. Really . Yeah, there’s, um, there’s just one thing I need to take care of first.

It’s hard to take rejection from a clown all that seriously, and I realize you’re not used to hearing the word. Look, Chad, I am painfully aware that I treated you abysmally last time you worked together, but I promise you this time things will be different. Look, ej, that means a lot to me. Really. I appreciate it.

And, and, and honestly, I, I probably would say yes to the offer, but I’ve already taken another job. I know about that. I, I read the press release. You’re consulting at S J P R, but surely there can’t be much of a future in that for. The company is going to lose a major client in one week after the election for one thing, and you’d have a lot more responsibility at the mirror.

But see, that’s the thing. I don’t want more responsibility. I’m just dipping my toe back in and, and you know, I get to choose how much I can handle there. And, and I, I appreciate that. Fine. You can come back to DIR at your own. Look pr it’s different. And honestly, I kind of like it and I really like working with Stephanie.

What? Nothing. I, I, I just, I just thought I detected a little something when you mentioned to her name. Stop. Why? Because I said that I like working with, with her. No, I’m not ready to date yet. And, and honestly, I probably won’t be for a very long.

I can certainly understand that. Look, if you are happy in your current job, then I’m happy for you. But if you ever change your mind, the door to DIR will always be open. Thank you. I really, I really appreciate it. Now I know you have to get out of here. I will give my love to your kids. Okay. Okay. Hey, so I still get my shares back.

Of course. What about Kate? She get hers back. Never. Okay buddy. Thanks

Marla. And Kate got the same card, but you ladies will never be far from my thoughts. God, that’s so creepy. Yeah. It’s pretty simple. Orpheus knows he failed in his mission, so he’s doing whatever he can to make us think he’s still a threat, but I think he sees it riding on the wall and he knows he can’t beat us.

You know that baby, don’t you? Orpheus is never gonna beat us. Right? You welcome. Hey, let’s get a little late for the party.

What’s going on? Nothing you need to worry about.

Um, so I hear that uh, you boys are determined to go back to Seattle tonight. Yeah. And uh, Joey looks like we might have a little company stay with us for a little while.

I can explain. I don’t want to hear it. You lied to me over and over again. You assured me that you had control of the situation when all you’ve done is make it even worse. Now, what hell were you thinking? Trying to pay a black male with funny money. Okay. I thought, no, you didn’t. If you’d given it the least bit of fault, you would’ve let me know the truth of what was going on and given me the chance to decide how to handle this situation.

No, you took that chance away from me. Now because of your foolishness, miss Peterson’s client is the man even more money, and I had no choice what to pay it. I know where the documents are. Just give me a chance to get my hands on them and I can make this right. Oh, how many tons have I heard? Ms. Price. I have been working 24 7 to fix this.

I’d rather you’d work nine and a five and actually accomplish something. You said it yourself. If you pay her, the demands will never stop. It will, thanks to you. I really have no other options. Now, do I?

Let’s make things a little bit more exciting. What do you have in mind? Officer? I’ve been a very bad girl. Lucky for you. I know exactly how to handle bad girls. Hmm? What are you doing? Don’t worry, baby. You just lay there. All beautiful. And relax. Well, now I can’t see your handsome and face and hot body.

And what’s the point in that? Well, the point that no peeking is for you. Mm-hmm. not to see what’s coming.

Okay. Okay. A B,

do I have a surprise for you?

What are you doing? I told you, baby, I’m getting undressed. How many buttons does that outfit have? What’s that noise? I told you, babe. It’s a surprise. You know, I, um, heard this story about my cousin going to this sex. Where she handcuffed the guy to bed while she was searching for this rare amethyst, and you know what?

She didn’t even end up sleeping with the guy.

What a.

I’m so sorry, Paulina. I really wanted to her for you. I want to hear another word coming outta your lying mouth. I can’t risk the secret coming out and ruining not only my chances of becoming governor, but more importantly my daughter’s life. I’m so sorry. You’re going to be even sorry. You know, I call Victor CUAs and all your other high profile.

And tells them they need to cut ties with you asap. By the time I’m done with U S J R will be DOA with a dnr.

Wait a minute, you invited your mother to live with us without even asking me. And she actually agreed. I mean, she didn’t have much choice. She doesn’t have anywhere else to go, but she’s sad. She’s lost and. Well, she is my mom, so now you want her to be our roommate. Sure. I can’t talk you into staying in Salem

at a grip. There is no knife wielding killer out there.

You don’t look like a trick or treater. Can I just do a sour gummy? No. Thank you. Okay, well you want me to come into work? I just have to finish up with the kids. No, not tonight, and maybe not ever. I just got fired.

Talk about lousy timing. They’re telling me,

don’t take another step. Who are you and what do you want?

Yes, mother. You startled me. What are you doing here? Oh my goodness. I wish. Oh my God. I have to tell you, something’s very, very, very, very important. Oh my God. It’s me talking. Your mama talking. Okay. I the clown over there. I mean, I don’t think clowns here said like, you having bad news. What, baby? What do you need to tell me?

I want to tell you something sweet. Her el. You are in terrible. Daddy, you.

This is goodbye Jake. I am leaving town other than my grandson Henry. The only thing I am sad to leave is.

I want you to know what a big decision this was for me. I was determined to get revenge and you’re bastard of brother for he did me and what he did to both of us.

Can I talk to my son?

And I decided to just let it. Ah, well that was your first mistake.

You’ve been listening to the wrong son.

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B&B Transcript Friday, October 28, 2022

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Howling ]

[ Spooky organ music ]

[ Siren in a distance ]

Deacon: What the f–

Sheila: Happy halloween, mr. Sharpe. It’s time for your physical. Nurse sheila carter reporting for duty.

[ Heart beating ]

Sheila: Oh. Seems to be elevating.

Deacon: Huh?

Sheila: Your heart.

Deacon: Cute. What exactly are you doing?

Sheila: Oh. Enjoying my favorite holiday of the year.

Deacon: Well, no surprise there.

Sheila: Oh, come on. What’s the big deal?

Deacon: Well, every day that you’re here, I am harboring a fugitive.

Sheila: Harboring a fugitive?

Deacon: Mm-hmm.

Sheila: Didn’t you hear? I’m supposed to be dead.

Deacon: Oh.

Sheila: At least for now.

Deacon: Hmm.

Sheila: I’ll tell you. I can’t wait to get out there and celebrate with my family. I think it’s gonna have to wait until next year.

Deacon: Wait, wait a second. What do you mean next year? Sheila, you got a one-way trip back to prison if you’re even seen resurfacing.

Sheila: Oh come on, deacon. Don’t underestimate me. I am like a cat. I’ve got nine lives.

Deacon: Don’t you mean nine toes?

Sheila: Okay. So my back might be against the wall right now, but history has proven itself time and time again and I always find a way out. You just watch me.

Eric: All right. Uh, I’ll have carter send this to your legal over at fenmore’s and, uh, that’ll be it. We’re all done. That’s it.

Lauren: That’s it.?

Eric: Yes.

Lauren: I wish all my meetings went this smoothly.

Eric: When lauren fenmore is only here for a quick layover from genoa city, we get it done.

[ Lauren laughing ] This is a wonderful order. Thank you.

Lauren: Oh, it is my pleasure. This new hope for the future line, I mean, it is phenomenal. I have no doubt that it is gonna sell out at fenmore’s and then I’ll be back for some more.

Eric: It’s, uh, it’s halloween. Would you share a halloween cocktail with me before you get back to genoa city?

Lauren: Are you kidding? You read my mind.

Eric: Yes? Good. What do you think we should drink to?

Lauren: Oh, I think we should drink to the fact that halloween is gonna be a lot less spooky now that that witch sheila carter is dead.

[ Door banging ]

[ Doorbell ringing ]

Kids: Trick or treat!

Deacon: All right, look at you guys. Hey, let’s get you some candy here. Huh? This and take this.

Uncle: You guys you gotta show him your moves.

Deacon: Oh, yeah. Let me see. Let’s see. What do you got?

Parent: Show him your moves.

[ Kids yelling ]

Deacon: You’re karate’s awesome. You got a pretty cool uncle too.

Kid: Thank you.

Uncle: Well, we didn’t want you to miss out on all the trick or treating fun.

Deacon: Thanks, buddy. Happy halloween.

Kids: Happy halloween.

Uncle: See you, partner.

Sheila: See? Aren’t you glad I bought candy? They were adorable. I can’t wait to be on the other side of that door.

Deacon: The only other side you’re gonna be seeing is the other side of a prison cell.

Sheila: Oh, you know what? You seem to be forgetting how creative I can be.

Deacon: Uh, kidnapping, identity theft, attempted murder. No. I think I have a pretty good idea.

Sheila: All things that I never set out to do. I– I was just trying to– to make it, all right? My life in genoa city was perfect until lauren fenmore decided to target me, and that’s when everything got screwed up.

Lauren: You keep this up

and you’ll lose big.

Sheila: Are you

threatening me?

Lauren: You’re damn right

I’m threatening you.

You don’t know the meaning

of trouble. You mess with me

and you’re gonna find out.

So why don’t you just stay

away from my husband?

Sheila: ‘Cause I’m really–

Lauren: I’m a very

powerful woman,

and I wouldn’t forget that

if I were you. Now, this

will be your only warning.

You keep your claws away

from my husband or you’re

gonna have to answer to me.

And believe me,

you don’t wanna do that.

Molly: She– sheila, no!

She– she– sheila! Sheila!

Sheila: You deserve–

would you just–

[ Lantern shattering ]

Deacon: Thank god they got out of there okay.

Sheila: But you know what? What about me? She’s the one that started the fire.

Deacon: Sheila, I think it would take a lot more than an inferno to take you down.

Sheila: Okay. Well, the moral is, I– I left genoa city and I started new.

Deacon: You didn’t have a lot of options.

Sheila: We all have options. I answered an ad for a– a corporate nurse at forrester creations, and it turned into so much more.

Eric: I know it sounds

like we’re looking for

a babysitter, but the fact

is, we wouldn’t consider

anyone with credentials

less than yours. The fact is

his current nanny is

a registered nurse as well.

Are you comfortable

with children?

Sheila: Oh, yes. Yes.

I– I love children.

Eric: Well, if you are,

uh, available for a couple

of hours, uh, it wouldn’t be

much longer than that.

Sheila: No, that’s fine,

then. I’d love to watch

your child, mr. Forrester.

And I promise you, he’ll be

in very good hands.

Eric: Thank you, sheila.

Sheila: He wants me.

He really wants me.

[ Sighing ]

Watch out, brooke,

watch out.

[ Record scratching ]

Deacon: And everyone lived happily ever after, not.

Sheila: Okay. Well, the point is, I came here with nothing and I remade myself. I started a whole new glorious chapter, and I will do that again. You just mark my words. You watch me.

Find nutrients.

Find energy.

Eric: You tried to warn me time after time about sheila carter and to no avail. I ended up somehow married to her.

Lauren: Mm. I mean, I’m not normally a person for “I told you so”s, but–

Eric: As accurate as it would be, I had no idea when I hired nurse sheila, how that decision would affect our families.

Lauren: Well, to be fair, I’m sure she left off kidnapping and leaving people to die in a fire from her resume.

Eric: Yeah.

Lauren: And that was before she got to los angeles. What she did to you and stephanie.

Eric: The havoc that she caused to so many people, to anybody in her way.

Lauren: Oh my god. The battles we had.

Sheila: You can’t hurt me.

You’re no ridge.

Not with men and not with

children. Your own son even

thinks I’m his mother.

Lauren: Oh, you bitch!

[ Both grunting ]

[ Glass breaking ]

Lauren: You wouldn’t dare.

Deacon: You really get into this stuff, don’t you?

Sheila: It’s the most wonderful night of the year. Speaking of which, you know, you’re so into those toe jokes I had some chocolate once made. They’re right there. Help yourself.

Deacon: Yeah. Uh, mm, I think I’m gonna pass. Well, I gotta say this for you, you definitely know how to make the most of a situation.

Sheila: You see, you’re catching on. I really feel like I can wiggle myself out of this– this situation the same way I did when I left your girlfriend nikki’s hometown.

Deacon: Uh, she was my ex-wife. And you fled.

Sheila: I left and i started a new chapter in my life that was incredible becoming mrs. Eric forrester. You know, stephanie, she just– she fought me at every turn.

Stephanie: Until you are

mrs. Forrester, you are not

mrs. Forrester, and you’re

gonna be treated as any

other salaried employee

in this company. Secondly,

I own half of this company.

You know, it surprises me

someone as smart as you

is constantly

forgetting that.

Sheila: Well, I fail

to see the relevance as

to who owns the company.

Stephanie: Oh, I suppose

it’s just a bread and butter

issue. I’m the butter

on your bread.

Sheila: But eric is the

bread, and I prefer mine

without butter.

Would you let eric and me live

our lives?

Stephanie: Not as

a husband and wife. No. No.

Never. I am never gonna let

that happen. This wedding is

history. And you are finished

with eric. Do you understand?


Sheila: But I survived. I survived every vicious attack against me and– and my character. I may not be mrs. Eric forrester anymore, but you know what? I won. I came out on top because I’m still here. I wanna thank you my precious deacon for letting me be here. But it’s not gonna be for much longer. Soon, I’m going to be as free as a bird. You’ll see.

From the #1 fiber brand comes

metamucil gummies.

Lauren: What you and stephanie went through.

Eric: Yeah. You didn’t have it any easier.

Lauren: Oh, no. You and i were both on the receiving end of sheila’s wrath quite a few times.

[ Water splashing ]

Sheila: Die!

No, it is going

to end right here, right now.

And it’s going to start with

you, stephanie. I– I was the victim here. I never meant to do any harm to anyone. I– I just was on my own so much that I– I just– I did some things that I wasn’t very proud of.

I am through playing games

with you, stephanie. Do you

understand me? If you don’t

stop interfering,

you’re going to regret it.

You’re not going anywhere.

[ Stephanie grunting ]

Make sure you stay away

from me. Do you understand?

[ Both screaming ]

You tell any anyone one word

about what happened

last night and I swear

I will pay a little visit

to your precious grandson.

Stephanie: No, you won’T.

Sheila: Oh, yes. Yes.

Stephanie, I will.

Stephanie: You stay away

from that baby.

Sheila: Then you stay

away from my husband.

You make one more move

on him, stephanie, and thomas

won’t live to see his first

birthday. And I swear to god,

I’ll do it. You wanna play

ugly? I wrote the book on it.

And if there’s one thing

you know, stephanie dear,

I make good on my threats. I never meant to hurt anyone. I just wanted to be loved.

Deacon: Sheila, I think that desire to be loved got you in a lot of trouble.

Sheila: Yeah. But I persevered.

Deacon: Yeah. All the way back to this palace. Right? Taking you in as my roommate is gonna go down as one of the dumbest decisions I’ve ever made. But then again, I didn’t really have much of a choice. Now, did I?

Sheila: Yeah. Well, you can relax my precious, because you know what? This is not forever. This is not the end of the road.

Deacon: Sheila, admit it. You’re screwed.

Sheila: Oh my god. Do you know how many times I’ve had somebody tell me that? No. Even lauren and– and stephanie, they tried their hardest and I was damned well determined to not let those bitches take me down. And they didn’T. The best years of my life are yet to come. All right. Mr. Jack-o-lantern.

[ Sheila laughing ] Pretty scary, huh?

Deacon: Oh, yeah. Yeah. You sure as hell are.

[ Sheila laughing ] I’m getting vaccinated with prevnar 20.

Eric: Lauren, this has been wonderful.

Lauren: Yes. And thankfully, no more nasty tricks as far as sheila’s concerned.

Eric: No, no. I think that we can all rest assured, she’s had her final curtain call met with a grizzly end.

Lauren: Oh, dear. Yes.

Eric: We can all rest assured that she’s not gonna be coming around anymore.

Lauren: No.

Eric: Safe trip.

Lauren: Okay. Thank you.

Deacon: Well, I am curious how you envision this resurrection happening.

Sheila: I’m– I’m working on it.

Deacon: Sheila, we both know what happens if you leave this apartment and I’m not baking you a cake with a file in it.

Sheila: I’m going to get forgiveness.

Deacon: From who? From finn? From steffy? From the forrester’s or the logan’s? Are you forgetting what led you to faking your own death?

Sheila: It’s not like I set out to do any of this. If steffy would’ve just given me a chance. You know, let– let me get to know my son and my grandson instead of fighting me at every turn.

Finn: All my life,

I’ve wondered about meeting

you. I needed you today.

Steffy: I– I don’t wanna

hear it anymore. You’re

never gonna be welcome in

my family. So, you might as

well make your way back

to genoa city.

Sheila: You have no idea

the friend that I’ve already

been to you and your mother.

Steffy: You’re never gonna

be a friend, sheila. If you

wanna do something, you can

stay away from me, finn,

thomas, my son, my mother.

Just stay the hell away.

Being loved by you is

a curse. You will never be

part of our lives.

You hear me?

[ Gunshot ]

Finn: Oh!

[ Thud ]

Sheila: No!

Deacon: Sheila, no one can survive this. You’re guilty of a double shooting, of attempted murder, of escaping prison, which by the way, was very cool among other things. But if the forresters find out that you’re alive and they will find out, you’re gonna go to prison for the rest of your life.

Sheila: Oh deacon, deacon, deacon. You haven’t been listening. I’m a survivor. Yes, I’ve had ups and downs and there have been misunderstandings, but I– I– I truly believe people get what they deserve. I deserve another chance. The best is yet to come, so just stay tuned. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You have not seen the last of sheila carter. Not by a long shot. Happy halloween.

[ Sheila laughing ]

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GH Short Recap Friday, October 28, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Drew and Joseph visit Oscar’s grave because it’s his birthday and Josslynn tells Oscar that she feels she and Cameron are drifting apart but she doesn’t want to tell him because she doesn’t think he can handle it.

Cameron advises Finn not to try to be Elizabeth’s hero because it makes her feel helpless like she can’t take care of herself.

Carly tells Bobbie that she has decided to take the last name Spencer and Bobbie is thrilled that Carly would take her last name.

Brook Lynn gets a text message from Linc telling her he wants Chase to meet his duet partner.

Ned tells Drew and Michael he will have them arrested for insider trading if they try to take over ELQ while Valentin is missing.

Britt runs some tests on Willow because she fears that her leukemia has advanced to stage three. Elizabeth goes to her parents’ house to search for clues while Terry talks to her parents at a coffee shop. Elizabeth’s memories of her parents putting helping others ahead of their daughters and she feels hurt again. Elizabeth is surprised when her father Jeff (now played by William Mosses) arrives home.

Olivia is stunned to see Heather Webber (now being played by Alley Mills)at the hospital.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, October 27, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Cameron and Josslyn go visit Spencer in Pentonville and they tell him that Trina found out everything he did to try and prove her innocence on the day they brought him to Pentonville. Cameron and Josslyn tell Spencer about Trina’s new internship and that she is trying to catch up on all her schoolwork. Spencer is glad Trina is happy and dating Rory because he always wanted her to be happy. Cameron asks Spencer to keep his head down and be safe because he has friends and family that love him and are waiting for him to come home. Spencer calls Trina but she doesn’t answer her phone and he doesn’t leave her a message.

Rory and Trina have to sleep in the same room because the hotel made a mistake and there are no more rooms available. Rory and Trina almost make love, but Trina stops because she is thinking about Spencer.

Sam wonders why Cody doesn’t want her to investigate how Peter came into possession of the diamond necklace. Mac tells Cody that if the DNA test results say that they are father and son they can have whatever kind of relationship with which he feels comfortable.

Brook Lynn and Chase make love for the first time after she hears Chase’s radio interview in which he calls her his muse.

Sonny and Nina have their date interrupted by Victor. Sonny tells Victor that if he finds out he had anything to do with framing Anna or Lucy’s disappearance he will come after him.

Josslyn tells Cameron that she should have told him about rescuing Dex from Sonny. Cameron tells Josslyn she can tell him anything and Josslynn promises to do better. Cameron and Josslyn make love for the first time since the video incident.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, October 27, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: Okay, well, you know, I need to take off a little bit early. I’m meeting up with Johnny and we’re gonna grab a bite to eat and then we’re heading to Walnut Grove to watch Katie in her Halloween parade.

Nikki: Oh, well, that sounds nice. Little bit of fun and normalcy for a change.

Victoria: Normalcy? What is that?


Harrison: Zippy woke me up!

Kyle: Ohh, no. Bad Zippy! Ugh!

Summer: [Laughs] Come up here with us.

Harrison: Whee!

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, October 28, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Lily tells Devon that Billy is leaving Chancellor-Winters because he wasn’t happy being a businessman. Devon worries that Lily will have too much on her plate without any help at the company. Lily assures Devon that she can handle things until she finds a new COO. Lily advises Devon to go see Amanda since he has been feeling distant from her lately. Devon tells Lily there hasn’t been any change in Nana’s medical condition.

Chelsea sees Billy at the park and tells him that after she saw Johnny today she finally realized that he wants nothing to do with her right now. Chelsea tells Billy that she will not try to force a relationship with Johnny and she will wait until he is ready for have a relationship with her.

Johnny sees Connor at Crimson Lights. Connor tells Johnny that his mom has been acting strangely and he is worried about her. Johnny tells Connor that he thinks Chelsea has been following him. Connor invites Johnny to the sleepover Halloween party. Adam and Victoria think it is a good idea for the boys to do something fun together.

Billy tells Victoria about his conversation with Chelsea and he feels something is off about her. Chelsea continues to cry in her hotel room and think about all the things that have gone wrong in her life lately. Adam invites Chelsea to the Glam Club for a drink and he tells her that she should consider seeing a counselor and she agrees that it is a good idea. Chelsea is overwhelmed by sad thoughts and tells Adam she is going to the bathroom. Chelsea goes up to the roof of the Grand Phoenix and cries and says she can’t take it anymore and she just wants to stop the pain.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, October 27, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Victoria: Oh, hey.

Nikki: Hey.

Victoria: I was just you.

Nikki: About nate, by any chance?

Victoria: How did you know?

Nikki: I just saw him out by the elevators, and when I said hello, he seemed so preoccupied, he barely even realized I was there.

Victoria: Yes, well, he does have a lot on his mind. I just offered him the ceo position at newman media.

Nikki: What?

Victoria: Well, he’s taking some time to consider it, but i hope to hear back from him soon.

Nikki: What about chancellor-winters? The two of you had a deal.

Victoria: Yes, I know. And I don’t really want to get into the gory details, but suffice it to say, the ipo is on hold and nate’s out of a job.

Nikki: Things blew up with his family, didn’t they? They must have figured out that he was working with you to help newman become the majority shareholder.

Victoria: Yes, they are aware that he was feeding information to a ceo and they know what his end game was, but nate refused to name names, so they don’t know that it was me.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Well, that’s why he was acting this way. He’s probably feeling the consequences of his actions. I mean, that can’t be easy. But he made his choice.

Victoria: And I made mine.

Nikki: Yes. So it would seem.

Victoria: You know, nate could have exposed me at any time, but he chose not to do that kind of loyalty is very rare these days.

Nikki: So, as his reward, you’re going to bring him on here in a top-level executive position?

Victoria: I just think that he deserves a fresh start. And, yes, I know. I know that he doesn’t have a lot of business experience, but his work at chancellor-winters involved entertainment. It involved media. And I think that he is up for the challenge.

Nikki: Well, it sounds like you have a lot of faith in him.

Victoria: Yes, nate is very sharp. He’s an analytical thinker. He doesn’t always go for the obvious answer. He and I — we have an excellent rapport, and I think he’d be a great fit.

Nikki: What if he turns you down?

Victoria: Well, then I have a whole list of other candidates, all of whom would do a much better job than the current head of newman media.

Nikki: Mm. So sally’s out either way.

Victoria: Her time with us is coming to an end.

Sally: So, “we need to talk” usually means someone’s about to tell you something that you’re not gonna like, especially when they insist on moving to a more private area to have the conversation. Feel free to tell me that I’m wrong ’cause that does happen on rare occasions.

Nick: I wish I could. Uh, I have some difficult news to tell you.

Sally: [ Breathes deeply ] I kind of figured.

Nick: So, uh… I guess, uh…

[ Exhales sharply ]

Sally: Just hit me.

Nick: Okay. Uh, newman enterprises has decided to replace you and chloe at newman media.

Kyle: Alright, you two, smile.

Summer: Smile!

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Ahh. Alright, one more, but silly faces this time.

[ Laughter ] Oh, that’s awesome.

Summer: Here, give me a high five. Yes!

Kyle: Oh, you two are the cutest.

Summer: [ Laughs ] Ever since linda brought you here, I have not been able to stop smiling.

Kyle: Me neither. We’re so happy you’re here. We missed you, harrison.

Summer: So much.

Kyle: And we have a ton of fun things planned for the next couple days — boat rides, snorkeling.

Summer: That’s right, and a little hike in the rainforest. Do you know what a rainforest is?

Harrison: Huh-unh.

Summer: It’s this magical place with tons of trees, like we read about in your fairy tales. And it also has all of these animals that you can’t find anyplace else in the world.

Kyle: Wait till you see the birds. They come in every color. It’s totally awesome.

Summer: I have a feeling you’re gonna to want to take one home as a pet, but I don’t think that grandpa jack would like that very much.

Kyle: That’s okay. It’ll make it even more special since we can only visit them here. And I’ll take tons of photos.

Summer: And I’m gonna take tons of photos of the three of us so we can remember every special moment on this vacation.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. First things first. Time to hit that beach that’s right outside our door.

Summer: Ooh! Are you ready?

Harrison: Yeah!

Kyle: Let’s do it!

Summer: Yes!

[ Laughs ]

Kyle: Grab this.

Summer: Alright.

Kyle: Come on.

Summer: Let’s go.

Chelsea: Hey. Chloe, it’s me. Um, I-I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time. I was seeing if you wanted to get together. Oh. Oh, you’re away with the kids. That’s — I — yeah, I didn’t know. That’s great. No, no, no. No. Go. Go. Have fun. Okay. Bye.

[ Sighs ]

[ Keys jangle ] If you still have symptoms of moderate

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Kyle: What? A little rain? It’s a monsoon out there.

Summer: Oh, my god, I think you’re exaggerating just a wee bit.

Kyle: Just as we walk out to the beach, the skies open up. Figures, right?

Summer: Ah, well, we are in the tropics. It showers like this all the time. I’m sure it’ll clear up soon and we can get back out there and jump in the ocean and bury you in the sand and build a castle on top.

Kyle: Ooh, I don’t know. That’s a pretty ambitious plan.

[ Laughter ]

Summer: In the meantime, there’s plenty we can do right here in the villa. Right?

Kyle: Sure is. Um…what should we do first? You want to play cards or read each other a story?

Summer: I have a much better idea.

Kyle: Oh! Ohh. I think I know what you’re talking about. Summer and I put together a little surprise for you, and we were gonna give it to you later, but we think now is the perfect time.

Summer: It sure is.

Kyle: Oh. And even though we’re not in genoa city, that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate…halloween!

Summer: Ooh! You know what to say, right?

Harrison: Trick or treat!

Summer: [ Laughs ] Exactly.

Kyle: There you go, buddy. It’s just like the one you would have gotten at home.

Summer: And look — it’s not just candy in there. There’s toys, too.

Kyle: Ooh. Are those…?

Summer: Vampires teeth. Num, num, num, num, num! I’m gonna eat you up!

[ Laughter ] And look — there’s stickers and bubbles.

Kyle: Ooh, I bet you want to show all this stuff to zippy the fox.

Harrison: I love these things.

Kyle: I know. Why don’t you go show zippy the fox and then we’ll have a snack and then afterwards you canso candy when we play games.

Harrison: Yay.

Kyle: Yeah? Go show him.

Summer: Go show him.

Kyle: Go show him.

Summer: Ahh. I think your idea was a hit.

Kyle: Our idea. Yeah. I think he liked it.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Next year he can dress up and we’ll take him trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.

Kyle: Thank you.

Summer: For what?

Kyle: Making this even more perfect. I know it’s not the honeymoon most people would want, but it’s exactly the one for us.

Nikki: I’ve always been fond of nate. So, if you think he’s the right person for the job, I will defer to you.

Victoria: I appreciate that.

Nikki: I’m sure your father will be pleased, as well. He’s never been a fan of sally’S.

Victoria: Well, I’m gonna touch base with dad, but I’m confident he’ll be on board for the change.

Nikki: And what about nicholas? He has always been a bit of an advocate for her in the past.

Victoria: Mm-hmm, if that’s what you want to call it.

Nikki: I hope this won’t become a point of contention between you two.

Victoria: When I told nicholas, he fought me on it. But ultimately, he’s agreed with my decision. As a matter of fact, he’s with her right now breaking the news.

Nikki: Whose idea was that?

Victoria: His. It would have been much quicker and cleaner if I’d handled it, but I suppose I understand why he wanted to do it personally.

Nikki: Really? Why?

Victoria: Because — how shall I put this? — I believe that their relationship is no longer strictly professional.

Nikki: What? Are you kidding me? Nicholas and sally? How long has this been going on?

Victoria: Seems pretty recent.

Nikki: Please tell me it’s not serious.

Victoria: I have no clue, mother.

Nikki: Well, I’m sure you have asked.

Victoria: Whenever I’ve brought it up, he’s danced around the subject. But he has not denied that there’s a connection, so that makes me think that my suspicions are right on target.

Nikki: Of all the women out there…

Victoria: I know.

Nikki: Did he not stop to think about how complicated it would be to be involved with sally spectra?

Victoria: Mm. Because of summer, you mean.

Nikki: Well, that should have been enough to make him think twice, but there are so many reasons. Her history with adam. Her history with jack. She does get around.

Victoria: I don’t know if his attraction is in spite of her checkered past or because of it. And I’m not gonna speculate. I just hope that my coo is carrying out the mission that he volunteered for.

Nikki: Let’s just hope that she is mature enough to take this news with a modicum of grace because I would hate to see her make things more difficult for nicholas than they already are.

Sally: I just need a second.

Nick: Yeah. Take as long as you want. I’m not going anywhere.

Sally: I just have one question.

Nick: Ask me anything.

Sally: Is this coming from victoria? Or you?

Nick: This is a management decision. But off the record, obviously, this is victoria’s call.

Sally: So I suppose there’d be no point in asking to speak with her?

Nick: No. She’s already got somebody in mind to take your position.

Sally: [ Sighs heavily ]

[ Scoffs ] I mean, I-I shouldn’t be so stunned. I know that she was willing to give me a shot, but she’s never been enthusiastic about me being in charge of newman media. You know, when I screwed up at the marketing summit, I thought maybe my apology and everything I’d done since then had smoothed things over, but I guess I’ve just been living on borrowed time.

Nick: I was really hoping this wouldn’t happen, but vick’s got a game plan, and when she makes up her mind about something, it’s almost impossible to get her to change it. But I tried many times.

Victoria: You did?

Nick: Yeah, sally. I’m really opposed to this. I fought like hell for you.

Sally: Well, that means more than you could possibly know.

Nick: I feel terrible about this. I can only imagine what you’re going through.

Sally: I was told that it was a trial run, no guarantees.

Nick: Still, you got to be disappointed.

Sally: Well, yeah, I am. But I will be okay.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah?

Sally: Yeah. I mean, this is how the corporate world works. I can take it. My — my whole life, I’ve had to roll with the punches, and this is nothing compared to some of the stuff I’ve had to deal with.

Nick: That’s a good way to look at it.

Sally: And, plus, I’m proud of what I achieved. I did a damn good job, and i surpassed a lot of people’s expectations.

Nick: Hell, yeah, you did.

Sally: I mean, I was a ceo of a media company. I had the actual title. That is on my résumé, and nobody can take that away from me.

Nick: No, they can’T.

Sally: [ Sighs ] But it just kills me that chloe is being cut loose, too. She shouldn’t be fired just because I’m the one that hired her.

Nick: Yeah, she was an excellent second in command. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t be more persuasive with my sister. Um, I’ll do anything I can to get you a new position, and you can obviously take chloe along with you, if that’s what you’d like.

Sally: Well, thanks, nick. I really appreciate that, but I — I’ll figure things out. You shouldn’t feel responsible at all for what happened or like you owe me anything.

Nick: That’s not what I’m offering. I know this is coming at a bad time for you emotionally. And, uh…

Sally: [ Sighs heavily ]

Nick: That’s a whole other conversation.

Sally: Yeah. I will figure that out, too. I-I promise.

Victoria: I’m sure that nicholas can handle sally, however she reacts to being let go. I mean, it’s not like she can blow up at him. It wasn’t his call. And it’s not like he can change anything for her.

Nikki: Sounds like you’ve thought this through.

Victoria: As for the other aspects, of course I have my own opinion, but nicholas is a grown man. He can see whomever he wants. And in meantime, I have a company to run and I have my own personal life to think about.

Nikki: I assume you’re referring to the situation between johnny and chelsea. How is he doing?

Victoria: It’s been a real struggle, mom. I mean, he’s still trying to process the fact that she’s his biological mother. But at least I think he’s starting to come to terms with things.

Nikki: And what does he say about her?

Victoria: Not much. He doesn’t want to talk about her. He doesn’t want to see her, and I can’t blame him [Sighs] Because I feel the exact same way.

Chelsea: [ Breathes deeply ]

Phyllis: Hey, chelsea. How you doing? It’s been a while for us.

Chelsea: Yes. Good. I’m good. How are you?

Phyllis: I’m so great.

[ Sighs ] I have to see diane jenkins’ face every single day, but besides that, terrific. I guess that’s what happens, you know, when your kids are married and you work in the same office. Wait. You left fenmore’S. And you turned down the marchetti gig. I know why.

Chelsea: You do?

Phyllis: Yeah. You had to get out. I understand. It’s for the best.

Chelsea: Best for me or best for everybody else because I’m gone? What exactly do you mean by that, phyllis?

Kyle: Ugh, you beat us twice, harrison. Twice!

Summer: Ugh! The humiliation. We may never live it down.

Kyle: Well, it’s a good thing the sun came out so we can put that game away.

Summer: Was that a yawn that I just saw?

Kyle: Uh-oh. You tired, buddy? You want to take a little snooze? No? I get it. Nap time can wait. You want to play in that big blue ocean and on the sand. You know what? Since it just rained, we might see something extra special.

Summer: Ooh. A rainbow. They’re huge down here.

Kyle: Let’s go see if we can find one.

Summer: Yeah. Let’s go.

Kyle: Yeah. Come on. I’ll grab the toys. Let’s go.

Summer: Whoo!

Victoria: Okay, well, you know, I need to take off a little bit early. I’m meeting up with johnny and we’re gonna grab a bite to eat and then we’re heading to walnut grove to watch katie in her halloween parade.

Nikki: Oh, well, that sounds nice. Little bit of fun and normalcy for a change.

Victoria: Normalcy? What is that?

[ Both laugh ]

Nikki: What are your plans for after the parade?

Victoria: Um, well, katie’s been invited over to her best friend’s house, so johnny and i will go home, and I’m gonna unplug from work. We’re just gonna spend a little one-on-one time together.

Nikki: Are you going to talk about chelsea?

Victoria: If he wants to, then, yeah, we will. But he’s been pretty emphatic about shutting that door, and I’m definitely not gonna force anything.

Nikki: I think that’s a good idea.

Victoria: My goal is to just make him feel like he’s safe and secure and that he knows that I’m always gonna be there for him and that I’m his mother.

Nikki: Darling, I’m sure he knows that deep down. I’m just sorry that you even have to make a point of it.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, the way that chelsea has handled things has been less than ideal. There’s been a lot of damage done, and I have to be the one to repair it.

Nikki: Well, I hate the toll this is taking on you and my grandson. If you need anything, your family is here for you.

Victoria: Thank you, mom. You know, billy and I — we’re doing everything that we can for johnny, but it’s good to know that we have everybody around us to love and support us. It makes all the difference in the world.

Nikki: Oh, of course. I love you, baby.

Victoria: Thank you.

Phyllis: You leaving marchetti — it’s their loss, not yours. I think you’re really good at your job. I think you have a good eye. If you’re not happy, then you’re just not happy listen. It doesn’t matter if it looks like a great opportunity to everyone else in the world. If it’s not right for you, it’s not right. It’s like me selling my hotel. I mean, everything that I worked for, selling it all to work with my daughter — it’s gratifying.

Chelsea: That’s wonderful.

Phyllis: Yeah. There’s nothing like working side by side with your child.

Chelsea: I bet, phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Chelsea: I bet. Well… um, as nice as it’s been catching up, uh, I have a bunch of errands to run. And I’m sure with your new busy job, you’ve got a full plate.

Phyllis: Oh, the only thing i have on my plate is the take-out I’m about to get.

Chelsea: Well, don’t let me keep you.

Phyllis: Those podcasts that you were doing with billy — those were really good. I mean, he was kind of all over the place, but you were the voice of reason. You were great, funny, really engaging.

Chelsea: Oh, that’s — thank you.

Phyllis: Yeah. Um, you complemented each other, I think. You know? They seemed like they’d be a success. Why did you stop doing them?

Chelsea: You know, I think it was just time to move on from that, as well.

Phyllis: You’re bouncing around a lot from job to job, chelsea. I think you’re gonna find something that’s the right fit very soon.

Chelsea: Thanks, phyllis. Here’s hoping. Happy halloween.

Phyllis: Yeah, happy halloween. This is gloria.

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Even though some

things are far away,

Kyle: Harrison asleep?

Summer: Yeah, he zonked out the second his head hit the pillow. Jumping over those waves must have really tuckered the little guy out.

Kyle: He’s had a long day. Jet took off a 7:00 A.M., Five-hour flight, the car ride here from the airport. That’s a lot of travel for anyone.

Summer: Yeah. Hopefully he’ll be rested up by tomorrow.

Kyle: Oh, knowing our boy, he’ll be raring to go at 5:00 A.M.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] I would expect nothing less.

Kyle: So, what’s next on our agenda?

Summer: I have an idea or two.

Kyle: Oh. I like where your head is at. We should — we should have some naptime for ourselves.

Summer: Yeah, and I’m so tired that I don’t even think I’m gonna bother putting my pajamas on.

Kyle: Oh, how efficient of you. We should make the most out of this alone time.

Summer: Although I do like it when you take things slowly.

Kyle: Mm. Your wish is my command.

Summer: Oh, yeah? ‘Cause I could — I could come up with a list of things that I’d like you to do, like… a massage. I’ve got this…

Kyle: Oh.

Summer: …Knot in between my shoulders.

Kyle: Oh. Okay.

Summer: Mmm.

Kyle: Is that the spot?

Summer: It’s a little lower.

Kyle: Oh.

Summer: [ Inhales deeply ]

Kyle: [ Smooches ]

Summer: Yeah. Right there.

Kyle: Mmm.

Harrison: Zippy woke me up!

Kyle: Ohh, no. Bad zippy! Ugh!

Summer: [ Laughs ] Come up here with us.

Harrison: Whee!

Summer: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: Come here. Ohh, yes!

Chelsea: Johnny. Hi. How are you?

Victoria: What’s going on here?

Nick: Is vick around?

Nikki: Oh, she left early. You just missed her.

Nick: Do you know where I was just now?

Nikki: Your sister filled me in.

Nick: Well, I just came by to tell her I’ve done what she’s asked me to do. But I do not support this plan. I think firing sally is a mistake, full stop.

Nikki: Mm.

Nick: You’re not saying anything. You must be on victoria’s side on this.

Nikki: I don’t take sides, nicholas. Whether we agree or disagree, we’re all on the same team.

Nick: But do you condone what she’s doing, firing sally and giving nate her job?

Nikki: Well, I found it to be a bit abrupt. But it is her decision to make. And I am not as personally invested as you are.

Nick: And that means what?

Nikki: Your association with sally outside of work. Or are you going to tell me that there isn’t one?

Nick: [ Sighs, chuckles ] Well, I’m guessing victoria shared her thoughts about that with you. She shouldn’t have done that because it has nothing to do with this and, frankly, it’s none of her business.

Nikki: Well, normally it wouldn’t be my business, either, but this isn’t just any woman we’re talking about.

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Laughing ]

Sally: What more do I have to do to prove myself? Thank you.

[ Sighs heavily ]

[ Sighing ] Hey, chloe. I know you’re out of town and you are officially unreachable.

[ Sighs ] I’m sorry for busting in on your family time, but you know that thing that we are always afraid is going to happen? Well, it happened. Call me.

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Hey, sally.

[ Clears throat ]

Sally: Hey yourself.

Phyllis: Bad day?

Sally: Why would you presume anything’s wrong?

Phyllis: I overheard your conversation just now. You do look like somebody who got rocks instead of candy in your trick-or-treat bag, so… problems at newman media? Ah, that’s too bad.

Sally: [ Sighs ] Hey! It’s me! Your dry skin!

Summer: So what do you think about costa rica so far? Are you having fun?

Harrison: Can we live here?

Kyle: Oh, I think it’s pretty great, too, but it’s not home, buddy.

Summer: Yeah, there’s no grandpa jack or dee dee or mrs. Martinez.

Kyle: I think you’ll miss her cookies, not to mention all your friends. And it’s gonna be winter in genoa city soon, so we’ll be able to build a snowmen, and i can teach you how to ice skate.

Summer: Ooh, that’s so fun.

Kyle: Ooh, there’s really nothing better. Not even a forest full of critters or a beautiful beach.

Summer: Yeah, your dad is right.

Harrison: Like zippy!

Summer: Yeah, like zippy.

Kyle: Just like zippy, yeah.

Summer: Your dad’s right. We can always visit here, but you wouldn’t really want to live here, would you?

Harrison: As long as we’re together forever.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Summer and I want the exact same thing.

Harrison: [ Roars ]

[ Laughter ]

Phyllis: Is this seat taken?

Sally: You know, why crowd yourself, phyllis? Why don’t you take that seat over there? Or better yet, actually, at A…

Phyllis: I’ll take that as a “yes.”

Sally: …Table ’cause there’s more elbow room.

Phyllis: Okay. We’ll talk while I wait for my food.

Sally: Must we?

Phyllis: Can I buy you a drink? Want one of those spicy martinis like they have?

Sally: I think I’ll pass.

Phyllis: Oh. More of a shot and beer girl? Maybe a little tequila? Or a sweet drink that has the umbrella in it and those big pineapple chunks that you could eat for a meal?

Sally: You know, what is your problem?

Phyllis: Excuse me?

Sally: Just give it a rest. It’s the middle of the day.

Phyllis: I wanted to buy you a drink. I thought you could use one.

Sally: I don’t need a damn drink, okay? I’m good.

Phyllis: Well, I disagree with that. I heard you. You sounded upset when you were talking to chloe and leaving a message for her, whatever you were doing. I mean, I don’t know. And can I guess? Maybe you’re having problems at work? Hey, it happens to the best of us, and if it’s any consolation, we’ve all gone through it.

Sally: Mm. Why? ‘Cause every business comes with its own set of challen–

Phyllis: Can I be frank? I’m not surprised you’re in trouble.

Sally: [ Scoffs ]

Nikki: We can’t help who we’re drawn to, but we can control what we do with those feelings.

Nick: Mom, please. I’m just — I’m not in the mood for a lecture.

Nikki: No, no lecture. I am just trying to understand. Did you not think about how summer would react?

Nick: Yeah, I know. Sally’s not her favorite person. And, yes, we have talked about it.

Nikki: Well, I’m sure in addition to her distaste for sally that she was concerned about the ramifications about adam. And, frankly, so am I. Your father’s not gonna be happy about this, either, the way he detests her.

Nick: That’s his problem.

Nikki: You know, what is it that you and adam become interested in the same women time and time again? I don’t understand it. And did you not stop to think that this would give adam a reason to resent you? Or did you think about that and you just didn’t care?

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Johnny: Yeah, I’d like to know that, too. Why are you here? Were you, like, following me?

Chelsea: No, no. Absolutely not. I-I happened to be here when you showed up. It was nothing I had planned. I want to go.

Victoria: Meet me at crimson lights, alright? And leave your phone on. I’ll be there shortly. I need to talk to chelsea alone. (Vo) red lobster’s finer points of fun dining At humana we believe your healthcare should evolve with you and part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. Humana can help. With original medicare you are covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits but you’ll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and coinsurance but you may pay higher premiums and still not get prescription drug coverage. But with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. With no copays or deductibles on tier 1 prescriptions. You get all this coverage for as low as a zero-dollar monthly plan premium in many areas. Humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals. So call or go online today and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan could save you money. Humana, a more human way to healthcare. Want luxury hair repair that doesn’t cost $50?

Nick: I have no desire to go out of my way to create conflict with adam, but I’m gonna live my life without worrying about his feelings. And why shouldn’t I? It’s not like he worries about anyone else’S.

Nikki: I would think you would hold yourself to a higher standard than, “oh, if it’s okay for somebody else, it’s okay for me.”

Nick: I didn’t mean it like that. You’re right. I was just venting.

Nikki: I see.

Nick: I’m not worried about adam, alright? My concern is for sally. She doesn’t deserve to be let go. Both she and chloe have done an amazing job. Now, if vick wants to bring nate on because she values his loyalty to her, fine. Why does it have to come at sally’s expense? Sally has done nothing but work her tail off and prove her worth around here. Both she and chloe deserve more than this. And, frankly, so does newman media.

Nikki: So, you have concerns about nate taking over that division.

Nick: Vick’s objection to sally this whole time has been her lack of experience. Well, guess what. Nate has even less. If we put him in charge, is that in the best interests of the company? I can’t get vick to think along these lines. She’s dug her heels in. There isn’t anything I can do to get her to change her mind.

Nikki: I know you’re upset, but it should give you some comfort to know that sally doesn’t let anything hold her back. She’s a survivor. So, no matter what happens with this situation, she will land on her feet.

Sally: My track record speaks for itself.

Phyllis: Well, it’s a short track, and let’s be honest — it was kind of teed up for you before you got there.

Sally: Okay, whatever.

Phyllis: You weren’t qualified for the job, sally. You just weren’T. And now you’re having problems. And you only got it because your ex-boyfriend got it for you. And look how that turned out.

Sally: You know what, phyllis? Why don’t you get out of my face before things get ugly?

Phyllis: Well [Sighs] I’m just stating the facts. I mean, you were with adam, and then that all blew up in your face. And here you sit alone. I mean, you just don’t have anybody to blame but yourself.

Sally: Oh, there is so much i could say right now, and it would be so gratifying. But I won’T.

Phyllis: Okay, well, say it. I mean, I could hear anything. Don’t leave me hanging.

Sally: Uh, nope, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do because, unlike you, I am a class act who knows when to shut up and walk away.

Chelsea: Victoria, I swear i am telling you the truth. It was not some kind of ambush.

Victoria: I realize that. You have no idea where johnny and I were meeting. You and I haven’t spoken about him recently. Billy’s been our intermediary. But I think that it’s time that I’m very clear with you.

Chelsea: I’m listening.

Victoria: You know, I’ll always be grateful to you for bringing johnny into the world. But as you just saw, he’s having a really hard time coping with the news that you’re his biological mother. You need to stop exacerbating his distress and his confusion.

Chelsea: I would never want to cause that boy any pain. I just wanted him to know the truth, to understand who I am to him.

Victoria: Yes, well, unfortunately, you didn’t leave it at that. You keep pushing for more of a relationship with him. Billy and I told you that it would be up to johnny to decide how he wanted to proceed, and he’s made his choice very clear. Look, I’m really sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but we’re gonna be supporting our son’s choice. So, if you happen to run into him again, please don’t say anything to him. Don’t approach him. Just walk away. Understood? Thank you for not making this any harder than it needs to be. It’s reassuring that we can all be on the same page.

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GH Transcript Thursday, October 27, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 tell them to keep looking. Sorry about that. No, no problem. You know what? Why don’t we just go home? What are you talking about? We just — we haven’t even ordered yet. I know that. But we can do this another night. I want you to focus your attention to finding lucy. I got my people on it. That’s the best I can do. Plus, I don’t — there’s only one thing I want to focus on. You. This may not be the most luxurious hotel in the city, but it’s got rave reviews for its cleanliness and the bedding. I — I mean… it’s okay. I know what you meant. I hope two queen beds work for you. In the dorms, I sleep in an extra-long twin, so a clean bed all to myself sounds fantastic.

[ Both chuckle ] Here we go. Are you ready to do this? Are you? I am if you are. It’s been a while. Yeah, I mean, it might be awkward at first, but it’s not like we’re building our connection from scratch. Besides, I’m sure that he’s much more anxious for this reunion than we are.

[ Door opens ] What do you want to start with? Hello? Earth to brook lynn. What has you so focused? Um, have you had a chance to check out that singer that linc wants you to duet with? Her social media engagement is amazing. Remind me, what are we doing here exactly? We’re doing date night, aren’t we?

I am. You’re not. How are you feeling?

[ Sighs ] Like I never fully appreciated the value of a mixologist before. You’ve been on a boat all night looking for lucy. And you saw anna get arrested, which we know she was set up. And, now, you’re sitting here waiting for the results of a dna test which could change your life. Helluva day, right? Talk to me, mac. What’s to discuss? Nothing can be resolved tonight. Search efforts for lucy are ongoing. I’ve been ordered not to interfere with ada arden’s case against anna. And either cody’s my son or he isn’T. Dante: Hey, mac. Felicia. How much of that did you hear? Enough to know that cody’s been holding out on us. Hey, I thought you left an hour ago. Yeah, I figured I’d hang out for a little while, wait for you. Oh.

[ Chuckles ] How’d the dna test go? Excruciating.

[ Laughing ] Come on. It’s only a cheek swab. No, I mean, the test was painless, britt. It was…

[ Inhales deeply ] The torture was having to fake how I really feel.

But it is natural to be, you know, distracted with so much affecting our friends and the people we love. Think about it. It’s lucy, sasha, spencer, ava. How’s ava? Well…physically, she’s recuperating just fine, but she’s conflicted about a few things. If you mean nikolas, that’s a problem of her own making. Nikolas is not the only cassadine problem. What I’m saying — my point is that we’re very caring people, and it’s understandable that, you know, our friend’s troubles are going to seep into our time together. Then, let’s not let it. Let’s — let’s protect our — our time together. Well, we can try.

[ Both chuckle ] We can, uh — we can do more than try. Cody might be your biological son? I — I just saw him yesterday. He didn’t say a word. Uh, he told me. You already knew? Yeah, just. He told me today. I was going to tell you tonight when we got here. We haven’t really gotten around to it. Hmm. Cody and i had a dna test and should get the results back in a couple of days. I doubt he was hiding it. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. Sam, since the two of you are joining us — not taking “no” for an answer — y– well — let’s go grab a round. I’ll take a beer, I guess. I’m still working on mine. Alrighty, we’ll be right back. Okay.

[ Clears throat ] You and cody are friends, right? Ah, yeah. We went to, uh, camp when we were kids. Lost touch over the years. But we picked up pretty much where we left off. I don’t know cody very well. He seems spirited.

[ Laughs ] Yeah, that’s a good word for him, “spirited.” He’s got lots of spirit, lots of heart, like his horses. So, what did you want to talk to me about? I get the distinct impression that you have reservations where cody is concerned. Once a pi, always a pi.

[ Chuckles ] Are you referring to yourself or me? Both. [ Chuckles ] Sam, if you know anything troubling about cody, please, tell me now, before mac and my family get any closer. Mac, felicia, maxie — they all seem so happy and relieved to be taking the test. The agony was pretending I had to feel the same way. “Agony.” “Excruciating.” Oh, you’ve really had a rough day, huh? Well, you try making small talk with that family. What is wrong with mac’s family? Nothing. Nothing, they’re all smiles and laughs and cute kids and apple pie. I bet they even have cute pets. Okay, let me get this straight. Your biggest beef with mac’s family is that they’re too nice? Britt, people like me don’t really fit into the norman rockwell portrait. So when the dna test comes back and proves I’m leopold taub’s kid, mac will be thankful he got off easy. Every time we speak, you have a new reason you’re resistant to being a scorpio. What is going on here, cody? You waited an hour for me. Clearly, you want to talk. Yeah, I waited, so can we just get out of here now? Where do you want to go? Anywhere but here. Spencer: I’ll tell you this. When they told me that I had visitors, I did not expect to see you guys. What, you don’t want us here? I didn’t think you’d want to be here. Look, a lot has gone down, but you got to know we’re still your friends. I really made a mess of things, huh? Yeah, you did. And yet, you still came. Well, yeah, dude. Of course we did. I specifically booked a double with two queen beds.

[ Sighs ] I appreciate the discount, but I would appreciate an extra bed even more. You better make it right.

[ Beeps ]

[ Sighs ] So they acknowledged their mistake, and I will be credited for the single. But unfortunately, there are no other rooms available because of the convention. Oh, well, what about the extra bed? They’re gonna send up a cot. You need your rest. I’ll wait for it. I’m not sleepy. Let’s wait together. There, done. No phone, okay. And no more shoptalk, either. I pledge my undivided attention. Not that it’s a hardship or anything. Then can I just say how gorgeous you look? You don’t have to say that. While we’re talking about pledges, can you promise me to learn to accept a compliment? Okay, challenge accepted. And while we’re on the topic of self-improvement… lay it on me. …Your daily diet is not conducive to crooning.

[ Scoffs ] Okay? I still don’t understand what you have against pickles.

[ Scoffs ] But guess what? I went to the farmers market and I bought only blq-approved, vocal-friendly foods. Thank you. That’s the best thing you can do for your voice. I did it for you. You know, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you happy.

Is there something specific that you know about cody that makes you feel uneasy about him? Something mac and i need to know? Uh, specific? I don’t know. Cody’s charming and… well, I don’t know, charming. But? Hmm. And here. Looks like more small talk is in your future. This is weird.

[ Sighs ] Right? ‘Cause you’ve never visited anyone at pentonville before, joss.

[ Chuckles ] You know what I mean, jackass. Hmm. And just like that, we’re back to normal.

[ Sighs ] You know, spencer, honestly, we were, uh — we were a little worried that this place would break your spirit, or something… nah, I’m good. I’m cool. Practically a professional now. I really hate seeing you in here, spencer. Appreciate that. I hate being here. But it was worth it to try to save trina. Even if she’s never going to know that I — you know, that I believed in her the entire time. Trina doesn’t know, right? Trina: Oh, my gosh. It was so cool seeing all those families dress up together like the incredibles. I know it’s not as sophisticated as the art scene.

[ Sighs ] It’s art, right? That’s why I love it. The beauty of any art form is that it speaks to us, touches our souls. The mystical, magical worlds resonate with you the way paint on a canvas does for me. It’s all good, right? I love that you get that. How did i get so lucky?

[ Chuckles ] What is it? You’re dangerous. Oh, really? Yeah, you’ve no idea the effect you have on me. You sure it’s not the after-effects of nonna’s sicilian thunderbolt? Well, maybe that helped things along, but for so long, I’ve dreamed about this, of us together. In a lot of ways, it still feels like a dream. What’s happening between us — it’s as real as it gets. For one night, can we just be the only two people on this world? If you think that we can can shut out the world, then I am game. Well, that’s going to be easy for me, because the way you look tonight, it’s like, you know, I — I can’t think of anything else. Well, you’re pretty distracting yourself, mister. Do you want to skip dinner and just go straight to dessert? Oh, what happened to going slowly? I have no idea what you’re talking about.

[ Laughs ] Oh, well…

[ Cellphone ringing ] Oh. Yeah, get it. Get it. It might be about lucy. I got to get it.

[ Sighs ] Oh, yeah. Okay, well, we’ll — we’ll — we’ll continue with dessert, right? Yeah, cool. Cool. Alright.

[ Ringing stops ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Door opens ] Victor: Dining alone? Dining with sonny. Ah! Well, enjoy your meal. Wait. Actually, I am glad that we ran into each other. I need to know something. Oh? What’s going on with charlotte?

What you mean. Is there something going on with my granddaughter? Why don’t you tell me? I sent something to charlotte that was recently returned to me. And I reached out to valentin to check the address of her boarding school, and he hasn’t responded. And I’ve never had a problem reaching valentin abroad before. Well, I’m sure he’s having a lovely time with his daughter. And I doubt he feels obligated to be at the beck and call of his ex-wife. Ex-wife and current friend. Why are you acting so cagey, mr. Cassadine? Why are you so invested in my family, ms. Reeves? Could it be, perhaps, because… you don’t have one of your own? Dante: Hey! Hey, long time no see. Pull up a few chairs and join us. The more the merrier. Um… hey, I saved you a spot. Thank you. Just for you. So, do you have any progress on my case? Sam’s working on your case? Care to share? Sure, uh, I found a necklace in a safety deposit box that belonged to peter. Well, I can almost g uarantee you that necklace won’t have a clean title. Yeah, so can I. Britt: Yeah, I had the same feeling. That’s why I hired sam to look into its provenance. Eh — I’m sorry. You did what now? Well, is that a problem for you? No. No. Eh, of course not. I just didn’t realize britt was going to go down that route. Well, if anyone’s going to find out the origin of that necklace, it’s you. Thank you. No doubt. I’m going to grab a beer. Uh, I’ll have A…cosmo. I know we spend a lot of time talking about your career, but there’s one major reason I love this life for you. It’s the leather pants, isn’t it? Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Okay, two reasons. I-I just love all the time we get to spend together, you know, as your manager and your friend and… my girlfriend? My baby? My boo-thang? Okay, never say “boo-thing” again. But, [Chuckles] Yes, all of that. I really love it, too. You know, I do miss policing. What I don’t miss is how much life I had to put on hold to be a good detective. This is nice. The evening, the company, knowing that I’m not on call. Yeah, but is it enough for you? You know, sitting here with me instead of chasing crime? Yeah. It’s more than enough. Trina knows that I was playing esme to prove her innocent? Sh… she found out the day that you checked into pentonville. So she just doesn’t care? Spencer, she was all kinds of hurt. I get it, but she told me that she didn’t want to be friends anymore, so has she changed her mind? It hasn’t come up, but I-I mean, we haven’t really seen her. She’s been really busy catching up with all her pcu works since she’s been reinstated. Yeah, and — and she got offered this — this, uh, internship at “the chuck,” so she’s finally experiencing, you know, what it’s like to work in a real museum. And plus, her mom is planning that wedding, and she’s — guys, I get it. I get it. Great. I did this to myself. Uh, I’m really glad that trina is living a happy life, glad that she has this internship. She deserves it. And if she’s happy with that cop, too, then great. Great. So be it. We can stop. Don’t stop. Spencer: Do you want me as much as I want you?

Tell me you feel the same way.

[ Gasps ] Oh. Are you okay? Um… fine. I-I-I’m fine. I just, um… not the right time.

[ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ] That would be my bed for the evening. I’ve hurt so many people — you two, trina, my grandmother, britt. And being in here doesn’t wash all of that away. I also know I’m not the worst person inside these walls, but… I still cannot… help but hate myself for everything that I’ve done. Spencer, do you remember when we were kids and I accidentally started a fire at your birthday party? Of course I do. Yeah, I got the skin grafts to show for it. Right. So despite that happening, why do you think I’m on your visitor list? Because you owe me, big time.

[ Chuckles ] Maybe. Or maybe, despite all the fights we’ve been in, all our conflicts, how many times we’ve hurt each other, this bond still holds up. Mm-hmm. Why, because we’re family? Yeah, that’s true. I’m stuck with you as a cousin. But, spencer, I — I choose you as my friend. Man, you must be hard up.

[ Clicks tongue ] That’s what friendship is — loving someone with the inevitability that they’ll let you down. He’s such a sap. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I can — I can be that sometimes. Listen, spencer, please keep your head down here. I want you to be okay and safe so when you get out, you’ll know you got some friends waiting for you. You do. You do. Time’s up. I think I’d get back into cooking a little bit. But don’t worry, I would give you input into the menu and the ingredients so you could steer me away from anything that’s potentially harming my vocals.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh, this is killing you, isn’t it?

[ Sighs ] Go ahead. Thank you. Mm-hmm. It’s your interview with the dj at kzpc. It’s about to livestream in 15 minutes. Oh, right. I totally forgot. How could you forget about that? I just did. But we can listen to it later, can’t we? It just won’t be live. Okay. All right. Sure.

[ Clears throat ] Or we could listen to it right now. Thank you. Mm-hmm. So much for pledges.

[ Scoffs ] I pledged to focus on you, and that’s exactly what we’re about to do. Do you think faison stole the necklace? And did peter steal the necklace from faison? I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer was yes to both. My father was ruthless. He took whatever he wanted. And peter was obsessed with taking my father down. I mean, if he went to the trouble of getting a special safety deposit box, there must have been a reason. It seems you’re having a good time tonight. Yeah, well, things aren’t always what they seem. Um, could I get two ipas, please? Thanks. We have another game coming up. Very high stakes. I need a ringer. You’ve proven to be the best. Can I count on you again, mr. Bell? My friendship with charlotte and valentin is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life, but you wouldn’t understand that. You knew valentin was your son for years, and you couldn’t even be bothered to send him a birthday card, let alone initiate a relationship with him. I kept tabs on my son. Keeping tabs is something you do with a distant friend on social media, not with your own child. Well, it’s certainly more than you did with your daughter. You were not just rude, you were wrong. Well, look, the muscle’s arrived. Why don’t you apologize to her? Withdrawn. Now if –okay. You know what? Y-you didn’t just insult her, but lucy is a friend of mine. Then I understand your agitation. I, too, am bereft about lucy. Really? Is that why you were — you — you were supposed to meet her before she went missing? And also, I heard that anna devane just got arrested. So your fingerprints are all over this. I don’t know what you’re implying. Okay. If I find out that you had anything to do with framing anna, that will be the last stunt you pull in this town. What’ll you do, corinthos? Hm?

[Mobster accent] Take me out back, put two behind the ear? I only need one.

Unless something has come up. I’ll be there. Ms. Wu? Chief scorpio. Have a good evening. Do you know who that woman is? Selina wu? Uh… yeah, I met her through britt and brad. She’s his aunt, right? She’s also a notorious organized crime figure. Stay away from her. Is that an order? Just advice from a friend or a father. Good to know. Look, cody, if the dna test comes back and says I’m your father, we can decide what that relationship means for us. I have no expectations, okay? I mean, it doesn’t have to be traditional or even paternal. We just take it as it comes. Mac, hey, felicia’s ready to go. Okay. Thanks. We’ll talk later. You left so fast, you didn’t even get britt’s order. She wanted a cosmo. Oh. Thanks. Um… can you add a cosmo to the order? The beers? You want anything, sam? Or what do you want? The truth, that’s what I want. Okay. Uh, what now? Why don’t you want me investigating peter’s necklace? When did I say that? I could read it all over you. Look, you have every right not to trust me, but I genuinely like britt and I — I love dante. I’m not out to hurt anybody. Okay. I mean, that better be the truth. So I wanted to talk to you about our last conversation. The one when you told me not to jerk cody around? Yeah, that’s the one.

[ Chuckles ] I might have misread the, uh, situation a little bit. A little bit? A lot. Okay. I like cody, and despite your best efforts, he likes me back. What? Okay. I guess we both care about the guy. Seems that way. Okay. I don’t know if we’ll ever be friends, but for cody’s sake, uh… why don’t we call a truce? He’d better be worth it. Amen.

[ Laughs ] Oh, [Buzzes lips] I am sorry for this mess. Cam, please, I’ve seen it much worse than this. So are jake and aiden in bed? Yeah, they conveniently fell asleep before they had to pick up all their leftover pizza. Mm. Oh, I should’ve grabbed a slice. I’m starving. I can, uh — I can grab us some stuff. No, no, no, it’s fine. Um, I want to tell you something. What you said to spencer today was incredible. Yeah, I meant it. I know. You never say anything that you don’t mean. You’re the most genuine person that I’ve ever met, and you’re such a good friend to all of us, even when we don’t deserve it. You do deserve it, joss. No. I should have told you when I confronted sonny about dex. I should have told you that. Look, joss, I just — I want you to know that you can be honest with me about anything. I know. I’ll be better. I just — I can’t imagine my life without you. Then you don’t have to.

[ Chase’s “falling into place”

plays ]

I’m falling into place dj van: You just heard our guest, harrison chase, fast-rising local artist, with his breakthrough single, “falling into place.” How’s it going, chase? Chase: All good.

Thanks for the welcome.

Well, I’m just speaking the truth. Your set at the savoy has generated a lot of buzz.

Can you explain

to the listeners,

how would you describe your sound?

That’s a good question.

Um, adult contemporary?

A mix of acoustic pop

and balladry… [ Laughs ]

M-my manager is so much better

at this than me.

[ Laughs ] Well, now,

so you’re saying that she earns that 15%?

Oh, that and more.

I owe her so much.

She’s that kind of person who

elevates those around her

through sheer will alone. Well, good representation

is hard to find,

but it sounds like you hit the jackpot.

Oh, you have no idea.

I mean, my manager,

brook lynn quartermaine is — is a talented singer/songwriter

in her own right.

I mean, she’s gifted,

she’s —

she’s giving, and her passion,

it inspires me daily. Sounds like brook lynn’s more than a manager.

Oh, so much more.

She’s my muse. Did I blow the interview? Am I really your muse? How could you doubt it?

[ Sighs ] You know, I gave you a lot of leeway when you threatened me about spencer, but now I’m out of patience. You know, there was a time I would have disappeared you in a new york minute, but I’m a changed man. Aww, made over by love, are we? I just wish my son could have been reshaped by nina’s transformative powers. Don’t talk to nina, directly or indirectly, or you’re going to have to answer to me. You know, that threat carries a lot less gravitas now you’ve admitted that love has turned you into a pacifist. Some people slip up. But I’ll tell you something — if I find proof that you have anything to do with anna, I’m going to come after you. Trust me. Well, if you’d excuse me, I really am ravenous.

[ Sighs ] I’m sorry. No, I mean, you defended me, defended anna. You don’t have to apologize for that. I just didn’t want to make a scene, you know? Well, could have been worse, if you handled it the way you used to. I am in awe of your newfound restraint. You find pacifism sexy? I find you sexy. You know what? You made it very clear to victor that you can nail him to the wall without resorting to violence. He needed to hear that. I needed to hear that. I’m done with this place. Hm. I think it’s time for us to go home. I want to go home with you. I get to go home with you? Yeah. Okay, definitely. Let’s do it. Get my purse. Come on.

Everything okay over here? Yeah, we’re, uh, working on it. Cody: That’s what I like to hear — everybody getting along. In fact, I’d like to propose a toast. To new beginnings. To new beginnings.

[ Sighs ] You sure you’re comfortable in that thing? Uh…totally. You should’ve seen where we slept at the police academy.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Well, thanks for letting me have the bed. I’m really having a good time. I appreciate you inviting me. There’s no one else I’d rather be with. Well… good night. Good night. Trina: Hi.

You’ve reached my voicemail.

I must be terribly busy,

but I’ll call you back

as soon as I can.

You know what to do. Bye.

[ Beep ] It’s getting kind of late. I should probably walk you back to your dorm. Yeah. Or I can stay over.

[ Sighs ] Or not. I — I want you to, joss, I really do, but my mom said that you can’T. And I-I know how lame that sounds, but my brothers are here — listen, hey. It’s house rules. I don’t want you to get in trouble for me. Um, on the other hand, though, I’m not sure my mom would want me to leave my brothers home alone while I walked you back to your dorm. Right. Especially with all of the attacks. Yeah. Safety first. Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, I can — I can take the sofa and you can stay in the bed. We can both stay in the bed. For cuddling. For afterward.

I am the anchor

weighing you down

you are the storm wait, um… are you sure that this is what you want? I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want this. Well, that makes two of us.

Cannot be found

stuck out at sea

[ Gasps ] What is it? Just making sure I’m not dreaming.

I’ve got a feeling you’re real. Yeah.

‘Cause I’m there rising

I’m paralyzed I, uh… thought you said you were tired? Some detective you are.

I am the dead end

fencing you in

trying to trap you

you’re like the wind

row yourself away

if that’s what you need

me, I’m-a stay here

never to leave thank you for today. I love you, you know that? I do.

I’m paralyzing I love you, sonny corinthos.

I am the anchor

weighing you down

[Doorbell rings] I’ll get it!

On the next “General Hospital” —

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