Days of Our Lives Update

Update written by Joseph
At the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip has a drink as he talks to the portrait of Victor. Philip says he knows this might not have been what Victor wanted but after they take over DiMera, he will see that the forged letter was for the best. Xander then enters and slaps the drink out of Philip’s hand, saying he knows what he did and calling him a duplicitous, lying snake.
Kristen sits at the bar with a drink and thinks back to reuniting with her mother, Rachel Blake. Kristen comments to herself on her mother being alive after all these years and she can’t believe it. Sarah then approaches and says she doesn’t mean to intrude, but she wanted to see how she was doing after she had quite the mother-daughter reunion…
Arnold sits in the police commissioner’s office, smoking a cigar at the desk and remarks that he could get used to this. Jada then walks in and remarks that it’s nice to see he’s making himself at home.
EJ finishes stashing Rafe at the Blake house and then gets a call from Rita. EJ informs her that Rafe did not escape, but he moved him because there were too many close calls like Jada showing up. EJ tells Rita that he found the perfect place to stash Rafe where no one will find him because it’s isolated with not a soul around for miles. EJ then hears a noise and hangs up. EJ then enters the living room, shocked to find Ava tied up.
Belle sits in her room, going through papers until Brady enters. Brady comments on the district attorney’s work never being done. Brady says he just came to say hi so he has no reason to stay but Belle says she knows that look and asks what’s going on. Brady responds that it’s Ava and he thinks something is really wrong.
Ava tells EJ that he has to help her. EJ question what she is doing here. Ava informs him that Rachel lured her there because she wanted her out of the way so that Brady and Kristen could get back together. EJ questions a ten year old getting the drop on her. Ava responds that she had help which EJ questions. Kristen’s mother, Rachel Blake then enters and reveals it was from her. EJ questions who she is while she says she could ask him the same question since he’s trespassing in her house. Ava informs EJ that this is Rachel Blake, Kristen’s mother.
Kristen questions Sarah knowing about her reunion. Sarah clarifies that she meant her and Brady finding Rachel. Sarah says they are all so lucky that Rachel wasn’t hurt, almost like someone was looking out for her. Kristen remarks that she has no idea. Kristen says she’s really grateful for Sarah’s kind words since she knows how much she cares about Rachel. Sarah is glad everything worked out for the best. Kristen tells Sarah that it’s wonderful to see her back on her feet after the serum worked miracles. Sarah guesses the real miracle is that Xander didn’t have to hand over his company to her to get it.
Philip tells Xander that he was just visiting Maggie. Xander asks if he really thought he wouldn’t find out. Philip asks what he means. Xander responds that he has ears and eyes all over Titan, so his little game is over. Xander questions Philip hiring a private investigator to do research on him and using Titan money to do it like he wouldn’t find out. Xander accuses Philip of planning to blackmail him out of Victor’s company. Philip responds that he has it all wrong and he can prove it.
Kristen comments that Sarah is obviously still holding a grudge. Sarah argues that Kristen used her paralysis to try to extort Xander’s birth right from him. Kristen calls Sarah a hypocrite for judging others when they both know Xander would do the exact same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. Sarah calls that a lie and says Xander would never stoop so low. Kristen argues that Xander is as ruthless as she is, maybe even more so.
Xander tells Philip that he’s done listening to his excuses. Philip says he can see it for himself. Philip admits he didn’t just stop by to visit Maggie as he presents Xander with a folder that he came to drop off. Philip reveals that he did hire a private investigator but to dig up dirt on DiMera board members, not him. Xander questions why his assistant said he was asking about his past then. Philip reminds Xander of his time working with Kristen and Dr. Rolf, insisting this was about Kristen and not him. Philip explains that his private investigator is compiling information on every member of the DiMera board and if they get dirt on any of them, they might be able to convince them to vote their way. Philip gets why Xander jumped to the wrong conclusion and admits he should’ve asked him first. Xander admits it wasn’t a terrible idea and that there is some good intel in there. Xander asks what Philip took away from it. Philip says there’s not much to exploit. Xander goes through some of the papers and asks about Peter Blake. Philip says that’s Stefano’s adopted son and Kristen’s brother, so he can’t see him flipping on her. Xander asks why not. Philip talks about Peter and Kristen being loyal to one another, especially after everything the Blakes went through together. Xander questions what the story is there.
EJ calls it impossible since Rachel Blake died decades ago. She tells him not to assume he knows anything about her or her family. EJ reveals he is family, he is Kristen’s brother. Rachel Blake argues that he’s not her Peter. Ava clarifies that this is EJ DiMera, Stefano’s son. Rachel Blake remarks that if anyone knows about cheating death, it would be Stefano’s son. EJ questions her about surviving all those years ago. She responds that her death had been exaggerated. EJ argues that Rachel Blake would let her daughter know that she was alive. Ava reveals that Kristen does know as she just witnessed their warm and fuzzy reunion. EJ asks why Kristen hasn’t said anything. Ava responds that’s because Kristen decided to help her captive. Ava warns that the jig is up and that Rachel Blake will wish she was dead when the cops get there. Rachel Blake warns that EJ is not going to help Ava if he knows what’s good for him.
Jada reminds Arnold of the no smoking policy and asks if he’s celebrating his victory. He asks if Paulina gave her the good news. Jada accuses him of stealing her job and says she had to hear it from Shawn because “Rafe” didn’t have the decency to tell her himself. Arnold says not to make it more difficult than they need to. Jada questions if he’s serious right now, arguing that EJ framed her and he helped him do it. Jada says “Rafe” took EJ’s money and dug up the false accusations against him. Arnold remarks that if EJ is framing her, he’s doing a hell of a job. Jada questions what that means. Arnold responds that the more Jada tries to fight this, the more trouble she’s making herself as keeping the accusations out in the public just makes her look worse. Arnold declares that right or wrong, EJ won, so maybe it’s just best for everyone if they just accept what happened and move on with their lives. Jada complains that EJ took her job and her reputation away from her, so if “Rafe” thinks she’s going to do nothing then he’s lost his damn mind.
Belle tells Brady that she gets Ava leaving town was abrupt but going to see Tripp is not that out there. Brady reveals that Ava is not with Tripp and informs Belle that Steve reached out to Tripp, who said he had no idea Ava was going to visit him. Brady adds that there was no record of Ava booking a flight to Hong Kong. Belle guesses she can see why he’s concerned. Brady talks about Steve analyzing the voicemail Ava left him. Belle encourages that if anyone can get to the bottom of it, it’s Steve, and that he will find her. Belle decides her work can wait until tomorrow and says she’s Brady’s for the rest of the night if she can distract him from thinking the worst. Brady suggests talking about what’s going on between Belle and Marlena. Belle doesn’t know where to start. Brady says she can start with when she slept with EJ.
Ava urges EJ not to listen to Rachel Blake, saying she knows he hates her but he can’t let this crazy lady keep her hostage. Rachel Blake warns Ava to watch who she calls crazy. Ava pleads with EJ to get her out but Rachel Blake says that EJ won’t save her. EJ questions her presuming to know what he’s going to do. She threatens to otherwise tell Ava what really brought EJ to her home. Ava demands an answer from EJ as to what she’s talking about. Rachel Blake suggests she and EJ should talk privately. Ava screams that EJ can’t let her do this to her as they step outside together.
Sarah tells Kristen that she’s wrong about Xander as he is nothing like her and doesn’t value money and power over people’s lives. Kristen laughs that off and asks if Sarah has to tell herself that to sleep next to Xander at night. Sarah responds that not everyone is as delusional as Kristen. Kristen says she knows who she is and questions if Sarah knows who her husband is. Kristen argues that if Xander had the leverage over her that she had over him with the serum, he would use it to go after DiMera.
Rachel Blake advises EJ to leave tonight and never tell a soul that he found Ava in her home. EJ asks what if he doesn’t. She reveals that she saw EJ stash a gentleman upstairs, so if he goes to the authorities about Ava, she’ll have to come clean about his special guest and she’s sure the police would love to know what he’s been up to.
Jada questions “Rafe” really suggesting that she not push back against what EJ did to her and just take it lying down when he trashed her name and career. Arnold argues that after some time passes, her scandal won’t be front page news anymore and then he can convince Paulina to hire her back as a detective, working for him. He tells Jada that they can go back to the way things were, both professionally and personally. Arnold then grabs Jada and kisses her but she pushes him off and slaps him. He questions what she did that for. Jada asks how dare he touch her after what he pulled. He claims he was trying to make it up to her. Jada asks if he was that insecure about losing his job to her that he would align himself with EJ just to take her down. Arnold says that’s not how it went. Jada says she’s finally seeing things clearly now and seeing “Rafe” for who he is. Jada calls him a vile pig, threatened by a black woman in power. Jada remarks that it’s like he’s a completely different person than she thought. Jada tells “Rafe” that he can keep the job and his ring because she doesn’t want either one or him as she storms out of the office.
EJ warns Rachel Blake that he doesn’t take kindly to threats. She claims there’s no threat and is just stating the consequence of his actions, so he gets to be the author of what comes next. EJ responds that he won’t be pushed around by her. She asks how he doesn’t see that they are on the same side as he must care about Rachel. She says she’s doing this for Rachel and Kristen. EJ argues that Kristen wouldn’t do something so dangerous. Rachel Blake explains that it was her granddaughter Rachel’s doing but when Kristen found out, she realized they would send Rachel away to a juvenile detention center. She asks EJ if that’s the future he wants for his niece. She asks who deserves a second chance more; Rachel or Ava? She questions EJ hesitating when he clearly has no love for Ava. EJ admits that Ava kidnapped his mother once. She suggests viewing this as karmic retribution and that the scales have finally balanced.
Belle questions Brady about Marlena telling him about her and EJ. Brady confirms that he got an earful while Belle complains that it’s none of Marlena’s business. Brady points out that she did basically walk in on them together while Belle argues that she should’ve knocked first. Brady points out that Belle isn’t saying it was a healthy and wise decision, so he asks what’s going on. Brady asks if this is a rebound from Shawn and remarks that she’s allowed to have a one night stand with someone other than EJ. Belle understands there’s a million reasons why EJ is terrible for her, but says despite all of that, there is an attraction between them that she can’t explain. Belle compares EJ to a puzzle she needs to solve. Brady says this is worse than he thought as she has it really bad.
Sarah asks Kristen what she doesn’t get about Xander becoming a better man for them, so they could be together while Kristen won’t change for anyone which is why Brady is with Ava instead of her. Kristen acknowledges that maybe she’s not in denial about who Xander is and that she’s becoming more like him. Sarah argues that she has no idea what she’s talking about. Kristen calls it a good thing now that Philip is back. Kristen says it has to drive Xander insane to have to split Titan with his brother and jokes that she’s sure Xander is coming up with a million ways to push Philip out. Sarah informs her that things are going great between Xander and Philip. Kristen argues that they both know Xander is not one to share his toys, especially not with his half brother, but guesses he didn’t have a choice once Philip produced the letter from Victor. Sarah decides they are done here as she has to get home. Sarah tells Kristen that she is really glad that Rachel is home safe where she belongs. After Sarah exits, Kristen wonders what the hell is with her.
Xander asks Philip if Stefano was close to Peter and Kristen’s parents and that’s why he adopted them. Philip calls it a little more complicated than that and talks about Kristen’s mother surviving and hiding away in a spooky old house, but says she did eventually die after being caught in an explosion in Paris. Xander calls it a hell of a story and admits he can see why Peter and Kristen would have each other’s backs. Philip talks about all the DiMeras being that way. Xander guesses that makes most of the share holders dead ends. Philip suggests not focusing on the family and brings up one of the largest share holders isn’t a DiMera at all. Xander doesn’t think Wei Shin would even listen to them but Philip feels he has to be holding a grudge after what happened to Li Shin. Philip brings up that EJ and Melinda waited almost a full year before reopening the case against Li’s killer. Philip mentions needing to clean up his spilled drink as Maggie doesn’t need to know about their dust up. Xander apologizes and offers to give him a hand cleaning it up, adding that he thinks it would give Victor a kick to see them working together like real brothers, making Victor proud.
Arnold/”Rafe” follows Jada out of his office to the police station where Shawn asks if she is alright. Jada says she’s not and asks Shawn to get her out of there, so they exit together while Arnold tells the rest of the cops to get back to work as he then walks out.
Sarah comes home to find Philip and Xander cleaning up the spilled drink and asks if she even wants to know. Xander claims they were brainstorming and had a little mess. Philip says it’s getting late so he’ll get out of their hair. Sarah notes that Maggie wanted to ask him to stay for dinner. Philip says that’s generous but room service is calling his name. Xander suggests he should stay, surprising Philip. Sarah points out that he is family. Philip agrees to stay so Xander goes to tell cook to expect one more for dinner. Sarah then asks Philip about the spilled drink and if they got in a fist fight again. Philip calls it a misunderstanding but he thinks they had a break through and are on their way to being great partners and maybe even brothers. Sarah says she really needed to hear that after tonight. Philip asks what happened. Sarah informs him that she had a run in with Kristen that got ugly. Philip asks if it was over what Kristen did to her. Sarah says it was about Philip and Xander as Kristen kept going on about how Xander would never want to share Titan. Sarah says it got her thinking that maybe keeping Philip’s secret wasn’t a good idea and it was all for nothing. Philip encourages that she made the right decision for Xander and their family and to not let Kristen get in her head. Sarah admits that Kristen almost did get in her head, but then Xander asked him to stay for dinner which is huge for him. Sarah declares that if they really did have a break through, then it was worth it. Sarah declares that the only way the family moves forward is if Xander never finds out the letter from Victor was forged.
EJ accuses Rachel Blake of trying to use his hatred of Ava to get him to go along with her twisted kidnapping scheme. She compares it to what EJ did to Rafe. EJ then agrees not to say anything about Ava as long as she agrees not to say anything about the man he tied up upstairs. EJ admits he has his interests but more than anything, he’s doing this for Kristen and Rachel. EJ warns that if anything happens to Ava, he cannot do anything to protect them so he wants her word that she will not hurt Ava or his special guest upstairs. Rachel Blake gives her word and asks if they have a deal. She and EJ then shake hands on it.
Kristen tries calling her mother but she’s not answering. Kristen complains that she needs to know Ava is under her control and wonders what is going on over there.
Ava struggles with being tied up as she tries to reach the phone as it rings.
Shawn brings Jada to the Brady Pub. Jada drinks shots and says she’s thankful that Shawn doesn’t drink because she’s going to need a designated driver. Shawn asks if her conversation with “Rafe” went that bad. She says it was beyond horrible and that “Rafe” had the nerve to tell her to just let things go. Jada declares that she will never let go of what EJ and “Rafe” are doing to her. Jada repeats that it’s like “Rafe” is a completely different person. Jada remarks that at least with her first husband Bobby, he had a mental illness, while she wonders what Rafe’s excuse is. Shawn says sometimes you don’t know the people you love as much as you thought you did. Jada guesses they aren’t talking about Rafe anymore. Shawn confirms it’s Belle and reveals that she slept with EJ again. Jada is surprised and thought Belle had standards. Shawn says it’s none of his business and that Belle said it was a one time thing that wouldn’t happen again, but he’s not sure he believes her. Jada thinks back to finding Belle at the DiMera Mansion and then tells Shawn that maybe he shouldn’t believe her.
Belle tells Brady that she loves him but she’s not going to let him question her love life. Brady says that he’s just telling it like it is as he’s known Shawn a long time and he’s always been true blue and a moral compass while EJ is dangerous. Belle argues that she’s not some teen girl going after the bad boy. Brady asks if she’s sure about that. Belle then admits there might be something alluring about being with someone completely wrong for her. Brady relates to being where she’s at and says he still is since he has to deal with Kristen, who he can’t quite quit. Brady admits it can be punishing so he’s just worried about Belle and wants her to be careful. Belle says he doesn’t have to worry about her, insisting her eyes are wide open when it comes to EJ.
EJ returns to the DiMera Mansion and answers a call from Arnold, saying it’s not a good time so it will have to wait. Arnold says he just had a run in with Jada that got pretty tense. EJ says that’s not surprising or urgent. Arnold tells EJ that Jada said he was like a different person, so he worries that she’s on to them. EJ assures that Jada doesn’t know anything and she won’t as long as Arnold keeps his mouth shut. EJ tells Arnold they will talk about it tomorrow as he has more pressing matters to deal with. EJ hangs up and heads in to the living room where Kristen is pouring a drink. Kristen asks EJ who was on the phone but EJ claims it was no one important. Kristen asks EJ what’s the matter as he looks like he’s seen a ghost. EJ responds that in a way, he has. EJ then tells Kristen that they need to talk about how he met her mother.
Rachel Blake returns to the living room and tells Ava that the restraints are very secure so she won’t be getting loose any time soon. Ava asks where EJ is. She says he couldn’t stay. Ava can’t believe EJ just left her there. Rachel Blake says she’s afraid no one is going to help her.
Philip tells Sarah that nothing is more impotant than family and they agree on that much. Xander returns to the living room and announces they are all set, so dinner should be ready soon. Philip excitedly says he can’t wait and he’ll have to thank Maggie. Xander says Maggie is thrilled that he’s staying and offered to have the staff set up a guest room since it’s late. Philip knows Maggie means well but questions if they should push their luck. Xander brings up thinking about the DiMeras a lot and they have way more bad blood between them than they do, but unlike them, they remain a united front. Xander thinks if they are going to try to take down DiMera, they should take a leaf out of their book. Sarah asks what he means. Xander thinks that until they successfully take over DiMera, Philip should stay at the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander acknowledges that they’ve had their differences but he is his brother, so it’s his house too. Xander then invites Philip to move back in.
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