Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Tate goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and asks Brady if it’s true that Konstantin confessed to killing Victor. Brady confirms it and says he’s sorry he had to find out on social media as he planned to tell him when he came home. Tate asks if Theresa is okay as he heard she was taken hostage. Brady says it was scary but assures that she is fine. Tate wants to go see her, so he asks where she is at. Brady responds that now is probably not a good time which Tate questions. Brady thinks that Theresa has company at the time.
Alex comes out of the shower and asks how Theresa is feeling. Theresa says she’s just a little sore after being dragged around and held at gunpoint. Alex kisses her to help her feel better. Theresa undoes his towel and they move to the bed.
Paulina sits at home with her laptop, complaining about the Concerned Citizens of Salem group. Abe comes in and guesses she’s back on the web page after he told her to ignore them. Paulina responds that she’s doing something more constructive by fighting back. Abe asks how she’s going to do that. Paulina informs him that she’s writing an op-ed for the Spectator. Abe asks if she’s sure that’s a good idea. Paulina declares that she’s refusing to let EJ run her out office and she’ll see if the Spectator has the guts to print it, feeling it’s the least they can do after all the bad press she’s got from them lately.
Eric goes to the Spectator office where Nicole is with Jude. Nicole says she had to finish an article but couldn’t stand to tear herself away from Jude. Nicole apologizes and says she wouldn’t have brought him if she knew Eric was coming as she thought he was done for the day. Eric tells her that it’s okay now and admits it was hard in the beginning, but he’s missed him a lot.
At the DiMera Mansion, Stefan pours a drink and remarks to himself that after all that, EJ isn’t even Jude’s father. EJ walks in and tells Stefan that they need to talk. Stefan responds that he was just thinking the same thing. EJ informs him that he just ran in to Kristen, who told him that the board made her the permanent CEO of DiMera. EJ asks if Stefan had a hand in this. Stefan responds that Kristen did this all on her own. EJ questions the stacks of cash and asks if it’s Kristen paying him off for a job well done. Stefan explains that the money was from Kristen that she kept in the safe in case of emergency along with a list of contacts for a job he had to get done, but it turns out he grabbed the wrong envelope. Stefan then hands EJ the envelope and says he thinks it belongs to him. EJ asks what it is. Stefan asks if he doesn’t recognize it, assuming he put it in the safe, though he can’t begin to fathom why he’d be so careless with a secret this big. EJ asks what secret. Stefan tells him not to play dumb. EJ questions what he is blathering on about, claiming not to know what’s in the envelope. Stefan tells EJ that they are DNA results that say he is not the father of Nicole’s baby which must mean that Eric Brady is.
Eric comments on Jude getting bigger since he last saw him. Nicole jokes that she’s sure he’ll be crawling in the next few days. Eric says he’ll let her get back to work. Nicole asks if he has any work he needs to do. Eric admits he needs something written up to get posted in tomorrow’s paper. Nicole asks if she can help. Eric says if she could. Nicole asks if it’s a listing to get rid of stuff. Eric then responds that he’s trying to get rid of his wife.
Tate asks Brady if Theresa having company is code for something. Brady explains that Henderson told him that Theresa has been in Alex’s room for a couple of hours. Tate guesses that Brady is not okay with that. Brady states that Theresa made her choice and he’s accepted it. Tate questions if the choice was between him and Alex but Brady says he’s not going to talk about it. Tate then asks if that’s why Brady didn’t come home last night, because he was with Theresa and now she’s with Alex. Tate asks if she was leading him on. Brady insists that he doesn’t want to talk about it with him and repeats that Theresa made her choice and he’s accepted it.
Alex and Theresa lay in bed after having sex. Theresa tells him that she feels much better and thanks him for making her feel safe. Alex says he’s sorry about what happened to her as she must have been terrified. Theresa admits there was a moment where her life flashed before her eyes and she could see all of her mistakes and regrets, then Alex came and rescued her. Alex points out that technically, Xander was the one who saved her but Theresa doesn’t want to give him any credit since he didn’t care about her and only wanted Konstantin dead while Alex was there to protect her. Alex admits he got a little scared as he thought Konstantin was going to kill her with his bare hands. Theresa says it definitely felt that way. Alex remarks that it felt so raw and personal, bringing up that Konstantin said Theresa had been a thorn in his side since he got to town and asks what he could’ve meant by that. Theresa says that Konstantin was unhinged and she thinks he just didn’t like her. Theresa remarks that she tends to invoke strong feelings from men. Alex repeats the way Konstantin said she was a thorn in his side. Theresa reminds him of when she stood up to him at Thanksgiving after he accused her of going after Alex’s money. Alex remembers and guesses that was it, but notes he must really hold a grudge. Theresa doesn’t ever want to talk about Konstantin again and says she’s starving as she hasn’t eaten all day. Alex offers to get something from the kitchen but Theresa says she’s craving a burger and fries from the Pub. Alex decides he’ll go get it and gets out of bed.
Tate questions why Brady is still at the mansion if Theresa is occupied with Alex. Brady says he was going to see Maggie but she’s on a sedative so he thought he’d clean up. Tate points out that they have staff to do that. Brady says sometimes you have to clean up your own mess. Tate asks if it’s not torture being there knowing that Theresa is with Alex. Brady says it is now that he’s mentioned it a couple times and suggests they go get something to eat at the Brady Pub. Tate responds that he would but he forgot his phone, so Brady says he’ll save them a table and meet him there. Brady exits and then Tate pulls out a paper to leave a note but Holly arrives and greets Tate.
Abe tells Paulina that he’s proud of her for not backing down. Paulina asks if she’s not just pouring gasoline on the fire. Abe acknowledges her patience and strength being what he and the public love about her. Paulina declares no regrets. Abe thinks it’s a good time for her to just take the night off and relax. Paulina appreciates that but isn’t sure that’s possible since she is riled up. Abe thinks he can help her with that and pours her a glass of wine. Paulina recognizes the wine and thought they were saving it for a special occasion. Abe reminds Paulina that tomorrow is their wedding anniversary on Juneteenth. Paulina admits she completely forgot and apologizes. Abe says they are still together, so he suggests they just ignore the rest of the world and enjoy their company. Paulina tells Abe that he comes up with the best ideas as they kiss.
Nicole asks Eric about wanting to divorce Sloan which he confirms and since she fled town, he can’t serve her papers so he’s going to do a publication divorce. Eric explains that he needs it posted for three weeks in the newspaper and if Sloan doesn’t respond, the judge will order in his favor. Nicole calls it a good idea. Eric wishes he could take credit but admits his lawyer told him about it. Nicole asks if he’s using Belle but Eric then reveals that his lawyer is EJ.
EJ questions Stefan finding the envelope in the safe. Stefan confirms that he was looking for the other envelope when that one fell in his lap which makes him wonder why EJ even put it in there or kept it in the first place. EJ admits that he forgot it was in there and flashes back to getting the test results with Nicole. EJ says that he never got a chance to look at it before Nicole put it in the safe as they had genetic testing done on Jude for peace of mind and they assumed it named him as the father. Stefan brings up that EJ seemed pretty upset at himself for forgetting he put it in there and didn’t seem at all surprised or devastated to find out that Jude is not his flesh and blood, which makes him think this isn’t news to him at all. EJ responds that it’s not news to him because it’s completely fabricated. Stefan questions him saying the results are fake. EJ says someone must have planted it as a cruel joke. Stefan suggests having another test run then and says he’ll call Nicole to meet them at the hospital. EJ stops him and takes the envelope so Stefan asks how long he’s known the truth. EJ questions why it’s any of his damn business. Stefan has no idea how EJ even found out but says he completely understands why he’d keep it from Nicole, because they both know she would dump his sorry ass the second she found out she had a child with the man she truly loves. EJ tells him to shut his damn mouth. Stefan responds that he will for a price. EJ guesses they are blackmail. Stefan says it seems they are in a constant tug of war and he’s got all the leverage this time.
Nicole questions Eric hiring EJ as his lawyer because he figured he was motivated to stick it to Sloan which Eric confirms. Nicole comments on Sloan stealing EJ’s son and hitting him over the head with a flower pot. Eric calls him thin skinned. Nicole remarks that after all these years, Eric and EJ actually have something in common. Eric responds that the main reason they never got along is because of what they already have in common. Nicole calls that a good point.
Abe and Paulina go over their photo album from their wedding. Abe tells her that he’s so happy he got all those memories back to him. Paulina brings up their wedding day not ending well since Lani turned herself in but she’s thankful that Lani did her time and is now back home with Eli and their babies. Abe says they have so much to celebrate in their anniversary and also Juneteenth. Paulina says it will always be a special day in their family, but this year will not all be sunshine and roses.
Brady goes to the Brady Pub and runs in to Alex, saying he didn’t expect to see him there. Alex asks if the Brady Pub is too upscale for him. Brady explains that he was at the mansion and heard Alex was holed up in his room with Theresa. Alex confirms they were together, so Brady says not to let him keep his girlfriend waiting. Alex stops him and suggests they should clear the air about Theresa.
Tate tells Holly that it’s really good to see her. Holly didn’t know he’d be there today. Tate says he came to check on his mom and she’s fine while Maggie is resting upstairs. Holly feels like it’s been forever since they hung out. Tate mentions that he’s supposed to meet Brady at the Pub but he’d much rather stay here with her. Tate brings up prom being tomorrow. Holly notes that she’s still grounded but it doesn’t matter since Brady and Theresa are chaperoning so they wouldn’t be able to hang out anyways. Tate reveals he’s working on a way for them to be together still. They get close until Theresa walks in and questions what is going on here. Theresa thought she and Brady made it very clear that Tate is not to see Holly anymore, yet here they are together. Tate says they just ran in to each other. Holly says she just came to see her Grandma while Tate adds that he just came to see Theresa. Holly says they just said hello so Theresa tells her now she can say goodbye. Tate argues that Theresa doesn’t have to be rude to Holly. Theresa reminds Tate that Holly let him rot in juvey for something he didn’t do. Tate argues that she apologized for that. Holly decides she should leave and exits. Tate asks Theresa what her problem is. Theresa argues that Holly is not good for Tate since she hurt him once and would hurt him again. Tate asks if she means the same way that she hurt Brady.
Alex tells Brady that he knows things have been weird since he walked in on he and Theresa in bed. Brady says especially since Theresa set the whole thing up and he should’ve known that seh was using him. Alex is sorry that happened and says it’s probably his fault for Theresa trying to get back at him for sending mixed signals and hooking up with Kristen. Alex admits commitment has not been his strong suit but he and Kristen are over and he’s realized that Theresa is the one he wants to be with. Brady says that’s good because she apparently feels the same way. Alex asks if Brady is cool with that.
Nicole tells Eric that if they are going to get his divorce notice up before the end of the day, they better get to it. Eric says he’ll send her what the post is supposed to say as EJ wrote it up. Nicole calls it so formal and suggests making it a little fun which Eric questions. Nicole says he could express how he really feels but Eric says that won’t work. Nicole comes up with something which Eric says she can’t write in the newspaper. Eric warns that she’s going to get cancelled while Nicole jokes that he’s just being a priest.
EJ asks what Stefan wants from him this time. Stefan responds that he wants Gabi out of prison. EJ reminds him that he’s no longer district attorney because of him and questions how he’s supposed to get the conviction overturned. EJ guesses Stefan has already exhausted all leads. Stefan admits he was banking on Clyde confirming Gil as Li’s killer but that’s a no go. EJ jokes they could always bust her out of prison but then realizes Stefan actually considered it. Stefan asks what he thought all the cash was for, but then says now that the DNA test results fell in his hands, he has a better option than he and Gabi living life on the run. EJ repeats that he no longer has the power to free Gabi since Paulina fired him and gave the job to Melinda Trask. Stefan tells EJ to get his job back then and asks if he has something better to do. EJ points out that Paulina doesn’t like him so he questions how to change her mind. Stefan jokes that he has faith in him since he is highly motivated to get this done, asking how else he’s going to hang on to Nicole and Jude.
Brady and Alex sit together in the Pub. Brady asks when Alex has ever cared about how he feels. Alex knows they have butted heads but at the end of the day, they are family and they work together. Brady tells Alex that he was reluctant to get involved with Theresa again in the first place and when they try, it never seems to work out. Brady says in a way, maybe Alex did him a favor. Brady wishes Alex nothing but good luck. Alex asks if he really means that. Brady asks why not. Alex says fair enough and thanks him. Alex calls Brady the best and then exits the Pub. Brady then looks over the menu until Eric arrives and joins him. Eric says he’s glad he ran in to him and asks if it’s true that Konstantin is responsible for Victor’s death. Brady confirms that he sabotaged his plane and was planning on killing Maggie as well. Eric asks how Maggie is. Brady says she’s pretty shaken up but will be alright. Eric asks about Theresa being taken hostage. Brady assures that he won’t have to worry about his cousin since if there is one person in the world good at getting out of sticky situations and landing on their feet, it’s Theresa.
Tate yells at Theresa that Brady told him everything about how she made him think she was going to get back together with him and then dumped him for Alex. Theresa tries to argue that it wasn’t like that but Tate tells her that she hurt Brady. Theresa questions if he told her that. Tate says that he tried not to but he’s bad at hiding his feelings and asks what she thought was going to happen here. Theresa says she doesn’t know and feels awful about it. Tate tells her to stop and not to pretend like she cares about Brady when she doesn’t. Tate shouts that Theresa doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Theresa disagrees and tells Tate that she cares about him. Theresa talks about it being a crazy day and how she almost died. Tate tells her to stop using it as an excuse and tells her to go hang out with her boyfriend as he storms out of the mansion, leaving Theresa in shock. Theresa shouts after him that she’s fine after being kidnapped, held at gunpoint, and almost dying, mocking Tate’s lack of concern.
Paulina tells Abe that they have one more celebration tomorrow as she offered to throw Chanel and Johnny a going away party. Abe questions them leaving so soon. Paulina says Johnny has to get to California to start his new job next week. Paulina hopes it’s okay that she scheduled the party on their big day. Abe says it’s a day about family. Paulina hopes she can hold it together as she’s going to miss Chanel so much. Abe states that the toughest thing about being a parent is learning to let go.
EJ informs Stefan that he started a recall campaign against Paulina, so once she is removed from office, he can throw his hat in the ring as Mayor. EJ adds that once he’s elected, he can appoint a district attorney that will free Gabi. Stefan questions that and decides he doesn’t like it as he wants Gabi out immediately and that will take too long. EJ argues that he’s being unreasonable. Stefan tells EJ that he’s wasting his time arguing with him so he better make his move soon. EJ starts to call him names but Nicole comes home with Jude. Stefan remarks that EJ wouldn’t want to expose his son to anything unpleasant. Nicole asks what they are arguing about this time. EJ says nothing important and asks how her day at work was. Nicole says it was good and mentions running in to Eric, who told him that EJ is representing him in his divorce from Sloan which she calls an interesting twist. Stefan remarks that EJ is full of surprises. Nicole decides she will take Jude upstairs to put him to sleep and invites EJ to join her. EJ says he would love to but he has an important errand to run and he won’t be long. Stefan tells EJ that he will talk to him soon. EJ kisses Nicole and Jude goodbye as he then exits the mansion. Nicole asks Stefan what that was all about.
Tate and Holly walk through the town square holding hands. Tate stops and kisses her, then looks around to make sure no one is watching to rat them out. They talk about it seeming like Leo is on their side which Tate says is unlike Theresa. Tate apologizes for Theresa acting way out of line. Holly understands that Theresa doesn’t like her. Tate doesn’t care and says that his parents can try to keep them apart but it’s not going to work. Holly asks about his plan. Tate declares that he has a way for them to be together tomorrow at the prom. Holly excitedly asks him to tell her everything.
Theresa sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion and thinks back to having sex with Brady. Alex then comes in with her food from the Pub and asks about her seeming distracted when he walked in. Theresa informs him that she ran in to Tate, they got in a fight, and he stormed off. Alex asks what the fight was about but Theresa calls it nothing for him to worry about.
Brady tells Eric that he’s really sorry about Jude. Eric thanks him. Brady asks how he’s holding up. Eric admits he’s not good and he misses Jude every second. Brady knows it’s got to be brutal. Eric mentions seeing Jude earlier since Nicole brought him by the office. Brady asks if Eric is okay working there since it can’t be easy. Eric says it’s fine as Nicole isn’t going to bring Jude all the time. Brady clarifies that he wasn’t just talking about Jude.
Nicole asks if Stefan has any idea where EJ rushed off to. Stefan claims he’s not sure but it must have something to do with the bad news EJ got earlier which Nicole questions. Stefan reveals that Kristen got the CEO job over EJ. Nicole asks why the board would make that decision and says EJ must be so upset. Stefan says EJ was pretty angry but bets he’s out there now making arguments because there’s nothing EJ wouldn’t do to protect his family.
Abe tells Paulina that tomorrow is a big day and suggests they go to bed. Paulina wants to finish their wine first so Abe agrees to one more glass. They have a knock at the door which they question. Paulina answers to see EJ and asks what he’s doing there. EJ says he’ll get straight to the point as he had some time to think about what Abe said and he’s decided to have the Concerned Citizens of Salem withdraw the petition to remove Paulina as Mayor. Abe calls that good news and asks if he finally saw the light then. EJ then reveals that in exchange for his gesture of good will, he will need something in return.
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