Days Short Recap Friday, February 14, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Julie thought about her first Valentine’s Day with Doug. Doug III showed up with flowers for Julie. She told him about her therapy sessions with Marlena. While they were talking, she asked him if he met anyone. He told her the person he had feelings for had a boyfriend. Julie said it was good to respect the relationship, but he should tell the girl how he felt about her. She told him about Doug being paid to break up her marriage which wasn’t a problem since she didn’t love her husband. When she wanted to show him a book of lyrics, she realized it was at the Horton cabin. He offered to get the book for her. Tate and Holly talked about their plans to go to the cabin. He wanted to make sure he wasn’t pressuring her to go. She said she didn’t feel pressure, but she wished they were each other’s firsts. While they were talking, Maggie showed up. Holly thanked Maggie for letting them use the cabin. Tate took the keys and left. Maggie asked if they were going to have sex. Holly and Maggie talked about her plans with Tate. Amy and Sophia were at the town square. Sophia told Amy that she and Tate were giving the baby up for adoption. Amy didn’t like the idea of Sophia giving the baby up for adoption. Sophia told her that she and Tate were going to find a Christian couple to adopt the baby. Amy said the baby would be better with its biological parents to which Sophia said it wouldn’t be. She said they were too young to have the baby and wouldn’t be together. While they were talking, Tate showed up. Sophia wanted him to help her. Before Tate could say anything, Sophia was in pain. When the pain showed up again, they took her to the hospital.

Johnny and Chanel talked about starting a family. She said she was ready to start a family but was afraid of having a miscarriage. Johnny told her that Kayla said the chances of her having a miscarriage were low. He said they didn’t have to rush, but Chanel wanted to make an appointment with Kayla to make sure. They went to see Kayla at the hospital. She told them they shouldn’t try to get pregnant now because Chanel’s HGC levels were high. Kayla said it could be a new tumor from leftover tissue from her last pregnancy. She said they needed to check on it more so this wouldn’t be the time to try to get pregnant. Fortunately, it shouldn’t affect her chances of getting pregnant later on. Chanel was glad that they checked. She thought they shouldn’t try to have a baby. Johnny comforted her and told her being healthy was important. Kayla checked on Sophia. She told Sophia, Tate, and Amy that Sophia had Round Ligament Pain which was common. Amy told Sophia and Tate that they cared about the baby and wondered why they were giving it away. Sophia said that was why she had to give the baby up. Amy agreed to the adoption if they found a good couple. Holly was at the Horton cabin and unpacked her things. She took out a nightgown and put it on. Doug showed up and walked in on her. Tate texted Holly to let her know he was running late. When he noticed Johnny and Chanel, he told them about Sophia and how her mother was willing to let them give the baby up for adoption. He said they had to find the right couple. Chanel and Johnny said he found the right couple.

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Days Update Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip has a drink as he talks to the portrait of Victor. Philip says he knows this might not have been what Victor wanted but after they take over DiMera, he will see that the forged letter was for the best. Xander then enters and slaps the drink out of Philip’s hand, saying he knows what he did and calling him a duplicitous, lying snake.

Kristen sits at the bar with a drink and thinks back to reuniting with her mother, Rachel Blake. Kristen comments to herself on her mother being alive after all these years and she can’t believe it. Sarah then approaches and says she doesn’t mean to intrude, but she wanted to see how she was doing after she had quite the mother-daughter reunion…

Arnold sits in the police commissioner’s office, smoking a cigar at the desk and remarks that he could get used to this. Jada then walks in and remarks that it’s nice to see he’s making himself at home.

EJ finishes stashing Rafe at the Blake house and then gets a call from Rita. EJ informs her that Rafe did not escape, but he moved him because there were too many close calls like Jada showing up. EJ tells Rita that he found the perfect place to stash Rafe where no one will find him because it’s isolated with not a soul around for miles. EJ then hears a noise and hangs up. EJ then enters the living room, shocked to find Ava tied up.

Belle sits in her room, going through papers until Brady enters. Brady comments on the district attorney’s work never being done. Brady says he just came to say hi so he has no reason to stay but Belle says she knows that look and asks what’s going on. Brady responds that it’s Ava and he thinks something is really wrong.

Ava tells EJ that he has to help her. EJ question what she is doing here. Ava informs him that Rachel lured her there because she wanted her out of the way so that Brady and Kristen could get back together. EJ questions a ten year old getting the drop on her. Ava responds that she had help which EJ questions. Kristen’s mother, Rachel Blake then enters and reveals it was from her. EJ questions who she is while she says she could ask him the same question since he’s trespassing in her house. Ava informs EJ that this is Rachel Blake, Kristen’s mother.

Kristen questions Sarah knowing about her reunion. Sarah clarifies that she meant her and Brady finding Rachel. Sarah says they are all so lucky that Rachel wasn’t hurt, almost like someone was looking out for her. Kristen remarks that she has no idea. Kristen says she’s really grateful for Sarah’s kind words since she knows how much she cares about Rachel. Sarah is glad everything worked out for the best. Kristen tells Sarah that it’s wonderful to see her back on her feet after the serum worked miracles. Sarah guesses the real miracle is that Xander didn’t have to hand over his company to her to get it.

Philip tells Xander that he was just visiting Maggie. Xander asks if he really thought he wouldn’t find out. Philip asks what he means. Xander responds that he has ears and eyes all over Titan, so his little game is over. Xander questions Philip hiring a private investigator to do research on him and using Titan money to do it like he wouldn’t find out. Xander accuses Philip of planning to blackmail him out of Victor’s company. Philip responds that he has it all wrong and he can prove it.

Kristen comments that Sarah is obviously still holding a grudge. Sarah argues that Kristen used her paralysis to try to extort Xander’s birth right from him. Kristen calls Sarah a hypocrite for judging others when they both know Xander would do the exact same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. Sarah calls that a lie and says Xander would never stoop so low. Kristen argues that Xander is as ruthless as she is, maybe even more so.

Xander tells Philip that he’s done listening to his excuses. Philip says he can see it for himself. Philip admits he didn’t just stop by to visit Maggie as he presents Xander with a folder that he came to drop off. Philip reveals that he did hire a private investigator but to dig up dirt on DiMera board members, not him. Xander questions why his assistant said he was asking about his past then. Philip reminds Xander of his time working with Kristen and Dr. Rolf, insisting this was about Kristen and not him. Philip explains that his private investigator is compiling information on every member of the DiMera board and if they get dirt on any of them, they might be able to convince them to vote their way. Philip gets why Xander jumped to the wrong conclusion and admits he should’ve asked him first. Xander admits it wasn’t a terrible idea and that there is some good intel in there. Xander asks what Philip took away from it. Philip says there’s not much to exploit. Xander goes through some of the papers and asks about Peter Blake. Philip says that’s Stefano’s adopted son and Kristen’s brother, so he can’t see him flipping on her. Xander asks why not. Philip talks about Peter and Kristen being loyal to one another, especially after everything the Blakes went through together. Xander questions what the story is there.

EJ calls it impossible since Rachel Blake died decades ago. She tells him not to assume he knows anything about her or her family. EJ reveals he is family, he is Kristen’s brother. Rachel Blake argues that he’s not her Peter. Ava clarifies that this is EJ DiMera, Stefano’s son. Rachel Blake remarks that if anyone knows about cheating death, it would be Stefano’s son. EJ questions her about surviving all those years ago. She responds that her death had been exaggerated. EJ argues that Rachel Blake would let her daughter know that she was alive. Ava reveals that Kristen does know as she just witnessed their warm and fuzzy reunion. EJ asks why Kristen hasn’t said anything. Ava responds that’s because Kristen decided to help her captive. Ava warns that the jig is up and that Rachel Blake will wish she was dead when the cops get there. Rachel Blake warns that EJ is not going to help Ava if he knows what’s good for him.

Jada reminds Arnold of the no smoking policy and asks if he’s celebrating his victory. He asks if Paulina gave her the good news. Jada accuses him of stealing her job and says she had to hear it from Shawn because “Rafe” didn’t have the decency to tell her himself. Arnold says not to make it more difficult than they need to. Jada questions if he’s serious right now, arguing that EJ framed her and he helped him do it. Jada says “Rafe” took EJ’s money and dug up the false accusations against him. Arnold remarks that if EJ is framing her, he’s doing a hell of a job. Jada questions what that means. Arnold responds that the more Jada tries to fight this, the more trouble she’s making herself as keeping the accusations out in the public just makes her look worse. Arnold declares that right or wrong, EJ won, so maybe it’s just best for everyone if they just accept what happened and move on with their lives. Jada complains that EJ took her job and her reputation away from her, so if “Rafe” thinks she’s going to do nothing then he’s lost his damn mind.

Belle tells Brady that she gets Ava leaving town was abrupt but going to see Tripp is not that out there. Brady reveals that Ava is not with Tripp and informs Belle that Steve reached out to Tripp, who said he had no idea Ava was going to visit him. Brady adds that there was no record of Ava booking a flight to Hong Kong. Belle guesses she can see why he’s concerned. Brady talks about Steve analyzing the voicemail Ava left him. Belle encourages that if anyone can get to the bottom of it, it’s Steve, and that he will find her. Belle decides her work can wait until tomorrow and says she’s Brady’s for the rest of the night if she can distract him from thinking the worst. Brady suggests talking about what’s going on between Belle and Marlena. Belle doesn’t know where to start. Brady says she can start with when she slept with EJ.

Ava urges EJ not to listen to Rachel Blake, saying she knows he hates her but he can’t let this crazy lady keep her hostage. Rachel Blake warns Ava to watch who she calls crazy. Ava pleads with EJ to get her out but Rachel Blake says that EJ won’t save her. EJ questions her presuming to know what he’s going to do. She threatens to otherwise tell Ava what really brought EJ to her home. Ava demands an answer from EJ as to what she’s talking about. Rachel Blake suggests she and EJ should talk privately. Ava screams that EJ can’t let her do this to her as they step outside together.

Sarah tells Kristen that she’s wrong about Xander as he is nothing like her and doesn’t value money and power over people’s lives. Kristen laughs that off and asks if Sarah has to tell herself that to sleep next to Xander at night. Sarah responds that not everyone is as delusional as Kristen. Kristen says she knows who she is and questions if Sarah knows who her husband is. Kristen argues that if Xander had the leverage over her that she had over him with the serum, he would use it to go after DiMera.

Rachel Blake advises EJ to leave tonight and never tell a soul that he found Ava in her home. EJ asks what if he doesn’t. She reveals that she saw EJ stash a gentleman upstairs, so if he goes to the authorities about Ava, she’ll have to come clean about his special guest and she’s sure the police would love to know what he’s been up to.

Jada questions “Rafe” really suggesting that she not push back against what EJ did to her and just take it lying down when he trashed her name and career. Arnold argues that after some time passes, her scandal won’t be front page news anymore and then he can convince Paulina to hire her back as a detective, working for him. He tells Jada that they can go back to the way things were, both professionally and personally. Arnold then grabs Jada and kisses her but she pushes him off and slaps him. He questions what she did that for. Jada asks how dare he touch her after what he pulled. He claims he was trying to make it up to her. Jada asks if he was that insecure about losing his job to her that he would align himself with EJ just to take her down. Arnold says that’s not how it went. Jada says she’s finally seeing things clearly now and seeing “Rafe” for who he is. Jada calls him a vile pig, threatened by a black woman in power. Jada remarks that it’s like he’s a completely different person than she thought. Jada tells “Rafe” that he can keep the job and his ring because she doesn’t want either one or him as she storms out of the office.

EJ warns Rachel Blake that he doesn’t take kindly to threats. She claims there’s no threat and is just stating the consequence of his actions, so he gets to be the author of what comes next. EJ responds that he won’t be pushed around by her. She asks how he doesn’t see that they are on the same side as he must care about Rachel. She says she’s doing this for Rachel and Kristen. EJ argues that Kristen wouldn’t do something so dangerous. Rachel Blake explains that it was her granddaughter Rachel’s doing but when Kristen found out, she realized they would send Rachel away to a juvenile detention center. She asks EJ if that’s the future he wants for his niece. She asks who deserves a second chance more; Rachel or Ava? She questions EJ hesitating when he clearly has no love for Ava. EJ admits that Ava kidnapped his mother once. She suggests viewing this as karmic retribution and that the scales have finally balanced.

Belle questions Brady about Marlena telling him about her and EJ. Brady confirms that he got an earful while Belle complains that it’s none of Marlena’s business. Brady points out that she did basically walk in on them together while Belle argues that she should’ve knocked first. Brady points out that Belle isn’t saying it was a healthy and wise decision, so he asks what’s going on. Brady asks if this is a rebound from Shawn and remarks that she’s allowed to have a one night stand with someone other than EJ. Belle understands there’s a million reasons why EJ is terrible for her, but says despite all of that, there is an attraction between them that she can’t explain. Belle compares EJ to a puzzle she needs to solve. Brady says this is worse than he thought as she has it really bad.

Sarah asks Kristen what she doesn’t get about Xander becoming a better man for them, so they could be together while Kristen won’t change for anyone which is why Brady is with Ava instead of her. Kristen acknowledges that maybe she’s not in denial about who Xander is and that she’s becoming more like him. Sarah argues that she has no idea what she’s talking about. Kristen calls it a good thing now that Philip is back. Kristen says it has to drive Xander insane to have to split Titan with his brother and jokes that she’s sure Xander is coming up with a million ways to push Philip out. Sarah informs her that things are going great between Xander and Philip. Kristen argues that they both know Xander is not one to share his toys, especially not with his half brother, but guesses he didn’t have a choice once Philip produced the letter from Victor. Sarah decides they are done here as she has to get home. Sarah tells Kristen that she is really glad that Rachel is home safe where she belongs. After Sarah exits, Kristen wonders what the hell is with her.

Xander asks Philip if Stefano was close to Peter and Kristen’s parents and that’s why he adopted them. Philip calls it a little more complicated than that and talks about Kristen’s mother surviving and hiding away in a spooky old house, but says she did eventually die after being caught in an explosion in Paris. Xander calls it a hell of a story and admits he can see why Peter and Kristen would have each other’s backs. Philip talks about all the DiMeras being that way. Xander guesses that makes most of the share holders dead ends. Philip suggests not focusing on the family and brings up one of the largest share holders isn’t a DiMera at all. Xander doesn’t think Wei Shin would even listen to them but Philip feels he has to be holding a grudge after what happened to Li Shin. Philip brings up that EJ and Melinda waited almost a full year before reopening the case against Li’s killer. Philip mentions needing to clean up his spilled drink as Maggie doesn’t need to know about their dust up. Xander apologizes and offers to give him a hand cleaning it up, adding that he thinks it would give Victor a kick to see them working together like real brothers, making Victor proud.

Arnold/”Rafe” follows Jada out of his office to the police station where Shawn asks if she is alright. Jada says she’s not and asks Shawn to get her out of there, so they exit together while Arnold tells the rest of the cops to get back to work as he then walks out.

Sarah comes home to find Philip and Xander cleaning up the spilled drink and asks if she even wants to know. Xander claims they were brainstorming and had a little mess. Philip says it’s getting late so he’ll get out of their hair. Sarah notes that Maggie wanted to ask him to stay for dinner. Philip says that’s generous but room service is calling his name. Xander suggests he should stay, surprising Philip. Sarah points out that he is family. Philip agrees to stay so Xander goes to tell cook to expect one more for dinner. Sarah then asks Philip about the spilled drink and if they got in a fist fight again. Philip calls it a misunderstanding but he thinks they had a break through and are on their way to being great partners and maybe even brothers. Sarah says she really needed to hear that after tonight. Philip asks what happened. Sarah informs him that she had a run in with Kristen that got ugly. Philip asks if it was over what Kristen did to her. Sarah says it was about Philip and Xander as Kristen kept going on about how Xander would never want to share Titan. Sarah says it got her thinking that maybe keeping Philip’s secret wasn’t a good idea and it was all for nothing. Philip encourages that she made the right decision for Xander and their family and to not let Kristen get in her head. Sarah admits that Kristen almost did get in her head, but then Xander asked him to stay for dinner which is huge for him. Sarah declares that if they really did have a break through, then it was worth it. Sarah declares that the only way the family moves forward is if Xander never finds out the letter from Victor was forged.

EJ accuses Rachel Blake of trying to use his hatred of Ava to get him to go along with her twisted kidnapping scheme. She compares it to what EJ did to Rafe. EJ then agrees not to say anything about Ava as long as she agrees not to say anything about the man he tied up upstairs. EJ admits he has his interests but more than anything, he’s doing this for Kristen and Rachel. EJ warns that if anything happens to Ava, he cannot do anything to protect them so he wants her word that she will not hurt Ava or his special guest upstairs. Rachel Blake gives her word and asks if they have a deal. She and EJ then shake hands on it.

Kristen tries calling her mother but she’s not answering. Kristen complains that she needs to know Ava is under her control and wonders what is going on over there.

Ava struggles with being tied up as she tries to reach the phone as it rings.

Shawn brings Jada to the Brady Pub. Jada drinks shots and says she’s thankful that Shawn doesn’t drink because she’s going to need a designated driver. Shawn asks if her conversation with “Rafe” went that bad. She says it was beyond horrible and that “Rafe” had the nerve to tell her to just let things go. Jada declares that she will never let go of what EJ and “Rafe” are doing to her. Jada repeats that it’s like “Rafe” is a completely different person. Jada remarks that at least with her first husband Bobby, he had a mental illness, while she wonders what Rafe’s excuse is. Shawn says sometimes you don’t know the people you love as much as you thought you did. Jada guesses they aren’t talking about Rafe anymore. Shawn confirms it’s Belle and reveals that she slept with EJ again. Jada is surprised and thought Belle had standards. Shawn says it’s none of his business and that Belle said it was a one time thing that wouldn’t happen again, but he’s not sure he believes her. Jada thinks back to finding Belle at the DiMera Mansion and then tells Shawn that maybe he shouldn’t believe her.

Belle tells Brady that she loves him but she’s not going to let him question her love life. Brady says that he’s just telling it like it is as he’s known Shawn a long time and he’s always been true blue and a moral compass while EJ is dangerous. Belle argues that she’s not some teen girl going after the bad boy. Brady asks if she’s sure about that. Belle then admits there might be something alluring about being with someone completely wrong for her. Brady relates to being where she’s at and says he still is since he has to deal with Kristen, who he can’t quite quit. Brady admits it can be punishing so he’s just worried about Belle and wants her to be careful. Belle says he doesn’t have to worry about her, insisting her eyes are wide open when it comes to EJ.

EJ returns to the DiMera Mansion and answers a call from Arnold, saying it’s not a good time so it will have to wait. Arnold says he just had a run in with Jada that got pretty tense. EJ says that’s not surprising or urgent. Arnold tells EJ that Jada said he was like a different person, so he worries that she’s on to them. EJ assures that Jada doesn’t know anything and she won’t as long as Arnold keeps his mouth shut. EJ tells Arnold they will talk about it tomorrow as he has more pressing matters to deal with. EJ hangs up and heads in to the living room where Kristen is pouring a drink. Kristen asks EJ who was on the phone but EJ claims it was no one important. Kristen asks EJ what’s the matter as he looks like he’s seen a ghost. EJ responds that in a way, he has. EJ then tells Kristen that they need to talk about how he met her mother.

Rachel Blake returns to the living room and tells Ava that the restraints are very secure so she won’t be getting loose any time soon. Ava asks where EJ is. She says he couldn’t stay. Ava can’t believe EJ just left her there. Rachel Blake says she’s afraid no one is going to help her.

Philip tells Sarah that nothing is more impotant than family and they agree on that much. Xander returns to the living room and announces they are all set, so dinner should be ready soon. Philip excitedly says he can’t wait and he’ll have to thank Maggie. Xander says Maggie is thrilled that he’s staying and offered to have the staff set up a guest room since it’s late. Philip knows Maggie means well but questions if they should push their luck. Xander brings up thinking about the DiMeras a lot and they have way more bad blood between them than they do, but unlike them, they remain a united front. Xander thinks if they are going to try to take down DiMera, they should take a leaf out of their book. Sarah asks what he means. Xander thinks that until they successfully take over DiMera, Philip should stay at the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander acknowledges that they’ve had their differences but he is his brother, so it’s his house too. Xander then invites Philip to move back in.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, February 14, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Three or the residents of Genoa City dream about spending Valentines Day with their unrequited loves.

Sharon dreams that Nick set up a romantic evening at Crimson Lights for her. The dream evening included a romantic dinner, champagne, and dancing with Nick. Nick also tells Sharon that he has always loved her and wants to move in with her at the ranch so she Faith and Christian can be a family.

Adam dreams that Chelsea set up a romantic evening for him and tells him that he was right she had been denying her feelings for him, but she doesn’t want to deny her feelings for him anymore. Adam also dreams that he is telling Sally that he did love her but he had to let his love for her go and now he is sure he is in love with Chelsea.

Phyllis learns that Sally left Billy in Paris because Sally realized she is still in love with Adam. Billy had set up a romantic evening for Sally, but when Sally left him for Adam, Billy realizes that Phyllis is the only woman that understands him. Phyllis wakes up from her dream before Billy kisses her. Phyllis wonders why she had a romantic dream about Billy.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Nick warns Phyllis to be careful because Billy always has an agenda. Billy waits until Sally is asleep and then calls someone on the phone. Billy tells the person that Abbott Communications is fully funded and he asks the person to do a deep dive into Chancellor Industries and find out everything that has been going on since Nikki has been running the company.

Damian decides to return to Los Angeles and forget everything that happened in Genoa City.

Audra tells Holden to forget they were ever friends in Los Angeles and that he helped her get out of a problem with Tucker. Audra explains to Holden that she is a different person now and she doesn’t want anyone knowing about her past. Holden tells Audra he and Damian are going back to Los Angeles tonight, so her secret is safe with him.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Philip made a toast to Victor’s painting and said he was doing what he had to do. Xander walked in on him and said he knew what he did. Philip was afraid that he knew the truth. Xander said he knew about the detective Philip hired to research him. Philip said the detective searched information on the DiMeras board members so they could get them to vote their way. He said the detectives asked about Xander because of his work with Kristen and Rolf. Xander said that was a good idea. He said Peter could side with them, but Philip didn’t think he would. Philip told Xander about the Blake family. They continued talking about the DiMeras. While Kristen was at the bar drinking, she thought about seeing her mother. Sarah showed up to check on her after what happened with Rachel. She said she was happy that Rachel was safe. Kristen thanked her for her concern. She said it was good to see Sarah walking again thanks to the serum. Sarah reminded her that she extorted Xander for the serum. Kristen realized that Sarah wasn’t concerned about Rachel. She said Sarah was holding a grudge against her. They ended up arguing over whether or not Xander would have done the same thing in her position. When Sarah left, Kristen called Rachel, but she didn’t answer.

Arnold was in the commissioner’s office at the police station with his feet up. Jada walked in and was upset that he was getting comfortable in the office. She told him that EJ framed her, but he didn’t care. He told her EJ did a great job of framing her and that she was too toxic for the job. Arnold said this was the best thing for her. Jada said he lost his mind if he thought she was going to take what was happening to her. Arnold told her to let the situation go and he would talk to Paulina about hiring her back as a detective. She was upset at the idea of working for him. He said they would go back to the way things were before. When he kissed her, she slapped him. She said he was a chauvinist who was intimidated by a black woman in charge. Jada took off the ring and said she didn’t want him or the job. When she walked out, she told Shawn to come with her. While EJ was at the Blake house, Rita called him. He let her know that he put Rafe in a safe place. When heard something, he noticed Ava tied to a chair. He took the gag off and asked what she was doing there. She said the two Rachels did that to her. The woman in white showed up. EJ wanted to know who she was. The woman in white asked the same thing. Ava said she was Kristen’s mother. EJ said that wasn’t possible because Rachel was dead. He said he would know because he was Kristen’s brother. Rachel said he wasn’t Peter. EJ said she should let Kristen know she was alive. Ava said Kristen already knew, but she left her there. When EJ started to untie Ava, Rachel said he wouldn’t be helping Ava. Ava asked EJ not to listen to Rachel. Rachel said she knew the real reason why he was there. Rachel and EJ left so they could talk. When they were alone, Rachel told him she saw him put Rafe upstairs. She said if he let Ava go, she would tell the police what he did. Rachel said they were on the same side. She said little Rachel did this so letting Ava go would keep Kristen from her daughter. EJ said Ava kidnapped Susan before. Rachel said to consider it karma. EJ agreed not to say anything as long as she didn’t say anything about Rafe. He said he was doing this for Kristen and Rachel and ordered her not to do anything to Ava and Rafe or he wouldn’t be able to protect Kristen and Rachel. Brady talked to Belle about Ava. He said something was wrong and told her what was going on with Ava. Belle said Steve would find out what was going on. Changing the subject, Brady asked her about EJ. He said Marlena told him about them. Belle was shocked that Marlena was gossiping about her. Brady said he wanted to know what was going on. She told him what was going on with EJ and why she was with him. Brady didn’t like her being with EJ but understood that she wanted to be with someone dangerous. Belle agreed that she wanted to be with someone dangerous. Jada told Shawn about what happened with Rafe. Shawn couldn’t believe Rafe talked to her the way he did. She said Rafe was like a different person. Shawn said you don’t always know the person you love. Jada assumed he was talking about Belle. Shawn told her Belle slept with EJ. She thought about seeing Belle at the DiMera mansion and told him that she probably slept with EJ again. Arnold called EJ and told him that Jada was on to him being different. EJ told him to calm down. When he got off the phone, he ran into Kristen. He told her that he met her mother. Rachel told Ava that EJ wouldn’t help her. She said no one would help her.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, February 11, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Seth announced to Kayla and Stephanie that the hospital was going under and that the soap was keeping it going. Now that the soap is over, the hospital is going to close. Kayla explained to Seth that it’s bad for the people of Salem to lose the hospital. Seth didn’t seem to care and cleaned out his desk. Kayla couldn’t believe the hospital chose money over people. Stephanie had ideas of how to save the hospital. She promised her mother that they would save the hospital. Holly and Tate talked about Valentine’s Day plans. They were about to kiss when Sophia showed up at the pub. She announced that she found a couple to adopt their child. Sophia told Tate that her mother knew the couple and liked them. The plan may work since Amy knew the couple. Sophia wanted him to go with her to meet the couple. Holly was annoyed but wished them luck. Johnny and Chanel talked about the soap ending. He said that everyone could stay with the show if they were willing to relocate. Johnny told her that Hattie agreed to move to California. He wanted to talk about his plans for the future. Chanel reminded him that they were going to Los Angeles before they lost the baby. He wanted to focus on their marriage before worrying about moving. Chanel wanted to know what was really going on. He didn’t want to put distance between them when they were trying to work things out. She didn’t want him to sacrifice his dreams because he wanted to think of what she wanted. His dream is to be with her. There were things he could do in Salem. He wanted to have a family with her.

Joy asked Alex if he wanted to stay in Salem for Stephanie. He tried to avoid the question, but Joy confronted him about kissing Stephanie. Alex apologized to her, but she decided to end things with him. She thought he was the only person she could trust, but he kissed someone behind her back. Alex admitted that he wanted to be with Stephanie weeks ago which made her angry. It didn’t occur to him that she thought they were seriously together. Joy was outraged but grateful they saved her life. She didn’t know what to do with her life. Alex suggested that she go to Los Angeles. She wanted him to get out of her hospital room. Joy thought he wanted her to be far away from him. She called her mother to let her know that she didn’t know what to do next. Sophia got a call letting her know that the couple backed out of adopting the baby. Tate assured her that things would be okay. They would find another couple to adopt the baby. Sophia wasn’t sure because her mother was tough to please. While Tate comforted her, Johnny and Chanel approached them. Tate introduced everyone. Johnny wanted to know what happened. Tate informed Johnny and Chanel about the couple who backed out of the adoption. Sophia had to leave so Johnny and Chanel comforted Tate. He said he was fine, but Sophia didn’t have anyone to help her. Tate told her about Holly and her issues with the baby. Chanel thought he was worth the trouble. Stephanie talked to Alex about what happened with the hospital. He offered to help her save the hospital. They kissed each other while Joy watched them in the background. Johnny and Chanel felt bad for Tate, and it reminded them about what happened with their baby. They decide they want to try to have another baby. Johnny suggested they go see Kayla to find out if they could try again.

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Days Update Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Tate and Holly do homework together at the Brady Pub. Holly brings up Valentine’s Day being tomorrow which Tate claims slipped his mind. Holly asks about his plans. Tate responds that the only plans he has are with her.

Chanel runs in to Johnny in the town square. Chanel tells him that she was going to get him from the hospital but Johnny says it’s okay as Harold sent a car and he’s doing much better. Chanel can’t believe Whitley poisoned half the cast and crew of Body and Soul. Chanel remarks that at least she’s on 24 hour watch at Bayview so that won’t happen again. Johnny then reveals to Chanel that Abe and Kate sold Body and Soul back to the network, so the Salem reboot is dead.

At the hospital, Alex questions Joy wanting to move with the show to LA. Joy questions if Alex doesn’t since he doesn’t have another job. Alex brings up his family being in Salem. Joy questions Alex wanting to stay for Philip and Xander. Alex calls it a big move for him. Joy asks if this is really about his family or if it’s about Stephanie. Alex asks what she means. Joy guesses she’s the real reason he doesn’t want to leave Salem.

At the hospital, Kayla tells Seth Burns that she didn’t know he was so serious about acting. Seth calls it truly a calling. Kayla wishes him luck in California. Seth responds that she should join him there. Kayla appreciates that but says her work is here at the hospital. Seth is not sure that’s going to be much longer as he reveals that the hospital is about to declare bankruptcy, shocking Kayla and Stephanie. Stephanie asks what this means for the future of the hospital. Seth announces that Salem University Hospital will be shutting down for good.

Alex tells Joy that he doesn’t know why she would think that. Joy then reveals that she saw Alex and Stephanie kissing when yesterday, he was in bed with her talking about Valentine’s Day while now he’s trying to worm his way out of it. Joy tells Alex to just admit that he doesn’t want to go to LA with her because he sees a future here with Stephanie.

Kayla can’t believe the news about the hospital. Seth tells her that the hospital has been struggling to make ends meet for some time now. Kayla didn’t know it was so dire. Stephanie points out that Body and Soul was helping keep things afloat. Seth says that’s over now, so the board doesn’t want to invest anymore in a sinking ship. Stephanie argues that it’s a wonderful hospital. Seth calls it a money pit, so when Abe and Kate pulled the plug on Body and Soul, they also pulled the plug on Salem University Hospital too.

Leo remains at the Body and Soul studio, complaining that he had so many ideas and dreams that will never become reality. Leo declares that he deserves a better fate after pouring his blood, sweat, and tears in to the show and finally getting respect. Leo picks up a head shot of Alex and says he will miss his handsome leading man. Doug III then walks in, reminding Leo that he hired him as his writing assistant and told him to meet there this afternoon. He asks where to begin. Leo responds that he can begin by carrying the office supplies to his car. Doug III asks if they are going back to the Salem Inn to write. Leo reveals they will not be writing anymore from anywhere.

Holly asks if Tate is going to tell her what their Valentine’s Day plans are. Tate questions her not wanting to be surprised. Holly wants no more surprises. Tate reminds Holly that their place is the Horton Cabin, so he thought they could meet there for dinner. Tate reveals that he already talked to Maggie and she gave him the keys which surprises Holly. Tate admits it crossed his mind that after dinner, they could start a fire and do whatever she wants before they have to catch the last ferry home. Holly thinks he knows what she wants to do.

Chanel is surprised to learn Body and Soul is moving back to California. Chanel asks what about the cast and crew. Johnny informs her that everyone is welcome to stay on if they are willing to move to LA. Chanel calls that big news and wonders how many people will take them up on their offer. Johnny says he only knows that Hattie has so far. Chanel asks what about Johnny. Johnny says that’s what he wanted to talk to her about. Chanel thinks it sounds like a no brainer to her. Chanel reminds Johnny that before their miscarriage, they were ready to move so Johnny could take a film job in LA while she had the Bakery up for sale. Johnny reminds her that they decided they were better off staying in Salem. Johnny says they have been through so much that he doesn’t want to rock the boat. Johnny says he wants to focus on them and their marriage. Chanel points out they can do that from anywhere while Johnny doesn’t think they need the added complication of a move on top of everything else. Chanel asks if Johnny is saying he’s going to quit his job. Johnny thinks it’s for the best. Chanel asks if this is really about their future or if it’s about Joy Wesley.

Joy tells Alex that she heard him telling Stephanie that he didn’t want to break up with her just yet and kick her while she was down. Alex apologizes as he didn’t want her to find out like that. Joy says it’s too late now. Alex asks why she didn’t say anything until now. Joy says she hoped he would have the guts to tell her instead of taking the cowardly way out. Joy tells Alex that she will save them both the trouble and declares that they are through.

Stephanie tells Kayla that she’s so sorry. Kayla argues this can’t be happening. Seth says it unfortunately is and figured he would tell her now so she could get the role of Cassandra before Bonnie. Kayla argues that she isn’t thinking of herself but their whole staff and community. Kayla asks about emergencies and people having to be driven across town. Seth claims he’s as upset as she is which Kayla mocks. Seth decides he will go clean out his desk and exits. Kayla tells Stephanie that she’s not okay.

Doug III questions Leo saying he’s not writing anymore. Leo reveals that he was just let go and fired. Doug III is shocked and says he’s sorry. Leo says he’s sorry for him since he will no longer be needing a writer’s assistant as he knows Doug III was counting on the salary to pay back Julie’s family necklace. Doug III promises to pay Leo back for the advance he gave him, but admits he already gave the money to Holly for the money he owed her. He says he can just ask her for it back but Leo says he doesn’t have to do that.

Tate asks Holly if she’s sure she wants to take things to the next level. Holly assures that she has been for awhile, unless he’s not with the whole Sophia situation. Tate assures that he really wants to but he didn’t want to take things for granted or assume. Holly tells him it’s okay as she loves him and wants to make love with him. Tate responds that he wants that too, so bad. Tate and Holly kiss until Sophia arrives and interrupts them. Sophia says she’s sorry to interrupt but it’s kind of important, so Tate asks what it is. Sophia reveals that she might have found a couple that wants to adopt their baby. Tate questions how. Sophia explains that there’s a woman at her church named Ellen who used to be her Sunday school teacher. Sophia says Ellen and her husband are both doctors and would be amazing parents, but she heard they are thinking of adopting. Sophia adds that her mom knows them and thinks they are the perfect couple. Sophia thinks this could change her mom’s opinion on letting them put up the baby for adoption. Tate excitedly says that could be amazing. Sophia informs Tate that Ellen and her husband want to meet with them now in the town square since she has to work later. Tate turns back to Holly, who tells him to go because it’s important. Tate thanks her for understanding. Holly wishes him luck. Tate then exits the Pub with Sophia.

Doug III asks Leo why he doesn’t want him to ask Holly for his money back. Leo says he can afford to be magnanimous. Doug III points out that he barely knows him. Leo says he’s not going to have him go ask for the money back from the girl he likes. Doug III claims they are just friends which Leo laughs off. Doug III thanks Leo and tells him that’s very generous of him. Leo jokes not to let it get around because of his reputation as Doug III thanks him again.

Kayla tells Stephanie that she is shocked and outraged that the hospital would choose profits over the people and remarks that Tom would be rolling over in his grave. Stephanie encourages that it’s not done yet and that there could be other buyers. Stephanie decides she will do a full court press encouraging them to pursue other options and she will reach out to the hospital’s PR department to delay any announcements until they give this their best shot. Kayla appreciates her determination. Kayla wants to make calls but Stephanie urges her to rest and focus on getting better. Stephanie states that Kayla always takes care of her, so she wants to do this for her.

Joy complains that she thought Alex was the one person in Salem that she could count on to treat her with respect and kindness. Alex says he didn’t mean to disrespect her but Joy disagrees, arguing that he wanted her to be his side piece on set. Alex says that’s not how it went down. Joy asks how long it’s been going on. Alex admits a couple weeks ago, Stephanie mentioned possibly quitting her PR job at the show and giving their relationship another try, but he thought she decided not to go through with it. Joy questions Alex thinking about this for two weeks and not saying anything to her. Alex says he didn’t want to hurt her feelings while Joy feels he didn’t want to get kicked out of her bed. Alex admits after everything she went through, he fell for her and this wasn’t some calculated decision on his part. Alex tells Joy that he likes her but he didn’t realize that she thought it was something more serious. Joy asks how many times he’s used that line before. Alex says he didn’t find out until yesterday that Stephanie quit her job, then they talked about getting back together and he collapsed. Joy brings up that then he saved her life which she’s grateful for even if she doesn’t know what she’s doing with that life. Alex encourages that she can still go to LA. Joy remarks that he would love to have her thousands of miles away. Alex says he’s thinking about her future but Joy tells him to stop thinking about anything to do with her. Joy tells Alex to go tell Stephanie the good news and yells at him to get the hell out of her room, so Alex exits.

Johnny tells Chanel that him wanting to stay in Salem has absolutely nothing to do with Joy. Chanel questions if he’s not trying to put distance between them because it’s what he thinks she wants. Johnny says he doesn’t even know if Joy is going to LA. Chanel questions why she wouldn’t and what’s keeping her in Salem. Johnny points out that Joy is dating Alex. Chanel doesn’t want Johnny to sacrifice his dreams because he thinks it’s what she wants. Johnny responds that his biggest dream is to build a future with her. Johnny adds that both of their families are here and Chanel’s business is as well, so he questions moving to LA when there’s plenty of opportunity here. Johnny declares that the only thing he wants is for them to build a family together. Chanel tells Johnny that she loves him so much as they kiss.

Stephanie begins making calls from the hospital, asking to keep the bankruptcy under wraps for 24 hours. As she finishes her call, Alex approaches and says he’s glad he ran in to her as he has some news. Alex notes something is wrong, so Stephanie informs him that Seth told them the hospital is filing bankruptcy and unless they stop it, the hospital is going to shut down for good.

Seth goes to the Body and Soul studio and tells Leo that he’s come to pick up his last paycheck before moving to Hollywood. Leo thought the hospital was his day job. Seth responds that it was, but no longer. Leo questions what happened.

Doug III goes to the Brady Pub and joins Holly. Holly asks about his new job but Doug III says it was his first and last day since Leo got canned, so he no longer needs an assistant. Holly says that sucks and offers a refund for the money but Doug III says that Leo insisted he doesn’t want the money back which surprises Holly. Doug III tells her not to spread it around for Leo’s reputation. Doug III mentions that he’s going to go pound pavement because he really wants to be able to buy back the necklace for Julie. Doug III notices Holly’s school work and asks if her study partner ditched her. Holly explains that Tate and Sophia may have found a couple to adopt their baby. Doug III remarks that he thought the whole adoption thing was off. Holly responds that now it might be back on.

Tate and Sophia go to the town square. Sophia talks about wanting this to work out so badly. Sophia then gets a call from Ellen. Sophia says she understands, thanks her, and hangs up. Sophia then informs Tate that they are backing out. Tate asks if she said why. Sophia says no and that she just couldn’t wait to get off the phone. Tate encourages that it will be okay and asks how hard it can be to find another couple who want to adopt a baby.

Alex can’t believe the hospital is going under. Stephanie calls it pretty shocking but says she’s going to do everything in her power to save it, though she doesn’t know if the odds are in her favor. Alex asks how Kayla is taking it. Stephanie says she’s devastated. Stephanie then tells Alex to lay on the bad news he had. Alex says it’s not necessarily bad news but might not be the best time to talk about it. Alex then informs her that he and Joy ended things. Stephanie asks if he broke up with her, but Alex reveals that Joy broke up with him.

Joy talks to her mother Nancy on the phone and tells her not to fly out, insisting that she is fine. Joy adds that she doesn’t know if she’s going to LA because everything is up in the air right now.

Sophia questions Tate saying it’s not hard to find another couple to adopt their baby. Sophia argues that they know her mother will reject anyone that isn’t the perfect parent. Tate knows her mom will make it difficult but encourages that they cannot give up hope. Sophia starts to cry, asking when this nightmare is going to end. Johnny and Chanel then approach. Johnny greets Tate and asks how it’s going. Tate introduces Sophia to Johnny and Chanel. Chanel remembers Sophia from stopping by the Bakery on her way to work at the Bistro. Chanel says it’s been a minute which Sophia blames on her morning sickness. Johnny asks if everything is okay. Tate explains that they were supposed to meet a couple who was interested in adopting their baby but they cancelled. Sophia bets they were just afraid of her mother’s wrath. Tate adds that they hoped they could find a couple that Sophia’s mother approved of to change her mind. Sophia decides she should get back to work while Tate gets back to Holly. Sophia tells Tate that she will see him at school tomorrow and walks off. Johnny tells Tate that he’s really sorry he’s going through this. Tate says he just feels terrible for Sophia since she has no one on her side. Johnny points out that she has him. Tate doesn’t think that helps since she knows he wants to be with Holly. Chanel asks if he and Holly worked things out. Tate says they are but Holly is still worried about how this may affect things in the future. Johnny encourages that if Tate and Holly are committed to one another, they will find a way through it. Tate talks about wanting to be there for Sophia and wondering if the baby will get adopted or not, so he knows he’s asking Holly to put up with a lot. Chanel encourages that he’s worth it. Tate says he hopes so.

Doug III tells Holly that he hopes Sophia’s mom agrees to let her give up the baby. Holly asks if it sounds selfish how badly she wants this all to happen. Doug III encourages that it’s not selfish, pointing out that it’s what Tate and Sophia want too and it’s what is best for everyone. Holly apologizes for dumping all of this on him when he just lost his job. Doug III says it’s okay. Holly says if he’s looking for work, she’s lived her longer than him and knows a lot of people. He says he might take her up on that.

Leo questions Seth about where he will go without the hospital and where Marlena will work. Seth encourages that they will figure it out. Seth adds that Leo is a great writer and he really enjoyed his stories. Seth tells Leo that he’d love to be featured more in the reboot but Leo informs him that he’s no longer working for Body and Soul because the network decided that for him. Leo complains that he hates LA anyway. Seth asks what Leo’s going to do now. Leo calls that a really good question.

Stephanie questions Alex saying that Joy broke up with him. Alex explains that it turned out Joy overheard them last night, talking about how they wanted to be together and she was pretty upset to say the least. Alex says he can’t blame her as he could’ve handled things a lot better. Stephanie feels in the end, it worked out since they would’ve gotten to this result anyway. Alex says that’s true and guesses now there’s no reason they can’t do this as he kisses her. Alex asks if Stephanie has any plans for the day. Stephanie says she unfortunately has to work all night to strategize on ways to save the hospital. Alex offers to help. Stephanie says she’d love that but he has to promise no distractions. Alex agrees to keep it to a minimum for now as they kiss. Joy comes out of her room and watches Alex and Stephanie leave together.

Seth guesses he will have to hunt down Abe and Kate for his last check. Leo wishes him luck. Seth tells Leo that he thinks the new producers are idiots if they don’t want him. Leo thanks him and wishes more people shared his opinion. Seth encourages that plenty of people loved the show but the haters make the most noise. Seth tells Leo to remember what he said when he’s accepting a daytime Emmy. Seth wishes Leo luck as he then exits the studio.

Holly tells Doug III that the Brady Pub is always looking for more help, encouraging that he could make a lot of tips. Tate then returns to the Pub, interrupting them. Holly notes that was fast and asks what happened. Tate reveals that the couple backed out, so it’s back to square one.

Johnny and Chanel talk about what Tate and Sophia are going through. Johnny says he feels for both of them and Holly. Johnny still thinks back a lot to when they first found out Chanel was pregnant. Chanel says she does too and even with the complications, they still found a way to be excited about it. Chanel says when she miscarried, that was really tough for both of them, but it made them realize they really did want to have a baby. Johnny brings up Kayla saying they needed to wait six months before trying again at the time and he thinks that’s what they both wanted to do, but then they had their hiccup. Chanel tells Johnny that she still wants to have a baby. Chanel knows they just got back together, but points out that it has been six months. Chanel suggests making an appointment with Kayla which Johnny thinks would be amazing. They excitedly agree to have a baby.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie went to see Kayla at the hospital. She told Kayla that she quit the show and was getting back together with Alex. While they were talking, Stephanie told Kayla about Alex was having trouble breaking up with Joy since she was poisoned. Kayla got a text from Abe and Kate about a meeting. Joy checked her phone to see if Alex reached out to her. There weren’t any messages. She thought about seeing him kiss Stephanie. Alex showed up to see her. Joy thanked him for saving her life and offered to take him out to dinner on Valentine’s Day. When he hesitated, she wondered if there was a reason why he didn’t want to go out with her. Before he could answer, they both got a text from Abe and Kate about a meeting. Bonnie and Johnny talked in the lobby of the hospital. They talked about what happened with the scripts. He let her know that he was okay and wondered what she was doing in the lobby. She said someone was supposed to take her back to her room but stopped when they saw the elevator. Johnny told her the person who did everything was caught. Seth showed up and gave her a document to sign stating the hospital wasn’t responsible for what happened to her. Johnny took the pen from Bonnie and tells Seth to back off. Seth said he knew Bonnie didn’t want to make trouble for the show but if they tried to sue, the hospital was pulling out of the show. He took the pen from Johnny and gave Bonnie the document. They got the text from Abe and Kate about the meeting.

Everyone arrived at the meeting. Abe and Kate told everyone that the culprit was caught and hoped they would all cooperate with the police. They told everyone that the show couldn’t continue unless it was a safe place, so they decided to end the show. Everyone was concerned about the show ending. Abe and Kate said the show would continue, but the network decided to film it in Los Angeles. They were all able to keep their jobs as long as they relocate to Los Angeles. Everyone talked about the news. Joy told Alex that she wanted to live in California and assumed he was going too. Hattie told Johnny and Leo that she would take the offer. Johnny said it was too soon to go because he and Chanel were working things out. Leo said he didn’t want to move, but Johnny told him he could be head writer anywhere. Abe and Kate told each other they made a good team. Leo showed up and asked if they could give him the information to the network. He said he didn’t want to move, but he wanted to keep writing for the show. Abe and Kate let him know the network didn’t want him to be head writer. Bonnie and Hattie talked about the show. Hattie said she was going to Los Angeles, but Bonnie wasn’t sure if she would. Hattie said she hoped she would take the job. Alex said he was surprised that Joy would want to move to Los Angeles. Joy said she was surprised he didn’t want to go. He said he didn’t want to leave his family and friends. Joy wondered if he was talking about Stephanie. Stephanie asked Kayla if she thought Alex would move. Before Kayla could answer, Seth came in and said he was going to California to stay on the show. He said Kayla should come with him. Kayla said her work was at the hospital. Seth said that might not be the case for long because the hospital was about to file for bankruptcy.

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Days Short Recap Monday, February 10, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Jada told Belle that EJ set her up and didn’t understand how she could defend him. Belle didn’t know where EJ was. Jada noticed the door to the tunnels was open and thought EJ was hiding from her. She decided to see if he was through the tunnels. Rafe was upset that EJ allowed Jada to believe that he left her at the altar. He thought Jada was heartbroken. Rafe was grateful that Arnold would be able to pull off being commissioner. EJ said Rafe got away with it for years. They went back and forth until EJ gagged him. EJ walked out of the room and ran into Jada. She confronted him about making people believe she was a corrupt cop. Rafe screamed and Jada wondered what the noise was. EJ lied and said the construction workers were in the other room. They smirked at each other until they went upstairs. If Ava wasn’t with Tripp, Brady wondered what happened to her. He talked to Tripp until Steve took the phone. Steve assured Tripp that he would find out what happened with Ava. He believed she had a change of plans. After Steve got off the phone, Brady told him that he didn’t think Ava was okay. Steve looked at the messages on Brady’s phone to figure out where she could be. Brady didn’t think her texts made sense. Steve thought she might have planned to see Tripp but didn’t make it. He feared she might have been taken out because of her mob connections and her dealings with Clyde. Brady wasn’t sure that was it. He told her about the voice message he received. Steve listened to the message and wondered if someone else sent it. They realized that Ava could be in serious trouble. Kristen saw her mother at the Blake house. She was shocked and hugged her. Ava tried to interrupt them, but the woman in white stopped her. Kristen told her how she ended up in the house. It occurred to Kristen that her mother was behind Ava’s kidnapping. Ava wanted to get released, but the woman in white gagged her. Kristen wondered how her mother was still alive. She explained what happened to her. Her mother was surprised to find out that Stefano was dead. Kristen wanted to know why she didn’t reach out to her or Peter. She told Kristen that Rachel inspired her to want to come out of hiding.

Paulina thanked Shawn for his help with everything going on with Jada. She was counting on him to make the transition easier. Paulina told him that she planned to make Rafe the commissioner again. Shawn thought it was a slap in the face to replace Jada since she’s innocent. Paulina thought she had to take the charges seriously since Rafe believed Jada did it. Shawn stressed that Jada was innocent. Paulina believed people were innocent until proven guilty, but she couldn’t let the people of Salem lose confidence in the police department. Shawn understood that, but he didn’t get why she needed to replace her with Rafe. He didn’t like how Rafe agreed to work with EJ to go after Jada. She said she had to tell Jada about replacing her. Shawn stopped her and said he wanted to tell her about it. Jada told EJ that she didn’t believe anything he had to say. EJ didn’t care that she didn’t believe him. Belle heard the way he spoke to Jada and told him about it. Jada decided to leave the DiMera mansion. Belle told him that she lied to Jada because she didn’t want her to know their connection. She confronted him about the evidence he had on Jada. EJ didn’t want to talk about it, but Belle wouldn’t let it go. He couldn’t believe she thought he would make up evidence against Jada. Belle hoped he wouldn’t do that to her. They kissed each other. Shawn went to Rafe’s place to see Jada. He let her know that he had news for her. EJ went back to the tunnels to see Rafe. Rafe screamed out for Jada. EJ pulled out a syringe to use on him. Belle arrived at the station and Paulina told her about replacing Jada with Rafe as commissioner. Paulina hoped the investigation would clear Jada. If the investigation was true, Belle had to prosecute Jada.

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Days Update Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Leo tries working on his laptop in his room at the Salem Inn but he’s bothered by the sounds of Hattie drinking behind him on the bed. Hattie asks him for a refill of her pineapple guava juice which Leo reluctantly brings. Hattie thanks Leo for taking care of her after she was poisoned. Leo tells her not to mention it and tries to go back to working but Hattie asks him to fluff her pillows.

Stephanie visits Kayla in the hospital and brings her flowers as she checks on her. Kayla says she’s feeling much better since the antidote kicked in. Stephanie calls it a nightmare. Kayla thinks it gave Steve quite a scare to see her collapse like that. Stephanie says she was pretty freaked out when Alex passed out right after telling her that he wanted to be with her.

Joy remains in her hospital bed and picks up her phone as she thinks back to walking in on Alex and Stephanie kissing. Alex then enters the room. Joy says she was just thinking about him.

Bonnie sits in a wheelchair at the hospital as Johnny approaches and greets her. Bonnie questions him being up and around after hearing about the poisoned scripts. Johnny says it wasn’t fun but he’ll be fine. Johnny says the antidote worked and he’s good to go. Johnny asks how Bonnie is. Bonnie guesses she’s not too bad, noting that they just unwired her jaw. Johnny asks if she’s waiting on someone. Bonnie mentions that she just stopped cold when she saw the elevator as it brings back bad memories. Johnny assures her that now that Whitley has been exposed, she can’t hurt them or their show anymore.

Kate goes to the Body and Soul studio while on a call with Roman, assuring that she’s fine as she missed the whole thing. Kate says she’s lucky since she was the only one not targeted by the lunatic. Kate then finds a photo of herself with the red X through it on her desk. Kate claims to Roman it’s nothing to worry about and just a little crisis on set, so she should go take care of things. Kate tells Roman to have a good time in Chicago and sends her love to Rex as they hang up. Abe arrives at the studio, so Kate shows him the photo and worries that Whitley is at it again, so they need to call the police. Abe assures that Whitley is no longer a threat and is under 24 hour watch at Bayview. Kate questions where the photo came from then. Abe explains that they took photos from Whitley’s room and found that one on her night stand. Abe tells Kate that he wanted her to understand the gravity of the situation, because it’s up to them to determine what to do about it.

Seth Burns approaches Bonnie and Johnny at the hospital and mentions that he’s on the mend as well. Seth presents Bonnie a form to sign to prevent her from suing the hospital for her accident but Johnny stops her from signing it.

Stephanie tells Kayla that she’s not going to be Body and Soul’s publicist anymore as she realized she needed to keep her personal and professional life separate. Stephanie adds that she realized it wasn’t worth giving up on being with Alex to keep one client. Kayla asks if Alex is all in on the relationship as well. Stephanie confirms that they told each other they want to be together. Kayla calls that wonderful since she knew it was what Stephanie wanted all along and she’s very happy for her. Stephanie adds that the only downside is that they won’t be working together anymore. Kayla says she was looking forward to that, but after what happened, she can’t complain about her distancing herself from Body and Soul. Stephanie can’t decide if she picked the worst week to leave or the best. Kayla says seeing her happy makes it the right decision. Stephanie admits there is one little problem.

Alex asks Joy why she was thinking about him. Joy says she keeps thinking back to how he saved her life. Alex says he’s just glad that he and Stephanie got there when they did. Joy says she’s grateful they were together and that Alex was there for her as she hugs him.

Leo fluffs Hattie’s pillow and says he now needs to finish writing his story for Body and Soul. Hattie asks about the story. Leo explains that her character Charlemagne gets kidnapped by her maid and replaced by an exact duplicate. Hattie asks if Marlena is coming in but Leo says no. Hattie then realizes that he wants her to play both parts. Leo says she gets two parts and two paychecks, calling it a home run but Hattie doesn’t want to play two roles. Leo calls it every actor’s dream to create two different characters and have two salaries, asking what’s not to love. Hattie says it just hits a little close to home since everybody in town knows that she pretended to be Marlena and took over her life and ended up in prison. Leo feels that’s why this is perfect for her, so she can reclaim it and draw from personal experience. Hattie still feels it’s a little played out but Leo disagrees, feeling it’s classic and the fans will love it. Leo insists it will carry six months of story. Hattie says Leo is such an amazing writer that he will think of a new storyline.

Joy tells Alex that she should be getting let out soon and she hopes before tomorrow, reminding Alex that it’s Valentine’s Day. Alex didn’t think she’d be up to do anything and thinks she should take it easy. Joy is sure she’ll be up to dinner and says she owes Alex everything, so she’d like to take him out. Alex says that’s not necessary. Joy knows it doesn’t make up for saving her life, but calls it a start unless there’s some reason he doesn’t want to go out with her…

Stephanie explains to Kayla that Alex and Joy haven’t broken up yet. Kayla points out that they weren’t dating very long and she doesn’t want Joy to be hurt but it seems they could part ways amicably. Stephanie says she hoped so, but after everything Joy went through with Johnny, she’s a little dependent on Alex right now. Stephanie adds that after she and Alex decided to be together, they found Joy unconscious in her room after being poisoned, so they decided maybe Alex shouldn’t kick her while she’s down. Kayla acknowledges it’s a difficult position but suggests Alex can let her down gently so he and Stephanie can start their relationship. Stephanie says she really hopes so.

Kate tells Abe that she knows it was a traumatic situation but they are in the entertainment business and overzealous fans come with the territory. Abe argues that there’s a difference while Kate argues that Whitley doesn’t get to dictate how they run their show and the show must go on. Kate declares that they are out of the woods while Abe points out that Justin is still threatening to sue the hospital after Bonnie’s accident. Kate insists that Justin will calm down. Abe asks about others in the cast. Kate questions what Abe is saying. Abe responds that there’s only one solution to their problem.

Seth tells Johnny that he’s not directing a scene. Johnny says he’s sure that Justin wouldn’t mind taking a look at the paper work before Bonnie signs it. Bonnie admits she’s having a hard time. Johnny tells Seth to let it go since Bonnie just fell down an elevator shaft. Seth argues that they were just poisoned, so things happen in this town. Seth knows the last thing Bonnie wants to do is make things more difficult for the show, especially with all of their struggles lately, so if she and Justin pursue a lawsuit, the hospital would have no choice but to no longer allow Body and Soul to shoot there. Seth says he’s not sure the show could sustain that loss and Bonnie wouldn’t want that. Seth urges Bonnie to just sign the paper because all of their futures depend on it. Johnny and Seth then both receive text messages, calling a meeting for all cast and crew. Bonnie wonders what it’s about. Seth continues to urge Bonnie to sign the paper but Bonnie is startled by the elevator opening. Leo and Hattie arrive, guessing they all just got the same text about the emergency meeting. Johnny says he’s trying to figure out what it means.

Kayla gets the text from Abe and Kate, calling an emergency meeting at the hospital. Stephanie says she has no clue what it’s about and wonders if Alex knows.

Joy asks if Alex doesn’t have any other plans for Valentine’s Day. They then get interrupted when they both get the text about the emergency meeting for all cast and crew. Joy suggests they should go find out what it’s about, insisting that she’s fine as long as she has him with her. Alex says he’ll go get her a wheelchair and exits the room.

Johnny says he’s sure it’s just an update on Whitley and that Abe and Kate want to assure they don’t have to worry about any more poisoned scripts. Leo remarks that he’ll never forgive them for believing he wrote those scripts. Alex wheels Joy over while Stephanie wheels Kayla over. Stephanie tells Joy that it’s good to see her and she looks so much better. Joy says she’s glad Kayla is doing better too. Kayla is glad they got the antidote in time. Joy remarks that she’s just glad Alex and Stephanie came when they did. Kate and Abe then arrive at the hospital for the meeting. Abe thanks them all for coming. Kate tells them how grateful they are for everyone doing better and recovering. Abe assures them all that Whitley is under 24 hour watch at Bayview. Kate adds that she won’t be able to hurt any of them again. Kate notes that they are cooperating with the police to make sure Whitley stays locked up and she’s sure they will all be contacted soon to make a statement. Hattie asks when they will get back to work. Kate says that’s what they wanted to talk about. Kate says she and Abe did not take this past week lightly and nothing is more important than the health and well being of their employees. Kate declares that they have decided they could not go on with the show without being sure they were all safe. Kate then announces that they have decided to pull the plug on Body and Soul, shocking everyone at the hospital. Johnny questions it just being over. Alex thinks it’s an overreaction. Abe says they are sorry and they know it must come as a shock. Kate explains that they don’t feel comfortable returning to production and feel it’s too dangerous if anyone else gets hurt. Bonnie argues against no one else having a say. Kate points out that almost all of them spent last night in the hospital. Seth argues that the show can’t end like this. Hattie asks what will happen to the story. Abe clarifies that the story won’t end which Johnny questions. Abe says what makes soap operas special is that they never end. Kayla points out that they said it was ending. Stephanie questions if the show is continuing without them. Kate explains that the network were very upset since they love the show and it’s a top producer for them. Hattie asks if they are ending or not. Kate says they are still too concerned with everyone’s safety to continue their show, so the network has decided to produce the show themselves, but not in Salem as they are going to take the production to Los Angeles. Bonnie asks if they are all going to be replaced but Abe says no, so Hattie asks if they are not losing their jobs. Kate then reveals that the network is willing to keep everybody on, as long as they are willing to relocate to California.

Stephanie brings Kayla back to her hospital room and says that’s not what she was expecting. Kayla says it must have been a tough decision since Abe and Kate both love the show. Stephanie comments on everyone seeming shocked. Bonnie is brought in to the woman and comments on being shocked. Kayla talks about not even starting on the show. Bonnie questions Kayla not taking her part. Kayla explains that it was always going to be temporary but she’s certainly not moving to California. Bonnie thanks her for not taking the role. Stephanie asks if this means Bonnie is moving to LA. Bonnie says she’ll have to talk to Justin but it feels good to have the option. Stephanie asks about Alex. Bonnie says she hasn’t talked to him yet but he and Joy are the hot young stars, so the network must be doing everything to try to convince him.

Alex gets Joy back in her hospital bed and tells her that announcement took him by surprise. Joy calls it pretty shocking news but feels it’s not terrible since the network love the show enough to save it and keep the whole cast. Alex brings up having to move to LA. Joy feels that’s exciting and says she always wanted to live there. Joy asks Alex if they are going to take the offer.

Leo asks what Hattie and Johnny are going to do. Hattie responds that she’s definitely going to LA, feeling she has to as one of the stars of the show. Leo asks about Johnny. Johnny says he’ll need to discuss it with Chanel, but they are just getting back on track so he doesn’t think asking her to move across the country is the best decision for them right now. Leo talks about spending most of his life drifting from place to place, but he just fixed things with Javi and doesn’t want to mess that up again. Johnny suggests maybe he doesn’t have to since Leo could write the show from anywhere and doesn’t have to be on set.

Kate and Abe return to the studio. Kate supposes it went as well as could be expected. Abe questions if it did since everyone looked so disappointed. Kate points out that no one did more than him. Kate knows it’s a sad day but feels it’s not all bad news, since the network paid them a small fortune for the rights to the show so they made a tidy little profit running it. Abe responds that it was never about the money for him as he wanted something new and rewarding. Abe feels lucky to have the experience. Kate says she loved it too. Abe declares that they made a damn good team. Kate says she will treasure all the time they had with the Pineview adventures. Abe agrees that the good times far outweighed the bad. Kate can’t believe they actually made it happen after having no idea what they were doing. Kate says even though the team is breaking up before they thought it would, she thinks they still deserve a toast which Abe agrees with. Abe and Kate then toast to Body and Soul. Leo then joins them and comments on the big news. Kate asks if there’s something they can do for him. Leo thanks them for taking a chance on him as writing for Body and Soul had been an honor. Abe encourages that he should be very proud of the work he did. Leo asks for the contact information for the network as he’s not talking about moving to Los Angeles as Salem is his home and his whole life is here. Leo says he doesn’t have to be on set so he can write from here and just fly in for meetings. Kate tells Leo that’s not going to happen. Leo questions why he can’t write remotely. Abe then reveals the network doesn’t want Leo to write at all which he questions. Kate then announces that the network are bringing in another head writer.

Hattie tells Bonnie that it’s a no brainer for her and she is all in on going to LA. Bonnie says she’ll have to think about it and talk to Justin. Bonnie adds that she’s in no shape to make any life changing decisions at the moment. Bonnie notes that Kayla said the part is still hers and jokes that she won’t have to fight her for it. Hattie hopes Bonnie takes it and excitedly talks about the idea of them going to California together. Bonnie admits she makes it sound fun. Hattie says she’ll make sure the dressing room next to her is free for Bonnie just in case.

Alex questions Joy wanting to move with the show to LA. Joy questions if Alex doesn’t since he doesn’t have another job. Alex brings up his family being in Salem. Joy questions Alex wanting to stay for Philip and Xander. Alex calls it a big move for him. Joy asks if this is really about his family or if it’s about Stephanie.

Stephanie asks if Kayla thinks Alex would really go to LA for the show. Kayla thinks Stephanie would know better than her. Stephanie acknowledges that Alex loves being on the show and the fans love him. Kayla points out that Stephanie is here as well as his family. Seth Burns enters and announces that he just turned in his resignation to move to LA. Kayla questions Seth giving up the hospital for the show. Seth responds that he’s afraid he had no choice as he never expected to find his passion this late in life. Kayla didn’t know he was so serious about acting. Seth calls it truly a calling. Kayla wishes him luck in California. Seth responds that she should join him there. Kayla appreciates that but says her work is here at the hospital. Seth is not sure that’s going to be much longer as he reveals that the hospital is about to declare bankruptcy, shocking Kayla and Stephanie.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Billy and Sally arrive in Paris and stay in Ashley’s apartment since Ashley is in London on business. Billy takes Sally on a tour of Paris but they get caught in the rain and have to cut the tour of Paris short. Billy and Sally go back to the apartment and make love.

Daniel tells Phyllis that he has decided to work for Abbott Communications. Phyllis calls Billy to tell him the good news, but is bothered when Billy’s phone goes to voice mail. Daniel has a feeling that Phyllis has feelings for Billy but Phyllis assures him that she and Billy are just friends. Daniel tells Phyllis that he hopes that she doesn’t have feelings for Billy because, if she did want to date Billy, they couldn’t work for him.

Summer tells Claire that Victor was supportive of her relationship with Kyle when they got together. She tells Claire that she is sorry that Victor isn’t supportive of her and Kyle but everything will work out the way it is supposed to with her and Kyle.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Jack still isn’t sure he wants Diane to refresh the Abbott house and isn’t too happy when Diane tells him she is making plans to refresh the house.

Victoria talks to Claire and tells her about the time that Victor had her arrested for bribing a dignitary after her wedding to Billy. Victoria encourages Claire to follow her heart and stop listening to Victor. Nick tries to make Victor realize that Claire should be allowed to make her own mistakes and break her heart. Nick explains to Victor that he can’t protect his family from being hurt because pain is a part of life. Victor tells Nick that he will always protect his family and he will never apologize for doing it. Victoria tells Victor that she won’t let him interfere with Claire’s relationship with Kyle.

Kyle and Summer help Harrison with his diorama and Summer looks a little jealous when Harrison asks Kyle to take a picture of his diorama and send it to Claire. Claire calls Harrison to tell him what a wonderful job he did on his art project. Summer looks a little jealous when Harrison wishes Claire had also been there to help him with his project.

Amy tells Damian she has leukemia and doesn’t have much time left. Amy tells Damian that Nate Sr. Is his biological father and has also died. Damian tells Amy he is doing fine on his own and doesn’t need a family.

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Days Update Monday, February 10, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Rafe questions EJ letting Jada think he left her at the altar. EJ thought he would approve, given the alternative that Arnold and Jada would be on their honeymoon. EJ feels he did him a favor and says gratitude would be nice. Rafe complains that he’s being held hostage while Jada’s heart is broken. EJ assures that Jada will see it as doing her a favor. Rafe questions it being a favor to replace her with Arnold, just so EJ can be reinstated. Rafe says it’s never going to work as there’s no way Arnold is smart enough to pull off being police commissioner. EJ points out that Rafe pulled it off. Rafe argues that Jada is a smart cop and will see through this whole scam to figure out that EJ is behind the whole damn thing.

Jada remarks to Belle that she could kill EJ right now. Belle says she’s so sorry but EJ did say he had no idea what “Rafe” would find. Jada insists the dirt was completely manufactured and asks how Belle doesn’t see that EJ is setting her up. Belle asks if she has proof. Jada says not yet but she will get it and questions Belle defending EJ. Jada says she didn’t come to debate with her and just needs to know where EJ is. Belle thinks back to EJ saying he would meet her downstairs. Belle tells Jada that she doesn’t know where EJ is and claims that she came to see Johnny, but offers to leave a message with the staff. Jada says she will convey the message herself, then she notices the passageway to the tunnels is cracked open.

Steve calls Tripp and says he’s with Brady, who would like to talk to Ava so he asks him to put her on. Tripp informs Steve that Ava is not there. Steve is sure it’s just a misunderstanding. Brady asks where the hell Ava is if she’s not with Tripp.

Kristen questions Ava saying Rachel had help. Ava tells her that there’s someone else there, who told her to call her The Woman in White. Kristen questions what she is talking about. The Woman in White then comes in and calls out to Kristen, revealing herself to be Kristen’s mother, Rachel Blake and leaving Kristen shocked. Kristen argues that it can’t be. Rachel reveals she’s alive, assuring it’s really her. They embrace as she tells Kristen how much she missed her. Kristen can’t believe she’s actually there and says she has no words. She asks what brings Kristen here. Kristen says she came looking for Ava, but had no idea she would find her. She asks why she came looking for Ava and if Rachel told her that she was there. Kristen realizes Ava was right and that she was there when she and Brady were looking for Rachel. She says it was heartbreaking not to reveal herself. Kristen explains that she found Ava’s phone in Rachel’s backpack and saw the text sent to Brady and that’s when she put it all together. Ava says they could untie her so she could leave and they can have their reunion but Rachel puts the gag back on Ava and says now they can talk.

Steve gives the phone to Brady so he can talk to Tripp. Brady asks if Tripp has spoken to Ava in the last week or so but he says he hasn’t once. Steve takes the phone back and tells Tripp that he’s sure everything is fine and that Ava must have just had a last minute change of plans. Steve promises to get to the bottom of it and tells Tripp to try not to worry as he’s got this. Brady knows Steve doesn’t want Tripp to worry, but he doesn’t think everything is fine and bets Steve doesn’t either.

Jada tells Belle that something’s not right here and points out the passageway to the tunnels being open. Belle says they were doing construction down there so she’s sure they just left it open. Jada suggests EJ could be avoiding her because he knows she’s onto him. Belle tries to tell her that she’s sure EJ isn’t down there but Jada goes down the tunnels anyway.

EJ tells Rafe that Jada is not smart nor a cop at this juncture. Rafe calls him a smug son of a bitch. EJ says if Rafe is not going to eat his breakfast, he’ll have to put the gag back on him. Rafe says screw his lousy food so EJ says he can have it for lunch then. Rafe argues that it’s only a matter of time before someone finds him and EJ gets caught. EJ then puts the gag back on Rafe and exits the room. EJ then runs in to Jada in the tunnels. Jada says she knew she was right. EJ questions what she’s doing down there. Jada says she was looking for him. EJ asks why. Jada responds that she knows exactly what he’s up to.

Steve asks Brady to see the text that Ava sent him, so Brady shows it to him. Steve reads the text and says Ava was obviously trying to put distance between them but maybe she was trying to spare his feelings. Steve says it’s possible that Ava went somewhere else and Hong Kong was a cover. Brady calls anything possible but question where Ava went if she went somewhere else.

Kristen asks her mother what happened and how she’s alive. She responds that she doesn’t even know herself as she spent years recuperating after being left for dead, then more years trying to piece together who she was and how she got there. Kristen tells her that Stefano is gone now which shocks her since she’s cut off from the rest of the world here. Kristen questions why she made this choice when she could’ve reached out to her and Peter to let them know she was alive. She says she was afraid that she’d be just trouble. Kristen cries that she could never be trouble and she’s just so happy to see her, calling it a miracle. She talks about Rachel showing up at her door and felt fate was telling her it was time to reveal herself and do whatever it takes to help her family.

Paulina goes to the police station and talks on the phone to Chanel, saying she’s glad Johnny is doing better and she’ll check in later. Paulina hangs up and approaches Shawn at the desk. Paulina thanks him for his transcript of his interview with Jada. Shawn questions her not calling Jada commissioner. Paulina knows they were close as partners, but he hopes he can put that aside as he’s counting on Shawn to ease the transition which Shawn questions. Paulina then reveals that she’s putting Rafe in as interim commissioner.

Jada tells EJ that she knows he’s setting her up to look like a crooked cop because she got him fired and he’s all about revenge. Rafe tries screaming for help, so Jada questions what that noise was.

Shawn questions Paulina appointing Rafe as commissioner and calls it a slap in the face to Jada. Shawn says when he interviewed Jada, she was shocked by the so called evidence and he believes she is innocent. Paulina hopes he’s right. Shawn asks if Rafe said who found the evidence for him. Paulina says he wouldn’t name his source but she has to believe the evidence. Shawn responds that he doesn’t believe it and never will.

EJ claims not to have heard a noise while Jada mentions hearing it again. EJ then says it’s just the construction workers down there. Jada calls him insufferable. EJ says they should go since it’s too dangerous for her down there and she can insult him upstairs. Jada points out that EJ is down there. EJ claims he was supervising and just took off his hard hat. Rafe continues to struggle with being tied up.

Brady tells Steve that he gets why Ava wouldn’t want to get in the middle of his messy family situation but questions coming up with a story and argues that they weren’t seeing each other that long, so it doesn’t make sense why she would go through all this trouble. Steve suggests Ava intended to go to Hong Kong but never made it. Brady questions her not telling Tripp at all. Steve suggests she sent the text under duress while Brady suggests maybe she didn’t send it at all.

Kristen and her mother talk about Rachel and how Kristen named her daughter after her mother. She tells Kristen how she made the family she always wanted, until Ava screwed it all up. Kristen questions if Rachel told her that. She says she thought of this as her way of making up for the time she lost. Kristen tells her that she doesn’t owe her anything as none of that was her fault and she suffered terribly. Kristen says she’s really happy she’s here, but she can’t be part of what she’s doing to Ava so she has to let her go.

Shawn argues with Paulina that Jada was his partner and the best cop he’s ever worked with. Paulina points out that he didn’t always think that way. Shawn says that’s because he was drinking then but he’s thinking clearly too. Paulina talks about Jada being innocent until proven guilty, but points out that they can’t have the people losing faith in the police department. Paulina adds that if Jada is cleared, the job will be hers again. Shawn questions why she had to give the job to Rafe after she just recently fired him. Paulina says she was impressed with Jada’s improved case clearance but now that it’s called in to question, Rafe is someone who has done the job before and has the experience and is a calm, steady hand which is what the people of Salem need. Paulina questions what Shawn has against Rafe. Shawn doesn’t like that he took a job working for EJ and that he broke Jada’s heart. Paulina tells Shawn that he doesn’t have to like it but her decision stands and orders him to get used to the new normal. Paulina adds that she has to go break the news to Jada, but Shawn asks to be the one to tell her.

EJ and Jada return to the living room from the tunnels. EJ tells Jada that he asked “Rafe” to investigate because he was concerned by incompetence from the police department after Jada was put in charge. EJ adds that he didn’t know what “Rafe” would find, but he did find that Jada put people away on trumped up charges and she is going to have to be punished. Jada says she doesn’t believe anything out of EJ’s lying mouth. EJ says it’s enough that others believe it, including Rafe. Belle comes back in as EJ tells her that Jada was just leaving. EJ tells Jada not to come back. Jada promises when she does, she’ll bring the handcuffs. EJ reminds her that they took those away from her along with her gun and badge. After Jada exits, Belle asks if Jada found him downstairs. EJ confirms that she did and claims that he was just overseeing the construction. Belle tells EJ that Jada doesn’t know about them, so she told her that she was visiting Johnny. EJ says that’s good. Belle notes how mad Jada was when she got there though. Belle brings up that Jada said EJ manufactured the evidence that “Rafe” found against her and asks if he did.

Brady asks Steve if he thinks it’s possible that someone used Ava’s phone to text him. Steve brings up Ava’s checkered past with the mob and with Clyde Weston, feeling you can never completely cut ties with people like that, so if someone wanted to cut ties, they’d only have to cover their tracks with Brady. Steve asks when Brady last spoke to Ava. Brady says she hadn’t been responding to his messages at all, but the last time they spoke, Rachel was still missing and Ava was very supportive. Brady mentions the voicemail that came with bad reception which was the last time he heard Ava’s voice. Steve asks him to play that voicemail for him, so Brady does. Brady guesses the text filled in the blanks. Steve asks what if she didn’t send it. Brady admits it’s possible that’s not what she said at all then.

Kristen’s mother questions Kristen wanting to let Ava go free and asks why she can’t keep her hostage. Kristen argues that she always taught her to do the right thing. Rachel Blake says she also taught her that nothing was more important than fighting for love and family. She talks about Kristen’s daughter Rachel being through a lot like Kristen has. She says if her parents weren’t taken from her, things would be very different so she feels Rachel deserves the family that Kristen never had. She asks if she wants Ava to be a mother to Rachel. Kristen doubts the relationship would get that far with Brady’s track record, so she’s not worried about Ava. She warns that if she frees Ava, she’ll go to the cops. She brings up Rachel saying that they were putting her in therapy for sending threatening text messages to Ava, so if they found out about her kidnapping plot, they would take her away and maybe even put her up. Kristen argues that she can’t keep Ava here forever. Her mother argues that she can take care of her until they come up with a more permanent solution.

Brady tells Steve that he has more questions and even fewer answers than he started with. Steve says he knows a few people that Ava was involved with in the past, so he will work those contacts. Brady doesn’t want to lean on him too hard but asks if he could try to enhance the audio on Ava’s message, then maybe they could figure out what she was trying to say. Steve agrees to see what he can do. Brady guesses that Steve thinks Ava might be in real trouble. Steve confirms that he unfortunately does.

Kristen questions what her mother means by a permanent solution. She says she’ll figure it out but claims she won’t harm Ava. Kristen brings up that Ava used to be her friend, so she does still have some empathy for her. She encourages that Kristen has to do this to protect Rachel as a mother, so she has no choice. Kristen then tells Ava that she’s sorry but she’s right that she has to protect Rachel. Kristen’s mother tells her that mother always knows best.

EJ tells Belle that “Rafe” was the one who dug up evidence against Jada and questions if she seriously believes he’d have Jada ousted just because she had him replaced with her. Belle hopes he’s telling her the truth. EJ hopes Belle could stay a little longer for lunch. Belle says she can’t because she has to go to work so they agree to a rain check. EJ tells Belle that he’s glad she stayed over last night. Belle admits she is too as they kiss. Belle then exits the mansion. EJ declares to himself that this is all getting too close for comfort.

Shawn goes to see Jada and says he knows he should’ve called first but he saw her car and wanted to stop by to see how she’s doing. Shawn tells Jada that he’s really sorry he had to drag her down to the station and grill her like that. Jada understands that he was just doing his job and she’s grateful it was him. Shawn is glad she’s there because he wasn’t sure. Jada responds that she’s not sure about anything anymore since “Rafe” is still at the Salem Inn and when he comes home, she guesses she’ll be moving out. Shawn wishes he could help. Shawn then informs Jada that he has some news that he wants her to hear from him first.

EJ returns to Rafe in the secret room of the tunnels. Rafe guesses it was Jada and tries yelling for her. EJ says she’s gone now, but he can’t risk having someone find him as they’ve had far too many close calls. EJ then pulls out a needle, so Rafe questions what he is doing to him.

Paulina finishes a call as Belle arrives at the police station. Paulina informs Belle that there’s a situation she wants to discuss with her. Paulina then reveals that she has installed Rafe as interim commissioner. Belle assumes Jada hasn’t heard that yet. Paulina asks if she has to defend her decision to her too, insisting it’s only temporary until all this shakes out. Paulina mentions the investigation and she hopes Jada is cleared, but if warranted, charges will be filed. Paulina says she’s only telling Belle so she can be prepared in case she has to prosecute Jada.

Shawn informs Jada that “Rafe” is police commissioner again. Jada says she shouldn’t be surprised as things keep going from bad to worse. Jada mentions that yesterday, she was supposed to marry the man she loves and now won’t answer her calls. Jada remarks that he’s taken her job and doesn’t believe in her like he’s a completely different person. Shawn brings up that Rafe was in a coma not long ago, so he wonders if it’s possible that might have something to do with the way he’s been acting. Jada says it’s possible since doctors did say he could experience personality changes, but he was completely fine until a couple weeks ago. Shawn feels it’s still worth checking out. Jada says she’s just afraid she already knows the answer and it has nothing to do with the coma. Jada thinks that Rafe doesn’t love her the way she always thought he did.

Kristen returns home to the DiMera Mansion and finds Brady in the living room. Kristen notes that he’s back so soon and asks how the therapy appointment went. Brady says it went fine. Kristen points out that he doesn’t look like it went fine. Brady assures that the therapist said it was a good first appointment and Rachel is doing fine, but he’s not so sure about Ava since he found out she’s not in Hong Kong with Tripp. Kristen asks where she is then. Brady responds that he doesn’t know but he’s afraid something is very wrong.

Rachel Blake tells Ava that she wished Kristen could’ve stayed longer but now she will look forward to her return. She tells Ava that she will get her some fresh air and wheels her out back in the chair, while EJ then drags Rafe’s body in a bodybag in to the house through the front door. EJ comments that Kristen just told him all about this place and declares that no one will ever look for him here…

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Days Update Friday, February 7, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Ava dreams of Brady coming to rescue her, then wakes up and is still tied to the chair in Kristen’s old family home.

Brady goes to the DiMera Mansion where Kristen notes that they have some time before Rachel’s therapy appointment. Brady knows he’s early but says he hasn’t been sleeping well. Kristen offers him breakfast but Brady says he’s fine. Kristen doesn’t think he is fine and guesses that he misses Ava.

Jada calls “Rafe” from home and wonders why he won’t call her back.

Arnold lays in bed watching an adult film on TV in his hotel room as he ignores Jada’s call.

Jada’s call goes to voicemail, so she puts the phone down and looks at her engagement ring.

EJ calls Arnold, who says his phone has been blowing up as Jada has called like ten times and must want answers about what happened at the wedding. EJ tells Arnold well done as he heard he put on quite the performance as the heartbroken groom. EJ reminds Arnold that the next step is for him to take Jada’s place as police commissioner. Arnold remarks that he’s never been much of a 9-5 guy. EJ promises to make it very worth his while. Arnold wants more details. EJ says to trust him and asks if they have an understanding because he’s not stopping when they are this close to the finish line. Belle then returns to EJ in his room.

Ava tries screaming for help until the Woman in White enters and tells her that she’s wasting her breath because no one is coming for her. Ava insists that Brady will as she just had a dream. She informs Ava that Brady thinks she’s flown off to China, so her dream won’t be coming true.

Kristen tells Brady that she doesn’t blame him for being upset since Ava took off to China without saying goodbye to him and broke up with him over a text. Brady doesn’t want to talk about it. Kristen says his relationship with Ava isn’t her favorite topic, but she doesn’t like to see him hurt. Kristen says he can’t take it personally that Ava left because she didn’t want to come in between he and Rachel. Brady argues that they talked about it before. Kristen says it surprised her since she really thought Ava cared about him, but her feelings must not have been that deep. Kristen says he deserves better than to be treated like that as she hugs him.

EJ tells Arnold that they will talk later. Arnold says they will because he will need serious money as they hang up. Belle guesses EJ’s call was about taking Jada’s career since she just read the Spectator and it seems that “Rafe” stopped the wedding and says he couldn’t marry Jada because of a mountain of evidence against her that she’s a corrupt cop. Belle guesses all the hell that Jada has been going through is because of EJ.

Steve goes to see Jada, who informs him that Paulina has her on administrative leave while they look in to the so called evidence against her. Jada asks how this is possible that he was walking her down the aisle a few hours ago and now she’s suspected for being a dirty cop along with numerous other crimes. Steve assures that he doesn’t think she did any of this. Jada thanks Steve for supporting her, which is more than she can say for Rafe.

Arnold listens to Jada’s voicemail and laughs it off. Paulina then arrives at his door and says she has something to say to him.

Steve asks Jada about Rafe not being home. Jada says he was missing since she got home and he hasn’t responded to her messages, so maybe he’s still at the Salem Inn. Steve encourages that she is not alone and promises her name will be cleared, then Rafe will come home. Jada worries about Gabi and Javi kicking her out. Jada can’t believe this is happening since Rafe knows her as a cop and human being and she thought she knew him, but this is beyond out of character for him. Steve says that’s why they need to consider who hired “Rafe” in the first place.

Belle questions why EJ hired “Rafe” of all people to dig up dirt on his own fiancĂŠe and what would make him so sure that he would find anything. EJ claims that he didn’t know anything would come up at all but he felt obligated to at least try because of how he had been treated. Belle argues that he has an entire army of people on payroll to dig up dirt on people he wants to destroy. EJ explains that if he dug up the evidence himself, everyone would question it but if it came from Rafe, it would be beyond reproach. Belle calls that a truly despicable thing to do.

Paulina comments on “Rafe” spending the night at the Salem Inn. He says he didn’t feel comfortable going home after everything that happened. Paulina brings up the source of his information being a detective on the police department. Arnold responds that a friend of his owed him a favor. Paulina states that she will need that friend’s name.

The Woman in White calls it romantic that Ava still thinks her knight in shining armor is going to appear but doubts it. Ava insists that Brady will figure out she didn’t send the text message but she assures that it was quite convincing. Ava regrets ever mentioning China. Ava brings up that she and Brady decided they didn’t need to break up because of Rachel. The Woman in White goes over the story she made about Ava going to stay with Tripp and says that’s a better story than Ava just vanishing off the face of the Earth. Ava asks what if she made that story the truth.

Brady tells Kristen that he just wishes Ava would’ve told him that she planned on leaving, so he doesn’t understand why she didn’t come to him first. Brady adds that he tried calling but there’s no response. Brady decides to text Ava. Kristen says she will go get Rachel’s backpack together because it’s about time for them to go anyway. Kristen then finds Ava’s phone in Rachel’s backpack.

Paulina wants the name of the person who found the files for Arnold. He questions why she needs it. Paulina calls it a serious investigation with lots of evidence so she wants to know how they found it, was there an ulterior motive, and argues that Jada has a right to confront her accuser. Arnold responds that he can’t give her the name.

EJ tells Belle that he’s not sure how he became the villain in this situation when Jada cost him his job while she was cutting corners left and right to earn a promotion. Belle argues that nothing has been proven yet. EJ sees that she’s holding out hope because Jada was her champion who got her installed as district attorney, but now that she’s on leave, she isn’t around to protect her. EJ remarks that now Belle is suddenly out there all on her own, totally exposed. Belle warns EJ that his most vital organ is quite vulnerable. EJ isn’t sure he would consider that his most vital organ at the moment. Belle tells him to be careful or he might find himself totally exposed. EJ says they’ll see about that as they continue kissing and end up back on the bed.

Steve tells Jada that this has EJ DiMera’s signature all over it. Jada says that EJ did promise to retaliate but she didn’t think he would take it this far. Steve says there’s no such thing as too far when it comes to DiMeras. Jada talks about “Rafe” being sure he wouldn’t find anything and that he just wanted the extra money. Steve thinks EJ made sure “Rafe” would find something by manufacturing it himself. They agree that EJ would do it for revenge but Jada questions how to prove it.

Kristen questions why Rachel has Ava’s phone and notes that it’s not locked, so she must have disabled the passcode. Kristen sees the text that Brady just sent and the text from Ava saying she was leaving town, except she didn’t write those, Rachel did. Kristen wonders where the hell Ava is if she’s not in Hong Kong. Kristen looks further through Rachel’s backpack and finds her old scrapbook, causing her to worry. Brady then comes out and asks Kristen if everything is okay.

Ava tells the Woman in White that she’ll go to Hong Kong for real but she doesn’t believe her. Ava feels if she told anyone about her, she’d get sent back to Bayview. Ava talks about wanting to be there for Tripp’s wedding, so it would be a win-win. Ava declares that if she goes to China, she will never hear from her again and asks what she says.

Paulina questions Arnold being unable to tell her the name of his source. He says a friend of his did him a favor and he promised there would be no blowback. He says he would insist she talk to the source if he had any doubt the evidence was legit, but he saw the files and there’s no need for that. Paulina questions him believing all this about Jada. He claims he doesn’t want to and calls it devastating but says he can’t say it’s all surprising which Paulina questions. Arnold claims there’s always been part of Jada that felt like she was an impostor, trying to convince others that she was in the right place or that she deserved to be where she’s at. He thinks that kind of behavior can be dangerous, so he does believe it.

Jada asks how to prove that EJ manufactured the evidence. Steve says he has a few ideas and guesses that means Jada is Black Patch’s new client. Jada says she won’t fight him on that and thanks him. Steve decides he’ll get started after checking on Kayla at the hospital. Jada asks what happened. Steve guesses she hadn’t heard and reminds her of Whitley King. Steve says she turned out to be responsible for the tainted cupcakes and Bonnie’s accident. Jada thought she was in Bayview. Steve says that didn’t stop her from going on the attack and she sent poisoned scripts to all the cast including Kayla. Steve says they had an antidote so everyone will be fine, but he has to check on Kayla. Jada sends her thoughts. Steve assures that as soon as he’s done at the hospital, he’s on the case. Jada appreciates that and says in the meantime, she will get to the bottom of this herself.

EJ and Belle lay in bed together after having sex and jokes about hearing a noise, calling out to ask if that’s Sami. Belle reminds him that they agreed not to live in fear of her sister. EJ says it’s quite possible that she could find out from Marlena. Belle says Sami can’t do anything but have a temper tantrum. Belle points out that EJ and Sami are divorced, just like she and Shawn, so they can do whatever they want and there’s no reason to hide. EJ calls that a strong argument as they kiss. EJ tells Belle to go shower and he will meet her downstairs for pastries which Belle agrees to.

The Woman in White questions sending Ava to China and being rid of her for good. Ava tells her that she can go back to doing whatever she does here. She calls it a tempting offer but is afraid she can’t take her up on it. She says she doesn’t have much to do and no one ever comes around, so this is the most she’s spoken to a person in years. Ava questions her not letting her leave because she wants someone to chat with. She clarifies that she doesn’t trust Ava and argues that she would go to Hong Kong and then come right back. Ava promises that she won’t but she puts the gag back on Ava and says she’s already made up her mind.

Brady asks Kristen if they should get Rachel and head out. Kristen suddenly claims she’s not feeling very well and got a headache. Brady points out that they are heading to the hospital, so she can get checked out. Kristen says it’s not that serious and blames the craziness of the last few days catching up to her. Kristen asks Brady to take Rachel to her appointment while she heads upstairs to lay down. Brady then goes to get Rachel while Kristen sneaks out of the mansion.

Belle heads to the living room of the DiMera Mansion, looking for EJ. Jada then shows up and asks what Belle is doing there. Belle claims that she just came to see her nephew, Johnny and asks what brings Jada by. Jada responds that she needs to see EJ and asks if she’s seen him.

EJ brings breakfast to Rafe in the secret room of the tunnels. Rafe mocks getting tased by Rita. EJ informs him that the wedding did not happen so Rafe questions what he did. EJ informs him that Arnold outed Jada as a corrupt cop and dumped her at the altar.

Paulina appreciates “Rafe’s” honesty and can’t imagine this is easy for him. Arnold says he cares about Jada very much. Paulina feels terrible but these are very serious allegations, so she had to sideline Jada to look in to all of it. Paulina mentions having to appoint a new police commissioner, at least temporarily. Arnold thinks back to EJ instructing him to become police commissioner. He then suggests himself to Paulina, to step in for Jada.

Steve goes to the hospital and finds Brady. Steve tells him he’s so glad to hear they found Rachel and asks if she’s okay. Brady says she’s fine and they just came for a therapy appointment as part of her grand plan was running away thinking it would bring her parents back together. Brady talks about bringing Rachel to a child doctor and thanks Steve for helping Ava with the texts she was getting. Steve talks about being sure they were from Kristen while Brady explains the texts came from Rachel because she thought Ava was some type of obstacle. Brady informs Steve that Ava broke up with him and just left for Hong Kong to see Tripp, which Steve calls strange because Tripp didn’t say a word about it to him.

Kristen goes to her family home and finds Ava tied up. Ava questions how she found her as Kristen begins to untie her. Kristen reveals that she found her phone and scrapbook in Rachel’s backpack, but she doesn’t understand how Ava got there. Ava explains that Rachel called her and said she needed help, so she came to the address and immediately called Brady but they lost reception. Kristen questions Rachel doing this all by herself but Ava reveals that she had help.

Belle tells Jada that she doesn’t know where EJ is but she assumes it’s about what happened at the wedding since she read it in the paper. Jada tells Belle not to believe everything she reads as she’s completely innocent and that EJ is obviously behind this whole thing.

Rafe tells EJ that Jada is not a corrupt cop and calls him a son of a bitch. EJ is sure that the investigation will prove that she is and now he will make sure that Arnold fills the vacancy as police commissioner. Rafe argues that Arnold will never pull that off. EJ mocks him. Rafe calls him scum. EJ says he’s one giant step closer to getting exactly what he wanted.

Paulina questions “Rafe” wanting her to appoint him as interim commissioner. He claims that he just wants to do whatever he can to make a challenging situation easier and it’s up to Paulina if she has someone else in mind. Paulina admits she doesn’t, pointing out that Shawn did the job before but had a drinking problem back then. “Rafe” talks about understanding rehiring someone she just got rid of, but points out that the public know him and he’s never had any scandal so his record is spotless and he thinks that’s what Paulina needs considering Jada’s situation. Paulina admits that City Council are breathing down her neck to get somebody on the job right away. Paulina then tells “Rafe” that he’s hired.

Steve tells Brady that he talked to Tripp last week and he didn’t say a thing about Ava being there. Brady says this just happened last night and he was blindsided. Brady adds that he’d love to know Ava was okay. Steve decides he can give Tripp a call which Brady says he would appreciate. Steve calls Tripp and says he’s with Brady, who would like to talk to Ava so he asks him to put her on. Tripp informs Steve that Ava is not there.

Kristen questions Ava saying Rachel had help. Ava tells her that there’s someone else there, who told her to call her The Woman in White. Kristen questions what she is talking about. The Woman in White then comes in and calls out to Kristen, revealing herself to be Kristen’s mother, Rachel Blake and leaving Kristen shocked.

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Days Update Thursday, February 6, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Cat has lunch with Felicity in the town square. Cat tells her that she went to visit Mark today. Felicity says she misses him. Cat talks about knowing how upset she is that Mark is in prison, especially since he was trying to save their mom, but not everyone sees it that way.

Chad enters the living room of the Horton house where Julie had fallen asleep in the chair. Chad asks how she’s doing. Julie says she’s as alright as she can be. Chad apologizes for being gone so long. Julie assures that his kids were angels for her and mentions that JJ and Doug III put them to sleep while she wasn’t much help. Chad is sure that’s not true and asks Julie how her session with Marlena went. Julie says it was fine but she appreciated that Marlena didn’t pressure her about going back and left it up to her if she wants to return. Chad asks if she will go back and if it helped.

Xander goes to the hospital to see Sarah and invites her to a late dinner. Sarah wishes she could but says it’s been the craziest day. Xander asks how so. Sarah informs him that a bunch of people were poisoned, including his cousin Alex.

At Stephanie’s apartment, Alex kisses Stephanie and calls it well worth the wait. Stephanie agrees and jokes that she would’ve kissed him even if he hadn’t almost died. Stephanie says she’s glad that’s over. Alex comments on how bad it would’ve been if he kicked the bucket right before they were going to be together. Alex really wishes he didn’t have to break the news to Joy about them. Stephanie feels bad for her since she’s had her heart broken enough times to know that a relationship ending can feel like your life is ending too…

Joy remains passed out from the poison on the bed in her hotel room.

Alex hopes Joy doesn’t take it too hard since they’ve only been dating for about a month. Stephanie gets a text from Steve with an update on Kayla since she was poisoned too. Stephanie says Kayla is alright but they are treating her at the hospital and keeping her overnight. Alex says it’s no coincidence that he and Kayla were both poisoned in the same night. Stephanie explains that the paramedic said it happened to several Body and Soul cast members that received fake scripts. Alex calls it crazy that he was going over his script with Joy. Alex then realizes that means Joy was poisoned as well, so he calls her.

Joy remains unconscious on her bed as her phone rings nearby with Alex’s call.

Sarah tells Xander that they thankfully had the antidote in the lab so they haven’t lost anyone, but not everyone is accounted for. Xander asks about Alex. Sarah says she heard he’s okay. Xander is relieved and wonders if Justin or Philip have heard the news. Sarah mentions that she hasn’t heard him complain about Philip lately, so she asks if that means they have turned the corner. Xander thinks they have and that they are actually working well together. Xander reveals that Philip is now in support of his idea to go after DiMera Enterprises which shocks Sarah. Xander declares they are both gung ho now, to destroy their competition.

Philip does pushups in his room until Kate shows up at his door. Kate says she’s sorry to drop by unannounced but she needed someone to talk to. Philip tells her that he’s busy getting ready for bed because he has an early meeting tomorrow. Kate asks if he’s going to turn away his mom when she has no one else to turn to. Philip gives in and asks what the problem is. Kate informs him that her career as a soap opera mogul is a complete disaster and it’s depressing as hell.

Julie tells Chad that Marlena did not cure her depression in one magical session. Julie says she was lovely to her, but she doesn’t see how therapy is going to help her problem that Doug is gone and she’s lost without him. Chad says it makes sense that she would be having a hard time. Julie thanks him for understanding. Julie hopes she can be her old self again. Chad thinks she will find her. Chad says maybe talking to Marlena if not for a cure, will at least provide comfort. Julie agrees to book another session. Julie realizes that she can’t go on living like this and credits Chad for that realization. Julie acknowledges that she’s lost a lot of loved ones and friends in her life, but losing the love of her life is a bigger blow than she’s ever had to take. Julie feels like she’s lost a part of herself. Chad says he gets it. Julie cries that they never stop loving or missing them. Julie understands that eventually, her heart will open again and she’ll be able to appreciate the blessings she does have like Chad, his children, and all the friends that have showered her with love and support. Julie assures that she will get there and adapt. Chad encourages that they need her. Julie says she has done some soul searching and reveals that she’s had a change of heart about Cat Green.

Felicity asks Cat if Mark is a bad person. Cat assures that he’s not and that he just did a bad thing, but for a good reason, like how she lied to Chad when he didn’t deserve that. Cat calls Chad a wonderful man who is a loving father, courageous, and strong but sensitive. Cat calls him smart and funny. Felicity comments that Cat really likes Chad.

Sarah reminds Xander that she told him that she doesn’t want him to break the law. Xander insists that he and Philip will find a legal way to seize control of DiMera and promises no illegal tactics. Sarah asks if he can keep that promise. Xander admits they may have to bend the rules but they won’t break them. Sarah doesn’t like the idea of him picking a war with Kristen when she won’t go down without a fight and they know how deadly she can be. Xander promises to be careful but Sarah says that doesn’t mean anything. Sarah can’t believe Philip let Xander talk him in to this, but Xander reveals he didn’t have to as it was Philip’s idea.

Philip tells Kate that he can’t believe a crazy fan poisoned her cast and crew. Kate comments that at least no one has died yet, but the police are still checking with people who haven’t answered their phone. Philip asks about Stephanie. Kate says she’s fine and informs him that she quit the show which surprises Philip. Kate says it’s just been one thing after another and now they lost their publicist when they need her the most. Philip remarks that at least she wasn’t poisoned. Kate says she’s starting to wonder if this soap opera venture is worth all the trouble. Philip asks if she’s saying she’s ready to throw in the towel. Kate says she isn’t sure and talks about how she thought running a soap opera would be fun and it brought joy for awhile, but now there’s no joy, it’s dead…

Joy remains unconscious as her phone rings nearby with Alex’s call.

Alex tells Stephanie that Joy isn’t picking up. Stephanie says she was so worried about Alex that it never occurred to her that Joy could be in trouble as well. Alex says he has to get over there. Stephanie feels he’s still too weak. Alex says he’ll be fine and that he has to get over there because if Joy didn’t get the antidote, her life could be in danger. Stephanie decides she will drive him and they exit together.

Felicity asks Cat if she like likes Chad, but Cat claims it’s nothing like that. Cat then admits that she does. Felicity asks if Chad knows that. Cat responds that he does know that she has feelings for him, but it’s not like he would ever like her back. Felicity asks why not. Cat says it’s because of what she did to him and it destroyed any chance they had to be together.

Chad questions Julie having a change of heart about Cat. Julie explains that she realizes now that she was strong-armed by Clyde in to doing what she did. Julie notes that it doesn’t mean she forgives her for all of her lies but she doesn’t have to be so vocal about it. Julie asks if Chad and Cat are friends. Chad says he wouldn’t go that far. Chad says they are in a better place and maybe they could be friends one day.

Philip tells Kate that he’s sorry that things are such a mess and asks if he can do anything to help. Kate says he did enough by listening and that she and Abe will figure it out. Kate asks how Philip is doing at work. Philip informs her that he and Xander are actually getting along. Kate is surprised and guesses that Sarah and Stephanie are keeping their mouths shut. Philip confirms that Xander still believes the letter from Victor is legit which is good because that means he’s putting up with him. Philip then reveals that he and Xander are actually teaming up for a big power play as he declares they are going to take over DiMera Enterprises.

Sarah questions Xander saying that it was Philip’s idea to go after DiMera. Xander explains that it as his idea originally when Philip shot it down, but now Philip had a change of heart and must have realized how brilliant it was. Sarah says it doesn’t make sense. Xander questions why not. Sarah flashes back to arguing with Philip and then tells Xander that she’s just surprised since Philip opposed the idea of a hostile takeover of DiMera. Xander says Philip’s main objection was with Stephanie but it’s not really an issue now because she dumped him.

Alex and Stephanie go to Joy’s hotel room. Alex knocks on the door but there’s no answer. Alex then opens the door and they find Joy unconscious on the bed. Alex and Stephanie rush in to check on her. Alex notes that Joy has a pulse but it’s weak, so they have to get her to the hospital. Alex and Stephanie then help Joy out of the room.

Cat tells Felicity that she would like to think maybe Chad could forgive her one day, but she doesn’t see that happening. Felicity asks why not, pointing out that she did. Cat says she’s happy that she did and she’s grateful for this. Cat adds that she just doesn’t think Chad has those kind of feelings for her. Felicity compares it to her relationship with her boyfriend Todd and says he didn’t like her at first but now they are together. Cat thinks it will take more for her and Chad to turn things around.

Julie promises Chad that she won’t be so critical of Cat, but sometimes her straight shooter instincts slip out. Chad appreciates her effort. Julie says it’s the least she can do if Cat becomes Marlena’s assistant. Chad thinks Cat deserves a second chance. Julie cries that Doug would approve since he was a champion of second chances. Chad apologizes and says he has to get back to the Spectator on a big story. Chad asks if Julie will be okay. Julie says she’ll be fine and she might even try to go upstairs to sleep in her great, big, empty bed again. Chad wishes her luck. Julie notes that if she doesn’t make it, the sofa is comfortable but she promises to try. Chad tells Julie that he loves her as he then exits.

Alex gets Joy set up in a hospital bed with Sarah. Alex asks if she’s going to be okay since she was left unattended way longer than he was. Sarah says once the antidote is in her system, she should start recovering. Alex remarks that he never should’ve left her alone. Sarah points out that then he would be in bad shape too. Alex wishes it occurred to him that Joy could be in trouble too. Sarah assures that Joy is being taken care of now and asks how Alex is feeling. Alex says he’s fine thanks to the antidote and asks how they came up with it so quick. Sarah says they actually had it in the lab and so far, everyone has made a full recovery. Joy then wakes up and calls out to Alex, who tells her that he’s right there. Joy asks why she’s in the hospital and what happened to her.

At the hospital, Stephanie comments to Xander on feeling bad for Joy. Xander remarks that Joy is lucky they were both there for her. Stephanie wishes they got there sooner. Xander asks Stephanie if she and Alex are back together. Stephanie asks why he asks. Xander explains that Philip mentioned they broke up but he was vague on the details, so he thought maybe Stephanie chose Alex over Philip. Stephanie then thinks back to breaking up with Philip because of his lies about Victor’s letter. Stephanie then informs Xander that Alex is not the reason that she stopped seeing Philip. Sarah comes over, so Stephanie asks how Joy is. Sarah says it looks like she will make a full recovery and allows Stephanie to go see her. Xander tells Sarah that he’s glad Joy will be okay. Sarah admits she wasn’t sure at first because she was suffering so much longer. Xander says he can see what she means by it being a crazy night. Xander guesses she’ll still be too busy for dinner. Sarah confirms that she has more to do before finishing up and she doesn’t want Xander to have to wait any more. Xander decides he will go to the Brady Pub and pick up takeout for them and says he will see her back at the house. Xander kisses Sarah goodbye and leaves the hospital. Sarah then pulls out her phone.

Kate questions Philip saying that he and Xander are going to attempt to takeover DiMera. Philip insists they are going to succeed but guesses Kate doesn’t like the idea. Kate admires the ambition but feels they need to give it more thought as they may be ruffling the wrong feathers. Philip argues that he’s not afraid of Kristen and says it would be great to pay her back for almost killing Kate a few years ago. Kate clarifies that she’s talking about Sarah, reminding him that Sarah agreed to keep his secret because he would keep Xander in line. Philip says he hears what she’s saying, but if it was a problem, he feels he would’ve heard from Sarah by now. Philip then gets a text message from Sarah, saying she wants to meet. Sarah comes to his room. Philip answers and guesses she’s not happy about he and Xander going after DiMera. Sarah angrily reminds him of their agreement that he would keep Xander in check and now they are going after the DiMeras of all people. Philip argues that she wanted him to work with Xander and insists they won’t do anything illegal. Sarah complains that it’s an aggressive move and it will be difficult not to get their hands dirty. Philip promises to make sure that Xander doesn’t break the law. Sarah says those words ring hollow. Sarah adds that since Philip is turning out to not be a very good influence on Xander, maybe they should just tell him the truth that Philip has no claim on Titan.

Xander picks up his takeout from the Pub and then runs into Kate as he exits. Kate says she and Philip were just talking about him as he was filling her in on the plot to take over DiMera. Xander tells her to keep her voice down and remarks that he should’ve known Philip would blab to his mom. Xander questions Kate supporting their decision. Kate admits she has reservations. Xander assures they can handle Kristen, but he wishes they struck when she was more vulnerable while her daughter was missing. Xander asks if Kate has lost her competitive edge. Kate talks about running Body and Soul being much more challenging and serious than she could’ve imagined, especially with all the drama behind the scenes.

Joy tells Alex and Stephanie that she can’t believe Whitley did this. Joy credits Alex for saving her life and says she’s so grateful for him coming back when he did. Joy adds that she’s grateful for Stephanie saving Alex’s life and then asks if they just happened to run in to each other in the hallway which Alex claims is what happened. Joy calls that really lucky and is thankful she didn’t lose him.

Cat and Felicity remain together in the town square until Chad approaches. Cat introduces Chad to Felicity. Cat informs Chad that she got her new job as Marlena’s assistant. Chad says that’s great and that he’s happy for her. Felicity invites Chad to join them.

Julie gets up and slowly begins to go upstairs, telling herself that she can do this.

Chad says he has to get to the office to do some work. Cat tells him to have a good night as Chad then walks on. Felicity remarks that it was worth a try.

Philip asks Sarah to be reasonable, arguing that he’s out on his ass if she tells Xander the truth and then there won’t be anyone to keep him in check. Sarah questions who is keeping Xander in check now. Philip argues that they haven’t done anything wrong and he will do his best to make sure it stays that way, but he can’t have Sarah threatening him over every decision they make. Sarah warns Philip that he has to play by her rules. Philip asks if she’s saying they have to drop their takeover plans. Sarah allows them to proceed for now, but if she gets any hint that things aren’t on the up and up, she won’t hesitate to pull the plug. Philip thinks she’s overreacting but Sarah declares that she’s calling the shots now and she can blow him out of the water any time she wants. Sarah then exits his room.

Xander tells Kate that Sarah just told him about how Body and Soul’s cast and crew were poisoned by an obsessed fan. Kate is thankful no one died. Xander comments on things being quite dire for Joy. Kate is surprised to learn that Joy was a victim. Xander says he was at the hospital when they brought her in and Sarah said she would be okay, but she was lucky that Alex and Stephanie found her when they did.

At the hospital, Stephanie tells Alex that it’s a relief that Joy is going to be okay and she’s glad he didn’t say anything about them since it obviously wasn’t the right time. Alex agrees but says when Joy is better, he’ll break the news to her. Stephanie says only if he’s sure. Alex asks if he hasn’t made himself clear enough. Stephanie says he has, but she needs constant reassurance. Stephanie hates being needy and insecure. Alex assures that he’s crazy about her no matter what, adding that he’s insecure and needy too. Alex says he needs her to tell him that she feels like he does in this moment. Stephanie asks how he feels in this moment. Alex responds that he feels like she’s the only one for him and the only one he wants to be with. Stephanie assures that she feels exactly the same way. Alex and Stephanie then kiss as Joy comes around the corner and sees them, leaving her shocked.

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Interview with Sean Kanan

TV Interview!


Actor/entrepeneur Sean Kanan (pic from his Instagram), creator of "Bad Boy Hot Sauce"

Interview with Sean Kanan of “The Bold and the Beautiful” on CBS and “Cobra Kai” on Netflix by Suzanne 2/4/25

Sean Kanan appears May 24th at the Pasadena Comic-Con!This is my second Zoom interview with Sean Kanan. It’s always great to speak with him because he’s an interesting guy, and an amazing actor, and he always has a lot of things going on. Soap fans know Sean from his role as Deacon on both B&B, Y&R and GH; others may know him from “Karate Kid 3” and the “Cobrai Kai” series, or his Emmy-winning series “Studio City” on Prime.  Right now, Sean is busy promoting a new line of hot sauces, some personal appearances, and the latest in his motivational Way of the Cobra book series with his wife, Michele:  “Way of the Cobra: Couples“.  If you’re a fan of the soaps or of the “Cobra Kai” series or “Karate Kid” movies, you should Sean and Michelle Kananenjoy this chat!

If you live in the SoCal area, go see Sean Kanan, his wife, and his co-star Kimberlin Brown (who plays Sheila) this Saturday, February 8th at Barnes & Noble in Palm Desert 2 PM!  Sean will also be appearing at the Pasadena Comic-Con May 24th.  You can find out about Sean’s future events on his Instagram.  Wait him daily on “The Bold and the Beautiful,” too. Sounds like he has some great story coming up.

Incidentally, if you haven’t watched “Cobra Kai” or the “Karate Kid” movies, I would suggest you check them out because they’re a lot of fun to watch. I just binge-watched them all in the past few months. The last five episodes of “Cobra Kai” drop Feb. 13! Then there’s a new movie, “Karate Kid: Legends” coming out in the summer, starring Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan! It looks good.


Actor/entrepeneur Sean Kanan (pic from him), creator of "Bad Boy Hot Sauce" and "Way of the Cobra" booksMORE INFO: Bad Boy Hot Sauce | Bold and The Beautiful | Preview | Cobra Kai


EmmyÂŽ award-winner Sean Kanan portrays irresistible bad boy “Deacon Sharpe” on The Bold and the Beautiful.

After the character’s success on The Bold and the Beautiful, “Deacon Sharpe” also appeared on sister show, The Young and the Restless. Kanan’s first role in Hollywood was of iconic villain “Mike Barnes” in the blockbuster film Karate Kid III, which he reprised for season five on Netflix’s pop-culture classic Cobra Kai in 2022. He also played the role of “AJ Quartermaine” on General Hospital. His many film credits include two 2021 films with Bruce Willis, Survive the Game and The Fortress, and the Lifetime movie Sinister Society.

In 2021, Kanan won the Daytime EmmyÂŽ award for Outstanding Limited Series as the Executive Producer and Creator of Studio City (Amazon Prime), for which he was also EmmyÂŽ nominated in the categories of Outstanding Lead Actor and Outstanding Writing Team. Kanan previously won the Indie Series Award for Outstanding Lead Actor for portraying Studio City protagonist “Sam Stephens.”

Kanan has authored four books. His latest, Welcome to the KUMITE, is the second in the Way of the COBRA (WOTC) series, which draws on intimate personal stories to illustrate his strategies and philosophy for achieving success: “Transform yourself, and you can transform the world.” Sean’s first book, The Modern Gentleman: Cooking and Entertaining with Sean Kanan, received rave reviews. His second, Success Factor X, became an Amazon New Release Best Seller after less than one week and was named one of the twenty most inspirational books in the last two decades by Book Authority.

To give back, Kanan has turned his personal success and the knowledge about his approach to achieving goals for a healthy, happy, and successful life into a successful and highly sought-after life coaching program.

Whether lobbying on Capitol Hill to raise awareness about bullying or performing stand-up comedy in Bosnia to entertain the troops for the USO, Kanan remains active in numerous charitable organizations, including The American Cancer Society, various animal advocacy groups, and serving as the international youth ambassador for Bad Boy Hot Sauces from Sean KananBoo2Bullying.

In 2016, Kanan received the 400th star on the Palm Springs Walk of Fame for his creative work and acts of charity in Hollywood.

Born in Cleveland, Ohio, and raised in New Castle, PA, Kanan resides with his wife, EmmyÂŽ, award-winning producer and writer Michele Kanan, in California. He celebrates his birthday on November 2.

Follow him on Instagram @sean.kanan and Twitter @seankanan.Sean Kanan (Deacon) and Kimberlin Brown (Sheila) star on "The Bold and the Beautiful" weekdays on CBS and Paramount+ (photo from Kanan's Instagram)

SEAN KANAN aka “Karate’s Bad Boy”
Kanan has unleashed a line of artisan crafted small batch hot sauces that hit harder than a spinning back kick.

Say goodbye to bland and hello to bold with knockout flavors like:
These aren’t your average sauces— they’re weapons of mass deliciousness, packing Scoville heat levels from a solid 4/10 to a face-melting 10/10. Buy Now!

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Days Short Recap Friday, February 7, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At Aremid, Ava screamed out for help which made the woman in white show up. She told Ava that no one is looking for her because of the message she came up with. Ava was upset with herself for telling the lady in white about her son. She asked her about going to China, but the woman in white thought she would call Brady. Ava said she would go see her son and move on with her life. She would let Brady and Kristen be together. The lady in white didn’t trust her and put the gag back on her mouth. Brady and Kristen talked about Rachel and her therapy session. When Kristen noticed that something was wrong with Brady, he said he missed Ava. Kristen insulted Ava for leaving Brady during this time but appreciated her leaving so he could reconnect with Rachel. Brady said he didn’t understand why Ava would leave without saying something to him. Kristen said her feelings must not have been that deep. Brady said he has reached out to Ava, but she hasn’t responded. He decided to text Ava. Kristen left the room and found Ava’s phone in Rachel’s backpack. While she was looking at the phone, she noticed the security code was disabled and looked at the texts. Kristen wondered where Ava was. When she looked through the backpack, she realized that Ava might be at the Blake house. She asked Brady to take Rachel to her therapy session because she wasn’t feeling well. When Brady went upstairs, Kristen left.

At Rafe’s house, Jade wondered why Rafe wasn’t returning her calls. Steve showed up to talk about the charges against her. She said she couldn’t believe what was happening. Steve let her know that he didn’t believe the charges. Jada told him that she left messages for Rafe, but he hasn’t answered them. Steve said people would support her and make sure her name is cleared. He said they should wonder about EJ hiring Rafe to investigate her. Jada told him that Rafe claimed he worked for EJ to make sure the investigation was on the up and up. Steve said he believed EJ fixed the evidence. She asked how they would prove her innocence. Steve said he had to check on Kayla. He told her about Whitley and the poisoned scripts. Jada said she would find out what’s going on. EJ called Arnold. Arnold told him that Jada called him, but he didn’t answer. EJ said he did a good job at the wedding, but it was time to take over as commissioner. When Arnold got off the phone, he listened to Jada’s messages. Paulina showed up. She told him the source of the charges against Jada came from the Salem PD and wanted to know who it was. Arnold said he promised not to say anything. He said the information was convincing. Paulina was surprised he believed it. He said he wasn’t surprised. She said she had to appoint a new commissioner. He offered to do the job. Belle and EJ talked about Jada. She knew that Jada’s situation was EJ’s fault. Belle thought it was strange that EJ had Rafe do the investigation instead of one of his people. EJ said he used Rafe so the investigation wouldn’t be questioned. Belle didn’t approve of his actions. EJ told Belle that Jada got him fired which allowed Belle to take his job. While they were talking, they made love. After they finished, Belle went downstairs and saw Jada. Jada said she was there to see EJ. EJ went in the tunnel to give Rafe his breakfast. Rafe thought Arnold and Jada were married. EJ said they didn’t get married. He told Rafe the plan was to expose Jada as a corrupt cop. Kristen went to the Blake house and found Ava tied up. They talked about what happened. Kristen said she couldn’t believe Rachel could do this by herself to which Ava said she had help. EJ told Rafe that Arnold would be the new commissioner. Arnold tried to convince Paulina that he would do a good job as commissioner. A reluctant Paulina agreed to give him the job. Ava told Kristen that someone was in the house. She said it was the woman in white. When Kristen heard a voice, she thought it was her mother.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chad checked on Julie to see how she was doing and asked about her therapy. Julie told him that the session went well but it wouldn’t help with her problem. She said she was lost without Doug. They continued to talk about losing someone you love. While they were talking, Julie said she was willing to ease up on Cat because Clyde forced her to do what she did. When Julie said Chad and Cat were friends, he said they weren’t friends but could be someday. Julie said she would stop criticizing Cat but there were times when things might happen. She said she hoped Cat got the job working for Marlena. Chad left to go to the office. Xander went to the hospital to ask Sarah to go out to dinner with him. Sarah told him about everyone getting poisoned. When Xander brought up Justin and Philip, Sarah asked if he and Philip were getting along. Xander said he and Philip were getting along and were going to war against the DiMeras. Sarah was upset about it until Xander said they were doing it legitimately. He promised they would be careful and said it was Philip’s idea to go after the DiMeras. Sarah wondered why Philip changed his mind. Xander said Philp was less cautious since he wasn’t with Stephanie.

Alex and Stephanie talked about wanting to be together after what happened to them. Stephanie said the scripts were poisoned. Alex said Joy was poisoned too. He called Joy, but she didn’t answer. They went to check on Joy. When they got to Joy’s place, she was unconscious. They took her to the hospital. Sarah was afraid that she was under the poison for too long but there was an antidote that could help. Alex and Sarah talked about the antidote. Joy woke up and wondered where she was. In the receptionist area, Xander and Stephanie talked about Philip. Stephanie thought of her conversation with Philip. Before Stephanie could say anything, Sarah showed up to say how Joy was doing. Stephanie went to see Joy. When Xander left to get takeout, Sarah texted Philip. Kate talked to Philip about what was going on at Body and Soul. When Kate told him about the poisoning, he was concerned that Stephanie could have gotten hurt. Kate told him Stephanie quit the show. She said the soap has been more trouble than it’s worth and questioned if it was worth the trouble. Kate changed the subject by asking him about getting along with Xander. Philip said they were getting along. Kate was glad he was working with Xander. He told her that he and Xander were going after DiMera. Kate was concerned about Sarah causing trouble. She said Sarah knew his secret. Philip said he would have heard something by now if something happened. Sarah showed up to confront Philip. She reminded him that he was supposed to keep Xander in line and work with him. Philip said he was working with him and would keep him from breaking the law. Sarah said Philip wasn’t a great influence on Xander and considered telling him the truth. He asked her to be reasonable because no one would be there to keep an eye on Xander. She said they were going to be playing by her rules. Sarah said they could take over DiMera but if something went wrong, she was pulling the plug on it. Alex told Stephanie that it wasn’t the right time to break up with Joy and would do it when she was better. He said he wanted to be with her. When they kissed, Joy came out of her room and saw them.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kayla collapsed in Steve’s arms. He took her to the couch, but she was barely breathing. Steve took matters into his own hands and called 9-1-1. Alex and Stephanie admitted they wanted to be together, but he fell to the couch before kissing her. She was able to wake him after he passed out. Stephanie called the police. She was put on hold so she decided to take care of him by herself. The hospital sent someone out, but Stephanie was able to help him. Johnny wondered why Leo killed off Seth from the show. He didn’t feel right and passed out. Chanel helped him by waking him up. She called an ambulance, but she was told to wait because there were a lot of people calling. She took matters into her own hands and took him to the hospital. Leo put it together and realized the stalker created the new scripts for the show. Hattie fell on his bed, and he wanted her off the bed. He started panicking when he realized that she wasn’t waking up. Leo thought about their times together, but she was gone. He tapped her head with his gloved hand. Leo tried to figure out who she died until she started murmuring. He was shocked that she was alive. Abe figured out who was behind the attacks. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t figure it out sooner. Abe’s picture was crossed out with a red X by the stalker. Whitley was in her hospital room when Abe showed up. She wondered what took him so long to get there. He saw the board with everyone’s picture crossed out. Abe accused her of attacking his cast. Whitley informed him that his suspicions were right. Abe figured it was her when Kassandra was killed by a cat. Whitley admitted she did it and would do it again. She explained that Abe and the rest of the cast ruined her favorite soap opera. He couldn’t believe her reasoning for stalking the cast. She wanted to show him the error of his ways before the show was destroyed. Abe wanted to know how she went after Bonnie while she was in Bayview. Whitley explained how the people at Bayview thought she was harmless. She followed social media to find out everything she needed to take them out. Whitley explained how the show was all she had after losing her husband and said that Abe was next. The nurse was about to inject him with a vial of poison when Paulina arrived to stop her. Paulina wasn’t going to let Abe deal with Whitley alone. She hoped that the other people she attacked got help too.

Sarah found Seth reading a script. He informed her that he’s been fired from the show. Seth couldn’t believe his character was getting killed off the show when he was a great actor. He ranted about letting the show to get filmed at the hospital. Seth continued his rant and talked about dying the way Whitley King’s husband died. Sarah defended Whitley by reminding him about the way she lost her husband. Seth was more concerned with how he died on the show. He started coughing and clutching his chest. Seth was in pain so he sat down. Sarah raced to check on him. Steve brought Kayla to the hospital and explained what happened to Sarah. Sarah told him what happened to Seth. After talking with Steve, she was convinced they were poisoned. Steve sat by Kayla’s bed and wished for her to come back to him. Chanel and Johnny arrived at the hospital. Sarah told them that she thinks the scripts were poisoned. Later Sarah created an antidote to stop the poison from harming anyone. She took the antidote to Kayla’s room and injected her. After she left Kayla’s room, she went to Johnny’s with the antidote. She assured Chanel that he would make a full recovery. After Sarah left the room, Johnny promised he wouldn’t leave Chanel again. Chanel realized how much he meant to her when she almost lost him. She believed that everything that happened will make them stronger. They promised not to take each other for granted again. The couple kissed each other.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, February 7, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Billy once again tries to persuade Daniel to join Abbott Communications but Daniel tells him that he needs some time to think about it.

Phyllis is upset that Billy is going to Paris with Sally instead of staying in Genoa City to work on the company.

Amy and Nate persuade Holden to talk to Damian and persuade him that he needs to talk to Amy before it is too late. Holden tells Damian that his mother is sick and needs to talk to him. Damian calls Nate and tells him that he wants to meet with him.

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Days Update Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

The person in all black has a wall of Body and Soul headshot photos with red X’s through them. They then pick up the last photo being of Abe.

Kayla informs Steve that Abe said no one is getting killed and that he thinks Leo just went rogue. Kayla adds that Abe said he would get to the bottom of it. Kayla then passes out in Steve’s arms.

Stephanie asks if Alex really means it that he wants to be with her. Alex assures that he does and goes to kiss Stephanie but he collapses.

Johnny tells Chanel that he doesn’t know why they would do this as they have to know killing off Seth’s character is a huge mistake since he’s the one who allowed them to shoot at the hospital. Johnny decides he will call Leo but he passes out on the couch.

Hattie asks Leo if this is some kind of joke. Leo wonders if it’s The Stalker, the person who sent the poisoned cupcakes, sent Bonnie down the elevator shaft, and has been targeting the cast and crew ever since Hattie put a curse on the show. Hattie guesses that is possible but says attempted murder is no small potatoes. Hattie says she’s starting to feel unsteady and then collapses onto Leo’s bed.

Abe remains at the studio and declares that he thinks he knows who is doing this. Abe goes over the cupcakes and Bonnie’s accident, saying he should’ve realized this sooner.

The person in all black draws a red X through Abe’s photo. Abe then appears in the room and declares he should’ve known it was her. She turns around, revealing Whitley King, the crazy nurse who kidnapped Abe. She questions what took him so long.

At the hospital, Seth Burns reads the fake script and questions thinking they can get away with this. Sarah approaches and asks if everything is okay. Seth responds that he’s so angry he can’t get the words out. Seth informs Sarah that he’s been fired from Body and Soul as they are killing him off. Sarah says she’s sorry as Seth complains that he was doing a great job. Seth brings up how Johnny was just praising him this morning. Seth calls it outrageous and declares that Abe, Kate, and Leo won’t get away with it. Seth brings up that they are only allowed to shoot in the hospital because he signed off on it and says this is the thanks he gets. Sarah encourages him not to take it too personally. Seth argues that they could’ve come up with a more memorable way to get rid of him. Sarah asks how they are going to. Seth calls it so humiliating that he doesn’t even want to tell her. Sarah says she understands but Seth decides he will tell her. Seth then informs her that his character succumbs to carbon monoxide poisoning due to a faulty space heater. Sarah points out that does happen and then brings up that nurse Whitley’s husband died that way.

Whitley tells Abe that it’s so nice of him to visit and asks what took him so long. Abe says this is not a social visit. Whitley notes that he sounds upset. Abe confirms that he is because she’s been attacking the men and women of Body and Soul which Whitley admits she’s guilty of and asks how he figured it out. Abe explains that Kayla wanted to know why they were killing off her character. Whitley guesses she got the latest script. Abe remembered how much Whitley loved her cats and Body and Soul, so it hit him that it had to be her. Whitley guesses he found her out and admits she did it, adding that she would do it again. Abe doesn’t get how she could do this to the cast and crew of a show that she claimed to love. Whitley insists that she does love it, but the show he’s producing is not her Body and Soul. Abe questions what she’s talking about. Whitley accuses him of ruining it so she had to make he and everyone who helped him, pay for it.

Seth tells Sarah that he remembers Whitley holding Abe hostage in her apartment for months. Sarah says what she did to Abe was horrible but she wasn’t in her right mind and suffered a psychotic break after her husband died due to carbon monoxide poisoning along with all of her cats. Seth mocks the idea of his character dying like cats. Seth declares that it would take more than a little bit of poison to take him out. Seth that starts having pains so Sarah asks if everything is okay.

Steve lays Kayla on the couch and tries to wake her up. Steve notes that she’s barely breathing, so he decides to call for help.

Stephanie lays Alex on the couch and wakes him up. Alex asks what’s going on and where he was. Stephanie informs him that he passed out. Alex notes that he doesn’t feel good. Stephanie notes he has a fever, so they need to get him to the hospital right now. Stephanie calls 911 but gets put on hold.

Chanel wakes Johnny up on the couch. Johnny asks what happened. Chanel says he just passed out and asks how he’s feeling. Johnny says he feels out of it, dizzy, and nauseous. Chanel decides to call for help. Chanel says she needs an ambulance right away but is told that it’s going to be awhile because they are overwhelmed with the calls. Chanel says to hell with that and helps Johnny up. Chanel declares that she is taking Johnny to the hospital, herself.

Leo tells Hattie not to mess with him and to get up. Leo then sees she doesn’t have a pulse and she’s not breathing. Leo sits down and talks about Hattie being gone, saying he’s going to miss her so much. Leo calls this a cruel twist of fate as she was so upset about her character dying on the show, that she actually died. Leo insists he wouldn’t have killed her off right after writing her back in. Leo wonders why she had to come in so angry and guesses she stroked out from all that adrenaline. Leo tells Hattie that she did not deserve this and calls her an incredible person, like a crass, bizarro version of Marlena. Leo talks about enjoying spending time with Hattie and calls it an absolute honor to call her a friend. Leo says she was so full of life and asks how she could be dead. Hattie then wakes up, relieving Leo.

Stephanie tells Alex that it could be awhile for the ambulance since they are apparently backed up tonight, so she’s going to take care of him, herself. Stephanie says they first need to get his fever down and gives him water. Alex doesn’t know what he would’ve done without her. Stephanie encourages that help will be there soon.

Steve goes to the hospital and informs Sarah that he just brought Kayla in to the ER. Sarah asks what happened. Steve explain that they were running lines for Body and Soul, then she collapsed. Sarah says that’s strange because the same thing happened to Seth Burns and they are treating him now. Sarah says Seth is conscious but weak with a high fever. Steve says it sounds exactly like Kayla and asks what these symptoms tell Sarah. Sarah thinks someone may have poisoned them.

Abe questions Whitley doing this because they took the show in a new direction. Whitley complains that they made a complete mockery of her favorite show. Whitley reveals that she sent the poisoned cupcakes and thought that would get her point across that their reboot was a complete failure. Whitley hoped they would realize their errors and declares that she had to make permanent changes, starting with Bonnie.

Leo calls for an ambulance but is told there are no available units. Leo tells them to get someone that as soon as they can. Hattie asks if she’s going to die. Leo assures that she is not and encourages her. Hattie asks what the holdup is. Leo says there’s some kind of city wide crisis. Leo says it might take awhile so he will do his best to keep her company. Hattie asks if he said those sweet things about her just because he thought she was dead. Leo assures that he meant every word.

Abe doesn’t get how Whitley could go after Bonnie from inside Bayview. Whitley remarks that invisibility has it’s benefits. Abe asks if the staff weren’t watching her around the clock. Whitley says they were at first, but now they just see her as a grieving widow. She mentions seeing a fan post a photo of a call sheet, so she knew when and where they were shooting. Whitley reveals that she sent the text to Bonnie from a burner phone. Abe questions how she got her number. Whitley says the dark web and on Soap twitter, you can find out anything you want. Abe questions her trying to murder Bonnie. Whitley says she obviously didn’t succeed and then she saw the report that Abe was bringing in Kayla which she calls a travesty and declares that Kayla had to go.

Steve sets Kayla up in a hospital bed and encourages her that Sarah is going to find out what’s making her sick as he tells her to stay with him.

Sarah makes a call to put a rush on the blood work. Chanel brings Johnny in and tells Sarah that Johnny passed out after reading the Body and Soul script. Sarah reveals that she thinks the script was poisoned and says she will fill Chanel in on the way to getting Johnny a room.

Abe questions Whitley being unhappy with Kayla, so she wrote her out of the show. Whitley repeats that she had to go and argues that she and Bonnie are not the Cassandra Lovegood character. Abe argues that she’s taking this way too far. Whitley argues that she’s fighting for her life and says Body and Soul kept her going after losing her husband and her cats which is why they all had to die. Abe asks if she’s saying that’s why Cassandra had to die in the script she wrote. Whitley reveals that she poisoned every actor Abe hired.

Stephanie finishes a call and informs Alex that they are sending someone out shortly. Alex says he’s feeling better. Stephanie notes that his fever is definitely down. Alex credits her. Stephanie jokes that maybe she should’ve gone in to medicine like her mom but Alex says he wouldn’t want her at anybody else’s bed side. Alex then starts coughing so Stephanie gives him more water. Stephanie says she can’t have him dying on her now after they finally got on the same page about their future. Alex assures that she’s not getting rid of him that easy.

Whitley reveals to Abe the experimental drug she got from Bayview that has toxic side effects which she used to spray each of the scripts. Whitley declares that everyone who got a script is probably dead and that Abe is next.

Sarah joins Steve in Kayla’s room. Steve asks if she figured out what Kayla and Seth were poisoned with. Sarah says they think so and that they have the antidote here in the lab, so she should make a full recovery.

Sarah injects Johnny with the antidote and tells Chanel that he should make a full recovery which Chanel is thankful for. Sarah says she has to go check on everyone else who was poisoned but she will be back to check on him. Johnny thanks Sarah as she exits. Chanel tells Johnny that she was so scared that she could’ve lost him. Johnny assures that he will never leave her which Chanel says she will hold him to.

Whitley tells Abe that as soon as the drug touches his skin, he’s a dead man, just like her husband. Abe argues that she doesn’t want to do this. Whitley thought they had a special bond but after what he’s done to Body and Soul, that bond is forever broken and he has to die. Paulina then appears and grabs Whitley, saying not on her watch. After getting Whitley subdued in her hospital bed, Abe and Paulina sit together. Abe brings up texting Paulina his hunch about Whitley. Paulina talks about how chaotic Salem was tonight and declares she was not about to let Abe face Whitley alone, so she jumped in her car and headed straight here. Abe says he’s so grateful to her. Paulina is grateful that he’s alright. Paulina prays that the rest of Whitley’s victims got help in time too…

Johnny tells Chanel that he’s feeling better and his energy is coming back along with his appetite. Johnny mentions not being sure he’d ever hear her call him her husband again after what he did. Chanel says if she wasn’t sure she wanted to give their marriage another shot, almost losing him drove it home that he is so important to her. Chanel thinks going through what they have, coming out the other side and finding their way back to each other will only make them stronger. Johnny agrees and says she means everything to him. Johnny promises to never take her for granted again as they kiss.

A paramedic checks on Hattie in Leo’s room and says she should recover but if it gets any worse, she should get to the hospital. Leo thanks him as he exits. Leo tells Hattie that she’s going to be okay. Leo doesn’t think he realized how much he adored Hattie until he thought she was dead. Leo promises never to take Hattie for granted again as they hug.

The paramedic checks on Alex at Stephanie’s apartment and says he should be fine in a couple hours, but if he gets worse, he should get to the hospital immediately. Stephanie thanks him as he exits. Stephanie can’t believe someone poisoned the script. Alex remarks that Body and Soul is the gift that keeps on giving. Alex says now that he’s coming out of the fog, he remembers what he was going to do before he collapsed. Alex then kisses Stephanie.

Steve tells Kayla that he’s so grateful that she will be okay. Kayla thinks the antidote is working since she feels so much better. Steve couldn’t imagine losing her again and says he loves her so much as they kiss. Kayla questions there being poison on the script which Steve confirms. Kayla asks if there’s any idea who is behind it. Steve says not yet but promises to find out who it was and to make them pay.

Whitley wakes up tied to her hospital bed and starts talking to Abe as if he is a character on Body and Soul. Paulina calls Whitley one sick puppy. Abe acknowledges that she has no one, so he wants to show her some compassion. Paulina comments on Abe’s big forgiving heart and tells him to go ahead. Abe tries to explain that he’s not the Henry Marshall character. Whitley says the heart wants what it wants like Body and Soul and they will always have Pineview.

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Days Update Tuesday, February 4, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Hattie visits Bonnie in the hospital. Hattie says she heard Bonnie could be laid up for months and it sounds bad. Hattie brings up Body and Soul, wondering what’s going to happen with their characters. Bonnie is able to inform her that they are having Kayla stand in for her.

Steve and Kayla go home. Kayla talks about not seeing Stephanie that worked up in a long time. Steve talks about how horrible it would’ve been for Marcus to see Jada hauled down to the station on allegations. Steve says it makes no sense as Jada would never do what she’s accused of. Kayla asks if Steve is going to talk to Shawn about his belief that EJ set Jada up. Steve says he’s going to do some legwork first as he doesn’t want EJ to know he’s onto him until he has something solid. Kayla then finds an envelope left at their door.

At the Body and Soul studio, Kate and Abe talk about hoping Kayla is up to playing Cassandra. Kate brings up Alex and Joy and how messy it could get with them sleeping together in real life.

Alex and Joy lay in bed together after having sex. Joy comments that the day at work was actually fun without Chanel. Joy adds that she wishes she never met Johnny that night at Small Bar. Alex points out that there’s no way that she could’ve known they would end up working together. Joy says something told her that night was a big mistake to hook up with Johnny and says she should’ve listened to her gut.

Johnny is at home at the DiMera Mansion, on the phone with Seth Burns. Johnny praises Seth for his work on set and agrees that it’s not the same without Chanel and that he misses her too, as Chanel then enters the living room. Johnny tells Seth he will talk to him tomorrow and hangs up. Chanel hands Johnny an envelope that was at the front door. Johnny asks if she came by for any particular reason. Chanel responds that she wanted to talk about them.

Kayla sees the envelope is from Leo and guesses it’s her first script. Steve jokes about being married to a TV star. Kayla talks about being unable to say no, knowing that Abe was desperate. Steve calls her a good friend. Kayla then opens the envelope.

Abe asks Kate what she’s worried about, pointing out that Alex and Joy are consenting adults. Kate worries that if things go wrong, they will have a big problem since Alex was just sleeping with Stephanie. Stephanie then arrives and asks if she just heard her name.

Joy suggests to Alex that they run lines for tomorrow’s bedroom scene while they are in bed. Alex calls it more fun than doing it at home alone. Joy pulls out the script from an envelope and says this came out of nowhere, revealing her character gets in to a car accident and goes in to premature labor while Alex’s character tries to deliver the baby on the side of the road. Joy continues reading that the baby doesn’t die, but her character does.

Johnny admits to Chanel that he was worried she was having second thoughts. Chanel says she just knew he was working and she needed more time to make sure her head was on straight before they talked. Chanel declares that if they are going to make their marriage work, they need to get to work right away. Chanel tells Johnny to talk to her if he ever doubts her again and to not assume it’s her if he sees Alex having sex with someone. Johnny assures he won’t make that mistake again and he let his jealousy get out of hand. Johnny knows he hurt her. Chanel doesn’t understand how he could ever think she would cheat on him as she thought they were solid and in a good place. Johnny calls it 100% on him and promises that he will never doubt her again. Johnny tells Chanel that he loves her and he can’t live without her. Chanel says she loves him too and she cannot imagine wanting to be with any man but him. Johnny insists on feeling the same.

Kayla reads the script she got and tells Steve that she doesn’t know how to pretend to be in love with another man since Steve’s the only man she wants. Kayla sees that this episode, she only has scenes with Hattie. Kayla guesses she should call her and run lines with her. Kayla decides she doesn’t have the energy for Hattie tonight, so she asks Steve to run the lines with her. Steve says he’s no actor but Kayla insists.

Hattie tells Bonnie that Kayla doesn’t have her spark. Hattie notes that tomorrow will be interesting and brings up Leo giving her a script. Hattie says it seems to have a lot of Cassandra and Charlemagne, so she asks Bonnie to run lines with her.

Alex tells Joy that it’s insane and that they can’t kill her off. Alex continues reading the script and finds out his character gets hit by a car and killed.

The person in all black draws a red X through a photo of Alex.

Abe questions Stephanie not being at Jada’s wedding. Stephanie guesses he hasn’t talked to Paulina and reveals the wedding was a total disaster and didn’t even happen as “Rafe” supposedly found evidence that Jada is a corrupt cop and left her at the altar while Shawn dragged her off to the police station for questioning. Abe can’t believe it or that Paulina would either. Stephanie insists that Jada is incapable of doing the things she’s accused of and that Steve will clear her name. Kate asks if that’s why Stephanie came. Stephanie says she wanted to let them know that she put out a press release about Kayla stepping in as Cassandra and about the new role of Lady Whistleblower. Stephanie brings up the Emmys and then reveals that she will not be around which Abe questions. Stephanie then announces that she quits. Abe questions her quitting her job. Stephanie didn’t want to leave them in a lurch so she reached out to a friend named Andrea who is fantastic with tons of experience. Kate questions prompted her decision. Stephanie promises it has nothing to do with them and she loved every minute of working on the show, but the reason is Alex Kiriakis.

Joy wonders if she and Alex are fired. Alex feels they should’ve been told something before reading it in a script. Alex then reads further and sees that the script is for the air date of April 1, so he believes it must be an April Fool’s joke. Joy isn’t sure. Alex wants to call Abe to be sure but Joy stops him and says she’s okay with whatever happens. Joy declares that the only real positive to come from this whole experience has been meeting Alex. Joy brings up that next week is Valentine’s Day and says she’d love to spend it somewhere else with him.

Chanel tells Johnny that with time and talking things through, she has a new perspective on them and what happened. Chanel sees now that Johnny almost went to bed with Joy and she had a close call with Shawn while they were both angry and lashing out, but at the end of the day, they didn’t break their wedding vows and she thinks there’s a reason for that. Johnny says that night with Joy, he felt naked without his wedding ring and he never wants to take it off again. Johnny tells Chanel that there’s one thing he needs from her to fix their marriage and that’s for her to be there because every night she spends at Paulina’s, she feels further away. Chanel then agrees to come home. Johnny offers to go help her pack her things, but Chanel reveals that she already packed and her bag is in the car.

Steve tells Kayla that he can never say no to her, so he and Kayla run lines.

Hattie runs lines with Bonnie in the hospital and then reads that the script says Cassandra shoots her and she dies. Hattie worries that she finally gets back on the show and Leo is killing her off again.

Steve and Kayla continue running lines. Steve improvises and says he’s going where the scene takes him, joking about his acting. Steve asks if Charlemagne is really dead. Kayla says they just brought her back and questions killing her off, feeling there must be more to this. Kayla then reads on that her character dies too.

Hattie questions how Leo could kill her off again and if Bonnie had anything to do with this. Bonnie says of course not. Hattie decides she will call Leo to give him a piece of her mind but it goes straight to voicemail. Hattie declares that she won’t let Leo do this to her, so she’s going to see him. Hattie tells Bonnie that she’ll be back and exits.

Kate questions Stephanie quitting for Alex. Stephanie clarifies that it’s because of him but not for him as she’s doing it for herself. Stephanie says they were being fair when they said she had to choose between Alex or her job and she realizes now that keeping her job was a reflective choice that she regrets. Kate guesses that’s now that she’s no longer with Philip. Stephanie responds that she had no business being with Philip when she wasn’t ready to move on and she doesn’t think Alex was either. Abe asks if she’s talked to Alex about this. Stephanie says she has and whether they are on the same page or not, she knows she’s making the right decision. Kate wishes she could agree. Stephanie adds that she knows Alex is with Joy now, so if they don’t wind up together, at least she knows she tried.

Alex asks if Joy wants to take a Valentine’s trip. Joy brings up that her mom has been bugging her to visit so she thought New York could be fun. Alex calls meeting the parents a big step. Alex then flashes back to talking to Stephanie about how Stephanie was with Philip because of Alex being with Joy and Alex was with Joy because Stephanie was with Philip. Alex tells Joy that it’s maybe too fast. Joy calls it just an idea and says they can go somewhere else or just stay here. Joy asks if he does want to celebrate Valentine’s Day with her. Alex assures that he does. Alex then gets a text from Stephanie asking if he’s free to meet up because she needs to talk to him. Alex tells Joy that he should get going. Joy asks about tomorrow’s script. Alex says it’s an early call time and he’s tired. Joy says he could stay here but Alex says they know he wouldn’t get much sleep then. Alex tells Joy that he will see her tomorrow and exits, leaving Joy disappointed.

Johnny excitedly tells Chanel that he will go get her bags out of the car and help her unpack as he can’t believe they will be sleeping under the same roof tonight. Johnny wants Chanel to know that they don’t have to sleep in their bed tonight and he wants whatever she’s comfortable with. Chanel agrees to take it one day at a time. Johnny tells her that he’s missed her so much as they hug and then end up kissing. Johnny goes and retrieves Chanel’s bag. Johnny opens the envelope to read the new script from Leo and is shocked to read that he killed off Seth Burns’ character. Johnny worries that Seth will be devastated.

The person in all black draws a red X through a photo of Seth Burns.

Alex goes to see Stephanie at her apartment. Stephanie apologizes for the cryptic text and says she just wanted to talk to him in person. Stephanie informs him that she quit Body and Soul, feeling she had to go for it even if they didn’t finish their conversation. Stephanie tells Alex that she has feelings for him and she’s not trying to pressure him, but she knew if they were ever going to have a shot, it wasn’t going to happen while she was publicist for Body and Soul, so she had to follow her heart. Alex doesn’t know what to say. Stephanie says he doesn’t have to say anything as she knows he’s with Joy and that’s a complication. Alex says he thought he and Joy were still just getting to know each other casually, but she’s suddenly talking about taking a Valentine’s Day trip. Alex assures he does not want to do that at all, so he knows what he has to do. Alex declares that he has to let Joy down gently, because he just wants to be with Stephanie.

Kate can’t believe Stephanie just quit on them without any notice. Abe says he’s sorry to see her go. Kate blames everything going wrong ever since Hattie cursed the show. Abe encourages Kate to go home and get some rest. Kate tells him to do the same. Abe says he’ll finish the schedule and be right behind her.

Kayla wonders to Steve if this whole thing is her fault since she told Abe that she didn’t really want to do it, but questions killing the character off. Kayla wishes she was talked to about it first. Steve suggests she call him and find out. Kayla then calls Abe and says she was just going over the script tomorrow and she’s a bit confused. Abe says he will help if he can. Kayla informs him that it says Cassandra is being killed off which Abe questions. Kayla explains that it says her character shoots Charlemagne and then her cat ends up stepping on the trigger, shooting her in the heart. Abe has no idea what she’s talking about. Kayla says it was in the script that was waiting for her when she got home. Abe says this must be Leo going off on his own again without running it by them. Kayla asks what to do. Abe tells her to hang in there and he’ll get to the bottom of this.

Hattie goes to see Leo and informs him that she just got her latest script and it says Cassandra kills her dead. Leo says it doesn’t and that he did not write that. Hattie shows him the script. Leo mocks it and questions where it came from. Hattie says it was delivered to her in an envelope like always. Leo says it didn’t come from him, so Hattie questions who did.

The person in all black draws a red X through a photo of Leo.

Hattie asks Leo if this is some kind of joke. Leo wonders if it’s The Stalker, the person who sent the poisoned cupcakes, sent Bonnie down the elevator shaft, and has been targeting the cast and crew ever since Hattie put a curse on the show. Hattie guesses that is possible but says attempted murder is no small potatoes. Hattie says she’s starting to feel unsteady and then collapses onto Leo’s bed.

Joy remains in bed, reading an article about Valentine’s Day when she starts to get dizzy. Joy decides she should get a drink, but when she gets up, she passes out on the bed.

Stephanie asks if Alex really means it that he wants to be with her. Alex assures that he does and goes to kiss Stephanie but he collapses.

Kayla informs Steve that Abe said no one is getting killed and that he thinks Leo just went rogue. Kayla adds that Abe said he would get to the bottom of it. Kayla then passes out in Steve’s arms.

Johnny tells Chanel that he doesn’t know why they would do this as they have to know killing off Seth’s character is a huge mistake since he’s the one who allowed them to shoot at the hospital. Johnny decides he will call Leo but he passes out on the couch.

Abe remains at the studio and declares that he thinks he knows who is doing this.

The person in all black has a wall of Body and Soul headshot photos with red X’s through them. They then pick up the last photo being of Abe.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

YDiane tells Jack that she wants to refresh the house and Jack tells her he will think about her idea and talk to Ashley and Traci it. Diane later tells Traci that she wants to refresh the house. Traci agrees the house needs a refresh and will help her persuade Jack to let Diane refresh the house.

Nikki tells Claire that Victor doesn’t approve of her and Kyle’s relationship. Nikki suggests that Claire tell Victor that she feels protected and loved when she is with Kyle and that Kyle makes her happy. Nikki thinks Victor might change his mind if he knows Kyle makes her happy.

Claire asks Kyle if he would mind if they had dinner with Victor.

Nate meets with Holden who is pretending to be Damian one more time. Nate tells ” Damian” that he knows Amy because she used to work for his father. “Damian” tells Nate that he had personal reasons for not wanting to talk to Amy.

Amy has another dizzy spell and worries that she won’t get to see Damian before she dies. Nate suggests that they both meet with Damian and tell him the truth together. Nate calls Holden and tells him to come to his apartment and he would find out the truth about his mother. Holden goes to the apartment and, when Amy sees Holden, she asks his identity because he isn’t her son.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, February 4, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Hattie went to see Bonnie at the hospital. She asked Bonnie what she thought would happen with the show. Bonnie couldn’t answer her because her mouth was wired. Hattie said she didn’t think Kayla would do a good job in Bonnie’s role. She pulled out the script and read that her character was going to die. A furious Hattie called Leo, but he didn’t answer the phone. She left to find Leo. Steve and Kayla talked about what happened at the wedding. They thought the corruption charges against Jada didn’t make sense. She asked if he was going to talk to Shawn, but he said he would wait until he got more information. They talked about Kayla’s script and how she’s going to be on the show. Kate and Alex talked about the show. When she brought up Alex and Joy’s relationship, she let him know that things could go wrong when workers get together. Stephanie showed up and told them about Jada’s wedding and what happened to her. She told Kate and Abe about putting out a press release about Kayla taking over the role of Cassandra. She said she handled the Lady Whistleblower story as well. Kate thanked for her hard work. Stephanie said she was quitting. She said she enjoyed working there, but she wanted to have a relationship with Alex. Alex being with Joy may keep them from getting together. Kate said things have been going wrong ever since Hattie put a curse on the show. Abe said they needed to rest. Kate decided to leave, but Abe had some things to do. Kayla called Abe to asked why Cassandra was dying. Abe didn’t know the character was dying and said he would take care of it.

Alex and Joy talked about the show. While they were talking, she told him she wished she never met Johnny. Alex said she didn’t know what was going to happen. When they rehearsed their lines, they found out Joy’s character was going to go into premature labor and die. Alex read that his character was going to die too. Joy said they could handle it later. She wanted to focus on hooking up with him and asked if he wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with her. He thought about his conversation with Stephanie about them getting together. When he agreed to spend Valentine’s Day with her, he got a text from Stephanie asking him to get together. He ended up leaving Joy’s place. Chanel went to see Johnny to talk about their marriage. She said they needed to work on talking to each other so they wouldn’t end up in this position again. Johnny agreed to talk to her and told her how much he loved her. They said they wanted to be together. Chanel said he almost slept with Joy, and she almost slept with Shawn, but nothing happened. He said he didn’t want to take his wedding ring off again and wanted one thing from her. Chanel wondered what he wanted. Johnny said he wanted her to come home. She agreed to come home. He suggested that they didn’t have to sleep in the same bed. She said they would take things one step at a time. Alex went to Stephanie’s place. She told him she quit the show and admitted to having feelings for him. Stephanie said she wasn’t trying to pressure him. When Alex was about to say something, Stephanie said she knew he was with Joy. He told her about Joy’s plans for Valentine’s Day. Despite his plans with Joy, Alex said he wanted to be with Stephanie. Hattie found Leo and told him about her character dying. Leo said he didn’t write the script. He said the person messing with the script might have been the one who sent the cupcakes. While they were talking, she passed out. Joy’s vision became blurry and she passed out. While Steve and Kayla were talking, she passed out. Alex and Stephanie passed out. Abe looked at the script and realized who was sabotaging the show.


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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Billy tells Phyllis that he plans to make Abbott Communications a responsible media company and make it the opposite of Newman Media and he will not use the company as a weapon to hurt people.

Daniel tells Summer that he would love to work with Phyllis but he doesn’t want to work with Billy because Billy is too chaotic.

Jack tells Claire stories about his dad John Abbott.

Chelsea and Connor move into Nikki and Victor’s old house on the ranch. Victor is hopeful that Adam and Chelsea will get back together. Chelsea makes it clear to Adam that they are only co-parents and they will not get back together.

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