B&B Transcript Monday, February 20, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Finn: You don’t want to cause a scene and upset douglas even more. I think it’s best you leave.

Thomas: Okay, so I’m his father. He’s living here now. I haven’t been able to see his room or tell him that I love him and you’re asking me to leave?

Finn: Okay, let’s not make a scene, thomas. Douglas doesn’t need that.

Thomas: I agree, but he just moved in, okay? I wanna check on him. I wanna see how he’s doing. You can’t bar me from seeing my own son.

Steffy: No one is saying that. But just because douglas is living here doesn’t mean you have access to him whenever you want.

Thomas: No one is keeping me from douglas. I love him too much.

Brooke: Thank you.

Hollis: You’re welcome.

Brooke: Ah. So, what do you say? Do we dare?

Taylor: Ah, dessert?

Brooke: Something totally decadent.

Taylor: Oh, my god, I’m so full.

Brooke: I’m full too.

Taylor: Okay, I guess I’m always down for a sweet bite, you know?

Brooke: Yeah. Speaking of a sweet bite.

Hollis: Hello, ladies. Deacon had to step out, but he asked me to take extra special care of you. How is everything?

Brooke: Wonderful.

Taylor: Yeah, we’re just trying to figure out if we should go for dessert or not.

Hollis: Well, I always say if you’re not enjoying life, what’s the point?

Brooke: Well, said. See?

Hollis: And for a beautiful woman such as yourself, you should definitely be enjoying life. I’ll go grab some menus.

Brooke: Hm, I don’t know. I– I think I’m gonna pass on dessert.

Taylor: The chocolate cake or the waiter?

Brooke: What? Who?

Taylor: Brooke, he is serving decadence to you. Look.

Brooke: He is also much younger.

Taylor: Yeah, and he’s totally into you, so just saying.

Brooke: He’s probably just doing what deacon told him to do. To take care of us.

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Brooke: Or he’s looking for a really good tip.

Taylor: There’s a joke there. I’m not gonna– I’m not gonna say it.

[ Taylor chuckling ]

[ Brooke laughing ]

Steffy: Thomas, I didn’t ask for any of this. I’m trying my best here. I’m just trying to establish some ground rules for douglas’s sake and believe it or not for yours too.

Thomas: And I appreciate that, but I don’t need my little sister telling me what to do–

Finn: Thomas.

Steffy: It’s not what I’m doing.

Thomas: My point is… the office is one thing. You throwing your weight around there is fine, but not here, not when it comes to my son. Choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine –

Taylor: So, you don’t think the waiter/bartender is hot?

Brooke: I do think the waiter/bartender is hot.

Taylor: Okay.

Brooke: But he probably flirts with every woman who walks in here.

Taylor: Lies, he did not flirt with me, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Brooke: There’s a lot of people that flirt with you. You are gorgeous and you’re successful and you’re– you’re beautiful, you’re understanding and compassionate.

Taylor: Yes, brooke. I am the friend with a good personality, thank you very much.

Brooke: You know what I mean.

Taylor: No, I do, I do and thank you. You, my friend, you are beautiful inside and out. You’ve always been this free spirit, you know? You’ve always followed your heart and at this stage in the game, I think– I think that just might be the road map to happiness.

Brooke: Well, actually it was a road map to a lot of trouble and a lot of heartbreak and ridge was always in the center of that.

Taylor: Yeah, that’s because ridge and heartbreak go hand in hand. Which is why we let go and we are killing the self esteem game.

[ Both chuckling ] Right?

Hollis: So ladies, have we decided? Can I entice you?

Taylor: I don’t know, she might be enticed. Brooke, are you enticed?

Brooke: I, er, I think I’m gonna pass on dessert, but lunch was delicious.

Hollis: Good, that’s what we aim for. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Brooke: Nope, just the check please.

Hollis: You got it.

Taylor: What is your name?

Hollis: Paul hollister, but you can just call me hollis. All my friends do.

Brooke: Deacon doesn’T.

Hollis: Deacon’s more of a boss. I’ll be right back with that check.

Brooke: What?

Taylor: Is there anything else I can do for you? Come on. No, no.

Taylor: Hollis to his friends is totally hitting on you.

Brooke: Don’t be silly.

Taylor: No, I’m not.

Brooke: Yes, you are.

Taylor: [ Deep voice ] You’re a beautiful woman.

Brooke: Stop it. Stop it.

[ Both laughing ]

Thomas: You said douglas is in his room?

Finn: He is. He’s fine.

Thomas: I’d like to see him.

Steffy: Not now. I don’t want him to be stressed out.

Thomas: Just how? How? Talking to his dad, his dad telling him that he loves him. Come on. This isn’t that big of a deal.

Steffy: That’s exactly it. I don’t want to make this a big deal. I’m trying to avoid that.

Thomas: It definitely feels like you’re trying to keep me from him.

Finn: Look, that’s not what this is about.

Steffy: Okay, thomas. Douglas had a really big day. He’s moved from one place to another. He just needs a little space. Maybe if you call the next time, we’ll– we’ll be prepared.

Thomas: Prepared? Seriously? Do you have any idea how painful it is to hear your son say he doesn’t want to live with you? He’s gonna go live with your sister. But, after that I thought, “well, it’s my sister. At least I’ll still be able to be a part of his life.”

Steffy: You are and you always will be. But you created this situation.

Finn: Steffy’s right. Look, you can’t blame her for your poor decisions. She didn’t make you call C.P.S. On yourself. She didn’t force you to use douglas’s app and tell your son to lie.

Steffy: You have no idea how much mom, dad and i wanted to believe that you changed. We were on your side. Just think about all the times I defended you, only to learn what you’ve done.

Thomas: Look, I don’t know how many times I’ve apologized. I am so sorry for what I did. My entire family has ostracized me. You think– you think I like this? I hate how things are.

Steffy: Then don’t make things worse.

Thomas: By what? By asking to see him, tell him that I love him? I’m not asking to take my son with me.

Steffy: I get that, but you showing up like this? This is a really big adjustment for douglas and you need to respect that. I’m sorry, thomas. I hate that you’re in this position, but douglas choosing to live with finn and me, it’s what you did.

Thomas: Mm, and you’re gonna keep reminding me of that and putting up roadblocks so I can’t see him.

Steffy: That’s not what I’m trying to do.

Thomas: Steffy, I love my son and I’m not gonna lose him. Suffering from sinus congestion, especially at night?

Brooke: You are reading into this.

Taylor: Um, because that is what I do. But you don’t have to be a psychiatrist to know when someone is goo goo gaga and young mr. Hollister’s definitely in his feels. Mm-hmm.

Brooke: Okay. Say maybe he was flirting?

Taylor: He was flirting.

Brooke: It’s not like I want a man in my life at this point. And you said you feel the same way. Okay, maybe sometime in the future, we will be in relationships. Right now, our friendship is more than enough.

Taylor: Fine.

Brooke: Fine?

Taylor: No, I’m kidding. Yes. I agree, a little bit. I mean, he’s really cute. Come on. Okay.

Steffy: Look, I realize douglas’s decision to live with me is upsetting.

Thomas: Yeah, it was painful. To hear he doesn’t want to live with me, that he’s gonna be living with my sister, but then I thought, “you know what? That’s actually the next best thing. I’ll get to see him whenever I want,” but you’re saying no, just like at the office, you’re gonna call the shots. You’re gonna kick me out of the company and keep me away from my son.

Steffy: Because of your own actions. Look, I don’t want– I don’t want to focus on that right now. I’m just trying to do what’s best for douglas.

Thomas: By what? By isolating him? By isolating me from him? Treating me like a pariah? Come on, steff, I need you to be on my side. I need you to be my sister. I need you to welcome me back into the fold, to– to welcome me back at forrester and tell me that I can see my son whenever I want. Not to be the gatekeeper that keeps me away from him. You say you love me and I really, I want to believe that. Be the sister I need you to be. Help me here, steff, please. Don’t come between my son and me. I’m not a doctor.

Brooke: I think that everybody is still a bit in shock of our unexpected friendship.

Taylor: Yeah, they are. No one will ever understand the amount of darkness we had to go through to find this light.

Brooke: My offer still stands. You moving in with me, I’d really like that.

Taylor: I’m still noodling it around a little bit, you know. But I think I might just take you up on that offer.

Hollis: All right, so here’s your credit card back. But um, something glitchy kind of happened right after it went through. It didn’t print the receipt. So, if you want to give me your number, I can just text it to you if you want.

Brooke: Sure.

Hollis: All right. All right. Great. It’s a pleasure serving you.

Brooke: Thank you.

[ Taylor clearing her throat ]

Hollis: Both of you.

Taylor: Oh, thanks so much, thanks.

Hollis: Ciao.

Taylor: Honest to god.

Brooke: What?

Taylor: That was smooth.

Brooke: What?

Taylor: The way he got your number.

Brooke: He just did it so he could send me the receipt.

Taylor: Oh, my god, brooke, stop with this innocent act. Stop it.

[ Cell phone dings ]

Brooke: See, the receipt.

Taylor: That’s it?

Brooke: Ha ha!

Taylor: All right.

[ Cell phone dings ]

Taylor: Oh, what is this?

Brooke: Uh… it’s hollis. “Here’s my number if you ever need anything.” Then, there’s an emoji which I don’t know what it is.

Taylor: It’s not the um… oh no, it’s– it’s the smirky face.

Brooke: Smirky face?

Taylor: Yeah, you know uh, if you want an exact definition… “smirky face means read between the lines, an air of mystery, a perfect flirty emoji.” See. I’m right.

Brooke: What? A flirty emoji?

Taylor: A perfect flirty emoji.

Taylor: You seem a little flustered.

[ Steffy sighing ]

Finn: Hey, douglas okay?

Steffy: Yeah, he’s watching a movie.

Finn: He has no idea that his dad was just here?

Steffy: Mm-hmm. He had his headphones on, had no idea thomas stopped by.

Finn: Okay. It doesn’t matter that his son is living with us now. He can’t just barge in here whenever he wants.

Steffy: It’s about more than douglas.

Finn: You mean his resentment of you? Maybe. But I have to imagine that those feelings existed long before douglas had to live with us.

Steffy: Always sensed this jealousy, especially when I became co-ceo with my dad.

Finn: I’m sorry.

Steffy: Yeah. Well, douglas is my priority and the promise I made to hope. Like, I would never want to come between thomas and douglas. If douglas wanted to see his father, I’d be totally okay with that.

Finn: Yeah. We’re just gonna have to wait and see what douglas wants.

Steffy: Yeah. And liam and hope, they’ve done such a great job caring for him and we have to do the same.

Finn: We will.

Steffy: I know thomas hates not seeing his son, but that little boy is counting on us. We can’t let him down. Things are just so tough between thomas and me. I keep thinking I’m able to move past everything he’s done, but this whole douglas situation is making everything worse. I love thomas and I know he can be the best possible father to douglas. I just hope and pray that day will come soon.

Finn: Maybe it will.

Steffy: Yeah.

Thomas: Ah, we’ll get back to the way we were, douglas. I’ll be the father I always should’ve been. Modest, caring. I’ll be the father you deserve. I promise.

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GH Update Monday, February 20, 2023

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Angela

Portia tries to explain to Curtis why she didn’t tell him about his possibly being Trina’s father and how hard it was for her. Curtis asks what kind of life they could have with a lie like that between them. He reminds her how important honesty is to him and says he does not know the woman he just married. Trina and Spencer go to Ava’s gallery and Spencer asks why they are there. Trina tells him she feels happy there, but he doesn’t have to stay with her. Spencer says he isn’t going anywhere. Ryan tells Ava and Felicia to choose who goes with him and who dies. Felicia tells him Mac will be there soon to stop him. Ava taunts him about when she stabbed him. Laura is at the hospital with Mac and Jordan. Mac says he can’t track Felicia’s phone because the app is turned off. The figure out Ryan, Heather and Esme must be at Wyndemere. Austin is listening outside the door and Heather surprises him and stabs him with the hook as Esme screams.

Alexis wants to celebrate Gregory joining the Invader but he says he has to say something first. Mac is eager to get to Wyndemere but Jordan and Laura try to talk him down so they can plan. Kevin arrives. Curtis questions if Portia trusts him. Portia says it wasn’t about trust, it was about Trina and her relationship with Taggert. Portia says she couldn’t hurt her daughter, but she knows now, and her heart is breaking. Spencer and Trina talk about Esme escaping. Trina is not worried, but Spencer is. Austin burst into the room and Ava and Felica see he has been hooked. Heather drags Esme in with her and Esme passes out.

Ryan and Heather bicker about if Esme is ok and Ryan hands her the gun and tells her to cover Ava and Felicia. Felicia asks Heather if she is the hook and she admits she is. Ava insists on helping Austin. Laura fills Kevin in. He is not surprised Ryan was faking. Laura tells him Esme is Ryan’s daughter, and his niece. Jordan and Mac argue about how to deal with the situation on Spoon Island. Gregory tells Alexis the university will not allow him to accept her job offer. Spencer and Trina discuss Esme’s baby but he says he wants to talk about Trina instead. She tells him that Taggert might not be her biological father. Curtis tells Portia she can go after Trina is she wants to. She says Trina doesn’t want to see her but Curtis’s care for her daughter is one of the reasons she loves him. Curtis asks how she could plan a future family with him while denying him what could be a child he already has.

Trina tells Spencer about the situation with Curtis and Taggert. He asks about Portia and Trina says she doesn’t care what Portia is going through. Portia explains she was trying to protect everyone, including Curtis. Curtis reminds her how she had pushed him to have a relationship with his father despite all the time they missed. He asks her if she was ever going to tell him the truth. Alexis tells Gregory that Smoltz found out who escaped from Spring Ridge and that a guard was killed. Gregory questions why Esme would try to escape and Alexis thinks she planned the whole thing. They try to figure out the connection between Ryan, Heather, and Esme. Laura questions if Esme was in on the escape plan. Kevin thinks Esme’s memory loss is real and Laura says that means she is as much a victim as the rest. Mac and Jordan can’t come up with a safe way to invade the island, but Laura suggests the secret tunnel. Esme comes to as Heather and Ryan keep arguing. She tries to escape but Ryan holds her at gunpoint and says she and the baby belong to him. Ava says Austin is losing too much blood. Felicia bashes Ryan over the head and Esme escapes out the patio door.

Alexis thinks Esme was involved with the Hook killings. She says she is going to call Sam and Dante to see what they have found out about Esme’s nanny. Trina says she now understands what Spencer was going through with his father. Spencer makes her laugh by reminding her that at least Portia isn’t as bad as his father. Trina says she knows Portia will always be there for her. Spencer says he will too. Portia admits she would have probably never told him the truth. He asks how Stella found out. Portia tells him Jordan must have told her. Laura is worried there is more danger they aren’t anticipating Kevin says that is a safe bet. Ava tries to grab the hook but Ryan comes to and points the gun at her to stop her. He tells her to tend to Austin. He gives Heather the gun and tells her to make sure nothing happens to Ava but she can do whatever she wants to Felicia. He goes after Esme.

Curtis is surprised that Jordan knew and told Stella but not him. Portia begs him to give her another chance and says it will never happen again. He reminds her that she made the same promise to him when he found out she had lied about being married all those years ago. Spencer and Trina talk about their first meeting in the gallery. Alexis tells Gregory she knows that Esme and Ryan have a connection but she doesn’t know what it is. Mac and Jordan prepare to move in on Spoon Island. Laura maps out a route through the tunnels for the PCPD. Laura questions if Ryan actually knows who the Hook killer is. Alexis calls Spring Ridge and asks to speak to the warden. Heather tells Ava and Felicia they can leave. They think it’s a trick but Heather tells them she doesn’t want any part of Ryan’s games. Ava questions why they abducted Esme. Heather tells her they can use the tunnels to leave if they want to. Trina tells Spencer about her conversation with Taggert. She questions how Taggert can know things wouldn’t change if she wasn’t his biological daughter. She says she doesn’t know who she is. Spencer tells her he does and tells her what he knows about her. He says she is the sweetest, smartest, bravest person that he knows.

Spencer and Trina share their first kiss. Curtis tells Portia he needs some air. She asks if he is coming back and he says he can’t answer that. Laura wished Mac and Jordan as they plan to breach the island via the tunnels. Alexis shows up and Laura tells her about the hostage situation on Spoon Island. Alexis tells them she knows who the Hook killer is. Felica wants to take Austin with them when they go. Heather tells Ava she should hang back to find out everything Ryan did to destroy her life. Felicia encourages her to leave with her. Ryan finds Esme on the ground. Esme tells him that her water broke, and the baby is coming.

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GH Short Recap Monday, February 20, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Angela

Portia tries to explain everything to Curtis. Curtis says he does not know the woman he just married. Trina tells him he doesn’t have to stay at the gallery with her. Spencer says he isn’t going anywhere. Ryan tells Ava and Felicia to choose who goes with him and who dies. Felicia tells him Mac will be there soon to stop him. Laura, Mac and Jordan figure out Ryan, Heather and Esme must be at Wyndemere. Austin is listening outside the door and Heather surprises him and stabs him with the hook as Esme screams.

Alexis wants to celebrate Gregory joining the Invader, but he says he has to say something first. Jordan and Laura try to talk Mac down so they can come up with a plan. Kevin arrives. Curtis questions if Portia trusts him. Trina is not worried about Esme, but Spencer is. Ava and Felica see Austin has been hooked and Esme passes out.

Ryan tells Heather to cover Ava and Felicia. She admits to being the Hook killer. Laura tells Kevin Esme is Ryan’s daughter. Gregory tells Alexis the university won’t let him take the job off. Trina tells Spencer that Taggert might not be her biological father. Curtis asks how Portia could plan a future family with him while keeping the secret.

Trina tells Spencer about the situation with Curtis and Taggert. Curtis asks Portia if she was ever going to tell him the truth. Alexis and Gregory try to figure out the connection between Ryan, Heather, and Esme. Laura suggests that the PCPD go in through the secret tunnel. Esme comes to and tries to escape but Ryan holds her at gunpoint. Felicia bashes Ryan over the head and Esme escapes out the patio door.

Alexis thinks Esme was involved with the Hook killings. Spencer says he will always be there for Trina. Portia admits she would have probably never told him the truth and tells him Jordan must have told Stella. Ryan gives Heather the gun and tells her to protect Ava but do whatever she wants to Felicia. He goes after Esme.

Curtis is surprised that Jordan knew and told Stella but not him. Spencer and Trina talk about their first meeting in the gallery. Alexis tells Gregory she knows that Esme and Ryan have a connection. Mac and Jordan prepare to move in on Spoon Island. Laura questions if Ryan actually knows who the Hook killer is. Heather tells Ava and Felicia they can leave but they think it’s a trick. Ava questions why they abducted Esme. Trina tells Spencer about her conversation with Taggert. He says she is the sweetest, smartest, bravest person that he knows.

Spencer and Trina share their first kiss. Curtis tells Portia he needs some air. She asks if he is coming back, he says he can’t answer that. Alexis shows up on the docks and tells them she knows who the Hook killer is. Heather tells Ava she should stay but Felicia encourages her to leave with her. Ryan finds Esme and she tells him the baby is coming.

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Days Transcript Friday, February 17, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 Did you guys have any trouble getting in? It took a little longer than expected to cut the security cams, but we got it. Slipping in the medical injuries is really a good call, kid. Thanks. Thanks. All I did was, you know, channel my messy trunk. God knows I’ve had enough practice and then I acted like I passed out.

They probably needed the infirmary to recover. Nice. Now all we have to is wait for appears to start a shift. We’re finally gonna end as son of a bitches reign.

Don’t you have a shift in the infirmary? I thought you want to check on Lucas Forton? I do, but there’s something tripping me up. You said he was so drunk that he passed out, put the deck in his very wrong. Well, he was acting kind of buzzed when he asked me for a second bottle, but, I wasn’t gone that long.

Certainly not long enough for him to get that wasted. What are you saying? I’m saying I smell a rat.

Don’t worry, Kate, before this day is over. Orpheus will pay for what he did to you and Kayla and Marla,

all three of you will finally be able to rest in peace. So John, Roman and Steve are gonna kill Orpheus. Yeah. Plans already in motion. It’s going down today. The same day they laid you three to rest. It’s honestly poetic. I don’t believe that there is no way that Roman would ever willingly take someone’s life, really, even, even to avenge your death.

Okay, get alright. It’s so flattering. But no, he would not, because he’s a cop and he believes in doing the right thing. Hmm. Yeah. But that was before Orpheus killed his wife, sister. The mother of his children, I mean, he lost three women. He loves very, very much Roman, Steve, John. They’re, they’re upset. They are angry.

They’re scared. Scared of what? Scared of Orpheus going after the rest of your family. I don’t believe that Kayla,

Kayla. Well, when Aeu was first released from prison, Steve did wanna eliminate him to protect the kids and me, and he did try to talk John into it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you asked me, John should have listened because then the three of you wouldn’t be dead. And his precious stock wouldn’t be stuck pleading her case with the devil.

Let me understand this. If I agree to spend all of eternity by your side in hell, then you agree to let Kate and Kayla out of their contracts, you’ll be saving their immortal souls. But in return, I have to sell you. Well, that’s quite a bargain after all. Two souls for the price of only one. What do you say, Marlena?

Do we have a deal

like sand through the hourglass? So are the days of our lives.

Look, there’s gotta be some recourse. You’ve already admitted that the only reason that we’re here is because that minion of yours tricked us into signing away our souls. Marlena, if you don’t like the deal, you just walk away and I’ll and force. Original three contracts. Well then why even offer it to us?

Because strangely, I don’t wish to win by cheating. And like I say, you are the one that got away twice.

I’ve gotta think about it. No, it’s a limited time offer. I need your answer for this right now. Now.

I mean, why would we even believe anything you have to say? This is probably just what, another mind game to torture us. . That does sound like me, but um, I’m not lying Here. Take a look. So you want to, three of us to command Mark. Can we slow this down a minute, guys? You both know it would be a service to humanity to put Orpheus down like a rabbit dog.

Believe me now. Well, all I see is Steve proposing a crazy idea and John and and Roman are rejecting it, so, okay. Okay, fair enough. Um, I’ll just fast forward to the, to the good part. Oh yeah, you gotta do this. Gotta be old or nothing. So what are you saying? I’m saying I’m in, let’s make damn sure that or fish never hurts another living so,

I can’t believe this. B B B believe it. What the hell is wrong with your husband?

My beautiful kid. I would give anything to hear your voice one more time, and I can’t help but think of all the time we lost. All the time we wasting. And I know that nothing we do we’ll be able to bring back you or Kay or Mar. But at least that madman will never be able to hurt anybody we love again.

It’ll all be over soon.

Ramen Uh, Anna, I You want, I’m sorry. We’re, uh, Oh, I know. I, I saw the sign. That’s why I came in the back. I just wanted to see how you were holding up. I didn’t give a chance to talk to you at the funeral. I’m, uh, you know, I’m, I’m fine. Fun, Noah. Offense, Roman. But you know, when I came in, you were talking to this urn.

You saw that, huh? Mm-hmm.

Well, I know it isn’t Kate, but it just brings me closer to her. Pretty sure you of all people understand that

people rolled their eyes at me when I carried Tony’s ashes around when I thought he was. But it brought me comfort. And I understand that now cuz it does, it brings me comfort. And I I know you get that. I do. But there is one thing I don’t get. Uh, when I came in, you were, Saying, it’ll all be over soon.

What did you mean by that?

Poor piss should be starting a shift any minute now. Okay, then you better get going. Be talking about not going anywhere. Hey, Lucas, you’ve done your part. You got us in. Go back to your cell. There’s no reason for you to get blood on your. Or he has killed my mom. I want to be here. I want to be here to see him.

Take his last breath. We, we understand that, but it’s gonna be safer for you if you just let us handle this safer for me. I’m already in prison. What difference does it, you’re gonna be outta here before long and Ali’s gonna need you. Hey, we appreciate your help more than you know. This was our idea. We should be the ones to see it through.

What if something happens? What if something goes wrong and you need backup Lucas? We know what we’re doing.

What’s going on in here?

Let me ask you something. Did you actually see Horton take a drink? No, but I wasn’t here the whole. Ah,

the bottle’s empty.

Hey, pour it out. That fool is pretending to be drunk. How you do that? I don’t know. Obviously he’s playing some kind of game, so let’s find out what it is.

We came in here to tidy up the infirmary and we get sidetracked by this guy. I’m telling you. Got a real chatter box on your hands. I’ve never seen the two of you here before. Uh, it’s probably cause we just started a couple weeks ago. We’re usually on the night shift. Yeah, I see. Well, you shouldn’t be interacting with the inmates.

That’s what we told them. But I think it’s been a little overserved, if you know what I mean. I do Feel free to get back to work. All right, good. We just gotta finish cleaning this room up. Yeah. The supervisor’s a bit of a hard ass. I hear you. Yeah, don’t let me get in the way. All right. Thanks folks.

Drinking until you pass out, Mr. Harden. I won’t even ask you where you got the booze. I wouldn’t tell you anywhere. You know, he doesn’t look too bad to me. I bet he just needs to go back to his cell and sleep it. Uh, thanks for the diagnosis, but I think I can handle this. Take a seat, please.

Well, you do seem reasonably fine, although you certainly smell of alcohol. Well, you know, I’m, I’m pretty good at sobering up. I’ve had a lot of practice. Well, the next time you think about drinking, don’t, you’ll save yourself a lot of. Thank you. That’s good advice. I’ll walk you out. I appreciate that.

So what is it that’s going to be over soon? Um, the funerals. No, the funerals are already over. Well, I have to still, you know, stare her Kate ashes and, uh, it won’t truly begun until she’s laid to rest. I see what you mean.

This is so tragic. Magic. You and Kate didn’t have nearly enough time to. No, we didn’t, and

I miss her so damn much. I just hope wherever she is, she’s at peace. You’re blaming Steve. Yes. I’m blaming your husband. I mean, he could. He talked Roman into committing murder. Roman could end up in prison for the rest of his life. Not to mention damning his soul for all of E. Well, you’re not helping. But look at the bright side though, right?

I mean, you two and Marlena, you’ll, you’ll eventually be reunited with your husbands in hell. There is nothing bright about that. And that is not going to happen. No. No, because Marlena is before the devil, right? The second trying to convince him that we should be able to remain in heaven. And as much as I hate the idea of Roman killing anyone, it is Orpheus.

He should probably be getting a reward for getting that monster off to the face of the earth. Yeah, . Yeah. That, that’s not really the way it works. Well, you know, somebody, that’s how it should work. Listen, I would love to stick around here arguing, but I actually have other guests to torment, so why don’t I circle back when the boss man makes decision about your eternal souls.

All right.

I, I, honestly, I cannot believe that. Let Steve talk commence this terrible idea. Well, I don’t like it any more than you do. You spoke to Steve. Yeah, but I didn’t know that they were planning this. If I had, I, I would’ve stopped him. Now there’s, there’s just nothing we can do unless there is,

so if I agree to your terms, how do I know that I can trust you to keep up your side of the bargain? I. The devil. Well, you may not believe this, but my word does count for something around here. Okay? So if I agree to this deal, then you agree that you will. Allow my friends to go to the good place. You have my word.

Okay. Okay. Okay. You’ve got a deal.

You have no idea how rare it is for me to make such a bargain. I hope you don’t expect me to. Thank you, Marna, you being with me throughout all eternity. That’s gonna be thanks enough for me. May I at least say goodbye to Kate and Kayla? Uh, say your f farewells, and then Nick will escort you down, down, down to my neck of the woods.

I can’t believe this is happening. Enjoy your last moments of peace. Marlena Evans

Oh, by the way, when do you see me next? I will be in my true form. Try not to scream.

Okay, so tell me how you reached Steve last. I don’t know. It was, it was just sort of an accident. What do you mean you accidentally breached the wall between earth and heaven? No, I don’t know. I, I, I was just thinking about him and how much I missed him and just sort of happened. Well, maybe we could, we could try that and I could talk to our husbands and talk them out of this terrible, terrible.

I don’t know. You heard Nick. He said that they already closed up the hole in the firewall or whatever. Okay. Well that was specifically talking about you and Steve though. Maybe I can still reach Roman. Well, it’s worth a shot. Okay. Um, alright. So just try it. Okay. Robin, can you hear me? No, no, no, no, no. I don’t, I don’t think, I don’t, I think that’s gonna work.

Oh. So, okay. So what do you think? What did you do? Well, I mean, I think I got lucky because, uh, Steve was sort of half asleep when I contacted him, and I, I, I think I just sort of, I just sort of walked into his dream. Okay, well, I, we can’t do that because I can’t wait to leave. He’s sleeping. I mean, they’re going to go after Orpheus during the day.

Okay. All right. All right. Alright. Try this. All. Alright. Close your eyes, close your, okay. All right. And then just sort of, sort of picture Roman, are you picturing him Close my eyes? And what? And just, you know, you know, I, I mean it’s, I don’t think it’s about shouting or anything. I think you just have to concentrate and imagine that your voice is traveling all the way down to run.

Imagine. Imagine that he’s right here in front of you.

Roman. Roman. Can you hear me? Yeah. It’s Kate.

Oh, this is ridiculous. It’s No, no, no, no, no. You were doing great. You were doing great. Smoke work on stay focused. Just let’s try again.

Roman. Roman, please. You have to hear me Roman.

Here’s a little advice when you scatter Kate’s ashes, save some out for yourself. , you could even put them in a vial to hang around your neck and then she would be with you always. Um, not sure about that. Well, I know, I know some may see that as extreme and a little creepy, but I see it as romantic. It.

It’s not like I’m suggesting that you snort Kate’s remains with a line of cocaine. What , you don’t know about that? Keith Richards did that when his dad died. Didn’t know that. Well, my point is I think you should keep a little bit of Kate around and that way you can talk to her from time to time whenever you need it.

Even if she doesn’t talk back. Roman. Can you hear me? It’s me, Kate.

Hey, I heard they brought in a new patient. Uh, need meet by the name of Lucas Horton. You know where he is? Hello. Sorry pal. It’s just me and me.


Did you hear that? Hear what? I could have sworn it. You don’t want ? Nevermind. I think I’m, uh, I think I’m just exhausted. Well, honey, it’s been a rough morning. Maybe you should go upstairs and lie down. Well, I would, but uh, I’m waiting for a call, Roman, if you can hear me. I need you to listen very carefully, Kate.

What about her? Hang on, come on. Be quiet. Okay, Roman, I know what you’re plotting with Steve and John. I don’t get in know the world. You can’t go through with the plan. I understand you’re upset, but Orpheus isn’t worth condemning your soul for all eternity. Trust me. Don’t do it. I’m begging you Kate. Kate, where are.

She’s right there. Hannah, I can hear her. Kate is talking to me right now.

Roman, please, please. I need you to hear me.

I think, I think it’s happening and I, I think I should feel him. Keep going. Keep going. Stay focused. Come on. Come on Roman. Roman, please, please promise me that you won’t. He won’t kills. You have to. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You have to stop. What? What the hell are you trying to do, Roman? Please, please don’t do it, Roman.

What happened? I lost the connection. Did you hear him? Did he talk to you? I, I couldn’t see him and, and I don’t think that he, he saw me, but I felt the connection. Okay. I don’t know what just happened, but I’m gonna have a really strong word with our IT department about this. I believe it. I can’t believe I reached him.

Can he hear you? I can’t be sure. I really can’t be sure, but in my gut. Oh my God. I know he got the message.

Kate, can you hear me? Can you hear me? Roman? Have you been drinking? Uh, or, or maybe you’ve already started completely shoulder this. Honey, I won’t judge you. I mean, you just lost your wife. It’s, it’s understandable. You’d wanna drink yourself into a delusional. This is not a delusion. Anna, I can hear Kate, or at least I could.

I can’t hear her anymore. Kate, are you still there? Has she spoken to you before? No, this is the first time. Kate, can you hear me? Are you still there, Kate?

Well, what did she say to you?

She was trying to stop me from going through with the plan. What plan I, I thought I made it very, very clear that you were not allowed to make contact with the. And what are you gonna do about it? Because you can’t send us to hell until you get permission for your boss, right? . But I can make your life pretty unpleasant.

Until then, I have baby shark on continuous loop. And I am not afraid to use it. We’ll just do your worst because it’s not gonna change the fact that I already contacted Roman. Oh yeah. And what do you think that little stunt accomplished? Well, I think that probably as we’re speaking right now, Roman is convincing Steve and John not to murder Orpheus.

What did you say That Steve and John are going to murder or. Apparently the guys are applying to avenge our deaths, but I think I managed to stop them. At least I hope so. I knew Lucas was up to something, although it didn’t occur to me. You two clowns were involved. Look at that John. US two clowns can still surprise this old bet.

Let me guess. Horton faked his blackout so that he could sneak your sorry, carcasses in through the infirmary. Is that it? Bullseye. Okay. Not a terrible plan. I know this will come with a surprise to you, but I’m glad you’re here. Is it a fact? Why is that? Well, I heard today was the funeral for your wives, and I felt terrible.

I couldn’t convey my condos. Cut that crap right now. Marlena and Kayla were lovely, vibrant women. It’s a tragedy they had to endear such. Shut your fluffy milk in. It’s okay. I can see you’re both still devastated by their loss. Well, let’s just say that it’s, uh, it’s been a difficulty day, but you know what, John and I have found a way to ease our suffering.

Oh, and what’s that?

We’re gonna watch you.

You really felt that you were reaching Roman? Yes, I felt a connection. Excuse me ladies, sorry to interrupt, but instead of ringing your hands over the faces of your husband’s immortal souls, perhaps it would be a good idea to start thinking about your own. Do you have a point? So how did the meeting go to the devil?

I was able to, uh, to make a deal. What kind of deal? Well, the two of you are not going to hell. Ah, thank God. Like he needs more. Thanks. Would know that you would be able to pull through. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I don’t understand what, how did this. Well, uh, you can see that your boss has voted the contracts.

How did you roll that off? Well, I, I had to make a deal. Hang on. Your papers aren’t here. Yes, I know. No later. What did you do?

Well, in order to, Guarantee that two of you stay in heaven. I, I had to agree that I would spend the rest of eternity in hell with the devil.

So you and John and Steve. Are going to kill Orpheus today. Keep your voice tab. Well, who are you afraid is going to hear Kate act funny? Roman Ghost Kate is right. You can’t go through with it. Why not? Because of that bastard. I lost three of the most important women in my life. Well, I’m not saying that he doesn’t deserve to burn in hell, but you can’t be the ones to end his life.

We have to stop him from hurting anybody. Well, obviously Kate doesn’t agree. Okay, so you do believe that I really did hear her voice.

If you live in this town long enough, there’s not a hell of a lot. You won’t believe you have got to stop them, Roman. You can’t let them murder or FIAs. In some ways, I’m surprised it took you this long to seek revenge. Beginning to think you didn’t have it in you. Yeah. , you just keep right on talking, pal strengthens our resolve and put it into you.

And how is that to be achieved? May I ask? Well, you’re gonna make it look like you helped yourself to the infirmaries wide assortment of opioids and, but you got a little careless and now they’ve got themselves an accidental overdose. Oh, that figure. You’re both too cowardly to claim credit for your handy work

Call it what you like, but you’ve already taken enough from us. Why should we let you take our families and our freedom? What about your immortal souls? Yeah. What about ’em? Well, taking a life in cold blood, the best of my recollection. That’s a commandment breaker. You know? In this case, I think the big dude will understand.

You sure about that? I know I’m going to hell. Do you really want to join me there?

It’s Roman

uh oh. Ex-com. Commissioner Brady’s. Is there a crack in the coalition? A weak link in the Justice League? I hope Roman’s not getting cold feet. You killed his wife, his sister, and the mother of his twins. Believe me, Roman is rock solid. Then why is he calling? He’s just anxious to hear that we have completed the job.

Only one way to find out,

let’s just get this over with. Phil Roman in once. We’re on our way home to our families and this piece of garbage is in a body bag.

Damn, Steve didn’t answer. John’s phone is going straight to voicemail. They’re not saying my text either. Well, you can’t give up. You have got to get to Statesville and stop them Roman. If you end Orpheus’s life, you are playing right into his. He will live one yet again by turning you guys into something you are not.

You know what? You’re right. I agree. I gotta do whatever the hell I can to stop this. Hurry.

You know, killing me is not gonna bring your wives back. No, but it’ll go a long way toward evening the score. You know, for the record, this isn’t just about revenge. We’re actually being proactive here. Yeah. How do you figure? Well, we know that it’s only a matter of time before you decide we haven’t suffered enough.

What’s to keep you from going after our kids, our grandkids? Well, I can’t imagine you’d take my word for it. See, this is the only way that we can ensure that you’ll never hurt anybody ever again. I’m gonna see if I can wrangle up that syringe.

Well, Milo Orpheus, ready for your journey to help.

You know,

I’ve seen you die before. This time after what you did to Gala. I’m really gonna enjoy watching the Life Train outta you.

The devil admits that the contracts are unenforceable because they were obtained through Trickery. What? Since when does he have a problem with trickery? But he offered you a deal, right? Yes. He’s willing to let the two of you stay in heaven as long as I withdraw my appeal and agree to live with my fate.

An eternity in hell yes. Oh, Elena. Well, I think he’s just upset because I slipped through his fingers twice and you know, it’s that ego thing. Well, I’m sure that I speak for Kayla when Essie. Thank you. For your sacrifice. We will never, ever forget it. No, no, no, no, no. We are not, we are not doing that. I did.

I think it’s, I think it’s a dumb deal. I don’t care. We are not letting Marlena trade her soul for ours. Yeah. Well, I don’t think we’re going to be able to talk her out of it. Kayla. We need to stick together. What in hell? Yes. I mean, are you kidding me? We are stronger together and I think that we can fight this.

Okay. Ah. Well, Marlena said that the devil admitted that the, that the contracts were flimsy, right? Yes. But he said he is willing to uphold them. So I have instructions to escort you all to the bad place immediately if Marlena backside of the deal. Okay. Well, I mean, I’m sorry, but obviously we, we don’t really have a choice with this.

Yes, we do have a choice. We have a choice. This is what, this is what’s gonna happen. Are going to stick together. This is what it’s gonna be. It’s gonna be, we are gonna present ourselves as a united front. And if one person goes to hell, we all go to hell.

Kayla, my dear friend. I appreciate it, your gesture, but I’m okay. You’re okay with going to hell. I’ve made my decision. I’m at peace with, well, you know what I, I, I’m not. I’m not at peace with it. Okay. We cannot let our dear friends suffer in hell while we urban heaven. We wouldn’t be happy. Well, I mean, I, I’m sure it’s, it’s fucking easy.

But given time, I think we, I think adjust. Sweet. Okay. Fine, fine. What I meant to say is, you know, I was just trying that on mm-hmm. . So just to clarify, What are we saying? We’re saying that we’re sticking together. There’s no deal. Okay. I was hoping you were gonna say that. So I guess it’s time. I will escort you three ladies to the nether world.

Are you ready to go to

Kate? Are you there? It’s Anna. I don’t expect you to answer, so I’ll just do all the talking. I wanna thank you for being Roman’s guardian, angel. I know I didn’t always agree with how you’d lived your life, but I know you loved him and I think deep down he knows what he’s doing is wrong. Oh, I hope he gets there in time to stop Steve and Don from making a huge mistake.

What are you doing here? Why are Steve and John? I, I, I assume they’re in the infirmary. Are they with Orpheus? I guess they are. Yeah. Alright, take me here right now. Why We gotta stop him? We gotta call this whole thing off. Ah, there should be enough morphine in here to knock you out. For good.

Let me do the honors. Are you sure? I don’t have a problem with this. This was my idea. I should do it. What a touching act of self-sacrifice.

You are gonna regret this. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner before you poisoned our wive. Now you’re gonna pay for what you did. Hold it. There’s something you need to know. I’m not interested. Nothing you say can change our minds. You sure about that? Are you sure about that?

What if I were to tell you who’s really. Over the death of your wives.

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Days Transcript Thursday, February 16, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 It’s a beautiful service, man.

So was Marlene’s. And Kates three funerals. Man, what this just overwhelming. Yeah.

You know, I think half the town showed up. They sure did touch a lot of people’s lives.

I lost count how many times. Someone put a hand on my shoulder, told me how much Kayla meant to them

and how it doesn’t make sense. She’s gone. I’m right there with them. Just can my head around the fact that I’ll never see Doc on this planet earth again,

just like you’ll never see.

I saw her last night.

You know you’re gonna wear a hole in the cloud if you keep pacing like that. Oh, ha, ha ha. What else else am I supposed to do while we wait for Nick Fallon? If he ever shows up? Oh, he’s coming back. How do we know that? Because the devil went to a lot of trouble to trick us into signing away our souls.

Well, he owes us an opportunity to plead our case. Hello? Hello? Hello, ladies. All right. What’s happening? A meeting with the devil. Uh, you know, they say patience is a virtue, not that virtue’s gonna matter that much where the three of you are headed. Oh, okay. What’s that supposed to mean? It means that it’s not easy booking a face-to-face with Satan.

Okay. I mean, why should he care about three arrogant women,

three funerals. Three, both my grandmothers and Michael.

Sorry. Thanks. But hey, you know, got to paint around family today. Yeah. I’m, I’m about to leave him right in the middle of all this suffering. And you don’t have to leave you in. I do. I gotta go to New Zealand for the shoot. I can’t put it off any longer. I hate that. I gotta say goodbye to you already.

Well, you don’t have to say goodbye

because I’m coming with you. I really sorry. You couldn’t say goodbye to your. It was, uh, it was a beautiful service. Being stuck here has made the whole thing a lot harder. Okay, look, I know the time stinks here, but, uh, we need to talk about, or well, you wanna put things into motion today? Look, if this’s gonna work, dude.

No better time for you to fall off the wagon in the day of your mother’s funeral.

Are you telling us that he denied our request? Oh, maybe because it’s your funeral day and he is feeling charitable, but he actually said yes. Yes. Congratulations. You’ve been granted an audience with the devil himself. Oh, excellent.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

You. You’re kidding. You, you’re kidding, right? No, sunny. You can’t come to New Zealand. What I can’t do is spend another minute away from you. Will I? Don’t you think we’ve been separated long enough? Of course. Do you remember what happened the last time we were apart for too long? How Leo nearly sunk our marriage.

I, I remember, but sunny. But, but no, but nothing.

I’m sorry, will I just, I can’t spend another six months away from you. It’s not what I signed up for and I don’t think it’s what you signed up for either.

So I’m, I’m sorry, but I’m along for the ride. There’s nothing you can do to stop.

You saw Kayla.

I know how it sounds. Okay, but last night I was on the couch drifting off

and suddenly she came through the door.

My sweet. As beautiful as ever. Wow. That’s a, that’s a really nice vision. It wasn’t a vision. She was flushing blood. I touched her. We kissed. Oh, how’d you do that? I don’t know,

but she said she needed my help. What kind of help? She told me that she and Marlena and Kate had been tricked into giving their souls away to the devil. Come on partner. I know, I know. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. And then Trip came home. Kayla disappeared.

I’d had a few beers, so he tried to convince me that it wasn’t real, that it was just a. But no, John, it was real. It was so real. Look, I know you’re the one carrying a burden here. I wish there was another way. No, I, I’ll do it. I’ll do it. I, I want to do it for my mom. All three of them deserve justice and we are gonna get it for ’em.


El, I. Didn’t hear you come in. Is that my dad on the phone? I thought you weren’t speaking to him after what he did to mom.

How do we do this? Is this, is this like a regular trial? Do we get a lawyer or do we represent ourselves? Well, you didn’t let me finish before. Um, Kate Kayla, you’re not going anywhere. What do you mean? I mean that the boss man has agreed to see one person and only one person, and that one person is you.


Sonny, I I love that you want to come with me, but I, I can’t let you pack up and leave stm

you saying No, I’m saying it’s not up to me. Victor’s not gonna let you run Titan from New Zealand. And you, and you think Gabby’s gonna let us take Ari to the other side of the world. I actually already talked to Gabby and you know, after some persuading she agreed to let Ari come with us. Apparently.

That’s actually what Ari wants. And, and you know, of course she’ll come for frequent visits

when he is, are you saying, I’m saying that you’re what matters to me. Okay. Whatever happens with, with. Whatever. I don’t care. We’ll figure it out. Okay. I love you. Will. I never want to be separated from you ever again.

I know it’s easy to explain this away, but it was not a dream, John. I swear.

I see how you’re looking at me. Just come on, man. Don’t worry, you’re a little too late for that.

I wish I could tell you I’m fine, but I’m not.

I’m gonna carry this grief with me for the rest of my life now that I underst. And that’s why we’re going after ort, isn’t it? Yeah. And killing him. He’s not gonna put a dent in what we’ve lost, but our wives need to be avenged. I mean, after last night, I believe that more than ever,

It is time to hook up with Roman.

Now that we have the women, we love to, it’s

your dad called to ask about the funeral. I’m sure. Love to talk to you if you’re up to. Yeah.

Hey dad. Hey sweetheart. It’s really good to hear your voice. Are you okay? Yeah. Grandma Kate’s service was beautiful. I wish they’d let you be there. Yeah, me too. I keep thinking how hard it must be for you to be stuck in there with your grief and have no outlet for it.

Hey, uh, listen, d don’t you worry about me, okay? You just don’t, you just lean on the people who love you and take care of yourself and Henry. I will. Thanks. Oh, listen, the guard is telling me that I, I gotta cut it short, so I gotta go. Okay. Um, I’ll talk to you soon. I hope so. Hey, listen, tell Grandpa Roman then.

I’m glad we talked. I will. I. I love you more than you’ll ever know

you are. All right. Yeah. But I was just wondering something, what is it? When I came in, I heard you telling my dad something about. Grandma Kate, grandma Marlena, and Aunt Kayla deserved justice and that you were going to get it for them. What did you mean by that?

We should have known there’d be a catch look, I don’t like this anymore than you do, but I think if we have one option, we’ve gotta take it. I agree. And, and I, I, I’ve beaten the devil twice. That’s one way of looking. So if I can do this, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll meet with them and then I’ll just get all of our souls back.

Can we stop wasting time already? Because this discussion is moot. No one here gets a vote. It’s, it’s Doc Evans or no one? No.

Okay. Okay. I’ll go with you. Just your.

I, I, I know how much running Titan means to you, and my brother is more than willing to step up. He already did when I was in the hospital. Remember, it’s all under. And I’ll be working remotely. And as for me and Ari, we could do whatever we want. Yo, we could hike from one end of the country to the other.

See everything there is to see. There’s just one thing stopping us. What


I’ve got everything Figure. All of our ducks are in a row for some reason, you still seem to be against us, and don’t you wanna be able to do this

well, everybody’s having a rough time of it these days. Doubly worst for your dad. So when you were talking about justice, yeah, we all want justice for your grandmother’s friend, Kayla, but your dad being in prison, he feels helpless. I was just trying to reassure Well that’s very kind of you considering your feelings about him.

Oh, I still have issues with Lucas, but we’re family and uh, case death reminded me of. Really important. Thank you.

And I really hope that what you said to my dad comes true that justice is served, we’re working.

Okay, it’s time. Yes it is.

Where is he? Where is he? Where’s Orpheus? I’m not his keeper. No, but I know he’s got you in his back pocket. So why don’t you find him for me? You find him and you tell him I want to talk to him asap.

We heard you with Ali. Sorry you had to lie to her. Yeah. Well we’re just lucky she didn’t come in a minute earlier. I’m glad I could keep her Octa Sun. So are we good? Not having any second thoughts? No, no. I’m still all in. Good. Because when the day comes and I see Doc again, I want to tell her that her.

Did not go veed. Okay. Well you can go ahead Marlena. He’s uh, right down there. He’s anxious to meet with you again. I don’t see anything. Trust me. You don’t want me to ruin this for you? Well, how are you?

Well, I guess I’m on my. From now on.




Hello, Marlene and Darling

Tell me, did you miss me? I certainly have missed you,

This is really happening, isn’t it? You, you’re, you’re really coming to New Zealand. Yeah. I mean, don’t you think we deserve it after everything we’ve been through together? , I, I, I, I couldn’t be Lumina pitch it. I mean, I’m always the one leaving and, and putting pressure on us. Look, we’ve both put our fair share of stress on this relationship, but we.

Also make things right when we have to because what we have is worth it.

It’s worth everything. You’re making a bigger sacrifice though. Okay. Sure. Maybe this time, but if history is any guide, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to step up to the plane in the future. I will. I will. I. I have no doubt. I love you. Funny. I love you too. I, I can’t wait to tell you that every day in person, and not over stupid video.


Well, I, I, I, I guess we have a, a bunch of people to share the news with buttons.

God, I just keep on thinking that what if this isn’t real? Which part? Well, all of it. You mean what if instead of meeting with the devil, I wish Marlena away. Do you know? No, no, no, no, no, no. I, you know what? I, I, I can’t go there. I have to believe that this is not a trick. I, I have to, I have to believe that we are going to have a chance to change our fate, and I need you to believe that too.

Okay. Well, you know, I’m more of a, the soul’s half empty kind of gal, so Yeah. Yeah. I understand. But now is the time to have faith. We are in this together. God, I have to be in the afterlife. I am grateful that I’m here with you and Marlena. Oh, come on. This is what I hate about this place. What’s your problem?

Ah, it’s just so much peace and understanding, man. And by the way, I thought your funerals were sappy. Oh, you were there. You saw a family. How? Oh, not great. Yeah, they were really, really sad. Especially your husband, Steve. What about him? Oh, just he was a rack, you know, tears streaming down his will from his eye.

But this isn’t news to you, right? Because. You paid him a little visit last night, didn’t you?

So is Lucas all set on his end? Yeah, I went through everything with him. He’s till on board. Oh. Bringing booze back into his life. That’s a dangerous game. Yeah, he knows that he gets it, but uh, we can count on him. How about you? Ready. You’re born ready. Orpheus won’t know what hit him.

I hear you. Want to talk to me. What took you so long? What’s matter with you? Nothing. I are you drunk? Not drunk enough. That’s the problem.

Empty, huh? Yeah. I need more. You drank this awful way fast. Considering you didn’t want it

easy. What you gonna do? You gonna make me say it? I gotta beg you. You of all people. Say what? Today’s my mother’s funeral and I missed it. Sorry to hear that. No you’re not. No you’re not. Cuz you killed her, you bastard. But if I’m gonna make it through today, I’m gonna need more of that right now. I see. You gonna help me or not

Doug? Long time. No sea dear. I, I don’t understand. Has Doug passed away? Doug is very much alive. He’ll probably live forever. But how? Why? I thought assuming a familiar face might make you feel more comfortable. Besides if you saw my real face, yours would just absolutely melt away. , I’m glad you so amused by all.

Can we stop wasting time? Let’s get down to business. How may I help you?

So you guys are just leaving today, just like. Um, I mean that was basically my reaction when Sonny said it, but now I, I see how much sense it makes. Wow. I mean, I’m go ahead and miss you both so much, but I’m happy for you. This is exciting, . Yeah, thanks. I’m pretty excited too, . Thank you. Have so much going on here.

This couldn’t have been easy for you. Yeah, but you know, I’m not thinking life ever. I mean, when I, I first came up with this whole thing, I kept worrying about all the details and then I don’t know what just kind of hit me. Yeah. Being happy is all that really matters, and once I accepted that fact, everything else just falls into place.

Yeah. You okay Ellie? I was just thinking.

What if Henry and I come along,

it must hurt missing your mother’s funeral knowing it’s because you kidnapped your ex-wife. Consequences.

You stay put. I’ll be back in a few.

Oh, and I thought I made it clear I didn’t kill your mother. So stop saying it. Oh, we’re done

now. You did kill her. You sick bastard. Hey, today you’re gonna pay for it.

What is he talking? What is he ever talking about? No, no, no, no, no. Nice try. KK seems your pal went solo last night and didn’t tell you so much for the all For one and one for all bit. Um, Kate, Kayla, you naughty, naughty girl. What did you do? Tell you what she did. She went off and she made unauthorized contact with her husband.

Thought he could get her outta here. You saw Steve. How? How indeed? Yeah, sure. We’ll all admit, Steve’s a miracle worker, but even he’s not gonna get you out of this one.

I hope our wives are looking down on us right now and they understand that we’re doing this for them. Yeah, I wish I was going with you. Nah, it’s better to have someone on the outside in case this whole thing goes sideways. Well, they won’t because it can’t. This has to work. We got justice on our side and we got those three angels up in heaven looking out for us.

Good luck.

All right, come on Lucas. Please don’t fail us.

You have it? Where is it? Take it easy. Take it easy. Uh, not so fast. This being a sad, sad day. I think it’s only fitting and, and proper that we honor your mother by drinking a toast to her together.

Uh, I drink alone. I don’t share. Oh, don’t worry about. There’s plenty more where this came from. You first

Orpheus Ola for group therapy. Am I, I must have lost track of time.

All right. Let’s do this.

You know exactly why I’m here. I came to challenge those bogus contracts that your minion tripped us into signing. These contracts.

Look, we’ve known each other long enough for you to know that I am not impressed by those parlor games. Sit around. Are these not your signatures? Well, yes, yes, yes. But they were gotten under false pretenses, so they’re, they’re not enforce. On Earth maybe, but this is hell different down here. Here we encourage, uh, a certain lawlessness know why.

Here earth is desperately trying to catch up. , what do you know? Self, self-esteem. Look, I know you want our souls. I understand all that, but can, can’t you just get them in the normal way? Do you have to try to trick us? I am marette after all the devils. Yes, indeed you are. You’re not some cheap con man. You are the most powerful force of evil in the universe.

I’m flattered. You shouldn’t feel flattered. This, this tricking us, make you feel proud. You see, I think it makes you look weak, and I think you agree.

Do you? Do you want to leave Salem with us? Where is this all coming from? I know it may seem impulsive, which is exactly what I accuse my brother of being, but it makes sense to me. When I was sitting at those funerals today, I was thinking about the lives that our grandma sled and Kayla too, you know, they lived without fear.

No regrets. They took chances. Yeah, they did. What? But what about, you know, everything you’d be leaving behind? Well, um, Chanelle and I broke up, actually, she broke up with me. I’m sorry. I I didn’t know that. Hey, your loss, huh? No, this one’s on me. I, um, I slept with Alex. I thought that Chanel and Johnny were hooking up behind my back and I was wrong.

Okay. Well, did, did my brother take advantage of you? No, no, no. If anything, I was the aggressor. Well, I mean, are, are you sure it’s over between you and Chanel? I mean, you don’t want to stay and fight for her or, mm-hmm. I know Chanel, once she’s made up her mind about something, pushing her is just the worst thing I could possibly.

You know, I’ll always love her, but I think that we could both use the time and space to grow on our own. Cool. What about your job? You know, I’m gonna have to quit. Could you go to work every day if your boss was the person you cheated on? Okay. That’s that’s a fair point. Yeah. And I talked to dad today and he told me to lean on the people I love and to do whatever’s best for me and Henry.

Less good advice. Yeah, I’m a single mom. No job, no prospects. We buried our grandmothers today. I just, I really could use something positive in my life for Henry’s sake too, honestly. We may never get this opportunity again, you know, to, to recharge and reboot. We’re better than the most beautiful place in the world with two of my favorite people.

Are you sure? I can’t think of anywhere. I’d rather be. It sounds like heaven on earth. I can see in those glowing eyes of your. Nick and his games are beneath you that there’s no satisfaction in, in tricking silly mortals. It was a bitter experience losing du you twice. Yeah. Well that’s understandable.

What’s more, I hate losing and it’s not as though I. Morally opposed to cheating? Well, of course not. But don’t you wanna win without cheating? Don’t you wanna prove finally, once and for all that you are stronger than I am? It is difficult to know which path to take, but one path must be taken. It is this path or it is this path.

All right, I have made my decision.

So you actually contacted Steve, I’m not gonna lie to you. I, I believe I did. Well, you talked, you talked to him. Did he talk, did he talk back? I mean, did he see you? How, how No. I, I don’t know, but I was just, I was just so desperate. I was desperate to close to him and let him know that I’m okay. How could you do this?

I could have talked to Roman, I could have talked to Lucas. How could you not let me know?

Where is Ory is? Stay. Wait more? I need more. Why are you still standing here? I told you. Go get him today. Are you okay? Pardon’s Walters, you got an inmate down? Request assistance and send them to the infirmary set.


well, a little while ago I was headed back to New Zealand alone and cuz now we might as well charter our own flight cuz nothing would make me happier. Please come, Allie. It’ll be, it’ll be great for all of us. Okay. New Zealand. Very good.

You just tell me, tell me how I can reach my family. Sorry, but that had nothing to do with me. Okay. Kayla. Clever little devil that she is found a way around our firewall. The point is, it’s been plugged up. Right. It’s all gonna happen again. Damn you. Wow. You’re a little late on that front. You know? I’m gonna keep trying.

Go ahead. Keep. It’s not gonna happen again. Which is a shame because in reviewing our tapes, it looks like there’s gonna be some interesting developments today. What are you talking about

gema them? There’s murder in the air. Who’s murder? Okay. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Steve, John. They’re going to avenge your deaths. Bye killing Orpheus today. Oh my God.

Okay. Everything should be starting to come together right about now.

Hey, who’s in that booze? You gave that train? Wreck reporting. What do you mean he passed out? Trunk is a skunk. I just sent him to the infirmary. Huh. Well, maybe you can’t handle his liquor like a lot of drugs. A loser.

Mom. Mom, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, mom. Mr. Horton. Mr. Horton, can you hear me? I’m gonna find you a doctor.

Dr. Kayla Johnson,

Kate Roberts. Brady, I can’t believe that I’m saying this. I am willing to tear up these contract. Oh, thank God in exchange, Marlena, in exchange, you must stay by my side throughout all eternity. You still think I’m cheating?

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Days Transcript Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 If you’d prefer to go somewhere else. Oh, I’m, I’m fine. Really? Yes. Valentine’s Day. Every place is gonna be busy and I’m starving. You don’t mind spending the evening in the same room with them please? If he can take it. I can. As you wish. Uh, table for two under the name of tj, the math.

This should be fun. Could we possibly have another table? Not tonight, I’m afraid.

Usually I think of Valentine’s Day as like a commercial rip off. But this just got far more interesting.

Whoa. Sorry. Oh, oh, that, that’s, uh, it’s okay. Yeah. I hope it didn’t mess up. Chanel’s flowers. Oh, um, these are actually not for Chanel. They’re for.

Guess you changed your mind.

It’s you let me. You were hoping it was Gabby

Lee. You have to face reality. Okay? You totally blew it with her silver.

I love you, Stephen. I love you too. Chloe did. Did you just hear what you said? Yeah. You don’t want me to tell you I love you. Oh, I know. I, I can’t believe you just said that. You, you said that you love me, but then you called me Chloe.

You came back to me, girls, would I be on our anniversary?

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.


Why are they recruiting at each other? Like a couple of idiots? I thought she was just rebound sex. No, he’s. Staring at her like she hung the damn moon, Nicole, and they’re having Valentine’s Day dinner together. Hey Nicole, so are we.

Yeah, but it’s just to celebrate the Italian deal. It’s also the proper dinner date I promised you. And it can be as romantic as you want it to be.

What’s wrong,

Nicole? She let on. Her and EJ were, something was going on between them. I thought she was just trying to get to me and now she’s holding hands with him. She’s probably sleeping with him too, and sadly that’s tail bothers you.

And I know you think there’s something going on between Chanel and me and that I’m, Hey, look, you owe me no explanation, man. All right. If you and Mindy work things out, I think that’s great. Thanks. Uh, so you got big plans tonight? Uh, yeah. Yeah. I’m supposed to meet her in a couple minutes. We’re gonna go see a movie.

Cool. And look, I wanted to say that I’m, uh, I’m sorry if I screwed up your date with her last night. I don’t know if anybody told you, but Yeah, my brother Joey called her and told her that I needed her. Does he do that a lot? Yeah. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. Uh, he wants to play Max Maker, I guess, and for some reason he’s decided that I was interested in Wendy.

Hmm. Is he right?

Okay. What happened now? I asked Gabby if she’d have dinner with me and she’d turned me down flat. I’m sorry, Lee. What are you doing here on Valentine’s today? I was just checking up on me. Right. I can see. I am lonely, unemployed, possibly about to go to prison. Yeah. Can I offer a suggestion? Sure.

Okay. What you did behind Gabby’s back was big. I know what I did. I don’t need a Lexus. So if you want her back, you have to start small. Ask her if she’ll go for coffee, try to be her friend. Don’t invite her to Valentine’s Day dinner. I don’t want to be Gabby’s. She’s still my wife legally, but the only man she wants is her last husband, Stephan, the guy you had brainwashed.

I know Jane One. No.

I did not call you Chloe. I I wouldn’t do that. I heard you clearly. You said, I love you too, Chloe. Okay. If, if I called you Chloe, it’s only because I’ve been worried about her. You’re worried about her. You’re about to take me upstairs to bed. Why? Why are you even worried about Chloe? Because, Right. She ran outta here last night after Wolf was taken into custody, and I even heard from her since I’ve left her three messages, she’s ignored all of them.

Even when I called her earlier, she, wait, hold on a second. You, you called her earlier tonight on Valentine’s Day? Yeah. Before or after you called me.

I don’t underst. How can you be here? I had to see you on our anniversary tonight. I had to tell you much. I love you and I love you with all my heart.

No, this, this isn’t real. It. I had too much to drink. This is not real. I think I resent that. Weird. This isn’t some, it’s real. I’m.

I am not bothered.

I’m just tired of people telling me that I’m not over.

I have to admit maybe I’m not,

and now you’re afraid that she’s over. I was the one who divorced her. She has every right to move on. I just wish she wasn’t with that jackass.

You know, Eric could have any woman he wants. I don’t know why he’s settling for that trampy. Trouble making ambulance chasing.

I am sorry. No, uh, do, do, go on. No, I I don’t wanna spend the rest of the evening talking about him.

Okay. I’m gonna make a toast

to our first proper dinner.

I just don’t understand, Gabby, why would a woman like her waste her time on a man who loves someone else? Oh, if she said anything like me. She’s trying to believe that he loves her more. I wasn’t talking about you and Johnny. Can I pour you some wine? I better not. I have plans tonight

with Johnny. Last time we talked to you said you two were over. Turns out there was a misunder. I talked to Gabby and she encouraged me to not give up so easily. She said that Johnny’s a good guy, that I should fight for him. Sounds like something she’d say. Go, have a wonderful time. You sure you’ll be okay?

I’m just glad one of us. Have a happy Valentine’s Day.

All right. Look, Gabby, I, I’ll say it.

I called Chloe before I called you. Wow. Just wow. Look, it’s only because C comes before G in my contact list. Oh, hey Hernandez comes before L. You idiot. Cut you. Unbelievable. You know, I’ve been through a lot, so have I. I lost the love of my life and I thought you were gone forever. And then you invite me here tonight on Valentine’s Day.

I thought you’d made a decision that you realize that I’m the one you want. Well, maybe you just assumed that’s what I wanted. Oh my God. Your brain. Your brain is really scrambled. Okay. So what you, you hit the wrong button. Is that what it is? No, that is not true. I knew exactly what I was doing when I called you.

So you, you didn’t hit the wrong button. You meant to call me. That’s right. But only after Chloe didn’t pick up. What if, what if she had pick. Would I even be here tonight?

I mean, Wendy and I met last summer and uh, and Joy was there and what he, he thought you to hit it off. I mean, yeah. She and I are friends and, uh, and can’t what, sorry. I’m late. I stopped to check on my brother you YouTube talking about. Uh, no, we actually just ran into each other, or I, I did. Yeah. Literally, literally.

And, uh, Johnny here was telling me that you two work things out and I was about to say that. I’m really happy for you. Have fun tonight. Happy Valentine’s Day. Yeah, same to you.

Uh, these are for.

My God, that’s so sweet of you.

How can this be happening? How can you even be here? I guess I was able to, because. I really need your help. Why The good place Heaven? It’s.

So how long do you think we have to stay out? You mean to give Stephan space? Yes. For whatever the hell he’s planning. I have no idea what he has in mind. Well, he’s streaming if he thinks he. Stringing Chloe and Gabby along. How do you believe I heard that uh, Chloe was not returning his calls. She left town haw.

She’s had it. Brady lied to her about why Kristen moved in and now they’re a mess. And she thought she had something with Stefan until she found out that he was programmed a fall for her. Are you ready to order? Um, yeah, you know, I’ll have, uh, what she’s having. Oh, she needs a little steak off of law, I think.

Sorry, she got the last order, wouldn’t she? Just, um, I’m, let me need a few minutes.

That steak is so good.

Why don’t they just take it back to her place? I’m sure they will eventually.

I am not lying. I really was gonna call you. Okay. Really? So you were gonna invite me and Chloe to dinner and then what you were hoping for? A threesome? No. I mean, unless you’re into that sort of thing, I’m not you, pig.

Look what you’ve gone and done. Well, you deserve it. I, I can’t believe I was actually gonna sleep with you tonight. Please don’t be upset. Oh, I’m way past upset. My brother had to give me a pep pack tonight. He told me to focus on the fact that you realize that you love me. But it’s hard to focus on that when you love Chloe.

Hi. Wait. Are you seriously leaving right now? Oh, can’t believe it. Well, that’s not just Stephan, Gabby. Wait, I, your brother was right. I really do love you. Okay, well, when you decide I’m the only woman you love, call me. Then.

If heaven’s not working out, then stay here with. . I can’t, you know that, but, but, but strange up there. At first I was, I was in some sort of locked room. A vox room in heaven. Yeah. And then all of a sudden Adrian was there with me. Adrian, you saw her? Yeah. It, it, it was wonderful. She said she was going to be my guide on the next part of my journey, baby.

I’m so glad she was there with you. Except implicit. Really, Adrian. In fact, it was Nick Fallon pretending to be Adrian, Nick Fallon. Yeah. And when I thought that he was Adrian, he got me to sign a paper there. Papers to sign a paper. Yeah, I know, I know. And I was surprised too, but Nick tricked me into signing away my.

Is there something wrong with the chicken? No. No, not at all. It’s. PDA at the next table has killed my appetite. What’s your. I just have a bit of a headache again here. Oh, yeah. You know, you don’t, you don’t feel like you have a fever. I, I just feel a bit off. Oh, maybe my hangover from hell was really a bug that I passed on.

You. You know what, um, I’m gonna see if they have any extra as friend line. Really? It’s not necessary. Well, if you. Headache. You should take something for it. We need another bottle of wine.

You want me to read it for you? Yeah. I left my glass in the car. What? I’ll be right back.

My keys.

We have servants for that. You know, I can take care of it.

Looks like your evening didn’t go very well. Actually, it sucked. Gabby walked out on me.

This is Mr. Shin. I’d like to order dinner for. Someone’s out the door. I’ll call you back. If you cut your day short because of me. Hi Gabby. I, I was just wondering if that dinner invitation was still open. Oh, of course it is. Please come in.

I thought people only sold their souls to the devil in books and movies. Well, I, I didn’t sell my soul. I, I signed it away not knowing, and, and so did Marlena and Kate. So now you have to read the fine print in heaven. Somebody needs to help us, baby. You know, I would do anything to help you. You know that, but I don’t get this.

Heaven is not supposed to be a place of corruption. Well, maybe we’re not at heaven. Maybe we, maybe we get sidetracked somehow. How? I don’t know exactly, but I, whenever I’m in trouble, you’re the one I turn to. I mean, how many times have you rescued me? I wish I could have saved you this time. Well, I mean, not a, it’s not a loss.

I mean, I don’t know. Please, please. I’m just asking this last time. Please just help me. Just tell me what to do.

Dad, are you okay?

Who? Who are you talking to?

Kayla. Kayla. She was here. Yeah. That’s not. No, she, she was here. She, she told me she needed my help. She said, Nick Fallon tricked her into selling her soul to the devil. I, it was a dream. I, I, I heard you talking in your team. No, no. I swear she was right here. I know, I know. You, you’ve, you’ve, that’s been thinking about her all day nonstop.

I mean, today’s your wedding anniversary. Tomorrow’s your funeral. And it looks like you’ve had a certain amount of beer, which, which I, I totally get.

Maybe you’re right.

It felt so real.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

You know, I was worried about you after you’ve fainted, but you seem fine today. Oh, I, I told you it was nothing. How are you doing? I’m fine. Well, it’s seems hard to believe being at your mother’s funeral is tomorrow. I’m Kate and ca. I’m driving her not talk about that right now. Well, I just wanted to say that I was thinking about you and your family, but forget it.

Oh, I forgot about your,

I forgot my glasses. Just forget about it. I’ve had about enough of this for tonight. Can we just go home?

Why don’t I take you home? We’ll go out on a proper, proper dinner. Dates another matter.

I am curious why you’re here. You made it clear on the phone, you had no interest in seeing me. You said we should talk about the divorce, and I realized you were right. There’s ways I can drag out your divorce in court for months, maybe even years. And granted, I could get expensive. I don’t want a divorce, but I know you do and I love you enough to want you to be happy.

So I’m gonna talk to my lawyer and ask her to get the ball. Are you serious? You’re not me. I’m always serious by you. Anyway, well, um, thank you. I need to thank me. It’s the least I could do,

dude. You really called her Chloe. I didn’t mean. Obviously I’m still not thinking straight. So my brother’s fault and my Aunt Kristen’s. And my dad’s, yeah. It was everybody’s pet project. Well, I hear Dr. Rolf’s gonna be released on bail. Maybe you can finish undoing what he did to you. Yeah. But you scroll back to being the guy you were before all this happened.

Right. I mean, the way I hear it, you were totally in love with Gabby back then, and was this links that you have for Chloe. Wolf’s idea, so he should be able to make them disappear. Weird thing is

I not sure I,

Hey, Hey. What are you doing? Cleaning up after. It’s Valentine’s Day. You should be out with some nice girl. Ah, no. The nice girls I know already have a day. What about, um, Wendy, why’d you what her? I don’t know. I heard you and Joe talking about her. Why don’t you give her a call? What have you got to lose? I self, self-respect.

She already has plans. How can anybody want to stay brainwashed? Yeah, that’s what I’d like to know. Like what Ralph did. It only made me show up at Chloe’s door. Okay. That’s it. The rest was me. I started talking to Chloe and I remembered how much I liked her and this was well before Gabby and I were anything serious.

And I, Chloe and I, we were getting somewhere and that was not Rolf’s idea. And then the truth came out and yeah, I remembered how much I love Gabby.

And they really messed with your head. They did, but I don’t feel brainwashed. It must be pretty confusing though. It is. You know what? Who says it’s not possible to have deep feelings for two different people? I can only imagine what that’s like. Yeah. You know the thing is, I mean, stringing two women along like that, it doesn’t seem very,

Oh, uh, mine, if we join the party, actually it’s more of a wake. Have you had dinner? Uh, no. I was just about to order room service. I can order for two. Gabby, I’m sorry. What? I just realized that. You’re not with Stephan tonight and it’s Valentine’s dish. Well, I was with him and we were gonna make love for the first time in forever.

Hmm. What happened? Nothing. You’ve been obsessing over him since you found out he was alive. What stopped you tonight?

We, um, he called me Chloe. He called me Chloe

Oh, um, that Valentine’s Day was a bus. I’m sorry. He didn’t even get the dessert. Oh, I still think we can manage to salvage the evening. Assuming you still wanna do that. I know tonight was awkward, and tomorrow’s gonna be one of the worst days of your life. So if you wanna just call it an evening, I’ll understand.

But on the other hand, if you wanna rip off all my clothes, unfor, forget about everything else in the world. Come up for that.

I don’t know what was going on downstairs with your brother, but I, I didn’t wanna hang around and find out, nor did I se there’s enough awkwardness for this evening, huh? Hmm. On that subject, I heard what Eric said to you tonight. About what about you Fainting in the park. Why didn’t you tell me? It’s just a couple of seconds.

This is no big. Well, it is to me why? Well, you’ve said that you changed your mind about us, you know, sleeping together. Hmm. And if it had happened and you weren’t feeling well, I would’ve felt like a.

How gentleman Lee, how I mentioned how lovely and desirable you look this evening. Huh? We’ve been taking one day at a time for exactly one day now. And you didn’t seem so reluctant yesterday.

I suppose that was the alcohol talking. I dunno why I’m, I mean, only had two drinks.

How about a kiss night?

Well, that sounds like an excellent next step. Mm-hmm.

Stop laughing. This is not funny. , come on. You have to admit it’s a little bit funny. I don’t have to admit anything to you. Why don’t you admit that this whole nightmare is all your fault? If you hadn’t gone and played God with Stephan’s life and mine, I did that because I was am crazy about. And I’ll tell you something else.

Rolf could do whatever he wanted to me. He could brainwash me, he could pump me full of whatever drugs he wanted to and that would not change. I would still be crazy in love with you and it makes me sick that Stephan’s playing both ends against the middle when he could have you all to himself, Gabby, cuz that’s all I ever wanted.

And if I ever went a little overboard, that’s why

a little law report, okay, maybe.

Stay for dinner.

Why not? Girls gotta eat, right?

No. If you’re hungry. My kitchen’s waiting to serve oysters and Chateau Breon for too. I hate to see you go to waste. Wow. We were just gonna have popcorn for dinner. Well, we’re gonna stream evil dead too, so you really know how to treat a woman on Valentine’s Day. Seem to be doing better than you did.

Touche, nephew, enjoy your night.

I don’t know, maybe he’s right. If, if you wanna watch something else, you know, I don’t care what we watch. I just wanna be with you.

I think I want to go to bed. Oh, okay. I, I understand with you. I want just what you said. I want to forget about everything else in the world be with you.

Well, I, uh, I guess this is good night,


Oh, what the hell?

Are you sure? Yes. I mean, unless. Unless you’re not

here, this will restore your electrolyte balance. Electrolytes, huh? Yeah, you’ll feel better. Thanks Dr. Johnson.

You’re a good son. You know that. I love you, dad. I love you too, buddy.

Are you gonna, are you gonna get some sleep? Yeah, I will eventually. Uh, you, you, go ahead now. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long, hard day. Yeah. Hi, dear.

From the very first minute I laid eyes on you, you had my heart through everyth. All the years, even the times we were apart, my heart belonged to you. Only you

I, I love you with all of my be and I always will. And that is a valve that can never be broken. I know I could never love another man the way I love you.

I just, I love you. I love your courage and your, your kindness, your passion, your smart and funny and so sexy.

I love your devotion to your.

I will never get tired of looking at your handsome face for the rest of my life. But I’m gonna tell you right now, this is the last time I am doing this . Okay? It’s the last time, okay? I’m never, never letting you go again. Do you understand me?

God, how am I supposed to let you go? Sweetness

seeing you here. Boy, it’s just so real.

Where are you baby? You know that I would go anywhere to the ends of the earth and beyond to help.

My vow to you is the same as it’s always been the same as it was on our wedding day.

I will love you till the end of time.

Happy anniversary Sweden

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Days Transcript Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Happy Valentine’s Day with love Stephanie.

Chloe, it’s, it’s me again. Listen, I know. Left you about 20 messages since you checked out of the Salem end, but here’s the deal. I’m worried about you. I have no idea where you are and, and everyone I’ve talked to hasn’t seen you or heard from you. I have

Nicole. We have been trying for months to close that Italian deal with Basic Black, and by God she. ej? Yes. I was just saying Nicole was on fire in that meeting. Hmm. Unlike me, you were a bit, uh, off your game more than a bit. I, I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. You kept losing your train of thought in that meeting.

I thought those execs were gonna walk, but Nicole, thank God she was there to save us and bring us home.

You all right, brother? I’m just a bit foggy again. It’ll pause since I know what you need. A good stiff drink. ? Huh? Can I pour it for you? Sure. Thank you, Stephen. My pleasure.

What is taking so long? Hello to you too, Gabby. No, the, when I left here yesterday, Jada said that she’d called me when you were ready to release Ralf. And why haven’t I heard from anybody? Because he hasn’t been released yet. Well, you need to do that right now so we can finish fixing Stephan. As I told you before, I am more than happy to do that as soon as the good doctor comes through with the goods on your husband.

Just spoke to Rolf and he wrote a long statement detailing everything you’ve done to Stephan Damira. But as his attorney and as yours, I convinced him not to sign. It made him see that it was his best chance to avoid being charged. Good. Speaking of charges, I got your first bill. No. No, honey. I may be easy, but I ain’t cheap.

What’s the matter, Lee? I just made the Roth problem go away. Yet you still don’t seem happy. No, I am. But now I just want to know what you’re gonna do about my Gabby problem,

like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Not a fan of roses.

Oh, uh uh Stefan needs. , go back to Gabby. Yeah, I, I’m, I’m pretty sure that was the idea behind the deprogramming that she forced him to do yesterday. Did you hear about that? Yeah. Anna told me, did Gabby really take Stephan prisoner and put him in the demerit basement? Yeah. Ralph showed up to zap his brain and the machine he was using, well, it broke halfway through the procedure.

So Stephan does love Gabby now, but he also still loves Chloe. Poor guy. Poor guy. You, you feel sorry for him? Yeah, really? I do. I do. I feel a little sorry for him. I mean, he was brainwashed and in the middle of getting it undone. All’s equipment craps out. That, that, that, that’s just it. I don’t think a guy needs to be, be getting his brain undone or un zapped or whatever you want to call it, in order to understand that he should be with Gabby.

Well, yeah. Then you should be with Chloe and I even, I even told stiff that after the procedure. I told him that I believe that you and Chloe together, and I was, I was glad that he decided to let her go, except he. Yeah. Well, okay. Hold on. Hold on. You, you spoke to Chloe, is she okay? Kind of, yeah. What does that mean,

Brady? She’s freaked out and, and why shouldn’t she be? I, I mean, for the last few weeks she’s been on this insane rollercoaster ride. Caught between you and S Stephan. Yeah, but Anna told me that she went to the Demer mansion specifically to tell Stephan. She didn’t want them to see each other anymore.

Well, yeah, because she wasn’t sure if his feelings for her were real or manufactured by, by Ralf. And of course, she gets there and finds out that his feelings for Gabby are back and it’s just, it was just too much for her. She just had to get out of there. Dad, get out. Okay. Okay. Okay. Tell you know what, just, just tell me where she is.

Oh, Nick Brady. Tell me where she is. I, I, I can’t. Come on, just, just tell me where she is. I can’t, why?

Because she doesn’t wanna see you either.

Brady. Brady, listen to me. She is still upset that you dumped her out of the blue and moved Kristen in. Oh my God. Your place. Oh my God. But now she knows why I had to do it. Yeah, but she doesn’t understand why you didn’t confide in her first. I couldn’t. I couldn’t. Kristen was blackmailing. Still, Chloe wishes that you told her what was going on so she could help you.

She wishes that you trusted her. I, I do trust her. Nick, of course, I trust her. Kristen was threatening me. She told me that if anybody found out that she would destroy the work. Okay, and then, then the three women would die. Oh, but they, they did anyway, didn’t they?

You know, maybe you’re right. Maybe I should have said something. Only, I would’ve said something, told someone. Maybe my dad or Chloe, maybe. Maybe they would’ve been saved. Hmm. Brady, what happened to those women is not your fault.

Maybe not, maybe. I don’t know. What I do know is they’re gone and I. Matter what you say. I just, I, I j I just, I just, it’s too much. This, this, this tragic set of circumstances. Losing Chloe. I mean, what is next? Huh? You haven’t lost Chloe. Okay. She’s, you haven’t lost her. She’s just overwhelmed and she needed some space.

Brady, listen to me. I told you that I am on your side and you know that I want you and Chloe to be together. What if we’re stuck and this, this, this love limbo indefinitely? No. No. Nobody, nobody wants that. Even Stephan admitted it’s untenable. Look, sooner or later, hopefully sooner, Ralph will finish the procedure and everything will go back to the way it.

You with Chloe and Stephan, with Gabby.

Brave. This waiting is his torture. Okay? You need a release for and you need to chill. Chill. How the hell do you want me to chill? My God. You know what it feels like to have the love of your life? Finally, remember, he loves you only to announce that he also loves another woman. Look, if that quack doesn’t finish this job, it could stay this way forever.

I am sorry sis. I really am. I feel for you, which is why I am trying to get the information on your husband. Oh, please, can you stop calling him that? Cause I don’t wanna be reminded that I’m still married to that snake. Yes, I am sorry. I know how much Lee hurt you, which is why I am trying to get the evidence so that I can charge him.

Well, last time I was here, Roe was ready to write a statement. Yes. And he wrote it. And then Sloane Peterson walked in. Why? Well, apparently she is his attorney now and she, uh, somehow kept him from signing on the dotted line.

As you know, my wife is infatuated with s Stephan Damara and hates my guts. She’s hell bound on to forcing me. If I told you we can fight. How there’s ways I can drag out your divorce in court for months, maybe even years. And granted, I could get expensive. Money won’t be an issue. You just keep me out of prison.

And in my marriage I’ll find a way to get Gabby to forgive me and forget all about Stephan America.

Here you go. Hopefully this will help you shake off the cobwebs. To always looking after each other. And of course it’s a family. Whoa. Hey, I wanna get in on this. No. Why are you, uh, I, uh, heard about your impromptu session with Dr. Rolf and Na Geo. Got your feelings from Gabby back? I did. . Yeah. Well, glad that you’re, uh, back in the right state of mind.

But I do have some reservations about Gabby, as do I, but their reunion isn’t a done deal yet, since Stephan still has feelings for Chloe Lane. Yes, there are worse fates than being in love with two beautiful women. Right? I am not sure I agree with that one, but, uh, since it’s Valentine’s Day, I’ll drink to your fate.

first. I need a drink. Here. Take, take my

nick. Come on. Can. Hey, it’s Valentine’s Day. I know, I know Brady, but I, I, I promised Chloe that I wouldn’t tell anyone where she is. I just, I just want to, I want to talk to her, but she’s not answering her. I, I just wanna, I just wanna know how she’s doing. I want to be able to say, Hey, clo, it’s Valentine’s Day.

I really miss you. I really hope you’re okay. And by the way, I love you as well. I wanna tell her that Nick, love. She knows Brady. I promise you she knows. Listen, tomorrow is Marlene’s funeral. Okay? So I think that you should just let this go for now. And focus on helping your family get through that.

You’re probably right. That is what I should do. I’ll try. As a matter of fact, I don’t wanna talk about myself anymore. How, how are you? Uh, I’m fine. I, I’m great actually. I mean, we close the. Italian deal. Yes, we did. . I know. I’m very happy about that. That’s good. But uh, what I’m not so happy about is the fact that you called in sick yesterday because of what was, I told a weird hangover.

It was awful. I strange. Really? Because I only had two drinks and I felt like I got hit by a truck. Uhhuh . Ugh. Well, you’re not the only one out there drinking right now. Um, Eric is drinking. Yeah, I know. I ran into him yesterday and I, and his breasts went like beer. Mm. He invited me to join him. What? Yeah.

Yeah. I declined of course, but I’m worried about him. He’s not in a good place. Molly did just lose his mom. It’s definitely part of it. I think there is a little more to it though. Like what you, he misses you. You miss him. I think the two of you miss each other more than you’ll ever. Look, I doubt Eric’s drinking has anything to do with me.

He’s moved on. He prefers hanging out with Sloane Peterson. Yeah, come on. What about you? Speaking of hanging out, I hear that you’ve been hanging out with ej. What’s going on there? Have you moved on? I don’t think I need this right now. You okay? Just a bit of a headache. It’s all yours. Yeah. Let me get you a fresh one.

No, that’s fine. I didn’t, I didn’t touch it.

That’s so strong. What did you put in this? Too much of something. Yeah, I think I’m good. I’m gonna just gonna, I’m gonna, I’ll take a club soda. I’m gonna dump this out. Disgusting.

We’re actually lucky the Ralph isn’t on some Demira island. What’s an umbrella drink? Fortunately the judge saw Ross a flight risk, can deny his. The only place I want wolf to fly to is Seth’s house. So he can fix him. Well, he is not leaving here until he signs that statement, which he just said he won’t do because his lawyer won’t let him.

Yeah. Five minutes with Melinda Trask and he’ll be begging for a pen. She’ll make it clear that he either flips or he’s going away for life. Okay, great. Well, she can put the screws to Ralph after he wipes that Inci Femba from Stephan’s mind. Yeah. Wow. Linda’s gone for the day. So first thing tomorrow. No, I Look, now you’re not hearing me.

I need a sun today. This is Valentine’s Day. Stephan and I should be together. Abby. Abby, why don’t, why don’t you do this? Okay. Why don’t you just take a breath and try and look at things a little bit differently? Right. Okay. You said to me that a few days ago Stefan couldn’t even stand the side of you, and now he is in love with you.

It’s huge. Now, did you miss the part about Chloe? You missed it now. No, but. I bet it’s temporary. Hmm. Okay. It’s temporary. How? You know, what, how do you know that? I mean, he’s not banging my door down or standing, uh, outside my window with a boombox playing our song. What’s your song? Wait, how, how the hell is that relevant?

I was just curious. A good song? Nobody, you don’t have a song? We don’t have a song. Okay. But you know when baby Chloe and, and Stephan do. I bet they do. I bet they had some, some stupid aria from some boring opera. All, all Forget. Look song or no song. Stephan said to you many times that you were the love of his life.

Right? Okay. Well, if I’m the love of his life, then why isn’t he with me? Why are we not together on this idiotic holiday? Hmm. Maybe beat me. Stephan is Mia because he wants Chloe and her giant arias more than he wants me.

Gabby hates you. You’ve told me that multiple times because it’s. And she has good reason too. I can’t deny. Well, as somebody who comes up with winning strategies for a living, I’m curious, what’s your plan to turn that hate back into love?

Stephanie Jada. Hi. Thank you so much for the flowers. That was so thought. I have been meaning to call. Oh, don’t, don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it. I know you’re dealing with a lot. How are you? How’s your dad? Uh, a mess. We all are. I honestly don’t know how we’re gonna get through my mom’s funeral tomorrow.

Listen, we’re here for you, everyone that loves you and your family, not just tomorrow, but always. I can’t tell you how much I appreci. So how are you? I’m fine. Um, you know, just focus on work. I, um, I heard you and my cousin Eric, broke up a while ago. I mean, it’s, it’s fine. It just wasn’t meant to be more.

Are you still living here? Above the pub? Yeah, I’ve been so busy with work. I haven’t had time to look for a new place, but Eric and I seem to be on different schedules, so that’s cool. You know, we haven’t run into each other much. Hi.

Hmm. What’s going on with you and e. I dunno what you mean. Hmm. Well you haven’t married twice and now you’re living in the guy’s house. So I just was curious as to whether there’s anything romantic going on or am I right and you just can’t seem to get Eric out of your head? You know what? I have a meeting to get to really?

So I want you to hang in there. And I’m sure you and Chloe will get back together before you know it. Mm-hmm.

Well, I should get going. Call me if you need anything. I will, Eric. I’ll see you tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah. Hi.

I’m sorry about your mom and your aunt and your still mom. Thank you. I know you and Kate got close. We did. She was there for me during that time and I’m glad. Nice to see you moved on. And you have two. I heard you’re dating Sloan Peterson.

When we first spoke, you said you didn’t want to get the divorce, but you felt like you had no choice, that there was no way to turn this thing around. Remember what I told you to think outside the box and given your new renewed confidence about letting Gabby back, I’m assuming you took my advice. So what’s the plan?

it’s not, um, fully formed yet. I, I’m certainly open to ideas. Ah-huh . Yeah. Well, uh, the legal side of the divorce that I can handle, but the, um, personal issues, you know, like love and all that stuff. Yeah. That’s not my back. Valentine’s Day for me is just 24 more potentially billable hours. Well, I’ve got the cash.

What’s your take? I love Gabby. She despises me. What’s. Again, I’m no expert, but I can offer my observations, please. I see a man sitting in his hotel room who’s careful and deliberate complete waste of time. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in his life. If you wanna get anything, you have to be aggressive.

Stop worrying about what other people, how they’re gonna feel about what you do, and just do. You sound a lot like Gabby, you know, be beneath her tough exterior. She’s actually a, a big softy, huge romantic. Don’t look Natalie, but I think you found your play. Yes. I shouldn’t try to win Gabby back with logic or reason.

I mean, forget trying to craft the perfect arguments. Change your mind. I. I go straight for her heart.

Ah, here are what shall we toast to next? How about your promising you beginning with Stephanie Johnson? Um, to Stephanie, Stephanie.

All right guys. Sorry to break up the party, but I promised the kids pizza for dinner. So, oh, well send Charlotte and Thomas hugs from their uncles. I will, uh, and, um, good luck with the, uh, situation. They’re gonna need it. See you, John. Thanks Later. Ej, let get you something besides water. Huh? We gotta celebrate our victory.

Thanks Stefan. But I think I’m going to go upstairs and take a shower. Hopefully that’ll clear my out. Thanks.

Relax. Father, I’m not gonna kill. I’m just gonna give him a few more doses. So he goes feeling off to going off the deep end and then he will be out at Damara. Huh? But I will return my attention to vengeance tomorrow, tonight. This is for love. You said after Ralph did his thing, the Stephan said he loved you with all of his.

Yes, he did. And, and we kissed and it was like we’ve never been apart. So that’s why I don’t understand. I mean, Valentine’s Day is almost over and he hasn’t called me yet. Okay, well, I’ll bet, I’ll bet that he’s planning a special surprise for you. You’ll see your phone’s gonna ring any minute.

Told you, well, you were wrong. It’s Lee, what the hell do you want, Gabby? I’m so glad you picked up. Well, I’m not, why are you calling me? It’s Valentine’s Day. Why else would a husband be calling his wife except to invite her over for a romantic dinner? I have already told you on more than one occasion that you nauseate me.

The thought of having a meal with you makes me gag. Okay, well, well we can discuss our divorce then. What If they’re not discussed? I sent you the papers. Just sign them so I can be done with you. Oh, and please do us a favor. Lose my number.

So you told me so, huh? Oh, sorry. I had a good feeling. Oh God. They. Oh my God. Having a missed call from Stephan. You know, he must have called me when I was on the phone with that jerk. Oh my God, he left me a voicemail. We’re on speaker

Gabriela, my love. It’s Valentine’s Day and I can’t stop thinking about you. Please come see me at the house counting the minutes until we’re together again.

Ye of little Faith

Sloan and I are a casual thing. What about you? Are you seeing anyone? No, I’m not really looking to get into anything right now. Judy, I know things didn’t work out, but I want you to know, I think you’re great. You choose to be with will be a lucky person.

Enjoy your night. I will. You too.

Ej. Hello. Are you in here? Ej.

Uh, I, I just wanted to check on you, visit the office earlier. You seemed a little out of it. Oh, I’m, I’m fine now. The shower seems, soo down the tree. What about you? Have you managed to shake off the last of that nasty hangover? Yes. Thank God. It’s, it’s, it’s all done now. Um, wow. I’m, I’m, I’m gonna go. Oh, uh, Nicole, we agreed that when you were feeling better, I’ll take you out to a proper dinner.

Yes. Yeah. Yes, we did. Mm. How you up for it tonight?

I got your message inviting me over, so here I am. You okay? Tomorrow’s wing on me, obviously, but I’m trying not to think.

I’m here. Anything you need. Thank you, Chad. That means a lot. Would you rather be home? No. No, I wouldn’t. I’m exactly where I wanna be. I’m so glad you called. Good. I’m glad you were free. Nice. I was scared that maybe you got a better offer for Valentine’s Day . Well, it could be better than pizza. With my new guy and his two adorable kids,

I guess Gabby’s not coming over. She said the thought of having dinner with me makes her physically ill. But I know beneath all that disgusted, her feelings from me are still there. The passion we shared that doesn’t just go away, so. No Valentine’s Day reunion. Nope. Guess I’ll just waste another night here alone, unless of course, um, you’d like to have dinner with me.

Can’t say I’m not tempted. Hold that thought. Oh, hey, hey. Do you have plans tonight? Possibly break ’em. I think we should have. Sounds good. My place, I’m 30. I was thinking about a restaurant and don’t worry, I won’t suggest the pub because I know how much you ate our clammed shower. Just thinking the bistro.

I’ll see you there.

Sorry. No plans tonight. Gonna have to eat dinner on your own.

Great. Mines cheeseburger. Medium rare, you know it, but, uh, got mine to go better. Would taste better with a beer? I bet it would. Mind if I join you. Be my guest.

You wanna go to dinner tonight? I mean, you you are aware it’s Valentine’s Day. It’s kind of hard not to be. Well, I mean a, a meal was you, I mean that’s, that’s kind of a. Big deal. What happened at the office today? That’s kind of a big deal. One we never would’ve closed if it wasn’t for you. Oh, I’m not so sure about that.

Oh, oh, I do. I was struggling hard today, and you came in with grace and confidence and carried us over the finish line. That is an achievement worth celebrating. That’s very nice of you to say. It is just with the holiday and I, um, this was an Italian deal, right? Mm-hmm. , mm-hmm. . So how about this? Let’s pretend we’re in Rome where it is currently, February 15th.

Just a regular day. Zero expectations when in Rome. Okay. Uh, why don’t you go get trust? And we’ll head out. Okay? Okay.

You. Look great, please. Okay, time out. What’s wrong? Like, I know it’s Valentine’s Day, but I just wanna get one thing straight right off the bat. This is not a date I came for the by, so you can just, you know, get rid of the side order of romance.

You look beautiful.

I hear it. You what? Bas Carmen, the opera. I, I know it’s opera. Yeah. Well, in the Aria era, she sings

love. It’s a beautiful wild bird. That no one contained. And when I see you, when I think of you, I hear it in my head and also in my heart. I think of it as our song. Our song. Oh,

I am so happy that you accepted my invitation.

You had meet Dotson. Why did you go to all this trouble? Oh, no. No. It’s never any trouble to make the woman I love so special.

Your favorite wine. Our favorite wine. I can’t believe you remembered. I remember everything now.

Seven. There’s, there’s nothing I want more than for that to be true. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since you came back.

Trusting this is real. That we can recapture what we had. It isn’t just sex, it’s our, our love, our marriage. Our magic. This is the kind of magic you’re talking about.

Mm. White pizza. Nice thin crest. Perfect. Yeah, if you want, I can order you a whole nother pie, . No, no, it’s okay. I’m good. Good. Well, I hope you saved room for dessert. Thomas. Charlotte, you’re up.

Hey guys, what’s going on? Pull your eyes and hold up your. Okay.

You can open them though. We made two cookies Valentine. No way you guys made this. We’ve been, they have been baking all day long. Oh my God. This is so thoughtful and so beautiful and I’m sure super delicious. Thank you so much. Hey, and guess what? I brought you a Valentine’s Surprise. Same. Y’all, close your eyes.

Hands out,

no peeking Charlotte and open.

Put words on them. Mm-hmm. . You pace yourself now . I was just going to do one with Stephanie.

Oh, it says sweet. Watch us exactly what you are. But what about my cookie? Should I break it up to share? We already had our cookies. Yeah, we did. We ate about three or four of ’em, right? Yeah. Yeah, but you can share your heart death.

Very nice sharing a table with you. Thanks for letting me join anytime.

Hmm. I’ll be Valentine’s Day Detective Hunter. I catch commiss.

Ah, damn. Those, uh, those sugar crashes are just, uh, there’s something. Oh, one minute. The kids are running around here, 200 miles an hour in the next minute, boom. I like a light. Those you are just the cutest and this cookie so special. I almost didn’t wanna eat it.

Do you know how special that you are?

It means a lot to me that my kids.

I just, I was so happy around you. Well, I love being around them too, and their dad. I don’t mind being around him either. Tell me, blush him.

So we don’t have to call this a date. Hmm. All right. Then what are we gonna call it?

How about or play?

Chloe, Hey, it’s me. Listen, I wanted to let you know that I talked to Nicole. She told me you were okay. Very happy to hear that. Thank God. Um, she told me that you might need some space and I’m here to tell you that I’m gonna respect that, give that to you. I also wanted to let you know that, that I love you.

God, I miss you very, very much.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Thank you


I just wanna say how truly sorry I am for everything that I put you through, and I hope you know that everything I did, I did out of love. Of course. I knew that. And as bad as things got between us, I never lost hope that you come around. I just knew you would. Deep down, I knew I would too.

Here’s. First of many happy Valentine’s stays together as husband and wife.

Shall we sit? Huh? You have Harold service dinner? No. No. I don’t wanna waste another minute. Let’s go upstairs so we can spend the rest of the night there. Fine by me. Hi, love you, Stephan. I love you too, Chloe.

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Days Transcript Monday, February 13, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 So there’s a question on the table. Do you give us a spectator or does your wife spend the foreseeable future as a guest of the state?

Come on. You’ve had all night to think about it. Actually, it didn’t take that long to decide. The answer is no. What? You heard me the answers? No. Wait, wait, Jennifer. No, no. There’s nothing. Don’t talk about, there’s nothing to talk about. We are not giving those two vultures. Now since neither one of you have ever produced anything worthwhile in your life, I’m sure that you cannot comprehend the amount of work and pain that this man, your friend, your father, put into this paper, Jennifer, and I know that you don’t care that it’s a good paper and it does something important in this town, but it is and it does.

So I am not gonna let the two of you slither in here and take it from him. Well, that was a very pretty speech, Ms. Ste. It’s funny. You’ve always been so good at sneering at me and judging me, but hang on. I believe it was you who got high and hit somebody with their car, and what a coincidence that somebody was me and then you drove off.

Not only is that wanton and coward, It’s illegal and that means prison time, which as your victim, I think you richly deserve. Well, there is something we both can agree on. What? Go ahead. Tough cops. I have it coming.

Was it Hemingway who said writing is easy, just open a vein and start. So I must, so I must, I’ve got the grubby headline, but where do I start? Ah, light bulb small barflies were a buzz When Alex Kikis and Ally Horton started sucking lemons and swapping spit. You didn’t hear this from lady Whistleblower, but it would appear as though those Kiki brothers have a pension for breaking hearts.

Can’t wait till you read that. Jackson K. What are you babbling about now you.

Oh, hi. Hi. Yourself. Aren’t you supposed to be at work? Took a gnarly lunch. Things are pretty slow at the office. Is that the only reason he looked like he just lost your best friend? He wasn’t my best friend. We’ve actually known each other for a couple of. Okay, I’m gonna go on the limb here. You’re talking about John and Damara, right?

So like I said, I mean, if you’re worried about anybody coming in between Ally and Chanel, it’s Alex. So he’s the problem. Yes. I mean, Chanel is always finding them together. You know, she even found Alex’s underwear at Allie’s house. Yes, I know, I know. Chanel told me all about the underwear. Okay. So then, you know, it’s stuff like that that’s messing things up between Allie and Chanel.

If. Is to blame for their problems. It’s Alex

Chanel cannot know that you’re here. Maybe if we just ignore her, she’ll just go away.

That took me long enough. Why now? Genius.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

So after spending all that time together, you know, pretending we were a couple. I realized I was feeling things for him. And then on New Year’s Eve, we kissed, you faked something for so long and turned real, right? Well, that’s what it seemed like. So we decided to start dating. But, but what, what? What’s the problem?

The problem. He’s still hung up on Chanel. Look, I know Alex is a bit of a loose cannon, . That’s a nice way to put it, but he also makes for a pretty convincing scapegoat. Now I wanna talk about you and Chanel, and you keep making this conversation about Alex. So you think I’m trying to blame him. For something that you did.

That’s exactly what I think. Alex May have a habit of showing up in places where he is unwanted, but as far as Chanel and Allie’s problems go, there’s more than enough blame to go around, so, so , so it’s my fault. That Chanel and I walked into a bar and saw he and Allie together. No, but it’s your fault for almost kissing Chanel in the hospital.

You are the one who’s got Chanel all turned around so you can swear until you’re blue in the face that this is all Alex’s fault, but don’t get a kid. Or Johnny, it’s yours too.

Uh, sorry, I, I didn’t let you in. I was on the phone. Oh, it’s, it’s okay. I, I found my keys finally in the bottom of your purse. Yeah. How would they be? So, uh, what are you doing here? I wanted to talk to you about Alex.

Look. Okay. I get it right. You’re protective of Chanel, but I promise you, I, I, I respect the fact that she is with Allie. I do. And nearly kissing her. Does that how you’re right. You’re right. I went too far. Right, but that’s over now. I mean, nothing happened between us, but Chanel told me that you nearly both did something that she regret, but we didn’t.

We stopped. I don’t think that’s quite the merit badge You think it is? Why you so focus on Chanel anyway? If you really wanted to make sure that nothing happens, you’d steer clear of her all together. Now you do are divorce you. You a good looking boy. Don’t you have another girl you could chase after?

So you’re just gonna give up on Johnny. I’m not giving up facing reality. Meaning? Meaning. Johnny’s still very attracted to Chanel. . He’s not in love with her. Okay. First of all, that’s not reality. That’s a a nagging doubt. And you don’t get, you don’t throw the towel in over a doubt. I mean, you were the one that told me not to give up on Stephan.

That was different. He was being brainwashed stuff. Johnny isn’t being programmed to go after Chanel. He wants to, but I was in the same kind of situation. No, you weren’t. Yeah. Sefa was in love with Chloe. I thought there was no hope that it was a lost cause. And you reminded me that I’m not somebody who gives up.

Yeah. Cuz you’re not someone who gives. If you want something, you go after it. There’s nothing stopping you. No one would ever say that about me. I would , when I first met you, you bared into my hotel room demanding tickets to the to Mera Gala, and then you showed up here and demanded a promotion. No, that wasn’t such a big deal.

Of course I was. You wanted something, you went after it and you got it. I mean, what’s the difference between fighting for a man and fighting for a job? The job still isn’t in love with his ex-wife. Alex, what, what about Alex? Last night when I saw you two together, I am so sorry about what I said. I, I just, I overreacted.

No. Look, I, I know how must have looked, you know, me taking the lemon from his mouth and into your. Yeah, that did not look great. And it was actually kind of gross, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. And God knows I’ve done my fair share of stupid stuff. Hey, uh, how about we, how about we go on a walk and talk about this?

Oh, okay. Yeah. Um, but first I, I just, I have to tell you this. Last night I got so upset and I, I realize now that the reason why I got that upset was because of all the crap that’s been going on between us, and that is on me. No. Okay. No. Yes, yes. When I found Alex’s underwear, I just, I. I just jumped to the wrong conclusion and my totally reasonable explanation and I should have just listened to you.

You’re my girlfriend and I trust you, and I wanted to come here and tell you face to face that I believe you. I know nothing happened between you and Alex Jackson. You’ve interrupted my dictation. I gathered so what are you writing your memoirs? No, I’m working on my new gossip column. Oh my gosh. I should have figured after all the dirt you’ve given them.

It’s just a matter of time until the intruder put you on their payroll. Excuse me. A respected journalist, Kawa wouldn’t stoop to work for a rag like the intruder. Okay. And since when are you a respected journalist? Since I got hired at The Spectator.

What are you talking about? I’m talking about finally paying the crime that I committed. Jennifer. This is also giving into blackmail. What about the fact that she deserves to go to prison? She just admitted it herself, you know? You think somebody who went around dosing people with psychosis inducing drugs like there was baby aspirin, should maybe not be the one who’s talking about who deserves to be punished.

How is Sarah by the way? You know Sarah, the beautiful, brilliant doctor you were gonna marry until this one turned her into a vegetable. He’s right. Sander, you didn’t exactly trade up. Come on quick. Hey, didn’t expect him to make his tea, did you? It doesn’t hate you, us and I reason.

You’re right. You’re right. She says she’s ready to face the music. I’m ready to call the tune.

Yes. May I speak to Commissioner Hernandez, please? This is Gwen Rusche. It’s quite urgent.

That doesn’t, that doesn’t make sense. The Spectator is a real newspaper. They write objectively about real issues, not Cher’s birthday, May 20th, and they use more than two syllable words. Oh. How humorous are you? How du Oh, and how delusional you are. Did you actually get a contract or did, did your psychic just see it in your future?

No, I don’t have a contract yet. Okay, well don’t hold your breath. Jack DeVere wouldn’t hire you in a million years. Oh wait, he already turned you down? Proving he doesn’t know the first thing about running a newspaper. You know, it was inevitable that something like this would happen. He should have been forced out ages ago.

Okay, well, like I said, don’t hold your breath. He owns the company for now. What do you mean from now? Oh, I didn’t tell you. He’s giving it to my best friend, g Guinevere. She’s gonna be the new editor in. What? No, no, that’s, that’s, you know, as a journalist, I’m always searching for the perfect words. You know, the if you will.

I shouldn’t have said he’s giving it to her. It’s more like she’s prying it from his cold, cold hands.

I’m on hold. You sure you don’t wanna change your mind? Last chance. Do your worst? I’ll try. Yes. Uh, commissioner Hernandez, this is Gwen Ruzek. It’s urgent. I was just, um, calling you because I wanted to ra Rafu Jack. Sorry. Uh, To bother you. Yes. Look, uh, Gwen just wanted to tell you that she thinks she’s doing a good job, right?

Talk to you later.

You could have the paper.

Sounds like that Wendy is a very nice girl. Yeah, she is. And understanding too, considering all that foolishness you’ve put her through with Chanel. Yeah, I really liked her. You know, I still, I still really like her. Um, yeah, for, for a minute, I, I definitely thought there was a chance for, I dunno, a shot between us, but, uh, that was before I blew it all to hell.

So. One thing I learned here in Salem, there is no such thing as blowing it all to hell, , because there was, believe me, I’d be single right now, . So you know, if you think you and this girl have a future, you need to stop moping around and do something about it. Wait what? Find her and tell. You made a huge mistake.

I’m not just worried that Johnny still hung up on Chanel. I mean, the truth is I don’t know him very well. Well, it’s getting to know each other. That’s the fun part. What if I find things out about him and aren’t so great? Well, I, I call that a negative attitude. I think you’re expecting the worst, maybe.

But it’s for a good. Okay. The other day I was talking to Allie and she said some pretty scary things about him, especially about the way he treats women. It was, it was like she was trying to warm me off. I don’t think that was about you. What do you mean? Well, Johnny’s ex, the one you think he’s hung up on, considering allie’s, her girlfriend.

I think she’s probably worried that her brother still has feelings for Chanel too. So you think call. Just cell, she’s mad at her brother or she wants to run him down. And obviously she’s not gonna have an objective opinion on him, but it doesn’t even matter what she feels. It matters what you feel. If you like Johnny, right?

Yeah. Okay. I do. And it’s simple. If you want Johnny, you gotta Okay. For him.

You’re right. Nothing happened that night. I know, and I’m so sorry that I thought it did, and I want you to know that nothing happened between Johnny and me, but full disclosure, Johnny did drive me home that night. For a second, I thought that something might happen. You did. Well. I was just so upset when I saw you and Alex together that I was convinced that you had cheated on me with him, and I thought that maybe if I slept with Johnny, I could pay you back, but.

God am I glad I didn’t, because you mean way too much to me to risk losing you, which is why I just wanna put all of this behind us and just stop all this fighting and work this out. I love you Horton. I love you too, Dupree.

Jack. No. You can’t let her do this. It’s wrong. No, when it’s wrong is you going to prison. But you’ve spent your whole life building that paper. No, no. We built it built past tense. We did what we set out to do. That’s why we went to Boston. That’s why we gave paper the spectator to Abigail. That’s why it’d be her legacy.

Well, Abigail’s gone. She’s gone. And if giving Gwen the paper means you get to keep your freedom, that’s, that’s an even trade to.

Thank you.

Well, are you finally satisfied? Excuse me. This is why you came to Salem in the first place, isn’t it? To pay him back. To make him suffer. I just wanted, what was mine? really bull. It was never enough, never enough having what you wanted. You had to make everybody else suffer. You did everything that you could to, to, to, to damage and to destroy his family.

And when that wasn’t enough, you, you took his life’s work, he said. Finally, finally, enough. Are you finally, finally satisfied.

Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I just need to let Wendy know how I feel about her. Mm-hmm. , that’s the spirit. But after everything that’s happened, I, I, I don’t even know what I’d say. . Are you kidding? That’s the easy part. You pull out your phone and call her, tell her it’s Valentine’s Day and you wanna see her.

Simple as that. . Well, it seems my work here is done. , stay away from Chanel.

Don’t you wanna get that? No, I, oh well, uh, I think I hung up. good. Yeah, we can let voice milk at it. I actually have it on the setting of like one to two rings, cuz I keep getting these robo calls and they’re just driving me crazy. All right. Okay, well let’s go. Uh, did you change your ring tone? Yeah. Yeah, I changed it yesterday.

I, yeah, I, I, but why are we talking about this? I mean, you’re back. Who cares about my damn phone?

What are you doing? Uh, you know, I just have to make a quick call. You have to make a call right now? Yeah. Just checking something. Are you calling my phone serious? It’s really not a big deal. I just changed my ringtone. I

really Horton. Nice try, Alex. You can come out now.

Fancy meeting you.

Wait, what do you mean that Gwen pried the paper away from Jack? I’m sorry, sweets, but I am in the middle of something, as you can tell. We should catch up later. Nope, that’s not gonna happen. Tell me what happened. Can you just forget I said anything? No, no. Like I said, that’s not gonna happen. What is gonna happen is you’re gonna tell me exactly what went down between Jack and Gwen.

I think that’s between Gwen and her dad, don’t you? Oh, and this is between you and me. What did Gwen do? No, you’re not dissatisfied. And I don’t think you ever will be in footing. Kane is your raison de.

You can even be snotty in French. Oh. Oh, okay. And this conversation has stopped being constructed. Well, whoa, whoa, wait. The conversation stops being constructive as soon as you got what you want. Oh, you’re just trying to shield Gwen of being so frail and fragile and everything. Maybe I’m trying to shield your wife.

She doesn’t stop cataloging Gwen’s sins. Gwen might be forced to point out that none of this could possibly be happening if your precious Jennifer hadn’t gotten behind a wheel of a car while she was high as a kite. Gwen might also point out that not only could she have been killed, but many other innocent bystanders as well, is she’s sorry for that profoundly, sorry.

And like my daughter whose idea of atonement is to go up and do something even more vile and less obscenity. Again, not constructive Jack. That kind of talk might make me want to point out that you wouldn’t even have the paper if you hadn’t blackmailed it from Leo’s mother. And then you could point out one of my many crimes, Gwen would counter attack and on and on and on.

A truth is I don’t think the four of us are enjoying each other’s company. So we’ll be going, I hope you can see there’s not as a door closing, but as a window opening.

Dad, don’t, don’t ever call me that.

No, you still think I’m hung up on Chanel? Ah, real smooth Tamera lead with your ex-wife. Okay. Um. Wendy, I know we have gotten wires crossed as of late. Oh God, wires. Am I writing an office memo? And the reason it sounds stupid is because you know that she doesn’t wanna see or hear from you. Just face facts, man.

You blew it.

Wendy. Hey, I, I was just wondering if you’re not doing anything right now, would you like to meet me in the park?

You changed your ring town, huh? It Chanel. This is. , what you think? . Elliot and I got drunk last night. I mean, you saw us. I was wasted. Yeah. I try not to judge. Anyway, we just came back here and I was in bad shape, so I just, I crashed in the office again, just like last time. Mm-hmm. , right? Is that true?

No. No, it’s not true. Alex and I lept.

I asked you a question. I can’t reveal my sources. Jim, tell me what Gwen the hell you were tracking down a story. You are going to find out Mr. Kakkis, that it’s not wise to attack one of my spectator. Oh, he’s one of your journalists. Who else did you hire? Beavers and Butthead. And what’s your job? Are you in charge of like the gardening column?

I’m more like the hide muscle.

After everything Jack did for you? For her, you’re okay stealing his newspaper? He gave it to me. Actually. We’re gonna go celebrate. Would you like to join us? You can be Leo’s plus one. I think I’ll pass.

You don’t know what you’re missing.

Joseph Floater must be rolling over in his grave.

Hey, hey yourself. So what, what? Actually, I was wondering if you had any plans for tonight?

You, you slept together. It was not anything we planned. No. No. But you didn’t do anything to avoid it. Did you Go out drunk, come back here? How does that scenario usually play out? No. Listen, listen. Ali was just really upset about you. Mm-hmm. and I was a mess over Stephanie. And, and I, I, we thought that maybe we could go for a drink and it was my fault.

It was my fault. I just, just go away situation. Okay. Okay. Just please do not blame Allie. Just go. Okay. Alright.

I just wanna say that I think you two are really great together and I care about you both and I,

Alex was trying to cover for me, but he’s right, I was drunk. It was not at all what I intended to. At all. Honestly, I, I saw you with Johnny and I thought you were gonna hook up with him. No, I wasn’t because I wouldn’t betray you like that. But obviously you didn’t have the same concern. Hey, no, look, I meant everything that I said before.

Okay? I, I love you. I wanna be with you. You are the only one that I wanna be with. So can we just forget that this happened? Forget this ever happened. Please.

I’m. But I just can’t do that

tonight. . Yeah. I was thinking maybe we could do something. I mean, yes. I mean, I’d, I’d love to, but I thought you said you changed your mind about me. So I had, and then I changed.

You know it’s Valentine’s Day, right? I do. I also know it’s not exactly Valentine’s themed, but I was thinking maybe we could see that horror movie. Evil Dead too. Sorry, that was one night only. Wow. But I think it’s streaming, so if you want to, we could go to my place and watch it. What’s the date?

Okay. Okay.

I will, uh, call down for some champagne and caviar. So you pulled it off. You got the paper. Talk about everything coming up. Roses get the scene that way, doesn’t it? Yes. And this is just the beginning. By the time we’ve made our mark on the Spectator, you and Zander are going to be Salem’s hottest power couple.

Oh. We just have to wait and see room.

I am so sorry. What are you talking about? This is all my fault. They could only do this to you because of what I had done. Ah, look, the only people that I blame for this is Xander and my daughter. You tried so hard with her. Look, I, I, I don’t really want to talk about that anymore. I. Aim to spend Valentine’s Day with you.

Sounds lovely. Well, how about a romantic lunch at the bistro? I’d like that very much.

And for the record my giving, Gwen the paper. Was selfish on my part because I just couldn’t live without you.

Well, call me. As soon as you get this. You will not believe what I just found. What did you just find out? Oh, okay. So how do I put this succinctly? So Gwen, with the help of Xander is stealing the spectator from my uncle Jack. And then to add insult to injury, they’re hiring Leo to like take control of the gossip column or something.

Just what Salem needs more dirt. Okay. You seem to be in a foul mood. That would be an understatement, brother. I just got back from Allian Chan. Okay, well you guys usually have a lot of fun together, so Uhhuh, , what happened? What happened? I destroyed their relationship.

You can’t mean that this can’t be it. You know how much you mean to me. You know how much we, us being together means to. Being with you. It is, it is like nothing I have ever felt, and it’s nothing that I ever felt I could feel for a woman, let alone my best friend. Okay. And when you, when you kiss me for the first time, it.

Opened up a part of me that I didn’t even know I had. And I, I know it took me a long time to come to terms with it, but once I came out to my friends and, and family and to myself and I was able to actually finally be with you, I realized, I realized how special it was and how lucky I was.

We have been through so much together. We have. So much you opened up an entire new part of me and, and I love you so much. We love each other so much, so it can’t, they can’t be over between us.

I’m sorry, but it is, yes, everything you said is true. We did share everyth. And we did love each other and now we’re just hurting each other and the last thing that I ever wanna do is hurt you. So I think it’s best if we just end things now, be before we hurt each other even more.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, February 20, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Daniel connects with Lucy, who gave him a bracelet. He’s committed to being a better father to her. Heather asks him to be careful with Lucy’s feelings. Lily drops by to see him, so he feels her in on Heather and Lucy’s impromptu visit. Daniel is upset that Heather and Lucy are leaving him again. Lily tries to give him a pep talk, but he decides that he doesn’t want to focus on the video game any more. Lily points out to him how successful the game will be; she doesn’t think he should give up.

Devon hires Christine to represent him in his case against Chancellor Industries. They go over some paperwork. Chris runs into Nate as she’s leaving (at the elevator), so he tries to find out why she was visiting Devon. She sidesteps his question and congratulates him on his job with Newman Media. Devon and Abby discuss the lawsuit. She worries about what personal toll this will take on him and his family.

Adam has a list of demands for Victor, including being CEO (instead of Victoria). He knows what Victor did, working with Kyle to get him out of Jabot. Victor refuses to replace her with Adam but has bigger plans for Adam. Adam gives him a 24-hour deadline.

Victoria tells a doubtful Nick that Tucker wants to sell his company to Newman. Nate lets them know what Audra did. Victoria thinks they should buy up all of Tucker’s debt so they’ll be in a better bargaining position. Nick doesn’t think that’s a good idea, but Victoria disagrees and thinks Victor will side with her. Later, Victoria fills Victor in on what’s going on with Tucker. They agree to buy up Tucker’s debts. Victoria gets a call and tells him, shocked, that someone else already took over Tucker’s company. They wonder who could have done it. She thinks it’s Devon, but Victor thinks this is someone else.

Tucker visits Ashley to show her how he’s changed, by selling his company. She’s shocked but knows that he’s having financial problems. She’s skeptical that he’s doing it for unselfish reasons. He gets annoyed that she doesn’t believe him. He gets a phone call, telling him that someone (not Newman) already bought up his debt. It bothers him that he doesn’t know who it is. Ashley tells him that she bought his debt and isn’t going to make things easy for him.

Chloe wants to celebrate with Sally at Society, but Sally can only worry about who the father of her baby is. Sally wants the baby to be Nick’s, not Adam’s. Sally is grateful to have a best friend like Chloe. Nick drops by, so Chloe leaves. Nick tries to make Sally feel better about worrying about the paternity test. Adam arrives, so they go to leave; things are very awkward. Nick and Sally go to the coffee house. Sally gets a text to let her know that the paternity test results are in.

Lily runs into Christine at the coffeehouse. Chris tells her that she’s representing Devon in his lawsuit. She wants them to come to an agreement, but Lily tells her that they tried that already. She phones Amanda to try to get her to come back, to defend CI from the lawsuit.

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Actor Tom Stevens of "Deadly Class"

Updated 3/1/25

Interview with Colin Egglesfield, Chrishell Stause and Laura Ramsey

TV Interview!

Colin Egglesfield, Chrishell Stause and Laura Ramsey in "A Rose For Her Grave: The Randy Roth Story" on Lifetime

Interview with Colin Egglesfield, Chrishell Stause and Laura Ramsey in “A Rose For Her Grave: The Randy Roth Story” on Lifetime by Suzanne 2/2/23

This is a really good movie about a terrible and tragic real-life story. Some of it was very creepy. Colin Egglesfield has always been a great actor, in everything he’s done, such as “All My Children” and “Rizzoli & Isles.” He’s very handsome and charming, but he’s also got some great acting chops. Laura Ramsey is new to me, but she really reminds me a lot of soap actress Linsey Godfrey. The resemblance is amazing. They should play sisters. She does a wonderful job as Randy’s doomed wife. Chrishell Stause is also a talented actress who’s been on many soaps as well as reality shows.  I almost didn’t recognize her in this at first. I hope you enjoy this panel interview we did and the exciting movie tonight, February 18.



key art for "A Rose For Her Grave: The Randy Roth Story" on Lifetime

Official Site

Colin Egglesfield and Laura Ramsey in "A Rose For Her Grave: The Randy Roth Story" on LifetimeFollowing the death of her husband, single mom Cindy (Laura Ramsey), finally finds love again with mechanic Randy Roth (Colin Egglesfield) but her wedded bliss soon turns dark when she discovers another side of Randy. Despite the pleas of her best friend Lori (Chrishell Stause) to leave her marriage, Cindy never gets that opportunity after she drowns during a trip to a lake with Randy and the kids. Emotionless following Cindy’s death, Randy orders her immediate cremation, takes custody of Cindy’s son and attempts to collect on her life insurance policy. Determined to find the truth and get Cindy’s son away from his deceitful stepfather, Lori uncovers more of Randy’s past, discovering that Cindy may not have been the first wife murdered at his hands.

A Rose For Her Grave: The Randy Roth Story and 12 Desperate Hours are both produced by Allegheny Image Factory and Best On Best. Conor Allyn and Benjamin Anderson serve as executive producers and Jeffrey Tinnell, Robert Tinnell and John Michaels serve as producers for the films. Allyn and Anderson wrote both scripts. A Rose For Her Grave: The Randy Roth Story is directed by Maritte Go and 12 Desperate Hours is directed by Gina Gershon.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Chrishell Stause in "A Rose For Her Grave: The Randy Roth Story" on Lifetime

Days Short Recap Friday, February 17, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Orpheus found Lucas’ bottle in the garbage. Orpheus realized he didn’t drink it. Steve and John let Lucas know that he could leave. They said they could handle Orpheus. Lucas tried to put up a fight, but they told him they wanted him to be safe. The doctor showed up. Steve and John told the doctor they were there to clean up. When the doctor checked on Lucas, he walked him out of the infirmary. Steve and John stayed behind. Roman told Kate’s ashes that Orpheus was going to pay for what he did to her, Marlena and Kayla. Anna showed up to check on him. He said he was fine. She said she heard him talking to the urn. He said he knew it wasn’t Kate’s but it brought they closer. He said she should understand that. She said she understood. She was sad that he was robbed of his chance to be with Kate. He said he missed her, but he knew she was at peace. Kate didn’t believe Nick when he said Roman, John and Steve were planning to kill Orpheus. Nick showed them when the guys agreed to do the plan. When Nick left, Kayla said if she knew about the plan when she went to see Steve, she would have stopped them. She said there was nothing else they could do. Kate said there may be something they could do.

Marlena agreed to the devil’s plan. She said she would stay with him for eternity if he would let Kate and Kayla go to the good place. The devil agreed to the terms. He said she could tell them goodbye. Nick took her to them. He said the next time she saw him she would see what he really looked like. Kate asked Kayla how she saw Steve. Kayla said she was thinking about him and missing him and that was when it happened. Kate said she wanted to reach Roman and talk him out of killing Orpheus. Kayla said Nick closed the firewall. Kate said it was for Kayla and Steve. Kate screamed out to Roman, but Kayla said she had to concentrate and imagine him being right there with her. Kate closed her eyes and called out to him. Anna told Roman to keep Kate’s ashes in a necklace so he would always be able to talk to her. Roman heard Kate’s voice. He looked at the urn when she told him not to kill Orpheus. She said it wasn’t worth condemning his soul for eternity. He told Anna that he was talking to Kate. Nick came back as Kate was telling Roman not to kill Orpheus. Nick pressed a button on a remote. Kate lost her connection. Nick said he didn’t know what happened, but he would consult the IT department. Kate told Kayla she was able to feel a connection. She said Roman got her message not to kill Orpheus. Marlena showed up. they told her what was going on with their husbands. Marlena told her what was going on with her. Kate thanked Marlena for her sacrifice. Kayla said she wasn’t going to let her trade her soul for theirs. Kate said she didn’t think they could talk Marlena out of it. Kayla said they were stronger together. Nick said he would have to take them all to the bad place if Marlena backed out of the deal. Kate said they didn’t have a choice. Kayla said if one went, they all went. Marlena appreciated what Kayla was doing, but she was okay with her decision. Kayla said she wasn’t happy. She said they couldn’t be happy in heaven if she wasn’t there. Kate finally agreed and told Nick no deal. He said he was hoping they would say that. He asked if they were ready to go. Orpheus went to the infirmary and saw John and Steve. Orpheus reminded them of what happened to their wives. Steve told him they found a way to ease the suffering. He said they were going to watch him die. They put him on a gurney and let him know how they were going to make it look as if he overdosed. Orpheus asked them if they wanted to risk going to hell for taking an innocent life. Roman called Steve, but he ignored the call. Lucas was in the visitor’s room. Roman showed up and told him they had to stop John and Steve. John got the syringe ready. Steve said he wanted to be the one to do it. Steve took the syringe. Orpheus tried to stop him. He said he knew who was responsible for their wives’ deaths.

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Days Update Friday, February 17, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

John and Steve join Lucas in the prison infirmary. They tell him that they’ve disabled the security cameras while Lucas explains how he pretended to be drunk and pass out, so they brought him in to the infirmary. John says now they just have to wait for Orpheus to begin his shift. Steve declares that they are finally going to end Orpheus’ reign of terror.

The prison guard reminds Orpheus that he has a shift in the infirmary. Orpheus says something is tripping him up and questions Lucas being so drunk that he passed out. Orpheus notes that Lucas was acting kind of buzzed when he asked for a second bottle, but he wasn’t gone that long and certainly not long enough for him to get that wasted. Orpheus declares that he smells a rat.

At the Brady Pub, Roman talks to Kate’s urn and declares that before this day is over, Orpheus will pay for what he did to Kate, Kayla, and Marlena, so they will finally be able to rest in peace.

Nick tells Kayla and Kate that John, Roman, and Steve are going to kill Orpheus and the plan is already in motion. Nick calls it poetic that it’s the same day they laid the three women to rest. Kate doesn’t believe that Roman would ever willingly take someone’s life. Nick asks even if it’s to avenge her death. Kate insists that Roman would not because he’s a cop and believes in doing the right thing. Nick points out that was before Orpheus killed his wife, his sister, and the mother of his children so he lost three women that he loves very much. Nick says Roman, Steve, and John are upset, angry, and scared of Orpheus going after the rest of their family. Kate still doesn’t believe it and turns to Kayla. Kayla admits that when Orpheus was first released from prison, Steve did want to eliminate him to protect her and the kids and he did try to talk John in to it. Nick points out that if John listened, they wouldn’t be dead.

The Devil tells Marlena that if she agrees to stay by his side in Hell for eternity, then he will free Kate and Kayla from their contracts, so it’s two souls for the price of one. The Devil asks Marlena if they have a deal. Marlena argues that there has to be recourse and that they are only here because Nick tricked them in to signing their souls. The Devil says if Marlena doesn’t like the deal, she can walk away and he will just enforce the contracts. The Devil admits that he doesn’t like to win by cheating and says Marlena is the one that got away, twice. Marlena says she’ll think about it but The Devil calls it a limited time offer and declares that he needs her answer right now.

Kate questions why they would believe anything Nick says. Nick then turns on a screen, showing Roman, John, and Steve creating their plan to put Orpheus down. Kate argues that is just Steve proposing a crazy idea, so Nick fast forwards it to Roman and John agreeing with Steve’s plan. Kate can’t believe it and asks Kayla what the hell is wrong with Steve.

Roman continues talking to Kate’s urn and says he would give anything to hear her voice one more time. Roman thinks about all the time they lost and wasted. Roman knows nothing they do will be able to bring her, Kayla, or Marlena back, but at least that madman will never be able to hurt anybody they love again. Roman states that it will all be over soon. Anna then enters the Pub. Roman tells her that the Pub is closed. Anna says that’s why she came in the back as she just wanted to see how he’s holding up since she didn’t get to talk to him at the funeral. Roman claims he’s fine. Anna points out that he was talking to the urn when she came in. Roman knows it’s not Kate, but it brings him closer to her and he’s pretty sure Anna understands that. Anna talks about people rolling their eyes at her when she thought Tony was dead, but it brought her comfort. Roman understands that now. Anna says the one thing she doesn’t get, is that he was saying it would all be over soon, so she questions what he meant by that.

Lucas tells John and Steve that Orpheus should be starting his shift any minute now. John tells Lucas that he should get going then but Lucas says he’s not going anywhere. Steve tells Lucas that he’s done his part by getting them in, so he can go back to his cell as there’s no reason for him to get blood on his hands. Lucas argues that Orpheus killed his mom, so he wants to be there to see him take his last breath. John understands but says it would be safer if Lucas lets them handle it. Lucas argues that he’s already in prison so he questions what difference it makes. John says Lucas will be out before long and Allie is going to need him. Steve appreciates his help but says it was their idea so they should see it through. Lucas asks what if something goes wrong and they need backup. John assures that they know what they are doing. The doctor then walks in and questions what is going on in here.

Orpheus asks the guard if he actually saw Lucas take a drink. He admits he didn’t, but he wasn’t there the whole time. Orpheus then checks the trash can and finds the bottle. Orpheus notes that it’s empty and then smells the trash can to confirm that Lucas poured it out. Orpheus declares that Lucas is pretending to be drunk. The guard asks why he would do that. Orpheus says he doesn’t know but he’s obviously playing some type of game, so they’re going to find out what it is.

John claims to the doctor that they were just cleaning up the Infirmary and got sidetracked by Lucas talking to them. The doctor points out that he’s never seen them before. John says they just started a couple weeks ago while Steve says they usually work night shift. The doctor says they shouldn’t interact with the inmates and should go. John says they just have to finish cleaning the room up so the doctor says he won’t get in their way. John and Steve started cleaning while the doctor questions Lucas about his drinking. Steve remarks that Lucas probably just needs to go back to his cell and sleep it off. The doctor says he’ll handle it and begins checking Lucas out. He says he seems fine but does smell of alcohol. Lucas responds that he’s good at sobering up. The doctor advises him not to drink the next time he thinks about it. The doctor then walks Lucas out.

Anna asks Roman what is going to be over soon. Roman claims he meant the funerals but Anna points out those are already over. Roman says he still has to scatter Kate’s ashes, so it won’t truly be done until she’s laid to rest. Anna says she sees what he means and cries that this is so tragic because he and Kate didn’t have nearly enough time together. Roman admits he misses her so much and he hopes that she’s at peace.

Kayla questions Kate blaming Steve. Kate argues that Steve talked Roman in to committing murder, so he could end up in prison for the rest of his life. Nick points out he could also be damning his soul for all eternity. Nick jokes that they will eventually reunite with their husbands in Hell. Kayla argues that won’t happen since Marlena is negotiating with the Devil to let them remain in Heaven. Kate remarks that Roman should be rewarded for getting Orpheus off the Earth. Nick says that’s not how it works and he has other guests to torment, so he will be back when The Devil makes a decision about their eternal souls. Kate can’t believe Roman let Steve talk him in to this. Kayla says she didn’t know and if she had, she would’ve stopped him but now there’s nothing they can do. Kate says unless there is…

Marlena asks how she knows she can trust The Devil to keep up his side of the bargain. The Devil responds that his word does count for something around here. Marlena goes over the deal again. The Devil gives his word that if she agrees to stay with him, he will allow Kate and Kayla to go to Heaven. Marlena then tells The Devil that he’s got a deal and they shake hands. The Devil calls it rare for him to make such a bargain. The Devil says Marlena being with him for all eternity will be enough thanks for him. Marlena asks if she can at least say goodbye to Kate and Kayla. The Devil allows her and then says Nick will escort her down to his neck of the woods. Marlena can’t believe this is happening. The Devil tells her to enjoy her last moments of peace and warns that the next time she sees him, he will be in his true form.

Kate questions how Kayla reached Steve last night. Kayla doesn’t know and calls it sort of an accident which Kate questions. Kayla says she was just thinking about Steve and it just sort of happened. Kate suggests trying that so she can talk to their husbands and talk them out of this terrible idea. Kayla reminds her that Nick said they already closed the hole in the firewall. Kate says that was about Kayla and Steve, so maybe she can still reach Roman. Kayla decides it’s worth a shot. Kate then tries calling out to Roman but Kayla doesn’t think that will work. Kate asks Kayla what she did. Kayla thinks she got lucky because Steve was half asleep when she contacted him, so she sort of just walked in to his dream. Kate says she can’t wait until Roman is sleeping since they are going after Orpheus during the day. Kayla has Kate close her eyes and try picturing Roman. Kayla thinks it’s about concentrating and imagining that her voice is traveling all the way down to Roman. Kayla encourages her to imagine Roman is right in front of her. Kate tries but decides it’s ridiculous. Kayla suggests she try again, so Kate tries speaking through to Roman.

Anna advises Roman to save some of Kate’s ashes for himself when he scatters them and suggests he could put them in a vial around his neck so she would be with him always. Anna knows some may see that as extreme or creepy, but she sees it as romantic. Anna jokes that it’s not like she’s suggesting he snort Kate’s remains like a line of cocaine like Keith Richards with his dad. Anna thinks he should keep a little bit of Kate around so he can talk to her whenever he needs. Roman then starts hearing Kate’s voice calling out to him and asks what the hell.

Orpheus goes to The Infirmary looking for Lucas but finds John and Steve instead.

Roman asks Anna if she heard that then says he’s just exhausted. Anna acknowledges that it’s been a rough morning so she suggests he go lay down. Roman says he would but he’s waiting for a call. Roman then continues hearing Kate’s voice and calls out to her. Roman hears Kate saying she knows what he’s planning with Steve and John and he can’t go through with it. Kate says she understands he’s upset but Orpheus is not worth condemning his soul for eternity so she begs him not to do it. Roman asks Kate where she is. Anna says she’s right there. Roman responds that he can hear Kate talking to him right now.

Kate continues pleading with Roman to hear her. Kate thinks she can feel him. Kayla urges her to keep going and keep focused. Kate asks Roman to promise not to kill Orpheus. Nick interrupts and questions what the hell they are trying to do. Kate then says she lost the connection. Kayla asks what happened. Kate says she couldn’t see Roman but she felt the connection. Nick doesn’t know what just happened but says he’s going to have a strong word with their I.T. department about this. Kate can’t believe she reached Roman. Kate admits she can’t be sure but she knows in her gut that he got the message.

Roman calls out to Kate asking if she can hear him. Anna asks if he’s been drinking. Roman responds that he’s completely sober. Anna says she won’t judge him since he just lost his wife so it’s understandable. Roman insists that he could hear Kate but he can’t hear her anymore. Roman asks if Kate is still there. Anna asks if she had spoken to him before. Roman confirms this is the first time and continues asking if Kate can hear him but there’s no response. Roman states that she’s gone. Anna asks what she said to him. Roman responds that she was trying to stop him from going through with the plan. Anna questions what plan.

Nick thought he made it very clear that they were not allowed to make contact with the living. Kate asks what he’s going to do about it because he can’t send them to Hell without permission from his boss. Nick warns that he can make their lives miserable and jokes that he has Baby Shark on loop and is not afraid to use it. Kate tells him to do his worst because it won’t change the fact that she already contacted Roman. Nick asks what she thinks that accomplished. Kate believes Roman is now convincing Steve and John not to murder Orpheus. Marlena then returns from Hell and questions them saying that John and Steve are going to murder Orpheus. Kayla tells her that they are apparently planning to avenge their deaths. Kate thinks she managed to stop them or at least she hopes so.

Orpheus says he knew Lucas was up to something, though it didn’t occur to him that John and Steve were involved. Steve jokes that they can still surprise him. Orpheus guesses that Lucas faked his blackout to sneak them in which John confirms. Orpheus says it’s not a terrible plan, but he’s glad they are there. Steve questions why that is. Orpheus mentions hearing that today was the funeral for their wives and he felt terrible he couldn’t send his condolences. Steve tells him to cut the crap now. Orpheus continues talking about how it was a tragedy. John holds Steve back from going after Orpheus. Orpheus comments on them both still being devastated by their loss. John calls it a difficult day. Steve adds that he and John have found a way to ease their suffering. Orpheus questions what that is. Steve responds that they are going to watch him die.

Marlena questions Kate feeling like she was reaching Roman. Kate assures she felt a connection. Nick suggests they start thinking about their own souls instead of their husbands. Kate asks about Marlena’s meeting with The Devil. Marlena reveals that she was able to make a deal. Marlena then announces Kate and Kayla are not going to Hell. Kayla hugs Marlena and says she knew she’d come through for them as Kate thanks her. Nick doesn’t understand and asks how that happened. Marlena shows him that The Devil has voided the contracts. Kate asks how Marlena pulled that off. Marlena admits that she had to make a deal. Nick points out that Marlena’s papers aren’t there. Kayla questions what Marlena did. Marlena then explains that in order to guarantee that Kate and Kayla stay in Heaven, she had to agree to spend the rest of eternity in Hell with The Devil.

Anna questions Roman about he, Steve, and John going to kill Orpheus today. Roman tells her to keep her voice down. Anna asks who he thinks is going to hear. Anna agrees that he can’t go through with it. Roman argues that because of Orpheus, he lost three of the most important women in his life. Anna says she’s not saying he doesn’t deserve to burn in Hell, but they can’t be the ones to end his life. Roman argues that they have to stop him from hurting anybody else. Anna points out that Kate doesn’t agree. Roman asks if she believes that he really heard Kate’s voice then. Anna remarks that if you live in this town long enough, there’s not a lot you won’t believe. Anna urges Roman to stop John and Steve from murdering Orpheus.

John and Steve strap Orpheus in to the hospital bed in the infirmary. Orpheus remarks that in some ways, he’s surprised it took them this long to seek revenge as he was beginning to think they didn’t have it in them. John tells him to keep talking as it strengthens their resolve to put an end to him. Orpheus questions how they plan to achieve that. John and Steve explain that they plan to make it look like Orpheus got in to the opioids in the infirmary and got a little carried away, so it looks like an accidental overdose. Orpheus figures they are both too cowardly to claim credit for their handy work. Steve says he’s already taken enough from them, so he won’t take their families and freedom. Orpheus asks what about their immortal souls because taking a life in cold blood is breaking a commandment. Steve thinks in this case, God will understand. Orpheus asks if he’s sure. Orpheus knows he’s going to Hell and asks if he really wants to join him there. Steve then gets a call from Roman. Orpheus asks if there’s a crack in their coalition or if Roman is a weak link and getting cold feet. Steve reminds Orpheus that he killed Roman’s wife, his sister, and the mother of his children, so he’s rock solid. Orpheus questions why he is calling then. John responds that Roman is just anxious to hear that they completed the job. Orpheus says there’s only one way to find out. Steve tells John to just get this over with and they’ll fill Roman in once they are on their way home to their families and Orpheus is in a bodybag.

Roman tells Anna that Steve didn’t answer and John’s phone is going straight to voicemail while they aren’t texting either. Anna urges that Roman has to get to the prison to stop them. Anna warns that killing Orpheus would be playing right in to his hands and he will have won yet again by turning them in to something they are not. Roman agrees that he has to do whatever he can to stop this, so he hurries out of the Pub.

Orpheus tells Steve and John that killing him won’t bring their wives back. Steve feels it will go a long way in evening the score. John adds that this isn’t just about revenge, but being proactive. Steve says they know it’s only a matter of time before he decides they haven’t suffered enough so what’s to keep him from going after their kids or grandkids. John declares this is the only way to ensure he never hurts anybody ever again. John starts searching for a syringe. Steve asks Orpheus if he’s ready for his journey to Hell. Steve brings up that he’s seen Orpheus die before, but this time after what he did to Kayla, he is really going to enjoy watching the life drain out of him.

Marlena explains that The Devil admitted that the contracts couldn’t be enforced because they were obtained through trickery. Nick questions the Devil having a problem with trickery now. Kayla asks about the deal. Marlena says he agreed to cut them a deal if she agreed to accept her fate of an eternity in Hell. Marlena thinks The Devil is just upset because she slipped through his fingers twice. Kate thanks Marlena for her sacrifice and says they will never forget it. Kayla argues that they are not doing this. Kate thinks it’s a done deal. Kayla refuses to let Marlena trade her soul for their souls. Kate doesn’t think they can talk her out of it. Kayla insists that they need to stick together as they are stronger together and can fight this. Nick gets instructions to escort them all to Hell immediately if Marlena backs out of the deal. Kate feels they have no choice but Kayla argues that they do. Kayla declares that they are going to stick together and present themselves as a united front so if one of them goes to Hell, they all go to Hell. Marlena tells Kayla that she appreciates her gesture but she’s okay. Kayla questions her being okay with going to Hell. Marlena responds that she’s at peace with her decision but Kayla is not. Kayla says they cannot let their friend suffer in Hell while they are in Heaven as they wouldn’t be happy. Kate thinks in time, they would adjust but then agrees with Kayla that they are sticking together, so there is no deal. Nick decides he will escort them to Hell then.

Anna remains at the Pub with Kate’s urn. Anna looks at it and then asks if Kate’s there. Anna doesn’t expect her to answer so she says she’ll do the talking. Anna thanks Kate for being Roman’s guardian angel. Anna comments that she didn’t always agree with how Kate lived her life but she thinks deep down that Roman knows what he’s doing is wrong. Anna hopes Roman gets there in time to stop Steve and John from making a huge mistake.

Roman arrives at the prison visiting room where Lucas asks what he’s doing there. Roman asks where Steve and John are. Lucas assumes they are in the infirmary with Orpheus. Roman orders Lucas to take him there because they have to stop them and call this whole thing off.

John loads a syringe full of morphine, saying it should be enough to knock Orpheus out for good. Steve asks to do the honors. John says he won’t have a problem doing it but Steve says it was his idea, so he should do it. Orpheus mocks him making the self sacrifice and warns that he is going to regret this. Steve responds that his only regret is that he didn’t do it sooner, before he poisoned their wives, and now he’s going to pay for what he did. Orpheus stops him and says there’s something he needs to know. Steve is not interested because nothing he can say can change their minds. Orpheus asks if he’s sure about that and what if he was to tell them who is really responsible for the death of their wives…

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GH Transcript Friday, February 17, 2023

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


so, we will talk details tomorrow. You bet. Have a good evening. Okay. Kevin? Guess again. Oh, god! Esme’s father is ryan chamberlain? Esme’s willful and sometimes reckless, but she’s not like him, I tell ya. Esme’s father is the serial killer, not esme.

[ Vehicle approaches ]

[ Engine shuts off, door closes ] Jordan: Oh, my god. Mac! If your plan is to torture me into submission… I can think of more interesting ways. Well, I just thought that yoga might help calm you down, you know, help you stop being quite so restless. I was born restless. Yeah. I hate being stuck in this house. Okay. I mean, I like the company. Thanks. Aside from martin and lucy and their constant shagging…

[ Chuckles ] …And when lucy’s not complaining about the food. Yeah. Well… we just have to tough it out for a bit longer. Mm-hmm. We have to hide. Eileen and victor believe that we’re all dead. Assuming the plan works. Either way, we’re in it now. You know? You just have to wait to hear from your contact. And then we’ll make our next move — continue gaslighting eileen ashby. I don’t care if it’s 2:00 in the morning. If I’m up, you are up. Now, have they completed the search of the catacombs yet? Alright. And have they recovered lucy and anna’s bodies?

[ Sighs ] No. No. That is just not acceptable. Look, I am fighting hard enough as it is to have them release my son’s body to me so I can give him a proper burial. You must handle this situation immediately! Alright. I’ll be in touch. Ah! Deputy mayor ashby. What a pleasant surprise. Please. Care to join me? Yeah. Thank you, mr. Cassadine. Don’t appreciate being summoned. I’m not at your beck and call.

[ Chuckles ] Oh. But that is exactly what you are. That is part of our arrangement. I told you I can’t work with you anymore. You never worked with me. You work for me. And that will continue. Of course, she’s not reading her texts. I can’t even be here right now. I have to go. No! You can’t leave like this! No! I can’t! I can’t! Trina! Listen! We have to talk about this! I can’t even look at you right now! I can’t even look at you right now! I don’t even know who…

[ Exhales deeply ] I don’t even know who i am anymore. But I sure as hell don’t know who you are.

[ Sobbing ] Baby girl, is everything okay? Hey, hey, hey, hey.

[ Sobbing ] Honey? You care to tell me what’s going on?

[ Sobbing ] Well, well. Two for the price of one.

[ Door closes ] Oh, happy day.

-Get that processed immediately. -Right away. Laura. Jordan. How’s mac? What — what happened?! I was on my way to spring ridge after learning about the prisoner escape, and I saw him on the side of the road. I’m glad I did. That makes two of us. Thank god you’re alright. I got to get to spring ridge. No, you need to get to the hospital to get checked out. Paramedics suggest a ct scan, possibly an mri. Look, I’ve got two fugitives on the loose. You’ll go, chief. And that’s an order. Okay. Bring me up to speed. Who are the two inmates who escaped? Heather webber and esme prince. How do you know about that? Because I’m the one who found ’em. Come on. Admit it. You hate being cooped up in this house as much as I do. I never said that I didn’T. Where’s felicia? I mean, she said she’d be late, but she should be here by now. Do you think something happened to that plan of hers? I don’t know. You don’t have any faith in it, do you? I don’t think that eileen ashby is the right person to get to victor. She’s all we have. Really. She’s all we have. A-and before she threw in with your father, I mean, her record was unblemished. I don’t know what he has on her, but I can tell you she’s not a career criminal. An ambitious politician. Perhaps. Yeah. I mean, look, she probably just had no idea what casting her lot in with your father would cost her. She’s in over her head. If we keep spooking her, she’s gonna crack. She won’t be able to live with the guilt. And then hopefully she’ll — she’ll flip on victor. Then we will be able to get all the evidence we need to put him away. I don’t know. Eileen ashby’s been working with my father for a long time now. I don’t know that the woman still has a conscience. Mr. Cassadine, I am telling you I can’t do this any longer. I am no good to you. For heaven’s sakes, get a grip! You know, you have been moderately useful in the past. Now, what on earth has happened to make you lose your nerve like this? Anna: You’re next.

You’re next, eileen.

You’re next. You’re next.

You’re next!

[ Exhales sharply ] Things have gone too far. Anna and valentin are dead! I don’t need you to remind me my son is gone. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good, and you are gonna continue to serve as deputy mayor and keep me informed. I think laura might be onto me. Well, then you’ll have to apologize to her as soon as possible. Tell her you realize that you, uh — you’ve really overstepped your authority in a sad attempt to impress her. Hmm. That the power of the job went to your head. That’s why you sent in the federal marshal. In other words, do whatever it takes so you don’t disappoint me, eileen. Victor: Spencer! Good evening. Uncle victor. Oh, you’re looking very dapper. Tonight was trina’s mom’s wedding. Ah, yes, of course. So why aren’t you at the reception? The party’s over. I just thought I’d stick around in case a friend… needs me. Everything’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna figure this out. Is she gonna be alright? What’s going on? Curtis… was it aunt stella? Look, spencer told me that she was never sick, okay, that she stayed away from the wedding purposefully. Aunt stella, she’s always got her nose in other people’s business. Stella was right. This is your business. And yours. What is, portia? Why is our daughter bawling her eyes out? Mom says I may not be your daughter. I have no idea who esme’s mother is, but with that monster as a father, is it any wonder the woman would give esme up for adoption? Who knows if she’s even alive or how she came to bear ryan chamberlain’s child. I’m just so thankful esme’s been safe from him all along. Have you met ryan chamberlain? Ugh. Saints preserve us, no. I only know him by reputation. When I thought you’d been sent by him, I was ready to abandon my life here to keep it that way. No, we actually have absolutely nothing to do with him. He is a dangerous psychopath, and I’m really happy you’ve kept your distance from him. Just so you know, also, ryan’s locked up, serving a life term in prison. And he’s also paralyzed. So he can’t hurt you. Can he still talk? Uh, apparently, no. Um… he blinks to communicate. Um… but, maggie, he’s locked away. He can’t get to you. That’s right. Nice and easy. No sudden moves, please. How are you here? You couldn’t walk or talk. I know. You’re thinking you’re seeing things, right? I’m a medical miracle. Now be a love and shut those doors. Come on. Come on. I knew you were faking it. Oh, did you, now? And here I thought I was so convincing. What do you have to smile about? Well, I’m just thinking about all those times I saw you at spring ridge… taunting you…. testing to see if you’d react. And I didn’T. Therefore…I win. Thank you. Eh, but you heard me just the same. And you couldn’t do anything about it. You just had to… sit there and listen. Hearing how pathetic we thought you were, and you couldn’t do anything about it. That had to have burned, huh? You really were helpless, ryan, weak. Not weak! Which you can see for yourselves. Or…unless you’d like a further demonstration.

How you doing? Regretting lost time. Things left unsaid. I’ll never see my son again. That’s the reality I have to face. The more it sinks in, the more I’m inclined to mend this rift between myself and your father. But I, uh, haven’t been able to reach nikolas. I doubt that you’ll be hearing from my father any time soon. Ava says that he left town. Have you secured the area? We set up a perimeter and have officers stationed to keep looky-loos and the press at bay until we process the scene. Csi is en route. Okay. Keep me posted. Will do.

[ Radio chatter ] Can you answer some questions? Whatever you need. You said you had esme and heather in your sights. Who hit you? Never saw them. Everything went black. There was a third person. They took your car. And my gun. Take care of that. Get him to G.H. -I’ll be there soon. -Okay. Spring ridge reported two inmates missing. Do you think that esme and heather had a third person on the outside? And how did those two end up teaming up to begin with? They were seen talking together in a common room. Maybe they bonded? I’m gonna call spring ridge and follow up. What if heather wanted to escape? Why would she saddle herself with a woman who’s nine months pregnant? Maggie: When esme’s adopted parents died, she became obsessed with tracking down her birth parents. There were no records, and the only clue to their identities was a four-leaf clover brooch made out of emeralds. It was pinned to the baby blanket that swaddled esme when she was left with the nuns. I helped esme track down the person who commissioned it. A woman named connie cooper. Ryan chamberlain’s first victim. That’s it. Very good. See? All you have to do is show me the respect I deserve. And just what are you doing here, anyway? I mean, you’re far too self-righteous to ever be a friend to ava. But, you know, come to think of it, I think that ultimately that’s why you and i didn’t work out. And I thought it was because you almost burned to death in that funhouse. That, too. But, then again, there’s nothing like your first love. Which reminds me… I’m surprised mac didn’t mention that you’d be here when I saw him earlier. That’s right. Mac was headed to spring ridge. Is that where you saw him? No. I ran into him while he was on his way there. You don’t recognize his gun? He won’t be needing this anymore. What did you do to him? Oh, I don’t think you want the details. Not after I spent all that time in spring ridge pretending to be locked in… day after day, month after month. All my rage and hatred built up until I felt like I was going to explode! And then suddenly I was free… and then…there was mac. I might have gotten carried away. Is what trina said true? When I found out about trina, I asked you, was she my daughter? You looked me in my eyes and you said it was impossible. I said it was impossible because… that’s what I wanted to believe. W-whoa, whoa. So trina’s not mine? Am I trina’s father? I don’t know.

[ Trina sobs ] I can’T. I’m sorry. I can’t hear this again. Trina.

H that was found on esme belonged to connie cooper, wouldn’t that make her her mother? We thought that at first, too. But connie was killed before esme was born — by ryan chamberlain. The brooch was missing when connie’s body was found. Ryan used to collect “trophies” from his victims. We found one on cabrera. And a four-leaf-clover brooch would be irresistible. And taking a woman’s lucky brooch is… the sick sense of humor that ryan chamberlain has. It’s kind of a stretch, though, no? This brooch proves that ryan is esme’s father? True or not, esme was convinced. A routine bed check revealed that heather webber and esme prince were missing. A search was initiated immediately. How did they get out? Where’s the security footage? There was a problem with one of the cameras in the corridor. I can tell you none of the doors appeared to be forced. And there’s some information I just received. One of the guards is also missing. Heather’s hostage perhaps? Eileen: Or accomplice. What kind of guard gets ambushed by two women, one of whom is pregnant? I think it’s a little early to assign blame. Thank you, warden brewster. Keep me posted. I want to know everything. Thank you, mayor. I’ll be in touch. Thank you. Eileen. What are you doing here? You’re lying. Mac’s fine. Yes. Of course, he is. You know that mac can take care of himself, right? Maybe. If he’d seen me coming. You sick bastard! Do you have a plan here? You just escaped from prison to immediately get yourself trapped on an island? Your skills are slippin’. Why? Worried about who’s gonna come to save you? Well, let’s see. Out of all the people you know… I don’t think avery would be much of a challenge. And, of course, kiki’s dead. Don’t you speak her name. You son of a bitch. Too soon? I’m sorry. I just couldn’t think of anybody else. Except for that waste of space nikolas. Oh, I’d love to see him again. When is hubby expected home anyway? What are you doing out here in the cold? Hmm? Thanks, but… I’m not even cold. I just feel numb… like my life is ending. We’ll figure this out. How could you say that? Mom has been lying to me, to us, my entire life! Doesn’t that matter to you? No. Because you have been and you always will be my daughter. My baby girl. Daddy. I’m here. Okay? I’m not going nowhere. You lied. All those talks we had about having kids, and you already knew I had one — with you! I-I didn’t — I didn’t — I didn’t know, not for sure. Because you didn’t want to find out. You walked away from me! You hated me for — I didn’t — for lying to me about being married. Go ahead. You can say it. You made it clear that you didn’t want to have anything to do with me. No discussion. I thought you were out of my life!

[ Scoffs ] And then taggert — he was making an effort for the first time in a long time. And I-I wanted to save my marriage, especially with a baby on the way. A baby that might have been mine. You know, I had a right to know if I was gonna be a father. In my mind, taggert was gonna be a father. And you were gone. What was I supposed to do? Was I supposed to destroy my marriage and the possibility of a family because you might want to be a part-time dad with a woman that you really didn’t want to have anything to do with — a woman that you didn’t trust? What would that even look like? You’re actually standing here justifying your lie. No, no, what I’m doing is I’m telling you where my head was at. And I was afraid. That’s all. I was just afraid of losing everything… right when I needed love and companionship the most.

[ Sobbing ] And I know I should have been braver. I should have been honest with you. But there was a chance that marcus was the father, so… that’s what I told myself. I just kept telling myself that he is the father. I-I just wanted my child to grow up in a loving family. And I wanted trina to have a happy home. Right. Happy home without me.

I heard about the escape, the attack on the chief of detectives, and I came to see if I could be of any help. Mac is going to be fine, and, uh, everything is under control. Laura, um… I want to apologize for overstepping while you were away. I was just so eager…

[ Both chuckle ] …To prove that I could handle the job and… and — and live up to your expectations. Yeah. Well, I appreciate that a lot. You know, there is something that you can do for me. Sure. Anything. Go deal with the reporters who are hanging out outside the hospital. You can confirm that there are two inmates missing, but don’t give out any names. On it. Thanks. Did your father mention to you that he was leaving town? Did heay goodbye? No. My father was furious with me the last time that we spoke. I told him that I was suing for custody of his kid.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Excuse me. Oh, I’m sorry. I have to take this. Shouldn’t be long. Yes, I thought I made myself clear. The subject of your moving on is closed. I have news. Esme prince has escaped from spring ridge. What? Are you sure? When? At least an hour ago. It’s not yet clear how she got out. Alright. Keep me posted. Is that about my father? No. Your ex-girlfriend. Seems esme has escaped.

[ Cellphone chimes ] What time is it? Where’s felicia? Is that your contact? Yeah. We’re all set. Next time eileen ashby uses her phone, we’ll be ready. Dante, did you find maggie fitzgerald? Uh, yeah, we — we did. Um… she knows who esme thinks her father is. “Thinks”? Never mind. Just give me the name and explain later. I’m in the middle of a situation. Esme’s escaped from spring ridge with heather webber. Uh, okay. Uh, esme thinks her father is ryan chamberlain. W-wait. What the hell? What is it? More bad news?

[ Sighs ] Dante, hold on. Ryan chamberlain is esme’s father.

[ Elevator bell dings ] Warden brewster asked me to give you an update. Correction officer williams has been located in ryan chamberlain’s cell. He was dressed as an inmate and propped up in chamberlain’s wheelchair. So you mean it — it was staged? He’S…? Dead. Preliminary report is that he was stabbed in the back. He was mistaken for chamberlain in the initial sweep. So ryan chamberlain’s on the loose, too? How is that possible? You know, ava, you really don’t look very confident that hubby will show, let alone ride to the rescue.

[ Chuckles ] I knew you and nikolas wouldn’t work out. Not as long as you and i share a soul. You haven’t got a soul.

[ Chuckles ] Figure of speech. You and I are alike. Two peas in a pod, my love. Someone will come for us. Because we have people who care about us. Who helped you escape, ryan? Did someone figure out you were faking? What, you think I’d give myself away? Please. I still have your fingernail marks on my arm. No, my aide was malleable enough, but the person I let in on my secret? Much more worthy person. Chip off the old block, you might say. Trust me — everything that you’re saying, I’ve said to myself a thousand times. Was I wrong? Yeah. But did I do what I thought was best for all of us at the time? Yes. You were gone. H-how was I even supposed to know that you wanted to have a baby with a woman that you despised, curtis? You could have asked me. You could have kept me in the loop. I never despised you, portia. I broke things off because you were married. Yeah, I walked away from you, but I never — i never would have walked away from my child. I never thought I would see you again. But you did! Never mind what happened 20 years ago. What about the last two years when you realized that we both lived in port charles and your relationship with taggert was over? Why didn’t you tell me the truth then?

[ Spray, spray ]

Astepro and go. Warden brewster:

Brewster. Warden brewster, this is deputy mayor eileen ashby, calling for an update before I address the press. Any progress determining how the inmates escaped? Actually, uh…

[ Static hisses ] …We haven’t really —

[ Static hissing ] Warden brewster? Are you there? Anna:

You’re next, eileen.

You’re next. Who is this? You know who it is. You killed me.

[ Gasps ] I-I — I didn’t know.

Yes, you did. You have blood on your hands.

[ Breathing shakily ]

[ Static hissing ] Warden brewster:


Deputy mayor? Yes. Yes! Did you hear that?! I-I think our connection was temporarily lost. How’d I do? Was it scary? I thought it was hot.

[ Laughs ] This puts esme’s obsession with ryan in a whole new light. That’s why she was so desperate to see him, especially after kevin made him off limits to her.

[ Groans ] I can’t get felicia on the phone. It rolls right to voicemail. If chamberlain’s on the loose, she could be in danger. Maybe she just can’t pick up. Chamberlain’s wheelchair was left behind. He could have been faking his paralysis the whole time. Heather webber sometimes acted as chamberlain’s aide. She learned how to communicate with him. She wanted robert to use her as an informant and said she could get chamberlain talking. Sounds like they’ve been planning their escape for a while.[ Line ringing, click ] Felicia, where are you?! Hey, buddy. How’s your head?

Chamberlain?! You know, you’re coming off a little needy there. Always calling your wife. What? Don’t you trust her? Put felicia on the phone! Oh, I’m so sorry. Felicia can’t come to the phone right now. You touch her, I’ll kill you. Yeah, yeah. Predictable. Listen. Felicia is with me now. As my insurance policy, that is. If I see a cop… felicia dies. You want her okay? You stay out of my way.

[ Line clicks ] Chamberlain! Chamberlain! Could nikolas have sprung esme from spring ridge? Could he be planning to take the mother of his child away with him to prevent you from getting custody? Could esme have been faking the memory loss? Perhaps she’s not the blank slate that she pretended to be. Which means that trina could still be in danger. The police cleared esme of being the hook killer. And if she’s on the run, I doubt she would take the time to settle a score. I’m not taking any chances. Esme is all about revenge. You better? I’m still numb. Which I suspect is for the best. Did you ever suspect that I wasn’t yours? It’s just that I remember when I was little… and I was just being a brat… …and you would yell to mom to come get her daughter. Oh. Oh, no. I — I was joking. I mean, mom would turn it around on me when she would get frustrated with your messiness, but I never, never, not even for a moment, thought you weren’t my daughter. Even when mom cheated on you? Even then. How could you forgive her? After she betrayed you like that? I struggled for a bit. But, you know, it — it takes two people to ruin a marriage. And I-I left your mom hanging. I made her feel like she wasn’t important in my life, and that — and that affair was a wake-up call for me. I didn’t want to lose portia. Then I found out you were coming. I didn’t want to lose you. So I forgave her. I mean, we were happy for a while, but then I got all…

[ Sighs ] …Crazy about that cyrus case, you know? After all the talks mom and I had about being honest with each other… she told me I can tell her anything… this whole time,

she was the liar. I will — I will never forgive her. For the past two years, all I’ve been doing is agonizing whether or not I should tell you about trina. Oh, so it has crossed your mind. Of course it has. I knew that you’d be an amazing father. But trina already had an amazing father. And they were so close. It was just so hard to imagine blowing all that up. And then when we thought that taggert died in the warehouse, trina — she was grieving so hard. A-and — how could I tell her that the man that she loved might not be her father? I-I couldn’t take that away from her. So you lie to us instead.

[ Glass cracking ] I knew you were lying. Mac is fine. I just forget what a hard head your husband has. Should have taken care of him when I had the chance. Lesson learned. Ryan: Okay, ladies. Time to go. Been here too long already. They could be getting impatient. They, who? Who’s with you? Oh. Kindred spirits. One of them is especially creative. Can’t wait for you to meet her. We’re not going anywhere with you, ryan. You know what? You might be right. I think we might have a problem.

That was good. Your contact really paid off. Intercepting eileen’s phone call was perfect. Yeah, I think I owe him one. Her nerves are frayed. Well, maybe felicia’s plan is gonna work out after all. She said she was gonna be late. I don’t know. I’m beginning to think there’s a problem.

[ Monitor beeping ] Felicia’s phone immediately goes to voicemail. Call I.T. Already did. Think, mac. Did you hear any background sounds? No. Felicia is strong, and she’s smart, and she knows how to fight back. And that’s what I’m afraid of. Chamberlain’s been obsessed with felicia for decades. When he fixated on ava, I thought she was safe, but apparently not. I think I know where to look. My nephew nikolas has left town, and I am not about to lose any more family. Find him. I want you to know something. No matter what happens, nothing changes between us. You always do that. Try to make me feel better. That’s what fathers do.

[ Footsteps approach ] Sorry to interrupt. Then don’T. Move on. It’s important. So is this. Daddy, I don’t really want to talk about this anymore. I can call you. Okay? Yeah. Okay. Get me out of here. Okay. I never wanted to take anything from you, curtis. Curtis, I love you! And the longer I stayed silent, the worse the consequences if I did speak up. So I lived with it. I lived with the constant anxiety and guilt. And I didn’t want to jeopardize the life that we had planned together over something that might not even be true. What kind of life could we have had with that kind of lie between us? You said ryan chamberlain was imprisoned and helpless! Right. Yes, I did. Because he was the last time we checked. Wait. What does heather webber have to do with any of this? -I have no idea. -And now he’s taken esme? They have to find her. They have to stop him before he kills again! What’s the problem, ryan? There’s not enough room on the boat for all of us, so one of you is coming with me, and the other is never leaving this room. Now… who’s ready to say goodbye?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Thursday, February 16, 2023

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


I’m sorry. We’re closed. I’m just on my way home. So if you’ll excuse me. Actually, if — if you got a few minutes, it’s important that I speak to you. We’ve talked already. I don’t see what more you could possibly need from me. I’m looking to get some answers about esme prince.

[ Screaming ]

[ Muffled screaming ]

[ Shushing ] Esme, shh.

[ Crying ] Sweetheart, shh, quiet. Everything’s going to be all right. Trust me, esme. Shh, darling, shh.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Panting ]

[ Sighs ] I’m so sorry, nikolas. I did love you. Well, the reception was nice. It just seemed a little tense at the end. I don’t know, but it seemed to me like portia was nervous about trina. Well, any complications that they have in their mother-daughter relationship can’t hold a candle to mine and willow’S. You wanna go to G.H.? No, there’s no point, sonny. Willow doesn’t want me there.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Let me see… business? Portia’s dress was so beautiful, and that cake was delicious. I heartily second the cake. Oh, and what about elizabeth’s speech? I was so impressed that she stood up and filled in for trina. Bet her daughter hated missing her mother’s toast. Well, she made it back in time for the bouquet, so it all worked out. Is everything okay with trina?

[ Indistinct conversations in distance ] I’m sure she’s just tired from a very long day. Thank you guys so much for coming a-and for your beautiful speech.

[ Laughs ] You deserve every happiness. Thank you for stopping in. Congratulations, you guys. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. You look beautiful.

[ Chuckles ] Uh, curtis, I am going to go check on trina. Excuse me. Yeah, babe. Whatever you need. You may have the bouquet, but don’t get any ideas. Trina? Honey, are you okay? I told you before, I don’t know any esme prince. She needs your help. She’s in prison and — and she’s pregnant. Sounds like your friend’s in a bad way, but I can’t help you. Please leave. Look, I-I’m sorry. I-I traveled a long way for this. I can’t leave until I get some answers. Have a seat, then. I’ll just grab a pint. Want one? Uh, yeah, sure. That’d be incredible. Stout or ale? Uh, you can make mine a stout. Thanks. Brilliant.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy, easy. Maggie fitzgerald. Hey, we need to talk. I’m sorry, nina, I gotta take this.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Yeah, fine. Okay.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Drew: Joss. Hey. You looking for someone? Um, I was looking for trina and spencer, but I don’t see them. Ah. I’m here by myself. Well, there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m flying solo, too. Oh. We both know you shouldn’t be. Hm. Sorry, but I’m going to have to call our valentine’s date night short. Things are busy at work. Oh, don’t apologize. I don’t need grand romantic gestures. Although this chocolate cheesecake is sublime. If I haven’t told you tonight, I love you very much. I love you, too. You’ve been pretty busy yourself these days. Have I? Oh, I’m not too preoccupied to notice you slipping out for hours at a time at night on secret missions. Something to do with anna? If my missions were so secret, then you know that I cannot give you the details. Understood. Just be careful. Always. Okay. What about the hook investigation? Is there any evidence of ryan’s possible involvement? So far, only dead ends. I mean, we hoped heather webber would make good on her promise to get ryan chamberlain to open up. It was a long shot. Robert and I thought it was worth a try. No information, huh? No. Heather was stalling. Her time’s up. She’s going back to d’archam. We need to move. First, we have to dispose of this body, so I’ll need another hand, so to speak.

[ Muffled shouting] Kinda busy at the moment. But we’re gonna need your clothes. What? We haven’t got all day, ryan. Just — just go ahead. Strip. But — shh, shh, esme. Hi. Oh. Good, you changed. Mm. Chic to shady in no time flat. Shall we? Nope. Not yet. Well, you were the one who insisted that we move nikolas at night. Well, it’s night. It’s dark, and I’m ready. No more putting this off. It is time that I rid myself of my husband for good and bury the past. Is everything okay? We’re fine.

[ Chuckles ] Trina, your mom was very concerned when you missed the toast. Where’d you go? Were you with her? Spencer and I were together, but this has nothing to do with him. It has everything to do with you. What are you talking about? You really want to do this here, mom? I don’t exactly know what’s happening here, but you missed everything. You’ve been hiding something from me, something important.


I’m detective dante falconeri with the port charles police department in new york. Please forgive me. No one’s asked about esme since I came here. And then you show up with a cockamamie story about her being pregnant and in prison. Well, it’s actually not a story. She is pregnant and she’s in prison. That’s awful. What happened? Did the father lead her into trouble? W-well, that’s complicated, but she’s been accused of some pretty serious crimes that she didn’t commit, and then, unfortunately, some that — that she did. I mean, uh, she had a horrible accident, and — and she lost her memory. You and esme have a close relationship, right? We did. Well, you might be the only person with information that could exonerate her. Will you help us? Absolutely not. I’m not subjecting you to ryan chamberlain. I’m volunteering. Besides, you asked ava. Ava’s different. Why? Because she’s not your wife? Maybe. Look, felicia, when kevin and I approached ava, we wanted information on esme. We didn’t suspect chamberlain’s involvement. Now you do. Exactly. This is too dangerous. Look, chamberlain may not be physically attacking his victims, but signs point to him pulling the strings. I don’t want you in his crosshairs. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you. We’ll get chamberlain another way. I understand, mac. And I know there — there are other ways to nail ryan. I hope you won’t be too long at spring ridge. I might still be up when you get home. It’s still valentine’s day, after all. That’s a good reason to get a move on. Just be careful out there. Back atcha. Anna, I’m going to be a little late getting to the house. There’s a stop I need to make. Whatever is going on, trina and portia, they’ll sort it out. I wish I knew what was going on, pop. Trina would never leave her mother’s wedding. When she got back, something was definitely off. I mean, I know my daughter. I’m going to go get some answers. Come in. Something I can do for you, gentlemen? Where were you with trina? And what the hell did that have to do with why she’s mad at her mom? Alright. So what’s this about? I went to see stella. I was worried she missed the wedding, and I went to check on her. I was going to convince her to come, if she felt up to it. But it turns out stella wasn’t sick. She just didn’t want to be there. And judging by the look on your face, you knew that already. I suspected. I didn’t understand. Stella was so excited. She flew back from england early. And then all of a sudden, she’s ghosting the wedding. When I asked her, she said she couldn’t come in good conscience, that there’s something you’re keeping from me and curtis. Stella said the secrecy and lies need to come to an end, but when I pushed her, she said I needed to ask you. So I’m asking, mom. I’m asking the mother that I’ve looked up to my entire life. What are you keeping from me?

I’m a survivor, austin. I’ve been tested more times than I care to count. The one thing that frightens me, the one thing that scares me to my core is the thought of losing my child. I cannot live through that again. I don’t know how I made it through the first time. So, when nikolas threatened to take avery… …I panicked. I couldn’t let him leave. I just wanted to stop him. I wanted to talk to him. I didn’t want to kill him. But I have a job to do, and I have to do it before elizabeth goes to the cops, because I will not be separated from my child. Fair enough. Let’s go do what we got to do.

[ Doorbell, knock on door ] Are you expecting someone? I’ll get rid of whoever that is, and I’ll meet you at the stables. Alright. What the… well, hi, felicia. Oh, I’m really sorry for just showing up like this, but I really need to talk to you. May I come in? Y-you know what? It’s — it’s actually not a very good time. It’s about ryan chamberlain. Hello? Do you ladies need help? Are you okay? So, what did brick want? Uh… okay. Don’t tell me. You guys went to discuss last night’s basketball scores? Do you really want to know? My love, I saw your face when brick called. Yeah. And that was enough to make me concerned. I can handle myself. I know you can handle yourself, but will you just humor me? Promise me that you’ll be extra careful. I promise. Finn has always been there for me. I’m grateful that hasn’t changed. I think a part of me will always love him. You went through so much together. It would test anyone. But the fact that you can still remain friends… maybe you’ll find your way back to each other. I don’t think that’s in the cards. I do wish things could be different. Terry tells me you and elizabeth are no longer. Why is this? Things just got complicated. Life is complicated. Love is not… with the right person. If only that were true. You’re going to have to talk to trina. Trina’s not here. You are. It’s really none of my business. Young man, there’s a time and a place for chivalry.

[ Scoffs ] But this ain’t it. Start talking, spencer. Trina and i went to go see stella. That’s where you went? Mm-hmm. Why? Mom, after I found out about your affair, we promised we’d be open with each other. I thought this was a turning point for us. It was. No, no, no. A-and I felt awful that you thought that you couldn’t trust me, a-and I was glad that we made it through that. So then why won’t you tell me what stella’s talking about? Please. Is it really bad? Um… you know how I told you that your dad’s work, it put a strain on our marriage, and how lonely and depressed I was, always feeling like I came in second to his job. And that’s when curtis came into my life. And you an affair. But stella implied that your relationship with curtis has something to do with whatever you’re keeping from me. Is she telling the truth? Did something else happen? Curtis found out that I was married, and he ended things. And I was heartbroken, but I went back to your father, and I was — I was determined to make things work, no matter what. Did you… did you stop loving dad? I-I, um… I just wanted to be a priority to him. I just wanted him to care about me. And I think — I think he sensed that I was struggling because he really started to put more of an effort into our marriage and he really started to — to love on me. And I thought, “this is amazing. Everything is going to be okay and everything is going to work out.” So what happened? Weeks later… I found out that I was pregnant.

[ Scoffs ] Oh, my god. No, no, honey, you don’t understand — no! I understand that you had an affair and you got pregnant! Are you saying… curtis is my father?

Of course I’ll help esme. I stopped being her nanny, but I never stopped caring about her. Wait, why did — why would you think that dante and i were setting a trap for you? I haven’t heard from esme in some time, and then you turned up asking questions. I’m afraid I assumed the worst. Which is what? I was afraid esme’s father had taken her and then sent you to make sure I never utter a word about him. Ever since esme tracked him down, I’ve been living in fear that he’ll come after me. You know who esme’s father is? We would like to talk to him. I mean, he could be the key to proving that esme didn’t commit these crimes, right? What exactly is esme accused of? There’s a serial killer who’s been terrorizing port charles. It isn’t esme. It can’t be. Uh, that’s what we believe also. And we’re trying to prove that. So if you could just tell us esme’s father’s name. Oh. Hello, chief. Thank god we ran into you. On the ground. Hands in the air. Oh, please, please, please, please. Oh, please help me. Please help me. Please, please, please, please. Put your hands in the air where I can see them. No, but you don’t understand. He made us do this. No! Now, that felt good! Hello, mac! What a delight to find you here.

[ Crying ] Okay, felicia, you definitely have my attention. You were working with the pcpd to get information out of ryan about esme. Are you interested in doing that again? Oh, no. No, no, I’m not. The pcpd has reason to believe that ryan is involved with the hook murders. Did you know that? Are you sure? An earring from one of ryan’s victims was found on rory cabrera’s person like a calling card. That would mean that ryan attacked me. How is that even possible? He’s a vegetable. Chances are ryan is masterminding everything, and he’s using someone else to do the footwork. We know where all of his weak spots are, ava. We can get him to give up something that will point to his accomplice. I think if we work together, we can get to him. What do you say? Where are you taking me? Just get in, sweetheart. Please let me go. It’s gonna be okay. Please let me go. Sweetheart. Please just put on your seatbelt. No, I don’t wanna do this. Everything’s gonna be alright. What is happening?! Alright, esme.

[ Car horn honks ] Come on! What?! I have to make sure he can’t follow us. We’re stealing his car. I think we’re okay. But it’s like kismet, him coming along. Oh, come on!

[ Alarm blaring in distance ] Look! That’s spring ridge now realizing we’re not in our rooms. They’re — any minute, they’re going to find the guard, and then they’re going to find us. Move it! Oh, alright. It’s no fun if you can’t see the light leave their eyes anyway. Get in, and let’s get this road trip started! After one more stop, of course.

[ Alarm continues blaring ] Trina felt that stella should be at the wedding. But my aunt stella’s sick. Y– um, trina felt that she could convince her, if she felt up to it, but… but — but what?

[ Laughs nervously ] Guys. We found out that stella was never sick. She just said that to get out of coming to the wedding. Why would she do that? I don’t know. Spencer, this hesitation is starting to work my nerves, man. You’re gonna have to talk to trina. Look, gentlemen, this concerns very, very personal family information to which I’m not privy, so if you’ll excuse me. Come on, aunt stella, pick up. She’s avoiding your calls? None of this makes any sense. Why would stella lie and stay away from your wedding? You think trina and portia have been gone long enough?

[Voice breaking] Mom, please, be honest with me. Answer me. Is curtis my father? I don’t know. What do you mean, you don’t know? I’m sorry, sweetheart. I don’T. So he could be? He might be? Yes. Your dad had come home from work, and I had just finished a pregnancy test. And he was so happy and excited. And I was thrilled. Instantly, honey, you were our whole world. And it was like a new beginning for us. We were a new family, and that’s all I ever really wanted. And curtis was — he was out of my life by his choice. And I was back with my husband, and things were just so much better. In our hearts, sweetheart, you are our child. And at the time, I-I didn’t see the point in finding out if he was your biological father. You’re a doctor! You didn’t see the point?! You let me live my whole life as a lie! No, no, no, no. Marcus is your father. He’s your father in every way. Dna, it doesn’t change that, trina. Does dad know? I never told him or curtis. You kept this to yourself? This huge secret affects all of our lives. This is my identity! You do not have the right to keep it from me. I didn’t want to upset you, trina. I didn’t want to upset your life. Yes, maybe I was fooling myself into thinking that this day would never come, but there’s still every chance that marcus is your father. I-I truly — I wanted to spare you from the pain of thinking that he might not be. No, no, no! Trina! You wanted to spare yourself! I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I kept this from you. I’m sorry about it all. Believe me, I know this is turning your life upside down. But, honey, I need you to know that your father and I, we love you. We love you so much. And every choice I’ve made from the second I found out I was pregnant with you has been about you. It’s been about doing what’s best for you. No, don’t! Don’t! Just don’T. How can I believe anything that you say? How can you stand there and say you love me when you kept this from me my entire life?

Ready to go? You change your mind about going to G.H.? Uh, I don’t think my heart can take it. Can we just go home? Yeah, you know I’d do anything for you. Yeah, I know that. That’s what gets me through all of this. Let’s go. Okay. You guys get home safely. Same. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Yours too. Bye, guys. Bye. [ Squeals ]

[ Chuckles ] Well, I guess — I guess it’s time to call it a night. Mm-hmm. I mean, you probably want to get home to the boys. Actually, all that’s waiting for me is an empty house. Jake and aiden are with friends, and cameron’s at his dorm. Oh, well, if you’re not quite ready to leave, I could go for a cup of coffee. Sounds really nice. Josslyn: Spencer. Hey, could you excuse me? Yeah. I’m gonna get going, too. If you see my mom, tell her I say hi. I will. Okay. Hey. Um, what happened with you and trina? I saw you guys head out, and when she came back inside, she looked upset. Did you do something? This time, joss, I can guarantee that I had nothing to do with it. Well, do you know if she’s okay? I have absolutely no idea. I know that you can’t comprehend this right now, but at the time, I thought I was doing the best thing for all of us, trina, I really did. No, you were doing — you were doing what was best for you, not for me or dad or even curtis. I thought it was bad enough that you cheated on dad — the man who will always be my dad, but may not be my father. It just — god, it just kills me that… you hurt him again. Oh, trina! I can’t — I can’t do this. I gotta get out of here. No, no, don’T. No! Don’t leave! No, you can’t — no! I can’t even look at you right now! We can work this out, trina! I can’t even look at you right now! I don’t know who I am anymore. But I sure as hell don’t know who you are.

[ Crying ] Portia: No! Her father is the devil incarnate. I tried to warn esme. I told her she’d be far better off without him, but… she was always desperate to know her parents. Well, who is he? We need a name. Yeah, please, maggie. We might be able to save her. His name is chamberlain. Ryan chamberlain. Oh, boy. Oh, okay. Okay. Alright, I’m — I’m in. I’ll… thank you, ava. You won’t regret it. Well, if ryan is behind my attack, it’d be my pleasure to help take him down. But I can’t do anything about tonight, though, because I — I have other priorities. Yeah, well, so do I, actually. I need to be on my way. Okay. So we’ll talk about the details tomorrow? You bet. Have a good evening.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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GH Transcript Wednesday, February 15, 2023

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 stop? We have one chance at escape, and you want to pull over? Because why? You’re jonesing for a slurpee? Ha! Hardly. Oh, I get it. This is about your precious little ava, isn’t it? A heart wants what it wants. Yeah, I doubt it’s your heart calling the shots, lover boy. Come on, ryan! Gets your head back into the game. The more you dillydally, the closer detective falconeri and his girl come to blowing us up. That barmaid, I think she knows more about maggie fitzgerald than she’s letting on. You know, we could be a lot closer to finding esme’s parents than we thought. Well, I hear you, and I agree, but maybe we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves, right? We have a hunch right now. We don’t have any proof. Then we find some. Any suggestions? I think that you should go to that pub and push that barmaid for some more answers. Well, yeah, I could do that. Or — or — you know, hear me out. But are you — are you still… what? …Feeling jet-lagged?

[ Door opens ] My usual lager, love. Sorry, cyril, we’re closed. Dear. Oh, dear. I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow, then. Cyril, wait. Yeah? What time’s the next train to london? Ah, the express departs at the quarter-hour. Going on holiday? Something like that. To the best of the best! Congratulations! Guests: The best of the best! Mm. Drew, thank you so much. I love you guys. Thank you. That was beautiful! You’re amazing. Well, well… my man. That was perfect. I love you, bro. I meant every single word. Okay. Ah, it is the maid of honor’s turn next. Whoo!That’s right.

[ Indistinct conversations ] Trina robinson, show yourself.

[ Singsong voice ] Where is trina?

[ Laughs ] I know she was so excited to give her toast. Well… where could she be? She, uh, probably didn’t know that we would be making toasts so soon. I suppose she could give hers later. Well, I-I guess that every wedding has their hiccups, right? I guess this is ours. You mean, uh, our hiccup wasn’t aunt stella taking a sick day?

[ Laughs ] No, that was a hitch. Right. Okay. So I guess we just go with the flow. It is our day, after all. Yeah.

[ Clinking ] Kiss! Kiss! Man #1: Yeah! Man #2: Yeah, here we go!

[ Laughter ] Already? Kiss her! Kiss her!Yeah! Yeah! All: [ Chanting ] Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Man: There you go. Whoo! Come on, now. Remember — go with the flow.

[ Laughs ]

[ Guests cheering ] Oh, that’s juicy!

[ Cheering continues ] We’re all watching! Trina. I-is everything alright? Your mother… yeah, she’s fine. Uh, a-and curtis is too. The wedding is beautiful, and everyone’s at the reception. Then why… I was worried about you. I thought, um… well, I just thought you must be really sick to miss my mom and curtis’s wedding. Can we come in? Yeah. Are you feeling better, miss henry? No chicken soup from room service? No boxes of tissues? No cough drops? I might have exaggerated the state of my health somewhat. I-I just needed a quiet evening. A quiet evening? Instead of A… major family celebration. I’m sorry. I — I don’t understand. What would keep you from my mom and curtis’s wedding?

Okay, attention, everyone. There’s been a slight change in plans. We will pick up the speeches later. So in the meantime, I encourage you to — well, we encourage you to eat, drink, and be merry. Actually, I would love to give a toast. Is now a good time? I cede to the lovely lady. Are you trying to distract me? Mnh. Mnh-mnh, mnh-mnh. No, no, no. No. I’m just — I’m just, you know, trying to collect my thoughts. But it’s weird, you know, like, none of them — none of them are telling me to go back to that pub and hold the barmaid’s feet to the fire. Oh, no, no, no, I didn’t mean for you to go and interrogate her, but it’s pretty obvious that that barmaid knows a lot more about esme’s nanny than she’s letting on. Right, you know, that’s, uh… you know, something we could do in the morning. And give her time to warn the nanny? Are you kidding me? By that time, maggie fitzgerald could be off in the wind. Bye. Get home safe. Good night. Half an hour before the train. Archie. Sorry to call so late, but, uh [Clears throat] I am, uh, coming down with something terrible.

[ Clears throat ] I feel it in the back of my throat. So can you open up for me tomorrow morning? Well, you’ll just have to reschedule ’cause I’m not gonna be here!

[ Exhaling sharply ] Here I am, trying to save our little family from ruin, and you’re plotting a rendezvous with that harlot? You know what? I’m taking this back. You know, your jealousy of ava is getting really old. Ha! You ever thought of deep breathing? Oh, I see. So you want me to meditate while those two nosybodies are on the hunt for esme’s long-lost nanny? Well, maybe they wouldn’t be on the hunt if you weren’t so willing to talk to detective falconeri. Detective falconeri gave me no choice. I was protecting esme! While you sit there lounging in that chair all day long, I’m the one doing all the work.

[ Sighs ] Mm. No, no, don’t see it. Oh, sorry. I was just looking for my violin. Well, who broke out of prison? Who’s the one seeking retribution for everyone that wronged esme? Who broke back into prison? You never once thanked me for all my hard work. I even let that perky wannabe princess felicia cozy up to me. You what?! So let’s all raise a glass to the happy couple. To portia and curtis. Guests: To portia and curtis!

[ Cheering ] Yeah! Hey. What a wonderful speech that was, wasn’t it? It’s a gift. All these people expressing their love, their admiration for you both. It’s amazing. We are blessed. Yeah. Ava, I’m recording wedding messages for portia and curtis. Is there anything you want to add? Get everything in writing.

[ Exhales sharply ] What was that? Mm, may the road rise up to meet you. Oh. How poetic.

[ Mid-tempo jazz music playing ] Hey. Oh! At risk of complimenting my own hotel, doesn’t the ballroom look spectacular? Yes! Beautiful! To you. Oh! And your most classy venue. Well, thank you. Well, I own half of the hotel. You know what? Are you still hungry? ‘Cause I can try to go find a server, get you a little bit more food. Okay, I’ll be right back. Hmm! She’s overcompensating. She’s — she’s just worried, you know? For willow, she doesn’t want to spoil the wedding. Yeah. Must be tough putting on a brave face under the circumstances. I’m proud of her. Me too. Anything I can do? Yeah. Just keep her distracted. Will do. Hey, I appreciate you’re such a good friend to nina. Okay. Little bit more food. Alright. Um, didn’t you think that elizabeth’s toast was sweet? Yeah, sweet. A little saccharine, but — but nice. Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] Hey, you know what? Um, I’m gonna go see laura. Is that okay? Oh. Yeah. So… hmm? Mm. What did you think of drew’s speech? Mind if I, uh, sit down? Oh, of course. Come. So… I-it was a nice ceremony, right? The officiant was — was top-rate.

[ Laughs ] Not too last-minute? I don’t think anybody would even know that he didn’t have time to prepare. Oh, great. Thank you. I feel sorry for stella, though — to come down ill in the 11th hour. You know, I was looking forward to seeing her, and I don’t know what happened to her. Y-you think she’s all right? Hope so. Would you just look at that beautiful wedding cake just waiting to be eaten? Oh, I know. Molly has been eyeing that cake ever since we got here. She’s not the only one. Well, I guess that’s our cue. Yes! Let’s do it. Cake time. There’s a reason I wasn’t at the wedding. Good reason. A reason your mother would understand. But you didn’t tell her the real reason. You said you were sick. It’s true I lied. A-and I hated doing it. But I didn’t want to make portia’s day about me. I don’t get it. My mom was worried about you. Why would she understand your absence? She found it.

Did you and my mom talk about something when you went to pick up your dresses? Otherwise, I-I really — I really don’t understand. It’s not for you to understand, trina.

[ Sighs ] I’m so sorry. That — that didn’t come out right. I… I just didn’t want to complicate things. I know how difficult it is planning a wedding, and that’s why I asked laura to take my place. One less thing for curtis and portia to worry about. But that still doesn’t explain why you wouldn’t perform the ceremony. Aunt stella, what are you not telling me?

[ Sighs ] In my experience, the longer that secrets are kept, the more damage they do. Well, with all due respect to your experience, young man, this is a family matter. And last time I checked, you’re not family. You’re right. I apologize. But I’m family now. Right? Yes, baby, you are. And so I’ll say this — I wanted to be there, but I simply couldn’T. Not in good conscience.

[ Squeals softly ] Okay. Yes. Yay.

[ Guests cheering ] You smear cake in my face, you will live to regret it.

[ Laughter ] Wouldn’t dream of it. Man: Don’t do it.

[ Laughs ] Daddy’s watching.

[ Laughter ] How’s that? It’s perfect. Woman: Oh, cute.

[ Laughs ] It’s delicious!

[ Laughs ] You still want to be my wife? That’s all I want. Yes! It’s so good. Oh, man. Boy, some kind of wedding, isn’t it? Sure is. Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] Everything okay with you? It’s nothing. I just — I just wish I could do more, give something to curtis, show him how much I love him. Granddad. Hey. Uncle curtis, he knows. And you being here, I mean, that’s the best gift you could possibly give him. Tj. Hey, could I borrow you for a minute? Yes, one sec. One sec. Okay. One sec. Try not to worry so much. Okay? Promise. Hell to the no. Good.

[ Laughs ] I love you. I love you more.

[ Sighs ]

There’s something ’bout the way you move me, baby… okay, go. Welcome to the family, portia. Don’t forget about trina. Just kidding. Trina… you have always felt like family, and now it’s just official. But stepcousin doesn’t quite do it justice. I see you as a sister. Okay. Whew! Hey, no tears, babe. This is a happy occasion. I am happy! Ahh. I thought your speech was very nice. Oh, well, you don’t want to hear what I think of drew cain. Now I do. Well, he and carly are involved, and they’re trying to hide it for some reason. And since carly doesn’t do anything without an agenda, I’m sure the reasons are less than legitimate. You see that smile on spencer’s face when he saw trina? Like the weight of the world was off his shoulders. She brings out the best in him. He needs that now more than ever. Little chance he’s gonna get that from nikolas. Who knows why drew and carly are keeping things quiet. Their reasons might not make sense to anybody but the two of them. But, I mean, I have nothing to say on the matter. I mean, look at me. I’m a mess. I’m clearly no expert in relationships. You idiot! You know better than to play games with felicia scorpio. Did you just call me an idiot. Well, if the shoe fits. Ryan, you were with me when felicia came here. With her hubby. You know, threatening to send us both back to d’archam. Remember? It’s not like we were having tea and crumpets. And you haven’t seen her since? No! The brothers scorpio ganged up on me when I was having my physical at G.H. Two broken records, again threatening to send me back to d’archam. But since I’d of course prefer to have spring ridge as my base of operations, I told them that I would cozy up to you and glean some useful tidbits about your relationship with esme, which would prove that, of course, she was the one who killed their boy in blue, officer cabrera. Right. And just what did you tell them? Nothing useful. I was just stringing them along. And protecting you in the meantime. You’re welcome. I don’t need protection. You know what I’m capable of. Maybe back in the day, lover boy. But, I mean, come on. Look at you. I mean, you’re not exactly, uh, in practice.

[ Chuckles ] I mean, not much more, really, than a piece of furniture.

[ Laughs ] Yeah.

[ Gasping ] Think again. And he’s back! Ladies and gentlemen, the ryan chamberlain we all know and love. The ryan chamberlain we need.

[ Laughs ] So come on, ryan. Just get ready. Get yourself ready to act. ‘Cause I-I feel it in my bones. The hour is nigh.

[ Exhales sharply ] You know, and just in case you feel like exercising your legs tonight… feel free.

in life same story every night. Time in the rocking chair.” Don’t sweat it, sweetheart. Baby books are for suckers. “You know more than you think you do.” Dr. Spock. He was the foremost pediatrician of the 20th century and a very wise man. Look, that may be true, but I am in prison. There aren’t exactly any rocking chairs in here. I don’t know what’s gonna happen to us. Oh, my sweet girl. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Everything’s gonna be taken care of. Taken care of? What does that mean? I guess you might have a point. I mean, who is that barmaid anyway, right? Exactly. I mean, we just happened upon the pub. We thought she was someone local. But what if she knows more about maggie fitzgerald than she’s letting on? You’re not gonna let this go, are you?

[ Laughs ] No. Not a chance. Come on, come on.

[ Sighs ] Sorry, archie. Your toast was beautiful. Oh, thank you. I meant every word. I know you did. You know, when I was speaking, it suddenly hit me — what if this is my last chance to tell everybody how I feel? Hi, mr. Ashford. I was wondering if you wanted to say anything for portia and curtis’s wedding video. Oh, no. No, I-I… are you sure? Alright. Okay. Alright, I’ll try. Okay. Hello, curtis. Hi, portia. Uh, it’s been my, uh — my pleasure. It’s been… no, no. Well, it’s been my honor to… I-I’m sorry, dearie. I mean, miss dearie. I’m not good at speechifying. It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t worry. Please. Marshall’s gonna lay it out a little bit later with the band backing him up. Okay. Alright? Yeah, yeah. Right, drew. Right. You know, it means the world to me that spencer still has you in his life. Well, listen, let me put it this way — spencer is all I have left of my sister. I love that kid. I know you do. I just wish he could have that kind of closeness with his father. Ava, I am so sorry. Here we are at a wedding, and you and nikolas just finalized your divorce. Nikolas… should never have come back to port charles. We’d all be better off. No sign of trina? She’s not responding to my calls or texts. Now I-I’m officially getting worried. I mean, where is she? I’ll go look for her. No, no, no, no, no. I appreciate it, but I’m probably just overreacting. Besides, you’re the man of the hour. You can’t disappear too. Josslyn, josslyn. Have you seen trina anywhere? Oh, you know, she texted me earlier that her and spencer needed some air. Um, I’m sorry. I should have told you that before. Well… see? She’s fine. Good conscience? What does my mom marrying curtis have to do with your conscience?

[ Sighs ] You — you may be too young to understand this, but as you get older. There are things you just don’t say. You equivocate because you want everybody to get along. Most importantly, you don’t want to hurt anyone. And all that stuff you didn’t say, it catches up with you. What haven’t you said? Aunt stella, are you — are you upset that my mom had an affair with curtis? I mean, that was 20 years ago. Or do you think, because she cheated on my dad, she’ll cheat on curtis?

My gosh, how you move me like air, you’re all I breathe you ready? Look, look, I’m gonna tell everyone I’m a little rusty, and they shouldn’t expect anything. No, no, no, no. This is what’s gonna happen. Okay, I’m gonna go out there and I am gonna introduce you. Alright. And then you are gonna walk out on stage and you are gonna play because you are a pro. Okay. You got this. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right. Alright! Right. Alright, everybody! Doesn’t the band sound fantastic? Whoo! Give them some love up here! Whoo, whoo! Woman: Yes! Well, it’s about to get even better. Let me tell you that. Have you ever wondered where curtis gets his impeccable style, rhythm, and charm? Yeah, you. We’re talking about you. You’ve wondered. Well, guess what.

[ Laughter ] It is my great pleasure to introduce to you the father of the groom. Put your hands together, please. Marshall ashford’s coming out! Woman: Marshall!

[ Guests cheering ] You know about this? I’m just as surprised as you are. Oh, thank you. Thank — thank everyone. Um, I, uh… I want to dedicate this song to my son and — and his lovely wife.

[ Mid-tempo jazz music plays ] You sure you don’t wanna come back to this pub with me? Well, I mean, I would — I would like to go back, but I think it’s a really good idea if you go, because I think that that barmaid would be more willing to talk to you without me there. Mm. I get it. So you get to stay here and get all naked and cozy in this bed and sleep off your jet lag?

[ Laughs ] Yeah, no, I wish. I am going to be busy cybersleuthing the local school areas. I don’t know, maybe maggie was a third-grade teacher or something. I don’t know. I’ll figure something out. I respect you and your diligence. Thank you. Good luck. Cheerio. Ha! Cheerio, m’lady. What do you mean, it will all be taken care of? Just that you need to relax. These baby hormones are driving you a little crazy, aren’t they? All I meant was it’ll all work out. And how do you know that? Well, your baby daddy’s very rich. He’s not gonna let you languish in here, or his baby. Five minutes till lights out. Time to head back to your cellblocks. So, uh…come on. W-why don’t I take you back to your room? I’ll even show you a shortcut.

[ Guests cheering ] Wow. No, it’s not about your mother’s affair with curtis. Not exactly. But it’s part of it.

[ Sighs ] I’m sure that you know I kept a secret from curtis, and it almost ruined our relationship. Curtis spent 40 years without a father, and my silence was part of the reason. That experience changed me, and I will not keep a secret like that ever again. Maybe I should leave you two alone. No. Please stay. Okay, um… aunt stella, I’m kind of freaking out. Is there something my mom doesn’t know about curtis?

Thank you so much for coming, guys. Hey, thank your groom. Yeah, like I told you, curtis made all the arrangements. Well, you still had to show up. We wouldn’t have missed it for the world. And it’s wonderful to see you so happy, sweetheart. Yeah. It feels pretty wonderful too. I’m just upset that I didn’t get to see more of my niece. I mean, it’s so weird. She’S…off with a friend. Let’s just…yeah. Instead of being with her mom on her wedding day? Hey, go easy on my granddaughter, zeke. Yeah. You’re only young once. Yeah, I know. Alright, we’re out. Bring it in. Ohh!

[ Laughs ] Congrats. Congrats. Thank you. Sweetheart. Mm! Take care. Thanks again. Okay. You’re welcome. Thank you. Stella: There’s something portia needs to tell curtis, and she needs to tell you too. You deserve the truth. Why can’t you tell me? Even though I’m family now, it’s not my place. Now, the truth is gonna be hard for you to hear, but I believe you’re gonna be better off for it. And I trust that you will look after your friend. Yes, ma’am. You mind if I hug you? You’re a smart, strong young woman, and I believe that you’re gonna make it through. Let’s go. What was that about? I have no idea. But I’m gonna find out. Okay, miss malone, miss green… ugh! Come on, maggie fitzgerald. What happened? Did you marry? You just change your name? What am I looking…

[ Knock on door ] Oh.

[ Clears throat ] Hey, miss bletchly. I’m sorry to trouble you, ms. Mccall. May I come in? Yes. Yes, of course. I forgot to ask at check-in if you preferred coffee or tea in the morning. Oh, you know, coffee. Coffee would be great. Okay. Uh, is there — is there something else? Well, I noticed mr. Falconeri went out again. It — it is none of my business, but the village closes early. He’ll be quite disappointed if he went out sightseeing. Oh, uh, you know what? Dante, um, he likes to take long walks at night. I-it helps him sleep. Well, that’s quite alright, then. Yeah. Um… have you been in this village long?

[ Chuckles ] My entire life, dear. So I’m sure you practically know everyone. Indeed I do. And you don’t miss much? Well, I suppose I’m more observant than most. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions? W-where are you taking me? Oh, this — this way’s faster, sweetheart. You’ll — you’ll see.

[ Keys jingling ] What are you doing here? Oh, what have you gotten me into?

Oh, lord, did I do the right thing? Please tell me I didn’t destroy my family. I’ll help if I can. Okay. Good. Thank you. My partner and I, we were looking for a woman. Her name’s maggie fitzgerald. Does that name mean anything to you? I’m sorry, I — I am observant, just not terribly good with names. Okay. Um… well, do you know of a woman in the village who may have worked as a nanny or possibly a schoolteacher? Hmm, a nanny? Oh! I believe the barmaid at the pub once worked with children. Wait, the — the barmaid. Mm-hmm. Wait, are you talking about the woman who’s — who’s tall with the curly red hair? Yes, that’s her. Oh, she worked as a nanny in america. Her name’s margaret. Is that the woman you’re looking for? Hey, I’m sure trina will be back any second. If you want, I’ll go look for her. No, no, no. That’s okay. Let’s — let’s throw the bouquet. Are you sure? I didn’t want trina to catch it anyway.

[ Chuckles ] Okay. Everybody, the bride is ready to throw her bouquet. Everybody get on the floor and take your chances. Come on. Look out! There will be blood.

[ Laughter ] Okay! You’re not going for the bouquet?

[ Chuckles ] Oh, sonny. I’d rather crawl over broken glass. You’re not the only one leaving early. Nikolas isn’t taking her calls, and she’s worried. And the way I feel, I wouldn’t care for one second if I ever saw him again. I’m so — I’m so sorry, officer. We just got turned around. She said this was a shortcut to my cell. I’m escorting you back. You don’t need to be rough. Huh. Where did you get these? Oh, you know, I found those in the dayroom. Are — are they important? Yeah, hold — don’t move. Aah! Hey, esme. Road trip? Toss the bouquet already. We’re not getting any younger. Okay! Okay, okay.

[ Drumroll plays ] Whoo! Aah!

[ Cymbals clash ]

[ Laughs ] Trina, we have been trying to find you. And I’ve been trying to find answers.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Transcript Friday, February 17, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Daniel: Hey, do you want me to fix one of these up for you? You still like butter and jam, right? Lucy.

Heather: It’s — it’s not you. It is hard to get her attention when she’s on her phone. Hey. Hi.

Lucy: Yeah?

Heather: Your dad wants to know if you’d like a biscuit.

Daniel: Okay. Well, she sure seems to be in a different mood than she was last night.

Heather: This is a lot for her to handle. But that doesn’t give her a license to ignore us. Honey, we’re talking to you.

Daniel: It’s okay. I don’t mind. I just want her to be comfortable.

Heather: Okay. I mean, I am trying to be really sensitive to all that she’s going through. But it doesn’t mean she can be disrespectful and rude.

Daniel: Mm-hmm. I agree, but, you know, my time with her right now is just so short. Maybe you could let it slide just this once?

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. What a surprise to see you all here together.

Kyle: What are you doing here?

Adam: Well, good morning to you, too.

Kyle: Hey, you didn’t get everything off your chest yesterday? You gave quite a performance, a self-deprecating yet melodramatic swan song. And yet you’re back the next day. So, if you’re having second thoughts or you’re looking to cause trouble, today’s not the day.

Adam: Yeah, it sounds like maybe you need to get something off your chest.

Kyle: Yeah, well, I have nothing to say to you.

Adam: Yeah. That’s because you got what you wanted, kyle.

Kyle: Mm. But why doesn’t it feel that way? Oh. Right. I’m still having to deal with you.

Adam: You know, I’m just here to pick up the rest of my things.

Kyle: Yeah, jabot has a policy of sending them to fired employees.

Adam: [ Laughs ] Okay.

Jeremy: Victor newman.

Victor: Do I know you?

Jeremy: Perhaps from my mugshot.

Victor: Oh, yeah. You’re the slimeball who was involved in stealing my wife’s necklace.

Jack: You know, we have a very important decision to make.

Diane: We do? I thought we made the big one yesterday.

Jack: Yes, moving in together is a monumental step, but almost as important, I need to know that you’re okay with your side of the bed. I mean, once you make that choice, there’s no turning back.

Diane: [ Laughs ] I think we’re good.

Jack: Yeah?

Diane: Mm-hmm.

[ Chuckles ]

Summer: Morning, jack.

Jack: Summer.

Diane: Morning. Morning.

Summer: Diane, you’ve certainly made yourself at home. Coverage, care, get it all.

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provided by… when asthma symptoms strike, airways narrow.

Jack: Summer, the tone.

Summer: My tone?

Jack: I don’t know if it’s due to diane’s presence or the fact that you’re angry at kyle over his colluding with victor, but either way, I think I speak for both of us in saying it is not appreciated.

Summer: I’m sorry. I didn’t even know that I was doing it. I’m sure that sometimes I can be hostile intentionally, but this wasn’t one of those instances, so…I apologize.

Diane: No worries. It’s perfectly understandable.

Jack: It was not intentional, but you’re so angry at kyle that it just came out that way naturally.

Summer: Exactly. I mean, I’m — I’m furious with him. I just — I can’t believe that he went behind my back like this.

Diane: I’m sure he’s very sorry.

Summer: Yeah. He’s sorry. I mean, he was apologizing profusely last night again. But a bunch of “I’m sorries”? That’s not gonna make this alright.

Jack: I think it’s understandable that you’re still angry. This is gonna take some time.

Summer: I mean, what was he thinking? Jack, you must be just as angry at him.

Jack: Yes, I’m angry. I’m frustrated. But I also know from life that pretty much everything is forgivable. Diane and I talked about this a whole lot last night, and I woke up determined to put this behind me and move forward, to focus on what is doable and not what has already been done. Kyle is, I think, genuinely repentant, and in the big picture, that’s what’s most important.

Summer: [ Sighs ] I mean, I think that’s right. He’s definitely not sorry for what he did to adam, but I — I do think that he feels terrible about deceiving us. I really want to forgive him. I do. I guess I’m just not there yet.

Adam: I didn’t exactly lose my job. I don’t — I don’t know if you remember, but I actually — i resigned. But I would like to thank you for accelerating the inevitable.

Kyle: Mm.

Adam: You know, like I said, jabot is not the right place for me. So, just so we’re clear, there are no hard feelings on my part.

Kyle: And I have no feelings about you one way or the other.

Adam: Okay. Consider me off your plate. But I really wish you’d make up with jack. He is a good guy.

Kyle: Yeah, you don’t have to tell me that.

Adam: My father, on the other hand — the jury’s still out on that one. Can I give you a little piece of advice? Even when the cause is valid, it’s not a good idea to team up with victor. I’ve learned that one the hard way.

Kyle: Yeah, I’m not you, but thanks.

Adam: Wow. You’re just not giving an inch, are you? I will leave you with a compliment. I really admire your willingness to go to such extremes to protect your family.

Kyle: That’s never going to change.

Phyllis: Hey, so, what are we having for breakfast?

Daniel: Now’s not really a great time, mom.

Phyllis: Okay, well, I don’t want to intrude. It’s just, um, so great to see you here. It really is. And, hey, lucy, we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together in portugal.

Lucy: Hey, phyllis.

Heather: Sweetie, it’s “grandma.”

Phyllis: No, it’s phyllis. She was right, so… it’s so great to see my very, very handsome son and my gorgeous granddaughter here together — and heather, so… why didn’t you tell me that you were planning on coming to genoa city? I mean, we could have flown from portugal together. Um, perhaps, uh, you re-read the press release on daniel’s gaming platform and you realized it was better to be together as a family.

Heather: Phyllis, I don’t know if —

Daniel: Mom.

Phyllis: What?

Daniel: Just stop.

Victor: How is it that you’re walking the streets of genoa city a free man?

Jeremy: It’s simple. I’m not the one who took your wife’s necklace.

Victor: Who did?

Jeremy: I think you know.

Victor: Why don’t you enlighten me?

Jeremy: Diane jenkins and jack abbott had me framed.

Victor: Jack abbott and diane jenkins. I’m not surprised those two would come up with a cockamamie scheme like that.

Jeremy: Could I get a large coffee to go, please? You know, you and I have a lot more in common than you think.

Victor: Really?

Jeremy: Like our mutual disdain for jack and diane.

Victor: Uh-huh. Maybe we could use that to our advantage.

Victor: I despise both of them. But the enemy of my enemy doesn’t make you my friend. (Vo) red lobster’s finer points of fun dining:

Phyllis: Uh, hey, guys, don’t want to intrude. Just making conversation, that’s all.

Daniel: Well, read the room. I can’t believe you’re forcing me to say this. Nothing you think worked out did.

Phyllis: What do you mean?

Daniel: Take a second look around.

Phyllis: Uh…I mean, it looks —

Daniel: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for forcing us all to face what is painfully obvious.

Heather: We really need to get going. Come on.

Phyllis: Okay, listen, I’m sorry if I misunderstood. I’m very, very sorry, daniel. How long are you in town? I’m sure that summer would love to see you.

Heather: That is a decision for daniel and me to make.

Daniel: And it’s not that type of visit.

Heather: We have to get back for work and for school, although we are gonna visit christine and paul because they’ve been dying to see lucy and me and it would be unfair —

Phyllis: Wait a second. Wait a second. You — you set up a meeting with christine and not with me?

Daniel: Okay, well, that’s enough. Um, I’ll go back to the hotel with you guys.

Heather: Okay.

Lucy: Bye, phyllis.

Phyllis: Bye. Bye-bye.

Heather: Bye, phyllis.

Summer: Hey.

Kyle: You’re talking to me. That’s a good sign.

Summer: I’m talking, but I’m not sure you’re gonna like what I have to say.

Kyle: Summer, how long is this going to go on for? How long are you gonna stay mad at me?

Adam: Don’t worry. I’m on my way out. As in, not coming back. Oh, you guys wanna check and make sure I didn’t take off with any special jabot artifacts?

Kyle: Well, you seemed so disinterested when you were working here, I can’t imagine you’d want to take anything that would remind you of the place.

Adam: [ Inhales sharply ] Fair enough. And like I said, kyle, no hard feelings, okay? I know you were just doing what you felt you had to.

Summer: Adam, can you just stop? He didn’t have to do that. He didn’t have to deceive his family.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Adam: That sounds like something I don’t want to get in the middle of. But, summer, you should know this. I understand what he was trying to do. His intentions weren’t pure, but they were well-meaning. So, I wish you success at marchetti and with each other.

[ Elevator doors close ]

Kyle: That was the person who was the victim of my scheme with victor. He has forgiven me. Why can’t you?

Summer: Yeah, he forgave you because he’s not married to you.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Ah, okay. I guess, um, this is what you meant when you said diane hadn’t let you down.

Diane: Jack and I are back together. And he insisted that I move in with him.

Phyllis: Hmm. Wow. This is rich. Uh, when I so-called rubbed our relationship in diane’s face, it was unforgivable. But now that she’s doing it, um, it’s perfectly acceptable.

Victor: No, why you’re here in genoa city doesn’t concern me, and whatever scheme you’re cooking up with jack abbott and diane jenkins doesn’t interest me, either.

Jeremy: Fair enough. Thank you. I’ve got to get going. I have a few things to take care of myself.

Victor: Before you go, let me tell you this. You do not use anyone in my family as a pawn. Should you prevail upon any of them or someone in my orbit, I’ll come after you.

As I was saying earlier in

the meeting, I got this mountain bike for only $11. Dealdash.Com the fair and honest bidding site. This kitchenaid mixer sold for less than $26. This I-pad sold for less than $43. And this playstation 5 sold for less than a dollar. I won these bluetooth headphones for $20. I got these three suitcases for less than $40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash.Com right now and see how much you can save. Bye, bye cough.

Jack: No, this is nothing like what happened between you and me. All diane did was share our news with you directly, news you would have found out anyway. And she did not use our relationship to manipulate any situation.

Phyllis: Your entire relationship, jack, is built on manipulation.

Jack: More importantly, i think it is time we all stop dwelling in the past. This is where we are now. Maybe we could all focus on the present, move to the future with a little kindness and understanding.

Phyllis: Uh, you’re kidding, right?

Jack: Come on. Let’s have a seat.

Diane: Was I gloating or bragging?

Jack: You may have been a little overzealous, but I share your enthusiasm about our moving in together. Besides, we didn’t know phyllis was gonna be here. It wasn’t like you were using the situation to manipulate her. All is forgiven.

Diane: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: Okay, how many times do I have to apologize? I’ve said I’m sorry in every way I can think of. I wish I hadn’t made the decisions I did — most notably, the choice to lie and omit things from you. Look, when we got married, we entered into a partnership, a promise to share every aspect of our lives together. Somewhere I lost sight of that. And I know there is nobody in the world more invested in me than you.

Summer: I’m glad that you feel that way.

Kyle: I-I get it. I do. So, can we please let this go and stop fighting? Just forgive and grow from it. I hope you can see how remorseful I am, so I am asking you — can we please move on?

Adam: Hello, father.

Victor: Hey, adam. Have a seat.

Adam: You know, I — I wanted to congratulate you.

Victor: On what?

Adam: I really — I hope I’m the first one to tell you this, but I just wanted you to know that I, uh — I’ve officially resigned from jabot.

Victor: I’ll be damned.

Adam: So you can consider your campaign a tepid success. In the end, I did leave of my own accord, but your interference did play a big part.

Victor: [ Chuckles ]

Daniel: Are you liking your new school?

Lucy: It’s cool.

Heather: Um, you know what? Maybe lucy could stay here while I run back to the room to grab a couple things. I mean, I don’t really, uh — i don’t need a disinterested teenager in my way.

Daniel: Yeah, sure. Uh, I’d love a few more minutes with her before you go see paul. If that’s okay with you?

Heather: [ Clears throat ] Hand over your phone.

Lucy: What? How come?

Heather: So that you can talk with your dad for a few minutes without your hands being glued to it.

Lucy: [ Sighs ]

Heather: You are capable of going 10 minutes without it. Thank you.

Daniel: Thank you. She found it.

“The young and the restless”

will continue. Wait… do you use singlecare?

Daniel: Can I get you anything? You want a water or a snack or something?

Lucy: I’m fine. We just had breakfast.

Daniel: Hey, are you okay? You know, ’cause last night it seemed like things were starting to be okay between the two of us, but now it feels like you’re putting up a wall.

Lucy: I’m fine.

Daniel: Okay. Well, I hope that’s true because you — you don’t seem fine.

[ Clears throat ] You know, that’s — that’s something I might do if I was uncomfortable or unsure. Are you feeling that way? It’s a really pretty bracelet. It’s a really nice color. I thought that your favorite color was pink.

Lucy: I stopped liking pink when I was 7.

Daniel: Oh. So, now it’s blue?

Lucy: No. Sage green. That’s my favorite now.

Daniel: Sage green is a beautiful color. Whose favorite color is blue?

Lucy: It’s yours.

Victor: My interference? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Adam: Come on. Come on. Kyle already admitted to the plot that you two concocted to sabotage me at jabot. There’s nothing to hide. Okay? I just came over to tell you your instincts were right. I didn’t belong there.

Victor: Took you a hell of a long time to realize that.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Just ’cause your general thoughts about that were right doesn’t mean the way that you went about it wasn’t despicable — because it was. The end did not justify the means. But it does make me a little curious because you are not known for devising a half-baked plot. So, what’s the next part of the plan? What’s phase two?

Summer: I can hear the regret in your voice. But the question I keep coming back to is, would you regret this if you hadn’t have been caught? So, if adam had been fired and my grandpa gave marchetti the textile mills and nobody ever found out what you did — because, honestly, kyle, I’m not sure that you would. This whole time, you treated me like an obstacle to overcome. You worked around me and jack and anybody else who might have disagreed with what you were doing. You let me think that I had persuaded you to not go along with my grandpa’s plan. And as your wife, it really hurts to know that you felt like I somehow couldn’t be trusted.

Kyle: No, no, no, that’s not true. I know I can trust you. It was a mistake.

Summer: That’s the thing. I-I don’t know that it was a mistake because…

[ Sighs ] It’s just, ever since I insisted you back out of jack and diane’s plan to frame jeremy stark, it’s — there’s been this distance between us. And instead of continuing to talk to me about things, you withdrew.

Kyle: We felt differently about that. There was no point in continually butting heads about it.

Summer: Yeah, I was looking at the bigger picture, at the rift that it was creating in our family, and all you saw was me trying to stop you from doing what you wanted to do. And so the next time something else came up, instead of making a better choice, you just hid your bad decisions. You decided, since you knew that I wouldn’t be okay with it, to just hide everything from me.

Kyle: I can’t deny that. And I don’t know what else to say besides continuing to reiterate I feel awful about it.

Summer: Look, I don’t like fighting with you. I hate feeling like I’m questioning everything that you say and do. I hear your apology. I know that you want things to get better. So do I. I just — I’m worried that sweeping this under the rug is gonna make room for this all to happen again in the future.

Jack: Thank you.

Jeremy: Look at you two.

Diane: [ Exhales sharply ]

Jeremy: You two look so cozy.

Jack: What — what the hell are you doing here?

Jeremy: You know, I really missed the eggs florentine.

Jack: How did you finagle an escape from custody in chicago?

Diane: What, did you break out of jail?

Jeremy: [ Scoffs ] Of course not. If I had, it wouldn’t be wise for me to show up here, now, would it? No. I have excellent attorneys who got rid of those ludicrous charges against me. Next time, you’re gonna have to do a better job entrapping me.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Jeremy: May I join you?

Jack: No, you may not. Just tell us what you want. Trelegy for copd.

Jeremy: [ Laughs ] Look at this guy. Always a knight in shining armor. I was that for you once.

Diane: Yeah, you were a fraud and a thief, and you were using me.

Jeremy: That’s a hell of a statement coming from someone who just masterminded a theft to frame me. Anyway, back to your question, jack. What do I want? Hmm. What do you think I want? Money. And that would be understandable since your payoff to me ended up right back in your bank account, just like you planned it.

Jack: You want cash? How much?

Jeremy: Now, revenge would make sense, but, uh, no, that’s all petty and beneath me now. I came back to genoa city to say, brava, diane. You are exceptional. That’s twice you’ve gotten one over on me, and that never happens. It deserves recognition. Don’t underestimate this one, huh? Take it from me. It’s a fatal mistake. Alright. Well, I’ve got to go. I’ll leave you to it. But I think I’m gonna stick around in genoa city for a long while. So…I’ll see you soon. Have a good day. How did that look from your vantage point? Was that last smile too much? Or was it just enough?

Phyllis: What are you doing? I mean, why are you here? Why are you actually here?

Jeremy: Look at you, out here watching, intrigued, unable to turn away.

Phyllis: Okay.

Jeremy: It doesn’t have to be that way. You can get in on the fun. No, I see myself in you. You live for the game the same way I do.

Phyllis: Okay. You’re deranged.

Kyle: Summer, you are my best friend and the love of my life. And I will never lose sight of that again. You were right when you said i wasn’t thinking about the bigger picture, about us, about our family. And I have been selfish. I can admit that. But this adam chapter, it’s over. So I am begging you to forgive me. I know we can get past this. We can do better. I can do better.

Victor: Now, why do you think there’s a phase two?

Adam: Because I know you as well as anyone. And you would never knowingly leave a loose end.

Victor: That’s a very good observation. And that’s why you belong at newman, not at jabot, where you sell soaps and perfume, for heaven’s sake. You’re too smart for that. You always think steps ahead.

Adam: Mm-hmm. And I can smell the, uh, patronizing praise a mile away, and I’m not really in the mood for it, so let me tell you what I think is going on. You were hoping to undermine me at jabot so I would come crawling back to you.

Victor: I want you to be at a place where you can exercise your full potential, son.

Adam: What potential? The potential that only you can unleash?

Victor: That’s right. I can because only I know your true potential. And I want you to work at newman where you meet challenges that are much bigger challenges than you would ever meet at jabot.

Adam: Alright, well, um, now we’re getting somewhere. What kind of challenge were you thinking of? Did you have something in mind? How far ahead were you thinking when you put this plan in place? I mean, come on. You got me out of jabot. What did you want me to do, beg for a job? Admit that I actually like my father’s boot on my neck? Or that I will finally stay in my lane? What is it, dad?

Lucy: Blue is your favorite color, right? Or at least it used to be.

Daniel: It still is. I love that you remember that. Did you get that color because of me, or — I don’t know — was it like one of a set or something?

Lucy: When we first moved to portugal…I missed you a lot. Not the way you were when we left savannah, but, um, the dad you used to be. All the kids at boarding school would talk about their fathers and them visiting and all the important things they did for work.

Daniel: And you couldn’t talk about your dad.

Lucy: Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t that bad. I could brag about my grandfather being a rock star, and when they would talk about their moms, I could talk about heather. So I guess that was sort of the same.

Daniel: You know, you have a lot of people that love you.

Lucy: But there’s only one you.

[ Inhales sharply ] When I saw this bracelet… the color made me think of you.

[ Sniffles ] I bought it —

[ Sighs ] I bought it so that I wouldn’t forget that once upon a time… I had a dad who loved me. I have moderate to severe crohn’s disease. Meet mixtiles! They stick and restick. Choose from dozens of sizes, frames and styles. Go to mixtiles.Com, upload pictures, pick a fancy frame and voila! Buy 10 and get 10 for free. Premium collagen that supports healthy hair,

Daniel: [ Sniffles ]

[ Sighs ] I am so sorry that I was not there for you and that I wasn’t the kind of father that you could tell your friends about. But, you know, this new life in genoa city — it’s about me becoming that kind of man. Because I want you to be able to walk through the world proud, you know, and say that daniel romalotti jr. Is your dad.

Lucy: Why couldn’t you do that back in savannah?

Daniel: I don’t know. It’s complicated. And I was in my own head. I was wrapped up in my own wants and needs. I was creating resentments and i was pushing away the people that I cared about that were close to me.

Lucy: [ Sniffles ]

Daniel: Things got bad. Then they got worse. I could actually start to feel the old me slipping away.

Lucy: Did you ever think about how what you were doing was hurting me?

[ Sniffles ]

Daniel: If I’m being honest, it was really hard for me to think about anyone except myself. You know, for a while, I — i lost sight of how much you and heather truly mean to me and… well, that’s something that I’m gonna regret for the rest of my life.

Lucy: [ Sniffles ] I never forgot about you, even when I wanted to. This just made me feel closer to you.

[ Sniffles ] Take it.

Daniel: You’re giving it to me?

Lucy: Maybe if you have it, next time things get tough, you won’t forget that you have a daughter.

Summer: I want us to work this out, but I can’t just ignore the fact that you betrayed me. So it’s not easy for me to forgive, especially when I can’t forget.

Kyle: Well, what can I do to prove my dedication to you, to help you see that this is a mistake that won’t be repeated?

Summer: I don’t think that there is anything unless another thing like this came up, which is the last thing that I want.

Kyle: Me too. And I promise you, I would handle everything differently.

Summer: I guess all I can do is ask for you to be patient with me. Just give me some time.

Kyle: I love you so much.

Summer: I love you.

Victor: I honestly hate that you see things so cynically.

Adam: It’s another, uh, newman trait. You know, actually it’s a — it’s a — it’s a good survival skill, especially in this family.

Victor: Son, you listen to me. I’ve always thought you were very bright. You got a special talent. You’re almost genius-like, son. I’m glad that you stopped being at that stupid place at jabot. You only did that to piss me off.

Adam: Oh, I hate to break it to you, but I wasn’t about you.

Victor: Oh, really? Now that all this jabot nonsense is behind us, let you and I work on fixing whatever is broken between us. Do you understand? You’re my son. I want you to work with me. I want you to know that you’re always welcome in our family and in my company.

Adam: It’s nice to know that there’s a spot for me. And I will accept your generous offer, if that’s what it is… on one condition. Give me victoria’s job. You do that, and I’m all yours.

Diane: [ Exhales sharply ] Did that really just happen? Or are we having some sort of collective nightmare?

Jack: No, jeremy stark is very real, and he is back in genoa city.

Diane: You know, at first i thought I was imagining things, and then I was struck by this icy panic. Jack, I guess we were wrong to think that we had found some way to finally get rid of him for good.

Jack: Frankly, I thought he would take his lumps and just let it go.

Diane: Yeah, but he didn’T. He had to have come back for some reason, and all the reasons I can think of are not good.

Jack: He can’t hurt us.

Diane: Yes, he can. We hurt him. Jeremy is not the kind of person to just let bygones be bygones.

Jack: I stand by what we did. We needed to get him out of our lives and out of town. And we did that — temporarily, yes, but we’ll do it again.

Diane: How? He is going to be on guard now even more.

Jack: Stark was right about one thing. It is a mistake to underestimate you, especially when you have me by your side. I am going to be completely devoted to getting him out of our lives for good this time.

Next week on “the young and the restless”…

Victoria: Well, we’re not gonna have a chance to make a move on tucker’s company.

Victor: What are you talking about?

Victoria: Somebody’s beat us to the punch.

Billy: As if you would ever consider hiring me as your co-ceo.

Jack: You know what? If you sincerely wanted it, I would.

Sally: Oh, my god. The paternity test results are in. Thank you.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, February 16, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Nate: Victoria.

Victoria: Hi.

Nate: I, uh, didn’t expect to run into you here.

Victoria: Are you meeting someone?

Nate: No. I’m waiting for some takeout. Elena’s getting off soon, and I’m sure she’s gonna be too tired to cook or go out.

Victoria: Oh. Aren’t you considerate. Uh, well, would you like to join me while you wait?

Nate: Yeah. Um, don’t mind if I do.

Victoria: Thanks.

Nate: [ Clears throat ]

Victoria: [ Clears throat ]

Nate: Uh, can we get two old-fashioneds? If that’s okay with you. I don’t want to be too presumptuous.

Victoria: Oh, no, that seems like a perfectly acceptable way to enjoy a good bourbon.

Nate: I’m glad you approve.

Victoria: It seems that i approve of just about everything you do.

[ Both laugh ]

Nate: Well, let’s hope that continues.

Victoria: Oh, I’m sure it will. So, um…how do things with elena stand?

Nate: Mm, with regard to…?

Victoria: Well, I know that she wanted to end her relationship with you when she learned that you and I joined forces under the radar so that i could grab a majority stake of chancellor-winters when it went public, and now you’re working at newman media. So, does she have an issue with you collaborating with someone who is encouraging you to embrace your killer instincts?

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Ashley: You know, you can keep telling me you love me, but the fact of the matter is, i didn’t trust you when you first came back into town, and I trust you even less now.

Tucker: Ashley —

Ashley: I know you. I know what makes you tick, and there’s no way you’re gonna walk away from an empire that you spent your entire life building. I mean, after all, it is the only thing you really care about, right?

Tucker: That’s not true.

Ashley: Okay. That’s not true. Well, I can’t help but feel that you’re looking for an angle and you’re still hoping to manipulate me in the process.

Tucker: I’m not gonna sit here and defend my past actions ’cause I can’T. What I’m gonna do is prove you wrong.

Daniel: What did you say? It sounded like you met someone, but I must have misunderstood, right?

Heather: [ Voice breaking ] I am so sorry that this is hurting you. I just didn’t see a way back to the way things were before, no matter how amazing your career is going. The wounds were just too deep, and, um, they — they left lasting scars.

Daniel: I know that I hurt you and lucy. And I hate myself for that. But, I mean, don’t — don’t we deserve another chance?

Heather: Even if I can forgive you, how can I forget? I-I… I can’T. I — I want good things for you. I’m so happy for you, truly. And I really hope that you want the same thing for me, too.

Daniel: What are you talking about? I love you.

Heather: I know. But I’ve — I’ve moved on, and I met someone. And we’ve fallen in love. And if you’re honest with yourself, daniel, you’re gonna look at this fresh start you’ve built all on your own and you’re gonna realize it’s best for you if you move on, too.

Daniel: [ Inhales deeply ] So, um, is this new guy… how long have you known him?

Heather: He’s someone I met at work. He’s, um — he’s another lawyer. I had to figure out how to tell you. I needed to make sure you were in a better frame of mind.

Daniel: [ Exhales sharply ]

Heather: And phyllis assured me that was the case when she came to visit me in portugal. So, in a way, your mom helped me come to a decision that I know is right for us, and that is that now is the right time to make our separation permanent.

Phyllis: I thought you were in jail.

Jeremy: [ Chuckles ] I’ve got good lawyers. The charges were absurd. They didn’t stick. Circumstantial evidence and all that. Which was arranged by jack abbott and diane jenkins.

Phyllis: Why are you back here? What are you planning to do? So, you’re 45. I got this mountain bike for only $11. Dealdash.Com the fair and honest bidding site. This kitchenaid mixer sold for less than $26. This I-pad sold for less than $43. And this playstation 5 sold for less than a dollar. I won these bluetooth headphones for $20. I got these three suitcases for less than $40. And shipping is always free. Go to dealdash.Com right now and see how much you can save.

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Heather: Well, your mother wasn’t, uh, exaggerating at all. You’re — you’re definitely in a much better place these days.

Daniel: Yeah, I was.

Heather: You were in a terrifying downward spiral. I’m — I’m relieved that you’ve come out of that. You’re really, really starting to turn your life around.

Daniel: You know, the, um — the thing that got me to this better place…the one and only motivation I had behind everything that I’ve done… was the hope that it would bring you and lucy back.

Heather: Please don’t say that.

Daniel: But now you’re sitting here and you’re telling me that I’ve been replaced?

Heather: [ Exhales heavily ]

Daniel: It’s like whatever hope I had — it’s just gone. It’s dead, and… no. I refuse to believe that. Come on. You’re not in love with this guy. You can’t be, no way, not with some stranger that you barely know. I get it. You were hurt. You were in another country. You were trying to find your own way. Leaning on someone — it’s not the same as falling for them.

Heather: Love is love. There’s no timetable. And we had a really amazing journey, and it’s sad that it ended the way that it did, but it did. And what’s important now is that we’re both doing so much better. And we need to keep it up. And we really need to hang on to the good and let go of all the bad as we move on with our new lives.

Daniel: [ Groans lightly ]

Tucker: I don’t know if you’re planning on going back to paris right away, but if you are…don’T. Just give me a few days.

Ashley: For what? I mean, really, why? All you’ve been doing is stalling me with lies for months and months. And you keep telling me you changed, but you just play the same old games, right? I mean, even now you’re opening up to me. You’re supposed to be honest with me about how difficult everything is at mccall and all the — the massive debt that you’ve taken on, but it still feels that you’re just… doing what you do. You’re just working an angle, trying to get what you want.

Tucker: All I can do is promise you that that is not the case.

Ashley: Yeah, well, your promises are meaningless to me.

Tucker: Yeah, well, I don’t think you’d be standing here still if you weren’t looking for some glimmer of hope that I’m sincere about what I’m saying about us.

Ashley: There’s no us.

Tucker: Ashley, this is a turning point for me. And I understand you. I get why you won’t take me at my word. I have a proven track record of being…

Ashley: Yeah.

Tucker: …A self-centered opportunist…

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: …And unable to make a genuine commitment to you. I have been [Sighs]…Such a failure in my ability to put you at the center of my world and really treasure you like you deserve. It’s one of my few regrets in life, that I — I hurt you. But all I’m asking of you now is to give me the opportunity to show you that I mean what I am saying. I am willing to strip away everything to begin again with you.

Ashley: Look, I can’t make any promises, okay? About anything.

[ Door closes ]

Jeremy: I left some things behind when I was abruptly and wrongfully arrested and came back to collect them.

Phyllis: Well, I don’t think that’s the only reason you’re here. I think you’re here for revenge.

Jeremy: Why do I get a sense that you’re not afraid of me anymore?

Phyllis: Um…I think that, uh, you’re all bark and — and no bite.

Jeremy: [ Chuckles ] Trust me. I have plenty of both. But I’m also a good judge of character.

Phyllis: According to whom?

Jeremy: You know, when I look at you, phyllis, I, um — I see a woman who’s reached her breaking point. Dr. Z! We love your skincare videos.

Victoria: Thank you.

Nate: Elena’s chosen to be supportive about my new job. And in return, I’ve been making a conscious effort to not bring work home with me like I used to. I’ve, you know, parked the killer instinct at the door to keep the peace. Uh, speaking of which, there is, uh, a work matter I wanted to talk to you about.

Victoria: You know, I think it’s actually wise not sharing every detail of what happens at work with our significant others. It’s hard for other people to understand what we do and how we operate at this level in the corporate world.

Nate: True.

Victoria: So, um, are you two back on track after everything that went down at chancellor-winters? Or are you still trying to get back into her good graces?

Nate: Everything seems to be going pretty well with us. You know, starting the job at newman, um, getting some sort of routine going has calmed things down for us, helped us to communicate more effectively.

Victoria: Well, that makes sense.

Nate: Elena did have some reservations about, uh, me coming to work for you at first. She didn’t like the fact that i was being rewarded for making a move against my family. At least, that’s how she saw it.

Victoria: When, in actuality, you were being rewarded for being talented and driven.

Nate: Well, now that she sees how happy I am at newman, um, I believe she’s come to accept that.

Victoria: Good. I’m happy to hear that. Sounds like you’ve found your sweet spot in your work/life balance.

Nate: I wouldn’t go that far.

Ashley: [ Sighs ]

Allie: Ashley.

Ashley: [ Gasps ]

Allie: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.

Ashley: It’s okay.

Allie: Hi. How are you? How was paris?

Ashley: Well, you know, great. It’s good to see you.

Allie: Great to see you.

Ashley: Hi.

Allie: Hi. So, how long are you gonna be staying this time?

Ashley: Uh…you know, I’m really not sure now.

Allie: “Now”? What do you mean, “now”? Did something happen already that’s making you want to leave?

Tucker: You should know that I have created a business plan for the new venture — brand-new company, all ours, no ties to jabot, no ties to the abbotts, very grand in scale. Um, it would involve paris and would require my deep pockets to bankroll it. And you could invest however much you wish, of course. Be a dream come true for you.

Ashley: You think you know what my dreams are?

Tucker: I know you.

Ashley: Interesting.

Tucker: Mm-hmm.

Ashley: Sometimes I feel like, um, I know you. And then other times, I feel like I don’t know you at all.

Tucker: Yeah, you know me, better than anyone else ever has.

Tucker: This is the ashley that I remember so well — calm, cool, and collected one moment and then wild and fiery the next.

Ashley: Huh. Well, um, I’m glad that you find my torment humorous.

Tucker: No, don’t get me wrong. I’m — I’m sympathizing with you. You’re in an untenable situation with jack and diane. But, uh, this situation has seemed to awaken something in you that I love — your spark.

Ashley: Mm. It’s more than just a spark, though. It’s more like a wildfire.

Tucker: Mm. Of anger or excitement?

Ashley: Little bit of both.

Tucker: Mm-hmm. Yeah. And you know what else I love? You come here and you feel comfortable with me, you let your guard down and you allow yourself to be real and messy and complicated. There’s nothing sexier to me.

Ashley: Really?

Tucker: Mnh-mnh.

[ Glass thuds ]

Ashley: What are you gonna do about it?

[ Glass thuds ]

Tucker: That depends on you.

Tucker: [ Sighs ] Hmmm! Twix with cookie and cookie dough?

Phyllis: You don’t know anything about me.

Jeremy: [ Chuckles ] You took a risk of calling me and telling me where to find diane because you were that committed of getting that woman out of town. But your efforts have all been for naught. I mean, that’s got to be killing you.

Phyllis: Ohh.

Tucker: Well, this is a sight to behold. Jeremy stark. How are you?

Jeremy: How are you?

Tucker: So, you’re, uh — you’re out of the clink and back at the scene of the crime, huh?

Jeremy: [ Chuckles ] Tucker mccall, we finally meet face-to-face.

Tucker: Yeah.

Jeremy: That makes my return to genoa city worthwhile. And for the record, I was just telling, uh, phyllis here that there was a crime committed, but certainly not by me.

Tucker: Ah. I see. So, the ex-con’s good name has been besmirched. Hideous injustice.

Jeremy: You’re a funny guy.

Tucker: It’s interesting to see you two commiserating. Strange bedfellows. Although I think it does make a bit of cosmic sense.

Phyllis: Okay, I didn’t invite him over here.

Tucker: Uh-huh. Yeah, I know you. Whatever he was saying to you made a big impression.

[ Chuckles ] Anyway, nice to meet you.

Jeremy: Yeah. See you around.

Tucker: Have fun.

[ Clears throat ]

Phyllis: Um, if you’ll excuse me, the last person I want to be seen with is someone like you, okay?

Jeremy: Mm-hmm.

[ Clears throat ] I think jeremy’s right. We definitely have a lot to talk about since you and I have very similar interests.

Ashley: I am fine. [ Laughs ]

Allie: Really?

Ashley: I am. I just had a weird and disconcerting evening, but it’s all good. How are you doing? Let’s talk about you.

Allie: Okay. I’m doing great. Things are going really well at the lab. I’ve got this new position now, which I am super excited about. It’s way more creative, and I’ve got way more autonomy, which is awesome. And the best part of it is that it is, um — it’s full time. And it’s permanent. So, I’m very, very grateful for the opportunity. And I can tell that your eyes are glazing over, so…

Ashley: No!

Allie: …I’m just gonna zip it now.

Ashley: No! Please. I love your passion and your enthusiasm. You know that.

Allie: Um, I do have a tendency to gush at times, so please tell me to shut up when I need to.

Ashley: Never. Never. It’s your positive energy that makes you such a joy to be around.

Allie: Aww, ashley, that is a lovely compliment.

Ashley: It’s the truth. And don’t think that all the great things that are going on in the lab have gone unnoticed.

Allie: But it’s obvious that something is bothering you. I’m just saying.

Ashley: Really?

Allie: Yes!

Ashley: Okay. I have to work on my poker face, evidently.

Allie: Or you could just open up, right? I mean, we are family. And — I don’t know, I think everyone has a bad day here and there, so… I don’t want to overstep, but all I’m saying is that I’m a pretty good listener if you need someone to talk to you.

Ashley: You are so sweet.

Allie: Everything okay?

Ashley: Yes. Yes. This is something I have to handle on my own, but everything is okay. Okay? Thank you.

Daniel: You and this guy, um… if it’s that serious between the two of you, uh, I guess lucy knows him? And he’s cool? I mean, he’s good with her? No, of course he is, right? I mean, you wouldn’t be with him if he wasn’T. Does she like him?

Heather: She’s 13, daniel. Her whole life was uprooted. It was not easy for her to accept that there was another man in my life. None of this is easy. She misses her dad. I know it’s been devastating to her that things had gotten so broken between us that we were at a point of no return. But at the same time, she’s still feeling the aftereffects of all the turmoil that drove us away from you in the first place.

Daniel: Can you at least tell her that you saw firsthand… you know, that I’m doing a lot better than I was?

Heather: She’s right down the hall. You can tell her for yourself. I get bladder leaks.

“The young and the restless”

will continue. What’s the #1 retinol brand

[ Knock on door ]

Lucy: Hey.

Daniel: Hey. Wow, have I ever missed you. Come on in, please. You know, um, I’m really, really glad you came so I could see you in person…and, you know, just tell you how sorry I am for all the pain and all the heartache and all the confusion that i caused you. I mean, you’re probably wondering if I’ve, uh, shaped up, you know, if things are any different, and… I don’t blame you… not after everything I put you through.

Lucy: I couldn’t understand what was going on with you back in savannah, why everything changed. You became this totally different person.

Daniel: I know.

Lucy: You spent less and less time at home. We hardly ever saw you. It’s like you were mad at the world all the time. And when you did show up, you took it out on us.

Heather: Okay.

Lucy: You went from being the most amazing dad to — to someone I don’t even recognize anymore.

Daniel: You’re right. And you know what? I hate the person that I turned into. And I know it’s not an excuse, but, you know, things, they — they weren’t going well in my professional career, and I let all my own pain and all my own frustration take over. It started to cloud everything that I did, you know, how i treated the people that I cared about the most in this world. That’s what eats at me the most, you know, that I pushed you away. And I am so, so sorry for that, sweetheart. And I know that those words — they don’t mean anything unless I’ve got my act together and I’ve changed — and I have. I’m not that person anymore. That’s what I want you to know. And I made those changes because I couldn’t stand the thought of not having you in my life.

Lucy: [ Exhales sharply ] You do seem more like you were before.

Ashley: So, what’s going on with you? What sparked your creativity down in the lab?

Allie: Oh, my gosh. So many things. Oh, where do I start? Um…oh, my gosh, I have been working on the new image processing algorithms for skin and makeup analysis. And, let me tell you, it’s been going fantastically. As the saying goes, “life isn’t perfect…”

Ashley: “But your makeup can be.”

Allie: That’s right.

[ Laughs ] I am absolutely fascinated by how we can use mathematics to find the perfect product for any individual.

Ashley: Yeah, it’s definitely the future of our industry, right? You got cosmetics, you got fragrance, you’ve got skin care.

Allie: Medicine, too.

Ashley: Exactly.

Allie: Yeah.

Ashley: Exactly. And, actually, it’s gonna revolutionize our approach to our anti-aging products.

Allie: Absolutely. And you know what the best part is? Someone has to go in and make the product in the lab.

Ashley: That’s us!

Allie: That’s us!

[ Laughs ] So, uh, lately, I have been experimenting with essential oils and botanicals. And, um, last week there was a little bit of a product instability.

Ashley: Oh, no. What blew up?

Allie: How’d you know?

Ashley: Wait, what?

Allie: Oh, right! Of course. Dumb question.

Ashley: I’ve definitely had my fair share of r&d mishaps. I mean, you know what they say, right? I mean, it takes a lot of eggs to make an omelet.

Allie: Yeah. Well, the problem occurs when that egg ends up on the ceiling instead of the floor.

Ashley: I know!

Allie: You know what I think the thrilling part about chemical reactions that no layman can understand?

Ashley: What?

Allie: They waiver between the stable and unstable, and it’s up to us chemists to find the balance, right?

Ashley: Yeah.

Allie: Initially, each element is fighting for control, and then once dominance is established, something stable, effective, and even beautiful can be created.

Ashley: Yeah. You know what’s also kind of interesting? That — that applies to interpersonal relationships, too — you know what I mean? — Like in the real world because, I mean, a battle of wills is just — you know, it’s just a fight for dominance, right? And once dominance is established definitively, then so is stability, and therefore, things should go more smoothly.

Allie: You’re talking about business, right, ashley? Because I think personal relationships should be equal, like a partnership.

Ashley: Oh, yeah. I mean, in the perfect world, sure, there’s no place for dominance in, uh, interpersonal relationships, true. Thank you.

Allie: For what?

Ashley: I think you just gave me a really interesting idea.

Victoria: Oh, no. So, you and elena are a little out of sync.

Nate: Yeah, that’s a good way of putting it. We have such different hours. We’re like two ships passing in the night.

Victoria: I understand how hard that can be. I know how committed you are to your role at newman media. And you continue to — to make me feel like I was very smart for bringing you on board. Even my father’s noticed.

Nate: Oh, really?

Victoria: Yes. He remarked about your ability to read situations from various angles before making a decision.

Nate: Well, I wouldn’t have been much of a diagnostician if I couldn’t do that.

[ Chuckles ]

Victoria: Well, that skill set from all of your years in medicine has transferred beautifully into the business world. Not only are you prudent, but you’re also very open-minded, which are two things we value very much in our leadership team.

Nate: Well, that’s very flattering.

Victoria: Oh, I’m just stating the facts. That’s why I wanted you in the room when my father and michael and I were discussing our strategy for taking over mccall unlimited.

Nate: Uh, which brings me back to the work matter I wanted to talk to you about — deploying audra to gather intel about tucker and his plans.

Victoria: You know what i love so much? You’re already thinking of ways to exploit her relationship with him to our advantage.

Nate: Well, it turns out she met with him again.

Tucker: Hi. Sorry for interrupting.

Victoria: Oh, no, you’re not. Nate and I are — we’re just having a drink while he waits for his food, which — oh, it’s here.

Nate: So it is.

Victoria: I hope that we’ll be able to continue this conversation.

Nate: Me too. Good night, victoria.

Victoria: Good night.

Tucker: Uh, your assistant told me I might find you here.

Victoria: Oh, I see. Well, now you have. So, what can I do for you?

Tucker: I have something I’d like to discuss with you.

Victoria: I’m sorry. I don’t really have time. I have to get home to my kids.

Tucker: No, you’re — you’re definitely gonna want to hear this. (Vo) red lobster’s finer points of fun dining:

Daniel: Um…I’m not sure if you heard about my new job?

Heather: I told lucy you’re making a new video game.

Lucy: So, you’re not doing art anymore?

Daniel: You know, there’s still art involved. Animation design. But, uh, this is [Sighs] — This is so much bigger than anything I’ve ever taken on before. Do you remember that video game that we used to play when you were younger, the one where you had to bring light into the darkness?

Lucy: Sure. I mean, we played it enough.

Daniel: Well, you know, I was in a really dark place when something made me start playing it again. I don’t know. Maybe — maybe it was just to try and remember happier times. You know, that’s what gave me the idea to create this game, a game that was fun, but also had a higher goal, a deeper goal and purpose. And I threw myself into it. I did. I mean, that was the start of me turning everything around… because it gave me a new goal and purpose. And now, um — well, if everything keeps going the way it is, it looks like it’s — it’s actually gonna become a reality. Um, here. Look — these are some of my preliminary sketches. It’s called “finding princess louisa.”

Lucy: That’s what it’s called?

Daniel: Mm-hmm. What do you think?

Lucy: Louisa — she looks just like me.

Daniel: Well, she is you. You’re my princess.

Nate: It was such a trip being pulled into a high-level meeting with victor and victoria like that. It’s the first time since leaving medicine for the corporate realm that I felt like a real player.

Elena: Sounds exciting.

Nate: Like, you have no clue. It was such an adrenaline rush. And I’m not just talking about the thrill of working with heavyweights like the newmans. It’s that they genuinely want to hear my ideas and have no problem acknowledging when they’re good. Elena, it feels amazing to be valued for my contributions instead of being shot down all the time. You want some more wine?

Elena: No, I’m good. I’m already restless.

Nate: It’s incredibly validating. You know, michael baldwin didn’t want to loop me in at first, but victoria made it known that she wanted to hear my thoughts on the ideas at hand.

Elena: Which was what again?

Nate: Uh, it, uh, concerns a potential acquisition, which type of approach makes the most sense.

Elena: I see.

Nate: Wow. Look at me, talking your ear off. I am so sorry about that. How was your day?

Elena: It was exhausting and way too long.

Nate: Mm. Yes, I know how that goes.

Elena: Yeah. I think I need a break. I think I need some uninterrupted downtime. You know, go someplace where i don’t even have to think about memorial at least for a week, maybe two. I remember you talked about us going on a vacation. Well, I am certainly ready. Let’s do it.

Nate: We will. Soon.

Elena: How soon?

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: I don’t care to be analyzed by you.

Jeremy: Mm. The resentment is rolling off in waves. But it’s not directed at me, not really.

Phyllis: Who should I direct it at?

Jeremy: Well, our mutual friend, of course. Diane brings out the worst in people.

Phyllis: What’s your point?

Jeremy: Maybe we should, uh, talk about this out of the public eye. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.

Phyllis: Okay, I don’t think so.

Jeremy: Figure out a way that we could help each other.

Phyllis: No.

Jeremy: Yes.

Phyllis: No.

Jeremy: Why not?

Phyllis: Because people who get involved with you regret it.

Jeremy: Not everyone. Not people like you.

Phyllis: What is that supposed to mean? Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition.

Jeremy: I don’t know why you’re protesting so much, as if getting on board with my plan would be crossing some sort of moral boundary for you. Diane is going down, period. And I will accomplish what you and your cronies haven’t been able to pull off, guaranteed.

Phyllis: Guaranteed? Are you so sure you could do that?

Jeremy: Diane is a problem that requires a professional’s expertise. Now, you can share in the satisfaction of watching her go down, or you can watch from the sidelines. Call me if it’s the former.

Lucy: Good luck with your video game.

Daniel: Thanks.

Heather: Well, we should, uh, probably get back to the suite. I’m sure with the time change you’re probably tired.

Daniel: How long are you staying?

Heather: Long enough so that we can see my dad and christine. And then lucy’s got to get back to school, and I have a litigation coming up.

Daniel: Can I buy you breakfast in the morning?

Lucy: Sure.

Daniel: Great.

Heather: Okay. That’s a plan. But right now, we should go get organized and get some good sleep.

Daniel: I’ll see you tomorrow.

Lucy: See you tomorrow.

Nate: Elena, you have my word. We will take that vacation. Just not right now. Look, I am still new to the job, and it feels like the wrong time for me to even take a few days off.

Elena: Nate, I’m not the one who mentioned going on this trip. So, are you just saying all this to appease me?

Nate: No, not at all. There’s just so much going on right now.

Elena: Yeah, it’s a global corporation. There’s always gonna be a lot going on. I’m just trying to get an idea of when would be a good time. You know I have to plan it. I think you remember how much advance notice it takes for me to actually get someone to cover my shifts in the E.R.

Nate: Elena, to be honest…

Elena: [ Sighs ]

Nate: …It’s a little hard —

Elena: Never mind. I’m gonna take a shower and go to bed.

Victoria: Well, I can’t imagine that you’d have anything to say that I’d be remotely interested in.

Tucker: I am ready to get out of the game.

Victoria: Meaning what?

Tucker: Meaning I want to sell mccall unlimited.

Victoria: Sell?

Tucker: Mm-hmm. All of it, every division on every continent.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Phyllis: Hey, there you are, pretty girl.

Summer: Welcome back!

Phyllis: Ooh!

Summer: Ohh! That is quite the hug!

Phyllis: Yeah, well, I’m glad that there is one child of mine that doesn’t hate me.

Summer: Oh. Guess I don’t have to ask how your trip to portugal was.

Phyllis: Ugh. Well, my trip was great. It was great. It was the homecoming that had a lot to be desired.

Summer: Okay, so, why are we having champagne?

Phyllis: Ohh, we are going to toast the amazing idea that you come up with to talk some sense into your brother before he does something else that he’ll deeply, deeply regret.

Daniel: Heather. I-I can’t believe you’re really here.

Heather: I’m sorry I didn’t let you know that I was coming.

Daniel: It’s okay. It — no, it’s okay.

[ Door closes ]

Heather: I wasn’t actually certain that I would do it until I was here. I told the front desk clerk that I was your wife so that she would let me stay here and wait for you. I hope that was okay.

Daniel: Yeah, of course. Um… it’s really, really good to see you.

Heather: Good to see.

Daniel: Yeah. Good to see you.

[ Lock rattling ]

Jack: [ Laughs ] I got it.

Diane: Ah!

Jack: Oh, you got it!

Diane: I will get the hang of the lock eventually. Mwah!

Jack: Welcome home.

Diane: Wow.

Jack: I got the luggage.

Diane: Thank you.

[ Door closes ]

Jack: Hey. You alright?

Diane: Uh…yeah. It just feels so good to hear you say those words.

Jack: Feels good to have you here.

Diane: Aww.

Jack: Come on in.

Diane: Wow, this, uh — this feels like a dream. I can hardly believe it.

Jack: I was worried you’d had second thoughts and decided it was too soon to move in.

Diane: No, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.

Jack: Oh, I’ve never been so happy to be stuck.

Diane: [ Laughs ]

Jack: Offer you some wine?

Diane: Oh. Please.

Jack: Good.

Diane: So, is this what it’s like to be your new roommate, coming home after a long day at the office, curling up on the couch, unwinding?

Jack: Whatever you like. This is your home now, too.

Diane: Then I know what we should toast to.

Jack: What?

Diane: To you, to me, to the future, and to coming home again.

[ Keys jangle, lock disengages ]

[ Door opens ]

Kyle: Hey. Hi, mom.

Diane: Come on in.

Kyle: I don’t wanna interrupt.

Diane: You’re not.

[ Keys clatter ] How’s it going?

Kyle: Not great. Summer and I got into a big fight.

Diane: I’m so sorry.

Kyle: And I don’t know how i will ever get her to forgive me.

Jack: Perhaps your partner, victor, will have some good advice for you.

Tucker: I apologize in advance for this cheap cabernet, but I was under the impression you were enjoying all your wine…

Ashley: Thanks.

Tucker: …In a parisian cafe these days.

Ashley: I just got back.

Tucker: So, is that why you texted me not to come to paris — ’cause you were coming to see me?

Ashley: Don’t flatter yourself.

Tucker: [ Laughs ] Old habits.

Ashley: You’re full of those, aren’t you?

Tucker: Yeah. And you’re the worst. Habit, I mean.

Ashley: Mm. So I’ve heard.

Tucker: [ Sighs ] I have a question.

Ashley: Try me.

Tucker: As much as I’d like to sit and drink wine and trade barbs and witticisms with you all night, uh, I can’t help but wonder what the hell you’re doing here. #1 isn’t a status earned overnight.

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Ashley: I’m here for a very simple reason, actually. I just was hoping you’d explain the voicemail you left for me, where you said you had to come clean about something and you were willing to fly to paris to explain it to me in person. Remember that?

Tucker: I do. Uh, but why are you suddenly amenable to listening? What sparked your interest? Are you just curious, or is it something more intimate?

Ashley: Please don’t read anything more into this.

Tucker: All it took was one look in your eyes when you walked into the room. I could tell something was amiss.

Ashley: Okay, well, if I’m in any kind of a mood at all, it’s because of my brother and diane.

Tucker: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. What happened now?

Ashley: I really don’t want to get into it again. Please.

Tucker: What would you like to get into? ‘Cause, as I recall, the last time you had a blowout with jack, things got pretty heated between you and me.

Kyle: I had things under control. I kept jabot safe.

Jack: You trusted the fox to watch the henhouse, kyle. How is that keeping things safe? Have I taught you nothing? And what is the next step in victor’s big plan? What are you supposed to stay tuned for, as he said in his text to you?

Kyle: I have no idea. But adam left on his own free will, so I doubt victor will want anything else. His only goal was to get adam fired. He is gone. So, if victor makes any more requests, I will turn him down.

Jack: Unless he offers you a textile mill or something else.

Kyle: Cut me a break, dad.

Jack: You lied to me, kyle. You went against my wishes. You put the company in jeopardy.

Kyle: I’m sorry.

Jack: I told you I had the adam thing under control. I told you I understood what was going on. But you knew better. You turned to victor instead of your own father.

Summer: I’m assuming the thing that you mean when you said something else daniel will deeply regret is, um, him firing you?

Phyllis: Oh, do you know about that?

Summer: Yeah, he told me.

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, he’s in a bad way. And, you know, when he gets like this, there’s no reasoning with him.

Summer: He’s a grown man. He’s capable of making his own decisions.

Phyllis: Well, he’s actually not. That’s why I’m helping him. I keep on throwing life preservers overboard, and he’s not catching them. He needs saving.

Summer: That’s what you think you’re doing?

Phyllis: Of course I am.

Summer: That’s why you went to portugal and ambushed heather and lucy after I warned you what an insane idea it was?

Phyllis: Okay. Okay. You know, that was an act of love. That came from maternal instinct. And honestly, he’s taken out his anger that he has with heather on me because he knows I will always love him, I will always protect him.

Summer: Are you sure it’s not because you — you went behind his back, mom?

Phyllis: Um, I don’t know why you’re asking these questions. I’m not the villain here. I’m not. And frankly, my feelings are hurt. I’m hurting.

Summer: I’m really sorry that you’re hurting. But you were warned.

Phyllis: What are you doing?

Summer: I was gonna have some champagne.

Phyllis: No. No, that champagne is for someone who wants to help me, not someone who wants to say “I told you so.”

Summer: [ Scoffs ]

Phyllis: Drink your water.

Summer: Bottom line, mom, you were wrong for getting involved without discussing it with daniel.

Phyllis: Well, I was helping him out.

Summer: It’s his life!

Phyllis: No, I don’t — i don’t agree with you. I was helping him.

Summer: You know what? Daniel had his own plan for patching things up with heather in his own time, in his own way, and your helpful little trip just might have wrecked that. Hey… it’s me! Your dry skin!

Daniel: Um…how’s lucy? Where is she?

Heather: She’s great. I just — I felt that we should talk privately.

Daniel: Sure. Okay. Um…yeah. No need to pull her out of school, right? Why don’t we, um — why don’t we talk about it over dinner? The restaurant downstairs is fantastic. I’ll call them. We’ll see if the chef can whip us up —

Heather: Daniel, stop.

Daniel: What’s wrong?

Heather: We need to talk.

Daniel: Why do I get the feeling that this, uh, isn’t gonna be an easy conversation?

Phyllis: You know what? I refuse to take the blame of wrecking daniel’s plan, whatever it was, to save his family. If I did anything, I pushed it in the right direction.

Summer: It should have been daniel’s choice whether or when he reached out to heather.

Phyllis: No. He can’t make the choice, summer. He’s stressed out, okay? And people do really, really weird things when they’re stressed out.

Summer: You know, you’ve been under a lot of stress lately, mom.

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I am, actually. Two kids, two firings, zero attempts to see my point of view.

Summer: This isn’t about your point of view. What I’m trying to say is that this last-minute trip to portugal — that was a knee-jerk reaction to what daniel did to you.

Phyllis: What — what is this? Summer, what’s happened to us? We used to be so close. You used to always see my point of view — or at least try to. What is going on? What have I done to make my kids hate me?

Summer: We don’t hate you. We love you more than anything in the entire world. But if something is broken in our lives, let us do the fixing, if we choose to.

Phyllis: Okay. Okay. Listen. Um [Chuckles] You — you sound like daniel. I mean, you guys are speaking from the same mouth now. What — what — what else do you guys share?

Summer: Actually, I didn’t share with him what your plan was, and it was a huge mistake. If I hadn’t have listened to you, maybe this whole mess could have been avoided entirely.

Kyle: I truly believed I had everything under control. I’m sorry I didn’t think it through. I should have known victor wasn’t a trustworthy partner. It was a mistake.

Jack: Why couldn’t you just trust me?

Kyle: I do.

Jack: I guess the big question now is, can I trust you? I need some air.

Kyle: Dad, wait.

Jack: I will be back.

Kyle: Are you gonna pile on now, too, or can you see that some good has come of this? Adam is gone. Jabot is better without him.

Diane: You’re not expecting me to take sides, are you? Because I can see both points of view.

Kyle: That’s an easy way out.

Diane: No. It’s the truth. Jack hates that you did victor’s bidding because of the rocky history they share.

Kyle: I wasn’t thinking about how it would look. I was just going to do the job, get adam fired, and be done. I didn’t take our history into account.

Diane: Well, no matter how civil jack and victor appear to be, there will always be this fierce antagonism just beneath the surface. So, for you to do this now…

Kyle: You think he’ll ever forgive me?

Diane: [ Chuckles ] Yes. Just give it time. He’ll appreciate your remorse. Kyle, I am living proof that jack is a forgiving kind of guy.

Kyle: I guess you are.

Diane: Yeah.

Kyle: Somebody heading out of town?

Diane: Those are mine. Uh, further evidence of your father’s powers of forgiveness. He asked me to move in.

Ashley: Tucker, I hope you’re not expecting a repeat performance of what happened last time I was here.

Tucker: You should see what i could do for an encore.

[ Chuckles ]

Ashley: [ Chuckles ] I was understandably upset the last time I saw you before i took off for paris. But then I had some time to realize that your explanation was missing a few pieces.

Tucker: Alright. What do you want to know?

Ashley: I want to knour actions regarding jabot.

Tucker: I never made any move on jabot or against you.

Ashley: You wanted to. And you would have if you’d been given a chance.

Tucker: No. That is not true. But I do want to apologize for lying to you about any of it. That was demeaning — to us both, really. Um…

[ Sighs ] And here I am trying to turn over a new leaf, so I do want to be totally transparent with you.

Ashley: Start talking.

Tucker: I am in some deep water financially, um, deeper than I wanted to admit to anyone, including myself. I get bladder leaks. and I’m going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. With original medicare, you’re covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you have to meet a deductible for each, and then you’re still responsible for 20% of the cost. Next, let’s look at a medicare supplement plan. As you can see, they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover your medicare deductibles and coinsurance. But they often have higher monthly premiums, and no prescription drug coverage. Now, let’s take a look at humana’s medicare advantage plans. With a humana medicare advantage plan, hospital stays, doctor office visits, and your original medicare deductibles are covered. And, of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage with no copays or deductibles on tier 1 prescriptions. And zero dollars for routine vaccines, including shingles, at in-network retail pharmacies. Most humana medicare advantage plans have coverage for vision and hearing. And dental coverage that includes two free cleanings a year, plus dentures, crowns, fillings and more! And most plans include a silversneakers fitness program at no extra cost. You get all of this for as low as a zero-dollar monthly plan premium in many areas. And your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana’s large network. There is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network, fto find out if you could save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. Humana, a more human way to healthcare. Unless you treat dandruff regularly,

Phyllis: Okay. You know what I realized? Here you go. That I have raised two little pessimists. Yeah. Pessimists. And for that, I apologize to the world, to you, to your brother.

Summer: Oh, mom, stop being so melodramatic.

Phyllis: I’m not. I’m not exaggerating. You’re both negative nellies, doomsayers. Hey, chicken little, the sky’s not falling.

Summer: Oh, you hope it’s not.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Let me tell you something, okay? I went to heather ’cause i needed to enlighten her about the man that your brother has become and enlighten her about the gaming platform that’s gonna change the world, okay? And when she realizes, “hey, this is the man I once knew,” and she takes him back, I’d like an apology from you and your brother.

Summer: All we want is for you to stop trying to control other people’s lives, especially when you can’t even control your own.

Phyllis: [ Sighs heavily ] This is motherhood. You’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’T. It is hell, okay? Prepare yourself. It’s coming for you. Prepare yourself. We’ll have a talk when you go through something like this, okay? I walk through fire for you. I will move mountains for you. I will lay down my life for you and your brother…always. But I am tired of this. I am tired of being the villain. I am tired of being made out to be the devil.

[ Sighs ] Share that with your brother.

Summer: Mom!

Kyle: This is all happening so fast. It seems like you just announced you’re back together, and now…

Diane: So, think of it as the second installment of that jaw-droppingly good news.

Kyle: A real one-two punch.

Diane: Yeah. Well, it’s not entirely new territory for me and jack. We did live together when we were engaged.

Kyle: Yeah, and we all know how that turned out.

Diane: Kyle, we’re different people now. We’ve grown and changed. And as jack said to me, why postpone the inevitable? And as far as this happening too fast, it’s — it’s actually been decades in the making.

Kyle: I guess you could look at it that way.

Diane: And as an added bonus, I — I get to be closer to you and harrison.

Kyle: Harrison will love waking up to you every morning.

Diane: I can’t wait.

Kyle: This is going to send him over the moon with happiness.

Diane: So, what about you?

Tucker: My debt was growing exponentially, um, and while i found some peace at the ashram, I lost all business traction while I was there and I allowed decisions to be made by people who did not have the company’s best interests at heart.

Ashley: I guess you can’t trust anybody these days, huh?

Tucker: Yeah. And then there was the car wreck which took me even farther away from work, and I ended up having to leverage entire divisions to save others. And in the end, it all went under. And by the time I got back, the whole empire was a house of cards, really.

Ashley: So, what did you do?

Tucker: I took out massive loans. I sold off divisions and assets just to make up for my losses. But I couldn’t turn the company around fast enough to keep up with the growing debt, so i figured I could use a couple of whales around to generate some revenue, you know?

Ashley: Ah, so that’s where jabot and chancellor-winters came into play.

Tucker: Yeah. Couple powerhouses that i figured I could acquire without laying out too much capital.

Ashley: Sure. I mean, all you had to do was manipulate the two people that you claim to love.

Tucker: No. No. The truth is, I just wanted to start something with you and devon, not — not chew up your companies to keep mine afloat.

Ashley: No, the truth is, you were willing to risk jabot and chancellor-winters being brought down with mccall and devon and i would go along for the ride. So, can you see how your honesty just rings a little hollow right now? Do you see?

Tucker: Well, it isn’T.

Ashley: Yeah? Then why did you offer to fund a company for me, tucker? Clearly, you didn’t have the money to back it up. (Vo) the shape that stole your heart

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Daniel: First thing on the agenda should be me apologizing for my mother.

Heather: No, there’s no need.

Daniel: I had no idea that she was gonna ambush you like that. I mean, if I did, believe me, i would have hidden her passport and alerted the embassy.

Heather: Well, it was, uh, quite a surprise.

Daniel: I didn’t put her up to that, either. I didn’t even know she was gone until after she left. I’m sorry.

Heather: Daniel, she couldn’t stop talking about how proud she is of you for starting this new gaming project, that it’s helping you turn your life around.

Daniel: I’m sorry she subjected you to that.

Heather: I thought it was sweet, actually. You can tell how much she loves you, how much she believes in you.

Daniel: She is my biggest fan.

Heather: I was really happy to hear how well you’ve been doing. I mean, I don’t know, but it seems like maybe this new venture has reinvigorated you.

Daniel: Yeah. It’s, um… it’s been a healing journey.

Heather: And now seeing you here in person, I can tell something seems different, happier, focused. You look good, daniel. You look really good.

Phyllis: Oh, great. What did I do to deserve this?

Jack: Perfect. Hi, phyllis.

Phyllis: Jack. Yeah. That is my name, by the way. Don’t wear it out.

Jack: Bad day?

Phyllis: What made you think that?

Jack: There might be something in the water.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Before you go on with all of your insight about how to deal with my daughter, I want you to know that I am emancipating myself from summer and all of her issues — and throw my son into the mix. I’m cutting the apron strings. What?

Jack: I’m trying to picture you in an apron.

Phyllis: I’ve worn an apron before.

Jack: I find that kind of hard to believe.

Phyllis: I’ve baked once or twice.

Jack: I mean, I find it hard to believe that you are cutting yourself out of your children’s lives.

Phyllis: Oh, I am. You can only try so hard before people start letting you down in the meanest, cruelest way. And before you start up on me, saying, “phyllis, you must have done something,” “um, phyllis, what did you do to deserve this, you reap what you sow –”

Jack: No, you ain’t gonna hear that from me.

Phyllis: I beg your pardon?

Jack: None of those responses apply. I know exactly how you feel.

Kyle: You’ve both made your decision. It’s a little late to cast my ballot on the matter.

Daniel: I do care about your opinion.

Kyle: Like you said, you’ve been down this road before. You don’t need my blessing.

Diane: Alright, maybe that’s too much to ask for. But I would like to know that you’re okay with it.

[ Door opens ]

Summer: [ Sighs ]

[ Keys clatter ] I probably don’t even want to know, but I guess I’ll ask anyway. What else went wrong today?

Diane: Absolutely nothing. I think it’s great news, actually.

Summer: Is it?

Tucker: Okay, ashley.

[ Chuckles ] I would do anything for you. If you had said to me, “yes, tucker, I would like you to build me a company that I can run,” I would have made it happen.

Ashley: With what money?

Tucker: I don’t know. I would have found it, even if it meant selling off more of mccall.

Ashley: Okay, that’s the rom-com version. In the real world, where I live, you were hoping I would love your idea so much that I would invest my own cash. That’s what you were hoping for, isn’t it?

Tucker: Yeah, I understand why you would assume that. It is not the truth. The truth is, I would sell it all to make your dreams come true. How can I convince you of this?

Ashley: You can’t — because it wasn’t my dream, tucker. It was yours. You’re working really hard to make me believe it was what i wanted.

Tucker: And yet here you are. So you must have thought you you’d get something out of this conversation. What is it?

Ashley: Please stop fooling yourself.

Tucker: Oh, god. If you’re just gonna sit here and not believe a word I say… what are you doing here? Why this face-to-face? Yeah. You know. You know what it’s like whenever we’re in the same room together, we’re…

Ashley: Come on.

Tucker: …In the same zip code. No “come on.” You feel the energy. You feel the connection right now. And that passion — that does not go away between us, even when we’re arguing. Your heart is the beat of life.

Ashley: Nope. Nothing there. No irresistible pull, no passion whatsoever. In fact, I’m starting to wonder what I ever saw in you to begin with.

[ Sighs ]

Tucker: You just cannot be honest with yourself, can you? When you left here on your way to paris, your feelings for me had been reawakened, period.

Ashley: That was a momentary lapse in my sanity, from which I’ve completely recovered. So, what’s next? Are you sticking around genoa city, or what? Hmm?

Tucker: I don’t know. Man plans, god laughs.

Ashley: Oh, lots of platitudes today. What are you gonna do?

Tucker: I don’t know. Your guess is better than mine. I’m running out of options, though. Victor newman has somehow got word of my financial situation, and he’s planning to buy my debt to use as leverage to take over my company.

Ashley: Wow. That makes sense.

Tucker: Hmm.

Ashley: I can see victoria and her crew trying to pull something off like that. Why aren’t you more rattled? Aren’t you afraid of losing it all?

Tucker: Maybe it’s time for it to happen. You know, I came back to town with this dream of mine to [Clears throat] Work with my son and the love of my life to create this kind of family triumvirate. And when that dream proved unattainable and you went off to paris, I realized the only part of that plan that really mattered to me was the people involved. So…

[Sighs] My karma is catching up to me.

[ Sighs ]

Ashley: [ Sighs ]

Jack: I won’t get into the details, but rest assured, you are preaching to the choir.

Phyllis: Oh.

Jack: I, too, have been deeply disappointed in someone I trusted, someone who means the world to me, someone who has no business lying to me after everything I’ve done for them.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. Are you talking about who i think you’re talking about? Oh, jack, I am so glad you finally have seen the light about diane. I mean, she must have had to do something horrific for this to finally sink in.

Jack: I’m not talking about diane.

Phyllis: I-I thought —

Jack: She is not the one who let me down. Kyle is. Diane and I are fine.

Phyllis: What? I didn’t realize.

Jack: You know what? This is my fault for even opening up to you in the first place. You truly are your own worst enemy.

[ Gulps, slams glass onto bar ]

Kyle: My mother’s moving in.

Diane: [ Chuckles ] I know it must seem sudden and a bit of a shock, but jack invited me and I couldn’t say no.

Kyle: Summer?

Summer: Okay.

[ Footsteps departing ]

Kyle: Where are you going?

Summer: To check on harrison.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Diane: [ Sighs ] Well, that didn’t go very well. What can I do?

Kyle: You’ll have to figure that out on your own. I have something more important I need to do — work things out with my wife.

Daniel: I think the journeys that we take alone are the toughest. Yes, ’cause you have to do it all. You have to carry all the baggage, you have to make all the plans. Sometimes you get off track, and, um, well, you have to go where no man has gone before. But you learn a lot about yourself. You get a lot of time to think. You know what I thought about? I thought about the people who love me, the ones that I’m supposed to protect and cherish. What I did to you and lucy was inexcusable. And I know it doesn’t mean much for me to say that I’m getting back on track. I actually have to show it, and I have to do it for myself, and I can’t just do it for the two of you, in order for it to be real and to actually matter. Hey. Hey.

Heather: [ Sniffles, sighs ]

Daniel: It’s gonna be alright. Look, I-I fixed my glitch. If I can do that, I mean, anything is possible. You know? We got this.

Heather: Hmm. I…

Daniel: What’s wrong?

Heather: [ Inhales deeply ] I’ve met someone. Want luxury hair repair that doesn’t cost $50?

Daniel: What did you say? I mean, it sounded like you said that you met someone, but I-I-I must have misunderstood.

Heather: I’m so sorry that this is hurting you. I-I just didn’t see how things could get back to the way that they were before.

[ Inhales deeply ] No matter how amazing a career you’re building, the wounds were just really deep and they left lasting scars.

Daniel: Um, look, I know that I hurt you and lucy, and I hate myself for that. But don’t we deserve another chance?

Heather: Even if I can forgive you, how do I forget? Look, I’m, um — I’m happy for you. I-I only want good things for you. I want the best for you, truly. And I really hope that you feel the same way for me, too.

Daniel: What are you talking about? I love you. I love you.

Heather: Right, right, but I moved on because I had to. So, um, yes, I-I did meet someone, and — and, uh, um, we fell in love. And if you’re honest with yourself, daniel, you’re gonna look at this fresh start you’ve launched all by yourself, and you’re gonna realize that it’s best for you if you moved on, too.

Ashley: I’m not sure if I believe in karma, but I absolutely don’t believe that you’re gonna walk away without a fight. What happened to tucker mccall would take on his most difficult enemies with his hand tied behind his back, with all sorts of hidden agendas and strategies tucked up his sleeve?

Tucker: You liked him, huh?

Ashley: He had his moments.

Tucker: Hmm. Well, they say change is good. Adapt or die. Right? Ask the dinosaurs.

[ Sighs ]

Ashley: Just gonna let it go?

Tucker: [ Sighs ] As the buddha said, love with an open hand. Letting go is the definition of freedom. And if I’m ever going to be truly free, I got to stop clinging to things. If I hadn’t spent any time at that ashram, I’d still be spending every day, every night in pursuit of the almighty dollar… and revenge.

Ashley: So, what now?

Tucker: [ Sighs ]

Now, I would…

[ Chuckles ] I would let it all go… if it meant spending the rest of my days with you.

Ashley: [ Sighs ]

Ashley: I mean, [Chuckles] You’re just relentless.

Tucker: Yeah. And you are endlessly alluring. So…

Ashley: Okay…

Tucker: [ Sighs ]

Ashley: …Given everything you’ve done now, all of your lies and your — your shenanigans, all of it, I mean, how can you even hold on to a shred of hope?

Tucker: I don’t know, ashley. Maybe it’s because I love you! In perpetuity… immutably, abidingly. Apparently not even karma can change that.

Diane: Oh, I was just trying to call you.

[ Door slams ]

[ Sighs ] Aww.

Jack: I’m sorry I left so abruptly. I’m sorry for the timing of all this. We should be celebrating your move right now.

Diane: Oh, we can do that anytime. I was worried about you. And to make matters worse, I think I complicated things even more.

Jack: How

Diane: Well, kyle saw my luggage, and I couldn’t exactly lie to him.

Jack: And how did he take the news?

Diane: Um, he wasn’t exactly thrilled, but he wasn’t against it. When I asked him how he was feeling, he was rather diplomatic.

Jack: Well, don’t take his evasiveness personally. He’s got other things to worry about right now.

Diane: Yes, and when Summer came in, he shared the news with her, so — I don’t know — I can take that as a positive sign?

Jack: Kyle will come around to accepting this, I promise.

Diane: I don’t want just acceptance. I want him to embrace it. I want him to be happy for us, and hopeful.

Jack. It will happen. Give it time. Nothing is in our way now.

Diane: Mmm.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Jeremy: Looks like you could use a friend.

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B&B Transcript Friday, February 17, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Steffy: Your bedroom is ready, douglas.

Douglas: Awesome. Thanks, aunt steffy.

Steffy: Of course.

Hope: It’s just temporary and I have to respect his choice. Please, steffy. Take care of my son. I should probably text thomas. Let him know that douglas is here organizing his room.

Steffy: His room for now. This will be temporary.

Hope: I keep trying to remind myself but um, he wants to live here with you.

Steffy: Stop, you know, douglas doesn’t think that. Yeah, he likes it here, it’s fun. Honestly, I think he felt that this was an easier option rather than choosing you or thomas. Soon, he’s gonna realize that this isn’t his home.

Hope: I’m just trying to hold it all together. I don’t want him to see me–

Steffy: Hey. You’re doing great. Thank you for loving my nephew the way that you do. Being his protector and mother. And I hope you find some comfort in knowing that I will protect him too, fiercely.

Hope: Even if that means watching out for thomas?

Steffy: I promise. While douglas is here, I will be very cautious of my brother.

Thomas: It is happening as we speak.

Eric: The big move.

Thomas: Yeah.

Eric: You sure you’re okay with this?

Thomas: Well, as compared to douglas living over at hope’s, yeah. I mean, at steffy’s, I’ll get to see him whenever I want.

Taylor: So, how is hope doing? You know, with this whole douglas situation?

Brooke: Yeah, well she’s hurting.

Taylor: Mm. I feel for her, brooke. I feel for her mama heart, you know? I can only imagine how overwhelming this must be for her right now.

Brooke: I never thought the day would come when you would be consoling me or telling me you feel for my daughter. Being friends is a lot better than being rivals.

Brooke: Imagine if this situation happened with douglas a year or two ago.

Taylor: Oh, my gosh! Imagine if it just happened two months ago?

Brooke: It definitely would have pitted us against each other.

Taylor: Mm-hmm. And it still could if we let it.

Brooke: No, no, no, we won’T. Okay? No more brooke versus taylor ever. We don’t need that kind of rivalry.

Taylor: Mm-mm. You know what, the only thing that matters to both of us right now is douglas’s wellbeing.

Brooke: Yes. Grandmas united on that.

Taylor: What you say?

Brooke: Grandmas.

Taylor: Oh, grandmas. Yes, grandmas.

Eric: Where you off to?

Thomas: Uh, steffy’S.

Eric: Think douglas is ready for that?

Thomas: I’m his dad. He’ll be excited to see me.

Eric: Uh-huh, and what about steffy? Are you sure she’s ready for this? She still hasn’t gotten over what you did.

Thomas: Yeah, but there’s no way she’d ever keep me from seeing my son.

Hope: I get that thomas is your brother, it’s just, sometimes I worry that he might–

Steffy: I’ll always do what’s best for douglas, okay?

Hope: Thank you.

Steffy: I know it’s hard, but we’ll figure this out.

Douglas: Mommy! Mommy! I can see the ocean from my room.

Hope: Oh, sweetie, that’s awesome.

Douglas: And finn said he has extra binoculars I can use. Me and kelly are gonna look for pirates tonight.

Hope: What? That is so cool. You promise me if you find one, you’ll send me a photo.

Douglas: I will.

Hope: Okay. Well, I guess if you are all settled in then, um… liam and I should head out. Just know we are just a phone call or a text away, okay?

Liam: Yeah.

Hope: Okay. Oh. My husband and I have never been more active.

Eric: Maybe you should call steffy first? See if it’s okay for you to stop by.

Thomas: For permission to see my own son?

Eric: Mm-hmm.

Thomas: I’ll take my chances. I think it’s gonna be okay. I want to surprise douglas.

Eric: Well, I hope everything goes the way you want it to.

Thomas: Thank you. You know granddad, this could be the start of something pretty amazing. Exactly what I needed. Mend my relationship with my son and my relationship with everyone. Maybe even get back here at forrester.

Eric: I hope you’re right.

Deacon: Oh my god, the rumors are true. The cold war is actually over. You two are finally getting along?

Brooke: Yes, we are.

Taylor: Yes, hello deacon.

Deacon: Hi, just a second. Wow. Well, you know what? I gotta tell you, this is quite an accomplishment, ladies. You should be very proud of yourselves. Do have to ask you one thing? Are you sure there’s not like one little catfight left? Because personally, I’ve never seen one and the thought of you two together, just… daddy like.

[ All laughing ] Unbelievable. Anyway, this is legit? You guys are actually bonding.

Brooke: Yeah, we have a lot more in common than we realized.

Taylor: Yeah, besides ridge.

Brooke: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: Mm. Mm-hmm?

Brooke: I think maybe we should tell him. Have you spoken with hope recently?

Deacon: No, why? What’s going on?

Brooke: Douglas was asked to choose between his parents, who he wanted to live with.

Deacon: Okay.

Taylor: The decision had to be made in front of a judge, like official.

Deacon: Um, wait a second, you’re not telling me that he decided to live with thomas, right? And no offense.

Taylor: A little offended. Um, no, he chose steffy.

Deacon: What?

Brooke: Yeah, he moved in with steffy and finn today.

Deacon: Poor hope.

Hope: I miss douglas so much already.

Liam: Yeah, me too.

Hope: And I wish beth were here.

Liam: I– I thought, uh, we agreed that having her at her friends was probably best for today.

Hope: No, I know. I just…

Liam: Ah, yeah, yeah. Hey. I’m really proud of you. How you handled yourself today. And I know that leaving that boy at steffy’s, probably one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do.

Hope: Yeah.

Steffy: Kelly and hayes will be so excited to see you.

Douglas: I know it’s asking a lot, maybe too much, but I feel at home here and I really love aunt steffy.

Finn: Well, she really loves you too.

Douglas: Probably seems weird I’d ask to live here. There was such a tug of war between my mom and dad, who to live with. Figure it’s better for them and me to not have to choose between them. I hope you understand and I hope you don’t mind.

Steffy: No, not at all.

Finn: You’re always welcome here, douglas. All right, we’re all family. Should we go find those binoculars?

Douglas: Yeah.

Finn: Yeah, come on.

[ Steffy sighing ]

[ Knocking on the door ]

Thomas: Hey.

Steffy: Thomas, what are you doing here?

Thomas: Like you have to ask. My son lives here now, which basically means I will be too. She found it.

Deacon: I just don’t understand. Why would douglas–

Taylor: Well, think about it. This is a tough situation for a kid to be in the middle of a custody battle. You know, douglas just chose neutral territory instead of having to choose one parent.

Deacon: Okay, but this is terrible. I mean hope adores that boy. He’s a son to her in every single way that matters. And now what? She’s just supposed to give him up? Let steffy raise him?

Taylor: For now, yeah. You know, deacon, this is confusing for everyone.

Deacon: You know, it occurs to me that this is exactly the kind of situation that normally would have the two of you at each other’s throats.

Brooke: We have a new normal.

Taylor: Yes, we do. We do. We’re just sticking together.

Brooke: Determined to keep harmony in our families.

Taylor: Family. Singular.

Brooke: Mm. Family!

Taylor: Family!

Deacon: Oh, god.

Liam: Hey, we can, um… we can bring that over to douglas tomorrow.

Hope: Okay.

Liam: Hey, we’re gonna get through this. It’s not forever.

Hope: I hope not. It’s just, it’s hard not to worry with him so out of reach.

Liam: I know, but he’s in steffy’s hands which we know are capable.

Hope: Look, I know steffy is such an amazing mother, she’s loving and nurturing, but… you know, she’s also a sister and you know, if she’s not careful with thomas then–

Liam: She will be, she better be.

Hope: But you heard thomas. It’s almost like he views this as– as an opportunity, like douglas being at steffy’s gives him some sort of advantage and it just… I don’t know, it just– it makes me nervous.

Steffy: Thomas, douglas just got here. Why don’t you give him some time to adjust?

Thomas: Um, where is he anyway?

Steffy: He’s upstairs with finn. They’re… look, this is a big day for douglas and I’m trying to make this as stress free as possible.

Thomas: Wait, are you saying that somehow, I would stress him out? Steff, I love him, I’m his father.

Steffy: This is a complicated situation.

[ Steffy sighing ] Douglas chose to live with me. Not you, not hope.

Thomas: I know it was hard on him, putting him in that position, having to make that kind of decision. I don’t know how he even did it. And yeah, it hurt me. It did. At first, knowing he wanted to live with you, not with me. But now, that I’ve been thinking about it, it’s like it’s not that bad. He’s living with you, my sister. That means I get to see him whatever I want.

Steffy: Except you can’t, thomas. That’s not how it’s gonna be.

Thomas: What are you saying, steff? You’re gonna keep me away from my son? (Vo) red lobster’s finer points of fun dining:

Hope: Seeing douglas’s room like that. It feels too quiet now. I mean, douglas should be asking us what’s for dinner right now and cracking jokes, making beth laugh. I already miss hearing him running all around this cabin and even that awful ding from that video game of his.

Liam: It’s coming back, all of it. The footsteps, the laughter, the stupid ding. It’s coming back, I promise.

Hope: I just need to believe steffy’s promise, you know, that she’s gonna keep him safe.

Liam: She will, she will. Especially from thomas.

Steffy: Thomas, do you realize how complicated this is for me? I was thrust into this role. I didn’t ask for this, caring for your son, but I am, I’m doing it. Part of that means I’m setting boundaries.

Thomas: Boundaries? Come on, steff.

Steffy: You’re the one who screwed up, thomas. It affected douglas. There are consequences to that! And one of those consequences is douglas choosing to live with me.

Thomas: I know I made mistakes and I hurt douglas and that– that– that pains me. But the best thing for our relationship is for me to get to spend time with him. I’m his father, he loves me.

Steffy: I know that, but this isn’t gonna be fixed overnight. Just be patient and trust that I’m doing everything in my power to make sure douglas feels happy and safe. I also made a promise to hope too.

Thomas: Wait, what does hope have to do with this?

Steffy: Hope’s douglas’s mother.

Thomas: And I’m his father. Okay, I just, I want to be with my son.

Steffy: I know you do, but at the moment, I am obligated to protect him.

Thomas: From me?

Steffy: I know you and douglas could have a rock solid relationship again. I just need you to work through your issues.

Thomas: I– I have apologized over and over again, steff. I’ve been kicked out of the family. I’ve been kicked out of the company. I’ve– now, I’m being kicked away from my relationship with my own son. I thought you were gonna be on my side, but instead, you’re like you are at work, you’re the ceo there, you’re the boss. So, you’re gonna come in and ceo my relationship with my son.

Finn: Thomas, do not speak to my wife like that.

Steffy: How’s douglas? Is he–

Finn: He has his headphones on, he’s upstairs. He’s fine.

Thomas: This conversation’s between me and my sister.

Finn: You don’t get to barge into our house and give orders and the sooner you understand that and respect that, the better off you’re gonna be. You don’t want to cause a scene and upset douglas even more. I think it’s best you leave.

Thomas: Okay, so I’m his father. He’s living here now. I haven’t been able to see his room or tell him that I love him and you’re asking me to leave?

Steffy: Like finn said, I don’t think that you want to create a scene or upset douglas.

Thomas: I am not going to allow you or finn to keep me away from my son.

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B&B Transcript Thursday, February 16, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Liam: Hey, did you get any sleep last night?

Hope: Today’s the day we’re losing douglas.

Liam: We’re not losing him. He’s just staying at steffy’s for a little while.

Hope: He belongs here with us, liam. You, beth and I, we’re his family. And the fact that he chose to go live with steffy… it hurts.

Liam: Yeah, I know.

Hope: But I won’t let him see it because I don’t want to burden him with my pain. So…

Liam: That’s why you’re a great mom. And it is that love by the way, that’s gonna bring him home.

Steffy: I spoke to hope earlier, I guess douglas is eager to move in. She and liam want to drop him off today.

[ Finn exhaling ] Look, I know it’s sooner than expected and I said that I needed to talk to you first.

Finn: Is this really what you want?

Steffy: What I want is for douglas to be a carefree little boy. I want him to feel safe and happy. He doesn’t feel that way with thomas and for whatever reason, he doesn’t feel that way with hope either. Maybe he just needs a little break.

Finn: Well, could you blame him with everything that that kid has been through? Starting with having thomas as a father.

Thomas: Hey, granddad.

Eric: Thomas. All right, you’re here. What would you like to talk about?

Thomas: Well, first I’d like to thank you for seeing me. I’m painfully aware that I am persona non grata here. But I’d like an opportunity to make things right with the family.

Eric: You want another opportunity? Another chance?

Thomas: I know I let you down.

Eric: Yeah, you did. But my life wasn’t so affected by that. Ridge, brooke’s, taylor’s, steffy’s, douglas’S. Those are the lives that were turned upside down by what you did. You want another chance, you should be asking them.

Thomas: Look, I want to repair every single relationship that I’ve hurt, but none more than with my son. Douglas is the most important thing in the world to me.

Steffy: You are absolutely right, thomas has disappointed us so many times. No wonder douglas doesn’t want to live with him.

Finn: Yeah, and I get that. Why not choose to stay where he is? In his own house with his own family. Why does douglas want to stay here?

[ Phone ringing ]

Steffy: Hold on. Hope, hey, hey, what’s– what’s going on?

Hope: Douglas is just packing up a few more things and then we will head over to your place shortly if that’s okay?

Steffy: Yeah, yeah, finn and I will be waiting. Are you all right?

Hope: Not really.

Steffy: I know this must be hard for you. Forget the legalities of it for now, okay, just keep telling yourself this is temporary. When the novelty wears off, douglas is gonna want to go back to you, liam and beth.

Hope: Yeah, that’s what I’m praying for. Um, yeah, well, we’ll see you soon.

Liam: Hey, heard some of that. Think of it this way, douglas needs space, steffy’s his aunt, she’s gonna take great care of him. He’s gonna have a good time with her and finn.

It’s the most wonderful

time of the year.

Eric: So douglas has chosen to live with steffy and finn? I did not see that coming.

Thomas: Yeah, none of us saw that coming, including steffy and finn. I can’t say that I’m not hurt.

Eric: No, I’m sure, I’m sure. It can’t be easy for hope either.

Thomas: No, she’s, uh… she’s devastated.

Eric: Did douglas say why he chose to live with steffy and finn?

Thomas: He has fun over at their house? You know what? As– as mature as that kid is, and he’s wise beyond his years, he’s still a kid, you know, that’s still what he is and so he wants to have fun. Can’t blame that, especially after all of the adult drama he was drug into, courtesy of yours truly.

Eric: So you’re saying that you’re okay with this new living arrangement?

Thomas: I wouldn’t say I’m okay with it. But you know the more I think about it… I am– I am starting to see that it could be a benefit? I mean, steffy’s my sister and that means that I’ll have full access to my son.

[ Steffy sighing ]

Steffy: Okay, douglas’s room is ready.

Finn: I’m sure he’s gonna love the view.

Steffy: I just feel awful for hope.

Finn: Look, if it’s what you’ve been saying, douglas is gonna stay here awhile, we’ll make sure that it’s a good bridge for him and eventually he’ll go back home.

Steffy: Yeah.

Hope: Oh, douglas’s book. He’s been loving this. He’s not gonna want to forget it. I can’t believe this is actually happening. He’s leaving the home that we built together as a family and going to steffy’S. It just doesn’t make sense.

Liam: I know.

Hope: Are we doing the right thing? You know, letting him go? I mean should we have fought the judge harder on this? Because I– I really thought he was going to pick us.

Liam: Yeah, I mean he– he told us he would.

Hope: Gosh, he’s gonna be out any minute and I don’t want him to see me like this. Okay.

Liam: Okay.

Hope: Douglas has made his choice and we just– we have to live with it.

Liam: Yeah. Douglas is a human being. He needs– he needs a change of scenery. This too shall pass, I promise.

Hope: Hey, sweetie.

Liam: Hey, you with the suitcase. You uh, you packed already?

Douglas: Yep.

Liam: Nice.

Hope: Except for this.

Douglas: Thanks, mom. Right in the middle.

Hope: I know. Um, so, you ready to go?

Douglas: No. I have something I want to say to both of you. Mr. Clean magic eraser powers Meet mixtiles! They stick and restick. Choose from dozens of sizes, frames and styles. Go to mixtiles.Com, upload pictures, pick a fancy frame and voila! Buy 10 and get 10 for free. Skin your face will envy?

Eric: So douglas is staying at steffy’s?

Thomas: Yeah. And I– I would’ve preferred douglas living with me. Obviously, I still have to win back douglas’s trust and that’s a lot easier if I can actually spend time with him. Have alone time with my son.

Eric: Well, hope has never kept you from seeing your son, has she?

Thomas: Not so far.

Eric: Well, she never would.

Thomas: I don’t– I don’t know about that. I mean look, hope doesn’t exactly trust me. And she also has liam in her ear every second disparaging me. I’m sure every single moment, so.

Eric: No one to blame for that but yourself.

Thomas: I’m just saying that the chances of me winning back my son’s trust are greatly improved with him over at steffy’s

Steffy: What’s going on?

Finn: Oh, nothing.

Steffy: Talk to me.

Finn: Okay, I– I admit I was a little thrown when you told me that douglas was gonna be living with us and I get it and I know that it’s a temporary thing and he’s a great kid. I certainly have no issues with him being here. I’m just wondering how douglas living here might affect kelly and hayes.

Steffy: Our kids love douglas.

Finn: Yeah, but him living here is gonna affect the dynamic of our family, right?

Steffy: Yeah. I mean, we need to be aware of what kelly and hayes are feeling. We need to make sure that they feel secure, that they feel confident. They don’t need to be put out in any way.

Steffy: That’s exactly what makes you such an incredible father. The way you prioritize your children, their needs, the way you protect them. We are so lucky to have you. And now douglas will be too.

Finn: Look, I care about the kid.

Steffy: I know you do. And you know how much I appreciate you. You’re such a great man and I am so proud to be your wife.

Douglas: I don’t want you guys to be sad.

Liam: No sadness. None, we promise. Although, we are gonna miss you a ton.

Douglas: I’ll miss you too. But this isn’t goodbye. I just need a change. It’s gonna be so fun living on the beach, spending more time with kelly and hayes. Maybe finn will even teach me how to surf.

Liam: Yeah.

Hope: I’m sure he would love that.

Douglas: Thanks for understanding.

Liam: Hey, um, you know that none of this works if you’re not happy, right? If you wanted to be somewhere else. It’s not like you’re going out of town, you’re just going to your aunt’s house. And she loves you and she’s gonna take awesome care of you and you’re gonna have a blast.

Douglas: [ Whispering ] Don’t let mommy be sad.

Liam: [ Whispering ] I won’t, I got this.

Hope: Douglas, you know this will always be your home so you can come and visit whenever you want and we’ll be here with open arms.

Liam: She’s right. We love you so much.

Douglas: I love you too. Especially you, mommy.

Hope: Oh. Hi. You know I will always love you, okay? Your heart is the beat of life.

Thomas: I’m counting on it. And douglas’s best interest is to have his father in his life. I know that you believe that. That father-son bond, it’s– it’s sacred. It’s it needs to be nourished and maintained.

Eric: I do believe that. Love him, protect him, but don’t manipulate him.

Thomas: I won’T. Look I– I see what happened in those judge’s chambers as maybe a blessing in disguise. He– he didn’t choose to live with me, but he didn’t choose to live with hope and liam either. Douglas chose to live over at steffy’s, in a place where I can come and go as I please and you can trust me, I will be there a lot.

Steffy: Your bedroom is ready, douglas.

Douglas: Awesome. Thanks, aunt steffy.

Steffy: Of course.

Finn: Yeah, well, I can get these for you.

Steffy: Uh, hayes and kelly, they’re out with amelia but they’ll be– they’ll be back soon.

Finn: And they are gonna be really excited to see you.

Douglas: We’re gonna have so much fun. Thanks for letting me stay.

Steffy: You’re always welcome here, but just know your home and life in the cabin, it’s always there for you too if you need it.

Douglas: I know.

Steffy: Okay.

Finn: Well, should we go check out your room? Make sure it will work out for you?

Liam: Oh, cool. I want to see it. Can I come?

Finn: Yeah, come on, let’s all go.

Douglas: I love you, mommy.

Hope: You know I love you too. Now, remember what we talked about, okay? You be on your best behavior and you listen to what aunt steffy and finn have to say, right? Will you do that?

Douglas: I will.

Hope: I know you will because you’re the best. Now, go check out your room. Bye, sweetie.

Liam: Let’s do this.

Steffy: I know this must be hard for you.

Hope: Yeah, my baby just…

Steffy: Douglas needs a break. The novelty will wear off and he’s gonna want to go back to you, liam and beth.

Hope: Yeah. Um, well until then he’ll be here, so, um… I actually– I made a list of all douglas’s favorite foods and things he dislikes and his favorite things to do, so…

Steffy: Okay, thanks.

Hope: And I know it goes without saying but um, just make sure he’s careful around that cliff. Like I get it, you’re in baby mode and he’s– he’s older, he’s more adventurous.

Steffy: I– I know we’re gonna take care of him, don’t worry, okay?

Hope: And just um… watch out for thomas. I get that he’s your brother, but he’s already put douglas through a lot and I just want him to be–

Steffy: Okay, douglas is under my care. I will protect him, like he’s my own, okay? It’s gonna be fine, I promise.

Hope: Okay. Sorry, I’ve just been trying to keep a straight face in front of him this whole time. Um. It’s just hard not to feel rejected because he chose me to be his adoptive mom and we worked so hard to just fill his life with– with love and to make him feel secure and safe. Especially after everything he had been through, all that loss and all of that turmoil. For him to choose not to want to live with us, the family that we have built together. It just… it stinks, that’s all. Uh, like you said, this is just temporary and I have to respect his choice. Yeah, just um, please, please steffy, take care of my son. Please.

Steffy: I will.

Hope: Okay, okay.

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Finn: Uh– douglas wrote– wrote down your name?

Steffy: Believe me, I am just as shocked as you are.

Finn: Th– this was supposed to be a custody hearing. Thomas convinced the court to let douglas choose who he lives with, so–

Steffy: Yes, and he chose me. Us.

Finn: Is this for real? Steffy, you– your nephew’s very sweet, I know he loves spending time here with kelly and hayes, but–

Steffy: Now, he wants to live with us. He wants to be part of our family.

Hope: Steffy? Why did douglas choose steffy? He’s– he’s grown up with us. I’m his mom.

Liam: Yeah. And you always will be. That hasn’t changed, and it’s not going to.

Hope: But that was the entire point of going to court, liam, was to finally–

Liam: I know.

Hope: Get rid of the confusion around where he belongs.

Liam: I know, okay. Just– listen– listen for a second. Things didn’t go our way, but they didn’t go thomas’s way, either. And this isn’t over.

Hope: It’s my fault.

Liam: It’s n– no.

Hope: Mm-hmm.

Liam: It’s not– it’s not your fault.

Hope: Yes, it is.

Liam: Douglas loves you. He loves us. He made that so clear, hope.

Hope: Douglas is still a little boy, and we’re the adults. We’re his parents. I mean, how– how did we agree to let him choose his own guardian?

Liam: It wasn’t your idea to let douglas choose, it was thomas’S. He’s the one who pushed the issue, he’s the one who set up the meeting, and besides– we had a really good reason for being confident douglas would choose us.

Hope: So what? Now this is karmic payback? Punishment for being overly confident?

Liam: N– it’s not– no! It’s not karma, it’s not punishment, it’s just us trusting douglas to know what he needs, that’s it.

Hope: Yeah, well, now we have to trust his aunt to take care of him.

Liam: Yeah! For a little while, though. I me– steffy doesn’t want this. She doesn’t wanna take douglas from us. She told us that.

Hope: Yeah. I know, she was just as stunned as we were.

Liam: Right.

Hope: And I get why she felt like she couldn’t say no.

Liam: Exactly, ’cause it– no– nobody here wants douglas to feel rejected at this moment in his life. That’s why. That’s why steffy agrees. Maybe it is a good idea that he stay with her for a little while.

Steffy: I know it’s shocking.

Finn: No, it’s– it’s– it’s confusing. Douglas has devoted parents. Hope and thomas both wanna raise him.

Steffy: But he wants to live with us.

Finn: Why? What happened? Did thomas and hope get into it at the courthouse?

Steffy: No. No, nothing like that. The things they said were actually quite touching. It’s obvious how much they care about him.

Finn: You know, see, I thought for sure douglas would choose to stay with hope and liam.

Steffy: I– I was certain thomas was giving his son away.

Finn: Well, to you, apparently.

Steffy: Nobody expected this. I know it’s a lot to process. I told douglas that we would talk more, but first and foremost, we need to figure out if this is something we can do. What do you think? How do you feel about douglas living with us?

Can you save water using

a less than full dishwasher?

Liam: Yes, obviously I agree the best place for douglas is here, with us.

Hope: I agree. But steffy clearly doesn’T.

Liam: That’s– that’s not what she was saying, though.

Hope: Yeah, she thinks it’s best if douglas stays with her for a while.

Liam: Yeah, for a while! For a little while. And it’s because none of us want douglas to feel rejected, not because she thinks that you and I aren’t capable of caring for him. Everyb– everybody knows how much he means to us.

Hope: Yeah. But just the fact that he wants to go live with someone else. I mean, why? Why did he choose steffy over us?

Liam: I don’t know.

Hope: Part of me really wants to ask him. But I know how that would come across, and douglas just needs to feel unconditionally loved right now.

Liam: Yeah.

Hope: That doesn’t matter, what he says or does. It– nothing will change that.

Liam: Right. Right. And that– and that we’re his family, and this is his home.

Hope: Yeah. Well, maybe it won’t be. What if it’s not what he wants? I mean, we only just got him back, liam.

Liam: Th– this isn’t permanent, it– it’s– it’s just that we’re all blindsided by it, and there’s a lot to sort out.

Hope: Well, the priority needs to be douglas.

Liam: Yeah.

Hope: No, but we need to do what’s best for him.

Liam: Yeah. And you know something? Steffy feels exactly the same way. She– she loves douglas, but she didn’t walk in to court thinking she was gonna walk out his guardian.

Hope: Look, I– I understand that steffy is in a difficult position. I mean, no one wants douglas to feel abandoned or unloved, but at the same time, does that really mean that we just have to blindly go along with whatever he wants?

Steffy: Should have seen douglas’s face, asking if I didn’t want him here.

Finn: I get it, steffy, okay? It’s just… this is not a simple decision.

Steffy: I told him that. I tried to explain. But I was completely caught off guard. Thankfully, the judge and liam took douglas out, so hope, thomas and I could talk.

Finn: How did hope take it?

Steffy: She was beside herself.

Finn: I bet.

Steffy: At first, she wanted me to say no, but then she realized what this could do to douglas, how it’d make him feel. And as his mother, she doesn’t want to cause him any pain.

Finn: Even if that meant letting him go?

Steffy: She agreed to let douglas decide. I’m not saying she deserves this. She’s devastated.

Finn: Well, I’m sure she was certain that he would pick her.

Steffy: I don’t know why he didn’T. There must be a reason. My gut says, “trust that.” But I needed to talk to you first because this isn’t just my decision. So, what do you think? I know it’s a lot. Totally unexpected.

Finn: Look, douglas is a great kid, and I hate that he’s having to make these grown up decisions, and that his dad has put him in this awful position. Again. But this– this isn’t about douglas needing a place to stay, okay? We would be putting ourselves and our family right in the middle of his parents’ drama. Steffy, we have been through so much. And thankfully, we are okay. We are healthy. We are secure. And I am incredibly grateful for that. I was– I was just telling my mom how blessed I feel. And how you, kelly and hayes are everything that I could have ever wanted.

Steffy: I feel the same way.

Finn: Well, I don’t want anyone or anything to disrupt that again.

Steffy: So, you’re saying having douglas here, that could disrupt things–

Finn: Uh, uh, uh, no– douglas, he is a sweet, sweet little boy, and I love having him around, and I know how much kelly and hayes love having him. But he’s not our son. And he’s not alone in the world. This– this isn’T… like when he lost his mom, and hope stepped up and adopted him. Douglas has a stable home. All right? He has devoted parents. And he has thomas. He isn’t a perfect father, but hope and liam more than make up for that. So tell me you understand, tell me you hear what I’m saying.

Hope: Why? Why did I listen to thomas? What– what on earth was I thinking?

Liam: Hey, I know– I know hindsight is 20/20, but you’re talking about this as if it was a gamble. It was not a gamble. Douglas told us he would rather live with us and beth.

Hope: Oh, beth. How are we going to explain this to her? She views douglas as her brother.

Liam: Yeah, and– and kelly is her half-sister. They don’t live together, but they couldn’t possibly be any closer.

Hope: Except he won’t be here. Liam, you know it won’t be the same. And beth, she is so attached to him. You know she’s going to be devastated if he leaves here again. It was already so hard, having to explain to her why douglas was over at eric’s, and we had to keep reminding her that it was just temporary, only this time, it might not be. It feels like our family’s getting torn apart.

Liam: Hey. Hope. Can you look at me? Please, look at me. Nothing is getting torn apart. Douglas could be on the moon and he’d be just as connected to us. That is– that is family. That’s what family means.

Hope: Beth and douglas are children. And they need to feel secure. They need to feel safe, and they need to feel protected, and what have we told them? We told them that harm would never come to our family.

Liam: We– harm will not come to our– that’s not what this is. Wha– this is us feeling unprepared. It was a surprise, right? And there’s a lot to sort through. That’s– that’s all this is.

Hope: Yeah, well you heard the judge. She wants us to go along with what douglas asks.

Liam: Yeah, I know, but you– you also know that she knows this is more complicated than packing a suitcase.

Hope: Can’t even think about that. Going into his room and not seeing him there. Not being able to hear him reading beth a bedtime story. No more new projects on the table, or muddy shoes at the door. Douglas going to live with steffy just feels like it’s creating this giant hole, not only in our family, but in my heart.

Liam: I know.

Steffy: I will never take

you, our love, and our family

for granted…

because honestly, I am–

I didn’t really believe in–

in miracles, until today.

Seeing you there

at the church.

Did you know that you were

coming back to me

and our family?

I love you.

Both: I love you.

Finn: I love you so much,

steffy. Forever.

[ Both murmuring ]

[ Steffy sighing ]

Steffy: Kelly and hayes fell asleep watching a movie. They’re in bed now.

Finn: I could have helped.

Steffy: Oh, no. It was– it was easy. I hear you regarding the whole douglas situation. I get it.

Finn: Look, and– and I sympathize with douglas, having thomas as a father.

Steffy: I do believe thomas wants to do better.

Finn: Hun, douglas isn’t ready to give him that chance yet.

Steffy: I think that’s one of the reasons douglas looks up to you. The compassion he feels. You’re the kind of man people look up to. Trust.

Finn: Well, I’m glad I can be that for him.

Steffy: Can’t be surprised that he wants to spend time with us.

Finn: Yeah, but living here, that’s– that’s different.

Steffy: But we said he’s always welcome.

Finn: And he is. It’s just, steffy, we are not his parents.

Steffy: But he can rely on us. I– I’m not saying he can’t count on hope, or– or liam. He can. And he loves them with all his heart. And despite everything thomas has done to mess up their relationship, I know douglas loves him too. I just feel like it’s a lot. Maybe he– maybe he needs a break.

Finn: Break?

Steffy: Yeah. Okay. What if douglas lives with us temporarily? He’s a little boy, he’s gonna miss his mom. And once he gets it out of his system, he’s gonna want to go back home. So, what do you think? Are you willing to open up our family to douglas for a little while? Nexgard is the flea and tick protection Douglas is s feels heard.

Finn: You wanna let douglas stay for a while?

Steffy: I suggested it to hope so douglas feels heard. Hey, once he realizes he wants to go home, he can. We would have to meet with the judge again to straighten everything out. Just, douglas is such a sweet, innocent little boy. I don’t want him to feel rejected or unwanted. I’m not saying he’s gonna live with us permanently. We don’t have to decide tonight. We can sit with it. Think it over, and if you wanna meet with thomas, hope, and liam, we can. You have a big, loving, generous heart. I know there’s room in there for douglas, too.

Hope: I get it, I get it. Douglas doesn’t want to be fought over.

Liam: I don’t think it’s that. I think it’s more that he doesn’t want to hurt you or his dad.

Hope: All right, liam, we’re the adults here. We’re the ones who should be taking care of him. He shouldn’t be worrying about us.

Liam: I know, but… it’s douglas. You know how he is.

Hope: So what, he thinks he’d just be happier living over at steffy’s, and more secure?

Liam: I, uh, well– I, you know, he’s been spending a lot of time over there. Maybe he just feels comfortable.

Hope: Liam, this is his home.

Liam: I’d– hope, I’m not– I don’t want him walking out that door any more than you do. I’m just saying.

Hope: Okay, so then we shouldn’t let it happen.

Liam: No, no. We have to let it happen. We have to. Because we promised him we would respect his decision. We renege on that, he’s never gonna trust us again. And you understand that.

Hope: I understand that. Doesn’t mean I have to like it, or that makes it any easier.

Liam: I know, I know. But think of it this– may– maybe, maybe steffy’s thought here is– is a good one, which is you think long term, he comes over to her place, he has like a little mini-vacation at aunt steffy’s, it’s like party time, right? We see how he likes it. But he’s still a kid. And in a few weeks, he’s gonna get homesick, and he’s gonna want to come back.

Hope: Only what if he doesn’t? What if he doesn’t want to? What if he stays, liam? It could be just like the hearing all over again, where we assume we know the outcome. And then, it backfires. Like, liam, uh– douglas is just as much a part of me as beth is, and I know I didn’t give birth to him, but I love him just as much. He is my child in every way that counts, and… I can’t lose him. He’s our son, and– and I can’t lose douglas. I can’T.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, February 15, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole let EJ know that she was fine with eating at the same place as Eric and Sloan. They ended up at the table next to them. Nicole and Eric were distracting each other at their respective tables. Nicole and Eric left their tables and ran into each other. They had an awkward conversation and went back to their tables. Sloan was ready to go home. EJ told Nicole that they should go home too. Sloan understood if Eric wanted to end their night early since his mother’s funeral was the next day. She was willing to make love to him too if he wanted to do it. He kissed her passionately. Li talked to Wendy about how he struck out with Gabi for Valentine’s Day. She told him that he has to try to be her friend now instead of trying to get her back in his life. He didn’t want to be friends with her because they were married. She told him that they were married on paper. He planned on changing that. She reminded him that Gabi loved Stefan. Li didn’t understand why she would waste her time with someone who loved someone else. Wendy wondered if she was like Gabi. Gabi was trying to prove who Stefan loved more. Li wasn’t talking about her situation with Johnny. Gabi was upset that Stefan called her Chloe. He said he didn’t call her Chloe. He said if he did that it was because he was worried about her. He said that she wasn’t returning his calls. Gabi wondered if she would be there if Chloe answered the phone. He assured her that he would have called her anyway. Gabi wondered if he was looking for a threesome. He wasn’t, but he wondered if she was into that. She called him a pig and threw her drink at him. Stefan assured her that he loved her. She wanted him to call her when she was the only person he loved.

EJ and Nicole returned to the DiMera mansion. They kissed each other. Things heated up for them and they stayed in her room. Gabi went to see Li and wondered if his invitation was still open to her. She thought they could talk about the divorce. He thought about Sloan’s advice and told Gabi that he will have his lawyer speed up the process. She thanked him. He wondered why she wasn’t with Stefan. She told him that he called her Chloe. Li thought it was funny. She got upset with him because he’s the reason why it happened. He told her that he would love her no matter what Rolf did to him. He told her that she was all he ever wanted and that’s why he did the things he did. He asked her to eat dinner with him and she accepted the invitation. Steve had a beer and was looking at a picture of his wedding photo. He fell asleep on the couch. He woke up and saw Kayla. He was shocked and wanted to know how she got there. She had to see him on their anniversary. She told him that she loved him. He let her know that he loved her with all his heart. He knew she wasn’t real and that he was drinking too much. She said she was real and kissed him. Kayla told him that she needed him because the good place wasn’t working out for her. She told him about running into Adrienne and how she turned into Nick. She told him that Nick tricked her into signing away her soul. She pleaded with him to help her. He was confused and wanted her to tell him what to do. Tripp showed up and woke Steve up. He told him that Kayla was there and needed his help. Tripp thought he had too much to drink and wanted to help him out. He thought about Kayla and wondered how he would ever go on without her.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, February 16, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

John saw Steve at Kayla’s grave. They talked about their wives’ funeral. John said it was hard to believe they were never going to see their wives again. Steve told him that he saw Kayla. John said that was a nice image. Steve said he and Kayla touched and kissed. He said she asked him for help. He said it was real. John asked if he was okay. Steve said he wasn’t. He said he would be grieving for the rest of his life. John said he understood which was why they were going after Orpheus. Roman called Lucas and told him they had to put their plan into effect. Lucas said he was ready to do it for his mother. Allie showed up while Roman was on the phone. Roman lied about why he was talking to Lucas. He said Lucas called about the funeral. She got on the phone and was concerned about how he was dealing with the grief. He told her not to worry about him. He told her to take care of herself and Henry. He said he loved her before they got off the phone. When Allie left, John and Steve went to see Roman. Roman told them Lucas was all set. Roman asked if they were ready. Steve said Orpheus wouldn’t know what hit him. Roman said he wished he was going with them. John and Steve thought it was better if he stayed on the outside in case something went wrong. Will told Sonny that he couldn’t put off going back to New Zealand. Will said he hated saying goodbye to him. Sonny said he was going with him. Sonny said he couldn’t stand being away from him. Will asked about Arianna and Titan. Sonny said Gabi said they could take her with them. He said Alex could take over Titan. He said he could work remotely. Will and Sonny were excited. Allie walked up and was happy for them. She asked if she could go with them. She wanted to take a chance and be impulsive. Will and Sonny were happy to have her with them.

Lucas told a guard that he wanted to see Orpheus right away. Orpheus showed up and asked if he was drunk. Lucas told him he wasn’t drunk enough. He said today was his mother’s funeral and he wasn’t there. He said he needed more alcohol to get through the day. Lucas tried to hit Orpheus but missed. Orpheus said he would be back. He came back with a bottle and wanted to make a toast to Kate. He wanted Lucas to go first. When Lucas was about to take a drink, the guard came back for Orpheus so he could go to therapy. When Orpheus was gone, Lucas put the alcohol on his face and put the rest in the garbage. The guard came back. Lucas said he wanted more alcohol. He went after the guard, but the guard threw him through a table. Lucas passed out. The guard called out for help to send him to the infirmary. When the nurse him in the infirmary alone, he let John and Steve inside. They were wearing scrubs. Nick let Marlena, Kayla and Kate know the devil was granting them an audience. The devil agreed to see Marlena. Nick took her to the staircase before he disappeared. Marlena saw the devil. The devil was Doug. He thought a familiar face would make her feel more comfortable. He said if she saw his real face, hers would melt away. He showed her the contracts they signed. She tried to bargain with the devil. She said Nick’s games were beneath the devil. She asked if he wanted to prove how strong he was without cheating. He said he would be willing to tear up the contracts if she would stay by his side for eternity. Kate and Kayla were worried about Marlena. Nick showed up and told them how sad their funerals were. When he talked about Steve, he told Kayla that she went to see Steve. She admitted to seeing him. She said she didn’t know how she was able to talk to him. He told her she wouldn’t be able to do it again. He told them John, Roman and Steve were avenging their deaths by killing Orpheus.


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Days Update Thursday, February 16, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

After the funerals, John joins Steve at Kayla’s grave and tells him it was a beautiful service. Steve says so was Marlena’s and Kate’s. They agree that it’s just overwhelming. John thinks half the town showed up as they sure touched a lot of people’s lives. Steve says he lost count of how many times someone told him how much Kayla meant to them and how it doesn’t make sense that she’s gone. John can’t wrap his head around the fact that he’ll never see Marlena on Earth again, just like Steve will never see Kayla. Steve then informs John that he actually saw Kayla last night.

In the afterlife, Kate, Kayla, and Marlena wait around for Nick Fallon. Marlena comments on The Devil going through a lot of trouble to trick them in to signing away their souls. Kayla argues that he owes them a chance to plead their case. Nick then returns, so Marlena asks if they are getting a meeting with The Devil. Nick says it’s not easy to book a face to face with Satan and asks why he should care about three arrogant women.

Will and Sonny walk through the town square together. Will talks about going through three funerals in one day. Sonny hugs him and says at least they got to be around family. Will points out that he’s about to leave them right in the middle of all this suffering. Sonny says he doesn’t have to leave yet but Will reveals that he has to go to New Zealand for the shoot and can’t put it off any longer. Will hates that he has to say goodbye to Sonny again. Sonny responds that he doesn’t have to, because he’s going with him.

Roman is at the Brady Pub, on the phone with Lucas. Roman says he’s sorry that Lucas didn’t get to say goodbye to his mother and that it was a beautiful service. Lucas responds that being stuck in prison has made it a lot harder. Roman knows the timing stinks but says they need to talk about Orpheus. Lucas questions him wanting to put things in to motion today. Roman says if this is going to work, there’s no better time for Lucas to fall off the wagon then the day of his mother’s funeral.

Nick reveals to Kate, Kayla, and Marlena that they have been granted an audience with The Devil.

Will asks Sonny if he’s kidding but Sonny says no. Will says Sonny can’t come to New Zealand but Sonny says he can’t spend another minute away from him, feeling they’ve been separated long enough. Sonny reminds Will that last time they were separated for long, Leo nearly sunk their marriage. Sonny says he’s sorry but he can’t spend another six months away from him as that’s not what they signed up for. Sonny repeats that he’s sorry but he’s along for the ride and there’s nothing Will can do to stop him.

John questions Steve saying he saw Kayla. Steve knows how it sounds but says last night, he was on the couch drifting off when she suddenly came through the door. John calls that a really nice vision but Steve insists that she was flesh and blood. Steve doesn’t know but notes that Kayla said she needed his help because she, Marlena, and Kate had been tricked in to giving their souls away to the Devil. Steve knows it’s crazy but then Tripp came home and Kayla disappeared. Steve says Tripp tried to convince him it was just a dream, but he insists that it was real.

Roman knows Lucas is carrying a burden here and he wishes there was another way. Lucas assures that he will do it for his mom. Roman declares that all three women deserve justice and they are going to get it for them. Allie then enters the Pub and startles Roman. Allie questions if Lucas is on the phone because she thought Roman wasn’t speaking to him after what he did to Sami.

Kate and Kayla ask about the meeting with the Devil but Nick clarifies that Satan only agreed to see Marlena, not Kate and Kayla.

Will loves that Sonny wants to come with him but says he can’t let him pack up and leave Salem. Sonny asks if he’s saying no. Will says it’s not up to him as Victor won’t let him run Titan from New Zealand and Gabi won’t let them take Arianna to the other side of the world. Sonny reveals he already talked to Gabi and persuaded her, noting that it’s also what Arianna wants and there will be frequent visits. Will asks what he’s saying. Sonny tells him that he is what matters to him. Sonny declares that whatever happens, they will figure it out. Sonny tells Will that he loves him and never wants to be separated from him ever again.

Steve tells John that he knows it’s easy to explain away but swears it was not a dream. Steve wishes he could tell him he’s fine but he’s not. Steve cries that he will carry this grief with him for the rest of his life. John reminds him that is why they are going after Orpheus. Steve states that killing Orpheus won’t put a dent in what they’ve lost, but their wives need to be avenged and after last night, he believes that more than ever. John informs Steve that it’s time to hook up with Roman. John declares that now that they have laid the women they love to rest, it’s Orpheus’ turn.

Roman informs Allie that Lucas called to ask about the funeral and he’s sure that he would love to talk to her if she’s up to it. Allie agrees so Roman hands her the phone. Lucas says it’s really good to hear her voice and asks if she’s okay. Allie tells him that Kate’s service was beautiful and she wishes he could’ve been there. Allie mentions that she keeps thinking about how hard it must be for Lucas to be stuck in there with his grief and no outlet for it. Lucas tells her not to worry about him and to lean on the people who love her. Lucas notes that the guard is telling him he has to cut it short so he has to go. Allie says she’ll talk to him soon. Lucas hopes so and tells her to tell Roman that he’s glad they talked. Lucas tells Allie that he loves her more than she’ll ever know and then hangs up. Roman asks Allie if she’s alright. Allie says yes but she heard Roman telling Lucas something about Kate, Kayla, and Marlena deserving justice and that he would get it for them. Allie questions what he meant by that.

Kayla argues that she knew there would be a catch. Marlena feels they have to take their only option which Kayla agrees with. Marlena points out that she’s beaten The Devil twice, so she will meet with him and get their souls back. Nick tells them to stop wasting time and says there is no vote, it’s Marlena or no one. Marlena agrees to go with Nick to see his boss.

Will knows how much running Titan means to Sonny. Sonny points out that Alex is more than willing to step up as he already did before. Sonny assures it’s all under control and he’ll be working remotely. Sonny adds that he and Arianna can do whatever they want. Sonny says the only thing stopping them is Will. Sonny assures that he has everything figured out but for some reason, Will still seems to be against this. Sonny then kisses Will.

Roman tells Allie that everybody is having a rough time these days and it’s double for Lucas. Roman says they all want justice but Lucas feels helpless in prison, so he was just trying to reassure him. Allie says that’s very kind of him considering his feelings towards Lucas. Roman assures that he still has issues with Lucas, but they are family and Kate’s death reminded him of what’s really important. Allie thanks him and hugs him. Allie hopes that what Roman said comes true, that justice is served. Roman says they are working on it. Allie walks away as Steve and John come out from the back. Steve declares that it’s time.

Lucas asks the prison guard where Orpheus is and tells him to find Orpheus because he wants to talk to him ASAP.

John tells Roman that he’s sorry he had to lie to Allie. Roman is just glad she didn’t come in a minute earlier and he could get her off the scent. Steve ask if Roman is still in. Roman assures that he is. John says that’s good because he wants to be able to tell Marlena that her death did not go unavenged.

Nick escorts Marlena down a flight of stairs and directs her to meet with The Devil. Nick then disappears, so Marlena guesses she is on her own. Marlena continues forward and finds The Devil disguised as Doug, who asks if she missed him because he certainly has missed her.

Will asks Sonny if he is really coming to New Zealand. Sonny thinks they deserve it after everything they’ve been through together. Will talks about how he’s always the one leaving and putting pressure on them. Sonny says they make things right when they have to. They agree that what they have is worth everything. Will feels Sonny is making the bigger sacrifice. Sonny says maybe this time, but he’ll have plenty of opportunities in the future which Will promises to do. Will tells Sonny that he loves him. Sonny says he loves him too and can’t wait to tell him that every day in person. Will guesses they have a bunch of people to share the news with then. Allie approaches and asks what news.

Kate tells Kayla that she keeps thinking what if this isn’t real. Kayla says she has to believe this is not a trick and that they are going to have a chance to change their fate. Kayla encourages Kate to have faith as they are in this together. Kate admits she’s grateful she is here with Kayla and Marlena. Nick returns and says he hates the peace and understanding. Nick calls their funerals sappy. Kayla asks how their families are. Nick says they were really sad, especially Steve. Nick then asks Kayla about paying Steve a visit last night.

Steve asks if Lucas is all set on his end. Roman confirms that he went through everything with him and he’s still on board. John worries that bringing booze back in to his life is a dangerous game. Roman assures that they can count on Lucas and asks if they are ready. Steve responds that they were born ready and Orpheus won’t know what hit him.

Orpheus meets with Lucas in prison and says he heard he wanted to speak with him. Lucas asks what took him so long. Orpheus questions what’s wrong with him and if he’s drunk. Lucas responds that he’s not drunk enough and gives him back the now empty whiskey bottle, saying he wants more. Orpheus comments that Lucas drank the bottle awfully fast considering he didn’t want it. Lucas staggers and asks if he has to beg him. Lucas tells Orpheus that today was his mother’s funeral and he missed it. Orpheus says he’s sorry to hear that but Lucas says he’s not because he killed her. Lucas declares that if he’s going to make it through the day, he’s going to need more alcohol. Lucas grabs Orpheus and asks if he’s going to help him or not.

Marlena doesn’t understand how The Devil is Doug. The Devil thought assuming a familiar face might make her more comfortable. He adds that if she saw his real face, her face would just melt away. Marlena wants to stop wasting time. The Devil asks how he can help her.

Allie questions Will and Sonny leaving today just like that. Will says he had the same reaction but now sees how much sense it makes. Allie says she’s going to miss them but admits she’s excited for them. Allie notes that Sonny has so much going on here, so it can’t be easy for him. Sonny says nothing in life ever is. Sonny notes that he kept worrying about the details and then it hit him that being happy is all that really matters, so once he accepted that, everything else falls in to place. Will asks if Allie is okay. Allie then asks what if she and her son Henry come along?

Orpheus tells Lucas that it must hurt missing his mother’s funeral, knowing it’s because he kidnapped his ex-wife. Orpheus tells him to stay put and he’ll be back in a few. Orpheus stops and says he didn’t kill his mother. Orpheus then warns Lucas to stop saying that or they are done. Orpheus then exits the visiting room. Lucas remarks that Orpheus did kill her and today he’s going to pay for it.

Kate questions what Nick is talking about. Kayla pretends not to know but Nick tells Kate that Kayla went solo and didn’t tell her. Kate questions what Kayla did. Nick reveals that Kayla made unauthorized contact with Steve, thinking he could get her out of here. Kate questions how Kayla saw Steve. Nick says Steve may be a miracle worker, but even he isn’t going to get her out of this one.

Steve hopes their wives are looking down on them, knowing that they are doing this for them. Roman wishes he was going with them but John says it’s better to have someone on the outside in case this all goes sideways. Steve assures that it won’t because it can’t and this has to work. Roman encourages that they have justice on their side and three angels in Heaven looking out for them. Roman wishes them luck as Steve and John then exit the Pub. Roman pleads for Lucas not to fail them.

Orpheus returns to Lucas. Orpheus taunts him with the whiskey and says he thinks it’s only fitting and proper that they honor his mother by drinking a toast to her together. Lucas says he drinks alone and doesn’t share. Orpheus tells him not to worry because there’s plenty more. Orpheus then gives Lucas the bottle to go first. Lucas takes the bottle but the guard interrupts and informs Orpheus that he’s late for group therapy. Orpheus remarks that he must have lost track of time. Orpheus leaves the bottle with Lucas and exits. Lucas then puts some of the whiskey on himself and then pours it in the trash.

Marlena argues that The Devil knows exactly why she’s there as she came to challenge the bogus contracts that Nick tricked them in to signing. The Devil says things are different in Hell and they encourage lawlessness. Marlena understands he wants their souls but asks if he can’t get them in the normal way instead of trying to trick them. Marlena argues that The Devil is not some cheap con man, but the most powerful force of evil in the universe. Marlena asks if tricking them makes him feel proud. Marlena thinks it makes him look weak.

Will questions Allie wanting to leave Salem with them. Sonny asks where this is coming from. Allie knows it may seem impulsive but it makes sense to her. Allie talks about thinking of the lives that Marlena, Kayla, and Kate lived without fear or regrets and taking chances. Will asks about everything Allie would be leaving behind. Allie reveals to them that Chanel broke up with her. Will says he’s sorry as he didn’t know that. Sonny calls it Chanel’s loss but Allie says this one is on her. Allie then admits that she slept with Alex because she thought Chanel and Johnny were hooking up, but she was wrong. Will asks Allie if she’s sure it’s over for her and Chanel and if she doesn’t want to stay and fight for her. Allie knows when Chanel has made up her mind, pushing her is the worst thing to do. Allie says she will always love her but she knows they could use the time and space apart. Will asks about her job. Allie points out that she will have to quit since her boss was the person she cheated on. Allie adds that she talked to Lucas, who told her to lean on the people she loves and do whatever is best for her and Henry. Will calls that good advice. Allie notes that she’s a single mom with no job or prospects. Allie states that they buried their grandmothers today, so she could use something positive in their lives. Allie adds that they may never get this opportunity again to recharge and reboot. Allie says there’s no where better than the most beautiful place in the world with her two favorite people. Will asks if she’s sure. Allie says it sounds like Heaven on Earth.

Marlena tells The Devil that Nick and his games are beneath him. The Devil says losing to Marlena twice was a bitter experience and he hates losing. Marlena asks if he doesn’t want to prove once and for all that he’s stronger than her. The Devil talks about taking a difficult path and then declares that he has made his decision.

Kate questions Kayla about contacting Steve. Kayla believes that she did. Kate asks if Steve talked to her and saw her. Kayla says she doesn’t know but she was desperate to let Steve know that she’s okay. Kate asks how Nick could not let her know so that she could’ve talked to Roman or Lucas.

The guard returns to Lucas, who pretends to be drunk and demands to see Orpheus because he needs more. Lucas lunges at the guard and ends up hitting the table, so the guard calls in that they have an inmate down and that he needs assistance to send him to the infirmary.

Will states that he was heading back to New Zealand alone but now they better charter their own flight as they accept Allie coming with them. Allie excitedly hugs Will and Sonny.

Kate asks Nick how she can reach her family. Nick says that had nothing to do with him as Kayla found a way around their fire wall but it’s been plugged up and won’t happen again. Kayla assures that she will keep trying. Nick insists it won’t happen again which is a shame because it looks like there will be some interesting developments today. Kayla questions what he’s talking about. Nick declares that there is murder in the air. Nick then reveals that Steve, John, and Roman are going to avenge their deaths by killing Orpheus today.

Roman says to himself that everything should be starting to come together right about now.

Orpheus returns to the visiting room. The guard comes in after him and questions what was in the booze that he gave Lucas, because he passed out and he had to send him to the infirmary. Orpheus calls Lucas a loser who can’t handle his alcohol.

Lucas gets set up in the infirmary and calls out for his mom, so the nurse goes to get him a doctor. Lucas then jumps up and meets Steve and John at the door.

The Devil tells Marlena that he can’t believe he’s saying this, but he’s willing to tear up the contracts of Kate and Kayla in exchange for Marlena staying by his side for all eternity.

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