Days Update Monday, May 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Xander, Sarah, and Maggie have tea in the town square. Maggie thanks them for the invite and comments on not knowing how much she needed to get out of the mansion. Xander brings up Konstantin. Maggie says they are doing just fine but there is such a thing as too much togetherness. Sarah hopes they never feel that way so Xander assures they won’t. Xander then reveals to Maggie that he proposed to Sarah and she said yes. Maggie is thrilled and excitedly hugs them.

Rafe goes to Black Patch and tells John and Steve that he has a special delivery. Steve thanks him for coming as Rafe says he was hoping to get them involved on the whole Clyde Weston mess. Rafe hands John the folder and says he hopes someone at the ISA can decode it. John notes that they know some pretty sharp code breakers there. Steve asks how things are at the police station. Rafe says they are busy and with Harris out, they are understaffed as usual. Steve bets a lot of cases are linked to the drugs that Clyde’s minions are still pushing on the streets. John declares the sooner they crack the code, the sooner they can take down Clyde and his whole operation. Rafe admits he’s more interested in what was on the outside of the book than what’s inside. Steve questions what he means. Rafe then explains that it could be the key to securing Gabi’s freedom and finding Li Shin’s real killer.

Harris returns home to Ava in his navy outfit. Ava welcomes him home as they hug and kiss. They talk about how much they missed each other. Harris mentions sticking around for a memorial service. Ava asks if it was emotional for him since she knows he had friends that died while serving. Harris says visiting grave sites of people you lost is always tough but fills him with gratitude. Ava is grateful he’s still here. Harris is grateful for their sacrifices and talks about paying tribute. Harris declares today the day that they have Clyde Weston in their sights. Ava says they are going to take that bastard down.

At the DiMera Mansion, Nicole tells Eric that she doesn’t understand and questions how Jude could be her and EJ’s son. EJ asks Eric to please explain. Eric says he’s still processing it himself but Sloan just confessed to him that Dimitri never took Nicole’s son to the hospital. EJ asks how that could be. Eric says he brought him to Sloan. EJ calls that impossible. Eric explains that Dimitri was on the run and thought Sloan could help somehow, so he left the baby with her. Eric adds that their private adoption had just fallen through, so Sloan kept Nicole’s son and told everyone else that he was their adopted child. Eric says now they know the truth that Jude is Nicole’s son and he belongs with his mom.

Maggie wants to know everything about Xander and Sarah’s wedding plans. Sarah says they are still trying to figure that out. Xander talks about taking Sarah to Scotland for the honeymoon. Maggie calls the ring very unique. Xander and Sarah say their love is together and always as they kiss.

Rafe informs John and Steve that Gil’s fingerprint and Li’s blood was found on the outside of the book, so he’s convinced Gil is the one who killed Li Shin and asks how else he would’ve come in contact with Li’s blood. John hopes Rafe can prove that as he can’t imagine what Gabi is going through. Rafe says he won’t say anything to Gabi until he’s sure that he can get the case reopened which they are working on. Steve says it’s a damn good thing that EJ is out as the district attorney. Rafe agrees, noting that Melinda isn’t a fan of his family either but she cared about Li, so he hopes she’ll be motivated to find his killer. Steve hopes so too for Rafe and Gabi’s sake.

Ava and Harris continue kissing as they talk about missing each other. Harris reminds her that they have to stay focused. Harris says he wants to make up for lost time, but the clock is ticking and then once Clyde is out of commission, they will have all the time in the world to spend together. Ava calls it all the more reason to get rid of Clyde and make things better in the world. Harris can’t believe that Clyde’s black book could lead to Gabi being cleared of murder. Ava says a lot has happened since he’s been gone and mentions EJ being out as district attorney. Harris asks if Rafe and Stefan have convinced the new D.A. to reopen the case. Ava says not yet but they are hellbent on proving that Gil murdered Li. Harris asks about the theory. Ava explains that Gil came looking for her, but found Li instead and they got in to it where Gil killed him and they know what happened days later when Gil found her. Ava talks about Wendy being such a good soul and so good to Tripp. Ava asks how she’s going to tell Wendy that Li might be dead because of her. Ava says their family finally got closure when Gabi was convicted but now all those old wounds are going to be reopened again as she hugs Harris.

EJ and Nicole question the doctor saying their baby was dead. Eric says he can’t explain that and guesses Sloan paid somebody off. Nicole can’t believe this is happening. Eric knows it’s a lot to process but says the only thing that matters is that Nicole’s son is in her arms. Nicole asks if this is really true. Eric figures they’ll want to run their own test but can’t imagine why Sloan would make up something so awful if it wasn’t true. EJ agrees that wouldn’t make any sense. Nicole brings up all those months ago when she held Jude for the first time and how she always felt like he was her son. Eric says he remembers. Nicole recalls Eric agreeing to the DNA test just to prove that it wasn’t true. Eric explains that Sloan said the results were tampered with. EJ says they will make sure all necessary tests are performed but the most important thing right now is that they all know the truth and their son is back home where he belongs. Nicole calls it incredible. EJ points out that Nicole knew it all along. Nicole says even when she had to let it all go, she always felt he was her boy. Nicole guesses it was parent intuition when it’s your child, you just know deep in your soul. Nicole tells Jude that she’s always loved him. Her and EJ smile with Jude as Eric watches on with tears in his eyes.

Maggie tells Xander and Sarah that they deserve a wonderful wedding as they fought hard to get here and had a few bumps in the road. Sarah and Xander joke that they don’t remember any bumps. Maggie then asks if she and Konstantin can get married first and that they wait until after to have their wedding. Sarah asks why before she agrees.

Nicole and EJ take Jude in to the living room as Nicole talks about how there’s going to be so many changes. Nicole tells Jude that he means everything to them and they are going to be a family like they were always meant to be. Eric sadly looks on as he brings in a bag that has most of Jude’s essentials and says he can bring the rest tomorrow but EJ says that won’t be necessary as they’ll purchase whatever else they need for a fresh start. Eric apologizes to Nicole and says he doesn’t know what else to say. Nicole says he has nothing to be sorry for since he’s a victim too and this was all Sloan. Eric doesn’t know how he didn’t see it and suggests maybe he just didn’t want to. Nicole argues that Sloan stole their baby, so she needs to be arrested and never see the light of day again. Nicole wants Sloan to experience the same emptiness that they did for all those months. EJ says there will be plenty of time for that. Nicole insists that Sloan needs to be punished. EJ says she will be, but she can’t hurt them anymore. Nicole complains that Sloan doesn’t get to just go on her merry way as she is a criminal and talks about if she gets her hands on her. Holly then comes home and calls out to Nicole, saying she’ll never believe what happened today in her chemistry class. Holly enters the living room and asks what’s going on and why Jude is there.

Rafe is on the phone in the interrogation room, questioning what is taking so long. Rafe says he knows Everett was released on bail and that they are wasting time debating this as he says to just do it and hangs up.

Nicole tells Holly that she won’t believe this but her brother didn’t die on the day he was born. Nicole reveals that Jude is her and EJ’s baby, so he is Holly’s little brother.

Sarah asks Maggie if she’s sure everything is okay with her and Konstantin. Xander asks if he did something to upset her. Maggie says it’s nothing like that, so Sarah questions why she wants them to wait to get married. Maggie says she just wants to be fully present when Sarah marries Xander. Xander questions why she wouldn’t be able to be fully present earlier. Maggie claims she’d be thinking about her own plans, so it’d be all about her and not them and every choice they made, she’d be comparing to her own. Sarah argues that Maggie is having a small, civil ceremony with just family and a few friends. Maggie says it’s still a wedding and with that comes complications. Maggie talks about the Hortons moving out of the Kiriakis Mansion and Alex and Theresa are moving in which Xander questions.

Steve tells John that Rafe seemed really stressed out. John remembers that feeling when he was on the force with all the open cases and not enough hands on deck. Steve comments that it seems the Salem PD is always understaffed. John adds that on top of all that, Rafe is trying to clear his sister of murder. Steve calls it all the more reason to hope the ISA decipher the black book. John is glad that Rafe trusted them enough and says now he has two more good guys to work overtime to bring down Clyde Weston. John notes Steve’s reaction and asks what’s bugging him. Steve asks John what kind of mission he thinks this is. John asks what he means by that. Steve asks how far they are willing to go to get Clyde Weston out of their lives. John asks if he’s asking if he’s willing to go outside the bounds of the law. Steve says he’s just thinking that it would be a good idea if he runs point on Clyde while John takes the lead on Maggie and Konstantin. John questions if there’s something he doesn’t know or needs to know. Steve says he just needs to keep a close eye on Ava as he’s pretty sure she’s on Clyde’s tail. Steve thinks back to Ava telling him that they needed a permanent solution to the Clyde situation. Steve tells John that he just has to make sure that Ava doesn’t screw anything up. John agrees that it sounds like a plan, but says that Steve must have more patience than a hospital to put up with Ava.

Harris tells Ava that he and his Navy buddies weren’t able to decipher the black book but once Clyde opens the e-mails they send, they will be notified of his location and they’ll know exactly where to find him.

Holly questions how this can be that Jude is her brother. EJ calls it a true miracle. Holly asks how. Nicole explains that there’s been a terrible mistake and Eric is here to make it right. EJ states that he and Nicole suffered so much grief when they lost their son, but now it’s turned to pure joy. Holly cries that she’s so happy for all of them. Eric says he should go. Holly stops him and says she’s confused as she thought he and Sloan adopted Jude. Eric reveals that it turns out Sloan was lying to all of them and that Jude is Nicole and EJ’s son. Holly realizes this means Eric is losing his son.

Harris goes to see Rafe in the interrogation room. Rafe says he’s glad to see him and asks about his Memorial Day. Harris says it was meaningful. They thank each other for their service. Harris brings up his request for a couple more days of unpaid leave but Rafe says he can’t do it as he’s drowning here and they need him. Harris hates to put him in this position but says he really needs those few days so he’s going to have to take them one way or another. Rafe asks if Harris is saying he’s going to quit if he doesn’t give him those days. Harris hopes it doesn’t come to that. Rafe asks why he doesn’t just tell him what’s going on and if it has something to do with his navy friends or what they found in Clyde’s black book. Harris notes that they haven’t been able to crack the code yet. Rafe says he took it over to John to see if the ISA can help out. Harris says the more people to help, the better and that he’ll coordinate with John. Rafe asks Harris again what he’s doing but Harris says he can’t explain right now and that he just needs the few days. Harris asks Rafe to just trust him. Rafe then agrees and tells him to take the time he needs and that hopefully he’ll have his job waiting for him when he comes back. Harris thanks him and they shake hands.

John asks if Steve and Ava are on good terms now. Steve says good is too strong of a word and he thinks he’s just getting better at accepting her for who she is and predicting her erractic behavior. John jokes about putting that on his resume. Steve thinks they are all on the same page as they all want Clyde Weston out of their lives. John brings up them all being at risk if Clyde blows the whistle on them when he’s caught. John warns that if Clyde tells the world that they were involved, they could be behind bars when the Maggie and Konstantin situation comes to a head. Steve admits that he didn’t think of that. John worries that they would be leaving Maggie out to dry when she needs them the most. Steve promises he won’t let that happen.

Xander questions Maggie letting Alex move in to the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie explains that she didn’t have a choice since Victor left him half the estate. Sarah questions moving in with Theresa as she didn’t know they were back together. Maggie says she tries not to pry in to their relationship but they are close together on some level. Xander laughs off that Theresa is after his money. Maggie feels Theresa really cares about Alex. Sarah points out that Maggie has a soft spot for Theresa which Xander says he’ll never understand. Maggie thinks Theresa just wants to be loved while Xander argues that she wants to be showered with the Kiriakis fortune. Xander worries about Maggie since she was stressed having the Hortons there and will now have hurricane Alex and tornado Theresa living there. Maggie repeats that it’s Alex’s father’s home which means it’s his legacy and luckily, the house is big enough for all three of them. Xander reminds her to include Bonnie, Justin, and Konstantin.

Nicole tells Eric that she’s so sorry as she’s been so caught up in her own shock and joy that she didn’t think about what he’s going through. Eric says it’s okay as this is not about him. Nicole says it is since Jude was his son. Eric tells her to focus on her family and that Jude belongs with his mother. Holly tells Eric that she’s so sorry as she knows how much Eric loves Jude. Eric thanks her and says it means a lot. Eric wants Nicole to know that he won’t fight for custody or anything. Nicole says she wasn’t worried about that, but she’s worried about him. Eric tells her not to as he just wants her to be happy. Eric says he appreciates her thoughts but there’s nothing she could do. Eric decides he needs to go deal with Sloan. Nicole wishes him luck as she knows that won’t be easy. Eric promises that Sloan will pay for what she did. Nicole repeats that she’s so sorry. Eric says he is too, more than she knows. EJ offers to walk Eric out as he wants to thank him for doing the right thing. Nicole then stops Eric and asks if he wants to hold Jude one last time before he goes.

Ava packs her bag and tells Harris that she’s ready to go as soon as they know where they are headed. Harris says it’s showtime then and gives her the flash drive as Ava pulls up the e-mail address that Clyde sent. Harris instructs Ava to send the e-mail and then they just wait, but they have to be ready to hit the ground running. Ava mentions not telling Roman yet that she needed more time off and admits she’s a little nervous since he just hired her, so she doesn’t want him to think that she doesn’t care about the job. Harris understands since Rafe wasn’t happy about giving him the time off either, so hopefully they can just get this done and when it’s over, their jobs will still be there. Ava still can’t believe Harris is doing this for her and now he’s putting his job at risk too. Harris says he is doing it for her and also for Tripp, Wendy, himself, and every person that Clyde tried to ruin the life of. Harris says he took an oath to serve and protect and he takes that very seriously. Ava guesses it’s just them against Clyde. Harris then reveals there’s somebody else he would like to loop in.

John tells Steve that Maggie is all in on trapping Konstantin as she set him up with an office at Titan with access to all of Victor’s charitable funds. Steve calls Maggie a brave woman and asks how it works. John calls it pretty simple to move around some funds and make it look like Konstantin is embezzling from Titan. Steve hopes he will be busted before Maggie has to actually go through with marying him. John says that’s the plan and they’re trying to nail down the timing because Konstantin has messed with Maggie’s life enough already.

Maggie remarks that it seems like a revolving door at the Kiriakis Mansion ever since they lost Victor. Sarah suggests that’s because Maggie is too generous. Victoria wakes up crying, so Xander decides he will take her for a diaper change, allowing Maggie and Sarah to have some alone time. Maggie calls Victoria the most beautiful baby in the world. Sarah is glad it’s just them for a minute because she wanted to talk to Maggie about something that she didn’t want to say in front of Xander.

Eric asks if Nicole is sure it’s okay. Nicole says of course as she knows how much Jude means to him and how much they mean to each other. Nicole then hands Jude over to Eric. Eric tells Jude that he’s grateful for all the time they shared and he will always love him more than he’ll know. Eric thanks Nicole and hands Jude back to her. Nicole tells Eric that he can come by and see Jude any time but Eric thinks it’s best if Nicole and Holly have time to bond with Jude. Holly tearfully hugs Eric. Eric thanks her and says he loves her. Eric tells Holly to take care of Nicole and then exits the mansion in tears.

Maggie tells Sarah that would definitely make her wedding more special and that she likes the idea, but she thinks she should run it by Xander first since it is his wedding too. Sarah agrees and guesses she will tell him but she hopes he approves.

John tells Steve that he will get the pages off to Andrew since cracking codes is what the ISA does. Steve declares they will have everything they need to find Clyde and wipe him off the map. John states that Clyde is a menace who has hurt a lot of their friends and family. John advises Steve to be careful as he knows he wants to take the lead, but it’s important they finish this out as partners. John then declares that more than partners or friends, Steve is his brother. Steve responds that he feels the same. John adds that nobody including Konstantin will ever drive a wedge between them because he trusts him with his life. Steve says the same as they hug.

Harris question why Clyde isn’t downloading the messages. Ava guesses he’s a little busy. Harris asks if she talked to Roman. Ava says Roman was busy, so she left him a note that she had to leave town on an emergency. Harris is sure he will understand. Harris then gets an alert from the e-mail to Clyde and it tracks that Clyde is at a public library in Ennis, Montana. Harris decides he will book the next flight out and asks if Ava is ready to put this mess behind her once and for all. Ava says let’s do it while Harris says there’s just one pit stop on the way.

Nicole and Holly sit with Jude. Nicole tells Holly that she knows things have been rough between them but she wants to thank her for the text she sent as it meant a lot. Holly apologizes and insists she didn’t mean any of the horrible things she said. They say they love each other as EJ joins them on the couch. Nicole calls it a new beginning for all of them. EJ agrees and kisses Nicole.

Eric returns home where Rafe greets him at the door. Eric thanks him for meeting him. Rafe says he’s glad he’s called and he’s sorry for all that Sloan put him through. Rafe asks if he thinks Sloan is home. Eric says he should be, but they head inside and Sloan is gone. Rafe asks if the place was like this when he left. Eric says no and goes to check the bedroom. Eric returns and notes that all her things are gone. Rafe then finds the necklace with Jude’s birthstone that Eric gave Sloan for Mother’s Day. Eric guesses that Sloan took off.

Nicole holds Jude in the living room and talks about how she knew it but she can’t believe he’s here.

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