Days Update Monday, March 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

At home, Eric tells Sloan that he thinks he got Jude to sleep. Sloan comments that he said that 10 minutes ago. Eric responds that if he wakes up again, he’ll take him over to John and Marlena’s and put Brady to work as the Godfather. Sloan thought he hadn’t asked Brady to be Godfather yet. Eric confirms he hasn’t, but thinks now might be a good time to do so. Sloan knows how tradition is so important to the Bradys, so she asks what Eric thinks about moving the Christening reception back to the Brady Pub where it was originally to be held. Eric says they already talked about this but Sloan says she had time to think and worried that Roman might feel slighted if he’s not able to give his grandson the reception. Eric points out that Nicole is really excited about hosting it at the DiMera Mansion. Eric assures that Roman will understand. Sloan questions if he won’t be hurt. Eric asks if this is about keeping the celebration in the family or keeping Nicole out of it?

John goes home and tells Steve and Marlena that he can’t believe that Steve told Marlena that he killed Konstantin’s daughter. John questions Steve knowing all these years, but when he asked him, he lied to his face and went behind his back to tell his wife. John asks Steve if he was ever going to tell him.

Harris goes to see Ava, who questions him not following bed rest and asks where he was as he had her worried. Harris responds that he just had some things to take care of.

Stefan emerges from the tunnels of the DiMera Mansion to the living room and asks EJ what’s going on. EJ informs him that Harris was just there asking for him. Stefan asks what he said. EJ says since Stefan failed to neutralize Clyde, who just escaped from prison, he safely infers that Stefan is no longer of any use to Harris. EJ adds that Harris also told him that Stefan shot him in cold blood and he demanded justice be served for his attempted murder. Stefan asks if EJ is still going to help him out, reminding him that they made a deal. EJ tells him not to worry since he can’t wait to get rid of him, so he is going to help him. EJ declares that tonight will be Stefan’s last night as a DiMera and tells him to make the most of it. EJ hands Stefan a drink and toasts to that, calling it exciting.

Sloan argues that Eric already knows how she feels about Nicole and doesn’t understand why Eric told Nicole that she could throw the Christening party for a child she stole. Eric argues that Nicole was out of her mind and has apologized which they accepted. Eric adds that Holly is like a daughter to him and thinks of Jude as a brother, so he thinks it’s important for her to feel like a part of this. Sloan questions if this is about Holly or Nicole. They are interrupted by a knock at the door as Brady arrives. Brady hopes he’s not interrupting. Sloan says she was just leaving, tells Eric to have a good night and storms out.

John calls it ironic that after all these years, Konstantin of all people is the one who finally told him the truth. Marlena explains that Steve was afraid how John would react to the truth. John states that he took the life of an innocent young woman and asks how he’s supposed to react to that. Steve argues that it might not be the whole truth as Konstantin doesn’t know any more than they do. John argues that this woman was a real person and somebody’s daughter, but he killed her.

Ava asks Harris what he had to take care of and if everything is alright. Harris asks when she last saw or spoke with Stefan. Ava says she doesn’t know as she’s been so focused on Tripp. Ava guesses it was a few days ago when Harris woke up at the hospital and asks why. Harris says he wanted to have a chat with him about Clyde, but Stefan is nowhere to be found.

EJ informs Stefan that he is all set to depart and he has arranged him a flight tomorrow morning with a new passport, so he will assume his new identity and be on his way. Stefan didn’t think it would move so fast. EJ reminds him that Clyde wanted him to off Harris while Harris wanted him to take out Clyde and since he failed both, his only options are prison, death, or North Korea. Stefan asks if that’s a joke. EJ says he’s dead serious as he told Stefan that he would get him to a country that doesn’t have a treaty with the US, he just didn’t say which one. Stefan calls that nuts and argues that EJ said he would help him, not send him to a warzone. EJ asks if he would prefer Afghanistan or Siberia.

Ava tells Harris that it is odd that she hasn’t heard from Stefan and asks if Harris thinks he had something to do with Clyde’s escape. Harris talks about Clyde putting the screws to Stefan by threatening Gabi and that Stefan is crazy about her. Harris thinks Ava might even be surprised by the lengths Stefan would go to protect Gabi.

Stefan argues with EJ that this is not what they agreed to. EJ disagrees. Stefan asks how he’s supposed to navigate these places when he doesn’t speak Russian or Korean. Stefan complains that he lost four years of his life thanks to EJ. EJ says if Stefan doesn’t want to be sent to a safer location, he’s free to do that. Stefan argues that he’s trusting EJ with his life. EJ remarks that Stefano always said starting over builds character.

Sloan walks through the town square and finds Leo passed out at a table, so she wakes him up. Sloan asks if he partied too hard on St. Patrick’s Day. Leo complains about her talking too loud and her perfume. Leo thinks Roman was trying to do him in last night with whiskey and green beer. Sloan suggests he not go drinking on her dime. Leo responds that it’s his dime now and suggests she show more consideration for someone feeling weakness. Leo adds that if Sloan did less drinking herself, his weekly allowance wouldn’t be due so quickly.

Brady asks Eric if he’s sure it’s a good time since Sloan didn’t seem too thrilled. Eric says she’s just exhausted as it took awhile to get Jude down and he didn’t sleep well last night. Eric talks about the Christening being the day after tomorrow. Brady assures that he wouldn’t miss it. Eric then asks Brady to do them the honor of being Jude’s Godfather. Brady says he’s honored to be asked but says no, he can’t do that.

Marlena tells John not to torture himself, insisting that he’s a wonderful man. John calls himself a killing machine and declares that he can’t live with himself anymore. John announces he’s going to turn himself in to the authorities.

Ava asks Harris why Stefan would help Clyde when he despises him. Harris repeats that he’s crazy about his wife. Harris suggests Ava reach out to Stefan. Ava says she has called and texted but he never responded. Ava tells Harris that he can’t be running all over town like an action hero. Ava decides she’s taking Harris to bed, no arguments.

EJ suggests Stefan take only a few changes of clothes and a toothbrush but nothing more. Stefan jokes about packing all his belongings. Stefan says he would at least like to say goodbye to his wife before he goes. EJ says sure if he would like to say goodbye to his life as well. EJ reminds Stefan of the power Clyde’s network wields at prison and warns that he’ll be taken out if he steps foot there. EJ tells Stefan that he’ll gladly put the knife through Gabi’s heart on his behalf. Stefan calls him a sadistic son of a bitch. EJ warns him about the name calling since Stefan’s life is in his hands. Stefan asks what he will tell Gabi. EJ says he will tell her that Stefan went to start his happily ever after without her and he’s sure she will do the same at her earliest opportunity, unless she already has. Stefan asks EJ to tell Gabi that he loves her. Stefan says he doesn’t care about anything else but that. EJ says no and then tells Stefan that a car will meet him at the end of the tunnel before dawn. EJ hopes Stefan isn’t claustrophobic, because it’s safest for him to ride in the trunk.

Sloan gives Leo a check and remarks that she knows how to stick to a budget. Leo remarks that he was in the red because of a suit he bought for Jude’s Christening. Leo says he and Jude have a very special connection since he brought him in to the world. Sloan demands Leo return that suit because he’s not coming to Jude’s Christening.

Eric questions Brady turning down being Jude’s Godfather. Brady says it’s an honor to be asked but he doesn’t think he should be involved with any titles that have the word father in them because he screwed up with his own kids. Eric asks what he’s talking about as he calls him a great father. Brady questions that, pointing out that he has his son in a halfway house and a daughter that doesn’t care if she sees him because he hardly ever sees her. Eric argues that’s only because of Kristen messing with Rachel’s head. Brady says Kristen was only able to do that because he messed up and made mistakes. Brady then informs Eric about Tate breaking out of the halfway house and in to the DiMera Mansion to see Holly, leading to EJ slapping a restraining order against him. Brady knows Tate is in love and feels he would probably do the same thing at his age because it’s genetic. Brady declares that history has shown that if there’s a mistake to be made, he’s going to make it and his kids are just taking after their father.

Marlena questions what John will say when he turns himself in. Steve argues that they are talking about something that happened decades ago, that John doesn’t remember and no one actually saw. John complains that he tried to convince himself that he was one of the good guys. John says he knew Yo Ling tried to create him in his own image when he trained him to be an assassin. John adds that if he killed people as The Pawn, he told himself that they were probably the bad guys anyway but taking the life of an innocent girl proves that he’s no better than Yo Ling was and he’s a monster just like he was.

Stefan tells EJ that he can’t do this and there’s got to be another way. Stefan argues that EJ could offer him a deal. EJ questions letting him off for attempted murder when there’s plenty of evidence against him and says he would lose his job. Stefan complains that EJ is taking over the DiMera empire and questions why the hell he would want a government job anyway. EJ declares that amassing power is the DiMera’s raison d’etre and Stefan knows that better than he does. EJ adds that Stefan threw that all away when he shot a cop. Stefan blames EJ not helping him when he asked. EJ argues that Stefan makes one calamitous decision after another including one that almost cost his stepdaughter her life, so he should be grateful that he’s even helping him. Stefan shouts that EJ is only helping himself to everything that is rightfully his. EJ reminds Stefan that this was his own idea. Stefan points at the portrait of Stefano and remarks that he’s sure he’d be flipping in his grave right now, mortified that one of his sons could betray another. EJ calls Stefan so wrong because they both know that if Stefano was mortified by this current turn of events, it would be because one of his sons has proven himself to be an absolute failure and complete embarassment of the DiMera name. EJ declares that Stefano would be so proud of him for making sure that stain is banished.

Ava feels Harris and worries about a possible fever if he’s overdoing it but Harris assures that he’s fine and jokes that he’s just hot for her.

Leo tells Sloan that he is going to Jude’s Christening because Eric invited him and since he delivered the baby, he has a special place in his heart. Leo thinks it’s reasonable for him to want to be there. Sloan question why he wants to be there so bad. Leo says he just explained it and repeats that he and Jude have a special connection. Leo calls himself Jude’s fairy godmother. Sloan bets Jude’s real Godfather will have something to say about that.

Eric tries to convince Brady and asks if he wants Leo Stark to be Jude’s Godfather which Brady questions. Eric calls it a long story that he doesn’t fully understand, but Leo pretty much appointed himself to the job. Brady calls that creepy but insists that Eric will find another willing candidate besides him. Eric argues that he doesn’t want anyone else. Eric says Brady is his brother and he loves him. Eric knows Brady would do anything for his kids. Eric asks Brady again to do him the honor of being Jude’s Godfather. Brady decides that he knows Eric won’t back down from this so he agrees to do it. Eric thanks him as they hug.

Marlena tells John that she knows all too well the guilt that she felt for doing unthinkable and unspeakable things. Marlena knows how difficult it was to forgive herself even though what was done was out of her own control. Marlena adds that what helped her was John’s kindness, support, and empathy which is what he needs now. Marlena says the man John is today would never do anything like that but John tells her that she’s wrong as he reveals that just last week, he helped Clyde Weston break out of prison. Steve explains that they had no choice as it was either help Clyde escape or let Tripp and Wendy die. Steve adds that they had no intention of just letting Clyde go and if they hadn’t put their trust in Ava, Clyde wouldn’t be running free. John tells Marlena that he’s sorry that he had to burden her with more knowledge about what he did. Marlena says she’s relieved to know what they have been through. John adds that if anyone else gets killed with Clyde out there, that’s on him too. John feels he at least needs to go apologize to Konstantin for everything including the accusations. Steve argues that it’s true that Konstantin is trying to fleece Maggie but John declares that Konstantin is a grieving father and he’s the reason for that. John states that if anyone did that to his daughter Belle, he would hunt them down and kill them.

Brady tells Eric that Sloan thinks Tate should plead guilty because there’s no way to prove that the drugs were Holly’s unless she admits it. Eric asks if Brady thinks Holly knows more than what she’s saying. Brady mentions talking to Sarah about memory loss in coma patients but Tate told him that Holly was using drugs for weeks before she overdosed and says she’s got to remember that. Brady feels that unless Holly comes clean, everyone’s going to believe Tate pushed the drugs on Holly and he will keep paying for a crime he didn’t commit.

Leo questions Sloan as to who Jude’s Godfather is. Sloan informs him that Eric is asking Brady tonight. Leo argues that Brady hasn’t accepted yet and that Eric must be procrastinating by waiting until the last minute. Sloan argues that it was all up to their schedules. Leo says he’ll make sure Jude’s picture ends up in the Spectator but Sloan refuses to let him use Jude as an attempt to humanize himself. Leo reminds Sloan that if it wasn’t for him, Jude wouldn’t be in her life. Leo brings up Melinda being the Godmother while he gets nothing. Sloan says that’s because Melinda didn’t try to blackmail her. Leo insists upon having a special connection with Jude. Leo asks if it’s so hard to believe that he actually cares about the kid and assures that he does because he’s been a part of his life since he was born. Leo doesn’t think it’s too much to ask to have a ringside seat to one of the most important moments of Jude’s life.

Ava and Harris kiss. Ava jokes that she’s pretty sure this is not what the doctor meant by bed rest but Harris says it’s exactly what the doctor ordered as they continue kissing.

Stefan tells EJ that they never discussed specifics as far as living arrangements and expenses. EJ says he’s sure he’ll figure it out. Stefan decides it doesn’t matter since he’ll be miserable where ever he is without Gabi which EJ mocks. EJ says if it’s any comfort to him, if Gabi ever gets out of prison, he will let her know where Stefan is so they can wallow together in misery. EJ suggests Stefan get back in to the tunnels before anybody sees him.

Sloan tells Leo that it is too much to ask and warns him about showing up uninvited. Leo threatens that if she throws him out, he’ll have to announce to all in attendance that Sloan stole Jude from Nicole. Leo tells Sloan he will see her at the Christening and walks away.

Eric knows Brady wants to believe Tate and he does too, but maybe Holly isn’t lying and is just confused. Brady knows Eric loves Holly and he does too. Brady understands Holly doesn’t want her parents to think she’s using but she’s putting that ahead of his son’s freedom. Brady asks what Eric is thinking. Eric informs him that he talked to Holly the other day and felt like she might be hiding something but he didn’t want to push too hard. Eric promises to talk to her again. Brady says he’d be grateful for anything he could do. Eric declares it’s all about family and he knows Brady would do the same for Jude.

Steve tells John that he’s so sorry for not telling him about what happened in Aria with Konstantin and his daughter, but he blocked it out himself for a long time. Steve repeats that he didn’t know how John would react. John thinks Steve knew exactly how he would react. Marlena decides no more talk about John turning himself in until he’s had time to really think about it. Marlena tells John not to forget that she loves him.

Ava and Harris lay in bed together. Ava asks if he’s sure this is what the doctor ordered. Harris jokes that he might need a refill of this prescription as they kiss. They say they missed each other. Ava then thinks back to when she had sex with Stefan. Ava decides she will go get Harris his pain meds and she will be right back. Ava exits the bedroom and then Stefan arrives at the front door, saying he needs to talk to her as he needs her help. Ava tells him it’s not a good time and he needs to go but Harris comes out of the bedroom and acknowledges Stefan as his would-be assassin. Harris declares that Stefan is not going anywhere, leaving Ava confused in between them.

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