Welcome to our Y&R page at TVMEG.COM
This site is not affiliated with CBS, Y&R, or any soaps. We’re just fans like you! We love to hear from you about our pages or the soaps, but please don’t email us as if we know the actors or writers (because we don’t!). Thanks!
Y&R premiered on March 26, 1973, on CBS, set in Genoa City, Wisconsin. It features The Newmans, The Abbotts, The Chancellors, the Winters, The Fosters, The Fenmores, and the Fishers. Most of them are involved in one of the two or three businesses in town: Newman Enterprises, J’Abot, and Chancellor Enterprises. Romance, family and corporate intrigue are the focus of the show.
More “Young and the Restless” Update and Short Recap writers needed! Also, Transcript proofreaders needed as well. Please email us if you can help out at least one day a week. Thanks!
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Last Updated 1/4/24