Days Transcript Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[tense music]

So what did Abe say?

He said no one’s getting killed, and he thinks that Leo just went rogue.

Well, it sounds like Leo.

Yeah, and Abe said he was going to get to the bottom of it. [sighs]

Sweetness, are you OK?

I just feel kind of– I don’t know. I–

Oh, baby. Hey. Oh.

So you want to be with me? You really mean that?

[sighs] Of course I do. [soft music]

Alex, what’s wrong? Alex. Alex. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

I–I don’t understand why they would do this. They have to know that killing off Seth is a huge mistake. He’s the one who gave us permission to shoot at the hospital. If he revokes that, we’re–we’re screwed.

You’re right.

[sighs] I’m going to call Leo right now. [eerie music]



So what is this, some kind of a joke?

Oh, my God. What if it’s the stalker?

What stalker?

The evil SOB who sent those poisoned cupcakes and the text to Bonnie sending her to the elevator– the person who has been targeting the cast and crew of this show since you put a curse on it.

Oh, yeah, I guess that’s possible. But attempted murder– I mean, that’s no small potatoes. And I know they were killing me off on the show, but at least I wasn’t going to die in real life, you know? [tense music] Although I’m feeling a little unsteady. Whew.

You are suddenly looking a little green around the gills.

Mm. I just–[sighs] [grunting] [tense music]

Oh, my God. I think I know who’s doing this.

The cupcakes, Bonnie’s accident. I should have realized this sooner. I should have known it was you.

Hello, Abe. What took you so long?

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[tense music]

You’ve got to be kidding me. Oh, do they think they can pull this crap on Seth Burns and get away with it?

Everything OK, Seth?

Far from it. Dr. Kiriakis, I have been– oh, damn. I am so angry I can’t even get the words out.

Take your time.

I, in the most insulting and outrageous way possible, have been fired.

From the hospital?

No. Worse. From “Body & Soul.” They’re killing me off.

Oh. Oh, wow. Yeah, I’m sorry. I know how much you like being on that show.

And I was doing a great job. I mean, everyone tells me I could have a future as an actor. That’s how– [grumbles] convincing I was. Just this evening, the director tells me, no one could bring Dr. Blake Lamoray to life like I do. Did you see last Wednesday’s episode? OK, I got a lot to say in that one, and I didn’t flub a single line.

I–I did not see it, but I’m sure that you were very convincing, like you said.

And you know how I started? As an under five. Yeah, that meaning that I had fewer than five lines an episode. But I so impressed the powers that be that they almost immediately upgraded me to a day player, meaning I have a major role. I’m on my way to being a leading man. And now this.

It is–it’s so unfair.

It’s more than unfair. It’s outrageous. They’re not going to get away with it.

Who is they?

Abe Carver, Kate Brady, and Leo Stark, the hack that wrote this drivel. I mean, have they forgotten that the only reason they’re allowed to shoot in this hospital is because I signed off on it?

Yeah, that was–it was very gracious of you.

No, it certainly was, especially because I knew the risk involved. But, see, I agreed to it for the love of the craft. And this is the thanks they gave me.

Yeah. Well, I wouldn’t take it too personal. I mean, I don’t know much about soap operas, but they– they kill off the characters pretty regularly, don’t they?

Not when you are as popular as I know I am. My mother told me that the only reason that her friends still watch it is when I’m on it. And if those tasteless producers were going to get rid of me, the least they could do was come up with a more memorable way to do it, like Blake goes over a waterfall atop Pinetano Mountain or his jet ski blows up on Lake Pineview.

How are they going to do it?

Oh, it’s so humiliating, I don’t even want to tell you.

Oh, yeah. Well, I get that. I totally understand. And I’m–I’m so sorry again. So I’ll just–

No, it’s OK. It’s fine. I’m going to tell you. Dr. Blake Lamoray, chief of staff of Pineview Hospital, succumbs to carbon monoxide poisoning due to a faulty space heater. Have you ever heard anything more banal, more–more unrealistic? I mean, the guy’s not an idiot, right? So why would he be so damn careless?

I mean, actually, it’s not that unrealistic. I mean, people do die that way, sadly. Nurse King’s husband– it happened to him.


So nice of you to visit, Abe. What took you so long?

This is not a social visit, Whitley.

Oh, dear. You sound upset.

You’re damn right I’m upset. You’ve been attacking the men and women who work on “Body & Soul.”

Guilty as charged. How did you figure it out?

Kayla Johnson wanted to know why we were killing off Kassandra.

Ah, she got the latest script.

In which Charlemagne’s cat steps on a gun and it goes off, shooting Kassandra through the heart.


I beg your pardon?

Oh, that’s the name of the kitty in the script– Sasquatch. Oh, but back to you figuring out all the details.

Yeah. Well, I remembered how much you love your cats and “Body &” Soul. So then it suddenly hit me. It had to be you.

Oh. [laughs] That’s one of my favorite songs. Oh. Well, anyway, I guess you found me out. You’re right. I did it. And you know what, Abe? I’d do it again.

I don’t get it. How could you do this to the cast and crew of a show you claim you love?

I do love “Body & Soul.” I do with all of my heart. But that show that you’re producing– well, that’s not my “Body & Soul.”

What the hell are you talking about?

You ruined it, Abraham Carver. You and all those people who brought that back. So I had to make you and everyone who’s helped you pay for what you’ve done. [tense music]

Oh, I remember Whitley King. She held Abe Carver hostage in her apartment for months.

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, what she did to Abe was horrible, but she wasn’t in her right mind. She had–she’d suffered a psychotic break after, you know, what happened to her. Her husband died tragically from carbon monoxide poisoning, and so did all her cats.

So I’m supposed to die like a bunch of cats?

Well, it was her husband, like I said– a human being.

Well, still and all, it’s hardly dramatic. They probably won’t even cover it in the soap press.

Well, you could ask Leo Stark. I mean, I bet he could jazz it up a bit.

Oh, I plan to. But I’m going to tell you this. When it comes time for me to kick the bucket for real, it won’t be lame and pathetic like in that script. Mm-mm, no, ma’am. It’s going to take more than a little bit of poison to take out Seth Burns. [coughs] [grunts] [tense music] [grunts]

Seth? Seth, is everything OK?


Sweetness, sweetness. Hey, hey, Kayla? Kayla, I need you to open your eyes. [tense music]

Barely breathing. Need some help. [phone beeping] Yeah, listen, my wife just collapsed. She’s not responding. Hurry!

Alex. Alex, wake up.

Steph, what’s going on?

There you are.

Where was I?

You passed out.

I don’t feel good.

Oh, yeah, you got a fever. We need to get you to the hospital right now. [phone beeping] Yes, this is– what the hell? They put me on hold.

Johnny. Johnny. Johnny, talk to me.

(WHISPERING) What happened?

I don’t know. You were just–you collapsed, and then you passed out.

Help me up?



You good? How are you feeling?

Uh–out of it, dizzy, nauseous.

OK, you know what? I’m going to call for help. [phone beeping] Hello? Hi. I’m calling from the DiMera estate, and I’m going to need an ambulance here right away. I’m sorry. What do you mean, it’s going to be a while? My husband just fainted dead away– you know what?

What’s wrong?

I don’t know. They’re saying– I don’t know, something must be going on because they’re overwhelmed with calls, and they want us to wait, but to hell with that. Come on. Come on, get up. Take my arm. You can just–


–lean on me, OK? All right. We’re just going to walk.


I am taking you to the hospital my damn self. Come on.

Hattie? Girl, do not mess with me. I still have PTSD from finding Sonny with that steak knife in his back. Get up. Please get up? [tense music] Oh, God. [sighs] She doesn’t have a pulse. Ah. Ah. She isn’t breathing. Oh, my God. Hattie! Ah. Ah. Oh, Hattie. Oh. Hattie–

You were so funny. And you were such a gre– well, no, you weren’t a great actress, but you weren’t bad. Hammy, but you never phoned it in. And yes, you could be such a diva, but you made it worthwhile because you had such spunk, such a joie de vivre. I’ll never forget watching “Drag Race” with you, eating those revoltingly salty pork rinds. Oh, did they bloat you. God, did they bloat you. And now, you’re gone. Oh, Hattie, I’m going to miss you so much. [sighs]

What a cruel, cruel twist of fate. The irony is positively Shakespearean. You were so upset thinking you were going to die on the show, which you were not, that you actually died. I wouldn’t kill off Charlemagne, not after just writing her back in. I hope you believe that. Why did you have to come in here so angry like that? You probably stroked out from all that adrenaline. Well, either that or all that sodium and cholesterol finally caught up with you. The LDL. Or is it the HDL? I can never remember. But you did not deserve this. Yes, you could be incredibly annoying and a total diva, as I already mentioned. But you were an incredible person, kind of like a crass, bizarro version of Marlena. I absolutely adored spending time with you, laughing, talking. It was an absolute honor to call you a friend. You were so full of life. How could you be dead?

Will you stop your blubbering?

Hattie! Oh, thank God! You’re alive! [sighs]

They said it could be a while for the ambulance. For some reason, they’re really backed up tonight. So looks like I’m going to have to take care of you myself. But it’s OK. The dispatcher gave me excellent instructions on what to do until they get here. First and foremost, we need to get your fever down.


Oh, are you thirsty?

[clears throat]

Yeah, um–ice water.

[coughs] Thank you, Steph. I honestly don’t know what the hell I would have done without you. [clears throat]

Help is going to be here soon. Let’s just get back to cooling you down.

OK. [sighs] [somber music]

Sarah, thank God.

What is it? What’s wrong?

I just brought Kayla into the ER. They told me I could find you up here.

What happened?

I don’t know. She got her first script for “Body & Soul.” We were running the lines, and she just– she collapsed.

That’s strange. Seth Burns was reading his script when he collapsed.

What? When?

Just a few minutes ago. I was standing right here with him when it happened. They’re treating him now.

How’s he doing?

He’s conscious, but he’s weak. He’s–he’s lightheaded. He’s nauseous. He’s got a really high fever.

Heart racing?

That, too.

That sounds exactly like Kayla. So these symptoms– what do they tell you?

Well, I can’t say for sure, but I think someone may have poisoned them. [somber music]

[sighs] You did this because we took the show in a new direction?

A new direction? A new direction? Is that what you call making a complete mockery of my favorite show? The plot lines are abysmal. The sets are trash. The recasts are a joke. I thought sending my cupcakes would get the message across.

So you poisoned me and half the cast and crew to make a point?

Which is that your reboot is a complete failure. And I needed you to see the error of your ways before “Body & Soul” was damaged beyond repair, even if that meant making sweeping changes to your cast.

Sweeping changes.

I had to clean house, permanently, starting with Bonnie Kiriakis. [tense music]

Yeah, I–I understand that there are no available units. Do you understand that I am here with Charlemagne Delacroix? Huh? No, that is not a Chicago Bulls draft pick. She’s a soap opera goddess. Just–just get somebody here as soon as you can. [sighs]

Am I going to die?

You most certainly are not.

[sighs] I sure do feel like it. I feel like I’m just hot as a firecracker all over.

Well, just keep that cold compress on your képi, and think cool thoughts.

What’s the holdup?

I don’t know. Some kind of city-wide crisis. Reminds me of this time I was in South Beach, and I called a rideshare to take me to a place called Club Caliente, which was anything but. Hour later, still no ride. Turns out traffic was at a standstill because somebody’s pet spider monkey had escaped and was running wild through the streets. So I, in that Floridian humidity, a.k.a. my hair’s worst nightmare, had to walk. All of that is to say this might take a while, so we’re just going to have to do our best to keep you comfy.

Hey, Lenny.


Can I ask you something?

Yeah, anything.

Well, all that sweet stuff you were saying about me there– was it just because you thought I was about to meet that big network executive in the sky?

No. I meant every word, kiddo. [soft music]

I don’t get it. How–how did you go after Bonnie from in here, inside Bayview?

Invisibility has its benefits, Abe.

Invisible. But wasn’t the staff watching you around the clock?

Well, at first, they were. But now, everyone sees me as some poor, grieving woman– eccentric, but mostly harmless. And then when super fan Jason32 posted a photo of one of the actors holding her call sheet, all I had to do was zoom in and I could see when and where and what you were shooting. And then I sent that text to Bonnie Kiriakis from a burner phone.

How’d you get her number?

Hello. It’s called the dark web. [laughs] Come on. That and Soap Twitter–you can find out anything you want.

And you tried to murder Bonnie.

But I didn’t succeed, obviously. The next thing I know, Soap Hub is reporting that you’ve brought on Kayla Johnson.

It was a temporary recast.

It was a travesty. A doctor moonlighting as my Kassandra Lovegood. Oh, no. Hell, no. Kayla had to go. [somber music]

It’s OK, sweetness. Sarah’s going to figure out what’s making you so sick. Just stay with me. Stay with me, baby.

I need you to put a rush on those blood tests. The lives of our head administrator and our chief of staff depend on it. OK.


What happened to him?

I–I don’t know. All of a sudden, he just passed out.

OK, what was he doing right before–

The script.

“Body & Soul.” He–he had just got a script delivered, and he was reading it.

[sighs] Not another one.

Another one? What are you talking about?

I think that Johnny’s script was poisoned.


Yes. We need to get him into a room. I’m going to fill you in on the way. Come on.

So you weren’t happy with Kayla, so you wrote her out of the show?

Like I said, she had to go, just like the other one.

You mean–you mean Bonnie.

She’s not Kassandra Lovegood.

I know how passionate you are about “Body & Soul,” but this– you’ve taken this way too far.

Too far? I’m fighting for my life.

What are you talking about?

“Body & Soul” is not just some TV show to me. It’s–it’s what kept me going after I lost my husband and my cats. That’s why they all had to die. [dramatic music]

So you’re saying that’s why Kassandra had to die in that script you wrote.

No. I mean, I poisoned every last one of those actors you hired. With this.

OK. Thanks for the update.

What’s the word?

They’re sending someone out shortly. How are you feeling?


Good. Yeah. Yeah, your fever’s definitely down.

Thanks to you.

You think I missed my calling, going into PR? [laughs] Could be right. Maybe I should have gone into medicine, like my mom.

No. No way.

Hey, after that amazing, heroic, life-saving care I just administered, you don’t think I’d make a good doctor?

I think you’d make a fantastic doctor. No question about it. I just don’t want you at anybody else’s bedside. [clears throat] [coughs]

OK, easy. Easy there. OK. All right. Can’t have you dying on me now, Kiriakis. Not after we finally– finally got on the same page about our future.

[sighs] You’re not getting rid of me that easy, Doc.

What is that?

Oh, it’s an experimental drug they’ve been testing here at Bayview for psychotic behavior. Oh, but it has a toxic side effect.

How did you get your hands on it?

[laughs] I’m a nurse, Abe. I know my way around a drug closet.

So you sprayed that on the script you sent to Kayla.

Oh, not just Kayla. I sprayed every script that you sent to every actor. You get a spritz, and you get a spritz, and you get a spritz. But I wore gloves so I didn’t accidentally poison myself.

So anyone that– anyone that handled one of those scripts that you sent out–

Is probably dead. And you’re next. [tense music]

Sarah. Did you figure out what Kayla and Seth Burns were poisoned with?

We think so. And more importantly, we had the antidote right here in the lab.

That’s great news.


So she’s going to be OK?

Yeah, as soon as this makes its way into her system, she– she should make a full recovery. [somber music]

All right. Once this makes its way through Johnny’s system, he’s going to be just fine.

[sighs] Oh, thank Lord. And thank you, too, Sarah.

You’re very welcome.

So you’re sure that he’s going to be OK.

Yeah, Johnny’s going to make a full recovery. Listen–


I need to go check on everyone else that was poisoned tonight and make sure that they’re being treated, OK? I’m going to come back and check on you.



Thank you so much, Sarah.

Of course.

I was so scared, Johnny. I could have lost you.

No, not a chance. I am never going to leave you, Chanel.

Yeah. Well, I’ll hold you to that.


This is a concentrated amount of the drug. As soon as it touches your skin, you’re a dead man. Just–just like my husband.

Whitley, now, you don’t want to do this.

I thought that we had a special bond. And–but after what you’ve done to “Body & Soul,” that bond is forever broken.


You have to die.


Oh, no, you don’t, heffa. Not on my watch!

[sighs] You know, I texted you my hunch about Whitley. I thought you–

I know. I know. I know. You thought I was going to call the police and have them meet you here, and I did. I did. But Salem is such a mess tonight, even the mayor was going to have to wait.

A lot of people in distress.

Mm-hmm, thanks to her. When that lunatic was locked up in here after kidnapping you, I thought that we were done.

Well, she wasn’t.

Ugh. And I was not about to let you face her alone, so I jumped in my car and headed straight here.

[chuckles] My precious wife.


I’m so grateful to you.

Oh, and I am so grateful that you’re all right, my darling. Oh, I just pray that the rest of Whitley’s victims got help in time, too.

Whew. Wow. You know what? I–I’m already feeling better. My energy’s coming back, my appetite. Do you think Sarah would let me have a cheeseburger?


What? What’s wrong?

Nothing. Just looking at my husband.

I like hearing you call me that. After what I did, I– I wasn’t sure I ever would again.

[sighs] Look, Johnny, I– if I wasn’t already sure that I wanted to give our marriage another shot, almost losing you just now, it really drove it home for me. You are so important to me, Johnny. And I think that going through what we just went through and finding our way to the other side and finding our way back to each other is going to make our relationship even stronger.

I agree. And you, my beautiful wife– I– you mean everything to me. And I promise you that I’m never going to take you for granted again.

Yeah, well, that goes double for me. [laughs]

All right, you should be fine in a couple hours. But if her conditions worsen, get her to a hospital immediately.

Yes, sir. I know you’re not in the military, but what you do, saving lives– that deserves to be saluted. So I will keep an eye on Hattie, and thank you for your service. Heavens to Betsy Ross am I relieved. My favorite leading lady is going to be OK.

You better not let Bonnie hear you say that.

[laughs] Oh, Hattie, I don’t think I realized how much I adored you until I thought you were dead.

Oh, that’s all it took, huh?

I will be sure to never, ever take you for granted again. I promise.

Oh. Back at you, Lenny.

Come here. [soft music]

You should be fine in a couple hours. But if his condition worsens, get him to a hospital immediately.

Will do. Thank you so much for coming. Oh, my God. I can’t believe that someone poisoned your script.

“Body & Soul,” man, the gift that keeps on giving.

Yeah, I’ll say.

You know, now that I’m starting to come out of this fog a little bit, I did remember something.


Something I was going to do before I collapsed.

Alex, you’re going to have to tell me. It’s been a whirlwind. What were you about to do? [sweet music]

I’m so grateful you’re going to be OK.

I think the antidote is working. I’m really–I’m really feeling so much better.

Good. That’s so good because I– I couldn’t imagine losing you again. I love you so much, baby. [monitor beeping]

I love you, my darling.

Yeah? What about Rhett?

[laughs] What about him?

Aren’t the two of you supposed to get hitched?

I’m already married. And quite happily, I might add.

Don’t you forget it.

Never. So am I to understand that there was poison on my script?

Looks that way.

Do you have any idea who’s behind it?

Not yet, but I can promise you this. I’m going to find out who it was, and I’m going to make them pay.

[whimpers] How could you do this to me, Henry?


After all that we’ve been to each other, you expect me to call you Commissioner Marshall?

What is she babbling about?

Henry Marshall. He’s a character on the show.

[laughs] Should have guessed.

Poor thing.

She is definitely one sick puppy.

She has–she has no one. I want to show her some compassion.

Oh, there he is, my Abraham, with his big, forgiving heart. OK, go ahead. Do it. Just do your thing.



I’m not Henry Marshall.

Oh, you expect me to believe that you’re his twin brother, William. Well, I’m not buying it.

I am sorry. I truly am.

Oh, well, [chuckles] that’s OK. You know, the heart wants what it wants. Kind of like “Body & Soul,” right? We’ll always have Pineview, though, right?

We will always have Pineview.


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Days Transcript Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


Days of Our Lives logo

Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[soft music]

[gasps] Oh!


Honey. Well, I–I– I brought some bonbons for my– my favorite Bon– Bon Bon.


You–I guess you can’t eat those, can you? Gosh, I’m so sorry about that. Well, how long do you think you’ll be laid up here? I heard–heard it could be months.

[muffled] Yeah, it’s a long time.

Whatever you said, it sounds kind of bad. Uh, look, you know, Charlemagne is nothing without Kassandra. So not to make it all about me, but what do you think’s going to happen?

They recast me with Kayla.


Kayla. Kayla.

Oh, Kayla. Oh, Kayla.


Oh, I have not seen Stephanie worked up like that in a very long time.

Well, it’s not easy watching your best friend’s wedding blow up.

Well, and it’s hard on you to see Marcus’s daughter go through that.

Yeah. I just kept thinking how horrible it would have been for him to see her hauled down to the police station on those corruption allegations. It just doesn’t make any sense. The Jada I know would never be capable of doing any of those things she’s being accused of.

Agreed. So are you going to talk to Shawn and tell him about your hunch that EJ set Jada up?

No, I’m going to do some legwork first. I don’t want DiMera knowing that I’m on to him until I have something solid I could use against him.

Yeah, that’s a good idea. Ugh. Oh, what’s this?

Well, I hope Dr. “Sweetness” Johnson is up for playing these scenes as the mother-in-law from hell.

And the spoiler for Regan and Arrow.

Yeah. I’m hoping that Joy and Alex aren’t spoilers for themselves.

What do you mean?

You know what I mean. You know how messy it could get now that the two of them are sleeping together in real life?

And I thought I was feeling good before.


Didn’t you notice how mellow I was on set today?

Yeah. You were pretty chill now that I–


I think about it, yeah.

Well, that’s because it was actually a fun day at work for a change.


No Chanel making me feel guilty or snarking at me about her husband.

No wonder.

But still, how I wish I never met Johnny DiMera that night at Small Bar.

Hey, there’s no way you could have known that you two would be working together.

I know, or that his wife and I would be working together, too. But still, there was something. Something told me that night it was a big mistake to hook up with him.


I should have listened to my gut.

Great work today, Seth. Seriously, I mean, nobody could bring Dr. Blake Lamoray to life the way you have. You’re, uh, you’re really growing into the character. Yeah. I agree. It’s not the same without Faith. I miss her too.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Seth, I got to go. I’ll, uh–I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Chanel, hey.

Hey. Uh, this was at your front door.

Thanks. Uh, did you come by for any particular reason?

Yeah, I did. I wanted to talk to you about us.

Oh, it’s from Leo. Yikes. I think it’s my first script.

I still can’t believe I’m married to a TV star.

A very reluctant one, believe me. I just couldn’t say no to Abe. I knew he was desperate.

You’re a good friend.

[groans] Let’s see what I’m in for. [pensive music] Ugh.

What are you worried about? You know Alex and Joy are the definition of consenting adults, right?

Yes. We both know that. We both also know if things go wrong, we’re going to have a big problem because this is Alex we’re talking about. And just five minutes ago, he was–he was sleeping with Stephanie Johnson.

Did I just hear my name?

How about we run lines for tomorrow’s bedroom scene, hmm, in bed?



Hmm, as in not as fun as what we were doing before, but more fun than me doing it at home on my own.

Oh, way more fun. I promise. [sultry music]

All right, all right.

Another day, another show. Let’s see. Hmm. Oh, my God. Well, this came out of nowhere.

What happened?

Regan. She gets into a car accident and goes into premature labor.


But I just got pregnant. This is way too soon.


Wow. And they have Arrow trying to deliver the baby on the side of the road.

I get to deliver a baby? That’s awesome.

Oh, no.


The baby’s not breathing.

What do you mean it’s not– they can’t kill a baby, right?

Um, no. No, the baby doesn’t die.

Oh, good.

I do. [intriguing music]

I got to admit, when I didn’t hear from you today, I was worried you were having second thoughts.

No, no second thoughts. I just–I knew you were working, and I just– I needed a little more time. I wanted to make sure that my head was on straight before we had this conversation.

I understand.

But I meant what I said last night, OK? If we’re going to make our marriage work, then we have to get to work right away.

You’re right.

Letting things fester is how we ended up in this situation in the first place, right? So if you ever doubt me again for any reason, then you talk to me, OK? No wasting time and letting things spiral into this self-fulfilling prophecy.

That is the last thing that I want.

And if you ever happen to see Alex having sex with someone that you cannot see, just please don’t automatically assume it’s me.

Look, I’m not going to make that mistake again, OK? Trust me when I say that. I–I know. I let my jealousy just get out of hand. I know that. I went down this crazy rabbit hole and hurt you.

I just–I don’t understand how you could ever think that I would cheat on you. I really thought that we were in a good place. I thought we were solid. And obviously, you didn’t.

I know. And that’s 100% on me, OK? I own that. And all I can say now is that I promise, OK? I promise that I will never doubt you again. I promise that I will be a better communicator. I love you, Chanel. I can’t live without you.

I love you too, Johnny. And I cannot imagine wanting to be with any man but you.

I can’t imagine wanting to be with anyone else either ever– not ever.


Oh, is there a problem?

Yes, a big one. You know, I know it’s just acting, but I don’t know how I’m supposed to pretend to be in love with another man because you’re the only man that I want.


Yeah. But luckily, in this show, I talk about Rhett. I don’t actually kiss him or anything.

Well, if he did kiss you, I might have to put a hit out on him.

Yeah, well, this show, I just have scenes with Charlemagne, AKA Hattie Adams.

Oh, lucky you.

Yeah. I suppose I should call her up and run lines with her or something, right? I mean, that’s what they call this. “Run the lines.” Run the lines?

Well, in this case, I think you should call it “run for the hills.”

[laughs] Yeah, that would be a great idea. I would love to do that. You know what? I do not have the energy for her tonight, so why don’t you just run the lines with me, huh?

Me? I’m no actor.

Well, neither am I. Listen. Charlemagne barely has any lines in this whole scene, so here. Let’s do it, please. [whimsical music]

Mmm, yummy. So Dr. Kayla is Kassandra, huh? I’m–I’m just not sure I see that. I mean, she’s nice enough, and she’s got a great hair. But she doesn’t have your spark, Bon Bon, you know?


Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you.

Oh, oh, thank you. Oh, yes. OK. Well, you’re welcome. It’s going to be pretty interesting tomorrow, you know. Oh, oh, Leo– Leo gave me a script, right here. Yeah. So I–I, um, been kind of glancing out a little bit. But it seems to me that there’s a whole lot of Kassandra and Charlemagne in this thing. Oh, my goodness, yeah. Do you want to run it with me?

That’s insane. They can’t kill Regan.

It says I bleed out on the side of the road.

Let me see it. Maybe you come back from the dead later or something, you know? All right, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. “Arrow picks up the newborn baby, “tries to flag down a car for help. We see headlights, hear screeching, and he goes down.”

What? You get hit by a car?

Whoa, whoa, is it– “The baby goes flying out of his arms. “It lands gently in an off-camera thicket of shrubbery.”

And what about Arrow?

It says he’s dead. [tense music]

Stephanie? I thought you were at Jada’s wedding.

Ah. Guess you haven’t talked to Paulina.

No. Why?

Well, the wedding was a total disaster. Actually, it didn’t even happen.



Rafe supposedly found evidence that Jada is a corrupt cop. He left her at the altar, and Shawn dragged her down to the police station for questioning.

Well, I don’t believe it. I can’t believe that Paulina would either.

Well, her hands were tied. I mean, the whole thing is outrageous. Jada is incapable of the things that they are accusing her of. My dad is going to clear her name.

So is that why you came down here so late, to tell us this?

Uh, no. Actually, I wanted to let you know that I put out a release to the soap press about my mom assuming the role of Kassandra. And I also put out a release about the new identity of Lady Whistleblower. Oh, and I took care of the Emmy submissions.

Well, that’s very efficient. But, you know, the Emmys aren’t for months.

Yes. But I won’t be around then.

Well, why not?

Because I quit.

You’re quitting your job?

I am. But I didn’t want to leave you guys in the lurch, so I’ve already taken the liberty of reaching out to my friend who’s also a publicist. Her name is Andrea. She is fantastic. She has tons of experience.

OK, could we just back this up a bit? What prompted this decision?

It has nothing to do with you or the job. I promise. I have loved every minute of working on this show.

Uh, then what is the reason?

Alex Kiriakis. [soft dramatic music]

So I guess we’re fired?

You’d think they would say something before you just read it in a script, right?


Yeah, yeah. It’s–wait a second. Wait a second. I knew it. Look at the air date.

April 1.

It’s an April Fool’s Day episode. So everything that just happened is like a dream or something.

Maybe. Maybe, but I– I don’t see anybody yelling “April Fool’s” at the end of this.

I’m going to call Abe to get it cleared up.

Oh, no, don’t. Don’t.


No, we’ll figure it out tomorrow, OK? And honestly, I am OK with whatever happens.

Oh, you’re OK with whatever happens?

Like, I know I said today was a really good day on set, and it was. But to be honest, there’s been a lot more rough days than good ones. And who knows what else is to come? And, um, actually, the only real positive thing that’s come from this whole experience has been meeting you.

Joy. Come on. That is really sweet, but–

No, I mean it, Alex. And I was thinking, since next week is Valentine’s Day, I’d really love to spend it somewhere else with you. [soft music]


So with the help of time and talking things through– well, mostly with myself– I have a new perspective on us and what happened.


And the way I see it now– look. You almost went to bed with Joy. And I had a close call with Shawn. And we were both just angry and lashing out. But at the end of the day, neither one of us actually broke our wedding vows. And I think there’s a reason for that.

Look, speaking for myself, that night, when I took off my wedding ring with Joy, I honestly– I felt naked without it. And I never, ever want to take it off again. Chanel, there is one thing that I need from you if we’re going to fix our marriage. I need you to be here. Every night that you spend at your mom’s, you just feel further and further away. So would you please just come home?

OK. I will.



OK, uh, OK. Well, let– do you want to go– do you want to go to your mom’s? I’ll help you pack your things.

Oh, no, that won’t be necessary.

Oh, so you do need a little more time?

No, no. I already packed my bags in the car.

OK, baby, I can never say no to you when you bat those pretty blue eyes at me. But just don’t ask me to do Hattie’s lines in falsetto. OK?

OK. OK, OK, OK. Just give me the cues, OK? All right. All right, I’m going to start. I’m going to start.


OK. “Oh, my God, Charlemagne, I can’t believe it. You’re alive!”

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Kassandra. The Phoenix always rises from the ashes.” – “You’re no Phoenix. “And I’m not about to give up Rhett now. “So I suppose I’ll just have to make you die for real this time.”

Oh, my God. It says Kassandra shoots me and I die. That Leo. I finally get back on the show, and he’s killing me off again. [tense music]

“You’re never going to get–get away with this. I thought we were friends.” [sighs] You’ll–you’ll never get rid of me. I will haunt you forever.

That is not even close to your line.

I was going where the scene takes me, baby. [groans]


How was that?

And they say vaudeville is dead. I don’t think so.

I’m going to talk to Abe. I think I’m a natural.

No, I think you need to put your acting aspirations aside. You were going to clear Jada, remember?

Right. So explain this to me. Charlemagne is really dead?

Well, I mean, I don’t know. It says she comes back– I mean, how would they kill her off? She just came back to life. There must be something more to this. [gasps] Oh.

Oh, what? What is it?

There is something more. Kassandra dies too.

How in tarnation could he kill me off again? Ink isn’t even dry on my contract yet. You didn’t have anything to do with this, did you, Bon Bon?

What? No, of course not.

Oh, good. I’m so glad. You know what? I’m just going to call him, give him a piece of my mind. [line trilling] [beep] Oh, went right to voicemail. Well, I’m not going to let him do this to me. I’m going to– I’m going to go over there and give him what for. I’ll be back, honey.

Mm-hmm. [intriguing music]

So you’re quitting for Alex Kiriakis?

Well, because of him, but not for him. I’m doing it for myself. Look, you guys were being fair when Alex and I were together before, and you said that I had to choose between him or the job. Fast forward to now, I’ve realized that keeping my job was a reflexive choice, one that I’ve come to regret.

Now that you’ve broken up with my son.

I had no business being with Philip when I wasn’t ready to move on. And honestly, I don’t think Alex was ready to move on so quickly either.

Have you talked to him about this?

Um, I have, yes. But we didn’t get to finish our conversation. And that’s OK. Because whether or not we’re on the same page, I know that I’ve made the right decision.

Well, I wish that I could agree with you about that choice.

I also know that Alex is with Joy now. So obviously, if we don’t wind up together, at least I know I tried.

You want to take a little Valentine’s Day trip, huh?

Well, my mom’s been bugging me to come visit. And, like, I don’t know. New York would be fun, right? We could go to a couple of Broadway shows. We could go to the Met. We could go to MoMA.


Well, don’t get too excited.

No, no, I– I, yeah, I’m just– you know, meeting the parents– it’s a big step.

Wow. So you were only with Joy because you thought I was with Philip. And I was only with Philip because I thought you were with Joy.

Bingo. But you’re not with Philip anymore.

No. But you’re still with Joy, right?


Define “kinda.”

I mean, it’s not like we’re official or anything, you know? We’re just spending a little bit more time together. But I mean, If I had known you were single, Steph, I swear to God to you, I would slow that down completely so that you and I could–

So that you and I could what?

Forget it, really, because I don’t even know if you and I can really be together as long as the two of us are working on “Body & Soul.”

What if I wasn’t?

I just–I don’t know. I just maybe feel like it’s maybe too fast.

Yeah, no, I mean, it was just an idea.


Um, we definitely don’t have to go to New York. We could, um, we could go somewhere else. We could just stay here. I mean, you do– you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day with me, right?

Yeah. [phone buzzes] Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Of course. Come on. Oh, man. Anyway, I should probably get going, call it a night.

What about tomorrow’s script?

Oh, it’s, like, all action, pretty much. There’s no lines, so, you know. Got an early call time. I’m so tired.

You know you can always just stay here, too.

Thank you. But I think you and I both know if that happens, we’re not going to get much sleep. So I will see you tomorrow. OK?

Great. Yeah, yeah, tomorrow.


OK. I’m–I’m going to go get your stuff out of the car, help you unpack. And I–I–you know, I can’t believe that we’re sleeping under the same roof tonight. And also, um–


Also, um, look, I– I just–I want you to know that, um, we don’t have to sleep in our bed tonight. You know, whatever you’re comfortable with is what I want.

Hmm. Well, let’s just take it one day at a time.

OK. I have missed you so much. [soft music]

Did I even say “welcome back?” Welcome back.

[laughs] Yeah, I think I got the message.

[sighs] You know, this is the last thing that I want to do right now, but do you mind if I open this up? It’s going to be a new script from Leo, probably with some new pages for tomorrow.

Go for it. Let’s see what the troublemaker’s cooked up now.

Yeah. Oh, OK. Oh, my God.


Leo killed off Dr. Lamoray.


Yeah. I mean, Seth loves being on this show. I was just literally, when you walked in, telling him what a good job that he’s doing. He’s going to be devastated.


Hey. That was fast.

Well, I got your message. It sounded important. What’s going on?

Sorry for the cryptic text. I just wanted to talk to you about this in person.

It’s OK.

I quit “Body & Soul.”

You did? I mean, I know you said you would, but–

I–I had to go for it, even if we didn’t finish our conversation from the other day.

I’m just, um– wow.

Look, you know I have feelings for you. And I’m not trying to pressure you in any way. I just knew that if we were ever going to have a shot, it wasn’t going to happen if I was still publicist at “Body & Soul.” I had to follow my heart.

Steph, I don’t even know what to say.

You don’t have to say anything right now. I know that you’re with Joy, and that’s a complication, obviously.

Yeah, yeah, more than I wish it were.

What do you mean?

Well, I just thought we were still on this “getting to know each other” phase, you know, casual.

And you’re not anymore?

She’s not anymore. Suddenly she’s talking about taking this Valentine’s Day trip.

Oh. Well, Alex, I mean, if you want to do that, you should–

I don’t want to do that at all. And that’s how I know what I have to do. I have to let her down gently… Because I just want to be with you, Steph.

I can’t believe it that Stephanie just up and quit on us without any notice.

Well, I am sorry to see her go.

Damn it, Abe. Ever since Hattie put that stupid curse on us, I mean, it seems like everything has gone wrong– everything from the poisoned cupcakes, actors quitting left and right, the PR person quitting. Plus, Justin still insists that Bonnie was led to that elevator shaft on purpose.

Yeah. You know, it’s been a long day. Look, why don’t you– why don’t you go home and get some rest, huh?

You do the same thing.

Yeah. I’m going to finish up this schedule, and I’ll be right behind you.


You know, maybe this whole thing is my fault.

How so?

Because I told Abe that I didn’t really want to do the part. And I didn’t have much time to give him, so maybe he decided that it was too much trouble to recast it. And he decided just to pull the plug on the whole thing.

I guess it’s possible.

Yeah, but to kill the character off? I mean, Bonnie is going to get better someday, and now she’s not going to have a job? I just wish he would have talked to me about it first.

Well, why don’t you call him and find out?

Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do. Speed dial somewhere? There he is. [line trilling]

Oh. Kayla, hi.

Ah, Abe, hi. How are you? I’m sorry to call you so late. But I was just going over the script for tomorrow, and I’m just a bit confused.

Well, I’ll help if I can.

Um, yeah, I didn’t know, but, um–but it says in there that Kassandra is being killed off.


Well, the script says that I shoot Charlemagne, and then when I drop the gun, her cat slinks over and steps on the trigger and then shoots me in the heart. I mean, I don’t know. Is this just, uh, Charlemagne’s revenge or something?

Kayla, I– I have no idea what you’re talking about.

But it was in the script that was waiting for me when I came home.

Oh. So this must be Leo going off again on his own without running it by us.

So what should I do?

Well, you hang in there, and I’ll get to the bottom of it.

Hey, hey. I need a word with you.

Ugh, looks like I don’t have much of a choice. What’s up?

“What’s up?” Don’t play dumb with me, mister. I just got my latest script, and it says that Kassandra kills me dead.

What? No, she doesn’t.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, she does. Look, it’s all right here in black and white.

I did not write that. Ugh. Look at this terrible spelling, this awful punctuation. Where did this come from?

Well, it got delivered to me in an envelope with my name on it, like always.

Well, it didn’t come from me.

Well, if you didn’t write it, then who did? [tense music]

So what is this? Some kind of a joke?

Oh, my God. What if it’s the stalker?

What stalker?

The evil SOB who sent those poison cupcakes and the text to Bonnie sending her to the elevator, the person who has been targeting the cast and crew of the show since you put a curse on it.

Oh, yeah. Well, I guess that’s possible. But attempted murder, I mean, that’s no small potatoes. And I know they were killing me off on the show, but at least I wasn’t going to die in real life, you know? Although, I’m feeling a little unsteady.

You are suddenly looking a little green around the gills.

Yeah. [soft dramatic music]

I should get something to drink.

[shallow breathing]

So you want to be with me? Do you really mean that?

Of course I do.

[gasps] Alex! What’s wrong? Alex. Alex! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

So what did Abe say?

He said no one’s getting killed. And he thinks that Leo just went rogue.

Well, it sounds like Leo.

Yeah. And, um, Abe said he was going to get to the bottom of it…

Sweetness, you OK?

I just feel kind of– I don’t know. I feel–

Oh. Baby, hey. Oh.

I–I don’t understand why they would do this. They have to know that killing off Seth is a huge mistake. He’s the one who gave us permission to shoot at the hospital. If he revokes that, we’re screwed.

You’re right.

[sighs] I’m going to call Leo right now.

[grunts] [groans]


Oh, my God. I think I know who’s doing this.

[ominous music]

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Days Transcript Monday, February 3, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Now, if anyone here can show just cause as to why this couple should not be lawfully joined together, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.

I have something to say.

What is going on here?

Leo, what the hell are you doing?

Well, remember when I said Rafe might shoot the messenger? Let me take the hit.

Leo, this– your interrupting behavior is becoming a bad habit. First, at Jude’s christening, and now at this wedding.

I know. But this is important.

Oh, for god’s sake.

Commissioner Hunter, I know we don’t really know each other. Well, there was the whole Dimitri fiasco, of course. But there is something I need to tell you.

OK, what is it?

It’s nothing. Nothing.

Are you sure you don’t want me to–

Thank you for trying to protect me, but this is my secret to tell. Ladies and gentlemen, I have something to say. [suspenseful music]

[siren wailing]

Well, thank you again for testifying. I’m sorry the trial got moved up so last minute.

Yeah, it’s fine.

Well, we would have been screwed if you and JJ hadn’t been able to take the stand.

Yeah, well, just doing my job.

Well, I appreciate that, especially since it meant you had to miss Jada and Rafe’s wedding. Do you think it’s still too late to go?

I’d show up in the middle of the ceremony? No, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t appreciate that.

Yeah, probably not. Well, at least you got to celebrate Rafe at the bachelor party last night.

Yeah, yeah, although I could have done without Chanel throwing herself at me.

Chanel threw herself at you? What– oh, when you went to drive her home?

Well, I tracked her down a small bar and she was desperate for a friendly face.

Yeah, well, she was drunk and upset about Johnny.

Yeah, she was definitely both of those things.

So did you two–

No, Belle, we didn’t sleep together, unlike you and EJ. [tense music]

“Everything’s in place, Feniger. “The rest is up to you. Don’t screw this up.”

Javi, my dear cousin, I am sure whatever wedding surprise you have in store, it can wait. [phone beeps] I swore I’d turned this damn thing off. Oh, my god.

Rafe, what is it? Is everything OK?

Whatever it is that you have to say, it’s going to have to wait, because I’ve got something to say now.

Rafe, you’re scaring me. What is going on?

I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you.

[indistinct murmuring]

Excuse us. What do you mean, you can’t marry me? What are you talking about?

I can’t marry you because you’re not the woman who I thought you were.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Rafe, what is this about?

So sorry to interrupt the ceremony, Paulina. I never wanted it to be like this.

I don’t understand. Why would you say that I’m not the woman that you thought I was? What does that even mean?

I hate that I have to do this right now.

What is he doing?

I have no idea.

The truth is, I’m still processing this all myself.

Processing what? Rafe, what is going on? What was in that text message that you got?

OK, you remember when I told you that EJ hired me to find Sloan Petersen?

Yeah, of course I do. You told me that EJ brought you on a case so that you can make extra money for a wedding surprise.

Yeah, and that part was true. But the other part about the case, I was lying about that. [tense music]

Shawn, what happened with EJ, it shouldn’t have happened. It was a– a mistake.

Hey, look. You and I are divorced. How you spend your time and who you spend it with is your business. I– I never should have brought it up.

Except you did. So it kind of seems like you’re upset about it.

OK, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I am. I am, because I just– I don’t know. I thought you had better taste.

Better taste?

Belle, the guy is scum. I mean, he always has been.

OK, so what, we’re going to start rating each other’s sexual partners now? EJ and I don’t have a relationship, OK? It was a one-time thing, and it’s over.

OK, fine. Fine. And I meant what I said, all right? It’s your business.

Yeah, except it kind of seems like you have more you’d like to say.

No. No, actually. No.

Go ahead, Shawn. Go ahead and say it. There’s really no reason to pull any punches now.

Well, as someone who’s had a run-in with addiction, I’ve become very– very attuned to when someone’s lying.

So what, think I’m lying to you about EJ?

No, Belle, I think you’re lying to yourself.

“Don’t mess this up for me, Feniger. Stick to the script and drop the hammer on Jada Hunter.”

What is on your phone?

It’s about the case.

The case that you told me you were just lying about? Was EJ your client or wasn’t he?

EJ was my client. But the case– the case was about someone else, not Sloan Petersen.



What do you mean, the case was about me? Why would EJ hire you to investigate me?

Rafe would never go behind Jada’s back. Right? What? Is there something you two aren’t telling me?

No, we don’t know anything about this.

EJ came to me with a request– I dig up dirt on you.


He blamed you for costing him the DA job, and he was desperate to prove that you weren’t as clean as you seemed.

What kind of dirt was he looking for?

Didn’t matter. Anything I could find.

OK. So EJ was upset that I got him fired.

Yeah. He was convinced that you were the one who talked Paulina into replacing him with Belle. So he figured if I could find something and then he could leverage that, he could maybe get his job back.

OK, so that explains why he came to you. But what I don’t understand is, why would you want to help him?


“Don’t forget to act like it’s killing you. “You’re the tormented groom with a broken heart that needs to play to the back row.” [door slams]


Belle. I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again today.

Well, I just came from court.

Oh. Did you win the case? Yes. As a matter of fact, I did.

Let me guess. You’ve come to gloat?

No. I came here because Shawn was a witness, and I’m just– I’m just agitated.

Well, I can see that.

Yeah, well, he gave me an earful about you.

I’m sure he did.

Yeah, you know, it just wasn’t supposed to go like this.

I can understand why you felt uncomfortable seeing him.

[chuckles] Yeah. You mean because he– he walked in on you trying to sneak out of my mom’s house this morning?

It was a tad awkward.

Yeah, just a tad.

[chuckles] So have you come for an apology, or–

What? No. I came here to talk about how we’re going to handle our relationship going forward. [tense music]

What the heck is this?

Rafe, answer me. Why would you ever agree to dig up dirt on me, for EJ DiMera of all people?

Will you stop looking at that phone and answer me?

She deserves an answer, Rafe.

Yeah, you’re right, Paulina. She does. OK? I agreed to do it because I figured it’d be easy money.

Excuse me?

EJ was offering me a boatload of cash to find something on you. I was sure that there would be nothing. Right? So he’s going to pay me a ton of cash. I’m going to do a little research. Then I’m going to come back to EJ and ruin his day because I’m going to tell him you’re clean. And we’ll have a ton of money for the wedding, for the honeymoon. And EJ is going to be a big loser. It’s a win-win for us, right?

OK, so what’s the problem with that?

Yeah, well, the problem is, is that I found something.

You found something?


That’s impossible, Rafe. What could you have possibly found on Jada?

He can’t have found a damn thing. Commissioner Hunter has been nothing but an upstanding citizen and a diligent officer of the law. She would never knowingly committed an infraction, much less one that’s going to qualify as dirt.

I hear you. And I didn’t want to believe it, either. But it’s all right here.

What do you mean by “handle our relationship”?

We don’t have a relationship, EJ.

You’re the one who used the word.

No, I didn’t– I didn’t mean “relationship” relationship. I meant, like, ugh! It’s– it was never in the plan to have my newly ex-husband discover that you and I spent the night together.

An unfortunate consequence of an otherwise pleasant evening. Look, Shawn is a grown man. I can’t imagine he expected you to join a nunnery after the divorce went through. But he is going to have to deal with you having a life apart from him.

Well, he’s not the only one who’s going to have to deal with that.

Who else?

You know who else. My mother.

So you’re worried she’s going to shout it from the town square. Come on. She’s a psychiatrist.

I am just saying it’s out there now. And the more people who know about it–

The more likely your sister is going to find out about it.

Yes. And then it’s only a matter of time before Hurricane Sami comes blowing into town.

Samantha does tend to bluster and cause catastrophic damage. But we’ve discussed this, Belle. Worrying about her finding out what happened between us is a total waste of energy.

Well, you didn’t seem to think that way last time.

And I’m over that now, as I thought I’ve made it clear. Look, I’m not going to live in fear of her anymore. Are you?

No, of course not. I’m just– I think that we should be prepared, because you never know what she might do.

So did you just come all this way to talk strategy about Samantha, or was there something else on your mind? [jazzy music]

What do you have on there? Let me see it.


Just tell me what you found.

OK. Look, I talked to one of the detectives on the force, a friend of mine who owed me a favor. And I asked him to take a cursory look at your case files.

Which detective?

Well, I’m not going to tell you that. OK? I– I told him that I needed to show proof to my client, when we looked at your files, that everything looked ordinary.

So this person went through my files?

Yeah, he agreed to look at them. But again, again, I was not expecting to find anything. OK? And then with the wedding and the bachelor party– the whole thing is– it– it had completely slipped my mind until–

Until you got that text.

Yeah. Until I was standing up there at the altar ready to marry the woman I loved. Then I got the alert on my phone and–

And– and what? What?

And he told me that when he looked at the files, there were some disturbing discrepancies, instances where rules were bent or broken.

That’s not possible.

What kind of rules are we talking about here, Rafe? How many?

None, Paulina, I promise you. I don’t know what Rafe is talking about right now.

Well, I’m afraid it’s all here, a very disturbing trail of lies and corruption.

What other reason would I have for coming over here?

I don’t know. You tell me.

Uh, whatever you’re thinking, you can forget it.

Who said I’m thinking anything? I mean, if you ask me, thinking is overrated.

Well, just so we’re clear, whatever happened last night is never happening again.

Good to know.

It was a– a drunken mistake.

I was sober, but I hear you.

[scoffs] I am the district attorney. OK? I have to carry myself a certain way, and I have to make good choices.

Choices are important.

So I’m leaving.

Bye. Go. Go on.

And if it were one case, I might have been able to write it off as simple mistake, an oversight, even one bad decision. But for what the detective uncovered, it’s a pattern.

No, no, no. This is all one big mistake.

Yeah. I wish to God it were. But from what my friend says, he’s compiled an entire dossier of all the questionable things that you’ve done.


Yes. With all the evidence against you.

OK, well, let’s see it. I’ll respond to each and every allegation. I have nothing to hide. So let me see it. Where’s it at?

I have it right here. [tense music]

Shawn, what are you doing here? I thought you got called to court.

Yeah, I was in court. Then I went back to the station, and I found this on my desk. But listen, right now is not the time to discuss this.

What is it?

It’s a dossier.

The detective must have left it for you.

You’ve looked at it?

It’s several case files from when Rafe was in the hospital and Jada was acting as commissioner.

And did you see who put them on your desk?


What do the files say?

I haven’t had the chance to look over them in detail, but I did notice some– some highlighted events, issues with certain timelines, evidence, and– and even warrants.

No, that’s–

What does that mean?

Look these– these files seem to show that Acting Commissioner Hunter was– was rogue during all these investigations.

No. No, no. That’s not true. I always follow the letter of the law.

Well, these documents seem to show that there was a history of skirting the rules to ensure conviction, maybe just to, I don’t know, boost the department’s clearance.

No, no, I would never do that.

You were under a lot of pressure. You didn’t even know if I was going to live, if I was going to wake up. And you had to prove to Mayor Price and to the whole town that you were capable of handling it.

I was capable, and I still am. I would never do anything underhanded, I swear.

Well, unfortunately, that’s not how it looks.

Let me see those files.

Actually, I think that I should take those.

We shouldn’t be doing this.

Shouldn’t we?

It was a mistake. I just got a divorce.

Belle, you are divorced, which means you are free to do whatever you want. But if you truly don’t want this, then you should leave before it goes any further. But if you do, I propose we take this upstairs.

Well, let’s go before I change my mind.


Oop, OK.

Paulina, come on. You don’t believe that any of this is true, do you?

Jada, you know how much I’ve always respected you. I made you commissioner because I believed in you. But from here on out, we’re going to have to progress in a transparent manner.

I can’t believe you are doing this to me.

I’m so sorry, Jada. You have to know how much this hurts me.

Then why the hell are you doing it?

I told you. I told you when I accepted the job offer from EJ, I was so sure about you. I was so sure about you I would have bet my life I wasn’t going to find any dirt.

But now, the evidence seems– seems pretty clear-cut. So I think it’s best we don’t get married– at least, not while you’re under investigation.


I hate to say it, but I believe– I believe that Rafe is right. Now, as mayor, I can’t be affiliated with any kind of wrongdoing. And I can’t, in good conscience, perform this ceremony, not– at least not until we get to the bottom of the situation.

This is crazy. None of this is true. It’s not true.

I wish that were the case.

I wish I’d never found any of this.

Jada, let’s– let’s just hope. Let’s just hope that this is nothing but a terrible misunderstanding.

No, this is not a misunderstanding. This is a lie. It’s a lie. It’s one big, ugly lie. Shawn, come on. I mean, how can you not see through this? You don’t even know who left this file on your desk.


Detective Brady, would you please, please take Commissioner Hunter to the station for questioning?

Wait, questioning? What, right now?

Is this really necessary?

Yeah. Couldn’t this wait? I mean, she’s still in her wedding dress, for god’s sake.

The sooner we go through the process, the better it will be. Detective Brady.

Jada, I’m sorry. ** * [sultry music]

I can’t believe Rafe let that happen. I can’t believe Shawn and Paulina let that happen. I should go down to the station and try to–

No, no, no. There’s nothing you can do down there, Stephanie. No.

I can support my friend. I can deal with the press.

I trust Shawn and Paulina to keep this quiet. Look, I know you feel terrible.

I feel so terrible. Jada was basically arrested at her own wedding.

No, she wasn’t arrested.

It was just as humiliating. Dad, you know she didn’t do those things that they’re saying. I don’t care what’s in that dossier.

Well, I agree with you. I mean, everything that Jada has ever shown us is that she’s a good and decent person. I– I really can’t imagine that she would break the law to prove herself as a commissioner.

She wouldn’t. And that’s why we need to strategize.

You mean you want to help her?

Of course. First, we need to know what Rafe found and what evidence they have against her.

And then maybe we can prove that this was just a huge misunderstanding, right?

Let’s hope so.

It has to be. There’s no other way to explain it.

We’ll do everything we can to make things better for her. I promise.

You know the worst part of it? Her fiancé did this to her. What is wrong with him?

Rafe, why did you do this?

I had no choice.

Sure you did. You didn’t have to get involved with EJ in the first place. And I don’t understand why the hell you did, which is why we’re going home to talk about this right now.

Yeah, I’m not doing that.

What do you mean?

I mean, after the day that I have had, I am not going home to answer a bunch of questions.

Oh, so you’re not in the mood?

Please, Gabi. Please. All right? I know it looks like I’m the bad guy here, but I’m just trying to do the right thing. OK? I just– I just need to think.

Fine. But we will talk about this later.

OK. [somber music]

My god. I can’t believe this happened. My wedding is ruined.

You OK?

No. No, I’m not OK. OK? I just found out that my bride is completely corrupt. I thought, morally, she was a great person, but it turns out she’s doing all this shady stuff behind my back.

You know, I– I got to say, Rafe, that you’re not in any position to judge.

Excuse me?

Oh, come on. Let’s not pretend that you haven’t made some mistakes of your own.

What are you talking about?

You know what I’m talking about. What you did with the stripper?

Paulina, this is insane. I mean, you can’t possibly believe that whatever is in those files are true.

I don’t know, Jada. I really don’t know.

But you know me. Am I the kind of person who’s going to play fast and loose with the law just to look good as a commissioner? Is that what you think of me?

Of course not.

You were with me the whole time when Rafe was in a coma. And you– and you saw that I was struggling to keep the department on track.

I remember how difficult it was for you. But maybe it was those struggles that led you to cut corners.

No. I didn’t, and I wouldn’t. My focus was on carrying Rafe’s legacy on as commissioner. I spent every spare minute I had at his bedside. I was afraid that he wasn’t even going to wake up.

Well, thank god. He did.

But how could he do that? How could he dig up dirt on me? How could he tell me that he loved me in one breath and at the same time try to find something that would hurt me?

He did say that he only took the case because he thought he would find nothing.

Still, my fiancé was looking for dirt in my past.

Why? Why would he do that in the first place?

Ah, see, I almost forgot. Before I exposed Jada, you were about to tell everyone what you saw in my hotel room, weren’t you?

Look, look, look. Don’t blame Javi. I’m the one who stood up first.

Oh, yeah. I remember. Why would you tell this creep? Talk about a rat. And what happened to guy code, huh? “What happens at the bachelor party stays at the bachelor party”?

First of all, the party was over. I had to tell someone. It was eating me up.

All right, whatever. You know what? It doesn’t matter now anyway, because my wedding is in the shambles, and the love of my life just cheated her way into my job. So if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go figure out what I’m going to do with the rest of my life. [somber music]

I can’t believe that just went down.

Tell me about it. I thought I had a lock on the craziest wedding interruption in this town, but that– that just blew it out of the water.

OK. So what do we do now?

What do we do?

Yeah. Do we still tell Jada that Rafe cheated on her? I mean, we did decide that it was the right thing to do.

True, but–

But what?

Well, you wanted Jada to know the truth before she committed herself to Rafe for life. Doesn’t look like they’re getting married anytime soon. And considering that Rafe betrayed her twice in the last 24 hours, I think the commissioner dodged a bullet.

Yeah, you’re right. If we tell Jada now, we’ll just be kicking her when she’s down. And she’s got enough problems as it is.

Take Jada into the interrogation room. And the two of you just go over all this piece by piece.

I’m really sorry to do this.

Me too.

Do you want to wait for your lawyer or a union rep?

Let’s just get this over with. My fiancé just tore me apart at what was supposed to be our wedding. It’s not like this day can get any worse.

I just don’t get it. I mean, I thought Rafe was a really good guy, and then he does this.

I know.

He goes after the woman he claims he loves in such a cruel way?

Well, he has been making some very questionable choices lately.

Yeah, I have to say, I couldn’t imagine this in a million years. It really is unbelievable.

It’s more than unbelievable. It’s insane.

We know Jada. She is one of the most moral, ethical people I’ve ever met.

That’s why we need to consider the source.

You mean that detective friend of Rafe’s?

No, I’m talking about where this case originated. This has EJ DiMera’s filthy fingerprints all over it.

So do you still think this was a mistake?

[chuckles] My brain’s not really in thinking mode right now.

[laughs] Good. Good. As I said, thinking is overrated.

No argument here.

Ohh. [phone beeps]

Hold that thought.

No. You’re not going to answer your phone right now.

Sorry. Sorry, I’ve just been dealing with some staffing issues here at the house.

Good news?


[sighs] [phone beeps]

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Days Transcript Friday, January 31, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[soft music]


Oh–oh, my.


Lordy, Lordy, Lordy. You look so beautiful.

Oh, well, you are not bad yourself.

Oh, is that right?

Yes. Mm! You know, I really wanted to break out and go to Jada’s bachelorette party, but I got stuck in the ICU all night. I mean, do you see the bags?


What? Bags?

Yes, these bags under my eyes. You know, if I was traveling today, they would make me check them.

Baby, don’t check those bags. They’re beautiful, just like the rest of you. All you have to worry about today is that you don’t upstage the bride. [cell phone ringing] – It’s Rafe.

Ah, see? Told you he didn’t let you down. [cell phone rings]


Hey, baby. Sorry I didn’t hit you sooner.

Oh, it didn’t even cross my mind.

Well, I just wanted one last call with my gorgeous fiancée before she becomes my wife.

I was just telling Dr. Evans– I mean my best friend, Marlena– how happy we are.

No, I’m mad at you.

Me? What? Why?

Because you ruined Jada and Rafa’s wedding.

What are you talking about? Look, I have been blamed for many things, but how did I ruin a wedding that hasn’t even happened yet?

Well, it might not ever happen because… last night Rafa cheated on Jada. [ominous music]

I’m so glad you called. You know, when I didn’t hear from you this morning, I started getting a little paranoid. Thought maybe you were getting cold feet.

Cold feet? [scoffs] No way, baby. My feet are so damn hot, you could fry an egg on them. But listen, listen, all right? There is nothing that can stop me from making you my bride today. [dramatic music]

There’s not going to be a wedding, you son of a bitch. It’s been fun, but it’s over now. [soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So how was the bachelor party?

Well, I hope you have some of those, uh, hangover remedies in your bag because I think some of the dudes are gonna need ’em today.

Wow. That good, huh?

Ah, I wouldn’t exactly say “good,” uh, at least not for me.

What? Why?

Well, I found out that, uh, Rafe took a case working for EJ DiMera and decided not to tell me about it.

I thought he and EJ hated each other.

They do, but that obviously didn’t stop Rafe from taking the job.

What sort of case are they working on?

Well, Rafe claims that EJ hired him to track down Sloan Peterson.

What do you mean by “claims”?

Well, a couple of weeks ago, Rafe told Jada that I sent him out of town on a case, which I did not do.

What do you think’s going on?

I don’t know, but I didn’t think last night was the night to get into it with him. But I’ll tell you something– after the honeymoon, Rafe and I are going to have a little tête-à-tête about our working relationship. [dramatic music]

Come on. That’s crazy. Rafe is head over heels in love with Jada. I can’t believe he would cheat on her.

Well, he did, with a complete stranger.

Okay, okay. I’m sure that everyone had a lot to drink. Are you sure you didn’t see him just with a very attractive mannequin?

No, it was with a human being, if you want to call her that. It was with the stripper. No, excuse me, the exotic dancer that you hired for the bachelor party.

No, no. Sally would never do that. She and I go way back. We did this off-Broadway– well, it was an off-off-off-Broadway play together about the rivalry between Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. Obviously, I played Joan, and Sally… Well, frankly, she never got it. She never got it. All of that is to say, Rafe is not her type. Men are not her type.

Okay, well, that Sally must have called in sick, because that skank– her name was Savannah.

Oh, God, no. They sent Savannah? She would sleep with a lamppost. In fact, last year she did sleep–

Leo, I don’t care about the stripper or the lamppost. I care about my cousin, and I care about Jada. I mean, how could he do this to her? I-I don’t understand. This isn’t the Rafa I know… at all.

Yeah, well, you know what I was thinking? I know it’s last-minute, but I was thinking that maybe we could do one of those, uh, you know, photo-booth setups. Yeah, maybe we’ll get one that looks like, uh– you know, it looks like one of those old VW campers or something.

That sounds fun, but Javi did pretty much all the planning, uh, since work has been so crazy these past couple of weeks. I am beyond grateful to him. But I have a feeling that we’re in for a few surprises.

Yeah. Well, uh, what’s a wedding without a few surprises, huh?

And speaking of which, have I got a surprise for you, birthday boy.

Well, I can’t wait to see it.

I love you so much, Rafe.

Right back at you, babe.

[chuckles] See you soon, husband-to-be. [cell phone beeps]


Well, he sounded upbeat… like he, you know, can’t wait to marry me.

See? I told you– nothing to worry about.

[chuckles] [sighs]

Hello? Where’s Harold? Hello? Buongiorno! Buenos días. Anyone? It’s Rita Lesley! This would have never happened when you were alive, sir. There’d always be someone here to greet a guest. My, how times have changed. [dramatic music]

What the–

You know… [scoffs] Rafe is such a man of his word. He’s trustworthy. I mean, there must be a rational explanation for him to go behind your back.

To take a case working for EJ DiMera? I sure as hell hope so.

Yeah, so do I.

[sighs] Listen, uh, don’t say anything to Jada about this. This is her day. I want it to go off without a hitch.

Absolutely. I will not say a word. Mm.

Right. [soft music] Uh… I sure wish Marcus was here to see his little girl today.

Me too. I would love to see him give her away, wouldn’t you?

But I know that he would be so grateful that you are stepping into his shoes.

He would.

I love you, Steve Johnson.

I love you, too, baby.

Get a room, you two.



Javi, I am so sorry. Who’d have thought, right? Like, Rafe is so straight, in every sense of the word.

I know, he is.

Like, he’s the kind of person who would say something like, “Everybody ready to rock and roll?” before leaving a restaurant. Like, I would bet he has the full “Band of Brothers” DVD set. He’s that kind of straight.

[laughs] Yeah, he is. And he pulls out these “Wedding Crasher” quotes from time to time. And then I think to myself, imagine being this into women.

Okay, so do you think that maybe you might have caught my case of “jumping to the wrong conclusion” syndrome? Because it is very contagious, and I was sneezing earlier.

No, no, no. I am sure. I walked in on them in his hotel room. She was wearing nothing but a towel.

Maybe her shower wasn’t working.

Rafa admitted it, Leo. He slept with her! And then he begged me, pleaded with me not to say anything to Jada. How am I supposed to keep this a secret from her?

[voice breaking] Mom, believe me, I would give anything to have you here today. And Dad, too, of course. [sniffles] Yeah, yeah. No, we’ll send you lots of pictures. I promise. Listen, you just focus on getting better, okay?

I love you, too, Mom… so much. Bye. [cell phone beeps] Ah, I can’t cry anymore. Thank you.

Yeah. How’s your mom?

Uh… she’s okay. She has a really bad flu– like, shivers, 104 fever. But I’m just–I’m really glad that she didn’t try to fly out tonight, even though I really– I really wish she’d be here.

I know.

Yeah. [sniffles] [sighs] You know, she wasn’t at my, uh, first wedding either, obviously, since me and Bobby eloped. But, you know, I-I-I didn’t get at all emotional… actually. That should have been the first clue that something was off… more than off, given that I thought the man I was marrying was someone completely different altogether. – Commissioner Hernandez– I mean, former Commissioner Hernandez.

Yeah, who are you?

What in the world? I’m Rita Lesley, executive assistant at DiMera Enterprises.

Okay, do you have a phone? I need to call the police.

The police? Why? What’s going on? And what were you doing coming out of the walls?

EJ, EJ DiMera– he’s been holding me hostage.

What? Why would Mr. DiMera do that?

This guy Arnold Feniger– he has been posing as me.

Posing as you?

Yes. Yes. And my fiancée, she is about to get married right now, today. I need to stop this.

Oh, well, my goodness, of course. I-I have a phone in here somewhere. [dramatic music]

[exhales deeply]

[cell phone ringing]

[line trilling]

Come on, come on, come on. [line beeps] EJ, hey, it’s Arnold. Listen, man, I need to hear from you to get my final marching orders. I thought I was going to hear from you, like, um… yeah, like, an hour ago, man. Yeah. Call me. [cell phone beeps] [knock at door] Hmm, must be him. About time, EJ–

Hairspray, pepper spray– dangerous world out there– movie ticket… [chuckles] Oh, a coupon! Oh, dear, expired.

Please, can you hurry? I think I’m about to pass out.

You know what they say. Patience is a– Aha! Got it.

What is that? That’s not a phone.

No, it’s not. It’s a Taser. [Taser clicking]

[groaning, screams]

I’m sorry. We didn’t know you were there.

Oh, I jest, you two. I am all for PDAs for people in love, like you two.

[giggles] Well, speaking of people in love, where’s Abe?

Oh, well, he and Kate– they got stuck at the office. Oh, and, you know, they fell behind in taping because of Bonnie’s hapless fall down that elevator shaft. Oh, and God forbid that you fall behind in production.

Right. Right. I’m just so glad I didn’t have to tape today.

Oh, yes. I heard about that new role of yours, Kassandra. [laughs] Congratulations.

Ah, thank you, but I am just filling in.

Oh, still, still, Abe is, oh, so grateful that you agreed to step in while Bonnie’s convalescing.

Well, he’s a very hard person to say no to.

Oh, don’t I know it. You know that man almost got me to go skydiving with him once, until I got a hold of some video online. I watched it. I said, oh, hell, no.

Yeah, yeah, no skydiving for me either, absolutely.

Well, since you’re flying solo tonight, Paulina, why don’t you sit with us?

Oh, that’s mighty kind of you, but I’ll be standing. I’m the officiant.


Oh, right. We should have realized.

Mm-hmm. All these directions from Mr. Javier Hernandez– micromanaging wedding planner. Oh! Hoo! Say this. Oh, don’t say that. Stand here. Stand there. Yeah, right there, right there. [laughter] Oh, and shoulders up– posture, posture, posture. Posture is very important, Mayor Price. Oh, you’d think that man was trying to get his own reality show. Oh, but you know what? Rafe and Jada– they are going to get hitched without a single hitch. [soft music]

How are you supposed to keep this secret from her? Well, you could just never, ever, ever tell her. I’ve done that a lot in my life, and, yes, it causes crippling anxiety and nightmares, but it beats having to see the deeply sorrowful and/or hopping-mad expression on somebody’s face.

Okay, maybe you don’t want to live that way. So does this mean you are going to tell Jada about what you saw?

Like, how can I? Rafa gave me this whole bro-code speech and then proceeded to lay this huge guilt trip on me. So… I agreed to keep quiet.

But what? Now you’re not so sure?

I mean, don’t you think Jada has a right to know? She’s about to marry this man. She’s wearing my mom’s engagement ring. Mami would be turning in her grave if she knew what Rafa had done. On the other hand…

On the other hand, what?

Family was everything to her. Rafa’s my flesh and blood. I-I planned the wedding, the whole thing. A-and so, what, I’m just going to destroy it? How can I do that?

Jada? Is everything okay in there?

Yeah, I’ll be right out.

Oh, my God. You are stunning.

Thank you. You know, it’s not really my usual style.

Oh, who’s ever style it is, honey, you are… stunning.


Oh, my God, Jada, you are every bit the queen that you are in this dress. Believe me–Rafe is not even going to know what hit him. [ominous music]

Rita? Whoa.

Mr. DiMera.

What on earth happened here?

Let me just start by saying that I’ve just come from the police station, and I’ve brought with me that information you requested on Jada Hunter.

That’s great, but what the hell happened here?

Well, I was looking for you, and Mr. Hernandez came staggering out of that door. He told me you had kidnapped him, were holding him prisoner in the basement. Then he asked me for my phone so he could call the police.

And after that, he just collapsed?

Oh, no, I Tasered him.

You Tasered him? What, you just carry around a Taser with you?

In my line of work, it pays to be covered for all eventualities.

[sighs] Okay, so, if I’m understanding correctly, you took it upon yourself to–

Stop him from blabbing to the whole world about your latest criminal exploit? Yes. I did it out of loyalty to you, to this family… Especially now that you’re no longer in a position to make those charges– poof–vanish.

Thank you, Rita. Believe me, your loyalty is very much appreciated. I’m in your debt.

Yes, you are. And to secure my silence, I do hope that this will be reflected in my yearly bonus.

Of course.

And now I’m going to need you to tell me exactly what you’re up to.



In the flesh. Why did you think it was EJ?

Uh, well, ’cause he hired me…


To, uh–to do some work for him, and then the son of a bitch stiffed me on the bill.


Yeah. And, uh–and I told him, I said, hey, uh, EJ… [chuckles] I need this money so that I can pay the caterers today. And, uh, well, I thought he was coming, but it looks like he’s a deadbeat.

That tracks, the cheap bastard.


But, Rafe, if you needed money, you should have asked me.


Come on, you’re my brother. And you know getting involved with EJ, it never leads anywhere good. That man is a slimy, malignant narcissist.

I know. I know. No, no, trust me–I hate the guy as much as you do. I mean, if he were drowning, I’d throw him a bowling ball.


But, um… yeah, you know, the money is green.

It doesn’t matter what color his money is if it stays in his pocket. Listen to me. EJ has the moral scruples of a tin-pot dictator.


Any time I’ve ever done any kind of business with him, I get burned, badly. Promise me– promise me you’re not going to let that happen to you. [dramatic music]

Rita, I am beyond grateful for your loyalty–

Enough with the gratitude. Start talking.

Fine. Fine. I’ll tell you everything. But, first, do you mind giving me a hand here?

Oh, no, not with my back problems. I did the Tasering. You do the lifting.

[sighs] Fine. Not again.

If I’m being honest, I am somewhat surprised that Rafe would have me officiate today. I mean, it’s not as if he and I have exactly been BFFs as of late, since I relieved him of his official duties.

Well, maybe he’s trying to mend fences.

Oh, maybe. Ooh, it’s chilly out here. You know, if I was planning a January wedding… [scoffs] Everyone would fly their asses to Turks and Caicos.

Oh, that would be lovely.

Ooh, still, I know they’re going to have heaters around, but I doubt they can keep up with this cold. What do you think Javi would think if I put my puffer coat on over this dress?

If you ask me, I think the only opinions that matter today are the bride and groom’s.

Oh, definitely, and, you know, Jada and Rafe seem to be pretty low-key about all these things.


I think all they care about today is that at the end of the ceremony, they will be married and be husband and wife. [soft music]



I’m ready. You’re ready. Let’s do this.

Wait. Before we go…

What’s that?

Talia wanted me to give this to you.


She would have given it to you herself, of course, if she wasn’t already building homes in Ecuador.

My noble sis.


Oh, wow. This is the necklace that Daddy got her when she was a little girl. She never took this off. She always wanted him close to her heart. Wow, I can’t believe she sent this to me.

She did.

Can I put it on for you?

Yes, please.

I’m just so sorry that your family couldn’t be here today.

Yeah, well, they are. They’re right here. And I have an adopted family– the Johnsons. Not to mention I am gaining a whole new family. Or should I say familia? [both chuckle] [sighs] Yeah. So… am I good?

Ah, you are more than good.

[gasps] One more thing.


Mm-hmm. All right.

W-what is–

This is a sixpence for your shoe… for luck. Mm-hmm.

Not that you’ll need it. I have a hunch that you and Rafe are going to live happily ever after… no luck necessary.


Oh, don’t worry, sis. I know how to handle EJ.

Yeah, I thought I knew how to handle him, too, but, um… Oh! I almost forgot.

Hmm. – Feliz cumpleaños to my big brother.

[chuckles] Wow. You brought me a present.

Actually, it’s not from me. It came to the house this morning– special delivery from Eli and Lani.

Oh, Eli and Lani, huh?

Yeah, it’s a little bubbly for your wedding night. Figured you’d want to chill it.

Ooh. Oh, thank you. Yeah, can never have too much bubbly, huh?

Oh, yeah, that’s for sure. So you ready to go? I, uh, thought we could drive together.

Come on, what, y-you don’t have, like, a hot date or something?

Well, I did. JJ was supposed to be my plus-one, but he got called into court at the last minute. He and Shawn have to testify for some major case. It’s one of Belle’s.

Oh, well, that’s too bad.


Well, you know, maybe, uh– maybe Jada will throw you the bouquet or something.

[laughs sarcastically] Maybe.



I just want to say that… from the bottom of my heart, I am so happy that you and Jada found each other.


You’re such a great brother and a great guy, and you deserve all the happiness in the world. I love you so much.

Oh. Mm. [chuckles]

Uh, Rafe, you’re cutting off my air supply.

Oh, sorry. I-I…


I just, um… I love you, too. Yeah. All right, so, uh, we should get going.


Yeah. Let’s do this. Right? [door opens]

Leo, seriously, what do you think I should do?

You’re asking for my advice?

Yeah, I am.

Wow, I’m flattered… also a little thrown off. People rarely ask for my input when it comes to moral decisions. But okay, uh, before you came to Salem, I was privy to a doozy of a secret. And I’m not talking about the kind of secret like, oh, somebody stole prescription drugs from the medicine cabinet at a gender-reveal party. This was a secretsecret. And it caused me so much guilt, so much angst, and if I had to do it over again, I would never.

So you’re saying I should tell Jada?

That’s what I’m saying, 100%. Although… I don’t know what it’s like to come from a loving family with siblings and cousins and a mother who would call a babysitter instead of giving you a Little League bat, saying, if you see the doorknob jiggling, run.

My God, Leo.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I’m not telling you any of that to make you feel bad for me. It’s just to say that if I had had that, I might feel a sense of affection and therefore obligation to the family member with the secret. I mean, you live with Rafe.

Yeah, I do.

And I would hate for him to shoot the messenger. I mean, he’s not going to actually shoot you, but he might yell at you a bunch, throw you out on the street, and then I would be happy to pick up the pieces. But on the other hand…

“On the other hand”? Leo, you’re not helping me at all!

Rita, could you help me with this knot, please?

God knows you were never a Boy Scout, Elvis Junior. I suppose that’s why the ex-commish escaped in the first place. [grunts] Constrictor knot– nearly impossible to slip. Take note in case you are planning a future hostage situation… which I fervently hope you are not.

Thank you, Rita– I knew I could count on you, even if Kristen is your current employer of record.

I’m loyal to all the DiMeras. Besides, you never know when the next palace coup might happen. Oh, you’re CEO, then she’s CEO, and on and on and on. I will note that it would have helped had you told me the entire story from the beginning.

It was on a need-to-know basis. I was protecting you.

Of course, you were. So, just to get some clarity– if right now Ms. Hunter is on her way to the altar with Rafe, I assume Mr. Feniger has something to do with this plan of yours?

You would assume correctly.

[chuckles] But I thought he was paid off ages ago– you know, when you and your father faked his death.

He was paid off, but he recently resurfaced. Apparently, his tiki bar in Argentina wasn’t doing so well.

[scoffs] If I recall correctly, the last time he stood in for Rafe Hernandez, the situation went very far south very quickly.

[sighs] Believe me, Rita, I had no intention for this particular history to repeat itself. But Rafe happened to stumble upon Arnold, and he foolishly blurted out everything, so I had no choice but to put Rafe on ice.

How long has he been down here?

Just a few weeks, but I only recently realized I could use the situation to my advantage.

Do I want to ask?

Well… I was ousted from my DA position by his fiancée.

Oh, and let me guess… you’re going to use this information to return the favor.

[elegant music playing]

Uh, who invited you?

[scoffs] Nice to see you, too, Mayor. Uh, and to answer your question, my boyfriend did. He convinced me I needed a day off.


That’s right. I would like you to meet Javier Hernandez. Javi, this is our… esteemed mayor, Paulina Price.

Oh, yeah, I already know Javi. We’ve met. Wedding planner extraordinaire.

It’s good to see you again, Mayor. I love the dress.

Why, thank you.

Oh, uh, sorry. And this is Steve and Kayla Johnson.

Actually, I met Javi at the bachelor party.


Well, I haven’t met you. Kayla Johnson. Pleasure to meet you.

Same here. Uh, would you excuse me? I have to, uh, check on the fireworks. [chuckles]

Fireworks? * *

Have you decided what to do?

No, I haven’t… not yet. * *

Well, that is, I suppose, a novel way to exploit this information, though will it allow you to accomplish your goals? That remains–

To be seen. I know. Listen, Rita, the clock is ticking, and I’ve already wasted valuable time dealing with this distraction. [Rafe groans] I’m sure he’ll have plenty of questions when he comes to. Do you mind keeping an eye on him while I attend to business?

I assume that question is rhetorical?

Thank you. I owe you one.

You owe me more than one. [dramatic music]

[elegant music playing] * *

Your window of opportunity to do something about this situation is dwindling rapidly.

Leo, I know. I just need a little more time to think, please.

Javi, this garden– it’s amazing. You really outdid yourself, primo.

Well, well, well… look who it is. My handsome cousin Javi. You know this day would not have been possible without you, right? Right? * *

Oh, baby, hello. You look beautiful.

Wow. Back at you, Mom. Oh.

Thank you, gorgeous.

Wow. Hi, Dad.

Hi, baby.



So tell us, how’s the bride?

Oh, she’s good. She obviously didn’t want Rafe to see her until she walks down the aisle.

Right. [chuckles]

And, Dad, it means the world to her that you’re stepping in for her dad today.

Well, it means the world to me that she asked. It’s a privilege.

Yeah. Well, I think we need to sit down.

Okay. * *

When Marcus and I were growing up in the orphanage… the only family we had was each other. So… when he made a family with your mom, your sister, and you… it was everything he ever dreamed of. And I want to tell you… he was so proud of you, Jada.

[sighs] I hope so.

Yeah. And I wish you all the happiness he had in his marriage… and all the happiness I have in mine. You know, when you find the right person… and you make a family with them… there’s nothing better in the whole world. [Wagner’s “Bridal March” playing] Okay. I think we’re on. * * Take good care of her, you hear?

Oh, I will. I will. * *

Dearly beloved… we are gathered here to join Rafael Alejandro Hernandez and Jada Louise Hunter in holy matrimony. The contract of marriage is a solemn one… not to be entered into lightly but thoughtfully and seriously… and with a deep realization of its obligation and commitments. Now, if anyone here… can show just cause as to why this couple should not be lawfully joined together… let him speak now or forever hold his peace.

I have something to say. [dramatic music]

What is going on here?

Leo, what the hell are you doing?

Well, remember when I said Rafe might shoot the messenger? Let me take the hit.

Leo, these– your interrupting behavior is becoming a bad habit! First at Jude’s christening, now at this wedding!

I know, but this is important.

Oh, for God’s sake.

Commissioner Hunter, I know we don’t really know each other. Well, there was the whole Dimitri fiasco, of course. But there is something I need to tell you.

Okay, what is it?

It’s nothing. Nothing.

Are you sure you don’t want me to–

Thank you for trying to protect me, but this is my secret to tell. Ladies and gentlemen, I have something to say. [dramatic music]

[weakly] You…

I thought you were going to help me.

Well, I didn’t, did I? Oh, and don’t waste your energy trying to slip out of those bonds again. It won’t work this time around.

I should have known. Just a… DiMera stooge… a pawn.

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’d be a shame if you didn’t get any.

I should have known.

I should have known.

Everything’s in place, Feniger. The rest is up to you. Don’t screw this up. [exhales deeply]

Javi… my dear cousin, I am sure whatever wedding surprise you have in store, it can wait. [cell phone beeps] I swore I turned this damn thing off.

Oh… my God.

Rafe, what is it? Is everything okay?

Whatever it is that you have to say is gonna have to wait, because I’ve got something to say now.

Rafe, you’re scaring me. What is going on?

I’m sorry… but I can’t marry you.

[people murmuring]

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Days Transcript Thursday, January 30, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[doorbell ringing]

Coming. Oh, Leo, what a surprise.

I know, I know, I know. I shouldn’t just drop by unannounced for an impromptu session or even just to shoot the breeze, but I’m hoping you won’t be too annoyed with me, because, ta-da, I brought scones.

“Scones”? That’s so kind of you. I’m really not in the mood.

Oh, no, what’s wrong?

Well… I had an argument with my daughter this morning.

About what?

Well, I wanted to take her some coffee, and–




And she wasn’t alone.

Ah. So you walked in on Belle and some guy in flagrante delicto? Who was said guy?

I’m not going to talk about that.

Oh, you’re gonna make me guess? Fine, I’ll throw out names. You blink twice if I’m right. Shawn Brady, Philip Kiriakis, Dr. Seth Burns.

EJ Di– [gasps] [dramatic music]

* For he’s a jolly good fellow * * For he’s a jolly good fellow * * For he’s a jolly good fellow * * Which nobody can deny * Yay. Happy birthday, Rafe. Should be a good one. After all, you have so many reasons to celebrate. [ominous music] [clapping hands]

[humming Wagner’s “Bridal Chorus”] * * Rise and shine, bride-to-be. Coffee’s almost done. [resumes humming tune] Who’s ready to get married today?


Wow. That was meant to be rhetorical.

How are you feeling?

Like there is no chance that this wedding is going to happen.

[sighing] Okay.

[knock at door]

Oh, room service. Finally. [grunts] Hey.

[imitates fanfare] [chuckles] Happy birthday!

Can we turn that down a little bit?

Yeesh, you look like hell. I mean, I had a feeling you would after how crazy last night got. Here.

What’s this?

Come on, you know what it is. Ceviche.

Shrimp… for breakfast?

Yes. Abuela’shangover cure.

Yes. Yes. Right, right. But, uh, I already ordered room service, so, um… Yeah. What are–what are you doing here so early for, anyway?

What–what do you think? I’m here to help you get ready for your wedding.

Yeah. That’s go– I got it covered, though. So you know what? Why don’t you– why don’t you go help Jada? Because I’m sure that she has got, like, a million things to do.

I smell something good. Is our breakfast here? Sorry. I didn’t know you had company.

Neither did I.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Oh, I can’t believe this.

Yeah, I’ll bet seeing EJ DiMera naked is pretty unbelievable.

No, I mean, I can’t believe that I just blurted that out.

Oh, Dr. Evans, it’s all right. And I assure you, I won’t repeat a word of this to anyone. And, frankly, I’m honored that you confided in me.

Well, you know what? I don’t have anyone to confide in anymore. I mean, John is gone, and… well, I can’t very well confide in Belle about this.

I can see you’re very upset.

I’m so upset. Not just because of the way I feel about EJ, but… because I know what this will do to– to Sami and Belle’s relationship, not to mention Shawn.


Shawn. Shawn showed up when all that was going on. – Shawn BradyShawn?



Yeah. And then EJ walked out. And it was pretty clear to Shawn… Belle and EJ had spent the night together.

Wow. Awkward.

Very awkward.

Oh. I am so, so sorry.


Was EJ still naked when Shawn showed up?


What? It’s not exactly irrelevant, because if he had been dressed, Shawn could have assumed that he was there for a business meeting?

Oh… no… he wasn’t fully dressed.


So Shawn could have assumed… very well what was happening… that the two of them had spent the night together. Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe that I’m saying all this to a gossip columnist.

Uh, no, a former gossip columnist. And you’re not telling me anything that hasn’t already been in a “Body & Soul” script.

Yes, that’s true. That’s true. But that’s a script. I mean, this is– this is real life. Oh! I can’t believe I’ve been so indiscreet. I mean, that’s the kind of thing that you only tell to a really, really close, trusted friend.

You know what this means, right? Maybe you’ve confided in me because you think of me as a really close, trusted friend. [chuckles]

Boom, there. Now we’re appropriately festive. And let’s not forget. [tense music]

Well… make a wish. Come on.

[exhaling weakly]

Oh, for God’s sake… Come on.

I wish you were dead.

Ah, ah, ah, you said it out loud. Now it’s not going to come true. But since I’m in a very generous mood, I’m gonna take that wish personally. You can have your cake and eat it, too– or muffin, in this case. Come on. Here, have at it. What’s the matter? Too vain to, uh, dive in face-first? Come on.

Knowing you, it’s poisoned.

Now, why would I do that? I wouldn’t be able to see the look on your face when I share the good news.

What good news?

Well, today is not only your birthday, it’s also your wedding day.

[groans] My head is pounding.

Oh, boy, okay. Uh, On a scale of one to ten, how bad?

Way beyond ten. Like, we’re talking a whole new scale. [groans] How am I supposed to get ready in four hours and I can’t even think straight?

It’s okay. You just need a little caffeine. Here.

Oh, thank you. But short of mainlining it, girl, I don’t think I stand a chance.

Relax, I got your back, okay? Starting today, we’re family. So put all the worries out of your mind. I promise, you’re going to walk down that aisle, because if you don’t, a certain someone will kill me.

No, Rafe wouldn’t blame you.

Mm. No, forget Rafe. I’m talking about Javi. He’s so invested in planning this wedding, you’d think he was the one getting married.

[chuckles] Well, speaking of Javi, where is he? Why isn’t he here?

Oh, I told him that Stephanie and I had everything under control. She’ll be here in a few, by the way. And as for Javi, he’s got a much more difficult task ahead of him.

Mm, more difficult than reviving the corpse bride?

[laughs] Yeah. He’s, uh, helping Rafe get ready. My brother is the only one who partied harder than you did last night, so…

Yeah, uh, don’t mind Javi. He was just, uh, leaving.

Wait a minute. I know you. You were at the party last night.

[mockingly] And you were the entertainment. So what are you doing here, in my cousin’s room, wearing nothing but a towel?

[chuckles] I should get changed.

Yeah. [door opens, closes] All right, listen, this– this is not what it looks like, all right? I can explain.

Oh, you better. So go ahead, explain.


Best friends.

Best friends?

Listen, don’t be concerned about offending anybody. Best friend is a tier, not a title. Not that I’m aware of anyone else in the running.

Oh. Well, I-I did have several best friends. I guess they’ve left town by now. But that’s what texting and social media is for, huh?

Dr. Evans, you cannot watch “Drag Race” with an avatar. Well, you can, but it would be a different experience. Bonding over who should sashay away is sacred.

Leo, you’re still my patient.

I haven’t had a real appointment in ages. That professional boundary has long been breached.

Yeah. I have only myself to blame for that, don’t I?

Oh, no, no, don’t think of this as some deep, dark shame. Look, I didn’t haul my tush over here with fresh pastry so you could bill me for an hour. I came here because something wonderful happened, and… I just–I just wanted to share it with you.

Tell me what happened.

Javi and I got back together. [chuckles] [soft music]

I can’t believe you, man.

Listen, man, you got it all wrong, all right? I can explain.

Oh, this should be good.

Yeah, okay? I-I, um– I forgot my scarf at the bachelor party.

Oh, your scarf.

Yeah, my scarf, okay? And Savannah was nice enough to bring it to me. The problem was, when she got here, she’d been drinking, so… Yeah–So I didn’t think it was smart for her to drive, and I thought it was best if she spent the night here. [dramatic music]

So she spent the night? Where exactly?


[ominous music]

You and Jada planned on getting married today? Don’t tell me it slipped your mind.

We never set a date. We only talked about getting married today… right before I saw you with Arnold.

The beginning of your stay in my lovely home.

How the hell did you know about our plans?

Because your bride-to-be went along with them. Jada is getting married today.

I have to admit– I was surprised at how much Rafe was enjoying his bachelor party.

Yeah, well, I guess everyone gets a little wild the night before their wedding, right, Commissioner?

I suppose. [knock at door]

Mm, I’ll get it.

Mm-hmm. [door opens] There you are.

Hey! Oh! Sorry for the delay. I, um–I stopped by the “Body & Soul” studio on the way here. And not to brag, but your glam squad scored some Hollywood-level cosmetics for your big day.


[chuckles] Not that you need it. You are already the most beautiful bride in the world.

Well, given how I feel, that is debatable.

Oh, don’t be ridiculous. I’m just taking your look to the next level.

Well, if you’re all set here, I’ll meet you both at St. Luke’s.

Oh, you’re leaving?

I just have to take care of something. But don’t worry–I promise I’ll be back in plenty of time to watch you and my brother tie the knot.


Okay. [light music]

Jada’s getting married today. [scoffs] You’re out of your mind. She’s out there following every lead, knocking on every door, looking for me.

Rafe, Rafe, Rafe, look, I know that you’re rattled, but it’s still a bit concerning to me that you don’t recall what I told you when this first came up. And that is, Jada is not looking for you because she doesn’t think you’re missing, which means she’s had plenty of time to plan her wedding to… [dramatic music]


[imitates gunshots]

I didn’t want Savannah driving home, so I thought it was best that she sleep in my bed. I slept on the floor, of course. Isn’t that right?

That’s right. Rafe was a perfect gentleman.

So you’re saying nothing happened between you two?

Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Yeah, well, there’s just one problem. I don’t believe a word of it. So just fess up and say you guys slept together. [soft music]

Gabi. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Believe me, the pleasure is all mine.

So how are you feeling?

Well, a little more human now that I’m on my third cup. [chuckles]

I wasn’t talking about your hangover. I mean, how are you feeling? Any butterflies?

No, no, I’m–I’m not nervous. I mean, no more than anybody would be before their wedding. You know, I have done this before, after all.



Everett. Or, um, Bobby, technically.

Yeah. I mean… that marriage, it didn’t end how I had hoped.


But if there was one silver lining through that whole disaster, it’s that it brought you and me closer, so… Uh, I mean, having you as my maid of honor, it just really feels so right.

I love you, Jada.

I love you, too.

You’re sick. You’re a sick bastard. I will make you pay for this, EJ.

Don’t blame me. Blame your fiancée. This could have all been avoided had she not conspired with the mayor to have me fired. When you cross a DiMera, there will be a reprisal. If you take a shot at the king, as they say.

And this is your revenge? This is your revenge? Marrying an unsuspecting woman off to a maniac? What do you think’s gonna happen on their wedding night?

Relax. Arnold Feniger is not sleeping with anyone today.

Okay, fine. We had sex, okay? Why are you making such a big deal out of it?

Are you kidding me? You’re getting married to Jada in, like, four hours. You proposed to her with my mother’s engagement ring– you know, the one she left to you instead of me so that you can give it to the love of your life.


So? So now you’re making a mockery of that gift by sleeping with a stripper.


I am an exotic dancer, thank you very much. And for the record, I didn’t cheat on anyone. So, if there’s no breakfast coming, then I’ll just leave and spare myself your judgment. [dramatic music]

[door slams]


How could you do this to Jada?

I can see that you’re upset.

Yeah, damn right, I’m upset.

Yeah, well, get over it. Get over it, because you are not gonna breathe a word of this to anyone. Do you hear me?

So, then after all the details about the new “Body & Soul” storyline show up in Lady Whistleblower’s column…

Oh, the one about devil possession?

Well, you know what they say– imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So, anyway, then I head over to Javi’s place, where I find him in bed with Kerry, who I blow the whistle on just in time, because five minutes later, a different whistle of Kerry’s would have been blown, if you catch my drift.

Well, subtlety was never your long suit.

Point is, Javi then throws Kerry’s sorry ass out of the house. It was incredible. Better than “Waiting to Exhale.” Full-on Angela Bassett walking away from that cheating bastard’s car after setting it on fire. So then, Dr. Evans, Javi takes me into this big romantic kiss. It was everything.

I’m so glad it worked out.

Oh, I’m not done. Then I spent the night, and we had sex–lots and lots of sex.

Are you sure that was a good idea?

Not a good idea? I thought sex was like Paris– always a good idea.

Paris, yes. Sex, not always. The last time you behaved so–so hastily, it ended up badly for both of you.

Mm, that breakup had nothing to do with our relationship speedometer, as you know all too well, because I kvetched to you about it endlessly. It’s because I accused Javi of spying on me.

I know. I’ve told you so many times– you can’t build a relationship on a faulty foundation.

So are you saying my relationship is doomed? [dramatic music]

May I say, wow… you look amazing.

So do you. [chuckles] I mean thank you.

So where are you off to looking so gorgeous?

My brother’s wedding.

Right, that’s today. Not that I’m not happy to see you, but, uh… what are you doing here?

Excuse me?

It’s just, aren’t you a little busy?

I most certainly am. Well, I’ve been helping Jada get ready and putting out fires all morning. I’m exhausted.

I’ll bet.

[chuckles] But there is one very important detail that I totally forgot to take care of, which I hope that you can help me rectify.

Whatever you need.

It’s about my plus-one.

Your plus-one?

Well, someone needs to be mine, and… I was hoping that someone could be you. [romantic music]

[humming] Mm, mm-hmm. Are you still not feeling up for this?

No, no, I’m feeling much better now. Thanks.

Oh, okay, good. After everything you and Rafe went through this past year, you must be so happy to finally be getting married.

Yeah. Yeah, it’s amazing. [chuckles]

Jada, what’s wrong?

Nothing, nothing. I’m fine.

You might have been able to fool Gabi but not me. Talk to me.

It’s–it’s stupid. It’s just that I haven’t heard from Rafe, you know? I mean, I know he wanted to be traditional and sleep apart the night before the wedding, but… I thought that I would for sure get a call from him at least before we walked down the aisle.

I already gave you my word that Arnold wouldn’t lay a hand on Jada.

You know what that monster did to Sami. How the hell could you let this happen to someone else?

I will never let that happen again! I made sure of it!

How, EJ? How? Jada thinks that she is marrying me. You don’t think that she’s going to want to be with her husband on her wedding night? Oh, and, what, Arnold’s just going to be like, oh, no, it’s okay? You need to stop this, EJ.

Settle down, Rafe. I’ve taken all of this into account. Before the happy couple heads up to the honeymoon suite, all of Salem is going to receive some very distressing news.

What news?

Oh, I didn’t mention it? Jada Hunter is gonna be outed as a corrupt cop. [dramatic music]

I thought it was kind of adorable that Rafe wanted to spend the night somewhere else.

So did I, but just because we slept apart the night before, you know, I thought I would at least get a text good night. I mean, I understand him not wanting to see me before the ceremony, but… I don’t know. I just– I feel like I’m being ghosted.

Well, this may come as a surprise to you, but that phone of yours, it works both ways. Did you call him?

[sighs] Fair enough. [chuckles]

Besides, it’s still early. I bet Javi is putting him through the ringer, trying to make him look presentable. I mean, I’m sure he’ll call you as soon as he can.

Yeah, but… it’s not just about some silly text or phone call.

Then what is this about?

It’s just that… something’s been really off about Rafe lately.

Are you kidding me, Rafael? You want me to keep quiet about the fact that you cheated on your fiancée?

Exactly. Fiancée. Fiancée. We are not married, so no commandments were broken. And besides, it’s not your secret to tell.

Oh, s-so, what? So, no harm, no foul? How could you hurt Jada like this?

I didn’t hurt her, all right? I didn’t hurt her because she doesn’t know about it. What are you going to do, huh? Are you going to tell Jada, huh? You going to ruin her big day, my big day? Because of what? Because of a little extracurricular activity at a bachelor party?

This isn’t some ’80s movie. Most bachelor parties don’t end up with the groom having sex with someone else.

Yeah, you said you never even went to a bachelor party. From where I stand, that actually was pretty tame. I mean, it’s not like the stripper died or anything.

Oh, my God.

It was a joke, okay? A joke. The bottom line is this– it is not unusual for people to sow their wild oats before they settle down, all right?

This just doesn’t seem like you.

Okay. Well, agree to disagree. The bottom line is this– you do not breathe a word about this. You hear me? Not one.

I never said your relationship was doomed.

Well, you may as well have. Dr. Evans, I’d think you’d be a little more encouraging. Javi and I finally put this Lady Whistleblower business behind us, and it just felt right. Why would we wait after being apart for so long? [gasps] You know what I think? I think you’re projecting.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, that’s right. I remember all the terms you taught me in therapy. I’m telling you about Javi and me, but you’re thinking about walking in on Belle and EJ. Projecting.

You’re right.

And another thing, if you– I’m what?

You’re right. You’re right. Yeah, I was–I was thinking about you and Javi, and I was–I was concerned that you might get hurt… because I don’t want that to happen, because I– I care so much about you.

[scoffs] Sort of like a… best friend?

[scoffs] Best friends. You and your best friends. Yes, just like best friends.

Come here. Come here.


So what happened? Someone cancel on you?

No, I was gonna ask you earlier.

Well, then why didn’t you?

Because I lost my damn nerve. [chuckles] Uh… I– Look, we haven’t been seeing each other for very long, and I know being my date to my family wedding is sort of a big deal. I was worried that you might think I was rushing things.

Well, I’ll admit– I was, uh… wondering whether you were going to ask… and what it would mean.

Or we could disregard any meaning this might have. And it’s just a party… a very elegant party where people will profess their love to each other in front of all my family…


But a party, nonetheless. And, uh, maybe it’s just as simple as, I like you, and you like me. And it would be really fun to go together. So what do you say? You want to be my date?

I don’t like this. In fact, I hate it.

All right, well, noted. [chuckles] But you’ll still do me this solid, right? Hey, we’re family. We’re family, and family looks out for each other, right? Come on, huh?

Jada’s my family now, too.

What are you– Where you going?

You can get ready without me.

All right, but you’re not going to say anything, right?

No. I won’t.

All right.

God, help me.

All right, well, I’ll see you at St. Luke’s. [dramatic music] [door closes] [sighs]


What do you mean something’s off with Rafe?

He’s just been different… for a while now.

How so?

Well, like the fact that he was getting all handsy with the dancer last night… that was just so not him.

Yeah, I mean, I didn’t love that.

Me neither. And the fact that he hired EJ as a client– He can’t stand that man. He hates him like poison. Why on Earth would he want to work with him?

Well, didn’t he say that he was trying to get some extra cash for the wedding? That’s kind of sweet, if you think about it that way.

Yeah, yeah, and–and I did appreciate that gesture, but… Okay, Black Patch is not short on clients. He didn’t tell Steve, and he didn’t even tell me. It’s just–it’s so weird. And then EJ practically lost his job because of me. But he’s totally fine hiring my fiancé? Something about this doesn’t add up.

I don’t blame you for needing me to put the pieces together. You do have a lot on your mind, after all. So I will tell you how this is going to work. Jada will lose her job. That will then allow Mayor Price to reappoint you– oh, well, Arnold. Arnold will then convince Paulina to reinstate me as district attorney. I will have a job. Rafe will have a job. Jada will be the only one out on the street.

There’s only one problem with your plan.


Jada’s not a dirty cop.

Mm. Neither were you. Me and Ava Vitali manufactured enough evidence to do a real good number on your reputation. I mean, I’m not Ava’s biggest fan, but a good idea is a good idea. When all is said and done, Jada will be toxic.

There’s no way you’re gonna get away with this, you know.

Would it be cliché to say I already have? Because… Now, there is somewhere that I must be. So if you want to enjoy any of this, I suggest you open wide. Choo-choo! [imitates train chugging]


Well, Gabi, you’re right. We haven’t been seeing each other for very long, and as–as much as we want to downplay it, it is kind of a big deal for me to go with you to your brother’s wedding.

[chuckles] Oh, my God. I’m such an idiot. I’m sorry. I’ll go.

No, no. I didn’t say no.


I like that it’s kind of a big deal. And I want to go with you.

I want you to go with me, too. [soft music]

[cell phone ringing]

That’s the DA.


I got to take this. Deveraux. No, I’m off today. Wait, it got moved? Since when? Yeah, I can be there. Give me an hour. Damn it.

I have a feeling you’re not going to be my plus-one after all.

That was the ADA, prosecuting a perp I arrested a while back. The trial wasn’t supposed to be for a few weeks, but it got moved up.

And you have to be there.

Yeah. Belle needs Shawn and me to testify. Hey, I’m–I’m sorry.

You don’t need to apologize. I sprung this on you out of nowhere.

Yeah, but I’d much rather be spending the day with you than taking the stand.

Well, not exactly a high bar.

Let me try that again. Um, I’d much rather be with you than doing anything else.

Hmm. Well, it’s all right. You know, my brother being on the force for so long, if there’s one thing that I have realized, it’s that justice never takes a day off. I have to go. Uh, I will save you a piece of cake.

Hey, Gabi…

Even though I can’t go, I, uh… I know that even being asked was a big step. And, well… I like that for us.

So do I.

Ah, isn’t this the most pleasant of coincidences? Mwah. I was just telling Dr. Evans– I mean my best friend, Marlena, how happy we are.

No, I’m mad at you.

Me? What? Why? Because you ruined Jada and Rafael’s wedding. [dramatic music]

Look, I get that Rafe has been acting a little strangely lately. And I don’t blame you for overthinking all of this.

What do you mean?

Well, not to bring up the Everett in the room again, but the last time you were married, you got blindsided when the groom was experiencing a literal personality change. So… [chuckles] No wonder you’re a little sensitive when it comes to Rafe cutting loose. [cell phone vibrating]

It’s Rafe.

Ah. See, told you he didn’t let you down.


Hey, baby. Sorry I didn’t hit you sooner.

Oh, it didn’t even cross my mind.

Well, I just wanted one last call with my gorgeous fiancée before she becomes my wife.

There’s not going to be a wedding… you son of a bitch.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


I understand perfectly, Mayor Price, but it’s exactly like I told you last night– your daughter, she’s fine. Yes, yes, I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. No. No, no. Please, don’t say anything to Johnny. All right, Chanel, she specifically said she didn’t want Johnny to know where she stayed the night last night. [soft apprehensive music]

Oh. Morning, Johnny.

Hey, Aunt Kristen, I heard you guys found Rachel and brought her home.

Yes, we did.

Thank God. Where’d you end up finding her? Is she okay?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, she’s fine. She’s fine. I just–I really wish she was a bit sorrier for what she put us through. But our Rachel is not big on contrition.

Yeah, well, I doubt I was, either, at her age.

Yeah, nor was I. Nor am I even now, quite honestly. Oh, God, for what felt like eternity, I thought I was never gonna see her again. So I am tremendously relieved, obviously.

I can imagine. So where did you end up finding her?

Oh, our resourceful little girl holed herself up in my family’s vacation home in Aremid. [phone ringing] [soft suspenseful music]


It’s me.

Rachel? – Yeah. I’m just calling to check on Ava.

Oh, she’s doing just fine, dear. We’re just having a lovely breakfast.

Ava, hey. It’s Brady again. Listen, I’m wondering why you’re not returning my calls. Please call me back as soon as you get this, ’cause I’m starting to worry.

Everything all right?

Yeah, I’m just trying to get ahold of Ava and let her know the good news about Rachel. I’m hoping she’ll call me back soon.

Yeah. Well, while we’re waiting, would you like some coffee? I made a big pot.

No, I’m good. Thank you.

Well, that’d be more for Belle. I suspect she might need some.

Why is that?

Oh, she went to Jada’s bachelorette party last night, and she’s still in bed. I guess she came in pretty late.

[groaning] Ugh, my head. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this bad. I stand corrected. [soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

EJ, wake up. EJ. EJ, wake up.

What the hell? [grunts]

My sentiments exactly. How did this happen?

What? What?

How did this happen?

Give me a moment to collect myself. [groans] Ugh. I don’t do well in the mornings, especially after a pillow attack. [soft quirky music] Do you hear that banging as well?


All right, all right, all right. Let me think. Everything’s just a little bit foggy. Okay, I remember one minute we were arguing in the living room. The next minute, we were ripping each other’s clothes off… in here.

Damn it, EJ, I know that. The question is, how did this happen? I mean, how did I ever sleep with you again, after I just told a room full of women that you were my biggest regret? Ugh.

Thank you, Mayor Price. I’m sure Chanel will appreciate you keeping this quiet. Oh, you wanna speak to her? Um. You know what? I, uh… I’m sorry, I think that she’s still asleep. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I can have her call you as soon as she wakes up. Okay. Okay, bye.

Thank you for covering for me. I am not in the mood to deal with Mama right now.

I figured you’d need this.

Yes. More than you can imagine. You know, it is pretty pathetic. I used to be able to party all night and then wake up perfectly fine for Dr. Selbo’s 8:00 a.m. seminars, and now I am just completely destroyed after a couple of rounds of Jell-O shots.

Mm, from what I heard, I think it was a– a little more than a couple of rounds.

Yeah. Yeah, I don’t know. Must’ve been.

So… what do you remember about last night?

I–well, I remember that we were at the bachelorette, and then that led to us crashing the bachelor party. And then I remember I fought with Johnny, and then I ran off to the Small Bar. And then after that, it just kind of goes blank. But then you showed up at some point. I remember that. And then I remember… well, that I kissed you. And then it just kind of goes pretty blank again after that. And then I remember waking up here, and I was– I’m in what, obviously, is your t-shirt. And so I guess that just– it begs the obvious question– Shawn, did you and I have sex last night?

So, Rachel made it all the way to Aremid?

Mm-hmm. She’s gonna be the death of me.

How’d she even know about that place? Had you taken her there when she was younger?

No. No, never. I mean, I haven’t been there myself in decades. No one has. She found a scrapbook I had of– it was all about my parents and my brother, Peter– had all this information about our summer home in Aremid. It’s time we spent as a family. This is before my parents passed away and Peter and I were adopted by Stefano.

Yeah, I do think I remember my mom mentioning something about the old Blake house?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. That’s where your Uncle Peter married Jennifer in the ’90s. And it’s also where your Uncle Andre set John up for his own murder.


Yes. “Wow” is right.

A lot of drama went down at that house.

[laughs] Yes. Yes, it did. But, I mean, the most dramatic surprise was discovering that my mother hadn’t died in an accident when I was a kid, that she was still alive and she was just roaming around all by herself in that creepy old home. – Enough about Ava. Tell me, Rachel, how did your plan go? Were your mother and father so happy to have you back that they fell into each other’s arms?

Not even close.

Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. But be patient. Now that we have the biggest obstacle out of the way, it’s only a matter of time before you’re one big, happy family again. [tense music]

Rachel got all the way to Aremid by herself?

Yeah. Yeah, that’s our little girl– she’s just smart, resourceful, and defiant as hell.

Well, thank God nothing bad happened to her. Did she say why she went? [soft music]

Actually, she did. She admitted that she thought if she ran away, it would reunite her mother and me.

Yeah. I should have guessed that was the reason.

Well, it was. I think this ordeal has proved that Rachel needs a little bit of therapy.

I agree. In fact, I got that number that you wanted. She’s a wonderful child therapist. Her name is Jillian Chong, and I will text you her information.

Thank you for doing that. I was gonna go see Rachel. I’ll probably call the doctor on the way over there. Oh, Kristen and I, we are gonna need all the help we can get when it comes to that little girl.

Make sure you keep an eye on Ava. She’s very sneaky.

Like I said last night, I’ll take care of Ava. You just concentrate on getting your parents back together again.

Okay, I will. Bye.

Sweet little girl, that Rachel. You must be hungry. Do you want some breakfast? If I remove that, will you play nice? You try and scream, it’ll be wasting your breath. This house has been haunted. Everyone thinks it’s been haunted for years. So no one ever comes around anymore, except maybe the parrot man. And he won’t be of any help. He’s completely out of his gourd.

What was Rachel doing here with you? Why was she here?

She was here to get my help. That poor, troubled girl just wants her parents back together. I’m keeping you from interfering.

Why do you care? Who the hell are you?

That must have been quite a shock, right, finding out your mother was still alive?

Yeah, it was. It really, really was. But, yeah, everyone thought she was a ghost haunting the mansion. I mean, people referred to her as “the woman in white.” She, um–she used to wear this heavy veil around her face because she was scarred from an explosion.

But you eventually– you realized she wasn’t just some phantom of Aremid, right?

Yes. Yes, yes, yes. No, I mean, but she– but initially, I mean, Peter and I, we didn’t recognize her as our mother.

She didn’t say anything to you? Did she at least recognize you guys?

No. No, she was too frightened and confused. I mean, her memories were jumbled. I mean, eventually, she did get them back. And, well, I was very grateful to have that extra time with her– short-lived, though, as it was.

What happened?

A couple of months after we found her, she and your nonno had this confrontation in Paris. The tunnels collapsed. And both were thought to have perished, except later we found out that Stefano had found a way out. Unfortunately, my mother did not.

No, Chanel. No, we didn’t sleep together.

Oh, thank God. Okay, so then what did happen?

Well, after you kissed me, I tried to convince you to let me take you home, but you resisted. No, you said you didn’t wanna go home because you didn’t wanna get a lecture from your mom, so I brought you back here, gave you a glass of water, gave you that t-shirt. And then, this morning, I gave you that cup of coffee.

And that’s it?

Yeah, that’s it. [soft music]

So you told a roomful of women I was your biggest regret?

I did.

Just out of the blue, you made this pronouncement?

No, not out of the blue. It was a–it was a game at a bachelorette party, and everyone had to say a hookup that they regretted, and we all took turns.

Ah. Ah. And I would venture to say that in your case, it had nothing to do with not enjoying said hookup.

Uh, it had everything to do with wishing it never happened. And just FYI, Gabi also named you.

I see. Well, FYI, I didn’t hear any complaints from either of you at the time.

Oh, well, we didn’t wanna hurt your feelings.

[laughs] Oh, right– such thoughtful, sensitive women, you and Gabi.

Yes, we are, especially with very thin-skinned men like you who have very, very fragile egos.

Yeah, right. But I’m wondering, my fragile ego aside, if I was so regrettable, why did you allow me to take you home last night?

You offered.

You didn’t have to say yes.

Well, I needed a ride.

[laughs] Oh, come now, Belle. Any number of people could have given you a ride. And not to mention, you also pointed out last night that you could have got a cab or a rideshare.

And if I would have been sober, I certainly would have. [soft quirky music]

No, I don’t think so. I think you wanted me to take you home because you wanted this to happen.

Oh, right, and you didn’t.

We weren’t talking about me.

Well, now we are. Did you or did you not want this to happen?

Why would I want to sleep with you? You stole my job.

Oh, okay, so I get one over on you, and then you get one over on me? Got it.

So I seduced you out of revenge?

Well, it is totally in character.

Perhaps. [clears throat] But in this case, I didn’t have to do much seducing, as it turns out, because you were the one who kissed me first.

And you are the one who started taking all of my clothes off.

I was caught up in the moment.

Well, so was I.

Who am I? Hmm. Well, I guess I’m just a woman who believes that families shouldn’t be separated.

I have a family too. I have a son named Tripp. And he was taken from me when he was born. And I wouldn’t wish that kind of torture on my worst enemy. [soft suspenseful music] But I found him. And now we are spending every moment we can making up for lost time.

I know what that’s like. My children were taken from me as well.

Please, then let me go. Tripp just got engaged to his girlfriend, Wendy, at Christmastime, and they’re gonna get married in Hong Kong. And I have to be there. I have to. I have missed so many of the important moments in his life. I cannot miss that too.

Oh, Ava, I do feel for you. But letting you go will only hurt Rachel. You’ve already hurt her so much, coming between her parents. It was very selfish of you.

I wasn’t selfish, I swear. Look, I tried to break things off with Brady. I told him that Rachel needed to come first, and he wouldn’t listen, okay? He was the one who wouldn’t let me break it off with him.

Well, maybe you shouldn’t have let him get his way. Maybe you should have just disappeared, like you’re going to do now.

Aunt Kristen told me you guys tracked Rachel down at Aremid. That’s great news. I’m glad you guys got her home safe and sound.

Yeah, thank God we did.

Uh…so, have a seat. You want–you want some coffee?

No, no, no, no. I actually have to take Rachel to an appointment for her therapy in an hour.

You are? When were you gonna tell me?

I was about to. Listen, Marlena made a recommendation for a therapist, and I called the doctor on the way over, and she had a last-minute opening.

Okay, great, great, great. Well, I wanna be there, so I’m gonna have Rita clear my morning schedule.

Kristen, it’s okay. It’s not necessary. I can take her by myself.

Brady, I said I wanna be there. So you and I, afterwards, we’ll sit down and figure out, aside from getting her therapy, what else we can do to help our daughter. Especially now that Child Protective Services have been contacted. [soft tense music] Unless you have plans with your girlfriend, Ava?

You’re dating Ava now?

Yeah. Yeah, I am. And, no, I don’t have plans with Ava. But I will– as soon as I can reach her.

God, Shawn, I am so sorry I came on to you last night. I am so embarrassed.

Come on. Don’t be. I know you’re going through a really rough time.

Yeah, but still, it was completely inappropriate. I mean, yes, I am furious at Johnny, but he is still my husband. And my wedding vows, they meant something to me, even though they didn’t mean anything to him.

Okay, Chanel, I know that this is probably none of my business, but I’m just gonna go ahead, and I’m gonna say it– I think that last part, I don’t think it’s true. Okay, look, come on, all right, there is no arguing that my cousin screwed up big time. He screwed up. But when I was hanging out with him at the bachelor party, you could tell– you could tell that he deeply regretted what he did. I’m telling you, the guy is miserable without you.

Well, he should have thought about that before he–

What? Before he got drunk and he made a mistake? [soft music] Look, again, I know that this is none of my business. I’m just gonna throw it out there. Maybe if you could just, I don’t know, try to focus on all the good things about your relationship with Johnny– you know, think about all the great times the two of you have had together instead of being fixated on the one mistake that he made. I don’t know, you might be able to find it in your heart to forgive him.

Ah. [both groan] So, who’s to blame for round two?

You, obviously.


Oh, don’t do that.

Don’t what?

Don’t. This is serious. We have made a huge mistake.

A huge mistake, how so? We’re consenting adults. We’re both single.

Okay, but I remember when Sami found out about us the first time, and she was mad. Do you really wanna face her wrath again?

I don’t get it.

What don’t you get?

Well, as I recall, you and I have made jokes about Samantha finding out about us and her ballistic response, as only Samantha can. And why are you so serious about it now?

I have never joked about Sami finding out about us.

You’re obviously suppressing that memory.

Uh, your memory is totally false.

Okay. Okay. Well, since you can’t handle the potential wrath of Samantha, why don’t we just call the whole thing off?

Fine. Good. Go. Leave.

I was going to anyways. I have to attend to an urgent matter.

Well, I thought you might– [soft dramatic music]

[soft tense music]

How could you do this? I don’t understand.

[sputters] I am a grown woman, Mom. And you know, you could knock before you come in my room.

I thought you were alone.

And I thought you were at the office.

I’m working from home. Look, I’m sorry that I barged in. I just–I didn’t know any of this was going on. And I don’t know what to call it– you know what? Yes, I do know what to call it. Belle, I am so disappointed in you. I never thought you would get involved with this immoral man again. You know who he is. You know what he does. You know how he hurts people. You know how he hurt your brother. Look… if you’re gonna keep on seeing him, you may not do this in my home. I will not have it.

Look, Shawn, I really do appreciate your take on this, and I can tell that your heart is in the right place, but I don’t think you really understand what happened, okay? It’s not just about the fact that Johnny betrayed me when he almost had sex with Joy, but it’s also about the cover-up. He lied to me about it for months.

I get it, all right? It’s no secret that Belle cheated on me when we were married, more than once. So I get what you’re going through. But, I mean, I hate to say that I’ve been in Johnny’s shoes too.

Oh, yeah, right. I heard about you and Talia.

Yeah. Yeah, that was a terrible mistake. I hated myself for hurting Belle. And I can tell– I can tell that Johnny is carrying around that same type of guilt, which is why I can’t help but to feel for him too.

Yeah, I get that, okay? But, hey, since you brought it up– I mean, you and Belle, you had such a strong and loving relationship. And if you guys couldn’t make your marriage work, then what hope do Johnny and I have?

Look, well, there were a lot of factors that led to our divorce. But if I knew– if I knew that there was a remote possibility of our marriage working out, I would have kept fighting. But, in the end, it just– just too much damage that was done, couldn’t repair it.

I’m sorry. Sorry to hear that, Shawn.

So what about you? Think that’s the same case with you and Johnny?

I’m…not sure.

Okay, well, then, I think that you should take my advice, because even if there is the slightest chance that you two could work your marriage out, Chanel, you gotta go for it. You gotta fix it. You gotta fix it before it’s too late.

As soon as you can reach her? Brady, it’s 2025. I mean, if you can’t reach someone, obviously, they’re either ghosting you or they’re dead.

Yeah, that’s funny.

No, seriously. Is your new girlfriend ghosting you?

Will you leave it alone? Just stop.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know how hurtful it is to be neglected. I mean, maybe Ava just needs some space. Or could it be maybe you’re being a little too needy, a little too clingy?

When’s the–when’s the last time you heard from Ava?

Johnny, it was a voicemail. And I couldn’t really understand what she was saying on it because the reception was bad.

Okay, well– I don’t know, you wanna play it back? Maybe we can figure it out.

Sure. Give it a try. Cool. – Brady, it’s Ava. You need to call me back as soon as you get this. [static crackling]

Yeah, I mean, it definitely sounds urgent, but I’m sorry, I can’t make it out. Have you tried calling her back?

Yeah, multiple times. I’ve texted her, and I haven’t gotten a response. I was gonna have Steve try to enhance the audio on it, but– I’ll tell you what, if I don’t hear from her soon, I’m gonna call the cops. [soft tense music]

All right, listen up, you old crone. I’ve tried to be reasonable about this, but I’m out of patience now.

Are we playing good captive, bad captive now?

You obviously have no idea who you are messing with. So let me enlighten you. I can have you killed with one phone call, and then you’re gonna be haunting these halls for real.

You know, Ava, I used to know a man just like you. He was very powerful and made all kinds of threats. And for years, for a long time, I would cower in fear. But then one day, I finally stood up to him. And I realized there was nothing to fear– nothing at all. So you can threaten me all you like, doesn’t faze me one bit.

It’s fine. Because Brady is going to be coming through those doors any moment to rescue me.

Ooh, what makes you say that?

Because I left him a message. And I let him know I was coming to pick up Rachel. So as soon as he listens to that message, he’s gonna come running.

Hmm. But as he still hasn’t come to rescue you, maybe he’ll never come running. Maybe he doesn’t give a damn if he never sees you again.

All right, so I just cleared my schedule. We are all set for Rachel’s appointment. Where did Johnny go?

He said something about having to solve a missing persons case of his own.

Well, Brady, in all seriousness, I think you’re being a bit dramatic about Ava. She’s a tough cookie. She’s–I’m sure nothing happened to her. I mean, not that I care. But if it were not for you, honestly, I wouldn’t care if she dropped off the face of the Earth. But I know she is a thing for you right now, and God knows why. But, uh, I do hope that nothing’s happened to her and, well, that she gets in touch with you soon.

That almost sounded sincere.

Well, it almost was. I put a lot of effort into it. [soft suspenseful music]

Oh, stop your pouting. I know you’re upset because Brady hasn’t come to find you, but you still have to eat. Come on. Open wide.

How do I know you’re not gonna poison me?

You don’t. But if you don’t eat, you’ll starve to death.

I’ll take my chances.

Oh, well, I guess we’ll just put the gag back on again.

Open up. [phone ringing] Hello?

It’s me again. We got trouble.

What’s wrong?

Ava left a voicemail for my dad.

Yes, I heard about that.

Big problem. He just played it for my mom.

Listen, I’m going to put our guest into another room and– so I can speak freely. And when I come back, you’re gonna tell me exactly what was in that message, okay?

Well, that was awkward. Actually, no, awkward doesn’t quite capture it. That was excruciatingly embarrassing, and I don’t think I will ever live it down.

I’m very sorry, Belle.

Yeah, me too– that I didn’t lock the door, for one thing.

A wise idea.

Yes, especially in my parents’ house, where nobody ever seems to knock.

Well, I’d like to say that you’ll know better for next time, but there’s obviously not going to be a next time– not here, anyways.

Not anywhere.


[groans] Johnny.

Hey, Chanel.

What are you doing here? How did you get in?

Your mom let me in. I came by ’cause I was– I was just– I was worried about you. You were in pretty bad shape when you ran off last night, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Well, I’m surprised that my mom didn’t slam the door in your face.

Yeah, so was I. I think she saw how concerned I was when I showed up, so she took pity on me. She insisted you were fine, but I needed to see for myself.

Yeah, well, Mama was right. Aside from a bit of a hangover, I–I’m fine.

I’m glad to hear that. [soft music] Chanel, if you don’t mind my asking… where have you been?

I spent the night with Shawn Brady.


Hi, Marlena. I probably should have called first, but I was in the area. Is this a bad time?

Well, I’m just getting some work done.

Oh, okay, well, then I won’t keep you. I borrowed some pictures of Rachel from Brady, and I just wanted to return them since the search is over.

Yes. Uh, thank you. I’ll make sure that he gets them. And thanks for stopping by.

Yeah. [soft tense music]


Shawn, uh, EJ–

You don’t owe me an explanation. Your personal life, it’s none of my business. [soft tense music]

Your personal life is none of my business, either. But anyone who comes into my home is my business, and you– you are not welcome here.

Understood. I’ll be on my way.

You, uh–you slept with my cousin Shawn?

No. No, we didn’t sleep together, but I did kiss him.

I see.

It was a drunken mistake. And for the record, he did not kiss me back. He just took me home so that I could sleep it off.

Well, I guess– I guess I should thank him for looking out for you.

Well, he was looking out for you too.

What do you mean?

Well, this morning he asked me if there was any chance that I could ever forgive you. And, um… [apprehensive music] Actually did more than that. He urged me to forgive you, and I told him that I wasn’t sure if I was ready to do that.

I understand.

And then he offered me some advice. He said that if I thought that there was any chance at saving our marriage, that I should act on it before it’s too late. And I think– I think that he was right.

[groans] So good to see you, pumpkin.

You’re not mad at me anymore?

Uh, I’m not happy, honey, that you ran away. You scared me half to death. But you’re my little girl, and I’m very happy that you’re okay. And I will always love you no matter what, okay?

Can we do something fun, like go to the zoo?

Well, actually, sweetheart, honey, no, no, no. We’re gonna go to your therapy today. Remember, we talked about that?

Yeah, I do. You said I could tell them how much I hate Ava.


I’m sorry, what is that?

I think that’s what you said. All I said is that you can feel free to talk about your feelings, right?

Same thing.

Okay, why don’t you go get your winter jacket, all right?






No, that’s all I said. That’s all I said, Brady. [phone beeps] What is it? A text from Ava?

Yes. Finally.

Hmm. [suspenseful music]

Well, I solved your little mystery. I know why Brady hasn’t come looking for you.

Why? Did he not get my message?

Well, not all of it. Apparently, there was a bad connection and he didn’t hear you say you were coming to Aremid to fetch Rachel.

Oh, well… He’s still gonna wonder where I am when I don’t show up in Salem again.

No, he won’t. Thanks to your big mouth, I was able to help Rachel send Brady the perfect response.

“I’m sorry I haven’t returned your calls. I just landed in Hong Kong.”

Really? Really? Excuse me.

I’m sorry. I’m just curious. Why is she in Hong Kong?

It’s none of your business. I don’t know.

Well, it’s not hard to guess. She’s probably there to visit Tripp and Wendy. And maybe, just maybe, she’s kind enough to go there so that our little girl might have been inspired to come back home. I take it from your silence that I’m right. Oh, come on, Brady. What’s with the sad face? I mean, Ava–I mean, she’s going to be back soon.

No, you know? No, she’s not. It appears that she’s gonna be staying there for quite a long time because she doesn’t wanna get between my daughter and me.

Oh, dear. So is Ava breaking up with you?

Yes, she is.

Mission accomplished.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Ugh, they never warn you how much of a hassle it is keeping someone captive, do they? Holding Rafe in the tunnels is becoming a full-time job. Not that I need to tell you that. Of course, I don’t have a job, thanks to Jada Hunter. But I’ll get my revenge. The woman will rue the day she crossed a DiMera.

What woman would that be, Dad?

[laughs] You caught me. I was just complaining to your nonno about Commissioner Hunter.

What’d she do?

Well, besides going behind my back to Mayor Price and getting me fired.

Right, that. Well, look, I’d be happy to put in a good word for you with my mother-in-law, except I’m not exactly high up on Paulina’s list after what I did to her daughter.

[tense music]

Well, hello, hello. Hey! [chuckles] Well? How do I look?

You look good, Mama. Yeah, where are you going?

Oh, to an event for my police commissioner.

Mm. A fundraiser?

Hell, no. It’s Jada’s bachelorette party. So put down that popcorn. Get dressed. You are coming with me.

[music playing]

Well, tonight is Jada’s last hurrah as a single woman.

Ah. It’s our job to make sure it’s a night she never forgets.

I brought just the thing to help with that.


All right.

[whimsical music]


Oh, you know it, girl. All right. Here.

Party doesn’t start for an hour.

Well, don’t tell me Patch Johnson’s daughter is scared of a little pre-game. Yes! OK, now we’re talking. On three?

Sure. One, two–

Mmm. [laughing]



Shawn, what are you still doing here?

Well, I just finished the report on Rachel Black. Apparently, Child Protective Services are getting involved.

Oh. Let’s hope nothing comes of that. Rachel was upset and ran away because her parents aren’t together. It’s unfortunate, but it’s– it’s nobody’s fault.

Yeah, I agree. And now that I’m done with that, I’m about to head over to your groom-to-be’s bachelor party.

Hmm. You boys better not get too wild.

Oh, come on. This is Rafe we’re talking about here. How wild do you think it’s going to get?

Ah. Well, let’s see. What are we in the mood for? Wild, Wild Cheerleaders or MILFs Gone Wild?

Oh, what’s up, primo? Why are you so jumpy?

Ah. I don’t know. I guess because I’m anxious about getting married tomorrow.

Which is why you need to relax. So I’m throwing you a bachelor party tonight.

You said bachelor party? As in booze and strippers bachelor party?

Yeah, you down with that?

Hell, yeah, I am.

Wow, I thought you might have been resistant to it.

Are you kidding me? Just don’t hog all the lap dances, OK? Groom gets first pick.

Oh, you don’t worry about that. You know tonight’s entertainment’s not my flavor.

Yeah, right. What kind of hot-blooded man doesn’t want a lap dance from a beautiful woman?

A hot-blooded man that likes other hot-blooded men.

[soft orchestration]

Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so arethe “Days of Our Lives.”

Come on, you. Get a move on. Get dressed. We’ve got a party to attend.


Don’t you Mama me. Now, I’ve been watching you moping around here for days, crying over that trifling ass Johnny DiMera.

Who happens to be my husband.

Well, look, I know– I know you’re still hurting. But just sitting around here feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to change anything. So chop, chop. Get a move on. Get dressed. Get cute. Come on. Get up. Get up! Come on. I am going to get that man, that Johnny DiMera off your mind if it’s the last thing I do.

Oh. Ooh!

I take it there hasn’t been any improvement in your marital situation.

No, Chanel wants nothing to do with me.

Well, don’t give up hope. I can’t tell you the amount of times your mother and I forgave each other.

Till you didn’t. What’s with the tray?

Oh, I– I just got Harold to prepare me a light meal, light dinner, in fact, to have in my quarters.

You’re eating in your room? [chuckles]

Just trying to mix things up.

OK, well, I’d better– I’d better get going.

OK. Where are you off to?

Rafe’s cousin is throwing him a bachelor party down at the Pub.

A bachelor party?


I didn’t know about this.

Well, why would you? You can’t stand Rafe.

Well, of course, the man is insufferable. But as you well know, I recently hired him to help me on a case. And he should be focused on the task at hand, not sowing the last of his wild oats.

Don’t you think Rafe deserves one night to let loose?

How loose are we talking?

I don’t know. I don’t have all the details. And it’s not like Rafe is known as a party animal.

Of course, you’re right. Well, please go have fun.

Thanks. I’ll see you later.

[chuckles] Bye. [sighs] The last thing I need is for Arnold to let loose in front of Rafe’s friends and family. One drunken slip of the tongue, and he could ruin everything.

Primo, did you forget that I’m gay?

No. No, I– of course I didn’t forget. I just figured that maybe tonight– tonight you go with the flow.

The flow? Well, yeah, stranger things have happened.

I guess. All right, well, I’m going to go get showered and get ready for the big night. Can’t wait to get some quality lap time with a hot little number and get hammered. Hammer time. [laughs]


Sorry, my fiancé is so straight-laced.

Why are you apologizing to me?

Well, considering you’re a newly single guy, I’m sure you’d be up for a real party.

Hey, this is Rafe’s big night, so we go at his speed.

Well, I am glad to hear that. And, hey, I don’t want you to think that I’m complaining. Rafe is the most loving and loyal guy that I could ever want. I can’t tell you how good it feels to know exactly where I stand at all times, especially after some of my past relationships. Madame DA.

Hi there, Bridey. Hi, Shawn.

Hey, Belle.

Please tell me we don’t have an appointment that I forgot about.

Well, kind of. I was sent here to escort you to your bachelorette party.


Stephanie thought I needed an escort?

Well, she knew you had to work late and didn’t want you to weasel out of having a good time the night before your wedding.

But I’m not even dressed.

Oh, well. Tada! [laughs] Here, go change in your office. Go!

All right.

I was going to say, you look a little overdressed for police work.

Oh. [laughs]

I mean, come on. You look great.

Aw. Thank you. What are you doing tonight?

Well, as a matter of fact, I’m about to go to a bachelor party.

Oh, I wasn’t sure there was going to be one.

Yep, there’s one. And I think it should be fun.

Yeah. I’m really happy for Jada and Rafe.

Yeah, me too. So I guess I’m going to see you at the wedding tomorrow, then?

Yeah. Yeah, I’ll see you there. Ah, I should probably go and see if Jada needs any help.



Ha! Ha! Someone told me there’s a party.

Come on in, boss.

Oh, no, I am not your boss tonight. I’m just here for the fun. And I brought a friend.

Hi. I hope you don’t mind me crashing.

Are you kidding? The more the merrier.

Oh, Chanel, she needs some cheering up. She and Johnny, they’re going through a rough patch.

Dang, Mama. Why do you have to put my business all out in the street?

We’re among friends. Besides, I am sure that Stephanie and Gabi both know what it feels like to have a man cheat on you and break your heart.

Oh, you bet I do.

Your mom is right, Chanel. We’ve got your back.

Yeah, well, thank you. I really do appreciate that. Too bad my husband isn’t as loyal as my friends.

There you go, buddy.

Thanks. Where’s– where’s everybody else?

They should be here soon. Javi said that Rafe is still getting ready.

Is my– is my Grandpa Roman in the back?

Oh, no. No. Roman is in Chicago visiting with your Uncle Rex. He left me in charge of the joint, which is a decision he might live to regret. That was supposed to be a joke.

Ah. Right. Yeah. I’m sorry.

What’s going on? You OK, buddy?

Yeah. No, I’m fine. I just– I was– I was kind of hoping to talk to my Grandpa Roman about some stuff. I could use some advice.

OK, well, I’m not your grandpa, but I’m a good listener. And, you know, Kayla and I were over at Abe and Paulina’s the other night for dinner. We saw Chanel.

So then you– you know how badly I messed up.

I got the gist.

I think I really blew it, Uncle Steve. I– I don’t know if Chanel’s ever going to be able to forgive me.

Come on, Johnny. Listen, we all make mistakes, OK? A mistake doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage. Just ask your Aunt Kayla about how many times I screwed up.

So then how’d you come out on the other side?

I’ll tell you how we did it. By trusting in the power of our love no matter how stupid I was to take it for granted.



That a girl.

OK, chica.

Maybe– maybe we should try to pace ourselves, baby.

I’m good, Mama. I know my limits.



Oh, the bride has arrived.

I told you I’d get her here looking fabulous.

I’m not overdressed?

Va va voom!

Oh, my god, are you kidding? You look amazing.

Come on in. The water’s fine.

It looks like you started without us.

Well, then you better catch up.

Are you ready?

Oh, yeah.

You know what? I am ready to turn all the way up tonight. Let’s put those boys to shame!


There you go.

Thanks. You know I got to admit, I was expecting something a little more rowdy.

We’ll get there. The night’s still young.

Yeah! So how awesome is this? Party for me with all my bros to celebrate.

Yeah. You deserve it, pal. There you go. Yeah.

So this party is anything goes, right?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, whoa, whoa. It’s a bachelor party, OK? You can say or do anything, and no one is going to tell you to stop, all right?

Good evening, gentlemen.

So much for that.

Dad, the Pub is closed for Rafe’s bachelor party.

I know.

Then what are you doing here?

Why wouldn’t I want to raise a toast to the lucky groom?

Well, maybe because you hate the guy’s guts.

And vice versa.

Well, I won’t deny that Rafe and I have had our clashes. I think we’re trying to turn a corner. Right, Rafe?


It’s hardly a ringing endorsement.

Well, Shawn, if you really must know, I’ve hired Rafe to investigate on my behalf, and I’ve come for a progress report.

Is that true, Rafe?

Yeah. Yeah, he did. It’s a– he just– he hired me to track down that Sloan Petersen chick. Is there a problem?

Yeah, there’s a problem. You can’t just take on new cases without running it by me first.

OK. I don’t see what the big deal is, man. I mean, we’re PIs. And he hired me, paid me a bunch of cash to do PI stuff.

The big deal is it’s my name and John’s name on that door, not yours. And it’s never a good idea to get involved with the DiMeras.

OK, buddy. You need to chill out.

Hey, hey, hey, Rafe, tell me you understand what I’m saying or we’ve got ourselves a real problem here.

Chug, chug, chug!


[dance music playing]

What are you looking at, hmm? Thinking you’re all cool with your little sunglasses and your little six-pack abs. I bet you cheat on your little inflatable wife all the time, too, don’t you?

Well, OK.

What did you put in these, because you’re not supposed to taste the alcohol.

Well, I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.

No, you– you can’t threaten me. I am the commissioner. OK, honey? I’m–

Yeah, Jada’s right. That’s actually a prosecutable offense, and I would know because I’m the DA.


OK, I’m the mayor, and I don’t give a damn what’s in them.


It tastes good.

Wow, you think the guys are having as much fun as we are?

To hell with the guys, OK? Death to all straight cisgender men.

You’re trying to start something with me, Patchy?

Hey, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys. This is supposed to be a party. You can talk about who’s hiring who next week.

Yeah, you know what? Javi’s right. Let’s go– let’s go check on the food, you guys. And Johnny, maybe you could see if your dad has someplace else to be, so that’d be great.

Yeah, Dad–

Ah, Shawn, I’ll take a veggie and hummus tray if you have any back there. Just trying to cut back on the fried foods, you know?

Rafe, you see he’s just trying to cause trouble, and you’re playing right into it.

Come on, Uncle Steve. Come on. Let’s go see how those wings are doing. Let’s go. Come on.

It’s OK.

Dad, maybe– maybe it’d be a good idea if you found someplace else to go.

Nonsense. Rafe’s more than happy to have me here, aren’t you?

Yeah. Yeah, no, I’m fine if he stays.


Well, it’s your night. I’m gonna go see if they need help bringing the food out of the kitchen.

I’m going to check on the entertainment, see if they’re on their way.

OK. Yeah, yeah, see, now you’re talking. This guy. You’re ruining my night.

This party isn’t for you, you pathetic slug. It’s for Rafe Hernandez!

Oh, yeah. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have his stupid face.

These are some of his closest friends. And Steve Johnson is a professional snoop. If anyone can spot that you’re a fake, it’s him.

Oh, yeah. You know what? He didn’t see nothing. That’s why he was tweaking out, this guy. Besides, you’re the one who’s screwing things up. You didn’t have to tell Cyclops that I’m working for you, did you?

I needed to come up with a reason why I would attend a party of someone that I detest.

OK, whatever. I’m just waiting for the strippers.

You need to keep your eye on the prize. I am not paying you to get lap dances. You have one mission and one mission alone– to help me get back at Jada Hunter.

Easy now.

What? I’m just blowing off a little steam.

Oh, well, breathe, breathe, baby. That nice lifeguard didn’t do anything to you.

OK. OK. You know what, everyone? How about a game? Huh? Huh?

OK. What kind of game? Because I am at the point where I can’t remember any trivia.


No trivia. No trivia. Each of these cards has a personal question on it. So you pick one and you answer honestly or you take a shot. [laughter]

Oh! Hey!

Perfect. OK, first card. Oh! Name a hookup you regret. I’ll go first. Jeremy Horton, world class dirtbag.


And I’m going to take a shot anyway, to wash his name out of my mouth.

Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Aha.



Oh! That’s easy. 50 Cent.


You hooked up with 50 Cent?

It’s pronounced Fitty Cent.


Oh, yeah, we ran in the same circles, back in my Miami days.


OK, I don’t think I would regret that one because that man is fine.

Oh, no, no. I don’t regret anything. We had a fabulous time.


Ooh, I just regret what happened afterwards.

What happened afterwards?

Ooh, brotha wouldn’t stop blowing up my pager.


Oh, I said “Curtis, boo, enough. I know I’m hard to get over, but please try.”


That is an incredible flex.

Yes, you– you are a legend.

Wow. We should use that story during your campaign.


Oh my god. Wow. OK, well, who’s next? Belle?

Oh, god, no, I’m not following that. I’ll take a shot.


All right, then, what about our bride? Yeah. Commissioner Jada Hunter, soon-to-be Hernandez. Give us a hookup you regret.

OK, well, it was actually my first time.


This is good.

Yeah, I was in high school, and we went to band camp.


Like in “American Pie”?

No, no, no. It was not like that in the movie. It was– it was actually like– it was pretty sweet.


Yeah, until the gorgeous saxophone player that I hooked up with went around and told every single person at the camp that we slept together.

Oh, no.

What a tool.

I know.


Did you find him and shove his sax down his throat?


No, I was too embarrassed. I was too embarrassed. But even– even after all this time, if I ever catch him out, it is a one trip ticket to taser-town.


OK, OK. Hey, no one heard me say that.

No, no, please, please, please. We’ll help you do it. What’s this loser’s name?

No, no, no, no. Forget about it. Gabi, you’re next. What hookup do you regret?

That’s easy. EJ DiMera.

Wait, you hooked up with EJ?

Uhh. I wanted to pay Stefan back for sleeping with Ava while I was in prison.

You see, every damn DiMera! Cheaters!


It was a huge mistake, and it completely destroyed my marriage.

Screw EJ!

Screw EJ!

Oh my god. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Here’s another one. All right, all right. You know what? Belle, quit keeping us in suspense. Spill.

Well, Gabi here already stole my thunder because my most regrettable hookup was also EJ.

[tense music]

You hooked up with EJ?

OK, listen, this was when Shawn and I were separated. And, you know, I actually thought that we had something. And then my sister showed up, a.k.a. EJ’s ex-wife, and she completely freaked out. So–

So Sami scared you away?

No, Sami scared EJ away. And he was, like, tripping all over himself, telling her how much I didn’t mean anything to him.


I know, I probably deserved for breaking girl code, so–

No, no, to hell with them. EJ went after his ex’s sister. That man has no conscience.


I can attest to that.

Is there anyone in the room who has not slept with my father-in-law? Praise the Lord. Some of y’all got taste.

Chanel, your turn. Tell us the hookup that you regret.

Oh, that’s easy. My husband, Johnny. He is every bit as nasty as that father of his.

Are you listening to me?

You’re as bad as one-eyed Willie. I know what to do, OK?

You better, because I’m starting to lose my patience.

Dinner is served. All the deep fried goodness you could ever want, and some rabbit food for Lord Fauntleroy over there.

So I couldn’t get in touch with the entertainment. But would anyone like to play darts while we wait?

I’m afraid playtime is over, boys. At least for one of you.

You don’t mean that about Johnny.

The hell I don’t. You know what? I thought that Johnny was the love of my life. But all he did was shatter my heart into a million little pieces when he cheated with that skank, Joy Wesley.

Ooh, boy.

And, you know what? I should have known– I should have known when he was possessed by the devil that he was not right for me.

Say what now?

You know, the devil, he only preys on the weak-minded.

Oh, well, we know that’s not true from experience.

OK, what is going on here?

You know what this party needs?

An exorcism.


A change of scenery. What say we hit the road?

Can we help you with something, officer?

I’m the one asking the questions here, Pirate Pete.


What’d she just call me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, I’m sorry. I don’t– I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Detective Shawn Brady. OK, look, my family owns the place, and we’re having a private bachelor party for a good friend of ours who just happens to be the ex-commissioner.

Good for you.

I’m sorry, officer. What’s going on here?

You’re the groom?

Yeah. Is there a problem?

Oh, you better believe it. I’m here to arrest you for identity theft.

[dramatic music]

Identity theft?

You heard me. You’re going around Salem claiming you’re someone you’re not.

Yeah, I don’t know–

A married man. When you’re still very much single.


At least for one more night. Woo!

I told you there’d be entertainment.

That’s what I’m talking about.

Let’s go.

[upbeat music]

OK, guys, our car is here, and we should all be able to squeeze in.

OK, OK, where are we going? Are we going clubbing?

Yeah! You’ll see. You’ll see.


You know what? Why don’t you girls, you go on ahead. I think I’m going to get Chanel home.

Are you sure?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. She wasn’t really up for this, and I just– I didn’t listen to her, so let me– come on, let me get you to bed.

No, I don’t want to go home.

Well, I think you do.

No, I don’t. I’m just starting to have fun.

Now, baby, you’re still hurting.

No, I feel great, OK? Look, the night is young and free and so am I. So where are we going?

[music playing]

Oh. I’ve been a bad boy. Want to arrest me?

Uh-uh-uh. You can look, but you can’t touch.

Oh, come on, baby. Just one little touch. I’m a good tipper.

Your bride is a lucky lady.



Hmm. Having a good time?

Jada? Jada, I was–

Oh, don’t let us interrupt you, big brother.

No, no, no, I– we were just doing–

Calm down, Rafe. You know what happens at bachelor parties. Go ahead. Finish your lap dance.

[laughs] No, no, no. Because I would rather have a lap dance from you.

What the hell are you doing here?

I could ask you the same thing.

OK, well, you better not ruin this night for my brother. I’m going to go get a drink.

OK, nice talking to you, Ms. Hernandez. [gags]

Hey. What happened to the bachelorette party?

Well, someone needed to make sure that your boys are behaving. [laughs]

Yeah. Well, let’s just hope that these two behave.

Hey, I– I didn’t know you were going to Jada’s party.

Yeah? Well, that’s because I don’t have to tell you my plans anymore.

It’s not what I meant.

No. No, because you never say what you actually mean, like when you said that you promised to– what was it? Love, honor, and be faithful to me?


No, no. Save it. Or matter of fact, you know what, tell it to Joy Wesley, OK? Because you are her problem now.

Oh! Chanel!

I’m on it.

No, no, no. Let me go. Let me go. I’m the only one that’s completely sober. And plus, I know a little bit about letting alcohol and anger get the better of you.

Thank you.

All right.

[laughs] Well, as much fun as tonight has been for the both of us, I think we should be heading out.

What? Now?

Yeah. We don’t want to be hung over for our wedding day tomorrow. I’ll get us a car.

Yeah, well, actually, I already got a room at the Inn.

You do? Why?

No, no, no. Well, because it’s– I mean, you’re not supposed to be together before your wedding, right? It’s bad luck. Besides, it’s going to make our wedding night all the more special, right?

Wow, you really are old-fashioned.

Is that a bad thing?

Well, I’m not thrilled that we’re going to spend the night away from each other, but I’ll allow it, if it means that it will make tomorrow as special as we both want it.

Oh, I know it. Yeah.

Oh, well, looks like you ladies had a good time, huh?

I will be paying for it tomorrow.

No, you won’t.

Oh, boy.

No, no, no. Come on. No, no, no. We’ll clean up later. Come here. Yes, you come over here with your Papa. Have a seat.

It’s such a mess, though.

The mess can keep. Come on. Sit down.

OK. What’s up?

Well, why don’t you tell me? I know that you and your mom had an ice cream and rom-com night so you could process your break up with Phillip. I just want to make sure you’re OK. Because she said you sounded kind of defeatist.

Maybe that’s because I’ve been defeated.

Come on, baby girl. You can’t let one bad experience cause you to give up on love.

One bad experience? Are we forgetting that this is my second time at bat with Philip, not to mention Chad and Everett and all the other failed relationships.

Come on. Forget about those guys. Listen to me. There is somebody out there who’s just as perfect for you as your mom is for me.

I don’t know about that.

Oh, I do. And one of these days, you’re going to find him. And you’re going to be having your own bachelorette party.


Yeah. And after that, I’m going to walk my little sweetness down the aisle.

Thanks, Dad. I needed to hear that.

Come here. Oh, my baby girl.

You know you did not need to drive me home, and you certainly did not need to walk me to my door.

You seem to have had an awful lot to drink tonight.

Oh, please, I barely had anything to drink. I had, like, six Jell-O shots. Maybe seven. I don’t know.

Oh, was that all?

I know how to call a rideshare.

My driver was already sitting outside the Pub.

Oh, well, you’re nothing if not a gentleman.

Well, you know, I have my moments.

Oh, well, do you have your moments where you recognize sarcasm? Because I was being sarcastic. I don’t think you’re a gentleman at all.

[sighs] What is your problem with me, Belle?

My problem?

I mean, if there was any reason to be upset, it’d be me.

[scoffs] You?

Yes, yes. You stole my job.

Well, you ghosted me after Sami found out about us.

Is that what this is about? Did you go after the DA position because you hadn’t gotten over me yet?

Oh, please, the only person here who hasn’t gotten over you is you. Now get the hell out of my house.

Ooh, I seem to have struck a nerve. In vino veritas and all that.

Oh, my god. You are so smug. I don’t know what I ever saw in you.

I don’t know. You tell me.

[soft music]

[dance music]

Oh, there you are.

Finally, a friendly face.

It’s good to see you, too.

Wait, wait, did Mama send you?

No, no, she didn’t send me. I volunteered. I’m here to make sure you get home safe.

I don’t want to go home. I want to dance. Come on. Come on. Dance with me, Shawn.

Chanel, you are drunk.

Yeah, I know. And I plan on getting even drunker. And then who knows where the night will take us.


You guys are so sweet to make sure that I got home OK.

Well, we live here too.

I have the bestest future in-laws ever.


Well, I’m just glad that you had fun tonight and that you weren’t too upset walking in on that stripper.

Oh. Why would I be upset? That stripper might have had one dance with my man Rafe. But I– I get to spend my whole life with him.

Hell, yeah, you do.

Yeah. How lucky am I? Well, I better get to my room because I got to get some sleep so I can be fresh for my wedding day tomorrow with your brother. Oh. You know, just think, in a few short hours, I am going to be Mrs. Rafe Hernandez. [giggles]


Oh, you came.

Why else would I have taken your number?

Oh. All right, then. Let’s get this party started, shall we?

[music playing]



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Days Transcript Monday, January 27, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Kassandra and Rhett in holy matrimony. If anyone knows any reason why these two should not wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. And then back from the dead, Charlemagne bursts in to announce she’s pregnant with Rhett’s baby. Pandemonium erupts. But why should she get to have all the fun? Who says there can’t be two interruptions? Suddenly, Rhett’s twin brother Thrust bursts into the church. And he says– he says–

Who do you have to sleep with to get a drink around here?

[jazzy music]

Hey, I’m sorry to just show up like this. I hope you weren’t busy.

No, no, I was just on Julie’s computer trying to find a job. I need to start paying you back that money that you loaned me. What’s going on? Are you OK?

Not really.

Let me guess. Is this about that girl that Tate got pregnant?

[light upbeat music]


Hey. Any takers?

Well, everyone seemed really concerned, and everyone took one. They said they’d put it in their windows and stuff. Ah, I just hope it gets results so we can track her down.

Yeah, I’ve been checking social media. It’s getting a lot of reposts, but no word yet.

Dad said he would call if there’s any news. So far, I haven’t heard anything.

[ominous music]

[phone beeps]

Brady, it’s Ava. You need to call me back as soon as you get this–

[phone static] [line clicks]

Damn it, Ava, what were you trying to tell me?

Rachel, are you–
[eerie music]

[dramatic musical flourish]

That was even easier than I thought.

No kidding.

Looks like this Ava woman won’t be coming between your mommy and daddy anymore.

[soft orchestration]

Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so arethe “Days of Our Lives.”

[jazzy music]

That is the first thing you said to me when we met. Who do you have to sleep with to get a drink around here? Thought it was wonderfully crass and bold. And I considered answering, me. But then I thought that was too crass and too bold, not to mention a little pushy. So I controlled myself and said something reasonably polite, as I recall.

Actually, you said nothing, as I recall. You were, uh, sitting right here in this very bar, and you were sitting over there typing away, drinking a spicy Mezcal Paloma.

Time-out, time-out, Romeo. If you knew what I was drinking, why did you act like you didn’t?

Maybe because I wanted you to tell me about it. Is that such a big mystery, Juliet?

No. I just like hearing you say it.

You were drinking a caipirinha.

My usual.

Mm-hmm. It was tart, very sweet. And I knew that as soon as I tasted it, I would always associate it with you. Which is why I couldn’t even look at a caipirinha for a while– you know, when we were not seeing each other.

Yeah, things did get a little loco between us, I mean, for a while anyway.

Thanks to me and this cursed laptop.

No, no, don’t hurt its feelings. That’s what drew me over to you in the first place.

I thought it was my dimples.

Well, creative guys are my weakness, but creative guys with dimples? Guárdame. And besides, all that matters is that we found our way back to each other.

[phone beeps]
[line trilling]

Come on, Ava. Come on, pick up. [phone ringing]

[eerie music]

Brady calling. It’s your dad.

What do we do?

Simple. We just won’t answer it.

Ava, hey. It’s Brady. I got your message. I heard you say that you needed me to call you back, but there must have been a bad connection because I couldn’t hear the rest. Is this about Rachel? Please call me when you can.


So I was with Tate trying to help him find his missing sister.

His sister’s missing?

Yeah. She ran away and nobody can find her.

Oh, wow. I’m really sorry. That’s terrible.

Yeah. Everyone’s, like, really worried.

Yeah, well, I’m surprised you’re still not with Tate.

Well, we were trying to get the word out on social media. We figured if enough people knew she was missing, maybe someone would have seen her.

Sure. Yeah, of course.

Mm-hmm. And just as we were brainstorming ideas, Sophia shows up unannounced. And she drops this huge bombshell that her mom won’t let her give the baby up for adoption, which, I guess, now means that Tate and her have to raise the baby together. So that’s why I’m still not with him. [twangy guitar music]

Hey, I’m thinking maybe we should split up. You know, I’ll stay here. I’ll watch the laptop. And you go home and maybe see if you can help out there

No, actually, I think we’ll get more done together. Besides, we need to talk about what happened.

Uh, OK.

Because I’ve been thinking, Tate, about the whole adoption thing.

OK. What about it?

Well, since my mother is never going to agree to it, what if we–

What if we what?

What if we do it anyway?

[tense music]

So, speaking of your sexy profession, how’s the writing going?

Well, if I could figure out a way to make this wedding sexy, then all of my problems would just melt away. Alas–

Hey. If anyone can do it–

Well, then I would still have to figure out where 15 different cast members are sitting, who says what to whom. It’s a lot of work. I should be getting hazard pay.

Hey. Try planning a real wedding. Jada and Rafe are getting married in 16 hours, and I still don’t even want to think about what I have to do tomorrow.

Well, at least you have help. Who’s Rafe’s best man?

I don’t think he has one. Tell me– what?

Who’s planning his bachelor party?

What, I’m supposed to do that, too?

Well, if nobody’s volunteered.

Oh my God. I have never planned a bachelor party. I’ve never been to a bachelor party. So I have to order food. I have to book a venue.

OK. the venue is the easy part, Martha Stewart. Just reserve this place. no perspiration required. Or better yet, the Brady Pub. That’s probably more Rafe’s speed. Look, it’s just a bunch of guys sitting around drinking. They’re not going to care where they are, as long as there’s a stripper.

A stripper? Where am I going to get stripper?

That’s where your roguish boyfriend comes in.

I got a feeling Rafe would prefer a woman.

His loss.

And for that matter. Jada would, too.

OK, you need a stripper? I can find you a stripper. Oh, shoot.

What is it?

That kid, Doug, left me a message yesterday. I must have missed it.

 Mr. Stark, it’s Doug Williams. I just wanted to let you know I paid off all my debts. A friend gave me a loan. And I’m determined to get a job and pay it back completely. I need to do right by the people here in Salem that have been so good to me.

So if you could call me back, I was wondering if there’s any way you could help me again. And I want to do whatever it takes to get that necklace back to Julie.

[suspenseful music]

Maybe this isn’t as bad as you think it is.

Right. It’s probably worse.

Oh, come on. Just because Sophia has to keep the baby doesn’t mean she and Tate are going to raise it together.

Yeah, I guess that’s true. But still, it’s like they’re going to be tied to each other for– for practically the next 18 years. I mean, we’re literally going to be in our 30s by that time.

OK. I think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself there.

No, not really. I mean, when I first found out Sophia was pregnant, I tried to be so understanding and hopeful because– because I know the two of them didn’t mean for this to happen. And they were on their way to get an abortion.

Which would have made everything a lot simpler.

Right. But when Sophia’s mom found out, it’s like all of a sudden Sophia’s actually having the baby. And only then Tate tells me they’re even talking about adoption. But guess what. Sophia’s mom didn’t approve of that, either. So– so it’s like this is never going to be over. Next thing you know, Tate’s going to be telling me he has to marry Sophia after all.

[twangy guitar music]

I’m sorry. What do you mean we’ll do it anyway? How are we going to give the baby up for adoption without your mother’s approval?

Simple. I’ll be 18 before the baby is born. So what if we go to an adoption agency and make all the arrangements? And my mom never has to know.

Sophia, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Why not?

Because I just– I don’t think that going to an adoption agency on the sly is a good plan.

It is if we’re the only ones who know about it.

Sophia, your parents are going to find out about this. You said your mother freaked out when you went to the doctor’s appointment without her, right? OK, what happens when you go to the hospital nine months’ pregnant and you don’t come home with a baby? [tense music]

Brady, come on. What is the news? Just tell me what’s going on.

JJ stopped by the house earlier, said there’s nothing new to report yet. Did you get some rest?

No! I couldn’t. I’m just a little too worked up.

I know. Me, too.

I mean, especially after I talked to EJ.

Talked to– what are you, a glutton for punishment?

No. I mean, he was actually kind of being great.



EJ DiMera? Great?

Well, I mean, we do have our moments sometimes. And he just– he wanted to let me know that he was doing everything he could to find Rachel and that were, you know, still a family, even though we’re not related by blood.

Is she dead?

Not to worry. She’s very much alive.

She’s clearly a tough bird, though. No wonder she caused so much trouble for your mommy. But now she’s out of the way, nothing to stop your mommy and daddy getting back together again.

Tate, listen. This could really work. OK, just– just think about it. We don’t tell my parents about the adoption until after the baby is born. And what can they do about it then aside from yelling? It’s not like they can interfere with the adoption since I’ll be over 18.

What? What are you thinking?

Just that– they’re– they’re not just going to yell and then get over it. They’re bound to be extremely upset and angry.

So what? I’m used to that.

Yeah, but not the kind of anger you’d be getting over something this huge. Sophia, like, I don’t know. What if they decide not to pay for your college?

Then I will take out a loan. Or maybe I’ll get a scholarship, or at least a partial one.

I just– I think this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Not necessarily. I mean, like I said, I can take my parents going ballistic. And if they don’t want to support me after that, then fine. I’ll support myself. They can disown me for all I care.

What? What are you thinking now?

[gentle piano music]

You said your mom doesn’t want the baby raised by strangers, right?

Yeah, that’s what she said.

What if they weren’t strangers? Like, what if– hear me out. What if we found a really, really perfect couple who wanted to adopt a baby? And then we got to know them, you know. And your mom did, too. She’d– she’d probably end up really liking them, maybe even trusting them, right? What do you think?

Well, I can’t imagine my mom liking anyone who’s not religious.

OK, fine. All right, then we’ll make sure the couple is religious. You know, my Uncle Eric used to be a priest, so maybe he can put us in touch with some couples. Sophia, if your mom knows that the baby is for sure going to be raised in a good Christian home, then maybe she’d change her mind.

Please get back to me when you can. Thanks.

So what’s this necklace that he’s talking about?

Uh, I probably shouldn’t have played that message out loud.

No, it’s too late. You got to spill.

Look, I was doing this kid a favor. Technically, it might have been illegal. Look, the less you know the better, considering you’re planning a wedding for the police commissioner and the former police commissioner.

Well, now I just want to know if I’m going to be visiting my boyfriend in jail.

Listen to me. I’m going to take care of this. You just focus on planning an unforgettable bachelor party. Although now that I think about it, the ones people can’t actually remember are probably the best ones.

Well, a night of debauchery is my plausible deniability.

Don’t forget– more alcohol, the better. Words to live by.


Courage! I’ll be back soon.

Hey, don’t forget about my stripper!

[jazzy music]

Not– not my stripper. Just a stripper. Yes, just a random stripper.

God, I’m so sorry for trauma-dumping on you again. I probably sound so self-involved.

Why wouldn’t you be? I mean, you’re dealing with a lot. And it’s not fair to you. I mean, you’re in love. This is supposed to be the time of your life that people write songs about.

Yeah, I’m sure a ton of people write songs about their boyfriends getting another girl pregnant, too.

Yeah. Yeah, they do. But they don’t end up on any decent playlists, because they’re so depressing.

God, I’m such a cliché, aren’t I? Ohh.

Well, look at it this way, OK? It’s like you’re gathering material for your first album. So when you become rich and famous, I can say I knew you when.

But will you put me on your playlist?

On repeat.

[gentle music]

EJ and I– I mean, we started talking about my biological family. And well, he seemed curious about some of the more, well, shall we say, colorful aspects of my upbringing.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, who wouldn’t be?

Well, it was all in my memoir.

It’s going to be a Pulitzer Prize-winner for sure.

No, undoubtedly it will. But he was interested in my childhood and my biological parents. And so I went to get my scrapbook to show him, you know, all about Aremid and my family and our summer home there. And the book is not on the shelf anymore.

So someone moved it to another shelf or something.

Yeah, well, I certainly didn’t do it. And Harold– I asked him, and he didn’t do it. So who took it off the shelf, Brady? That’s what I want to know. What? Come on. No, no, no. What are you thinking? Come on.

[stammers] Could be Rachel.


Yeah. Kids are always curious about what their parents were like growing up, right?


You said you recently had it out. You were looking at it. Is it possible that she saw you taking it off a shelf or putting it back?

No. Yes. I think– yeah, I guess so. Maybe.

Because if she is the one that took the book, that would be a clue to where she might be. You said this book was all about your family, Kristen.

Yeah. Oh my God, Brady. You think she went to Aremid? I mean, I know it’s not very far. It’s just a few miles out of town.

Let’s go.

It’s a shot. Let’s– yes, yes!

[dramatic music]

So do you really think my parents are going to get back together now?

Well, I can’t say for sure, but we certainly have cleared the path.

Until she wakes up. What will happen then?

Well, we certainly don’t want things to go back to the way they were, do we?

No way.

So we’re going to have to come up with a plan, some way to make sure this mean lady doesn’t prevent you from getting what you want– a family, you, your mommy and daddy together forever.

[eerie music]

[gentle music]

[doorbell rings]

I should probably go get that.


Ooh, I am so sorry. I just got your message about the necklace. Holly, hi.


Not sure if you’ve heard, but I make necklaces now. Really all sorts of jewelry– just a little side gig to make ends meet.

Mr. Stark, it’s OK. She knows everything.

Well, there’s everything. And then there’s everything.

We’re friends.

Ugh, give a girl a heart attack, why don’t you. Is there anyone else in on this? The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, perhaps?

Don’t worry. Julie’s not here.

Hallelujah. OK, so you want to get the necklace back, yeah?

Is that even possible?

Well, I’m sure I’ll be able to track it down. That’s not the hard part. But knowing how these people operate, it will likely cost you more to get it back than you got it for in the first place. In fact, I can assure you they have even fewer scruples than I do.

I was afraid of that. I don’t even know what I was thinking when I left you that message. I mean, I definitely want it back. But I don’t have a dime to my name after I paid off those guys I owed.

How did you make up the difference? You said you didn’t get enough from the sale.

That’s thanks to Holly. She loaned it to me. And I definitely need to pay her back first.

Don’t even worry about that. Just worry about getting the necklace back, OK?

No. You first. Definitely. As long as I can start making some money soon. And once I make enough to repay you, and hopefully I can buy back the necklace if it’s still available. But first, I need to find a freaking job.

OK. OK. Look, there is only enough space in this dubiously decorated room for one drama queen, meaning–

Why don’t you come and work for me?

Like I said, my mother has never been a change her mind kind of person. And she seems hell-bent on keeping this kid in our family. But if she did get to know this couple, and she could be sure the baby wasn’t just being sent off to parts unknown, then–

Then yes, then– then this could be the answer, Sophia, for both of us– all three of us.

And then I could actually go off to college.

Exactly. Yeah. So what do you think? Do you think your mom might agree to this? Is it worth a shot?

I do. I mean, I don’t want us to get our hopes up too high. But I– I do think it might work. Oh my God. How did you even come up with this idea?

I don’t know. Something about necessity being the mother of invention kind of thing.

Right. Well, it’s kind of brilliant, actually.

Well, hang on. Only if it works.

True. But I’m actually hopeful for the first time since my mother found out about the baby.

Yeah. Me, too.

Now all we have to do is find the perfect couple.

[light music]


Are you here, sweetie?

My God, it looks like no one’s been here for ages.



Oh my God!


No, no.


I’ve been so worried about you!

Wow. You scared us half to death!

Oh, you’re OK? You’re OK, yes? Oh my God.

What are you doing here?

What do you– honey, what do you think we’re doing here?

We’re looking for you.


Oh, well, it looks like our instincts were right.

Sweetheart, you did take my book.

How else would I find this place?

Why didn’t you tell us were coming here?

Sweetie, we had no idea where you were. You were all alone here. Anything could have happened to you in this weird place.

But I wasn’t alone.

[eerie music]

I totally lost track of time. I should probably get home. Oh, but it’s good that we talked.

Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I should go, too. Maybe there’s been some news about Rachel.

Oh, yeah. Text me if there is.

Of course. Hey, I just want to let you know everything will be OK. Whatever we do, we’ll figure it out together.


[twangy guitar music]

Like I said, I couldn’t get through this without you.

Work for you?

I could use an assistant. Honestly, I can’t believe I’ve made it this long without one.

But I don’t know anything about writing.

Which is why I will be doing the writing, and you will be doing the assisting.

Well, I even less about soap operas.

Well, look, it is complicated. I won’t lie. There are a lot of pieces, all moving at different speeds at different times. But all you really need to know is that we tell love stories. You know about love stories, don’t you?

Yeah, he does. We were just talking about the “10 Things I Hate About You.” The title is supposed to be ironic.

Uh, OK.

Mr. Stark, I can’t ask you to do this for me.

Honestly, you’ll be doing me a favor. I am drowning in scripts. And after the whole Lady Whistleblower fiasco, I need somebody to make sure that things stay secure.

OK. That sounds amazing. Thank you so much.


And it’s probably going to take a little bit of time, but I can finally start paying you back.

Uh, did you hear the way she just stuck up for you? And you want to make her wait? I don’t care what they say. Chivalry is not dead. And I suppose I could find my way toward giving you an advance.

[gentle music]

Honey, what do you mean you weren’t alone?

I was with Seymour.

[gentle piano music]

Listen to me, young lady. You and Seymour are in serious trouble.

How serious?

How serious? OK, you know what? We’ll talk about this when we get home. Now get your things and come on. Get packing. I can’t believe this.

Are you OK?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I’m just– I’ll collapse later.

Yeah. I’ll be right behind you. All right, come on, honey. We got to go. All right, you got everything? Let’s go.

Wait. I forgot something. My parents found me.

Yes, but the plan can still work. Here, take Ava’s phone. I’ll take care of Ava.



[ominous music]

OK, I think we’re all set for the bachelor party. Did you get the stripper?

It’s all arranged. Sadly, Gypsy Rose Lee wasn’t available.


Oh, Javi. I have so much to teach you. I should start calling you Grasshopper.

Who’s– OK, forget it. What about your necklace situation?

I think it’s all worked out. Everything is coming up roses.

Ah, so you were able to help the kid out?

I did what I could.

He’s lucky to have you looking out for him.

Maybe. But I get the feeling I’m not his only guardian angel.

Wow. You’ve got a job.

I have one question. What is “10 Things I Hate About You”?

Oh my God. Um, OK, it’s this heartbreaking tale of young love set in Czarist Russia.


No, not really. It’s just a silly old rom-com. Anyway, that was super nice of Leo. I mean, he hardly knows you, and he really stuck his neck out for you.

Yeah. I mean, he’s not the only new person in my life that’s been nice to me.


[phone rings]

It’s Tate. Hey, what’s going on?

Holly, guess what. I just talked to my dad. They found Rachel.

Oh my God. That’s amazing.

Yeah, I know. Hey, uh, listen, I’m really sorry about before. Do you maybe want to get together and talk? Are you busy?

Uh, no. No, I’m not busy. I’ll be right there.

[gentle music]

I have already called Harold. And you are getting three weeks without cable and Wi-Fi.

Three weeks?

Yes, three weeks. And I– I am being very generous, my dear. You know, I could be laying down the law right now and sending you to bed without any supper. But since you have survived 24 hours with only one peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I’m going to have Cook make you up some mac and cheese, and I will try not to slather it with a lot of hot sauce. But I can’t make any promises, young lady. Hmm?

Daddy, do you want to stay for mac and cheese?

After everything you just put me through? Yeah, yeah, I could probably use a couple bites of mac and cheese. Listen, I want you to understand that this little stunt you pulled, it’s not going to put Mommy and Daddy back together. And I know you think that that’s what’s going to happen. But you have to understand that Ava is a big part of my life right now, OK? And there’s nothing you can do to change that, sweetie.

[foreboding music]

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Days Transcript Friday, January 24, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[somber music]

I don’t know. I’ve really been trying to put on a brave face for Kristen, showing her we’re going to find Rachel. We’ll be fine.

I’m thinking about her out there all alone, just–just angry and sad. I-I’m not only scared, Ava. I feel very guilty.

Why guilty?

That–that she was driven to this. Kristen and I failed as parents. We didn’t–we didn’t–we didn’t love her the right way. We didn’t cherish her the right way. She felt she was so desperate that this is what she needed to do? What does that say about– I just want her to come home, I just want her to come home.

Come here, come here, come here, come here, come.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you know, I’m sorry for leaning on you.

No, no, no. What is–no, no, no. Are you kidding me? This is your daughter we are talking about. I want you to lean on me. I’m here for you.

Thank you. I appreciate it. Tell you what, though, given– given the way Kristen reacted when I last spoke to her, I doubt she’d be very happy that we’re together like this.

OK, well, Kristen doesn’t need to know, does she?


[tense music]

[sighs] Rachel. Sweetheart, I need you to come back to me. Oh, and the police. The police have been predictably useless in their endeavor. No news, no leads, not even an inkling of an idea of where you could be. [scoffs] What would I expect from Salem’s finest?

You wouldn’t sit around waiting for any help from these simpletons if yourfamily was in danger. So neither will I.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey! What the hell? What the hell are you doing?


What are you doing?

Mm. Hi, Belle. Thanks for checking in. Oh, I thought I’d come into the office for a while and see if I could get some work done. Hmm, yeah. Look, you will let me know if there’s any word at all about Rachel, won’t you? Yeah. Thank you. I love you too, honey. Bye-bye. [knock at door] Come in. Oh, Cat.

Dr. Evans, I– sorry to bother you. The front desk said that you might be on a break right now?

I am, yes.

OK, I just quickly was hoping to ask if– if you had had time to talk to Dr. Johnson about hiring me as your assistant.

Oh, the assistant job. I’m sorry. No, I haven’t had time yet.

Oh. OK. [chuckles] You know what? If you’ve changed your mind, I don’t–

No, no, no. It’s not–it– it isn’t that at all. It’s just that… there’s a lot going on here right now, and–and… and we’re in a bit of a crisis. My granddaughter has gone missing.

Yeah, I want my niece’s picture on the front page. And I want the AMBER Alert pushed out on all our social media. Yeah, thanks. Hey, anything new?

Unfortunately, no. We did have a false alarm earlier. A child matching Rachel’s description was taken to the hospital with serious injury, but it turned out it wasn’t her. It was actually a young girl named Lucy, who’s going to be OK, apparently.

OK. Good, good. What else you got? I’ll keep it under wraps.

I don’t think that’s going to be an issue, because I’m sorry to say I’ve got nothing. It’s as though Rachel’s disappeared into thin air.

[somber music]

Well, it’s not how I imagined it. How about you, Seymour? [soft thud] Who’s there? I have a snake, and he bites.

[tense music]

Well, luckily for you, I don’t.

[soft orchestration]
 announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

We have gone through the footage from the DiMera mansion, and it seems Rachel walked off the property through the front door of the house. No sighting of her since. But she couldn’t have gotten very far. Obviously, way too young to drive, and the only cash she took with her were contents in her piggy bank, less than 100 bucks.

Well, I mean, could she have came up with extra cash? You know, from somewhere around the house?

I’ve been checking any of the transport options where she might have tried to use it, buses, trains, planes. So far, nothing.

Well, you’re covering all the angles, then.

Certainly trying. Jada insisted I come home, take a break, go back later with fresh eyes.

I’ve been using “The Spectator” to get the word out, but– I mean, somebody had to have seen something.

Yeah. No, you would think. But we haven’t gotten very many tips. Ones we have gotten haven’t led anywhere.

I just feel so bad for Kristen. Her daughter is her life.

What am I doing? My daughter is missing, EJ, in case you’ve been too self-absorbed to notice! And I’m not just going to sit around and do nothing while the incompetent fools of our so-called police force are doing essentially the same. So if you don’t mind, I am going to start my search in the tunnels.

Kristen, Kristen, there’s no need to look there. The footage from the CCTV showed that Rachel left through the front doors, not the tunnels. Besides, I myself have torn apart every inch of that underground labyrinth and found nothing. Believe me, there is no sign of Rachel. There’s no sign of Rachel down there.

[tense music]

OK. If she is not in the tunnels and she is not in the house or with family and friends, then tell me, EJ, where the hell is she?


I am so sorry, Dr. Evans. I saw the AMBER Alert this morning. I had no idea it was your granddaughter. Do they know what happened? Do they have any leads?

Well, we think she ran away. At least, we’re not worried that she’s being held by some stra– stranger.

Thank God for that.

And she’s–she’s a very resourceful girl, you know? The police are out looking everywhere for her.

[somber music] It’s just hard not to worry that, I don’t know, she might find some… dangers out there all by herself.

Who are you?

Well, you’rethe one trespassing. Why don’t you tell me who you are?


I see. What a beautiful name.

Thanks. I’m named after my mommy’s mommy. She used to live here.

Oh. And what is your mommy’s name?


[inhales deeply] Ah. Beautiful name as well. If I had a daughter, I might call her that, too. And what about your reptilian friend here?

This is Seymour.

Hmm. And what, may I ask, are you and Seymour doing in my house?

I ran away from home.

Oh? Well, I suspect your parents must be very worried.

Sure hope so.

You want your parents to be worried?


And why’s that?

It’s a long story.

I have nothing but time.

Hey, listen, man, um, I should probably give you a heads-up about something that’s not going to make the family very–very happy.

Yeah? OK, what’s that? Cat Greene is back in Salem.

What? I thought she was going back to Vancouver, be closer to her mother.

Yes, she was, but her brothers decided to stay up with Catharina. And Cat came back so she could be with Felicity during her last year of high school.

So are you telling me that she’s going to be living in Salem?

It seems that way, yeah.

[tense music]

Well, I hope I never run into her.

Mm, yeah, that’s going to be tricky. She might have got a job at the hospital. Yeah, Marlena’s assistant.

I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to talk to Kayla about you yet.

No, of course. It’s completely understandable.

Well, I’ve been preoccupied trying to reach my husband. He doesn’t know that– he doesn’t know that Rachel is missing yet.

Oh, I’m– well, at the very least, maybe he felt relieved to find out about my mother that– that he was trying to help her and not hurt her.

I haven’t been able to tell him that yet either.

Oh. Is he away on business?

Kind of. I just–I just know that if he were here right now, he would be able to– he would be able to find Rachel and bring her home. Safe and sound.

Listen. I understand Kristen’s continued concern about my involvement with this. Look, I still hold myself partly responsible for Rachel’s decision to run away.

No, no, no, no. Don’t say that. It’s not true. Even Kristen admitted to me that you are not to blame for any of this at all.


She said that when she was calm. You know, I think we’re both very frustrated that we know we’re to blame for this, solely. Well, she–Rachel’s been troubled for a while now. She should have been in therapy years ago. And I should have had a firmer hand to let that little girl know that she can’t always get her way.

OK. But come on, Brady. You didn’t know that she was going to take it this far. I mean, regardless of her troubles.

No, but I should have predicted that when she was told her mommy and daddy are never going to be together that the reaction would be bad. [Ava sighs] Now she’s going to come home and she’s going to think that everything is going to be fine. And I’m going to have to sit my little girl down and say, no, baby.

Mom and Dad are not getting back together ever.

I just want her to come home.

Now, I think if we both just take a moment to calm down–

I don’t want to be calm. Look, I don’t want any damn water, EJ! I just want my daughter! I want Rachel! God, I just– I feel so powerless in all this.

We DiMeras are anything but powerless. I’ve already put Father’s eyes and ears on the case. They’re sure to be far more successful at gathering intel than the police have been. And I’ve already put in motion an offer for a substantial reward for any information leading to Rachel’s safe return.

You would do that for Rachel?

Of course. She’s my niece.

Yeah. But she’s not by blood.

Kristen, you are a DiMera, even if you were born a Blake. Stefano regarded you and Peter his children just as much as we were. And you were the one who took after him the most. [Kristen shudders and chuckles]

Yeah, my dear, old mother would be so disappointed to hear you say that. I mean, she was always trying to appeal to my better angels. And that’s–that’s before things went wrong.

I just– I just wanted Rachel to grow up more like a Blake. That’s why I gave her my mother’s name.

Well, it sounds as though your parents have traveled a long and tortured journey together. And that this Ava woman is quite the pesky interloper indeed.

A what?

It means she’s standing in the way of your family living happily ever after.

Yep, that’s her.

And, you know, there’s only one thing to be done about people like her. You need to get her out of the picture. Permanently.

[tense music]

Oh, obviously, due to his connection with my mother, I knew a little bit about John’s past.

Yeah, but he doesn’t like to talk about himself. You know, it’s partly humility and partly, he’s just– he’s led so many different lives.

You mean as the Pawn.

Yeah. You know, when I first met him, I thought he was my… presumed dead husband, Roman Brady.

Roman Brady? Oh, I’ve met him. He owns the Brady Pub.

Yes, yes.

Oh, so– so Roman was your husband who you thought was dead and John was impersonating him, but John is your current husband?

Yes, it’s been… very difficult for all three of us.

No, no, I can imagine completely. I just–I was thinking about myself. I– you three were obviously in a situation where you were innocent victims, unlike the situation with me and Chad, where I was–

You were a victim of circumstance. Because of Clyde’s hold over your mother.

Yes, but–[sighs] I broke Chad’s heart in the worst possible way. I can’t imagine he would ever be able to get past that.

Marlena’s assistant? Look, I can’t believe that she would give Cat a job after what she did to our family.

Marlena knows the extenuating circumstances.

Nothing gave Cat the right to do what she and her brother did. My God, man. You almost died. How–how are you defending her?

Whoa, Gabi did terrible things to this family, and you have no problem defending her. I mean, let alone dating her.

Hey, that’s completely different.

How is it different? Look what Gabi did to Julie.

Are you saying that you don’t want me to see Gabi?

No, no. I’m not saying– I’m not saying any of that. What I’m saying is I’m not telling you who you should associate with, and I would expect that you would give me the same courtesy.

[somber music]

Hey, Julie, did you know that Cat Greene is settling down in Salem? Apparently, Chad doesn’t have a problem with it?

Well, you know, fellas, that doesn’t matter to me anymore. Nothing matters to me anymore.

Hey, hey.

Oh, come on.

Dinner is served. [Ava chuckles]

Thank you.

You’re welcome. You know what I was just thinking?


I was thinking about, uh– [chuckles] when I was about Rachel’s age, I also ran away from home.


I did. Mm-hmm. I went to my friend Monica’s house. And I decided I was going to stay for about a week, maybe two.


But then I immediately decided I was going home because her parents were serving salmon loaf.

Salmon loaf?

Salmon loaf, right?


What is that? [Brady laughs] I mean, I decided I could not live without my rigatoni. I came home that very night.

Sure, sure.

Yeah. [chuckles]

What, um–what made you run away in the first place?

[somber music]

Um… my dad, he–he used to– he used to beat up my mom pretty badly. So, uh… that’s all right, you know, I was just his pride and joy. And so I– I thought that my disappearance would shock some sense back into him. But, uh, when–[chuckles] You know, and the day I left, he just– he ended up blaming her. So when I came back, she got it ten times worse.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, I tried to get her to leave. I did because I just knew– I knew eventually he would– he’d take it too far. You know, that one day he would give her a beating that she would not come back from.

And one day he did.

I’m not sure I ever knew your reasons for choosing your mother as Rachel’s namesake.

A whole lot of good that did. I certainly didn’t raise Rachel in my mother’s image.

Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure. I may not know much about Rachel Blake, but it is my impression that your mother was a bit of a badass.

She was. [both chuckle] It’s sad, though, that she, uh… wasn’t able to be a mom most of our lives. She–she hated Stefano for taking Peter and I away from her. And I’m sure you know that she tried to kill our father in Paris.

I am certainly aware of that, but the details are a little foggy.

Well, she fired a shot which caused an explosion, which we all assumed both had died. And, well, it wasn’t until later we all discovered that our father, Stefano, survived.

[chuckles] The Phoenix always rises from the ashes.

It does indeed. But my mother, not so– not so lucky.

So you sent this Ava woman texts to get her to go away, hmm? And as a consequence, your mommy confiscated your phone and tried putting you in therapy?

So dumb, right?

New-age nonsense. Besides, it doesn’t even get to the real problem. You don’t need therapy, you need to get this Ava woman out of the way. And we’re going to do that, Rachel dear. Together.

[ominous music]

Do you think we should follow Julie?

Mm… well, I don’t think she really likes people fussing over her. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. Hi.

Made myself chamomile tea. Maybe that’ll help me sleep.

You still having– having trouble sleeping, Julie?

Having trouble? I’m hardly sleeping at all.

[somber music]

Did you, um, did you think about talking to Marlena, like I brought up, about what’s going on?

Yes, I did.


It’s not going to bring Doug back, is it, darling?

Look, fellas, I– I appreciate all this. But eventually, I’m going to be just– just fine. So you don’t have to worry about me.

OK, wait. We are worried. What’s the harm in talking to Marlena? If it doesn’t work, just stop going. [Julie sighs]

And you know that Doug would want you to feel better.

He would. Julie, Doug would want you to be happy. And if he were here, he would tell you you’ve got to start living your life again. Marlena can help you do that, OK? If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for– for us, your family, because we love you and we need you. And we–we really need you to take care of yourself.

Yes. Doug would probably say all those things.

Yes, he would.

Thank you.

So it worked?

[bittersweet music]

I’ll call Marlena tomorrow, maybe.

Hey, why don’t– why don’t you just go get dressed, and I– I’ll take you over there right now? How’s that?

You know that Chad is a very kind and compassionate man.

Yeah, he’s incredibly compassionate and understanding. But I mean–

But what?

Well, being nice to me is one thing, but having certain feelings about me is an entirely different situation.

What kind of feelings are you talking about?

Um… the kind of feelings that I have for him.

[tender music]

Well, sorry. I had no idea that you went through that.

No, no, you know what? I’m sorry. Because the goal of me telling you that story was to make you feel better about Rachel coming home safely. No, I didn’t mean to turn it into a sob story.

No stop, stop. It wasn’t a sob story, it’s your past. Please never apologize for sharing that with me. OK?

OK, OK. But you know, even so right now, the issue is Rachel, and that is what matters. So you need to eat something because I want you to take care of yourself. Maybe you want to take it– take it to go, take it home. You probably could use some sleep.

Probably could. I should probably get home and get myself together. [Ava chuckles softly] Does this fine establishment of yours have to-go boxes? [Ava chuckles] Do you have those available?

Well, we actually do. I will go grab you one.

Hey, hey. Um…

Thank you. Not just for the food, but thank you for the ear. Really.


Rachel never got to know my family. And I never took her to Aremid. I just–I don’t know, I told her stories about the town and– and our summer home there. But the stories, you know, that I told her, they were just sugarcoated and romanticized. There was no Parrot Man or the creepy cemetery or the ghosts that Peter and I were convinced that were up in the attic.

Um, the Parrot Man?

Yes. [both chuckle] If you’re curious, I have the scrapbook right here. And it’s just–


It’s all about my family and Aremid and–[chuckles]

This is weird.

[tense music] It’s gone.

So do you understand exactly what it is we’re going to do, Rachel?

I guess so.

And I have a telephone right here.

That’s a phone?

Oh, that is not just any phone. That is a princess phone meant for a princess. My daughter used to love it.

So do you happen to have the phone number of this Ava woman?

Sure. I used to text her all the time.

Excellent. Let’s give her a call. Now, put your finger in the number hole and spin.


Have a go.

[phone ringing]



Rachel? Honey, is that you?

Yes. I need help. And I couldn’t reach Mommy and Daddy. You have to come straight away.

Of course, I will. Where are you, sweetie?

Do you have a pen?

Yeah, yeah, I’m grabbing one.

You’ve got feelings for Chad. Romantic feelings?

[tender music]

I do. Yeah, they evolved while I was pretending to be Abigail. I know nothing can ever happen between us. I know that. I-I’ve been doing my best to avoid him completely lately. And I am just doing everything I can to bury those feelings and move on. So– [knock at door]

Oh, excuse me.


Come in.

[tender music] [Julie sighs]

[tense music]

Great job, Rachel. Think we make an excellent team. And I am so very glad that you came here this evening. Not too many people visit Aremid these days. A bit far out of the way. And how is it that you wound up here tonight? Did you know something about this house?

I read about it in this book.

It’s about my mommy, Uncle Peter, and their mommy, Rachel Blake.

I see.

And I’m Rachel Black.

What a coincidence.

What’s your name?

Oh, you can just call me… the Woman in White. – I–I could have sworn it was right here. I moved it from the bookshelf. And I just saw it the other day.

Well, perhaps Harold moved it while he was dusting. I’m sure it’s around here somewhere. It’s OK.

Oh, God, I hope so. I mean, I’d be really heartbroken if I lost that. That scrapbook, I mean, it’s–

It’s all I have of my mother.

Oh, come on, come on, pick up. Pick up. [sighs] Oh, Brady, it’s Ava. Listen, you need to call me back as soon as you get this. I just got a call from Rachel. I know where she is. I’m heading there right now. The address is–

[knock at door]

[sighs] Hold on.

JJ. Any news?

No, I’m sorry. I just got off duty and I couldn’t stop thinking about Rachel. I wanted to see if you’d gotten any news yourself since I interviewed you.

No. Not a damn thing. I’ve been waiting for my phone to ring. Nothing.

[somber music]

First of all, Marlena, I think it’s important that I tell you I’m not here on my own volition. I just ran out of energy arguing with Chad. You see, Chad was very insistent that I see you.

Thank you for your clarity. Julie, you don’t think this might be helpful to you? [Julie scoffs]

Well, to be honest, coming into your office and seeing Cat Greene standing there was a bit of a surprise.

So sorry about that.

It’s all right. It’s all right. I understand. I mean, you’re a doctor. You’re dedicated to helping everybody. More importantly, you’re my friend. My respected and treasured friend. And I do understand that psychoanalysis works. I mean, I’ve lived long enough to know that much. However, I’m not sick. I’m a new widow. And I have lost the love of my life. And I’m terribly, terribly sad. Now, I think that’s just normal, don’t you?

I do.

And all those old words about time will cure all wounds, it’s just not going to work with me. I don’t want to stop thinking about Doug.

[somber music] I want to think about him every minute of every day. How he loved me. How I loved him. That was the stuff that dreams are made of. Who cares if I can’t sleep or I can’t move on with my life?

All I have left are memories of him. I don’t want to lose that.

I understand.

So… launching into therapy, I think, would be a terrible waste of our time.

Julie, you could never, ever waste my time.

I– I know you’re only here to appease Chad. But as long as you’re here… I don’t know, we’ve got the time. Why don’t we– why don’t we try a session? And if it doesn’t work for you, we never have to do it again.

Oh, Marlena.

[tender music] All right. All right. What harm can it do?

I really did not mean to upset Julie.

It’s not your fault. It’s my fault for not realizing you could have started your job already.

Oh, that’s not actually why I’m here. Dr. Evans hasn’t had an opportunity to talk to Dr. Johnson and she needs approval from her before she can hire me.

So you were just here?

We were talking.

Yeah? About what?

[chuckles] You know, psychiatrists, right? Always getting you to talk about your feelings.

[scoffs] As much as I hate to leave you at a time like this, I have some pressing matters I need to attend to.

Oh, I’ll be fine.

Maybe so, but shouldn’t Rachel’s father be here with you? I mean, where the hell is Brady?

Uh, well, he said he had to go home and take a shower. Uh– I mean, that’s what he said. I mean, it’s probably just a cover-up to spend more time with… [whispers] Ava.

Ah, so I take it those two are still an “item”?

Oh, Salem’s hottest couple of 2025.

Oh, you don’t approve?

Oh, God. That’s putting it mildly. I detest that two-faced bitch. Oh, she is the reason that Rachel ran away.

What are you talking about?

What I’m talking about is Brady said it wasn’t Ava’s fault. But I’ve been pretending to indulge in his fantasy. But the fact of the matter is, Ms. Vitali, if she wasn’t in the picture, then none of this would be happening. [scoffing] And Brady and I, we would be together. [Kristen sighs]

Listen, I appreciate you checking in. I know you’re off duty so thank you for doing that.

Of course.

And I’ll let you know if I hear anything, OK?

Yeah, same here.

All right. Thanks, JJ.

Talk soon, I hope.

Yeah. [sighs]

[tense music]

[phone beeps] – Brady, it’s Ava. You need to call me back as soon as you get this. I–

[electronic glitching]

[line clicks]

Hello. Rachel, are you–


That was even easier than I thought.

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Days Transcript Thursday, January 23, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[dramatic music]

Hey, did you find something?

Brady, hey, it’s Ava.

Hi, Ava.

Sounds like you were expecting a different call.

[sighs] Well, the police were going through the security footage to figure out where Rachel went. I was hoping for an update.

There hasn’t been any word yet?

Nothing. No, Kristen and I, we were at the station all night, and Shawn finally convinced us that we weren’t gonna do Rachel any good by running on stale coffee and no sleep, so I brought her back to the estate.

That’s good. Sounds like you could use some rest too.

[sighs] I don’t–I don’t know how either one of us is gonna get any rest.

Well, Brady, I am so, so sorry. Truly.

Well, thanks, Ava. I appreciate you calling.

[tense music]

Well, that makes one of us.

All right. Thanks, JJ. Let me know when the tech team’s gone through all the footage. And any sign of Rachel, you call me.


Belle, your assistant said that you were out of the office.

Oh, no, I just came from court. Is there any news on Rachel?

Unfortunately, no. And Brady and Kristen are going out of their minds.

Hold on a second, Ava.

Oh, I’m sorry. Did I interrupt? I mean, sure, our daughter’s missing, but that call seems really important, so pardon me.

I’ll call you later, OK?

Of course. I’m here if you need me.


I thought you were going upstairs to rest.

Rest? Rest?


How in the hell am I supposed to rest when I need to focus all my energy on finding our daughter, which is what you should be doing instead of schmoozing with Ms. Ava Vitali!

Stop, Kirsten! For God’s sake, she was just calling to check in.

Yeah, well, I don’t need her to check in! This does not involve her! This is a family matter, Brady.

Damn it! God, why can’t I get this? That’s great. That’s awesome. Really fantastic.

Do you think a little brain food might help?

No, Grandma. [sighs] I don’t know how I’m supposed to just sit here and derive these equations when Rachel is off God knows where.

[dramatic music]

Maybe it’s time for a break.

I don’t get it. Like, where could she have gone? Like, I must have texted her 100 times, begging her to come home. Then I remember Dad telling me that Kristen has her phone.


[sighs] I just wish there was something more that I could do, like help in the search, but I don’t know how.

You have. You have. You put up all those posters in the park today.

Yeah, but that doesn’t feel like enough.

I know. We’re all doing the best we can. I met with the police and gave them ideas about where Rachel might have gone. I know your dad and Kristen have also been dealing with the police, and they’re using their every resource.

I just can’t believe my sister is missing on top of everything else.

Ah, everything else. You’re talking about Sophia’s pregnancy?

Sophia, hey.

Hey. I was wondering if maybe I could pick up a shift.

Honey, I don’t have room on the schedule today. I thought you were taking the day off so you could go to the doctor.

I was, but I actually went to my appointment yesterday.

So why am I only hearing about it now?

[tense music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[tense music]

Mom, what are you doing here?

I think the question is, what are you doing here? And why aren’t you answering your phone?

Oh, sorry. Were you calling me? I must have had it on silent.

Look at what’s in your hand. You were supposed to meet me at the hospital an hour ago for your OB appointment. I waited 20 minutes for you, worrying that you were gonna miss it, and then I find out you had it yesterday.

Well, they had a scheduling mix-up, so they moved it.

That’s not what Dr. Johnson said.

You talked to Dr. Johnson?

That’s right. When the receptionist told me that you weren’t on the schedule, I asked to speak to her, and she told me that you called to move the appointment.

OK, fine. I changed it. [sighs] I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you hovering over me. I’m nervous enough as it is.

[sighs] So you went to the appointment alone?

No. Tate was with me.

Well, I’m glad to know that boy isn’t shirking his responsibilities, but I should have been there too.

Why? It’s my baby, not yours. And I don’t need you there holding my hand. I’m not a child.

You sure about that? Because it seems to me that a mature, responsible adult would not be in this situation.

I know we haven’t talked much about Sophia’s pregnancy, I mean, about how it’s affecting you.

[dramatic music] I’m glad you have your father to talk to, but I hope you know that I’m here for you too.

I do know that, Grandma. Thank you.

Of course. Do you want to talk about it now?

I don’t know, just feels kind of wrong to be talking about my own problems when Rachel’s missing.

Honey, it’s not wrong. We’ve discussed this. The police are out looking for her. There’s nothing you and I can do now but– but just wait. And if you–if you don’t want to discuss the Sophia situation, then–

Actually, no, I think I want to. Maybe you can help me, Grandma.

I’m happy to try.

Well, I’m just trying to wrap my mind around all of this. I really want to do the right thing and help Sophia, but whatever I do, I end up hurting my relationship with Holly.

How so?

OK, well, for example, yesterday I went with Sophia to her doctor’s appointment, and afterwards we were looking at the sonogram photo, which– I don’t know, it made it way more real than before, seeing this actual image of a baby that– Sophia and I–well, I mean, I’ll speak for myself here. It’s like this miracle, you know, that we made a life. But– [sighs]

But what?

But it made me really sad just knowing that we couldn’t actually appreciate this miracle because we didn’t mean for any of it to happen.

[sighs] Anyways, Holly happened to run into us right then, and when she saw what we were looking at, I could tell she got really upset. I mean, of course. How could she not be? It’s a picture of our baby, Sophia’s and mine.

Have you had a chance to talk to Holly?

No. Haven’t heard from her since. [knock at door]


Oh, come in.

Tate, I just heard Rachel’s missing.

Yeah, she ran away yesterday, and so far, there’s been no sign of her anywhere.

Oh, my God. You must be so worried.

I will give you some time alone.

Oh, Dr. Evans, you don’t have to leave because I’m here.

No, no, I have somewhere I really need to be. You’ll call me if there’s any word at all?

Of course, the second I hear anything.


Bye, Grandma.

Bye-bye, honey. [door clicks shut]


Really glad you’re here.

Of course I’m here. Why wouldn’t I be?

Because you seemed pretty upset when you ran into me and Sophia yesterday.

[dramatic music]

So until you’ve proven yourself capable of making good decisions, I will be taking you to your doctor appointments. Understood?


Mrs. Choi, I don’t blame you for being upset about being left in the dark about Sophia’s doctor’s appointment, but since we can’t go back in time, maybe Sophia could tell you how it went.

She better. Is everything all right with you and the baby?

So far, so good.

You’re gonna have to give me more than that. How are your iron levels? Did Dr. Johnson give you any recommendations for vitamins or supplements?

The blood tests will come in soon, but she doesn’t think I’m anemic. And the vitamins I’m taking are the ones she recommends.

That’s good.


So you’re healthy.

I’m fine, Mom.

I have something to show you.

Oh, my.

Look at that. That’s my grandchild. Oh, my.

Mom, I’m sorry I went to the appointment without you.

It’s OK. I understand. I just– [sighs] I’m trying to look out for you, Sophia.

I know, Mom. And you’re right. You should be involved. Actually, Dr. Johnson mentioned something that I wanted to talk to you about.

OK. What’s that?

Well, she asked if Tate and I had considered putting the baby up for adoption.

Look, I know you’re upset, OK? Ava was just concerned, that’s all.

OK, I don’t need her concern. She is the reason our daughter ran away.

Kristen, you know that’s not true. Just yesterday, you told me that Rachel was upset because you told her her parents were never getting back together.

Yes, and the reason we’re not getting back together is because of a certain ex-Mafia princess.

No, it’s because of a million reasons, which we’re not gonna get into right now, OK? But Ava has nothing to do with it.


Kristen, Rachel’s been struggling for a while now. These threatening texts, her behavior, this running away– this goes a lot deeper than who I invited to “The Nutcracker.”

OK, fine, fine. Fine. Fine. It’s not Ava’s fault. Fine. I am just on edge, Brady, obviously.

Kristen, I know. I am too.

And I just– I can’t help think about the worst-case scenario. I mean, our daughter has been missing for 24 hours. The police have no leads on her. Where is she? Where is she, Brady?

I just can’t imagine what my brother’s going through right now. Is there anything I can do to help?

Honestly, I think we’ve got all of our bases covered. I mean, we have every available uniform canvassing the area around the DiMera estate and patrolling the local transportation hubs. JJ’s working with the tech team now, going over the surveillance footage for the last 24 hours, so I don’t know, just a matter of time till something breaks now.

God, I hope so. I’m just so worried about my niece and my brother. I mean, after everything he went through earlier this year… [phone ringing] If anything happens–

It’s JJ. Hey, JJ, what’s up?

Oh, no.

Hey, look, none of that matters, what happened yesterday, not when your sister’s missing.

But it does matter. Holly, I could tell that you were upset when you ran into me and Sophia in the square.

[dramatic music]

I mean, yeah, I kind of was. When I saw you guys, you were together, laughing like you were sharing some inside private joke, and I don’t know, when I saw the picture of the sonogram of the baby, I realized there is something between you two. I mean, you have this whole connection that I’m, like, totally not a part of anymore.

I totally get why you would feel that way. And honestly, I don’t think either of us knew how to react to the whole sonogram thing. You know, it’s so weird to think about. So yeah, if it looked like we were, you know, sharing a moment, it was probably just like, whoa, this is bizarre and scary, you know?

Yeah, I get that. But it’s not just a moment you two are sharing. You’re having a baby together.

Yeah, but we’re not parenting a kid together. Sophia and I have talked about it. We still want to give the baby up for adoption as long as her parents are cool with it.

Adoption? Dr. Johnson suggested that?

Well, she mentioned it, but Tate and I had talked about it before, and we thought it might be a good idea.

I see. You couldn’t sneak away to get an abortion, so you and Tate thought of a new way to dispose of the child you created.

Mom, we’re just trying to do the responsible thing here. I mean, don’t you think it would make sense? Neither one of us is ready to be a parent.

Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you decided that you were ready to have sex!

OK, Mrs. Choi, I think that what your daughter’s trying to say is–

I can hear what she’s trying to say, loud and clear. You don’t want to face the consequences of your actions.

Oh. So the baby is a punishment. Wow. OK, I got it. I’m sure that will make the kid feel so loved.

Don’t get smart with me, Sophia.

OK, Mrs. Choi, I just really think that your daughter is trying to do what is best for this baby.

What is best for this baby is not to be given away to strangers. There is not going to be any adoption.

All right. I’ll talk to you soon.

[light country music]

Steve, thank you for meeting me.

Sure. What’s going on?

Oh. I guess you haven’t heard. My granddaughter is missing.

What? Oh, my God.

She ran away. There’s been no– no sign of her. The police are all over it.

I’m so sorry, Marlena. What can I do to help?

You can help me contact my husband.

I know this waiting is– is getting to both of us, Kristen. But the police are– they’re coming at this from every angle, OK? They will help us get Rachel home.

Well, that’s what they said the last time.

What–what last time?

When we finally found out that Rachel was ours, only to have Sarah run off with her. You know, I know it was a long time ago, but honestly, I thought I had forgotten what it was like. But those memories, those terrible memories, they just keep flooding back.

Hey, hey. There’s a difference. No one took her this time. She’s a smart kid, but I doubt she’s gonna be able to charter a jet to Paris.

[laughs] You sure about that?

No. Yes. She cannot do that, I’m sure of that.

Yeah, well, I know– I know it was a different situation. I really do. But it feels the same.

Back then, I had this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was never gonna see my daughter again, and I feel that same way right now, Brady.

Thanks, JJ. I’ll be right there.

What was that? Was that about Rachel?

JJ’s been in contact with the ambulance dispatcher. They just got a call about a little girl who was hit by a car.

Oh, my God.

She’s unconscious, and they’re taking her to the ER now.

You don’t think that she could be–

According to JJ, her description matches Rachel’s.

Marlena, you know John is deep undercover.

I know that. His granddaughter has gone missing. And Brady is– Brady is half out of his mind with worry. He needs his father. And I know if John knew what was happening, he would want to be here.

Of course he would. John would move heaven and earth to find that little girl and to support his son.

All right, then can you contact Shane and ask him to contact John?

I already did. After you and I spoke the other night and you gave me the good news about Catharina, I reached out to Shane.

[dramatic music]

I didn’t ask you to do that.

I know you didn’t, but I can see how hard this no-contact arrangement is on you. This mission has gone on so long. It’s not fair to John’s loved ones, especially you. That’s what I told Shane. I read him the riot act.

What did he say?


I’m sure Dr. Johnson is a competent physician, but at your next appointment, I’ll tell her to keep her ideas about family planning to herself.

I told you, Mom, it wasn’t just her idea. Tate and I talked about it. Don’t you think we should have some say in this?

No, because I am the adult, and I make the decisions. I think that you’re forgetting that you’re still 17.

OK, Mrs. Choi, don’t you think Tate and Sophia are really, really young to be raising a child?

Well, it’s not as if they’d be doing it on their own. Your father and I have every intention of helping you, and I’m sure that Tate’s family will do the same.

And I appreciate that, but how exactly is that gonna work? I’m going to college next year, right?

OK, you know, and I also know that Tate has plans to go away to college.

Yes, I am well aware of your plans for college. But unfortunately, just like we’ve all had to learn, plans change.

Mom, if you’re gonna force me to have this baby, then fine, I will have the baby. But you can’t take college away from me. You really want me to throw my whole future away?

Of course not. But having to put your dreams on hold, that is the risk that you took when you–

Had sex? Fine, I get it. You’ve lectured me enough, OK? And believe me, after this, I’ll become a freaking nun. Will you respect me then, Mom, if I’m a good little girl and I never even look at a boy again?

That is enough, Sophia. I will not have you lashing out at me when you are the one who created this situation.

Yeah, well, here’s the situation that you’re creating. You’re making me sad and depressed and miserable. You’re ruining my life. [crying]

You really think Sophia’s parents are gonna be cool with putting the baby up for adoption? I thought her mom was, like, insisting on you guys getting married.

Yeah, but she can’t force us. And I think my dad made it pretty clear to her that that’s not happening.

[sighs] Well, good. ‘Cause as much as I’d like to see you in a three-piece suit… [sighs] I’m sorry, I think I’d have to send my regrets.

Again, that is not happening.

OK. Well, I hope Sophia talks to her parents about the adoption thing soon. It’s kind of killing me, not knowing what’s gonna happen.

Yeah, me too.

Obviously, I know this affects you more than it does me, so…

That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to worry about it.

Yeah. But whatever. I didn’t come here to talk about me or my feelings, so let’s just focus on Rachel. I know how scared you must be, and I am too. I mean, we used to live together, and she would drive me crazy.

[laughs] Yeah. That’s kind of her specialty.

But I do really care about her, so if there’s anything I can do to help–

I don’t know. I wish there was. I don’t know what else we can do that the police haven’t. I already put posters up in the park, but, like, do people even notice those? I’m usually looking at my phone. I probably wouldn’t even see them.

Well, maybe there’s a better way to get people’s attention.

Kristen, we just have to keep reminding ourselves that when we lost Rachel all those years ago, we got her back. And we’re gonna get her back this time, probably sooner than later because this time, she wasn’t kidnapped. She just–she just ran away.

Right. But in some ways, that scares me even worse. I mean, even though she left on her own volition, she is just a child, Brady. And she’s out there all alone. I mean, who knows what could happen to her?

This little girl who was hit by a car, could that be Rachel?

Apparently, she’s roughly Rachel’s age. Has light brown hair, and–

That could be any number of little girls.

She was wearing a leopard-print coat. Kristen said that Rachel’s leopard-print coat was taken from the closet.

Oh, my God. Should I call Brady?

No. No, no, no. Don’t do that. Let’s just wait till we know something for sure. I’m gonna go to the ER right now.

OK, well, I’m coming with you.

OK. Let me get my coat.

[dramatic music]

I’m afraid Shane turned me down flat. He did say that he was sorry and he understands how these missions can be hard on families, but apparently, John is in a very delicate spot. If Shane or anyone else tries to contact him, it could not only jeopardize the mission, but it could put John in serious peril.

Is it that dangerous?

I’m afraid so.

Why would John take on such a risky mission?

In all the years I’ve known your husband, I would never describe him as risk-averse.

I just–I don’t know why he would agree to break off contact with his family, agree to put his own life at risk.

I don’t know. But whatever it is, it must be something big.

[tender music]

Come here. Look, I know–I know Rachel’s out there all alone, and it’s nerve-racking. It’s scary, but… Kristen, she’s not a typical little girl. I mean, she is smart. She is very resourceful. How could she not be? I mean, she’s half Kiriakis, half DiMera.


I think the rest of the world ought to watch out for her, honestly.

I’m sure you’re right. I’m sure you’re right. Did I–[laughs] Did I tell you that she left Edgar on Harold’s bed?

No. The snake?

Yeah, with instructions on how to feed him and a warning: in case he gets very hungry, he might eat Harold for lunch. [laughter]

That’s great. That’s great. That’s great. Listen, try to get some sleep, please. You’ve been up all night. I’ve been up all night. I mean–[sighs]

I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get some sleep. Will you?

I don’t know. I got to try. We got to try. We need to be reasonably rested when that little girl of ours comes through those doors, so…

OK. I’m gonna try.

I’m gonna try too.


And I will be back soon.


Shawn. The little girl, is it–

It isn’t Rachel.

Oh, my God. Thank God.

[dramatic music]

Who does she think she is, storming off like that? She better get right back here.

OK, you know what? Maybe–maybe we should just give her a moment.

It’ll give us a chance to talk.

What do we have to talk about?

Look, I know that this is none of my business, but I have gotten to know your daughter over the past several months, and she is a wonderful girl. She’s smart. She’s hardworking. And it’s clear that you obviously love her very much and you only want what is best for her. So maybe it would help to try and see things from her point of view.

Oh, but I do. I don’t need to imagine what it’s like to make a mistake and have to suffer the repercussions of it. I’m a sinner, just like everyone else. And unfortunately, facing consequences is a part of life.

Don’t you think she’s already learned her lesson? Being forced to have a baby when she’s not ready is traumatic enough.

Ms. Vitali, I can tell that you and I don’t see eye to eye on some important issues. But I am very strong in my beliefs, so I’ll advise you to tread lightly.

Of course. Look, you are entitled to your beliefs, and I respect them. All I’m trying to say is that, look, it’s life-changing for anyone to find out they are pregnant. And for Sophia, at her age? Look, she’s obviously overwhelmed. She’s overwhelmed, and she’s very scared about what this is going to mean for her future, as Tate is. Look, they are so young. They are nowhere near ready to be parents. And so maybe, just maybe you could consider that putting the baby up for adoption is the best thing for them and for the baby too.

You’re right. It is none of your business.

OK, we just– we need to come up with a good hashtag, something that can get trending. And then maybe if enough people see it, they’ll know where Rachel is.

OK. I don’t know, like, Return Reptile Rachel?

Sure. Yeah, that’s perfect.

Hey, why don’t we try using, like, some existing hashtags, maybe try to gain some momentum?


Yeah, there you go. That’s a good idea. Yeah.

OK. I’ll tag them too. Maybe they’ll even write an article.

Yeah. Hey, thank you for doing this, by the way. You have way more followers than me. If I posted it, I’m sure no one would see it.

Yeah, that’s because you don’t post at all. And of course, anything I can do to help. [knock at door]

Just see who that is real quick.


Sophia. Whoa, whoa. What’s wrong?

[crying] My mom won’t agree to the adoption. She said we have to raise the baby ourselves.

[dramatic music]

Holly, I didn’t know you were here.

Yeah, obviously.

Holly’s here because we were trying to figure out ways to track down my little sister.

Track her down? What do you mean?

She ran away.

What? Oh, my God. I’m so sorry. I had no idea you were in the– in the middle of a crisis. I should go.

Ah, you know what? Actually, I’ll go.

No, Holly, don’t. No.

Tate, it’s fine. I’ll finish this post for Rachel. You two obviously have a lot to talk about. [door clicks shut]


[sighs] Believe me, I want my partner back too. But listen, Marlena, I will do everything I can to help the police find Rachel.

Thank you. We need all the help we can get.

You got it.

Would you–would you please try to find out from Shane anything else you can? I mean, it just– not knowing where John is, not hearing from him, of course I imagine the very worst.

I’ll try, but I can’t make any promises.

I understand. I appreciate whatever you can do.

Of course.

I know how hard this is on you, Marlena.

I just– I’m terribly worried, and I– I miss him. I just miss him so much.

I know you do.

Oh, God, I am so glad that Rachel wasn’t hurt. Oh, but what about the other little girl?

Lucy. She’s pretty banged up, but she’s gonna be fine.

Oh, good. Is her family here?

Yeah, they’re on their way. She’s–she’s awake and she’s talking, and smart girl remembered her mom’s phone number.

Oh, that’s so good. Oh, I’m so glad I didn’t call my brother. I would have felt terrible scaring him like that.

Yeah, well, I’m sorry I scared you.

Oh, no, don’t be. I mean, it’s a leopard coat. You were following a pretty credible lead. All right, well, I’m gonna go pick up some takeout for my family.

Yeah, yeah. I should, you know, probably get back to the station.

OK, well, thank you for everything you’re doing. And you’ll keep me posted, right?

Yeah. Yeah, of course I will.


Brady, hey. Any news?

[sighs] Nothing.

Oh, God. I’m so sorry.

I was just–I was walking home, and I was finally gonna get some rest tonight. I don’t know, I wanted to see you.

OK. I’m here. What can I do to help?

I mean, I think all we can do for Rachel right now is just hope and wait, right?


Hope and wait.

Hope and wait, but what about for you?

I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m trying to put on a brave face for Kristen and assure her that everything is gonna be all right. Everything will be fine. We’ll find Rachel. But I–oh, God, Ava, I’m thinking about her out there, you know? I know she’s sad, and I know she’s angry, and I know she’s alone, and I’m feeling guilty.

Why are you feeling guilty?

‘Cause I–because we drove her to do this. We–we–Kristen and I failed. I failed. She failed. We didn’t love her enough. Maybe we didn’t cherish her enough. She had to–she felt like she had to do this to get our attention. Wake up, Mom and Dad.

I just want her to be OK. I want her to be OK. I want her to be OK.

It’s OK. It’s OK. It’s OK. She’ll be OK.

Who am I kidding? [sighs]

Oh. Oh, my darling. [sniffles, sighs] Where did you go? Where did you go?

[door creaks]

Well, Seymour, we finally made it.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


That manipulative tool.

[dramatic music]

Good morning to you too.

You are not going to believe what Lady Whistleblower wrote in her latest column.

Or we can put away the tablet and start this morning off right.

Get a load of this. “Leo Stark may think he’s won, but he’s gonna pay for what he’s done to me.”

What you’ve done to him? He was targeting you. All you did was expose him.

And tank his romance with the incredibly hot guy I’m currently in bed with.

You know, flattery will get you everywhere. [chuckles] But Kerry lost me because of what he did. Actions have consequences, and he’s learning that the hard way.

Why is “The Spectator” still printing this derivative trash?

OK, that is enough fake news for today. Kerry can never hurt us ever again.

[door clicks open]

[dramatic music]

What the hell?

Kerry! What are you doing?

If I can’t have you, Javi, no one can.



Leo? What’s wrong?

You and Philip broke up? You guys seemed so happy on New Year’s.

It was new, and we were still figuring out if we could work. And let’s just say I got a very vivid reminder of why we broke up last time.

I’m sorry.

Don’t be. It was good that things ended as quickly as they did.

Besides, I never would have even thought about dating Philip again if it wasn’t for–

Wasn’t for what?

You. [sighs]

[light country music]

Seth, don’t raise your voice. This is not on me or on Abe. We both followed the safety protocols, the ones that you signed off on. Yes, of course. Insurance will pay for any liability on the hospital’s part. [sighs] Hey, listen to me. Do you want to be on the show anymore or not? Yeah, I thought so. Goodbye.

Is everything OK?

Oh, yeah, just putting out another fire that’s engulfed “Body & Soul.”

Ah. Wow, Chanel quitting sure caused a lot of chaos.

[scoffs] That’s not important anymore. I was talking about Bonnie.

What do you mean?

You haven’t heard? [sighs] Bonnie almost died when she plunged down the elevator shaft.

[dramatic music]

[knock at door]


Got a minute?

For you? Always. Come in.

Well, how’s Bonnie?

[sighs] Well, you know, I can only discuss her condition with her family. But I can tell you that her prognosis is good.

Oh, thank God.

Yeah, but she’s not gonna be going back to work anytime soon.

I was worried you’d say that. Well, I am royally screwed.

JJ, can you take point on the Rachel Black case? I’m still here at the hospital wrapping a few things up. Well, the good news is that Bonnie Kiriakis is gonna pull through. The bad news is that she has a long recovery ahead.

Listen, keep this between us for now, OK? But I just spoke with Justin, and he thinks that someone lured Bonnie to the elevator, that her fall was no accident.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[dramatic music]

I don’t understand, Steph. [chuckles] How am I the reason you started dating Philip again?

Forget it. You’ve got so much on your plate right now.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It’s OK. Please, tell me.

So… [clears throat] When you and I decided to stop seeing each other because of work, I told you it wasn’t a big deal.

But that was a lie. I wasn’t really ready to end things between us.

Neither was I.

[light country music]

So unfortunately the padding had been removed after Chanel’s stunt, and there was nothing there to break Bonnie’s fall, and–

Oh, my God. Is she OK?

Well, she’s alive. That’s all the doctor would tell me. But it was a terrible fall.


I mean, I don’t see how she couldn’t have a serious injury.

God, Alex must be worried sick. I was on set with him until pretty late last night. This must have happened right after.

Well, thankfully you knew enough not to go into a hot set after– after a stunt. I know that Bonnie’s not a professional, but what was she thinking?

I–I really don’t think this is Bonnie’s fault.

[dramatic music]

Well, if it’s not hers, then whose is it?


Look, I don’t know if I agree with Justin’s theory. It could all just be a coincidence. But that text message that Bonnie received was pretty damn suspicious. We have to tread lightly. I’ll take the lead on this.

Send me a uniform to bring someone in. If this was premeditated, we have our first suspect.

Thank you.

Well, didn’t want to wake you. You were sleeping so soundly when I went downstairs. But when I got back– something wrong?

Mm, I was having a nightmare, obviously.

Well, do you remember what it was about?

Unfortunately. Kerry didn’t take this whole Lady Whistleblower situation lying down.

Well, the whole situation was his fault.

Nightmare Kerry saw things differently. He chose violence.

Mm. I texted Jada, if it makes you feel any better.

Do you think he could get into some serious trouble?

That’s not my problem. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. And the only thing that matters is that he is gone and we are here together.

[tender music]

Mm, I don’t think that we have anything to worry about from “Real World Kerry.” But, you know, to play it safe, I think that we should hunker down here in bed all day.

[both laugh]

Isn’t Gabi gonna be pissed if you play hooky?

Well, she’s family. She’s required to forgive and forget. So what do you say?

Hmm. I say that I have been incommunicado all night. And unfortunately I have to get to set. Who knows what could have blown up, literally or figuratively, in the last 12 hours?

You’re entitled to a day off every now and then.

Yeah, you do drive a hard bargain. And there are things that are more important than work, right?


Like my health, world peace, you.

[tender music]

So is that a yes?

It’s a yes. But first there is something important I want to discuss with you.

[dramatic music]

It’s bad enough that Bonnie’s accident happened on my watch. Now Leo’s MIA.

Mm. Normally that would be a blessing.

Not when we need all hands on deck. We–we cannot afford to lose another day of production.

Sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Maybe there is.

You didn’t want to break things off either?

No, Steph. I wanted to see where this could have gone.

Why didn’t you say anything?

I don’t know. Because I didn’t– I didn’t–I don’t know. I–probably the same reason why you didn’t. I wasn’t gonna put myself out there if we weren’t on the same page, run the risk of ruining our friendship. But I always wanted more.

Man, I really wish I would have known that.

Although part of me did feel like you did feel the same way. Then when I found out about you and Joy, I figured I was deluding myself.

Yeah, but that– that was just a cover. Joy and I weren’t really dating like that, you know?

I know that now. When she dragged you out of that New Year’s Eve party, I thought you guys were leaving to hook up. So when Philip took me home, I– I guess I was a little more open to seeing where things could go because I– yeah, I was just more open to seeing where things could go than I otherwise would have been.

For the record, Joy only bolted from that party because Chanel had confronted her about Johnny.


But when you showed up the next day wearing the same clothes, I– I just assumed that you two had spent the night together.

We did.

[light country music]

I don’t know. I’m just saying blaming Bonnie feels a little…

A little what?

Victim blaming.

Mm-hmm. She’s the one who wasn’t paying attention, yeah.

Unless you think that this wasn’t an accident.

No, no, I just–

What? Do you think it’s my fault or Abe’s fault? Because we were following very strict protocols.

No, no. I blame Chanel.

Why is that?

Well, if Chanel hadn’t freaked out and quit the show, you wouldn’t have had to tape a slapdash exit scene. No open shaft, no fall.

Mm. I think that’s a little bit of a stretch.

[sighs] Maybe.

OK. Look, there are going to be a lot of fingers pointed here in this situation. And I’m thinking, out of the hundreds of words that are going to be printed about this accident, none of them are going to be pointing fingers at Chanel.

So what’s this really all about?

[siren wailing]

Mr. Youmans.

Wow, pronounced it right on the first try.

I’m Commissioner Hunter. Please, have a seat. Thanks for coming down.

Well, your officer didn’t give me much of a choice. So to what do I owe this inconvenience?

Oh, you didn’t hear? There was an incident on the set of “Body & Soul” last night.

[gasps melodramatically] Oh, sorry, I’m not much of an actor. [sighs] That set has been cursed ever since it moved to Salem. What was it this time, schtupping costars, psychedelics in the writers’ room?

Bonnie Kiriakis fell down an elevator shaft.


It happened right after the taping of an elaborate stunt.

Sounds like you should be talking to the production team, not me.

[dramatic music]

Yeah, except there is one theory, and that is that Bonnie was intentionally lured to the elevator.

That’s pretty sick. But what does it have to do with me?

Well, that’s what I’m here to find out.

[gasps melodramatically] Sounds serious. Should I brace for impact? [laughs]

No, it’s not a bad thing. I mean, not necessarily. But I was thinking, we just kind of fell into bed last night, like, two seconds after you were in bed with Kerry, and… are we rushing things?

Isn’t that my line? Leo, it’s not like we haven’t slept together before.

Yeah, I just want to be sure. Yeah, I’m usually quite good at separating the sexy stuff from the mushy stuff, you know?

And I make you feel all the mushy stuff?

Yes, you do. And I just want to know– well, I need to know that this– that this means something.

It does mean something. And if I’m being honest, I don’t think that I was really ready to sleep with Kerry. I mean, he was running out of patience with me, so I put aside my doubts and–

Your doubts?

Mm-hmm. A part of me knew that something wasn’t right with him or at least that he wasn’t right for me. And besides, I just couldn’t get you out of my head.

[both laugh]

Is that right?

Yeah. And I know that I put on this big show, turning you away when you apologized. But deep down, I was missing you. And I am so glad that I don’t have to miss you anymore and that Kerry is out of my life for good.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Let me break it down for you. The elevator was closed off for that stunt. Cast and crew knew to stay away, except Bonnie Kiriakis, who received a text asking her to take said elevator to the first floor for a wardrobe fitting.

Again, take the safety violation up with the unions. I don’t work for the wardrobe department.

Yeah, they claim they never sent that text. And someone may have been impersonating them.

And you think that someone is me?

Look, I’m very close to Javi Hernandez. And he sent me a text telling me everything that went down with you two last night.

You’re pegging this on me because I’m Lady Whistleblower?

Look, if you get your kicks by being a troll, that’s none of my business. But what is my business is the fact that you broke into Leo Stark’s hotel room and installed spyware on his computer. You had access to the production schedule and not to mention Bonnie’s phone number.

So what if I did? Why in God’s name would I want that poor woman to fall down an elevator shaft?

Well, you clearly have an ax to grind with the show.

Mm, my only ax to grind is with Leo Stark.

Care to elaborate?

Oh, so Javi didn’t text you a play-by-play? Leo rejected and humiliated me, so I wanted to humiliate him. That’s all. And as far as Bonnie goes, I don’t have a problem with her, I mean, other than her over-the-top acting. I mean, like, the show lives in the close-up. Why is she playing to the cheap seats?

Did you send that text to Bonnie Kiriakis?

No, I didn’t. But if you don’t believe me…

Be my guest.

You could have used a burner.

Could’ve, but I didn’t.

So you didn’t send the poisoned cupcakes to the cast and crew either?

[laughs] So this is how it’s going to be? Just keep throwing accusations my way until one sticks?

Face it, Commissioner, you’ve got nothing on me. We’re done here.

We’re done when I say we’re done.

I–I really don’t know how I can help. I can’t speed up Bonnie’s recovery.

No, but you could fill her shoes.


We need someone to play Kassandra right away. And the best recast is you, Kayla.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We went over this already. When you asked me in the beginning to be in the show, I told you I am a doctor. I am not an actress.

Bonnie wasn’t an actress either.

I know, but, you know… [laughs] I mean, her– she’s uninhibited. Her whole life is a performance.

Kayla, when you went undercover with Steve, you acted your ass off because your life depended on it.

Well, lucky me, my life does not depend on this.

Well, mine does… and the entire cast and crew. Look, I am–I am desperate to keep everyone employed.

[sighs] And one character missing really jeopardizes all that?

The show won’t survive another crisis. We can’t afford to lose another day.

[groans] So this would just have to–you know, someone would just have to step in immediately, right?

Well, there’s only one person who’s right. And that’s you.


[light country music]

OK, maybe Bonnie’s accident wasn’t Chanel’s fault. I guess I’m just a little salty after Chanel slapped me across the face, for real, on set last night.

She what?

Don’t worry. I’m not gonna file an HR complaint or anything like that. I just–I am done letting Chanel blame me for her marriage falling apart.

OK, so who’s victim blaming now?

Johnny’s the one who cheated, not me. Plus, I’m not even interested in him. I’m seeing Alex now.

I thought that was a cover story.

It was, until it wasn’t. We’ve gotten a lot closer. And we’re just figuring things out. We talked to Abe about it last night, and he’s fine with it since there’s no power imbalance between us on set.

OK, I get that. It’s not an HR thing. And as your boss, I’m not going to say anything about it. But as a friend, could I offer a bit of advice?

Yeah, always.

OK. Well, you’ve seen firsthand what tension between people on set can do. And since you and Alex are actors who are going to be working intimately with each other, I mean, if you break up or, knowing Alex, when you do break up–

If we break up, we will be total pros, I promise. I am basically alone here in Salem. And Alex is pretty much the only person who hasn’t been a complete and total jerk to me. I mean, Johnny used me. Chanel blamed me. EJ bribed me. Alex has been nothing but supportive through all of this.

[dramatic music]

Honestly, I’ve never felt more safe with anyone than I do with him.

Steph, I’m sorry, I–

I really just want to be honest with you.

Joy and I slept together.


But it wasn’t planned or anything like that. I mean, she was just, you know, fighting with Chanel, and she was all upset. And I had seen you and Philip together, and I was upset, and… I just told myself that if you were moving on, maybe I should too.

Wow. [sighs] So you were only with Joy because you thought I was with Philip, and I was only with Philip because I thought you were with Joy.



But you’re not with Philip anymore.

No. But you’re still with Joy, right?

Kind of.

Define “kind of.”

I mean, it’s not like we’re official or anything, you know? We’re just spending a little bit more time together. But I mean, if I had known you were single, Steph, I swear to God to you, I would slow that down completely so that you and I could–

So that you and I could what?

Just forget it, really. Because I don’t even know if you and I can really be together. As long as the two of us are working on “Body & Soul”–

What if I wasn’t?

Hear me out. What if I quit being “Body & Soul’s” publicist?

What? No. No, no, no, no way.

Well, why not? I have plenty of other clients.

This show’s your biggest client, Steph. I can’t ask you to quit your job for us.

You didn’t ask, though, did you?

No. But I’m not the one offering to quit, so it feels a little lopsided.

It’s not the same thing. The show can easily replace me as publicist, but you’re really popular with the fans. It’d be much harder to replace you as Arrow. Not to mention, there’s already been so many cast changes.

Steph, I’m not talking about the show. I’m talking about you. You love your job, and you never even considered quitting until–

Until I realized how much I’d miss you.

[tender music]


[light country music]

Well, I am grateful that Alex was respectful and kind to you when others weren’t. But let me also say a heart is most vulnerable when it’s worn on its sleeve. Protect it.

I will. Thank you.

[sighs] Do you think Alex is still at the hospital? I’d really like to be there for him.

No, I don’t think there’s any other place he would be. Bonnie is part of his family.

She is a riot. I really like her, even if she used to hate my sister, Chloe. But honestly, I can relate, so….

Well, who can’t? [both chuckle]

Well, maybe I’ll bring her some flowers or something.

Sure. If you do see her, please give her my best. And tell her we can’t wait to have her back on the job.

How about this: you check your email, you fire off a few script notes, and then you call in sick? And you can even use my laptop.

Since mine is still compromised?

Exactly. But I’ll clear off the table while you cook up another plot twist.

Hmm. I still hate that we had to write out Faith. But I have to say that Regan having Arrow’s baby is really gonna turn heads. And I think that Kassandra could be a big obstacle for those two now.


Mm-hmm. That’s Arrow’s mother. Scheming in-laws are very much our soap’s oeuvre.

Well, I mean, good thing that no one can relate to that. [laughs] Bonnie plays Kassandra, right? I mean, I bet she’ll love to sink her teeth into that story.

Yeah, yeah. But I also have to figure out a way to bring Charlemagne into the mix, keep those two characters at odds. You know, viewers say that they want to see that rivalry evolve. But in reality, it’s about giving them the illusion of change but having all the characters– I’m sorry. I’m boring you to tears right now, aren’t I?

Not even in the slightest.

You’re right. I don’t have anything to tie you to Bonnie’s accident or the poisonings.

Then I’ll just be on my way.

But you did break into Leo Stark’s hotel room, which is a crime, by the way.

Leo and I were involved once too. How do you know I wasn’t invited or have a standing invitation to let myself in?

That’s not what Javi told me.


Javi heard you say it directly. That’s not hearsay. That’s admissible.

You sure I wasn’t just bluffing, trying to look tough in the middle of a love triangle? I mean, there must be some form of evidence of a break-in, right?

[dramatic music]

Hmm, we both know security at the Salem Inn is mid at best, meaning you don’t have enough to charge me. [scoffs] You don’t even have enough for a warrant.

Don’t leave town, Mr. Youmans. Understood?

[sighs] Hard pass.

See, you already know the industry lingo. You’ll fit right in.

Come on. What do you think Kate’s gonna think of your brilliant idea?

Kate’ll love it, I’m sure.

Are you? Because it sounds pretty insane to me.

Oh, come on. It’ll be a blast. Didn’t you ever dream about being a TV star when you were a kid?

I don’t know. I mean, maybe. But, you know, then I grew up, and I found a new dream. Healing people, that’s my passion. And you know what? I wouldn’t want to take this opportunity away from somebody who actually really does still have that dream. I’m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands of actresses that would like to try out for “Body & Soul.”

Who’s available the day after tomorrow?

Day after tomorrow?

And we would accommodate your schedule.

But–but Bonnie’s not gonna be back for weeks.


I can’t neglect my patients like that. I can’t. I can’t. What, go off and be a soap star? Are you kidding me?

We’ll start searching for a recast right away, someone who will be able to take over until Bonnie’s back.

So I– I just have to step in in the meantime.


[groans] What if I’m terrible? I’ll make things worse for you.

You’re gonna knock it out of the park. Come on, Kayla, please. What do I have to say to– to get you to yes?

[jazzy music]

Steph, I miss you, too, so damn much. I just–I really don’t want us to rush into something that we might regret one day, you know? What if it doesn’t work out?

What if it does?

Kate and Abe are not gonna like this at all. The show is already in so much craziness. I don’t–ugh.

I thought we weren’t thinking about the show, that we were just thinking about each other. And you’re right. The show is in chaos right now. I can’t fix it. I can only spin it. And that’s a huge headache that I really don’t need, especially not if it’s keeping us from being–


[dramatic music]

Hey, Joy. Hey.

I heard about your stepmother. I am so sorry.

Thank you.

How is she doing?

Not doing great.

[sighs] Can she have visitors?

Of course, yeah. I’m sure she’d appreciate seeing you.

I hope so. Would you–would you show me where her room is, please?

Of course.

Steph, do you want to come with?

No, you two go ahead. I’m–I’m pretty swamped.

We’ll catch up later.


A next-day line change? Well, lucky for them, I’m feeling generous. “Regan, I bet you like your eggs like your suitors think of you–easy.” Yeah, I suppose that is clunky. Feel like walking through a scene with me?


OK, so let’s pretend that you’re Kassandra and you’re cooking eggs. And they get into a fight, and the eggs catch on fire. So the eggs are burning.


[jazzy music]

Ay! The eggs are burning!



Was that bad?

No, that was absolutely perfect. [laughs]

[dramatic music]

[gasps] Oh, don’t shoot!

What are you talking about?

Oh, it’s like my dream is coming true. You walked in here and shot me.

Easy on the dramatics, Agnes. This isn’t Pineview. I’m not gonna throw my life away over you or my ex, who has questionable taste.

What do you want, Kerry?

I wanted to return this.

You gave him a key?

Oh, and I’d like my sweatshirt back.

Hey, I need you to run a background check on someone. The name is Kerry Youmans.

You gave him a key? I thought you were taking things slowly.

Here. Leo, please.


So if there’s nothing else–

Oh, don’t worry. I’m leaving. I hope you two live unhappily ever after.

Oh, and tough break about Bonnie Kiriakis.


Be seeing you.

What did he mean by that? What happened to Bonnie?

[light country music]

Oh, wow, it has been a hell of a day.

Abe, it’s barely 10:00.


[sighs] So I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. So which do you want first?

OK, let’s get the bad news over with.

So it looks like Bonnie is– she’s got a long recovery ahead of her.

Oh, no. Poor thing.


[sighs] What’s the good news?

I already have a temporary recast.

What? To start tomorrow?



Kayla, Kayla Johnson.

Steve, I need you to call me back. I have some very interesting news for you. I love you. Stephanie?

Oh, Mom. Hi.

You look so down. What’s going on?

[dramatic music]

I knew Bonnie was badly hurt, but I was not expecting to see her like that.

She’s lucky to be alive.

She can barely open her mouth. How is she supposed to eat? How is she supposed to talk?

When it comes to Bonnie, I think the latter is the bigger concern.

I think you’re probably right. Damn, you know, you and Bonnie are pretty much the only people in the cast that I can actually tolerate at this point. And without Bonnie, that’s only you.

I was telling Kate, I don’t know how I would have gotten through any of this without you, so…

[jazzy music]

“Bonnie Kiriakis was severely injured “after falling down an open elevator shaft at Salem University Hospital.”

Oh, my God.

Oh! Poor Bonnie. Not to be callous, because I really do like Bonnie and I feel horrible that this happened to her and I pray that she’s gonna be OK, but…my story. Now who’s gonna come between Joy and Alex? [sighs] – I’m fine, Mom. There’s just a lot going on with “Body & Soul,” obviously.

Well, I guess you haven’t heard the most recent news about the show?

I don’t know. Have I?

You are looking at the latest, most reluctant cast member joining the show.

[gasps] What?

I know, it’s completely silly, but Abe twisted my arm to fill in for Bonnie.

Wow. I mean, I want to say congrats.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don’t need to go that far. I am only filling in until he gets a permanent replacement. That is the only reason I said yes. And also, I thought it might be kind of fun for me to work with my girl just a bit.

Well, yeah. Yeah, that’d be– that’d be great.

Yes, Justin, I brought in Kerry Youmans for questioning. I had to cut him loose. Because he didn’t have a criminal record. We’ll haul him in if we find anything that links him to what happened. I promise you, if Bonnie’s fall wasn’t an accident, I will find who’s responsible.

[suspenseful music]

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Days Transcript Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


– * Party girls *

[rock music playing]

What is all that noise?

* Party girls *


[music turns off]

So sorry, babe. I did not mean to wake you.

Mm. It’s fine. I was just trying to take a quick nap. You know, working multiple high-profile cases all at once, it’s– means no sleep. You know how that goes.

I do?


[suspenseful music]

Right. I do. [softly] Mm, I do. Yep. Oop.


[suspenseful music]

Mm. It smells perfect.

Kiss the cook? Huh. I can do that.

[knock at door]

Hold that thought.


EJ. What are you doing here?

Yeah, I’d like to know the answer to that myself.


[tense somber music]


[tense somber music fading]


[phone ringing]


[phone rings]

How many times do I have to tell you, Philip? We have nothing left to talk about.

I know I’m the last person you want to hear from right now. I just wanted to thank you for not telling Xander about Victor’s letter.

You mean the forged letter you used to steal half of Titan from him?

It’s a lot to ask, and I appreciate that you do it for me.

I didn’t do it for you, you jerk. I did it for Sarah.


[somber music]

Don’t look at me that way, Victor. Yes, I’m keeping a secret. It’s your secret that got us in this mess in the first place. I’m just… I’m trying to keep the peace… keep Xander from murdering Philip. And from turning into you. Which we both know would happen if he was running Titan all by himself. So… just– [sighs] I have to make sure the truth about this letter never comes out. Not that I feel any less guilty about that.

What do you have to feel guilty about?

Hi, baby.

Hi. [Sarah chuckles]

Um… I was just telling your father that… I feel guilty about not being there for Justin.

Oh. Well, I’m glad he can’t talk back. [Sarah chuckles] I mean, you can just imagine the cracks that Victor would make if he heard that Bonnie fell down an elevator shaft.

I still can’t believe that happened.

Neither can I. Don’t worry, darling. I’m sure Justin will understand. And it’s not like there’s anything you could have done.

Yeah. I know. My heart goes out to him. It’s a terrible tragedy.


[tense somber music]


[siren wailing]


Hey, Alex.

Hey. How you holding up?

As well as can be expected, I suppose.

You seen Bonnie yet?


[somber music]

Kayla told me to prepare myself. And I’m going in. I–I… I just need another minute.

How about we go in together?

I’d like that.


[heart monitor beeping] [Bonnie groaning, whimpering]

[heart monitor beeping]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[somber music]

Hey, sweetheart, it’s me. I’m here, I’m here. And Alex is with me.

Hey, Bonnie.

Took a pretty serious tumble. But Kayla said that you’re going to be just fine, OK? It looks like they’re taking pretty good care of you, so all you have to do is just rest.

[whimpering] I still have–

No, no, no, no, sweetheart. Don’t talk.


No, no, no, no. Your jaw is pretty banged up.

[mumbling] I’ve got 60 pages.

60 what?

[mumbling] Pages.

She’s saying, pages, Dad, of dialogue to learn for “Body & Soul.”

Oh, like hell you do. Listen to me. You no longer have any responsibility to that derelict production. And in fact, your days of playing Kassandra Lovegood are done.

Dad, come on. Don’t overreact.

[Bonnie whimpers]

Overreact? Are you kidding? Look, I have made it crystal clear to Abe and Kate that they are not to contact you and that you will never, ever be going back to that death trap of a set.

But Justin–

No, no. No buts. Thanks to their gross negligence, you could have been killed, Bonnie.

[Bonnie whimpering]

You just never know what life’s going to throw at you. I mean, one minute, Bonnie was on top of the world, a soap opera star on the rise. And the next, she nearly plummets to her doom.

She’s lucky to be alive, really.

Well, I’m lucky, too.

Yeah? Why is that?

Because I’m married to the most beautiful, compassionate, wonderful woman in the whole world.

[Sarah chuckles]

[bittersweet music]

Sarah is worried about Xander having absolute power at Titan. She thinks he needs a check on him, someone who can rein him in, even if it’s someone as morally bankrupt as you.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Go ahead, Philip. Make jokes. But you’re the one who has to live with tricking his own brother out of his birthright.

Look, as I’ve told you, I truly believe my father would have wanted me to run the company, OK?

Save it, OK? I am so sick of hearing you try to justify your behavior. What you did was wrong, egregiously so.

I know that. And I know you’re keeping it secret for Sarah and not for me. But I’m grateful just the same.

Yeah? well, for the record, I hate this. I hate that you wrote me into it and that you used me.

Once again, I’m sorry.

[scoffs] Me, too. For ever believing that you were capable of change. You are still the same selfish, manipulative liar you’ve always been.

And to think that I defended you. I fought for you.

I considered getting back together with you. Thank God I got out quickly this time.


– Stop. Just stop calling me.

Stop thanking me. Just leave me alone. You got what you wanted, Philip. And what I want is to wash my hands of this whole thing.

I just pray Xander never finds out. For Sarah’s sake and yours.

[tense music]

[phone beeps]

That went well.

Oh, I just stopped by for an update from my private investigator.

Ever heard of a phone?

This is a very personal matter, so I’d prefer to discuss it in person. So have you had any luck tracking down Sloan Petersen?

Uh, well–

You know, I’ll let you two talk. I better head to work.

Well, I hope your number-one priority is locating my niece. If Rafe was still commissioner, Rachel would be home with her mother by now.

Hey, hey. Not necessary.

It’s OK, babe. I got this.

Listen, I am doing everything in my power to find Rachel. Just last night, I had the entire department working through the night searching for her.

Yeah, my sister doesn’t want to hear your excuses, and neither do I. Locate my niece immediately, or I will sue Salem PD into oblivion. Are we clear?

Yeah, we’re very clear that you are nothing but a bully who has zero concept on what goes into a missing person’s search. You know what? I should head out.

Yeah, but what about your food?

Uh, I’ll see you for dinner.

You’ll be back?

At some point.


I’ll check in with you later.



[tense music]

What the hell did I just walk in on?

Well, in some cultures, they call it breakfast.

Cut the crap, Feniger. I want to know what’s going on between you and your “fiancée.” Rather, what went on last night?

Last night?

For the love of God, please tell me you did not lay a finger on Jada Hunter.

Relax. You said not to touch the broad and I didn’t.

Where’s your shirt and pants?

I get hot when I cook.

Did you get hot in Jada’s bed last night?

Well, I mean, it is where I slept. Alone. You heard her. She was gone. I mean, she was out all night looking for your runaway niece, which I’m sorry about, by the way. And then when I got up, she was coming home.

You didn’t share a bed at all?

Not even for a cuddle. Which is too bad because she’s a hot little piece.

She’s the police commissioner, you pig. And I need you to stay focused on the job at hand, which is making that woman pay for costing me my job.

Mm. So how are things going on the job front? Did you manage to connect with Kayla yet?

No, not yet. But I’m going to follow up with her at the hospital, and I’m going to check on Bonnie while I’m there.

Well, give her and Justin my best, yeah?

Yeah, of course I will.

Well, I better get moving, too. Lots to do at Titan. What?


[soft dramatic music]

You almost sound enthusiastic.

Well, like you heard from Philip yesterday, uh, things are going pretty well since I adjusted my attitude.

Mm. Seems like this partnership might actually work out.

Well, I promised your mum that I would do my best to get along with my brother-slash-co-CEO. And you’ve encouraged me to do the same. And I have to admit that it’s nice to be excited about going to the office again instead of being flooded with fury and dread. So I’m going to keep making the effort.

Good. I’m glad.

Plus, it’s not like I have much choice. Philip does control half the company. Thanks to that letter that Victor wrote.


Anyway… [smooches] Have a great day.

You, too.


[soft tense music]

I’ll have that soap opera mired in litigation for years.

Dad, you’re suing them?

Damn right I am. And by the time I’m done, “Body & Soul” will have to be rebooted as “Bonnie & The Beautiful.” I’m going to grind that production and the miscreants who run it into dust.

All right, take it easy.

Alex, this isn’t just gross negligence. It is willful misconduct.

Yeah, you got it. Just–please, I know you’re angry, but, I mean, what happened to Bonnie was an accident. I should know. I was there.

So you’re taking your employer’s side over your own family?

Of course, I’m not, Dad. I’m just saying Kate and Abe didn’t mean for this to happen.

My wife nearly died due to their utter disregard for the safety of their employees. I’m going to make them pay.

You sound like Uncle Vic.

[Bonnie whimpering]

I know, I know. I know, sweetheart. He’s upsetting you.

[mumbling] No, he’s–he’s right.


[phone ringing]

It was an accident.

Someone’s calling you.

It was a–

Richard from the wardrobe department. I’ll get this.


[phone beeps]

Hello, Richard. Well, how the hell do you think she’s doing? She’s lying in a hospital bed, OK? Broke nearly every bone in her body, in agony. So tell me, what was so important that she had to rush off to a last-minute fitting? You’re damn right I’m blaming you. It was your text that set this whole thing in motion. What? Oh. I’ll call you back.

What did he say?


[somber music]

Well, according to Richard, the wardrobe department never sent Bonnie a text.


[Bonnie whimpers]

Wait, so wardrobe is saying that they never sent Bonnie that text?

Yeah, this guy, Richard, said that they never asked to see her for a fitting.

That doesn’t make any sense.

No, I was on the phone with Bonnie when the text came in. And you said it was from wardrobe, right?


Yes, of course.

Why would Richard lie?

I mean, you sounded so angry, Dad. Maybe he was just afraid he was about to get fired.

Well, he should be fired. But I see your point. Maybe I did scare him into lying.

There’s an easy way to find out. Check Bonnie’s texts.

That’s a good idea. Do you mind?



[heart monitor beeping]

Um, Hattie, me, Buddy’s Burger Barn?


Oh. Um, here we go. “Hey, Bonnie. Need to see you down in wardrobe ASAP. Emergency fitting. Please hurry.”

And that was sent from Richard?

No, it says unknown number.

Bonnie, do you have Richard saved as one of your contacts?

Well, of course she does because when he called, I saw it, and it came up on the phone when he called.

Then why wouldn’t it show up as a text?


[tense music]

Well, you really got it in for that lady cop.

She convinced the mayor to have me fired. The way I see it, turnabout is fair play.

Turn a what?

[sighs] I forget that sometimes I’m dealing with someone with the IQ of a thumbtack, so I’ll put it simply for you. I’m going to do to Jada what Jada did to me.

You’re going to get her canned?

That’s right. And I’m going to use you to do it.

Shawn, I need you or JJ to let me know the second you learn anything about Rachel Black’s whereabouts. I don’t have to tell you this, but this case is of the utmost importance. Hey, I got to go. I’ll hit you back.


[suspenseful music]

Mm, looks like I’m not the only one who’s hard at it.

Ugh. I was up all night searching for Rachel Black, and now I have to question Bonnie Kiriakis.

You must be exhausted. Couldn’t you get a detective to talk to her?

Paulina asked that I pay very special attention to the “Body & Soul” investigation.

I see. Well, I’m here for Bonnie, too, actually. I wanted to make sure that she’s all right and to make sure that the media is not swarming the hospital looking for scoops. [sighs] I cannot believe she stepped into an empty elevator shaft.

Talk about a freak accident.


[suspenseful music]

Jada, I swear it has been one crisis after another ever since I took on this show as a client. I feel like I’m playing an endless game of Whac-A-Mole.

On top of all of that, you’re dealing with a breakup.

Yeah, it hasn’t been fun. But like I said, it’s for the best.

Right. Well, Steph, you never told me exactly what happened. Why did you end things with Phillip?

Good morning, brother.

I’m sorry, did MTV bring back “Punk’d,” or was that a genuinely friendly greeting?

Don’t act so surprised. Did I not come in peace yesterday, bearing croissant, if you recall?

I guess the two of us peacefully coexisting will take a little getting used to.

I don’t want to coexist, Philip. I want us to be a team, equal, partners, working together to make Titan the best it can be.

I want that, too, Xander.

Well, so does Victor. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have written you that letter, would he? [sighs] We have both wanted this opportunity so badly for so long, to prove ourselves worthy of carrying on the Kiriakis legacy. So let’s do it, Philip. Let’s make the old man proud.

Right. Um…


[suspenseful music]

You want a coffee or anything?

No, I’m good. Let’s just get to work. You don’t have to worry. I’m not going to pitch any more hostile takeovers. You were right. Be a big mistake to start another war with the DiMeras right now.

Or not. Upon further reflection, I think you might be onto something.


Like you said, we want to make our mark on Titan. Maybe this is how we do it. By accomplishing what Victor never could. Taking control of Stefano’s empire.

[suspenseful music fading]

Knock, knock.

Oh, hi. Hi. Come on in. Please, have a seat.

Are you sure? I know you must be swamped with the fallout from Bonnie’s accident.

Yeah, I just feel awful about what happened. I mean, I’m the one that convinced Seth Burns to let “Body & Soul” shoot here. And then now this happened?

That’s not your fault, Kayla. I mean, Seth was more than happy to offer up the hospital as long as he got a role.

Right. [sighs] I imagine Dr. Blake Lamoray is doing everything in his power to distance himself from Pineview Hospital this morning.

How’s Bonnie?

Well, her long-term prognosis is good, but her injuries are severe.

[sighs] Xander and I were just talking about how lucky she is to even be alive.

It’s crazy. I mean, she fell down an open elevator shaft with nothing to break her fall. She fell over two floors.

Oh, my god. I’m going to check on her and Justin before I head home.

Well, I know they’d really appreciate that.


Hey, listen, thank you so much for the research that you left for me the other night. It was excellent. I hope it wasn’t too tedious.

No. No, I was– I was very happy to do it. I actually learned a lot. And I ran into Stephanie when I dropped it off, and we got to chat for a little bit while she was waiting for you to come back.

Oh, good.


I’m glad you could keep her company.

Of course. Of course, of course. I’m sure that seeing her mom made her feel better.

Eh, I don’t know. She is definitely bummed out about the way things ended with Philip.


[tense somber music]

Did she, um… did she say why it ended?

Yeah. I mean, she told me everything. I mean, we don’t have any secrets.

So you know what Philip did?

What, uh, exactly did Stephanie tell you?

Um, just that Phillip behaved in a way that was very hurtful to her and that he wasn’t fully honest about a business maneuver.


[tense somber music]

So she–she didn’t get into any specifics?

No. I mean, did she tell you something more?

It turns out… Philip’s letter from Victor–

Yeah, what about it?

It was a complete forgery.

No, no, that’s exactly what she told me.

Hang on. When I first mentioned going after DiMera, you were adamant that it was a terrible idea. What changed your mind?

There’s one caveat. It is a huge, huge deal to me that I am keeping my mouth shut. So you have to work with Xander. You can’t work against him. You can’t constantly be a thorn in his side, or the deal is off. Is that understood?


I realized that if we’re going to work together, I need to compromise.

This is quite the reversal, Philip. I mean, just the other night you were– well, you gave me this whole speech about how you didn’t want to operate that way anymore.

In an ideal world, yes. But this is the real world, and I have to be… flexible.

Hmm. But you also banged on and on about how dangerous our feud was with the DiMeras last time around, especially for your girlfriend, Stephanie.

Stephanie’s not my girlfriend anymore. We broke up.

Oh. What happened there?


[somber music]


Look, Stephanie, you don’t have to tell me why you and Philip broke up. Not if it’s too personal.

Jada, you’re my best friend. Of course, I will tell you.

OK. So why did the two of you end it?



[somber music]

Look, I’m furious with Philip for using me to help perpetrate this fraud. So if I’m being honest, if I keep continuing to keep this secret, I would feel like a witting accomplice.

I understand, and I–

Hold on. I’m not done.


Despite all of that, I do not want to be responsible for sending Philip to prison. Or worse.

Xander. And his temper.

If he commits bodily harm on Philip when he finds out the truth, I won’t be able to ignore my part in it. So… whatever I think personally, you’re Xander’s wife. Meaning I’m going to defer to your wishes. I won’t say anything.

[somber music] It’s like I told my mom. I saw a side of Philip that I cannot stand, a side that puts power above everything else.

Mm. I assume you mean at Titan.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, the way that he does business just doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe some people would compartmentalize, not let one part of a person affect the whole relationship. But I can’t.

You know, I respect that, Stephanie. I do. I mean, I couldn’t be with a guy whose work life was shady either.

Well, your guy is the opposite of shady.

[Jada chuckles] He’s one of the best.

[Stephanie chuckles]

That he is. But look, Stephanie. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.

[softly] Nah.

On the bright side, now that I’m not dating anyone, I have a little extra free time that I can help out with your wedding.

[chuckles] OK. You know, that’s very kind of you, but no. You use that extra free time to get you a much-needed massage.

No. Jada, I want to pitch in. Honestly, it would make me so happy. I know Rafe’s cousin is doing the planning, but if there’s anything I can do.

Well, actually, there is. You can be my maid of honor.


[soft upbeat music]

How am I supposed to get the police commissioner fired? What do you want me to do?

I want you to expose her for the corrupt cop she is.

Corrupt cop? I don’t know, EJ. She seems pretty squeaky clean to me.

No one is completely clean, Arnold, not even Ms. Hunter.

So you want me to dig up the dirt on her? OK, I don’t know if you remember this. I’m only pretending to be a PI.

OK, OK. I’ll do the digging, and you concentrate on the exposing.


[suspenseful music]

Maybe someone else from wardrobe sent Bonnie that text.

But Richard said they didn’t need her for a fitting, so why would they?

Maybe they meant to send it to another cast member.

But why would they address it, hey, Bonnie?

[Bonnie mumbles indistinctly]

I know. OK. I’m sorry, sweetheart. You know what? Let’s just forget about– about all this, OK? And just try and relax, OK? And try and rest.

[Bonnie whimpers]

Hey, Dad, why don’t I step out and give you two some alone time?



[heart monitor beeping]

[Bonnie whimpering]


[somber music]

Alex, I don’t like this. We need to contact the police.

I’m on it.


[Bonnie whimpering]


Don’t you worry, my love. Hey, don’t you worry. We’ll get to the bottom of this.

I love you.

I love you, too.

[gasps] You want me to be your maid of honor?


What about your sister?

Well, sadly, Talia can’t make it. She’s on assignment for Doctors Without Borders. So… listen, Stephanie, even though we’re not blood-related, you’re like a sister to me.

I feel the same way. And the answer is yes. I would love to stand up for you at your wedding.

I was hoping you’d say that.

[both chuckle]


[soft upbeat music]

Stephanie and I just didn’t see eye to eye, so she’s not a factor anymore.

So now you’re all-in on going after DiMera?

I admit I may have been a bit hasty rejecting the idea, standing in your way just because I could. That said, a hostile takeover is a major move, obviously. We’d have to really think it through. Strategy, timing.

The time is now. Stefan, EJ, Chad, all out. Kristen distracted.

You mean because her daughter is missing? Isn’t that a bit ruthless?

Come on, mate. Don’t tell me you went soft in the loony bin.

Not at all, but I do have lines I won’t cross.

Yeah, so do I, but this isn’t one of them.


[suspenseful music]

[clears throat] You’re suggesting we attempt to profit off a missing child who also happens to be Brady’s?

For all we know, Brady’s got Rachel stashed somewhere, or Kristen does.

What are you talking about?

Their eternal custody battle. Do you have any idea how many times that poor little girl has been kidnapped by one of her own parents?

Rachel wasn’t kidnapped. She ran away.

Right. But I am still very confident that she’s going to turn up safe and sound. And in the meantime, we cannot let this opportunity pass us by. Kristen is definitely off her game right now. We need to strike.

She did try blackmailing you using that serum.

Damn right she did. She had a cure for Sarah’s paralysis in her hand, and she refused to hand it over unless I gave her Titan.

I remember saying you could keep the first vial and to let her know when you were ready to make a trade for the second.

She wanted to barter for my wife’s future, just like she did for your mom’s life.

With that orchid. She is one cold-hearted snake.

She’s a monster. You know, I asked Kristen, what did she even want with Titan? And all she said was that Titan was DiMera’s biggest competitor. If she merged the companies, she’d be unstoppable, which was my pitch to you.

She wasn’t wrong.

Neither am I. My point is… Kristen had absolutely no problem taking advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable. She had no sympathy, no compassion. She just saw an opportunity to take everything from us, and she didn’t hesitate. So now the shoe is on the other foot, why should we?

Hey, guys.

Alex, hi. How’s Bonnie?

Broken bones, broken jaw. It’s pretty bad.

Oh, my god. Is she going to be OK?

She will be, eventually.

I’m so sorry.

Thank you.

So am I. Paulina asked me to look into how this happened. I mean, but if now is not a good time–

No, it is a good time. I was actually going to call you.

Oh, what’s going on?

I’m going to let my dad explain. He’s in there with Bonnie right now. I can show you where her room is.

Oh, no worries. I’ll find it.


[somber music]

OK, so once I expose Jada with this dirt that you dig up, then what?

Mayor Price will have no choice but to toss Jada out on her ass.

And what a sweet ass it is.

Seriously, I’m warning you.

OK, OK. All right. Who do you think Mayor Price is going to get to replace her, though?

[laughs] You, you idiot! Posing as Rafe, of course.

Oh. Yeah. All right. So–OK. But you know, here’s the thing, EJ. I still don’t get what you’re getting out of this, outside of seeing Jada lose her job.

I’ll get far more out of this than that. Once you replace Hernandez, you’ll convince Paulina that Jada wanted me fired because I was onto her corruption. Then Paulina will have no choice but to hire me back. Got it?


[suspenseful music]

Yeah, I think so. [EJ sighs]


[heart monitor beeping]


OK if I come in?

Of course.

[Bonnie whimpers]

Thank you for coming.

How are you feeling, Bonnie?

[mumbling] Can’t talk.

Oh, yeah. Of course, you can’t talk. I am so sorry about what happened. But thank God that you survived such a terrible accident.

Well, that’s just it, commissioner. I’m not so sure that my wife’s fall was an accident.


[suspenseful music]

So your physical therapist lifted all the restrictions?

Yep, yep. I have full range of motion, ability, strength.

Well, you obviously worked very hard.

Yes. Well, I was highly motivated. And just to be thorough, I saw an occupational therapist who evaluated my fine motor skills, such as the ones I would need to perform surgery,


And I was given the all-clear on that as well.

Yeah. Well, I actually did review your records, and I would love for you to come back at the hospital full-time, effective immediately.

Oh, my god. Oh, that’s so fantastic. Oh, I’m so relieved.

Listen, I never doubted for one second that you would be back. Come on, you are a superb doctor and a wonderful friend, and I am so glad you were here for Stephanie the other night.

You know, I really hate that my daughter is hurting. But I– I just feel like maybe she dodged a bullet with Phillip.


Yeah. I mean, when they were involved before, he almost got her killed. Not to mention what happened with Brady. I mean, I know he was mentally ill at the time, and supposedly, he spent a lot of time at a clinic overseas, but–


Yeah, I just–I know it’s a terrible thing to say. But I have always had this feeling that he is broken somehow and that he can’t be fixed. And I don’t know if it’s that he was just born that way or if it’s something that Victor put him through. I don’t know, but I just– I just feel like– you know, I mean, honestly, like, it’s just a matter of time before he would do something that would really hurt Stephanie or God knows who else.


[soft suspenseful music]

It’s so weird about the text.

I know. I’m glad the police commissioner is looking into it.

Yeah, she is.


And speaking of our wonderful commish, Jada just asked me to be her maid of honor. I was so touched.

Oh, that’s great. You hoping Philip catches the garter belt?

[Stephanie chuckles softly]

Philip won’t be accompanying me to the wedding.

Why not?


[tense somber music]

Because I broke up with him.

You’re right. Kristen clearly has no qualms about hitting us when we’re down. She’s done it before. She’d do it again. Stefano, he’s the definition of ruthless.

So was our father.

Hell, yeah.



[tense music]

Are we really doing this? Are the Kiriakis brothers going after the DiMeras?

It is game on. Kristen and the rest of those losers won’t know what hit them.


[intense dramatic music]

So how does Jada and Rafe’s wedding fit into your big plan? It’s not like she’s going to want to get hitched after I ruin her career. I mean, maybe I should call off the wedding.

Absolutely not. I want you in your best cheap suit waiting for your bride at the end of that aisle.

I don’t know.

Trust me, Feniger. If all goes according to plan, the union between Rafe Hernandez and Jada Hunter will definitely be an affair to remember.

Couldn’t someone from the wardrobe department maybe have sent Bonnie that text? Maybe an intern made a mistake?

We considered that and it’s definitely a possibility. But what if it’s more nefarious? What if someone wanted Bonnie to fall down that elevator shaft?

You mean lured her there on purpose?


Huh? What?

I’m not saying that’s what happened, but we can’t rule it out.

OK, uh, but who would want to do that? Who would want to hurt your wife?

I don’t know. Maybe the same person who sent those cupcakes that poisoned several members of the cast and crew.

So you’re thinking that this is more of a targeted attack?

Yeah. And that whoever’s behind it maybe tried to kill Bonnie.

[tense music]

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Days Transcript Monday, January 20, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


There you are. You ready?

Yeah. Alex, thank you again for offering to drive me to work. I am a nervous wreck right now.

Why? What’s up?

I got this text from Abe before taping. He wants to have a word, so.

A word. About what?

I don’t know. But I’m afraid that he’s going to fire me for hooking up with Johnny.

[Alex sighs]

[knock at door]

Knock, knock.

[Johnny sighs]

You busy?

Uh, no, Bonnie. What’s up? I’m just blocking some scenes for today.

Oh, um, look, I don’t mean to be a pain or anything, but would you mind if I cut one line? I mean, it’s where Kassandra calls Regan a “mendacious little bitch.”

And what, you don’t want to call another woman a bitch, I take it?

Oh, I have no problem with that. I just don’t understand what mendacious means, and I don’t really like the sound of it.

Yeah, mendacious. It’s like–

[chuckles] You know what? I don’t care, cut it.

Are you sure? I mean, I know we’re not supposed to make any changes last-minute and everything, so.

Yeah, I just don’t really care about losing a line right now. I just lost the love of my life, so.

[Johnny sighs]

[somber music]

Hey, Mama.

Oh, look. Oh, there’s my gorgeous baby girl.

[laughs] How was the bakery?

It was good. I pretty much spent most of the day revamping the menu. We had all these requests to bring back these banana bread scones, and then I’m adding some Nutella crepes, and then probably some savory ones, too.

Mm-hmm. I see. You’ve really thrown yourself back into the bakery.

Yeah, it is my main priority now that I quit “Body & Soul.”

Chanel, um, about that.

About what?

[suspenseful music]

Maybe I could talk you into un-quitting?

[Chanel sighs]


Kate, I’ve been trying to reach you. Look, apparently, Leo has identified this Lady Whistleblower.

Really? Oh, please tell me that after all this work, it really isn’t Hattie.

No, no, it’s not. It’s Rafe and Gabi’s cousin, Javier Hernandez.

[suspenseful music]

[smooches] This was definitely worth waiting for.

[door opens]

[dramatic music]

Leo, what the hell are you doing here?

I have come to expose Lady Whistleblower once and for all.

Leo, have you lost your mind? You need to leave now.

Yeah, you can’t just come waltzing into someone’s home. It’s trespassing. I’m going to call the police.

Oh, please do. Put it on speaker. I’d like to give them an earful myself.

Come on, Leo. I thought we made peace.

We did.

So then why are you being this way? Why do you still think I’m Lady Whistleblower?

I don’t. I think he is.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

OK, well, thanks for the intel, Abe. And let me know if you hear anything more from Leo. OK.

[phone beeps] Uh, what’s with the getup?

I am exercising maximum discretion. I–I thought you might want to keep my big comeback kind of hush-hush.

Ha. OK, Norma Desmond. Look, um, before we bring you–

[sighs] Charlemagne back from the dead, we need to get a few things straight.

Like what?

Well, for starters, Abe and I are not going to put up with any of your diva antics this time around.

[shouting] Diva? Me?

I’m serious. You need to be on your best behavior. No more locking horns with Bonnie.

[soft suspenseful music]

I take it Chanel was none too pleased with your hookup with Joy Wesley?

Heard about that, huh?

Eh, word does get around on set. Between you and me, Seth Burns is quite the gossip queen.

Oh, I’m aware. If Seth had just kept his mouth shut about seeing Alex and who he thought was Chanel in bed, my marriage wouldn’t be in shambles right now. Yeah, I don’t know. You know the old saying. If you point a finger, three more are pointed back at you. Meaning that I really only have myself to blame.


Just let my jealousy get the better of me.

I get you. I know what it’s like when lust and desire grab the wheel. It’s how I got three kids.

[chuckles softly] I just hope you–

[sighs] Mm-mm.

What? What?

I just hope you and Joy used protection.

Oh. Um, no, no. It never actually– it didn’t come to that.


[chuckles] So why is Chanel so upset?

Because I betrayed her trust. I lied to her and then I told another lie to cover up that lie. Especially when Joy started working here.

Right, right, right. Wel–

[chuckles] I just hope there are no gloves-off cat fights between Chanel and Joy.

There won’t be.

Are you sure about that? Because Nancy told me her daughter was a real spitfire.

Yeah, I mean, there won’t be because Chanel quit.

[somber music]

OK, look, I hate to leave Abe in a lurch. But like I told him, I cannot work with Johnny and Joy. Seeing them at work every day, that wouldn’t be good for me. That’s like the opposite of self-care.

All right, I understand. Believe me, I do. I do. It’s just, you know, for Abraham’s sake, I had to give it a shot.

I know, I get it.

Well, I guess, you know, Abraham, he’s just going to have to go back to plan A.

[suspenseful music]

What’s plan A?

Oh, God, he’s right there.

Joy, come on. I really don’t think Abe is going to fire you.

Why wouldn’t he? I destroyed Chanel’s marriage, Alex. You don’t think he wants justice for her? Oh, God, OK, he’s coming over. He’s coming over.

Relax. It’s OK.

Hi, Abe. You wanted to see me?

Yes. Yes, I did. It’s something important I want to discuss with you and, uh, and with Alex.

It’s about the two of you hooking up.

OK, this is beyond extra, Leo. You need to turn around and march your ass out of here.

No. No, no. You are not going to lecture me about what is and isn’t extra. Not before I expose you for who you really are: an evil queen with a penchant for duplicity, terrible hot takes, not to mention you are an awful speller. The word millennium? Two L’s, two N’s. Not one L, two N’s. Also, why are you using the word millennium? I haven’t thought about that word since I had frosted tips and wore a choker.

I have no idea what he’s talking about. What are you talking about, insane person?

I am a lot of things, but I am not insane.

OK, let’s take a pause here, shall we? Leo, you really think that Kerry is Lady Whistleblower?

No, I don’t think she is. I know she is.

Kate, listen. You’ve got nothing to worry about because Bonnie and I have kissed and made up. In fact, she was the one who asked Leo to bring me back to the show.

Mm-hmm. Well, I am well aware of that. But you see, the last time you worked together, things got, mm, rather competitive. And that’s not going to happen this time. No whining about who has better lines or more lines or a fancier wardrobe or a better parking space.

OK, OK, OK. That’s fine. Could I have my own chauffeur?

[scoffs] I’m just kidding. Come on, no, I’m–I’m–I’m glad to drive myself.


[soft dramatic music] Then sign this.

[Hattie gasps]

Wait, this–this just says it’s a 13-week contract. And I’m working for scale?

[Kate clears throat] Wait a minute, this is– this is just–

This is nothing like your last contract? Huh. Well, you know the funny thing, there was one time that I missed a fabulous, fabulous sale at Saxton’s. But you know what? Time marched on. So I think that you should think of this as a probation period.

Kate. I mean, this doesn’t seem fair.

That’s exactly what this is, fair. You have the same deal as Bonnie. So take it or leave it.

Chanel quit? Well, that sucks. I mean, Faith and Arrow are the most popular couple on the show!

Well, we still have Arrow. I’m sure Leo can write him a new love interest.

Well, what about Faith? How’s he going to just–

[chuckles and snorts]

Write her off?


I was actually just blocking those scenes right now.

Well, you got to tell me what happens. I mean, I know Faith just found out that Regan is pregnant with Arrow’s baby. I mean, what’s she going to do, dump his ass, skip town? What?

[somber music]

What? They’re killing my character?

Chanel, baby, what else do you expect them to do?

[sighs] God, poor Faith. I feel so bad for her. It’s like I’m letting her down.

Well, maybe there’s a way to do right by her.


Would you be willing to at least go back and shoot the exit scene? I mean, maybe–maybe it could give you some closure. Plus, Abraham and Kate, they are allowing you to break your contract. This might be a nice way to thank them.

[Chanel sighs]

[soft dramatic music]

I suppose you’re right.

[Chanel inhales deeply] OK. I’ll do it.


Sorry, do you have a problem with me and Alex hooking up?

Well, actually, I… I think it could be kind of hot.

[Joy and Alex chuckle] You know, given time, I believe that our fans will agree.

[Alex laughs]

Wait, wait, wait. What are you talking about?

Am I not making myself clear? Arrow and Regan are going to be a couple.


Wait, so I’m not getting fired?

No, of course not. Of course not. You know, I– look, I’m not happy about how you and Johnny hurt Chanel.

[soft dramatic music] But we have to move past that. And since Chanel did quit, the show must go on.

[chuckles] Yeah.


Of course. I mean.


So are you two on board?


Sure, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. Of course. I mean, obviously, since we have chemistry in real life, you know, maybe that’ll show up on screen.


Chemistry. Wait, wait, wait a second here. Are you two hooking up for real?

[suspenseful music]

[scoffs] Oh my God. This is, like, crazy-making, like, beyond the pale. I mean, first this lunatic accuses you of being Lady Whistleblower and now he’s trying to pin it on me? You know he’s only doing this because he’s jealous of our relationship, right?

That’s not true. Well, I am jealous of the relationship, but that’s a separate issue.

Well, if it’s a separate issue, then where is this coming from?

[sighs] Just hear me out, OK? I recently learned that Lady Whistleblower is getting paid through a bank account located in, wait for it… Rochester, New York.

[Kerry sighs]

That’s where you’re from.

Born and raised, right, Kerry? Anyway, I started to connect the dots when I saw the back of that sweatshirt. May as well have dipped his quill in an inkwell and signed a confession.

Seriously? Leo, that’s what you’re basing this off of, a sweatshirt? So I suppose anyone with a Dodgers cap is from Los Angeles?

See, that is exactly why Dr. Evans said, Leo, you have wonderful intuition, but you need solid proof. Which is why I suggested we all get lunch.

[scoffs] Oh, so now you have solid proof because, what, we all shared a spinach artichoke dip?

Which was disgusting, by the way. It was lumpy and watery. I’m surprised we all didn’t get food poisoning. Which–

[clears throat] Is besides the point. The point being, if you remember at that lunch, I told you that I had pitched my producers a devil possession story line. Remember?



Kerry, I think you do remember. But what you don’t know is that that was a bold-faced lie. I made that story up on the spot right then and there. No one else had heard that pitch. And yet, somehow that entire pitch down to the last, minute detail made its way into Lady Whistleblower’s column.

[suspenseful music] I set a trap, and this scheming bitch walked right into it.

Um, I’m sorry, Abe. I thought you knew about Joy and me.

Right, and we know that you and Kate told Alex that he and Stephanie couldn’t see each other anymore just because of–you know?

Yeah, so that was a different situation.

Because of the, like, power imbalance between Stephanie and me?



Whereas the two of you are– you’re on an even playing field, so I don’t see that as a problem.

Oh. OK.

[Joy chuckles]

Just so I’m clear, what exactly is the status of your relationship?

[suspenseful music]

How dare she. That harlot bought two plane tickets, first-class to London Heathrow, and she took my husband with her.

Guess who’s back?

It’s official?

It is. I just signed on the dotted line!

[both cheering]

Well, that is quite a lovefest.

Well, two of us are thick as thieves, like Oprah and Gayle.

Or Thelma and Louise.

Didn’t they go off a cliff together?

Did they?

OK, actually, ladies, I really don’t care if you’re truly friends or not. What’s important is that you get along.

[Hattie chuckles] So here you go.

Oh. What’s this?

These are upcoming scripts for Kassandra and Charlemagne. We’re going to do a rehearsal and see how it goes.

[both giggle]

Oh, um–

Alex and I–

Uh… sounds like you two have a lot to discuss. Just keep Kate and me in the loop once you figure things out.

Of course, yeah.

OK, yeah.

OK, great.

Thanks, Abe.


Well, that was–


In so many ways. But hey, I still have my job.

Right. See? Nothing to worry about. But, you know, maybe we should have a little talk about where we stand.

Right, yeah. Yeah, no, I, um– I just–I didn’t want to put any pressure on you. I know you’re just getting out of this thing with Stephanie.

Well, yeah, but she’s with my cousin Philip now. They’re seeing each other, which clearly means she’s moving on. I think it’s about time I do the same.

Great. And I’m definitely single.

Well, that makes both of us.

[chuckles] Not necessarily a reason to get involved.

No, but I do really like spending time with you.

I feel the same way.

Good. Then maybe the answer we give Abe is that it’s complicated.

[Joy chuckles softly]

[soft dramatic music]

You can say that again.

[tense music]

[Alex clears throat]

Are you really Lady Whistleblower? Because if you are–

No. No, no, no.

Kerry, you were the only person at that table besides Javi and Dr. Evans.

So what? Lady Whistleblower could have been in the square eavesdropping. You know, it doesn’t take a former KGB agent to listen in on a conversation.

OK, maybe that isn’t definitive proof. But you know what is? I have a voicemail from your cousin Rafe telling me he has surveillance footage of Kerry breaking into my room and helping himself to all the long story off my computer.

That’s impossible because I erased the video, man. How could it be–

Oopsie. Were you about to ask me how he got the footage? He didn’t. But I may as well just start calling you baby grand piano, ’cause you just got played.

I’m just so sorry I couldn’t get Chanel to change her mind about quitting.

It’s OK. You know, as important as she is to the show, the last thing I would want is for her to be unhappy.

Me, too. And while I’m glad I convinced her to tape her last scenes, ooh, I can only imagine what it’s like on that set right now. I bet you’ll be able to cut the tension with a knife.

Chanel, what are you doing here? I thought that you–

Quit? Yeah, I did. I’m just here to tape Faith’s final scenes.

Listen, uh… I’m really glad you agreed to come.

Yeah, well, just FYI, I’m doing this for Abe. That’s the only reason. And I’m just grateful that he’s letting me out of my contract.

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

So tell me, how do I die? Because I know you’re killing my character off.

Yeah. Um, well, honestly, Leo didn’t have a lot of time to figure it out, so he’s kind of repeating himself.

Repeating himself. What does that mean?

It means you’re going out the same way Charlemagne did.

[somber music]

For the purpose of the scene, we’re going to pretend you’re in a morgue.

What? A morgue? Am I dead?

No, seemingly. Seemingly. So I want you to lie down, cover yourself up with this sheet.

Wait a minute, Leo said that my big return was going to be when I crashed Kassandra’s wedding.

Yes, it will be. But this is a newly created flashback to explain why your character survived, Hattie.

Oh. Well, that makes sense. Does that make sense to you?

Just go with it. I mean, we can just–

I mean, she does this all the time.

I know. But just try it. Try it, try it.

OK, fine.


OK, so do you want me eyes open or eyes closed dead?

OK, so you’re under a sheet. Does it really matter?

No, that’s a good point.

Why don’t I–

Thank you. Take that, and then I’ll just–

[Hattie exhales deeply] As unaccustomed as I am to playing a corpse, I’ll just have to– I can’t even make the–

It’s OK.

Is there a place there for it? OK, is that good?

This is clean, right?

Yeah. Yeah, OK. OK, fine.

[exhales deeply]

And, action.

[somber music]

Oh, Charlemagne, the terrible irony. Here I thought I was dying, but you’re the one who’s dead. Hmm. I can’t imagine rigor mortis is that interesting. But probably more interesting than my first marriage. Charlemagne, all those years and the animus between us. You and I finally called a truce, but it was all so short-lived.

[chuckles] Because you happened to take a plummet down that elevator shaft. But fear not, my dear friend, my rival, my frenemy, I will honor your memory by looking after those whom you loved. Most especially Rhett.

Over my undead body!

I’m sorry, Kate, is that in the script?

No. No, it’s not. What the hell are you doing, Hattie?

[tense music]

I knew it. I knew you had to have gotten into my room at some point because that is the only place I leave my computer unattended. So tell me, how many times did you break into my room?

Just once. I put spyware on your computer. Everything you did on that laptop, I could see it.


Everything, you little perv.

Kerry, I can’t believe this. You were the one that’s been badmouthing Leo? Why the hell would you do that?

I’ll tell you why. Because he deserves it.

Huh? What did I ever do to you?

You made a fool of me, that’s what. I was a big fan of your column, and you used that to lure me up to your room.

That was your idea.

Still, you made me think you were all hot for me and then just left me hanging.

No, I told you that I was emotionally unavailable at the time, and you said you understood.

Well, I didn’t. You totally humiliated me.

That is no excuse for breaking into my room and stealing my intellectual property!

[scoffs] Give me a break. None of that sloppy writing is considered intellectual.

Oh, how dare you.

Face it, Leo, you’re a hack.

I’m a hack, says the brilliant Kerry here, whose editorial instincts rival that of a six-year-old with a box of crayons.

You know, I used to be a big fan of “Body & Soul” until you came in and ruined it with your lousy writing. So all I was doing with Lady Whistleblower was telling it like it is.

Enough, Kerry. I think it’s time that you get dressed and get the hell out of here now.

I’m sorry, was I not clear? Go.

[scoffs] Javi. OK, come on. Are you really breaking up with me because, what, I said a couple mean things about Leo’s stupid show?

Oh no, you did more than that. You broke into his hotel room. You stole from him. You put spyware on his computer.

Lest we forget, he’s also likely the one who sent poison cupcakes to the cast.

Mm, no. I had nothing to do with that.

Even if I ignored what you did to Leo, you still betrayed me.

[sly jazz music] Because you knew that Leo and I were not together because he thought I was Lady Whistleblower, OK? And so not only do I not trust you, I wish that I had never laid my eyes on you. So do me a favor and get the hell out of my room now.

You know what? Fine. It’s your loss. Babe.

[door slams]

So based on the sweatshirt, Leo was able to deduce that this Lady Whistleblower was Rafe’s cousin all along. What?

Oh, is it me or–

[chuckles] Does that theory sound, well, I don’t know, a little flimsy?

[phone ringing]

It’s Leo.

[phone beeps] Hello?

Abe, you are not going to believe this. I have the most astonishing, stop the presses, flabbergasting news ever, ever, ever, ever.

What is it?

Lady Whistleblower is not Javier Hernandez after all. It’s Kerry Youmins.

Oh, my God. Wait, who?

I cannot believe I am going down that elevator shaft like Charlemagne. I mean, come on, won’t the fans be up in arms? Like, haven’t we seen this before?

Leo chooses to see it as an homage to his previous work.

Yeah, got it.

Listen, Chanel, I was wondering if maybe after this is all over, you and I could talk?

I don’t have anything to say to you. And quite frankly, just being here right now and having to be in the same room with you and Joy is making me physically ill. So can we please just get this over with, OK?

[somber music]

[Johnny sighs]

I thought I was supposed to come back from the dead.

Yes, but only after Kassandra leaves and Dr. Lamoray injects you with a begonia serum.

Isn’t this more dramatic?

No! This doesn’t make any sense. Kassandra finds out you’re alive after you crash the wedding.

Well, see, the thing is that Bonnie gets to do all the dialogue, and I just lay here like a cadaver.

Oh honey, I think that’s the point, though.

OK, Hattie, we just talked about this. Obviously, you did not see the clause that I put into the contract that states that you will perform the script verbatim.

I thought that was more like a suggestion.

No, that’s a term you will uphold. And if you violate that term or any other term in the contract, you are off the show, period.

[gasps] All right, all right, all right. We’ll do it your way.

[tense music]

OK, and action.

Would you look at that? It’s already moving.

[both chuckle] Do you feel it?

No. No, I can’t feel it yet. But, Arrow, it’s starting to feel real. I can’t believe we’re actually having this baby.

Are you though, Arrow?

Why would you ask that, Faith?

Well, I’m just saying, how do we know that Regan wasn’t getting a little action on the side? And if she was, then maybe, just maybe, she’s just trying to pass the baby off as yours.

That’s insane.

Is it?

Yeah, it is. You’re just upset that this baby–

What, bringing you two closer together?

[chuckles] Look, Arrow is a smart guy. He is charming, he is drop-dead gorgeous. Why the hell would he want anything to do with a lyin’ skank like you?

Oh, is that what you think? Well, if only you saw us in the hotel room the night this baby was conceived. Let’s just say your man went to town. We were going at it every which way. And just when I thought we were done, nope, we did it again. Your man wanted me so badly, he was practically begging for it.

[loud slap] What the hell? She actually hit me!

Whoa. OK, cut, cut.

Oh, uh, sorry, I was just– I was just really in character.

Oh, my God, are you OK?

Let’s take five.

No. No, please, let’s keep going. I would really like to see Faith here fall down that elevator shaft. I have a feeling it’s going to be quite satisfying.

[tense music]

Sure you’re OK? That was a pretty vicious slap.

I’m fine, really. Actually, I’m glad that Chanel slapped me.

What? Why?

Well, because now I can stop feeling guilty about what I did to her. As far as I’m concerned, Chanel and I are even now.

[somber music]

Mm. Thank you.

Well, how’d it go?

Well, I did it. I took the swan dive down the elevator shaft.

Mm. And are you OK?

[sighs] Yeah, I’m fine, Mama. There was a mat.

I mean, are you OK here?

Oh. You know, I– I’m just glad it’s over. I’m just so ready to put all this behind me.

Oh, my poor baby. Well, is there anything I can do for you right now? I mean, how about some hot cocoa and marshmallows?

Yeah, that– that could be a start.

[sighs] Come on.

Chanel. Thank you. Thank you for helping us.

[softly] Yeah.

[phone beeps]

Kate? Yeah, it’s Abe. Look, I have some– some news that just might pique your interest. It’s regarding Lady Whistleblower.

First thing tomorrow, I am getting a new computer with state-of-the-art security and I’m changing all my passwords. Well, password because Madonna12345 and sometimes 6 is just not cutting it.

[Javi chuckles]

Well, Leo, I had no idea what Kerry was really like. And I am so sorry.

You have nothing to apologize for. Except for sleeping with that jerk.

I didn’t.

You didn’t?

Sleep with him.

So you two never?

Nope. I told you we were taking it slow. Kerry did start to wonder, though.

Did start to wonder what?

If I still had feelings for you.


I told him he was way off base, but to be honest… he wasn’t.

[soft dramatic music]

Mm, wait, wait, wait. Should

we be taking things slow?

Oh, I think that ship has sailed.

That’s a good point.

[Javi chuckles]

Hmm. That was Abe. Apparently, Leo has found the real Lady Whistleblower. Some guy named Kerry.

That’s fantastic.

Yeah. Yeah, it is. Maybe we won’t have any more leaks. And he must have broken the law to get the spoilers, so maybe we can convince Chad to fire the unscrupulous troll.

I hope Chad does that. And–and as far as that– that fellow you talked about, maybe he’ll even confess to poisoning all those cupcakes.

Yeah, well, he denied it. But it was an awfully shallow denial. Actually, I think he did do it.

Mm. Well, in any event, all your problems are solved now. So you know what? So I can now lift the curse. In fact, I should do that anyway. I’ll, uh–I’ll, uh– I’ll just do it now.

[clears throat]

[soft mysterious music] I, Hattie Adams, hereby lift the curse from “Body & Soul.”

[gasps] Ah, there. Done.

[Kate chuckles]

Well, I have to say I never really believed in the curse. But we did have a spell of bad luck, didn’t we? But hopefully, we’ve turned the corner, and now it will just be smooth sailing ahead.

Oh, no, Justin. Hattie and I had so much fun rehearsing. Trust me, we are getting along better than a house on fire.

[chuckles] Huh? No, no, no, I’ll be home soon. I just have to drop down to wardrobe. Got a text saying I have a last-minute fitting or something. In fact, I should probably let them know I’m on my way. Baby, I love you, too.

[smooches] Mwah. See you soon.

[chuckles] Bye.


[elevator bell rings]

Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie! No, no!

[Bonnie screams]

[loud crashing]

[tense music]

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Days Transcript Friday, January 17, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Well, thanks for calling, Kristen. And that’s really good news. Yeah. OK, I’ll be in touch.

[soft dramatic music]

[sighs] Kristen talked to Rachel, and apparently she is OK with starting therapy ASAP.

That’s great.

It is great. I thought she was going to throw one of her temper tantrums and Kristen would cave, which is usually what happens. But, uh, no, Rachel is willing to do it.

I’m sure that’s a relief for you.

It is. But again, Ava, I’m sorry. I’m sorry what my daughter put you through.

Well, it’s OK. Seriously, I survived.

[chuckles] Anyway. Where were we?

I have an idea.


[suspenseful music]

[elevator bell rings]

Hey, Sophia.

Tate, hey. I’m really glad you’re here.

Yeah, I hope I’m not too late.

No, no, not at all. I was a little early.

OK. So why did the doctor move up your appointment? Is everything OK?

Everything’s fine. And, um, she actually didn’t change the appointment.

Oh, OK. But your message said that–

I lied.

Please, don’t go. Not yet.

But you have so much going on right now, Holly. I–I don’t want–

No, it’s OK. This is more important. You came here for the money, and I want you to have it today. That way you can pay off your debts and never have to deal with those criminals again.

Javi, I like your Rochester sweatshirt.


Where’d you get it?

Oh, actually, Kerry gave it to me.

He did?

Yeah, that’s where I’m from.

You’re from Rochester?

Born and raised.

Jumping to conclusions?

Dr. Evans, the conclusion jumped at me. It practically knocked me over. I mean, what else is there to know? Javi is Lady Whistleblower. The proof was staring me right in the face.

No. You don’t have proof. What you have is circumstantial evidence. And it’s all because you saw Javi wearing that Rochester sweatshirt.

Yes, and he has a Rochester bank account. Case closed.


[scoffs] Why? What’s so unbelievable about it?

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[soft dramatic music]



[both chuckle]

That was definitely worth the wait.

Oh, most definitely. Hmm.

[Brady sighs]

Do you want to, um– do you want to hang around a while?

[Ava chuckles] I mean, your manager said that she could handle lunch, so… we’re all alone.

[chuckling] Yeah, OK. So, uh, what do you have in mind, uh, hanging around-wise?

I was thinking. You’ve been listening to me going on and on about my wayward daughter and on and on about my wayward son. So I was going to shake it up and just let you pick whatever the heck you wanted to do, please.

All right, no.

It’s your turn.

That’s very thoughtful of you, Brady, seriously. But you know my being there for you, it’s not an imposition. Not in the least. You know, I care about Sophia and Tate, too.

I know. And I appreciate that. But aside from our mutual investment in the Salem teen scene…

[both chuckle] I really would love to find out what else we share in common.

So your appointment didn’t get moved?

No, it did. But the doctor’s office didn’t ask me to change it. I asked them to.

OK. Why?

Well, my mom planned to come to the appointment, but the idea of having her here was making me palpitate. So I called Dr. Johnson’s office, and they said they could squeeze me in earlier. And I felt really bad springing it on you last minute. So I didn’t tell you the whole truth in my text. And I probably should have. I’m sorry.

Look, it’s OK. It’s not that big of a deal. But, like, isn’t your mom going to find out about this later and flip out on you?

Probably. But I’m hoping I’ll have more energy to deal with her when this part is over.

[soft dramatic music]

Look, I know you’re nervous, but Dr. Johnson’s really, really cool.

Yeah, you told me she’s your great aunt, right?

Yeah, yeah, she is. She’s great. So you are in good hands.

Here’s the money.

Holly, I don’t know how to thank you.

Just get out of whatever situation you’re in. And don’t let it happen again, OK?

[chuckling] Believe me. I don’t plan to.

[Holly chuckles] So what did you end up telling your grandmother?

Oh, I told her it was to pay for my senior trip to DC.

Oh. But don’t you want to go on that trip?

And be around my boyfriend and his pregnant ex 24/7? No, I don’t think I do.

[laughs] Regular school day is kind of bad enough.

Well, you only get one senior trip, so maybe you’ll change your mind by then?

[inhales deeply] I won’t.

Uh, what’s so unbelievable is that I was just talking about Rochester with the woman who does wardrobe on our show. She was there last year for the eclipse. It was in the path of totality, yeah?

Yeah. But it was overcast, and we didn’t really see anything.

[laughs] That is exactly what she said. Stupid clouds.

We were just heading for lunch. So if you’ll excuse us–

You know what? I actually have a better idea. Why don’t we all get lunch together? My treat. I am making the big bucks now.

[sighs] Well, good for you, Leo. Um, but Javi and I were looking forward to having lunch, just the two of us.

Look, Kerry, I get it. I know that you are not thrilled that Javi and I decided to be friends. But the way I figure it, he and I are buddies. The two of you are dating. You and I have to figure out a way to get along, right?

He does make a good point.

Great. So it’s settled. It’s a double date. The four of us can bond, get to know each other better.

[quirky suspenseful music]

Well, I know one thing that we both have in common.


We are both not big fans of “The Nutcracker.”

I hate it.

[Ava laughs] Don’t like it. It’s true.

No, it’s true. And you know what? Maybe, maybe because, um, it’s such a beloved holiday classic, maybe we didn’t give it enough of a chance.

Yeah, mm. I think Rachel did us both a favor when she stole those tickets out of my coat.

[chuckles] Wait.

Shedid that?


Are you sure?

Yeah. No, unfortunately, Kristen and I were told by Rachel that she took the tickets out of my pocket when I went to her choir concert.

[Ava laughs] Get this. Ready for this? She resold them.

Uh, what?

Resold them.

OK, well, all right. You gotta love that entrepreneurial spirit, huh?

I suppose so.

Yeah. So, um, are we holding your precocious young daughter responsible for the internet going out that night when we were trying to watch “A Christmas Story,” too?

I don’t know. She’s–look. My girl’s a firecracker.


And she is probably looking at global domination as her next future goal.


I mean, I hope so.

OK. Well, so if we’re not worried about the internet going out by, uh, said daughter, um, I don’t know. Maybe we could try watching the movie, finish it off, if it still streams in January.

Probably does. We could do that. Watch a Christmas movie in January.

[Ava chuckles] Never done that before. Let’s do it.

[Ava chuckles]

[soft dramatic music]


Aunt Kayla, hi.

Tate. You must be Sophia. I am Dr. Kayla Johnson.

Nice to meet you.

You too. How are you doing today?

Well, if I’m being honest, I’m kind of nervous.

Well, that’s understandable. But we’re going to take good care of you, OK? So you don’t need to worry. Why don’t you go down to exam room two? The nurse will meet you there, take your vitals, give you a gown to change into, and I’ll be there in a little bit, OK?

OK. Thank you.


[tender music]


Well, I guess you heard about me and Sophia?

Why don’t we sit down?

Uh, your grandmother did fill me in a bit. Does your mom know?

That she’s going to be a grandmother? No, not yet.

[clears throat]

And how’s Holly dealing with it?

She’s really upset, obviously. Especially now that Sophia’s going through with the pregnancy.

Oh. She was considering terminating it?

At first, yeah. Yeah, more than considering it. We–we were all set to leave for an out-of-state clinic. Then her mom found out and refused to give us consent or let us leave the state to do it on our own.

Well, I mean, if neither one of you are ready to be parents, have you thought about adoption?

Sophia and I have discussed it.


Yeah, we’re really open to the idea. But Sophia doesn’t know if her parents will be, and she hasn’t asked them yet.

Wow. I think what you’re doing is admirable, taking responsibility for the pregnancy, standing by Sophia.

Well, thank you. But, uh, yeah, I don’t think Holly sees it that way. I mean, she and Sophia hate each other’s guts. And we flipped her world upside down. I don’t know how much longer she’s going to put up with this. Especially because–

Because what?

[sighs] I–I brought Holly flowers earlier, and we got interrupted by Doug Williams’ grandson. Do you know him at all?

No, no, not really. But I hear he’s a great comfort to Julie.

[scoffs] Oh, yeah. Apparently, he’s been a great comfort to Holly, too.

This is so nice of you, Holly. And I promise you, I will pay you back before that senior trip so you can still go, OK? I mean, who knows what can happen between now and then, right?

[chuckles] Honestly, Doug, all I care about right now is you not getting the crap beaten out of you again. So why don’t you text those guys and tell them you have the cash, OK?

OK. I will.

[phone beeps]

[notification chimes] Oh, wow. That was quick.

They texted back already?

They did. They’re going to meet me at the park in 20.

Great. But you can’t go by yourself.

I have to.

No, you don’t have to. What if they try to double-cross you, or worse?

Well, who else am I going to–

Me. I’m going with you.

No, you’re not.

Thank you.

You know what? I’m going to run to the men’s room real quick, but please go ahead and start without me.

[soft upbeat music]

[phone beeps]

Oh, excuse me. Um, you’ve got to excuse me. I have to, uh, call my assistant. Sorry. I’ll be right back.

[sighs] Damn. Do we really have to do this?

Oh, come on. It’s just one lunch, and we can’t just leave. Leo would be really hurt.

Who cares if he’s hurt? He’s an idiot. He’s just trying to suck up to you.

Would you stop? He’s just being friendly. That’s all.

It’s him. It’s Kerry. That jerk is Lady Whistleblower.

Leo, what?

You heard him. He bought the sweatshirt. He’s from Rochester.

We’ve talked about this. The sweatshirt is not proof.

I know, I know. That’s why I didn’t confront him. That’s why I invited him to lunch. I know I need actual proof. And I know just how to get it.

I’m sorry that took so long. I had to, uh, calm down a patient.

I bet you’re really good at that.

Well, I try.

[sighs] Sorry about that. Abe and Kate called. They’re the executive producers of “Body & Soul.”

Is everything OK?

Oh, better than OK. I had emailed them a story idea, and they called to say they loved it.

Hey, that’s wonderful.


It is. I know how worried you were about having to rewrite your long story after Lady W. Spoiled it.

Yeah, I was. Worried sick, in fact. You all want to hear my pitch?

I thought it was confidential.

Well, yeah. But I know it’s not going to go any further than this table. And, Javi, after the terrible mistake I made accusing you of being Lady Whistleblower, this is a way that I can show I trust you. And you too, Kerry, by extension.

Well, if you’re sure.

Oh, I’m sure. OK, gird your loins. I’m going to have one of my characters… get possessed by the devil.

[soft tense music]

I know I sound jealous, and I have no right to be. It’s just Holly and Doug met at the Hortons’ Christmas gathering. And then they hung out there all alone over New Year’s when I was supposed to be taking Sophia out of state. And apparently, he was her shoulder to cry on when she found out Sophia was pregnant.

I would imagine she needed that shoulder.

Yeah, I get it. I do. And I know it’s selfish of me to be worried about where I stand with Holly when Sophia’s pregnant. I–ugh–oh, God. Aunt Kayla, I messed up so badly here, so badly.

Listen to me. You have got to try not to be so hard on yourself. Like I said before, look, you are taking responsibility for this pregnancy. You are standing by Sophia. That is all you can do right now. And that’s a–that’s a lot. So listen, I am going to go and do the initial exam. And then if it’s OK with Sophia, we’ll call you in to join us, OK?

OK. I guess I’ll just– I’ll hang here.

Yeah. And listen, you and Holly have had some difficult times, and you’ve gotten through them. And you’re going to find your way through this. Aw.

[tender music]

Uh, you don’t get to tell me no, Doug.

Yes, I do. I’m not going to let you get hurt, Holly.

I won’t get hurt.

Oh, no? My god, Holly, you saw what those guys are capable of.

Oh, OK. But they don’t care about me. You’re the only one they beat up last time, and I just don’t want that to happen again.

It won’t. They’re just going to take the money and run.

And how do you know they won’t demand more?

And if they do, what difference will it make if you’re with me or not?

I–I don’t– I don’t know. I’ll scream bloody murder. I–I just won’t let them hurt you again.

Or it will make them want to hurt you to shut you up.

Fine. I won’t go at all if you insist on tagging along.

But you have to go. You’re going to be in even more danger if you stand them up.

Yeah, for sure. So stay here so I can get out of this so you don’t end up in it.

[sighs] OK, fine, for God’s sake.

Thank you.

[sighs] Be careful, please.

I will.

[tense music]

[sighs] We were closer to the end than I thought.

Yeah, it did end pretty quick, huh?



You want to watch it again?

God, no.

I’ll rewind it. We’ll watch it again.

[laughing] No, OK. You know what? I think let’s wait until next Christmas. We’ll be more, uh, in the holiday spirit.

The movie’s done.


What could we possibly do to pass the time?

Oh. Well, I have an idea or two.

[knock at door]

[both groan]

Come on, come on. Excuse me.


Kristen, what–

Where is my daughter?

What are you talking about?

Oh, just cut the crap! I know she’s here. Hey, Rach?

Kristen, she’s not here.

[tense music] I thought she was with you.

No, she is not. I have no idea where she is, Brady.

Oh, my god. I mean, if Rachel’s not here, then where is she?

Wait. Back up for a second. What–tell me what’s going on. Why did you think she was here?

Well, I–I went to her room, and she’s gone. And I took away her damn phone and I can’t get in touch with her. I–I can’t track her.

Listen, hold up. But she could be anywhere in that house. It’s huge. Remember the time she was in the basement, and she hid there for three days?

Brady, her backpack is gone, some of her clothes, her stuffed snake.

OK, have you tried calling her friends?

You stay out of this!

Hold on. She just wants to help, OK? And she– we should call her friends. She’s not here. She’s probably at Nora Jane’s or Paisley’s house.

You know what? I don’t want to stand here speculating. We need to find her.

[dramatic music]

Devil possession?

Yep! And I think the ratings are going to go through the roof. It’s a real ripped- from-the-headlines story.

It is?

Oh, I forgot. You guys are not from Salem. See, uh, Dr. Evans here was possessed by the devil. Not once, but twice.

Uh, really?

Oh, you know what? It would be perfect for this to happen to the character of Charlemagne because she looks exactly like you. But wait, she died going down that elevator shaft.

[gasps] Wait, it could happen to one of her grandchildren. No, wait, both. Her twin grandchildren both get possessed by the devil. What do you think?

That’s a creative idea.

Pure camp, right?

Works for me.

Thank you, Kerry. I appreciate the vote of confidence. But remember, this goes no further than this table, OK? So you got to keep it under your hat.

Of course.

[sly jazz music]

[Doug sighs]

[Holly sighs]

Holly, what the– you agreed not to come with me.

I didn’t come with you. I followed you.

Oh, no. No, no, no, no. You need to get out of here right now.

[suspenseful music] Seriously? All right, fine, stay. But at least go hide in the bushes or something, OK? You can scream bloody murder from over there. I don’t want you in the middle of this, Holly.

[sighs] OK, fine, I’ll go.

Oh, no, you won’t. You’re not going anywhere.

[tense music]

[knock at door]

Yeah, come in.

Hi. The nurse said, uh, you were ready for me?

Yes, um– we are, aren’t we? I’m just about to start the ultrasound, but I just want you both to know this is a completely un-invasive, painless procedure, OK?


But Sophia wanted you to be here for it.

Yeah, sure.


Uh, you’re hanging in there?

Yeah. Yeah, the exam wasn’t too bad.

OK. Hey, Aunt Kayla, do you think– will we be able to see much?

Uh, well, why don’t you both take a look for yourselves?

[ultrasound warbling steadily]

Oh, my gosh. Wow. The internet said the embryo is only the size of a strawberry at this stage of pregnancy.

[tender music] I didn’t think it would look so much like a baby.

Is–is that–

It’s the heartbeat, yeah. strong and regular.

Does everything look OK?

So far, everything looks perfect.

Wow. It’s perfect.

[both sigh]

So the devil was after Ben and Ciara’s baby. Who are they again?

Would it be possible to change the subject?

I’m sorry.

[chuckles] I was just so interested in–

Actually, we should get going. Javi and I were looking forward to spending some quality time together.


Not that we didn’t enjoy lunch, Leo. It was very nice of you to include us.

Oh, it was my pleasure. And you take good care of Javi. He deserves it.

We should do this again. My treat next time.


[sly jazz music]

Did you have to choose devil possession?

I’m sorry. It was the only thing I was able to think of on the spot. But, you know, I didn’t actually pitch any story to Kate and Abe, meaning the four of us are the only ones who know about that conversation.

So if Lady Whistleblower writes anything about devil possession, then–

We will know for a fact she is none other than Kerry Youmins. The water’s been chummed. Let’s see if that great white bitch takes the bait.

Thank you, Mrs. Floy. Listen, if you hear from Rachel or she calls you– yeah, thank you, thank you.

[phones beep]

[sighs] Well?

She’s not at the Floys’ house either. Uh, she said she’ll call us if she hears from Rachel.

Yeah, and I just spoke to Harold, and the servants have scoured the place and she is nowhere to be seen.

OK, uh… it’s time to call the police.

[suspenseful music]

[tender music]

OK, I will print up an ultrasound picture for you to have, Sophia. And the nurse will be in to bring the literature that we talked about, OK? You can get dressed.

Thank you, Dr. Johnson.

Yeah, Aunt Kayla, thank you very much.

[Sophie sighs] Wow. That was crazy, right?


[chuckles] Yeah, it was.

Anyway, if you– if you want to go back to Holly. I’m sorry I interrupted you guys earlier.

No, it’s OK. I’m here now. Besides, she has company anyways.

You stay away from her.

[tense music]

It’s all there. And just so you know, beating up a guy because he owes you money, it doesn’t just make you cruel, it makes you pathetic. Now get the hell out of our sight.

[goon chuckles softly]

Your girlfriend’s got quite a mouth on her.

She’s not my girlfriend.

Whatever you say.

OK. Well, we’re all squared up now. I don’t want to hear from you again.

That’s up to you.

This is exactly why I didn’t want you to come here. Why–what were you thinking mouthing off to him like that?

It’s not like he did anything, did he?

No, but he could have, Holly. My god, you cannot put yourself at risk like this. Especially not just for me, please.

OK, OK, would you just calm down? That loser took the money, paid off your debts. It’s over. There’s nothing else to worry about, Doug.

I sure as hell hope you’re right.

Look, I know that you didn’t enjoy the lunch, but Dr. Evans seemed really nice, right?

I mean,

she’sOK. It’s Leo that annoys the hell out of me.

Really? I would have never guessed.

[chuckles] But seriously, I really appreciate you making an effort. It means a lot.

Well, you are worth it.

Do you mean that?

I’ll prove it.

[soft dramatic music]


Hey, look, I know you wanted to take things slow, but this is a little too slow for me. You know, I’m starting to think you’re not attracted to me.

What–what are you talking about? I’m totally attracted to you.

Then what’s the problem?

There is no problem. Why don’t we… take this up to the bedroom?



[Kerry chuckles]

Great. Um, I’ll be there in a minute. I just need to call work and tell them I’m taking the rest of the day off.

Sounds good.

All right, well…

[both smooch] You go get naked.

[suspenseful music]

[Kerry chuckles softly]

[sputters] Damn. Nothing new yet.

Well, this may take some time, hmm? I mean, aren’t there various steps that the writer has to go through before things get published?

No, no. “The Spectator” puts Lady W. On blast as soon as it hits their inbox.


Ah! There it is. There’s a new column.

What does it say?

OK. “Lady Whistleblower here with some “piping hot

B&Sdish for you. “Leo Stark should be careful what “he puts in an email to his bosses “because you never know who might be able to hack in. “Get this: Stark is writing a devil possession story, ho-hum.”

[Marlena gasps] Ho-hum?

[gasps] Keep reading.

“Let’s face it, readers. “The guy doesn’t have an original idea in his head. “I mean, who doesn’t know that happened to his pal, “Dr. Marlena Evans, IRL. “And his so-called story is obviously “going to pale in comparison to the real deal. Gotcha, Leo.”

[Leo sighs] No, no, no, no, Lady Blowhard. I got you.

[soft dramatic music]

[shudders] Come on, Javi. Forget about Leo. You are just friends. You’re with Kerry now.

[takes deep breath]

I cleared my schedule.


[Kerry chuckles]

[both chuckle softly]

[phone beeps]

OK, so the police are going– they’re going to open a missing persons case. They want us to go back to the mansion so we can fill out some paperwork and review the details.

Why? Why? They know Rachel’s not even there. They need to be scouring the streets, Brady.

They want to watch the security footage and they need to get something with Rachel’s scent for the search dogs.

Oh, great, more time wasted not finding our daughter.

OK, look, what can I do to help?

You stay the hell out of this right now! This wouldn’t even be happening if you stayed away from Brady. My daughter’s disdain for you and your involvement in her father’s life is what drove her to run away in the first place. And, what, here you are, here you are pushing your way in. It is very clear, Ms. Vitali, that you’ve done enough.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute. What is going on in here?

[sighs] Rachel’s missing.

[tense somber music]

Don’t tell my mom I’m having a soda, OK? She’ll be furious I didn’t order, like, celery juice or whatever.

I will not say a word.

Anyway, I needed the sugar, right?

Yeah, definitely. You already look a lot less pale. How many vials of blood did they take?

Like, four.



[chuckles] God, I hate needles. But…

[tender music] Keeping you healthy is worth it, though. You know, it’s really strange. This baby is the biggest problem in my life, but if Dr. Johnson had told us that there was something wrong today, I– I would have been devastated.

Yeah. Me too. Wow. I can’t believe it’s moving already.

[Sophie chuckles] Can you feel it?

No, no, no, not yet. But I’ll let you when I do. If you want to feel it, too, I mean.

[Tate laughs]


Hey, Holly. Hi.

How was the appointment?

Uh, it was good. It’s fine.

What’s that?

Um, it’s just our sonogram pic.

Oh. Can I see it?

You don’t– Holly, you don’t need to– it’s not–

No, I–I really do.

Wow. That’s definitely a baby. Your baby.

Mr. Stark, it’s Doug Williams. I just wanted to let you know I paid off all my debts. A friend gave me a loan. And I’m determined to get a job and pay it back completely. I need to do right by the people here in Salem that have been so good to me. So if you could call me back, uh, I was wondering if there’s any way you could help me again. And I want to do whatever it takes to get that necklace back to Julie.

[suspenseful music]

[sighs] This was definitely worth waiting for.

[Javi chuckles]

[door opens]

[tense music]

Leo, what the hell are you doing here?

I have come to expose Lady Whistleblower once and for all!

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Days Transcript Thursday, January 16, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Hey, Doug. It’s Holly. Listen, my grandma gave me the rest of the money so you can pay that guy off, so just give me a call back, and we’ll figure out a time. OK? Bye.

[phone beeps] Tate.

Hi. I, uh, just wanted to stop by and give you these.

[dramatic music]

Abe, no. Wait. Listen, I’m not rewriting Faith’s exit. Oh, that’s not what you’re calling about? Then what is it? No, I haven’t spoken to Rafe, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t need him to go to Rochester anymore. I know who Lady Whistleblower is. Her name? Yeah, I’ll tell you her name. It’s Javi Hernandez.

So I was thinking that if you’re not too busy with work, maybe we can grab some lunch later? And then, afterwards, see where things go?

[relaxed music]

Sounds great. I’ll be counting the minutes. Meet me at the Square?

Perfect. Sounds good.

[phone beeps]

Let’s see. How can I ruin Leo Stark’s life before lunch?

[tense music]

Thank you for coming.

Yeah, of course, you know. When you said that, um, you got news about the text, I figured I could have my assistant manager handle the rush of the lunch crowd.

I should have contacted you sooner though.

No, come on. It’s all right. You’ve got a lot going on with Tate.

I do, but I told you this was a priority, and I told you that I would handle it, so I wanted you to know, as soon as we talked, I went to confront Kristen.

Oh. Let me guess. She’s still denying she sent those texts.

She is. She is. But, um, the reason is she was telling the truth.

Come on. How’s that possible? Look, Steve said they were coming from the house.

Ava, they were. It was Rachel.

Hello, Rachel.

You’re being mean to my mom. It’s wrong.

Sweetheart, we’re just having a conversation.

She was bullying you.

Me? Bullying her?

[sighs] You know what? I can handle this, honey. Why don’t you go back to your room.

She needs to go now.

Excuse me?

You don’t belong here.

I’m having a conversation with your mother.

You know, you are upsetting my daughter. I’m going to ask you to leave now.



Don’t make us call security.

[laughs] OK. I’m going to go. But if this harassment doesn’t stop, Kristen, I am calling the police.

It was you, wasn’t it? You sent Ava those texts.

[letter opener scraping]

[lock rattling]


[keys clacking]

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Nice try, little lady.

Relax, Mom. I just want to play a level of “Candy Crush.”

Uh-huh. “You didn’t get rid of me that easily.” Huh. Is this a new level I wasn’t aware of?

I just wanted to get rid of Ava.

[sighs] Sweetheart, I know that you don’t want your daddy to be with Ava, but you have to stop sending these threatening text messages. You– this is– this is unacceptable, Rachel.

What are you going to do, send me to my room again?

[sighs] No. No. Your father and I have something else in mind.

[soft dramatic music]

Rachel, your daughter, was the one sending those texts?


Wow. Did not see that coming.

[sighs] Me neither. Ava, don’t– don’t take this personally, please. The only problem my daughter has with you is that you went on a date with her dad, OK? She obviously just– she wanted to get you out of the way.

Yeah, so you and her mom could get back together.

[dramatic music]

Yeah, I know. I couldn’t believe it either. But there it was in black and white. Yeah, of course. I wanted you to be the first to know.

[knocks] Look, Abe. I’ve got to run. Somebody’s at my door, but I will keep you posted, all right? OK, bye.

[phone beeps]

[sighs] Dr. Evans.


Hi. Come in.

Thank you. Thank you. You look a little surprised to see me. Did you forget we had lunch planned today? Oh, obviously. If it’s a bad time, we don’t have to go.

No. No, no. Actually, you know what? It’s actually a really good time since I just got some, well, sort of bad news. It would probably help me to talk to you about it, even though I would feel guilty asking you for your always brilliant shrinky take on things since I’m not paying for a session.

That’s OK. No guilt. Tell me what’s going on.

Well, the short version is that Javi agreed to let bygones be bygones and decided that we could be friends.

Oh, good. He’s no longer angry that you accused him of being Lady Whistleblower.

That’s right. He’s totally forgiven me.

That’s great. Oh. What’s the bad news?

The bad news is that I was right about him the whole time. He is the lying SOB who’s trying to ruin my life.


Hey. So this is why you took the day off from work?

This is important. Jada and Rafe’s wedding is around the corner, and I am their one and only event planner.

Right. Well, we need to talk, Javi, about something just as important, if not more so.

If this is about when I’m picking up your dry cleaning tomorrow–

No, this isn’t about Gabi Chic. This is about you.

Mi querido primo,

a quien adoro. You need to come to Jesus.


Wow, these are so beautiful. But what’s the occasion?

No occasion. I just really wanted to do something nice for you. I keep thinking about how it all went down between us the other day, you know. I feel terrible about the way that it ended and how upset you were.

You mean about the fact that Sophia is having the baby– your baby?

Yeah. Yeah, that. Holly, I would give anything to change all of this, but, unfortunately, I can’t.

Yeah, I know.

Although, Sophia and I have been talking about potentially giving the baby up for adoption.

Really? What did her mom have to say about that?

She doesn’t know yet. But, you know, obviously, yes, she may not approve. Look, I don’t know how any of this is going to play out, just that the baby is coming no matter what.

And I– I don’t want to lose you because of it. I can’t.

[tender music]


You know, now that I think about it, it does kind of make sense.

Well, Kristen told me that my daughter yelled at you to leave her mommy alone. And, uh, what did she call you? A bully?

Oh, yeah. She was definitely riled up. But, you know, it still never occurred to me that she might be the one sending those texts.

Yeah, Kristen told me that Rachel’s outburst pretty much made her suspicious of what was actually going on.

Mm. So what are the two of you going to do?

[chuckles] Well, we took away her phone.

Well, that explains why the texts stopped.

Mm-hmm. And we also agreed that Rachel needs some therapy.

[dramatic music]


Therapy? I’m not going to therapy. What’s therapy?

Oh, sweetheart, it’s– it’s talking to someone about your feelings and someone who only is there to listen to you and to help you.

So like a shrink?

How do you know about a shrink?

“The Sopranos.”

Oh, good Lord.

But if you want me to talk to a shrink, I will.


As long as it’s Granny Mar Mar.



So after Abe finds out where Lady Whistleblower is doing her banking–

Wait, wait. Why is Abe involved?

Oh, because Abe asked Stephanie, who asked Chad. And then Chad told Stephanie, who told Abe, who told me.

I see.

So thanks to Chad, we know that Lady Whistleblower is doing her banking in Rochester, and then who do I see wearing an “I Heart Rochester” sweatshirt? That’s right. My good pal, Javi. Can you believe it? This whole time, right under my nose.

[dramatic music]

[scoffs] So I need to come to Jesus? May I ask why?

I ran into Kerry earlier. We got to talking. He seems like a really good guy– smart, funny.


Yeah. All of the above. I really like him.

I do too. So what’s the problem?

The problem is is that you’ve got this great new relationship and you’re completely jeopardizing it.

What? How?

By being friends with Leo Stark.

So here I am, beating up on myself for ruining things with Javi, for falsely accusing him of being a creepy sneak with a mean streak a mile long, when it turns out I was right about him all along. And now I’m beating up on myself again for beating up on myself for no reason, for letting that jerk persuade me that he was as honest as the day is long and that I was just some cynical, untrusting putz.

I’m sorry you’re going through this, but–

But what? Dr. Evans, I know that this is just supposed to be a friendly visit, but can you help me to not want to jump out a window?

Of course I can help you. I’m glad to. And I’m not going to charge you. This is just– just a friendly visit.

You are just the greatest.

[sighs] So what do you think?

Well, from what you’ve told me, I think that maybe you’re jumping to conclusions.

So this talk you had with Kerry, what, did he go on about how much he hates Leo and that he’s mad at me for not hating him?

Yeah, he said you forgave Leo as some sort of New Year’s fresh start?

And I did because it’s not good to hold on to old resentments.

Sure, it is, when you’re trying to protect yourself against getting hurt again. Javi, I already tried to warn you once about this jerk.

You mean when you almost tore my arm off trying to pull me away from him?

I was only looking out for you, and so is Kerry. Look, we both agreed– when you set Leo loose, you dodged a bullet. Why the hell would you want to walk back in the line of fire?

OK. So what do you suggest I do then?

Simple. Cut him out of your life.

Gabi, I love you. You are my cousin. And more than that, I respect your opinion.

[soft dramatic music] But I’m not going to do that. No way.

Jumping to conclusions? Dr. Evans, the conclusion jumped at me. It practically knocked me over. I mean, what else is there to know? Javi is Lady Whistleblower. The proof was staring me right in the face.

No. You don’t have proof. What you have is circumstantial evidence. And it’s all because you saw Javi wearing that Rochester sweatshirt.

Yes, and he has a Rochester bank account. Case closed.

Did he live in Rochester?

No, he’s from Corpus Christi, Texas.

And, um, did he go to school in Rochester, or does he have family that lives in Rochester?

Uh, mm, I mean, I can’t know that for sure, but–

So you don’t have any actual proof, do you?

Well, no, I don’t.

OK. So if a person didn’t live in Rochester. and he doesn’t have family in Rochester, why would he do his banking in Rochester?

I don’t know, but obviously he does. And he wouldn’t have been wearing that dumb sweatshirt unless he had some kind of connection to Rochester. So you know what? I am going to go to his house right now and find out what that connection is.

Wait, wait, wait.

Speaking as not– not just your doctor, but your friend, I think going over there to pick a fight with Javi would be a very bad idea.

Oh. Rachel, honey, you won’t be seeing Grandma Marlena for therapy. She’s not the right therapist for you.

Why not?

Because if you talk to someone you’re close to, like Grandma Mar Mar, well, there might be things that you feel you can’t say to her or things that might upset her. But if you see a new therapist, someone you’re not related to, well, you can tell them anything you want.

Even how much I hate Ava Vitali?


[clears throat] Even that.

And Kristen’s OK with Rachel getting therapy?

Yeah, but her only stipulation was that it wasn’t Marlena or one of her associates because obviously there’d be bias, and…


Kristen would be blamed for everything.

Well, can’t imagine why.

Yeah, but I guess all that matters is my daughter gets the help she needs.

Brady, that is all that matters. Look, we know that divorce is really hard on kids, but in Rachel’s case, you know, she’s still having a hard time that her parents broke up.

Yeah. She’s upset. She’s mad. She– she wants her family to be together. I don’t blame her. Maybe I can be a little more proactive in that department in the future, but this– with this whole text fiasco, I’ve realized that I have to take her anger and her desperation seriously because she’s acting out in these destructive ways, and I’ve got to do whatever I have to do to help my little girl. I’ve got to do whatever it takes.

So maybe we shouldn’t see each other anymore.

Tate, none of this is fair to any of us. And, look, I’m not blaming you. It’s not like you cheated on me. I know we were broken up. And you said you used protection.

We did.

OK. So it’s not your fault. Still, it’s the idea that another girl is hav– well, not just another girl– Sophia, she’s having your baby. It’s really hard for me.

I know. I know. Believe me, it’s hard for me too.

I know. And I don’t want to lose you either.

Then you won’t. Holly, I– I am not going to let this tear us apart. I’m not going to let anything tear us apart.


Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.

Doug, hey. No, you’re not interrupting. Tate, this is Doug Williams, Doug’s grandson. He came into town after the funeral.

Nice to meet you, Doug.

Yeah, you too.

He’s also staying at Julie’s. We met on Christmas Eve hanging ornaments.

What happened to you, man?

Oh, this? It’s– it’s nothing, just a dumb accident.

Yeah, so Doug is the one who I was going to take to the Mystic Brew concert.



You’re a fan, too?

Yeah. They’re cool.

But we didn’t end up going since I wasn’t really in the mood after finding out Sophia was pregnant, so we just spent New Year’s Eve at Julie’s.

[soft dramatic music]

So if I do see this person…

Your therapist.

Do you think you and Daddy might get back together again?

No. No, honey. But this isn’t about your daddy and me. It’s– it’s– look, as I told you, seeing a therapist, it’s– it’s all about your feelings. Honey, I know. I know that, uh, you want your daddy and me to get back together. And, honestly, I wanted that too. Actually, I got my hopes up, and I think I got your hopes up too. And that wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair to do to you. And I am so, so, so sorry.

So is there any chance we might be a family again?

Oh, sweetheart, no. No. But you know what? The one thing is your daddy and I care about you very much, and the one thing that we can agree on is that we love you more than anything else in this whole world.

[tender music]

Ava, that’s not a solution– I mean– I mean, us not seeing each other.

It would certainly calm the waters, Brady. I mean, your daughter needs to be the priority.

My daughter is my priority. But what am I supposed to do, just live alone, be all by myself just to make my daughter happy and not have a personal life myself?

Look, no. Of course you’re not supposed to live all alone forever just to appease your daughter. But, you know, maybe you shouldn’t spend so much time with me. Look– look, OK, Rachel obviously hates me, and it’s probably because of what Kristen told her about me, but the point is she’s obviously really miserable that you and Kristen aren’t together anymore. So if you continue to see me, it’s just going to exacerbate that.

[sighs] You’re right. You’re right. It will. It will. But you’re not getting rid of me that easily.

Damn it, Javi. Why won’t you get rid of Leo like the damn pest he is?

Because we agreed to be friends again. And I like him. And I may work for you, but I can run my own life, thank you very much.

Fine. Run your own life. Stay friends with Leo Stark, even though you know he’s a totally creepy guy with a heart of stone and lose your very smart and very hot boyfriend.

I think my relationship with Kerry can withstand Leo. And Kerry is just going to have to understand that my friendship with Leo is not a threat to him. And I know you mean well, Prima, but you’re going to have to understand that too.

[tense music]

Leo, what happened the last time you accused Javi of being Lady Whistleblower?

Uh, I not only lost him as a friend, but he thought I was the scum of the Earth. But, Dr. Evans, you’re assuming that I’m wrong now.

Which you might well be.

Yeah, but what if I’m right?

Well, if you’re right, there’s no harm in waiting until you have actual proof. But if you’re wrong, and you– you accuse Javi of being Lady Whistleblower one more time, you might not get another chance.

No, definitely not.

So if I were you, I would think long and hard before you accuse Javi of being a liar without some sort of actual proof.

Leo, I want you to be patient. I don’t want you to– to rush into this accusation. And I especially don’t want you to do something that you might regret.

[soft dramatic music]

I won’t. I will be patient. I will wait until I have sufficient evidence to support said accusation.

Good. I’m glad.

Dr. Evans, you’ve done it again. You have saved me from making a terrible mistake. How can I ever thank you?

Let me think. Hmm. Take me to lunch, finally.

Yes, yes. I’m right behind you, OK?


[tender music]

Fine. Fine. You want to keep Leo Stark as a friend. I obviously can’t stop you.

Not for lack of trying.

But you’re going to have to find a way to explain this to Kerry in a way that he doesn’t dump your ass and move on.

He’s not going to dump my ass, OK? He’s a reasonable guy. And we’re having lunch in a little while, and I’ll just tell him that, while he may not like Leo, I have a right to be friends with him and anyone else I choose to be friends with, and he has no choice but to accept it.

[tense music]

OK. I still think you’re making a huge mistake.

That may be, but it’s my mistake to make.

Well, Doug, I appreciate you looking out for Holly on New Year’s Eve.

Of course.

So what are you doing here now?

[phone beeps]

Uh… Oh.

What is it?

It’s just Sophia’s doctor’s appointment just got moved up to today.

Oh. I didn’t know you were going to doctor’s appointments with her.

Yeah, I just– I felt like it was the right thing to do, and I promised her that I would go.

Right. Of course.

So I’ll call you later?

Thanks for the flowers.

[soft dramatic music]

Look, I appreciate you saying that, Brady, but I want to do what’s right for Rachel too.

Mm-hmm. I appreciate you saying that. I really do. But, unfortunately, I don’t think that us ending this– whatever this is– I don’t think that’s what’s best for Rachel. When I started seeing Chloe again, Rachel didn’t like that either. She was very unhappy about it. She did everything she possibly could to destroy it. And she did, Ava. It worked. She won. Now, if she gets away with this again, she’s going to start believing that all she has to do is act up, and she’ll get whatever she wants in this world. That is not the message I want to give my daughter. So, no, I don’t think we should stop seeing each other– I mean, assuming you feel the same way.

OK, fine.

Really? So you’ll– you’ll see the therapist?


Oh, sweetheart, thank you. Thank you. I’m so proud of you, honey. Oh.

I’m sorry. I really do have bad timing, don’t I? I shouldn’t have walked in on you two like that.

Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s OK. Tate obviously had other places to be anyways.



I don’t mean to pry, but I thought Sophia was having an abortion.

Yeah, I thought so too. But it turns out her mom had other ideas.

Oh. Wow. That’s tough. That must make things more complicated for you.

That’s kind of an understatement.

[soft dramatic music]

Well, listen, I’m sorry I barged in. I just came over right as I got your message, and I can see that it’s a bad time. So maybe I’ll just come back later?

Wait. Doug, no. Don’t go yet.

I know our last date got a little derailed– you know, the nutcracker and the dancing rats and all of that, but listen. Now that we know the cosmic forces are not working against us in this universe…


I think it’s time we took this whole thing to the next level.

Oh. OK. Well, last time, um, you gave me a little peck on my cheek, so just curious what taking this to the next level would be.

I– I– I have an idea.


[phone ringing]

[laughs] What was that about the cosmic forces not being against us, hmm? What was that?



[sighs] It’s Kristen. It’s Kristen. It could be about Rachel.

Just take it. Take it. Take it. Take it.

Hi, Kristen. Is everything OK?

Yeah. No, it’s fine. Um, I just talked with Rachel, and she has agree to see a therapist.

That’s great.

I know. I know. Um, I really think she’s ready to get some help and put all of this behind her.


[tense music]

Hey, you. Oh, are you still working? Am– am I too early?

No, uh, you’re right on time. Just finishing. Now I’m all yours.

Just what I like to hear. It’s such a nice day, isn’t it?

Yeah, I know. It barely feels like January.

OK, listen. I wanted to talk to you about Leo.

What about him?

Well, Gabi told me you had a little talk about him.

We did.

And, look, you both are entitled to your own opinion, but he and I have decided to let go of the past, so however you feel about Leo, he’s my friend, and I need you to respect that. OK?

Javi, what a coincidence. We were just talking about you.

You were? Why?

Well, I was telling Dr. Evans that we decided to renew our friendship. Dr. Evans, this is Javi Hernandez. Javi, this is Dr. Marlena Evans.

It’s nice to meet you.

A pleasure.

I’m so sorry. And this is Kerry.

I’m Javi’s boyfriend.

How do you do?

Javi, I like your Rochester sweatshirt.

Wait. What?

Where’d you get it?

Uh, actually, Kerry gave it to me.

He did?

Yeah, it’s where I’m from.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[tense music]

[sighs] Mom, I told you I’d let you know if I heard from Sarah. Yeah, I’m not terribly optimistic we got through to her last night. She’s probably told Xander everything by now, meaning he knows the letter from Dad was forged and he knows that I’m the heir pretender. Oh, he knows how to aim a gun, too, meaning I’m just standing here waiting for my brother to come through this door and shoot me dead.

[tense music fading]

Except Philip has no right to that title.

[phone rings]


[phone rings] Hey, Abe, what’s up?

[suspenseful music]

What? Now Leo wants to send Rafe to Rochester, New York?

[sighs] You really think he can convince the bank to tell them who’s the name behind the Lady Whistleblower account?

Well, that’s good of Paulina to pay for it. Uh, I guess fingers crossed. Talk to you later.

Why is Paulina footing the bill for this? Leo wants that information so badly, why doesn’t he fork over some of that head writer money of his?

Sorry, Rafe’s not here.


Is it important?

Kind of. I was hoping to talk to him about that case I hired him for.

Ah, the hunt for Lady Whistleblower.

That’s the one. You know where he is?

No clue. And I guess he’s really busy with his new job, ’cause he sure hasn’t been around here that much lately.

[mysterious music]

When Paulina fired you, you threatened me. You said, and I quote, that “I wouldn’t get away with it.” Did you do something to Rafe as payback?

[scoffs and chuckles] That is a ludicrous accusation.

Right, right. Because you don’t have a vengeful bone in your body. Look, I’m not playing games, EJ. If you know where Rafe is, you need to tell me.

Look, I’m terribly sorry your betrothed has fled to parts unknown, but I can’t help you.

[tense music]

That’s how you want to play this? OK, fine. If you don’t want to answer questions here, we can do this down at the station. Let’s go.

Yeah, I’m not going anywhere with you.

Do I need to remind you that I’m the police commissioner?

Do I need to remind you that despite your campaign to get me fired, I’m still an attorney? And I know that you cannot take me into custody without a warrant. Seeing as you obviously don’t have one, you can get the hell out of my house.

[Jada gasps softly]

Rafe? What–

[Rafe gasps]

What the hell is going on here?

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Well, nothing’s going on, Jada. What are you doing here?

Looking for you, that’s what! I’ve been trying to reach you since you went on this whole undercover mission.

Jada, you do know how undercover works, correct?

And I talked to Steve and he said he didn’t send you on a case at all, undercover or otherwise.

[tense music] What are you up to with my fiancé?

I’m not sure what you’re implying.

I’m not implying. I’m accusing. Like I said before, on New Year’s Eve, you knew all about this call that Steve supposedly made, and I inferred that you had something to do with all of this. And obviously I was right, because now, my fiancé is emerging out of the walls of your house!

Is somebody going to explain?

Well, if you would just slow down and let me get a word in edgewise–

All right, EJ, that’s enough. It’s–OK, look. Jada’s found out, and it’s time to tell– tell you the truth.

Got to go, Mom. It was nice knowing you.


[ominous music] Xander. Hey.

Good morning, Philip. I, uh, have something for you.

Croissant. From Sweet Bits.

[soft mysterious music]

Not poisoned, is it?

Well, that wouldn’t make it a very good peace offering, would it? Which is exactly what this is.

I’m very happy that I caught you before you left for work.

Me, too. So how did Xander take it when he told him about Philip’s letter from Victor, that it was a forgery? Is he happy to have his whole fortune back? Is he furiously plotting Philip’s murder? Both?

Neither. Because I–I didn’t tell him.

What? Why not?

Well, because I wanted to talk to Philip first. Not because I didn’t believe you, but just I wanted to hear the full story from him and see if there were any extenuating circumstances that might stop Xander from igniting World War III.

And was there?

[soft suspenseful music]

I wish. Kate was with Philip when I got there, and they double-teamed me and they pressed their case that even though this letter was a forgery, it was somewhat truthful that– that this is something that Victor would have wanted and Philip would have had this job had he not been dealing with mental illness at the time.


And, well–


Given that I have dealt with similar circumstances and other factors… I don’t know, I came around to their point of view.

I decided to keep Philip’s secret.

Gabi, we meet again.

Kerry, aren’t you cold? You look like you could use another layer.

No, I’m good. I gave Javi my sweatshirt before I left.

Aw. A forget-me-not?

He’ll look hot in it.

[both chuckle]

Speaking of my erstwhile assistant, chances are good you’ll see him before I do. Could you tell him that I left a binder of possible caterers for Rafe and Jada’s wedding at the PD with JJ Deveraux?

Yeah, sure. Javi’s really taking to this whole event planning thing, isn’t he?

Yeah. You know, I’d love it if he was just as into his paying gig with me.


But he has a tendency to get obsessive about these types of projects.

Yeah, one of the things I love about him.

Mm. Seems like you two are getting closer by the day.

Yeah, yeah. Things are great.

Do I sense a “but” coming?

Mm, close. More like an ass named Leo Stark.

[soft suspenseful music]

Well, I suppose I should take off. Hey, um, have we been friends long enough for me to ask you a favor?

We’re good, Leo. Just lay it on me.

Will you let Rafe know I stopped by?

Sure. I just don’t know when that’s gonna be, though.

I hope it’s soon. I have some new information that might blow Lady Whistleblower right out of the water, and I need him to take a road trip.

So you’re getting closer to finding out her identity?

For sure. Our show’s publicist, Stephanie Johnson, she figured out where Lady Whistleblower might be from.

[mysterious music]

OK, Jada. Confession time.


The truth is… Steve Johnson didn’t send me on a case.

I did.


Rafe has been working for me this entire time.


You working for him? Doing what?

[suspenseful jazz music]

[sighs] Uh… finding Sloan Petersen. She never paid for what she did, kidnapping Jude and all the rest. It’s an outrage that she still walks free. Justice delayed is justice denied.

Eric’s the one who needs justice for the lost time with Jude. As for you, I figured you’d let sleeping babies lie, especially after all the underhanded stuff you pulled.

Well, I don’t have much else to do with my time now, do I? And I have you to thank for that one. And don’t dismiss my need for justice so easily. Sloan made a fool of me, blew up my entire life, and got away scot-free. So I hired the best detective available, Rafe Hernandez.

If that’s true, why didn’t you just tell me in the first place?

[Rafe sighs] Why’d you lie to me?

[Rafe sighs]

So you’re just– you’re just going to lie to Xander?

I–it’s a lie by omission.

Yeah. But still, I never thought that you would keep Philip’s forgery from him. That’s huge.

I know. I-I do know. And it’s not– it’s not just because I feel bad for Philip. I told you last night that the idea of Xander having all this unchecked power makes me– it makes me very uneasy. I mean, yesterday, he came home just fuming from work. It turns out that Philip stopped him from pulling the trigger on this crazy idea to take over DiMera.

A hostile takeover of DiMera? Speaking from experience, that is a seriously bad idea.

Yes, of course it is. And Philip tried to tell him just how bad it could be. He’s worried that it could ignite this feud between the families again. And– and he specifically didn’t want you to get stuck in the crossfire or anyone else, for that matter.

I see.

And look, I– I know that Philip isn’t exactly known for being levelheaded or have particularly good business ethics. But as it stands right now, Xander has to go through Philip before he can do anything impulsive. And that can only be good for Xander, for Philip, and for Titan. And good for our family.

[tense somber music]

So Philip is a roadblock?

It’s just he’s more of a way to slow Xander down. To listen to the better angels of his nature. Steph, the first thing you asked me when I came in here was whether or not Xander had murdered Phillip yet. And I really wouldn’t put it past him to lash out if he found out what Phillip did.

This whole situation has just been fraught for him from the moment that Victor’s will was found.

Fraught all the way around.

So you agree? That–that this is the right decision?

[sighs] It doesn’t really matter what I think.

No, it does, Steph. It does matter what you think. Because I am asking you to keep this secret, too. And if you don’t, it doesn’t matter what I think.

Will you do that?

[tense somber music fading]

A peace offering?


[soft dramatic music]



[sighs] Last night, Maggie and I had a bit of a heart-to-heart. She made the rather persuasive argument that our father would want us to try to work together. For the sake of Titan, if nothing else. After all, if you didn’t think you could handle the responsibility, then, well, he wouldn’t have written that letter in the first place, would he? So… I’ve decided to try and work in harmony with you. In the hopes that you will do the same.

That’s it?

I thought that was it right before I got here, but now I’m not so sure.

[suspenseful music]

What–what do you mean?

Well, I overheard you talking to your mom on the phone just now. What was that you were saying about my wanting to kill you? When I walked in, all the color drained out of your face and then you looked like you were bracing yourself for me to pull out a revolver when I produced these croissants. So tell me, Philip, what am I missing?

This can’t be a mystery to you, Xander. I was just telling my mother about how I kind of spoiled your DiMera takeover plan.

“Kind of”?

I’m really not justified in being worried about what you were packing, given recent history?

[sighs] My emotions were running rather high in the moment you’re referring to. And I regret what I did. But I assure you it’d take more than just a simple business dispute for me to fly into a psychotic rage.

[soft dramatic music]

Well, that’s a relief.

Look, I want this arrangement to work. In fact, I need it to work. Let’s face it. We’re stuck in this together, forever.


I mean, am I happy that you blocked my grand plan? No. But, uh, it’d probably interest you to know that… Sarah thought you were right to do it.

Wow. Really?

She is the voice of reason in our relationship.

[chuckles] Even if I sometimes need a swift kick to remind me to listen. But I trust her instincts implicitly. So maybe this was all for the best. Now you tell me, are you on board with making this work? No more machinations, scheming, backbiting. Just a true 50/50 partnership.

Before I make any promises, I think I have to come clean.

Come clean about what?

I’m sorry. We got off to a rocky start. But that’s not what I’m most sorry about.

So you want me to keep quiet about what Philip did, too?

I am so sorry to put you in the middle of this.

You didn’t. I walked into the middle of it when I overheard Philip on the phone with his mom talking about the letter being a forgery.

[soft suspenseful music] Look, I’m furious with Philip for using me to help perpetrate this fraud. So if I’m being honest, if I keep continuing to keep this secret… I would feel like a witting accomplice.

I understand. And–

Hold on. I’m not done.


Despite all of that… I do not want to be responsible for sending Philip to prison. Or worse.

Xander and his temper.

If he commits bodily harm on Philip when he finds out the truth, I won’t be able to ignore my part in it. So whatever I think personally…

You’re Xander’s wife, meaning I’m going to defer to your wishes. I won’t say anything.

To Lady Whistleblower going down. And not in the good way.

Mm. From your lips to Billy Porter’s ears.

Hey, maybe Rafe can break open the case for you. I know how much this whole thing has been weighing on you.

[Leo sighs]

You know, I was kind of hoping you wouldn’t be here this morning.

[scoffs] Why?

Well, I just mean, you know, it’s probably the last thing you want to hear about after, well, you know.

No, I want to know who Lady Whistleblower is almost as much as you do at this point.

You do?

Yeah. And not only for my own, you know, vindication. But I read her latest column, and it was a low blow, even for her. I mean, she’s loving being cruel to you. And whoever she is, I hope that somebody murders her in print just like the way she’s doing you.

[chuckling] Javi. Thank you for saying that. After everything that happened, that really means a lot.

[soft upbeat music]

Hmm, not a fan of Leo Stark, huh?

[sighs] That would be a no.

Neither am I. Neither is anyone.

Well, except your cousin.

What? No. Leo accused him of being Lady Whistleblower. Javi hates him for it.

Mm. Past tense. Apparently, they’ve decided new year, new beginning, and now they’re friends.

Oh, Javi, just no.

Mm. Exactly. I don’t trust that guy. And I don’t like that guy.

What exactly are you afraid Leo is going to do?

Well, I know the two of them had this thing, and I hear Leo has the habit of making passes at anything that moves. So he’s probably already trying to snake his way back into Javi’s bed.

Mm. Over my dead body.



Jada, sweetheart, I am really sorry to have upset you, OK? I am. It’s just– I mean, I hated going behind your back. I really did. But it’s– it’s EJ, you know, he said we had to keep this whole thing on the DL.

Even from me?


[sighs] You are the police commissioner.

Uh, so? What, does this mean that you’re interfering with a police investigation again?

No, no, no. It’s–no, it’s just, you know, EJ’s not exactly a fan of yours. No, I mean, like, we are not fans of his either, you know?

[soft suspenseful music]

That can’t be all of it.

Did you ask him to do something illegal?

No, no. Nothing like that at all, OK? But I–see, I– I’m trying to build my reputation as a PI, right? You know, uh… I’m new at Black Patch. And so I have got to prove myself to Steve, to John.

But Steve didn’t even know about this.

That’s right. That’s right, yes, because I didn’t want to say anything to anyone until I had a solid lead. Yeah. So I didn’t.

Sloan is– look, she’s stealthy, and the trail may have gone cold. Coming up empty would not exactly enhance Rafe’s professional standing, would it?

No, no. Not at all.

OK, Rafe. So where have you been looking for Sloan? Hmm? In the DiMera secret room?

So–what? What are you– what are you talking about?

I’m talking about you haven’t come home since New Year’s. You’ve obviously been hiding out here. Why?

[tense music]

But I haven’t been here. See, I was out of town chasing down a lead. A dead end, unfortunately.

That’s too bad.

Yeah. Yeah, and I just got back into town a few minutes ago to give EJ the report. And the reason I was coming through there is because I was going through the tunnels because I didn’t want anyone to see me coming or going at the front door.

Right, because he wants you to keep it on the DL. OK.

Yeah, well, he does. And believe me, I would not want to get into bed with EJ. Figuratively speaking, if I didn’t have to. But I am charging him a small fortune, which, trust me, is going to come in handy when I give you the wedding gift that I am determined to give you.


[scoffs] Rafe, this is so not necessary.

Oh, it is. It is, you know, because– because I need to treat you like the queen that you are.

Oof, I’m starting to feel a little third wheel-ish here.

Ah, sorry, boss.

[EJ chuckles]

Well, this is quite the story.

Yeah. I know–

[sighs] It is, it is. And, uh, yeah, it’s– so.

[suspenseful jazz music] But you believe me, right?

You know what?


You should write a guest gossip column on “The Spectator” once Rafe finds that Lady W impostor and you can out this vicious hag and torch her in print.

[laughs] The fantasy of doing that, that is what’s keeping me going.

[Javi chuckles] And a steady diet of caffeine.

Uh, do you want some more coffee?

Mm-hmm. Yes, please.

[notification chimes]

[suspenseful jazz music]

Oh, come on.

Something wrong?

Abe thinks the exit story I wrote for Faith is unoriginal.

[scoffs] Seriously? I mean, Chanel quits out of the blue. What does he expect on such short notice?

I’m sorry. I made this extra strong, Cubano-style.

Thanks. I’m gonna need it to have to do with this.

How Kerry rolled out of bed this morning on a cup of herbal tea, I’ll never understand.

Oh, he spent the night?

Yeah. Um, I probably shouldn’t have mentioned that.

No, no, I mean, we’re friends, right? And you should be able to tell me about your love life, and I should be able to tell you about my love life if I ever get one again. Um… but I am happy, Javi, that you found somebody. Truly.

What was that thing you said to me before? Thanks, it means a lot?

[soft dramatic music]

What do you have to be sorry for, Philip? What did you do?

It’s nothing I did. It’s what my father– excuse me, our father did. I’m sorry he kept the truth from you all those years, that he didn’t tell you that you were his son.

That’s hardly your fault.

But I know he abused the hell out of you, made you haul manure, generally treated you like crap on the bottom of his shoe. Meanwhile, you probably think I had the best of upbringings, the perfect childhood.

[sighs] Didn’t you?

God, no.

[soft somber music] Dad had a stroke when I was a little kid, and he wasn’t around most of the time when I was growing up. Then when he got better, he went overboard trying to make up for it. He was like the OG helicopter parent.

[Xander chuckles softly]

Trying to picture Victor Kiriakis at a parent-teacher conference.

[Philip chuckles softly]

He was such a control freak. He thought he could mold me in his image. Didn’t quite take. I’m telling you, Xander, I was a disappointment to him in so many ways.

Get in line. I was the biggest disappointment of all.

He treated you that way because you’re the one who was most like him. He saw that.

But as for me…

He died before I could show him that I was getting my act together. But he’s still watching. I feel it.

This is my chance to finally prove myself to him.


Wonder how different things would be now if I had known you were my brother from the start.

So do I.

[soft dramatic music]

I feel like maybe I should be worried about how uncharacteristically understanding you’re being.

[chuckles] What can I say? I’m trying my best because I promised Maggie and my wife.

Well, whatever the reason, I appreciate the peace offering.

[peaceful music]

Want to break bread with me?

Thanks. I gave you the bigger piece.

[sighs] Thank you so much, Stephanie.

It’s OK. I just– Sarah, I hope you’ve thought this through.

[soft suspenseful music] I mean, Xander’s being cheated out of 50% of his inheritance, and you’re keeping that from him.

I know. I do. I know. I really– I don’t like it either. But I really do feel like this is the right thing to do. For all of us.

What if the truth comes out down the line? What if Xander finds out you’ve been lying to him?

[Sarah sighs]

It’s just a gamble I have to take.

Yes, I believe you, Rafe. I get that you wanted to surprise me.

That’s all I wanted to do.

[soft dramatic music]

OK. But next time, can you not scare the hell out of me? I mean, my God, I was afraid that something terrible had happened to you.

I am so sorry. I’m so sorry. Honest.

Tell her, EJ.

He’s sorry, all right.

OK. But there’s something that you still haven’t explained.


The other day when you texted me, you signed off with “XOXO.” And you never do that. So why’d you do it? It wasn’t to throw me off scent. So–

So, uh, yes. I guess I was just so overcome with love for my future wife.

I mean, would you prefer that I send you a heart emoji next time?

[Jada chuckles]

Either is fine.


It just didn’t seem like you.


[both chuckle]

[phone buzzes]

Wait, hold on. Oh, I got to get back to the station.

Well, all right. Well, uh, I got to stay here because EJ is gonna write me a big, fat check, and I don’t want to give him an excuse to stiff me.

Mm. Don’t worry me like that again, OK?

OK, honey bear.

Uh, if you– um, if you want that check, we need to settle up now. I’ve got somewhere to be, so.


[soft suspenseful music] XOXO.

[Jada chuckles softly]

Right back at you.

See you, baby.

[door closes] That was close.

Oh, too close.

[EJ clears throat]

My ex, Will, is raising our daughter, Arianna, with his partner, Sonny, which is going great, No thanks to Leo. He pulled out all the stops to mess things up for them. Suffice it to say, it was selfish and it was ugly.

So don’t like Leo any more than I do?

Mm, an understatement. I will never forgive him for how he hurt them. And I don’t want him near my family ever again.

In other words, he’s not invited Chez Hernandez for a sleepover.

No, actually, that would be OK. Because then it would give me a chance to smother him in his sleep.

[chuckles] Which would be pretty daring since the police commissioner is right down the hall.

[both chuckle] But if you need help with a cover-up, I’m your man.

Oh. And if you ever need help keeping him away from Javi, I’m your girl.

Mm, I might take you up on that.

[chuckles] You know what? I’m glad I ran into you.

Me, too. Well, I’d better get to the office since my assistant is otherwise engaged.

May Leo Stark disappear from both our lives.

Hear, hear.


I’ll see you around.

Oh, I should probably get going. I don’t want to overstay my welcome.

You’re not.

Thanks, but I have a ton of work to do.

Oh, right. I guess you have to rewrite Faith’s exit.

Oh, I’m not rewriting that.

[Javi chuckles] But these six shows a week are not going to write themselves.

Well, I will tell Rafe you stopped by.

Thanks. See you around?

Yeah, for sure. And, uh, I hope you unmask Lady Whistleblower.

[tense music]

Philip. Hey, um, where’s Xander?

He went to the break room.

Oh, OK. Um, hey, look. I, uh, I didn’t say anything to him.

I figured. He and I just talked things out.

OK. And also, I saw Stephanie and I explained my reasoning to her and she is not gonna say anything either.

That’s good to know.

There’s one caveat. It is a huge, huge deal to me that I am keeping my mouth shut. So you have to work with Xander. You can’t work against him. You can’t constantly be a thorn in his side or the deal is off. Is that understood?

Understood. And, Sarah, I know I don’t deserve this, but thank you so much. I owe you big-time.

[tense music]

Owe her for what?

[tense music]

Xander, baby.

[both smooch] Um, I was just telling Philip that… I was encouraging you to get along with him and he was saying that things were going very well. And so, yeah, I truly believe that this partnership will work.

Honestly, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but, um, I agree.

[Sarah chuckles]

Makes three of us.

OK, wait a minute. Hold up, girl. You and Philip broke up?

Yeah. It’s over between us.

Oh, Steph, I am so sorry.

It’s no big deal. We were only together for a minute. This time.


Anyway, I figured I would let you know that I will not be bringing a plus-one to the wedding. Gorgeous invite, by the way.

Oh, thank you. I’ll let Rafe’s cousin Javi know. He took over planning.


But anyway, all that is so beside the point right now.

Look, it’s no big deal, believe me.


More details to come on that when, you know, we’re not so slammed.

Right. But, Steph, if you want to bring someone else, just let me know.

[inhales deeply] I think I’m good.


I’m just so happy for you and Rafe.

Ugh, now that I finally found him.

What does that mean? Was he missing?

Not exactly. I thought he was. Long story. Anyway, look–

[chuckles] He’s fine, he’s found, and, you know, the wedding is full steam ahead.

[Stephanie sighs] Yeah.


[chuckles] Just about gave me a heart attack, chiming in to explain things to Jada.

Mm. But I did good, didn’t I?

Shockingly, yes.

Well, that’s because I’m not a total idiot. Now, about that check.

That check will come.

[suspenseful music] But I’ve taken to heart the argument you made earlier and your performance just now.

Yeah, what are you talking about?

I’m persuaded that you actually might be of some use to me as Rafe Hernandez.

Oh. I like the sound of that. And I get the sweet perk of that sweet–

Control your libido, Arnold. If you’re going to be Rafe Hernandez, I will not allow you to lay a finger, a lip, or any other body part on his fiancée.

Ugh, party pooper. Well, how am I supposed to do that?

[suspenseful jazz music]

I have an idea. I have an idea.

[phone ringing]

Kerry. Hey, I was just thinking about you.

Oh, really?

Yeah. And I, uh, love the sweatshirt you gave me. I’m wearing it right now, as a matter of fact.

Mm, yeah? Well, the next time I see you, I’m hoping you won’t be wearing that Or anything, for that matter.

[chuckles softly] Uh, that can be arranged.

[suspenseful music]

I cannot believe that I’m such an idiot. It was Javi after all.

[phone rings]

[Leo sighs] Abe? No, wait. Listen, I’m not rewriting Faith’s exit. That’s not what you’re calling about? Then what is it? No, I didn’t talk to Rafe, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t need him to go to Rochester anymore. I know who Lady Whistleblower is.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane



Oh, perfect timing. I’m starved.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. This isn’t for you.

Then who’s it for?

That would be me.

[bright music]

Mm. Nice and crispy.

Mm-hmm, just the way you like it, darling.



Ah, ah, ah, ah! No, no, no, no, no. No, you eat. Come in. The door’s open.

Madam Mayor.

Oh, well, Leo, what are you doing here?

I came to see Abe. Ooh, is that bacon? Oh, nice and crispy. Just the way I like it. Mm.

I was going to eat that.

With your cholesterol? That is a terrible idea. Might I suggest fakon? It’s a heart-healthy–

I’m the one with the high cholesterol.


You said you came to see me.

Mm-hmm. I have an update on some show business. I mean, not show business as in Hollywood show business, show business as in our show’s business, “Body & Soul’s” business.

Faster, faster.

OK, so I just emailed you Faith’s exit story since, sadly but understandably, Chanel quit. But when one door closes, another door opens, which is why I’m bringing Charlemagne back from the dead. I just wanted to run that past you since it means we’re going to have to rehire Hattie, but you’re totally cool with that, right?

Absolutely not.

[soft dramatic music]

Hey, Shawn.

Oh, JJ. Good to see you. I heard you were back on the force.

Yeah, today’s my first day.

Wow, that’s great. Look, I don’t know if you remember, but on Christmas Eve, I said that if you did decide to take the job, I was thinking that we could work together. I spoke to Jada, and she thought it was a great idea.

That sounds good to me.

That’s awesome. Well, welcome back to the Salem PD, partner.


[phone beeps] I’m worried about you, Rafe. Please answer your phone.

[phone ringing]

[groans] For God’s sake, not again. I’m sorry, Jada, but I’m afraid Rafe’s tied up at the moment.


[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So if there’s nothing else, my wife and I would like to get back to our meal.

Well, just so we’re clear, that was a no on Hattie?

Hard no.

Understood. Pardon the interruption.

Bye, Leo.

Oh, but the thing is, I already wrote the scene where Charlemagne comes back, and it is to die for, which is ironic because it’s a resurrection scene. A glorious one at that.

Forget it.

Oh, please, please, please, please, just hear me out. It is Kassandra and Rhett’s wedding. And everyone who’s anyone in Pineview has gathered together to watch this happy couple come together in holy matrimony. They are about to say their I dos when, collective gasp…

[gasps] The doors fly open. In comes Charlemagne with her big hair, her shoulder pads, after she’s been held captive in an Amazon jungle for the past three months. But wait, there’s more. Charlemagne is pregnant with Rhett’s baby!

And how is that possible?

Dr. Blake Lamoray implanted her with one of Kassandra and Rhett’s embryos in a groundbreaking medical procedure.

How did Charlemagne get to the Amazon jungle after she fell down an elevator shaft?

Tunnels, tunnels. Very long tunnels. Look, this is going to drive story for months. Besides, I already told Hattie it was a done deal.

What? Have you forgotten why we got rid of her in the first place?

Well, the thing is, Bonnie, this was her idea. She was the one who wanted to write Charlemagne back in.

I thought those two hated each other.

Oh, they made up. See, Hattie apologized for going all diva. She says she’s learned from her mistakes and swears she won’t do anything like that again.

Hmm, that’s not all she did. She cursed the show! Abe, he was laid up for days after he ate one of those tainted cupcakes, and there was a disaster with Johnny and Chanel.

Which led Chanel to quit, put their marriage in jeopardy. And we lost a major character.

And now you want that woman– you want to give her a chance to wreak more havoc?

None of that was Hattie’s fault. She swears she had nothing to do with the cupcakes. And as far as the curse, it was petty and spiteful, but it didn’t make Johnny cheat on his spouse.

I have to agree with Leo.

Thank you. Look, if we want to blame anyone for the show’s problems, we need to blame Lady Whistleblower.

[dramatic music]

Mm, you must be the famous Kerry Youmins.

Am I famous?

Around here you are. Javi never stops talking about you.

And this is my cousin, Gabi. She’s famous for her big mouth.

Aw, don’t be embarrassed. I think it’s cute the way you gush.

So do I. I don’t believe I’ve ever been gushed over before.

OK, don’t let it go to your head.

Well, after the many, many nice things I’ve heard about you, Kerry, I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you. I wasn’t expecting it to be in our kitchen over breakfast.

Well, what does that mean?

Just that I didn’t realize you invited Kerry to spend the night.

Oh, I’m sorry, Mom. Was I supposed to ask your permission? Maybe you want to chaperone our next date.

Oh, please. I’m just saying, a little discretion never hurts.

Oh. Speaking of discretion, JJ left this here yesterday after he spent the night.

How do you know that’s JJ’s?

The engraved initials gave it away.

Oh. Well, I will swing by the station to give it to him.

Oh, great. These are the menus from all the potential wedding caterers in town. Would you give this to Jada?

Aren’t you supposed to be my assistant?

Yeah, you gave me the day off, remember?

I’ll go grab my coat.

Gracias, prima.

[speaking Spanish]

[bell dings]

Shawn, I– I heard you and Belle are splitting up. I’m really sorry.

Yeah, thank you. I’m just glad that things ended amicably, I mean, considering we’re working together.

What do you mean?

I guess you didn’t hear. Belle’s the new DA. EJ got fired.

Well, the last part I did hear. Like I said to Gabi, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Feniger? Is that you?

Uh, yeah. Who else would I be? Right, OK. Yeah.

When you came through that door, you nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought Hernandez had escaped.

[laughs] Nope, nope. He’s still trussed up like a Christmas turkey down there. I just– I snuck a little peek in on him.

Oh, well, that’s a relief. But I do have one question for you. What the hell are you doing in my home?

Whoa, dude. Chill.

No, you disobedient dolt, I will not chill. You were supposed to lie low.

I did. I used the tunnels.

I don’t care what you used. You are under strict instructions to stay out of sight. Now, once again, what the hell are you doing here?


– Hey, Rafe, it’s me again. Look, I know you’re busy, but I still haven’t heard from you, and I’d just really like to hear your voice. So call me back when you get this, OK? I love you.

[phone beeps]


I had a great time last night.

Me too.

Even though we didn’t–

Javi, I’m fine with taking it slow. I’m just happy to be spending time with you.


But you do need to tell me if I’ve overstayed my welcome.

Why would you think that?

I’ve been here since lunchtime yesterday, and your cousin didn’t seem too thrilled that I was here at breakfast.

Like Gabi’s one to talk. 24 hours ago, she was sitting right here, eating pancakes with the hottie she just rolled out of bed with.

Oh, the guy with the money clip?

Mm-hmm, wearing nothing but boxers and packing a big, old tennis racket. Mm, like an actual tennis racket.

[laughter] It’s a long story.

[phone beeps] Oh.

[soft dramatic music]

Hey, what’s wrong?

Just Lady Whistleblower posted a new column.

Does she have anything good?

Well, she’s ripping Leo’s soap again. “Another terrible episode of ‘Body & Soul.’ “And at this rate, Leo Stark might bury the show faster than he buried Charlemagne Delacroix.”



That was funny.

No, it’s– no, it’s not. It’s mean. Like, if you don’t like the show, why would you not just stop watching it?

When you’ve been watching it for years, day in and day out, even decades, it’s not that simple. You’re invested. You care.

Right, because you grew up watching “Body & Soul,” and you think Leo ruined it.

Me and a million other people.

OK, I get being angry that a show you love isn’t good anymore, but why would you make a career out of criticizing it?

You criticize it because you love it and because you know how great it could be.

That makes no sense.

Well, it makes total sense to me. And to Lady Whistleblower, apparently.

You’re saying Lady Whistleblower tainted those cupcakes and convinced Johnny to go back to Joy’s hotel room?

Well, she may not have caused those problems specifically. But she has caused a tremendous amount of chaos by spoiling my stories and my personal life.

What? What was that?

I had to ditch my entire long story projection. Do you know how many hours I put into that? Not to mention my heart, my mind, my body and soul.


I burned the midnight oil. I gave up on my beauty rest. I powered through on nothing but sheer will and gummy bears. But by God, I got it done. I managed to weave every single storyline into one big, beautiful document filled with romance, intrigue, a very steamy six-person shower scene. At last, my document was complete. But before I could even submit it, that she-devil stole it and gave so much of it away in “The Spectator” that I had to trash the whole thing. And did you see her latest column?

I did. But, Leo–

It’s not enough that she has completely upended our production. Now she’s calling on me to be fired, which, Abe, you cannot do because there is zero merit to anything that wannabe whistleblower has to say. You know why she’s doing this, right? She’s jealous because I went from being a newspaper man to being a television show head writer. And she’s jealous. She is trying to destroy me by bringing down the show. But guess what? I am not going to let that happen. I am going to stop her, and I am going to sue her for defamation, if I ever find out who she is.

Actually, I may have some news on that front.

How’s your first day going?

Better now. What brings you by?

I thought you could use some cash.


[laughs] You left it at my place.

Well, thank you.

Mm. I hope your detective skills aren’t rusty, considering you didn’t even realize it was missing.

Well, maybe I left it on purpose for an excuse to come back.

Oh. So it was all just a ruse?

Prefer to call it a tactical operation. Since you brought it here, I’d say the operation failed.

Well, who knows? Play your cards right, Deveraux, and you just might get invited back anyway.

I had to get out of that motel. You know, they’ve only got three TV channels.

Uh, you do realize you can watch videos on your phone?

Uh, you realize I don’t have a data plan because you try getting one of those when you’re supposed to be dead. And if I was to stay in that hotel, I would die for real– of boredom.

You’re– you’re bored? That’s why you came out of hiding? Why you’re risking being discovered and landing us both in prison?

Variety is the spice of life.

Oh, OK. Well, keep this up, and soon neither of us will have a life.

Why are you so on edge?

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because I have the former police commissioner locked up in my basement. And his fiancée, the current police commissioner, is calling his phone every five minutes! And you coming out of the damn walls is the last thing I need.

[laughs] What are you going to do with Hernandez anyway? Huh? Are you going to make him a permanent houseguest?

Of course not. I’m not going to keep him down there forever. But he– he did try and bargain with me. He said he gave me his word that if I let him go, he’ll keep his mouth shut about all of it.

Well, Boy Scout like Hernandez, maybe he will.

I mean, even if I can trust him, I can’t trust Jada. She already got me fired. She’ll leap at the chance to throw me in jail.


You wanted to see me?

Shut the door.

What’s up?

It’s Rafe. I still can’t reach him.

Oh. Are you still worried he didn’t send that text?

Look– look, maybe I’m overreacting, OK? But my gut is telling me that something’s off.

All right, well, what’s the evidence telling you?

Well, for starters, he never signs off XOXO. He said he’d be in touch, but I haven’t heard from him. And now when I call him, his phone is going straight to voicemail.

Hmm. Wait, so– wait, he’s on a case for Black Patch, right?


Well, call Steve. Call Steve. He might know how to reach him.

Good idea.

[dramatic music]

You have news on Lady Whistleblower?

I do.

Way to bury the lead. Why didn’t you say anything?

Well, if you let the man get a word in, maybe he would have.

Apologies, Abe. The floor is all yours.

Kate and I are as furious about this person as you are. So I put our publicist on the case.

Mm-hmm. He asked Stephanie to find out who’s writing these columns, and, apparently, she has a lead.

[gasps] What kind of lead?

Stephanie went to Chad and asked him to reveal Lady Whistleblower’s identity.

Now, he doesn’t know who she is, but she’s being paid anonymously.

Of course she is. I can’t believe my Chadwick is OK with that.

Mm-mm, not anymore. Stephanie convinced Chad that he is under no obligation to protect the identity of someone who is using his newspaper for the sole purpose of destroying our show. Chad, he looked into it and found out Lady Whistleblower’s checks are being wired to a bank in Rochester, New York.

[gasps] So she’s in Rochester?

Well, she’s being paid there, at least. Now, whether she’s from there or lives there, who knows?

Even if she’s living in Salem now, there’s obviously some connection.


Holy Bronte sisters, this is huge. Now all we have to do is find Mrs. Rochester.

Sorry. I was freezing

No, my cousin Rafe insists that we keep this place like an icebox.


You want another cup of tea?

Mm-mm. That’s OK, doll. I’m good now.

You know, I must say that I could have kept you much warmer than that sweatshirt.


But you do look cute in it.

[laughs] Thanks. It was actually my Secret Santa gift from my Aunt Florence. She thinks reminding me of Rochester will get me home more often. OK, well, now that I’m all toasty, tell me what else is in Lady Whistleblower’s column.

It’s just gossip.

Well, read it to me.

I’d rather not. Like I said, it’s mean. I don’t like the shots she takes at Leo.

I cannot believe you feel bad for that guy. I mean, he accused you of being the new Lady Whistleblower.

He repeatedly apologized. And we’re friends now. I thought you were OK with that.

I am, but I just don’t understand why you want to be friends with him.

Uh-oh. Is somebody jealous?

I mean, do I have a reason to be?

[soft dramatic music]

Thanks again for bringing this by.

Sure you don’t want to count it?

No, I trust you. If anything’s missing, I can always break out the cuffs.

You promise?

[laughter] I should let you get back to work.

I thought you were taking it easy this week?

I am. Thanks for reminding me. I brought something for Jada.

Gabi Chic?

Events by Javi.

Javi, your cousin?

He appointed himself Rafe and Jada’s wedding planner. He’d kill me if I forgot to leave this for the bride.

– Thanks, Steve. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding. OK, talk soon.

[phone beeps]

So what’d he say?

He said that he didn’t put Rafe on a case.

Oh, you’re kidding me.

[sighs] Shawn, I’m starting to freak out.

Hey, hey. It’s OK. Calm down. All right, just– all right, just take me back here and walk me through this, all right? So, all right, New Year’s Eve?

Yeah, we were at the DiMera party. And then Rafe found out that he had to leave right away on some big case for Black Patch. He said that Steve called him and put him on the assignment. We were in the foyer and–

What? And what?

And EJ was there. And, actually, Rafe wasn’t even the one who mentioned the call. It was EJ.

So you think EJ had something to do with this?

Well, if you’re so damn bored, why don’t you take the money I offered you and head back to Argentina?

Yeah, no can do. I already told you, summers down there are brutal.

Then your only other option is to put up with bad television.

Mm, yeah. Not going to happen.

I beg your pardon?

Yeah, see, like, why would I go back to that crappy motel when I can stay here in the lap of luxury?

For the last time, you halfwit, you cannot stay here or anywhere else in Salem, for that matter. Because if anyone sees you, they’re going to assume you are Rafe Fernandez.

Yeah. Why would that be so bad?

What reason would you have to be jealous of me and Leo?

You two looked pretty chummy when I ran into you yesterday.

Chummy as in friendly, as in friends, which is all we are.

Well, I’m sure Leo wants to be more.

It doesn’t matter what he wants. I’m with you now.

But if your friends, then he’s still going to be around.

Maybe. So what?

So why would you want him anywhere near you? I mean, you should hate him for what he did.

Oh, no. Hate is toxic. I don’t want to carry all of that around. And as I said to you, I’ve agreed to let bygones be bygones. Fresh start for the new year.

Well, that was very charitable of you.

Well, I’d like to think that Christina, Cher, and Gaga would do the same.

[chuckles] What? Not even a smile?

I’m sorry, but I just don’t see the appeal of Leo Stark. I mean, he and I had one encounter, and it was a total disaster.

Yeah, but that’s just how it is sometimes. Like, some people have chemistry, and some people don’t.

I’ll show you who’s got chemistry.

[tender music]

This news is what I would call a real lady-killer. Her column is done-zo.

Oh, now, come on. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s just a lead, like Abe said.

So we follow that lead straight to Rochester. And by we, I mean Rafe. I’m going to have him get on the next flight. When he lands, he’s going to rent a car, an SUV with snow tires, obviously, seeing as it must be downright arctic there this time of year. He’ll drive straight to the bank and ask those tellers to tell him who opened up that Lady Whistleblower account.

And who do you suppose is going to pay for this trip?

“Body & Soul.”

We barely have the budget to keep the lights on, let alone for a private investigator.

Don’t you want to find out who’s sabotaging our show?

I do. But I can’t spend money I don’t have.

I’ll pay for it.

You will?

Paulina, Paulina, you don’t– you don’t have to do this.

Mm, I want to! I know all too well what it’s like being under attack by an unknown predator, someone who’s hellbent on destroying everything that you’ve worked for. I am not going to let that happen to my husband’s show. Plus, if Rafe is busy on your case, maybe it’ll keep him the heck out of Jada’s.

[soft dramatic music]

I had no idea there were this many caterers in Salem.

There are a lot of weddings here.

All this food looks so good. How are they supposed to choose?

I don’t know, but they need to do it fast. They’re getting married in, like, two weeks.

Well, it’s nice that Javi’s pitching in.

Yeah, you know, when Jada agreed to let him help, I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but I gotta give it to my cuz. He’s doing a great job.

Oh, Gabi.

Shawn, hey. I was just borrowing your partner for a few minutes. I’ll get out of your hair. I have to bring this to Jada anyway.

Jada’s not here.

Oh. Where is she?

You’re not actually proposing that you impersonate Rafe Hernandez?

Why not? You know, in case you haven’t noticed, I am pretty good at it. And it would keep me from being cooped up in that rat trap.

Oh, I’d think you’d enjoy being surrounded by your own kind.

Listen, me pretending to be Hernandez would actually help you out, too, you know.

[chuckles] How do you figure that?

Well, because this Jada chick is clearly a problem. So when Rafe comes back, I’ll throw her off the scent a little.

Or waft it under her nose.

It’s not going to be forever. Just till you figure out what to do with Hernandez. All right? What do you say? Come on.

[doorbell chimes] Do it. You want me to get that?

Are you out of your mind? You need to get out of here.

I told you, I am not going back to that rat trap. I can’t.

Fine, fine.

Take this down to Rafe, and do it quietly. I do not want to hear a sound.

Roger that.

[sniffs] Mm, bacon.

Commissioner Hunter.

We need to talk.

Oh, I’m– I’m terribly busy looking through the wanted ads. I don’t know if you know this, but someone got me fired. So the answer is no.

It wasn’t a question.

As I– as I said, this isn’t a good time. So whatever it is you want, make it quick.

I just spoke with Steve Johnson, and he said he didn’t send Rafe on a case. So why did you tell me that he did?

I was there when he took the call.

So you say. But I don’t believe you.

Mm. Mm-mm. What happened to taking it slow?

I got the feeling you wanted to ditch that plan. Wait, are you not into this?

No, no, no, I am– I’m very, very into this.

Then why did you stop?

Remember when we had our second date? We had lunch at the Brady Pub, and we ran into Leo.

Oh, this has to do with Leo?

No, no, in– in a way. I just don’t want to make the same mistake with you that I made with him. I rushed into it, and he hurt me badly.

You know that I would never–

Of course not. What I’m saying is, is that I have learned not to rush into something new, especially when it’s with someone that I’m really starting to care about.

You care about me?

Baby, I don’t just make steak and eggs for anybody.

[laughter] But moving slow is not for everybody. So if this isn’t what you want–

Hey, what I want is for you to be happy, for us to be happy.

I want the same, guapo.

Then we will go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. I’ll follow your lead.


Oh, I have to get to work.

No, no, no, no. Better idea– you play hooky and help me with wedding stuff. It’ll be fun. It’ll be fun.

I wish I could, but I have a lot to do. I’ll call you later, OK?

[tender music]

Oh, Kerry, your– your sweatshirt.

Keep it. You can wear it and think of me.

OK, so I will talk to Rafe and get the ball rolling on Rochester. But before I dash, Abe, might there be any wiggle room on Hattie? I totally get your reluctance, but I assure you, this time around, she is going to be a consummate professional. And the storyline that I have for Charlemagne, the fans are going to go bananas. They love it when people come back from the dead. Say yes, please? Please? Pretty please with a pork rind on top?

I’ll run it past Kate.

Ah! You are the best. You both are. Ciao for now.

You are a good man, Abraham Carver.

I had to get rid of him so we can get back to our breakfast. He stole my bacon!



Where did Jada go?

You know, I don’t know. She– she went out on some case.

Oh. OK. Well, I guess I’ll just leave this here for her then.

Yeah, I’ll make sure she gets it.

Thanks. See you later?

For sure.

So you and– you and Gabi?

We’re exploring possibilities. Is everything OK?

Mm, yeah, yeah. Yeah, why?

Well, I just got the sense you didn’t want to go into the details of Jada’s case in front of Gabi.

Well, you are right. I didn’t.

How come?

Because it’s about her brother.

I think you know where Rafe really is.

What on Earth would give you that idea?

At the New Year’s party, you were acting very strange with me. And at first, I thought it was because you blamed me for losing your job.

Uh, you are to blame. You convinced the mayor to replace me.

Whatever, EJ. Look, the point is, you weren’t just acting strange with me. You were acting strange with Rafe, too. You’re the only one that knows something about this case that Steve supposedly sent him on, which probably means you know something about his whereabouts.

You know– nah, never mind.

No. Say it.

If I wanted to go away and never be found, claiming that I’d received a last-minute, open-ended, top-secret mission would be a pretty good cover. Perhaps Black Patch’s case is nothing more than a case of a fiancé with cold feet.

You think if you insult me, I’ll leave? Not a chance. I know you know something. So let’s hear it. Now!

Kate. Look, it’s Abe. Leo came by, and he wanted to share an idea he had for the show.

Oh, Lord.

I told him I’d run it by you. He– he wants to bring Hattie back. Kate– Kate, I hear you. I hear– I hear you, Kate. Look, why don’t we just table this for right now and we’ll– we’ll talk later in person? Oh, well, I do– I do have some good news. I think we’re very close to exposing Lady Whistleblower once and for all.

[soft dramatic music]

Why does everything so bad for you taste so good?


Leo. Hey.

Hey, Javi. I’m sorry to drop by unannounced.

It’s fine. What’s going on?

I need to see Rafe.

So Steve didn’t send Rafe out on a case?

Yeah, that’s what he told Jada.


Yeah, very.

So what’s Jada’s next move?

She went to talk to EJ. She thinks he’s mixed up in this.

After Paulina fired you, you threatened me. You said– and I quote– that “I wouldn’t get away with it.” Did you go after Rafe as payback?

[chuckles] Now, that is a preposterous accusation.

Oh, yes. Because you don’t have a vengeful bone in your body. Look, I’m not playing games, EJ. If you know where Rafe is, you need to tell me.

I’m terribly sorry your betrothed has fled to parts unknown, but I can’t help you.

That’s how you want to play this? OK, fine. If you don’t want to answer questions here, then we can do this down at the station. Let’s go.

I’m not going anywhere with you.

Do I need to remind you that I’m the police commissioner?

Do I need to remind you, despite the campaign to get me fired, I’m still an attorney. And I know that you can’t take me into custody without a warrant. And seeing how you obviously don’t have one, you can get the hell out of my house.

[dramatic music]

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Days Transcript Monday, January 13, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


All right. I know you would if you could. Yeah. Thanks, Shane. Take care.


He must be tired of taking my calls by now.


Oh, I doubt that. Come on. Were you trying to get in touch with John?

As always, but even more so right now.

Is there something you need to tell him?

Yes. I want to share with him that I had a– a life-changing conversation with Ms. Greene.



What are you do– what are you doing here? I thought you were in Vancouver with your mom.

Um, I– yeah, I was. And I’m– I’m back now.

Oh, OK. For how long?

Um, I’m– I’ve decided to stay here in Salem.

[relaxed music]

[soft dramatic music]

Oh, Xander, I didn’t know you were home.

Hello, Maggie.

How was your first day sharing the CEO position with your brother?

About as miserable as you can imagine. That’s why I was just thanking your dearly departed husband for cursing me with that letter he wrote to Philip.

I’m serious, Steph. I need to know you’ll keep quiet about everything. Call me, please.

[phone beeps]

[door clicks]

Hey! I got your text. You said it was urgent.

Oh, it definitely is.

I thought you had plans with Stephanie for dinner.

Yeah, well, those plans have gone bye-bye. She’s not having dinner with me any time soon. Maybe never again.


You all right?

Not really. Philip and I just had a huge fight.


About your husband.

About Xander? I– I mean, I know that he and Philip had an argument. I was really kind of hoping that they would keep each other’s worst instincts in check, but I don’t know. Maybe this whole co-CEO thing isn’t such a great idea after all.

No, it isn’t. In fact, it’s a complete fiasco… because Philip has no business being CEO in the first place.

I don’t– sorry, I don’t understand. You– you helped Philip with his claim. The court ruled that Victor’s letter showed that he– he wanted Philip to run the company.

Because they found the letter to be just as legit as the will leaving Titan to Xander.

Yeah. And– and look, I know it’s messy for Xander and Philip, but I think splitting Victor’s empire 50/50 might be the best solution.

Except it isn’t.

I– I really– I don’t understand what’s happening, Stephanie. You’ve changed your mind about Philip? What–

I’ve changed my mind because it turns out, Philip’s letter from Victor…

Yeah, what about it?

It was a complete forgery.

[dramatic music]

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So you’re going to stay in Salem, but for good.

Um, well, for the foreseeable future, yeah.

I thought you– I thought the plan was for you to go to Vancouver.

It was, but Aaron and I decided it was better to divide and conquer.

Divide the family?

Well, Aaron is a little bit of a smarty pants. He had enough credits to graduate early from Salem High, a full semester. So he’s going to stay up in Canada with our mother and, you know, be with her until the case works itself through the system.

And you’re back here?

Yeah, to be with Felicity while she graduates from high school so she can spend the rest of her time with her friends and teachers that she loves.

But you’re– you’re going to live here?


[relaxed music]

Where are you going to stay?

Um, we’re going to stay at our old family home. It’s the place where Felicity feels the most comfortable.


[dramatic music]

Chad, I, um– I hope this isn’t going to be a problem for you.

Stephanie knows about the forgery?

[sighs] How?

She overheard me on the phone with you.

Oh, God, Philip, how could you be so careless?

Go ahead. Kick a man when he’s down.

Well, did you explain it away?

It was no use. She heard what she heard.

[sighs] Oh, God. So what did she say?

She’s furious, obviously. She called me a fraud.

OK, well, that is understandable in the moment. But maybe given time–

I don’t think so, Mom.

[sighs] God, those Bradys.

[chuckles] They’re very judgy, all right? I know. I’m married to one.

This was more than your run-of-the-mill Irish Catholic righteous indignation. She’s really hurt, not only because I lied to her, but that I roped her into lying too.

OK, but don’t you think you can salvage it?

The relationship or my place in Titan?

Both. Both. You don’t think she still has enough feelings for you that she would keep quiet?

I don’t know. She stormed out of here before I could even ask.

[tense music]

Philip forged Victor’s letter?

Apparently, Vivian Alamain is the one who actually did the deed, but he was all too willing to go along with it.

I should have guessed Vivian was involved.

Philip claims that she orchestrated the whole scheme. Came to see him in New York to get him on board.

And he– he just admitted this to you?

He had no choice.

Did he have any defense?

Just the poor little rich boy garbage. Should have been him, not Xander, blah, blah, blah.

[sighs] I can’t believe I used that same shtick with the media to help him win his claim.

You were just doing your job, right?

Sarah, you know that if I’d had any idea this claim were bogus, I never– I never would have helped him.

No, I– I know that. Of course, I know that. And I’m– I really appreciate you telling me.

When I left Philip, I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do with the information. I came here to talk to my mom, but when I found you here, I– I knew I had no choice. Xander has a right to know he’s been had.

I just feel like I’ve been had.

Really? How so?

Maggie, do you have any idea what it was like for me to learn that not only was Victor my father, but he left his empire to me? Me? Not Bo, not Brady or Sonny. Not even his precious, spoiled rotten Philip.

Well, I know how long you lived for this affirmation.

To know that he really did trust me, that he trusted me to take Titan into the next generation, it was…everything. And then Philip swooped in with that letter and ripped my birthright away.

Like Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football?


Oh, never mind. The point is you haven’t lost Titan. I mean, you still have your birthright. You just have to share it.

Yeah, with an unstable, super entitled mummy’s boy. It’s a bloody nightmare, Maggie.

Well, I’m sorry that you are butting heads with Philip, but I am sure that you can work through it.

I’m not sure at all. Philip is the worst, Maggie! I mean, I know he was born into the Kiriakis family and raised as Victor’s son, but he has none of the old man’s cunning or drive. God, I just– I just wish there was some way I could get rid of the son of a bitch once and for all.

[ominous music]

I– I can’t imagine that it was easy telling me about the letter, given your relationship with Philip.

My relationship with Philip is over. I can’t build a future with someone who would lie to me like that. And he would clearly do just about anything for power.

There were times that I felt that way about Xander, but he– he really has proven himself to me as a husband and as a father.

Yeah. Well, I’m just glad that I was reminded of who Philip really is before I get in too deep this time around.

Yeah. So much for that, huh?

[soft dramatic music]

So how do you think Xander’s going to take it when you break the news?

I– I don’t know.

Would you tell your mom that I– I dropped off her research for her?

Yeah, of course.


Good luck.

Yeah, thank you.

[sigh] Where are you, Mom? I could really use some of your sage advice right now.

If you want my advice, the quickest way to get Shane to get you in touch with John is to go through Kimberly.

I’ve thought of that, but I don’t think she could be of any help.

Shane was adamant that he wants John to be incommunicado. Now, you said that Cat Greene told you something life-changing. What did she tell you?

It turns out that Victor didn’t send John to Greece to kill Catharina. He was sent there to fake her death so she and her mother could escape from Konstantin.

What? So are you saying that John was the hero all along?

That’s what Cat said.

I’ll be damned. We should have known.

That’s wonderful news.

John has spent all these months beating himself up. Turns out that this could be a burden lifted off his shoulders.

Sure could. And he’s been walking around all this time thinking he killed Konstantin’s daughter.

And it was because of John that– that she lived and went on to have a family of her own.

Look, it’s not up to me to tell you where to live, and it’s obvious your sister needs you, so…

Yeah. Salem is Felicity’s home.

There’s no reason for her to suffer because of what Clyde made you and Mark do.

[relaxed music]

[sigh] That’s really generous of you to say. Thank you. But I will, you know, keep my distance, turn the other way when you’re walking this way.


No, look, Salem might seem like a small town, but I promise you, it’s plenty big for you and me.

You’re not going to do anything rash, are you, Xander?


Like hurting Philip?

I would never risk being separated from Sarah and Victoria ever again.

[ominous music]

You didn’t answer my question.

Sorry, Maggie. I’m just distracted by thinking about how much pleasure it would give me to grind that weasel into the dust.

That weasel is your brother.

Name only.

And blood.

Are we sure about that? Did Vivian 100% definitely steal the right embryo all those years ago?

You know, that’s enough. You and Philip are both Victor’s sons. He loved you both equally.

Honestly, I’m impressed that you can say that with a straight face.

Admittedly, my husband had a funny way of showing things, but he loved you, Xander. And he loved Philip, and he loved Bo, and he loved Isabella. And he relied on you all these years.

He relied on me to do his dirty work.

And we both know that Victor valued that more than any other kind of work.

Look, if anyone understands what it’s like to be in a complicated relationship with his father, it’s Philip. Now, you two should be leaning on each other and not fighting.

You do know that Cain and Abel were brothers, too, right?

[laughs] Yes. We know how that ended. Abel wound up dead at his brother’s hand. And the point of that story is Cain was forever marked and banished from his family. Now, do you want that to happen to you, Xander?

OK, you’re standing there like someone who just lost their favorite toy. You need to stop moping. You need to get out there and stop Stephanie from telling anyone about that letter.

I just got done leaving her a voicemail when you walked in, begging her not to say anything. I’d go see her in person, but she walked out on me, and I don’t know where she is.

OK, do you know how serious this situation is?

Of course, I do. Because if Xander finds out that I tricked him out of his birthright, I’m not just out of the company, I’m a dead man, this time for real.

[dramatic music]

You know, your wife needs to work less.

Look who’s talking.

Look who’s talking? Where were you on Christmas?

Uh, OK. I guess we all have issues with work-life balance.

Mm-hmm. Well, I’m in the process of hiring an assistant.

Mm. Well, good for you.


Well, listen, thanks for hanging out with me and keeping me company.

Thanks for keeping me company. I’m so tired of cooking for one.

Well, if it’s any comfort, I’m sure that John is missing you as much as you miss him.

Thanks. You know, I always talk to my patients about gratitude. Try to be grateful for what they have, not miss what they don’t have. Actually, I’m doing pretty well in that area, especially when I think about what Julie is going through.

[soft dramatic music]

Listen, I’ve already lost your father, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand here and lose another member of this family over some petty sibling rivalry.

Can you please explain how I became the bad guy in this equation?

Who said you’re the bad guy?

I’m the one getting a lecture.

Yeah, well, you’re the one standing here, and you’re fantasizing about how to get rid of your brother. And I’m not convinced it’s just fantasy.

Victor left Titan to me in his last will and testament. That has to trump some dashed-off remarks in a letter.

The court already established this, Xander. There were extenuating circumstances as to why Victor couldn’t put Philip’s name in the will.

Extenuating circumstances.


That’s what we’re calling stark raving bonkers these days.

Mental illness. Come on. It’s no laughing matter.

I 100% agree with you.

Well, Philip is better.

So he says.

[sigh] Listen, this partnership is not going to be easy. I know that. But I want you, for Victor’s sake, for the company’s sake, for the family’s sake, you will learn to work together.

You mean like how you and Alex worked so well together when you were running Titan?


[chuckles] Wow.

[phone beeps]

– Steph, it’s me.

I’m really sorry

about our fight.

I understand why you don’t

want to see me anymore,

but when you get this message,

please call me back

right away.

I need to know

that you won’t tell anyone

about that letter

being forged.

I’m serious, Steph.

I need to know you’ll

keep quiet about everything.

Call me, please.

Well, too late.

Too late for what?

OK. I mean, Stephanie’s disappointed in you. That’s fair. But in my experience, when people get upset like that, it means they care.

Oh, she cares, all right.

Which means there’s still something between the two of you. When she’s had a chance to breathe, then you can talk some reason into her.

[laughs] I wish I shared your optimism, but I didn’t just use a forged letter to go after Titan. I roped Steph and Belle into it too. And if it comes out–

Which it can’t.

If it comes out, it could severely damage their careers too.

Which is exactly the reason that she will keep her mouth shut.

Well, you want to start thinking about plan B.

Sarah, this is a surprise. If you’re looking for Xander–

Oh, cut the crap, Philip. I know everything.

[tense music]

I really appreciate you being so gracious. I don’t think most people would be if they were in your shoes.

Yeah, well, look, my kids are safe, I’m safe, and I just want to put the whole thing behind me.

Me too. Yeah. I just want to focus on being a good guardian for my little sister. She’s– she’s such a great kid. She’s so sweet. Oh, I love her so much. I– I’m just trying to make up for lost time, I guess.

[relaxed music]

So where, um– where are you going to work?

I have a lead on a job, actually.

Yeah? Where?

I have an interview with Dr. Marlena Evans.

You know, Marlena, missing your husband doesn’t mean you’re showing less compassion for anyone else’s grief.

[bright country music]

You should be a therapist.


[laughs] Yeah, could you see it? Me sitting there with a notepad and a pipe hanging out of my mouth?


So did you hear anything at all from John over the holidays?

I– I got an order of strawberries and whipped cream on Christmas Day.

Of course, you did.

Is he safe? You would know, wouldn’t you?

[mysterious music]

I wish I could help you, but even I’m not privy to the case he’s working on for the ISA.

You really don’t know what’s going on?

I don’t. I don’t. I did some legwork for Shane on Christmas, but he wouldn’t be specific with me about what John is doing or where he’s doing it.

Oh. I keep getting the feeling that he is slipping farther and farther away.

It’s, um– it’s over for me and Philip, Mom. We broke up.

Oh. Oh. Well, what happened? I thought you had a good time on New Year’s Eve.

We did.

But something must have changed the way you feel about him.

What’s changed is that Philip hasn’t changed.

[tense music]

I’m sorry. What am I cutting the crap about?

Is this really how you want to play it, Philip?

Sarah, I’m not sure we even know what you’re talking about.

No? OK. Let me give you a hint. I just spoke to Stephanie at the hospital.


Oh– and I know about Vivian and the forged letter. Don’t try to deny it. I’m not going to believe you.

Sarah, assuming you’re here alone and Xander’s not waiting outside with a baseball bat, I’m guessing that means you haven’t told your husband yet.


And why is that, Sarah?

Well, because we all know that when I tell Xander, he won’t rest until Philip’s head is on a spike.

Hmm. Well, since that’s the case, I propose a solution.

This should be good.

How about you just don’t tell Xander?

Well, it’s obvious you’re hurting. What did– what did Philip do?

Let’s just say he was a little less than truthful.

And you don’t want to talk about it?

It’s probably best if you don’t know the particulars, but I saw a side of Philip that made me sick.

The side of him that’s Victor Kiriakis’s son.

That’s the one, the one who puts business and power above everything else.

Well, you know, maybe it’s good that this happened early on, the relationship, you know? So it’d be easier to get over him.

Yeah. It definitely will.

[soft dramatic music]

You want me to lie to my husband to protect Philip?

No, to protect both of them, because you said it yourself. If Xander finds out about that letter, he’s going to want blood. And we all know what happens when he goes down that path.

[tense music]

I will do everything I can to try to prevent that from happening.

Oh, oh, OK, OK. Even if he doesn’t resort to violence, he’s going to want to prosecute Philip.

How is that my problem? Maybe Philip should have thought about that before he decided to con his own family.

Philip has a rightful claim to his father’s legacy.

Victor was also Xander’s father, and in his will, he wanted Xander to run Titan.

Because Philip had mental illness at the time when the will was being drawn up. We all know that Philip was Victor’s favorite son.

Says his mother.

Yes. Yes, because I know better than anyone what Victor’s plans were for Philip because they were my plans too. Because when Victor and I decided that we wanted to have a child together, even back then, Victor was dreaming about the day that he would hand over Titan to his son.

Are we really talking about Victor’s dreams for Philip before he was even born?

Why’d you come here, Sarah?

What do you mean, why did I come here? I came here to confront you.

No. I mean, why didn’t you leave Stephanie and go straight to Xander?

Because I wanted some answers first.

Answers about what?

Not what. Why? Why was this so important to you that you’re willing to screw over your own brother?

I can answer that.

Of course, you can.

Because Vivian Alamain, who’s a bloodsucking leech, was preying on Philip’s grief and his guilt, just the same way that Gwen and Kristen took advantage of you.

Are you joking? Gwen drugged me, and Kristen kidnapped me and left me prisoner on an island for months. Vivian didn’t force Philip to go along with her plan. He could have said no.

Yeah, you’re right. Just the way that Xander could have said no to shooting Marlena, to kidnapping Bonnie and Susan Banks.

This isn’t about Xander’s misdeeds. He’s the victim here.


And you know Xander better than anyone. You’ve seen what he’s capable of when he was just a regular guy with regular resources. Do you really want to see what he’ll do if given the full, unchecked power of Titan Industries?

Are you saying that Xander needs you?

The guy was literally just talking about wanting to bribe DiMera board members and to go along with a hostile takeover. What do you think he’ll come up with as a follow-up?

My mom mentioned the dreams she and my dad had about me running the company one day. Now, let me tell you about my dreams.

I really don’t need to hear this.

Sarah. Sarah, lives are on the line. Just let him talk.

Go ahead.

All I’ve ever wanted to do is make my father proud of me. Nothing I did seemed to accomplish that, not even serving in the military. Do you know what that does to someone?

[soft dramatic music] This may be my last chance to show the great Victor Kiriakis that I’m worthy of carrying on his legacy. Please don’t take that away from me.

If you tell Xander what I did, I’ll lose everything, my job, my freedom, maybe even my sanity.


Don’t do that to me, Sarah. I’m begging you.

I’m sorry. I just– I need to go. I need to think about this.


[ominous music]

I wasn’t aware that Marlena was in the market for a new assistant.

Yeah, I think her recent one moved away. And yeah, I…

[laughs] Was kind of surprised that she was willing to consider me, to be honest.

Well, do you– do you have a good résumé?

Yes, I just– I mean, because she’s good friends with Abigail’s parents, and she knew Abigail since she was a girl.

She’s a good friend of mine too.

I wouldn’t expect any references from you guys.

Oh, no. Look, Marlena is the, um– is the least judgmental person I’ve ever met. I mean, when it comes to second chances, she walks the walk. She, uh– she even went to bat for a reformed serial killer who she thought murdered her grandson, so there’s that.

Wow. I guess my crimes pale in comparison to a– serial killer?

Mm-hmm, yep, yeah. Our old friend Clyde Weston’s son.

Wow. What a family.



[relaxed music] Well, I guess if Dr. Evans thinks I’m worthy of a second chance, might be hope for me yet.

I didn’t mean it, you know?

Mean what?

My wee jab about your tenure as CEO.

Sure, you did. But it’s all right.

You’re not too offended?

I was married to Victor Kiriakis. Takes a lot to offend me.


And let’s be honest. My tenure at running Titan with Alex as my number 2 was a cautionary tale. We proved how badly things can go when a member of the family, this family, attempts to share power.

Which was exactly my point.

Mm-hmm. And my point is, all of this could be changed if you and Phil managed to break the curse.

More like to break his face.

Oh, Xander.


Would you promise to try?

Try to get along with Philip?

Your brother.

I don’t know, Maggie. You’re asking a lot there. I mean, he’s just–

[soft dramatic music] All right. I promise. Anything for my favorite mother-in-law.

I better be your only mother-in-law.


I’m going to hold you to it. OK.


Goodnight, Maggie.

[sighs] I’m sorry, Maggie, but something tells me Philip is not going to let me keep that promise.

[dramatic music]

Well, OK then. I guess I’ll be seeing you around.

Yeah, I guess so. Thank you.

For what?

I just– in my head, I figured this could be kind of awkward, and you made it really not awkward, so thank you. You made it OK.

It is OK.

[relaxed music]

Take care of yourself.

You too.

You know, I can obviously relate to what you’re going through. Kayla and I have been where you and John are so many times.

[bright country music]

Never gets easier, does it?

No, it doesn’t. Because each day you’re apart, you become more and more aware of just how fleeting time is.

But the good news is, no matter who or what tried to separate us, Kayla and I always found our way back to each other, just like you and John do.

Thanks, for the reminder and thanks for the company. I needed that.

French fries and friendship. Always does the trick, doesn’t it?

[laughs] I think I’ll be going.


Now, listen. You hang in there because John will be home for his Doc before you know it. And in the meantime, Kayla and I are here for you.

I know you are.


[mysterious music]

[phone beeps]

Shane, it’s Steve. You give me a call. We need to talk.

Maybe my relationship with Philip imploding is a sign that I should focus on my career for now.

You mean no more dating?

Ever since I moved to Salem, I’ve been in one failed relationship after another. It’s honestly exhausting.

Well, you have had a rough go of it, but I would hate to see you give up on love.

You’re just saying that because you want grandbabies.


N– no! I mean, yes, of course, I want them someday. But I really just care about your happiness.

My work makes me happy, most of the time.

And you are great at it. But still, you have a big, big, beautiful heart, loving heart. And anyone is going to be lucky to share that with you.

Thanks, Mom.

Hey, you know what? Marlena helped Belle get through her relationship breakup with Shawn by a new game-changing therapy.



What’s it called?

It’s called ice cream, cookies, and rom-com immersion.

Sign me up.

Let’s do it, shall we?


Let’s go.

Yeah, yeah.

Oh, I love you, girl.

I love you too.

[soft dramatic music]


I was wondering when you were going to speak up for yourself.

You’re doing such a bang-up job defending me. I figured I shouldn’t slow your momentum.

Well, I appreciate that.

Besides, how often do I get to hear you speak so glowingly of me?

OK, this is serious.

Trust me, I know. That’s why I decided to speak to Sarah from the heart.

And all of that was real?

Every word of it. Let’s just hope I got through to her because if I didn’t, she’s telling Xander the truth right now…

[sighs] And I’m on borrowed time.

Oh, there you are. How’d it go with Kayla?

[laughs] Did she put you back on rotation full time?

Um, no– well, she wasn’t in her office when I got to the hospital.

Well, you were gone quite a while.

Yeah, I, um– I ran into Stephanie.

Oh. Did you two have a lovely visit?

Not really, no. We talked about you and Philip.

[sighs] Yeah. I’m sure my brother was complaining to his girlfriend about mean old Xander not sharing his toys at the office.


Darling, before you say anything, your mom just left, and I made her a promise.

About what?

I promised her that for her sake and Victor’s that I would try my best to get along with Philip. Share the throne with my brother.


It is the right thing to do, and probably the only way to avoid a family civil war, so… So what did Stephanie say?

[dramatic music]

Uh, uh, she– it’s pretty much what you thought. Yeah. Philip’s just– he’s having a really tough time, but I know that you’ll figure it out.

Well, from your perfect lips to God’s ears.


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Days Transcript Friday, January 10, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[somber music]

Hey. Julie, what are you doing sitting in the dark?

Oh, um, I dozed off.

Well, it’s late. Why don’t we get you upstairs to go to bed?

I should do that.

I dread going upstairs. I put it off as long as I can.

Yeah, I understand that.

Well, Doug isn’t there. It’s lonely. It’s lonely.

OK, I’m going to go throw this in the wash, but first, I need you to tell me the truth. I mean, I backed you up with my Aunt Sarah, so I need you to tell me the real reason why you didn’t want me to call the police.

[soft dramatic music]

Well, you may not know this unless word got around, but I had a run-in with the police before coming to Salem.

Oh, I didn’t know. What kind of run-in?

I was involved in this stupid bar fight, and I ended up in jail just for a few days. But given my recent brush with the law, I didn’t want to risk getting in trouble again.

How would you get in trouble? I mean, God, you were the victim. You were mugged. At least, that’s what you claimed. But something’s telling me there’s more to this story.

Even though I hated the idea of splitting Titan with Philip, I was holding onto just the slightest glimmer of hope that it wouldn’t be so awful, but today, Sarah, was a disaster.

How so?

Well, first, he comes charging into my office, demanding that it should be his. I wasn’t going to move into the puny, little office down the hall. So he compromised by dragging in the other desk into the office and just sharing the bloody thing.

So you’re telling me that you and Philip, on your very first day of working together, are already having major problems.

It’s hardly a surprise. Arrogant bastard’s going to undermine every decision that I make.

Well, honey, you’re really going to have to get used to it because the judge did give him half the company.

I’m well aware. And all because of that stupid bloody letter.

Mom, would you relax?

All is well. Yeah, Xander and I are off to a kind of rocky start, but no worse than I expected. No, there is no way he’s going to find out the letter dad supposedly wrote me was a forgery, so don’t worry about it, OK? Xander has no clue the letter isn’t the real deal. And at this point, he has no reason to question it. As far as he and everyone else is concerned, my claim on Titan is completely legit.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Mom, I should go. I have dinner plans with Stephanie. Love you too. Bye.

[phone beeps]

Knock, knock.

Hey, Steph. I was just getting ready to pick you up.

Oh, well, I was already in the area, so I thought I’d save you the trouble. Long day at the office?

Uh, not too bad. Just getting up to speed, although Xander and I did clash over the direction of the company.

Right. Well, that’s to be expected, no?

Yeah, but still, wish to hell I didn’t have to work with him.

I get that.

But there’s nothing I can do, obviously, since I only control 50% of the company.

Well, that’s better than 0%, isn’t it?


Which is what you deserve.

[tense music]


I heard you on the phone just now, Philip. You’ve been lying to everyone, including me.

Wow. You are tense. You have a huge knot right here.

Yeah, well, that one has Philip’s name all over it. Bastard’s going to ruin everything.

Everything? Come on, baby. Besides making you share the office, what else did he do?

Well, I’ve been working on this great plan, one that could really change the game for Titan. I know Victor would have been proud. But without even considering it, Philip nixed the whole thing.

What was the plan?

Obliterating our biggest competitor, the DiMeras.

[tense music]

OK. Well, know what then? We don’t have to rush up to bed. Why don’t we stay down here? We can– we can catch up.

You must be tired.

I’m good.

You’re so kind to me, Chad. But then I know you understand.

Yeah, I do. I remember, after Abby died, how hard it was, especially in the beginning, to go and crawl into an empty bed.

[somber music] And for you, I mean, you shared this bed for 50 years with this man.


Shared your life.

I have a girlfriend in California, known each other for years. We keep in touch by phone. And when her husband died, she called and told me she felt, every hour of every day, the absence of his presence. Her words, they’re haunting me now. Chad, I should’ve done more for him.

What? No, hey, what do you mean?

Oh, the weeks, the days before he– before Jack couldn’t wake him up, I should have seen that Doug was failing. But you know him. He never complained.

He was always cheerful. But I should have seen that he wasn’t doing well. I should have just taken him to the doctor. Did I not see because I didn’t want to see? Am I responsible because I wasn’t paying attention? I mean, I missed my cue. Now it’s too late.

Julie, hey, look at me. You were an incredible wife.


That man was lucky to have you. OK? And this feeling of not doing enough…

It’s just– I don’t know. It’s got to be a part of the grieving process. I mean, it’s got to be. I felt the same thing after Abby died, you know? That feeling of– like I should have been able to prevent it, you know? Or I should have– I should have loved her more or harder, you know? In those– and then what turned out to be her final days, I–

So it’s part of the grieving process. I had no idea.

It’s just that I was his partner. I was his wife. He’s gone, and I don’t know who I am now. I– I can’t seem to figure it out.

Yeah, I know. But you will. You will. I promise you. You just got to be patient. There’s a lot of people that love you. There’s a lot of people that need you.


Thank you. I mean, thank you for saying that. And I will remember that. I will. And, sweetheart, I– I’m always concerned about you, especially what you’ve gone through lately. I mean, thinking that Abigail was alive and losing her again because it was a lie and grieving for her all over again.

Yeah. But you know what? We won’t have to worry about that anymore. Cat Greene, she left town. She’s gone.

[relaxed acoustic music]

Um, Dr. Evans? Hi. Um, I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Cat Greene. Dr. Johnson introduced us once.

I do remember you. You were pretending to be Abigail Deveraux at the time.

Yes, I apologize for that deception, and I’m sorry and quite ashamed, frankly.


I understand that Clyde Weston had pressured you into doing that. We all know what he’s capable of and what that can do to a person.

Thank you for saying that. I– I really appreciate it. I– I actually was hoping that you had a minute. I wanted to talk to you about your husband.

[tense music]

OK, you’ve had a little time to clean up, so I want to hear the full story.


[soft dramatic music] You’re right. I lied about getting mugged. Those guys at the park, they were collecting money that I owed their boss.

Well, if you gave them the money, why did they beat you up?

Because I came up a little short– actually, a lot short. And this was their way of showing me that they’re not happy about it.

Hmm. So I take it the person you borrowed money from isn’t very reputable.

It wasn’t Salem Bank. That’s for sure. They don’t usually send goons to collect.

So that’s the real reason why you didn’t want me to call the police.

Partly, yes. But there’s another problem. The money that I was able to scrape together– Holly, can I trust you– like, for real?

Yeah, of course.

I did something pretty awful to get that money– something illegal.

[sighs] So Cat Greene left Salem.

Yep. Yeah, she, uh– she took her brother and sister to Vancouver to see their mom. She’s going to– she’s going to try to take care of her family and do the right thing.

[chuckles] A little late for that now. How about her mother? Is– is she in police custody still?

Yeah. Between her legal situation and her mental state, she’s going to be there for a while. I don’t know if or when Cat will be back.

With luck, never.

You want to talk about John?

Actually, I was hoping to talk to John. Maybe you could give me his number so that I could set up a time to stop by and see him, if that’s not too much to ask.

Well, John is away for a while. We’re not sure when– when, uh, he’ll be around. So maybe you could talk to me.

OK. I don’t know if you’re aware of who my mother is.

Yes. She’s Konstantin’s daughter.

Yes. I just got back from being with her in Vancouver, and she told me what really happened in Greece all those years ago, and I felt that I should relay that to your husband.

Oh. Actually, I would like to hear that story myself. Why don’t you join me? Please.

[relaxed acoustic music]

So how exactly were you going to obliterate the DiMeras?

It was a hostile takeover. And I had it all planned out, but then Philip gave me some song and dance about how it might affect Stephanie because they’re an item again.

Yeah, I know. She was here earlier.

Supposedly, she got caught in the middle the last time our family had a big feud with the DiMeras, and, of course, Philip didn’t have it in him to protect her.

You know, I can’t blame him for being concerned. I know firsthand what it’s like to be collateral damage at the hands of Kristen DiMera.

I would have found a way to protect you and our whole family. But– but it’s not even about Philip nixing this one plan. It’s that going to do it over and over again because apparently now he has a problem with the way I do business. He doesn’t like my tactics.

And what tactics are those?

[dramatic music]

Listen. I don’t know what you heard.

Don’t you dare try to wriggle your way out of this. I heard you talking to your mom about how you forged that letter from Victor.

OK. It’s true. Though, technically, I didn’t forge it. It was Vivian.

[exhales sharply] Vivian?

She tracked me down in New York and convinced me to stake my claim on the company. It was all her idea.

Oh. And did she force you to go along with her wicked, little scheme?

No. But, Steph, when it comes down to it, she was right. I deserve to run Titan. I truly believe that’s what my father would have wanted.

Then he would have written an actual letter, or he would have put you in his will, or he would have found some other way to make his wishes known, but he didn’t, which means Titan belongs to Xander, and you’re a total fraud.

I think “fraud” is a bit harsh. Everyone knows, from the day I was born, I was Victor’s heir apparent. The only reason I wasn’t was because of extenuating circumstances.

Still, you committed a fraud upon the court. And, oh, my God, I can’t believe Belle helped you pull it off.

Believe me, Steph. She had no idea the letter was a fake.

People will assume that she knew, and it could still ruin her career. And damn it, Philip, it could ruin mine too.

[dramatic music]

Now, tell me about those tactics of yours that Philip isn’t crazy about.


Xander, tell me.

OK, in order to get my hands on DiMera, I was just going to have to bend the rules slightly.

You mean break the law.

Just a little bit. Look, it’s nothing Kristen wouldn’t do.

Oh, my God. That is the lowest bar ever.

It’s not just Kristen. What about Philip? Last time he was CEO, he was laundering Ava’s mob money through the company. But now, all of a sudden, he has a problem with the way I want to do things.

Well, he’s not the only one. I don’t like it either.

[soft dramatic music]

OK. How did you get the money? Did you steal it?

Sort of.

What do you mean, sort of?

Well, I don’t know if you heard, but Julie recently discovered a diamond necklace that belonged to her grandmother. It was in a time capsule.

Oh, uh, yeah, I think my Grandma Maggie and Aunt Sarah said it was super expensive. Wait, I thought it was Julie’s brother, Steven, who stole it when he was in town for your grandfather’s funeral.

Yeah, that’s what everyone thinks, but it wasn’t Steven. That was me.

I get the feeling you’re not quite as negative about Cat Greene as I am.

Look, I mean, you know I hate what she did.


But I– I– I guess I started to see her in a different light when we were in Vancouver. I mean, I saw the connection that she had with her mother, and I– and, you know, made it hard to ignore that she was just a girl trying to save her mother’s life. I mean, Clyde put her in an impossible position. He’s done the same to me.

Still, I think she could have handled things a little differently.

I agree, but she felt bad about it. And I think her remorse was genuine.

You’ve forgiven her?

No, I wouldn’t– I wouldn’t say that. But I do understand her actions a bit more now.


We had a pretty good chat before she left. I told her I was happy for her that she was going to be able to reunite with her family.

[chuckles] Mm-mm, are you having feelings for this woman?

My mother recently learned that John was blaming himself for her supposed death all those years ago. And she was really worried because John actually rescued her from a really bad situation.

Really? How so?

Well, my grandmother, Elizabeth, was trapped in a marriage– a very abusive marriage to Konstantin. She was desperate to leave, but she knew he was never going to let her get away with my mom, her daughter. So she reached out to Victor Kiriakis for help. He sent John to Greece to fake my mother’s death.

[relaxed acoustic music]

John thought that he was there to give Konstantin a warning, and that– that went awry.

That was the cover. But he actually helped make it look like my mother had died. And once that happened, my grandmother, Elizabeth, was able to leave Konstantin and secretly raise her daughter in the States. So thanks to John, my grandmother and my mom– they were both able to escape a horribly abusive situation.

So John was actually there to help.

He didn’t just help. He saved her life. Your husband’s a hero.

[tender music]

[tender music]

This is such important information. John is going to be so relieved to hear it.

Well, my mom wants him to know he has her eternal gratitude.

I’ll pass that along. And thank you for sharing your mother’s story.

To be honest, after all the pain and suffering I’ve caused in this town, I’m just relieved to be lifting someone’s spirits for a change.

– Look,

Cat’s been through a lot, and I– and I do feel bad for her. I mean, she suffered at the hands of Clyde, just like so many of us have. But to say that we’re– we’re friends, let alone anything more than that– what she did to me and to our family was terrible, even if she was being blackmailed.

She hurt you badly.

Yeah, she did. And I haven’t forgotten that. Nor will I ever. Like I said, don’t worry. OK? Nothing is going to happen between me and Cat Greene.

[soft dramatic music]

– Hold up. You stole from Julie, your grandfather’s widow?

You have no idea how guilty I felt, especially getting to know her. She’s been so kind to me. And I thought about giving the necklace back, but I needed the money, and I needed it fast. So despite my misgivings, I had someone sell it for me.

Which means the necklace is gone for good, and Julie thinks her brother’s responsible for it. Doug, unless you come clean–

I can’t. I can’t come clean. And it’s not that I’m worried about getting arrested. I can live with that. But I cannot live with Julie knowing that I screwed her over. I really, really care about her, and I’m pretty sure that she cares about me because I remind her of my grandfather.

I can’t tell her the truth, Holly. And I really hope you don’t either.

Xander, doing something that might land you in prison is not OK with me. You need to be here for me and Victoria.

I will be. Sarah, trust me. Nothing is more important than you and our daughter. And I want– I want you and– and Victoria to be proud of me.

You say that so often.

And I mean it. I promise you, from here on out, I’m devoting my life to not just earning your love, but your respect. I hope you can believe that.

I do. I do. And I promise that I will devote my life from here on out to keeping you in line.

Well, you are the expert at that.

I really am.

[tender music]

Did it never occur to you, Philip, that had people found out that you were committing fraud that they might think that I was in on it, that– that maybe I was helping to deceive the public into thinking that you were this poor victim who was wrongly deprived of his birthright?

But I was. If I had overcome my demons just a few months sooner, it would have changed everything. My dad would have left me in charge. I just–

That is pure speculation. And you know that will is solid, meaning you stole half the company from Xander.

Well, he deserved to have it stolen from him. I mean, it’s not like Xander is some upstanding guy either.

That is irrelevant. Damn it, Philip, I never would have done PR for you had I known that you were trying to pull this scheme.

[tense music] You used me.


No, no, Steph. Look… Let’s talk about this over dinner.

Oh, there is no dinner. In fact, you and I are through, Philip– professionally and personally.

You can’t do this. You’re not seriously going to break things off with me over this.

What? What? You think It’s no big deal that you stole a company through fraud? My God, Philip, it’s a felony. And you brought Belle and me into it.

[tense music] Because you are the same old Philip, who would go to any extreme for the sake of his family’s company, the same Philip who almost got me killed. And I’ll be damned if I ever let that happen again.

You know what I think?

You’re just making excuses. You never wanted this relationship to work in the first place because you really want to be with Alex.

Oh, would you stop with that?

You sure were dreaming about him this morning. So if you’re going to end things between us, at least be honest about why.

You’re the one who has a problem with honesty, not me. You can believe whatever the hell you want to, Philip. I’m done here.

[tender music]

Now that we have established what my job is here at home, keeping you in line–

Pretty full-time, I’d say.

Well, hopefully it can be part-time because I very much would like to get back to my very real paying job. Baby, I’m going to go back to work.

Haven’t you already been doing some research for Kayla?

Yeah, yeah, I have. I have. But I– I want to– I want to be in the trenches again, you know? Especially because I’m, like, literally back up on my feet again, it’s time to start seeing patients.

Oh, that’s great news.


And I’m just delighted that you’re feeling up to it.

Yeah, I do. In fact, I think I’m going to go talk to Kayla tonight and drop off the research I did for her, just kill two birds with one stone.

Well, before you go on this big bird-killing spree, I was wondering if maybe I could get one more kiss?

[sighs] Oh, God, I guess that could be arranged.


What are your plans now? Are you going to go back to Vancouver and be with your mother?

I’m actually going to be here. My brother Aaron is going to stay with my mother. He’s a little bit of an overachiever. He already has enough credits to graduate early. He doesn’t have to finish his last semester. So I’m going to stick around Salem and take care of my little sister Felicity, who’s still in high school.

Wow. That’s a big responsibility.

It is, but I’ll figure it out. First order of business is finding a job.

Hmm. My assistant is moving away. We’re looking for her replacement. Would that interest you?

[soft dramatic music]

That would be amazing. You would really consider that?

I believe in second chances. Of course, I would have to run it by Dr. Johnson.

Absolutely. Of course. I understand.

All righty, then. Why don’t you call my office in the morning and set up an interview?

I will do that. Thank you so much, Dr. Evans. I’m– you have no idea how much this means to me.

Yeah, I’m supposed to be the one comforting you.

You know, when I try to comfort you, it always comforts me. So you should know that by now.

[phone beeps]



Ah, it’s “The Spectator.” There’s an issue with tomorrow’s paper. Damn. I got to go in.

It’s OK. I’ll look after the kids.

Are you going to be OK?

I’m fine. Just go, go, go.

OK. Um, after Abby died, I found that it helped when I talked to Marlena. So maybe you could do the same.

I’ll think about it.

You won’t rat me out, will you?

[exhales] I promised I wouldn’t say a word, so I’ll stick to that.

My God. Thank you, Holly.

Not that I approve of what you did. But I get it. Your life was in danger.

Yeah, and it still is. I need to find a way to pay back the rest of what I owe. Otherwise, next time, those guys are going to do a lot worse than just beat me up.

Well, can you ask your dad for the money?

No. No, we don’t get along. I’m going to have to get a job and just try to save as much money as quickly as I can, but the problem is that’s going to take forever. And I don’t– I’m not dealing with patient people, as you can see.

What if there was another solution?

What if I gave you the money?

Holly, that’s such a kind offer, but I don’t think you understand how much I really owe. I’m pretty sure it’s more than your weekly allowance.

Yeah, I get that, but as you can tell, my grandma’s, like, super rich. I don’t know. I could ask her for, like, a loan.

Well, how would you explain what it’s for?

I’ll come up with something.

I can’t. I can’t ask you to lie to your grandmother.

I’m not asking. I’m offering.

[soft dramatic music]

Why would you do that for me? We barely know each other.

True. But you’ve been there for me through all this drama with Tate, and I kind of like you, and I don’t really want to see you die, so…

I don’t really want that either.

Then what other choice do we have?

Look, if I accept your help, we have to agree that I will pay you back. It’s just going to take some time.

OK, deal.


OK. Now that that’s settled, I’m going to try to get this blood out of your shirt. I’ll be right back. Whew.

[somber music]

No. Not tonight.

[chuckles] You’re so amazing, Mrs. Brown. Thank you again for offering to help with Felicity while I find a job. I already have a lead on one, which is awesome. So it shouldn’t take too long. Yeah, I just– I just hate the idea of her being by herself for hours and hours at a time, so…

[laughs] Well, Felicity is pretty crazy about you too. Yeah. OK, thank you. Talk soon. Bye.

[phone beeps] Oh.

Shane, I know that John is deep undercover, but could you possibly get me in touch with him? There’s something really important he needs to know.

[dramatic music]

I guess I’ll have to find some other way to raise Titan’s profits– pending Philip’s approval, of course.

This is all thanks to you, Father. None of this would be happening if you hadn’t written that damn letter.

Look, Steph, it’s me. I’m sorry about our fight. And I understand why you don’t want to see me anymore. But when you get this message, please call me back right away.

I need to know you won’t tell anyone about that letter being forged.

Stephanie, we meet again. Are you looking for your mom?

Yeah. Is she here?

Uh, no. I was told she left. You all right?

[sighs] Not really. Philip and I just got in a huge fight…

About your husband.

Xander? I mean, I know he and Philip got into an argument. I was really kind of hoping that they would keep each other’s worst instincts in check, but I don’t know if this co-CEO thing is a good idea.

No, It’s not. In fact, it’s a fiasco because Philip has no business being CEO in the first place.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[soft dramatic music]

I was thinking about getting some chicken wings for the game, all right? My treat. Spicy or medium? What do you want?

I’m not real hungry at the moment.

[sighs] You talk to Holly?

Still haven’t figured out how to break the news to her.

So she still doesn’t know?

Sophia’s keeping the baby? No, she has no idea.

[phone rings]

Hey, happy New Year.

Happy New Year to you.

How’s 2025 treating you so far?

No complaints. Not about the first hour or so, anyway.

[chuckles] I had fun last night, too.

Good. I’m glad. Well, I was just calling to say thank you for hanging out with me.

Are you kidding? I should be thanking you. I was all ready to spend New Year’s alone in my room. And honestly, if you hadn’t kept me company, I probably would have just been thinking about Sophia and my boyfriend driving God knows where to get an abortion, so…

[tense music]

Dad, every time I think about saying it out loud, telling Holly that Sophia’s keeping the baby and I’m gonna be a father, I-I just–I freeze.

I understand.

Like, even right now saying it, “I’m gonna be a father,” oh, my God, I– you know, my life has just changed completely because of just one night, one mistake.

Tate, I-I know. I know, son. I know you’re overwhelmed. I know you and Sophia are overwhelmed. And as a father myself, I can tell you, yes, yes, your life is gonna change, no matter what the circumstance. I’m not gonna sit here and tell you about the wonderful aspects of being a father, about what a blessing it is to have a child. Okay, I know you don’t want to hear that right now. You can’t hear that right now. I know you’re not a couple with Sophia, and you two are young, and… Here’s what I know. I have faith in you and your strength. Your heart is always in the right place. Okay? As far as telling Holly, it’s gonna be rough. My advice to you, you let her know that you still care about her. Okay? Yeah?

Yeah. That’s what I’ll do.

[sighs] Still, I just– I-I keep thinking about how, if not for Sophia’s mother finding out about the pregnancy, then all of this would have just been over, right? Like, the procedure would have already been done.

Tate, she does know. And that’s how it is. And there is no point in going there.

I know, I know. And you know what? Maybe this isn’t fair, but I can’t help but blame Ava.


Yes, Ava, because for telling Mrs. Choi that her daughter and I were involved or whatever she told her that made her freak out and confront Sophia. Why did she have to make a bad situation worse?

[tense music]

[clears throat]

Oh, Ava.

Hello, Kristen. Happy New Year.

[laughs wryly] How did you get in here?

The door. It was unlocked.

Harold! Lock the door, will you?

It’s too late now.

What the hell do you want?

Nothing much. Just a confession.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

This confession you’re demanding, is it about those silly text messages Brady’s been harping on about?

Oh, silly? Don’t sell yourself short, Kristen. I mean, the literary craft is impressive. I mean, look at this latest one.

“New Year’s resolution: stay away from Brady.”

[chuckles] I mean, it certainly is timely.

Well, you ought to know, since it was sent from this depressing mausoleum.

What are you talking about? And how would you even know that?

Well, because I hired Steve to find out who was sending me those harassing texts. And he used this app that can track cell phone location. And the app, it came through with flying colors.

Is that so?

Yeah, it is so, which means you were sending the texts. So why don’t you just save us all some time and just admit it?

Tate, you know that none of this is Ava’s fault, right?

I know that she blabbed to Sophia’s mom, and now my life is ruined.

Number one, your– your life is not ruined. Number two, it was a m– it was a misunderstanding. Ava did not know that Mrs. Choi knew about your relationship with Sophia.

But why was Ava talking to her in the first place? This isn’t any of her business.

Tate, stop! She is not to blame, okay? She is not the reason you’re in this situation.

I know. I know, Dad, I know. None of this would have happened if I hadn’t gotten Sophia pregnant, thank you. But I’m telling you, we were careful. We used protection. I have no idea what else we could have done.

You could have not had sex if you weren’t prepared to deal with these possible consequences.

Thank you, thank you. That is so easy for you to say.

There is nothing easy about– you think this is easy for me? I don’t want to pretend that I’m not worried about you. I don’t want to pretend that I’m not worried about your future.

You know, none of this is helping at all.

Let me– you didn’t let me finish–

No. No, you can finish your big lecture later. I have to find Holly. She needs to hear the news from me.

Tate, come o–

How’s your New Year’s Day going?

To be honest, I’ve just been pretty sad and anxious all day waiting to hear from Tate.

He’s still not back?

No, guess not.

Have you talked to him?

No, not a word. But the procedure should be done by now. God, some Christmas break this has been, huh? Finding out my boyfriend got another girl pregnant and feeling sorry for myself.

Well, look on the bright side, the break’s almost over.

[chuckles] Yeah. Can’t believe I’m actually excited to go back to school.

Look, I know this situation sucks, but once Tate is home, it’s all over. You can start trying to put it all behind you and go on with your lives.

I really hope so.

You deserve to be happy, Holly. You’re a good person.

You’re a good person, too, Doug. Thank you for being so nice to me.

Right back at you. Well, if you need someone to talk to, I’m around, so just give me a call, okay?

Okay, I will. Thanks again. He’s right. It is over. No reason Tate and I can’t put this behind us.

[dramatic music]


Sorry to surprise you. I told that Henderson guy we were friends and he sent me back here.

Okay, so what are you doing here?

I came to apologize.

For what?

Everything, I guess. I–I just want you to know, I never meant for this to happen, okay? Tate and I were careful. And we used protection.

Yeah. Yeah, he told me.

Oh, yeah, I’m sure he did. Look, I didn’t want this. I know it probably seems like I did, but I really didn’t set out to make trouble for you two.

Well, thank you. I appreciate you saying that. But honestly, you didn’t have to come here. You’re probably tired after everything you’ve been through, so…

It’s been a rough couple of days, but I feel like I should say this in person.

Actually, are you allowed to even be here? Maybe you should sit down.

No, I’m fine, Holly.

But aren’t you supposed to be, like, resting?

No, I mean, I don’t feel that tired or anything yet. I probably won’t for at least a couple months. Right now it’s just some nausea. And it’s not just in the morning. It’s pretty much all day long.


Yeah, but it’s supposed to get better in a while, just in time for me to start showing. Can’t wait to get as big as a house.

[dramatic music]

Mrs. Choi.

Got a voicemail from your father. He said he thought we should talk.


Thank you for coming, Mrs. Choi.

Um, what’s, uh– what’s going on? Is this, uh, an ambush or–

No, not at all, not at all. Just wanted to connect. Hi, Brady Black.

Amy Choi.

I, uh, didn’t hear back from you. I didn’t know if you had gotten my message or not.

I thought it best to speak in person.

Okay, well, I’m gonna let you two talk and–

Oh, actually, I think that your son should be here for this discussion, don’t you, Mr. Black?

Brady, please. Yes. I think you should stick around.


Okay. Please have a seat.

[tense music]

This is a lovely home.

Thank you.

I understand Tate’s mother is no longer in the picture?

No, not currently.

I see. Then you are responsible for him.

I am. I am. So where should we begin?

So I think the first priority is planning Tate and Sophia’s wedding.

Hey, Mr. Stark. Okay, Leo. No, not yet. I’m supposed to be paying them off later today. Yeah, they’re supposed to send me a meeting place. Well, like I told you before, I’m still a little short. The money that you brought me from selling that diamond necklace, it’s not enough. I’m just hoping that they’ll accept it.

[sighing] Okay. Let’s say even if I believe that Steve’s superspy tech is legit–

It is legit. Not only is it legit, it is accurate. Kristen, the texts came from this house.

That doesn’t mean I sent them, Ava.

Okay, then who did? Hm? Was it EJ or Johnny, perhaps Chanel– or hey, maybe one of the staff?

Yes, all solid possibilities.

Okay, Kristen, come on. Why would someone like Chanel send me threatening texts? I barely know her.

Yeah, but you know Johnny pretty well, don’t you?

[chuckles] The Benjamin to your Mrs. Robinson.


“The Graduate.” He was young and some say that she was over-the-hill.

Okay, first of all, Mrs. Robinson was anything but over-the-hill. And Johnny and I, we are friends.

Mm. Well, maybe he wanted more. So he tried to get revenge because you rejected him. Or maybe Chanel decided she wanted to eliminate the competition.

This makes no sense.

And I don’t have to tell you what my brother EJ is capable of. I mean, it’s no secret how much he hates you, since you drove his mother off a cliff–

Oh, come on, Kristen!

The point is– the point is, Ava…


Is that you are none too popular with most of the people who live in this house. I mean, they have many reasons to despise you.



Maybe that’s so. But, Kristen…


You are the only one who’s got a problem with me being with Brady. So why don’t you stop throwing your entire family under the bus and just admit what you’ve done and take responsibility for your actions? Because I am done with the harassment and the lies, and I am done with you not being able to admit that Brady does not want to be with you anymore.

Leave my mother alone!

I have to go. We’ll talk soon. Julie, happy New Year.

Happy New Year, dear.

I hope I didn’t disturb you. Were you getting ready for bed?

No, actually, this robe is– is from this morning. I seem to have missed an entire day. I had no idea it was this late.

But I-I thought you went to sleep early last night.

Well, I went to bed. I did not go to sleep. I hoped that sleep would come, but it didn’t. Anyway… happy 2025. Happy New Year. “Fresh start, new beginnings.” That’s what your grandfather would always say. And then he’d break out a– a brand-new calendar, and together the two of us would plan all these things that we were going to do with 365 days together. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?

[somber music]

I’m sorry you couldn’t sleep, Julie.

Oh, honey, I’m getting used to it. I really am. I should have gotten up. I should have come down here and accomplished something. I should have read my Jane Austen novel, or at least done the ironing… Instead, I just lay there, looking across our bed…

[choking up] At the space where Doug used to sleep. Remembered his wonderful smile, remembered how every morning we’d start the day with a kiss. We’d end it that way, too. I sure could use a kiss like that right now. You know, I understand, I was blessed. I was lucky. I–I was loved by and able to love an extraordinary man. And he’s in my heart. I’m not gonna forget him. He’s always gonna be there. And yet… And yet.

I’m sorry, did you just say you’re gonna get as big as a house?

Yeah, I mean, that’s what usually happens when you have a baby growing inside you.

I’m confused, I thought you were having the abortion.

Wait, Tate didn’t tell you?

Tell me what? Did something happen at the appointment?

Holly, we never went.


My mother found out I was pregnant, and she stopped us before we could leave. And now she’s insisting that I have Tate’s baby.

You want Tate and Sophia to get married–now?

Of course I do. As I’m sure you know, a child born of a teenage pregnancy is already at a huge disadvantage. I certainly don’t want him or her to be born out of wedlock on top of that. I already explained that to your son.

Yes, but Tate and I have not discussed that.

Because Mrs. Choi already knows that I’m not getting married.

You and Sophia are minors.

Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know what we want.

[scoffs] What you want and what is right for you are two different things. In fact, doing what you wanted is what got you two into this situation in the first place.

I think we can both agree that it’s more complicated than that.

And I think that we can agree that we need to start making decisions that will protect our children and our grandchild.

[sighs] Mrs. Choi–Amy, I think we both realize that we’re trying to make the best out of a bad situation here, but in this moment, I do agree with my son. As you pointed out, they are just kids. Did they use poor judgment? Absolutely. But they have their whole lives ahead of them. And I don’t think getting married when they’re not even a couple right now is the best answer.

Well, I know that abortion is not the answer. So what are we gonna do about this?

Hello, Rachel.

You’re being mean to my mom and it’s wrong.

Sweetheart, we’re just having a conversation.

She was bullying you.

Me? Bullying her?

[sighs] You know what? I can handle this, honey. Why don’t you go back to your room?

She needs to go–now.

Excuse me?

You don’t belong here.

I’m having a conversation with your mother.

You know, you are upsetting my daughter. I’m going to ask you to leave now.



Don’t make us call security.

[laughs] Okay. I’m gonna go. But if this harassment doesn’t stop, Kristen, I am calling the police.

[singsongy] It was you. Wasn’t it? You sent Ava those texts.

Moi? You think

Itexted that mean lady? Oui, oui, mademoiselle.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Okay, your mother knows a lie when she sees one. Now, tell me the truth or this will not end well for you.

Maybe I sent a text or two. But I had a good reason.

Okay, and what exactly was that reason?

If she got out of the way, you and Daddy could be together.

So that’s why you sent those messages, so your daddy would come back to us?

I was just trying to scare her off. I did it for you.

[sighs] For me?

But I never thought she would blame you.

Yeah, well, she did, sweetheart. And she traced the messages back to this house. So I have to figure out a way to get us out of this mess.

Respectfully, do you really believe your daughter is ready to have a baby? Do you think that would be in her best interest– or for either of them? They’re ready to go to college. This is going to completely upend their life.

I am well aware of what this means for my daughter’s life. And of course, this is not the future I envisioned for her. But I’m not just gonna throw away my beliefs because it would be convenient to do so.

Convenient? That’s not exactly the word that I would use.

My daughter was reckless and naive. She trusted this irresponsible boy of yours.

Okay, hang on–

She trusted him, and it was a foolish decision.

It doesn’t mean it has to change everything.

[soft dramatic music]

Mr. Black, you don’t know me. But if you did, you would understand that unlike most people, I have the courage of my convictions. I believe that every life is sacred, including the one that Sophia is carrying, which means that I have to make the best decision for my daughter and her baby. And I hope you will, too.

This is Sophia’s decision.

It’s our family’s decision, and I expect you to be supportive.

If Sophia is having this baby, then Tate and I will do whatever we need to do to meet the needs of his responsibility, financially or otherwise.

I certainly hope so. It’s the least you can do– the very least. I’ll be in touch.

Well… Thank you for having my back.

That– that is what I was trying to tell you before. I-I will always have your back. However we ended up here, we are gonna get through it together, okay? But you and I have a lot to talk about, okay?

I know, I know. And we will, Dad. But I need to get to Holly, like, now.

So you and Tate are having the baby?

Like I said, it wasn’t what we wanted. But we don’t really have a choice anymore.

Because of your mom.

Okay, I’m sorry I blurted it out like that. I was sure Tate would have told you by now.

Yeah, well, he didn’t. Wh–how did this happen? I thought you guys were traveling out of state for it.

Before we could leave, my mom found out, and she completely freaked. You know how strict she is. And she’s super pro-life. So not only is she insisting that we have the baby, but she expects me and Tate to get married.

[laughs incredulously] Are you serious?

She wants it to happen, like, soon, before people can tell that I’m pregnant.

So Tate’s gonna marry you?

Well, I mean, he said he wouldn’t, but my mom has a way of getting what she wants.

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be leaning on you.

Please, don’t– don’t worry about it. We’re family, okay? And my God, losing someone so close to you, someone that you’ve spent your whole life with, I– I can’t possibly imagine what you’ve been going through.

Well, I can hardly imagine it either.

Well, from what I have seen, you have been incredibly strong– incredibly strong. You have welcomed me into your home. You take care of your whole family.

[groans] I don’t know about that. I–I seem to have fallen apart in the middle of the living room.

Well, I’m just glad I can be here for you.

[phone beeps]

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, it’s just, um– it’s just Holly. We were supposed to meet. But I-I don’t need to go if you need–

No, you must go. Of course. You do not have to hang around this house looking after me.

Are you sure?

I’m absolutely sure. I’m just–I’m fine.

Okay. Well, I’ll be back soon.


Okay? So just take care.

Yeah. You take care, too.

All right.

[tense music]

Have a good time.

Hey, what a nice surprise.


Happy New Year to you.

Happy New Year to you. I hope this isn’t a bad time.

[sighs] Actually, it’s a bad time for everyone in our family right now, but I’m glad to see you.

Aw. Ah, no, what–what happened?

[sighs] I met Mrs. Choi. She was sitting right there.

She was here?

Mm-hmm. I sent her a message, and she showed up on my doorstep, full of dirty looks and judgment.

Oh, God. I’m sorry. I know that was not fun.

Ava, she wants Tate and Sophia to get married.


I shut it down for now, but I think it’s gonna be the first of many, many uncomfortable conversations.

Oh, my God. I am so, so sorry. Brady, I– I can’t help but feel responsible for all of this.

N-no, no–hey.

I am responsible.

No, this is not your fault.

No, it kind of is because I’m the reason that she found out. I am the reason that Sophia couldn’t– couldn’t get her abortion.

Ava, Ava. You’re not to blame. You are not to blame, okay? It is not your fault. I’d love to change the conversation, actually.

[both chuckle]

I understand. Of course. But I have to say, I’m not sure that the conversation I came over to have with you is gonna be much better.

What’s going on?

I went over to see Kristen today about the texts, and, uh, I got another one today, by the way.

You got anoth–

[groans] See, this is– this is where I say I’m sorry because I told you that I was gonna handle that.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I get it. You’ve been distracted. It’s just–just–I wanted to keep you in the loop.

Okay. Well, what did Kristen say when you confronted her?

Oh. Well, she, um, of course denied it, and– even though I pointed out to her that Steve let me know that, um, the texts were coming from the house of horrors.





How did she explain that?

Oh, well, she just threw everyone else under the bus. And then Rachel came in, and she threw me out of the house.

That’s great. That’s great. That’s great. Now she’s–she’s– she’s putting our daughter right in the middle of it.

Okay. I’m so sorry, Brady. I am so sorry to drop this all on you when you’ve got so much else going on–

Ava, Ava, I appreciate it. And I’m glad you did. And I can tell you you’re not gonna get any more of those texts because… I’m gonna handle this once and for all.

[groans softly] We’re gonna have to set some ground rules, Rach. First of all, no more texting.

But you hate Ava, too.


[sighs] How I feel about Ms. Vitali, it–it– it’s not your concern, sweetheart. How you feel about somebody, you can’t go around threatening them. Do you understand me?

But you do it, and Uncle EJ. And Nonno did it, too.

Yes, sweetheart, we– um, our family has a rich tradition in fighting for what they want and never taking no for an answer. But when you have a life of fighting, you make a lot of enemies. And, uh, most of the time, you end up alone, and I– I want better for you, honey. This is a case of “do as I say, not as I’ve done.”

But I know you want to be with Daddy.

Yeah, but that’s not our decision, hon. Look, it’s taken me a long time to just accept your father’s choices. Honey, in the meantime, you lied to me, Rach. And you caused a lot of trouble, so there are going to be some consequences.

You’re punishing me?

Uh, yes, I am. For starters, hand over your phone– right now. Thank you. And I am going to have Harold change the Wi-Fi passcode so that you don’t have any access to any other device that you may get your hands on.

This isn’t right!

Yeah, but threatening your father’s friend isn’t either.

[sighs] Sweetheart, I need you to go to your room. Rachel, now. Are you happy, Father?

[tense music]

[phone ringing]

Holly, hey.

Hey, uh, you said I could call you if I ever need to talk. Is now an okay time?

Sure, yeah. I’m just at the park.

Oh. Uh, we can talk later. I just–

Holly, what’s going on?

Actually, never mind. I have to call you back.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I’ll talk to you later.

Okay, sure. I’ll talk to you later.

You’re here.

I’m sorry I didn’t call. I just– I really need to talk to you.

Let me guess. You’re gonna tell me you and Sophia didn’t have the abortion because her mom found out, and now she’s expecting you two to get married and raise the kid together?

[soft dramatic music]

She told you.

Sophia was just here.

Oh, Holly, I’m– I really wanted to be the one to tell you.

But you weren’t. Instead, I felt like an idiot. Sophia just blurted it out. She thought I already knew, Tate.

I know. I’m so sorry.

Why? Why didn’t you tell me as soon as it happened?

I don’t know. I– I don’t know. I–I– I guess I was trying to find the right way, and then maybe I was hoping that somehow things would change, I guess.

There’s no right way. Sophia is having your baby.

I know.

And you’re getting married.

No. No. No, that’s not happening.

You kept saying this was all gonna be over soon.

It will be in nine months.

Wha–do you hear yourself? Wh-what the hell are you talking about? In nine months, you and Sophia are gonna have a baby. It’s never going to be over.

Holly, can we just sit down–

No. I-I can’t– I can’t deal with this right now.


I have to go. No.


You got the money?

[tense music]

Yeah. Yeah, it’s, uh– it’s right here.

Listen, that wasn’t easy for me to get, and I know that it’s–

You’re short. Where’s the rest?

That’s what I was trying to tell you. I-I don’t have it all right now, but I’ll get it, I swear.

That’s not the answer we were looking for.

I know. Please, just give me a little time.

You had plenty of time. Time’s up.

[somber music]

I don’t have time for this, Kristen.

Time for what?

These petty, immature games that you’re playing.

I have no idea what you’re talking–

Ava said that she got another text.

[laughs wryly] Ava sent you?

No, she didn’t s– she didn’t send me. What–what are you doing? You’re a grown woman. You’re sending these anonymous texts. It’s childish and stupid.

Oh, you’re right about that.

I am really, really busy with my son Tate right now, and I don’t have time for this. So here’s the deal. If you don’t stop bugging Ava, I gotta slap a harassment claim on you, okay? Is that really what you want?

Hm. It’s not necessary.

You told me you didn’t send the texts, but I found out that they came from this house.

It wasn’t me.

Kristen, come on! Can we please just stop with this crap?

Brady, just listen to– li-listen to me. It wasn’t me. It was Rachel. She was the one sending those text messages.


[soft sweet music]



Don’t mind me. Just drowning my sorrows in a vat of hot chocolate. Um, listen, I went to see Holly.

Yeah. I, uh–I just saw her, too.

Oh. Um, look, I’m really sorry. I wouldn’t have said anything. I just– I figured she already–

Hey, it’s all right. It’s on me. I was just too afraid to tell her.

What did she say?

Not much. She just got really upset and took off.

[both snickering]

Let’s get out of here.

Oh, my God, Doug! Hey, hey, are you okay?

[dramatic music]

Are you okay?

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Days Transcript Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Joy, hello. You are just the person I was hoping to run into. I wanted to give you a heads-up.


I’m writing you out of some scenes– the ones with Chanel, to be precise.

Great. So I guess that means you heard.

Yeah, I heard what happened. Johnny filled me in. It’s too bad we can’t harness that animus on camera, you know?

Leo, do you think this is going to end up in Lady Whistleblower’s column?

Oh, not if I have anything to say about it.

So in other words, yes.


Excuse me.

Happy new year, Javi. Thanks for stopping. I know you didn’t ask, but my year is off to a rousing start thanks to Lady Whistleblower’s latest jab. Really went for the jugular this time.

So what was this jab about?


“Blind item: which two naughty ‘Body & Soul’ costars “rung in the New Year together? “No need to tax those brains, dear readers, Lady Whistleblower never could keep a secret.” Oh, my God. “It was that sex-on-a-stick Alex Kiriakis and newbie hottie Joy Wesley.” Sex-on-a-stick, really? “This reporter has to wonder what Alex’s former flame “and ‘Body & Soul’ publicist, Stephanie Johnson, thinks about this little tryst.” Uh, I’d love to tell you what I think about it in person, right before I punch you in the throat.

[knock on door] Abe, happy new year.

Does this look like the face of a happy man?

I take it you read Lady Whistleblower’s–

Only the first two sentences before I threw the paper down in disgust. Now, we–we have to do something about this menace.

“Darling readers, did you catch “last Friday’s episode of ‘The Bland & The Talentless,’ er, ‘Body & Soul’?”

[laughs] So clever–not. “Pray tell…” Ooh. “What was Bonnie Kiriakis doing during Kassandra’s monologue?”

[haltingly] “Because it most certainly was not acting.” Oh, excuse me? “I’ve seen doggy droppings in Salem Park with more range.” How dare you? “Perhaps the former Ms. Lockhart should stick “to what she knows best– marrying rich men for money– and leave the acting to the professionals.”

[laughs dryly] Okay. Okay. Who does this Lady Whistleblower think she is? I cannot wait to get my hands on that gossipy garbage monger.

Happy New Year, Bon-Bon.

[soft dramatic music]


I know I said I had nothing to say to you, but I do have something to say.

Okay, yeah. What is it?

I quit.

[sighs] You don’t mean that.

Oh, so what, I don’t have my own mind now?

It’s just you–you love working on “Body & Soul.”

Yeah, I did, until my husband cheated on me with my costar, who I thought was my friend. So I’m done with the show, and I’m done with you.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Did something else happen for you to come to this decision?

What, you don’t think cheating on me was enough?

No, I just– you didn’t say this before.

Well, I ran into Joy. That’s what happened.

[tense music]

How’d that go?

Yeah, she tried apologizing, but I wasn’t trying to hear it.

Look, Chanel, I understand, okay? I understand that you’re upset and you’re angry with me and with Joy. But there’s got to be some way that you can stay on the show.

There isn’t.

But you love acting. And you are so talented. If you quit, what are you gonna do instead?

I will go back to my first love.

Well, I didn’t read all of Lady W’s column either. So should we brace ourselves for more?

Might as well. We need to know what we’re dealing with.

Okay. “Is it any wonder “Body & Soul’s” production values are on par with a middle school staging of “West Side Story”? Executive Producer Abe Carver spent his adult life as a cop, police commissioner, and mayor. Does that sound like the resume of someone who knows how to run a TV show?”

Oh, son of a–

“The purchase of “Body & Soul’s” rights were nothing but a vanity project for him and his partner, fellow amateur, Kate Roberts Brady. Carver should really consider handing over the reins to a competent show-runner before viewers vote him out, much like the citizens of Salem did when he was mayor.”

Well, that’s not even true. I stepped down as mayor.

Well, I’m sure I can get a retraction printed.

The hell with a retraction. I want Lady Whistleblower’s column shut down, immediately. And as the publicist for “Body & Soul,” that’s your job to make that happen.

So what could Lady Whistleblower possibly have said about me to hurt you?

Well, somehow she managed to find out how badly I screwed things up between us.

You mean when you accused me of being the Lady herself?

Yeah, that.

Why is that even interesting to readers?

I don’t know. It’s hot goss, I guess. But after she shredded my love life, or lack thereof, she went after my professional life. Apparently, my job at “Body & Soul” is in jeopardy, too.

Sounds like she made it pretty personal. So you still have no idea who’s writing these columns?

No. Rafe managed to track down Hattie Adams, but she denies having anything to do with it.

So do you believe her?

I don’t know. I don’t know what to believe. All I know is that somebody is out to get me.

How did you get in here, Hattie?

Well, normally, I would say that Henderson let me in, but that would be a lie. I just walked in your front door.

It was unlocked?

It was unlocked. You know, for a big old mansion with a lot of important Greeks around here, I’d say your– your security is pretty shoddy.

What the hell are you doing here, Hattie?

Nice to see you, too.

Now, just tell me what you want.

All right. Well, I’m–I’m glad you asked because I’m here to…

[gasping] Apologize.

[stirring music]

[sighs] Just when I thought this new year couldn’t start out any worse.

[door slams]



How’s it going?

Oh, you know, it could be worse.

What’s wrong?

I’m assuming you haven’t seen Lady Whistleblower’s column today yet.

No. Should I?

Depends. Want your day ruined?

Oh, my god. What’s it say? Let me see. Doo, doo, doo, doo. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. “Sex-on-a-stick?”

What? Not on your business card?

At least they’re talking about us, right? I mean, they say any publicity is good publicity.

Sure, as long as you don’t have to deal with the real-life part of this disaster.

Why? What do you mean?

I ran into Chanel this morning. As you could probably imagine, didn’t go well. She pretty much hates my guts.

[music playing]

Your first love?

Sweet Bits?

Oh. Ah, for a second, I thought you meant–

Your sister?


Look, Allie has a boyfriend, in case you forgot. And at least at Sweet Bits, I won’t have to look at your lying face every day. And I won’t have to work side by side doing scenes with a home-wrecking slut like Joy Wesley.



Wait. All right. Will you please just take a second and think about this? All right, you can’t quit the show. And you–and you can’t give up on us. The show needs you, and so do I.

Listen, Steph, if we don’t put an end the Lady Whistleblower’s reign of terror–

We’ll all be on permanent vacation? I know. And I won’t let that happen. I’m just sorry it’s gotten this far.

I just don’t understand why we’ve been targeted.

I don’t either. I went to Johnny and Chanel’s New Year’s Eve party, hoping to head off any new scandals. But this clearly goes deeper than that.

Yeah. Well, I wish I knew who this was.

I’m on it, Abe. That is why you and Kate brought me in.

Thank you. Thank you. I’d better head over to the office. I just hope there aren’t any new problems popping up today.


[chuckles] All right.

See you.

Take care.

How do you solve a problem like Lady Whistleblower? I know exactly where to start.

I knew it. You’re admitting to being Lady Whistleblower.


I should scratch your lying eyes right out of your lying head.

Hey, hey, take it easy, Bon-Bon.

Don’t you call me Bon-Bon. Do you have any idea how much chaos that column has caused?

I’m going to tell you something. I am not Lady Whistleblower. And I’m not Lady Bountiful. I’m not even Lady and the Tramp, for that matter.

But you just said that you are–

No, no, no, no, no. I will tell you what I told Leo Stark. I did not write that column. Come on. Can you picture me sitting at a computer doing all that stuff, writing all those words?

You have a point. You don’t exactly have a way with words.

I’ll tell you what else I don’t have a way with. I’m not responsible for those tainted cupcakes.

Well, if you’re not responsible for the column and you didn’t send the cupcakes, what the hell are you apologizing for?

For trying to get my best friend fired.

[dramatic music]

You’re seriously worried that Lady Whistleblower could get you fired from your novella?

It’s a soap opera.

Whatever. But does it even matter what she thinks?

Look, I stand by my stories. But I’ll be the first to admit not everything we’ve produced is Emmy-worthy.

Oh, so she’s a critic now?

Well, she’s using her criticism to try and ruin my life.

Isn’t Rafe looking into finding out who’s behind the column?

Yeah, he said he would investigate. But I haven’t heard back from him.

Well, I’m sure my cousin will get to the bottom of it soon.

I hope so. The only thing I know for sure is that that miserable Lady Whistleblower knock-off is– is not you. I just wish I had realized that before it was too late for us.


Javi, look, I know that I’ve said this before, but I just want to reiterate how sorry I am that I accused you of going behind my back. I was paranoid because I’ve been burned so many times in my past relationships. You know, you get your heart broken enough times, and you start expecting to get hurt. But I should have recognized that you are different. I should have realized how lucky I was to have found you.

Well, you can stop feeling bad because it’s over. I’ve moved on, and you should, too.

Yeah, right. How are things with you and Kerry? Did you guys spend New Year’s Eve together?

No. Kerry was out of town for the holiday, visiting family.

Oh. And what about you? What did you do?

Well, Rafe and Gabi had dates. And so I went out by myself, but I decided to come home early.

That doesn’t sound like you.

I’m pretty new to Salem, and I don’t have a lot of friends right now.

Maybe I could be your friend.

Well, I’ll tell you it’s nice to see a friendly face to start off the new year.

Where are the kids?

Well, they’re supposed to be upstairs packing. But my guess is they’re probably playing with the souvenirs that they suckered me into getting them from Universal.

[chuckles] You are a softy when it comes to those two.

You know what? I’m not going to apologize for it, either. Do you want to go see them?

I will. But I need to talk to you about something important first.


Chad, please, tell me who the hell Lady Whistleblower is before she gets Body & Soul” canceled.

[suspenseful music]

Look, obviously, Chanel is very upset right now, but–

You don’t say.

–just give it some time. It’ll get better.

How is it going to get better? I’ve ruined her marriage.

I would not say that. She and Johnny were having troubles way before you entered the picture.

Not like this. Not only does Chanel completely hate me now, but her husband is the director. How are the three of us going to continue working together?

Chanel, please. Okay, just–just take a little more time before you make a decision that you can’t take back.

I’m sorry. Am I interrupting?

No. Not at all. You are just in time.


Just in time for what?

For me to make this official.

Make what official?

My resignation. I am quitting “Body & Soul” effective immediately.

The hell you are.

[suspenseful music]

Look, you and I were going at it trying to– trying to be the star of that show, you know. And I really was trying to be the top diva.

Yeah, I know. Abe told me you said Pineview wasn’t big enough for the both of us.

Yeah, well, I guess he believed me because he ended up having me get shoved down the elevator shaft.


Poetic justice, I will say.

Yeah. I would say comeuppance. I’m wondering if you can find a way to forgive me.

Forgive you? Really? For trying to get me canned from the best job I ever had?

I know. I’m a cow. What can I say? But I’ve learned a lesson. I’ve learned an important lesson. I–I miss you, Bon-Bon.

I miss you, too. In fact, I miss getting to share this whole crazy ride with you.

Yeah, I can tell you something now. You’re so good on that show. You really are a star.

Lady Whistleblower doesn’t think so.

Well, she can just blow it up her whistle.

[laughter] Oh, Bon, you’re such a star.

Thanks for that. God, we really have had good times, haven’t we?

Yeah. Are you– are you thinking maybe you can forgive me?

Well, it is the new year. Maybe it’s time to let bygones go bye-bye and wipe the slate clean.

Oh, you mean that?

Of course, I do. Oh, hard-hearted Hattie, please, I could never stay mad at you.



Oh! Oh!



Don’t tell me you’re thinking about quitting the show.

Hell, no. I love working on “Body & Soul.”


I feel terrible about what happened with Johnny. I’m not going to give up my career over it.

Nor should you. I mean, that’s the great thing about starting a new year. It gives you the chance to figure out how you’re going to face it all.

What do you mean?

We all made mistakes last year, right? We’re certainly going to make more. But it’s like I told you before, you need to forgive yourself, move ahead, start fresh.

Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.


You’re right.

I know.

You’re right. No more feeling guilty and like I’m a bad person.

There you go.

This is a new year. I’m treating 2025 positively and head on. And you know what? Chanel can hate me all she wants. I’m done hating myself.

You are not leaving the show, Chanel. You signed a contract.

You’re not seriously going to sue your stepdaughter for breach of contract?

No, no, no, no. Of course not. I–Chanel, I am– I’m sympathetic to what you’re going through.

Okay. So why are you making me stay?

I’m not making you do anything. It’s–Chanel, you are one half of our most popular couple.

Okay, so recast me. They do it all the time on soap operas, right?


I remember I was watching one of Big Mama’s stories. And this lady, Babe, she went in for a hug and she came out a completely different person.

Well, that doesn’t happen these days. Have you checked out Soap Twitter recently?

We try to avoid it.

Well, let me tell you something. They are going to rip this show to shreds the minute we announce you’re leaving.

Yeah, if Lady Whistleblower doesn’t beat them to it.

Well, she just might.

Okay, well, I really hope that that doesn’t happen. But, Abe, I am sorry, but I just can’t do this anymore.

Chanel, you don’t have to quit the show to get away from me, okay?

Oh, no? Well, can you think of a better solution?

Yeah. I’ll quit.

[tense music]

I’m sorry, Steph, but I can’t reveal Lady Whistleblower’s identity.

You can’t or you won’t?

A little of both. I mean, I honestly don’t know who Lady Whistleblower is. And if they want to remain anonymous, then “The Spectator” has to respect their wishes.

Even though this person is hell bent on destroying “Body & Soul,” a show which you’re an investor in?

Well, that’s even more reason to be evenhanded. Don’t you think you’re–you’re overexaggerating just a little?

Have you seen today’s column? It is a vicious hit piece.

One newspaper column isn’t going to bring down an entire production.

Ever heard of Hedda Hopper? Chad, your newspaper is leaking spoilers, not to mention personally attacking our cast and crew, including me.

And I definitely don’t approve of that. But I can’t censor them.

But as publisher, your name is on the masthead. You control what kind of content you put out there.

I don’t want you or Abe or Kate or “Body & Soul” to suffer. But at the end of the day, I’m going to back my columnists.

Yeah? What about your friends?

I know you said you didn’t want to have anything to do with me, but right now I could really use one less person in this town hating me.

I don’t hate you, Leo.

You don’t?

No. I’m not saying that I seriously wasn’t pissed at you for calling me a thief and a liar. But I’m over that now.

You are?

I am. And when you stopped me just now, I was pretty glad to see you.

You were?

I was.

So then maybe we can be friends.

I’d like that.

So would I. I mean, yeah, that’s great. So, I don’t know, do we shake on it or something?

What, shake on it? What are we, a couple of straight white dudes in business suits?


I guess so.

Sure. Why not?

Well, well, well. What have we here?

Well, now that we’ve buried the ol’ hatcheroo, I have an idea.

Ooh, you want to go tie one on at the Bistro?

[chuckles] It is a little early for that, don’t you think?

Early for either one of us? What?

Well, I’m a respectable woman now, don’t you know? And I have to be aware of the paparazzi these days, so.

So what do you want to do?

I was thinking maybe we’d go talk to Leo Stark and see about getting you back on the show.

Oh, but I’m dead.

[laughs] Honey, it’s a soap opera. Nobody really stays dead.

Well, and nobody stays dead in Salem, unless they do.

True. Listen, when you stormed off the set, Leo had me lie under a sheet on a gurney pretending to be dead Charlemagne while Dr. Blake Lamoray was on the phone plotting her resurrection.


Really. That little scamp wanted to make sure he had a plausible way to resurrect you one day.

Well, I think this would be a very good day.

And I couldn’t agree with you more. So let’s go stalk Stark, shall we?


Kerry, you’re home.

And you’re sweaty.

Sorry, I just left the gym.

I don’t mind. I kind of like you sweaty.

So when did you get back?

Just a little while ago. Didn’t you see my text?

Sorry, I wasn’t checking.

You were busy, huh?

No. Leo and I just ran into each other.

You looked pretty chummy, considering he accused you of being a spy.

No. We decided to put that behind us.

Have you?

Yeah, Javi was gracious enough to give me another shot at being his friend. I hope you’re okay with that.

Why wouldn’t I be?

I don’t know. Just checking.

I’m starving. I haven’t eaten since I got on the plane. You want to grab some lunch?

Why don’t we go back to the house? I’ll shower, and then I can make us something to eat.

Sounds good to me.

I’ll see you around, friend.

Mm-hmm. See ya. Friend.

Look, Steph, I want to help you, but we have policies in place to protect our employees.

This isn’t some First Amendment issue, Chad. And you’re not protecting a source. You’re enabling a gossipmonger who is using your platform to spread malicious, agenda-driven content for the purpose of damaging your friends.

Whoa, those are very big PR words.

How else do you explain this vendetta?

It’s not exactly a vendetta. Look, Lady Whistleblower is in the business of attracting readers. And right now, “Body & Soul” is getting a lot of attention. So–

This is exactly what is wrong with the media today– it’s clicks over substance. If Lady Whistleblower truly stood by the articles that they publish, why not do it under their own name?

Okay. Well, that’s a good argument.

Okay. So does this mean you’re going to get me the info on Lady Whistleblower’s identity?

I’ll see what I can do.

[sighs] I don’t– I don’t know. I don’t know which is worse– losing my young star or my star director? Are you all trying to kill me?

You’re not losing your star, Abe. I’m the only one who’s going to quit.

I didn’t ask you to do that.

You didn’t have to. It just makes sense. Look, Abe, you’re going to be able to find other directors. The fans aren’t even going to notice. All right, but there’s only one Faith. And that’s Chanel.

Yeah, well, what about Joy?

What about her?

Don’t you get it, Johnny? You leaving only solves half the problem. I would still be forced to work with the woman who hooked up with my husband and then lied to my face about it. So you can keep your little noble sacrifice and keep your directing job. I am done with “Body & Soul.”

[dramatic music]

Nice try.

So what are you in the mood for? Maybe a salad. I can make some eggs.

Whatever you feel like making. Doesn’t matter.

Are you okay?

Of course.

Because you seem–

I’m fine.

Are you sure? Because you’re acting like–

Why do you want to be friends with him?


Leo Stark. Why do you want to be friends with a guy like that?

I don’t know. Maybe because it’s a new year, and everybody deserves a second chance.

[knock on the door]

I’m writing.

[banging on the door]

[sighs] Bonnie?

And Hattie.

What are you two doing here? And why are you together?

We made up.

You did?

We did. I told her that I was sorry for playing Joan Crawford to her Bette Davis.

And I forgave her, especially since it was kind of sort of my fault, too.

Yeah. And I forgave her. So we’re good.

Well, that is so great. Congrats. I have to get back to work now.

Not so fast. See, now that we’re BFFs again, you’re going to have to write Charlemagne back on the show.

You realize that’s not only my decision to make, right?

Of course, we do. But we figured if we got the head writer on board, it shouldn’t be too hard to convince the suits.

You two are lucky. You caught me in a semi-good headspace. I’m in the mood to mend fences today.

Then you’ll do it?

Hold that thought.

What is that?

This, my friends, is the Bible.

Doesn’t look like any Bible I’ve ever seen.

Not the Holy Bible, dum-dum. This is the “Body & Soul” story Bible. both: Oh!

Don’t call me dum-dum. What do you–what do you mean to do with that?

I need you to swear on it.


I need to know that I can trust you. So place your hand on the Bible and swear on it. Good. Now repeat after me. I, Hattie Adams–

I, Hattie Adams–

–swear to the Creator of Pork Rinds that I am not Lady Fricking Whistleblower.

–swear to the Creator of Pork Rinds, that although I love and adore them, they do tend to bloat me, that I am not Lady Whistleblower.

Okay, that works for me. So, pending Abe and Kate’s approval, I shall write you back to life. Welcome back to the show, Charlemagne.


You’re back!

I’m back!



All right.

Mm, I am glad to hear that you took my advice, and now you’re not going to, you know, beat yourself up anymore.

Just like a man to take credit for a woman’s journey of self-acceptance.


I’m kidding. Your advice really helped.

Good. I’m glad. You’re welcome.

All right, well, I better get back to my room. I have a ton of lines to learn tomorrow, so.

Well, I will see you on set. Mm-hmm. Bye.

[light music playing] * * Hi.


Are you okay?

I think you know the answer to that.

Chanel, listen, let me just say I didn’t say anything about Joy and Johnny because I didn’t want you to get hurt.

Yeah, well, a lot of good that did.

I’m sorry. Are you and Johnny–

My marriage, it’s over, and so is my career.


I quit “Body & Soul.” And I know that it was the right thing to do, but, well, I’m going to miss it, all of it.



I get it, all right? I understand that Chanel is upset. I just–I hate– I hate that she quit the show.

Not as much as I do.

Abe, I’m really sorry for any trouble that this is going to cause you and Kate, and for Leo, too, if he has to figure out a way to write out Faith.

Lady Whistleblower is going to be like a shark smelling blood in the water.


You know, I just pray that Stephanie can unmask who this person is before “Body & Soul” fades to black for good.

Okay, let’s see. It says that we’re paying Lady Whistleblower directly into an account under the name Lady Whistleblower LLC.

So no personal paystubs.

Here’s a routing number for the bank where the paychecks are being wired to.

Spaulding-Lewis Bank & Trust.

Rochester, New York.

So whoever this Lady Whistleblower is, they have connections to Rochester.

Can we not talk about Leo?


Good. So I’m going to go shower, and then we can eat. And I want to hear all about your time in Rochester with your charming family.

Sounds like a plan.

[phone chimes]

“I hope you all enjoyed the latest tea “our Fair Whistleblower brewed up “about the hot mess at “Body & Soul,” but I’m just getting started.”

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Days Transcript Monday, January 6, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[tense music]

[phone ringing]

[phone line trilling]

[phone ringing]

[Rafe straining softly]

[phone ringing]

[sighs] Good morning, Counselor. Or should I call you Madam DA?

Look, EJ, we didn’t really get much of a chance to talk last night, and–

Oh, you mean when you dropped that bombshell that you stole my job? What else is there to say?

[sighs] Happy New Year, Leonardo. Yet another one spent all by your lonesome. No zaddies, no silver foxes.

[inhales deeply] No French twinks named Maxime blowing plumes of smoke out of a slightly open window saying…

[French accent]

“Cheri,zees was merveilleux, but I must head back to Marseilles.”


[normally] Well, at least I’m not hungover. Although maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

[soft suspenseful music]

[notification chimes]

Oh, no. “Good morning, dear readers, Lady Whistleblower here, “AKA–ha! “Almost had you there, didn’t I? “That’s one scoop you’ll never hear from me. “And by the by, my sources tell me “the mystery of my identity “is driving ‘Body & Soul’ head writer, Leo Stark– “well, Stark raving mad. “I wonder what could be in store for Mr. Stark “in the New Year? “In 2024, he lost his man. In 2025, will he lose his job, too?”


You know, I usually don’t steal shampoos and conditioners unless I’m checking out of a fancy hotel. But consider this payment, prima, for making me hand-wash your car three times this week.

[notification chimes]

[chuckles] The Lady Whistleblower’s latest. “All the hot goss, ‘Body & Soul’ edition.”


[phone ringing]

[soft upbeat music]


Chanel. Hey, I–I, uh… wasn’t sure you’d answer.

Why wouldn’t I answer? Oh, I know because I don’t have anything to say to you.

[phone beeps]

[phone beeps]

[soft somber music]

You, on the other hand…


Oh, yes. I have plenty to say to you. You, who pretended to be my friend, who lied to me for months, and ruined my marriage. How the hell do you live with yourself?

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[soft somber music]

Johnny, I wasn’t expecting to see you today.

Yeah, well, you just missed Abe. He, uh, he had the same thought.

Oh, well, in any case, happy New Year.

Happy New Year.

Mm. I had the worst case of writer’s block this morning. But rather than stare into the abyss of that blank screen, I decided to eat a quart of butter pecan ice cream, binge-watch however many seasons there were of “30 Rock,” after which I came across Lady You-Know-Who’s latest column.

[Leo sighs and groans] Which lit quite a fire under my tush. So I thought I would vacate to a quiet locale where I could write a new and very brilliant storyline, one that that shady bitch had better not spoil.

Well, uh, you know, if you want me to get out of your hair–

No, no, no. Actually, I just had a germ of an idea that I would love to run past you.

OK, shoot.

Picture this: Regan and Faith are trapped together in some cave. It’s–it’s weird, it’s kind of gross, they are thirsty, they’re hallucinating, their mental faculties are slipping away while they both fight to get back to, drum roll, please, the man they both love. What do you think?

Not going to work. Definitely not.

[quirky dramatic music]

[soft somber music]

So I assume Johnny told you about–

Oh, yes, he did.

OK. Then you know that we didn’t–

Actually sleep together? Yeah, yeah, that’s what he said.

It’s the truth. Chanel, I swear he stopped it before anything could actually happen. You know why? Because he loves you. Like crazy. So–

[sighs] Do you think there’s any way you could possibly forgive him?

[tense music]

EJ, I just want you to know that I did not pursue this position. Jada asked me to take it.

You didn’t have to say yes.

No, I didn’t.

But who am I to judge? You don’t owe me your allegiance. The mayor, on the other hand, and the police commissioner– well, the word “betrayal” comes to mind.

Maybe you should look at this another way.

What other way? Those women conspired against me.

Nobody conspired against you, EJ, OK? Mayor Price was just making a change, that’s it. And you know what? You’re going to land on your feet like you always do. So maybe you should just accept the situation with a little bit of grace and forget about all the revenge and retribution.

Revenge and retribution? Me?

[tense music]

Tell me, Belle, what could I possibly do to the mayor or to Jada Hunter?

[phone ringing]

[phone ringing]

[phone line trilling]

Come on, pick up.

[suspenseful music]

[phone ringing]

Hello? Rafe?

[muffled shouting]

You don’t think it’s going to work? Come on! Two rivals stuck together, nose-to-nose, dying to pull each other’s hair out.

Joy and Chanel aren’t gonna do it.

What? Why not?

[quirky suspenseful music]

Because of me.

OK, first of all, it is none of your damn business whether or not I forgive Johnny.

No, it’s not. But I care about you both. And look, the only reason any of this even happened was because of the misunderstanding between you and Alex–

“Misunderstanding.” Is that what Johnny’s calling it now?

You know the only reason he ended up back in my room that night–

Is because he was an idiot. He should have known that there was no way that I would ever be unfaithful to him. He should have had faith in me and in our relationship. And if there was any kind of misunderstanding, then he should have come to me and asked me about it.

But he wanted–

But he didn’t behave like a sane adult. Instead, he decided that the best way to tend to his bruised ego would be to hop in a bed with another woman and then lie to me about it over and over again, just like you did!

[somber music]

Oh, Mom.

Hello, my darling. Happy New Year.

[chuckles] Look at you. I just got up, and you’ve already done a full-body workout.

I have. Well, in fact, I’ve got a new trainer, and she’s got me doing the, the HIIT, H-I-I-T training.

Ah, well, very impressive. So how was last night? Did you watch the ball drop?

Have you met me?

[Belle chuckles] I was in bed by 10:30. How was your New Year?

It was good. I was at the DiMeras’.

Really? Why?

Oh, Johnny and Chanel, they just threw a little impromptu gathering.

Huh? And I wasn’t invited?

[Belle chuckles] What?

Be glad you weren’t. It was a very strange, little party.

Oh. Sit by me. Tell me everything.

Oh, well, they first ran out of food, and then the host just disappeared. And then, of course, for me, it was very awkward, but.

Oh, because of EJ?

Uh, yes, but not for the reason you think. Paulina fired him yesterday and gave me his job.

[tense music]

[muffled shouting]

Here, I brought you–

– Hello?

Rafe, tell me where you are.

[phone beeps] Rafe? Hello?

Damn. Must have fallen out of my pocket when I dragged you down here. It looks like I got here just in time. Oh, and happy New Year to you, too. I would have been down here sooner, but Johnny and Chanel threw a last-minute New Year’s Eve party. Catered by Brady Pub, unfortunately. And Arnold ate all the appetizers, so I’m afraid you’re going to have to settle for eggs and toast. Not a fan? Well, don’t look at me like that. If there’s one person you should be directing your ire at, it’s Arnold Feniger. If he hadn’t taken it upon himself to, like, tell you absolutely everything I didn’t want you to hear, then I wouldn’t have had to drag you down here in the first place.

[Rafe snarls] Oh, just OK, enough. Enough, enough with the theatrics, all right? It’s meal time.

Now, there’s no point in screaming because no one’s going to be able to hear you. OK? Open up. Here we go.

Help! Help me! Somebody help me!

[EJ sighs] Please!

Happy New Year,

mi amor.

Same to you.

Mm. This is going to be our year. I can feel it. I am off to the gym, but feel free to try some of my famous pancakes.


Hey, is everything OK?

I hope so. Rafe is away on a case for Black Patch.

Really? But I thought that you were with him last night for New Year’s Eve.

I was. But then suddenly, this case came up and he had to leave. Anyway, I just tried calling him right now, and it sounded like he picked up. But he didn’t say anything. It was just like these muffled sounds. It almost sounded like humming. And then the call just dropped.

Well, maybe you had a bad connection. Why don’t you try calling him again?

Good idea.

– This is Rafe Fernandez.

I can’t get to my–

Damn, now it’s going straight to voicemail.


Why weren’t you up-front with me from the beginning, Joy? I mean, I–I–I befriended you. I invited you into my home. I tried to look out for you. And you know why? Because I know what it’s like to be the new girl in town, to have a mom who thinks that all you ever do is screw up.

I didn’t ask you to look out for me. Chanel, you have been so kind to me. And I appreciate that more than you even know. But I just–

What? So you just thought it would be easier to keep lying to my face than to admit that you climbed into bed with my husband?

No, that’s not– I didn’t–I didn’t lie to you.

No? Well, you sure as hell didn’t tell me the truth. God. You even–you let me keep inviting you over.

You wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Yeah, and you came up with a million and one excuses. And now I know why.


[laughing] I don’t–I don’t–

You let me make a fool of myself over and over again.

[soft somber music]

Chanel, I’m sorry.

No, you’re not. You’re only sorry that you were found out. You know what Johnny told me? He told me that you were afraid that you were going to lose your job at “Body & Soul,” that poor Joy feared that she, aww, she wouldn’t be on TV anymore. So to protect your job, you betrayed a friend. That says a lot about your character.

You hooked up with Joy?

Look, Leo, I’m only telling you this because it’s already kind of out there. And I think you should know that Faith and Regan together in an enclosed space is–

That would be like two gladiators circling each other in the Roman Colosseum, the sexy but somewhat inbred emperor looking on in amazement. OK, OK, Johnny, look, I get it. And I don’t mean to pry. OK, of course, I mean to pry. But how could this have happened? You and Chanel are the epitome of a happy couple.

I don’t know. You know, I thought so, too. This thing with Joy, it happened before she was cast. Before I even knew who she was. When I stupidly thought that Chanel was cheating on me with Alex.

So you only slept with Joy that one time then?

Well, actually, I didn’t– didn’t sleep with her. I stopped it before it got that far.

Oh, so you didn’t– there was no– well, then, is it technically even cheating?

Doesn’t matter. All right? I was half-naked with some other woman on top of a bed and then I lied about it for weeks to Chanel. When she found out last night, she was livid. She walked out. If I–if I had just, I don’t know, talked to her instead of accusing her of something she didn’t even do, I don’t know–

[sighs] Yeah. I understand how that can happen.

You do?

Yeah, the same thing just happened to me.

Rafe, honey, call me when you get this, OK? I love you.

Girl, we have to do something about the perturbed expression on that beautiful face of yours. I’m sure Rafael is fine.

I just wish I could talk to him.

You will. He’ll call soon. You’ll see.


So how are the wedding plans coming?

They’re coming along, actually. Rafe and I decided to get married on his birthday.



Wait, isn’t that at the end of the month? It’s so soon.

Yeah. Well, you know, we’ve both been married before, so we just figured we’d throw something together… modest, you know?

Did she just say modest?


Jada, sweetie, in our culture, a wedding is an excuse to wear the biggest veil and the biggest train and party for days.

[chuckles] You can’t just slap something together. That’s why you need a fun-loving visionary to step in.

[chuckles] Thanks, Javi, but really–

No, please. Just let Javi take care of it. And you told me that you had a not-so-good experience in your last marriage, so this time, you’re going to get it right from the jump.

Javi, really–

No, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

Rafael is my

primo, and you will soon be my… prima-in-law or whatever.

[laughter] And I know how busy you are being commish and he’s doing his PI thing, so fear not. With me at the helm, you will not have to lift a finger.

[tense music]

[Jada chuckles]

Help me! Help!

[EJ sighs]

[Rafe sighs]

Are you through? I told you you’re wasting your breath.

Then why bother gagging me if no one could hear me, EJ?

Well, failsafe for one, as well as the, you know, psychological factor.

You son of a bitch. Untie me. Now!

I can’t do that. You know too much.

Why? Because… I know that you faked Arnold Feniger’s death, that you shipped him out of the country before he could testify against you?

[sighs] Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but yes. Look, I had no idea the man was just going to show up in Salem. I was trying to get rid of him when you snuck into my home after I expressly told you to leave. Had you listened to me, I would have paid this Feniger fellow off to go crawl back under his rock. But when I walked in and found you knocked out, I had no other choice but to stash you down here.

You are blaming this on me? It’s my fault that you had to kidnap me?

You trespassed onto my property.

Oh, you are making a big mistake, DiMera. Need I remind you that my fiancée is the police commissioner? I’m sure she’s searching for me as we speak.

Actually, I know that she isn’t.

So you’re the–

The new DA, yep.


Oh, that’s wonderful news. I’m so pleased. I’m so happy. And not just because it’s well-deserved and a great accomplishment, but because it means you’ll– well, you’ll be in Salem for a lot longer now. But–


It does mean that, um– Honey, how is EJ taking it?

Oh, well–

[chuckles] Yeah, things are going to be uncomfortable between us more so than they already are. But at least, I won’t be bumping into him every day.

[Belle chuckles]

Yeah. Well, that’s good news. The other news is that you’ll be seeing a lot of Shawn.

Yes, that’s true. And we have talked about it. And although he was very supportive, yeah, I’m worried about working in such close proximity with him. I mean, when we split up, I thought we were going to be on different continents. I didn’t think I was going to see his face every single day.

[knock at door] I’ll get it.


[Belle clears throat]

[soft dramatic music]



[soft suspenseful music]

Uh, may I?

Oh, of course.


Happy New Year, Shawn. It’s nice to see you.

It’s nice to see you, too, Marlena. I’m sorry for dropping in on New Year’s Day, but the reason why I’m here is– well, I know that you haven’t officially started doing a job yet. But I’m pretty sure that when you show up at the office tomorrow, you are going to have a stack of cases on your desk. And if I know you, I know you’re going to want to hit the ground running.

What are these?

Just a few cases that EJ declined to prosecute. A slam dunk, open and shut. And I think you need to revisit them.

Wow, that is amazing. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Yeah, well, I appreciate having a DA that’s looking out for the good people of Salem. Not just himself.

Damn you, EJ. Jada has no idea I’m missing because you replaced me with Arnold. Just like you did last time, huh?

Ding, ding, ding.

You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch. I swear, if he lays a hand on her–

Oh, calm down. He’ll do no such thing. Though… he did briefly step in last night.

Last night? New Year’s? Oh, he didn’t.

Kiss her at midnight? Of course, he did. It’s de rigueur when the ball drops, as you well know, to kiss one’s date. But I intervened before anything further could happen.

I swear I could kill you both with my bare hands. Where’s Feniger now?

[sighs] I’ve dispatched him to a motel to lie low while I clean up this mess.

Wait a minute. If he is lying low, where does Jada think that I am now?

She thinks you’re attending to an urgent matter for Black Patch.

What about when she talks to Steve and finds out that it’s all a bunch of BS?

She won’t.

Oh, yeah? Are you sure about that? Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like you don’t have that many options. I mean, you can’t keep me down here forever, EJ.

Mm, I don’t know. I could set up an air conditioning unit down here, and it could make for quite the, uh, cozy summer getaway.

[suspenseful music]

OK, I’ll tell you what. I will make you a deal.

Ooh, a deal.

Yeah, I deal. You and I… you and I can work together to take down Feniger. And we will take him down for good this time.

Aw, that is so kind of you, Javi.

Well, you are going to be family. And especially since you’re going to be wearing my mom’s ring, we’re not having some half-assed ceremony.

You know, I still feel a little self-conscious, you know, having your mom’s ring.

Well, stop it. I already told you it looks amazing on you. Besides, it wouldn’t fit on my future fiancé’s finger. If I ever have one.

Oh, come on. You don’t want to get married?

I obviously love weddings. I’m just starting to feel like it isn’t in the cards for me.


But aren’t you– aren’t you seeing that one guy? Uh, Kerry? What’s his last name?



Yeah, and he’s great. He’s gorgeous and successful. He’s a real family man, too. I spent the holidays with them and everything.


I’m not sure if he’s the one.

– So you accuse this Javi of being Lady Whistleblower and it turns out that he’s not?

Yes, and now the real– well, the imposter Lady Whistleblower is still out there typing away on her keyboard, torturing me. Meanwhile, Javi wants nothing to do with me.

Sorry. It sucks.

Yeah, it does.

[Leo sighs]

I assume you’ve tried saying sorry?

Have I tried saying– I have been groveling up a storm, Johnny, but he does not want to accept my apology. No way, no how. It’s all moot now anyway because he’s seeing somebody else. Not that that’s going to happen to you and Chanel.

[Johnny sighs]

Honestly, man, in this moment, I’m not very optimistic.

Chanel, will you listen to me, please. It wasn’t just about the job.

No? Then what was it about?

Well… nobody knew me here except as Nancy Wesley’s daughter or Chloe Lane’s sister. I didn’t want my first impression to be happy home-wrecker. And my mother would have absolutely killed me, for one thing, so.

[somber music]

[Chanel sighs]

I have definitely done my share of stupid things.

But I thought I was your friend. And that is not how you treat a friend.

No. No, it’s not. And that makes it so much worse. I–I really like you, Chanel. And I think you’re a great person. If I had known Johnny was your husband, none of this would have–

But you knew he was married. And that didn’t stop you?

You’re right.

[chuckles] I knew that he was somebody’s husband, and… that’s why there’s no excuse for what I did.

Honestly, maybe it’s not even too late to–

Never mind.

What, too late to what? Say it.

To take the money that Johnny’s dad offered me so that I would leave town.

EJ did what?

EJ knew about this, too?

Chanel, he didn’t know.

Enough with the lies. My father-in-law, he tried to bribe you. He offered you a big, fat check so that you could leave town, didn’t he?

[soft somber music]

I should have gone.

I wish you never came in the first place!

Me, too. Chanel, I am so sorry.

Yeah, you know, you know, everybody, they keep saying that, and somehow, it doesn’t make it feel any better. My advice to you, take the money and pretend like this conversation never happened. You are not a good person, Joy. And I hope I never see you again.

[tense music]

– Johnny, come on. Chanel is going to forgive you eventually. She loves you.

I don’t know, Leo.

I do. And look, until you guys work things out, you know, nice bottle of wine, some good make-up sex, all that fun stuff, I will do my best to keep Chanel and Joy apart as best I can.

Thank you. Seriously, thank you. And I’m sorry if that means you got to, you know, come up with a new story.

Uh, new story.

[Leo inhales deeply] Mm, new story, new story, new story. Oh, boy. Ugh. Ugh. You know what? I am going to need a more serious infusion of caffeine to make that happen. Would you like anything from the coffee cart?

No, I’m good. Thanks.

All right. Hang in there, yeah?

Yeah, you too.

[somber music]


So what makes you say that Kerry might not be the one?

I don’t know. I mean, is anyone really the one? Maybe I’m just in a bad mood because I had a lame New Year’s Eve and I just need to get my endorphins flowing. Oh, God. I hope I don’t run into Leo at the gym.

Look, I know Rafe and Gabi are not Leo’s biggest fans, and he’s not my favorite person, either.

He sure as hell not mine either.

[scoffs] I don’t know what I ever saw in him. What? I was only into him for, like, a second.

[soft dramatic music]

OK, fine, I was smitten. And yes, I thought that we were compatible. Until he ruined it.

He did apologize, though. No?

It’s just– it’s too little, too late. We are done-zo for good. Definitely for good.

So how come you’re working the holiday?

Well, Jada offered to give me the day off, but I had nothing to do, so I volunteered.

Mm. Well, I see that one of these is your collar, so I promise I’ll do everything I can to make the charges stick.

I trust you’ll make us both look good. Well, I’ve intruded on your family time long enough, so, um, I should get going.

Shawn, I hope you know that you will always be part of our family.

Thank you for saying that, Marlena.

[somber music]

Well, I should go. Happy New Year, both of you.

You too.

[Belle sighs]

Oh, my goodness. Let me just say that you both handled that very well, very professional.

Thank you.

I’m proud of you.

Thank you.

And it seems as though Shawn is pleased that you’ll be the new DA.

I think it’s more that he’s relieved that EJ isn’t, but.

I think a lot of people will feel that way.

Except for EJ.


Honey, you’re going to be a great DA. And I, I am– I’m sure that you will give EJ a wide berth.

Oh, I know how to handle EJ. I know him pretty well.

I know you do.

OK, you don’t have to remind me that I’ve had a little thing with him in the past or that Sami wanted to murder me because of it. None of that is going to happen again.

I just want you to be careful.

I will. I promise.

[tense music]

Think about it, EJ. You don’t want this Feniger guy around either, right? So you and I, we can work together to put him away.

EJ, I promise you, I will not say anything about your part in this. All I want is to go home. To go home and to get this Feniger son of a bitch off of the streets. EJ, you have my word. And my word means something. You can trust me.

[EJ sighs]

[EJ pats hands]

[inhales deeply] Maybe I can trust you, but I can’t trust Feniger.

Oh, my god.

Even if you keep my name out of it, you think he will? Your fiancée has already gotten me fired.

Wait, what?

[sighs] Jada somehow convinced Mayor Price to replace me with Belle. So I have my doubts that Jada won’t take the first opportunity to put yours truly away.

No, EJ, she will not say anything. Really, I–I will talk to her.

[laughs] Oh, OK. What are you going to say? “Darling, please, please do not put this man in jail. Pretty please, with sugar on top?” We both know that woman has a mind of her own.

EJ, I am telling you she won’t.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But you’re going to have to stay put until I can figure out exactly what I’m to do with you. Now, in the meantime, I am sure that you are absolutely famished.

[EJ clears throat] So.. here comes the aeroplane.

[EJ imitating airplane] Come on.

[somber music]

Hey. Hey, Chanel. I–

I know that I said earlier that I have nothing to say to you, but I realized I do have something to say to you.

Of course. What is it?

I quit.

Joy. Hello. You are just the person I was hoping to run into. I wanted to give you a heads-up about some pink pages coming your way for tomorrow’s show.

Pink pages?

Yeah, I had to write you out of a couple of scenes. The ones with Chanel, to be precise.

Great, so I guess that means that you–

Heard what happened? Yep. Johnny filled me in. It’s too bad that we can’t, you know, harness that animus on screen.

Leo, you don’t think this is going to end up in Lady Whistleblower’s column, do you?


[sputters] No, not if I have anything to say about it.

In other words, yes.

[Rafe grunts]

[tense music]

[Rafe sighs]

Rafe, honey,

call me when you get this, OK?

I love you.

[phone beeps]

Voicemail deleted.

That ought to shut her up for a while.

Hey, commish.


Everything OK?

I just got this text from Rafe. Well, allegedly from Rafe.

What do you mean?

I just don’t know. I just have this really weird feeling that it’s not really from him.

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*Did not air

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VERNEE WATSON, BROOK KERR, DONNELL TURNER, TABYANA ALI GENERAL HOSPITAL – Episode “15382” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (Disney/Christine Bartolucci)

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