Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Holly joins Tate at the Horton Cabin on Smith Island and they kiss. They talk about missing each other as Tate shows her that he made her lunch and got her flowers. Tate asks about her trip over. Holly says that Nicole took Jude to work and then she took the ferry to the island and that no one knows she’s there. Holly then gets a call from Nicole.
EJ is on the phone at the DiMera Mansion, saying he told them that he’s working from home and he needs the case files delivered immediately. EJ hangs up as Eric then storms in and demands that EJ sign his divorce papers.
Alex sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion, looking up at the portrait of Victor. Sarah comes in and asks how he’s doing. Alex asks how she thinks as he just found out his whole life was a lie, again.
Theresa goes to the airport and hears the plane will begin boarding in five minutes. Theresa turns around and runs in to Xander, who asks if she’s going somewhere.
Brady wakes up in a room at the Salem Inn to see Fiona, who tells him that they had quite the night last night. Brady says he’s sorry as he was pretty drunk last night. Fiona says she was too as they had several martinis and Brady was drinking even before she came to his table. Brady guesses that explains why he doesn’t recall coming back to the Salem Inn. Fiona explains that it’s her room and Brady said he didn’t want to go home in his condition which Brady calls his one good decision. Brady then asks Fiona if they slept together. Fiona responds that they certainly did.
Theresa questions how Xander found her. Xander knew she would try to skulk out of town after what she did and questions where she’s going. Theresa asks what he wants. Xander wants answers. Theresa says she said everything she had to say at the wedding. Xander says it wasn’t enough as he wants to know why she changed the name in the letter to deny him his birthright. Xander asks if she really hates him that much. Theresa says she does and then some.
Tate suggests Holly ignore the call but Holly says she tried but Nicole was calling the entire time she was on the ferry so she might get paranoid and try to come find her. Holly then answers the call. Nicole asks where she is as she’s been trying to reach her for an hour. Holly claims she’s working a lunch shift at the Bistro. Nicole thought she was working dinners but Holly says she’s covering for someone. Nicole says she’s sorry to bother her at work. Holly asks if something is up. Nicole says she needs to see her after work. Holly asks if everything is good. Nicole declares that they need to find a new place to leave ASAP because she doesn’t want to be anywhere near EJ.
EJ mocks Eric working as Nicole’s courier. Eric asks if he’s going to sign the divorce papers or not. EJ asks what he’s so angry about. Eric says about a million things, starting with EJ stealing his son. EJ remarks that Eric brought the boy over himself and said that he was his. Eric argues that’s what Sloan said but EJ knew that was a lie because he helped her get away with it. EJ argues that Sloan is fully capable of making her own decisions, even bad ones like marrying Eric. Eric yells at him to shut up and talks about EJ accepting Jude when he brought him over, knowing that he was suffering. Eric declares that now EJ is the one who is going to suffer.
Alex pours a drink as Sarah asks what the worst part is. Alex calls that an excellent question since there’s so many good choices. Alex talks about feeling stupid for not realizing that Theresa had been lying to him this entire time or the fact that he treated Justin the way that he did. Alex guesses the worst might be just not being who he thought he was. Sarah remembers how confusing for him when he thought Victor was his dad. Alex says putting aside the money and the CEO position, it was thinking that Victor lied to him for his entire life. Alex talks about trying to embrace his new identity to honor Victor’s legacy but it turned out none of that was true either, so suddenly his entire life is turned upside down again. Sarah knows he doesn’t care but says that Xander is feeling the same way.
Xander questions if Theresa’s answer is that she hated him so much. Theresa admits that’s not the only reason she did it. Xander argues that it always has to be about her since she saw the opportunity to steal from him, give it to Alex, and she could still enjoy the spoils. Xander says Theresa made Alex the heir and then her husband and the truth may never have come out if Bonnie didn’t mail the invitation to Fiona. Theresa cries that it did come out and now it’s all come crashing down. Xander then hears on the intercom that Theresa’s plane is leaving for New York. Theresa asks if they are done since she really needs to go. Xander asks if Alex is annulled the marriage or if she even cares since his net worth has dropped so significantly. Xander hopes she doesn’t think she will get away with this, pointing out that Konstantin is dead so she’s the only one left to take the fall. Xander then realizes that Konstantin was her accomplice but she was his too when she kidnapped his baby.
Brady asks Fiona again if they slept together. Fiona clarifies that they shared the bed but that’s all. Fiona says she had a very good time with him at the Pub and has no complaints. Brady wishes it wasn’t such a blur and points out that he doesn’t even know her last name. Fiona then reveals it’s Cook. Brady hopes that’s no relation to Xander. Fiona informs Brady that Xander is her son, causing Brady to spit out his water in shock.
Nicole mentions going to check out an apartment. Holly asks Nicole if she can’t just go by herself. Nicole responds that she can but Holly is going to be living there too, so she wants her to have a say in it. Nicole says she’s asking her for help starting a new life together and asks her not to argue with her on this. Holly tells her that she’s working a double today. Nicole apologizes and says she’s just really stressed out as she’s trying to make a clean break from EJ but he’s refusing to sign the divorce papers. Holly admits she didn’t know that. Nicole adds that things at work are crazy, so it’s something she really wants them to do together as she kind of needs it right now. Holly then agrees to meet her between shifts so they can look at a few places together. Nicole says that’s great and agrees to pick her up as soon as she finishes at work. Holly hangs up and tells Tate that she has to go meet Nicole to look at a few apartments, but she doesn’t have to go until before her actual dinner shift covering for Sophia. Tate says he’s sorry about that since it was the only way to stop Sophia from telling on them. Holly calls it a small price to pay for them to be together as they kiss.
EJ tells Eric that Sloan is the one who started all of this and asks why he doesn’t take it up with her. Eric says that’s because EJ helped her get away with it. EJ thinks he’s mistaken. Eric brings up when Sloan came over and begged Nicole to forgive her. EJ says he remembers Sloan attacking him. Eric argues that Sloan is half his size but still managed to get away. EJ argues that she had the element of surprise. Eric tells him to save it for the police because he’s going to prison. EJ responds that he’s the district attorney, so he’d like to point out that you generally need proof to charge someone with a crime and he has none. Eric says not yet, but he will get locked up and pay for what he did. EJ says he’d like to see him try. Eric tells EJ to be a real man and sign the divorce papers. EJ says no. Eric asks why not and if he thinks Nicole is actually going to forgive him. Eric tells EJ that Nicole is never going to come back to him. EJ says perhaps, but she’s never getting away from either. EJ then tears the divorce papers up. Eric asks if he really thinks he can stop a divorce by tearing up a copy. EJ says maybe not but he can certainly delay it. Eric asks why he’d want to. EJ says it would make their lives Hell and it’s already working. Eric calls him a piece of garbage. EJ warns Eric not to antagonize him or he might prosecute Marlena for assault after she came over and slapped him. Eric says that’s the least of what he deserves. EJ remarks that they’ll see when Marlena is sitting in a jail cell. Eric argues that no judge will send Marlena to jail for slapping him. EJ responds that he was just using that as an example because he can hurt Eric in all sorts of ways which Eric questions. EJ then says he’s curious if Holly knows that Eric killed her father.
Holly and Tate have lunch together in the Horton Cabin and talk about the freedom of not having to worry about someone bursting in on them. Tate talks about Aaron agreeing to pretend to be him at lacrosse camp and Sophia keeping her mouth shut, they should have at least a month together. Holly asks if he’s not worried about his mom figuring out he’s not at camp. Tate says he’s not because he thinks Theresa is married to Alex now and rich, so she’s probably off on some insane honeymoon somewhere…
Alex tells Sarah that she’s right that he doesn’t care what Xander is feeling because he’s about to get everything he ever wanted, so he questions what Xander has to be upset about. Sarah argues that Alex just talked about his life being turned upside down and feels for Xander, it’s worse which Alex questions. Sarah complains that Alex knows Victor always treated Xander like the hired help or an embarrassment to the Kiriakis name, unworthy and unwanted. Alex remarks that maybe that’s because it’s true. Sarah responds that he sounds a lot like Theresa.
Theresa tells Alex that it’s insane and asks why she would take his child. Xander argues that she was helping her partner in crime get back in Maggie’s good graces. Theresa calls that a tremendous story but untrue. Xander says she’s slipping as her lies are not believable anymore. Xander remarks that it’s a good thing his mom showed up to expose her as the fraud she is.
Brady questions Fiona being Xander’s mother and can’t believe he slept in the same bed with her. Brady tells Fiona that he and her son have history and he thought she was out of the picture. Fiona explains they were out of touch but out of the blue, she was invited to his wedding. Brady questions if she was there. Fiona says she showed up late while Brady says he was there, but left early. Fiona tells Brady that he missed quite the show since thanks to her, Xander found out he had been tricked out of his birthright which Brady questions. Fiona asks if Brady knows who Victor Kiriakis was. Brady informs her that Victor was his grandfather. Fiona supposes the secret is out now and reveals that Xander is Victor’s long lost son which Brady questions. Fiona says it’s true and that Victor left half of everything in his estate to Xander. Brady tells her that was Alex and how it was revealed in a letter written by Anjelica. Fiona says it turned out that Anjelica didn’t write that letter, she did. Brady asks what the hell she’s talking about. Fiona explains that she’s the one who had an affair with Victor resulting in a child and someone tampered with her signature in the letter. Brady asks who would do that. Fiona says apparently Alex’s bride which shocks Brady.
Theresa tells Xander that she’s done with this conversation. Xander brings up Konstantin going on and on about how he was still in the dark about something and he was about to reveal who his accomplice was but Theresa elbowed him in the gut. Xander adds that Konstantin used his last breath to say there was still an enemy in their midst. Theresa claims that was because Konstantin knew she forged the letter and that it had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Xander grabs her by the arm and declares he’s taking her to the police station.
Alex tells Sarah that a pen is all it took to change one name to another and all of their lives are never the same. Sarah tells Alex that she’s really sorry as he didn’t deserve that. Alex says it’s not her fault, but thanks her and admits it’s not Xander’s fault either. Alex says if anything, he should be thanking them for inviting Xander’s mother to the wedding because if she never showed up, they may have never known the truth.
Fiona tells Brady that Theresa forged the letter, depriving Xander of his rightful inheritance. Brady questions what she was thinking. Fiona says it seems there was bad blood between them and that Theresa wanted Alex to be the heir. Brady says he suspected that Theresa went through the briefcase but he just assumed that she read the letter and found out that Alex was the heir. Fiona states that she made him the heir and then questions how Brady knows Theresa. Brady then reveals that she is his ex-wife and the mother of his son. Fiona calls it a small world. Brady welcomes her to Salem and says he has to get going. Fiona says it was nice spending time with him. Brady wishes he could say the same but he doesn’t remember. Fiona asks him not to say anything about this since she’s not supposed to be drinking. Brady says he’s not either and agrees not to say anything. Fiona suggests maybe they can do this again sometime. Brady says maybe as he gathers his things and exits.
Theresa tells Xander to get his hands off of her and threatens to scream for security to come take him down. Xander lets her go. Theresa tells him that he can think whatever he wants of her but claims she had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Xander warns that she’s not going to get away with this. Theresa compares it to Xander kidnapping Bonnie and Susan. Xander responds that he’s admitted to all of his crimes, but it’s good that she knows how dangerous he can be and that was before he had unlimited resources. Xander tells her that she can get on the plane and fly to the ends of the Earth, but no matter where she runs, she can’t hide from him. Xander then storms off.
EJ knows how much Holly cares about Eric and she’s aware that a drunk driver killed her father, but he wonders how she will feel when she finds out that drunk driver was Eric. Eric questions if he really wants to do that to her. EJ says no, but he does want to do it to Eric. Eric asks even if that means ruining her relationship with her mother because they know she would blame Nicole for keeping that from her. EJ questions why that’s his problem. Eric says as much as EJ hates him or even Nicole, Holly has never done a thing to him. EJ responds that he’s not the one who killed her father. Eric asks if he really wants to cause Holly that much more pain after all she’s been through. EJ then agrees not to tell Holly that Eric is a drunken murderer and that he will instead focus on tormenting him and Nicole by tying Nicole up in court for years and make Eric testify to the fact that Nicole cheated on him with Eric. Eric argues that they were drugged. EJ asks about the night Eric kissed her after gallantly bringing her home from the bar. Eric declares he’s done with him. EJ stops him to warn him that he’s still married to Sloan, which Eric questions. EJ claims he forgot to file his divorce papers as it just slipped his mind. Eric tells EJ to enjoy his pathetic, lonely life. EJ responds that he’ll send him his bill as Eric storms out of the mansion.
Holly asks Tate if Theresa is a billionaire now. Tate says she’s married to one which Holly calls basically the same thing. Tate says he never thought about it that way and compares it to Nicole marrying EJ. Holly says even if that were the case, she doubts Nicole would think it’s worth it. Tate asks about Holly getting along with EJ. Holly says she did before he lied to them about Jude and now Nicole is leaving him but EJ is refusing to divorce her. Tate questions if you can do that and calls it kind of shady. Holly asks if Tate likes Alex. Tate says he seems like a good guy and thinks Theresa even loves him. Holly comments that he’s definitely hot for an older guy. Holly says maybe if Theresa gets her happily ever after, she will stop trying to ruin theirs. Tate promises that she won’t be ruining anything today as they kiss until Holly says she has to go so she can get to the Bistro before Nicole does. Tate asks for a few more minutes as they continue kissing. Holly worries that if she doesn’t go now, she’ll never leave. Holly then agrees to stay for five more minutes as they continue kissing.
Eric goes to the Spectator office and tells Nicole how much it brightens his day to see her and Jude. Nicole asks if he had a rough day. Eric informs her that he went to see EJ. Nicole questions why. Eric says he tried to talk him in to signing the divorce papers but he has no shame and tore them up. Eric adds that EJ said he was going to make their lives a living Hell and then threatened to go after Marlena for slapping him and that he was going to tell Holly that he was the driver that killed Daniel but he talked him out of that, so EJ said he would drag out the divorce for years. Nicole tells Eric that she’s so sorry. Eric says it’s not her fault. Eric adds that EJ also informed him that he and Sloan are still married because he forgot to file the divorce papers. Nicole calls EJ a son of a bitch and asks what they do now. Eric asks what if they left Salem, suggesting he could still take the job in Paris so they could get far away from EJ and start a new life with Holly and Jude. Eric asks what she thinks.
Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion and asks EJ about being district attorney. EJ points out that this is not his office but Xander says this can’t wait. Xander wants Theresa charged with kidnapping his daughter and declares that she needs to be locked up for what she did to him and Sarah.
Sarah goes to Fiona’s hotel room which Fiona calls a surprise. Sarah calls the last 24 hours one big surprise. Fiona agrees and asks if she can help her with something. Sarah says she just wanted to come talk to her about everything. Fiona asks if she’s angry with her, mentioning that Xander is ignoring her calls. Sarah says that Xander is pretty overwhelmed with everything, but she comes with an invitation which Fiona questions. Sarah explains that they still plan to get married once everything settles down and it will just be something small at the Kiriakis Mansion, so they’d love it if she was there. Fiona is not sure that’s a good idea.
Brady goes to the Kiriakis Mansion where Alex is sitting in the living room, facing the portrait of Victor. Brady tells Alex that he heard the news. Alex thought he was at the wedding. Brady says he left early which Alex calls the right decision. Brady says it’s crazy and shocking as he can’t believe Theresa did this to him. Alex tells him to join the club. Brady asks where she is. Alex responds that Theresa packed up her stuff and left.
Theresa paces at the airport as the final call is made to board the plane to New York.
Sarah knows Xander was really harsh with Fiona but she thinks once Xander absorbs everything and calms down, he will want her at the wedding. Fiona clarifies that’s not what she meant by it being a bad idea so Sarah asks what she meant. Fiona says it’s not that she’s unsure that her son wants her at his wedding, but she’s not so sure that Xander should be getting married at all.
EJ tells Xander that it looks like Theresa is up to her old tricks. Xander asks if he will issue a warrant for her arrest then. EJ admits he’d love to let Theresa walk because of how much it would bother Nicole, but he has to uphold the law, so he will issue an arrest warrant immediately. Xander thanks EJ and then exits the mansion. EJ remarks that if only punishing Nicole were that easy.
Nicole walks to the town square and calls Eric, telling him that Holly is about to meet her there and thanks him for wishing her luck as she feels she’s going to need it. Nicole hangs up as Holly arrives and asks where their first apartment is to look at, mentioning she’d love to live by the water. Nicole responds that she was actually thinking farther and asks Holly what she thinks about Paris. Nicole explains that Eric invited her to come to Paris with him and she thought maybe it would be good for all of them but Holly declares there’s no way in Hell she’s leaving Salem and storms off.
Tate reads online in an article about what happened at the double wedding with the wrong heir being named and questions what Theresa has done.
Brady tells Alex that he can’t say he’s shocked that Theresa took off because it’s what she does in making a mess, then leaving everyone else to clean it up. Brady wouldn’t be surprised if Theresa got the hell out of dodge for good, but Theresa then walks in and tells Brady he’s wrong.
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