Days Update Thursday, July 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Holly joins Tate at the Horton Cabin on Smith Island and they kiss. They talk about missing each other as Tate shows her that he made her lunch and got her flowers. Tate asks about her trip over. Holly says that Nicole took Jude to work and then she took the ferry to the island and that no one knows she’s there. Holly then gets a call from Nicole.

EJ is on the phone at the DiMera Mansion, saying he told them that he’s working from home and he needs the case files delivered immediately. EJ hangs up as Eric then storms in and demands that EJ sign his divorce papers.

Alex sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion, looking up at the portrait of Victor. Sarah comes in and asks how he’s doing. Alex asks how she thinks as he just found out his whole life was a lie, again.

Theresa goes to the airport and hears the plane will begin boarding in five minutes. Theresa turns around and runs in to Xander, who asks if she’s going somewhere.

Brady wakes up in a room at the Salem Inn to see Fiona, who tells him that they had quite the night last night. Brady says he’s sorry as he was pretty drunk last night. Fiona says she was too as they had several martinis and Brady was drinking even before she came to his table. Brady guesses that explains why he doesn’t recall coming back to the Salem Inn. Fiona explains that it’s her room and Brady said he didn’t want to go home in his condition which Brady calls his one good decision. Brady then asks Fiona if they slept together. Fiona responds that they certainly did.

Theresa questions how Xander found her. Xander knew she would try to skulk out of town after what she did and questions where she’s going. Theresa asks what he wants. Xander wants answers. Theresa says she said everything she had to say at the wedding. Xander says it wasn’t enough as he wants to know why she changed the name in the letter to deny him his birthright. Xander asks if she really hates him that much. Theresa says she does and then some.

Tate suggests Holly ignore the call but Holly says she tried but Nicole was calling the entire time she was on the ferry so she might get paranoid and try to come find her. Holly then answers the call. Nicole asks where she is as she’s been trying to reach her for an hour. Holly claims she’s working a lunch shift at the Bistro. Nicole thought she was working dinners but Holly says she’s covering for someone. Nicole says she’s sorry to bother her at work. Holly asks if something is up. Nicole says she needs to see her after work. Holly asks if everything is good. Nicole declares that they need to find a new place to leave ASAP because she doesn’t want to be anywhere near EJ.

EJ mocks Eric working as Nicole’s courier. Eric asks if he’s going to sign the divorce papers or not. EJ asks what he’s so angry about. Eric says about a million things, starting with EJ stealing his son. EJ remarks that Eric brought the boy over himself and said that he was his. Eric argues that’s what Sloan said but EJ knew that was a lie because he helped her get away with it. EJ argues that Sloan is fully capable of making her own decisions, even bad ones like marrying Eric. Eric yells at him to shut up and talks about EJ accepting Jude when he brought him over, knowing that he was suffering. Eric declares that now EJ is the one who is going to suffer.

Alex pours a drink as Sarah asks what the worst part is. Alex calls that an excellent question since there’s so many good choices. Alex talks about feeling stupid for not realizing that Theresa had been lying to him this entire time or the fact that he treated Justin the way that he did. Alex guesses the worst might be just not being who he thought he was. Sarah remembers how confusing for him when he thought Victor was his dad. Alex says putting aside the money and the CEO position, it was thinking that Victor lied to him for his entire life. Alex talks about trying to embrace his new identity to honor Victor’s legacy but it turned out none of that was true either, so suddenly his entire life is turned upside down again. Sarah knows he doesn’t care but says that Xander is feeling the same way.

Xander questions if Theresa’s answer is that she hated him so much. Theresa admits that’s not the only reason she did it. Xander argues that it always has to be about her since she saw the opportunity to steal from him, give it to Alex, and she could still enjoy the spoils. Xander says Theresa made Alex the heir and then her husband and the truth may never have come out if Bonnie didn’t mail the invitation to Fiona. Theresa cries that it did come out and now it’s all come crashing down. Xander then hears on the intercom that Theresa’s plane is leaving for New York. Theresa asks if they are done since she really needs to go. Xander asks if Alex is annulled the marriage or if she even cares since his net worth has dropped so significantly. Xander hopes she doesn’t think she will get away with this, pointing out that Konstantin is dead so she’s the only one left to take the fall. Xander then realizes that Konstantin was her accomplice but she was his too when she kidnapped his baby.

Brady asks Fiona again if they slept together. Fiona clarifies that they shared the bed but that’s all. Fiona says she had a very good time with him at the Pub and has no complaints. Brady wishes it wasn’t such a blur and points out that he doesn’t even know her last name. Fiona then reveals it’s Cook. Brady hopes that’s no relation to Xander. Fiona informs Brady that Xander is her son, causing Brady to spit out his water in shock.

Nicole mentions going to check out an apartment. Holly asks Nicole if she can’t just go by herself. Nicole responds that she can but Holly is going to be living there too, so she wants her to have a say in it. Nicole says she’s asking her for help starting a new life together and asks her not to argue with her on this. Holly tells her that she’s working a double today. Nicole apologizes and says she’s just really stressed out as she’s trying to make a clean break from EJ but he’s refusing to sign the divorce papers. Holly admits she didn’t know that. Nicole adds that things at work are crazy, so it’s something she really wants them to do together as she kind of needs it right now. Holly then agrees to meet her between shifts so they can look at a few places together. Nicole says that’s great and agrees to pick her up as soon as she finishes at work. Holly hangs up and tells Tate that she has to go meet Nicole to look at a few apartments, but she doesn’t have to go until before her actual dinner shift covering for Sophia. Tate says he’s sorry about that since it was the only way to stop Sophia from telling on them. Holly calls it a small price to pay for them to be together as they kiss.

EJ tells Eric that Sloan is the one who started all of this and asks why he doesn’t take it up with her. Eric says that’s because EJ helped her get away with it. EJ thinks he’s mistaken. Eric brings up when Sloan came over and begged Nicole to forgive her. EJ says he remembers Sloan attacking him. Eric argues that Sloan is half his size but still managed to get away. EJ argues that she had the element of surprise. Eric tells him to save it for the police because he’s going to prison. EJ responds that he’s the district attorney, so he’d like to point out that you generally need proof to charge someone with a crime and he has none. Eric says not yet, but he will get locked up and pay for what he did. EJ says he’d like to see him try. Eric tells EJ to be a real man and sign the divorce papers. EJ says no. Eric asks why not and if he thinks Nicole is actually going to forgive him. Eric tells EJ that Nicole is never going to come back to him. EJ says perhaps, but she’s never getting away from either. EJ then tears the divorce papers up. Eric asks if he really thinks he can stop a divorce by tearing up a copy. EJ says maybe not but he can certainly delay it. Eric asks why he’d want to. EJ says it would make their lives Hell and it’s already working. Eric calls him a piece of garbage. EJ warns Eric not to antagonize him or he might prosecute Marlena for assault after she came over and slapped him. Eric says that’s the least of what he deserves. EJ remarks that they’ll see when Marlena is sitting in a jail cell. Eric argues that no judge will send Marlena to jail for slapping him. EJ responds that he was just using that as an example because he can hurt Eric in all sorts of ways which Eric questions. EJ then says he’s curious if Holly knows that Eric killed her father.

Holly and Tate have lunch together in the Horton Cabin and talk about the freedom of not having to worry about someone bursting in on them. Tate talks about Aaron agreeing to pretend to be him at lacrosse camp and Sophia keeping her mouth shut, they should have at least a month together. Holly asks if he’s not worried about his mom figuring out he’s not at camp. Tate says he’s not because he thinks Theresa is married to Alex now and rich, so she’s probably off on some insane honeymoon somewhere…

Alex tells Sarah that she’s right that he doesn’t care what Xander is feeling because he’s about to get everything he ever wanted, so he questions what Xander has to be upset about. Sarah argues that Alex just talked about his life being turned upside down and feels for Xander, it’s worse which Alex questions. Sarah complains that Alex knows Victor always treated Xander like the hired help or an embarrassment to the Kiriakis name, unworthy and unwanted. Alex remarks that maybe that’s because it’s true. Sarah responds that he sounds a lot like Theresa.

Theresa tells Alex that it’s insane and asks why she would take his child. Xander argues that she was helping her partner in crime get back in Maggie’s good graces. Theresa calls that a tremendous story but untrue. Xander says she’s slipping as her lies are not believable anymore. Xander remarks that it’s a good thing his mom showed up to expose her as the fraud she is.

Brady questions Fiona being Xander’s mother and can’t believe he slept in the same bed with her. Brady tells Fiona that he and her son have history and he thought she was out of the picture. Fiona explains they were out of touch but out of the blue, she was invited to his wedding. Brady questions if she was there. Fiona says she showed up late while Brady says he was there, but left early. Fiona tells Brady that he missed quite the show since thanks to her, Xander found out he had been tricked out of his birthright which Brady questions. Fiona asks if Brady knows who Victor Kiriakis was. Brady informs her that Victor was his grandfather. Fiona supposes the secret is out now and reveals that Xander is Victor’s long lost son which Brady questions. Fiona says it’s true and that Victor left half of everything in his estate to Xander. Brady tells her that was Alex and how it was revealed in a letter written by Anjelica. Fiona says it turned out that Anjelica didn’t write that letter, she did. Brady asks what the hell she’s talking about. Fiona explains that she’s the one who had an affair with Victor resulting in a child and someone tampered with her signature in the letter. Brady asks who would do that. Fiona says apparently Alex’s bride which shocks Brady.

Theresa tells Xander that she’s done with this conversation. Xander brings up Konstantin going on and on about how he was still in the dark about something and he was about to reveal who his accomplice was but Theresa elbowed him in the gut. Xander adds that Konstantin used his last breath to say there was still an enemy in their midst. Theresa claims that was because Konstantin knew she forged the letter and that it had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Xander grabs her by the arm and declares he’s taking her to the police station.

Alex tells Sarah that a pen is all it took to change one name to another and all of their lives are never the same. Sarah tells Alex that she’s really sorry as he didn’t deserve that. Alex says it’s not her fault, but thanks her and admits it’s not Xander’s fault either. Alex says if anything, he should be thanking them for inviting Xander’s mother to the wedding because if she never showed up, they may have never known the truth.

Fiona tells Brady that Theresa forged the letter, depriving Xander of his rightful inheritance. Brady questions what she was thinking. Fiona says it seems there was bad blood between them and that Theresa wanted Alex to be the heir. Brady says he suspected that Theresa went through the briefcase but he just assumed that she read the letter and found out that Alex was the heir. Fiona states that she made him the heir and then questions how Brady knows Theresa. Brady then reveals that she is his ex-wife and the mother of his son. Fiona calls it a small world. Brady welcomes her to Salem and says he has to get going. Fiona says it was nice spending time with him. Brady wishes he could say the same but he doesn’t remember. Fiona asks him not to say anything about this since she’s not supposed to be drinking. Brady says he’s not either and agrees not to say anything. Fiona suggests maybe they can do this again sometime. Brady says maybe as he gathers his things and exits.

Theresa tells Xander to get his hands off of her and threatens to scream for security to come take him down. Xander lets her go. Theresa tells him that he can think whatever he wants of her but claims she had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Xander warns that she’s not going to get away with this. Theresa compares it to Xander kidnapping Bonnie and Susan. Xander responds that he’s admitted to all of his crimes, but it’s good that she knows how dangerous he can be and that was before he had unlimited resources. Xander tells her that she can get on the plane and fly to the ends of the Earth, but no matter where she runs, she can’t hide from him. Xander then storms off.

EJ knows how much Holly cares about Eric and she’s aware that a drunk driver killed her father, but he wonders how she will feel when she finds out that drunk driver was Eric. Eric questions if he really wants to do that to her. EJ says no, but he does want to do it to Eric. Eric asks even if that means ruining her relationship with her mother because they know she would blame Nicole for keeping that from her. EJ questions why that’s his problem. Eric says as much as EJ hates him or even Nicole, Holly has never done a thing to him. EJ responds that he’s not the one who killed her father. Eric asks if he really wants to cause Holly that much more pain after all she’s been through. EJ then agrees not to tell Holly that Eric is a drunken murderer and that he will instead focus on tormenting him and Nicole by tying Nicole up in court for years and make Eric testify to the fact that Nicole cheated on him with Eric. Eric argues that they were drugged. EJ asks about the night Eric kissed her after gallantly bringing her home from the bar. Eric declares he’s done with him. EJ stops him to warn him that he’s still married to Sloan, which Eric questions. EJ claims he forgot to file his divorce papers as it just slipped his mind. Eric tells EJ to enjoy his pathetic, lonely life. EJ responds that he’ll send him his bill as Eric storms out of the mansion.

Holly asks Tate if Theresa is a billionaire now. Tate says she’s married to one which Holly calls basically the same thing. Tate says he never thought about it that way and compares it to Nicole marrying EJ. Holly says even if that were the case, she doubts Nicole would think it’s worth it. Tate asks about Holly getting along with EJ. Holly says she did before he lied to them about Jude and now Nicole is leaving him but EJ is refusing to divorce her. Tate questions if you can do that and calls it kind of shady. Holly asks if Tate likes Alex. Tate says he seems like a good guy and thinks Theresa even loves him. Holly comments that he’s definitely hot for an older guy. Holly says maybe if Theresa gets her happily ever after, she will stop trying to ruin theirs. Tate promises that she won’t be ruining anything today as they kiss until Holly says she has to go so she can get to the Bistro before Nicole does. Tate asks for a few more minutes as they continue kissing. Holly worries that if she doesn’t go now, she’ll never leave. Holly then agrees to stay for five more minutes as they continue kissing.

Eric goes to the Spectator office and tells Nicole how much it brightens his day to see her and Jude. Nicole asks if he had a rough day. Eric informs her that he went to see EJ. Nicole questions why. Eric says he tried to talk him in to signing the divorce papers but he has no shame and tore them up. Eric adds that EJ said he was going to make their lives a living Hell and then threatened to go after Marlena for slapping him and that he was going to tell Holly that he was the driver that killed Daniel but he talked him out of that, so EJ said he would drag out the divorce for years. Nicole tells Eric that she’s so sorry. Eric says it’s not her fault. Eric adds that EJ also informed him that he and Sloan are still married because he forgot to file the divorce papers. Nicole calls EJ a son of a bitch and asks what they do now. Eric asks what if they left Salem, suggesting he could still take the job in Paris so they could get far away from EJ and start a new life with Holly and Jude. Eric asks what she thinks.

Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion and asks EJ about being district attorney. EJ points out that this is not his office but Xander says this can’t wait. Xander wants Theresa charged with kidnapping his daughter and declares that she needs to be locked up for what she did to him and Sarah.

Sarah goes to Fiona’s hotel room which Fiona calls a surprise. Sarah calls the last 24 hours one big surprise. Fiona agrees and asks if she can help her with something. Sarah says she just wanted to come talk to her about everything. Fiona asks if she’s angry with her, mentioning that Xander is ignoring her calls. Sarah says that Xander is pretty overwhelmed with everything, but she comes with an invitation which Fiona questions. Sarah explains that they still plan to get married once everything settles down and it will just be something small at the Kiriakis Mansion, so they’d love it if she was there. Fiona is not sure that’s a good idea.

Brady goes to the Kiriakis Mansion where Alex is sitting in the living room, facing the portrait of Victor. Brady tells Alex that he heard the news. Alex thought he was at the wedding. Brady says he left early which Alex calls the right decision. Brady says it’s crazy and shocking as he can’t believe Theresa did this to him. Alex tells him to join the club. Brady asks where she is. Alex responds that Theresa packed up her stuff and left.

Theresa paces at the airport as the final call is made to board the plane to New York.

Sarah knows Xander was really harsh with Fiona but she thinks once Xander absorbs everything and calms down, he will want her at the wedding. Fiona clarifies that’s not what she meant by it being a bad idea so Sarah asks what she meant. Fiona says it’s not that she’s unsure that her son wants her at his wedding, but she’s not so sure that Xander should be getting married at all.

EJ tells Xander that it looks like Theresa is up to her old tricks. Xander asks if he will issue a warrant for her arrest then. EJ admits he’d love to let Theresa walk because of how much it would bother Nicole, but he has to uphold the law, so he will issue an arrest warrant immediately. Xander thanks EJ and then exits the mansion. EJ remarks that if only punishing Nicole were that easy.

Nicole walks to the town square and calls Eric, telling him that Holly is about to meet her there and thanks him for wishing her luck as she feels she’s going to need it. Nicole hangs up as Holly arrives and asks where their first apartment is to look at, mentioning she’d love to live by the water. Nicole responds that she was actually thinking farther and asks Holly what she thinks about Paris. Nicole explains that Eric invited her to come to Paris with him and she thought maybe it would be good for all of them but Holly declares there’s no way in Hell she’s leaving Salem and storms off.

Tate reads online in an article about what happened at the double wedding with the wrong heir being named and questions what Theresa has done.

Brady tells Alex that he can’t say he’s shocked that Theresa took off because it’s what she does in making a mess, then leaving everyone else to clean it up. Brady wouldn’t be surprised if Theresa got the hell out of dodge for good, but Theresa then walks in and tells Brady he’s wrong.

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Days Update Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie and Jada agree that it’s possible that “Everett” isn’t really Everett. Stephanie doesn’t get why Bobby would pretend to be Everett but then realizes it got him out of Bayview.

At the hospital, Bobby as “Everett” tells Kayla that it’s none of her business then apologizes for sounding rude. He talks about dealing with a serious mental illness and trying to get his life back on track while working under a new boss, so it’s been a really stressful time. He tells Kayla that worrying about Stephanie’s feelings just isn’t his top priority right now and apologizes again. He remarks that first he sounded rude and now he sounds insensitive. He repeats that he has to focus on his mental health and tells Kayla that he needs to get to a therapy appointment as he walks away.

Paulina is at home finishing a call. Abe walks in and asks what that was all about. Paulina complains that Everett has called her office four times looking for a statement on Rafe’s stabbing and when she finally got a chance to call back, he was unavailable. Abe encourages her to take it easy since “Everett” just got out of Bayview. Paulina says she just doesn’t need a reporter wasting her time when she’s dealing with a police commissioner in a coma. Paulina adds that she has not one single lead as to who put Rafe in a coma and that she also needs to appoint an interim police commissioner while Rafe is out. Abe asks who she is thinking of. Paulina calls Jada the best possible candidate so far but with Rafe in a coma, she imagines Jada wants to spend any free time at her bedside.

Connie sneaks in to Rafe’s hospital room and reaches towards his machines but Gabi walks in and questions what she is doing in there. Connie says that she saw the news about Rafe and the stabbing and she’s sorry to intrude but she feels so terrible about what happened to him. Gabi questions her knowing Rafe. Connie says she doesn’t personally but feels like she does because all the citizens of Salem feel grateful to Rafe for keeping their streets safe. Connie claims that she can’t believe someone would stab Rafe and that she came to visit him to see if she could help. Gabi tells Connie to cut the crap and tell her why she’s really there.

Abe is sure Paulina is right that Jada is focusing on Rafe and his recovery. Paulina says that Jada might want to put as much overtime on the job as she can to nail the bastard who attacked Rafe. Paulina says she plans on reaching out to Jada right before her appointment with Kayla. Abe encourages Paulina to take deep breaths so she doesn’t get another lecture on her blood pressure. Paulina says she’s not worried as she hasn’t felt this good in years, so she’s sure she will get an excellent report.

Stephanie brings up Marlena releasing “Everett” from Bayview. Jada says she was there and he was very convincing, so there was no way to think it wasn’t him. Jada suggests maybe he’s just a really good actor. Stephanie wonders why he’d be faking it now and what has changed. Jada thinks she has an idea.

Bobby goes to Marlena’s office which is empty and tells himself that being Everett is stressing him out and he’s not sure how much longer he can keep it up. Marlena then comes in and asks if he was talking to someone. He says just himself and jokes that it’s the first sign of insanity.

Connie tells Gabi that she got her and she’s not here because of Rafe, but because of Gabi.

Kate goes to see Abe, who says he’s eager to hear how things went in LA. Kate responds that it wrapped up a little sooner than she thought. Kate explains that the producers loved their proposal and thought the financials were solid and they were eager to continue the show but say they don’t have the means. Kate then reveals that they gave a resounding yes and announces that Body and Soul is now theirs as they excitedly hug.

Kayla sets Paulina up in a hospital room for her check up. Paulina asks if there’s any updates on Rafe but Kayla says unfortunately no. Kayla asks how Paulina is feeling. Paulina says physically she’s never been better. Kayla tells her that her test results are all excellent, but she does have one concern.

Gabi questions Connie saying she’s there because of her. Connie reminds her that she asked for her resume as Gabi Chic, so she wanted to bring her a hard copy and came up with some ideas for the business. Gabi questions Connie coming to her comatose brother’s hospital room, hoping to run in to her to give her a resume. Gabi argues that sounds nuts and tells Connie that this is getting creepy. Gabi adds that she never saw her until the other day but now every time she turns around, there she is. Gabi tells Connie that she does not have time for a stalker and tells her to leave now. Connie responds that she’s sorry but she can’t do that.

“Everett” asks Marlena if they can end their appointment early today. Marlena questions why they would do that. He claims to be really busy and that he has so much to do that his head is spinning. Marlena brings up that when he was released from Bayview, he assured that he was 100% dedicated to his recovery. He claims that he is but his stress level feels like it will impede his recovery more if he stays instead of just going home to deal with stuff and get his life in order. Marlena knows his job is important to him and his relationship with Stephanie is important, but says they have to agree that his treatment takes precedence. He respond that at least Stephanie won’t be an issue anymore because he broke up with her.

Stephanie and Jada wonder why Bobby was so eager to get out of Bayview. Jada talks about only visiting him because Stephanie asked her to. Stephanie asks about Bobby wanting to rekindle their relationship. Jada confirms that Bobby was coming on very strong and it felt the same in Rafe’s room which felt very strange because Everett never wanted anything to do with her. Stephanie says if it’s really Bobby, that would explain why he dumped her and let Jada know right away. Jada remembers being with Bobby when Everett supposedly re-emerged and it wasn’t until she was questioning him about Li Shin’s murder. They realize that if he’s still really Bobby, that means he knows who really killed Li Shin and he’s pretending to be Everett to cover up the truth.

Abe tells Kate that this is incredible and says he felt like he was mourning Body and Soul when it was cancelled. Kate stops him and says there is one major issue that could make the whole deal unravel.

Paulina tells Kayla that she’s had so many things wrong with her this year and asks if this is nothing major because she doesn’t think she can take any more bad news. Kayla tells her the good news is that they caught this before it turned in to bad news, so that makes it not that big of a deal. Kayla reveals that her cholesterol is moderately elevated. Paulina mentions her mother dealing with that and she’s now 93. Kayla brings up Paulina’s medical history. Paulina knows elevated bad cholesterol increases chances of a heart attack or stroke. Kayla says they need to get that level down, so Paulina asks how to do that. Kayla talks to her about a low fat diet. Paulina tells Kayla that she is not taking any meds.

Gabi questions Connie not leaving and threatens to call security. Connie explains that she won’t leave because Gabi needs her which she questions. Connie asks when Gabi last slept or ate, arguing that she has so much on her plate with Gabi Chic and getting her life back in order while now having to spend every free moment with Rafe. Connie says she can relieve her of that burden by being her assistant, adding that she’s offering her services for free as it would be her honor to serve her. Gabi repeats that she doesn’t have the time for this. Connie asks her to just think about it and goes to get Gabi some coffee.

Marlena questions “Everett” breaking up with Stephanie as she thought rekindling their relationship was one of the main reasons he wanted to be out of Bayview. He says that it was and he really likes Stephanie, but when he got out, he felt overwhelmed with work and therapy. He claims it didn’t feel fair to Stephanie to make her wait around until he’s mentally healthy. He adds that after their last session, he feels like he’s starting to feel some of Bobby’s feelings. Marlena notes that could be a sign of progress. He talks about being reluctant to face everything that happened in his past but now he thinks he’s ready and asks Marlena to hypnotize him again.

Stephanie wonders why Bobby would bring up Li Shin’s murder to her and then not tell her anything about it. Jada knows it’s strange and says Bobby was stringing her along until she threatened him with never seeing her again. Stephanie wonders if Bobby could have had something to do with Li’s murder. Jada doesn’t know and says at one point, she thought Bobby could never hurt a fly but she also thought he’d never be a liar. Jada then gets a call from the police station and instructs them not to give Everett Lynch anything on the investigation of Rafe’s stabbing or any leads either. Jada is shocked to learn that he called three times. Jada says she will handle it and hangs up, wondering what the hell is going on with him. Stephanie goes over Bobby being desperate to get Jada back and if he thinks that Rafe is the only thing standing in his way, maybe he’s also desperate to know the status of Rafe’s stabbing. Jada then wonders if Bobby could’ve been the one who did it.

Abe asks Kate what the problem is. Kate says they were always concerned about getting the original cast to relocate to Salem. Abe mentions recasting some of the minor characters. Kate informs him that the three main characters are impossible to relocate as two of them are contracted to other projects in LA while another is married to a makeup artist there. Abe asks why they can’t just fly them out when they need them. Kate says they don’t have the budget for that. Abe argues that the three female leads are iconic and the fans have loved them for decades, so it wouldn’t be Body and Soul without them.

Stephanie knows it sounds crazy to think that Bobby stabbed Rafe. They agree that it’s a huge leap, but Jada points out that the timing does check out since Rafe got stabbed after Bobby was released from Bayview. Jada adds that there are no other obvious suspects here. Stephanie remember seeing Bobby at his hotel room that day, so she could be his alibi. Jada asks if she remembers what time it was. Stephanie checks her phone and sees that Marlena called her at 3:07, so she was there in about 10 or 12 minutes. Jada notes that was after she found Rafe at the cemetery since she called the ambulance at 2:24, so if Bobby does have an alibi, it’s definitely not Stephanie.

Marlena begins hypnotizing “Everett” and says they will begin with the good memories of his mother. He recalls asking why his mom let him hurt him. Marlena questions who. He tells Marlena that he sees his father with the big belt buckle and screams for his dad to stop.

Gabi sits at Rafe’s side and wonders if he can hear her. Gabi recalls when they had breakfast the other day and praises him as her brother. Gabi pleads with Rafe to wake up so he can help identify who did this and they can wipe that scum off the Earth.

Connie goes to get Gabi’s coffee at the hospital and calls her a diva bitch, complaining that after she finds a way to get rid of Rafe, Gabi is going to pay for what she did to Li Shin.

Kayla questions Paulina not wanting to take medication. Paulina says she already takes pills for blood pressure and her thyroid so she wants no more. Kayla asks what if it’s not a pill and the benefits outweigh the risks. Paulina hates feeling like she’s crumbling inside as she thought her health problems were over. Kayla encourages with these measures, they will be over for quite some time. Paulina apologizes for being grumpy and complaining when not many people have been as lucky as she has. Kayla notes that she is important to a lot of people and loved by so many. Paulina asks her not to tell Abe about her giving her a hard time about the medication because he will lecture her. Kayla thinks that Abe would be proud of her for contemplating this. Paulina feels that Abe has been so preoccupied with Body and Soul that he hardly notices her, but at least it gives him something to do other than moaning about it being cancelled.

Abe tells Kate that he guesses their only answer is to recast the show. Kate questions doing that and says they don’t want to be a pale imitation of the show, unless they reimagine the entire thing. Kate suggests calling it the next generation and setting it in the future but Abe says that wouldn’t be his show. Kate knows it’s a lot and that casting is only part of it as they need directors, writers, and crew. Kate says they have a big learning curve ahead of them.

Connie brings Gabi her coffee and says she hopes Rafe wakes up soon so he can go back to work and maybe he can catch his own assailant. Connie tells Gabi that she’s her gal if she needs anything else. Gabi thanks her. Gabi then tells Connie that she looked at her ideas and was kind of blown away. Gabi adds that her resume is very impressive. Gabi admits that she could use someone like her right now on a trial basis. Connie declares that she will prove her worth to her and she can’t wait to get started.

Jada and Stephanie talk about Bobby possibly stabbing Rafe. Stephanie remembers that Bobby was getting out of the shower when she showed up and maybe he was getting rid of evidence. Jada then remembers that Bobby was reading a murder mystery in Bayview. Jada says it’s all speculation but she’s had stranger theories turn out to be true. Stephanie questions how to figure out if it is true.

Marlena brings “Everett” out of hypnosis and tells him that he’s safe as she asks him what happened. He says he just hasn’t remembered that until now. He tells Marlena that his father Robert Stein terrorized him and that must be why Bobby came out that day to protect him and stayed until now. He says now that he remembers everything, he doesn’t need Bobby to protect him anymore. He says he has Bobby’s memories and feelings, like he’s a complete person now. He says he should’ve done this months ago like Marlena encouraged him to but he was too scared. He calls it incredible and doesn’t know how he can ever thank Marlena, calling her a miracle worker.

Paulina runs in to Gabi at the hospital and says she’s so sorry for what she’s going through. Gabi says she just came from seeing Rafe and there’s no change. Paulina assures that they are all praying for him and they will find whoever did this to him. Paulina promises that justice will be served.

Abe admits he has a big learning curve while Kate has television experience. Kate says she doesn’t with a scripted show. Abe jokes that he makes up for his lack of experience with a lot of enthusiasm. Abe suggests they hold off on casting and declares that Kate should play one of the roles. Kate says not to look at her since she’s just a producer and points out that even if she agreed, he’d still have two more roles to recast. Abe responds that he knows exactly who should play those roles too.

Kayla goes to Marlena’s office and says she wants to talk to her about Everett Lynch as she had an encounter with him this morning that left her quite troubled. Marlena mentions her session with him also left her troubled. Marlena says it went well but almost too well as he appeared to have a major breakthrough that she wouldn’t have expected for some time. Kayla asks if she thinks he’s putting on an act. Marlena doesn’t know and talks about him being so intelligent and clever to take drastic measures to secure his self preservation. Marlena says if the session was not as it seemed, then she thinks she made a serious mistake in releasing him from Bayview.

Bobby appears in Rafe’s hospital room and says he’s sorry as he never meant for this to happen to him. Bobby says he knew Connie was a wacko but if he knew she was going to try to kill him, he would’ve stopped her. Bobby says as a reporter, he should’ve asked more questions. Bobby adds that he never wanted Rafe to die, he just wanted him out of the way so he could have Jada all to himself.

Jada wants to bring Bobby in for questioning but says she will have to handle it very delicately. Jada instructs Stephanie not to say anything to anyone because the last thing they need is for someone else to know that they think Everett is Bobby and that he might be the one who stabbed Rafe, as Connie appears around the corner.

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Days Update Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Ava goes to the DiMera office where Kristen informs her that she heard about her encounter at the Brady Pub last night and questions why she didn’t tell her about it.

Gabi goes to her bedroom where Stefan is sleeping. Stefan wakes up so Gabi apologizes if she woke him and explains that she just needed to get her rosary before heading back to the hospital to be with Rafe. Stefan asks how Rafe is doing. Gabi says he’s still in a coma. Gabi goes to leave but Stefan stops her and says they need to talk.

Jada sits at Rafe’s side in the hospital. Kayla comes in and suggests Jada go home to get some rest but Jada says she’s okay. Kayla encourages that Rafe wouldn’t want her to sit there 24/7. Jada responds that she’s afraid of leaving his side. Kayla insists that Rafe is a fighter. Jada worries about the machines still breathing for him with no sign that he’s getting any better. Jad asks Kayla to be honest with her about the chances that Rafe will ever wake up.

Connie sits at home with her vision of Li Shin. Connie talks about using gloves when she stabbed Rafe so no one will ever know it was her. Her vision of Li then warns her that if Rafe ever wakes up, she’s screwed.

Bobby sits at the Brady Pub, reading the Spectator article about Rafe being in a coma after being stabbed. Bobby tells himself that he’s sorry as he didn’t think crazy Connie would take it this far but there’s nothing he can do about it now. Bobby declares that he shouldn’t waste this golden opportunity to get closer to Jada and that he should probably get to the hospital now but Stephanie arrives and greets “Everett.” He says he didn’t see her there while she says she couldn’t help but overhear him saying he’s heading to the hospital. He claims he has a therapy appointment with Marlena. Stephanie asks how that is going. He claims to be making a ton of progress. Stephanie says she’s glad to hear that. He tells her not to get too excited because they are not getting back together. Stephanie says she didn’t think that. He says he just didn’t want any confusion and that he should get going as he then hurries out of the Pub, leaving Stephanie confused.

Kayla wishes she could give Jada a definitive answer but says there is no real way of knowing when Rafe will wake up. Jada worries about the longer he is in a coma. Kayla encourages that Rafe has been through this before and made a full recovery. Jada notes that Rafe never mentioned that to her. Kayla says it was many years ago when Rafe was attacked and almost killed. Kayla says things looked dire but Rafe has a strong spirit. Kayla adds that there’s no reason to think he won’t come back to them. Jada hopes she’s right and says Rafe has a lot left to do in this world.

Gabi tells Stefan that she doesn’t have the energy for another fight. Stefan says he doesn’t want to fight and wants her to stop pushing him away. Gabi asks him to please move. Stefan refuses and says he didn’t say a word when she told him not to come to the hospital last night or when she decided to move out of their room. Stefan tells Gabi to stop being so stubborn and let him be there for her. Gabi asks if he’s not still mad about her revealing the truth about Jude since he said she may have started another war with EJ. Stefan declares that none of that matters now that her brother is fighting for his life. Stefan asks Gabi to let him help her through this. Stefan knows how scared she must be. Gabi admits that she’s scared of losing Rafe as Stefan hugs her.

Ava tells Kristen that she knew she should’ve said something to her. Kristen argues that she owes it to her. Ava asks how she found out anyway. Kristen reveals that Gabi left her a message that she ran in to her at the Pub and pitched the idea of reviving Gabi Chic at DiMera. Ava realizes it’s about that and not Brady. Kristen questions why Ava didn’t tell her about it. Ava calls it a terrible idea and reminds Kristen that she slept with Gabi’s husband while she was in prison. Kristen points out that Gabi doesn’t know about that. Ava argues that Gabi still hates her so there’s no way she’s going to stand side by side with her. Kristen tells her that’s actually exactly what she’s going to do. Kristen calls Gabi Chic a valuable asset that will give them a chance to compete with Basic Black. Ava guesses it’s about Brady then but Kristen claims it has nothing to do with Brady as unlike Ava, she doesn’t let her personal feelings get in the way of a good business decision. Kristen tells Ava that she will have to suck it up and work with the woman whose husband she slept with. Kristen wants Ava to track Gabi down and get her to sign with them today, before she changes her mind. Ava thinks Gabi has more important things on her mind right now, like the fact that her brother is in a coma.

Gabi tells Stefan that she’s used to Rafe being the big strong hero and her protector, but now he’s just lying in the bed, helpless. Stefan asks if the cops have any idea who did this to him. Gabi says not yet, but she just keeps thinking about how he was stabbed in the back. Stefan points out that it’s like Li. Gabi says that makes her think about if there’s a connection. Stefan points out that Gil Carter is dead and asks how that could be. Gabi then informs Stefan that Everett Lynch’s alter, Bobby claims it wasn’t Gil. Stefan questions him telling the truth. Gabi doesn’t know but declares that if he is, that means the person who murdered Li is still out there. Stefan brings up all the evidence pointing to Gil Carter and that being used to get Gabi cleared and that Rafe himself believed the evidence. Stefan suggests it could just be a horrible coincidence. Gabi says that all she knows is she just wants her big brother back as Stefan hugs her. Gabi thanks Stefan and admits she’s been trying to push him away, but says it feels really good to have him here with her. Stefan promises that he’ll always be there for her, whenever she needs him. Gabi then tells Stefan to make love to her as they kiss.

Jada remains at Rafe’s side and tells him that she’s going to need him to get better. Jada talks about being impatient and she knows Rafe deserves a little rest, but repeats she will need him to wake up, not just for her but for everyone at the department, his friends and family. Jada wants Rafe to know that the whole community is praying for him and she hopes that he can feel that. Jada hopes Rafe knows how much she loves him. Jada talks about the past few months being the happiest she’s ever been and she’s not ready to lose that as they have a whole lifetime of happiness ahead of them. Jada cries for Rafe to please wake up, so she can hold him again and he can help her find the person who hurt him. Bobby then enters the room and sees Jada crying at Rafe’s side.

Connie tells her vision of Li that Rafe is barely hanging on, so she doubts he’ll make some miraculous comeback. Her vision of Li asks what if he does. Connie states that she came up from behind so he didn’t see her. Her vision of Li states that she’s being awfully cold about this when an innocent man is in a coma and she’s just going about her day with no remorse. Connie questions what she was supposed to do since Bobby was going to tell Jada what she did to Li, so it was the only way to stop him. Her vision of Li asks what if Bobby doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain.

Kristen tells Ava that Gabi is very upset about Rafe, but they both know she has no problem setting aside her emotions to get what she wants. Kristen knows they have their issues and that Ava feels guilty about sleeping with her husband but if she wants this job, she’s going to have to get over it. Ava then agrees to go talk to Gabi and make her an offer. Kristen reveals that she already drew up a contract. Ava repeats that she still thinks it’s a terrible idea but Kristen doesn’t care. Kristen then orders Ava to track down Gabi and get her to sign on the dotted line.

Gabi and Stefan lay in bed after having sex. Gabi guesses now is a good time to say she’s sorry about the whole mess with EJ. Stefan asks how he knows she actually means that. Gabi states that she’s not sorry that Eric got his kid back and admits it was very satisfying to screw EJ over for sending her to prison, but she is sorry that she betrayed Stefan’s trust. Stefan accepts her apology and says he’s sorry for getting so mad at her. Gabi feels he had every right to be mad. Stefan says not after how long they were apart and he almost lost her for good. Stefan says he shouldn’t have let something like that come between them. Gabi understands he was hurt and she doesn’t blame him. Gabi says when it comes to other people, they can lie, cheat, and steal but they need to be able to trust each other. Gabi holds Stefan’s hand and swears to never keep secrets from him ever again. Gabi declares that from now on, it’s honesty and trust as they continue kissing.

Kayla joins Stephanie at the Brady Pub and says it sounds like she missed quite a wedding. Stephanie points out that it was two weddings. Kayla can’t believe Theresa pulled off that scheme as she really thought she had changed. Stephanie thought so too and brings up how Theresa treated Alex. Kayla asks how Alex is. Stephanie says he’s a mess. Kayla asks if she saw him after everything. Stephanie confirms that she followed him after the whole mess to try and comfort him but she didn’t think it did much good. Kayla points out that they have a history. Stephanie assures that history is all it is. Kayla guesses that she and Everett are back together now that he’s out of Bayview but Stephanie reveals that’s actually history too.

Bobby enters Rafe’s hospital room, pretending to be Everett, and says he heard the news about Rafe so he wanted to tell her how sorry he is. Jada calls that kind of him. He asks how Rafe is doing. Jada responds that he’s not good and the doctors aren’t sure if he will ever wake up. Bobby calls that terrible and asks if the police has any leads on who could’ve done this. Jada says forensics are analyzing the knife but other than that, they don’t have much to go on. Bobby tells her to let him know if he can help at all and offers to put a team of journalists from the Spectator to try and dig it up. Jada thanks him but thinks it’s best to let the police handle this. Bobby tells her that he has the full support of the newspaper and his as well if he can do anything for her.

Connie questions what reason Bobby would have to double cross her. Her vision of Li suggests he could use it to get closer to Jada. He warns that her plan could blow up in her face. Connie says she appreciates his concern, especially since she’s the reason he’s dead, but says she isn’t worried and that Bobby will be careful around Jada. He asks what if Jada figures out Bobby is faking. Connie assures that she won’t. He points out that if she did, Bobby would have no reason not to throw her under the bus.

Jada appreciates “Everett’s” offer to help but admits she’s a bit confused by it since they barely know each other. He says that he was in a coma for a year, so he has a lot of sympathy for the situation. Jada says he has a lot going on to get his life back on track. He talks about continuing therapy with Marlena and claims the integration process has been really successful so far. Jada says that’s great. He says he doesn’t fully understand it yet but he’s starting to feel like Bobby is becoming part of who he is. Jada questions that happening already. He’s sure he has a long way to go but feels like he’s starting to remember some of Bobby’s life. Jada asks if he has any memories on the murder of Li Shin. He says that Jada mentioned that before. Jada brings up Bobby claiming to have information on the death of Li Shin. He then claims not to know anything about that. Jada tells him to let her know if something comes back to him. He then clarifies that by remembering Bobby’s life, he’s starting to feel what Bobby is feeling, especially when it comes to Jada.

Kayla tells Stephanie that she’s sorry as she knows how excited she was about Everett coming back. Stephanie feels she was foolish since she was all set to tell him that she was ready for a serious relationship but he’s not. Kayla understands if he wants to focus on his mental health. Stephanie says she fully supports that but it still hurts. Stephanie calls Everett a great guy and says she’s really going to miss him even if it seems he won’t miss her because he seemed thrilled to be getting rid of her. Kayla questions what she is talking about. Stephanie informs Kayla that before she got there, she ran in to “Everett” and he was so dismissive and cold.

Stefan joins Kristen at the DiMera office and talks about his savvy negotiations, comparing it to Stefano. Kristen tells him to leave before his ego gets any bigger. Stefan says he will leave since he doesn’t want to run in to Ava. Kristen tells him not to worry since Ava is off trying to convince Gabi to bring Gabi Chic back to DiMera which surprises Stefan.

Ava goes to the hospital to find Gabi. Ava knows it’s a really bad time as she’s sorry about Rafe. Gabi asks if she means she’s sorry she’s not the one who did it. Ava says she knows things ended badly between them but she cared deeply about Rafe and would never wish this on him. Gabi asks what she wants. Ava says if she has a few minutes, she’d like to talk business as she talked it over with Kristen and they decided they would love to have Gabi’s brand back in DiMera. Gabi guesses she was right to go over Ava’s head and that Kristen forced Ava to come to her which couldn’t have been easy for her. Ava says they completely understand if she needs to concentrate on Rafe right now, but it’s a standing offer if she’d like to take a few months before jumping in. Gabi calls that considerate but says they don’t know when Rafe will wake up so jumping back in with Gabi Chic would be a welcome distraction. Gabi adds that one of the last things Rafe said to her was that she needs to get her life back together, almost like he gave her his blessing. Ava says that’s great as Gabi asks if she has a contract for her to sign. Ava presents the contract to Gabi, which she says seems surprisingly fair. Ava says that Kristen is eager to get her back in the fold and tells her that she can have her lawyer look it over if she wants. Gabi says she worked with plenty of contracts like this when she was CEO of DiMera and it seems pretty standard. Ava wants to make sure Gabi knows how much work it’s going to take to get her brand up and running again. Gabi asks if Ava is trying to talk her out of this. Ava says not at all and repeats that Kristen is eager to have her on board which means she is too. Ava states that she just doesn’t want Gabi to sign and then have regrets when the workload starts to come in, especially since she will have to be juggling Rafe’s medical needs. Gabi guesses that Ava worries she might not be up for it but says she handled all the pressure of running DiMera, so she can handle Gabi Chic. Gabi then signs the contract and says it’s a deal. Gabi knows Ava has her doubts but promises that neither of them will regret working together.

Stefan questions Kristen saying that Gabi and Ava are going to be working together. Kristen confirms that’s the plan. Stefan asks why the hell she would do that. Kristen says it was Gabi’s idea to restart Gabi Chic at DiMera. Stefan complains that Gabi didn’t realize she would be working the woman who slept with her husband. Kristen argues that Gabi doesn’t know about that and Ava won’t tell her. Stefan questions why Kristen moved forward with it. Kristen calls it good for business. Stefan asks if she’s sure about that or if it’s her way of getting back at him and Gabi.

Kayla encourages Stephanie not to take “Everett’s” behavior personally since it’s probably just disorienting to be back. Stephanie agrees that she shouldn’t take it personally or complain. Stephanie says she’s glad that Everett is himself again as he deserves to live a life that he chooses for himself. Kayla says she’s so proud of her. Stephanie thanks her. Kayla realizes her break is over and suggests they have a girls night tonight since Steve is still in Greece so Stephanie can come over and watch a movie with popcorn and ice cream. Stephanie agrees so Kayla says she’ll see her in a bit as she exits the Pub.

Jada questions if “Everett” is suggesting that he’s developing feelings for her. He says that he knows Bobby really cared about her so he guesses he’s starting to feel that affection and he just wanted to come offer his support as a friend. Jada says she’s sorry if she misunderstood. He calls it a very confusing situation. Jada says the important thing is he’s getting healthy. He says that means a lot coming from her. Jada decides she’s starving so she is going to get takeout. He offers to pick something up for her but Jada says she could use the fresh air. He tells her to call if she needs anything since he’s trying to stay busy now that he’s alone. Jada asks what about Stephanie. “Everett” tells her that they are sadly not seeing each other anymore. Jada says she’s sorry to hear that. He says it’s for the best and he’ll see her around as he then exits.

Connie says she’s been ruminating about Bobby and that he could end up being a liability. Her vision of Li asks what she’s going to do about it. Connie guesses if it comes to it, she’ll have to get Bobby out of the way just like she did to Rafe.

Kristen questions why she’d want to get back at Stefan and Gabi. Stefan suggests maybe the way they stole their DiMera shares. Kristen states they made it look like she was abusing her own daughter and admits she was very upset about it, but they can let all that go because now they have a mutual disdain to bond over in EJ. Stefan is glad they’ll always have something to bond over. Kristen tells him to let go of his paranoia and know that she’s not out to get he and Gabi. Kristen jokes that she won’t spill the beans about his one night stand as she wouldn’t do that to Ava. Ava then walks in and asks what about her. Kristen says she was just filling Stefan in on how Ava will be working with Gabi. Ava presents Kristen with the contract and declares that it’s a done deal.

Stephanie runs in to Jada outside the Brady Pub and says she’s so sorry about Rafe and asks how she’s holding up. Jada says she’s hanging in there and asks how Stephanie is since she ran in to “Everett” and he told her they broke up. Stephanie confirms they did but she’s surprised he told her about that considering all she is going through. Jada admits that he was acting very weird. Stephanie asks what she means. Jada says that he just wasn’t acting like himself at all. They then agree that it’s possible that “Everett” isn’t really Everett.

“Everett” runs in to Kayla at the hospital. Kayla says she’s so glad to hear about his breakthrough and asks if he has a minute to talk about her daughter since Stephanie told her that they aren’t seeing each other anymore. He says he has to focus on his recovery. Kayla talks about how Stephanie was very upset about how dismissive he was earlier and she cares about him. Kayla hoped he would be a little more sensitive to her feelings. Bobby then remarks that she’s absolutely right that it is none of her business.

Connie sneaks in to Rafe’s hospital room and reaches towards his machines but Gabi walks in and questions what she is doing in there.

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Days Update Monday, July 22, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

As Maggie officiates Xander and Sarah’s wedding, she asks if anyone objects. Xander’s mother, Fiona Cook, then arrives and declares that she’s sorry she’s late, surprising everyone in attendance. Fiona approaches Xander and comments on him being so handsome and grown up. Xander comments on her missing a decade of his life. Theresa looks worried while Leo watches on with excitement. Fiona declares to Xander that at long last they are all together now. Bonnie looks on with a big smile. Andrew comments to Paul that Xander’s mother sure knows how to make an entrance while Paul texts Brady to ask if he’s OK.

Brady sits at the Brady Pub with a drink at his table but texts Paul that he just got to a meeting.

Xander questions Fiona why she didn’t tell them she was coming. She explains that she was traveling when she got the invitation and sent an RSVP but when she realized it wouldn’t make it in time, she just hopped on a plane and is thrilled to be here. Xander then introduces his mom to Dr. Sarah Horton. Sarah tells Fiona that he’s so happy to meet her and she’s very glad she’s there. Fiona responds that she wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Sarah repeats that they are so happy she’s there to celebrate their special day and that it means a lot to them. Xander then introduces Fiona to her granddaughter, Victoria. Fiona guesses she’s named after Victor which Xander confirms. Fiona supposes that’s appropriate and calls her a lovely child. Theresa watches on uncomfortably. Maggie then greets Fiona as her other grandmother. Sarah introduces Fiona to Maggie, who mentions that she is also Victor’s widow. Fiona says she’s sorry for her loss as she and Victor were close many years ago. Maggie brings up Fiona being married to Victor’s brother. Theresa then interrupts and asks if they can catch up later so they can get on with the wedding.

Ava goes to the Brady Pub and runs in to Brady. Ava says she’s grateful that Kristen gave her a job but after an entire day of spreadsheets, she could really use a drink. Ava then stops and tells Brady that she thought he didn’t drink. Brady responds that he doesn’t.

Theresa introduces herself to Fiona as Theresa Donovan. Leo quickly points out that she should mean Theresa Kiriakis and informs Fiona that Theresa just married Victor’s son which Fiona questions and asks if he is Philip. Alex introduces himself as Victor’s other son. Fiona is confused as she thought Bo was Victor’s only other son, but says she’s been out of the loop for years. Alex tells Fiona not to worry about as he just found out he was Victor’s son after he died and thought he was his nephew for all his life. Fiona asks about how this revelation came to light. Theresa interrupts again and asks why it matters. Alex questions her hurry. Theresa claims she just wants to get on with the double wedding so they can get to the celebration. Fiona apologizes for bringing everything to a crashing halt. Sarah tells her it’s okay. Fiona states that after been gone for so many years, she has so many questions about the Kiriakis family. Alex explains that after the reading of Victor’s will, they found a letter from his mother naming him as Victor’s son which Fiona questions as Theresa looks annoyed. Fiona questions Alex learning he was Victor’s son from a letter which Alex confirms. Fiona asks if he still has the letter. Alex asks why she asks. Theresa asks Maggie to just get on with the ceremony but Fiona says this can’t wait. Xander questions what this is all about. Fiona responds that she’s sorry to tell him this on such a joyous occasion, but his cousin Alex is a fraud, shocking those in attendance.

Ava asks Brady if he wants her to call someone like his sponsor. Brady says that would be Maggie and she’s busy officiating her daughter’s wedding. Ava asks if Brady didn’t want to go. Brady says he went but he left at the half since it was a double wedding with Xander and Sarah, then his ex-wife Theresa and his newly discovered uncle, Alex Kiriakis. Brady says he watched Theresa and Alex get hitched and then got out of there. Brady decides they deserve a toast as he continues drinking. Ava is thinking Brady is very much not happy and asks if he wants to talk about it.

Theresa tells Fiona that her husband is not a fraud. Xander asks what this is about and what Fiona is trying to do. Fiona responds that she’s trying to stop a travesty of justice as they have all been fooled by this man. Alex says he has no idea what she’s talking about, but Fiona thinks he does. Fiona explains that Alex has been posing as Victor’s son but it’s all a lie. Justin argues that they all saw the letter. Sonny adds that Victor wanted Alex to know the truth. Fiona demands Alex show her the letter. Xander worries that she’s making a scene. Fiona says if he’s not hiding anything, he will let her see it. Justin then reveals that he has the letter and hands it to Fiona, explaining that Anjelica wrote it to Victor not long after Alex was born. Fiona reads the letter and says Anjelica may well be Alex’s mother, but she assures that she did not write this letter. Justin questions how she knows that. Fiona then reveals that she is the one who wrote the letter. Justin questions Fiona saying she wrote the letter which she confirms. Fiona says she wrote it and sent it to Victor. Alex argues that it has nothing to do with her as it’s about he and his parents. Xander questions what Fiona is doing. Fiona calls it something she should’ve done many years ago but she was ashamed. Maggie tells her to just say what she’s trying to say. Fiona is sorry it has to come out like this but reveals that many years ago, while married to Titus, she slept with Victor and got pregnant. Leo exclaims that now it’s a Salem wedding. Xander questions Fiona getting pregnant with Victor which she confirms. Fiona explains that she didn’t want Titus to know that she betrayed him, so she wrote Victor a letter in private, informing him of his son, Alexander. Alex says that is him while Justin adds that is the name he was given at birth. Fiona says that’s true but it’s also the name she gave Xander. Bonnie interrupts to say they’ve all seen the letter signed by Anjelica. Fiona says when she wrote the letter, she signed it herself so someone else must have changed the signature later. Alex argues that this can’t be right. Fiona questions how they obtained this letter. Justin explains that it was in a briefcase with Victor’s personal belongings which was returned to them by the ISA. Fiona asks if someone else could’ve had access to the briefcase. Paul looks to Andrew while Alex turns to look at Theresa.

Ava doesn’t think Brady should be drinking but says she’s not his sponsor or his mother and the last person who should lecture anyone on the choices they make. Brady tells her that she can’t stop him and gives her a drink on him. Ava guesses that since Brady is here instead of at the wedding reception, he still has feelings for his ex. Brady responds that he didn’t think he did and he thought he was over her, but she lured him in to bed when she was on the outs with Alex and reminded him of how good they used to be. Brady states that he slept with Theresa and it was the first time in a long time, but then the morning came and everything changed as Alex came crawling back in so Theresa kicked his ass to the curb. Ava tells Brady that she’s sorry as that sucks. Brady blames himself for falling prey to Theresa’s BS. Ava isn’t sure it will make him feel any better but says she has her own doomed love story. Brady tells her to tell him a Harris story. Ava explains that she thought they were going somewhere but he was going right out of town. Brady declares that love makes fools of them all which they toast to.

Alex accuses Theresa as she had access to the letter in Greece because her father left Victor’s briefcase in the room with her and she was alone while he and Brady were out looking for answers about Victor’s death. Alex demands the truth from Theresa. Theresa calls it crazy. Alex shouts that she’s crazy and asks if Brady was right that Theresa opened the briefcase and didn’t find a letter that said he was Victor’s heir. Xander points out that the letter said Alexander. Alex says she made it look like that Alexander was him. Theresa denies it. Alex yells at her to tell the truth for once in her life and asks if she changed the letter. Theresa then breaks down and admits that she changed the letter. Alex states that she made him and everyone else believe that he was Victor’s son and questions how she could do that. Xander calls it obvious. Alex tells Theresa to explain herself. Theresa then explains that when Shane left, she was alone with the briefcase and got curious so she opened it and found Fiona’s letter. Theresa says she realized the circumstances of the letter fit Alex just as much as Xander, so all it took was changing a signature. Xander calls her sick while Sarah asks if she really hated Xander that much. Theresa responds that she was afraid of Xander being that rich and powerful and the damage he could cause. Xander shouts at her wanting to talk about damage. Alex questions this being more about punishing Xander than it was about him. Theresa says it wasn’t like that so Alex asks how it was. Alex says they all want to know how she did it and questions her being some expert in forgery or if somebody helped her. Theresa admits she had help. Justin questions her finding a forger in Greece on short notice. Alex points out that they weren’t gone that long, so he asks how she found somebody. Theresa then reveals that she didn’t have to because Konstantin found her.

Ava explains to Brady that Harris got a lead on Megan Hathaway from Hope, so he took a leave from the force and was gone. Brady questions him just ending their relationship like that. Ava says that Harris couldn’t get past trust issues. Ava admits that she did lie to him repeatedly. Ava remarks that unlike Brady, she brought it all upon herself. Brady states that doesn’t make it hurt any less which Ava agrees with. Brady is glad that Harris is God knows where so Ava doesn’t have to see his face as a constant reminder of what she lost. Ava guesses he means like how he had to see Theresa and Alex. Brady complains that they are in the town square having a hell of a good time on their wedding night…

Alex questions Theresa about Konstantin being there which Theresa confirms. Maggie asks why he was at the hotel. Theresa explains that Konstantin heard about Victor’s briefcase and thought he was in the will, so when he found out that he wasn’t, she mentioned her idea to him and he offered to forge Anjelica’s signature. Maggie asks if she’s saying she was working with Konstantin this whole time. Theresa says she didn’t intend to be and she didn’t know he would show up in Salem. Sarah argues that Theresa knew the whole time that Konstantin was just after Maggie’s money. Theresa cries that she didn’t know Konstantin was dangerous and planning to kill her. Alex calls this whole thing a lie and says that Theresa never loved him, she loved the money. Theresa cries that it’s not true and asks if they can go somewhere to talk. Alex tells her that there’s nothing to talk about. Alex brings up that Brady accused her of knowing before she slept with him and she acted so insulted and insisted she was falling in love with him. Alex declares that everything was a lie. Theresa says to let her explain. Xander argues that she already explained that she’s been deceiving everyone this whole time and took something that was rightfully his to give to Alex for her own greedy and vile reasons. Alex tells Xander not to feel bad because he feels Xander got the better deal because Theresa may have screwed him over, but at least he didn’t marry her. Theresa then runs away in tears. Sarah hugs Xander while Justin stands with Alex. After the town square begins to clear out, Alex remains with Justin, Sonny, and Bonnie. Sonny asks if Alex is okay. Alex responds that he just feels so stupid as Bonnie says she’s so sorry for everything that happened. Alex brings up that Brady tried to warn him but he was so caught up in being Victor’s son that he didn’t realize everything was a lie, including this marriage. Bonnie points out the one good thing is that Justin is actually his father. Alex agrees as he and Justin embrace and say they love each other. Sonny adds that he’s still his kid brother after all as he hugs Justin and Alex. Alex declares that he’s so grateful for both of them and he can’t stop thinking about how Theresa lied to him about who he was for all these months. Justin says he will get the marriage annulled, call the police to report fraud, and make sure that Theresa can never hurt him again. Justin adds that if Alex wants to make a statement, they can do that. Alex says he’s sorry but right now, he just needs to get out of here and storms off.

Brady and Ava continue drinking at the Pub. Ava decides she’s had enough and is going upstairs to go to bed early. Brady asks if she wants some company. Ava asks if he’s offering. Brady says they both want to feel good and suggests maybe they could feel good together. Ava admits they probably would tonight, but then tomorrow probably not so much. Ava brings up Kristen being her new boss. Brady jokes that Kristen doesn’t need to know but Ava says they both know that secrets do not stay buried in this town. Ava admits she is tempted but she’s made impulsive decisions before, especially while drinking, and they’ve always turned out to be a mistake. Brady says you can’t blame him for trying. Ava understands why Brady wants to drown himself in booze but encourages himself to try not to think about Theresa for too long since she’s a married woman now, so he has to move on. Ava calls it Theresa’s loss because Brady is a great guy. Brady says he appreciates that and thanks her. Ava asks how he’s getting home. Brady promises to order a ride. Ava tells Brady to take care of himself as she heads upstairs.

Justin and Bonnie talk about it being tough for Alex and how they will be there when he’s ready. Bonnie tells Justin that she couldn’t be happier that Alex is his son as they embrace along with Sonny. Fiona comments to Xander, Sarah, and Maggie about Theresa being a despicable woman and questions them wanting to share their wedding with her. Xander questions Fiona for lying to him his whole life, knowing that Victor was his father. Fiona explains that they didn’t want to hurt Titus and knew he would be devastated if he found out about their affair that Xander wasn’t his son. Xander asks what about after Titus died. Fiona says she was in no shape to deal with it as she fell apart after he died while she and Xander were barely speaking. Sarah asks about Xander having no idea. Xander says when Titus died, he fell apart too but his mom was nowhere to be found as she was off somewhere, drinking herself into oblivion. Fiona apologizes for not being there for him. Xander responds that he doesn’t want her here now and tells her to get out of his sight. Fiona argues that she came to his wedding and wants to get to know her grandchild, but Maggie points out that he asked her to leave, so Fiona exits. Sarah asks if Xander is okay. Xander says he’s fine and tells Sarah that he still wants to get married. Maggie says they could move the ceremony to another time. Xander argues that they’ve been waiting so long for this day. Sarah feels they can wait a little bit longer and suggests just going home to sort everything out. Xander agrees to see them at home then and walks away. Leo approaches Paul and asks where his boyfriend is and questions if Andrew was conspiring with his sister.

Andrew follows Theresa to her room where she is gathering her things and asks if she is going somewhere.

Paul tells Sonny that just once, he wouldn’t mind a simple and boring wedding where everyone goes home happy. Sonny says he’s been to a few and they were pretty nice. Leo comes over and says he likes a little drama with his romance. Leo offers them some of Theresa and Alex’s wedding cake, saying they won’t be using it. Paul questions Leo cutting the cake himself. Leo argues that just because the wedding was a disaster is no reason to let a perfectly good cake go to waste. Roman calls Kimberly and questions if Theresa didn’t call her about the wedding. Roman tells her that she might want to sit down.

Theresa tells Andrew that she doesn’t need to hear what he has to say right now. Andrew doesn’t care and questions her lying to him too, bringing up her kidnapping adventure with Konstantin. Theresa wants to explain but Andrew doesn’t want to hear any more lies. Andrew states that she convinced him not to turn her in when he saw her on the security footage and swore that she only agreed to work with Konstantin in some matchmaking scheme, but she was working with him the whole time to get their hands on Victor’s money and she convinced Maggie that Konstantin was some hero, just so he could help her sink her claws in to Alex. Theresa swears that she really cares about Alex but Andrew tells her to stop lying. Theresa asks if he’s going to turn her in now and tell everyone that she was Konstantin’s accomplice in Victoria’s kidnapping. Andrew says he won’t but if she had a shred of dignity left, she would do it herself. Andrew then exits.

Stephanie catches up to Alex in the park and says she just wanted to see if he’s okay. Alex responds that he’s not, so Stephanie hugs him.

Bonnie tells Justin that she knows a lot of crazy things happened today, but he got the best news about two people he loved very much as Victor didn’t lie to him for all those years and Alex is his son, now and forever. Sarah and Maggie watch over Victoria as Sarah promises she and Xander will get married soon. Maggie calls it hardly the wedding she was expecting. Sarah jokes that she’s had worse. Maggie asks if she’s alright. Sarah says she’s okay but she doesn’t know what happens next. Sarah declares that whatever it is, she will be there to help Xander through it.

Xander goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and has a drink. Xander pours another and then looks up at the portrait of Victor. Xander toasts to his father and then smashes the glass by throwing it at the portrait.

Fiona goes to the Brady Pub and asks Brady if someone is sitting there. Brady responds that she left so no one has touched the drink and it’s all hers, so Fiona takes the seat.

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Days Update Friday, July 19, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

The town square is set up for the double wedding. Xander arrives and then Jack comes up behind him, remarking that it’s a nice night for a wedding.

Maggie goes to Sarah’s with the bouquets and asks if everything is alright. Sarah explains that they are trying to solve a mystery of how Xander’s mother’s wedding invitation ended up in the trash can. Bonnie says she just assumed that Sarah changed her mind about sending it but Sarah assures that she didn’t. Bonnie questions who did then.

Alex tells Justin that he gets why he’s hurt, but he doesn’t think it’s right for him to drag his name through the mud when he’s not here to defend himself. Justin doesn’t understand how Alex can defend Victor. Alex says it’s because he was his father. Justin shouts that he was too. Alex tells him that he’s not anymore and it’s time for him to accept that.

At the Brady Pub, Roman is on the phone with his sister Kimberly, saying it’s too bad that she and Shane couldn’t make it back for Theresa’s wedding. Roman says they will be missed but he will be there as they have to have at least one Brady to represent. Kimberly and Shane’s son, Andrew Donovan then arrives and tells Roman they’ll make it two.

Brady goes home and tells himself not to think about it, repeating that he and Theresa were never good together. Brady thinks back to when he and Theresa had sex. Brady asks how he’s going to get through this wedding. Brady then searches through a drawer and finds a bottle of vodka and a glass. Brady pours the drink but his half brother Paul arrives home and questions what he’s up to there. Brady gets up and greets Paul with a hug, saying he had no idea he would be in town. Paul explains that his boyfriend’s sister is getting married and that John always said you have to be there for family when you can. Paul says that’s why he has to ask about this and if Brady is off the wagon. Brady says no and admits he was thinking about it. Paul asks if it’s because of Theresa marrying someone else.

Justin asks how many times that Alex told him they would always be father and son and guesses that was all talk. Alex says he didn’t mean to lash out like that. Justin questions what the hell he meant then. Alex thinks it’s time for Justin to get over his anger at Victor, pointing out that they don’t know why he lied about Justin being his father. Alex says he’s sure Victor had his reasons. Justin demands one reason that makes sense then. Alex admits he can’t do that and asks why that matters. Justin argues that it matters to him because a man that he considered a second father has pitted them against each other and he’s doing it from the grave. Alex questions if Justin sees him as an enemy then and declares that maybe he shouldn’t be officiating his wedding then. Justin agrees and then his son Sonny arrives.

Roman tells Kimberly that she knows how to keep a secret since Andrew just walked in. Roman hangs up and hugs Andrew, calling him a sight for sore eyes. Andrew explains that since his parents couldn’t make it, he’s the designated family rep. Roman tells him that Theresa will be thrilled that he came. Andrew says he hopes so. Roman questions why she wouldn’t be. Andrew flashes back to revealing to Theresa that he found out she was the one who kidnapped Victoria.

Maggie doesn’t understand why Bonnie would think that Sarah would throw Xander’s mother’s invitation in the trash. Bonnie informs her that she found it in the trash when she accidentally knocked the can over. Theresa flashes back to stealing the invitation. Bonnie explains that she assumed that Theresa got in to Sarah’s head since she kept going on and on about what a bad idea it was to invite Xander’s mother. Sarah admits to remembering that. Maggie questions who did it then. Bonnie points out that it wasn’t her or Sarah, so Theresa then admit that it was her which shocks Sarah.

Xander is surprised to see Jack is back in town. Jack informs him that his daughter’s body was being exhumed except it wasn’t there which Xander questions. Jack reveals that it seems Abigail may still be alive. Xander questions how that’s even possible. Jack calls it complicated and he doesn’t want to talk about it. Xander says he understands but he hopes it’s true. Jack comments on Abigail dying too young and never getting to realize her true potential, raise her children, or run the newspaper that Xander stole from them. Jack tells Xander that he doesn’t have to say anything since he has more important things on his mind. Jack hopes this double wedding goes better for him than his last one. Jack points out that Xander and Gwen landed on their feet by blackmailing the Spectator out from he and Jennifer. Jack wishes Xander the best on his wedding day and looks forward to reading all about it in the Spectator tomorrow. Jack remarks that he still reads the Spectator out of habit. Xander stops Jack and tells him to take the paper back.

Andrew tells Roman that he didn’t tell Theresa that he was coming and maybe he should’ve since she doesn’t like to be caught off guard. Roman asks who doesn’t like surprises. Stephanie then enters the Pub and excitedly hugs Andrew, saying she didn’t know he was coming. Andrew says he didn’t know if he could get away from his assignment. Stephanie states that Theresa will be so happy to see her big brother. Andrew tells Stephanie that he’s so happy to see her and he can’t wait to catch up with Kayla and Steve. Stephanie reveals that they won’t be coming tonight as Steve is out of town and Kayla is stuck at the hospital. Roman mentions that Kate won’t be making it either as she’s in LA, trying to secure the rights to a soap opera which he calls a long story. Roman asks how Andrew has been. Andrew says he’s been great and tells them that Paul is in town too as he stopped to see Brady. Roman can’t wait to see him and heads to the kitchen to square things away. Stephanie remarks that she hopes Brady is okay and starts to bring up he and Theresa, but then decides that Theresa is marrying Alex so she’s sure there’s nothing between them anymore. Andrew assures that Brady is fine. Andrew asks about Stephanie since she was dating Alex not long ago and asks how she’s doing with all of this.

Sonny hugs Alex and Justin, then asks if he came at a bad time. Alex says not at all but he didn’t think Sonny would be able to make it so this is great. Sonny tells Alex that he’s his cousin but he’ll always see him as his brother no matter what. Alex says he feels the same way and thanks him. Alex decides he will go get ready and tells Justin that he’ll let him catch up with his real son. After Alex exits, Sonny tells Justin that he’s not sure what he just walked in on. Justin tells him not to worry about it. Sonny asks if he’s okay. Justin admits that he’s not.

Paul thought Brady and Theresa were over a long time ago. Brady says they were and now they are focusing on co-parenting now that Tate and Theresa are back in town. Paul asks how Tate is. Brady says he’s at lacrosse camp and Theresa was upset that Tate couldn’t be at the wedding. Brady doesn’t understand the rush to the wedding. Brady admits that it crossed his mind that Theresa was doing it for the money, but she did agree to sign a prenup. Paul brings up what if Theresa still happened to have feelings for someone else. Brady assures it’s not him and that he and Theresa have been over for a long time. Paul got the impression that maybe Brady wishes he and Theresa weren’t over or that Brady still has feelings for her. Paul asks if he’s wrong.

Sarah and Bonnie question Theresa throwing out Xander’s mother’s invitation. Theresa repeats her worries about Xander’s mom being an alcoholic and causing a scene. Sarah suggests she could be sober now and she can’t believe Theresa did that, calling it awful and appalling. Theresa admits that’s true and says she’s really sorry. Bonnie says there’s no harm, no foul as she reveals that she mailed the invitation herself.

Xander tells Jack that he wants him to take back his half of the Spectator. Xander says he was angry and desperate back then, leaning in to his worst impulses and he regrets it now. Xander adds that Jack got the better end of the deal since Jack lost the paper, but he lost his best friend and maybe the only one he ever had. Xander declares that the Spectator belongs to Jack’s family, not his. Jack questions what he’ll do for money. Xander says he’ll figure something out and points out that Sarah is a doctor. Xander insists that he doesn’t want the Spectator anymore and that he’ll hire Justin to draw up the papers. Jack agrees to keep an eye on the mail. Jack sends his love to Sarah and questions what exactly she saw in him. Xander calls that the burning question. Jack tells Xander that he got a good one and tells him to earn it as he walks away.

Paul tells Brady that he just wants to help and understand him having a drink in his hand earlier. Brady never thought he would feel like Theresa was the one that got away. Paul tells him that he doesn’t have to go to the wedding but Brady says he’s not going to back down now. Paul asks if he will be okay. Brady assures he won’t take a drink and that he doesn’t need it as he just had a weak moment. Paul decides he’ll pour it out. Brady says he’s really glad to see him and hugs him.

Justin tells Sonny that he’s so grateful that he’s here because he’s having a hard time. Sonny says he is too and calls it surreal that Victor would do this to all of them. Justin says he mourned Victor and he misses him, but he will never forgive him for this. Sonny says he won’t either. Justin says that Alex has and he’s perfectly content with how things turned out. Justin complains that the more Alex accepts Victor, the more it feels like a slap in the face. Justin talks about having a hard time believing it’s true and says he’s carried around the letter from Anjelica, trying to find one thing that would show it’s not true and that Alex really is his son. Justin asks if he’s crazy. Sonny calls him a kind, caring, great person and says he’ll always be his son no matter what. Sonny tells Justin that he loves him as they hug. Alex then returns to the room. Justin says he will let them catch up but Alex tells him not to go. Alex says he thought about what he said and tells Justin that he’s truly sorry. Alex says he would be grateful to have Justin marry he and Theresa today. Justin says it would be his honor.

Stephanie tells Andrew that she’s very happy that Alex and Theresa are getting married and assures that she gave Theresa her blessing as she and Alex had been over for a long time. Andrew asks if she’s seeing anyone new. Stephanie says that she was, but not anymore, as it wasn’t meant to be. Stephanie calls it kind of funny that she’s been going through a revolving door of men lately while wild child Theresa is the one settling down. Andrew points out that Theresa is settled down a few times, so he hopes this one sticks. Stephanie talks about the trouble they got in to growing up and repeats that Theresa is a wild child, noting that Andrew must be happy that Theresa is turning over a new leaf. Andrew states that is the dream.

Theresa is shocked to learn that Bonnie mailed Fiona’s invitation herself. Bonnie knows it wasn’t her place to do so but she thought Sarah would thank her which she does. Sarah just wishes Fiona would’ve RSVP’d. Maggie suggests maybe the invitation never got to her. Theresa thinks maybe she dodged a bullet. Sarah doesn’t see it that way and tells Theresa that she should be sorry. Victoria wakes up crying so Maggie goes to get her. Bonnie tells Sarah that she better go get ready and takes her to her room. Theresa then remarks to herself that Fiona better not show up or else she is screwed. Andrew then shows up at the door. Theresa can’t believe it and excitedly hugs him. Theresa tells Andrew that she’s watching Victoria while Sarah gets ready. Andrew jokes about the irony of her watching the kid she kidnapped. Theresa tells him to keep quiet. Andrew assures that he hasn’t told anyone including Paul and he assumes that Theresa has been staying on the straight and narrow like she promised. Theresa says that she totally has. Andrew talks about Theresa misjudging Konstantin and how he could’ve killed her. Theresa calls it one of the scariest moments of her whole life. Andrew says she doesn’t have to worry about Konstantin anymore while he doesn’t have to worry about her. Theresa is so grateful for Andrew covering for her. Andrew mentions how Sarah called the ISA asking if there were any leads on Konstantin’s accomplice and he hated not being able to tell her. Sarah then comes out from her room and asks what he wasn’t able to tell her.

Xander goes to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn, so he can use his room to change in. Leo refers to Xander as his boss but Xander reveals that he’s not anymore as he just gave his half of the Spectator back to Jack. Leo is shocked and asks if he’s going to get fired now. Xander assures that he won’t and that everyone loves Lady Whistleblower. Xander says he should get changed so he tells Leo that he will see him downstairs. As Xander starts to undress, Leo sits down. Xander repeats for him to go downstairs. Leo jokes about having hidden cameras in the room and then agrees to go downstairs, declaring that he will be covering the wedding of his now ex-boss.

Andrew greets Maggie and Sarah, then says he was just saying that he hated not being able to tell Sarah that they had a lead in Victoria’s kidnapping. Andrew adds that with Konstantin dead, the trail has gone cold. Andrew claims they still assume that Konstantin hired a local thug to help him and that he’d have no more interest with Konstantin dead. Sarah agrees that there’s probably no more danger but calls it disconcerting that they are still out there. Theresa realizes that with Shane unable to attend the wedding, she doesn’t have anyone to walk her down the aisle, so she asks Andrew. Andrew says he’d love to. Theresa points out that it’s getting late and suggests they go have a wedding. Sarah mentions that Bonnie is still doing her makeup. Maggie is glad that Sarah and Theresa are going to be sharing the stage tonight and says they make her so proud. Maggie says she loves them and is beyond thrilled for them both.

Sonny arrives in the town square for the wedding and runs in to Leo. Leo asks where Will is. Sonny responds that he couldn’t make it. Leo talks about finding his angle for the article on the wedding. Leo brings up Will being related to both brides and asks if him not being there means there’s trouble in paradise. Sonny threatens to punch Leo, who tells him to relax and says he does have journalistic integrity. Paul walks up, so Leo points out that it’s another one of Sonny’s exes and jokes that they made a better couple than Sonny and Will. Leo suggests that if Sonny ever wises up and dumps Will, he should go for Paul. Andrew walks over and asks if that’s a fact as he kisses Paul. Leo tells Sonny that he’s sorry and that he tried as he walks away. Stephanie greets Alex and congratulates him. Alex asks how she is. Stephanie calls him a lucky groom and Theresa a lucky bride, saying she’s so happy for them both. Alex hugs her and thanks her. Maggie walks through with Victoria in her stroller and talks with Brady. Brady says he’s good and tells Maggie not to worry about him. Bonnie and Justin walk through as she encourages Justin about officiating. Justin informs her that he got fired from the job but guesses he and Alex are just destined to be a work in progress. Bonnie hopes one day Alex realizes how lucky he is to have Justin in his life. Maggie calls for everyone to take their seats as they are about to get started. Xander and Alex meet at the altar. Xander comments on sharing the spotlight with Victor’s billionaire bastard. The wedding then begins as Andrew walks Theresa down the aisle. Maggie then walks Sarah down the aisle. Bonnie then stands up and announces that they forgot one of the most important details of which one is getting married first. The couples step aside to discuss it. Theresa thinks Xander and Sarah should go first since it was their wedding to begin with. Bonnie suggests maybe they should go second then so it’s like Alex and Theresa are their opening act. Bonnie then suggests they flip a coin. Alex calls heads while Xander calls tails. Bonnie flips the coin and it lands on heads but they didn’t decide if that’s first or last. Bonnie then decides that Alex and Theresa are up first. Justin then begins officiating the ceremony. Justin asks if anyone objects. Theresa looks over at Brady, who remains quiet. Justin then calls for Theresa and Alex to say their vows. Alex states that for a long time, he was nothing but a player but after coming to Salem, all of that changed. Alex says the biggest change was realizing that he was Victor Kiriakis’ son which turned his world upside down. Alex tells Theresa that he would’ve never made it through that without her as she helped him embrace who he really is and he will be eternally grateful for that. Theresa gets emotional and says she will keep it brief as she just has one thing to say to him. Theresa tells Alex that she just wants to make him happy and she will because he deserves that. Alex and Theresa exchange vows and their rings. Justin then pronounces Alex and Theresa as husband and wife, so they kiss. Brady looks annoyed as everyone else applauds. Justin introduces them for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kiriakis. Everyone stands and applauds. Brady reluctantly joins in but then turns to walk away. Paul goes after him but Brady insists that he’s fine and he’s going to a meeting. Brady tells Paul to stay as he exits the town square. Andrew tells Leo not to write that. Leo questions how he knows what he wrote. Andrew reminds him that he’s a spy and that he saw him watch Brady walk out. Leo remarks that it’s not his fault it was the best view. Bonnie calls for everyone to take their seats because they have to do this again. Maggie asks if Xander and Sarah are ready as they head to the altar. Maggie then begins to officiate their ceremony. Maggie says she knows that Victor would be very happy that his family has come together in this way tonight. Maggie asks if anyone objects. Xander’s mother, Fiona Cook, then arrives and declares that she’s sorry she’s late, surprising everyone in attendance.

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Days Update Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Leo sits in his room at the Salem Inn, trying to come up with something for his column. Leo tells himself to think of his fans and how they must be waiting for the gossip. Leo mentions the woman outside of Everett’s room who was certainly odd. Bonnie then shows up and tells Leo that she thought he would be interesting in the story of the century.

Sarah comes home as Xander is working out. Xander jokes that he’s getting pumped up for the big event today. Sarah jokes like he’s getting ready for a wrestling event as El Erotico. Xander tells her that he’s getting married to the most beautiful woman in the world and calls her absolutely perfect as they kiss.

Alex talks on the phone in his room, saying he’s elated that they were able to lock in this deal and how the 3rd and 4th quarters are looking very profitable. Alex says he’s now going to get ready for his wedding and hangs up. Justin enters his room and says he just came by to see if he was ready for his big day. Alex says he just needs to shower and change. Justin says he won’t keep him but there is something he needs to say.

Brady thinks it’s a little late in the game to have Tate come to the wedding. Theresa points out that a flight would only be a couple hours away. Brady feels direct flights will be sold out by now. Theresa argues that Alex could send the Titan jet. Brady questions that not being too extravagant. Theresa says not for the future heir to the Kiriakis fortune. Theresa decides she will call the lacrosse camp now to tell them to get ready because she’s sending a charter jet to pick up one of their campers.

At the Horton Cabin, Tate and Holly kiss until they are interrupted by a knock at the door. They wonder who that is and if they’ll just go away. Sophia calls out from the door that she knows they are in there and that they are so busted. Holly then answers the door and questions what she’s doing there. Sophia hoped they enjoyed their staycation because it’s all about to come to an end.

Alex tells Justin that he won’t talk him out of marrying Theresa. Justin says she signed the prenup so it’s all good. They agree they don’t want to fight. Alex asks what Justin came to say then if not to warn him against marrying Theresa. Justin declares that if it’s alright with him, he’d like to perform his wedding ceremony.

Brady stops Theresa and tells her to let Tate get settled in at camp and make friends. Theresa argues that Tate wants to be at his mother’s wedding. Brady thinks she’s overestimating a teenager’s interest in weddings. Brady tells her that he’s sorry but she will run out of time and it won’t work. Theresa guesses he’s right but complains that she really wanted Tate to be there. Brady says he’ll send him tons of pictures and videos. Theresa can’t help but think this is all Holly’s fault since if she just kept her distance, they wouldn’t have had to send Tate off for the summer. Theresa remarks that at least they know Tate is not in Holly’s clutches..

Sophia jokes that she thought the cabin would be harder to find but used her GPS. Tate questions how she even knew they were there. Sophia reveals she saw them in the park on the 4th of July and plotting how they tricked their parents. Sophia admits that sending Aaron in Tate’s place to camp was a pretty slick move. Tate says he can explain. Sophia wonders what Tate’s parents would say if they knew he wasn’t there. Sophia thinks they would freak out and asks if they should call them. Holly says she can’t tell their parents. Sophia mentions running in to Theresa earlier in the town square and they were chatting and she almost told her, but she changed her mind. Holly thanks her for not saying anything. Holly gets that she’s angry with her but asks if they are still best friends. Sophia thinks their best friendship set sail when Holly became a backstabbing bitch. Sophia then reveals that she didn’t say anything to Theresa because she’s getting married tonight.

Brady tells Theresa that they can’t put all the blame on Holly since she’s a kid and Tate did go out of their way to lie to their faces and go behind their back. Theresa argues that she’s known girls like Holly all her life and they like to manipulate the nicest looking guy to doing whatever they want. Brady remarks that sounds like someone he knows. Theresa tells him to be nice on her wedding day. Theresa knows it’s not her first wedding obviously, but it is her first proper ceremony. Brady jokes that she might have a proper ceremony but it won’t be as cool as they one they had in the Vegas chapel. Theresa admits it was cool. Brady says he doesn’t remember every moment since he was high as a kite. Theresa admits she may have taken advantage of the situation a little. Brady compares that to what she said about Holly. Theresa says she got the point and that it was more of a scheme than a wedding. Theresa feels the actual wedding was the unofficial one upstairs in his bedroom. Brady says he remembers that very well. Theresa says for one shining moment, the stars were all aligned and they were actually happy. Brady calls it a shame that it didn’t last.

Alex questions Justin wanting to officiate his wedding. Justin explains that he was talking to Maggie and that she’s officiating Sarah and Xander’s wedding, so he offered to take one wedding off her hands. Alex questions why Justin would want to marry them when he thinks he’s making a big mistake, unless this is some kind of trick.

Sarah tells Xander that she’s barely checked off any of her list and they have so much to do before the wedding. Xander suggests letting Alex and Theresa do it since they are horning in on their wedding. Sarah asks if he’s having second thoughts about the double wedding. Xander says they’ve been through a lot to get here, so he’d prefer the day be all about them. They agree that it’s too late to back out now but it would be nice if they brought his family together. Xander jokes that Alex should cover the whole bill since he inherited all that money. Sarah jokes about him being jealous. Xander insists that having tons of money is no longer his goal in life as he wants to make a good, honest living and make his wife and daughter happy. Xander declares that marrying the woman of his dreams again is all that matters. Sarah tells him the same and jokes with him. Xander says he will dig up his lucha libre mask to bring back El Erotico to remind her how macho and suave he can be as they kiss.

Leo questions Bonnie saying a double wedding is the story of the century. Bonnie says it doesn’t happen every day. Leo calls it the idea of betraying his readers with a double snoozefest. Bonnie asks about Leo having a double wedding. Leo says he suppressed that memory. Bonnie talks about how it was Xander and Gwen plus Leo and Craig and how the drag queen crashed it and revealed that Leo was just marrying Craig for his money. Leo sarcastically thanks her for bringing up that memory and tells her that he’s in therapy now, working on becoming a more honorable person instead of the shallow and manipulative dirtbag he was. Bonnie says she doesn’t judge since she has been that herself. Bonnie assures that this double wedding won’t have the drama that his did, at least not the drag queen part. Leo then asks which part will it have and asks if it’s the marrying for the money part. Bonnie feels she’s said too much already but Leo guesses it’s Theresa and asks if Bonnie is saying that Theresa is only marrying Alex because he’s the heir to the Kiriakis fortune. Bonnie claims not to know much of anything. Leo argues that he knew he was right about Theresa and demands Bonnie tell him everything. Bonnie admits there have been some concerns about Theresa’s motives for marrying Alex but begs Leo not to put it in his column. Leo complains that he could really use the content. Bonnie says he has to understand that Alex is family and Theresa will soon be. Leo gives in and admits he kind of likes Theresa anyways since she reminds him of his old BFF Gwen, who he betrayed and now hates him with a vengeance. Leo tells Bonnie that he hasn’t spoken to Marlena but he’s read that when feeling terrible guilt about ruining a friendship, he should exhale the guilt and inhale the serenity but says it’s not working. Leo says he doesn’t blame Theresa for wanting what Alex has and jokes that he’d marry Alex for nothing. Leo comments that between Alex and Xander, it’s like a dry run for another Magic Mike movie.

Xander and Sarah lay on the couch after having sex. Sarah jokes that they might have done this out of order. Xander thought it was perfect but hopes it’s not bad luck for them to see each other before walking down the aisle. Sarah thinks they’ve had their share of bad luck, so no more worrying. Xander recalls when Kristen stuffed her in to a trunk before their other wedding. Sarah recalls when Xander got imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit but that’s all in the past.

Justin questions Alex thinking he’s trying to trick him. Alex points out that he just did that with Konstantin and Maggie’s wedding. Alex says he wouldn’t be surprised if halfway through the ceremony, Justin bursts out of his seat to accuse Theresa of embezzling funds. Justin asks if Alex is serious when he knows damn well why it went down like that with Konstantin. Justin questions Alex not trusting him over that. Alex apologizes for making that analogy but asks if he can really blame him after he gave him a lot of pushback about Theresa. Justin assures that he has no ulterior motives and just thought it would be nice. Justin says he may not be the father of the groom, but he just wants to be a part of his special day, but not if it doesn’t work for him. Alex responds that it actually does work for him and he’s sorry for accusing him of ulterior motives. Justin accepts his apology. Alex notes that he will have to ask Theresa first but he doesn’t think she will have a problem with it. Justin agrees to go prepare his script for the ceremony. Alex thanks Justin as he exits the room.

Theresa tells Brady that it’s been their problem that they would be good for awhile but can’t seem to make it last. Brady wonders why that is. Theresa guesses it’s probably her fault because she screws up a lot. Brady says she can’t take all the blame since he was so stubborn most of the time and pretty unforgiving. Theresa hopes things are different with Alex. Brady says he’s rooting for them because despite everything, he just wants her to be truly happy. Theresa says she wants that for him too. Brady says that at least one of them found true love. Brady tells Theresa that she deserves it. Theresa then states that she has to confess something to him.

Tate questions Sophia announcing that Theresa is getting married tonight. Sophia explains that she was outside the Bakery going on about her wedding cake. Tate says he knew Theresa was engaged to Alex but he didn’t realize the wedding was tonight. Sophia says she didn’t want to spoil Theresa’s big night by telling her that her son was a liar, so she’ll just tell her tomorrow instead. Holly pleads with her and asks if she really wants to hurt them this badly. Sophia reveals that’s why she ratted them out the first time and asks how they think Theresa caught on to their plans to sneak off on prom night. Holly questions how she could do something so spiteful. Sophia says it’s the feeling of betrayal after Holly let her make a fool of herself by asking Tate to the prom when they were secretly seeing each other the whole time. Sophia asks if she has any idea how humiliating that was. Tate says he had no intention of hurting her and thought maybe she would get with Aaron and they would all be happy. Sophia argues that she never expressed interest in Aaron. Holly admits they screwed up and she’s been a terrible friend. Tate apologizes for lying to her and says they were so caught up in keeping them a secret that they didn’t think about how it would hurt other people. Sophia mocks them and says they are only apologizing so she won’t snitch on them since the stakes are high. Holly insists that she’s really sorry. Holly worries that if she tells their parents, Tate will get sent off to military school and they’ll never see each other again. Sophia calls that her problem. Holly pleads with Sophia to keep their secret and says she will do anything.

Brady asks what Theresa wants to confess but Alex walks in and interrupts, questioning Theresa not getting ready for the wedding. Theresa says she was just telling Brady that she’s really happy he is coming to the wedding, even if Tate can’t be there. Brady says he’ll see them at the ceremony and exits. Theresa tells Alex that she should get to Sarah’s now. Alex says he wanted to run something by her first. Alex then informs her that Justin offered to officiate their wedding so he wanted to see if she had any objections. Theresa says of course not and that it’s fine. Alex says he just wanted to talk to her first since he didn’t about the prenup. Alex tells Theresa that he wants to be the best husband for her because he loves her and can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. Theresa responds that she feels exactly the same way as they kiss. Alex hugs Theresa while she looks over at a photo of Brady on the mantle.

Xander comments to Sarah that Victoria is still asleep. Sarah says she’ll be well rested for the ceremony and looks over the final guest list. Xander points out that his mom never got back to them. Sarah assumes she moved. Xander says maybe she just doesn’t give a damn. Sarah apologizes for pressuring Xander to reach out to her because she didn’t mean to reopen old wounds. Xander understands it was worth a shot for Victoria. Xander says it’s probably just as well that she’s not coming as they hug.

Bonnie tells Leo that she’s sorry for wasting his time as she didn’t realize a double wedding was a snoozefest as he said. Leo stops her and says as vanilla as it is, maybe they can find an intriguing angle which Bonnie questions. Leo asks if anything scandalous happened at a bachelor party but Bonnie says they skipped all of that. Leo asks for any inside details on the ceremony. Bonnie then informs Leo that there might be a surprise guest in Xander’s mother. Leo is shocked as he didn’t know Xander even had a mother. Bonnie emphasizes that she might be coming to the wedding. Leo questions it being a surprise. Bonnie explains that she and Xander have been estranged for years since she had a drinking problem. Bonnie adds that Sarah worked hard to track her down and got an address for her in Paris to send her an invite but then she found the invite in the trash. Leo questions why she would throw it away. Bonnie thinks Theresa got in Sarah’s head since she was discouraging her and repeating what a bad idea it was. Leo asks how Xander’s mom got the invite then. Bonnie admits she sent it and she thinks Xander and Sarah would thank her later. Leo questions her not telling them. Bonnie jokes that a surprise is not a surprise if no one is surprised.

Xander jokes to Sarah that the positive of his mom not coming is that the bar won’t get ransacked. Theresa then arrives with her dress. Xander questions Theresa not thanking them for letting them join in on their wedding. Theresa then thanks them and says they are eternally grateful. Xander goes to get ready. Sarah tells Theresa that she’s sorry about Xander. Theresa says it’s okay and thanks her for letting them crash their wedding. Sarah says it’s no problem and points out that they are all going to be family.

Justin joins Alex in the living room. Alex tells him that he and Theresa would both love to have him perform their ceremony. Justin says that’s great and he’s very happy. Alex says he knows it’s what Victor would want. Justin responds that he doesn’t mean to speak ill of the dead but he doesn’t give a damn what Victor would’ve wanted.

Sophia tells Holly and Tate that she will consider keeping their secret but she wants something in return. Sophia declares that since Aaron took Tate’s place at lacrosse camp, it’s only fair that Holly takes her job as a waitress at the Bistro. Sophia tells Holly that she’s sure Stefan won’t mind if she gives up her spot to her, but the stipulation that she gets every cent of her paycheck. Holly argues that if she works her job at the Bistro, she’ll never get to see Tate. Sophia says she will as soon as she gets off work and asks what Holly says to that. Holly agrees, so Sophia exits. Holly tells Tate that she can’t believe she’s spending her summer working at the Bistro without seeing a single cent from it. Tate doesn’t want her to make such a sacrifice and says he’ll just go to lacrosse camp for a couple of months but Holly says no. Holly would rather do what they are doing than not see him at all. Holly decides they will just have to make the most of the time they do have together as they kiss.

Leo begins writing his column about the double wedding, saying it promises to be the social event of the season and remarks that hopefully it will have a happier ending than the last Kiriakis wedding which ended in Konstantin being killed.

Justin tells Alex that Victor was a narcissist and a manipulative control freak. Alex didn’t think Justin was still so angry with him. Justin asks how he couldn’t be when he robbed him of a son. Alex argues that he was never Justin’s son in the first place. Justin complains that he shouldn’t have kept it a secret or revealed the plot twist in his will. Alex doesn’t think Justin should be dragging Victor’s name through the mud in his house. Justin doesn’t understand how Alex can defend Victor. Alex says it’s because he was his father. Justin shouts that he was too.

Brady goes home and tells himself not to think about it, repeating that he and Theresa were never good together. Brady thinks back to when he and Theresa had sex. Brady asks how he’s going to get through this wedding. Brady then searches through a drawer and finds a bottle of vodka and a glass.

Bonnie joins Sarah and Theresa and says she has everything they will need, but she forgot the bouquets so Sarah says they will just grab them on the way. Bonnie stops Sarah and says there’s something she needs to tell her about Xander’s mom. Bonnie reveals that she knows Sarah threw Xander’s mom’s invitation in the trash. Sarah stops her and questions what she’s talkiing about because she didn’t throw any invitation in the trash, while Theresa looks worried.

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Days Update Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel officially reopens the Sweet Bits Bakery and posts a help wanted sign in the window. Chanel gets a call from Johnny, who asks how she is doing. Chanel talks about how busy she is. Johnny asks if she’s sure she’s not pushing herself too hard and offers to come help since he’s unemployed. Chanel assures that she is okay and that there’s nothing he could do. Chanel finishes the call as Theresa approaches and says she thinks Chanel can help her and it’s kind of an emergency.

Holly joins Tate at the Horton Cabin on Smith Island. Tate says he missed her and kisses her as they hug.

Brady goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and asks Alex if Maggie is there. Alex says she went out to run errands for the wedding but he’ll let her know that he stopped by. Brady talks about knowing Maggie is busy with Sarah and Xander’s wedding but he wanted to make sure after everything with Konstantin, that a wedding isn’t triggering for her. Alex says he hopes they can make some better memories tonight which Brady questions. Alex then informs him that it’s a double wedding as he and Theresa are getting married tonight too which surprises Brady.

Johnny enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and sees EJ having a drink, commenting that it’s a little early. EJ responds that it’s 5 o’clock somewhere and reveals to Johnny that he’s looking over Nicole’s petition for divorce.

Nicole joins Eric in his room with Jude. Eric thanks her for letting Jude stay with him. Nicole says of course since he is his son. Nicole tells Jude that she still missed him like crazy even for one night. Eric asks how Nicole is doing. Nicole responds that she stayed at the Salem Inn last night after leaving EJ and now she has to find a place big enough for her, Holly, and Jude. Eric asks how Holly is taking him being Jude’s dad. Nicole tells him that Holly adores him and is really happy for him, but she’s been grounded a lot lately so she’s miserable. Eric mentions that Holly told him when he ran in to her and she needed to vent a little. Nicole thanks him for letting Holly vent and guesses it was mostly about her. Eric says it wasn’t and that Holly loves her very much. Nicole says she loves Holly with all her heart and that she let Holly stay with a friend last night because she needed time to think things through. Eric asks what she is going to do. Nicole reveals that she called her lawyer to serve EJ divorce papers because they are done.

Johnny tells EJ that he can’t be that surprised that Nicole wants a divorce since it seemed kind of inevitable after she moved out. EJ admits that it did and assumes Johnny is quite upset with him. Johnny says he feels horrible for Nicole and Eric. Johnny adds that he thought he had a little brother and told everyone how happy he was that EJ got his son back and they were going to raise their babies together. EJ is sorry for letting him believe that. Johnny declares that now none of that is going to happen.

Theresa tells Chanel that she knows she just reopened and it’s last minute, but she desperately needs a wedding cake today. Theresa explains that she and Alex got engaged and planned to get married in a couple months but then decided on a double wedding today with Sarah and Xander. Chanel suggests just using the cake she made for Sarah and Xander since it’s definitely big enough. Theresa says that it is, but it’s a spice cake and she hates spice. Chanel says she gets it and isn’t a fan of it either. Theresa hoped they could have their own cake so Chanel asks what kind she wants. Theresa says as long as it’s not spice cake, she’s good with anything. Chanel agrees to see what she can do.

Tate talks to Holly about never seeing the inside of the mythical Horton Cabin. Tate calls it the perfect summer hideout. Holly asks if he’s heard from Aaron. Tate says he ran six miles today at lacrosse camp. Tate thanks Holly for saving him from what would’ve been the worst summer of his life. Holly hopes their parents never find out they are here. Tate asks how they would and declares that as long as they are careful, they’ll never know.

Brady questions Alex getting married tonight. Alex says they just decided and asks if Brady is shocked. Brady says it’s just fast. Alex says that he said the same thing when they got engaged. Brady says that’s because that was only a few days ago. Alex explains that Bonnie suggested the idea of the double wedding and that he and Theresa agreed it was a great idea. Alex says Sarah and Xander did all the work and their guest lists overlapped. Brady thought Alex hated Xander’s guts. Alex admits they’ve had their differences but Maggie hopes this can eliminate some of the baggage. Alex adds that he knows he and Brady have gone through it the last few months, so if he’s uncomfortable being there to support he and Theresa, he’s sure that Sarah and Xander will understand if he rescinds his RSVP. Brady agrees that he doesn’t want to ruin his big day, so he asks him to send Sarah and Xander his deepest regrets. Alex says he’s not hinting that he doesn’t want Brady to come to the wedding and is just giving him the option in case he’s uncomfortable. Brady admits he is a little uncomfortable, partially because he should’ve never had the idea that Theresa would marry him for his money and he never should’ve said anything. Alex says he’s over that and admits the thought had crossed his mind. Brady says the prenup pretty much proves him wrong and tells Alex that there’s a lot of reasons that Theresa would want to marry him. Alex asks why Brady wouldn’t want to be there if he accepts that Theresa’s not marrying him for the money, unless there’s another reason.

Chanel tells Theresa that she will go check to make sure she has everything to make her cake at the Bakery. Sophia then approaches Theresa and asks if she can talk to her about Holly and Tate.

Holly tells Tate that she’s sorry she couldn’t make it last night since she missed the last ferry. Tate still can’t believe that EJ pretended Eric’s kid was his own. Holly says she feels so bad for them. Tate asks how Holly is doing with all of this. Holly acknowledges that she and Nicole haven’t been getting along but assures that she is completely on her side because this was so wrong. Tate points out that it kind of blew up her whole family. Holly says it’s not really about that for her since she only felt like she had a real family when Eric was her stepdad. Tate asks if she thinks there’s a chance that Eric and Nicole might get back together. Holly says who knows and she’s just glad to get away from all the drama for a little while. Holly jokes that the timing works out for them because she can’t be grounded if she doesn’t have a home. Holly decides that’s enough talk about that and asks what they should do now they are finally alone.

EJ tells Johnny that he’s sorry that he was hurt. Johnny asks if he means he’s sorry that he hurt him. EJ then apologizes for hurting him and a lot of other people too. Johnny admits he’s done some crazy things to hang on to a relationship but argues that Eric is the nicest guy and asks how EJ could let Eric hand him his child. EJ says he won’t try to justify his actions. Johnny knows that he knows he can’t. Johnny recalls when he was a little kid and EJ would tell him how disappointed he was in him. Johnny remarks that now he knows how EJ felt.

Eric tells Nicole that divorce is a big step and asks if she doesn’t think she needs more time to think it through. Nicole compares it to Eric ending his marriage to Sloan, arguing that what EJ did is just as bad as what Sloan did. Nicole talks about Jude bouncing between homes and says they are going to have to figure out a custody arrangement. Nicole then asks if Eric is still planning to move to Paris. Eric admits that Roman asked him the same question and he said he didn’t know because he needed to talk to her about it.

Brady tells Alex that he just thinks it would be awkward for Theresa if he was at their wedding. Alex questions why since Brady said their relationship was good for him since he and Theresa were toxic unless he didn’t mean that. Brady admits they haven’t always brought out the best in each other and says they have both moved on. Brady then thinks back to being with Theresa. Brady then tells Alex that he’s going to do a total 180 and decides they are family, so if Alex doesn’t have a problem with him being there, then he’d love to be at his wedding. Alex tells him it’s settled then as they hug.

Theresa tells Sophia that she wants to apologize first for how her son treated her because she knows that must have been so hard for her, but she’s so glad that Sophia told her about Tate seeing Holly being their back. Sophia clarifies that she’s cool with Tate but blames Holly because she was supposed to be her BFF and knew she was in to Tate but didn’t tell her they were seeing each other. Theresa complains that she can’t stand Holly and then tells Sophia that Tate and Holly will be far away from each other this summer because they just sent Tate to lacrosse camp in New York. Sophia then thinks back to hiding in the bushes when Tate and Holly discussed their plan to be together all summer on the Fourth of July. Sophia then tells Theresa that there’s something she should know.

Tate tells Holly that there’s a lot to do and that he found old board games, picking out the game of Life which Holly recalls playing with Maggie all the time so they decide to play.

Johnny tells EJ that he doesn’t mean to kick him while he’s down and he understands it sucks that he lost Nicole, Jude, and his CEO job to Kristen. EJ adds that he might lose his district attorney job if he’s charged as an accessory after the fact. Johnny hopes that doesn’t happen. EJ thanks him for saying that. Johnny admits he is mad at him but that doesn’t mean he won’t always have his back. EJ calls him his loyal son and apologizes for not being as supportive of Chanel’s pregnancy as he needed to be. Johnny acknowledges that he came around eventually. EJ asks if he and Chanel are still thinking of getting their own place. Johnny says they haven’t really talked about it. EJ says he’d understand if he would want to put distance between them, but assures they are welcome to stay as long as they wish. EJ then admits it would mean a great deal to him if they did stay.

Nicole tells Eric that it would obviously be a lot easier to share custody of Jude if Eric was in Salem but after everything he’s been through, she doesn’t want him to give up anything because of her. Eric explains that he was leaving because it was too painful to be around Jude but now he knows he is his. Nicole points out that Eric could stay. Nicole adds that she’s sure Chad and Xander would love to have him back at the Spectator like she would even though it’s not Paris. Eric says he just wanted a fresh start but there’s no reason he can’t have that with Jude and with Nicole.

Theresa asks Sophia what about Tate and Holly. Sophia starts to explain but Chanel comes back and tells Theresa about the cake she can make. Theresa thanks her. Chanel promises the cake will be made with love. Theresa calls her an angel as Chanel heads back to the Bakery. Sophia asks Theresa about getting married which Theresa confirms is today. Sophia congratulates her. Theresa asks Sophia what she wanted to tell her. Sophia says it’s her big day so she can wait. Theresa insists but Sophia claims it’s really nothing and tells Theresa to enjoy her wedding as she walks away.

Tate and Holly play the board game Life which Holly wins. Tate asks if she wants to play something else. Holly suggests movie trivia which she wins again. Johnny questions how she even knows all of this about old movies. Holly admits she watched a ton when she had a thing for a guy who was a big movie buff which Tate remembers as being Johnny DiMera.

Johnny tells EJ that he and Chanel are not going to live there forever, but they will stay awhile longer. Johnny says he knows EJ has lost a lot but promises he will never lose him. EJ says that means the world to him. Johnny says he’s going to take Chanel to lunch. EJ calls him a good husband which is something he definitely didn’t learn from him. Johnny suggests maybe EJ just hasn’t found the right person yet and that he and Nicole just weren’t meant to be. Johnny thinks EJ should sign the divorce papers and move on. EJ agrees to take that under advisement. Johnny encourages that he will be okay as he then exits the mansion.

Nicole asks if Eric is really staying in Salem. Eric feels Jude has been moved around too much already so he’s positive. They talk about how things would’ve been a lot different if they found out Jude was Eric’s when Nicole was first pregnant. Eric admits he wanted to put some distance between them. Nicole says whenever they are together, they can never seem to get it right. Nicole thinks EJ knew that she never really got over Eric and maybe that’s why he went to such extremes to hold onto their marriage. Eric asks if she knew that too. Nicole says that in her heart, she did.

Johnny goes to the town square and invites Chanel to a late lunch. Chanel says she’s so swamped. Johnny encourages that she still has to eat. Chanel promises that she’s been eating well and says it’s sweet of him to check on her as they kiss.

Holly tells Tate that she didn’t mean to bring up Johnny. Tate says it’s not like he didn’t know since Johnny was all she talked about when they first met. Holly calls it a dumb crush and a stupid fantasy. Holly says she’s so lucky to have Tate now as they kiss.

Alex tells Brady that it will mean a lot to Theresa to have him there tonight. Brady is not so sure about that. Theresa walks in and asks about what, so Alex informs her that Brady will be coming to their wedding. Theresa assures Brady that she would want him there. Alex says he can’t wait to see her in her wedding dress. Alex knows they have had ups and downs, but he hopes after the wedding, they can all come together as family.

Nicole tells Eric that she’s never admitted it out loud to anyone but if she had known Jude was their son back then and if Eric would’ve taken her back, she would’ve left EJ. Eric recalls finding out she was pregnant and wishing the baby was his. Eric admits he wanted the same thing that she did. They almost kiss but are interrupted by a knock at the door. Eric answers to see EJ.

Theresa says she ordered the wedding cake and now she just needs to get ready. Alex decides they both should. Alex then gets a call and says he has to take it. Alex tells Theresa that he will see her at the altar and kisses her. Alex then answers his call and exits the room. Brady tells Theresa that he didn’t know she was getting married today. Theresa responds that she didn’t know that either until the other night. Theresa knows Brady is on Sarah and Xander’s guest list, so she should’ve just told him and given him a heads up. Brady says he’s happy for them. Theresa says there’s no problem then. Brady apologizes again for bringing up the whole money thing to Alex. Theresa says he already apologized and she gets it because of her history. Brady says he also knows that she has a huge heart and calls Alex a really lucky guy. Theresa tells Brady that she’s really sorry things didn’t work out between them, but Brady will always be very special to her. Theresa brings up that Brady is Tate’s dad and then suddenly realizes that she thought Tate would be home for her and Alex’s big day until they agreed to the double wedding. Theresa declares that she can’t get married without Tate as she needs her son there at her wedding.

Tate and Holly kiss until they are interrupted by a knock at the door. They wonder who that is and if they’ll just go away. Sophia calls out from the door that she knows they are in there and that they are so busted.

Chanel tells Johnny that the Bakery is her dream but she wants him to follow his dreams too and they could still move to LA. Johnny says there’s no chance and he’s not even thinking about that right now. Johnny adds that EJ just asked if they are still looking for their own place here which they are going to do. Johnny says that EJ won’t mind having them at the house since he’s a little lonely. Chanel asks if there’s any chance EJ and Nicole can get past this. Johnny says no as Nicole already served him with divorce papers, so he told him to just sign them and move on, so he hopes EJ takes his advice.

EJ says he thought he would find Nicole here. Nicole asks what he’s doing here. EJ responds that he brought the divorce papers. Nicole points out that he didn’t sign them. EJ reveals that he doesn’t plan to. EJ says if they think he’s just going to roll over, let them take Jude and wander off to the sunset together, they are sadly mistaken.

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Days Update Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Eric is at the Brady Pub with Jude and talks about his family’s legacy. Roman arrives and questions Eric not being in Paris. Eric informs him that there’s been a change of plans. Roman asks why and if the baby is Jude which Eric confirms. Eric asks Roman if he’d like to say hello to his grandson.

Marlena is outside and gets a call from Leo. She reminds him that he has to call to make an appointment but Leo says it’s not a professional call and asks if she wants to watch more of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Marlena says she’ll get back to him on that and they’ll talk soon as they hang up. Leo worries that he came off too thirsty. Nicole arrives at the Spectator office, so Leo tells her that Everett should be back in the office soon but Nicole threatens him.

Marlena enters the DIMera Mansion where EJ says he wasn’t expecting her and asks if she came to see Johnny after Chanel’s miscarriage. Marlena responds that she didn’t come to see her grandson but to see EJ and she thinks he knows why.

Bobby questions Connie being sure that she already got Rafe out of the picture. Connie says she told him that she would and when she makes a promise, she keeps it. Bobby asks how she did it. Connie responds that it was in the back with a very sharp knife.

Gabi arrives at the hospital and asks Jada where Rafe is. Jada informs her that they are working on him now. Gabi asks how he is. Jada says he’s lost a lot of blood after being stabbed from behind. Gabi questions who could have done this. Jada says she doesn’t know and when she got there, Rafe was just lying there bleeding. Gabi asks what Kayla said and how bad it is. Jada informs Gabi that she made her leave the room. Kayla then comes out so Gabi asks what’s happening and how Rafe is. Kayla informs them that Rafe is out of surgery because the knife punctured his lung and they need to repair it to assess the damage. Kayla says she’ll find them as soon as she knows more as she heads back to the ER to join the team.

Roman is shocked as Eric reveals to him that Jude is his son. Eric says he just found out yesterday and waited to tell him in person. Roman asks how this happened. Eric explains that he was at the airport when Nicole showed up to tell him that Jude was his son. Roman question why they didn’t know Jude was his son until now. Eric responds that it turns out that they have EJ to thank for that.

Leo asks Nicole if this is about the press conference. Nicole asks if he has any idea how her life has turned upside down because of all of this. Nicole talks about thinking her baby was dead and mourning that loss, then getting him back and thinking it was a miracle, only to find out that EJ isn’t the father, Eric is, and Leo knew it the whole time. Nicole tells Leo that he has caused their family so much pain for the last few months and asks if he thinks they are just going to be jovial co-workers like nothing happened. Nicole asks what Leo has to say for himself.

Jada and Gabi have coffee and sit together at the hospital as Jada says it looks like they are going to be there for awhile. Gabi says it doesn’t make sense since she was just with Rafe at the Pub. Jada says it’s good that Gabi told her that he was going to the cemetery or she wouldn’t have found him. Gabi asks if she saw anyone else. Jada says by the time she got there, Rafe was just lying there with a knife in his back. Gabi points out that it’s just like Li.

Bobby questions Connie stabbing the police commissioner in the back. Connie asks if he would’ve preferred poison or a bullet. Bobby argues that he didn’t want him murdered at all while Connie argues that he said he wanted Rafe out of the picture and questions how else she was going to do that. Connie says she doesn’t have a private island to ship people to, so the only way she can get rid of people is to put them six feet under.

Roman can’t believe EJ knew about Jude’s paternity and what he put Eric through. Eric says Marlena had the same reaction. Roman asks if Eric has already forgiven and forgotten. Eric assures that he wants EJ to pay for what he did but he has other priorities. Roman understands Eric has to focus on his son. Eric says he missed him so much. Roman says they all did and tells Jude that he’s so grateful to have him back in the family as he can’t wait to spoil him. Roman then questions what this means in regards to Eric reuniting with Nicole.

Nicole tells Leo that she doesn’t even know why she bothered, complaining that he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself. Leo says that’s not true and that he’s been doing a lot of work on himself to give a damn about others. Leo says he’s even starting to care about what goes on in the world. Leo tells Nicole that Marlena is helping him through his issues to become a better person. Nicole asks if Marlena knows that Leo helped give birth to her grandchild and let everyone believe he was a DiMera instead. Leo says he doesn’t know what Marlena does or doesn’t know because their relationship is strictly professional and all about him and his lack of self esteem. Leo swears that he didn’t know Jude wasn’t a DiMera. Nicole questions if he knows the meaning of honest. Leo insists that he was told that EJ was the father. Nicole questions all the money Sloan gave him. Leo says he feels really terribly guilty about all of that but swears that he did know that Eric was Jude’s father and that he was convinced EJ was Jude’s father. Leo adds that EJ doesn’t seem like much of a nurturer which is part of the reason that he thought Jude would be better off with Eric, who obviously loved him. Leo then reveals that he’s finally realizing why EJ paid him to keep his mouth shut.

EJ asks Marlena if she wants any tea but Marlena says she doesn’t want anything from him. Marlena says she came to talk about Jude. EJ says if she wants to see Jude then she wasted a trip. Marlena responds that when she wants to see Jude, she knows how to do that. Marlena then declares that she actually came to do this as she slaps EJ.

Bobby says he shouldn’t be surprised Connie stuck a knife in Rafe since it’s what she did to Li Shin. Connie calls this completely different while Bobby feels it’s exactly the same. Connie argues that she never wanted to hurt Li and blames that on Gabi and Melinda. Connie complains that Gabi and Melinda turned Li off to the idea of love and if they didn’t hurt him, his heart would’ve been open and they could’ve been together. Connie talks about how great Li was until Bobby yells at her to snap out of it. Connie says she was just thinking about what could’ve been but that’s all in the past now. Bobby reminds her to stay laser focused. Connie reminds him that he said he would keep her secret if she took Rafe out and she did, so he’s free to be with Jada. Connie asks if he’s satisfied.

Gabi can’t believe somebody hurt Rafe in the exact same way that Li was killed and wonders if there could be a connection. Jada says it’s possible but Li’s killer is dead. Gabi brings up Jada’s ex saying that it wasn’t Gil. Jada points out that could’ve been a ploy to keep her close but Gabi wonders if it wasn’t and if the person who killed Li was the same exact person who stabbed Rafe. Gabi says it feels more than just a coincidence. Jada agrees and assures they will investigate every possible lead. Gabi asks about the knife. Jada says the EMTs removed it when they brought Rafe in. Gabi asks where it is but Jada isn’t sure since she hasn’t even had time for the team to process the trauma room. Gabi says it must still be there so with any luck, they can prove who did this to Rafe.

EJ supposes he deserved Marlena’s slap. Marlena says he deserved that and more since he knew the baby that Eric and Sloan adopted was Nicole’s, so he must have known it was Eric’s but he let Eric come and give the baby to them, knowing it was breaking his heart. EJ states that Marlena has every right to be angry with him. Marlena asks if he’s not going to give her some lame excuse or try to tell her that he and Nicole could raise Jude in a wonderful environment. EJ admits there is no excuse for what he did and his only defense is that he was terrified of what would happen if the truth came out as he knew he would not only lose his son, but his wife as well.

Nicole questions Leo about EJ paying him to keep quiet about the baby and demands to know all of it. Leo explains that awhile back, he got drunk and may have spilled what he thought was the truth to EJ that the baby was his and Nicole’s. Leo thought EJ would be delighted and overjoyed but instead, he paid him to keep his mouth shut. Leo admits it was odd to him but says he needed the money, so he put his suspicions aside but now it all makes sense that he didn’t want to claim Jude as his because he knew he wasn’t and was Eric’s. Leo tells Nicole that he’s truly sorry and he doesn’t expect her to accept his apology but he knows he should’ve protected her and her son. Leo calls helping Nicole give birth to Jude the proudest moment of his life. Nicole declares that if Leo really is sorry, then she thinks there’s a way he can make it up to her. Leo says he’ll do anything, so Nicole wants him to testify to all of this in court.

Eric questions why Roman would ask him about reuniting with Nicole and if he thinks they are just going to get back together after finding out about Jude. Roman argues that all their obstacles are gone. Eric doesn’t know for a fact that Nicole and EJ’s marriage is done and says they haven’t spoken since the airport. Roman can’t imagine Nicole will ever forgive EJ for what he did, so that means Nicole will be able to clearly see there is nothing standing in her way of getting back with Eric.

Bobby warns Connie that there’s going to be a murder investigation. Connie clarifies that she never said Rafe was dead but she didn’t say he wasn’t either because she doesn’t know if he survived as she didn’t stick around long enough to find out. Bobby questions if she just left him there to bleed out. Connie says her plan was to put him in an open grave but someone showed up so she got out of there and assures that no one saw her. Bobby points out that Connie doesn’t know if Rafe is alive or dead. Connie says she would lean towards dead because he looked like a goner when she left the scene. Bobby declares this is not what he wanted. Connie doesn’t understand why he’s so upset and says it’s starting to make her mad. Connie says that Jada will be devastated and Bobby will be there to pick up the pieces, so she questions how that’s not what he wanted.

Jada returns to Rafe’s hospital room which is now empty. She puts on a glove and bags the knife that was used to stab Rafe. Jada then cries over Rafe’s bloody clothes.

Roman tells Eric that he’s going to work behind the bar. Eric offers to pitch in if he needs him. Roman says absolutely not since he has his son to look after. Eric asks if Roman doesn’t want to hang out with Jude. Roman says he does but he’ll have all the time in the world now that Jude is back in their lives. Eric then reveals that he’s not sure he’s sticking around and that they only pushed back his start date for the job in Paris. Roman questions why the hell he would even think about leaving Salem when he now has the chance to have everything he ever wanted.

Leo questions Nicole wanting him to testify against EJ in a court of law which Nicole confirms. Leo points out that EJ is the district attorney. Nicole calls EJ an amoral bastard who broke the law. Nicole declares that divorcing EJ is not enough as she wants him locked up. Nicole asks Leo to just testify to the jury that EJ paid him to keep quiet and that should be enough evidence to put him away. Leo admits that makes a lot of sense and says he wishes Nicole, Eric, and Jude the best of luck, but he doesn’t want any part of that.

EJ tells Marlena that he’d have to be a fool to think the truth wouldn’t end his marriage since everyone knows the epic love story between Eric and Nicole. Marlena tells him to spare her the self pity. EJ argues that he’s speaking from the heart. EJ adds that as soon as there was even a question of Jude’s paternity, Nicole was already planning her escape. Marlena asks what that means. EJ informs Marlena that he caught Eric and Nicole over and over again, looking at each other and witnessing their addiction to one another. Marlena asks why he didn’t let her go, arguing that he couldn’t believe a lie of that magnitude would keep her with him. EJ knows now that he deluded himself because he loves Nicole so much and he loved the life they were creating together with Holly and his children. EJ thought that if he just had time, he could make her happy and she would come to love him more than she ever loved Eric. Marlena says sometimes, she forgets who EJ is and how much he’s very much like his father.

Bobby tells Connie that he’s not sure how much consoling he can offer Jada at the moment which she questions. Bobby reminds her that he’s pretending to be Everett. Connie argues that it doesn’t change their deal since she did what he asked and cleared the way for him to get back with his ex. Connie tells Bobby that she did it for him, so she needs to know that he’s not going to tell anyone that he saw her in the park on the night of Li’s death. Bobby agrees not to tell anyone but warns Connie that no one can see them together, especially now that Jada thinks the identity of Li’s killer is locked somewhere in Everett’s brain.

Jada returns to Gabi at the hospital. Gabi says she was at the chapel praying as it feels like the only thing she can do to help Rafe. Jada says she sent the knife to the lab to be tested and hopes they can find the identity of who did this. Gabi recalls finding the knife that stabbed Li being the beginning of her problems.

Roman tells Eric that unless he’s missing something, he took the job in France because he thought it would be too painful to be around Jude but it’s not anymore. Roman adds that he doesn’t see Nicole leaving any time soon. Eric agrees since Holly is beginning her senior year at high school. Roman questions why Eric would want to move halfway around the world from his son who he just got back. Eric says he’s still figuring things out as it’s still so new. Roman says he understands and doesn’t mean to pressure him. Roman tells Eric that there are decisions to be made and he suggests starting by talking to Nicole.

Nicole tells Leo that if he’s worried about testifying against EJ because he’d have to admit to blackmailing EJ and Sloan, she will talk to Rafe. Nicole doesn’t know who will be prosecuting the case but she’s sure there’s a way to get Leo immunity in exchange for his testimony. Leo says maybe but that’s not why he doesn’t want to take the stand, so Nicole questions what the problem is. Leo guesses he just feels like EJ has suffered enough in losing his kid and his wife. Nicole blames it on his own actions. Leo say sort of and points out that EJ was going to lose them anyway. Leo assumes EJ kept quiet because he knew if the truth came out, it would push Nicole and Eric closer together, so now he has to watch his worst nightmare come true.

EJ tells Marlena that Stefano never gave up on her, no matter how many times he was reminded that John was her one true love. Marlena thinks it was more about the desire to win than it was about her. EJ admits that DiMeras prefer to be on the winning side. Marlena thinks he tried to stack the deck. EJ admits that maybe his lie about Jude’s paternity was about winning and he was terrified of losing because of the years he lost after his accident and because he lost Sami and the life they shared. EJ adds that he went over the top in his effort because of his desperation to not lose Nicole, who he truly loves. EJ says that’s all moot now since the truth is out, Nicole is divorcing him, and she and Eric now have their son back while he has nothing. Marlena doesn’t feel sorry for him. EJ says he’s just stating a fact. EJ adds that Marlena gave him his comeuppance and now all is right in the world. Marlena is so glad the truth is out and that Eric has his son, but as far as EJ’s comeuppance, because of the way he hurt her family, she hopes that EJ’s suffering has just begun. Marlena then exits the mansion.

Roman goes to see Marlena at home and tells her that he had a great visit with Rex in Chicago and an even better return home since he just ran in to Eric and their grandson Jude, which he calls the best news. Marlena says she’s so happy and asks if Eric was just beaming. Roman confirms that he was as Eric has waited for this for so long. Roman says seeing Jude back in Eric’s arms did his heart good. Marlena states that Eric deserves to be happy. Roman hopes there’s even more good news on the horizon for Eric and his future happiness. Roman asks Marlena if she thinks Eric and Nicole have a chance to get back together and work it out again. Marlena says time will tell but she thinks they have reason to be hopeful.

Eric watches over Jude in his room and comments on Roman being right about Nicole. Nicole then shows up at the door.

EJ gets the mail at home and it is Nicole’s petition for divorce, so he guesses his comeuppance is coming faster than Marlena thought.

After leaving the room, Connie runs in to Leo at the Salem Inn and recognizes him as Lady Whistleblower. Connie talks about reading his column all the time and loving it. Leo says it’s always nice to meet a fan and asks if she’s a friend of Everett’s since she was coming out of his room. Connie claims that they go way back, then says it was nice meeting him and rushes off.

Jada makes a call to put a rush on the results for Rafe. Jada hangs up and tells Gabi that forensics should have something for them soon. Gabi feels like it’s been forever. Kayla comes over and reveals that there’s been a complication. Kayla announces that Rafe has a clot to his lung, so he has slipped in to a coma. Kayla says she has to get back and tells them to pray for him. Gabi and Jada hug as they cry.

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Days Update Monday, July 15, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Kate goes to see Chad at the Horton House and tells him that she and Abe have an exciting new project that she’s hoping he will invest in. Chad asks what the pitch is but Kate asks if he’s sure this is a good time since he seems distracted. Chad then informs Kate that there was a bit of a surprise when they went to Abigail’s grave.

At the hospital, Kayla tells Stephanie about Abigail’s grave being empty. Stephanie asks if this proves she’s alive. Kayla says not necessarily since Clyde could’ve had someone remove the body. Stephanie calls that evil and says she wishes Steve wasn’t in Greece so he could help Chad out. Kayla says Steve will be back soon. Stephanie notes that if Abigail is alive, that means she’s been apart from her family for so long and she wonders how or in what condition she’s in. Kayla calls it too much to fathom right now. Stephanie adds that even before this came up, she’s been thinking a lot about Abigail because of Everett. Kayla says she’s sorry as she knows it’s been rough. Stephanie wants so badly to help Everett but worries it’s impossible to reach him.

Bobby picks out a shirt in his room at the Salem Inn.

Gabi comes out from the Brady Pub and runs in to Jada. They hug as Jada says it’s so good to see her and such a relief that she’s finally free. Gabi still feels like she’s dreaming. Jada assures that she’s back where she belongs and that Rafe is so happy since it broke his heart when he couldn’t prove her innocence. Gabi knows Rafe and Jada did everything they could. Jada thanks her but says Rafe and Stefan deserve all the credit for giving the evidence to the judge that got her cleared. Gabi says she’s grateful and relieved to know who really killed Li. Jada then reveals maybe they don’t.

Rafe calls Paulina from the cemetery and says they finished processing the scene and to send someone down to fill in the grave. Rafe tells her that an open grave can definitely be dangerous. Connie then arrives and stabs Rafe in the back. Connie remarks that it looks like the open grave was the least of his worries.

Paulina tells Abe that she was on the phone with Rafe and then he just cut off. Paulina guesses it was bad reception and that Rafe will call back if he needs her.

Rafe struggles on the ground and reaches for his phone but loses consciousness. Connie states that it’s nothing personal but a deal is deal. Connie declares that Bobby wants to be with Jada and Rafe was in the way. Connie thinks back to making the deal with Bobby. Connie states that now Bobby has a clear path to winning back his ex and no reason to out her as Li’s killer.

Gabi questions Jada not thinking Gil was Li’s killer because Bobby said it was someone else and asks what exactly Bobby said. Jada says that Bobby just said that he saw the killer and he was about to tell her more but they got interrupted by Everett.

Stephanie tells Kayla that she talked to her aunt Kimberly about Everett and she mostly told her to be patient which is hard to do when she can’t do anything to help. Stephanie mentions asking Jada to talk to Bobby, hoping she could convince him to let Everett out. Kayla asks how that went. Stephanie doesn’t know but assumes if she made any progress, she would’ve heard by now. Stephanie then gets a call from Marlena, who tells her about “Everett” coming back. Stephanie is excited and hangs up, then tells Kayla that Everett has re-emerged and has been released from Bayview so she has to go see him. Kayla stops her and asks if she’s sure that’s a good idea. Kayla suggests giving Everett time to reacclimate. Stephanie brings up that they just talked about impatient she is and points out that she hasn’t seen Everett in a month and a half, so she needs to go talk to him and know that he’s really back. Stephanie says watching him go through all this has made her realize how much she cares about him, so Kayla tells her to go ahead and be with him. Stephanie then exits the hospital.

Bobby has a drink and remarks that when he and Jada were good, they were crazy about each other so he can’t wait to pick up where they left off, assuming Connie keeps up her end of the bargain. Bobby then imagines Jada showing up at his door to be with him. Bobby hopes all his dreams come true and finishes his drink.

Jada tells Gabi that now that “Everett” is back in control, she can’t get what she needs from Bobby snice Everett can’t access what Bobby saw that night. Gabi relates to knowing how challenging split personalites can be since Abigail had Gabby. Jada says she’s relieved that Everett is back, but she can’t help but hope there’s a way to get the information from Bobby. Gabi brings up Rafe thinking that Bobby is playing games to spend more time with her. Jada says her gut tells her that Bobby was being straight with her. Gabi questions how to explain Li’s bloody fingerprint on Gil’s black book.

Connie declares that it’s time to make Rafe disappear and jokes that no one can say she didn’t give him a proper burial.

Paulina makes a call to have the cemetery workers fill in Abigail’s grave so they don’t get a lawsuit from someone falling in. Abe says he’s just trying to process Abigail’s coffin being empty. Paulina calls it creepy as hell. Abe points out that it could mean Abigail is really alive. Paulina says it must be so hard on Chad to not know and that he must be going out of his mind.

Kate tells Chad it’s unbelievable and asks if he really thinks there’s a chance that Clyde has Abigail. Chad admits that the empty coffin seems to back up his story. Kate says they all know Clyde is capable of some crazy things. Chad says that Rafe and Kayla said the same thing. Kate questions Chad thinking he might be telling the truth. Chad informs her that there’s a video that he got from a flash drive inside of a safety deposit box. Chad says in the video, you can’t see her face but it could be her and it’s killing him that Abigail could be out there somewhere and he has no idea how to find her. Chad says he must have watched the video a thousand times and it could be Abigail or it could be another of Clyde’s games. Kate says she’s so sorry this is happening to him and asks if there’s anything she can do. Chad thanks her and says he sent the video in to be enhanced and Jack is there now, so there’s nothing to do but sit around and wait. Kate decides she will wait with him. Chad goes back to asking about her business proposition and says he could use a distraction. Kate asks if he’s sure. Chad says he is and asks what she and Abe are working on. Kate then asks Chad how he feels about soap operas.

Abe reads up on Body and Soul on his laptop. Paulina jokes with Abe about missing his favorite TV show. Abe explains that he and Kate might try to save his favorite TV show which Paulina questions. Abe reveals they’d be producing it themselves. Paulina didn’t know he had an interest in TV production. Abe admits it’s Kate’s idea as she thinks they can create a soap opera and now that Body and Soul has been cancelled, they might try to buy the rights. Paulina says it sounds perfect to her. Abe asks if she doesn’t think it’s too ambitious since it will be a lot of hard work. Paulina calls it a labor of love and they already have a built-in audience. Paulina adds that Abe already knows the show so well. Abe says he thought he did but there are decades of history with the show so you’d have no idea of all the outlandish stories that have been told over the years. Paulina tells Abe to try her. Abe then reveals there are aliens, talking dolls, and split personalities.

Bobby gets out of the shower as Stephanie shows up at his door and asks who he was expecting.

Jada admits to Gabi that she doesn’t know how the pieces of the puzzle fit together yet, but she thinks Bobby really saw something that night. Gabi says if Gil murdered Li, they know Gil is dead but if it wasn’t Gil, she doesn’t like the idea of the killer just walking around free. Jada decides that she should go find Rafe to fill him in on what happened with Bobby. Gabi informs Jada that Rafe said he was heading to the cemetery to check on Abigail’s grave.

Connie tells herself that she will cover Rafe with enough dirt and no one will ever know. She remarks that it sounds like something from a true crime podcast. Jada then comes calling for Rafe so Connie runs away. Jada then finds Rafe on the ground with the knife in his back.

Kate explains to Chad about how she and Abe plan to produce Body and Soul. Chad says he doesn’t know anything about soap operas. Kate says she and Abe are very confident that they can grow the existing audience and make a substantial profit. Chad mentions having a good time working on Johnny’s project with him so he agrees to dip his toe in the entertainment world one more time.

Paulina jokes with Abe that she would love being married to a big time TV producer. Abe says he and Kate have to secure the rights first. Paulina questions if this means they need to move to LA. Abe says definitely not since there are tax incentives to shoot locally. Paulina asks if he thinks he can convince the actors to move from Hollywood to the Midwest. Abe says he hopes so as he knows the fans hope to use the same person, but if they have to, they can always recast since they do that all the time on soap operas and fans seem to be cool with it.

Gabi calls Ava and leaves a message, saying she’s sorry for ambushing her earlier and she doesn’t blame her for rushing off but she wanted her to know she’s serious about reviving the Gabi Chic brand and she’s already putting together a team. Connie then appears behind her and says that’s so exciting as she asks where to sign up.

Jada questions who did this to Rafe and checks his pulse, confirming he is still alive. Jada urges Rafe to stay with her as she calls for help.

Bobby pretends to be Everett and claims to Stephanie that he ordered room service, so he was expecting the food. He asks how she knew he was discharged. Stephanie says that Marlena told her and she can’t believe he’s back as she was so worried that she’d never seen him again. Stephanie hugs him. He says he appreciates her concern. Stephanie says she has so much to tell him that she doesn’t know where to begin. He says he has something to tell her too, so she tells him to go first. He then tells Stephanie that he’s afraid that they can’t see each other anymore.

Paulina tells Abe that she’s relieved that they can stay in Salem while he works on Body and Soul as she would hate to be so far away from Chanel. Abe jokes that if it was a few weeks ago, she would’ve been pushing for them to move to LA. Paulina says not now since Chanel and Johnny are staying. Paulina says that Chanel is doing well and is anxious to reopen the Bakery. Abe assures that he would never ask her to leave her kids or her job as Mayor. Paulina talks about everything going on at City Hall and the fallout from EJ’s press conference where Gabi exposed EJ as a liar. Abe calls that pretty shocking. Paulina jokes that if Abe and Kate ever have any trouble coming up with stories for Body and Soul, they can still that one. Paulina talks about the district attorney trying to pass another man’s baby off as his own. Abe admits this town has some pretty wild stories if they ever need inspiration.

Kate tells Chad that she will send the paper work over for him to sign but there’s no rush as she knows he has a lot on his mind. Kate asks him to keep her notified about Abigail which Chad agrees to do. Kate doesn’t want to get his hopes up, but thinks it’s worth noting that he has lost Abigail before and by some miracle, she came back to him, so it’s not a remote possibility that it could happen again. Chad admits he’s definitely thought about that too and maybe that’s why he’s never been able to move on all these years because subconsciously, he feels like she’s still out there.

Stephanie questions “Everett” not wanting to see her anymore. He says it’s not about what he wants but about what he needs and that Marlena thinks he has a long way to go before he’s fully integrated and it will take a lot of therapy. He says that means he shouldn’t be dating anyone right now because he has to focus all his energy in to becoming mentally healthy. He tells Stephanie that he’s so sorry. Stephanie says she understands his mental health comes first and she will be there for him as a friend. He thanks her and says he feels awful about this, but he knows it’s for the best and that it wouldn’t be fair to her with his mental struggles for them to be involved. Stephanie says she gets it and respects his decision, but if he needs her, she’s there for him. He calls her the best and says he’ll never forget how hard she fought for him. Stephanie says she just wants him to be happy and tells him to take care as she then exits the room. Bobby then rolls his eyes and smiles.

Connie introduces herself to Gabi and reminds her that she was at her press conference which Gabi remembers. Connie remarks that she knew Gabi didn’t kill Li Shin. Gabi says she’s glad they finally found the evidence to prove her innocence. Connie says she couldn’t help but overhear that she plans to revive Gabi Chic and says she’d love to work for her. Gabi asks if she has any experience in corporate retail. Connie says that she does and that she has all of her products. Gabi suggests she send her resume. Connie promises that she won’t regret giving her a chance and remarks that she’s extremely loyal so she wouldn’t have to worry about her stabbing her in the back…

Jada watches as Kayla and a nurse work on Rafe in a hospital room. Kayla mentions that he’s lost a lot of blood and orders an x-ray and ultrasound. Jada tries to ask how bad it is but Kayla tells her she needs to leave the room and promises they will take care of him. Jada calls out to Rafe that she loves him as she exits the room.

Kate goes to Abe and Paulina’s to announce that Chad is going to invest in the show which Abe calls wonderful. Kate believes they have the capital to make the show. Paulina wants in on it too and says she can write them a big check. Abe and Kate don’t think that’s a good idea, pointing out that they will need city permits to shoot local and she’s the Mayor. Paulina sees where they are going. Abe says that’s why he didn’t ask her to invest but they do appreciate the offer. Kate adds that the other good news is that she arranged a meeting with the studio and they are interested in selling the rights to Body and Soul. Abe exclaims that this is actually going to happen. Kate declares that they are going to bring Body and Soul back from the dead.

Stephanie goes to see Chad and tells him that Kayla told her about Abigail, so she came to see how he’s doing. Chad says he’s hanging. Stephanie hopes there is a positive outcome. Chad asks if there’s any update on Everett. Stephanie responds that he was released from Bayview today. Chad guesses that’s good news. Stephanie thinks back to “Everett” breaking things off with her. Stephanie tells Chad that it is good news and that he has a long way to go but at least Bobby is not in control of his life anymore…

Connie goes to see Bobby at the Salem Inn. Bobby questions what she’s doing there and worries about someone seeing them together. Connie tells him to relax and assures that she was careful. Bobby explains to her that he faked being Everett so he could get out of Bayview and avoid telling Jada that she killed Li as he promised. Bobby then asks what she’s doing to hold up her end of the bargain.

At the hospital, Jada makes a call saying to search every inch of the cemetery and find the son of a bitch who stabbed Rafe. Jada thinks back to when she first agreed to move in with Rafe as she holds back tears. Gabi then arrives and asks Jada where Rafe is. Jada informs her that they are working on him now. Gabi asks how he is. Jada says he’s lost a lot of blood after being stabbed from behind. Gabi questions who could have done this.

Bobby asks Connie how soon Rafe will be out of the picture. Connie responds that it’s already done which Bobby questions. Connie assures that Rafe is not going to be a problem for him or anyone else ever again.

Kayla and the nurse go over Rafe’s charts but Rafe flatlines and goes in to shock. Kayla orders the nurse to increase the oxygen flow as they are losing him.

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Days Update Friday, July 12, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Jada goes to visit Bobby at Bayview. Bobby jokes with her about joining him for breakfast. Jada tells him this is not a social call as she is there on official police business since he told her if she came back, they could talk about the murder of Li Shin. Bobby thinks back to seeing Connie crying in the park about Li. Jada then warns Bobby that if he doesn’t tell her what he knows, he will never see her again. Bobby then says that he will tell her everything.

Connie cooks breakfast at the apartment for her and her imagination of Li.

Ava goes to see Kristen at the DiMera Mansion. Kristen tells Ava that she will be in charge of recruiting new assets for the company. Ava says she can do that but asks why she couldn’t sign at the office. Kristen explains that she’s having the office deep cleaned from the stench of EJ and asks if there’s a problem. Ava reminds Kristen that Gabi lives here and she’d like to minimize the chance of running in to her since she slept with her husband.

Gabi wakes Stefan up in bed with kisses but he turns away from her. Gabi questions Stefan not wanting to make love to her. Stefan responds that he has a headache caused by her. Gabi argues that they already talked about what happened at the press conference. Stefan states that what happened is that Gabi deliberately blew EJ’s life up when he begged her and she promised him that she wouldn’t say anything about Jude being Eric’s child, but she gleefully announced it to the public. Gabi argues that she never technically promised a thing and questions why they are talking about EJ or talking at all, since she thought Stefan wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of her after months and months apart. Gabi decides she has a headache now too so she gets out of bed and exits.

Connie’s vision of Li talks about Connie being in a good mood considering she just found out that someone saw her after the murder. Connie says she’s not worried about Bobby since they made an agreement that he wouldn’t tell anybody about her and she would get rid of his romantic rival, Rafe. Her vision of Li asks if she’s going to murder Rafe like she did to him. Connie remarks that what happened to Li was a crime of passion and claims it wasn’t her fault. Connie flashes back to that night with Li and says that if he only said yes to her wanting to date him, things would be so different now.

Rafe goes to see Marlena and says he’s sorry to bother her at home. Marlena says it’s okay as Rafe brings up Jada talking to her about visiting Bobby. Rafe says he knows Marlena can’t tell him what they talked about but asks for her professional opinion on if she thinks Bobby is telling the truth about Li Shin’s murder. Marlena admits it could be a fabrication to get her to come see him again. Rafe agrees and asks if she thinks it’s okay for Jada to be alone with Bobby in his mental state. Marlena responds that from what she’s seen, Bobby isn’t dangerous but Rafe worries that could change. Marlena states that Bayview is a very secure place and doctors are very close by when there are visitors. Marlena adds that someone with mental illness is more likely to be the victim of a crime. Rafe still doesn’t like Jada being alone with Bobby.

Jada asks Bobby again who killed Li Shin. Bobby thinks back to Connie offering to take care of Rafe for him if he keeps her name out of this. Jada asks Bobby again what he saw on the night of Li’s murder. Bobby then begins having a headache and suddenly turns back in to Everett, asking why Jada is calling him Bobby.

Rafe tells Marlena that he knows Jada is more than capable of taking care of herself. Marlena understands Rafe is concerned about her emotionally. Rafe says he knows Jada cares about Bobby and wants to help him while Stephanie believed these visits would cause Everett to re-emerge but it seems to have the opposite effect. Marlena talks about Bobby being determined to protect Everett. Rafe asks if there’s any way of changing that. Marlena says they understand what caused Bobby emerging and now they just want to get Everett back.

Jada tells “Everett” that he’s in Bayview. Everett says last he remembers, he was with her and Stephanie in his room at the Salem Inn and they were talking. Jada tells him to hold tight while she calls someone to tell them that he had a breakthrough.

Connie tells her vision of Li that it all started going wrong when he started seeing Melinda Trask and flashes back to Li turning her down and telling her to get out of his apartment before threatening to call the police which then led to Connie stabbing Li when he turned around.

Kristen tells Ava that the only way Gabi will find out that she slept with Stefan is by overhearing her talking about it. Ava feels it’s uncomfortable to be around Gabi and Stefan together. Kristen says she understands and she’ll never invite her over again. Kristen then tells Ava to just keep her mouth shut about it. Gabi then walks in and asks what she’s keeping her mouth shut about. Kristen claims she has to take a call and exits. Ava then tells Gabi that she’s there because Kristen put her in charge of business affairs at DiMera. Gabi says she hasn’t heard. Ava says they haven’t put out the press release yet. Gabi congratulates Ava. Ava congratulates Gabi too on being let go from prison. Gabi then tells Ava that there is something she needs to talk to her about. Ava asks what it is. Gabi says it’s about her and her husband. Ava asks what about them. Gabi tells Ava that she knows after Gil died, Clyde forced Ava and Stefan to run drugs through the bistro. Ava talks about having no choice since Clyde was threatening her son. Gabi acknowledges that Stefan also felt he had no choice with Clyde threatening her. Gabi tells Ava that she’s grateful to her because she knows she had to make sacrifices to go along with this deal to keep her safe and she’s also grateful that Stefan didn’t have to go through the ordeal alone. Stefan then walks in and asks if he’s interrupting something. Gabi says she was just on her way out and exits the mansion. Stefan then asks Ava what the hell that was about.

Connie tells her vision of Li that it wasn’t her fault, blaming Gabi and Melinda for him rejecting her and that none of this would’ve happened otherwise. Connie flashes back to sending a text to Gabi so that she would find Li’s body and then hiding when Gil Carter showed up and dropped his black book upon seeing Li on the ground. Connie talks about the odds of Gil picking that moment to stop by looking for Ava.

“Everett” tells Jada that he’s just a little disoriented and asks how long he’s been here. Jada says it’s been a few weeks. Everett guesses she was right that he really did have D.I.D. Marlena arrives and tells Everett that it’s so good to see him. Everett doesn’t understand how he ended up here. Marlena explains that his doctors thought he would do better with in patient care. Everett asks if he consented to that. Marlena admits it was involuntary because they were concerned about him and Bobby had taken over. Everett then claims that Bobby’s gone and he’s back, so he’d really like to get out of here.

Stefan questions what the hell Ava is even doing in his house. Kristen returns and reveals that she asked her there because Ava is her friend and employee which Stefan questions. Ava informs him that Kristen just gave her a job. Stefan questions why the hell she would do that. Kristen responds that she can run DiMera however she pleases and she felt that Ava was wasting her talents at the Brady Pub. Stefan argues that in the future, they can keep their business meetings confined to the DiMera offices. Ava confirms that going forward, that is the plan. Stefan then questions what the hell Ava and Gabi were talking about anyway. Ava tells Stefan to relax because she doesn’t want Gabi to find out anymore than he does and they only talked about how they worked together to ensure Gabi’s safety. Ava adds that Gabi said she was grateful that she was there for him to lean on. Kristen jokes that if Gabi only knew how much leaning was going on.

Gabi meets Rafe at the Brady Pub. Rafe asks how she’s doing. Gabi says a lot better than when she was locked up. Rafe tells Gabi to tell Stefan that he needs him to come down to the police station to talk about everything he knew about Jude’s paternity switch. Gabi says that Stefan already told him everything he knows and he’s still pretty pissed at her for what happened at the press conference. Gabi calls it a sore subject so she suggests Rafe reach out to him directly which he agrees to do. Rafe tells Gabi that there is another case they can talk about. Gabi questions if there’s some other crime she’s being falsely accused of. Rafe says no but there is probably something she should know.

Connie tells her vision of Li that she wanted Gabi to get caught standing over his body and she was worried that Gil was going to ruin her whole plan. Connie flashes back to Gil checking Li’s pulse, then deciding he didn’t need this kind of trouble and leaving. Connie points out that if Gil would’ve called an ambulance, Li might still be alive. Her vision of Li asks if she’s going to blame Gil now for what she did. Connie responds that a judge did that and declares that she would’ve gotten away with it if not for Bobby Stein.

Marlena acknowledges that Everett has made a breakthrough but she thinks he should stay a few more days. “Everett” says he appreciates that and he knows he needs more therapy, but says he has a job and a relationship that he misses terribly which are important to him. Everett guesses now that Bobby is gone, he feels like he needs to be in control of his own life again. Marlena says he needs to figure out what trauma caused his D.I.D. in the first place. Everett agrees and claims he’s committed to as many sessions with Marlena as she thinks he needs because he wants to heal, but he feels strongly that he needs to be out in the real world to make that progress. Jada asks if Marlena thinks Everett is a danger to himself or others. Marlena responds that she doesn’t and admits that Everett has made a very persuasive case, so she agrees to sign his release. Everett thanks them for everything.

Stefan tells Kristen to shut up. Kristen tells him to relax as she’s just playing. Stefan is not amused and questions when their business meeting will be done because he’d like it to be before his wife gets back. Ava signs Kristen’s papers so Kristen declares they are done. Kristen then exits on another call. Stefan warns Ava that Kristen hates Gabi and would love to tell her what happened between them. Ava argues that Kristen likes her and just hired her, so it’s not going to happen. Stefan asks what about Harris. Ava states that he’s a man of few words and isn’t in to gossip. Ava adds that Harris also just left Salem. Stefan says he’s sorry to hear that as he knows how much Harris meant to her.

Gabi questions Rafe telling her that Bobby told Jada he knows who killed Li Shin and it wasn’t Gil Carter but he won’t say who it was. Gabi calls it crazy. Rafe says that Bobby is crazy too. Gabi points out that the evidence against Gil is what got her exonerated. Rafe assures that will still be the case and that she’s free. Rafe adds that he doesn’t think Bobby knows anything anyways and that he’s just blowing smoke to spend more time with Jada. Gabi questions why. Rafe says he doesn’t want Gabi to worry, he just didn’t want her to hear it from someone else. Rafe encourages Gabi that she is free now, so it’s time for her to focus on getting her life back.

Connie tells her vision of Li that she got two separate people to take the fall for his murder. Connie points out that Li said Gabi’s name before he died so he wanted her to be responsible too. Her vision of Li suggests maybe he was afraid Gabi was next and was trying to warn her. He warns Connie against trying to hurt Gabi next. Connie says she doesn’t care about Gabi and she can rot in Hell. Connie declares that it’s Bobby Stein that she needs to deal with.

Marlena agrees to talk to the doctors about getting Everett released. He thanks her. Marlena adds that she’s glad he’s receptive to continuing therapy. Everett assures that he’s grateful as she has helped him a lot. Marlena thanks him and tells him to take care as she then exits. Everett tells Jada that he’s grateful to her too for standing by him as he knows it hasn’t been easy. Jada admits she had an ulterior motive for coming today and asks if he remembers talking to her about Li Shin. Everett asks what about him. Jada then says nevermind and tells him not to worry about it and focus on getting well. After Jada exits, Bobby reveals he was faking being Everett and thinks back to his deal with Connie to keep her name out of it and she will take care of Rafe which he says sounds like a plan to him.

Gabi tells Rafe that she doesn’t even know what getting her life back means since she doesn’t have a home or a job and feels like she is starting over. Rafe says he wouldn’t say that, pointing out that she has a husband, a daughter, and her amazing brother who is always on her side. Rafe wishes he could stay longer but says he has to go to the cemetery which Gabi questions. Rafe says if he tells her, it has to stay between them so Gabi asks what’s going on. Rafe says he doesn’t know a lot yet but there’s a slight chance that Abigail DiMera is still alive.

Kristen returns to the living room and asks where Ava went. Stefan says she left and hopefully for good. Kristen asks about Gabi, who Stefan says is out. Kristen questions if there is trouble in paradise. Stefan responds that they will work through it. Kristen doubts that Nicole and EJ will since Gabi dropped a bomb on their marriage. Kristen says she should’ve connected the dots when EJ asked her to hire Melinda that it was all about Jude. Stefan states that he was prepared to take that secret to his grave. Kristen jokes that he couldn’t resist the pillow talk and laughs about how he won’t be telling his other secret. Stefan still can’t believe that Ava told her. Kristen insists that Stefan doesn’t have anything to worry about since he helped her become CEO of DiMera and she doesn’t have a reason to make his life miserable. Stefan says that’s for now. Kristen says even if he did give her a reason, she wouldn’t do that to Ava. Kristen assures that Ava feels really bad about it and wants to stay as far away from Stefan and Gabi as possible.

Ava goes to the Brady Pub and runs in to Gabi, who asks if they can talk. Ava points out that they just talked a few minutes ago. Gabi explains that she was just talking to Rafe, who told her that she needs to get her life back and she thinks Ava might be able to help her with that which Ava questions. Gabi acknowledges that they’ve had issues in the past but with her new job at DiMera, she has business that might interest in her. Gabi brings up her brand Gabi Chic having a lot of interest and it would fill the void left by Basic Black. Gabi asks what Ava thinks about working together.

Jada and Marlena walk outside the Brady Pub. Jada tells Marlena that she trusts her opinion but she hopes that Everett is ready to be out on his own. Marlena feels he no longer needs involuntary hold so he’s entitled to do whatever he wants. Jada mentions that she asked a few questions about Li Shin but he didn’t seem to remember talking to her about it. Marlena questions why Everett would remember it if Bobby had that experience. Jada says she’s happy that Everett is back, but now she has no way of knowing if what Bobby told her about Gil Carter being innocent was true. Jada adds that if it were true, they may never know who really killed Li Shin.

Bobby returns to his room at the Salem Inn and declares that he held up his end of the bargain by faking letting Everett out so he didn’t have to tell Jada that Connie killed Li Shin, so he says Connie better do her part by getting Rafe out of the way.

Rafe calls Paulina from the cemetery and says they finished processing the scene and to send someone down to fill in the grave. Rafe tells her that an open grave can definitely be dangerous as he hangs up. Connie then arrives and stabs Rafe in the back.

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Days Update Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Kayla goes to the Horton House and tells Julie that she’s sorry to barge in like this. Julie says it’s fine and mentions that Doug is upstairs watching Yellowstone on Peacock. Kayla explains that she came because she’s worried about Chad as she’s been trying to reach him but he’s not answering. Julie informs her that Chad is not available because he’s at Abigail’s grave.

Chad and Jack go to the cemetery where Abigail’s grave is being dug up. Chad thanks Jack, knowing it wasn’t an easy decision. Jack can’t believe they are doing this. The crew inform them that the coffin is ready to be opened. Chad asks if Jack is sure he’s ready for this.

Leo tells Kerry that this is happening. Kerry says when he’s attracted to someone, he doesn’t like to waste time as they then kiss.

Jada goes to see Marlena and says she’s sorry to bother her at home but her office said she left for the day. Marlena guesses she’s there because she saw Bobby at Bayview.

Connie goes to see Bobby at Bayview.

Marlena mentions that Stephanie asked Jada to visit Bobby. Jada explains that Stephanie thought she might have better luck having Bobby let Everett out but she didn’t. Marlena notes that she didn’t either. Jada asks if Bobby said anything else to her but Marlena says he didn’t. Marlena knows this all must be very difficult for Jada. Jada confirms seeing him was difficult but not for the reason she thinks. Jada then informs her that Bobby dangled information about one of her cases as he claims to know who murdered Li Shin.

Connie asks if Bobby is going to say hello. Bobby thinks back to seeing Connie in the park, crying and swearing that she didn’t mean to do it to Li. Bobby then asks Connie if they know each other. Connie introduces herself but Bobby says he’s never heard that name before. Connie asks if Li Shin rings any bells.

Julie tells Kayla that she’s been Chad’s sounding board and tried to stand by him through all this as they are both grappling with the uncertainty. Julie adds that Chad has been an emotional wreck, relviing Abigail’s horrific death and then being told all of this. Julie mentions that Chad said Kayla came up with the idea of opening the grave and exhuming Abigail’s body. Kayla knows it’s extreme but if Chad finds out that Abigail’s body is in the grave, it could end this whole speculation of her being alive. Julie confirms it will do that. Kayla says now that she knows where Chad is, she feels a little bit better since she knows Paulina approved her request but then he said they hit a snag, so she was concerned about him. Julie then informs Kayla that it wasn’t a snag, but a person.

Jack tells Chad that he’s not okay. Chad asks if he needs a minute. Jack says it’s not physical and complains about Clyde. Jack feels they are going to open the coffin and Clyde will just be inflicting pain by letting them relive losing Abigail all over again. Chad says Clyde could be lying but if there is any chance that Abigail is alive. Jack then agrees to do this so Chad tells the crew to go ahead. They open the casket to find that it is completely empty, shocking Jack and Chad.

Leo and Kerry continue kissing until Leo stops and decides he doesn’t know if he wants them to sleep together.

Julie explains to Kayla that when Jack found out, he was horrified and then furious so Chad had to bear the brunt of that. Kayla points out that you can’t blame Jack. Julie supposes this is the only way to find out if Clyde is telling the truth. Kayla calls it surreal and can’t believe she’s having this conversation since she’s the one who declared Abigail dead. Julie points out that Kayla doesn’t sound sure. Kayla says she would be foolish to think it’s impossible after everything that has happened. Julie states that their families have had their losses but they’ve had their miracles too. Julie notes that Jack and Chad have been at the cemetery for a long time now, so they must know something.

Jack asks if they opened the wrong coffin. Chad assures that it’s Abigail’s. The crew asks what to do. Chad says he doesn’t know and then tells them that they’ve got it from here so the crew exit.

Jada informs Marlena that Bobby claims to have seen Li Shin’s killer shortly after the murder. Marlena asks what led up to this revelation. Jada calls it a big game of keep away. Marlena notes that conversations with Bobby sometimes feel like a chess match. Jada says she’s been reading a lot and knows that Bobby is his own personality, separate from Everett, but she wonders if that means he has his own motivations outside of protecting Everett. Marlena asks what she is getting at. Jada says it’s very clear to her that Bobby wants her to keep visiting him and he’s trying to restart their relationship. Marlena asks if she thinks he’s just trying to manipulate her. Jada says she doesn’t know if alters are even capable of that which is why she wanted to come talk to her. Jada asks if Marlena thinks Bobby is telling the truth about Li Shin’s murder case or if he’s just stringing her along to give her a reason to keep coming back to Bayview.

Connie tells Bobby that Li was murdered last November. Bobby claims he may have heard something about that since he’s a journalist. Connie thinks this story might have stood out for him. Bobby claims that nothing springs to mind. Connie calls that interesting and says she has no reason not to take him at his word, but questions why he told the police that he does know something about Li’s murder.

Kerry questions what Leo doesn’t want exactly. Leo thinks they should stop then asks him not to be mad as he swears it’s not personal. Leo assures Kerry that he’s incredibly hot. Leo thought he wanted to not resist him. Kerry asks if he wants to try again to be sure but Leo says no as he doesn’t know what the point would be because he’s not feeling much of a spark. Kerry tells Leo not to worry about it as it happens. Leo thanks him for understanding. Kerry calls it a funny way to treat his first groupie. Leo worries that he’s lost a fan but Kerry says no. Leo feels awful and offers to buy him dinner but Kerry says it’s okay. Leo then kisses Kerry one more time and says he just wanted to be sure. Kerry then exits the room. Leo wonders what is wrong with him.

Doug joins Julie and Kayla in the living room and talks about catching up on Yellowstone. Julie invites Kayla to watch with them but Kayla says she promised Steve that she would wait for him. Doug asks what brought Kayla by today. Julie tells Doug that there’s something she hasn’t told him about but now Jack knows, so there is something he has to hear.

Jack asks Chad if it can really be since Abigail’s body is not there. Chad doesn’t know. Rafe arrives and says he just got a call from the city, then is shocked to see the open casket. Rafe tells Chad that he’s so sorry and promises that whoever desecrated Abigail’s grave will pay and that she is returned. Chad then reveals that they don’t know if this actually was Abigail’s final resting place.

Jada tells Marlena that there’s no way to know if Bobby truly has information on Li’s murder or if he’s just using it as a tactic to keep her in his orbit. Jada feels even if there’s a one percent chance, she has to listen. Marlena knows she’s in a tough spot and says she’s glad to talk if she can help at all. Jada says she’s helped already and feels she’s taken enough of her time as she thanks her. Marlena hopes that Jada will investigate further if Bobby is telling the truth since Li was a patient/client to her and she’d like to see him get justice. Jada thanks her again and then exits.

Connie tells Bobby not to judge as she’s not a eavesdropper but she overheard Rafe and Jada talking about how Jada’s ex husband knew who killed Li Shin and that Jada had just came from seeing her ex who lives here in Bayview. Connie says Bobby shouldn’t know this but she and Li were very close and she was devastated by his death, so it’s important to her that his killer get brought to justice which is why she was happy to here that the police zeroed in on Gil Carter. Connie says if Bobby has information pointing to someone else, she’d really appreciate him sharing it with her. Bobby says he’s sorry but he can’t help her as it’s sort of between he and Jada. Connie says she worried he wouldn’t be very forthcoming, so she will have to give him a hand. Connie then asks if he was talking about her.

Marlena answers her door and is surprised to see Leo. Marlena questions what he is doing here. Leo says he desperately needed to speak to her and her office was closed. Leo says he’s not looking for a session and he respects everything about her. Leo tells her he wanted to book a session for tomorrow as early as possible. Marlena asks if he’s alright. Leo says no as something happened tonight that has him worried that he’s morphing into another person. Marlena tells him that she has no plans tonight so they can sit down and talk about it.

Julie and Kayla inform Doug that Chad and Jack are at Abigail’s grave now, hoping they can prove whether or not Clyde is telling the truth about Abigail being alive. Julie tells Doug that she knows it’s a lot to take in. Doug acknowledges that stranger things have happened in their town but declares it would be wonderful news if Abigail is alive. Julie agrees that it would be a miracle.

Rafe says he’s sorry for all the questions but this is hard to believe. Jack says they thought so too while Chad adds that it’s starting to look a lot more believable. Jada arrives and asks about a possible grave robbery. Rafe says he will fill her in but sends her to call for a unit right away. Rafe tells Chad and Jack that they will take over from here and suggests they go home to handle their thoughts. Rafe says the first order of business will be to see if the grave was tampered with after Abigail was put in it. Jack agrees that makes sense. Rafe says that Clyde could’ve created all of this to add to his story of Abigail being alive. Chad admits he wouldn’t put it past him. Rafe says he’ll be in touch. Chad and Jack thank him as they exit. Jada returns to Rafe and asks what is going on.

Bobby asks why he would think Connie killed Li Shin. Connie says that he saw her the night that it happened where she was sitting alone on the bench, deep in thought and she saw someone walking away. Connie says she didn’t see the face but after listening to the cops, she wonders if it was him. Connie adds that she was just taking in the night air and doesn’t know what would’ve given him the impression that she was behind Li’s death. Bobby then recalls her being covered in blood and he heard her say “I’m so sorry, Li, I didn’t mean to do it”. Bobby jokes that he doesn’t know what else would give him the impression that she killed him.

Leo tells Marlena about what happened with Kerry and how he sent him away. Marlena says that like Kerry said, that happens sometimes but Leo argues it doesn’t happen to him. Marlena asks if he’s considered that his reaction was really all about Dimitri. Leo asks if she means because he was the last person he was with. Marlena acknowledges that Dimitri hurt Leo very badly, so she’s wondering if Leo’s interaction with Kerry made him threatened and maybe his instinct to fight or flight kicked in. Leo asks if that means he was protecting himself from being hurt again. Leo points out that Dimitri is long gone, so he thought he was at least kind of over him but maybe he’s not. Leo asks if this means he will never be attracted to another man and if he’s straight now. Marlena tells Leo that he’s just fine and he will meet and fall in love with another man. Marlena thinks he has to be patient and let himself heal from the breakup with Dimitri. Leo agrees to try to be patient with himself and thanks Marlena, saying this has been so helpful. Leo then realizes he’s missing RuPaul’s Drag Race and has to get home. Marlena then invites Leo to watch it here as she would hate for him to miss it. Leo is thrilled to accept the invite.

Connie tells Bobby to mind his own business and stop bringing it up to Jada. Bobby says he can’t and the cat is out of the bag as Jada is on the hunt and she will keep coming around as long as she thinks there is more to learn. Bobby adds that he likes Jada coming around. Connie guesses that’s because he has the hots for her and asks how long she will be coming around. Bobby asks if Connie is going to kill him and says that would be pretty stupid and direct Jada back to her. Connie argues that no one knows she’s here. Bobby points out that there are security cameras all around the place. Connie asks how long he thinks he can string Jada along as she’s going to want definitive answers. Bobby thinks time is on his side and that Jada will realize what she’s missing out on. Connie comments on his ego and reminds him that Jada is dating Rafe, so every night she’s going home to Rafe’s warm bed while Bobby is stuck in this one.

Rafe fills Jada in on everything surrounding Abigail. Jada asks if Rafe thinks Abigail could really be alive. Rafe calls it the most extreme possibility but still a possibility. Rafe adds that there are more probable explanations like it being a hoax orchestrated by Clyde. Jada asks what would be the point other than getting Chad and Jack’s hopes up. Rafe guesses that could be the point since they are dealing with a sadistic psycho. Rafe comments on Chad’s expression when he told him they had to make sure Clyde didn’t take the body. Rafe knows Chad is holding on to hope that Abigail is alive and wants to know where he can find her.

Chad and Jack return home to inform Julie, Doug, and Kayla that Abigail’s casket was empty which shocks them and that Rafe and Jada are there now investigating. Kayla doesn’t understand how it could be since the hospital did everything by the book. Kayla wonders if it’s possible that Clyde could have stole the body. Jack mentions Rafe thinking it was a possibility. Doug asks if they are sure it’s a hoax while Julie wonders if it’s possible that Abigail is alive.

Marlena and Leo watch RuPaul’s Drag Race. Marlena pauses it to ask Leo how RuPaul decides who goes home. Leo informs her that now they have to lip sync and encourages her to continue watching.

Julie tells Doug that Chad has never stopped mourning Abigail and then to hear all this has put him in Hell, hoping it’s true but fearing it isn’t. Julie talks about how long it’s been since Abigail has been with her children. Doug says it’s been painful for everybody. Julie says that Chad and Abigail never had much time together while they’ve had years and years. Julie tells Doug how much she loves him. Julie says she was lost when she first laid eyes on him and everything they went through. Doug says he had to change to deserve her while Julie says he brought out the best in her and they’ve been good partners. Doug talks about raising Hope. Julie calls him a wonderful father and quite the family man as he never let anyone in the family down ever. Julie talks about seeing the whole world and their adventures and says their love outlasted time as they kiss.

Chad and Jack go to the Brady Pub. Chad feels that what happened at the cemetery is just one more piece of evidence that it’s Abigail in the video. Jack points out that they won’t know for sure until Rafe and Jada figure out what happened to Abigail’s body. Chad declares that’s why they need to find the woman in the video.

Jada tells Rafe that if Clyde is staying true to his character, he had the coffin dug up and moved Abigail’s body. Rafe says the question is where to since he’d need a secure location. Jada says unless he buried her somewhere else. Rafe adds that the other possibility is that Abigail was never in there to begin with. Jada calls it all so strange and sad. Jada says her heart goes out to Chad and Jack since they’ve suffered through a lot and losing Abigail. Rafe sarcastically suggests talking to Bobby to see if he has any insight since he’s been helping out with cases lately. Rafe then apologizes for that not being right and insensitive. Jada agrees but says since he brought it up, she was planning on returning to Bayview tomorrow because she wants to see if Bobby will identify the person he says is Li Shin’s killer. Rafe says she knows his opinion. Jada hopes that Bobby is not lying because she’d love to prove Rafe wrong.

Bobby tells Connie that he’s not worried about Rafe. Connie asks if Bobby thinks Jada will be so grateful to him solving Li’s murder that she’ll fall in to his arms. Connie assures that he’s just a job and when she’s done, she’ll go back to her boyfriend with only one personality. Bobby comments on her doing her research but says he thinks he’ll take his chances. Connie asks what if there’s an easier solution for both of them. Connie suggests Bobby keep her name out of this and she will take care of Rafe.

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Days Update Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Leo sits in the town square, typing an article about Gabi exposing EJ’s lies at the press conference from Hell. Xander comes jogging by shirtless and asks for the water from Leo’s table.

Justin and Bonnie eat together at the Brady Pub. They joke about Xander possibly showing up to his own wedding without a shirt or in a tuxedo. Bonnie jokes about Justin following in Xander’s fashion footsteps. Justin brings up Alex and Theresa’s wedding as well. Bonnie is shocked that Theresa agreed to sign the prenup. Justin says they’ll have to see if she follows through and says it would put his mind at ease if she actually signs it. Bonnie knows that Justin thinks Theresa is digging for gold and points out that even if she signs the prenup, she still could be marrying Alex for his money.

Alex joins Theresa in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. They kiss as Theresa informs Alex that she was scouting ideas for their honeymoon. Theresa brings up the idea of buying a super yacht, then says to forget it so they don’t give Brady and Justin more reasons to think she’s a gold digger. Alex tells her not to worry about them as what he thinks is all that matters. Theresa points out that he did make her sign a prenup. Alex feels it’s the best way to silence the doubters while Theresa calls it a little insulting. Alex asks if Theresa is having second thoughts about signing it.

Chad sits at home and gets a call from Kayla. Chad informs Kayla that he talked to Paulina about exhuming Abigail’s body and she agreed to expedite the request but he hasn’t heard anything, so they must have hit a snag. Jack then storms in and asks Chad if he has completely lost his mind. Chad tells Kayla that he thinks he found the snag, so he’ll call her back. Chad hangs up. Jack tells Chad not to play dumb because he got a call from a friend at the city, who said there was a request to exhume Abigail’s body and that the request came from Chad, which he confirms. Jack questions why Chad would want to desecrate Abigail’s grave.

Xander drinks Leo’s water and thanks him, saying it hit the spot. Leo says it hit his spot too and jokes about sucking up to his boss. Xander calls him a valued employee and asks about his column. Leo says it’s coming along which Xander is glad to hear. Xander invites Leo to join him at the Pub for a drink and says they can talk work. Leo surprises himself by declining, saying it’s probably not a good idea. Xander tells him to suit himself then and walks away.

Justin tells Bonnie that if Theresa signs the prenup, she won’t get a penny if she and Alex get a divorce. Bonnie suggests maybe she won’t want a divorce, so her plan could be to stay married and live in the lap of luxury. Justin guesses that Bonnie still thinks Theresa doesn’t actually love Alex. Bonnie says it’s hard to say since Theresa was in bed with Brady one minute and then back to Alex, so some might say she is fickle which Justin agrees with. Justin hopes that Alex doesn’t get his heart broken. Bonnie understands that Justin can’t stop worrying about him. Bonnie then gets a text that she has to go meet Sarah to help plan the wedding. Bonnie encourages Justin to try not to worry as Alex. Bonnie says maybe they are wrong about Theresa and she is desperately in love with Alex and marrying him for all the right reasons. Bonnie points out that they do know that’s possible as she then exits the Pub.

Alex asks Theresa if he missed something since he thought she was okay with signing. Maggie then arrives and informs them that the messenger just delivered the prenup. Maggie says she didn’t realize. Alex says people get the wrong idea but assures that he has no problem trusting Theresa, but Justin made a huge deal about it. Theresa insists that she’s signing it because she’s marrying Alex for love, not money, even though people are doubting that, so if signing will prove people wrong, she will. Alex asks if she’s still on board then. Theresa wishes Alex would’ve talked to her about it first but says she is totally okay with it.

Bonnie goes to meet Sarah with a stack of wedding magazines and says she hopes she’s not too late. Sarah tells her that her timing is perfect and says it will be fun. Sarah talks about being married multiple times making her feel like wearing white is a stretch. Bonnie doesn’t care and says she will be the star so she should wear whatever she wants. Bonnie says she would hate to have Sarah share her day with anyone but asks if she’s thought any more about a double wedding with Alex and Theresa. Sarah says not really. Bonnie says that they are full speed ahead and she hears that Theresa is signing the prenup tonight.

Theresa goes over the prenup and says if she’s reading it correctly, she gets nothing if she commits fraud or adultery. Theresa asks if that’s something Alex is concerned about. Alex says it’s just standard prenup stuff. Theresa asks what if he commits adultery or fraud and what she gets then. Alex jokes with her and then assures that she will never have to worry about him cheating on her ever, so he expects that he would never have to worry about that either. Theresa jokes that they basically just said their vows as they kiss. Theresa then decides there’s nothing to worry about, so she then signs the prenup.

Justin remains at the Pub and thinks back to when Alex was a baby. Xander arrives and invites him to join him for a beer. Justin mentions hearing that Xander gave Maggie her check back and admits he was surprised since Maggie wanted him to have that money. Xander feels that Victor wanted it all to go to Maggie and Alex. Xander comments on Alex being a real jerk to Justin since finding out he’s not his dad. Justin says Alex’s entire life turned out to be a lie, so he can’t blame him for acting out. Xander points out that Justin was hurt too but he didn’t change. Xander states that he was hurt by being left out of Victor’s will but he thinks Justin is the one who was hurt the most.

Jack is grateful that his friend upheld the process until he could confront Chad. Chad apologizes as he didn’t want him to find out like this. Chad asks if Jennifer knows. Jack shouts that she doesn’t as he wanted answers first. Jack demands Chad explain why he wants to dig up his daughter’s body. Chad responds that it’s because according to Clyde Weston, Abigail is still alive.

Leo finishes typing his column. A man approaches so Leo immediately tells him that he is finishing his water. The man then says he came over to ask if he’s Lady Whistleblower and he just came to say he’s a huge fan. He introduces himself as Kerry and tells Leo that he’s so funny and clever. Leo introduces himself as Kerry calls him easy on the eyes and says he’d love to know his secrets. Kerry then suggests they go somewhere more private and asks if he lives nearby.

Bonnie hopes Sarah doesn’t think she’s being too forward as she knows most brides would run for the hills at the idea of a double wedding. Sarah reminds her that it’s not her first wedding so she’s not worried about sharing the spotlight. Bonnie points out that a second wedding to Xander kind of goes with the double wedding idea. Sarah calls it a hard sell because Xander has clashed with both Theresa and Alex in the past. Bonnie feels it’s all the more reason to have a double wedding to have all the Kiriakis family celebrating Xander and Alex together. Bonnie declares that it could be a new beginning for the entire family.

Theresa suggests talking about more pleasant business now that the prenup is signed and suggests setting a wedding date. Alex suggests talking with Xander and Sarah so they don’t pick the same date. Theresa mentions that Bonnie thinks they should have a double wedding which Alex says is news to him. Theresa is unsure about the idea while Maggie points out that she had a double wedding once. Theresa asks if it was awkward. Maggie says it was lovely. Theresa notes that everything would have to line up. Maggie mentions that her double wedding was on Valentine’s Day and calls it one of her fondest memories. Alex guesses the difference here is that Maggie and her daughter got along while he and Xander can barely stand each other. Maggie suggests it doesn’t have to be that way and that it could be a bonding experience to keep the family together.

Xander tells Justin that he can’t imagine what it was like to find out Alex wasn’t his son, blowing up his entire family. Justin says it wasn’t even the first time he had to deal with Alex’s paternity since Anjelica told him that Alex wasn’t his when he was first born, so he had a blood test run and Dr. Tom Horton confirmed that Alex was his. Xander guesses the old style blood tests aren’t as reliable as DNA tests. Justin guesses the test came back positive because he and Alex are still related by blood even if not father and son. Justin says it’s still so hard for him to believe that Victor conceived a child with Anjelica and kept that secret from him all these years. Xander then asks if Justin is saying he doesn’t believe it’s true and that Alex really is his son?

Jack tells Chad it’s not possible. Chad says he thought the same thing at first which is why he didn’t want to say anything to Jack and Jennifer until he knew. Jack complains that Julie knows, so Chad explains that Julie knows because she’s trying to help him find out if it’s true. Chad declares that he needs to know and he knows digging up Abigail’s body is extreme but it’s the only way to find out any answers. Jack tell Chad to forget about that because it’s not going to happen as he won’t allow it. Jack threatens to fight him on this in court as he will do anything to stop Clyde from desecrating Abigail’s memory any more than he has. Jack doesn’t care what Clyde says and calls him a liar, murderer, and drug dealer. Jack argues that Clyde is just trying to get free by tricking Chad in to believing Abigail is alive. Chad assures he doesn’t trust Clyde but it’s more than just his word as he gave him evidence to support his claim which Jack questions. Chad says he will show him and turns on the video.

Alex doesn’t think he and Xander will ever get along. Maggie feels there’s no harm in making an effort. Maggie says as Victor’s heir, Alex is head of the family now. Maggie believes that Victor would want Alex to make amends and become a united front. Maggie feels this could be his chance to do that. Alex asks what Theresa thinks. Theresa says she despises Xander, but he also despises her, so maybe they cancel each other out. Theresa states that she wants to get married as soon as possible and if that means hitching their wagon onto Xander and Sarah’s big day, then maybe it’s not such a bad idea. Theresa asks what Alex thinks.

Xander asks Justin if he’s told Alex that he thinks he’s still his son. Justin calls it just wishful thinking and says Victor wouldn’t have left half his estate to Alex if he wasn’t absolutely sure that Alex was his son. Justin calls it so damn disappointing that Victor would lie to him for all these years. Justin still doesn’t know why Victor tried to claim Alex as his son when he was first born and questions why he would do that if he wanted to keep it a secret. Justin says he has so many damn questions but since Anjelica and Victor are both dead, he guesses he will never get them answered.

Sarah thinks Bonnie could be right that it would be really nice for Xander to reconnect with the rest of his family. Bonnie can’t believe she’d go for it and asks if she’ll talk to Xander. Sarah decides it’s worth a shot. Bonnie calls that wonderful. Sarah thanks Bonnie for her and Justin’s RSVP coming so soon. Bonnie says there’s nothing worse than waiting for someone to respond. Bonnie then thinks back to finding Xander’s mom’s wedding invitation in the trash and mailing it herself. Bonnie then asks if she’s received any surprising RSVPs. Sarah says not really, just what they expected. Bonnie then tells Sarah that there’s something she should probably warn her about.

Leo brings Kerry to his room at the Salem Inn. Kerry can’t believe he lives in a hotel and compares him to Dylan on 90210. Leo compares himself to Brenda on the show. Kerry tells Leo that he’s here for all of his secrets. Leo says it will be a long night then and shows him the menu for room service. Kerry then decides he doesn’t want to slow down and removes his shirt, telling Leo that he’s ready to skip to the main course.

Sarah asks what Bonnie wants to warn her about. Bonnie says it’s about the invitations but they are interrupted by Xander coming home and asks what they are up to. Sarah says they were just looking at wedding dresses but they haven’t found anything. Xander says he hates to interrupt but Bonnie decides she should get going. Sarah feels it’s so soon and she’s sad to see her go. Sarah remembers Bonnie was about to tell her something but Bonnie claims that it’s not important and suggests she talk to Xander about what they discussed earlier. Bonnie then exits. Xander asks Sarah what Bonnie wants her to talk to him about. Sarah reveals that Bonnie thinks they should have a double wedding with Alex and Theresa. Xander questions why the hell they would do that.

Maggie asks if Alex and Theresa are actually considering it. Alex would hate for Theresa to give up her dream wedding just to score a more convenient date. Theresa insists that she’s totally fine with simple and low key. Justin comes in and guesses Theresa is still peeved at his prenup idea. Alex reveals that she already signed it and shows Justin. Justin says it looks good and that with this much money on the line, it’s never bad to have protections in place. Theresa declares that she plans to spend the rest of her life as Mrs. Alex Kiriakis as they kiss.

Chad tells Jack that he’s watched the video a thousand times and sometimes he’s convinced that it’s Abigail and that she’s somewhere, alone and scared and she needs him, while other times he watches it and thinks he’s just being an idiot. Chad asks Jack if it’s Abigail in the video. Jack gets emotional and admits he doesn’t know. Jack guesses his question is why that’s the proof that Clyde gave him if he wants him to believe it. Chad says he had the same question and went to ask Clyde but he had already been sent to super max. Jack asks if there’s no other way to get answers. Chad then gets a text from Paulina, who says the crew is ready to exhume the body so it will be too late to file an injunction. Chad says if Jack is not on board, he will do it. Chad knows it’s a lot to ask but insists that he needs to do it.

Kerry begins to remove Leo’s shirt, but Leo says there’s one thing he needs to know first. Leo questions if he’s really a fan of his column. Kerry says he never misses it. Leo says that means he is his first groupie and this is happening. Kerry says when he’s attracted to someone, he doesn’t like to waste time as they then kiss.

Xander questions Bonnie being really in to the double wedding idea and notes that it sounds like Sarah is too. Sarah says that Bonnie made a few good points but she totally understands if Xander doesn’t want to do it. Xander points out that it would be his second double wedding and the first one ended in disaster. Sarah asks if he’s saying no then. Xander clarifies that it was a disaster because he was marrying the wrong person which isn’t the case this time. Xander supposes he can have Alex on one side of him as he professes his love to Sarah. Sarah asks if she should call Bonnie to tell her they are in then.

Bonnie goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and announces that Sarah is going to talk to Xander about a double wedding, so she asks what they think. Alex responds that it’s fine by him. Theresa says it is with her too. Bonnie then gets a call from Sarah and asks if she talked to Xander. Sarah confirms that she did and that if Alex and Theresa are game, they are in. Bonnie declares that it looks like operation double wedding is a go.

Chad and Jack go to the cemetery where Abigail’s grave is being dug up. Chad thanks Jack, knowing it wasn’t an easy decision. Jack can’t believe they are doing this. The crew inform them that the coffin is ready to be opened.

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Days Update Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Theresa goes to see Brady, who mentions dropping Eric off at the airport this morning. Theresa looks around and asks where Tate is, but Brady informs her that he’s not there.

Tate meets Aaron in the park. Aaron tells Tate that he’s ready for lacrosse camp and cleared everything with his brother. Tate gives Aaron his license in case they check for ID at the camp. Aaron points out that they look nothing alike. Tate doubts they’ll look too closely and asks Aaron to make sure no one sees him with it before he leaves. Alex comes by on a jog and startles them. Alex asks if they are up to no good.

EJ pours a drink in the living room and tells the portrait of Stefano that Stefan and Gabi are going to pay dearly for this. EJ takes his drink and then smashes the glass against the wall as he screams out in frustration. EJ swears they will wish they were never born. Holly then walks in and ask who will wish they were never born.

Stefan questions Gabi why she would blow EJ’s secret when she promised she wouldn’t. Gabi argues that she never promised anything. Stefan complains that she gave him no warning that she was going to blurt it out in public. Gabi tells Stefan that she’s sorry he’s upset but she couldn’t keep something like that to herself. Stefan asks why the hell not. Gabi responds that Eric has a right to know the truth.

Eric ignores Nicole’s call and goes to board the flight but Nicole arrives with Jude. Nicole says she tried calling him. Eric questions what she is doing here. Nicole informs him that she had to stop him from getting on the plane. Eric doesn’t understand. Nicole then reveals to Eric that he is Jude’s father. Eric asks what she is talking about and calls that impossible. Nicole says it’s not impossible and insists that Jude is their son which shocks Eric. Eric doesn’t understand how all those test results could’ve been wrong. Nicole says only if someone changed them, which Sloan did to make it look like EJ was the father. Eric questions how and asks if she’s sure about this or how she even knows about it. Nicole reveals that Gabi found out and decided they needed to know.

Gabi tells Stefan that ever since he told her, she couldn’t stop thinking about how EJ kept Eric from his son. Gabi felt that if the truth never came out, Eric would go his whole life without knowing his own son. Gabi relates to the time being kept away from her daughter and not knowing how she was doing, wondering if she needed her when she couldn’t be there for her. Gabi declares that she couldn’t let another parent in Eric suffer that loss, so she had no choice but to tell the truth. Stefan calls that a load of crap, arguing that she didn’t do this for Eric but to stick it to EJ.

EJ apologizes to Holly as he didn’t hear her come in. Holly says she didn’t mean to interrupt but he sounded really mad, so she hopes he wasn’t talking about her and Tate. EJ assures that he wasn’t and guesses she didn’t see his press conference today which Holly confirms, assuming she knew all the details already. EJ informs her that Gabi had a little more to say than simply thanking him for her freedom and felt the press conference was the perfect opportunity to reveal his personal business to everyone watching. Holly says that’s really messed up of her and understands that’s why he is upset. EJ supposes he should tell Holly the truth since she will hear it soon enough. EJ then reveals to Holly that Jude is not his son and he is Eric’s.

Theresa questions Brady about Tate not being home and says he better not be with Holly. Brady says Tate’s stuff is packed, so he’s sure he just went out for last minute errands. Theresa worries that he could go off with Holly again and complains that Brady was supposed to be watching him. Brady encourages her that Tate is going to be on his way to New York, a thousand miles away from Holly, so there will be nothing to worry about. Theresa agrees to calm down and then questions why Brady felt the need to fill Alex’s head with all these ideas that she’s only marrying him for his money. Brady argues that he wasn’t filling his head with ideas and that they just spoke casually about it. Brady asks why she even cares since Alex doesn’t believe that. Theresa calls it a very big deal for him to call her a gold digger. Brady admits that was unkind of him. Theresa questions why he’s out to hurt her. Brady says he’s not and that he was just speculating on what might have happened while they were in Greece. Theresa questions what he thinks happened. Brady then admits that he thinks there’s a chance she might have gone through Victor’s briefcase that Shane brought to the room, so she would’ve already known that Alex was Victor’s heir when she slept with him.

Tate introduces Alex to Aaron. Alex talks about staying fit and how he usually has his ear buds in but they had to charge, so he reveals to them that he heard their chat and knows what they are doing.

EJ explains to Holly that the DNA tests got switched up months ago which Holly calls insane. Holly talks about how EJ spent all that time thinking his son was dead and then finally gets him back but he’s not even his son. Holly tells EJ that she’s really sorry. EJ thanks her for being kind but says he’s afraid her sympathy is misplaced which she questions. EJ then admits that he already knew the truth before Gabi revealed the details at the press conference.

Nicole explains to Eric that Stefan found the original test results that Eric really is Jude’s father, so he held it over EJ’s head to exonerate Gabi and then Gabi decide to do the right thing for once in her life and told the truth to everyone at EJ’s press conference. Nicole picks Jude up and tells Eric that he really is his. Nicole comments on Jude having Eric’s smile and hands Jude to Eric.

Theresa tells Brady that’s absurd to think she would snoop through Victor’s briefcase. Brady feels it’s not that far-fetched but Theresa calls it insulting. Theresa questions Brady thinking she was just crass enough to just open the briefcase and rummage through it. Theresa claims she didn’t do it and that she was grieving Victor’s death too which Brady finds hard to believe. Theresa says she happened to love Victor but Brady doesn’t buy it. Theresa says Victor was hard on a lot of people but had a soft spot for them too. Brady says even if he believed her, it still wouldn’t prevent her from going through the briefcase. Theresa insists she didn’t and claims she’s really hurt that Brady would accuse her. Theresa says she’s not like that anymore as she has matured and aspires to be a woman of integrity so her son can be proud of her. Brady calls it only a theory and says he was obviously wrong about it so he apologizes. Brady adds that if Theresa was only after Alex’s money, she wouldn’t have agreed to sign the prenup.

Tate begs Alex not to say anything to Theresa. Alex tells them to relax as he’s not going to say anything and then reveals that he thinks Tate made Aaron a fake ID to hook him up before he leaves for the summer. Tate and Aaron go along with the thought that it’s what they were doing. Alex advises Aaron to be responsible and not drink and drive which Aaron agrees to. Alex tells Tate to have a good time at a camp as he goes to continue his run. Tate and Aaron talk about the bullet they dodged there. Tate then presents Aaron with an airplane ticket and reminds him to use his proper ID there. Tate says in a couple hours, Aaron will be in New York while he will be free to spend his summer with Holly.

EJ explains to Holly that he originally believed that Nicole was carrying his baby but by the time Eric brought Jude home to them, he knew he wasn’t the father. EJ admits it was terribly wrong of him to hide the truth and admits he wasn’t thinking of Eric at all, but of Nicole. EJ was afraid that if Nicole learned the truth that Eric was the father, it would drive her right back in to his arms and he’s quite certain that he’s right because as soon as she left here awhile ago with the baby, he thinks he knows exactly where she went.

Eric says he can’t believe that Jude is his son. The airport calls for the final boarding alert. Eric guesses he’s not boarding the plane after all and that he can’t take the job in Paris now. Nicole says now he has a chance to get reacquainted with his son. Nicole talks about her and EJ having a hard time comforting Jude and she thinks that Jude knew he was taken away from his dad. Nicole points out how happy Jude is in Eric’s arms. Eric realizes that Sloan knew. Nicole thinks maybe Sloan felt less guilty knowing that Eric would be raising his own son. Eric points out that Sloan would’ve let Nicole and EJ think their son was dead. Eric can’t imagine what EJ must be going through but Nicole says not to feel sorry for EJ.

Gabi tells Stefan that he’s way off base and that she did not do this to stick it to EJ. Stefan argues that if this was about Eric, she would’ve told him privately but instead, she chose to expose EJ in the middle of a press conference that he was giving to credit himself for her release. Stefan complains that Gabi made the choice to embarrass EJ in the most public way because she hates him. Gabi admits that she hates EJ because he sent her to prison and talks about living in fear every day and spending weeks in solitary, worrying that she’d never see Stefan or Arianna again. Gabi says if it were up to EJ, he would’ve let her rot for the rest of her life, so as far as she’s concerned, he got off easy but for some reason, Stefan is suddenly on his side. Stefan says he’s not and insists that he hates EJ as much as Gabi does for what he did to her. Gabi says that he should. Gabi tells Stefan that EJ got what he deserved and asks if they can just go on and forget about this but Stefan tells her that they can’t.

Theresa questions Brady about Tate not being back home yet and worries he will miss his flight. Brady assures that he won’t. Theresa argues that Tate feels like he can get away with murder because Brady never pays attention. Brady calls that unfair. Theresa decides she’s done waiting for Tate and she’s going to track him down. Theresa goes to leave but Tate then comes home. Theresa questions where he was. Tate says he was just saying goodbye to Aaron. Theresa worries that he could’ve missed his flight which Tate calls crazy since the flight is 3 hours away. Brady offers to take Tate to the airport but Tate insists that he’s fine, pointing out that Brady just took Eric to the airport. Brady assures that he wants to see him off but Tate says he’s fine and that Aaron is giving him a ride. Theresa questions that since he said he was saying goodbye to Aaron. Tate claims that Aaron had an errand to run so he will be coming by this way and offered to give him a ride if needed. Theresa tells Tate that he doesn’t need a ride. Theresa adds that Tate has proven they can’t trust him, so they are taking him to the airport.

EJ can only imagine what Holly thinks of him. Holly admits she’s pretty shook right now and is confused, not knowing how to feel. EJ says he understands. Holly says Eric used to be her stepfather and he was always so great to her, so she is happy that he has Jude back. EJ feels it’s clear that Holly thinks Eric is the good guy here, which makes him the villain. Holly points out that EJ admitted to hurting Eric and Nicole, so he can’t blame her for hating what he did to them. Holly then admits that she totally gets why EJ did it which surprises him. Holly says she knows what it’s like to be so desperate to feel like lying is the only choice you have. Holly then thinks back to her and Tate’s plan to send Aaron to lacrosse camp in Tate’s place so they can be together. EJ thanks Holly for saying that. Holly tells EJ that she has to go, so she’ll see him later as she then exits.

Eric is shocked to learn that EJ knew the truth even after he brought Jude back to them and he let him believe Jude was his. Nicole thinks the only reason was not because EJ wanted to be a father again but because if they knew Jude was their son, they would get back together. The airport makes the final boarding call, so Eric tells Nicole they should get out of there.

Stefan tells Gabi that she is his wife and he loves her, but right now he is furious with her. Gabi responds that she’s furious with him too, accusing him of siding with EJ over her. Stefan repeats that he’s not on EJ’s side but Gabi says it feels that way. Stefan complains that maybe EJ got what he deserved, but now he has to deal with the fallout since he gave his word and promised EJ his silence in exchange for Gabi’s freedom. Stefan thought they could just be relieved that Gabi was out of prison and for once, the DiMera family could live in peace but now thanks to Gabi blowing up the press conference, he has to prepare for an all out war. Stefan declares that Gabi fired the shot heard around the world and now he gets to deal with the consequences. Stefan then storms off.

Holly meets Aaron in the park. Aaron tells her that Tate went home to get his luggage and jokes that he’s now officially Tate Black. Holly hopes Tate comes back soon. Aaron assures that nothing is going to mess this up for them.

Tate insists that Theresa does not have to take him but Theresa says they will see him off, no arguments. Brady jokes that it could be worse. Theresa tells Tate to get his stuff and they will wait in the car. Theresa then gets a call from Alex, who says he needs her to get to the Kiriakis Mansion because they have to get the prenup signed. Theresa asks if it can wait since she’s about to take Tate to the airport. Alex says it has to get done since he promised the lawyers to get it done by the end of the business day so Theresa agrees to be there. Theresa hangs up and says she has to get back to the house. Tate questions her meaning right now. Theresa knows this isn’t the summer Tate had in mind and says she gets it if he’s mad at her but that she’s just looking out for his best interests and hopes one day he will see that. Theresa then hugs Tate goodbye.

Eric takes Jude through the town square and runs in to Gabi. Gabi sees he’s been reunited with his son. Eric understands that he has her to thank for that. Gabi says she can do the honorable thing and says she owed him one, especially after withholding her bone marrow from Rachel to get her immunity deal. Eric tells Gabi that he’s grateful to her for doing the right thing. Gabi responds that she’s glad she did it and she’s happy for him while proud of herself too, if only her husband wasn’t furious with her.

EJ pours another drink in the living room and thinks back to Nicole leaving with Jude. Stefan then comes home and guesses EJ won’t pour a drink for him. EJ asks if he wants a drop of arsenic in it or if he should stab him in the back so they are even. EJ says he’s always been aware that trusting any member of his family would be a risky enterprise, but he still overrode his instincts to make a deal with Stefan and let Melinda walk, so Gabi could go free. EJ says he asked for Stefan’s silence in return, so he simply had to do nothing but he couldn’t even manage that. Stefan knows the damage has already been done but insists that it wasn’t some elaborate scheme as he had every intention of taking EJ’s secret to the grave, but Gabi had other ideas. EJ agrees that the damage is done and thanks to Stefan’s wife, he lost his wife forever. Nicole then enters the room.

Theresa joins Alex at the Kiriakis Mansion. Alex tells her the papers should be there any minute and apologizes for interrupting her goodbye with Tate. Theresa says it’s okay as Tate’s glad that she didn’t drive him to the airport since he hasn’t been happy with her. Alex is sure he’ll come around and mentions running in to Tate in the park earlier as he was with his friend Aaron. Theresa calls it weird that Tate didn’t tell her that he ran in to him. Alex guesses Tate had his mind on other things.

Tate, Aaron, and Holly arrive at the airport. Aaron confirms he is checked in for the flight so as far as the world is concerned, Tate Black will be at lacrosse camp so they will be free to do whatever. Tate and Holly thank Aaron. Aaron says he’ll see them in three months and goes to board the plane. Tate then asks Holly where she wants to spend the rest of the summer.

Gabi remains in the town square and thinks back to revealing the truth to Nicole.

Stefan decides he will leave EJ and Nicole alone and exits the room. EJ is thankful that Nicole came back and says now they can finally talk.

Eric returns to Brady, who questions why he’s not on a plane to Paris. Eric then introduces Brady to Jude as his nephew.

EJ knows Nicole is angry but says he can explain. Nicole doesn’t want to hear it and says she only came back to pack her things. Nicole then removes her wedding ring and tells EJ that she wants a divorce.

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Days Update Monday, July 8, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Jada tells Bobby that he has five seconds to spit it out or she’s gone. Bobby then tells her it’s about the murder of Li Shin. Jada questions how he could have information on that when he never even met Li and they already know who killed Li, but Bobby reveals that they don’t.

Connie goes home to the apartment that used to belong to Li, Wendy, and Tripp and flashes back to being the one who stabbed Li Shin! Connie remarks to herself that it wasn’t her fault and that Gabi is to blame.

At the town square press conference, Nicole asks Gabi what role EJ played in overturning her case. Gabi asks how she could forget and admits much credit must go to EJ for approving the immunity deal for Melinda, who then handed over the evidence to exonerate her even though EJ wrongfully accused her in the first place, but in the end he was big enough to admit he was wrong and that he let his personal animosity towards her cloud his judgment. Gabi remarks that she and EJ are similar in that way as sometimes they let their emotions guide their decisions. Gabi states that in EJ’s case, he sent her to prison out of hate but he freed her out of love for Nicole. EJ argues that Nicole has nothing to do with this but Gabi says this is all about Nicole. Nicole questions what she’s talking about. Gabi then announces that the only reason EJ exonerated her is because he was desperately afraid of losing his beloved wife to Eric Brady. Nicole asks why EJ would be afraid of that. Gabi responds that it’s because Nicole is still in love with Eric and that Eric is the father of her baby, shocking Stefan and EJ.

Eric walks by the Brady Pub and calls Holly, asking if she has a moment. Eric reminds her that he was thinking about leaving town and informs her that one of the jobs he applied for came through, so he’s moving to Paris today. Eric confirms that he saw Nicole awhile ago and they said their goodbyes.

Rafe questions what Gabi is doing, telling her this is not the place but Gabi calls it the perfect place. Nicole questions why she would say that. EJ argues that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about but Gabi says she knows exactly what she’s talking about. Gabi declares that EJ is not Jude’s father, Eric is, and that she can prove it. Stefan asks Gabi not to do this. EJ announces that Gabi is not thinking straight and thanks everyone for coming, saying they will meet privately to clarify the issue. Rafe tells everyone to move along. Gabi tells Nicole to stop and not listen to them because she is telling her the God’s honest truth. Nicole asks how this could be and questions Gabi’s proof. Gabi tells Nicole that she can see how it all makes sense and talks about what Sloan did. Gabi declares that Eric’s child being ripped from his arms is a wrong that needs to be righted immediately.

Eric assures Holly that he will come visit her and she can come see him. Holly reminds him that she’s still grounded. Eric assures that won’t last forever because nothing ever does.

Nicole questions how Gabi could possibly know this when she just got out of prison. Gabi asks why Nicole is fighting this when it’s her dream come true. EJ argues that Gabi is just out for revenge. Gabi repeats that it’s about righting a terrible wrong and she is not lying as she did not make this up out of thin air. Nicole asks where in the world she got the idea that Jude is Eric’s son. Gabi assures that her source is solid so Nicole questions who her source is, arguing that she’s not about to turn their lives upside down. Gabi then reveals that Stefan told her.

Jada tells Bobby that they already have proof of who killed Li Shin and they have evidence linked to Gil Carter. Bobby says he reads the paper but assures the evidence doesn’t matter because Gil didn’t do it. Bobby guesses Jada thinks he’s lying. Jada says it wouldn’t be his first time. Bobby points out that she has nothing but circumstantial evidence and no eye witnesses against Gil. Jada brings up having Li’s blood on Gil’s black book and a dried fingerprint in the blood which she calls pretty solid proof. Bobby argues that it’s not definitive. Jada then asks Bobby who killed Li if not Gil.

Connie repeats to herself that it was Gabi’s fault. Connie then imagines Li appearing before her and stating that Gabi is not the one who stabbed him.

Jada questions if Bobby is trying to tell her that Gabi stabbed Li. Bobby says no and that Gabi has been rightfully exonerated. Bobby remarks that they got the wrong perp twice now, but he’s definitely got it. Jada comments that he sounds awfully sure of himself for being confined to a mental institution which Bobby mocks. Jada question why he thinks the police have been on the wrong track this whole time. Bobby responds that it’s because he saw the person who killed Li Shin.

Connie calls it a miracle to see Li, but he assures that he is dead and remarks that she should know since she killed him.

Nicole questions Stefan telling Gabi that EJ is not Jude’s father. Gabi asks if Stefan is going to call her a liar in front of all these people. Stefan says no, so Nicole asks if he’s saying it’s true which he confirms as he declares that Eric is Jude’s father.

Eric enters the Brady Pub to say goodbye to Roman. Roman guesses he won’t talk him in to changing his mind. Eric calls it a pretty good job opportunity which Roman understands. Eric knows Roman thinks he’s running away and admits maybe he is. Roman says he did the same thing and in time, he chose to come back so maybe Eric will do the same someday. Eric mentions just coming from Marlena and she was understanding. Roman asks about Nicole. Eric says she knows and they said their goodbyes. Eric admits it was tough but they kept it short and sweet and she had to take off to cover a press conference at the town square.

Nicole argues that Stefan and Gabi just hate EJ and they did this just to hurt him. Gabi responds that maybe under different circumstances, she might get revenge but she is telling nothing but the truth here. Gabi declares that Stefan saw the original DNA test results in black and white. Stefan tells EJ that he’s sorry. Nicole tells EJ that if this is true, she’s so sorry. Gabi asks why she’s apologizing to EJ when he already knew.

Jada asks how Bobby could have possibly seen the person who murdered Li Shin when Li was murdered in his apartment. Jada asks if he was there and witnessed the murder. Bobby says not exactly. Jada asks if he’s telling her that he was the murderer then. Bobby asks if she really thinks he’d go around blabbing about it if he was. Jada questions how he could have possibly seen who did it then.

Connie tells her vision of Li that she didn’t mean to kill him and it was an accident as she continues to blame Gabi. Li points out that Gabi didn’t stab her as that was all Connie. Connie tells him to stop saying that but Li says it’s true. Connie argues that nobody else knows, so what happened will stay between them forever.

Nicole questions Gabi saying that EJ knew. Gabi responds that Stefan found the DNA test results in the living room safe and that EJ was the one who put them there. Nicole asks EJ if this is true that he knew.

Roman asks Eric about Jude. Eric says he already had a painful goodbye with him and doesn’t want to put them through that again, especially after having a dream last night that Jude was he and Nicole’s son.

EJ argues that Stefan and Gabi are lying because Gabi blames him for sending her to prison and this is her way of getting back at him. Rafe points out that EJ just freed Gabi. Gabi assures that she still hates EJ but insists that this is the truth. Nicole calls it impossible because they did a DNA test. Gabi says that Sloan kept switching the results. Nicole argues that Sloan had nothing to do with this as EJ came home with the test. Gabi questions going by what EJ said and tells Nicole to think about all the other things that don’t add up. Gabi asks how Nicole thinks Stefan got EJ to overturn her conviction and why EJ gave Melinda an immunity deal after stealing her child. Gabi asks if that seems like the fatherly thing to do or the DiMera thing to do. Stefan tries to stop Gabi but she continues, declaring that EJ had no choice as his walls were closing in. Gabi adds that Melinda knew the truth and used it to get her immunity. Gabi tells Nicole that Stefan used the information too to threaten to tell her everything if she didn’t go free. Gabi declares that her standing here is all the proof she needs. EJ calls her an ungrateful, vindictive bitch. EJ tries to go after Gabi but Rafe holds him back. EJ questions her after everything he did for her. Gabi asks if he expected gratitude after he sent her to prison for something she didn’t do. EJ argues that after everything she’s done in her miserable life, she deserved ten times the sentence she got. Gabi complains that EJ refused to help her even when Stefan begged him. Nicole asks what EJ has to say to her and yells at him to say something, asking if he’ll even say sorry. Nicole calls EJ a bastard for knowing and shoves him as she then storms off. EJ tries to go after her but Rafe stops him and says he’s not going anywhere.

Eric tells Roman about when they first took the DNA test that showed EJ was the father of Nicole’s baby, it was a big letdown as he flashes back to that moment. Eric says when he went to bed last night, he knew he was leaving today so maybe that’s why he had the dream. Eric declares that if he would’ve been the father, it would’ve changed his and Nicole’s entire lives. Eric decides he should go get his bags and get going. Roman offers to get Kate to cover at the Pub so he can give him a ride to the airport. Eric says he’s sorry but Brady already offered. Roman guesses he was just trying to buy some more time with him. Eric promises he will be back. Roman tells him to take care of himself and be well as they hug and say I love you to one another.

Rafe wants a statement from EJ because everything he just heard tells him that he perpetrated a fraud or at the very least was an accessory after the fact. EJ tells Rafe that if he wants to press charges, he can take it up with his office and storms off.

Jada complains that Bobby is talking in riddles and she doesn’t have time for his games. Bobby clarifies that he didn’t see the actual murder in front of him, but he saw the killer. Bobby explains that Everett and he had moved to Salem a couple days earlier and Chad was very upset because of Everett staying in Salem. Bobby says Everett got very upset so he had to take over for awhile and right then, he stumbled across his first big story in Salem, only it never gets published because Everett can’t remember it, but he does. Everett remarks that you tend to remember the times you come face to face with a killer, so Jada asks who it is.

Connie argues that prison served Gabi right but now she gets sprung when Gil Carter didn’t even kill Li and that’s just not right. Her vision of Li points out that Gabi didn’t kill him either. Connie complains that Melinda is to blame too and it made her skin crawl to kiss up to them so that they wouldn’t suspect her. Connie wishes they could go back in time to her and Li’s first date. Connie says she’s not crazy and she doesn’t want Li to be dead because she wants to be close to him forever. Connie talks about that being why she’s in the apartment where he lived and died. Connie declares that she had to do it but she misses Li and she promises revenge on everyone who is to blame for his tragic loss. Connie states that she’s going to make them all pay and when Li is finally avenged, they can live happily ever after. Connie then exits the apartment.

Jada asks who Bobby saw. Bobby says he had just moved here so he didn’t know anyone’s name. Jada asks if he can describe them. Bobby suddenly claims he’s tired. Jada argues that it’s 10 AM and says she knew he was just stringing her along so she’d come back and see him. Bobby says he’s not stringing her along if he actually has the goods. Jada questions how she knows any of this is even true. Bobby says she is smart and has a keen sense of when justice has actually been served. Bobby tells Jada that he will see her tomorrow and they will talk more about it then. Bobby then pretends to go to sleep so that Jada leaves. Bobby then goes back to reading his book.

EJ catches up to Nicole at the DiMera Mansion. Nicole cries that EJ knew her baby was Eric’s son and he let them mourn his death and spread his ashes. EJ explains that he did not know for months. Nicole questions why she should believe him. EJ insists that he loves her but Nicole disagrees. Nicole says he has to hate someone to do something like this to them. EJ repeats that it’s love and always will be. EJ asks if he can at least explain. EJ informs her that it was Leo who finally told him that it was their baby. EJ says he couldn’t believe it, so he confronted Sloan, who then told him that Jude was Nicole’s baby but the father was actually Eric. EJ adds that he didn’t believe her at first so he had another DNA test done to be sure. Nicole points out that he still kept it quiet. EJ admits he was devastated as he had already lost the boy once, so losing him a second time was too much to bear. EJ states that once it all sank in, Nicole and another man raising a child would be a stab in the heart to a man who gave his whole heart to her. EJ adds that it wasn’t just another man, but Eric, and he knew how much Eric wanted to have a child with her and that Nicole still had feelings for him. EJ brings up seeing her kissing Eric when he brought her home that night, so he made a terrible choice. EJ asks what he could do when Nicole means everything to him and he was so afraid of losing her. Nicole then responds that now he has as she walks away in tears and heads upstairs.

Rafe tells Gabi and Stefan to tell him everything they know, starting from the beginning. Stefan responds that they will gladly come to the police station to make a statement, but right now he needs to speak to his wife alone. Gabi promises Rafe that they will come in tomorrow. Rafe tells them to do that and walks away. Stefan then questions how Gabi could do this.

Nicole comes back downstairs with Jude. EJ tries to stop her and says they need to talk but Nicole cries that she has nothing left to say. EJ argues that they’ve weathered more storms than this. Nicole questions him thinking this is a storm and calls it a nightmare of EJ’s doing. EJ insists that he loves her. Nicole calls those empty words that she doesn’t want to hear ever again. EJ asks where she will go. Nicole tells him it’s none of his business anymore as she exits the mansion in tears with Jude.

Bobby thinks back to finding Connie crying in the park, swearing she didn’t mean to do it.

Jada meets Rafe outside the Pub and asks how the press conference was. Rafe calls it more eventful than expected and says he’ll fill her in later. Rafe asks about her visit with her ex and if he filled her in on the so called murder. Jada reveals it was Li Shin’s murder. Rafe says they already know who murdered Li but Jada says that Bobby said it wasn’t Gil Carter. Rafe laughs it off considering the evidence and asks who Bobby said did it then. Jada informs him that Bobby wouldn’t say but did say that he saw the killer shortly after they committed the crime. Rafe questions Jada really thinking there’s anything to this. Jada says Bobby wants her to come back to Bayview to discuss it further. Rafe worries that it sounds like another trick but Jada says maybe he’ll be ready to name some names. Jada suggests they go inside to the Pub where he can tell her what happened at the press conference. After they head inside, Connie comes around the corner.

Eric sits at the airport and thinks back to handing Jude over to EJ and Nicole. Eric gets up to board his flight but gets a cal from Nicole.

EJ pours a drink in the living room and tells the portrait of Stefano that Stefan and Gabi are going to pay dearly for this. EJ takes his drink and then smashes the glass against the wall as he screams out in frustration.

Stefan tells Gabi that he promised EJ to keep his secret, she agreed, and they had an understanding. Gabi says she knows, so Stefan asks why she blew it all to Hell.

Eric ignores Nicole’s call and goes to board the flight but Nicole arrives with Jude. Nicole says she tried calling him. Eric questions what she is doing here. Nicole informs him that she had to stop him from getting on the plane. Eric doesn’t understand. Nicole then reveals to Eric that he is Jude’s father.

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Days Update Friday, July 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Marlena goes to visit Bobby at Bayview. Bobby says he doesn’t know why she’s there as he has nothing to say to her. Bobby declares that he will speak to Jada and no one else.

Jada and Rafe have breakfast at the Brady Pub. Jada informs Rafe that she went to see Bobby at Bayview yesterday. Jada says the doctors haven’t been able to reach Everett while Stephanie thought that she could reason with Bobby, but she hit a wall and he would not let Everett out. Rafe asks if it was a total waste of time then, but Jada says not necessarily.

Melinda waits in the town square to meet with Kristen, wondering where she is and worrying that it could be a big waste of time. Connie approaches her, who Melinda remembers as the woman who attacked her on Valentine’s Day and blamed her for Li Shin’s death. Connie apologizes for being unreasonable and says it’s only because she was jealous as things didn’t work out with her and Li because he was still hung up on her. Connie admits it wasn’t her fault and doesn’t make her responsible for Li’s death. Melinda acknowledges that they have all their moments. Connie calls that gracious of her and says she won’t take up any more of her time as she walks away. Kristen then arrives. Melinda remarks that she’s finally there. Kristen responds that a great thing about being CEO is she can be as late as she wants and everyone else just has to deal with it. Kristen suggests they get down to business as they sit down. Kristen informs Melinda that EJ wants her to hire her as DiMera’s general counsel and she’s just trying to figure out why.

EJ goes to the living room of the DiMera Mansion and asks Stefan where Gabi is as he’s been looking all over for her. Stefan informs him that Gabi is on a flight back from Arizona which EJ questions. Stefan explains that she was visiting her daughter, Arianna which takes precedence. EJ asks when her flight lands as Stefan questions why he needs her so bad. EJ explains that Paulina doesn’t think him being reinstated as district attorney is going over well, so he’s holding a press conference to boost his image and he wants Gabi there to talk about how valiantly he fought for her which Stefan laughs at. EJ says he needs this. Stefan argues that it’s not like EJ overturned Gabi’s conviction because it was the right thing to do but so he wouldn’t tell Nicole the truth about Jude’s paternity.

Eric goes to the Spectator office where Nicole is working. Nicole informs Eric that she’s covering EJ’s press conference so she wants Eric to come with her to take photos. Eric responds that he’s sorry as he can’t. Nicole starts saying she understands but Eric reveals that he can’t, because he doesn’t work here anymore. Eric announces that one of the jobs he applied for came through, so he’s moving to Paris, France which surprises Nicole. Eric informs her that he’s going to be head of photography for a prestigious magazine there. Nicole calls that amazing and congratulates him. Eric thanks her. Nicole then says she’s sorry if she seems caught off guard as she didn’t know they would respond so quickly and that he already quit his job at the Spectator. Eric confirms that Xander agreed to let him out of his contract right away. Eric then reveals that he’s flying out today.

EJ tells Stefan that he held up his end of the bargain as Gabi is free so now he has to keep up his and keep his mouth shut. Stefan assures he hasn’t told Gabi a word and she’s asked a lot of questions about why he helped them, so he has nothing to worry about. EJ tells Stefan to stop phrasing everything like a threat then as he has enough trouble with Melinda nipping at his heels. Stefan asks about that not being a casual visit then. EJ reveals that Melinda was in a frenzy and almost told Nicole the truth but she agreed to keep quiet after he offered her a job as general counsel at DiMera. Stefan asks if that’s a joke, arguing that EJ can’t offer a position without Kristen’s approval and she hates his guts right now. EJ suggests Kristen could be feeling generous after getting the CEO job, otherwise Melinda will go back to being a 10,000 volt live wire. Stefan laughs at EJ’s life. EJ argues that he treasures his relationship with Nicole, so he doesn’t appreciate Stefan making light of this, especially since he wouldn’t be in this mess if he wasn’t blackmailing him. Stefan responds that if EJ didn’t lie to the woman he loved, he wouldn’t be in this mess so it’s his doing. Gabi then comes home and asks what she missed.

Marlena asks Bobby about Jada’s visit last night. Bobby says there were no cuts or bruises, so he thinks their conversation was quite productive.

Jada informs Rafe that Bobby did want her to give him a second chance. Rafe jokes about getting hit on by someone who isn’t even real. Jada responds that he was real to her, so Rafe apologizes. Rafe asks what Bobby dangled to entice her to get involved with him again. Jada reveals that he offered to help solve a case. Rafe questions that and hopes she didn’t humor him. Jada admits that she is intrigued since Bobby claimed to have information on a murder. Rafe admits that does change things then makes a joke but apologizes and tells her to continue. Jada says that Bobby didn’t give her any details but said they could further discuss it if she came back to visit him today. Rafe argues that Bobby is bluffing and just wants to spend more time with her. Jada feels it’s possible while Rafe feels Bobby is just manipulating her. Jada declares that either way, she’s going back because she needs to hear him out. Rafe doesn’t want to sound harsh but states that Bobby is mentally unstable, so this could be a trap and he could get violent. Rafe thinks Jada should stay as far away from Bobby as possible.

Marlena is glad Bobby had a positive experience with Jada as she knows he still has feelings for her, but questions him not considering Everett and briefly letting him out. Bobby declines and says Everett is not ready to face his past. Marlena feels they should explore that and asks what happened in the past.

Kristen asks Melinda to sum up why EJ is so eager for her to give her this job. Melinda responds that EJ feels guilty for stealing the district attorney job from her. Kristen feels DiMeras don’t have guilty consciences. Melinda points out that EJ might want to reward a good deed since she did hand over the evidence that freed Gabi. Kristen says that’s another thing she doesn’t understand since EJ previously refused to reopen Gabi’s case and now all of a sudden it was top priority. Kristen states that EJ hates Gabi and isn’t very fond of Stefan either. Melinda talks about the district attorney serving the mayor and how politics and optics are just as important as the results in court. Melinda thinks EJ just decided to go for an easy win but Kristen doesn’t buy it. Kristen decides to table all the EJ questions for now as she’s curious about Melinda. Kristen asks why Melinda wants to work for her, assuming she still blames her for her daughter’s death. Melinda notes that Kristen did push her down a flight of stairs. Kristen repeats that it was an accident and she was out of her mind with grief but she was horrified by what happened. Melinda says she’s been out of her mind since losing her only child and since Kristen is responsible for her death, she is triggered just being in her presence, but she is a professional. Melinda declares that for the sake of the job, she can put aside their differences. Kristen responds that she can’t say the same.

Nicole comments on Eric leaving just like that. Eric says he needs a clean break and the sooner he starts a new life, the better. Nicole knows it’s not getting any easier without Jude and is only getting harder, but she wishes there was something she could do. Eric says all he knows is that he needs time and distance. Nicole tells Eric that she’s really going to miss him. Eric says he will miss her but maybe this is for the best for all of them, pointing out that EJ never did like them working together. Nicole informs Eric that EJ saw them kissing and he just recently told her. Nicole says she reassured him that it meant nothing but it obviously upset him. Eric remarks that if they were together, he doesn’t know what he would do if he saw her kissing another man.

Stefan tells Gabi that he was going to pick her up from the airport. Gabi says she got in early as they kiss. Stefan asks about Arianna. Gabi can’t believe how grown up she is and says she wanted to bring her back with her but she signed up for classes. EJ interrupts and tells Gabi that he needs her at his press conference to express her gratitude. Gabi says she’s exhausted but EJ argues that they owe him, so Stefan agrees to be there. EJ asks them not to be late as he exits. Gabi asks if Stefan really wants her to do this. Stefan confirms that he does want to throw EJ a bone. Gabi agrees to but only if he tells her how he strong-armed EJ in to overturning her conviction. Stefan says that he told her he pleaded to EJ’s sense of family loyalty. Gabi repeats that she doesn’t buy it and then reveals that she overheard them talking about blackmail when she walked in. Gabi asks Stefan for the truth. Stefan tells her to brace herself as shuts the door to the living room. Stefan then informs Gabi that it’s about Nicole’s baby Jude and reveals that EJ is not the father.

Marlena says that Bobby says he’s protecting Everett but she senses he’s more protective of himself. Bobby calls this boring and says he wants to get back to his book. Marlena agrees to leave for now but says they can’t go on like this as she then exits. Bobby says they’ll see about that.

Rafe reminds Jada that Bobby is in Bayview for a reason. Jada insists that Bobby wouldn’t hurt her and says it’s very rare for alters to be violent. Jada talks about doing research on D.I.D. and Marlena said the same. Rafe argues that if she wants to investigate a crime, he has a whole stack of them at the station and feels it’s too risky. Jada argues that Rafe wouldn’t pull this on a male detective and says her job is to investigate crimes. Rafe points out that he’s not involved with any of the male detectives, only her. Rafe realizes that there is no stopping her and offers to go with her but Jada says he can’t because Bobby won’t tell her anything if he’s there. Jada says this is all about trust, so she needs to go there alone. Rafe admits he hates this. Jada assures there will be a doctor right outside the door. Rafe tells her to be careful and that he loves her.

Nicole tells Eric that she should get to the press conference. Eric says he needs to finish the rounds of his farewell tour and then it’s off to the airport. Nicole asks if Eric wants to see Jude before he goes since he’s at home and she could let the nanny know he’s coming. Eric doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Nicole points out that EJ won’t be home if that helps. Eric thanks her for the offer. Nicole asks if this is really goodbye as it seems so final. Nicole suggests saying see you later but admits maybe that doesn’t work, so this really is goodbye. Nicole decides they just won’t say it which Eric agrees to as they hug while holding back tears. Eric then exits the office.

Melinda questions Kristen being unwilling to set aside personal differences. Kristen feels she would always be looking over her shoulder, worrying about Melinda playing the long game. Melinda tells her that she only plans to put her head down and work her ass off, so she’d be extremely lucky to have her in her employ. Kristen admits she feels like she owes her, but she doesn’t feel it’s her best move right now. EJ arrives and joins them, asking how it’s going. Melinda informs him that Kristen doesn’t want to hire her. EJ questions why not, arguing that Melinda is extremely qualified. Kristen worries about Melinda stabbing her in the back. Melinda insists that she’s not a threat to Kristen. EJ asks what he can do to help seal the deal and then asks what if he offers her his DiMera shares.

Gabi is shocked to learn that Eric is Jude’s father and that Eric has no idea. Stefan says in EJ’s defense, he hadn’t known since the beginning. Gabi asks when exactly Sloan told him the truth, guessing it was months ago and he sat on it ever since. Stefan explains that EJ is afraid of losing Nicole as he thinks she will leave him if she finds out Eric is Jude’s father. Stefan adds that once he discovered the test results, he realized he had EJ right where he wanted him and the tools to get Gabi’s freedom. Gabi says it’s like Independence Day all over again and says now Eric can get his child back which Stefan questions. Gabi declares that they can’t keep this to themselves and they have to tell Eric the truth. Gabi tells Stefan not to look at her like that and argues that telling Eric is the right thing and only thing to do. Stefan can’t believe she’s saying this while Gabi can’t believe Stefan thinks there’s any other choice here. Gabi talks about being separated from her daughter for a year and how it killed her to miss so much time with her, so she can’t sit back and let Eric miss out on his child’s life. Stefan argues that EJ came through for them and she is free. Gabi says they got what they wanted and questions what’s stopping them from telling Eric. Stefan would like to think that a very solemn promise means something here which Gabi questions. Stefan says they finally have a cease fire with EJ, so he doesn’t need or want another war with him right now. Gabi says she gets that but Eric is a really good guy and Arianna’s great uncle, so she questions what he did to deserve this. Stefan reminds her that life is unfair sometimes and points out that Jude will want for nothing. Gabi questions growing up without his dad being okay. Stefan acknowledges that EJ is a very good father. Stefan calls this the price they have to pay for her freedom and that it could be a lot worse. Gabi tells him to tell Eric that. Stefan admits he hates it but pleads with Gabi not to rock the boat right now when he just got her back and he can’t risk anything getting in the way of them living in harmony. Gabi reluctantly agrees to try and see it his way. Stefan calls it the only way and says it’s for the best as they hug. Stefan suggests they go play nice with EJ, so they then exit the mansion together.

Kristen says that EJ fought tooth and nail for his shares and questions him now just being willing to hand them over. EJ questions why he needs them when the board has made it clear they don’t want him in charge and playing another game of CEO musical chairs is pointless. EJ adds that he’s completely content being district attorney. Kristen points out that he still sacrificed a tremendous amount of power and money to get Melinda to this job. EJ reminds Kristen that she will also get the voting and power that come with those shares. EJ encourages that his votes in her corner should help with any insecurities about keeping her position. Kristen feels there’s either something he’s not telling her or being a new father has turned his brain to mush. Kristen then agrees to the deal and says she will have their interim lawyer draw up the paper work and Melinda’s contract which thrills Melinda. Kristen then gets up and walks away. EJ tells Melinda that the job is her’s which means she has to keep her trap shut about Jude’s paternity from now to eternity. Melinda responds that Nicole won’t hear about it from her, right as Nicole walks up and questions what she won’t hear.

Jada goes to see Bobby at Bayview. Bobby says he’s glad she came back. Jada admits she almost didn’t and tells him that she won’t let him keep her on the hook, so she’s going to need answers. Jada asks Bobby to tell him what he knows about a murder. Bobby responds that he’s going to need something in return first.

Nicole doesn’t understand how EJ keeps talking to Melinda and she knows this conversation isn’t about the court cases that EJ is taking over. Melinda informs Nicole that they were just talking about Kristen hiring her at DiMera and now she ended up hearing it from her. Nicole questions why Kristen would do that and the company’s reputation. EJ says he knew Nicole would be upset so he’s sorry she walked in on them like that as he wanted to break the news to her, himself. Melinda guesses the cat’s out of the bag now and jokes that she’s going to pick up some very expensive office furniture as she walks away. Nicole tells EJ that she doesn’t get it since Melinda and Kristen have a terrible history. EJ guesses Kristen hired her to spite him. Nicole calls it unbelievable. EJ asks if Nicole is here for his press conference as he didn’t realize she’d be making a show of support. Nicole explains that she’s here covering for the Spectator, objectively. EJ jokes with her to make sure that Eric takes a flattering photo of him for the front page, even if it has to include Gabi. Nicole then reveals that Eric no longer works for the Spectator as he has taken a job in Paris, France after realizing living in the same town as Jude is too hard and he needs a clean break. EJ says that makes sense and he knows it’s a big change, but he thinks Eric has made the right decision for everyone.

Rafe joins Gabi and Stefan in the town square. Gabi says she’s glad he’s there but wishes it wasn’t for this dog and pony show. Rafe tells Gabi that he loves her and that’s why he’s here to support her. Connie approaches and tells Gabi that she’s so relieved that she’s been exonerated. Gabi asks if she knows her. Connie says no but explains that she knew Li Shin quite well and she knows he wouldn’t rest in peace knowing that someone was wrongfully imprisoned for his murder. Connie is thankful that Gabi got justice and that Li’s true killer was revealed. Gabi thanks her and says that means a lot as Connie walks away. Gabi calls it nice while Rafe felt it was a little strange.

EJ asks Nicole when Eric plans to go. Nicole says he booked a flight for later this afternoon. EJ is surprised that’s so soon but he’s glad she got to say goodbye. Nicole feels EJ is loving this. EJ admits that he will sleep easier knowing he has her all to himself, but he does feel bad for Eric after losing his wife and his child in one swoop, so he would be devastated too.

Eric goes to tell Marlena that he’s moving to Paris which shocks her. Marlena questions there not being any photography jobs in like Missouri, but then says she understands. Eric asks if she thinks he’s weak for running away. Marlena says not at all and that no one blames him for needing space as he has a lot of adjusting to do. Eric thanks her for saying that and for what she’s not saying which Marlena questions. Eric clarifies that he means Nicole because Marlena knows very well that Nicole is the other reason that he’s moving away.

EJ begins his press conference in the town square, talking about the tumultuous time in the district attorney’s office and he wants to assure the citizens of Salem that the right person is back on the job. EJ promises to find justice no matter how hard and talks about reopening Li Shin’s murder case. EJ announces that they now firmly believe the real culprit was Gil Carter, but this was not just about seeking justice for Li Shin. EJ talks about Gabi being wrongly convicted of the crime, so she too was seeking justice. EJ says he presented his filings regarding the new evidence and the judge agreed to Gabi’s immediate release. EJ proclaims the system works because today, Gabi has her freedom. EJ then welcomes Gabi to the podium to say a few words as the people in attendance applaud.

Jada suspected Bobby might want something in return and asks what that might be. Bobby tells her to get him released and then they can go some place private. Jada says she knew he was just playing games. Bobby says he’s not and that he does have information about a murder which he will tell her all about as soon as she gets him sprung. Jada decides Rafe was right and goes to leave, but Bobby stops her and decides he will tell her.

Melinda joins Kristen at the DiMera Mansion. Kristen informs her that she has received EJ’s shares and she is a woman of her word, so she presents Melinda with her contract to sign. Melinda acknowledges the pay package and signs the contract. Kristen says it’s worth it because now Melinda answers to her. Kristen then asks Melinda why EJ pushed so hard to get her this job. Melinda responds that EJ was just doing what’s best for him.

Gabi says she’s so grateful to be standing here today after the last 8 months were the worst of her life and she wouldn’t have survived without the support of her family and friends. Gabi says she has so many people to thank, first her husband Stefan DiMera. Gabi says his love and unwavering faith in her got her through the darkest hours because he never doubted her innocence and fought tirelessly to secure her freedom.

Jada tells Bobby that he has five seconds to spit it out or she’s gone. Bobby then tells her it’s about the murder of Li Shin.

Gabi thanks Jada and Rafe for pursuing every angle of the case and working tirelessly to make sure justice was served. Gabi says she has one more important person to acknowledge and that’s the victim, Li Shin. Gabi states that someone recently mentioned to her that Li can finally rest in peace now that his true murderer is known.

Connie goes home and flashes back to being the one who stabbed Li Shin!

Marlena reminds Eric that he asked her not to bring up Nicole and she respects that he doesn’t want to talk about it. Eric states that now that he’s leaving, he can be honest with her and himself. Eric admits he tried to move on but the fact is, Nicole will always have a piece of his heart.

Nicole asks Gabi what role EJ played in overturning her case. Gabi asks how she could forget and admits much credit must go to EJ for approving the immunity deal for Melinda, who then handed over the evidence to exonerate her even though EJ wrongfully accused her in the first place, but in the end he was big enough to admit he was wrong and that he let his personal animosity towards her cloud his judgment. Gabi remarks that she and EJ are similar in that way as sometimes they let their emotions guide their decisions. Gabi states that in EJ’s case, he sent her to prison out of hate but he freed her out of love for Nicole. EJ argues that Nicole has nothing to do with this but Gabi says this is all about Nicole. Nicole questions what she’s talking about. Gabi then announces that the only reason EJ exonerated her is because he was desperately afraid of losing his beloved wife to Eric Brady. Nicole asks why EJ would be afraid of that. Gabi responds that it’s because Nicole is still in love with Eric and that Eric is the father of her baby, shocking Stefan and EJ.

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Days Update Thursday, July 4, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Xander works out at home while Sarah goes through the mail. Sarah finds an RSVP for their wedding from Justin and Bonnie. Xander blows it off but Sarah tells him that Justin and Bonnie are family, so he should be lucky that they support their relationship. Xander comments on Bonnie so Sarah talks about Bonnie going out of her way to help with the wedding invitations despite Xander locking her in a shed. Xander says they both know what he did to Bonnie but questions if Bonnie can let it go, why can’t Sarah.

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Bonnie and Justin toast to a Happy Independence Day. Bonnie brings up having an engagement to celebrate. Justin guesses she’s talking about Xander and Sarah, but Alex walks in and says they aren’t the only ones as he announces to Justin that he and Theresa are also engaged.

Theresa goes to see Brady, who thanks her for coming. Theresa says his message was urgent. Brady tells her there is no time to waste and asks her to hear him out. Brady reveals that he’s made a decision that he thinks is best for everyone that he hopes she will go along with.

Holly is at the DiMera Mansion and gets a call from Tate, who is at the Pub and apologizes for hanging up on her last time as he had to move fast so no one knew he was talking to her. Holly understands he didn’t want to get busted again. Tate asks Holly if everything is still go and she still wants to run away together.

Alex asks if Justin is going to congratulate him, pointing out that they’ve been engaged for two days and he hasn’t said anything. Justin responds that he hadn’t heard. Bonnie notes that she was waiting for Alex to tell him. Alex comments that Justin doesn’t seem thrilled about it. Justin responds that he needs time to process it. Alex remarks that he wouldn’t need time to process it if he actually liked Theresa and he’d just be happy for them. Bonnie assures that Justin is happy for them and that he likes Theresa just fine. Alex guesses that Justin just doesn’t trust her and doesn’t think he should trust her.

Brady tells Theresa that it’s been an emotionally charged week for everyone, pointing out that Theresa could’ve lost her life and he knows she’s still shaken up about it as he is. Theresa brings up the other night when she told him that she wanted to be with him. Theresa says she was confused and upset then but now she’s not confused anymore. Brady says he knows that she wants to be with Alex and this is not about that. Theresa is relieved and asks what it is then. Brady responds that it’s about their son.

Tate asks Holly if she wants to spend the summer together because there is no way he’s going to stupid lacrosse camp so they have to figure something out. Holly questions how they are going to pull this off, pointing out that she’s practically locked up in a tower and double super grounded, so she doesn’t think Nicole will unground her anytime soon. Tate says that’s why they will have to make sure their parents aren’t watching them. Holly questions how to do that. Tate informs her that he has a plan. Holly hopes it’s better than the prom plan. Tate admits that one didn’t work out so well, but assures that this one will. Holly says she trusts him. Tate says he’ll call her as soon as it’s safe to talk and they hang up. Holly then turns around to see Rachel enter the living room. Holly invites her to join her to watch a movie. Rachel declines but says she does want to know what Holly is plotting with her brother.

Sarah tells Xander that she has let go of what happened and what he did to Bonnie and Susan, adding that she’s made her mistakes. Xander understands she had reason not to trust him but promises he will never again be corrupted by money. They kiss until a knock at the door interrupts them. Xander calls it terrible timing. Sarah answers the door to see Maggie and asks if everything is alright. Maggie says she brought something for Xander and presents him with a check which she says is for his share of Victor’s estate.

Justin cautions Alex to be careful and not rush in to this. Alex appreciates his advice but says he didn’t ask for it or need it. Alex talks about emulating his father, Victor, who always went with his gut and that’s what he’s doing. Justin points out that Victor didn’t trust Theresa. Alex argues that Victor obviously trusts his instincts which is why he left him half of the estate. Justin recalls Victor making Maggie CEO over Alex when he was still alive. Alex argues that Victor didn’t think he was ready and maybe he was right, but before he died, he changed his mind and his will, giving him that power and half his fortune. Justin argues that Victor entrusted him to distribute his money and advises Alex to make sure that Theresa signs an airtight prenup.

Brady informs Theresa that he wants to send Tate to lacrosse camp in upstate New York for the summer, thinking it would be a great way for him to get ready for the senior season. Theresa questions this being about his lacrosse skills. Brady calls it a bonus since he would be in a controlled environment where he’d be working his butt off and most importantly, he’d be out of Holly’s orbit so there would be distance between them. Theresa agrees that is a good idea. Brady questions her not having a problem with it as he didn’t think it would be an easy sell since he thought Theresa might want to keep him close, so she can keep an eye on him or be annoyed that he came up with the idea without her. Theresa jokes about him thinking she’s that controlling. Brady asks for sure if she’s cool with it then. Theresa responds that she might have been inclined to send Tate to military school or the actual military, but as long as he’s far away from Holly, lacrosse camp is fine by her.

Aaron joins Tate at the Pub. Tate shows Aaron the flyer for the lacrosse camp and hypes Aaron up about it. Aaron admits he’d love to go but says he can’t afford it. Tate says luckily, his dad is paying for it. Aaron thought they would be going together but Tate reveals he was hoping that Aaron would go in his place.

Holly claims to Rachel that she wasn’t plotting anything with Tate and they were just talking. Holly explains that she and Tate really want to be together but EJ, Theresa, Brady, and Nicole are trying to keep them apart. Rachel guesses they are sneaking around but Holly calls it just not telling anyone about it and tells Rachel that she can’t tell anyone. Rachel questions her wanting her to lie to her dad. Holly says she doesn’t have to lie, just not say anything. Rachel says she’s sorry but she doesn’t want to get in trouble. Rachel pulls out her phone to call Nicole but Holly takes her phone and tells her that she can’t.

Xander tells Maggie that’s a lot of money. Maggie reminds him that she intended to share her half of Victor’s fortune. Maggie apologizes for the delay as it took her and Justin awhile to work out the details. Xander is surprised given everything that happened with Konstantin. Maggie feels it’s just the right time. Maggie says when Konstantin tried to take everything from them, Xander stood up to protect the family so he deserves to be rewarded. Sarah asks if Maggie is sure about this. Maggie confirms it’s what she wants to do and tells Xander that he deserves every penny. Xander thanks her and calls it incredibly generous of her. Xander declares that it means a lot, but he can’t accept it.

Alex questions Justin wanting him to sign a prenup and jokingly asks if he thinks Theresa is going to try to murder him for his money or milk him for his fortune while he’s still alive. Justin responds that he’s not suggesting either. Bonnie thinks Justin is just trying to protect Alex’s interests. Justin feels Alex owes it to the family to protect himself since he’s a very wealthy man. Alex thinks back to Brady warning him about Theresa having a history of chasing men for money. Alex then tells Justin that he doesn’t need protection from Theresa. Alex declares that despite what Justin, Brady, or anybody else thinks, Theresa is not after his money. Bonnie asks who said anything about Brady. Alex insists that Theresa is in this for the right reasons. Justin feels she shouldn’t have any problem signing a prenup then, laying out what she is entitled to in case the marriage doesn’t work out. Theresa then walks in and questions if they are talking about a prenup.

Tate explains to Aaron that after the whole prom mess, Brady decided to send him out of town to keep him away from Holly but he had a brilliant idea since if he’s away at camp, he’ll be off grid so his parents won’t be paying attention. Aaron jokes about his parents setting up a camera at camp. Tate feels Theresa would do something like that if she could. Tate points out that the camp doesn’t allow visitors so his parents can’t come by and he would turn tracking off on his phone so it would look like he’s in New York. Tate says he’d just need someone to go and say they are Tate Black, encouraging that Aaron is really good at lacrosse and loves it. Aaron questions pulling this off. Tate feels it would be easy since no one at the camp knows who he is or what he looks like and Brady will be paying for the whole thing. Tate says he would have his summer free while Aaron would get all the perks of a world class lacrosse camp. Tate encourages that colleges will be throwing scholarships at him and calls it a win-win situation. Tate asks what he thinks.

Rachel takes her phone back as Holly tells her that she can’t tell Nicole or her parents. Holly says she’ll do anything, so Rachel questions what’s in it for her. Holly says she’d be a hero to her brother and asks if she really wants to make things worse for Tate after all he’s been through. Rachel guesses not. Holly gets that Theresa says she’s bad news but reminds Rachel that they used to have fun together and insists that she would never do anything to hurt her. Holly tells Rachel that she really needs her help and says she’s old enough to understand that she really likes Tate, so it would mean so much to her if she could help them out. Holly offers to give Rachel her favorite perfume that she likes. Rachel asks if that’s a bribe. Holly calls it a gift for being a good friend and asks if she can count on her. Brady then walks in and questions what they are talking about. Holly claims it’s nothing important and that they were just talking about perfumes which Rachel goes along with. Brady feels it seemed a little intense to just be about perfumes. Holly says that Rachel wanted to put some of her perfume on but she didn’t know if it would be okay with Kristen. Brady says he thinks it would be, but it will have to wait since they have to go. Brady asks if Rachel is ready to go see fireworks which excites her. Rachel goes to get her glowsticks, so Brady says to meet him at the front door. Brady thanks Holly for hanging out with Rachel. Holly calls her a really great kid. Holly knows Kristen doesn’t really trust her and remarks that no moms do right now. Brady knows Theresa was harsh on her. Holly says they don’t have to talk about it but Brady wants to. Brady admits he didn’t think it was cool that she and Tate were sneaking around their backs. Holly says they are really sorry it all happened like that. Brady tells Holly that they have decided to send Tate to lacrosse camp for the rest of the summer. Holly acts surprised as Brady explains that they think it’s best that they spend a little time apart. Holly claims she understands and asks how Tate reacted to it. Brady admits he didn’t take it too well, but says it’s only for the summer so it’s not forever and maybe they can re-evaluate the situation when he returns. Brady says if they prove to be trustworthy, he doesn’t see why things couldn’t look different for their senior year. Holly says she really hopes so.

Aaron goes over Tate’s offer for him to go to a world class lacrosse camp to potentially get a scholarship and asks where he signs. Tate asks if he’s serious about doing this. Aaron doesn’t see why not and says he’ll just have to tell his brother but he’s sure he would love him to be out of his hair for the summer. Aaron declares that as far as he’s concerned, he will pretend to be Tate. Tate is thrilled as they shake hands.

Maggie questions Xander not wanting the inheritance. Xander says he’s beyond grateful but he just promised Sarah that he won’t be so money driven anymore. Sarah points out that this would allow Xander to never worry about money again. Xander doesn’t think that’s how it works and feels it’s more money, more problems. Xander adds that if Victor wanted him to have it, he would’ve left it for him, himself. Maggie states that Victor was a stubborn man who didn’t like to admit when he was wrong. Maggie insists that she wants him to have it and calls it a wedding present. Xander is moved by her generosity but says that Victor didn’t really consider him one of his heirs. Maggie insists that Victor did love him and if he put his ego aside, she believes he would want Xander to have that money.

Xander tells Theresa that the prenup was not his idea. Theresa assumes it was Justin’s idea then which he confirms. Theresa asks if Justin really thinks she’s marrying Alex for his money. Bonnie says no one is saying that but Theresa says she was talking to Justin, not her. Justin says it’s not his place to judge her or anyone but he is legalc counsel for the family so it is his job to look out for Alex, both as his lawyer and as someone who loves him. Justin doesn’t think it’s unreasonable to be concerned. Alex thinks back to Brady suggesting Theresa knew he was Victor’s son. Theresa tells Justin that she cares about Alex too and says she obviously loves him very much. Justin says he’s happy to hear that but Theresa doesn’t think he is. Theresa doesn’t blame him for being skeptical, knowing her history, but claims she was interested in Alex before she knew he was Victor’s son and heir, ever since they connected in Greece. Alex thinks back again to Brady reminding him of how Theresa was at the hotel in Greece when the briefcase was delivered. Theresa talks about it being in Greece when she and Alex realized they were drawn to each other and claims that she just saw him as this great guy, but had no idea he was Victor’s son and heir. Alex continues thinking back to the conversation with Brady. Theresa claims that she was just as surprised as everyone else when she found out that Victor had left Alex a substantial fortune but says Alex knows all this already. Theresa asks Alex if he trusts her. Alex assures that he does. Theresa then asks Alex if he wants her to sign a prenup. Theresa then declares that she thinks she should. Bonnie remarks that she didn’t see that coming. Theresa says she’s tired of people thinking ill of her and that she’s only after the money and that she doesn’t really love Alex. Theresa says it’s sad that lots of marriages don’t last so she thinks Alex has every right to protect himself. Justin calls that a practical way of thinking. Theresa says she knows what people are saying and thinking about her but she also knows her heart belongs to Alex because he’s a wonderful person and she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. Theresa declares that all she wants is to make him happy. Alex tells her that she does make him so happy as they kiss. Justin asks if they would like him to draw up the papers for the prenup then. Theresa tells him to go ahead.

Maggie asks if Xander is sure he won’t accept the check. Xander confirms that he is. Maggie asks if Sarah wants a minute to talk it over with him. Sarah says she doesn’t need it as it’s entirely up to him. Maggie respects his decision. Xander thanks her but jokes that they will be expecting an extravagant wedding gift. Maggie tells Xander that she’s so proud of him for his decision and she believes Victor would’ve been too. Xander thanks her for saying that as they hug. Maggie hugs Sarah and then exits. Sarah tells Xander that she can’t believe he just did that and calls it amazing. Xander says he meant what he said as he spent so much of his life trying to get his hands on money he didn’t deserve, so it’s time for him to earn it. Xander says he’s got a good job now and it’s legitimate work that is his. Sarah says he never stops surprising her. Xander jokes that he surprises himself sometimes. Xander knows Maggie meant well with her offer but says it felt too much like pity for Victor leaving him out of his will. Xander declares that he doesn’t need pity as he has the greatest prize of all in Sarah as they kiss. Sarah tells Xander that she’s never wanted him more so he picks her up and carries her to the bedroom.

Tate calls Holly and tells her that he loves it when a plan comes together as he reveals that Aaron agreed to go to lacrosse camp in his place so his parents will believe he is there. Tate says now they just need to find a place local for him to stay where she can come and visit him. Aaron then alerts Tate to hang up as Brady arrives at the Pub with Rachel. They greet them and Brady says they were just walking by and he saw them in the window. Tate says he was just telling Aaron about the camp that he’s shipping him off to. Brady informs him that Theresa is completely on board with it and that if it were up to her, she’d probably send him to military school. Tate remarks that at least that wouldn’t start until the fall. Aaron says he thinks the camp looks cool which Brady agrees with. Rachel invites them to come see fireworks with them. Brady offers to get more tickets but Aaron says he has plans at home and Tate sarcastically says he should go pack for his big summer. Brady encourages that it’s going to be a great experience.

Sarah watches fireworks through the window. Xander joins her after putting Victoria down for a nap. Xander tells Sarah that they can make more fireworks of their own as they kiss. They watch the fireworks and agree it’s beautiful. Xander declares that they might not be the richest couple in town, but they are the luckiest. Sarah says the happiest too as they continue kissing.

Bonnie and Justin talk about celebrating the 4th of July. Maggie comes in and announces that Xander turned down the inheritance money which Justin questions. Maggie explains that Xander was adamant that he wants to be his own man.

Brady and Rachel run in to Theresa and Alex in the town square. Theresa comments on the fireworks but Rachel says they were better last year. Brady says everyone’s being critical. Alex informs Brady that Theresa agreed to sign a prenup. Theresa asks why he would bring that up when they are talking about the fireworks. Rachel asks Brady if they can go get ice cream, so they walk away together. Theresa then questions Alex why he told Brady when it’s none of his business. Alex tells her not to worry about it as she wasn’t supposed to hear that. Theresa continues to question Alex blurting that out in front of Brady’s daughter like that. Theresa declares it’s obvious that Brady is badmouthing her and telling him to stay away or that she’s only after his money. Theresa asks what Brady said to him. Alex responds that it doesn’t matter because he wasn’t buying it and he trusts her completely. Brady tells Rachel that it’s just going to be them this summer and asks if she’s going to miss Tate. Rachel responds that she definitely will but not as much as Holly will.

Holly meets Tate in the park. Tate tells Holly that everything is a go. Holly declares they will be able to spend the whole summer together. Tate adds that no one will ever know. Tate and Holly kiss as someone appears to watch them from the bushes.

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Days Update Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Abe wishes Paulina a Happy 4th of July. Paulina asks if it is happy, noting that she is relieved to know Chanel’s miscarriage wasn’t her fault but she’s still so sad for her and Johnny. Abe says at least they aren’t moving to LA. Paulina admits she’s not a fan of that city and asks how anyone gets anywhere in that traffic. Abe brings up LA being where they produce his favorite show. Paulina realizes the time and says he’s missing his favorite story. Abe turns on the TV and finds it weird as he questions what happened to Body and Soul.

Marlena sits at home, finishing a call with Johnny as she sends her love to Chanel and says she’s sorry about the baby. Marlena says she will check on them both tomorrow and hangs up as Steve shows up at her door. Marlena calls it a nice surprise and invites him in. Steve says he won’t stay long as he knows she’s busy but he wanted to give her a heads up about a conversation he just had with Jada.

Stephanie goes to the police station and tells Jada that she’s worried they are going to lose Everett forever and the only way for that not to happen is for Jada to speak to Bobby. Stephanie asks Jada to please speak to her ex husband. Jada asks what happened. Stephanie explains that Marlena asked her to go to Bayview with her to talk to Everett, thinking he would be most responsive to the person who knows him best but he was still Bobby and he wanted nothing to do with her. Stephanie says she’s not the one who knows Bobby best as that would be Jada, so she might be the right person to get through to him and the only one who could convince him to let Everett out.

Bobby decides against taking his meds at Bayview and hides the pills inside his bedpost. Bobby declares that he’s happy the way he is, with Everett out of the way for good.

Julie joins Chad in the living room of the Horton House and asks if he really thinks he will see anything new by watching the video over and over again. Chad says no but it’s all he can think about it. Julie feels the same and talks about waiting on the technicians to see if they can prove it. Chad wonders if Abigail is out there somewhere. Chad complains that it’s going to make him crazier than he already is. Julie encourages him to stop looking at the video then. Julie asks if the technician was optimistic about getting a clearer picture. Chad says no beyond enhancing it but they will try to find any information on the electronic signature to make sure it wasn’t tampered with. Julie asks if Chad is ready for some answers on whether Abigail is alive or not. Chad says he used to know the way that she moved and he just doesn’t remember but he feels he should know if it’s his wife or not. Julie feels this is exactly what Clyde wanted, to give him enough information to drive him crazy. Chad says it’s working and remembers the night he brought her to the hospital when Kayla told him that she was gone. Chad asks if Kayla could’ve been wrong and missed something. Julie suggests he should talk to Kayla then.

Kayla is shocked to learn Body and Soul was cancelled and asks Kate if they said why. Kate says it was apparently a disagreement between the producers and the network. Kayla comments on it being a popular show and wonders if Abe knows. Kate is sure he does since he reads all the soap boards and magazines. Kayla brings up when Abe was staying with her and Steve and how he told her that one of the characters reminded him of her. Kate notes that he said the same to her. Kayla worries that Abe won’t be happy about the news.

Abe doesn’t get it as the local news shouldn’t be on for another hour. Paulina suggests maybe they changed the lineup and says she has to get to the office. Abe guesses he will watch the weather report as Paulina then exits. Abe wonders what happened to Body and Soul, stating that it better not be canceled.

Jada doesn’t know if her visiting Bobby is a good idea since he wants her back, so she doesn’t think she’s the best person to bring out Everett. Stephanie suggests making it very clear that she’s through with Bobby and never wants to see him again. Jada asks if she thinks that will work. Stephanie says it might. Stephanie adds that Marlena says Bobby is trying to protect Everett by keeping him buried inside but questions what kind of life that is. Stephanie says this isn’t about her relationship with Everett, but he’s a good person so she wants him to have his life back. Jada decides she wants that too. Stephanie gets that it’s hard for her. Jada says it’s really hard to wrap her head around the fact that the Bobby she knew and loved never even existed. Stephanie says that Marlena said Bobby’s personality will always be part of Everett as their personalities will be integrated. Jada realizes that means Bobby would be gone and agrees to see what she can do. Jada asks if she wants to go now but Stephanie says she can’t go with her since she lost it on him earlier and doesn’t think she would be welcomed back. Jada guesses she could get in by showing her badge and agrees to do her best. Stephanie thanks her as they hug.

Marlena questions Steve turning himself in for helping Clyde escape. Steve says he needed to come clean but tells Marlena that he left John and Ava out of it, by saying he acted alone. Steve needs her and John to be aware because Jada didn’t buy his story, but she has no evidence that anyone else was involved. Steve advises Marlena not to let Jada bluff her in to any answers if she asks questions. Marlena asks Steve if he’s sure about this. Steve confirms that he is and tells Marlena to make sure John knows as soon as he’s back which she agrees to do. Steve asks how John is doing since he knows he went to Greece to pay his respects to Konstantin’s daughter but he thought he’d be back by now. Marlena knows he wanted closure but feels like he hasn’t been himself lately as they haven’t been able to talk on the phone and when they text, he’s been very terse. Steve asks if she thinks something is wrong. Marlena reveals that she thinks John doesn’t want to come home. Marlena then informs Steve that before John left for Greece, he tried to kill him. Steve questions that. Marlena explains it was at Maggie’s wedding and how she had been teaching him techniques to resist Konstantin’s brainwashing. Steve says it was working since Konstantin produced the Pawn card and ordered John to shoot him, but he resisted and Konstantin had to do it himself. Marlena reveals that John admitted to her later that in all the chaos, the card had an effect on him as he heard Konstantin’s voice in his head, telling him to shoot Steve and he went as far as picking up the gun while feeling disoriented and unsure of what to do. Steve remembers John holding the gun and Sarah saying something to him but it was like he didn’t hear her. Steve points out that John didn’t pull the trigger. Marlena talks about how difficult this has been for John and suggests he could be staying away because he doesn’t want to hurt Steve. Steve asks what she thinks. Marlena talks about doing work to deprogram him. Steve asks about the Pawn card. Marlena says she has it and doesn’t think John would hurt anyone, but that he’s worried. Steve declares that if John left because he’s afraid of hurting him, then he’s the one that has to go there to bring him back home.

Kate goes to see Abe, who says he was just going to call her. Abe says he can’t believe they pre-empted Body and Soul. Kate realizes he doesn’t know and then informs him that Body and Soul was cancelled.

Stephanie meets with Paulina in the town square and says she’s so glad they could meet. Paulina is glad she’s not dealing with the recall anymore and can get back to running the city with no distractions. Stephanie says that’s not quite true as she’s concerned there’s another PR nightmare brewing.

Jada goes to see Bobby at Bayview. Bobby mentions reading a murder mystery that she recommended. Bobby guesses Marlena or Stephanie sent her over here. Jada confirms they are very worried about him and she is too. Jada says she realizes now that he had no control over all the things she blamed him for. Bobby states that he never stopped loving her and that’s the truth. Bobby brings up that they had good, happy times together and he never meant to hurt her. Jada says she knows, so Bobby asks if they can get past it and if she can ever accept his apology. Jada responds that she can and she does. Jada tells Bobby that she still cares about him.

Chad doesn’t think he should talk to Kayla since she’s close with Jack and Jennifer and they agreed not to say anything until they knew for sure. Julie encourages that Kayla can be discreet but Chad feels he can’t ask her to do that since she wouldn’t even be able to tell Steve. Julie thinks Chad owes it to himself to get answers. Chad calls it a slim chance but Julie says if he doesn’t ask, he’ll never get any answers.

Bobby questions Jada still caring about him. Jada says she wants him to get well and out of Bayview. Bobby asks if she wants him to come home. Jada says when he’s feeling better. Bobby guesses she means she wants Everett to come home and calls it so stupid that for a second, he actually thought they had a chance. Jada reminds him that she’s with Rafe now and says that Everett is the real him while Bobby is just his alter. Bobby questions her words, arguing that they had a life together. Bobby complains that she’s talking about him like he’s a parasite, illness, or defect on Everett’s personality and not a person. Jada says she didn’t mean it like that. Bobby yells at her, asking if she has any idea of the horrors that Everett has seen in his life that he protects him from. Bobby says it makes him sick. Jada says she knows that he’s done so much to protect Everett from these horrible memories. Jada suggests maybe he’s a little too strong and that if he let Everett come back out to face the truth, he would be helping himself.

Paulina asks Stephanie what PR nightmare they are dealing with now. Stephanie informs her that people aren’t happy with the way she fired Melinda and replaced her with EJ. Paulina questions why they care. Stephanie explains that it projects instability but she also fired a woman of color and replaced her with a rich white man, who she just fired and has a record of corruption so the optics are not good. Paulina says she doesn’t like it either but she did what she had to do, arguing that Melinda was accused of stealing a baby so she thinks she was justified in her decision. Paulina adds that EJ resolved the conflict of interest that caused her to let him go in the first place. Stephanie says they can use that. Paulina adds that she offered Melinda the head of sanitation position and feels that isn’t her problem that she declined. Stephanie argues that it is her problem if it gets in the way of her being mayor as people are saying she treated Melinda like trash.

Abe questions why they would cancel Body and Soul when it’s been on for decades. Kate says she read there were critical issues behind the scenes and says she’s so sorry since she knows how important the show was to Abe during his recovery. Abe questions it just being over with no goodbye or thanks for watching.

Marlena reminds Steve that he can’t go to Greece because he would be violating the terms of his bail. Steve informs her that Justin is working with the district attorney’s office and he thinks he can get him a deal because of the circumstances of Clyde threatening his son, so he could get off with probation. Marlena says that would be wonderful. Marlena knows John would never want him to take the fall for him. Steve feels it was the right thing to do for everyone involved. Marlena tells him that she’s so grateful because she doesn’t know how much more John could handle. Steve calls John his best friend and partner, so he needs him back healthy and he has his back no matter what. Marlena assures that John is grateful to him for that. Steve adds that John never would’ve agreed to help break Clyde out or been in this mess with Konstantin if it wasn’t for him, so he owes him his life. Marlena responds that John would say the same thing about him. Marlena knows how much Steve wants to bring John home.

Chad goes to see Kayla in her office at the hospital. Kayla says it’s so good to see him. Chad asks if she has a few minutes so Kayla asks what she can do for him. Chad calls it kind of a sensitive subject so he asks to keep it between them which she agrees to. Chad calls it a complicated question about Abigail.

Steve tells Marlena that he can’t sit around while John needs him. Marlena appreciate that but John told her he wants to do this on his own. Steve feels that John just didn’t want her dragged in to it but he’s been involved since the beginning. Steve then gets a call from Justin and says that’s great news. Steve thanks him and says he’s with Marlena, so he’ll call him back. Steve hangs up and announces that EJ must have been feeling charitable as he just got a suspended sentence and 100 hours of community service. Marlena calls that wonderful news. Steve declares there is now nothing stopping him from going to Greece. Marlena appreciates it and is so grateful to him as she knows John will be as well. Steve assures that John is going to be okay as he hugs her.

Chad shows Kayla the video and asks what she thinks. Kayla says it could be Abigail but it’s so grainy that she can’t really tell. Chad says that’s the problem, but Clyde said it so he can’t just dismiss it. Kayla agrees not to say anything to Jack and Jennifer but questions why he’s telling her now. Chad brings up that Kayla was the last person to be with Abigail before she died, so he needs to know what those final moments were like. Chad states that miracles could happen, so he asks Kayla if she thinks it’s possible that Abigail could be alive. Kayla responds that maybe there is.

Paulina tells Stephanie that she can’t just ask for a do-over, fire EJ, and hire Melinda again. Stephanie agrees they don’t need another recall campaign against her. Paulina says she would offer Melinda another job, but she only wants to be district attorney. Stephanie agrees to no more personnel changes then. Stephanie thinks Paulina needs to lean in to the changes she’s already made and convince the people that reinstating EJ was the best choice. Paulina asks how to do that. Stephanie suggests launching a PR campaign that makes EJ look heroic, pointing out that he campaigned to get Gabi free which Paulina calls a generous interpretation of events. Stephanie encourages that people love the idea of righting a wrong and Gabi is now out thanks to EJ. Stephanie says that Paulina is going to have to sell it and she knows she can. Stephanie suggests scheduling a press conference where she can tout what EJ did for Gabi and use it as a launching pad for her own future. Stephanie thinks it will go a long way to restoring goodwill. Paulina is glad she thinks so, but reveals that she does not.

Bobby guesses that Jada came to get rid of him. Jada says that’s not true. Bobby argues that she wants Everett to take over and for him to go away forever. Jada admits she wants Everett to come back out because it’s what is best. Jada acknowledges that Bobby will always be a part of him. Bobby says that’s easy for her to say. Jada repeats that it’s what is best and healthy. Bobby talks about there being so much pressure on her now that everyone wants Everett to come home. Bobby guesses he could give her something that Everett never could. Jada reminds him that it’s over between them. Bobby says he wasn’t talking about that but declares that he can help her solve a crime.

Kate tells Abe that Body and Soul being canceled could be really good news for them and the show they are creating. Abe says he’s frustrated as now he’ll never know the outcomes of the stories on Body and Soul. Kate suggests maybe they still will.

Stephanie questions Paulina not holding a press conference. Paulina claims she’s not one to brag about her accomplishments, then admits maybe she is, but right now feels like it would come off as disingenuous. Paulina feels good PR is not supposed to seem like PR which Stephanie agrees with. Stephanie suggests having EJ give the press conference then since he isn’t shy about bragging about himself. Paulina laughs about that being true and agrees to contact EJ. Paulina feels she needs to be locked up in an asylum for trusting EJ. Stephanie checks her phone and says she’s waiting to hear news on an old friend.

Jada questions Bobby saying he could help her solve a crime. Bobby responds that he may have information about an unsolved crime that she may find useful. Jada asks if he committed the crime. Bobby brings up a cold case and says he can help her solve an important one if she lets him, but if Everett comes back, she’ll never know the truth. Jada calls that awfully convenient and questions him not mentioning it earlier. Bobby says he’s had a lot on his mind. Jada says they can talk about it, but he has to tell her what kind of crime they are talking about. Bobby responds that it’s just a murder.

Kayla tells Chad that when Abigail was brought in, she had lost so much blood that it was nearly impossible for her to survive, but she was sitting at Steve’s bedside when he flatlined and she was sure he was gone, but by some miracle, he came back to them. Kayla brings up what happened to her, Marlena, Kate, and Bo, so she would never say something is impossible. Chad questions how something like that could happen in this case. Kayla says there are drugs that could be given to slow down a heart rate and breathing that could mimic death. Chad compares it to Romeo & Juliet. Kayla mentions that Abigail’s body was taken to the morgue but a full autopsy was not performed since she had been through enough. Kayla adds that her body would still have had to be embalmed and prepared for burial which would’ve been done by the funeral home, so there’s only one way to know if that happened.

Abe asks if Kate is saying they can do something about canceling Body and Soul. Abe suggests starting an online campaign to rally the fans. Kate thinks that would take too much time and they don’t know if it would work. Kate suggests instead of creating their own new show, they try to buy the rights to Body and Soul. Kate feels it would make it easier on them and a lot of loyal fans would be so happy. Kate adds that they would be the reason that the show and those characters live on.

Steve goes to see Kayla in her office and asks if she wants to grab lunch. Kayla mentions it being a busy day and asks what’s going on. Steve reveals Justin called and his deal came through so he will not have to serve time. Kayla hugs him and calls that great news, but guesses there is bad news too. Steve says it’s just news as he announces he needs to go to Greece which Kayla questions. Steve says he just spoke to Marlena and it sounds like John is in a bad way, so he’s going to be there for him.

Stephanie goes to see Marlena, who asks what she can do for her. Stephanie says she came to talk about Everett. Marlena doesn’t think she can get her in to see him again. Stephanie says she knows and apologizes for losing it the way she did. Marlena understands it was difficult to see him that way. Stephanie says she realized she would not be able to get through to him, but she’s hoping Jada could because of their history. Marlena calls that a very good idea and says she will call her but Stephanie reveals she’s a step ahead and that Jada is with him as they speak.

Jada questions Bobby having evidence about an unsolved murder and asks whose murder. Bobby says he can’t tell her that part yet. Jada argues that this is nothing to tease about and to tell her if he knows something. Bobby tells her to come see him tomorrow and they’ll talk about it then.

Paulina calls EJ and leaves a message to call her back as there’s something she needs to discuss with him. Chad approaches and says he needs to ask her a favor. Chad says he normally wouldn’t ask but he’s desperate so she tells him to go ahead. Chad asks Paulina’s permission to exhume his wife’s body.

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Days Update Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Kate goes to Abe and Paulina’s apartment where Abe answers the door. Kate says that Roman told her about Chanel and she’s so sorry. Kate brought flowers for Paulina which Abe notes was very kind of her. Kate asks how Chanel is doing. Abe admits she’s taking it pretty hard. Kate asks about Paulina. Abe says she is also taking it hard as she’s heartbroken for her daughter and blames herself for the miscarriage which Kate questions. Abe explains that when Paulina rescued Chanel from Smith Island, she exposed her to radiation and thinks that could be the reason that Chanel lost the baby. Abe adds that Paulina is at the hospital now, trying to find some answers.

Paulina goes to the hospital and asks Kayla if she has a moment. Kayla says she does and says she’s so sorry that Chanel lost the baby. Paulina asks if Chanel has been discharged yet. Kayla says last she heard, Chanel was resting comfortably and asks if she can do anything to help. Paulina states that Kayla can tell her that it wasn’t her fault.

Johnny checks on Chanel in her hospital room and asks if she’s in pain. Chanel says she’s fine, but she just had a dream about having their baby shower. Chanel says in her dream, they were so happy. Chanel cries that she then woke up and realized they will never meet Noel because they are no longer with us and they’ll never know if it was a boy or girl. Chanel breaks down crying as Johnny hugs her.

Stephanie goes to see Marlena, who says she heard the good news that Steve was released from the hospital. Stephanie confirms she and Kayla are doing their best to get Steve to take it easy, joking that he can’t sit still to save his life. Marlena is glad he’s okay and at home. Stephanie thanks her but guesses that Marlena didn’t ask her to come over for an update on Steve which Marlena confirms. Stephanie guesses this is about Everett and asks if he’s made any progress. Marlena responds that she’s afraid he hasn’t and that Bobby is still in control.

Steve goes to the police station to see Jada, who questions what he’s doing there. Steve says that she said she needed to see him. Jada says she was going to come to him but Steve says he saved her a trip and asks what’s up. Jada informs Steve that she’s sorry to have to do this, but she’s afraid she has to book him for a felony. Steve assumes it has to do with breaking Clyde out of prison. Steve says he knows the drill and waives his right to an attorney and his right to remain silent. Steve questions why they are doing this now when Justin was working on a deal for him. Jada says that a plea deal is still possible, but since he confessed to a crime, she still has to formally charge and book him. Steve responds that it won’t be his first time posing for a mugshot. Jada warns that if Justin doesn’t find a way to get him out of this, he’s looking at up to five years in prison.

Paulina tells Kayla that she didn’t sleep last night, knowing Chanel is in pain and that she could’ve caused that pain. Kayla argues that miscarriages happen more than people think and could be caused by any number of things. Paulina says that Mark told her the same thing but Chanel blames her and she blames herself. Paulina asks Kayla if there’s any way to know for sure what caused Chanel’s miscarriage.

Johnny tells Chanel that he’s sorry he wasn’t there when she woke up. Chanel says it’s okay for him to take a break. Chanel asks if he ever talked to Peyton Russo. Johnny says he left a message but hasn’t heard back. Johnny says he’s probably on set and has bigger things to deal with. Johnny then gets a call back from Peyton. Chanel encourages that maybe he still wants him to come to LA to work on the film. Johnny then answers the call.

Kate tells Abe that she feels so badly for Chanel, Johnny, and all of them as she offers anything she can do. Abe says they will let her know and he appreciates her company. Abe offers her a cup of coffee which Kate accepts. Kate adds that she was going to wait, but she thinks now may be the right time to pitch him an idea about them working together. Abe didn’t think she was serious about that. Kate asks how Abe feels about them working together in the TV business.

Stephanie asks Marlena if Everett’s doctors at Bayview haven’t been able to help him. Marlena explains that Everett’s alter has been protecting him most of his life which is why it’s hard for the professionals to break through. Marlena adds that the staff think it might be helpful if they had someone that knew Everett personally to create a breakthrough. Stephanie assumes that’s why she asked her to come over. Stephanie states that she and Everett were obviously close, but they didn’t know each other for very long and asks if a relative would be better. Marlena says yes but they don’t know anything about Everett’s family, so at the moment, Stephanie is their best bet. Stephanie then agrees to do whatever she can to help and asks if they should head over there now. Marlena says she’s free. Marlena reminds Stephanie that he can be volatile like at the intervention. Stephanie declares that she can handle it as she will do whatever she can to get Everett back.

Kate reminds Abe of the talk show she produced that pushed her housewares line. Abe asks if she’s thinking of reviving it. Kate says no and that she wants to do something new. Kate is thinking about scripting programming, reminding him of when she ran Titan publishing. Kate wants to apply that skill to producing their own television show. Abe says he would never bet against her doing what she sets her mind to, but he doesn’t see where he fits in. Kate argues that he ran the entire police department and mayor’s office, so she thinks television production would be child’s play for him. Abe is unsure about that. Kate admits it would be a learning curve for both of them but says she knows that they collaborate brilliantly and make a wonderful team. Kate adds that she really misses working with him. Abe admits he misses it too and decides that Kate has his attention, so he asks for more.

Johnny tells Peyton that he totally understands and thanks him for calling. Johnny says he would love the opportunity to work together again and thanks him again as they hang up. Chanel asks what he said. Johnny says that he was just really kind and said he’s sorry for what they are going through but they can’t stop the production just for him, so he’s already replaced him. Chanel says that’s too bad but suggests maybe he could join at another time. Johnny assures that he’s not going anywhere because the only place he wants to be is right here with her.

Kayla tells Paulina that she hasn’t had a chance to look at Mark’s notes or Chanel’s charts from yesterday, but she remembers Chanel’s radiation levels were fairly low. Paulina asks Kayla to look at the charts to see if Mark missed anything. Kayla says she will be happy too but she won’t be able to discuss it with her without Chanel’s consent. Paulina says that’s fine as if even if she was at fault, at least Chanel won’t have to live with the uncertainty.

Jada takes Steve in to the interrogation room where he explains that when he broke Clyde out of prison, he took him to the airfield where Clyde was supposed to tell him where Tripp and Wendy were, but Clyde double crossed him and had Officer Goldman knock him out. Steve tells her that when he came to, they were both gone. Jada asks if there’s anything else he wants to add. Steve claims that’s the whole story. Jada then ends the recording and tells him off the record that she totally gets what he did and why he did it because his son was in danger and he couldn’t trust the police department because Goldman was on Clyde’s payroll, so he had no choice but to bust him out. Steve appreciates her saying that and asks if she thinks a judge will feel the same way. Jada thinks he has a pretty good chance but says the only problem is that his story is complete BS. Steve asks what she means, insisting he never would’ve helped Clyde if he hadn’t been threatening Tripp and Wendy’s lives. Jada says she’s not questioning his motives, but his means. Jada says Steve admitted to acting alone, but asks if Ava was involved with this at all. Steve insists that she knows he doesn’t trust Ava so if he wanted someone to watch his back, it wouldn’t be her. Jada brings up Clyde sending the video of Tripp and Wendy to Ava, who sat on it for some time, so she thinks Ava had been planning something. Steve insists it wasn’t with him and that he’s the only person that Clyde asked to bust him out. Jada reminds him that Ava admitted Clyde was blackmailing her in to running drugs through the Bistro. Steve points out that Stefan already took responsibility for everything that happened there. Jada remarks that Ava has a way of getting men to take the fall for her. Jada questions why Steve is protecting Ava after everything she’s done to he and Kayla, assuming it’s because she’s Tripp’s mom. Jada then brings up that they have eye witnesses and security footage showing two people in hazmat suits escorting Clyde to safety after the chemical spill. Jada states that Steve admitted to being one of them and asks who the other was. Steve claims it was Rebecca Goldman. Jada asks if it was John but Steve says of course not. Jada argues that they are partners. Steve says they are partners at Black Patch, but not in crime. Steve questions if she has any actual evidence that he’s lying to her about what happened that night. Jada admits she doesn’t and calls it just a hunch. Steve tells her that her hunch is wrong.

Abe suggests to Kate that they could do a cop show. Kate says that’s not exactly her thing and asks how they could top Law & Order. Abe asks what she has in mind then. Kate informs him that she called Will last night and he advised her to find a project they are absolutely passionate about. Abe says when he thinks of TV shows, he’s been watching Body and Soul which Kate laughs at. Abe says he understands now why people get addicted to soap operas because the characters start to feel like family. Abe tells Kate about one of the characters on Body and Soul reminding him of Kate. Abe mentions that he has some episodes recorded, so he will show her.

Johnny wheels Chanel out of her hospital room where they run in to Paulina, who asks if they are going home. Johnny confirms that Mark gave them the all clear. Johnny says they should get going but Paulina stops them and says there’s something she needs to say to Chanel. Chanel says she doesn’t want to talk right now. Paulina says she could just listen and it won’t take long. Paulina repeats how sorry she is and how if she could go back in time, she would do things differently. Paulina tells Chanel that she loves her and didn’t mean to harm her or her unborn child. Paulina says she doesn’t have to forgive her, but she just wanted her to know that she will regret what she did for the rest of her life. Chanel asks Johnny to take her home now. Kayla then comes over and tells Chanel that she was just reviewing her lab results and she thinks there’s something she should know.

Stephanie and Marlena go to Bayview where Bobby Stein asks what they want. Marlena says they are here to talk to Everett. Bobby says Everett isn’t here but he can take a message. Marlena says they know that Everett lives inside of him because he protects him, but they aren’t here to hurt him. Bobby mocks that they just want him to do years of therapy and confront his past, so that’s not going to happen. Stephanie says they just want to help him but Bobby argues that they don’t know the difference between helping and hurting, so he tells them to get the hell out. Stephanie tries to get through to Everett and asks him to talk to her, saying he doesn’t have to be afraid. Bobby tells Stephanie that she’s wasting her time. Stephanie continues telling Everett that he can trust her and she can help him deal with whatever happened in his past. Bobby tells her to shut up. Bobby says he’s been in here for weeks and questions where she’s been, arguing that things got a little hard and Stephanie abandoned Everett like everybody else. Stephanie says she cares about Everett. Bobby calls her a liar and says he protects Everett from everyone including Stephanie. Bobby tells her to get out of his face and repeats that Everett is not here. Bobby declares that he wants nothing to do with Stephanie, saying he finds her desperate and unattractive. Stephanie wants to hear that from Everett and tells Bobby to let him out.

Abe finishes showing Kate an episode of Body and Soul, commenting on the characters’ similarities to Kate, Kayla, and Marlena. Kate jokes that Abe spending time with that delusional nurse has skewed his reality. Abe wants to get back on track and asks Kate for her thoughts on the show. Kate admits it holds people’s attention and she’s all for strong female characters. Abe asks if she agrees then that they should produce their own soap opera.

Jada guesses she has no choice but to accept Steve’s statement. Steve points out that she has no evidence to the contrary. Jada remarks that her dad always said he was trouble. Jada asks how Kayla feels about him taking the fall. Steve says she’s not happy about it, but understands why he did it and is for him taking responsibility for it. Jada guesses being married to Steve is no walk in the park. Steve admits that he has tested Kayla’s limits lately but vows to find a way to make it up to her. Jada hopes his deal comes through soon, so he has a chance to do that.

Chanel asks Kayla what she found out. Kayla explains that Mark ran some more tests and the results just came back, confirming it was not radiation exposure. Kayla reveals that Chanel had a partial molar pregnancy that happens at conception. Kayla notes it’s not very common but basically the fetus was not viable from the very beginning. Chanel asks if this means she was always going to lose her baby. Kayla says she’s afraid so. Chanel then gets up and hugs Paulina as they cry. Chanel tells Paulina that she’s so sorry for blaming her. Paulina says she has nothing to apologize for. Chanel admits she was so cold and mean to her. Paulina assures everything will be okay. Kayla says now that they know why she had the miscarriage, they’d like to monitor her for a few months to make sure there are no complications. Paulina asks if she can do that remotely because Chanel and Johnny are moving to LA. Chanel then reveals that their plans have changed and they have decided to stay in Salem.

Kate tells Abe that she read that soaps are a dying genre. Abe talks about stories in entertainment borrowing quite a lot from soap operas. Kate brings up soap operas being produced in LA and doesn’t think they are prepared to relocate. Kate suggests they could run it from here which would also be cheaper, noting that she will put money in and has some contacts. Abe thinks they are going to do this then. Kate suggests doing some research before they commit, but admits she’s really excited.

Steve jokes with Jada about his mugshot. Jada tells Steve to get to the courthouse because his bail hearing starts in ten minutes. Steve is glad Justin was able to put that together so fast. Jada says she is too. Steve asks if she means that since he knows that he frustrated earlier. Jada says that’s only because she cares about him. Steve repeats that her dad would be proud of her like he is. Jada thanks him and says it means a lot as they hug. Steve tells her to have a good day as he then exits.

Marlena tells Stephanie that this isn’t working so they need to go. Stephanie apologizes for losing it. Bobby jokes that he could see if there’s any rooms since Stephanie has lost it. Marlena knows Bobby thinks he’s protecting Everett, but argues that he’s making things worse and that Everett will never be free or safe until confronting his own issues. Bobby argues that Marlena thinks she’s always right but he’s been protecting Everett for so long and he’s only made it this far because of him. Bobby warns that if they keep pushing, no one will ever see Everett again.

Kayla goes to the Brady Pub and finds Kate, commenting that she is engrossed in something on her tablet. Kate informs her that she and Abe are starting a new business venture and will be developing a soap opera. Kayla questions the idea and asks if they have any experience. Kate jokes that sometimes she feels like she’s living a soap opera, but otherwise they don’t so that’s why she is doing research. Kate then says that Abe is going to freak out as she discovers in the Soap Opera Digest that Body and Soul is being cancelled.

Paulina goes home and tells Abe that Kayla informed them that Chanel’s baby wasn’t viable since conception. Abe is relieved that means that Paulina is not to blame. Paulina worries that Chanel was going to hate her for life. Abe encourages that she would’ve forgiven her eventually, but now she can be there for her. Paulina then reveals that Chanel and Johnny have also changed their minds about moving to LA.

Johnny and Chanel go home to the DiMera Mansion. Johnny asks if she needs anything. Chanel says just him and asks him to hold her. Chanel says it’s such a relief to know the miscarriage wasn’t her fault or her mom’s and that it just wasn’t meant to be. Johnny encourages that they will get through this together. Chanel apologizes for Johnny losing his dream job. Johnny says to forget about it and tells her that sharing his life with her is already a dream come true. They say I love you to each other as they kiss.

Everett’s voice inside of Bobby tries to tell him that he has to let him out and he should’ve let him talk to Stephanie and Marlena because saying he didn’t want to talk to Stephanie wasn’t true. Bobby insists that he knows what’s best for Everett and it sure isn’t Stephanie.

Stephanie goes to the police station and tells Jada that she’s worried they are going to lose Everett forever and the only way for that not to happen is for Jada to speak to Bobby. Stephanie asks Jada to please speak to her ex husband.

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Days Update Monday, July 1, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Kristen is having a drink at the Bistro when she gets a call from Brady. Brady asks if he can take Rachel to the fireworks tomorrow since he has 2 VIP passes. Kristen questions him not having anyone else to take. Brady says he just misses his daughter and hopes to spend more time with her since Kristen will be very busy running DiMera. Kristen insists that she won’t be too busy for her daughter. Brady says he knows Rachel means everything to her as his kids do to him. Kristen decides he caught her at a very good time, so he can take her. Brady thanks her and says he’ll be there around 4 to pick her up as they hang up. Tate comes in and remarks to Brady that he guesses he didn’t get him a VIP ticket. Brady didn’t think he’d want to hang out with them. Tate says it’s not like he has anything better to do thanks to Theresa. Brady offers to get him a ticket but Tate says fireworks aren’t really his thing. Tate then mentions that he heard him tell Kristen that he means everything to him. Brady says that he does, so Tate tells Brady to prove it by stopping Theresa from ruining his life and to let him see Holly.

Holly goes to the Brady Pub and sees Eric at a table. Eric asks how she is. Holly says things have been a little crazy at home lately. Eric guesses having a new baby in the house can turn things upside down. Holly says she’s happy for Nicole and EJ, but she’s really sorry that Eric had to give up his son.

EJ pours a drink in the living room. Melinda walks in and thanks him for the immunity deal. EJ argues that she didn’t deserve it. Melinda says she’s so grateful that she had to come over and tell him how much it means to her. Melinda declares that now there’s nothing EJ can do to her when she tells Nicole that Eric is Jude’s father. EJ questions why she would do that. Melinda says out of spite, arguing that EJ forced Paulina to kick her out of her job and blew up her life without a second thought, so now she’s going to blow up his. Nicole then returns to the living room and asks what is going on here. Melinda asks if EJ wants to tell her or if she should.

Stefan and Gabi kiss at the prison. Gabi tells Stefan how wonderful it is to touch him without someone barking at her to stop. Stefan says that will never be a problem again because they are finally getting her out as they continue kissing. Stefan informs Gabi that Rafe is with the warden, finalizing the paperwork and then she’s out. Gabi is glad to be anywhere but there. Stefan tells her to tell him where she wants to go, mentioning Paris, Norway, or Buddy’s Burger Barn. Gabi says it sounds like a full day but there is one place she wants to go more than any other in the world and that’s home. Gabi tells Stefan to take her home.

Melinda tells Nicole that EJ seems dumbstruck so she’ll tell her. EJ then says that Melinda was just thanking him for the immunity deal that he gave her which Nicole questions. Nicole asks if she’s out of her mind, yelling at her that she stole her son, gave her to a psychopath and let them believe he was dead. Nicole asks how Melinda could be so cruel as she screams at her. Melinda knows that they have been through a lot. Nicole brings up Eric too and how it almost killed him to give up Jude. Melinda responds that maybe there is something she can do to make it up to Eric.

Ava meets Kristen at the Bistro and thanks her for inviting her to dinner, but questions if it had to be here. Kristen knows the Bistro doesn’t have great memories but she likes the steak. Ava knows that she didn’t invite her to discuss the menu. Kristen tells Ava that she’s really sorry that Harris left to track down Megan. Ava thinks Harris wanted to put some distance between them too. Kristen questions why he’d want to do that. Ava suggests because of all the lies she told. Kristen argues that she did what any mother would do to protect her child since Clyde threatened her son, so she had no choice but to run drugs through the Bistro. Ava says that may be true, but Clyde didn’t force her to sleep with Stefan. Ava says that she has so many regrets in her life, especially around the men she has loved. Kristen responds that she knows exactly how she feels.

Brady tells Tate that Theresa isn’t trying to ruin his life but Tate argues that she’s still doing a good job of it. Brady brings up Tate sneaking out of the prom and getting a hotel room with Holly. Tate repeats that they just wanted to be alone together without anyone interrupting them but they still found a way. Tate asks what he did that was so wrong. Brady argues that he lied and defied his parents. Tate complains that he felt like he had to and that he’s turning 18 next year. Tate says he’s going to college and asks if Theresa’s going to stalk him there too. Brady argues that Holly jeopardized his future and he could’ve gone to prison, then they wouldn’t be talking college at all. Tate argues that Holly apologized and made a mistake. Tate feels he’s been really responsible lately by looking for jobs to pay back the money he still owes him and he just applied at the club to make more money. Brady asks if he means the club that the DiMeras have a membership to where Holly will likely be at the pool every day. Tate pretends not to know and then admits that Holly might be there at times. Tate tells Brady that the more they try to keep them apart, the more they are going to want to be together. Tate says he doesn’t want to go behind their backs, so he asks Brady to talk to Theresa and get her to let up about him seeing Holly. Brady responds that he can’t do that.

Holly can’t imagine how hard this has been for Eric and talks about how awesome he was with Jude. Eric appreciates that but says it helps knowing that Jude has an amazing big sister like Holly. Holly says Nicole doesn’t think so and she’s always disappointing her. Eric praises Holly but Holly complains that Nicole acts like she’s the worst daughter ever and she doesn’t know how much more she can take.

Nicole questions how Melinda is going to make it up to Eric and what that even means. They are interrupted by Stefan bringing Gabi home. EJ acts thrilled and welcomes them home but Gabi says she’s not feeling it. EJ says he knows it can be overwhelming but calls it so uplifting for Gabi to be back home where she belongs. EJ suggests champagne to celebrate Gabi’s homecoming while he escorts Melinda out. Melinda says she’ll stay for it since she was about to say something important. EJ tells her that it can wait as this is a family gathering. EJ grabs Melinda by the arm and escorts her out of the mansion as she complains for him to let her go. Nicole remarks that Melinda is lucky EJ dragged her out because she was about to scratch her eyes out. Gabi remarks that it’s good to be home.

Outside the mansion, Melinda tells EJ to get out of her way because she’s going back in to tell Nicole everything. EJ sees that she is upset. Melinda complains that she lost her job because of him. EJ then asks what if he offers her a better job?

Eric tells Holly that he’s sorry things are so hard for her with her mom. Holly responds that it just keeps getting worse and says he should’ve seen what happened last night. Eric informs her that he was actually home when Brady and Tate came back from the prom. Holly talks about how crazy they have been and how Theresa acts like she’s a demon seed. Holly adds that Nicole grounded her again, so she’s had one day in the last 6 months where she wasn’t grounded or in a coma. Eric says he’s sorry and wishes there was something he could do. Holly tells him maybe there is. Holly says that Nicole listens to Eric and respects his opinion, so she asks him to talk to Nicole for her.

Tate thought he could talk to Brady and he’d be on his side. Brady says it’s not about sides but they have to have each others’ backs when it comes to co-parenting. Brady admits that he thinks Theresa overreacted, but he still thinks Tate was dead wrong in lying to his parents and sneaking around. Tate argues that what they are doing is completely unfair. Brady suggests a reset where they all take a step back, breathe, and chill out. Brady tells Tate to forget about the country club job because they won’t go for that. Tate complains that he knew this was going to happen and asks what he’s supposed to do all summer then. Brady then pulls out an advertisement and says he has an idea.

Ava asks Kristen what her regrets are. Kristen says there’s too many list but they all have them and no one knows that Ava and Stefan slept together. Kristen suggests Ava just pretend like it didn’t happen. Ava says she already told Harris so she can’t do that. Kristen thought he understood that she was in a bad place, under tremendous pressure from Clyde, and she was protecting him. Ava says that Harris did say he understood and tried to get past it, but she’s not sure she buys it. Ava talks about making a mess with all the men in her life. Kristen encourages her to stop beating herself up about it. Kristen thinks there is something else to consider and brings up that Ava was engaged to Stefan’s identical twin brother, Jake, before he was tragically killed, so it makes sense that there is an underlying attraction to a man with the exact same DNA. Kristen adds that Ava said she was totally wasted when that happened. Ava admits maybe she can buy a little bit of the twin thing but calls it such a big mistake. Ava insists that nobody else can find out about this, especially Gabi.

Stefan pours champagne and offers a glass to Nicole but she says she’s not in the mood to celebrate. Gabi states that Melinda turns her stomach too but even she can’t ruin this day for her because she’s back home with the man she loves. Gabi is grateful that Stefan waited for her. Stefan says he would’ve waited forever but he’s grateful that he didn’t have to. Nicole acknowledges that there has been bad blood between them but she hopes they can move forward too. Gabi says she hopes so too. Nicole congratulates Gabi on her freedom and says she’s really happy for them. Gabi thanks her and says that’s very generous of her. Gabi adds that she’s happy for Nicole and EJ getting their baby back. Gabi says she can’t wait to meet her little nephew. Stefan jokes that he looks a lot like Nicole and nothing like EJ. Stefan brings up Gabi needing a hot shower, so Gabi says she might need some help. Stefan and Gabi then head upstairs together.

Melinda asks EJ what better job since the only job she’s interested in is the one he stole from her, unless he’s considering giving that back to her. EJ says he’d be more than happy too but doesn’t think Paulina would be happy with the game of musical chairs in the job. Melinda brings up EJ being ousted from his position of power at DiMera, so he has nothing to offer her. Melinda declares that she’s going back inside to destroy his life.

Brady presents Tate with an ad for a lacrosse camp in upstate New York. Tate asks if this is a joke. Brady assures it’s not and that it could be a really great experience that could also get top college recruiters to get their eyes on him. Tate responds that he’s not bad at lacrosse but no one will want to recruit him. Brady thinks he’s selling himself short because he talked to the coach, who praised him. Tate asks when he even said he wanted to play college lacrosse. Brady says they talked about it but Tate says he was on the bench all season. Tate points out all the money it would cost and that he’d have to stay at an all guys dorm and work out for 12 hours. Brady suggests it would give Theresa time to cool off and when he comes back in the fall, maybe they could talk about he and Holly getting together again. Brady calls it a great idea and asks Tate to give it some thought. Tate responds that he thought about it and there’s no way he’s doing it as he crumples up the ad and drops it to the floor.

Eric tells Holly that he thinks he needs to give Nicole some space after everything that happened with Sloan. Eric then reveals he’s thinking about leaving Salem. Holly argues that he can’t as they would miss him so much. Eric says that’s nice of her to say. Holly talks about things just getting worse as her best friend isn’t talking to her and she can’t even leave the house except to pick up takeout. Holly states that Nicole is tracking her on her phone and knows exactly where she is at all times, while she doesn’t even know who is living at the house or which DiMera is going to stab the other in the back. Holly complains that Nicole is making her life miserable and if Eric leaves, she’s going to cry. Eric promises that things will get better. Holly disagrees and says she doesn’t need to tell him what it feels like to not be able to be with someone you really want to be with. Holly asks Eric again to talk to Nicole about letting her see Tate. Eric says it’s really not his place to give parenting advice so that has to be up to Nicole and EJ.

EJ warns Melinda that if she tells Nicole that Jude is Eric’s baby, she will be outed as a baby kidnapper and will never work again. EJ says she damn well better think about that because she may destroy his life, but she would destroy her own as well. Melinda asks what EJ’s job offer is. EJ offers her general counsel at DiMera. Melinda questions him wanting to work for Kristen when Kristen killed her daughter. EJ argues that Kristen was out of her mind then when she thought her baby had died. Melinda insists it would be her worst nightmare to work for Kristen and adds that EJ is in no position to offer the job anyways. EJ says he will speak to Kristen and he’s sure she would be willing. EJ adds that Melinda despising him is incentive enough for Kristen. Melinda asks about Belle being general counsel. EJ explains that she’s on leave to work on her marriage so the attorney in her spot is just a placeholder. EJ assures that he’ll see to it that the job is Melinda’s if she wants it. EJ says the district attorney has power, but she would be working for a multi-national company that has power and she’d be making a lot more income. EJ notes that her alternative is to be poor and jobless while destroying both of their lives. Nicole comes out from the mansion and questions what the hell Melinda is still doing there.

Kristen assures Ava that her secret is safe with her. Kristen toasts to her new job as the new CEO of DiMera. Ava congratulates her and says one glass of champagne is her limit tonight since she has an early shift at the Pub in the morning. Kristen questions Ava going from running a company to working at the Pub. Ava says her job prospects weren’t great after the drug bust at the Bistro. Kristen then suggests Ava come work for her.

Gabi and Stefan shower together and talk about dreaming of this for months. Gabi talks about washing away everything from prison and the distance between them. Gabi jokes now that she’s home, she wants more than anything for Stefan to shave his mustache which he agrees to do and then they kiss.

Ava asks if Kristen is interested in her as a personal chef or her skills as a mafia boss. Kristen says neither and that she’d just love to have a friend come work for her, especially one who shares her world view. Kristen admits that she needs an ally in the snake pit. Ava points out that EJ would lose his mind. Kristen calls that another reason since EJ needs to be knocked down a notch or twelve and admits that getting under his skin is one of her favorite pastimes. Ava says she completely understands. Kristen encourages that it would be great and then Ava can say goodbye to her sad little Pub room with the smell of clam chowder. Ava declares that Kristen is making her an offer she can’t refuse. Kristen then welcomes Ava to DiMera.

Brady doesn’t think Tate understands and declares that he’s not giving him a choice which Tate questions. Tate says he literally just told him to think about it. Tate complains that Brady really doesn’t care about what he feels or thinks. Tate calls him worse than Theresa since she’s at least straight about her crazy rules. Tate asks if Theresa knows he’s trying to send him away again. Brady says he’s trying to make it easy on him whereas Theresa will probably call Shane to send him to military school for the summer. Tate complains that this is his last free summer and Brady is getting to decide how he spends it. Tate remarks that it doesn’t take a shrink to understand that he can’t stand to see him and Holly happy because Brady and Theresa have no idea what it’s like to be happy. Brady argues that Tate has had two dates with Holly and both ended up in disaster. Tate asks whose fault that is. Brady declares that he has set him up for the camp and he’s going whether he likes it or not.

Holly complains to Eric that EJ is crazy about Nicole, so he’s just going to go along with whatever she says and couldn’t care less about her. Eric says that’s not true, pointing out that EJ arranged the treatment in Italy that saved her life. Holly feels she’s still not as important to EJ as his own kids. Holly thinks EJ looks at her at times like he just disapproves of her. Eric suggests she could be imagining that and encourages her to keep an open mind and get along with EJ. Holly asks what the point is, arguing that Nicole will divorce him soon since they have to be close to the expiration date as it never works out and is only a matter of time before one of them does something to blow it all up. Holly remarks that sometimes she wishes Nicole just stayed with Eric forever. Eric is sorry he can’t do more to help. Holly says it’s okay as none of it is his fault. Holly guesses she better get the food and go before Nicole sends out a search party. Holly asks Eric not to leave Salem. Eric tells Holly that he loves her and he will be praying that things get better for her. Holly thanks him and then goes to get her food.

EJ tells Nicole that he and Melinda were just discussing the disposition of a few important cases. Melinda says they resolved it and thanks EJ as she then walks away. Nicole then questions why EJ did it. EJ asks what she means. Nicole questions what possible reason EJ could have to give Melinda an immunity deal after everything she put them through.

Stefan shaves and joins Gabi in the bedroom. Gabi says that’s so much better and comments that her robe feels really good after all that time in prison clothes, but she doesn’t want to wear it right now and only wants to feel Stefan against her body as she drops her robe. Stefan removes his robe as well as they kiss onto the bed.

Tate asks Brady if there’s anything he can do to change his mind about that. Brady informs him that it’s a done deal and he’s going. Brady says the summer will be over before he knows it, so he knows he’ll have a great time if he gives it a chance. Brady then exits the room. Tate then pulls out his phone and calls Holly. Tate asks if she’s okay. Holly says not really and asks about him. Tate says not even close. Tate then asks Holly how she would feel about running away together.

EJ tells Nicole that he hated helping Melinda and if it were up to him, he would’ve nailed her to the wall but he had no choice. Nicole asks why the hell not. EJ explains that Rafe was desperate to help Gabi and Stefan was playing on family loyalty. EJ says after what happened with Kristen at DiMera, he thought it would be best to put Stefan and Gabi under their debt. EJ points out that the truth is that Gabi was innocent. Nicole argues that Melinda was not innocent and calls it sick. Nicole decides she needs time out here alone. EJ says he’ll be inside and then heads back in. Nicole thinks back to Eric telling her that he might be leaving Salem.

Eric remains at the Pub and checks his phone, finding out that he has been offered a position in the Paris office.

EJ sits in the living room as Kristen walks in. Kristen comments on Jude being asleep and says she’s off to bed as she has an early morning conference call with Hong Kong. EJ stops her to ask her for a favor about a potential hire.

Ava remains at the Bistro and pours another glass of champagne as she calls Roman. Ava thanks him for everything he’s done for her but announces that she just got a new job.

Gabi lays in bed and talks to her daughter Arianna on the phone. Gabi says she can’t wait to see her and to tell Will and Sonny that she will be taking the DiMera jet to Phoenix to see her first thing in the morning. Gabi then hangs up and lays in bed with Stefan. Stefan bets Arianna will be thrilled to see her tomorrow. Gabi tells Stefan how good it feels to be held after all this time. Stefan says to him too. Gabi remarks that she’s sure it was really hard for him to be apart for so long and that he must have been so lonely. Stefan kisses her and tells her that he missed her. Gabi comments on Stefan not giving in to temptation. Stefan then thinks back to having sex with Ava, but tells Gabi there’s not a chance as she is the only woman that he wants to be with, now and forever as they continue kissing.

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Days Update Friday, June 28, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Abe joins Paulina at the hospital. Paulina hugs him and thanks him for coming. Abe says he got her text and asks what happened. Paulina explains that Chanel started having very bad cramps so she and Johnny had to rush her here. Abe asks if the baby is okay. Paulina responds that the baby is not okay at all.

Johnny sits with Chanel in her hospital room. Chanel tells him that she didn’t realize until now how much she loved having a little life growing inside of her that they made and how much it meant to her. Chanel declares now they will never know if it was a boy or a girl. Johnny tells her that he’s so sorry.

Eric goes to the Spectator office and asks Nicole if she has a moment. Nicole thought he wasn’t coming in today. Eric says he wasn’t going to but there’s something he needs to tell her. Nicole asks what it is. Eric then announces he might be leaving Salem.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ calls Rafe and says he spoke with the judge about Gabi and if he wants Gabi released from prison, he needs to find Melinda Trask immediately, drag her down to the station and make sure she brings the evidence that she’s holding onto illegally. Rafe says that might be easier said than done. EJ argues that this is about Gabi and Rafe has an entire department that he can put to work, otherwise Gabi will be spending the rest of her days in prison.

Stefan goes to prison to visit Gabi (now played by Cherie Jimenez). Gabi says she’s so happy to see him as they hug. Stefan tells her how much he’s missed her. The guard comes in and tells them no touching. Stefan apologizes as he warns that if they do that again, he’s out of there. Stefan asks Gabi how she is. Gabi responds that she’s relieved to be out of solitary but she’d think Clyde was still around with the way she’s been beaten up. Gabi says it’s okay as it was broken up quick but Stefan is still upset by it. Gabi tells Stefan to forget it because she just wants to make the most of their visit. Stefan responds that they are going to have a lot more than that as he declares today is the day that she goes free.

Rafe tells EJ that he’s aware that Melinda is laying low but he’s confident that his guys can track her down. EJ questions why they are still on the phone then. Rafe says it’s because of the other thing he wants. EJ tells Rafe that the judge will not let Gabi go without seeing the evidence that Melinda is holding onto. Rafe says that Melinda is not going to give up the black book until she gets an immunity deal. EJ argues that it took a lot of persuasion and the judge has all but agreed to overturn Gabi’s sentence but only if he has the black book in hand. EJ tells Rafe that if he wants Gabi out of prison, he must find Melinda and get her to turn over the black book while he will take care of the rest. EJ hangs up and complains to the portrait of Stefano that times like this make him wish he was an only child. EJ remarks that Stefan has forced him in to this position and Melinda is a loose cannon so anything he does is a risk, but he has to do if it he wants to keep Nicole.

Nicole questions why Eric is leaving town. Eric responds that he’s leaving for his own personal reasons. Nicole asks where he will go. Eric says he’s applied for a few job opportunities in other cities, so he’s just hoping they pan out and then he will move. Nicole asks if he’s leaving because of her.

Gabi tells Stefan that she appreciates him trying to cheer her up. Stefan insists that she will go free today. Gabi wants to believe him but she’s afraid to hope. Stefan gets it but assures it’s not a pipe dream as the judge believes in the new evidence. Stefan says with EJ back as district attorney, he has the power to grant Melinda immunity in exchange for the black book. Gabi worries that he doesn’t see how this could all fall apart. Stefan promises that it won’t but Gabi reminds him that EJ hates them and questions why EJ would want to help her.

Nicole tells Eric that what she meant to ask was if he’s leaving because it’s too painful to be around Jude. Eric says no and that it actually warms his heart to see Jude. Eric admits that what’s painful is leaving. Nicole knows Eric spent all those months with Jude and they seemed inseparable. Eric says that’s why they need some time apart, so he can accept that Jude is not his son and he’s not his father. Jude then wakes up crying.

Johnny asks Chanel if she has any more pain. Chanel says she’s fine and just trying to get comfortable since Dr. Greene said she’ll be there for awhile. Johnny says he wants to keep her overnight as a precaution. Johnny adds that if it were up to him, he’d carry her out right now. Johnny offers to go home and get some of her stuff. Chanel thanks him and tells him not to let Paulina in because she doesn’t want to talk to her. Johnny agrees to take care of it and says he’ll stop by the Pub on his way back because she must be starving. Chanel responds that she’s actually not and she has no more cravings. Johnny then exits the room.

Paulina explains to Abe that when the doctor let her back in, Chanel said the miscarriage was all her fault for exposing her to radiation. Abe hugs her and says he’s so sorry. Johnny approaches so Abe tells him that he’s so sorry as Paulina just told him what happened. Johnny says it’s tough and he’s just heading home to get her some stuff since the doctor wants to keep her overnight. Paulina offers to go sit with Chanel while he’s gone but Johnny says that won’t be necessary. Paulina feels Chanel shouldn’t be alone in the room but Johnny informs her that Chanel doesn’t want to see her and asks her to please respect her wishes.

Stefan tells Gabi to trust that the plan to free her is well on it’s way to coming together. Gabi reminds him that they screwed EJ out of DiMera and he came after her with both barrels when she first got arrested and made sure she was put behind bars for a crime she didn’t commit. Stefan insists that this is EJ’s chance to make it right and that he’s on their side now. Gabi questions why. Stefan thinks back to blackmailing EJ. Gabi demands an answer as to why Stefan is so confident that EJ will come through for her. Gabi talks about Stefan and EJ stabbing each other in the back so much and questions what has changed.

Rafe brings Melinda in to the interrogation room. Melinda complains about how humiliating it was to be dragged off the street by the cops. Rafe says she made it too easy as they caught her while she was picking up an order of tacos. Melinda question what she is doing here. Rafe tells her that they need the black book now. Melinda questions that being why he dragged her down here. Rafe argues that she was already pushing it as district attorney, but now she’s just an ordinary citizen who is in possession of stolen evidence. Melinda repeats that she won’t turn anything over until she has immunity over the mess with EJ and Nicole’s kid. Rafe tells her that she’s got it. Melinda doesn’t believe him and says she knows all his tricks. Rafe insists that there are no tricks and that EJ has already signed off on the deal which shocks Melinda, who questions why he would do that.

EJ texts Stefan that Rafe is handling getting the book from Melinda, so he should have news soon. Johnny then comes in to the living room. EJ questions him not being at the airport, asking if he and Chanel are leaving for LA today. Johnny responds that they were but then they stopped by Paulina’s to say goodbye and then something happened. EJ asks if it’s about the job. Johnny says it’s not about that. EJ says he’s starting to worry him. Johnny then reveals that Chanel lost the baby.

Paulina tells Abe that she hates Chanel being in the hospital room all alone and complains that she just wanted to keep her company. Abe states that Johnny made Chanel’s wishes quite clear. Paulina knows Chanel doesn’t want to see her because she thinks she’s the reason that she lost the baby. Abe questions if Dr. Greene said the miscarriage was from radiation exposure. Paulina says that Mark said it wasn’t likely, so Abe points out that she’s not to blame then. Paulina adds that Mark also said he couldn’t completely rule it out but he tried to comfort her. Abe encourages that she can’t blame herself and that Chanel is young and has plenty of time to get pregnant again. Paulina is sure that Chanel is thinking all would be well if it wasn’t for her and that she’s the reason that she lost the baby.

Nicole tries to get Jude to stop crying, so Eric offers to help and sings to him which gets him to stop crying. Nicole is sure Jude misses Eric so much. Eric says Jude has her now and calls him lucky.

Chanel looks over her sonogram with tears in her eyes until Abe comes in to the room. Abe tells her that he heard about the baby and his heart breaks for her and Johnny. Chanel then breaks down crying as Abe hugs her. Abe asks if she needs anything. Chanel says she’s fine and thanks him. Abe tells Chanel that Paulina feels terrible about what happened. Chanel responds that she should. Abe tries to talk about how it’s possible but Chanel cuts him off and shouts that she never wants to hear about radiation again and she definitely doesn’t want to talk about her mother. Abe agrees to just sit there then.

EJ gives Johnny a drink and says he has all his sympathy. EJ asks how Chanel is doing. Johnny says she’s doing as well as could be expected and will be staying at the hospital overnight. EJ offers anything he can do. Johnny questions why he’s being so nice and if his sympathy is even real of he’s privately relieved. Johnny complains that EJ didn’t think they should have gone through with the pregnancy at all. EJ states that Johnny is his son and he loves him, so his sympathy is real because in the end, he wants what he wants. EJ says that when Johnny is in pain, he’s in pain as he hugs him.

Nicole thanks Eric for calming Jude down. Eric says she would’ve figured it out on her own. Nicole jokes that she hasn’t exactly been mother of the year this year. Nicole tells Eric that she doesn’t want him to leave town, but she understands if he does. Nicole adds that she’ll still miss him. Eric says he’ll have to see if he gets anything from the job opportunities since he hasn’t yet. Eric tells Nicole that he’ll see her later and he will let her know what happens as he then exits the office.

Stefan tells Gabi that he managed to persuade EJ to see the light. Gabi questions how and what if EJ double crosses him. Stefan assures that he won’t and says that he reminded EJ that DiMeras value family over everything else and that an external attack on one of them is an attack on all of them. Stefan calls Gabi one of them. Gabi knows that there is more. Stefan gets EJ’s text, saying that Rafe is on the case. Stefan assures Gabi that Rafe won’t allow any double crossing. Stefan tells Gabi that it’s only a matter of time before she is out of prison.

Melinda argues that EJ hates her for what she allegedly did. Rafe says that Stefan was able to persuade EJ to help Gabi. Melinda adds that EJ hates Gabi even more than her. Melinda says no one inherited Stefano’s taste for revenge more than EJ and questions EJ being willing to let go of what she allegedly did. Rafe tells her to stop doubting the immunity deal that she’s extremely lucky to be getting. Melinda then agrees to hand over the black book on the condition that until EJ’s deal is signed, sealed, and delivered, he’s not getting a single page which Rafe accepts.

Eric goes to the Brady Pub and sees Paulina alone at a table. Eric asks if everything is okay. Paulina says not really, so Eric asks if there’s anything he can do. Paulina informs him that Chanel lost her baby. Eric says he’s so sorry. Paulina thanks him and then realizes Eric’s situation. Eric say it’s fine and that Johnny and Chanel must be heartbroken. Paulina confirms that they are and that Chanel blames her, so she can’t even comfort her because Chanel doesn’t want her anywhere near her.

Johnny returns to Chanel’s hospital room. Chanel tells him that Abe was just keeping her company. Abe says now he will leave the two of them alone. Abe tells Johnny if he ever needs to talk. Johnny mentions just talking to EJ and that it helped. Chanel thanks Abe for stopping by. Abe says his heart goes out to both of them and then exits. Johnny sits with Chanel and asks if Abe tried to convince her to forgive her mother. Chanel says he started to but he backed off when she asked. Chanel understands that Abe would try to defend Paulina as his wife so he’ll always be on her side. Johnny assures that he will always be on her side.

Stefan tells Gabi that she will see when Rafe is done and she will walk out with her head held high. Gabi wants to believe it. Stefan encourages her to make plans to make it real and give herself something to believe in. Stefan talks about wanting to get roses, candles, champagne, and a bubble bath for her. Gabi jokes that when she walks out, it will be straight to a shower with maximum pressure to wash prison off of her and then maybe they can think about romance. Stefan says there won’t be any thinking, just feeling, as they will make love in their bed for the next hundred years. Gaib says that sounds perfect but she’s not signing off on anything for a hundred years until she sees her daughter. Stefan assures that they’ll take the DiMera jet to Phoenix. Stefan calls her the love of his life and declares that she’s finally coming home to him. Gabi says it all sounds like a dream which is why it’s hard to believe and worries about it not coming true. Stefan assures that she will see that it will.

EJ gets a call from Rafe and asks if he has the book. Rafe responds that Melinda won’t turn it over without a signed agreement. EJ says he’ll send it over to him now and instructs him to get the book to the judge and hangs up. Nicole then comes home with Jude. EJ greets Nicole and tells Jude that he missed him and he’s so lucky to be his father. Nicole asks if everything is okay. EJ reveals that Chanel had a miscarriage and that Johnny stopped by earlier but they are staying at the hospital. Nicole is shocked and talks about how much they were looking forward to the baby. Nicole is sorry that they won’t have the same happy ending as they did. EJ declares that they are very lucky to have Jude and now all is right in the world for their little family. Nicole says she’ll take Jude upstairs and check back with him after.

Stefan tells Gabi that he managed to convince the warden to let him stay past visiting hours while they await word from the judge. Stefan feels there’s no reason the judge won’t make an immediate ruling. Rafe then arrives and tells Gabi that she’s getting out as they hug. The guard reminds Rafe of the no touching rule. Stefan says he’ll show him touching and kisses Gabi.

Johnny asks if Chanel is hungry yet and offers to still make the Pub run but Chanel says she doesn’t have an appetite. Chanel points out that Johnny could still make his flight to LA if he hurries. Johnny asks if she’s crazy and declares there is no way he’s leaving her. Chanel brings up that the director Peyton Russo is waiting for him on set. Johnny doesn’t care but Chanel argues that it’s his dream. Johnny tells Chanel that she is his dream and his life, so the only place he wants to be is here with her as they hug.

Abe joins Paulina at the Pub. Paulina asks how Chanel is. Abe says she’s going to be fine. Paulina is glad she’s not all alone. Paulina says it’s been a long day and she needs to go fix her face to she steps away. Eric comes over and tells Abe that he heard about the baby and that he’s sorry for them all. Abe thanks him and asks how Eric is doing since he heard he’s suffering through a loss as well. Eric says he’s fine and just trying to figure things out. Eric admits it’s hard. Abe remembers when he and Lexie had to give up Isaac and how difficult that was. Abe states that in time, he had to accept that he wasn’t his child.

EJ pours a drink in the living room. Melinda walks in and thanks him for the immunity deal. EJ argues that she didn’t deserve it. Melinda says she’s so grateful that she had to come over and tell him how much it means to her. Melinda declares that now there’s nothing EJ can do to her when she tells Nicole that Eric is Jude’s father. EJ questions why she would do that. Melinda says out of spite, arguing that EJ forced Paulina to kick her out of her job and blew up her life without a second thought, so now she’s going to blow up his. Nicole then returns to the living room and asks what is going on here.

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Days Update Thursday, June 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Stefan sits in the living room of the DiMera Mansion, wondering what is taking so long. EJ then arrives so Stefan asks what happened and where he’s been. EJ responds that he was tied up in court, trying to get his wife out of prison. Stefan asks where she is and when she’s coming home. EJ then responds that she isn’t.

Nicole sits at the Spectator office with Jude and talks about EJ being pretty upset about Johnny moving to California so they have to do everything they can to lift her spirits. Nicole then gets a call from Eric and says she heard he wasn’t coming in today, so she asks if everything is okay. Eric is at the Pub and says he’s fine and just wanted to call to check on her. Nicole assumes he heard about the drama with Tate and Holly at the prom. Eric confirms he happened to be at Marlena’s when Brady came home with Tate.

Brady is shocked to learn that Alex and Theresa are engaged. Brady calls it unexpected and tells Alex that he doesn’t know what to say. Alex suggests he could try “congratulations” but senses that he’s not really feeling it.

Theresa questions how Sarah tracked down an address for Xander’s mom as she thought Bonnie said it was a dead end. Sarah explains that Xander called his aunt even though she had been estranged from his mother, but Fiona recently reached out and gave her an address. Theresa questions if she’s still at that address. Sarah declares that the only way to find out is sending her a wedding invitation and seeing what happens but Theresa tells her that she can’t do that. Sarah questions why she can’t invite Xander’s mother to their wedding and why Theresa even cares. Theresa claims she’s just heard that she has a lot of issues and is a raging alcoholic. Theresa asks why they are assuming she still is when she could be sober now. Theresa argues that she could be a loose cannon ready to go off like Konstantin. Bonnie calls this a completely different situation and says it’s not like Xander’s mom will try to kill anybody. Theresa says she’s just ruined that she will ruin everything like Sarah’s wedding to Xander. Theresa asks what if Fiona gets bombed and say awful things. Sarah jokes that anyone could do that. Sarah knows she doesn’t know Xander’s mother but she chooses to believe she would be happy to be at the wedding. Bonnie questions why exactly Theresa cares so much when she isn’t Xander’s biggest fan. Theresa says she cares about them, Maggie, Alex, and Justin so she thinks if this woman comes to Salem and starts stirring things up, there could be some really terrible consequences for all of them.

Alex knows Brady and Theresa have history but he didn’t think he would have a problem since just the other night, he wished them the best. Brady claims that it’s just that Alex marrying Theresa affects Tate and admits that he thinks they are moving too quickly. Alex reminds Brady that he bought the ring awhile ago and was going to propose on Valentine’s Day. Alex says he partly didn’t feel he was ready for the responsibility of committing to a recovering addict. Alex starts to say more but stops. Brady says they are talking about his ex-wife so he won’t be telling him anything he doesn’t already know. Alex says it’s more his own cynicism as he always has a hard time trusting people which he calls not the best way to go through life. Brady asks if he’s having a hard time trusting Theresa. Alex says he had a hard time in the past but now, he completely trusts her. Brady then warns that maybe he shouldn’t.

Nicole tells Eric that she’s more upset with Theresa than Holly. Nicole calls Theresa insane for insulting Holly. Eric admits that Theresa can be high strung sometimes. Nicole complains that Theresa put all the blame on Holly like she’s a criminal mastermind and none on Tate. Eric asks what Holly had to say. Nicole says she groaned and moaned and now she’s grounded again. Nicole adds that what disappoints her the most is that Holly was lying to her again after all they had been through. Eric says he understands and he knows they love each other a lot. Eric calls them both kind and good people. Nicole thanks him. Eric encourages that this too shall pass and says he’ll let her get back to work. Eric reminds Nicole that he’s always there for her and Holly if they need him. Nicole thanks him and tells him to have a good day as they hang up. Xander then arrives at the Spectator office with Victoria and comments on them both being on baby duty. Nicole reveals that she just asked Chad for time off so she’ll be on baby duty at home. Xander congratulates her on getting her son back. Nicole says she’s grateful and calls it a dream come true. Xander acknowledges that it must be for EJ as well but that for Eric, it must be his worst nightmare.

Stefan angrily reminds EJ that they had a deal where he agreed not to tell Nicole the truth about Jude’s father while EJ agreed to get Gabi out of prison. EJ tells him to keep his voice down but Stefan screams that he won’t until his wife is out of prison. EJ shouts that he tried his best which Stefan mocks. Stefan declares that if EJ is striking out, he’s losing his family. Stefan warns EJ to try harder because his house of cards depends on it. EJ complains about Stefan threatening him. EJ says he met with the judge and presented the evidence that Gil likely murdered Li and he recommended Gabi’s release. EJ adds that the judge was receptive to his argument but there’s one hitch. EJ reveals he provided photos of Clyde’s black book but the judge insists on wanting the physical evidence in hand to move forward, otherwise Gabi is not getting out of prison.

Sarah doesn’t get Theresa’s concern about terrible consequences of Xander’s mother coming to their wedding. Sarah argues that she’s an alcoholic, not a homicidal maniac, and she could be sober by now. Theresa admits she might be overreacting a bit. Theresa talks about when someone has a drinking problem and they tend to not have a censor and say really mean, destructive things. Theresa says that with all that this family has gone through, the last thing they need is more drama. Theresa brings up Victoria but Sarah says she is her concern, not Theresa’s. Theresa realizes that she’s being overprotective and blurting things out, upsetting everybody. Sarah tells her it’s okay and to just trust that she and Xander have thought this through. Sarah acknowledges it might not go perfectly but they are willing to take the risk. Sarah says they need to get the wedding invitations out before the post office closes. Theresa says she didn’t realize she was in a time crunch and then suddenly offers to help with the invitations.

Alex complains about this being the millionth time that Brady suggests he shouldn’t trust Theresa. Brady asks if it bothered Alex when he found he and Theresa in bed together recently. Alex admits it did but says he can hardly hold that against her, because he was sleeping with Kristen and they were both playing stupid games but it’s over now. Alex declares that he knows he wants to be with Theresa and she made it very clear she wants to be with him too. Brady asks if he’s sure she wants him or his money?

EJ reminds Stefan that they don’t have the black book because Melinda is illegally holding it hostage. Stefan tells EJ to go get it then. EJ responds that he doesn’t know where Melinda is as she isn’t responding his calls and she isn’t at home which may be because he just stole her job at Stefan’s behest. Stefan questions blaming him now. EJ tells Stefan to face that his elaborate plan blew up in his face because Melinda absconded with the only piece of evidence that will free Gabi. EJ declares that now Melinda will never cooperate with them and blames Stefan for doing this. Stefan warns that EJ’s head is still on the chopping block so he shouldn’t relish this moment. EJ says he’s not relishing it and has no idea what the hell they are going to do at this point. Stefan decides they need to find a way to get Melinda to cooperate and he thinks he knows how they are going to do that.

Nicole tells Xander that she does feel bad for Eric, especially since this is the second time he fell in love with a baby and had to give it up. Xander says he was trying to do something good when he did it but he knows it was terrible and he was trying to spare Eric and Sarah the pain of losing a child. Xander says in the long run, it did work out pretty good for him. Xander then jokes that Nicole is the OG of baby stealing so maybe Sloan was just taking after her. Nicole calls him a piece of work Xander calls her a hypocrite. Nicole questions why Xander is pretending to care how Eric feels when he didn’t care while gleefully destroying their marriage or when he tried to shoot Eric and put Marlena in a coma instead. Xander asks why she wants to work for him if he’s such a monster and offers to fire her.

Roman sees Eric at the Brady Pub and asks what he’s up to. Eric says he was just checking some web sites and mentions seeing Kate earlier, noting that she seemed a little down which Roman confirms. Eric questions that even with Lucas being free. Roman then reveals that Lucas’s first decision as a free man was to leave for an extended visit with Allie and Will in Arizona. Roman is sure Lucas will be back sooner than later but it just seems like they’ve had to say too many goodbyes lately. Eric says not to pile on, but he may have one more goodbye in the near future. Roman questions who else is leaving town. Eric then reveals that he is. Roman questions if he’s taking a trip. Eric says he means moving as it’s something he’s been struggling with for the past few weeks. Roman understands but it makes him sad to hear him say that. Roman asks where Eric would go. Eric says there are opportunities for other jobs in photography work in other cities. Roman thought he was very happy with his job at the Spectator. Eric says he loves it and he’s proud of the work he and Nicole did with the piece on the homeless. Roman guesses this is more about losing Jude then. Eric responds that there’s actually another problem and it’s Nicole.

Nicole tells Xander that she’s taking time off to care for her son so he can try and fire her and see what Chad says about it. Xander agrees not to fire her but questions her picking a fight with the boss. Nicole says she wasn’t and blames him. Xander decides all is forgiven and he’ll accept her apology. Nicole tells him to forget it as she doesn’t care anyway. Xander says he’s just grateful they can put their past differences behind them and they both came out ahead since now Nicole is married with her son while soon, he and Sarah will be married with their daughter in attendance. Nicole questions Sarah agreeing to marry him again. Xander confirms that she’s working on wedding invitations right now and is going all out to make their wedding special, including even convincing him to invite his mom which surprises Nicole.

Sarah admits they are under a time crunch and asks if Theresa is sure she wouldn’t mind pitching in. Theresa claims that she’d be so happy to help. Bonnie remarks that Theresa is usually the last person to offer free labor, pointing out that she didn’t help her move boxes when she asked. Theresa then admits she has an ulterior motive and that’s because she’s hoping they will return the favor when it comes to her wedding which Sarah questions. Theresa then shows her ring and reveals that Alex proposed last night. Sarah congratulates her. Bonnie asks if they picked a date. Theresa says not yet, but the sooner the better as far as she’s concerned. Bonnie starts talking about how Maggie would love to mend fences with Alex and she’d like for Sarah and Theresa to get along. Bonnie then suggests maybe they should have a double wedding.

Alex says it’s a little insulting to suggest Theresa is only interested in him because he’s rich. Brady says he didn’t mean to insult him as it’s not about him, but about her since Theresa has a history of chasing men with money. Brady calls that one of the reasons she was interested in him at first too and she did some desperate things to get her hands on his money. Alex brings up Theresa marrying Brady while blackout drunk in Las Vegas and says he’s heard it all. Alex gets that Theresa is willing to do some extreme things but insists that is not the case here. Brady asks how he can he be so sure. Alex points out that Theresa was interested in him before she had any idea that he was inheriting Victor’s fortune. Brady asks what if she did have an idea? Alex questions how Theresa could’ve known that he was Victor’s son. Brady reminds him of when they went to Greece and how they went to se Konstantin but Theresa stayed back at the hotel where Shane dropped off Victor’s briefcase which included the only evidence that Alex was Victor’s son. Alex asks if he’s saying that Theresa secretly opened the briefcase. Brady says he knows that Theresa likes to snoop and that she was curious so she could have opened the briefcase since it was the only thing returned from Victor’s plane. Alex realizes if that were true then Theresa would have known the truth about the fortune before they ever even slept together.

Bonnie jokes that double weddings are very popular in Salem and they seldom go wrong except for one time they had two double weddings. Sarah suggests not talking about that. Bonnie thinks a double wedding makes sense since they basically have the same guest list, except Xander’s mom. Theresa points out that the problem is that she and Xander don’t like each other. Sarah acknowledges that Xander isn’t Alex’s biggest fan either and things are especially tense now since finding out that Alex was Victor’s son has made Xander feel like an outcast. Bonnie encourages that this could strengthen the bond between Alex and Xander. Theresa remains unsure while Sarah calls it not a good idea for anyone involved. Bonnie thinks that after everything they’ve been through, a super sized wedding is exactly what the Kiriakis family needs.

Nicole brings up Xander and his mom not getting along. Xander says they were fine when he was a kid as he didn’t start getting in to trouble until he was a teenager. Xander says his dad tried to be there for him in his way, but his mom was flat out done with him like he was a huge burden to her. Nicole is sure it was more complicated than that. Xander feels he was bad news and she wanted nothing to do with him, pointing out that she didn’t even show up to court when he was convicted of manslaughter. Nicole reminds him that Victor stepped in. Xander says Victor got years off his sentence, became a mentor to him, and definitely saved his life. Xander feels his mom didn’t like that one bit. Nicole suggests she thought Victor would be a bad influence on him. Xander says things really fell apart when his dad died and his mom couldn’t take the pain so she decided to numb herself with drinking. Xander says he tried to be there for her but she shut him out. Xander thinks he must have reminded her of his dad. Xander says it was like he lost both parents, but he’s thankful for Victor stepping up when no one else did and letting him work for him. Xander decides he’s sure that Nicole doesn’t care about his sob story. Nicole responds that she’s actually glad he shared with her as it turns out that he’s actually kind of human.

Roman asks Eric about having problems working with Nicole because he still has feelings for her. Eric points out that he isn’t even divorced yet so romance isn’t even on the radar. Roman asks what the issue is then. Eric responds that Nicole brought Jude to work the other day and he of course said no. Roman asks if that was a lie. Eric admits he really loves to see Jude as it was hard saying goodbye. Roman guesses it’s living in the same town as Jude and not being able to be in his life which Eric calls more than he can bear.

Stefan brings up that Melinda asked Rafe for immunity but he couldn’t give that to her, though EJ can. Stefan instructs EJ to give Melinda what she wants and make sure she doesn’t face any charges for stealing Nicole’s baby. EJ asks how the hell Nicole would feel if he allowed Melinda to walk and he can’t tell her that Stefan is blackmailing him. Stefan doesn’t give a damn how he handles it with Nicole. Stefan orders him to handle Melinda, get the evidence, and get Gabi out of prison. Stefan warns EJ to do it today or he will tell Nicole the truth as he then storms out.

Brady tells Alex to think about it. Brady goes over how Theresa could’ve pried open the suitcase, seeing the news, and suddenly going from flirtation to wanting to seal the deal. Brady calls the timing too good. Alex argues that’s not how it played out since Theresa tried to seal the deal with Brady, but he rejected her harshly and he was just there to comfort her. Brady believes that’s what Theresa planned all along, knowing Alex would come in to pick up the pieces. Alex calls it impossible and says he’s sure their hook up was not pre-meditated. Alex adds that if that were ture, it would mean Theresa was playing him the whole time and he can’t and won’t believe that. Alex declares that Brady is wrong.

Bonnie points out that it would be very easy to add Alex and Theresa’s name to the wedding invitations. Sarah says that she and Theresa will talk about it on their own time so Bonnie agrees to drop it for now. Bonnie asks Theresa how prom was and brings up how her daughter Mimi told her about the dance at Salem High 20 years ago where kids dumped blood on Chloe. Theresa remarks that she wouldn’t have minded if they dumped blood on Holly which Sarah questions. Theresa apologizes for forgetting that Holly is Sarah’s niece. Theresa explains that they had just found out that Holly and Tate have been secretly dating even when they told them not to. Sarah knows Holly messed up when she didn’t clear Tate’s name but she’s a kid and she made a mistake. Theresa remarks that she knows Holly too well because she got caught up in drugs too, lied to her parents, and fell in with the wrong crowd. Theresa doesn’t want Tate dating someone like her. Sarah says from what Maggie says, Holly is doing great, not doing drugs, studying hard and turning her life around so she deserves a second chance. Theresa says that’s great just not with her son. Bonnie encourages that she was a wild child too and eventually they grow up. Bonnie remarks that Theresa isn’t the lying, scheming gold digger that she once was…

Eric thinks the only way to put Jude behind him is to put some distance between them. Roman says he understands and brings up when he took a job in DC, it was to get over Marlena but also trying to deal with the fact that Belle wasn’t his daughter. Eric asks if moving away helped him. Roman doesn’t want to say but admits that it did and that is why he will respect Eric’s decision if he chooses to move. Roman adds that selfishly, he will be very sad to see him go. Eric tells him he doesn’t have to worry about anything because nothing is set in stone.

Nicole never thought she would say this but she can relate to Xander since she had major issues with her mom growing up and they fought all the time. Nicole says she blamed her for things that weren’t entirely her fault, but she knows what it’s like to be a teenager feeling like the world is crashing down on her. Nicole talks about feeling like a disappointment to the most important person in your life does a number on your self esteem. Xander asks if they ever worked things out. Nicole says thankfully they were on good terms before her mom died, which is why she thinks it’s good that Sarah invited Xander’s mom to the wedding so maybe there is a chance to repair their relationship before it’s too late. Xander says he’s not too optimistic but decides he would like to introduce his mom to Victoria. Nicole hopes his mom does go to the wedding as she thinks something good can come out of it.

Bonnie tells a story about getting in trouble with the cops. Theresa then asks if they’ve seen the stamps. When Bonnie and Sarah start looking for them, Theresa steals the envelope with Xander’s mom, Fiona Cook’s, wedding invitation.

Brady tells Alex that he’s not claiming to know anything for sure but he’s just saying that it could have hypothetically gone down like that. Alex responds that Brady’s theory is trash and warns him not to say it again, especially in front of Theresa. Theresa then arrives and asks about hearing her name. Theresa asks Alex to lunch which he says he would love to do right now. They go to leave but Brady stops Theresa and says there’s something he has to say to her. Brady informs her that Alex told him the good news, so he congratulates her on her engagement. Theresa thanks Brady and then leaves with Alex.

Xander walks through the town square with Victoria where Sarah joins them. Xander asks how things went with Bonnie. Sarah mentions Theresa helping them which Xander questions. Sarah thinks Theresa was just laying the ground work to ask her for a favor later.

Bonnie is excited that they got done in time for her to watch Body and Soul. Bonnie accidentally knocks over the trash can and finds Fiona’s wedding invitation inside. Bonnie questions who put that there and worries that Sarah let Theresa get in her head. Bonnie then decides to put a stamp on it and calls it a little push to help family do the right thing. Bonnie says that Sarah will be grateful and decides she will put it in the mailbox herself after she watches Body and Soul.

Eric goes to the Spectator office and asks Nicole if she has a moment. Nicole thought he wasn’t coming in today. Eric says he wasn’t going to but there’s something he needs to tell her.

EJ calls Rafe and says he spoke with the judge about Gabi and if he wants Gabi released from prison, he needs to find Melinda Trask immediately.

Stefan goes to prison to visit Gabi (now played by Cherie Jimenez)

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Days Update Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Marlena joins Brady in the living room at home and comments on it being a quiet morning. Brady informs her that Tate has yet to wake up from his room, so their daily debate about him having his airpods in at the table will have to wait. Brady feels Tate is trying to sleep the day away to avoid the consequences of what he did last night. Marlena says that was a shame about the prom with Tate and Holly. Brady calls it disastrous, especially when Theresa decided to drag Holly home from the hotel. Marlena isn’t sure that was necessary. Brady talks about how they told Tate he wasn’t allowed to see Holly from the beginning, but he decided on his own to defy them. Brady says it doesn’t happen all the time, but he and Theresa have one mind about this which Marlena questions. Brady asks what she thinks. Marlena wonders if Brady’s reaction has less to do with what Tate did and more to do with how he feels about Theresa.

Bonnie enters the living room at the Kiriakis Mansion and says she’s surprised to see Theresa up so early. Bonnie figured she’d be sleeping in and asks how prom night was. Theresa tells her that she walked in just in time to stop two kids from having sex, revealing they found Holly and Tate at the Salem Inn. Bonnie thought they weren’t supposed to see each other. Theresa confirms that and says they found out Tate was going behind their back to see Holly even after everything she did to ruin his life. Bonnie guesses last night was a total disaster for everyone then. Alex walks in and says not everyone as he kisses Theresa. Alex then declares that one thing went very right last night as he shows off Theresa’s ring.

Xander and Sarah sit together in their living room and talk about their wedding invitations coming in. Xander talks about being grateful that they will have a perfect wedding especially after Maggie’s almost wedding to Konstantin. They talk about being glad he’s gone and decide no more talk about that as they will only focus on their upcoming wedding. Xander agrees as they kiss.

Leo sits down at the hospital and repeats his final conversation with his mother and declares that he won’t visit her again and he never wants to see her again. Leo starts to say she can burn but then says she can’t because she is his mother and as sad as it is, he still wants her to love him. Leo starts to cry as Mark appears and asks if he’s okay. Leo remembers meeting Mark in the town square. Mark comments that he looks like he got some bad news. Leo responds that it’s his mother, who is in prison. Mark tells him he’s sorry and sits with him. Leo explains that he just came from visiting her to finally tell her that she’s been wrong about him for his entire life. Leo thought it would be this cathartic moment and triumphant vindication, but it turned out to be anything but. Leo doesn’t know why he’s surprised that his mother can still make him feel utterly worthless and miserable. Mark then hugs Leo which surprises him.

Chanel gets a pain in her stomach, causing Johnny and Paulina to worry as they check on her.

Brady tells Marlena that there is nothing going on with he and Theresa and they just talked about how they need to focus on co-parenting Tate. Marlena assumes there was a reason they needed to talk about that. Brady admits that something happened and they had been getting closer because of what they have gone through with Tate. Brady says they had a moment. Marlena asks if that was all. Brady knows it was only a moment because right after, Theresa said she wants to be with Alex. Marlena asks what Brady wants.

Bonnie comments on Theresa’s ring and guesses Alex spent a huge chunk of Victor’s money on it. Alex responds that Theresa is worth it. Bonnie asks when this all happened. Alex says it was last night. Theresa gets a call from her dad and says she’s going to tell him the good news as she exits the room. Bonnie then asks Alex if he’s told Justin.

Sarah tells Xander that she’s taking the wedding invitations to the Kiriakis Mansion since Maggie has an old book of family addresses, so Xander gets to stay home with Victoria. Xander brings up the conversation he had with Maggie about how much he hated Konstantin and says that her response threw him as Maggie told him that he was a lot like Victor and maybe Victor saw himself in him which is why he was so hard on him.

Leo thanks Mark for being very nice and then realizes he’s a doctor. Mark introduces himself. Leo acknowledges his name being the same as the Mark Greene on ER. Leo talks about having a doctor boyfriend once. Leo brings up that Mark told him the other day that he was not gay. Mark questions if he said that. Leo confirms that he did and then asks if it’s not true.

Johnny wants to get Chanel to the hospital and call a doctor. Chanel doesn’t think they need to and says it’s just cramps. Chanel thinks she’s fine now as they sit her down. Paulina recalls when she was pregnant and encourages that she’ll feel better when Abe comes home with the food. Chanel’s cramps then get worse so Johnny decides they are taking her to the hospital and they exit.

Brady doesn’t think his feelings really matter here. Marlena says they always do. Brady declares that Theresa chose Alex so he accepted it and he’s moving on and he would love to change the subject. Marlena apologizes for bringing up a topic that’s uncomfortable for him to talk about. Brady appreciates his concern and says he usually values her input, but on this subject, not right now. Marlena understands and says she’s going to work. Marlena tells Brady that she’s always on his side. Brady thanks her for that as she then exits.

Alex informs Bonnie that he has not had a chance to tell Justin yet about his engagement to Theresa. Bonnie questions why not and suggests calling him right now. Alex doesn’t think that’s news that Justin wants to hear right now. Bonnie asks why that would be. Alex explains that he and Justin had a bit of a disagreement over of his relationship with Theresa. Bonnie assumes that’s because Alex found Theresa in bed with Brady. Alex states that Justin seems to think that meant something to Theresa, but they talked about it and Theresa said she only did it to make him jealous. Bonnie talks about Theresa manipulating but Alex says he doesn’t want to have the same talk with her that he had with Justin. Bonnie argues that Justin cares about him and doesn’t want to see him get hurt. Alex says that’s very kind but he’s a big boy now. Bonnie knows Justin isn’t his biological father but he still has a big love for him in his heart and they are both protective of him. Alex argues that he doesn’t need protection from Theresa. Bonnie asks if he’s sure about that since she doesn’t have the best track record with relationships and Alex is also super rich. Bonnie asks if Alex doesn’t think he could do better as Theresa then comes back in to the room.

Sarah knows Xander has been struggling with the fact that he and Victor weren’t close when he died, but he knows deep down that Victor loved him. Sarah brings up when Victor made Xander CEO of Titan. Xander argues that he undermined him and replaced him with Philip. Xander mentions that they did get along against Kristen but brings up switching Sarah’s baby. Sarah knows Xander regrets that. Xander calls it unthinkable now and says no one could ever replace their daughter. Sarah thanks God that she finally came to her senses and told him that Victoria is his daughter. Xander says he was so worried when they were together back then and Victor was just using him to do his dirty work. Xander says maybe Victor did see a bit of himself in him which is why he had him do terrible things. Sarah disagrees. Xander questions why Victor didn’t leave him in his will then.

Leo points out that Mark said he wasn’t gay, so he asks if he’s bisexual but Johnny and Paulina arrive with Chanel and call on Mark for help. Mark asks what’s going on. Chanel complains of really bad cramps. Johnny says the pain seems to come and go but feels like it’s getting worse as they rush her to a hospital room. Mark asks Paulina to step outside. Paulina refuses and says she’s not going to leave Chanel alone. Johnny points out that he’s there, so Paulina says she’ll be right outside the whole time and exits. Mark says they will see how her baby is doing. Chanel admits that she tried to hold it together in front of Paulina but she’s really scared. Johnny promises her that everything is going to be fine.

Marlena goes to the hospital and runs in to Leo. Marlena asks if they had an appointment. Leo says no and swears he didn’t know she would be there but they have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow so he will find a way to white knuckle it until then. Marlena decides she has a few moments before her next patient and agrees to see Leo now.

Theresa questions Bonnie trash talking her behind her back. Bonnie responds that it’s nothing she wouldn’t say to her face and states that Justin simply has some concerns about her and Alex. Alex says he told Bonnie that whatever concerns they may have, he trusts Theresa and plans to spend the rest of his life with her. Theresa thanks him but doesn’t understand Bonnie’s sudden 180 since she was recently very supportive of her involvement with Alex. Bonnie says that was before she discussed it with Justin. Theresa guesses Justin turned her against her then. Bonnie argues that Justin is just protective of Alex. Bonnie says on a happier note, wedding bells will be ringing throughout the house for lots of people. Bonnie adds that Sarah is on her way over so she can help her with her wedding invitations. Theresa remarks that won’t take long and jokes that it will be a short list because Xander doesn’t have many friends. Bonnie says his side might be a little light but she’s sure a few of them won’t mind moving over to fill the void. Bonnie adds that Sarah has her heart set on inviting Xander’s mother to the wedding.

Sarah tells Xander that it’s not like he was singled out to be excluded from Victor’s will since he didn’t leave anything for anyone except Maggie and Alex. Xander understands he’s not the only one that Victor snubbed, but he feels it was Victor’s last chance to show him that he meant something to him. Xander can’t believe he’s grieving Victor. Sarah hopes she and Victoria can make up for the things that Victor didn’t give him. They kiss which Xander calls a wonderful start. Sarah says they’ll have to finish later since she has to go. Sarah then stops to ask if Xander is sure he doesn’t want to take another shot at trying to find his mom. Xander assures that the number he gave her was the last one he had for her, so he takes it as fate’s way of saying it’s best not to find her. Sarah knows he and his mom have had issues. Xander gets that she’s eager for her to be at the wedding and he understands Sarah wants Victoria to know her grandmother. Sarah doesn’t want Xander to be saddled with the same regret he had with Victor as far as not mending fences before losing him. Xander then reveals there may be one other way to reach his mom.

Sarah thought Xander lost touch with his mother. Bonnie says he did but Sarah is trying to get them back in touch so they can mend fences and invite her to the wedding. Sarah questions that being a good idea. Bonnie and Alex both ask why it wouldn’t be. Sarah mentions hearing that she’s a raging alcoholic and questions having someone like that around the baby. Bonnie responds that just because someone has an addiction doesn’t mean they should be shunned and suggests maybe she has changed, like Theresa. Theresa reluctantly agrees but says she’s kind of concerned for Sarah and asks what if Xander’s mother causes a huge scene. Bonnie laughs and says they are used to scenes around here, especially at weddings. Alex notes that Theresa seems awfully concerned about Xander’s mom showing up in Salem and asks if there’s something she wants to tell them.

Leo sits with Marlena and informs her that he went to see his mother at the prison to try to quiet her voice in his head all the years. Marlena clarifies that she thought they could work on that in therapy but Leo thought it would be wise to do it in person, face to face. Marlena guesses it didn’t go well. Leo confirms it was a disaster. Marlena asks what she said. Leo says she said that he was worthless, unlovable, a degenerate, and that he had deserved all the misery that had befallen him. Marlena says that must have been so hard for him to hear. Leo says he should’ve expected it, but guesses he hoped that his mother would take him in his arms and have an epiphany. Marlena encourages that just because his mother said those things, doesn’t mean they are true. Leo asks why it feels that way when she says them then. Marlena explains that as children, they depend on their parents to thrive. Marlena states that Leo is no longer a child so he’s no longer dependent on his mother and thus there’s no reason to give her the power over him. Marlena tells Leo that he can do anything he’d like and be himself. Leo adds that the hunky doctor seemed to think he was worth talking to. Marlena asks which hunky doctor is that.

Mark tells Chanel that they are going to do a quick ultrasound to try and figure out what’s going on. Johnny encourages Chanel that everything will be alright and that Mark will take good care of them. Mark then announces he’s very sorry but he’s afraid that Chanel has had a miscarriage, shocking Chanel and Johnny. Johnny doesn’t understand as they were just there and everything was fine. Mark says it changed. Chanel asks if the soft markers caused this. Mark says there could be any number of reasons and mentions that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Mark adds that he will send in a specialist to try and get them more answers. Mark tells them that he is so sorry for their loss as he then exits the room. Chanel and Johnny break down crying in each others’ arms.

Leo tells Marlena that he met this gorgeous doctor the other day and he gave him water, then today he comforted him. Marlena points out that Leo just met this man. Leo says he’s not getting his hopes up for a romance and mentions that he said he’s not gay but then acted surprised when he reminded him that he said that. Leo asks if she thinks maybe he is gay. Marlena says she doesn’t know. Leo asks if she knows Mark and if she’s gotten any vibes from him. Marlena says she’s heard the name but doesn’t think she’s met him. Leo asks if Marlena has heard any chat about him. Marlena says if she did, she wouldn’t repeat it or speculate about him which Leo accepts. Leo declares that whether he’s gay or not, they had a lovely moment. Marlena is glad to hear that for him, but notes that he doesn’t know anything about this man, so she thinks he shouldn’t read too much in to this. Marlena wouldn’t like to see Leo get hurt. Leo thanks her and says it’s unlike his mother, who lives to see him get hurt. Leo bets that Diana is in her cell now, gloating about how bad she made him feel. Marlena suggests talking about that in their next session since they are out of time. Leo guesses that tomorrow they can figure out why he wants love from his horrible mother. Marlena calls him a very worthwhile human being and says she’s impressed with his desire to get to know himself and come to terms with his emotionally abusive mother and father. Leo declares that tomorrow, they will work on getting him to embrace that he’s a worthwhile person. Leo tells Marlena that he will see her tomorrow for their actual session as he then exits her office.

Theresa claims she’s not so much concerned about Xander’s mother but after what happened with Konstantin, they should all be wary about inviting long lost family and friends out of the blue. Bonnie says she gets it but tells Theresa that she won’t have to worry since the number Xander had for his mom didn’t belong to her anymore and they have no other way of reaching her. Alex jokes that they won’t have to worry about any unexpected guests at their wedding since he’s already found all of his long lost relatives. Theresa hopes that’s true. Alex assures that is and says he has to get to work, so he exits.

Xander finishes a call with his mother’s sister and tells Sarah that the longshot paid off even though his aunt and mother didn’t get along, he didn’t think they would keep in touch but apparently his mother hit her up for money a few months ago. Xander reveals she didn’t have his mom’s phone number, but she did have her address which excites Sarah.

Brady goes to work at Basic Black and thinks back to having sex with Theresa until Alex walks in and says he’s sorry to hear about the prom last night. Brady is sure Theresa told him all about it. Brady is surprised that Theresa didn’t call him last night to tell him about EJ and Nicole’s reaction. Alex informs him that Theresa was busy and it was partly his fault which Brady questions. Alex then reveals that he proposed and that he and Theresa are now engaged, shocking Brady.

Sarah goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and thanks Bonnie for offering to help with the wedding invitations. Bonnie says she’s so happy to assist and Maggie already gave her the address book. Sarah then excitedly reveals they have Xander’s mom’s address after all which worries Theresa.

Xander tells Victoria that there’s a chance now that she will meet her grandma. Xander says at least one of them are excited about it.

Mark talks on the phone about having to deliver the bad news to Chanel and Johnny that they lost their baby. Mark says they always know the right thing to say and he’ll see them tonight. Mark then hangs up and runs in to Leo. Leo says he’s sorry to hear that he had to deliver bad news. Leo asks if he was on the phone with a friend or a significant other, then says it’s none of his business. Mark reveals it was actually his girlfriend and says he better get going. Mark then walks away. Leo remarks that answers that.

Paulina returns to the hospital room to find Chanel and Johnny crying. Paulina asks what happened. Johnny reveals that they lost the baby. Paulina can’t believe it and asks how that happened. Chanel responds that it happened because of what Paulina did and angrily declares that it’s all her fault.

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Days Update Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Lucas comes downstairs at the Brady Pub and joins Kate at a table. Kate asks if he slept well. Lucas talks about it being so much better than prison, the monastery, or the motel in Montana. Lucas mentions that he did hear someone crying unless he was dreaming. Kate informs him that was Ava because Roman just told her that Harris broke her heart and left town following a lead on Megan Hathaway. Lucas hopes he finds her. Kate says knowing Megan, Harris has a better chance at finding Amelia Earhart. Lucas guesses she’s right, but wishes he had a chance to say goodbye to Harris and thank him for making the moves to get him out of jail. Kate remarks that it took him long enough, but now she would thank him too because she got her son back. Lucas then reveals that he’s not back for long.

Chad joins Julie in the living room of the Horton house. Julie hugs Chad and says she was so worried when he didn’t come home last night and asks where he went. Chad informs her that he went to the police station and was told that Clyde had just been taken to super max, so he drove all the way out there. Jack then walks in and questions why he would want to do that.

Abe and Paulina are at home and find that Jules left a blanket and Carver left a stuffed animal. Paulina guesses they’ll have to mail them but Abe suggests using it as an excuse to visit Eli and Lani. Paulina likes the way he thinks and talks about how she just said goodbye to one daughter and now she has to say goodbye to another along with another grandbaby growing up thousands of miles away. Abe believes that Chanel might be back before she knows it and adds that Paulina will be plenty busy which she questions. Abe then shows Paulina an article announcing Paulina is victorious as the recall effort has failed. Abe congratulates Paulina as the Mayor.

Johnny is with Chanel at the hospital for a checkup. Dr. Mark Greene enters and asks how Chanel is feeling. Chanel says her morning sickness is gone and she made an appointment for when they move to LA. Johnny asks if everything is good. Mark says overall, the baby seems to be developing normally but there is one concern that he would like to discuss.

Leo goes to prison and tells himself to remember he is strong. Leo declares that he has a lot to say to his mom and she is going to sit there and listen. Leo practices what he’s going to say until his mother, Diana Colville, enters and remarks that he was always a little clumsy. She tells him it’s been awhile and asks to what she owes this. She asks if he has a script with him. Leo calls it just some notes as they can’t all go through life unfiltered like her. She talks about when Leo was a kid. Leo informs her that he started therapy and Marlena told him that he has to confront his childhood traumas. Diana mocks him having nothing better to do than listen to that new age quack. Leo argues that Marlena is a top notch therapist. Leo asks if Diana just screams at her ex husband through a payphone. Diana warns that she’s still his mother and he will treat her with respect. Diana laughs at him going to therapy and tells him to man up. Diana tells Leo that he’s not crazy, so she questions why he needs therapy. Leo responds that it’s because of her.

Johnny asks Mark what his concern is. Mark reveals that today’s ultrasound showed two soft markers that could mean nothing but could also mean an abnormality, so he’s going to refer them to a specialist in Los Angeles for further tests. Chanel asks if it could be from radiation. Mark responds that her exposure to radiation was brief, but there is no way to know for sure.

Paulina complains about the article calling her a radioactive mayor. Abe encourages that now it will all blow over now that the Concerned Citizens of Salem was revealed to be EJ DiMera. Paulina still can’t believe she had to reinstate EJ to make this go away, especially since she promised Melinda the job. Abe asks if she offered her something else. Paulina confirms she did but she was insulted and told her to take the job and shove it. Paulina mentions needing a head of sanitation but she has no one else in mind with the market so tight. Abe then reveals that he might be interested.

Chad didn’t realize Jack was still here. Julie says he decided to stay the night. Jack mentions that he’s driving back to Boston later this morning. Chad is glad they get to say goodbye then. Jack first wants to back up and questions why he’d want to see Clyde again and if Clyde has told him everything he wants to know. Jack hopes Chad didn’t go after Clyde would a revenge plot in mind. Chad says he did as he found him in Montana and was going to pull the trigger but he didn’t because Abigail wouldn’t have wanted that. Jack agrees that Abigail would have wanted Chad to think of their kids and how much they need him now. Jack says as much as he wants Clyde to rot in Hell, he’s really glad Chad didn’t make that choice. Jack decides he should get going and hugs Chad, saying he’ll see him soon. Jack hugs Julie and tells her the same. Julie starts to cry and then stops Jack.

Chanel asks if Mark is saying that if something is wrong with the baby, it could be from radiation exposure. Mark says they can’t rule it out at this point. Mark brings up having a sister with down syndrome and how she’s brought so much to his life. Chanel mentions that she will miss Felicity. Mark says she was hoping to say goodbye. Chanel hoped the same but notes that there flight isn’t until later tonight so she will try to meet up with her, thinking it will do their hearts a lot of good.

Paulina questions Abe wanting to be her head of sanitation. Abe points out that he knows the job and the town has a need. Paulina thought he was enjoying retirement and questions if Abe really wants to be her subordinate. Abe says if it means spending more time with her, absolutely. Paulina says she would love that too but she would be concerned about it being viewed as nepotism. Abe questions if that’s what she is really concerned about. Paulina asks what that means. Abe then declares that he feels she really doesn’t want him working for her.

Kate complains that she did all that fighting to free Lucas and now he wants to pack up and move to Phoenix. Lucas says she knows that he wanted to be with Will and Allie, explaining that he misses his kids and grandkids while also feeling he still needs to make amends for what he did to Sami, so he’s surprised they are speaking to him at all. Kate argues that they know Sami tormented him and drove him to do what he did, but she always get a pass. Lucas feels it still doesn’t justify his behavior. Kate agrees that she can’t just blame Sami, but points out that she could blame herself.

Diana mocks Leo blaming her. Leo says he’s not blaming her. Diana asks if he came all the way here to make her feel guilty and calls that a waste of time. Leo brings up that last time he was here, she called him a worthless human being that nobody could ever love. Leo accuses her of gaslighting him for his entire life. Leo brings up Diana telling him that he was destined for stardom so he humiliated himself in a talent show because she lied to him in telling him that he could sing. Diana claims not to remember any of that but says if it really happened, maybe it was good character building for him. Leo declares that he’s not going to sit here and take this, so he’s going to say what he came to say and she is going to listen to him. Diana questions him expecting her to listen to his whining, moaning, and blaming her. Diana asks how many times Leo has come to visit her in all of these years and not sending her a birthday card. Diana says anything would’ve been better than nothing and calls him selfish. Diana complains that he shows up once in a blue moon and it’s all about him and his childhood traumas. Leo argues that what he’s been through has meaning. Diana screams that she’s had it and calls for the guard. Leo reads off his prepared notes that he isn’t worthless and that he did what she said all his life because all he ever craved was her love but nothing was ever enough for him and nobody ever was which is why she had no friends. Diana mocks his self pity. Leo talks about Diana letting him believe he was John’s son without thinking how that would affect him and then John ended up hating him too. Leo talks about learning to lie, cheat, and betray from her. Leo then declares that she never should’ve been a mother in the first place. Diana then takes Leo’s papers and rips them up.

Lucas asks how it was Kate’s fault that he went crazy and kidnapped his ex. Kate suggests it could be in his DNA, pointing out the extremes that Philip went to in order to hold on to Chloe, so maybe they both inherited this madness from her. Lucas argues that she never did anything like what they did. Kate says not for a man but for her kids, she did. Lucas says she’s protective and overbearing but she’s fiercely loyal and has always been there for them which is all that matters. Lucas talks about that being why he has to be there now for his kids. Kate acknowledges that they miss him a lot, so she gives him her blessing to go see them in Arizona as long as he promises to come back. Kate tells Lucas that she will miss him so much, but she’s so grateful that he’s free. Lucas assures that he will never take his freedom for granted again.

Julie tells Jack that she wants him to have the time capsule since she has tried everything to open it and she thought about Jennifer being so close to Tom and Alice. Julie says Jennifer is clever, so maybe she has the magic touch. Jack agrees to take it to her. Julie tells Jack that he means so much to all of them and asks him to come back soon with Jennifer which Jack agrees to do. Jack hugs Julie and they say goodbye. Jack tells Chad that he loves them both. Chad says the same and to give their love to Jennifer. Jack then exits the house. Chad worries to Julie that he thought she was going to tell him. Julie points out that they don’t have anything to say. Chad hoped they would have good news before they left, but now he wonders if they will ever know anything at all.

Paulina admits that she doesn’t love the idea of Abe being her new head of sanitation but not for the reasons he thinks. Paulina feels he’s vastly overqualified for the job but she would love to work alongside him as equals and she doesn’t want to be his boss. Abe says he understands since the last thing he wants to do is make her uncomfortable. Paulina says she appreciates that and tells Abe that something else will come along. Abe agrees to be patient. Paulina jokes that it’s too bad he doesn’t have the skills to take over the Bakery. Abe suggests Chanel could give him a crash course. Paulina says it would unfortunately have to be over a zoom call.

Johnny and Chanel walk through the town square. Johnny asks if she’s okay. Chanel thought she was at peace with leaving everything behind but she’s not. Johnny encourages that she’s opening a new bakery in California. Chanel says it’s not that but she really convinced herself that everything was going to be okay with their baby, even though she knew there could be risks and everyone tried gently to tell her that she was being naïve. Johnny asks if Chanel is saying she’s changed her mind about the pregnancy. Chanel says it suddenly just feels so real and they weren’t planning to start a family this soon, so she worries about not being prepared to be a mother. Felicity joins them and asks if Chanel is okay. Chanel says she’s fine and thanks her. Felicity asks if she’s sure. Chanel guesses she’s just having mixed emotions since part of her is feeling really excited to be moving to California while another part of her is feeling really sad to be leaving Salem. Felicity says she’s sad too as she will miss her a lot. Chanel and Felicity hug as they say goodbye.

Abe and Paulina talk about how they will miss the Sweet Bits Bakery. Paulina talks about being first in line when Chanel opens her California location. Abe suggests swinging by the Brady Pub to pickup some takeout. Paulina asks him to pickup some for Chanel and Johnny too which Abe agrees to do. Paulina repeats that she’s going to miss them. Abe says at least they will have each other close by as they hug.

Julie questions if Chad is giving up. Chad says he’s just frustrated and he can’t believe they shipped Clyde off so fast before he could even talk to him. Julie thought Rafe wanted to talk to Clyde too about information to get Gabi out of jail. Julie wonders if Rafe could intervene for Chad but Chad says the feds said no exceptions. Chad knows there’s a slim chance that Abigail could be alive, but he can’t rest until he gets some answers. Julie feels exactly the same and assures she’s with him all the way. They decide that if they are going to find out who the woman in the video is, they are going to have to do it without Clyde.

Diana tells Leo that she is not to blame and it’s not her fault that he is the way he is. Leo asks if she means him being gay. Diana calls him single, friendless, disloyal, unloving, and unloved. Diana mocks him wasting his money on therapy with Marlena and wasting her time. Leo states that he came to get things off his chest, so this was for him not her. Diana asks if it worked and if he feels better. Leo says he can only remember one other time when he poured his heart out to her and it was the first time his dad hit him after he got a B on an exam. Leo says his dad never looked at his grades or cared but for some reason, that one really pissed him off and he hit him so hard. Leo recalls begging Diana to make him stop, but she told him to suck it up and be a man, so that’s what he did at 9 years old. Leo declares that when he finally killed him to protect both of them, she blamed him for all of it. Leo argues that as his mother, she was supposed to protect him but she never did. Leo asks if she’s going to say anything. Diana responds that she is at a loss and bored. Leo guesses he was expecting too much for her to apologize. Diana tells him not to visit again. Leo responds that he won’t and walks out.

Felicity gives Chanel her favorite stuffed animal, saying she wants her baby to have it. Chanel and Johnny promise to take care of it. Felicity says she has to go home now and says goodbye to them as she hugs them. Chanel promises they will talk soon as Felicity then walks away. Chanel forgot she told Felicity that they were having a baby. Johnny calls it very sweet of her to give. Chanel sometimes feels like she forced Johnny to go through with the pregnancy. Johnny assures that she didn’t force him. Chanel feels she didn’t leave any room for disagreements. Johnny admits it took him awhile to warm up to the idea, but now he’s completely on board. Chanel asks if the test results didn’t change anything for him. Johnny says not at all. Chanel talks about how a child can be born perfectly healthy but you still never know what could happen down the road. Chanel brings up Theo being autistic but he’s a wonderful guy and Felicity is an amazing person. Johnny says they will be so blessed to have each other and the baby on the way. Chanel tells Johnny that she loves him. Johnny says he loves her too and promises they will get through whatever life throws at them together as they hug.

Chad tells Julie that he watched the video a thousand times and he still goes back and forth on Abigail definitely being alive and definitely not alive as there’s no possible way. The doorbell rings so Julie goes to answer and excitedly brings Lucas in. Chad greets Lucas and asks what he’s doing there. Julie announces the news to Chad that the rest of Lucas sentence has been completed. Chad hugs him and congratulates him. Lucas then reveals that he just came to say goodbye which Julie questions. Lucas explains that he’s going to Arizona to see Will and Allie but says it won’t be long. Chad mentions that the kids will be happy to see him. Lucas notices Chad’s computer open and asks what they have here. Julie encourages that it’s alright as long as he doesn’t tell Jack or Jennifer which Chad agrees with. Chad tells Lucas that he has to keep it quiet. Lucas agrees not to say anything to anybody and asks what’s going on. Chad then reveals that it’s a video that might possibly be proof that Abigail is still alive.

Leo goes to the hospital and says to wait until Marlena gets a load of that visit. Leo remembers Marlena doesn’t take walk-ins so he makes a call, saying he needs to see Marlena ASAP. Leo is told it will be tomorrow and tries to argue that it’s an emergency but then agrees to be there tomorrow. Leo then sits down and repeats his final conversation with his mother and declares that he won’t visit her again and he never wants to see her again. Leo starts to say she can burn but then says she can’t because she is his mother and as sad as it is, he still wants her to love him. Leo starts to cry as Mark appears and asks if he’s okay.

Chad asks what Lucas thinks. Lucas thinks Clyde is playing mind games with him as he doesn’t see how the video shows that’s Abigail but he knows Chad needs to find his own truth. Chad says he was going to have the footage enhanced next. Lucas knows they all wish it could be Abigail. Julie assures they wish that more than anything in the world.

Abe goes to the Brady Pub and greets Kate. Kate asks if he’s there for breakfast. Abe says he’s picking up takeout for Chanel and Johnny as they are leaving town later today. Kate guesses that’s going around since Lucas is leaving town as well. Kate mentions that Lucas says he’s coming back but she feels the universe is trying to tell her to stop obsessing over her children, get on with her life, and maybe get a job. Abe admits he had a similar thought earlier. Kate says they used to have a lot of fun in the Mayor’s office. Kate asks if Abe has ever thought about going in to business again and partnering up. Abe asks what kind of business. Kate says she hasn’t thought of that yet but she will let him know when she does. Kate then goes to put his order in.

Chanel and Johnny go to see Paulina, who asks how the appointment was. Chanel starts to respond but Johnny says everything’s fine. Paulina is thrilled to hear that and hugs them. Paulina hopes they are hungry since she just sent Abe to the Pub. Chanel mentions her stomach growling but then gets a sudden pain.

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Days Update Monday, June 24, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Eric and Marlena have dinner together at home. Eric calls the dinner a success but Marlena questions if he’s saying that because they got through it without mentioning Nicole or Jude.

EJ and Nicole have ice cream together at home. Nicole checks her phone and comments on Holly not posting pictures from prom. EJ suggests she must be having too much fun. Nicole admits she was really nervous about letting Holly go, but she’s really glad she did and she hopes she’s having the time of her life…

Holly and Tate finish their dance and then they kiss. Holly calls it weird to finally be able to be with each other without looking over their shoulders. Tate doesn’t want it to end. Holly agrees that she wants it to last forever. Tate promises they will figure something out, but until then, they will just enjoy this right here and now. They continue kissing on the bed until Theresa and Brady barge in to catch them. Tate questions what they are doing there. Theresa responds that she was just about to ask him the same thing.

Alex stands in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion and talks to the portrait of Victor. Alex knows Theresa isn’t who Victor would choose for him, but he hopes that Victor would be happy that he’s happy. Maggie then walks in and asks what they are talking about.

Ava goes home to her room above the Pub and Harris then comes in behind her. Ava is surprised to see Harris is back, but Harris reveals that he’s not back for long. Ava asks where he is off to. Harris announces that he is leaving Salem. Ava questions him moving away and then says he doesn’t have to explain because she gets it. Ava says they kind of left things up in the air in Montana, so she wasn’t counting on them having a future together after all she did and the lies she told. Harris says it’s not like he’s innocent. Ava says things don’t have to be weird between them if he doesn’t want to be together and he doesn’t have to move out of town because of her. Harris then declares that it’s not because of Ava but because of Hope.

Nicole tells EJ that she should get Jude upstairs. They talk about Jude taking after each other and Nicole jokingly comments that she hasn’t seen any DiMera in Jude. Nicole teases that she’s sure EJ wants Jude to be just like his father. Nicole notes EJ’s reaction and asks if that was insulting. EJ says it’s not that and then informs Nicole that there’s something he hasn’t told her about Eric.

Eric knows Marlena is worried about him, but promises he is okay. Marlena tells Eric that she and John will do anything to help him. Eric says that means a lot to him. Eric asks how long John is out of town. Marlena says she doesn’t have an answer. Eric asks if it’s a case for Black Patch but Marlena says it’s not, so Eric asks if everything is okay. Marlena tells Eric that John is still struggling over what he did to Konstantin’s daughter. Eric points out that John wasn’t in control of what he was doing. Marlena says that’s true, but John is hoping this trip can help him make amends and move past all that. Eric commends John for wanting to make amends, especially knowing Konstantin was responsible for Victor’s death.

Alex tells Maggie that sometimes talking to Victor’s portrait helps as he’s a good listener. Maggie relates that she talks to Victor too. Alex asks how she’s holding up and calls it a lot to handle that the man who killed his father was living under this roof and had her convinced that he was Victor’s friend. Maggie admits she made a terrible mistake letting Konstantin in to their home so it’s her own fault. Alex says he’s not blaming her as Konstantin had them all fooled and no one really knew who he was.

Theresa complains that she knew she would find Tate here. Tate asks how she even got in. Theresa explains that she told the front desk that she was a concerned mother and he gave her a key. Theresa guesses that they were about to have sex which they deny. Holly tries to explain but Theresa says she is talking to her son. Tate argues that they were just trying to spend some time alone, which they could’ve done at the prom if Theresa and Brady weren’t trying to keep them apart. Theresa tells Tate not to turn this around on her and argues that he lied to her face about being sick. Tate complains that’s because she wouldn’t listen. Theresa says she knew something was going on which is why she kept her eyes on Holly and saw her scurry out of the prom after Tate left. Theresa brings up seeing Holly and Tate at the Kiriakis Mansion so obviously they had a plan for tonight. Theresa asks them how long this has been going on.

Ava asks Harris about Hope. Harris says it’s not what she’s thinking but reveals that Hope got a lead on Megan Hathaway and doesn’t want to leave Bo’s side, so she asked if he would do her a favor to follow up on that lead. Ava admits that makes sense after everything Megan did to him. Harris says there’s nothing more he wants than to see Megan Hathaway locked away forever. Ava understands he has to see that through. Ava then asks him what that means for them.

Alex says that Maggie may not have known Konstantin murdered Victor, but she figured out he was up to no good and came up with the whole plan to stop him. Maggie credits Steve and John for helping. Alex wishes that Maggie trusted him with that secret but she lied to him and came up with the whole story about Konstantin needing an office at Titan. Alex asks if she even considered bringing him in to the plan. Maggie admits she didn’t because it’s been a long time since they have been on the same side. Alex calls that fair, but thinks it’s time they change that.

Theresa warns Tate not to deny it because it’s obvious this has been going on for awhile now. Tate admits it’s not the first time but says it’s only because they felt like they had no choice and they had been completely unreasonable. Theresa questions Tate sneaking out and going to hotel rooms with Holly, asking how many times he lied to them. Tate complains that she wants to talk about honesty and asks why she didn’t just talk to him instead of spying on them and busting down the door like Homeland Security. Theresa argues that she wanted to see how far he would go and hoped he would come to his senses. Tate asks Brady to say something. Brady doesn’t know what he wants him to say since he did lie to him. Holly asks what they were supposed to do. Theresa suggests she could’ve gone to prom with her actual date. Holly says she’s going to call a ride home but Theresa insists on driving her home, saying she needs to make sure she goes home. Tate argues that she just wants to keep her in lockdown. Holly says she can get home herself but Brady declares they aren’t just going to leave them here alone and adds that Nicole needs to know what’s going on. Tate calls this so unfair. Theresa tells Holly they are going and escorts her out of the room.

Eric asks Marlena how Konstantin pulled this off and have so many people fooled. Marlena calls him a very bad man and declares that she’s not sorry he’s dead, but his daughter is the innocent one in all of this. Eric asks how John plans to make amends. Marlena says he will go to his gravesite with flowers and hopefully that will relieve some of the guilt he’s been through all this time.

Nicole questions EJ wanting to tell her something about Eric. EJ then reveals that he saw them in the foyer on the night that Nicole had that terrible argument with Holly and went out drinking. EJ then admits that he saw Nicole kiss Eric after he brought her home. Nicole asks why he didn’t say something. EJ supposes he wanted to pretend it didn’t happen, but he mentions it now because he doesn’t want there to be anything between them. EJ declares that he loves her so much and part of him is always scared that he’s going to lose her. Nicole asks why he would think he would lose her.

Harris tells Ava that he doesn’t know how long it will take to find Megan, but says he can’t ask Ava to wait for him. Ava asks if he would want her to wait for him. Harris says when they first met, he wasn’t expecting to make this connection with her but he did and after everything with Hope, he just wanted a simple life. Ava jokes that all she did was make his life a thousand times more complicated. Harris admits that she’s anything but simple and he doesn’t condone all of her choices, but he does understand them. Harris states that in her position, it probably seemed that none of the options were good ones. Ava asks if it’s not a deal breaker then which Harris confirms. Harris tells Ava that he cares for her and she means a lot to him, but to get past the trust issues will take a lot of time to work on and he just can’t commit to that right now. Harris hopes that Ava understands. Ava tearfully responds that she does and guesses this really is goodbye.

Alex tells Maggie that he knows they had disagreements about the company. Maggie points out they disagreed about almost everything. Alex says that was just the business but Maggie feels it got pretty personal. Alex apologizes for the part he played in that but declares that at the end of the day, they are family and connected through Victor. Alex doesn’t think Victor wants them at each others’ throats which Maggie agrees with. Alex says he’s been thinking about Victor a lot lately. Maggie asks if that’s because of Konstantin. Alex says it’s also what Maggie said to him a few weeks ago about being Victor’s son being more than just wealth and power but about living up to his legacy and doing what makes him proud. Maggie acknowledges that he was listening. Alex says he was just too stubborn to let her know that he was. Maggie admits she’s pretty stubborn herself. Alex asks if they can bury the hatchet for Victor’s sake. Maggie thinks they already have as they hug.

Eric has dessert but Marlena isn’t sure she wants to eat it. Marlena says with Johnny and Chanel moving to California and the bakery closing, she wants to savor every bit. Eric jokes that he’ll have to have Chanel mail her some cake. Brady then comes home with Tate. Eric and Marlena acknowledge them being home early. Eric offers them some cake but Brady says they will pass on that. Marlena then asks if everything is alright or if something happened at the dance. Tate suggests asking Brady.

Nicole holds EJ’s hand and assures that he is not going to lose her. Nicole admits that she made a mistake and insists that Eric is in the past. Nicole states that she and Eric are friends but EJ is her husband and she loves only him. Nicole calls their son a product of their love and says the family connection is all that matters to her. They kiss until Theresa arrives with Holly and announces that she’s sorry to interrupt but she brought Nicole’s daughter home.

Harris tells Ava that he can’t say when he’ll be back, so he told Rafe that he’s taking an indefinite leave from the police force. Ava guesses Harris is taking all of his belongings with him. Harris notes that he doesn’t have much. Ava doesn’t know how to say goodbye. Harris admits he doesn’t either as they kiss.

Maggie tells Alex that she hasn’t seen Theresa today and asks how she’s doing. Alex says she’s okay. Maggie notes it must have been terrifying when Konstantin held her hostage. Alex admits it was for both of them. Maggie says she’s glad that Theresa has Alex in her life and comments on them getting close. Alex talks about figuring out who he is and who he wants to be with. Maggie says she’s very fond of Theresa. Alex notes that Theresa feels the same about her. Maggie believes that despite her mistakes, Theresa is determined to be a better person and she sees that her efforts are paying off.

Tate complains that Theresa is out of control and overcompensating for her own mess of a life. Brady calls that not fair. Tate argues that Brady didn’t even give he and Holly a chance to explain and says that’s unfair. Marlena thinks his parents did what they felt was best. Tate asks if Eric cares to comment. Eric says it’s not his place, but it sounds like a tough situation. Tate shouts that it was like being raided by a SWAT team. Brady says it wasn’t his intent to bust in on him like that. Tate questions if it was Theresa’s idea and he just went along with it. Brady admits he was concerned about him. Tate insists that he and Holly were just going to spend time and talk, but Theresa busted in and basically called Holly a slut. Brady points out that she did not say that. Tate asks if Brady has any idea how humiliating this was for Holly. Marlena asks where Holly is. Tate informs her that Theresa practically dragged her out by her hair to take her home and now he’s sure she’s going to trash her in front of Nicole and EJ.

Nicole asks what the hell is going on. Theresa explains that she and Brady just caught Holly and Tate hooking up in a hotel room. Holly swears they weren’t doing anything wrong. Nicole thought Holly was going to prom with Aaron. Theresa informs her that was just a cover like Tate going with Sophia, so they could ditch their dates and run off together to the Salem Inn. Nicole asks Holly if that’s true. Holly claims it wasn’t like that. Theresa asks if she didn’t just catch her in a hotel room with Tate. Nicole thanks Theresa for bringing Holly home and says she’d like to speak to her daughter alone. Theresa questions that being it. Nicole calls it a family matter. Theresa complains that they are always sweeping things under the rug and blames Nicole for this. Theresa says if Nicole wouldn’t have ungrounded her delinquent daughter, Tate would’ve stayed at the prom instead of running off for some sexcapade. EJ and Nicole warn Theresa about how she talks to Holly. Theresa can’t believe they are still defending Holly and asks how blind they have to be when Holly and Tate have been sneaking around behind their backs for months. Theresa calls the DiMera Mansion a house full of liars and criminals. EJ tells her that’s it. Theresa says she’s just getting started. Nicole tells her to get out of her house and threatens to have her thrown out. Their fighting causes Jude to wake up crying. Theresa screams at Holly to stay away from her son as EJ removes Theresa from the room.

Harris and Ava lay in bed together and continue kissing.

EJ returns to the living room as Holly apologizes to Nicole for waking up the baby. Nicole says it’s okay since he fell back asleep and she blames Theresa. Holly calls Theresa crazy for barging in to the hotel room. Nicole questions if she really ditched her date to be with Tate. Holly claims it wasn’t like that but then admits it was because she never expected Nicole to change her mind about letting her go to prom. Holly reveals that when she was grounded, her and Tate had a different plan to sneak off and be together but then she had to ask Aaron to go with her. Nicole feels it wasn’t right what she did to Aaron. Holly explains that Aaron wanted to go with Sophia so they all ended up with the right people. Nicole argues that nothing about tonight was right since Holly lied to everyone. Holly wishes she didn’t have to as she would’ve loved to have gone with Tate but his parents were watching them like prison guards since they were chaperones. Holly says she snuck out to the Salem Inn to spend time with Tate and admits that she really likes him. Holly argues that Nicole must understand what it’s like to have feelings for someone when everyone says they are bad for her.

Tate acknowledges that he shouldn’t have lied and snuck around. Brady questions if he knew that an hour ago in the hotel room. Tate argues that it’s not like they eloped. Brady complains that Tate lied to their faces so Theresa has a right to be upset. Tate asks them to talk to Theresa, feeling she’s being completely unreasonable. Eric says he’s sorry but this is between Tate and his parents. Tate asks if Marlena can talk to Theresa as a psychiatrist. Marlena says she would be glad to but Theresa is his mother. Tate complains about Theresa deciding how he lives his life and who he gets to be with. Marlena tells Tate that if he and Holly want to be together as a couple, they are going to have to prove they can be trusted.

Theresa goes home to the Kiriakis Mansion where Alex asks how chaperoning was. Theresa calls it a complete disaster since she and Brady caught Tate and Holly sneaking off to the Salem Inn but she doesn’t want to talk about it. Theresa asks Alex to just say anything to take her mind off how awful the night’s been and to cheer her up. Alex responds that there actually was something he wanted to talk to her about and he really wanted to wait for the perfect time. Alex then pulls out his ring box and says he knows last time, she really expected him to propose. Theresa says they talked about it and it’s okay. Alex says he just wasn’t ready and he didn’t know what he wanted. Alex admits since finding out he’s Victor’s son, he hasn’t been sure about a lot of things like who he is, how he fits in the family, and what he wants in life. Theresa asks if he’s saying he’s figured it out now. Alex confirms he has and he’s ready. Theresa asks if he’s asking what she thinks he is. Alex knows they aren’t in front of the Eiffel Tower or in a hot air balloon, but after the last week they’ve had, it’s made him realize how much she means to him and he wants her to know how he feels about them. Alex then gets down on one knee and proposes to Theresa.

Ava asks if Harris is leaving right now. Harris thinks that’s for the best. Ava hates long goodbyes too. Harris says he will stop downstairs to tell Roman that he’s leaving. Ava thanks Harris for everything as they kiss.

Nicole tells Holly that it’s been a long night and suggests going to bed, then they will figure this out in the morning, so Holly exits. Nicole tells Jude not to turn in to a teenager for a long time.

Brady tells Tate that it’s been a long day so he’s going to bed. Brady encourages Tate that it’s going to be alright and they will get through it as he heads to his room.

Theresa accepts Alex’s proposal and they kiss.

Tate sits alone with his phone.

Holly comes back downstairs and gets a text from Tate, asking if she’s okay. Holly responds that she’s fine. Tate texts back that he’s missing her.

Ava and Harris kiss goodbye and hug with tears in their eyes. Harris then takes his bag and exits.

Alex puts his ring on Theresa’s finger.

EJ asks Nicole if there’s anything he can do. Nicole tells him that she’s sorry for not being honest with him about Eric, but agrees to no more secrets which EJ promises as they hug.

Eric sits on the bench outside the Brady Pub as a woman walks by with a baby in a stroller.

EJ holds Nicole while looking down at Jude.

Tate texts Holly that he’s really sorry about everything. Holly texts back that he gave her the perfect prom and thanks him. Tate responds that no matter what happens, they will always have tonight.

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Days Update Friday, June 21, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Leo sits in the town square, practicing a speech to deliver to his mother until Alex appears, shirtless, and asks if he’s going to drink his water.

Brady and Theresa chaperone the prom. Brady asks Theresa how Tate and Holly could be up to something when Holly just found out she was going to the prom. Theresa reveals to Brady that when they were taking pictures at the house, Sophia came to her and told her that she overheard Tate and Aaron talking about their secret plan. Theresa says she knows it was Holly’s idea and tells Brady that Tate and Holly are sneaking out tonight to be together.

Aaron and Holly join Tate and Sophia at the punch bowl. Aaron and Holly complain about the DJ while Sophia says it’s lame to complain while everyone else is having fun. Sophia then drags Tate away to go dance, disappointing Holly.

Steve lays in his hospital bed and talks to Tripp on the phone. Steve assures that he’s following doctor’s orders most of the time. Steve says to give his best to Wendy and that he loves him too. Steve hangs up as Justin arrives and asks how Tripp is doing. Steve says he’s doing great and that Tripp just told him that he and Wendy are going backpacking through Thailand and Vietnam next month. Justin asks how Steve is. Steve says he’s fine and the doctors say he’s on the mend. Justin is sorry this happened and asks if he has any idea when he’s getting out. Steve says he was ready yesterday but Kayla can be stubborn. Justin says Kayla is actually why he’s here since she said Steve might be in need of a lawyer.

Kayla orders food from Roman at the Brady Pub. Roman guesses that means Steve is feeling better. Kayla talks about this being why she didn’t want Steve to go to Montana to help Ava. Roman comments that Ava has missed an entire week of shifts now. Kayla hopes that means Ava has finally said bye for good this time. Ava then returns to the Pub and says she’s sorry to disappoint. Roman assumed she had been back after Clyde’s capture. Ava apologizes for being out of touch since reception was spotty in Montana and then she went to China to see Tripp and Wendy to tell them in person that Clyde was no longer a threat to them. Roman acknowledges that was good of her. Roman tells Kayla that he’s sure she wants to get back to Steve at the hospital, so he goes to put her order in. Ava questions Steve being in the hospital. Kayla informs her that he’s been shot. Ava asks if he’s okay. Kayla responds that he will be. Ava asks if it’s somehow her fault. Kayla admits this time it’s not but notes that now that Clyde has been captured, she’s hired Steve a lawyer so she hopes Ava has a way to cover her own legal mess.

Justin asks Steve to fill him in on why Kayla said he needs a lawyer. Steve tells Justin he’s hired and reveals the long story short is that he broke Clyde Weston out of prison. Justin asks why in the Hell he would do that.

Leo guesses Alex forgot his water bottle and asks if it’s a practical joke. Leo tells Alex and his sweaty abs to get lost. Alex says he has no idea what he’s talking about but he is thirsty. Leo says he’s not the only one.

Holly tells Aaron that the prom kind of sucks. Tate comes back and says Sophia went to fix her hair so Aaron steps away. Tate asks Holly how it’s going. Holly tells Tate that he might want to step back or else Theresa might rip her head off, mentioning that Theresa had just warned her to stay away from him. Tate says he’s sorry that she’s acting like that and suggests to Holly that they go back to the original plan they came up with when Nicole wasn’t going to let her attend prom.

Theresa complains to Brady about the vaping in the restroom and mentions that Sophia was bawling her eyes out in there, questioning how Holly could do that to her best friend. Brady points out that Sophia doesn’t look that upset to him so Theresa suggests she’s put it together since then. Theresa insists Sophia was crying really hard and asks if Brady doesn’t believe her. Brady says that first Theresa thought Tate and Holly were up to something, but now they are all hanging out and they are all still here so maybe it’s just teen drama that she should see her way out of. Theresa says she would love to be wrong but guarantees that by the end of the night, Tate and Holly will get busted big time and Holly won’t know what hit her.

Leo allows Alex to have his glass of water and explains that he had a very similar run in the day before with Dr. Greene. Leo adds that he also ran in to Theresa this morning and they were talking about Alex. Alex asks if he should be worried. Leo admits he was looking for a story so he asked Theresa how she bedded such an eligible bachelor and she said sparks were flying from the moment they met. Alex says that’s very true as it was almost immediate. Leo warns Alex that he could never be too careful. Alex questions what that means. Leo says that people would come out of the wood work to get even the smallest crumbs of his fortune, but admits that Theresa seems legit. Alex mentions having a similar conversation with Marlena earlier. Leo informs Alex that he’s also in therapy with Marlena. Leo asks if she’s helping Alex. Alex confirms that she seems to be as she’s a great listener and she gets it. Leo decides maybe there’s hope for him after all.

Theresa asks Brady if they should peek in on Tate. Brady doesn’t want to embarrass him even more in front of his friends when it’s tough enough that they are chaperoning. Tate comes over to them and tells them that he’s suddenly not feeling well. Brady calls that strange since he was fine a minute ago. Tate claims he has a headache. Theresa offers him ibuprofen but Tate says he feels like he should just go home and chill out for a bit. Theresa says she can drive him but Tate reminds her that the school is counting on her to chaperone. Tate says he will just take a walk and get some fresh air. Theresa and Brady tell him to get better then as Tate exits. Theresa tells Brady that she told him so.

Aaron tries to talk to Sophia at the punch bowl but she shuts him down. Holly asks where Tate is. Sophia tells her that he said he had a headache and left which Holly says is awful. Sophia asks what Holly is waiting for and if she’s going to run after him. Holly asks what she’s talking about. Sophia tells her to cut the crap as she knows Tate doesn’t have a headache and that he just made up a lie so they could go sneak off together. Sophia tells Holly to tell her she’s wrong.

Kayla tells Ava that for all her shortcomings, she would’ve thought she’d have the good sense to avoid the consequences coming her way when Clyde reveals that she spearheaded the whole plan to break him out of prison. Kayla wonders what is in Salem for Ava now that Tripp is gone except a bunch of bad memories and Steve.

Steve tells Justin that he had no choice since Clyde was threatening Tripp’s life in order to pressure Ava in to doing his dirty work and now he’s worried that Clyde will throw him under the bus. Justin calls it a valid concern with Clyde but points out that he hasn’t said anything yet. Steve says he’s not going to sit around wondering if he will or not which Justin questions. Steve declares he’s not going to live in fear, he’s gonig to turn himself in.

Aaron tries to cover but Sophia reveals that she heard him and Tate talking at the Pub earlier about how Tate only asked her to prom because his parents wouldn’t let him see Holly. Holly tries to apologize as Sophia argues that she could’ve told her that she and Tate were a thing. Holly says she wanted to but she was afraid that she would tell her mom and then her mom would tell Theresa. Sophia asks if it was just easier to break her heart and make her look like a complete idiot. Holly says it’s not like that and she feels terrible for hurting her. Holly says she’s her best friend and she loves her but things have been terrible at home which she knows is not an excuse. Holly knows Sophia is mad at her and she will continue to apologize. Holly encourages that Sophia is gorgeous and could have any guy she wants. Sophia responds that she wanted Tate, but not anymore, so she can have him. Holly asks if she’s going to tell. Sophia says no and tells Holly to go catch up with Tate. Holly asks if there’s anything she can do or say to make her forgive her. Sophia tells Holly again to go catch up with Tate. Holly repeats that she’s really sorry as she walks away.

Brady agrees with Theresa that Tate’s headache story was suspicious but points out that Holly is still there. Theresa says they can’t leave at the same time or that would be a huge red flag. Holly walks by and says she’s just going to the restroom. Theresa doesn’t buy it and asks if Brady is coming. Brady reminds her that they are supposed to chaperone the dance. Theresa argues that there are plenty of other chaperons and that Tate is what’s important. Theresa tells Brady he can stay if he disagrees, so they leave together.

Alex asks Leo about the speech he has written in front of him. Leo explains his plan to go see his mother to voice all his anger and grievances that he’s been holding onto for far too long. Alex wishes him luck with that and says it sounds tough. Leo thanks him and says his parents tried their best. Leo remarks that it’s not like Alex hit the best with Victor. Alex states that Victor was a complicated man. Leo points out that at least Alex didn’t find out until it was too late for Victor to do any damage. Leo calls Alex very lucky to be raised by Justin.

Justin acknowledges that Steve was trying to save his son’s life and Clyde is back behind bars, so he thinks he could broker a deal for probation with no time served. Steve says that sounds good and thanks him. Justin says he does have one question and asks if anyone else was involved with this prison breakout scheme. Steve says no and claims that it was all him.

Ava tells Kayla that she can’t believe they are back to this when she and Steve have been over for years. Ava argues that she doesn’t have to justify anything to her. Roman comes back with Kayla’s food. Kayla tells Ava that this is not a productive conversation and wishes her luck as she exits. Ava remarks to Roman that she has amazing timing. Roman jokes that they won’t be teaming up anytime soon. Ava admits she did think about staying in China and traveling but she only came back because she needs to know where she stands with Harris. Roman reveals that Harris hasn’t been back since Clyde’s arrest. Ava questions if Harris is moving out. Roman says they only talked briefly about Lucas, but Harris didn’t say anything about when or if he’s planning on coming back. Roman tells Ava that he’s sorry. Ava says it’s okay, but if Harris isn’t coming back, then maybe she should just leave.

Brady and Theresa go through the town square trying to find out where Holly went. They run in to Leo, who calls Theresa his new friend. Leo questions if they are on a date. Brady clarifies they are chaperoning their kid’s prom. Leo recalls his prom. Theresa says they are looking for Tate, who ran off. Leo remembers seeing Tate. Theresa then asks if he’s seen Holly. Leo recalls seeing Holly head to the Salem Inn and giving her a thumbs up. Theresa then asks if Leo knows where Holly went.

Holly joins Tate in a room at the Salem Inn which Tate had decorated with balloons and calls their own private prom. Holly calls it the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for her. Holly didn’t realize the address he sent her was the Salem Inn. Tate acknowledges that there is a bed there but says he only got them a room so they could be alone without anyone seeing them and there is no pressure or expectations. They declare that it’s finally just them as they kiss.

Kayla returns to Steve at the hospital and apologizes for taking forever. Steve figured she was trying to give him and Justin time to talk. Kayla says she wants them to be prepared for if and when Clyde lowers the boom. Steve admits he’s been thinking about the same thing and he hopes she’s on board with his plan, because it’s not exactly what they had in mind.

Justin goes home to the Kiriakis Mansion and calls the police station, asking to have Rafe call him ASAP because he has a client who wants to make a statement. Justin hangs up as Alex arrives. Justin tells Alex that he’s sorry for everything that went down with Konstantin and how he went after Theresa. Alex says it’s fine and that something good came of it because he realized how much Theresa means to him. Alex informs Justin that he just got done telling Marlena today that he thinks Theresa could be the one. Justin thinks there’s something he should know about Theresa.

Steve asks Kayla if she’s not on the same page about him turning himself in. Kayla can’t imagine him spending a day in prison or losing him again, but she doesn’t want them to live in fear waiting for the other shoe to drop. Steve decides they are on the same page then. Kayla assumes John and Ava will have to come clean as well, but Steve reveals that he told Justin that he acted alone. Kayla understands Steve wanting to protect John but questions why the hell Ava should get off scot free.

Roman states that Ava just traveled a long way, so she is jet lagged and exhausted which is not the best time to make a life changing decision. Roman adds that he needs her help at breakfast. Roman suggests she go upstairs and rest, then tomorrow he can probably put her in touch with Harris. Ava thanks him. Roman declares that he hopes things work out between them. Ava then takes her bag and heads upstairs.

Alex asks Justin what he should know about Theresa. Justin says he’s not one for gossip and normally he wouldn’t bring it up, but Bonnie saw that Theresa moved in to his bedroom and she mentioned seeing Theresa was with Brady the night before. Alex explains that he already knows and that he had a fling with Kristen but it meant nothing and so he and Theresa are even in a way. Justin states that Alex didn’t feel anything for Kristen, but Brady and Theresa have a long history and he’s seen how connected they were when they were together. Justin says he’s concerned as any father would be. Alex then remarks that Justin is not really his father now and even if he was, he’s an adult now so his relationships are none of Justin’s business. Justin says he’s right and agrees to stay out of it from now on. Justin says goodnight to Alex and exits the room.

Theresa asks Leo if he saw Tate and Holly or he didn’t. Leo remembers finding Tate and Holly in the park and supporting them being in love and agreeing not to rat them out. Leo then tells Theresa and Brady that he wishes he could help but he didn’t see anything and rushes off. Theresa doesn’t believe him since Holly couldn’t have just disappeared. Brady doesn’t want to spend the rest of the night looking for Tate and suggests they call it a night and talk to him in the morning. Theresa questions him and reminds him of the last time Tate and Holly had a big night out where some really regrettable things happened. Brady states that a lot has happened between then and now. Theresa argues that Holly didn’t go to rehab and could be doing drugs with Tate right now. Brady argues that Tate isn’t a junkie and is just hot for a girl that he hasn’t been able to see. Brady suggests Tate is probably off in a corner somewhere where he can hook up with Holly. Brady’s eyes then spot the Salem Inn ahead of them.

Holly reveals to Tate that Sophia heard him and Aaron talking earlier and knows they are together. Tate asks how she took it. Holly admits that Sophia is really upset. Tate apologizes. Holly blames herself for not telling her from the start. Tate asks if she thinks Sophia will tell her mom. Holly says she promised she wouldn’t, but she still feels awful about it all. Tate suggests maybe Sophia and Aaron will hook up. Holly hopes so and says they are kind of cute together. Tate says they are too as they kiss. Tate then informs Holly that he made her a playlist with all of her favorite songs. Holly looks it over and they joke about being Taylor Swift fans. Holly then plays a song as she and Tate dance together and kiss.

Sophia says she needs to get out of here. Aaron offers to take her home but Sophia says she’s not speaking to him anymore since he was part of this whole scheme. Aaron apologizes and says Tate is his best friend but he was looking forward to maybe them spending time together here. Aaron reveals that he was going to ask Sophia to prom himself. Sophia asks why he didn’t. Aaron felt like she barely knew he existed, so he thought maybe they could spend time together tonight. Aaron tells Sophia that he gets what it’s like to like someone so much and have them not like you back, so he sympathizes with how mad she is. Aaron calls it really cool of Sophia to not tell anyone about Holly and Tate.

Holly and Tate finish their dance and then they kiss. Holly calls it weird to finally be able to be with each other without looking over their shoulders. Tate doesn’t want it to end. Holly agrees that she wants it to last forever. Tate promises they will figure something out, but until then, they will just enjoy this right here and now. They continue kissing on the bed until Theresa and Brady barge in to catch them.

Alex looks at the portrait of Victor and talks about how Justin used to say he was the kid who gave him the most gray hairs because he never thought twice about going after what he wanted. Alex says now he knows he got that from Victor. Alex declares it took him awhile to figure out, but he now knows exactly what he wants as he looks down at his engagement ring box.

Kayla understands why Steve wouldn’t implicate Ava since she is Tripp’s mother, but she has so many issues with her so this is just difficult and she’s sorry. Steve says he’s sorry and asks if there’s anything he can do to help. Kayla asks for a sip of his milkshake from the Pub. Steve agrees to it if she arranges an early discharge for him. Kayla says maybe tomorrow as they kiss.

Ava goes home to her room above the Pub and Harris then comes in behind her.

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