Y&R Short Recap Thursday, August 1, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Devon tells Lily that Victor is planning a takeover of Abbott-Chancellor before Billy can run the company into the ground. Lily admits to Devon that she stayed at Chancellor because she didn’t want Billy to ruin what she has accomplished at Chancellor. Lily plans to keep Billy close and make sure Billy doesn’t ruin things and give Victor a reason to take over Abbott-Chancellor. Lily tells Billy about her conversation with Devon and Billy isn’t worried because he isn’t going to give Victor an opening takeover the company.

Summer gets angry with Daniel because he once again advises her not to take Kyle to court for custody of Harrison. Sharon talks to Faith, Mariah, and Nick and admits that she hasn’t been taking her bipolar medicine because she doesn’t like the way the medicine makes her feel when she takes it.

Sharon tells her family that she has been seeing Cassie and talking to her. Sharon tells her family that she will get her medicine regulated and, after she adjusts her medicine, she is going to pick some place to go alone and deal with her grief over losing Cassie and Rey as well.

Sharon tells her family that after she gets her medicine regulated by her doctor. Sharon then plans to go away somewhere where she can grieve Cassie and Rey as well as get over the ordeal she and Faith went through with Cameron and Kiirsten.

Sharon is looking at the computer deciding where to go when she has a hallucination of Cameron and Kirsten telling her that running away won’t solve her problems.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Carly tells her family that the charges were dismissed against her because the recording they had as evidence against her disappeared.

Everyone has an extra reason to be happy as they celebrate Wiley’s birthday at the Metro Court pool.

Carly thinks Spinelli was the one who made the audio file with the evidence against her disappear but he tells her that the file couldn’t be deleted or corrupted although he tried to do both those things to help her.

Jason once again explains to Sonny why he was forced to become an FBI informant. Jason also tells Sonny that John offered to let Carly go if he gave him evidence to put him in prison and he refused again.

Dante advises Sonny not to go after John because he is falling into his trap and John will put him in prison. Sonny tells Dante he knows how to handle John.

Brick calls Sonny and tells him John is in Ava’s hotel room. Sonny tells Brick to take pictures of Ava and John together.

Molly and Kristina have a long talk and finally work out their differences about what Kristina said in the Perez Hilton interview. Kristina is served a subpoena to testify on Ava’s behalf at Avery’s custody hearing. Molly helps Kristina prepare her testimony for the hearing.

John tells Ava Sonny almost punched him outside the courtroom before Carly’s hearing. Ava decides to call Carly and Michael to testify on her behalf at the custody hearing.

John tells Ava he would love to testify on her behalf at the hearing.

Anna tells Jason she thinks Brennan made the evidence against Carly disappear but she wonders why Brennan would take such a big risk for Carly.

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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Recap written by Brenda

Steffi can’t board the plane to Monaco because doesn’t have her passport. Brooke is happy that he will be alone with Ridge in Monaco. Steffi goes back to the office and finds her passport on the desk. She concludes that Hope got what she wanted.

Poppy and Bill have a heart to heart and clear the air about her previous relationship with Tom Starr. Katie tries to press Li into admitting that Poppy could be responsible for Tom and Hollis’s overdoses. Li is certain that Poppy is incapable of murder and concludes it must have been Sheila. Katie says the police questioned and released Sheila. Li then concludes that if it was indeed murder, then the perpetrator is still out there. While Bill and Poppy are making out in the bedroom, someone opens the door. Poppy screams.

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B&B Update Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Update written by Brenda

On the airplane, Ridge frets about Steffi making them late for their appointment with the prince in Monaco. Meanwhile at the check-in desk, Steffi rummages through her bags looking for her passport.

In the executive office at Forrester Creations, Hope looks at the passport on the desk and smiles to herself as she recalls being rebuffed by Steffi when she tried to give it to her.

In Li’s office, Katie aggressively asserts that Poppy does drugs. Li asks if Katie is suggesting that Poppy had something to do with the overdoses at Il Giordino.

At Bill’s house, Poppy admits that she had a relationship with Tom Starr. Bill wants to know if Poppy didn’t tell him sooner because Tom could have been Luna’s father.

Katie recaps that Poppy takes drugs and was at a music festival where Tom Starr performed decades ago. She asks Li if she thinks it’s possible that Poppy and her drugs were responsible for Tom and Hollis’s deaths.
Poppy tearfully apologizes to Bill for not telling him sooner. He asks her if Tom really could have been Luna’s father. Poppy says yes, but her heart was always with Bill. Bill says it’s a lot to wrap his head around.

Carter goes to the executive office and sees Hope behind Ridge’s desk. Carter tells Hope that he knows she didn’t want Steffi to go on the trip to Monte Carlo. Hope says that if Steffi wants to be a third wheel, so be it. He says it’s an important business meeting and as co-CEO, Steffi should be there. Hope reluctantly agrees that it would be a shame if Steffi weren’t there.

Ridge calls Steffi. She tells him that she is at the airport, but she can’t find her passport. She tells her father to go to Monaco without her.

Li tells Katie that she wouldn’t give her sister enough credit to be responsible for Tom and Hollis’s deaths. She furthermore assures Katie that Bill is Luna’s father.

Poppy asks Bill to say he understands. Bill says he is still processing it, but that he can’t imagine what she must have gone through raising her daughter on her own while being stalked by a washed-up rocker who thought he was her daughter’s father. He says he understands her not wanting her to have Tom in Luna’s life. Poppy hugs Bill. She promises never to keep anything from Bill again and assures him that she always believed Bill was Luna’s father. Bill hugs Poppy.

Li tells Katie that she understands her frustration and disappointment. Katie wonders why Li can’t see the truth. Li reminds Katie that she insisted on administering the DNA test herself to be sure. She tells Katie that the truth is that Poppy and Luna are now a part of the Spencer family.

Poppy tells Bill that she wouldn’t blame him if he questioned his paternity. He says he doesn’t doubt the accuracy of the DNA test knowing how much Li had wanted it to be negative. Poppy admits that she held a grudge because Bill never called her or tried to find her, and that her walls were up when she reconnected with him, but he has broken down her walls by being a kind, generous man to both her and Luna. He says he isn’t sure he deserves all of that praise, but that Poppy and Luna mean a lot to him, and he realizes that it must have been difficult for her to tell him about that guy from her past. he says he imagines she must have wondered if fielding Katies questions was worth it. She says she never did. Bill tells Poppy that Katie is just being protective because they share a son. He tells her to know that he believes her and that he is still there for her.

On the plane, Ridge tells Brooke that he feels terrible that Steffi didn’t make the flight.

In Ridge and Steffi’s office, Carter tells Hope that he hoped Steffi and Brooke can play nice. Hope says she thinks everything will be alright. Carter thinks being on the French Riviera can bring people to get along, and that certainly, they will be on their good behavior in front of the prince. Carter apologizes for upsetting Hope earlier, and clarifies that Ridge, Brooke, and Steffi representing Forrester together feels right. Hope says she agrees with that. He leaves to attend a meeting.

Steffi returns to her office to find Hope there. Hope asks Steffi if she shouldn’t be on a jet to Monaco.
On the plane, Ridge tells Brooke that he knows how much Steffi wanted to go to Monaco. Brooke says they are on the way, and it will be a magical trip for just the two of them.

Steffi finds her passport in the office. She confirms to Hope that yes, she did miss the flight. She says Hope got what she wanted; Ridge and Brook are headed to Monaco without her.

Li tells Katie that she is not her sister’s biggest fan, but she knows she is not a murderer. She says that if any foul play was involved, it must have been perpetrated by Sheila Carter. Katie says Katie has already been questioned by the police and released. Li concludes that if there is a killer, they are still at large.

Someone is lurking in Bill’s house.

In the bedroom, Poppy concludes to Bill that she should have confided in him sooner. Bill says it’s ok with him if they never speak of Tom again. Poppy gushes over how grateful she is that Bill turned out to be such an amazing person and amazing father. She says he was the missing piece in her life, and she is happy that they are a family. He says he is happy about that too and says once again that nothing is going to tear them apart. They start making out.

Someone opens the bedroom door.

Poppy screams.





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Days Update Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Chanel wakes up in a panic that she overslept and has to go open the Bakery but Johnny stops her and reminds her that she took the morning off. Johnny declares that means the morning belongs to them as they kiss until Chanel tells him he has to stop, leaving Johnny confused.

Abe and Kate are in their office on set of Body and Soul. Abe calls it surreal that they are doing this as Kate declares that Body and Soul relaunches today. Abe adds that they are in charge.

Stephanie sits in the town square with her laptop when she gets a call from Jada and asks if there’s any news. Jada informs her that she just told Marlena their theory that Everett never re-emerged and that Bobby is still in control. Jada says that Marlena was limited by confidentiality but reading between the lines, she thinks Marlena agrees with them. Stephanie guesses they are on the right track then and asks if she told Marlena that they think Bobby might have stabbed Rafe. Jada says she’s keeping that on a need to know basis. Stephanie decides that’s a good idea and says they might not know what Everett is capable of but that is hard for her to wrap her head around. Leo then appears in front of Stephanie and asks what Everett did now.

Connie goes to Bobby’s hotel room. Bobby thought they agreed not to be seen together and calls it an idiotic risk for both of them. Bobby argues that she’s begging for someone to catch a glimpse of them and connect the dots. Connie responds that she’s not really worried so Bobby questions what she knows that he doesn’t. Connie thinks back to overhearing Jada and Stephanie talking about their theory that Bobby might be the one that stabbed Rafe. Connie then tells Bobby that she has a perfect record, so whenever she commits a crime, she gets away with it.

Stephanie tells Jada that she will call her back and questions Leo eavesdropping. Leo says he smells a story or something that could have a negative impact on him. Stephanie tells him to put it away. Leo complains about how things are at the Spectator and says he will sit here until she tells him the truth. Stephanie tells Leo that it will go no further than this table.

Bobby asks Connie how many crimes she’s committed that she’s gotten away with. Connie says they’d need a ruling from the judge because she’s not sure stabbing Rafe counts as her crime. Bobby responds that it certainly isn’t his. Connie argues that he’s the one who wanted a favor in exchange for keeping his mouth shut about Li. Bobby complains that he asked for a favor, not a murder. Connie asks what he thought she would do. Bobby says he doesn’t know her or like her and she’s not his friend, so he never wants to see her again. Connie declares that his wish is her command.

Paulina goes to the police station and hugs Jada, telling her that she’s sorry about Rafe. Jada thanks her for the flowers she and Abe sent to his room. Paulina wishes she could do more. Paulina says that until Rafe is able to return to work, she needs to appoint an interim commissioner. Jada agrees to give her respect and cooperation to whoever she chooses. Paulina then reveals that she has chosen Jada.

Johnny asks if Chanel is feeling okay. Chanel says she’s fine and apologizes if it feels like she’s pushing him away but she can’t stop thinking about what the doctor said after they lost the baby. Johnny guesses she means about waiting 6-12 months before trying to get pregnant again. Johnny thought they were okay since she’s on the pill. Chanel responds that she is but after her miscarriage, she’s not taking any chances.

Abe tells Kate there are so many fresh faces but he just hopes some of them show up for their open casting call. Kate hopes so as well, talking about wanting to get the show up and streaming before the fans get out of the habit of watching every day. Someone knocks on the door, so Kate declares it’s time to let the auditions begin. Abe excitedly says to imagine that their next big star is on the other side of the door. They then open the door to apparently see Marlena in a dress.

Paulina reminds Jada that she wanted the commissioner spot before and now out of all the candidates, she is by far the most qualified. Jada says she’s flattered but they are talking about the man she loves, so she can’t just take his job. Paulina argues that it would only be until Rafe wakes up and she thinks he would want the best person available working to find his attacker to bring them to justice. Paulina feels they owe Rafe that. Jada says it’s hard to turn down when she puts it that way. Paulina jokes that she’s not a politician for nothing and asks if that’s a yes. Jada then accepts the position and says it will be her honor. Jada promises to work nonstop to find the bastard who put Rafe in a coma. Paulina says she knows she will and she will get right to work on a press release today. Paulina tells Jada to call her private line if she needs anything. Paulina then notices that Jada is looking at the Li Shin file and says she thought that case was closed. Jada reveals that she reopened it again because some new information has come to light and there may be another suspect. Paulina tells Jada to round them up because the last thing the town needs is another killer on the loose.

Connie tells Bobby that the donuts she brought from the bakery were $12.99 and money’s a little tight until her new job starts. Bobby responds that he’s not paying for it as he doesn’t even like donuts. Connie explains that she brought them to help him woo Jada, pointing out that Jada doesn’t even like Everett. Bobby talks about telling Marlena in his recent session that Bobby and Everett have integrated so Everett can do whatever he wants him to do now and never has to learn about his ugly past. Connie remarks that Everett must really owe Bobby for keeping him in his mental dungeon. Bobby pays Connie in cash, then she asks for a chocolate donut for her troubles which he agrees to. When Bobby turns around, Connie steals his key card from his wallet.

Stephanie informs Leo that Everett broke up with her. Leo says he’s so sorry but he’s shocked because Everett would go on about her constantly like it was a love story for the ages. Leo feels something is off about the whole scenario.

Johnny asks if Chanel is saying she doesn’t want to make love. Chanel clarifies that she’s just saying she usually takes her birth control pill when she wakes up at 4 AM but she overslept, so she hasn’t taken it yet. Chanel thanks him for understanding. Johnny doesn’t know if this is the right time but he knows there’s a risk of another pregnancy in the future, so he tells her it’s okay if she doesn’t want to. Chanel knows she was on the fence about having a kid but she’s learned from this experience that when the time is right, it will be right and she cannot wait to have a baby with him if he’s good with that. Johnny suggests letting him show her instead of telling her as they continue kissing.

Abe is glad to see Marlena has changed her mind. She tells him not to call her Marlena as she comes inside. Kate guesses she’s in character. Abe apologizes and acknowledges her as the one and only Charlemagne. She then reveals that she is the one and only Hattie Adams. Kate thought Hattie left town. Hattie responds that she did as she was trying to find herself and she went everywhere from a convent to a nudist colony but it didn’t seem like she fit in anywhere and then she remembered fitting in right here in Salem. Hattie recalls pretending to be Marlena before, so it occurred to her that her calling is to be an actress. Hattie talks about when she got there, the strike was going on for months. Hattie says she saw the casting call for Body and Soul and always thought she looked like Charlemagne. Kate asks if she can play the part. Hattie responds that she played Marlena, so Kate tells her to play Charlemagne. Hattie asks for them to give her a script.

Chanel tells Johnny that she wishes they could just lay here all day. Johnny reminds her that they have breakfast with Paulina so they should get going. Chanel complains that she never gets to stay in bed like this. Johnny offers to reschedule. Chanel says Paulina is chronically late so maybe they can take a few more minutes. Johnny agrees as they resume kissing.

Jada tells Paulina that she doesn’t want a murderer on the loose either but she has to proceed with caution because the person involved in Li’s murder might be connected to the person who attacked Rafe. Paulina feels that’s all the more reason to act quickly. Jada assures that she has a plan and she hopes to execute it today.

Connie tells Bobby to have a great life as she exits his hotel room. Bobby then gets a call from Jada, who says she’s not happy with the way they left things so she hoped they could talk. Jada invites him to the police station so he says he’ll be right over and hangs up.

Stephanie tells Leo that it’s not like Everett ripped her heart out but that it was out of concern for his mental health and not wanting to ask her to wait for him. Leo argues that Everett would know that Stephanie would have waited for him which confirms to him that Everett has been acting really strange since getting out of Bayview. Stephanie asks so. Leo says he has been moody and withdrawn, pointing out that the other day he had to say Everett’s name three times as if he didn’t recognize it. Leo then comes to a realization and says that would explain everything. Leo then asks what if it wasn’t Everett, but Bobby Stein.

Bobby takes his donuts and exits his hotel room. Connie then uses the key card to sneak in to his room.

Abe and Kate tell Hattie that they will give her some scenes to audition. Abe tells Hattie that she will play Charlemagne while Kate will play Lorna. Hattie struggles with the script, so Abe encourages more emotion. Abe tells Hattie that she needs to make them care that Lorna is taking Charlemagne’s position as the new top diva in town. Hattie apologizes for messing up, thinking that she ruined her chances but Abe encourages her to bring that emotion to the scenes. Hattie then gets excited about getting the job.

Paulina joins Chanel and Johnny at the Brady Pub. Paulina mentions that she had to stop by the police station to give Rafe’s job to Jada temporarily. Paulina tells them that she does have good news as she announces Jada already has a suspect in Rafe’s attack. Paulina says they are all praying that Rafe will pull through this again and she knows his attacker will be behind bars because no one is more motivated than Jada to get to the bottom of this.

Leo talks to Stephanie about Bobby being married to Jada, so maybe he’s still in control and dumped her for Jada. Stephanie laughs him off and insists that Bobby is not in control anymore and that’s why Marlena released him, so his theory is ridiculous. Leo disagrees and calls it credible.

Bobby as “Everett” goes to meet Jada in the interrogation room. He tells her that he brought her donuts as a peace offering. He acknowledges that he crossed the line in Rafe’s hospital room and says he knows that she’s going through so much right now, so he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Jada says she appreciates that as she was worried about him not acting like himself. He claims he can explain that and talks about starting to feel some of Bobby’s feelings, like he’s part of him. He then tells Jada that his therapy with Marlena has been incredible and that her hypnosis helped him remember all these things that he blocked out for years. Jada asks if his memory is back then and calls that a great break for both of them. He questions what she means. Jada points out that Bobby knew who killed Li Shin, so that means “Everett” knows too and can finally tell her.

Paulina talks with Chanel and Johnny about watching her cholesterol. Paulina adds that she’s glad they and the Bakery are still here. Chanel says she’s still very sad about what happened, but she feels so lucky to get to see her mom every day. Paulina says she’s the lucky one. Chanel adds that some day when the time is right, she and Johnny will try again to start a family. Chanel says when that time comes, they will be so blessed to have Paulina by their side. Paulina asks about the plan to move to LA. Johnny says he’s decided to find work here and closer to Chicago. Paulina jokes that some of the shows can give Body and Soul a run for it’s money.

Abe asks Hattie to leave for a moment so he can talk to Kate. Hattie agrees to wait outside and exits. Kate tells Abe that she knows Hattie looks the part, but she can’t act and calls her terrible. Abe says they can hire an acting coach and if they don’t get what they want, they’ll make a change but she has the look. Kate reluctantly agrees to defer to him. Kate decides they have their Charlemagne and calls Hattie back in. Abe then tells Hattie that she’s hired which thrills her. Hattie thanks him and says they won’t regret this but Kate mutters that she is already. Abe says he has to run an errand, so Kate will go over the detail of Hattie’s contract.

Stephanie knows Leo is really excited about his theory, but says he can’t tell people about it. Leo says he can make it a blind item but Stephanie argues that everyone would know who he’s talking about and she doubts that his boss would appreciate him making assumptions about his mental health in his paper. Leo asks if Stephanie thinks he could be right. Stephanie claims that she doesn’t. Leo hopes that he at least ended things in person since Dimitri broke up with him by snail mail. Leo adds that if Everett thought he was protecting her by breaking up with her, he would like to set him straight but Stephanie tells him to drop it. Stephanie decides she should get going and walks away. Leo complains about what Stephanie told him and asks when he’s ever stayed out of anything.

“Everett” tells Jada that he’s not sure it works the way she thinks it works. He claims he’s thinking about it now, but it’s fuzzy. Jada guesses he still doesn’t want to tell her what he saw on the day that Li Shin was murdered. “Everett” says Bobby was the one stringing her along on that. Jada points out that he just said they were integrated. Jada decides that maybe Rafe was right that he didn’t see anything, so there’s nothing to remember, or maybe he doesn’t want to tell him who stabbed Li Shin because that person is him. Bobby laughs it off and asks if she’s serious as he barely knew Li. Jada asks about Rafe since he was stabbed in the back the same way. Jada doesn’t know what his motive would be with Li, but she can think of several reasons he would want Rafe out of the way. He tells her to slow down. Jada brings up that when Bobby emerged, he was all about them getting back together even though she was in a committed relationship with Rafe. Jada thinks Bobby pretended that Everett emerged but he was Bobby when he went to Bayview, when he left Bayview, and when he stabbed Rafe in the back.

Connie wears black gloves while typing on a laptop in Everett’s hotel room and says that should do it. Connie then pulls out a bag, revealing the gloves she wore when stabbing Rafe with Rafe’s blood on them.

Kate negotiates with Hattie about her contract, reminding her that she has no experience. Hattie feels it’s a low ball offer and wants perks included. Kate tells Hattie that she will do her own hair and makeup. Hattie asks if Abe would want her unhappy. Kate tells her that she won’t twist Abe to her advantage. Kate then asks Hattie if she wants the role or not, so Hattie agrees to sign the contract.

Abe joins Paulina, Chanel, and Johnny at the Pub. Paulina calls it a nice surprise and says she was just about tell Johnny to hit Abe up for a job. Abe says great minds think alike and tells Johnny that he will need a great director to bring out the talent of some their less experienced actors. Abe knows it’s not the Hollywood blockbuster he dreamed of. Johnny calls it a job doing what he loves. Chanel points out that it’s in Salem too. Johnny adds that he’d be working with someone he adores and respects, so it’s everything he could ask for. Chanel calls it amazing and congratulates Johnny as they all toast to that.

Bobby as “Everett” tells Jada that he knows this is difficult to understand but claims Bobby is gone and he doesn’t need him anymore. Bobby tells her that she can ask Marlena. Jada argues that he knows Marlena can’t talk to her about his case, unless he’s about to commit another murder and asks if he’s going to do that. He repeats that he’s not Bobby and not a murderer. Jada argues that he was freed from Bayview the same day that Rafe got stabbed and then Stephanie went to visit him as he was getting out of the shower. Jada questions if he was washing off evidence from a bloody crime scene. He says no, so Jada asks why he looks so guilty. He laughs it off and repeats that he’s not Bobby. Jada calls him her best suspect in two stabbing attacks, so her next move will be to get on the phone with some experts to come examine him as she’s pretty sure he’s still Bobby and not Everett, so he better come back with some better responses. He then admits that he’s Bobby but insists that he did not stab Li or Rafe, but he knows who did.

Connie comments to herself about planting gloves to stay out of prison but Leo knocks on the door, saying he needs to talk to Everett and asks if he’s in there.

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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, July 30, 2024

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Recap written by Brenda

Katie tries to connect Poppy to the deaths of Tom Starr and Hollis. She drops in at the office of Poppy’s sister Li and demands to know if Poppy does drugs. Li says Poppy used to, but not anymore. Katie asks if Poppy stopped taking drugs before or after the deaths at Il Giordino. Li wants to know what Katie is implying. Katie wants to know if Li thinks it’s possible that Poppy intentionally drugged the men.

Poppy tells Bill that his ex-wife is becoming a problem because she keeps asking questions about her and Tom Starr. She nervously reveals to Bill that she had a relationship with Tom Starr a long time ago and that Tom thought he could have been Luna’s father. Bill is annoyed that Poppy never told him that someone else thought they could be Luna’s father.

Hope tries to persuade Steffi not to go to Monte Carlo. Steffi tells Hope to stop trying to turn a business trip into a honeymoon for Ridge and Brooke. Ridge and Brooke board the plane for Monte Carlo. Steffi arrives at the airport and can’t find her passport in her bags unaware that she left it on the desk at the office.


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B&B Update Tueday, July 30, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Updates

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Update written by Brenda

In Steffi’s office at Forrester Creations, Zende tells Ridge and Steffi that all of the content is uploaded and ready to drop on social media. He jokingly offers to accompany them to Monaco. Steffi snarks they already have one person too many.

Meanwhile, Brooke tells Hope that she is excited to go to Monaco. Hope says it doesn’t hurt that Brooke is a celebrity among the royal family. She says she knows Brooke’s Bedroom Lingerie will be a success and wishes Brooke success with Ridge. She thinks Brooke and Ridge deserve some time away but thinks it’s a shame that Steffi is going too.

At Bills house, Bill kisses Poppy and asks her if she is convinced that nothing will take their family away.

When she doesn’t respond, he tells her that he can tell that something is bothering her. She says it’s someone, his ex-wife. She reveals that Katie came to see her again and that it’s clear that Katie doesn’t like her or trust her.

In Katie’s office, Katie spins her wheels trying to find a connection between Poppy and the deaths of Tom Starr and Hollis

In Steffi’s office, Zende shows Brooke the post that he plans to debut. Steffi likes the idea that Zende is including a video drop. Ridge says all they need to do now is get on the plane. Steffi is annoyed by Ridge and Brooke’s PDA.

Katie goes to Dr. Li Nozawa’s office and demands to know if Poppy takes drugs.

Poppy tells Bill that Katie could be a problem. She reveals that Katie has been asking questions about her and Tom Starr’s Death.

Zende and Hope wish Brooke and Ridge a good trip. Once they are alone, Hope tells Steffi that it’s obvious that she doesn’t want Brooke to go along on the trip.

LI tells Katie that supposedly, Poppy no longer takes drugs. Katie asks if Li knows whether Poppy quit drugs before or after the deaths at Il Giordino. Li wants to know what Katie is implying.

Poppy nervously tells Bill that she has something that she needs to tell him.

Hope tries to convince Steffi not to go to Monte Carlo.

Brooke and Ridge arrive at the airport, check in, and tell the pilot they are still waiting for Steffi before boarding the plane.

Katie tells Li that Poppy was a fan of Tom Starr and that Tom played at the music festival where Poppy met Bill. Li says Penelope loved concerts back then and that that is probably where she got started on the “special mints.” Katie says Poppy is lucky she didn’t meet the same fate as Tom and Hollis, and wonders if their deaths were intentional. Li asks her why she keeps bringing up those two dead men.

Poppy admits to Bill that she dated Tom Starr a long time ago and that Tom had been claiming to be Luna’s father.

On the plane, Ridge sketches while Brook drinks champagne. She tries to convince Ridge to take a break from working so much. Ridge wonders what is taking Steffi so long.

Steffi gets annoyed at Hope’s attempt to turn a business trip into a honeymoon for their parents, but Hope keeps pressing the issue. Finally, Steffi grabs her purse and work tote and leaves for the airport. Hope runs after Steffi with Steffi’s passport in hand, but Steffi ignores her and closes the elevator doors.

Li asks Katie if she is suggesting that Poppy has something to do with Tom Starr’s death. Katie asks Li if she thinks it’s a possibility.

Poppy tells Bill that she didn’t intentionally withhold the fact that she had known Tom in the past; it just hadn’t come up and didn’t matter after the paternity test. Bill wonders why Poppy waited so long to tell him that she had such a relationship with Tom Starr that would lead him to think that he could be Luna’s father.

Ridge texts Steffi asking where she is just as she runs up to the check in desk. The pilot asks for her passport. She rifles through all of her bags looking for it.

Hope laughs as she tosses Steffi’s passport back on the desk where she found it. She concludes that Steffi won’t be going to Monte Carlo.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Wiley has his birthday party at the Metro Court pool and Willow takes the opportunity to thank Nina for helping get Michael a meeting with Congressman McConkey.

Alexis advises Molly to back off Kristina and show Kristina that she and TJ trust her.

Anna is surprised to see Jack Brennan is free and at WSB headquarters. Anna figures out the WSB needed to distance itself from Pikeman, so they let the FBI shut down Pikeman. Valentin and Charlotte are in a country without extradition.

Brennan tells Anna to be patient, John Cates may just go away.

Diane asks the court to dismiss Carl’s case and is shocked when the U.S attorney agrees to dismiss the case. The U.S attorney explains to the judge that the recording that was the evidence against Carly is gone. The judge dismisses the case against Carly and everyone wonders how the recording went missing.

John tells Sonny he will put him in prison and he will make sure Carly and Jason are in prison with him. Sonny is hurt that Carly and Jason didn’t trust him enough to tell him about the problem sooner but that is okay because he can take care of John himself

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Billy talks to Lily about Chelsea. Lily thinks Billy is worried that all the stress Chelsea is under with Connor will cause them to break up. Billy tells Lily that he isn’t going to let stress break up he and Chelsea.

Victor has a talk with Devon and tells him that he plans to take over Abbott-Chancellor and he should tell Lily to go work with him at Winters before she gets caught in the cross fire. Devon invites Lily to leave Abbott-Chancellor before all hell breaks loose.

Sharon has a dream that Nick tells her that things have not been right in his life since they got divorced. Nick also tells her that they should be together.

Mariah and Faith worry because Sharon left the house. Mariah calls Nick to let him know Sharon is missing. Faith tells Mariah she thinks that she doesn’t think Sharon has been taking her bipolar medicine. Faith also tells Mariah she has heard Sharon say Cassie’s name when she is alone in her room. Sharon comes home from the park and tells Mariah and Faith she isn’t okay. Mariah calls Nick and asks him to go to Sharon’s house because she doesn’t seem like she is okay.

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Days Update Monday, July 29, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

At the Horton Cabin on Smith Island, Tate paces with his phone, questioning what Theresa has done. Holly arrives and tries to tell Tate there’s something he needs to know but Tate informs her that he just got the worst news that his mom has been arrested.

At the police station, Andrew enters the interrogation room to see Theresa. She says she was wondering when he was going to show up to tell her how disappointed he is and that he’s ashamed to be her brother and ready to disown her. Andrew responds that isn’t why he’s here. Andrew then reveals he came to say he’s proud of her.

Marlena talks with Kayla in her office about her last session with Everett and thinks his reaction to hypnosis was textbook and he was just telling her what she wanted to hear. Marlena is concerned that “Everett” is faking his integration. Abe then arrives and says he’s sorry to interrupt but that Marlena’s assistant said she might be willing to talk. Marlena says she has a few minutes. Kayla offers to step out but Abe asks her to stay and says he’s happy he caught them together. Marlena asks if something is wrong. Abe says it’s all good and hopes they can make it better. Kayla asks what this is about. Abe responds that he has an offer they can’t refuse.

Roman decorates the Brady Pub for Eric and Nicole’s going away party. Kate walks in and asks what the occasion is. Roman informs her that Eric and Nicole are moving to Paris.

Eric and Nicole pack bags in Eric’s room. Eric mentions that Roman said he’d hold onto anything they can’t fit while Nicole remarks that EJ will probably burn whatever she had left. Eric has Deja vu as he realizes he’s packing the same bag that he was carrying when Nicole stopped him from getting on the plane to Paris. Nicole points out that now they are going together as they hug.

Abe is sure Kayla and Marlena heard about Body and Soul being cancelled. Kayla confirms that she did and explains to Marlena that it was a soap opera that Abe is a big fan of. Abe informs them that the good news is that it might be making a comeback. Abe then announces that he and Kate bought the rights and will be filming it right here in Salem. Marlena calls that cute while Kayla thinks he and Kate will make a good team. Marlena adds that it might even be a boost to the local economy which Abe calls part of the pitch to investors. Kayla tells Abe that they will support any way they can. Abe says he’s happy to hear them say that because he’s going to need their help. Marlena asks if he’s looking for investors. Abe says no, they are looking for stars.

Theresa questions Andrew saying he’s proud of her when she’s committed multiple felonies. Andrew explains that he’s proud of her for turning herself in and taking responsibility for what she did which shows character. Theresa says she appreciates his approval but she doesn’t know what character is going to do when she’s doing hard time.

Tate complains to Holly that he can’t believe this is happening when Theresa judges him for lying and sneaking around, but then she does this. Tate knew Theresa had done bad things in the past but he really believed that she was trying to be better and now he finds out through Lady Whistleblower that Theresa forged the letter to make Alex be Victor’s son when it was really Xander. Holly reveals she knows because Maggie just told her the whole story. Holly says she’s sorry about his mom as she hugs him. Tate guesses it hasn’t really sunk in yet and feels like he’s in some kind of nightmare but this really happened. Holly calls it terrible for Theresa, Tate, and Brady but notes that she has some good news. Holly informs Tate that Maggie just asked her to live with her.

Eric asks if Nicole is sure she’s okay letting Holly stay in Salem. Nicole admits that she’s not but she always worries. Eric understands she’s a caring mom. Nicole states that Holly made a really good case that it’s her senior year and she doesn’t want to leave her friends, adding that she’s not doing drugs anymore so she has to learn to trust her. Nicole adds that Holly will have Maggie and other family like Sarah, Abe, and Paulina to be there for her. Nicole says after everything that has happened, she doesn’t want to disrupt Holly’s life more than she already has. Eric gets it but says he wasn’t just asking what it means for Holly. Nicole admits she will obviously miss her like crazy, but she knows that she will be surrounded by people who love her so she has to let Holly live her life while she focuses on living her life with Jude and Eric. Nicole tells Eric that they’ve been waiting for this for so long and now they have a baby together. Nicole says sometimes she wonders if she’s dreaming. Eric assures that she’s not as they kiss.

Marlena questions Abe looking for stars. Abe clarifies that he means actors who will become stars when they get the show up and running. Marlena asks what that has to do with them. Kayla thinks she knows. Abe tells Kayla that she is the spitting image of Cassandra Lovegood while Marlena is a dead ringer for Charlemagne Delacroix which Kayla identifies as the names of the characters on Body and Soul. Abe insists that they look just like them and calls it uncanny. Abe points out that Charlemagne has done 5000 episodes of Body and Soul and has been on the show for decades as he shows Marlena a picture of her. Marlena remarks that there may be a slight resemblance. Abe repeats that it’s uncanny, just like Kayla is for Cassandra. Abe declares that he knows they would be perfect for the reboot of Body and Soul.

Kate asks Roman if now EJ is driving people out of country. Roman confirms that EJ is making things difficult so Eric and Nicole decided it would be easier to leave town rather than deal with him. Kate calls EJ the villain and says that Eric and Nicole have been punished enough. Roman remarks that EJ is a DiMera. Kate says that’s for sure and at least Eric is taking the magazine job in Paris. Roman says they are packing Jude up and moving there. Kate says Eric was really happy about the job and it’s good for his career so they could do a lot worse than Paris. Kate asks about Holly. Roman says she is staying in Salem.

Holly explains to Tate that when Nicole told her that she and Eric were moving to Paris, she said she would refuse to go. Tate asks if Nicole was okay with it. Holly says not at first, but she realized she would be miserable if she forced her to leave her whole life behind and then Maggie said she could live with her. Tate says that’s really great. Holly doesn’t want to act like it’s all good news when Tate is so upset about his mom. Tate says it’s okay as he has to remind himself that Theresa brought this on herself, so as sorry as he feels for her, he’s really angry at her for all the lies she told and how many people she hurt. Tate guesses he should look at the upside that his mom won’t be policing him anymore for awhile. Holly adds that her mom is moving to another continent, so Tate declares they won’t have to sneak around anymore. Holly knows it’s bittersweet with Tate’s mom in serious trouble while her mom has to move to another country because her husband turned out to be a lying bastard, but she’s so grateful that they have each other. Tate agrees as they kiss.

Andrew encourages Theresa that she might not have to do hard time as he’s going to see if he can negotiate a deal. Theresa questions if he really thinks he can do that. Andrew says he’s going to try but notes that she is facing serious charges so there will be serious consequences. Theresa feels there should be because she hurt a lot of people including some she really cares about. Andrew talks about the other factors like Sarah and Xander’s baby being returned to them not long after while the actions of fraud were done on foreign soil in Greece. Theresa says he’s making it sound like she has a chance to beat this. Theresa asks if he can really thinks he can sell this to the district attorney.

Eric and Nicole kiss onto the bed in his room as they begin to undress and then have sex.

Holly tells Tate that they can finally be together whenever they want. Tate asks what about his dad. Holly thought it was only his mom that was freaked out about them. Tate says his dad was more reasonable but he will go ballistic if he finds out he was paying all this money for Aaron to go to lacrosse camp. Holly agrees that he won’t be too reasonable about that. Tate worries he might never speak to him again. Holly asks what to do. Tate thinks she will have to continue working at the Bistro while he stays here at the cabin. Holly suggests saying he got homesick and came home early but Tate says his dad won’t buy that. Holly suggests faking an injury so he can’t play lacrosse anymore. Tate supposes that could work but he doesn’t think they could trust Sophia to keep her mouth shut and he still thinks it would be a mistake to underestimate Theresa’s ability to totally wreck his life. Holly guesses she doesn’t mind sneaking around a little longer and jokes that it makes it kind of exciting as they kiss. Holly says she doesn’t want to but she has to go since she has to say goodbye to Nicole, Jude, and Eric. Holly says it’s funny that she spent all this time hoping her mom would leave her alone, but now that she actually is, she’s really going to miss her, Eric, and Jude. Tate remarks that while Holly’s mom is going to Paris, his is probably going to prison. Tate says he’ll be fine as he’s used to his mom doing crazy, self-destructive things. Holly encourages that Theresa has a great family who loves her no matter what and she has Tate in her corner to be there for her. They kiss goodbye as Holly then leaves the cabin.

Andrew tells Theresa that he can’t be certain that EJ will agree to a deal but he can definitely make a case and considering how EJ feels right now about Nicole, the fact that Nicole hates her might work in her favor. Theresa agrees that she sees his point. Theresa knows she has royally screwed up, probably worse than ever before so she wants him to know how grateful she is that he wants to help her, but she doesn’t understand why. Andrew reminds Theresa of when he took their dad’s car out for a drive when they were little and wrecked it, pointing out that he committed a few felonies of his own that night. Andrew recalls Shane going to read him the riot act when Theresa suddenly came in and took the blame. Theresa says she was always the one doing awful things so she didn’t think it would matter if she did one more. Andrew then gets a call from Shane and jokes that he must have known they were talking about him. Andrew goes to answer the call but Theresa asks to take it and answers.

Kate tells Roman that she would think after all the drama Holly had this summer, Nicole wouldn’t want to let her out of sight. Roman says that not all of the drama was Holly’s making and Nicole doesn’t want to move her halfway around the world. Roman adds that he’s sure Maggie will keep an eye on her. Kate jokes that she wouldn’t want a teenager living under her roof. Roman says they paid their dues raising Sami and Lucas. Kate comments that she’s glad to be restricting her drama to the television screen these days. Roman calls that incredible that she got the rights to Body and Soul and says he’s proud of her. Kate thanks him and says she’s proud of herself since it all seems to be coming together as Abe is casting as they speak.

Marlena calls it a flattering offer but says she couldn’t shoot a TV show with her schedule. Kayla feels the same as Chief of Staff at the hospital. Abe understands but says they can shoot around their schedules and do some location shooting at the hospital. Kayla appreciates it but says she will have to pass. Marlena passes as well and says she’s sure Abe can find somebody else for the roles. Marlena, Kayla, and Abe then each get a text from Kate about Eric and Nicole’s going away party at the Pub. Kayla asks where they are going. Marlena says she’ll explain on the way. Abe says that will give him a chance to change their minds.

Eric and Nicole lay in bed after having sex. Nicole jokes that this time they weren’t high on biscuits. Nicole then realizes they are both still married to other people so they just committed adultery and she doesn’t feel a bit guilty. Eric feels the same and kisses her. Nicole tells Eric that she loves him. Eric says he loves her too as they continue kissing.

Theresa thanks Shane and says she loves him too as she hangs up. Theresa then calls Tate from Andrew’s phone.

Marlena, Kayla, and Abe go to the Brady Pub. Kate asks if she’s looking at the new stars of Body and Soul. Kayla says she’s afraid not while Marlena calls it a flattering offer. Abe confirms they turned him down. Kate says she’s disappointed but not surprised since they are asking two doctors to give up all their free time. Kayla says she’s sure there will be plenty of other people wanting the roles. Abe encourages Kate that can still play Lorna DeLorean but Kate questions the idea of producing the show and starring in it too. Abe tells Kayla and Marlena that he’s not giving up on them. Kayla goes to get a drink. Roman approaches Marlena and says he’s going to miss Eric and Jude so much. Marlena mentions trying to contact Brady to invite him but he didn’t respond. Roman points out that Eric and Nicole didn’t give them much notice. Marlena says it would’ve been nice to have a large group there for them, especially since John and Steve are still in Europe. Holly arrives and says she’s sorry she’s late. Roman says that Eric and Nicole are still upstairs packing but should be down soon. Holly mentions that she can’t stay long since she has the dinner shift at the Bistro. Marlena asks if they are working her too hard over there but Holly says she doesn’t mind being busy, joking that it keeps her out of trouble. Roman tells Holly that he knows Eric and Nicole are going to miss her like crazy, but they are very happy that she’s staying in Salem. Eric and Nicole then come downstairs, surprised to see everybody as they all hug them.

Theresa asks Tate how camp is. Tate says it’s okay but he read about what happened at the wedding. Theresa figured he would and confirms it’s all true that she got arrested and is at the police station now. Tate says he’ll come there right now but Theresa says no since Andrew is with him. Tate realizes that’s why she has his phone and asks what is going to happen to her. Theresa thinks she might be going to prison.

Eric says they didn’t have to do all of this. Roman says they just wanted to celebrate them both as they head out to celebrate their new life together. Marlena calls for a toast to Eric and Nicole, talking about they weathered so many storms to be together. Marlena encourages that they are so proud of them. Marlena talks about how long Eric has wanted to be a father and he finally has his beautiful baby boy and the woman he loves, who happens to be the mother of that baby so dreams do come true. Marlena says they will miss them but there will be lots of calls and video chats. Marlena hopes that they get to come back sometime soon, but until then, they wish them love and peace on this amazing journey together. Marlena toasts to her son Eric and the love of his life, Nicole. Eric and Nicole look at each other and flash back to various moments in their past. Eric and Nicole then kiss as everyone around them cheers. Abe hugs Nicole and tells her that he’s going to miss her so much. Nicole tells Abe to come visit next time he visits Theo. Marlena hugs Eric and guesses saying goodbye never gets easier. Eric knows he’s made her do it more than she’d like. Marlena wants him to be happy. Eric says he finally is. Roman questions if he has to be happy halfway around the world. Eric assures he will miss them both a lot as they hug. Nicole hugs Holly and says she really hates leaving her. Holly says they can video chat every day and assures she will be fine. Holly tells Nicole that she’s sorry for all the time she was hard on her or mad at her, calling her a wonderful person and a great mom. Holly knows she’s had so much loss and sadness in her life and she’s so proud of how strong she’s been through all of it. Nicole thanks her and says she’s proud of her too for her strength and kindness. Nicole cries that she just wants Holly to have a great life. Holly hopes the same for Nicole, Eric, and Jude, saying that Nicole and Eric were meant for each other as they hug goodbye. Holly promises to be good for Maggie and to come see her as soon as they are settled.

Tate asks if Theresa really thinks she’s going to prison. Theresa hopes it doesn’t come to that and says that Andrew is trying to make a deal for her, but if he doesn’t, she wants him to know she will be okay. Theresa adds that she realizes she’s been really hard on Tate and she’s so proud of him. Theresa says that Tate has really stepped up and owned up to his mistakes as she knows he didn’t want to go but she also knows he’s working really hard at lacrosse camp. Theresa says that Tate has been honest about where he went wrong and really set an example for her which is part of the reason she turned herself in. Tate then tells her that he has to tell her something. Theresa says to let her say something first about Holly. Theresa then tells Tate that when he comes back from camp, if he wants to see Holly, she’s not going to do anything to stop him as she trusts him and loves him so much. Tate responds that he loves her too and he’s really proud of her. Theresa thanks him and says goodbye as they hang up. Andrew then returns to the interrogation room.

Eric and Nicole say goodbye to Abe, Kate, Kayla, Holly, Marlena, and Roman as they exit the Pub with Jude for the final time. Marlena says she was as strong as she could be and is now going to have a really good cry. Roman encourages those to be happy tears. Abe points out that Eric and Nicole are together which is the way it should be. Abe remarks that art imitates life like in Body and Soul where people leave but they almost always come back.

Nicole and Eric look over Jude as he sleeps outside the Pub. Nicole says Jude must be having good dreams while Eric feels he’s the one dreaming as he asks if this is really happening. Nicole says it is and if it’s not, she doesn’t want to wake up. Eric asks if she’s ready to go. Nicole responds that she’s never been more ready as they kiss. Eric and Nicole then walk off with Jude, leaving Salem.

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Days Update Friday, July 26, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

In the town square, Holly tells Nicole there’s no way she’s moving to Paris, arguing that her friends and her entire life are here in Salem. Nicole knows it’s a lot to take in and a big adjustment, but says it’s very important that they leave Salem because EJ is vowing to make life Hell for her and Eric, so if they stay, that’s exactly what he will do.

Eric brings Jude to the Brady Pub where he greets Justin. Eric tells Justin that he heard about the wedding and he’s sorry. Justin calls it definitely life changing that thanks to Theresa, he spent the past year thinking Victor lied to him and Alex wasn’t his son but he’s thankful it turned out to be one big, terrible lie.

Brady tells Alex that he can’t say he’s shocked that Theresa took off because it’s what she does in making a mess, then leaving everyone else to clean it up. Brady wouldn’t be surprised if Theresa got the hell out of dodge for good, but Theresa then walks in and tells Brady he’s wrong. Brady says he stands corrected. Alex questions why she isn’t gone. Theresa admits she considered fleeing town and went all the way to the airport gate, but she realized she couldn’t do it. Theresa declares that she had to come back and take responsibility for what she’s done.

Xander goes home to find Maggie which he says he didn’t expect. Maggie explains that Sarah asked her to watch Victoria. Xander questions where Sarah is as he thought she had the day off and they were going to plan their honeymoon. Maggie says she doesn’t know and that Sarah just said she had to take care of something and didn’t say when she would be back. Maggie notes that Xander seems anxious and asks if there’s something else. Xander responds that there’s something he needs to tell Sarah and it affects Maggie too.

At the Salem Inn, Sarah questions Fiona being unsure that Xander should be getting married at all. Fiona says that Xander just found out he’s Victor’s son and heir to his fortune, so he needs to make sense of all that before he can settle down. Sarah questions if Fiona thinks she’s after his money. Fiona says she didn’t mean to imply that she’s some kind of gold digger like Theresa. Sarah question why she objects to Xander getting married then. Fiona doesn’t think Xander should be making major life decisions right now when he has so much to process. Sarah tells her that she and Xander have been in love for years and have a beautiful daughter. Sarah says she and Victoria provide Xander with stability that he needs. Fiona says it’s nothing personal and that she’s just trying to look after her son’s best interests. Sarah questions Fiona being so protective and full of motherly advice after all this time. Fiona knows she has no right to act like his mother since she lied to him and abandoned him. Sarah knows Fiona had a drinking problem but questions why she was completely out of Xander’s life for all that time. Fiona calls it a long story. Sarah says she has time and she’d really like to hear it.

Maggie tells Xander that she can’t believe that Theresa kidnapped Victoria. Xander says she didn’t admit to it but it all adds up. Xander adds that Theresa did tell him that he can’t prove anything which is criminal code for she did it. Xander mentions trying to drag her to the police station but she wouldn’t go. Maggie asks if she got away then. Xander informs her that he went straight to EJ to put a warrant out for Theresa’s arrest.

Alex asks what Theresa’s angle is this time. Theresa tells him there is no angle as she got to the airport gate and was ready to board, but she just realized she couldn’t run away again so she had to come back and explain herself to him. Alex screams at her that she destroyed his life and calls her sick for making him believe he was Victor’s son and that he inherited a fortune. Alex yells that he doesn’t even know who he is anymore, so he questions what possible explanation she has for what she put him through. Theresa cries that she knows what she’s done to him, but she thought she was doing him a favor.

Justin tells Eric that it’s been one long crazy turn of events raising Alex as his son and then thinking he was Victor’s son, but learning he was his son after all. Justin says he and Eric have both really been through it, bringing up EJ trying to keep Eric from his child so he wouldn’t lose Nicole and calls that terrible. Justin says at least it’s all over now but Eric says not quite yet as EJ has been causing problems for he and Nicole. Eric then realizes that Justin may be able to help him.

Holly asks Nicole if she’s just going to let EJ run her out of town. Nicole complains that EJ was threatening their whole family. Holly questions how he’s going to hurt her. Nicole says that she and Eric just think it’s better if they leave and get out of EJ’s crosshairs. Nicole feels that after everything that’s happened, it would be best for them to have a fresh start. Holly responds that she gets that it would be good for Nicole and Eric, so she supports it, but she’s not leaving and she’s staying right here.

Justin asks Eric how he can help. Eric reminds Justin that EJ was his divorce attorney and suggested he do a publication divorce since Sloan was on the run. Justin says he didn’t steer him wrong there. Justin tells Eric that he’d be happy to take his case and will get him divorced in no time. Eric thanks him and says he really appreciates it but he wishes Nicole’s divorce could be that easy.

Nicole tells Holly that she can’t stand the idea of them living apart. Nicole knows she might not need her mom around but says she needs Holly around. Holly says she doesn’t want to live apart either but points out that they knew she was going away to college in a year. Nicole says that’s still another year she would have her close to her. Holly argues that they can video chat every night but she needs to be in Salem for prom, homecoming, and graduation. Nicole argues that they have those in Paris while Holly argues that she doesn’t know anybody there and needs to have those experiences here with her friends. Nicole guesses by friends, she means Tate.

Alex asks Theresa how upending his life was doing him a favor. Theresa talks about reading through Victor’s will and thinking it was so unfair that Xander was going to come in to all this money. Theresa argues that Xander didn’t deserve it but Alex did because he’s a good, decent man, so she thought he deserved the inheritance. Brady points out that was not for Theresa to decide. Alex declares that Theresa was not thinking about him, but herself as always. Theresa cries that in her mind, they were both getting what they wanted and says she never wanted him to get hurt. Alex tells her not to pretend to care about his feelings. Theresa tries to say she does care about him and that she loves him. Alex shouts that Theresa doesn’t know love and calls her a con that came after him for money. Alex declares that he does not want to see or hear from Theresa ever again. Alex adds that he will be getting an annulment immediately, so it will be like their marriage never happened and he wishes he could say the same about their entire relationship. Alex then walks out of the room, leaving Theresa in tears as Brady comments on that going well.

Maggie tells Xander that it’s unbelievable that Theresa was a kidnapper on top of everything else. Xander vows that she won’t get away with it. Maggie talks about Theresa playing God with so many people’s lives and knowing that Xander was Victor’s son but never saying a word. Xander remarks that at least his mom had the guts to tell him while Victor only told him after death. Maggie states that she knows he’s hurt but insists that Victor said in his will that he planned to tell Xander when he got back from Greece. Xander feels that still doesn’t change the fact that Victor treated him like dirt for his whole life and questions how he could do that to his own son.

After Fiona finishes telling her story to Sarah, Sarah tells her that she’s sorry as she didn’t know and points out that Xander doesn’t know any of it. Sarah encourages Fiona to tell him. Fiona feels Xander won’t want to hear from her but Sarah thinks he will. Fiona says she knows she has no right to ask, but says maybe he would listen if it came from Sarah.

Maggie wishes she could give Xander some concrete answers or explain away all the years of cruelty. Maggie acknowledges that Victor was very hard on him but she thinks it’s because he reminded Victor so much of himself. Xander jokes that it turns out people were right all these years when they called him a bastard. Maggie suggests it could be another reason that Victor was so hard on him and his own feelings about betraying his own brother. Xander says all he ever wanted was for Victor to be proud of and respect him. Xander wanted Victor to know that getting him out of his legal problems wasn’t a mistake. Xander complains that Brady and Philip were Victor’s golden boys and he was nothing more than the black sheep of the family. Maggie won’t condone what Victor did, but says she’s certain that Victor loved him and asks why else he would give half his fortune to him. Xander calls it guilt but Maggie believes that Victor was finally trying to make things right. Xander asks if she really thinks Victor loved him. Maggie says yes, just like she does. Maggie declares that she can’t wait to be his mother in law again as she hugs him. Sarah comes in and says she’s sorry to interrupt. Xander tells her that they were just talking about Victor. Maggie says she should get going. Sarah thanks her for watching Victoria. Xander thanks her for everything as they hug. Maggie then exits. Xander then asks where Sarah has been. Sarah responds that while Xander was with her mom, she was with his.

Fiona pours a drink in her room and declares that Xander needs to understand, so she hopes that Sarah can get through to him.

Eric tells Justin about the idea of he and Nicole leaving town in hopes that EJ would lose interest. Justin says he would hate to see them go, but he certainly understands why they feel the need to. Justin asks if he’d like him to see what he can do to push through Nicole’s divorce. Eric says that Nicole’s lawyer is already working on it. Eric then tells Justin that he should go get packing. Justin wishes Eric the best of luck with his new life and family. Eric says he’ll be in touch as he heads to his room with Jude. As Justin sits back down, Alex arrives at the Pub and greets him. Alex says he got Justin’s text that he would be there if he wanted to talk. Justin is glad he came and knows that he has a lot on his mind. Alex responds that what he’s been thinking the most is that he owes Justin an apology.

Theresa supposes that Brady hates her as much as Alex does now. Brady responds that he doesn’t hate her but he’s so disappointed in her and he’s really concerned about how this will affect their son when Tate finds out that she screwed their family and was working with the man who killed his great grandfather. Theresa cries that Brady has to believe her when she tells him that when she met Konstantin in Greece, she thought he was just after some money that he thought Victor owed him and if she knew he was a psychopath, she never would’ve accepted his help in forging the letter or worked with him in the first place. Brady argues that what she’s saying is that if she knew Konstantin was a killer, she would’ve found another way to defraud the family. Theresa knows she’s really screwed up and she’s been reckless and dishonest. Theresa cries that she’s been living with that guilt for such a long time. Brady points out that it didn’t stop her from going ahead with her plan to screw Xander and getting herself a rich husband that she created. Theresa admits she went to some extremes and tells Brady that she did it because of him.

Holly tells Nicole that Tate’s parents sent him away to lacrosse camp so he’s not even here for the summer. Holly talks about growing up with Sophia and all her other friends so she wants to enjoy their final year together at Salem High. Holly adds that she gets that EJ is being a jerk and it’s probably best for Eric and Nicole to leave, but says that’s their drama and questions why she should have to suffer because of it. Nicole admits that she sees her point, but questions where Holly will live if she, Eric, and Jude move to Paris. Maggie then appears and suggests Holly live with her. Nicole explains to Maggie that in order to get out of EJ’s warpath, she and Eric have decided to move to Paris. Holly explains that she’s trying to convince Nicole not to uproot her away from her friends right before her senior year. Maggie says as long as it’s okay with Nicole, she would love to have Holly stay with her. Holly excitedly hugs Maggie and says she’s saving her life. Holly tells Nicole it’s the perfect solution since Maggie will look after her but then realizes that Theresa lives there and that Theresa hates her guts. Maggie responds that she doubts that will be an issue.

Brady questions Theresa creating a fake Kiriakis heir for his money to squander his wealth and saying it’s because of him. Theresa explains that when she came back to town for Victor’s funeral, she made it very clear that she wanted to be with Brady but he rejected her over and over and over again, so she took the cynical route and chose money and security over love. Theresa asks why it mattered since Brady didn’t want her. Brady calls it sad and very painful for him to admit that he’s realized recently that he did want her. Brady explains that he rejected her at first because he was in complete denial about his feelings for her and when they hooked up a month ago, he thought this was their shot but instead of figuring it out together, she just jumped ship immediately. Theresa tells Brady that he has no idea how much she wanted to be with him. Theresa says they hurt each other so much in the past that she didn’t want to get hurt again. Theresa wants Brady to know that she still loves him and she always will.

Justin tells Alex that what happened wasn’t his fault and that Theresa is the only one to blame. Alex acknowledges that Justin tried to warn him and he thought he knew better because he convinced himself he was Victor’s son and he was just like him, but he really just acted like a pompous ass. Alex admits it went to his head that Victor left him in charge and he was so caught up in thinking he was Victor’s son that he forgot all about the man who actually raised him, who he always looked up to. Alex adds that he and Justin said that nothing would change between them, but he screwed that all up and he’s so damn sorry. Alex hopes that Justin can forgive him. Justin says only if Alex can forgive him.

Fiona continues drinking in her room and checks her phone.

Xander asks Sarah why she went to see his mom. Sarah says she wanted Fiona to know that whenever they reschedule their wedding, she’s still invited. Xander questions why he’d want her there when she basically lied to him for his entire life. Sarah states that there were circumstances like her drinking problem. Xander questions that being an excuse and feels that should help her tel the truth. Xander argues that Fiona had multiple chance over the years to tell him and when he did really need her, she totally abandoned him. Sarah then reveals that Fiona did not willingly abandon him and explains that Fiona disappeared for years because she had a nervous breakdown and was committed to an institution. Xander questions Fiona telling her that. Sarah confirms that Fiona said she was there for a few years and worked really hard to get sober, then when she eventually got released, Xander was gone and she couldn’t find him. Sarah says that Fiona eventually learned taht Victor put him to work, so she thought he’d be better off and backed off. Sarah adds that Fiona didn’t entirely love the idea of Xander getting close to Victor since he loved Titus as his father and she didn’t want that underminded by the truth. Xander argues that she should’ve known he could’ve handled it. Sarah says that Fiona thought she was doing what’s best for him. Xander questions considering this when he has no reason to believe a word Fiona says. Sarah understands she doesn’t want to trust her but insists that Fiona did seem sincere.

Fiona sends a text message and says she hopes that does the trick.

Alex questions Justin wanting him to forgive him when he’s been a saint through the whole process. Justin disagrees and says he was angry with Victor and Anjelika which he took out on Alex when he should’ve been more patient and understanding. Alex acknowledges that Justin tried to be there for him but he wasn’t having it and he knows how much that must have hurt him. Justin understands that Alex was going through a lot but he couldn’t understand how Victor could lie to him all those years, but now it all makes sense that he didn’t. Justin says it’s like a huge weight has been lifted and now that they know the truth, he hopes they can start to rebuild their relationship. Alex still thinks his behavior pales in comparison to his. They agree to forgive each other.

Theresa tells Brady that if she could go back in time and listen to her heart, maybe they would be together now. Brady guesses they will never know. Theresa cries that she’s so sorry. Brady says he is too. Brady adds that as much as he does still love her and probably always will, this is just another sign that they weren’t meant to be. Brady says goodbye to Theresa and then exits. Theresa holds back tears as she looks up at the portrait of Victor and declares that she really screwed things up. Maggie walks in and agrees that she did. Theresa tells Maggie that she’s glad she’s there because she wants to apologize to her even though she knows what she did was so terrible and that Maggie has no reason to forgive her. Theresa tells Maggie that she never should’ve let Konstantin go after her money and swears that she didn’t know he planned to kill her or that he was that dangerous. Maggie responds that Theresa is pretty dangerous herself, since she helped him kidnap her granddaughter.

Holly tells Nicole that she can’t believe Tate’s mom did all those horrible things. Nicole remarks that maybe it’s a good thing that Tate is away for the summer. Nicole tells Holly that she hates the idea of moving to Paris and leaving her behind but she likes the idea of Maggie looking after her. Nicole and Holly say how much they will miss each other. Holly tells Nicole that she and Eric deserve a chance to be happy together. Nicole decides she needs to go tell Eric that only three of them are going. Nicole tells Holly that she will see her tonight to say their goodbyes as they hug. Nicole then heads to the Brady Pub and to Eric’s room. Eric asks how it went with Holly. Nicole informs him that it wasn’t great since Holly doesn’t want to go to Paris with them and miss her senior year with her friends. Nicole says she understands but it breaks her heart. Eric asks what they are going to do and where Holly will live. Nicole informs him that Maggie offered to take her in. Eric asks how Nicole feels about that. Nicole admits that she’s heartbroken and will miss Holly like crazy, but she knows she needs to respect what Holly wants. Nicole wants to think maybe Holly would change her mind or they would eventually move back but she doesn’t know with EJ being so determined to cause them problems. Eric mentions running in to Justin, who said he could help them with at least one of their problems.

Alex tells Justin that they are good again which makes him very happy. Alex declares that now that they are father and son again, he guesses it’s time for him to start putting the rest of the pieces of his life back together again, starting with emptying his office out at Titan. Alex assumes Xander will take over that position so he’ll have to find another job. Justin suggests maybe Xander will keep him on in some capacity. Alex doubts that and guesses he will also have to figure out how to give back Victor’s money too. Justin says he will help him with that and anything else he needs. Alex thanks him and tells him that he loves him. Justin says he loves him too as they hug.

Sarah tells Xander that she’s sorry if she overstepped but she does think now that the truth is out, he and Fiona could repair their relationship. Xander thanks her and appreciates her trying but feels it will take a lot for him to trust Fiona again. Xander decides it’s fine if she wants to come to the wedding. Sarah thanks him for being willing to try. Sarah understands how difficult it would be for him to trust anyone after everything Theresa put him through. Xander responds that she doesn’t know the half of it as Theresa didn’t just pull off an identity switch, she did something horrendous to both of them.

Theresa guesses Maggie spoke to Xander, which she confirms. Theresa insists that she didn’t want to help Konstantin kidnap Victoria but she was so in over her head that she didn’t have a choice. Maggie says that’s because she didn’t want him to expose her own nefarious plot. Theresa assures that Victoria was never in any danger. Maggie says even so, what she did was reprehensible. Theresa cries that she knows and that Maggie was so good to her, but this is how she repays her. Theresa understands if forgiveness is out of the question, but says she needs to ask Maggie for help one last time. Maggie says she can’t be serious. Theresa pleads with her to drive her to the police station so she can do the right thing for once and turn herself in. Theresa asks Maggie to come with her so she doesn’t change her mind.

Brady shows up at Fiona’s room at the Salem Inn and says he got her text and he could absolutely use a drink. Brady comes in and they toast to Hell with it as they each take a drink.

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B&B Short Recap Monday, July 29, 2024

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Recap written by Brenda

Zende photographs Brooke for the Brooke’s Bedroom Lingerie photo shoot. Steffi can’t believe Brooke is going to Monte Carlo with them. Hope tells Brooke that she can’t believe Steffi is going to Monte Carlo instead of letting Brook and Ridge have a romantic getaway alone. Hope tries to persuade Steffi not to go to Monte Carlo with Ridge and Brooke. Brooke warns Hope about leering at Finn.

Deacon does not believe Hollis and Tom were on drugs to have overdosed. He believes they were murdered and worries that the person who killed them may strike again. Katie accuses Poppy of having a relationship with Tom and of killing Tom and Hollis. Katie pumps R.J. for information. RJ reveals that Luna had once accidentally eaten what she thought were mints, but they were hallucinogens. Katie wonders if it was the same drug that killed Hollis and Tom. She worries for Bill’s safety.

Bill, Poppy, and Luna bask in the happiness of being a family and promise that nothing can come between them.


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B&B Update Monday, July 29, 2024

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Update written by Brenda

At Bill’s house, Poppy tells Katie to stop the ridiculous accusations. Katie retorts that she can tell when someone is lying, and that Poppy is giving off the signs. She says she doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that two men died of an overdose, or that one of them performed at the music festival where Poppy met Bill. Katie presses Poppy to admit that she is trying to conceal that she had a relationship with Tom Starr and demands to know if she had anything to do with the deaths.

At Il Giordino, Deacon tells Justin and Bill that he thinks Tom and Hollis might have been murdered, but not by Shiela. Bill wonders if Deacon thinks the murderer will strike at Il Giordino again.

At Forrester Creations, Hope is excited about Brooke’s photo shoot. Zende arrives to begin the photo shoot and tells Ridge that the social media team will be ready to drop the content when Ridge, Brooke, and Steffi arrive in Monte Carlo. Steffi can’t believe Brooke is going to Monte Carlo with them and tells Finn that she might as well stay home. Hope tells Brooke that she can’t believe Steffi is going to Monte Carlo instead of letting Brook and Ridge have a romantic getaway alone. Zende proceeds with the photo shoot.

At Il Giordino, Justin wonders if Deacon is overthinking the matter. Bill adds that a drug overdose doesn’t suggest murder, but Deacon objects, saying that neither of the two dead men had recent drug problems. He insists that it was murder and declares that when he finds out who is responsible, they will pay.

At Bill’s house, Luna walks in on Poppy and Katie and asks if there is a misunderstanding. Poppy says she understands clearly that Katie had the nerve to come to their home uninvited and accuse her of murder. Luna tells Katie that her mother would never kill anyone and that she is a gentle person who struggled to put food on the table while raising her alone. Katie interjects that Poppy isn’t struggling now that she has a sugar daddy. Luna tells Katie to leave. Katie says it isn’t over and that she is going to find out the truth.

At Forrester, the photoshoot continues. Steffi tells Ridge that he could still change his mind about the model, because her model is fine. He asks why should go with fine when they can have great with Brooke. Hope tries to persuade Steffi not to go to Monte Carlo with Ridge and Brooke.

At Il Giordino, Justin tells Bill that Deacon is acting like a conspiracy theorist. Bill says he would be upset too if he were in Deacon’s shoes. Justin invites bill to go back to the office together, but Bill says he is going home to Poppy and Luna. Justin observes that Bill’s newfound daughter brings out the best in him and he is glad to see him happy.

Meanwhile at Bill’s house, Luna is dumbfounded by Katie’s accusations. Poppy tells Luna not to worry about Katie.

Katie goes to see her nephew R.J. and asks him to tell her everything he knows about Poppy. R.J. wonders why Katie is asking him about Luna’s mom. Katie says she understands that Luna is his girlfriend and that she finds her charming, but they live in the house where her own son Will goes so she is interested in knowing about them. R.J. reveals that they haven’t completely moved in yet; they still have their apartment.

The photo shoot continues at Forrester. Ridge tells Steffi not to be late for the plane. She promises she won’t be and reminds him that Brooke always leaves her packing until the last minute. When the photoshoot ends, Brooke confronts Hope about the way that she was looking at Finn. Hope insists it’s fine. Brooke disagrees and reminds her daughter that Finn is Steffi’s husband.  Ridge thanks Zende and compliments Brooke on a great photoshoot.

Bill arrives home to see Luna hugging Poppy and asks what he walked in on. Luna says they were just bonding and discussing the struggles they went through in the past. Bill tells them they won’t have to worry about going through anything like that again. Poppy tells Bill she loves him. Bill promises that no one will ever take the family they’ve created away from them.

Katie asks R.J. if Poppy had anything to do with the time that he and Luna were apart in the past. He reluctantly reveals that Poppy accidentally drugged Luna and that it was bad. He says Luna ate what she thought were mints but were some kind of hallucinogen. Katie concludes that Bill has moved a drug addict into his house. R.J. says Poppy claims she stopped taking them. He says Poppy is a nice person but that she has a dark side. He asks Katie to keep it between him because he doesn’t want it to come between him and Katie. R.J. leaves to go to the cutting room. Katie wonders if the drug that Luna accidentally took is the same drug that killed Hollis and Tom. She panics with fear that Bill is in danger.

Read today’s Transcript!

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 30, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Claire talks to Cole and Victoria about the situation between Kyle and Summer. Claire feels caught in the middle and that Harrison is also going to be hurt in the custody battle between his parents. Cole suggests that she leave the job if the situation makes her uncomfortable and start going to college. Claire doesn’t think she is ready to go to college yet because she wants to help Harrison get past the trauma Jordan caused both of them.

Jack has had enough of Kyle acting like a spoiled brat and tells him that Jabot is a family company that took John Abbott years to build. Glissade won’t be able to destroy it so easily. Kyle tells Jack and Diane that Jabot is an old company with old ideas and it won’t take long for Jabot to destroy it.

Chelsea is on the verge of a nervous breakdown because she can’t stand lying to Billy and Sally about what happened between them in Baltimore. Chelsea knows Billy thinks she is hiding something and he won’t let it go until he finds out their secret. Adam tells Chelsea that they must keep their one night stand a secret and concentrate on helping Connor get better.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Kristina refuses to sign the papers to terminate her parental rights over the baby. Kristina tells Molly she is afraid she and TJ will break up and she has to protect the baby. Molly doesn’t believe that and insists that Kristina admit she wants to keep the baby. Kristina tells Molly that, right now, she thinks that she and Blaze would provide the baby with a more stable home. Molly is angry and she leaves because she has to go to work.

Natalia arrives and thanks Kristina for being so generous with her during the interview. Natalia tells Kristina she respects her principles and will try harder to live by the “live and let live” attitude.

Michael asks Nina to get him a meeting with Senator McConkey so he can ask him to open an investigation into John Cates in hopes of keeping Carly from going to prison. Michael tells Nina if this meeting with the Senator helps Carly go free, then, he will tell Willow that she is the person that helped Carly go free. Nina calls Senator McConkey so Michael can talk to him.

Carly tells Sonny that the FBI has a recording of her telling the five families that she is the head of Sonny’s organization when everyone thought he was dead. Carly tells Sonny that John was using that recording to force Jason to be an FBI informant.

Sonny figures out that John was only using Pikeman as an excuse to get information to put him in prison. Sonny leaves Carly to find John and kill him. Carly asks Dante to find Sonny and stop him from killing John.

Anna tells Dante that Brennan has disappeared and they need to find him because he has information about John that could help Carly go free.

Jason thinks Diane should find information on John that could tarnish his reputation when he testifies at Carly’s trial.

John tells Jason he will let Carly go if he gives him information that will put Sonny in prison.

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Days Short Recap Friday, July 26, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Holly refused to go to Paris with Nicole. Nicole informed her that if they stayed in town, EJ would make her life with Eric miserable. Holly supported them going, but she didn’t want to leave Salem. Nicole thought it was because of Tate. Eric ran into Justin at the pub. He let him know that he heard about the wedding. Justin realized they both been through a lot. Eric talked to him about EJ, and his divorce from Sloan. He offered to help Eric with the paperwork. Eric wished Nicole’s divorce was that easy. Theresa arrived at the Kiriakis mansion to approach Alex and Brady. She wanted to take responsibility for what she did. Alex yelled at her for destroying his life. He wondered what explanation she could have for ruining his life. Theresa thought she was doing him a favor. She never wanted him to get hurt. Theresa said she loved him. Alex told her that she didn’t know anything about love. He thought she was a con artist who just wanted his money. Alex never wanted to see her again. He decided to get an annulment. It would be like their marriage never happened, and he wished that could happen with their relationship. Theresa started crying when he walked out the room. Brady thought that went well. Xander told Maggie that Theresa was the one who kidnapped Victoria. He was upset that Victor only acknowledged him when he died. Maggie knew he was hurt, but she thought Victor would have told him at some point. Xander reminded her that Victor still treated him like dirt. He couldn’t believe he would do that to his son.

Fiona felt like Xander needed to get used to his new reality before he got married. Sarah informed her that they were in love for years. She told her that she and Victoria give him the stability he needs. Fiona was looking out for her son even though she doesn’t have the right. Sarah wondered why she abandoned him. She told Sarah something offscreen that shocked her. Fiona didn’t think he would want to hear it from her. She thought he could take it better if Sarah told him. Maggie thought Victor was hard on Xander because he reminded him of himself. All Xander wanted was for Victor to be proud of him. Maggie told him that Victor loved him and that was why he gave him half his fortune. Xander thought he did it out of guilt. Maggie was about to leave the apartment when Sarah arrived home. Sarah told Xander that she invited Fiona to their future wedding. He asked her why he would want her there. Sarah told him that Fiona had a nervous breakdown and was admitted into an institution. She worked hard to get sober. Sarah continued to tell Xander about Fiona’s story. He didn’t believe a word Fiona said. Sarah said she believed her. Alex ran into Justin. He knew he acted pompous when he thought he was Victor’s son. Alex felt bad that he forgot about the decent man who raised him. He hoped Justin could forgive him. Justin hoped Alex could forgive him too. Justin wanted to rebuild their relationship. They forgave each other. Holly told Nicole that Tate was at lacrosse camp, and she wouldn’t see him. Nicole wondered where she would go. Maggie approached them and offered to let Holly stay with her. Holly remembered that Theresa lived at the mansion and hated her. Maggie didn’t think that would be a problem anymore. Holly and Nicole said goodbye to each other. Brady told Theresa that he was disappointed in her. She told him that she did that because he rejected her. He admitted that he wanted her, but he was in denial. Brady thought they had a chance when they hooked up, but she jumped ship. She didn’t want to get hurt again. Theresa admitted that she loved him and always would. He loved her too, but her actions proved they were wrong for each other. Brady said goodbye to her. Maggie walked in the room and confronted Theresa about kidnapping Victoria. Theresa cried over what she did. She asked Maggie for one more favor. Theresa wanted her to drive her to the police station so she could turn herself in to the police. She wanted her to go with her so she wouldn’t change her mind.

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Days Transcript Friday, July 26, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[soft dramatic music]


Wow. Quiet this morning?

Yeah. Well, your teenage grandson has yet to emerge from his bedroom, which means the daily debate of whether he can have his AirPods on at the breakfast table is gonna have to be postponed.

Well, maybe he’s just sleeping in.

[chuckles] He’s trying to sleep the day away so he can avoid the consequences of what he did last night.

Yeah. Well, it’s a shame about the prom, wasn’t it? Especially with Tate and Holly.

Yeah. It was very disastrous, especially when Theresa decided to drag Holly home from the hotel.

Yeah. I’m not sure that was necessary.

No. I–I– I think her anger was justified. We have–we told Tate from the very beginning, you are not allowed to see Holly Jonas, and he decided on his own to go ahead and defy us and– doesn’t happen all the time, but Theresa and I, we are of one mind about this. [soft dramatic music]


Oh, no. I–I– I know that face, and I know that “hmm.” And that’s when you’re keeping your own counsel, right?

You know me too well.

[chuckles] Hmm. You wanna to tell me what you think?

Only if you want to hear it.

Hey, a lot of people in this town pay big bucks for your insight, and one of the perks I get for living here is that I get it for free, so–

I’m wondering, uh, if your reaction has less to do with what Tate did and more to do with how you feel about his mother.

Wow. I’m surprised to see you up and about so early.

Hey, Bonnie.

Ooh. I figured you’d be sleeping in after prom night. How was chaperoning?

Oh, it was great, if you consider walking in in the nick of time to stop two kids from having sex together in a hotel room.

Oh, boy.

Yeah. “Oh, boy” is right. We caught Tate and Holly at the Good Old Salem Inn.

I thought those two weren’t supposed to be–

To be seeing each other? Yeah, no. They weren’t. We found out Tate has been sneaking around with that neurotic little liar, even after everything she did to try and ruin his life.

Oh. So I take it last night was a total disaster for everyone, then.

Not everyone. Mm.


One thing went very right last night. [intriguing music]

Good morning, my love.

Oh! Good morning.

Hmm. What’s all this?

These are our wedding invitations. They just came from the printer.

Ah, yes.

Aren’t they beautiful?

They are. And may I just say how grateful I am that, unlike the most recent disastrous “almost” wedding we all had to endure, that you and I are gonna have a perfect wedding.


Especially for your mother’s sake, after everything she went through.

Yeah. That was quite an ordeal, that “almost” wedding to that miserable cretin.

That now-dead miserable cretin.

Thank God my mom laid a trap for that con man.

Yeah. Thank God.

[sighs] All right. No more talk about that vile SOB and the “almost” wedding. Let’s just focus on our upcoming nuptials.

Whatever you say, my beautiful bride. [gentle music]

Next time you want to visit me, do me a favor–just don’t. [somber music] Fine, Mother. I won’t. I will never visit you again. In fact, I never want to see you again. In fact, you can burn in–

no, you can’t, because you’re still my mother, And as sad as it is, I still want you to love me. I want that so bad.

Hey. You okay? [soft dramatic music]

[gulping] Mm. Oops.

[laughs] Oh, it’s you.

You look like you got some bad news.

It’s my mother.

Is she a patient here?

No, nothing like that. She’s in prison.

Oh. I’m sorry.

I just came from visiting her– to finally tell her that she has been wrong about me my entire life. I’m not a loser. I am lovable.

[sighs] I thought it was going to be this… Cathartic moment, this triumphant vindication. It turns out it was anything but. [soft chuckle] I don’t know why I’m surprised that that woman still has this uncanny knack to make me feel… utterly worthless and miserable.

[moans, winces]

Chanel, are you okay?

[deep breathing] Huh?


Are you okay?

Chanel, baby, what’s wrong?

It’s okay. I’m fine. I– [scream]

Oh! Chanel! Baby, what is it? What? [suspenseful music] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

There is nothing going on with Theresa and me. As a matter of fact, just the other day we– we talked about how we just need to focus on co-parenting Tate.

Well, I assume there was some reason you needed to talk.

Yeah. Uh, there–there was. Something happened.


[sighs] Yes. Look, we’d been getting closer because of what we’ve had to go through with Tate and, uh, there was um– a moment. We had a moment.

A moment?


That was all?

Yeah. I know it was just a moment. It was only a moment because right after the moment, Theresa said, “I want to be with Alex.” [soft dramatic music]

Mm. And, Brady, look at me. What do you want?

That is a big rock.

It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

Oh, it is. Looks like you spent a huge chunk of Victor’s money on it.

Well, Theresa’s worth it.


[soft chuckle] When did all this happen? I mean, the proposal. That’s–



No, no. It’s last night. [phone ringing]

Oh. Oh, that’s my dad. I texted him earlier. I want to tell him the good news, so I’ll be right back, okay?

Okay. [sighs]

So have you told your father?

Actually I did have a bit of a conversation with him right before I popped the question.

I mean Justin.

So should I start licking?

Excuse me?

I was talking about the invitations, obviously– the envelopes, specifically.

Yes, right. [chuckles] No. I’m taking these to my mom’s house because she has the entire family’s addresses in this very old handwritten, very battered book. And Bonnie said that she would help me stuff the envelopes, so–


You get to stay here with our very adorable teeny tiny.

Oh. Well, that would be an honor and a privilege.

She’s very lucky to have such a great dad.

I’m the lucky one. Hey, say hi to your mom for me.

I actually shall.

Oh, did I mention the chat I had with her yesterday?


I was just telling her how much I hated Konstantin for everything he did to her and Uncle Vic and Victoria and everything. And, I have to say, her response– it threw me.

What’d she say?

Oh, she was telling me that I was a lot like Victor, and that maybe because he saw so much of himself in me, that’s why he was so hard on me.

Oh, God. I slobbered all over you.

No. It’s okay. Here.

You’re being very nice. Thank you.

Well, I have been told I have an excellent bedside manner.

You’re a doctor.

Is it the stethoscope that gave it away? Mark Greene.

Leo Stark. Wait a minute. Dr. Mark Greene, like on “ER.”

I guess having that name and watching that show made me think there was no choice but to go into medicine.

Oh, boy. So you are all that, and you’re a doctor. I had a doctor boyfriend once. He was much older, and he was married to a woman. TMI. Sorry.

No. It’s okay.

Look, I may have slobbered on you, but I want you to know I was not drooling or anything. I mean, since you told me the other day that you’re not gay.

Did I say that?

Yeah, you did. Why? Is it not true?

Maybe we should get you to a hospital. And I’ll– I’ll call Dr. Greene.

No, no, no. We don’t need to do that. I think it’s just bad– [hisses] Cramps.

Could it be indigestion? Johnny, do you have any of those oyster crackers on you?

Yeah, yeah. They’re in– there in Chanel’s bag.


[panting] It’s fine. I–I think it’s fine now.

Oh, no. You just keep these close by just in case. Oh. Oh, I remember when I was pregnant with you. My tummy did all kind of loop-de-loops all day long. When Abe gets back from the pub with the food, you’ll feel better.

Yeah. Yeah. I’m in the mood for a burger.

Mm-hmm. I made sure that he ordered extra pickles. Oh, you don’t even have to wait for those. I have a whole jar in the kitchen.

[screams loudly]

Okay, okay. No. Oh. That’s it. We’re getting you to the hospital. Come on.


Come on. Come on. [dramatic music]

Oh, my goodness. Oh.

I don’t think my feelings really matter here.

Brady, your feelings always matter.

Well, look. Theresa–Theresa chose Alex. I accepted it, and I’m moving on, and I’d love to change the subject, actually.

Okay. I’m sorry to bring up a topic that’s uncomfortable for you to talk about.

Oh. I appreciate your concern, I really do. It’s just times out of I– I absolutely value your input, but this particular subject, just not right now.

Understood. All right. Well, I am going to go and talk to the people that pay me the big bucks.

You’re worth every penny.

Thanks. I’m always on your side, you know.

I know you are, and I thank you for that. [intriguing music]


Actually, no. I have not had the chance to tell Justin about my engagement to Theresa.

Why not? You know what? Call him right now.

I–I don’t think that’s news that he wants to hear right now.

Why wouldn’t it be?

Well, Justin and I had a bit of a disagreement about my relationship with Theresa.

Oh. I assume that’s because he knows that you found your fiancée, before she was your fiancée, in bed with Brady.

Right. Yeah. And Justin seems to believe that that actually meant something to Theresa– being with Brady, I mean.

Why? Do you think it didn’t–

Oh, I know it didn’t, Bonnie, because I had the conversation with Theresa. And she only did it to make me jealous.

Oh, honey. Look, this might be the pot calling the kettle black, but when a woman is trying to manipulate a man’s feelings, it means she’s really trying to manipulate a man’s feelings.

Okay. Well, Bonnie, I don’t want to have the same talk with you that I just had with Justin.

Honey, he cares about you. He doesn’t want to see you get hurt.

And that’s very kind, but I’m a big boy now.

And you were once Justin’s little boy. Look, I know he’s not your biological father, but that doesn’t change the fact that he has this big love for you in his heart. He is protective of you, and so am I.

Okay. I don’t need protection from Theresa.

Are you so sure about that? Honey, we both know she doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to relationships. And now, honey, you’re not only super hot, you’re also super rich, so come on. Don’t you think you could do better?

[soft chuckle] Really? [clears throat] [soft tense music]

Baby, I know that you’ve been struggling with the fact that you and Victor weren’t close when he died. You know that, deep down, he did love you.

Way deep down.

No. You did get along. What about when he made you CEO of Titan?

Oh. Only to undermine and replace me with Philip? I mean, I suppose we got along when he needed my help with Kristen’s baby– passing her off as your daughter.

Yeah. You only did that because you couldn’t stand the thought of me losing Mickey. And I know how much you’ve regretted that.

Oh, God. And I still do. It’s unthinkable to me now, trying to replace one child with another. I mean, no one could ever replace our precious girl.

No. No, never. And I thank God that I finally came to my senses and told you that Victoria is yours.

Oh, Sarah. When we were together back then, as happy as I was, I was just so worried the whole time that the other shoe was gonna drop. And as close as I felt to Victor back then, I– part of me knew that he was just using me to do his dirty work. So yeah, maybe he did see a bit of himself in me. That’s why he had me do all the terrible things he didn’t want to admit that he was capable of.

You know that that’s not true.

Then why? [soft dramatic music] Why, when he had his last chance to really show me how he felt…

why didn’t he leave me in his will?

You said you weren’t gay. Maybe you’re bi? Bi-curious? Had a crazy night in college?

Hey. We need help. Dr. Greene.

What’s going on?

[moan] I’m having cramps. [breathing sharply] Really, really bad cramps.

Doctor, you need to help my baby.

I’m going to.

she’s been in a lot of pain, and it seems to come and go, but it feels like it’s getting worse.

Okay. Let’s get you into another room and take a look, okay?

[moans] [screams]


Oh. So how is it now?

It’s–it’s still pretty bad, but it comes and goes, like Johnny said.

Miss Price, uh, I need you to step outside for a few minutes.

Wh–what? No. I’m staying– I’m staying right here. I’m not going to leave her here alone.

I am here, Paulina, okay?

Mama, please, please.

Oh. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I’ll be right outside the whole time. You holler if you need me. [soft dramatic music]

[winces, moans]

Let’s see how your baby’s doing, okay?

Okay. Okay. [moans] I have– I was trying to hold it together in front of my mom, ’cause I don’t want to worry her, but– but something is happening to me, Doctor. I’m scared. I’m really, really scared.

Hey, hey. I’m here. I’m here, okay? Everything is gonna be fine, I promise.

[breathing heavily]

Oh, Dr. Evans.

Oh, Leo. Do we have an appointment?

No, not today. And I swear, I didn’t know you were gonna be here. I absolutely respect your ” I can only help you maintain your fragile grip on your sanity during scheduled times” policy.

Leo, it’s all right.

No, it’s not. We have an appointment scheduled tomorrow. I can find a way to white knuckle it until then. [soft dramatic music]

Okay, fine. I’ve got a few minutes before my next patient arrives.

Really? Are you sure?

I’m sure, I’m sure. Let’s do this.

Theresa. I meant to tell you how good you look today.

Oh, really?


Huh. I meant to tell you how embarrassed you look right now. Anyone want to tell me why it’s suddenly okay for Bonnie to trash-talk me behind my back?

Well, it’s nothing I wouldn’t say to your face.


Justin has some concerns, that’s all, about you–

About you and me being together, and I just told Bonnie that whatever concerns they may have, I trust you wholeheartedly. And I’m committed to spending the rest of my life with you.

Thank you, Alex.

Of course.

[sighs] But you, Bonnie, I don’t understand the sudden . If I recall, it was just recently you were very supportive of my involvement with Alex.

Well, yeah. That was before I had the discussion of your involvement with him with my husband.

Oh. I see. Great. Okay. So Justin has turned you against me.

No. He’s just protective of his son. I mean, Alex. I–[inhales] You know, on a happier note, wedding bells will be ringing throughout this house for lots of people. In fact, Sarah’s on her way over so I can help her send out her wedding invites.

Oh. That won’t take too long. [soft chuckle] I just meant that it’s probably a really short list since Xander doesn’t really have many friends. [chuckles]

[sarcastic chuckle] Yeah. Well, on his side, it might be a little light, but I’m sure a few of us won’t mind moving over just to fill the void. Besides, I want to rub elbows with the mother of the groom.


Yes. Sarah has her heart set on inviting Xander’s mother to the wedding.

Well, it’s not like you were singled out to be excluded from Victor’s will. He didn’t leave anyone a penny except for my mom and Alex. And he only left Alex something to make up for the fact that he never acknowledged him as a son.

Right. I understand that I’m not the only person my uncle snubbed, but I don’t know. It really was his last chance to show me that I meant something to him, and I– I can’t believe I’m wasting time grieving the love lost to that old fool. [soft dramatic music]

Well, I do hope that Victoria and I can make up for the things that Victor didn’t give you.

That is a wonderful start.

Is it?


We’re gonna have to finish this later, though.

I’ll hold you to that.

Yeah. I really do have to go. But before I do, are you sure that you don’t want to take another shot at trying to find your mom?

That number I gave you from my mom– that was the last one I had for her. I told you that. You know, so maybe let’s just take– take this as fate’s way of saying it’s best I don’t find her.

Look, I– I know that you and your mom have had issues, but I– don’t you–

But you’re super-duper eager for her to be at the wedding. I get it. And it’s understandable that– you want Victoria to know her grandmother. [soft dramatic music]

I just– I don’t want you to be saddled with the same regret that you have about Victor and not mending fences before you lost him.

Maybe there is one other way we could reach my mom.

I thought that Xander lost touch with his mother.

Oh, yeah, he did. That’s why Sarah is trying to, you know, get them to get back in touch, mend fences, if you will. That’s why she wants to invite her to the wedding.

Are they sure that’s a good idea? both: Why wouldn’t it be?

I–I don’t know. I just–[chuckles] heard that she’s a raging alcoholic. I mean, do they want someone like that around their kid?

You know, just because someone has a substance abuse problem, they shouldn’t be shunned. Maybe she’s changed, like you.


Mm. Of course, yeah. You’re right. But, you know, I’m kind of concerned for Sarah. You know, what if this woman just shows up and causes a huge scene?

[laugh] Oh, honey. We’re kind of used to scenes around here, especially at weddings, right?




Theresa, you seem awfully concerned about Xander’s mom showing up in Salem. Something you want to tell us?

[crying] So I went to see my monster of a mother this morning.

You went to the prison?

Isn’t that what you told me to do, so I can quiet her nasty voice that’s been echoing in my head all these years?

Yes, but I meant that would be something that we would work on here in therapy.

Oh. I thought it would be wise to go and do it in person, you know, face to face.

Oh. I guess I didn’t go too well, huh?

No, it didn’t go well. It was a disaster, a calamity, a catastrophe, and a dumpster fire all rolled up into one.

What did she say?

She brought out all her greatest hits. Said I was worthless, unlovable, a degenerate… And that I deserved all of the misery that had befallen me. Befallen, is that a word?

That’s a word. That must have been so hard for you to hear.

[sighs] [somber music] I should have expected it, but still, under the heading of “hope springs eternal,” I guess I hoped that she would take me into her arms and tell me that she had a major epiphany, and that I was the greatest gift God had ever given her. Though, she is a shameless heathen. She never would have invoked God.

You know, just because your mother said those things does not mean they’re true.

Then why does it feel that way when she says them?

Leo. [gentle acoustic music] As children, we depend on our parents just to thrive. If they tell us things, then we believe it, because contradicting anything would– I don’t know–would just jeopardize our own existence. You’re no longer a child. You’re no longer dependent on your mother, so there’s no reason to give her the power over you.

Right. No reason.

Right. You can do anything you like. You can be yourself, you can be proud of yourself, you can even love yourself.

[sighs] Yeah. I’m not a little boy who needs his nose wiped anymore. I can wipe my own nose. I am my own man. [chuckles] And that hunky doctor seemed to think I was worth talking to.

What hunky doctor is that?

[breathing shakily]

I’m just gonna do a quick ultrasound, see if we can figure out what’s going on.


Here. [monitor beeping] Felicity’s stuffie.

Yeah. Hey. Everything is gonna be okay, all right? My love, Dr. Greene is taking good care of you and of our little one too.

Okay. [suspenseful music]

Dr. Greene?

I’m very sorry, Chanel. I’m afraid you’ve had a miscarriage.


[gasps] Wait. A miscarriage?

I– I don’t understand. We were just here. You said everything was fine.

Everything did look fine, but that changed, obviously.

So those soft markers that you were telling us about, is that what caused this?

A spontaneous loss like this can happen for any number of reasons, and it’s not unusual. I’m sure this is cold comfort right now, but in pregnancies ends in miscarriage. [somber music]

I’m gonna send a– I’m gonna send a specialist in to examine you, see if I can get you any more answers. Again, Chanel, Johnny, I’m so sorry for your loss.


So I met this totally gorgeous doctor the other day. But at the time I didn’t know he was a doctor, just this handsome guy out for a run, and he was thirsty. And I happened to have a glass of water to give to him. And it looks like what goes around comes around, because today he found me at the nurse’s station a complete wreck. He took me into his muscular arms, and he comforted me. And he gave me this. Who said chivalry is dead?

Leo, you just met this man.

Oh, Dr. Evans, don’t worry. I’m not getting my hopes up for a romance or anything like that. He told me he wasn’t gay.

I see.

But then he acted surprised when I reminded him that he said that. Do you think maybe he is gay?

Well, I don’t know.

Well, maybe you know him, and maybe you’ve gotten something of a vibe from him–Dr. Mark Greene?

Mark Greene? I’ve heard the name, but I don’t think that I’ve met him.

Maybe you’ve heard some chat about him over at the water cooler?

Well, if there were any chat at the water cooler…


I wouldn’t repeat it–


Nor would I speculate about it.

Okay. Fine. Well, whether he’s gay or not, he and I had a moment, a lovely moment. [chuckles]

I’m so glad to hear that for you, but you don’t know anything about this man, no information at all about him. So I–I think you shouldn’t read too much into this. Leo.


I wouldn’t like to see you get hurt.

Thank you. Unlike my mother, who lives to see me hurt. In fact, I feel like that’s been her goal since I was born, and I will bet she is in her cell right now, gloating over how bad she made me feel this morning.

Why don’t we talk about that during our next session?

Oh, no. Are we out of time?

I’m afraid we are.

All right. So tomorrow, I guess, we can figure out why it is I want love from my horrible mother, who referred to me as a miserable dead loss. She actually called me that.

Leo, you are a very worthwhile human being. I’m especially impressed with your desire to get to know yourself, understand your history, and come to terms with the, well, emotionally abusive mother you had– and your father, from what you told me.

Yes, both of them. Okay. So tomorrow, we will work on getting me to embrace the fact that I am a worthwhile person, as you say.

Yes, we will do that.

Great. Then I will see you tomorrow for our actual session.

I will see you tomorrow. [gentle music]

I’m not so much concerned about Xander’s mother, per se. But look. After what happened here with Konstantin, I think we all need to be a little bit wary about just inviting long-lost family and friends to come over out of the blue.

Okay, I get it. Yeah. But you’re not gonna have to worry about Xander’s mother showing up. The number he had for her wasn’t hers anymore. They just don’t know even how to track her down.


Oh. [clicks tongue] That’s too bad.

Mm. Well, at least you don’t have to worry about any surprise guests showing up at our wedding. I’ve already found all my long-lost relatives.


Yeah. Let’s hope that’s true.

It is true for sure. Anyway, I have to get to work.




Bye, Bonnie.

Oh. Bye, honey.


[chuckles] [tense music]

[sighs] God.

Got it. Hey. You can expect that invitation in the mail. [chuckles, sighs] That long shot paid off.

Who was that?

My mom’s sister, Aunt Maisie. They never got along, so I just didn’t think my mom would be in contact with her.

But she was?

Apparently. Yeah. My mom hit her up for money a few months ago.

Are you kidding?

No. But she didn’t have my mom’s phone number, but she did have her address.

[gasps] [soft dramatic music]

[sighs] [tense music]

[breathing heavily]



Hey. Man, I’m sorry to hear about last night.

What happened last night?

Uh, the prom?

The prom. Yeah, yeah. I’m sure Theresa told you that we found Tate and Holly in a hotel room–


And then Theresa dragged Holly out of said a hotel room. It was–it was lots of fun.

Mm. Especially for the kids, I’m sure.

I’m actually surprised Theresa didn’t call me and let me know what EJ and Nicole’s reaction was to the whole thing.

Well, she was kind of busy last night, partly my fault.

Why is that your fault?

I proposed. [solemn guitar music] Theresa and I are engaged.

Bonnie, thank you so much for offering to help.

Oh, honey.

Addressing these invites is gonna be a lot easier with both of us doing it.

I am so happy to assist, and your mom already gave me her address book.

Okay. Well, we just have to add one more address to it.

Okay. Whose would that be?

Xander’s mom.

[sighs] Ooh! – I know. We managed to track her down after all.

Oh. [chuckles]

I’m very excited. [laughter]

It’s exciting. Okay. Let’s see.

Hey, little one. Did you hear all that? Apparently there’s a chance now that you’re gonna meet your Grandma Cook. Oh, look at that big smile. You’re excited about it, huh? [soft tense music] I’m afraid that makes one of us.

Part of being a doctor, I know, delivering bad news, but to tell these two that they lost their baby, and so soon after I told them everything was fine. You always know the right thing to say. Same here. See you tonight. [phone beeps]

[clears throat]

Oh. Hey, Leo.

Dr. Greene, I was hoping I’d run into you so I could return your hankie.

Forget it. Keep it.

Thanks. I’m sorry to hear you had to deliver bad news. So was that a friend on the phone? A significant other? I’m sorry. That’s none of my business.

No. It’s okay. It was my girlfriend, actually.

Girlfriend, right, of course. [melancholic music]

I better get going. Excuse me.


[sighs] Well, that answers that.


Oh. Dr. Greene said I could come back in. Well, what happened? [dramatic music]

We lost the baby.



Oh, no. Oh, my God. Oh, oh. How–how did that happen?

It happened because of what you did. This is all your fault.

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Days Update Thursday, July 25, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Holly joins Tate at the Horton Cabin on Smith Island and they kiss. They talk about missing each other as Tate shows her that he made her lunch and got her flowers. Tate asks about her trip over. Holly says that Nicole took Jude to work and then she took the ferry to the island and that no one knows she’s there. Holly then gets a call from Nicole.

EJ is on the phone at the DiMera Mansion, saying he told them that he’s working from home and he needs the case files delivered immediately. EJ hangs up as Eric then storms in and demands that EJ sign his divorce papers.

Alex sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion, looking up at the portrait of Victor. Sarah comes in and asks how he’s doing. Alex asks how she thinks as he just found out his whole life was a lie, again.

Theresa goes to the airport and hears the plane will begin boarding in five minutes. Theresa turns around and runs in to Xander, who asks if she’s going somewhere.

Brady wakes up in a room at the Salem Inn to see Fiona, who tells him that they had quite the night last night. Brady says he’s sorry as he was pretty drunk last night. Fiona says she was too as they had several martinis and Brady was drinking even before she came to his table. Brady guesses that explains why he doesn’t recall coming back to the Salem Inn. Fiona explains that it’s her room and Brady said he didn’t want to go home in his condition which Brady calls his one good decision. Brady then asks Fiona if they slept together. Fiona responds that they certainly did.

Theresa questions how Xander found her. Xander knew she would try to skulk out of town after what she did and questions where she’s going. Theresa asks what he wants. Xander wants answers. Theresa says she said everything she had to say at the wedding. Xander says it wasn’t enough as he wants to know why she changed the name in the letter to deny him his birthright. Xander asks if she really hates him that much. Theresa says she does and then some.

Tate suggests Holly ignore the call but Holly says she tried but Nicole was calling the entire time she was on the ferry so she might get paranoid and try to come find her. Holly then answers the call. Nicole asks where she is as she’s been trying to reach her for an hour. Holly claims she’s working a lunch shift at the Bistro. Nicole thought she was working dinners but Holly says she’s covering for someone. Nicole says she’s sorry to bother her at work. Holly asks if something is up. Nicole says she needs to see her after work. Holly asks if everything is good. Nicole declares that they need to find a new place to leave ASAP because she doesn’t want to be anywhere near EJ.

EJ mocks Eric working as Nicole’s courier. Eric asks if he’s going to sign the divorce papers or not. EJ asks what he’s so angry about. Eric says about a million things, starting with EJ stealing his son. EJ remarks that Eric brought the boy over himself and said that he was his. Eric argues that’s what Sloan said but EJ knew that was a lie because he helped her get away with it. EJ argues that Sloan is fully capable of making her own decisions, even bad ones like marrying Eric. Eric yells at him to shut up and talks about EJ accepting Jude when he brought him over, knowing that he was suffering. Eric declares that now EJ is the one who is going to suffer.

Alex pours a drink as Sarah asks what the worst part is. Alex calls that an excellent question since there’s so many good choices. Alex talks about feeling stupid for not realizing that Theresa had been lying to him this entire time or the fact that he treated Justin the way that he did. Alex guesses the worst might be just not being who he thought he was. Sarah remembers how confusing for him when he thought Victor was his dad. Alex says putting aside the money and the CEO position, it was thinking that Victor lied to him for his entire life. Alex talks about trying to embrace his new identity to honor Victor’s legacy but it turned out none of that was true either, so suddenly his entire life is turned upside down again. Sarah knows he doesn’t care but says that Xander is feeling the same way.

Xander questions if Theresa’s answer is that she hated him so much. Theresa admits that’s not the only reason she did it. Xander argues that it always has to be about her since she saw the opportunity to steal from him, give it to Alex, and she could still enjoy the spoils. Xander says Theresa made Alex the heir and then her husband and the truth may never have come out if Bonnie didn’t mail the invitation to Fiona. Theresa cries that it did come out and now it’s all come crashing down. Xander then hears on the intercom that Theresa’s plane is leaving for New York. Theresa asks if they are done since she really needs to go. Xander asks if Alex is annulled the marriage or if she even cares since his net worth has dropped so significantly. Xander hopes she doesn’t think she will get away with this, pointing out that Konstantin is dead so she’s the only one left to take the fall. Xander then realizes that Konstantin was her accomplice but she was his too when she kidnapped his baby.

Brady asks Fiona again if they slept together. Fiona clarifies that they shared the bed but that’s all. Fiona says she had a very good time with him at the Pub and has no complaints. Brady wishes it wasn’t such a blur and points out that he doesn’t even know her last name. Fiona then reveals it’s Cook. Brady hopes that’s no relation to Xander. Fiona informs Brady that Xander is her son, causing Brady to spit out his water in shock.

Nicole mentions going to check out an apartment. Holly asks Nicole if she can’t just go by herself. Nicole responds that she can but Holly is going to be living there too, so she wants her to have a say in it. Nicole says she’s asking her for help starting a new life together and asks her not to argue with her on this. Holly tells her that she’s working a double today. Nicole apologizes and says she’s just really stressed out as she’s trying to make a clean break from EJ but he’s refusing to sign the divorce papers. Holly admits she didn’t know that. Nicole adds that things at work are crazy, so it’s something she really wants them to do together as she kind of needs it right now. Holly then agrees to meet her between shifts so they can look at a few places together. Nicole says that’s great and agrees to pick her up as soon as she finishes at work. Holly hangs up and tells Tate that she has to go meet Nicole to look at a few apartments, but she doesn’t have to go until before her actual dinner shift covering for Sophia. Tate says he’s sorry about that since it was the only way to stop Sophia from telling on them. Holly calls it a small price to pay for them to be together as they kiss.

EJ tells Eric that Sloan is the one who started all of this and asks why he doesn’t take it up with her. Eric says that’s because EJ helped her get away with it. EJ thinks he’s mistaken. Eric brings up when Sloan came over and begged Nicole to forgive her. EJ says he remembers Sloan attacking him. Eric argues that Sloan is half his size but still managed to get away. EJ argues that she had the element of surprise. Eric tells him to save it for the police because he’s going to prison. EJ responds that he’s the district attorney, so he’d like to point out that you generally need proof to charge someone with a crime and he has none. Eric says not yet, but he will get locked up and pay for what he did. EJ says he’d like to see him try. Eric tells EJ to be a real man and sign the divorce papers. EJ says no. Eric asks why not and if he thinks Nicole is actually going to forgive him. Eric tells EJ that Nicole is never going to come back to him. EJ says perhaps, but she’s never getting away from either. EJ then tears the divorce papers up. Eric asks if he really thinks he can stop a divorce by tearing up a copy. EJ says maybe not but he can certainly delay it. Eric asks why he’d want to. EJ says it would make their lives Hell and it’s already working. Eric calls him a piece of garbage. EJ warns Eric not to antagonize him or he might prosecute Marlena for assault after she came over and slapped him. Eric says that’s the least of what he deserves. EJ remarks that they’ll see when Marlena is sitting in a jail cell. Eric argues that no judge will send Marlena to jail for slapping him. EJ responds that he was just using that as an example because he can hurt Eric in all sorts of ways which Eric questions. EJ then says he’s curious if Holly knows that Eric killed her father.

Holly and Tate have lunch together in the Horton Cabin and talk about the freedom of not having to worry about someone bursting in on them. Tate talks about Aaron agreeing to pretend to be him at lacrosse camp and Sophia keeping her mouth shut, they should have at least a month together. Holly asks if he’s not worried about his mom figuring out he’s not at camp. Tate says he’s not because he thinks Theresa is married to Alex now and rich, so she’s probably off on some insane honeymoon somewhere…

Alex tells Sarah that she’s right that he doesn’t care what Xander is feeling because he’s about to get everything he ever wanted, so he questions what Xander has to be upset about. Sarah argues that Alex just talked about his life being turned upside down and feels for Xander, it’s worse which Alex questions. Sarah complains that Alex knows Victor always treated Xander like the hired help or an embarrassment to the Kiriakis name, unworthy and unwanted. Alex remarks that maybe that’s because it’s true. Sarah responds that he sounds a lot like Theresa.

Theresa tells Alex that it’s insane and asks why she would take his child. Xander argues that she was helping her partner in crime get back in Maggie’s good graces. Theresa calls that a tremendous story but untrue. Xander says she’s slipping as her lies are not believable anymore. Xander remarks that it’s a good thing his mom showed up to expose her as the fraud she is.

Brady questions Fiona being Xander’s mother and can’t believe he slept in the same bed with her. Brady tells Fiona that he and her son have history and he thought she was out of the picture. Fiona explains they were out of touch but out of the blue, she was invited to his wedding. Brady questions if she was there. Fiona says she showed up late while Brady says he was there, but left early. Fiona tells Brady that he missed quite the show since thanks to her, Xander found out he had been tricked out of his birthright which Brady questions. Fiona asks if Brady knows who Victor Kiriakis was. Brady informs her that Victor was his grandfather. Fiona supposes the secret is out now and reveals that Xander is Victor’s long lost son which Brady questions. Fiona says it’s true and that Victor left half of everything in his estate to Xander. Brady tells her that was Alex and how it was revealed in a letter written by Anjelica. Fiona says it turned out that Anjelica didn’t write that letter, she did. Brady asks what the hell she’s talking about. Fiona explains that she’s the one who had an affair with Victor resulting in a child and someone tampered with her signature in the letter. Brady asks who would do that. Fiona says apparently Alex’s bride which shocks Brady.

Theresa tells Xander that she’s done with this conversation. Xander brings up Konstantin going on and on about how he was still in the dark about something and he was about to reveal who his accomplice was but Theresa elbowed him in the gut. Xander adds that Konstantin used his last breath to say there was still an enemy in their midst. Theresa claims that was because Konstantin knew she forged the letter and that it had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Xander grabs her by the arm and declares he’s taking her to the police station.

Alex tells Sarah that a pen is all it took to change one name to another and all of their lives are never the same. Sarah tells Alex that she’s really sorry as he didn’t deserve that. Alex says it’s not her fault, but thanks her and admits it’s not Xander’s fault either. Alex says if anything, he should be thanking them for inviting Xander’s mother to the wedding because if she never showed up, they may have never known the truth.

Fiona tells Brady that Theresa forged the letter, depriving Xander of his rightful inheritance. Brady questions what she was thinking. Fiona says it seems there was bad blood between them and that Theresa wanted Alex to be the heir. Brady says he suspected that Theresa went through the briefcase but he just assumed that she read the letter and found out that Alex was the heir. Fiona states that she made him the heir and then questions how Brady knows Theresa. Brady then reveals that she is his ex-wife and the mother of his son. Fiona calls it a small world. Brady welcomes her to Salem and says he has to get going. Fiona says it was nice spending time with him. Brady wishes he could say the same but he doesn’t remember. Fiona asks him not to say anything about this since she’s not supposed to be drinking. Brady says he’s not either and agrees not to say anything. Fiona suggests maybe they can do this again sometime. Brady says maybe as he gathers his things and exits.

Theresa tells Xander to get his hands off of her and threatens to scream for security to come take him down. Xander lets her go. Theresa tells him that he can think whatever he wants of her but claims she had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Xander warns that she’s not going to get away with this. Theresa compares it to Xander kidnapping Bonnie and Susan. Xander responds that he’s admitted to all of his crimes, but it’s good that she knows how dangerous he can be and that was before he had unlimited resources. Xander tells her that she can get on the plane and fly to the ends of the Earth, but no matter where she runs, she can’t hide from him. Xander then storms off.

EJ knows how much Holly cares about Eric and she’s aware that a drunk driver killed her father, but he wonders how she will feel when she finds out that drunk driver was Eric. Eric questions if he really wants to do that to her. EJ says no, but he does want to do it to Eric. Eric asks even if that means ruining her relationship with her mother because they know she would blame Nicole for keeping that from her. EJ questions why that’s his problem. Eric says as much as EJ hates him or even Nicole, Holly has never done a thing to him. EJ responds that he’s not the one who killed her father. Eric asks if he really wants to cause Holly that much more pain after all she’s been through. EJ then agrees not to tell Holly that Eric is a drunken murderer and that he will instead focus on tormenting him and Nicole by tying Nicole up in court for years and make Eric testify to the fact that Nicole cheated on him with Eric. Eric argues that they were drugged. EJ asks about the night Eric kissed her after gallantly bringing her home from the bar. Eric declares he’s done with him. EJ stops him to warn him that he’s still married to Sloan, which Eric questions. EJ claims he forgot to file his divorce papers as it just slipped his mind. Eric tells EJ to enjoy his pathetic, lonely life. EJ responds that he’ll send him his bill as Eric storms out of the mansion.

Holly asks Tate if Theresa is a billionaire now. Tate says she’s married to one which Holly calls basically the same thing. Tate says he never thought about it that way and compares it to Nicole marrying EJ. Holly says even if that were the case, she doubts Nicole would think it’s worth it. Tate asks about Holly getting along with EJ. Holly says she did before he lied to them about Jude and now Nicole is leaving him but EJ is refusing to divorce her. Tate questions if you can do that and calls it kind of shady. Holly asks if Tate likes Alex. Tate says he seems like a good guy and thinks Theresa even loves him. Holly comments that he’s definitely hot for an older guy. Holly says maybe if Theresa gets her happily ever after, she will stop trying to ruin theirs. Tate promises that she won’t be ruining anything today as they kiss until Holly says she has to go so she can get to the Bistro before Nicole does. Tate asks for a few more minutes as they continue kissing. Holly worries that if she doesn’t go now, she’ll never leave. Holly then agrees to stay for five more minutes as they continue kissing.

Eric goes to the Spectator office and tells Nicole how much it brightens his day to see her and Jude. Nicole asks if he had a rough day. Eric informs her that he went to see EJ. Nicole questions why. Eric says he tried to talk him in to signing the divorce papers but he has no shame and tore them up. Eric adds that EJ said he was going to make their lives a living Hell and then threatened to go after Marlena for slapping him and that he was going to tell Holly that he was the driver that killed Daniel but he talked him out of that, so EJ said he would drag out the divorce for years. Nicole tells Eric that she’s so sorry. Eric says it’s not her fault. Eric adds that EJ also informed him that he and Sloan are still married because he forgot to file the divorce papers. Nicole calls EJ a son of a bitch and asks what they do now. Eric asks what if they left Salem, suggesting he could still take the job in Paris so they could get far away from EJ and start a new life with Holly and Jude. Eric asks what she thinks.

Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion and asks EJ about being district attorney. EJ points out that this is not his office but Xander says this can’t wait. Xander wants Theresa charged with kidnapping his daughter and declares that she needs to be locked up for what she did to him and Sarah.

Sarah goes to Fiona’s hotel room which Fiona calls a surprise. Sarah calls the last 24 hours one big surprise. Fiona agrees and asks if she can help her with something. Sarah says she just wanted to come talk to her about everything. Fiona asks if she’s angry with her, mentioning that Xander is ignoring her calls. Sarah says that Xander is pretty overwhelmed with everything, but she comes with an invitation which Fiona questions. Sarah explains that they still plan to get married once everything settles down and it will just be something small at the Kiriakis Mansion, so they’d love it if she was there. Fiona is not sure that’s a good idea.

Brady goes to the Kiriakis Mansion where Alex is sitting in the living room, facing the portrait of Victor. Brady tells Alex that he heard the news. Alex thought he was at the wedding. Brady says he left early which Alex calls the right decision. Brady says it’s crazy and shocking as he can’t believe Theresa did this to him. Alex tells him to join the club. Brady asks where she is. Alex responds that Theresa packed up her stuff and left.

Theresa paces at the airport as the final call is made to board the plane to New York.

Sarah knows Xander was really harsh with Fiona but she thinks once Xander absorbs everything and calms down, he will want her at the wedding. Fiona clarifies that’s not what she meant by it being a bad idea so Sarah asks what she meant. Fiona says it’s not that she’s unsure that her son wants her at his wedding, but she’s not so sure that Xander should be getting married at all.

EJ tells Xander that it looks like Theresa is up to her old tricks. Xander asks if he will issue a warrant for her arrest then. EJ admits he’d love to let Theresa walk because of how much it would bother Nicole, but he has to uphold the law, so he will issue an arrest warrant immediately. Xander thanks EJ and then exits the mansion. EJ remarks that if only punishing Nicole were that easy.

Nicole walks to the town square and calls Eric, telling him that Holly is about to meet her there and thanks him for wishing her luck as she feels she’s going to need it. Nicole hangs up as Holly arrives and asks where their first apartment is to look at, mentioning she’d love to live by the water. Nicole responds that she was actually thinking farther and asks Holly what she thinks about Paris. Nicole explains that Eric invited her to come to Paris with him and she thought maybe it would be good for all of them but Holly declares there’s no way in Hell she’s leaving Salem and storms off.

Tate reads online in an article about what happened at the double wedding with the wrong heir being named and questions what Theresa has done.

Brady tells Alex that he can’t say he’s shocked that Theresa took off because it’s what she does in making a mess, then leaving everyone else to clean it up. Brady wouldn’t be surprised if Theresa got the hell out of dodge for good, but Theresa then walks in and tells Brady he’s wrong.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At the office, Kristen told Ava that Gabi left her a message about resurrecting Gabi Chic. Ava told her it was a bad idea. She said she hated Gabi even though she doesn’t know she slept with Stefan. Ava said she wasn’t sitting beside her. Kristen said she would do it. Stefan comforted Gabi about Rafe. Jada sat with Rafe at the hospital. Kayla suggested that she go home, but Jada refused to leave. Kayla said Rafe been through this before and recovered. She said there was no reason to think he wouldn’t now. Jada said she hoped she was right. While Connie was cutting vegetables, Li taunted her about Rafe waking up from his coma, which would cause Bobby to throw her under the bus. He said her plan would blow up in her face. While at the pub, Bobby read an online article about Rafe. He was surprised Connie took it that far but wasn’t going to waste an opportunity to get closer to Jada. When Bobby said he was going to the hospital, Stephanie walked in. He changed into Everett mode telling Stephanie that he had an appointment with Marlena. Stephanie said she was happy that he was making progress. He said he didn’t want her to think they were getting back together. Stephanie said she didn’t think that.

Kristen told Ava getting Gabi Chic would help them compete with Basic Black. Ava said this had to do with Brady, but Kristen said it was good for business. Kristen said Ava would have to swallow her pride and get Gabi to sign with them. Ava said Rafe was in a coma. Kristen said Gabi could compartmentalize. She said if Ava wanted the job, she’ll make it happen. Kristen gave her Gabi’s contract. Gabi appreciated Stefan being there for her. She wanted him to make love to her. Jada told Rafe that she loved him. She asked him to wake up. Bobby came in the room. Jada asked why he was there. He said he wanted to apologize to her about Rafe and asked if there were any leads. Jada said forensics was analyzing the knife for DNA. Bobby said the Spectator would support him. He said he would support her too. Jada was confused as to why he would do that since they barely knew each other. He said he felt like Bobby was becoming a part of him and he was starting to remember some of Bobby’s life. She asked if he remembered anything about Li’s death. He said he didn’t. Bobby said he was starting to feel what Bobby felt about her. Gabi apologized to Stefan. She said she wasn’t sorry that Eric got his son back, but she was sorry she betrayed his trust. Stefan apologized for getting mad at her. Gabi said they needed to trust each other no matter what. She said she would never keep secrets from him. He said the same thing. Kayla and Stephanie talked about the double wedding. While they were talking, they got on the subject of Everett. Stephanie told her she was supportive of Everett’s mental health. She told Kayla about the way Everett was acting. Ava ran into Gabi at the hospital. She told Gabi she was sorry about what happened to Rafe. Gabi asked if she was sorry that she wasn’t the one who did it. Ava said she cared about Rafe and would never wish that on him. She said wanted to bring Gabi Chic to DiMera. Gabi said going over her head worked. Ava wondered if Gabi would be able to work with what’s going on with Rafe. Gabi said it would be a distraction. Jada moved away from Bobby. Bobby told her he wasn’t developing feelings for her. He was just offering her support. Bobby said he and Stephanie broke up so he was alone. Jada was suspicious when Bobby left. Connie told Li that Bobby could be a liability. She said if it came to that she would get rid of him. Stephanie and Jada ran into each other. They talked about Everett and compared notes. It made them wonder if Everett was really himself. Connie went to Rafe’s room to finish the job. Gabi asked what she was doing.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole called Holly while she was at the Horton cabin. She wanted her to go apartment hunting with her after she finished her shift. Holly tried to get out of it. Nicole pleaded with her, and she told her she would go during her break. Eric stormed into the DiMera mansion and demanded EJ sign the divorce papers. He went off because EJ stole Jude from him. EJ blamed Sloan for what happened. He ripped up the papers. EJ knew it wouldn’t stop the divorce, but it would make his life with Nicole miserable. Eric called him a piece of garbage. EJ said he could hurt him in many ways. He asked him if Holly knew he killed her father. Sarah found Alex looking at Victor’s portrait. She wondered what the worst part of everything was for him. He felt stupid because of the way he treated Justin. His life was turned upside down because of it. She told him that Xander felt the same way. Xander found Theresa at the airport. He demanded to know why she changed the letter from his mother. Xander wondered if she hated him that much. She hated him more than he thought. She was about to get on the flight when he warned her that she wouldn’t get away with what she did. He told her that Konstantin was dead, so she was the only one to take the fall. Xander realized that she was Konstantin’s accomplice and kidnapped Victoria. Theresa tried to deny, but he didn’t believe her.

Brady woke up at the Salem Inn and saw Fiona wearing a lingerie and robe. She thought they had an interesting night. Fiona gave him aspirin and water. They thought about their night together. He wanted to know if they slept together. She told him they slept in the bed together. Fiona let him know that her last name was Cook. He hoped she wasn’t related to Xander. She told him that he was her son. Brady thought she wasn’t in the picture. Fiona explained how she went to the wedding and announced that Victor was Xander’s father. Brady realized that Theresa forged the letter about Alex. He asked her not to let anyone know that he was drinking since he was supposed to be sober. She let him know that she was supposed to be sober too. Alex told Sarah that she was right and that he didn’t care how Xander was doing. She reminded him that Xander was lied to while Victor made him fee worthless. Alex coldly told her that it was true. She thought he sounded like Theresa. Sarah apologized for what he went through. He told her that it wasn’t her fault. He thanked her for inviting Fiona, or they wouldn’t have known the truth. Xander grabbed Theresa’s arm and told her that he was taking her to the police station. She threatened to scream for security until he released her arm. He warned her that he was dangerous before, but it will be worse now that he has more resources. She couldn’t hide from him forever. He walked away from her and left her gasping. Eric wondered if EJ would really hurt Holly. EJ said he wouldn’t hurt Holly, but he would hurt him. He thought Holly deserved to know the truth. Eric believed Holly would blame Nicole for what happened. EJ didn’t see how that was his problem. He agreed not to tell her that he was a drunken murderer. EJ planned on keeping Nicole in court for years. He planned to make Eric confess that Nicole cheated with him. EJ reminded him that he was still married to Sloan. He laughed as he admitted that he forgot to file the divorce papers. Eric wanted him to enjoy a pathetic and lonely life. Later, Eric went to The Spectator and told her about his conversation with EJ. He suggested that they run off to Paris together with Holly and Jude. Xander went to see EJ and wanted him to charge Theresa with kidnapping. EJ agreed to issue a warrant immediately.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie and Jada believed that Bobby was pretending to be Everett. Jada remembered that Everett appeared when she questioned Bobby about Li’s murder. She said he didn’t remember anything about the murder. Jada thought he could be pretending to be Everett to cover up the truth about it. Everett apologized to Kayla for his attitude. He told her that he was stressing out about things, so Stephanie’s feelings were his top priority. Everett left for his appointment while Kayla watched him walk away. Paulina talked to Abe about Everett harassing her for a quote about Rafe’s attack. She wanted to focus on appointing a temporary police commissioner. Paulina wanted to give the job to Jada, but she was going to focus on Rafe’s attack. She wanted to deal with it after her appointment with Kayla. Connie reached for Rafe’s ventilator when Gabi walked int he room. She hid her gloves and told her that she felt bad for Rafe. Connie wanted to see if she could help. Gabi wanted to know why she was really there. Connie said she wanted to give her a copy of her resume so she could work for her. Gabi thought that was creepy of her to do that. She didn’t have time for a stalker and ordered her to leave Rafe’s room. Connie told her that she couldn’t do that. Bobby went to Marlena’s office, and it was empty. He thought about how hard it was to be Everett. Marlena arrived, and he wanted to cut their appointment short. He thought it would be better for him to get his life in order. She knew Stephanie and his job were important to him. He told her that he broke up with Stephanie.

Paulina got her checkup and Kayla told her that she was doing great. Kayla was only concerned about her cholesterol level. Paulina didn’t want to take more medication and asked Kayla not to tell Abe about that. She thought Abe would be proud of her. Paulina admitted that he was more focused on the soap opera lately. Connie agreed to work with Gabi for free to help her get through everything. Gabi didn’t want to focus on that right now. Connie offered to get her coffee. Everett told Marlena that it didn’t seem fair for him to make Stephanie wait around for him. He said he was feeling some of Bobby’s feelings. Marlena thought he was making progress. Everett said he was ready to be hypnotized again. Marlena agreed to do it. Everett cried thinking about his father hitting him and begging him to stop. Jada got a call from the station. She yelled at the person and told them not to talk to Everett about Rafe’s stabbing. Stephanie thought Everett stabbed Rafe to have a clear path to Jada. Jada said the timing of his release checked out. Stephanie remembered seeing Everett at his hotel that day. He came out of the shower. She wondered if he was washing off evidence. Connie planned to get rid of Gabi after she killed Rafe. She spit in the coffee that she got for Gabi. Gabi was blown away by her resume. She could use someone like Connie and agreed to work with her.

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Days Short Recap Monday, July 22, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander’s mother Fiona went up to him at the wedding. Theresa was scared when she saw her. Paul texted Brady to see if he was okay. Brady said he made it to the meeting. He had a drink in front of him. Fiona said she got her invitation to the wedding too late to RSVP. She said she decided to come anyway. Sarah introduced herself. She told Fiona about her granddaughter. When Sarah told her the baby was named Victoria after Victor, Fiona said it was appropriate. Maggie told her she was Victor’s widow. Fiona said she and Victor were close years ago. Maggie said Fiona was married to Victor’s brother Titus. Theresa wanted to get the wedding back on track. Ava went down to the pub and saw Brady drinking. She was surprised to see him drinking. He told her about Theresa. She asked if he wanted to talk about it. Fiona wanted to know who Theresa was. Leo said Theresa just married Victor’s son. Alex introduced himself to her. Fiona said she thought Bo and Phillip were Victor’s sons. Alex told her about a letter they found after Victor’s death. Fiona had questions, but Theresa told Maggie to finish the ceremony. Fiona said what she had to say couldn’t wait. She said Alex was committing a fraud. Fiona wanted to see the letter. Justin showed her letter telling her Alex’s mother wrote it to Victor years ago. Fiona said Anjelica didn’t write the letter. She wrote the letter.

Xander wanted to know what Fiona was doing. Fiona apologized to him for it coming out this way. She said she had an affair with Victor while she was married to Titus. Fiona said she didn’t want Titus to know she had an affair so she wrote the letter to Victor in private about his son Alexander. She said she gave Xander that name. Fiona said someone changed her signature on the letter. Justin said the letter was found in Victor’s briefcase which was returned by the ISA. Fiona asked if anyone had access to it. Alex looked at Theresa and asked if it was her. He said Theresa was alone with the briefcase in Greece. Theresa tried to explain herself, but Alex said she changed the letter. He demanded that she tell him the truth. Theresa admitted the truth. Sarah tried to hold Xander back. Alex wanted to know who helped her forge the letter. Theresa said it was Konstantin. Ava listened to Brady talk about Theresa. Ava talked to him about Harris. She said she brought her heartache on herself. Brady said it didn’t change how much it hurt. He said she didn’t have a constant reminder of Harris because he’s gone. Maggie was shocked that Theresa worked with Konstantin. Theresa said she didn’t know how dangerous he was. Xander yelled at her for giving Alex what was rightfully his. Alex said Theresa may have screwed Xander over but at least he didn’t marry her. Theresa ran away. When the guests left, Justin, Bonnie, and Sonny comforted Alex. Alex said he felt stupid for not listening to the signs about Theresa. Bonnie said there was one good thing that came out of it. Justin was really his father. Justin hugged Alex. They said they loved each other. Justin said they would get the marriage annulled and they would get the police involved. Alex said he had to leave. Xander confronted his mother for lying. Fiona said they didn’t want to hurt Titus. Xander wondered why they lied after he died. He said she fell apart after Titus died. Fiona apologized for not being there for him. Xander said he didn’t want her around now. He told Sarah that he still wanted to get married, but Sarah didn’t think they should.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nikki decides that she wants to be CEO of Chancellor Industries and how much it means to her to honor Katherine’s legacy.

Victoria was thinking about warning Billy about Victor’s takeover attempt of Abbott-Chancellor but she decides not to warn him since the possible takeover means so much to her mother.

Kyle and Claire tell Harrison he can’t go to Paris with him. Phyllis advises Summer to spend time with Harrison while Kyle is away on a business trip. Summer should take a lot of pictures to show the judge when she and Kyle go to court.

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Days Update Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Update written by Joseph

Stephanie and Jada agree that it’s possible that “Everett” isn’t really Everett. Stephanie doesn’t get why Bobby would pretend to be Everett but then realizes it got him out of Bayview.

At the hospital, Bobby as “Everett” tells Kayla that it’s none of her business then apologizes for sounding rude. He talks about dealing with a serious mental illness and trying to get his life back on track while working under a new boss, so it’s been a really stressful time. He tells Kayla that worrying about Stephanie’s feelings just isn’t his top priority right now and apologizes again. He remarks that first he sounded rude and now he sounds insensitive. He repeats that he has to focus on his mental health and tells Kayla that he needs to get to a therapy appointment as he walks away.

Paulina is at home finishing a call. Abe walks in and asks what that was all about. Paulina complains that Everett has called her office four times looking for a statement on Rafe’s stabbing and when she finally got a chance to call back, he was unavailable. Abe encourages her to take it easy since “Everett” just got out of Bayview. Paulina says she just doesn’t need a reporter wasting her time when she’s dealing with a police commissioner in a coma. Paulina adds that she has not one single lead as to who put Rafe in a coma and that she also needs to appoint an interim police commissioner while Rafe is out. Abe asks who she is thinking of. Paulina calls Jada the best possible candidate so far but with Rafe in a coma, she imagines Jada wants to spend any free time at her bedside.

Connie sneaks in to Rafe’s hospital room and reaches towards his machines but Gabi walks in and questions what she is doing in there. Connie says that she saw the news about Rafe and the stabbing and she’s sorry to intrude but she feels so terrible about what happened to him. Gabi questions her knowing Rafe. Connie says she doesn’t personally but feels like she does because all the citizens of Salem feel grateful to Rafe for keeping their streets safe. Connie claims that she can’t believe someone would stab Rafe and that she came to visit him to see if she could help. Gabi tells Connie to cut the crap and tell her why she’s really there.

Abe is sure Paulina is right that Jada is focusing on Rafe and his recovery. Paulina says that Jada might want to put as much overtime on the job as she can to nail the bastard who attacked Rafe. Paulina says she plans on reaching out to Jada right before her appointment with Kayla. Abe encourages Paulina to take deep breaths so she doesn’t get another lecture on her blood pressure. Paulina says she’s not worried as she hasn’t felt this good in years, so she’s sure she will get an excellent report.

Stephanie brings up Marlena releasing “Everett” from Bayview. Jada says she was there and he was very convincing, so there was no way to think it wasn’t him. Jada suggests maybe he’s just a really good actor. Stephanie wonders why he’d be faking it now and what has changed. Jada thinks she has an idea.

Bobby goes to Marlena’s office which is empty and tells himself that being Everett is stressing him out and he’s not sure how much longer he can keep it up. Marlena then comes in and asks if he was talking to someone. He says just himself and jokes that it’s the first sign of insanity.

Connie tells Gabi that she got her and she’s not here because of Rafe, but because of Gabi.

Kate goes to see Abe, who says he’s eager to hear how things went in LA. Kate responds that it wrapped up a little sooner than she thought. Kate explains that the producers loved their proposal and thought the financials were solid and they were eager to continue the show but say they don’t have the means. Kate then reveals that they gave a resounding yes and announces that Body and Soul is now theirs as they excitedly hug.

Kayla sets Paulina up in a hospital room for her check up. Paulina asks if there’s any updates on Rafe but Kayla says unfortunately no. Kayla asks how Paulina is feeling. Paulina says physically she’s never been better. Kayla tells her that her test results are all excellent, but she does have one concern.

Gabi questions Connie saying she’s there because of her. Connie reminds her that she asked for her resume as Gabi Chic, so she wanted to bring her a hard copy and came up with some ideas for the business. Gabi questions Connie coming to her comatose brother’s hospital room, hoping to run in to her to give her a resume. Gabi argues that sounds nuts and tells Connie that this is getting creepy. Gabi adds that she never saw her until the other day but now every time she turns around, there she is. Gabi tells Connie that she does not have time for a stalker and tells her to leave now. Connie responds that she’s sorry but she can’t do that.

“Everett” asks Marlena if they can end their appointment early today. Marlena questions why they would do that. He claims to be really busy and that he has so much to do that his head is spinning. Marlena brings up that when he was released from Bayview, he assured that he was 100% dedicated to his recovery. He claims that he is but his stress level feels like it will impede his recovery more if he stays instead of just going home to deal with stuff and get his life in order. Marlena knows his job is important to him and his relationship with Stephanie is important, but says they have to agree that his treatment takes precedence. He respond that at least Stephanie won’t be an issue anymore because he broke up with her.

Stephanie and Jada wonder why Bobby was so eager to get out of Bayview. Jada talks about only visiting him because Stephanie asked her to. Stephanie asks about Bobby wanting to rekindle their relationship. Jada confirms that Bobby was coming on very strong and it felt the same in Rafe’s room which felt very strange because Everett never wanted anything to do with her. Stephanie says if it’s really Bobby, that would explain why he dumped her and let Jada know right away. Jada remembers being with Bobby when Everett supposedly re-emerged and it wasn’t until she was questioning him about Li Shin’s murder. They realize that if he’s still really Bobby, that means he knows who really killed Li Shin and he’s pretending to be Everett to cover up the truth.

Abe tells Kate that this is incredible and says he felt like he was mourning Body and Soul when it was cancelled. Kate stops him and says there is one major issue that could make the whole deal unravel.

Paulina tells Kayla that she’s had so many things wrong with her this year and asks if this is nothing major because she doesn’t think she can take any more bad news. Kayla tells her the good news is that they caught this before it turned in to bad news, so that makes it not that big of a deal. Kayla reveals that her cholesterol is moderately elevated. Paulina mentions her mother dealing with that and she’s now 93. Kayla brings up Paulina’s medical history. Paulina knows elevated bad cholesterol increases chances of a heart attack or stroke. Kayla says they need to get that level down, so Paulina asks how to do that. Kayla talks to her about a low fat diet. Paulina tells Kayla that she is not taking any meds.

Gabi questions Connie not leaving and threatens to call security. Connie explains that she won’t leave because Gabi needs her which she questions. Connie asks when Gabi last slept or ate, arguing that she has so much on her plate with Gabi Chic and getting her life back in order while now having to spend every free moment with Rafe. Connie says she can relieve her of that burden by being her assistant, adding that she’s offering her services for free as it would be her honor to serve her. Gabi repeats that she doesn’t have the time for this. Connie asks her to just think about it and goes to get Gabi some coffee.

Marlena questions “Everett” breaking up with Stephanie as she thought rekindling their relationship was one of the main reasons he wanted to be out of Bayview. He says that it was and he really likes Stephanie, but when he got out, he felt overwhelmed with work and therapy. He claims it didn’t feel fair to Stephanie to make her wait around until he’s mentally healthy. He adds that after their last session, he feels like he’s starting to feel some of Bobby’s feelings. Marlena notes that could be a sign of progress. He talks about being reluctant to face everything that happened in his past but now he thinks he’s ready and asks Marlena to hypnotize him again.

Stephanie wonders why Bobby would bring up Li Shin’s murder to her and then not tell her anything about it. Jada knows it’s strange and says Bobby was stringing her along until she threatened him with never seeing her again. Stephanie wonders if Bobby could have had something to do with Li’s murder. Jada doesn’t know and says at one point, she thought Bobby could never hurt a fly but she also thought he’d never be a liar. Jada then gets a call from the police station and instructs them not to give Everett Lynch anything on the investigation of Rafe’s stabbing or any leads either. Jada is shocked to learn that he called three times. Jada says she will handle it and hangs up, wondering what the hell is going on with him. Stephanie goes over Bobby being desperate to get Jada back and if he thinks that Rafe is the only thing standing in his way, maybe he’s also desperate to know the status of Rafe’s stabbing. Jada then wonders if Bobby could’ve been the one who did it.

Abe asks Kate what the problem is. Kate says they were always concerned about getting the original cast to relocate to Salem. Abe mentions recasting some of the minor characters. Kate informs him that the three main characters are impossible to relocate as two of them are contracted to other projects in LA while another is married to a makeup artist there. Abe asks why they can’t just fly them out when they need them. Kate says they don’t have the budget for that. Abe argues that the three female leads are iconic and the fans have loved them for decades, so it wouldn’t be Body and Soul without them.

Stephanie knows it sounds crazy to think that Bobby stabbed Rafe. They agree that it’s a huge leap, but Jada points out that the timing does check out since Rafe got stabbed after Bobby was released from Bayview. Jada adds that there are no other obvious suspects here. Stephanie remember seeing Bobby at his hotel room that day, so she could be his alibi. Jada asks if she remembers what time it was. Stephanie checks her phone and sees that Marlena called her at 3:07, so she was there in about 10 or 12 minutes. Jada notes that was after she found Rafe at the cemetery since she called the ambulance at 2:24, so if Bobby does have an alibi, it’s definitely not Stephanie.

Marlena begins hypnotizing “Everett” and says they will begin with the good memories of his mother. He recalls asking why his mom let him hurt him. Marlena questions who. He tells Marlena that he sees his father with the big belt buckle and screams for his dad to stop.

Gabi sits at Rafe’s side and wonders if he can hear her. Gabi recalls when they had breakfast the other day and praises him as her brother. Gabi pleads with Rafe to wake up so he can help identify who did this and they can wipe that scum off the Earth.

Connie goes to get Gabi’s coffee at the hospital and calls her a diva bitch, complaining that after she finds a way to get rid of Rafe, Gabi is going to pay for what she did to Li Shin.

Kayla questions Paulina not wanting to take medication. Paulina says she already takes pills for blood pressure and her thyroid so she wants no more. Kayla asks what if it’s not a pill and the benefits outweigh the risks. Paulina hates feeling like she’s crumbling inside as she thought her health problems were over. Kayla encourages with these measures, they will be over for quite some time. Paulina apologizes for being grumpy and complaining when not many people have been as lucky as she has. Kayla notes that she is important to a lot of people and loved by so many. Paulina asks her not to tell Abe about her giving her a hard time about the medication because he will lecture her. Kayla thinks that Abe would be proud of her for contemplating this. Paulina feels that Abe has been so preoccupied with Body and Soul that he hardly notices her, but at least it gives him something to do other than moaning about it being cancelled.

Abe tells Kate that he guesses their only answer is to recast the show. Kate questions doing that and says they don’t want to be a pale imitation of the show, unless they reimagine the entire thing. Kate suggests calling it the next generation and setting it in the future but Abe says that wouldn’t be his show. Kate knows it’s a lot and that casting is only part of it as they need directors, writers, and crew. Kate says they have a big learning curve ahead of them.

Connie brings Gabi her coffee and says she hopes Rafe wakes up soon so he can go back to work and maybe he can catch his own assailant. Connie tells Gabi that she’s her gal if she needs anything else. Gabi thanks her. Gabi then tells Connie that she looked at her ideas and was kind of blown away. Gabi adds that her resume is very impressive. Gabi admits that she could use someone like her right now on a trial basis. Connie declares that she will prove her worth to her and she can’t wait to get started.

Jada and Stephanie talk about Bobby possibly stabbing Rafe. Stephanie remembers that Bobby was getting out of the shower when she showed up and maybe he was getting rid of evidence. Jada then remembers that Bobby was reading a murder mystery in Bayview. Jada says it’s all speculation but she’s had stranger theories turn out to be true. Stephanie questions how to figure out if it is true.

Marlena brings “Everett” out of hypnosis and tells him that he’s safe as she asks him what happened. He says he just hasn’t remembered that until now. He tells Marlena that his father Robert Stein terrorized him and that must be why Bobby came out that day to protect him and stayed until now. He says now that he remembers everything, he doesn’t need Bobby to protect him anymore. He says he has Bobby’s memories and feelings, like he’s a complete person now. He says he should’ve done this months ago like Marlena encouraged him to but he was too scared. He calls it incredible and doesn’t know how he can ever thank Marlena, calling her a miracle worker.

Paulina runs in to Gabi at the hospital and says she’s so sorry for what she’s going through. Gabi says she just came from seeing Rafe and there’s no change. Paulina assures that they are all praying for him and they will find whoever did this to him. Paulina promises that justice will be served.

Abe admits he has a big learning curve while Kate has television experience. Kate says she doesn’t with a scripted show. Abe jokes that he makes up for his lack of experience with a lot of enthusiasm. Abe suggests they hold off on casting and declares that Kate should play one of the roles. Kate says not to look at her since she’s just a producer and points out that even if she agreed, he’d still have two more roles to recast. Abe responds that he knows exactly who should play those roles too.

Kayla goes to Marlena’s office and says she wants to talk to her about Everett Lynch as she had an encounter with him this morning that left her quite troubled. Marlena mentions her session with him also left her troubled. Marlena says it went well but almost too well as he appeared to have a major breakthrough that she wouldn’t have expected for some time. Kayla asks if she thinks he’s putting on an act. Marlena doesn’t know and talks about him being so intelligent and clever to take drastic measures to secure his self preservation. Marlena says if the session was not as it seemed, then she thinks she made a serious mistake in releasing him from Bayview.

Bobby appears in Rafe’s hospital room and says he’s sorry as he never meant for this to happen to him. Bobby says he knew Connie was a wacko but if he knew she was going to try to kill him, he would’ve stopped her. Bobby says as a reporter, he should’ve asked more questions. Bobby adds that he never wanted Rafe to die, he just wanted him out of the way so he could have Jada all to himself.

Jada wants to bring Bobby in for questioning but says she will have to handle it very delicately. Jada instructs Stephanie not to say anything to anyone because the last thing they need is for someone else to know that they think Everett is Bobby and that he might be the one who stabbed Rafe, as Connie appears around the corner.

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