Days of Our Lives Transcript

Transcript provided by Thane
[gentle music]
[phone ringing]
Hey, Johnny.
Hey. How’s it going?
Oh, so busy, I can barely breathe. But other than that–
You’re not pushing yourself too hard, are you?
I’m fine. And since Dr. Greene says that there is no reason why I can’t get back to work, I want to reopen Sweet Bits ASAP.
OK. Are you sure you don’t just want me to come down there and help? I mean, while you’re short-staffed and I’m unemployed?
No, thank you. I think you’d just be more of a distraction than anything.
Eh, I’m sure you could find something for me to do. I’m a man of many talents, as you well know.
That’s true. But unless those talents include piping frosting on cupcakes or making a Hogwarts cake out of fondant, then I think you should just let me do my thing.
Oh. Love you. Gotta go.
Hi. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your call.
No, no, no. It’s fine. Uh, what can I do for you?
I’m really hoping you can help me, and it’s kind of an emergency.
[birds cawing]
[exhales] I didn’t hear you.
Yeah. Yeah, I can’t imagine why.
[chuckles] I brought you a present, though.
What is this?
Figured you might be missing your Buddy’s fix out here on Smith Island.
Aw. Yeah, sure, I missed my Buddy’s, but I missed you a lot more.
Hey, Alex. Is Maggie here?
No. She ran out to do some errands for the wedding. But I’ll let her know you stopped by.
OK. Yeah. I wanted to– I wanted to check on her. I know she’s busy with Xander and Sarah’s big day and everything, but with everything that went down with Konstantin, and the whole idea of a wedding, I thought that might be traumatic for her.
No, for sure. Well, hopefully after tonight, we can make some better memories for her and for all of us.
[soft dramatic music] – I guess you didn’t hear. It’s gonna be a double wedding. Theresa and I are getting married tonight too.
[sighs] – It’s a little early for a drink, don’t you think?
It’s : somewhere.
Hmm. What’s that?
Ah. That is a petition from Nicole’s attorney, suing me for divorce.
– Look who’s here. It’s your mommy. – Yes. Hi, little man. Were you a good boy for your daddy? Huh? – Sure was. He went right down. He slept through the night, unlike his daddy. – Oh. You kept checking on him?
Yeah, to make sure I wasn’t dreaming that he was still here. – Oh.
You know? Thank you. Thank you for letting him stay here.
Of course. He’s your son. Oh, my little angel. I know it was only one night, but Mommy missed you like crazy.
[laughter] Aw.
[gentle music]
[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”
– How are you doing? – I stayed at the Salem Inn last night… after I left EJ.
[chuckles] And now I’ve just got to find a place big enough for me and my daughter and Jude– you know, when he’s not with you.
[laughs] How’s Holly taking it? I mean, me being Jude’s dad?
Well, I mean, Eric, she adores you. She’s really happy for you. But she’s been grounded a lot lately. So she’s miserable, obviously.
Yeah, she told me.
She did?
Yeah, I ran into her. And let’s just say she needed to vent a little.
Well, thank you for letting her vent. I’m sure it was mostly about me.
No, no, it wasn’t. I mean, she’s a smart kid. Loves you very much, Nicole. You know that.
Yeah, I do. I love her too, with all my heart. And I let her stay at a friend’s last night because I needed some time alone to think things through.
Yeah. What are you gonna do?
Well, I, uh– I called my lawyer, and I had him serve EJ divorce papers.
[dramatic music] Because he and I, we’re– We’re done.
Look, Dad, you– you can’t be that surprised that Nicole wanted a divorce, right? I mean, once she– you know, once she took Jude and Holly and moved out, it seemed kind of inevitable. Don’t you think?
[clears throat] It did, yes. And, Johnny, I assume you’re quite upset with me.
[soft dramatic music]
Well, I feel horrible for Nicole, obviously, and for Eric. And beyond that, I mean, I thought that I had a little brother. I told everyone that I know how happy I was that you got your son back and that we’d be raising our babies together.
I’m sorry I let you believe that.
Yeah. Yeah, me too. Anyway, now none of it’s gonna happen, so…
An emergency?
Yes. So I know that you just reopened, and I know this is really last minute, but, um, I desperately need a wedding cake.
Oh, OK. When’s the wedding?
Mm-hmm. Yeah. OK. See, so Alex and I, we got engaged, and we were planning on having a wedding in a couple of months, but then we agreed on having this double wedding with Xander and Sarah.
Oh, OK. Um, well, why don’t you just share the wedding cake that I made for them? It’s definitely big enough.
Oh, it is. And it’s gorgeous. It’s just, uh, there’s just this little tiny problem. It’s a spice cake.
And you hate spice.
Uh-huh. Yeah. I’m sorry.
No, no, no, no, no, no. I get it. I’m not a fan either.
No, you know? I just don’t want to gag, you know, when I have that first slice that Alex feeds me. So I’m really hoping that we can just have our own cake.
OK, um, well, what are you thinking? How big would you want it? What flavor? What kind of icing? – Honestly, as long as it’s not spice cake, I’m good with anything. –
[laughs] All right. Um, let me see what I can do. – Oh! – Hopefully they’re not too cold. I don’t think there’s a microwave here. – Oh, these are great, even cold. Mm. –
[laughs] – You know, I never thought that I would see the inside of the mythical Horton cabin. It’s beautiful. It’s peaceful.
Mm. Boring. – No, not with you around. I’m telling you, it’s the perfect summer hideout. There’s the lake. There’s hiking. The ferry makes it easy to get back and forth to Salem. – Mm-hmm. I’m just glad it was available.
Yeah, no kidding.
Oh, have you heard anything from Aaron yet?
Uh, just that he ran six miles today at lacrosse camp.
Wow. You’re gonna be in great shape when you get back.
Oh, most definitely.
[laughs] By the way, thank you so much for saving me from what would have been the worst summer of my life.
Of course. I mean, it wouldn’t have been that great for me either. I just hope our parents never find out we’re here at the Horton cabin.
How would they? As long as we’re careful, they’ll never know.
[tender music]
– You and Theresa are getting married tonight?
When– when did that happen?
Well, we just decided.
[laughs] You look shocked.
Uh, no, no. I’m not shocked, Alex. I’m just, uh– that was fast.
Yeah, well, you said the same thing when we got engaged.
I did. Um, that’s because that was only a few days ago.
Well, look. This was Bonnie’s idea to do the double wedding, and Theresa said there was really no reason for us to wait.
So did– I mean, did Theresa push for this?
No, she didn’t– she didn’t push. She just said that it was a good idea, and I agreed with her, and– I mean, Xander and Sarah have done all the work. The guest list is already overlapping, so it kind of made sense.
I thought you hated Xander’s guts.
We’ve definitely had our differences, yeah, but Maggie is hoping that this big family event might bring us all together and help eliminate some of the baggage.
That’s a lot of baggage.
Speaking of, Brady, I know you and I have gone through it the past few months. So if you are uncomfortable being there today to support Theresa and I, I’m sure Xander and Sarah will understand if you rescind your RSVP.
[soft dramatic music]
Actually, yeah, I don’t want to– I don’t want to– I don’t want to crash your big wedding, man. I don’t want to ruin your day. So please give Xander and Sarah my deepest regrets.
Brady, don’t get me wrong, man. I’m not hinting at the idea that I don’t want you to come to our wedding. I just want to give you the option of just bowing out if you’re uncomfortable.
[sighs] Alex, actually, you know, I am a little bit, truthfully. Partly because I should have– I should have never had the idea that Theresa was, you know, just gonna marry you for the money, and I– look, the two of you can’t be happy that I even said something like that.
It’s fine. Honestly, I’m done being upset over it, and I’d be lying to you if I told you that thought never crossed my mind.
And the fact– look, the fact that she’s willing to sign this prenup… – Yeah.
That pretty much proves me wrong. – Yeah. – Look, man, you– you’re a smart, successful, decent-looking guy. – Ah!
[laughs] – There’s a lot of reasons why Theresa would want to marry you. – Well, thank you for the ego boost, my man.
Hey. – And hey, if you accept the fact that Theresa is not marrying me for my money, and really just because of how amazing and awesome I am… – Alex. –
[laughs] Why wouldn’t you want to be there to watch us tie the knot together, man? Unless there’s another reason why you’d be uncomfortable coming to our wedding.
[tense music]
– OK, so chocolate cake, raspberry filling, and a monogram design. – Oh, that is perfect. Thank you so much, Chanel. – Yeah, uh, let me go check and see if I have everything to make that happen. I’ll be right back. – Oh, Ms. Donovan. – Oh. Hi, Sophia. – Hi. Um, I was wondering if I could talk to you about Holly and Tate.
– Hey, sorry I couldn’t make it last night. By the time I felt I could leave my mom, I’d missed the last ferry.
I just still can’t believe that EJ pretended that my Uncle Eric’s kid was his.
I know. I feel so bad for Eric and my mom.
Hey, how are you doing in all this?
You know, after all the lies EJ said, I– I’m totally in my mom’s corner. I know she and I haven’t really been getting along lately, but this was just so wrong.
Yeah. Kind of blew up your whole family.
Yeah. But it’s not– it’s not really about that, at least not for me. I mean, the only time I ever felt like I had a real family was when Eric was my stepdad, so…
Do you think that there is a chance? – That Eric and my mom might get back together? – Sure. – Who knows? I’m just glad to be away from all that drama, even if it’s for a little while. And is it horrible to say that the timing kind of works out perfect for us? I mean, I can’t be grounded if I don’t have a home, right?
Yeah, and your mom’s not worried about you seeing me because I’m away at lacrosse camp.
Exactly. But enough talking about that. Now that we’re finally alone, what should we do?
[soft dramatic music]
Johnny, I am so sorry you were hurt.
Oh, you mean you’re sorry that you hurt me. I think that would be the appropriate thing to say.
[sighs] I am sorry that I hurt you– and a lot of other people, too.
[scoffs] It’s just– look, I’ve done some crazy things, OK, to hang on to a relationship, Dad, but Uncle Eric is, like, the nicest guy on the planet. How could you let him hand you his child?
I am not going to relitigate this with you, son, nor am I going to try and justify my actions to you.
Yeah, well, good because you can’t. And I know you know that.
I do.
– You know, I remember when I was a little kid, and I’d do something wrong, and you’d look at me, and you’d tell me how disappointed you were in me. Well, now I know how you felt.
Divorce, that’s– that’s a big step. Nicole, you don’t think you need more time to think it through? – Well, how much time did you take to end your marriage with Sloan?
Because what EJ did to me, and to you, and to our son is just as bad as what she did. I mean, he’s lived in your home, and then he was in our home. And who knows where he’s gonna end up next? I mean, Eric, we’re gonna have to figure out a custody arrangement. I mean, unless– – Unless?
[gentle music] – Are you still planning to move to Paris?
– My dad asked me the same question. I said I didn’t know. I– that I needed to talk to you about that.
– Alex, I just– look, I just think it’ll be awkward for Theresa if I’m at your wedding. – Why?
[chuckles] You told me that our being together was good for you, that your relationship with Theresa was toxic– unless you didn’t mean that.
No, no, I– no, I meant that. – OK. – We– we– Theresa and I, we haven’t always brought out the best in each other.
Yeah. – But she– look, she has moved on, and I have as well. – Yeah. –
[sniffs] – We can just celebrate this connection that you and I have, and we can just have this great old lovely time together. – Lovely time together. Yeah, you are– you are really aiming high on this one. You know that? – Why not? I know you’re not seeing anyone. So I bet you are really lonely, and I bet you would like to have some companionship. – You know what? – Hmm?
Alex, I’m gonna– I’m gonna– I’m gonna do a total on this. We’re family. We’re family. And if you don’t have a problem with me being there, yeah, man, I’d love to be at your wedding. – Done. Done. It’s settled. Good. I’ll see you there.
Great, man. Great.
So I–
OK, Sophia. Before you say anything, I just– I want to apologize for the way my son treated you. I know that must have been so hard for you to tell me that Tate was seeing Holly behind my back, but I am so glad that you did.
I’m cool with Tate. Actually, I– I blame Holly. She was supposed to be my BFF. And she knew I liked Tate, but she didn’t bother to tell me she was in a relationship with him. – Mm-mm. God, I just– I cannot stand that girl.
[sighs] But look, if it’s any consolation, they are gonna be really far away from each other this summer because we’ve just sent Tate to lacrosse camp in New York.
[dramatic music]
[fireworks exploding]
– So is everything a go? – My mom is totally on board with me going away to lacrosse camp. And since Aaron agreed to take my spot–
That means we’ll be able to spend the whole summer together.
And no one will ever know.
[fireworks exploding]
– Ms. Donovan, there’s something you should know.
– You know, there’s not a lot to do here. Um, I found some board games over there.
Oh, which ones?
Uh… the Game of Life.
Oh, my God, my Grandma Maggie and I used to play this all the time. I always won.
Maybe because she let you? – Uh, no. My Grandpa Victor used to call her cutthroat. – OK. Sure.
I swear. And she is. But so am I, actually. I take after her.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah. So do you want to play or what?
[soft dramatic music]
– Look, Dad, I don’t mean to kick you while you’re down here, OK? I understand that it sucks that you lost Nicole, that you lost Jude, and you lost the CEO position to Aunt Kristen. I know that. – I may lose my DA job as well, if I’m charged as an accessory after the fact. – Well, I hope that doesn’t happen.
[tender music]
– Thank you for saying that. – Look, Dad, I am mad at you right now.
But that doesn’t mean that I’m not always gonna have your back, the same way you’ve always had mine. You’re my dad.
– And you’re my loyal son.
I’m sorry I wasn’t as supportive of Chanel’s pregnancy as you needed me to be. – Yeah. You came around eventually. – Speaking of, are you and Chanel still thinking of getting a place of your own?
– Uh, we haven’t really talked about it, honestly.
Well, I– I would understand if you wanted to put some distance between us, but I just wanted you both to know that you’re more than welcome to stay here for as long as you wish. In fact, it would mean a great deal to me if you did.
– Well, uh, obviously it’d be a lot easier to share custody of Jude if you were– were here in Salem, but after everything you’ve been through, Eric, I don’t want you to give up anything because of me. – I was leaving because it was too painful for me to be around Jude, but now that I know he’s mine– –
[tender music] You could stay. And I’m sure Chad and Xander would love to have you back at “the Spectator.” I know I would. And I know it’s not Paris, but– – I just wanted a fresh start.
There’s no reason why I can’t have that with Jude…
And with you.
– What about Tate and Holly? – Well, the other day, I was at the park, and I– – Oh, I’m so sorry, Sophia. Just give me a second. Hi. So can you do it?
Uh, so I can do the cake and the frosting, but the filling has got to be chocolate mousse.
That is totally fine. Thank you so much.
Yeah, yeah, of course. And I promise you that your wedding cake will be made with love. – You’re an angel. You know that? You are.
You’re getting married?
Yeah, I am. Today, actually.
Thank you. So I’m sorry for the interruption. What– what did you want to tell me? – It’s your big day, so it can wait. Um, it’s– it’s not important. – No, no, no, no. If this is about Tate and Holly, I–
It’s really nothing. Enjoy your wedding.
[bright acoustic music]
Seven, eight, nine. Are you serious? – Told you, you should’ve got the insurance.
K? That’s crazy. I don’t have that kind of money. I have triplets, and I just lost my job. You– you have that kind of money. Why don’t you just– why don’t you just give me some money?
No, no. That’s not how the Game of Life works. So how about you call it quits and say I’m the winner? – No. OK, fine, yes. You win. OK. Do you, uh– do you want to play something else? – How about trivia?
[bright music] – Oh. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Do you, uh– are you always this competitive? – Yeah, only when I want to win. I told you I take after my Grandma Maggie.
[chuckles] OK.
Ready? – Yeah. All right. Three, two, one, go. Uh, OK. Um, like…
– OK. That’s for me, and, uh, for you. – Was that even movie trivia? I mean, there wasn’t a single name from this century. Danny Kaye, Gary Cooper, Macdonald Carey? – At least you got Dick Van Dyke. – How do you even know all these old movies anyway?
Oh, I used to watch a ton of them when I had a thing for this guy who’s this big movie buff.
[chuckles] – You mean Johnny DiMera?
[soft dramatic music] – Chanel and I are not gonna live here forever. We’ll stay a little while longer. I know you’ve lost a lot, Dad. You know, I know. But you’re not gonna lose me– not ever.
[tender music]
– That means the world to me, son.
– Well, um, I should get going. I, uh– Chanel told me to stay away from the bakery because she’s so busy, but I’m gonna go see if I can take her to lunch. –
[chuckles] You’re a good husband, Johnny. That is something that you definitely did not learn from me. – Eh, I don’t know. Maybe you just haven’t found the right person yet. You and Nicole just weren’t meant to be. Obviously.
I think you should sign those divorce papers and move on. –
[sighs] I’ll take that under advisement.
You’re gonna be OK, Dad. I’m sure of it. –
[somber music]
– So you’re really staying here in Salem?
Jude’s been moved around too much already.
Are you sure?
I’m positive, Nicole. If we’d found out that he was mine when you were first pregnant– – Things would have been a lot different. – Yeah. And if I’m being honest, I– I wanted to put some distance between us, because– – Because whenever we’re together, we can never seem to get it right.
[sighs] You know… when EJ and I committed to each other, I– I think he knew that I never really got over you.
And maybe that’s why he went to such extremes to hold on to our marriage.
– Did you know that, too?
In my heart of hearts, I did.
Hey, you. I saw you lurking over there.
Yeah. I was about to come in and see if I could take my wife out to a late lunch. – Mm, I wish you could, but I am so swamped. – Oh, come on. You still got to eat. – Yes, I know. And I have been eating very well all day, I promise. But it is really sweet of you to check up on me.
Am I smothering you?
[chuckles] A little bit, but I like it.
[bright acoustic music] – Tate, I didn’t mean to bring up Johnny. Actually, I tried not to, but you guessed him anyways.
Well, yeah. I mean, when you said movie buff– hey, it’s not like I didn’t know that you had a thing for him. He’s all you talked about when we first met. – Yeah, I know. I remember. And he was super into Chanel. So it was just a dumb crush, a stupid fantasy. – So what am I? – You are very real, and I’m so lucky I have you now.
[dramatic music]
– It’ll mean a lot to Theresa to have you there tonight.
[sighs] I’m not so sure about that. – Not so sure about what? – Hey. I was just telling Brady how happy you’ll be to know that he’s coming to our wedding. – Why would you not be sure about that? Of course, I want you there. – Is that the dress?
It is. – Oh, my God. I cannot wait to see you in it.
[laughter] Look, I know we’ve had a whole lot of ups and downs, but I truly am hoping that after this wedding, we can all come together as family. – Me too.
[soft dramatic music]
– I’ve– I’ve never admitted this out loud to anyone. So here it goes.
If I had known Jude was ours back then… And you would have taken me back… I would have left EJ.
[gentle music]
– From the moment that I found out you were pregnant, I wished, I– I prayed that baby was mine.
And I did want the same thing that you did.
[knocking] –
[tense music]
– So…
[sighs] I’ve ordered the wedding cake. It’s all ready. And now I just need to get ready.
Good. We probably both should.
[phone ringing] Oh. Oh, I have to take this. Um, OK. I’m gonna take off, but I will see you at the altar. – Mm-hmm. – Mm. Mm.
[phone beeps] – I didn’t know that you were getting married today.
[soft dramatic music] – Yeah, I didn’t know that either… till the other night.
[clears throat] I know that– that you’re on Xander and Sarah’s guest list. So I really– I should have just told you, given you a heads up.
I– I told you before, I’m– I’m happy for the two of you.
Great. So there’s no problem then.
And again, I’m– I’m really sorry that I brought up the whole money thing to Alex. – It’s OK. You’ve already apologized. I get it. And you know my history. –
[laughs] I do, but I also know that you– You have a huge heart. Alex is a really lucky guy.
[sighs] I’m really sorry things didn’t work out between us, Brady. I am. You are always gonna be so, so very special to me. I mean, you’re Tate’s dad. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Tate. – What?
Oh, my God.
Um– oh! When Alex and I got engaged, I just assumed that Tate would come home from camp for the big day, but when we agreed to this double wedding, I– I didn’t even think about the fact that Tate wasn’t gonna be in town. I can’t– I can’t get married without my son. Brady, I need– I need Tate. I need my son there at my wedding.
[dramatic music]
[knocking] –
[whispers] Oh, my God.
Who– who is that? – I don’t know. Just be quiet, and maybe they’ll go away. – Tate? Holly? I know you’re both in there.
And you two are so busted.
– Johnny. – Mm-hmm? – You know the bakery is my dream, but I want you to follow your dreams too. We could still move to LA. – No. No, not a chance, Chanel. I’m not even thinking about that right now, OK? And my dad just asked me if we’re still looking for a place of our own here, which we’re gonna do, OK? – OK, sure. You know, just as soon as I get the bakery back up and running full speed. – I mean, not that he probably minds having us in the house for a little while, anyway. I think he’s, uh– he’s a little lonely.
Mm. Yeah, I’m sure he is. Any chance he and Nicole can get past this? –
[exhales] No. No, I don’t– She’s already served him with divorce papers. I, uh–
[clears throat] I told him he should just sign them, move on. I don’t know. I just– I guess I just hope he takes my advice. – Mm. Yeah, I thought I’d find you here. – What are you doing here, EJ? – I brought the divorce papers. – You didn’t sign them. – No, I– I did not, nor do I plan to.
[dramatic music]
If you two think I’m going to just roll over and let you take that child and go wandering off into the sunset together, well, I’m afraid you are sadly mistaken.
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