Days Short Recap Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole called Holly while she was at the Horton cabin. She wanted her to go apartment hunting with her after she finished her shift. Holly tried to get out of it. Nicole pleaded with her, and she told her she would go during her break. Eric stormed into the DiMera mansion and demanded EJ sign the divorce papers. He went off because EJ stole Jude from him. EJ blamed Sloan for what happened. He ripped up the papers. EJ knew it wouldn’t stop the divorce, but it would make his life with Nicole miserable. Eric called him a piece of garbage. EJ said he could hurt him in many ways. He asked him if Holly knew he killed her father. Sarah found Alex looking at Victor’s portrait. She wondered what the worst part of everything was for him. He felt stupid because of the way he treated Justin. His life was turned upside down because of it. She told him that Xander felt the same way. Xander found Theresa at the airport. He demanded to know why she changed the letter from his mother. Xander wondered if she hated him that much. She hated him more than he thought. She was about to get on the flight when he warned her that she wouldn’t get away with what she did. He told her that Konstantin was dead, so she was the only one to take the fall. Xander realized that she was Konstantin’s accomplice and kidnapped Victoria. Theresa tried to deny, but he didn’t believe her.

Brady woke up at the Salem Inn and saw Fiona wearing a lingerie and robe. She thought they had an interesting night. Fiona gave him aspirin and water. They thought about their night together. He wanted to know if they slept together. She told him they slept in the bed together. Fiona let him know that her last name was Cook. He hoped she wasn’t related to Xander. She told him that he was her son. Brady thought she wasn’t in the picture. Fiona explained how she went to the wedding and announced that Victor was Xander’s father. Brady realized that Theresa forged the letter about Alex. He asked her not to let anyone know that he was drinking since he was supposed to be sober. She let him know that she was supposed to be sober too. Alex told Sarah that she was right and that he didn’t care how Xander was doing. She reminded him that Xander was lied to while Victor made him fee worthless. Alex coldly told her that it was true. She thought he sounded like Theresa. Sarah apologized for what he went through. He told her that it wasn’t her fault. He thanked her for inviting Fiona, or they wouldn’t have known the truth. Xander grabbed Theresa’s arm and told her that he was taking her to the police station. She threatened to scream for security until he released her arm. He warned her that he was dangerous before, but it will be worse now that he has more resources. She couldn’t hide from him forever. He walked away from her and left her gasping. Eric wondered if EJ would really hurt Holly. EJ said he wouldn’t hurt Holly, but he would hurt him. He thought Holly deserved to know the truth. Eric believed Holly would blame Nicole for what happened. EJ didn’t see how that was his problem. He agreed not to tell her that he was a drunken murderer. EJ planned on keeping Nicole in court for years. He planned to make Eric confess that Nicole cheated with him. EJ reminded him that he was still married to Sloan. He laughed as he admitted that he forgot to file the divorce papers. Eric wanted him to enjoy a pathetic and lonely life. Later, Eric went to The Spectator and told her about his conversation with EJ. He suggested that they run off to Paris together with Holly and Jude. Xander went to see EJ and wanted him to charge Theresa with kidnapping. EJ agreed to issue a warrant immediately.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie and Jada believed that Bobby was pretending to be Everett. Jada remembered that Everett appeared when she questioned Bobby about Li’s murder. She said he didn’t remember anything about the murder. Jada thought he could be pretending to be Everett to cover up the truth about it. Everett apologized to Kayla for his attitude. He told her that he was stressing out about things, so Stephanie’s feelings were his top priority. Everett left for his appointment while Kayla watched him walk away. Paulina talked to Abe about Everett harassing her for a quote about Rafe’s attack. She wanted to focus on appointing a temporary police commissioner. Paulina wanted to give the job to Jada, but she was going to focus on Rafe’s attack. She wanted to deal with it after her appointment with Kayla. Connie reached for Rafe’s ventilator when Gabi walked int he room. She hid her gloves and told her that she felt bad for Rafe. Connie wanted to see if she could help. Gabi wanted to know why she was really there. Connie said she wanted to give her a copy of her resume so she could work for her. Gabi thought that was creepy of her to do that. She didn’t have time for a stalker and ordered her to leave Rafe’s room. Connie told her that she couldn’t do that. Bobby went to Marlena’s office, and it was empty. He thought about how hard it was to be Everett. Marlena arrived, and he wanted to cut their appointment short. He thought it would be better for him to get his life in order. She knew Stephanie and his job were important to him. He told her that he broke up with Stephanie.

Paulina got her checkup and Kayla told her that she was doing great. Kayla was only concerned about her cholesterol level. Paulina didn’t want to take more medication and asked Kayla not to tell Abe about that. She thought Abe would be proud of her. Paulina admitted that he was more focused on the soap opera lately. Connie agreed to work with Gabi for free to help her get through everything. Gabi didn’t want to focus on that right now. Connie offered to get her coffee. Everett told Marlena that it didn’t seem fair for him to make Stephanie wait around for him. He said he was feeling some of Bobby’s feelings. Marlena thought he was making progress. Everett said he was ready to be hypnotized again. Marlena agreed to do it. Everett cried thinking about his father hitting him and begging him to stop. Jada got a call from the station. She yelled at the person and told them not to talk to Everett about Rafe’s stabbing. Stephanie thought Everett stabbed Rafe to have a clear path to Jada. Jada said the timing of his release checked out. Stephanie remembered seeing Everett at his hotel that day. He came out of the shower. She wondered if he was washing off evidence. Connie planned to get rid of Gabi after she killed Rafe. She spit in the coffee that she got for Gabi. Gabi was blown away by her resume. She could use someone like Connie and agreed to work with her.

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Days Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander ran into Jack at the town square. Jack told him that he was in town because Abby might be alive. He reminded him that he stole The Spectator from him. Xander offered his half back to him. He regretted what he did because he lost the only friend he ever had. Xander told him that he would have Justin draw up the paperwork. Jack planned to look out for it. He wished Sarah his best. Jack wondered what she saw in him. Maggie went to Sarah’s apartment as Sarah and Bonnie wondered what happened to Xander’s mother’s invitation. Theresa panicked and looked away. Sarah and Bonnie eliminated the suspects until they got to her. Theresa admitted that she was afraid that Xander’s mother would ruin the wedding. Bonnie admitted that she mailed the invitation. Sarah realized she didn’t RSVP. Maggie and Bonnie help Sarah get dressed. Theresa hoped that she wouldn’t show up. Alex let Justin know that he wasn’t his father anymore, and he needed to accept that. He backtracked on what he said and realized he didn’t mean to say it like that. Alex felt like it was time for Justin to let go of his anger at Victor. Justin couldn’t get over the fact that the man he thought of as a second father pitted them against each other from the grave. Alex let Justin know that if he has a problem with Victor, he didn’t have to officiate the wedding anymore. Justin angrily agreed when Sonny arrived. Alex wanted to leave so Justin could catch up with his real son.

Sonny asked Jusitn if he was okay. Justin teared up and said he wasn’t okay. He missed Victor, but he would never forgive him for what he did. Sonny wouldn’t forgive him either. Justin pulled out the letter Anjelica wrote to Victor. He carries it around and rereads it to look for one thing that would tell him that it wasn’t a mistake. Sonny assured him that he would always be his son. He hugged Justin. Alex came back and apologized for what he said earlier. He wanted him to officiate his wedding again. Justin was honored to do it. Roman talked to Kimberly about not being able to make the wedding. Andrew showed up at the pub as the representative for the family. He touched base with Roman. Andrew thought about confronting Theresa about helping Konstantin kidnap Victoria. He told him that Theresa didn’t know he was there. Brady was about to pour himself a cup of vodka when Paul showed up. He didn’t realize that Paul was going to be there. Paul reminded him that his boyfriend’s sister was getting married. He wondered if Brady fell off the wagon. Brady admitted that he was thinking about it. After they talked about Theresa, Brady slid the drink away. He said it was a weak moment. Paul grabbed the bottle to pour it out, but Brady stopped him by hugging him. Theresa got ready for her wedding when Andrew showed up. She was happy to see him. He motioned to Victoria and referred to her as the girl she kidnapped. Sarah wasn’t too far away, so she wanted him to keep his voice down. He said he didn’t tell anyone about it. Andrew told her that Sarah called him wanting information about Konstantin’s accomplice. He said he told Sarah the trail went cold. She asked Andrew to walk her down the aisle. Everyone got ready for the double wedding. Justin officiated the ceremony. He wondered if anyone had any reason why Xander and Sarah couldn’t get married. A woman appeared and apologized for being late. Everyone at the ceremony looked at her. Xander was shocked to see his mother. Theresa panicked when she found out who she was.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Justin approached Alex at the mansion. Alex didn’t want to fight with him. Justin offered to officiate the wedding. Alex wondered if it was a trick. Brady tried to talk Theresa out of bringing Tate home for the wedding. She blamed Holly for why Tate had to leave in the first place. Theresa was glad that he was away from Holly. Brady thought she and Holly were similar. Theresa wanted him to be nice to her on her wedding day. She realized it wasn’t her first wedding, but it’s her first proper ceremony. Brady thought their Vegas wedding was cooler. Theresa admitted taking advantage of the situation. She realized they were happy briefly. Brady thought it was a shame it didn’t last. Sophia interrupted Holly and Tate kissing at the Horton cabin. She threatened to call their parents. Sophia admitted that she almost told Theresa what they did, but she didn’t want to ruin her wedding day. She planned to tell her after the wedding. Alex thought Justin was planning a repeat of Maggie and Konstantin’s wedding. Justin got offended and said he didn’t have an ulterior motive. He wanted to be part of his special day unless he didn’t want him to be. Alex softened and apologized for accusing him. He wanted to ask Theresa first. Alex sincerely thanked Justin as he prepared to leave.

Theresa blamed herself for why she and Brady didn’t work. She hoped things would be different with Alex. Brady was rooting for them to work. He wanted her to be happy and she wanted the same for him. Brady was happy one of them found love. Theresa wanted to tell him something when Alex walked in the room. Brady walked out of the room. Alex asked Theresa about Justin officiating the wedding. She said it was fine. He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. She felt the same way, but she looked at Brady’s picture while they hugged. Holly begged Sophia not to tell her and Tate’s parents about them being together. Sophia was happy to tell them what she knew after they betrayed her during the prom. Holly agreed to do anything. Sophia agreed to keep quiet if she took the job her parents made her get and give her all the money. After Sophia left, Tate offered to go to lacrosse camp, so she didn’t have to work. Holly would rather him be there so they could spend time together. Alex told Justin that he could officiate the wedding. He looked at Victor’s portrait and said it’s what his father would have wanted. Justin didn’t care what Victor wanted. Alex didn’t realize that Justin was still upset about it. Justin wondered how he couldn’t be upset. He said Victor robbed him of his son. Alex told him that he was never his son to begin with. He defended Victor to Justin. Justin wanted to know why, and Alex said because he was his father. Justin reminded him that he was his father too. Brady returns to the townhouse and wonders how he would get through the wedding. He went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of vodka.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny found his father drinking at the DiMera mansion. EJ told him that Nicole wanted to divorce him. Johnny wasn’t surprised after what he did. EJ thought Johnny was mad at him too. Johnny felt bad for Nicole and Eric. He was excited about having a new brother but that wasn’t going to happen now. Nicole went to Eric’s room at the pub and let him know that she and EJ were done. Brady went to the Kiriakis mansion to look for Maggie but ran into Alex. He let Brady know that she was running last-minute errands. Brady thought he meant for Xander and Sarah’s wedding, but Alex told him that he and Theresa were getting married too. He was surprised by Alex’s news. Alex told him that Maggie thought it would bring the family together. He would understand if Brady didn’t want to go to the ceremony. Brady thought it was a good idea since he assumed Theresa was only after his money. He knew that wasn’t the truth, so Brady wondered if there was another reason why Alex didn’t want him at the ceremony. Brady flashed back to his night with Theresa and said he would go to the wedding. Alex was okay with it, but Brady seemed troubled.

Sophia ran into Theresa at the town square to talk about Tate and Holly. Theresa apologized to her after the way Tate talked to her. Sophia blamed Holly because she was her best friend. Theresa assured her that Tate and Holly would be far away from each other since he would be at lacrosse camp in New York. Sophia thought about overhearing Tate and Holly’s conversation about deceiving their parents. She told Theresa there was something she needed to know. Chanel interrupted them to talk about the wedding cake. After hearing about the wedding, Sophia decided not to tell her about Tate and Holly. Johnny let EJ know there was no justification for what he did to Nicole and Eric. He was disappointed, but he still had his back. EJ apologized for not being as supportive as he and Chanel needed him to be. He knew they wanted to move out, but he hoped they would stay at the mansion. Johnny agreed to stay longer. He assured EJ that he would never lose him. Johnny wanted to take Chanel to lunch, and EJ thought he was a good husband. He knew Johnny didn’t get that from him. Johnny thought he didn’t meet the right woman yet. He didn’t think EJ and Nicole were meant to be. Johnny thought he should sign the divorce papers and move on with his life. Nicole said she and Eric could figure out a custody arrangement unless he planned to move to Paris. Eric wanted to leave because it was too painful to be around Jude but there was no reason he couldn’t stay and make a fresh start with Jude. He looked at Nicole and said he could make a fresh start with her too. Nicole said EJ knew she wasn’t over Eric which is why he did what he did to them. Eric wanted to know if she knew, and she admitted that she did. Theresa arrived at the Kiriakis mansion. She was surprised when she found out that Brady considered not going to her wedding. Theresa let him know she wanted him there. Alex hoped they could all be a family after the wedding. Theresa did too. When Alex walked away to take a phone call, Brady wanted to know why Theresa didn’t say she was getting married so soon. She admitted that she should have told him about it. Brady assured her that he’s happy for them. Theresa apologized for things not working out with them. He would always be special to her because he’s Tate’s father. She realized that she couldn’t get married without her son. Theresa wanted Tate at the wedding. Nicole admitted to Eric that she would have left EJ if she knew Jude was theirs and that he still loved her. Eric would have done the same thing with Sloan. They were about to kiss when there was a knock at the door. Eric opened the door, and EJ was there. He knew he would find Nicole there. She snatched the divorce papers and saw that he didn’t sign them. EJ said he didn’t plan to sign them. He assured her that he refused to let them take Jude and run off into the sunset together.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of July 8, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



It was obvious that Eric wasn’t talking to Holly on the phone. He didn’t give Holly a chance to respond to some of the things he said before he spoke again.

Gabi was in prison when Sloan switched Nicole’s paternity test so she shouldn’t have known she did it.

Nicole planned to leave the DiMera mansion without taking Holly with her.

Nicole didn’t have Jude’s stroller with her when she left the mansion, but she had it when she went to the airport.


If Gabi was so worried about Arianna, she should move out to wherever Will and Sonny are living with her this week.

Brady referred to Eric as his brother as if Theresa wasn’t related to him.

EJ had the fireplace going in the summertime. Salem may be a fictional town, but it’s still summertime.

Alex conveniently needed Theresa to sign the prenup when she wanted to take Tate to the airport.


Leo wasn’t at the press conference, but he knew that Gabi exposed EJ at the conference.

Xander could have ordered a glass of water instead of drinking out of Leo’s glass. Why do the joggers insist on drinking out of Leo’s glass?


Connie conveniently found Bobby’s room at Bayview.

How did Leo know where Marlena lived?

Rafe and Jada were able to find their way to the plot where Abby was buried without anyone taking them there. If anyone has been in a cemetery, you know it’s hard to find plots without any help.

Who was watching Chad’s kids? Doug and Julie were with Kayla, and Chad was with Jack at the cemetery.


If Ava didn’t want Gabi to know that she slept with Stefan, why did she mention it so freely?

Why would Li tell Connie where he lived when they only went out on one date?

Gabi didn’t hear Kristen and Ava talking about Stefan.

Connie didn’t have blood on her dress after she killed Li. When Bobby saw her there was blood on her dress.

Connie knows too much about people in Salem when she never interacts with them. She conveniently knew Gill and that he was Ava’s boss.

Connie was hidden behind a door so she shouldn’t have seen Gill with Li. It should have been an audio flashback and not a visual one.

Marlena needs to lose her license since she couldn’t tell that Bobby was pretending to be Everett.




The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of July 8, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Connie and LI

It was a week of flashbacks. For some reason, the writers drowned the episodes with flashbacks. Most of the week was filled with flashbacks of Connie and Bobby. Connie kept thinking about Li and everything that happened after the murder. Bobby flashed back to seeing Connie after she murdered Li. We know the writers wanted to show the audience what happened when Li was killed, but they didn’t have to go overboard with the flashbacks. There were only two days out of the week that didn’t feature flashbacks which means there were too many shown.

Speaking of Li’s murder, we felt completely ripped off by the outcome. We didn’t really care who killed him in the first place, but the writers made the killer someone who was on for about two episodes. Connie went out with Li one time and suddenly became obsessed with him. The woman who plays Connie won a role on the show and became part of a major story for the week. It was such a waste of time because she’s an insignificant character. Thankfully we didn’t invest much interest in the mystery, but other fans might have liked the story. It’s a letdown for the killer to be a minor character. Bobby’s involvement in the story makes even less sense. Let’s get to that now.

Bobby suddenly had the answer to who really killed Li. He conveniently saw Connie in the park the night she stabbed Li. Connie was stupid enough to admit out loud that she stabbed Li. It’s convenient how he knew to keep that information to himself until he approached Jada with it. There was no need for him to know that information when he wasn’t in town at the time it happened. The writers clearly want to make Bobby’s role bigger by tying him to Li’s murder and to Connie. His role doesn’t need to be any bigger than it is. He and Connie are now in cahoots with each other. Connie suddenly realized that he was Jada’s ex and heard them talking about the investigation. She put two and two together to figure out that he was the one who saw her in the park. Connie suddenly knows everything about everyone in Salem. She told Bobby that Jada went home to Rafe every night. Connie had no way of knowing about Jada and Rafe, but she threw them up in his face like she did. She offered to take care of Rafe if he stopped talking about the murder investigation. Bobby jumped at the opportunity. We’ll get into that in the next section.

As we said, Bobby jumped at the opportunity to take Connie’s deal. He did his part by pretending that he was Everett again to get out of Bayview. As Everett, he wouldn’t have any memories of what Bobby saw in the park. His plan worked, and Marlena made sure he was released. Marlena clearly needs to think about getting out of psychiatry if she couldn’t tell that Bobby was pretending to be Jude. On a side note, she didn’t cure John of the brainwashing that Konstantin did to him. She allowed Bobby to get out of Bayview. Connie had to get rid of Rafe. She is the town stalker, so she found him at the cemetery to stab him. The woman has lost her mind and needs to be stopped before she goes crazy. We’re surprised that she didn’t target Gabi since Li loved her.

Jack was upset about Abby’s body being exhumed. It was strange that he wouldn’t want to know if it was possible that his daughter was alive. For some reason, he had a hard time believing that Abby could be alive. Did he forget that he was presumed dead at one point? His organs were donated, and he came back to life. There are several people in Salem who have come back to life, but he had trouble believing it. Kayla had trouble believing it too. She just came back to life but thought Abby had to be dead. We think that the citizens have taken a selective amnesia pill because they forgot that people come back from the dead on a daily basis in that town.

As Days fans know, the truth about Jude’s paternity has finally been revealed. Gabi announced that Eric was the father of Nicole’s baby at EJ’s press conference. She was supposed to keep quiet about the truth, but she told it anyway. Gabi claimed that she did it because Eric had a right to know the truth. We have a hard time believing that. If that were true, she would have called Eric and told him the truth. She wouldn’t have announced it publicly. Gabi clearly forgot that Stefan asked her not to say anything. She had the gall to be smug about revealing something that would make EJ target them. Stefan showed his anger towards Gabi, and we cheered him on for doing that. Gabi had the nerve to get mad because she thought he was siding with EJ. Stefan had the right to side with EJ because she violated a trust. He shouldn’t have told her the truth in the first place because she didn’t hesitate to open her mouth. We are hoping that EJ goes after Gabi for opening her big mouth. EJ needs to go after her with everything he has left because he has nothing to lose, so he can destroy her without blinking twice.

The confrontation between Nicole and EJ happened this week. Nicole found out the truth (thanks to Gabi), and they had it out at the mansion. EJ tried his best to explain why he did what he did, but she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. She told him that he didn’t get to say that he loved her again. Nicole had a right to be upset, but she always forgets that she has done things too. She forgot that she cheated on him to conceive Jude in the first place. EJ felt like she would run to Eric if she knew the truth, and he was right. We were surprised that Nicole didn’t yell at EJ. She had a subdued performance. We’re not sure what we expected, but we thought it would be bigger than that. Nicole went running to Eric and forgot about Holly. She didn’t tell Holly the truth about Jude. EJ had to tell her the truth. Nicole proved that she was only worried about Jude and didn’t care about Holly at all. She showed up to give him the rings and to get a divorce. It must have been too much to ask that she remember to take her daughter with her.


EJ and Nicole

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abby went to the Horton house looking for Chad because he wasn’t responding to her texts and calls. Julie told her that he went to Abby’s grave. Kayla hoped that seeing her body would put an end to the speculation that Abby was alive. Julie told her that Jack was upset about the exhumation but agreed to it after seeing Clyde’s video. Kayla declared her dead, but she saw enough miracles to think it was possible for Abby to be alive. Jack and Chad prepared to see Abby’s casket. The crew members opened it, and it was empty. Jack thought they opened the wrong coffin, but Chad insisted it was Abby’s. At the townhouse, Jada asked Marlena if she thought Bobby told the truth about Li’s murder. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to find a way to get back together with her. Marlena wasn’t sure either way. She hoped that Jada could get justice for Li. Connie visited Bobby at the hospital. He flashed back to seeing her in the park after stabbing Li. He wondered if they knew each other. She told him that she overheard Jada tell Rafe that her ex-husband had info about Li’s murder. Connie felt it was important for Li to get justice, so she wanted to know what info he had. Bobby said he couldn’t help her because the info was between him and Jada. Connie wondered if the information was about her.

Rafe went to the cemetery and was surprised to see Abby’s coffin empty. He vowed to make the person who desecrated her coffin pay for what they did. Chad and Jack told him what happened. Rafe wanted the men to take care of the crime scene. He wanted Chad and Jack to process everything, and he would keep in touch with them. Connie remembered someone being behind her at the park, but she didn’t see the person’s face. After listening to the police, she realized Bobby was behind her. Connie told him that she was innocent, but he remembered seeing the blood. He heard her talk about Li. He sarcastically said that was the only thing that tied her to the murder. Connie wanted him to stop talking to Jada about it. Bobby didn’t plan on stopping. Connie told him while he’s stuck at the hospital, Jada went home to Rafe every night. Julie told Kayla and Doug about Abby. Jack and Chad returned to the house. They told them that Abby’s coffin was empty. Everyone wondered if it was a hoax or if Abby really was alive. After everyone left, Doug and Julie got emotional. Julie talked about the little time Chad and Abby had together unlike her and Doug. She told him how much she loved him. Julie talked about their time together. Doug realized he had to change to make himself worthy of her. Julie said he brought out the best in her. He wanted her to kiss him and she gladly obliged. Jack and Chad were at the pub and looked at the grainy footage of the blonde. Chad wanted to find her. Jada and Rafe were at the cemetery and talked about Clyde digging up the coffin to move Abby’s body. They also thought Abby might not have been in there at all. Rafe wanted her to ask Bobby since he’s been helping her with cases. Jada didn’t like what he said, and he apologized to her. Jada told him that she was going to Bayview to see Bobby ID Li’s killer. She hoped Bobby wasn’t lying about what he said. Bobby told Connie that Jada would come around. Connie told him that he’s just a job to her. She made him an offer. If he stopped talking about her, she would take care of Rafe.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 10. 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie talked to Justin about her surprise that Theresa was willing to sign the prenup. She thought that Theresa could still be marrying Alex for his money. They also realized that she could be doing it for the right reasons. Bonnie left to meet with Sarah. Theresa brought up the prenup with Alex. He thought it was a great way to quiet the naysayers. She thought it was a little insulting. Alex wondered if she had second thoughts about signing the prenup. Maggie walked in the room with the prenup. Theresa told him that she was sure about signing it. Chad called Kayla and let her know that Paulina was allowing him to exhume Abby’s body. He thought there might be a snag since he didn’t hear anything else about it. Jack stormed in the room. Chad let Kayla know that he found the snag in the plan and hung up the phone. Jack heard what he was doing from a friend in the city. He demanded answers from Chad. Chad blurted out that Abby could be alive. Jack refused to believe that Abby was alive. Chad showed him the video Clyde gave him of an obscured blonde woman. Theresa noticed that the prenup stated that she would get nothing if she committed adultery. She wondered if Alex was concerned about him cheating on him. He wasn’t worried about it. She wondered what would happen if he cheated. Alex assured her that she wouldn’t have to worry about that. He thought neither of them would have to worry about that. They kissed and then she signed the papers.

Justin thought about holding Alex as a baby when Xander walked in the pub. They talked about Xander turning down Victor’s money. Xander knew Victor didn’t want him to have it or he would have given it to him. He knew that Justin was hurt the most by Victor’s will. Justin thought about the DNA test results from the past that proved he was Alex’s father, he couldn’t believe that Victor kept that secret from him all those years. Xander wondered if he thought Alex was his son. Justin thought Victor wouldn’t have left Alex half his estate if he wasn’t sure he was his son. He was disappointed that Victor lied to him for years. Justin had a lot of questions about what happened. Since Victor and Anjelica are dead, he wouldn’t be able to get his answers. Jack tried to hold back tears as he watched the video. Paulina called Chad to tell him that the crew was ready to go. It was too late for Jack to get an injunction, but Chad wouldn’t do it if he didn’t approve. He told Jack that he needed to have Abby’s body exhumed. Later, Chad and Jack went to the cemetery. Jack thought what they were doing was ghastly. One of the crew members told them that they were ready to begin.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of July 1, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Kristen and Ava


Nicole didn’t hear Melinda tell EJ that she was going to tell the truth about Jude’s paternity. Melinda wasn’t yelling so she should have heard her talking.

Did Tate forget that he’s supposed to be working at the pub? He told Brady that he wanted to work at a club to pay him back.

Why would Ava and Kristen talk about her sleeping with Stefan in a public place? Anyone could have heard them talking about it.

Did we miss something? Will and Sonny went to New Zealand when they left the show, but they are back in Phoenix.

It was convenient that Gabi thought Stefan would be tempted by other women when we know he slept with Ava.


Chanel and Johnny were crying one minute, but their tears dried up the next time they were shown.

What made Kate think she and Abe were qualified to produce a TV show? How big would the show be since they live in Salem?


Julie talked about Clyde as if she knew him. We didn’t realize she knew anything about Clyde.

Stephanie told Paulina that the people of Salem didn’t like her firing a woman of color to rehire a rich, white man. It didn’t make sense for her to tell an African American woman about hiring a woman of color.

Chad wanted to talk about something private with Kayla, but he kept her office door open. Anyone could have heard them talking.


Tate balled up the pamphlet for lacrosse camp, but it was straightened out when Theresa looked at it.

The flashback Alex had could be heard before it was shown.

Brady managed not to hear Holly and Rachel talking about her bribing her to keep quiet about Tate.

Aaron could be heard talking while Holly was shown.


What are the odds that Connie would approach Melinda out of the blue.

Why would Melinda want to work for the woman who killed her daughter?

Nicole cried without any tears.

How did Connie get the keys to Tripp’s apartment? She used them to get inside and think about stabbing Li.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of July 1, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Steve: I assume this felony has something to do with me breaking Clyde Weston out of Statesville?
Jada: Are there any other felonies that I should be aware of?
Steve: Not that I can recall

Jada: I have no choice but to formally charge and book you
Steve: It won’t be my first time posing for a mug shot.

Jada: There were two people in hazmat suits who escorted Clyde Weston to safety after that chemical spill. You’ve already admitted that you were one of them. Who was the other?
Steve: Rebecca Goldman. Who else?
Jada: Was it John Black?
Steve: John? No of course not.
Jada: You two are partners.
Steve: We’re partners at Black Patch, but we’re not partners in crime.

Stephanie: I care about Everett.
Bobby: You only care about yourself. You’re such a liar.

Bobby (to Stephanie): You have that annoying personality that thinks she’s always wanted. Don’t you? Let me say something to clear the air about it because it’s not totally getting through. I want nothing to do with you. I find you desperate and pathetic and unattractive. You do nothing for me.

Chad (talking about staring at the footage of the mystery woman): This is going to make me crazier than I already am.

Julie: We don’t need that do we?

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Days Short Recap Friday, July 5, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Marlena went to see Bobby, but he only wanted to talk to Jada. She wanted to get him to open up about Everett’s past. He wanted to go back to reading his book. Marlena felt like they couldn’t keep going on like that. Bobby felt they could. She left his room. Jada let Rafe know that she saw Bobby. Rafe reminded her that he’s not real. She said he was real to her. He apologized for what he said. Jada told him that Bobby had information about a murder. Rafe thought Bobby was manipulating her, but she wanted to hear what he had to say. He thought Bobby could get violent and wanted her to stay away from him. Melinda met with Kristen at the square she ran into Connie. She remembered that Connie had an issue with her. Connie admitted that she was upset that Li was attracted to her. Kristen wasn’t sure why EJ wanted her to hire her. She wondered why Melinda wanted to work for DiMera Enterprises. Melinda could try to put her disdain for her aside and work with her, but Kristen didn’t think she could do it. EJ told Stefan that he wanted Gabi to announce at the press conference how he played a big role in her release. Stefan laughed and reminded him that he helped her because he blackmailed him. Gabi walked in while they were talking. EJ expected them both at his press conference. Stefan assured him they would be there. After EJ left, Gabi wanted the truth about her release from prison. She overheard him talking about EJ being blackmailed and wanted to know about it. Stefan told her that EJ wasn’t Jude’s father. Eric went to The Spectator to tell her that he got a job in Paris. He said he was leaving that day. She told him that she would miss him. He said he would miss her too. Eric thought it might be for the best since EJ didn’t want them to work together. Nicole let him know that EJ saw them kissing. Eric would react the same way EJ did. They hugged each other.

Jada assured Rafe that Bobby wouldn’t hurt her, but he thought it was a risk. She reminded him that it’s her job. Jada wondered if he would feel that way about a male cop. He reminded her that he’s not dating them. Rafe wanted to go with her. Jada told him that he wouldn’t talk if she didn’t go alone. She wanted to go alone. Rafe hated the idea, but he agreed to it. Kristen didn’t want to keep looking over her shoulder every time Melinda was around. Melinda assured her that wouldn’t happen. EJ arrived and joined them at the table. He offered his DiMera shares to make sure he hired Melinda. Kristen was skeptical, but she agreed to it. After Kirsten left, EJ reminded Melinda to keep her mouth shut about Jude’s paternity. Melinda swore Nicole wouldn’t hear the truth from her. Nicole wanted to know what they were talking about. EJ wanted to tell her that Kristen hired Melinda. After Melinda left, Nicole told EJ that Eric took a job in Paris. EJ thought that was for the best. Gabi wanted to tell Eric the truth. She hated being separated from Arianna. Gabi refused to let Eric go through the same thing. Stefan reminded her that EJ came through for them when they needed him. He didn’t think they needed another war with EJ. Gabi understood but didn’t want Eric to lose his child. Stefan understood, but he didn’t want to risk losing their happiness. Gabi agreed to do things his way. Jada went to Bobby to talk about the murder. He wanted to get released first. She thought he was playing games with her and turned to leave. Bobby stopped her from going. Rafe showed up at EJ’s press conference to support Gabi. Connie interrupted them to tell Gabi she was happy that she got released from prison. She knew Li wouldn’t want her to be punished for Li’s murder. Connie walked away. Rafe thought that was strange. Connie went to Li’s apartment and opened the door. She remembered stabbing him.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 4, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie and Justin were celebrating the holiday when she mentioned an engagement. He thought she was talking about Xander and Sarah. Alex approached them and said it was his engagement. Justin tensed up at the idea of him getting married. Alex knew Justin didn’t trust Theresa. Brady let Theresa know that he wanted to send Tate to lacrosse camp. It would put space between Tate and Holly. Tate called Holly to see if she still wanted to run away with him. She didn’t know how they would pull off running away together. He had a plan for them to get away. After she got off the phone with Tate, Holly saw Rachel staring at her. Rachel wanted to know what she was plotting with her brother. Holly told her they wanted to be together and asked her not to tell anyone. Rachel didn’t want to lie so she pulled out the phone to call Nicole, but Holly took it from her. Maggie went to see Xander. She offered him a check for his share of Victor’s estate. Maggie felt he deserved it because of the way he stepped up for the family. He appreciated the gesture, but he couldn’t accept it. Justin warned Alex to be careful when it concerned Theresa. Alex didn’t need his cousinly advice. He wanted to do what his father did and follow his gut. Justin reminded him that Victor didn’t like Theresa. Alex reminded him that Victor gave him half of his estate which meant that he trusted his instincts. Justin ordered him to make Thersa sign a prenup. Alex got defensive, but Justin wanted him to protect himself. He asked if he thought about it before. Alex flashed back to his conversation with Brady about Theresa going after him for his money. He assured Justin that he would be okay. Theresa walked in and wondered if they were talking about a prenup.

Tate looked at the lacrosse brochure when Aaron arrived at the pub. He wanted to go to a camp like that. Tate thought it was perfect because he could go in his place. No one knew what Tate looked like so he could go in his place. Tate thought colleges would come after him after going to the camp. Aaron liked the idea and accepted his offer. Holly bribed Rachel with perfume to keep her from talking about her and Tate. Brady showed up and wondered what they were talking about. He told Holly about Tate going to lacrosse camp. She pretended to be upset but said she understood. He thought they could talk about their relationship again in the fall. If they could prove themselves trustworthy, they could date in their senior year. Justin told Theresa about the prenup. Theresa told him that she loved Alex before she found out he was Victor’s son. Alex thought about Brady’s theory about Theresa. Theresa asked Alex if he trusted her. He said he did. She offered to sign the prenup to prove that she loves him. Justin asked if she wanted him to draw up the prenup. She told him to do it.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve went to see Marlena. He let her know that he turned himself in for helping Clyde escape. Steve told her that he didn’t tell the police about John and Ava. He let her know that Jada didn’t buy that he did it alone so she might ask questions. Steve thought John would have been back from Greece by now. Marlena let him know that they haven’t talked since John left. She thought John didn’t want to come home. Marlena informed Steve that John tried to kill him before he left for Greece. He was shocked by what he heard. Stephanie went to the police station and insisted that Jada talk to Bobby. She thought Jada was the only one who could convince him to bring Everett out. Bobby hid his meds. He was happy with the way things were with Everett out of the way. Julie wanted Chad to stop looking at the video. He looked at the screen and wondered if the person was Abby. Chad wondered if she was out there somewhere. He felt like he should recognize his wife. Julie told him that Clyde wanted to drive him crazy. He thought about the night Kayla told him that Abby was gone. Chad wondered if Kayla could have missed something. Julie thought he should talk to Kayla. Marlena told Steve what happened when John tried to kill him. She felt like John was staying away because he didn’t want to hurt him. Steve thought he had to be the one to bring him home if he gets probation. He felt like everything that happened was his fault. Steve owed his life to John.

Bobby was reading when Jada showed up. He let her know that was reading the mystery she recommended. Bobby assumed Marlena or Stephanie urged her to visit him. Jada told him they were worried about him. She realized that he wasn’t responsible for the things she blamed him for. Bobby told her that he never stopped loving her and didn’t mean to hurt her. He wondered if they could get past what happened. She accepted his apology and said she cared about him. He got upset when he realized she was there for Everett. Jada reminded him that she was with Rafe now. She said Everett is host personality while Bobby is the alter ego. Bobby got offended by what she said. He told her about what he protected Everett from. She thought he should let Everett out to face the truth. Chad went to Kayla’s office. He showed her the footage of the mystery woman. She couldn’t tell if the woman was Abby or not. He wondered if it was possible that Abby could be alive. She thought it was possible. While Steve was at the penthouse, Justin called him to tell him that he had a suspended sentence and had to serve 100 hours of community service. Steve told Marlena the news, so he could go to Greece to get John. Marlena was grateful and knew John would be too. Jada thought Bobby should let Everett out and that he would always be part of him. Bobby told her that he could help solve a crime. If Everett came back, she’ll never know the truth. Jada wondered what crime he was talking about. He told her that it was a murder. Kayla talked to Chad about the people who have died and came back to life in Salem so it was possible that Abby could be alive. She said that there are drugs that could mimic death. Kayla said there was no autopsy done on Abby, but the funeral home would have embalmed her. There was one way to find out the truth. Later, Chad ran into Paulina to ask her to exhume Abby’s body.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 24, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



Why would Hope call Harris out of the blue to tell him about Megan?

EJ told Nicole about seeing her kiss Eric because he didn’t want anything between them, but he wouldn’t tell her that Eric’s the father of her baby.

Chanel mentioned closing Sweet Bits last week so how did Eric and Marlena get cake from there?

Nicole and EJ had ice cream in their bowls in one scene, but it was gone the next time they were shown.


When did Eli and Lani leave Salem again?

When did Marlena have time knit anything for Johnny and Chanel’s baby when he just told her they were leaving?

Chad and Julie were acting like Jack didn’t have a right to know that Abby could still be alive. Abby is his daughter, so he had a right to know the truth.

Lucas said he wanted to be with Will and Alli in Phoenix. Did the writers forget that they are in New Zealand? They moved out there so why would Lucas go to Phoenix?


Mark told Leo he was gay when they met, but he made it seem like he didn’t tell him that.

Johnny and Paulina didn’t get Chanel to the hospital with any urgency. They took their time getting her there.

Mark was heartless about Chanel’s miscarriage. He could have been more caring than that.

Chanel and Johnny didn’t have any tears even though they were supposed to be crying.

Theresa was with Sarah and Bonnie one minute and with Alex and Brady the next.


Gabi said she was getting beat up, but she didn’t have any bruises on her face.

Johnny cried without any tears while he told EJ about Chanel miscarrying.

Paulina could be heard talking while EJ and Johnny were shown.


Stefan mentioned that Arianna was in Phoenix, but Will was in New Zealand. Did we miss something? When did Will and company move back to Phoenix?

Nicole managed not to hear Melinda tell EJ that she planned to blow up his life. The door was open while Melinda was talking, but Nicole didn’t hear anything.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of June 24, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Ava and Harris

Was anyone else bored with Harris’ exit? Hope suddenly wanted him to check out a lead on Megan. Why would she reach out to him after all this time? She knows a lot of people and has connections, so she didn’t have to go to him for help. We know the writers had to get rid of the character since the actor is back on General Hospital, but they couldn’t come up with a better reason than that? Harris wasn’t an important character on the show and there aren’t too many people who care that he’s leaving, so he didn’t need a proper sendoff. The writers chose to leave the door open for him to return, but do we care if he does? Steve Burton is a good actor, but he fits better on General Hospital than he did on DOOL.

EJ told Nicole that he saw her kiss Eric. He wanted to clear the air between them. He has his priorities mixed up completely. It’s good that he let her know that he saw what she did, but he chose to keep a bigger secret from her. EJ failed to mention that he knows the truth about Jude’s paternity. The writers had to find a way to clear Nicole of her wrongdoing by having her dirt come to light while his secret remained in the dark. They always try so hard to make us think Nicole is a saint. We will touch on that subject again in this article. There was no point in EJ telling Nicole about the kiss when he has a bigger secret that he kept to himself.

Are we the only ones confused with Chad’s thinking? For some reason, he acted like Jack didn’t have a right to know that Abby could still be alive. Abby is Jack’s daughter, so he had a right to know what was going on with Clyde. We know Chad didn’t want to get everyone’s hopes up, but Jack had a right to know about Abby. Jack should have been involved in the story. There was no point writing him back into the show for just a couple of episodes when he could have been involved in Chad and Julie’s story. Jack could have been brought back to the show when they show the tribute to Doug since they didn’t use him properly this time around.

Sarah and Bonnie clearly had blinders on while Theresa was with them. She was visibly upset when Sarah talked about Xander’s mother being in town for the wedding. Theresa practically choked when Sarah talked about her. She’s not even hiding that she’s uncomfortable at the idea that Xander’s mother could be at the wedding. Hopefully that means the truth about Alex’s paternity will be revealed. Theresa has gotten away with what she did long enough.

Chanel’s miscarriage brought out the ugly side of her. She blamed Paulina for what happened to the baby. Chanel just accepted Paulina again and went back to blaming her for what happened. She miscarried and that’s horrible. Chanel could have lost the baby for any reason. Unfortunately, miscarriages do happen and that’s what happened in her case. It didn’t have to be because of her exposure to radiation. Mark didn’t confirm that she lost the baby because of the radiation. Speaking of Mark, he was very cold towards her when he let her know that she had lost her baby. Anyway, Chanel went back to blaming Paulina for her loss. Treating her mother like dirt won’t change the situation at all. She understood why Paulina rescued her until it affected her life and now she’s treating her like garbage over it.

We applaud the writers for playing the right beats when it concerned what happened with Eric and Johnny and Chanel. Eric lost Jude because of Sloan. He talked to Roman, and he told him how he felt when he raised Belle. Long time fans should remember how Roman thought he was Belle’s father until it was revealed that he wasn’t. He explained how he felt when he lost Belle. We thought that was good that the writers included that beat in his story. The writers included another beat when Eric talked to Abe about Johnny and Chanel losing their baby. Abe offered his condolences to Eric after he did the same about Chanel’s baby. Their conversation led to talk about Jude. Abe talked to him about what it felt like to lose Isaac. We applaud the writers for bringing that up. It doesn’t seem like the writers remembered that Abe and Lexie raised Isaac. He had the same issue that Eric did when Lexie lied to him about the baby. Abe thought of Isaac as his son only to lose him to Bo and Hope.


Abe Paulina and Chanel

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Short Recap Friday, June 28, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chanel told Johnny that she enjoyed having a life growing inside of her. It was a life they made together. Johnny offered to get her things from home. She told him not to let her mother in if she shows up. He agreed not to let her in the room. Abe comforted Paulina at the hospital. Johnny walked by them, so Abe offered his condolences. Paulina wanted to sit with Chanel, but Johnny told her that she didn’t want to see her. He wanted Paulina to respect Chanel’s wishes. Eric stopped by the paper to let Nicole know that he might be leaving Salem. He applied for jobs in other cities and hoped that he heard from one of them. Nicole wondered if he was leaving because it was too painful to be around Jude. He needed time away to accept that he’s not Jude’s father. EJ called Rafe and told him that he needed him to find Melinda for Gabi to be freed from prison. Rafe believed his guys could track her down. He didn’t think Melinda would give up Clyde’s book without an immunity deal. EJ ordered Rafe to find Melinda. He would deal with the rest. Gabi was happy to reunite with Stefan. She was happy to be out of solitary even though she kept getting beaten up. Gabi didn’t want to focus on that because they didn’t have much time together. Stefan told her they would have more time together because she was going free. She wanted to believe him, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. Stefan told her about the plan with EJ. She reminded him that EJ did everything in his power to put her in prison. Stefan assured her that EJ was on their side now. Gabi wondered what changed his mind.

Melinda walked into the interrogation room. Rafe demanded Clyde’s book in exchange for immunity. Melinda was suspicious. She wondered why EJ would agree to that. EJ sent Stefan an update when Johnny walked in the room. He told EJ about Chanel losing the baby. EJ was sympathetic towards him, but he got upset. Johnny reminded him that he never wanted them to have the baby. EJ was genuinely sorry and wanted what he wanted. They hugged each other. Paulina told Abe that Mark couldn’t confirm whether the baby died because of Chanel’s exposure to radiation. Abe told her not to blame herself. She knew that Chanel blamed her for it. Abe went to Chanel’s room to offer his condolences. He tried to plead Paulina’s case, but she lashed out at him. She didn’t want to talk about her mother. He agreed and held her. Nicole tried to calm Jude down, but she had trouble doing it. Eric told her what to do. Nicole knew that Jude would miss him. Eric told her that Jude has her now. She didn’t want him to move, but she understood why he was leaving. Stefan lied to Gabi about EJ helping them out of loyalty. Gabi knew there was more to it than that. Stefan read EJ’s text about Rafe being on the case. He assured her that she would be getting out of prison soon. Rafe told Melinda that Stefan convinced EJ to give her the immunity. Melinda was skeptical, but she agreed to give him the book. She would do it after the deal was finalized. Abe left Chanel’s room as Johnny returned. Chanel told him that Abe tried to defend Paulina. She knew he would always stand by Paulina’s side. Johnny said he would be by her side too. She told him they could make their flight so he could pursue his dream. His dream was being with her. Melinda arrived at the DiMera mansion to thank him for the immunity deal. Now there’s nothing he could do when she tells Nicole that he’s not Jude’s father. EJ wondered why she would do that. She said she would do it out of spite. Melinda told him that he took her job and destroy her life without a second thought. She’s going to do the same thing to him. Nicole walked in the room and wondered what was going on.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ let Stefan know that he couldn’t get Gabi out of prison. Stefan went off and reminded him about their deal. EJ told him that he only had photos of Clyde’s book. The judge needed physical evidence or Gabi wouldn’t get out of prison. Alex told Brady that he and Theresa were engaged. Brady wished them luck but thought they were moving too fast. Alex was going to propose to him sooner, but he wanted to make sure he was ready to commit to a recovering addict. He also had to work through his trust issues. Alex felt like he could trust Theresa, but Brady wondered if he could. He wondered if she was after him for his money. Theresa panicked when she heard Sarah tell Bonnie that Xander’s aunt gave him the address for his mother’s place. Theresa didn’t think it was her current address. Sarah was going to send an invitation to her and see what happens. Theresa told her that she couldn’t do that. She came up with reasons why Sarah shouldn’t invite his mother to the wedding. Sarah and Bonnie shot down every reason Theresa had. Theresa offered to help Sarah and Bonnie with the invitation. EJ reminded Stefan that Melinda was holding Clyde’s book, and he couldn’t find her. Stefan wanted him to give Melinda immunity for taking Nicole’s baby in exchange for the book. EJ let him know that Nicole wouldn’t understand that. Stefan didn’t care. He wanted Gabi out of prison or else he would tell Nicole the truth.

Nicole and Xander were at the paper. They talked about baby switching which led them to talk about their own situations. Nicole continued to talk about the things he did wrong. They agreed to disagree, and he told her that Sarah got him to invite his mother to the wedding. Brady told Alex that Theresa made it a habit to go after rich men’s money. Alex reminded him that Theresa was interested in him before his inheritance. Brady remembered Theresa getting Victor’s briefcase before they did. He thought she might have broken into it and saw the documents. Alex was sure their meeting wasn’t premeditated. Sarah let Bonnie know that they could talk about a double wedding another time. Bonnie talked to Theresa about the prom. Theresa ranted about Holly and Sarah defended her niece. Theresa eased up on Holly and talked about being hooked on drugs when she was a kid. While they were talking, Theresa managed to swipe Fiona’s invitation. Alex didn’t want Brady to mention his theory again especially in front of Theresa. Theresa walked in while they were talking. Bonnie knocked over a trash can and noticed Fiona’s invitation. She thought Theresa got into Sarah’s head and decided to mail the invitation herself. EJ called Rafe and told him that he had to find Melinda if he wanted Gabi back home. Stefan was at the prison and waited until Gabi arrived.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady talked to Marlena about what happened between Tate and Holly during the prom. He agreed with Theresa about what happened. Marlena wondered if he agreed with her because she was right or because of his feelings for her. Brady assured her that they were co-parents. He did admit that they had a moment together. Brady said that Theresa wants to be with Alex. She wondered what he wanted. He wasn’t concerned about his feelings. Marlena assured him that she would be there for him and left for the hospital. Alex talked to Bonnie about getting engaged to Theresa. She wondered if he talked to Justin about it. He let her know that he didn’t because of the way he reacted towards her. Bonnie told him that Theresa was manipulating him. Theresa overheard Bonnie and glared at her. Johnny and Paulina brought Chanel to the hospital. Chanel was cramping in the elevator. Mark took them to an examination room. He wanted Paulina to wait outside. She reluctantly left. Chanel let Johnny know that she was scared. Johnny tried to comfort her. Marlena ran into Leo at the hospital. She agreed to see him. He told her about his horrible meeting with his mother. Marlena told him that he’s not a dependent child so he shouldn’t give his mother power over him. He could do anything he liked. Leo was happy with their session and wondered if the doctor (Mark) was worth checking out. Theresa wondered why it was okay for Bonnie to talk about her behind her back. Bonnie said she talked about things she would say to her face. Alex assured Theresa that he trusted her, and he was committed to making a life with her. Theresa wondered why Bonnie made a 180. Bonnie said Justin’s concerns were why she was concerned. She changed the subject to talk about Xander and Sarah’s wedding. Bonnie let it slip that Xander’s mother might be at the wedding. Theresa’s panicked at the idea of her being at the wedding. She didn’t think it was a good idea since she’s an alcoholic. Bonnie thought she might have changed liked her. Alex wondered why Theresa was so worried about it.

Mark performed an ultrasound on Chanel. He gave her Felicity’s stuffed animal to hold. After the ultrasound, Mark told Chanel and Johnny that she had a miscarriage. Johnny and Chanel were heartbroken and confused since he told them the baby was fine. Mark said a spontaneous loss could happen for any reason and it’s not unusual. He said one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. Mark apologized for their loss. Johnny started crying as he comforted Chanel. Leo told Marlena about his conversation with Mark. She reminded him that they just met. Marlena didn’t want him to read too much into since they just met. She didn’t want him to get hurt. Theresa told everyone they needed to be wary of long-lost family members showing up after what happened with Konstantin. Bonnie said they couldn’t find Xander’s mother so there was nothing to worry about. Paulina went to Chanel’s room while she was crying in Johnny’s arms. Johnny told her that they lost the baby. Chanel blamed Paulina for their loss. Johnny glared at her.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of June 17, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

EJ from Days

Why would EJ be dumb enough to put Jude’s genetic test in the safe at the DiMera mansion? He should have known Kristen, Stefan, and anyone else who lives in the mansion would have opened the safe. Did he really think he was the only one who would go in there? We understand Stefan had to have a way to blackmail EJ, but that didn’t make sense. EJ wouldn’t have been careless enough to put the results in a place where anyone could find it.

It could be just us, but we are sick of seeing Theresa get away with her scheme. It’s beyond time for her to get exposed for her scheme. We are also sick of Alex walking around like he’s the man because he thinks he’s Victor’s son. He needs to be knocked off his high horse. The writers are taking too long to expose that Xander is Victor’s son. We can’t wait to see the look on Alex’s face when he finds out he isn’t Victor’s son. It will also be great to see Theresa’s face when she’s exposed for her plan.

Thumbs up to the writers for acknowledging Juneteenth. It’s good that they acknowledge the holiday. The other soap operas ignore the holiday, but Days always take the time to acknowledge it. With Abe and Paulina’s anniversary being that day, it’s an extra way for the show to acknowledge the day. The other soaps need to do the same especially since they have African Americans on their shows.

Speaking of Juneteenth, what are the odds that the high school prom would be the same day? Most proms are in May or early June. They aren’t usually near the end of the month especially since kids should be getting out of high school by then. We know the writers think we all want to see the prom, but they should have gotten the time right for it.

We loved hearing Tate rip into Theresa for hurting Brady. She needed to hear about what she did to Brady. Tate had us cheering him on when he told her that she only cares about herself. He was right on the money about that because all she does is think about what she wants. When she tried to use what Konstantin did to her to let her off the hook, Tate didn’t fall for it. He walked away from her.

How did Leo know what happened during Konstantin and Maggie’s wedding when he wasn’t there? When he ran into Theresa, he asked her about Konstantin holding her hostage. Leo also knew Konstantin said there was an enemy in the midst. Since Leo wasn’t at the wedding, he shouldn’t know what was said. It wasn’t likely they had all that information online.

The writers missed the mark when they had Jack in Salem. He went to see Chad and Julie at the Horton house, yet he didn’t take the time to see Steve. You would think Jack would have taken the time to see his brother while he was in Salem. Steve is his family too. We know Jack isn’t staying on the show long, but they could have had him talking to Steve.

Why didn’t Paulina invite Johnny’s family to the going away party? Johnny has family members in town so she could have invited them to the wedding. It’s not like she doesn’t know who his family is so there’s no reason why she didn’t invite them. Johnny shouldn’t have had to invite EJ to the party. Did Paulina think Johnny’s family wouldn’t have come to send him and Chanel off.


Johnny and Chane from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 17, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Paulina from Days


-Who reported the story about Konstantin online? The only one who could have reported it was Xander and he wouldn’t have put that story online.

-Paulina could be heard talking to herself while Alex and Theresa were shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to himself while Nicole was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Nicole while Stefan was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking to Brady while Theresa was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Eric while EJ was shown.


-Bonnie didn’t hear Theresa telling Victor’s painting that Alex wasn’t his son, but she heard her saying Xander deserved to be screwed. As loud as Theresa was talking Bonnie should have heard the entire conversation.

-Chad could be heard talking to Clyde’s picture while Xander was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking to Julie while Bonnie was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking while Julie and Chad were shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to Marlena while Xander was shown.

-Leo wasn’t at Maggie and Konstantin’s wedding so how did he know Konstantin said before he died?

-Maggie cried without any tears.


-The music playing in Chanel’s scene could be heard while Paulina was shown.

-EJ could be heard walking while Chanel and Lani were shown hugging.

-Chad could be heard talking to Julie while Johnny, EJ, and Stefan were shown.

-Paulina could be heard talking to Eli while Johnny was shown.

-Why didn’t Paulina invite more members of Johnny’s family to the going away party? She could have invited Marlena, Roman, Kayla, and Steve to the party.


-Nicole could be heard talking to Dr. Greene while EJ was shown.

-Holly could be heard talking to Tate on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-Holly didn’t hear Stefan blackmailing EJ even though the door was open, and they were talking loudly.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Nicole was shown.

-While Tate and Aaron were talking about Sophia, Aaron didn’t see Sophia eavesdropping on their conversation.

-Tate could be heard talking to Brady while Stefan and EJ were shown.


-Why would Alex be running at night?

-When Alex wanted something to drink, he asked Leo for his water. Why couldn’t he order his own drink?

-Holly could be heard talking to Aaron while Brady was shown.

-Roman could be heard talking to Kayla while Steve was shown.


Holly from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Short Recap Friday, June 21, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At the hospital, Steve was on the phone with Tripp. Justin came in his room because Kayla said he might need a lawyer. Kayla went to the pub and talked to Roman about Steve and Ava. When Kayla said she wanted Ava to stay gone, Ava showed up and said she was in China. She said she wanted to tell Tripp and Wendy that Clyde was no longer a threat. Kayla said she hired a lawyer for Steve. She said she hoped Ava had a plan of her own. Theresa told Brady that Sophia was upset that Holly betrayed her. Brady said Sophia looked fine and suggested she stay out of their business. Theresa wanted to bust Tate and Holly together. Tate showed up and said he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home. When Tate left to get some air, Theresa told Brady she was right. At the prom, Aaron tried to talk to Sophia, but she didn’t want to talk to him. Sophia told Holly that she knew about her and Tate. She yelled at Holly for lying to her and making her look like a fool. When Holly tried to explain, Sophia said she was too hurt. Sophia told her to be with Tate and she wouldn’t say anything. Holly apologized and left. Kayla asked Ava what was next for her with Tripp gone. She asked if it was bad memories or her husband. Ava refused to answer her. When Kayla left, Ava said she came back to Salem to find out where she stood with Harris. Roman said Harris hasn’t come back from Montana yet. Ava said she shouldn’t return if Harris didn’t.

Steve told Justin that he broke Clyde out of prison. Justin said Clyde hasn’t said anything yet. Steve said he wasn’t going to wait until Clyde said anything, so he was turning himself in. Justin said he could get a deal with time served. He asked Steve if somebody else was involved in the prison break. Steve said he did it all. Theresa and Brady went to the Town Square to look for Tate and Holly. She was worried that Holly was using drugs with Tate. Brady said their son didn’t do drugs. He said Tate was probably somewhere with Holly so they could hook up. Holly met Tate at the Salem Inn. The room was decorated. Holly loved the room but was nervous. Tate told her there was no pressure. He didn’t want anyone to see them. She told him Sophia knew the truth and was upset. They felt bad but hoped that Sophia would hook up with Aaron. When Justin left Steve’s room, Kayla showed up. He told her about turning himself in. She said she didn’t want to lose him to prison but living in fear wasn’t any better. Kayla didn’t like how he protected Ava, but she shouldn’t get away with what she did. While Justin was at the Kiriakis mansion, Alex came in. Justin said he was worried about Alex going after Konstantin and Theresa. Alex said he was okay, but realized Theresa was the one. Justin told him about Brady’s history with her. He said he was concerned as any father would be. Alex said he wasn’t his father. He said even if Justin was his father, he was an adult, so his relationship was none of his business. Justin said he would stay out of his business and left. Aaron asked Sophia if she wanted him to take her home, but she was still upset. He apologized for his part in the lie, but Tate was his friend. Aaron said he was hoping they would spend time together. He said he knew she was upset, but thought it was cool that she didn’t say anything about Tate and Holly. While Tate and Holly were spending time together at the Salem Inn, Theresa and Brady walked in.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 20, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ told Stefan that he would reopen Li’s murder case. Stefan told him he better get Gabi’s sentence overturned or Nicole was going to find out that Eric is Jude’s father. EJ said it would take time. Stefan told him to do his job or he would tell Nicole. Holly walked in and wanted to know what they were talking about. She changed her mind and didn’t want to know because her mother is a nightmare at times. When Stefan left, EJ talked to Holly about her attitude towards Nicole. Holly talked about Nicole not letting her go to the prom. Nicole walked in and said she changed her mind about the prom. Holly said she didn’t have a dress or a date. Nicole told her Aaron was still available. Theresa had a dream that she told Brady she loved him and was using Alex for his money. When she woke up, Brady was watching her. He told her that she wanted to see him. She said they needed to keep an eye on Tate and Holly at the prom. Brady said he wasn’t worried about Holly because she was grounded and wasn’t going. He said she could have told him that on the phone. Aaron and Tate met at the pub. Tate asked if Aaron was still willing to distract Sophia so he could meet with Holly. Aaron wanted to spend time with Sophia hoping she would notice him. Sophia was eavesdropping when Tate said he wouldn’t have accepted her invitation if his parents didn’t forbid him from seeing Holly. She walked in the pub to confirm that they were meeting for pictures. Tate agreed to do it and left.

Eric went to see Marlena. She brought up his divorce from Sloan. Marlena thought it was dangerous for him to have EJ help him. Eric said EJ and Nicole had a family, so it wasn’t a problem. Marlena changed the subject by inviting him to dinner. He agreed to dinner as long as she didn’t bring up Nicole. While Aaron tried to talk to Sophia, Nicole called him. Nicole gave Holly the phone. She asked him to the prom. Aaron agreed to go with her. Sophia pretended to be happy for him. He told her it wasn’t a date and suggested they hang out. Sophia said it would be a night to remember. While Tate was getting ready, Holly called him to tell him what happened. She was afraid their plan wasn’t going to work, but Tate said he would think of something. When Brady came home, Tate told him Holly was going to the prom. Brady told him he and Theresa would be watching them. Theresa showed up Marlean’s penthouse dressed for the prom. Brady told her Holly was going to the prom. Stefan walked in on EJ and Nicole. EJ told her he had his job back as the DA. Stefan said EJ was going to reopen Gabi’s case. Mark and Aaron showed up to pick up Holly. Holly didn’t like her dress, but it was all she could find at short notice. Sophia showed up at the penthouse. While Theresa was talking to Sophia, Holly and Aaron were mentioned. Holly and Aaron talked about wanting to be with Tate and Sophia. When Holly and Aaron left the mansion, Stefan sent EJ a text warning him that Gabi better be cleared tomorrow or else. The teens showed up at the high school. Theresa warned Holly to stay away from Tate or she would make her leave the prom. When Theresa and Brady were alone, she told him Tate and Holly were planning something.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abe and Paulina had a celebration for Johnny and Chanel as well as for their anniversary. Eli showed up at the party with the twins. Abe wanted to know if Lani was there. Eli said she went to see Chanel at the bakery since she assumed Paulina and Chanel weren’t talking to each other. Paulina was glad they were talking even if it was behind her back. Eli said Lani understood what Paulina did. Paulina let him know that she and Chanel made up. She said the bad news was Chanel was leaving. Chanel put a closed sign on Sweet Bits. Lani showed up and wondered what was going on. Chanel told her she and Johnny were leaving town because Johnny got a job with his favorite director. She said they have to leave town right away. Lani was glad she came for the visit when she did. Chanel was glad too because she needed her support. Lani said moving was a good thing but might be stressful for the baby. Chanel told her she heard the baby’s heartbeat, but they still won’t know about the radiation for a while. Lani asked how things were between her and Paulina. Chanel said she forgave her. Lani said letting go was going to be hard. Chanel told her EJ was going to hate it. Stefan asked EJ how he was going to get his job back to help Gabi. EJ said he talked to Paulina, and it was going to happen. Stefan told him it better happen, or he was going to tell everyone the truth about Jude’s DNA. Once the truth came out, Nicole, Eric, and Jude would go off together. Johnny showed up and wanted to know what was going on. EJ told him that he and Stefan were talking about business. Johnny asked if they were talking about Kristen being the new CEO. Stefan left them alone. EJ asked Johnny about Chanel’s appointment. Johnny said it went well. EJ said Nicole put pregnancy books for them in the library. Johnny said he appreciated it, but they wouldn’t get a chance to read them since he got a job in California. He told EJ he would be working with his favorite director. Since EJ never approved of his dream, Johnny knew he wouldn’t approve. EJ approved of Johnny pursuing his dream. He said he wanted Johnny to be happy.

When Lani went to Paulina and Abe’s place Eli found out that Johnny and Chanel were leaving Salem. Lani said she heard Paulina was having trouble with the people in Salem. Paulina said they were trying to get her recalled as mayor. Johnny showed up to join the celebration. He said one more person was joining the party. EJ showed up at the party. He said it was great of Abe and Paulina to put their differences aside so he could be at the party. Paulina thought he was talking about the recall. EJ said the people were getting jumpy. Paulina wondered how they would feel about a disgraced getting his job back. EJ said he wasn’t disgraced. She fired him over a conflict of interest which didn’t matter anymore because Kristen got the job as CEO of DiMera Enterprises. He said she had a legitimate reason to give him his job back. She said that was blackmail. While they were talking, EJ let Johnny and Chanel know they could use the DiMera jet whenever they wanted to visit. Later on, EJ asked Paulina if she was going to fire Melinda and give him his job back so he could tear up the petition. Jada ran into Stefan at the pub. She said he and Rafe thought Clyde would reveal that Gil killed Li to clear Gabi’s name. Stefan said they hoped, so but Clyde refused to say anything. Jada said he didn’t refuse to help. He wanted his charges reduced. She said she had a way to get Clyde to tell what he knows. Jada told him they shut down the drug operation, but Stefan had to convince Clyde to start it again. Stefan didn’t think that would be a good idea. He was curious as to why she would want him to do something illegal. Jada said to get Gabi out of prison. She said he helped Stefan before. Stefan said he didn’t do it by choice. Stefan wondered what Rafe thought of the plan. She said he doesn’t know about it. Stefan said Gabi was already in solitary so if he turned on Clyde who knew what would happen to her. Jada asked if he would do it if it was Gabi’s only way out. He said it may not be her only way out. Jada wanted to know what else he had in mind. He said he wouldn’t be talking to her if he had a plan. They continued to talk about how they could get Gabi out of prison. Chad and Julie went to the bank in Chicago to look in the safety deposit box. Mr. Mooney, the president of the bank, brought them the box. He said they needed a combination to open it. Chad said they didn’t have it but Clyde gave them permission to open it. Mr. Mooney said the box was registered to Goldman. Chad said she was the dirty cop and Clyde’s girlfriend. Mr. Mooney said he couldn’t open the box without the combination. Julie said they came a long way. She thought he could open the box. Mr. Mooney said he couldn’t make any exceptions. Chad called Rafe so he could give him the code. When they got the code, they opened the box. There was a flash drive in it. They watched the footage on a computer. There was a woman in a cell. They couldn’t see her face so they couldn’t tell if it was Abby. Stefan went back to the DiMera mansion. EJ walked in. Stefan said he was going to call Nicole. EJ told him he didn’t have to because he got his job back. He said he was going to reopen Gabi’s case.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of June 10, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Maggie from Days

We’re sure it was no surprise to anyone, but Maggie and Konstantin didn’t get married. Maggie and company let Konstantin know that they were on to him and his schemes. Konstantin revealed why he wanted to get revenge against Victor. Victor suddenly left him out of his will. He admitted that he had Victor killed. It felt underwhelming because Konstantin is too new of a character for us to care about. We did notice that no one saw how scared Theresa looked when Konstantin was getting grilled about his accomplice. Theresa didn’t hide the fact that she was afraid of being busted. During the revelation Konstantin managed to shoot Steve before he left the mansion with Theresa as his hostage. There’s rarely a dull moment at a Salem wedding.

The writers left the audience hanging by not revealing that Xander is Victor’s son. Konstantin managed to die without us finding out Xander’s true paternity. What was the point of having Xander be Victor’s son if he wasn’t going to find out? They may as well have let Alex be Victor’s son. We were happy that Konstantin’s story is over, but it could have ended with Xander finding out the truth.

Marlena must not have done a good job of de-programming John since he was still affected by the pawn card. He kept hearing Konstantin tell him to shoot Steve, but he was supposed to be immune to the pawn card. It’s funny how the pawn card didn’t work when Konstantin gave him orders, but once he died, the card work. Does the card have a selective hold over John? It’s something how all it took to break John out of the trance was a phone ringing. Speaking of the pawn card, you would think someone would have burned the card so John wouldn’t be under the spell. Was it that hard to get rid of the card?

Kayla was upset that Steve kept her in the dark about what happened at the wedding. She wanted him to warn her that he was going to be in danger. We understand that she was concerned about him, but if he told her what was going on, what would she have done? Knowing what happened wouldn’t have changed the outcome. She practically ordered him to tell her what’s going on like she is his mother.

We’re surprised that Chanel defended Paulina to EJ. It wasn’t that long ago when Chanel blamed Paulina for risking her baby’s life. Once EJ wanted Paulina to pay for what she did, Chanel suddenly did a 180. If Chanel didn’t blame Paulina for what she did, why was she giving her such a hard time? Guess Chanel’s the only one that can say bad things about Paulina.

Marlena doesn’t have any loyalty towards Eric. Why would she agree to be his psychiatrist after what he did to Eric? We know Marlena is the only psychiatrist in Salem, but she could have recommended someone else to listen to him. Roman didn’t want Leo in the pub because of what he did to Eric, yet Marlena was willing to be his psychiatrist.

Why was it so hard for Chad to believe that Abby was alive? With everything that has happened in Salem, Chad shouldn’t have been shocked that Abby could be alive. People in Salem come back to life all the time, so Chad didn’t need to question if Clyde told him the truth. The only thing he should have focused on was where she was. We know Chad had to have dramatic scenes of questioning Clyde’s word, but it didn’t make sense when it’s Salem the town where everyone comes back to life.


Chad from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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