Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Recap written by Suzanne
Maxie finds Emma at the Surf Lodge Café to warn her that Anna is a smart spy, so she can’t get away with much. Sasha arrives, so Maxie tells Emma to go find another table. Emma sits with Gio at a nearby table, still focused on Maxie and Sasha. Sasha tells Maxie that her pregnancy is going fine. Maxie lets her know that there are rumors that Jason is the father. Sasha replies that it’s no one’s business who the father is. Emma eavesdrops on them and then tells Gio what she heard. He doesn’t believe it. She wants to tell Robin and Robert. He thinks it’s a bad idea, but she ignores him.
At the hospital, Trina gets Curtis to talk to Kai, who is struggling since being injured. He’s paralyzed and was told that if he plays football again, he could die. Meanwhile, Kai’s friend and teammate Quinn tries to get Kai to talk about football. Kai tells Quinn that he needs to step up and be team leader now. Curtis introduces himself to Kai, letting him know that he was in a wheelchair for a while after being shot. He suggests that Kai has to let himself feel his grief, anger etc. in order to get to rehab. Kai worries about his future. Curtis praises his work in football, which tells him that Kai is brave. Kai doesn’t want to be a charity case but tells Curtis that he hasn’t let his family know his prognosis yet. He feels that he failed his team, but Curtis disagrees. Curtis asks him not to give up on himself. He gives Kai his business card and tells him to call any time, and then he leaves. Kai texts Trina, asking her to come by.
Outside, Quinn blames Trina for Kai’s injuries – for getting him involved in art so that his focus was split. They argue about Kai before Quinn storms off in a huff.
Laura and Jordan sit at the Metro Court bar. Laura tells her that she met with Jenz Sidwell, who could be a major problem in the town. They can’t believe there are no warrants out for his arrest, after what he did to Lucky. Laura also tells her that Anna thinks he may have set fire in Sonny’s apartment. They wonder what he has against Sonny. Laura leaves, and Isaiah shows up. Jordan tells him that Sidwell is in town. He doesn’t think Sidwell would come after him again. She jokes that she would like to use the towel her gave her for Christmas, next time she works out and uses the steam room. She begins to tell him about her stressful day, but he’s called away on the phone. Meanwhile, Sidwell arrives at the bar, so she greets him warmly, asks why he’s in town, and what his business is. He replies genially that he’s an importer of rare gems and other things of value. They flirt. Isaiah sees them together and isn’t too happy about it.
Elizabeth is on the phone with someone at “Turning Woods” to ask about an older lady named Mrs. Chad that died suddenly of a heart attack, even though she was in good health. They know that Cyrus visited her before that. Laura drops by to bring news about Sidwell being in town, and how he bought Wyndemere. Liz can’t believe he’s just walking around free, but there were no laws in the place where he kept Lucky prisoner. Laura tells him that Anna is keeping an eye on Sidwell. Lucky assures her that he’ll be fine and will stay away from Sidwell. Elizabeth watches his face; she can tell that he’s not fine. She tries to get Lucky to open up about Sidwell keeping him prisoner. He admits that it was hell. He convinced Jason not to kill Sidwell, but he hopes that he doesn’t regret it (if Sidwell hurts others).
Sonny and Alexis are in her office. He asks how she is. She’s upset that Sam was murdered. Sonny offers an ear, so she rages about her feelings. They hug, and she literally cries on her should. He assures her that she never failed Sam, and she thanks him. Laura comes by to ask Kristina if she knows anything about Sidwell buying Wyndemere. Alexis tells her that Ava sold Wyndemere to another company. Laura tells them that Sidwell bought Wyndemere. Sonny and Laura tell Alexis that Sidwell kidnapped Lucky and was probably behind the targeting of Jason and Anna. Sonny has to leave, so Laura offers her sympathy about Sam. Alexis thanks her and tells her that she plans to focus on Sam’s gift of love to Lulu
Dante and Brook Lynn are talking in the stables when Lulu arrives, looking for Cody. Brook Lynn leaves. Dante tells Lulu that he met with Anna, who wants him to take a week off. She doesn’t want him near the investigation into Sam’s death. Lulu knows that it’s frustrating. They talk about Dante’s grief. She says that she owes him apology for what she said and did in Prague, but he brushes that off. She is grateful for Sam’s sacrifice. Dante opens up to her about how he feels, and plans he had with Sam. Lulu feels sympathetic. She tells him that she’s so happy that he had a love like that. In turn, he tells her that he doesn’t blame her for Sam’s death. Leaving, she tells him that he knows where to find her if he needs her.
Brook Lynn and Lois have coffee. Brook Lynn tells Lois that she was with Dante, who fathered the child she gave away years ago. She thought about telling Chase but decided against pursuing any more information. Lois is supportive but looks guilty. Brook Lynn opines that she doesn’t know her child’s gender or name; just the birthdate. The expression on Lois’ face tells that she knows something.
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