Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of October 14, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Fiona and Brady


Sarah told Fiona that she remembered what happened while she was alone.

Why would Julie tell Steve that Chad went to Paris?

Holly didn’t know Abby, so she had no reason to eavesdrop on her phone call.

Brady suddenly remembered that Fiona was the one who drove the car. He was too drunk to function, but he suddenly remembered everything.

Xander was the only one who saw Fiona taking Sarah out of her room.


Xander could be heard talking while Brady was shown.

Brady gave everyone credit for helping him except for Kristen. She was willing to help him from the beginning. Kristen was the one who moved the car to keep him from staying in jail.

You would think Marlena would want to help Abe with his soap opera. He’s supposed to be her friend, but it took Leo to convince her to help with the show.

Chanel was at the hospital one minute and at the mansion the next.

Speaking of Chanel, she was on the left side of the bed and now she’s on the right side of it.


Mark talked about murdering Chad at the town square. Anyone could have heard him talking about that.

Abby cried without any tears.

Why would Chanel ask Alex to help plan the party? She knows that Johnny is jealous of her relationship with him so why would she ask him to help her? Johnny has a lot of relatives in Salem so she didn’t have to ask Alex to help her plan his party.

Johnny conveniently knew where Alex lived. He never went there before, but he knew where to find him.


Chad clearly avoided looking at his phone. He put the picture down and clearly tried to avoid looking at his phone. Chad should have seen the text that Kayla sent him.

Xander cried without any tears.

Fiona was talking while Xander was shown.


Chad’s phone should have blacked out, but Abby managed to see Kayla’s text to him.

Why does Sophia have to tell everyone her problems? What makes her think anyone cares?



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of October 14, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


Why did the writers make Holly so vital to Chad and Abby’s storyline? She just happened to be listening to Abby while she was on the phone with Mark. Holly never said one word to Abby, but she instantly recognized her. It’s not believable that Holly suddenly spotted Abby while she was in Paris. Needless to say, Holly’s discovery became important later in the week. She confronted Abby about the phone call. It led to Chad discovering the truth about Abby. Chad needed the fall from grace because Jennifer and Steve tried to tell him that she wasn’t Abby. Chad refused to listen to them when they warned him that something was off with Abby. Now he has egg on his face since the truth is out. Let’s get back to Holly. We aren’t thrilled that Holly had to be the one who caused the truth to get revealed. She wasn’t involved in the story at all and suddenly became an important factor in it. Steve should have been the one to cause Chad to see the light. We loved how Steve played Mark and found out he lied about the DNA test. He tricked Mark by giving him DNA that belonged to him and Kayla. We loved how Steve was involved in the storyline. He should have been one of the driving forces of the story since he’s related to Abby.

Does Johnny want to get divorced like his father? He kept making digs about Chanel being with Alex. He saw Alex having sex at the hospital and thought he was with Chanel. There’s no way he could confuse Stephanie with Chanel. Stephanie is a Caucasian woman while Chanel is an African American woman. Each time the flashback was shown, it was easy to see part of Stephanie’s arm. We wondered why Johnny didn’t interrupt them. He stood there and watched them having sex without saying a word. Who would do that? Most people would say something about what they saw. They wouldn’t watch and then walk away. Johnny was making digs about them being together. He thought the worst of Chanel because she told him that she and Alex didn’t rehearse, but he didn’t believe her. It was easier to think the worst of her than approach her about what he saw. Why would Chanel have sex with another man when Johnny could have seen them together? They would have been somewhere more private. If he keeps acting the way he is, Chanel will end up divorcing him.

It’s time to shift gears. We noticed that Xander was being judged for his actions towards Brady. He wanted to get revenge on the person who he thought hurt his wife. There isn’t a man in Salem who wouldn’t want to do what he was willing to do to Brady for hurting Sarah. We knew that Brady was innocent, but Xander didn’t know that. As far as Xander was concerned, he was guilty. Every man reacts the way he did. For some reason, he looked like the bad guy for wanting to make Brady pay for what he did.

Sarah and Brady finally remembered what happened the night of the accident. With help from Eric, they remembered who really hit Sarah. Sarah confronted Fiona about hitting her with the car. We thought that was stupid of Sarah to confront her when she was alone. Sarah was defenseless against Fiona, but she told her that she was going to tell Xander what happened. It wasn’t a surprise that Fiona tried to kill her. Xander showed up in time to stop her from killing Sarah. We were waiting for the revelation to happen, and it finally did. Fiona had to confess to what she did. Xander went off about what she did. He wasn’t over the top with it. Xander talked to her as if he were disappointed in her for destroying his trust. He couldn’t believe that he was gullible enough to fall for her lies. Brady told Fiona off when she was at the station. She tried to explain what she did, but he didn’t want to hear it. We don’t blame him for not wanting to listen to more of her lies.


Xander Sarah Fiona

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of September 30, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Chanel Johnny and Alex


It’s strange that Johnny imagined his wife making love to another man.

The DiMera mansion must have more than one bathroom, but Chanel chose to take a shower at her mother’s place.

Abe was talking while Bonnie was shown.

Stephanie wasn’t on the phone that long with Jada, but she told Alex so much about Everett being innocent.

Stephanie’s mascara was running down her face one minute and gone the next.


Bonnie cried without any tears.

Kayla could be heard talking while Hattie was shown.


Fiona’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Brady was at the police station, but he wasn’t handcuffed.

Eric poured a cup of coffee but there was no smoke coming out of the mug. He also walked out of Xander’s office without drinking the coffee.

Why was it so easy for people to come and go at the police station to visit Brady in the interrogation room?


Eric told Holly that Jude was sick. If that were true, he should go home to make sure he’s okay.

Did the writers decide to change Xander and Sarah’s story? He has been there for her, but Maggie made it seem like he hasn’t been there for her emotionally.

If Holly was so worried about Nicole being there for her to help her get into college, why didn’t she move to Paris with her? Holly wanted to stay in Salem, so she shouldn’t be upset that she’s not with her.


There weren’t any nurses at the hospital. The nurses’ station was completely empty when Rafe was walking around.

Gabi’s wounds healed up very quickly.

Felicity said that Chanel told her that she could leave work early. Chanel should be getting ready to shoot for the soap opera, so it’s not likely she told her that she could leave work early.

Rafe said he was tired of staring at the walls at the hospital. He just got out of the coma recently, so he wasn’t staring at the walls long.


Rafe H

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days For The Week Of September 30, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Bonnie and Hattie

Since there wasn’t much movement in the storylines this week, we decided to do something different with the opinions article. We hope that you enjoy it. It may happen again if there’s movement in the stories.

Biggest waste of screen time: The Body & Soul storyline
We have read different message boards and blogs, so we know we’re not alone with this vote. The Body & Soul episodes are such a waste of airtime. The writers are trying to be tongue-in-cheek with this story, but it doesn’t work that well. We give the actors/actresses an A for their effort, but the story doesn’t work with the show. The writers wasted two episodes on Hattie and Bonnie’s fight behind the scenes. They also wasted time on Johnny and Chanel’s argument over her scenes with Alex. The actors are trying their best to make this a fun story, but it’s just a waste of screen time. Diedre Hall and Judi Evans have been involved in better storylines, so this shouldn’t be the only way they get airtime. Unfortunately, the writers won’t show them much without the soap storyline. Marlena gets airtime in psychiatrist mode, but she can do more than that. Johnny and Chanel’s storyline stalled after the death of their child. Are we supposed to believe this is the best they could do with their characters? If that’s the case, they could have written them off the show and sent them to California the way they were supposed to earlier in the year.

Useless triangle: Tate, Holly and Sophia
The writers need fresh stories to tell. They aren’t getting off to a great start with Tate/Holly/Sophia’s storyline. The audience needs new couples to root for, but they didn’t hit the mark with Tate and Holly. Their love story is tainted because she didn’t love him. She was head over heels in love with Johnny and then suddenly fell in love with Tate. They don’t have chemistry since Tate was recast. We couldn’t care less about them being together. For some reason, the writers chose to “spice up” their relationship by including Sophia in their storyline. Tate doesn’t like Sophia, so there’s no story. Characters must be torn to make a storyline work, and Tate doesn’t have feelings for Sophia. The writers are wasting their time with the triangle. Sophia forced a kiss on Tate, but it didn’t matter because he wasn’t interested in her. We shouldn’t have to endure a triangle when there won’t be a payoff. The audience may not care who Tate chooses because the story is boring.

Spoiled Brat: Holly
Holly deserves this award because her behavior has been reprehensible. She lied to Tate, so she could investigate his father and expected him to be okay with it. Tate had every right to get upset with Holly for what she did. She got into an argument with Sophia and slapped her. It was okay when Holly said her peace, but Sophia wasn’t allowed to hit her below the belt. Holly was the one who used Sophia when she knew that she liked Tate first. It’s obvious Holly believes every man in Salem should want her, so it was okay that she went after Tate. Now we’re supposed to cheer her on when she slapped Sophia. We were waiting for Sophia to hit her back, but it didn’t happen. Fast forward to the end of the week and Holly was throwing a tantrum because Nicole left her in Salem to follow Eric to Paris. Did Holly forget that she didn’t want to go with Nicole to Paris? She went on and on about Nicole not being there for her when she could be in Paris.

Biggest Wimp (For now): Brady
Brady talked with Marlena about Kristen and what she was willing to do to help him get out of prison. He seemed like he was torn when Marlena asked if he had feelings for her. We stared at the TV in complete shock. After everything they have been through, why would he want to consider being with her? He needs to clear his head and move on with his life. Brady knew she destroyed his life and took Rachel from him, but he thought about her having feelings.

Convenient plot point: Rolf’s discovery
Rolf conveniently developed something that could help Sarah walk again. Kristen needed to find a way to help Brady by any means necessary, and Rolf suddenly appeared. He came up with something that would make Kristen and the company rich. Kristen asked if it would work for spinal injuries, and he believed it could work for that. The writers had to come up with something to make sure that Sarah could walk again. No one really thought she would remain in a wheelchair. Rolf didn’t try the experiment out yet, so it might not work. Kristen jumped on using it to blackmail Xander into leaving Brady alone. It was very convenient that Rolf was working on something like that because Brady needed a way to get out of what Fiona did to Sarah.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week of September 30, 20204

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

Days of Our Lives logo

Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie: You must think I’m a real idiot.
Leo: What does that have to do with anything?

Kate (to Abe about Bonnie and Hattie): You should have seen the two of them when they discovered they picked the same dress. For a minute I thought I wasn’t producing Body & Soul, I thought I was producing Crazy Ladies of the Wrestling World.

Bonnie: I feel for Johnny. I really do. I have tangled with the green-eyed monster a time or two myself and I tell you, once that jealousy takes hold, sometimes it hard to see straight.
Leo: Well, I’m the last person you should talk to about seeing anything straight, so I should get back to work.

Leo (to Bonnie): I admire and appreciate your dedication to your craft albeit it is making me want to tear my hair out. Like I told you, you have to take it up with Abe and Kate.

Chanel: I wasn’t moving out. I was taking a shower.
Johnny: The last time I checked the DiMera mansion had plenty of hot water, so this was more than just taking a shower.

Hattie: You drive me crazy.
Bonnie: You were crazy long before I came around.

Hattie (about Bonnie’s reaction to getting fired): I guess I don’t blame her. You know what I do blame her for? Being impossible to work with. I also think that she goes around telling people she’s a great actress, which I won’t comment on because my mother told me that if you can’t say something nice about somebody—
Leo: Post it on Nextdoor.

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Days Transcript Friday, October 4, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[dramatic music]

Jada, hey. Well, I am actually not in my room right now, I’m taking a little scenic tour of my floor, which is nothing to write home about, but sure is nice to be mobile. Anyway, I was just checking to see what you were doing later. Well, I know that visiting hours are ending soon, but I was actually wondering if you could come and pick me up.

[laughs] Yeah, that’s right. Yep. Kayla gave me the all-clear. I’m just waiting for my walking papers, and I am going to be a free man. Just heading to Gabi’s room right now to give her the good news.

[door clicks open]

What are you doing here?

Gabi… I had to come back.

[sighs] I hate how we left things after you got hurt.

I’m so, so sorry that we fought.

Really? Seems to me you were itching for a fight. I mean, why else would you have told me that you were ready to get into bed with Ava– again?

OK, I never, ever should have gotten involved with that woman. And I know that. It was a terrible mistake…

Risking our entire marriage for someone I didn’t care about, who was completely meaningless.

But you…

I care about you. You’re the person I care about the most, and I love you. I need you. So please, please take me back.

[light music]

Hey, Felicity. Hey.


Hey. What are you doing just sitting out here? I thought your shift didn’t end for, like, ten minutes.

Chanel said that I could go home early.

Oh. Oh, OK. Well, I know Mark was supposed to come get you, but he called me and see if I can come get you instead. Something about an important meeting.

What kind of meeting?

Honestly, sis, suddenly remembering your wedding vows– genius move.



[dramatic music] It’s like I said. Chad mentioned that there was a box of wedding mementos in the attic, so I went up there to see if there was maybe something I could use.

And no one saw you go up there, right?

No. No, no, no. I made sure no one did.

[sighs] Luckily, the box of wedding mementos was right there. And there was a piece of paper that had Abigail’s vows written on it, neatly, in very legible handwriting.

And as far as Chad knows, you’ve never seen that piece of paper before?

No. No, not at all.


[sighs] Poor guy.

I just–he thinks that I just remembered those beautiful vows and that his beloved wife’s memories are starting to come back, slowly but surely.



Hi, Chad.

Hi. Hey. I didn’t know you were home.

Yes, I was just up in the attic. Chad…

We have to talk.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So you were up in the attic.

Sit down, darling.

[dramatic music]


Now, you know how Charlotte loves to go up to the attic to play in all those things and find Doug’s old theatrical trunk and look through all the old costume bits and bits of my jewelry.

Yeah, it’s her favorite place to play.

Yes. Right. Well, she was up there playing dress-up. I was with her, and she was going through every box that she could find, including the one that had the mementos of your– your marriage to Abigail.


[clears throat] Yeah, I pulled that out the other day. I wanted to show it to Abby to see if she, you know, would remember anything. And she actually did. She–she remembered her wedding vows from our last wedding, the one when we went to Paris afterwards. It’s amazing.

That’s wonderful. Well, I’m glad she remembered something.


Is there a but coming?

Unfortunately, there is.

It haunts me, Mark…

the look on Chad’s face…

[scoffs] As I–

I was reciting the vows to him. I can’t even describe the look in his eyes. I mean, it was just like, he was so excited, you know. He was so excited that I–

[laughs] That his wife was really back, that–that… he was watching her remember their wedding day, watching her remember the love that the two of them shared together. Like–


I can imagine how hard this is for you.

For me? Forget about me. I’m lying to him. Who cares how I feel?

Come on, sis.

No, I hate this, Mark. I hate it. I hate the thought of how Chad would feel if he knew that this was all a lie, how hurt he’ll be when he finds out. Has the man not been through enough?

The reason you’re so upset is because you have a good heart.



And I love you for that. Hey, this hasn’t been easy for me either. I mean, the man obviously went through hell when his wife was murdered. And now to make him think that she’s back when she’s not, when she never will be back–

But what’s the alternative?

There is no alternative. I mean, once I got the text from Clyde…

It’s clearer now than ever.



[sighs] We don’t have a choice. I have to get Chad to the altar soon for his wedding number four…

Or they’re gonna kill her. Our mother’s a dead woman.


So Ava really doesn’t mean anything to you?

No, not at all. The whole thing was completely meaningless, like I’ve told you over and over again.

Doesn’t she work for you now? I thought you just hired her back at the Bistro.

But I also just fired her.

What? You did?

Yeah. I don’t even know why I hired her in the first place when I can’t stand the sight of her. I don’t know. I guess I was feeling… charitable, giving someone a job who was struggling. But none of that matters to me now. Ava Vitali can sling hash at the pub for all I care, because all that matters to me is you and that you take me back. Gabi… my love, I will do anything to make that happen, anything you ask.

What do you say, darling?


Hold on. I’m thinking.



What? What is it?

Hey. It’s me. It’s Rafe.



Oh, my God. Rafe.

Yeah. You were mumbling. Having a dream. Good dream? Bad dream?

Just…a dream.

Ah. Still trying to get the hang of it, are you, of running a legitimate business?

What are you doing here?

Well, it’s certainly not for the second-rate French cuisine.

I’ll save you from trying to decipher the legalese. I’m suing you for defamation.

[dramatic music]

You’re suing me for defamation? What the hell are you talking about, EJ? When? When did I defame you?

My, you do have a short memory. You defamed me when you told Mayor Price that I had a hand in stealing Nicole’s baby, that I was, in effect, a kidnapper. And since that will undoubtedly hurt my reputation and therefore my career prospects, I’m going to need to be well compensated.

Mm, well, you know, EJ, the last thing I would want is for you to be stuck in the poorhouse.


Well, maybe not the last thing. But anyway, you’re delusional if you think that I’m going to bankroll your future after you admitted to me that you helped Sloan Petersen cover up the fact that she stole your ex-wife’s baby. EJ, I may not be the lawyer of the family, but I’m not an idiot. And I also know that the truth is the best defense against any claim of defamation.


[laughs] Impressive. Impressive. I mean, you may not be the lawyer of the family, as you said, but I suspect that you’ve been sneaking peeks into my law books, because you are right about that. The truth is a solid defense against claims of defamation. However, the burning question is, who is going to give a damn about the truth when it becomes common knowledge that I slept with your wife?

Never mind my stupid dream. Oh, my God, Rafe, you’re out of bed.

Well, actually, I’ve been doing that for a while now. Yeah. Taking walks around the floor.

Oh, that is so great.

Yeah. Well, I’m– I’m feeling lucky, grateful, relieved to be healthy and strong. And… yeah, I had to come by, give my sister even more good news.

Oh, as if seeing you up and about isn’t good enough. So what is it?

Well, not only am I out of my room, but I am getting out of the hospital today.

You’re kidding. So soon? That’s amazing.

So soon. Yeah, right. Oh, my God, I am just– I am so sick of staring at the ceiling tiles, lying around and doing nothing. I cannot wait to go home and to get back to work.

I bet you can’t.

Yeah. Well, look, enough about me. How about you? How are you?

Not too bad.


I mean, given the fact, I almost got blown to smithereens by the psychopath who stabbed you.

My God.

Ay, Rafe, I feel like such a fool. My God, I can’t believe I hired that homicidal maniac as my assistant. How could I not have seen that she was dangerous?

Gabi. Gabi.

That she was totally insane?

No, just–she was an accomplished con artist, OK? She–I mean, come on. You couldn’t have seen that and– anyway, Jada tells me that she is locked up and safely behind bars at Bayview and she is not gonna hurt anyone else, including Stefan.

What about Stefan? Why did you just bring him up?

Well, because she hurt him too.

So? I couldn’t care less about him.

Come on. Come on. Really?

[light music]



That’s for Mark.

OK. All right. All right, he can have it. Just take it home for him. Clearly, you love him more than me, so it’s fine. Whatever.

No, I don’t.

I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding. Mark is a–he’s really good brother, I know, huh?


Taking care of us the way he does. I think–I think Mom and Dad would be very proud of him.

Yeah. I wish they hadn’t died.

Yeah. Yeah, me too. I know it was really hard for you especially. Well, it was hard for all of us. But it’s just you, me, and Mark. We lost them in an accident.

And Mark is a great, great, great older brother, but I’m here for you too, OK? Always.

The hardest part for me is… lying to Aaron and Felicity.

[dramatic music]

Yeah, those poor kids, believing that both their parents died in that accident.

I mean, how they reacted when they were both told. Aaron trying to be brave. Felicity totally falling apart. Even now, I sometimes hear her up in her room crying hard and talking to herself, thinking she’s talking to Mom up in heaven, saying how much she misses her.

Yeah. Well, as sad as that is, you know, we can take heart in the fact that… this will all soon be over, and– and then we’ll be able to tell them that their mother– our mother is alive.

Did Charlotte get upset when she found the box?

Oh, no. Quite the contrary. She was delighted to see pictures of you and her mom on her wedding day, especially when she was in the pictures.

Then why do you seem upset?


[sighs] Well, after we looked at the pictures, she wanted to talk about her mother. And she told me that she knows her mother is in heaven. And then she said…

[sighs] Can we call Mommy? And I said, no. No, of course heaven is not a local call. I mean, the people there that– that love us can watch over us, but… we can’t talk to them. She was so disappointed.

So disappointed. I got upset. I got angry, because she could talk to her mother if we wanted it, because her mother is not in heaven. Her mother is just across town. And if Abigail could see how much her little daughter needs her–

Chad, it’s time that you told those children their mother’s alive.

So it’s gonna be common knowledge, huh? What, are you gonna grab a bell, head out to the square, give it a ring, and announce to everybody that you bedded your brother’s wife?

Well, I certainly wouldn’t put it that way, since you very well know I didn’t bed anyone. But rather, your wife threw herself at me, virtually begging me to have sex with her. And all I was trying to do was attempt to help her right an egregious moral wrong. And I hardly think that John Q. Salemite would fault me for that.

Hmm. Wow. That’s a great speech, EJ, really. Unfortunately, I don’t have any spare bells lying around, so maybe I can help you out with a glass and a fork.


[laughs] I hardly think I’ll have to resort to the town crier routine, since I think the “Intruder” would be more than happy to print a not-so-blind item about my night of passion with Gabi. Actually, it’s a damn shame that Lady Whistleblower has taken down her shingle. I’d have been more than happy to give the story to her.

[tense music]

Right, so what you’re saying is, once this story of your passionate liaison with my wife is in print, the whole idea of you keeping Nicole from raising her child, that’s gonna be considered, what, fake news?


[laughs] Oh, Stefan, keep up. Not fake news. But you see, as you well know, I have quite a bit of experience with jury selection. So I can say with some authority that I know that they’ll see you for exactly what you are: a cuckolded husband, humiliated and vengeful, trying to desperately prop himself up with baseless accusations.

And by the time I finish making my case, you won’t have enough money left to split the rent with your good buddy Ava.

Of course, that is if I file the suit, which…I won’t.

[clears throat]

That is… if you sign this affidavit saying that any and all accusations you made about me to Mayor Price and anyone else, for that matter, were patently false.

Listen, about Stefan. I didn’t want to overwhelm you with everything when you first woke with stuff you didn’t need to hear.

Well, actually, I did need to hear that stuff, ’cause you’re my sister. I love you very much. But fortunately, Jada knows that, and so she told me.

Right. I guess I should have assumed that she would. So…she told you what happened between me and Stefan?

She did. Not all the details, of course, but just… that he cheated on you.

Yeah. With your ex-girlfriend good old Ava Vitali while I was rotting away in prison.

Yeah, that must have been really tough to hear.

It was kind of brutal, actually. But hey, you know, I told you that she was trouble way back when you first got together, didn’t I? I was sure that she’d ruin your life.

Yeah, well, to be fair, that relationship ended because of something I did. I was the one that cheated on her.


[scoffs] Yeah, but, man, did she ever get back at you. Setting you up as a dirty cop, trying to ruin your career, your reputation? I’d say she went a little overboard, don’t you think?

Maybe a little.

Yeah. And she didn’t succeed at her attempt at trying to ruin your life, so she decided to ruin mine instead.

But she didn’t succeed there either. Look, can you honestly say that she’s ruined your life, Gabi?

[dramatic music]

My marriage is over.

OK, but it doesn’t need to be. OK, listen, I understand that Stefan hurt you, OK? I get it, and I am not making light of that. But… when he came back, you two, you were so in love, and you were so happy. I mean…

Don’t you think that at some point, you could forgive him? And can’t we both agree that… you know, maybe at times, you’re not the most levelheaded person.

Oh, my God. You think your hotheaded little sister is overreacting, don’t you?

Maybe a little.

Damn it, Rafe.

No, I just– all I’m saying is this. I just–I don’t want you to make some drastic decision that you can’t take back, right? I mean, you two, you’re so good together. You’re so happy together and so in love. And you know that. I mean–

Listen, I just want you to ask yourself, do you, in your heart, really think that your marriage is over?

Julie, I want to tell the kids that their mother’s alive. I’ve wanted to since the moment we found Abby.

But Abigail has not?

No, she–she–she doesn’t. She doesn’t want the kids to know because– because she’s afraid because of how different she looks and because she doesn’t remember them. She thinks it’ll be too traumatic for them. You disagree?


[sighs] I have no idea. I have no idea how the children are going to react. Nobody does, including Abigail. But the longer we wait to tell them–

I understand. I understand. I don’t like the idea either. But she doesn’t want to talk to them until she gets her memory back.

You just said she got her memory back about the vows.

Yeah, but she doesn’t remember the kids. She doesn’t remember anything about them.


[sighs] Please, I’m not a pessimist, and I don’t want to sound pessimistic. But when, if, and perhaps never she gets her memory back, who can tell? And in the meantime, she’s living in Salem. Anybody could talk to the children. Wouldn’t it be better for them to have the news from their father that their mother’s alive?

Aaron and Felicity have been through enough. I think it’s cruel to continue to lie to them.

Yeah. I know. It’s breaking my heart. But as long as Clyde is holding our mother hostage, it’s another case of not having a choice. We have to keep them in the dark.


It’s just that you and Stefan have been through so much. I mean, you thought the man was dead for years.

You don’t have to remind me of that, Rafe.

Well, maybe I do. And maybe I also need to remind you that when you did find each other again, you were so damn happy. And it’s just– are you gonna let this one mistake ruin everything?

It was a damn big mistake.

OK, granted, it was, but… do you want to throw everything away because of that? I mean, it just seems– I don’t know. Look, it’s none of my damn business, OK? It’s just–it does seem like maybe there’s a way to get past it.

Well, Stefan’s infidelity isn’t the only thing that he and I need to get past.

What else?

I may have escalated the situation when I slept with EJ.

[dramatic music]

You what–what?

I know. I know, it was really stupid. But I was so angry, Rafe. I was so hurt.

OK, there is hurt, and there is angry, and then there is completely insane. You hate EJ. He sent you to prison. Why in God’s name would you sleep with him?

It was Connie’s idea.

Wait. What? Connie Vininski, the homicidal maniac? She told you to sleep with EJ?

Well, not exactly.

[sighs] She told me I should get back at Stefan by cheating on him like he cheated on me. You know, like an eye for an eye type of thing.

Oh, my God. And you listened to her.

Well, in my defense, I didn’t know that she was a homicidal maniac when she suggested it, nor did I know that she was hell-bent on ruining my life. And honestly, it didn’t exactly seem like bad advice at the time.

Didn’t seem like bad advice to sleep with your husband’s brother, the man who sent you to prison? I mean, for God’s sake, Gabi.

Look, I had to do something, OK? I couldn’t stop thinking about Stefan sleeping with Ava. I couldn’t stop picturing it.

As hard as I tried, I couldn’t get that disgusting image of the two of them in bed together out of my mind. It was, like, on a constant loop in my brain.


Uh-huh. That’s all you have to say?

I’m just wondering, did sleeping with EJ, someone you hate, someone who sent you to prison, who is not only a despicable, amoral human being but your husband’s brother, did that– did that make you feel better? Did that get rid of this disgusting image that was in your head?

Honestly, no.

No matter what I do, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop picturing Stefan having sex with that woman.


[tense music]


One more thing. You mentioned that whole thing about my wife throwing herself at you. And that may have been true at one time, but she admitted to me that that was the only time that it happened and that she was not interested in coming back for more.


[clears throat] Yes, that’s true. There was only ever that one time.

[groans] However, what is not true is that Gabi wasn’t interested in… coming back for more, as you put it.

You see, your wife did come to my room again, hoping it could happen again, since the first time was so– whew–so satisfying.

However, I turned her down… out of respect for you, brother.

Although, even so, I doubt you’ll ever be able to get that image out of your head…

Of said one time.

Am I right?



OK. OK, you’re right. The longer we wait to tell the kids, the greater the risk of them finding out from someone else. And it would be very hurtful for them to find out from a stranger or God knows who, not to mention keeping something like that from them, even if it is amazing news.

And so?

[dramatic music]

I will tell the kids.

Oh, thanks. Thanks, darling. That’s all I wanted to hear. Oh.

Hey. What a surprise. What are you two doing here?

Nothing, I was taking Felicity to feed the ducks.

I got you a cronut.

Oh, from Sweet Bits?


Great. Thanks, Feliss.

So what are you– what are you– what are you guys doing, anyway? I mean, you mentioned you had an important meeting.

I did, but it finished early. And since I knew you were picking up Felicity, I figured I had time to take a walk, and I ran into… one of my patients. Guys, this is Abigail Deveraux. Abigail, this is my brother, Aaron, and my sister, Felicity.

It’s nice to meet you guys.

Yeah, nice to meet you too.

You look familiar.

So I thought you said you were getting sprung from this joint. Where’s your ride?

[phone beeps]

Oh. Actually, it’s about to arrive.

[chuckles] Jada’s on her way.

That’s great.


[dramatic music]

Rafe, in spite of, well, the discussion that we just had…

I know that everything you said came from a caring place.

Yeah, it did. You know, I didn’t mean to be hard on you. It’s just… I love you. I love you, and I want you to be happy.

I want the same for you.

And I am so happy that you’re getting out of here any minute and that you’re all right.

Yeah. You and me both. Yeah. And whenever you get out of here, I just want you to know you always have a home with me. Don’t you forget that, OK?

Don’t you ever forget, OK? I love you.

I love you too.

OK. See you.




You think I look familiar? Huh.

Well, I’m pretty sure we haven’t met.

I guess she just has one of those faces. And hey, I should probably be getting back to the hospital. See you at home for dinner?

Yeah. All right. See you later. Good to meet you, Abigail.

Yeah, you too.

I–I– I can’t believe– I can’t believe I just saw my little brother and little sister after all this time and they didn’t–they didn’t even know it was me. I mean–


No, of course, with the plastic surgery, yes, I look completely different, but–

Mark, I miss them.

They’re great kids.


[sighs] Felicity, I mean, she didn’t recognize me, but she– she thought I looked familiar. I mean, she sensed something. She sensed it was me.

[phone ringing] Oh.

It’s Chad.

Hi, Chad. Is everything OK?

Yeah, everything’s fine, but we need to talk. Can you come over to the house?

[knock at door]

[dramatic music]

Don’t worry, Mom. We’re gonna get you out of this. I promise we’re gonna save you.

Oh, my God. What are you still doing here? I thought you said you had to go back to the hospital.

I do. I just got a phone call from a patient I had to take. You guys weren’t gone very long. How were the ducks?

They were really hungry.

Right? They always are.

So… did your “patient” leave? What was her name again?

Abigail. Yeah, she had to go.

I still think she looked familiar.

You got here quick.

I came as fast as I could. I’m assuming the kids aren’t here.

No. Julie took them to Sweet Bits.

Right. Yeah. Good.

That’s why I wanted you to come over. When the kids get home, I’m gonna tell them the truth.

I want us to tell them that their mother is alive.

[phone rings]

Commissioner Hernandez, what a surprise. I thought you were in a coma.

Yeah, well, I woke up.

Oh, yes. I do believe I heard rumors to that effect. Not that anyone would know the difference.

[laughs] What can I do for you?

You stupid son of a bitch, you know exactly why I’m calling. I heard about you getting involved with my sister. And I am warning you, you stay the hell away from her and out of her marriage.

Is that a threat, Commissioner?

Go to hell.

[dial tone hums]

Oof. Guess he didn’t get the memo that there will soon be no marriage to stay out of, that that marriage is doomed.

You brought me flowers?

No. One of the nurses asked me to bring them to you. They were on the desk, and… well, no one could bring them in, so…


Oh, they’re from the assistants at Gabi Chic. “Wishing you a speedy recovery. “P.S. Sorry for what happened. “We all worried that Connie was a psycho, and we’re relieved that you’re gonna be OK.”

Great. Everyone could see how insane that woman was except me.

So…what are you doing here?

I just… wanted to let you know that I– I just spoke to my lawyer.

Your lawyer?


I’m filing for divorce.

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Days Transcript Thursday, October 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


So that’s it, then. It’s just over between us?

[soft dramatic music] You know what? You’re obviously too much of a coward to just tell me the truth, so I’ll save you the trouble. Yeah, it’s done. We’re over, Tate. So you and Sophia, you guys can have a happy life together. You two totally deserve each other. Goodbye, Tate.

[tense music]

You better hope the justice system works fast when your brother is concerned, Eric. Otherwise, I’ll have no choice but to take matters into my own hand.

Xander? What are you doing with that gun?

Thanks for coming, Marlena.

Oh, Brady. Your father and I are so worried about you.

I’m worried about him. And I haven’t– I haven’t–put him through all of this and all the pain this is causing him, I mean, just because I screwed up so– screwed up doesn’t even– it doesn’t even cut it. It’s more like what I did was unforgivable.

Let me make this very clear. We love you so much.

[tender music] And we will be here for you, now and always.

I just saw EJ leaving. What was all that about?

Our illustrious DA just came to gloat. Yeah, no surprise there. He made sure to let me know that he’s definitely going to keep me in prison this time and that there’s nobody that’s going to be able to save me, not even Kristen.

What happened to the tunnels? It’s like a bomb went off down there.

Well, that’s exactly what happened, actually. Rolf, you shouldn’t be here. You’re wanted for a long list of crimes. And if the police catch you–

I’m well aware of the risks, Kristen. But I have news of the utmost importance, news that I felt must be delivered in person.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I’m sure you understand, Maggie, that, well, I’m Victor’s heir now and CEO of Titan again. There’s a huge target on my back. I keep this gun in the office for, uh, protection.

Come on, Xander. This building has tons of security.

And yet you were able to gain access without my knowledge. No warning, no escort. What if you’d been packing heat, Maggie?

Fine. You made your point.

Well, assuming you’re not here to assassinate me, what brings you by?

Ah, yeah. Well, I have something to speak to you about, alone.

Oh? Am I in trouble?

Not yet. But perhaps, um, trouble can be avoided if you take my advice.

Which is?

Well, now that Sarah has identified Brady as being the drunk driver who hit her, he’ll probably be going to prison for what he did. So, Xander, I’m asking you to please, please, could you drop this vendetta against Brady?

It sounds like EJ is pretty upset with his sister for making your car disappear so it couldn’t be used as evidence.

Yes, he is.

And I’m–I’m angry at her for doing it in the first place, as you know. Marlena, she’s– she’s determined to get me out of this mess.

What does that mean?

She–she visited earlier. She offered to do something pretty extreme to ensure my freedom.

I’m afraid to ask. – You’re going to make Sarah disappear? That’s your big plan?

It wouldn’t be the first time. Just say the word, Brady, and I will have Dr. Sarah rolling around the DiMera Island compound by tomorrow afternoon.

Oh–oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Or–or I could, uh, take a page out of Connie Vininski’s book and just toss her in the basement and set off a bomb.

OK, OK. Kristen, you’re not doing this. I think it’s better that you just don’t know about it.

Well, is it something illegal?

I told her. I told her, you need to lay off. You need to stand down immediately.

Well, I hope she listens to you. Because whenever Kristen gets involved in somebody– in somebody’s problems, she can make them worse, a lot worse.

All right, Rolf, you have my attention. What is this urgent news that you risked life and limb to share?

Well, as I’m sure you recall, Kristen, you, uh, reached out to me shortly after you were named CEO of DiMera Enterprises. You asked me to work on scientific innovations that could be developed and monetized on behalf of the company.

Yeah, I wanted you to score me a win, something that would cement my place at the top, prove those naysayers wrong. Of course, I did have my reservations about bankrolling a known fugitive.

Well, I’m happy to say your gamble paid off. There’s been a monumental scientific breakthrough, thanks to me, that will make you and your board members very, very rich.

Wow, that was intense.

I can’t believe it. Holly and I are– are over.

Tate, I’m so sorry.

Are you really?

Of course I am. Why would you even ask me that?

Come on, Sophia. You two were just at each other’s throats. I think that maybe you’d enjoy watching my relationship with her blow up.

Tate, I admit that I have my issues with my former BFF, but I know how much you care about her and how hard you fought to be with her. So, no, I’m not enjoying this. In fact, I feel really bad that it’s all falling apart, mostly for your sake.

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have doubted you. I just–I’m upset, obviously.

Of course you are. Holly broke your heart. But honestly, after the way she betrayed your trust, the way she used you to try to get evidence against your dad, I truly think you’re better off without her.



[footsteps approaching]

Holly. Hey.

Oh, my God. Please, I literally can’t right now. Just leave me alone.

I know you’re still mad at me. I just want– I want you to know that I love you. And I’m always here for you if you need to talk.

Fine. You want to know why I’m so upset, Eric? Well, it’s because Tate and I just broke up, and it’s all your fault.

Holly, I’m sorry that you and Tate broke up. But how is this my fault?

You and your brother are the exact same. You just get drunk, you run people over, and you don’t give a damn about the consequences. And for some bizarre reason, Tate still insists on defending both of you.

I don’t know why he’s defending me, but I know that Tate loves his father. He’s scared that he’s going to go to prison.

Which is what he deserves.

Holly, I know this situation really hits home for you. You and Tate–


You and Tate need each other.

Just stop.

Especially right now.

No, stop. Don’t act like you care about me or what I need.

Of course I do.

No, you don’t. So don’t pretend to.

I do.

You don’t care about me, Eric. And neither does my mom.

You know what, Sophia? You’re–you’re right.

What, you mean you agree that you’re better off without Holly?

No, no. About what you said about how Holly and I had to work really hard to be together. You know, lying to my parents, sneaking around behind their backs for months, pretending I went to lacrosse camp just so we could hang out. And we did all of that, and now it’s just over. It’s like it was all for nothing.

That really sucks. But I hope you know that none of this is your fault, Tate. You tried to work things out with Holly. And I’m sorry, but she went a little psycho.

Sophia, come on.

What? It’s true. I mean, I know she’s got a lot going on, but she didn’t have to take it out on you. And the stuff with your dad, Tate? I hate to say it, but this isn’t the first time she screwed you over. She also took her sweet time clearing your name after her overdose, which was so awful, you going to jail and then to that rehab place.

Yeah. Yeah, that was rough.

Sorry. Now I’m making things worse. I shouldn’t have brought that up. Tate, is there anything I can do for you?

No, thank you. I think maybe I should just head home.

How about we take a walk instead? You shouldn’t be alone when you’re this upset.

Don’t you have work?

My shift doesn’t start for a while. Come on. It’ll be better than moping around at home by yourself.

All right. Maybe you’re right.

I think you might be exaggerating just a wee bit, Maggie. All I’ve wanted is for Brady to be brought to justice for what he did to Sarah, not some vendetta against him.

Hmm. Well, then, can you explain to me why you wanted to break his legs? That’s right. Fiona told me that you went after him with a baseball bat.

At the time, I was very frustrated that Brady was a free man, that he got away with paralyzing Sarah. You can’t blame me for wanting him to pay for that.

I do blame you, Xander, for taking it so far, or at least intending to. And thank God Fiona was there to stop you.

Did she tell you why she intervened?

Oh, you mean that she slept with Brady? Yeah, she told me.

Another reason my anger is justified.

Why? Because from what I understand, Brady didn’t even know Fiona was your mother when they first met.

Right. After he figured it out, he kept seeing her, probably just to stick it to me.

Stop it. Now, Xander, you’re the one obsessing over Brady. It’s not the other way around. I think it’s high time that you focused more time on being with your wife and less time on getting back at Brady.

No, I–I agree %. I mean, Kristen–Kristen would just make my situation worse. Although, I’ll be honest with you.

[sighs] I’d much rather her be fighting with me than against me.

I do understand that. I mean, the two of you have been involved in some incredible fights over Rachel.

Which may be coming to an end, finally. Not just because I might be going to prison, but because Kristen said she’s willing to revisit our custody arrangement.

She told me that.

I–I think it was just an incentive, you know, for me not to give up, you know, after the accident.

You know what? I think she might have had a–a different motivation.

Like what?

When we spoke, she told me that she still loves you.

Yeah. Yeah, she–she told me that, too, earlier.


What is?

You didn’t say that you never wanted to be involved with that psycho again.

No, I didn’t say that. But the truth is, I– I wish that I did feel that way. After all the awful things that she has done to you, to me, to so many people that we care about– when she says, I still love you, Brady, it should–it should– it should mean nothing. It should–it should be pathetic because I’m never going to return her feelings.

You say you wish you felt that way? Don’t you?


[clears throat] Hmm. Rolf, all these equations and formulas, am I supposed to understand any of this?

No, of course not. That is why I am here! Hmm? I have a whole presentation prepared to explain my research to you in layman’s terms. It will only take an hour or two of your time.


[laughs] You know what? Rolf, I really, really appreciate your hard work and– and your enthusiasm, but, um, currently, I don’t have the bandwidth for this. The father of my child could be going to prison, and, well, I need to focus my energy on trying to find a way to save him.

But this is the scientific discovery of the century. And DiMera stands to make millions, if not billions.

OK, I get it. I get it, Rolf. I really, really do. But I mean, can we just put this on the back burner for now? Until I can get Brady out of trouble.

I can’t believe what I am hearing. This is–this is the future of the company, the future of the world. And you are still wrapped up in your very unhealthy obsession with Brady Black!

Watch it. Don’t forget who’s in charge here.


Your father, too, had his obsession, his Queen of the Night, Marlena Evans. But Stefano always understood when he needed to put his personal matters aside for the good of the company.

Hmm. Did he, though?

He at least made an effort to multitask. And I believe that is what your father would want you to do in this situation.

[tense music]


[sighs] Fine. Lay it on me.

Holly, please. You got to believe me. Your mom and I hate that you’re in so much pain. Your mom really wants to help you.

Then where the hell is she? If I’m so important to her, then why doesn’t she just come home? Or is visiting her only daughter just too inconvenient?

You know that she would be here if she could. Jude, he’s got a head cold and an ear infection. And so she doesn’t want to put him on a plane. But maybe you could go visit her instead.

You know what really gets me is– is how Holly is so completely in the wrong, and she blames everybody else, including you.

Well, she and I haven’t been getting along for a while now, so sort of an easy scapegoat.

Yeah, it’s just not right. I mean, she’s way out of line. And, I mean, all you did is you called her out for– for using me, right? My God, for her to hit you?

Well, I don’t have to steal Tate from you, Holly. You’re handing him over gift-wrapped just by being the same broken, hot mess you’ve been since we were kids. And not just a hot mess, but obviously sexually repressed.

Shut the hell up right now.

I’m just saying, you not putting out for the guy is kind of an advantage for me since he’s raring to go, and I can’t wait to get him into bed and to satisfy him like you refuse to. Although, I’m guessing even if you did put out, you wouldn’t be able to satisfy him like I can. Like I will. I have to be honest, Tate. Holly didn’t hit me because I called her out. She hit me because I admitted I have feelings for you.

[suspenseful music]

Wait a minute. What are–what are you talking about, Maggie? I’ve–I’ve been there for Sarah %. I was by her side at the hospital. And then I brought her home. And since then I’ve– well, I’ve been–I’ve been spending as much time with her as I possibly can.

I know you have. I’m not talking about physically. I’m talking about emotionally. Sarah is going through so much, and you have been spending so much more time and energy focusing on ways to punish Brady.


[sighs] Maybe you’re right, Maggie. I just– I just don’t know how to help her. She–she’s always putting on such a strong front, insisting everything’s fine, but it’s–it’s not. She is not fine. I hear her crying when she thinks I’m not around, and I saw how sad she looked when she couldn’t chase after Victoria at her birthday party. It just– it makes me feel so damn helpless, watching her suffer like this. I can’t help Sarah regain the use of her legs, but I can help her get justice.

Well, now that Brady is facing judgment and you’re going to get your justice, Xander, it’s time. It’s time to let it go. For your sake and for Sarah’s sake.


[scoffs] Why do I feel like I should be lying on the couch in your office?

Am I acting too much like a therapist?


[sighs] No, you’re not. More like a concerned parent.

Good. Answer my question, please.

OK. You know, I’ve always felt this pull towards Kristen. Even when times are bad, I can’t get her out of my system.

Understandable. You share a daughter.

No, Marlena. It’s– it’s like an addiction. It’s–it’s– it’s just an addiction. But this one’s different because of Rachel. I can’t– I can’t go cold turkey because I have to be in contact with the woman because of my daughter.

Yeah. Let’s try another metaphor. Are you in danger of falling off the wagon when it comes to Kristen?

No, no, I’m just– I’m just still burned from what happened with Theresa. Besides, even if I was ready to love again, it’s a moot point because I’m going to prison.

What is this?

I thought you might like to follow along as I give my presentation.

Huh. You thought wrong. Uh…

[clears throat] Just give me the gist, and make it snappy.

All right. So a crude summation will pale in comparison to the elegance of my discovery.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

All right, fine, fine. Do you remember the Chorvat prisms?

Of course I do. They contain all sorts of advanced scientific properties. You and Megan used one of them to cure Bo’s brain tumor.

We also used one to create a fountain of youth serum derived from that rare jungle orchid.

Oh, my God. Rolf, you perfected it? Why wouldn’t you have led with that?

Look at my face, Kristen. Does it look like I perfected a fountain of youth?


[sighs] I guess that’s a no.

Even though the ISA now has possession of the prisms, I was able to work off my extensive notes, and I was able to come up with a new serum that will revolutionize the field of medicine!

Yeah, this is where you get to the gist part.

It has incredible regenerative properties, far beyond what we can currently do with stem cells. For instance, you could regenerate a failed organ or regrow dying tissue. Essentially, just about any damage to the human body can be reversed!

What about a spinal cord injury?

[dramatic music]

So you admitted to Holly that you have feelings for me?

Which I do. You can’t be that surprised, Tate. You knew I was into you before. That’s why you asked me to prom.

Yeah, but you–you said that you just wanted to be friends. I–I thought we were past all of that.

I know. And I meant it. I really did. And I’ve tried to put my feelings aside, tried to be supportive of you and Holly. But I guess deep down, I’m still not over you.

[soft music]

I’m sorry I didn’t realize.

Don’t be sorry, please. I don’t want it to be weird between us. And I kind of didn’t realize it either. But then Holly kept suggesting that I was trying to steal you away. So I had to admit that while I wasn’t doing that, I do still like you.

And that’s why she hit you?

Like I said, she just thinks I’m trying to take you away from her. Look, I admit that I flirted with you at the Horton cabin last summer. Actually, I guess flirting is an understatement. I kind of suggested we have sex. You’re not saying anything. Surely you remember that.

Uh, yeah, I–I do.

But no comment?

It–it was awkward.

I know. And I was obviously out of line. But then you totally rejected me anyway, which was actually pretty humiliating. But after that, I decided I needed to have some self-respect and back off. Which I have, haven’t I?

Yeah. Yeah, you have. Definitely, yeah.

Sorry. I’ve made this all about me, which I didn’t want to do. It’s just after what Holly did to you, I want everything to be out in the open between us, Tate. No deception.

So you want me to fly to Paris in the middle of my senior year?

We could go for a long weekend. You wouldn’t miss much class, and this is really important.

And so is applying to college, which, by the way, my mom’s not here to help me with either.

And she can help you with that. You can do a video chat.

No, you know damn well that’s not the same as being with someone in person.

Holly, she asked you to move with us.

But when I said I couldn’t, she could have made me a priority and stayed. But she didn’t. She didn’t stay in Salem. She chose to do what you wanted, Eric, instead of what her daughter needed.

Holly, your mom is terribly concerned and wants to see you.

Yeah, whatever. It’s pointless, anyway. I don’t have anything to say to her.

So what? You’re just going to shut her out?

[somber music]

[sighs] Holly, I am the one who was responsible for your father’s death, not her.

True. She just lied to me about it my entire life.

Then give her a chance to explain, a chance to tell you why she came to that decision. Don’t you think you owe her that much?

Brady, as far as you going to prison, that’s not a foregone conclusion. Justin’s a very good attorney. He–he may be able to pull off a miracle.

Marlena, we’ve been over this. I’m not looking for a miracle.

I know you think you deserve to be punished. Darling, please, let Justin do his job.

I am. I am letting him do it, out of deference to Dad. OK, if it wasn’t for him, I would just assume– just–just get this whole damn thing over with. I–

[laughs] I’m responsible for Sarah being in that wheelchair, probably for the rest of her life, OK? It’s my fault that she has pain and she has suffering, and I am willing to– no, I’m not willing. I need to take responsibility for it.

I hear you, Maggie. And look, I haven’t only been sitting around thinking of ways to punish Brady. I’ve also been looking into specialists. I’m trying to find anyone that can help Sarah walk again.

And what have you found?

So far, everyone agrees with Sarah’s current doctors. And they’ve admitted that things aren’t looking promising.

Well, then I guess it’s time for us to face reality…

[sighs] That Sarah’s paralysis is most likely permanent.

The serum wasn’t specifically created for spinal cord injury. Though I suppose it’s not out of the realm of possibilities that it could be used thusly, given some re-engineering, that is. Why do you ask?

Because Brady is currently facing prison time for a hit and run. And Sarah Kiriakis, she’s paralyzed and may never walk again.

I see. Well, I’d have to take a look at her charts to determine if the serum would be appropriate for her particular case.

But in theory, it is possible that the serum may get Sarah back on her feet again?

Yes. Yes, I believe it– possible.




Well, then, Rolf, you need to get working on this right away. I’m going to get you a lab. You’re going to revise the serum. Oh, my God. I mean, if Sarah starts to walk again–

Kristen, I know you spent a lot of time with Sarah on this island when she thought she was your dead sister. But I hadn’t realized you cared so much for her.

Oh, believe me, I don’t.

Then there must be some ulterior motive here, huh? Something perhaps to do with–

I have my reasons, Rolf. And if you want your funding, you want your lab, you want the glory of the scientific breakthrough, then you’ll leave it at that.

[suspenseful music]

I’m not ready to just– to give up hope, Maggie.

Nor am I. But if it turns out that Sarah’s condition is permanent, we mustn’t forget that Sarah can still have a full and productive life.

Of course.

And she will. That’s if you and Victoria are in her corner. Right?

Right. Thank you, Maggie, for– for helping me get my priorities straight.

So does this mean–

Yes, I’ll focus all my attention on my wife, and I will stop obsessing about Brady Black.

You know that Eric felt the same way you do. After what happened to Daniel, he was– he was tormented by it. But he found there are other ways to atone for mistakes besides going to jail.

I get that. And I’m glad that Eric has found a way to make peace with the fact that he took a life. I guess I’m luckier. My situation is better because Sarah is still alive. But, Marlena, unlike Eric, I am– I’m not there. I am not ready to make peace with what I did.

I hope in time you will. Please know that I am always, always here for you.

Thank you.

As is your father.

I know he is. Again, I just–I just– I feel really bad about the pain that I’m causing him. I think he’d be better off if he just accepted his son’s fate.

He can’t do that. And neither could you. Last year, when your son was in so much trouble, there was no way you couldn’t be there for him.

He was innocent.

And would things have changed if he hadn’t been innocent?

No, I–I probably would have stood by his side anyway. Just the way he’s standing by my side now. Which, by the way, is costing him a lot.

How so?


[sighs] He and Holly, they– they had this big fight. And it was all because of–of me.

Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.

Me too. I had all these reservations about the two of them being together. But now that they are, I would really hate it that I was the reason that they didn’t work out.

Well, thank you for being honest with me. I know that probably wasn’t easy for you.

Well, it was easier telling you than Holly.

Again, I am so sorry that she hit you. That was totally wrong of her. But, hey, at least it didn’t leave a mark, right?


[laughs] Thank God. I was not looking forward to explaining that to my parents. They would have totally lost it.

Right. I get it. You know, but now, with, you know, my mom going to prison and my dad maybe joining her… I don’t know. I just–I kind of miss my parents being up all in my business, you know? Is that crazy?

No, no, not at all. And hey, if you ever need your fix of nosy parents, feel free to come by my place. My parents will gladly give you the third degree and then tell you exactly what to do.

Right. I think I might skip that, thanks.


[laughs] Yeah. Yeah, you should. So, Tate, are we still cool? I mean, after me telling you that I have feelings for you?

Yeah. Yeah, we’re still cool. And actually, I’m glad you told me that.


Yeah, it’s good that something like that is out in the open. You know, I don’t want you to feel like you have to hold anything back with me.

Well, in that case–

[tense music]

I really wish you wouldn’t make me speak on your mother’s behalf. But since you won’t talk to her, I want you to know something. She needs you. She needs to see you.



She misses you terribly.

I have a hard time believing that. She could have stayed here.

Holly, she had her reasons. And they were…

[sighs] Big decisions.

Yeah, I know.

You know, you don’t have to stay very long. I’ll even buy you a plane ticket on the next flight.

[soft dramatic music] All you have to do is go home, pack your things.



Fine. I’ll go to Paris. I mean, there’s nothing keeping me in Salem anyway. Not anymore.

Um, I–I– I–I’m sorry, I– I don’t know, I think maybe you misunderstood. I–I’m really–just I’m not, uh, ready to move on yet.

Oh, my God. I’m so embarrassed. I totally misread the situation. You must think I’m pathetic.

No, no, no, no. Not at all. You’re–you’re great. You’ve–you’ve been totally, uh, understanding and supportive. I just– I’m such a mess right now. I think maybe I should just head home, you know?

Are you sure I didn’t screw things up?

I am positive. Uh, text you later, OK?

OK. Yeah, yeah. You should go home and– and take it easy. Talk soon.


[soft suspenseful music]

Science is a cold mistress. But she is calling me.

[sighs] You appreciated my brilliance once upon a time. But your progeny, that’s a different story.

[tense music] Your precious Kristen blew out of here looking like the cat who ate the canary. I wonder what she’s up to this time.

[knocking on door]

Well, hello there, Xandy.

Ugh. Maybe security here really is a problem.

I’m sorry. What?

Nothing. What the hell do you want?

You might want to change your tone. Believe it or not, I am here to help you.

Brady, take care of yourself. We’ll talk soon.

Thank you for coming, Marlena.

You know, I can’t help but wonder what Kristen has in mind when she’s talking about helping you.

Honestly, please, don’t even worry about it.

How can I not worry about it? This is Kristen DiMera we’re talking about. And when she sets her mind to something, well, there’s no telling what she might do to follow through.

Wait, so you’re– you’re saying that Rolf’s new serum can make Sarah walk again?

Well, I mean, he still needs to fine-tune the formula, but when it is all done, it’ll be all yours.

Oh, my God.

Yeah. There’s just one teeny, tiny favor I might ask in return.

Which is?

Make sure that Brady goes free.

[tense music]

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Days Transcript Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[ominous music]

That son of a bitch is finally going to pay.

Doing a victory dance?

And what if I am? Your brother put my wife in a wheelchair. So what if I rejoice at his downfall? Look, I don’t know why you’re here, but I have an international conglomerate to run, so if you could just, uh–

I’m not going anywhere. Not until you and I have a little chat.

[tense music]


Hey, Dad.

Always glad to see you. Aren’t you supposed to be in school?

Uh, school’s out. It’s after :.

Wow, yeah. Well, it’s hard to keep track of time in here.

How are you doing, Dad?

Today I’m a lot better than I was last night when you found me, that’s for sure. And I’m–I’m sorry you had to see me like that.

Passed out drunk, you mean?

Oh, no, no.

That’s–that’s the thing.

[mysterious music] I wasn’t drunk.

What the hell are you thinking, EJ? You had Brady arrested again.

Good afternoon to you, too, Kristen.

You do get that this is harassment, right? You have no concrete evidence linking Brady to Sarah’s hit-and-run. And yet here you go again, having those morons you call a police force dragging him in.

Oh. Then you obviously haven’t heard. An eyewitness has come forward.


[laughs] Really? And who is this eyewitness?

The victim herself, Sarah Kiriakis.

It’s such a beautiful day.

Well, fresh air is the best medicine, isn’t it?

Yes, it is. Thank you for wheeling me here.


My pleasure. Besides, it gives us some time alone to talk.

Talk about what?


[sighs] About what you told the police you remembered seeing.

You mean Brady driving the car that hit me? What about it?

Sarah, I know that you were lying.

[dramatic music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[suspenseful music]

Believe me, I know how it must have looked when you found me. But, Tate, I was not drinking last night.

How can you even say that, Dad? You were slurring your words. I had to carry you to bed. Like, come on.

I don’t– I don’t–I don’t remember everything exactly how it happened. But here’s what I remember. I was totally out of it. I was totally out of it. But it had nothing to do with being drunk.

Come on, Dad.

I’m telling you the truth. I swear to God. Something knocked me out, Tate. It wasn’t alcohol. It might have been a bug. It might have been– I don’t know what it was, but here’s what I understand. After what happened to Sarah, I’m never drinking again. And I sure as hell wasn’t drinking last night. Please believe me.

[mellow acoustic music]

Holly. Hey.

God, what? What do you want, Sophia?

Whoa. No need to be so harsh. I only wanted to congratulate you.

Congratulate me for what exactly?

Well, I heard about your new after-school job.

What are you talking about? The last time I had a job was the one you blackmailed me into, remember?

Wait. So you’re saying you didn’t get hired by the DA’s office to be their new teen detective?

Sarah is your eyewitness?

Well, you obviously haven’t seen the news today.

[clears throat] Yes. Sarah came forward last night saying she remembers seeing Brady in the driver’s seat of the car that hit her. So despite your car crushing antics, Brady Black is finally going to pay for his crimes.

Huh. So Sarah–

[laughs] Suddenly remembered that Brady was the one driving that night after all this time?

What? That’s not so implausible, is it? That memories just slowly come back after trauma?

Yeah. It is implausible, actually. Oh, come on. You know as well as I do that Sarah is lying through her pearly white teeth.

[tense music]

Why–why do you think that I’m lying?

I just know that you can’t possibly remember seeing Brady behind the wheel that night.

Well, how could you possibly know that?

[tires screeching]

Oh, my God!

Answer me, Fiona. Why do you think that I don’t remember? Why do you– why do you think that I don’t remember seeing Brady driving the car that hit me?

Look, if you’ve come here to beg for mercy for your brother, you can save your breath. We now have concrete evidence that he was the drunken bastard who crippled my wife.

Right. I heard. But I’m not here to seek absolution for my brother.

Then why are you here?

I want to know what the hell you were doing alone in my parents’ house last night, standing over my brother who was all but dead to the world.

[soft dramatic music]

Please tell me you believe me that I wasn’t drinking last night.

Yeah. Okay, Dad, I–I believe you. And I– I want you to know that I am % in your corner.


[sighs] That means a lot to hear– hear you say that. I know this hasn’t been easy for you. It’s like this whole town just thinks the worst of me. I deserve their scorn, but you don’t. And you don’t deserve to have both of your parents in prison. I’m sorry about that.

Hey, stop worrying about me. I’ll be fine.

I know you’ll be fine because you have– you have so many people in this town that love you, Tate, and want to support you. Your grandparents are % behind you. You know that, right?

Yeah, I do.

What about Holly? How’s that going?

Not great. Actually, quite badly.

Did something happen?


[sighs] Yeah, something happened. She just–she hasn’t been understanding at all about the accident, about you having a disease and not meaning to hurt anyone. She just– God, she’s so damn angry, Dad.

Tate, her–her aunt is in a wheelchair. She’s going to be angry about it.

Yeah, but she won’t even try to see things from my point of view. She–like, she doesn’t get that you’re my dad, and I’m worried about you. So when she talks about wanting to make you pay, come on. I can’t hear that. And how could I possibly be with someone who doesn’t respect that I love my father, and I’m going to stand by him no matter what?

Like I said, she’s– she’s just angry about her aunt.



All right? Give her time.

Yeah, I was trying to give her time until I found out what she did.

What–what do you mean? What did she do?

[tense music] Tell me, what did she do?

She snuck into your room at Grandma and Grandpa’s, looking for dirt on you.

New teen detective? What the hell are you talking about?

As if you don’t know. I heard all about your pathetic little spy games, Holly. Who are you trying to be, Harriet the Spy? Oh, no. She’s too frumpy. Not fashion forward enough for Holly Jonas, right? Maybe Nancy Drew or Veronica Mars?

Mm-mm, no, they’re too old school. Oh, I know. Charlie Cale! Oh, sweetie. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you’re no poker face.

Yeah, and you’re really mean and petty and vindictive. Aside from which, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

I know what Tate told me.

What Tate told you?

Poor guy had to talk to someone since you were being so extra.

[scoffs] Seriously, Holly? Lying about wanting to get back together with Tate just so you could sneak into his dad’s bedroom and snoop around? That’s low, even for you. And I bet your ex-stepdaddy, Mr. Big Man DA, put you up to it, right?

[mellow acoustic music]

Why don’t you believe Sarah’s memory about that night could have returned?

Because I’m not an idiot. Because I have a functional frontal lobe. And even Marlena couldn’t bring back that woman’s memories after she hypnotized her.



[scoffs] So Sarah miraculously experienced a total recall shortly after she found out that Brady, what, wasn’t going to face charges? It’s a little convenient, wouldn’t you say? Hmm?

[tense music]

You have to tell me. Why do you think that I’m lying about Brady?

Well, it’s just that I heard you and Xander talking yesterday in the bedroom. I wasn’t eavesdropping. I just happened to be passing by. And you were telling Xander how you had lied to the police.


[sighs] Oh.

And I just can’t figure out why. Is it because you want to see Brady punished?

No. No, it’s not that.

I had no choice.

I don’t understand.

Xander has been so consumed with anger. And he is obsessed with getting revenge against Brady. And, Fiona… he was going to kill Brady and make it look like a suicide.

Oh, dear God.

So you see, I had no choice. I had to lie to the police. It was the only way to save Brady and your son.

You caught Holly snooping around in my room?

Yeah, I did. And, Dad, she had already gotten into your briefcase when I caught her. And at first, she tried to act all innocent, which is stupid and lame because she knew that I was on to her. But then she admitted what she was doing, and I– I was beyond pissed off.

Mm-hmm. What did you do?

I threw her out. I made her leave the house. Like, Dad, I can’t even stand to look at her.

Tate, I’m– I’m sorry that my situation caused you two to have a fight.


[sighs] Dad, there’s more. I– just I think that EJ and Holly have been teaming up.

What–what do you mean? What do you mean, she’s teaming up with him?

I just– I think that EJ put Holly up to going after you. They’ve been acting all buddy-buddy ever since Holly found out that Eric killed her father. And God, I just– I wish that I hadn’t told her that. Like–

Look, there is no way– there’s no– son, there’s no way that you could have known that she didn’t already know. Okay? Furthermore, you are not to blame for any of this. Your uncle Eric and I made horrific mistakes. Her Aunt Sarah is in a wheelchair because of me. And she doesn’t have a father because of him, while my brother did. I think EJ is using her anger as a weapon against me. So I don’t want you to be too hard on Holly. Tate, I know both of you are angry right now, but in the end, I think you’re going to need her as much as she needs you.


I love you. I am–I am so grateful that– I’m just proud of you. Thank you for your compassion and your kindness.

I love you, too, Dad.

All right, well, I, uh, should probably get going. I have a lot of schoolwork to catch up on.

Yeah. Yes.

So, well– I guess, uh… I’ll see you soon, yeah?

I’ll see you soon.

Take care, Dad.

All right.

You just never let up, do you, EJ? Damn you.

You’ve got it all wrong, Kristen. You see, Sarah isn’t like you. She wasn’t raised by Stefano, wasn’t taught to get through life by hatching one nefarious plan after another.

Pot, meet kettle.

Yes, I am cut from the same cloth as you. I don’t deny that. But Sarah is a Horton. She’s a stand-up citizen.

Uh-huh, stand-up citizen who lied not once, but twice about the paternity of her children.

You’re grasping at straws, Kristen, because you don’t want Brady to pay for his crime, because you still love him– God knows why, because he detests you and always will.

Brady does not detest me. In fact, he and I are getting closer lately.



Not to mention, it would break Rachel’s heart if her father goes to prison. But you don’t give a damn about your niece, do you? All you want is for Brady to hurt because that hurts Eric. Damn you, EJ. It isn’t Brady’s fault that Nicole left you.

No, but it is his fault that Sarah is crippled. And I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Brady Black pays, and pays dearly.

Huh. We’ll see about that.

[suspenseful music]

I asked you a question, Xander. What the hell were you doing in my parents’ house last night?

Well, surely you can figure it out. I went there to warn Brady that I wasn’t going to rest until he was behind bars for what he did to Sarah.


And that’s it.

So if that’s all that happened, then how did my brother end up smashed out of his mind?

Well, I’m so sorry to break this to you, Eric, but your brother is a drunk. So I imagine he got smashed the way people usually do– by pouring a tremendous amount of booze down his throat.

So he was smashed when you got there? When he opened the door?

The door was unlocked when I got there. I let myself in and found him in a sorry state. Next thing I knew, the police barged in and arrested him.

And that’s your story?

That’s the truth.

I don’t buy one word of it.

[dramatic music]

So Xander was going to kill Brady and make it look as though he’d taken his own life?

Yes. And as much as I hate lying to the police, it was the only way to stop him. Actually, I was in this park when I saw Xander plotting against Brady with some random guy.

[tense music]

And Xander’s admitted to what he was planning?

Well, no, not at first, but I got it out of him. Fiona, I’m so sorry. I know this has to be so upsetting.


[crying] And it’s all my fault. I have hurt you so badly, and my son, too, and Brady. God.

What? No. You’re not to blame for any of this. What–


[laughs] Yes, I am. I am to blame.

I’m to blame for all of it.

I’m sorry, but how is this any of your business?

Tate made it my business when he confided in me, which, by the way, he’s been doing a lot lately. And look, I am really sorry about what Tate’s Uncle Eric did to your father, like, a million years ago. But that doesn’t mean you should take it out on Tate and his dad.

First of all, you have no idea what I’ve been going through, so don’t you dare tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. Okay? And just for the record, Sophia, I’m not angry because I just now found out that Eric Brady was the one who killed my dad. No. No. I’m angry because Tate’s dad drove drunk, ran over my Aunt Sarah, and didn’t even stop to see if she was okay. She may never be able to walk again.

Well, that’s all super sad, but how is any of that Tate’s fault? Wow, you totally betrayed his trust when you broke into his dad’s room.

Oh, my God. I didn’t break into his dad’s room. The door was unlocked.

Oh. Well, in that case, totally Okay to violate his privacy. My bad. So what’s your explanation for prying open his briefcase?

Oh. See, that’s the thing. I don’t owe you an explanation for anything.

I guess not. But I don’t see how you could use Tate like that. No wonder he keeps coming to me for comfort.

Oh, my God, you are just loving this, aren’t you? You know, you’ve been trying to steal Tate from me for months now, and this just couldn’t be the more perfect opportunity, could it?

Oh, I don’t have to steal Tate from you, Holly. You’re handing him over gift-wrapped just by being the same broken, hot mess you’ve been since we were kids. And not just a hot mess, but obviously sexually repressed.

Shut the hell up right now!

I’m just saying. You not putting out for the guy– it’s kind of an advantage for me since he’s raring to go, and I can’t wait to get him into bed and to satisfy him like you refuse to. Although, I’m guessing even if you did put out, you wouldn’t be able to satisfy him like I can. Like I will.

[dramatic music]

Holly! What the hell are you doing?

God. Hey, are you all right?

I’m fine. I just need a little ice.

[soft dramatic music]

What is the matter with you?

Me? Nothing’s the matter with me. She started it.

Okay, yeah, whoever started it, like, damn, you didn’t have to hit her.

But Tate, Holly’s telling the truth. I did start it.


Hey. I am so sorry. I came as soon as I heard.

Does Rachel know?

No, no, no, not yet. Are you okay? I mean, how are they treating you?

Fine. They’re treating me fine.

Damn it, Brady. You know, you shouldn’t be in here. I could just strangle EJ.

Oh, no, no, don’t blame EJ. He’s just doing his job. I’m where I should be, and I’m getting what I deserve, Kristen.

All right, all right. You know what? And what about what Rachel deserves? She deserves to have her daddy.

Yeah, we’ve–


We’ve talked about this. Rachel’s going to be fine because she has you. She has my parents. She will be fine.

Oh, my God. I really, really hate that you are resigned about this and so passive. Brady.

[smacks] Dang it, you need to fight. I will fight with you. The daughter of Stefano DiMera is not just going to stand by and watch the father of her daughter go to prison.

Kristen, Kristen, stop.


There’s nothing more that can be done.

Oh, the hell there isn’t. The hell there isn’t. I have a plan.

Mm. what–what plan?

I could make Sarah Horton disappear.

[suspenseful music]

Fiona, why do you think that you are to blame for any of this?


[crying] Well, because– because I was with Brady just before he drank and ran into you. And I’m a recovering alcoholic, too, and I should have seen the signs. And maybe if I had, I could have taken him to a meeting. And he–and he would–


[soft dramatic music] I’m so sorry, Sarah. I hope you can forgive me.

There is nothing to forgive. There’s nothing to forgive. You–you couldn’t have known that Brady was going to get behind the wheel of a car. There was no way for you to know. And what is– what’s done is done. And as much as I did hate lying to the police, because I did, Brady is going to face the consequences of his actions.

I was with my brother last night at the pub, and he wasn’t drinking.

Well, of course he wouldn’t drink right there in front of you. He must have knocked a few back on his way home.

He said he wasn’t drinking, and I believe him.

Well, of course you believe him. You’re one of his enablers.

You know, Brady also told me that, well, he had an encounter with some guy who was claiming to be a regular from his AA meeting, but Brady said he didn’t even recognize him.

You do realize that he’s probably loaded when he attends those meetings.

He also mentioned that…

[soft dramatic music] He scratched his hand with this ring after they shook hands.


And the next thing you know, that Brady’s back home, blacked out.

Eric, what exactly are you getting at? What are you implying here?

I’m not implying anything, Xander. I’m straight up calling you out. I know what you did. You took a page right out of Victor’s playbook, and you hired a thug to do your dirty work.

Let me get this straight. You think I hired some AA mystery man to shake Brady’s hand and what? Roofie him with a poison ring? What is this, the th century? Or are you just delusional?

Xander, I know you had something to do with it.

[tense music] I intend to prove it.

All right, look, just for argument’s sake, I’ll play along. What exactly do you think my supposed henchmen and I have planned for Brady?

I’m not sure yet. I don’t know. Maybe you planned on killing Brady. The police showed up just in time to stop you from doing it.

My wife remembered seeing your brother hit her with his car. And now Brady’s in police custody, where he belongs. Whatever I was doing at his house last night is beside the point.

No, the point is, you mess with my family, you mess with me. I’m warning you, Xander.

You’re threatening me? Brady is the reason my wife might be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. You know what? Screw you and your degenerate brother. Get the hell out of here before I do security’s job for them.

There’s no need for that.

You’re going to make Sarah disappear? That’s your big plan?

It wouldn’t be the first time. Just say the word, Brady, and I will have Dr. Sarah rolling around the DiMera Island compound by tomorrow afternoon.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Or I could take a page out of Connie Vininski’s book and just toss her in the basement and set off a bomb.

Okay, okay. Kristen, you’re not doing this. You’re not doing this. Don’t even think about it, okay? For my sake and for Rachel’s, please promise me you’ll stay out of it. Just let justice take its course, okay?

I’m sorry, Brady. That is a promise I wouldn’t be able to keep. Not only does your daughter need you, but I need you too. I love you, Brady. And I’m going to do whatever it takes–


To save you.

Don’t. Don’t. Kristen.

I am.

Kristen? Krist–damn it! No!

[tense music]

I haven’t heard you say that before, that you want Brady to pay for what happened to you.

Well, I guess at first, I didn’t. You know, I didn’t really have any desire to see Brady punished. I understood that he didn’t do it intentionally. You know, it was an accident, obviously. But…

[soft dramatic music] The more time that I had to think about it, you know, I do believe that if someone drives drunk, they should be punished to some extent, and especially with what Brady did. You know, and he hit me, and he left me there, not knowing whether I was alive or dead.

Sarah… I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I hope you know how much you mean to me. If it hadn’t been for you, I would never have come to Salem. I would never have reconciled with my son. And I would never have met my beautiful granddaughter. I love you, Sarah. You’re like a daughter to me.

You don’t have to do this.

Do what?

Take the blame for what just happened. I mean, I saw Holly hit you just now.

Are you seriously taking her side?

Wait a minute. To be fair, yes, Holly did hit me. But like I said, I started the argument.

Thank you.

I should have just stayed out of it.

Yeah, you damn well should have.

It’s just that when I saw her, I got so mad about what she did to you and your dad. And I mean, I know it’s none of my business, but I just feel so bad for you, Tate.

Unbelievable. Please tell me you’re not buying this crap.

And then when I called her out about sneaking into your dad’s room, she just totally wilded out and slapped me.

Oh, my God. You are such a freaking liar. Go on! Go on! Tell Tate exactly what you just said to me–

Holly, that’s enough.

What do you mean, “that’s enough, Holly”?

Just stop. Like, come on. Don’t you think you’ve caused enough damage for one day?

[tense music]


Look, you know, my dad told me that I should take it easy on you because he thinks that EJ is manipulating you, but I think he’s wrong. I’m done.

Done? Done– what do you mean, done? Tate, what are you saying?

Are you breaking up with me?

So that’s it, then? It’s just over between us?

[somber music] You know what? You’re obviously too much of a coward to just tell me the truth, so I’ll save you the trouble. Yeah, it’s done. We’re over, Tate. So you and Sophia, you guys can have a happy life together. You two totally deserve each other. Goodbye, Tate.



Thank you for saying all of that. I love you too.

[chuckles] But what we were talking about earlier, that– that needs to stay between us. Okay? No one can know.

Yeah. Yes, of course. I understand completely. It’ll be–it’ll be our little secret.

[tense music]

You better hope the justice system works fast where your brother is concerned, Eric. Otherwise, I’ll have no choice but to take matters into my own hands.

[door clicks]

Oh, God, EJ. What do you want? I already confessed. Sarah remembers that I was the driver of the car that hit her. There’s no need to interrogate me anymore. So why don’t you just get the hell out of here, please?

Did you– did you forget, Brady? You don’t tell me what to do. I tell you.

Mm. Hmm.

So I saw on the visitors log that my sister was here to see you. I sincerely hope she didn’t fill that liquor-addled brain of yours with visions of another th-hour reprieve. You see, I’ve got you dead to rights this time, Brady. Thanks to Sarah’s statement, there isn’t anything Kristen can do to spare you from spending the next or more years in Statesville.


[sighs] Oh, Father. I know John Black was your sworn and mortal enemy. But his son, Brady… he really is a good man. And he is the father of my child and the father of your grandchild.

[somber music] I love him.

I love him with all my heart. And because you love me, Father, I know if you were here, you would– you would help me save him. But of course.

[laughs] Of course, you’re not here. And now EJ has Sarah’s statement. And there is nothing I can do… to get Brady out of this.

[sighs] Well, I mean, not without a miracle.



What the hell?

[mysterious music]



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Days Transcript Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[pensive music]

Ah, Seth. I was just coming to see you.

Then I saved you a trip. I just looked over this proposal from your sister-in-law to shoot a soap opera here at the hospital.

Well, I mean, it’s just– it’s just some scenes.

Right. So I wanted to take some time to give it the careful consideration it deserves.


My answer is… absolutely not.

Hey, did you guys talk to Kate already?

We did.

Yes, we did. And we explained that, um, we didn’t wanna do the love scenes. We believe that it’s happening too soon for our characters.

All right. That’s great. So it’s off, then, yeah?

No, uh, she said our arguing only reminded her of the way that sparks fly whenever we’re together. So it’s still on.

I-I don’t understand.

Yeah, me neither. I thought that we made a compelling case to Kate.

But apparently, it’s not compelling enough because the scenes are a go.

A go.

So you spoke to Leo?

I did.

How did that go?

Well, he was surprised, but there was no pushback on making any of the changes that we requested.

Okay, so it’s done.

Bonnie has her pink pages in hand as we speak.


I just hope there’s no bloodshed.

Well, if there is, maybe if we capture it with a camera, you know–

[laughs] Just kidding. But actually, I’m beginning to understand what people say about all of the drama behind the scenes on a soap opera. It could be a whole nother show of its own.

You’re killing me off? You’re killing me off?

Bonnie, it’s nothing personal, I swear. We–we think you are a wonderful actress. You have incredible presence. You are charming and charismatic. You’re sexy and beautiful.

Then why are you firing me?

Ooh. That’s such an ugly word. We don’t like to use that one. We are allowing you to pursue other career opportunities. It has nothing to do with you, not at all. See, it’s–it’s storyline dictated, as we say in the biz.

Storyline dictated?

Yeah. Tat means that–

No, I know what it means. And the hell it was storyline dictated! This is Hattie dictated.

[tense music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I knew things were gonna be crazy. But before we’ve even shot our first scene?


Oh, no. I hope you’re not having second thoughts.

Oh, no, no. I love– I love what we’re doing, despite, uh, a few headaches.

Yeah, me too. I do. I just wish we had been a little bit more discerning in the casting process.

As do I. As do I. But it’s over now. And once Hattie gave that ultimatum, the decision had to be made.

Yep. Let’s just hope it’s the right one.


[sighs] I don’t get it, Seth. Last time we spoke, you were excited about the prospect of this.

And I was until I ran the numbers. Kayla, the legal and insurance liabilities of shooting a TV show here– prohibitively expensive.

But it isn’t. Did–did you even read the whole proposal?

Most of it, but–

No, I don’t think you did. Because right here– look, right here it says that the show has their own liability insurance and that we are covered anytime they shoot here. I mean, it’s not even an expense that we need to consider.

Okay, point taken. But I haven’t even gotten started about what a disruption it would be to our operation.

No, no, no, it wouldn’t– okay, okay. I know I saw it here. Let me see. It’s, um–here it is, the third page. Um, “The show will be shot on the fifth-floor wing “where there is just completely vacant, and the patient consensus shows that.” So that means there will be virtually no crossover between fiction and reality. Our patients won’t even know what’s going on up there. And if somebody happens to find out, they’ll probably get a big kick out of it.

Yes, but–

No, no, no. And do I need to remind you about the city giving us subsidy credits? So, you know, all in all, it is gonna pay for itself and then some.

On paper, maybe.

No, no. Come on. You said that we need to come up with some innovative budget solutions. And like all the hospitals in the country, we have been running at a deficit. So this might be our answer. “Body & Soul” might just save us.

[mysterious music]

Admit it. This is because of Hattie, isn’t it?

Well, it’s a little more complicated.

Oh, don’t bother denying it. That stuck-up diva already told me about the ultimatum that she gave the producers. I just can’t believe they caved to your outrageous demands!

Nothing outrageous about them, Miss Sore Loser. Charlemagne is the star of the show.

Oh, says you.

Says me. And I guess everybody seemed to agree that it was more important to keep me happy than it is to keep you happy. No-brainer, Leo?

Not exactly.

“Not exactly”? You mean it wasn’t a no-brainer to–to fire Bonnie?

Well, I mean, we did actually use our brains in–in– in giving the matter careful consideration.

Careful consideration, my foot. You got bullied by Hattie Adams, and you didn’t have the guts to stand up to her. Well, I’ll tell you something. My husband is my agent now, and he’s not gonna let you get away with this!

[mumbles furiously] Goodness gracious. Just–look–yes. You won’t believe what just happened.

[door slams shut]

I’d say she’s mad as a wet hen.

Oh. Do you blame her?

Well, n-no. I gue–I guess I don’t blame her. But you know what I do blame her for? Being impossible to work with. I also think that she goes around telling people she’s a great actress, which I won’t comment on because my mother told me that if you can’t say something nice about somebody–

Post it on Nextdoor.


[laughs] That’s what I like about you. You’re so quick. You are so funny. Oh, you put a smile on my face.

Oh, I don’t put a smile on everybody’s face, though.

Yeah, well, uh-uh-uh, sorry about that. But you know what?

[sighs] I can’t complain right now. I’m so happy ’cause everything is just going my way.

And since we’re on the subject of problematic talent, Alex and Chanel came to me this morning and gave me an ultimatum of their own.

Ugh. What now?

Okay. Well, I mean, it wasn’t exactly phrased as an ultimatum, but they’re balking at doing their sex scenes. In their opinion, the characters wouldn’t be doing that so soon. I mean–and I could see there’s some merit to that argument, but there’s no way I’m gonna ask Leo to do more rewrites. He has too much on his plate already. So do we all.

I-I-I agree. I agree. You know, speaking of that, what’s the situation at the hospital?

Well, I just got a text from Kayla, and she’s following up with Seth Burns as we speak.

My first thought when you came to me with this was how much free publicity we’d get for the hospital. But then I watched the show, and it occurred to me that “Body & Soul” won’t exactly portray us in the best light a lot of the time.

But University Hospital will never even be mentioned. As far as the viewers are concerned, this will be Pineview Hospital.

I see.

And there will be no bad publicity at all.


What other objections could you have?

None. I suppose…

So yeah?

So… I changed my mind. They can shoot their soap opera here.


On one condition.



[siren wails]

[knocking on door]

Knock, knock.

Oh, hey, Steph.

Hey. Oh. So you’re in here now, huh?

Yep. Well, Rafe will be coming back to his office soon, so I just figured that I’d start clearing my stuff out.

Any regrets about leaving the acting commissioner job?

I mean, I didn’t mind being in charge, but I hated the reason for it.

Yeah, of course.

So everything okay?

Yes, yes. I-I actually just wanted to come see you and thank you for calling earlier, letting me know the truth about Everett. So relieved that it turns out that he was innocent. But I feel terrible for ever believing the things that he said he did in that suicide note.

I mean, we all believed those things, Steph. I’m a cop. I mean, if anyone should’ve figured it out…

Well, you–you had a feeling that there was something off about his note.

I did. I did. It just seemed impossible for me that someone could have forged that.

Work of Connie Viniski.

Yeah, some criminal genius, as it turns out. But she is in Bayview now, where she belongs. Thank God. And, Steph, I’m sorry that I didn’t come tell you this in person. You know, it–it–it didn’t occur to me until later that I should have tracked you down so that you weren’t alone when you heard.

Actually, I wasn’t alone. Alex was there.

So because Leo had to rewrite all those scenes with Bonnie and Hattie, Kate said that there’s no time for him to rewrite anything else.

Even though you and Alex and I objected to it?

Wait, wait. You objected too?

Yeah, he even pleaded our case to Leo, who also said no.


[sighs] Damn. I mean, uh…

[clears throat] It’s just, I would’ve thought that if we all three had an issue with it, they would have at least considered a rewrite.

Yeah, no. You would definitely think so. And, bro, I get it. I mean, it’s gotta be an even bigger problem for you than it is for Chanel and me, right?

[chuckles] Why wouldn’t it be? You don’t want these hands all over your wife.

Did I say that? What I said was, I agree that it’s too soon for the Faith-Arrow sex scene, or love scene. All right, whatever you wanna call it. It’s just not good for the show. That’s it.

Yeah, I think it’s a little bit more than that, Johnny. Right? It’s gotta make you uncomfortable. It’s got to. I mean, I-I can relate. The last thing I’d want is for the woman I love to even fake be making out with another guy.

Okay, well, I’m not gonna talk about this with you anymore, Alex.

Wait. I just– I just wanna help. That’s all I’m trying to do right now. Now, I-I-I think I have an idea that might possibly solve the problem. Uh, and promise me that you will not get upset about this, Johnny–


Don’t take it the wrong way.

Okay, just tell us your idea, okay?

Well, I think maybe the, uh– the sex scenes between– the love scenes between Faith and Arrow, maybe we should just get another director.

[tense music]



So Alex Kiriakis was with you when I called?


Hmm. You didn’t mention that you two were spending time together again.

Well, it’s kinda hard not to, since we’re neighbors.


Yeah. He moved back to my building a few weeks ago. Did I not tell you that?

Um, no, you didn’t.

Well, he did. He did, and he’s right– right down the hall. And since I’m doing PR work for “Body & Soul,” and since he’s on the show, we’ve run into each other a lot lately.

Is that weird at all? I mean, given your history?

You’d think it would be somewhat awkward, but it isn’t. Our relationship is completely behind us. We’re just friends now, and that’s the way we wanna keep it.

Sure about that?

Why are you looking at me like I just grew two heads then, Johnny? Because it seems like a pretty basic thing to me. If you’re not comfortable being on set while Chanel and I are shooting a sex scene, or a love scene, whatever it may be, maybe we just get another director to fill in.

Another direct– are you suggesting that I quit?

Uh, absolutely not. Of course not. I’m suggesting that maybe for those particular scenes, we have somebody else do them, and then you come back to do the rest of them.

Well, thank you, Alex. That’s a brilliant idea. But I’m not gonna go to Kate and Abe and tell them that I’m not capable of directing a love scene with my wife.

Yes, because you are capable, and you’ll do it, and everything will be fine. Right, Gio?

Right, right.

[phone ringing]

[sighs, clears throat] Abe, I was just about to head down to the pub. What’s up?

Well, schedule change. We’re not shooting at the pub this morning, so I need you to get over to the hospital ASAP.

All right. Guerrilla filmmaking. Gotta love it.

And Leo just did a slew of rewrites. You’ll have ’em emailed to you by the time you get to the set. So I will see you later, Johnny. Uh, uh, Leo, did you get those new pages sent over to Bonnie and Hattie?

I did.

And how were they received?

Tears, legal threats, enough theatrics to put anything I write to shame. In other words, what we’d expect. But at least bloodshed was avoided, though just barely.

Well, unfortunately, one of them had to go. Now we just have to get through those scenes.

Oh, Justin, look.

[sighs] No, I’m not upset with you. I know you would have made it happen if you possibly could. No, I do.

[sniffles] I love you too. I’ll see you later.



[clears throat] Sorry.



Couldn’t help but overhear. No–no lawsuit, huh?

Not that it’s any of your business, but no. As per my contract, the producers can let me go at any time. They just have to pay what’s left of my guarantee. Okay?

Well, look at the bright side of that. That means you– you get paid for weeks, and you don’t even have to go to work.

No, that means I don’t have to hang around with you anymore. And you know what, Hattie? I was really looking forward to working with you. I thought it was gonna be more fun than a barrel of monkeys. You and me starring on a soap opera? I pictured us having a whole lot of laughs, just like we did back in the old days, you know?

[laughs sadly] You and me, we were gonna be a team, just like when we replaced Marlena and Adrienne, except this time, no one was gonna get hurt.

Bon Bon–

But it was exactly the opposite of what I pictured. No fun, no laughs, and no teamwork. And this time, someone did get hurt. Bad. Real bad.

[somber music]

Yep, yep, yep. Ah, Kate, I-I was just texting you.

Oh, good. Good news, I hope. Are you–are we gonna be able to tape the show here?

Yes, um, Seth approved it.

Oh, that’s fabulous. Thank you so much for making that happen.

Yeah, I was happy to do it. But I just–

But, uh, what?

Um, he did have a condition that I was forced to accept.


Hello, Kate.


I presume Kayla gave you the good news.

Yes, she did. And I want to thank you so much for green-lighting our proposal, Seth.

Oh, I’m not Seth. I’m the new chief of staff of Pineview Hospital. Meet Dr. Blake Lamoray.

[whimsical music]

So you, um, promised Seth a role on the show, did you?

Well, that was his condition. That’s the only way I could get him to agree.

Now, I have to admit, I don’t have much acting experience, except in a couple of high-school productions. Played, um, George Gibbs in “Our Town.”

Mm-hmm. I bet your parents thought you were brilliant.

They were very proud.

Yeah. I’m sure they were. Well, congratulations, Seth. You’ve booked it. Now I’m gonna go find the actor who was originally hired to play the role and let him know that he’s been replaced as Dr. Lamoray.

And I’d better go learn my lines, all five of them.


[pensive music]


Justin, uh–Justin, I-I-I know you’re upset and–and, uh, justifiably so. But you have to give me a chance to explain, all right? I…


[gentle ambient music]

I have made an awful lot of enemies today.

You and me both. Also, I just got an email from our line producer. Marie Fallon is pregnant.

What? But she plays a nun.

Maternity habits–they’ll be the next big fashion craze. Oh, and production would like to change the swarm of killer bees to an invisible miasma of carbon monoxide.

Well, we can handle those problems on another day. Have you–have you finished up those final pages for Kassandra?

Just now.

Well, we need to get those over to the hospital right now. I’ll be right behind you.

Copy that.

Oh, hey, Hattie.

Oh, Abe.

What is it?

Listen, Abe. I appreciate all your support. You know I do, but I’m just a little bit surprised. I-I always knew that, um, I would be the one to come out on top of all this, but I– I didn’t expect Bonnie’s exit to be quite so final.

Well, you’re the one who said that Pineview wasn’t big enough for the two of you, and, well, ultimately, Kate and I agreed.

Yeah, yeah, but I-I-I just read the new scenes and– oof. Ooh, yikes. What a way to go!

Oh. Oh.


Bonnie, hey. You look, uh–

What? Like I have a flesh-eating disease, festering sores?

Just a-a little pale, actually. Um, why are–why are you made up like that?

What, you haven’t heard what’s happening to Kassandra?

No, no, I haven’t, uh– I haven’t had a chance to read the new pages yet, so.

I’m being killed off, on my first day, no less.

Oh, no, Bonnie, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

I thought they liked my acting. Johnny, I was so excited. I mean, I worked for hours on my script, and I was so proud to be a part of “Body & Soul.”

[sobbing] Why are they doing this to me? Why? How could this happen, Johnny? Johnny, why? Why?

[somber music]

So Johnny’s got a big problem with these sex scenes, huh?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, We had a big fight about it last night.

Damn, really? I’m sorry, Chanel. But I’m sure you can convince him that he has absolutely nothing to worry about, right? Considering you’re not really a huge fan of mine for a whole lot of reasons. In fact, you can’t stand me, right?

Actually, that’s not completely true.

Don’t you have to read me my rights before making accusations like that?

Nothing you say will be held against you.

Well, that’s a relief. And I repeat, Alex and I are just friends. But…



[sighs] When I got Everett’s ashes, I was pretty upset.


And so I, stupidly, impulsively, kissed him.

Oh. I see. So is there any more to this tale?

No. Alex put the brakes on it right away.

Oh. That sounds unlike him.

I know, right? Trying not to take it personally. But, uh, seriously, Alex is still getting over Theresa. I’m still getting over Everett. And he doesn’t want to do anything that could ruin our friendship again.

Right. And how do you feel about that?

[pensive music]

And honestly, I don’t wanna ruin my friendship with Alex either. It’s just, I’ve been having some… thoughts.

Thoughts or “Thoughts”?

Well, it doesn’t matter, because Alex is obviously not in the same place, which is probably– definitely for the best. I mean, I just–what I need to do is take a break from relationships in general. I mean, I told myself that after Chad and I broke up, and then I started spending time with Everett and– oh, God. I’m–I’m going on and on, keeping you from running the police department.

Oh, no, it’s fine. Listen, I’m on break right now, okay? And I am here for you, Steph, whenever you need to talk.

Well, I am here for you too, Jada. I hope you know that.

I do. And as for you and Alex, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

Yeah. Anyway, I promised that I would make it to set today, so I’d better get going.

Oh, okay.


I’ll see you.

See you.



And take care, okay, Steph? All right.

Sooo you can stand me?

Yeah, I can. Because sometimes you’re not so bad.

Ah. Well, thank you. You know, I actually like you a small percentage of the time myself.


[chuckles] Okay, well, look at us, bonding like champs.

Hey, hey. We used to be good friends back in the day, so maybe if we could get back to that, at least for work’s sake, it wouldn’t make it a complete nightmare. And I would like to get back to that and at least maybe peacefully coexist.

Look, Alex, I admit that I have been a bit hostile and belligerent even, making you feel bad for what happened with Allie, which really wasn’t your fault. Okay, she and I, we weren’t meant to be, obviously. And, uh, look, what I’m trying to say is that I can use one less stressor in my life. So I say, why don’t we just, uh, try and see the best in each other and get along?

I am all for that. Trust me. Let’s just hope that our on-screen chemistry doesn’t fizzle out now that we’re not snipping at each other in real life.


[laughs] Right.

[phone beeps]

Just got a text from Leo. He’s adding another scene for me.

Mm, but not for me?

Mm. I guess not.


Gotta head over to the hospital right now.


See you on set.

[mysterious music]

[elevator dings]

Ah, Abe. Thank goodness you’re here. You know, every time we put out a fire, another one crops up.

Oh, my God. What? What now?

Okay, it’s nothing major. I handled it. It just feels good to know I have backup. That’s all.

Always. But I am sure things will get better once we get into the groove.

I don’t know about that. I think this whirlwind may never end.

Hey. You need a minute?

No. No sense dragging it out. Let’s just, uh–


Let’s do it. Let’s do it.


You got it.


[clears throat] Everyone, places. We are ready to roll. Ready to roll. Places, everybody. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Okay. And action.

Ms. Lovegood, you have a visitor.

Oh? And who might that be? Ugh, Charlemagne.

Hello, Kassandra. I heard you’re not long for this world.

Word gets around, doesn’t it?

It does. So tell me, what happened?

Well, it seems I contracted a disfiguring and… Fatal disease after I moved to Tangier. It’s also incurable, unfortunately.

Yes, well, that’s very tragic.

[somber music] I know we haven’t always been very close.

Bit of an understatement, don’t you think? We’ve been at each other’s throats since I first stepped foot in this burg.

Yes, I– I suppose that’s true. I-I will admit that I have… wished for your death more than a few times, as I assume you have wished for mine.

Damn right I have.

But now that you’re– now that you’re at the end, this awful, ruthless period, I-I-I should tell you that– I should tell you… I’m gonna miss you.


Okay, cut.

[clears throat] Cut.

[tense music]

Where is everyone?

No harm in seeing what is coming up in the next few days. “Faith groans, arching her back in pleasure as Arrow, “lying on top of her, gazes at her longingly, lustfully, as we know they are about to make mad, passionate love.” Oh, Lo-Lordy, Lordy. Wait until Johnny sees this.

Wow. Hey, congratulations, ladies, on–on the genuine emotion in that scene.

[phone beeps] Uh. Oh, okay, good. Um, all right. We just got the last few pages from Leo. Uh, so, Seth, Bonnie, before we go ahead, do you guys wanna do a brief rehearsal?




What about me?

Uh, yeah, Leo said you’re done, so.

All right. Uh, okay. Well, I hope they give you a-a fabulous send-off party. And, uh–and I hope they get you a great big cake with–with your face on it. And I’ll–I’ll, uh– I’ll be there.

I’m sure you will.

I wish you well, even if you do hate my guts at the moment.

You got that right.

Okay, um, are we ready to go? Yeah? Yeah. Let’s go. All right. And… action.

Okay, Doc, be honest with me. This is the end, isn’t it?

Try to relax, dear. We’ll give you something to make you comfortable. It says here that I administer morphine. That would really be a nurse, though.

No, it’s you. Uh, look. A nurse would cost production hundreds of dollars, so.



Got it. So here goes.

Here we go.

[sighs] You didn’t answer my question. I’m dying, aren’t I?

It says here that I nod gravely. How does one nod gravely? Can’t I just get a line instead?


[clears throat] You’re an under-five, okay? That means that we have to keep you under five lines. Otherwise, it’s gonna cost production–

Hundreds of dollars.


Yes, exactly.

Okay, here I am, nodding gravely.

Okay, good. Uh, now enter Arrow.


Arrow, oh, my handsome son! I’m so grateful you came. I was so afraid I wouldn’t see you before I passed on, breathe my last.

But that’s just it, Mother. You’re not going to do either.

What? What are you saying? What do you mean?

I’m saying that you’re not going to die, Mother. Thank God. Thank God.


[gentle music]

Yep, yep, yep. Ah.


How’s it going on set?

Very smoothly.


But happy, very happy to say. Uh, but there’s still– there’s still a possibility of us writing a cameo for you, you know.

Oh, very kind of you to offer, but no, I will not change my mind.

Well, thank you for changing Seth’s mind.

Well, he does love to be the center of attention. So now that he’s a working actor, I at least will get rid of him for a few hours a week.

Well, so it’s a win-win-win for you.

Yeah, I suppose so. I do feel bad about Bonnie, though.

Well, stay tuned. Not everything is as it appears.

What does that mean?

Well, they have a saying in soap operas– there’s always a twist.

So I’m not going die?

No, Mother, you’re not going to die. Because I found this. I just got back from the jungles of Iguazu, where I discovered this rare begonia, the juice of which will save your life.

Hold on. Wait. Save my life? Wait, what? Does this mean I’m not getting killed off after all?

Leo, I appreciate your speed and, uh, thank you for getting those pages done so quickly. And I also– I also appreciate your discretion.

Well, I understand why you didn’t want anyone to see those final pages until after Hattie and Bonnie had shot their last scene together. Not like anyone could have, since they weren’t written yet.

Hey, fellas.

Hattie, how did that scene go with Bonnie?

Oh, it went okay. You know, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I feel kinda sad that she’s gettin’ fired.

Well, actually, I’m glad to hear that.

You are?

Yes, because Bonnie, aka Kassandra, she’s not the one being killed off.

Really? She’s not?

No. You are.

[stirring music]

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Days Transcript Monday, September 30, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[gentle music]

Do you have any idea how long I’ve dreamed of this moment?

Me too, darling. And now the moment is here.

It’s even better than I imagined.

No more talking. Just show me. Show me how much you love me, Arrow. Show me how much you want me.

Annnd cut. Great, guys. Very, very believable. Uh, guys? Hey, guys, you can stop now. I said, “Cut.” Guys! Hey!

[thumps nightstand] Hey! I’m the director, and I said, “Cut!” Stop!

[breathing heavily]

[somber music]


Oh, good. I didn’t wake you.

Wake me? I’ve been up for hours. Oh, but, uh, honey, aren’t you starting the soap today?

Yeah, I am, so, uh, I was hoping that I could use your shower.

Why? What’s wrong with yours?

Oh, nothing. It’s what’s wrong with my husband. He, for no good reason, is crazy jealous of Alex Kiriakis, and I am not gonna put up with it.



[gentle stirring music]


[echoing] You and I, we have an amazing chemistry, don’t we?


[echoing] Mm. Off the charts, baby. Which is why we don’t have to act. This heat between us, it’s real.

It’s very real.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah. It’s all good. Just felt bad about keeping you up late last night, so I brought you a coffee.

Oh, you didn’t have to do that. But I am grateful for the caffeine boost.



[laughs] So how early did you get up today?

Mm. I feel like I barely slept at all. My predictions were right. I spent the night tossing and turning, stressing about the show.

Mm. I’m sorry to hear that.

Mm. That’s actually why I came by. I need some advice from a communications pro.

Oh. Advice about what?

How to tell my producers they’re making a big mistake.

[pensive music]

Hey, good morning, Kate.

Good morning on this very first day of shooting.

Is it? I–you know, I forgot.

Oh, come on. Don’t even start with me. We have so much riding on today.


[laughs] I’m just trying to lighten the mood. That’s it.

I know. I appreciate it. And actually, we do have some good news this morning.

Oh? What is it?

Yeah. Well, you remember I told you Roman talked to Kayla about using the hospital for a set? She is absolutely on the case.

Oh, great. That’s great. That’s great. Um, you know, before we get over to the set, I have some not-so-good news.

Oh, no. What is it?

One of our lead actors is causing problems. So we have to come up with a solution, soon.

[mysterious jazz music]

Bonnie, in spite of taking the highest recommended dose of melatonin and practically OD’ing on valerian tea–

Where are they?

I was gonna say, I didn’t sleep a wink last night, so this isn’t a good time.

Ugh. Where are they?

Ugh! Where are who?

Not who. What? Where are the pink pages I asked for?

I thought you wanted me to un-pink the original pink pages.

I did. So– so what do you call them?

Well, they’re still pink pages.

Hmm. Confusing. Anyway, I need them right now because there’s no way I’m doing those new Hattie scenes.

Look, there are no new pink pages, only the old pink pages.

What? Why?

Well, because, look, as much as I want my wonderful actors to feel creatively fulfilled and inspired to give their best performances, and more importantly, to leave me be so I can get on with writing the damn show, I didn’t change any of the Hattie scenes– not a one.

Hey, Hattie.


Hey, Roman. Boy, isn’t this excitin’? I mean, look at this. You got–you got lights everywhere. You got–you got cameras. Wow. We’re gonna be doing a-a real television show right here in the pub.

Definitely something I could never have predicted.

Yeah. Well, I guess you can scratch this off your bucket list, huh? ‘Cause we are gonna be putting on a real live soap opera!

[bright funky music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

You didn’t make any of the changes I asked for?

Um, did I not just tell you that I didn’t? So I would suggest being professional, Ms. Kiriakis. Learn the part as written, and think about how lucky you are to be a working actor.


[laughs mockingly] You must think I’m a real idiot.

What does that have to do with anything?

Hattie gotta you, didn’t she? Your little “Drag Race” buddy, she whispered sweet somethings into your ear and convinced you not to make those changes.

That’s not what happened.

Oh, no?

No. Hattie had nothing to do with this.


Abe Carver, our executive producer, is the one who told me not to make the changes. And since he is not only my boss but also the husband of the mayor and the man who signs my paychecks, I do defer to him on all matters related to both “Body & Soul.”


[scoffs] Yeah, right. But not in all matters related to one Hattie Adams. And let me tell you this– that doesn’t work for me, Mr. Head Writer.

Well, you know that Bonnie is not Hattie’s favorite person.

Well, apparently, the feeling is mutual. You should have seen the two of them when they discovered they picked the same dress. I mean, for a minute, I thought I wasn’t producing “Body & Soul.” I was producing “Crazy Ladies of the Wrestling World.”


[chuckles] Well, you know, I did run into Hattie afterwards. And, uh… she gave me an ultimatum. Either Bonnie goes or she goes.

Oh, no. Yeah, I was afraid that was gonna happen. So, I mean, any thoughts about that?

I have no doubts that Hattie was serious. So we have no choice but to lose one or the other.

[pensive music]

So what is it you need to talk to Abe and Kate about?

Ah. Well, last night, Chanel and I got our new pages for the scenes that we’re shooting together this week, including Faith and Arrow’s first sex scene.

And what’s the problem?

The problem is, they’re shooting the first sex scene the first week of the show. It doesn’t even make sense. I mean, Faith and Arrow are supposed to be, like, star-crossed lovers, right?

Yeah, yeah, from what I understand.

Okay, meaning that it has to seem like at first they hate each other and that everything is getting in their way of finally sleeping together.

Enemies to lovers– classic trope.

Exactly. So if it just happens right away, where’s the anticipation? You know, I mean, if they are already together, who’s gonna wanna keep watching?

You–you make an excellent point.


Have you talked to Chanel about it?

Yes, I have. And she actually agrees with me, for once.

And then Johnny has the nerve to suggest that I actually enjoyed putting my hands all over Alex during the photo shoot. And, Mama, that was just so insulting to me.


Yeah. And you know what else he said?

I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.

He said that he bet that it reminded me of the night that Alex and I had spent together.

Oh, Lord.


[sighs] And on top of all of that, he was all freaked out because Alex and I said that we wanted to wait to talk to Kate about not doing the sex scene. And he thought it was because I had changed my mind.

He thought you wanted to do the sex scene?

He said that he thinks that pretending to have sex with Alex for me would be, like, the next best thing to actually doing it. Well, tho–those weren’t his exact words. But still, Mama, he doesn’t trust me. And that’s just hurtful, you know? Uh, and–and why aren’t you saying anything?

Because–no. While I don’t like hearing that Johnny doesn’t trust you, I-I get why he’s jealous. And I sure as hell don’t blame him.

Do you really think it’s possible that Hattie will quit if we don’t fire Bonnie? I mean, isn’t it possible that she’s bluffing?

Well, you were there ringside for the showdown. So you think it was a bluff?

Mm, no. No, I think it was a giant headache.

Hattie is holding all the cards here. I mean, we–we have to face it. Charlemagne is the star of the show.

Is she? Or is she just your favorite character?


[laughs] Well, I have to admit that I do have a special place in my heart for Ms. Delacroix. But have–have you seen the research? I mean, the audiences love her.

Well, I mean, Kassandra is popular also.

Yes, yes. And the fans just love it when Charlemagne and Kassandra are sparring. But… Hattie’s threatening to quit.

So it makes more sense to fire Bonnie.

Yeah. Yeah, it does.

Right. Well, with the mess they made at the photo shoot, can imagine what they could do on the first day of taping.



Yeah, I gotta say, Roman, place looks great. I mean, not exactly like the Pineview Pub, but–

Hattie, you do know the Pineview Pub is not real.

Yeah. I know that. I-I’m just saying that the two places look pretty different, you know.

Okay, well, this new version of “Body & Soul” is, uh, on a tight budget. That’s why I offered the use of the pub as a favor to my wife.

That was real generous of you, Roman. I’m sure they’re glad to save a few beans here and there.

It did. From what I understand, And Kate is gonna use my pub staff as extras so they’re not gonna miss any days of pay.

Well, there you go. It’s a win-win all the way around! And–and I’m getting a-a pretty big win myself, thanks to Abe.

Okay, look, I did make some changes for Hattie, but that was it. Swan song to rewrite. This is a soap opera, Bonnie. We don’t have time to keep reworking scenes. It’s not like a movie, where you have a month to shoot one scene. I heard it took them three years to make “Apocalypse Now.”

You’re kidding.

I’m not. Can you believe that? Okay. Let’s–let’s stay on topic, though. And the topic is that we are under the gun time-wise. We have to produce an entire show in one day.

Okay. I know that. I have a subscription to “Soap Opera Digest,” okay? I know how everything has to go so fast these days.

Great, great.



That’s really great. So let’s keep that in mind and not slow things down. And you may wanna get a subscription to “Soap Opera Digest” for our director.

Johnny’s complaining now too?

Oh, is he ever. I mean, has that man been living under a rock? Does he not know full well that hot young couples on soap operas fall in love, have hot, passionate sex, all while whispering schmaltzy little nothings into each other’s ears? And that is what the audience is tuning in for! Arrow, aka Alex Kiriakis, is gonna ravish Faith, aka Chanel DiMera, and Johnny DiMera is just gonna have to grin and bear it.


“Mother!” What?

You–you don’t blame Johnny for being jealous because what? You think that I actually want to have a sex scene with him? I am a married woman.

Who had, in the not-so-distant past, a fling, if you will, with her costar.

Okay, so what?

So, well, in Johnny’s mind it’s not completely crazy if you still feel some kind of attraction to Alex and saw this as some kind of a hall-pass situation.

Okay, okay. First of all, Mama, that is not what a hall pass is. And second of all, Johnny was the one who urged me to take this job. So he, of all people, should understand that that is exactly what this is– it’s a job and nothing more.

Well, then you need to keep telling him that, because he obviously needs some reassurance.

[knocking on door]



[soft tense music]

So if both you and Chanel have a problem with the scene, sounds like to me, the best way to have it changed would be to work together.

Mm. No, you’re probably right. I’ma send her a text, suggest that we meet over at Kate’s office.

[phone ringing]

Oh, you mind if I take this? It’s Jada.

Yeah, go ahead. I should probably study my lines anyway.

Hey, Jada, what’s going on?

[unsettling music] No, I haven’t seen the news. What is it? What–what do you mean, “We were wrong”? Oh, my God. No, no. Thank you for telling me. Uh, yeah. Yeah, we’ll talk later.

Is everything okay?

I-I can’t believe it.


Jada just told me that Everett didn’t kill himself.

What do you mean?

He was murdered.

What do you say I play devil’s advocate, just for a minute?

Well, go ahead. I’m open to all options.

Okay. And–and trust me, seriously, I am not looking for a redo of the photo shoot at all.


But if we give in to Hattie’s ultimatum and fire Bonnie, I think we’re setting a dangerous precedent. We are effectively letting one actress fire another actress. How long is it gonna be before she demands creative control?

Oh, we can make it clear that this is only for the one time.

Oh, really? And what about when the other actors find out and they start making their requests?

Oh boy. Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. We can’t let that happen. And, um, we can’t let production be derailed by two angry actresses.

That’s right. We need to nip it in the bud before it all gets out of control.

I feel for Johnny. I really do. I have tangled with the green-eyed monster a time or two myself, and I tell you, once that jealousy takes hold, sometimes it’s hard to see straight.

Well, I’m the last person you should talk to about seeing anything straight, so I should get back to work.

Not so fast. We haven’t figured this out.

Figured out what?


What about her?

I need to protect her.

She isn’t real, Bon Bon. You do know that, right?

My job as an actress is to give her dignity and life, and I will not have her humiliated by the likes of Charlemagne.

Okay, I admire and appreciate your dedication to your craft, albeit it is making me want to tear my hair out. Like I told you, you have to take it up with Abe and Kate.

You know what? Fine. I’ll take it up with Abe and Kate. I’ll take it up with them on the set.



Great. That’s wonderful. You do that. And since I don’t wanna lose my job, do you tell them that I support whatever decision they make. I think they are both absolutely marvelous and wonderful people, and I am in awe of their brilliance.

What a suck-up.

Yeah, I am. You oughta try it sometime.


Bye-bye. Bye-bye.


So it wasn’t Everett who stabbed Rafe? And he didn’t die by suicide?

No. According to Jada, it was this Connie woman. She attacked Rafe. She poisoned Everett… Bobby. And then she forged that note.

My God.

To think that I invited that monster to his funeral, and she’s the one who killed him. Every time that I think that I’m starting the healing process, it’s like I’m– it’s like I’m losing him all over again.

[gentle music]


Steph, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.



I’m sorry. It’s okay.

Sorry. You should go. I know you need to talk to Kate.

Are you sure you’re okay?


[sighs] I’ll be fine. Really. I should call Jada back anyway. Good luck with your conversation.

Thank you. If you need me, you call me, whatever you need, okay?

You’ll be– you’ll be working.

It doesn’t matter. You’re more important.

Thank you.

I’ll see you on set.

What are you doing here?

I got your note. We have one fight, and you move out of the house?


What? Moving out? Is–is that what’s happening here?

No, I was not moving out. I just came to take a shower.

Oh, really? ‘Cause the last time I checked, there’s plenty of hot water at the mansion, so I think this is about a little more than a shower, no?

Well, after last night, I thought that we could both use a little space.

Yeah. Well, you were right.

Excuse me?

I said, “You were right.”

About what? Us needing space?

No, uh… last night, everything you said, you were right, okay? I-I-I overreacted.

Mm, yeah. You’re damn straight you did.

Chanel, the man is trying to apologize.

I am. I am. Okay, look. I know that the photo shoot was all just part of the job. All right? It’s just when I saw you with your hands all over Alex, it brought up a lot of stuff that I didn’t even know was there. And I lost it for a second. But I truly am sorry. Can you forgive me?

[soft music]

“You can’t mean this, Charlemagne.”

“But I do, Thrust. “And yes, you being Rhett’s twin brother “might complicate things just a bit. “But what I feel for you transcends “any and all obstacles we face. “So please, take me, Thrust. Take me right now.”

Ha. Damn, Hattie. There’s some pretty, uh, steamy stuff here.

Oh, tell me about it.

[quirky music] Oh, no.

What is it?

What the heck are you doing here?

I work on this set.


I don’t think so. You’re supposed to be fired.

[soft pensive music]

You promise not to get all freaked out like that again?

I promise.

And you’re really okay with me being an actor with a love interest?

I am. I just want you to shine.

Hmm. Well, then I guess I can forgive you.

Thank the Lord.


[chuckles] And just FYI, you are not gonna have to direct me and Alex in a love scene this week.

I’m not?

I told you that we were gonna talk to Kate because we think it’s too soon for Arrow and Faith to have sex.

Okay. If that’s what you want.

Yes, it is. So you don’t have to worry. You won’t be directing us in a love scene. At least not anytime soon.


Kate, you got a minute?

On the first day of shooting, it better be just a minute.

Okay, well, you haven’t seen Chanel around, have you?

No. Why?

Well, we wanted to talk to you about something together, but clearly, she’s not here, so I’ll, uh– I’ll wait.

No, no, there’s not enough time to wait. Just give me the gist.

Okay, well, uh, Chanel and I both feel that the love scene that you added feels a little rushed.

Could you just– could you just grow up, okay? I know the two of you have a history, but you promised us that you could get past that.

Yeah, it’s not that.

Okay, you know something? At the photo shoot the other day, there was a lot of heat going on, ’cause it fogged up the camera lens–

I get that. And that’s great. But–

Okay, so what’s the problem? Just tell me.

The problem is, Faith and Arrow are supposed to be, like, star-crossed lovers, right?


Okay. Well, it’s the beginning of their story, and they’re already having sex?

Yes. Yes. We wanted to start the show with a bang, so to speak.

Yeah. Okay, well, maybe it would be okay and–and better if we held off on the bang part, you know? You know, give the viewers something to look forward to, let it build up, keep the viewers watching.

Oh, make them wait?



So if it is okay with you, Chanel and I would like to not do that scene. – Hello, Leo.

Well, if it isn’t the powerful and endlessly creative executive producer of “Body & Soul.” Shouldn’t you be on set for the first day of shooting?

I am gonna be heading over there soon, but I wanted to talk to you first. It’s about Bonnie and Hattie.

Ugh. I should have known. Bonnie was just here, again.

Well, what did she want this time?

New pink pages.

And what did you tell her?

The truth, that you instructed me not to undo any of Hattie’s changes.

And how’d she take it?

Mm. Kinda like Susie Gooch in “The Blair Witch Project” after she and the rest of the group discovered the effigies of this humanoid stick figure suspended in the trees. And now that she knows it’s your idea…

Damn it. And she’s going to be waiting for me at the set.

What are you gonna tell her?

Kate and I, we talked it over.


And she’s going to get new pink pages, just not the ones she thought she was getting.

[mysterious jazz music]

You went behind my back and demanded the producers fire me?

You bet I did. ‘Cause you make me crazy.

Ha! You were crazy long before I came along!

Hey, have you ever heard of being a team player? Or wait a minute, something really novel for you, a good sport. ‘Cause when the producers tell you to do something, you’re just meant to do it.

Not if those boneheaded changes were made by boneheaded you.

Katie, Katie. Come on, pick up. Pick up.

And let me tell you something else, honey, You may think you’re all that ’cause you have the most lines, but I’ll tell you something. You’re nothing but a big pain in the behind!

I’ll tell you what I am, baby. I am the star of this show.

Not if the fans don’t like your hammy acting!



Hammy? Why don’t you…


Make up a fancy word like “hammy”?

Oh-ho-ho! You know what? I wanna see you make me take this–

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! That’s enough. All right? Drop the egos and be professional. You think you can do that?

Here you go.

Thank you.

Mm-hmm. I made a whole pot before I realized Abraham was already out the house before the crack of dawn.

Yeah, then you got a couple of unexpected early-morning visitors. I’m sorry, by the way, for bringing you into our mess.

Mm. That’s okay. I’m just glad you and Chanel worked it out.

Yeah, me too. I gotta say, I’m–I’m not proud of the way that I acted last night.

Yeah, well, yeah, you– you went too far. But, hey, you know what? I get it. I get it. If I saw Abraham sharing a bed onscreen with someone who he’d shared it with in real life, oh, that would have stirred some strong feelings for me too.

Yeah. You know, I just– those feelings, they–they– they really did take me by surprise. And I’m the one who encouraged Chanel to audition for the show, and I trust her. I do. You know, I–so I really– I thought I was gonna be cool with it… all the way until I wasn’t.


[chuckles] Well, it is a little bit more complicated than the usual on-set situation.

You mean because of… her past with Alex?

Yes, that’s just what I mean. But, Johnny, you’re the one she chose, the one she married. So be secure in that, okay? And just be very proud of your very talented wife who adores you.

So you and Chanel talked about getting rid of the sex scene, did you?

Yes, we did. Last night at the photo shoot.

[knocking on door]

Hey, Kate. Your assistant wasn’t at her– oh. You’re here already.


I thought you were gonna wait for me.

Uh, well, I was. But then Kate called me in.

Then you decided to handle it on your own.


Ugh. Never mind. So, um, what did I miss?

Well, Alex was telling me how both of you decided that the love scene was happening too soon.

Yes. Yes, I totally agree with that. And so can we postpone it?

Wow. I did not see that coming. Are you sure about this?

Kate and I feel this is the best solution, so you’ll just have to get to work on those new pink pages.

If you say so, boss, but I feel like I need to remind you, once you hand out those pages, there is no going back.

I know that.

I mean really no going back.

I-I-I got it, Leo. I’ve got it. This is the hand we’ve been dealt. So we’ll just have to play it.

She’s the one being unprofessional, acting all better than everyone.

I said, “Stop.”

Yeah. You know what? Soon as she got the job, she ran around telling everybody that she’s a– she’s a diva. She’s the best actress that ever lived. What a–

Well, I bet I am better. I’m sure all you’re gonna do is mug it up and chew the scenery.

Okay, stop. Stop right now. Do you realize how foolish you’re being?

There’s only one fool here.

You got that right.

Okay, take a breath. Take a breath, both of you. Okay, do you know how lucky you are? You’re the leads on a TV show. Do you know how many people, how many struggling actors, would give anything to be in your position? Do you know that? And do you know how hard Kate and Abe worked to rescue this show, not to mention all the dedicated writers, directors, cast, and crew?

Yeah, they’re the heroes.

Yes, they are. Yes, they are. And if you keep this up, you’re gonna risk derailing this entire project.

Tell her that.

I’m telling you both, ’cause you both need to stop these ultimatums.

But she’s the one who keeps making the ulti–

I don’t wanna hear it, Bonnie.

You heard him.

Or from you.

He don’t wanna hear it.

Or from you either. And whether you like it or not, you’re in this together. The show needs both of you. So shake hands and figure out a way to make this work.

[tense music]

Aah! Sorry! Pineview’s not big enough for both of us.




Sorry I didn’t call ahead.


I-I hope it’s not too early.

Mm. Believe it or not…

[laughs] You’re not my first unexpected visitor this morning. Not even my second. Uh, what brings you by?

I–uh, I wanted to drop off the bios you asked for on all the members of your new housing task force.

Oh. Thank you. But didn’t I ask for these a while ago?

You did. I am so sorry that I didn’t get it done sooner. It’s been a tough few weeks for me personally. Plus, I’ve been busy with “Body & Soul.”

Mm, well, I would normally chew you out for letting me down, but since it is my husband’s TV show, I suppose I can give you a pass.

Thank you.


It’s been a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.

Mm. You’re telling me.


[laughs] How’s Abe doing?

Oh, no, Abraham? Oh, he’s fine. He’s fine. It’s just that this morning, I refereed my daughter and son-in-law’s argument over some steamy, steamy love scene.

Oh, that. Yeah, I got an earful from Alex about it too.

Oh. Do tell. Well, what is his take?

Well, he doesn’t wanna do it. In fact, he was heading over to Kate’s this morning to talk to her about it. Hopefully, he and Chanel can work something out.

“It doesn’t mean we can just go on as if nothing has changed because…”

Hey. both: Hey.

So did you guys talk to Kate?

We did.

And we explained that we didn’t wanna do the love scene. We believe that it’s just happening too soon for our characters.

Okay, great. So it’s off?

No, uh, she said that our arguing just reminded her of how sparks fly whenever we’re together, and so it’s still on.


[clears throat]

[pensive music]

[gentle music]

Well, good morning, Kate.

Ah, this is perfect timing. I already put out the first fire of the day. Now I’m headed over to the set.

Ah. Do I need to know?

Well, maybe later.



So did you, um, talk to Leo?

I did. I did.

How’d that go?

He was surprised, but there was no pushback. And he’s making the changes we requested.

Good. So it’s done?

Yep, it is. So Bonnie is getting her pink pages as we speak.

All right. I tried. Don’t kill each other in my restaurant. The paperwork would be a nightmare.

Leo, you’re here.

Oh, did you decide to un-pink those pages?

Well, like I told you, it isn’t up to me. But I did have a meeting with Abe, and I do have new pink pages for you.

New pages.

So glad you all decided to come to your senses.

I’m not sure you’ll feel that way after you read them, but please don’t shoot the messenger or even hate him, because this particular messenger, aka the head writer, is a people pleaser and hates being hated, even though you’d never know it from his behavior, at times anyway.

What are you going on about?

[unsettling music]

Oh, no. No. What the? You’re killing me off? [shrilly] You’re killing me off?

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Days Transcript Friday, September 20, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[phone ringing]

[gasps] Steve. Oh my goodness, I was so worried about you. I’m so glad you called. Listen, I know you got into the supermax, but– oh, you did talk to Clyde. Oh. Well, did you tell him about your doubts that you have about our niece being our niece?

[ominous music] Well, listen, not to sound like I told you so, but why wouldn’t he stonewall you? I mean, if there’s nothing in it for him, why would he give you any answers about Abigail?

Abby. What are you doing here? I just brought the kids home. They’re upstairs.

[sighs] I’m sorry. I– the door was unlocked, and I thought you would want to know. I– I remember something.

You did?


That’s– that’s great. What– what is it? What did you remember?

It was about you. Well, um, actually, it was about us.

[dramatic music]

Listen, I know you have your doubts. I do too. But until Abigail starts remembering something– no, I told you, we cannot do a DNA test on her without her consent. Listen, listen. Let’s just talk about it when you get back, all right? Mm. Mm-k. I love you. All right, get back safely. All right, bye-bye.

[phone beeps] Uh– oh, Jada, hi. I thought you went back to work.

Yeah, I was going to, but Rafe has been so agitated. You know, he’s threatening to check himself out against medical advice.

What? Why would he do that?

Because he is out of his mind with worry about his sister.

[ominous music]

I am hurt. I am very angry.

But I am not confused, not even one tiny bit. I know just what I want, and pretty soon, I’ll have it.

What– what about Li? Do you really want to defy him like this? I mean, he told you he didn’t want you to hurt us, right?

And you’ve been so good to me, Connie. Which is why I gave you a raise, which is why I put all of my faith and trust into you. Please, Connie, don’t throw it all away. I’ll give you whatever you want!

As much as I’ve enjoyed hearing both of you grovel, the answer is no.

Connie, please don’t. Don’t do this.

Bye-bye, ladies. Have a blast.

No. No!

[timer beeps]

Oh, God.

[breathing rapidly]

Oh, no.

[both screaming]

No, no!

[timer beeping]

[phone beeps]

Another apology? Another one not accepted. Ugh. How would you like to, uh, help me even the score by having sex with me again? Mm. You know, Gabi’s leading two to one. Come on, it’ll be fun. Ugh, God. What an ass.

[phone ringing]


[phone ringing]

[dramatic music]


Gabi, are you here? Guess not.

Is this blood? What the hell? What is going on here?

[both screaming]

[timer beeping]

Melinda, what’s happening with that thing? Can you see it?

Oh, my God, two minutes. It’s gonna blow in two minutes. What are we gonna do?

We’re gonna die.


We’re gonna die!

[both screaming]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[phone ringing]

[groans] Go to hell, Stefan. Seriously, you know, maybe your next restaurant manager would like to help you with your revenge sex tally. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

[knocking] Oh, God, now what?

[eerie music] Connie.

– I can’t take your call right now…

[sighs] – But you know what to do.

[phone beeps]

Ava, hey. I, uh– I feel terrible about hurting your feelings and disrespecting you. I was a jerk, a total jerk. And I– I would really like another chance to apologize.

[soft dramatic music] You know what? No. Voicemail is not the way to go. I– I need to do this in person. I will see you soon.

[phone beeps]

Connie, what are you doing here?

Oh, just tying up a few loose ends. And I’m glad you’re in, since you’re next on my list.

Your list? What are you talking about?

Oh, come on, Ava. You think I don’t know that you’ve been trash talking me all over town, telling anyone who would listen how I was creative with my résumé? Very disappointing, Ms. Vitali, that you did not heed my warning. I mean, I did tell you, did I not, to keep your mouth shut?

[tense music]

Is there anything else you know about Ms. Vininski?

Oh, apart from the fact that she got me fired, Melinda says that the woman is a complete fraud and her résumé was a complete lie.



You did tell on me, didn’t you?

No, I didn’t. I don’t know–

Liar. I asked you to keep quiet, but you sold me down the river. Now, I’ve already made sure that Melinda won’t be able to badmouth me to anyone else ever again.

Melinda? Oh, my God, wh–

And now, you won’t either.

[suspenseful music]

Hello, is someone down there?

[both screaming]

[speaking Spanish]

Hello, is anyone there?

[speaking Spanish]

What are you saying? Translation, please.


Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death, glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

God. No! No!


[glass crashing]

OK. Chad, I was so moved when you recited your wedding vows to me. It really affected me. And– oh my God, no, no. This is so phony and cloying. Damn it. How am I supposed to keep doing this to him?

[sighs] Yesterday, Chad was reciting his wedding vows to me, and his words were just full of emotion and love, and I could feel it in my soul and–

Wait a second, Sis. Uh, don’t tell me you’re falling for him.

[scoffs] What? No, no, of course not. He’s a nice guy, Mark. He doesn’t deserve this.

No, I don’t disagree. Still–

[sighs] Still. I have to start remembering and make it convincing.

[soft dramatic music]

OK, we’re good. I told Julie you were here, and she’s gonna keep the kids upstairs.

Oh, good. I am so sorry. That was just incredibly thoughtless. It would have been terrible if they saw me here.

No, it’s– it’s OK. They didn’t, and they won’t. Um, Julie’s playing their favorite game with them, Connect Four, so…


We’re good.

OK. OK, so what is it? What did you remember?

Um– Oh. I, um– Chad, I was really moved when you brought over the album and recited your wedding vows to me. It was– it really touched something inside me. And–

But I thought you said you didn’t remember anything.

Yeah, no, I didn’t. Not at first. And, um– and then I, you know, kept looking at the album and thinking about the words you said. And it was– it was like the Abigail you were talking about didn’t feel like a stranger to me anymore. It felt like– like she was inside me. I could hear the music. I could smell the flowers. I could taste the wedding cake. And then I saw you standing in front of me, saying those words to me for the first time.

And all of a sudden, my vows started spilling out of me, Chad. I remembered them.

[laughs] I remembered them.


This is exactly what I have prayed for.

[tense music]

So, Ava, you seem surprised to see me.

I am, actually. How did you know where I live?

[chuckles] That was simple. I just got your information off the DiMera contact sheet before you were fired. See, I like to keep track of little things like that, just in case.

Mm. OK, so, Connie, I’m not gonna tell Gabi anything about your résumé. OK? I promise you. She got me fired. I never liked her anyway. So as far as I am concerned, I never even saw you. You’re not gonna have a problem. Not from me.

Yeah, well, Gabi and I, we’re parting ways. She’s in the past now.

I didn’t know that.

Well, now you do. See, I’m off to start a new life with my boyfriend, but I can’t have everyone thinking I’m a fraud, Ava. First off, if it isn’t true. I have lots of skills. And I’m a very conscientious worker. I’m an amazing employee.

Yes, of course you are, Connie, of course. And you know what? I actually– I have heard that you are very efficient and very conscientious.

Now you’re just sucking up so that I won’t hurt you, but I see right through you, Ava Vitali.

No, no, no, no. I am not sucking up. I swear. I have heard that you are a stellar employee and that you are very–

Who did you blab to? Who were you gossiping to about my work history?

No one. I swear to you, I was not–

Are you sure you didn’t tell your good friend Stefan? Because I know how close you two are.

Stefan? No, we are not even that close. And I didn’t say anything to him, not about you.

I don’t believe you. You’re lying. I can see it in your eyes. You’re a bad liar. I know you told him.

OK, OK, OK. Let’s say that I did say something, which I did not. I don’t think it’s even gonna register for him. He has so many more important things on his mind right now. OK, let’s say he did know. OK? I really don’t think he would care. So he’s certainly not gonna tell Gabi. He’s not gonna tell anyone.

Yeah, well, I trust that philandering creep about as much as I trust you. In fact, he’s my next stop, once I’m through with you.

[knocking] – Ava, hey. You in there? It’s me, Stefan.

How convenient. Someone just saved me a trip.

So you’re telling me that this lady, Connie, stabbed Rafe and killed Li Shin?

That’s our working theory.

Oh, my God.

And considering what this woman is capable of, there’s a chance we might be adding Melinda’s name to that list.

Well, no wonder Rafe is so worried about Gabi. Have you still not been able to reach her?

No. Rafe left her a message hours ago, and we haven’t heard back, but I’ve got people out there trying to track her down.

Oh, I hope she’s OK. I mean, she’s– I mean, Rafe has been through so much already. I–

Yeah, he has. I mean, being this upset cannot be good for his health. Kayla, he is going out of his mind, like I said.

Well, I could give him a mild sedative.

I think that would be a good idea.

Well, what about Connie? Do you think that she left town? Do you think that, now that you’re on to her, she knows?

No, honestly, I’m not even sure if she knows that we’re on to her yet, but she’s gonna know soon enough. I have every available cop out there searching for her. And Kristen told me that she saw her at the park earlier today, so there’s a possibility she might still be in Salem.

I hope you find her, soon.

Yeah, me too. Listen, thank you for looking after Rafe, OK? I’m gonna go join the search for Gabi.

OK. Oh, wow.

[suspenseful music]


[groans] What the–?


All right. Aw. Got a little– got a little excited there. My– my heart was pounding.

Oh, yeah.

Or is pounding. Is pounding.

Mine, too.

I’m nervous.

[laughs nervously]

Um. OK. So how much of, uh– of the vows do you remember?

Pretty much all of them. I mean, I might get a word or two wrong, but I can try to recite them if you’d like me to.

What, if I’d like you to? Yeah. I would love– I would love that.



All right. Here it goes. They say– um.

[soft dramatic music]

It’s OK. Just take your time.

Um… They say that when you meet someone and you fall in love with them, you’re drawn to them because they have something unique.

And that’s why we’re here today. Because I need you, Chad. I need your courage. I need your love. I need your faith, your faith in us.

I’m beyond grateful that I get a second chance at life, with you and our beautiful children, our entire family.

You’re the love of my life, Chad. There’s nothing that I want more than… to spend the rest of my days with you.

[phone beeps]

Hey, sis. Uh, it’s me. I just want to let you know that I got in to see Clyde.

[ominous music]

[sighs] I tried to tell him to stop pressuring you, but he pushed back, hard. He’s desperate for you to marry Chad again, ASAP. Oh, and you should know I had a near miss with Abigail’s Uncle Steve. Yeah. Uh, don’t worry. He didn’t see anything.

[knocking] – Ava, please open the door. Look, I know you’re in there. I saw your car parked outside. Look. I know I’ve already apologized, but I think it bears repeating. I am really, really sorry for even suggesting that you and I sleep together again.

OK, just go away, Stefan. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.

Oh, but you do want to talk to him. You’re gonna tell him to come in here, or your next words will be your last. – Ava, please.

All right. Come on in. The door is open.

[suspenseful music]

Oh, God.

Mr. DiMera, so nice to see you. Please, join the party.

I’m at the DiMera house. There’s a heavy smell of smoke, but there’s no signs of any flames on the first floor and no occupants on the scene, but there were two cars in the garage. I’m gonna do a thorough check. Dispatch units immediately.

[phone beeps]


[ominous music]

[coughing] Melinda.


What the hell is going on? What are you doing down here?

Connie. Connie Vininski. No, no, no, no, no. Go. Go help Gabi.


[coughs] There.

Are you OK? Are you sure you’re OK?

I’ll survive.



[suspenseful music] Gabi? Gabi, come on. Open your eyes. Gabi, can you hear me? It’s EJ. Gabi!

EJ? Is she–


Oh, here is Dr. Johnson now. I’ll let her know. No problem. Kayla, hey. Uh, I was just telling a patient to follow up with you. I’m sure you’ll be hearing from her very soon.

Oh, great. Thank you very much. Listen, as long as you’re here, I just have a little question for you.


Well, remember when I gave you that DNA test? You know, you were gonna run it for me for my– for my niece.

Yeah. Uh, Abigail, right?


How is she?

Um, She’s OK. You know, she’s adjusting. But I just– I just want to make sure that, um, you absolutely kept it in your sight the whole time. And I mean, there wasn’t even an instant that you let it out of your sight.

No. No, never. You gave very strict marching orders. Why?

Well, you know, she’s family. And, um, you know, given the circumstances, my husband, he just wants to make sure that the test results were, you know, absolutely accurate.

I completely understand. He has nothing to worry about, nor do you. I took those samples to the lab myself, and I was there the entire time. There’s no way they were tampered with.


[ominous music]

Um, rest assured, that woman is most definitely your niece.

I just can’t believe it. I mean, I can’t– there’s no way that you would know any of those words if you weren’t– if you weren’t there with me that day– if you weren’t you.

No, of course not.

Ooh. I am so happy that you remember one of our happiest memories. I mean, there’s so many more to come.

I can’t wait till that day.


And I– listen, I don’t– I don’t– I don’t think for a second that– that, um– that we’re just gonna go right back to the way we were. You know? And again, I don’t want to– I’m not trying to pressure you. Uh…

But that’s the most hope I’ve had since I found out that you were alive.

Yeah, I feel that too.

[phone ringing]

Um, you can check that. No?

Ah. OK, I got to take it.

OK. It’s OK.

[phone ringing]

This is Chad. What’s up?

I’ll be right back.


Gabi? Gabi, can you hear me?

[coughing] Oh, my God. What happened?

Connie Vininski, she set up a homemade bomb.

A bomb?

Yeah. EJ got here after it went off. He put out the fire.


Gabi has a head injury. We need to get her to the hospital now.

The first responders are on the way.

No, there’s no time. I’ll take her myself.

EJ, that’s not a good idea!

We’re going. It’s OK, Gabi. We’ll get you the help you need.


Connie. What the hell is–

Shut the door, now.

[suspenseful music]


What is going on here. What are you doing?

Well, in a nutshell, I’m cleaning up. I’m eliminating all the problem people in my life, and lucky for me, the next person on my list just came knocking at the door. That’s you, in case you’re wondering.

Let’s be reasonable here. I understand you were upset that Ava and I slept together because of how loyal you are to Gabi.

What? Loyal to Gabi? I hate that little slut. I’m glad you cheated on her. And I hate you, too, Stefan DiMera, for what you did to my boyfriend, the only person that I’m loyal to, who I love with all my heart!

I’m sorry. I’m not understanding. What boyfriend?

Li Shin. Hello!

Li Shin? Li’s dead.

Exactly. And it’s all your fault!

OK, now I’m really lost.

You and Gabi with your grand plans. You think I didn’t know what you two were doing? She broke his heart, and she destroyed him. And you helped her do it, and now you’re going to pay for it.

OK. All right. I think I understand now. You’re angry, and I get it. OK, but your beef is with me and Gabi. OK? What does this have to do with Ava?

Well, this two-faced liar told you I faked my résumé when I explicitly told her to keep her mouth shut!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Connie, Connie, I didn’t. I didn’t. I told you I didn’t tell.

And I told you I didn’t believe you. So now I have to silence her for good. And then you’re next.

– Oh, and here is Dr. Johnson now. I will let her know. No problem.

[phone beeps]

[keys clacking]

[phone beeps]

[phone ringing]


Hey. You have a second to chat?

Yeah. Sorry that I couldn’t get Clyde to back off.

Yeah, I kind of figured you wouldn’t have much luck in that area, so I stepped things up on my side. I remembered my wedding vows with Chad.

Wow. Uh, how’d you pull that one off?

Chad mentioned that there was a box of mementos from their wedding, said it was in the attic. I was able to sneak in, found it, luckily, while he was away, and there was a piece of paper with Abigail’s vows written on it. I memorized it right before he got back.


Yeah, well, I’m highly motivated. Anyway, Chad was so emotional and excited when I was able to recite the vows. I mean, he had tears in his eyes, and I just felt awful and so guilty. I know that I’ve been deceiving him all along, but somehow, deceiving him like this, it feels incredibly and especially cruel.

Look, I don’t like this either. You know that. We have to go through with it. It’s the only option. Mom’s life is on the line.

[soft dramatic music]

Gotta go.

[phone beeps]

Hey, is everything OK?

No, actually. I just got some bad news.


She still hasn’t regained consciousness.

Well, she took in quite a bit of smoke. You know, um, a concussion can cause altered consciousness for some time, even if there’s not a serious underlying issue, which she may have sustained, unfortunately, which is why I’ve ordered a CT scan of her head just to rule out any kind of brain bleed.

Brain bleed?

Well, it’s just a precaution. Listen, she’s in good hands, if you want to go home and get some rest.

I’m staying right here until I know she’s OK.

Gabi. Thank God.


Where am I? What happened?

[coughing] You won’t believe this, but, um, Connie had this life-sized cardboard cutout of Li Shin.

Oh, I believe it. In fact, I saw it with my own eyes.

[ominous music]

You went to the apartment?

We realized that Connie was holding you hostage, but we didn’t know where she had taken you.


We didn’t even know if you were still alive. So we started the search at her place.

Connie had no idea you were onto her? Neither did I.

I’m just so sorry that we didn’t find you sooner.

Yeah, me too. But I’m glad you found us when you did.

[chuckles] And it’s a good thing Connie’s no Oppenheimer ’cause this whole house would have come tumbling down.

I am so sorry, Melinda, for everything that you’ve been through.

Yeah. Me too.

Well, now that you’re a little calmer– at least I hope so– can I ask you again, when Connie left, what exactly did she say?

Um, she said that she was going home to be with Li, and then leaving town.

Well, if she does try to go home, she’s going to find the place crawling with cops.

Oh, she mentioned something about, um, having some– some loose ends to, uh, take care of first.

Do you know what those might be?

She didn’t elaborate, but, um, can’t you just track her phone? Surely you have probable cause.

No. She ditched it for a burner.

[sirens blaring] Sounds like your ride’s here.

[sirens blaring]

I just remembered. Connie took Gabi’s phone with her before she left.

OK, now that we can work with. I couldn’t track Gabi’s phone before because there was no signal in the DiMera’s secret room, but this just might be the break that we need.

OK, look. Ava knows about your résumé being slightly embellished. OK, but, really, you have no interest in staying on at DiMera anyway, right? So what does that matter? And you have a problem with me and Gabi, right? Right? Not Ava.


So really, Connie, Connie, this is all on me. This is all on me because everything that has gone wrong in your life, everything, starting from Gabi stealing those DiMera shares from Li, that was all my idea. And seriously, we knew that that idiot would fall for anything, especially Gabi getting kidnapped.

Shut up!

And Li Shin, what a pathetic loser he is. I mean– sorry, was– that that fool was pining for a woman who would never, ever love him back, not in a million years. I mean, what a joke.

Stop it!


Gabi and I, we– we used to laugh about this behind his back. I mean, Li and– and Gabi, that is ridiculous. I mean, Li Shin, what a miserable waste of space he was, pompous jerk. And I’m sorry, I’m gonna come right out and say it. The world is a better place without him.


What bad news? What happened?

There was an explosion at the mansion, uh, in the basement.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, it’s shocking. My brother EJ was involved, but he’s OK. And, um, EJ apparently had to take Gabi to the hospital. It looks like she’s seriously injured.

[ominous music]

I still can’t wrap my head around it, all the horrible things that Connie did. I feel like such a fool for not seeing the signs, for– for hiring her in the first place.

You can’t blame yourself, Gabi. The woman was obviously an expert at conning people.

Yeah. But the way that she worked so hard to ingratiate herself with me. When I look back on it, there was a desperation to it.

And hindsight is / in this case. You couldn’t have known what that woman was capable of. And it’s over now, thank God.



[soft dramatic music] Thank God.

And EJ…

when that rubble came down on me… and I was surrounded by all the flames… and God, there was just so much smoke. And– and I couldn’t breathe.

And I couldn’t see, and everything was so black.

I was sure I was gonna die.


And there you were, just in time.

You saved my life.

[clears throat]


No. Don’t even think about it.

You ruined everything, just like last time.


[groans] Damn it.

Stefan. Oh, Stefan, you are bleeding like crazy.

I’ll be fine. You OK?


[suspenseful music] You saved my life.


Dr. Greene, can you take care of Ms. Trask? She needs a full workup. She’s suffering from smoke inhalation and the effects from being held hostage.


By a homicidal lunatic who’s in love with a cardboard cutout. I just hope the police can catch her and that she’ll be locked up for an eternity and beyond.


Hold it right there, Connie! Drop the knife, or I’ll shoot.

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Days Transcript Thursday, September 19, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Gabi told you we had sex this morning?

Well, she referred to it more as a marathon.


Why? You’re not actually going to sit here and deny it, are you?

I’m not saying anything.

OK, then let me rephrase my very simple question. This morning, did you or did you not sleep with my wife?

[tense music]


It wasn’t easy getting either of you down here without being spotted.

[chuckles] But now that you’re both here, it’s awfully convenient. Two bitches with one stone, if you will.

[chuckles] And no messy cleanup, no worry about the police finding any evidence.

Why not? They’re bound to look down here eventually.

Well, they can look all they like, but they won’t find anything. By the time I’m finished, you’ll both be incinerated, along with everything else in this house.

That’s crazy talk, Connie. You know it is. You don’t want to do this.

[giggles] Reduced to ashes, blown to bits. This entire house will be a pile of rubble. The DiMera mansion will be your tomb.

[dramatic music]


Hi, Kristen.

Hi. Well, as treasurer of the Salem Elementary PTA, I wanted to say thank you for subjecting yourself to the dreaded dunk tank. Not all heroes wear capes, and in your case, a shirt.

Great, thank you. Next time, why don’t you go ahead and put your money in the donation box? Three bull’s eyes, really? I’m going to be wet for a week.

I couldn’t resist.

[laughs] Even if you are my least unfavorite brother.

Yeah. Well, thank you.

Oh, you can never take a compliment, can you? Did you see Rachel and Thomas at the ticketing booth with their heads together? Plotting to take over the world, I assume.

Yeah, or the snack bar. I’m not sure which one’s worse.

Yeah, definitely. I thought Abigail might be here.

No. Why would she be here? The kids don’t even know she’s back.

And how long do you think that can go on for?

As long as it takes, Kristen.

Oh, OK. You know, just– for her not to remember her own children?

Yeah, look– OK. I’m happy to report that she’s actually getting some memories back.



[birds chirping]

Sis, what– you know we’re not supposed to be seen together.

I know. I know. I’m sorry. I had no choice. Last night, I got this text message from Clyde Weston.

[dramatic music]

I’m here, sweetness. Yeah. Never thought I’d want to work so hard to get into SuperMax, huh? Well, the only visitor Weston is allowed is his attorney, so Shane pulled some strings for me with the warden. Now I’m in wait mode. When have I ever not been careful? Fair point.

[laughs] OK, baby, I’ll keep you posted. I love you too.

[phone beeps]

[clears throat]

[door clicks]

[tense music]

Clyde Weston.

We need to have a talk.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[chuckles] Well, as I live and breathe, Steve Johnson. How’s it going in the fair city of Salem?

Well, crime rate’s down now that you’re gone.

Imagine that. Your boy? How’s Hong Kong treating him?

No, no, no, no. I’m not here to talk about my son. I’m here to talk about–

Your pretty niece, Abigail.

[tense music]



Yeah. Damn is right. All of a sudden, I have a timeline for when I have to have Chad marching down the aisle? How am I supposed to do that?

Well, you know the answer. You have to do what Clyde says. Marry the man ASAP.

Oh, God.


[dramatic music]

You told me that Abigail remembered her death. Now, does she remember anything about her life?

We’re working on it.

OK. I mean, that’s great. That’s great. And we are all in your corner.

Once more. Try it with some sincerity, please.



Sincerity. I am being very sincere. It’s just–

Just what?

It seems that Abigail isn’t exactly champing at the bit to spend more time with you or with her own children. And I just think that’s a little odd, don’t you think?

No, I don’t, actually. And it’s none of your business, Kristen.

Oh, but it is. I mean, indirectly. You see, Rachel has been begging to have Charlotte and Thomas over for a swim, and I am running out of excuses to give her. And also, I live with this woman. And if she does turn out to be an impostor–

Yeah, except she’s not. We did a DNA test. It’s Abigail.

OK, assuming– assume– just assuming it’s– it is legit. Oh God, Chad. I mean, unless you’re keeping this to yourself, I mean–

[clears throat]

Don’t you want to know, I mean, how she survived this brutal stabbing or where she’s been for the last two years, or, I mean, what Clyde’s motives were in keeping her on ice all this time?

You know what, I’m really resenting you being so negative right now.

I’m not being negative.

Yes, you are.

No, I’m not. I’m having a healthy skepticism. That’s all I’m having right now. It’s healthy. It’s because I care about you, Chad. I care about you, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.

[sighs] So just tread carefully, hm? That’s all I have to say.


You already know I slept with Gabi once, and you made it abundantly clear that you don’t want her back. So what possible difference could it make to you if we, for lack of a more graceful way to put it, hooked up again in the morning?

You know damn well why it matters, because she is still my wife.

Right, right. And so you’re solidly on the moral high ground because you’ve never slept with your brother’s wife and cheated on Gabi only once, or so you claim.

[sighs] OK, I’m not even going to dignify that with a response. I will only say that if you are still sleeping with my wife, what is to stop me from testifying against you that little Jude Brady, who you claimed was your offspring, is actually Eric’s, and that you hid his paternity from Eric and the rest of the world, huh? So, EJ, why don’t you picture me holding a jury spellbound with your tales of depravity, and then answer the question.

[inhales sharply] Fine. Fine. Gabi and I didn’t sleep together this morning.

[tense music]

[sighs] So you’re saying that my wife lied to me?

Wake up, sweetheart. You don’t want to miss your last few miserable moments on Earth.

Connie, please. You’ve kept me alive all this time. It is not too late to do the right thing, please. And I swear I will keep my mouth shut about everything, everything that you’ve done.

Oh, you definitely will. Because after today, you won’t be able to open your mouth ever again. Neither of you will. And the world will owe me a big, fat thank you.

[dramatic music]

I cannot just snap my fingers and get Chad to marry me. He’s not going to marry a complete stranger.

Why not? He’s desperate to get his old life back.

And I can’t give him that.

[tense music] Sorry, I’m– Mark, I’m just having a really hard time, OK? This is harder than I thought it was going to be. Yes, Chad lives for a miracle, but there is only so much that man is going to believe. How many details are there of Abigail and his private life that only he knows? I have done my research, yes. But eventually, he’s going to see through me. And when that happens, this is all over. This is all over.

Well, if someone sees through you before you get him down the aisle, the consequences are a hell of a lot worse.

[sighs] I know. I know.

[groans] And I’m worried. I’m worried that somebody is going to be Uncle Steve. God, if he doesn’t stop asking questions–

Don’t tell me you haven’t found Abigail yet. Steve, maybe you’re not the PI you think you are.

Oh, we found her, all right.

Well, damn. I was hoping to use that info as leverage to get me out of this joint.

Come on. Don’t play dumb with me. You know exactly what’s going on with Abigail. You were talking on the phone with her just the other day.

Now, how could I do that, Steve? They don’t allow any phone calls here or visitors, or even a lousy newspaper.

I’m visiting you, aren’t I? And it wouldn’t be the first time you found your way around the rules.

Yeah, well, you got me there. But even if I did have a workaround here, I’m the last person in the world Abigail would talk to. She’d never take my call.

Unless she’s not really Abigail.

Yeah, look, I understand you have a naturally suspicious mind. But if Abigail coming back was some sort of hoax, what do you theorize the point would actually be?

Oh, well, maybe she’s out to nab a handsome guy from a very rich and powerful family.

OK, so she’s after my money. OK, so if she’s after my money, then why does she insist on living apart or have no recollection of our relationship?

Well, maybe she is just reeling you in slowly.



OK, she’s moving in reverse, practically. OK, so if her MO is to weasel her way into the DiMera family–


–she needs a new plan.

Hm. Look at that, bottled in . That was before you were born, right? Pretty close, anyway. See if you can rouse sleepyhead over there. I’ve got to go out and gather a few supplies. Don’t go anywhere while I’m gone, OK?

[door clicks]

Gabi. Gabi. Wake up. Gabi!



What– what’s– what’s going on? Where are we?

We are in the basement of your house, being held hostage by your psychotic assistant.


Yeah, I didn’t really take a leave of absence. She sent that text message from my phone. She’s been keeping me hostage in her apartment with a cardboard cutout of Li Shin.


Yeah. She killed Li. She stabbed your brother Rafe.

She framed Everett. She faked his suicide.

She confessed that to you?

Upstairs, yeah.

[groans] Before she knocked me out.

Oh my God. I went to prison because of that crazy bitch!

Well, did that crazy bitch also tell you that she blames everyone for Li’s death except for herself? And she is especially infuriated with us and Stefan.

Then why is she keeping us alive?

She’s not. She’s planning on blowing us up when she gets back here, us and this entire house.

No. No. No. No! No, we can’t let her do that. We’ve got to get out of here!


I’m not saying that Gabi was lying.

Then what are you saying?

I’m simply saying that this is between you and her. But be warned, I am not going to stand idly by while you try– emphasis on try– to put me away because you cheated on your wife with the likes of her.

[tense music] I mean, it’s one thing to have no morals, but your utter lack of taste is just– oh my God, Stefan. It’s just appalling. Good day.

[chuckles softly]

[sighs] That smug son of a bitch, talking out of both sides of his face.

Ah. Well, focus on the positive, huh? At least he didn’t sleep with Gabi again, right?

Oh, yeah. That cheers me up to no end, Ava.

[sighs] I mean, especially because he said that Gabi wasn’t lying when she said that they slept together.

OK, come on. You didn’t–

So which is it?

I don’t know. You didn’t expect to get a clear answer from that guy, did you?

So what, what, what, what? All that bravado was just a bluff? OK, look, I know that EJ is terrified to go to prison, so of course he’s going to tell me what I want to hear. But I know for sure he and Gabi had to have slept together this morning.

Which makes me realize that Gabi now leads me -, so–

So what?

Care to help me even the score?

[dramatic music]

[sighs] I just– I can’t believe I was so clueless. When Stephanie walked in and overheard what I was saying to you on the phone, I completely spaced. I forgot that Dr. Johnson was her mother. Otherwise, I would have come up with a better cover story, obviously.

Look, you didn’t know that Stephanie was going to go blab to Kayla. And besides, there’s not many people you could have plausibly been talking to.

I know, but I– I just– it’s so easy to slip up, especially for me. I’m not built for this.

But you’re doing better than you think. Like I’ve reminded you, we have to keep this up. We have no choice.

I know. I do think that I convinced Chad that I was just confused.


But Uncle Steve is an entirely different story.

[sighs] Relax. Yeah, he may be suspicious, but there’s no way that he can prove anything. We’ll figure this out. We have to.

Yes, we do, because Clyde holds all the cards.

[tense music]

Now, why would you think that this woman who claims to be Abigail is an impostor?

Well, for one thing, she looks nothing like my niece. She’s got a brand-new face, which you know about. Because according to Abigail, you and Officer Goldman were taking care of her in Poplar Bluff before you were locked up.

Yeah, we sure did after that tragic accident.

Yeah, well, whatever happened to her, the bottom line is she could be anyone.

Not if a DNA test was done, and I assume it was.

Yeah, yeah, a good test.

And you doubt the results because?

Well, mainly because my gut tells me something’s just not right. And also, there’s a very big hole in this story.

Wow. Hey, OK. You know what, that is exactly what every girl wants to hear. “Hey, hey. You want to have a quickie? I’m trying to even the score with my wife.”

OK. All right.


I can see where that would be offensive, although technically I didn’t use the word “quickie.”

Yeah. I inferred that.

Well, you inferred incorrectly.


And need I remind you, you are Ava Vitali, OK? You are the last person to forgive and forget when somebody does you dirty. So let me refresh your memory here, OK? Gabi had you fired. Gabi is the reason you’re behind on your rent. And Gabi basically condemned you to a life of slinging corned beef hash.

[laughs] Right. Until you swept in and you saved me from all of this, right?

No, no, no. My point is you and I have more than enough reason to want to get revenge on Gabi. And if we want to have a little fun in the process, what’s the harm in that, huh? So why don’t we grab a bottle of Chateau Margaux, head back to the mansion, and if you need a little more encouragement, close your eyes and think of the look on Gabi’s face when we walk up the stairs together, sipping our champagne, leaving a trail of clothing in our wake. What do you say?


[grunts] Any ideas on how to escape?

Well, there’s no use in yelling and screaming. This place is soundproof. I found that out the hard way.

Oh, you’re a regular beacon of hope.

OK. Just let me think, OK? Let me think.





OK. The DiMeras are all lushes. They’re always coming down here for wine and champagne.

Yeah, well, any minute Connie is going to be coming back here with the ingredients to make a bomb. We don’t have time to wait for someone to get thirsty.

You asked for hope, didn’t you?

Yeah, but not the false kind, OK? Damn it! I can’t believe you hired that nutcase. I just wish you’d checked some references instead of letting her kiss-ass her way to that job.

That is not why I hired her.

Oh, yeah.

And how the hell could I have known she was a homicidal maniac? She happened to be very helpful and efficient.

Oh, yeah, blowing up your marriage was real helpful.

I needed to know the truth.


And damn it, Melinda, we can’t turn on each other now, OK? We have to find a way out of this together.

My phone.




Right there, right there. Look. OK. OK.


I have to find a way– I have to find a way to get over there. OK.

[phone ringing] It’s EJ.


It’s EJ. It’s EJ. OK.

All right. Well, I’ve said my piece. I tried to warn you, though to no avail, obviously.

Nope, none.

All right, I have one more question.

I have to go to work.

OK, yeah, but it will be quick. I promise. So why would Abigail want to live at the mansion? I mean, didn’t she refer to it as the mausoleum when she first came to town? And you might want to tell her that we have one in the back, if she wants to bunk with the dead relatives out there.

Stop being nasty.

I’m not being nasty.

Yes, you are. Don’t be nasty to her.

I’m not being– I’m not being nasty.

And if you want to bring Rachel by to play with the kids, just bring them over to the house.

Sure, I bet Julie would just love that.

[phone ringing]

We’ll figure it out.

All right.

I have to take this.

[phone ringing]

[phone beeps] Hey, what’s up? Go for it.

[sighs] You!

Ms. DiMera, hi. Is something wrong?

There sure as hell is.

I know what you’ve done, Ms. Vininski.

[dramatic music]

[sighs] I just hate every second of this.

You think I don’t?

[scoffs] You don’t have to throw yourself at a man who is mourning his dead wife.

No, just jeopardize my medical license, my career, my future. Look, Aaron and Felicity also need us to get this right.

I know. I know. I’m doing my damnedest. I really am.

[tense music] I just– I feel so guilty.


Yesterday, Chad was reciting his wedding vows to me. And his words were just full of emotion and love, and I could feel it in my soul. And–

Wait a second, sis. Don’t tell me you’re falling for him.

What? No, of course not. He’s a nice guy, Mark. He doesn’t deserve this.

No, I don’t disagree. Still.

[sighs] Still. I have to start remembering and make it convincing.

[sighs] So what do we do about Clyde?

Let me deal with him.

Tell me, Steve, what is the one very big hole in the story?

Well, actually, it’s just a part of the story that I’m guessing only you can make sense of.

Well, now you got me curious.

Why was John Black, who wasn’t even involved in this case, found tied to a chair in the same Poplar Bluff location where Abigail was being held?

Damn, that is a hell of a coincidence, isn’t it?

Coincidence, my ass. Come on. You know where John was. He was in Greece laying flowers on a young woman’s grave he allegedly killed at Victor’s behest. You know that. So tell me, what is the connection between John Black and Abigail DiMera?

What do you mean? What do you think I’ve done?

You know damn well what you’ve done. You overheard Ava and me talking about Stefan, and then you turned around and you told Gabi my brother was cheating on her.

Gabi didn’t deserve to know?

Oh, please. You did it because you’re a nasty gossip. And no, Gabi didn’t need to know. And you know what? Thanks to you, I had to fire my good friend Ava, and a lot of people’s lives are turned upside down because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut.

But you’re the ones who couldn’t keep your mouths shut to begin with, you and Ava. I just happened to overhear.

Oh, yeah, you just happened to overhear? Mm-hmm.

[chuckles] No, all you’ve done was maliciously eavesdrop. And that does not sit well with me, Ms. Vininski. And the only reason you have your job still is that Gabi thinks you are the bee’s knees. But consider yourself on notice. Gabi answers to me, and so do you. So watch your step.

You watch yours, bitch.

What did you just say?

See you around!


Yo. That was my office. Apparently, there’s an APB out on one of your employees.


Gabi’s assistant, Connie Vininski.


Gabi, hi. I just found out that you told your cuckolded husband that you and I had yet another go at it this morning, which obviously didn’t happen. Damn it, Gabi. I realize that your goal is to make Stefan’s life miserable, but I’d have appreciated a heads up since I was totally blindsided when he confronted me. Look, I didn’t want to call you a liar, but my brother doesn’t need additional ammunition against me either. So we need to get our stories straight from now on, OK?

[sighs] Call me back when you get this.

[phone beeps]

[grunts] Ah. EJ left a message. OK. OK. So he’ll expect to hear back from me, which means I know he’ll come looking for me.

You and EJ aren’t really a thing, are you?

Well, it depends on what you mean by a thing.


We had revenge sex. And we almost did again this morning before he helped me realize that it was a bad idea. And then I saw Stefan, and I couldn’t help myself, and I told him that EJ and I did have sex again. And now it’s just–

Gabi, you do remember that we are still in grave danger, yes? So could you scooch a little faster and do a little less talking?

Hey, you asked me about me and EJ.

Yes, which requires a one-word answer. So save your breath and get to the damn phone!



Right. OK. OK. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh my God. OK.

No, no, no, no.

OK. I can’t die. I can’t die. I can’t die, especially before I tell Stefan that–

Before you tell him what? That you still love him? Go!


Come on. Isn’t part of you just dying to see Gabi’s head explode when we show up at the mansion together?

Oh, God. All right. You know, just tell me like, what does it matter if Gabi and EJ slept together again? I mean, they already did the deed once. So what is it about doing it twice that makes it so egregious?

Because Gabi had regrets after the first time. And if they did it again, that means that those regrets are gone. That makes it a hell of a lot more egregious, don’t you think?

OK, you know what, I don’t care. Really, I don’t care how many times Gabi and EJ did the dirty, OK, or about you and Gabi and all the ways you’re trying to get back at each other in the most adolescent ways. OK, I’m over it. It’s getting old. I’m leaving.

What? Why?

Why? Why?


Because I feel disrespected, to put it mildly.

What, because I want us to have sex again? Ava, you are a beautiful, fascinating woman. And it’s not like I don’t care about you. I mean, we’re friends, right?

Wrong. A friend would not use me like this, especially in this way. So you know what, you can take your friendship and your stupid offer, and you can shove it.

[dramatic music]

Man, you’re jumping to all kinds of crazy conclusions here, Steve. You see, my associates in Missouri, they got multiple income sources.

Meaning what?

Meaning that if they’re using my safe house in Poplar Bluff, they’re doing some work for another boss.

To imprison another person who just happens to be from Salem too? Without your authorization? Like hell.

Steve, you asked for an explanation as to why John Black wound up in Poplar Bluff, and I gave you one. Now, if that don’t suit you, that’s not my fault. And what do you know? It’s lunchtime. And as bad as the food is here, at least my fellow inmates don’t pester me with tedious questions about inconsequential matters. I’ll see you later.

Hey, hold up a second. Listen. Listen. Now, I know you didn’t get the deal you were looking for when you gave up that information about Abigail. But I have connections with the ISA. They got me in here, in fact.

Why would I care about your connection to the ISA, Steve?

Well, because if you’d be willing to give me a few more answers, truthful ones, I might be able to go to the ISA and get them to reciprocate on my behalf, get you up out of here.


[tense music]

Oh my God. Connie was just here. I was giving her a hard time. I was provoking her. You know what, I need to call the police.

I’m going to get the kids. Let’s get out of here.

All right.


Look, Ava, I didn’t mean to upset you.

The fact that you didn’t even realize you were doing that, it speaks volumes. And so not only do I not want your so-called friendship anymore, I don’t want your pity job that you’ve offered me either, OK? Because I would rather, I would rather sling hash for Roman, his corned beef hash, as you say, day and night than work for a clueless misogynistic ass.

I’m sorry, OK? I’m an idiot.

[sighs] What I said, my offer, it was misogynistic and clueless. You’re right.

[sighs] It’s just the idea of Gabi in bed with my brother makes me so freaking mad.

OK, you know what, that is your problem. It is not mine. And if you are so desperate to even the score with your wife in that sleazy way, I am sure there are plenty of women out there who would be happy to lower themselves to help you out. But I am not one of them.

My relationship with Stefan is complicated, Melinda.


It’s not that easy to explain just everything that–

Well, well, well. Look who decided to rejoin the land of the living, for the time being, anyhoo. That’s not where I left you. Ha.

[laughs] Ah. You won’t be needing this.

Is that–

A big fat truth bomb? You’re both going to suffer mightily for what you did to Li.

Connie, please. People are going to find out what you did. You won’t get away with this! Stop now, please, while you still can.

I don’t care who finds out. I just have a few loose ends to take care of, and then I’m going home to Li, who is patiently waiting in my bed for me. And then we’ll bid Salem goodbye forever.

Li’s not in your bed, you lunatic! He is a freaking piece of cardboard!

Who is not here to defend himself from such crass insults, so I’ll have to do it for him!

Connie, Melinda and I didn’t kill him. You did. You told me so. You stabbed him in the back and let him bleed to death.

La, la, la, la! I don’t hear a word you’re saying!

Connie, if you blow this place up, you’ll end up with the same broken heart that you started with. This isn’t going to fix it. This isn’t going to fix anything. Deep down, under all that hurt, all that confusion, all that anger, you know I’m right.

[dramatic music]

Um, so… you think you could get me a deal?

I can damn well try.

[laughs] How dumb do you think I am, man? Like you could go to your brother Jack and say, oh, I’m sorry, I just had to let your daughter’s killer out of prison, man? Or supposed killer, anyway. Or Tripp’s mama? Come on, man. You’re bluffing me, and you’re doing a bad job of it at that. Guard! This man’s just leaving.


[tense music]

I’ll be back.

That’s a promise.

Abby. What are you doing here? I just brought the kids home. They’re upstairs.

I’m sorry. The door was unlocked, and I thought you would want to know. I remember something.

[tense music]

Well, if it isn’t my lawyer, Jackie Chiles.

Good to see you, Mark. Glad you put those fake credentials I got you into good use. I seem to be a very popular guy today. You just missed Steve Johnson on the way out.

I know. I saw him leaving. What did he want?

He was asking me all kinds of questions about your sister. Can you believe that? He seems to think that she’s not really Abigail.

We’re aware.

[sighs] And you need to stop pressuring my sister, OK? If she moves too fast, it’s going to make people more suspicious than they already are.

Yeah, but she’s going to have to figure out something and fast. I mean, she needs to tie the knot with Chad ASAP so that I can achieve my goals. You know what my goals are, don’t you, Mark?

You want access to the DiMera fortune.

Well, I guess I wasn’t clear enough. You see, I don’t just want access to the DiMera fortune. I want the DiMera fortune. I want it to be mine, all of it.

So you better get your sister betrothed to Chad as soon as possible, or else you and her are never going to see your sweet mama alive again.

Gabi, are you here? Guess not.

[clears throat]



Is this blood?

I am hurt. I am very angry. But I am not confused, not even one tiny bit. I know just what I want, and pretty soon I’ll have it.

But what about Li? Do you really want to defy him like this? I mean, he told you he didn’t want you to hurt us, right?

And you’ve been so good to me, Connie, which is why I gave you a raise, which is why I put all of my faith and trust into you. Please, Connie, don’t throw it all away. I’ll give you whatever you want.

As much as I’ve enjoyed hearing both of you grovel, the answer is no.

Oh, Connie, please don’t. Don’t do this.

Bye-bye, ladies. Have a blast.

No. No! Oh.

[device beeping]

[dramatic music]

[both screaming]

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Days Transcript Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


If you fire me, Paulina, you’ll only end up looking foolish when this case falls apart in court.

Well, then I’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen.


By replacing you with a brilliant DA.

Hmm. Well, if you’re considering Melinda Trask for the position, rumor is she’s long gone.

[suspenseful music]

Long gone? Where? Someone like Melinda doesn’t just disappear.

I’d have to agree. The woman is hardly one to keep a low profile.

Huh. That’s putting it mildly. Well, I’ve got a lot of people working for me, so we’ll track her down, wherever she is.


[knock at door]

Ms. Viniski, it’s Commissioner Hunter. I’d like to ask you a few questions. Last time I was here, I just had to apply a little pressure.

[suspenseful music]

Ms. Viniski, are you home?

Is that blood?

Yeah, it is. Put in a call to CSU.

[Jada sighs] My God. Whose blood is this?

Look, right now, you are mad as hell at Gabi. She’s mad as hell at you. But as much as you say there is no chance of you two getting back together again–

There isn’t.

Oh, come on. You two love each other. There’s always a chance. And you having me work for you at the Bistro? Not gonna help.

OK, I’m going to repeat this one more time, so maybe it’ll resonate. Yes, I am mad as hell, but not just that. I am appalled. I am disgusted that my wife would sleep with my brother more than once. And to me, that’s a deal-breaker, all right? As far as I’m concerned, Gabi can rot.

What are you talking about? Why would Rafe point the finger at you?

Oh, did I forget to mention? I’m the one who stabbed your brother.

[tense music]

[siren wailing]

Ah, come on, Gabi, call me back.

[door opens]

Hey, Hernandez.

Roman, hey.

About time you woke up. Although you don’t seem too happy about it. Something wrong?

I’m sorry. It’s great to see you. It’s just… I’m worried about Gabi. Jada and I, uh…

[ominous music] We think her new assistant might be dangerous.

What do you mean by dangerous? And who is this person?

Well, her name is Connie Viniski. And it’s possible she might be the one who stabbed me.

You stabbed Rafe?

[Gabi gasps]

And you’re next.

No. No, no. It was Everett. Everett is the one that attacked Rafe.

Well, that’s what everyone thinks, that Everett’s brain broke for good. Of course, I know him as Bobby Stein.

You knew Jada’s ex, the alter?

Well, of course I know him. Why else would I try to take out your brother? Bobby asked me to do it.

What? Why?

Come on, Gabi. You’re a smart cookie. You can figure it out. With Rafe out of the way, Bobby had a clear path to Jada Hunter, his beloved ex.

[whispering] Oh, my God.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[suspenseful music]

I thought it was Everett Lynch who tried to kill you. Isn’t that why he took his own life?

Well, it turns out that Everett Lynch’s death may not have been a suicide.

So you’re thinking it’s this Connie Viniski?

Well, that’s what we’re trying to find out. Jada’s trying to track her down right now. And in the meantime, I need to warn Gabi to stay the hell away from her.

OK. I assume you tried to call her.

Yes, I have tried to call her. I’ve left her a voicemail. She’s not answering my texts, so I need to find her now!


[tense somber music]

You tried to kill Rafe for Bobby?

I know it sounds a bit extreme, but I don’t blame him for wanting another chance with Jada. He thought of her as the love of his life. I’m a romantic myself.

Except she and Bobby just weren’t meant to be, as it turned out.

No, they were not. Such a tragedy.

So Bobby Everett’s death?

I had no choice. He said he was going to expose me for stabbing the commish. I could not let him threaten me like that.

So you killed him and made it look like a suicide?

You’re asking a lot of questions.

No, no. I just– as someone that’s done a lot of crazy things in the name of love, I have to admit I’m impressed.

[laid-back music]

Gabi made her choice, I made mine.

So you’re telling me if Gabi came through that door and she told you how sorry she was, that she loves you, she still wants you back… you would not find it in your heart to forgive her?

That’s what I’m telling you.

Oh, come on. You wouldn’t be tempted? You wouldn’t be tempted just to give it another go? She is your wife. And like I said, the two of you still love each other.

[phone rings]

[scoffs] Speak of the devil.

[Ava chuckles]

You gonna answer it?

[phone ringing]

No. She’s probably just calling to tell me that she and EJ have had mind-blowing sex again.

[tense music]

I can see that you’ve made some difficult choices, Connie, but why would you do Bobby’s dirty work in the first place?

I told you, I’m a romantic. I believe in love.

OK, being a romantic is one thing. But stabbing the police commissioner, I mean, seems like a pretty big risk. You must have been getting something out of it.

Well, sure, I was. Bobby made it clear if I didn’t do his dirty work for him, he’d rat me out.

Rat you out? What did he have over you?

Bobby knew I did something. Something I’m not proud of.

What? What–what–what– what did you do?

Why does it matter?

Connie, come on. There’s no sense in keeping secrets from each other at this point.

Bobby knew… that I killed Li Shin.

[ominous music]


What the hell?

What the hell?

That’s what I said.

Is that Li Shin?

Well, it’s the cardboard version.


Looks like our friend, Connie, was holding someone hostage.

Probably not old Li here.

No. Someone more three-dimensional.

Melinda Trask? Could she have been the one that was held here?

But where is she now?

That’s a good question.

I suspect that Melinda Trask has had her fill of Salem politics, so I doubt she would take the DA job, even if you could track her down.

Then I’ll hire someone else.

Whom you know damn well won’t be as competent as I am. I mean, isn’t that why you hired me back?


[scoffs] What are you talking about? You blackmailed me into it. Or have you forgotten about your pals in the CCS?

The Concerned Citizens of Salem are merely doing their civic duty, looking out for the best interests of the town.

Yeah, right, by trying to get me recalled.

Well, it all worked out in the end, didn’t it? I got what I wanted, and you seem pretty comfortable in your position.

Doesn’t mean I am not going to fire you. You stole a baby.

Allegedly. And come on, is this any way to treat one of your in-laws?

Ah, oh, come on, EJ. Are you really playing the family card?

I’m simply suggesting, considering the upheaval this would cause people that we both love, that we don’t act too hastily.

[sighs] While I agree we could both do without another scandal, if your brother goes public with what he knows about you, then not even I will be able to save your privileged, pompous ass.

[tense music]

[EJ sighs]

Ava, what are we doing waiting around here? Let’s go to the Bistro, grab a bottle of champagne, and celebrate your triumphant return as manager.

I haven’t accepted your offer.

You will.

[scoffs and chuckles] You so sure about that?

Yeah. Unless you want to stick around here and sling hash for a living.

It’s an honest living.

Honestly boring. And exhausting. Are you telling me you want to be on your feet all day walking around here like this for a couple of lousy bucks in tips? Come on, Ava. Take a chance and walk out that door.

I’m technically still on my shift.


[chuckles softly] I think the breakfast rush is over. It’s not like you’re leaving them high and dry.

[Ava chuckles] Besides, didn’t you tell me that Roman gave you this job so you can make your rent money? You’re going to make a hell of a lot more rent money as manager of the Bistro, OK? And I think the rest of the waitstaff here would appreciate your share of the tip jar.

[soft upbeat music]

Hey, Andrea. Take my tables, will ya?

There you go. All right, come on. The future awaits.




Off we go.


Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I can’t let you out of this bed.

Roman, I have to find Gabi!

Rafe! You’re too weak! It’s not safe to leave this hospital.

Well, it’s not safe for my sister to be out there alone. I mean, this Connie woman is going after people that I love!

Are you sure she’s going after Gabi?

Well, it sure as hell is a possibility. I mean, this woman, she faked her entire résumé to get the assistant job with my sister. And I’m telling you if Connie did this to me, who the hell knows what she’s going to do to my sister?

OK, let me handle it.


Hey! Not my first rodeo, kid. You stay here. You rest. I will track down Gabi and make sure Connie Viniski is not a threat.

[tense music]

You killed Li? Oh, my God.

Don’t act like you’re all broken up about it. You hated the guy.

That doesn’t mean I wanted him dead! Especially since I went to prison for killing him!

I gotta say–

[chuckles] That part of the plan couldn’t have worked out better.

Wait. You framed me?

Duh. Who do you think sent you a text from Li’s phone that night and lured you over to his apartment?

That was you?

I went to prison because of you?

Hey! I didn’t tell you to pull a knife out of the guy’s back. I just laid the trap and you were stupid enough to fall into it and even stupider to fall into this one.

I want an APB on Connie Viniski. She should be considered armed and dangerous. Hang on. Let’s also put one out on Melinda Trask. Yes, the former DA. We’re considering her a missing person. All right. I’ll be in touch.

[suspenseful music]

Trask was officially on a leave of absence.

Yeah, but… what if Connie was the one that put in that message? Oh, my God, what if– what if Connie has been holding Melinda hostage this entire time?

Well, how do you think this thing figured into it?

I have no idea. But right now, my main concern is what Connie may have done to Melinda.

I don’t understand. Why would you kill Li and frame me for it? I–I–I thought we got along great.

[chuckles] That’s what I wanted you to think. But the truth is I hated you for the way you treated Li, the way you toyed with his emotions, and the way that you and Stefan just tortured him for months!

Since when did you care about Li?

I don’t care about him. I love him.

Wh–what? Did you even know each other?

Of course I knew him. I told you that that day I met you at the press conference, but you were probably too busy thinking about yourself to remember.

[softly] The press conference.

Li and I had the most magical blind date. Oh, and he charmed me with that smile. That smile could light up a room. And I knew from that moment that he and I were meant to be. And we would have been together forever if you hadn’t broken his heart. You made him think you cared about him, but you only cared about his DiMera shares. You tricked him! You humiliated him!

And after that, Li was too hurt to love again.

So it’s my fault that he didn’t love you?

Well, who else’s? And I tried to convince him… that you were not good enough for him and that I was the only one that could give him the love that he needed. But he could not let you go.

So you stabbed him in the back?

It was an accident.

Oh, so you accidentally put a knife in his back?

OK, so it wasn’t an accident, but it wasn’t my fault, either. Youare the one that caused all of this. You ruined him.

And you tried to ruin me in return.

But somehow, you got out. You are here. And my precious Li is gone. It should have been you, Gabi! You’re the one who deserved to die!

Time to end this for good. And then Li and I can finally be together.

[Gabi screams]

[tense music]

[Gabi panting]

[grunts] You bitch.

You know, it would be a terrible shame for the CCS to rear their ugly heads again and attempt another mayoral recall.

I don’t respond well to threats.

Well, who said anything about a threat?

EJ, even if I were to consider keeping you on as DA, if your brother, Stefan, is determined to testify against you for babynapping, then make no mistake, I will fire you without a second thought.

It won’t come to that, Mayor Price. I can handle my brother.

[suspenseful music]


[laid-back music] You know, it’s a little early for champagne, no?

Think of it as a mimosa. Just light on the OJ, huh?

Oh. Well, OK, then.

[chuckles] And it’s : somewhere, right?


[chuckles] All righty. So what are we drinking to?

To new beginnings for both of us. Welcome back to the Bistro.

[glasses clink]

Yeah. I’m still not sure this is the best idea. Because once Gabi finds out that you hired me again?

[Ava laughs]

OK, how many times do I need to say my marriage is over? Gabi’s as good as dead to me.

[Stefan sighs]

[pounding on door]


[tense music] Hello?

[pounding on door] Gabi, it’s Roman Brady!



Is anybody home? Gabi!

Gabi, are you here?


[phone line trilling]

Come on, Gabi, pick up. – You’ve reached Gabi DiMera. Leave a message.

[voicemail beeps]

Damn it.

[door opens]


Jada, did you find Connie?

No sign of her at the apartment. But I think we were both right about her involvement with Li Shin’s murder.

Did you find evidence?

Something like that. Look… I’m not really sure how to describe this. OK? But Connie had a life-sized cardboard cutout of Li.

What? What– you mean like in an old video store?

Yeah, something like that. And it was in her bedroom tucked underneath the covers.

OK. Definitely didn’t have that on my bingo card.

OK, well–yeah. Well, there’s more.

Well, it’s gonna be hard to top that.

Well, I’m about to. Listen. It appears that cutout cardboard Li was not Connie’s first occupant in the bed. There were ropes tied to the headboard, Rafe.


Yeah. Like she’s been holding someone hostage in that apartment.

[softly] Oh, my God.


Good morning, sunshine. I brought you some company.

Mmm. OK. So you say that Gabi is out of your life.

She is.

And I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you believe it in this moment.

I do believe it because it’s the truth.


What? What?

Uh–no, no, no. OK, it’s just that–

[laughs] I’ve been through this before with Rafe, with Harris. And even though we are not romantically involved, you know, I’m just– I’m just preparing myself for when you and Gabi do get back together and I’m out on my ass again.

My God. How many times do I have to tell you that’s not going to happen?

Really? Even if Gabi comes slithering back into your life?

Well, that’s not going to happen, either.

You so sure about that?

I am sure about that, especially since she told me this morning she found herself in EJ’s bed yet again.

[Ava sighs] Oh, this day just keeps getting better.

[chuckles] Well, well, well. Isn’t this cozy? I suppose you decided to invite Ava to your victory celebration? But it’s a little premature, don’t you think?

[jazzy music]

[Roman sighs]

[suspenseful music]


[ominous music]

So you found blood?

Mm-hmm. That’s what led me to Connie’s bedroom. CSU is on it. But we found Melinda’s bag and ID on the scene, so–

It’s likely to match hers.

We’re working off that assumption. I already declared her a missing person.

I guess the important question is where did Connie take Melinda? And what exactly did she do to her?

It’s a good thing I had extra rope down here.

[muffled speech]

I can’t understand a word you’re saying.

[muffled speech]


[muffled speech]

OK, fine. It’s not like anyone’s going to hear you down here. What is it?

What did you do to Gabi?

Who said I did anything to her?

Where the hell are we?

I just assumed with all your time as a DA that you would know this place from crime scene photos or or something.

The hell are you talking about?

[inhales deeply] Don’t you smell the money, honey? We’re in the bowels of the DiMera mansion.

The secret room.

So you do know about it.

Why are we here?

You’re here because I needed someplace safe to stash you when my apartment became too hot. I came here to kill Gabi.

But she’s still alive. Does that mean you’ve changed your mind?

No. I just figured it’d be more efficient to kill you both together.

[jazzy music]

EJ, shouldn’t you be at the office?

Oh, you mean where I’m supposed to be arrested for my high crimes and misdemeanors?


Oh, he didn’t tell you? My brother was setting me up. I just got back from a meeting with Mayor Price where she told me that you gave her an earful about what happened with Nicole’s baby.

Well, it’s all the truth.

Mm. And seeing how it was a while back, you just decided that right now was the time to tell the mayor all about it?

Yeah, just like you decided that right now would be a great time to go after my wife.

Right. So this is your way of trying to get revenge on me for that? Well, if that’s the case, let me remind you that it was your wife who came on to me that night.

Mm. What about this morning, huh? I’m guessing that that was mutual because the first time was so amazing that you two just couldn’t wait to ravage each other again.

Just make sure CSU combs through every inch of that apartment.


I don’t want to miss one single cell of evidence.

Roman, did you find Gabi? Was she at the mansion?

I went inside the place. No sign of Gabi or anyone else, for that matter.

What about the staff?

I went to talk to Harold. The kitchen was empty.

Is that unusual?

Well, it’s not unheard of. They run a lot of errands. You’re sure that she wasn’t there?

[sighs] Rafe, look, I don’t know where Gabi is, but I don’t believe she’s in that house.

[suspenseful music]

Lord. So this is the apartment where Melinda Trask was being held hostage?

We believe so, ma’am. We found some of her personal items in the bedroom along with evidence that someone had been restrained in the bed.

And so you haven’t found this Connie Viniski?

No. Acting Commissioner Hunter put out an APB on her. But so far, no hits.

What about Melinda?

We’re on the lookout for her, too. CSU is trying to confirm that this is her blood. Right now, we’d be happy to just find her alive.

You brought me all the way over here just to kill me? Why didn’t you just do it when I was back at your apartment when you had the chance?

In the place I share with Li? I could never sully our home with that kind of violence.

Didn’t stop you from killing him there! Oh, I forgot. He’s not really dead. He’s just a little stiff.

Do you want the gag back in?

No, please.

I never wanted to keep you there in the first place. But desperate times and all that. It’ll be over soon, though. And Li and I, we can finally enjoy our happily ever after just as soon as I finish off you and Gabi.

What’s that?

Don’t worry, Melinda. I’m going to take good care of you. Li and I both are.

Here comes the airplane!

No. Get that drug-laced slop away from me!

I slaved away making this slop for you. Fine. Starve. See if I care. The only reason I kept you alive was just because Li asked me to. I’m trying! You see that, right?

He’s dead, you psycho!

And whose fault is that? Yours and Gabi’s and Stefan’s. If it weren’t for the three of you, I never would have had to ever–

You never would have what?

OK, thank you. According to DiMera security, Gabi did not come to the office today.

What about Stefan?

I didn’t speak to him.

Well, maybe Gabi decided to take the morning off and play a little hooky with Stefan.

[suspenseful music]

I kind of doubt that.


Well, a lot has happened since you were… sleeping.

Stefan and Gabi split up.

What? Why?

Well, apparently Stefan cheated on her. With Ava Vitali.

[tense music]

This morning, nobody ravaged anybody. What the hell are you talking about?

EJ, don’t insult me, playing innocent here, OK? Gabi sauntered downstairs in your robe and couldn’t wait to gloat to me about your most recent romp.

[EJ sighs]

I came here for a little fun. Last thing I need is to be psychoanalyzed.


[clears throat] I got a little taste of that myself yesterday from Johnny, actually. When he found out you and I slept together, he warned me that I was potentially destroying my family out of misplaced rage towards Eric and Nicole.

He also pointed out that since I was the one who had blown up my marriage, my rage and anger was doubly misplaced.

Sounds like he was being preachy as hell.

Mm. Yes, but he had a point.

[clears throat] I just received my divorce decree from Nicole. So honestly, I’m not exactly in the right frame of mind to be engaging in sexual warfare. Though tempting it may be.

Wait a minute. You’re– are you seriously turning me down?

Don’t be offended, Gabi. I suspect that deep down, this isn’t what you really want, either.

[chuckles] Gabi told you we had sex this morning?

Well, she referred to it more as, uh, marathon. Why, you’re not actually going to sit here and deny it, are you?

[suspenseful music]

And when we came in here, we found… him.

Oh, holy flat Stanley.

What–what is this?

It’s Li Shin.

Yeah, yeah, I know who it is, but what the hell is he doing in the bed?

Ma’am, in my professional opinion, Connie Viniski is out of her mind.

[ominous music]

Connie, it is not too late to change your mind.

Why would I change my mind?

Because you don’t want to be a murderer. Again.

Well, thank you for your concern, Melinda, but I’m fine. I mean, it wasn’t easy getting either of you down here without being noticed. But now that I have both of you in one place, it’s awfully convenient. Two bitches with one stone, if you will. No need to worry about messy cleanup or the police finding any evidence.

Why not? They’re bound to look down here eventually.

Well, they can look all they want. But they won’t find anything. By the time I’m finished, you’ll both be incinerated.

[chuckling] Along with everything else in this house.

[suspenseful music]

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Days Transcript Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Thanks for the coffee, Roman. Oh, I know it’s not officially fall yet, but I do love a pumpkin spice latte.

[chuckles] Oh, don’t tell anyone, though. Mm-mm. I wouldn’t want to be known as a basic bitch.

A basic what?

You know, someone cheugy.



OK, what–what the heck is that?

Come on, Roman. You got to get with the times. The kids say it. It means someone lame and unoriginal.

OK, well, you are neither one of those things.

You better believe it.

[laughs] OK, you have yourself a good day, now.

Yeah, you too, Paulina.

[both chuckle]

[light music] Good morning.


Hey. You got a minute to talk?

Yeah, sure. What’s up?

Well, I’m afraid we have a bit of a problem.


Mayor Price, it’s Stefan DiMera. I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time.

Oh, no, you’re in luck. I am sufficiently caffeinated. So what can I do for you?

I have a rather urgent matter to discuss with you. It’s about my brother, your notorious district attorney.

[tense music]


[soft music]

Good morning, handsome.

Good morning.

So my brother is out of his coma, and I thought that we could celebrate.

Hmm. I was under the impression that our night of passion was a one-time thing, the sole purpose of which was to get revenge on Stefan.

Yes. And it was a total success, which is why I thought that we could reward ourselves with an encore performance.

[suspenseful music]

Come on. Come on!

[door clatters]

Breakfast is served.

[chuckles] Well, you seem to be in a good mood.

I am, because today’s the big day. Today Gabi DiMera is finally going to get what’s coming to her.

[siren wailing]

[dramatic music]

[echoing] Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries.

[door clicks open]

[exhales heavily]



I couldn’t decide what to get you from Sweet Bits, so I just bought you one of everything.

Isn’t that a little excessive?

Not when your boyfriend just came out of a coma.


[chuckles] Besides, I was hoping that you’d share.

Only if you get a little closer.

Mm. Like this?

Like that.

[chuckles] So what were you thinking about when I walked in? You looked so pensive.

Yeah, well, I think I may have remembered something about the day I was stabbed.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So what do you remember?

[dramatic music]

It’s after I was stabbed. I was on the ground, barely conscious. I heard a voice. And I remembered it yesterday, but I wasn’t sure it was real. But the more that I’ve thought about it, I am certain that it is.

What did the voice say?

[sighs] Yeah, it’s kind of garbled in my mind. But it was something like, “That open grave is the least of your worries.”

Oh, my God. I can’t believe Bobby was actually gloating.

No, that’s– that’s what was weird. I don’t think it was Bobby. I’m pretty sure it was a woman’s voice.

It’s funny. I’m a little sad my plan is coming to an end.

That’s because you’re so good at it, exacting revenge.

[chuckles] Oh, I’m an expert by now. Hey, if I could make a living doing this, I’d be rich.

I mean, like I said before, all those true-crime podcasts you’ve been listening to really are paying off.

Right? I should start my own. I could call it “How to Get Away with Murder.”

I think that name is already taken.

Oh. Yeah, right. Too bad.

So what are your plans for Gabi? I mean, you already destroyed her marriage. What more can you do to her?

Oh, I thought I made it clear yesterday. That bitch has to die.

I don’t think this is a good idea.

[clears throat]

Why not?

Well, for one, we don’t like each other.

True. But as far as hate sex goes, what we had was kind of hot. You said so yourself.

Yes. Yes, I did. And while I stand by that assessment, you also had buyer’s remorse the next morning, as I recall.

Only because I still wasn’t sure about my feelings for Stefan. But now I’m sure. I can’t stand the sight of him.


[dramatic music] Still, I think we should exercise some caution.

Gabi, you’re in the middle of a very ugly divorce. If we continue these torrid little hookups, Stefan could use that against you.

How? He cheated on me first. Besides, one more night of adultery with you, it won’t make any difference.

It might.

I’m willing to risk it.

[grunts] I’m that irresistible, am I?


[sighs] Or are you doubling down just for the hell of it?

Stefan broke my heart. I want to punish him as much as humanly possible.

Gabi, you already have.

At this point, I’m starting to think that the only person you’re intent on punishing is yourself.

What’s so urgent? Did something happen with EJ? He didn’t keel over or anything, did he?

I wish.

What was that? – No, he’s fine. He’s fine, at least as far as his health is concerned. But his role as–as DA, that’s–that’s a whole different matter.

What–what are you talking about?

I have some information, some important information that I– I think you have the right to know, since you’re his boss.

Some information? Well, I’m guessing this isn’t good news for EJ.

Oh, it’s not. And as much as I hate to rat out my own brother…

I’m afraid it has to be done.

So what’s the problem?

Has to do with you living here.

Oh, let me guess. Kayla asked you to kick me out again.

No, Kayla has nothing to do with this, and I’m not asking you to move out, at least not yet.

Not yet?

Ava, you are behind in your rent– by a lot.

[light music]

If what you’re saying about EJ is true, this is very troubling indeed.

Oh, it’s–it’s– it’s the truth, sadly. And I had to do my civic duty and report it, even at my brother’s expense.

Mm, mm-hmm.

[sighs] Yeah, well, something tells me that you aren’t very sad about it at all, are you?

[dramatic music]

I don’t know what you mean.


Look, Mayor Price, all I did was pass along some information. What you choose to do with said information, that’s on you. Have a nice day.

– I came here for a little fun. Last thing I need is to be psychoanalyzed.


[clears throat] I got a little taste of that myself yesterday, from Johnny, actually. When he found out that you and I slept together, he–he warned me that I was potentially destroying my family out of misplaced rage towards Eric and Nicole.

[sighs] He also pointed out that since I was the one who had blown up my marriage, my rage and anger was doubly misplaced.


Sounds like he was being preachy as hell.

Mm. Yes, but he had a point.

[clears throat] I just received my divorce decree from Nicole. So honestly, I’m not exactly in the right frame of mind to be engaging in sexual warfare, though tempting it may be.

[scoffs] Wait a minute. You’re– are you seriously turning me down?

Don’t be offended, Gabi. I suspect that deep down, this isn’t what you really want either.

Hey, aren’t you supposed to be some smarty-pants lawyer or something? What did you think I meant yesterday when I was waving my knife around and I said there’s only one way to make Gabi pay for what she did, that I was going to give her a bad haircut?

No, of course not. I guess I hoped you had changed your mind. I mean, after all, Li said that he didn’t want you to kill any more people.

Well, I told you yesterday, his way is not working. I mean, Gabi is living her best life right now, and that’s not acceptable. Is it, Li?

Well, maybe you could–

Melinda! That is so rude of you. Li was in the middle of saying something very important, and you interrupted him.

Did I? I’m so sorry, Li. I–I did not hear you.

[tense music]

I don’t know how you put up with her. I mean, she’s so rude. Oh, you naughty boy. I can’t believe you’re saying that. I mean, she’s sitting right there. She can hear you.

Oh, don’t mind him. He’s in a wicked mood today.

That’s all right. I–I know he’s just joking.

But hey, Li, why don’t you stop joking for a minute and remind Connie that you don’t want her to hurt anyone else?

Melinda, don’t you dare try to turn him against me, or I swear–

What’s that, darling? Yeah, I–I know, and I don’t want to kill anyone else. But–but with Gabi out of the way, I’ll have time to focus all my energy on you and–and us and–and making you happy. Isn’t that what you want?

He says yes, that’s what he wants.

Are you sure? I could have sworn I heard him say, don’t kill Gabi.

Well, you need to get your hearing checked, because he told me I should do whatever it takes for us to have our happily ever after! Right, Li?

[chuckles] And that’s bad news for Gabi.

And for you too.

Wait. Are you saying that you think a woman attacked you, that it wasn’t Bobby?

I’m not % sure, of course, but… I am pretty sure that it sounded like a woman’s voice. Do you think that’s possible? I mean, you told me that Bobby confessed in a letter.

Yeah, a suicide note. But that suicide note, it just– it never sat right with me. I don’t know, I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was just something that wasn’t right. It just didn’t sound like him.

All right, so maybe this woman stabbed me and then framed Bobby for it, right? Thing is, who would do such a thing?

Maybe it was… Connie Vininski.

[light music]

Roman, I am so sorry. I knew I was behind on my rent. I just–I didn’t realize how far behind.

Yeah, I was trying to give you some leeway. I knew you’d lost your job at DiMera, and, you know, I didn’t want to nag you about it. But I can’t let this go on forever.

No, of course not. Of course not. And listen, I–I am gonna pay you back as soon as I find some work. Look, I’m out there every single day looking. It’s just that, I don’t know, work’s hard to come by right now.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I know you’re in a bind. I actually have a solution, although I’m not sure you’re gonna like it.

[footsteps tapping]

Excuse me, but I believe you’re sitting on what was my side of the room.

Gabi, the tape’s gone. So can we cut the whole “your side, my side” crap?

No, we can’t. Move.

You know, I read that your brother woke up. That’s great news.

It is, yes. I was at the hospital most of the night, right by his side.




Is that why you’re so tired?

[sighs] It’s one reason. The other is that, well… EJ and I just had another amazing sex marathon. He totally wore me out.

Is that so?

Mm-hmm. I don’t know why I wasted so much time hating him. He’s clearly the superior DiMera brother…


In so many ways. Especially between the sheets.

You know, Gabi, don’t you think it’s painfully obvious you’re trying to get under my skin?

[dramatic music]

Well… while I do enjoy doing that…

You know, it’s not the reason that EJ and I went for it a second time. It was actually because… the first time was… wow, kind of amazing. Hmm. Plus, this isn’t just about me and you. Your brother really enjoyed sticking it to you too.

Mm. And I’m going to enjoy sticking it to him.

What does that mean?

It means little brother’s gonna get a taste of his own medicine.

Madam Mayor, good morning. What can I do for you?

Oh, I’ll tell you what you can do for me and every stand-up citizen in this fine town. You can pack up your office and get the hell out. You’re fired.

[tense music]

Who is Connie Vininski? Well, the name sounds familiar, but–

She’s Gabi’s assistant. I’m not sure if you ever met her, but apparently, she’s a big fan of your sister and of Gabi Chic.

Oh, wait, yes. No, I–I have met her. I remember now.


Mrs. DiMera?


I just wanted you to know how happy I was to hear you were exonerated.

I’m sorry. Do I know you?

No, but I knew Li Shin– quite well, actually. And I know he wouldn’t be able to rest in peace while someone was being wrongfully punished for his murder. So thank goodness you got justice and that his true killer was revealed.

Thank you. That means a lot.

Hmm. That was nice.

Seemed a little strange to me.

Maybe a little.

So Connie knew Li?

That’s what she said.

So what do you think? I mean, since you remember her, do you think it was her voice that you heard?

Honestly, I’m not sure. It’s– Why are you suspicious of her?

Because she said some things that don’t add up. Like, yesterday Stephanie told me that Leo Stark saw her coming out of Everett’s hotel room at the Salem Inn one day, right?


And when Leo asked Connie how she knew Everett, she told him that they go way back. But that’s weird, because Stephanie and I, neither of us have ever heard of her name. Everett’s never mentioned her name to us.


Yeah. And then when Stephanie invited her to Everett’s funeral, she told Stephanie that she’d never met him.

Huh. So clearly, one of those times, she was lying.

Yeah. And we can assume that she had some type of connection to Everett, or maybe she knew him as Bobby. Anyway, she had some connection to him that she wants to cover up.

Yeah, like maybe she stabbed me and was framing Bobby for it.

It’s a possibility.

OK. Listen, I see where you’re going here. The only problem is, Bobby, he obviously had a motive for wanting to get rid of me, right? Because he wanted to be with you. This Connie woman, why would she want me dead?

Wait. Wait a minute. Connie, I–I–I don’t want you to take offense to this, but I think you’re confused. I mean, Li would never approve of you hurting me. Right, Li?

[as Li] Right, Melinda.

Nice try, Melinda, but don’t quit your day job. You’re a terrible mimic. And I spoke to Li, and as much as he’d like to spare your life, he understands that you know too much. So I’m sorry, it’s time for you to go.

No! Wait, wait, wait. Connie, Connie. But–but I haven’t even had a chance to eat that nice breakfast that you made for me.

Well, maybe it’s for the best. Li says you’ve really been packing on the pounds.

Oh, you lousy bastard. How dare you?

Melinda, don’t get upset. Weight doesn’t matter in the afterlife. And I promise, I’ll make this as quick and painless as possible.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.


[tense music]

You’re offering me my old job back?

Yeah, look, I know being a server here at the pub is not near as glamorous as being a DiMera executive, but, you know– you know, till– till you find something else.

Aw. That is so kind of you, Roman. But, you know, I was talking to a server here last week, and she told me you are cutting shifts. Something about closing the pub a couple days of the week to have a TV show shoot here?

Well, that is true, yeah. Kate’s gonna use the pub as a location for “Body & Soul.”

Oh. So you actually don’t need to hire anyone, do you?

Not really.


But if I’m gonna see my rent money ever, I can find you ample work.


And besides, kind of like having you around.

Well… even after everything I’ve done to your family?

I meant what I said the other day. We all make mistakes. People do deserve to be forgiven, Ava. And that includes you.

[light music]

You’re firing me?

Hell yes, I’m firing you. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, you’ll be lucky if your evil-hearted self doesn’t end up in prison.

For what?

[scoffs] Like you can’t figure it out? For helping Sloan Petersen kidnap Nicole’s baby!

Are you insane? I did no such thing.

Well, maybe it’s more accurate to say you’re an accessory after the fact.

That isn’t true either.

Oh? Oh, you deny finding out about Sloan Petersen’s kidnapping plot and keeping quiet about it?

Of course I deny it! These accusations are all baseless. Besides which, they all came to light at my press conference, which was months ago. Whatever public furor there was has completely died down by now, and rightfully so, because there was no evidence. Why are you harping on this now?

Well, because this morning, I got a phone call from a concerned citizen.

[laughs] Oh, let me guess. It was from my ex-wife Nicole or perhaps her pathetic lover, Eric.

Nope, neither. It was from your brother Stefan.

[dramatic music]


All right, let’s hear it. What did you do to EJ?

Let’s just say that… I give as good as I get.

As your longtime lover, I’m not sure I agree with that statement.

Hmm. You know, I’m getting the distinct feeling that you do not have any desire to save this marriage.

That’s ’cause I don’t want to.

Mm. You know, I can remember a time not too long ago where I would not have been able to imagine you throwing away what we have because I made one mistake.

A huge freaking mistake.

Yes, a huge freaking mistake. I own that. I admit that. And if you had made that same huge freaking mistake, I’d be mad as hell. But that doesn’t mean that I would not fight for you till the bitter end.

[sighs] Which makes me realize that…

You don’t love me the way I love you. And maybe you’re right. Maybe this marriage isn’t worth saving.

I–I have no idea why this Connie Vininski woman would want to kill you. I mean, although I did hear that the woman is bad news.

How so? What’d you find out about her?

Well, after I talked to Stephanie about Connie, I ran into Ava.

Who worked with Connie, right?

Yeah, and Ava told me that that woman fabricated her entire résumé…


Lied about everything.


[sighs] Yeah, and then when it all came out, Melinda Trask went to Connie’s apartment to fire her. But apparently, Melinda never showed up. Yeah, Ava told me that she left town.

Wait. Has anyone seen Melinda since she went to fire Connie?

No. But I went to Connie’s apartment to question her about everything, and when I got there, the door was unlocked. So I went in, but nobody was inside. And I was gonna explore further, but then I got the call about you waking up, so I left.

So Connie could have possibly done something to Melinda to keep from getting fired.

It’s possible.

Does Gabi know that her assistant lied about her résumé?

I’m not sure. But Connie is still Gabi’s assistant, so probably not.

OK. So let’s recap.


Connie is a fraud. She may have done something to Melinda to keep from getting fired. And Connie has some crazy connection with Everett. I mean, how does this all tie together?


Li Shin.

What about him?

Li Shin. OK, look, Li Shin was both involved with Melinda and Gabi, right? And Connie, you said that you remember her saying that she knew Li. And she’s living in his old apartment, where he was stabbed.

Yeah, OK, but that–

And remember– remember Bobby said that he knew who killed Li? And after Bobby died, we just assumed that he was lying. But what if it was Connie? What if he knew it was Connie who killed Li?

And then she stabbed me, framed Bobby for it just to throw suspicion off herself.

Yeah. And then she killed Bobby and made it look like a suicide. Oh, my God. That would explain why he tried calling before he died.

I need to get in touch with Gabi.

OK, while you do that, I need to bring in Vininski for questioning.

All right, don’t go there without backup. You don’t know what you’re gonna be walking into.

[both shouting and grunting]

[suspenseful music]




Close, but no cigar.


What can I get you?

[upbeat music]

Ava. Didn’t realize you were working here again.

Yeah, well, I wasn’t until about… five minutes ago. Desperate times, desperate measures.

[sighs] I’m sorry.

What for? It’s not your fault.

But it kind of is. You’d still have a job at DiMera if my wife wasn’t hell-bent on revenge.

I slept with her husband. And, you know, if I were in Gabi’s shoes, I probably would have done much worse. So I’ll take my licks for now.

Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to.

You know what? I think I’m gonna help you out. Why don’t you ditch that apron and come work with me over at the Bistro?

Stefan says you admitted your guilt to him months ago. He told Gabi all about it. Then she used the information to expose you at that press conference. Stefan said he was supposed to confirm the whole story with Rafe long time ago, but Rafe was attacked, so he never got the chance.

Of course my brother is the one who’s leading the charge on all this.

Oh, and he says now he’s ready to fully cooperate, which means testifying against you… which means I’ve got to fire you pronto to get ahead of the scandal.

Damn him.

Oh, yeah. Well, whew. I don’t know what you did to piss the guy off, but it must have been really damn rotten.

You can say that.

[clears throat]

[dramatic music]


Ms. Vininski, it’s Commissioner Hunter. I’d like to ask you a few questions. Last time I was here, I just had to apply a little pressure, and–

[suspenseful music]

Ms. Vininski, are you home?

Is that blood?

Yeah, it is. Put in a call to CSU.

[sighs] Oh, my God. Whose blood is this?


Gabi. Ms. DiMera.

[phone beeps] Hmm, sorry, Commish. I can’t have any interruptions.

Connie. What are you doing here?

Oh, well, I called the office, and they said you hadn’t come in yet, so I thought I’d drop by and see if you needed anything.

And I so appreciate that. You’re the best assistant ever, Connie.


Ah, my phone. I’ve been looking for it.

Mm. So how’s your brother?

He’s great. Thanks for asking.

Does he remember much about that horrible guy that attacked him, Bobby, or Everett Lynch?

No, he doesn’t remember anything about being stabbed.

That’s good. Now I won’t have to worry about him pointing the finger at me.

You slept with your brother’s wife?

[dramatic music] Wow, you are really one class act.

Actually, it was my brother’s utter lack of class that led to my involvement with his wife. But let’s not get into that.

Yeah, yeah. Let’s not.

And as far as his accusations against me, it’s his word against mine, isn’t it, since Sloan Petersen is long gone and no one else besides my brother has stepped forward? So it’s all hearsay, motivated by vengeance, meaning that if you do fire me, Paulina, you’ll only end up looking foolish when this case falls apart in court.

[breathes deeply] Which is why I have to make sure that that does not happen.


By replacing you with a brilliant DA.

Well, if you are considering Melinda Trask for the position, rumor is, she’s long gone.

Come on. I’ll even put you on the fast track back to manager.

[laughing] Oh, yeah?


Oh, all right. Well, do I have to hide drugs in the tomato sauce this time?

We are a completely legit operation now.

What about Gabi, hmm? You told me a while back, you would have given me a job, but you didn’t want to piss her off.

Yeah, that was before she slept with my brother.

Yeah, well, now the two of you are even.

Not so much. Definitely happened more than once, according to what she just told me. Which means that she has no interest in saving our marriage. So I might as well help out an old friend by offering her a job.

You sure you’re not just doing this to get under her skin?

I don’t care about Gabi’s feelings. And quite frankly, I don’t give a damn what happens to her now.

[upbeat music]

[tense music]

What? What are you talking about? Why would Rafe point the finger at you?

Oh. Did I forget to mention? I’m the one who stabbed your brother.

Come on, Gabi. Call me back.

Hey, Hernandez. About time you woke up.

Hey, Roman.

Although you don’t seem too happy about it. Something wrong?

No, it–sorry. It’s great to see you. It’s just, I’m worried about Gabi. Jada and I think her new assistant might be dangerous.

[suspenseful music]

Oh, my God.

You stabbed Rafe?

And you’re next.

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Days Transcript Monday, September 16, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[relaxed music]

Something wrong with your burger?

It’s fine.

You’re not hungry?

I don’t know.

You don’t know if you’re hungry or not?


I am sitting right here with you, but you are a million miles away.

[sighs] I’m sorry, babe. I just can’t stop thinking about my visit with our not-so-deceased niece.

Uncle Steve is not going to be as easy to fool as Abigail’s other relatives. No. Mark, I’m telling you. OK, the dude wouldn’t stop grilling me about what he said his daughter overheard me say to you.

[suspenseful music] I– I tried the amnesia card. It was abundantly clear that Uncle Steve thought I was lying to him. What if he figures out that his precious little niece isn’t back from the dead after all? I–


I’m freaking out.

Oh, good, you’re back. So you’ve been sitting here all alone?

No. Eric actually stopped by.


He came to see Holly, but we had a really nice little chat. Where’s Victoria?

She’s asleep.


[clears throat] So don’t keep me in suspense. How was your session with Marlena?

[tense music]

It was kind of a bust. Yeah. I kept trying to see Brady behind the wheel, but even with hypnosis, I just couldn’t see his face.


Think of your wife and your daughter. They need you.

I’ll just get a good lawyer. Isn’t that what you did, Brady?

Fiona, just go.

Xander, stop! Stop! I have a confession to make.

Confession? What could you possibly confess that would stop me from beating the living daylights out of this son of a bitch?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Listen, I know how strange it is to be around Abigail right now, especially in the beginning because she looks so different. You have to keep reminding yourself that it’s really her.

Strange is one word for it.

What exactly happened during your visit with her?

I just wanted to know why she told Stephanie that she was talking to you on the phone when she obviously wasn’t.

Please tell me you did not grill her.

I just asked her a few questions.

And what did she say?

She said she was talking to some other doctor about her treatment plan who she confused with you.

Well, that’s plausible, isn’t it? I mean, she does have a lot of specialists right now. She could get the doctors mixed up.

I suppose so.

I know that look. You don’t believe her, do you?

[relaxed music]

Hi. Chad, I didn’t hear you come in.

Yeah. Well, you know.

[feet tapping] I’m light on my feet, so they say. Uh, who were you talking to?

Oh, I was ordering delivery, sushi. Well, failing miserably at ordering just sushi for delivery. That’s what I was doing.

Yeah, well, I heard you say you were freaking out.

Oh, yeah, because I forgot the address here, and then I realized that I didn’t have a credit card, and then I remembered the estate manager–


Harold, thank you. Harold said there were restaurants that have a running DiMera family tab, and I forgot the pin code. And so I was just–

You were freaking out.

Freaking out.

Got it.


Oh, I can text Harold, and he can order you something. He knows what you like.

Yeah. Thank you. Please. Um, hi. Hello. Why are you stopping by? What’s up?

Well, the kids went down early, so thought I’d come by and see how you were doing.

Oh. Well, that was thoughtful.

And I saw Stephanie, and she said the two of you had a nice visit.

Mm. Really?

[soft dramatic music]

You didn’t?

Well, I just assumed she would have told you that I lied to her.



Hi. Come on in.

I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the memorial that you held for Everett.

Oh. It’s totally fine. I know that you didn’t really know Everett.

Yeah, but still, Steph, I wanted to be there for you.

Well, you’re here now.

[tender music] You want to stay for a drink? I mean, unless you have some lines to memorize for “Body and Soul” or some pushups to do or something.

[chuckles] Pushups? No. A drink sounds great.

Marlena put me under, and she took me through the events of that night, but as hard as I tried to remember the details of the accident, I just couldn’t.

Xander must have been very disappointed though because I know how much he wants you to remember.

Yeah, especially because there’s no hard evidence against Brady.

So where is that husband of yours, anyway?

The office. I guess there’s some sort of work emergency.

[tense music]

I can’t let you do this.

Don’t worry, Mum. I’m not gonna kill him. I’m just going to do to him what he did to Sarah.

Xander, no!

You really should leave before this gets ugly, Mum.

Alexander, you don’t understand.

Don’t understand what?

Brady and I slept together.

Look, Steph didn’t think that you were necessarily lying about the phone call.

But she did mention it to you.

Yeah, she just said she was confused that you said you were talking to her mom when she talked to her mom, and she said that you weren’t.

I was the one that was confused. I mean, I mixed up Dr. Johnson with many other doctors that I have. But honestly, I feel like it should be illegal to have Dr. Johnson and Dr. Johansson working in the same hospital at the same time.

Yes, it should be.


They’re very similar.

Especially considering the fact that I have to refer to my phone half the time when I’m trying to remember my own name.

I know– listen, we’re trying to shove years of names into your– you know, into your brain. It’s normal that a few of them are gonna get jumbled.

So then you believe me?

Of course I believe you.

OK. Good. I’m glad. I’m not sure that Uncle Steve does.

[soft dramatic music]

Listen, I’m not trying to play bad cop here, but Abigail’s explanation about who she was talking to on the phone seemed a little thin.

Thin how?

Seemed like she was covering.

Code word for lying.

I didn’t say that. But just for argument’s sake, what possible reason could she have for lying about who she was talking to?

I don’t know.

And if she wasn’t talking to some other doctor, what was this plan that she was referring to?



Why don’t you just say it? You don’t believe that the woman you were talking to is Abigail.

[relaxed music]

How did Xander seem after the session?

He was upset for sure. I just was really in my own head, so I went to the ladies’ room to splash some water on my face, and when I came back, he was gone. Fiona drove me home.

Mm. She’s been such a help.

Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And hopefully she can help Xander get past his rage at Brady.

Yeah, I hope so too for both of you.


You don’t think it’s possible?

[soft dramatic music]

I think Xander is not gonna be at peace until Brady’s punished for what he did to me, and I really don’t think that anybody can say anything to change his mind.

Mom, why would you say something so vile?

Because it’s the truth. Don’t you remember? I told you that I was seeing someone.

The man’s underwear I found in your hotel room. Those were his?

Fiona, you don’t have to–

Shut your mouth!

Alexander, yes. They belonged to Brady. He spent the night.

No. No.

Alexander. Alexander. It really wasn’t–

I was actually happy for you that you’d found someone. I suggested that you invite him to our wedding. And all the while, my own mother was sleeping with my nephew?

[tense music] That’s it. I changed my mind. I am gonna kill you.

It wasn’t enough that you drove drunk and nearly killed my wife. You had to bed my mum.

It wasn’t like that, Xander.

We didn’t know about the family connection when we met.

Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing, didn’t you, Brady? What is this? I shot your mum, so you shagged mine?

No. Come on. I would never do that to a woman, let alone your mother.

Why should I believe one word that comes out of your drunken mouth?

He’s telling the truth, Xander. Brady and I were both in a bad way when we got together the first time.

First time? How many times were there?

What does it matter? We were two lost souls looking for a soft place to land. That’s all it was.

Wait a second. Were you both drunk when you hooked up?

[tense music]

Jada came with me to spread Everett’s ashes. It was really nice having her there, even if we were technically mourning two different people.

Hmm. Well, I hope that brought you some closure at least.

A little.


Steph, I’m really sorry. I know how much you cared about him.

[tender music]

When he first came back into my life, I was– I really thought that we were meant to be, that we finally had our second chance at happiness. If only I’d known what he was suffering from. I mean, everyone keeps telling me that there’s nothing I could have done to help him, but still it just breaks my heart that he was so tortured and that he ended up being so destructive to others and to himself.

Steph, I’m gonna tell you again, just like everybody else has told you, there was absolutely nothing you could have done to help him, especially because you– you said it yourself. You had no idea what he was suffering from.

I don’t mean to be glib, and maybe I shouldn’t even be saying this at all, but you are definitely going to find love again. You’re beautiful, you’re brilliant, and you’re successful. You are the whole package.

Any guy would be crazy not to want to be with you.

Thank you for saying that.

So Steve was here?

He stopped by earlier this morning.

Well– I mean, I’m sure he told you, you two were very close before you–

Before I died?



I’m surprised he didn’t come here sooner to see you with his own two eyes.

His own eye, you mean? Oh, my God, was that insensitive? I’m sorry.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That was–

Oh, I got a high five.

Yeah, you got a high five. That was good, and I’m sure Steve would have liked it. I’ve just never heard you make a joke like that before.

Yeah. It’s like I’m doing a lot of things that I didn’t use to do before, like not remembering which doctor is my actual own aunt.

Wow. I’m OK with this not being a straight line.

I hope so. Because I don’t feel like everyone is.

Well, I’m sorry that Steve upset you. I’m sure that’s not what he wanted.

Just treated me like I was a suspect.

Well, yeah. He’s a detective. You know, comes with the territory. But he loves you a lot. And I’m sure it was just like, you know, what happened with your mother, where it’s just they get overwhelmed, you know, because it feels too good to be true.

[soft dramatic music]

Um… is that how you feel?

I feel like this is the miracle that I prayed for every single night since you left me.

That’s how I feel.

[relaxed music]

OK. I’m not sure if I believe that she’s Abigail or not.


Here’s the thing. When I walked into the DiMera mansion, she was talking to Stefano’s portrait and saying something about her brother.


Well, that’s what she said when I asked her about it, but why would she be talking to her dead father-in-law about a brother she doesn’t even remember?

What was her explanation?

She didn’t really have one. That’s when I took the opportunity to tell her about a time when I believed I was someone else.

And how did she respond to that?

Well, she was kind of defensive. And she made a point of reminding me that she had passed that DNA test.

Well, the DNA test did confirm that she was Abigail.

Yeah. And as I keep pointing out, how many times have DNA tests in this town been tampered with?

And I told you that the only people who had their hands on that test were Dr. Greene and me.

OK, I get that. But can we talk about the new face? I mean, what’s up with that? Abigail was stabbed in the abdomen. Why in God’s name would she need reconstructive surgery on her face?

She was in an accident that she doesn’t remember.

I know. That’s what she says.


Listen, I know this is not what you or Chad or Jennifer or Jack want to hear, but I have a lot of questions.

That’s not unreasonable.

Good. Because I want you to run another DNA test, but this time, we keep it just between us.

I’m gonna just check in with Xander, make sure he’s–

Not now.

Why not?

Oh. I think you’ve had enough worrying tonight, sweetheart. I think you need to focus on your recovery and on that beautiful little girl upstairs.

But, Mom, I really hate that Xander’s having a hard time.

I do too, yes. But he’s a grown man. I mean, he’s a husband. He’s a father. I mean, he’s gonna have to learn to manage his emotions on his own. You– you have enough to deal with.

[soft dramatic music]

You’re right. At least Xander patched things up with his mom. Just in case we have to talk him off a ledge, be good to have Fiona as reinforcements.


Were you drinking, Mum? Did you fall off the wagon and land on this jackass?


No. I was drunk, OK? I was drinking when I met your mother. I was drowning my sorrows about Theresa, and she was having a rough night too.

It was just after you threw me out of your wedding. I was very hurt.

Oh, so you’re blaming me for this?

No. No, not at all. I just want to explain why I can’t let you hurt him.

Oh, good God. Please don’t tell me that you have feelings for Brady Black.

[tense music]

Wait. We should stop.


Mm. Because you’re in mourning.

[soft dramatic music] And I’m not completely over Theresa.

Steph, hey, I know. I just said that any guy would be crazy not to want to be with you. But I’ve also come to realize that there is nothing more valuable than a friend. And I really wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. And I hope you wouldn’t either.

You’re right. You’re right. You’re right. What was I thinking? Oh.

Trying to make the hurt go away. Who could blame you? Whew.



You. I was just thinking about how much you’ve changed since you first came to town.

The old Alex would have jumped right into bed with me without giving it a second thought.

[clears throat] Yeah, yeah, that’s definitely true. But the new and hopefully improved Alex has come to learn that there is nothing more valuable than a good friend.

Well, he has definitely improved.

You think so?




I’m trying.



I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. You wanna order takeout, watch a movie?

Sounds like a plan, pal.

I am not going to perform a medical test on Abigail so I can give my husband the results of it without her consent.

Why not?

Well, aside from my personal reasons, it’s a huge violation of her HIPAA rights.

Come on, Kayla.

No. That’s your argument? “Come on”?

Sweetness, listen.

No, no, no, no. Don’t you sweetness me, Steven Earl Johnson.

Uh-oh. Now I’m getting the middle name.

Yeah, yeah, deservedly so. Look, I understand that you are suspicious. It’s your job. It’s your nature. I certainly know better than to try to talk you out of anything. But you are just gonna have to find some other way to get the answers that you are looking for.

[relaxed music]


All I want is for you to feel comfortable and to feel how loved you are by so many people, including me.

[soft dramatic music] That means a lot to me.

What’s in your bag that you brought?


[chuckles] Uh, it’s our wedding album.


Yeah, I was going through Doug and Julie’s attic, and they keep a bunch of mementos up there, you know? So I was looking through, and there’s a bunch of our wedding stuff. So I thought maybe we could go through it together.


I mean, no pressure, right? It’s just thought maybe it could help bring back some memories, the good ones.

Yeah. No, yeah. I’d love to.

OK, cool.

Oh, here.


[clears throat]

Oh, Thomas and Charlotte were there?

Yeah, well, this was actually our third wedding.

Oh, we were married three times.


Yeah. We had our fair share of ups and downs. It’s either bad luck, bad timing, but we always found our way back to each other, kind of like now.

Small wedding, huh? The guests get tired of coming after the first two?

We decided we wanted it to be an intimate wedding, just the family. Julie did the ceremony. And then right after, we took off to Paris.

Paris? Wow. That sounds like an adventure.

Yeah, well, our whole life has been an adventure together.

You know, I… memorized our vows.

Memorized them?

Yeah. Yeah, memorized them. You wanna hear ’em?

Yes, I do. Yeah.

I was worried you would say that.


[clears throat] So I– this.


[tender music] You are so beautiful.

Every time I look at you, our children, our family, I see a future, a future that I almost lost.

I doubted you. You never doubted me.

Your love for me has always been unwavering, absolutely unwavering.

You know, someone asked me a long time ago what it is I thought you wanted– a house, job, things. Eventually, I realized that all you really wanted was me, just me.

You’ve always fought for your health and for us.

I will cherish you. I will protect you. I’m yours. And I’ll never doubt you again. Because it’s true. A love like ours really does only come once in a lifetime.

Chad, that’s the most profound, beautiful thing I–

no one’s ever said anything like that to me before– That I remember, I mean. Um… um…

Well, it’s true.

And we exchanged rings. And then Julie told me that I could kiss my bride.

[tender music]

[phone ringing]

I’m sorry.


[phone continues ringing]

Oh, it’s– hi, Julie. Is everything OK? Is she OK? OK. Yeah, I’m on my way.

Is everything all right?

It’s Charlotte. She had a nightmare. She’s upset, and she’s asking for me.

Oh, poor baby.

I should probably go.

Of course. Go take care of our little girl.

[soft dramatic music]




Thanks for bringing the photo album and sharing the vows. I– I was a lucky woman.

I was the lucky one. Still am.


[relaxed music]

OK. How did Chad and Jack discover that Abigail was alive in the first place?

Clyde told them.

That’s right. He blurted it out when Chad was about to kill him. And Poplar Bluff was his old stomping ground where Abigail was found, where Clyde Weston allegedly took her. So if anyone knows if our so-called niece is on the up and up, it’s him, right?

I don’t like where this conversation is heading. Nothing good ever comes from you being mixed up with Clyde Weston. And what makes you think he’s gonna tell you the truth anyway?

Because if he doesn’t, I’ll threaten to finish what Chad started.

I’m going to see how Cook is coming along with dinner. You wanna join me?

No. I’m OK. I’m gonna go check on Victoria.

You want some help?

Mom, I’m fine. I’m getting used to the stairlift, so–

OK. Do you know if Fiona is joining us tonight?

I don’t, no. She left shortly after she brought me home from the hospital, but maybe I should call her.

[dramatic music]

This isn’t about my feelings for Brady. Yes, I was fond of him at first, but when I found out what he’d done to our Sarah, I ended things immediately.

But did you know that he was a drunk?

I knew he was drinking, but it’s not like we were exchanging drunk-a-logs.

So two alcoholics just happened to hook up, and booze wasn’t involved?

Like I said, only on my part.

You’re lucky that my mother showed up when she did. Otherwise, you’d be a cripple right now.

Xander, I’m gonna say this to you one more time. I am so sorry for what happened to Sarah.

Shut up, Brady. There is nothing that you can say or do that will ever make things right between us. And I’m not gonna stop until I see you get what you deserve. Now pack up your crap, and get the hell out of my building. You’re fired.


Mmm. So the talking teddy bear smokes weed too?

Have you never experienced the majesty of “Ted”?

I guess not. I didn’t think it was up my alley.

Oh, my God. How about now?

And now I’m really glad I subscribed to Peacock.


[chuckles] This is some funny stuff.

Hmm. Well, thank God. Because if you didn’t approve of “Ted,” I’d probably have to disown you as a friend.


Truly. I mean, the guy’s a personal hero to me. He’s an icon. He’s a guru.

Oh. OK. That explains so much.





[soft dramatic music]

I needed this.

You needed a raunchy stoner teddy bear?

No, I meant–

I know what you meant. Me too.

You want to run another episode?

Let’s do it.




Um, what are you doing here all alone?

Well, Mom is checking on dinner, and Victoria is upstairs asleep. Why do you have a bat?

I saw Brady.

Xander! You didn’t hurt him, did you?

[sighs] I wanted to, and I came very, very close. But my mum showed up and stopped me.

What do you mean?

She stopped me by telling me that, um, she’s been sleeping with Brady.

Thank you. I suppose I owe you, possibly saving my life.

No, thank you for covering for me on my drinking.

Well, Xander’s lost so much already. I didn’t really want to be responsible for him losing his mother.

I appreciate that more than you know.

Fiona, you know, your son has every right to want to hurt me because of what I did to his wife.

Brady, I… I’d better be getting back.


I’m afraid this is goodbye. We really shouldn’t have anything to do with each other from now on.

I understand. Bye, Fiona.

Bye, Brady Black.

You know, I really hate you talking about murder so casually.

I said I was gonna threaten to finish Weston off. I didn’t say I was gonna go through with it.

But you didn’t say you weren’t either.

[relaxed music]

Listen, the ball will be in his court. He can either decide to do the right thing or not.

You know, there’s one little problem with your plan about getting Clyde Weston to tell the truth.

What’s that?

Well, the last I heard, he is in a maximum security prison with no access to visitors. Chad and Jack both tried to see him with no luck.

I heard.

So why do you think that you’ll be any different to get in to talk to him?

I’m sorry. Have we met?

[groans] Unfortunately.

Hey. Have a little faith, sweetness. Where there’s a will, there’s always a way.

[soft dramatic music]

[sighs] I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.

I don’t think I can do this anymore.


[phone beeps]

[ominous music]

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of September 9, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



It was daytime on Friday, but it was nighttime in this episode.

Sarah must be a heavy sleeper because she managed not to hear Fiona talking before she tried to smother her with a pillow.

Did the writers forget that Eric isn’t technically Tate’s uncle? We know they want us to believe that Eric and Brady are brothers and that’ fine. The problem is that they forget that Tate is related to Eric through Theresa too. He’s also his cousin.

Sarah heard Xander talking from the door but didn’t hear Fiona talking beside her. She also didn’t hear her grab the pillow and put it on her face.

Fiona’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Holly cried without any tears.


Why did Stephanie refer to herself by her first and last name when they were family once?

Why was Rafe lying on his back when Connie stabbed him in the back?

How is Melinda going to the bathroom while she’s tied to Connie’s bed?

Speaking of Melinda, she’s been tied up for days, but her makeup is still intact.

Marlena was Everett’s psychiatrist, but she didn’t show up at the ceremony.

A messenger had legal papers for EJ, but the envelope was open. Did the messenger get curious and decide to open the letter?


Jada knocked on the door a few times, but the door suddenly opened on its own.

Connie’s pocketbook looked empty. It was as flat as a palm when she took her knife out of her bag.

Paulina took a long time to get help when Rafe woke up. She also could have pushed his buzzer instead of leaving his room to look for Kayla.

Abby shouldn’t have talked to Stefano’s portrait out loud when she knew she could have been caught.


The bruises on Sarah’s face were cleared up.

Brady conveniently didn’t hear Fiona admit that she was the one who hit Sarah. She practically screamed the confession, but he didn’t hear what she said.

Kristen was clearly showing her tablet to the camera because she had it tilted to the side while she read it.


How come there was no one else in the office at Brady Black? It looked like Brady was the only one who worked there.

Marlena could be heard talking while Fiona was shown.

Brady didn’t want to risk both of Rachel’s parents being in jail, but he was okay with Tate’s parents going to jail.

Holly wasn’t helping Sarah, but she knew she was having trouble getting around in her wheelchair.


Melinda and Connie

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of September 9, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Xander (to Justin): Well, if it isn’t my traitorous cousin. Just so you know, I’m going to be at Brady’s arraignment.

Ava: Am I uh, consorting with a wanted fugitive?
Brady: Really not in the mood for that.
Ava: Sorry, not funny. I know. I’m sorry. Home? I thought you’d be in jail.
Brady: I should be. Apparently confessing to a crime isn’t enough to get you there.

Justin: Xander seemed pretty upset. I should probably sleep with one eye open tonight huh?
Maggie: Well, I’m sure he’ll calm down. Although it couldn’t hurt to start locking your door just in case.

Melinda (Connie had trouble cutting her food): You know I could help you with that.
Connie: Even on your best day, do you think I’m that stupid?

Johnny (to EJ): You slept with Gabi?! Were you trying to start World War 3?

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Days Opinions For The Week Of September 9, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


We may be in the minority, but we are having trouble believing Holly’s anger about what Eric did to Daniel. For those who are new to the show, Eric was driving drunk and killed Daniel. It’s understandable that Holly would be upset that she was lied to about her father’s death, but we don’t buy it. Her acting isn’t genuine at all. Holly didn’t know Daniel so it’s hard to believe that she cared that much. Before you get shocked by what you read, please continue reading. Holly knew Eric as a father figure and now she’s treating him like dirt. She was raised by her mother her entire life, but she treated her like dirt. Maybe we’re being heartless, but we don’t feel her pain at all. We lost our father (R.I.P Daddy) so we know how that feels, but we were raised by our dad. She never knew Daniel, so her bitterness doesn’t feel genuine. Instead of cheering her on, we were rolling our eyes at her. Holly was right to get upset with Eric for the lie. She didn’t seem torn about her feelings at all. Holly went from zero to sixty with nothing in between. She was willing to hate Eric instantly without saying that she loved him, and he hurt her. We don’t feel sorry for Eric because he’s not a saint, but it’s hard to sympathize with Holly.

Speaking of Holly, she didn’t care about Sarah at all until she found out that Brady was accused of hitting her while he was drinking. She didn’t say two words to Sarah after she helped her recover from her drug overdose, but now we’re supposed to believe that she cares so much about Sarah’s accident. We know that she only cared because she felt guilty for her role in the accident. She also wants to take her anger at Eric out on Brady. When did Holly because the moral police? If she and Tate weren’t sneaking around the accident might have been prevented. Fiona might have hit someone else that night because Sarah wouldn’t have been on the road that night to get the keys for the cabin. She wants to help EJ prosecute Brady for the hit-and-run accident. Holly was willing to forgive EJ for what happened even though he knew what Eric did to Daniel. She should be mad at everyone who kept the truth from her, but she was mad at Eric and Tate. We know the writers must give Holly and Tate something to do now that Theresa and Nicole were written out, but this was ridiculous. Holly targeting Tate’s father won’t help them be a couple.

Speaking of Tate and Holly’s relationship, let’s briefly talk about the slant the writers put on Sophia’s character. For some reason, the writers chose to make her the villain in the story. She was the one who liked Tate first when Holly had feelings for Johnny. For some reason, she looks like a schemer since plotted against Holly and Tate to cause trouble. Holly kept the truth from her that Tate didn’t want her, but she looks like she’s suffering because of her. We want to see what Sophia does to Holly and Tate since they went behind her back and hooked up.

Stefan might be getting his karma for what he did to Chad. He was upset that EJ slept with Gabi. Did he forget that he did the same thing to Chad? Stefan’s actions are supposed to be okay because he didn’t know about Abby’s DID, but he still had an affair with her. Fast forward and he’s upset that Gabi slept with EJ. We think he got what he deserved when EJ did the same thing to him. Gabi didn’t have to jump in bed with his brother, but he knows how that feels. For some reason, Johnny judged EJ for being with Gabi. He understood why Stefan slept together, but he thought it was wrong for him to be with Gabi.

Is anyone else ready to throw something at Brady whenever he’s shown? We know that we are. His family wants to help him, but he insists on being punished. He thinks that getting punished will make up for what he thinks he did to Sarah. Earlier in the week, he wanted Ava to keep the fact that she saw him with Fiona quiet. We don’t understand why he would do that when that would prove he could be innocent. He insisted that she didn’t tell anyone that she saw him with her. It didn’t make any sense because he didn’t remember hitting Sarah and that could explain it. He’s trying so hard to be a martyr in the story. We know that he’s innocent, but he doesn’t know. His family has to beg him not to plead guilty because he would lose his family. He knows he has people who want him around, but he refuses to listen to them.

Fiona should feel bad for what she did to Sarah and Brady. She just made up with Xander, and she’s going to ruin her relationship with him again. Fiona hit Sarah and didn’t say anything about it. She allowed was willing to smother Sarah to keep her from talking about what she did. If she cared about her son, she wouldn’t have tried to kill his wife twice. She also allowed Brady to take the fall for her crime. Fiona told Xander and Sarah not to pursue Brady because it’s not worth it. If you committed the crime, you wouldn’t want them to pursue it either.


Sarah and Fiona

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Transcript Friday, September 13, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[gentle music]

Uncle Eric?

Tate, hey.

What–are you here to give me a ride home?

Sorry, no. Actually, I was, uh– I’m hoping to find Holly.

Oh, uh… yeah, I don’t think that she’s gonna want to talk to you. She’s actually– she’s pretty upset.

Yeah, I know that, but–

Not just with you and her mom. She and I just got into this argument. She’s upset because she found out my dad was getting released from jail.

I see.

And then she just took off before last period. I have no idea where she went. All I know is that she couldn’t wait to get away from me.

I heard you let Brady Black go free.

[sighs] I’m sorry, Holly. I just didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute him.

What if I help you find some? [suspenseful music]

I appreciate the offer, Holly, but I’m not sure there’s anything you can do at this point.

What do you mean? Why not?

Well, because my unscrupulous sister Kristen, in a foolhardy act of aiding and abetting an alleged criminal, took it upon herself to dispose of the vehicle in question, thus making my case against Brady Black rather flimsy.

Wait. So that means you can’t try him without, like–

Forensic evidence.


No. So barring some miracle in which Sarah Horton remembers seeing the driver who hit her and can give credible witness testimony–

Tate’s dad’s just going to get away with this. Isn’t he?


What exactly did EJ say to you?

Uh, well, he told me in that imperious way of his that he connected the dots and he knows that I was the one to get rid of the car.

What? Wait, how did he figure that out?

He heard it from a cop. Look, I mean, they’ve gotta give those cops more stuff to do. I mean, like puzzles or knitting or something.

That cop.


No, I–he must have heard my father and me talking. I didn’t think anybody was listening.

Well, obviously not.

[sighs] Did EJ threaten you?

I mean, he wanted me to flip on you. I mean, he said that he would arrest me, uh, for evidence tampering if I didn’t admit that you confessed to me. But I’ll tell you something. I knew he was holding a bad hand, and so I called his bluff. And he let me go.

Kristen. This is not good. Just know that I don’t like it. This is not good. You need to go back to him and tell him the truth. * *

[exhales sharply] The idea that son of a bitch is walking free after what he did to my Sarah– this hypnosis better work. I’m telling you, it will work, damn it.

And what if it doesn’t? You know, Xander, for Sarah to have to relive that awful night in minute detail, maybe it’s better if she doesn’t remember.

Oh, but she will. Dr. Evans is the best. And once she unlocks Sarah’s memories from that night and Sarah finally tells the police that it was indeed a drunken Brady Black that hit her with his car and left her for dead, then, yeah, that lowlife scum is going down. – All right, Sarah. You’re doing fine. Release all the thoughts. When you’re completely ready, just let your eyes fall shut. [unsettling music] * * Good. I want you to imagine a large screen in front of you, like a movie theater screen. Tell me what you see.

I-I see myself… walking.

Good. Tell me where you’re walking.

Uh, to the parking lot. I’m alone. There’s no one around me.

Okay. Tell me what you hear.

I hear, um, a car screeching. It’s going too fast. It’s dark.

All right. You’re okay. You’re okay. Keep breathing. [tense music] * * I want you to look back at the car. Tell me what you see. Can you– can you see the driver? Can you see a person? Can you– can you see a face?

Yeah. Yes. I see someone. I do. [tense music swells] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * *

You–you can’t be serious, Brady.

I-I am. I am.

No, no, no. I am not gonna go back to EJ and tell him that you confessed to me. Because you know what? You didn’t. I don’t know any more information than what you already relayed to the police.

But we both know that EJ is nothing but persistent, right, especially when it comes to settling scores. He’s gonna railroad you just like he did my son. Quite honestly, Kristen, I don’t want to risk both of Rachel’s parents being in jail.

All right. Look, Brady. No, no, no, no. There is gonna be no risk to me at all. Look, what the cop said to EJ was hearsay, no more admissible in a court than high school cafeteria gossip. And I promise you– I promise you that he can’t touch either one of us.

Mm, Kris, you obviously haven’t heard the latest.

Okay, what is the latest?

As we speak…


Sarah is being put under hypnosis. And when she’s under, she’s gonna remember that it was me behind the wheel that mowed her down and paralyzed her, and then it will all be over anyway. And quite honestly, as far as I’m concerned, I’ll be relieved.

Holly, I am doing everything I can to make sure that Brady Black is held accountable for what he did to your aunt Sarah. And if, by any chance, you do happen to come across information that could lend support to that effort, then by all means, bring it in. I could take all the help I can get.

Okay. I’ll do whatever I can.

Thank you. Is there anything else I can help you with?

No. I know you’re busy. I should probably go.

Holly, wait. [soft mysterious music] * * I can’t help but wonder, where is this coming from? Why are you so determined to see Brady Black prosecuted?

Holly couldn’t wait to get away from you? Why? What happened?

I don’t know, because she hadn’t heard the news that EJ decided to drop the charges against my dad. And when she heard, she got really upset at me for standing by him. I don’t know. She’s really determined to make sure my dad pays for what he did to her aunt Sarah.

Sarah, you’re doing great. I want you to tell me exactly what you see. [ominous music]

The car. It’s–it’s gray. And it’s coming straight at me, and I-I have nowhere to go. The lights are so bright.

I understand. You’re all right. Can you see who’s driving the car? [tires screeching, clunk] Sarah? Is it Brady?

No. I don’t see Brady.

Xander, I just– I hope you won’t be too terribly disappointed if the hypnosis doesn’t work.

Mum, I don’t understand why you’re being so negative. I mean, Sarah already recalled a blurry image of the driver. And Dr. Evans was telling us that sometimes people, as a coping strategy, they’ll block out memories if they’re too painful, which makes sense since Brady and Sarah did used to be quite close.



Have you considered the possibility that perhaps the driver wasn’t Brady? * *

You are so determined to beat up on yourself over Sarah’s accident, but you–

I just want to atone for what I did, Kristen.

Atone? You can do that without going to prison, Brady.

Kristen, I don’t think a bunch of Our Fathers and–and Hail Marys are gonna work this time.

You know what? God forgives, Brady. He does. And I believe that with all my heart. And right now you have to think about Tate. His mother is already behind bars. And Rachel, she needs a father.


Yes, really.

Is that why you’ve made sure that I hardly ever see her? Is that why you fought so hard for full custody? [gentle music]

Actually, I–

Actually what?



I think we need to do something about that. * *

Where is this coming from? Isn’t it obvious? My Aunt Sarah, one of the strongest people I know, is now in a wheelchair. She can barely get in and out of bed. Meanwhile, Tate’s dad is facing literally zero consequences for ruining her life. I don’t know. Does that sound fair to you, EJ? Because it sure as hell doesn’t to me, especially after–

After what?

After what Eric got away with.

Holly, what are you talking about?

I know what happened. I know Eric drove drunk, and I know he killed my father.

I mean, I get it, why Holly’s so upset. That’s not even the right word. Livid is more like it. And it’s made worse because–

Because she found out I was the one who was driving the car that killed her father.

Uncle Eric, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that. I honestly thought she knew.

It’s not your fault, Tate. Even if Holly is acting out with you right now, it’s because she’s mad at Brady and me, not you. [suspenseful music]

Not so sure that’s true.

Wait. Mum, do you think it wasn’t? Of course it was Brady behind the wheel of the car. Let’s look at the facts. Mr. Recovering Alcoholic got wasted and then woke up in the driver’s seat of his own car, the car we know hit Sarah. And then, you know, if that car hadn’t magically disappeared like it was part of a David Copperfield show, he wouldn’t have gotten off on some legal technicality. Trust me, his days of freedom, they’re over.


What? What are you thinking now?

I just suppose I was hoping there might be a silver lining, you know, to Brady’s case being dropped– no long trial, no agonizing over what the outcome might be. I thought perhaps we could focus instead on something more positive like Victoria’s birthday, moving forward.

[sighs] I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to move forward until Brady Black is doing bench presses in a yard surrounded by barbed wire.

But are you sure that Sarah feels the same way? She and Brady are very dear friends from what I understand. And, Xander, he’s your nephew. He’s family.

I’m sorry, Mum. What are you suggesting? That just because Sarah and Brady used to be buddies and he’s my nephew that he should go free?

No, no. It’s not just that. It’s– [sighs] Xander, come on. I haven’t exactly led a life of virtue. And let’s be honest, neither have you. But we all deserve a second chance, don’t we? You gave me one. And I don’t take that for granted for one second. You let me back into your life, and I get to spend time with my precious granddaughter. For so long, I thought I would never see you again. I thought I was out of your life forever. And– I just can’t bear the thought of leaving it all behind.

Leaving it all behind? Mum, what are you talking about? Why would you? No. You’re welcome to stay in Salem as long as you want to. We want you to stay.

Do you really mean that?

Of course I do. I don’t know what we would have done without you these past few weeks. You’ve been a godsend, truly. Xander, there’s something I need to tell you.

Tell me, if you don’t see Brady, who do you see?

I can see someone. I can’t make out the face. There’s this glare.

All right. All right. Just hold that memory. We’re going to take it frame by frame. Be aware of your breathing. Sarah, look closely. Can you see the driver? [tense music]

Yes. Yes. I know who it is.

Mum. What is it?

I-I– I don’t quite know how to say this, but I–

Oh, one sec. Look who it is. You finish your session? And, um, did you remember? [tense music] * *

Holly, I am so sorry. I know how much you looked up to Eric, thought of him as a second father. To find out that he was the one responsible for your real father’s death–

I just can’t believe my mother lied to me about it my entire life, and I was stupid enough to believe her.

You were not stupid to believe her. You trusted her. And just so you know, I pleaded with your mother to tell you. I warned her that if you didn’t find out from her, you were going to find out some other way. And that would be much more damaging. But she wouldn’t listen to me. She was convinced that she was protecting you.

Yeah, right. We both know she was really just protecting Eric. [somber music] * *


Listen, I may not be the best person to be giving you advice right now, but give Holly some space, time to process, all right?


Just be there for her when she’s ready.


Listen, I need to go look for Holly. You’ll be all right?

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Hang in there. All right. Come here. I love you, man.

I love you too. [sighs]

Hey, stranger. Are you okay?

What are you saying? That you want to what?

Rachel, she misses you like crazy. And I have been doing my best to shield her from everything that’s going on. But she’s smart, Brady. She sees. She hears things. She understands. And I want her to know that her father is going to be in her life always.

Where’s this coming from? What is this all about? – Well, yes. You may be able to sell that motherly devotion spiel to the PTA, but I’m as skilled at spotting a bluff as you are.

Meaning what?

Meaning you’re obviously still in love with Brady.

[sighs] I can feel what’s going on, Brady. I mean, you’re giving up. You are giving up. And I know the one thing that you will fight for. You will fight for your daughter, Rachel. Now, I need you to promise me, promise me right now, that you are not– you’re not gonna give up. You’re not gonna give up on your future or hers. I need to hear you say it.

Okay. I won’t. I promise.


I was close. I was really close. And I felt certain that it’s someone I know behind the wheel, but I just– I can’t make out the face.

Okay, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t. At some point, we can try again. I’m sure Marlena would be willing to do that, right?

Can we just–can we not talk about it right now?

Sarah, are you all right?

I just– I want to go home. I’m gonna splash some water on my face first.

I can come with you.

No. No, I just– I need a moment.

[sighs] Xander, I’m so sorry.

Yeah, me too. Damn! [sighs] Oh, I’m so sorry. What was it you were trying to tell me?

Nothing important.

You sure?

Yeah, I’m sure.

[sighs] Oh, damn. Something’s come up at Titan. It’s actually kind of urgent. Could you do me a favor and take Sarah home?

Xander, can’t someone else attend to this urgent matter? I know we’ve had the party, but it’s still Victoria’s birthday.

Trust me. This is a matter only I can handle.

Tate, I just want to say I heard about your dad. I’m so sorry.

Thank you.

But I’m really glad to hear they let him go.

You are?

Yeah. I mean, obviously, it was a terrible accident. Poor Sarah Horton, right? But you’ve had such a difficult year already, what, with everything that’s happened with your mom. You don’t deserve to lose your dad too. But at least you have Holly for, you know, moral support.

If only. [tense music]

I’m sorry, Holly. I shouldn’t have spoken for your mother. It’s just– I’ve been thrown a little off balance today, having received my final divorce papers from your mother.

Oh. I didn’t know. I’m sorry.

As am I. But it was inevitable, I suppose. [chuckles] Anyway, it was not my intent to turn you against her.

Yeah, too late for that. And you didn’t have anything to do with it. You know, my mother used to say to me, sweetheart, you are the most important person in the world to me, and you always will be. And look what she did. She flew halfway across the world to go live with Eric and their lovechild. She just left me here, EJ. That’s her new life, her new family. I’m just an afterthought.

Holly, that isn’t true.

It is true. If it’s between me and Eric–actually, anyone and Eric, well, we both know who comes first, don’t we? [dramatic music]

Patient remembers seeing a flash of headlights, but became visibly upset when I pressed her for more details. [knock on door] Come in.

Hey, Marlena. Is this a bad time?

No, no. Come in. Come in. What can I do for you?

Well, Rachel’s school is having Grandparents’ Day on Monday. And I know it’s short notice, but she misses you and John and would love for the two of you to attend.

Well, this is unexpected, to say the least.

Oh, I’m sure it is. [chuckles] Allow me to explain. [clears throat] I told– well, I saw Brady earlier, and I told him that I want to revisit our custody arrangement.

Mm. What brought that about?

I realized that Brady could go to prison, possibly forever. And it made me rethink my decision about cutting Rachel’s father out of her life. [somber music]

Is that all it was?

Well, what else could it be?

You must be exhausted, darling.

I am.

You know, your mother said that Victoria is still sleeping. Why don’t you go upstairs and have a little lie down, and I can finish cleaning up down here?

Oh, no, it’s okay. The staff will do it.

No, no, no. Really, I like to feel useful. It was a wonderful party, wasn’t it?

It was.

You know, it’s inspiring, Sarah, the way you radiate positivity in the face of adversity.

That’s very sweet of you to say. You know what? I am gonna go have that lie down.


Thank you, Fiona, for everything.

You’re very welcome.

[exhales] Right. Where’s the bat? [tense music] Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Hello, Brady. I thought I’d let you know that Sarah finished her appointment with your stepmum.

How’d it go?

Well, she didn’t remember who was driving the car that mowed her down and left her for dead. So in theory, this would be your lucky day, except it isn’t.

Look, I know that you’re probably here to fire me. There’s no need. I just finished my letter of resignation.

Oh, no, Brady. That’s not why I’m here at all. * * I remember you telling me and Sarah earlier that you wish you were in that wheelchair instead of her. So I’ve come to make your wish come true. * *

I understand the way you’re feeling, Holly. But your mother, she loves you more than anything. She’s just–

Just what? Loving me from afar?

No, it… Listen, there’s been something that I’ve been wanting to get off my chest. [clicks tongue, sighs] What I did, lying about Jude’s paternity and the rest of it, it was indefensible. But I know that it affected you deeply, Holly, just as much as it did Eric and Nicole. And for that, I am terribly sorry.

Thank you for that. It did affect me, obviously. But I can see why you did it now.

You can?

Yeah, I can. I mean, you were head over heels in love with my mother. You supported her when you thought your baby had died. And when I was in a coma and you thought I might not make it, you sent me to that place in Italy to get treatment. To be honest, I don’t think I’d be here if it weren’t for you. You did so much for her and for me, and I’m really grateful for that. [gentle music]

That means so much to me, Holly. And just so you know, while legally you may not be my daughter, I’ll always care for you, Holly, always.

It’s funny. Eric said that same exact thing to me when he and my mom split up. I should have never believed him. But I do believe you.

I mean, fair enough. I get why Holly would be Team Sarah. She is her aunt. But she has to understand that your dad needs you right now and that you need her to be there for you.

Yeah, it’s slightly more complicated than that.

How so?

Well, it’s not just about my dad. It’s about her dad too.


Sarah, hi. Good to see you.

It’s good to see you too. What are you doing here?

Henderson, he let me in. I hope that’s okay. I was just coming here to see Holly.

Oh, I think she’s still at school.

I was just there. She’s not.

Is everything okay?

Not really. Holly’s upset with me and kind of why I need to talk to her.

Okay, well, I can tell her that you stopped by. I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you were in Paris.

I was. I was–well, I’m here to–

Oh, right. Yeah. You’re here to support your brother.

Yeah, my brother, who hurt you so badly because he was driving drunk like I did when I took Daniel’s life. I’m sorry. Sarah, I’m terribly sorry.

Well, the truth is Rachel’s getting older and developing a perspective on life that isn’t so black and white. And as you know, I have been allowing Rachel to spend more time with her father, and it has been going very, very well. And quite frankly, I’m just tired of being thought of as the bad guy.

Hmm. So this is all about Rachel. And your feelings for Brady are unchanged?

[exhales] You sound like my brother.

Which one?

Oh, the imperious one with the English accent.

Oh. And what does EJ say?

[scoffs] Well, he says that I’m softening my stance toward Brady because I’m still in love with him.

Hmm. And what do you think of that assessment? Is it accurate?

You can yell if you want to. It won’t do you any good. I sent your staff home for the day.

I deserve what’s coming, Xander.

Don’t you dare play the brave martyr with me, Brady. The love of my life might never walk again because of you. This bat, this was for the birthday party that we threw for my daughter, for the piñata, the party that Sarah could barely even sit through because she was in so much pain. And not the physical kind. I’m talking about mental pain from knowing that her life will never be the same again because of you. She may never be able to walk again, take our daughter to the playground, go down the slide with her, play in the sandbox because of you! This, this is for every tear that she wiped away when she thought no one was looking. This, this is for the brave, beautiful smile that she puts on for the world. I’m gonna use you as a human piñata, Brady, so you will know the pain that Sarah has to live with for the rest of her life!

No, stop! [tense music] * *

Actually, I was planning on coming to see you. How’re you doing?

I’m doing okay. Did you know that your mom hypnotized me?


Mm-hmm, to help me try to remember the details of the accident. But we were unsuccessful.

I’m sorry to hear that. I take it these are from Victoria’s birthday.

Yes. Yes, it is her birthday. Oh, my gosh, you should have seen her. Her whole little face was covered in icing. [laughs]

[chuckles] She’s so beautiful. Oh, I saw a bunch of photos that Maggie had posted.

Ah. She’s a sweetie.


[laughs] Look at us. We’ve both got our own happily ever afters, you know?


Xander and I have our sweet little Victoria. You and Nicole have your sweet little guy Jude.


There’s just so much to be grateful for.

Yes, there is. But, Sarah, I know what you’re going through. It’s got to be very hard.

It is, at times. But I’m adjusting. I really am. And you know, there really are so many blessings to be grateful for– my daughter, my husband.

And there’s also a lot of people who love you and that are there for you, including me. I hope you know that.

I do. I do.

Poor Holly. I mean, she worships the ground that guy Eric walks on, right? So that must have been horrible, finding out he’s not who she thought he was.

Yeah, but Eric’s not like this monster. He’s actually a really great person, and he made a terrible mistake, and he’s paid for it. Sophia, I-I know you and Holly pretty much hate each other, so I don’t–

No, no, I don’t hate her. We’re just not that close anymore. But we were BFFs for a long time, so am I not allowed to feel bad for her?

No, that’s fine.

And, Tate, my God, I can only imagine how much this is weighing on you. I mean, you and Holly on opposite sides of this? That totally sucks.

Yeah. Yeah, it hasn’t been easy.

I’m sure it hasn’t. And I just want you to know I’m always here for you.

And how much time did Eric spend in prison for killing my father? What, one, two years? Is that really all my dad’s life was worth?

Holly, sometimes the justice system–

Isn’t very just. Yeah, I get it. And now Tate’s dad’s probably going to get away with what he did to my Aunt Sarah.

Holly, I promise you, I’m not giving up. I am going to do my very best for Sarah.

Thank you.

Now in the meantime, you hang in there, okay?

I’ll try.

You’re a wonderful woman, Holly. And I am very, very proud of you. [gentle music] * *

[scoffs] What is that? Is that your shrinky way of insinuating that I’m not being sincere? Listen, my feelings for Brady have ranged from all-consuming love to frothing-at-the-mouth hatred and everything in between. And it’s no secret that I have never given up on us. And believe me, I have tried to get over him. But I have come to the realization that I don’t think I ever will.

Well, thank you for all that. Please tell Rachel that John and I would be happy to be there for Grandparents’ Day. I’ll be looking forward to it.

Well, I will tell her. Oh, hold on. Just for the record, Marlena, I do hate what Brady is going through right now, and I am sorry it took this long for–

For what?

Well, for him to perhaps finally realize that he and I are meant to be.

Mum, what are you doing here?

What do you think? I saw that look on your face at the hospital, and it gave me a bad feeling. I should have stopped you then. You can’t do this, Xander.

Why not? Why do you even care? You don’t know this man. He got behind the wheel of a car, drunk as a sailor, hit Sarah, and then just drove off. He’s not gonna get away with it!

Xander, this is not about him. This is about you. You’ll go to prison. You have a wife and a daughter, and they need you! [suspenseful music]

I’ll just get a good lawyer. Isn’t that what you did, Brady?

Fiona, just go.

No, Xander! Xander, I have a confession to make. * *

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Days Transcript Thursday, September 12, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft music] * *

Oh, hi. Honey, what a surprise. Come on in.

Your secretary said you were in between patients. Do you have a moment?

For you? Always. Have a seat.


Oh. What did you come to see me about?

It’s about Holly.

OK, what about Holly?

She knows I killed her father. [tense music] * * [phone ringing]

Hello, darling.

Hi. Is our little girl down for her nap?

She is indeed. That party really tired her out. Tired her dad out too.

And her mom as well. Baby, that party was perfect, wasn’t it? Mm. Our little girl’s first birthday.

Yeah. Let me get that.

Mmm. Oh, my gosh, that feels so nice.

Yeah? It’s not too rough?

Mm-mm. No, it’s perfect.

You are.


But I didn’t come up here just to check on you and give you a perfect shoulder massage.


I just wanted to remind you that we do have that appointment in a little while.

Right. Yeah, I know. The hypnosis.

Yeah. I hope you’re still up for it because now that that coward EJ is no longer pursuing the case, the only way to put Brady away is for you to remember that night and who was driving. [tense music] * *

You wouldn’t imagine that a few one-year-olds could cause such chaos, would you? Our granddaughter certainly had fun. Wish I could say the same for myself. It was impossible for me to enjoy that party, for obvious reasons. Please don’t look at me like that. It’s not as though I went through with it, smothering Sarah with a pillow. And anyway, if you’re so outraged, why don’t you tell me how I should stop everybody from finding out that I was behind the wheel that night, hmm? That Brady’s an innocent man? * *


Ah, Kristen.


Thank you for waiting.

Yes, and waiting and waiting.

Yes, well, the wheels of justice sometimes grind slowly.

Yeah, not that slowly. Well, it is a pity that your trumped-up charges against Brady didn’t stick.

Mm, it is indeed a pity that we had to let your former paramour go. But that’s actually why I’ve summoned you down here.

Hm. What, to give me the opportunity to gloat?

No, definitely not. And I doubt there’ll be much gloating when I tell you, since I couldn’t send Brady to prison, I think I’m gonna send you instead.

Hmm. * * [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * *

Now, I was under the impression that you actually had to commit a crime to be sent to prison. So unless you can disabuse me of said impression–

Oh, I can– I can do that easily.

Hmm. OK.

And I’ll start by expressing my extreme frustration over having not been able to charge Brady Black due to lack of evidence, namely his car, which has conveniently disappeared.

Hmm. I recall Brady saying that it was stolen.

Oh, is that how he put it?

Yeah, it sounds like you have a ring of car thieves on your hands. You ought to check it out.

Yeah. Maybe I should–


Especially since this so-called ring of thieves apparently couldn’t wait to get their hands on a damaged car with an incriminating license plate that happened to be a major piece of evidence in an ongoing investigation.

I really don’t have time for this, so just spit out whatever it is you have to say, hm? I mean, what is Brady’s car disappearing have to do with me?

Oh, I thought it was obvious, since you were the one who disappeared it. * *

Brady, your ears must have been burning. I was just telling your grandfather how you’re a free man.

Yeah, well, it wasn’t my choice to be free. Apparently, my cousin Justin argued to EJ that he had to drop the case because the car is missing. Therefore, the only evidence he has is my confession, which is pretty worthless considering I can’t remember a damn thing.

[sighs] I see. So what are you doing here?

[sighs] I’m here to see Sarah.

Brady, I don’t think that’s a very good idea.

Oh, Eric. I can’t even imagine how hard that was for you to tell Holly that you had caused her father’s accident. Not–

She– Mom, she didn’t hear it from me. I wasn’t the one who told her.

Oh, I thought you and Nicole had agreed you were going to let her know?

Yeah, we did. And I was on my way to tell her but… Tate, he broke it to her.


Just right before I arrived, Tate apparently broke the news to her. He thought she already knew.

Oh, my gosh. How–how–how did she take it?

She’s beyond upset. I should’ve– I should’ve told her, Mom. I should have told her a long time ago. She had every right to know.

Darling, don’t be so hard on yourself. You were trying to protect her.

Yeah? Well, Holly sure as hell doesn’t see it that way. And she is angry at Nicole and me and she has every right to be. [phone ringing] [beep]

Look, Mom, I have nothing to say to you, so you might as well stop calling me. [beep]

I can tell you were talking to your mom.

Yeah, she–she keeps calling and texting me. But it’s like, what’s she gonna say? “Gee, sorry I lied to you your entire life”? Like, how am I supposed to answer to that? Oh, it’s OK, no biggie. It’s just about my dad dying before I was born, all because the man that she loves and adores and worships drove drunk and killed him. [scoffs]

Holly, I understand this is, like, really, really hard for you and that you were shocked to learn the truth about your father and his death, especially finding out the way you did from me. But maybe if you give your mom a chance to explain–

What for? She’s just gonna go on and on about how she did this for my own good. Same lame excuses Eric came up with.

Wait, I’m sorry. You talked to my Uncle Eric?

Yeah, right after I saw you. And get this–he claimed that he was just about to fill me in himself.

[sighs] And you obviously don’t believe him.

Please. No. He had no choice but to act like he was about to come clean once he realized I knew the truth. But I knew it was just another one of his lies. And I sure as hell wasn’t buying it.

Oh, Eric, my heart is breaking for you. I know how much you love Holly and– and how it must– it must be upsetting you to see how upset she is right now. I also think that you and Nicole have to make a plan for how you’ll handle this going forward.

We haven’t, not yet. I know that Nicole, I know that she’s trying to reach Holly. But Holly won’t even– she won’t take her phone calls. She won’t even respond to her texts.

Well, what if– what if Nicole were here? What if they could see each other person to person?

Yeah, well, that was my first thought too. But, Jude, he’s had a head cold for the past few days. So, Nicole, she doesn’t want to put him on a plane.

Yeah, well, it’s– it’s a long flight from Paris. Darling, would you like me to talk to Holly?

I thought about that too. Her first question to you is, “how long have you known the truth?”

And I would have to tell her that I’ve known from the very beginning and then she would be upset with me as well.

Exactly. And her walls would go up.

I only wish you’d gotten to talk to her first, you know, tell her the truth. You have–you have such a way. You know, you’re just so caring and compassionate. You might have been able to tell her in a way that she would have been able to hear it better.

Yeah, well, I’d like to believe that. But I’m not so sure. It’s– Nicole and I, we were so naive. We deluded ourselves.

So you think that if you had waited to tell her until she had grown up, it might have been easier, that she wouldn’t have been so upset and angry at hearing the truth?

Yeah, yeah, that’s what I meant.

Well, maybe it was naive. But hindsight is /. There’s no sense trying to go back. You and Nicole have to find a way to go forward. You have to create a relationship. Look, you both love her so much. And you love each other. And when there is love and there’s a will, there is always a way.

Wow, what an active imagination you have, EJ, truly, truly, to think that I can make Brady’s car go poof and disappear.

[chuckles] Was my active imagination at work when an officer on duty told me that he overheard Brady talking about how you made his car, poof, just disappear?

Yeah, well, either the cop is just stirring up trouble, or maybe Brady was drinking again.

Brady was at the PD at the time, where I’m quite sure they only serve coffee and water and the occasional prune juice, perhaps.

Ha, ha, ha. Hilarious. You know what? I got to be going. Busy day.

And to get more specific, this particular cop was on duty when Brady had a visit with John. Apparently, the walls are paper-thin at the PD. And said cop heard Brady tell his father that you got rid of his car to protect him from prosecution. So you see, dear sister, I have you, as we say in the legal trade, dead to rights. Pow.

Well, Victoria dropped right off. She is exhausted still from her party, obviously.

I’m sure she is. Maggie, would you mind keeping an ear open for her? I’m just going to take Sarah to her appointment.

Oh, of course. I’d be happy to.

I’ll have Henderson bring the car around, yeah?


Sure. Oh, wow, what a lovely celebration for our little angel. A year old now. Oh, my goodness. It’s gone by so fast.

Gosh, it sure did. I was so proud of how chill she was, too.


She clearly loved the attention. She was smiling at everyone.

Well, she’s an extrovert like her mom.


And such a sweetheart.

Like her nana.

Well, whatever, wherever she gets her traits, I love that child with all my heart.

Yeah, she’s a keeper, that one. [chuckles]

Sarah, that session that you have scheduled with Marlena, are you sure you’re up for it?

I am. Yeah, and Xander thinks that the sooner I do it, the better chance I have at remembering if it was Brady behind the wheel.

Sweetheart, you know Xander. He’s bound and determined that Brady pay for what he did to you. But how do you feel about it? I mean, do you want that as much as Xander does?


Why shouldn’t I see Sarah? I’m–I’m not gonna tell her that we were together the night of the accident, if that’s what you’re worried about.

I appreciate that.

I also am not going to say anything to Xander. I’ll keep you completely out of it.

Thank you. I assumed you would. Because, well, it would hurt Xander and Sarah even more. And that’s not what I mean. The accident is still fresh in Sarah’s mind. And she’s very fragile emotionally. I’m sure you can understand that she’s not ready to see you, Brady. It would be too triggering.

Fiona, what you don’t know is that Sarah and I had a good relationship before all this happened. She understands addiction because of her mom. Her mom is my sponsor, for God’s sake. I don’t expect her to be forgiving. I just want to tell her that I’m sorry.

To ease your guilty conscience?

You think I’m– I’m being selfish?

Yeah, I do, actually. Because like I said before, Sarah is in no way ready to see the person that put her in that wheelchair. And it’s not just Sarah I’m worried about. It’s Xander. He’s furious with you! And if he finds you here, he’s gonna tear you limb from limb. [tense music] * *

Darling, Holly is like a daughter to you. So you–you feel her pain as acutely as she does. I know you know that expression, “you can only be as happy as your least happy child?”

It’s so true.

Well, yeah. It is, and it isn’t. You know, I’ve raised a few children. And I’ve learned a few things along the way. And I’ve learned that you can’t be strong for your kids if you’re tangled up in all their sorrows. And you have to remember that you must not suffer along with them.

Mom, how can you not suffer along with them?

Because of what I’ve just said. You have to be strong. Look, you’re going to have failures along the way. You will feel in your heart that you have failed them. And there will be times when something you have done is what has actually caused the problem. But you just have to tell them that you did what you thought was best in the moment. Remind them that you love them and have compassion for them. And then, you just give it time.

Right, time. Compassion and love. * *

Holly will come back to you. She loves you. She’s part of your family. And she will be back.

Oh, my god. I just– I wish so much that I hadn’t told you about your dad and the accident, that my Uncle Eric caused it. Like, why couldn’t I have just kept my mouth shut?

Tate, Tate, Tate, hey, hey, hey. It’s OK. None of this is your fault. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. And like I keep saying, my mom and Eric, they should have just told me a long time ago.

I thought about calling to check in on you last night.

Really? Well, I thought about calling you too.

Then I got distracted. My dad came home and then it became about–

Wait. Your dad’s home? I thought his arraignment wasn’t until this morning.

It was and it just got canceled.

Canceled? Why?

Because EJ decided to let him go. He’s not pressing charges.

Brady behind bars, I mean, does it solve anything? Does it get me walking again? And what is it gonna do to you? You’re his sponsor. You care about him a lot.

I care about him, yes. But that shouldn’t be a consideration. I want you to do what’s best for you.

I do want to go through with the hypnosis.


But not for the same reasons that Xander wants me to do it, not to ID Brady for the police.

Well, then why?

Because ever since I had that memory, that blurry image, it’s just, it’s been nagging at me. I need the clarity. I need to know what happened that night.



I see you’ve met my mother.

Yes, I was just telling your cousin to leave. He’s not wanted here.

I’ll– I’ll go. I just wanted– I wanted to see Sarah and apologize, Xander.

Are you out of your mind? I’m not gonna let you anywhere near Sarah after what you did to her.

I told your mother. I just want to say that I’m sorry.

Well, you’re gonna be a lot sorrier soon, Brady. Sarah has an appointment with your stepmom. I’m taking her to the hospital right now.

She’s seeing Marlena?

She is. Dr. Evans is gonna hypnotize her so she can remember seeing your drunken mug behind the car that mowed her down and left her paralyzed! And as soon as that happens, my wife’s gonna get the justice that she deserves ’cause EJ will have no choice but to nail your sorry ass to the wall.

You enjoying yourself, EJ?

Ooh, what do you think?

Oh, I think you need to get yourself a hobby. Maybe pulling the wings off flies, something that you’re good at.


Because, honestly, you’re not very good at being a prosecutor.

Oh. I’m about to show you just how good and talented I am.


[clears throat]


You see, tampering with evidence is a serious charge, Kristen. So is obstructing an ongoing investigation. But perhaps you’re not too concerned about spending the next ten years behind bars. Understandable, since Statesville is practically your home away from home.

You’re such a bastard, EJ.

You can say goodbye to that cushy job at DiMera. I know! Everything you have worked so hard for just, poof, gone in an instant. Well, maybe everything you manipulated and schemed for. And then there’s Rachel, my adorable niece. Well, you can forget those mother-daughter tea parties you’re so fond of. You see, by the time you get out, you’ll be lucky to see her graduate from college. And all of this for a man who has thrown you to the curb, I don’t know, how many times? But good news, sister! I am willing to cut you an immunity deal. The terms are simple. All you have to do is throw Brady under the bus. * *

I’m sorry you’ve come home to all this chaos. But I know your brother appreciates it, especially since he’s home now too.

I’m relieved Brady’s not going to prison, even if he isn’t.

Yeah. Well, he would prefer to go to prison. He’d like to atone for what he’s done. He thinks that’s a punishment he needs.

I know the feeling.

I know you do.

I can think of many other ways that Brady can atone.

I’m sure he can too. And I’m sure we can help him with a few ideas.

I’ll do whatever I can. I’m sorry. I know you have work to do. I just– thank you, for listening, for being so wise to me. I just thank God for you.

As I do for you. Remember: patience and compassion. Holly will come around.

Yeah. All right.


All right, EJ, let’s assume, for argument’s sake, that I’d actually done what you are accusing me of, that I disappeared Brady’s car. How would that throw Brady under the bus?

Well, since I doubt you just decided to get rid of the car for the fun of it, I’m guessing that Brady cried on your shoulder, drunkenly, no doubt, and confessed to the whole terrible incident. So my aforementioned offer is clear. Testify against Brady in open court and I won’t charge you with any crimes. No “mummy and me” lunches with Rachel under the watchful eye of a prison guard. So… What do you say, hm?

Well, EJ. You can take your offer and you can shove it.


EJ’s just dropping the case? Why?

Because there isn’t any evidence against my dad.

Yeah, but your dad literally confessed.

Yeah, but apparently that isn’t enough. And since he can’t remember what actually happened, there’s no proof that he caused the accident.

Oh, my god. So your dad’s just going to get away with what he did to my Aunt Sarah? Is that what you’re saying?

Xander, I thought you were gonna go get the car?


He was just leaving.

I will, I will. I– Sarah, I just wanted– I just wanted to say that I was sorry, to both of you. I’m not expecting forgiveness, Sarah. I didn’t come here for that. I’m– I’m never gonna forgive myself anyway. It’s not an excuse, it’s just a reason, but I’m an alcoholic. I was depressed and very weak that night, and I–I relapsed. I’m very ashamed of that. But I’m even more ashamed of the fact that I– I drove drunk. Not that I remember getting behind the wheel, because I don’t– that’s how bad it was. I remember being at a bar and I was drinking but I– I woke up the next morning behind the wheel of my own car. The fact–the fact that I hurt you like this and that I must have left you lying on the road, Sarah, I– I’ll never have the words to even express the shame that I have. And I don’t want EJ to– to drop the case. I want to be punished. I need to be. Um, but apparently, my confession isn’t enough, as you know. Um… I wish I could– I wish I could go back and make up for the mistake. I wish I could trade places with you right now, Sarah, but I can’t and I’m sorry. And I just wanted to say that I was– I’m sorry. I’m gonna regret it for the rest of my life.

Holly, this isn’t my dad’s fault, I swear. I mean that he got off on those charges. I keep trying to tell you, he wanted to be held accountable.

Right, yeah. I’m sure he’s really broken up about not going to prison.

Yeah, he is, actually! Like, why do you think he confessed in the first place? It’s not his fault that EJ couldn’t use it.

Well, it sure as hell is his fault that my Aunt Sarah is paralyzed, that she’s now gonna be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, while– while your dad just gets to keep his freedom!

Holly, are you sure that this is just about my dad?

Who else would it be about?

I don’t know. I’m just thinking maybe that this is really about how mad you are at my Uncle Eric, and you’re just taking it out on my dad?

Don’t you dare tell me how I feel or who I’m mad at.

All right, that’s not what I’m trying to do. Honest. I’m just worried about you. [school bell ringing] Come on. That’s the bell. Last period.

Yeah, well, I’m not going to last period.

So you want me to shove my offer, even though, if you don’t take it, I’ll have no choice but to prosecute you?

Please. You may be the lawyer in this family, but I have been in and out of my share of courtrooms to know that what that cop said is hearsay. Maybe you skipped class that day they covered it in law school.



Is that a bet you feel safe in making?

Nice try, EJ. But we both know that if what the cops said was admissible, you would be using his statement against Brady in court and not me. So, are we done? Hmm? Uh, or do you have another bluff up your sleeve?

So you’re happy to let Brady get away with having paralyzed an innocent woman, having run her over and then just left her lying in the street like some roadkill?

All right, you know what? I am sorry for what happened to Sarah. But the one person that I care most about in this world is my daughter. And she will suffer if her father goes to prison.

[chuckles] Well, yes, you may be able to sell that motherly devotion spiel to the PTA, but I’m as skilled at spotting a bluff as you are.

Meaning what?

Meaning, you’re obviously still in love with Brady.

I– I just want to say, Brady, I appreciate you coming by and saying all that you did. And Lord knows I’m in no position to judge. I mean, if anyone can understand how insidious this disease can be, it’s me. But I am heartbroken as your sponsor that you didn’t come to me for help. And I know that there is no point in looking back. We all need to just move forward. And I have no doubt that you regret about what happened that night. It’s genuine and it’s heartfelt.

[sniffles] I should have called you that night, Maggie, when I relapsed. I’m–I’m ashamed that I didn’t do that. I really should have called you ’cause you’ve always been there for me. You’ve been supportive and kind and loving and everything. And I– I don’t expect you to say anything to me. You don’t have to. I just wanted to say that I was very, very sorry to you.

All right, that’s it. I let you have your say out of respect for Sarah and for Maggie, who I know would get angry at me if I didn’t let you grovel. But we have an appointment to get to, so. After Sarah remembers that night, you can do your groveling to the DA. Come on, darling.


Uncle Eric?

Tate, hey.

What are–are you here to give me a ride home?

Sorry, no. Actually, I was– I’m hoping to find Holly.

Oh. Uh, yeah, I don’t think that she’s gonna want to talk to you. She’s actually– she’s pretty upset.

Yeah, I know that.

And not just with you and her mom. She and I just got into this argument. She’s upset because she found out my dad was getting released from jail.

I see.

And then she just took off before last period. I have idea where she went.


EJ, hi. Your assistant said I could wait in here for you.

That’s OK. Everything OK?

No, everything’s not OK. I heard you let Brady Black go free.

I’m sorry, Holly. I just didn’t have the evidence to prosecute him.

What if I help you find some? [intriguing music] * * [soft knocking on door]

Kristen. What–what are you–

I just came to warn you. You know, just because you’re free doesn’t mean you don’t need to be careful. EJ is out for blood, and he’s out for yours. He is bound and determined to prove that you were the one driving the car.

So is Sarah in with Dr. Evans right now?

She is. With any luck, soon she’ll remember whose face she saw behind that wheel. * *

I have asked my assistant to make sure that we are not disturbed.

Thank you, Marlena. I imagine that you’re a little bit conflicted about this, since Brady’s your stepson.

No. If I were conflicted, I wouldn’t be doing this. My interest is in finding out the truth about what happened the night of the accident. OK. Ready to see what happened that night?

I’m ready. I need to know. I need to know who was behind that wheel. I need to know who hit me. * *

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Days Transcript Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[tense music]

[grunts] [speaking indistinctly] * *

Connie Viniski? Are you there? It’s Commissioner Hunter. Ms. Viniski, I need to speak with you about Everett Lynch.

Hey. Sorry I’m late. I, um… I got caught up talking to the kids’ teachers.

No, nothing to be sorry for. I know how hectic the first day of school can be.

Yeah, very hectic. So do you want to, uh– you wanna do it?

We already scattered the ashes.

You did? Everybody left already?

Alex and Leo couldn’t make it, and Xander’s busy with Sarah, obviously.

It was just you?

Well, Jada was here too, which was fitting, I suppose, for it to be us two, since– even though neither of us knew Everett the way that we thought we did, we knew him best.

Right, yeah.

Although Leo mentioned this woman, Connie Viniski, said that she was friends with Everett. But when I called to invite her to the memorial, she had no idea who he was. – I’m gonna take Stefan for all he’s worth. And I wouldn’t even mind keeping it up with EJ, you know? Hmm. I mean, that one night with him, it doesn’t have to be a one-off, does it?

Of course not. Why should it be?

Exactly. Either way, Connie, I am living the good life. All right. [eerie music]

Not for long, slut. [suspenseful music] * *

[sighs] Okay, so I have– oh, I’ve tried begging, pleading, cajoling. Oh. The only thing I haven’t tried is… [machine beeping steadily] Pulling rank. Oh. Okay. Okay, here goes. Wake up, Rafe Hernandez! Now that is an order. Do you hear me? This is your mayor speaking to you. And if you don’t respond, I just might have to give that acting commissioner a job for good! Oh. Oh. Oh. [gasps] Oh, my Lord. My–Rafe? [dreamlike music] * *


Oh, my God in heaven! I can’t believe that actually worked. Oh, you’re awake. You’re finally awake! [laughs] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * *

So this woman, Connie, she said she didn’t know Everett?

And she was emphatic about it. But who knows? With all the lies that Everett was keeping, maybe– maybe he didn’t give her his real name, or maybe Leo didn’t get his facts straight.

Well, wouldn’t be the first time. Still, I’m sorry that there wasn’t much of a turnout. I know this must have been an emotional day for you.

I’m sure it was for you too.

Yeah. [clears throat] You know, it wasn’t the first time Thomas and Charlotte have gone back to school uh, since Abby’s been gone. But today, seeing the kids with their parents, you know, it just– it was different, obviously. I really wish Abby could have been there.

I’m sure you did. I can’t imagine how much it’ll mean to sweet Charlotte and Thomas to have their mom back.

Yeah. Well, hopefully it’s just a matter of time before they do. [unsettling music]

Ugh! The way you look at me. You can’t stand me, I get it. I’m lying to your son… [sighs] About being his dead wife. [sighs] But, you know, just so you’re aware, Mr. Stefano DiMera… I don’t like it either, pretending to be someone I’m not. [sighs] * * I’m just doing what I have to do.

Rafe! Rafe. Can–can you hear me? It’s Paulina. Paulina Price. Oh. Oh, of course you can’t answer me with a tube down your throat. Oh, I’ll go and get Kayla. I’ll be right back. Now just stay awake. Stay awake. Okay? Oh. Good. Oh! [laughs] [exclaims] [foreboding music] * * [phone ringing]

[groans softly] Gabriella DiMera. What? No, don’t do anything. I’ll take care of it. [sighs] I need you to find Melinda Trask, now. * *

Ms. Viniski? Hello?

[muffled grunting]

Hello? Is anyone home? This is Commissioner Jada Hunter with the Salem PD. [tense music] * *


Ms. Viniski, are you in there?


You need me to find Melinda Trask? Why?

Oh, she took some notes from me a while back on the home spring line. Copious notes, actually. She never sent them to me. I should have just typed them up myself. It’s too late now.

Right, well, I’d be happy to tell Melinda that, but–

But what? What’s the problem, Connie?

I guess with your marriage imploding, you haven’t heard.

Heard what?

Ms. Trask took a leave of absence.

What? Why would she do that?

No idea. Maybe this job was too much for her. Guess she couldn’t hack the pressure. [ominous music] * *

Ms. Viniski? [suspenseful music] * * [cell phone rings] Hunter here.

Hi. Jada? Jada, it’s Paulina. I’m at the hospital.

Did something happen with Rafe?

Oh, it sure did! He’s awake! Jada, he’s awake!

I’ll be right there.


There you go. Okay, just breathe easy, okay? Some deep, slow breaths.


Your throat is gonna be sore for a few days. I’m gonna get the nurse to get you some ice chips. That’ll make it feel better.

Yeah. [breathing heavily]

I’m listening. Just take your time.

Thank you. Thank you.

You are so welcome. We are all so happy to have you back.

What… what happened? What happened?

So your meeting with Abby, how did it go?

Mm, pretty well. Um, she didn’t remember me, of course, but that didn’t stop me from telling her all about our relationship, how close we were. Reminded her of some of our childhood exploits.

Oh, I know you two got into more than your fair share of trouble.

Abigail told you that, huh?

Oh, yeah. When we first met, she, uh– she told me some stories. She didn’t give me all the details, so if you wanted to give me some of them nuggets, I’ll take ’em.

Oh, no. I’m taking my cousin’s secrets to the grave. [laughs]

I’m glad you had a good time.

We did, but, um–

But what?

Well, there was this one weird thing that happened.

And another thing, you, of all people, should understand the position that I’m in. I mean, I don’t know that much about you, but Chad did say that– that family meant everything to you. Just like it does to my brother and me. [sighs]


Oh. [gasps] [laughs] Hi.



I didn’t mean to startle you. I–uh, Harold let me in.

No, no, you’re fine. Um, I’m sorry. You are?

I’m Steve Johnson. I’m your uncle.

Oh. Well, um, nice to meet you.

It’s, uh, good to see you again. So, um, you’re talking to Stefano, huh? I couldn’t help but overhear when I walked in.

[laughs] Yeah. I talk to portraits.


I mean, I don’t make a habit of it– I don’t think. Um, it’s just, he seems to loom large over the family. So I don’t know. I thought I would introduce myself.

I get it. Yeah. He has a commanding presence, even from the afterlife.

Yeah, seems to be so.

But I heard you say something about, uh, family meaning everything to him and to you and your brother?

Yeah, my brother. Um, everyone told me that he and I were really close.

You’re talking about JJ, right?

Yeah, of course. Who else would I be talking about? [mysterious music] * *

So when I got there, Abigail was on the phone. She was talking to someone about making a plan. And when I asked her about it, she said that she was talking to my mom, that they were coming up with some sort of treatment plan.

Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Kayla was the first doctor that Abby saw when we brought her back from Missouri.

Right, so it made sense to me too, obviously. But when I brought it up to my mom later, she had no idea what I was talking about. She said that she and Abby had never had that conversation.

So your brother JJ is a great guy. And just so you know, that’s short for Jack Patrick Jr.

Oh, please, no. I’m having a hard enough time as it is remembering everybody by their first names.

Oh, I get it. I know. That’s not an easy task. You know, I have a dear friend, Abe Carver– someone you know too. And he had a similar situation. He lost his memory a while back, and he used flash cards to help him keep everyone straight.

Oh. Well, maybe I’ll try that.

It couldn’t hurt, right? Yeah. Anyway, it took a while, but he got his memory back.

[sighs] Wow.

So, listen, I’m Steve. Your Aunt Kayla is my wife. No last names required.

Phew. [chuckles] That’s a relief. Oh, and Aunt Kayla is my doctor, which–

She is. And I understand that you were introduced– or reintroduced to my daughter, Stephanie.

Yeah, she stopped by yesterday.

Mm, she said you had a nice visit.

It was. It was very nice. She told me all about my childhood. Sounded amazing. I just–I wish that I could remember it, but…

Well, you will, I’m sure. Eventually.

Yeah. Hopefully.

Stephanie also told me that you said you were working on a treatment plan with my wife.

I am. Yeah, we are. Aunt Kayla has been a huge help, so…

Well, I wouldn’t be surprised by that if…

If what?

If it was true. * *

Well, your heart and your lungs sound good, but we will get an MRI just to make sure, all right?


Kayla, Paulina just called me and said–


Oh, my God, Rafe. Oh, my God. You’re awake. You’re awake.


Rafe, thank God that you’ve come back to us. Oh! * *

Damn. If Melinda’s gone, then I guess I’ll never get to see those notes.

Aw. That’s too bad. And I just need to grab my own notepad. It’s on your desk.

Oh, okay. Your notepad. I don’t see it. [phone rings] Gabi DiMera.

Oh, hi, Gabi. This is Paulina Price.

I’m sorry, Paulina. This isn’t a good time.

Oh, it sure is a good time! [laughs] I’m here at the hospital, and, well, your brother, he– he just woke up!

What? Rafe’s awake?

Yes, yes. Um, not quite, you know, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Not yet, but he’s definitely on his way there. – Gracias a Dios. I’ll be right there. My brother’s awake. He’s awake. * *

It doesn’t make any sense. Why would Abby say she was talking to your mom if she wasn’t?

No idea.

But she definitely said that she was talking to your mom?

She referred to her as Dr. Johnson.

Right, but is it possible that there’s another Dr. Johnson?

Sure it is. It’s a common name. But when I said “Kayla” to Abigail, she didn’t correct me.

So she’s probably just confused about who she was talking to.

She seemed pretty sure about it, which is why when my mom said they didn’t talk… Chad, I hate to even think this, but–

Think what?

That Abigail is lying.

Your wife didn’t mention that we spoke?

No. And when Stephanie brought it up, Kayla said that the two of you hadn’t spoken at all yesterday.

Oh, well, maybe it was, um, a privacy thing. Doctor-patient confidentiality.

No, no, it wasn’t that. Kayla has no problem setting boundaries, professionally or otherwise. But for her to say emphatically that she had not spoken to you, I mean, it’s a little strange, isn’t it?

[chuckles] Yeah, it is. But it’s been a really confusing time, you know? So I–

Yeah, I know. Come on. The truth is, you didn’t talk to Kayla yesterday about a treatment plan or anything else, did you?

I’ve spoken to a lot of doctors recently. I–it’s possible that I mix things up. I mean, surely you can understand. Everyone is telling me that I’m this person, and I don’t remember any of her life. I see pictures of her, and she doesn’t look like me. And I see framed photos and memories everywhere. And I look at them, and I feel nothing at all. And it’s like– it feels like I’m a different person.

Well, I can definitely relate to that. Wasn’t so long ago that I thought I was that guy.

You’re serious?

Yeah, I’m dead serious. It’s a long story, but… I was % convinced that I was Stefano DiMera. I was a completely different person to myself and to everybody else. But of course, it wasn’t true. I wasn’t Stefano DiMera at all. * *

[crying, grunting] [tense music] * * [groans]

Why the long face? You’re not happy to see me? At least from you, I get a smile. Oh, remind me. I need to get the front door fixed. It’s sticking. I can lock it from the inside, but when I go to work, someone could just walk right in. And we can’t have that, can we?

[muffled speech]

What was that? No wonder I couldn’t understand a word you were saying. I had that on real tight, didn’t I?

I said, I thought you said you were going to work.

I was, but something came up before my mission was accomplished. Commissioner Hernandez is awake.

[smooches] You have no idea how many hours I’ve spent just sitting here in this chair, waiting for this moment. I just–I just wanted to look into your eyes, see that beautiful smile. [both laugh] And now it’s happening. Oh, I can’t believe it. [smooches]

Believe it. [tender music] [rushed footsteps] [door bangs]

Rafe. Oh, my God. It’s true. It’s really true.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God. * *

It is. I still don’t know– I still don’t know what happened to me.

You didn’t tell him?

Well, I’ve been a little preoccupied.


You were out for two months in a coma.

Oh, right.

Two very, very long months.

Someone tried to kill you. You’d been stabbed in the back.

It was in the cemetery. Don’t you remember? [tense music] * *

I was… on the phone.

With who?

With Paulina. Yes, Paulina. I’m at the gravesite now. We finished processing the scene. Hey, make sure you send someone down here to fill in this hole. [blade swishes] Ahh! Oh! [sighs] Yeah. I felt…pain.

I’m sure it was very painful. Rafe, but do you remember who was there? Do you remember who stabbed you? * *

Why would Abby lie about talking to your mom?

I have no idea.

Okay, so then it’s like we said. She must have been talking to another doctor. You know, with all the names and faces she’s had to get familiar with, it’s–you know, she probably just got confused.

That could be it.

Yeah, it has to be it. [sighs]

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because, I mean, if she wasn’t talking to another doctor, who else would she be making a plan with?

That must have been strange for you, believing you were this person that you weren’t.

Well, it was a hell of a lot more than strange for me and for everybody else.

You know, I– I had my doubts when Chad found me. But now I know I’m Abigail DiMera because of the DNA results.


Look, I don’t have Abigail’s face. I don’t have her memories. I understand why people have their doubts, including my mother.

Yeah, that must have hurt, getting that reaction from her, not accepting that you really were Abigail.

Yeah, it was upsetting.

Yeah. Well, you know, my brother, Jack, and his wife, Jennifer, lost their daughter. And they thought they’d buried her, grieved for her. Now, you can imagine how that would turn their lives upside down to suddenly hear that she’s alive. It takes a lot to believe the unbelievable. * *

Oh! I was just sharing the wonderful news with Abraham, who is thrilled, of course.

Oh, we all are.

Well, and so, um, well, how’s the patient? How is he?

Well, Rafe is doing remarkably well, all things considered. Jada and Gabi are in with him now.

Rafe, did you see the person who stabbed you?


What does it matter what Rafe saw? We already know who did it. It was Jada’s ex.


Apparently, he wanted you out the way so that he and I can get back together.

They arrested him?

Actually, he’s dead. He committed suicide.

Oh, my God. Well, I guess that’s it then, huh? The end.

Yeah, the end. * *


So Rafe Fernandez is awake?

Yeah, after all this time, I guess he decided to join the living.

[laughs] That must make you worried, no? I mean, a man that you almost stabbed to death is capable of speech. Seems like he might be a problem for you.

It could be if he knew I was the one who did it.

Yeah, an open grave can definitely be dangerous. Yeah.


Ahh! Oh!

Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries. But since Rafe didn’t see me, there’s nothing for him to remember.

If that were true, why do you seem so nervous? [dramatic music]

Well, I guess I should get going. I just wanted you to know that we’re all thinking about you.

[chuckles] I appreciate that.

Yeah. You really should give your Aunt Kayla a call. I’m sure she’d be happy to help you out with that treatment plan. I’ll see you soon. [soft tense music] * *

[sighs] I think Uncle Steve is going to be a little bit of a problem.

Well, I should get back to work. Thanks for coming today.

Of course. Sorry I didn’t make it in time for the memorial.

You got a lot going on with the kids and Abigail. I just appreciate you making the effort. Oh, and Abigail and I talked about seeing each other again sometime soon, maybe getting dinner.

Yeah. Yeah, let’s do that. I think the more comfortable she gets around everyone in her family, the sooner she’ll want to be a part of the kids’ lives.

It’ll happen, Chad.

I know it will.

[laughs] Lattes from Sweet Bits. You deserve better than that, you know, sludge over there.

Oh, thank you, Paulina.


Wonderful. My favorite.

Oh, you know, we really should be cracking the champagne and throwing a party, right, to celebrate the wonderful news.

Yes, we should. And we will make a point to do that.

Oh, yeah, I’m just so happy for Jada and Gabi and all of us who love Rafe. And, well, I’m assuming that he’ll be the same man as he was before.

Well, you know, all the preliminary tests show that he is a very lucky man, and there shouldn’t be any lasting effects from the coma.

Oh, more wonderful news.

Yeah, mind you, he doesn’t remember anything about the stabbing, but the rest of his memory seems to be intact.

No more?

My girlfriend feeding me makes me feel–

You better not say “emasculated.”


Well, you better get over it, okay? Because in the future, until you are %, I am going to be doing a lot for you. Okay? So I’m gonna need you to just grin and bear it, all right?

All right. [laughs] I got it. So is there a new commish?

Well, you are looking at her.


Yeah, it was just temporary. Just keeping your seat warm for you.

She’s been doing a great job.

I bet. So… [clears throat] What’s–what’s been going on?

What? Did you want us to tell you now? I mean, Rafe, you just got out of a coma.


All right. Well, since you’re not gonna back off, fine. There is a high-profile hit-and-run case that I think you should know about. Technically, it’s still open. – Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries.

Rafe, you okay?

Yeah. I’m fine.

I’m not nervous. I’m perturbed.


And why wouldn’t I be? Things have not gone as I hoped.

What things?

Well, if you must know, Gabi told me she went to bed with EJ, Stefan’s brother.

You’re kidding. They hate each other. [laughs]

Yeah, well, there’s a fine line between lust and hate.

Okay, but still, isn’t that exactly what you wanted? For Gabi to exact revenge on Stefan? An eye for an eye?

Well, it was when I thought it was going to make the witch miserable, but this morning, she was banging on about how she’s gonna make the DA her side piece while she takes Stefan for everything he’s worth. That floozy is on cloud nine. What kind of revenge is that?

Right. I could see why you’d be so frustrated.

Frustrated? I wanna pull my hair out! And I know you don’t want me to kill anyone, but damn it, Li. I may have to disobey you just this one time. [dramatic music] * * Because there’s only one way to make Gabi pay for what she’s done. * *

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Days Transcript Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[unsettling music] * *

[grunts] [breathing shallowly] * *

A good day starts with a good breakfast. * * And the only thanks I require is that you actually eat this time. Sorry about the gag, but, lady, you’ve got quite the set of lungs on you. Even with the soundproofing, I could hear you caterwauling through the door last night. We can’t have nosy neighbors asking questions. So you promise to be good? * *

[gasps] Lesson learned. No more yelling.

[chuckles] Good girl. Now, you two better behave while I’m gone. I have a very exciting day at the office today, and I don’t want any interruptions.

What’s so exciting about today?

[giggles] Well, if you must know, I’ve encouraged Gabi to cheat on Stefan as revenge for his little indiscretion, not that it takes much to get that one to go bed-hopping. [chuckles] I wouldn’t be surprised if she already took the bait. * * [door clicks open]

What the–

Where the hell is my wife?

Well, Gabi’s not here, obviously. And why do you even care anyway, unless you’ve changed your mind about wanting her back?

Oh, I have definitely not changed my mind, no. I came here to tell her that now she’s slept with my swine of a brother, I will no longer tolerate her ridiculous games, nor will I let her take the house from me.

Mm. OK, I’ll pass that along. And lest you think it was all on me or in any way on me that your wife and I hooked up, you are sadly mistaken. The only one to blame for the blowing up of your marriage is you. [sighs] [phone rings] [phone beeps]


Hi, Gabi. This is Stephanie Johnson. I’m sorry to bother you. I tried your office, but your assistant wasn’t in yet.

What can I do for you?

Well, it was actually your assistant that I was hoping to reach. Apparently, she was friends with my ex, Everett Lynch. I’m having a small memorial service for him today, and I was hoping to invite her. Do you think that you could give me her phone number? [dramatic music] * * [monitor beeping]

You know what I’ve been doing on my spare time, my love? [gentle music] I’ve been learning recipes from your mom’s cookbook. * * Yeah, Gabi helped me translate them. * * So I need you to wake up so you can see how well I can cook your favorite dishes. Like, I can cook the vaca frita, arroz con pollo.

Jada, honey.

Mayor Price.

Oh, that is–it’s so sweet that you’re learning to cook all of Rafe’s favorite meals in your spare time. But I know–I know how hard you’ve been working. And when you’re not working, you’re here with your man. So how about using some of that spare time for sleep? * *

I’ll be fine.

You sure about that? Because if this acting commissioner job is too much–

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, it’s not. It’s not. Besides, it’s not forever. * * Rafe knows how much that we need him back. He will come back. He has to. * * [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * *

Of course. Oh, honey. Oh. Of course Rafe is coming back to us. And with you– with you being here with him all the time, talking to him, comforting him, and telling him how you’re gonna cook all his favorite meals when he gets back, he feels your love, Jada. He feels it, and that surely– that surely will help him to heal. But in the meantime, I am here for you, OK?


And I’m still working on helping– you know, getting you that manpower at the PD that you need in his absence.

Thank you.


Thank you for your kindness and for your support.

Mm. You know, I spent a lot of time in this hospital this past year. [chuckles] And even when I wasn’t conscious, on some level, some subconscious level, I guess you’d say, I did feel the presence of my loved ones, mm-hmm. And I believe that made all the difference. It motivated me to keep on keeping on, you know? Hmm?

Yeah, I’m sure it did.

[chuckles] Mm. Well, I’ll be on my way. But, you know, any help that either one of you needs, you just–you let me know, OK?

Well, actually, there is one thing.

Well, name it, honey.

Well, Stephanie’s planning a small memorial service today for Bobby. And it doesn’t look like anyone’s gonna be there, and I would hate for her to have to do this by herself.

Oh, say no more. Say no more. You know, I can stay here and keep Rafe company while you’re gone.



You’re not too busy? I know you have work.

Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm. No, I’ve got my phone. I got my tablet here with me. I can work from anywhere.

Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.


I mean, obviously, I’m not here when I’m at work, but I don’t know. I just have this feeling today that– that somebody needs to be here with him.


Someone that cares.

I will be that someone, OK? I got my–you know, I got my mobile office right here.


But, honey… [somber music] I mean, Bobby Stein? You know, I’m a little surprised that you would feel you need to be at his memorial.

Yeah. I understand why you would be. But Bobby was still my husband at one point, and… * * I just–I can’t believe that he could be so heartless. I can’t believe that he would do something like this to Rafe, to the man that I love. * *

You said you planted the idea in Gabi’s head yesterday, right? You think she found a man that fast?

Nothing motivates a girl like revenge. And lucky for her, she has one or two fellas living there in that haunted castle with her, which could make it all the messier. [suspenseful music]

For sure. [chuckles]

You see, Gabi’s doing everything she can to spite Stefan, but she’s really spiting herself since cheating on him will be the final nail in the coffin of that marriage. * * Meaning Li and I… * * Will finally have revenge on both of them. * *

You’ve sunk to a new low, EJ. And that says a lot.

Get out of my room, Stefan.

Gladly. Stay the hell away from my wife.

After the amazing night of passion that and her and I shared together? [laughs] Why would I do that? [dramatic music]

Hijo de puta, as Gabi would say.

Ah, yes. She’s described you that way. Son of a bitch, right? * * Get out. [sniffs] * * [object thuds] * *

Next one’s coming at your head.

[chuckles] * * [exhales heavily]

Thanks for your help, Gabi.

No problem. But are you sure Connie knew Everett? She never mentioned him to me. Though I guess it’d be a sensitive subject after what he did to my brother.

Oh, my God. Of course. Of course it’s a sensitive subject.

Hey, it’s OK. It’s actually a relief to hear he’s being laid to rest, though I’m sure it won’t be an eternal peace. More like he’ll rot in hell. [line clicks] * * Hijo de puta. [footsteps tapping]

Gabi. Hey. I’m glad I ran into you.

What the hell do you want? * *



Hey. Good morning.

Good morning. How are things? How’s the new job?

Yeah, things are–things are going well, thank you.

Oh, are you enjoying it?

Yeah, very much.

That’s good to hear. I suppose every great director has to start somewhere. [chuckles]

God, that is condescending, but thank you.

Well, I don’t mean it to be. And I have checked out some of those daytime dramas over the years. I never got hooked, though. All those over-the-top storylines about evil twins and fraught love triangles and just the recasts, they just– they just did my damn head in.


Let me ask you, Johnny. What about one brother sleeping with another brother’s wife? Is that one of the storylines in your show? [tense music]

Am I missing something here?

I don’t know. Are you?

I don’t know.

Why don’t you ask your father? * *

What’d you do, Dad?


Well, speak up. Why are you so glad you ran into me? What the hell do you want, Ava? * *

Just to tell you that I am really sorry about what happened between me and Stefan.


Look, I know that you are never gonna forgive me, and that’s fine, OK? You can hate me. Hate me forever. It doesn’t matter. But don’t hate Stefan, all right? He loves you, Gabi. He loves you so much, and I know that you love him too. He didn’t set out to hurt you. So maybe–maybe you can think about giving him another chance.

Oh. So kind of you to offer your advice. And not that it’s any of your business, but that’s not what Stefan wants.

Oh, please.

Not anymore.

What are you talking about?

Forget it. Get the hell out of my way. * *

[sighs] [monitor beeping]

Jada, now, I know you had your doubts about Bobby’s suicide note, but I assumed you’d, you know, put them to rest when you closed the case.

I did put it to rest, for the most part. I don’t know. I’m still in shock. [sighs] I’m still in shock, the fact that there was this whole other person, a total stranger to me. And I haven’t been able to reconcile the two halves of the man that I was so close to. And I just can’t help but think that maybe I could have done something to prevent this.

No, no. You stop. Stop.

Something I could have seen–

Stop thinking that way, Jada, feeling guilty about something that was in no way your fault. Now, how could you have prevented this when you didn’t even know how ill that man was? No one could have predicted what he would do, what he was capable of. [dramatic music]

You’re right. You’re right.


And thank you. Thank you for staying here with Rafe.

Mm-hmm. [sighs] * * Happy, happy to do it.

Thank you. * * [door clicks shut]

[sighs] * * [suspenseful music]

You know, I could help you with that.

Even on your best day, do you think I’m dumb enough to hand you a weapon? [phone ringing] Hmm. * *

[grunting] * * [phone beeps] * *


Is this Connie Vininski?

This is she. Who is this?

This is Stephanie Johnson. I got your number from your boss, Gabi DiMera. I wanted to invite you to a memorial service that I’m having today for Everett Lynch.


Well, maybe he went by Bobby Stein to you. Anyway, I heard you two knew each other.

Who told you that?

Leo Stark. He said that he ran into you leaving Everett’s room at Salem Inn and that you said the two of you went way back.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never heard of any Everett or Bobby. Leo must have me confused with someone else. [phone beeps] * *

And Brady Black, the man confesses to a crime he doesn’t remember committing and is released due to insufficient evidence because the only so-called proof they had was Brady’s non-recollection of the event. [chuckles] And, Commissioner Hernandez, I could just hear you saying, oh, sounds like one big cluster-you-know-what to me. [laughs] Oh. And it does to me too. Mm-hmm, my friend, something is– something is not right here. And I know you agree, uh-huh, don’t you? Don’t you? Yes? No? Yes? No? [footsteps tapping]

Mayor Price.

Oh, hello. Oh, hello, Gabi. Hello, Gabi. I was just, you know, sitting with your brother so Jada could take care of a personal matter.

Well, I’m here now, so you can go. [tense music] I’m sure the last person my brother would want to spend time with is the woman responsible for sending his sister to prison. * * [light music]

Oh, sorry.

Hey, I’m sor–

[sighs] Ava. How you doing?

I’m good. How about you?



Yeah. What’s with the look?

Well, I just ran into Gabi, and I encouraged her to give you another chance, and she told me you wouldn’t want that anymore, implying it was too late.

Yeah, well, allow me to elucidate. You see, in exchange for my countless apologies and attempts to make things right with Gabi, my wife decided to punish me in a most cruel and unusual manner.

By doing what?

[scoffs] By sleeping with my brother. * *

You slept with Gabi? God, Dad, were you trying to start World War III?

Look, Stefan isn’t some innocent victim, OK? He cheated on his wife. And so she decided to… respond in kind, so to speak.

When did Uncle Stefan cheat on Gabi?

[sighs] While she was in prison. He slept with none other than Ava Vitali.

Wow. I knew they were having marital problems, but Uncle Stefan and Ava?

Why so shocked, Johnny? Ava tried to get her claws into you too, remember, though, much to my relief at the time, you never gave in to her dubious charms. My brother Stefan, however, is made of lesser stock.

Yeah. You know what? I’m actually not shocked, OK, that Uncle Stefan succumbed to Ava’s charms, as you put it. The guy was alone for a long time. And I’m sure he didn’t do it to, you know, get revenge on somebody. But you, sleeping with your brother’s wife? Damn it, Dad, what were you thinking? [dramatic music] * *



Thanks for waiting for me.

Thanks for coming. Not a big turnout, as you can see. [sighs]

Mm. Damn. You know, I was hoping that someone would make it.

Yeah, me too.


Xander is busy with Sarah. And Alex didn’t really know Everett, and he had an early work call.


Chad said he’d try, but he’s with the kids, as I told you, so I don’t know if he’s gonna be able to make it. And then there’s Connie. * *


Yeah, Gabi’s assistant at Gabi Chic. Leo was under the impression that Connie was a friend of Everett’s. But when I called her to invite her to the memorial, she said that she had no idea who he was.

Hmm. That’s strange. I mean, I get them not being friends, but his name’s been all over the news as the guy who stabbed Gabi’s brother, so… how would she have no idea who he is?

No clue. That’s what she said.

Hmm. * *

[grunts, exhales heavily] Thanks.

You’re welcome. No more yelling, OK?

No more yelling. And that call you took just now, what was that all about?

Not that it’s any of your business, but bigmouth strikes again. Apparently Lady Whistleblower’s been blabbing all over town about me and Everett Stein, or Bobby Lynch, whatever, the guy who killed himself.

You mean the guy that you murdered.

Melinda, if you can’t say anything nice– [suspenseful music] Oh, wait. I admitted that to you, didn’t I? I also admitted that I killed Li and stabbed the commissioner. Yeah, I confided in you, all right.

You did, yes, yes, but my lips are sealed. I swear I will not tell a single soul. I am very good at keeping secrets, I swear to you.

I can’t count on that! Why would I? And it is of crucial importance that nobody ever know any of that. And now nobody ever will. * *

And why was Leo under that impression, that this Connie woman and Everett were friends?

He said he ran into her once as she was leaving Everett’s room at the inn.


She told him that they go way back, she and Everett, or Bobby. [dramatic music] Did Everett ever mention her name to you? * *

No, I’ve never heard of her name.

Me neither.

Mm-mm. * *

What did you say her last name was?


Connie Vininski.


Hmm. * *

Anyway… * * I found a thicket just surrounded by beautiful spruce trees just up the way over there. I was thinking, since Everett loved nature and hiking, that might be a good spot to lay him to rest. * *

I agree.

[sighs] Thank you. * * Ready to do this? * *

Lead the way. * *

[sighs] * * [suspenseful music]

Sorry, Melinda. You know too much.

But you spared my life for a reason, remember?

That was because Li talked me into it. But now–

No, Connie, you can’t, because you would be disrespecting Li’s wishes, and I know that is the last thing that you want to do. So think about it, please. Li would be so disappointed in you if you–you– if you defied him, you know? And I know you care way too much about him to do that. * *

OK, OK. Out of respect for Li, I won’t do you in.


Not now, anyway.

[sobs] Thank God. * * Then what are you gonna do? I mean, about me, anyway? You don’t plan on keeping me here forever, right? And–and–and I’m eating steak and taking up your room, and I’m sure that you and Li both want your privacy.

Yes, we do.


It would be good for us to go back to just the two of us, wouldn’t it, darling? * * But one thing at a time. See, I don’t know what I’m going to do with you until I get my final revenge on Gabi. She’s the one who broke Li’s heart. She’s the one who messed everything up. [sighs] Once I know that her marriage to Stefan is dead and buried and the two of them are suffering forever… * * Then Li can finally rest in peace and we can all move forward. * *

Gabi slept with EJ? No, no, no, come on. They hate each other. Look, maybe they just want you to think they did to make you jealous, huh?

No, no, look… [light music] I saw Gabi’s clothes on EJ’s bedroom floor.


And at first, they tried to hide it from me, OK? But eventually, Gabi said that she did have second thoughts about having revenge sex with EJ after the fact, OK? And when I confronted her on it, she not only admitted it to me. No, no, no, she doubled down and was sure to tell me just how awesome it was.


So to state the obvious, my wife set out to hurt me in the worst way possible.

Yeah, by sleeping with your brother.

What a better way to do it than that, right? * * [monitor beeping]

Well, I will respect your wishes, Gabi, and leave.


But for the record, you’ve got this all wrong. I mean, you can’t really think I wanted you sent to prison for a crime you didn’t commit.

You gave EJ the DA job, didn’t you? And he sent me away with almost no evidence. He would have let me rot in prison if Stefan hadn’t intervened and insisted that I–

Wha– go on.

Never mind. Forget I said anything. [dramatic music] * *

I mean, I still don’t get it. You hate Gabi. And the feeling’s mutual, right? I mean, she’s the one who stole your company, got you fired. And you, you let her languish in prison. Have you forgotten all that, or did you get knocked on the head?

No, no, no, no. Of course not. I still loathe the woman.

OK, so you slept with Gabi because why? What, you wanted Uncle Stefan’s life to suck as much as your life sucks right now? I mean, why are you punishing Uncle Stefan for something Gabi did? I mean, She’s the one who blew all your lies out of the water.

Well, if Stefan hadn’t confided in her– * *

You know what? No. No, that’s not it.

Not what? * * And why are you looking at me like that? * *

Because I don’t think this has anything to do with Stefan or Gabi. I think this is about Nicole. * * [suspenseful music]

What do you need that for?

Well, if Leo Stark’s been shooting off his mouth, I need to be prepared to shut it for good. * * You don’t object to that, do you? I mean, I know you didn’t want me to kill Melinda or Stefan or Gabi, but you don’t even know Leo. I mean, I like him just fine, but everyone else seems to hate the guy.

Not everybody.

What, are you friends with him or something?

No, not at all. I just–I mean that there’s got to be someone out there that does care about him. Anyways, it’s not important. I wish you the best of luck, Connie. And I really hope that everything turns out exactly as you hope for.

Thank you. I can’t trust my soundproofing. And I can’t trust you either, truth be told. So I won’t be taking any chances.

No, no, Connie. You really don’t have to. I promise you I won’t say anything. [whimpers] * * [door clicks shut] [thudding]

[sighs] I am so, so sorry, Stefan. Look, I know how devoted you are to Gabi and how happy you were when she was released from prison. I know this has got to be so tough on you.

Yeah. Well, how’s that quote go? Life is what happens when you’re making other plans. [light music] Anyway, Ava, I just want you to know that I– I appreciate your friendship.

Yeah, back at you. * *

I need you to get me an address for a Connie Vininski. Yeah. OK, great. Thanks. I’ll wait for your text.

Excuse me, Commissioner. I couldn’t help but overhearing, but I know where Connie Vininski lives. She’s staying over at Li Shin’s apartment.

Oh? How do you know this?

Well, Melinda Trask told me when we were working at DiMera.

OK. Is there anything else you know about Ms. Vininski?

Oh, apart from the fact that she got me fired, Melinda says that the woman is a complete fraud and her résumé was a complete lie.


Mm-hmm. Yep. So much so that Melinda was on her way over to give her the ax. But now Melinda has taken a leave of absence, so I guess that never happened. * *

I see. Well, thank you. That was helpful.

Yeah. * *

Hey, what the hell was that about?

I got no idea. * * Why would Jada want to know about Connie Vininski? * *

Gabi, it’s none of my business, but sounds like you have a bee in your bonnet about something. And I’ve got a feeling it has nothing to do with me.

[sighs] You’re right. It doesn’t. I’m sorry. I should not have taken my frustrations out on you. [dramatic music] * * I may as well tell you. You’ll hear about it soon enough. My marriage, it’s falling apart. * * And as much as I hate EJ, he’s been surprisingly supportive.

Oh. Well, glad to hear that. But I’m sorry about your marriage. * *

Thanks. * * And, Mayor Price, if you really don’t mind staying with Rafe for a little bit longer, I should get to work.

Course– course I don’t mind. * *

Volveré pronto, hermano. Te amo mucho. * *

I don’t want to discuss this with you, Johnny. This is none of your concern.

So you don’t want to admit that this is about Nicole?

[clears throat]

Look, Dad, I get it, OK? I know you were hurt. I know you were humiliated when she went back to Eric.

I repeat, this is none of your concern.

Oh, actually, I disagree. It is my business because this is my family too. And, Dad, I love you, OK? But your marriage falling apart, that was not Uncle Stefan’s fault. That was not Gabi’s fault. That was your fault. Haven’t you done enough damage? I mean, if you–if you– if you keep this up, you’re gonna lose your whole family. Is that what you want? ‘Cause that’s where we’re headed. * * [scoffs] I got to go to work. * *

[sighs] [dramatic music]

A messenger was coming to the door just as I was leaving. This is for you.


What is it? * *

Well, it seems Nicole has got exactly what she wanted. Eric warned me about it. [sighs] Even though I refused to sign, Nicole must’ve found a workaround. * * [sighs] * * My divorce decree. * * [sighs] * *

[breathes deeply] * * Goodbye, Everett. * *

[whimpers] [grunts] [suspenseful music] [muffled speech] * * [knocking]

Connie Vininski? Are you there? This is Commissioner Hunter. * *

So no one else told Gabi that her assistant’s a total fraud?

Well, I certainly wasn’t gonna get involved after what went down between us. As far as I’m concerned, Connie Vininski is Gabi’s problem now. * *

[sighs] Oh, good, you’re here.

Indeed I am. How goes it?

Oh, it’s been busy. I have a lot of calls for you to make, emails to write, et cetera, et cetera.

Oh, no problem, but I mean, like, how goes it personally with you and Stefan?

Oh. Well, I took your advice, actually. Gave the bastard a taste of his own medicine.

Good for you. So you slept with one of his enemies?

His biggest enemy: his brother EJ.

EJ? Wow, way to go! That is even better than I had hoped.

I didn’t realize you were so invested in my marital situation.

Well, of course I am. I mean, us girls got to stick together, right? After what he did to you, cheating on you like that, I want that man to suffer.

[chuckles] Well, you’re in luck, then, ’cause now he’s gonna suffer even more. You see, I’m gonna take Stefan for all he’s worth. And I wouldn’t mind keeping it up with EJ, you know? I mean, that one night with him, it doesn’t have to be a one-off, does it?

Course not. Why should it be?

Exactly. Hmm. Either way, Connie, I am living the good life. * *

Not for long, slut. [unsettling music] * *

Oh, oh, and… [chuckles] Wait till you get a load of the surprise I have in store for you, Commissioner Hernandez. [chuckles] Of course, you know, you have to, you know– you have to wake up for that, you know, get back to work. You know, you have to get up, go back, wake up, go back to work to enjoy the surprise. [chuckles] [sighs] Well, maybe I’ll just– I’ll give you a little hint to pique your interest. Hey. Oh. Whoo. OK, so look, I’ve tried begging, pleading, cajoling. Only thing I haven’t tried is… [sighs] [dramatic music] Pulling rank. Oh, hey. Well, OK. OK. Here goes. * * Wake up, Rafe Hernandez! That is an order. Now, do you hear me? This is your mayor speaking to you. And if you do not respond, I just–I just– I just might have to give that acting commish your job for good if you don’t– [grunts] [sighs] Rafe? What? [gasps] Oh. Oh, my Lord. * * Oh! * *

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Days Transcript Monday, September 9, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft tense music]

So you told Holly that Eric was responsible for her father’s death?

I hadn’t planned to. I was just talking about my dad and it just slipped out. Like, I honestly– I thought she knew, but she– she was completely blindsided.

Yeah, how’d she take it?

She was horrified, as you can imagine. She was just really angry that everyone lied to her. I tried to comfort her. She wouldn’t let me. She just wanted to be left alone. I feel awful, Grandpa.

Hey, you didn’t know it was news to her, so don’t be so hard on yourself. Besides, it was bound to come out at some point.

Come on, not like this.

Well, however it came out, it was bound to be hurtful to Holly. And so you know, Eric has just flown in from Paris to be with your father, so I think I need to give him a heads-up about this.

Eric, I didn’t know you were in town. [phone ringing]

I’m sorry about that. I just landed a few hours ago. [phone beeps]

Right. Well, I didn’t hear anything about it from my mom.

Well, she and your brother, they’re still in Paris. This was a last-minute decision. I’m here for Brady. I’m sure you heard.

Yeah, of course I heard. And now you’re here to stick up for him, which makes sense, especially after what you did. * *

What the hell just happened, Justin?

You heard EJ. He had no choice but to drop the charges. He couldn’t prove that you were responsible for Sarah’s hit and run.

Except that I know that I did it.

No, you don’t. You have no memory of the actual incident, OK? You told me yourself. Due to a lack of concrete evidence, you are a free man.

Justin, I turned myself in because I want to be accountable for my actions. OK, what am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to walk out that door and just pretend none of this happened? Is that the plan?

I’m not suggesting that.

What are you suggesting? I don’t like the fact that you–you just– just argued my case without consulting me. I don’t like that.

OK, Brady, I’m your lawyer, OK? It’s my job to do what’s best for my client. And that’s exactly what I did.

Well, I’m not happy about it, OK? And I guarantee you, Xander and Sarah aren’t gonna be, either.

It’s so strange to think that just a few short months ago, my mum and I were just completely estranged. I was so angry at her. I’m ashamed of the things I said in there.

Yeah, you were holding on to a lot of pain, Xander.

I was. But then Sarah knew exactly what to do. I’m so glad she did, because now Mum’s living with us and helping take care of us. I never would have imagined that I could rely on her like this.

I’m happy for you, and for Fiona, too. I know from experience how hard it is to overcome demons when you’re trying to put your life back together. You should be so proud of your mother.

Oh, I am. After everything we’ve been through, I never thought I’d have my mum back, and just when we need her the most.

Yeah. [suspenseful music] * *

God forgive me for what I’m about to do. * * [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * * [suspenseful music]

[sighs] Oh, my God. What am I thinking? What choice do you have? If Sarah remembers that I was the one driving the car that hit her, it will all be over. No. I can’t let that happen.

Thanks for listening, Maggie. And please know, I’m equally grateful to you. You are a splendid mum and grandmum, not to mention just a gem of a human being.

That’s very kind.

It’s very true. All right, I’m going to go check on that soup.


Well, if it isn’t my traitorous cousin. Just so you know, I’m gonna be at Brady’s arraignment tomorrow. It’d give me great satisfaction to see him get what he deserves.

Xander, I’m sorry to deprive you of that satisfaction, but there isn’t going to be an arraignment.


Has it been postponed?

No, DA DiMera has decided not to press charges. Brady is a free man.


Ava, hey.

Hey. You all right?

Oh, yeah. No. No, not really. I just need a little air before I went home.

Am I consorting with a wanted fugitive?

Hm. I’m really not in the mood for that.

Sorry, not funny, I know. I’m sorry, it’s just– um, I thought that you’d be in jail.

It should be. Apparently, confessing to a crime isn’t enough to get you there, where I belong.

Voicemail. You know, hopefully he will get back to me soon.

I’m sorry. I made such a mess out of everything.

It’s not your fault. Like I said, you didn’t know Holly was being kept in the dark about this. So let me ask you something. How did–how’d you find out?

A while back, I overheard my mom and Grandma Kimberly discussing it. I’ve never said anything because I thought it was one of those family secrets that everyone knows but no one talks about.

Hmm. I see.

So I had no idea that Holly’s mom never told her the truth. Just always assumed that she knew what Uncle Eric had done.

Holly, I understand you’re upset with Brady, and you have every right to be.

And yet you’re still here defending him.

I’m not defending him. I’m offering him support. He’s my brother.

But that’s not just it, is it? It’s that you can relate all too well to what he’s going through. After all, you’ve been in his shoes, haven’t you?

Whoa, what are you talking about?

I know what you did, Eric. I know you killed my father.

Holly, I– I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry. I wanted to be the one who told you.

Really? Really? ‘Cause you had years to do so, and you never said a word about it.

Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that tonight.

[scoffs softly] Right. Well, no need to. Someone already beat you to the punch.

Who was the one who told you. Was it EJ?

No. No, it wasn’t EJ. It was Tate. Because he thought I knew already, which I didn’t, obviously, because you and my mother and my entire family, you all just lied to me my entire life.


You know, my mom said that the drunk driver who killed my father was just some rando who died in the accident. And everyone just went along with her to protect you.

No, Holly, we were protecting you. You were a child. It was– it was complicated. Your mother thought you would have fewer questions about–

Please, save it. My mother is a manipulator, and I played right into her hands all these years. You know, over the years, I was so tempted to look it up online, but then I would just get her voice in my head insisting, “you don’t want to know the gory details, sweetheart, it’s traumatic enough as it is.” And I just believed her. I thought, what’s the point? The monster who had killed my father was dead too. But he wasn’t, was he? He was living right under my roof.

I’m worried about Holly. I’ve never seen her this upset. Maybe I shouldn’t have left her alone.

Give her some time. What she needs to do right now is just process what you told her. I’m sure she’s gonna reach out to you when she’s ready.

Yeah, I– I don’t know about that, Grandpa. She was really furious with me.

For what? For telling her the truth about what happened to her father when you thought she knew?

Yeah, but still. There’s a little bit more to it. We–when I made the slip about Uncle Eric, we were actually in the middle of a pretty big fight.

I see. OK. So what was this fight about? Not that I’m prying. * *

Holly doesn’t like that I’m defending my dad. Sarah is her aunt, and so she doesn’t get how I could possibly stand by him after what he’s done.

You know, it sounds to me like you had a good lawyer.

I wasn’t–I wasn’t trying to get off the hook. I actually wanted to pay for what I did.

OK. Even so. Look, Justin made a valid point. Otherwise, EJ never would have agreed to your release. Look, it– you cannot be held responsible legally.

Yeah, legally. No, no, but– but morally, come on. I’m wracked with guilt about what I did to Sarah. What makes it worse is that I’m– Ava, I’m getting away with it.

Yeah, but you didn’t do it on purpose.

But that doesn’t matter. Every bad decision that I made led up to that accident, going right back to the start of it, which was the night I fell off the wagon.

Well, then, actually, I– I’m partly responsible for that.

You? Why?

Well, I was– I was there with you. The night of the wedding, I was drinking. You know, I didn’t stop you.

You, you tried to talk me out of it.

Yeah, and then I gave up, and I joined you.

No, no, no, no. There was–there was nothing you were gonna say or do that was gonna stop me that night, Ava, OK? I was on a path to self-destruction. And neither of us knew that it was going to end up being a month-long bender, which would then result in me making the biggest mistake of my life.

Hey. What are you doing?

[shushes] While you were gone, Sarah fell asleep. I didn’t think I should disturb her, but I wanted to make sure she was comfortable.

[sighs] [grunts] What’s going on?

Hey, darling. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. There is actually a little bit of distressing news.

What is it?

Brady is no longer in police custody. DA isn’t pressing charges.

What? But I don’t understand. I thought it was an open-and-shut case.

[sighs] They don’t have another suspect, do they?

No. Apparently, Justin managed to convince EJ that, even with Brady’s confession, there isn’t enough evidence to prove that he actually committed the crime.

Well, that’s ridiculous. The man confessed.

Yeah, but he doesn’t actually remember hitting Sarah or anything that happened afterwards, you know? Now, it’s more imperative than ever that you positively ID Brady as the driver.

Baby, I’ve tried. It’s just–it’s still a blur.

I know, darling, but you did have that brief flash of memory. I know it’s painful, but maybe if you concentrate really hard, you’ll–you’ll recall the driver’s face.

Xander seemed pretty upset. I should probably sleep with one eye open tonight, huh?

Well, I’m sure he’ll calm down. Although it couldn’t hurt to start locking your door, though, just in case.

[chuckles] Good idea.

Justin, you know, like I said earlier, I’m still having a hard time believing that Brady hit Sarah and kept on driving. I mean, even though he has obviously convinced himself that he committed the crime, and he most likely did, I’m just–I’m so relieved that you were able to have the charges dropped.

I’m relieved I was able to do it, too. But even so, Brady is tortured about what he did, and I doubt that he’ll ever be able to forgive himself. In fact, he was quite adamant that he shouldn’t be released.

So starting that night, at the pub, you just– you just kept on drinking?

Yeah, right up until the– the moment I hit Sarah with my car.

Damn it. God, I just– I should have checked on you.

Why? I mean, like you said before, you’re not my sponsor. You’re not my mother. You’re not my– we’re not even friends. I don’t even– I don’t even know you, really.

True. But still, you know, I should have done more. I–I tried to, but, you know?

What–what do you mean?

It bothered me that you were still down here, drinking alone, so I was afraid you were gonna drive. Even though you said you weren’t going to, I decided to come down and check.

I don’t remember any of that.

Yeah, because I didn’t end up saying anything when I realized you weren’t gonna drive.

How’d you come to that conclusion?

Well, I heard you talking with that woman, and she–she had an accent.

Well, what do you remember, my love? [dramatic music]

I see the headlights coming at me, and I cannot make out the face of the driver.

I know it’s hard, babe, but you– you do have to keep trying. If you can ID Brady, then the DA can press charges and we can put him away for good. Unless… Sarah, would you be willing to just say that you remember seeing Brady’s face?

You want me to lie?

Well, it wouldn’t really be a lie, would it? I mean, the man confessed. We all know he did it. Even he knows.

I’m not gonna do that, Xander. I really don’t like that you asked me to.

I’m sorry. I–I don’t know why I did. I just– I’m just so desperate to– wait, no, I know.

You know what?

Well, Dr. Evans. She’s helped people access their memories using hypnosis. I mean, she’s an expert at that, right?

Well, yeah.

So we can go and see her, and she can hypnotize you and… that ought to help you remember, right?

You know, Tate, you can’t really blame Holly for the way she feels. And like you said, Sarah is her aunt. And given the fact that her father was taken away from her under similar circumstances, I’m sure she’s bound to have developed some very strong opinions about drunk drivers.

Yeah, I get that. But, like, what am I supposed to do, not stand by my own father? Yes, what he’s done, it’s–it’s– it’s terrible, and it’s wrong, and there’s no excusing it, but he’s in hell about it, which is why I can’t turn my back on him. No, not when he needs me the most.

Of course not. He’s your father and you love him, just like I love my son, no matter what. We’re all in this together, Tate. And besides, I’ve got a feeling there’s a hell of a lot more to this story.

What do you mean? Wait, Grandpa, do you think it’s possible that Dad’s innocent?

Your mother and I, we– we hated that we had to lie to you, Holly. But your father, he died before you were even born and–

And what? By the time I was old enough to know what happened, you were already living with my mother and eventually became my stepfather? You not only killed my dad, but you stole his life, too. You married his fiancée, and then you raised his daughter. And Eric, it just makes me sick to even look at you right now.

Holly, it wasn’t like that. It wasn’t planned. [sighs] You were a child, and you and your mother and I, we– we were a family. Your mother didn’t want to ruin that.

Oh, so this is her fault now? You’re just going to throw her under the bus again?

No. I didn’t want you to know either. I didn’t want you to know what I had done. I was– I loved you, Holly. I love you like my own daughter. I was afraid that if you knew the truth, that you– if you’d known what I had done, it would have ruined our relationship.

Yeah, well, you were right. It has because I truly hate you. * *

Holly, please.

God, you’re such a freaking hypocrite! You know that? You’re always spouting the virtues of telling the truth, and you’ve been lying to me, Eric, forever! To think I grew up idolizing you. Even when you and my mother weren’t together, I still came to you, for help, for advice, because I thought of you as my real dad. And I thought I was so lucky ’cause I thought you were just this amazing guy, but– but the truth is, I would still have my real father if it wasn’t for you. What the hell is wrong with my mother? How could she ever get past what you did?

She didn’t. It took years. She was as mad at me as you are right now, and rightfully so. But she eventually found a place in her heart to forgive me.

Yeah, well, don’t expect me to because I’m never, ever going to forgive you for what you did.

I’m not saying that your father is innocent. I’m just saying that he doesn’t remember anything about hitting Sarah. For all we know, there could be mitigating factors here that played into the accident.

Like what?

Well, honestly, I don’t– I don’t know. I just know that I would feel a hell of a lot better if I knew everything that happened that night. Now, in the meantime, don’t feel guilty about standing by your father. You love him no matter what, just like I do. And there is nothing he could do in this world that would ever make me stop loving him. And for the record, Tate, same goes for you, kiddo.

I do appreciate Brady wanting to take responsibility for what happened. And as a sponsor and someone who cares about him, I have compassion for him, as you know, but I–I don’t know. Knowing that he’s free now and– and that I might run into him or Sarah might run into him–

I’m so sorry, Maggie. I know this whole situation has to be so difficult for you.

It would be so much easier if I could just write him off. Cut him out of our lives forever. But I can’t. He’s family.

Xander certainly doesn’t see it that way. He wants Brady to go down for this.

Yeah, I know. Oh, Justin, it’s gonna be nearly impossible to keep this family from imploding! Oh, I can only imagine what Victor must think about all of this. Darling, I wish you were here.

You were eavesdropping on me?

Not on purpose.


No, no. Like I said, I just– I just wanted to check on you. But then I realized that you were going to walk back to the Salem Inn with that woman, so.

You didn’t tell anyone about this, did you?

No. Why would I? I just–I was– I was relieved that you weren’t gonna drive.

At least not that night.

Oh, Brady, I am so sorry. I just– I should have done more.

Ava, Ava, none of this is remotely your fault. But I’ll tell you what. If you’re feeling bad and you want to do me a favor, you can. Don’t tell anyone that you saw me with that woman.

OK, sure. No, I won’t say anything. Why, is she married or something?

[scoffs] Or something. She’s Xander’s mother.


Hypnosis? I thought that was just some kind of silly parlor trick.

Well, actually, there’s strong medical research that shows that hypnosis can be quite effective, at least when performed by a professional.

And Dr. Evans is one of the best. Apparently in Salem, she’s the best.

Yeah, that’s true. Yeah, she’s used it to help countless patients over the years.

Even if she can help trigger Sarah’s memories, I mean, would it hold up in a court of law?

Well, Marlena Evans is so respected, I think that would be all the evidence that EJ would need to put Brady away.

Except there’s one problem. Brady is Marlena’s stepson. I doubt she’s gonna help us put him behind bars.

Marlena is a woman of great integrity. I’m sure she would do the right thing.

Are you sure about that? I mean, after all, you did shoot the woman.

How’d you know about that? – I’d really like to know exactly what Xander did to you.

[sighs] Fiona, I don’t see why we need to dredge all this up. I really don’t.

I want to know, Brady.

[sighs] All right. For starters, he shot me.

He did what?

Yeah, he shot me. Well, he also shot my stepmother, and she almost died. Does that answer your question pretty well? * *

I should probably mention, there’s a chance that this isn’t over.

How so?

Well, EJ obviously wasn’t happy about dropping the charges, and he’s still determined to find a way to prosecute, which means he’ll have to come up with incontrovertible evidence.

Yeah, but that’s– wouldn’t that be difficult, especially since Brady’s car is still missing?

Yes, without a car or photographic evidence against Brady, he’ll have to find some other way to place him at the scene of the crime, like an eyewitness.

Which could end up being Sarah. [suspenseful music]

Did Sarah remember if she saw Brady that night?

No, but according to Xander, she had experienced a hazy flash of memory. Just moments before she was struck. Headlights racing toward her. She saw someone in the driver’s seat.

But obviously, she can’t remember who.

Mm-mm, no, not yet. But maybe she will, eventually.

Mum, how do you know that I shot Dr. Evans?

Well, after I arrived in town, I decided to do a little internet sleuthing to catch up on your life. And as it turns out, I missed quite a lot.

Right. Well, I can’t defend many of the things I did in the past, but I am a better man now because of my love for Sarah, which is why I’m willing to do whatever I can to make sure Brady pays for what he did to her. But yeah, to my mum’s point, maybe it would be better if you made the appointment with Dr. Evans, since she doesn’t really care for me, and she’ll do anything for you.

Shouldn’t Sarah really be focusing on her physical recovery? I mean, all this other stuff is just distraction.

Your mom’s right. Baby, let’s just let it go.

Let it go? You can’t be serious.

Look, I’m upset at what Brady did too, obviously, but prosecuting him isn’t going to help me walk again. And it was an accident.

Maybe hitting you was an accident, but leaving you to die on the side of the road, that was definitely a choice. He needs to be behind bars, darling. We still live in this city, your mum, my mum, our daughter. He’s a danger to everyone.

OK, yeah. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see Marlena too.

I didn’t realize that Xander’s mother was in town.

Yeah, she was, for– for his and Sarah’s first attempt at a wedding. But I swear to you, that night when we were at the pub, I did not know who the hell she was, or I definitely wouldn’t have–

So you slept with Xander’s mother?



For a variety of reasons, Fiona and I don’t want Xander to know that we are involved. I’m sorry, more specifically, that we were involved, OK?

Were you serious?

No. No, it was–it was– it was casual. It was– we had a little connection. But given the fact that I’m responsible for paralyzing her daughter-in-law, I think it’s best that Xander not know about it.

I won’t say a word.

Thank you. I’m gonna– I’m gonna head home. Bye.

Brady, Brady, I, um– look, like–like you said, we barely know each other– * * But listen, if you ever do need to talk, you know where to find me. * *

Ah, come on! He was out by a mile. Do you believe that?


Jeez. You know, I got a feeling I’m not doing a very good job taking your mind off things, am I?

I’m sorry, Grandpa, it’s just– I can’t stop worrying about Holly. I want to give her space, but–

You know what? It can’t hurt to check in with her just to let her know you’re thinking about her.

You really think so?

Yeah, I do. I’m sure that she will appreciate just knowing that you are there for her if she needs you.

I’m not– I’m not expecting your forgiveness, Holly. But I do want you to know how truly sorry I am. Your father, he was a good man. He was my friend. And I loved him.

Yea, well, that’s the thing, Eric. I never got the chance to love him, and that’s because of you. [emotional music] * * [emotional music] * *

Yeah, but there will be a day when she asks me about her father, his death, and that I was the reason for it. And then maybe one day she’ll hate me because of it.

Or she’ll understand that you– you’re a good man who made a terrible mistake.

Yeah, this is the way I pictured it, you know, being with Holly, just watching her grow up. It’s what Nicole wanted. And she seemed pretty happy, didn’t she?

She did. * *

Nicole, it’s me. I know–I know it’s late. And I didn’t realize how– I didn’t mean to wake you. Yeah, yeah, I saw Brady, but– but there’s something else that you need to know.


Grandma. Hey, I didn’t realize anyone was in here.

Honey, what’s wrong?

What’s wrong is I just found out who really killed my dad. * *

Oh. Oh, no. Oh, sweetheart. Oh, God.


All right, I just sent Holly a message saying that I’m here if she wants to talk. She still hasn’t read it, though.

She will. And I am sure that she’s gonna take you up on it when she is ready.

[sighs heavily] I hope so. [door opens] Dad. What are you doing here?

Does this mean that– * *

Justin convinced EJ that there wasn’t enough evidence against me, so he dropped the charges. [both chuckling]

Is the pub closed already?

Oh, yeah. Hey, Roman gave everyone the day off.

Oh, darn it. I was really craving one of his burgers.

Uh, well, I was just about to make myself one, and I can throw an extra patty on the grill, if you want.

Oh, that’d be great. If the register is closed for the day, I’m good for it.

Eh, it’s on the house.

Well, thank you. That’s very kind of you, Ava.

Yeah. Well, I heard you did something very kind for one of your clients today.

Yeah, yeah, but no one seems too happy about it, not even my client, not even Brady.

Why don’t I heat up the soup? I’m sure it must be cold by now.

Thank you, Fiona.

Darling. [sighs] I know your physical recovery is your top priority right now, but making sure that Brady is held accountable for what he did to you, that’s important too. And I’m hopeful that a hypnosis session with Dr. Evans is just what you need to unlock your memories of the hit and run. [tense music] * *

I’m sorry, Xander, but I can’t allow that to happen.

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Days Transcript Friday, September 6, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[sirens blaring]

All I’m saying is, don’t plead guilty until we know the whole story. Because, son, it’s possible there are mitigating circumstances here. I mean, for all we know, there’s a hell of a lot more to this story.

Like what?

Like– like maybe someone else hit Sarah. Maybe something with your car malfunctioned.

Well, Kristen demolished the car, Dad, so we’ll– we’ll never really know anything about that.

Still, maybe there’s something else that they overlooked here, so let me do a little bit of research–

Dad, I appreciate it. I really do. But nothing’s gonna pop up to make me less culpable in this thing, all right? You– you need to come to terms with the fact that your son was drunk and got behind the wheel of a car and hit Sarah, and I am gonna pay for my crime.

[soft dramatic music]

No, I want the entire team on this. I don’t care if you and all the other ADAs have to work through the night. I want all our ducks in a row before that arraignment tomorrow morning. No surprises, you understand? Brady Black must pay for what he’s done.

You vindictive son of a bitch.

Holly, you know my dad. You know he’s not a bad person.

No? Does a good person drive drunk and run someone over, and not even stop to check to see if they’re dead or alive?

Yeah, like I said, the situation isn’t black and white. Yes, he did a terrible thing, but my dad’s an addict. He’s got a disease.

Then it was his job to deal with his addiction on his own, not make somebody else suffer for it.

Oh, my God, he didn’t mean to make anyone suffer, Holly.

Oh, he didn’t mean to. I bet he didn’t mean to drive drunk. Did he not mean to put his foot on the gas? For God’s sake, Tate, did your dad never hear or read all those countless anti-drunk driving PSAs?

Yes. Yes, he’s heard them. Who hasn’t heard them? Come on. Like I said, he wasn’t thinking clearly. He’s an alcoholic who had a relapse, OK? And he’s tortured with guilt over what he’s done, so I don’t know why you don’t at least have some compassion for him.

Yeah, well, I don’t. Because as you seem to have forgotten, my own father was killed by a drunk driver, who probably just wasn’t in their right mind either.

Um, yeah. I– I haven’t forgotten that. You’re absolutely right. And I know that that makes this even harder for you to talk about. But Holly, look, that was a terrible accident, too. It was. I mean, look, you forgave Eric, right?

Forgave Eric? What do you mean?

Tate, what are you talking about? What does Eric have to do with my dad being killed by a drunk driver?

[tense music]

I suppose Brady was afraid to call you because he didn’t want to be judged.

He knows I’d never do that. Sponsors don’t judge.

[soft dramatic music] They just support you and they guide you.

You know, I had reassured Brady over and over that whatever his condition was, however he was feeling, all he had to do was pick up the phone and call me. I trusted that he understood that, that if he was impaired, that I’d be there. I’d pick him up and get him back on track, and I’d prevent him from destroying himself or anyone else and especially from getting behind the wheel when he had been drinking.

Which is why I– I don’t know. It’s just so hard for me to believe that he actually did this.

I’m with you, Maggie. I still find it hard to believe that Brady would not only drive drunk, but that he would be so heartless as to not attend to Sarah after he hit her.

Right. That– that’s– that’s exactly it. And it’s so unlike him. I– I know. I know he’s had a relapse. And that’s very sad, and it’s– it’s disturbing. But– but the Brady that I know, that Brady would have gotten out of that car and raced right over to help Sarah. He’s a good man, Justin.

I agree. But Maggie, even though he doesn’t remember doing it, hitting her, he confessed to the crime.

Wait. He doesn’t remember hitting Sarah?

No. Or even getting behind the wheel.

Well, then why? Why is he confessing to something that he has no memory of?

I don’t know. I just know that he is determined to plead guilty.

Maybe he didn’t do it. Justin, I can’t help but wish that there was some way that Brady could turn out to be innocent in all of this.

I still can’t believe that this happened to you, and especially so soon after you and Xander got married, on a night that’s meant to be one of the happiest nights of your life.

[sighs] I just thank God that it wasn’t so much worse.

[tense music]

[screams echoing]

Sarah, what is it?

Sarah, darling, what’s wrong?

I remember. Oh, my God, I remember.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

You know, this is the rest of your life that we’re talking about. Not just– not just your life but your kids’ lives.

I am thinking about my kids, Dad. We’ve already talked about that.

I think it’s worth talking about a little bit more. I mean, Tate needs you, Brady. His mother just got shipped off to Statesville. How you think he’s gonna handle seeing his father follow her there?

[soft dramatic music]

Dad, I don’t know. How is he gonna handle having a father that doesn’t, you know, own up to his responsibilities? You know, his– a tragic mistake.

They need you in their lives! They don’t need you to be some damn martyr.

No, they’re gonna– they’re– my kids will be fine. They’ll be fine because they have a long list of people that support them and love them. Theresa will be out in six months, and Rachel, Rachel has Kristen.


[chuckles] Well, you just made my point for me. Come on, Brady. You know damn well Theresa and Kristen are not stable, and that’s putting it mildly. But you know the bottom line here? You don’t know for sure what happened that night.

Dad, Dad, you’re not gonna change my mind about this. I put Sarah in a wheelchair, maybe for the rest of her life. It was probably only a matter of time before I hurt somebody else as well.

You don’t know that.

Yeah, I do. I do. I do know that. I did this to Sarah. There’s no other explanation for what happened that night.

Sarah is obviously very upset. We should let her rest.

Please, please. Darling, what else do you remember?

Um, I–

[tense music] I remember the accident. I remember walking.

Go on.

And then I remember hearing the sound of the car and– and turning around, and seeing the driver.

You saw Brady behind the wheel?

No. I didn’t see Brady.

Shouldn’t you be taking my wife and son on a pauper’s trip to Paris?

Correction, Nicole’s your soon-to-be ex-wife, and Jude is my son.

I’ll rephrase the question. What are you doing back in Salem, Eric?

Came here to help my brother. Looks like I got back just in time to stop you from railroading him.

Railroading him? Brady punched his own one-way ticket to Statesville. The man confessed to driving drunk and maiming poor Sarah Kiriakis. And– and weren’t you and the good doctor an item at one point? Where is your compassion for the victim and the victim’s family?

My heart breaks for Sarah and everyone who loves her. Nothing’s gonna stop me from making sure that Brady gets a fair shake.

Oh, he will get his due, all right. And I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at you crossing an ocean to defend your brother for going on a bender and running over an innocent person, considering you committed the exact same crime. It appears that vehicular homicide runs in your family. Although Brady should take heart. After all, he only crippled Sarah, whereas you actually killed a man.

Answer me, Tate. What does Eric have to do with my dad being killed by a drunk driver?

I’m– I’m sorry. I– I thought you knew.

Knew what?

Nothing. Just forget I said anything.

No. It’s way too late for that. I can tell by the look on your face it’s a hell of a lot more than nothing. Hey, look at me. Tell me whatever it is you’re keeping from me right now. I thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other, right?

No, we don’t.

Tate, please. I need to know.

OK. I’ll tell you.

It was Eric. He was the drunk driver who killed your dad.

[somber music]

No, that– that can’t be true. You’re making this up.

Holly, why would I do that? I mean, you know that I would never lie to you about anything, especially something this important.

How did you find out?

I overheard my mom and Grandma Kim talking about it when I was a kid. It was like this big family secret.

Tate, why didn’t you ever tell me before?

Like I said, I– I thought that you knew. I mean, you never talk about how you lost your dad. You only talk about how much you miss him and how much you wish he was here. Never about the accident.

Oh, my God. My mom told me that the drunk driver who killed my dad died that same day. I can’t believe she lied to me about this.

Hey, I’m sure your mom was just trying to protect you.

Yeah, right. Just like how she wanted to move me to Paris to protect me from EJ and from you? She didn’t think to mention I’d be living under the same roof as the man who killed my father? No. Again, no. She didn’t do this to cover it up for my benefit. She did this for the same reason she does everything else. She did this to protect the love of her life, her beloved Saint Eric.

You are so gracious, Maggie, and forgiving. I don’t think I could be either if I were in your shoes.

[soft dramatic music]

But you were in my shoes, just– just like I’m in Brady’s shoes. Remember when we believed that I had caused that accident that killed your wonderful Adrienne?

And Eric and Sarah’s precious baby. Remember?

But then I was found innocent. That that– that that bastard Orpheus, he– he put me in the driver’s seat, and he framed me for the crash.

I remember it well, of course. But Maggie, I wish there was even a remote possibility that Brady was framed for this crime, but there’s just no evidence to support that.

I know that. It’s just, I don’t understand how a good and a kind-hearted person like Brady could have hurt Sarah and just driven off.

No. No, no. See, the Brady that I know and love, he couldn’t have done this.

You didn’t see Brady? Who did you see?

There was a glare.

[tense music] The image is blurry.

So you didn’t see the driver’s face?

No. No, in my– in my mind’s eye, there is a figure. I just– I can’t make out who it is.

Well, maybe, uh, it’ll become clearer if we keep talking about it. Just– can you remember any details at all about the accident?

I’m trying.

I think that’s enough for this evening, Xander.

Mum, it’s–

Your wife needs her rest. And I see no point in tormenting her to remember a face when we all know that Brady Black was the one that hit her on that awful night.

Well, what’s wrong, Eric? Did I strike a nerve by bringing up the fact that you mowed down Dr. Daniel Jonas in his prime? Tell me, do you think about poor Holly’s deceased father when you’re lying in bed next to her mother?


I’m here to see Brady.

And see him you shall. He’s right there in interrogation. And perhaps you can offer absolution. But him, you know, saying a few rosaries isn’t going to cut it for the district attorney’s office. No, no, no. Brady is going to be doing his penance in a cell in Statesville for the rest of his life.

Hey. Just so you know, Nicole’s lawyer, she’s fast-tracking her divorce. You should be receiving your final decree any day now.

[soft dramatic music]

Eric Brady is a sight for sore eyes.

John! John.


[laughs] Your mom told me that you were home.


All the way from Paris.

Yeah, just got in earlier today.

Got to be jet-lagged, huh?

No, it’s OK. I just slept on the plane.

Yeah? Good, good. So how’s Nicole, Jude?

Everyone’s well. You know, just kind of settling into the life in Paris.

Yeah, it looks that way, depending upon the pictures you send with all their smiling faces.

Yeah, we’re really grateful, you know, to finally, you know, all be together.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. I assume you came from seeing Brady?

Yeah, I did, yeah.

How’s he doing?

Well, he would be doing a hell of a lot better if he wasn’t hellbent on pleading guilty at his arraignment tomorrow. So right now, I’m thanking God that you’re here because you may be our last best chance to try to talk some sense into him.

You know what I’m thinking?

Mm-mm. What are you thinking in there?


[laughs] We should take this back to my place.

Mm. Yeah, maybe. No, I’d like to. I gotta– I gotta go home.


Because my– my family, they need me.


[scoffs] OK, Mr. Family Man. One more for the road, then?

You have another visitor.

I’m really not interested in seeing anyone else today.

Not even your brother?

[gentle music]

Hey, man.

Holly, you know my Uncle Eric is a really good person.

[soft dramatic music] You know, I heard he felt horrible for what he did, that he was tormented.

Was tormented? Past tense? Ha! Gee, I’m so glad he found a way to get over the fact that he killed my dad, and now he’s ready to move on with my mother and their precious new baby.

Holly, you know my Uncle Eric as well as I do. You know that’s not how he is.

Tate, just stop, OK? I don’t need you to– I don’t need to hear you defend Eric the same way you just defended your dad a minute ago, because you know what? Some things are indefensible. Like your uncle killing my dad and Brady running Sarah over and leaving her crippled for life.

John, you talked to Brady?

Yeah. Yeah, I did. It was, uh, pointless, unfortunately. He doesn’t want to take my advice on just letting this process play out. He wants to plead guilty and get it over with. So I’m hoping that he’ll listen to Eric.

Eric is here?

Yeah. He just flew in from Paris this morning.

Not surprising that he’d show up for his brother. So he’s in there now?

Yeah. I just hope he has better luck changing Brady’s mind than I did.

Maybe the mind we need to change isn’t Brady’s.

What are you doing here?

Where else would I be with my brother going through this?

Are Jude and Nicole with you?

No, no, no. They’re still in Paris. I just wanted to make sure I had all my focus on helping you.

Look, man, I appreciate you being here. I do, but if you’re here to try to convince me to plead not guilty, Eric–

No worries. Not gonna do that. No way.

Mum, I’m aware that Brady confessed to the hit and run. It’s just that a positive ID from Sarah would really strengthen the case against him and prevent him from getting off on some legal technicality. Darling, is anything else coming back to you?

I am trying to remember the driver’s face, but I just– I can’t. I’m sorry.

Oh, darling, you have nothing to be sorry about. You are the victim here, and we must all remember that. Darling, why don’t you run downstairs and get some of that delicious leek and potato soup that Chef made last night? I’m sure there’s some left over. And in the meantime, I will help your lovely wife go down for some much-needed rest.

[tense music]

If you think that’s best.

Soup sounds good.

I’ll go get you some, then.

[door clicks]

Now, then. Alone at last.



So you’re not here to talk me out of pleading guilty?

[soft dramatic music]

No, I’m not. I mean, if anyone understands that you need to atone for your sins, it’s me.


[exhales] Yeah, of course you do.

Holly lost her father. Maggie lost her son, all because I made the tragic mistake of driving drunk.

Yeah. And I, uh, obviously almost made the same mistake. I mean, I could have killed Sarah.

Listen, Brady, are you sure you were the one who was driving the car that hit Sarah?

Look, I’m sure my father and Marlena told you I don’t remember hitting her, but I remember being in a drunken stupor, Eric, OK? So I had to have done it. I know I did it.

And I admire you for taking responsibility for your actions. I’ll be here for you all the way.

I appreciate that.

Yeah, because I need to finally take responsibility for the actions myself, for the tragic mistake that I made.

I– I don’t understand.

I need to find Holly. It’s finally time that I tell her the truth, that I was the one that caused her father’s death.

I know that this is a lot.

Tate, please, just go. I need to be alone right now.

I don’t think that’s a good idea.

I know what I need, OK?

Holly, can you just let me stay?

Tate, just leave! Just go.

OK, I will go. Hey, but I just want you to know that I’m here for you if you need me, always.



What the–

[sobbing] No.

[breathing heavily]

And that is why they pay you the big bucks, my friend.

Let’s just hope I can get through to him.

I have faith in you. I’ll leave you to it.

Ah, Justin. Before you waste your breath begging for a reduced sentence for your client, let me save you the trouble. I’m throwing the book at Brady.

Fine, EJ. You go ahead and do that.


And I’ll see to it that you are laughed right out of court, given that you have no witnesses and no evidence.

But I do have a confession from your client, who was obviously blind drunk when he got behind the wheel of his car and mowed down an innocent person and drove off.

Well, anyone could walk in here and confess to a crime, but without any proof, you have reasonable doubt, which leads to an acquittal. So save yourself and your office all the time and embarrassment, EJ, and drop the charges against Brady right now.

– Maggie.

Oh, hi, Xander. Hi. How are you? Is Sarah resting?

No, she’s, uh, hungry, actually. So I just talked to the– the cook to heat up some of that soup.

Oh, the potato leek?

Mm, from yesterday. There’s plenty left over. Maggie, there’s, uh, good news. Well, important news, anyway.

Tell me.

Sarah had a memory from the accident.

Really? Was she able to tell you who was driving the car?

No, she wasn’t, unfortunately. Not yet. I wanted to press more, but just talking about it was really tiring her out, so…

It’s very stressful for her, I’m sure. Look, I’ll go up and sit with her.

There’s no need, really. She’s fine. And like I say, I’ll take the soup up when it’s ready, and then she’ll get some rest, I’m sure. And in the meantime, Nurse Fiona is watching over her. – There, there, dear. Now, you just forget about all of your troubles.

It’s time for you to sleep now. Then it will all seem brighter. I promise.

[dramatic music]

[somber music]

Oh, my God, it’s true.

[door clicks]

Oh, hey, kiddo.

Grandpa, hey.

Just came from seeing your old man.

How is he doing?

He’s hard on himself. No surprise there. Bound and determined to take responsibility for Sarah’s hit and run.

Right. I know. Hey, Grandpa, do you think there’s any possibility that he could not go down for this?

Well, actually, Justin’s working on that right now. However, it’s all gonna come down to one very volatile player.

Perhaps your sobriety is in question too, Justin, to think I would even consider releasing Brady when we both know he’s guilty as sin.

And how exactly do you intend to prove that? You can’t place him or his vehicle at the scene. And Brady has no actual memory of driving the car or hitting the victim, nor can the victim identify who hit her. And then there, of course, is the fact that you can’t produce the car in question.

Because the car was allegedly stolen, when we both know your client most likely made it poof, disappear. I think I might add destruction of evidence to the list of charges.

None of which you can prove. So face it, EJ. Your case is built on a castle of sand. And do you really want to risk your somewhat shaky legal reputation by bringing it to a grand jury?

[soft dramatic music]

Xander, I know you’re anxious to have Brady convicted, but I agree with Fiona on this. The last thing we want to do is to cause more stress for Sarah. I mean, to push her into– to remembering something too fast.

OK. I– I agree. You and my mum are right. It’s just, as you say, I am very anxious to see Brady pay for what he did to Sarah. But I don’t want to pressure her, especially about something so traumatic.

Right. So have faith that this memory of whoever was driving the car, that she did indeed see the person clearly, and that she will remember it eventually.

I’m sure she will. And Maggie, I just really want to say that having you here, having my mum here, it’s been so important to both Sarah and me. I– I just don’t know what we’d have done without the both of you.

Well, you and Sarah don’t have to worry about that. Because Fiona and I both love you very much, and we only want what’s best for you. We’re not going anywhere.


* Hush, little baby, don’t say a word * * Mama’s gonna buy you a mockingbird *

Hey, Brady.

Justin, if you’re here to try to convince me to plead not guilty tomorrow at the arraignment, forget about it, all right? My dad already tried, and he sent Eric in as a backup. That didn’t work out too well either, OK?

I’m not here to talk about the arraignment because there isn’t gonna be one.

[door clicks]

What is he still doing here? I told you he was free to go.

What’s going on?

Get him out of here, Justin, before I change my mind.

Hold on. I’m not going anywhere until you– you tell me what’s happening.

Well, what is happening is I just convinced our esteemed district attorney that it was foolish to present a case against you when all he has is circumstantial evidence coupled with your rather tenuous recollection of the events in question.

Mm-hmm. OK, OK. And what about Sarah and her family? Don’t they deserve justice?

They will get it. The second the Salem Police Department finds the evidence I need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you struck Sarah while driving drunk, I’m hauling your ass back in here.

Good luck with that.

This isn’t over, gentlemen. Not by a long shot.

Let’s get you home to your family.



So my father’s fate rests in the hands of the one man in this town that hates him even more than Xander does?

Keep the faith, partner. Got to keep the faith.

Yeah, I’ll try.

So anything else got you down?

Why do you ask?


[chuckles] Remember when you were a squirt, and we used to play penny poker?

Yeah. And I always beat you.


[chuckles] I let you win. Because I could always tell the hand that you were holding just by looking at your face.

And even today, that expression gives you away, Tate. So if you want to talk, I’m right here.


[sighs] Yeah. I’m just– I’m really mad at myself, Grandpa.

Yeah? Why is that?

Because I’m an idiot. I– I don’t know. I told Holly something that I shouldn’t have, and now she’s really angry, and she’s really badly hurt.

I can’t believe they kept this from me all these years, that– that it was Eric, that he was the one who killed my dad.


[tense music]

You know, when Sarah first told me that my mum might be coming, uh–

You were livid.

Well, not at Sarah, obviously. I mean, I understood why she wanted to find my mum and persuade her to come to our wedding, but as you know, I just had so much resentment towards her for being absent for so much of my life. I didn’t understand that she was– that she had so much to overcome, that she was struggling. And now she’s here, and I can just see the good in her. And Maggie, not to sound too corny, but it warms my heart.

Oh, it’s not corny. And of course, it warms your heart. She’s your mother. And she’s shown you how much she loves you by being here with all of us at this difficult time. Your mom, she’s a godsend.

Yeah, she really is.


A godsend.



* And if that mockingbird don’t sing * * Mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring *

* And if that diamond ring turns brass *

* Mama’s gonna buy you a looking glass *

[ominous music]

Oh, God forgive me for what I’m about to do.

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Days Transcript Thursday, September 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft music]

Oh, Sarah, there you are.

Mm-hmm. And there you are.

Um, it’s okay, isn’t it? The door was open. I–I wanted to ask you about, you know, the decorations for Victoria’s birthday party tomorrow.

Mm, mm-hmm. Are you sure you’re not just sitting there waiting to help me back in bed?


[sighs] Sweetheart, you’re still getting used to the wheelchair. And yes, I’m concerned that it might be just a bit difficult for you right now.

Well, it’s not. The physical therapist showed me how to do the transfer, so I feel confident I can do it. Prepare to be awed.


Okay. Here we go. All right.

Look, I got it.

Hi, darling.

Oh, hey, Mum. Where’s your, uh, little granddaughter?

Oh, she’s in the kitchen. Bonnie insisted on giving her some ice cream. I suppose it’s her way of spending time with our little angel.

While giving you a little break.

Not that I needed one.

So…I assume you’re settling in here okay?

I am indeed. My room is gorgeous, and the staff are even doting on me. This house is palatial. I have to wonder why you haven’t moved out.

Oh, let’s just say that my father is a less gracious host than Maggie.

Xander, Fiona, welcome. Bonnie told me that you had moved in. How’s Sarah doing?

Well, actually, she’s resting right now.

Right. Well, if Bonnie or I can be of any help, if Sarah needs anything at all–

I’ll tell you what she needs. She needs you to fire your client.

[tense music]

Ah, thanks, Tink. You know that we–we really appreciate that. I will. I’ll keep you posted. Love you, too, honey.

You told Belle about Brady, I assume?

Yeah. Yeah, I did. She’s obviously upset. She even offered to come home to represent him.

I thought she might do that.

Yeah. But I told her that Justin’s all over it. Oh–oh, Paul, he also offered to– to come home. Not for any legal advice but just, uh, moral support.

Does love his brother.

Actually, he just wants to be here for all of us.

[door opens]

Here’s your visitor.

[soft music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

How can you offer to defend the man that nearly killed Sarah? She’s my wife. Where’s your family loyalty?

Xander, you know I love Sarah, but Brady’s family too.

Don’t remind me.

Everyone deserves a defense.

Says who? I mean, my God, Justin. Getting behind the wheel of a car when you’re out of your mind drunk– I mean, that’s not just a mistake, is it? It’s not just a– a little lapse in judgment. It’s a bloody crime. Not to mention, after he ran Sarah down, he just went off on his merry way. Didn’t even bother to check if she was dead or alive.

Xander, I get that you’re suffering right now.

Forget my suffering. My wife might never walk again. So I don’t think Brady Black should ever see daylight again. I mean, as far as I’m concerned, scum like that, all you can do is lock him up and throw away the key.

Oh, for God’s sake, Xander. It was an accident.

Mom, I said I can do it. Will you just please let me?

Listen, Sarah, you will eventually do this on your own, but for right now, will you please let me help you?

And I can help, too, Aunt Sarah.

Hey, honey.

Please, will you let me?

All right, yeah, sure.

Holly, grab her feet, okay? Okay. Good.


[grunts] Well, I do not know who moved this bed up a foot, but they will be hearing from my lawyer. So if you could just go grab Justin. Thank you, both of you. Boy, I do not know where I get this stubbornness from.

Mm. It’s a mystery.

Oh, is it?

Yes, but you know you’re not gonna get any help for long ’cause you’re strong and you’re determined. And before you know it, you’re gonna be in and out of that chair just like an old pro.

It’s just a matter of time.


Aunt Sarah, for whatever it’s worth, I’m really, really sorry.

Honey, is this about you blaming yourself for the accident?

I am to blame, though. If that cabin key had been where it was supposed to be, then you wouldn’t have had to go look for it. You wouldn’t be in the street when–

Holly, Holly, look at me. The search for the key did not put me in that chair. There’s only one person to blame. It is not you. – I didn’t expect to see you, Tate.

I just needed to see how you are. Hope that’s okay.

Yeah. Sure, it’s fine, it’s okay, but, uh… You must be pretty ashamed of your–of your dad, huh?

No. No, I’m not ashamed of you. I feel bad for you, that’s all. I just–

[sighs] I wanna understand how this happened.

How it happened. Well, it starts with one drink, and then it leads to a couple more. And, uh, your dad’s an alcoholic, as you know, and sometimes it’s very hard for me to stop.

Uh, I meant the accident.

Oh, the accident. Oh, that’s– here’s the kicker on that one. I don’t remember. That’s how bad your dad was. That’s how drunk he was. I–I hit Sarah with my car, and it’s a blank.

Why did you even relapse in the first place, Dad? I–I don’t understand. Like, what happened to make you start drinking again?

Oh, I meant to tell you– I talked to Dad this morning. Just wanted to fill him in on what’s going on.

And how did he take it?

Well, he’s upset for– for all of us. He’s sad that Brady had fallen off the wagon, and even sadder about the accident. And he just wanted to know if there was anything he could do to help us.

He is such a kind man.

Yes, he is. I really appreciate the offer, just like I appreciate everyone’s offer here. But Doc, I’m telling you, this deal with all these phone calls this morning here and updating people who really care about Brady, plus, on top of my own worries, it’s–

It’s a lot.

Yeah. It’s a lot.

Mm-hmm. You’re lucky to have me to help you.

[soft music]

Damn lucky.

I am right here for you. We’re going to get through this together.

Now, you can’t just let me off that easy, Aunt Sarah. The only reason I had that cabin key was because I was lying, lying to everyone about Tate staying in the cabin all summer just so we could have time together.

Honey, if you wanna feel guilty about lying, I’ll allow it. But you are not allowed to feel guilty, not even a little bit, about what happened to me. I mean it. The only person that is to blame is the driver who hit me. Sugar, am I getting through to you at all?

Yeah, I guess. Thank you for being so kind to me. It still doesn’t change the fact that I wish I could go back in time and just leave that key where it was meant to be.


[sighs] You know, honey, there’s a reason they say hindsight is /. I see it in the hospital all the time. In one moment, someone’s life is changed forever, whether it’s a– a terrible accident or a serious disease. Either way, we can all try to plan out our lives the way we want, but we have– we have no control over what happens to us. And so all we can do is just try to handle the circumstances the best we can.

And we can all be grateful that your Aunt Sarah’s getting stronger every day.

Yeah. Not as fast as I would like, but I am getting there.

Thank God for that.

So you started drinking again because of Mom?

No, I’m not– I’m not blaming her, okay? I’m responsible for my own actions, okay? But–when I saw your mom marrying Alex, I didn’t like it. I did think there was a chance your mom and I might be able to get back together, and then when I saw that that was never gonna happen, I, uh– it hit me hard. And then I found myself at the pub, and it all went downhill from there.

[pensive music]

Mom’s wedding was weeks ago. Have you been drinking this whole time?

Yes. Remember when I saw you in the square? I ran into you, and I told you to get your butt back to lacrosse camp, don’t bother coming home. Remember that?


Well, it seems that we were both lying to each other that day. The only difference is, son, my lies were worse, because the–the consequences were tragic and they cannot be undone. Tate, I was right in the middle of that– what do you call it? The throes of my addiction at the time, and I didn’t want you to see me. I didn’t want you to see your father and how bad he had become. And I thank– thank you for–for– for not being ashamed of your father. But the problem is, your father is very ashamed of himself.

– I’m sorry, Mum. You’re not actually defending Brady, are you? I mean, first of all, you don’t even know him.

No, I don’t. And I’m certainly not defending what he did to Sarah. But darling, from everything I’m told, the man’s an alcoholic. He has a disease, just like I do. And he certainly didn’t mean to harm her.

Of course he didn’t.

Of course you agree. I mean, you’ve already made it quite clear whose side you’re on.

Xander, this isn’t about taking sides. This is about having compassion for someone who, yes, made a terrible mistake, but who is also incredibly remorseful about it. And let’s not forget that Brady is a member of the family. A family, who, by the way, didn’t write you off after you held my wife hostage in the garden shed.

And yet I don’t remember you offering me legal services back then, did you, huh? But then you’re all too happy to sign up to be Brady’s lawyer.

You’re lucky you don’t need a lawyer now after you tried to choke him to death.

Well, he better hope that I don’t get another chance ’cause if I do, I’m gonna break his bloody neck.


Thanks. I needed that.

I needed that too.

[pensive music]

And now it’s time to go talk to my son.

Would, uh–would you like some company?

Better handle this one on my own. But I’m grateful for your offer, Doc.

Right. Well, please tell Brady that I love him.

You know I will.

That’s it. You’ve heard it all. And it’s okay if you don’t wanna have anything to do with me anymore.

How can you even say that? You’re my dad. My God, you didn’t turn your back on me when everyone blamed me for Holly’s overdose.

You were innocent.

Yeah, but you didn’t know that. Hell, you even tried to take the rap for me. Yeah–yeah, I feel terrible about what’s happened to Holly’s aunt. There’s no way I’m turning my back on you.

Even though I tried to keep you and Holly apart for a long time, you’re not– you’re not pissed about that?

No, I don’t care about any of that, Dad. I’m telling you, all I care about is being here for you.

Son, you need to know that your mom may not be the only one that’s gonna be in prison.

Prison? You’d go to prison for an accident?

Drunk driving and hitting someone is not an accident. It’s a crime. It’s a horrible crime. I could have cost Sarah her life.

Yeah, but thank God you didn’t. And– look, in time, Sarah is going to forgive you because she’s a doctor and she gets that you have a disease. Everyone gets that, and so everyone’s gonna understand and forgive you. I already have.

[knock at door]

Yeah. Yeah.

I love you, Dad.

I love you too. I love you too.

Okay, sweetheart, can I get you anything? I mean, dinner is not gonna be for a while. I can have Henderson bring you up a snack.

No. No, I’m good. I’m good. I just, uh–I wanna go check on Victoria.

Uh, well, not right now, ’cause Bonnie has her down in the kitchen. They’re conducting a taste test of all the different ice cream flavors in the freezer.


[chuckling] Bonnie is so good with her.

Yeah, she is. Our little angel, she– she worked up quite an appetite at the pool. You should have seen her. She kept pulling herself up on the rail. You can just tell she’s gonna be walking soon. Honey, I’m sorry.

What are you sorry for?

Well, it’s just that, you know, once she does, it’s–

I know. I know. It’ll be impossible for me to keep up with her. Or to walk next to her.

[solemn music] But it’s like you said the other day when I was feeling bad for myself. You said, “Sarah, you will find a way.” And I will. Mom, I’m glad that my little girl is growing up. You know, it’s like you said. I’m lucky I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful little girl who surprises me every single day. And that chair isn’t gonna stop me from being the best mother and wife that I can possibly be.

Of course it isn’t. Oh, Sarah, I’m so proud of you.

I’m proud of you too. You are always so strong and tough after all the losses that you’ve suffered, all the struggles that you’ve had. And hey, it’s my daughter’s first birthday party tomorrow.

Yeah, and you’re gonna celebrate it with her. Oh, darling, that smile of yours and the light in your eyes when you see her– that’s all she cares about.

I need to go check in with my office.

Yeah, well, let’s hope they’ve lost Brady’s paperwork.

[soft tense music] How can he do this to us? How can he defend the drunken swine who ran Sarah over and left her for dead?

Darling, I just want you to know that despite what I said earlier about Brady, I am % on your side.

Why would I think anything else? I mean, ever since– ever since Sarah’s accident, you’ve just been so caring and supportive. I don’t know what we would have done without you.

I’ll always be here for both you and Sarah. You mean the world to me.

And you to us. Hey, I’m gonna go check on her. Why don’t you come with me?

Are you sure? Don’t you want some time together, just the two of you?

There’ll be plenty of time for that. But she’s always so happy to see you.

As I am her. Shall we?

Oh, honey, I’m so glad to see you.

That goes double for me.

I’ve missed you so much.

Oh, I’ve missed you so much too. And I’ve missed little Jude. Thank you, by the way, for all the pictures and the wonderful videos. And I assume that, uh–that he and Nicole are doing well.

They are. They are. And you and John, you’re gonna have to make plans to come to Paris, of course, so you can see your little grandson in person.

Yeah, we’ve been making plans to–to do that. We’re looking forward to it. But in the meantime, thank you for coming to us.

Of course. There was no way I was gonna stay in France, not with my brother in trouble.

Well, um, Dad, I wasn’t expecting you.

Well, here I am. Because you need to know you’re not alone in this, and everyone who loves you is right here with you.

Well, maybe– maybe they should go visit Sarah, and then– then we’d see how they’d feel about this all.

We are capable…

[soft tense music] Of caring about you and Sarah, okay? Now, listen, you’re not gonna be in here for long. Justin is determined to get you cleared of all charges–

Dad. Dad, I don’t wanna be cleared. I wanna pay for my crime.

Ahh, hey, you.

What are you up to, my love?

Well, I’m just going over a little list of everything that we need to get done for our child’s birthday party tomorrow.

Give me an assignment. Give me several.

Actually, my mom has everything covered.

Of course she has. Well, speaking of, my mum was hoping to say hello as well.

Oh, great.

Hello, Sarah, my dear. How are you settling in?

I’m doing okay. Thank you. What about you? Do you have everything that you need?

I do. Thank you. Everyone’s been simply marvelous. But we just want to focus on making things easier for you.

And some of us have been doing a much better job of that than others.

What do you mean?

Meaning I just tried and failed to get Justin to ditch Brady as a client.


Hi, Justin.

I was about to call you. I thought you’d be out and about.

Uh, no. I’m here, obviously. What’s going on?

Well, Xander was here earlier, and– well, let’s just say he wasn’t too happy about me taking Brady’s case.

Mm. I imagine not.

He actually asked me to drop it. I said no.


But now I’m wondering– how do you feel about that?


Hi. I’m so glad to see you.

Same here.

I needed that badly.

Me too.

How are you? I’ve been thinking about you nonstop.

Yeah, I’m okay. I just came from the police station. I went to see my dad.

Must have been really hard for you.

It was awful. It’s depressing as hell. I just feel so sorry for him.

For him? Why?

So Brady’s been drinking for a while now?

Yeah. Since Theresa got married. I guess he had some hopes they would get back together, and then– then his hopes were dashed.

I see.

It’s just so sad. He’s been sober for so long, and–

[solemn music] To drive drunk, to hit somebody, to leave the scene– I could never even imagine that Brady could be so reckless, so cruel. I mean, he didn’t even call anybody to let someone know that Sarah was lying there on the side of the road.

Yeah, that’s hard to believe. But I’m the last one to judge after what I did to Holly’s father.

My dad’s in jail, Holly. Why would I not feel bad for him?

I mean, isn’t that where he belongs? Your dad got wasted, and then he plowed his car into my Aunt Sarah. She’s paralyzed, Tate.

Okay, I–I know that, and I’m–

My God, I just watched her struggle to lift herself into bed, something that you and I take for granted that she now has to learn how to do all over again. And–and there’s some things she’s probably never gonna be able to do again in her life.

And my dad feels horrible about that, and he’s wracked with guilt, and he hates himself for what happened. But Holly, this thing, this whole thing was an accident.

An accident that could have easily been prevented. Your dad certainly didn’t have to get drunk and get behind the wheel. I mean, no, it wasn’t just an accident. It was a crime.

He knows that. He wasn’t thinking clearly. He was upset about my mom.

Oh, so are you saying that’s an excuse? What, we’re supposed to feel sorry for him because he got upset and drank himself into a stupor, and he forgot that driving drunk can kill people?


Or I guess, just in my Aunt Sarah’s case, ruin someone’s life?

All I’m saying is that I just– I wish that you wouldn’t be so judgmental about this, because you know that I feel terrible about what’s happened to your Aunt Sarah. But so does my dad, and he’s suffering, too, like, a lot. I–I don’t know why we’re arguing about this. The situation isn’t like–

Isn’t what?

It’s not black and white.

Oh. But that’s exactly what this is. Because there’s no gray area here, Tate, if that’s what you mean. Because, thanks to your dad, my Aunt Sarah is probably never going to be able to walk again. Which is why I don’t understand how the hell you can defend him.

No, Justin. I don’t want you to stop defending Brady. In spite of what happened, I love him. I’ll always love him. I’m just profoundly disappointed in him. No, I’m more than disappointed. I’m just horrified that– that he could have gotten behind the wheel of a car when he was drunk and hit my daughter and then just drove off.

Yeah. It seems like a lot of people in this house are struggling with how someone we all love could cause such a tragedy.

Well, it may be somewhat easier for me to understand… since I’m a little familiar with that insidious disease of Brady’s. You see, it kind of lies in wait… For that moment of weakness, whatever the cause. And the one way to fight it, the only way to fight it, is to ask for help, to reach out to your sponsor.

Which, in Brady’s case, was you.

Yeah. And I know I could have helped him.

[chuckles] But he never gave me the chance.

I don’t understand. Why would you even call Justin if you–

If I didn’t wanna be defended? Because Jade insisted on doing everything by the book, and I didn’t really have a choice. The fact is, Dad, I’m gonna– I’m gonna plead guilty. I don’t need a lawyer to do that. And I’m gonna take responsibility for what I did, and I’m gonna suffer the damn consequences.

But do you even know what you’re taking responsibility for?

Yes, I do. Sarah’s in a wheelchair, and I think that’s a pretty big clue.

Obviously, there was some sort of an accident, okay? But there is no proof that you caused it. And the police, they don’t have any– they don’t have any evidence here, especially now that your car is gone.

Yeah, yeah, and that’s thanks to Kristen, who, in her misguided attempt to protect me, got rid of it. She says she was thinking of Rachel when she did it.

You know, maybe you should do the same thing. Yeah.

Think about–you don’t think I’m thinking about them? That’s all I’m thinking about, are my kids and the kind of example that I’m leading. Dad, I don’t want them to be ashamed of the kind of man that their father is. Do you understand that?

Come on. Justin putting up a defense for you is nothing to be ashamed about.

[soft tense music]

I’m doing it. I’m–I’m–I’m doing it, and there’s no– no way you’re gonna change my mind.

Not even if I tell you that not only are your kids not gonna be the only ones who are heartbroken, but you’re gonna be locked up for God knows how long? It’s gonna be devastating to me, your old man. So what do you say if I were to ask you to just… Do it for me?

Baby, I understand that you are angry, but Brady is family. And I can understand why Justin didn’t wanna just abandon him.

Well, I can’t. As far as I’m concerned, the family member that did this to you deserves to rot in hell.

Darling, I worry that this kind of talk will wear on Sarah. So why don’t we just focus on something positive like– well, I don’t know, my precious granddaughter’s first birthday?

Yes, I would very much like to focus on that.

And just so you know, now that I’m here, you have me at your complete disposal for any help that you need with the party, or anything else for that matter.

Thank you, Fiona. That’s very sweet.

Well, Sarah, you’re– you’re like a daughter to me now. I’m just so terribly sorry that you have to suffer like this. You don’t deserve this.

Oh, darling, I know you still live with the pain of what happened to Daniel.

[solemn music]

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. And since I’ve been back…

Since you’ve been back what?

I just feel a tremendous amount of sadness and remorse.

Why is that?

Back when Nicole and I were married… We decided that, well, Holly, she was too young to know the details of the accident that killed her father. We agreed that some day she deserved to know the truth.

She still doesn’t know that you caused the accident?

I just wanted to wait for the right time, and when Nicole, she told EJ that she wanted a divorce, he threatened to tell Holly the truth.

Well, that’s not surprising, is it? But I can’t imagine that he would have followed through with that threat.

No, he didn’t. Nicole and I decided since I was coming back home for Brady that, well, I needed to take some time to be the one to tell Holly the truth before she found out from somebody else.

Holly, you know my dad. You know he’s not a bad person.

No? Does a good person drive drunk and run someone over and not even stop to check to see if they’re dead or alive?

Yeah, like I said, this situation isn’t black and white. Yes, he did a terrible thing. But my dad’s an addict. He’s got a disease.

Okay, then it was his job to deal with his addiction on his own, not make somebody else suffer for it.

Oh, my God. He didn’t mean to make anyone suffer, Holly.

Oh, he didn’t mean to. I bet he didn’t mean to drive drunk. Did he not mean to put his foot on the gas? For God’s sake, Tate, did your dad never hear or read all those countless anti-drunk driving PSAs?

Yes, yes, he’s heard them. Who hasn’t heard them? Come on. Like I said, he wasn’t thinking clearly. He’s an alcoholic who had a relapse, okay? And he’s tortured with guilt over what he’s done. So I don’t know why you don’t at least have some compassion for him.

Yeah, well, I don’t. Because, as you seem to have forgotten, my own father was killed by a drunk driver, who probably just wasn’t in their right mind either.

Um, yeah, I– I haven’t forgotten that. You’re absolutely right. And I know that that makes this even harder for you to talk about. But Holly, look, that was a terrible accident too. It was. I mean, look, you forgave Eric, right?

[soft tense music]

Forgave Eric? What do you mean?

I suppose Brady was afraid to call you because he didn’t want to be judged.

He knows I’d never do that. Sponsors don’t judge. They just support you, and they guide you. You know, I had reassured Brady over and over that whatever his condition was, however he was feeling, all he had to do was pick up the phone and call me. I trusted that he understood that. That if he–that if he was impaired, that I’d be there. I’d pick him up and get him back on track, and I’d prevent him from destroying himself or anyone else. And especially… From getting behind the wheel when he had been drinking. Which is why I’m– I don’t know. It’s just so hard for me to believe that he actually did this.

Dad, come on. You–you know I would do anything for you. But this, this–this is–

Son. I said it before. I respect your decision to want to take responsibility. But how can you even do that if you don’t have all the facts?

Facts? Dad, the facts are that your son got drunk. He hit a woman with his car, and–and– and he left her at the scene. I think the facts are pretty straightforward, don’t you think?

Okay. All right, maybe you’re right. Maybe everything will turn out as straightforward as you think it is. But all I’m asking you is this– do not plead guilty until you know the whole story. Son, for all we know, there may be some mitigating circumstances here. For all we know, there’s a hell of a lot more to this story.

Oh, Sarah, I just can’t believe that this has happened to you, and so soon after you and Xander were married. And especially on a night that’s supposed to be one of the happiest nights of your life. I just–I just thank God it wasn’t so much worse.

Sarah? What is it?

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