The Bold & Beautiful Updates

Detailed B&B Summaries

Liam and Hope

Watch full episodes of B&B daily at and Blogspot.

If we’re missing updates, you can get them at The CBS B&B Page, SoapCentral, or

Everyone who works on our site is a VOLUNTEER! So, the recaps might be late sometimes.  They have other jobs, families, etc.  Please be patient, and check back later. Thanks! Email us if you’re interested in writing B&B Updates or short recaps.

B&B Update Monday 7/22/24

B&B Update Tuesday 7/23/24

B&B Update Wednesday 7/24/24

B&B Update Thursday 7/25/24

B&B Update Friday 7/26/24

2024 B&B Updates  |  Previous B&B Updates

B&B Transcripts   |   Daily Short Recaps   |   B&B Best Lines

Our other updates:  All My ChildrenAs The World Turns, Days of our Lives, General Hospital, Guiding Light, One Life to Live, Passions, Port Charles, & The Young and the Restless.

Please don’t email us if we’re late with updates. However, we do value any other comments, suggestions, etc.  Please come back soon….

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