Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Cat has lunch with Felicity in the town square. Cat tells her that she went to visit Mark today. Felicity says she misses him. Cat talks about knowing how upset she is that Mark is in prison, especially since he was trying to save their mom, but not everyone sees it that way.
Chad enters the living room of the Horton house where Julie had fallen asleep in the chair. Chad asks how she’s doing. Julie says she’s as alright as she can be. Chad apologizes for being gone so long. Julie assures that his kids were angels for her and mentions that JJ and Doug III put them to sleep while she wasn’t much help. Chad is sure that’s not true and asks Julie how her session with Marlena went. Julie says it was fine but she appreciated that Marlena didn’t pressure her about going back and left it up to her if she wants to return. Chad asks if she will go back and if it helped.
Xander goes to the hospital to see Sarah and invites her to a late dinner. Sarah wishes she could but says it’s been the craziest day. Xander asks how so. Sarah informs him that a bunch of people were poisoned, including his cousin Alex.
At Stephanie’s apartment, Alex kisses Stephanie and calls it well worth the wait. Stephanie agrees and jokes that she would’ve kissed him even if he hadn’t almost died. Stephanie says she’s glad that’s over. Alex comments on how bad it would’ve been if he kicked the bucket right before they were going to be together. Alex really wishes he didn’t have to break the news to Joy about them. Stephanie feels bad for her since she’s had her heart broken enough times to know that a relationship ending can feel like your life is ending too…
Joy remains passed out from the poison on the bed in her hotel room.
Alex hopes Joy doesn’t take it too hard since they’ve only been dating for about a month. Stephanie gets a text from Steve with an update on Kayla since she was poisoned too. Stephanie says Kayla is alright but they are treating her at the hospital and keeping her overnight. Alex says it’s no coincidence that he and Kayla were both poisoned in the same night. Stephanie explains that the paramedic said it happened to several Body and Soul cast members that received fake scripts. Alex calls it crazy that he was going over his script with Joy. Alex then realizes that means Joy was poisoned as well, so he calls her.
Joy remains unconscious on her bed as her phone rings nearby with Alex’s call.
Sarah tells Xander that they thankfully had the antidote in the lab so they haven’t lost anyone, but not everyone is accounted for. Xander asks about Alex. Sarah says she heard he’s okay. Xander is relieved and wonders if Justin or Philip have heard the news. Sarah mentions that she hasn’t heard him complain about Philip lately, so she asks if that means they have turned the corner. Xander thinks they have and that they are actually working well together. Xander reveals that Philip is now in support of his idea to go after DiMera Enterprises which shocks Sarah. Xander declares they are both gung ho now, to destroy their competition.
Philip does pushups in his room until Kate shows up at his door. Kate says she’s sorry to drop by unannounced but she needed someone to talk to. Philip tells her that he’s busy getting ready for bed because he has an early meeting tomorrow. Kate asks if he’s going to turn away his mom when she has no one else to turn to. Philip gives in and asks what the problem is. Kate informs him that her career as a soap opera mogul is a complete disaster and it’s depressing as hell.
Julie tells Chad that Marlena did not cure her depression in one magical session. Julie says she was lovely to her, but she doesn’t see how therapy is going to help her problem that Doug is gone and she’s lost without him. Chad says it makes sense that she would be having a hard time. Julie thanks him for understanding. Julie hopes she can be her old self again. Chad thinks she will find her. Chad says maybe talking to Marlena if not for a cure, will at least provide comfort. Julie agrees to book another session. Julie realizes that she can’t go on living like this and credits Chad for that realization. Julie acknowledges that she’s lost a lot of loved ones and friends in her life, but losing the love of her life is a bigger blow than she’s ever had to take. Julie feels like she’s lost a part of herself. Chad says he gets it. Julie cries that they never stop loving or missing them. Julie understands that eventually, her heart will open again and she’ll be able to appreciate the blessings she does have like Chad, his children, and all the friends that have showered her with love and support. Julie assures that she will get there and adapt. Chad encourages that they need her. Julie says she has done some soul searching and reveals that she’s had a change of heart about Cat Green.
Felicity asks Cat if Mark is a bad person. Cat assures that he’s not and that he just did a bad thing, but for a good reason, like how she lied to Chad when he didn’t deserve that. Cat calls Chad a wonderful man who is a loving father, courageous, and strong but sensitive. Cat calls him smart and funny. Felicity comments that Cat really likes Chad.
Sarah reminds Xander that she told him that she doesn’t want him to break the law. Xander insists that he and Philip will find a legal way to seize control of DiMera and promises no illegal tactics. Sarah asks if he can keep that promise. Xander admits they may have to bend the rules but they won’t break them. Sarah doesn’t like the idea of him picking a war with Kristen when she won’t go down without a fight and they know how deadly she can be. Xander promises to be careful but Sarah says that doesn’t mean anything. Sarah can’t believe Philip let Xander talk him in to this, but Xander reveals he didn’t have to as it was Philip’s idea.
Philip tells Kate that he can’t believe a crazy fan poisoned her cast and crew. Kate comments that at least no one has died yet, but the police are still checking with people who haven’t answered their phone. Philip asks about Stephanie. Kate says she’s fine and informs him that she quit the show which surprises Philip. Kate says it’s just been one thing after another and now they lost their publicist when they need her the most. Philip remarks that at least she wasn’t poisoned. Kate says she’s starting to wonder if this soap opera venture is worth all the trouble. Philip asks if she’s saying she’s ready to throw in the towel. Kate says she isn’t sure and talks about how she thought running a soap opera would be fun and it brought joy for awhile, but now there’s no joy, it’s dead…
Joy remains unconscious as her phone rings nearby with Alex’s call.
Alex tells Stephanie that Joy isn’t picking up. Stephanie says she was so worried about Alex that it never occurred to her that Joy could be in trouble as well. Alex says he has to get over there. Stephanie feels he’s still too weak. Alex says he’ll be fine and that he has to get over there because if Joy didn’t get the antidote, her life could be in danger. Stephanie decides she will drive him and they exit together.
Felicity asks Cat if she like likes Chad, but Cat claims it’s nothing like that. Cat then admits that she does. Felicity asks if Chad knows that. Cat responds that he does know that she has feelings for him, but it’s not like he would ever like her back. Felicity asks why not. Cat says it’s because of what she did to him and it destroyed any chance they had to be together.
Chad questions Julie having a change of heart about Cat. Julie explains that she realizes now that she was strong-armed by Clyde in to doing what she did. Julie notes that it doesn’t mean she forgives her for all of her lies but she doesn’t have to be so vocal about it. Julie asks if Chad and Cat are friends. Chad says he wouldn’t go that far. Chad says they are in a better place and maybe they could be friends one day.
Philip tells Kate that he’s sorry that things are such a mess and asks if he can do anything to help. Kate says he did enough by listening and that she and Abe will figure it out. Kate asks how Philip is doing at work. Philip informs her that he and Xander are actually getting along. Kate is surprised and guesses that Sarah and Stephanie are keeping their mouths shut. Philip confirms that Xander still believes the letter from Victor is legit which is good because that means he’s putting up with him. Philip then reveals that he and Xander are actually teaming up for a big power play as he declares they are going to take over DiMera Enterprises.
Sarah questions Xander saying that it was Philip’s idea to go after DiMera. Xander explains that it as his idea originally when Philip shot it down, but now Philip had a change of heart and must have realized how brilliant it was. Sarah says it doesn’t make sense. Xander questions why not. Sarah flashes back to arguing with Philip and then tells Xander that she’s just surprised since Philip opposed the idea of a hostile takeover of DiMera. Xander says Philip’s main objection was with Stephanie but it’s not really an issue now because she dumped him.
Alex and Stephanie go to Joy’s hotel room. Alex knocks on the door but there’s no answer. Alex then opens the door and they find Joy unconscious on the bed. Alex and Stephanie rush in to check on her. Alex notes that Joy has a pulse but it’s weak, so they have to get her to the hospital. Alex and Stephanie then help Joy out of the room.
Cat tells Felicity that she would like to think maybe Chad could forgive her one day, but she doesn’t see that happening. Felicity asks why not, pointing out that she did. Cat says she’s happy that she did and she’s grateful for this. Cat adds that she just doesn’t think Chad has those kind of feelings for her. Felicity compares it to her relationship with her boyfriend Todd and says he didn’t like her at first but now they are together. Cat thinks it will take more for her and Chad to turn things around.
Julie promises Chad that she won’t be so critical of Cat, but sometimes her straight shooter instincts slip out. Chad appreciates her effort. Julie says it’s the least she can do if Cat becomes Marlena’s assistant. Chad thinks Cat deserves a second chance. Julie cries that Doug would approve since he was a champion of second chances. Chad apologizes and says he has to get back to the Spectator on a big story. Chad asks if Julie will be okay. Julie says she’ll be fine and she might even try to go upstairs to sleep in her great, big, empty bed again. Chad wishes her luck. Julie notes that if she doesn’t make it, the sofa is comfortable but she promises to try. Chad tells Julie that he loves her as he then exits.
Alex gets Joy set up in a hospital bed with Sarah. Alex asks if she’s going to be okay since she was left unattended way longer than he was. Sarah says once the antidote is in her system, she should start recovering. Alex remarks that he never should’ve left her alone. Sarah points out that then he would be in bad shape too. Alex wishes it occurred to him that Joy could be in trouble too. Sarah assures that Joy is being taken care of now and asks how Alex is feeling. Alex says he’s fine thanks to the antidote and asks how they came up with it so quick. Sarah says they actually had it in the lab and so far, everyone has made a full recovery. Joy then wakes up and calls out to Alex, who tells her that he’s right there. Joy asks why she’s in the hospital and what happened to her.
At the hospital, Stephanie comments to Xander on feeling bad for Joy. Xander remarks that Joy is lucky they were both there for her. Stephanie wishes they got there sooner. Xander asks Stephanie if she and Alex are back together. Stephanie asks why he asks. Xander explains that Philip mentioned they broke up but he was vague on the details, so he thought maybe Stephanie chose Alex over Philip. Stephanie then thinks back to breaking up with Philip because of his lies about Victor’s letter. Stephanie then informs Xander that Alex is not the reason that she stopped seeing Philip. Sarah comes over, so Stephanie asks how Joy is. Sarah says it looks like she will make a full recovery and allows Stephanie to go see her. Xander tells Sarah that he’s glad Joy will be okay. Sarah admits she wasn’t sure at first because she was suffering so much longer. Xander says he can see what she means by it being a crazy night. Xander guesses she’ll still be too busy for dinner. Sarah confirms that she has more to do before finishing up and she doesn’t want Xander to have to wait any more. Xander decides he will go to the Brady Pub and pick up takeout for them and says he will see her back at the house. Xander kisses Sarah goodbye and leaves the hospital. Sarah then pulls out her phone.
Kate questions Philip saying that he and Xander are going to attempt to takeover DiMera. Philip insists they are going to succeed but guesses Kate doesn’t like the idea. Kate admires the ambition but feels they need to give it more thought as they may be ruffling the wrong feathers. Philip argues that he’s not afraid of Kristen and says it would be great to pay her back for almost killing Kate a few years ago. Kate clarifies that she’s talking about Sarah, reminding him that Sarah agreed to keep his secret because he would keep Xander in line. Philip says he hears what she’s saying, but if it was a problem, he feels he would’ve heard from Sarah by now. Philip then gets a text message from Sarah, saying she wants to meet. Sarah comes to his room. Philip answers and guesses she’s not happy about he and Xander going after DiMera. Sarah angrily reminds him of their agreement that he would keep Xander in check and now they are going after the DiMeras of all people. Philip argues that she wanted him to work with Xander and insists they won’t do anything illegal. Sarah complains that it’s an aggressive move and it will be difficult not to get their hands dirty. Philip promises to make sure that Xander doesn’t break the law. Sarah says those words ring hollow. Sarah adds that since Philip is turning out to not be a very good influence on Xander, maybe they should just tell him the truth that Philip has no claim on Titan.
Xander picks up his takeout from the Pub and then runs into Kate as he exits. Kate says she and Philip were just talking about him as he was filling her in on the plot to take over DiMera. Xander tells her to keep her voice down and remarks that he should’ve known Philip would blab to his mom. Xander questions Kate supporting their decision. Kate admits she has reservations. Xander assures they can handle Kristen, but he wishes they struck when she was more vulnerable while her daughter was missing. Xander asks if Kate has lost her competitive edge. Kate talks about running Body and Soul being much more challenging and serious than she could’ve imagined, especially with all the drama behind the scenes.
Joy tells Alex and Stephanie that she can’t believe Whitley did this. Joy credits Alex for saving her life and says she’s so grateful for him coming back when he did. Joy adds that she’s grateful for Stephanie saving Alex’s life and then asks if they just happened to run in to each other in the hallway which Alex claims is what happened. Joy calls that really lucky and is thankful she didn’t lose him.
Cat and Felicity remain together in the town square until Chad approaches. Cat introduces Chad to Felicity. Cat informs Chad that she got her new job as Marlena’s assistant. Chad says that’s great and that he’s happy for her. Felicity invites Chad to join them.
Julie gets up and slowly begins to go upstairs, telling herself that she can do this.
Chad says he has to get to the office to do some work. Cat tells him to have a good night as Chad then walks on. Felicity remarks that it was worth a try.
Philip asks Sarah to be reasonable, arguing that he’s out on his ass if she tells Xander the truth and then there won’t be anyone to keep him in check. Sarah questions who is keeping Xander in check now. Philip argues that they haven’t done anything wrong and he will do his best to make sure it stays that way, but he can’t have Sarah threatening him over every decision they make. Sarah warns Philip that he has to play by her rules. Philip asks if she’s saying they have to drop their takeover plans. Sarah allows them to proceed for now, but if she gets any hint that things aren’t on the up and up, she won’t hesitate to pull the plug. Philip thinks she’s overreacting but Sarah declares that she’s calling the shots now and she can blow him out of the water any time she wants. Sarah then exits his room.
Xander tells Kate that Sarah just told him about how Body and Soul’s cast and crew were poisoned by an obsessed fan. Kate is thankful no one died. Xander comments on things being quite dire for Joy. Kate is surprised to learn that Joy was a victim. Xander says he was at the hospital when they brought her in and Sarah said she would be okay, but she was lucky that Alex and Stephanie found her when they did.
At the hospital, Stephanie tells Alex that it’s a relief that Joy is going to be okay and she’s glad he didn’t say anything about them since it obviously wasn’t the right time. Alex agrees but says when Joy is better, he’ll break the news to her. Stephanie says only if he’s sure. Alex asks if he hasn’t made himself clear enough. Stephanie says he has, but she needs constant reassurance. Stephanie hates being needy and insecure. Alex assures that he’s crazy about her no matter what, adding that he’s insecure and needy too. Alex says he needs her to tell him that she feels like he does in this moment. Stephanie asks how he feels in this moment. Alex responds that he feels like she’s the only one for him and the only one he wants to be with. Stephanie assures that she feels exactly the same way. Alex and Stephanie then kiss as Joy comes around the corner and sees them, leaving her shocked.
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