Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of October 14, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Fiona and Brady


Sarah told Fiona that she remembered what happened while she was alone.

Why would Julie tell Steve that Chad went to Paris?

Holly didn’t know Abby, so she had no reason to eavesdrop on her phone call.

Brady suddenly remembered that Fiona was the one who drove the car. He was too drunk to function, but he suddenly remembered everything.

Xander was the only one who saw Fiona taking Sarah out of her room.


Xander could be heard talking while Brady was shown.

Brady gave everyone credit for helping him except for Kristen. She was willing to help him from the beginning. Kristen was the one who moved the car to keep him from staying in jail.

You would think Marlena would want to help Abe with his soap opera. He’s supposed to be her friend, but it took Leo to convince her to help with the show.

Chanel was at the hospital one minute and at the mansion the next.

Speaking of Chanel, she was on the left side of the bed and now she’s on the right side of it.


Mark talked about murdering Chad at the town square. Anyone could have heard him talking about that.

Abby cried without any tears.

Why would Chanel ask Alex to help plan the party? She knows that Johnny is jealous of her relationship with him so why would she ask him to help her? Johnny has a lot of relatives in Salem so she didn’t have to ask Alex to help her plan his party.

Johnny conveniently knew where Alex lived. He never went there before, but he knew where to find him.


Chad clearly avoided looking at his phone. He put the picture down and clearly tried to avoid looking at his phone. Chad should have seen the text that Kayla sent him.

Xander cried without any tears.

Fiona was talking while Xander was shown.


Chad’s phone should have blacked out, but Abby managed to see Kayla’s text to him.

Why does Sophia have to tell everyone her problems? What makes her think anyone cares?



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of October 14, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


Why did the writers make Holly so vital to Chad and Abby’s storyline? She just happened to be listening to Abby while she was on the phone with Mark. Holly never said one word to Abby, but she instantly recognized her. It’s not believable that Holly suddenly spotted Abby while she was in Paris. Needless to say, Holly’s discovery became important later in the week. She confronted Abby about the phone call. It led to Chad discovering the truth about Abby. Chad needed the fall from grace because Jennifer and Steve tried to tell him that she wasn’t Abby. Chad refused to listen to them when they warned him that something was off with Abby. Now he has egg on his face since the truth is out. Let’s get back to Holly. We aren’t thrilled that Holly had to be the one who caused the truth to get revealed. She wasn’t involved in the story at all and suddenly became an important factor in it. Steve should have been the one to cause Chad to see the light. We loved how Steve played Mark and found out he lied about the DNA test. He tricked Mark by giving him DNA that belonged to him and Kayla. We loved how Steve was involved in the storyline. He should have been one of the driving forces of the story since he’s related to Abby.

Does Johnny want to get divorced like his father? He kept making digs about Chanel being with Alex. He saw Alex having sex at the hospital and thought he was with Chanel. There’s no way he could confuse Stephanie with Chanel. Stephanie is a Caucasian woman while Chanel is an African American woman. Each time the flashback was shown, it was easy to see part of Stephanie’s arm. We wondered why Johnny didn’t interrupt them. He stood there and watched them having sex without saying a word. Who would do that? Most people would say something about what they saw. They wouldn’t watch and then walk away. Johnny was making digs about them being together. He thought the worst of Chanel because she told him that she and Alex didn’t rehearse, but he didn’t believe her. It was easier to think the worst of her than approach her about what he saw. Why would Chanel have sex with another man when Johnny could have seen them together? They would have been somewhere more private. If he keeps acting the way he is, Chanel will end up divorcing him.

It’s time to shift gears. We noticed that Xander was being judged for his actions towards Brady. He wanted to get revenge on the person who he thought hurt his wife. There isn’t a man in Salem who wouldn’t want to do what he was willing to do to Brady for hurting Sarah. We knew that Brady was innocent, but Xander didn’t know that. As far as Xander was concerned, he was guilty. Every man reacts the way he did. For some reason, he looked like the bad guy for wanting to make Brady pay for what he did.

Sarah and Brady finally remembered what happened the night of the accident. With help from Eric, they remembered who really hit Sarah. Sarah confronted Fiona about hitting her with the car. We thought that was stupid of Sarah to confront her when she was alone. Sarah was defenseless against Fiona, but she told her that she was going to tell Xander what happened. It wasn’t a surprise that Fiona tried to kill her. Xander showed up in time to stop her from killing Sarah. We were waiting for the revelation to happen, and it finally did. Fiona had to confess to what she did. Xander went off about what she did. He wasn’t over the top with it. Xander talked to her as if he were disappointed in her for destroying his trust. He couldn’t believe that he was gullible enough to fall for her lies. Brady told Fiona off when she was at the station. She tried to explain what she did, but he didn’t want to hear it. We don’t blame him for not wanting to listen to more of her lies.


Xander Sarah Fiona

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Short Recap Friday, October 18, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

JJ made a toast to Chad and Abby. He wished he talked to Abby sooner. Holly thought Abby talked to JJ, and he said he didn’t. She confronted Abby about what she told her. JJ and Chad looked at a nervous Abby. Abby wanted to get back to the celebration, but Chad wanted to know what Holly meant by that. Holly informed Chad that Abby told her that she talked to her brother last night. She narrowed her eyes and said she must have misunderstood Abby. Abby agreed that’s what happened. Holly left to let them celebrate as a family. Chad demanded an explanation from Abby about why she lied about who she was talking to. JJ walked out the room so they could talk. Kayla went to the pub and talked to Roman about Abby. She explained how someone at the hospital changed the DNA results for Abby. Kayla told him that she talked to Jada about it. Roman hoped the person got caught for what happened. Jennifer was right after all. Roman wondered how Jack would react to the news.

Mark expressed how stressed out he was to Clyde. Clyde told him about the package. Mark found a gun in the package. He agreed to do his part, but he expected Clyde to hold up his end of the bargain. Mark hid the gun as Holly approached him. She wondered why he was there. Mark came up with the excuse that he was settling his parents’ estate. It was surprising to see Abby and Mark in Paris. She told him about Abby getting married and how there were communication issues with her brother. Mark stormed off as JJ approached Holly. He was glad that she said something about Abby at the wedding because he felt something was off. JJ wasn’t sure if Abby was his sister. Catching Abby in a lie could be a way to prove she’s not who she said she was. Abby was about to tell Chad something when there was someone at the door. Chad opened the door to Mark. He said he was a doctor in Salem and ran into Holly. He wanted to congratulate Chad on the wedding. Chad wondered why he cared. He realized that he was the person Abby was with in the park. Kayla continued to express her annoyance at Chad not answering her calls. Steve was on his way to Paris. Abby admitted that she knew Mark. Before Chad could respond, Mark pulled out a gun. Abby told him to put the gun down. Mark said there wasn’t any other way. Chad wanted to know who ordered Mark to kill him. Mark mentioned Clyde’s name, and Abby got in front of Chad. She knew he couldn’t do that, but Mark told her to get out of the way. Steve snuck behind Mark and hit him on the back of the head. Chad wanted to know what was going on. Steve told him that Abby wasn’t really his wife.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, October 17, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ brought Fiona to a cell near Brady. Smugly he told Brady that he’s still a suspect. He decided to leave them alone so they could figure out the truth. Brady looked at her and wondered how he could be so wrong about her. He wasn’t concerned with himself. How could she hurt Sarah the way she did. Fiona cowered in a corner. Sarah found Xander staring at Victor’s portrait. He wondered how Victor’s son could be so gullible. Fiona disappointed him for his entire life. When Fiona showed up for their wedding, he became the boy who wanted his mother. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t see that she was the same drunk she’s always been. It broke Sarah’s heart that Fiona hurt him. Xander rushed to her side saying that his pain was nothing compared to what Fiona did to her. He talked about her getting charged with perjury for protecting him from killing Brady for nothing. Sarah reminded him that Fiona confessed. He informed her that she only confessed to them. She could have told the police anything. They had to set the record straight because he’s innocent and that’s the only way Kristen will give them the serum to help her walk again. When Sarah was better, Xander planned to make his mother pay. Abby talked to Mark on the phone in the bathroom. He didn’t tell her about Clyde’s orders, but she was sure he would be able to take care of it. She planned to marry Chad and get Clyde his money. After she got off the phone, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was convinced she could go through with the plan for her mother. Chad looked at his wedding album. Across the room, Kayla sent Chad a text message letting him know that the woman he was with wasn’t Abby.

Fiona told Brady that she panicked the night she hit Sarah. Her mind was racing, and she didn’t know what to do. She saw him and he looked innocent. Fiona informed him that she did research before arriving in Salem and knew Maggie was framed the same way. Brady told her that she didn’t just frame him. She put him through hell. It was her turn to suffer. She needed to rot for what she did to him. Brady continued to read her the riot act for what she did to him. Fiona admitted that she cared about him. The only person she detested was herself. He never wanted to see her again. Fiona slumped down in the cell. Sarah and Xander met with EJ at the station. Xander didn’t care what happened to his mother, but he wanted Brady to be released. EJ thought there was a reason why Sarah changed her story. They seemed desperate to get Brady released from jail. Until he knew the truth, Brady wasn’t leaving. Sarah and Xander pled with him to release Brady. Chad embraced JJ. He saw Abby and asked if he remembered him. She said she didn’t remember him, but he felt familiar. JJ and Chad told her that he would marry them. There were no words to describe how much it meant to him to see his sister get married. Jennifer had a hard time accepting reality, but deep down she’s happy for them. Holly arrived with flowers for the wedding. Abby saw Chad’s phone and noticed Kayla’s message to him. She deleted the message from his phone. Thinking quickly, she told Chad that his phone was dead. JJ started the ceremony. Abby cried while reciting her vows. Chad stared at her lovingly. They kissed and were officially married. Her memories didn’t rush back, but she felt closer than ever to Chad. After he hugged her, her joy turned to worry. Xander wondered if he and Sarah should have told EJ everything. Sarah didn’t trust EJ to tell him that Kristen was blackmailing them. She prayed that EJ would do the right thing. EJ decided to drop the charges against Brady. Brady stared at Fiona before walking out of his cell. JJ made a toast to Chad and Abby. He apologized to Abby for not getting in touch with her sooner. Holly flashed back to Abby saying she was on the phone with her brother. Holly asked if they talked on the phone last night. JJ and Chad looked at Abby for answers.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny went to visit Chanel at the hospital. She told him what happened to her back. Flashes appeared to him of them having sex at the hospital. Stiffly, he asked her how she threw her back out. Chanel explained that she did it when she reached for her shoe. He didn’t seem convinced about that. Johnny was about to talk to her about it when Alex showed up in the room. At the police station, Brady remembered Fiona was driving his car the night Sarah was hit. He thanked Eric for triggering his memory. If he didn’t help him, he wouldn’t have known he was innocent. Eric vowed to get him out of jail and make Fiona pay for what she did. Xander managed to stop Fiona from pushing Sarah down the stairs. Demanding answers, Xander wanted to know why she was hurting his wife. Sarah chimed in and told him that Fiona didn’t want him to know that she was the reason she was in the wheelchair. Growling, Xander pushed Fiona away. Everything came back to Sarah, and she told him that Fiona was driving the night she was hit. Xander confronted Fiona, and she weakly admitted that she did it. Xander took his mother downstairs so Victoria wouldn’t hear his rage. He yelled at her, and Fiona tried to defend herself. Fiona couldn’t tell the truth because Xander was the one good thing in her life. With tears flowing, Fiona told him that reconnecting with him was wonderful. Xander understood how she fell off the wagon, but he couldn’t forgive her for hitting Sarah and leaving her. She also framed an innocent man for her crime.

Johnny got angry while Alex and Chanel talked about their delayed love scenes. After Alex left, Chanel noticed Johnny was acting differently. His excuse was that it was a long day. Chanel felt his jealousy vibes. He didn’t know what she was talking about since she wasn’t having sex with Alex. Chanel was confused by what he said. Brady was confused that Sarah would tell the police he hit her with his car when he didn’t do it. Eric informed him that Sarah wasn’t protecting Fiona. They would get to the bottom of that soon. Jada joined them to hear Brady’s story. She needed more proof. Eric told her that she could talk to Fiona and Sarah to get the proof. Xander might have felt sorry for Fiona if he didn’t walk in on her trying to kill his wife. She wasn’t going to do it. Fiona panicked and didn’t know what to do. She was ashamed of herself. He told her that’s when she usually runs. Fiona told him that she stayed because she couldn’t lose him. Disgusted, Xander said she lost him anyway. She lost him for good. Johnny helped Chanel get into bed. She wanted him to get in bed with her, but he had work to do. Johnny went downstairs to get a drink. Thoughts of Alex and Chanel flooded his mind. He threw his glass and thought he was a fool. Marlena arrived at the police station after receiving Eric’s call. She was ecstatic that Brady was innocent. Marlena apologized for doubting him for a minute. Brady knew she and Eric were with him every step of the way. Vowing to get clean, he promised to make the most of his chance. Filled with anger, Xander informed Fiona that his rage was different from what he experienced when he thought Brady hit Sarah. He felt anger and disgust. There’s no way he saw himself calling the police on his mother. Jada arrived and told him that he didn’t have to make the call. She said she was caught up about what happened. Putting the cuffs on Fiona, Jada placed her under arrest. Sarah appeared in the room. She couldn’t believe she wanted Fiona to be part of their lives. Fiona let Xander and Sarah know that she really loved them. Jada took Fiona out of the Kiriakis mansion while tears fell down Xander’s face.

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Days Short Recap Friday, October 11, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander rushed into the DiMera mansion looking for Kristen. She appeared and had good news. Rolf’s serum would be able to help with Sarah’s paralysis. Xander was excited, but Kristen wanted information first. He told her that Sarah recanted her statement about Brady hitting her. She decided to call EJ to find out for herself, but Xander grabbed the phone. Eric asked Sarah if she was covering for Fiona being the driver who hit her. She was confused by what he said, so he admitted that he overheard her conversation with Fiona about a secret. Sarah informed him they weren’t talking about that. How did one conversation lead to Fiona being the driver? Eric informed her that there was more to it. Sophia came up to a distracted Fiona to catch her up on her love life. The guy she likes broke up with his girlfriend. Fiona was grateful for the distraction. She pretended to be interested in her story until she found out that Sophia was talking about Holly and Tate. Fiona told her not to say anything about serving her a drink. Abby wanted to marry Chad. Getting married could trigger her memories. Chad hesitated at first, but he warmed up to the idea. He agreed to marry her one more time. They kissed briefly, and Abby had a strange look on her face.

At the DiMera mansion, Xander admitted that EJ wouldn’t allow Sarah to recant her statement. EJ wouldn’t drop the charges against Brady. Kristen suggested that Sarah publicly recant her statement or tell Paulina that EJ went rogue. Xander couldn’t do that because EJ would charge Sarah with making a false statement. He begged her to let Sarah have the serum anyway so she could walk again. Eric informed Sarah that Fiona and Brady were together the night of the accident. Fiona lied about trying to get Brady to take a cab home and that she didn’t drink. He apologized for accusing Sarah of lying. Eric was worried about Brady and didn’t want to lose him. Sarah stared intensely as Eric left the room. With force, Fiona grabbed Sophia’s arm warning her not to tell anyone she ordered a drink. Her family believed she was sober. It would be tragic if they thought she was drinking again. Fiona threatened her to keep her mouth shut. Sophia wanted her to relax and agreed not to say anything. Fiona stormed off. Kristen decided not to give Xander the serum. If he wanted the serum, he had to find a way to get EJ to drop the charges against Brady. He warned her that the DiMeras aren’t the only ones capable of doing dangerous things. Xander gave a veiled threat to Rachel. If anything happened to Rachel, Kristen and Rolf would disappear with the serum. She wanted to know if he understood her. Xander cursed at her and walked out the door. Sarah thought about what Eric told her and came to a realization as Fiona walked through her door.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, October 10, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Mark visited Clyde at the prison. He informed him that Abby talked Chad into going to Paris with her. Mark told him that Abby was a good person, but Clyde didn’t agree with that. The woman wasn’t a saint judging by her file. Mark never said she was a saint but this was new to her. He never did anything like that before either. Luckily, they were willing to do whatever it took to save their mother. Clyde promised to give their mother back to them safely once Abby went through with the plan. Mark promised that Abby would come through for him. Clyde dropped the bomb that Abby had to become a widow. Chad and Abby arrived in Paris. He explained how they lived there for a time. Abby wanted to hear stories about their time in the city. He talked to her about their time together. Maggie went to see Julie. The aunt and niece talked about Abby. Julie filled her in about meeting Abby again. She felt like she was a stranger and was very cold to her. They changed the subject and talked about Sarah. Julie thought it was amazing that Sarah remembered that Brady was the one who hit her. Maggie wondered if Sarah was telling the truth about remembering Brady hitting her with the car. EJ wouldn’t allow Sarah to recant her statement about Brady. Sarah and Xander tried to play hardball with EJ, but it didn’t work. He refused to look stupid because of her. EJ threatened to have Sarah arrested if she changed her story. Eric spotted Fiona drinking at a bar. He stared at her coldly as he remembered Sarah and Fiona’s conversation. Eric approached Fiona and introduced himself to her. Announcing that he’s Brady’s brother, Eric questioned her about the accident. Fiona questioned why she would know anything about what happened that night. Eric confronted her by telling her that she was with Brady the night of the accident. Growing uncomfortable, she admitted that she wanted to end things with Brady. As soon as she arrived at the bar, she broke up a fight between Brady and the waiter. Brady drank more alcohol and left. Using the trump card, Eric told her the waiter said she left with Brady.

Abby told Chad things weren’t always perfect in Paris. She talked about what happened while they were at the hospital. Abby pretended to regain her memory. For the first time, she felt like herself. Chad was ecstatic about it. Abby remembered being in love with him. They passionately kissed each other. Clyde thought it would be easy to get Chad’s money if he were dead. With Abby alive, there’s no victim. He could get released to get the money himself. As far as the drugs are concerned, he believed his lawyer could get the case thrown out. He informed Mark that he would be a free man soon. Julie told Maggie that if she were Sarah, she would want to make the driver pay for what happened to her. Maggie didn’t think Sarah would lie to make the person pay. Her prayer is that Xander and Sarah could move on once Brady gets incarcerated. Sarah pleaded with EJ to understand that she made a mistake about Brady. He warned her that it was a mistake that would cost her 10 years of her life. Brady agreed to the sentence, and someone was going to serve it. The plan was to use Sarah’s original statement to prosecute Brady. If she stops him from doing that, he will put Sarah in prison. He left Sarah and Xander speechless. Xander wanted to talk to Kristen to see if she would give them the serum. Fiona told Eric that Brady initially left alone, but she went after him. She offered to get him a cab, but he left. Eric wondered if she was drinking too. Offended by the comment, Fiona said she was in recovery. He informed her that Brady was in recovery too. She became tired of his questions, and he thanked her for her help. Clyde informed Mark that he had to kill Chad, but he refused. He warned him that Chad had to die or his mother would die.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Hattie confronted Leo about getting fired. He let her know that Kate and Abe knew about it and didn’t want to tell her because she wouldn’t do the scenes. He didn’t want them to be out of work. Grinning, Hattie liked the idea of them being out of work. She started crying because she wouldn’t get an Emmy. Leo wanted to be friends with her, but she vowed to get revenge on him. She stormed off. Bonnie embraced Kate and Abe for not killing off her character. She pitched ideas of what to do with her character. Kate stopped her by reminding her that the show is an ensemble production. Abe agreed with her and stated the show didn’t have stars. They had to work together. Bonnie decided to stop pushing her luck, but she asked for a raise. They gave her a look that told her that she wasn’t getting the raise. Johnny had a nightmare about Alex being in his bed with Chanel. He woke up screaming. His screaming woke up Chanel. She understood why he had the dream since she and Alex were doing their love scenes that day. Johnny knew that it was his job and couldn’t let his insecurities get in the way. She assured him that she didn’t have feelings for Alex. Their fling happened in the past, and she doesn’t think about it. She told him they were friends. This news surprised Johnny because he didn’t know they made up. Chanel explained that they decided to get along.

Stephanie told Jada that she was okay with being friends with Alex. Alex appeared at her doorstep. He was shirtless and sweaty which made her eyes bug out. Stephanie got off the phone with Jada to talk to Alex. He told her that he was at the gym to work off his nerves about his love scenes with Chanel. She offered to drive him to the set. Alex wanted to take a shower before going to the set. Fanning herself, Stephanie needed a shower too. Leo arrived at the Body & Soul office and told Kate and Abe about his interaction with Hattie. Kate wanted him to watch the death scene with her, but he was exhausted. She complimented the scenes he wrote. Having Hatting fall down an elevator shaft was brilliant. Leo admitted he got the idea from LA Law. Hattie arrived at the set and gave Bonnie the cold shoulder. Filming began for the soap opera. They were filming Hattie’s death scene, but she hesitated to do it. Johnny directed her to step in the elevator. Kayla noticed Chanel outside. She was in pain, so Kayla took care of her. Chanel didn’t feel any better, Kayla wanted her to get checked out. Production could wait, so she could get examined. Alex and Stephanie arrived at the hospital and got a message from Chanel. He asked Stephanie to run lines with her. They got carried away and things got steamy between them. Hattie continued to hesitate to do the elevator scene. She tried to get Bonnie and Seth to get in the elevator. They wouldn’t do it because it was for her. She refused to do it. Hattie couldn’t stop them from killing her character, but she wouldn’t help them do it. She stormed off. Hattie stormed into Kate and Abe’s office. She put them on noticed that she planned to destroy the soap. Hattie stormed out of the office. Chanel was in pain and thought the show was cursed. She wanted to go to the set, but Kayla told her that she had to call out. Kayla told her that she wouldn’t be doing the love scene. Johnny went to the exam room. Seth warned him that Arrow and Faith got carried away. He thought they were rehearsing, but he realized they were together for real. Upset, Johnny stormed into the room. Alex was on top of Stephanie with a sheet on top of them. They were kissing under the sheet. Johnny only saw Alex’s back.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of September 30, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Chanel Johnny and Alex


It’s strange that Johnny imagined his wife making love to another man.

The DiMera mansion must have more than one bathroom, but Chanel chose to take a shower at her mother’s place.

Abe was talking while Bonnie was shown.

Stephanie wasn’t on the phone that long with Jada, but she told Alex so much about Everett being innocent.

Stephanie’s mascara was running down her face one minute and gone the next.


Bonnie cried without any tears.

Kayla could be heard talking while Hattie was shown.


Fiona’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Brady was at the police station, but he wasn’t handcuffed.

Eric poured a cup of coffee but there was no smoke coming out of the mug. He also walked out of Xander’s office without drinking the coffee.

Why was it so easy for people to come and go at the police station to visit Brady in the interrogation room?


Eric told Holly that Jude was sick. If that were true, he should go home to make sure he’s okay.

Did the writers decide to change Xander and Sarah’s story? He has been there for her, but Maggie made it seem like he hasn’t been there for her emotionally.

If Holly was so worried about Nicole being there for her to help her get into college, why didn’t she move to Paris with her? Holly wanted to stay in Salem, so she shouldn’t be upset that she’s not with her.


There weren’t any nurses at the hospital. The nurses’ station was completely empty when Rafe was walking around.

Gabi’s wounds healed up very quickly.

Felicity said that Chanel told her that she could leave work early. Chanel should be getting ready to shoot for the soap opera, so it’s not likely she told her that she could leave work early.

Rafe said he was tired of staring at the walls at the hospital. He just got out of the coma recently, so he wasn’t staring at the walls long.


Rafe H

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days For The Week Of September 30, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Bonnie and Hattie

Since there wasn’t much movement in the storylines this week, we decided to do something different with the opinions article. We hope that you enjoy it. It may happen again if there’s movement in the stories.

Biggest waste of screen time: The Body & Soul storyline
We have read different message boards and blogs, so we know we’re not alone with this vote. The Body & Soul episodes are such a waste of airtime. The writers are trying to be tongue-in-cheek with this story, but it doesn’t work that well. We give the actors/actresses an A for their effort, but the story doesn’t work with the show. The writers wasted two episodes on Hattie and Bonnie’s fight behind the scenes. They also wasted time on Johnny and Chanel’s argument over her scenes with Alex. The actors are trying their best to make this a fun story, but it’s just a waste of screen time. Diedre Hall and Judi Evans have been involved in better storylines, so this shouldn’t be the only way they get airtime. Unfortunately, the writers won’t show them much without the soap storyline. Marlena gets airtime in psychiatrist mode, but she can do more than that. Johnny and Chanel’s storyline stalled after the death of their child. Are we supposed to believe this is the best they could do with their characters? If that’s the case, they could have written them off the show and sent them to California the way they were supposed to earlier in the year.

Useless triangle: Tate, Holly and Sophia
The writers need fresh stories to tell. They aren’t getting off to a great start with Tate/Holly/Sophia’s storyline. The audience needs new couples to root for, but they didn’t hit the mark with Tate and Holly. Their love story is tainted because she didn’t love him. She was head over heels in love with Johnny and then suddenly fell in love with Tate. They don’t have chemistry since Tate was recast. We couldn’t care less about them being together. For some reason, the writers chose to “spice up” their relationship by including Sophia in their storyline. Tate doesn’t like Sophia, so there’s no story. Characters must be torn to make a storyline work, and Tate doesn’t have feelings for Sophia. The writers are wasting their time with the triangle. Sophia forced a kiss on Tate, but it didn’t matter because he wasn’t interested in her. We shouldn’t have to endure a triangle when there won’t be a payoff. The audience may not care who Tate chooses because the story is boring.

Spoiled Brat: Holly
Holly deserves this award because her behavior has been reprehensible. She lied to Tate, so she could investigate his father and expected him to be okay with it. Tate had every right to get upset with Holly for what she did. She got into an argument with Sophia and slapped her. It was okay when Holly said her peace, but Sophia wasn’t allowed to hit her below the belt. Holly was the one who used Sophia when she knew that she liked Tate first. It’s obvious Holly believes every man in Salem should want her, so it was okay that she went after Tate. Now we’re supposed to cheer her on when she slapped Sophia. We were waiting for Sophia to hit her back, but it didn’t happen. Fast forward to the end of the week and Holly was throwing a tantrum because Nicole left her in Salem to follow Eric to Paris. Did Holly forget that she didn’t want to go with Nicole to Paris? She went on and on about Nicole not being there for her when she could be in Paris.

Biggest Wimp (For now): Brady
Brady talked with Marlena about Kristen and what she was willing to do to help him get out of prison. He seemed like he was torn when Marlena asked if he had feelings for her. We stared at the TV in complete shock. After everything they have been through, why would he want to consider being with her? He needs to clear his head and move on with his life. Brady knew she destroyed his life and took Rachel from him, but he thought about her having feelings.

Convenient plot point: Rolf’s discovery
Rolf conveniently developed something that could help Sarah walk again. Kristen needed to find a way to help Brady by any means necessary, and Rolf suddenly appeared. He came up with something that would make Kristen and the company rich. Kristen asked if it would work for spinal injuries, and he believed it could work for that. The writers had to come up with something to make sure that Sarah could walk again. No one really thought she would remain in a wheelchair. Rolf didn’t try the experiment out yet, so it might not work. Kristen jumped on using it to blackmail Xander into leaving Brady alone. It was very convenient that Rolf was working on something like that because Brady needed a way to get out of what Fiona did to Sarah.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week of September 30, 20204

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie: You must think I’m a real idiot.
Leo: What does that have to do with anything?

Kate (to Abe about Bonnie and Hattie): You should have seen the two of them when they discovered they picked the same dress. For a minute I thought I wasn’t producing Body & Soul, I thought I was producing Crazy Ladies of the Wrestling World.

Bonnie: I feel for Johnny. I really do. I have tangled with the green-eyed monster a time or two myself and I tell you, once that jealousy takes hold, sometimes it hard to see straight.
Leo: Well, I’m the last person you should talk to about seeing anything straight, so I should get back to work.

Leo (to Bonnie): I admire and appreciate your dedication to your craft albeit it is making me want to tear my hair out. Like I told you, you have to take it up with Abe and Kate.

Chanel: I wasn’t moving out. I was taking a shower.
Johnny: The last time I checked the DiMera mansion had plenty of hot water, so this was more than just taking a shower.

Hattie: You drive me crazy.
Bonnie: You were crazy long before I came around.

Hattie (about Bonnie’s reaction to getting fired): I guess I don’t blame her. You know what I do blame her for? Being impossible to work with. I also think that she goes around telling people she’s a great actress, which I won’t comment on because my mother told me that if you can’t say something nice about somebody—
Leo: Post it on Nextdoor.

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Days Short Recap Friday, October 4, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe told Jada that he was getting released and went to Gabi’s room. He explained that he was getting released, and she was relieved. She couldn’t believe she hired a psychopath as her assistant. Rafe assured her that Connie wouldn’t bother her or Stefan again. Angrily, she stated that she didn’t care what happened to him. EJ approached Stefan at the Bistro and dropped a bomb on him. He informed his brother that he planned to sue him for defamation of character. EJ filled him about what he told Paulina about his involvement in Nicole’s baby’s kidnapping. He let Stefan know that his accusation damaged his reputation, and he wanted to be compensated for it. Unfazed, Stefan reminded him that he told him about his role in covering up Sloan’s crime. The truth was on Stefan’s side. EJ wondered who would care about the truth when it was revealed that he slept with his wife. Abigal thought about what she was doing to Chad by pretending to be his wife. Mark felt bad too but there was no other alternative. Feeling defeated, she had no choice but to agree with him. They rehashed that she had to get Chad to marry her, or their mother would die. Mark didn’t like lying to Aaron and Felicity. Abby was thankful that they could tell Aaron and Felicity the truth about their mother. Julie let Chad know that Charlotte went through his and Abby’s things. Tearfully she told Chad that Charlotte asked to see her mother. Sadly, she had to tell Charlotte that her mother was in heaven even though she was across town. It’s time for the kids to learn the truth. Chad informed her that Abby thought it would be traumatic for them to find out right now since she didn’t remember them. Julie warned him that anyone could tell them about her, and it would be better coming from him. He agreed with her.

EJ threated to go to the paper and reveal a blind item about his night with Stefan’s wife. He believed a jury would see him as a man seeking revenge. EJ was willing to give him a break by dropping the lawsuit if Stefan signed an affidavit swearing that his statements were false. Without any choice, Stefan signed the affidavit. EJ revealed to Stefan that he and Gabi only slept together one time, but she came back a second time. He told him that he refused to be with her out of respect for him, but he didn’t think Stefan would ever forget about the time they were together. Smugly, EJ asked if he was right about that. Rafe wanted to talk to his sister about what happened with her and Stefan. He wondered if she overreacted and could forgive him. Gabi became upset so Rafe had to diffuse the situation by telling her that he didn’t want her to do something she couldn’t take back. It might be too late for that. Gabi dropped the bomb that she slept with EJ. Shock was all over Rafe’s face. Gabi told him that Connie suggested that she do it. Rafe couldn’t fathom that she would think it was a good idea to sleep with the man who sent her to prison. Her justification for doing it was that she couldn’t get the image of Stefan and Ava together out of her head. Abby met with Chad at the Horton house. He informed her that he wanted to tell the kids the truth about their mother being alive. Rafe called EJ at the hospital and warned him to stay away from his sister. Feeling threatened, EJ taunted him. Rafe became upset and hung up the phone. Stefan went to see Gabi at the hospital. He informed her that he spoke to his lawyer because he wanted a divorce.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, October 3, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

With tears in her eyes, Holly let Tate know that he and Sophia could have each other. She stormed away from the confused duo. Pretending to be sympathetic, Sophia let Tate know that he was better off without her. It was hard for him to believe they were over after what they went through. Sophia didn’t hesitate to remind him about the bad things they went through together. She slyly put her arm through his as they walked together. While Xander sat at his desk at Titan, he held a gun in his hands. He was tempted to take matters into his own hands. Maggie walked in the office and wondered why he had a gun. Xander lied and said it was for safety now that he’s Victor’s son. Maggie seemed satisfied with that answer and moved on from it. The reason she was there was to get him to drop his vendetta against Brady. She heard about what he did with the baseball bat and thought it was time for him to let go of his anger. His place was by his wife’s side. In the interrogation room, Marlena explained to Brady that she and John were worried about him. Brady didn’t like that he’s making his father worry about him. She assured him that they love him and would be there for him. He didn’t go into detail, but he let her know that Kristen was prepared to do anything to help him. Brady told Kristen not to do anything right now. Marlena hoped she listened because she tended to make things worse. Rolf questioned what happened to the tunnels. He’s a fugitive so Kristen wondered why he was there. The scientist reminded her that she wanted him to do something that would cement her place at DiMera. He had a breakthrough that would make her and the company very wealthy. She wanted to put a pin in that and focus on Brady until he’s free. Eric found Holly crying on a bench. She wasn’t ready to deal with him right now. He let her know that he loved her and wanted to be there for her. Holly didn’t think he and Nicole cared about her feelings because her mother wasn’t there to see her. Shocked by her comment, Eric reminded her that Jude was sick so her mother had to take care of him. He suggested that Holly visit her mother. She became enraged by the suggestion. Eric urged her to see her to give her mother another chance to explain what happened to Daniel. Tate couldn’t believe Holly hit Sophia. Sophia thought about her conversation with Holly and how it ended in a slap. She confessed that Holly slapped her because she told her that she had feelings for Tate. He looked away as she reminded him about flirting with him. She didn’t want to go after him because she chose self-respect. It was better to be honest and not lie the way Holly did.

Xander informed Maggie that he’s been there for Sarah. Maggie wanted him to be there for him emotionally. His focus has been on Brady. Xander admitted that he didn’t know how to be there for Sarah. He hears her cry when she thinks he’s not around. Xander told her about how helpless he feels towards Sarah. He couldn’t help her walk again, but he could get justice for her. With Brady in jail, Xander could put his support behind Sarah. He let her know that he’s been trying to find specialist, but he’s running out of hope. Marlena questioned Kristen’s feelings for Brady and wondered if he had feelings for her. His feelings are like an addiction. Walking away wasn’t possible because of Rachel. It didn’t matter how he felt since he’s going to prison. Marlena didn’t think it was a guarantee that he’s going to prison, but Brady felt he needed to take responsibility for his actions. She wanted him to make peace with what he did. Brady wanted John to accept his fate, but he couldn’t do it. Rolf explained to Kristen that he created a serum that could regenerate a failed organ or regrow dying tissue. The serum would reverse any damage done to the body. Kristen wanted to know if it could work for spinal injuries. Rolf thought it was possible for it to work for spinal injuries. Knowing Kristen, he thought she had an ulterior moment. She warned him to leave it alone if he wanted his lab, funding and glory. Eric explained to Holly that Nicole needed and missed her. He let her know that she didn’t have to stay long. As she wiped her tears, she agreed to go to Paris to visit her mother. She didn’t have a reason to stay in town. Kristen went to Xander’s office. She informed him that she had a way to cure Sarah and explained Rolf’s formula that could help Sarah walk again. Once the formula is ready, it’s up to Xander. She said that he had to let Brady go free.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Seth Burns told Kayla that he didn’t want Body & Soul to shoot at the hospital because of the legalities. Kayla changed his mind, but he had one condition before they could film. Chanel and Alex let Johnny know that they wanted to delay their love scenes, but Kate wanted them to have it more. Alex knew it would be hard for Johnny to watch him touching his wife. He thought they should have a different director to shoot their scenes. Johnny got upset but he said he would do them. Leo tried to console Bonnie after getting written out of the show. Bonnie knew that Marlena was responsible for her getting written out of the show. Hattie thought keeping her happy over Bonnie was a no-brainer. Leo let her know that wasn’t exactly true. Bonnie insisted that Justin wouldn’t let them get away with what they’re doing. She stormed off. Hattie was happy that things were going her way. Kate and Abe talked about the drama happening on their set. Once Hattie gave them an ultimatum, they had a decision to make. Kate hoped they made the right choice. Abe called Johnny to meet them at the hospital for a location change. Stephanie arrived at the police station to thank Jada for letting her know that Everett was innocent. Jada was sorry that she was alone when she heard. Stephanie told her that Alex was with her. Jada got excited about it, but Stephanie told her they were just friends. She wondered if Stephanie was sure about that. Bonnie called Justin to tell him what happened to her. She thought she would do a good job on the show. Hattie heard her call and seemed sympathetic. She approached Bonnie and she told her that she was looking forward to working with her. Bonnie said they were going to be a team like when they replaced Adrienne and Marlena. Hattie said there was no fun or magic this time, and Bonnie stormed off Kate talked to Kayla about getting approval to shoot at the hospital. Seth let her know that he was playing the role of Dr. Drake Lamoray. Kate was frustrated at the idea, but she left to get rid of the actor who was playing the part.

Abe couldn’t get through to Justin about why they had to let Bonnie go. He sat with Leo in the square. Leo was finishing new pages for Bonnie’s character. He left as Hattie arrived. Hattie told Abe that she didn’t expect Bonnie exit to be final. She was nervous about the way she’s being written out. Johnny showed up at the hospital and wondered why Bonnie was made to look like she was dying. Bonnie told him that she was being killed off the show. She was proud to be on the show. Bonnie cried and wondered why they were doing that to her. She hugged Johnny as she tried to make sense of what happened to her. Chanel and Alex made up and wanted to be friends. He liked to get back to where they used to be and work together. Chanel knew what happened with Allie wasn’t entirely his fault. She wanted to see the best in each other. Alex was willing to do that. He got a text from Leo telling him to go to the hospital. Chanel was surprised as she watched him leave. She checked out her love scene with Alex, and she knew Johnny would hate the scenes. Stephanie confessed to Jada that she kissed Alex when she got Everett’s ashes. She told her that he stopped her because of Theresa and Everett. He didn’t want to ruin their friendship. She didn’t want to ruin it either, but she admits that she’s been thinking about him. Stephanie didn’t think Alex wanted her. She decided to take a break from relationships for a while. Seth’s acting was stiff as he brought Hattie’s character to see Bonnie’s character at the hospital. She told Hattie that she had an incurable disease. Hattie became emotional as she let her know that she would miss her. Johnny read the script and let Hattie know she was done for the day. Hattie wished Bonnie well even though she hates her. Bonnie agreed that she hated her. Alex’s character rushed to his mother’s (Bonnie) side and told her that he had a rare flower that could save her. Bonnie broke character and wondered if she was staying on the show after all. Hattie approached Abe and Leo to find out what happened. She found out that she’s the one dying instead of Bonnie’s character.

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Days Short Recap Friday, September 27, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Alex thanked her for the hard work she did on the photo shoot. She asked him if he wanted to see the pictures Eric took. Stephanie noticed the chemistry between him and Chanel in the steamy pictures. He thought Chanel hated his guts, but they were getting along better. Alex was afraid it would ruin their onscreen chemistry if they got along. Chanel and Johnny looked at the pictures from the photo shoot. Johnny admitted that he was uneasy about how well she was able to look like she got along with Alex. She told him that Alex thought their love scenes were happening too soon. Johnny admitted that he talked to Leo about changing the script. She couldn’t believe he went behind her back and tried to get the script rewritten. He reminded her that he was the director and could talk to the head writer anytime he wanted. She was upset with him and told him that she and Alex were going to talk to Kate. They decided to wait to do it. He wondered if they changed their minds because they were getting along. They started arguing over Alex. Xander was in Brady’s room and planned to put the gun in his hand and pull the trigger. Jada knocked on the door and stopped him. He hid the weapon before she saw it. Jada said Sarah called and told her that she remembered that Brady was behind the wheel. She woke up Brady, and he swore he wasn’t drinking. Jada arrested him for the hit-and-run of Sarah. Johnny apologized to Chanel for the argument. He explained how the idea of them being together bothered him. She told him that she was just doing the job he recommended her for. Chanel told him that what happened with Alex was fake, but her anger at him was real. She stormed out of the room and went to the bathroom.

Sarah talked to Fiona about her “memory.” Xander walked in the room while she was talking. Fiona walked out the room leaving Sarah and Xander to talk. She admitted that she lied to Jada to stop him from killing Brady. He figured that ‘s what she did. Sarah couldn’t sleep knowing what he planned to do. If she remembered what happened, then Brady wouldn’t die and Xander wouldn’t go to prison for murder. Sarah wanted to remember because it was the only way she could save Xander and Brady. She had to live with the lie, but it was better than living without him. Eric arrived at the station after getting tipped off about what happened to Brady. Brady told him that he didn’t drink. He told Eric how he felt strange after meeting with him. He told him about the guy he met from AA. Brady told him about getting cut by his ring when they shook hands. When he got to bed Tate helped him. The next thing he remembered was Jada talking to Xander. Fiona went back to Sarah and Xander’s closed door. She heard Sarah admit that she lied about Brady being the driver that hit her. Sarah hoped it would stop Xander from going after him. He wanted to get revenge on the person who hit her. Fiona was nervous in the hallway.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ taunts Eric about Holly not trusting him anymore. He thought it was good that she could lean on him. Eric felt confident that she would forgive him. EJ reminded him that he killed her father, and Brady hit her aunt. He assured him that Holly wouldn’t get over it. Tate caught Holly snooping around in Brady’s bedroom. She lied about why she was in the room and admitted that she was looking for evidence that Brady drove the car that hit Sarah. He realized that was why she was there. Tate knew she wasn’t trying to fix things between them. Brady ran into Xander’s henchman at the town square. He introduced himself to Brady as Brian Jones from his AA meetings. He didn’t recognize Brian. Brian told him that he kept to himself, but he heard Brady tell him that he heard him talk about his son. He also heard about the hit-and-run and offered to talk to him. They shook hands, and Brady flinched. He wondered what was on his hand, so Brian told him about his ring being too sharp. Sarah demanded to know what Brian gave Xander. He tried to lie to her, but it didn’t work. Xander showed her the gun he gave him. In a few hours, Brady would be dead. Sarah was disgusted by what she heard. Xander couldn’t get past what Xander took from her. She informed him that he would go to prison, but he said he wasn’t going to shoot Brady. He said Brady would shoot himself. All she needed to know was that it wouldn’t be connected to him. Sarah begged him not to go through with hit.

Holly told Tate that she cared about their relationship, but it was hard to watch him be happy that his father was free. He said he was happy that his father was free since his mother was in prison. She didn’t think of that and was sorry about what he was going through. Tate was sorry for her, but he didn’t like how she was lying and sneaking around. Holly let it slip that EJ said it was the only way to get evidence against Brady. She said he couldn’t convict Brady without any evidence. Tate couldn’t believe Holly was working with EJ after what he did to her and her mother. They started arguing, and Tate told her to leave. Sarah yelled at Xander and had a muscle spasm. Xander got furious watching her suffer in pain. She informed him that his vengeance wouldn’t change anything. He felt like it would fix things for him since he’s a Kiriakis. She reminded him that he’s not Victor. Brady did a bad thing, but he didn’t deserve to die. Xander disagreed with her since Brady drove while drinking. He wanted her to admit that she wanted justice too. Brady stumbled home and panting. He didn’t know what was wrong with him. Tate found Brady and saw him stumbling and slurring his words. He was upset because he thought Brady was drinking. Tate helped him to the bed. EJ told Eric that Nicole wasn’t capable of putting anyone ahead in her life but him. She would choose him over her daughter. He wasn’t surprised she didn’t want to go to Paris. EJ thought Holly was better off without the man who killed her father. Eric lunged at EJ. He ordered him to stay away from Holly. Jada walked in and saw the heated exchange. Later EJ found Holly at the square and took her to the mansion. She talked to him about what happened with Tate. Holly wondered how they were going to be together if he kept defending his father. EJ vowed that Brady would get what was coming to him. Sarah told Xander that she wanted Brady to get punished, but the legal way. Xander didn’t have faith in the justice system. He looked at the gun and talked about the old days of justice. Xander got a text from Brian letting him know that it was done. Xander wanted Sarah to go home and not give it another thought. Sarah went back to the mansion and called Jada. Tate left the townhouse, and Xander found Brady passed out on his bed. Jada knocked on the door, and Xander had to hide the gun. She told Xander that Sarah told him some shocking information.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny told Chanel that they could go back to the mansion. EJ lost his wine collection, and he would have to restock it. They reminisced about their Italian wedding. One thing led to another, and they started kissing. Chanel put the brakes on because she needed her rest for her scenes with Alex. Bonnie was excited to work with Alex on Body & Soul. She hoped that Justin worked out a good deal for him the way she did with her. Alex told her that the show was on a tight budget. Justin told Kate about Bonnie’s negotiations. Kate warned him that Bonnie had to accept the original terms, or they would find a new actress for the role of Cassandra. Hattie went to Leo’s place with a lot of scripts. She told him that Bonnie was in too many scenes and wanted them rewritten. Leo wanted to make her happy, but he couldn’t rewrite the scripts without approval. Hattie let him know that Bonnie was rewriting her scripts. She insisted that he make the changes so the show would be a hit. He couldn’t promise anything. Bonnie started rehearsing and changed some of the lines. Alex thought she was great. He was worried about doing his scenes with Chanel. Bonnie advised him to channel the tension into the scenes. Justin arrived and told Bonnie that Kate wouldn’t budge from the original deal. She was disappointed, but she couldn’t walk away from the role. Hattie arrived at the town square with changes to the script that make Cassandra look bad. Bonnie demanded to know who made the changes. Hattie finally admitted that Leo made the changes. Bonnie yelled at Leo. The actors got an alert about a photo shoot. They were about to leave when Leo stopped Hattie. He couldn’t believe she threw him under the bus with Bonnie. She dismissed his concerns because it was show business and writers get the blame for things.

Johnny and Chanel talked about things working out after what happened with Alex and Allie. They received last minute emails about a script changed. Johnny and Chanel found out that her character and Alex’s character have sex. Their characters weren’t supposed to be together for months. She couldn’t believe her character had to have sex with Alex’s character so soon. Johnny couldn’t believe he had to direct their love scenes. Chanel received a message about a photo shoot. Eric got ready for the photo shoot. Hattie and Bonnie arrived. Bonnie wanted to talk to Kate about Leo’s rewrites, but Hattie said they needed to get ready for the photo shoot. When they returned to the set, they found out they were wearing the same outfit. They argued over who should change their clothes. The argument turned into a physical fight. Johnny went to see Leo. He wanted him to rewrite Chanel and Alex’s love scenes because they were happening too soon. Leo refused to do that. He started to relax when Bonnie pounded on Leo’s door demanding he rewrite the script, or she would quit. Hattie found Abe and told him that Bonnie had to quit, or she would. Chanel posed in a sexy baby doll dress. Alex showed up wearing a black leather jacket without a shirt on. They made a stiff pose when Eric stepped in. He told them what to do to make the photo work. Eric told them to stare into each other’s eyes, and Kate wanted her to touch Alex’s chest. Johnny walked in the room and saw their closeness.

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Days Short Recap Monday, September 23, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ sat by Gabi’s side at the hospital. He thought she needed rest, but she didn’t want him to leave. Gabi couldn’t believe that Connie tried to kill her. She thought Connie would have pulled her plan off if it weren’t for him. Gabi wondered how EJ knew they were in the tunnels. He said he got lucky. EJ spotted blood on the fireplace poker and saw the door open. She was grateful he did and hugged him. Gabi apologized for getting emotional. EJ thought she was allowed after what she went through. She admitted that she thought about Arianna in that time. Gabi was afraid she would never see her daughter again. EJ asked her if she wanted him to call Will and Sonny to tell them what happened. She wanted to make the call when she felt stronger. EJ told her about his conversation with Stefan. He let her know that Stefan thought they had sex that morning. EJ left Stefan hanging, but he couldn’t rock the boat too much since he has him over a barrel. Gabi informed him that Stefan planned to get revenge. She wanted to know what he did. EJ explained what happened to her about Nicole’s kidnapping, and Paulina wanting to fire him. Gabi decided to tell Stefan that they didn’t have sex the second time to see if it would help. She owed him that much. Ava let Stefan know there was an APB out for Connie. While she bandaged him up, she acknowledged how he saved her life. She would never forget that he put his life on the line for her. He was there to apologize for what he said earlier. She was willing to forgive him after what he did for her. Ava wanted him to go to the hospital to get checked out.

Connie tried to sneak out of the pub, but Jada was behind her. She put her gun on Connie and demanded her to drop the knife. Connie dropped the knife, and Jada placed her under arrest. She wondered how Jada found her. Jada told her that she traced Gabi’s phone. She told her that Gabi and Melinda were still alive. Jada bagged up the knife and wondered whose blood was on it. Stefan and Ava showed up, and he said the blood was his. They talked to her about what happened with Connie. Jada told them she would need their statements. She wanted to take Connie to the station. Later, Jada brought Connie to the station. She saw Li’s cardboard cutout. Connie wondered why Li was at the station. She wondered if he was getting arrested too. Jada sarcastically told her that cutouts couldn’t get arrested. He was evidence. Connie didn’t think she did anything wrong. Jada recited what she did wrong. Gabi wondered if there was any news on Connie. EJ stepped into the hall to make calls when Stefan and Ava arrived at the hospital. He asked Stefan what happened to him. Stefan told him what happened. EJ told him that Connie tried to kill Gabi and Melinda too. Stefan rushed to Gabi’s room. EJ realized he was still in love with Gabi. He told Ava what Connie did. Ava wondered if Melinda was at the hospital too. She owed her an apology. Stefan rushed to Gabi’s side. He was grateful she was okay. They hugged until Stefan backed up. He wanted to know how badly she was hurt. She was okay except for some cuts and bruises. He apologized for not being there for her. Stefan wished he knew what Connie was up to, but she told him nobody knew about it. She told him that Connie killed Li and framed her for it. Gabi wanted to know what happened to his arm. He told her about the events at the pub. Stefan explained that he was only there to apologize for what happened at the Bistro. Gabi got upset when she realized he hired Ava to work at the Bistro. She didn’t understand why he would apologize to her. He told her about what happened with EJ and that he didn’t deny that they slept together. Stefan admitted that he wanted to even the score by sleeping with Ava. Gabi got upset with him, but he said she slept with his brother twice. She admitted that it was only once. Gabi lied about sleeping with EJ again. Stefan said she didn’t want to make their marriage work. Gabi told him that she still didn’t want to make it work and wanted him to get out of her room. Stefan walked out of the room.

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Days Short Recap Friday, September 20, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abby told Chad that she had a memory. Chad left to make sure that Julie kept the kids upstairs. Abby practiced what she was going to tell Chad. When Chad returned, she told him that hearing him recite his vows to her made her feel something. She said that she thought about her vows to him. Chad hugged her and said it was the moment he was waiting for. Kayla talked to Steve on the phone about his visit with Clyde. She knew it wouldn’t go well. Kayla reminded him that she wouldn’t get another DNA test without Abby’s permission. After she hung up, Jada told her that Rafe planned to check out against medical advice because he was worried about Gabi. She planned to give him a sedative. Jada was going to look for Connie. EJ noticed the bloody fireplace poker. He looked around and noticed the secret door open. EJ went through the doorway. Gabi and Melinda struggled in the wine cellar. The bomb counted down while they tried to escape. EJ went through the door just as the bomb went off. He flew back against the wall, and he was knocked out. EJ woke up and stumbled to get to his feet. A fire started, and Gabi was unconscious under the rubble. Ava ignored Stefan’s calls. Stefan was about to call Ava again, but he decided to see her instead. Connie went into Ava’s room at the pub to confront her for selling her out about her fake resume. She knew Melinda wouldn’t bad mouth her ever again. Ava wouldn’t do it either. Connie pulled out a knife. Ava tried to talk Connie down as Stefan knocked on the door. She felt lucky because Stefan was next on her list. Ava warned him to go away, but Connie put the knife to her throat. Connie ordered her to invite Stefan into the room. Stefan looked around and reacted. Abby nervously recited the vows to Chad. He was touched and thought there was no way she could recite the words unless she was there. Chad knew they wouldn’t be back to where they were, but it was the most hope he had since he found out she was alive. Chad took his phone and walked out the room. She fell onto the couch feeling distraught.

Mark left a message for Abby about his visit with Clyde. Kayla walked up to him and asked him about Abby’s DNA test. He told her that he didn’t let it out of his sight. No one tampered with it, so the woman is her niece. Jada went to the DiMera mansion and noticed the smoke. She noticed the bloody fireplace poker and the opened door to the wine cellar. Jada pulled out her gun and went through the door. EJ tried to put the fire out with a fire extinguisher. He spotted Melinda in the rubble. She was awake but still tied to a chair. Melinda choked as she told him to help Gabi. He rushed to Gabi, but she wasn’t responsive. Jada arrived and spotted Melinda. She untied the ropes. EJ was worried about Gabi having a head injury and rushed to get her to the hospital. Connie kept her knife at Ava’s throat as she told Stefan about her vengeance and devotion to Li. She had to silence Ava for good and he was next. He tried to help by taking the blame for everything that happened. When that didn’t work, he badmouthed Li. Connie went after him with the knife. Abby told Mark that she told Chad that she remembered her vows. She found them in a box of Abby’s memories. Abby thought what she did was cruel. Mark didn’t like it either, but they had to save their mother. She hung up the phone when Chad told her the DiMera mansion exploded. Kayla checked on Gabi. She told EJ that she wanted to get tests done on her head to rule out bleeding on her brain. Kayla advised EJ to go home, but he refused to leave her. Gabi woke up and wondered what happened. Jada brought Melinda water. She apologized for not finding her sooner. Melinda wondered if they could track Connie’s phone. Jada said she ditched it for burner phone. Melinda remembered that Connie took Gabi’s phone before she left. Gabi called herself a fool for trusting Connie. EJ reassured her that it wasn’t her fault. She thanked him for saving her life. Connie stabbed Stefan’s arm and ran out of Ava’s room. Ava tended to Stefan and told him that he saved her life. Connie left the pub and ran into Jada. She aimed her gun and warned her to drop her knife.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stefan asked EJ if he slept with Gabi again. EJ decided to play coy with him until he warned him that he would testify against him. He admitted that he didn’t sleep with Gabi again. EJ called Stefan out for destroying his marriage by sleeping with Ava in the first place. Stefan was upset about EJ’s comments. He realized that EJ and Gabi had to have slept together that morning. Stefan realized that Gabi was ahead of him by one incident. He asked Ava if she wanted to help hm even the score. Ava wasn’t happy about his offer. He said they had a reason to get revenge on Gabi. Stefan wanted to flaunt their affair in front of her. Ava was offended by his offer and wanted him to shove his friendship and his job. He apologized for the suggestion. Stefan said that EJ and Gabi made him mad. She thought that a lot of women would want to help him get his revenge. Ava stormed off. Gabi was unconscious and seated next to Melinda in the wine cellar. Melinda tried to reason with Connie. Connie wanted to blow up the DiMera mansion. She walked out to get supplies. Melinda shouted at Gabi until she woke up. She told her about what happened, and they tried to escape. Gabi noticed her phone on the floor and scrambled to get it when she saw EJ calling her. Kristen talked to Chad about her suspicions about Abby. She warned him to be careful when it concerned her. Abby found Mark and showed him the text she got from Clyde demanding that she marry Chad. Mark thought she should do what he said. She was afraid that Chad would see through her even if she could convince him to marry her. He thought it was better than the consequences that would happen if she didn’t do it. She realized Clyde held the cards, but she felt bad for Chad. Mark wondered if she was developing feelings for him. She denied having feelings for him. Abby thought he was a nice guy that didn’t deserve what they were doing to him. Mark agreed with her, but he thought they should stick with the plan. She knew she had to be convincing, but she worried about Clyde. Mark said he would deal with him.

Steve visited Clyde in prison. He talked to him about Abby and how he and Goldman helped her after the accident. Steve wondered how John ended up in the same place as Abby. Clyde thought his people were working for another person. Steve didn’t believe him. Clyde was about to leave when Steve offered to get him out of there if answered a few more questions truthfully. Clyde laughed at him because he knew it was a bluff. He wanted the guard to get Steve. After Steve left, Mark showed up at the prison. Chad got defensive when Kristen warned him about Abby. He walked away to take a call when she saw Connie. Kristen confronted her about going to Gabi about Stefan and Ava. She warned Connie to watch herself at work. Connie mumbled under her breath that she needed to watch her step. She walked away. Chad came back and told Kristen there was an APB out for Gabi’s assistant. Kristen called the police. EJ left a voicemail for Gabi. He would have liked a warning about Stefan confronting him about sleeping with Gabi again. EJ felt like they needed to get their stories together. Gabi saw that EJ called her. She hoped that he would come looking for her. Gabi told Melinda that she slept with EJ and almost did it again that morning. It didn’t happen, but she told Stefan they were together. Melinda reminded her that they were in danger. Gabi tried to get to the phone. She was worried that she would die before Stefan could find out. Melinda wondered if she was going to say that she still loved him. Chad brought the kids home and was surprised to see Abby. She studied a piece of paper and hid it. Abby told him that she remembered something. Mark told Clyde to stop pressuring his sister because people will get suspicious. Clyde told him that Abby needed to work faster with Chad to get the DiMera fortune. He told him to get Abby to marry Chad or they would never see their mother again. EJ got a drink and noticed the bloody poker on the floor. Connie went back to the cellar and took Gabi’s phone. She pulled out a homemade bomb from her bag. Gabi and Melinda tried to reason with her, but Connie wouldn’t listen to them. She pressed the button on the bomb. They screamed while squirming in their chairs. The bomb started counting down.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stefan called Paulina to let her know that he had information about her D.A. It was up to her if she wanted to do anything with the information. Gabi went to EJ’s room with a plan of seduction. He responded to her kiss but pushed her away. EJ didn’t think it was a good idea. Gabi wanted to hurt Stefan as much as he hurt her. EJ assured her that she did hurt him and that she was hurting herself too. He told her that he just got his divorce from Nicole, so he wasn’t in the mood for sexual warfare. She couldn’t believe he didn’t want to be with her. He didn’t think she wanted to be with him either. Melinda tried to free herself from the restraints. Connie walked in the room with a breakfast tray. She happily announced that Gabi was going to get what she deserved. Gabi was going to die. Melinda continued to free herself from the restraints. Connie let her know that cardboard Li said it was time to kill her. She lunged at Melinda with a knife, but she got out of the way. Gabi wore EJ’s robe to taunt Stefan about the amazing sex she had with EJ. Stefan didn’t take the bait, but he warned her that he would get what he deserved. Gabi threw up EJ’s sexual powers in his face. Stefan realized that she didn’t want to save their marriage. She coldly admitted that she didn’t want to save the marriage. He never thought she would throw their marriage away for one mistake. She told him that he would have gone ballistic if she made the same mistake. He said he would be mad, but he would have wanted to work things out. Stefan realized that she didn’t love him the way he loved her. He agreed with her that their marriage was over. Stefan walked away from her.

Rafe remembered hearing someone talking about an open grave. Jada walked in Rafe’s hospital room, and he told her about his memory. He was sure it was a woman. They wondered who would frame Bobby for his stabbing. Jada thought it was Connie because she had a connection with Bobby. Rafe wondered why she wanted Bobby dead. Jada told him about Melinda firing her for lying on her resume and suddenly leaving town. Rafe wondered how it pieced together. Jada realized the connection to Li and went to look for Connie. Rafe planned to warn Gabi. Paulina went to EJ’s office to fire him for helping Sloan kidnap Nicole’s baby. EJ denied helping her. She said he was an accessory after the fact. Stefan was prepared to testify against him, so she had to fire him to get ahead of the scandal. EJ said it was hearsay motivated by revenge. It would look foolish when the case fell apart in court. Paulina planned to make sure that didn’t happen by hiring a brilliant D.A. He let her know that Melinda was gone so there was no point getting her. Melinda knocked the knife out of Connie’s hand and ran to the door. Connie followed her and knocked her out with a metal object. Melinda fell to the floor. Ava went to Stefan’s table. He apologized that she was working at the pub because of Gabi’s bitterness. Stefan offered her a job at the Bistro. Ava wondered how Gabi would feel about it. He didn’t care about her feelings anymore or what happened to her. Connie arrived at the DiMera mansion and turned the volume down on Gabi’s phone. Gabi walked in the room, and she asked about Rafe. She told Connie that he didn’t remember who stabbed him. Connie was glad because he couldn’t finger her as the person who stabbed him. Gabi was confused, so Connie told her that she was the one who stabbed Rafe. She pulled out her knife and warned her that she was next. Rafe watched his phone waiting to hear from Gabi. Roman arrived at the hospital to see Rafe. Rafe told him that Gabi’s assistant might be dangerous. Jada and an officer went to Connie’s place. When Connie didn’t answer they walked in and found blood on the floor. Jada tracked the bloody footprints to the bedroom. She drew her gun and entered the room. Jada was shocked by what she found.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of September 9, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



It was daytime on Friday, but it was nighttime in this episode.

Sarah must be a heavy sleeper because she managed not to hear Fiona talking before she tried to smother her with a pillow.

Did the writers forget that Eric isn’t technically Tate’s uncle? We know they want us to believe that Eric and Brady are brothers and that’ fine. The problem is that they forget that Tate is related to Eric through Theresa too. He’s also his cousin.

Sarah heard Xander talking from the door but didn’t hear Fiona talking beside her. She also didn’t hear her grab the pillow and put it on her face.

Fiona’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Holly cried without any tears.


Why did Stephanie refer to herself by her first and last name when they were family once?

Why was Rafe lying on his back when Connie stabbed him in the back?

How is Melinda going to the bathroom while she’s tied to Connie’s bed?

Speaking of Melinda, she’s been tied up for days, but her makeup is still intact.

Marlena was Everett’s psychiatrist, but she didn’t show up at the ceremony.

A messenger had legal papers for EJ, but the envelope was open. Did the messenger get curious and decide to open the letter?


Jada knocked on the door a few times, but the door suddenly opened on its own.

Connie’s pocketbook looked empty. It was as flat as a palm when she took her knife out of her bag.

Paulina took a long time to get help when Rafe woke up. She also could have pushed his buzzer instead of leaving his room to look for Kayla.

Abby shouldn’t have talked to Stefano’s portrait out loud when she knew she could have been caught.


The bruises on Sarah’s face were cleared up.

Brady conveniently didn’t hear Fiona admit that she was the one who hit Sarah. She practically screamed the confession, but he didn’t hear what she said.

Kristen was clearly showing her tablet to the camera because she had it tilted to the side while she read it.


How come there was no one else in the office at Brady Black? It looked like Brady was the only one who worked there.

Marlena could be heard talking while Fiona was shown.

Brady didn’t want to risk both of Rachel’s parents being in jail, but he was okay with Tate’s parents going to jail.

Holly wasn’t helping Sarah, but she knew she was having trouble getting around in her wheelchair.


Melinda and Connie

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of September 9, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Xander (to Justin): Well, if it isn’t my traitorous cousin. Just so you know, I’m going to be at Brady’s arraignment.

Ava: Am I uh, consorting with a wanted fugitive?
Brady: Really not in the mood for that.
Ava: Sorry, not funny. I know. I’m sorry. Home? I thought you’d be in jail.
Brady: I should be. Apparently confessing to a crime isn’t enough to get you there.

Justin: Xander seemed pretty upset. I should probably sleep with one eye open tonight huh?
Maggie: Well, I’m sure he’ll calm down. Although it couldn’t hurt to start locking your door just in case.

Melinda (Connie had trouble cutting her food): You know I could help you with that.
Connie: Even on your best day, do you think I’m that stupid?

Johnny (to EJ): You slept with Gabi?! Were you trying to start World War 3?

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Days Opinions For The Week Of September 9, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl


We may be in the minority, but we are having trouble believing Holly’s anger about what Eric did to Daniel. For those who are new to the show, Eric was driving drunk and killed Daniel. It’s understandable that Holly would be upset that she was lied to about her father’s death, but we don’t buy it. Her acting isn’t genuine at all. Holly didn’t know Daniel so it’s hard to believe that she cared that much. Before you get shocked by what you read, please continue reading. Holly knew Eric as a father figure and now she’s treating him like dirt. She was raised by her mother her entire life, but she treated her like dirt. Maybe we’re being heartless, but we don’t feel her pain at all. We lost our father (R.I.P Daddy) so we know how that feels, but we were raised by our dad. She never knew Daniel, so her bitterness doesn’t feel genuine. Instead of cheering her on, we were rolling our eyes at her. Holly was right to get upset with Eric for the lie. She didn’t seem torn about her feelings at all. Holly went from zero to sixty with nothing in between. She was willing to hate Eric instantly without saying that she loved him, and he hurt her. We don’t feel sorry for Eric because he’s not a saint, but it’s hard to sympathize with Holly.

Speaking of Holly, she didn’t care about Sarah at all until she found out that Brady was accused of hitting her while he was drinking. She didn’t say two words to Sarah after she helped her recover from her drug overdose, but now we’re supposed to believe that she cares so much about Sarah’s accident. We know that she only cared because she felt guilty for her role in the accident. She also wants to take her anger at Eric out on Brady. When did Holly because the moral police? If she and Tate weren’t sneaking around the accident might have been prevented. Fiona might have hit someone else that night because Sarah wouldn’t have been on the road that night to get the keys for the cabin. She wants to help EJ prosecute Brady for the hit-and-run accident. Holly was willing to forgive EJ for what happened even though he knew what Eric did to Daniel. She should be mad at everyone who kept the truth from her, but she was mad at Eric and Tate. We know the writers must give Holly and Tate something to do now that Theresa and Nicole were written out, but this was ridiculous. Holly targeting Tate’s father won’t help them be a couple.

Speaking of Tate and Holly’s relationship, let’s briefly talk about the slant the writers put on Sophia’s character. For some reason, the writers chose to make her the villain in the story. She was the one who liked Tate first when Holly had feelings for Johnny. For some reason, she looks like a schemer since plotted against Holly and Tate to cause trouble. Holly kept the truth from her that Tate didn’t want her, but she looks like she’s suffering because of her. We want to see what Sophia does to Holly and Tate since they went behind her back and hooked up.

Stefan might be getting his karma for what he did to Chad. He was upset that EJ slept with Gabi. Did he forget that he did the same thing to Chad? Stefan’s actions are supposed to be okay because he didn’t know about Abby’s DID, but he still had an affair with her. Fast forward and he’s upset that Gabi slept with EJ. We think he got what he deserved when EJ did the same thing to him. Gabi didn’t have to jump in bed with his brother, but he knows how that feels. For some reason, Johnny judged EJ for being with Gabi. He understood why Stefan slept together, but he thought it was wrong for him to be with Gabi.

Is anyone else ready to throw something at Brady whenever he’s shown? We know that we are. His family wants to help him, but he insists on being punished. He thinks that getting punished will make up for what he thinks he did to Sarah. Earlier in the week, he wanted Ava to keep the fact that she saw him with Fiona quiet. We don’t understand why he would do that when that would prove he could be innocent. He insisted that she didn’t tell anyone that she saw him with her. It didn’t make any sense because he didn’t remember hitting Sarah and that could explain it. He’s trying so hard to be a martyr in the story. We know that he’s innocent, but he doesn’t know. His family has to beg him not to plead guilty because he would lose his family. He knows he has people who want him around, but he refuses to listen to them.

Fiona should feel bad for what she did to Sarah and Brady. She just made up with Xander, and she’s going to ruin her relationship with him again. Fiona hit Sarah and didn’t say anything about it. She allowed was willing to smother Sarah to keep her from talking about what she did. If she cared about her son, she wouldn’t have tried to kill his wife twice. She also allowed Brady to take the fall for her crime. Fiona told Xander and Sarah not to pursue Brady because it’s not worth it. If you committed the crime, you wouldn’t want them to pursue it either.


Sarah and Fiona

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Short Recap Friday, September 13, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric ran into Tate at the high school. He was looking for Holly, but Tate told him that she left. Tate told him that he regretted telling Holly the truth about what happened to Daniel. He understood why she was upset, but he apologized to her. Sophia heard his conversation with Eric and continued to listen. Eric advised him to give her some space. He left to look for Holly. Sophia approached Tate and asked how he was doing. She heard about his dad and told him that she was glad he was let go. He said he didn’t want to lose him like he lost his mother. She said that he had Holly for support. Sophia smirked while he wasn’t looking. Tate wished he had her support. Holly offered to help EJ get evidence against Brady. He told her that she wouldn’t be able to help because Kristen stole the car. She wondered if Brady was going to get away with what he did. They agreed to do whatever they could to bring Brady down. Holly was about to leave when EJ stopped her. He wanted to know why she wanted to bring Brady down. She didn’t think it was fair that her aunt was in a wheelchair while Brady walked around free. Holly didn’t think that was right after what Eric got away with doing. EJ realized she knew what happened and apologized to her. He said that he told Ncole to tell her the truth, but she wouldn’t listen to him. EJ told her that he got the divorce papers from her mother. He didn’t want Holly to turn against Nicole. She told him that it was too late. Nicole went halfway around the world with her new family. She felt like no one would get between Nicole and Eric. Holly didn’t approve of what EJ did with Jude though. It hurt her as much as it did Nicole and Eric. EJ apologized for what he did. She knew he was in love with her mother. Holly didn’t think she would still be there if he didn’t help her. He knew she wasn’t her biological father, but he would always care about her. She believed him. Holly talked about the lack of time Eric spent in prison. He promised to do his best to get justice for Sarah. EJ told her that he was proud of her. They hugged each other. Kristen went to Basic Black and warned him that EJ knew she took the car. She told him that EJ tried to get her to turn on him, but she didn’t do it. Brady wanted her to tell EJ the truth. She couldn’t believe what he said. Kristen refused to do that. He said everything would be over once Sarah remembered what happened. She wanted him to think of his children. He reminded her that she sued for sole custody and wouldn’t let him see Rachel. She thought they needed to do something about that. Kristen wanted Rachel to know that he would always be in her life. She had a flashback of EJ telling her that she was still in love with Brady. Kristen ordered him not to give up on his or Rachel’s futures.

Marlena heled Sarah get started with hypnosis. Sarah remembered walking that night and heard a car screeching. She saw a gray car, but didn’t see Brady. Sarah couldn’t make out the face. She looked closer and realized who it was. Xander waited for Sarah at the hospital. Fiona thought it might be better if she didn’t remember who hit her. He believed that she would remember. Fiona warned him not to be too disappointed if she didn’t remember what happened that night. She asked him if he considered the possibility that Brady wasn’t the driver. Xander didn’t believe that. She hoped Brady getting released would be easier. Fiona wanted to move forward from what happened. She thought everyone deserved a second chance. Fiona was grateful for the chance that Xander gave her. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing everything they worked so hard for. Xander was grateful they made up. She was about to tell him something when Sarah came out. She said she saw someone but couldn’t make out the face. Sarah wanted to be alone. After Sarah left, Fiona told him that she didn’t have to tell him anything important. Xander got a call and said he was the only one who could handle the situation. Marlena was taking notes from Sarah’s session when Kristen walked in her office. She told Marlena that she wanted to revisit the custody arrangement. Kristen said Rachel was getting older and wanted to see her father. Marlena questioned her feelings for Brady. Kristen admitted her feelings consist of love and hatred. She tried to get over him, but she doesn’t think she ever will. Fiona and Sarah were in the Kiriakis living room and offered to clean up, but Sarah wanted to do it. She was amazed by Sarah’s positivity. Sarah thanked her and left. Fiona noticed the bat was missing and panicked. Xander walked into Basic Black and told Brady that Sarah didn’t remember who hit her. Brady knew he was there to fire him, but he finished his letter of resignation. Xander reached for his bat and warned him that he would be in a wheelchair now. Brady was ready for whatever Xander wanted to do. Xander didn’t want him to be a martyr. He smashed the office up. Xander was about to hit Brady when Fiona came in and stopped him. She told him that he had a wife and daughter. Xander had a good lawyer. She yelled that she had a confession to make. Xander and Brady were confused.

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