Days of Our Lives Transcript

Transcript provided by Thane
[dramatic music]
Holly, I don’t understand. How could your Aunt Sarah’s accident be our fault?
She and Xander, they were headed to my family’s cabin for their honeymoon.
They were? Oh, my God, so they would have caught us there.
They would have, except they never made it. They were waiting in the square for my Grandma Maggie to bring them the key, but– but she couldn’t find it.
Because we took it.
Right. But they didn’t know that. So my Aunt Sarah decided to go help my grandmother look for the key that we had, Tate, and that’s when she got hit by the car.
How are you doing, Sarah?
Well, Mom gave me a really nice pep talk and inspired me to get out of this bed and start living my life.
But isn’t it a little soon for all that?
Well, I’m gonna need physical therapy, but medically speaking, there’s no reason for me to stay at the hospital.
OK, I’ll go ask about getting you released. And while I’m at it, I’ll see if there’s any word from Commissioner Hunter.
Hopefully they’ve apprehended this suspect by now.
Baby, I think it’s best if you let Jada do her job. She will reach out when there’s news.
Fine. I’ll leave it alone for now. But when I find out who did this to you, there will be hell to pay.
I wish I could say that this iced tea is hitting the spot, but Granny here is used to something a wee bit stronger.
[baby coos] Ah, Victoria, my darling girl, you’re the only one I can confide in, because you don’t judge me.
No matter what I say to you, you just… look at me with love.
But even so, knowing that I’m the one responsible for your mother not being here with you now, for her lying in that hospital bed, possibly never able to walk again, knowing that… I have destroyed a young woman’s future, I’ve torn a hole in the hearts of the people that love her…
Damn it, Brady, come on. Call me back. This is driving me crazy, Doc. I’m telling you, I’m not gonna be relaxed till we clear this thing up.
[tense music]
John, I know that you’re worried. I am, too, but do you think we’re jumping to conclusions?
I don’t know. All I know is that in my mind, there’s only one reason Brady would lie to Jada about his car being supposedly stolen.
So do you think that–
He just ran over Sarah and took off? I don’t know. I don’t want to believe that, no. But I’m telling you, Doc, right now, it’s not looking good.
Never mind, it looks like I don’t need to execute that warrant after all. Thanks anyway.
So you want to tell me what you’re doing here?
[sighs] Should be obvious. I’m here to make a confession.
I was driving the car that hit Sarah Kiriakis.
[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
[tense music]
So you were lying earlier.
I was. I was. You came to my door, and I panicked, and I wasn’t thinking straight.
So what made you come clean, hmm? Did Kristen tip you off about the warrant for your arrest?
No, Jada, I’m here because I– I’m here to set a good example for my son. I’m here to let him know that we all need to take responsibility for our actions.
On top of all of it, the guilt is eating me up, the fact that Sarah may not be able to walk again because of something stupid that I did. I got behind the wheel when I was drunk. That was stupid– no, no, “evil” is actually a better word for it. I was evil in this moment.
OK, stop. Stop right there, Brady. Don’t say another word, OK? We got to do this by the book. So before I take your official statement, I need to advise you to call your attorney.
[chuckles] I’m so sorry. Have we met?
I’m Justin Kiriakis, Victor’s nephew.
Yes, of course. You were at Alexander’s– well, his almost wedding.
I was just having a little chat with my granddaughter here. She’s my confidant.
Well, I bet she’s great to talk to– very understanding.
She is at that. And, oh, my goodness, how could I have not recognized you? You’re the one who was in possession of my letter to Victor.
Yes, that’s me. But I don’t think we were ever properly introduced.
Well, no. When I revealed Alexander’s true paternity, things did go a little sideways. But thankfully he’s forgiven me now and we’re on excellent terms. He even lets me watch the baby for him while he takes care of Sarah.
[sighs] So terrible, what happened to her.
Yeah. It’s dreadful.
Have you heard that the police have a partial plate? So I hope that that leads to the culprit being arrested.
[chuckles] Me too.
OK. Are you ready to get sprung from this joint? Because Kayla’s working on your release right now.
Oh, yay. Thank you for doing that. I can’t wait to get out of here.
Oh, I never would have guessed. Listen, while the two of you are getting ready for your departure, I’m gonna check with Fiona and see if she needs any help with Victoria. And you text me when you get home, darling, OK?
And I’ll bring the baby over.
Thanks, Mom. Mm.
Thank you, Xander, for everything.
It’s my pleasure to be bringing my wife home. I’ll see you later, Maggie.
Yeah. OK.
Take care.
And just so you know…
Just because you’re coming home does not mean that I’m going to let you start pushing yourself too hard too soon. Yeah?
I don’t intend to. I just want to hang out with my husband and our daughter and sleep in my own bed– well, our bed.
Actually, speaking of our bed…
Our home, I have a proposition for you, one that I think will make a real difference to your recovery.
[soft music]
Tate, if we hadn’t been lying and sneaking around, using the cabin without permission, then my Aunt Sarah would have never been in that accident. She wouldn’t be paralyzed right now.
Holly, look, that’s not how the world works, OK? So many factors came into play to put your Aunt Sarah in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[sighs] Yeah, I suppose.
My aunt basically said the same thing you just did– not in so many words, but…
Wait, I’m sorry. You told her?
Kind of figured, since your dad caught us, I may as well come clean to my family too.
And then… once I realized our actions may have caused Sarah’s accident, I–
[dramatic music] I just ran out of the room, Tate. I didn’t know what to do. They tried to make me feel better.
I’m sorry. Look, it’s obviously horrible, what happened to Sarah, but the only person who’s to blame here is the person who hit her and then sped off without stopping to help.
John, it’s impossible to imagine Brady hitting Sarah with his car and then… leaving her there on the street, even if he were drinking.
Why is that so hard to imagine? I mean, to state the obvious, he would not be thinking clearly if he was drunk.
All right. But then what about when he sobered up and realized what had happened? Why didn’t he come forward then? Instead what he did, he tried to hide the car and cover everything up. That’s not our Brady.
No, I sure hope it’s not.
Let me back up a second.
You said that Paul talked to him because you had concerns about his sobriety.
Yes, and he told Paul that he was fine. He was–he was sober. He was even going to meetings.
That was before the accident with Sarah. I wonder if Brady told his brother something else that might shine a little light on this situation here. Let’s see what Paul has to say.
[exhales heavily]
You want to move back into the mansion?
I’ve thought about this long and hard, Sarah. I just think you’re gonna have a really hard time maneuvering your wheelchair around our tiny little apartment, and the mansion is wheelchair-friendly now. Victor had mobility issues in his last few years. They even put an elevator in there.
I forgot about that.
Right. Plus, you’ll have an entire staff dedicated to making your life easier, especially with Victoria. And then your mum’s gonna be there all the time. So…what do you say?
[soft music]
I mean, you’re right. It would be more convenient at the mansion, and being close to my mom would really be helpful.
OK. Yeah, let’s do it.
Fantastic. I’ll let Henderson know to expect us. There is one other little thing I wanted to run by you, though.
What’s that?
Would it be OK with you if I invited my mum to move in as well?
Of course that would be OK. I think that’s great.
I was hoping you’d think so. It’s just, we’ve been getting along so well, and I just don’t see any reason for her to keep paying rent at the inn.
Yeah, I totally agree. Mm, I’m thrilled that she’s been able to be here for you through all this. It’s like inviting Fiona to our wedding was the best decision I’ve ever made.
I’m so glad I ran into you, because I’ve been meaning to thank you.
[clears throat]
For what?
For almost a year, I thought my son Alex wasn’t my son. And then you showed up, and thanks to you, we found out that it was Xander and not Alex who was Victor’s heir. So I am incredibly grateful to you. You gave me my son back.
I don’t deserve too much credit. I was just setting the record straight, and I had no idea that dreadful Theresa woman was lying to everybody.
Still, we’re all very lucky you came to town. You have changed so many people’s lives for the better, including mine. So thank you.
[phone rings] Hold on. Just a second. I got to take this. Yeah, Brady, what’s up?
[tense music]
Justin… will you come down to the police station right away? I need a lawyer.
Why? What’s happening?
I turned myself in for a… very serious crime.
What crime?
Sarah’s hit-and-run.
Oh, my God.
Be right there.
Is everything all right?
[sighs] I don’t know if you know or have ever met Xander’s nephew Brady.
[chuckles] No, I haven’t had the pleasure, but… I’ve heard wonderful things about him.
Yeah, well, that’s about to change, I’m afraid.
Why? You said something about a crime?
[both sigh] Is it to do with Sarah’s accident? You can tell me. After all, I am family.
Well, actually, you’ll probably hear about this from Xander anyway. Apparently Brady… has turned himself in for Sarah’s hit-and-run.
[sighs] Here.
Are you feeling any better about all this?
A little, I guess.
So how did things go with your dad? You said you didn’t know if you were in trouble, that he was being weird.
Yeah. I thought he was gonna go off on me, but he seemed strangely distracted, like his mind was somewhere completely different. Then he got this mysterious text, and then he just left, like, really abruptly.
Hmm. That does sound weird. Who knows? Maybe it’s a good thing. I mean, if he has other things going on, maybe he won’t have time to be mad at you.
Maybe. I just hope everything’s OK. He and I have been… really distant this summer, you know? I mean, he and I have always had our problems, but with all this stuff going on with my mom, I just– I don’t know, I don’t want to lose what relationship I have with him.
Of course you don’t. You need your dad.
[dramatic music]
Yeah. I do.
In any case… I should probably head home, my real home, you know, face the music since the jig is up.
OK. I’ll go with you, make sure you get home safe, and we can face your dad again together.
Holly, you don’t have to do that.
Tate, I want to. Besides, now that our secret’s out, who knows how much time we’ll get to spend with each other?
Yeah. Thanks, Paul. Love you too, buddy.
Well? What did he say?
Well, as far as he knows, Brady isn’t drinking. However… there was an incident he neglected to tell you about.
An incident? What happened?
When Paul came to town, he walked in on Brady as Brady was pouring himself what appeared to be an alcoholic beverage. And Brady even admitted that he was tempted here because of all the things that were happening with Theresa, but he didn’t follow through with it. Paul swears Brady gave Paul the drink and Paul got rid of it.
Well, I’m glad to hear that.
[exhales sharply]
Let me remind us that one– one misstep does not mean that he’s fallen off the wagon.
I know that, Doc. But I have this sinking feeling that we are on the right track here.
All right, are you ready to blow this joint?
More than you know.
[chuckles] OK. Sorry. It’s gonna take me a sec.
There’s absolutely no rush. Hey, how about a little help?
You said that there was no rush.
And there isn’t.
OK, well, honey, I’m gonna have to learn how to do this at some point.
I know, and you will. But you’re not on your own, Sarah. I’m right here, and I always will be. I’m with you % of the way, OK? So how about today, just today, day one, we try and do this together?
[soft music]
Yeah. There we go.
There. How was that? Not so bad?
I’m definitely gonna need something stronger. Where’s that bloody waitress?
Hi, Fiona. I was just on my way over to your place to see if you needed any help with Victoria.
[sighs] Yes, actually, that would be lovely.
Fiona, what’s wrong? You look as white as a sheet.
Well, I guess you haven’t heard the news, then. Someone’s confessed to hitting Sarah.
[dramatic music]
What? When?
Just now. I was with Justin, and he got a call from the culprit himself. He–he– the bastard, he said he’d just turned himself in and that he needed representation.
Well, why did Justin accept the call? Who was it?
I’m afraid you know him. It was Victor’s grandson Brady.
Justin, thank you for coming so quickly.
Before we start, I need a moment alone with my client.
Of course. But I want to take his statement as soon as possible.
[sighs] Brady, I don’t understand. You hit Sarah with your car and then you just drove away and left her there on the side of the road?
Justin, first and foremost, if you don’t want to take this case, I understand. I don’t blame you, because I know that Xander and Sarah are family.
You’re my family too, Brady. But I’m gonna need you to explain yourself. You need to tell me everything that happened that night. And I mean everything.
[clears throat]
The truth.
Justin, the problem–
The truth.
The problem– the truth is, I don’t– I don’t really know.
Man. All right, that’s it. I can’t wait around here anymore. I got to do something.
I don’t know what there is to do.
I got to look for Brady. If my son’s in trouble, I got to find him.
I understand, but where would you go? He could be anywhere.
I think I’ll start at the bars and I’ll work my way from there. Just let me know if you hear anything, OK, honey?
I will, of course, of course.
[dramatic music]
Hey, Tate? What are you doing here?
Wow. What happened to you? Did you get injured at lacrosse camp?
I never went to camp.
How could you not know what happened?
Justin… I was drunk.
Oh. Brady–
Look, I’ve been–look, I’ve been messed up since Alex and Theresa’s wedding. I’ve been going on some benders, some real out-of-control stuff, and I thought I was hiding it pretty well, but apparently people started to notice. Anyway, I– The night of Sarah’s accident, I was at Small Bar, drinking. I just assume that I–I–I hit her on the way home.
Wait, I don’t understand. You assume?
Like I said, I don’t remember exactly what happened. All I know is, I woke up in the driver’s seat of my car, splitting headache, and I have no recollection as to how I got to the parking garage. It wasn’t until I heard the police start talking about finding a gray sedan that I realized that I might– I might have been responsible for it.
That’s it?
No. I panicked, I went down to the parking garage, took a look at the car, and… there was damage on the front fender.
Justin, look, I’m ashamed that it took me this long to get here, but I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to turn myself in. Understand? Had to do it.
OK. I understand. But if I’m hearing you correctly, you don’t actually know for sure that you’re guilty.
OK. Well, now that we have you all settled in safely at home…
Tell me… is there anything I can get you from the kitchen?
Mm! My mom said that she made some of her famous lemon bars.
One famous lemon bar coming right up.
Thank you.
I’m just the delivery service, darling. Your mum’s the baker.
That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it. Thank you for everything.
You have been so loving and understanding and so supportive through this whole thing, and I could not– I couldn’t have gotten through this without you.
You don’t have to thank me, Sarah. You’re my wife, whom I do worship and adore.
So I will gladly bring you lemon bars and everything–and everything that your heart desires for the rest of our lives. I love you, Sarah. I’m gonna be by your side forever… or until you get sick to death of me, and even then, maybe a while after that.
I could never get sick of you. That’s not gonna happen.
Now, where’s my lemon bar?
Coming right up.
Thank you.
Brady? Are they sure it was him?
Yes, I’m afraid so.
That doesn’t make any sense. If Brady would hit someone with– with a car, he would– he wouldn’t flee the scene.
Oh, unless–oh, God, unless he’d been drinking.
Oh, that’s right. He’s an alcoholic. Didn’t you say you were his sponsor?
Yeah, I am, and he’s had his struggles, but–
[phone beeps] Oh, excuse me.
It’s Xander.
Has he heard the news?
It doesn’t sound like it. He’s checked Sarah out of the hospital and he’s taking her to their new home.
New home? Are they moving?
Yeah. In with me.
[chuckles] To the Kiriakis estate?
Yeah. And they want us to bring the baby over there, and he wants you to pack up your things from the inn.
What? Xander wants me to leave the inn?
And move in with us. I mean, that is, if you want to.
I just don’t know what to say. After everything Xander and I have been through, I’m shocked…and honored that he wants me so close by.
You’ve been an incredible help, Fiona, to your son and to my daughter, I mean, to all of us. So why don’t I take Victoria over there, and– and you can collect your things?
Yes. I think that’s a good idea– unless you want me to be there when you break the news about Brady.
No, it’s OK. I can handle it. But there has always been bad blood between your son and Brady. I don’t know how Xander’s gonna react when he hears the news.
Well, I texted your mum to bring Victoria by and to get my mum to pack up her things. And I’ll see about getting someone to move all our stuff over from the apartment.
Thank you for doing that.
Hey, we agreed. No thanks required. It’s my pleasure.
How about a bite as a reward?
Well, I am actually way ahead of you, because I had three of those already, but I’ll take a bite out of you.
[phone rings]
Oh, it’s the commissioner.
[tense music] Please tell me you have good news.
I wouldn’t call it that, but I wanted to let you know that we have the suspect in custody and he’s admitted to being the driver of the car that hit Sarah.
Great. Now tell me the bastard’s name.
So you spent the whole summer at the Horton cabin?
Yeah, it was the only way that Holly and I could be together. We’re really sorry for deceiving all of you.
And what did your father have to say about that?
[chuckles] He wasn’t happy, obviously, but like I was telling Holly, it was really weird. I couldn’t really get a good read on him.
Yeah, why not?
I don’t know. He just seemed distracted, like, troubled by something. And then he just took off somewhere.
Took off where?
I don’t know. He just left.
[dramatic music] Is there something going on with my dad that I should know about?
[phone rings]
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Hey, Larry, listen, I’m right in the middle of something right now. Can you–
Wait, wait, wait, wait, what?
[tense music]
Didn’t we say earlier that the third time in my bed is the charm?
We did.
Well, then, Brady, I think this is our moment.
[breathes deeply] Forgive me, Brady. You don’t deserve this. But what can I do other than–
[sighs] Maybe it’s time I told the truth.
OK, Brady, from what you’ve told me, you don’t have any memories of the actual incident itself, only before and after. Is that right?
That is–yeah.
That right?
But it was me. It had to have been me. Come on. I’m certain that it was me, all right? I was there. There’s damage on the car. Jada says security footage shows a partial plate that matches mine. I hit her. I did it, and even though I can’t specifically remember what happened, I’ll tell you what I got in my head, Justin. I have this vague memory of screeching tires. It’s playing nonstop in my head. I hear it.
OK, Brady, I understand. But I am going to strongly advise you to reconsider making a full confession.
I already told– I already told you.
This is what happened.
No! You talked. Now it’s time to listen. You called me, OK? Now you’re gonna listen to my honest professional opinion, which is, tell them only the facts of your recollection, just as you told them to me, and nothing more.
[exhales heavily]
They know what evidence they have. No sense helping them build their case. And, Brady, when you do talk, I do not want you admitting guilt. That’s for a jury to decide– if it comes to that.
I know. I know you’re doing your job. Justin, you’re a really good lawyer, but I don’t see any point in fighting this. I really don’t. Honestly, I don’t want to, because what I did to Sarah was inexcusable. Inexcusable. I need to make things right.
Oh, sweetheart, I am so glad you’re out of the hospital and that you decided to move back in. I just feel so much better having my daughter close by.
Yeah, me too. Where’s my daughter?
Ah, well, she’s sound asleep.
[chuckles] But it’s good, because I– I have some pretty shocking news to share with you. It’s about your hit-and-run.
[dramatic music]
Jada called.
So you know who the driver was, that it was–
I couldn’t believe it.
How could he?
Yeah, well, I can’t believe it either, sweetheart, but it appears to be true. I mean, Justin’s already down at the station with him. How did Xander take it?
As well as you’d expect.
Oh. Well, I should speak with him. So where is he?
Hey! Where the hell’s Brady?
Xander, he’s with his lawyer right now and–
In there?
Yes. I’m gonna need you to calm down.
No, I need to see him.
No, no, no. I can’t let that happen, OK? I need you to go home and let me handle this. Your wife needs you.
We need to understand what happened. How the hell could Brady hit Sarah and then just drive off?
Xander, all of these questions will be answered in time.
Wait. Is that addict off the wagon again?
He had been drinking, yes.
[tense music] Listen, why don’t we talk about this in my office, OK?
The hell with that.
Xander. Xander, what are you–
I’m gonna kill you.
Whoa, Xander! Wait a minute! Stop! Xander!
Hey, thanks, Larry. Really appreciate the heads-up.
[dramatic music]
John? What is it?
It’s an old buddy of mine down at the Salem PD. He had some… intel that he wanted to share with me.
They got the driver who hit Sarah.
Oh, no.
Who is it?
Is it someone we know?
It’s your father, Tate.
You can’t tell the truth. You’re finally on good terms with your son. You can’t muck this up right now.
Sorry, Brady. You don’t deserve this. I hate to see you go down for this. But what else can I do? I don’t have any choice. I have too much to lose.
Xander went to the station?
I tried to stop him, but he was determined to confront Brady. I’ve never seen him this way before, Mom. He looked–he looked angry enough to kill.
Xander, Xander, don’t do–
Xander, let him go! Xander, let him go! If you don’t let him go, I’ll arrest you!
I don’t give a damn!
Xander, think about Sarah. Think about Victoria. Come on, you don’t want to do this. They need you. Come on.
Justin, how can you defend him? He knocked Sarah down, left her to die in the street.
Xander, I didn’t mean to hurt her, Xander. I’m sorry. Tell her I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.
The hell I will, Brady. I swear to God, you’re gonna pay for this. I’m gonna make sure that you spend the rest of your miserable life rotting in prison.
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