Days Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At the office, Kristen told Ava that Gabi left her a message about resurrecting Gabi Chic. Ava told her it was a bad idea. She said she hated Gabi even though she doesn’t know she slept with Stefan. Ava said she wasn’t sitting beside her. Kristen said she would do it. Stefan comforted Gabi about Rafe. Jada sat with Rafe at the hospital. Kayla suggested that she go home, but Jada refused to leave. Kayla said Rafe been through this before and recovered. She said there was no reason to think he wouldn’t now. Jada said she hoped she was right. While Connie was cutting vegetables, Li taunted her about Rafe waking up from his coma, which would cause Bobby to throw her under the bus. He said her plan would blow up in her face. While at the pub, Bobby read an online article about Rafe. He was surprised Connie took it that far but wasn’t going to waste an opportunity to get closer to Jada. When Bobby said he was going to the hospital, Stephanie walked in. He changed into Everett mode telling Stephanie that he had an appointment with Marlena. Stephanie said she was happy that he was making progress. He said he didn’t want her to think they were getting back together. Stephanie said she didn’t think that.

Kristen told Ava getting Gabi Chic would help them compete with Basic Black. Ava said this had to do with Brady, but Kristen said it was good for business. Kristen said Ava would have to swallow her pride and get Gabi to sign with them. Ava said Rafe was in a coma. Kristen said Gabi could compartmentalize. She said if Ava wanted the job, she’ll make it happen. Kristen gave her Gabi’s contract. Gabi appreciated Stefan being there for her. She wanted him to make love to her. Jada told Rafe that she loved him. She asked him to wake up. Bobby came in the room. Jada asked why he was there. He said he wanted to apologize to her about Rafe and asked if there were any leads. Jada said forensics was analyzing the knife for DNA. Bobby said the Spectator would support him. He said he would support her too. Jada was confused as to why he would do that since they barely knew each other. He said he felt like Bobby was becoming a part of him and he was starting to remember some of Bobby’s life. She asked if he remembered anything about Li’s death. He said he didn’t. Bobby said he was starting to feel what Bobby felt about her. Gabi apologized to Stefan. She said she wasn’t sorry that Eric got his son back, but she was sorry she betrayed his trust. Stefan apologized for getting mad at her. Gabi said they needed to trust each other no matter what. She said she would never keep secrets from him. He said the same thing. Kayla and Stephanie talked about the double wedding. While they were talking, they got on the subject of Everett. Stephanie told her she was supportive of Everett’s mental health. She told Kayla about the way Everett was acting. Ava ran into Gabi at the hospital. She told Gabi she was sorry about what happened to Rafe. Gabi asked if she was sorry that she wasn’t the one who did it. Ava said she cared about Rafe and would never wish that on him. She said wanted to bring Gabi Chic to DiMera. Gabi said going over her head worked. Ava wondered if Gabi would be able to work with what’s going on with Rafe. Gabi said it would be a distraction. Jada moved away from Bobby. Bobby told her he wasn’t developing feelings for her. He was just offering her support. Bobby said he and Stephanie broke up so he was alone. Jada was suspicious when Bobby left. Connie told Li that Bobby could be a liability. She said if it came to that she would get rid of him. Stephanie and Jada ran into each other. They talked about Everett and compared notes. It made them wonder if Everett was really himself. Connie went to Rafe’s room to finish the job. Gabi asked what she was doing.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole called Holly while she was at the Horton cabin. She wanted her to go apartment hunting with her after she finished her shift. Holly tried to get out of it. Nicole pleaded with her, and she told her she would go during her break. Eric stormed into the DiMera mansion and demanded EJ sign the divorce papers. He went off because EJ stole Jude from him. EJ blamed Sloan for what happened. He ripped up the papers. EJ knew it wouldn’t stop the divorce, but it would make his life with Nicole miserable. Eric called him a piece of garbage. EJ said he could hurt him in many ways. He asked him if Holly knew he killed her father. Sarah found Alex looking at Victor’s portrait. She wondered what the worst part of everything was for him. He felt stupid because of the way he treated Justin. His life was turned upside down because of it. She told him that Xander felt the same way. Xander found Theresa at the airport. He demanded to know why she changed the letter from his mother. Xander wondered if she hated him that much. She hated him more than he thought. She was about to get on the flight when he warned her that she wouldn’t get away with what she did. He told her that Konstantin was dead, so she was the only one to take the fall. Xander realized that she was Konstantin’s accomplice and kidnapped Victoria. Theresa tried to deny, but he didn’t believe her.

Brady woke up at the Salem Inn and saw Fiona wearing a lingerie and robe. She thought they had an interesting night. Fiona gave him aspirin and water. They thought about their night together. He wanted to know if they slept together. She told him they slept in the bed together. Fiona let him know that her last name was Cook. He hoped she wasn’t related to Xander. She told him that he was her son. Brady thought she wasn’t in the picture. Fiona explained how she went to the wedding and announced that Victor was Xander’s father. Brady realized that Theresa forged the letter about Alex. He asked her not to let anyone know that he was drinking since he was supposed to be sober. She let him know that she was supposed to be sober too. Alex told Sarah that she was right and that he didn’t care how Xander was doing. She reminded him that Xander was lied to while Victor made him fee worthless. Alex coldly told her that it was true. She thought he sounded like Theresa. Sarah apologized for what he went through. He told her that it wasn’t her fault. He thanked her for inviting Fiona, or they wouldn’t have known the truth. Xander grabbed Theresa’s arm and told her that he was taking her to the police station. She threatened to scream for security until he released her arm. He warned her that he was dangerous before, but it will be worse now that he has more resources. She couldn’t hide from him forever. He walked away from her and left her gasping. Eric wondered if EJ would really hurt Holly. EJ said he wouldn’t hurt Holly, but he would hurt him. He thought Holly deserved to know the truth. Eric believed Holly would blame Nicole for what happened. EJ didn’t see how that was his problem. He agreed not to tell her that he was a drunken murderer. EJ planned on keeping Nicole in court for years. He planned to make Eric confess that Nicole cheated with him. EJ reminded him that he was still married to Sloan. He laughed as he admitted that he forgot to file the divorce papers. Eric wanted him to enjoy a pathetic and lonely life. Later, Eric went to The Spectator and told her about his conversation with EJ. He suggested that they run off to Paris together with Holly and Jude. Xander went to see EJ and wanted him to charge Theresa with kidnapping. EJ agreed to issue a warrant immediately.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie and Jada believed that Bobby was pretending to be Everett. Jada remembered that Everett appeared when she questioned Bobby about Li’s murder. She said he didn’t remember anything about the murder. Jada thought he could be pretending to be Everett to cover up the truth about it. Everett apologized to Kayla for his attitude. He told her that he was stressing out about things, so Stephanie’s feelings were his top priority. Everett left for his appointment while Kayla watched him walk away. Paulina talked to Abe about Everett harassing her for a quote about Rafe’s attack. She wanted to focus on appointing a temporary police commissioner. Paulina wanted to give the job to Jada, but she was going to focus on Rafe’s attack. She wanted to deal with it after her appointment with Kayla. Connie reached for Rafe’s ventilator when Gabi walked int he room. She hid her gloves and told her that she felt bad for Rafe. Connie wanted to see if she could help. Gabi wanted to know why she was really there. Connie said she wanted to give her a copy of her resume so she could work for her. Gabi thought that was creepy of her to do that. She didn’t have time for a stalker and ordered her to leave Rafe’s room. Connie told her that she couldn’t do that. Bobby went to Marlena’s office, and it was empty. He thought about how hard it was to be Everett. Marlena arrived, and he wanted to cut their appointment short. He thought it would be better for him to get his life in order. She knew Stephanie and his job were important to him. He told her that he broke up with Stephanie.

Paulina got her checkup and Kayla told her that she was doing great. Kayla was only concerned about her cholesterol level. Paulina didn’t want to take more medication and asked Kayla not to tell Abe about that. She thought Abe would be proud of her. Paulina admitted that he was more focused on the soap opera lately. Connie agreed to work with Gabi for free to help her get through everything. Gabi didn’t want to focus on that right now. Connie offered to get her coffee. Everett told Marlena that it didn’t seem fair for him to make Stephanie wait around for him. He said he was feeling some of Bobby’s feelings. Marlena thought he was making progress. Everett said he was ready to be hypnotized again. Marlena agreed to do it. Everett cried thinking about his father hitting him and begging him to stop. Jada got a call from the station. She yelled at the person and told them not to talk to Everett about Rafe’s stabbing. Stephanie thought Everett stabbed Rafe to have a clear path to Jada. Jada said the timing of his release checked out. Stephanie remembered seeing Everett at his hotel that day. He came out of the shower. She wondered if he was washing off evidence. Connie planned to get rid of Gabi after she killed Rafe. She spit in the coffee that she got for Gabi. Gabi was blown away by her resume. She could use someone like Connie and agreed to work with her.

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Days Short Recap Monday, July 22, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander’s mother Fiona went up to him at the wedding. Theresa was scared when she saw her. Paul texted Brady to see if he was okay. Brady said he made it to the meeting. He had a drink in front of him. Fiona said she got her invitation to the wedding too late to RSVP. She said she decided to come anyway. Sarah introduced herself. She told Fiona about her granddaughter. When Sarah told her the baby was named Victoria after Victor, Fiona said it was appropriate. Maggie told her she was Victor’s widow. Fiona said she and Victor were close years ago. Maggie said Fiona was married to Victor’s brother Titus. Theresa wanted to get the wedding back on track. Ava went down to the pub and saw Brady drinking. She was surprised to see him drinking. He told her about Theresa. She asked if he wanted to talk about it. Fiona wanted to know who Theresa was. Leo said Theresa just married Victor’s son. Alex introduced himself to her. Fiona said she thought Bo and Phillip were Victor’s sons. Alex told her about a letter they found after Victor’s death. Fiona had questions, but Theresa told Maggie to finish the ceremony. Fiona said what she had to say couldn’t wait. She said Alex was committing a fraud. Fiona wanted to see the letter. Justin showed her letter telling her Alex’s mother wrote it to Victor years ago. Fiona said Anjelica didn’t write the letter. She wrote the letter.

Xander wanted to know what Fiona was doing. Fiona apologized to him for it coming out this way. She said she had an affair with Victor while she was married to Titus. Fiona said she didn’t want Titus to know she had an affair so she wrote the letter to Victor in private about his son Alexander. She said she gave Xander that name. Fiona said someone changed her signature on the letter. Justin said the letter was found in Victor’s briefcase which was returned by the ISA. Fiona asked if anyone had access to it. Alex looked at Theresa and asked if it was her. He said Theresa was alone with the briefcase in Greece. Theresa tried to explain herself, but Alex said she changed the letter. He demanded that she tell him the truth. Theresa admitted the truth. Sarah tried to hold Xander back. Alex wanted to know who helped her forge the letter. Theresa said it was Konstantin. Ava listened to Brady talk about Theresa. Ava talked to him about Harris. She said she brought her heartache on herself. Brady said it didn’t change how much it hurt. He said she didn’t have a constant reminder of Harris because he’s gone. Maggie was shocked that Theresa worked with Konstantin. Theresa said she didn’t know how dangerous he was. Xander yelled at her for giving Alex what was rightfully his. Alex said Theresa may have screwed Xander over but at least he didn’t marry her. Theresa ran away. When the guests left, Justin, Bonnie, and Sonny comforted Alex. Alex said he felt stupid for not listening to the signs about Theresa. Bonnie said there was one good thing that came out of it. Justin was really his father. Justin hugged Alex. They said they loved each other. Justin said they would get the marriage annulled and they would get the police involved. Alex said he had to leave. Xander confronted his mother for lying. Fiona said they didn’t want to hurt Titus. Xander wondered why they lied after he died. He said she fell apart after Titus died. Fiona apologized for not being there for him. Xander said he didn’t want her around now. He told Sarah that he still wanted to get married, but Sarah didn’t think they should.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 26, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nikki decides that she wants to be CEO of Chancellor Industries and how much it means to her to honor Katherine’s legacy.

Victoria was thinking about warning Billy about Victor’s takeover attempt of Abbott-Chancellor but she decides not to warn him since the possible takeover means so much to her mother.

Kyle and Claire tell Harrison he can’t go to Paris with him. Phyllis advises Summer to spend time with Harrison while Kyle is away on a business trip. Summer should take a lot of pictures to show the judge when she and Kyle go to court.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Blaze and Kristina go on the Perez Hilton show and talk about the scandal involving Natalia’s recording that was made without her consent. Blaze and Kristina tell Perez that Natalia is the victim because she was recorded without her consent. Blaze is hopeful that she can repair her relationship with her mother.

Nina helps Willow with another public service announcement to promote bone marrow donation.

Ava asks Nina and Willow to testify on her behalf at the custody hearing but they both say no because they don’t want to get involved in the situation.

Anna asks John to let Jason go because Jason fulfilled his part of their agreement. John refuses to do it so Anna tells him she won’t rest until she ruins his career. Anna won’t allow John to twist the law in order to get revenge on Sonny.

Jason manages to persuade Carly that he needs to go do his next assignment for the FBI because she can’t turn herself in because her daughter Donna needs her. Carly goes to the Metro Court and tells the desk clerk that John Cates is checking out so he should send two bellhops upstairs to his room to pack his things and bring his suitcases downstairs.

Jason calls Danny to tell him he has to go away to his next assignment. Jason tells Danny he is a good son whom he is proud of and loves very much. Jason gets on the bus to Quantico headed for his next assignment.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Traci tells Alan that she has to go to Los Angeles because they want to turn one of her books into a movie and she has to meet with the producers. Alan tells Traci he cancelled speaking engagements so he could spend more time with her. Traci asks Alan to go to Los Angeles with her and he gladly accepts the invitation.

Abby talks to Ashley via video call and tells her that she and Devon are engaged. Abby tells Ashley that she had doubts because of her long history of failed relationships. Ashley advises Abby to follow her heart and Abby thanks Ashley for the perfect advice just when she needed to hear it. Devon asks Victor for his permission to marry Abby. Victor approves. Later, Victor, Devon, and Abby have a champagne toast to celebrate the engagement.

Summer finds another judge that grants an order prohibiting Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris until the custody issues are resolved. Kyle and Summer argue once again about the trip to Paris and then Kyle leaves to talk to his lawyer. Kyle’s lawyer tells him he can’t do anything to reverse the judge’s order.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Carly tells Sonny that John is after him and he won’t stop until he is in prison. Sonny tells Carly that John has no evidence to put him in prison. Sonny is more concerned about his custody battle with Ava. Sonny asks Carly to smooth things over with Michael and persuade him to talk to him again so he can apologize for their earlier argument. Carly tells Sonny to smooth things over with Micheal on his own because she won’t clean up his mess for him.

Michael talks to Kristina about her testifying for Sonny at Avery’s custody hearing. Kristina doesn’t think she would be a good witness for Sonny because she saw him beat up Dex at Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding.

Jason tells Anna about his new assignment and he asks Anna to use her contacts at the FBI to get him out of the assignment.

John tries once again to persuade Ava to give him evidence against Sonny, but she is scared that Sonny will kill her. John tells Ava he will find another way to get Sonny. Ava is touched by John’s gesture to protect her that she gives him a kiss.

John gets called to his boss’s office because Anna called John’s boss and told him he needs to stop John because he is out of control. John later went to Anna’s office because he is upset that she called his boss. Anna tells John to stick to his agreement with Jason or she will bury him.

Jason tells Carly about his new assignment and she decides to turn herself in to the FBI.

Sonny and Tracy share memories of Luke on his birthday.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Lily tells Devon that she has decided to stay with Billy at Abbott-Chancellor because she doesn’t think that she and Devon can work together at Winters because he likes to work alone. Devon is hurt by Lily’s decision, but he is glad that Lily finally told him the truth.

Devon and Abby go to the park. Devon asks Abby to marry him and she accepts his proposal.

Lily tells Billy about the plan she and Devon had for her to go work with him at Winters and leave Billy high and dry. Billy knew that something was going on and he appreciated that Lily told him the truth.

Mariah and Tessa celebrate the anniversary of their first date by having a picnic in the park.

Nikki isn’t sure she wants to be the CEO of Chancellor Industries when and if Victor acquires the company. Nick isn’t sure that the takeover will be easy, but Victor is confident he will acquire Chancellor Industries and that Nikki will be the CEO.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nick goes to Sharon’s house to check on her and she insists that she is fine…she is just trying to get adjusted to her new medication. Sharon admits to Nick that she has been missing Cassie. Nick tells Sharon he has been missing Cassie too since the 20th anniversary of her death is coming up soon. Sharon later has a fantasy that she and Nick kiss.

Nikki, Victoria, and Nick demand that Victor tell them what he intends to do once Nikki returns from her leave of absence. Victor waits for Adam to arrive before he tells everyone that he is about to acquire Chancellor Industries and he wants Nikki to run the company.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

James sneaks out of his house and goes to the Quartermaine stables to talk to Cody. James tells Cody that his Grandpa Mac told him he can’t take riding lessons with him anymore. Cody calls Maxie and Spinelli to come get James. Maxie explains to James that she is the person who decides where he takes riding lessons not Grandpa Mac. Maxie and Spinelli tell James that Grandpa Mac is going through something private and they need to give him time to work things out. Maxie tells James he may have to go someplace else for riding lessons for a little while, but she will work it out for him. Cody tells Sasha he is heartbroken that James is hurting because of his situation with Mac.

Jason tells Carly that John is determined to put Sonny in prison and he has to find a way to get through to Sonny so they can work together to keep him out of prison.

Josslyn gives Trina the turtledove figurine Spencer gave her. Trina grieves Spencer once again.

Gio and Tracy talk in the Quartermaine’s kitchen. Gio tells Tracy his favorite places in New York.

Dante and Laura go to visit Lulu and they have a long talk and Laura advises to let Rocco decide when he wants to visit his mother.

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Days Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Xander ran into Jack at the town square. Jack told him that he was in town because Abby might be alive. He reminded him that he stole The Spectator from him. Xander offered his half back to him. He regretted what he did because he lost the only friend he ever had. Xander told him that he would have Justin draw up the paperwork. Jack planned to look out for it. He wished Sarah his best. Jack wondered what she saw in him. Maggie went to Sarah’s apartment as Sarah and Bonnie wondered what happened to Xander’s mother’s invitation. Theresa panicked and looked away. Sarah and Bonnie eliminated the suspects until they got to her. Theresa admitted that she was afraid that Xander’s mother would ruin the wedding. Bonnie admitted that she mailed the invitation. Sarah realized she didn’t RSVP. Maggie and Bonnie help Sarah get dressed. Theresa hoped that she wouldn’t show up. Alex let Justin know that he wasn’t his father anymore, and he needed to accept that. He backtracked on what he said and realized he didn’t mean to say it like that. Alex felt like it was time for Justin to let go of his anger at Victor. Justin couldn’t get over the fact that the man he thought of as a second father pitted them against each other from the grave. Alex let Justin know that if he has a problem with Victor, he didn’t have to officiate the wedding anymore. Justin angrily agreed when Sonny arrived. Alex wanted to leave so Justin could catch up with his real son.

Sonny asked Jusitn if he was okay. Justin teared up and said he wasn’t okay. He missed Victor, but he would never forgive him for what he did. Sonny wouldn’t forgive him either. Justin pulled out the letter Anjelica wrote to Victor. He carries it around and rereads it to look for one thing that would tell him that it wasn’t a mistake. Sonny assured him that he would always be his son. He hugged Justin. Alex came back and apologized for what he said earlier. He wanted him to officiate his wedding again. Justin was honored to do it. Roman talked to Kimberly about not being able to make the wedding. Andrew showed up at the pub as the representative for the family. He touched base with Roman. Andrew thought about confronting Theresa about helping Konstantin kidnap Victoria. He told him that Theresa didn’t know he was there. Brady was about to pour himself a cup of vodka when Paul showed up. He didn’t realize that Paul was going to be there. Paul reminded him that his boyfriend’s sister was getting married. He wondered if Brady fell off the wagon. Brady admitted that he was thinking about it. After they talked about Theresa, Brady slid the drink away. He said it was a weak moment. Paul grabbed the bottle to pour it out, but Brady stopped him by hugging him. Theresa got ready for her wedding when Andrew showed up. She was happy to see him. He motioned to Victoria and referred to her as the girl she kidnapped. Sarah wasn’t too far away, so she wanted him to keep his voice down. He said he didn’t tell anyone about it. Andrew told her that Sarah called him wanting information about Konstantin’s accomplice. He said he told Sarah the trail went cold. She asked Andrew to walk her down the aisle. Everyone got ready for the double wedding. Justin officiated the ceremony. He wondered if anyone had any reason why Xander and Sarah couldn’t get married. A woman appeared and apologized for being late. Everyone at the ceremony looked at her. Xander was shocked to see his mother. Theresa panicked when she found out who she was.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole went to the Spectator to confront Leo. She yelled at him for knowing the truth about Jude. He said he’s trying to be a better person with his therapy with Marlena. Nicole said she wondered if Marlena knew about his part in letting everyone Jude was a DiMera and not her grandson. Leo said he didn’t know Jude was Eric’s son. It occurred to him why EJ paid him to keep quiet. Nicole was shocked to hear that. Leo apologized for what he did. She said he could make it up to her by testifying in court. Marlena showed up at the DiMera mansion. EJ thought she was there to see Jude and told her he wasn’t there. Marlena said she came to do this. She slapped him. He said she had a right to be angry because there was no excuse to do what he did. Connie told Bobby that she stabbed Rafe in the back with a knife. Bobby said he didn’t want Rafe murdered. Connie said he wanted Rafe gone. She asked what else was she supposed to do. Connie said she held up her end of the bargain so he could be with Jada. Kayla told Jada and Gabi that Rafe was in surgery. She said the knife penetrated his lung. Kayla said they wouldn’t know the extent of the damage until they got in there. When Kayla left, Gabi told Jada that someone stabbed Rafe the same way Li was killed. Jada said she would investigate every lead. Gabi said the knife could help her prove who did it.

Bobby told Connie that there was going to be a murder investigation. Connie said she didn’t know if Rafe was dead or not, but it didn’t look good. Bobby was upset, but Connie said Jada would be devastated if Rafe died and needed someone there to pick up the pieces. She said that was what he wanted. Connie said she held up her end of the bargain and asked if he would do the same. Bobby said he wouldn’t tell anyone he saw her the night Li died. He said no one could ever see them together now that Jada thought the identity of Li’s killer was in Everett’s head. Jada went in Rafe’s room. There was blood on the sheets. After she put on latex gloves, she put the knife in a bag. When she saw Rafe’s shirt, she put it to her face. Leo was hesitant about testifying against the Salem D.A. Nicole said she wanted to divorce EJ and make sure he went to prison. She said Leo testifying against EJ would make sure it happened. Leo didn’t want to help her. Nicole said she would talk to Rafe and get him immunity. Leo said that wasn’t why he wouldn’t testify. He said EJ suffered enough by losing his wife and kid and now had to deal with his worst nightmare of her and Eric being together. EJ told Marlena that he thought he could make Nicole love him if he had enough time. Marlena said he was like Stefano who also didn’t like to lose. EJ talked about losing Sami which made him desperate to keep Nicole. He said it didn’t matter because Nicole and Eric were together and he had nothing. Marlena said she didn’t feel sorry for him. EJ said he got his comeuppance so all should be right with her world. Marlena said she hoped his suffering just begun. While they were talking, he got his divorce papers. EJ said his comeuppance happened sooner than she thought. Kayla told Jada and Gabi that there was a complication. She said the surgeons removed a clot from Rafe’s lung, but he slipped into a coma.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Justin approached Alex at the mansion. Alex didn’t want to fight with him. Justin offered to officiate the wedding. Alex wondered if it was a trick. Brady tried to talk Theresa out of bringing Tate home for the wedding. She blamed Holly for why Tate had to leave in the first place. Theresa was glad that he was away from Holly. Brady thought she and Holly were similar. Theresa wanted him to be nice to her on her wedding day. She realized it wasn’t her first wedding, but it’s her first proper ceremony. Brady thought their Vegas wedding was cooler. Theresa admitted taking advantage of the situation. She realized they were happy briefly. Brady thought it was a shame it didn’t last. Sophia interrupted Holly and Tate kissing at the Horton cabin. She threatened to call their parents. Sophia admitted that she almost told Theresa what they did, but she didn’t want to ruin her wedding day. She planned to tell her after the wedding. Alex thought Justin was planning a repeat of Maggie and Konstantin’s wedding. Justin got offended and said he didn’t have an ulterior motive. He wanted to be part of his special day unless he didn’t want him to be. Alex softened and apologized for accusing him. He wanted to ask Theresa first. Alex sincerely thanked Justin as he prepared to leave.

Theresa blamed herself for why she and Brady didn’t work. She hoped things would be different with Alex. Brady was rooting for them to work. He wanted her to be happy and she wanted the same for him. Brady was happy one of them found love. Theresa wanted to tell him something when Alex walked in the room. Brady walked out of the room. Alex asked Theresa about Justin officiating the wedding. She said it was fine. He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. She felt the same way, but she looked at Brady’s picture while they hugged. Holly begged Sophia not to tell her and Tate’s parents about them being together. Sophia was happy to tell them what she knew after they betrayed her during the prom. Holly agreed to do anything. Sophia agreed to keep quiet if she took the job her parents made her get and give her all the money. After Sophia left, Tate offered to go to lacrosse camp, so she didn’t have to work. Holly would rather him be there so they could spend time together. Alex told Justin that he could officiate the wedding. He looked at Victor’s portrait and said it’s what his father would have wanted. Justin didn’t care what Victor wanted. Alex didn’t realize that Justin was still upset about it. Justin wondered how he couldn’t be upset. He said Victor robbed him of his son. Alex told him that he was never his son to begin with. He defended Victor to Justin. Justin wanted to know why, and Alex said because he was his father. Justin reminded him that he was his father too. Brady returns to the townhouse and wonders how he would get through the wedding. He went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of vodka.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny found his father drinking at the DiMera mansion. EJ told him that Nicole wanted to divorce him. Johnny wasn’t surprised after what he did. EJ thought Johnny was mad at him too. Johnny felt bad for Nicole and Eric. He was excited about having a new brother but that wasn’t going to happen now. Nicole went to Eric’s room at the pub and let him know that she and EJ were done. Brady went to the Kiriakis mansion to look for Maggie but ran into Alex. He let Brady know that she was running last-minute errands. Brady thought he meant for Xander and Sarah’s wedding, but Alex told him that he and Theresa were getting married too. He was surprised by Alex’s news. Alex told him that Maggie thought it would bring the family together. He would understand if Brady didn’t want to go to the ceremony. Brady thought it was a good idea since he assumed Theresa was only after his money. He knew that wasn’t the truth, so Brady wondered if there was another reason why Alex didn’t want him at the ceremony. Brady flashed back to his night with Theresa and said he would go to the wedding. Alex was okay with it, but Brady seemed troubled.

Sophia ran into Theresa at the town square to talk about Tate and Holly. Theresa apologized to her after the way Tate talked to her. Sophia blamed Holly because she was her best friend. Theresa assured her that Tate and Holly would be far away from each other since he would be at lacrosse camp in New York. Sophia thought about overhearing Tate and Holly’s conversation about deceiving their parents. She told Theresa there was something she needed to know. Chanel interrupted them to talk about the wedding cake. After hearing about the wedding, Sophia decided not to tell her about Tate and Holly. Johnny let EJ know there was no justification for what he did to Nicole and Eric. He was disappointed, but he still had his back. EJ apologized for not being as supportive as he and Chanel needed him to be. He knew they wanted to move out, but he hoped they would stay at the mansion. Johnny agreed to stay longer. He assured EJ that he would never lose him. Johnny wanted to take Chanel to lunch, and EJ thought he was a good husband. He knew Johnny didn’t get that from him. Johnny thought he didn’t meet the right woman yet. He didn’t think EJ and Nicole were meant to be. Johnny thought he should sign the divorce papers and move on with his life. Nicole said she and Eric could figure out a custody arrangement unless he planned to move to Paris. Eric wanted to leave because it was too painful to be around Jude but there was no reason he couldn’t stay and make a fresh start with Jude. He looked at Nicole and said he could make a fresh start with her too. Nicole said EJ knew she wasn’t over Eric which is why he did what he did to them. Eric wanted to know if she knew, and she admitted that she did. Theresa arrived at the Kiriakis mansion. She was surprised when she found out that Brady considered not going to her wedding. Theresa let him know she wanted him there. Alex hoped they could all be a family after the wedding. Theresa did too. When Alex walked away to take a phone call, Brady wanted to know why Theresa didn’t say she was getting married so soon. She admitted that she should have told him about it. Brady assured her that he’s happy for them. Theresa apologized for things not working out with them. He would always be special to her because he’s Tate’s father. She realized that she couldn’t get married without her son. Theresa wanted Tate at the wedding. Nicole admitted to Eric that she would have left EJ if she knew Jude was theirs and that he still loved her. Eric would have done the same thing with Sloan. They were about to kiss when there was a knock at the door. Eric opened the door, and EJ was there. He knew he would find Nicole there. She snatched the divorce papers and saw that he didn’t sign them. EJ said he didn’t plan to sign them. He assured her that he refused to let them take Jude and run off into the sunset together.

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Days Short Recap Monday, July 15, 2024

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kayla told Stephanie about Abby possibly being alive. Stephanie talked to her about Everett. Marlena called Stephanie and told her Everett was back. Stephanie wanted to go see him, but Kayla told her to give him time. Stephanie wanted to know if he was really back. Being without him made her realize how much she missed him. Kayla told her to be with him. Jada and Gabi ran into each other at the pub. Gabi thanked her for helping get her out of prison. Jada said Rafe and Stefan deserved all the credit. While they were talking, they talked about Bobby saying he knew who really killed Li. Jada thought she wouldn’t be able to get answers now that Everett was back. She said she needed to find Rafe and let him know what was going on. Gabi said he was at Abby’s grave. While Rafe was on the phone with Paulina, Connie stabbed him in the back. Connie apologized, but said she had to do it so Bobby wouldn’t say anything about her killing Li. She said she had to bury him in the empty grave so no one would know. When Connie heard Jada call out to Rafe, she ran off. Jada went to Rafe and called for help.

Stephanie went to see Everett. Bobby was disappointed that Stephanie wasn’t Jada. He pretended to be Everett. Stephanie was happy to see him until he told her they couldn’t see each other anymore. He said he had a long way to go to be fully integrated and needed to focus on his mental health. Stephanie was disappointed but said she understood. She said she would be there for him as a friend. He said she was the best and would never forget how hard she fought for him. Gabi left Ava a message about starting up Gabi Chic at DiMera. She said she was putting a team together. Connie showed up and was excited. She asked where she could sign up because she’s very loyal. At the hospital, Jada watched Kayla working on Rafe. Kayla told her to wait in the hall. Jada told Rafe she loved him. Connie went to Bobby’s hotel room. Bobby told her he faked being Everett so he could get out of Bayview to avoid talking about LI’s murder. He asked what she did to hold up her end of the bargain. She said Rafe wouldn’t be a problem for him or anyone else. While Jada was on the phone, she ordered someone to find the person who stabbed Rafe. Gabi showed up and wondered who hurt her brother. In Rafe’s room, Kayla said he was going into shock. She said they were losing him.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Nina makes Mr. DeWitt apologize to Blaze and Kristina for publishing the article in The Invader that outed Blaze. Nina agrees to give Blaze and Kristina Media training so they will be ready for the interview Brook Lynn has set up for them to do.

Cody tells Tracy that Mac is his father, but Mac is upset with him because he didn’t tell him that he was his son. Tracy also tells Cody not to leave town and give Mac time to get used to the news.

Natalia agrees to let Brook Lynn and Blaze handle the artistic side of Blaze’s career and she will handle the business side of her career.

Chase tells Dex to do the best job he can at the academy and he will earn the respect of his fellow policeman.

Jason intended to spend time with his boys and keep working at Corinthos Coffee. Jason is also going to tell Sonny the truth about Why he became an FBI informant. Jason hopes that Sonny will let him back in the organization so he can keep him out of trouble.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Victoria helps Claire realize that she does have feelings for Kyle, but Claire decides to respect the fact that Kyle is her boss and not act on her feelings for him. Claire calls Kyle and tells him she would love to go to Paris with him and Harrison.

Summer feels like she doesn’t have any rights as Harrison’s mother when her lawyer sends her a text message telling her that she can’t stop Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris.

Chelsea almost tells Billy that she and Adam slept together but she thinks better of it because Billy has been a blessing in her life.

Nick and Phyllis worry about Sharon because she is talking to them and she suddenly gets angry with Phyllis when she tells her that she had a talk with Faith.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Lois tells Carly the love story of Gio’s parents. Lois explains to Carly that Gio’s mother Camila was a talented violinist who came to the United States from Italy to play for the New York Philharmonic and six months later she met and fell in love with Francis. Camilla and Francis were married before he left for the army. Francis was killed in battle before Gio was born. Camilla gave birth to Gio and returned to the philharmonic, but Camila died when Gio was 10 years old, so Lois asked Sonny to help with Gio. Sonny paid for Gio’s education until recently when Gio got a scholarship to PCU. Carly wonders why Sonny never mentioned Gio to her at all.

Sonny and Nina apologize for hurting each other in the past and wish each other the best.

Nina tells Maxie that, after her talk with Sonny, she realizes that she and Sonny were never right for each other and now she thinks it’s time she moved on with her life.

Natalia persuades Sonny to start a private record label so Blaze can release new music. Natalia wants to be in charge of the record label, but Sonny tells Brook Lynn to be in charge of the record label.

Anna tells Valentin that she can’t go on the run with him and Charlotte because she won’t leave her family. Valentin tells Anna that, after they broke up, he didn’t have a reason to try to be a good person, so when she arrested Brennan, he became the head of Pikeman. Anna and Valentin kiss goodbye and she leaves Valentin’s house.

John tries to persuade Jason to give him information on Sonny, but Jason reminds him that was not part of their deal. Jason gives John Valentin’s satellite evidence on Pikeman phone and John goes to Valentine’s house to arrest him, but he and Charlotte are already gone. Jason goes to the Metro Court to tell Carly he gave John evidence on Pikeman and this long ordeal has ended.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

John Cates asks Ava to testify against Sonny in the case he is building against Sonny. Ava tells John she will think about it and contact him when she has made a decision.

Willow once again asks Sonny to forgive Michael and repair their father-son relationship. Sonny tells Willow he will think about it because he admires her for being tenacious and kind.

Sonny asks Nina to testify on his behalf if Ava should subpoena her for Avery’s custody hearing. Nina doesn’t think Ava would call her as a witness because they are no longer friends but, if Ava did call her as a witness, she would tell the court that Avery was a wonderful father and that Avery adores him. Sonny wonders if Nina would be willing to bury the hatchet with him just like she has buried the hatchet with Drew.

Gio turns down an opportunity to play violin for a Broadway soundtrack in New York because he likes PCU and doesn’t want to go back on his commitment to play violin for the college ‘s summer concert series.

Drew promises Nina that the kiss between him and Willow will never happen again.

Anna makes Jason promise not to give the FBI Valentin’s satellite phone with the proof that he is head of Pikeman until she has time to warn him because she doesn’t want Charlotte to lose her father. Jason gives Anna the two hours she asked him for to warn Valentin.

John gets a call from his boss who tells him they have gotten word that Pikeman is sending a big shipment and they must know the head of Pikeman tonight.

Anna tells Valentin that he must leave town with Charlotte tonight because she told the FBI he is the head of Pikeman. Valentin asks Anna to go on the run with him.

John pounds on the door of Jason’s room and tells him he must tell him everything he knows about the head of Pikeman right now or he loses his deal and Carly will go to prison.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Sally argue because she agrees with Chelsea that Paul won’t be able to protect Jack from Victor’s plan to ruin Jabot.

Heather calls Paul to tell him she wants to go to Portugal and see him. Paul tells her to come in the fall when there is better weather.

Audra reveals to Sally that Victor is Glissade’s secret investor. Sally tells Audra that Victor wants Adam to be the CEO of Newman Media so Adam can help him ruin Jabot.

Kyle and Summer argue about him going on a business trip to Paris. Kyle pushes Summer’s buttons by telling her he might take Claire and Harrison with him to Paris. Kyle later arrives home and asks her if her passport is up to date because he wants her and Harrison to go to Paris with him.

Phyllis and Summer start thinking of a way to get rid of Audra because they don’t want her in Harrison’s life.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Adam and Sally argue because she agrees with Chelsea that Paul won’t be able to protect Jack from Victor’s plan to ruin Jabot. Heather calls Paul to tell him she wants to go to Portugal and see him. Paul tells her to come in the fall when there is better weather.

Audra reveals to Sally that Victor is Glissade’s secret investor. Sally tells Audra that Victor wants Adam to be the CEO of Newman Media so Adam can help him ruin Jabot.

Kyle and Summer argue about him going on a business trip to Paris. Kyle pushes Summer’s buttons by telling her he might take Claire and Harrison with him to Paris. Kyle later arrives home and asks her if her passport is up to date because he wants her and Harrison to go to Paris with him.

Phyllis and Summer start thinking of a way to get rid of Audra because they don’t want her in Harrison’s life.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Chelsea tells Adam to think carefully before he decides to go back to Newman Media because she needs his support with Connor. Adam tells Victor he will not use Newman Media to hurt Jack. Victor agrees to Adam’s terms, so he returns to Newman Media.

Adam, Nick, and Victoria are upset that Victor won’t tell them what will happen when Nikki has finished her outpatient treatment. Victor tells them not to worry about that until Nikki is done with her treatment.

Audra tells Kyle that they will run Glissade together, but they are not friends. Kyle decides to go to Paris with Audra for the Glissade meetings. Audra thinks that Kyle doesn’t trust her.

Chelsea talks to Sharon about Connor’s condition and Chelsea notices that Sharon is distracted but when she returns to the conversation Sharon tells her she is fine.

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GH Short Recap Friday, July 12, 2024

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Recap written by Eva

Sasha tells Cody that she saw Willow and Drew kissing on the 4th of July. Cody promises to keep her secret. Cody tells her it’d best she forget about what happened because when you work in someone’s house you are always going to see things that happen in the house.

Laura tells Kevin she has decided to honor Heather’s wishes and not try to get her case reopened. Laura later tells Trina she is going to honor Heather’s wishes and Trina tells her that she thinks Heather isn’t responsible for what she did because she was mentally ill.

Curtis tells Portia he went to visit Heather and she told him she is going to tell Laura not to reopen her case.

Elizabeth tells Jason that Jake has been accepted to art school in Barcelona, Spain and Jason offers to pay for Jake’s tuition. Elizabeth tells Jason that is fine with her if Jake accepts his offer.

Anna tells Jason she is going to dinner with Valentin tonight and she intends to take the satellite phone he uses to give orders to the Pikeman employees.

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