Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Theresa goes to visit Tate and asks how he’s holding up. Tate swears that he’s barely holding on. Theresa mentions hearing that Brady spoke to Nicole. Tate complains about Holly not remembering anything from that night. Theresa encourages that they are not giving up and will clear his name. Tate was so sure that Holly would tell the truth that he did not give her those drugs. Theresa points out that his family believes him. Tate complains that he’s still stuck here with no way out and asks what he’s going to do. Theresa responds that she has a plan.
Eric goes to the DiMera Mansion where Nicole answers the door. Eric welcomes her back and hugs her. Eric asks about Holly. Nicole says she’s very excited for his visit but notes that she’s a little upset that she can’t remember anything about New Year’s Eve. Nicole adds that Holly is on the mend and getting stronger every hour. Eric calls that fantastic and asks how Italy was for her. Nicole says she was mostly back and forth between the hospital and her hotel room. Nicole asks about his photography business. Eric says it’s great and picking up but his main focus has been on parenthood. Eric tells Nicole that he’s really happy to see her.
Leo goes to Sloan’s apartment. Sloan says she’s going to regret this but she’s desperate for a babysitter and he’s her last resort. Sloan says she went through every contact in her phone, Eric’s family, and the neighbors but no one else was available. Leo talks about coming prepared. Sloan says she’s going to meet a new client and will hopefully be back in a few hours before Eric gets home. Leo reminds her that he doesn’t work cheap. Sloan remarks that he’s been draining her dry for weeks as she then exits.
John and Steve go over a map of the prison as Ava calls her cousin Angelo, asking if he can make this happen as Tripp doesn’t have much time. Ava says she owes him big as she hangs up. John tells Ava that he’s sorry this situation has put her in this position. Ava says so much for vowing to never work with her family again. Steve asks if they are in then. Ava confirms that Angelo and his team will do their part. Steve asks what it cost her.
Nicole brings Eric to see Holly. Holly excitedly hugs him and says she’s so glad he’s there. Eric says he’s so happy to see her awake as they were pretty scared for awhile. Holly can’t believe she was out for two months. Eric encourages her being on the mend. Nicole says Sarah ran tests, so Holly is on track. Eric calls her their little miracle.
Tate asks what Theresa’s plan is. Sloan arrives and introduces herself to Tate. Theresa reveals that Sloan has agreed to take over Tate’s case. Tate asks what happened to Justin. Theresa says that Justin is knee deep in defending Xander from attempted murder charges and he’ll help later if he can so she went outside of the Kiriakis family because she wants to get Tate home to his family where he belong as soon as possible. Sloan states that they plan to take a somewhat novel approach.
Ava says her family is doing this as a one time favor, but if it comes back to bite her, she’ll deal with it when the time comes. John says they need the connections to get inside the prison. Steve declares that whatever it takes, Tripp and Wendy have to be saved. Ava says that Angelo and the family are only one part of the plan while it’s up to them to take care of the rest.
Jude wakes up crying so Leo goes to get the bottle of formula to feed him but that doesn’t work so Leo takes his temperature and finds that he is fine. Leo then realizes he may have to change the diaper.
Tate tells Sloan everything that happened on New Year’s Eve. She asks if he can remember any small detail that he may have left out but Tate assures that’s everything. Theresa asks if Sloan thinks she can help. Sloan says she does but thinks they should go over the challenges first. Sloan says that EJ’s case is multi-circumstantial but it doesn’t help that Tate delayed calling for help or lied to a police officer at first. Theresa argues that Tate was scared, confused, and just trying to help Holly. Sloan says she understands but the question is if the jury will understand if it goes to trial.
Nicole says she has to go schedule Holly’s next appointment and tells Holly and Eric to keep talking as she exits the room. Eric tells Holly about visiting her in the hospital every day and praying until Nicole took her to Italy. Holly asks if anyone else was there. Eric says there was pretty much everyone at some point. Holly feels she has a lot to catch up on. Eric brings up Nicole saying she’s having trouble remembering what happened on the night she overdosed. Holly confirms that. Eric asks if she thinks maybe someone slipped drugs in her cup. Holly supposes it’s possible but claims she doesn’t know. Eric points out that Holly would play with her hair when she got nervous or afraid that she might get in trouble. Holly calls that a long time ago. Eric questions what Holly isn’t telling him.
John, Steve, and Ava go over the prison map. Ava goes over their list of supplies and says everything is in order. John says he and Steve will handle transportation. Ava adds that Angelo will have a plane prepared for immediate flight. Steve thinks they are ready to go. Ava declares that tonight, they break in to prison.
Leo successfully changes Jude’s diaper and then picks him up to rock him to sleep while telling him a story. Leo tells the story of delivering Jude on the side of the road and how his mother got to hold him briefly. Leo says he doesn’t know how the story ends but assures that Jude will always be protected. Leo gets emotional at Jude smiling.
Holly tells Eric that New Year’s Eve is all just a blur and she really wishes she could remember what happened. Holly asks how Jude is doing. Eric shows her some pictures as Nicole rejoins them. Eric mentions Jude’s upcoming Christening and wanting Holly and Nicole to both be there. Nicole says if Holly’s doctors say it’s fine then she can come. Holly assures that she can’t wait. Eric says he hasn’t made an official date yet but it will be a small family gathering with a reception at the Brady Pub. Nicole offers to hold the reception here at the DiMera Mansion. Eric feels it’s too much to ask but Nicole insists that she’d love to, especially since he held the date for them. Eric says the Pub is fine but Nicole and Holly disagree. Eric then admits that he doesn’t think Sloan would be on board. Nicole asks if he’s sure, arguing that they are both parenting and working full time so it would be a huge load off for someone else to plan it. Nicole adds that closing the Pub would take away business from Roman. Holly insists it would be really cool to hold it here. Nicole adds that Holly wouldn’t have to leave home while recovering and insists that she would really like to do this for him. Nicole suggests maybe it could help make things right between her and Sloan. Eric then agrees that it’s a great offer and he will let Sloan know.
Tate questions if Sloan thinks this is going to trial. Theresa argues that it cannot go to trial. Sloan says that’s her hope but EJ is district attorney. Sloan says she’s beaten EJ before and negotiated plea deal but this case is personal to him. Tate argues that they just need to get Holly to tell the truth. Sloan says it will be very hard to prove Tate’s innocence unless Holly admits it was her drugs. Theresa encourages going after Holly for that but Tate argues that she is his friend. Theresa questions if a friend would let him go down for a crime he didn’t commit. Sloan says she will pursue every angle but does think they should consider another option which Theresa questions. Sloan suggests she could offer a plea deal which could be a light sentence and before he knows it, he’d be free to go home. Tate argues that he doesn’t want a plea deal or a light sentence because he did nothing wrong and tried to stop Holly from doing drugs.
John and Steve decide it’s time to go. John says he will get the supplies while Steve says he will get the unmarked vehicle to transport Clyde out of prison. Ava says she will meet them at the airfield. Steve reminds John that they need to stop by the office for that special equipment which Ava questions. Steve says it’s everything they need to interrogate Clyde about Tripp and Wendy’s location. John says they will make it look like they are busting Clyde out but Steve reveals they’re not really going to let him go which Ava disagrees with.
Leo dresses up as a rapper and raps the ABCs for Jude. Eric comes home and applauds him. Eric asks if he’s alone and where Sloan is. Leo informs him that she’s out with a client. Eric realizes that Leo is babysitting and reveals that Sloan didn’t tell him that she called Leo or else he would’ve been there. Leo assures Eric that Jude has been fed, burped, and changed. Jude laughs which Eric acknowledges as Leo says they’ve had a connection ever since he came in to his life. Leo tells Eric that he has a special baby boy.
Nicole and Holly plan the reception for Jude’s Christening. Holly says she will be in charge of music, joking about Nicole being a Billy Joel fan. Nicole says it will be so great to have a celebration since there’s been so much sadness lately. Nicole talks about Eric’s pictures of Jude being adorable. Holly tells her to try not to go there. Nicole says sometimes those feelings come flooding back about what happened to her little brother and to Holly. Holly says she’s back now. Nicole cries that she doesn’t know what she would’ve done if she lost her as they hug.
Theresa tells Tate that Sloan went to make a call to get the ball rolling. Tate doesn’t get why they have to plea guilty when he’s innocent. Theresa calls it a tactic to get him out sooner because EJ will drag this out. Tate argues that Holly could come around and tell the truth when she remembers. Theresa says they don’t know if that’s going to happen and they can’t wait around for the possibility so they have to do whatever is best to get him out. Tate questions if Holly even knows where he is or that he was arrested, beat up in jail, and then shoved in to a halfway house. Theresa admits she doesn’t know but she will find out. Sloan then comes back and asks to speak with Theresa. When Theresa steps aside with Sloan, Tate notices that she left her phone behind. Sloan informs Theresa that she will be filing a formal complaint with the judge to try to get EJ removed from the case due to bias and not being objective. Theresa says that would be great. Sloan admits it’s a long shot but there’s a chance. Theresa comments on EJ seeming to have a strong pull with the judges. Sloan says she will need Tate to stay strong and sharp in case this goes to trial.
Ava asks if John and Steve have any idea how insane it is to try and double cross Clyde Weston. Ava questions how Steve could even think of risking Tripp’s safety like this. Steve argues that he’s doing it for Tripp’s safety. Steve asks what if Clyde takes off and doesn’t give Tripp back. Steve says he is not willing to take that risk so they will hold Clyde’s feet to the fire until he gives up Tripp’s location as that’s the only way this is going to work. Ava tells Steve that he’s out of his mind. Ava argues that Clyde is sharp as a tack and knows what he’s doing. Ava brings up Clyde’s track record since being in prison including a police detective being gunned down, the fire at the Horton house, and scattering drugs around town. Steve insists that they know what they are dealing with. Ava reminds him that Clyde has already broken in and could be listening to them right now. John says he swept the place for bugs when they first came in and assure that with their training, no one will follow them. Ava feels that’s not enough. Ava argues that Clyde will find a way to screw them if they don’t do exactly what he wants. Ava worries that if they defy Clyde in any way, he will seek revenge. Ava asks them to please just let Clyde go. Ava declares it’s the price they have to pay to save Tripp. Steve knows Clyde has been doing a number on her lately and she’s been on pins and needles for months but feels she’s not thinking clearly because she’s been under pressure. Steve argues that they can’t let Clyde go after everything he’s done to half the people in town. John agrees that they can’t let Clyde go free and had to alter the plan. Ava accuses them of being in cahoots behind her back. Steve says they will do the plan as they laid out but when they get to the airfield, they will let Clyde know that he will have to let Tripp go or the night will end very bad. John insists that Clyde won’t know what hit him.
Nicole tells Holly that she should be talking to her therapist about this instead of her since Holly’s been through enough as it is. Holly says it’s okay as she knows how hard it’s been and that Nicole has been through a lot too. Nicole talks about watching Holly in a coma every day and not knowing if she would come back to them. Nicole admits she worried about Holly not remembering anything like Abe. Nicole is grateful for all the support from EJ and Eric, saying she really leaned on them. Holly encourages that Nicole is a strong survivor all on her own. Holly states that she’d really like to not think about New Year’s Eve and what happened at the party anymore. Nicole understands and says they will leave the past where it belongs.
Theresa tells Sloan that this has been so hard on Tate, emotionally and rough for the whole family Theresa informs Sloan that she fell off the wagon but now she’s committed to her sobriety and all she cares about is being there for her son, so she doesn’t want this to damage him or mess up his future. Sloan relates to her brother Colin being locked up in prison and even though he was guilty, she still wishes she could’ve saved him from the mistakes he made. Sloan can’t guarantee the outcome for Tate but promises to do everything she can to help. Theresa thanks her. Sloan senses that Tate is a good kid and agrees to do everything they can to get him home. Tate then steals Theresa’s phone from the table while they are talking. Theresa tells Tate that she’ll see him tomorrow and let him know what Sloan finds out from the judge. Theresa encourages Tate not to be upset about Holly and to stay positive. Tate assures that he will never give up. Theresa then takes her purse and exits.
Eric talks to Leo about when he was a baby as Sloan then comes home. Sloan starts to explain to Eric but Eric says he understands Leo was babysitting and actually did a great job, getting Jude to smile and laugh. Leo thinks Jude remembers him. Sloan says that’s great but notes that they are both home now so Leo can go and she’ll just pay him but Eric suggests Leo can stick around since they don’t have any plans. Sloan says she’s sure Leo has plans but Leo says he’s free so Sloan decides she’ll get a glass of wine. Eric informs Sloan that Nicole offered to host an after party at the DiMera Mansion as an olive branch. Leo calls Nicole the sweetest and says the DiMera Mansion is the perfect venue.
Ava agrees to do it Steve and John’s way, deciding she just wants her son back and then doesn’t give a damn what happens to Clyde. Steve assures they have everything they need to handle Clyde. John declares that first, they have a prison to break in to. Steve tells Ava that they will be in touch within the hour. Steve and John then exit.
Tate pulls out Theresa’s phone and unlocks it, using his birthday as her password. Tate realizes that he doesn’t know Holly’s number and decides to try social media.
Nicole and Holly continue to plan the reception. Nicole thinks Sloan and Eric will love it and she can’t wait. Nicole says she will go get what they need and tells Holly to text her if she needs anything. Nicole then exits. Holly gets a notification on her phone and questions why Theresa would be sliding in her DMs. Holly says to herself that she has no time for her as she has a party to plan and then exits the room.
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