Days Short Recap Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie went to see Abe and told him she had someone in mind to play the character of Regan. Abe wondered who she had in mind. Bonnie suggested Chloe’s sister Joy. Abe said she wasn’t on his audition list. Bonnie said she came from New York and was talented. When Abe asked if Joy had experience, Bonnie reminded him that he took a chance on her when she didn’t have experience. Abe said he didn’t want any additional problems. Bonnie said there wouldn’t be any problems. He decided to give Joy a chance. Chanel went to Alex’s apartment. They talked about Stephanie and whether or not they want a relationship. While they were talking, Abe sent Chanel a text needing to see her. She asked Alex to pick up Johnny’s cake and not to let Johnny find out. Stephanie and Paulina had a meeting to go over Paulina’s speech. Leo showed up and told them there was an emergency. He said there was a sex scandal on Body and Soul and he needed Stephanie. Paulina said the show hasn’t been on the air yet. Leo said that was why he needed Stephanie to put a stop to it. Stephanie wanted to know what was going on. Leo said he heard that Alex was having sex with one of his co-stars. Paulina said she hoped it wasn’t her daughter. Leo said he wasn’t suggesting Chanel, Bonnie or Hattie because there was plenty of actresses who could have fallen for Alex. Paulina asked why it was a scandal since co-stars fall for each other all the time. Leo said it happened on the set so they had to make the scandal go away before it ruined everything.

When Stephanie was alone, she was upset with herself for what happened with Alex. She ran into Alex while he was picking up Johnny’s cake. He noticed something was wrong with her and asked if she was okay. Stephanie said they shouldn’t sleep together ever again. Alex said he would respect her decision, but wondered what happened. She said they work together and what they did on the set was a mistake. They should remain professional. Alex agreed to what she wanted if she was sure. Stephanie said she was and walked away from him. Nancy went to Joy’s room and wondered where she was. Joy said she went to a bar and met a guy. When Nancy asked who she met, Joy flashed back to meeting Johnny. Joy said she met a guy Nancy probably didn’t know. She changed the subject by asking Nancy if she talked to her friend about the role. Nancy said Bonnie was trying to get her an audition. While they were talking, Bonnie texted Nancy and told her Abe agreed to see Joy. Chanel went to see Abe. He told her he needed her to read with an actress. She wondered who the actress was. Joy showed up and introduced herself. Abe gave them the scenes to read. Chanel and Joy went over their scenes. After the audition was over, Joy asked if she got the part. Abe said he would let her know. Marlena wished Johnny a happy birthday and gave him a cupcake from Chanel’s bakery. When Johnny didn’t want the cupcake, she noticed that something was wrong. He brought up her taking over for Charlemagne. Marlena said Leo talked her into doing it since Hattie stormed off the set. Johnny said she cursed the show. He said he felt the curse was working. When Marlena asked why he said that, Seth showed up to say he couldn’t wait to work with her. Bonnie showed up and took Marlena to the set. Seth told Johnny that there was unprofessional behavior on the set. They cast of Body and Soul started shooting scenes. After they finished shooting, Alex told Chanel that he bought the cake. When Johnny showed up, Alex left. Johnny wanted to know what he walked in on. Chanel lied and said they were running lines. Johnny called her a liar and said he knew she had sex with Alex. When she called him crazy, he said he saw them together before. He told her he followed her to Alex’s apartment and overheard them saying he was clueless. Chanel said it wasn’t what he thought, but Johnny said it was. He insulted her before he walked away from her. When Johnny walked on the set, he saw the surprised birthday party. Alex told him Chanel did everything for him. Chanel was furious and walked away. Johnny figured out that he made a mistake. Joy went back to the Salem Inn and told Nancy that the audition went well. Nancy told her the housekeeper found a wedding ring. She asked Joy whose ring it was.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny yelled at Chanel for sleeping with Alex. He confronted her about everything that he knew about the situation before he called her a slut. After the dramatic confrontation, he stormed off. Chanel was shocked by his comments. Johnny went to the nurses’ station and got a shock when everyone shouted “happy birthday” to him. Alex informed Johnny about how hard Chanel worked on making his birthday a success. Chanel coldly told Johnny that he should feel stupid right now. He was shocked when everyone sang to him. Chanel glared at him while he blew out the candles. She snapped at him to make a wish while he blew out the candles. Alex was about to hand Johnny a knife, and Chanel warned him to watch out or he would be stabbed with it. Chanel told him what Johnny thought about them. He said it was Seth’s fault because he was with Stephanie and not Chanel. Alex and Stephanie explained how they ended up together at the hospital. Johnny realized that he saw Stephanie and not Chanel. He looked at Chanel who glared at him. She picked up a slice of cake and shoved it in his face. Kate told Abe they were in good hands because Marlena agreed to play Charlamagne so they could kill the character off. They talked about a new diva for Cassandra to go against, but she wasn’t interested. It was time to talk about the character Regan and that’s when Joy walked in the door. Kate was happy to find a new actress for the show. Paulina showed up at the studio to rip into Kate and Abe for the problems that Johnny and Chanel were having. She blamed Abe for pairing Chanel and Alex. Johnny got jealous of the idea just like any man would. Abe was shocked because he didn’t know that Johnny had a problem with it. He hoped Johnny would change his attitude once things calmed down, but Paulina didn’t think that would happen.

Stephanie let Alex know that she was embarrassed that Johnny saw them having sex. Seth approached them, and Stephanie went off about him not knowing who she was when they met before. He wondered if she wanted the producers to know about what she did in the hospital room. Johnny went after Chanel, but she wouldn’t let him apologize to her. He wanted to explain why he went ballistic. She didn’t believe that he trusted her. Johnny tried to make sense of everything, but she believed that he didn’t trust her. She looked at his hand and noticed that his wedding ring was missing. Looking at that made her angry, and she wanted him to get out. Joy went to her room and found Nancy there. She told her about her audition. Nancy dove in and asked her about the wedding ring she found in the room. Joy didn’t care about the ring. Nancy reminded her about the way her marriage to Craig ended. She told her that Craig cheated on her in that hotel room with Leo. Nancy felt sorry for the man’s wife. Joy informed her that his situation wasn’t like Nancy’s. The man’s wife cheated on him. It’s a grey area. Nancy knew about grey areas, but it didn’t give her the right to sleep with a married man. Joy refused to confirm or deny whether she slept with the married man. Nancy told her that she loved her and was worried about her. Joy went ballistic and said she didn’t care about her. Joy didn’t believe her and reminded her that she didn’t want her. The mother and daughter got into a heated argument. Joy finally accepted that her mother loved her, but their problems weren’t over. She changed the subject and talked about her audition. Nancy wanted to know more about the ring, but Joy took the ring. She walked out the hotel room. Kate approached Stephanie and Alex and berated them for their unprofessional behavior. She accepted Stephanie’s apology and wanted to fire them. Kate decided to let them keep their jobs, but she wanted them to consider themselves warned. Joy walked into Johnny and gave him back his wedding ring. He took it but felt ashamed. Paulina showed up at the hospital to see Chanel. Chanel broke down in her mother’s arms.

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Days Update Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Kate joins Abe at the Body and Soul studio. Abe comments on her seeming to be in a good mood. Kate responds that it could be because Marlena fell down the elevator shaft on screen, so with or without Hattie, Charlemagne got the dramatic death scene she deserved. Abe says she’s right that a pivotal scene like that should never be off camera. Kate calls it the kind of scene an audience tunes in for.

Chanel questions what Johnny is talking about and why he would think she and Alex were having sex. Johnny suggests she liked it so much the first time which she questions. Johnny shouts that he saw them in there going at it. Chanel calls that crazy and says they would never. Johnny repeats that he saw them and yells that she’s been lying to him ever since. Chanel asks him to listen but Johnny says it will just be more lies like the next day when she said she was going to the Bakery and she wasn’t there. Chanel says she was running an errand but Johnny reveals that he saw her at Alex’s apartment and heard them talking about how he would never find out and that he was clueless. Johnny bets they had a good laugh at how stupid he is. Chanel tells him that it’s not at all what he thinks. Johnny shouts that it’s exactly what he thinks and tells her not to even bother denying it because he’ll never believe another word out of her mouth as he calls her a cheating slut. Johnny declares that even now, she’s lying right to his face and he can’t believe it. Johnny says he can’t even look at her and storms out of the room.

Joy returns to her room to find Nancy is still there, so she reminds her that this is her room. Nancy says the maid is cleaning her room. Joy informs her that the audition went great and now she just has to wait to hear back. Nancy then reveals that she found a wedding ring in Joy’s room and questions who it belongs to. Nancy brings up Joy saying she met a man at the bar last night, so she can only assume that it belongs to him and she neglected to tell her that it was a married man.

Paulina wonders what’s taking so long. Johnny then storms by and is surprised by the birthday party setup with Alex, Stephanie, Paulina, Leo, Bonnie, and Seth. Johnny questions what this is. Alex asks if he’s surprised and says he better be because Chanel did all of this for him. Chanel then walks out behind Johnny and sarcastically says surprise as Johnny is left speechless. They sing happy birthday to Johnny while Chanel tells him that he should be feeling pretty stupid right now.

Kate tells Abe that she’s still concerned about being left with a huge star hole after losing Charlemagne as they can’t just go out and find a soap opera diva. Abe suggests bringing back the character of Lorna and if Kate agrees to play her. Kate says she’d rather solve problems behind the camera. Kate asks about the auditions for the Regan character that comes between Faith and Arrow. Abe responds that they are off to a very good start as he just directed an audition with a very intriguing actress, Nancy Wesley’s daughter, Joy.

Nancy continues to question Joy and asks her to just be honest on if it is or isn’t a man’s wedding ring. Joy says so what if it is. Nancy reminds Joy how her own marriage ended when Joy’s father was cheating on her over and over again. Nancy points out that it happened right here in the Salem Inn with Leo Stark, while she was sitting at home playing the dutiful wife being unaware that she was being betrayed. Joy responds that the difference is, she hasn’t betrayed anyone as she isn’t married. Nancy questions her being Leo Stark in this situation then. Nancy says she pities this poor man’s wife, not aware that she’s being betrayed.

They finish singing happy birthday to Johnny at the hospital. Alex asks if Johnny is going to blow the candles out. Bonnie reminds him to make a wish first. Chanel tells him to go ahead. Johnny then blows out the candles as they applaud. Alex tells Johnny that Chanel really outdid herself with this cake so she must really love him. Alex then hands Johnny the knife to cut the first piece. Chanel tells Johnny to be careful, remarking that she doesn’t trust him with the knife since he may or may not stab him with it. Alex laughs and questions why he’d want to stab him with it. Chanel responds that apparently they are sleeping together which shocks those in attendance. Paulina calls for everyone to listen as she doesn’t know what the hell is going on here, but she knows Chanel is no cheater. Alex asks Johnny where this is even coming from and why he would think they were sleeping together. Johnny shouts that he saw them. Chanel insists that it never happened. Johnny argues that Seth saw them too which Seth questions. Johnny reminds Seth of when he told him not to enter a room because Faith and Arrow were having sex in there. Seth claims he doesn’t recall saying it that bluntly but admits he remembers, but reveals his belief that Chanel isn’t Faith and points out Stephanie as Faith.

Kate didn’t know Joy was auditioning. Abe explains that Bonnie insisted they give her a chance and it went really well. Abe feels Chanel and Joy had the antagonistic energy which Kate says is exactly what they need. Abe thinks Joy could be a contender.

Nancy asks what Joy has to say to that. Joy responds that Nancy has no idea what she’s talking about because this guy’s situation is nothing like her and Craig’s, because his wife was cheating on him. Nancy asks if she thinks that makes it better, arguing that two wrongs don’t make a right. Joy says it’s not like this woman was some stepford wife waiting for her husband to return home, so it’s not so black and white. Nancy responds that she’s well aware of the gray areas. Nancy declares that no matter what his wife has done, it doesn’t give the man the right to sleep around. Joy questions Nancy assuming that he slept with someone. Nancy questions Joy about the ring and asks her to just be honest with her as she asks if she did or didn’t sleep with this man.

Johnny is confused by what he thought Seth meant. Leo sees that Johnny has been rendered speechless. Leo declares that Stephanie isn’t Faith or even an actress, but their publicist. Seth insists that he saw them rehearsing which Alex confirms. Stephanie explains that was only because Chanel was running late. Alex admits they got a little carried away and caught up in the moment. Johnny goes over that when Seth told him that he saw Arrow and Faith going at it, he actually walked in on Alex and Stephanie. Johnny turns to Chanel and says he doesn’t know what to say. Chanel says it’s probably best that he doesn’t say anything. Chanel shoves cake in Johnny’s face and remarks that it’s best not to talk with his mouth full as she then storms off.

Kate asks if Abe is not quite ready to hand the role of Regan to Joy. Abe repeats that she’s a contender but he’d like to see some other actors. Paulina arrives. Abe didn’t know she was coming so early for their lunch date. Paulina informs him that it’s been a day of unexpected events. Abe is sorry as he remembers Chanel is throwing a big bash for Johnny’s birthday on set, so he’s sorry he didn’t make it and asks if Johnny was surprised. Paulina reveals that they all were.

Leo eats birthday cake at the hospital while Bonnie comes over and questions what he’s doing. Leo argues that they can’t let the cake go to waste, insisting that Bonnie try a piece as well so she does. Leo talks about his birthdays growing up and now he’s the head writer of a show. Bonnie says they shouldn’t be doing this after what just happened. Leo points out that it could’ve been worse if Chanel was actually cheating on Johnny.

Nancy questions what Joy has to say as she clearly brought this man back to her room. Joy states that she’s not having this conversation with her mother. Nancy doesn’t want her to get hurt and says she might not see it as a big deal, but she’s her daughter and she loves her. Joy argues that Nancy doesn’t care about her and didn’t even want her in the first place.

Paulina tells Abe and Kate about how Chanel stuffed the cake in Johnny’s face and stormed out. Kate comments that it doesn’t sound like a fun party. Paulina calls it a disaster and says she wanted to go after Chanel, but figured it might be best to give them some alone time. Abe and Kate go over Johnny thinking he saw Alex sleeping with Chanel when it was actually Stephanie. Paulina confirms that is why it happened. Kate decides she needs to go do damage control and exits the studio.

Johnny follows Chanel to a hospital room. Chanel yells at him to get out of her way. Johnny asks her to just listen. Chanel asks if he’s sorry for calling her a cheating slut and says to imagine calling someone you love that. Johnny asks her to try to understand where he’s coming from, repeating that Seth told him that he saw Arrow and Faith having sex in the hospital room and he couldn’t believe it, but he looked in and saw Alex in bed on top of someone, so he got so upset and took off. Chanel complains that he assumed the worst instead of just asking her. Johnny admits that he should have but when he saw her later, her back had gone out and he thought it was from sex, feeling it was the timing and a coincidence while Chanel acted like nothing happened. Chanel argues that nothing did happen but that didn’t matter to Johnny because he already assumed that it had. Chanel shouts that it’s because Johnny doesn’t trust her.

Stephanie tells Alex that she can’t believe Johnny saw them in bed together. Alex says it’s not like they expected anyone to see them as they were consenting adults behind closed doors, pointing out that Johnny wouldn’t have come in if he didn’t think it was Chanel. Stephanie blames Seth for telling Johnny that Faith and Arrow were having sex. Seth reminds her that he saw them running lines and says that Stephanie looks like an actress. Stephanie argues that she’s a publicist and reminds Seth that they have had zoom meetings before. Seth argues that Abe and Kate talked about budget cuts and asks how he was supposed to know this wasn’t another one. Stephanie questions Seth thinking it’s his job to know things. Seth responds that he knows the show’s publicist had sex with one of the stars on set and asks if the producers would like to know that too, right as Kate arrives at the hospital.

Paulina tells Abe that she feels so bad for him because his show hasn’t even started airing yet and the director and lead actress are fighting. Abe responds that he feels bad for Johnny and Chanel. Paulina doesn’t want to lay the blame on anyone since it was a terrible misunderstanding but she wishes Abe didn’t have the brilliant idea to pair Alex and Chanel in the first place. Abe questions if she’s laying the blame on him. Paulina says only in part, arguing that none of this would’ve happened if Abe hadn’t gone on about the chemistry between Alex and Chanel. Paulina says Johnny got jealous and asks who wouldn’t in his shoes. Abe argues that he didn’t know Johnny had paranoia issues. Paulina remarks that the apple doesn’t fall from the tree in reference to EJ. Abe always thought Johnny was more evolved than his father.

Johnny tells Chanel that she’s right that he should’ve trusted her and asks her to try to see it from his perspective. Chanel goes over Johnny thinking he saw her having sex with Alex when it was someone else entirely. Johnny brings up also seeing her at Alex’s apartment and overheard her talking about him being clueless about a secret. Chanel complains that she was planning his surprise party and he was just trying to connect the dots to her cheating on him which only happened because he believed she would cheat on her husband, who she loves more than anyone in the world. Chanel then notices Johnny isn’t wearing his wedding ring and questions where it is.

Nancy tells Joy that she does care about her. Joy argues that she does when she needs something, like bone marrow to save the life of her real daughter Chloe. Nancy argues that Joy is as real of a daughter to them as Chloe is and they will be eternally grateful for her bone marrow saving Chloe, but that bone marrow is the least of the reasons they care about her. Nancy calls Joy the gift of a lifetime. Nancy asks if she’s finally getting through to her and repeats that she loves her. Nancy asks if Joy believes her. Joy says fine but that doesn’t mean all their issues are settled and everything is magically better between them. Nancy says she wouldn’t expect that but as long as she knows she loves and cares about her. Joy responds that she knows and apologizes for sending her on a guilt trip. Joy points out that Nancy still hasn’t asked how her audition went, so she does. Joy states that it was good and she thinks it went really well as she read with Chanel who plays Faith on the show and apparently her character is supposed to be after her man. Nancy calls that normal for Body and Soul and asks what they said. Joy says they will let her know. Nancy feels that’s a successful audition and suggests they have a celebratory lunch where Joy can tell her whose wedding ring that is. Joy says she’ll pass as she’s not discussing this with her mother. Joy decides she’s going for a walk and exits the room.

Chanel asks Johnny again where his wedding ring is. Johnny responds that he took it off. Chanel questions if he decided the marriage was over when he thought he caught her in bed with Alex. Johnny says it wasn’t like that. Chanel questions what it was like when she told him from day one that she wasn’t attracted to Alex. Johnny apologizes and doesn’t know what he was thinking as he feels like a fool. Chanel tells him not to touch her as she cannot believe she went out of her way to throw him this big birthday party, only for him to call her a cheating slut. Chanel yells at Johnny to get out, so he exits.

Abe tells Paulina that maybe as things calm down, Johnny and Chanel will realize this was a misunderstanding. Paulina wishes she had his optimism but talks about the look on Chanel’s face and says Johnny hurt her badly. Paulina declares that when Chanel is hurting, they better watch out.

Leo and Bonnie continue talking over eating birthday cake. Seth comes over and says it’d be a shame to waste all the cake, so he will go find an intern to bring it to the break room and walks away. Bonnie questions that meaning they have to share and says she doesn’t think so as she has a better idea.

Alex tells Kate that he can explain. Kate says that won’t be necessary as Paulina already gave her all the details. Stephanie says she can’t explain how sorry she is as what happened was completely unprofessional and assures that it won’t happen again. Kate accepts her apology but says unfortunately it did happen. Kate says that they are about to launch a show and she can’t have it getting out there that the publicist is sleeping with an actor on set. Stephanie assumes that means she is fired. Alex pleads with Kate not to fire Stephanie as it was not her fault and completely his since he asked her to run lines with him and they got carried away. Kate argues that she should fire them both for negatively affected a fellow cast member and director. Stephanie insists they are both very sorry. Kate says she is too but decides they can keep their jobs, as she’s not going to fire them, but calls this their first and final warning for now. Kate orders Alex and Stephanie to stay the hell away from each other as she walks away.

Bonnie and Leo go to the town square to finish eating the birthday cake. Leo remarks that this might all be Hattie’s fault since she did put a curse on the show when she got fired. Leo talks about that happening to him once years ago. Leo thinks Hattie’s curse is real and says maybe something truly terrible will happen to them next. Nancy then appears and calls Leo the homewrecker which Leo calls exhibit A.

Joy finds Johnny sitting outside of the Brady Pub. Joy says she’s glad she ran in to him since he left his wedding ring in her bedroom last night, which she hands back to him.

Paulina finds Chanel in the hospital room and asks where Johnny is. Chanel responds that he’s gone. Paulina asks if she’s okay. Chanel says no and breaks down crying as Paulina hugs her.

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Days Update Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel goes to Alex’s apartment where he answers the door without a shirt on. Chanel worries that she’s interrupting he and Stephanie again but Alex assures that Stephanie is not there.

Stephanie is working with Paulina in the town square, discussing a fundraiser and uploading her speech. Stephanie gives Paulina a list of issues to avoid. Leo joins them, but Paulina says they are having a business meeting. Leo says this is an emergency as they are having a major PR snafu at Body and Soul that he needs Stephanie on, as it’s a sex scandal.

Bonnie joins Abe at the Body and Soul studio. Abe mentions casting for a new character. Bonnie reveals she already knows about the new character of Regan Holloway and that she read up and loves about how she is supposed to come between Faith and Arrow. Bonnie tells Abe that she’s already found the perfect girl to play the part, who embodies the whole wild child vibe and she’s drop dead gorgeous. Abe asks who she is. Bonnie tells him that it’s Chloe’s little sister, Joy Wesley.

Nancy goes to Joy’s room at the Salem Inn, knocking on her door to wake her up. Nancy informs her that she knocked on her door at 2 AM but she wasn’t there, so she must have found time for the night life and questions where she was last night.

Johnny runs in to Marlena at the hospital. Marlena wishes him a happy birthday and mentions speaking to Allie, who sends her love. Marlena gives Johnny a birthday cupcake made by Chanel. Marlena asks Johnny what’s wrong but he claims there’s nothing at all. Marlena says she doesn’t believe that.

Abe informs Bonnie that Joy is not on his list. Bonnie informs him that she came all the way from New York City just for the chance, so it would be a shame not to let her show him what she’s got as she’s very talented. Abe asks if she has any experience. Bonnie assures that she does and that Nancy said she’s a born performer. Bonnie points out that Abe gave her a chance when she had zero experience, but he saw her raw talent and it worked out really good. Abe admits they are very lucky to have her. Bonnie says he has a great eye for talent, so she knows he will see right away if Joy has it or not. Bonnie adds that Joy could use some direction in her life. Abe argues that this is a business and they can’t afford more difficult personalities on set. Bonnie insists that Joy is an angel and very low maintenance. Bonnie jokes that Nancy might be the difficult personality in their relationship. Bonnie asks Abe to just give Joy a shot and if she bombs, she’ll never mention it again. Abe shows Bonnie the list and asks when he’s supposed to see her. Bonnie asks how about right now before he gets started.

Joy tells Nancy that they got separate rooms so she wouldn’t have her all up in her business every day. Nancy reminds her that she’s paying for her room and questions where she was last night. Joy says she went to a bar and it’s no big deal. Nancy argues that she could have an audition today. Joy insists that she didn’t get trashed, so she’ll be fine as she was just hanging out. Nancy questions who she was hanging out with when she doesn’t know anybody. Joy informs her that she met somebody at the bar, so Nancy asks who. Joy thinks back to meeting Johnny, then tells Nancy that it was just some guy.

Johnny assures Marlena that he’s fine and that he’s just a bit distracted as he was up late for all the scenes today. Johnny brings up Marlena filling in for the role of Charlemagne and how he’s excited to direct her. Marlena explains that she’s only doing it because Leo talked her in to it after Hattie stormed off set. Marlena says that must have been an exciting day for him. Johnny says especially when Hattie cursed the show on her way out the door. Johnny then thinks back to walking in on what he thought was Alex and Chanel. Johnny then remarks that he actually thinks her curse might already be working. Marlena asks why he says that.

Chanel tells Alex that maybe she shouldn’t have brought up he and Stephanie. Alex says it’s not a sore subject and that Chanel walked in on their goodbyes. Alex adds that Stephanie left so quickly that he doesn’t even know where they stand. Alex tells Chanel that he and Stephanie just want to be friends. Chanel thinks it’s really simple and asks if he wants to be friends with benefits with Stephanie or if he wants something more. Alex responds that he doesn’t know what she wants. Chanel advises him to ask her. Alex agrees that maybe he should talk to her.

Paulina questions Leo about a sex scandal when the show hasn’t even hit the air yet and complains that this is the last thing Abe needs right now. Leo tells Stephanie that they need to nip this in the bud now. Stephanie questions what this scandal is. Leo calls it newsworthy and naughty as he has it on good authority that Alex Kiriakis is having sex with one of his co-stars, shocking Stephanie and Paulina.

Joy repeats to Nancy that it was just some guy and she’s sure she doesn’t know him. Joy asks if Nancy talked to Bonnie. Nancy confirms that she did and that she’s going to arrange Joy’s audition with Abe. Joy calls it great that she has the job then but Nancy tells her that she has to audition first. Nancy then gets a text from Bonnie that Abe said yes and Joy is up first, as soon as possible. Nancy tells Joy to get dressed and knock them dead.

Chanel gets a text from Abe that he needs her to stop by the production offices. Chanel complains that she already has so much to do for Johnny’s birthday party. Alex asks what he can do to help. Chanel asks Alex to stop by the Bakery, pick up the cake and bring it with him to work. Alex says he’s happy to help. Chanel calls him a lifesaver and reminds him not to let on to Johnny, assuring that he hasn’t figured anything out about the birthday party. Chanel that mentions that she hasn’t seen Johnny much since they started production as he’s been working late and he was gone today before she got up, so she hasn’t even had the chance to tell him happy birthday yet.

Marlena questions Johnny saying Hattie’s curse is working and asks if something happened. Seth Burns interrupts and comments on Marlena joining Body and Soul, joking that they don’t want to lose her from the hospital to Hollywood. Seth mentions that he’s been easing in to it. Marlena explains that she doesn’t have any lines and just has to go down the elevator shaft. Seth advises her to make sure there’s plenty of mattresses down there before she jumps. Bonnie arrives, so Johnny asks her to take Marlena to the makeup room. Bonnie tells her it’s going to be so fun. Marlena tells Johnny that they will catch up later as she walks away with Bonnie. Seth comments to Johnny that he didn’t mean to scare Marlena off, but remarks that unprofessionalism seems to be going around these days. Seth brings up Hattie walking off set, Leo rejecting all of his outlines, and he still can’t believe walking in on what he thought was Faith and Arrow going at it on set. Johnny says he can’t either.

Stephanie questions Leo saying that Alex is sleeping with somebody at the show. Leo says not just somebody, but one of his co-stars. Paulina hopes he’s not talking about her daughter, who is happily married and planning her husband’s birthday party. Leo says he’s not suggesting Chanel, Bonnie, or Hattie as plenty of other actresses could’ve fallen prey to Alex. Stephanie asks how he even knows it’s true. Leo insists that his sources are never wrong and brings up Alex’s reputation. Paulina warns Leo against talking about someone’s reputation. Leo says the problem is that this hookup happened on set and comments on a stage hand having to clean up. Leo tells Stephanie that a scandal like this could take down the whole show. After Leo and Paulina leave, Stephanie asks how she could be so stupid and says this is exactly why they shouldn’t have gotten involved. Alex then arrives and greets her. Stephanie questions him not being on set. Alex explains that Chanel asked him to pick up Johnny’s birthday cake and invites her to come with him but Stephanie says she has a lot on her plate so she’ll just see him on set. Alex asks if everything is okay. Stephanie says not exactly but they can talk about it later. Alex thinks they should talk about it now. Stephanie then tells Alex that she doesn’t think they should sleep together anymore, ever.

Chanel goes to the Body and Soul studio. Abe hugs her and thanks her for making the time as he knows it was really short notice. Chanel asks what’s going on and if there’s a problem. Abe explains that she’d like her to read lines with a new actress who is auditioning for the role of her rival. Abe calls it a favor for Bonnie and asks Chanel if she could ask Johnny to direct but Chanel reminds him that she’s planning Johnny’s surprise party so she doesn’t want to tip him off in any way. Joy then arrives and meets Chanel.

Leo watches on as Johnny finishes directing Marlena’s scene at the elevator shaft. Marlena hopes she doesn’t have to do that again. Johnny calls her a one take wonder while Leo thanks her as they couldn’t have done it without her. Marlena says it’s Johnny’s birthday, so she was glad to spend some extra time with him. Bonnie praises Marlena. Marlena says she’s just glad she didn’t have any dialogue. Johnny assures that she would’ve been brilliant either way. Johnny tells Marlena that she’s now free to get back to her normal life and her important day job that actually matters. Marlena encourages that Johnny’s job matters too as a lot of people are really counting on him. Johnny says he doesn’t mean to sound ungrateful but he’s just exhausted. Marlena wishes him a happy birthday and hopes he enjoys the rest of his day as she hugs him. Marlena thanks them and heads to her office. Bonnie asks if that’s it for her too. Leo asks Bonnie and Seth to stay for one more scene that was a last minute add, but notes that she won’t have any lines. Seth reads it over and is excited that his character has a lot to say here. Seth asks if he’s been upgraded. Leo says he has and congratulates him. Johnny tells Leo that he didn’t hear anything about this. Leo tells him not to worry, assuring that it’s all been approved.

Joy assumes Chanel plays Faith, which she confirms. Chanel introduces Joy to Abe as their executive producer. Joy says it’s nice to meet him. Chanel explains that her character hates Joy’s character’s guts so she asks her not to be offended by any of the insults. Abe gives them the scenes to go over and asks them to make it quick as they have a bit of a time crunch. Joy thanks Abe for fitting her in and promises not to disappoint. Chanel likes Joy’s confidence. Joy says she must be a good actor then, admitting she’s pretty nervous. Chanel says she’s pretty new at this too and suggests they just have fun with it. Joy then decides she’ll just brave it and she’ll get in to it as they go along. Joy brings up that Abe said they are in a time crunch so they can just jump in. Joy tells Abe that she’s ready, so Abe tells them to go ahead and rehearse. Chanel and Joy run lines, where Joy’s character Regan tells Chanel’s character Faith about running into Arrow at the bar. Chanel as Faith calls Joy’s character a homewrecking bitch and to stay away from her man. They end the rehearsal scene with Chanel pretending to slap Joy as Abe watches on, impressed.

Johnny directs Seth for a hospital scene while Bonnie makes sure with Leo that they aren’t killing her off again. Johnny begins the scene where Seth’s character is on the phone and comments that they haven’t seen the last of Charlemagne. After they cut, Johnny questions Leo about it, reminding him that Marlena only agreed to the one scene and he’s pretty sure Hattie isn’t coming back. Leo questions where his sense of drama is, pointing out that Charlemagne has been back from the dead six or seven times. Leo says that Marlena may say she’s done but you never know, so now they have an insurance policy just in case.

Alex tells Stephanie that he will respect whatever she wants but questions where this is coming from. Stephanie reminds him that they agreed not to sleep together anymore but then they did again and again. Stephanie says they obviously had conflicting feelings but they work together and it’s too complicated. Stephanie adds that what happened on set was a big mistake. Alex admits it wasn’t the best idea. Stephanie declares that it doesn’t matter anymore because it’s over and they will just keep things professional. Alex says he gets it if that’s what she really wants. Stephanie assures that it is and walks away.

Joy asks Abe if she got the part. Abe says he can’t tell her because he has other people to see today, but they will reach out to her if they are interested. Abe tells Joy that she may go, so she exits.

Leo informs Johnny that Chanel needs to see her in the hospital room set as she has a question about a scene. Johnny points out that they aren’t even shooting in there today. Leo says she’s his wife so he doesn’t know. Johnny then goes to find her. Bonnie comes back and complains to Leo. Marlena comes back, so Bonnie praises her performance again. Bonnie asks about Johnny’s birthday. Paulina then arrives and says Chanel forgot Johnny’s birthday present. Paulina says she thought she would stick around for Johnny’s party and have some birthday cake. Marlena gets paged to the trauma room, so she tells them to enjoy the party and give Johnny her love as she walks away. Paulina then asks Leo if he made any progress with the PR snafu. Leo looks over at Stephanie and Seth Burns and says he’s not sure. Seth approaches Stephanie and greets her, believing that she plays Faith, so he asks her if they can run lines together before a scene tomorrow. Stephanie responds that she’s sorry but she has no idea what he’s talking about.

Alex joins Chanel in the hospital room and tells her the cake looks amazing. Chanel calls it Johnny’s favorite. Alex tells her that Leo will be bringing Johnny in any second, so he says to distract him while he goes to get the party setup. Johnny then enters the room. Alex says he’ll see them on set and exits. Chanel goes to hug Johnny and wish him a happy birthday but Johnny pulls away and questions what she and Alex were doing in there alone. Chanel claims that they were just running lies but Johnny tells her to stop lying to him. Chanel questions what she would be lying about. Johnny tells her to spare him as he shouts that he knows they were having sex in there.

Joy returns to her room to find Nancy is still there, so she reminds her that this is her room. Nancy says the maid is cleaning her room. Joy informs her that the audition went great and now she just has to wait to hear back. Nancy then reveals that she found a wedding ring in Joy’s room and questions who it belongs to.

Stephanie tells Seth that she doesn’t know what he’s heard, but she’s not an actress. Alex comes over and calls for everyone to quiet down as Chanel will be bringing the birthday boy in any minute. Bonnie calls for everyone to get festive as she passes out birthday party hats. Stephanie hastily walks away from Alex, leaving him confused.

Chanel questions what Johnny is talking about and why he would think she and Alex were having sex. Johnny suggests she liked it so much the first time which she questions. Johnny shouts that he saw them in there going at it. Chanel calls that crazy and says they would never. Johnny repeats that he saw them and yells that she’s been lying to him ever since. Chanel asks him to listen but Johnny says it will just be more lies like the next day when she said she was going to the Bakery and she wasn’t there. Chanel says she was running an errand but Johnny reveals that he saw her at Alex’s apartment and heard them talking about how he would never find out and that he was clueless. Johnny bets they had a good laugh at how stupid he is. Chanel tells him that it’s not at all what he thinks. Johnny shouts that it’s exactly what he thinks and tells her not to even bother denying it because he’ll never believe another word out of her mouth as he calls her a cheating slut. Johnny declares that even now, she’s lying right to his face and he can’t believe it. Johnny says he can’t even look at her and storms out of the room.

Paulina wonders what’s taking so long. Johnny then storms by and is surprised by the birthday party setup with Alex, Stephanie, Paulina, Leo, Bonnie, and Seth. Johnny questions what this is. Alex asks if he’s surprised and says he better be because Chanel did all of this for him. Chanel then walks out behind Johnny and sarcastically says surprise as Johnny is left speechless.

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Days Update Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Jada and Stephanie are together at the Brady Pub. Stephanie asks about Sarah’s hit and run case being done with and Brady being free. Jada jokes that now she gets to go home to try to convince Rafe to come back to work. Jada says she’s going on about her, but asks what’s going on with Stephanie. Stephanie tells her nothing much, except she slept with Alex again.

Justin goes to see Alex at his apartment. Justin talks about how much fun they had carving pumpkins when he was a kid, so he brought a pumpkin. Justin adds that he hasn’t seen him much since he started Body and Soul, so he thought it might be a good time to bond as he brought along a six pack of beers.

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Bonnie practices her lines for Body and Soul, noting that she’s finished 10 pages and has 65 more to go. Bonnie calls out to Henderson to make her a martini, saying that she needs to see a friendly face. Nancy Wesley then arrives, surprising Bonnie.

Chanel calls Johnny from the town square and says she just finished up at the Bakery and asks if he wants to meet up for dinner. Johnny is at the bar, but claims he’s still at the studio. Chanel questions him being there this late. Johnny lies and says he’ll probably be there a while.

Bonnie and Nancy embrace. Bonnie excitedly talks about her visit and asks how things are in New York and what she’s doing in Salem. Nancy responds that she’ll talk about her later, but she wants to talk about Bonnie. Nancy asks if it’s true that Bonnie is now a big soap opera star. Bonnie can’t believe Nancy has heard of Body and Soul all the way in New York City. Nancy then reveals it’s actually the reason she’s here.

Chanel asks how long Johnny thinks he’ll be at the studio. Johnny says he’s not sure as he still has a lot to do. Chanel guesses she can’t complain after he suffered through all her mornings at the Bakery. Johnny mentions stopping by the Bakery earlier today. Chanel notes that Felicity told her and says she’s sorry she missed him, but she was running an errand. Johnny thinks back to seeing Chanel leaving Alex’s apartment, not knowing she’s planning his birthday party. Johnny then asks what the errand was. Chanel claims she had to go to the pharmacy to pick up medicine for her back and says she’s doing good. Chanel guesses she will see him at home later and tells him not to work too hard. Chanel says she loves him and hangs up while Johnny says “pharmacy my ass” as he drinks a beer at the bar.

Alex and Justin talk about Xander walking in on Fiona trying to push Sarah down the stairs after Fiona ran Sarah over and tried to frame Brady for it. Alex jokes that it makes what they do on Body and Soul seem tame in comparison. Alex asks how Bonnie likes working on the show. Justin says she loves it, especially working with Alex. Alex thinks Bonnie just likes giving him the motherly advice she wanted to give him in real life. Justin then asks Alex about working with his co-star. Alex says it’s been fine even though they haven’t shot any scenes together lately, but the photoshoot went smooth so he’s not expecting any problems. Alex tells Justin that there’s no issues there, but there’s a situation with another co-worker that got a little messy.

Stephanie tells Jada that after she and Alex renewed their agreement to remain just friends, she was going back to her apartment but then they started making out. Stephanie says the more they try to say just friends, the less they can keep their hands off each other. Jada compares it to her and Rafe in the beginning, but feels like Stephanie doesn’t think it’s a good thing. Stephanie calls it a complicated thing. Jada points out that it’s happened twice now and bets it will happen again. Stephanie admits she wouldn’t bet against it. Jada asks what she thinks this means for them. Stephanie responds that she has no idea.

Bonnie tells Nancy that it was all Kate and Abe’s idea to keep Body and Soul alive as Abe was a very big fan. Nancy admits she is too and she loves seeing all the divas going at it. Bonnie declares that now she’s one of them and calls it crazy. Nancy praises Bonnie and says they are lucky to have her. Nancy adds that she was reading in one of the soap magazines that they haven’t finished casting, so she was wondering if that was still the case. Bonnie asks if she was thinking she could snag a part. Nancy assures it’s not for her as she hasn’t acted since a high school play where she forgot her lines. Nancy then announces that she wants her daughter to audition and she was hoping Bonnie could put in a good word.

Paulina joins Chanel in the town square. Chanel says she’s feeling better thanks to the muscle relaxers that Kayla gave her. Chanel comments on Paulina having the night off from being Mayor for once. Paulina says she’s always make time for a mother-daughter dinner and asks about Johnny being unable to make it. Chanel says he’s working late unfortunately. Paulina jokes that he could complain with his executive producer. Chanel assures that they are all happy with the job. Paulina thinks Johnny should be having a relaxing dinner with his wife instead of burning the midnight oil.

A woman joins Johnny at the bar and says she’s been traveling with her mother all day, so she needs a drink. Johnny tells her that she’s come to the right place then. She says she’s going to splash water on her face and asks Johnny to order her a drink, unless he’s leaving soon. Johnny responds that he has nowhere to be. The woman returns and notes the quick service in getting her beer which Johnny tells her to enjoy. She says she needed it as she thought the day would never end. She talks to Johnny about her mom being annoying and having no respect for boundaries with drama every step of the way. Johnny comments that it sounds stressful. The woman continues talking about the day with her mom. Johnny admits he’s not listening to her and tells her that other people have problems too. She apologizes for trying to have a conversation and goes to leave but Johnny stops her and introduces himself. She introduces herself as Joy. Johnny then welcomes her to Salem.

Paulina asks Chanel how things are with her and Johnny since it’s been a few days since their early morning squabble at her apartment. Chanel responds that things are okay but they are about to get a lot better because she’s planning a surprise party for Johnny on set for his birthday. Paulina calls that a cool idea and asks if she needs any help as she loves parties and surprises. Chanel brings up Paulina getting Ricky Martin to play her 5th birthday party. Chanel says that Johnny’s party will be a smaller gathering. Paulina says to let her know if she needs any help. Chanel thanks her but reveals she already enlisted Alex. Paulina is surprised and asks if she’s sure that’s a good idea.

Justin asks Alex about he and Stephanie spending a lot of time together. Alex responds that it’s kind of hard not to since they work on the same show together and they live across the hall from each other. Justin calls Stephanie a lovely person and says he’s glad to hear they are friends again, but asks if maybe it’s more than that. Alex says maybe sort of. Justin asks if that means they are getting back together.

Jada asks Stephanie if she and Alex talked afterwards. Stephanie says they didn’t as she woke up in his bed and then got the hell out of there like the walk of shame. Jada asks what there is to be ashamed of. Stephanie clarifies that she’s not ashamed, but disappointed because they agreed not to do anything that might ruin their friendship, but then they did. Jada points out that they both did it, so it looks like Alex wanted it to happen too. Stephanie admits it seemed that way in the moment and as far as she knows, they are still friends. Jada asks what the problem is then, pointing out there’s nothing wrong with being friends that have occasional sex unless one of them want more than that.

Bonnie questions Nancy wanting Chloe to audition for Body and Soul. Nancy says no and reveals she meant her other daughter, Joy.

Nancy’s daughter Joy thanks Johnny for the welcome. Johnny admits it came too late and that he’s just in a bad mood. Joy asks what got him in a bad mood. Johnny responds that his wife did and tells Joy that she’s cheating on him.

Nancy tells Bonnie that Joy is all grown up and quite a handful, calling her stubborn and feisty. Bonnie jokes about who she takes after. Nancy admits she’s a lot like her, but she has a knack for getting in to the messiest situations…

Joy asks Johnny about his wife cheating on her. Johnny questions saying that out loud to a stranger. Joy assures that she won’t tell anyone, pointing out that they don’t have anyone in common anyway. Joy says she’s really sorry for what he’s going through as it sucks. Joy is sure he doesn’t want her two cents, but says she does have a lifetime of experience in assuming the worst of people. Joy asks if there’s a chance he’s jumping to conclusions based on flimsy evidence. Johnny then tells her he walked in on them. Joy asks if he knows the guy. Johnny says that he does and that she works with him. Johnny explains that they had actually slept with each other before they were married. Joy questions him being okay with them working together. Johnny tells her that his wife swore to him that everything was in the past and there was no attraction there, so he stupidly believed her. Joy understands he trusted his wife and asks what he did after walking in on them. Johnny says he turned around and walked out while Joy questions why the hell he didn’t confront her.

Chanel tells Paulina that Alex was really nice in offering to help with the party. Paulina reminds her that Alex was the reason Johnny got all jealous about their love scenes. Chanel insists they talked it out and it’s fine. Paulina brings up Johnny admitting it’s been harder on him than he expected. Chanel thinks once they get the first bedroom scene over with, everyone will realize it’s nothing and not a threat to anyone’s marriage. Paulina questions them not shooting the love scene yet. Chanel reminds her that they had to postpone because of her back. Chanel says it’s on hold until tomorrow, but she thinks what’s really getting to Johnny is the anticipation, so she believes once the love scene is over with, everything will be just fine.

Alex tells Justin that he and Stephanie are not getting back together, pointing out that it didn’t work out the first time so there’s no reason it would now. Alex adds that he was just married to Theresa while Stephanie just lost someone important to her in Everett. Justin says he doesn’t mean to be insensitive, but points out that Everett and Theresa are gone. Alex feels it doesn’t matter as he doesn’t think that he and Stephanie are really meant to be as it’s just not like that. Justin asks what is it like then.

Stephanie tells Jada that she and Alex don’t want more than what’s going on right now. Jada calls it a friendship with occasional love making. Stephanie suggests not calling it love making because no one is in love here. Jada feels there’s something she’s not saying. Stephanie repeats that no one is in love here, including her. Jada says she knows how it is with exes and running in to each other at a vulnerable time. Jada states that hearing Stephanie talk is giving her the vibe that there might be something still there.

Nancy shows Bonnie a photo of Joy and calls her a born performer and drama queen. Nancy says when she saw the casting call for Body and Soul, she thought she should let her showcase that on screen. Nancy talks about Joy being adrift and going from wanting to be in beauty school to wanting to be a doctor like her dad. Nancy thought if Joy could just get a part on Body and Soul, then maybe she could find her purpose.

Johnny tells Joy that he wanted to confront his wife and the guy she was having sex with and he wanted to walk in and beat him to a pulp, but he just went numb in shock. Joy says she gets that and asks what about the next time he saw her. Johnny says he thought she was going to confess and apologize, so maybe they could eventually work past it, but instead, she acted like nothing even happened. Johnny feels Chanel lied right to his face and then snuck out to see him again the next day. Johnny explains that she said she was going to run an errand but he saw her go to his place where he heard Chanel make Alex swear not to say anything and even called him clueless. Joy says she’s sorry but the woman sounds like a stone cold bitch. Johnny says she’s not though and a month ago, he would’ve said there’s no way she’s capable of this but now it’s like he doesn’t even know who she is anymore. Johnny adds that the reason he’s not confronting her about cheating on him is because he feels like if he actually puts it out there, then it’s real and he would still give anything for it not to be.

Chanel tells Paulina that the goal is to get through this love scene and then surprise Johnny with a party and since Alex will be helping with it, maybe Johnny will feel better about him and they can all move forward as friends. Paulina asks what about the next love scene. Chanel says she’s not helping. Paulina wants her to have realistic expectations. Chanel truly believes that once they get past Johnny directing the love scene, it will be a million percent easier moving forward. Chanel declares that after they do this, all the weird tension and hurt feelings will be over with and it will be smooth sailing all the way.

Alex tells Justin that he was in a pretty low place when he moved back in to his apartment and Stephanie kept him steady through the dark times. Alex says he can’t stop thinking about what it was like when they were together and how badly he screwed it up. Alex adds that it took them a long time to get back to being friends and Stephanie agreed that they need to keep things the way they are. Justin points out that they are now sort of, kind of, more than friends. Alex mentions that after they woke up this morning, Stephanie ran out like the apartment was on fire after calling the whole thing a mistake. Justin asks if he agrees that the whole thing was a mistake.

Stephanie admits that the idea of getting back with Alex has crossed her mind, but notes that it went so horribly the last time and they’ve been getting around so well recently that she doesn’t want to risk losing that, even if she feels something for him because Alex doesn’t feel the same way. Jada questions how she knows that and if she’s asked him. Stephanie admits she hasn’t asked because of worries that he might say he doesn’t and she hasn’t forgotten that the old Alex was a player and a very bad boyfriend. Jada points out that people can change. Stephanie believes Alex has changed but questions how much, pointing out that Alex has had multiple threesomes and seemed very comfortable with friends with benefits. Jada decides maybe that’s a good thing that’s what they are then but Stephanie admits she’s not fine with it. Stephanie calls it confusing, reckless, unfulfilling and wrong. Stephanie declares that as far as she’s concerned, she and Alex are strictly friends from now on with no more sex.

Alex reminds Justin about carving the pumpkin. Justin notes Alex avoiding his question and says he understands that he’s a grown man and it’s none of his business. Alex says he gets why he’s asking and appreciates that he cares, but the whole thing is moot because Stephanie is not interested in him like that. Alex and Justin then joke about going ahead with carving the pumpkin.

Bonnie and Nancy hug as they talk about it being so good to see each other. Nancy congratulates Bonnie on being a diva on TV and says she’s sure she will be a fan favorite. Nancy adds that she knows Bonnie has nothing to do with casting. Bonnie responds that it would be her pleasure to put in a good word for Joy and she will make sure that she gets an audition.

Joy asks Johnny what he’s going to do apart from drowning his sorrows and telling his deepest secrets to a stranger. Johnny points out that she’s not a stranger anymore. Joy points out that he can’t hole up in that bar forever. Johnny admits it is getting old already, except for her company. Joy thanks him and says he can’t let his wife keep cheating on him while acting like nothing is wrong as it will eat him up inside.

Chanel and Paulina joke back and forth about paying their bill. Paulina talks about Chanel growing in to a successful entrepreneur and actress. Chanel brings up Paulina being the mayor. Paulina admits they have a lot to be proud of and grateful for. Chanel decides she should head home so she can be well rested for her scenes tomorrow and for the big surprise.

Johnny tells Joy that she’s right that he has to confront his wife sooner than later. Joy asks if he will do it tonight, but Johnny says not tonight.

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Days Short Recap Monday, October 21, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve hit Mark before he could kill Chad. A surprised Chad wanted to know what was going on. Steve told him that the woman posing as Abby wasn’t the real one. He said she was an imposter and said Kayla ran another DNA test that proved she wasn’t Abby. Abby checked on Mark. Steve told Chad that Mark falsified the DNA test results. Chad asked her if it was true, but was able to tell by looking at her that it was. She admitted that she wasn’t Abby. A shocked Chad couldn’t believe it. He asked if Mark was her boyfriend. She said he was her brother. Steve said it was time to get the police involved, but Chad said he wanted answers. When Chad took Abby to another room, he wanted her to start talking. He asked why she pretended to be his wife. She wanted him to know that it wasn’t her idea and that it was Clyde’s plan. Chad wanted to know why Clyde did this. She said she didn’t know but assumed Clyde wanted to torment him and get his money. A furious Chad was shocked that she would pretend to be a dead woman for money and said she didn’t care about him. She said she didn’t expect him to believe her, but she had feelings for him. When he said he didn’t believe her, she said she cared about her and her intentions weren’t malicious. She said she hated lying to him because she fell in love with him. He asked how she knew his and Abby’s wedding vows. She said she looked through a box of mementos in the attic and found Abby’s vows written down. Chad said she was sick for making him feel this way. He said if she cared about him she would have told him the truth before he thought he had his wife back in his life and before her brother tried to kill him. She said she didn’t know her brother was coming to kill him and got in the way to keep Mark from killing him. The plan was for her to marry him and transfer his money over to Clyde and that would have been the end of it. Chad asked how she was going to explain what happened to his money. She said she was going to be gone by then. Chad said her brother or Clyde must have decided that it would have been easier for him to die. She denied knowing anything about that part of the plan.

Chad told “Abby” that a part of him knew something wasn’t right, but he believed it because he wanted it to be true. He wanted to believe Abby was back in his and the kids’ lives. It was the first time since Abby died when he wasn’t in pain. Thanks to her, he had to mourn Abby all over again. He thought Abby’s parents were going to be furious when they found out and was grateful that he didn’t tell the kids the truth. She said that was why she didn’t want him to tell them and why she wanted to go to Paris. Clyde threatened to kill her mother if they didn’t do what he wanted. She said Clyde’s men were holding her hostage and if Clyde didn’t get his money, they would kill her. Chad wanted to know how he was supposed to believe her. She said she didn’t expect him to believe her. He said he didn’t know who she was. She told him her name was Cathrina. Chad didn’t know if she was telling the truth about that and didn’t care. He said what he knew was that she and her brother committed fraud against the people who loved Abby and threatened to make her pay. Steve tied Mark to a chair. JJ walked in and wondered what was going on with the doctor. Steve said the doctor tried to kill Chad and was the brother of the woman pretending to be Abby. JJ realized his mother was right and dreaded having to tell his father the truth. Steve suggested they waited for more information before they told Jack the truth. He was convinced Clyde was involved. When Mark woke up, Steve told him they knew the truth and that his sister and Chad were talking things out. Xander went to see Kristen who told him she wasn’t giving him the serum since Brady was still behind bars. Xander said Brady was free and that his mother was the one who did it and was arrested. He explained what his mother did and how EJ didn’t want to let Brady go free until he and Sarah convinced him to do it. When Xander asked for the serum, Kristen said she had to confirm what he told her first. If Brady was out, she should be able to talk to him. Brady ran into Sarah at the police station. She told him she was glad the right person was behind bars, but she wanted to tell him something. When they went into the conference room, Brady got a call from Kristen. He let her know he was on his way home. Kristen asked him to come see Rachel and wanted to know how he got released. After Brady got off the phone, Sarah said she felt terrible for blaming him for her accident. Brady said thanks to Fiona, he thought he was guilty too. Sarah said she was the one who made a statement to the police and would understand if she never forgave her. Brady said he forgave her and had to learn to forgive himself for being weak which allowed Fiona to frame him. Sarah said he was a good man who knew not to drive so he should give himself credit for that. He asked if she was confused for why she said he was the driver. She said she lied to the police. Brady understood her wanting him to pay but couldn’t understand why she lied. Sarah said she didn’t do it to punish him. He said he had time to think about it and realized she was protecting Xander from killing him. When Sarah started crying, he knew he was right. Brady said he understood Xander wanting to get payback and thought a guilty man going to prison was better than the father of her child. She thanked him for understanding. He said he knew she tried to do the right thing by recanting her statement. Sarah said she did it because there is a serum that could help her walk again. She said the only way she could get it if she recanted her statement. Brady said he knew who made the deal. Kristen told Xander that she talked to Brady and he was released, but she figured out that Eric was the one who figured out Brady was innocent and that neither he nor Sarah had anything to do with Brady getting released. She said she was keeping the serum. Xander told her that he and Sarah convinced EJ to drop the charges against Brady. She said EJ would have dropped the charges. Since she was feeling generous, she was willing to give him the serum in exchange for Titan. Xander asked why she wanted the company when she had her own. Kristen said she wanted to merge Titan and DiMera which would make her unstoppable. She said the board wasn’t happy with the numbers and was losing faith in her. If she had Titan, she would regain their trust. Xander refused to give her his father’s company. He said she didn’t need Titan because she serum would make her a fortune. Kristen said it could take years for the serum to get on the market and by then one of her brothers could take over the company. Xander didn’t want to hand over his father’s company to the daughter of his enemy. Kristen said it was a small price to pay to help Sarah walk again. When Xander went home, he told Sarah that Kristen would give them the serum in exchange for Titan.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nancy surprised Bonnie while she was rehearsing her lines. Bonnie wanted to catch up, but Nancy was more interested in Body & Soul. She read that the show was casting and wondered if she could put in a good word for her daughter, Joy. Chanel reached out to Johnny to see if he wanted to get something to eat. He lied to her and said he had to work. While he was sitting in a bar, he filled her in about going to Sweet Bits looking for her. Chanel came up with an excuse for why she wasn’t there. Johnny flashed back to hearing Chanel and Alex talk about keeping a secret. Reeling from his conversation with Chanel, he noticed a brunette approach him. She told him that she was traveling with her mother and needed to freshen up. The brunette asked him to order her a drink. She came back and started venting to him about her mother. The mystery woman noticed that Johnny wasn’t listening, so she asked him about it. He admitted that he wasn’t listening to her. Johnny snapped at her, so she was about to leave. He stopped her and introduced himself to her. She told him that her name was Joy. Johnny welcomed her to Salem and revealed that his wife was cheating on him.

Paulina and Chanel met at the Town Square for dinner. Chanel told her mother about the party she planned to have for Johnny. Paulina offered to help, but she said Alex was helping her. The mayor wondered if that was a good idea to get Alex’s help with the party. Chanel was convinced things would get better once Johnny directed them in their first love scene. Johnny wouldn’t be jealous anymore once they do their scenes. Paulina didn’t seem as confident as Chanel. Justin went to visit Alex. Alex talked to Justin about what’s happening with Stephanie. Justin thought they could be together, but Alex didn’t think Stephanie had feelings for him. Stephanie had the same conversation with Jada about Alex. She wasn’t sure how he felt about her. Since she didn’t know how Alex felt, she decided not to have sex with him anymore. Nancy talked to Bonnie about the type of person Joy is. She thought Joy could find herself by being cast on the soap. Bonnie was willing to put in a good word for Joy. Johnny told Joy about what he thinks is going on with his wife. Joy thought Chanel was a terrible wife. Johnny didn’t think she was terrible. He won’t confront her because it will make her cheating a reality and he didn’t want it to be. Joy didn’t think he should keep going like that. She wondered if he was doing it tonight. Looking into her eyes, Johnny decided he wouldn’t confront her that night.

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Days Update Monday, October 21, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

In Paris, Mark holds the gun but Steve appears and knocks Mark out from behind. Chad is shocked to see Steve and questions what’s going on. Steve then declares that this woman is not Abigail.

At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen is on the phone with Mr. Shin, talking about it being a miracle that her sister in law is back from the dead. Kristen hangs up and calls him a cranky old bastard. Kristen then heads in to the living room to find Xander, who says they need to talk. Kristen doesn’t recall any plan for them to meet and tells him to save his breath because she’s not going to hand over the serum while Brady is behind bars. Xander then reveals that Brady is free.

Sarah goes to the police station and tells Brady that she heard the charges against him have been dropped and now the right person is behind bars which Brady confirms. Sarah says she’s happy that EJ finally came to his senses and asks if Brady has a minute because there’s something she’d really like to say to him.

Chad questions what Steve means by saying this woman is not Abigail. Steve declares her to be an impostor and a con artist. Chad stops him and argues that they did a DNA test. Steve reveals that Kayla ran the test again and the samples between her and Jack are definitely not a match. Steve states that he’s sorry but this woman is not Chad’s wife, leaving Chad shocked.

Kristen questions the police letting Brady go. Xander informs her that he’s been fully exonerated now that they’ve arrested the true culprit. Kristen questions if he’s saying Brady is not the one who hit Sarah. Xander confirms that and reveals it was his mom as it turned out that Fiona and Brady were drinking that night. Xander says that rather than own up to what she did, Fiona decided to frame Brady. Xander is surprised Kristen hadn’t heard since it was in the Spectator. Kristen mentions just getting back from a work meeting. Xander explains that he and Sarah just got back from the police station where EJ didn’t want to release Brady but they managed to change his mind. Kristen questions Brady really being free which Xander confirms. Xander asks if they can have the serum. Kristen says not until she confirms what he’s telling her. Xander insists it’s the truth. Kristen brings up the last time Xander came begging for the serum. Kristen declares that if Brady is free, she will have no problem getting him on the phone.

Brady is glad Sarah is there since he wanted to talk to her too. Brady asks her to come in to the interrogation room for some privacy. Brady then gets a call from Kristen and asks if he can take this real quick. Sarah agrees to wait for him in the interrogation room. Brady answers as Kristen says she heard the good news and asks if he’s really out. Brady confirms that he will be heading home soon. Kristen calls that amazing and asks him to stop by on his way home to see Rachel which Brady agrees to do. Kristen stops to ask Brady how exactly his release came about.

Marlena runs into Kayla at the hospital and informs her that Brady is getting out of jail. Kayla says she must be really happy. Marlena notes her not sounding excited and asks if she’s distracted. Kayla then informs Marlena that Steve has landed in Paris to try and stop Chad from marrying “Abigail” because “Abigail” is not Abigail after all.

“Abigail” checks on Mark to ask if he’s okay. Steve explains to Chad that Mark falsified the results of the first DNA test. Chad asks if that’s true. “Abigail” confirms Mark is breathing and asks if he can hear her. Chad asks again if it’s true. She starts to cry as Chad realizes she is not Abigail. She finally admits that she is not Abigail. Chad questions her playing him this whole time like a sick game. Chad realizes this means that Abigail is really dead. Steve repeats that he’s so sorry. Chad questions if Mark is her boyfriend. She confirms that he is her brother.

Kristen returns to Xander in the living room and informs him that she just spoke with Brady and he has been released from police custody. Xander asks for the serum but Kristen says no because Brady said that Eric was the one who figured out Fiona framed him and that’s what sparked his memory that he wasn’t the one driving the car that hit Sarah. Xander argues that Sarah remembered that too but Kristen says Brady was the one to alert the police so Xander and Sarah didn’t do anything to get Brady free. Kristen declares that she’s going to keep the serum.

Brady joins Sarah in the interrogation room. Sarah talks about blaming him for her accident for months and how he’s been blaming himself too. Sarah cries that she feels awful about it. Brady tells her not to since he thought he was guilty too, thanks to Fiona. Sarah brings up that she told the police that she saw him behind the wheel and that’s on her, not Fiona. Sarah says her statement almost sent Brady to prison for a crime he didn’t commit, so if he never forgave her, she would understand. Brady assures that she’s forgiven. Brady acknowledges that Fiona would never have been able to frame him if he wasn’t drinking so much. Brady says it will take him awhile to forgive himself for getting so drunk after years of sobriety. Sarah encourages that he will get there and calls him a really good man, who had the sense not to drive that night so he has to give himself credit for that. Brady doesn’t think he deserves any credit but thanks her. Brady says now that he remembers that he wasn’t the one that hit her, he’s having a hard time understanding why she identified him as the driver. Brady asks if she saw him in the passenger’s seat and got mixed up. Sarah admits there was no mix up and that she lied.

Marlena tells Kayla that she can’t believe this woman would pose as Abigail for all these months. Kayla says she sadly had them all fooled. Marlena asks about the DNA test. Kayla explains that Steve figured out she had help from their own Dr. Mark Green, who changed the test results. Marlena questions why he would do that. Kayla has no idea but is sure Steve will find out soon enough.

Chad questions Mark being “Abigail’s” brother and that’s who she was on the phone with when she said she was talking to JJ. Steve declares it’s time to bring in the police. Chad says that’s fine but he wants his answers now so they are going to have a little chat. Chad takes her in to the bedroom and demands she start talking. She asks what he wants to know. Chad wants to know why she’s pretending to be his dead wife. She says she knows there’s no excuse but she wants him to know that it was not her idea or Mark’s and that it was all Clyde’s plan. Chad questions if Clyde paid her to pretend to be Abigail. She says it was nothing like that. Chad questions her letting Clyde use her to do his bidding. Chad recalls Clyde stopping him from putting a bullet in his head by claiming Abigail was still alive and then he tried to use that lie to get out of prison but got put in super Max, so he questions why Clyde would do all this. She explains that Clyde wanted to torment him and wanted his money. Chad questions this being about money that she pretended to be a dead woman and pretended to care about him. She clarifies that wasn’t pretend and admits that she really has feelings for him.

Marlena tells Kayla to let her know when she hears from Steve. Kayla says she’s sorry she was distracted when she told her about Brady because she knows how much that weighed on her and John, so it must be a huge relief. Marlena adds that now Kristen doesn’t have to be involved in helping Brady. Kayla doesn’t understand how she could have. Marlena says that Kristen had some sort of plan to help him but now they don’t need her help. They talk about Kristen still trying to worm her way in to Brady’s life.

Brady gets that Sarah wanted him to pay when she believed that he was the one who hit her, but he’s frankly surprised that she would lie to the police to make that happen. Sarah clarifies that’s not why she lied. Brady asks if she was protecting Fiona. Sarah assures that she had no idea Fiona was the one who hit her. Brady brings up hearing that Fiona tried to push her down some stairs. Sarah says she would’ve succeeded if Xander didn’t come home when he did and calls her a monster. Brady says he’s sorry for her and Xander, but he can tell she’s reluctant to tell him why she lied to the police. Brady adds that he had time to think about it and he has a theory that she was trying to protect someone, not Fiona, but Xander. Brady guesses that Xander was going to kill him on the night she had him arrested.

Xander argues to Kristen that he and Sarah were the one who convinced EJ to let Brady go so if it wasn’t for them, he’d be rotting in a holding cell next to Fiona. Kristen says he doesn’t have to tell her how stubborn EJ can be, but he would have had to drop the charges eventually as Brady would’ve gone free no matter what. Xander argues they had a deal and she’s just trying to go back on her word. Kristen complains that he didn’t deliver. Xander asks if she’s not going to give them the serum. Kristen says she didn’t say that and calls it his lucky day. Kristen declares that she will give him the miracle serum to cure Sarah’s paralysis but she wants something in return. Xander asks what she wants now. Kristen reveals that she wants Titan. Xander asks if this is a joke as she seriously can’t expect him to hand over a billion dollar company. Kristen says he will if he ever wants to see his wife walk again. Xander argues that it makes no sense to want his family’s company when she has her own. Kristen explains that Titan is DiMera’s number one competitor, so if she merges them, she will be unstoppable. Xander calls her greedy while Kristen says it’s self preservation. Kristen talks about coming back from a very tense meeting with the DiMera board where they expressed dissatisfaction in the current revenue stream and projections, so they are losing confidence in her as CEO. Kristen declares she has to pull out all the stops and if she gains control of Titan, they would regain their confidence in her in spades and she would be the most successful CEO that DiMera has ever had. Xander responds that he’s sorry to burst her bubble, but he’s never giving her his father’s company.

Brady tells Sarah that they all know how badly Xander wanted revenge because he believed that he hit her with his car. Brady adds that Xander planned to break his legs, so it’s not a stretch to think he would take it one step further and end his life. Brady recalls running in to the man in the town square that night, who pricked him with his ring and shortly after, he was out of it and everyone thought he was drunk, but he knew he hadn’t touched a bottle since the accident, so he had been drugged. Brady adds that night when the police came to his house, they caught Xander hovering over him in his bedroom and he said he was just there to confront him, but he think Xander was there to finish him off. Brady states that luckily because Sarah called the police, that stopped him. Brady believes that Sarah knew what Xander was up to, so she called the police and lied to keep him from committing murder. Brady asks if that sounds about right.

Kayla asks Marlena if Brady is home now. Marlena says he won’t be until later this afternoon. Marlena says she’s so happy for Tate as he really needs his dad right now. Kayla agrees, especially since his mother isn’t in his life. Kayla bets John is just thrilled which Marlena confirms. Marlena says that John always believed there would be more to it and he wished he could be there to welcome Brady home, but he’s out of town with his father in Baton Rouge. Kayla brings up hoping that Steve got to Paris in time. Marlena says even if he doesn’t get there in time to stop the wedding, it’s going to be so hard because Chad is going to have to say goodbye to Abigail twice. Kayla says her heart breaks for him.

Steve ties up Mark as JJ returns to the apartment and questions what Steve is doing there and what’s going on. Steve informs him that they had a little incident. JJ recalls seeing Mark talking to Holly earlier and that he’s a doctor from Salem. Steve reveals that he was also moonlighting as Chad’s assassin. JJ asks if Chad is okay and where “Abigail” is. Steve explains that Chad is fine and he’s in the bedroom, questioning her part in all of this. JJ asks if he’s saying his sister had a part in Mark trying to kill Chad. Steve then reveals to JJ that the woman is not his sister.

Chad questions “Abigail” wanting him to believe that she has feelings for him. She says she doesn’t want him to do anything and she doesn’t expect anything from him, but she does care about him and at no point was her intent malicious. Chad questions it not being malicious to make him believe his dead wife was alive. “Abigail” talks about how hard it was and how much harder it got when she got to know him and saw what a kind and compassionate man he is. “Abigail” declares that she was falling in love with Chad. Chad questions how she recited Abigail’s vows. She admits that when Chad brought the wedding album over, he mentioned a box of mementos in the attic, so she snuck in and found Abigail’s vows, then memorized them. Chad calls her disgusting and so unbelievably twisted. Chad asks if she realizes that lying to him like that and make him feel this kind of miserable pain and grief means she can’t claim to care about him. Chad argues that if she cared about him, she would’ve told him the truth before he fell for her, before he thought he had the love of his life back, and especially before her brother showed up to shoot him dead.

Marlena reminds Kayla of how the woman posing as Abigail started. Kayla remembers Jack and Chad going to look for her and finding John tied up in her apartment, but they never gotten to the bottom of how all that happened. Kayla hopes that Steve gets to the bottom of it and gets answers.

JJ tells Steve that Jennifer was right all along as she knew that woman wasn’t her daughter. Steve guesses they should’ve known better than to doubt a mother’s instinct. JJ dreads telling Jack because he was so convinced it was Abigail and so happy about it. Steve thinks they should wait until they have more details before making that call. JJ doesn’t get why that woman would pretend to be Abigail and how she’s connected to Mark. Steve says they are apparently brother and sister and guesses their motive has something to do with Clyde Weston.

“Abigail” swears to Chad that she didn’t even know Mark was coming to Paris and certainly not that he was coming to kill him. Chad questions why he should believe her. She says she wasn’t going to let it happen and stood in front of the gun. Chad asks how he knows that’s not just part of her act. “Abigail” insists it wasn’t and tells Chad that she was just supposed to marry him, then transfer his assets to Clyde and that was it. Chad asks how she was going to explain it when he found out his assets were gone. She then reveals that she was meant to disappear afterwards. Chad questions just deciding it would be a lot easier if he was dead, then she could just inherit the money. She insists that she didn’t know but Chad tells her to stop. Chad states that part of this is his fault too because he knew in his gut that something was off but he just reminded himself about the DNA test. Chad says if he’s being completely honest, he thinks he fell for her lies because he just wanted so desperately for it to be true that the love of his life had finally come back to he and his kids. Chad adds that for the first time since finding out his wife was dead, he wasn’t in pain but now thanks to her, he has to mourn her all over again. She cries that she’s so sorry. Chad adds that it’s not just him that she hurt because when Abigail’s parents find out the truth, they are going to be in Hell. Chad thanks God that he did not tell his kids. She talks about being adamant about not seeing them so they didn’t get their hopes up and that’s why she suggested going to Paris. She insists that she and Mark never wanted to do any of this. Chad asks why they did then. She responds that Clyde forced them to, so Chad asks how. She then explains that the only reason she pretended to be Abigail was to stop her and Mark from losing someone they love because Clyde threatened to kill their mother if they didn’t do what he said.

Brady tells Sarah that he doesn’t have to say anything as he can tell by the look on her face that she’s right. Brady says in some ways, he gets it. Brady acknowledges that he’s no fan of Xander but he doesn’t blame him for wanting to pay him back for what he believed he did to her. Sarah calls that generous. Brady says as far as Sarah’s lie goes, she thought it would be best that a guilty man go to prison rather than the father of her child going to prison for murder, so he can’t blame her for that. Sarah tearfully thanks him. Brady knows she tried to do the right thing in the end as EJ told him that she tried to recant her statement which she confirms, but says it was for selfish reasons. Brady asks what she means. Sarah then reveals that apparently there’s an experimental drug that could help her walk again and someone offered to give it to her, if she had the charges against him dropped. Brady is pretty sure he can guess who made that offer.

Kristen warns Xander to rethink his position unless he wants to go home to his wife and explain to her that he threw away her only chance at ever walking again. Xander argues that she must want something else more reasonable, suggesting a new car. Kristen calls that the lamest counter offer. Xander says she doesn’t need Titan to impress the board since she has the serum and said she was going to make a fortune off it. Kristen says she thought so, but the trials could take years so if she makes a profit off the serum, one of her brothers could take her spot as CEO, so she has to act now. Xander argues that she has to understand that his father left the company to him and it’s greatest work, so he can’t just hand it over to the daughter of his greatest enemy. Kristen asks why not, calling it a small price to pay to help the woman he loves. Xander then exits. Brady arrives, so Kristen runs up and hugs him, saying she’s so happy to see him. Brady asks about Rachel. Kristen says she’s upstairs and she will go get her but Brady asks to talk to her first. Brady reveals that Sarah told him about the deal she made with her and Xander, so he’s assuming that’s the plan she was alluding to. Kristen confirms it was but says it turns out she didn’t have to make that deal after all. Brady asks if she’s still going to give Sarah the serum. Kristen assures that she is and says that Xander was just there, making arrangements.

Xander goes home to Sarah at the Kiriakis Mansion and asks if she talked to Brady. Sarah confirms that she did and she apologized. Sarah adds that Brady figured out that she lied to prevent Xander from killing him. Xander points out that he doesn’t have any proof of that. Sarah says that Brady is willing to let it go and asks how it went with Kristen. Xander says she ultimately agreed to give the serum, but there’s a catch. Sarah questions how there’s a catch since Brady is free. Xander explains that Kristen doesn’t feel they were involved in making it happen, so she wants something else in return for the serum. Sarah asks what she wants. Xander says just his family legacy.

Mark regains consciousness and asks why the hell Steve is there. JJ responds that his uncle foiled Mark’s little assassination attempt. Mark questions how he knew. Steve explains that the DNA test he had him run was actually a test for him and he failed miserably. Mark asks where his sister is. Steve informs him that she’s in the bedroom with Chad, hashing things out, but he’s pretty sure their marriage is doomed.

Chad questions “Abigail” about Clyde threatening to kill her mom. She explains that Clyde’s men have been holding her mother hostage this entire time and if they don’t get the money to him soon, they are going to execute her. She assures that is the only reason that she and Mark agreed to do any of this. Chad asks how he knows it’s not just another lie. She admits he doesn’t and she doesn’t expect him to believe anything she’s saying. Chad remarks that he doesn’t even know who the hell she really is. She then reveals her name is Cat, short for Catherina as she was named after her mom…

Marlena tells Kayla that it’s so strange that one moment John was in Greece, laying flowers at Catherina’s grave and then the next, he was tied up in a room in Poplar Bluff. Kayla talks about John not getting closure. Marlena say no matter how much time has passed, John will never forgive himself. Kayla talks about John carrying around that tremendous guilt. Marlena suspects Catherina’s death will always haunt John…

Cat tells Chad that as far as she knows, her mother is still alive but one phone call from Clyde could change all of that. Chad admits he doesn’t know if she’s telling the truth or not and he doesn’t really care, but he knows that she and Mark committed an incredibly cruel fraud against anyone who ever loved Abigail. Chad promises that for that, he will make them pay.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of October 14, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Fiona and Brady


Sarah told Fiona that she remembered what happened while she was alone.

Why would Julie tell Steve that Chad went to Paris?

Holly didn’t know Abby, so she had no reason to eavesdrop on her phone call.

Brady suddenly remembered that Fiona was the one who drove the car. He was too drunk to function, but he suddenly remembered everything.

Xander was the only one who saw Fiona taking Sarah out of her room.


Xander could be heard talking while Brady was shown.

Brady gave everyone credit for helping him except for Kristen. She was willing to help him from the beginning. Kristen was the one who moved the car to keep him from staying in jail.

You would think Marlena would want to help Abe with his soap opera. He’s supposed to be her friend, but it took Leo to convince her to help with the show.

Chanel was at the hospital one minute and at the mansion the next.

Speaking of Chanel, she was on the left side of the bed and now she’s on the right side of it.


Mark talked about murdering Chad at the town square. Anyone could have heard him talking about that.

Abby cried without any tears.

Why would Chanel ask Alex to help plan the party? She knows that Johnny is jealous of her relationship with him so why would she ask him to help her? Johnny has a lot of relatives in Salem so she didn’t have to ask Alex to help her plan his party.

Johnny conveniently knew where Alex lived. He never went there before, but he knew where to find him.


Chad clearly avoided looking at his phone. He put the picture down and clearly tried to avoid looking at his phone. Chad should have seen the text that Kayla sent him.

Xander cried without any tears.

Fiona was talking while Xander was shown.


Chad’s phone should have blacked out, but Abby managed to see Kayla’s text to him.

Why does Sophia have to tell everyone her problems? What makes her think anyone cares?



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of October 14, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


Why did the writers make Holly so vital to Chad and Abby’s storyline? She just happened to be listening to Abby while she was on the phone with Mark. Holly never said one word to Abby, but she instantly recognized her. It’s not believable that Holly suddenly spotted Abby while she was in Paris. Needless to say, Holly’s discovery became important later in the week. She confronted Abby about the phone call. It led to Chad discovering the truth about Abby. Chad needed the fall from grace because Jennifer and Steve tried to tell him that she wasn’t Abby. Chad refused to listen to them when they warned him that something was off with Abby. Now he has egg on his face since the truth is out. Let’s get back to Holly. We aren’t thrilled that Holly had to be the one who caused the truth to get revealed. She wasn’t involved in the story at all and suddenly became an important factor in it. Steve should have been the one to cause Chad to see the light. We loved how Steve played Mark and found out he lied about the DNA test. He tricked Mark by giving him DNA that belonged to him and Kayla. We loved how Steve was involved in the storyline. He should have been one of the driving forces of the story since he’s related to Abby.

Does Johnny want to get divorced like his father? He kept making digs about Chanel being with Alex. He saw Alex having sex at the hospital and thought he was with Chanel. There’s no way he could confuse Stephanie with Chanel. Stephanie is a Caucasian woman while Chanel is an African American woman. Each time the flashback was shown, it was easy to see part of Stephanie’s arm. We wondered why Johnny didn’t interrupt them. He stood there and watched them having sex without saying a word. Who would do that? Most people would say something about what they saw. They wouldn’t watch and then walk away. Johnny was making digs about them being together. He thought the worst of Chanel because she told him that she and Alex didn’t rehearse, but he didn’t believe her. It was easier to think the worst of her than approach her about what he saw. Why would Chanel have sex with another man when Johnny could have seen them together? They would have been somewhere more private. If he keeps acting the way he is, Chanel will end up divorcing him.

It’s time to shift gears. We noticed that Xander was being judged for his actions towards Brady. He wanted to get revenge on the person who he thought hurt his wife. There isn’t a man in Salem who wouldn’t want to do what he was willing to do to Brady for hurting Sarah. We knew that Brady was innocent, but Xander didn’t know that. As far as Xander was concerned, he was guilty. Every man reacts the way he did. For some reason, he looked like the bad guy for wanting to make Brady pay for what he did.

Sarah and Brady finally remembered what happened the night of the accident. With help from Eric, they remembered who really hit Sarah. Sarah confronted Fiona about hitting her with the car. We thought that was stupid of Sarah to confront her when she was alone. Sarah was defenseless against Fiona, but she told her that she was going to tell Xander what happened. It wasn’t a surprise that Fiona tried to kill her. Xander showed up in time to stop her from killing Sarah. We were waiting for the revelation to happen, and it finally did. Fiona had to confess to what she did. Xander went off about what she did. He wasn’t over the top with it. Xander talked to her as if he were disappointed in her for destroying his trust. He couldn’t believe that he was gullible enough to fall for her lies. Brady told Fiona off when she was at the station. She tried to explain what she did, but he didn’t want to hear it. We don’t blame him for not wanting to listen to more of her lies.


Xander Sarah Fiona

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Update Friday, October 18, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Ava is at the Bistro, reading the Spectator article on her tablet about Fiona being the hit and run driver. Sophia arrives and greets her. Ava points out that she’s late. Sophia questions three minutes being a big deal when they don’t open for dinner for another hour. Ava remarks that she’s still late but she will let it slide this time. Sophia thanks her and asks what she is reading. Ava says it’s just the latest Salem news. Sophia guesses it’s about Brady. Ava is surprised that she’s already heard. Sophia informs her that Tate told her and remarks that they are pretty close.

Aaron finds Tate at school and excitedly tells him that he heard the good news about his dad and he’s happy for him. Tate says he was just texting his grandpa to find out if Brady has been released yet. Aaron asks what this means for Tate and Holly since she went after his dad pretty hard. Tate informs him that there is no more he and Holly as they broke up.

JJ pours champagne to make a toast to Chad and “Abigail”. JJ admits he was nervous about seeing “Abigail”, especially after how Jennifer reacted, but now he’s sorry for not reaching out sooner, even if on video chat or the phone. Holly then remembers “Abigail” claiming that she was on the phone with JJ when she first ran in to her, so she questions what JJ means as she believed they just talked on the phone last night.

Kayla goes to the Brady Pub and tells Roman that she’s trying to get Chad on the phone but he’s not picking up or answering her texts. Roman asks why they are in Paris. Kayla explains that it was “Abigail’s” idea in hopes that it would jog her memory. Roman recalls they used to live there. Kayla complains that they are about to get married there again. Roman questions that not being a good thing. Kayla responds that it’s a terrible thing.

Mark arrives in Paris and calls Clyde, arguing that there has to be some other way. Mark assures that he doesn’t have to remind him why he’s doing this, but asks Clyde what the plan is for how he is supposed to murder Chad.

JJ questions what Holly is talking about. Holly informs when she ran in to “Abigail” at the cafĂŠ, she was on the phone with him but JJ reveals that she wasn’t.

Mark tells Clyde that he knows what’s at stake and asks what the plan is. Clyde informs Mark of a package underneath a table at the cafĂŠ which Mark retrieves. He opens it and there’s a gun inside. Mark tells Clyde that he just needs to make sure that Chad and “Abigail” are now married and hangs up.

“Abigail” reminds JJ that he was in the middle of a toast and says she’d like to hear the rest of it as she doesn’t think Holly meant to interrupt. Chad stops them and says he’s a little confused as he asks Holly about “Abigail” saying she was on the phone with her brother. Holly confirms that’s what she said while promising that she wasn’t eavesdropping. Holly says that “Abigail” said she was on the phone with JJ and talking about her mother, but guesses that she misunderstood which “Abigail” says that she did.

Roman questions if Kayla is worried that Chad and “Abigail” are rushing things. Kayla continues to complain about Chad not answering his phone. Roman notes Kayla’s hand shaking and questions what is going on and what she needs to tell Chad. Kayla then reveals that Chad is about to marry a woman who is not Abigail.

Aaron questions Tate about he and Holly breaking up. Tate explains that they had a huge fight about his dad. Aaron says he’s sorry. Tate then informs Aaron that Holly slapped Sophia across the face which shocks him. Tate says they were arguing in the town square and just as he walked up, Holly attacked Sophia because Sophia called her out for sneaking in to Brady’s room to try and find evidence to give EJ. Tate comments on Holly being angry at Nicole and the rest of the world. Aaron doesn’t understand why Holly would go all WWE on Sophia. Tate adds that Sophia also told her that she likes him as more than a friend. Aaron still doesn’t understand since they already knew that. Tate guesses he’s right and says he’s sorry since he knows Aaron was in to Sophia. Aaron says it’s okay and he’s over it as he knows that Tate is the one Sophia was in to. Aaron then asks if now that Tate and Holly have broken up, could Tate and Sophia end up getting together?

Ava calls it unbelievable that Fiona stood by and let Brady take the fall for paralyzing Sarah. Sophia says not to her as she waited on Fiona once and she turned out to be a real bitch after she joked about how much she loved her martinis. Sophia admits before that, they had girl talk and she was a good listener but now she regrets confiding in her. Ava points out that Fiona won’t be coming around anymore while Sophia remarks that she’s back to having no one to talk to.

Holly decides she should let Chad, “Abigail” and JJ celebrate as a family. Holly thanks them for letting her be a part of this. Chad tries to tell her that she doesn’t have to leave but Holly says they should all be together. Chad thanks Holly for coming as she exits. Chad then asks if “Abigail” wants to explain why she told Holly that she was on the phone with JJ. “Abigail” claims she had a really emotional day and wasn’t thinking straight. Chad argues that’s not an explanation. She asks him not to look at her like that and says she was rattled and is pretty sure Holly was eavesdropping on her private conversation. Chad complains that she said she was talking to JJ and he’s pretty sure JJ would remember that, so he questions who “Abigail” was talking to if it wasn’t JJ and why the hell she’s lying about it.

Roman questions Kayla saying the woman is not Abigail as he thought she ran a DNA test to confirm it. Kayla explains that Steve wasn’t buying it and it turned out the DNA test was wrong because somebody tampered with it. Roman questions who would do that. Kayla reveals it was someone on her staff that she thought she could trust.

Mark assures Clyde that he will do what he asked of him. Holly then runs in to Mark at the cafĂŠ, so he puts his gun away and hangs up. Holly calls it so weird to run in to him here. Mark asks what she is doing in Paris.

Ava questions Sophia about Fiona being her only confidant and not having friends her own age to talk to. Sophia says that for a while, she had Holly Jonas but their friendship blew up. Ava guesses that it was over a boy. Sophia confirms it was Tate, explaining that she liked him first but Holly broke girl code and didn’t have the decency to tell her that she wanted Tate for herself. Ava agrees that it’s breaking girl code. Sophia explains how Holly went behind her back and came up with a scheme to try and get her to hook up with Aaron while she ran off with Tate at the prom. Ava says it sounds shady. Sophia says that Tate’s a great guy while he and Holly were so wrong for each other. Ava asks if Sophia and Tate are together now. Sophia says not yet, noting that she told him that she likes him but he and Holly just broke up. Sophia adds that Holly wasn’t nice and did terrible things to him, but she’s also part of the reason they aren’t together anymore and she thinks Tate might still be hung up on Holly. Sophia tells Ava that she feels like the other woman as even though they broke up, Holly is still on Tate’s mind so she doesn’t want to push too hard for now. Ava says she gets it. Sophia says it sounds like she’s been there and asks if she knows what it’s like to be the other woman.

Tate informs Aaron that Sophia kissed him, but he had to tell her the truth that he’s not over Holly. Aaron says it makes sense to take a while since they went through a lot together. Aaron asks if Tate can see himself with Sophia in the future. Tate says he doesn’t know. Aaron asks if he’s attracted to her. Tate admits she’s really hot and has been there for him through everything with his dad. Aaron questions what’s stopping him then or if he still thinks he’s going to get back together with Holly.

Holly reminds Mark that her mom lives in Paris so she was visiting her and asks what brings him to the city of light. Mark responds that it’s something not so light, claiming he had business to take care of with his parents’ estate after they died in an accident. Holly notes that Aaron told her about it and she’s sorry for his loss. Mark says he would love to stay and chat but there is some place he has to be. Holly calls it crazy to see another person from Salem in Paris. Mark asks what she means and who else from Salem she saw in Paris. Holly tells him that it was Abigail DiMera.

Kayla explains to Roman how Steve gave Mark samples of DNA from he and Kayla that he said were from Abigail and Thomas, then Mark said they were a match for mother and son. Roman questions why he would go to such lengths to lie to Abigail’s family. Kayla doesn’t know but says he’s obviously in cahoots with the fake Abigail. Kayla adds that she tried to confront him over all of this but he has disappeared.

Mark claims to Holly that he hasn’t met Abigail but he heard about her return. Mark questions her being in Paris now too. Holly informs him that she just came from her wedding ceremony with Chad and they just finished their vows. Mark calls that great news and says he’s so happy for them.

Chad demands an answer as to why “Abigail” lied about talking to JJ. She asks if they can talk about this alone, so Chad asks JJ to give them a minute. JJ then steps out and exits the apartment. Chad questions what “Abigail” is hiding and why she lied. She responds that she will tell him everything.

Sophia sits with Ava and asks about her having been the other woman. Ava responds that she just knows what it’s like when people want to sew a scarlet letter to her blouse and she just has to not let it get to her. Ava advises Sophia that if she starts letting everyone else get to her, she’ll start second guessing her every move. Ava encourages that if she likes Tate, she would go for it and fight for him. Ava calls her a smart and beautiful woman, telling her to own who she is. Sophia says she likes the sound of that.

Tate tells Aaron that he doesn’t see how he and Holly can work past their problems since she totally betrayed him multiple times. Tate admits the first time was the worst when she let him take the fall for the drugs she overdosed on and now she lied about wanting to come over so she could dig up dirt on his dad. Aaron says he gets it and it sounds like they are really done. Tate guesses that they are. Aaron questions what’s stopping him with Sophia then and what he’s waiting on.

Mark tells Holly that he doesn’t know the DiMeras well but he’s happy for Chad and “Abigail”. Holly responds that she hopes it all works out. Mark asks if there’s some reason it wouldn’t. Holly admits things got a little weird before she left which Mark questions. Holly says there were miscommunication issues with Abigail’s brother which Mark asks about. Holly informs him that JJ showed up as a surprise. Holly decides she shouldn’t be talking about this and repeats that she just hopes it all works out. Mark says he hopes so too and now he really needs to get going. Holly says she’ll see him back in Salem as Mark then walks away. JJ appears and joins Holly, asking who that guy was.

Roman is glad that Kayla didn’t find and confront Mark since his gut tells him that he’s dangerous. Kayla points out that tampering with DNA tests is criminal and cruel to make them all believe Abigail was alive. Kayla asks how she could be so wrong about a person, arguing that Mark is a good doctor so she really believed he was a good guy. Roman says he obviously fooled a lot of people but now she needs to let the police handle it. Kayla assures that she called Jada and told her everything. Roman says they will just have to hope the police find Mark and convict him for perpetrating a fraud.

Chad demands that “Abigail” talk. She starts to explain but they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Chad answers the door to see Mark and asks if he can help him. Mark introduces himself and says he just ran in to Holly, who goes to school with his brother Aaron and she said they just got married and also that Abigail’s brother was there. Chad informs him that JJ just left and says they are in the middle of a conversation so he asks what Mark wants. Mark says he just wanted to say congratulations. Chad asks why when he doesn’t even know them. Chad then remembers finding “Abigail” talking to Mark in the park and she said she was asking him for directions. Chad then realizes he does know him.

Sophia thanks Ava for the pep talk and says now she’s so motivated to make things happen with Tate and own who she is. Ava says right now she needs her to be one of her servers and gets the tables set for dinner.

Tate questions if Aaron would not have a problem with him being with Sophia. Aaron asks why he would. Tate points out that Aaron was in to her. Aaron says he got friend zoned and assures that it’s no problem as he encourages Tate to go for it. Tate thanks him and invites him over to play video games but Aaron says he has to watch his sister tonight, mentioning that his brother is out of town on something to do with their parents estate, so they call a rain check on it.

Kayla tells Roman that Jennifer was right all along as her mother’s intuition told her that woman was not Abigail, so they all should’ve listened to her. Roman agrees that Jennifer would be vindicated but talks about Jack will be crushed as he really believed it was his daughter. Kayla says her heart breaks for them and Chad. Kayla prays that Chad hasn’t married her yet. Roman talks about Chad thinking he got the love of his life back. Kayla calls it an egregious lie and says they should’ve known better than to believe Clyde Weston since this is all his doing.

Holly tells JJ that Mark was just some guy she knows from Salem and she goes to school with his brother. JJ questions what he’s doing in Paris. Holly says it’s something do with his late parents estate but calls it such a coincidence to run in to “Abigail” and then Mark in the same cafĂŠ. JJ agrees that it’s wild. Holly asks if everything is okay with “Abigail” and Chad. JJ says not really as he can’t imagine why she would’ve lied about talking to him. Holly feels bad about saying anything as she ruined their wedding reception. JJ says he’s glad she did since something is definitely off here. JJ adds that Chad is talking to “Abigail” now in private, so hopefully he can get to the bottom of it.

Chad remembers seeing Mark and “Abigail” together in the park when she said she was lost and asking him for directions. Chad questions if they know each other. “Abigail” admits that she does and that he was the one that she was talking to on the phone when she said it was JJ, but she doesn’t know why he’s here. She questions why Mark is in Paris. Chad demands someone tell him what the hell is going on here. Mark responds that he’s sorry but he had no choice as he pulls his gun out on Chad.

Tate goes to the Bistro to see Sophia. She asks if there’s any news about when his dad is getting released. Tate says not yet. Sophia asks what he wanted to talk about. Tate says it’s about them which she questions. Tate wondered if maybe she wanted to hang out after work. Sophia says she’d love that. Tate says he’ll pick her up after her shift at 9. They agree to see each other then as Tate then exits. Ava watches on with a smile seeing Sophia happy.

JJ tells Holly that he can’t think of a reason why his sister would’ve lied about this, unless she really isn’t his sister. Holly questions why he would think that, bringing up that there was DNA proof that she is. JJ responds that he was a cop long enough to know that DNA tests can be messed with. JJ says he keeps going back to what Jennifer told him about how she didn’t feel it in her heart that it was her daughter. Holly says that must have been hard for them. JJ wonders if Jennifer was right all along that the woman isn’t her daughter or his sister and what if Holly catching her in a lie just helped them prove it.

“Abigail” questions what Mark is doing and yells at him to put the gun down. Mark repeats that he’s sorry but he said there was no other way. Chad questions who told Mark to kill him.

Kayla complains that she still can’t get Chad on the phone but at least Steve will be there soon, revealing that Steve left for Paris this morning to try and stop Chad from marrying that impostor. Roman hopes Steve gets there in time.

Mark explains that now that “Abigail” married Chad, Clyde wants him dead. “Abigail” stands in his way, refusing to let Mark do it and says he’ll have to shoot her first. Mark holds the gun but Steve appears and knocks Mark out from behind. Chad is shocked to see Steve and questions what’s going on. Steve then declares that this woman is not Abigail.

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Days Short Recap Friday, October 18, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

JJ made a toast to Chad and Abby. He wished he talked to Abby sooner. Holly thought Abby talked to JJ, and he said he didn’t. She confronted Abby about what she told her. JJ and Chad looked at a nervous Abby. Abby wanted to get back to the celebration, but Chad wanted to know what Holly meant by that. Holly informed Chad that Abby told her that she talked to her brother last night. She narrowed her eyes and said she must have misunderstood Abby. Abby agreed that’s what happened. Holly left to let them celebrate as a family. Chad demanded an explanation from Abby about why she lied about who she was talking to. JJ walked out the room so they could talk. Kayla went to the pub and talked to Roman about Abby. She explained how someone at the hospital changed the DNA results for Abby. Kayla told him that she talked to Jada about it. Roman hoped the person got caught for what happened. Jennifer was right after all. Roman wondered how Jack would react to the news.

Mark expressed how stressed out he was to Clyde. Clyde told him about the package. Mark found a gun in the package. He agreed to do his part, but he expected Clyde to hold up his end of the bargain. Mark hid the gun as Holly approached him. She wondered why he was there. Mark came up with the excuse that he was settling his parents’ estate. It was surprising to see Abby and Mark in Paris. She told him about Abby getting married and how there were communication issues with her brother. Mark stormed off as JJ approached Holly. He was glad that she said something about Abby at the wedding because he felt something was off. JJ wasn’t sure if Abby was his sister. Catching Abby in a lie could be a way to prove she’s not who she said she was. Abby was about to tell Chad something when there was someone at the door. Chad opened the door to Mark. He said he was a doctor in Salem and ran into Holly. He wanted to congratulate Chad on the wedding. Chad wondered why he cared. He realized that he was the person Abby was with in the park. Kayla continued to express her annoyance at Chad not answering her calls. Steve was on his way to Paris. Abby admitted that she knew Mark. Before Chad could respond, Mark pulled out a gun. Abby told him to put the gun down. Mark said there wasn’t any other way. Chad wanted to know who ordered Mark to kill him. Mark mentioned Clyde’s name, and Abby got in front of Chad. She knew he couldn’t do that, but Mark told her to get out of the way. Steve snuck behind Mark and hit him on the back of the head. Chad wanted to know what was going on. Steve told him that Abby wasn’t really his wife.

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Days Short Recaps Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny had a nightmare that Chanel and Alex had sex. When he woke up and realized he was dreaming. He ran into Chanel on the phone. She told him she was talking to Felicity about Sweet Bits. Chanel said he didn’t sleep in the bed last night. Johnny said he slept on the couch. He asked her about her back to which she said was stiff but feeling better. She couldn’t believe she threw her back out tying her shoes. Johnny thought about Alex making love to someone in the hospital bed. He asked if she wanted to drive to the set together. Chanel said Kate postponed her scenes until tomorrow to make sure her back was feeling better. Johnny said that would give him more time to prepare for directing her scene with Alex in bed. She asked if he was okay with directing the scene and wondered if he was still jealous. He said he wasn’t jealous. Steve talked to Kayla about Mark and how he lied about the results of the DNA test. Kayla told him it was a violation of Abby’s rights. Steve said he didn’t ask Mark to run the test on Abby. He said he gave Mark their DNA but said they were Abby and Thomas’. Steve said Mark told her Abby was Thomas’ mother. Kayla said they shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Steve said there’s no other explanation. He said there was one way to prove it since Abby and Jack’s samples were still in the lab. Kayla said she would rerun the test. Mark talked to Clyde about his reservations about killing Chad and wondered what would happen if he got caught. Clyde suggested that he doesn’t get caught and not to tell his sister about their plan. Mark asked Clyde if he was going to let his mother go once his sister married Chad. When Mark got off the phone, Felicity showed up. Mark wanted to talk to her about something. Felicity assumed it was about Abby. Mark wondered why she assumed it was about Abby. Felicity said she reminded her of their mother. Mark said he could see it in her mannerisms. He said he had to take care of their parents estate. Felicity said she missed them.

Stephanie woke up in bed with Alex. When Alex wondered why she was so jumpy, she told him they made a mistake. Stephanie got dressed and said she had to check in with Body and Soul and Paulina. When she opened the door, Chanel was there. After Stephanie left, Chanel said she didn’t know Alex and Stephanie were together. Alex said it just happened and that they were friends with benefits. Chanel wanted to talk to him about Johnny’s birthday and how she wanted to plan a surprise party for him. She said she wanted to have the party on the set and didn’t want anyone else to find out about it. While they were talking, Chanel told him that things were awkward and this would show Johnny that the set was a friendly place. Before she left, she told him to keep it between them. After she left, Alex closed the door. Johnny showed up around the corner. Abby looked at Chad and the real Abby’s wedding picture and regretted what she was doing to Chad. Chad showed up and wondered why she was crying. Abby said she was feeling a lot today. Chad said they would be happy again. Abby said she wanted that too, but she wasn’t her. Chad asked what she meant by that, but she said she meant she had a different face and didn’t have any memories of the woman in the picture. She said she was a different woman. Chad said he changed too but the only thing that matter to him was that she was Abby. He said that it was important that she remembered that she loved him. While they were talking about their feelings, Chad ignored Steve’s calls. Steve left a message for Chad to call him back. Kayla showed up and told him he was right about that woman not being Abby. Kayla said she felt bad for Jack and Chad. Steve said he wondered why Mark lied. He said Mark and the woman needed to be stopped. Steve wanted to call Jada, but they had to stop Chad. Kayla sent Chad a text saying Abby wasn’t the real Abby.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, October 17, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ brought Fiona to a cell near Brady. Smugly he told Brady that he’s still a suspect. He decided to leave them alone so they could figure out the truth. Brady looked at her and wondered how he could be so wrong about her. He wasn’t concerned with himself. How could she hurt Sarah the way she did. Fiona cowered in a corner. Sarah found Xander staring at Victor’s portrait. He wondered how Victor’s son could be so gullible. Fiona disappointed him for his entire life. When Fiona showed up for their wedding, he became the boy who wanted his mother. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t see that she was the same drunk she’s always been. It broke Sarah’s heart that Fiona hurt him. Xander rushed to her side saying that his pain was nothing compared to what Fiona did to her. He talked about her getting charged with perjury for protecting him from killing Brady for nothing. Sarah reminded him that Fiona confessed. He informed her that she only confessed to them. She could have told the police anything. They had to set the record straight because he’s innocent and that’s the only way Kristen will give them the serum to help her walk again. When Sarah was better, Xander planned to make his mother pay. Abby talked to Mark on the phone in the bathroom. He didn’t tell her about Clyde’s orders, but she was sure he would be able to take care of it. She planned to marry Chad and get Clyde his money. After she got off the phone, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was convinced she could go through with the plan for her mother. Chad looked at his wedding album. Across the room, Kayla sent Chad a text message letting him know that the woman he was with wasn’t Abby.

Fiona told Brady that she panicked the night she hit Sarah. Her mind was racing, and she didn’t know what to do. She saw him and he looked innocent. Fiona informed him that she did research before arriving in Salem and knew Maggie was framed the same way. Brady told her that she didn’t just frame him. She put him through hell. It was her turn to suffer. She needed to rot for what she did to him. Brady continued to read her the riot act for what she did to him. Fiona admitted that she cared about him. The only person she detested was herself. He never wanted to see her again. Fiona slumped down in the cell. Sarah and Xander met with EJ at the station. Xander didn’t care what happened to his mother, but he wanted Brady to be released. EJ thought there was a reason why Sarah changed her story. They seemed desperate to get Brady released from jail. Until he knew the truth, Brady wasn’t leaving. Sarah and Xander pled with him to release Brady. Chad embraced JJ. He saw Abby and asked if he remembered him. She said she didn’t remember him, but he felt familiar. JJ and Chad told her that he would marry them. There were no words to describe how much it meant to him to see his sister get married. Jennifer had a hard time accepting reality, but deep down she’s happy for them. Holly arrived with flowers for the wedding. Abby saw Chad’s phone and noticed Kayla’s message to him. She deleted the message from his phone. Thinking quickly, she told Chad that his phone was dead. JJ started the ceremony. Abby cried while reciting her vows. Chad stared at her lovingly. They kissed and were officially married. Her memories didn’t rush back, but she felt closer than ever to Chad. After he hugged her, her joy turned to worry. Xander wondered if he and Sarah should have told EJ everything. Sarah didn’t trust EJ to tell him that Kristen was blackmailing them. She prayed that EJ would do the right thing. EJ decided to drop the charges against Brady. Brady stared at Fiona before walking out of his cell. JJ made a toast to Chad and Abby. He apologized to Abby for not getting in touch with her sooner. Holly flashed back to Abby saying she was on the phone with her brother. Holly asked if they talked on the phone last night. JJ and Chad looked at Abby for answers.

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Days Update Thursday, October 17, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Tate runs in to Sophia at school. Sophia tells him that she heard some lady was arrested in the hit and run. Tate excitedly confirms that his dad has been cleared. Sophia says that’s amazing and she’s so happy for him. Tate adds that for some reason, Brady is still in jail and hasn’t been released yet.

Brady remains in his jail cell as EJ arrives and says he brought him some company in Fiona.

Sarah joins Xander in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander questions how he could be such a gullible fool. Sarah argues that they all thought Brady was guilty while Xander complains about Fiona being the cause of it all. Xander declares that he of all people should’ve known better. Xander calls his mother a drunk, a liar, and heartless as he remarks that he should’ve known she would never change.

“Abigail” questions Mark saying what Clyde told him to do being not important. “Abigail” decides she doesn’t need to know but trusts that he will take care of it, while she will marry Chad. She adds that as soon as she’s Chad’s wife, she will have access to the DiMera investment accounts and will get the money to Clyde. She says she will let him know when it’s done as she hangs up.

Chad looks at his old wedding photo of he and Abigail while he puts his phone down, missing a text from Kayla that says “She’s not Abigail”.

“Abigail” prepares to put on her wedding dress and tells herself that she can do this for her mom.

Holly joins Chad at the apartment. Chad tells her that “Abigail” is just getting ready and that they are so glad to have Holly as the maid of honor and witness. Holly says she’s grateful and excited to be a part of their wedding. Chad asks how it went with Nicole. Holly says things are still awkward but at least they are talking. Chad recalls losing his mom when he was around Holly’s age and he wishes he spent more time with her and been a better son. Chad encourages that fixing her relationship with her mom is important. Holly remarks that it’s at least one relationship in her life getting fixed.

Sophia questions Brady still being in jail. Tate has no idea as he hasn’t been able to talk to him yet, but he’s so relieved that he’s innocent. Tate talks about being happy for his whole family. Sophia assures that he’ll be home soon. Sophia asks about the suspect who actually hit Sarah. Tate informs her that it was Xander’s mom, Fiona, which shocks Sophia as she declares that she knows that bitch.

Brady is surprised to see EJ as he didn’t think EJ escorted prisoners to lock up. EJ says Fiona needed to be brought down while he and Brady have unfinished business. Brady says he wasn’t expecting his grand apology until he was officially released, but he’s ready for it. EJ reveals that he’s not here to apologize or to release him. EJ says they have a possible culprit but the finger has been pointed at both Brady and Fiona, so he figured he’d let them hash out their versions of the truth. EJ tells them to have fun and exits, leaving Brady and Fiona in opposite cells. Brady yells at Fiona to look at him. Fiona asks if they really have to do this. Brady recalls first thinking she was kind, fun, and misunderstood but questions how he could’ve been so wrong. Brady brings up the night and the morning of the accident when he called Fiona in a panic because he thought he hit Sarah, but she told him not to turn himself in. Brady says that Fiona made him feel innocent when she knew he was, but she hung him out to dry and questions how she could do that to Sarah.

Xander talks to Sarah about how Fiona has disappointed him for his whole life. Xander says Fiona abandoning him was the best thing that could’ve happened to him, but when she showed back up in Salem, he forgot about it all and turned back in to a stupid little boy who wanted his mom. Sarah tells him that she’s so sorry since she encouraged Fiona to come to Salem. Xander understands her heart was in the right place. Xander brings up Fiona first showing up at their wedding and revealing that he was Victor’s son and heir, he finally felt so vindicated. Xander adds that Fiona worked herself in to their lives and he let himself see what he wanted to see, believing Fiona had become someone he could trust. Sarah says she saw her that way too since Fiona was very good at playing that part. Xander complains that he should’ve seen through it because he knows how she was when she abandoned him. Xander questions how he couldn’t see that Fiona was the same heartless drunk she’s always been. Sarah argues that it wasn’t obvious and she hid it really well but Xander insists that he should’ve known. Xander talks about trusting Fiona with their daughter and questions what he was thinking. Sarah encourages that Fiona never hurt Victoria but it breaks her heart that Fiona hurt him. Xander says all Fiona did to him was remind him of how awful she is, but points out what she did to Sarah. Xander declares that Fiona hurt Sarah worse than anyone else because he stupidly wanted to believe she had changed, which allowed this to happen so he will never forgive himself. Sarah encourages that he had nothing to do with her accident but Xander repeats that he should’ve known Fiona wasn’t sober. Xander talks about Fiona passing down her wretched genes to him and how he was so enraged that he was going to kill Brady and Sarah had to lie to the police to save him. Xander worries about Sarah but she assures she won’t be arrested for perjury since she remembers everything now. Sarah brings up that Fiona confessed to them but Xander wonders what she’s saying to the cops. Xander remembers Jada showing up to arrest Fiona before they called 911 and wonders how she could’ve known. Sarah guesses it was Eric since he was grilling her about the accident, so he must’ve gone to the police. Xander declares that they need to go set the record straight and get Brady released, not only because he doesn’t deserve to be there but also because it’s the only way that Kristen will give them Dr. Rolf’s serum to heal Sarah’s injuries which is the priority. Xander adds that after Sarah’s all better, they will make his mom pay for what she has done.

Fiona tells Brady it was the last thing she wanted for him or Sarah. Brady questions why she drank and drove, then hit Sarah and leave her on the ground, why she didn’t speak up when he was arrested, and what he did to deserve this. Fiona insists that he didn’t deserve this but he at least deserves to understand that she wasn’t drunk that night, just tipsy, so she thought it would be safer for her to drive him home instead of him getting behind the wheel. Brady remarks that it would’ve been safer to get a cab. Fiona thought it would be okay and says that night was so dark, Sarah appeared out of nowhere, and it all happened so fast. Fiona cries about how she panicked after hitting Sarah because she knew if Xander found out, it would be the end of their relationship forever. Brady questions Fiona deciding to ruin his life instead. Fiona explains that Brady was passed out in the seat next to her, so she waited for help to arrive for Sarah and then they were gone. Fiona says her mind was racing, her world was about to end, and Brady was blissfully ignorant so the idea started formulating in her mind. Fiona talks about researching Xander’s Salem family and knowing that Maggie had been framed in a similar manner which is where she got the cruel and terrible idea to drive Brady home, then put him in the driver’s seat. Brady argues that Fiona put him in a guilt ridden Hell until he found out the truth. Brady declares now it’s Fiona’s time to suffer in Hell.

Tate questions how Sophia knows Xander’s mom. Sophia talks about how she used to come in to the Bistro and she was really nice at first and seemed like she just wanted someone to talk to. Tate asks what they talked about. Sophia admits they talked about Tate since Fiona asked if she was dating anybody. Tate questions what she told her about him.

Chad guesses Holly is referring to Tate and asks if she regrets breaking up with him. Holly says they weren’t together that long and were kind of always a hot mess. Chad asks if she misses him. Holly admits she kind of does but says she’ll get over it as there are plenty of other guys out there. Chad asks if that’s really what she wants. Holly admits it’s not but says even if she could forgive Tate for taking his dad’s side, she’s not sure that Tate could forgive her after catching her going through Brady’s briefcase. Holly adds that her ex-best friend Sophia is making moves on Tate and she’s pretty sure he’s in to her too. Holly decides that’s enough about her sob story and changes the topic to Chad getting married in the most romantic city in the world. Holly says she’s excited and honored to be a part of it as she can’t wait for Chad and “Abigail” to fall in love all over again. “Abigail” then comes out in her wedding dress.

Sophia asks Tate what the big deal is as she just told Fiona that she likes him but he was seeing someone else. Tate questions if she didn’t say anything else. Sophia asks what else there was to say, then notes that Fiona gave her a huge tip and told her to keep quiet about her drinking a martini which Tate questions. Sophia felt Fiona was being playful like it was an inside joke, but then she ran in to it in the town square and that Fiona freaked out when she said Tate’s name this time and also mentioning Holly. Sophia says Fiona apparently lives with Holly’s family and worried about them finding out about her drinking, so she threatened her. Sophia realizes now that Fiona also didn’t want her family to know that she was probably smashed when she mowed down Sarah.

Fiona tells Brady that she prayed no one would recognize his car and that he wouldn’t be implicated. Brady says he’s starting to understand that her setting him up was her failsafe so the cops wouldn’t find her. Brady questions letting him believe that he was guilty of this for the rest of his life. Fiona claims she fully intended to set the record straight when they thought Sarah would be alright after surgery, but then she was paralyzed and knowing it was all her fault, she couldn’t. Brady argues that she could’ve, but she decided not to.

Xander and Sarah meet EJ in the interrogation room at the police station. Xander tells EJ that they need to make sure EJ releases Brady now that he has Fiona in custody. EJ claims not to see how the two are related. Sarah argues that Brady is innocent but EJ is not so sure about that. Xander argues that Sarah remembers the accident now. EJ brings up Sarah signing a sworn statement before that it was Brady, so he questions which version to believe.

“Abigail” thanks Holly for coming to be part of their day and sends her to get the bouquet from the kitchen. “Abigail” says now all they need is the officiant. Chad recalls getting a text earlier and goes to check it but is stopped by a knock at the door. Chad then answers to see Abigail’s brother JJ Deveraux has arrived and they embrace. JJ comes in and meets “Abigail”, who guesses he is her brother. JJ asks if she remembers him. She says she wishes she did but claims a familiar energy to him. Chad explains that when Abigail’s parents couldn’t make it, he reached out to JJ who was able to make the long flight from South Africa. JJ then reveals that he is a newly ordained minister online, so he’s going to marry them. JJ says he’s excited to be part of this and how he kept thinking on the flight about seeing his sister again and how much that means to him. JJ adds that he’s sorry their parents aren’t there and he knows Jennifer is having a hard time accepting things, but he knows deep down she’s happy for her. JJ declares that he’s so happy to have her back as he hugs “Abigail”.

Xander complains that EJ knows damn well that Brady doesn’t deserve to be behind bars. Sarah repeats that she was unsure of her memory, but she’s sure now that it was Fiona and not Brady. EJ says he’s aware of her changing account of events which makes her no more reliable than a drunken Brady. Xander questions what that means. EJ goes over that Brady couldn’t remember, then he confessed and unconfessed but now claims he can remember not driving. Xander asks what else he needs. EJ talks about being skeptical that Brady’s memory was miraculously restored at the exact time as Sarah’s. Xander asks why they would put this much effort in to believing it’s Fiona, pointing out that he doesn’t want her to be a monster. EJ argues that there must be some reason for Sarah changing her story and for them to suddenly be so desperate for him to release Brady. EJ says until he knows the whole truth, he will do no such thing.

Fiona argues that when Brady’s car disappeared and EJ released him, she was so relieved and she’s so sorry that Xander tried to take the law in to his own hands, but she stopped that too. Brady asks if she wants him to thank her when her son always broke his legs for something she did. Brady recalls thanking her and she threw Sarah’s injury in his face, making him feel like crap for hurting her when she knew it was what she had done. Fiona says she was so close to confessing everything when she came to see him yesterday because the secret had been killing her. Brady says he won’t feel sorry for her. Fiona wants him to know that she cares about him, arguing that they were two lost souls who found each other when they needed somebody. Fiona says she had to pretend to hate him because everyone thought he injured her daughter in law, but the only person she hates is herself.

Sophia apologizes to Tate and says if she knew who Fiona was, she would’ve said something sooner. Tate understands she couldn’t have known. Sophia brings up Holly being awful to Tate and trying to dig up dirt on Brady when he was innocent the whole time. Tate points out that she didn’t know that. Sophia wouldn’t be surprised if Holly comes crawling back to Tate, apologizing, now that she knows Brady isn’t the one who ran over Sarah. Tate doubts it since things didn’t end well, but says they will see.

Holly comes back and greets JJ, saying she’s so glad he could come. JJ says he wouldn’t miss it. JJ talks about being ordained but a novice at the whole thing. JJ says they are ready, so Chad says he just has to put on some music and needs his phone. “Abigail” decides to get it and picks up Chad’s phone, seeing Kayla’s text that says “She’s not Abigail”. Chad asks if she’s okay. “Abigail” claims that Chad’s phone is dead. Chad argues that he had a full charge but “Abigail” says it’s fine and that she has the perfect song on her phone. JJ asks if she’s okay as she looks pale but she insists that she’s fine and is just a nervous bride.

Xander tells EJ that this is ridiculous as they obviously want Brady released because he’s his family and Sarah’s friend, so Sarah feels awful that her false testimony got him here. Sarah argues that EJ can’t prosecute two suspects, so he has to let one of them go. EJ points out that he already had to release Brady once, so he won’t again until he’s 100% certain that he’s innocent. Xander insists that Brady is innocent and Fiona is guilty. Xander questions why the police haven’t taken Fiona’s statement yet. EJ says she is entitled to have her lawyer present. Xander argues that Sarah and Brady remember the accident and offers his own testimony to Fiona confessing to him right after he caught her trying to push Sarah down the stairs. Xander tells EJ that it’s time to let this go as Brady didn’t do it. Sarah argues that she is the victim and Brady’s a victim too, so she pleads with EJ to let him go.

Brady questions Fiona expecting him to believe that she cares about him. Brady argues that if Eric hadn’t been so determined to get to the bottom of this and pressured him to remember that night, the truth would’ve never come out and Fiona wouldn’t have said a word. Fiona starts to cry as Brady declares that he doesn’t want to hear anything from her or see her face ever again and he’s so sorry that he met her.

Tate tells Sophia that he doesn’t know what the holdup is in getting Brady cleared but says what Sophia knows about Fiona might help, so he asks if Sophia is willing to talk to the police about it and possibly testify in court if it comes to that. Sophia agrees, saying she would do anything to help him and his family. Tate thanks her. Sophia calls him a good son and says Brady is so lucky to have him. Tate responds that he’s really lucky to have a friend like her as they hug.

JJ knows this isn’t the most conventional wedding but calls it an honor because he loves them both and grateful to be a part of it. They thank him for doing this while he thanks them for including him. They say they are ready so JJ begins the wedding ceremony. Chad and “Abigail” exchange wedding vows and then they exchange rings. JJ officially pronounces Chad and “Abigail” as husband and wife, so they kiss. “Abigail” wishes she could say her memories came flooding back, but she can honestly say that she feels closer to Chad than she ever has before as they hug.

Xander can’t believe EJ stormed out of the interrogation room without saying anything and wonders if they should’ve told him everything. Sarah insists that they can’t trust EJ with the information that Kristen blackmailed them or that Xander almost killed Brady. Sarah trusts that EJ knows he has to do the right thing, so she prays that’s what he is doing.

EJ returns to the holding cells and informs Brady that today is his lucky day as he announces he’s dropping the charges against him. EJ tells Brady to get the hell out of his sight before he changes his mind, so Brady exits his cell and takes a final look at Fiona.

Tate and Sophia hug until the class bell rings. Tate is sorry that he talked so much that she didn’t get a chance to eat lunch. Sophia says she’ll be okay. Tate thanks her for everything. Sophia tells him to just let her know about talking to the police or testifying and whatever he needs. Sophia says she will see him later and walks away.

JJ pours champagne to make a toast to Chad and “Abigail”. JJ admits he was nervous about seeing “Abigail”, especially after how Jennifer reacted, but now he’s sorry for not reaching out sooner, even if on video chat or the phone. Holly then remembers “Abigail” claiming that she was on the phone with JJ when she first ran in to her, so she questions what JJ means as she believed they just talked on the phone last night.

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Days Update Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Johnny has a nightmare about walking in on Alex and Chanel kissing in the studio, then wakes up calling Chanel a cheating bitch in a panic on the couch in the living room of the DiMera Mansion.

Alex and Stephanie wake up in bed together. Alex says so much for that not happening again.

Steve talks with Kayla at the hospital. Kayla comments on having the best team there is. Steve responds that he hopes that team doesn’t include Dr. Mark Green.

Mark sits in the town square, on the phone with Clyde. Mark says he hasn’t left yet but is on his way to the airport. Mark declares that he gets that if he ever wants to see his mother again, he has to fly to Paris and kill Chad DiMera.

In Paris, “Abigail” gets emotional while looking at a photo of Chad and Abigail, tearfully commenting on how lucky Abigail was to have a man love her like Chad does. She starts to cry about doing this to Chad. Chad then returns to the apartment with flowers for her.

Chanel texts Alex that she needs to talk to him in private. Johnny comes in and asks if he’s interrupting. Chanel claims she was just texting Felicity. Chanel points out that Johnny didn’t come to bed last night. Johnny says he just got so busy and passed out on the couch. Chanel talks about being so exhausted and getting a full night’s sleep. Johnny asks about her back. Chanel says it’s still a little stiff but she’s feeling better. Chanel comments that she still can’t believe tying her shoe is what took her out. Johnny thinks back to walking in on Alex having sex with Stephanie but believing it was Chanel.

Kayla questions Steve having a problem with Mark. Steve says he knows how much Kayla respects him and that she trusted him to run the DNA test on “Abigail”. Steve states that his issue with Mark is that test because it looks like Mark lied and faked the results.

Mark questions Clyde not hiring a professional to take out Chad. Mark repeats that he understands what happens if he doesn’t cooperate but worries about what if he gets caught or he fails when his younger brother and sister depend on him. Mark complains about Clyde advising him to just not get caught. Mark adds that he doesn’t intend to tell his sister anything because she’s busy wedding planning.

Chad asks “Abigail” if something’s wrong. She says she’s just feeling a lot and talks about the photo of Chad and Abigail on their wedding day. Chad encourages that they will be as happy as they were then. “Abigail” says she wants that with him, but declares that she’s not her.

Stephanie gets out of bed and complains about being unable to find her things. Alex asks if she’s alright as she seems jumpy. Stephanie reminds him that they agreed not to do this anymore. Alex says things happen while Stephanie says that mistakes happen. Stephanie thinks it’s best for both of them if they forget this happened as she exits the room.

Johnny asks if Chanel wants to drive to set together, but Chanel says Kate postponed all her scenes until tomorrow to make sure her back is healed. Johnny is surprised and says he hadn’t checked his e-mail. Johnny guesses that means he gets more time to prepare for directing her and Alex in bed. Chanel asks if he’s sure he’s still okay with that since he brought it up. Johnny says of course and that he was just joking. Chanel asks if he’s sure he’s not jealous. Johnny insists that there’s nothing to be jealous of since it’s all not real. Chanel agrees that it’s just part of the job. Johnny questions where Chanel is off to if she’s not going to the set. Chanel claims she’s just going to the Bakery to check in with Felicity.

Kayla questions Steve thinking Mark faked the test results. Steve brings up how he had a feeling something was off about “Abigail” since the moment Chad and Jack found her. Kayla says she knows but she thought he let it go. Steve says he couldn’t let it go with all the warning signs. Steve brings up “Abigail” lying to Stephanie and Jennifer’s reaction to seeing her. Steve informs Kayla that he asked Mark to rerun the DNA test. Kayla argues against doing that without “Abigail’s” consent. Steve explains that he didn’t need it as he told Mark that he had new samples from Abigail and Thomas but it was really he and Kayla’s, but Mark told him that they were a perfect match for mother and son.

Mark tells Clyde he has to go so he doesn’t miss his plane, but he needs Clyde to assure that the minute Chad is taken care of and “Abigail” transfers the funds, he lets their mother go. Mark mocks taking his word for it and hangs up as Felicity joins him. Mark tells her that there’s something he needs to talk to her about. Felicity asks if it’s about “Abigail”.

Chad questions “Abigail” saying she’s not her. She clarifies that she has a different face and doesn’t have those memories, so the woman in the photo is not the same woman he’s marrying today. Chad talks about not being the same either as they’ve been through a lot since then. Chad declares that none of that matters other than her remembering that they love each other. Chad adds that she wanted to get married today to remember the rest, then asks if she’s having second thoughts.

Mark asks why Felicity thinks he wants to talk about his patient “Abigail”. Johnny comes by and greets them. Johnny says he’s sorry to bother them but he’s looking for Chanel. Felicity mentions that she’s not in the Bakery and she hasn’t seen her yet.

Stephanie tells Alex that she should get to the office as she needs to check on promotional materials for Body and Soul, then she has a meeting at the mayor’s office. Alex calls it a busy morning and asks if she’s sure she doesn’t have a minute to eat. Stephanie insists that she should go and says she’ll see him. Stephanie then goes to leave Alex’s apartment as Chanel arrives at the door.

Kayla questions Steve about Mark telling him that their DNA is a perfect match for mother and son. Steve insists it’s obvious that he lied about the test. Kayla doesn’t want to jump to conclusions. Steve declares that there is one way to prove if Mark faked both tests. Steve brings up that Mark mentioned the lab still having the original samples from “Abigail” and Jack. Kayla decides she will rerun the test to prove the authenticity of the original sample and she will do it herself as she walks away.

“Abigail” assures Chad that she still wants to marry him and repeats that she’s just feeling a lot. Chad comments on Abigail always having a big heart and says she doesn’t have to act any certain way. Chad says they are all set and Holly is on her way back from seeing her mom. “Abigail” mentions having her dress and his bouquet. Chad declares that in less than an hour, she will be his wife. Chad then gets a call from Steve.

Stephanie says hi and bye to Chanel as she hurries out. Chanel questions Alex about he and Stephanie. Alex says it just sort of happened, explaining that when Chanel was late to set, he asked Stephanie to run lines with him. Alex insists that he and Stephanie are just friends with occasional benefits. Chanel assures that it’s not her business. Alex asks about Chanel wanting to talk in private. Chanel then reveals that Johnny’s birthday is next week and she wants to throw him a surprise party, so she needs his help.

Johnny questions Felicity about Chanel not being by the Bakery at all. Felicity confirms that she hasn’t been there today. Johnny guesses they got their signals crossed and thanks her as he walks away. Mark asks Felicity again why she brought up “Abigail” before.

Chad decides he doesn’t need the negativity and ignores Steve’s call which “Abigail” questions. Chad explains that Steve called last night and expressed his concern about them getting married, but he doesn’t know or care what his problem is. Chad declares they are getting married and there’s nothing he can do to change that as they kiss.

Steve leaves a message for Chad, telling him that he needs to call him back as it’s extremely urgent.

“Abigail” talks about feeling like she could remember everything they had before and talks about how lucky she is to have an amazing man like Chad. Chad says he’s the lucky one. “Abigail” then goes to get ready for their wedding.

Kayla returns to Steve and announces that he reran the test with the original samples, confirming that “Abigail” and Jack do not match, so there is no way they are related which means whoever that woman is, is not Abigail. Steve says he’s sorry as he knows how much she wanted it to be true. Kayla feels bad for Jack and Chad. Steve says they will deal with that as soon as they can. Kayla acknowledges that this means Mark falsified the results but wonders why.

Felicity tells Mark that “Abigail” reminds her of their mom. Mark says he can see the similarity. Mark tells Felicity that he has to go out of town for a little while as he has business to take care of overseas with their parents estate that he has to clear up. Felicity says she misses them. Mark assures he won’t be gone long but while he’s out of the country, she’s in charge of Aaron. Mark hugs her and says he loves her. Mark adds that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her or their family.

Alex questions Chanel wanting his help throwing Johnny a party. Chanel explains that she thought it would be fun to have Johnny’s party on the Body and Soul set since it would surprise Johnny and she doesn’t trust anyone at the DiMera Mansion not to tip him off. They talk about Johnny being so focused on work and on them. Chanel feels that Johnny is still a bit tense about having to direct their love scene. Chanel thought Johnny was over it but she was getting a vibe that he doesn’t fully trust her around Alex and she thinks directing the love scene is still triggering for him. Chanel thought it would be nice to throw Johnny a party on set so he realizes the set is a friendly place. Alex calls her a damn good wife and says he’s there for whatever she needs. Chanel says she will come up with a plan and let him know. Alex says that sounds good as he just wants everyone to feel comfortable too. Alex and Chanel say they will see each other on set. Chanel asks if she can trust Alex to keep this to himself. Alex assures that Johnny will not hear a word about this from him. Chanel says that’s good because her husband is totally clueless. After Chanel exits Alex’s apartment, Johnny then comes around the corner.

Chanel joins Felicity in the town square and tells her that she’s throwing Johnny a surprise party next week, so she asks her to help her with the cake. Felicity informs Chanel that Johnny was just there.

Stephanie goes to the Body and Soul studio where she sees a poster of Chanel and Alex. Stephanie wonders what she’s going to do about Alex. Johnny then arrives, so Stephanie shows him the poster. Stephanie goes to make some calls about where to put them. Johnny then crumples up a poster and tosses it on the ground.

“Abigail” calls Mark and says she will be Mrs. Chad DiMera soon but she’s a complete wreck about it. Mark knows it’s a big step, but reminds her that the second she ties the knot, they get their mom back. “Abigail” says she keeps reminding herself but it’s really hard as she feels horrible about what they are doing to Chad as she’s such a good man that he does not deserve this. Mark questions if she’s starting to have real feelings for Chad. “Abigail” admits that she is as she sees how much he loved his wife and how kind, compassionate, and generous is. She asks how she can’t feel horrible about how they are deceiving him. Mark urges her to stay focused on the job at hand. She assures that everything will be fine. She then remembers that Mark was trying to tell her something yesterday about what Clyde wants him to do, but Mark claims it’s not important.

Steve tells Kayla that Mark and “Abigail” need to be stopped. Kayla calls it awful. Steve says he’s going to contact Jada, but their first priority is stopping Chad from marrying that woman. Steve adds that he tried to talk him out of it yesterday but he wouldn’t listen. Kayla says she will do everything she can to get a hold of him.

Chad looks at his old wedding photo of he and Abigail while he puts his phone down, missing a text from Kayla that says “She’s not Abigail”.

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Days Short Recap Monday, October 14, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

While Chad was at the hospital, he talked to Steve on the phone. Steve said he heard Chad took Abby to Paris. Chad said he hoped it would stir up some memories, but she hasn’t remembered anything concrete yet. He thought Steve was still suspicious of Abby which was why he called. Steve said he was concerned about him. Chad let him know that he was okay and that he and Abby were getting married. While Chad was talking, he said Abby remembered their vows and how happy she was that day. He said she was the one who wanted to get married because it would help her get her memory back. A suspicious Steve said he had questions and thought Chad should have some too. Before Chad got off the phone, he told Steve he was getting married and would give Abby his love. In Paris, Abby was on the phone. Holly walked by. Abby told Mark that she and Chad were getting married. She said she knew what was at stake, but she was doing it for their mother. Mark told her he saw Clyde and wanted him to do something else. While Abby was on the phone, she noticed Holly watching her on the phone. She told Mark she had to get off the phone. When Abby got off the phone, Holly introduced herself and told her she was visiting her mother. Holly said she didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but she thought she heard her say she was getting married. Abby said it was an impulse thing. A confused Holly said she thought she heard her say she was getting married because of her mother. Abby lied and said she was talking to JJ about their mother having a hard time accepting her. She said she hoped getting married would trigger a memory and then her mother would accept it. Abby excused herself to look for a dress, but Holly asked to go with her. She took Holly to the suite to see Chad. Holly told Chad she was in Paris to see her mother. When she said she was going to get a motel, he asked her to stay in their room. He said they needed a witness for the wedding and Abby needed a maid of honor. Mark was glad Abby hung up because he didn’t want to tell her that Clyde wanted him to kill Chad. Steve showed up at the hospital to see Mark. He said Kayla spoke highly of him. Steve asked him to run a DNA test on his niece. He said his family was having trouble accepting the results so a second test would give them peace of mind. When Mark agreed to do the test, Steve gave him samples of Abby and Thomas’ DNA. Mark said he would put a rush on it.

When Mark came back from the lab, he told Steve that the DNA results were conclusive and that Abby and Thomas were a match. Steve thanked Mark. When Mark left, Steve said Kayla would be surprised that they were mother and son. Steve realized Mark faked the tests results and the woman claiming to be Abby wasn’t Abby. Xander told Maggie that Kristen had a cure for Sarah’s paralysis because of Rolf. He said Kristen was willing to give the cure if they got the charges against Brady dropped. Maggie called Kristen delusional because they couldn’t get the charges dropped. Xander said Sarah’s testimony was all EJ had against Brady. He said EJ threatened to have Sarah arrested if she recanted her statement. Xander said EJ was determined to make Brady pay. He blamed himself for why Sarah wouldn’t be able to walk again. Maggie asked how this was his fault. Xander said Sarah didn’t remember Brady hitting her, but she lied to the police to keep him from killing Brady. He said he wanted justice and when she found out what he was doing, she lied to the police. When Xander told Maggie his plan, she told him nothing good could come from revenge. He said it was his fault that Brady would be locked up and Sarah wouldn’t have the cure. Xander asked if Maggie hated him to which she said she could never hate him, but his need for revenge hurts people. She said she would try to talk to Kristen to see if she could change her mind. He said she always fixes the problems he creates. Maggie said she was doing it for Sarah. Eric told Brady they needed to talk about Fiona. Brady swore he didn’t know who Fiona was when he met her. Eric asked if Fiona was drinking that night. Brady told him she was drinking. Eric said Fiona was driving that night and put him in the driver seat. Brady said he was making crazy accusations. Eric wanted him to search his brain. Brady started thinking about the night of the accident and remember Fiona driving. He told Eric he remembered Fiona driving and telling him she hit someone. Brady said he didn’t hit Sarah. Sarah remembered seeing Fiona behind the wheel when she got hit. When Fiona came in the room, Sarah said she was the one who hit her. Fiona asked where she got such a crazy idea. Sarah said Eric told her she was with Brady and drinking. Fiona said she was with Brady but that didn’t mean she had anything to do with the accident. She said she kept it a secret because of the bad blood between Xander and Brady. Fiona said she tried to convince Brady not to drive that night. She said Eric was trying to save Brady by putting ideas in her head. An unconvinced Sarah told her she knew it was her and wanted her to admit it. Fiona asked why she was doing this when she didn’t have a clear memory of what happened before. Sarah said she remembered now. Fiona thought Eric put the idea in her head. Sarah said she was sick of her antics and was going to call Xander. Fiona took the phone out of Sarah’s hand and said she couldn’t lose her son. Sarah didn’t care about that. Fiona said she was lonely and now had her family. She said it was an accident. Fiona said she was drinking, but Brady was worse. Fiona thought she was doing the right thing and never meant to hurt her. She continued to blame herself for what happened. Sarah reminded her that she framed Brady. Fiona said she didn’t want Brady to go to prison, but didn’t realize he would turn himself in. She said she thought Brady would have been in the clear until Sarah identified him. Sarah said she lied to save Xander and now Brady had to go to prison for 10 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. She said she didn’t care if EJ put her in jail for perjury because she was telling everyone what Fiona did. Fiona said she couldn’t let her do that. She pushed Sarah’s chair towards the stairs and apologized to her for the accident she was about to have. Sarah tried to fight her off, but Fiona said Xander would find her at the bottom of the stairs and think she lost control of her chair and no one would be the wiser. Xander showed up and said he would.


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Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny went to visit Chanel at the hospital. She told him what happened to her back. Flashes appeared to him of them having sex at the hospital. Stiffly, he asked her how she threw her back out. Chanel explained that she did it when she reached for her shoe. He didn’t seem convinced about that. Johnny was about to talk to her about it when Alex showed up in the room. At the police station, Brady remembered Fiona was driving his car the night Sarah was hit. He thanked Eric for triggering his memory. If he didn’t help him, he wouldn’t have known he was innocent. Eric vowed to get him out of jail and make Fiona pay for what she did. Xander managed to stop Fiona from pushing Sarah down the stairs. Demanding answers, Xander wanted to know why she was hurting his wife. Sarah chimed in and told him that Fiona didn’t want him to know that she was the reason she was in the wheelchair. Growling, Xander pushed Fiona away. Everything came back to Sarah, and she told him that Fiona was driving the night she was hit. Xander confronted Fiona, and she weakly admitted that she did it. Xander took his mother downstairs so Victoria wouldn’t hear his rage. He yelled at her, and Fiona tried to defend herself. Fiona couldn’t tell the truth because Xander was the one good thing in her life. With tears flowing, Fiona told him that reconnecting with him was wonderful. Xander understood how she fell off the wagon, but he couldn’t forgive her for hitting Sarah and leaving her. She also framed an innocent man for her crime.

Johnny got angry while Alex and Chanel talked about their delayed love scenes. After Alex left, Chanel noticed Johnny was acting differently. His excuse was that it was a long day. Chanel felt his jealousy vibes. He didn’t know what she was talking about since she wasn’t having sex with Alex. Chanel was confused by what he said. Brady was confused that Sarah would tell the police he hit her with his car when he didn’t do it. Eric informed him that Sarah wasn’t protecting Fiona. They would get to the bottom of that soon. Jada joined them to hear Brady’s story. She needed more proof. Eric told her that she could talk to Fiona and Sarah to get the proof. Xander might have felt sorry for Fiona if he didn’t walk in on her trying to kill his wife. She wasn’t going to do it. Fiona panicked and didn’t know what to do. She was ashamed of herself. He told her that’s when she usually runs. Fiona told him that she stayed because she couldn’t lose him. Disgusted, Xander said she lost him anyway. She lost him for good. Johnny helped Chanel get into bed. She wanted him to get in bed with her, but he had work to do. Johnny went downstairs to get a drink. Thoughts of Alex and Chanel flooded his mind. He threw his glass and thought he was a fool. Marlena arrived at the police station after receiving Eric’s call. She was ecstatic that Brady was innocent. Marlena apologized for doubting him for a minute. Brady knew she and Eric were with him every step of the way. Vowing to get clean, he promised to make the most of his chance. Filled with anger, Xander informed Fiona that his rage was different from what he experienced when he thought Brady hit Sarah. He felt anger and disgust. There’s no way he saw himself calling the police on his mother. Jada arrived and told him that he didn’t have to make the call. She said she was caught up about what happened. Putting the cuffs on Fiona, Jada placed her under arrest. Sarah appeared in the room. She couldn’t believe she wanted Fiona to be part of their lives. Fiona let Xander and Sarah know that she really loved them. Jada took Fiona out of the Kiriakis mansion while tears fell down Xander’s face.

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Days Update Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Johnny finds Chanel in a hospital room. Chanel asks where he’s been as she had been texting him. Johnny says he was busy filming the rest of today’s scenes and asks what happened to her. Chanel responds that she somehow threw her back out. Johnny pauses and thinks back to walking in on Alex having sex with Stephanie which he believed to be Alex and Chanel. Johnny then asks Chanel how that happened.

Jada meets Stephanie at the Brady Pub. Jada talks about Rafe doing better which Stephanie says she’s so glad to hear. Jada asks Stephanie what’s up. Stephanie informs her that she’s freaked out and doesn’t know what to do. Jada asks what happened. Stephanie then reveals that she had sex with Alex.

Leo sits in his room at the Salem Inn, typing up the script for Body and Soul. Marlena shows up at his door but Leo thinks it’s Hattie and shuts the door on her.

Brady tells Eric that he didn’t think there was any way in hell that it could be possible that Fiona was driving the car that hit Sarah, but now he remembers and he’s positive that Fiona was behind the wheel, not him.

Sarah questions what Fiona is doing. Fiona responds that she’s doing what she has to do because she’s the only one who knows the truth. Sarah argues that Eric knows too but Fiona disagrees. Fiona tells Sarah that she’s about to have a terrible accident as she wheels her out of the bedroom while Sarah yells for her to stop. Fiona declares that somebody will find her at the bottom of the stairs and they will just think that she lost control of her wheelchair, but no one will be the wiser. Xander then appears and says except for him as he stops her. Xander questions what the hell is going on and why Fiona is threatening to kill his wife. Sarah declares that it’s because Fiona put her in the wheelchair and doesn’t want anybody to find out.

Chanel tells Johnny that he won’t believe this but explains that on the way to set, she went to the Bakery and on the way back, all of a sudden her back went out. Chanel says she never had issues with her back before so it was just really timing and then Abe and Kate had to cancel her love scenes with Alex which Johnny says he heard. Chanel adds that they didn’t even get a chance to rehearse as Johnny thinks back to walking in on Alex. Alex then enters the room and greets them, asking how Chanel is feeling.

Jada questions Stephanie sleeping with Alex and says she’s not judging but she thought they both agreed not to go there. Stephanie says they did, so Jada asks how it happened. Stephanie explains that she was at the hospital to do PR work for Body and Soul but Chanel was running late, so Alex asked her to rehearse the love scene with him and one thing led to another. Jada questions if she means they slept together on set. Stephanie confirms they did it on the hospital bed and asks what she was thinking. Jada guesses they weren’t thinking which Stephanie confirms.

Brady repeats to Eric that he remembers being in the passenger seat of the car on the night of the accident, so Fiona must have moved him and put him in the driver’s seat just like Eric said. Brady talks about thinking he was guilty all this time and being ready to go to prison for a decade. Eric is thankful that he remembered in time or else he would’ve accepted that plea. Brady thanks Eric because if it wasn’t for him, he never would’ve known he wasn’t the driver that hit Sarah and left her there. Brady declares he never would’ve known he was innocent if not for Eric.

Xander orders Fiona to get away from Sarah. Xander asks Sarah what happened. Sarah informs him that Brady wasn’t driving, it was Fiona. Sarah assures that she remembers seeing Fiona in the driver’s seat. Sarah adds that Fiona admitted it. Xander looks at Fiona in shock and asks if this is true. Fiona admits that she was the one who hit Sarah.

Leo talks about being busy writing the script for Body and Soul, shouting out that he has no time for Hattie but Marlena clarifies that it’s her at the door. Leo says he isn’t falling for that again. Marlena promises it’s her. Leo tests her by asking questions only his therapist would know. Marlena answers correctly so Leo answers the door, relieved that it is her. Leo tells Marlena about Hattie’s death scenes in Body and Soul. Leo says the show has got him up all night. Marlena says that Body and Soul is the reason she’s there.

Chanel talks about being on muscle relaxers that Kayla gave her, so her back is feeling better but she’s really sorry. Alex says she has nothing to be sorry about and mentions that he would’ve come sooner but he had to shoot scenes with Bonnie. Johnny comments on Alex seeming to be in a particularly good mood today. Alex guesses Bonnie being elated over not getting fired rubbed off on him. Alex adds that Kate said they would put off the love scenes until Chanel is feeling better. Chanel says that Kayla said she should be doing better tomorrow. Johnny remarks that they should be undressing each other in no time then.

Jada tells Stephanie that it’s not like this came out of the blue since she and Alex were in a relationship before. Stephanie talks about how Alex was adamant that they stay just friends. Jada thinks he obviously changed his mind but Stephanie is uncertain. Jada asks what Alex said after it happened. Stephanie says they didn’t get a chance to talk about it since she had to go deal with a PR crisis after Hattie stormed off set without filming her exit scenes. Stephanie comments that her whole job is dealing with fallout, so she questions why she’s so bad at doing it in her own life.

Xander doesn’t understand that Fiona was driving the car. Victoria wakes up crying, so Fiona tries to go check on her but Xander stops her and asks Sarah to check on Victoria, because he and Fiona need a moment alone. Xander declares that before Fiona tells the cops what happened, she’s going to tell him the whole story.

Brady talks to Eric about John fighting for him even when he didn’t want to. Brady talks about how Eric knew something was wrong and kept digging or else he probably wouldn’t have remembered. Eric is sorry that Fiona betrayed him. Brady says it’s sorry that he cared about Fiona and leaned on her. Brady recalls Fiona not wanting him to go to the police. Brady remembers Fiona coming to visit him and saying she had something to tell him, but Kristen barged in and interrupted. Brady worries about what Kristen is planning to get him out. Eric tells him not to worry as they are going to get him out and Fiona is going to pay.

Xander brings Fiona to the living room and questions her hitting Sarah, leaving her for dead, and then dragging a drunken Brady to the driver’s seat so he could take the fall for her. Fiona argues that she panicked and was desperate, adding that it wasn’t like she meant to hit Sarah as it was an accident. Xander shouts that Fiona knew she drove drunk. Fiona remarks that she wasn’t as drunk as Brady which Xander mocks. Fiona says after it happened, she stayed with Sarah and was going to call for help but then he arrived. Fiona insists that she’s not a monster but Xander screams that she left the scene and pinned it on an innocent man while never letting on that she was responsible for Sarah’s suffering. Xander brings up that he almost broke Brady’s legs with a baseball bat and he was going to murder him. Xander points out that Fiona stopped him but she’s still too much of a coward to tell him the truth. Fiona responds that she couldn’t because of him.

Leo questions Marlena being here because of Body and Soul. Marlena says that Abe called and said he had something important to discuss with her and that Leo left him a long winded text. Leo talks about being busy with last minute product placements and then finds his message. Leo tells Marlena about how they had to kill Hattie off, but she stormed off set before they filmed her very dramatic exit scenes, so now he has to come up with a solution. Leo says killing off an important character off screen is very undramatic, especially when they have some alternatives. Marlena asks if he wants her to talk to Hattie. Leo says no and that it’s a much simpler ask. Leo then tells Marlena that they need her to fall down an elevator shaft.

Chanel asks Johnny what’s wrong as he doesn’t seem very happy about her and Alex getting back to work. Johnny says he doesn’t want her to rush as her health comes first. Chanel talks about it costing money when they have to move scenes around. Alex asks if Johnny is okay to get Chanel home. Johnny assures that he is, so Alex tells her to get well and exits. Johnny calls that nice of Alex to stop by. Chanel feels Johnny seems a little off. Johnny claims he isn’t but Chanel insists. Chanel asks Johnny to tell her what’s wrong.

Jada tells Stephanie that she’s happy to be her sounding board, but she feels she should be talking to Alex about this instead of her. Stephanie says she will but she’s a bit rattled and freaked out. Jada points out that she just slept with a guy who she used to go out with, so it’s not exactly a scandal and might be the start of something great. Stephanie says maybe, but worries about if it completely ruins their friendship. Jada feels then it wouldn’t be a very good friendship.

Brady reminds Eric that Sarah told the police that she remembered that he was driving the car and wonders why she would do that or if she was protecting Fiona. Eric says he talked to Sarah and assures that she had no idea Brady and Fiona were together. Brady says he doesn’t understand then. Eric says they’ll get to that, but right now they need to focus on putting Fiona behind bars where she belongs.

Xander questions Fiona blaming him for this. Fiona says she isn’t and pleads with him to understand that he’s the only good thing she’s had in her life and she messed it up from the get go. Fiona talks about raising him and then being on a bender, too ashamed to come home to him. Fiona knew she was a terrible mother and that he’d be better off without her. Xander questions her telling herself that. Fiona says she did for every year they were apart and then when Sarah invited her to his wedding, she thought it was her second chance. Xander says he always thought he took after his dad Titus as the felon and the black sheep, but he wasn’t his father at all, but he is her son. Fiona remarks that at least he wasn’t an addict and if only she could have resisted. Xander questions her still being on the bottle. Fiona is sure that if he knew she relapsed, he would never forgive her. Xander says he understands it’s an addiction and a disease, so she fell off the wagon, but shouts that she didn’t have to leave Sarah in the street or frame an innocent man as he declares that’s what he will never understand or forgive.

Jada joins Eric and Brady in the interrogation room where Brady tells Jada that he’s 100% sure his memory of the events is accurate. Jada says she will need a little bit more than his say so, as the case will depend on credible eye witness testimony. Eric encourages Jada to talk to Fiona and Sarah, then she will find all the proof she needs.

Fiona pleads with Xander to understand how desperate she was after a lifetime of feeling bereft. Xander responds that he might be more inclined if he hadn’t just walked in on her trying to murder the love of his life. Fiona claims she wasn’t actually going to do it. Xander shouts that she was determined. Fiona admits she wasn’t thinking clearly and was panicked. Xander calls it a lifetime of excuses. Fiona cries that she’s so ashamed of herself. Xander is surprised that hasn’t led to her cutting and running like she usually does. Fiona states that she should have but she couldn’t bear to lose him. Xander tells her that she’s going to have to because she has lost him now, forever.

Marlena tells Leo that she already told Abe that she does not want to be in Body and Soul. Leo argues that it’s just one scene and begs her to do it. Marlena asks why Abe didn’t ask her. Leo points out that she turned Abe down once, so he thought maybe she’d more receptive to him. Leo insists it will only take an hour, the set is right down from her office, and they could do it on her lunch break. Marlena guesses Leo won’t quit. Leo talks about being persistent and says they are on a shoestring budget, but the fans will go ballistic if they don’t get to see Charlemagne plunge to her untimely death. Leo asks Marlena to do it for him.

Johnny claims to Chanel that nothing is wrong and it’s just been a long day, so he’s wiped. Johnny suggests they just go home. Chanel comments that he seemed okay before with the whole love scene thing, but just now, she was getting a vibe from him which he questions. Chanel calls it like a jealousy vibe. Johnny asks what there is to be jealous about, pointing out that it’s not like her and Alex are actually having sex.

Alex goes home where he runs in to Stephanie in the hall. Alex says he was literally just texting her, wondering if they could talk about what happened. Alex says they just wrapped awhile ago and asks if it’s not a good time. Stephanie thinks it’s a good idea that they talk.

Johnny brings Chanel home and puts her in bed, asking if she needs anything else. Chanel asks him to come to bed but Johnny says he has a bunch of scenes to plot. Chanel asks him to give her a pill before she goes to bed so she’s not tossing and turning all night. Johnny says he’ll get her a glass of water and asks what are husbands for as he exits.

Stephanie goes in to Alex’s apartment with him and suggests they just talk. Alex hopes she knows that when he asked her to rehearse, he wasn’t trying anything and just got caught up in the scene. Stephanie jokes about Leo being such a romantic in his writing. Alex insists that he and Chanel would never happen like them. Stephanie says to address the elephant in the room, they clearly have a physical attraction but they both know that’s not enough to build a relationship on which Alex agrees with. Stephanie adds that Alex said himself that he just wants to be friends and she thinks that’s for the best, asking if he feels the same. Alex says absolutely as he messed up a lot of things and doesn’t want to do that again since it took them a long time to get back to this place. Stephanie says they both know that being physically involved like they were is a high wired act and she values their friendship too much to risk it.

Marlena tells Leo again that she does not want to do this. Leo encourages that he’ll spend so much less time on her couch about what a failure his TV career was. Marlena says she is immune to manipulation so his emotional blackmail will not work on her. Leo asks about bribery. Marlena says they’ve spent too much time on why she won’t do this, they could’ve done the scene in that amount of time, so she guesses she concedes. Leo is thrilled and hugs Marlena when she finally says yes. Marlena clarifies that she will only do one scene as she is just a psychiatrist. Marlena then gets a call from Eric, who asks her to come down to the police station because he and Brady want to share some good news with her. Marlena says she’ll be right there and hangs up.

Brady asks Eric if he’s sure they should start telling people. Eric has no doubts that all charges against him will be dropped. Eric wonders sometimes whether or not Xander knew that his mother was involved all along. Brady says that Xander was so angry that he wanted to kill him, so he assures that he had no idea. Eric remarks that they are about to find out and Xander is going to find out the hard way.

Xander tells Fiona that the way he feels now is nothing like the rage he felt towards Brady because this isn’t just rage, but shock, disgust, heartache, and shame. Xander never thought he’d have to call the cops on his own mother. Jada then arrives and says he doesn’t have to as she’s already up to speed. Jada then arrests Fiona.

Johnny goes to the living room of the DiMera Mansion and pours a drink. Johnny looks to the portrait of Stefano and declares that he walked in on his wife having sex with her on-screen costar and they acted like nothing even happened, lying, mocking, and humiliating him to his face. Johnny states that he was going to confront Chanel at the hospital but it’s not like she would admit it as she made him feel like a complete fool for being jealous at all but it turns out he was right. Johnny screams that he was right as he smashes his glass across the room.

Alex tells Stephanie that he’s really glad they talked and guesses he should let her get to bed. Stephanie yawns and agrees that she’s beat. Alex says maybe he’ll see her tomorrow as they say goodnight to each other, but then they end up kissing again.

Leo calls Abe to inform him that Marlena is onboard. Leo says it’s just one scene but he does have an idea to bring Charlemagne back from the dead someday.

Marlena joins Eric and Brady in the interrogation room and says it’s such wonderful news. Eric says that’s why they wanted to tell her in person. Brady can’t believe it, saying it’s like he’s getting 10 years of his life back just like that. Marlena understands why Sarah was so confused since she thought the person behind the wheel was someone she knew, so she assumed it was Brady and she’s so sorry. Brady states that Marlena and Eric were there for him every step of the way. Brady is relieved that it wasn’t him that put Sarah in the wheelchair, but he has to stay the course and stay in treatment as he wants to make the most out of the second chance he’s been given.

Jada reads Fiona her rights. Sarah comes in to the room and says she thought she was doing a good deed by having Fiona come to Salem and she was grateful to her and trusted her with her daughter, but now feels like an idiot. Fiona doesn’t know what to say and says she’s so sorry. Xander says not as sorry as he is. Fiona tells Xander that she really does love him, as Jada then escorts her out of the mansion, leaving Xander holding back tears.

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Days Update Monday, October 14, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Steve is at the hospital and calls Chad. Steve asks how Paris is. Chad says it’s hard to complain about Paris. Steve says especially when he’s there with someone he loves. Steve mentions that Julie told him about the trip. Chad says he hoped it might spark some memories. Steve asks how that is going. Chad says there’s nothing concrete. Steve asks if it did spark something at least. Chad says he appreciates his concern but he knows why he’s calling and guesses that Steve is still suspicious of “Abigail”.

“Abigail” calls Mark and tells him that she has news. Holly then walks by behind her at the cafĂŠ in Paris. “Abigail” informs Mark that she and Chad are getting married. Mark notes that was fast. “Abigail” says she didn’t expect it to come together so soon but the stakes are so high. She assures that everything she’s doing is for their mom as Holly looks on confused behind her.

Tate finds Sophia in the town square and tells her about running in to Holly’s grandmother. Tate says it turns out that Holly wasn’t in school because she flew out to Paris. Sophia calls that great news as maybe she and her mom can work things out. Tate is surprised Sophia cares. Sophia claims that Holly is still her friend. Tate points out that even though Holly attacked her. Sophia states that just because they like the same guy, doesn’t mean she wants her to be miserable. Sophia admits she wouldn’t hate it if Holly decided to stay in Paris, so she could have Tate all to herself.

Maggie questions Xander telling her that Kristen has a cure for Sarah’s paralysis. Xander says he didn’t believe it at first either. Maggie asks what Kristen knows that the doctors don’t. Xander reveals that it’s Dr. Rolf, who has some type of serum and Kristen will give it to them for a price. Maggie asks what the price is. Xander says she demanded they get the charges against Brady dropped.

Eric visits Brady in the interrogation room and asks how he’s holding up. Brady says he’s fine and tells him not to worry about the deal he made with EJ for 10 years. Brady adds that by the time he gets out, Sarah will still be in a wheelchair so he’s not going to talk him out of it. Eric informs Brady that he’s here to talk to him about he and Fiona.

Sarah goes to her bedroom and thinks back to Eric questioning her about Fiona. Sarah tells herself that it can’t be but then she has a flashback to the hit and run. Fiona then enters the room. Sarah declares it was her. Fiona asks what she’s talking about. Sarah declares that she finally remembers it was Fiona that was driving that night. Fiona asks if she’s just waking up from a nightmare. Sarah repeats that she knows it was her and she’s never been more sure about anything. Fiona thinks she’s confused and brings up how Sarah said she remembered Brady and then she said she didn’t. Sarah reminds her that she told her that she lied about that to stop Xander from killing Brady. Fiona questions where she would even get the idea that she was involved in her accident. Sarah reveals that Eric was just there and told her that he spoke to the waiter who served Brady that night and that Fiona was with him at the bar.

Brady guesses Eric heard about he and Fiona. Eric confirms he did and understands why he’d want to keep that under wraps. Brady explains that when he met her, he had no idea who she was and they were both in a bad place. Eric says he doesn’t care about that, but about the night of Sarah’s accident. Eric asks Brady if Fiona was drinking that night too.

Steve tells Chad that he didn’t mean to upset him and says they are on the same side here. Chad disagrees and says they aren’t if he keeps implying that “Abigail” is an impostor. Steve says he’s just concerned about them. Chad assures him that everything is going great and then reveals they are getting married.

Mark tells “Abigail” that it’s great that she convinced Chad to marry her but he’s glad she called when she did because he just saw Clyde. He informs her that there’s something else Clyde wants him to do. Holly then approaches and recognizes “Abigail”.

Maggie tells Xander that Kristen is delusional since Xander can’t decide whether Brady gets prosecuted or not. Xander explains that Sarah’s memory is all EJ has but they’ll only get the cure if Brady goes free. Maggie calls it a tough decision. Xander explains that the decision was already made but EJ won’t accept it as he’s so determined to stick it to Brady that he threatened to arrest Sarah for perjury if she doesn’t stick to her original statement which shocks Maggie. Xander states that now Brady will go to prison for ten years and Sarah may never walk again, which he says is all his fault.

Eric informs Brady that Fiona swore she was completely sober on the night of the accident and that she tried to talk Brady out of driving, then took a taxi home. Brady points out that he doesn’t remember getting home that night while Eric questions him not remembering if Fiona was drinking. Brady asks if it’s so hard to believe that two people were at a bar and one was drinking while the other wasn’t. Eric responds that it is hard when both people are recovering alcoholics. Eric demands Brady tell him the truth. Brady then admits that Fiona was drinking that night as well.

Fiona tells Sarah that now it’s beginning to make sense and says that Eric is correct that she told him she was with Brady that night, but there’s nothing more to tell and she had nothing to do with the accident. Sarah questions her not saying anything before now then. Fiona says she didn’t want Xander to know she was with Brady because of the bad blood between them. Fiona adds that Xander was already upset about the accident, so she didn’t want to add to his pain. Sarah questions if she didn’t want to admit that she was the cause of it. Fiona claims that she had nothing to do with the accident and that she did everything she could to talk Brady out of driving but he insisted. Fiona then talks about finding out Brady was responsible for hitting Sarah and leaving her there but Sarah shouts that he wasn’t responsible. Fiona argues that Sarah is letting Eric put ideas in her head when he’s desperate to save his brother. Sarah says that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Fiona argues that Eric wasn’t there but Sarah shouts that she was. Sarah yells that she remembers what she saw and that’s Fiona behind the wheel, so she tells her to just admit that it was her.

Steve questions Chad getting married. Chad explains that going to Paris helped “Abigail” remember how happy they were and that they were in love which he’s been praying for, for months. Chad adds that it was her idea to get married as she wants to feel those emotions again and thinks it might help more memories. Chad guesses Steve won’t say he’s happy for them. Steve admits he still has questions and feels Chad should too. Chad responds that he’s marrying his wife and he’ll give her his best wishes as he hangs up.

“Abigail” tells Mark that she has to go and hangs up as she asks Holly if she knows her. Holly introduces herself and explains that her mother used to be married to EJ. Holly mentions being at the DiMera Mansion awhile back and seeing her. “Abigail” talks about it being hard to keep track of the not so familiar faces and calls it a coincidence to run in to her in Paris. Holly mentions that Nicole lives there now while “Abigail” mentions being there with Chad. Holly promises she wasn’t eavesdropping but says she heard her say that she’s getting married. She says it was kind of spur of the moment but they are very exciting. Holly congratulates her, but questions her saying on the phone that she’s doing it because of her mother.

Mark guesses it’s better that “Abigail” hung up as he questions how he’s supposed to tell her that Clyde wants him to commit murder and kill the man she’s about to marry as Steve then walks in to the room. Mark asks if he needs something. Steve says one of the nurses told him that he could find him here. Steve introduces himself. Mark recalls meeting him a couple of months ago in Kayla’s office. Steve says that Kayla speaks very highly of Mark and told him that she trusts him, so he’d like to ask a favor. Steve brings up Mark running the DNA test for Kayla on “Abigail”, so he hopes he can run it again.

“Abigail” claims that she was on the phone with her brother JJ about Jennifer having a hard time she was accepting that she’s really her daughter. Holly guesses that must be hard for both of them. “Abigail” thinks it will take a leap of faith and hopes getting married will trigger her memories, then her mom can realize she’s really her daughter. Holly says she really hopes it works. “Abigail” thanks her and says it was nice running in to her but she has to go buy something to get married in. Holly then asks if she can come with her.

Maggie questions how this could possibly be Xander’s fault when Kristen is the one who expects Sarah to lie and say she doesn’t remember Brady hitting her. Xander then reveals that wouldn’t be a lie as Sarah doesn’t really remember who was behind the wheel that night. Maggie brings up Sarah’s statement being the reason that Brady is heading to prison. Xander says they both knew Brady was guilty but Sarah felt she had to lie to the police as she had no choice. Xander then reveals that Sarah made up the story to save him, reminding Maggie of when she found him in the office with a gun. Xander figured she didn’t buy his story about needing extra security and admits he was going to use the gun to kill Brady.

Eric realizes Fiona lied to him about staying sober and wonders if she lied about Brady driving too. Brady insists that he woke up in the driver’s seat, so he is the one who hit Sarah, left her there and drove home. Eric asks what if Fiona placed Brady in the car and pulled an Orpheus, reminding him of what Orpheus did to Maggie.

Sarah tells Fiona that she can now see her clearly. Fiona says it doesn’t make sense and asks why she’s doing this when she never had a clear memory of what happened. Sarah insists that she does now and all this time, Fiona has been lying about what she did to her. Fiona continues to deny it and blames Eric putting the idea in her head. Sarah asks how it happened and guesses Fiona must have been drinking too. Fiona insists that she was sober and that she had nothing to drink at the wedding. Sarah argues that she’s talking about later that night at the bar with Brady. Sarah says she is sick of her stonewalling her and pulls out her phone to call Xander but Fiona grabs her phone away and tells her she can’t call Xander because she will lose him when she just got him back in her life. Sarah complains that she hit her with a car and then kept going. Fiona declares that if Xander finds out the truth, she’ll have nothing. Sarah says she doesn’t give a damn. Fiona complains about what it was like for her before, saying she was so lonely and miserable but now after all those years, she finally has a family and her son. Sarah asks if she means his money but Fiona says that’s not what this is about. Sarah says it’s about Fiona running her down in cold blood. Fiona calls it an accident and admits that she was drinking, but that Brady was so much worse and could barely stand on his own feet so she thought she was doing the right thing. Sarah demands her phone back and declares that she’s done listening to her. Fiona says everything would’ve been okay but she took her eyes off the road for one second and Sarah suddenly appeared. Fiona states that she was horrified when she hit her. Sarah questions if she couldn’t call for help. Fiona admits she heard Xander coming and she knew he would take care of her. Fiona adds that she hates herself for what she’s done, but Sarah says not enough to stop Brady taking the fall for it.

Maggie asks if Xander really would’ve gone that far. Xander admits he had blood in his eyes, but he knows how important Brady is to her so it’s difficult to say. Xander complains that he needed justice for Sarah and she wasn’t going to get it unless he did something about it, but when Sarah found out what he was planning, she called the police and told them that she remembered seeing Brady behind the wheel. Maggie realizes that Sarah lied to save Xander from himself. Xander admits to having someone drug Brady so he would pass out and then he went over there with his gun, intending to make it look like a suicide but the police showed up before he could kill Brady. Maggie cries that she told him nothing good could come from his desperation for revenge. Maggie remembers asking Xander to let it go when she saw him with the gun. Xander responds that it was already too late as everything was in motion. Maggie doesn’t want to think about what would’ve happened if the police hadn’t shown up. Xander declares that it all led to this and thanks to him, Brady will stay locked up and Sarah will never get her hands on the cure.

Eric reminds Brady about the night Adrienne was killed when Orpheus ran her off the road but put an unconscious Maggie in the car, so she would wake up and assume she was guilty. Eric asks what if Fiona did the same thing to him.

“Abigail” returns to Chad at the apartment and brings Holly with her, surprising Chad. Chad hugs Holly and asks what she’s doing in Paris. Holly says she came to visit her mom and explains that they are having it out right now. Holly adds that she was on her way to her hotel when she ran in to “Abigail”. Chad questions the hotel and says that sounds lonely as he then invites Holly to stay with them, pointing out that they have plenty of room.

Mark tells Steve that the first DNA test was conclusive. Steve says he understands and know it’s unusual to ask, but his niece’s return has been quite an upheaval for the family. Steve thought another test might give Kayla and everyone some peace of mind and end the whispers. Mark decides he’d be happy to and mentions still having the original samples. Steve reveals he has new samples from “Abigail” and Thomas. Mark says he has time now so he’ll take them to the lab now. Steve asks him to put a rush on it, so Mark says he’ll get them back to him shortly.

Holly asks if Chad is serious and if she won’t be in the way. “Abigail” asks if it’s a good idea with the wedding. Chad points out that they need a witness for the wedding and “Abigail” will need a maid of honor, so Holly can serve double duty.

Xander asks Maggie if she hates him. Maggie responds that she could never hate him, but he is his own worst enemy. Maggie tells Xander that his need for revenge ends up hurting him and the people he loves. Xander says he knows that now, but he doesn’t know how Sarah will ever be able to forgive him. Maggie offers to help by going to talk to Kristen and appeal to her as a mother, so maybe she can convince her to give Sarah the cure. Xander worries that Kristen doesn’t have a heart. Maggie feels she has to try. Xander says it seems like Maggie is always fixing problems that he creates. Maggie says he knows how she feels about him, but she’s doing this for Sarah as she then walks away. Xander sits down with Victoria and says it looks like he’s got them into another fine mess.

Eric tells Brady to think about Fiona realizing that she hit her own daughter in law, panicking, then seeing Brady slumped over in the passenger seat. Brady questions the idea of Fiona dragging him in to the driver’s seat. Eric argues that desperation makes people do things. Brady insists that Fiona wasn’t driving and calls it wild speculation. Eric argues that Brady doesn’t know so he can’t tell him whether or not Fiona was driving. Eric pleads with Brady to search his brain. Brady then remembers Fiona waking him up and telling him that she hit someone.

Fiona asks Sarah how she was supposed to know that Brady would turn himself in. Sarah argues that he did that because he’s a decent human being who wanted to do the responsible thing for something that Fiona made him think he did, which she calls a foreign concept to her. Fiona says she was sure Brady would be cleared after his lawyer worked his magic since his confession was useless if he couldn’t remember, but then Sarah went and identified him. Sarah argues that was to stop Xander from killing him which he never would’ve done if they didn’t think Brady was the one driving. Sarah can’t believe that she told the police that Brady is guilty and now he’s going to spend 10 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Sarah declares that she can’t let that happen even if EJ puts her in prison for perjury, she has to tell everyone the truth about what Fiona did. Fiona tells her that she’s sorry but she can’t let her do that.

Mark returns to Steve with the DNA test results which Steve notes was fast. Mark tells Steve that the results are conclusive and that “Abigail” and Thomas are a perfect match as the samples are definitely mother and son. Steve thanks him and says he really appreciates this as he knew Mark was the guy to ask. Mark says anytime as he then exits. Steve then comments to himself, revealing that he gave Mark DNA samples from himself and Kayla, not Abigail and Thomas. Steve declares that it’s just as he suspected, that Mark faked the original test results, and that whoever that woman is sure is not Abigail.

Chad tells “Abigail” that Holly is all settled in the guest room. “Abigail” says she thought it would just be the two of them. Chad talks about feeling bad with everything going on with Holly’s mother and her staying at a hotel. “Abigail” claims she was worried about her too which is why she brought her here. Chad promises that tomorrow will be a perfect day since they are getting married as he hugs her.

Brady informs Eric that he remembers. Eric asks what he remembers and what he sees. Brady tells him that Fiona was in the car and he was, but she was behind the wheel. Brady remembers Fiona saying she thought she hit somebody. Brady declares that he didn’t do it, he wasn’t driving the car, and he didn’t hit Sarah so he’s innocent.

Sarah questions what Fiona is doing. Fiona responds that she’s doing what she has to do because she’s the only one who knows the truth. Sarah argues that Eric knows too but Fiona disagrees. Fiona tells Sarah that she’s about to have a terrible accident as she wheels her out of the bedroom while Sarah yells for her to stop. Fiona declares that somebody will find her at the bottom of the stairs and they will just think that she lost control of her wheelchair, but no one will be the wiser. Xander then appears and says except for him as he stops her.

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Days Update Friday, October 11, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion, calling out to Kristen, saying they need to talk. Kristen comes out and says there’s no need to shout as she’s right there. Kristen informs Xander that Dr. Rolf is more confident than ever that his adjusted formula will cure Sarah’s paralysis. Kristen then asks if Xander and Sarah spoke with EJ about Brady’s case. Xander confirms they did and that Sarah told EJ that she was mistaken in identifying Brady, so he asks if they can have the serum.

Eric goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and tells Sarah that he needed to talk to her. Sarah assumes it’s about Brady and says she should’ve come to him after coming forward. Eric wants her to be honest as he asks if Brady is innocent and she’s covering for Fiona which Sarah questions. Eric then asks if Fiona was the driver who hit her.

Fiona runs in to Sophia in the town square. Sophia asks if Fiona will be heading back to the Bistro for their lunch special. Fiona thinks back to drinking at the bar and hoping that Eric bought her story. Fiona then informs Sophia that she’s not heading to the Bistro. Sophia says that’s too bad as she was going to update her on her love life. Sophia tells Fiona that the guy she likes broke up with his girlfriend.

Holly arrives in Paris and calls Maggie to tell her that she’s arrived safely. Maggie asks if Holly has seen her mom. Holly says not yet but they are meeting at a cafĂŠ in awhile for their big talk. Maggie wishes her luck and acknowledges that it won’t be easy. Holly states that she has to confront her about lying to her for her entire life about Eric being the one who killed her dad.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she has to be honest with him. Chad asks about what. She thinks back to talking to Mark about lying to Chad and not having a choice. “Abigail” then tells Chad that she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to be intimate just yet. Chad says that’s fine and they can wait as long as she wants. She clarifies that she doesn’t want to wait that long as she thinks there’s something they should do first. “Abigail” then asks Chad what if they got married which surprises Chad.

Xander asks Kristen to take him to Dr. Rolf because Sarah needs this serum. Kristen stops him and says she needs details about what EJ said when Sarah recanted her story. Xander asks why that matters since Sarah told him that she was wrong to identify Brady and that’s what Kristen wanted. Kristen questions EJ just accepting it. Xander points out that without Sarah’s ID, EJ has no case. Kristen asks if EJ said he would drop the charges. Xander hopes he’s doing that as they speak and asks to be taken to Dr. Rolf. Kristen stops him and says she will call EJ to ask him if he’s dropping the charges. Xander asks if that can’t wait since every second they keep the serum from Sarah is another second she suffers. Kristen calls EJ, but Xander takes her phone and hangs up. Kristen questions what he’s doing and then accuses him of lying to her.

Sarah questions Eric thinking Fiona hit her and where this is coming from. Eric asks her to just answer if Fiona was the hit and run driver. Sarah says of course not and questions where she got this idea. Eric reveals that he saw Sarah and Fiona in the park yesterday and he overheard them talking about keeping a secret. Sarah swears it had nothing to do with Fiona being the hit and run driver.

Fiona asks Sophia what happened with the guy she likes and his girlfriend. Sophia says she wasn’t treating him right and they got in a huge fight. Fiona asks if Sophia had anything to do with the fight. Sophia responds that she didn’t have to do a thing as she messed it up all on her own.

Maggie tells Holly that this isn’t going to be an easy conversation for her or Nicole, but she hopes Holly finds it in her heart to forgive her and understand why she kept the truth from her for so long. Holly says they will see. Maggie says she loves her and they will talk soon as they hang up. Holly looks around, wondering where Nicole is.

Sarah assures Eric that she and Fiona weren’t talking about her accident when he overheard them. Eric asks what they were talking about then. Sarah thinks back to talking to Fiona about her lying to the police when she identified Brady as the driver to stop Xander from killing him. Sarah then tells Eric that she’s sorry that she can’t say, but it had absolutely nothing to do with Fiona being the driver that hit her. Sarah adds if that were the case, she wouldn’t cover for her. Sarah guesses Eric doesn’t believe her and understands it’s hard to accept that Brady did it, but questions how one overheard conversation convinced him it was Fiona. Eric reveals it was more than just that one conversation.

Fiona sits with Sophia and asks her to tell her all about this breakup. Sophia asks if she’s sure she doesn’t have somewhere to go. Fiona says she’s grateful for the distraction and asks what the girl did to mess everything up. Sophia tells her that she went through his dad’s things and got caught, so they fought and she told him it’s over just like that. Sophia mentions Holly saying that she and Tate deserved each other and stormed off. Fiona stops her to question when she realizes she’s talking about Holly and Tate.

Tate comes across Maggie sitting outside the Brady Pub with Victoria. Maggie invites him to sit. Tate asks how Sarah’s doing. Maggie says she’s doing alright and getting used to her new reality. Maggie thanks him for asking. Tate says he feels really terrible about what happened to her and Brady does too. Maggie says she knows Brady does. Maggie knows it must be difficult for Tate with his mother in prison and his father heading there too. Tate feels wrong to feel sorry for himself when Sarah’s in a wheelchair. Maggie says he’s allowed to feel that way. Tate feels like he’s losing everyone he cares about with his mom and dad. Maggie asks about Holly. Tate is surprised that Holly told her they broke up and notes that she wasn’t in school today, so he asks if she’s okay. Maggie responds that she is okay and then reveals that Holly is in Paris which surprises Tate.

Chad questions “Abigail” wanting to get married. She says she knows it’s sudden but talks about her feelings for him coming back. Chad points out that she’s not ready to be intimate. She says they are still sort of strangers in a way even with the feelings. She says she wants to remember their love and life together, so she thinks maybe getting married could make that happen. Chad questions her thinking that getting married will help get her memories back. She knows it’s wishful thinking but points out they are in Paris and brings up her wedding vows memory coming back. She feels like recommitting to him in Paris might be the jolt she needs to have memories come flooding back. “Abigail” then asks Chad if he will marry her.

Tate questions Maggie saying that Holly is in Paris. Maggie explains that Holly wanted to see her mother but Nicole couldn’t fly because Jude had an ear infection. Maggie adds that Holly needed to confront Nicole about her father’s death. Tate comments that it really sucks that Eric and Nicole lied to her all these years about what really happened. Maggie states that Nicole was trying to protect her and they all just went along with it. Tate gets why Holly is hurt by that but argues that it doesn’t excuse what she tried to do to his dad which Maggie questions, so Tate realizes that Holly didn’t tell Maggie why they broke up. Tate informs Maggie that it all started when he caught Holly digging through Brady’s stuff in his room as she was trying to help EJ find dirt to send Brady to prison. Tate says he confronted her and she got really defensive, then when Sophia tried to stick up for him, Holly physically attacked her.

Fiona questions Sophia talking about Holly and Tate. Sophia asks if Fiona knows them. Fiona says she just happens to live in the same house as Holly, explaining that Maggie’s daughter is married to her son. Sophia calls it a small world and brings up when Fiona ordered a martini at the Bistro. Fiona cuts her off and orders her to forget that she ever ordered a drink.

Kristen questions if Xander really thought she was stupid enough to just take his word for it. Xander argues that they did as she asked and told EJ that Sarah recanted but he refused to listen, so it’s EJ’s fault and not theirs. Kristen questions if EJ is not dropping the charges then. Xander confirms that EJ said he will use Sarah’s original statement to put Brady away and that there’s nothing they can do about it. Kristen disagrees that there’s nothing. Xander insists that they already tried really hard to talk him out of it. Kristen suggests going public and have Sarah post the truth on social media and tell the Spectator that she admited she was wrong about naming Brady as the hit and run driver, so the world will know EJ is hellbent on prosecuting Brady for something he didn’t do. Kristen adds they could go straight to Paulina since she doesn’t want another scandal and they can make it clear that EJ has gone rogue, ignoring that his own eye witness has taken back her statement. Xander responds that he’s sorry but they can’t do that.

Sarah questions Eric accusing Fiona of running her over and lying about it. Eric asks if she knew that Fiona and Brady were sleeping together. Sarah confirms that Fiona admitted it to Xander as they didn’t know who each other were and that it didn’t last very long. Sarah questions why that matters. Eric then reveals that Fiona and Brady were together on the night of Sarah’s accident.

“Abigail” comments on Chad not giving her the rousing “yes” that she was hoping for. Chad assures that he wants to be married to Abigail more than anything but he thought when they got married, it would be with their children and families. “Abigail” says it would be that way in a perfect world but they can go home to Salem to share the good news and announce that her memories came back. Chad asks what if it doesn’t happen. “Abigail” promises that she will keep her word and tell the children the truth. Chad says he can hardly remember a time that he didn’t love Abigail and want to be married to her. “Abigail” asks if that’s a yes. Chad then says if she wants to get married, they will get married one last time as they kiss.

Maggie questions Tate saying that Holly slapped Sophia, arguing that it doesn’t sound like her. Tate insists that’s what happened. Maggie feels that Holly must have been provoked. Tate assures that all Sophia did was call Holly out for snooping on Brady and that she also might have mentioned having feelings for him. Maggie calls that provocative. Maggie doesn’t believe that Holly would hit Sophia because she knows her granddaughter but she doesn’t know Sophia. Tate points out that he knows Sophia and she’s actually been a pretty good friend to him. Maggie questions how good and if Sophia’s feelings for him are mutual. Maggie then gets a call from Holly.

Fiona warns Sophia again not to say a word about the martini. Fiona explains that her son and his family believe that she’s sober so if they found out otherwise, it would be a disaster. Sophia doesn’t see the big deal but Fiona insists it’s an enormous deal. Fiona makes Sophia swear that if anyone asks, she has only ever served her water. Fiona warns that she is not some teenager she can mess with and threatens Sophia to keep her mouth shut or she’ll be sorry.

Sarah questions Eric saying that Brady was with Fiona on the night of the accident, admitting that Fiona never mentioned that. Sarah asks how he knows. Eric explains that the waiter at Small Bar told him that Fiona and Brady left together and then Fiona happened to walk in. Eric says Fiona first said they left separately but when he told her what the waiter said, she changed her story and said she went after Brady to try to persuade him to take a taxi but he doesn’t believe her. Eric adds that he also doesn’t believe Fiona when she said she hadn’t had a drink all night.

Kristen questions why Xander can’t go to the press or to Paulina to tell the truth and force EJ’s hand. Xander explains that EJ is threatening to prosecute Sarah for making a false statement. Xander declares he won’t let EJ lock Sarah away for perjury while she’s still recovering from this accident. Kristen doesn’t believe a judge would put Sarah behind bars for that. Xander worries that EJ has a lot of connections and deep pockets. Kristen says this isn’t right. Xander argues that they tried and pleads with Kristen to give him the serum even though she didn’t get the outcome she wanted, pointing out that Sarah deserves a chance to walk again.

“Abigail” thanks Chad for agreeing to get married. Chad says if he would’ve known, he would’ve bought her a ring. “Abigail” says she doesn’t need one but she will need something to wear. Chad gives her his credit card and tells her to go buy a dress while he makes some calls to find someone to marry them. “Abigail” says it sounds like a dream as they kiss and she then exits.

Maggie tells Tate that she has to take the call so Tate says he’ll see her around and walks away. Maggie answers Holly’s call. Holly informs her that she just talked to her mom and admits it went better than expected as Nicole just apologized a bunch and seemed pretty sincere. Maggie asks where she is now. Holly explains that Nicole had to go home to relieve the babysitter and she needed time alone to think, but they have plans to meet again tomorrow. Maggie asks how she’s feeling now. Holly says she’s relieved and still processing. Maggie says she will be for quite some time and hopes she can let Nicole help her and maybe Eric too. Maggie asks where Holly is staying tonight. Holly says that Nicole booked her a hotel room near where they live. Maggie tells her to call anytime if she wants to talk. Holly thanks her for the support and says she loves her. Maggie adds that her father would be so proud of her as they hang up.

Fiona asks Sophia if they have an understanding. Sophia tells her to chill out as she already swore not to tell anyone how much she loves a dry martini because she’s not a snitch. Fiona then walks away while Sophia calls her a bitch.

Sarah tells Eric that Fiona doesn’t drink. Eric says that’s what she claims but he guesses it’s all a moot point since Sarah remembered seeing Brady that night. Eric decides he should go and apologizes for barging in and accusing her of lying. Sarah says it’s okay. Eric acknowledges that she’s been through so much and he can’t imagine how hard it’s been for her. Sarah knows it’s a struggle for Brady as well and that he’s feeling incredibly guilty and he has to go to jail. Eric admits it’s been really tough. Eric worries for Brady’s kids not wanting to lose him. Eric tells Sarah to take care and exits.

Kristen tells Xander that she’s sorry but it’s no can do on the serum as a deal is deal. Xander questions if she has no heart, arguing that she owes Sarah after everything she’s done to her. Kristen calls it a simple transaction if he gets the charges dropped, he gets the serum. Xander complains that EJ is the only person who can do that and he refuses. Xander continues pleading with her that Sarah needs to be able to walk again and take care of their little girl. Kristen argues that she has a little girl too and her father is looking to spend a decade behind bars. Kristen suggests Xander try harder to make that not happen. Kristen says she wants Sarah to walk again but she’s not running a charity. Xander grabs her arm but Kristen warns him that she’s his only link to that serum. Xander remarks that the DiMeras aren’t the only ones capable of the unthinkable. Xander asks if she’s checked on Rachel lately, reminding her of what he’s capable of. Xander suggests Rachel could disappear from the playground, never to be seen again. Kristen warns him to tread lightly when it comes to making threats about the people she loves. Kristen adds that if Xander touches a hair on Rachel, she will make sure that Dr. Rolf disappears with the serum that will cure Sarah’s spinal cord. Xander then storms out of the mansion.

Chad looks at he and Abigail’s old wedding photo, then he gets a call from Steve.

“Abigail” calls Mark and tells him that she has news. Holly then walks by behind her at the cafĂŠ in Paris.

Tate finds Sophia in the town square and tells her about running in to Holly’s grandmother. Tate says it turns out that Holly wasn’t in school because she flew out to Paris. Sophia calls that great news as maybe she and her mom can work things out. Tate is surprised Sophia cares. Sophia claims that Holly is still her friend. Tate points out that even though Holly attacked her. Sophia states that just because they like the same guy, doesn’t mean she wants her to be miserable. Sophia admits she wouldn’t hate it if Holly decided to stay in Paris, so she could have Tate all to herself.

Xander joins Maggie outside the Pub. Maggie says she and Victoria were just heading home and asks if everything is alright. Xander reveals to Maggie that Kristen has a cure for Sarah’s paralysis but she’s refusing to hand it over.

Kristen talks to the portrait of Stefano, remarking that they both know he would’ve done much worse to get what he wants from his opponent. Kristen hopes that she motivated Xander enough to help Brady get out from under those charges.

Sarah goes to her bedroom and thinks back to Eric questioning her about Fiona. Sarah tells herself that it can’t be but then she has a flashback to the hit and run. Fiona then enters the room.

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Days Short Recap Friday, October 11, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander rushed into the DiMera mansion looking for Kristen. She appeared and had good news. Rolf’s serum would be able to help with Sarah’s paralysis. Xander was excited, but Kristen wanted information first. He told her that Sarah recanted her statement about Brady hitting her. She decided to call EJ to find out for herself, but Xander grabbed the phone. Eric asked Sarah if she was covering for Fiona being the driver who hit her. She was confused by what he said, so he admitted that he overheard her conversation with Fiona about a secret. Sarah informed him they weren’t talking about that. How did one conversation lead to Fiona being the driver? Eric informed her that there was more to it. Sophia came up to a distracted Fiona to catch her up on her love life. The guy she likes broke up with his girlfriend. Fiona was grateful for the distraction. She pretended to be interested in her story until she found out that Sophia was talking about Holly and Tate. Fiona told her not to say anything about serving her a drink. Abby wanted to marry Chad. Getting married could trigger her memories. Chad hesitated at first, but he warmed up to the idea. He agreed to marry her one more time. They kissed briefly, and Abby had a strange look on her face.

At the DiMera mansion, Xander admitted that EJ wouldn’t allow Sarah to recant her statement. EJ wouldn’t drop the charges against Brady. Kristen suggested that Sarah publicly recant her statement or tell Paulina that EJ went rogue. Xander couldn’t do that because EJ would charge Sarah with making a false statement. He begged her to let Sarah have the serum anyway so she could walk again. Eric informed Sarah that Fiona and Brady were together the night of the accident. Fiona lied about trying to get Brady to take a cab home and that she didn’t drink. He apologized for accusing Sarah of lying. Eric was worried about Brady and didn’t want to lose him. Sarah stared intensely as Eric left the room. With force, Fiona grabbed Sophia’s arm warning her not to tell anyone she ordered a drink. Her family believed she was sober. It would be tragic if they thought she was drinking again. Fiona threatened her to keep her mouth shut. Sophia wanted her to relax and agreed not to say anything. Fiona stormed off. Kristen decided not to give Xander the serum. If he wanted the serum, he had to find a way to get EJ to drop the charges against Brady. He warned her that the DiMeras aren’t the only ones capable of doing dangerous things. Xander gave a veiled threat to Rachel. If anything happened to Rachel, Kristen and Rolf would disappear with the serum. She wanted to know if he understood her. Xander cursed at her and walked out the door. Sarah thought about what Eric told her and came to a realization as Fiona walked through her door.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Mark visited Clyde at the prison. He informed him that Abby talked Chad into going to Paris with her. Mark told him that Abby was a good person, but Clyde didn’t agree with that. The woman wasn’t a saint judging by her file. Mark never said she was a saint but this was new to her. He never did anything like that before either. Luckily, they were willing to do whatever it took to save their mother. Clyde promised to give their mother back to them safely once Abby went through with the plan. Mark promised that Abby would come through for him. Clyde dropped the bomb that Abby had to become a widow. Chad and Abby arrived in Paris. He explained how they lived there for a time. Abby wanted to hear stories about their time in the city. He talked to her about their time together. Maggie went to see Julie. The aunt and niece talked about Abby. Julie filled her in about meeting Abby again. She felt like she was a stranger and was very cold to her. They changed the subject and talked about Sarah. Julie thought it was amazing that Sarah remembered that Brady was the one who hit her. Maggie wondered if Sarah was telling the truth about remembering Brady hitting her with the car. EJ wouldn’t allow Sarah to recant her statement about Brady. Sarah and Xander tried to play hardball with EJ, but it didn’t work. He refused to look stupid because of her. EJ threatened to have Sarah arrested if she changed her story. Eric spotted Fiona drinking at a bar. He stared at her coldly as he remembered Sarah and Fiona’s conversation. Eric approached Fiona and introduced himself to her. Announcing that he’s Brady’s brother, Eric questioned her about the accident. Fiona questioned why she would know anything about what happened that night. Eric confronted her by telling her that she was with Brady the night of the accident. Growing uncomfortable, she admitted that she wanted to end things with Brady. As soon as she arrived at the bar, she broke up a fight between Brady and the waiter. Brady drank more alcohol and left. Using the trump card, Eric told her the waiter said she left with Brady.

Abby told Chad things weren’t always perfect in Paris. She talked about what happened while they were at the hospital. Abby pretended to regain her memory. For the first time, she felt like herself. Chad was ecstatic about it. Abby remembered being in love with him. They passionately kissed each other. Clyde thought it would be easy to get Chad’s money if he were dead. With Abby alive, there’s no victim. He could get released to get the money himself. As far as the drugs are concerned, he believed his lawyer could get the case thrown out. He informed Mark that he would be a free man soon. Julie told Maggie that if she were Sarah, she would want to make the driver pay for what happened to her. Maggie didn’t think Sarah would lie to make the person pay. Her prayer is that Xander and Sarah could move on once Brady gets incarcerated. Sarah pleaded with EJ to understand that she made a mistake about Brady. He warned her that it was a mistake that would cost her 10 years of her life. Brady agreed to the sentence, and someone was going to serve it. The plan was to use Sarah’s original statement to prosecute Brady. If she stops him from doing that, he will put Sarah in prison. He left Sarah and Xander speechless. Xander wanted to talk to Kristen to see if she would give them the serum. Fiona told Eric that Brady initially left alone, but she went after him. She offered to get him a cab, but he left. Eric wondered if she was drinking too. Offended by the comment, Fiona said she was in recovery. He informed her that Brady was in recovery too. She became tired of his questions, and he thanked her for her help. Clyde informed Mark that he had to kill Chad, but he refused. He warned him that Chad had to die or his mother would die.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Melinda showed up in Gabi’s hospital room to check on her and to bring her paperwork to sign. She told Gabi that Stefan wanted her to draw up divorce papers. Melinda told her she would turn Stefan down if she didn’t want to sign the divorce papers. Gabi told her that she and Stefan agreed to the divorce so she could draw up the papers. EJ ran into Stefan and was happy that Brady was getting what was coming to him. They ended up arguing over EJ sleeping with Gabi. EJ said Stefan’s issues didn’t matter since he and Gabi were getting a divorce. He said Gabi told him about it. Stefan said he knew Gabi and she wouldn’t sleep with him since they were getting divorced. A smug EJ asked why he cared if they were getting divorced. Stefan said he wouldn’t want Gabi tied to someone like EJ. EJ said they had to learn to live civilly since they would be living together until she took everything from Stefan. Stefan said that wasn’t going to happen. He said he and Gabi talked and he would be shocked if she came in the house again. Gabi showed up at the house while Stefan was talking. EJ told Gabi he would have picked her up if he knew she was getting out. He said he was late for a meeting and left. Stefan asked how Gabi was. She said she was okay, but didn’t expect him to hire Melinda. Gabi thought it helped his case that Melinda had a crush on him and would do anything to help him win. She said she was right to take the family fortune, but as he said, there was nothing left to fight for. While she was talking, she let him know she was moving out.

At the police station, Eric told Brady that Holly was visiting Nicole in Paris. While they were talking, Brady’s plea deal came up. Brady said he was going to plead guilty. He said EJ offered him a plea deal of 10 years if he pleaded guilty to which he was okay with because he wanted to pay for what he did. Eric said Brady had a future and could make up for what he did. He said he wouldn’t lose the guilt, but he could learn from it. After they finished talking, Eric left to go to the pub. Eric talked to Roman about Brady’s case. He told Roman things didn’t add up. Sarah suddenly remembering Brady was the driver and Xander being in Brady’s room when the police showed up was suspicious. Brady not remembering drinking was suspicious too. Eric said he saw Sarah talking to Fiona about a secret. He wondered if Fiona was connected to the accident. Roman said it was possible that Fiona could have been with Brady that night. Eric said he had an idea. Sarah struggled with doing certain things. Fiona came in and comforted her. Sarah told her that she and Xander were grateful she was there. She thanked Fiona for not telling the police about her lie. It would have never happened if she didn’t think Brady was responsible for hitting her. She said she wished she could remember her. Kristen went to see Xander at Titan to find out when he was getting Brady out of jail. Xander said he would never get him out of jail. Kristen reminded him that Sarah would get out of the chair if he set Brady free. Xander said he didn’t believe her and didn’t want Sarah to be Rolf’s guinea pig in case the experiment didn’t work. Kristen said the drug was almost ready and that Rolf used the same drug on Marlena, Kayla, Kate, and Bo. Xander asked to go to the lab, but Kristen laughed at him. She said Rolf would give him data for Sarah to look over, but he had to get Sarah to recant her statement and help Brady. If Sarah didn’t do it, it would be Xander’s fault she never walked again. When Xander went home he found Sarah who was upset. She told him about the problems she had. Sarah said she shouldn’t have gotten upset when other people are able to handle it. She said there was nothing left to do. Xander said that wasn’t true. He told her about Kristen’s offer. Sarah laughed at the idea of Rolf helping her and wondered why Kristen would help him. When he told her what Kristen wanted, Sarah was floored. Sarah said she had to think about it, but Xander said it had to be done before the hearing. Later on EJ showed up and wanted to know what was going on. He told them about Brady’s plea deal, but Xander stopped him from talking. Xander said Sarah wasn’t confident about her statement. EJ asked if that was true. Sarah said she wasn’t sure to which EJ said she seemed sure before. She said the image wasn’t clear so she could have been wrong. An upset EJ asked what they were telling him. Sarah said she wanted to recant her statement. EJ said she wasn’t doing it. Eric went to the bar and asked the server if he recognized Brady. The server said he recognized Brady because of the way he acted. Eric asked why he let someone drunk leave. The server said the lady said she had it under control. Eric asked who he was talking about and showed him a picture of Fiona. The server said they left together.

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Days Update Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Mark visits Clyde in prison. Clyde hopes he’s bringing him good news, warning that if his sister doesn’t seal the deal with Chad soon, their mom is a dead woman.

Chad and “Abigail” arrive at their vacation home in Paris, France. Chad talks about how they had a lot of amazing memories here. “Abigail” thinks the place will change everything.

Julie informs Maggie that Chad and “Abigail” went to Paris, hoping that it will help “Abigail” find herself again. Julie invites Maggie to stay for tea as they have some catching up to do.

EJ tells Sarah that he won’t allow her to recant her statement and he has a busy day. Xander argues that Sarah can no longer identify Brady as the driver who hit her. EJ argues that she seemed pretty positive when she told the police and they were finally able to arrest somebody. Sarah declares that she made a mistake, so he needs to release Brady immediately.

Eric sits at a corner table of the bar and watches Fiona. Eric thinks back to seeing Fiona and Sarah talk about keeping a secret in the park. Eric then approaches Fiona and introduces himself, mentioning that he recently learned that she and Brady were romantically involved, so he hopes she doesn’t mind him asking a few questions. Fiona is afraid she doesn’t have much to say as their affair was short and sweet. Fiona says she would look back fondly except for the fact that Brady got drunk and ran over her daughter in law. Eric hoped she could give him more detail on the night of the accident. Fiona questions why she would know anything about that. Eric brings up that she was with Brady that night.

EJ questions what’s going on here as he thought Xander and Sarah wanted Brady to pay for putting Sarah in a wheelchair. Xander insists that they do, so EJ questions why they are suddenly changing their story. Xander thinks back to telling Sarah about Kristen’s ultimatum.

Mark promises Clyde that everything is falling in to place. Clyde argues that Chad has DNA evidence that Mark’s sister is Abigail so he questions what the problem is. Mark explains that it’s not Chad but everyone else in Salem including friends, family, and doctors as his sister has been cross examined for every slip up. Clyde brings up what he will do to their mom. Mark assures that “Abigail” is ready to seal the deal and has come up with the perfect way for Clyde to get what he wants.

Chad talks about “Abigail” being passionate about art and says he’s just happy to be here with her. Chad decides to get some wine for them to celebrate their return to Paris. “Abigail” asks Chad to tell her some stories about their time in Paris. Chad talks about how they would take the kids to a different park every Sunday and how they re-enacted a TLC music video. Chad calls it a wonderful moment with the kids. “Abigail” calls him a really good husband and father. Chad credits having her by his side. She says it seems they were very happy here. Chad admits it wasn’t all sunshine, rainbows, and waterfalls.

Clyde questions Mark about “Abigail” dragging Chad off to Paris. Mark explains that in Salem, she would be forced to include the kids and doesn’t want to traumatize the children. Clyde complains that she seems too in to her character. Mark argues that she’s a good person and wouldn’t be involved in something like this if Clyde wasn’t threatening to kill their mother.

Julie tells Maggie that meeting “Abigail” was unique since she looks nothing like the Abigail they knew, had the eyes of a stranger, and was very cold to her. Maggie suggests she just felt awkward, not remembering anything or anyone. Julie talks about Chad hoping she will remember more in Paris. Julie asks Maggie how Sarah is doing. Maggie says she’s putting on a brave face, but she’s struggling to adapt. Maggie says she’s trying her best to help her. Julie brings up Maggie being on crutches for years and walking again as well as being paralyzed recently but being healed. Maggie says she was lucky to have surgery but she doesn’t think Sarah will get that miracle.

Sarah assures EJ that she absolutely wants Brady to pay for what he did to her, but she can’t lie and say something is true when it’s not. EJ argues that’s exactly what’s happening here as Sarah either lied about seeing Brady behind the wheel or she’s lying now, so he questions which one it is.

Fiona tells Eric that she was there before the accident with Brady and questions if Eric is conducting an investigation. Eric says Brady is in a world of trouble so he’s been clinging to hope that there’s more to the story about what happened that night. Eric says he’s here to find out more information about that night, so he hoped she could fill in the blanks for him. Fiona doesn’t know what she can tell him that he doesn’t already know. Eric suggests starting from the beginning. Fiona says she spent most of the day with Xander and Sarah as they had just gotten married and then she got a text from Brady to meet him at the bar. Fiona claims she planned on ending things with him that night since she was in a better place with Xander and his family. Fiona says she didn’t know who Brady was at first but had found out about his contentious relationship with Xander. Fiona mentions coming to the bar and calming down Brady’s argument with the waiter with a generous tip. Fiona says they talked and then Brady left, got in his car and hit Sarah as she identified him to the police. Eric still has questions since Fiona implied earlier that Brady left alone, but the waiter told him that they left together.

Xander questions EJ accusing Sarah of lying when she’s the most honest person he knows. EJ says except when it comes to the paternity of her children which upsets Xander. Sarah admits she’s been dishonest in the past which is why she can’t let her initial statement about Brady stand as she can’t let Brady go down for something she’s no longer sure he did. EJ says that’s too bad because Sarah already gave a sworn statement, Brady’s been arrested, and a conviction has been guaranteed to the Mayor. EJ declares he will not have egg on his face because Sarah isn’t sure that her very definite memory is a false one. Xander questions EJ gladly convicting an innocent man to protect his fragile ego. EJ argues that they all know Brady is guilty. EJ promises that if Sarah retracts her statement, he will have her arrested for perjury.

Maggie tells Julie that it’s so hard to see Sarah suffer like she did as she can see the pain in her eyes. Maggie hopes that some day, Sarah can see her life can still be as rewarding as before. Maggie talks about Sarah having Victoria and Xander, but admits Xander has been obsessed with revenge on Brady. Maggie thinks Xander has let that go and is focused on Sarah’s recovery, especially now that Brady is facing justice. Julie talks about Sarah suddenly remembering Brady being the driver. Maggie questions if Julie is saying that Sarah lied.

Chad talks with “Abigail” about the problems they had while in Paris including Austin showing up. Chad admits they had rough times and obstacles, but they always got through them together which is why he knows they’ll get through this too. “Abigail” then claims that she’s starting to remember.

Clyde tells Mark that he knows who he gets in bed with and his sister is no saint. Mark argues that she’s never done anything like this before and neither has he. Clyde argues that they’ll do anything for their mother and he will deliver her to them as long as his sister comes through. Mark assures that it won’t be long before she’s Mrs. Chad DiMera. Clyde informs Mark that it doesn’t work for him, as he wants her to be the widow DiMera. Mark questions what Clyde is talking about as he thought he just wanted Chad’s fortune and his sister would just drain his accounts. Clyde decides it’s easier if Chad dies. Mark worries that would just raise questions. Clyde says it can’t be traced back to him and argues that his lawyer should be able to get him out of prison in time to collect his fortune. Mark asks how that’s possible when Clyde’s a convicted murderer. Clyde points out that with “Abigail’s” resurrection, there’s no murder to convict. Mark asks about his drug ring and other charges. Clyde assures it can be thrown out and that he will soon be a free man.

Chad questions if “Abigail” remembers their life together. She says she doesn’t remember specific events and it’s not memories but she remembers feelings of being in Paris before. She declares that she finally feels like Abigail DiMera. Chad excitedly hugs her. She then tells Chad that she remembers how much she loves him and then kisses him.

Julie tells Maggie that if she was hit by a car and paralyzed as the driver drove away, she would be highly motivated to make the driver pay for what he did. Maggie doesn’t think Sarah would be dishonest to get there and points out that Xander wanted her to lie but she refused. Julie is sure that justice will be served but argues that if Brady is addicted to alcohol, it’s just an illness. Maggie knows Brady is a good person that just made a terrible decision and he’s being punished for it. Julie points out that Brady wants to pay the price. Maggie hopes that Sarah and Xander can move forward with their lives and heal.

Xander asks if EJ is insane for wanting to charge Sarah with perjury. EJ points out that Sarah made a sworn statement to the police. Sarah blames the pain medication but EJ argues that she could try to recant her retraction in a week. Sarah insists that she made a mistake and pleads with EJ to release Brady. EJ declares that mistake will cost her ten years behind bars. Xander questions what he’s talking about. EJ explains that there’s a plea deal on the table and Brady has agreed to ten years in prison, so he’s going to make sure that somebody gets that deal and if it’s not Brady, it’s going to be Sarah. Xander argues that he won’t let EJ bully them in to silence. EJ warns that he has Sarah’s original statement and fully intends to use it to put Brady in prison, but if they want to stop him, he’ll just put Sarah in his place. EJ then walks out of the mansion.

Fiona tells Eric that Brady did leave on his own, but she went after him as she was afraid he might be too drunk to drive, so she offered to call him a cab but he insisted he was fine, so she let him go. Fiona says if she knew what was going to happen, she would’ve done everything possible to stop him from driving and she deeply regrets that she didn’t. Eric asks how she got home that night. Fiona claims that she took a cab to her hotel and then Xander called her about Sarah. Fiona says she’d rather not keep reliving this. Eric asks if Fiona was drinking that night. Fiona claims she doesn’t drink ever as she’s a recovering alcoholic. Eric points out that Brady is too. Fiona insists that she hasn’t had a drink in years. Eric questions her not partaking in drinking with Brady. Fiona claims that they talked while he drank. Fiona complains that this is starting to feel like a third degree. Eric says he’s just curious and looking out for his brother. Fiona hopes she’s been of some help to him. Eric says she’s been very helpful and thanks her for her time as he then exits.

Xander calls EJ an arrogant bastard and says he’s going to ruin everything. Sarah tells him to focus as she asks what they are going to do, since Kristen won’t hand over the serum if Brady is still being charged. Xander says they tried and Kristen understands how stubborn EJ is, so maybe she’ll still give them the serum. Xander decides he has to talk to Kristen. Sarah offers to go with him but Xander says he has to handle this and exits the mansion.

Julie tells Maggie that Sarah got her memory back, so hopefully “Abigail” will too, especially now that they are in Paris together. Julie adds that “Abigail” did swear to tell the children their mother is alive when they return. Maggie states that would be an easier conversation if she did have her memory back, so it sounds like there’s a lot riding on this Paris trip.

Chad tells “Abigail” that he’s so happy that she remembers who they are and how much they love eeach other as they continue kissing. She removes his jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt, but stops and says she can’t do this.

Mark doesn’t understand why Clyde would risk his chance at freedom by murdering Chad. Clyde insists it won’t be tracked back to him. Mark asks if he’s going to send a hitman. Clyde then reveals he wants Mark to be that hitman.

Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion in a rush, calling out to Kristen, saying they need to talk.

Eric goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and tells Sarah that he needed to talk to her. Sarah assumes it’s about Brady and says she should’ve come to him after coming forward. Eric wants her to be honest as he asks if Brady is innocent and she’s covering for Fiona.

Fiona hopes Eric bought her story since she doesn’t want to think about if he didn’t, as she has a drink.

Maggie tells Julie that it was good catching up and she should get back to Sarah. They talk about praying for Sarah as well as Chad and “Abigail”. Julie remarks that all the misery in town can be traced back to Clyde Weston. Maggie can’t believe Clyde had “Abigail” all this time while they thought she was dead. Julie declares that Clyde is in super max prison now and can never hurt anyone in their family again…

Mark questions Clyde wanting him to kill Chad. Mark says he won’t and can’t do it. Clyde warns Mark that he has blood on his hands no matter what happens as either Chad dies or his mom does.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she has to be honest with him. Chad asks about what. She thinks back to talking to Mark about lying to Chad and not having a choice. “Abigail” then tells Chad that she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to be intimate just yet. Chad says that’s fine and they can wait as long as she wants. She clarifies that she doesn’t want to wait that long as she thinks there’s something they should do first. “Abigail” then asks Chad what if they got married?

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