Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
EJ joins Nicole in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Nicole informs him that she just got off the phone with the hospital but there is still no change with Holly. Nicole mentions gathering Holly’s favorite stuffed animal and favorite book as she asks EJ if he’s ready to go. EJ says he first wanted to address something that happened yesterday. EJ informs Nicole that he saw her and Eric together at the hospital but he didn’t want to disturb her because he knows how important Eric was in Holly’s life and that he was her father for a time. EJ knows Nicole needs as much support as she can get right now. Nicole thanks EJ and appreciates him understanding that. Nicole asks if there’s something else. EJ states that Eric being supportive is one thing but admits it was quite unsettling for him to see her in Eric’s arms. Nicole then tells EJ to stop talking now.
Eric visits Holly in her hospital room.
Brady joins Theresa in the interrogation room. Brady brings her favorite dark chocolate so she thanks him. Theresa tells Brady that she keeps wondering what Tate is doing right now, if he’s cold, hungry, or scared. Theresa worries if someone is going to give him another black eye and take his lunch. Theresa cries that this is totally killing her.
Kate visits Lucas in prison. Lucas questions how she got in after visiting hours. Kate admits she called in a favor with the warden. Lucas decides he doesn’t want to know which Kate says is probably for the best. Lucas tells Kate that he is glad to see her even though he doesn’t know why she’s here at this hour. Lucas adds that if it’s about Dimitri, no one knows what happened to him and the rumor is that he’s in super max. Kate responds that it’s not about Dimitri. Kate informs Lucas that she’s here tonight because someone wants to talk to him. Harris then enters the room.
Chad plays catch with his son, Thomas in the park. Thomas tells Chad that they should have guys night every night. Chad isn’t sure about how Charlotte would feel about that. Thomas tells Chad that it’s fun. Chad says he loves hanging out with him and he loves him. Chad tells Thomas that he’s proud of him and hugs him as Alex appears in the park and sees them.
Brady comments to Theresa that they thought having Tate away at boarding school was tough. Theresa talks about how much she missed him then but that was a walk in the park compared to this. Brady remarks that he wishes he could break Tate out of jail but he wouldn’t even know where to start. Theresa says she wishes he would and jokes that she would drive the getaway car.
Nicole tells EJ that she’s not going to listen to this. EJ apologizes for saying anything. Nicole asks how he could be jealous at a time like this and says he even pointed out that Eric is an important part of Holly’s life, so he went to the hospital. Nicole insists that she doesn’t want any secrets between them, so she tells EJ that Eric was there for Holly on Christmas morning for moral support after she got drunk. EJ questions Nicole knowing that Holly got drunk. Nicole confirms that the next day, Holly was hungover and told her everything. Nicole then asks how EJ found out. EJ reveals that Johnny told him as Holly drunk dialed him and was worried, so he rushed home to check on her. Nicole questions why EJ didn’t tell her that. EJ says he didn’t want to upset her any more and asks why Nicole didn’t tell EJ at Christmas. Nicole explains that Holly didn’t want anyone to know. EJ questions it being fine to tell Eric. Nicole informs him that she and Holly ran in to Eric on their walk that morning and Holly tried to hide that she was hungover, but Eric, being a recovering alcoholic, could see right through it and he was very kind to her and not judgmental at all. Nicole asks what EJ is thinking as he suddenly got worried. EJ says he wasn’t sure he was going to bring this up, but she’s going to find out sooner than later. EJ then informs Nicole that Rafe contacted him and said he’s been questioning Holly’s high school friends, who admitted that they have been dabbling in weed along with Holly.
Kate introduces Lucas to Harris. Lucas acknowledges Harris as the guy who almost shot Hope when he was going to marry her. Harris states that he was brainwashed by Megan DiMera at that time. Lucas then questions Harris not telling Hope that Bo was alive. Kate tells Lucas that’s all in the past and reminds him that Harris was one of the people who rescued her from Dimitri’s boat and saved her life. Lucas asks if Kate trusts Harris. Kate confirms that she does. Lucas guesses he does too and that he doesn’t have a choice. Lucas asks what the hell he wants from him. Harris informs Lucas that he’s with the Salem police department now and he’s exploring something on his own until he sees if anything comes of it. Harris reveals that he’s here to offer Lucas a deal.
Chad and Thomas continue playing catch in the park as they acknowledge Alex. Alex says he’ll let them get back to it but Thomas invites Alex to play Monkey in the Middle with them since they didn’t have three people, which Alex agrees to.
Theresa talks to Brady about how many talks they had with Tate about the dangers of drugs. Theresa knows she and Brady have lived apart for many years, but they were always united on that front. Theresa asks if Brady thinks Tate broke their rules. Brady admits that he doesn’t know but it seems unlikely. Theresa says it would explain why Tate said it at first but then backed off. Theresa says she hates to think it. Brady admits he’s thought it too and even said it out loud to John, but they weren’t there. Theresa worries that maybe they shouldn’t have sent him to boarding school in the first place. Brady says he’s thought about that too. Brady acknowledges that Tate’s spent a lot of time away from them lately. Brady talks about thinking he was close to Tate and knew who he was, but now he’s here thinking maybe he didn’t know his son as well as he thought he did.
Nicole asks EJ about Holly’s friends telling Rafe that she smoked weed, which EJ confirms. Nicole states that she shouldn’t be shocked, but she is. EJ says he is too and that her drinking caught him by surprise as well but he chalked that up to a one time thing. Nicole points out that at least weed is legal here but EJ notes it’s not if she’s not 21. Nicole wonders if Holly would go beyond that and take something more hardcore. Nicole thinks back to seeing Holly taking aspirin when she was hungover. EJ asks what she’s thinking. Nicole tells EJ about seeing Holly take pills that she thought was aspirin but maybe it wasn’t. EJ encourages her not to jump conclusions since Holly was hungover and aspirin would be the logical conclusion. EJ adds that experimenting with marijuana does not make her an addict. Nicole points out that they also don’t know of Tate using drugs when he’s a good kid. EJ questions why she would think that and brings up Tate being expelled from boarding school, questioning how that makes him a good kid. Nicole says that was just from a dumb prank as kids do stupid things but what happened to Holly is a lot worse. Nicole says drugs are illegal, dangerous, and she can’t believe she’s saying this but maybe Holly isn’t as innocent and honest as she thought she was.
Eric sits at Holly’s side in the hospital and talks about how she’s grown up. Eric talks about when he left for Africa, thinking that was the right thing to do, but now he knows there’s nothing more important in the world than her and being her dad.
Lucas questions what kind of deal Harris wants to make. Harris brings up the drug problem in Salem and informs Lucas that a dealer was caught who was back in the game less than 48 hours after being released from prison. Harris believes whoever is behind the drug epidemic in Salem is in this prison. Harris adds that Paulina gave him the green light to take action and he needs Lucas’s help getting intel on the inside. Lucas tells Harris that he’s got to be out of his damn mind. Lucas brings up the saying “snitches get stitches” and says here, you get broken bones and your skull stepped on. Lucas mentions that someone recently got killed for reporting contraband. Harris knows it’s a lot to ask but he also knows that Lucas was undercover in prison 15 years ago and then last year he helped John, Steve, and Roman with Orpheus. Lucas explains that he thought Orpheus killed Kate and talks about how many times he almost lost his life. Lucas tells Harris that he’s going to have to fight the good fight against drugs on his own as his informant days are over. Harris suggests maybe he’ll change his mind after he tells him how he can help him. Harris reveals that if Lucas is willing to do what he asks him to do, he will get him out of prison.
Chad and Alex sit together in the park. Chad compliments Alex on being good with Thomas. Alex admits he never understood parenting and questions knowing what to do. Chad jokes that you just go through it with no clue what they are doing. Alex talks about Theresa having a teenager. Chad calls that different than what he’s dealing with since his kids still listen to him. Chad asks if Alex gets along with Theresa’s kid. Alex admits he hasn’t really been around him much and doesn’t really know him. Alex doesn’t know if he’ll get the chance now that Tate is in so much trouble. Chad guesses Theresa must be a wreck which Alex confirms. Alex says he’s been trying to help her out as best he can, but instead, he totally blew it with her.
Theresa tells Brady that she totally understands what he’s feeling as she feels it too, wondering if she missed a sign or if she could’ve prevented this somehow. Theresa cries that she’s starting to feel responsible for failing their son.
Nicole asks what EJ is thinking. EJ responds that he doesn’t know what to believe anymore. Nicole says she doesn’t either but Rafe said that Holly’s friends admitting to smoking pot which is fairly benign these days. Nicole points out that if they were taking harder drugs, they wouldn’t tell the cops like Holly wouldn’t tell them. Nicole realizes that it’s possible she has deluded herself about Holly for awhile now. Nicole thought she was well-balanced, responsible, and that she would talk to her if she was struggling. Nicole never thought Holly would resort to drugs. Nicole tells EJ that they have to get going to get back to the hospital. Nicole says she’ll meet him in the car, kisses him, and exits the mansion. EJ then worries that Tate could’ve been telling the truth.
Chad asks how Alex blew it with Theresa. Alex brings up everything that went down with Holly and Tate. Chad calls that the Spectator’s biggest story and says he would be losing his mind if it was his kids. Alex says he was trying to be helpful but guesses he crossed Theresa’s boundaries, so she kicked him out of the room and told him that she wanted to be alone with Brady to discuss their son. Chad says that must have been tough for him. Alex says he understands that Brady is Tate’s dad, but he’s trying to figure out what the hell his role in all of this is as it’s new territory for him, so he’s a little lost and keeps screwing things up. Chad suggests he asks his dad for advice, clarifying that even if Justin wasn’t his biological father, he did raise teenage boys. Alex responds that he and Justin are not on the best terms which is also his fault which Chad questions. Alex guesses that it’s because his whole life has been turned upside down with Victor being his dad doing a number on his head, so he keeps lashing out at Justin for no reason. Alex guesses it’s in his blood to ruin all of his relationships.
Brady encourages Theresa that it’s not her fault and that if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s probably his because he hasn’t been there enough. Brady complains that he should’ve been there more and he should’ve been able to help Tate. Theresa assures that Tate knows how much Brady loves him and that he can reach out to him anytime. Brady thanks her for saying that. Theresa cries that she keeps replaying that night over and over in her head. Theresa talks about how excited Tate was to be on his first date with Holly. Theresa says they were having fun while Brady says he was a third wheel that should’ve kept his eye on Tate. Theresa feels she should’ve never let Tate go that night and cries that she’s his mother and he’s only 16. Theresa asks how things went so wrong and how this happened. Brady gets up and hugs Theresa as she cries.
Lucas questions how Harris is going to get him out of prison. Harris repeats that he spoke to Paulina to guarantee his release. Lucas admits it’s tempting as he wants nothing more to get out of prison but he can’t risk his life doing it, so he’s just going to keep his head down and do his time. Kate tells Harris that he got his answer, so they should go. Kate calls Lucas a good man and a wonderful son. Kate adds that as much as they all miss him terribly, she understands his decision and she respects it. Kate tells Lucas that she loves him and will see him soon. Kate and Harris go to leave but Lucas stops them and declares maybe he will do it.
EJ and Nicole go to the hospital. Nicole tells EJ that she’s going to find a nurse to see if there is any update and then she’ll meet him in Holly’s room. EJ says that sounds good and kisses her as he then heads on to Holly’s room. EJ enters to find Eric inside. Eric tells EJ that he didn’t want Holly to be alone. EJ asks how long he’s been there. Eric says it’s been about an hour as he was told that EJ and Nicole went home for awhile. Nicole then enters the room, surprised to see Eric. Eric tells her that he was just telling EJ that he was told they went home for a break, so he thought he’d stay with Holly. Nicole calls that very kind of him. EJ offers to leave and go get them some coffee but Nicole tells EJ that he needs to be here too. Eric acknowledges EJ as part of Holly’s life now and her stepfather, so he asks him to stay.
Theresa and Brady talk about having the parental guilt covered. Brady knows he’s given her a lot of crap, but he knows she’s done the best she can do with their boy. Theresa thanks him and says that really means a lot. Theresa knows she’s given him a lot of crap too and jokes that he deserves it. Theresa tells Brady that he’s a really good and loving father. Brady thanks her and says they really need to stop beating themselves up about this. Brady states that they will never be perfect but they are doing the best they can. Brady thinks the best they can do for Tate right now is to believe in him and believe him. Brady declares that he believes in his heart that their kid did not do this. Theresa agrees that from now on, they will have no more doubts that their son is innocent.
Kate tells Lucas no since he just listed valid reasons why he shouldn’t do this. Lucas knows what he said but points out that Kate said his family misses him and he wants to get out as he wants his life back. Lucas suggests starting out slow, dip his toe in and see what he can find out. Kate tells him no because she doesn’t want to see him carried out in a bodybag. Kate decides this was a mistake and worries that they could have put Lucas in danger just by being there. Harris asks Kate to tell the guard they are ready to go while he gives Lucas some tips on avoiding blowback because of them being there tonight. Kate tells Lucas that she loves him and will see him soon as she exits. Harris then tells Lucas that he doesn’t have any tips but he wanted to make sure he knew about Holly overdosing and being in a coma, fighting for her life. Harris urges Lucas that he needs him to help save kids like her. Harris tells Lucas that if he does this, he has his word that he will do everything to protect him. Harris asks what Lucas says to that. Lucas agrees to do it but says Harris has to promise to protect him and guarantee that he gets out. Harris says he’s got it so Lucas thanks him. Kate comes back and says the guard is waiting. Kate then guesses that Harris convinced Lucas. Kate questions if Lucas is sure about this. Lucas assures that he wants to help kids like Holly and get out of prison as soon as possible. Kate worries about anything happening to him. Lucas says that’s a chance he has to take. Kate advises him to be careful and warns Harris to keep him safe. Lucas tells Harris to listen to Kate or she’ll kick his ass which Harris says he doesn’t doubt. Kate says she will contact her lawyer and not to do anything until she has this in writing. Lucas responds that it’s not his first rodeo. Harris suggests Lucas put on a show for his safety so Lucas then yells at them to leave and how he’s not a rat as they exit.
Chad tells Alex that he gets it and relates to finding out that Stefano was his father when he was a grown man and struggling with it for a long time along with everything that comes with being a DiMera. Chad tells Alex that he eventually came to terms with it and so will he. Alex says he doesn’t want to think about that right now and just wants to focus on doing right by Theresa. Thomas comes back from playing with a friend and asks to play Monkey in the Middle again which Chad and Alex agree to.
Theresa asks Brady what they do now. Brady tells her that they find a way to prove their son is innocent and vow that no matter what it takes, they never give up on their son. Theresa then vows to never give up on their son and says she feels like she can breathe again. Theresa offers Brady a piece of the dark chocolate and they toast to never giving up.
Nicole sits at Holly’s side and tells her they are all there, waiting for her to come back to them. EJ asks what the nurse said when she checked in. Nicole says there was no change. EJ thinks it might be time to discuss other options. Nicole questions what he means. EJ brings up that he made a few calls before, the first one was to the clinic in Italy that brought him back from the brink of death. EJ notes they were very encouraging when he spoke to them about Holly’s condition and says they couldn’t promise anything but he really thinks it could help her. EJ calls it an extraordinary facility that is world renowned. Nicole appreciates the call but says the doctors here have been great and done so much for her. Nicole asks if taking Holly to Italy is really the answer and asks what if something happens to her while traveling. EJ assures they would take every precaution and he’d hire an expert physician to travel with them, who will never leave Holly’s side. EJ tells Nicole that if she says the word, he will make the arrangement. Nicole agrees to consider it, but she wants to talk to Kayla first. EJ understands and then thanks Eric for being there for Holly and Nicole as it’s very much appreciated. Eric says they both deserve all the support they can get, as EJ does too. Eric offers to say a prayer together if they’d like. Nicole agrees to that so Eric says a prayer for Holly to have a healthy and speedy recovery. Eric, EJ, and Nicole then recite the “Our Father” prayer.
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