Days Nitpicks and Flubs For The Week Of November 18, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



Why would Johnny announce that he cheated on his wife so loudly? Chanel could have heard him say that.

Why did Alex open his door without a shirt on? Who goes to the door that way?

Chanel didn’t hear what Johnny and EJ said. She only heard her name being said. The door was open the entire time, but she didn’t hear them talking.

Chanel expected Johnny to go after Joy when she left the mansion. She was closer to the door and could have talked to her when she left.

Johnny and Joy took a risk talking about what happened between them at the mansion. Chanel was in the next room while they were talking. She could have heard them.


Bonnie was standing behind Leo in Monday’s episode when he read Lady Whistleblower’s column, but she was at his side in this episode.

Kayla told Roman about Sarah’s procedure. It seems like it’s unethical for her to tell him about what happened with Sarah.

Leo’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Javi was talking while Kate was shown.


Why would Jada want Rafe to work at the station when he was demoted? She should support his decision to want to leave.

How did Paulina know that Alex was sick? He wasn’t shown going to the hospital.

Paulina gave Jada the card that was with the cupcake, but she touched the evidence. She contaminated the evidence.


Xander could be heard talking while Brady was shown.

Sophia kept stabbing her cake, but there was only a small piece on her fork.

Kristen said that Brady meant a lot to Sarah. Did we miss something? When did he mean so much to Sarah?


In Thursday’s episode, the bottle Maggie dropped fell on her left leg. In this episode, it fell on her right leg.

Alex attempted to drink a glass of water, but it never made it to his mouth. He pulled the glass away before the water reached his lips.

Kristen said that Sarah had to get two dosages of the serum, but Xander only gave her one to give to Sarah.

Why would Joy tell Alex that she hooked up with Johnny? She didn’t want Johnny to tell anyone what they did, but she told Alex about it.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Update Wednesday, November 20, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Rafe goes to see Jada in her police commissioner’s office. Jada asks if this means he’s changed his mind on quitting the force. Rafe says definitely not and that he just came to drop off his gun.

In the town square, Bonnie asks Kate if the day can get any worse which Kate questions. Bonnie reveals that there’s a new Lady Whistleblower and they put Body and Soul spoilers out. Bonnie says the good thing is that Leo seems to know who did it, but he ran off before he could tell her. Kate asks where Leo is now. Bonnie assumes he’s confronting the leaker as they speak.

At the Gabi Chic office, Leo tells Javi to get his hands off of him. Javi asks what’s wrong. Leo responds that he knows what he did and he’s not going to get away with it. Javi questions what he did. Leo tells him to cut the act and asks if he should call him Lady Whistleblower.

Outside of the Pub, Gabi talks on the phone about having to get back to them on the numbers since her personal assistant booted her out of her own office. Gabi hangs up and runs in to JJ. Gabi thanks JJ again for having her back with EJ and asks if he ever found out why he dropped the charges against Cat. JJ reveals that it turns out EJ let her off because Chad asked him to.

Cat paces in the Horton house until Chad asks her to stop. Cat points out that Chad’s been pacing all morning. Chad says they both should stop then. Cat doesn’t understand why Clyde hasn’t called back since he got her off like he wanted. Chad asks how he should know and points out that Cat was the one working with him. Cat argues that she wasn’t working for him but being blackmailed by him and they are on the same side now. Chad says for now. Chad then gets a call from an unknown caller and answers. Chad tells Clyde it’s about time. Chad tells him he’s got it. Chad remarks that Cat actually thinks he forgave her and has no idea that he’s handing her over to him. Chad tells Clyde that he gets that he wants revenge and so does he, so he doesn’t care what he does with her.

Gabi questions JJ on why Chad wants the charges against Cat dropped after what she did to their family. JJ explains that Chad asked him not to tell anyone why he’s doing it, but he refused, so he might as well tell her. JJ then informs Gabi that Clyde forced Chad’s hand and made him a deal that he’s pretty sure Chad is going to regret.

Jada tells Rafe that he could’ve just given her the gun at home and didn’t need to come all the way down here. Rafe says he wanted to make it official and he needed to get some things from her desk. Jada questions him being set on quitting and not reconsidering. Rafe confirms that he woke up more sure than ever. Jada is not sure she understands why. Rafe says he didn’t mention that Roman pointed out that he could sue Paulina for removing him from his job since he was injured in the line of the duty. Jada asks if he’s going to do that. Rafe admits he thought about it, but he also realized he didn’t want to work somewhere where he would be treated this way after all his years of service which Jada says she gets. Rafe adds that he didn’t want to cause trouble for Paulina or Jada. Rafe calls Jada a great commissioner and says Salem PD are damn lucky to have her.

Javi questions Leo calling him Lady Whistleblower. Leo explains that was his pseudonym when he wrote the gossip column of the local paper and suddenly there’s a new Lady Whistleblower writing about Body and Soul, giving away all his storylines. Javi questions Leo thinking he’s writing those columns. Leo responds that he knows he is. Javi questions where he got this idea. Leo says he’s sure because he told Javi all of his story projections were on his laptop and when he got out of the shower, Javi had his laptop. Javi argues that he was bringing up his show to watch together. Leo feels he was dumb enough to believe him. Javi questions Leo thinking he went through his laptop for his dumb storylines and insists he’s not that interested. Leo argues that it’s about the fans and Javi said himself that die hard fans would kill for the spoilers. Javi questions Leo concluding that he’s a no good dirty liar. Leo calls him a thief who is having a hard time making ends meet and needed a second job. Javi argues that anyone could have spilled but Leo says some of the ideas were so new that he hasn’t shared with anyone and is why he never lets his computer out of his sight, but now feels his mistake was letting Javi out of his sight.

Bonnie tells Kate about Lady Whistleblower ruining the whole first week of Body and Soul with every cliffhanger and storyline. Kate calls it a nightmare but says she can’t even do anything about it as first she has to find out about the tainted cupcakes and if Roman and Abe are okay. Kate wishes she knew who did this. Bonnie responds that she actually does.

Jada asks Rafe why he’s quitting if he doesn’t want to cause problems for her since she needs him on the force. Rafe argues that there’s plenty of other cops out there and he doesn’t want to screw things up between them. Jada argues that they have worked together before. Rafe says this is different. Jada guesses that Gabi was right when she said that he wouldn’t be fine working under her. Rafe doesn’t want to get in to this. Jada asks him to be honest with her. Rafe admits it’s hard for him to do that without sounding like a total ass. Jada guesses this is all about his macho pride then. Rafe says he didn’t say that. Jada questions why it was okay for her to work under him but not the other way around.

JJ tells Gabi about Clyde reaching out to Chad to offer a trade. Gabi questions what Clyde could possibly offer Chad. JJ explains that Clyde told Chad that he would tell him where he would find Abigail’s body if he handed over Cat. Gabi questions EJ going along with this just because Chad asked him to. JJ says EJ didn’t like it but guesses family loyalty does mean something to him. Gabi says sometimes. Gabi assumes Clyde wants to kill Cat for screwing up his master plan. JJ says probably, but he’s pretty sure Chad isn’t going to let that happen.

Chad tells Clyde he will wait for his next instructions and hangs up. Cat asks what the hell that was. Chad says he had to make him think he’s handing her over willingly. Cat questions him laying it on so thick and asks if he really thinks she’s an idiot. Chad says he could say a lot of negative things about her but idiot is not one of them. Cat asks what the plan is for Clyde’s marching orders. Chad responds that he wants them to be Mr. and Mrs. Chad DiMera again. Cat doesn’t get it. Chad says Clyde wants them to check in to a hotel under that name. Cat worries that Clyde is toying with them. Chad asks what they can do when Clyde holds all the cards. Cat argues that it’s possibly all a setup. Chad says they have no other choice. Cat says Chad was right when he said they should’ve found another way. Cat declares that she’s been playing Clyde’s game for a long time, so it’s time they play their own.

Gabi questions JJ thinking Chad would protect Cat. JJ explains that he isn’t saying Chad’s not furious with her, but she’s been worming her way in to his life for some time now. Gabi points out that it was all lies. JJ says as hard as it is to believe, Cat claims she actually started to care about Chad and now says she only went along with Clyde to save her mother’s life. Gabi asks if he believes her. JJ says he certainly doesn’t trust her. Gabi wonders if there’s a possibility that Cat and Clyde are still working together. JJ doesn’t think it’s crazy to believe Cat could be a double agent, handing Chad over to Clyde. Gabi asks what JJ is going to do about it.

Rafe admits to Jada that this is about his pride as he was demoted and asks how that could not hurt his pride. Jada says she understands and asks if he wants her to walk away from the job. Rafe assures he does not want that as she deserves this and he’s happy for her, he’s just disappointed for himself. Jada says she is too. Rafe understands why Paulina put her in that chair, praising how she is a great boss. Jada remarks that she’s so great that Rafe doesn’t want to work for her. Rafe says their relationship started with a certain dynamic. Jada points out that she was his subordinate and he can’t get used to the reverse dynamic. Rafe says the last thing he would ever want would be to end up silently resenting her. Rafe brings up that he was also nearly killed in the line of duty and asks for what. Rafe says to potentially ruin their relationship by working together under these circumstances seems to him like a sign to do something else. Rafe declares that their relationship and Jada is more important to him than a job at Salem PD, so he thinks it’s best for everyone if he just walks away. Jada asks what if she disagrees, asks him to stay, and says she needs him here. Jada asks if he would reconsider and come back to the force.

Bonnie tells Kate her belief that Hattie sent poisoned cupcakes to the cast and crew, pointing out how furious she was when fired, she refused to do her last scenes, and put a curse on the show. Kate guesses she should take this tip to the police station. Bonnie suggests having her arrest the new Lady Whistleblower too. Kate is not sure positing soap opera spoilers is a crime. Bonnie argues that it should be.

Leo says he can’t believe this because he actually liked Javi and thought he finally met a person with a real connection. Javi says he thought the same. Leo complains that Javi betrayed him in the worst way. Javi questions Leo thinking he only slept with him to steal storylines off his laptop. Leo argues that it’s the only possible conclusion he could come to and accuses Javi taking advantage of him being vulnerable. Leo tells Javi to have the guts to admit it. Javi mocks the idea as he goes over coming to town two days ago after his mother died, became Gabi’s assistant, and did all this to Leo to spoil a show he had never heard of, claiming he would have had to have published it all in ten minutes. Javi remarks that all he really did was fall for a world class jerk.

JJ admits to Gabi that he doesn’t know what he’s going to do but he can’t just sit back and let Chad do Clyde’s bidding. JJ is sorry to dump all of this on her. Gabi says it’s okay. JJ says he doesn’t have anyone to talk to who gets it. JJ says his mom had the feeling all along but Jack is wrecked as he really believed Abigail was alive. JJ mentions that he thought about going to Steve, but he’s afraid that he would go rogue and do something to tip Clyde off. Gabi understands it puts JJ in a tough position. JJ says he wants to find Abigail’s body and he wants Clyde put away for good, but he’s worried that Chad is in over his head. Gabi admits she’s worried about Chad too but also about JJ. JJ says he’ll be fine, pointing out that he’s a trained cop so he’ll figure it out. JJ thanks Gabi again for listening.

Cat tells Chad that if they check in to the hotel like Clyde wants, they are just sitting duck with no way to protect themselves, but if someone else checks in under their names, they can sit back and watch, then turn the tables on Clyde when he arrives to grab her. Chad admits that’s not a bad idea, but questions where they would find two people willing to put their lives on the line for them as decoys. Cat brings up her brother Mark and says he’d do anything to save their mom and to make up for what he did to Chad. Cat adds that Mark worked with Clyde for months so he knows how he thinks. Chad brings up the problem that Mark is in jail. Cat points out that she was too.

Before Rafe can respond to Jada, Paulina arrives and says she’s glad they are both there because she just came from the hospital where Roman and Abe are out on their backs. Rafe and Jada question what happened as Paulina adds that Johnny and Alex have both gotten sick as well. Rafe questions what they are sick with. Paulina explains that someone sent cupcakes to the cast and crew of Body and Soul. Jada asks if it’s food poisoning but Paulina says more like just poison. Paulina adds that Kayla is waiting for the blood tests to come back to identify the toxin. Rafe asks if they know where the cupcakes came from while Jada asks what makes her think someone intentinoally poisoned them. Paulina explains that the cupcakes were sent to their homes with the letter saying it’s from their Body and Soul family, but no one on the crew knew anything about it. Rafe questions how they would have everyone’s address. Paulina worries that this could be national news if a crime is committed against a popular TV show. Paulina tells Rafe to get to the hospital and start investigating right now. Rafe responds that he’s sorry this happened but Jada will have to assign someone else to the case. Paulina says she wants him on it, but Rafe reveals that he was just telling Jada that he is officially resigning from Salem PD. Paulina questions why. Rafe says it’s personal reasons. Rafe tells Jada that he’ll be back for his stuff later and will see her at home, leaving Paulina shocked. Paulina can’t believe Rafe is quitting the force. Jada says she tried to talk him out of it but he was very adamant as he’s hurt by being demoted and doesn’t want the work dynamic to get in the way of their relationship. Paulina says she’s sorry to hear that but that was not her intention when she kept Jada as commissioner. Jada says Rafe feels very strongly about it and she can’t blame him. Paulina says if she can’t assign Rafe the cupcake case, then she needs the best detective on it to find out who tried to poison Abe and his co-workers. Kate arrives and says she thinks she can help with that.

Cat asks Chad to get EJ to drop the charges against Mark but Chad says that will never happen since EJ already got in big trouble with Paulina for getting the charges dropped against Cat, adding that Mark is about to be facing attempted murder charges. Cat argues that he didn’t want to do that but Chad points out that he was about to whether he wanted to or not. Chad says he’s not thrilled about freeing a guy who tried to put a bullet in his head. Cat says she understands but it could give them the upper hand with Clyde but Chad insists the answer is no.

Gabi asks JJ if there’s anything she can do to help. JJ thanks her but can’t think of anything right now. Gabi assures that she’s here for him and his family, not just because she cares about him but she knows it’s hard to believe that she misses Abigail and she’s really sad that she’s gone, but she deserves to rest in peace. Gabi adds that Clyde kind of ruined her life, so she’d love the chance to repay that favor. JJ says he’ll let her know if he needs anything. Gabi tells JJ that it was good to see him and wishes him luck as she walks away.

Javi tells Leo that he thought he hit the lottery by meeting this nice guy who is also a bad boy, sexy, and funny. Javi thought they made a real connection too and says he was just fantasizing about having sex with him on this desk before he came in, but that sure is not going to happen now because after how he talked to him, he wouldn’t touch him ever again. Javi tells Leo to get the hell out before he calls security. Leo tries to explain that he was upset and paranoid but Javi tells him to get out, so Leo exits the office.

Paulina questions Kate thinking Hattie poisoned the cupcakes. Jada asks what makes her think it was Hattie. Kate explains that Hattie was outraged when she was fired, made threats against the show, and has a criminal record. Kate adds that Hattie would have contact info for the cast and crew. Paulina asks where Hattie is now. Jada says it’s possibly still just food poisoning so they will see what the blood tests show and go from there. Paulina decides she will call Kayla right now and asks about the blood tests. Paulina says that’s just what she thought and thanks her as they hang up. Paulina confirms to Jada and Kate that the cupcakes were definitely poisoned but luckily, not enough toxins to cause major harm so everything will be okay. Paulina remarks that it sounds like attempted murder to her. Jada agrees to put her team on it right away and put an APB out on Hattie.

Cat asks Chad who else is there if they can’t get Mark to help. Chad says he’ll find someone. JJ walks in, but Chad says not him as it’s too dangerous. JJ asks what’s going on. Chad explains that Clyde wants he and Cat to meet him at a hotel. JJ asks what else he said. Chad says just that he wants him to hand over Cat, no questions asked, but they are trying to figure out how to stay a step ahead of Clyde by sending in decoys to check in to the hotel. JJ tells Chad that he’s in. Chad says he didn’t finish. JJ says he doesn’t need to and agrees to do it. Chad warns him how dangerous this is going to be but JJ doesn’t care. Chad says they are going to have to find someone to play Mrs. Chad DiMera and asks if he has any ideas. JJ responds that he actually does.

Javi paces and thinks back to first meeting Leo at the bar. Gabi returns to her office, glad that Leo is gone and asks if she can have her office back now. Javi says sure and then informs her that he and Leo are done. Javi then deletes Leo’s number from his phone.

Bonnie finishes a call with Alex and then runs in to Leo in the town square and asks what happened with his confrontation. Leo responds that he thinks he made a huge mistake.

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Days Update Tuesday, November 19, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Leo tells Bonnie that he was just about to go online to see what people are saying about Body and Soul. Leo then finds a column claiming to be from his old writing name, Lady Whistleblower, saying they are back.

Gabi finds Javi in her office and questions where the hell he has been.

Leo reads the new column from “Lady Whistleblower”, who says they have the scoop on what happens next on Body and Soul including spoilers.

Kayla joins Roman at the Brady Pub and comments on Roman having Kate’s cupcake. Roman explains that the cupcakes were sent for the Body and Soul premiere and they don’t know by who, but he’s very grateful.

Johnny returns to Chanel in the living room and says that Joy was just eager to get home and prepare for tomorrow’s shoot. Chanel thanks him for checking and talks about looking over her scenes for tomorrow. Chanel forgot how much goes back to the first episode, pointing out that if Arrow just told Faith the truth from the beginning, it would’ve saved them both a lot of heartache as the crime is not as bad as the cover up in this case, it’s much worse. Johnny thinks back to kissing Joy in her hotel room. Chanel calls out to him so Johnny apologizes for spacing out. Chanel asks him what is wrong.

Javi tells Gabi that he might have been late, but he’s here now and making her and her company look good. Gabi argues that she’s been here for hours while he was nowhere to be found. Javi mentions that he did send her a text which Gabi reads and asks him what came up. Javi then admits to Gabi that he was with Leo Stark.

Leo starts to panic while Bonnie tries to keep him calm. Leo continues reading the column where the “Lady Whistleblower” writer spoils upcoming episodes of Body and Soul about how Cassandra’s life will be saved and Charlemagne takes a plunge. Leo declares that his story is completely ruined.

Joy goes to Alex’s apartment and says she’s sorry to just show up but she got his address off the show’s contact list. Alex invites her in as Joy says she tried calling and texting but he didn’t answer. Joy asks if it’s not a bad time and he’s not busy. Alex says he was just having a cupcake. Joy explains that she hoped she could run lines with him and rehearse since they have big scenes coming up. Alex asks if she watched the show. Joy says she did and it was great as Chanel invited her over to watch with her and Johnny. Alex remarks that must have been tense. Joy questions why he would say that.

Johnny tells Chanel that he’s not alright. Chanel notes that he looks really pale. Johnny then gets sick and rushes out of the room.

Leo questions how this could have happened and complains that all his hours of work has been ruined. Bonnie encourages that it will be okay even if people know what’s going to happen. Leo complains that people will have no reason to tune in and questions where the information could have come from…

Gabi reminds Javi that she told him to stay away from Leo and that she is his boss. Gabi doesn’t understand since she warned Javi about Leo and how he came between Will and Sonny. Javi says it actually intrigued him and made him want to get to know Leo better, which he did. Javi then reveals he spent the night in Leo’s hotel room, had a great time, and enjoyed every minute of it.

Alex guesses Joy didn’t hear about Johnny and Chanel’s misunderstanding. Joy confirms that she did. Alex says if he was Johnny, he would’ve checked in to the story more. Alex adds that Johnny’s lucky it didn’t cost him his marriage considering how upset Chanel was. Joy says they seemed to be getting along and moving on while watching the show which Alex says he’s glad to hear. Joy decides it’s probably best for that whole situation stays in the past which Alex agrees with.

Johnny returns to Chanel in the living room and worries that he’s coming down with a stomach bug. Chanel encourages him to go lay down and takes him upstairs.

Roman finishes his cupcake and tells Kayla it was good. Kayla says he deserves a treat after being Kate’s biggest cheerleader throughout all of this and now the day’s finally here. Roman asks if Kayla caught the premiere of Body and Soul. Kayla says she didn’t as she actually slept at the hospital so she could monitor Sarah. Roman questions if she had a setback. Kayla says it’s actually the opposite and they are hopeful she will walk again which shocks Roman. Kayla explains that Dr. Rolf developed a serum that could possibly reverse her paralysis. Roman calls that incredible but asks if it’s safe. Kayla says there’s always questions but Xander and Sarah were willing to take the chance, so they started last night and so far there have been no adverse reactions. Kayla says it would be amazing if Sarah could walk again, play with her daughter, and dance with her husband. Roman agrees that it would be a miracle. Roman starts to feel uneasy, causing Kayla to get concerned.

Joy and Alex rehearse their lines. Alex tells Joy that she’s really good while Joy calls him a pro. Alex says he’s completely new to this too as his life was on a different track then it all blew up, career wise and romance wise. Joy notes that doesn’t sound fun. Alex says after all the drama, he needed something new, so this happened and now he loves this job as it’s fun and exciting. Joy says she loves the job too. Alex then advises Joy not to sleep with her co-workers.

Chanel puts Johnny in bed to take care of him. Johnny states that he doesn’t deserve her.

Kayla worries about Roman looking terrible and pale. Kayla feels that Roman is warm. Roman then admits he doesn’t feel good at all and rushes to the restroom.

Gabi questions Javi liking Leo. Javi calls him funny, interesting, hot, and romantic. Javi says they had a really good time ordering room service and watching Body and Soul. Gabi argues that Leo is self centered and lacking integrity. Gabi calls Leo a creep while Javi says he didn’t get a creepy vibe at all. Javi repeats that he likes Leo. Gabi warns that it’s a recipe for disaster and that Javi is setting himself up for heartbreak. Javi says he can make his own decisions while Gabi argues that Leo could ruin his life and she’s just looking out for him. Javi questions if she is and remarks that he’s thinking it’s all about her.

Leo questions who would’ve given the gossip to the impostor Lady Whistleblower as it’s weeks worth of stories. Leo wonders if it was someone in the cast. Bonnie insists that she only told things to Justin but it couldn’t possibly be him. Leo says whoever did it knows the characters so it has to be someone on the show. Bonnie suggests reading more to try to find a clue. Leo continues reading about a potential return of Charlemagne, mentioning his serial killer dream from Halloween. Bonnie questions how they could know what Leo is dreaming. Leo responds that when he woke up, he wrote it all up on his laptop. Leo then remembers Javi being on his laptop and calls it impossible. Leo then remembers telling Javi that all of his stories were on his laptop and Javi saying he bets the fans would kill to see what’s on it. Leo then screams out in frustration.

Javi argues that Gabi isn’t trying to protect him from heartbreak, but brings up Gabi’s own heartbreak. Gabi asks if he thinks she doesn’t want him to be happy just because Stefan hurt her and if he really thinks she’s that selfish. Javi suggests Gabi is hurting so much that she’s down on love in general. Gabi tries to deny it but then admits maybe this is about her being hurt, having her heart broken, and not wanting the same thing to happen to him. Javi then hugs her.

Chanel tells Johnny that Cook is making him jell-o and offers to get him another blanket. Johnny worries about Chanel getting sick too but Chanel says for him, she will risk it as she gets in bed with him.

Joy asks Alex about hooking up with the show’s publicist. Alex admits he messed that up and almost cost Stephanie her job. Joy says maybe it wasn’t his fault, but the curse that she heard about. They talk about Hattie. Joy says maybe she put her hex on everybody. Alex doesn’t know how much he believes in that any more than he believes the cupcakes are poisoned as he takes a bite of his cupcake.

Kayla brings Roman in to the hospital. Kate arrives and asks what happened. Roman insists that Kayla overreacted and he’s fine. Kayla argues that he got violently ill and almost lost consciousness. Kate asks if there’s something going around or if it was food poisoning. Roman responds that the only thing he ate was Kate’s cupcake. Kate reveals that she just brought Abe home early as he got sick. Kayla wonders if they are dealing with tainted baked goods again.

Joy asks Alex why he thought the cupcake was poisoned. Alex explains that Bonnie thought it was Hattie’s revenge so she tried to throw it in the trash. Alex insists that Bonnie was wrong because he feels fine and the cupcake was delicious.

Kayla wants to draw Roman’s blood to see what is in his system. Kayla asks about the cupcakes. Roman says there was no label on the box and he would hate to think someone is out to get Chanel again. Kayla feels they need to get to the bottom of this. Kate says she will go ask around as she exits.

Johnny tells Chanel this is really nice as they lay in bed together. Johnny tells Chanel that he loves her so much and that she means everything to him and he never wants to lose this. Chanel asks why he would think he would lose it.

Javi tells Gabi that he’s so sorry that Stefan hurt her but he’s not worth her tears if he doesn’t know how lucky he was to have her. Javi calls Gabi an amazing person and says he’s proud to be her cousin. Gabi apologizes for giving him a hard time about Leo. Javi asks if that means she will back off because he likes Leo a lot and felt they had a real connection, so he could use her support.

Leo argues that this can’t be and questions why he would as it makes no sense. Leo thinks back to Javi telling Leo that he needed another job to make ends meet. Leo then rushes out of his room, leaving Bonnie confused.

Johnny tells Chanel that he’s just so lucky to have her and he truly loves her so much. Chanel assures that he’s not going to lose her as they have been through way too much and just went through a really tough thing but it wasn’t unfixable. Chanel says she loves him too and she’s not going anywhere.

Kayla tells Roman that she will take his blood to the lab to see what’s going on. Roman wonders if somebody did tamper with the cupcakes. Kayla says it’s possible and hopes anyone else who had one is okay.

Joy and Alex resume rehearsing but Alex gets sick and runs to the restroom.

Kate runs in to Bonnie in the town square. Kate informs Bonnie that Abe and Roman both got really sick after eating cupcakes. Bonnie says she suspected that and made sure Alex didn’t eat his. Bonnie asks if the day can get any worse which Kate questions. Bonnie reveals that there’s a new Lady Whistleblower and they put Body and Soul spoilers out. Bonnie says the good thing is that Leo seems to know who did it, but he ran off before he could tell her.

Javi asks Gabi if she will let him date Leo in peace now. Gabi decides he’s a grown ass man and will refrain from commenting. Leo then walks in to the office and tells Javi that he needs to speak to him in private. Gabi says she has a meeting to get to anyway. Gabi warns Leo that if he messes with Javi, he messes with her. Gabi then exits. Javi tells Leo that he’s sorry about his cousin being protective. Leo tells Javi to get his hands off of him. Javi asks what’s wrong. Leo responds that he knows what he did and he’s not going to get away with it.

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Days Update Monday, November 18, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At the DiMera Mansion, Johnny joins EJ in the living room where EJ informs Johnny that someone sent cupcakes to celebrate the premiere of Body and Soul. Johnny reads the card as from the Body and Soul team. EJ mentions the show premiering this morning and questions Johnny not sounding excited. EJ guesses he’s still stewing over the situation with Joy Wesley. Johnny calls it a big situation. Johnny asks if he’s just supposed to forget it happened and put on a happy face. Johnny complains that he cheated on his wife and it’s all he thinks about.

Kate joins Joy at the Brady Pub. Joy talks about learning her lines. Kate hopes she takes time to have fun too and asks if she’s met anyone new or made any friends in Salem. Joy says just the other cast members as they’ve all been so nice, especially Chanel who invited her to dinner last night. Kate jokes about Joy trying to steal Chanel’s man on screen but says she’s very glad to hear they are friends off screen. Roman brings Kate a cupcake in celebration of Body and Soul’s first episodes streaming today. Kate wonders who sent it.

Paulina shows Abe that he got a cupcake delivered by messenger with no signature, just mentioning that it’s in celebration of Body and Soul. Abe guesses it could be from Kate but Paulina jokes that she’d definitely want the credit and sign her name so they wonder who sent it.

Bonnie goes to Alex’s apartment and says she doesn’t mean to barge in. Alex says he didn’t want to watch the premiere of Body and Soul alone anyway. Bonnie talks about everyone else at the Kiriakis Mansion waiting to hear the results of Sarah’s treatment. Alex knows it can’t be easy. Bonnie thought maybe they could distract themselves by watching Body and Soul and enjoying cupcakes. Bonnie notes that they were on Alex’s doorstep. Alex asks who sent them. Bonnie says the card doesn’t say, just that it’s from their Body and Soul family, but guesses it’s Leo. Bonnie talks about Leo having a sweet tooth, so she bets he’s lonely and lovesick.

Leo wakes up in bed with Javi. They joke with each other as Javi asks what Leo remembers. Leo recalls that they shut down the bar and then it gets hazy. Javi says one minute they were talking and then they start kissing.

Alex asks Bonnie why Leo would be so secretive if he sent the cupcakes instead of wanting them all to know how thoughtful he was. Bonnie agrees that’s true and suggests maybe it’s from their producers but Alex questions why they would send cupcakes anonymously.

Kate decides she will call Abe to see if he knows who sent the cupcakes because the Body and Soul family could be anyone. Roman is sure the mystery will be solved. As Kate steps away, Roman sits with Joy and asks how things are going with her new room above the Pub which she praises. Roman asks if his grandson is treating her well on set. Joy assures that he is and calls Johnny the best.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s the worst and nothing he says will make him feel any less guilty about what he did with Joy. EJ understands he made a mistake only because he believed that Chanel cheated on him and he can’t keep beating himself up like this. Johnny brings up Chanel inviting Joy over for dinner last night and calls it the most uncomfortable meal of his life. Johnny feels there has to be a way out of this. EJ warns that if he keeps wearing his guilt on his sleeve, Chanel is going to know something is wrong. Johnny asks if that would be so bad and says he hates keeping this from Chanel but he promised Joy that he wouldn’t say anything and he doesn’t want to put her job at risk. EJ asks what about Johnny’s job as he’s putting that at risk as well. EJ urges Johnny to keep his mouth shut, saying Chanel doesn’t need to know about any of this right as Chanel walks in and asks what she doesn’t need to know about. EJ claims they were discussing Paulina as they had a rather lively disagreement yesterday about a case he declined to prosecute. EJ knows there have been troubles on set, so he didn’t want to add to her worries, and assures that he will repair the damage with Paulina. Chanel says she’s not worried about it. EJ encourages that Johnny will eventually earn Chanel’s forgiveness. Chanel admits he’s getting there. EJ decides to leave them alone and exits the room. Johnny compliments Chanel on making the cupcakes but Chanel reveals that she has no idea where they came from. Chanel then informs Johnny that she invited Joy over to watch the Body and Soul premiere with them.

Roman asks Joy if everything is alright. Joy mentions missing a text from Chanel, who invited her over to watch Body and Soul with Johnny. Roman says that sounds fun but Joy worries that it’s just a pity invitation. Roman encourages that she wouldn’t have invited her if they didn’t want here there. Kate calls Abe and questions the cupcakes not coming from him or Paulina. Abe says Paulina thought maybe someone from the cast did. Kate calls it strange that no one would sign it and brings up the premiere. Abe invites Kate and Roman over to watch the premiere with them. Kate admits that she’d probably be less nervous if they were all together watching.

Leo invites Javi to stay for breakfast but Javi says he has to get to work and sees he has missed texts and calls from Gabi. Leo reminds Javi that today is the premiere of his show, calling it one of the first things he’s done in his life that he’s really proud of so it would be nice to share it with someone he likes. Javi responds that he likes him too and decides he’s going to stay. Leo asks about Gabi. Javi says he loves her but she’s barely paying him above minimum wage. Leo thinks he should ask for a raise. Javi thinks he’ll have to find another job to make ends meet but today, he’ll just be late and tell Gabi that something suddenly came up as he and Leo continue kissing.

Alex tells Bonnie that it was classy of whoever sent the cupcakes. Alex goes to take a bite but Bonnie stops him and says he can’t eat that and worries that it could be poisoned. Alex questions her thinking that. Bonnie says it’s possible. Alex asks who the hell would do that. Bonnie says there are plenty of sick and twisted individuals in this world, then asks what if it was Hattie since she was a part of the Body and Soul family and she was furious about getting killed off. Bonnie reminds Alex that Hattie put a curse on the show before walking off set, so this could be it. Bonnie reminds Alex of the drugged biscuits last year. Alex doubts history will repeat itself. Bonnie says they can’t be too sure and it’s better to be safe than sorry, so she puts the cupcakes in the trash.

Roman and Kate go to Abe and Paulina’s to watch the premiere of Body and Soul. Paulina mentions the cupcake that they can all share. Roman says he has Kate’s at the Pub since she’s not big on sweets so they can have it. Paulina says she has to watch her sugar and it was meant for Abe as the producer of the show. Paulina then gives Abe the cupcake and he takes a bite. Abe feels guilty about the only one eating the cupcake but Paulina says he should be rewarded for all of his hard work on what she knows will be the most successful soap opera in history. Paulina encourages Abe to eat the cupcake with no guilt so he continues.

Leo and Javi have room service breakfast in Leo’s room. Leo finds a cupcake with it and guesses it’s to celebrate the Body and Soul premiere. Javi asks what he should know before they watch the show. Leo explains that the show aired for years before moving to streaming and how he writes for all the characters. Leo remarks that everything that will befall the citizens of Pineview is on his laptop. Javi guesses the fans would kill to know what’s on it. Leo talks about how they would have no reason to watch if they knew what was happening. Leo talks about the anticipation and making sure that the information on his laptop never falls in to the wrong hands. Javi says he’s impressed and glad he stayed. They then decide they aren’t very hungry for good, so they resume kissing.

Johnny questions why Chanel would invite Joy over. Chanel says she was just being nice and asks why Johnny is reacting like this. Johnny says he likes Joy fine but they had dinner with her last night, so he hoped they could watch the premiere together just the two of them in bed. Chanel says that sounds really nice and they can get in bed together when they go to sleep but it’s too late now since she already invited Joy. Johnny argues that she could uninvite her and say something came up but EJ returns with Joy, saying he found her on his way out the door.

Bonnie suggests to Alex that they could invite Stephanie to their watch party but Alex doesn’t think that’s a great idea, reminding her that they are supposed to be keeping their distance. Bonnie thought that was only at work and jokes that she can be their chaperone. Alex thanks her but thinks they could use the space and that Stephanie is probably doing a bunch of press work.

Chanel urges Johnny to sit on the couch between her and Joy to watch the premiere, so he does. EJ wishes he could stay but says he’s looking forward to watching Body and Soul when he gets home. EJ asks if they aren’t going to partake in the cupcakes. Chanel tells EJ that he can have her cupcake, so EJ thanks her and takes it. EJ congratulates them on the show and then exits. Johnny then decides to eat his cupcake.

Paulina questions Abe not eating. Abe talks about feeling nervous about seeing the show. Paulina encourages that whether the show is a hit or not, they can look at what they accomplished. Roman adds that Abe and Kate put it all together, brought jobs to Salem and basically created a whole new industry. Paulina thinks they should be proud of themselves which Kate and Abe say they are. Roman jokes that he and Abe have come a long way from chasing down criminals. Roman toasts to Abe and Kate while Paulina toasts to Body and Soul. Paulina jokes that she already has her dress picked out for the daytime Emmys.

Javi suggests that he and Leo watch Body and Soul on his laptop. Leo jokes about feeling he’s attending a premiere as they lay in bed together to watch Body and Soul.

Bonnie and Alex finish watching the premiere of Body and Soul. Bonnie says she has goosebumps and calls it better than expected. Alex praises her being amazing in her acting and calls her incredibly talented. Bonnie thanks him and says it means so much because she thinks he’s the talented actor. Bonnie tells Alex that he has it all going on. Alex thanks her but hopes the viewers agree and keep tuning in. Bonnie decides she should get going to learn her lines for next week. Alex thanks her for coming by and watching with him as it was more fun than watching by himself. Bonnie thanks him for having her and jokingly wonders if she’ll be recognized or asked for an autograph as she walks home. Bonnie then exits.

Roman and Paulina applaud as Roman says Body and Soul was great. Kate agrees. Paulina calls it wonderful writing and praises the cast, adding that she’s so proud of Chanel. Kate tells Abe that she didn’t think they could do it in time, but they did. Roman congratulates them. Paulina wishes they could binge watch as she can’t wait to find out what happens next. Kate says that’s what they want from people all across the country.

Joy calls it a great first episode of Body and Soul which Chanel agrees with. Joy tells Chanel that she was great. Chanel says she couldn’t have done it without Johnny. Joy thinks she’s met everyone from the first episode except the actress who played Charlemagne. Johnny notes that would be Hattie Adams, so Joy asks what happened to her. Johnny says the producers fired her. Chanel adds that they killed her off and she went crazy. Johnny explains that Hattie was determined to get back at everyone and when she left, she announced she was putting a curse on the show which Chanel says was to make sure terrible things happen to everyone who wronged her. Joy questions if they believe Hattie has that kind of power. Chanel points out that Johnny’s birthday party did happen after that. Joy decides she should go, learn her lines, and call her mom. Chanel thanks her for coming and says it was fun so they should do it again sometime. Joy says she’ll see her at work and exits. Chanel comments that Joy was acting kind of weird and left really abruptly, so she asks Johnny to go make sure she’s okay.

Leo asks what Javi thought of Body and Soul. Javi calls it wild and assures that he loved it. Javi thinks Leo is a genius then says his life will come to a halt if he doesn’t get to work. Javi tells Leo that he had a wonderful time. Leo thanks him for staying. Javi looks forward to doing it again. Leo tells Javi that he hasn’t felt like this in a really long time. Javi doesn’t think he’s ever felt this way and talks about opening up to Leo last night about losing his mom which really helped. Leo says he’s sorry for his loss but not that it brought him to Salem. Javi says he’ll see him soon and they kiss goodbye as Javi then exits.

Joy apologizes to Johnny as that was so awkward. Johnny calls it torture and questions why she accepted Chanel’s invitation. Joy says she couldn’t think of a way out without making it worse. Johnny talks about having to sit between them and feeling like a bigger heel the longer he lies to Chanel. Joy reminds him that he promised he wouldn’t say anything. Johnny says it’s the promise he broke to Chanel that worries him and he doesn’t know how he’s ever going to make it right with her.

EJ sits in the town square and is about to take a bite of his cupcake when Paulina bumps in to him, causing the cupcake to drop to the floor. Paulina tells EJ that she has a bone to pick with him as there’s a personal matter that they need to discuss and that is Johnny calling Chanel a cheating slut. EJ assures that Johnny feels awful about what happened, knows he screwed up, and wants to fix this with Chanel so he suggests they should stay out of it.

Johnny returns to Chanel in the living room and says that Joy was just eager to get home and prepare for tomorrow’s shoot. Chanel thanks him for checking and talks about looking over her scenes for tomorrow. Chanel forgot how much goes back to the first episode, pointing out that if Arrow just told Faith the truth from the beginning, it would’ve saved them both a lot of heartache as the crime is not as bad as the cover up in this case.

Alex finishes doing pushups at home and then retrieves the cupcake from the trash can. Alex decides Bonnie was just being paranoid and it would be a shame to let the cupcakes go to waste, so he takes a bite.

Roman sits at the Pub with his cupcake.

Abe talks on the phone, saying that’s wonderful news and he’ll pass it along. Abe hangs up and informs Kate that the network are quite pleased. Kate excitedly hugs Abe and declares that they did it and they are a hit. Kate remarks so much for the curse of Hattie Adams. Abe then gets sick and rushes off with the trash can to vomit.

Bonnie goes to Leo’s room and says she had to come see what he thought of Body and Soul. Leo calls it brilliant and fabulous, guessing Bonnie must have tons of fans. Leo says he was just about to go online to see what people are saying. Leo then finds a column claiming to be from his old writing name, Lady Whistleblower, who is claiming to have the scoop on what happens next on Body and Soul.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[gentle music]

Tate, what are you doing here?

Waiting for you.


Holly, you’re back.

Yeah, my flight from Paris just landed a little while ago.

Have you eaten? Can I–can I get you something?

No, I’m not hungry, thanks. I actually came here to talk to you.

Is everything OK? I spoke to your mom. She said she was so glad to see you. Trip went well?

Well, yes and no.

Chad. Oh, darling, I didn’t know you were coming home this evening. Good.

How are you?

I just put the children down. I’m sorry. I would kept them up to see you.

That’s probably for the best.

Where’s Abigail? [soft dramatic music] Oh. So she didn’t get her memory back in Paris, huh?

No, she didn’t. It wasn’t Abigail. [distant siren wailing]

[sighs] [pensive music]


What–what happened?

I’m sorry, sis, but I’m afraid our mother–

Oh, God, she’s dead.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[gentle music] – Hi there.


I got your message.

Yeah, sorry to come by so late.

No, no, it’s fine. I was up. How was your flight?

Well, it was long. Chad and I just landed a little while ago. Neither one of us got any sleep.

I can’t even imagine how hard this must be for him, you know, finding out that this woman he thought was Abigail is an imposter.

And been lying to us all for months.

How’s he holding up?

Well, he barely said a word the whole way home. He’s over at Julie’s now, breaking the news to her. [soft dramatic music]

Yeah, it was all a hoax. Jennifer was right all along.

Oh! This is terrible for you, Chad. I’m so sorry. And it’s Clyde Weston again? God, what does he expect to get out of it this time?

Well, besides making my life a living hell, he– he wanted my family’s money.

This–this pretend Abigail was supposed to steal it from you?

No. Her idea was to marry me.

Weston really thought you would marry a woman you hardly even know?

I did. Yesterday, I married a woman I barely knew.

I don’t know if it actually happened, if Mom was killed. I didn’t even talk to the SOB. They wouldn’t even put my call through.

What do you mean, they wouldn’t put your call through? Did they figure out that you weren’t really Clyde’s attorney?

No. It must have been that Clyde found out that we– that I didn’t carry out his marching orders. Chad’s still alive. So obviously, we can’t get our hands on his money. And therefore, Clyde has no use for us or mom– not anymore.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. But you don’t know this as a fact yet?


OK, well, Mark, we can’t just assume. We can’t give up now, not if there’s still even a sliver of hope that Mom’s still alive.

And I thought it’d be so romantic, right? Abigail and Chad back together, getting married in Paris. God, who knew I’d be the one to expose that she wasn’t really Abigail?

Sounds like a good thing you were there.

Yeah, I guess.

Well, I’m sorry the trip turned out to be a little crazy.

It did. But still, I’m glad you encouraged me to go. Because right before I left to come home, I actually forgave my mom.

You were waiting for me?

Yeah. Why are you surprised? I mean, we had a great time last night, right? I mean, at least I did.

I did, too. But the movie was pretty dumb.

Yeah, it was. That’s true.

The company was nice.

I agree. I was hoping that maybe we could try again, if you want.

Sure. What do you have in mind?

OK, let’s see. We could mix it up a little bit. We could go out to dinner somewhere.

Actually, I was going to take my shift meal home to share with my little brothers. But they’re such gremlins, they barely even chew. And they definitely don’t appreciate fine French cuisine. So… [in French accent] Tell me, Monsieur Black, what is your appreciation level?

Oh, trés high.


I’m sorry.

OK, then those brats can have hot dogs and bon appétit to us.

OK. [soft music]

You forgave your mom? I’m so happy to hear that.

I had a feeling you would be.

When I spoke to Nicole and she said you were making progress, I just– you know, I didn’t expect–

Yeah, neither did I. But– I don’t know– when I found myself in the middle of the whole fake Abigail situation, I– I started to realize why people lie. And then I kind of realized why my mom lied to me about how my dad died because, well, I was too young to understand. And then–and then I guess it became harder and harder for either of you guys to tell me because– well, because at that point, I had already loved you like a father.

We still should have told you much sooner.

Yeah, you should have. But I really understand why you didn’t. And like my Grandma Maggie keeps saying, my mom loves me so much. And I really love her. And that’s what matters the most.

I’m really glad to hear you came to that conclusion.

I also came to another conclusion.

Yeah? What’s that?

That you’re a really great person. And I forgive you, too, Eric.

You married the woman?

Yeah, I did. I know. I’m–I’m an idiot.

No, don’t say that.

That’s what you’re thinking.

No, I’m not. I’m not. Let me guess. She tried to convince you that if the two of you were married again in Paris, she’d get all of her memory back.

I know I said when– just being here in this old apartment, this magical city with all this familiarity coming back to me, these feelings, I– I mean, not memories, definitely feelings, my feelings for you.

Yeah, but she didn’t have to, you know, convince me that hard. I mean, I– I just so desperately wanted to believe it. And so I fell for it, obviously.

But she’s not Abigail.

Yeah, I know.

So she’s not your wife.

But still–

It’s not legal.

But still–

Still, still what?

Still, I– you know, I said I do, Julie. And so now I can’t help but feel like I was unfaithful to Abigail’s memory, like I dishonored it– I mean, how could I?

No, you didn’t. The only dishonorable thing in this equation is that–that woman. And where did she come from, anyway? Who is she? What is her real name?

Her real name is Catharina. Cat.

C-A-T cat, like pussy cat?

Yeah, Cat Greene.

Well, I’m going to say this, and I’m not going to say it lightly. As far as I’m concerned, Ms. Cat Greene can go to hell.

So after everything, after all we did, deceiving Chad, his entire family, we just threw away our lives, all of our freedom for nothing?

I even just threw away my one phone call just now.


But at least– at least I didn’t kill Chad in cold blood.

Thank God for that.

I work with Mark Greene. He seems to be such a good guy. I’m surprised by this.

Yeah, Kayla was, too. She said he was one of the best doctors on staff.

And–and very well-liked. Do you know anything else about the–the connection between Mark and the woman pretending to be Abigail and Clyde Weston?

As a matter of fact, I do. And believe it or not, there’s a silver lining to all this, Marlena. And it affects John directly. [suspenseful music]


Not a fan of escargot?

No, no, they’re– they’re good.

Yeah, except you look kind of nauseous right now. Here, have a croissant.

All right. Thank you.

Yeah. Never had escargot before?

No, I have. A long time ago, my dad gave me a taste of his.

And you decided never again?

Yeah, until now.

Maybe first, I should have introduced you to my grandma’s sea snail salad. You know, ease you into the whole snail thing.

I’m sorry, sea snail salad?

Made with cabbage and onions and served over rice noodles– mm-hmm, delicious. Oh, my God. I remember the first time I brought it to school for lunch in, like, first grade. All the kids sitting around me started making gagging noises.

Wow, that is really mean.

Yeah. Yeah, it was. It got Holly really mad. She was even more upset than I was. And she punched one of them, the one who was gagging the loudest. Yeah, she got detention, but no one ever made fun of my lunch again.

So you and Holly were even close back then in first grade?

Yeah, we were. I never thought we’d lose our friendship over a guy. Well, I guess it was more because she lied to me and betrayed me and then she slapped me, so–

Yeah, that was really harsh of her.

Yeah, it was. There is one way I wish I was more like her, though.

How is that?

If Holly wants something, she doesn’t just hope or pray or wish. She comes right out and asks for it.

Are you trying to ask me something?

I guess I’m just wondering, you told me you weren’t ready to move on from Holly. But now, two days in a row, you’ve come to my job to ask me out. So have you changed your mind about us?

I will admit it was a bit easier to forgive my mom than you because, yeah, she lied to me all these years, but she’s not the one who drove drunk and took the life of my father, who I never got to know.

I would do anything to take back what I did that night.

I know. My Grandma Maggie told me how you tortured yourself for years over it, how you went to prison. And I know my grandma eventually forgave you and so did everyone else because– because it was just a terrible accident. You didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I also realized that that night I had OD’d, I offered Tate some of those pills, too. And if he had taken them, he could have died. And–and that would have been my fault. And– I guess what– what I’m trying to say is, it’s not my place to judge. And the truth is, you’ve been a great father to me, Eric. And I’m so happy to have had you in my life. And my mom is so lucky to have you. And so is Jude. And so am I.

You have no idea how much that means to me.

I’m just glad that we were able to have this conversation before I go back to Paris tonight.


Yeah, you know, with Brady being cleared.

Wait. What?

You must have been so tormented, being told you had to kill Chad.

Yeah. And the only reason I did it was because I knew that if I didn’t, Clyde would send someone else to do it. But to kill an innocent man and a father–

No, Mark. Listen, you can’t beat yourself up for something that– first of all, you didn’t even do. And second of all, you wouldn’t have attempted it if it wasn’t for the situation Mom’s in.

Yeah, but–but still. I hate myself for going along with it. And not just because it would be a horrible crime and a terrible tragedy, but also because…

Because I had feelings for him. You knew I wasn’t just pretending to be in love with Chad.

So the doctor that Kayla asked to run the DNA tests on the fake Abigail is the fake Abigail’s brother?

Yes, he was there to ensure they got the results they needed, which isn’t all he did.

What all did he do?

It’s not– it’s not important. What’s important is that it’s over. It’s over.

Finally. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry about my part in it, too. I mean, I– I urged you to tell Thomas and Charlotte their mother’s still alive. And just thank God you didn’t do it and–

I know, I know, I know. But it’s– you know, she was the one that persuaded me not to. Yeah, she said she wanted to protect the kids.

Darling, she’s been saying that over and over for a long time. Don’t you remember? You’re not going to believe her this time, are you?

OK, so we all know that when John was abducted from Greece, he was held hostage in the same Missouri apartment where we found the woman who was pretending to be Abigail.

Right. Well, we knew there had to be some connection.

Well, there is. The Abigail imposter’s real name is Cat Greene. She was named after her mother, Catharina.


That’s right.

There must be lots of Catharinas in–

That’s true. But when I questioned Cat Greene, she told me her mother’s maiden name was Meleounis.

So she was Konstantin’s daughter.

The same Catharina John supposedly killed when he was the Pawn. She obviously survived the shooting. And she may still be alive today.

How is this possible? You were there the night that John shot Catharina. You saw her lying there.

I did. And I thought she was dead. And Konstantin obviously believed that, too. But he was unconscious when John and I bolted out of there. So what happened after that is anybody’s guess.

Well, what does this Cat person say about it?

We didn’t discuss it. I don’t think she has any idea that John and I ever crossed paths with her mother in Greece.

Where is she now? We’ve got to find her. We’ve got to talk to her.

Unfortunately, that’s not possible. [soft dramatic music]

I guess it’s kind of understandable, isn’t it? There’s this wonderful guy who loves his wife so much. And I was pretending to be her. Would have had to have had a heart of stone not to have responded to that. [sighs] The love that he had for her was…

So beautiful, just, like, so excited, so full of joy that she had finally come back to him, that she hadn’t died in some tragic, terrible, horrible event. And he’s such a good guy. He’s a good dad. He’s a good husband. And I broke his heart.

And I was going to take his life.

Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter how we feel about this. Now that the truth is out, Chad hates both of us. He’s not going to forgive us. He’s certainly not going to forgive me.

Now, look, I am furious with her for what she did. But–

But what? She had no feeling for you, no feeling for the children. She was just pretending to feel things for you. The only thing she had feelings for is the money.

But there’s more to it than–

What more to it, darling?

She said that Clyde Weston forced her to do it.

Now, how could he force her to do anything? He’s locked up in a SuperMax prison.

Clyde Weston has her mother. He’s holding her hostage, and he threatened to kill her if she didn’t go through with the plan.

That’s what she told you? That she did everything because she was under duress? That she had no choice? That she–she was masquerading as your long lost love come back from the dead because she felt real things for you?

She said she did feel real things for me.

So it was Xander’s mother who hit my Aunt Sarah? That’s crazy.

I’m sorry. I–Holly, I thought you already knew.

No, I didn’t. My God, I went after Brady so hard. And all he did was stand by his dad’s side. I mean, I was so angry at him for that.

I’m sure he could see how difficult it was for you.

Yeah, it was because it wasn’t about him or even about his dad. It was about how my dad died in an accident. God, I guess I must have transferred some of those feelings onto Brady.


Yeah, but I still couldn’t let it go. Eric, I went to Tate’s house to look for evidence to use against his dad and to bring to EJ. I mean, he was so angry at me for how I betrayed him. I–I don’t think he’s ever going to forgive me, or at this point even wants to.

What do you mean?

What I mean is, Tate’s with someone else now, my ex-BFF Sophia. She made sure to be there that day to comfort him and probably every day since.

Sophia, I hate that you and Holly ended your friendship over me. And so I just wanted to make sure the same thing didn’t happen between me and Aaron.

What do you mean, didn’t happen, past tense?

Well, I mean, I talked to him about you.


And he said that he knows that you’re not into him. So that we should basically just–

Basically what? Go for it?


So he gave you his blessing, relinquished his claim on me.

No, no, it’s not like that at all.

What was it like then? And is this what you’re doing right now, going for it?

Did you–did you ever think that you would forgive your mom, let alone me, for what we did?


But you did. Listen, I know Tate cares about you. And I know that he will forgive you at some point. I just think it might take a little time.

But, no, I can’t just wait and do nothing. I have to tell Tate how sorry I am for how I hurt him, especially before Sophia gets her claws into him and it’s too late.

I guess this is me going for it, yeah.


Just OK? I’m sorry. I thought that’s what you wanted.

Look, I get that Aaron told you he was cool with us dating. But are you sure you’re ready to move on from Holly?

Yeah, Holly’s in Paris. God knows if she’s even coming home. You know, her mom wanted her to move out there. So maybe she’s even changed her mind now that–

Now that you guys have broken up? I doubt it. She was determined to finish high school here. So I can’t see her suddenly changing her mind about that. And maybe now that we all know your dad is innocent, maybe she’ll feel guilty that she gave you such a hard time about him. And then maybe she’ll want you back.

No, if Holly wanted to work things out with us, I would have heard from her.

But if she were to say she wanted to get back together, you would take her back, right?

I don’t know. I just– yeah, I don’t know.

Yeah, that’s what I thought. See, that doesn’t work for me because I’m not a placeholder, Tate. I’m not here to entertain you just because Holly’s gone. So if that’s how it’s going to be, then no thanks. I deserve better.

God, what a mess. What a mess. I have no idea how long we’re going to be in jail, where Mom is or if she’s even still alive. And what about Aaron and Felicity? What are they going to do without you?

Yeah, I wonder if they even know that I’ve been arrested. I’m sure it will hit the news any minute, if it hasn’t already.

That’s not the only thing they’re going to hear about. They’re going to find out about me and everything that I did.

You’re their sister. They love you. That’s not going to change.

I miss them, Mark.

I know. And they need us. So we’re going to find a way to come out of this, Cat. Somehow, we will, OK? Together. [gentle music]

Clyde said he would kill Catharina if her kids didn’t turn over the DiMera fortune on a silver platter.

That’s right. You got it.

And when they failed to do that–

Well, now, we can’t be sure if Catharina’s still alive or not.

Oh, my word. And how did– how did Clyde manage to communicate from in prison?

From SuperMax, no less. Listen, I had Shane call the warden and tell him that this needs to end. Now, we may not be able to protect Catharina at this point. But we can put extra security in place to prevent Weston from contacting anyone on the outside and giving a kill order.

How do we keep her safe if we don’t know where she is?

We can’t. But, Marlena, that silver lining I mentioned?

Right, right. Oh, I’ve got to tell John. Oh, my gosh. He didn’t kill her. He didn’t kill her. He’s an innocent man. Oh!

How could she have feelings for you when she hardly knows you, any more than you could have real feelings for her when you hardly know her? Wait a minute. You told me she was able to recite Abigail’s real wedding vows to you? How did she swing that?

She found them in the attic. Abby had written them on a piece of paper.

So she just memorized them?

You know, and when she read them out loud, it made me believe. And it did something to her.

They say when you meet someone and you fall in love with them, you’re drawn to them because they have something unique. And that’s why we’re here today, because I need you, Chad. I need your courage. I need your love. I need your faith– your faith in us. I’m beyond grateful that I get a second chance at life with you and our beautiful children, our entire family. You’re the love of my life, Chad. There’s nothing that I want more than to spend the rest of my days with you.

So we went and got married, and we said real vows. And we kissed.

Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you’re going to start feeling sorry for a con artist. Don’t tell me you’re going to let her suck you in again.

Like I said, I’m– I’m furious with her, not–not just for what she did to me, but for what she did to my family.

Yeah, how about the family? Do Jack and Jennifer know about all of this crap?

JJ told them. And I wanted to tell you in person, Julie. You’ve been–no, listen to me. You’ve–you’ve been with me through all of this. You’re my rock.

Well, you’re mine. I mean, the things we went through together, the fire, the aftermath of that. More importantly, all the time that you’ve lived in this house with the children, it’s been so wonderful for Doug and me, some of the best times in our marriage. My heart’s aching for you, sweetheart. You must be so tired, physically and emotionally. Let me make you a pot of tea, OK?

No, I– I have something I need to do–


–right away. Yeah.

Well, OK. You be careful.

Hey, Sophia, I’m really sorry. I really didn’t mean to upset you, I swear.

Really? You didn’t think it would upset me that you think of me as a consolation prize?

I don’t think of you that way. I don’t. Look, I’ve already hurt you before. And so I’m just trying really hard not to move too fast in this. I mean, like, look, so much went wrong between Holly and me pretty much from the start. And so it’s really not like I think it could ever work out between us. And so that’s why I’m sure that I’m ready to move on. And, look, I really enjoy spending time with you, Sophia. And I would really like to spend some more time with you, if you’re OK with that.

I’m definitely OK with that, in case you didn’t get the hint, the many, many hints.

[laughs] All right, cool. Do you want to come over to my place and watch a movie? You can pick this time.

Sure. Yeah, I’d love that. [soft music]

Hey, Holly forgave you. Oh, honey, that’s wonderful.

Yeah, it’s more than I hoped for. You know, I’m just grateful that she and Nicole were able to work things out.

Yeah. So I’m guessing that means that you and Nicole will spend more time visiting her?

Sure, we will. We will. I promise.

I’ll miss you.

I’ll miss you too. I’m just really thankful that we’ve had this time together.

Yeah. And as much as I’m going to miss you, I’m really happy that it’s working out the way that it did, that you get to be with your baby and the woman you love.

I just hope and pray to God that we’ll live closer one day.

I think we definitely will.


Well, you know what we’ll do? We’ll–we’ll have lots of video chats, and we’ll visit whenever we can.

Yes, lots of video chats, for sure.

Oh, I– I spoke to John on the phone. And he said to please tell you that he loves you, and he will miss you as well. And, well, I will fill you in later. But he’s–he’s had some major news he’s still processing.

Is everything OK?

Yeah. Everything is more than OK. It’s like we’ve had a little miracle.

What am I doing here? What’s going on?

Somebody wants to see you.


Me. [suspenseful music]

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Traci asks Alan to move in with her at the Abbott Mansion and he gladly accepts the invitation.

Jack and Diane continue to argue about Kyle and this time they argue at the Athletic Club restaurant where Victor sees them argue and is happy because his plan is working.

Daniel has a talk with Chance and he tells Summer that he thinks Heather went to the river to meet someone she knew and her death wasn’t an accident.

Nick, Faith, Mariah and Tessa talk because they are all worried about Sharon. Nick promises that he will talk to Sharon to see if she is doing better like she claims. Daniel tells Nick, Faith, Mariah and Tessa that Paul had a heart attack after learning about Heather’s death and he won’t be able to come to Genoa City for her funeral.

Sharon is happy to accept Nick’s invitation to dinner.

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Primetime TV Fall 2024 Schedule

Fall 2024 stars


Times and Dates are subject to change!

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ABC logo

Monday Night Football 9/9

CBS logo

The Neighborhood 10/21 Poppa’s House10/21

NCIS Our Site 10/21

NCIS: Origins Our Site 10/21

The CW logo

Trivial Pursuit 10/7 Scrabble 10/7


FOX logo

9-1-1: Lone Star 9/23

Rescue HI-Surf 9/22*


NBC logo

The Voice 9/23

Brilliant Minds 9/23








ABC logo

Dancing with the Stars 9/17 High Potential 9/17

CBS logo

FBI 10/15

FBI: International 10/15

FBI: Most Wanted 10/15

The CW logo

WWE NXT 10/1


FOX logo

Accused 10/8

Murder in a Small Town 9/24


NBC logo

St. Denis Medical 11/12

Night Court 11/19

The Voice (results) 10/1

The Irrational 10/8








ABC logo Golden Bachelorette 9/19 Abbott Elementary 10/9 Scamanda 10/9
CBS logo

Survivor 9/18

The Summit 9/29**

The CW logo

Sullivan’s Crossing 10/2

Joan 10/2


FOX logo

The Masked Singer 9/25

The Floor 9/25


NBC logo

Chicago Med 9/25

Chicago P.D. 9/25








ABC logo

9-1-1 9/26 Doctor’s Odyssey 9/26

Grey’s Anatomy Our Site 9/26

CBS logo

George & Mandy’s First Marriage 10/17 Ghosts 10/17 Matlock 9/22*** Elsbeth 10/17

The CW logo

Superman & Lois 10/17 The Wranglers 10/24


FOX logo

Hell’s Kitchen 9/26

Crime Scene Kitchen 9/26


NBC logo

Law and Order Our Site 10/3

Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Our Site 10/3

Found 10/3








ABC logo

Shark Tank 10/18 20/20 9/20

CBS logo

S.W.A.T. 10/18

Fire Country 10/18

Blue Bloods 10/18

The CW logo

Whose Line is It Anyway? 9/6 Whose Line is It Anyway? 9/6 Inside the NFL 8/30


FOX logo

College Football 9/13


NBC logo

Happy’s Place 10/18

Lopez Vs. Lopez 10/18

Dateline NBC 9/27








ABC logo

Saturday Night Football 8/26

CBS logo

Crimetime Saturday (Repeats) and sports

48 Hours 9/21

The CW logo

CW Sports


FOX logo

FOX Sports Saturday 9/9


NBC logo

Big Ten Saturday Night (starts at 7:00) 8/31
Sunday 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm
ABC logo America’s Funniest Home Videos 9/29 Wonderful World of Disney (movies)
CBS logo 60 Minutes 9/15 Tracker 10/20 The Equalizer 10/20 various
The CW logo The Chosen 9/1 / Sunday Night Movie Local
FOX logo NFL on FOX 9/8 The O.T. 9/8 The Simpsons 9/29 Universal Basic Guys 9/8 Bob’s Burgers 9/29 Krapopolis  9/29 Local
NBC logo Football Night in America 9/8 Sunday Night Football 9/8

*Airs at its regular time starting 9/23

**Airs at its regular time starting 10/16

*** Airs at its regular time starting 10/17

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B&B Update Friday, August 2, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Updates

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Update written by Brenda

On the plane, Ridge is upset that Steffi lost her passport and couldn’t go to Monaco with them. Brooke assures him that they will make the best of it like they always do and will have a wonderful time in Monaco.

At Forrester Creations in Steffi’s office, Steffi tells Finn that she really wanted to go to Monaco. He says he knows she is disappointed, but he is selfishly happy to have her there in his arms. Hope eavesdrops at the door.

At Bill’s house, Poppy feels terrible. Bill tells her that Will will cool down. Luna says she didn’t mean to cause any trouble.

At Forrester Creations someone knocks on Katie’s office door. She is excited to see Will when she opens it.

At Il Giordino, Deacon and Sheila are glad that Sheila is back from being questioned by the police. Shelia tells him that she agrees that the overdose deaths were probably not accidental.

At Bills house, Bill tells Poppy and Luna that neither of then did anything wrong and that Will should not have behaved that way. Poppy says it was a lot for Will to deal with. She tells him to imagine walking into his childhood home and finding two strangers. Bill tells her that they are not strangers; they are part of the family.
In Katie’s office, Will tells Katie that he didn’t call first because he wanted to surprise her.

On the plane, Brooke tells Ridge not to let Steffi’s absence ruin his trip. He says it won’t, but this trip was important to Steffi. Brooke reminds him that they have an appointment with the prince as soon as they land so they couldn’t wait for Steffi. She is sure that Steffi will make good use of her time in Los Angeles.
Hope goes into Steffi’s office so Finn says he is going to go. Hope says he can stay since he will hear the news anyway. Finn asks, “What news?” Hope can’t wait to tell him that Steffi is threatening to cut funding for Hope’s “Hope for the Future” line.

At Katie’s office, Will tells his mother that he had already been to his father’s house, but that it didn’t go well. He reveals that Bill was in bed and not alone. Katie concludes that must have been awkward. He said it was weird seeing another woman in their house and it made him feel out of place, and then to make matters worse, Bill’s new daughter came in and called Bill “Dad.” He says he knows he was gone for a long time, but who are these people taking over their house and family?

At Bill’s house, Bill tells Luna that Will is going to have to accept the fact that she is Bill’s daughter. Luna doesn’t want to push it on Will. Poppy thinks they should just put it on hold for now. She says she thinks she and Luna should go back to their apartment for now because she doesn’t want to make Will feel uncomfortable in his own home. She says they still have some packing to do anyway.

On the plane, Ridge informs Brooke that they are ahead of schedule and will arrive in Monaco early. Brooke wonders if they will have time for sightseeing before their appointment. He suggests that they go to the hotel. They kiss. She says that since it’s their special little getaway, they can do whatever they want, and make a little time for work. Ridge says Brooke is going to take the world by storm. They kiss some more.

In Steffi’s office, Finn asks Steffi if she is really cutting “Hope for the Future.” Steffi tells Hope that they already have discussed it. Hope says she felt attacked. Steffi says it isn’t her job to make Hope understand; her job is to keep the cash flowing and the lights on, and she doesn’t need to baby Hope. She says the numbers have been steadily trending downward. Finn interjects that he is sure that Steffi will make the right decision for the company, but he can see how it would be upsetting to Hope.

At Katie’s office, she tells Will that she is sorry he didn’t have a better homecoming at his dad’s house. He says he didn’t realize that Luna and Poppy were essentially living at Bill’s house. Will thinks the whole situation is weird. He can’t imagine his father at a music festival, but beyond that, it’s hard to imagine that he spent one night with that lady, and decades later she shows up with a daughter. Katie agrees and says it’s an adjustment for her too. Will concludes that Bill is always putting Katie through something. He says he loves his father, but he will never forget how he disrespected Katie in the past. She says she is ok and doesn’t want Will to think badly of his father. Will says it isn’t that he thinks it’s bad that Bill is taking responsibility for his daughter. Katie surmises that Will is feeling uncertain and says she has a lot of questions too, especially about Poppy.

At Il Giorno, Sheila tells Deacon that the last time she talked to Hollis, he had found Tom’s backpack in the storage room, and she told him to toss it. Now she thinks the backpack might have had a clue as to what happened to Tom and if she had looked in it, she might have been able to prevent Hollis’s death. Deacon tells her not to do that to herself.
Poppy and Luna arrive at their apartment. Luna looks for her tablet and finds a large backpack behind the couch.

In Steffi’s office, Finn says Steffi and Hope both want what’s best for Forrester. Steffi argues that Hope wants what is best for Hope. Hope counters that Steffi is against anything Logan-related and that she has a problem with the line that Brooke created too. Steffi says they aren’t talking about Brooke; they are talking about how poorly Hope’s line is performing. Finn wonders if “Hope for the Future” just needs some time to adjust after the Thomas thing. He says Steffi has every right to be concerned about the numbers and Hope has every right to fight for her line. Steffi tells Hope that it is a business decision; nothing personal. She clarifies that she isn’t going to eliminate the line, but they need to scale it back.

Ridge and Brooke arrive in Monaco and take a drive to a casino. Ridge says he is all in, betting on Brooke.

In Katie’s office, Will says he understands that things change, and life goes on, but he misses his home and his family. Katie thinks studying abroad was a good thing for Will. Will agrees, but he wants to stay in Los Angeles now. Katie says she loves Will more than anything. Will says he isn’t sure if his dad feels the same way now that he has Poppy and Luna in his life.

At IL Giordino, Shiela regrets not listening to Hollis. Deacon tells her that at that point, no one was questioning Tom’s death. Sheila says she was so dismissive and never thought that the backpack could have evidence in it, but she just wanted it out of the restaurant. Deacon supposes that Hollis threw it in the trash. Sheila says she told him to. Deacon concludes the backpack is long gone by now. Sheila thinks it probably had drugs in it that could have led them to the person who killed Tom and Hollis.

At the apartment, Luna looks in the backpack she found behind the sofa. She finds a stack of letters addressed to her mother and proceeds to read them. Poppy goes into the room and asks Luna what she is doing. Luna says the letters are from Tom to Poppy claiming to be Luna’s father. Poppy says Tom was a drug addict and a stalker. Luna realizes that Tom is the person who overdosed at Il Giordino and suddenly suspects her mother.

Steffi receives a text from Ridge informing her that they arrived in Monaco. Steffi wonders if she would have had time to get her passport and make the flight. Finn says he knows Steffi is disappointed. Hope says it won’t be the same without her, but she is sure Ridge and Brooke are getting swept up in the beauty of Monte Carlo.

Brooke and Ridge take in the waterfront view in Monte Carlo.

Read today’s Transcript!

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Days Transcript Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[gentle music]

[phone ringing]

Hey, Johnny.

Hey. How’s it going?

Oh, so busy, I can barely breathe.   But other than that–

You’re not pushing yourself too hard, are you?

I’m fine.   And since Dr. Greene says that there is   no reason why I can’t get back to work,   I want to reopen Sweet Bits ASAP.

OK.   Are you sure you don’t just want me  to come down there and help?   I mean, while you’re short-staffed   and I’m unemployed?

No, thank you.   I think you’d just be more of a distraction than anything.

Eh, I’m sure you could find something for me to do.   I’m a man of many talents, as you well know.

That’s true.   But unless those talents include piping frosting  on cupcakes or making a Hogwarts cake  out of fondant, then I think  you should just let me do my thing.


Oh.   Love you. Gotta go.

Hi. I’m so sorry.   I didn’t mean to interrupt your call.

No, no, no. It’s fine.   Uh, what can I do for you?

I’m really hoping you can help me,   and it’s kind of an emergency.

[birds cawing]






[exhales]   I didn’t hear you.


Yeah. Yeah, I can’t imagine why.

[chuckles]   I brought you a present, though.

What is this?

Figured you might be missing your Buddy’s   fix out here on Smith Island.

Aw.   Yeah, sure, I missed my Buddy’s,   but I missed you a lot more.



Hey, Alex. Is Maggie here?

No.   She ran out to do some errands for the wedding.   But I’ll let her know you stopped by.

OK. Yeah.   I wanted to– I wanted to check on her.   I know she’s busy with Xander and Sarah’s   big day and everything,   but with everything that went down with Konstantin,   and the whole idea of a wedding,   I thought that might be traumatic for her.

No, for sure.   Well, hopefully after tonight,   we can make some better memories   for her and for all of us.


[soft dramatic music]   – I guess you didn’t hear.   It’s gonna be a double wedding.   Theresa and I are getting married tonight too.

[sighs]   – It’s a little early for a drink, don’t you think?

It’s : somewhere.

Hmm.   What’s that?

Ah.   That is a petition from Nicole’s attorney,   suing me for divorce.

– Look who’s here. It’s your mommy.   – Yes.   Hi, little man.   Were you a good boy for your daddy?   Huh? – Sure was.   He went right down.   He slept through the night, unlike his daddy.   – Oh.   You kept checking on him?

Yeah, to make sure I wasn’t dreaming   that he was still here. – Oh.

You know? Thank you.   Thank you for letting him stay here.

Of course.   He’s your son.   Oh, my little angel.   I know it was only one night,   but Mommy missed you like crazy.

[laughter]   Aw.  

[gentle music]  

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– How are you doing?   – I stayed at the Salem Inn last night…   after I left EJ.

[chuckles]   And now I’ve just got to find a place big enough   for me and my daughter and Jude–   you know, when he’s not with you.


[laughs]   How’s Holly taking it?   I mean, me being Jude’s dad?

Well, I mean, Eric, she adores you.   She’s really happy for you.   But she’s been grounded a lot lately.   So she’s miserable, obviously.

Yeah, she told me.

She did?

Yeah, I ran into her.   And let’s just say she needed to vent a little.

Well, thank you for letting her vent.   I’m sure it was mostly about me.

No, no, it wasn’t.   I mean, she’s a smart kid.   Loves you very much, Nicole.   You know that.

Yeah, I do.   I love her too, with all my heart.   And I let her stay at a friend’s last night   because I needed some time alone to think things through.

Yeah.   What are you gonna do?

Well, I, uh–   I called my lawyer,   and I had him serve EJ divorce papers.  

[dramatic music]   Because he and I, we’re–   We’re done.


Look, Dad, you–   you can’t be that surprised that Nicole   wanted a divorce, right?   I mean, once she–   you know, once she took Jude and Holly and moved out,   it seemed kind of inevitable.   Don’t you think?



[clears throat] It did, yes.   And, Johnny, I assume you’re quite upset with me.  

[soft dramatic music]

Well, I feel horrible for Nicole,   obviously, and for Eric.   And beyond that, I mean, I thought   that I had a little brother.   I told everyone that I know how happy I was   that you got your son back and that we’d be   raising our babies together.

I’m sorry I let you believe that.

Yeah.   Yeah, me too.   Anyway, now none of it’s gonna happen, so…




An emergency?

Yes.   So I know that you just reopened,   and I know this is really last minute,   but, um, I desperately need a wedding cake.

Oh, OK. When’s the wedding?



Mm-hmm. Yeah. OK.   See, so Alex and I, we got engaged,   and we were planning on having a wedding   in a couple of months,   but then we agreed on having this double wedding   with Xander and Sarah.

Oh, OK.   Um, well, why don’t you just share the wedding cake   that I made for them? It’s definitely big enough.

Oh, it is.   And it’s gorgeous.   It’s just, uh, there’s just this little tiny problem.   It’s a spice cake.

And you hate spice.

Uh-huh. Yeah. I’m sorry.

No, no, no, no, no, no. I get it.   I’m not a fan either.

No, you know?   I just don’t want to gag, you know,   when I have that first slice that Alex feeds me.   So I’m really hoping that we can just have our own cake.

OK, um, well, what are you thinking?   How big would you want it? What flavor?   What kind of icing?   – Honestly, as long as it’s not spice cake,   I’m good with anything.   –

[laughs] All right.   Um, let me see what I can do.   – Oh!   – Hopefully they’re not too cold.   I don’t think there’s a microwave here.   – Oh, these are great, even cold.   Mm.   –

[laughs]   – You know, I never thought that I would see the inside   of the mythical Horton cabin.   It’s beautiful.   It’s peaceful.

Mm.   Boring.   – No, not with you around.   I’m telling you, it’s the perfect   summer hideout. There’s the lake.   There’s hiking.   The ferry makes it easy to get back and forth to Salem.   – Mm-hmm.   I’m just glad it was available.

Yeah, no kidding.

Oh, have you heard anything from Aaron yet?

Uh, just that he ran six miles today at lacrosse camp.

Wow.   You’re gonna be in great shape when you get back.

Oh, most definitely.




[laughs] By the way, thank you so much   for saving me from what would have been   the worst summer of my life.

Of course.   I mean, it wouldn’t have been that great for me either.   I just hope our parents never find out   we’re here at the Horton cabin.

How would they?   As long as we’re careful, they’ll never know.  

[tender music]

– You and Theresa are getting married tonight?


When– when did that happen?

Well, we just decided.

[laughs] You look shocked.

Uh, no, no.   I’m not shocked, Alex.   I’m just, uh– that was fast.

Yeah, well, you said the same thing when we got engaged.

I did.   Um, that’s because that was only a few days ago.

Well, look.   This was Bonnie’s idea to do the double wedding,   and Theresa said there was really   no reason for us to wait.

So did–   I mean, did Theresa push for this?

No, she didn’t– she didn’t push.   She just said that it was a good idea,   and I agreed with her, and–   I mean, Xander and Sarah have done all the work.   The guest list is already overlapping,   so it kind of made sense.

I thought you hated Xander’s guts.

We’ve definitely had our differences, yeah,   but Maggie is hoping that this big family event   might bring us all together and help eliminate   some of the baggage.

That’s a lot of baggage.

Speaking of, Brady, I know you and I have gone through it   the past few months.   So if you are uncomfortable being there today   to support Theresa and I, I’m sure Xander   and Sarah will understand if you rescind your RSVP.  

[soft dramatic music]

Actually, yeah, I don’t want to–   I don’t want to–   I don’t want to crash your big wedding, man.   I don’t want to ruin your day.   So please give Xander and Sarah my deepest regrets.



Brady, don’t get me wrong, man.   I’m not hinting at the idea that I don’t want you   to come to our wedding.   I just want to give you the option of just bowing out   if you’re uncomfortable.


[sighs] Alex, actually, you know,   I am a little bit, truthfully.   Partly because I should have–   I should have never had the idea that Theresa was,   you know, just gonna marry you for the money,   and I– look, the two of you can’t be happy   that I even said something like that.

It’s fine.   Honestly, I’m done being upset over it,   and I’d be lying to you if I told you that thought   never crossed my mind.

And the fact– look, the fact that she’s willing   to sign this prenup… – Yeah.

That pretty much proves me wrong.   – Yeah.   – Look, man, you– you’re a smart, successful,   decent-looking guy. – Ah!

[laughs]   – There’s a lot of reasons why Theresa   would want to marry you.   – Well, thank you for the ego boost, my man.

Hey.   – And hey, if you accept the fact that Theresa is not   marrying me for my money, and really just because of   how amazing and awesome I am… – Alex.   –

[laughs]   Why wouldn’t you want to be there to watch us   tie the knot together, man?   Unless there’s another reason why you’d be uncomfortable   coming to our wedding.  

[tense music]

– OK, so chocolate cake,   raspberry filling, and a monogram design.   – Oh, that is perfect.   Thank you so much, Chanel.   – Yeah, uh, let me go check and see if I have everything   to make that happen. I’ll be right back.   – Oh, Ms. Donovan. – Oh.   Hi, Sophia. – Hi.   Um, I was wondering if I could talk   to you about Holly and Tate.

– Hey, sorry I couldn’t make it last night.   By the time I felt I could leave my mom,   I’d missed the last ferry.

I just still can’t believe that EJ pretended   that my Uncle Eric’s kid was his.

I know.   I feel so bad for Eric and my mom.

Hey, how are you doing in all this?

You know, after all the lies EJ said, I–   I’m totally in my mom’s corner.   I know she and I haven’t really been getting along lately,   but this was just so wrong.

Yeah.   Kind of blew up your whole family.

Yeah.   But it’s not– it’s not really about that,   at least not for me.   I mean, the only time I ever felt like   I had a real family was when Eric was my stepdad, so…

Do you think that there is a chance?   – That Eric and my mom might get back together?   – Sure. – Who knows?   I’m just glad to be away from all that drama,   even if it’s for a little while.   And is it horrible to say that the timing   kind of works out perfect for us?   I mean, I can’t be grounded if I don’t have a home, right?

Yeah, and your mom’s not worried   about you seeing me because I’m away at lacrosse camp.

Exactly.   But enough talking about that.   Now that we’re finally alone, what should we do?  

[soft dramatic music]

Johnny, I am so sorry you were hurt.

Oh, you mean you’re sorry that you hurt me.   I think that would be the appropriate thing to say.


[sighs]   I am sorry that I hurt you–   and a lot of other people, too.


[scoffs] It’s just–   look, I’ve done some crazy things, OK,   to hang on to a relationship, Dad,   but Uncle Eric is, like, the nicest guy on the planet.   How could you let him hand you his child?

I am not going to relitigate this with you, son,   nor am I going to try and justify my actions to you.

Yeah, well, good because you can’t.   And I know you know that.


I do.

– You know, I remember when I was a little kid,   and I’d do something wrong,   and you’d look at me, and you’d tell me   how disappointed you were in me.   Well, now I know how you felt.


Divorce, that’s– that’s a big step.   Nicole, you don’t think you need more time   to think it through?   – Well, how much time did you take   to end your marriage with Sloan?




Because what EJ did to me, and to you, and to our son   is just as bad as what she did.   I mean, he’s lived in your home,   and then he was in our home.   And who knows where he’s gonna end up next?   I mean, Eric, we’re gonna have to figure out   a custody arrangement.   I mean, unless–   – Unless?  

[gentle music]   – Are you still planning to move to Paris?

– My dad asked me the same question.   I said I didn’t know.   I– that I needed to talk to you about that.

– Alex, I just– look, I just think   it’ll be awkward for Theresa if I’m at your wedding.   – Why?

[chuckles]   You told me that our being together was good for you,   that your relationship with Theresa was toxic–   unless you didn’t mean that.

No, no, I– no, I meant that. – OK.   – We– we–   Theresa and I, we haven’t always brought out   the best in each other.

Yeah.   – But she– look, she has moved on,   and I have as well. – Yeah.   –

[sniffs]   – We can just celebrate this connection   that you and I have, and we can just have this   great old lovely time together.   – Lovely time together.   Yeah, you are– you are really aiming high on this one.   You know that?   – Why not?   I know you’re not seeing anyone.   So I bet you are really lonely,   and I bet you would like   to have some companionship.   – You know what?   – Hmm?

Alex, I’m gonna–   I’m gonna– I’m gonna do a total  on this.   We’re family. We’re family.   And if you don’t have a problem with me being there,   yeah, man, I’d love to be at your wedding.   – Done. Done.   It’s settled. Good.   I’ll see you there.

Great, man.   Great.


So I–

OK, Sophia.   Before you say anything, I just–   I want to apologize for the way my son treated you.   I know that must have been so hard for you to tell me   that Tate was seeing Holly behind my back,   but I am so glad that you did.

I’m cool with Tate.   Actually, I– I blame Holly.   She was supposed to be my BFF.   And she knew I liked Tate,   but she didn’t bother to tell me   she was in a relationship with him.   – Mm-mm.   God, I just– I cannot stand that girl.

[sighs]   But look, if it’s any consolation,   they are gonna be really far away from each other   this summer because we’ve just sent Tate   to lacrosse camp in New York.  

[dramatic music]


[fireworks exploding]

– So is everything a go?   – My mom is totally on board with me   going away to lacrosse camp.   And since Aaron agreed to take my spot–

That means we’ll be able to spend   the whole summer together.

And no one will ever know.

[fireworks exploding]

– Ms. Donovan, there’s something you should know.

– You know, there’s not a lot to do here.   Um, I found some board games over there.

Oh, which ones?

Uh…   the Game of Life.

Oh, my God, my Grandma Maggie and I   used to play this all the time. I always won.

Maybe because she let you?   – Uh, no.   My Grandpa Victor used to call her cutthroat.   – OK. Sure.

I swear.   And she is.   But so am I, actually.   I take after her.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah.   So do you want to play or what?  

[soft dramatic music]

– Look, Dad, I don’t mean to kick you   while you’re down here, OK?   I understand that it sucks that you lost Nicole,   that you lost Jude, and you lost the CEO position   to Aunt Kristen. I know that.   – I may lose my DA job as well, if I’m charged as an accessory   after the fact.   – Well, I hope that doesn’t happen.  

[tender music]

– Thank you for saying that.   – Look, Dad, I am mad at you right now.

But that doesn’t mean that   I’m not always gonna have your back,   the same way you’ve always had mine.   You’re my dad.

– And you’re my loyal son.

I’m sorry I wasn’t as supportive of   Chanel’s pregnancy as you needed me to be.   – Yeah.   You came around eventually.   – Speaking of, are you and Chanel   still thinking of getting a place of your own?

– Uh, we haven’t really talked about it, honestly.

Well, I–   I would understand if you wanted to put   some distance between us,   but I just wanted you both to know   that you’re more than welcome to stay here   for as long as you wish.   In fact, it would mean   a great deal to me if you did.

– Well, uh, obviously it’d be   a lot easier to share custody of Jude if you were–   were here in Salem,   but after everything you’ve been through, Eric,   I don’t want you to give up anything because of me.   – I was leaving because it was too painful   for me to be around Jude,   but now that I know he’s mine–   –


[tender music]   You could stay.   And I’m sure Chad and Xander would love   to have you back at “the Spectator.”   I know I would.   And I know it’s not Paris, but–   – I just wanted a fresh start.

There’s no reason why I can’t have that   with Jude…

And with you.

– What about Tate and Holly?   – Well, the other day, I was at the park, and I–   – Oh, I’m so sorry, Sophia.   Just give me a second. Hi.   So can you do it?

Uh, so I can do the cake and the frosting,   but the filling has got to be chocolate mousse.

That is totally fine.   Thank you so much.

Yeah, yeah, of course.   And I promise you that your wedding cake   will be made with love.   – You’re an angel.   You know that?   You are.

You’re getting married?

Yeah, I am.   Today, actually.


Thank you.   So I’m sorry for the interruption.   What– what did you want to tell me?   – It’s your big day, so it can wait.   Um, it’s– it’s not important. – No, no, no, no.   If this is about Tate and Holly, I–

It’s really nothing.   Enjoy your wedding.  

[bright acoustic music]


Seven, eight, nine.   Are you serious?   – Told you, you should’ve got the insurance.

K? That’s crazy.   I don’t have that kind of money.   I have triplets, and I just lost my job.   You– you have that kind of money.   Why don’t you just– why don’t you just   give me some money?

No, no.   That’s not how the Game of Life works.   So how about you call it quits and say I’m the winner?   – No. OK, fine, yes.   You win.   OK.   Do you, uh– do you want to play something else?   – How about trivia?  

[bright music]   – Oh.   Yeah.   Yeah, sure.   Do you, uh– are you always this competitive?   – Yeah, only when I want to win.   I told you I take after my Grandma Maggie.

[chuckles] OK.

Ready? – Yeah.   All right.   Three, two, one, go.   Uh, OK.   Um, like…

– OK.   That’s  for me, and, uh,  for you.   – Was that even movie trivia?   I mean, there wasn’t a single name   from this century.   Danny Kaye, Gary Cooper, Macdonald Carey?   – At least you got Dick Van Dyke.   – How do you even know all these old movies anyway?

Oh, I used to watch a ton of them   when I had a thing for this guy who’s this big movie buff.

[chuckles]   – You mean Johnny DiMera?  

[soft dramatic music]   – Chanel and I are not gonna live here forever.   We’ll stay a little while longer.   I know you’ve lost a lot, Dad.   You know, I know.   But you’re not gonna lose me–   not ever.  

[tender music]

– That means the world to me, son.

– Well, um, I should get going.   I, uh– Chanel told me to stay away from the bakery   because she’s so busy, but I’m gonna go see   if I can take her to lunch. –

[chuckles]   You’re a good husband, Johnny.   That is something that you definitely   did not learn from me.   – Eh, I don’t know.   Maybe you just haven’t found the right person yet.   You and Nicole just weren’t meant to be.   Obviously.

I think you should sign those divorce papers   and move on.   –

[sighs]   I’ll take that under advisement.

You’re gonna be OK, Dad.   I’m sure of it.   –


[somber music]

– So you’re really staying here in Salem?

Jude’s been moved around too much already.

Are you sure?

I’m positive, Nicole.   If we’d found out that he was mine   when you were first pregnant–   – Things would have been a lot different.   – Yeah.   And if I’m being honest, I–   I wanted to put some distance between us, because–   – Because whenever we’re together,   we can never seem to get it right.

[sighs] You know…   when EJ and I committed to each other, I–   I think he knew that I never really got over you.

And maybe that’s why he went to such extremes   to hold on to our marriage.

– Did you know that, too?


In my heart of hearts, I did.


Hey, you.   I saw you lurking over there.

Yeah.   I was about to come in and see if I could take   my wife out to a late lunch.   – Mm, I wish you could, but I am so swamped.   – Oh, come on. You still got to eat.   – Yes, I know.   And I have been eating very well all day, I promise.   But it is really sweet of you to check up on me.

Am I smothering you?


[chuckles] A little bit, but I like it.


[bright acoustic music]   – Tate, I didn’t mean to bring up Johnny.   Actually, I tried not to, but you guessed him anyways.

Well, yeah.   I mean, when you said movie buff–   hey, it’s not like I didn’t know   that you had a thing for him.   He’s all you talked about when we first met.   – Yeah, I know. I remember.   And he was super into Chanel.   So it was just a dumb crush, a stupid fantasy.   – So what am I?   – You are very real,   and I’m so lucky I have you now.  

[dramatic music]

– It’ll mean a lot to Theresa to have you there tonight.


[sighs] I’m not so sure about that.   – Not so sure about what? – Hey.   I was just telling Brady how happy you’ll be to know   that he’s coming to our wedding.   – Why would you not be sure about that?   Of course, I want you there.   – Is that the dress?

It is. – Oh, my God.   I cannot wait to see you in it.

[laughter]   Look, I know we’ve had a whole lot of ups and downs,   but I truly am hoping that after this wedding,   we can all come together as family.   – Me too.  

[soft dramatic music]

– I’ve–   I’ve never admitted this out loud to anyone.   So here it goes.

If I had known Jude was ours back then…   And you would have taken me back…   I would have left EJ.  

[gentle music]

– From the moment   that I found out you were pregnant,   I wished, I–   I prayed that baby was mine.

And I did want the same thing that you did.


[knocking]   –


[tense music]

– So…

[sighs]   I’ve ordered the wedding cake. It’s all ready.   And now I just need to get ready.

Good. We probably both should.

[phone ringing]   Oh.   Oh, I have to take this.   Um, OK.   I’m gonna take off, but I will see you at the altar.   – Mm-hmm.   – Mm. Mm.

[phone beeps]   – I didn’t know that you were getting married today.  

[soft dramatic music]   – Yeah, I didn’t know that either…   till the other night.

[clears throat]   I know that– that you’re on   Xander and Sarah’s guest list.   So I really– I should have just told you,   given you a heads up.

I– I told you before, I’m–   I’m happy for the two of you.

Great.   So there’s no problem then.

And again, I’m–   I’m really sorry that I brought up   the whole money thing to Alex.   – It’s OK.   You’ve already apologized. I get it.   And you know my history.   –

[laughs]   I do, but I also know that you–   You have a huge heart.   Alex is a really lucky guy.



[sighs]   I’m really sorry things didn’t work out between us, Brady.   I am.   You are always gonna be   so, so very special to me.   I mean, you’re Tate’s dad.   Oh, my God.   Oh, my God, Tate. – What?




Oh, my God.


Um– oh!   When Alex and I got engaged,   I just assumed that Tate would come home from camp   for the big day, but when we agreed   to this double wedding, I–   I didn’t even think about the fact   that Tate wasn’t gonna be in town.   I can’t– I can’t get married without my son.   Brady, I need– I need Tate.   I need my son there at my wedding.  

[dramatic music]


[knocking]   –

[whispers] Oh, my God.

Who– who is that?   – I don’t know.   Just be quiet, and maybe they’ll go away.   – Tate? Holly?   I know you’re both in there.

And you two are so busted.

– Johnny. – Mm-hmm?   – You know the bakery is my dream,   but I want you to follow your dreams too.   We could still move to LA.   – No. No, not a chance, Chanel.   I’m not even thinking about that right now, OK?   And my dad just asked me if we’re still looking   for a place of our own here, which we’re gonna do, OK?   – OK, sure.   You know, just as soon as I get the bakery back up   and running full speed.   – I mean, not that he probably minds having us in the house   for a little while, anyway.   I think he’s, uh–   he’s a little lonely.

Mm. Yeah, I’m sure he is.   Any chance he and Nicole can get past this?   –

[exhales] No.   No, I don’t–   She’s already served him with divorce papers.   I, uh–

[clears throat]   I told him he should   just sign them, move on.   I don’t know. I just–   I guess I just hope he takes my advice.   – Mm.   Yeah, I thought I’d find you here.   – What are you doing here, EJ?   – I brought the divorce papers.   – You didn’t sign them.   – No, I– I did not, nor do I plan to.  

[dramatic music]

If you two think I’m going to just roll over   and let you take that child and go wandering off   into the sunset together,   well, I’m afraid you are sadly mistaken.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of May 20, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Chanel from Days

Did the writers forget the history of the show? We know they would never do that. When Johnny told Chanel where he got the oyster crackers from, he referred to Roman as “Uncle” Roman. The last time we checked, Roman is Johnny’s grandfather. He’s not his uncle. You would think the writers would have caught that mistake especially since Johnny was talking about Sami.

Speaking of Chanel, how long is she going to punish Paulina for her mistake? As a soon-to-be mother, Chanel should understand Paulina’s situation. If Paulina died, she would never forgive herself for the way she’s treating her. Paulina apologized to Chanel for risking her life, but she refused to let it go. Before Chanel found out she was pregnant, she was willing to forgive Paulina. Now that she knows she’s pregnant, she wants to give Paulina the cold shoulder. Her attitude doesn’t make sense especially since she plans on keeping the baby.

Holly confronted Tate about what she did to Nicole. She told Nicole that she deserved to have miscarriages and didn’t deserve to be a mother. Marlena recommended that she write a letter to Nicole. You would think Holly would have talked to Nicole. Why would she go to Tate? She must have wanted to go to Tate because he would have told her she was okay doing what she did. Holly should have gone to Nicole and made it right.

How convenient was it that Nicole was drunk when she kissed Eric? She can never do things on her own. Nicole conveniently had to go through something so she’s not responsible for what she does. She kissed Eric while she was drunk. EJ caught her kissing Eric. Speaking of Eric, Eric didn’t rush to push her away. Nicole was conveniently drunk, but Eric knew what he was doing.

EJ deserves a metal for defending Nicole. He saw her kissing Eric, but he still tried to defend her against Holly’s actions. EJ had the perfect opportunity to put her in her place, but he still tried to be a good husband to her. She gave him no reason to support her, but he did it anyway. He’s a better husband than he’s given credit for more times than not.

It shouldn’t have taken Melinda to empathize with Paulina for risking Chanel’s life by saving her. Paulina’s family and friends judged her for what she did like they wouldn’t have done the same thing, yet her former enemy understood. Who knew Paulina and Melinda would have something in common.

Why would Stephanie be concerned about Everett after what he did to Eric? Everett punched Eric in front of her, yet she was concerned about him. You would think she would be concerned about Eric since he is her cousin. Stephanie has no loyalty to her family.

We felt bad for Eric when Sloan told him the truth about the baby. He put on a brave front, but he was devastated by her telling him Jude was Nicole and EJ’s son. Sloan told him she loved him and didn’t want to lose him for why she lied. Did she really think he would have been moved by her love for him? She should have known he wouldn’t have cared to hear about that. It would have been better for her to leave him a note saying the baby was Nicole and EJ’s. It broke our hearts seeing him say goodbye to Jude. If she was going to tell the truth, she may as well have told him the whole truth. She was already going to lose Eric so she may as well have told him the truth.


Eric from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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