B&B Short Recap Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge drops by to see Eric; he fills him in on what Taylor’s been going through and about how Shandra helped her. They wonder how Brooke is going to take it.

Steffy finds Finn changing in his office. They flirt, but she says they can’t go home due to Ridge and Taylor using their place. They wonder if her parents are getting back together. Finn is called away for one of his patients.

Brooke demands to know what Taylor was doing with Ridge at Steffy’s place. Taylor explains about her health problems. Brooke is very skeptical and wonders what Taylor’s intentions are with Ridge. Taylor assures her that Ridge planned all of this, not her. Brooke asks her not to use this to cling to Ridge. Taylor tells her that she’ll always love him, but she’s feeling much better now and doesn’t need a man. Steffy comes in while she’s speaking. Brooke smiles, relieved, and leaves. Steffy wonders what just happened.

At home, Brooke researches Broken Heart Syndrome but flashes back to seeing Taylor sitting on Ridge’s lap. Ridge arrives, so Brooke tells him that she heard all about Taylor’s problems and why Ridge was with her earlier. Brooke tells him that she saw them through the window and wants to know what that was all about.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, October 14, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge and Taylor do poses and breathing to try to fix Taylor’s chakra, as guided by Shandra. Meanwhile, Brooke watches them through the window in disbelief, wondering what the heck is going on. Taylor feels better. Ridge and Shandra leave. Brooke comes in and accuses Taylor of manipulating Ridge back into her life.

Hope and Carter kiss some more; they agree to keep their relationship private for now. They hear Steffy coming in, so they break their embrace and pretend to be working. Steffy thinks Hope is hounding Carter about the numbers for Hope For the Future. She warns Hope not to get Carter involved because he is COO. Hope assures her that she hears her. Steffy mentions that Ridge is with Taylor, so talk turns to their moms and Ridge. Hope asks Steffy if they can put the past aside and not let their rivalry tear them apart.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, October 11, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Brooke visits Eric again to talk about how she’s suspicious of Ridge and Taylor spending time together. She plans to visit and surprise them.

Ridge brings in a Chakra specialist named Chandra to help a very skeptical Taylor. Chandra arrives and talks about shakras and energies and explains how they can be affected by pasta traumas. She says she uses yoga to help this but warns that some strong emotions can be released. Ridge and Taylor sit on the floor, facing each other, looking into each other’s eyes. Brooke arrives and watches them suspiciously through the window.

Liam is still trying to get Hope to consider going back with him when Carter walks in again. He feels bad for interrupting them. Beth returns with lemon bars from Pam. Her parents joke with her. They hug her and then Liam and Beth leave. Things are a bit awkward between Hope and Carter. She apologizes, worrying that he’s upset. She assures him that she and Liam are not a couple. They kiss again.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Hope is shocked when Liam asks if they went through everything (with Beth) just to live apart. He asks her if it’s too late and whether she has someone. She replies, “Not yet,” so he thinks she means Finn. She assures him it’s not Finn. Liam misses her and wonders if they can try again. She’s really thrown. He wonders if the good in their past outweighs the bad. He assures her that he’s not the same person he was and that he’s worked hard on himself. She tells him that they’ve moved on and that he’s asking too much. They hug. Just then, Carter walks in.

Just after Brooke sees Ridge hugging Steffy, assuring her that he’ll always be there for Taylor, she wonders what he meant by that. Taylor phones just then and asks Ridge to come over to Steffy’s place. He kisses Brooke and leaves. Brooke and Steffy have another argument about Ridge and Taylor. Brooke thinks that Steffy is trying to undermine her relationship with Ridge, even though she claims she’s not trying to push her parents together. Steffy brings up Hope once again, chasing after Finn. Carter comes in just as they’re postulating that Hope should find a new man, or go back to liam. Carter doesn’t want to discuss Hope and Liam with Steffy and Brooke, so he leaves.

Taylor tells Ridge that she’s having a hard time adjusting to her new diagnosis of Broken Heart Syndrome. He urges her again to tell their kids about what’s going on, but she refuses. He assures her that he’ll be there for her, and they hold hands. Taylor tells him that she’s taking medications given to her by Paris’ mom, and they’ll have another echocardiogram in a few weeks. Ridge tells her that he’s made some calls, and he think he’s found someone to help her with her problems. Taylor shares how she’s feeling, and they hug.


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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Carter walked in on Liam, Hope and Beth sharing pizza for lunch in Hope’s office, so he goes to excuse himself, even though they assure him that he can stay. Beth, wanting to leave her parents along together, insists on leaving with Carter to help him his work. Liam and Hope reminisce about the past, including flashbacks. Liam wonders if they went through everything with Beth, just to end up apart?

Brooke visits Eric at home. Brooke thinks he looks great, but he credits Donna for that. He wonders how she’s doing since Taylor is back in town. She doesn’t want to put Ridge in the middle again for have that fight with Taylor. She hopes they can be friends instead of rivals. Brooke thinks they’ve matured enough for that. Eric knows how their fighting over Ridge affects everyone, especially Steffy. Brooke is happy for Taylor and Ridge’s family, but she’s a bit worried about Taylor.

Ridge and Steffy are at work. She tells him that their promo with JJ worked out well. He’s distracted, so she asks if it’s because of Taylor. Ridge keeps sidestepping Steffy’s questions about her mom. Steffy hopes that Taylor can stay in town, but she thinks she seems different. They mention what Steffy went through with Luna, and how Taylor helped her deal with that. She doesn’t plan to play matchmaker, but she does point out that there’s magic between her parents – a connection that will always exist. She thinks it’s hard for Taylor to see him with Brooke. Ridge assures her that, even though he’s committed to Brooke, he’ll always be there for Taylor. They hug. Brooke overhears the end of their conversation outside the door, making her more suspicious.


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Having just kissed, Hope and Carter discuss their feelings and beam at each other.

At home, Finn and Steffy kiss. She talks about how good things are with them, and she calls him a hero for all the times he’s rescued her. They show flashbacks to Finn rescuing Steffy. They tempt fate by saying that nothing will tear them apart. Then they kiss again.

Liam and Will continue to have lunch with the Forrester women, Lainey (who’s in marketing) and Toni (who’s in sales). Liam extolls Will’s virtue and shows them photos of Will, and of his daughters. Sheila comes by and meets the women, welcoming them. She offers them dessert on the house, but the woman have to leave for a meeting. Liam is more polite to Sheila than usual, but we can tell it’s difficult for him. Will is jokingly annoyed with Liam, telling him that he’s the worst wingman ever. Will asks Liam if he’s been dating, but he hasn’t. He talks about Hope and Steffy. He feels Will in a little bit about why his marriage to Hope broke up. He misses her, but they’ve been through too much now. Will urges him to try again with Hope. Liam tells Will that they make great co-parents. Beths’ manny, Bodie, brings her to see Liam. Beth suggests they get some pizza and bring it to Hope. Hope is glad to see them, and they joke around. Carter drops by to see Hope but can tell that he’s walking in on a family dinner.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, October 7, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge chats with Li in office about Taylor and her broken heart syndrome. He thinks Taylor could use a therapist; he confides that he’s having a hard time not telling Brooke or the kids about what Taylor’s going through. He asks Li to have a chat with Taylor, so she can come to terms with her diagnosis. Brooke arrives, and she wonders what’s going on with Taylor. She asks how Li and Poppy are doing, with what happened, with Luna. Li admits that they’re taking it one day or a time. She leaves, and Brooke questions whether something is going on with Taylor. She says that having Taylor around and spending so much time with Ridge is an adjustment, but she claims that she’s not jealous. He teases her a little bit, and then they kiss and hug. Ridge looks guilty behind her back. She catches him up about Will working at Forrester, and he’s gleeful that Bill will not be happy to hear that. She also talks about Bill was hoping to get back with Katie. She brings up Hope awkwardly as well.

Carter has good news for Hope. He’s done some early projections, and the numbers are going up for Hope For The Future. She’s very happy to hear that. He tells her that he cares about her, and the line. He knows that things have been tense for her, with Steffy, and they briefly mention Finn, which she’s embarrassed about. He knows what it’s like because of what happened with Quinn. She jokes about not having to model lingerie for HFTF now. She asks about Katie, which surprises him. He assures her that he and Katie are just friends. He is single, and she tells him that he’s easy to be with. They joke around and flirt, but they also have some meaningful discussion. She’s sad that Thomas has taken Douglas out of the country. She thanks Carter for his concern, and he returns with many compliments about how much he admires her. They talk a little more about his past (Paris and Quinn), and about what happened with Beth. They get closer and then have a very passionate kiss.

Zende teases Will at Forrester about being the new intern. They both agree that there are distractions there. Will just doesn’t want to let his mom down. Zende suggests they go get pizza for lunch. Liam arrives and is shocked to see Will there. Model Lainey comes in and congratulations Will on being the newest Forrester intern. Liam can’t believe it and teases Will about what their dad is going to say. Zende is called away, so Liam invites Will out to lunch instead. They go to Il Giordino. Lainey and another woman, Toni, see them, so Will says hi and introduces Liam. Liam suggests they all sit together. He steals all of the attention by talking about his kids and showing them photos. He also mentions that he has multiple ex-wives, which shocks the women. Will rolls his eyes at Liam’s shenanigans.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, October 4, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Taylor doesn’t believe Grace’s diagnosis of Broken Heart Syndrome. Grace explains that motional stress can cause damage to heart muscle, and it can be linked to estrogen dropping. She lists all of the symptoms, which Taylor has had. Ridge thinks this is great news, but Taylor takes it like a slap in the face. She goes into completely denial and acts like Grace is telling her that her symptoms are all in her head. Upset, Taylor leaves. She rants and raves to Ridge at Steffy’s house. When she mentions getting a second opinion, he urgers her to do that but advises her not to ignore it. He reminds her that she told him years ago that the mind and body are connected and that problems with the mind are dangerous to ignore. She’s still angry and lashes out a bit at Ridge. Eventually, she calms down, and she tells him again not to tell anyone (this time because she’s embarrassed). He holds her hand, telling her that he’s there for her, always. They hug.

Liam and Steffy chat about some deal Forrester is making with Spencer. After that’s settled, they talk about how nice it is for Steffy to have Taylor around again. They chuckle about how much Kelly goes on and on about her grandma. Liam is surprised she’s planning to stay, but Steffy says that her mom seems different. Liam wonders if it maybe it’s due to Ridge. Steffy lets him know that she’s planing to stay out of Ridge and Taylor’s relationship this time. Liam also mentions that Ridge is with Brooke. They talk about how strong Taylor is, and how she’s had to deal with a lot in her life.

Bill tells Brooke that Katie refuses to get back together with him. She knows that Katie blames her for what happened years ago with Bill. She offers to talk to Katie, to see if she can convince her to go back to Bill. Bill thanks Brooke for always seeing the best in him. He wonders why she and Ridge have never gotten re-married and whether Taylor being back in town might cause them problems, but she assures him that she and Ridge are solid.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, October 3, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Taylor gets the cardiac enzyme test from Grace. Ridge is there to support her. After the test, she tells him that she’s glad he’s there. She reminisces about their past, saying she didn’t know how lucky they had it when they were all a family. She tells him that she wants him to be happy. Grace returns with her test results. She says that the numbers are good, and she doesn’t have heart failure. Ridge and Taylor are shocked. Grace thinks Taylor has broken heart syndrome, which can mimic heart failure.

Brooke and Carter chat about how well Brooke’s Bedroom is doing. She teases him about having a special woman and asks if he and Katie are still an item. He tells her he and Katie have just been friends for quite a while. He wonders if Katie will get back with Bill.

Hope and Steffy are working in the same room. Hope tries to bond with Steffy by talking about Taylor and saying how she’s always glad to have her mom nearby. Steffy acts bitchy, as she often does to Hope. Hope suggests they try to keep the peace. She apologizes again for going after Finn and promises it won’t happen again. Hope suggests that they act like the family they are and leave a better legacy for their kids. She tells Steffy that she’s just trying to get back to who she was. Steffy throws all this back in Hope’s face and insults her and Brooke. Carter comes in just then. Steffy leaves, so Carter and Hope flirt and joke around about her wearing lingerie. He invites her to lunch at Il Giardino.

Katie drops by to see Bill at his place, at his request. He wants to get back together with her. He assures her that things are over with him and Poppy. However, she turns him down. She tells him that it was too painful before, when he chose Brooke over her. Will doesn’t seem to care if his parents are back together or not. He tries again to convince her, but she says that she’s past the idea of them being together. Later, Brooke drops by for a meeting with Bill about Brooke’s Bedroom. He asks if they can reschedule, so she wonders what’s wrong. He tells her what happened with Katie, and how Katie said that he’s only interested in her when Brooke’s not available.


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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge convinces Taylor to go see specialists for her heart problems. They hug and then go visit Grace Buckingham, Paris’ mom. Taylor is reluctant to have tests or see doctors, but Ridge urges her to fight and not give up. They meet with Grace and tell her that Taylor has heart failure. Grace wants to do a blood test that will determine if Taylor has had a heart attack, so they agree. Ridge is very much involved in Taylor’s medical care. They hug.

Brooke and Steffy chat some more about Taylor and how glad they all are to have her home. Brooke remembers her own mom and how much she misses her.

Katie talks to Will about getting a Forrester internship. He promises to give it a try. A model name Willow comes in, looking for Hope. She and Will look at each other in a flirty way. Will agrees to talk to Steffy after that. Katie asks Steffy to talk to Will about a possible internship. Steffy admits that there’s an opening, now that Luna is gone. Katie lets her know that Will isn’t sure that fashion is right for him. Meanwhile, Will meets two other attractive young women, Kingsley and Lainey. Katie brings Will in to see Steffy (and Brooke). Will tells them that he’s changed his mind and wants to be there. Steffy tells Brooke that she wonders how Bill will react. Katie teases Will about flirting with the young women.


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge tries to come to grips with the idea that Taylor is dying. She doesn’t want him to tell anyone, especially Steffy and Thomas, because she doesn’t want to be a burden to them. He’s very frustrated because he went through the same thing with Eric. He’s glad to hear that she told Li, who recommended some cardiologists, but she doesn’t think they can help her. He gets upset, and they hug. He tells her how important she is to him and that he can’t lose her.

Brooke and Steffy are working in the same office. They talk about work a little, but when talk turns to Ridge, Steffy suggests to Brooke that Ridge and Taylor will always have a bond. Brooke agrees but makes it clear that Ridge’s future is with her. Brooke assures Steffy that she’s not threatened by Taylor and that both she and Ridge agree that it’s great that she came home to spend time with her family.

Will and Katie are at Forrester after lunch. He’s worried that she’ll get back with Bill, who will hurt her again. She appreciates his concern but tries to convince him to join Forrester as an intern.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, September 30, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

In Steffy’s office, Finn and Steffy kiss. He assures her again that he only has eyes for her, not Hope. Eric comes in, and they chat about the photo shoot. They (mostly Eric) talk about the Brooke’s Bedroom line, and how it’s great for Ridge, who seems happy. Steffy thinks that Taylor is the reason Ridge is doing well, and they agree. Finn talks about how much the kids love having her around. Later, Finn and Steffy discuss Taylor, alone. Steffy is very glad to have her mom home and hopes she stays. She feels more relaxed with her around. Finn is happy for her.

In Hope’s office, she and Carter continue to flirt, since he thinks she should model lingerie to tie in HFTF with Brooke’s Bedroom. They talk about their past office romances and how badly they turned out. They agree that it’s a bad idea, but it’s obvious that they’re attracted to each other (as they grin foolishly). Eric comes in and talks about the Brooke’s Bedroom line briefly. They smile at each other behind him. He leaves them alone. Hope promises Carter that she’ll think about the modeling idea.

At Il Giardino, Katie and Will share a meal. They talk at length about Bill. Will pours out his heart about how much it affected him before when Bill didn’t treat her well, and he doesn’t want him to do that again. He reminds her that he’s fine if they don’t get back together. He also doesn’t want to be anything like “Dollar Bill” in life or business. She’s glad to hear him being honest with her. He tells her at the end that he’s transferring to a local school, which makes her very happy. They hug.

Ridge helps Taylor revive and stand up after her fall at Forrester. He wants to get her to a hospital, but she tells him that she won’t go. She also warns him not to tell Steffy. She makes excuses about why she fainted, but he doesn’t believe her. He presses her for details, so she tells him that she already saw a doctor in Europe. She tells him to make sure to take care of Steffy. Now he’s really worried, so she tells him, reluctantly, that she has heart failure and is dying.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, September 27, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

The Forresters gather for a new Brooke’s Bedroom photo shoot. They’re bringing in Icelandic rock star J.J. (Jökull Júlíusson), who’s the lead singer of a band called Kaleo (in real life), to record music for the new shoot. They all meet. Hope is a big fan of J.J., and so is Finn. Steffy prepares to go get J.J. Hope chats with her briefly about J.J. Steffy informs Hope that Finn will be there, so Hope needs to stay away from him. Hope and Carter chat a little. Finn arrives, so he and Hope chat, mostly about J.J.

Steffy is in another room when Taylor arrives. Steffy tells her that she probably won’t want to see this photo shoot (with Brooke, and Ridge). She also tells her what she told Hope. Taylor warns her to keep an eye on Hope. Steffy sets up a live feed on the TV screen for their shoot, which Taylor watches.

Steffy goes back to the photo shoot. Bridget arrives and says hello to her mom and everyone. She knows J.J. from a visit to Iceland, and she arranged for him to be there. Everyone is very excited. J.J. arrives and meets everyone. Finn is also there and is a bit tongue-tied to meet J.J. Hope watches from the other side of the room. Steffy tells Hope that she doesn’t like the way she was looking at Finn and accuses her of fantasizing about Finn. Hope denies it, but Steffy tells her to leave, so she does (because she knows her line is in danger if she doesn’t).

Finn chats with Steffy. She mentions that she told Hope to leave. Later, he assures her that he only has eyes for her, and it doesn’t matter what Hope does. They hug and kiss.

In another office, Hope fantasizes about the kiss she gave Finn. Carter comes in and tells Hope that he’s been thinking about her, and HFTF. They flirt a bit. He has an idea about making her line more popular: she should model lingerie for her own line, and tie it in with Brooke’s Bedroom. She doesn’t look sure about that idea, but she clearly enjoys flirting with Carter.

Zende, RJ and the other producers film J.J. singing, “Way Down” while everyone else watches their private concert. Film of Brooke in the lingerie plays in the background.

Taylor watches him sing the song. It clearly touches her.

After the concert, everyone applauds. J.J. hopes to see them all later at his concert. He hugs them and leaves, and so does Bridget. Ridge and Brooke flirt and kiss. Meanwhile, Taylor was just about to walk in, but she sees them and hangs back, eavesdropping. Her heart pounds fast. She gets upset, and she has what looks to be a heart attack, She grabs the near curtain and falls, bringing the curtain down. Ridge sees her fall and runs over to her. She looks unconscious.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy tells Hope that she’s certain that her parents still love each other. Hope wonders if that’s why Taylor is back, but Steffy denies that. She claims that Taylor is just happy to be there with the family. Hope wonders why Taylor has come back now, but Steffy doesn’t think that there’s any big mystery. Hope reiterates that no one will come between Ridge and Brooke again.

Ridge and Taylor hug. He admits that he’s very happy that she’s there, for however long it will be. She plans to appreciate every moment she has with her family and the people she loves. Ridge gives her a side hug. Just then, Brook starts to walk in but backs out, watching them in shock. She comes in after that, asking if she’s interrupting. Ridge kisses her and Taylor says she’ll leave them alone, since they’re busy. Brooke asks her if she heard of the big photo shoot tomorrow for Brooke’s Bedroom. Taylor has heard about it and tries to rush out. Ridge and Brooke are surprised she’s leaving so soon. She just said that it’s great to see the two of them happy and that they have a lot to look forward to. She leaves. Ridge looks concerned. They’re both excited about bedroom line. They agree that it’s good to have Taylor back, but Brooke feels like Taylor is not herself, and not too happy. Ridge didn’t notice Taylor being unhappy or different.

Taylor and Steffy chat. Taylor is proud of her daughter. They also talk about Kelly a little. Mostly, they talk about Ridge. It’s clear that Steffy still hopes her parents can get back together. Taylor admits that the memories of the past with their family are the happiest of her life. However, she says, Steffy has to accept that he’s with Brooke now, like she has. She mentions that they have a bright future, with a long life ahead of them. Steffy looks shocked and confused.

Will is at Forrester, on the phone with Donna. She’s trying to set him up with someone, but he’s not interested. RJ walks in behind him to put a laptop down on a table. There seems to be some tension between them. Will asks RJ if he really didn’t know that Luna was crazy. RJ’s face falls, and he looks sad. Will apologizes for asking but mentions that Luna is in jail where she belongs. RJ asks Will why he’s there instead of with Bill at Spencer Publications. Will isn’t sure what he’s going to be doing, but he mentions that Katie invited him to work there. RJ can’t imagine that Bill would want that, but Will says whatever decision he makes will be his choice. Will says that maybe he and RJ will work together one day. RJ doesn’t look too happy about that idea.

Katie visits Bill, at his request. He asks her to consider getting their family back together. They talk about what he’s been going through with Luna. He holds her hand, and they discuss Will a bit. Bill blames himself for hurting Katie in the past. Will arrives, too. Bill tells him that he’s a different man, and he wants to reunite their family. Will asks Katie is that’s what she wants. Katie isn’t sure because she’s enjoying having Will home and doesn’t want anything to spoil that. They hug.


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy has come home and wonders why Taylor has been crying. Taylor sidesteps the question. They have a nice chat. Taylor assures Steffy that she’s home to stay. Steffy pours out her heart about how much she needs her mom with her. They hug, and Taylor cries more.

Li thinks about how Taylor is dying. Finn comes in to ask her a question, so she answers. He can tell that she’s bothered about something. She tells him that it’s about one of her patients, but she can’t give him any details. They chat about it, without him knowing it’s Taylor (his mother-in-law).

Ridge and Brooke flirt and kiss. They both agree that it’s good that Taylor is back in town.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, September 23, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Li is shocked to learn that Taylor is dying from heart failure. She promises to find a good oncologist for her. Taylor swears her to secrecy.

Steffy tells Ridge that she doesn’t want Taylor to leave town. She hopes he can talk Taylor into staying, so he agrees.

Brooke, Eric and Donna are at the Forrester mansion. Donna blames herself for what happened with Luna because she was the one who hired her. They mention Taylor, so Brooke flashes back to part of her conversation with Taylor. Brooke tells them that she and Taylor might finally become friends. They hope that’s true and remind her that she and Stephanie became friends before Stephanie died.

Brooke and Ridge catch up with what the other was talking about with Steffy and Taylor. Brook doesn’t think Taylor is going to go anywhere. Ridge is glad to hear it because Steffy needs her mom.

Steffy comes home to find Taylor home. It’s clear that Taylor has been crying, so she asks what’s wrong.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, September 20, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Taylor is on the phone at Steffy’s place when Brooke arrives. Taylor assures Brooke that she’s not back in L.A. to chase after Ridge again. Brooke proposes that they try to be friends again. Taylor is open to the idea, but first they have a lot talk about Hope and Steffy. Brooke agrees that they should try to make peace with themselves and their daughters, and that she doesn’t want Hope to make the wrong choices, like she did.

Steffy and Ridge chat about Taylor being back in town. They both missed her. Steffy hopes that Taylor sticks around.

Finn’s patient is the Forrester pilot, Deuce (played again by Tom Arnold). Deuce is anxious about his test results. Finn has to leave for a minute. Nurse April arrives with the test results, but she can only give them to Finn. Finn returns, and his mom, Li, also arrives. Taylor texts Li, so she leaves to go visit her. Finn informs Deuce that all of his test results are fine. He was worried about nothing.

Li visits Taylor, thinking that she wants to talk about re-starting her practice. Taylor lets Li know that she has heart failure and is drying from it. Li is shocked.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge and Taylor flirt and then have a long, heartfelt talk about deep subjects, such as their kids, their grand-kids, and their late daughter, Phoebe. She asks him why he didn’t marry Brooke again, and he replies that it just didn’t necessary because they’ve done so many weddings in the past. She tells him that he was the love of her life and always will be.

Brooke, Katie and Donna have lunch and talk about how the press keep pestering them about Steffy and Luna. Donna admires how Finn rescued Steffy, and how they have such a great relationship. She and Katie compare them to Brooke and Ridge, and Donna and Eric, and then Katie and Bill. Katie isn’t so sure about that last part. Brooke admits that in the past, she’d be worried about Taylor returning, but she doesn’t feel threatened now.

Steffy and Finn spend a lot of time kissing and hugging, and then they make love. He assures her that he’ll be here for her, forever. She talks about how she though about him and the kids when she was caged by Luna.


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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Ridge and Taylor have a nice visit with Eric at his home. Eric catches up with Taylor, but then he’s called away for a meeting. Ridge and Taylor discuss Hope and Steffy and then have a warm chat. She confesses that she was in Monaco when he and Brooke were there for the Brooke’s Bedroom press thing. She claims she was there for a meeting and it made her miss her home with the kids, grandkids and him.

Steffy and Liam chat at her place. He’s picking up something for Kelly. He asks how she’s doing. She has the same flashback as Finn did yesterday, about his rescuing her from Luna’s cage. She says that none of it would have happened if Hope hadn’t kissed Finn. Liam doesn’t know what to make of Hope’s kissing Finn, but he doesn’t quite buy Steffy’s theory that she’s turning into Brooke, either. Liam is glad that Steffy was rescued.

Brooke visits Finn at his office (does he ever get anything done at work?). She tells him that Steffy threatened Hope, saying that if she even looks at Finn the wrong way, Steffy will kill Hope For The Future. She begs him to try to reason with Steffy. He doesn’t want to be in the middle between Steffy and Hope, but he doesn’t refuse.

Finn goes home, where Steffy is chatting with Liam. Liam thanks him again for saving Steffy, and he leaves. Finn and Steffy kiss. He tells her about Brooke’s visit. He assures her that he’s putting her and the kids first, so he doesn’t have to worry about Hope, Sheila or anyone else. They kiss and hug more.


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy tells Hope that she’d better leave Finn alone, or she’ll lose Hope For The Future. Hope protests, in vain. Brooke comes in and defends Hope.

Brooke, Ridge, Taylor discuss what just happened at the meeting. Taylor and Brooke argue again about their daughters.

Steffy tells Ridge and Taylor what she said to Hope.

Brooke and Hope discuss what’s happened above.

Finn thinks about Steffy and what happened when he rescued her from Luna’s cage. RJ drops by, at Finn’s request. Finn wants to know how RJ is doing. RJ isn’t really sure how to deal with what he’s feeling. They talk about Luna a little. Finn notes that RJ is in a tough spot, being half-brother to both Hope and Steffy. They both hope that one day, Hope and Steffy can put their differences aside and realize they have a lot in common.

Finn goes to Il Giardino to pick up lunch for the nurses at his hospital. He runs into Hope, who’s there looking for Deacon. Hope is trying hard not to be too friendly. Finn is glad that Hope didn’t lose her line, but he’s wondering why she doesn’t seem overjoyed. She says that it’s best they don’t spend time together, and he knows it’s because of the kiss. He asks her why she did it. She says that she cares about him too much, and he replies that he cares about her, too (obviously, not in the same way). He hopes that someday she and Steffy can see how amazing they both are. He gets his food and leaves. She remembers the nice moments they had together in the past.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, September 16, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy tells Hope and the rest of the Forresters that she won’t be killing Hope For The Future. Everyone is shocked.

Later, Brooke chats with Ridge and Taylor about how she’s glad for what happened. However, she wants to know if Ridge would have backed Steffy, had she killed the line.

Hope phones Zende to let him know the good news. Steffy comes in and informs Hope that if she wants to keep her line, she needs to not go after Finn ever again.

Liam and Will continue to have lunch at Il Giordano. Deacon comes up, so Liam introduces them. Liam and Deacon both praise Katie. Deacon hopes that Bill knows how wonderful Katie is. They chat a little about Luna (and the two men she killed) and make some jokes about Bill. Deacon gives them espresso to go, on the house.

Bill and Katie flirt. They text Will to come over, so he does. They just want to hang out together, as a family, and they all hug.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, September 13, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Brooke and Hope keep arguing about Finn and Steffy because Hope hinted that she might want to go after Finn for revenge.

Finn, Steffy, and Taylor finish talking about how grateful they are for Steffy’s return. Ridge comes in with Carter. They discuss Hope’s line because it’s not doing well. Steffy knows that Hope might be too happy to hear that.

Brooke and Hope join the others. Carter shows Hope the early projections. Ridge backs what Carter is saying. Hope gets a bit upset and asks if they’re going to kill Hope For The Future.

Liam and Will meet for lunch at Il Giordino. They talk a little bit about Poppy and Luna, which leads to them discussing Bill and Katie. Will is worried that Bill might hurt Katie again if they reunited, but he supports them, otherwise. Liam seems to agree.

Bill comes home to find Katie. She was finishing up a work call. She tells him that Poppy was just there and that she apologized to her. Bill credits Katie for their discovery of Luna’s machinations. He isn’t sure yet whether he and Poppy will stay together because they’re both processing what happened. He continues to praise Katie, and they have a nice conservation, with lots of flirting.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, September 12, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

At Forrester, Hope tries to make nice with Steffy, but Steffy refuses to believe anything Hope says, insults her and warns her again to stay away from Finn.

Also at Forrester, Brooke and Taylor argue about Hope and Steffy, as usual. Taylor asks her to make sure that Hope behaves and also suggests that Brooke be worried about how Hope’s been acting.

At the hospital, Finn and Li discuss Poppy (and Luna). Poppy has been staying with Li, and the sisters are getting along. Li won’t abandon her sister after everything she’s lost. She’s worried about Bill breaking her heart.

At Bill’s house, Katie and Poppy apologize to each other about how they treated each other and discuss Bill, and Luna. Poppy hopes to still be with Bill.

Later, Taylor tells Steffy about her conversation with Brooke. Finn drops by. Taylor thanks Finn again for rescuing Steffy. Finn and Steffy hug.

Hope tells Brooke that when she went to apologize to Steffy, who just attacked her, like usual. Brooke agrees with her, mostly, but Hope is very frustrated. She says that maybe she’s not so sorry about kissing Finn now, with the way Steffy is acting. Brooke is shocked. They argue more about Finn and Steffy. Brooke is worried that Hope is going to take revenge on Steffy by going after Finn.


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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Taylor and Steffy catch up. Steffy is glad that her mother is sticking around.

Hope chats with Brooke, who once again wants to make sure that she’s not thinking about Finn.

Taylor is walking by Brooke’s door at Forrester when Brooke calls her in to tell her that she’s glad Steffy is safe. She is sympathetic to Taylor’s feelings of worry when Steffy was missing. Their nice moment is ruined when Taylor tells Brooke to tell Hope to stop chasing after Finn.

Hope goes to see Steffy in her office. She says that she’s glad Steffy is back at work, but Steffy knows that she’s just trying to flatter her. Steffy lets her know that she still needs to see a better performance by Hope For The Future. She also warns Hope away from Finn.

Finn gets a visit from Liam in his office. Liam apologizes for giving Finn a hard time last time he saw him, and he thanks him for rescuing Steffy.

Bill gets a visit from Katie and Will. They have a nice long chat. Bill thanks Katie for trying to save him from Poppy. He calls her his “guardian angel.”


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Eric and Donna have a get-together for their family and their house to celebrate Steffy’s safe return. RJ keeps blaming himself for bringing Luna into the family, but Steffy and Ridge tell him that he’s not to blame. Steffy wants to get back to work and back to a normal life. Eric kisses Steffy, glad she’s safe. Deacon arrives, invited by Eric for Steffy. She tells everyone the details of what happened. They all feel bad for Poppy. Hope tells Steffy honestly that she’s glad that she’s OK and back with her family. Steffy fills Zende and RJ in on Luna’s confession about how sleeping with Zende was no accident. They’re both stunned at her machinations. Brooke and RJ both apologize to Zende for how they treated him, and they each hug him. Hope takes Finn aside and tells him that he’s a hero, and he grins back at her. Taylor watches them from across the room. Everyone is grateful that Steffy is back home and that Finn rescued her. She and Taylor hug him, and Steffy kisses him. Hope watches glumly. Brooke gets in her ear to point out how much in love they are.

Poppy waits for Bill in his living room. She looks sadly at the photo of her, Bill and Luna on the mantle. Bill comes in and asks how she is. She’s still trying to process what happened and blames herself for everything Luna did. Bill tells her repeatedly that she’s not at fault. She tells him that she and Li are doing well as sisters again. She lets him know how much she loves him and is grateful to him. They hug.


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