Days of Our Lives Transcript

Transcript provided by Suzanne
Well, I hope you have a wonderful Turkey Day, too, Mother. And please send Roger my regards.
[doorbell rings] I should take this. I love you.
[suspenseful music]
Well, it’s definitely not mutual. You can take my word on that.
[chuckles] What the hell do you want?
[phone line trilling]
[phone ringing]
Hey, Javi, did you get those dinner rolls Gabi wanted?
No, I’m here at the pub, but they’re closed. Sign says private event. You want me to try a bodega for some bolillos?
Mm, Gabi was really counting on those rolls. Hey, you know what? The Salem Inn, I think they use the same supplier. Maybe you can go to their kitchen and beg for some.
I’ll try, but it’ll be a little tough on Thanksgiving.
[soft dramatic music]
[phone beeps]
[door opens]
Oh! [laughs]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh, happy Thanksgiving, baby! But what–what are you doing on my doorstep? You’re supposed to be at the DiMera castle.
I am, but we have a tradition to uphold.
Aw, chocolate turkey.
Big Mama’s special yearly treats.
Oh, this just might have been your favorite part of the holiday.
Mm, maybe my second, like, right after your sweet potato pie. Some of which I hope you will have saved for me for when I come back by later.
Oh, I will save a big piece for you, my darling.
[chuckles] So how is everything? How’s Abe? Is he feeling better?
Oh, yeah, he’s resting right now. But praise be, he is doing much better.
OK, good. God, that was so scary, right? Everyone from the show getting those nasty-ass cupcakes?
Johnny, he’s almost back to normal, too.
Oh, well, that’s a shame.
[tense music]
No, Mom, it’s fine. I really– I don’t mind being alone. No, the Bradys, they did– they invited me, but I would have felt like the extra wheel. I told you why I couldn’t come home to New York. I’m really busy with work. I’ve got a lot of dialogue to memorize. I need to get ahead of that. Mom, what kind of question is that? Mom, of course I am staying away from married men.
[soft dramatic music]
[clears throat]
[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
So it’s a shame that my husband is feeling better? Is that a nice thing to say?
Was calling my daughter a cheating slut a nice thing to say?
Oh, Mama, did it occur to you that I don’t need to be reminded of what he called me and that you saying this to me again right now could be triggering?
OK, yeah. Well, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. And I don’t want to upset you, so I won’t say those words again. But that young man, he did say those words right to your face, Chanel! And not that, you know, I wish anything seriously bad to happen to him, but, you know, a little bit of food poisoning is the least he deserves for insulting you like that! Now, that boy, he needs to learn a lesson.
He has learned his lesson, Mama. He feels terrible about what he said to me, and he feels terrible in general about being so stupidly jealous. And he made a complete fool of himself when he confronted me right before his surprise birthday party, no less. Don’t you think that’s punishment enough, huh? And don’t you think that this is between Johnny and me, and that you should maybe, just maybe, just stay out of it?
Fine, fine, fine. But don’t expect me to be all warm and fuzzy towards that husband of yours because I am not at all happy with him.
OK, well, you’re not going to be at all happy with me when I tell you that Johnny and I have decided to work things out. So what he said to me, that is all in the past. I have put it behind me, and I am completely over it.
[tense music]
[soft dramatic music]
Mom, I have to go. Yeah, Happy Thanksgiving, too. I love you. Looks like somebody made a full recovery.
Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Guess Chanel must have told you how sick I got from that damn cupcake.
She did. [chuckles] It’s not all she told me.
What? What else did she tell you?
She said that after she got you to bed, you were talking in your sleep. About me.
She told you that?
She did. She thought it was because you’re so hyper-focused on work, you’re even dreaming about it.
Yeah, well, that’s how I explained it to her. I told her it was about the show, and she bought it, thank God.
Great. Yeah, she definitely bought it. So can I guess what the dream was about?
Can we please just not go there?
Fine. Fine, you don’t have to tell me. Johnny, there is something that I need to tell you, something you should know.
What? What? What? What should I know?
I told somebody about us.
[tense music]
See you.
Javi, wait. Thank you. I think.
That look, it’s murderous. God help me, it only makes you hotter.
No, I meant to say what do you want? I’m in a hurry.
I wanted to say that I’m sorry for accusing you of stealing my stories.
[scoffs] Yeah, tell me something I don’t already know. And if I wasn’t interested in your apology last night, why would I be interested in taking it today? I want nothing to do with you, Leo. Getting together with you was a big mistake.
No, it wasn’t. Javi, I have a PhD in mistakes. I make about a million of them a day, so I know mistakes. And us being together was not a mistake. I mean, before I was an idiot and accused you of something I know you had nothing to do with… it was great between us. We had a very real connection.
Yeah, I thought so, too, until you turned on me, until you made me feel like two cents, which is the last thing I needed and which I do not put up with from anyone. Have a nice life.
So you’ve forgiven Johnny? Is that what you’re saying?
[sighs] What, am I supposed to be mad at him forever? He’s my husband. And, well, seeing him sick like that last night, all I wanted to do was just wrap my arms around him and just make him feel better. And it reminded me of how much I love that man and how I don’t want to waste any more time being angry with him. It’s like you always say, life is too short. And Johnny, he is a good person. He is generous and kind. And, well, aside from all of that, he– he makes me laugh. And didn’t you always used to say if someone could make you laugh, they have your heart?
[soft dramatic music] Hmm?
Yeah, I did.
OK, well, Johnny, he has my heart, Mama. And, yes, he made a mistake, but Lord knows I have made my fair share of mistakes. And you have, too, from time to time.
Me? Oh, never. [chuckles]
Mama, I know that you are only being protective of me, and I really do appreciate that. So could you please just try and see it from my point of view and just try to understand that Johnny had a lapse in judgment? That is all, OK? It’s not like he cheated on me. He made a really dumb mistake. And, I mean, the worst that came of it was the big fight that we had on set. But other than that, nothing bad happened.
[sighs] Well, as long as you’re happy, baby, that’s all I care about.
Yes. And I am happy, Mama. I am. I love my husband with all my heart. And I know that we are going to be just fine from now on.
[somber music]
[soft upbeat music]
Huh. Oh, my God. You told someone about us?
Who? Who was it? Your mother? Your father?
Then who?
Why does it matter?
Of course it matters. And, Joy, I don’t understand. You were the one who was so worried about this getting out. You didn’t want to ruin your reputation, you didn’t want to lose your new job.
But I know! I’m sorry, but you are not the only person feeling guilty and miserable about this. It was really getting to me. I didn’t realize how badly I needed somebody to talk to, but I did. It just slipped out.
OK, then who did you tell? Who did who did you tell, damn it?
Don’t worry, OK? He’s not going to say anything.
He? He?
It was Alex.
[tense music]
Leo. Hey.
Hey, Alex. How’s the private event?
Oh, it’s not a private event. It’s just Thanksgiving with the Bradys.
Oh, so no big spread at the Kiriakis estate, huh?
No, not this year. Turkey went up in smoke.
Oh, well, that’s a shame, whatever that means. So why aren’t you in there celebrating?
Well, Stephanie’s in there, too, and things just got a little awkward.
Still? Even after I nudged the two of you together the other night at the Small Bar, it didn’t magically make all your problems go away?
No, it didn’t. [sighs] But this isn’t because of what happened between us on the hospital set.
Well, then what is it?
My cousin Philip’s in there. And I just got word that he and Stephanie used to be engaged.
Seriously. They just took a stroll down memory lane for the last hour, and I could handle about ten seconds of it before I decided I needed to get some air.
Yeah, well, welcome to the I need some air club. [chuckles] Although I could probably use a lobotomy to ease the pain and humiliation that I’m suffering, which I brought on by myself, by the way. Oh, Alex, what is life but one long, forced march, often in ill-fitting shoes, enduring endless misery, countless humiliations, one after another after another until finally and mercifully, it all just fades into nothingness? Wow, I just made Debbie Downer seem like a cockeyed optimist.
Yeah. Yeah, you kind of did. [chuckles] Seriously, you seem more bummed than I am.
I am more bummed than I have ever been, which is saying something. Because not only do I have a PhD in mistakes, I also have one in bummed-outedness, which is a hard thing to say.
Mm. But you managed. So what’s going on, man? Why you so bummed?
[quirky suspenseful music]
In a nutshell, I just blew it with Señor Right.
I got the rolls Gabi wanted. Ooh, what smells so good?
Oh, hopefully, everything. I’ve got, like, five or six things cooking right now. This right here, this, Mama’s camote enmielado.
The candied sweet potatoes?
[sighs] Can dinner be now? [chuckles] Dios mío.No.
You keep that away from me. I can’t afford for the six-pack to turn into a keg.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no. [laughter] Hey, where is everyone, anyway?
Yeah, Gabi had to run an errand. And Jada is still at work. But hopefully, everyone’s going to be here soon and then we can dig in. Were you serious about me keeping that away from you? Just curious.
No, you’re right. I need you to save me from myself. [laughter]
So how was it out there? Quiet?
Not quiet enough. I bumped into Leo, unfortunately.
I guess that means you’re still angry about the whole Lady Whistleblower thing.
Yeah, damn right, I am. I mean, how dare he accuse me of stealing his stupid stories and talking to me like that? I mean, Gabi was right about him. And telling me to avoid him like the plague. Such a jerk.
I came to get some things I left here, but my key doesn’t work.
Huh. Glad to know that locksmith was worth the money.
You had the locks changed?
Best way I know how to keep out the riff-raff.
Oh. Well, key or no key, this riff-raff is coming in because her property is still upstairs. So unless you want me to call my soon-to-be sister-in-law, who happens to be the new commissioner of police–
[sighs] You’re pathetic. First, your brother loses his job. Now, you’ve misplaced some of your belongings. Gracious me, Gabriella, people in your family certainly have a hard time holding onto things.
Mm. Well, I’m not nearly as easygoing as my brother. When someone takes something from me, I make sure to take it back.
You’re not going anywhere. Not until you apologize.
Well, I should get going, Mama. I don’t want to be late for dinner at Chez DiMera.
[laughs] Well, I hope you all get to eat as good as we do.
Now, you know we won’t.
But I will try to make the best of it.
Well, at least you’ll be able to get some good dessert when you get back. And you better get back because Eli and Lani are on their way with the kids. And you know they do love their Auntie Chanel.
I love them, too, those little angels. And you know I’m not going to miss seeing them or my sister or Eli.
Mm-hmm. Better not.
And I have enough extra chocolate turkeys for everyone.
Yeah, well, as long as you’re here to help Jules and Carver unwrap theirs.
Oh, I will be.
All right. I love you, Mama.
Oh, I love you more, baby.
See you later.
[chuckles] OK. [sighs] Later.
Uh-huh. [chuckles]
[tense music] [door closes]
You already demanded an apology from me, remember?
Mm, that was for accusing me of destroying your marriage. And instead of an apology, I got a slap in the face. And now, you owe me two apologies.
I don’t think so. And you’re lucky all you got was a slap after you admitted that you drove Stefan to divorce me.
Oh, please. I only said what I said because you were being completely irrational. It’s psychology 0, Gabi. When someone has gone that far off the rails, just agree with everything they say, no matter how absurd, before they pick up a sharp object and start making real trouble.
You swine.
You cost me precious time with Stefan when you railroaded me and sent me to prison. And then you cost me my marriage when you made my divorce your endgame.
Mm. And you don’t believe it’s because you seduced me?
Everything you did, you did because you thinkI’ve ruined things for you and Nicole.
Because you didruin things between me and Nicole.
Am I supposed to believe that you didn’t want your revenge?
[tense music] [EJ chuckles]
[takes deep breath] It’s Thanksgiving, Gabriella. So be grateful for the few marbles that you have left. Meanwhile, I am no closer to getting either one of those apologies that you owe me.
[scoffs] Are you kidding me? Me owe you an apology? You’re the one who should be apologizing to me. In fact, you should grovel. You should get down on your hands and knees and beg forgiveness for the pain you’ve caused me.
So I take it this guy Javi didn’t enjoy you accusing him of stealing your stories and running them in “The Spectator.”
No, he didn’t. But all of the evidence added up. I mean, there was no way it wasn’t him. It was the only explanation that made any sense.
But now you’re saying you don’t think it was him?
Right. Because he picked apart my accusation point by point like some sort of ninja sharpshooter. Made it sound insane that I would even think it was him in the first place. And now, I kind of believe him.
You still do?
Yes, to my utter humiliation and self-hatred.
Mm. Well, then it sounds like maybe an apology is in order for this guy, Javier.
I tried. I sent him flowers. He slammed his door in my face.
And now, my love life is up in smoke and so is my career.
Well, Leo, I’m sorry about this guy, really, but there’s definitely something you can do about your career.
Like what?
Like find who the hell this new Lady Whistleblower is who’s stealing your stories and stop her. Like right now.
[quirky suspenseful music]
[chuckling] Hey, you’re back.
Oh, yes. And it feels so good to be back. [both smooch and sigh] Mm, these yams smell amazing.
They taste even better.
[sighs] So are you excited about your first Salem Thanksgiving?
You know it.
I was starting to worry that you weren’t going to make dinner.
Oh, come on, I would never let that happen. And let’s hope that I am done with interruptions for the day.
Doubtful. You see, the commissioner’s work is never done, not even on holidays. Hate to break it to you.
Yeah, well, maybe I’ll get a break, you know, in tracking down this cupcake culprit, who may or may not be Hattie Adams. You know, Paulina’s been really hounding on me. And for the moment, I’ve got nothing.
Well, consolation prize.
Mmm, mmm! Javi, you were right. This tastes way better than it looks.
I told you.
Well, as happy as I am to have been able to cook this feast for you…
I am no longer going to have the time to do it.
Oh, no?
Nope. I actually got a job today.
[upbeat suspenseful music]
So let me get this straight. You told Alexwhat happened between us? Of all people, Alex?
Like I said, I didn’t plan on it. It’s just–I had been with you and Chanel that morning. Keeping this awful secret, it was really getting to me. I needed somebody to confide in.
But Alex and Chanel are friends now. You know that?
I know that, I know that.
That’s why he’s not going to say anything. He doesn’t want to hurt Chanel. And I know he won’t. He’s going to keep quiet about this, Johnny. I know he will.
Yeah, well, I hope you’re right.
Right about what?
[tense music]
Joy and I were just discussing the case of these tainted cupcakes.
And I said I hope they catch whoever did it soon.
Oh, I see. Yeah, well, I am just glad that this whole baked goods incident had nothing to do with Sweet Bits this time.
Oh. What do you mean?
Well, there was an incident before. And it was an employee of mine who had an ax to grind and they used my business to do it. So now, you better believe that I do background checks on everyone. [Joy chuckles] I really trusted her and I thought she was my friend and then she just betrayed me.
[soft upbeat music] Oh, great. You remembered the pie.
Oh, I cannot believe that I forgot it this morning. You know, it would not be a good look and it wouldn’t make a good impression on the DiMeras if we didn’t bring the dessert that we promised.
Well, speaking of my family, although this is an American holiday, my father is irredeemably British, which means he likes to have a dinner that is exactly on time, so we better run. See you, Joy.
Right. Enjoy your holiday.
You too.
What are your plans for today for Thanksgiving?
I am going to try the turkey club.
What? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. We cannot have that. You are coming to the house with us.
Oh, no. No, really, that’s OK. The Bradys actually invited me over for dinner, too, but I turned them down because I actually… prefer to be alone.
On Thanksgiving?
What? No, that is crazy. And my mother would never forgive me if I left you here all alone. [Johnny and Joy chuckle]
She said she prefers to be alone, Chanel, so.
And I said that that is crazy. And I know that she’s only saying that because she doesn’t want to impose, which you would not be doing. We would love for you to join us.
I really–
And aside from the fact that I know that my mother would be furious if I didn’t insist that you did, we both also promised your mother that we would look out for you. And I think at the bare minimum, that means making sure that you don’t eat a boring old sandwich for Thanksgiving dinner. So you are coming with us, and I will not take no for an answer.
[tense music]
Oh, so you think I owe you an apology, do you?
Damn right, you do.
So I should just say how terribly sorry I am that you threw baseless accusations in my face and then assaulted me.
Those accusations were not baseless. You said so yourself. And for the record, you weren’t agreeing with me because I was being irrational. You were agreeing with me because I was right.
Right about what? That you took a torch to your marriage and somehow that was my fault?
I am not going to dignify that with a response, nor will I continue this stupid and pointless argument. However, when I come back downstairs, I’m going to expect some world-class groveling.
Yeah, you’re not going upstairs.
Oh, the hell I’m not.
So you got a job? Where?
You’re looking at Black Patch’s new field operative. Yes, I spoke to Steve Johnson today, and he agreed to take me on.
Wait, what’s Black Patch?
Mm… Black Patch is a private investigation firm that’s here in town. You’re probably too young to remember this, but I used to be a PI myself. I even had my own firm, yeah. And, well, Steve is happy to put my experience to work.
Well, they are lucky to have you, primo.
Thank you. [glasses clink]
Yeah, 00%. Congratulations.
Thank you, baby. Mwah.
Oh, you know what’s good news, is that you don’t have to feel guilty for stealing your boyfriend’s job anymore. Too soon?
Yeah, maybe a little. Yeah. And besides, she knows she has nothing to feel guilty about.
I know. I’m just teasing. [laughter] And I’m not going to lie. I am happy for you, cuz. It’s great.
Assuming that it won’t cause a problem for the two of you.
[quirky suspenseful music]
Come on, Leo. You have to realize that it’s not just your career on the line here. If those spoilers get out and they hurt the show’s ratings, everybody on “Body & Soul” is going to pay the price.
I know. I know, believe me. I am dying to stop that second-rate hack from riding my coattails, but I don’t know where to start.
Well, this phony counterfeit Lady Whistleblower works for “The Spectator,” right?
Yes. I have left Chadwick more messages than I can count, but I haven’t heard anything back. I thought about going to the police, but they have bigger problems to worry about than a spoiled soap opera plot, like figuring out who poisoned those cupcakes.
Yeah. Besides which, spoiling a soap opera plot isn’t technically a crime. But still, this phony Lady W needs to be held accountable.
Damn right, she does. And there has to be some way to make that happen, to track her down.
Look, I have faith in you, Leo. You’ll be able to track this little troublemaker down because when you had that job, you were the biggest sneak in town. You’ll root her out.
Well, I’m a rusty sneak now.
[phone beeps] [Alex chuckles]
Oh… yep, it’s my dad wondering where I disappeared to. I should probably get back in there. You want to come join us? We got plenty of food.
Weren’t you just saying I can’t waste a single moment eliminating that existential threat to our very livelihoods?
I think you can make time to eat, Leo. It’s Thanksgiving, for God’s sake.
Thanks, but I’m not going to be hungry or grateful until that imposter is found.
[suspenseful music]
What are you talking about?
Yeah, why would it be a problem if I work at Black Patch?
I was just thinking with Jada as commissioner and you investigating crimes as a PI, it seems like a head-on collision that anyone can see coming. I mean, won’t you be getting in each other’s way? It reminds me of this novela I used to watch, “Mi Corazon es mi Destino.”
“My Heart is my Destiny.”
You know it?
Well, it’s amazing. You should watch it. Anyway, Camila Esparza was this hard-bitten detective who was always butting heads with Pedro Diaz, the PI, who was looking into the same cases that she was. And then they would be at each other’s throats.
Wait, but let me guess. In the end, they fall in love.
No. Eventually, she shoots him. B-by accident. But, you know, there was not a dry eye at his funeral.
Very uplifting. Thank you for sharing.
Sorry, I guess that was kind of a downer, huh? [chuckles] And hey, I am sure that it won’t happen to you.
[tense music]
Finally. And I hope you didn’t leave anything behind because you are never coming back here, got it?
As if I would want to! This place makes my skin crawl as much as you do.
Just leave, Gabi.
Oh, I am leaving. And on this Thanksgiving, I am grateful that I never have to see your miserable face again or spend another minute in this depressing mausoleum!
Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh.
[groans] [takes deep breath]
Gabi certainly seemed to be in a hurry.
Yeah, the quicker, the better, as long as it’s away from me.
Johnny, you forgot the pie in the car.
Uh, sorry, I’ll–I’ll– I’ll go grab it.
Happy Thanksgiving, EJ.
Chanel, happy Thanksgiving. And Joy, it’s such a pleasure to see you again, although quite unexpected.
Oh, well, Joy didn’t have any plans for the holiday. And no one should be alone for Thanksgiving.
Of course. Welcome, Joy.
Thank you.
You know what? I am going to go help Johnny with that pie. And then I will be back and we’ll put it in the kitchen.
Sounds great. Joy, how about a drink?
Uh, sure.
Please, after you. So what’s your fancy?
Um, a vodka soda would be fine.
Okey dokey, coming right up. So, Joy, I understand you used to live here in Salem. Must be nice to be back.
Well, we moved away when I was a baby, so I don’t really remember anything about it.
Right. Well, I hope you’ve got your fill of it this time around. Because it’s time for you to go.
[tense music]
[suspenseful music]
Where have you been? We’re about to sit down.
Sorry I’m late. I had to get some stuff I left behind at the DiMeras.
Oh, OK.
[softly] Hey.
Well, get settled in. And Rafe can tell you all about his new job.
What new job? [knock at door]
You catch her up. I’ll get the door.
What do you mean it’s time for me to go?
[tense music]
I know what happened between you and my son, Joy.
And it is really necessary for me to tell you how uncomfortable it is having you around. For him and for me.
Look, Mr. DiMera, I didn’t even want to come here in the first place. I couldn’t exactly say no. Chanel insisted.
[chuckling] Oh. I see we have a misunderstanding.
[clears throat] Mm. I’m not telling you to leave my house. I’m telling you to leave this city.
Excuse me?
Joy, my son is terribly guilt-ridden about what happened between you two. Clearly, your continued presence here is only going to make things worse.
So you’re saying he feels guilty, so I need to leave?
He was here first.
Seriously? But–[scoffs] I can’t just leave town. I have a job here now. I signed a contract.
Oh, I’ll pay that out.
You’ll want for nothing.
The show expects me to work. I would be in breach of contract if I were to just leave.
I wouldn’t worry about that. I’m an excellent lawyer. I’ll find good reason for you to breach your contract.
So you really mean this?
Oh, I do. And I’ll be happy to pay you whatever it is you’re owed. And then some, in fact, if you pack up and leave Salem immediately.
I think it’s best that you go before you do any more damage. Hmm? So… do we have an understanding? Hmm?
What the hell are you doing here? I told you I wanted nothing to do with you.
I’m not here to see you. I’m here to see your cousin.
Ugh, no. Rafe.
[quirky suspenseful music] Hello, everyone. Happy Thanksgiving.
You too, Leo.
Rafe, listen, I just ran into Steve Johnson outside the Brady pub and he tells me that you are working for Black Patch now.
I am.
Well, that’s great news. Congratulations. I would like to hire you immediately.
To do what?
To find Lady Whistleblower.
I heard there was an open bottle of champagne in here.
Yeah. [cork pops] [EJ sighs]
Oh, is everything OK?
Oh, of course. Joy and I were just getting better acquainted.
Uh, well, Harold gave the pie to Cook, who wanted us to let you know that dinner is ready.
Oh, that is wonderful. So let’s all just head into the dining room, shall we?
We shall.
All right.
After you.
[tense music]
If you’re smart, you’ll take this deal. Everyone will be better off, including you, yeah? Now, let’s go grab something to eat, shall we? Come on.
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