Young & The Restless Transcript

Transcript provided by Suzanne
Summer: I’ve heard, um, some buzz about a deal between jabot and jasper foley, is that confirmed?
Kyle: Uh, the details are still being ironed out, but it’s in the works.
Summer: That’s major, he’s a legend.
Kyle: It will be a significant asset. The licensing of his products is in our best interest.
Summer: Yeah, of course, nobody could think otherwise.
Kyle: Well, you may be surprised.
Summer: What does that mean?
Kyle: They haven’t called.
Summer: What?
Kyle: Claire and harrison haven’t called because everything’s fine, so don’t worry.
Summer: I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m checking my phone for work messages.
Kyle: Hmm, right.
Summer: It’s her, it’s claire. Something’s obviously wrong.
Jack: Hi.
Nikki: Oh, jack. Thank you for meeting me on such short notice.
Jack: I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your text right away. I was in the middle of something.
Nikki: Oh, I hope I didn’t take you away from something important at jabot.
Jack: No, no, no. It was personal, nothing business. It’s all been settled now.
Nikki: I can read you better than you think. What’s going on?
Victor: Hello, diane.
Diane: Victor, what a surprise.
Victor: Were you trying to hide from me?
Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…
Kyle: Don’t panic. Claire sent a photo.
Summer: It’s harrison with the caterpillars.
Kyle: He wanted her to tell us they’re still, quote, “munching along”.
Summer: Look at the way that he’s pointing at them.
Kyle: Like one of the price is right models. You feel better?
Summer: I’m just so glad that harrison’s okay. After everything that he’s been through, he’s still himself.
Kyle: He’s resilient. Thank god for that. It’s amazing how just a picture of him can turn my whole day around.
Summer: I know, right? I didn’t even know what that was like before harrison came along.
Kyle: Yeah, so, clearly, he and claire are having fun. So, we can stop worrying.
Summer: It was nice of her to message us.
Kyle: Does this mean you’ve changed your mind about claire? Do you feel better about claire being harrison’s nanny?
Claire: There were so many. That was so cool.
Harrison: I know. Did they like it?
Claire: Yeah, I think your parents really appreciated the update. That was so thoughtful. Hey, you know, we could start a log to keep track of the caterpillar’s progress.
Harrison: Have you ever seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?
Claire: In fact, I have. There were caterpillars in the backyard where I grew up, and I watched them build their cocoons. And then, I waited. And I waited.
Harrison: Waiting is hard.
Claire: You’re telling me. I was worried the day was never gonna come or that I would miss it. And then one day, I was sitting outside when I had just about given up, and I heard crunch, crunch, crunch. So, I turned around, and then I saw it. A butterfly made its way out, and then took off flying through the sky.
Harrison: Wow!
Claire: Yeah, it’s pretty cool, isn’t it? I mean, they start out just crawling around, and then they go to sleep for a really long time. And then, one day, they’ve grown wings, and they can fly. It’s a metamorphosis.
Harrison: A meta-what?
Claire: Metamorphosis. It means change. I feel really hopeful when I see something like that. You know, you start off as one thing, and then you become something else.
Harrison: You’re so lucky. Daddy said I have to be patient.
Claire: Well, good things come to those who wait. Or so I’ve been told.
Harrison: I hope it happens. Then we can see the butterflies together.
Claire: Yeah!
Jack: First, tell me why you reached out. What’s going on? Did you feel the urge to drink?
Nikki: Oh, no, no. Just the opposite. I was calling to share some news with you, but it starts off bad.
Jack: Okay, I’ll brace myself.
Nikki: Jordan has been found. Alive.
Jack: Wait, she survived the fall into the river? She can’t be in very good shape. Please tell me she hasn’t hurt anyone else.
Nikki: No, no. She’s in custody, locked up in a maximum security.
Jack: Good. How are you dealing with that news?
Nikki: Well, it was quite a shock. I would rather she be gone for good.
Jack: Yeah, given what she did to harrison and claire, that makes two of us.
Nikki: The last time I got news like this, it drove me straight to the bottle. But this time, I didn’t feel the need.
Jack: So what do you think was different this time?
Nikki: Well, I had my outpatient session earlier, and I shared at a meeting. I’m just feeling more grounded than I have been.
Jack: Wonderful. It’s real progress. Thank you for sharing that progress with me.
Nikki: I put a lot on you. I thought it would be nice for you to hear something good for a change.
Jack: I’m very proud of you.
Nikki: So, at this moment, I am stable enough to hear what you clearly don’t wanna tell me.
Jack: When you asked for my help earlier, I immediately, automatically said yes.
Nikki: This is about you being my sponsor?
Jack: Yes. I’ve given that idea some more thought.
Nikki: Because of the lengths you went to save me that night, I completely understand. Are you trying to tell me that you can no longer be my sponsor?
Victor: Your husband put my wife in danger. He, um… spent the night with her. In her hotel room, he got drugged up and she got sloshed. What’s your opinion about that?
Diane: Well, it was– it was a complicated night, but jack ended up in more danger than nikki. I mean, he passed out. She didn’T.
Victor: So he told you about all that?
Diane: Yes, we don’t keep secrets.
Victor: So you knew where he was all night, and you knew that he took pills and acted like an idiot?
Diane: Jack had his reasons. He– he wanted to get nikki to go to rehab.
Victor: He could’ve killed them both.
Diane: Victor, he did what he thought was best in the moment.
Victor: Let’s recapitulate this. Your husband spends all night with my wife in a hotel suite. He takes pills, gets all hopped up, she is sloshed. And you don’t think that’s a betrayal? Uhhh.
Summer: Don’t push me.
Kyle: That’s not what I’m doing.
Summer: You are. I– I just saw an adorable photo of our son. You are taking advantage of my warm and fuzzy mood.
Kyle: Okay, forget I said anything.
Summer: Look, yes. Fine. I would like to let go of my mistrust of claire. But it takes time.
Kyle: I see you’re trying. I appreciate it. I know it’s hard for you.
Summer: I know it’s not all about me. After harrison’s kidnapping, he deserves to be around somebody that makes him feel safe and secure. And who makes him smile. And claire does that.
Kyle: And if you have doubts, just take a look at this happy kid.
Summer: Okay. I will try to embrace your certainty. Just give me a little breathing room, okay?
Kyle: Will do.
Summer: Gosh. All right, now that we have proof that our son is okay, should we maybe stop slacking off and head to work?
Kyle: Do we have to?
Summer: Is there something that you’re avoiding at the office? Wait, whatever happened between you and your mom, did you smooth all of that over?
Kyle: Definitely not. It’s bad. It’s tense. Awkward. She thinks I’m undermining her.
Summer: Are you?
Kyle: My skill set is stronger than hers. I one-up her without even trying. If she was actually on top of everything, this wouldn’t happen.
Summer: I don’t disagree with you. Look, as long as you’re not making underhanded moves behind her back, you should be fine. Kyle? Are you? What have you done?
Diane: Jack was in that hotel suite to stop your wife from drinking. He wanted to do whatever it took to get nikki sober.
Victor: He could’ve killed my wife. All because of his desperate need to act like a hero.
Diane: Well, it was a calculated move on jack’s part. I– I think what he did was selfless.
Victor: You really believe that? You’re trying to convince yourself. If I were you, diane. I’d take a very close and cold and hard look at the man you married to before he ruins your future.
Jack: Believe me, I do not take this decision lightly. I wish I could stay on as your sponsor, but I have to accept that this impacts you and my family.
Nikki: Of course. Family first. Kyle and diane need to know that you’re safe.
Jack: Diane was terrified by what I did. Not just staying out all night, but finding out I was with you and that I overdosed.
Nikki: I’m surprised she’s still speaking to me.
Jack: No, she’s happy that you found help. She is devastated by my choices.
Nikki: It was awful for me to see you like that. I’m sure it was equally devastating for her to hear about it.
Jack: She thinks it’s gonna happen again, and I tried to reassure her, but as you know, we addicts cannot guarantee anything.
Nikki: True. Now, jack, I just wanna ask you one more time. Please be honest. Have you really not been tempted to take any pills since that night?
Jack: I will admit it was a heady experience. But no, I have not had another pill. I’ve gone to meetings. I’ve gotten in touch with myself. I’ve tried to be as honest with myself as I can be, and…
Nikki: And what do you find?
Jack: I don’t wanna take that risk again. I’ve got too much to lose.
Nikki: Well, I’m glad you have your priorities straight. I did not, until you snapped me out of my self-pity and self-hatred.
Jack: Yeah, I knew that wasn’t you in the moment. I knew that was your addiction talking.
Nikki: You risked your sobriety and life to save mine, and I will be forever indebted to you. My god, what does it say about me that I would do it all again in a heartbeat?
Nikki: And that is why you can’t be my sponsor. It’s not fair to you or your family or diane. Funny, there was a time I would’ve been happy to cause some trouble for her.
Jack: Yeah, I remember it well.
Nikki: But to be honest, I owe her a debt of gratitude also. I mean, she let you be my sponsor, and she was surprisingly accepting. Please don’t feel guilty about this. I will find another sponsor. And you will always remain my dearest friend. Slowing my cancer from growing
Kyle: Jasper foley agreement. My mother was the person who worked on it initially.
Summer: And then what happened?
Kyle: I closed the deal without her input, and when she found out about it, she told me not to finalize it.
Summer: Because you went behind her back.
Kyle: It’s a good deal. It’s fiscally responsible. The only reason it hasn’t progressed is because of her fragile ego.
Summer: Kyle, I know you don’t wanna hear this, but your mom is technically your boss. If you did that with any other superior…
Kyle: No, I get it. I get it. I just hoped that she would see that I was doing what was best for the company, that I’m capable of more.
Summer: Look, I know that jabot is your world. I’ve seen how much time and energy and effort you’ve poured into its success. Jack should see that. So should diane.
Kyle: I just hope she doesn’t destroy the deal because she’s upset with me. Who knows what she’ll do.
Summer: Your mother is unpredictable.
Kyle: You have anything else you wanna add to the subject?
Summer: You know how I feel about your mom. She abandoned you as a child and repeatedly put herself first. As a mom, that makes me angry. And as someone who still cares about you, I don’t like it at all.
Kyle: Thanks for that. I appreciate the support.
Summer: You know, it’s ironic.
Kyle: Hmm.
Summer: A lot of the issues in our marriage were because of my distrust of diane. And now you’re feeling the way that I did.
Kyle: I love my mom. But I’m starting to see things about her differently.
Summer: Just be careful. Don’t lose sight of your ultimate goal.
Kyle: Thanks for the advice.
Summer: Thanks for not pushing me about claire.
Kyle: We have a pretty good kid, don’t we?
Summer: He’s the best.
Kyle: Hmm.
Summer: And he’s gonna be okay.
Kyle: Yeah, we’ll make sure of it.
Jack: Even if I’m not your sponsor, we could still go to meetings together.
Nikki: I would like that.
Jack: Promise me you’ll stay in contact.
Nikki: You do the same.
Jack: Yeah. Well, if there’s any upside to this, victor will be happy.
Nikki: I have a confession to make. I didn’t tell him that I asked you to be my sponsor again.
Jack: Gee, I wonder why.
Nikki: Oh, he would’ve come around.
Jack: About you, maybe. Not me. No, when you went away to rehab, he came to visit and he was out for blood. No, he warned me in no uncertain terms to stay away from you.
Nikki: I’m sure he’s calmed down since then.
Jack: About me, I don’t think so. No, he hasn’t forgiven me. I think he’s gonna hold this against me for a long time.
Nikki: Well, that would be wrong of him. Our spouses may not understand what we lived through that night. But we do.
Victor: There was a time when you and I were on the same side, right?
Diane: Yes, we were. But our marriage ended when you left me for nikki.
Victor: I used to admire you. You know, you were tough, you were savvy. Took no bull, you were a survivor.
Diane: And yet when i returned to town alive, a lot of people weren’t pleased, including you.
Victor: Because no one understood, including me, why you turned to jack abbott. He’s weak. You, on the other hand, are a viper.
Diane: Well, there’s the victor that I know.
Victor: So you allowed jack to defang you. He took power away from you. And your son is in the process of doing the same. I used to admire you, respect you. Now I pity you.
Michael: I’m sorry I’m late. I was getting a status update on jordan. All good.
Victor: I have no time for this, okay?
Michael: When you said that you wanted to meet, I was hoping we could, uh, grab a drink, clear the air.
Victor: There’s no need.
Michael: Victor, I know you’re displeased about how things turned out with jordan, that cole and I stepped in and undercut your plans, but–
Victor: Let me tell you something, michael baldwin. You betrayed me. You’re fired.
Michael: Seems I’m out of a job. Wanna buy me a drink? Looking for a smarter way to mop?
Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.
Sally: Summer, hi.
Summer: Sally.
Sally: Getting some fresh air?
Summer: Yeah. I mean, it’s a beautiful day, right? I guess the traveling carnival’s not here anymore. Did you get a chance to go to that?
Sally: No. No. Been there, done that. Did you take harrison?
Summer: He– he loved it. He loved the rides, the candy.
Sally: Yeah, I bet connor would’ve loved it, too.
Summer: I’m sorry he wasn’t here for it. I hope that chelsea and adam’s visit with him goes well.
Sally: Yeah, me too. I mean, you know, they’ve all had a really rough time with it, and adam’s been a wreck. But, you know, he just– is doing his best to be there for connor.
Summer: I’m sure adam leans on you a lot.
Sally: Yeah, but, you know, I want to be there for him, so…
Summer: It can be hard to be the supportive one. Though I don’t imagine being adam’s girlfriend is very easy.
Sally: We have had our challenges, but we are great. And right now, connor comes first. And I support that completely. You know, he adores connor, and I just wanna do what I can to, you know, get him through this.
Summer: That’s very mature of you. And perceptive.
Sally: Two things you normally don’t associate with me.
Summer: Look, I have reason to doubt your sincerity.
Sally: Can’t argue with that.
Summer: Sally, look, I assume you’re aware that chelsea suggested you take over for her at marchetti while she’s on leave?
Sally: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I am.
Summer: Look, from a business standpoint, it does make sense. You’ve got the fashion experience, you have knowledge of the brand.
Sally: But the fact that it’s me, that’s the sticking point, right?
Summer: You and i working together? Yeah, it’s kind of hard to imagine how that would go. But look, I do think it warrants a discussion.
Sally: Yeah, yeah, okay, let’s– let’s talk.
Diane: Here’s to being schooled by victor newman.
Michael: I’d say being bludgeoned with a hammer would be a more accurate description.
Diane: So, what did you do for him to be so angry at you?
Michael: Well, I can’t exactly get into details. Let’s just say I disobeyed orders.
Diane: Wow, it must’ve been some orders. Pretty bad for him to fire you.
Michael: This isn’t the first time I’ve been fired by victor newman. And I don’t anticipate that it will be the last.
Diane: I mean, what is the deal with that guy? Why does he wield so much control? Why is whatever victor says considered gold?
Michael: You two were having a very intense conversation when I walked in. Leave an impact?
Diane: I just hate that he gets to me. I mean, I should know better.
Michael: Let me guess. He did that victor thing where he says something horribly disparaging that somehow rings true.
Diane: Yes. He wanted to talk to me because he is angry at jack for just something that he did to try to help nikki.
Michael: What, as her sponsor?
Diane: Yes. He says that what jack did was reckless and dangerous and he blames jack for putting nikki at risk.
Michael: And how did you see it? This thing jack did.
Diane: Same way victor does. Of course, I couldn’t admit that. But I– I find myself siding with victor on this.
Kyle: Sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to check on how it’s going.
Harrison: Oh, hey, dad.
Nikki: Hey, big guy. Victor. I didn’t expect to see you here.
Victor: How are you doing? I’m alright.
Claire: You know what? Harrison, why don’t we, uh, why don’t we go play?
Victor: Now harrison, you better come back down again because I’m a cookie monster. I’m gonna eat all of them.
Claire: Let’s go.
Harrison: We have to come back.
Claire: Yeah, we will.
Kyle: Well.
Victor: These are good.
Kyle: I take it you are here for the cookies.
Victor: Hmm.
Kyle: Maybe a little something more?
Victor: I came by to deliver some news about jordan.
Kyle: Did they find her body?
Victor: My security team found her on the banks of the garewood river. She was still alive. And they put her into custody.
Kyle: Um, well, we– we have to increase security here. And– and for harrison, look, jordan can’t get to him again.
Victor: Well, don’t worry about that, okay? I would make absolutely certain that does not happen.
Kyle: Look, with all due respect, I don’t wanna underestimate her. She’s gotten out before.
Victor: Not gonna get out now. She’s in a maximum security prison. And I will make absolutely certain that nothing will happen to harrison.
Kyle: Thank you. Now, may I ask, who else knows? Because I was just with summer, she clearly doesn’T. She’s going to be freaked out. Does claire know?
Victor: Well, claire was shocked when I told her. But, um, I intend to talk about this with summer later.
Kyle: Would you mind if I was the one who told her?
Victor: No, of course not. So kyle, how do you– how do you like working at jabot?
Kyle: Um, yeah, things are great, thanks.
Victor: Yeah? Aren’t you now working under both of your parents? How’s that going?
Kyle: Um, we’re, uh, making it work.
Victor: Oh, yeah? Must be hard to take orders from your mother. You should be in her position, you know that.
“The darkness of bipolar
depression made me feel like
Michael: Jack took pills? Pills, after all these years. And he overdosed.
Diane: Emt’s were called.
Michael: Yeah, well, he’s taking one hell of a risk.
Diane: Yeah, I just– just don’t get it. Why he would gamble with his addiction like that, and his life.
Michael: Well, really, diane, you might not wanna be reminded of this, but… nikki and jack, they go way back. I mean, they have a long, long-standing relationship. And if one were to look at it through that lens, one might understand why he would go to such an extreme for her.
Diane: Well, that doesn’t sit well with victor.
Michael: Nor with you, by the looks of it.
Diane: Yeah. I, uh, I told jack that if he was gonna be nikki’s sponsor again, that I would walk away from our marriage. And then he backed down.
Michael: Wow. That’s quite a bluff.
Diane: Yeah. I did what I needed to do. For myself, and for jack.
Michael: Would you have done it? Walked away from the marriage? From the man you’ve wanted all these years?
Diane: I can’t live in fear of another night like that. When– when he doesn’t come home. When– when the outcome could’ve been so much worse.
Michael: Well, you better be prepared.
Diane: For what?
Michael: I mean, jack may have changed his mind about sponsoring nikki. But, um… he may resent you for putting him in that position. Remember… they have a profound relationship.
Diane: All right, michael. Nikki might be jack’s friend. But I’m his wife. And I would like to think that his love for me is more than his concern for her.
Summer: Obviously, you and i have a very… complicated history when it comes to marchetti.
Sally: Yes, there is no excuse for what I did. Working with tara to blackmail you into leaving town. Although it did lead you to running marchetti, so…
Summer: It’s not easy for me to trust you.
Sally: I get it. Really. And I– I regret what I did. I’m so sorry.
Summer: And then there’s everything with my dad. How you chose adam over him. You really, really hurt him, sally.
Sally: Look, it makes sense why you wouldn’t want me to work at your company. But I’m not gonna apologize to you for my personal life, if that’s what you’re asking.
Summer: Okay, hang on. Look, you did push me out of jabot. But… I have to admit, I’m grateful for how everything worked out. I moved to italy. Kyle and I got married. I… became harrison’s stepmom.
Sally: So not all bad.
Summer: No. And being at marchetti gave me this opportunity to lead. And that has kept me grounded through a lot of changes in my life. Moving back home, everything with my mom and my marriage ending. This company is very important to me.
Sally: I get that. I’ve loved having my own companies to run.
Summer: But it doesn’t mean that I don’t want a life outside of that. And I do want the same thing for my employees. That’s why when chelsea came to me and asked for time off to be there for connor, of course I said yes. I really want marchetti to be a place where everybody’s needs are met, so that their talents can flourish.
Sally: I’m sorry, I’m probably sticking my foot in my mouth again. But that… seems different for you.
Summer: Well… I’m not the same person I was when you first met me.
Sally: Neither am I.
Summer: Look, I can’t just forget everything that you’ve done to me. And I wouldn’t expect anything less than your best behavior at marchetti.
Sally: And you shouldn’T.
Summer: Look, sally, I have been through hell lately, so I really don’t have the time or the energy to hold a grudge anymore. You have the credentials. I’m told you’re available.
Sally: Yeah, free as a bird.
Summer: If you want the job, on an interim basis, it’s yours.
Kyle: My father wanted my mother in the co-ceo position, and I respect his choice.
Victor: Er. Oh. Wouldn’t you wanna be in charge someday?
Kyle: Well, doesn’t everyone wanna move up?
Victor: Yeah. Well, kyle, I don’t blame you if you have visions of taking over the company. You know, of all the abbots I’ve known, you’re the closest to what john abbott was like. Calm, steady.
Kyle: Wow, that’s quite the compliment.
Victor: Don’t ever underestimate your own potential.
Kyle: I won’T. I promise you that.
Victor: Okay, bye. Nice to see you, kyle.
Kyle: Thanks for coming by, victor.
Victor: I’m sure you will take care of things.
Kyle: Yes, sir. I will.
Victor: You have a nice day.
Kyle: Yeah, you get home safe.
Claire: Harrison is worn out. We had a very busy day. You saw the caterpillars?
Kyle: Yes, I did.
Claire: Is everything all right? Did– did victor say something to upset you?
Diane: I just saw victor’s car pulling out of the driveway. What did he want?
Kyle: Uh, victor came by to tell me that they found jordan. She’s alive. But in custody.
Diane: Oh, my god. I can’t believe she survived.
Kyle: Um, victor said he already told you.
Claire: He did. He wanted to tell the family himself. He’s certain that we don’t need to worry about her anymore.
Diane: Well, I hope so. For everyone’s sake.
Kyle: Are you just coming from the office?
Diane: Oh, no, no. I had some, um, outside meetings. I– I haven’t been– I haven’t been in yet.
Kyle: Hmm, outside meetings? With who?
Diane: There it is again.
Kyle: What?
Diane: Oh, that judging tone of yours. What’s the problem, kyle? Are you looking for new ways to disparage my job performance? When migraine strikes,
Sally: I would be honored to be the interim creative director at marchetti. Thank you.
Summer: You’re welcome. Don’t let me down.
Sally: I won’T. I won’T. And I am ready to hit the ground running. Although, I– I really don’t wanna bother chelsea right now with any questions.
Summer: Agreed. I think that’s for the best.
Sally: Okay, so, um… if you don’t mind, I would really like to come by the office. You know, whenever works for you. To, you know, see where you’re at with the line, see what’s needed. Maybe speak to some of the staff. Is there a problem?
Summer: Um… no. Everything’s fine. Um, I actually… have some time right now. Should we get to work?
Nikki: Hello.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart. How did your session go?
Nikki: Very well. I feel strong and positive.
Victor: Uh-huh. Now, have you thought about a new sponsor? Can’t be jack abbott. He fell off the damn wagon.
Nikki: Actually, I did ask jack if he could continue as my sponsor.
Victor: I don’t get it. After what he put you through?
Nikki: Well, don’t worry. He turned me down.
Victor: Really?
Nikki: Yeah, I think it’s just been too taxing for him and diane. I can’t blame her. If I were in her shoes, I would probably feel the same way.
Victor: How could you even consider this?
Nikki: Jack has been a tremendous help to me as a friend and as a sponsor, and I will continue to rely on him.
Victor: No! You can’t go back to him. I don’t want you anywhere near that guy.
Claire: I’m gonna go check on harrison.
Kyle: You know, mom, why do you always assume the worst of me? I was just curious if you were having a meeting with the accounting team.
Diane: Sure you were.
Kyle: You know, I just wanna stay in the loop on top of things. Most companies would value that in their coo.
Diane: Well, most coo’s wouldn’t constantly be questioning their ceo. When is this gonna stop, kyle?
Jack: What’s going on here?
Diane: Nothing, nothing. Uh, did you talk to nikki?
Jack: I did. It’s done. I’m no longer nikki’s sponsor. So somebody wanna tell me what I just walked in on?
Kyle: There’s nothing. Nothing at all. Everything is fine.
Announcer: Next week on the young and the restless.
Mariah: All of this admiration for claire. Is there maybe something else going on?
Audra: This has nothing to do with vengeance. That’s your game and your weakness.
Tucker: What is it you want?
Audra: I want glissade. I want it all.
Ashley: Am I creating some kind of a psychosis? Am I delusional? What is happening?
Alan: No, I think it happened exactly as you say. It just didn’t happen with me. I believe you spent the evening with, uh… my brother.
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