GH Short Recap Friday, February 7, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Jordan tells Anna that she is going undercover to catch Jens Sidwell. Anna offers all her support to Jordan including allowing her to borrow a micro dot recorder to record Sidwell. One of Sidwell’s men follows Natalia to the cardiologist’s office and calls Sidwell to tell him Natalia took Sonny to see a cardiologist.

The cardiologist tells Sonny he needs a pacemaker, but he tells Natalia that he isn’t going to have the operation to put in the pacemaker until he finds out who bombed his penthouse. Sonny also tells Natalia that he isn’t going to tell his children about his condition.

Carly considers teaming up with Nina to break up Drew and Willow.

Cyrus is upset when he is banned from Turning Woods. Cyrus tries to talk to Lulu and she threatens to call the police because he is violating the restraining order. Lulu later tells Anna about Cyrus talking to her and telling her she has no idea everything he has done for her.

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Interview with Sean Kanan

TV Interview!


Actor/entrepeneur Sean Kanan (pic from his Instagram), creator of "Bad Boy Hot Sauce"

Interview with Sean Kanan of “The Bold and the Beautiful” on CBS and “Cobra Kai” on Netflix by Suzanne 2/4/25

Sean Kanan appears May 24th at the Pasadena Comic-Con!This is my second Zoom interview with Sean Kanan. It’s always great to speak with him because he’s an interesting guy, and an amazing actor, and he always has a lot of things going on. Soap fans know Sean from his role as Deacon on both B&B, Y&R and GH; others may know him from “Karate Kid 3” and the “Cobrai Kai” series, or his Emmy-winning series “Studio City” on Prime.  Right now, Sean is busy promoting a new line of hot sauces, some personal appearances, and the latest in his motivational Way of the Cobra book series with his wife, Michele:  “Way of the Cobra: Couples“.  If you’re a fan of the soaps or of the “Cobra Kai” series or “Karate Kid” movies, you should Sean and Michelle Kananenjoy this chat!

If you live in the SoCal area, go see Sean Kanan, his wife, and his co-star Kimberlin Brown (who plays Sheila) this Saturday, February 8th at Barnes & Noble in Palm Desert 2 PM!  Sean will also be appearing at the Pasadena Comic-Con May 24th.  You can find out about Sean’s future events on his Instagram.  Wait him daily on “The Bold and the Beautiful,” too. Sounds like he has some great story coming up.

Incidentally, if you haven’t watched “Cobra Kai” or the “Karate Kid” movies, I would suggest you check them out because they’re a lot of fun to watch. I just binge-watched them all in the past few months. The last five episodes of “Cobra Kai” drop Feb. 13! Then there’s a new movie, “Karate Kid: Legends” coming out in the summer, starring Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan! It looks good.


Actor/entrepeneur Sean Kanan (pic from him), creator of "Bad Boy Hot Sauce" and "Way of the Cobra" booksMORE INFO: Bad Boy Hot Sauce | Bold and The Beautiful | PreviewCobra Kai


Emmy® award-winner Sean Kanan portrays irresistible bad boy “Deacon Sharpe” on The Bold and the Beautiful.

After the character’s success on The Bold and the Beautiful, “Deacon Sharpe” also appeared on sister show, The Young and the Restless. Kanan’s first role in Hollywood was of iconic villain “Mike Barnes” in the blockbuster film Karate Kid III, which he reprised for season five on Netflix’s pop-culture classic Cobra Kai in 2022. He also played the role of “AJ Quartermaine” on General Hospital. His many film credits include two 2021 films with Bruce Willis, Survive the Game and The Fortress, and the Lifetime movie Sinister Society.

In 2021, Kanan won the Daytime Emmy® award for Outstanding Limited Series as the Executive Producer and Creator of Studio City (Amazon Prime), for which he was also Emmy® nominated in the categories of Outstanding Lead Actor and Outstanding Writing Team. Kanan previously won the Indie Series Award for Outstanding Lead Actor for portraying Studio City protagonist “Sam Stephens.”

Kanan has authored four books. His latest, Welcome to the KUMITE, is the second in the Way of the COBRA (WOTC) series, which draws on intimate personal stories to illustrate his strategies and philosophy for achieving success: “Transform yourself, and you can transform the world.” Sean’s first book, The Modern Gentleman: Cooking and Entertaining with Sean Kanan, received rave reviews. His second, Success Factor X, became an Amazon New Release Best Seller after less than one week and was named one of the twenty most inspirational books in the last two decades by Book Authority.

To give back, Kanan has turned his personal success and the knowledge about his approach to achieving goals for a healthy, happy, and successful life into a successful and highly sought-after life coaching program.

Whether lobbying on Capitol Hill to raise awareness about bullying or performing stand-up comedy in Bosnia to entertain the troops for the USO, Kanan remains active in numerous charitable organizations, including The American Cancer Society, various animal advocacy groups, and serving as the international youth ambassador for Bad Boy Hot Sauces from Sean KananBoo2Bullying.

In 2016, Kanan received the 400th star on the Palm Springs Walk of Fame for his creative work and acts of charity in Hollywood.

Born in Cleveland, Ohio, and raised in New Castle, PA, Kanan resides with his wife, Emmy®, award-winning producer and writer Michele Kanan, in California. He celebrates his birthday on November 2.

Follow him on Instagram @sean.kanan and Twitter @seankanan.Sean Kanan (Deacon) and Kimberlin Brown (Sheila) star on "The Bold and the Beautiful" weekdays on CBS and Paramount+ (photo from Kanan's Instagram)

SEAN KANAN aka “Karate’s Bad Boy”
Kanan has unleashed a line of artisan crafted small batch hot sauces that hit harder than a spinning back kick.

Say goodbye to bland and hello to bold with knockout flavors like:
These aren’t your average sauces— they’re weapons of mass deliciousness, packing Scoville heat levels from a solid 4/10 to a face-melting 10/10. Buy Now!

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, February 4, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

GLucky tells Elizabeth about how he had to play poker with Jens Sidwell every day and win the game so Sidwell would let him live. Lucky explains to Elizabeth that he felt Luke was guiding him and helping him win the poker games. Lucky also tells Elizabeth, that when he was tired and wanted to give up, he saw her in his prison cell telling him to keep fighting. Lucky and Elizabeth dance in her living room to their favorite song.

Jack (now played by [Chris L Mckenna) return home from Germany. Jack’s assistant, Colette, tells Jack that she had Cyrus followed for a few days and they found the cabin where Cyrus is hiding out. Jack tells Colette to keep following Cyrus because he wants to find out If Josslynn can figure out where the location of the cabin where Cyrus is hiding out.

Anna tells Josslynn that Dex had her listed as next of kin so she is notifying her that someone injected Dex and Sam’s iv with digitalis. Josslynn tells Anna that she is volunteering at Turning Woods to see if she can prove that Cyrus killed Dex. Anna pleads with Josslynn not to interfere with the investigation. Josslynn tells Anna she won’t interfere with the investigation.

Mrs. Wu asks Cody to play Poker for her one more time and she will forget about the money he owed her. Cody tells Mrs. Wu that he will think about her offer. Drew has a meeting with Mrs. Wu because he wants information abouts her past business with Curtis. Mrs. Wu tells Drew she will tell him what he wants to know about Curris but he must make sure Sonny and Jason are put in prison.

Jordan and Isiah decide to team up and go undercover to take down Jens Sidwell.

Carly goes to the gatehouse to tell Willow that Michael is responding well to the treatment. Carly also tells Willow she talked to Michael and he told her to tell Wiley and Amelia that he loved them. Michael also asks Carly to tell Willow Thank you.

Cody returns to Mrs. Wu’s office and tells her he won’t play poker for her anymore. Cody sees Drew talking to Mrs. Wu and tells Drew that he is just as despicable as his brother Jason for doing business with Mrs. Wu. Cody also tells Drew that Jason latest despicable act was getting Sasha pregnant.

Willow offers to make Carly some tea so they can talk. Carly sees the tie that she bought for Drew on Willow’s couch. Carly leaves the gatehouse before Willow comes back in the living room.

Drew interrupts Anna’s lunch at the Metro Court to tell Anna that he will give her all the federal funding she needs for the police department as long as she makes stopping organized crime and putting Sonny and Jason in prison a priority. Carly storms into the Metro Court restaurant and throws Drew’s tie at him. An S.O.B. that is still sleeping with his nephew’s wife while Michael is recovering from third degree burns. Carly tells Drew that Jason is a better man then he is and he isn’t even worthy to look Jason in the eyes. Drew tells Carly that the joke is on her because Jason got Sasha, who is the family cook, pregnant.

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GH Short Recap Monday, February 3, 2005

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Recap written by Suzanne

Maxie finds Emma at the Surf Lodge Café to warn her that Anna is a smart spy, so she can’t get away with much. Sasha arrives, so Maxie tells Emma to go find another table. Emma sits with Gio at a nearby table, still focused on Maxie and Sasha. Sasha tells Maxie that her pregnancy is going fine. Maxie lets her know that there are rumors that Jason is the father. Sasha replies that it’s no one’s business who the father is. Emma eavesdrops on them and then tells Gio what she heard. He doesn’t believe it. She wants to tell Robin and Robert. He thinks it’s a bad idea, but she ignores him.

At the hospital, Trina gets Curtis to talk to Kai, who is struggling since being injured. He’s paralyzed and was told that if he plays football again, he could die. Meanwhile, Kai’s friend and teammate Quinn tries to get Kai to talk about football. Kai tells Quinn that he needs to step up and be team leader now. Curtis introduces himself to Kai, letting him know that he was in a wheelchair for a while after being shot. He suggests that Kai has to let himself feel his grief, anger etc. in order to get to rehab. Kai worries about his future. Curtis praises his work in football, which tells him that Kai is brave. Kai doesn’t want to be a charity case but tells Curtis that he hasn’t let his family know his prognosis yet. He feels that he failed his team, but Curtis disagrees. Curtis asks him not to give up on himself. He gives Kai his business card and tells him to call any time, and then he leaves. Kai texts Trina, asking her to come by.

Outside, Quinn blames Trina for Kai’s injuries – for getting him involved in art so that his focus was split. They argue about Kai before Quinn storms off in a huff.

Laura and Jordan sit at the Metro Court bar. Laura tells her that she met with Jenz Sidwell, who could be a major problem in the town. They can’t believe there are no warrants out for his arrest, after what he did to Lucky. Laura also tells her that Anna thinks he may have set fire in Sonny’s apartment. They wonder what he has against Sonny. Laura leaves, and Isaiah shows up. Jordan tells him that Sidwell is in town. He doesn’t think Sidwell would come after him again. She jokes that she would like to use the towel her gave her for Christmas, next time she works out and uses the steam room. She begins to tell him about her stressful day, but he’s called away on the phone. Meanwhile, Sidwell arrives at the bar, so she greets him warmly, asks why he’s in town, and what his business is. He replies genially that he’s an importer of rare gems and other things of value. They flirt. Isaiah sees them together and isn’t too happy about it.

Elizabeth is on the phone with someone at “Turning Woods” to ask about an older lady named Mrs. Chad that died suddenly of a heart attack, even though she was in good health. They know that Cyrus visited her before that. Laura drops by to bring news about Sidwell being in town, and how he bought Wyndemere. Liz can’t believe he’s just walking around free, but there were no laws in the place where he kept Lucky prisoner. Laura tells him that Anna is keeping an eye on Sidwell. Lucky assures her that he’ll be fine and will stay away from Sidwell. Elizabeth watches his face; she can tell that he’s not fine. She tries to get Lucky to open up about Sidwell keeping him prisoner. He admits that it was hell. He convinced Jason not to kill Sidwell, but he hopes that he doesn’t regret it (if Sidwell hurts others).

Sonny and Alexis are in her office. He asks how she is. She’s upset that Sam was murdered. Sonny offers an ear, so she rages about her feelings. They hug, and she literally cries on her should. He assures her that she never failed Sam, and she thanks him. Laura comes by to ask Kristina if she knows anything about Sidwell buying Wyndemere. Alexis tells her that Ava sold Wyndemere to another company. Laura tells them that Sidwell bought Wyndemere. Sonny and Laura tell Alexis that Sidwell kidnapped Lucky and was probably behind the targeting of Jason and Anna. Sonny has to leave, so Laura offers her sympathy about Sam. Alexis thanks her and tells her that she plans to focus on Sam’s gift of love to Lulu

Dante and Brook Lynn are talking in the stables when Lulu arrives, looking for Cody. Brook Lynn leaves. Dante tells Lulu that he met with Anna, who wants him to take a week off. She doesn’t want him near the investigation into Sam’s death. Lulu knows that it’s frustrating. They talk about Dante’s grief. She says that she owes him apology for what she said and did in Prague, but he brushes that off. She is grateful for Sam’s sacrifice. Dante opens up to her about how he feels, and plans he had with Sam. Lulu feels sympathetic. She tells him that she’s so happy that he had a love like that. In turn, he tells her that he doesn’t blame her for Sam’s death. Leaving, she tells him that he knows where to find her if he needs her.

Brook Lynn and Lois have coffee. Brook Lynn tells Lois that she was with Dante, who fathered the child she gave away years ago. She thought about telling Chase but decided against pursuing any more information. Lois is supportive but looks guilty. Brook Lynn opines that she doesn’t know her child’s gender or name; just the birthdate. The expression on Lois’ face tells that she knows something.


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GH Short Recap Friday, January 31, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Jordan tries to make peace between Drew and Curtis in order to get the McConky Esplanade project back on track, but Curtis and Drew get into another argument.

Trina tried her best to get Kai to take advantage of the fact that PCU can’t take away his scholarship since he was injured during a game. Kai is upset because he got a second opinion, and the second doctor said he can’t play football again.

Cody assures Brook Lynn that he never told Dante she had his baby and gave it up for adoption. Cody tells Brook Lynn that Sasha is pregnant, and she shouldn’t have to deal with it alone.

Lulu talks to Laura and tells her she loves Dante, but she blames herself for Sam’s death and she thinks Dante will always blame her for it too. Laura advises Lulu to be Dante’s friend while he grieves for Sam.

Dante gets upset with Anna because he won’t let him work on Sam’s case. Dante yells at Anna and she puts him on paid leave and tells him that when he returns to work, he must go see the police department phycologist.

Dante talks to Brook Lynn about his argument with Anna. Dante tells Brook Lynn that he blames himself for Sam’s death. Brook Lynn reminds Dante that the only person to blame for Sam’s death is the person who killed her.

Cody asks Anna if she can help him contact Robert. Anna tells Cody that she can help contact Robert, but she wonders why Cody needs to contact him. Cody tells Anna that Sasha is pregnant and Jason is the father of her baby.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, January 30, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn wants to tell Chase the truth about the baby she had in high school that she gave up for adoption but to do that she would have to tell Chase. Dante is the father of the baby. Brook Lynn doesn’t want Chase to have to keep a secret from his best friend so she would have to tell Dante that she had his baby and gave it up for adoption.

Alexis tells Kristina and Molly that Sam was murdered and that they were going to wait until they had more information to tell Danny the truth about how Sam died. Alexis thinks Scout is too young to know the truth about Sam’s death. Jason tells Diane thar he needs to tell her something under attorney client privilege.

Jason tells Diane that Sasha is pregnant with Michael’s baby. Jason doesn’t believe that Michael agreed to let Sasha raise the baby alone, so he is going to go to Germany to talk to Michael. Jason tells Diane that she shouldn’t tell Carly about Michael and Sasha’s baby and asks Diane to watch over Sasha while he is in Germany. Jason asks Diane to get anything Sasha needs as discreetly as possible.

Cody tells Maxie that he found out Sasha is pregnant and is surprised that Maxie already knew Sasha was pregnant. Lulu tells Maxie she is still in love with Dante, but she knows that he is still grieving Sam.

Chase deals with his being sterile by hitting a punching bag at the gym. Dante arrives at the gym and talks to Chase about Dex and Sam being murdered.

Carly and Jack have a romantic dinner and talk about Jack’s friendship with Valentin and share another kiss.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 29, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Portia tells Anna that the hospital believes that several people were murdered with overdoses of digitalis including Dex and Sam. Anna later tells Dante and Lulu that the hospital did an internal investigation, and they think Sam was murdered.

Sasha asks Jason not to tell anyone that Michael is the father of her baby. Sasha is worried that if Willow finds out about the baby, she will use it as proof of Michael’s infidelity at the custody hearing and the judge might give sole custody of Michael and Amelia to Willow. Sasha also asks Jason not to tell Sonny because his dangerous business associates might want to hurt his newest grandchild.

Gio tells Cody that Sasha and Tracy got into an argument because Sasha told the family she was pregnant. Cody I’d walking by the dock when he sees Jason with his hand on Sasha’s stomach because the baby moved for the first time.

Chase and Brook Lynn begin to deal with the fact that he is sterile and can’t get her pregnant. Chase goes for a walk so he can think about things. Brook Lynn cries and talks to her mom about Chase. Brook Lynn wants to tell Chase about the child she gave up for adoption when she was in high school.

Valentin almost kills Jack by choking him, but Valentin runs away quickly when Carly opens the door to the spa room. Jack thanks Carly for saving his life. Jack goes to Carly’s room later and gives her a kiss.

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GH Short Recap Monday, January 27, 2025

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Recap written by Suzanne

Willow invited Chase to the gatehouse for a friendly chat. He brought a re-housewarming gift from him and Brook Lynn to welcome Willow back to the Quartermaine estate. Willow lamented that, except for Brook Lynn, all the Quartermaines seemed to hate her and hated Drew even more. Chase assured Willow that not everyone hated her, but he couldn’t say the same for Drew. Willow then changed the subject to Chase and Brook Lynn, expressing excitement about their plans to have a baby. At that moment, Chase received a message from his doctor about his test results and asked Willow to interpret them. Upon reviewing the results, Willow looked at Chase and told him he needed to talk to his doctor. When Chase pressured her for answers, Willow revealed that, according to the results, he couldn’t father a child.

Meanwhile, Nina walked into Curtis’ office for what she thought was a business meeting but needed to vent about Willow and Drew first. Curtis informed her that Drew was the reason for the meeting and told Nina that he didn’t think Drew could sink any lower, but he just had.


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GH Short Recap Monday, January 13, 2025

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Recap written by Suzanne

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest at General Hospital. Isaiah deduced that Michael had been poisoned with digitalis and administered the appropriate antidote, stabilizing his condition. Following this incident, Isaiah informed Portia of his suspicion that a killer was targeting patients within the hospital.

Meanwhile, Carly and Sonny were taken aback when Willow asserted her authority over Michael’s medical decisions, insisting that Portia communicate solely with her. Tensions escalated as Willow, influenced by Drew, demanded the return of her children in exchange for allowing Carly and Sonny access to Michael. After negotiations, a compromise was reached: Wiley and Amelia would stay with Nina, enabling Carly and Sonny to focus on Michael’s recovery.


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GH Short Recap Friday, January 24, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Jack goes to visit Carly in Germany to see how things are going with Michael. Carly is frustrated that the doctors won’t let her see Michael. Carly blames herself for bringing Sonny into Michael’s life but Jack tells her she isn’t to blame. Jack tells her he lost a friend during a mission and all the rest of the team members couldn’t deal with what happened on the mission and ruined their lives. Jack tells Carly what happened to Michael was a terrible accident and she isn’t to blame for it. Jack drives Carly to the hospital so she can persuade the doctors to let her see Michael.

Lulu and Brook Lynn have a long talk with Maxie and the ladies decide that they can work together so Lulu gets the job as Brook Lynn’s assistant.

Drew wants to work with Curtis again at Aurora Media but he wants controlling interest in the company. Curtis tells Drew that he doesn’t trust him and since Michael will be back after his recovery he would rather work with Michael because he is trustworthy and a better businessman.

Tracy tells Willow that Drew is banned from the Quartermaine property and if she wants to see him she will have to do it somewhere else.

Kai tells Trina that the orthopedist told him he can’t play football again.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, January 23, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Cody tells Mac he has had a rough time lately and that is why he has been getting in fights in bars. Cody tells Mac that he always sabotages his life when things are going well. Mac tells Cody that he won’t be able to push away the Scorpio family because they will forgive almost everything so he should stop trying to push them away. Cody promises that he is done with bar fights and he won’t get in one again. Mac thinks Cody had a good idea when he decided to spend the night in jail since he didn’t have the money to pay the damage he did at Charlie’s.

Ric persuades Ava to buy a small apartment because she needs a place to live if she is going to get custody of Avery away from Sonny.

Lucy continues to tell Jens Sidwell all about the residents of Port Charles and introduce him to them when she can do it. Jens Sidwell wants to meet Laura Collins because he has a business proposition for her. Lucy sets up a meeting for Jens with Laura. Jordan tells Laura she saw Jens at Charlie’s bar with Lucy. Laura knows Jens was the person holding Lucky hostage so she checks if Jens has a criminal record which he doesn’t although he is a criminal. Laura calls Jens and tells him she wants to meet with him tomorrow.

Lucky and Elizabeth decide to go back to Turning Woods to talk to the employees and see what they can find out about Cyrus.

Lucas tells Josslynn that Lucky and Elizabeth think that Cyrus is killing patients who are very sick because he thinks he is releasing the patients from their suffering. Lucas tells Josslynn that Elizabeth and Lucky are trying to figure out how Dex and Sam fit in with the rest of the murders because they were both healthy. Lucas makes Josslynn promise to stay away from this case because it is very dangerous.

Sonny tells Brick about his heart condition. Brick immediately makes Sonny an appointment with the top cardiologist who is in Los Angeles. Natalia and Sonny start brain storming a good reason why Sonny needs to go to Los Angeles because the five families can’t find out that he has a heart condition.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Kristina reopens the remodeled Charlie’s and Brick comes to celebrate Kristina’s big night.

Brick gets jealous because he sees Jordan sitting with Isiah.

Natalia finds Sonny unconscious on the floor of his office. Natalia finds Sonny’s pills and put one of the pills in his mouth to dissolve and calls 911. Sonny regains conciseness and tells Natalia he doesn’t want to go to the hospital. Sonny tells Natalia to call using his cell phone and tell him what happened.

Isiah leaves Jordan after he tells her that he has a medical emergency.

Brick sits down with Jordan and they talk and flirt for a little bit.

Cody goes to the re-opening of Charlie’s and gets drunk because he is still depressed that lost all his money on the PCU game. A drunk Cody asks Spinelli to pay him $75,000 not to tell anyone what he did with the Society setups dating service years ago. Spinelli tells Cody he doesn’t have that kind of money and he should be ashamed of himself for trying to shake down, a member of his family. Lucky comes over to try to calm down the situation and he gets punched in the face by Cody. Brick breaks up the fight between Cody and Lucky. Cody and Lucky are arrested and taken to the police station.

Isiah tells Sonny he needs to go to a cardiologist, but Sonny still wants to keep his condition a secret. Isiah tells Sonny he needs to be under observation for the night. Natalia tells Isiah she will stay with Sonny.

Jason manages to make a deal to resolve the situation between Willow and Tracy. Willow will move back to the carriage house with the kids so Monica can have them nearby and the kids can be in their home and their lives won’t be uprooted.

Drew tells Martin that he needs to get Willow a divorce as soon as possible because he thinks the Quartermaines will still try to take the kids away from Willow and he must protect Willow from the Quatermaines.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Michael tells Carly he wants to go to Germany for treatment so Jack Brennan arranges for a medical flight with a nurse to take Michael and Carly to Germany. Michael tells Carly he wants to talk to Sasha so Portia says that Michael is handling the pain so he can stay awake until after he talks to Sasha but then he will have to sedate him again. Willow wants to talk to him before Sasha. Willow apologizes to Michael for hurting him by sleeping with Drew. Willow tells Michael despite what happened with Drew she is thankful that he made her a mother and she will always love him. Michael has a spasm and the monitors go off.

Portia later tells Sonny, Carly, and Sasha that Michael had to be sedated because his immune system can’t take being awakened again right now. Carly says goodbye to Sonny before she leaves to get on the medical plane with Michael.

Ava tells Kristina she still intends to have her testify in Avery’s custody hearing and Kristina warns Ava not to push her and Alexis tells Ava to stay away from Kristina.

Jack tells Anna the WSB knows the type of incendiary device used in the explosion of Sonny’s penthouse but he doesn’t think any three letter agency would want to kill Sonny because the incendiary device is used by other governments not three letter agencies.

Anna asks Jason to try and persuade Tracy to tell him where Wiley and Amelia are, but Tracy chooses to be arrested instead of telling Jason the location of the children.

Ava asks Sonny to give her custody of Avery because she is in danger with him. Sonny says no, that Avery is fine. Ava tells Sonny that her lawyer, Martin, will show the court pictures of Michael’s burns and she will get custody of Avery. Sonny has chest pains after Ava leaves his office then he falls to the floor unconscious.

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GH Short Recap Friday, January 17, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Lulu wants to get a job so she can have money to search for Charlotte. Maxie tells Lulu she can work as Brook Lynn’s assistant.

Sidwell goes to Ava’s gallery to find paintings to decorate Wyndamere.

Willow ‘s decides to allow Sonny and Carly to see Michael.

Portia tells Willow that they have a bed for Michael in the John’s Hopkins burn unit.

Carly tells Sonny and Willow that Jack Brennan has gotten Michael a bed at the clinic in Germany where one of the doctors that did Ava’s surgery works.

Sonny and Willow think that Michael should be the one to decide about his medical treatment.
The doctors awaken Michael although they don’t want to because he will feel excruciating pain. Carly goes into Michael’s hospital room and tells him he needs to make a decision about his medical treatment.

Drew goes to the Quartermaine Mansion with Martin Gray to tell Tracy that he has a court order to force her to return Wiley and Amelia to Willow. Tracy can’t give him the kids because she doesn’t know where the kids are. So, Drew has the police arrest Tracy for failing to comply with the court order.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, January 16, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Chase and Brook Lynn go have tests run to find out if there is a reason Brook Lynn can’t get pregnant.

Trina goes to see Kai at the hospital. Kai tells Trina that because he has to recover from his dislocated shoulder he will have to postpone entering the NFL draft until next year.

Ava tells Nina that if she wants to break Drew’s hold on Willow she must tell Willow that she and Drew were sleeping together at the same time Drew was telling her that he loved her.

Chase helps Willow realize that she must make her own decision about what is best for her family and stop listening to what other people are telling her to do,

Willow tells Carly to meet her at the hospital because she wants to talk about Michael.

Alexis tells Curtis that if Drew takes Scout away from everything she loves, she will fight Drew for custody of Scout and she will win.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Cody loses all the money he bet on the PCU football game because Kai injures his arm and is taken out of the game. The team loses by 21points without their star quarterback.

Alexis is concerned about Scout and tells Drew that she thinks Scout should live with her temporarily while he gets settled in Washington DC. Drew understands the reasons why Alexis is concerned but he intends to live in Port Charles and commute to DC when Congress is in session. Drew tells Alexis that Scout belongs with him.

Elizabeth and Lucky decide to team up to find proof that Cyrus is the one killing patients at General Hospital.

Josslynn tells Anna that she and Lucky interviewed Felicia and she remembered that Cyrus was ringing the bell at Rice Plaza but he stopped ringing the bell when Dex was stabbed. Josslynn also tells Anna that Dex and Cyrus had an intense conversation the day before Dex was stabbed. Josslynn tells Anna that Dex didn’t tell her what the conversation was about but she thinks it could have been about when Dex almost killed Cyrus when Dex worked for Sonny. Anna brings Cyrus in to question him in order to begin building a case against him but Josslynn ruins everything by telling Cyrus that she thinks he killed Dex.

Carly asks Jack to help get Michael into the clinic in St. Petersburg that did Ava’s surgery after she was burned. Jack tells Carly the clinic has closed but one of the doctors that worked at the clinic has a clinic in Germany. Carly pleads with Jack to get Michael into the clinic.

Sonny and Jason go to the Quartermaine Mansion to persuade Tracy to let them take the kids to Willow. Tracy persuades Jason to defy Sonny and not take Wiley and Amelia away from their home because Monica is heartbroken about Michael’s accident and it makes her happy to have Wiley and Amelia in the house. The tension caused by this situation gives Sonny chest pains and he takes one of the pills Dr. Gannon prescribed to him.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Tracy agrees to use her financial resources to help Lulu search for Charlotte but she tells Lulu she has to have a solid lead on Charlotte first before she will give Lulu the money to go find Charlotte.

Lucky interviews the administrator of the rescue mission where Cyrus volunteers and finds out Cyrus liked to work with people in hospitals and long-term care facilities.

Josslynn overhears Lucky’s conversation with the rescue mission administrator and, later, she tells Lucky that Cyrus was at Rice Plaza when Dex was attacked. Felicia remembers Cyrus ringing the donation bell without stopping until Dex was stabbed.

Lucas tells Elizabeth that Michael was also given Digitalis but Isiah gave him the antidote in time to save his life. Lucky arrives at Elizabeth’s and tells her and Lucas what he found out about Cyrus. Elizabeth, Lucas, and Lucky decide to find out the connection between Cyrus and the Digitalis victims and why Cyrus would want to kill them.

Jason suggests Carly and Sonny take Michael to the burn clinic in St. Petersburg where Ava got surgery for her burns in 2017.
Willow goes to pick-up Wiley and Amelia from the Quartermaine Mansion to take them back to Nina’s house but Sasha, Lulu, and Tracy won’t let Martin and Willow take the kids from their home. Tracy tells Martin she will tie him up in court so long that Wiley and Amelia will be teenagers. Willow tells Felcia that Michael’s family isn’t allowed to see him. Nina asks Sonny to help her get Wiley and Amelia from the Quartermaine Mansion.

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GH Short Recap Friday, January 10, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Ric asks Alexis to give Ava back the money from her divorce settlement but Alexis tells him there is nothing that she can do because she is only the trustee for Ace.

Sasha finds out from Felicia that Michael has been hurt and goes to the hospital to check on him.

Jason drives Sasha home from the hospital because she is very upset about seeing Michael in such critical condition.

Jack tells his assistant Colette that the incendiary device used to blow up Sonny’s penthouse was developed by the WSB but the project was top secret. Jack wants Colette to investigate if the incendiary device was stolen and possibly sold to an individual or an organization. Jack tells Colette that, because of WSB satellite footage, he knows who killed Dex but since he can’t tell anyone about it, he is going to give Josslynn enough clues to figure out the person who killed Dex.

Jack gives Josslynn the witness list from that day at Rice Plaza. Josslynn interviews Felicia who goes through the things she remembers from that day. Felicia hears the elevator bell ring and suddenly remembers that Cyrus was ringing a bell and asking for donations, but when Dex was stabbed, the donation bell stopped ringing.

Drew and Nina persuade Willow to use the fact that she is still Michael’s wife and medical proxy as leverage to get back her kids. Willow tells Sonny and Carly that she will be making medical decisions for Michael since she is still his wife.

Someone walks into Micheal’s hospital room and puts something into Michael’s IV. The person takes off his mask and is revealed to be Cyrus. Cyrus tells Michael that he knows he is in pain but his soul will soon find peace.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn tells Lois she took another pregnancy test and she isn’t pregnant yet. Brook Lynn wonders if her not being able to get pregnant is punishment because she gave the baby she had in high school up for adoption. Lois tells Brook Lynn that God isn’t punishing her for doing the best she could about the situation at the time. Brook Lynn also feels guilty for not telling Chase about her previous pregnancy and decides it’s too late to tell him the truth now.

Jason goes into Sonny’s burning penthouse to save Michael, whose entire body, is on fire. Sonny calls an ambulance and Michael is taken to the hospital.

Lucas tells Carly Josslynn and Sonny that Michael has third degree burns over 40% of his body and he doesn’t know if Michael will survive.

Nina calls Drew and asks to talk to Willow and tells her that Michael has been burned and is in critical condition and she must come home right away.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Today’s episode will be postponed for tomorrow Wednesday due to President Carter’s funeral.

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General Hospital 2025 Archived Daytime Transcripts

2025 GH Daily Transcripts

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Transcripts provided by Suzanne and sometimes Jim or Thane

January 2025

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Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10
Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 17
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Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31

February 2025

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April 2025

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August 2025

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November 2025

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December 2025

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Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12
Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19
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Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 31


*Did not air

**Will be late due to circumstances beyond our control

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VERNEE WATSON, BROOK KERR, DONNELL TURNER, TABYANA ALI GENERAL HOSPITAL – Episode “15382” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (Disney/Christine Bartolucci)

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