Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Abe sits at Paulina’s side in her hospital room as she sleeps. Chanel enters the room. Abe says Paulina’s been sleeping since Chanel left. Chanel thanks Abe for staying while she went home to shower. Abe assures there’s nowhere else he’d rather be than at Paulina’s side. Abe is glad Chanel got a break. Chanel asks when he’s going to take one. Abe says he doesn’t know but he will at some point. Chanel sits with Paulina and holds her hand. Chanel talks about wisdom that Paulina and her grandmother gave her over the years about tough times and recalls them telling her that you can’t change the wind but you can change the direction of your sails to make your destination. Abe calls Paulina his hero which Chanel feels the same.
Johnny enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion where EJ greets him. Johnny says he can see that EJ is busy so he won’t bother him but EJ says he’s just tying up some loose ends. Nicole walks in and greets Johnny, who is surprised to see she is home as they hug. Johnny says it’s great to see her. Nicole comments that Johnny looks like he could use a good night’s sleep which he agrees with. Johnny asks how Holly is. Nicole responds that she’s upstairs in her room, so he can go see for himself.
Everett goes to the police station and finds Chad in the interrogation room, who says he got the call too. Everett asks how the kids are, guessing it must be rough. Chad says they are still trying to process everything and they have unique coping strategies. Everett asks how Chad is doing. Chad says he’s good and he’s just been dealing with insurance adjustors and contractors about repairs. Chad asks what this meeting is about. Everett says he was only told it was about Lucas Horton. Chad doesn’t know what point they have to talk to them about other than the Spectator article. Everett says he has no idea but asks if Chad has talked to Stephanie lately. Chad says no and asks why. Everett tells Chad that there is something he wants him to hear straight from him. Jada then enters. Chad asks Jada why they are here and if it’s about their Lucas Horton article. Jada reveals it’s about the attempted murder of Lucas Horton. Chad is shocked and asks if Lucas is okay. Jada confirms that he is and that the investigation is still gathering facts. Everett questions how the story didn’t leak. Jada asks if he thinks he’s the only one who can keep secrets. Chad calls that funny given the Salem police department’s history of leaks. Jada states that the shooting occurred the same night that Harris was shot which Chad points out was the same night as the Horton house fire. Jada explains that the gunman broke in to the Brady Pub and fired shots in to Harris’ room where Lucas was being kept, so the reason Chad and Everett are here is because only a select few knew of Lucas’s location, naming Harris, Roman, Kate, and the two of them which means one of them gave up Lucas’s location and they are determined to find out who that was.
Abe returns to Paulina’s room and tells Chanel that they had a very limited selection of books. Chanel notes that Kayla said Paulina might not wake up for awhile because of the medication. Chanel keeps thinking how they were so worried about the cancer. Chanel brings up how Paulina would always say she was going to give her a heart attack when she did something stupid, but bets that she won’t be making that joke anymore. Abe agrees that Paulina has gone through a lot, but her favorite expression is “God doesn’t give them anymore than they can handle.” Chanel agrees that Paulina can handle anything thrown her way. Chanel encourages that Paulina is going to make it through this. Kayla enters the room with her chart.
Johnny is surprised to learn that Holly is home. EJ informs him that the doctors in Italy were confident that Holly could handle the flight home and that the best situation for her would be to be back in her own bed and home under the supervision of her doctors in Salem. Johnny assumes that means she’s on the mend. Nicole confirms she’s breathing on her own so that’s a good sign. Nicole is thankful that EJ had a good experience with the doctors in Italy who were able to bring Holly to this stage of recovery. Johnny asks what the next step is. Nicole says they just have to hope Holly opens her eyes. Johnny is glad they are both home. Nicole says she’s ecstatic and notes that EJ has been filling her in on everything, so she asks how Paulina’s thyroid surgery went. Johnny responds that it was successful and they got the cancer out, but she did have a heart attack after the operation. Johnny explains that they treated her in the hospital and she’s now in stable condition. EJ tells Johnny not to hesitate to ask if they need anything. Johnny adds that he does have some other news that happened at the hospital earlier today. EJ asks if they should get a drink ready for this other news. Johnny suggests champagne as he announces that he and Chanel are husband and wife. EJ is shocked, questioning when and where this happened. Johnny says it was at the hospital since they knew how important it was to Paulina, so they had the ceremony at her bedside. Nicole is sure Paulina was thrilled and asks how she’s doing. Johnny responds that she’s just resting and waiting to see what the next steps are in her recovery. Nicole says they will be praying for her. Nicole hugs Johnny and tells him she’s so happy for he and Chanel. EJ admits he is too but jokes they are a little hurt about not being invited to the wedding. Johnny says they knew too much excitement wouldn’t be good for Paulina so they just kept it to her and Abe. EJ says he understands and he knows in the past he wasn’t as supportive of his relationship with Chanel, but he sees how much she means to him and that they compliment each other, so they have his blessing. Johnny thanks him and says that means a lot. EJ asks if Chanel and Johnny want to move in to one of the wings of the DiMera Mansion while Nicole asks if they are going to travel the world. Johnny says no to traveling the world as Chanel is still running the Bakery and admits they haven’t even talked about their living arrangement since they have been so preoccupied with Paulina’s health. Nicole understands that they have a lot going on. EJ says to just say the word and they will have a space to prepare for them. Johnny thanks him but thinks they will want a place of their own. EJ congratulates Johnny again as they hug. Johnny asks if he can go see Holly now. Nicole is sure that she would love a visitor so Johnny heads upstairs.
Chad tells Jada that there is no way either he or Everett would compromise Lucas, pointing out that Lucas was Abigail’s uncle and asks why he would put his own family in danger. Jada remarks that some people don’t think of family the same way while looking at Everett. Everett tells Jada that it doesn’t make any sense for them to betray Lucas, especially when he provided them useful information. Chad questions what purpose it would serve. Jada says she doesn’t know and that’s why they are having this conversation. Jada asks how he contacted Lucas to begin with. They explain that Lucas contacted them first, specifically Chad. Jada asks who was there when they took the call. Chad says it was only he and Everett at the office. Jada asks who Chad told about the call. Chad assures that it was only Everett. Everett adds that he only found out who they were going to meet when he got to the Pub. Chad assures that they were the only two people who knew about Lucas’s location. Jada asks if anyone else was in the office or if someone could have overheard him. Everett insists that everybody had gone home for the night. Jada refers to him as Mr. Stein, but Everett corrects her that it’s Lynch. Jada responds that his word doesn’t mean much to her. Chad doesn’t understand why Jada is being so hostile and repeats that the office was empty except for he and Everett. Chad adds that they left, no one followed them or knew where they were going because they didn’t tell anyone. Everett insists that they would never compromise a source as that just wouldn’t happen. Jada points out that right after they left Lucas, they paid Clyde Weston a visit in prison and asks them to explain.
Abe thanks Kayla for everything she’s doing and done. Kayla says no thanks necessary as it’s her job and she cares about them all so much. Kayla asks how they are doing. Abe mentions downloading the Mindfulness app that she mentioned. Kayla hopes it helps and asks how Chanel is doing. Chanel is grateful that Paulina has so many amazing people in her life. Kayla calls Chanel a devoted daughter. Abe asks how Paulina is doing. Kayla says her stats are looking normal so Chanel asks if that means she will make a full recovery. Kayla responds that there is something that she would like to talk to them about as there is some good news and some not so good news. Abe suggests starting with the good news. Kayla says as they both know, the thyroid surgery was a success and based on all follow-ups, Paulina’s recovery from surgery is progressing as they hoped. Chanel guesses the surgery was not the cause of the heart attack then which Kayla confirms. Kayla says they are so lucky that Paulina was already in the hospital so they could put the stent in place, but even so, there is damage done after a heart attack and could form scar tissue. Chanel asks if that’s the bad news. Kayla says the scar tissue doesn’t pump blood as efficiently so Paulina has a long road to recovery and he will set her up with cardiac rehab but that may not be enough. Chanel asks what she means. Kayla says they’ll wait and see how rehab goes but reveals that given the damage and scar tissue, she may need a heart transplant which shocks Chanel and Abe. Paulina then wakes up and asks what is going on here.
Johnny enters Holly’s bedroom as she remains in a coma. Johnny sits at her side and tells her that they missed her and it hasn’t been the same without her. Johnny talks about needing to continue their fencing lessons. Johnny cries that he misses her so much and admits things are a little hectic right now, but promises he will be back to visit her real soon.
Jada tells Everett and Chad to go ahead. Everett confirms that they did go see Clyde Weston but not because they are co-conspirators in a murder plot but because they wanted to talk to him since they were doing an article and they are journalists. Jada says that article was the one that was going to implicate Clyde as the ringleader of the Salem drug trade which she mocks. Chad states that all they wanted to do was write a comprehensive article with viewpoints and they went to confirm facts. Chad questions if Jada really thinks he’d have the slightest desire to be in the same room as the man who murdered his wife. Chad declares that all he wants for Clyde is pain and sorrow. Jada understands that Chad’s history with Clyde is very tragic, so she’s sorry that she had to ask. Chad understands she’s just doing her job. Jada then asks what Everett’s connection is to Clyde and remarks that it’s hard to tell who Everett has a connection to these days. Everett tells her that he doesn’t have a connection to Clyde and he’s grateful for that since Clyde is a homicidal maniac. Jada argues that they spoke with Clyde and visited him, then afterwards, Lucas Horton’s safehouse was compromised. Everett insists it was not by them. Jada repeats that his word means nothing to her, so she’s going to sit here until one of them tells her something that she can actually believe.
Johnny remains at Holly’s side as Nicole and EJ enter the room. Johnny hopes Holly heard everything he told her about how much they miss her. Nicole is sure she did and says she’s read it can help with recovery. Johnny can’t help but think if he talked to her more before this happened or listened better. Nicole stops him and says what he did or didn’t do did not cause any of this. EJ insists that the only one to blame is Tate. Nicole asks for no negative talk for Holly’s sake and suggests just talking about how much they love Holly and need her to come back to them.
Paulina says she’s barely awake. Kayla asks how she’s feeling. Paulina feels like she was hit by a freight train which Kayla says is to be expected. Paulina says that’s enough about her and asks how Chanel is doing and how married life is treating her. Chanel says she’s good. Paulina questions her honeymoon being at the hospital. Chanel assures they just want to be close to her. Kayla decides she will give Paulina and Abe some alone time so she exits with Chanel. Abe tells Paulina that she gave them quite a scare and she can’t leave them now since they just got back together again. Paulina insists that nobody is leaving anybody and that she loves him to the moon and back, so she doesn’t plan on leaving for a very long time.
Jada asks Chad and Everett to stay while she makes a couple of phone calls and exits the room. Chad tells Everett that he had no idea someone came after Lucas. Everett says it was on the same night all sorts of other hell was breaking loose and calls it a little suspicious. Chad questions why Jada is coming after them and particularly at Everett so hard, calling him the wrong name and giving him dirty looks like she’s relishing in the idea of taking him down. Everett tells Chad that there is something he needs to tell him.
EJ, Nicole, and Johnny return to the living room. EJ asks Johnny how it feels to be a married man again. Johnny says it feels terrific as Chanel is a catch and he’s a lucky guy. Johnny decides he should get changed and get back to the hospital but says it was great to see them and Holly. EJ tells Johnny to let them know if he needs anything. Nicole adds that they will be praying for Paulina. Johnny thanks them, knowing they have a full plate as well. EJ assures Johnny that he’s here for him no matter what as they hug.
Abe asks Paulina what she needs. Paulina tells Abe to listen to her as she needs to say a couple things to him before she closes her eyes again. Paulina asks Abe to promise to take care of her girls no matter what happens. Abe assures that he will and promises. Abe tells Paulina to listen to him and insists that she’s going to be there for her girls and for their children as well along with him.
Chad questions Everett telling him that his name is not actually Everett Lynch. Everett tells him that he apparently has gone by another name in the past but it doesn’t make any sense. Everett admits there are things that he doesn’t remember from before the accident. Chad argues that he remembered Stephanie enough to track her down to Salem and wormed his way back in to her life. Everett insists that he remembered how much he loved her. Chad says his mind is spinning and questions Everett remembering Stephanie, but not his wife. Everett shouts that he was never married or at least he doesn’t recall ever having been married. Everett says that Jada and Bobby got divorced. Chad realizes why she kept calling him Mr. Stein. Everett says Jada is obviously very angry. Chad says he wonders why and shouts that Everett has been lying ever since he came to Salem. Chad keeps calling him Bobby, upsetting Everett. Chad asks how Stephanie is reacting to this, going over how he tracked her down just to break her heart again. Everett states that they are dealing with this on their own and repeats that he loves her. Chad argues that they don’t even know who he really is. Chad complains that Everett never respected his relationship with Stephanie and snaked his way right in, knowing they were together and ruining it for them. Everett tells Chad that he did that all on his own which Chad questions. Everett tells Chad not to blame him because he said he wasn’t ready for a commitment since he was still grieving his late wife. Chad tells him to shut up and yells that he needed time, but she made her decision. Chad shouts that Stephanie didn’t need her psycho ex coming back to make her think he was ready when he was a fraud all along. Jada comes back in and questions what is going on here. Chad informs her that he and her friend Bobby were just having a talk. Jada guesses it turned in to story time while she was gone. Chad tells Jada that he’s sorry for whatever he put her through. Jada says she’s glad he knows the truth about his colleague. Chad tells Everett that he makes him sick and asks if they are done here. Jada says for now, they are, but advises them not to leave town. Chad responds that Salem is his home so he’s not going anywhere as he then exits the room.
Kayla asks Chanel how she’s doing. Chanel says as well as could be expected but it’s hard not to worry. Kayla encourages that Paulina will pull through this and she raised a very strong daughter. Kayla then walk away as Johnny arrives. Johnny sees Chanel in tears. Chanel says she’s so glad he’s here. Johnny asks what’s going on. Chanel explains that Paulina isn’t doing well as the heart attack caused damage and now she might need a heart transplant. Chanel hugs Johnny, crying that she can’t lose her. Johnny encourages that she won’t lose her. Johnny declares that whatever Paulina has to go through, she has their support and Abe’s. Johnny mentions just seeing recently on the news about successful heart transplants and that people can live for years after one. Chanel gets a call from Eli and questions what to say or how to tell him.
Everett tells Jada that all he can say to her is he’s sorry that he doesn’t remember them being together. Jada responds that his apologies mean nothing to her so he can stop. Jada just wishes that she would stop going back and remembering when they first met and it was fun and romantic. Jada says she met him at the farmer’s market as he came up to her and asked if he should wash grape tomatoes before eating them. Everett jokes that it’s not the worst line in the world. Everett tells Jada that he’s genuinely trying to make things right as he’s seeing a therapist and doing adaptive memory recovery. Everett insists that he wants to remember and he’s trying. Jada declares that all she wants to do is forget that she ever met him, so she hopes one of them get what they want. Jada reminds Everett that she was serious about him not leaving town as she exits the room.
Paulina asks Abe what she would do without him. Abe says she’ll never have to find out. Chanel returns to the room with Johnny to ask how Paulina is doing. Paulina says she’s better now that they are here. Chanel announces that they have some good news. Paulina asks if they planned their honeymoon. Chanel says it’s not that yet, but reveals that Eli just called to announce that Lani has been released from prison and they are returning to Salem tomorrow! Paulina and Abe are thrilled by the news as Paulina exclaims that Lani is coming home.
EJ and Nicole return to Holly’s room. Nicole talks to Holly about being home and knowing she’s on her way back to them. Nicole can’t wait to see her eyes and her smile. Nicole says she’s so lucky to be her mom as she makes her a better person. EJ encourages that Holly made such progress as she has fighting spirit just like Nicole. EJ knows that soon she will be awake and they will be thrilled to have her back. Nicole says goodnight to Holly as she and EJ then exit the room. Holly then begins to move her finger.
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