Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nikki decides that she wants to be CEO of Chancellor Industries and how much it means to her to honor Katherine’s legacy.

Victoria was thinking about warning Billy about Victor’s takeover attempt of Abbott-Chancellor but she decides not to warn him since the possible takeover means so much to her mother.

Kyle and Claire tell Harrison he can’t go to Paris with him. Phyllis advises Summer to spend time with Harrison while Kyle is away on a business trip. Summer should take a lot of pictures to show the judge when she and Kyle go to court.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Traci tells Alan that she has to go to Los Angeles because they want to turn one of her books into a movie and she has to meet with the producers. Alan tells Traci he cancelled speaking engagements so he could spend more time with her. Traci asks Alan to go to Los Angeles with her and he gladly accepts the invitation.

Abby talks to Ashley via video call and tells her that she and Devon are engaged. Abby tells Ashley that she had doubts because of her long history of failed relationships. Ashley advises Abby to follow her heart and Abby thanks Ashley for the perfect advice just when she needed to hear it. Devon asks Victor for his permission to marry Abby. Victor approves. Later, Victor, Devon, and Abby have a champagne toast to celebrate the engagement.

Summer finds another judge that grants an order prohibiting Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris until the custody issues are resolved. Kyle and Summer argue once again about the trip to Paris and then Kyle leaves to talk to his lawyer. Kyle’s lawyer tells him he can’t do anything to reverse the judge’s order.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Lily tells Devon that she has decided to stay with Billy at Abbott-Chancellor because she doesn’t think that she and Devon can work together at Winters because he likes to work alone. Devon is hurt by Lily’s decision, but he is glad that Lily finally told him the truth.

Devon and Abby go to the park. Devon asks Abby to marry him and she accepts his proposal.

Lily tells Billy about the plan she and Devon had for her to go work with him at Winters and leave Billy high and dry. Billy knew that something was going on and he appreciated that Lily told him the truth.

Mariah and Tessa celebrate the anniversary of their first date by having a picnic in the park.

Nikki isn’t sure she wants to be the CEO of Chancellor Industries when and if Victor acquires the company. Nick isn’t sure that the takeover will be easy, but Victor is confident he will acquire Chancellor Industries and that Nikki will be the CEO.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nick goes to Sharon’s house to check on her and she insists that she is fine…she is just trying to get adjusted to her new medication. Sharon admits to Nick that she has been missing Cassie. Nick tells Sharon he has been missing Cassie too since the 20th anniversary of her death is coming up soon. Sharon later has a fantasy that she and Nick kiss.

Nikki, Victoria, and Nick demand that Victor tell them what he intends to do once Nikki returns from her leave of absence. Victor waits for Adam to arrive before he tells everyone that he is about to acquire Chancellor Industries and he wants Nikki to run the company.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Victoria helps Claire realize that she does have feelings for Kyle, but Claire decides to respect the fact that Kyle is her boss and not act on her feelings for him. Claire calls Kyle and tells him she would love to go to Paris with him and Harrison.

Summer feels like she doesn’t have any rights as Harrison’s mother when her lawyer sends her a text message telling her that she can’t stop Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris.

Chelsea almost tells Billy that she and Adam slept together but she thinks better of it because Billy has been a blessing in her life.

Nick and Phyllis worry about Sharon because she is talking to them and she suddenly gets angry with Phyllis when she tells her that she had a talk with Faith.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Sally argue because she agrees with Chelsea that Paul won’t be able to protect Jack from Victor’s plan to ruin Jabot.

Heather calls Paul to tell him she wants to go to Portugal and see him. Paul tells her to come in the fall when there is better weather.

Audra reveals to Sally that Victor is Glissade’s secret investor. Sally tells Audra that Victor wants Adam to be the CEO of Newman Media so Adam can help him ruin Jabot.

Kyle and Summer argue about him going on a business trip to Paris. Kyle pushes Summer’s buttons by telling her he might take Claire and Harrison with him to Paris. Kyle later arrives home and asks her if her passport is up to date because he wants her and Harrison to go to Paris with him.

Phyllis and Summer start thinking of a way to get rid of Audra because they don’t want her in Harrison’s life.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Sally argue because she agrees with Chelsea that Paul won’t be able to protect Jack from Victor’s plan to ruin Jabot. Heather calls Paul to tell him she wants to go to Portugal and see him. Paul tells her to come in the fall when there is better weather.

Audra reveals to Sally that Victor is Glissade’s secret investor. Sally tells Audra that Victor wants Adam to be the CEO of Newman Media so Adam can help him ruin Jabot.

Kyle and Summer argue about him going on a business trip to Paris. Kyle pushes Summer’s buttons by telling her he might take Claire and Harrison with him to Paris. Kyle later arrives home and asks her if her passport is up to date because he wants her and Harrison to go to Paris with him.

Phyllis and Summer start thinking of a way to get rid of Audra because they don’t want her in Harrison’s life.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Chelsea tells Adam to think carefully before he decides to go back to Newman Media because she needs his support with Connor. Adam tells Victor he will not use Newman Media to hurt Jack. Victor agrees to Adam’s terms, so he returns to Newman Media.

Adam, Nick, and Victoria are upset that Victor won’t tell them what will happen when Nikki has finished her outpatient treatment. Victor tells them not to worry about that until Nikki is done with her treatment.

Audra tells Kyle that they will run Glissade together, but they are not friends. Kyle decides to go to Paris with Audra for the Glissade meetings. Audra thinks that Kyle doesn’t trust her.

Chelsea talks to Sharon about Connor’s condition and Chelsea notices that Sharon is distracted but when she returns to the conversation Sharon tells her she is fine.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 17, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Esther: Hi there, what can I get you?

Claire: Um, I’m actually not sure. What would you recommend?

Esther: Well, the double mocha latte is very popular and so is the butter pecan swirl. Oh, and the caramel macchiato. And you give it some zhuzh, extra whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles, and you’re good to go.

Claire: Rainbow sprinkles?

Esther: Yeah, you only live once, right?

Kyle: Hey, Esther. I’ll have what she’s having.


Esther: Two drip coffees, no whipped cream, no foam, no chocolate sprinkles and no… fun.

[ Kyle and Claire chuckle ]

Claire: I promise you, I will order something extra decadent next time.

Esther: Okay. I’ll hold you to that.

Claire: Thank you. So much for living large. You could have ordered something a little bit more interesting, though.

Kyle: This is exactly what I needed. You care to join me?

Claire: I don’t know.

Kyle: Well, if you’re worried about summer showing up, we could sit at two different tables and just sort of yell a conversation back and forth. Sound good?

Claire: It sounds loud.

Kyle: Yeah, one table it is then, if you have time.

Claire: I do. But do you? I mean, shouldn’t you be at the office?


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Audra: So, uh, what did you think about the article?

Nate: You’re officially an A-list mover and shaker, Audra. I’m impressed.

Audra: As you should be.

Nate: I also read the press release. You know, for a woman who’s so focused on every detail, it’s funny. You failed to mention that you’d be partnering up with another ex-lover. Fascinating.


Heather: Wh– why? Why would I want to leave the man of my dreams and our wonderful daughter and our beautiful, if slightly underfunded at the moment, life? Come on. We’ve worked too hard to get here. There’s absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be than sitting next to you in a park, drinking coffee on a work day.

Daniel: Well, it is pretty perfect. Minus the no jobs part.

Heather: Yeah. Minus that. But otherwise…

Daniel: You know, we could take these coffees and go back to the apartment. There are certain perks to being unemployed


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Diane: Do you really think Victor’s behind this?

Jack: It would explain his sudden interest in Kyle’s future.

Diane: But this seems extreme, even for Victor.

Jack: No, this is classic Victor. The powerful puppet master pulling all the strings.

Diane: True, but Newman hasn’t been in the cosmetics business for years. I mean, would he really go out and buy a company, just to give Kyle a job and stick it to you?

Jack: Now, keep in mind, he’s sticking it to Tucker as well by bringing Audra on board. No, this is classic Victor. He’s taking care of both of his enemies with one grand gesture.

Diane: And he’s using our son as a weapon.

Jack: Because he knows it would drive me crazy. God, we’ve been here before, luring Kyle away from his family. I should have seen this coming.

Diane: And you know what set happened


Jack: Victor?

Victor: What are you doing in here?

Jack: I warned you. My family is off limits!


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, July 8, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: At what point is another espresso a bad idea?

Nick: At the point when you get so wound up about Summer, I can start to see you twitch.

Phyllis: Oh, I’m not– I’m not wound up. I’m not stressed. I’m not. I’m just, I’m thinking methodically. Thinking methodically about all the things we put on the table as to what could really be going on with our daughter.

Nick: Have you got a winner yet?

Phyllis: I do. The last thing we came up with. I think that she is really going for custody for Harrison, or– or thinking about it, rather, because it’s a knee-jerk reaction. Because she’s angry, and maybe a little jealous.

Nick: Okay. Putting yourself in her shoes. Total stretch.

Phyllis: Yeah, but I’m not 100 percent sure. Because also, Nick, she knows Kyle. She knows when he’s distracted. And she knows when he’s reckless. And she knows if he’s going to be a bad influence on their son.


Claire: Grandpa, are you following me around tonight?

Victor: No.

Claire: Because I told you I was fine.

Victor: I came here for a croissant. Now, look at these eclairs. You know, those were your mother’s favorite when she was a child.

Claire: They’re my favorite, too.

Victor: Really?

Claire: Yeah.

Victor: Okay. Well, why don’t we sit over there? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.

Victor: Mmm. Mm-hmm. Good.

Claire: Do you want to hear something kind of funny?

Victor: What?

Claire: When I was a kid, I thought eclairs were named after me.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Claire: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Perfect.

Claire: Note to self, don’t eat an eclair on a date.


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Y&R Transcript Friday, July 12, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ phone pinging ]

[ Audra sighing ]

[ phone pinging ]

Sally: So, these are the looks that we talked about for the winter line. That’s the outerwear.

Summer: Mm.

Sally: Mm-hmm?

Summer: Okay.

Sally: You can see, I shortened the coat a little bit. And this is the formal piece. Chelsea really nailed the silhouette.

Summer: Yeah. Mm.

Sally: And we– we tweaked the collar just a little bit. And– and Chloe also mentioned that in addition to the black, we should do this in a midnight blue.

Summer: Sure. Sure.

Sally: You don’t seem really happy with these looks.

Summer: Ugh. I’m sorry. I… I’m not really happy. But it has nothing to do with these designs. Usually, a winter collection has a heaviness about it, but there’s a lightness here. It’s really smart, and unique.

Sally: Oh, good, because that’s exactly what I was going for.

Summer: Honestly, Sally, it’s really great.

Sally: Is everything all right? What’s going on?

Summer: Um, you know what? Can we just keep focused on work? I actually kind of need the distraction.

Sally: Yeah. I mean, you’re the boss. And I– I can make any changes that you want me to make to these.

Summer: I appreciate you bending over backwards to play nice.

Sally: I mean, it’s kind of easy to do when you like what I’ve done. I– Part of me was ready to fight to the death if you were going to try and kill any of these designs, even though it’s Chelsea’s vision for the brand.

Summer: Hey, you didn’t just execute Chelsea’s vision. I mean, what you added made these looks better. Honestly, Sally, I’m– I’m still kind of surprised at how well this is working out. You know, when Chelsea came to me and she wanted to take a step back to focus on Connor, I really didn’t have many choices. Hiring you was kind of an act of desperation on my part.

Sally: Yeah, I mean, I– I know we have a history and I had to prove myself.

Summer: Well, you have. And now that this winter collection is back on schedule, I think it’s time that we make some changes.

Chelsea: Okay, well, Connor, we know you have to go, but we’ll talk soon, all right?

Adam: All right, keep up the good work, buddy. We love you.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

Chelsea: Did that really just happen?

Adam: It’s hard to believe after everything he’s been through, but our son might actually be getting better.

Chelsea: I mean, we’re not supposed to get our hopes up, you know, after every phone call. The doctors keep saying, we can’t expect too much.

Adam: Hey, not today, though. Dr. Hammond said this really is a breakthrough in the treatment of his OCD.

Chelsea: I mean, he was so direct. He was so articulate about his condition, about his treatment. It’s like he– it’s like he’s finally understanding what’s really happening to him.

Adam: And– and he’s not hurting himself again. And now he thinks if he has those feelings again, he has tools to stop that from happening. He’s gonna beat this, Chelsea. I know he is.

Chelsea: Oh, my God, I hope you’re right. I mean, even if he has to live with this for the rest of his life, for the first time since his diagnosis, I can see what that life may look like.

Adam: Yeah. And the hopes and dreams that we had for our son.

Chelsea: Yeah. We– we can dare to have ’em again. Oh, my gosh.

Adam: Oh. Mm.

[ Adam sighing ] Uh, sorry.

Chelsea: No, I’m– I’m sorry. I– I initiated that hug. That was…

Adam: No, look, I… I took your hand when we were on the call–

Chelsea: No, that’s big, but we– we had gotten good news, so…

Adam: Well, yeah, we– I mean, we got really good news. So, we don’t have anything to feel badly about.

Chelsea: No, we’re–

Adam: Well, not anything that we did today.

Chelsea: We’re allowed to feel good, Adam.

Adam: Yeah, anything to spite guilt and pain.

Chelsea: This isn’t about us. You know? This is about our son.

Adam: Well, I have been the biggest pessimist about his condition. And I believe he’s gonna get better, so you should, too.

Chelsea: I do. So, I should, um… I’m gonna go find Billy.

Adam: Chelsea. Look, we’ve been there for each other because it’s what Connor needed.

Chelsea: I know, Adam. And I know Connor still needs that from us. But what happened between us in that hotel room–

[ knocking on door ]

Adam: Dad, what are you doing here?

Victor: I hope I’m not interrupting.

Victor: Thank you. Hello, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hello, Victor.

Victor: Everything all right?

Adam: Um, we just got off a call with Connor.

Victor: Oh. How’s my grandson?

Adam: He’s getting better.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, the doctors think he’s making some real progress.

Victor: Happy to hear that. Will he be home soon?

Adam: Well, he’s taken a big step, but he’s still got a long way to go.

Victor: Any way I can help?

Chelsea: Oh, that’s so nice. Uh, not really. I wanted to thank you, though, for letting us borrow the jet for our visits to Baltimore.

Victor: I’m very glad to do it. Anytime, all right? Must have been tough for both of you, to have him so far away.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: But things are really looking up now.

Victor: Good. Chelsea, if you don’t mind, I’d like a word alone with Adam.

Chelsea: No problem. I was on my way out. I have a meeting with Summer.

Victor: All right.

Adam: Oh, you’re already back to work?

Chelsea: Well, she wanted to meet with me. She didn’t say why. It’s probably something I have to fix with the winter line.

Adam: Mm.

Chelsea: Adam, what happened today with Connor, it really puts things in perspective. I’m starting to feel like maybe things will be okay.

Adam: They will be.

Chelsea: All right. We’ll talk later. Bye, Victor.

Victor: Bye, Chelsea.

Adam: So, what brings you by?

Victor: You know why I’m here.

Adam: You want to know if I’m going to take you up on your offer to head up Newman Media?

Victor: Yeah. Can I count on you?

Sally: I’m confused. I thought we just established that you were happy with the work that I was doing.

Summer: I am.

Sally: Okay. Well, I mean, if this is about Chloe, she was a huge part of these designs, and really the only reason that we could stay under budget.

Summer: That’s great. Thank her for me. I am learning to appreciate someone’s passion, even if I don’t always appreciate their personality.

Sally: Well, Chloe has been on her best behavior. And so have I.

Summer: No, I’ve noticed. I haven’t felt any attempts at sabotage. I haven’t received any offers from fashion houses in Paris or Milan.

Sally: Yeah, well, I’m really glad that we can joke about that now. But it is kind of ironic that my scheme to get you out of a job here in Genoa City…

Summer: Has brought us to the point where you’re now working for me at Marchetti?

Sally: Yes, and now we’re…

Summer: Finishing each other’s sentences?

[ both laughing ]

Sally: Yeah.

Summer: I– I don’t think that we’ll ever be best friends.

Sally: Eh– understandable. I am just thankful and grateful to be a part of your team.

Summer: How would you feel about leading a team of your own?

Sally: I’m listening.

Summer: Okay, good. ‘Cause I thought that we could discuss this–

Chelsea: Hi. Sorry, I thought this meeting was just going to be with Summer. Sally, you didn’t mention you would be here when I saw you today at lunch.

Sally: I didn’t realize you were going to be a part of it.

Summer: No, I wanted you both here, so that we could all discuss this idea that I have for a more permanent position for Sally at Marchetti.

Chelsea: Are you firing me and giving my job to Sally?

Nate: Don’t you want to come up for air for just a minute?

Audra: Uh…

Nate: First day at Glissade, and she’s still at it. You know that work will keep until tomorrow, right?

Audra: Yeah, it’s already tomorrow in Paris.

Nate: The sun never sets on the Audra Charles Empire, huh?

Audra: Something like that.

Nate: So I shouldn’t take it personally that you barely looked at me since I sat down.

Audra: Look, I’m just trying to prove you wrong.

Nate: About?

Audra: Me.

Nate: How was I wrong about you?

Audra: It’s clear you think I’m not up to the challenge of running a multinational cosmetics startup.

Nate: Hang on. I never said that.

Audra: You said my new venture might be more trouble than I can handle.

Nate: If it was just you, world, look out. You know my main concern is you having to watch your back because of Kyle Abbott and this mysterious investor of yours.

Audra: And you also brought up the threat of Tucker crawling from beneath whatever rock he took refuge under.

Nate: Well, Tucker definitely didn’t crawl under that rock. You dropped it on him.

Audra: Which proves I can handle things just fine.

Nate: No doubt. I’m just looking out for a friend.

Audra: And I’m glad you’re looking out for me. But do you have to be so literal about it? Are you seriously going to sit there and watch me work?

Nate: No, I am not. Please, come with me.

Summer: I have no intention of replacing you with Sally. I am very committed to you and your vision.

Sally: So am I.

Chelsea: So, then what did I miss here? I mean, Marchetti isn’t big enough for two creative directors.

Summer: Actually, I have been thinking about expanding the brand. And I heard that you were in town, and I wanted to discuss it with you.

Chelsea: Oh. Okay, I’m intrigued.

Summer: So, basically we have the market cornered in classic and upscale, right? And I’ve been thinking about creating a new line at Marchetti that’s trendier. For a younger demographic. We could call it Marchetti Z. Target that generation.

Sally: That’s a great idea.

Summer: You think so? Because actually, I was considering making you the lead designer.

Sally: Seriously? I mean, I’d be thrilled.

Chelsea: I love this idea.

Sally: Do you? Because I know after this opportunity you gave me to help you with your winter line, I just wouldn’t want to take anything away from you.

Chelsea: No, I’m sorry if I acted territorial before. I– It’s just, I– You know, I needed to step away, but this job does mean a lot to me.

Summer: And look, I completely relate to that. Sometimes work is the only place that you feel like you have any control.

Sally: And given everything that you’ve been through with Connor, I do not want to in any way threaten that.

Chelsea: Listen, I’m the one who pitched you to cover for me. So, you don’t have to sell me on this. I think it is a win-win, for Marchetti and for Sally.

Summer: So? What do you say?

Sally: Uh… okay. Well, uh, I’m just going to skip over the part where I attempt false modesty, and just say, the truth is, I– I think it’s a great concept, and I think I would absolutely crush it.

Summer: All right. Well, I’m glad we don’t have to waste any time building up your confidence. Look, we definitely need to discuss this further, but, um… first, I would really love to hear how Connor’s doing.

Sally: Yeah, yeah, me– me too. I– I know that he was released from inpatient, but I haven’t had a chance to talk with Adam about how your video call went.

Chelsea: Well, uh, I don’t want to get too excited, but it seems that Connor’s turned a corner. He seems to be getting better. When this all first started, you know, we didn’t see that he was sick. We didn’t see the disease. And then once we did realize it, and he was getting help, it was hard to look at our son and not see the OCD, and not feel this intense guilt, thinking we might have caused it.

Summer: Wow.

Chelsea: Yeah, but now, um, after this video chat, I saw my son again. My– my son, you know, and he– and he’s really– He’s fighting this thing with everything he’s got.

Summer: That is so great. I’m– I’m so happy for you, and for Connor and Adam.

Sally: Adam must be thrilled.

Chelsea: Uh, yeah, you know, we’re just trying to keep our feet on the ground. Um, here can be setbacks along the way, uh, but the doctors feel like this is a great first step, so.

Summer: Well, it seems like you and Adam are really in sync with the whole co-parenting thing. That’s amazing. Not everyone’s that lucky.

Chelsea: Mm. Yeah, no, I don’t know. Um, Adam and I don’t really always bring out the best in each other, so…

Sally: Uh, well, that’s not really what I’ve been seeing. I mean, Adam has been an emotional wreck, and I do what I can to understand and be there for him, but I’m really grateful that Adam has you to lean on too.

Adam: Dad, I’m not going to waste my breath trying to convince you of a parent’s need to put their kids first. I know Victoria tried to get you to understand why she wanted to focus on Claire and Johnny and Katie, and that argument fell on deaf ears.

Victor: Victoria will come around in time. She realizes her proper place is at Newman Enterprises, alongside her brother, Nicholas.

Adam: And here, I thought that was my place.

Victor: Your place, really.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Um… Nick and I are getting along just fine at work. I mean, unless he’s told you different.

Victor: Mm-mm, he hasn’t.

Adam: I’ll admit, I do need a distraction from my personal drama, so I am intrigued by your offer. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to get dragged into one of your wars without knowing who it is we’re fighting.

Victor: No reason to know who that is.

Adam: You want me on the front lines, I’m going to need a name.

Victor: All right. If that is what it takes, I will let you know who it is that I’m targeting.

Audra: Why are we here?

Nate: To watch the sunset on your first day as head of Glissade.

[ Audra sighing ]

Audra: Yeah, it’s been quite a day.

Nate: Is that why all the sighs?

Audra: No, today started with the high of the posting of that article that built me up, all about how I’m living the dream. And then, people started coming at me with all sorts of real-world problems.

Nate: Such as?

Audra: Did you know the price of glass went up 30% last year? Which means those little bottles we put nail polish in either have to get smaller or the price we charge to the consumer has to get bigger.

Nate: Ah. That is a real-world problem.

Audra: Yeah. Then, there’s the supply chain issues, as they relate to a certain shade of pink pigment for any lipstick line. Oh, and the fight to keep cheap knock-offs of our fragrances from getting to market. But I won’t bore you with any of the details. Wait, I just did, didn’t I?

Nate: Audra, you’re a lot of things, okay? But you can never be boring.

[ Audra sighing ]

Audra: Yeah, I’ve dealt with stress before, but this, this is just the next level.

Nate: Hm.

Audra: And you keeping me from work isn’t helping.

Nate: Maybe this will.

Audra: Well, if this is coffee in any form, it might.

Nate: No, it is not. This is oolong tea.

Audra: Oh, no thanks.

Nate: Uh-uh, hear me out. Look, this tea is filled with amino acids that improve brain function. It also helps with sleep, reduces stress, and anxiety.

Audra: Hm. It also tastes like wet socks.

Nate: It will grow on you.

Audra: You say it like it’s a good thing.

Nate: Listen, when I was in med school and then doing my residency, I was a coffee addict. Some of my friends literally shot that stuff into their veins.

Audra: Oh, so you’re saying you can hook me up with an IV?

Nate: No joke, people did that too. But, uh, for me, I– I couldn’t keep up. It got to the point where if I didn’t have a cup of something strong in my hands, they would shake.

Audra: Yep.

Nate: And no one wants a doctor with shaky hands standing over them with a scalpel.

Audra: Oh, no.

Nate: So, I switched to tea. It evened me out. I got better sleep, had more focus, and I got through.

Audra: Hm. So, this is what the doctor ordered?

Nate: That, and a few deep breaths. You need to take a moment and just be.

Audra: Yeah, no, I don’t do that. Deep breathing and meditation, the “ohming” and the unplugging of chakras, that was Tucker’s thing, and I don’t want to be reminded of it.

Nate: Tucker knows nothing about being in the moment. You need to get out of your head and listen to your body. It’s telling you everything you need.

Audra: And what I need is a triple shot of espresso, and to get back to my tablet.

Nate: Audra, those sighs earlier, a sigh is just a short breath. It’s a release and a reconnection.

Audra: Do you really believe all that? Or is it just some pitch you worked up to impress the women in your yoga class?

Nate: Do you think everyone has an angle?

Audra: Hey, I’m all about angles, but I just like it when people are up front about it.

Nate: This isn’t some play to be with you, Audra. It’s an apology. I’m sorry if I made you think I wasn’t a true believer. This Glissade thing? You got this.

Audra: Thank you for saying that.

Nate: And this, what we’re doing right here, right now. It isn’t a seduction in any way, shape, or form. I like having you as a friend, Audra. I know we talked a lot about you needing one right now, but what I haven’t said is I’m in a place and time in my life where I need one, too. So, how about we, um, sit here for a little while longer?

Audra: I think I can do that.

Chelsea: Wow, Sally, this is such great work.

Sally: It’s just working with what you gave me.

Summer: Oh, hey, I thought we weren’t doing false modesty here.

Chelsea: The way you solved the closure problem on that skirt? It’s genius.

Sally: Thank you.

Summer: Guys, I am loving this collaborative spirit we have going on here. I have been wanting to create this kind of atmosphere at Marchetti.

[ phone dinging ] Oh, it’s my realtor. I am looking for a new house for me and Harrison.

Chelsea: Oh, I take it that means you and Kyle still aren’t on the same page?

Summer: Um, Kyle and I aren’t even in the same book anymore. Uh, Sally, thank you so much for all of your hard work.

Sally: Yeah, thank you again for this opportunity.

Summer: And Chelsea, just know you have a place here whenever you’re ready to come back. Bye, you guys.

Chelsea/Sally: Bye.

Chelsea: Uh, well, I’m so glad that all worked out.

Sally: Uh, do you have to leave? I think there’s something we need to talk about.

Victor: Now, son, very few people are privy to this, but I’ve taken steps to acquire Glissade, a cosmetics company.

Adam: Oh, I wish I could have seen the look on McCall’s face when he found that out.

Victor: You may still have a chance, you know. Just know that the financing of it was anonymous, and I want to keep it that way, for now.

Adam: Yeah. I heard that, uh, Audra Charles and Kyle Abbott were handpicked to run Glissade. That’s an interesting pairing. But what’s the connection between Glissade and Newman Media? It sounds like you’ve already cut Tucker off at the knees.

Victor: He’s not the target. I just want Newman Media to create a massive buzz about Glissade.

Adam: Well, that’s easy enough.

Victor: All right. And at the same time, I want you to go after the competition.

Adam: That’s it?

Victor: Yeah, that’s it.

Adam: What is it that you’re not telling me?

Nate: Look, I– I don’t want to keep you from your work, Audra. I just want you to remember why you’re so excited about it in the first place.

Audra: I am excited about running Glissade. And it’s not just about the money, or power. Though, unlike most people, I’m not afraid to admit I want both those things.

Nate: What else is it about? Showing Tucker he was wrong to underestimate you? That he was the only thing holding you back?

Audra: Yeah, I fell into that trap before, trying to get a man’s approval. But now I know I don’t need that. And I want to bring that lesson I learned to Glissade.

Nate: How so?

Audra: I know I have a partner and an investor, so I won’t have total control, but I’m the one who buys and uses makeup. Tucker, or Kyle, or any man can read a marketing report. They can hold focus groups. They can talk about margins and profit and loss, but I’m the one who knows what it means to look into a mirror and… And see myself for what I really am. Not how a man wants me to be. Life can get real ugly sometimes. And I know what it means to need to feel beautiful in those moments. You know, Glissade needs to be not about being beautiful for a man, but about women being beautiful for themselves.

Chelsea: Can it wait? Uh, I’m sure it’s something you want to discuss about the winter line, and you didn’t want to bother Summer with it.

Sally: Well, I just think we need to clear the air.

Chelsea: You know, if– if you’re worried about stepping on my toes at Marchetti–

Sally: Well, yeah, it’s that, but it’s also about Adam, too.

Chelsea: Um, what about Adam?

Sally: Well, I am trying to be more open and honest with my feelings. It’s not something I’ve been great at in my past. But listening to you and Adam talk about Connor, and seeing how you two are there for each other, it’s made me want to step up my game.

Chelsea: Well, you have been there for Adam. He tells me all the time how wonderful you are.

Sally: Well, thank you, but I want to be wonderful for Adam. You know, I mean, I’ve never been involved with a man who’s going through what you and Adam are going through.

Chelsea: Yeah, I don’t know. I think maybe you should– maybe you should just tell Adam all this.

Sally: No, I will, but I also want to tell you.

Chelsea: Okay.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: When Summer asked me to stay on more permanently at Marchetti, I also thought that she was going to ask me to take your place and I just want you to know that I would never do that.

Chelsea: I appreciate that.

Sally: I mean, I came here not only driven by ambition and the need for a job so I can pay my bills, but to support you. And that was clear to me from the very beginning. But what wasn’t clear to me was how I can support you and Adam without feeling threatened. You have done nothing at all to make me feel that way.

Chelsea: Sally, you have supported me and Adam. Honestly, you’ve been amazing, and I really want to thank you for that.

Sally: No, Chelsea, I should be thanking you. Seriously, you did not have to take Adam’s suggestion to pitch me to Summer, and with everything that you have going on with Connor right now, I’m the last person that you should be thinking about, so I owe you, Chelsea.

Chelsea: No, Sally, you really don’t.

Adam: I get why you want to pump up Glissade now that we own it, and why you want to give bad press to our competitors to gain market share.

Victor: Do you have a plan how to do that?

Adam: Well, I can make it happen. And I can make it appear that we’re being fair and balanced. But that’s not what’s giving me pause.

Victor: What is?

Adam: All seems a little… What’s the word I’m looking for? Reasonable.

[ Victor chuckling ]

Victor: You know I’m very reasonable.

Adam: Come on, you could have sold this to Nikki and Victoria. Why do you need me?

Victor: Because, son, you know everything about Newman Media. You started the darn company. It’s your baby.

Adam: You’ve talked about the competition, but you still haven’t specified your enemy.

Victor: Jabot is one of the large companies in the sector.

Adam: Yeah, and Nikki would never agree to go after Jack Abbott.

Victor: Bingo.

Adam: But I respect Jack Abbott.

Victor: I don’t give a damn what your feelings are about Jack Abbott, okay? You have never hesitated in the past to go for the kill. It’s like your father. I don’t hesitate. Even if it means to hurt someone you like.

Victor: Son, you’re like me. You get that you can’t be soft to survive, can you?

Adam: Well, I’m like you in the fact that I’m not afraid to fight dirty.

Victor: So, Glissade was well positioned, so I went after it.

Adam: Come on, you are not someone that lets the chips fall where they may. You want me to use Newman Media to improve your odds.

Victor: I want you to do damage to Jabot.

Adam: Okay, well I hurt Jabot, I hurt Jack. It’s the same as Newman. If Newman took a hit, you would feel it.

Victor: I don’t give a damn about what the hell happens to Jack Abbott. Look what I’m offering you. I’m offering you autonomy to run the damn company you started as you will. And you don’t have to share any power with your brother or your sister. I’m handing the company to you. What are you going to do with it? Can I trust you?

Adam: Are you sure that you can trust Kyle and Audra?

Nate: You opening up to me like that means a lot.

Audra: Don’t go reading into it, Nate.

Nate: Oh. And the armor’s already back on. Mm-hmm.

Audra: Oh, now that’s a shade of violet I need for a new line of eyeshadow.

Nate: And she’s back to work. But I’ve already seen a little more of you than maybe you meant to show. Now, I can’t speak for what you see when you look in the mirror. And you’ve already made it clear that you aren’t interested in what any man thinks. But for the record… the more of you I see, the more beautiful you are to me.

Audra: Does that ever really work for you?

Nate: The pretty damn annoying charm?

Audra: That’s the one.

Nate: Oh. You tell me.

Audra: I think you already know the answer.

Sally: Chelsea, did your call with Connor not go as well as you said?

Chelsea: No, the call went great.

Sally: Okay, so, what is it? I mean, you can be honest with me about this awkwardness between us. >

Chelsea: Awkward? Is it awkward? I don’t think it is.

Sally: Yeah, of cour– Chelsea, of course it is. I’m doing your job.

Chelsea: No, you stepped in for me at Marchetti, and you’re doing great, and I knew you would.

Sally: Okay, then– then what is it? I mean, I… I– I– I don’t know. It– it almost seems like…

Chelsea: Like what?

Sally: Like you’re guilty?

Chelsea: No, I mean, I– I feel… Of course, I feel a little bad walking away at such a critical time. You know, when Summer needed me. But, um– But you made it so everything’s okay. And I’m really grateful to you for that.

[ Chelsea and Adam panting ]

Sally: Chelsea.

Chelsea: Sorry, I think, um, I think I’m a little jet-lagged.

[ Chelsea and Adam panting ]

Sally: You’re tearing up. Now, I know something is really wrong. Can you please just tell me what it is?

Chelsea: Sally, I…

Sally: You’re a mess. I– I– I get it. I mean, how could you not be after everything that you’ve been going through with Connor?

Chelsea: Ah, yeah, um, I just feel like everything that’s happened with my son has me on this emotional rollercoaster. And like I mentioned to you at lunch, I don’t… I don’t feel like I have control over any aspect of my life. What I say, what I do.

Sally: Yeah, I mean, I’m sure you have so much anxiety and frustration. I know that Adam does. I mean, is it selfish of me to say that I’ve been afraid of losing him over this?

Chelsea: Sally, you are not going to lose Adam. He cares about you so much.

Sally: Yeah, I– I know he does, but I mean, his heart is so broken over Connor that sometimes I just wonder if there’s even a piece left for me.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

Chelsea: I’m really sorry if– if me needing Adam has come between the two of you.

Sally: No, no, no. No, no. That’s not at all what– what I’m trying to say, okay? I’m– I’m really, really glad that Adam has you. You know, when Adam and I lost our baby… it bonded us. And Connor is your baby. So, of course, you and Adam are going to get closer, because you’re his parents, and I really hope that you guys are always there for each other. I mean, I’m sure that you can help Adam out in ways that I can’t even imagine. Billy and I–

Chelsea: You know what? I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Sally. I can’t talk about this right now. Um… Just know Adam loves you and you just have to stand by him. No matter what, okay? I’m really sorry. I have to go.

[ Sally scoffing ]

Victor: Now, Audra is very ambitious and savvy. She demonstrated that again when she turned Tucker’s board against him.

Adam: So, she stabbed someone in the back who trusts her? Yeah, that’s not very reassuring, Dad. Who’s to say we won’t end up the same?

Victor: You leave her to me.

Adam: And Kyle?

Victor: Well, so it happens that apparently, he had a huge falling out with his parents. Neither Jack nor Diane expressed a lot of faith in his talents. So understandably, he wants retribution. And I think we can use Newman Media to help him do that.

Adam: Hm. By crippling Jabot?

Victor: By crippling all competition. Now, that I’ve told you what’s going on, will you resume with leadership of Newman Media?

Adam: Uh… I’ll seriously consider it.

Victor: I can’t wait too long, okay? Time is of the essence.

Adam: I’ll sleep on it. I’ll let you know in the morning.

Victor: All right. Nice talking to you. I’m very happy that things are going well with Connor.

Adam: I am too.

Victor: Now, you can help your son and help your father.

[ door closing ]

Audra: I just want to be clear about something. We’re just in the moment, Nate, okay? Uh… I’m just getting out of my head and listening to my body.

Nate: I’m listening too, and I like what it’s saying.

Audra: I’m serious.

Nate: Hey, hey. I want this. Only if you want it too. If not, we stop.

Audra: I don’t want to stop. I just want to make sure we’re agreed, this is just for fun. It means nothing.

Nate: Right.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 12, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Nate helps Audra relieve some stress by going to the park and getting her some tea to calm her nerves. Audra decides to have sex with Nate to get out of her head and have some fun.

Summer talks to Chelsea and Sally about starting a new line targeted at a younger demographic. The new fashion line would be called Marquetti and Summer wants Sally to be the lead designer for the new fashion line. Chelsea thinks it is a great idea, so Summer hires Sally to be the lead designer for the new fashion line. Sally tells Chelsea she always knew that her job as creative director would be temporary and she never would have taken her job from her if Summer was thinking about offering it to her. Sally thanks Chelsea for giving her this opportunity.

Chelsea feels so guilty about having comfort sex with Adam that she shed a few tears and Sally asks her to tell her what is wrong but she makes a quick getaway saying she has to go. Adam is conflicted about helping Victor ruin Jabot because he respects Jack, so he tells Victor he will sleep on it and give him a decision in the morning.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, July 11, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Devon: I mean, I think the key is communication, right? In order to divide these companies successfully, we’re gonna need cooperation from leadership in all the divisions.

Nate: Agreed. Word is already starting to spread about the board vote. People wanna know how to proceed. What’s to come?

Devon: I mean, the message is simple. The company is strong. Just gonna be two separate, solid entities.

Nate: As it was before the merger.

Devon: Exactly. And I wanna be fair to Billy and Jill, but obviously I’m gonna be more focused on our side of things.

Nate: Oh, speaking of which, I’ve got some ideas on how to streamline the overall process. In particular, to shore up the Winters entities.

Devon: Nice. Well, let’s hear it.

Nate: Well, um… You know, should I hold off until Lily has a chance to hear this? I imagine we wanna get her input.

Devon: Yeah. I don’t know if she’s gonna be joining us today. I’m not really sure where we stand. I haven’t talked to her since the vote.

Nate: Well, I hope that’s not a bad sign.

Devon: I think we’re about to find out.

Nate: Hello, Lily.

Lily: Hello.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: Hi. Uh, sorry, I haven’t been in touch. I just wanted to wait until after the board meeting for things to calm down.

Devon: Yeah, it’s okay. Have things settled down enough for you to tell Billy you’re not gonna be joining him at Chancellor?

Claire: All right. First, I think we should check our supplies. Are you ready? All right. Do we have snacks?

Harrison: Yes, for us and for the ducks.

Claire: Very important. What else?

Harrison: Zippy stayed home, but we have other toys and water.

Claire: Fun, food, water, all the essentials. We are prepared.

Harrison: Don’t forget, we have shovels for digging and journals so we can write down what we find. But what are we looking for?

Claire: Today, we continue to be scholar adventurers, and our topic this afternoon is worms. You see, worms are really important. They’re not just long and slimy. They actually help the soil to make sure it gets all the best nutrients.

Harrison: Does what they do help the caterpillars and other animals?

Claire: There’s only one way to find out. We will conduct our research. Let’s go find some earthworms to study.

Harrison: You’re the best, Claire.

Claire: No, you are. Come on, let’s go.

Katie: The rule is whoever calls shotgun first sits in the front seat.

Johnny: The rule is whoever’s older. Besides, I’ve called it way before, like, in my head while I was sleeping last night.

Katie: That doesn’t count.

Johnny: Yeah, it does. You snooze, you lose.

Victoria: Do I need to step in here?

Johnny/Katie: No.

Victoria: Okay, then. Lemonade is on me.

Billy: Ooh, Mom’s buying. Soak it up.

Victoria: Don’t encourage them.

Billy: Let me see. Let me see the eyes. All right. Bags don’t look too bad. That’s good. In between the riding and the swimming and the gaming and the sleepovers, you’re getting a little bit of rest.

Johnny: I mean, you can’t blame us for making the most of our summer.

Billy: You will never hear me complain about you being happy. Plus, you both look healthy, and I’m grateful for that.

Johnny: Aw, you’re getting soft in your old age.

Billy: You make fun of me all you want, but I know how lucky I am and I will never forget that.

Victoria: Well, um, we’ll let you go, but give Chelsea my best.

Johnny: Oh, same with me. And Connor, too.

Billy: I will. Hey, how about we do movie night later this week? Pizza, popcorn, the whole thing.

Katie: We don’t have to do everything as a family.

Billy: One of these days, you’ll be glad we did. And if it makes your old man happy, you’re gonna have to suck it up. I love you both. Be nice to Mom, okay?

Billy: Hey.

Chelsea: Hi. Uh, I don’t want to interrupt. You should– you should go. You should– you should go be with the kids.

Billy: It’s okay. They’re with Victoria and I want to be with you. Hey. You’re trembling. Are you okay?

Sally: Thanks. Yeah. So, it’s like we never left. Chloe and I are back. Literally. All systems go. Everything’s firing.

Adam: That’s good.

Sally: Yeah, I’m just so relieved to be back doing what I love, where I belong. And it really feels like the right move for Chloe, too.

Adam: How so?

Sally: Well, our work together is tied in fashion. We’re great partners, and not to brag, but Summer is thrilled with the work we’re doing.

Adam: Of course, she is.

Sally: Oh, my gosh. Wait until you see Marchetti’s new evening gown, designed by yours truly. It is gorgeous, if I do say so myself.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: And maybe I can even model it for you at home.

Adam: I can’t wait.

Sally: Adam, is something wrong?

Adam: Hm?

[ Chelsea panting ]

Sally: Adam?

Adam: Mm-hmm?

Sally: Where did you go just now?

Billy: Look, I think I know what happened.

Chelsea: You do?

Billy: You saw Johnny, you didn’t expect that and it kind of threw you. I mean, that’s– that’s understandable, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Yeah, it’s true. It did.

Billy: Don’t feel bad that he didn’t come over here, okay? He told me to say hello to you and to Connor. He asks about you all the time.

Chelsea: You know, I completely understand. I wouldn’t want to put him on the spot, you know, when he’s in front of Katie and Victoria. I think it’s just me. I think my emotions are just all over the place right now.

Billy: Of course, that makes sense.

Chelsea: And it’s hard, you know, to see Johnny like that when Connor is…

Billy: Yeah, it’s tough. Connor’s suffering. Connor’s going to be all right. He’s going to be back and better than ever. He’s strong, just like his mother.

Chelsea: And, you know, I mean, it makes me happy to see how well he’s doing. He’s thriving. He’s– he’s growing up. It warms my heart. It gives me hope.

Billy: I’m glad. How about you? How are you feeling? Did you get some rest?

Chelsea: A little bit. I– I took a nap. I’m not 100%, but I’m getting there.

Billy: Okay, well, we can fix that. Did you get something to eat?

Chelsea: Uh, no, and I’m actually pretty hungry.

Billy: Good. Plus, you owe me a do-over for breakfast. So, how about we go grab lunch? Society?

Chelsea: Sounds perfect.

Lily: Um, Nate, would you mind giving Devon and me a moment to chat?

Nate: Yeah, definitely. Uh, we’ll talk later.

Devon: Okay.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: What do I get the feeling I’m not gonna like what you’re about to say?

Lily: I haven’t told Billy that I’m not joining him yet.

Devon: Hm. And why’s that?

Lily: I think it’s too soon.

Devon: Okay. Well, Nate and I have already started discussing the details of the separation, so it’s probably a good time to pick a side.

Lily: Devon, I told you that I needed time after the vote to think about this before I just jumped ship.

Devon: And how much time will you need?

Lily: I don’t know. I need time to process, given what the separation means.

Devon: Right. I hope you can understand that I’m finding it a little difficult to trust that you’re being honest with me.

Lily: Why?

Devon: Because you knew that Jill was sick this whole time, and that’s just another secret that Billy shared with you that you didn’t share with me. I had to hear it from him right before we had a board meeting.

Lily: I wanted to share it with you, but Billy told me that in confidence.

Devon: I understand, but were his feelings more important than mine?

Lily: No, but Jill swore him to secrecy. He wasn’t supposed to tell me, so it wasn’t my information to just pass along.

Devon: No, I understand that. And I also respect Jill’s decision not to tell us about her health issues. But still, it all just adds to the uncertainty of this whole situation. And last time you and I talked, things got a little heated. So, I just want to know where your head’s at. That’s all.

Lily: I don’t know. I didn’t expect Jill to react negatively to the demerger, so now everything just feels off to me.

Devon: And hearing you say that makes me feel like you’re starting to pull away, and that you’re thinking about throwing away our plan and choosing to join Billy over me.

Adam: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to space out. Um, I’m really happy that things are going so well for you at Marchetti.

Sally: Thank you. But you don’t have to force enthusiasm. Look, I know you’ve been through a lot lately and I’m here for all of it. The good, the bad, the ugly. Whatever it is, you can tell me.

Adam: I’m just, I’m thinking about the trip to Baltimore and how stressful it got, the worry, the intensity.

Sally: Look, I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through all this. I mean, what you and Chelsea have had to endure, it’s just unbearable.

Adam: Sally, um, there’s something that I need to–

Billy: Hey.

Sally: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi. Nice to see you both.

Adam: You too.

Sally: Are you guys here for lunch?

Billy: Yeah. That’s the plan.

Sally: Well, why don’t you join us?

Billy: Yeah. We can do that.

Victoria: Ah, this is nice.

Johnny: Can I say something?

Victoria: I don’t know. Can you?

Johnny: Ha ha. It’s just, Chelsea seemed kind of sad at Crimson Lights.

Victoria: Oh, well, you know, I think she’s just stressed out with everything that’s going on with Connor. Billy said not to worry. He said that she’s managing.

Johnny: Good. I just don’t want her to get too upset, you know?

Victoria: I do.

Johnny: And Connor’s been through a lot, finding out we were brothers, what happened to his mom, going to that special boarding school, and that was all before the OCD.

Katie: Do you think he’ll be okay, Mom?

Victoria: I know that Connor’s receiving some excellent treatment at that clinic in Baltimore.

Johnny: I just wish there was more I could do for him.

Victoria: Honey, you have his back and he knows that. That’s what counts, all right?

Katie: Maybe we can do something with Connor when he comes home, like all of us together.

Victoria: Oh, so you are willing to do things with us.

Johnny: Maybe there’s hope for you.

Claire: Hey, Harrison, look who it is.

Victoria: Hi.

Lily: I haven’t decided to let our plan go.

Devon: You haven’t decided to let it go yet. And you also haven’t told Billy the truth, which is why I’m concerned.

Lily: Jill was just so disappointed when she found out that we’re breaking up the company, and if she knows that I’m leaving, she’s gonna be devastated.

Devon: She’ll be sad for a minute, and then she’ll understand because you’re gonna be joining your family and she’s never gonna knock you for doing that.

Lily: Well, I’d also be leaving Billy hanging.

Devon: I– No, you’d be doing Billy a favor.

Lily: How is that?

Devon: Because you and I both know that he’s wanted to run this company for a long time now by himself and he gets to do it.

Lily: I don’t think he wants that. He proposed a very solid partnership.

Devon: Billy’s not gonna tell you that he secretly wants you out.

Lily: I think I could read Billy Abbott.

Devon: Yeah, I bet you can. But why do you trust him so much?

Lily: Because we have history and we make a good team and I don’t think he’s gonna wanna lose that.

Devon: But what do you get out of this whole situation? Because you know that he’s a loose cannon, and all you’re gonna be doing is keeping him in line.

Lily: I’ve done it before.

Devon: Is that fulfilling to you, though? Because, clearly, the guy is desperate for more power and maybe he’s convinced himself that he wants to work with you, or he knows that it’s gonna make his mom feel better to have you on board.

Lily: Oh, right, because he could never just value me as a partner.

Devon: That’s not what I’m saying at all. My point is that he should value you as a partner. He’d be stupid not to.

Lily: Well, he was smart enough to know what we were up to.

Devon: What do you mean?

Lily: He called me out. He told me that he knew I was playing him and that I was gonna back out.

Devon: And how’d you respond?

Lily: I denied it, of course. I told him that I needed time to think. I mean, I think he bought it.

Devon: Hm. Well, I mean, I guess the good thing is, is at this point, Billy can’t stop our plan. The only person who can do that is you.

Sally: Have you had any updates on Connor?

Chelsea: Uh, not yet. And believe me, I check my phone every two minutes.

Adam: Yeah, doctor said it could be a little while.

Billy: Well, hopefully, you get some good news soon.

Adam: Thank you. Us, too.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sally: You ordering your usual?

Billy: Oh, yeah. Can’t go wrong with the empanadas.

Adam: I didn’t realize the two of you knew each other so well.

Billy: My love for the empanadas is no secret.

Sally: Hardly.

Billy: Actually, Sally and I ran into each other a few times while you were away.

Sally: Yeah, we’ve gotten coffee and touched base about Connor. Nothing for you to be jealous of. And I know from Adam what a roller coaster this has been. I’m really impressed with you two and how you’re handling it. It can’t be easy.

Chelsea: I– I actually don’t think I’m handling it well, to be honest. I break down a lot. There are moments I think I’m just gonna completely lose it.

Billy: Well, you may feel that way, but–

Adam: But you never do. You’ve stayed so strong throughout everything.

Billy: I agree.

Chelsea: You’ve done the same.

Billy: Both of you have been great, you know? You’ve been able to put your history aside and really be there for your son. That’s important.

Sally: Yeah, exactly. And that’s not always easy.

Adam: You do what you have to do when your kid is hurting.

Harrison: Claire, these are my cousins. That’s Katie and Johnny.

Claire: We’ve actually already met.

Victoria: Harrison, you– you know that Katie and Johnny are Claire’s brother and sister, right?

Harrison: Wow, you’re so lucky.

Johnny: Yeah, she seems pretty cool.

Victoria: Claire and Harrison have become really good pals.

Harrison: We’re studying worms. Do you want me to show you? We’re digging them up over there.

Johnny: Sure, why not?

Harrison: Great, come on. You can use my shovel.

Claire: Uh, I hope that’s all right. I don’t want to interrupt your family time.

Victoria: No, what are you talking about? You’re family, too. I just, I hope that we’re not, you know, getting in the way of work for you.

Claire: No, the more the merrier. Uh… Katie, do you want to come, too?

Katie: Worms? I’ll pass.

Claire: No problem. If you change your mind, we’ll be over by the big trees.

Victoria: It sounds like a good time. Worms and all.

Katie: If you like that kind of thing.

Lily: I just wish that you could understand this isn’t easy for me.

Devon: I do understand this isn’t easy for you. I just think you’re trying to please too many people. Especially Jill.

Lily: Well, she means a lot to me.

Devon: Yeah, she means a lot to me, too.

Lily: No, it’s more than that. I feel guilty.

Devon: What do you feel guilty about?

Lily: She took a huge chance on me. It was a risk for her to have me run Chancellor. I mean, she basically handed me her company.

Devon: Right, and you did a great job. You exceeded all of her expectations. And now she has her son running the show. And she has Chance here. And they’re going to carry on her legacy. That’s her family.

Lily: I know that. I just, I will always feel grateful that she had faith in me.

Devon: Well, yeah, of course you will. But you also know that Jill picked you because she knew you would do great things.

Lily: Yeah, and I did. She gave me the leeway to make my own decisions. And this company grew beyond anything I could have expected.

Devon: And that’s just a testament to what you’re capable of.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, she saw something in me that I didn’t. She saw me as a leader.

Devon: Lily, you can tell me. Are you hesitating because you don’t want to walk away from everything you created at Chancellor? You can’t let it go, can you?

Sally: Well, the trip to Baltimore must have taken a lot out of you both. You saw Connor, had a good day. Then you heard he was going into inpatient treatment.

Adam: It just, it was– it was so abrupt. I mean, one minute we’re hanging out with him and he’s happy and he’s positive and then, the next…

Billy: You get the news.

Adam: Yeah. It, uh, it was a gut punch.

Sally: Man, I would have been climbing the walls with nothing to do but wait.

Chelsea: It was excruciating, not being able to see Connor or speak with him.

Adam: And not know what was going to happen next.

Sally: Well, I hope you two were at least able to find ways to distract yourself from all the waiting and worrying.

Billy: Yeah, I think that’s the worst part about it, you know? Then, you start to spiral.

Sally: It’s an awful feeling, having no control over the situation and feeling like you can’t help but just fixate on all the what-ifs.

Adam: Well, last night, we got blind drunk. That helped.

Billy: I don’t blame you, you know? Of course, that’s probably why you’re tired today.

Chelsea: No, he’s exaggerating. We ate a couple drinks and we called it a night.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: Um…

[ phone ringing ]

Chelsea: Oh, this is the clinic. It must be one of Connor’s doctors.

Adam: Ooh, answer it.

Chelsea: Hi, this is Chelsea.

Chelsea: Well, that’s great to hear. What a relief. Yes, yes, he’s here with me right now, actually. I will let him know. Thank you, Dr. Hammond.

Adam: What happened?

Chelsea: Connor was released from inpatient an hour ago. He’s back in his room.

Adam: Oh, my God, that is great. Thank God. Um, what else did she say? I mean, how’s his state of mind? Is he doing okay?

Chelsea: Um, she said he’s doing great. He had a breakthrough. He’s, uh, stopped himself from disassociating.

Adam: What? He did?

Chelsea: I know. Yeah, I’m getting so excited. I know I shouldn’t get too excited, but I can’t help it. I mean, this– this feels big. The doctors think he’s turning a corner.

Adam: That’s our boy.

Chelsea: I know.

Adam: That’s our boy.

Victoria: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Where are you going? No, sit down. Come on. I know, I’m your boring mom.

Katie: You’re not that bad.

Victoria: Gee, thanks. Sit. Talk to me.

Katie: About?

Victoria: I don’t know. Tell me. How was your last day of school?

Katie: It was fine. Just packed up, said goodbye to everyone.

Victoria: How did your Spanish test go? Did you talk to your dance teacher about next fall?

Katie: I think I did muy bien on the test, and Miss Scott says I’m ready for intermediate ballet next year.

Victoria: Oh, that’s fantastic! I’m so proud of you. So, um, is there anything in particular that you want to do this summer? Any friends that you want to hang out with?

Katie: Some people from Walnut Grove wanted to hang out, and some friends from my old writing class.

Harrison: Do you think ducks eat worms?

Johnny: You could try to feed them one.

Harrison: Can I, Claire?

Katie: Gross.

Victoria: Maybe you and I could go to Chicago one weekend, and we could do some shopping and see a show.

Katie: Just you and me?

Victoria: Yeah, would you like that?

Claire: Let’s stick with the peas and oats for the ducks.

Johnny: No fun, Claire.

[ group laughing ]

Victoria: Uh, I would like that. I mean, I would like to spend as much time with you as I can while you’re home.

Victoria: I figured you’d be too busy with Claire, your first daughter.

Johnny: I’m going to make an ice cream run. You guys want anything?

Victoria: Uh, would you like anything, sweetheart?

Katie: Oh, for once in my life, I actually get a vote?

Victoria: Uh, you know what, just get us both chocolate. Thank you.

Johnny: Get you some, Mom. But not for the grump. What’s wrong with you?

Billy: I mean, again, it’s just such great news.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Billy: I’m so happy for Connor.

Sally: And for you two. I mean, for all of us, really. It’s just a relief.

Chelsea: It really is. I’d like to call Connor. You think it’s too soon?

Adam: Well, why don’t we text him? Tell him we heard the news and we can video chat him. You know, whenever he’s up for it. No pressure.

Chelsea: Good idea. I like that.

[ phone ringing ]

Adam: Oh–

Chelsea: Oh, it’s Connor.

Adam: He wants to video chat. Should we do it at my place, since it’s closest?

Chelsea: Uh, do you mind if I head out?

Billy: No. Of course not.

Adam: I don’t want to dine and dash, but–

Sally: No, go, go, go. Talk to your son.

Adam: You’re the best.

Chelsea: I’ll text you.

Billy: Bye.

Chelsea: Bye. All right, yeah. It’s okay.

Billy: Bye.

Sally: Bye.

[ Sally sighing ]

Billy: Quite the day.

Sally: Yeah, really. Mmm. Really happy for them, though.

Billy: Yeah, of course. Me too.

Sally: Yeah. I have to admit, I was holding my breath when Chelsea got that call.

Billy: Mm. Me as well.

Sally: It’s kind of a glimpse into what they’ve been dealing with. You know, all the ups and downs. This whole ordeal has really bonded them, hasn’t it?

Billy: Yeah, it has.

Devon: Listen, I understand how you’re feeling.

Lily: You do?

Devon: I do, yes. Completely. Because before today, I mean, this all was just an idea that we were talking about. It wasn’t real. But then when we had the meeting, and we had the vote and we divided the companies up, you’re suddenly faced with everything you stand to lose.

Lily: Yeah, maybe you’re right, you know. It’s just really hard to leave this all behind.

Devon: Yeah, but you have to remember, you’re not leaving behind the same company that you started at. Billy is running the show now. And I promise you, he is not going to give you the same freedom that you had when you worked with Jill.

Lily: And you will?

Devon: Well, what’s that supposed to mean?

Lily: I mean, come on, Devon. It’s not a secret. We all know how much you love to be in charge.

Devon: You’re saying that I’m a– a control freak?

Lily: I mean, you said it.

Devon: Well, I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

Lily: Okay, well, then fine. Like, tell me how you think this is going to work. Do you really think that we’re going to be equal partners?

Devon: Yes, of course I do. I mean, I was equal partners with Neil. And you were right there with us. You saw it. We worked out just fine. And now this is our opportunity to build something together as a team.

Lily: I really want to believe that.

Devon: Then believe it. It’s just going to be you and me. There’s no one to answer to. It’s us.

Lily: I know, but we have had issues at work before. I mean, it hasn’t been easy.

Devon: Okay, and when we had those issues, we got past all of them. Right? You know what I come from, Lily. There is nothing that would make me happier than to run our family’s company, with my sister. And I know Neil would want the same thing for us. And regardless, that has to sound better than working for your power-hungry ex.

Lily: You know, sometimes I feel like you just don’t want me to be around Billy because you have issues with him.

Devon: Well, that’s ridiculous to think. You can take Billy completely out of this scenario. It’s not about Billy. Okay? It’s about you and me. Are you really ready to just give up on the idea of running our family’s company?

Lily: I didn’t say that.

Devon: Yeah, but the fact we’re even having this conversation means that you are considering doing that and joining Jill and Billy, right?

Lily: I mean, if I said yes, what would that mean for us?

Devon: I mean, is that something you would actually do? You’d stay at Chancellor and not come to Winters with me?

Lily:: I asked what that would mean for us.

Devon: Yeah, I don’t know what that would mean. Because I already kind of suspected you felt this way, so–

Lily: I mean, look, you don’t even need me. You and Dad started Hamilton Winters, and I came on board later.

Devon: Right, I understand that. That’s not the point. The point is that I agreed to pull the trigger to separate these companies, because you made me believe that you were going to come and work with me.

Lily: I know. I know. I know.

Devon: And now you’re telling me that that might not happen. So, it’s disappointing.

Lily: I know. At– I don’t mean to let you or Dad down. Okay? That is not my intention.

Devon: I know. I’m sure it’s not your intention, but the end result is the same.

Lily: Look, Devon, I have to do what’s right for me. Okay? And I honestly don’t know if you and I would work well together.

Devon: Okay. All right. Do I count you out, then?

Lily: No, I didn’t say that. Just– I just — I, I just need some time. Okay? Please.

Devon: Okay. I hope you make the right decision.

Lily: So do I.

Nate: So, what happened? Where do things stand with Lily?

Devon: I wish I knew.

Adam: So, how about that lunch?

Chelsea: Oh, my God. So awkward.

Adam: Right?

Chelsea: I’ve never been more uncomfortable in my whole life. I can’t believe you told them we got drunk in Baltimore. Why would you do that?

Adam: Because it’s true.

Chelsea: Well, yeah, and it’s what led to us making a huge mistake, Adam.

Adam: Chelsea, I figured the more honest that we can be, the better. We can just talk about the surrounding circumstances and avoid this specific issue.

Chelsea: I’m not sure I can do this. The lying and the guilt, it’s eating at me.

Adam: What good would it do to tell them the truth? It’s only going to hurt them to know. Okay? It was a one-time thing. We were– we were desperate, and we were confused.

Chelsea: Overwhelmed.

Adam: It was about solace, and comfort. But we have to put it behind us and move forward. Connor needs us, and he needs our attention. We got some really good news today. Let’s focus on that.

Chelsea: You’re right. I know you’re right.

Adam: Are you ready?

Chelsea: Yes.

[ video ringing ]

Adam: Hey, buddy.

Chelsea: Aw, it’s so good to see you.

Connor: You guys, too.

Chelsea: How are you?

Adam: We heard you had to go into inpatient treatment. If you want to talk about it, we’re– we’re happy to listen.

Chelsea: But only if you feel comfortable.

Connor: I’m good. I guess they told you what happened. The nurse caught me with a pen, trying to hurt myself.

Chelsea: Yes, Dr. Hammond told us.

Connor: Inpatient was scary. I was alone, and I couldn’t leave my room the first day. They checked on me every half hour.

Chelsea: Sounds intense.

Connor: The OCD was really bad. I couldn’t control it. Couldn’t stop it. It was like it was mad, and wanted to hurt me, or make me hurt myself.

Adam: That does sound scary.

Connor: But then I realized, I wanted to fight back. It was all up to me, and I knew I could do it. I don’t know how exactly, but all of a sudden I forced myself not to zone out, to stop the hitting.

Chelsea: Dr. Hammond said you had a breakthrough of some kind.

Connor: I took control. I pushed the OCD voice away, the one that told me I didn’t deserve to be happy. I called the nurse for help.

Adam: Good for you.

Connor: The next day, the voice got weaker and weaker. Same with the urge to hurt myself. It was like everything I’ve learned finally snapped into place.

Chelsea: Oh, Connor, that’s wonderful.

Connor: There is something else. It might scare you, but I think it’s important for you to hear.

Sally: Well, I’m glad that Adam and Chelsea were able to work past their differences for Connor’s sake. I would hate to think what it would be like otherwise.

Billy: Me too.

Sally: Hi, Lily.

Lily: Hi.

Billy: Hi.

Lily: Hi.

Sally: Well, I’m guessing you two have work to discuss, and I have work to do. So, I will see you around.

Billy: See you.

Sally: You as well.

Lily: Good night. I’ll see you.

Sally: Bye, you too.

Billy: Is– is Sally right? Do we have work to discuss?

Lily: Uh, have you spoken to Jill? Is she feeling better after the meeting?

Billy: I haven’t been able to catch up with her yet. She’s in another round of treatment, so she’s focusing on that.

Lily: Yeah, as she should.

Billy: Look, she’s going to be fine with the separation, Lily. She’s going to come around.

Lily: Does Jill ever come around?

Billy: Well, she will, once she finds out what we have intended for the company. However we got here, whatever plans or deals were made, it doesn’t change my faith in what we can do together. But the truth is, you have been hesitant, so it’s hard to know what you think.

Lily: Well, you’re not the only one who feels that way.

Billy: Well, I won’t have to doubt you anymore, if you just tell me that you’re in.

Victoria: Okay, you guys just take a breath. Okay?

Harrison: Katie! These are for you.

Katie: Oh, did you put him up to this?

Claire: Honestly, I thought he picked them for Summer.

Harrison: My mom can have some too, but you look sad. I thought they’d cheer you up.

Katie: Thank you.

Harrison: I was sad for a while, but Claire helped me feel better. She’s fun. Maybe we can all have fun together.

Katie: You know what, Harrison? I’d like to go with you for ice cream after all. What flavor do you like?

Harrison: Chocolate, duh.

Katie: Okay then, chocolate it is. Can you hold these?

Johnny: You’re such a sucker, falling for some flowers.

Victoria: Well, that was, um…

Katie: Come on.

Adam: Well, whatever it is that you want to tell us, we’re ready to hear it.

Connor: Before I went into inpatient, sometimes I would just let the OCD take over, give in to the obsessions, to hurting myself. It just felt too hard to keep fighting.

Chelsea: I’m sorry. That sounds hard.

Connor: It was easier to give the OCD all the power, because then I got a break. But then I realized when I fight the OCD, I’m fighting for myself. The way you both have always fought for me.

Chelsea: Mmm.

Adam: And we always will, Peanut.

Chelsea: We love you so much.

Connor: Now that I’ve faced it, I don’t feel like I want to hurt myself anymore. Give in to the OCD. That’s over.

Chelsea: Well, Dr. Hammond said all the doctors are very pleased with your progress.

Connor: They think I’ve turned a corner. And for the first time, it feels like it might actually get better.

Chelsea: Oh. You are so brave, Connor.

Adam: And we’re so proud of you.

Nate: What did she say? Is she going with our plan?

[ Devon sighing ]

Devon: She hasn’t decided yet. But she’s definitely wavering.

Nate: Did you try to convince her otherwise?

Devon: I really did. I gave it my best pitch. But, uh, she won’t commit.

Nate: Seriously?

Devon: Yeah. I mean, if she wants to stay at Chancellor, that’s going to be something that we have to respect.

Nate: There’s got to be a way we can fix this.

Devon: Mm.

Nate: What’s our next move?

Devon: Hell, I think at this point, the only thing we can do is prepare for the possibility that the new Winters company will not have Lily Winters.

Billy: You’re doing it again. You’re hesitating.

[ Lily sighing ]

Lily: Billy, I just… I…I don’t know.

Billy: Lily, I just need to know. Are you in or are you out?

Lily: I’m in. I’m in. I’m– I’m ready to move forward.

Billy: You sure?

Lily: Yes. Yes. We’ll make an announcement. We’ll– we’ll plan a launch. And it’ll be Lily Winters and Billy Abbott. Force to be reckoned with.

Billy: Damn straight. Great. Let’s get this thing rolling. Trust me. You’re not going to regret this.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 11, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Katie continues to be upset about Claire being her sister. Katie starts sulking when she sees Claire in the park with Harrison and she decides not to go get ice cream with Victoria and Johnny. Harrison later gives Katie flowers to cheer her up because he wants to cheer her up and Katie changes her mind about getting ice cream with her family.

Adam and Chelsea continue to behave nervously around Billy and Sally because they feel guilty about having comfort sex in Baltimore. Adam and Chelsea don’t want to hurt Billy and Sally, so they agree never to tell them the truth about what happened in Baltimore.

Chelsea gets a call from Connor’s doctor who tells her Connor has had a breakthrough and he is out of in-patient treatment and back in outpatient treatment. Connor texts Adam and Chelsea and tells them he wants to video chat with them. Connor tells Adam and Chelsea that, while he was in in-patient treatment, he realized it was up to him to fight his OCD and he could do it because he has people who love him and he deserves to be happy.

Lily finally makes up her mind about what to do and tells Billy she will work with him at Abbott-Chancellor.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ light footsteps ]

Sharon: Oh, Cassie. [ knocking on door ]

Lucy: Oh, hi.

Sharon: Lucy, hi.

Lucy: Hi, Ms. Newman. I’m so sorry to bother you. I was just, uh, looking for your daughter. Is she around?

Daniel: So, any interviews today?

Heather: Nope.

Daniel: How about tomorrow?

Heather: Maybe. Uh, waiting to hear back.

Daniel: Well, they’ll– they’ll call. They will. Soon.

Heather: Or not. I, you know, not sure.

Daniel: Hey, where is that can-do attitude? Hm?

Heather: Maybe I can be a barista.

Daniel: I just think that, you know, the right opportunity is going to come along. You just haven’t found the perfect fit yet. And besides, who wouldn’t want to hire you?

Heather: So far, everybody.

Daniel: Listen, you are an amazing, kick-ass lawyer. Don’t you forget that.

Heather: Who’s drinking an iced coffee in a park on a work day. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a sign.

Daniel: A sign of what?

Heather: Maybe it’s time for me to go back to Portugal.

Audra: Hm. I’ll get you an autographed hard copy, if you like.

Nate: The woman of the hour. Please, uh, join me. That is, if you have the time.

Audra: Hm. For the man who toasted me with champagne and caviar last night, I guess I can spare a moment from my very busy and exciting schedule.

Nate: So, what’s on the agenda?

Audra: More press interviews than I can count. Staffing particulars. Final details on coordinating with and coalescing the companies in France under the Glissade umbrella, so we can hit the ground running.

Nate: Sounds like you already have. Where do I send the flowers?

Audra: 1123 Franklin Avenue.

Nate: That new state-of-the-art building?

Audra: Penthouse suite.

Nate: Of course. I’d expect nothing less.

Audra: So, uh, what did you think about the article?

Nate: You’re officially an A-list mover and shaker, Audra. I’m impressed.

Audra: As you should be.

Nate: I also read the press release. You know, for a woman who’s so focused on every detail, it’s funny. You failed to mention that you’d be partnering up with another ex-lover. Fascinating.

Kyle: If you want a comment on Glissade, I’ll give you one. Prepare to be wowed. Sure. I’d love to sit down for an interview at some point in the future. Okay. Talk soon.

Summer: Is it true?

Kyle: What, not even a good morning? Congratulations on the new job? Although, you are kind of killing the vibe.

Summer: You’re moving and you didn’t tell me? If you think that I’m going to let you take Harrison away, you’re delusional.

Daniel: You want to leave Genoa City? I thought that things were good between us. Where– where is this coming from?

Heather: I meant, I’m not working, so it’s a good time to visit my dad.

Daniel: Oh. [ chuckling ]

Heather: Yeah.

Daniel: Oh, God. Good. Um, you had me worried there.

Heather: Really?

Daniel: Yeah.

Heather: Wh– why? Why would I want to leave the man of my dreams and our wonderful daughter and our beautiful, if slightly underfunded at the moment, life? Come on. We’ve worked too hard to get here. There’s absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be than sitting next to you in a park, drinking coffee on a work day.

Daniel: Well, it is pretty perfect. Minus the no jobs part.

Heather: Yeah. Minus that. But otherwise…

Daniel: You know, we could take these coffees and go back to the apartment. There are certain perks to being unemployed.

Heather: There are. And there’s nothing I’d like better.

Daniel: But?

Heather: But I am about to meet our wonderful daughter really soon. So, rain check?

Daniel: Uh-huh. Rain check. What’s up with your dad? Is– is he okay?

Heather: Yeah. I just, I haven’t seen him in a while and the last time I spoke to him on the phone, he seemed pretty lonely.

Daniel: Well, I think going to visit him is a great idea. I’ll miss you like crazy, obviously. But, you know, it is the summertime. Lucy’s done with school. I’m not really doing anything, obviously.

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Daniel: We can make this like a family trip. We could all go, see Paul, do some exploring. We could hit up Nazaré, catch some waves.

Heather: But since when do you surf?

Daniel: Since it’s like a bucket list thing of mine.

Heather: Okay. All right. I’m, uh, I’m all for it. But there is someone else in our family who has a vote, too, so.

Daniel: Ah, yes. Right. It’s gonna be tough to pull her away from town and away from fangirling over Faith Newman.

Heather: Yeah. But I remember when I was young and I wanted to hang out with the older girls. They just, they seemed so cool. You know, like, they have it together. And– and then the freedom? Oh, I wanted to be them and I could not wait to grow up fast enough to get there.

Daniel: Well, that’s not gonna happen to Lucy.

Heather: Oh, that’s so sweet. Full-on daddy denial.

Daniel: Stop. I just got my little girl back. There is no way I’m letting her grow up anytime soon.

Heather: Yeah. You don’t really get a choice, but I guess, uh, you’ll learn that the hard way, huh?

Daniel: I’m gonna learn it the hard way?

Heather: You’re gonna learn it the hard way. I’ll be here.

Sharon: Faith, uh, she’s not home right now. She went to a friend’s house. But come on in. I’m sure she will be home soon. Come in.

Lucy: Thank you. I, um, I knew I was taking a chance finding Faith at home. She’s so popular.

Sharon: Yeah, yeah, she does have a lot of friends. Everyone’s home from college, so they have a lot of catching up to do. Can I, um, get you a soda? Or some water?

Lucy: Oh, no, I– I’m okay. Thank you. I just, uh, I came to drop off this super cute bracelet I found at this vintage shop on Madison. I don’t know. I saw it, and it just kind of reminded me of Faith, so I got it for her.

Sharon: Oh, well, that’s so sweet. I’m sure she will love it.

Lucy: Oh, how cute. Is this Mariah when she was my age?

Sharon: Um, no, no, that, um, that’s Mariah’s sister, Cassie.

Lucy: I had no idea that Mariah had a twin.

Sharon: She died years ago in a car crash. She was 14.

Lucy: Oh, that’s, um, that’s terrible. I’m– I’m so sorry. You must think about her a lot.

Sharon: More than you could possibly know.

Kyle: Yeah, I was going to tell you.

Summer: When? After you’d moved?

Kyle: How do you even know?

Summer: Your mom told me.

Kyle: Of course, she did.

Summer: She wants me to convince you not to take Harrison away from here.

Kyle: And she knows how much you hate her, so she must be getting desperate.

Summer: She’s concerned, Kyle.

Kyle: No, she’s trying to run my life, which isn’t going to happen anymore now that I’m starting at Glissade.

Summer: Wait, Glissade is based in Paris. If you think that I’m going to let you take Harrison to France–

Kyle: I don’t know. Paris is kind of nice this time of year.

Summer: No, you cannot just be making unilateral decisions.

Kyle: Relax, I’m not moving Harrison to Paris. I’m just moving out of the house. Something I should have done a long time ago.

Summer: Why, though? This is Harrison’s home.

Kyle: Summer, do you have any idea what it’s like to live under the same roof as the woman who fired you and the father who stood by and did nothing?

Summer: You know what? I have an idea. How about we not make this all about you and instead we focus on our son?

Kyle: Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. Do you really think it’s healthy for Harrison to live in a house full of anger and resentment?

Summer: Kyle, that’s a dynamic that you helped create. This is the only home that Harrison has known since we got back to Genoa City. And it’s filled with all the people that love him most. His grandparents, Aunt Traci, Aunt Ashley, Mrs. Martinez. He’s happy here, Kyle. He feels safe.

Kyle: And he’ll get to decorate a whole new bedroom. I may even throw in a swimming pool. Ooh, and a puppy.

Summer: So, you’re going to bribe him?

Kyle: I’m kidding.

Summer: Yeah, I don’t think you’re taking this very seriously.

Kyle: You’re making too much of it. He’ll still go to the same school, have the same friends. Hell, you can still visit him at will. I figured you would appreciate the fact that you wouldn’t have to run into my mother anymore.

Summer: I cannot believe how selfish you are. I’m an adult. I can tolerate seeing Diane for the sake of continuity for our son. Why can’t you?

Sharon: She was pure joy. She was funny and smart and kind. She loved to draw. And she loved flowers and every four-legged creature in the world.

Lucy: Well, she sounds amazing.

Sharon: She was.

Lucy: Hello.

Faith: Hi.

Lucy: I hope you don’t mind me coming by like this. I just got this really cute bracelet and um, I thought you might like it. Um, the beads are jasper. They’re supposed to bring peace or something. I don’t know. I just thought they looked really pretty.

Faith: You got this for me?

Lucy: Gosh, is that weird? I’m so sorry. I just– I saw it and it reminded me of something that you were wearing the other day and I– I got it. I really didn’t mean to be weird.

Faith: No, it’s– it’s super thoughtful. I’m just surprised. Thank you.

Lucy: Then, uh, you like it?

Faith: I do. It even goes with my outfit.

Lucy: It does.

Faith: What were you guys doing? It looked like I was interrupting something.

Lucy: Oh, your mom was just telling me all about Cassie. I had no idea that Mariah had a twin until now.

Sharon: I explained that Cassie died years ago in a car crash.

Lucy: It’s the most terrible thing ever. I really can’t imagine anything worse.

Faith: Yeah. So, what’s up?

Lucy: Oh, um, I was just wondering if you could maybe hang out if you’re free.

Faith: We totally can, but I’ve got some stuff to do. Um, wanna meet up later?

Lucy: Yeah, that– that would be great. Just, um, text me when you’re free and I’ll come find you.

Faith: Sounds good. And thanks again for the bracelet.

Lucy: You’re welcome. Okay, I’ll– I’ll see you in a few.

Faith: Bye.

Sharon: Well, you definitely have a new fan.

Faith: She’s sweet. But, Mom, I’ve got to ask, why were you looking at Cassie’s scrapbook?

Sharon: Um… I was just, uh, thinking about her.

Faith: Is it my fault? Because of all those questions I was asking you and Dad the other day?

Kyle: Kids move to new schools, new houses, new states all the time and they’re not warped for life.

Summer: How many of those kids were just recently kidnapped and still have nightmares? Harrison already lost his mother to prison. Ashland died. You and I got a divorce. I mean, there’s been so much upheaval in his life already, Kyle.

Kyle: Harrison and I are thinking about this more like an adventure.

Summer: You are unbelievable.

Kyle: No, I am tired of having you in my face about a decision that’s not going to change. Harrison is excited about this move, so how about you just get on board and help him pick out some things for his new bedroom?

Summer: I cannot believe that you told Harrison about this before you talked to me about it.

Kyle: You don’t get a say about where I live anymore.

Summer: I get a say in where my son lives.

Kyle: Do you?

Summer: Really? So, you’re just going– You’re going to cut me out?

Kyle: Of course not. You’re the one hurling accusations and creating a problem where there isn’t.

Summer: I just, I don’t understand how you can be so dense.

Kyle: You know this lecturing me about how to behave is unbelievable. You barge in here unloading on me in self-righteous mommy mode when the truth is you refuse to agree with me about anything these days. It’s like your whole personality.

Summer: What Harrison needs right now is stability. And you refuse to see that. Or, you know what, I’m thinking maybe you actually just don’t care.

Kyle: That’s your opinion.

Summer: No, it’s what I’ve seen, Kyle. You would much rather be spending extra time with the babysitter or getting back into business with your ex-bed buddy, Audra, than doing what’s best for our son. And if that’s the kind of father that you want to be, then yes, I am going to do something about it.

Audra: I didn’t mention partnering with Kyle because it’s not a big deal.

Nate: Are you lying to me or to yourself?

Audra: You know, I liked you better last night.

Nate: All I’m saying is you had a relationship with Kyle that didn’t end well. Kind of like the one you had with Tucker. And now, you’re about to work side by side with the guy.

Audra: My relationship with Tucker ended very well for me. I mean, I wouldn’t be sitting on top of Glissade otherwise.

Nate: With Kyle Abbott?

Audra: I can handle Kyle.

Nate: You used to say that about Tucker.

Audra: Okay. Maybe I learned more than I care to admit from my time with Tucker. But I also used it to my advantage. As for Kyle, he couldn’t be more different than Tucker.

Nate: Not sure about that. They’re both rich, cocky, entitled. Wait. Kyle’s not this mystery investor, is he?

Audra: There’s no way Kyle could afford Glissade’s price tag out of his own pocket.

Nate: Then, if you needed a co-CEO so badly, why hire Kyle of all of the choices out there?

Audra: Having someone who’s run a cosmetics company that’s an industry leader is a huge asset to Glissade. So, maybe admire my business savvy for making such a smart hire.

Nate: I really do want to admire your business savvy, Audra, but Kyle, really? Look, I don’t care how much experience he has or how sparkly his resume is. Why hire a man you have such a complicated history with?

Audra: You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d almost say you’re jealous.

Faith: I just, I hate if my nosiness of the past is making you think about Cassie. How much you miss her.

Sharon: Cassie is never far from my thoughts. But I will admit, our conversation did cause me to start thinking a little more about the past.

Faith: I’m sorry.

Sharon: There’s no reason to apologize. Or look at me like that. Really. Everything’s fine. Nothing to worry about.

Faith: Cassie’s scrapbook is out and you’re obviously not exactly happy.

Sharon: Okay. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Every once in a while, I need to have a good cry. Cassie was just so special and I don’t want to forget a moment we ever had together, so I– I look at her photos so that it will keep her memories fresh for me and– and it makes me feel connected to her.

Faith: I just, I hate seeing you sad. I– I still kind of feel responsible.

Sharon: Absolutely not. Okay, maybe Cassie has been on my mind a little bit more than usual lately, maybe, but that’s all. There’s nothing to be concerned about.

Faith: Okay. So, you’re good?

Sharon: I’m more than good. Thinking about Cassie, thinking about Cassie’s life and the joy that she brought us, that’s a good thing.

Nate: I am not jealous of Kyle.

Audra: Are you sure? You really wouldn’t want to be the one running Glissade with me, taking on the world together, showing the doubters what we can do?

Nate: I like what you did there. Avoiding my question. I’ll ask it again. Why Kyle, of all people?

Audra: He and I are not lovers anymore, if that’s what you’re actually fishing to hear.

Nate: Good. Wise decision.

Audra: Why is that?

Nate: Because you don’t want a repeat of the situation you had with Tucker. That’s why.

Audra: I learned my lesson, all right? I’m not putting myself in a vulnerable position like that ever again. At least not by mixing business and pleasure.

Nate: Then, why does it seem like this conversation has suddenly putting a damper on your big day?

Audra: Okay. You’re right. Things are not quite as ideal as I hoped.

Nate: Talk to me. What’s going on?

Audra: Well, it’s day one and I’m already under attack.

Kyle: You’re calling me a bad father. I would do anything and everything for my son. You know that.

Summer: Up to a point, apparently.

Kyle: I am really trying to be fair here. I have been thinking about what your brother said.

Summer: You saw my brother?

Kyle: Yes, we ran into each other.

Summer: Okay, what does this have to do with Daniel?

Kyle: He said I need to see things from your perspective.

Summer: You– you talked to him about me?

Kyle: You just want to be a part of Harrison’s life and that I should give you more compassion.

Summer: So, I’m needy now? Is that what you’re saying?

Kyle: Okay, maybe this is your way of trying to feel more involved. Pushing the custody issue. Trying to have a say in my decisions. Because you feel like you’re being squeezed out of Harrison’s life.

Summer: That’s ridiculous, Kyle.

Kyle: I am just saying, you don’t have to come at me with lawyers because you feel insecure about Claire or my professional decisions.

Summer: Do you see how you’re trying to make this my problem now? My concern has nothing to do with Claire. I know how important she is to Harrison, okay? This has to do with all the bad decisions that you’ve been making lately. Suddenly yanking our son out of his home? Getting back into business with Audra? That can only end in disaster, Kyle. You’re starting a war with Jack and Diane, Harrison’s grandparents. So yes, clearly, you are not putting his best interests first. You are practically handing me ammunition to win primary custody.

Kyle: Okay, you want what’s best for Harrison? Then, stop it with the threats. You want to come at me because you disapprove of the way I’m living my life? Bring it. I will be ready and I will win.

Summer: Oh, is that a threat?

Kyle: No, it’s a fact. You are not even Harrison’s biological mother. So, go after custody. You will fail. attack? Is it Tucker?

Audra: It’s nothing like that. This attack is coming directly from inside the C-suite.

Summer: I have been Harrison’s mother in every single way.

Kyle: But you’re not his biological mother.

Claire: Sorry.

Summer: Claire, um, you’re here. Is– is Harrison here?

Claire: I picked him up from camp early. He’s in the backyard. I just came in to make him a snack and I– I heard voices.

Kyle: The doctor’s appointment.

Summer: Don’t think you could have warned me that our son might be able to overhear us.

Kyle: You know his schedule as well as I do and you didn’t exactly give me a chance because you came in here swinging.

Claire: I can leave.

Summer: No, it’s… I need to get back to work. This conversation is not over.

Kyle: Hm. [ Kyle sighing ] Damn it! [ door slamming ] [ Claire sighing ]

Claire: I’m sorry for interrupting.

Kyle: Sorry you had to witness that.

Claire: Harrison and I just planted a little vegetable garden. We have radishes and peppers, but not the hot ones. And some tomatoes. He’s really excited about it. He’s telling Mrs. Martinez all about it.

Kyle: So, he didn’t hear us fighting?

Claire: No.

Kyle: There’s that.

Claire: Why don’t you come check it out? Get some fresh air.

Kyle: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I could do some air. Um, how about a walk? I don’t want my son to see me like this. Could you ask Mrs. Martinez if she can watch Harrison for a bit? Will you join me?

Claire: Of course, I’ll join you. [ Sharon sniffling ]

Heather: You know we’re going to be over-caffeinated, right?

Daniel: Sure. But, you know, the sugar is going to compensate for it.

Heather: Okay. Maybe you can get a job as a comic.

Daniel: Hm. Maybe not.

Heather: Maybe we need you to.

Daniel: Hey!

Summer: Hi. Um, can I talk to you? In private?

Heather: Yes, because I have to meet Lucy. Soon. So, I’ll catch up with you later.

Daniel: Sure. Sounds good.

Heather: Okay.

Daniel: Bye.

Heather: Bye. Good luck. Hi, Summer.

Summer: What were you thinking?

Daniel: About what?

Summer: You talked to Kyle about me?

Daniel: Yeah, that. Yeah. Yeah, I did.

Summer: Uh, do you want to walk me through how you thought that was a good idea?

Daniel: Well, I’m concerned. I know that you’re upset about his new job he’s taking, about how it might affect Harrison and I know how you feel about Claire. And last night I ran into him, totally unplanned, and I got to hear his side of the story.

Summer: And what, you thought you’d help by offering him advice on how to handle me?

Daniel: No, no, no, no. He was being a jerk. All I did was tell him that he should look at things from your point of view. That you love Harrison.

Summer: Daniel, you should have stayed out of it.

Daniel: I was just trying to help.

Summer: Your help made it seem like I’m being irrational. Like I’m overreacting to Kyle’s choices and how they will affect Harrison. Wait, is that what you think?

Daniel: Okay, listen, I think that you are upset. I think that Kyle has made some choices that you were unhappy with, and I get that, but jumping straight to a raging custody battle without trying to talk it out? I mean, it– it seems like a mom move.

Summer: Seriously? You too?

Daniel: What is that supposed to mean?

Summer: I did talk to Mom and my dad about this and they suggested I not get lawyers involved.

Daniel: Look at that. Too extreme for Mom. That doesn’t tell you something?

Summer: What am I supposed to do? If Kyle’s not going to listen to me, what choice do I have?

Daniel: I don’t know. You could choose to take a step back, and take a breath, and just let reason prevail.

Summer: Daniel, this is not just about Kyle getting into business with somebody who’s going to bring nothing but chaos into his life, okay? Did Kyle tell you that he’s planning on taking Harrison out of the only home that he’s known since we’ve been in Genoa City?

Daniel: He did not.

Summer: Yeah! Because Kyle is only thinking about Kyle right now. He’s ripping Harrison out of a home where he has grandparents who dote on him, and all of these people who love him, and where he actually feels safe. All because Kyle is fighting with his parents. So no, I don’t feel like I’m being unreasonable when I’m just looking out for my son’s well-being.

Daniel: You can’t talk about stability in one breath, and then talk about dragging your son through a custody battle in the next. I went through that as a kid and it was an absolute nightmare. I don’t think for one second that’s what you want for your son, and you know what it did to my relationship with Mom. You really want to risk that?

Claire: It’s a beautiful day.

Kyle: Hey, um… Look, I– I feel like a bit of an ass for what you walked in on earlier.

Claire: Don’t worry about it.

Kyle: Yeah, Summer and I need to learn to tone it down. At least when Harrison’s around. Probably in general. [ Claire sighing ]

Claire: People disagree.

Kyle: Eh, this is turning into a full-blown battle. Look, we both want what’s best for Harrison, but we have two completely different ideas on what that means.

Claire: So, the custody agreement?

Kyle: Am I moving us out of the house? Am I working with Audra Charles?

Claire: Yeah, you did mention that Summer had an issue with her. Your… How did you put it? Your tumultuous past?

Kyle: Which has nothing to do with Harrison. Look, these days, Summer looks at everything as a threat to Harrison’s happiness. Or maybe she’s feeling a lack of control, and that’s why she’s pushing for a new custody arrangement. Making me the bad guy in the process. I don’t know, it’s ironic that all this tension she’s stirring up is not good for Harrison either.

Claire: It does take two to stir things up.

Kyle: Okay, okay, yeah, maybe– maybe I have been a little hard-headed or a little difficult, but I really do want to find some compassion where Summer’s concerned. I mean, even you called me on it earlier, a couple weeks ago maybe. I– I’m trying to see things from her perspective. Unfortunately, our arguments are just getting louder and more frequent. We’re even further apart.

Claire: It doesn’t help when one of the people that Summer has a problem with walks into the middle of things.

Nate: And you didn’t lead with this? All your talk about being able to handle Kyle, and he’s already got the knives out.

Audra: All I know is that he’d prefer to be running Glissade without me. And now that you know, I could use your advice.

Nate: Really? Not sure I should chime in here, Audra.

Audra: I trust you, Nate. As a friend and as someone who’s no stranger to corporate intrigue.

Nate: Well, I do have one idea about how to deal with Kyle Abbott.

Audra: I’m all ears.

Nate: Fire his ass before he takes you down. udra: I would like nothing more than to fire Kyle. But that can’t happen. At least not right now.

Nate: Why the hell not?

Audra: I can’t fire Kyle because he was handpicked for the job by my investor.

Nate: Oh, my… You gotta be kidding me. What happened to being able to run the company as you see fit, Audra?

Audra: With one caveat.

Nate: Kyle.

Audra: Saying no wasn’t an option, so I have to make it work.

Nate: Are you sure Kyle and this mysterious investor of yours aren’t somehow in this together, using you?

Audra: Not a chance.

Nate: How can you be so sure?

Audra: My investor was the one who warned me about Kyle, that he wants me out.

Nate: This investor. It would be helpful to know who this mysterious person is, Audra.

Audra: I can’t take the risk of telling you.

Nate: Even though you trust me. I hate to say this, Audra, but this venture might be more trouble than even you can handle.

Kyle: Claire, do not apologize for walking in on Summer and me. None of this is about you. Okay, maybe it’s a little about you, but you were one of the most amazing things to happen in Harrison’s life. Especially given what he’s been through. If Summer can’t see the positive effect you’re having on him, that’s her issue, not yours.

Claire: The way you defend me and your kindness means more to me than you know.

Kyle: And you’re a good friend. Especially given I don’t have much of a support system these days. Claire, I’m glad you’re in Harrison’s life. And mine.

Summer: No, of course I don’t want to put Harrison through a custody battle. But Kyle keeps on making decision after decision that’s not in Harrison’s best interest. So, if I have to fight for my son, I’m going to.

Daniel: I think you should try and have a real conversation. I mean, up until recently, you guys had the whole co-parenting thing figured out, so everybody knows it’s possible. Look, no drama, no yelling, just Harrison front and center.

Summer: Daniel, how am I supposed to talk to a man who’s made it clear that he will weaponize the fact that I’m not Harrison’s biological mother? Does that sound like somebody who’s willing to sit down and talk?

Daniel: I just think you’re both running hot. You know, everybody’s emotional. Nobody is putting Harrison first.

Summer: Says the guy that practically bailed on his own daughter.

Daniel: Okay, no, no, that’s not fair.

Summer: No, you’re out of line.

Sharon: What’s going on here?

Summer: I know what I’m doing and it’s what’s right for everybody.

Daniel: You keep pushing and you are going to regret it.

Summer: Stop it! Stop interfering. Stop giving advice to Kyle and to me.

Daniel: Oh, my God. Family, right? [ chuckling ]

Sharon: It happens. Just hope everything’s okay.

Daniel: Me too.

Sharon: Actually, I’m glad I ran into you.

Daniel: You are?

Sharon: Yeah, um, Lucy stopped by to see Faith.

Daniel: Yeah, uh, she is very excited at the prospect of having an older friend. Hope she wasn’t a bother.

Sharon: Oh, not at all. I just wanted you to know that she saw my scrapbook photos of Cassie, and it was clear that she didn’t know anything about the history.

Daniel: What did you tell her?

Sharon: I only said that Cassie died in a car crash. I thought it would be best that you’re aware in case Lucy asks more questions.

Daniel: You know, that night, it, um, still haunts me. All these years… it never goes away.

Sharon: For any of us.

Lucy: Oh, Mom, I, um, I went to Ms. Newman’s to see Faith and give her that cute bracelet that we found at the vintage store. She totally loved it.

Heather: Of course, she did.

Lucy: You know, um, before Faith came home, Ms. Newman had this scrapbook out. All these pictures of Mariah’s twin sister, Cassie. She seemed really sad. I felt sorry for her.

Heather: Cassie’s death was terribly tragic. It’s taken your dad a long time to get past what happened.

Daniel: I appreciate you not telling Lucy more about the accident. I don’t know if she’s ready to face knowing the truth about

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Kyle and Summer argue because Summer thinks Kyle is making a mistake moving Kyle out of the Abbott house where he is happy. Summer thinks Kyle can manage living in the same house with his parents for the sake of Harrison’s happiness.

Summer once again brings up changing the custody agreement, but Kyle once again reminds Summer she isn’t Harrison’s biological mother and she will lose a custody battle. Kyle tells Summer that Daniel advised him to put himself in her shoes.

Summer later tells Daniel to stay out of her arguments with Kyle and stop giving her and Kyle advice. Lucy goes by Sharon’s house looking for Faith and notices Sharon looking at pictures of Cassie. Sharon tells Lucy, Cassie was Mariah ‘s twin and she died in a car crash. Sharon later tells Daniel that she told Lucy about Cassie’s car accident, but she didn’t tell her about the role he played in her death.

Lucy later tells Heather she stopped by Sharon ‘s house and she told her about Cassie’s accident. Heather tells Lucy that Daniel has never gotten over what happened to Cassie.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Victoria: Is everything okay with you? You seem a little quiet this morning.

Claire: Yeah, sure. Everything’s fine.

Victoria: There’s no new drama with Summer or anything like that?

Claire: Nope.

Victoria: The job’s okay?

Claire: Everything’s good, really.

Victoria: All right.

Claire: I was just thinking about Grandpa.

Nikki: Oh? What about him?

Claire: Well, I ran into him last night at Crimson Lights, and he asked me to join him. But I think it was really more of an excuse to check in and see how I’m doing.

Nikki: Hm. You’ll find that’s not unusual with your grandfather. He is very protective over his family.

Claire: And I love that he cares so much, that he’s so supportive, but… I mean, I’ve never had anything like that in my life.

Victoria: Well, you better get used to it, because your family is going to shower you with it all the time.

Claire: And I feel very lucky.

Nikki: So do we.

Victoria: So what else did my dad have on his mind last night?

Claire: He kept trying to talk me out of pursuing a friendship with Kyle. Do you think it has something to do with Kyle’s father? I know that Grandpa doesn’t like him very much.

Nikki: Unfortunately, that part is true. There are few people on this earth that Victor despises more than Jack Abbott.

Diane: Hey, good morning.

Jack: Morning.

Diane: How long have you been up?

Jack: I didn’t get to bed last night.

Diane: Why? What happened?

Jack: Kyle came home late. We had a discussion. It got very heated.

Diane: Well, you should have woken me up.

Jack: I didn’t want you to have a sleepless night, too.

Diane: Oh, no. Was it that bad?

Jack: Kyle’s revolt against the family is a lot worse than we thought.

Audra: Yeah, you bet we’re excited. Although, you know, I can’t comment on anything specifically until it’s official. You will absolutely be among the first to know. Okay, talk soon. Yeah, I’m already getting calls about the Glissade coup. The press is champing at the bit. We’re gonna be leading the news everywhere today. Is your phone blowing up?

Kyle: Not yet, but I’m surprised it’s not, after the bomb I dropped last night.

Audra: What do you mean? What bomb?

Kyle: Well, I filled my father in on what we’re doing.

Audra: Hm. Was that smart?

Kyle: What can he do about it now? Like you said, we’re about to be all over the news, and there is not a damn thing he can do to stop it.

Audra: I guess that was the classy thing to do.

Kyle: Oh, I wasn’t taking the high road. I just wanted him to know.

Audra: I get it.

Kyle: Mm.

Audra: After the way your family treated you, you wanted to see the reaction. So what was it, Kyle? Threats and guilt, or shock and awe?

Kyle: Ah, I didn’t stick around to find out.

Audra: I sure would have. Just for the satisfaction.

Kyle: I already know what their reaction’s gonna be. Once my folks have time to process it, it’ll be game on.

Billy: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

[ Chelsea and Adam panting ]

Sally: Hi.

Adam: Hi.

Sally: I didn’t know if you wanted to eat, or rest. You tell me, whatever you want. Anything you want.

[ Adam and Chelsea panting ]

Victoria: Here’s something you should remember about your grandfather. He can be the most loving and generous and protective person in the whole world, but sometimes he goes a little bit overboard.

Nikki: A little?

Victoria: Okay, a lot.

Nikki: He always means well. But it can be suffocating, unless you call him on it.

Victoria: I can’t tell you how many times that he and I have butted heads over the various men in my life. I mean, few, if any, were ever good enough. Although, sometimes, he was absolutely right, even though I didn’t care to admit it.

Claire: But it isn’t like that at all with Kyle. I mean, we’re just– we’re just friends. And I work for him.

Nikki: Maybe you should remind Victor of that.

Claire: I did. He still was trying to warn me off of Kyle. So what do you think it is? Is it just guilt by association because he’s Jack’s son?

Nikki: Jack is a good man. And so is your grandfather. The problem is, they have been at war with each other for so long, I doubt that either one of them remembers what started it, or why it still continues.

Claire: What do you think I should do?

Nikki: Be respectful, but take his warnings with a grain of salt.

Victoria: And just remember, it’s your life. You get to make your own choices.

Jack: Remember when Tucker came to me in Paris and accused me of being the mystery investor that got him booted from Glissade?

Diane: Yeah, and you promptly told him to take a hike.

Jack: I did, and I continued to wonder where he got this crazy idea. Turns out it wasn’t such a crazy notion after all.

Diane: What do you mean?

Jack: Someone apparently did drop a chunk of money, enough that Audra Charles backstabbed Tucker and took his company from him.

Diane: Oh, no, Jack.

Jack: Kyle and Audra Charles are back in bed together. Uh– Professionally speaking, anyway. They are the co-CEOs of Glissade.

Diane: I can’t believe this.

Kyle: Yeah, the giant irony here, this is a job Kyle was pretending to want months ago, when we thought Tucker McCall was our big problem.

Diane: I can’t believe he’d do something like this. I mean, yes, I know he’s upset with us, but he would be competing directly with his family’s company. Wh– what is this, payback?

Jack: Payback, revenge, whatever you want to call it. It’s real, and it’s about to hit the press any minute. I think we need to get to the office, and be ready to answer some calls today.

Diane: My God, Jack. Does our son really hate us this much, to want to do something like this?

Jack: I wish I knew the answer to that.

Victor: Good morning.

Audra: Hello. Morning.

Victor: My goodness. Nice to see both of you.

Audra: Nice to see you, sir. Everything’s on schedule. The press release will hit the news soon.

Victor: Excellent.

Kyle: You should know, I already told my father about what’s going down. Figured he would find out soon enough. I imagine my mother probably knows now, too.

Victor: Now, I have leased a suite of offices for both of you to work out of. Although, I assume you’ll spend most of your time in Paris?

Kyle: Yeah. Audra and I were just discussing that.

Victor: And?

Audra: We think it will be a better use of our time and talents if we split up the duties of co-CEOs.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Explain to me how that would work.

Kyle: Well, the goal is to relocate Glissade to Genoa City, correct?

Victor: Oh, but you first have to consolidate all of the satellite companies into one entity. That’s going to take effort, and time.

Kyle: It will, but that’s why we think having boots on the ground both here and in Paris makes sense for us. Audra already knows the players in Paris, so she’ll handle that. And meanwhile, I will handle getting ready for the relocation here.

Victor: But I’d assumed the two of you would be working together, as a team.

Audra: And we will be, Victor. We’ll just be doing it on different continents.

Sally: So, any new news on Connor’s inpatient status? How long does he have to be there?

Adam: Oh, it, um, it depends. He was still struggling this morning, so they’re probably going to keep him for another day or two. It’s usually a minimum of 72 hours, but it could also be weeks.

Sally: And when you say struggling, is he still hurting himself?

Adam: We– we haven’t really been given any specifics. But the way that I understand it is, the whole reason he’s in lockdown is so they can keep an eye on him. Make sure there’s no more physical harm.

Chelsea: Deciding to come home, it, um, it was agony.

Billy: I hope Adam didn’t push you into that decision.

Chelsea: No. No, we, um, we were both just torn about what to do.

Billy: I just feel awful. For Connor. And for you, of course. I mean, you– you said that the positive trip is– is part of what triggered him and made him act this way. How does that work?

Chelsea: The OCD was punishing him for having a good time with us.

Billy: I mean, I just don’t understand how that happens. I– I– It’s hard to grasp.

Chelsea: Tell me about it. It started to make more sense when the doctors explained it to us, though. Because we were having a great time. We were seeming like a normal family again. You know, we went for a long walk around the harbor, and Adam and Connor were kicking around a soccer ball, and we were really talking about everything. Connor was discussing, you know, his treatment, and all the strides he– he’s been making, and then he said, um…

Billy: It’s okay. Just take your time.

Chelsea: He said, um, he was really proud of himself, because he had eaten a new food. Now, to someone else, maybe that’s not a big deal. But to Connor, why, that’s– that’s conquering his fears. He was doing great, and he was getting better. And then, it all fell apart.

Adam: You know, maybe it was a mistake to– to go there.

Sally: But the doctors cleared it, Adam. They obviously thought that Connor was ready.

Adam: I know, but we were pushing them to see him. It was selfish. We were thinking more about our needs than his. You know, it just would have been better all the way around if I would have just stayed home.

Sally: What did the doctors think?

Adam: Well, they think it could actually be a positive thing. Since his OCD doesn’t have a grip on Connor anymore, it has to fight back with everything that it has.

Sally: And you don’t think it could be that?

Adam: I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.

Billy: How can I help?

Chelsea: I wish I had an answer for you, Billy.

Billy: You know that I’ll do whatever it takes. You know that.

Chelsea: I do know. You’ve been there for me through everything, and I’m so grateful for you.

Billy: How’s Adam handling this? I’m assuming not well. I just hope he’s not taking this out on you.

Sally: I wish I’d gone with you. At least I would have been able to help you through all this.

Adam: I– I do too.

Sally: How were things between you and Chelsea? I know that she can go off on tangents, and be a little difficult to deal with sometimes, but I hope that you guys were able to support one another, and find some comfort in each other through all this.

Diane: Thanks. You know, I ran into Kyle having a drink with Audra the other day, and I didn’t like what I saw, and I tried to warn him about her.

Jack: Was this after you fired him?

Diane: No, it was a few days before, actually. I mean, he claimed it was nothing. But then Audra made some cryptic remark about keeping an open mind. Could she have been trying to recruit him already?

Jack: And firing him just pushed him to say yes.

Diane: She seems devious enough to take advantage of a situation like that.

Jack: Now, what doesn’t make sense to me is that he already sold her out before, when she and Tucker were trying to recruit him months ago. Why would she want to team up with him again?

Diane: I don’t know. Maybe she admired him for trying to take Tucker down?

Jack: No, no, no. I think this is far more strategic than that. This– Maybe she’s not the one calling the shots.

Diane: The mystery investor?

Jack: Who would benefit from something like this? Creating a scenario where our son becomes our competition, drives a bigger wedge between us and the rest of the family. We can’t blame Tucker anymore. Now, who would have the motive and the means to create this kind of a nightmare?

Diane: I don’t even want to say his name out loud.

Jack: I’ll say it for you. Victor Newman.

Victor: We’ll discuss the separation of your duties at a later time, all right? Meanwhile…

Kyle: What’s this?

Victor: That’s the address where you can pick up the keys for the suites.

Kyle: I’m on it.

Victor: Why don’t you take a look at the offices while I have a– a word with Audra?

Kyle: Uh, does it have to be now?

Victor: Yes.

Kyle: Yes, sir.

Victor: Thank you. Please have a seat.

Audra: Of course.

Victor: I need to warn you about something.

Audra: Okay.

Victor: Kyle wonders if you will be able to pull your weight in this endeavor. He thinks you need to prove yourself.

Audra: I have to prove something?

Victor: He seems to think that two executives are one more than necessary.

Audra: He said that to you?

Victor: He said, “Why do we need Audra?”

Diane: Do you really think Victor’s behind this?

Jack: It would explain his sudden interest in Kyle’s future.

Diane: But this seems extreme, even for Victor.

Jack: No, this is classic Victor. The powerful puppet master pulling all the strings.

Diane: True, but Newman hasn’t been in the cosmetics business for years. I mean, would he really go out and buy a company, just to give Kyle a job and stick it to you?

Jack: Now, keep in mind, he’s sticking it to Tucker as well by bringing Audra on board. No, this is classic Victor. He’s taking care of both of his enemies with one grand gesture.

Diane: And he’s using our son as a weapon.

Jack: Because he knows it would drive me crazy. God, we’ve been here before, luring Kyle away from his family. I should have seen this coming.

Diane: And you know what set him off? You and Nikki.

Nikki: Oh, my God. Did you just get this, too?

Victoria: Yeah, I got it.

Claire: Got what?

Victoria: “Breaking news, Kyle Abbott and Audra Charles take over Glissade from Tucker McCall.”

Claire: That’s pretty big. Good for Kyle.

Nikki: You don’t seem very surprised.

Claire: Really? I’m not. Kyle told me last night, and he asked me not to share it with anyone.

Nikki: He must trust you very much to tell you something like that.

Claire: I guess so. I hadn’t really thought about it. We were just talking.

Victoria: But why would Kyle make a move like this? Glissade would be a head-to-head competitor with Jabot. That’s not going to make Jack very happy.

Nikki: No, it is not.

Jack: Well, now it’s official.

Diane: And no mention of the mystery investor.

Jack: None. And nobody should be surprised. Victor is a genius at covering his tracks, at keeping his fingerprints off his dirty work.

Diane: Damn him. This is just one more side effect of you trying to get Nikki sober. I mean, talk about your grand gestures.

Jack: Could we not go there right now?

Diane: But it’s true, isn’t it? I mean, Jack, things were pretty calm between you and Victor before you decided to save Nikki and almost kill yourself in the process.

Jack: Which you remind me of every chance you get. Victor doesn’t need a reason to come after me. Anything will work. You should know that of all people. And if he’s using that as his reason now, my impulsive, ill-advised, stupid, wrong choice to help Nikki keep from killing herself, then I will live with that.

Diane: I’m sorry.

Jack: I’m sorry, too. I was wrong.

Diane: And I’ve forgiven you. And– really, I have. I’m– I’m blaming you when I’m just as responsible for not making things work with Kyle at work. I mean, that’s– that’s who I’m really angry at, myself.

Jack: The only person who’s responsible is Victor Newman. And I’m gonna find out what he’s up to.

Diane: You think there’s more?

Jack: There is always more with him.

Diane: Well, be careful.

Jack: Maybe you should warn him.

[ Diane sighing ]

Kyle: Hello, ladies.

Victoria: Hello.

Nikki: Hi.

Victoria: So, uh, we hear, uh, congratulations are in order. We just saw the news.

Kyle: Ah, yeah. Thanks.

Victoria: It’s pretty sudden. Doubt many people saw this coming.

Kyle: Well, it’s been in the works for a while, but kind of sped up at the end.

Nikki: What do your parents think about this?

Kyle: Uh, we haven’t really spoken much about it.

Nikki: Well, seeing as you are about to be direct competitors, I’m sure some sort of conversation will be taking place soon.

Kyle: Yeah, it was such a golden opportunity for me. They understand why I couldn’t pass it up.

Claire: I’m happy for you, Kyle.

Kyle: Thanks, Claire. Hey, um, would you mind if I had a word with you for a minute alone?

Claire: Sure.

Kyle: Just some, uh, playdate scheduling for Harrison. It’ll only be a moment.

Victoria: Take your time.

Kyle: Thanks.

Victoria: Don’t say it. Don’t even think it.

Nikki: What? What am I thinking?

Victoria: Exactly the same thing that I am.

Claire: I’m guessing this isn’t really about Harrison.

Kyle: It’s not. I just want to thank you for not mentioning my family drama in front of your mom and Nikki.

Claire: Wasn’t my news to tell.

Kyle: Yeah, but still, I appreciate it. I want to keep this as professional as possible.

Claire: Kyle… is there… is there something going on between you and my grandpa?

Kyle: No. Why do you ask?

Claire: He warned me to be careful around you.

Victor: Interesting.

Audra: What?

Victor: Your reaction to what I said about your co-CEO.

Audra: I expected it, Victor.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Audra: Well, Kyle and I have a rocky history, as you well know. But we’ve made our peace with it and we’re ready to move forward.

Victor: Good. So, while you’re working in Paris, I will keep an eye on things around here. Just in case.

Audra: Well, I appreciate you going to bat for me. I’m grateful for the chance. I won’t let you down.

Victor: I didn’t tell you about Kyle to earn your gratitude. I told you about him so that you can watch your back.

Audra: I will. I never trust anyone a hundred percent. Makes me curious, though.

Victor: About what?

Audra: Do you trust Kyle?

Victor: Let me put it this way. I think he’s very gifted, but very ambitious. He wants to prove something to his father.

Audra: Well, that motivation can be a strength.

Victor: It can also be a weakness. However, I know that he will work his behind off to make Glissade a massive success.

Audra: But?

Victor: I never trust anyone completely. I always hedge my bets.

Kyle: Victor warned you about me.

Claire: Pretty clearly.

Kyle: Why would he do that? Wha– what did he say?

Claire: He said you had a lot going on in your life right now. He didn’t want me getting caught up in the middle of it.

Kyle: I don’t know why he would do that. Especially now.

Claire: What?

Kyle: Um, yeah, no– nothing. It doesn’t matter. Um… You know, it– it’s just that I’ve grown closer with Victor lately, and I’ve shared with him what’s going on with my parents, and my new job, so…

Claire: That’s probably where it’s coming from, then.

Kyle: Yeah. Yeah, uh, probably. Um… Look, Claire, I want you to know that I genuinely like you. I would never hurt one of my son’s favorite people.

Claire: I never doubted that for a minute.

Kyle: So, you’re not reconsidering the nanny position?

Claire: Not at all.

Kyle: Good. That makes me happy.

[ both chuckling ]

Audra: Hello there.

Kyle: Hey, how did you know where I was?

Audra: I just followed the breadcrumbs. Hi, Claire. It’s so nice to see you again.

Claire: Hi, Audra. Congratulations on the new company. I just heard the good news.

Audra: Yeah, it seems we, uh– We’ve both come a long way since working at Newman Media.

Claire: Yes. I’m a very different person now.

Audra: Well, that’s certainly good to know.

Kyle: Oh, um, I almost forgot. I need you to pick up Harrison early from camp today for his doctor’s appointment.

Claire: Summer already texted me about it. I’m on it.

Kyle: Thanks.

Audra: Did you, uh, pick up the keys to the offices yet?

Kyle: Not yet. I was on my way. Should we go together?

Audra: Yes, we shouldn’t waste any more time getting to work.

Kyle: See you back at the house.

Claire: Yeah, Harrison and I’ll be there.

Audra: Oh.

Claire: Bye, Audra. I sure hope you two don’t have to fight over the corner office.

Audra: Yeah, it’s– it’s not a contest. Come on.

Kyle: So, what were you saying about Victor?

Audra: Nothing important.

Kyle: If you say so.

Audra: Don’t get all paranoid on me, Kyle.

Kyle: Hm.

Audra: Life is good. We’re winning. Let’s go check out those new offices.

Kyle: Um, actually, I– there’s something I need to take care of first. I’ll meet you there.

Sally: Adam? Is everything okay between you and Chelsea?

[ Chelsea panting ]

Adam: Why do you ask?

Sally: Well, when I brought up her name just now, you suddenly got quiet, which leads me to believe that maybe something happened?

Adam: Oh. I’m sorry. I…

Sally: Oh, hey, don’t apologize. I know how hard this has been for both of you.

Adam: That’s probably what you’re picking up on. I’m just… I’m distracted. I’m worried about all this.

Sally: Yeah. It just feels like it’s more.

Adam: No, it’s not.

Sally: Listen, I– I know that I’ve been singing your praises about leaning on each other, and– and maybe I was wrong to do that.

Adam: Why would you say that?

Sally: Well, because it just puts a lot of pressure on you two to get along, and it’s like I’m pushing you towards each other.

Adam: No, you– you haven’t.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: Okay, look. I know that sometimes stress can bring up old issues. So, if you two are fighting again, you can tell me. I’m not gonna judge.

Adam: It isn’t, Sally. That part is fine. Chelsea and I, we are… We’re good. There’s no problem at all.

Sally: Well, I’m glad. Because Connor needs both of you pulling together for him.

Billy: Have you eaten anything since you got back?

Chelsea: I’m not hungry.

Billy: Well, might make you feel better.

Chelsea: I don’t think anything could make me feel better.

Billy: Look, you gotta keep your strength, Chels. For you and for Connor. This is gonna be a battle. There’s no doubt about that. But I guarantee you, Connor’s gonna be okay.

Chelsea: But you can’t guarantee that, Billy. No one can. The doctors can’t even guarantee it.

Billy: I get that. And look, of course, I don’t have a magic wand, but I know one thing. You are not a quitter. And you’re gonna do everything in your power to make sure that you are there for your son. There’s no doubt about that. But you’re gonna have a better chance of doing that if your blood sugar’s not all out of whack, okay? Humor me. Let’s go get some breakfast.

Chelsea: Okay.

Billy: Okay? Come here.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

Billy: Thank you very much.

Chelsea: I hope you don’t mind. I just want to leave this here in case one of Connor’s doctors call.

Billy: Yeah, of course. It makes total sense. Like I said, anything you need, okay? I got you.

Chelsea: Thank you. Well, you can distract me.

Billy: Distract you? How am I– how am I gonna do that?

Chelsea: Conversation. Gossip. Oh, you can tell me about Johnny and Katie. They’re home from school, right?

Billy: They are. They are home, yeah. I can fill you in on how it’s going with their new sister, Claire.

Chelsea: Oh, that’s right. I totally forgot. So, Johnny has found out about two new siblings this year?

Billy: Yeah.

Chelsea: How’s he handling that?

Billy: Like a champ. You know him, making inappropriate comments about her crazy aunt.

Chelsea: Oh, dear.

Billy: Yeah. But, uh, you know, Claire handled it well. She rolled with it.

Chelsea: And what about Katie? Is she excited to have a big sister?

Billy: Excited? Not the word I would use, no.

Chelsea: She’s having a hard time.

Billy: Yeah. She’s being a little bit prickly about the whole situation.

Chelsea: Well, that’s a lot to take in.

Billy: Yeah, it is. Victoria’s having to handle the moodiness and everything else, but, uh, I know Katie. She’ll come around.

Chelsea: Yeah, I don’t know. With kids, it’s– it’s not really so much about coming around, you know? Learning that you have a sibling you didn’t know about, that’s a big deal. You just have to give her time, you know, and space, and support. You’ve got to give her a lot of support, and– and make sure she doesn’t feel alone in all this.

Billy: Of course. You’re right. Hey, why don’t we have a bite to eat, okay? Then, I can take you home and tuck you in and you can get some rest. Take a look, see if anything, uh, looks appetizing.

Chelsea: You know what? To be honest with you, I’m so sorry. Nothing really looks appetizing right now. I know we came all this way. I think I just need to rest.

Billy: Okay, that’s fine.

Chelsea: I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, and, um, I think I should just go home and I’ll make sure I eat later.

Billy: Okay. I– I’ll take you home.

Chelsea: I really appreciate it. I’m sorry.

Billy: It’s okay. We’ll stop, and we’ll get you some groceries, and, you know, get you all settled in.

Chelsea: You’re amazing. I don’t deserve you.

Billy: You’re stuck with me, okay? At least for as long as you want me around, which I hope is forever.

Sally: What do you want to do today?

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: Honestly, doing nothing at all sounds pretty good right now.

Sally: Okay. Then, I will stay here and we can do nothing together.

Adam: Mm. What about work?

Sally: Chloe can cover for a couple hours. What?

Adam: You are so patient with me. You are so generous.

Sally: Well, we’ve… We’ve been through a lot together, Adam. And now that we actually are together, I know that we can get through this, too.

Kyle: Hello.

Diane: Well, I didn’t expect to see you here. Are you here to steal corporate secrets for your new job? Should I call security?

Kyle: Oh, that won’t be necessary. Jabot doesn’t have anything I need.

Diane: You sound awfully confident.

Kyle: That’s because I am.

Diane: Well, should I show you the sales figures, so you know how high a mountain you need to climb?

Kyle: You know, Glissade may not win tomorrow, but we will eventually. Having young, dynamic leadership goes a long way in this day and age.

Diane: Ah, youth. Hm. That, plus having access to all of Jabot’s marketing and research over the last several years.

Kyle: You know, I’ve actually found Jabot’s marketing to be kind of dated. I mean, you would know that if you listened to any of my suggestions.

Diane: I don’t want to do this.

Kyle: Do what?

Diane: This back-and-forth, this tit-for-tat. Kyle, you’re my son. And I love you more than anything in this world. But right now, I am really angry at you.

Kyle: Yeah, no kidding. I never could have guessed. So, um, where’s Dad?

Diane: Are you really not going to talk to me at all about what you’ve done?

Kyle: Oh, I think all the talking is over. We both know where we stand.

Diane: Then, why are you here? Hm? What do you want?

Kyle: I suppose you could say I came to pack up my desk or bury the hatchet, no hard feelings, all that stuff. But really, I’m just here to see how you and Dad are taking the Glissade news.

Diane: Oh, so you’re here to gloat, in other words.

Kyle: Well, you can call it that if you want, but I wouldn’t.

Diane: Kyle, this is breaking your father’s heart, and mine. Do you really not care about that at all?

Jack: Victor?

Victor: What are you doing in here?

Jack: I warned you. My family is off limits!

Victoria: So, what do you think Dad was really up to, warning Claire about Kyle?

Nikki: I think it’s all about the fact that Kyle is an Abbott, and your father doesn’t want any Newman involved with them.

Victoria: You know, talking about this has made me realize something.

Nikki: What’s that?

Victoria: Claire is a Newman.

Nikki: Yes, of course she is.

Victoria: So… she should be a Newman.

Nikki: I’m not sure I’m following you.

Victoria: Mom, I’m talking about Claire’s last name. Yeah, a while ago, Cole and I talked about her changing her last name to Newman, but we just never brought it up to her. I don’t know if that’s even something that Claire would want, honestly.

Claire: I would want to do what, Mom?

Victoria: Look, you don’t have to say yes right now. You don’t have to decide at all right now, but have you ever thought about changing your last name? You are a Newman and we’re your family. So, what do you think? Would you want to make it official?

Diane: Are you really so angry with us that you would go out and build a rival company, just to take a shot at your father, when you know it will hurt him the most?

Kyle: Well, uh, most fathers, most parents, want their children to succeed.

Diane: And you believe we don’t?

Kyle: Yeah, as long as it’s on your terms. As long as I don’t reach too high, or ask for too much, before I get my hand slapped like an insubordinate little boy.

Diane: Oh, come on, Kyle. What you’re doing is much more than insubordination.

Kyle: According to you.

Diane: You are going after the company that your family built.

Kyle: The company I was supposed to inherit.

Diane: And you still can. If you would just stop this nonsense.

Kyle: Oh, that’s what my ambition is to you, huh? Nonsense?

Diane: Yes, when it makes you hurt your father, when he would give his life for you? I’m– I am sorry. I can’t condone it.

Kyle: Well, luckily I don’t need your approval anymore.

Diane: Kyle, listen to me. This is not who you are. You are better than this.

Kyle: I will prove to you my worth the only way that either of you understand. I will beat you at your own game, and I will work 24/7 to do just that.

Diane: We do know your worth.

Kyle: Hm.

Diane: We always have. You’re our son. We love you. Even now. Even when we we’re so angry at you. Even when you were making foolish decisions. Our love is unconditional.

Kyle: Seems pretty damn conditional to me.

[ Diane sighing ] Tell Dad I stopped by.

Victor: Well, are you ready to throw another chair through the window?

Jack: I told you, you want to take me on, take me on. You leave my family out of this.

Victor: Get out.

Jack: I’m not going anywhere. I know exactly what you’re doing here. You are the mystery investor. You’re the one who bought Glissade out from under Tucker, and now you’re using my son to get back at me.

Victor: That’s nonsense.

Jack: You know it’s not.

Victor: Some more grandstanding? Is that what you’re doing?

Jack: This is a promise. You will pay for this.

Victor: Why don’t you face the truth? You’re a lousy father to your son Kyle. Now, you’re paying for that. Now, you’re dealing with the consequences.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

A guilt-ridden Adam and Chelsea share with Billy and Sally about Connor’s condition. Adam and Chelsea are both distracted because they can’t forget they cheated on Billy and Sally.

Jack tells Diane that he thinks Victor is the mystery investor for Glissade and he is using Kyle against him. Kyle goes to the Jabot offices to gloat about his new job to Diane. Diane tells Kyle that she and Jack love him even if he is making the wrong decisions right now.

Victoria asks Claire if she wants to change her last name to Newman.

Jack goes to Victor’s office to tell him that he will pay for using Kyle against him. Victor tells Jack he has been a bad father to Kyle and he is paying for it now.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, July 8, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ phone ringing ]

Traci: Jack, Jack, it’s so late there. Is– is something wrong at home?

Jack: No, not at all. Not at all. I just wanted to see if maybe you wanted to trade places. I’ll come to Paris and have coffee and croissants in the morning, and you can battle insomnia here in Genoa City. What do you think?

Traci: Well, let me think about that for a minute. No, I’m good.

Jack: Darn. Well, at least I got you on the phone. We can chat. How’s my beautiful sister doing?

Traci: And which beautiful sister are you referring to?

Jack: Let’s start with you. But judging how radiant you are, I think I already have the answer to that question.

Traci: Well, I am having a lovely time in Paris. Now that the worst of it is over, of course. I wish they would let me spend a little more time with Ashley, but the time that I do get to spend with her, it’s so encouraging. Jack, I am so proud of her.

Jack: Oh, I am so proud of her. And I’m so relieved for you. I know this is a large weight lifted off your shoulders.

Traci: Yeah, you know, I– I do. I feel a million percent better. For the first time in a really long time, I’m finally remembering what it’s like to have a little hope. And I’m looking forward to all of the opportunities that are ahead for all of us.

Nick: It’s getting late.

Phyllis: At what point is another espresso a bad idea?

Nick: At the point when you get so wound up about Summer, I can start to see you twitch.

Phyllis: Oh, I’m not– I’m not wound up. I’m not stressed. I’m not. I’m just, I’m thinking methodically. Thinking methodically about all the things we put on the table as to what could really be going on with our daughter.

Nick: Have you got a winner yet?

Phyllis: I do. The last thing we came up with. I think that she is really going for custody for Harrison, or– or thinking about it, rather, because it’s a knee-jerk reaction. Because she’s angry, and maybe a little jealous.

Nick: Okay. Putting yourself in her shoes. Total stretch.

Phyllis: Yeah, but I’m not 100 percent sure. Because also, Nick, she knows Kyle. She knows when he’s distracted. And she knows when he’s reckless. And she knows if he’s going to be a bad influence on their son.

Nick: Well, there’s no denying how in tune she is with whatever Harrison needs.

Phyllis: She has really great intuition as a mom, doesn’t she?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: I think Kyle could be going down a slippery slope.

Nick: I think we should just take a step back and let Summer handle this on her own, you know?

Phyllis: Let’s get out of here.

Nick: You ready to call it a night?

Phyllis: Mm-mm. Definitely not. I think we need to just change venue and go somewhere, you know, where I can really chill out and relax. You know what I mean? And we can talk about our daughter. Let’s go.

Kyle: Thanks.

Daniel: Hey, man. Grab a beer, please.

Kyle: Hi.

Daniel: I’m guessing that’s not work.

Kyle: Why do you say that?

Daniel: Well, I heard you’re no longer with Jabot. Sorry about that.

Kyle: Pretty sure I can guess where you got that little bit of intel? Hmm. It’s probably not as bad as Summer made it out to be.

Daniel: Oh, hey. No judgment here. Come on. It’s a secret that I was given the boot from Chancellor-Winters not too long ago. Not such a great feeling.

Kyle: Mm. Especially when you consider how it went down. You know, my mother firing me, uh, your ex firing you.

Daniel: Oh, fun times.

Kyle: Ah, the good news is, we don’t have to let them have the last laugh.

Daniel: What do you mean?

Kyle: Well, when one door closes, a bigger, better one opens. Nice and wide.

Claire: I want to bring home something yummy for my mom’s breakfast. Only I’m not sure what. Everything here looks really good. Um…

Victor: Can I help you decide?

Claire: Grandpa, are you following me around tonight?

Victor: No.

Claire: Because I told you I was fine.

Victor: I came here for a croissant. Now, look at these eclairs. You know, those were your mother’s favorite when she was a child.

Claire: They’re my favorite, too.

Victor: Really?

Claire: Yeah.

Victor: Okay. Well, why don’t we sit over there? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.

Victor: Mmm. Mm-hmm. Good.

Claire: Do you want to hear something kind of funny?

Victor: What?

Claire: When I was a kid, I thought eclairs were named after me.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Claire: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Perfect.

Claire: Note to self, don’t eat an eclair on a date.

Victor: Is that what you and Kyle were doing earlier when I saw you at Society?

Claire: A date?

Victor: Yeah.

Claire: You’re kidding. Grandpa, I work for him. I would– I would never cross that line.

Victor: I’m glad to hear that, okay?

Claire: This isn’t what you wanted to talk to me about, is it? I mean, I– I did join him for a drink after you left.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Claire: But I wasn’t trying to ditch you or be sneaky.

Victor: I’m very relieved.

Claire: Full disclosure, I had dinner with him earlier.

Victor: Hm.

Claire: But I didn’t think it was a big deal. Did I do something wrong?

Victor: No, sweetheart, you did nothing wrong, and I– I’m sorry if I gave you that impression. No, nothing.

Claire: Okay, good.

Victor: Except to say, I think you need to know some things about Kyle.

Daniel: Well, I’m glad to hear that one of us has job prospects.

Kyle: Eh, Give it some time. These things tend to happen exactly when they’re meant to.

Daniel: Oh, you got something concrete lined up?

Kyle: It’ll be announced publicly tomorrow. Wish I could share, but you’ll have to wait and hear with the rest of the world.

Daniel: Oh, well, that sounds pretty major. It must be what Summer was worried about. She knows what it is, right?

Kyle: Yeah. For the most part. What’d she say?

Daniel: Uh, well, she didn’t give me any specifics, but she definitely wasn’t as psyched as you seem to be.

Kyle: Summer needs to relax. What I do with my career, it doesn’t affect her.

Daniel: That’s not really true.

Kyle: Yeah, we’re divorced, Daniel.

Daniel: Co-parenting exes.

Kyle: Does having ambition in the workplace make me lesser of a father to my son?

Daniel: Maybe it’s just timing after everything that Harrison’s been through.

Kyle: Yeah, she’s threatening to come at me with lawyers to go after custody. Look, I’m telling you, Summer better tread lightly, or this is going to blow up in her face in a way she isn’t anticipating.

Jack: Are you spending much time with Abby?

Traci: Actually, she and I have been to see Ashley a few times now. You should see our sister’s face light up when her baby girl walks into the room.

Jack: I am so relieved the two of you are there for her. I still lie awake at night worrying about Ashley, hence this phone call.

Traci: And this is the only thing that keeps you awake at night, Jack?

Jack: There are always fires to put out here, you know that.

Traci: Anything you want to talk about?

Jack: Nothing that can’t wait until your return. Besides, I don’t want to ruin this glow you have. Paris really seems to agree with you.

Traci: On that topic, um, Jack, I think I’m going to stay a little while longer in Paris. I– I really like being close to Ashley, and I can write from anywhere.

Jack: Is there anyone else you’re close to these days?

Traci: Jack, stop.

Jack: Wow, that sounds like a yes.

Traci: Oh, okay, I have been spending a little time with Alan, actually.

Jack: That is wonderful. I like Alan. He seems like a really good guy.

Traci: He is.

Jack: I do feel for him with all he’s been through with his brother, but he’s lucky to have you to help him through it.

Traci: We’ve been supporting each other.

Jack: I’m sure you are.

[ knocking on door ]

Traci: Um, uh, that might be him now.

Jack: Oh, go. Don’t let me hold you, uh… Thank you for brightening my night. I love you, Trace.

Traci: Get some sleep, Jack. I love you, too. I’m coming!

[ Traci gasping ]

Christine: Bonjour.

Danny: Enchantй.

Traci: Oh! Oh, look. Oh, you guys. Oh.

Christine: Surprise.

Traci: Oh, come in. You– Sit down, you guys. I thought you weren’t going to be able to make it. You said you were so swamped with rehearsals and sold out shows.

Christine: We realized that there are things that are way more important.

Traci: Oh…

Danny: Yeah, I mean, come on. We’re all in Paris together at the same time, we had– we had to make this happen.

Traci: Oh, I’m so glad you did. I’m not kidding. You have to tell me everything. How’s the tour? What’s happening?

Danny: Oh, it is fantastique. The best that I remember.

Christine: Yeah, we’ve been having so much fun.

Traci: I can see that. You’ve left a little lipstick.

Christine: That’s not me.

Traci: What?

Danny: What? Right– oh, well, that was an overzealous fan in the lobby. You didn’t tell me she left a mark.

Christine: Well, you know what? You can have lipstick on your cheek. You’re a badass rock star.

Traci: She is not wrong.

Danny: Okay. Well, hey, if that’s the look I’m going for, then having two gorgeous blondes on my arm would do the trick then, you know? So what do you say, Traci? How about joining us for breakfast?

Christine: Oh yeah.

Traci: Oh.

[ knocking on door ] Hold that thought.

Danny: Trиs bien.

Alan: Hello.

Traci: Alan, hello. Please. My friends have stopped by. Come in.

Alan: Oh, my goodness. Are you kidding me?

Traci: Danny.

Alan: Wow, of course. Nice to meet you.

Traci: Christine, this is Alan.

Alan: Alan, yes. Christine, hi. Nice to meet you.

Christine: Nice to meet you.

Alan: Wow. Um, well, forgive me if I’m a little starstruck. I– I knew Traci knew you, but I didn’t think I’d ever get a chance to really meet you.

Danny: Well, uh, I’ll do you one better, Alan. Why don’t you join us for breakfast?

Alan: Really?

Traci: I– I didn’t want to accept until I’d run it past you.

Alan: What? Well, yeah, of course. I’d love to.

Danny: We’ll talk about when Traci was in the band, you know? She’s not as innocent as she pretends to be.

Alan: Oh, really?

Traci: Danny!

Alan: I’d certainly love to hear about that.

Traci: Oh, come on.

Christine: I kind of do, too, so let’s go.

Alan: Well, here we go, ah?

Traci: Thank you. All right, you guys.

Christine: This’ll be great. Thank you.

Daniel: I don’t think that responding to someone with threats of your own is the best thing to do.

Kyle: She said she’s coming after my kid, Daniel. I don’t take that lightly.

Daniel: That’s not what she’s doing. She told me she just wants to spend more time with him in light of everything that’s happened.

Kyle: No, she’s lashing out at me through my son. I saw it in her eyes. It’s some sick form of revenge.

Daniel: Revenge for what?

Kyle: She’s pissed that I hired Claire as Harrison’s nanny. And she’s even madder that he thinks she’s the greatest.

Claire: Hey, Grandpa.

Victor: Yeah?

Claire: How did you know that I ran into Kyle earlier? I thought that you left before I joined him.

Victor: As I was leaving Society, I looked through the window, saw the two of you together. A rather comfortable situation, you know?

Claire: Yeah. Yeah, we’ve– we’ve gotten to be pretty good friends.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Claire: I mean, obviously, our main connection is Harrison. He’s probably the number one thing we talk about.

Victor: You talk to him about other things?

Claire: Sometimes.

Victor: Hm.

Claire: Kyle confides in me.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Claire: I think he knows that I’m a safe person to talk to, that I would never betray his trust.

Victor: Don’t you think that’s rather odd? I mean, he barely knows you. You’re just his son’s nanny.

Claire: Grandpa, you can just tell me if you don’t approve of my being friends with Kyle.

Nick: Espresso with a red wine and french fry chaser. Legendary. I don’t know anyone like you.

Phyllis: Helps me think.

Nick: There’s really nothing to think about because we cannot control what happens with Summer and Kyle.

Phyllis: What? That’s not true. We’re her parents. We have influence.

Nick: I know you like to think that, but that went out the window the day Summer turned into a teenager.

Phyllis: No, it didn’t.

Nick: Yeah, it did.

Phyllis: No, it didn’t. Listen, we have experienced more life, okay? And she does take our opinions as sage. She takes everything that we say to her into consideration. She does. And if she doesn’t, we’ll just force her to listen.

Nick: Right. Like we tried earlier, because that went so great.

[ Phyllis sighing ]

Phyllis: I’m not giving up on her.

Nick: I’ve noticed that about you.

Phyllis: We have wisdom.

Nick: Mm. Yeah, we can have all the wisdom we want, but she’s just going to do whatever she wants anyway. We both know that.

Phyllis: What happened to you? You used to be so overprotective. What happened?

Nick: Look, I’m happy to sit here and plot ways to help Summer navigate whatever comes next, but don’t you think it’s best if we just let her work it out on her own? She can deal directly with Kyle, and then hopefully, they can avoid court altogether.

Phyllis: You know, I’d love that. In a perfect world, that’s a great idea. But I just want her to know that we have the cachet to back up what we say.

Nick: It’s crazy to think about– You know, it kind of felt like we were just kids ourselves while we were raising Supergirl. And now, we think we have all these answers. Why? I mean, why do we think that? Because we have a few gray hairs now? Just talking about me. Not you.

Phyllis: No. Not me.

Nick: Not you.

[ Phyllis sighing ]

Phyllis: It’s just really hard, isn’t it? Giving advice from the outside looking in, it’s a little easier.

[ Phyllis sighing ] I just, I don’t want her to feel any pain. I just want everything for her.

Nick: Everything good.

Phyllis: Yeah. Everything good. And you could see the potential mistakes, you know? And you want to stop them. And I say, don’t, don’t, don’t go over there. Don’t do that. Watch out for the cliff. You’re about to fall.

[ Phyllis chuckling ]

Nick: How come nobody did that for us?

Phyllis: I think some people tried to do it for me.

Nick: Mm. How come you didn’t listen?

Victor: Don’t misunderstand me. It is not up to me who you befriend. I just know Kyle a bit better than you do.

Claire: I realize that you want what’s best for me.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Claire: But I have no reason to believe that Kyle is a threat.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Do you know that he just recently divorced my other granddaughter?

Claire: Is that what this is about? Summer?

Victor: No, it’s not about Summer. How much did you know about Kyle before he came to town? I’m sure there’s some things he rather you not know.

Claire: It sure sounds like you’re trying to turn me against him.

Victor: Sweetheart, I’m asking you to proceed with caution. Okay? You just landed on your feet. You just recently escaped that ogre aunt of yours.

Claire: And I’m doing really well on that front.

Victor: And that is why I don’t want you to become involved in Kyle’s turmoil.

Daniel: You know, when you’re done blowing off steam there, I would strongly recommend that you take a look at this from Summer’s point of view. She loves her son. Your son. That’s the takeaway here.

Kyle: Yeah, if that’s the case, then why is she coming at me with lawyers? Is that really putting Harrison first? Making him live through all that trauma?

Daniel: Well, I get the trauma of a custody battle 100%, but her whole goal here is to try and keep from causing that kid any more trauma.

Kyle: No, her whole goal here is to cause me pain. So, how about instead of defending your sister’s attacks against me, why don’t you tell her to back the hell off before she lives to regret it?

Tessa: Yikes.

Daniel: Yeah, yikes.

Alan: So, you guys have been together a long time.

Danny: Uh, well, um, unfortunately, it– it was on and off.

Traci: But you’re together now and that’s all that matters.

Alan: And Christine, I’m sure that you’re the envy of many fans.

Christine: Oh.

Danny: Oh, believe me, she caused quite a stir on social media. Oh, it was, it was big.

Christine: Someone just posted a picture of me kissing Danny when he came off stage.

Traci: Oh, I’m gonna have to look that up.

Danny: Oh, no, no, you two. Look, I’ll show you exactly how it went down. See, no biggie.

Christine: Wha–

Danny: I’m kidding, it was a wonderful kiss.

Christine: Speak for yourself.

Danny: I love it, it was beautiful.

Christine: Oh, my gosh.

Danny: All right, enough about us. I want to know how you two became friends.

Traci: Um, well– well, um… we met through Ashley. Do you mind if I share this?

Alan: Yes, of course. No, I– I prefer it come from you.

Traci: Okay. Um, we did not meet under the best of circumstances. I won’t give you any details.

Christine: I– I’m sorry, is Ashley okay?

Traci: Oh, thank you for asking. Yes, yes, she is. She’s taking a little time for herself, and everything’s going really well. Um, in fact, for the first time in a long time, I’m feeling really optimistic about the future.

Alan: Me too.

Nick: So, guess who took a hardcore trip down memory lane recently?

Phyllis: Mm. What kind of memories are we talking about?

Nick: All of them. Faith is home, and she and Moses broke up.

Phyllis: Hm.

Nick: It sort of started this conversation about Sharon’s and my relationship and its history.

Phyllis: Oh. Its history. That’s a rocky road.

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Hm. I mean, but not all of it, right?

Nick: We went with total honesty.

Phyllis: Hm. So, are you warning me to duck for cover next time I see Faith?

Nick: No, you– you don’t have to do that. I mean, she knew most of it already. And in fact, Sharon was, uh, charitable when it came to your role in all of our breakups.

Phyllis: So, how was that for you? Reliving all of that? I mean, did you get sucked into the romance of it all again? Or are you done with love? ve? Wouldn’t you like to know?

Phyllis: I don’t need to know. I know the answer. You’re a hot dad with a pulse. You’ll find someone.

Nick: What about you? You’re a hot mom. Nick/

Phyllis: With a pulse.

Nick: Yeah. How long until you get back into another relationship?

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. I’m not doing that. I’m not doing that ever again. No. I don’t need to remind you, last time we were in this building, and I was crying on your shoulder about that loser, loser singer that shall remain nameless.

Nick: Still stinging about Danny, huh?

Phyllis: Oh, what? No. I’ve so moved on. But I can’t help reveling in the thought of Christine sitting in the back of this bumpy tour bus going from town to town, sitting sweating in between two guys that she doesn’t know, with the smell of coffee breath and mystery meat from the night before, thinking about her miserable life. It makes me feel great.

Nick: You know, they probably went to Europe on a private jet, right?

Phyllis: Wh– why? What? Wha– Why would you kill the buzz? What’s wrong with you?

[ Alan laughing ]

Alan: I remember that one. Oops, excuse me.

Traci: Mm.

Alan: Oh, guys, I’m sorry. Excuse me. I have to take this, all right? Alan Laurent.

Danny: I like him. This is incredible. What– Yeah.

Christine: Alan is awesome. We are so happy for you.

Traci: Oh, you guys, I– Um, it’s– it’s moving a little fast. But somehow, it feels right.

Christine: Well, it must feel right if you’re staying in Paris for him.

Danny: Yeah.

Traci: Oh, I’m– I’m staying in Paris for my sister. But, um, being able to spend my free time with Alan is definitely an added incentive.

Tessa: Correct me if I’m wrong, but the last time we spoke, you requested step-by-step instructions about how to put the pieces of your life back together.

Daniel: And I took notes.

Tessa: Cool. So I’m going to assume that my brilliant advice holds, and whatever that was has no bearing on said genius.

Daniel: No, no, no, totally, totally. That– that– With Kyle, that was not about me. Although, now I’m starting to think that I might actually need your advice to help my sister put the pieces of her life back together.

Tessa: Oh, uh, yeah, sorry. I usually stay out of sibling issues. I’ve got plenty of my own, thanks.

Daniel: You’re smart.

Tessa: But I could offer a little insight if you’re desperate.

Daniel: Oh, Tessa’s tips round two. Let’s go.

Tessa: Did Summer ask you to fix her life?

Daniel: Not in so many words, no.

Tessa: Then, maybe let her do her own fixing? I’m sure you’re coming from a place of love and good intention, but meddling in someone else’s problems rarely ever has the outcome we’re hoping for, especially when it’s family.

Claire: I appreciate what you’re saying, Grandpa. My therapist actually cautioned me against taking on other people’s problems, too. But I really have never felt the need to do anything more than listen to Kyle. I think that’s all he’s looking for.

Victor: Okay. Glad to hear that. Well, sweetheart, I don’t think I’ve ever told you how much it breaks my heart to know what you’ve gone through, living with that Aunt Jordan, terrible woman. I don’t ever want anyone to take advantage of you again.

Claire: And I love you for that. I’ve never felt as cared for as I do by you, and– and Mom and Dad.

Victor: Yeah.

Claire: But I just… I don’t want you to think that my friendship with Kyle is in any way dangerous. It’s just simply not the case.

Victor: You know, I’ve lived a little longer than you have, and I got to tell you that I’ve known people who suddenly become a different person once their life turns upside down. They make enemies of former friends and they hurt people without intending to. And I don’t want that to happen to you.

Jack: Hey, thought I heard you. You’re home late.

Kyle: Mm. Sweet sound of judgment.

Jack: Not at all.

Kyle: Then what, an ambush? Sorry, I’m not in the mood for another round of “what’s wrong with Kyle.”

Jack: That is not what this is.

Kyle: Mm. Uh-huh?

Jack: I had an after-hours call with Traci. It’s morning in Paris. I wanted to check on Ashley. I heard you come in just now. Is– is everything okay?

Kyle: Mm. Did you seriously just ask me that? I’m gonna take my drink up in my room. Call when I–

Jack: No, wait, wait, wait, wait. Kyle. Can we just talk? Father and son. Tessa’s latest tip, in theory, is solid. Uh, ten out of ten.

Tessa: But you are going to ignore my super solid advice because…

Daniel: Mm. Well, have you met my family? I mean, we don’t really do hands-off.

Tessa: Mm. Well, anyway, here I am telling you to butt out of other people’s lives, while I’m totally meddling in yours.

Daniel: No, no, no, no, no. I– I appreciate it. I asked for the advice. It’s just, I feel like, you know, my family holds a trophy for most dysfunctional.

Tessa: Oof, really? Did Summer ever ask you for $20,000 to help repay the people who helped fund her life on the run?

Daniel: What are you talking about?

Tessa: Yeah, Tessa’s tip number three, don’t take the crown until you know the competition.

Traci: Oh my gosh, this has been so much fun. You guys, I don’t want it to end.

Danny: So, why let it? Yeah, come to the show tonight as– as my guests.

Christine: Yes, yes, please, please say yes. I would love the company. We would have so much fun.

Traci: Oh, I’m in if Alan is.

Alan: Uh, are you kidding me? Yes, of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Danny: All right, there it is. Wonderful. Oh, one thing, I am going to pull you on stage for a song or two.

Traci: Oh, no.

Danny: Don’t say no.

Alan: Yes. Come on.

Traci: No. No, Danny, no. I’m going as a super fan. I’m going to stand backstage and take candid photos of you and Christine, and I’m going to put them on my social media. I understand you can get really rich going viral.

Danny: Uh, I’m not sure if you’re going to get rich with just one stolen kiss.

Christine: Well, we’re never going to find out. Anyway, I love you.

Traci: Oh, I love you.

Christine: See you tonight.

Alan: Ah, nice to meet you.

Danny: You, too.

Alan: See you tonight. And if you see someone crowd surfing during “Rock On,” just know it’s me.

Christine: Oh, okay.

Danny: Yeah, I will be, yes.

Christine: Wow.

Danny: We’ll have a look.

Christine: See you guys.

Traci: Really?

Alan: Wow, I did not expect the day to go this way, huh?

Traci: I didn’t either. I– I hope it’s a good thing.

Alan: The evening was great. It was great. It’s wonderful to meet your friends and– I mean, not just because Danny’s famous, but they clearly adore you. And I can understand why.

Claire: It’s crazy how Jordan got me to believe she had my best interests at heart, and I legitimately did. I bought into doing terrible things for her, even though I knew on some level, they were wrong. And when I compare that to how you all treat me now, it’s just, how did I ever believe her?

Victor: Well, you got to forgive yourself, you know? You had nothing to compare it to. Having said that, if you ever in the future have any doubt about any– or anything, you come to me.

Claire: I will.

Victor: You promise? Good. You may have noticed by now that I’m very concerned about keeping my family safe. I grew up without a family. I grew up in an orphanage. So, family means everything to me, okay? Just want you to know. I keep them safe, no matter what.

Claire: I can see that. And I’m really so grateful for that.

Jack: Harrison sure went down early.

Kyle: Hm. She, uh, keeps him busy. He comes home exhausted.

Jack: Claire seems to be the perfect salve for his wounds. It was a good idea to hire her.

Kyle: Thanks for saying that, Dad.

Jack: If there’s one thing you excel at, son, it’s being a father.

Kyle: Oh, ha, that’s where it ends. Great father, lousy heir apparent.

Jack: Wait, wait. Let’s not go there.

Kyle: Yeah, why not? It’s the elephant in the room. You’re pushing me out of the company. And now you’re just pushing me out of my home, aren’t you?

Jack: That’s not fair. And you know it.

Kyle: It’s true. You just don’t like to hear it.

Jack: You are not an innocent bystander in this. You approved of this. You encouraged me to promote your mother. And then, you thwarted her every move.

Kyle: Yeah, because I realized she was in over her head. Dad, why couldn’t you just hand me the reins when Billy left? It would have been the smoothest transition ever. I would have killed it.

Jack: I thought–

Kyle: You didn’t trust me. That’s what you were thinking. You didn’t think I was capable. Well, guess what? I am out to prove to you and Mom just how wrong you were.

Nick: Looks like we closed down the joint.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. We could take a hint. Don’t have to turn off the lights. So, you never answered my question from before.

Nick: Right. Well, my people will be handling any interview requests for the foreseeable future.

Phyllis: Ah, and by your people, you mean all those potential women you plan to date, if– if you feel like it.

Nick: I’m not planning on dating a bunch of women. I’m not even planning on dating a single woman.

Phyllis: Oh, come on.

Nick: I mean it. Like, the whole app thing. I don’t get it. Like, you– Swiping left and…

Phyllis: Uh, no, uh– you swipe right, actually.

Nick: My point exactly.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: It’s not my thing. Not going to be dating any women at work, or any of the moms at Christian’s school. Just chilling solo.

Phyllis: Liar.

Nick: Name the lie in that.

Phyllis: We’ll see.

Nick: We will see. Thanks for the fries. I had a good time.

Phyllis: Yeah, it was a good time. Thank you for the coffee, and the caffeine intervention.

Nick: Any time. Hot Mom. Have a good night.

Phyllis: You too. Hot Dad.

Daniel: No, there’s no way that’s a true story. Is your sister really on the run from the law?

Tessa: Well, not anymore. But no, I did not make it up.

Daniel: Wow.

Tessa: Yeah, Crystal and I didn’t have the best example of what it was to be like, you know, normal, functioning humans by our parents. So, we got in with some shady characters when we were younger. We got away, but it wasn’t easy. But things are better now. She was even at my wedding.

Daniel: So, a happy ending.

Tessa: Yeah.

Daniel: Well, I will say that I am sorry for underestimating everything that you’ve been through.

Tessa: Hm. Well, just a good reminder that you never know what the people around you are going through.

Daniel: Write it down. Because of that, my friends, should be Tessa’s tip number four.

Tessa: For the win!

Victor: Well, my darling, thank you for the company.

Claire: Best part of my day, easily.

Victor: Do you need a ride back to the ranch?

Claire: No, thank you. I drove myself here.

Victor: Okay. Now, will you remember what we just talked about?

Claire: I will. Although, I’m still not entirely sure what it is that you don’t like about Kyle.

Victor: You know, it’s not that I don’t like him. It’s just that he is… Jack Abbott’s son. And that is enough reason to proceed with caution, okay? Enough said. Good night, my sweetheart.

Claire: Good night.

Victor: I loved it. And this croissant is damn good. I’ll come back for more.

Jack: You’re going to prove to us you’re capable? What does that even mean?

Kyle: You’ll find out soon enough.

Jack: Well, what is this about? You know how proud I am of you. You don’t have to prove yourself to me.

Kyle: Oh, if that’s the case, then we wouldn’t be having this little heart-to-heart.

Jack: What are we even talking about? This is all riddles. What is it you’re going to spring on us to show us that we messed up?

Kyle: I’m taking over Glissade.

Jack: Wait, you’re what?

Kyle: It’s about to come out, so you may as well hear it straight from me. You are looking at the new head of Glissade. I’ll be working with–

Jack: Tucker!

Kyle: Audra Charles. I had the chance to work with Tucker at one point, but I stupidly turned him down out of loyalty to you. Well, not this time. Tucker is out, and I am in. And this is going to be my coming out party as one of Genoa City’s most formidable players. And Glissade will be a powerhouse. We not only have bottomless funding to give Jabot a run for its money, we will put it out of business. I would have done anything for you, Dad. Anything. And for Jabot. But not anymore. I work for the enemy. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 5, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Chelsea agree that having sex was a mistake because they drank too much bourbon. Adam calls Sally and tells her if they don’t hear news about Connor tomorrow, he is going to go home because he needs to be with her. Chelsea calls Billy and tells him that she will head home tomorrow if there is no news about Connor. Chelsea tells Billy she misses him and needs to be with him.

Kyle assures Victor that he didn’t tell Jack or Diane about his job at Glissade. Kyle tells Victor that Diane thinks he is going to work for Newman Enterprises.

Summer tells Nick and Phyllis that Kyle is going to work at Glissade with Audra because she took over the company with the help of a secret investor.

Summer tells Nick and Phyllis she wants to go to court and get sole custody of Harrison because she feels that Kyle is making reckless decisions. Nick tells Summer she might not get custody of Harrison because she isn’t his biological mother. Nick tells Summer she would have to prove Kyle is a bad father or that Harrison wasn’t safe at home. Diane asks Summer talk to Kyle and keep him from moving out of the house. Summer didn’t know that Kyle was going to move out of the house. Summer tells Diane she never should have let things get this far with Kyle and she needs to fix the situation.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, July 5, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Nick: Well, hello, ladies.

Summer: Dad. Hey, what are you doing out so late?

Nick: Well, clearly this is the happening spot. All the pretty people are hanging out.

[ Phyllis chuckling ]

Nick: So, no snappy comeback? No patented eye roll?

Phyllis: Huh. Uh…

Nick: All right. Well, I just came to get, uh, Christian some pastries for his breakfast in the morning. What are you two doing here?

Phyllis: You know, just hanging out, complaining,gs.

Summer: Um…

Nick: Right. Okay. I’m gonna… And then I’ll… So, you guys… You never saw me…

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Hey, hey.

Summer: Dad, wait. Hang on.

Phyllis: No. We’re not griping about each other. Or you. Definitely not you. Sit down.

Summer: Yeah.

Nick: Feels like a trap. I…

Summer: No. It’s not a trap. Trust me. I have way bigger issues to worry about. Namely, my ex-husband.

Victor: Why would you tell your father that you and I are colluding against him?

Kyle: What makes you think I did?

Victor: Well, he certainly knew something. He came storming into my office, running all kinds of accusations and warning against me.

Kyle: Victor, I swear I haven’t said a word about our connection.

Victor: You’re sure?

Kyle: Uh, my dad and I, we were arguing. He got all riled up and jumped to some wrong conclusions. I mean, you know how he gets, but… look, that is my problem, not yours. I’m sorry he came at you like that.

Victor: I’m not worried about your father’s accusations. Okay? What I am concerned about… is disloyalty in people who work for me.

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: Chels? Are you okay?

Chelsea: I don’t know. You?

Adam: Same. Do you want to talk about what happened here?

Chelsea: I wouldn’t know where to begin. I’m not sure I even know what happened myself.

Nick: So, Kyle hurt you again? What’d he do this time? I knew I should have popped this dude in the mouth the first time he broke your heart.

Phyllis: Ah, come on, come on. That’s a little too much. Listen, for what Kyle did to our daughter, I’m thinking of more of a, I don’t know, a long-term punishment.

Summer: Okay. Um, Well, I appreciate the support, you guys, but I’m actually not looking for a fistfight or whatever solution you had in mind, Mom.

Phyllis: Okay, you tell us what happened. We will decide on the approach.

Summer: Honestly, it’s not even about what’s happened. It’s about what’s going to happen. I mean, Kyle, he just keeps on making all of these bad decisions, and I feel like it– it’s going to end in disaster.

Phyllis: Oh, are we talking about Harrison’s new nanny, Scary Poppins?

Nick: Is that still a thing? I thought, you know, you were cool with Claire now.

Summer: Y– you know what? I doubt I’m ever going to be “cool” with her, but yes, it is working out so far and Harrison does adore her.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, that– that’s good.

Summer: I still hate the fact that Kyle hired her against my wishes.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, it was shady, for sure.

Summer: The whole way he handled that situation, a red flag.

Nick: And that’s what’s got you so ticked off?

Summer: No, this is… about his latest stunt.

Phyllis: What’s his latest stunt?

Summer: Kyle… is involved with Audra Charles, again, and she is even bigger trouble than Claire.

Phyllis: Oh, what? Again? Audra Charles? She swooped in. I mean, she swooped in right when there was the hint of any problem in your marriage. She took full advantage, by the way.

Summer: Mm. Kyle’s the one that let her do it, but she did get him involved in all these shady business dealings with Tucker McCall.

Phyllis: Well, when it comes to Tucker McCall, it’s only shady business dealings.

Summer: Clearly, Audra is bad news.

Nick: So, how is Kyle involved with Audra?

Summer: I saw them together. They were getting a drink at the bar at the Athletic Club.

Nick: Just, uh… having a drink?

Summer: No, it’s not like it was some casual drink. No, they had– they had their heads together, like they were conspiring about something.

Nick: And that’s it?

Phyllis: That’s more than enough for Audra Charles, trust me. And, you know, let’s be honest, Kyle doesn’t have a great track record when it comes to trusting women.

Summer: Uh, excuse me?

Phyllis: Well, I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about all the others, like Tara, his mom. He believes any lie his mom tells him. That’s where his issues come from, I’m sure.

Nick: So, you think Kyle is romantically involved with Audra again?

Summer: Um, no, I don’t think so. At least not yet, but I guess, yeah, it could go that way, though.

Nick: Why do you care?

Phyllis: I mean, he’s right. Why do you care? Honestly, just let Kyle screw up his life.

Summer: Um, I care for Harrison’s sake. This is Audra we’re talking about. I don’t trust her. I don’t want her anywhere near my son.

Nick: Look, I get it. You’re extra vigilant when it comes to Harrison right now, and you should be, but… I don’t know, is there a chance you’re making more out of this than you need to? I mean, you saw them having a drink, that’s it, and now you’re making a leap to Audra hanging out with your son. I just feel like… you might be searching for trouble.

[ Summer scoffing ]

Phyllis: I mean, it could have just been, you know, a random meeting.

Summer: It wasn’t.

Phyllis: Okay. What makes you so sure?

Summer: I don’t know, it’s just the vibe, I guess.

Phyllis: Is there more going on for you to get this vibe than you’re telling us?

Summer: Okay, fine, yes. There is… something more, but… I’m not supposed to say.

Phyllis: Oh, well. I mean… Okay. Well, you’re definitely gonna have to tell us.

Kyle: You have my word, Victor. There has been no betrayal.

Victor: You know the press release comes out tomorrow?

Kyle: And I haven’t said a single word about my role at Glissade or your investment in it. You and Audra are the only two who know.

Victor: Well, then. Just know if I can’t rely on you, my offer to you is rescinded.

Kyle: Hmm. Well. I’ve accepted your terms and conditions, and I’m not about to violate them. I mean, this is my chance to show the world what I can do. I mean, why would I blow it up now when it means so much to me?

Victor: Now, why did your dad talk about you and I colluding against him?

Kyle: Well, I think it may have had something to do with your run-in with my mother earlier.

Victor: Oh, I see.

Kyle: You raised her suspicions when you let on that you knew I had left Jabot. It was so soon after it happened, it wasn’t public knowledge yet, so it sent her on high alert, and she went running to my father. They confronted me about it.

Victor: And you didn’t let on?

Kyle: No, not a word. Just pure speculation. They immediately assumed that you offered me a role at Newman Enterprises, but they know nothing about Glissade or your investment in it. Yeah. My parents cut me out of Jabot, the company I was raised to believe I was going to inherit, the company I poured my heart and soul into. And they showed me where their loyalties lie. Now, I’m just returning the favor. From this point forward, I have no allegiance to them.

Victor: So, you’re turning your back on your family?

Kyle: Let’s just say, um, I’m moving out of the house to put some distance between us.

Victor: Hmm. They can’t be happy about that.

Kyle: Mm. Well, It’s for the best. Look, you have offered me the opportunity of a lifetime, to build a cosmetics company from the ground up that’ll rival Jabot. I am all in.

Victor: Good. So… I can trust you?

Kyle: Absolutely. There is no way I would betray your confidence in me by divulging your investment in Glissade, and I certainly wouldn’t tip off our future competitors.

Victor: All right, then.

Kyle: But there’s something you should know.

Victor: Which is?

Kyle: I can’t control my dad’s suspicions. You know how he is. He’s not about to let this drop.

Victor: I don’t give a damn about your dad’s reaction, okay? All I need to know is that I can trust you.

Adam: I’m– I’m at a loss for words, too. It’s not like we planned this, or expected it. It just… happened. You know, we’ve gone through so much these past few weeks, and we’ve been on edge, and we’ve been worried to death.

Chelsea: Well, I mean, we’ve been living this nightmare together every single day, on this roller coaster of highs and lows and– and– and– hopes and fears, worried about our son.

Adam: And tonight, it just all spilled over. I mean, all the anxiety, all the worry, and, yes, all of the love just came pouring out. We couldn’t help it.

Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, we just, uh, we just– we just just let our emotions get out of control and…

Adam: We got caught up. We got caught up talking about the good memories, when things were good, when Connor was well and we were happy.

Chelsea: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it was– it was– it was so loving and light and– and fun back then.

Adam: And I think that’s why it felt so good to remember. I think we just– we– we desperately needed to reconnect with those feelings again.

Chelsea: Yeah, I think we just got caught up. It was– it was — it was a moment. It was just, it was… Oh, my God. It was just an unexpected slip. A…

Adam: Mistake.

Summer: You know what, Mom? You’re right. Why should I honor Kyle’s request for discretion, when he’s making so many mistakes?

Phyllis: So, Kyle asked you to be discreet about something.

Summer: He did, but, I mean, it’s gonna be public knowledge in the morning, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t tell you two now.

Phyllis: I agree.

Nick: You know, maybe it’s none of our business and we can just wait for 12 hours.

Phyllis: Okay, wait, don’t listen to him. What did Kyle ask you to be discreet about?

Summer: Kyle is going to work with Audra Charles.

Nick: Now, that’s strange. So, he left Jabot. Why the big secret?

Summer: Because this new company that they’re working for, it’s a cosmetics company. It’s gonna be Jabot’s direct competition.

Nick: Mm. I don’t get it. Why leave your family’s company to launch some upstart, unknown competitor?

Summer: Because his family fired him. Well, Diane fired him, but Jack didn’t fight her on it.

Phyllis: Diane fired her own son from his birthright? That makes no sense. Who does that?

Summer: Apparently, Diane does.

Phyllis: And how did Audra Charles get her hands on her own cosmetics company?

Summer: That’s where the even bigger secret comes in.

Kyle: Here, take a look at this. It lays out the best way to merge the European cosmetic companies Tucker acquired with Glissade. Now, all the entities will be seamlessly streamlined into one big corporation.

Victor: So, you’ve given this quite a bit of thought.

Kyle: We have. Everything is moving along according to plan.

Victor: And by we, assume you mean you and Audra, right? You’re on the same page.

Kyle: Absolutely. The new and improved Glissade leadership in action. We’ll be doing a press conference as soon as the release goes out, and then, of course, we’ll be leaving your name out of it.

Victor: Good. I’m sure your father would be quite surprised to find out that his son so quickly assumed the leadership of a new company.

Kyle: He’s going to be blindsided. I guarantee you, he will not see this coming.

Victor: Good.

Kyle: Um, there is something I do need to ask you and I need complete honesty.

Victor: Go ahead.

Kyle: My father was right, wasn’t he? This is an attack on him. Some sort of retaliation for what happened with Nicky, how he handled being her sponsor. This is why you plotted the secret takeover of Glissade, isn’t it?

Adam: I mean, that’s what it was. Wasn’t it? A mistake?

Chelsea: Yes. Yeah, of course. I– I guess you could call it that.

Adam: Then, maybe the best thing to do is to not talk about it to anyone.

Chelsea: You’re right. Yeah, you’re right. What happened, happened. You know, we can’t pretend like it didn’t, but it’s over now, and we– we just– we just have to put it behind us.

Adam: Agreed.

Chelsea: I– We were just trying to deal with what happened with our son, and we were focusing on the good memories and trying to forget the bad ones, so, you know, it was– it was only natural that we turn to each other.

Adam: Yeah. I mean, I– I needed that. We both did.

Chelsea: But this doesn’t make me any less committed to Billy, okay? Or– or you to Sally, right?

Adam: Of course. It doesn’t.

Victor: There’s only one thing I want from you right now.

Kyle: Hmm.

Victor: I want you and Audra to concentrate on the task ahead.

Kyle: Well, that goes without saying.

Victor: Right.

Kyle: So, you’re not gonna answer my question, then?

Victor: If you see this as an opportunity to get even with your father and to blow Jabot out of the water? You go for it.

Kyle: Well, that’s exactly what you want too, right?

Victor: What I want is a massive success. Whatever it takes, however you do it. Okay?

Kyle: We’re on the same page.

Victor: Good.

Kyle: Success is at the top of my to-do list.

Victor: Good. All right, Kyle.

Kyle: Hmm.

Victor: My goodness. What are you doing at this time of night?

Claire: Oh, you have got to stop worrying about me so much. I don’t need a bodyguard anymore.

Victor: Sweetheart, you’re my granddaughter. I will always worry about you. It’s late.

Claire: I’m just getting some takeout and bringing it back to the ranch. I’ll be fine.

Victor: I adore you. Bye.

Claire: Bye.

[ Kyle chuckling ] Well, I am just dying to hear what brought you back here after our dinner earlier.

Kyle: Oh, I could ask you the same question. Join me for a drink? I promise I won’t make you drink champagne again.

[ Kyle and Claire laughing ]

Nick: I got to be honest. I’m dying to know what the big secret is.

Summer: Well, the cosmetics company that Audra and Kyle are partnering up to run is Glissade.

Phyllis: Isn’t that Tucker’s company?

Summer: It was, until it wasn’t anymore. Somehow, Audra managed to steal it right out from underneath him.

Nick: Where would Audra get the capital required to gain that kind of investment?

Summer: Word is, it’s some wealthy mystery investor. Came in, pulled a hostile takeover.

Phyllis: That sounds shady to me.

Summer: To me, too.

Nick: Tucker McCall is not the kind of person you want as a mortal enemy.

Phyllis: Oh, definitely not. He’s gonna go after Audra very hard.

Summer: And with Kyle at Glissade, too, he’s gonna be in the line of fire.

Nick: Not a good place to be at all.

Summer: Do you see what I’m saying? This is a mess. How can Harrison be okay when he’s in the middle of all of this nonsense?

Nick: Look, Tucker is a slimeball. There’s no doubt about that. But I don’t think even he would go after a child for revenge. I mean, nobody would stoop that low.

Summer: Maybe not. But if Kyle is the target of a revenge attack, then Harrison could get hurt, too.

Phyllis: Yeah, but Kyle won’t put Harrison in harm’s way.

Summer: Kyle’s gonna be busy running this new company and waging war with his parents, Harrison’s grandparents. This is a reckless path that he’s on. And I just don’t want Harrison to be surrounded by all of this stress and angst and that– That’s why I just– I feel like I want Harrison to be spending more time with me.

Nick: What are you saying?

Phyllis: Are you saying you want to take… You want to take Harrison away from Kyle?

Summer: No, I don’t want to take Harrison away from Kyle. I mean, I did tell him that I thought that we should talk to our lawyers to formalize a custody agreement, but I have since taken a breath and thought about it and realized that that would just escalate things, and I am hoping to avoid that.

Nick: That’s smart, because I gotta tell you, Summer, as soon as you take your problems to a lawyer, things can get real ugly real quick.

Phyllis: Yeah, we’ve both been down that road, and, um, the minute you start introducing lawyers into the situation, it’s just not a good look.

Summer: Okay, I know how damaging a custody battle can be for all parties involved, so like I said, I’m hoping to avoid that. I want us to be able to work it out between us, but I can’t just sit back and watch while Kyle brings all of this chaos into Harrison’s life. I feel like I have to do something, you know, for Harrison’s sake.

Phyllis: Okay, like what?

Summer: Well, I’ve actually been looking at houses with yards, you know, so that when Harrison is with me, he can feel more comfortable. Like I said, I’m not trying to take him away from Kyle. I just, I want his time with me to feel more official.

Nick: It’s not gonna be an easy argument to make, um, whether lawyers are involved or not.

Summer: Did you not hear all the reasons that I listed?

Nick: I did, but Summer, Kyle is Harrison’s biological father.

Summer: Don’t tell me you’re going there.

Nick: Just to say that unless the child is feeling, um, unsafe or, um, there are problems or if Kyle is a threat, you’re just not gonna win that argument, and Summer, none of those things are true. Harrison is a very happy kid.

Phyllis: Hey, babe, you know, maybe you’re just still a little nervous and worried after Harrison’s abduction, and all of that would be understandable.

Summer: This isn’t about that, okay? This is about Kyle and his erratic behavior.

Phyllis: Okay, are you sure? Maybe it’s not more about Claire than it is about Audra?

Summer: Oh, my God, I cannot believe that you guys aren’t supporting me on this.

Phyllis: Of course we’re supporting you. Of course we are. Listen, babe, we love you. We’ll always support you, always.

Nick: I think you just need to take a minute and really consider where your concerns are coming from.

Summer: Thank you for the advice, but I’m actually not the problem here.

Nick: Summer–

Summer: Thank you.

[ Nick sighing ]

Nick: We’re so good at this.

Phyllis: We’re so awesome.

Chelsea: We could always blame the bourbon, you know?

[ Adam scoffing ]

Adam: Yeah, right. Time-honored tradition, blame the booze. It’s always the booze’s fault.

Chelsea: You should probably go back to your room, don’t you think?

Adam: Okay, maybe there’ll be some good news about Connor in the morning.

Chelsea: Yeah, let’s hope.

Adam: Good night, then.

Chelsea: Good night. Oh, God.

[ Adam sighing ]

Kyle: So, what brings you back here again at this hour?

Claire: I don’t know. I guess I was feeling wired and stir-crazy. I had to get out. And then, I realized I was craving empanadas.

Kyle: Okay, I tried to get you to order some at dinner.

Claire: I know, and I was a fool for saying no, so I decided to exercise my newfound freedom for some takeout. What about you? What is your excuse?

Kyle: Oh, I just needed to get out of the house. Wish it was for something as simple as empanadas.

Claire: Oh, what’s wrong. Did something else happen?

Kyle: Oh, just another turn in the ever-spinning world of the Abbott family saga.

Claire: Don’t tell me things got worse. I didn’t think that was possible after your own mother fired you.

Kyle: Believe it or not, they did. And I might as well fill you in, since it’ll affect you, too.

Claire: Is Harrison okay?

Kyle: Yeah, Harrison’s fine. My parents and I had another argument.

Claire: What happened?

Kyle: My day of liberation just got even more liberated, believe it or not.

Claire: I’m not following.

Kyle: As soon as I find a new place, Harrison and I will be moving out.

Diane: Summer, you okay?

Summer: Um, yeah. I just came by to peek in on Harrison, actually. I mean, I know that he’s sleeping, but I love the way he looks when he’s sleeping. So peaceful, and I could really use that right now.

Diane: Um, before you go up, um, could I speak with you for a minute?

Summer: What is it?

Diane: I need your help.

Nick: What do you think is going on with our daughter? I haven’t seen her this vehement in a very long time. I mean, where do you think it’s coming from?

Phyllis: Vehement. Passionate. Forceful. Heated. Spirited. Yeah, I don’t know where that’s coming from.

Nick: Oh, yeah. I wonder.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, she gets it from both of us. Definitely from both of us.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: But we’re on the same page. It’s a very, very bad idea to start talking about custody. You know? It’s not thought out. It’s not logical.

Nick: Seems like it’s emotionally triggered, which makes sense. I mean, Summer’s had a rough time lately.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know. She hasn’t been the same since Harrison’s abduction. I think she’s carrying around some guilt.

Nick: About the kidnapping? Why? Why would she feel guilty about that? That was because of that psychopath, Jordan.

Phyllis: Because of the divorce. I just think she’s thinking that if she hadn’t divorced Kyle, it wouldn’t have happened. Or at least she would have been at the house and she could have prevented it from happening somehow.

Nick: I don’t know. It’s a lot of if’s and maybe’s. I mean, I really hope she’s not beating herself up over that scenario, but maybe… Maybe that’s why she’s so quick to blame Claire. More to the point, Kyle.

Phyllis: I think she’s carrying around guilt. I do.

[ Nick sighing ]

Nick: Did she tell you that?

Phyllis: No, she didn’t tell me. But I know her. I carry around my own guilt.

Nick: Yeah? You’re gonna have to walk me through that one.

Phyllis: Well, she wouldn’t have divorced Kyle if it hadn’t been for me and everything that went on last year. All my issues with Diane.

Summer: I’m sorry, Diane. I think that I’m the last person you should turn to for help.

Diane: On the contrary, I think you are uniquely qualified for this particular problem.

Summer: Is Kyle home? Maybe you should talk to him about this.

Diane: No, he went out, and I’m not sure when he’ll be back, but that’s fine because it’s Kyle that I’d like to discuss.

Summer: Well, I don’t think that he would really appreciate me talking to his mother about him behind his back, and honestly, Diane, I’m not super comfortable with it either. Things have been really tense between us, okay? I just, I don’t want to make it worse.

Diane: Could you please just hear me out? It’s for Harrison’s sake.

Summer: What is it?

Diane: We need your help. And I don’t know anyone else who can get through to Kyle at this point, so I’m hoping that he’ll listen to you.

Summer: Get through to Kyle about what? And what does it have to do with Harrison?

Diane: Summer, you have got to convince Kyle that moving out of the house is not the answer, and it’s definitely not a good move for Harrison.

Summer: Wait, what?

Diane: You don’t know? Kyle didn’t tell you?

Claire: Moving out of your family home, that’s big news. Okay. Um… I have a lot of questions. First, Harrison, how does he feel about moving?

Kyle: I have to admit he was a little thrown when I first told him, but then I explained to him that he could decorate his new bedroom however he liked, and the big backyard I was going to find for him. He started to warm up to the idea. He was pretty excited by the end of the conversation, provided, of course, that there is a tree house. He even wanted to start packing for his big new adventure.

Claire: Well, that sounds just like him.

Kyle: His main concern was that he wouldn’t be able to see his mom, or you, again.

Claire: I hope you assured him that we would still see him like always.

Kyle: Of course. I explained that everything would stay the same, just a whole new house.

Claire: Good. But everything won’t really be the same. I mean, not as far as Grandpa Jack and Grandma Diane are concerned. He will see them less often. Just logistically speaking.

Kyle: Yeah. True.

Claire: I have to ask.

Kyle: Mm.

Claire: Are you doing this to punish them for firing you?

Kyle: No, I would never use my son that way. And I couldn’t cut him out of their life. I couldn’t be that cruel. Even though they’ve had no problem hurting me.

Claire: I can’t imagine how stressful this situation has been for all of you. But to move out?

[ Kyle scoffing ]

Kyle: Now, you sound like them. Did everyone just expect for me to live with what they did? Just go on, sit at the breakfast table while they discuss business for a company I’m no longer a part of?

Claire: Yeah, that sounds tense. But will moving be any less difficult? Aren’t you worried about uprooting Harrison and leaving your home?

Chelsea: Billy, I know it’s late and you’re probably sleeping. It’s really late here. I, uh, I woke up and I can’t fall back asleep. So many thoughts racing through my mind. I’m just missing you. And thinking about you. And I’m wondering if maybe staying here isn’t the best idea. Maybe you were right. Maybe I should come home and wait for word about Connor from there. Where I can get your support and your hugs. I miss those. Um… I’m kind of bouncing off the walls here. So, if there’s no news about Connor in the morning, we’ll fly back. Well, that’s not we. I don’t– I don’t know about Adam. I can’t speak for him. He might want to stay. But I can’t. I can’t wait in limbo like this any longer.

Adam: I don’t think that I can stay here anymore. Waiting day in and day out. It’s um… It’s torture, Sally. It’s, uh, messing with my head and that’s not helping anyone. So if there’s no news about Connor tomorrow, I’m going to come home. I need to be with you.

Kyle: The truth is, I probably should have moved out a long time ago. But when Harrison, Summer and I relocated from Italy, it just made sense moving home. And then, we got busy launching Marchetti in the U.S. and getting Harrison settled into a new school. We didn’t have time to look for a new house.

Claire: Yeah, that was– that was a big move, especially for Harrison.

Kyle: Yeah, but Claire, I’m a grown man who doesn’t need to be living with his parents anymore.

Claire: Well, it’s not like you’re living in some cramped basement because that’s all you can afford. It’s a huge, beautiful home with lots of room for you and your son.

Kyle: And it’s still not big enough for all of us to coexist in peace. Not now. Not after everything that’s happened.

Claire: I know there’s been a lot of tension between you and your mother lately, but surely there’s still a lot of love there. And I thought you and your father were really close.

Kyle: Yeah, I thought so too. But I guess I was mistaken. He made his choice and it wasn’t me.

Claire: You said that Summer was reconsidering your custody agreement. How does she feel about the big move?

Kyle: I don’t know. I haven’t told her.

Nick: Look, you and Summer both need to stop blaming yourselves for things that weren’t in your control.

Phyllis: Easy for you to say.

Nick: Look, Harrison’s home. And he’s safe. He is sound. He seems to be getting over the fact that he was kidnapped by some psychopath. Things could have turned out so much worse.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. I know. Don’t go there.

Nick: And look at Summer. She’s in a relationship now. She seems extremely happy.

Phyllis: Yeah, she does, right?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: I think Chance is good for her.

Nick: Absolutely. Things have completely worked out.

Phyllis: Yeah. That’s a good way to look at it. Okay. Hey, thank you.

Nick: What are you thanking me for?

Phyllis: Well, after all our fights and disagreements back in the day, you never fought for custody for Super Girl ever. And I really want to thank you for that because after what happened with me and Daniel, I would have never been able to get over that.

Nick: Why would I have? You’re an amazing mom. And you love our daughter more than life itself. We have both made her a priority since the day she was born.

Phyllis: Yeah. Thank you for that, too.

Nick: No matter how old she gets, we can never stop looking out for her.

Phyllis: Never. We gotta figure this out. Something’s going on with Super Girl. Something’s going on and whatever it is, it’s pushing her to the extreme.

Diane: Forgive me. I didn’t mean to drop the news on you like that. I just assumed that you would be the first person he’d tell.

Summer: Well, he did tell me all about how you fired him and why. But no, he didn’t say anything about moving out.

Diane: Well, I’m sure Kyle didn’t admit that he forced my hand, that he backed me into a corner and I had no choice but to let him go.

Summer: Look, whatever’s going on between you and Kyle, that’s really none of my concern and I’m not going to argue with you about it. All I care about is… Kyle’s not planning on taking Harrison out of Genoa City, is he?

Diane: What? Well, I certainly hope not. No, I just thought that he would be moving close to home. He didn’t say.

Summer: I don’t believe this. You fired your son, now he’s moving out of this house with your grandson and you have no idea where they’re going? Diane, how could you let this happen?

Chelsea: The waiting is killing me.

Adam: And Connor’s in good hands, right? You’ve been telling me that. Everyone has.

Chelsea: I mean, why should I be worrying here alone when I can be there, worrying with you?

Adam: Plus, I want to have some say in some of the throw pillows. Either way, um, I’ll be home soon.

Chelsea: I need to come home, Billy. I need to be with you.

Adam: I miss you.

Chelsea: I miss you.

[ Chelsea sighing ] Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless…

[ Traci gasping ]

Christine: Bonjour.

Danny: Enchanté.

Traci: Oh, look! Oh.

Summer: You’re moving and you didn’t tell me? If you think that I’m going to let you take Harrison away, you’re delusional.

Victor: What are you doing in here?

Jack: I warned you.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, July 4, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Sally: Hi. Coffee, no creamer, please. Thank you.

Billy: And I’ll get a refill. Please. Hi. Fancy meeting you here.

Sally: Likewise.

Billy: Can’t get enough of the coffee?

Sally: A long night of work ahead and hopefully, this will do the trick.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: But the truth is I– I can’t stop thinking about Adam and worrying about him. What’s your excuse?

Billy: Ha. Yeah, a long night of work ahead. And I can’t stop thinking about Chelsea.

Sally: Great. Thank you.

Billy: Any news from Baltimore?

Sally: All quiet. You?

Billy: Same.

Sally: Well, maybe that’s a good thing.

Billy: Or not.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

[ knocking on door ]

Adam: Need some company?

Chelsea: You got my text?

Adam: I couldn’t sleep either. Oh, and I am not alone. I was hoping that maybe a nightcap could calm my nerves.

Jack: We need to talk.

Victor: What prompts you to barge into my office uninvited?

Jack: My son. You stay away from him!

Diane: Kyle, wait.

Kyle: All talked out.

Diane: Please.

Kyle: I don’t have anything left to say.

Diane: I understand how angry you are.

Kyle: I’m not sure you do.

Diane: But we have to put Harrison first and find a way through this anger for him.

Kyle: Harrison will be just fine.

Diane: After everything he’s been through, do you really want to put that sweet little boy through another change? This is his home. He loves it here. Please, Kyle, please don’t take him away from the family he loves here.

Kyle: How dare you use Harrison as ammunition against me? Not one call all day from Connor’s facility. What is he doing? Is he okay? Is he not okay? When are we going to be able to see him again? Tomorrow? In a week?

Adam: That’s pretty much what kept me awake too.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

Chelsea: I’ve been trying to do all of my calming techniques. You know, I went for a walk around the harbor and doing deep breathing. Telling myself everything’s going to be okay, but… I just keep coming back to… how is this happening?

Adam: I don’t know. But what I do know is we’re here. And we’re not going anywhere. It’s got to mean something. As long as it takes, whatever it takes, we’re going to get Connor to the other side.

[ Adam sighing ]

Chelsea: Thanks for this.

Adam: What? The bourbon?

[ Chelsea chuckling ]

Chelsea: No, not the bourbon. The reassurances. It helps to hear you say it so confidently. Makes me feel like…

[ Chelsea sighing ] Makes me feel like who knows, maybe things will get better, even though that’s very hard to believe after today.

Adam: Are you going to make me play the optimist again?

Chelsea: Well, you are getting pretty good at it.

Adam: Well, how about this? We have both screwed up plenty in our lives, but somehow we… managed to create a miracle of a kid.

Chelsea: Yeah, he really is the best of both of us, isn’t he?

Adam: And who would have thought the best of us would be such a great human being?

Chelsea: Right? And he’s just so… He’s so kind.

Adam: I know. He gets that from you.

Chelsea: I don’t know. You’re the one who showed up at my door in the middle of the night with an excellent bottle of bourbon so I wouldn’t have to be alone. You didn’t have to do that.

Adam: Well, if I can’t help our son tonight, maybe I can at least try to help his mom. Even if that does mean I have to share my bourbon.

[ Chelsea chuckling ]

Chelsea: Was that supposed to be funny? Because if it was, Connor definitely gets his excellent sense of humor from me.

Adam: Look, this– this setback has been hard and it’s taken the wind out of us, but don’t for a second try to find a reason to blame yourself.

Chelsea: But that’s my superpower.

Adam: Chelsea, you’re an amazing mom. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Connor is a strong, loving, resilient boy. You did that.

Chelsea: We both did that.

[ Adam exhaling ]

Adam: To loving the hell out of our kid.

Diane: I’m not trying to use Harrison as ammunition. I’m trying to think what’s best for my grandson.

Kyle: What, and I’m not? My decision is very much about Harrison and what’s best for my son is to live in a house full of love. Not one where family turns on its own, where there is no trust.

Diane: Oh, that’s not fair. You’re the one who turned on me at Jabot.

Kyle: You know what? I’m done defending my efforts to help you to cover for your inexperience. Now, if you’ll excuse me…

Diane: Just wait. Don’t you see what you’re doing? All this secrecy about your new job, taking Harrison away from us? You are just trying to punish me and your father.

Kyle: Oh, are you really playing the victim right now? Because last time I checked, I was the one who was fired. I was the one who was pink slipped out of my family legacy. No, Mom, you did this. You brought this down on all of us. Now, you have to live with the consequences.

Victor: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Jack: Oh, this is how we’re going to play it after all these years? Really?

Victor: Make your point and get out.

Jack: You think I don’t know when you’re bluffing?

Victor: Paranoia does not suit you, Jack.

Jack: This isn’t paranoia. This is history. This is right out of the Victor Newman playbook. You hire my son to use against me. It didn’t work before. It won’t work this time.

Victor: And yet you’re here, aren’t you? Did you and Kyle have a rift?

Jack: You know we did. And there you are to weaponize the fallout.

Kyle: Your son hates you. You blame me? Get out.

Jack: Or what? You’ll have your security staff throw me out?

Victor: I don’t need my security staff to throw you out. I’ll throw you out on the street myself.

Jack: This I like. This is why I’m here. For one-on-one confrontation.

Victor: Oh, really?

Jack: Yeah. You feel the need to pursue a vendetta against me? You come at me! Only me! You stay away from my wife and son!

Victor: How dare you come at me after what you have done?

Jack: Oh, enough with this misguided anger over what happened to Nikki in that hotel room.

Victor: You mean after Nikki almost drank herself to death and you almost died?

Jack: Nikki was at her lowest point.

Victor: And you decided to overdose! That your way of helping her?

Jack: You weren’t there.

Victor: If I had been there, I promise you, I would have let you foam at your mouth and let you rot!

Jack: Is it really so difficult for you to admit that the great and powerful Victor Newman couldn’t be the one to save his wife? That Nikki would have drunk herself to death while you were convincing everyone else and yourself that only you could save her? I’m the one who brought her there and you can’t forgive me for it.

Victor: Are you on pills right now?

Jack: No, I am deadly sober. And I’m giving you a warning. You want to come after me, you come after me and me alone. Or there will be hell to pay.

Victor: I will give you a warning. When I decide to retaliate, you will not see it coming.

Jack: Last time. You stay away from Kyle.

[ door slamming ]

Nick: You okay?

Jack: Your father’s playing games with Kyle. I came here to set him straight. Let’s hope for all our sakes he listened.

Chelsea: Mm, can you remember that photo album we looked through? Connor’s first Thanksgiving. That silly family selfie.

Adam: He– he was so happy.

Chelsea: We all were. We all were.

Adam: Oh, he–

[ Adam laughing ]

Chelsea: What? What?

Adam: The turkey painting?

[ both laughing ]

Adam: You tried to convince me that Connor somehow managed to finger and foot paint?

Chelsea: Yeah. Remember, we made such a mess? Oh, it was so much fun. Oh, it was– it was just the best day.

Adam: It was. Although, I was going to say, that, uh, that masterpiece looked more like a turtle than a turkey.

Chelsea: Mm. What do you have against turtles?

Adam: Nothing. You– you went all out that day. You were bound and determined to just make it beyond special.

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: Whether Connor would remember it or not.

Chelsea: You know, I know where that painting is. So, I am going to dig it out and I am going to hang it up. This year. For Connor, for Thanksgiving. He’s going to love it.

Adam: What is it?

[ Chelsea sniffling ]

Chelsea: What if Connor’s not home for Thanksgiving?

Diane: Okay, fine. You want to move out? You think that’s the best choice? The– the wisest choice for Harrison? Just go ahead and do it.

Kyle: I don’t need your permission.

Diane: I know you don’t. But can’t we at least try and heal this rift between us?

Kyle: I’m not in the mood for warm and fuzzies right now, Mom, but, uh, I’ll share this with you. Um, I will thank you very soon for ripping my birthright out from under me. When one door closes, you know–

Diane: All right, what is this game you’re playing? Why won’t you tell us where you’re working? What’s the big secret?

Kyle: Now, that’s on a need-to-know situation and you and Dad just didn’t make the cut. No offense.

Diane: Well, it would stop us from assuming the worst.

Kyle: Oh, because that’s where you go with me, huh?

Diane: Oh, that’s not what I mean.

Kyle: Assuming the worst?

Diane: And you know that.

Kyle: Are you searching for some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy here? Do you want me to turn on you the way you turned on me? Go dark, is that it? Because I would give you an excuse to justify what you did to your own son.

Diane: Kyle, of course that’s not what I want.

Kyle: Well, I don’t know. Going dark, it poses some interesting possibilities and it could definitely be arranged.

Diane: Why are you acting like this? Why are you being so hateful? Do you enjoy stringing us along? I mean, has your ego really been that wounded?

Kyle: No, this has nothing to do with my ego.

Diane: This has everything to do with your ego. And you are no more a victim than I am. You undermined me every chance you could. You provoked me. You didn’t even try to make things work. And no CEO would ever put up with that kind of insubordination.

Kyle: Oh. Did you learn that in the CEO handbook, huh? Because last time I checked, you didn’t have any idea. Zero experience on how to truly lead a company.

Diane: And you have so, so much experience that I’m sure your new position is on a level commensurate with your considerable skills.

Kyle: Hold on. Is that your tricky way to figure out where I’m going?

Diane: No, but I am worried about you.

Kyle: No, you’re worried that the lesson you wanted to teach me, to punish me with, backfired and now I’m free to do what I want, where I want. And you will know where that is when I want you to. But I’ll share this one thing with you. There is nothing that’s going to change my mind about moving out of this house and getting away from you.

Jack: What’s going on here?

Kyle: How was Victor? Did you set him straight?

Nick: Hey.

Victor: Hey, son.

Nick: Came by to see if you wanted to grab a drink, but why don’t you tell me what’s going on with Jack? I ran into him outside your office. He seems pretty ticked off.

Victor: Oh, yeah? You know, he’s an idiot.

Nick: Something to do with Kyle? What’s going on?

Victor: Jack Abbott always gets riled up about something.

Nick: I haven’t seen him that riled up in a long time, Dad.

Victor: Yeah, he’ll get over it.

Nick: Jack is as fiercely protective of his family as you are of yours. If Kyle’s involved in whatever this is, I don’t think you should dismiss him so easily.

Victor: You know, that guy’s delusional. He thinks he can pick a fight with me and win. End of story.

Jack: What makes you think I went to see Victor?

Kyle: Tell me you didn’t.

Jack: Victor is still furious at me for trying to shock Nikki sober. A furious Victor is not a good thing.

Kyle: So, you did pay him a visit.

Jack: He’s also not the kind of person you want to turn to for help in mapping out your future.

Kyle: Well, I don’t know about that. I mean, Victor seems like a good option. Given my own parents just torched my future, why not give him a shot?

Diane: So, you admit it. You are involved with Victor.

Kyle: Well, I’m not admitting to anything. I’m merely making a point. Victor has always appreciated my business acumen. It’s nice to be valued and not seen as a threat, which is more than I can say for my own flesh and blood.

Jack: That is simply not true. You are my son. I love you. I only want what is best for you.

Kyle: If that’s the case, prove it. Fire Mom. Or at least give her a demotion. Give me the job I deserve. Right now.

Sally: I mean, that Adam and Chelsea could have such a great day with Connor and see him so happy and getting better and that there was real hope for the first time in a long time and then to have him relapse?

[ Sally sighing ] It’s just heartbreaking.

Billy: Yeah, Chelsea said to me that it’s as if the OCD is– is punishing him. Like it’s reminding him that he doesn’t deserve to be happy, which is, you know, heartbreaking, of course. I mean, how could happiness be a trigger in that way?

Sally: I mean, Adam has tried so hard to be optimistic about this treatment and it does not come easy for him. And now for this to happen, for Connor to be getting worse and trying to harm himself, I just really, really wish there was something I could do to get Adam through this.

Billy: Yeah. I feel the same way with Chelsea. You know, I try to be there for her. I try to support her. Of course, I would drop anything and everything to physically be there for her, but it doesn’t seem to help. It definitely doesn’t fix anything and it just ends up leaving me feeling…

Sally: Helpless?

Billy: Exactly.

[ Sally sighing ]

[ both chuckling ]

Sally: You know, maybe we should talk about something else.

Billy: I think that’s a good idea.

Sally: Yeah.

Billy: How about, uh, how about the weather?

Sally: Oh, jeez. That’s boring.

Billy: Are you into sports?

Sally: Um, only if you’re a Cubs fan.

Billy: Oh, God, no. You know this is Brewers territory, right?

Sally: Uh, jeez. Um, Politics?

Billy: And we’re back to the weather.

Sally: Work. Work. Let’s talk about work. What is happening at Chancellor-Winters?

Billy: Ha. Yeah, what is happening there? Um, a lot. A lot. Ultimately, uh, I really– I’m excited about where we’re headed.

Sally: That’s great. Where is that?

Billy: We’re headed for some pretty big changes.

Sally: That’s it? That’s all you’re going to give me?

Billy: That’s all I can share. I am sworn to secrecy, but, uh… Look, um, we’re working out the details, but we’ll be making some pretty big announcements very soon.

Sally: Well, I look forward to it.

Billy: How about you? How are you fitting in at Marchetti?

Sally: Oh, my God. It has been the best experience. I’m back doing what I love. There’s a flow. There’s a joy in the work. And I am reminded that fashion is definitely a way better fit for me than interior design ever was.

Billy: Well, that’s good. It’s, you know, it’s good to love what you do.

Sally: I’m so excited. There’s all these ideas and this energy, and– and now that Summer has agreed to hire Chloe, I– I– I– I just feel like anything’s possible.

Billy: Well, you’re clearly jazzed about it. Congratulations to that.

Sally: Thank you. Am I… Am I being a jerk?

Billy: What do you mean?

Sally: I mean, I’m subbing for Chelsea, who’s going through hell, you know? And it just feels weird to be excited about a job that Chelsea can’t do because her son is in pain and she has to be there for him. I just feel like I’m taking advantage somehow.

Billy: You’re not being a jerk, Sally. In fact, I think you’re actually helping Chelsea. You know you’re there, you’re focused on the business and you’re keeping the wheels on, so that’s– that’s a good thing. She can focus on being there for her son.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: Well, thank you for saying that.

Billy: Plus, you’re so talented that maybe she’ll keep you on in some capacity.

Sally: Yeah, that would be amazing. But right now, all I care about is that Adam and Chelsea get home with Connor happy and healthy.

Billy: That’s what we all want.

Adam: Hey, it’s all right.

Chelsea: It’s not all right, Adam. It’s not all right.

[ Chelsea sniffling ]

Chelsea: I was so determined to give our son everything I didn’t have. The– the childhood I never had. Every– every– The holiday and– and birthday and tradition was going to be special. And I really thought if I could just do that, if I could just give Connor days of joy, everything would be okay. And he’d be happy, and he’d have a great life. And now… I mean, how many holidays is our son going to have to miss because he’s in this clinic? How many days and– and weeks and months is he going to spend there hating himself or wanting to hurt himself?

[ Chelsea crying ]

Adam: Come here. Come here, come here, come here. Okay.

Chelsea: Thank you, Adam.

Adam: Go ahead. Just let it out.

Chelsea: We can’t have failed him, Adam. We can’t.

Adam: Listen, you have never in your life failed Connor. You were the most remarkable parent that any kid could have hoped for. I’m in awe of you, Chelsea, and I always have been.

Chelsea: I don’t feel very remarkable right now.

Adam: That doesn’t make it any less true, okay? Forcing your father to choose between the two of us. How selfish can you be?

Kyle: No, this isn’t about me. It’s what’s best for the family and Jabot. The corporate world will finally respect Jabot again. And Harrison could grow up right here with his two loving grandparents. Isn’t that what you want?

Diane: Jack, are you considering his request?

Jack: I am considering what might bring some peace back to this family.

Kyle: Looks like things may be going my way. Don’t worry, Mom. I– I’ll let you keep your parking spot.

Jack: Okay, that’s enough, Kyle.

Kyle: Hm.

Jack: As much as I love you, as much as I am grateful for everything you have brought to Jabot in the past, I will not let you manipulate me into another corporate reshuffle. As some kind of reward for your disrespect and your total lack of professionalism.

Kyle: Mm. Hm. I was hoping for a minute there you’d make the right choice.

Jack: Kyle, there are other options.

Kyle: No, there was only one option and it’s… It’s good to know where you stand, Dad. Goodbye.

[ Diane sighing ]

[ door slamming ]

Diane: I cannot believe how horribly this is spinning out of control.

Jack: And it only manages to get worse. Did you tell him that I was on my way to see Victor?

Diane: No, no. But I guess after the argument we had and how you left so abruptly, I guess Kyle just assumed that’s where you went.

Jack: Which only gives us credence to the fear that he has already joined forces with Victor.

Diane: Did you talk to Victor?

Jack: Yeah, I did.

Diane: Well, I want to hear all about it, but, um… first, I need to ask you a question.

Jack: Yeah, what is it?

Diane: Well, I’m– I’m very grateful that you stood up for me and didn’t give in to Kyle’s childish demands, but were you actually considering his request? Is that why you hesitated?

Nick: So, you’re really not worried at all about how angry Jack is?

Victor: Why would I worry about how Jack Abbott feels? Cheers, old boy.

[ Nick sighing ]

Nick: Cheers. Mm. Mmm.

Victor: Is that good?

Nick: Boy, that is good.

Victor: Yeah. Got a bottle of it stashed behind the bar.

Nick: Oh, really?

Victor: That does not give you permission to take a drink every time you want to, all right?

Nick: I wouldn’t dream of it, but it is behind the bar, right?

Victor: Yeah. It’s behind the bar, yes. Now, I understand that Sally Spectra gave up her interior design business. You never told me about that.

Nick: I mean, there’s not much to say. It just, uh, didn’t work out.

Victor: You took a hit on the investment, right?

Nick: Look, you know how business is. There can be any number of reasons why something doesn’t succeed, but I believe her talent speaks for itself.

Victor: Well, I’m still sorry that she failed, really.

Nick: Yeah. Well, I ran into Vic. It sounds like you’re making some progress in convincing her to come back to Newman Enterprises.

Victor: I have prevailed upon her to think about it long and hard. I hope she makes up her mind.

Nick: Still planning on installing Adam at Newman Media?

Victor: Yeah.

Nick: Replacing Mom with Adam. I don’t like it.

Victor: It’s only temporary.

Nick: Oh, we both know we’re gonna have to drag Adam out of there, kicking and screaming out of this temporary position.

Victor: Let me worry about Adam, okay? Have you seen him lately or talked to him lately?

Nick: No, not since he took off for Baltimore. Have you?

Victor: Yeah, I just got a text. Apparently, Connor has taken a turn for the worse. This must be very hard on both Chelsea and Adam, so that is why they’re staying longer.

Nick: Yeah, it’s just rough for all of them.

Victor: Yeah, I hate that for the kid. I really do. I feel sorry for what he must be going through now. And this is… It’ll be very tough on Adam.

[ Chelsea moaning ]

Sally: Well, as much as I have loved this charming attempt at a diversion…

Billy: I can’t stop thinking about Connor, Adam, and Chelsea.

Sally: Yeah, pretty much. And now that Adam has no idea when he’s coming home, I feel this real need to be there for him, like physically be there, you know? Hug him, hold his hand, let him know he’s not alone.

Billy: Yeah, no, I feel the same way about Chelsea.

Sally: Then, let’s do it.

Billy: Let’s do what?

Sally: Well, don’t you have access to a family jet? Let’s surprise Adam and Chelsea.

[ Chelsea panting ] think for a moment I would even consider Kyle’s demands?

Diane: Because maybe there’s a part of you that blames me for what’s happening with Kyle. I fired him without giving you any warning, practically forcing you to choose between the two of us, and you chose me.

Jack: I chose what was best for the family, for the company. Even if Kyle doesn’t agree with that.

Diane: But Jack, be honest with me. Really, are you sure you don’t resent me for firing him without consulting you first?

Jack: I wish we had discussed it first. I’ve told you that before, but I understand why you did what you did. I totally support that this was the only decision you had left.

Diane: So, that hesitation before turning him down was what?

Jack: His demand was outrageous. I didn’t know how to react.

Diane: Oh. Well, I wish I could say I was surprised, but this is what it’s come to with our son.

Jack: Honey, he’s lashing out. He’s wounded. We’re in the heat of it all. Once things cool down, once he steps back from his anger, I’m hoping what you said earlier is true, that… this is a good thing for Kyle. This is what he needs. To learn from his mistakes. To find himself. To forge his own future that he can be proud of.

Diane: Well, I’ll hold out hope for that. But right now, it seems like his only goal is to shut us out of his life completely. And Harrison’s caught in the middle.

Jack: Oh, God. The idea of not seeing that smiling face first thing in the morning.

Diane: Jack, Jack, we have got to find a way to fix this before it’s too late.

Jack: Actually, there might be a way forward. But it would depend on you.

Victor: All I can tell you is that I pray for Connor to win this battle and I think he will.

Nick: Yeah.

Victor: Puts a family’s squabbles and conflicts in perspective, doesn’t it?

Nick: In principle, I do agree with you. But this is Adam we’re talking about. There have been several squabbles over the years that have certainly been warranted.

Victor: Yeah, but remember, in these moments, it is family unity, moments of crisis like this, that makes us survive. Right? Makes us strong.

Nick: Absolutely. And I know Adam really needs us right now.

Victor: Well, that’s why I put him back at the head of Newman Media. Because he needs to focus.

Nick: I do find it very interesting. That is exactly why Mom wanted to go back to work, but she doesn’t seem to be getting the same consideration.

Victor: Why do you say that, son? You know that I’m always concerned about your mother. You kidding me? This is temporary.

Nick: Right.

Victor: Right.

Nick: So, Mom has time to get her recovery on solid ground and it will give Adam a chance to regain a stronger sense of purpose.

Victor: Exactly.

Nick: Yeah.

Diane: I’ll do it. I’ll resign. I will. But if I step down now, then we are just pacifying Kyle and his tantrum.

Jack: I absolutely don’t want you to resign.

Diane: Then, what do you want me to do?

Jack: I was just hoping maybe there was some way to approach Kyle. Mother to son.

[ Diane sighing ]

Diane: All right, but in order for that to work, I would need to be able to have a conversation with him and remain in the same room for a while, and I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Jack: Okay. Maybe, I’m just hoping against hope. Maybe the only thing we can do is let things play out.

Diane: No, you’re right. You’re right. It is up to me. I– I don’t know how I’m going to fix this, but I– I can’t just do nothing. You know, things might have exploded beyond repair professionally for the two of us, but I’m still Kyle’s mother, and I can’t let it end this way, not after all the time we already lost. Jack, you know how hard I worked to get back into his life and to earn his forgiveness after leaving him and… I just will not lose my son again.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey. Come here.

Diane: Thanks. So, what happened with Victor? Was he gloating? Was he taking credit for bringing this hell down on us?

Jack: No, he admitted to nothing. He was very clear that he was still furious at me for what happened in that hotel room with Nikki.

Diane: So, Michael’s and my suspicions were right. This is all about revenge he wants on you for that night.

Jack: Yeah, that could well be, but I warned him, stay away from Kyle and you. If he wants to come after me, he can do that, but only me.

Diane: I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but I can handle Victor. I’ve had lots of experience.

Jack: Well, let’s hope you don’t have to. That said, we should prepare. One of the things he warned me was that if he chooses retaliation, I won’t see it coming.

Diane: Well, that’s a chilling thought. But maybe this is his revenge. Maybe he’s accomplished it. Turning Kyle against us. And not just at Jabot, but in every way that matters.

Nick: All this talk about how the latest game of corporate musical chairs is best for the family, yet I cannot shake this feeling that there’s something more at play here. So, what aren’t you telling me?

Kyle: Hi. Good evening.

Victor: Hi, Kyle.

Nick: Hey, man.

Victor: Good to see you. What’s happening?

Kyle: Oh, you know, fresh off another lesson that family’s more trouble than it’s worth.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Kyle: Mm.

Victor: Huh.

Nick: It’s funny, Dad was just saying the opposite, that the family bond trumps any petty conflicts.

Kyle: I used to feel the same, but not anymore. Please excuse me.

Victor: All right.

Nick: Well, it’s getting late. I gotta go. Thank you for sharing your tequila with me.

Victor: Son, nothing makes me happier than spending time with my family.

Nick: Even when we don’t see eye to eye?

Victor: Well, you get over it.

Nick: Oh, so the añejo was a bribe?

Victor: Well, you know, I’m trying. But, in all seriousness, I need your allegiance.

[ Nick laughing ]

Nick: I think we both know that you don’t need my allegiance because you’re gonna do whatever you want anyway, right?

Victor: You know me pretty well, don’t you?

Nick: Good night, Dad.

Victor: Good night, son.

Nick: See you, Kyle.

Kyle: See you.

Victor: Kyle, why don’t you have a seat?

Kyle: I’ll take it over here.

Victor: Let me ask you something, Kyle. Why did you tell your dad that you and I were in collusion against him?

Billy: Surprising Adam and Chelsea? That is… It’s very tempting.

Sally: So, that’s a yes?

Billy: Well, I had a conversation with Chelsea about it earlier. I told her that I would come out and be there for her, but she waved it off. I think she and Adam really want to focus on being there for Connor, and as much as we would be trying to help, I think, ultimately, we would be a distraction. I don’t want to cause any more stress for her.

Sally: You’re probably right. I just hate doing nothing.

Billy: You’re not doing nothing. You’re doing a lot. You’re loving. You’re supportive. And that counts, Sally.

Sally: Thank you. I think I needed to hear that.

Billy: I think I needed to hear it too.

Sally: Well, this has been nice. You know, getting to talk to someone who understands. Being able to lean on each other, if that’s not too presumptuous.

Billy: No, it’s not. I mean, the truth is, we’re connected now. Because of our love for Connor.

Sally: I meant what I said earlier. Chelsea’s really lucky to have you in her corner.

Billy: And I meant what I said. Not as lucky as Adam is to have you. Good night.

Sally: Good night.

[ both panting ]

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 4, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Jack tells Victor that he should only come after him and stop using Kyle. Jack tells Victor to stay away from his family or there will be hell to pay.

Kyle tells Jack and Diane that if he gets his old job back, he will not move out of the house with Harrison. Jack refuses to give in to Kyle’s demands so Kyle tells them he is moving out of the house. Diane tells Jack she will try one more time to fix the relationship between her and Kyle because they are mother and son and they have come too far to lose their relationship.

Adam and Chelsea share memories of Connor while they drink bourbon but then Chelsea gets sad and cries because she doesn’t know if Connor will be home for Thanksgiving. Adam holds Chelsea and then they kiss. The kissing turns to comfort sex which they both regret once they realize what they have done.

Billy and Sally talk about what Connor is going through and how heartbreaking it is on Adam and Chelsea. Sally thinks that she and Billy should go surprise Adam and Chelsea in Maryland, but Billy doesn’t think they should do that because Chelsea told him that she and Adam needed to concentrate on Connor. Billy and Sally decide not to go to Maryland and just say goodnight after having coffee together.

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