Days Transcript Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


  – Oh, my God.   Do you think it’s possible?   – That Everett isn’t really Everett?   Yeah, I do.   – But I don’t get it.   Why would Bobby be pretending to be Everett?   How could that possibly benefit him?

[sighs] Never mind. Dumb question.   It got him out of Bayview.

Yeah, exactly.  

[eerie music]


You’re absolutely right, Dr. Johnson.   It is none of your business.  

[tense music]   Gosh, um,   that sounded rude, didn’t it?

Yeah. Yeah, it did.   – Look, I’m– I’m really sorry.   I’m dealing with, like, a–   a pretty serious mental illness.   I’m just trying to get my life back on track.   And on top of it all, I’m working under a new boss.

[sighs]   It’s just been a really stressful time.

Yeah, I’m sure–   I’m sure it is.

Well, it’s, like, more than you can imagine.   So, to be frank, worrying about Stephanie’s feelings   just isn’t my top priority right now.

Got it.


Sorry, again.

Damn. First I sounded rude.   Now I sound insensitive.   But I suppose you understand   I have to focus on my mental health.   – Course.   – Now, if you’ll excuse me, I–   I need to get to a therapy appointment.   – Right.   – Uh-huh.   Well, you know, when he calls, you need to tell him that–   never mind. I’ll tell him myself.   Ugh.

Now what’s going on? What’s that all about?

Ugh.   Everett Lynch– he’s the editor of “The Spectator.”   Ugh.   The man has called my office four times   this morning, harassing me for a quote about   the police commissioner stabbing.   And the minute– the minute I finally   get some time to call the man back,   he’s out till after lunch.

Well, just take it easy on him.   He’s just released from Bayview.   – And how is that my problem?   Honestly, Abe, Abe, I just–   I don’t want some needy reporter   wasting my time when I am dealing   with a police commissioner who is in a coma and not–   not one single lead as to who put him there.   Not to mention, I still need to appoint   an interim police commissioner, you know,   while Rafe’s recovering.

Well, well, who’s on your mind?   I mean, who are you thinking of?   – Jada Hunter.   She’s the best, best candidate so far.   But the man she loves, he’s fighting for his life.   So I imagine that any free time she has,   she wants to spend at his bedside.  

[somber music]


What are you doing in here?

– Well, I just–   I saw the news about Commissioner Hernandez   and the stabbing.   It’s just awful.   And I’m sorry to intrude, but I just feel terrible   about what’s happened to him.   – You know Rafe?   – Well, not personally, but I feel as though I do.   I mean, we, all of us in Salem,   we owe him such a debt of gratitude, don’t we?   For keeping the streets safe–   more or less safe, anyway.   Um, I just– well, I can’t believe   that someone would be so cruel and brazen enough   to– to stab the commissioner.   And I wanted to come visit him to see if I could help.

Why don’t you cut the crap and tell me   why you’re really here?  

[dramatic music]  

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– Well, you know, I’m sure you’re right   that Jada is focusing on Rafe, his recovery.   – Mm-hmm, yeah.   But on the other hand, come to think of it,   she just might want to put as much overtime on the job   as she can so she can nail the bastard who attacked him.   I guess I’ll find out today.   I plan on reaching out to her right after   my appointment with Kayla.

All right.   Before your appointment,   take a couple of deep breaths   because you don’t want to get another lecture   on your blood pressure.

Well, I’m not worried.   I haven’t felt this good in years.

[chuckles]   I’m sure I’ll receive an excellent report.  

[bright jazz music]

Well, Marlena never would have released Everett,   would she, if she thought there was   a chance he was faking it?

Oh, no.   And I was there when Everett emerged,   and he was very convincing.   I mean, there was no way to think that, you know,   that that wasn’t him.   I don’t know.   Who knows?   Maybe the guy is just a really good actor.

Yeah, maybe.  

[eerie music]   But if he is faking it, why now?   What’s changed?

I think I have an idea.


Damn.   This being Everett thing is stressing me out.   Not sure how much longer I can keep it up.



Hey, Dr. Evans.

I didn’t mean to startle you.

Oh, no, not at all.   Not at all.

Were you talking to someone?

Just myself.

Oh, OK.

First sign of insanity, right?


OK. You got me.   I’m not here because of Rafe.

Uh-huh.   So why are you really here?

Because of you.  

[dramatic music]

Ah-ha, welcome back.

Hey, hey.

Welcome back.

Thank you.   Is this a good time?

Oh, yes, it’s a good time.   I’m just eager to hear how things went in LA.

Well, um, it wrapped up a little sooner than I thought.


Yeah.   I mean, the producers, they– they loved our proposal.   You know, they thought the financials were solid,   especially with Chad involved,   and they’re really eager to see the show continue,   but unfortunately, they don’t have the means,   and they also appreciated that you were a loyal fan   and would be a good steward of the show.

Uh-huh.   But?

There’s no buts.

No buts?   Wait a minute.   They didn’t say no?

They did not.   In fact, they said a resounding yes.   We got the rights.   “Body and Soul” is ours, Abe!


[bright music]

Oh, man.


Oh, hello, Kayla.   Just give me one second.

[muttering]   Oh, sorry about that.   It’s a madhouse at City Hall.

Oh, I can imagine.

So any updates on   Commissioner Hernandez’s condition?

Unfortunately, no.   But, uh, how are you feeling?

Physically?   Never better.

Well, I’m glad to hear that.   Um, I got the results of your thyroid panel,   and they are excellent.   Your TSAs, your T, your T, everything   is in optimal ranges.   And your tumor panel, well, there’s–   there’s no markers whatsoever.   They’re undetectable.   – Oh, praise the Lord. Oh.   – I do have one concern, though.  

[tense music]   – What do you mean, you’re here because of me?

Well, the last time I ran into you,   you asked me to send my résumé, remember,   for a job at Gabi Chic, assuming you’re still   reviving the brand with DiMera.   – Yes, that is happening.   Actually, I just signed the paperwork to make it official,   but that doesn’t– – Oh, wow, congratulations.   – Thanks.   But that doesn’t explain why you’re here   in my brother’s hospital room.

Well, as I was saying, I sent my résumé   that you requested, but then you didn’t respond.   So I wanted to bring you a hard copy in person.   I have one right here.   And I also took the liberty of coming up with some ideas   for the business.


[chuckles]   So let me get this straight.   You came to my comatose brother’s hospital room   hoping to run into me to hand-deliver a résumé?  

[dramatic music]   You know that sounds nuts, right?   – Well, I’d hardly say nuts. – No.

Listen to me.   Look, I know you said you’re a Gabi stan,   but this is getting creepy.   I never even laid eyes on you until the other day,   and now every time I turn around,   there you freaking are.   I guess you think it’s flattering,   but I do not have the time for a stalker in my life.   I need you to leave now.   – I’m sorry. I can’t do that.


Look, uh, I know this is, like,   a -or-so-minute appointment, but, um,   do you think that we could end things a little early today?  

[soft dramatic music]

Why would we do that?

I just– because I’m–   I’m really busy.   I have so much to do.   Um, my head’s just spinning.   You know?

When you were released from Bayview,   you assured me that you were %   dedicated to your recovery.

I am.   I absolutely am.   Um, I just– my stress level is at that point   that it honestly feels like it will impede my recovery more   if I stay here rather than it would if I just, you know,   went home and– and dealt with stuff   and just got my life in order.


I know your job is important to you,   and I know your relationship with Stephanie   is important to you.

But– but we just–   I don’t know.   We have to agree that– that your treatment   takes precedence.

Yeah.   Well, at least Stephanie won’t be an issue anymore.


Why not?

Oh, I broke up with her.


Why do you think Bobby was suddenly so eager   to get out of Bayview?

I don’t know.   I mean, I didn’t see him for weeks   after he was admitted.   As you know, I only went to go visit him   after you asked me to.   I mean, he didn’t seem to care that he hadn’t seen me.   I don’t know.   Maybe it was like something like out of sight,   out of mind thing.

Right.   But you said when you finally–   when he finally did see you, he was–   he was acting like he wanted to rekindle your relationship.

Oh, yes.   He was coming on very strong–   flirtatious, even.   And even in Rafe’s room, he was doing the same thing.   He offered me a shoulder to cry on,   which I found very strange and confusing.   I mean, Everett never wanted anything to do with me.

Mm-hmm, that’s true.   But Bobby only had eyes for you.

Yeah.   – So if Everett really is Bobby,   that would explain why he dumped me   and let you know right away that he was unattached.   –

[sighs] Who knows?  

[eerie music]   Wait a minute.   – What?

I was with Bobby when Everett, you know,   supposedly re-emerged,   and it wasn’t until I was questioning him   about Li Shin’s murder, and I started, like,   to follow up with questions, and he seemed really thrown.   Yeah, he– he later said that he had no memory   of talking to me about Li Shin’s murder.   And then Marlena said that that made sense   because Everett wouldn’t have any memories   of what Bobby witnessed.   – But oh, my God, if he’s still Bobby–

Then that means he really knows who killed Li Shin,   and he’s pretending to be Everett   so he can cover up the truth.  

[dramatic music]   –

[laughter] This is incredible.

Yes, it is.   But, um–   – You know– you know, when “Body and Soul” was canceled,   it was like I was in a– a state of mourning   for these characters, and–  

[soft dramatic music]   What’s that look on your face for?   I– I thought you said “Body and Soul” was ours.

Well, yes. It is.   But, well, there’s one major issue   that could make the whole deal just kind of unravel.


Oh, Kayla, I’ve had so many things wrong with me this year.   So, please, tell me this is nothing major.   I don’t– I don’t think I can take any more bad news.

OK, how about this?   The good news is that we caught this   before it turned into bad news,   and that makes it not that big a deal.

OK. All right. All right.   Then, well, what is it then?

It’s your cholesterol.   It’s moderately elevated.   And of concern is the LDL-C, which is also   known as the bad cholesterol.

Oh, I know LDL-C.   Big Mama’s been dealing with it for years.

Well, she’s been doing a good job managing it.   Look at her good health at her age.   What is she? She’s in her s?

She is .

There you go.   Mm-hmm.   Well, I would say that you have longevity genes, then.


Lucky you.   But given your medical history–

I know, I know.   Elevated bad cholesterol increases your risk   for a heart attack or a stroke.

That’s very good, yes, correct.   And so we need to get that level down.   All right?

Yes, yes, OK.   But– you know, I know I can google it, of course,   but how do we do that?

Well, you start with a low-fat diet.   I brought you a brochure. You can read all about it.   And exercise, and there are medications.   Have you heard of statins? – Of course.   Of course. I’ve heard about statins.   Big Mama, she takes them every day.   But forget it.   I’m not taking any meds.   No way.  

[soft dramatic music]

You won’t leave.


OK, then I guess it’s time to call security.

Now, there’s no need for that.   What I was trying to say is I won’t leave   because you need me.

I beg your pardon?

Think about it.   When was the last time that you–   you slept or you ate?   You have so much on your plate right now.   You’re trying to get your business back on its feet.   You’re trying to get your life back in order   after all those months in prison.   And now you have to spend every free moment you have   here with your poor brother.   I can relieve you of that burden.   I could be your assistant.


I am in the middle of interviewing assistants.

Oh, well, I would offer my services for free.

For free? What’s the catch?

Well, there is no catch.   I told you, you’re my ultimate role model.   It would be my honor to serve you.   – Look, I really don’t have the time for this.

– Well, before you say no, just think about it.   I’m gonna go get you some coffee.   How do you like it, honey?

Half cup, extra hot, extra foam.

[sighs] You–   you broke up with Stephanie.   Why?   I mean, I thought that rekindling your relationship   with her was one of the main reasons   you wanted to be out– out of Bayview, wasn’t it?   – It was. It was.   And I– I really like Stephanie.   She’s a great person, you know?   But when I got out, I just–   I felt, um, overwhelmed, you know?

Like, I have so much going on at work,   and there’s– there’s therapy to focus on, obviously.

Ultimately, it just– it didn’t–   it didn’t seem fair to Stephanie, I guess,   to make her just, like, wait around until I’m–   until I’m mentally healthy.   You know?   Just didn’t seem fair.   And also, uh–

[nervous laugh] Sorry.   – Also? Also what?   – Also, I, um–   I was telling Jada this earlier,   but after my last session with you,   I do feel like I’m starting   to feel some of Bobby’s feelings.

– Really? – Yeah, really.   I just feel, um, I don’t know–   tougher, stronger.   That’s good, right?   – That could be a sign of progress.

Progress?   Yeah.   Yeah, progress, um, speaking of which,   I know that I’ve been really reluctant to–   to face everything that happened in my past, you know?   But you said that I need to deal with it   in order to get better, right?   I think I’m ready, Dr. Evans.   I think I’m finally ready.

Would you hypnotize me again?


If Bobby really does know something about   Li Shin’s murder, why would he bring it up to you   and then not tell you anything about it?   It doesn’t make any sense.

I know.   I know. It’s so strange, right?   But like I said earlier, he was stringing me along   up until I gave him an ultimatum, OK?   I told him that if he didn’t tell me everything   he knew, that he was never gonna see me again.

You don’t think he had anything to do   with Li Shin’s murder, do you?

Who knows?   You know, at one point, I thought that Bobby   could never hurt a fly.   But on the other hand, I also thought that   he would never be a liar either.   –


[phone rings]

Oh, it’s the station.   Excuse me.   Yeah, Harry?  

[eerie music]   No, do not give Everett Lynch any specifics   on the investigation of Rafe’s stabbing   and do not give him any leads either.   What?   He called three times?   No, no, no, no, no.   I can handle it.   OK, thanks.

[phone beeps]   What the hell is going on with him?

OK. Jada, um, I’m no detective here,   but just– just follow my thinking just for a second.


OK.   So Bobby’s desperate to get you back, right?   – Mm-hmm.   – And if he thinks that Rafe is the only thing   standing in his way, maybe he’s also desperate   to know the status of the investigation   into Rafe’s stabbing because–

Oh, my God.   Could he be the one who did it?  

[dramatic music]

So what’s the problem?   – So you know how we were always concerned   about being able to get the original cast   to relocate to Salem, right?   – Well, we discussed that we could   recast some of the minor characters   with local actors. – Yeah.   Well, the producers told me that the three actresses   who play Cassandra, Charmaine, and Lorna   are not going to be able to come out here.   It’s impossible.   Um, two of them have contracted to other projects,   and another one is married to a makeup artist   who’s doing a show in LA,   and she just doesn’t want to relocate.   – Well, you know, why can’t we just fly them   out here when we need them?

Well, Abe, we don’t have the budget for that.   – Well, they’re the three female leads.   I mean, they’re– they’re iconic.   The– the fans have loved them for decades.   It– it wouldn’t be “Body and Soul” without them.  

[soft dramatic music]

– I know it sounds crazy to think that–   that Bobby stabbed Rafe.   I mean, it’s a huge leap, right?   – Yeah, no, no.   Huge, huge leap.  

[ominous music]   But–   – But what?   – I mean, the timing does kind of check out.   Rafe got stabbed after Bobby was released from Bayview.   I mean, granted, yeah, police officers   do have enemies, but, I mean,   there’s no obvious suspects here.   – Oh, man. Oh, wait a minute.   I– I did see Everett at his hotel room that day.   So depending on what time Rafe was stabbed,   it’s possible that I could– I could be Bobby’s alibi.   – Do you remember what time you went to the Salem Inn?   – Um, let me think.   I– I was at the hospital with my mom   when Marlena called, and she said that he was released,   and then I went over there straight away.   – Mm-hmm.   – Um, let’s see.   Yeah, she called me at :, and I was over there   in about  or  minutes.   – OK. Um, OK.   That was after I found Rafe in the cemetery.   Um, let me see.   Yeah, I called the ambulance at :,   nearly an hour before you saw him.   So that means that if Bobby does have an alibi,   you’re definitely not it.


Everett, let’s–   let’s start with the good memories, OK?   The ones you– you told me about the other day,   you know, your–   your mother.

Can you picture her?   – Yeah.

How old are you?

I had, uh, just had my fourth birthday.

And do you remember what you told me?


I said, um–   I said, “Why did you do it, Mom?”   – Do what?   – Why did you let him hurt me?   – Who?

Tell me who.

My father.   I, uh–   I see him with his big belt,   the big belt buckle.   I see him coming toward me.   No! Dad! No!   Stop!   Stop, dad! Stop!  

[intense music]


Hey, Rafe.   I wonder if you can hear me.   I hope so.  

[tender music]

I’ve been thinking so much about   when we had breakfast the other day.

You asked me about my life.   You were so sweet, caring.   Selfish me, I barely even asked you about yours.

Did I even tell you that I love you,   or how proud I am that you’re my brother?   ‘Cause I am.

You’re so kind and funny and sweet.

And you always believed in me, no matter how much   of a jerk I’ve been or how much I’ve disappointed you.



Please, please wake up, Rafe,   so you can help us   find out who did this to you,   and I can wipe that scum right off the face of the Earth.

– She drives me insane–   half-caf, extra hot, extra foam– diva bitch.   After I find a way to off her brother   so he can’t finger me,   that woman’s going to pay for what she did to Li Shin.


[dramatic music]   – You don’t want to take medication?

Oh, Lord, I already take   the thyroid pills and the blood pressure.   No more, please.   – What if I told you that it’s not a pill   and the safety profiles really are excellent on this?   And I– it’s my opinion that the benefits   outweigh the risks.   – Ugh.

What is it?   – I just–   I just hate feeling like I’m crumbling from the inside out,   you know?   I thought my health problems were over.   – Well, I think if you take these preventative measures,   they will be over for quite some time.

Mm?   – Yeah.   – Well, if you put it that way, it’s–   Kayla, and I’m sorry I’m being so grumpy about this, you know,   and self-pitying.   I mean, how dare I complain, right?   I mean, not many people have been nearly   as lucky as I have been, you know, health-wise   or in every other way.   – You are lucky.   And you are important to a lot of people and loved by so many.   – Well, that’s kind of you to say.   And please don’t tell my husband about the hard time   I’ve been giving you about taking this medication,   please, because if you do, I’m sure he will lecture me.   – My lips are sealed.   But I think that he would really be proud of you   for contemplating this.   – Eh, I suppose.   But he’s been so preoccupied lately   about securing the rights to his soap opera   that sometimes he barely even notices me.   But, you know, at least gives him–   gives him something to do, you know,   instead of just moaning about it being canceled.

Well, I guess the only answer is to recast the show.   – What? All three leads at once?   What do you– you don’t want us to be   a pale imitation of the show.

Oh, no, yeah, no, we don’t.

Unless we reimagine the entire thing.   I don’t know.   Maybe “Body and Soul: the Next Generation,”   set it in the future somewhere or something like that?   – Then it wouldn’t be my show.  

[soft dramatic music]   – OK, look, I understand that.   I really do.   We just have so much to talk about.   I mean, it’s really–   it can get daunting.   And casting is only part of it.   We need a casting director.   We need directors. We need writers.   We need crew.   We need craft services.

Craft services?   What’s that? – OK.   We have a big learning curve ahead of us.


Thank you, Connie.

Can I get you anything else?

I’m good.

Well, I sure hope your brother wakes up soon   so he can get back to work.   Hey, maybe he’ll catch his own assailant.   Wouldn’t that be something?   In the meantime, if you need anything at all,   anything– admin, errands, aura readings–   I’m your gal, morning, noon, or night.

Aura readings. Got it. Thank you.

All right, then.

Wait.   Before you go, I should tell you   that I took a look at your ideas.   – You did?   – Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much,   but I was kind of blown away.   – You were?   – Yeah, and your résumé is very impressive.   – Well, thank you.   – Truth is, I could actually use   someone like you right now–   on a trial basis, of course.

I am pinching myself.   Oh, I will prove my worth to you, Gabi DiMera.   I can’t wait to get started.   – OK, when you were in Bobby’s room,   you didn’t see any signs of blood or anything   like that, right?   Never mind.   You wouldn’t have kept that to yourself.   – No, I wouldn’t have.   But come to think of it, he was getting out   of the shower when I showed up.  

[eerie music]   I just– I thought that he was cleaning up   after leaving Bayview,   but what if he was getting rid of evidence?   Or have I been reading way too many murder mysteries?   – Oh, my God.   Speaking of murder mysteries,   Bobby was reading one in Bayview.

He was? – Yeah.   And it’s obviously all speculation right now,   but I’ve had stranger theories turn out to be true.   – So how do we figure out if it is true?

– Three, two, one.   Everett, open your eyes.


[sobbing]   – Look at me.   Look at me.   You’re OK.   It’s safe.   You’re right here.   Tell me what happened.   –

[breathing heavily]   Sorry.   I haven’t remembered that until now.  

[somber music]   My father, Robert Stein, he, uh–   he terrorized me.

And that must be why–   that must be why Bobby came out that day, to–   to protect me, and stayed until now.

– What do you mean, stayed until now?   – Well, I mean, now that   I remember everything,   I don’t need him to protect me anymore, do I?   I– I have his memories, you know, and his–   his feelings.

[laughs]   It’s like, um–   it’s like I’m a complete person now.

[laughs]   I mean, I should have done this months ago.   You– you encouraged me to, didn’t you?   But I was–   I was too scared.

[sighs]   But I should have listened to you   the first time because…

[sighs]   This is incredible.   I feel incredible, seriously.  

[dramatic music]   I don’t know how I can ever thank you, Dr. Evans.

You’re a miracle worker.

[soft dramatic music]

Hello. Hello, Gabi.   – Mayor Price.   – Oh, I’m just–   I’m so sorry for what you’re going through.   – Thanks.   – You– did you just come from seeing your brother?   – I did. No change.

Oh, well, I’m praying for him.   All of us in Salem are.   And we will find whoever did this to him.   Justice will be served, I promise you that.   – Thank you.   – Uh, well, I do have a big learning curve   ahead of me. – No, we both do.   – But you have television experience.   – Oh, not on a scripted show, I don’t.   – Well, I may not have the experience,   but I make up for that with a lot of enthusiasm.

[laughter]   You know, I think we should hold off   on casting just for a minute.   And besides that, I know exactly   who should play Lorna DeLorean.

No, no, no, no, no.   Don’t look at me because I’m a producer, not an actor.   And even if I was tempted to play the part,   you would still have two more roles to cast.   – Ah, but I know exactly who should play   those roles too.

– Yeah?   – Got a minute? – I’m on a break.   I’m all yours. – Thank you.   I just wanted to talk to you about Everett Lynch.   I– I had an encounter with him this morning,   and it really left me quite troubled.   – Yeah, well, I just had a session with him   that also left me rather troubled.   – Right. He was on his way to see you.   Did– it didn’t go well?

No, I would say that it went well.   It went almost too well.

What do you mean?   – He appeared to have a major breakthrough,   one that I wouldn’t have expected for some time.   – Do you think he’s putting on an act?   –

[sighs] I don’t know exactly.   You know, he’s so intelligent,   and– and he’s so clever,   and he’s able to, I don’t know, take drastic measures   to secure his own self-preservation.

Anyway, if the session today was not as it seemed,   then I think I made a serious mistake   in releasing him from Bayview.  

[eerie music]

[sighs]   Sorry, Commish.

I never meant for this to happen to you.   I mean, I knew Connie was kind of a wacko.   If I’d known she was gonna try to kill you,   I would have stopped her.

I’m a reporter.   I should have asked more questions.

See, I never meant for you to die.   I just wanted you out of the way…   so I could have Jada all to myself.

– I’d like to bring Bobby in for questioning,   but I’m gonna have to handle it very delicately.   In the meantime, don’t say anything about this to anyone.   – Of course not.

I mean, the last thing we need is for someone else   to know that we think that Everett is Bobby   and that he might be the one who stabbed Rafe.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[light music]

– Hey, boss. You wanted to see me?   – Yeah, come on in.   – Thanks.   So what’s going on?   – Well, I heard about your encounter at the Pub yesterday.   – The Pub?

Mm-hmm.   Roman Brady’s greasy spoon, that pub.   Want to explain why you didn’t tell me about it?  

[intriguing music]


Sorry if I woke you.   I just needed my rosary before I head back to the hospital   to see my brother.

How’s he doing?

He’s still in a coma.   Now, if you’ll excuse me.   – No.   We need to talk.

Why don’t you go home and get some rest?

I’m OK.

Well, you can’t sit here  hours a day.   You know that Rafe wouldn’t want you to do that.

I know.   I’m afraid.   I’m afraid that if I leave his side, he’ll–

You can’t think that way. Come on.   He’s a fighter. You know that.   Really.

Yeah, but the machines,   they’re still breathing for him.   And there’s no sign that he’s getting any better.

That doesn’t mean that he won’t.

But it doesn’t mean that he will either.   Be honest with me, Kayla.   What are the chances that he’ll ever wake up?

That’s not the same knife you used to stab Rafe in the back,   is it?   – No, that would be unsanitary.   Besides I left that planted between his shoulder blades.   I’m assuming it’s in some police evidence locker.

Hmm.   And you’re not worried about your prints showing up?

Oh, please, do you take me for an amateur?   I wore gloves.   No one’s ever going to know it was me.

Unless Rafe wakes up from his coma,   in which case you’re screwed.  

[light guitar music]

– Sorry, Commish.   I didn’t think Crazy Connie would take it that far, but…   nothing I can do about it now.   I see no reason to waste this golden opportunity   to get closer with Jada.   I should probably get over to the hospital now.


[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– Steph, I–I didn’t see you standing there.

I–I couldn’t help but overhear.

Overhear what?

Did you say you’re heading to the hospital?

Yes, I am.   I–I have my therapy appointment with Dr. Evans.   – Right, of course.   How’s it going?   – Great.   Yeah.   I’m making a ton of progress.   – I’m so glad to hear that.   – Well, don’t get too excited.   I don’t want you to think we’re getting back together.

I–I didn’t think that.

Good.   I just don’t want there to be any confusion.   Anyway, I should get going.   – I wish I could give you a definitive answer   of when Rafe will wake up,   but there really is no way of knowing.   – Well, I think the chances are that the longer he’s out,   the longer it’ll take him he’ll wake up, right?   – I don’t trust the odds.   And if it’s any consolation to you,   Rafe has been through this before,   and he has made a full recovery.   – He has?   He’s never mentioned that to me before.   – Well, it was years ago.   He was attacked and almost killed.   I mean, things looked pretty dire back then.   But Rafe had a strong spirit.   And he has a strong spirit now.   There are a lot of people praying for him.   There’s no reason to think that he won’t come back to us.   – Well, I hope you’re right   because he has a lot left to do in this world.   – I was up most of the night at the hospital.   I don’t have the energy for another fight.   – I don’t want to fight with you either.   I just need you to stop pushing me away.   – Please move.   – No.   I didn’t say a word when you told me not to come   to the hospital last night   and certainly not when you decided   to move out of our room.   But now I need you to stop being so stubborn,   and let me be there for you.

Aren’t you still mad at me for revealing   that EJ lied about Jude?   You said I may have started another war with your brother.

OK, none of that matters now.   Doesn’t matter now that your brother   is fighting for his life.   So please, let me help you through this.   I know how scared you must be.

Yeah, it’s more than scary.   I’m scared I’m gonna lose him.

Come here.   Come here.

I knew I should have said something to you.

Yes, you should have.   It’s me, Ava.

How did you find out about it anyway?

Gabi left a message last night.


Yes.   She said that she ran into you at the Pub   and pitched you the idea of reviving Gabi Chic at DiMera.

Right, Gabi Chic.

Mm-hmm.   And why didn’t you tell me about this offer?

Because it’s a terrible idea.

Says who?

Says me.   And you well know that I slept with her husband   while she was in prison.

God.   And she doesn’t know about that, don’t she?

No, she does not, OK?   But she hates me.   And there’s no way that I’m going to be sitting   side by side next to her.

Actually, that’s exactly what you’re going to do.

Gabi Chic is a valuable asset.   And it will give us a chance to compete with Basic Black.

So this is about Brady?

No, this is nothing to do with Brady.   Unlike you, I don’t let my personal feelings   get in the way of a smart business decision,   which this most certainly is.   So you’re just going to have to suck it up and accept the fact   that you’ll be working with a woman   whose husband you did sleep with.   So…   I want you to track her down   and get her to sign with us today   before she changes her mind.

Don’t you think Gabi’s got more important things   on her mind right now?   Like the fact that her brother is in a coma.

I’m used to Rafe being this big, strong hero.   You know?


My protector.   Now he’s just lying in that bed helpless.

Cops have any idea who did this to him?

Not yet.   I just keep thinking about the way it happened–   stabbed in the back.

Like Li?

Yeah, like Li.   And it makes me think, I mean, what if there’s a connection?

But Gil Carter’s dead.   How could that be?

Well, apparently, Everett Lynch’s alter, Bobby,   claims he knows that Gil wasn’t the killer.

Oh.   And you think he’s telling the truth?

I don’t know.   But if he is, that means the person that murdered Li   is still out there.

All the evidence pointed toward Gil Carter.   And that was the evidence that we used   to get your conviction overturned.   I mean, Rafe himself was convinced.   I don’t know.   Maybe this is just some horrible coincidence?

Maybe.   All I know is I just want my big brother back.  

[music playing]

Thank you.   I know I’ve been trying to push you away.   But it feels really good to have you here with me.

I will always be here for you whenever you need me.

Promise?   – I promise.   – Make love to me, Stefan.

Listen, Hernandez.   I’m going to need you to get better.   You know I am not a patient woman.   You know I hate red lights.   Remember that time you were going to cite me   for hitting my siren at that long red light?   And I know that you deserve a little rest,   but I’m going to need you to wake up, OK?   I mean, not just for me,   but for everyone at the department,   for your friends and your family,   Gabi.   I want you to know that the whole community   is praying for you.   And I hope that you can feel that.   I hope you know how much I love you.   You know, these past few months has been the happiest   that I have ever been.   And I am not ready to lose that.   We have a whole lifetime of happiness ahead of us.   So, Rafe, will you please, please wake up?   So I can hold you again,   and so you can help me find the person who hurt you.

Rafe’s barely hanging on.   I doubt he’ll make some sort of a miraculous comeback.

And if he does?

He didn’t see me.   I came up from behind him.

You’re being awfully coldhearted about all this.   – What do you mean?

I mean, an innocent man is in a coma thanks to you.   And you seem to just be going about your day   without an ounce of remorse.

What was I supposed to do?   Bobby was going to tell Detective Hunter   what I did to you.   And the only way to keep him from blabbing   was to get rid of the Commish.

And how do you know he won’t still blab?   What if Bobby doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain?

I am sure Gabi is very upset about her brother.   But you and I both know that she has no problem   setting aside her emotions   in order to get what she wants.   And look, I know that you two have your issues,   and that you feel guilty about sleeping with her husband   while she was behind bars.   But if you want this job,   you are going to have to get over it.   – Fine.   I will go talk to Gabi today.   And I will make her an offer.

Great.   I took the liberty of having a contract drawn up.

Fine.   For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea.

Yeah, and for the record, I don’t care.   So track down my sister-in-law   and get her to sign on the dotted line.



[sighs]   Feels like now’s a good time to say I’m sorry   for the whole mess with EJ.   What?

How do I know you actually mean it?

Well, I’m not sorry Eric got his kid back.   And yes, it was very satisfying to screw your brother over   after he sent me to prison.   But I’m sorry I betrayed your trust.   I really am.

Well, I accept your apology.   I do.   I’m sorry I got so mad at you.

You had every right to be mad.

No.   Not after how long we were apart.   Not after I almost lost you for good.   I shouldn’t have let something like that come between us.

Easy to say.   You were hurt.   And I don’t blame you.   When it comes to other people,   we can lie, cheat, steal.   You and I need to be able to trust each other.   Give me your hand.   I swear I’ll never keep secrets from you ever again.   From now on, honesty and trust.

Honesty and trust.

It sounds like I missed quite a wedding.   – Well, two weddings– double the drama.

I still can’t believe that Theresa orchestrated   that whole scheme.

I know.

I mean, stealing Xander’s birthright.   You know, I really thought that she had turned a corner.

Me too.   And the way she treated Alex.

How is he doing?   – He’s a mess.   Why wouldn’t he be?

So you’ve seen him after this whole thing went down?   – He took off from the wedding.   And I followed him just to try to comfort him best I could.   But I don’t think it did much good.   – You comforted him?   – Well, not like that.   – Well, I mean, I just mean that the two of you   have a history.   – And that’s all it is–   history.   – Right. Right. That’s right.   You and Everett are back together now   that he’s been released from Bayview, right?   – Well, actually, that’s history too.

[knocking]   – Everett, what are you doing here?

I’m so sorry to intrude.   I just–I heard the news about Rafe.   And I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.   – Oh, that’s very kind of you.   – How’s he doing?   – Not good.   The doctors aren’t even sure if he’ll ever wake up.   – It’s terrible.   Do the police have any leads on who could have done this?   – Forensics is analyzing the knife now   to see if they can pick up any prints or DNA.   But besides that, we don’t have much to go on.

Well, if I can help at all,   let me know.   I’ve got a team of journalists at The Spectator.   I could put them on the case see   if they could dig anything up.

Thanks, but I think it’s best that the police handle this.

I understand.   I just–I want you to know that you have   the full support of not just the newspaper,   but me personally.   Whatever you need, I’m here for you.   – What reason does Bobby have to double cross me?

He was using his knowledge about my murder   to cozy up to Detective Hunter.


So what if he decided to   ID you as my killer   as a way to ingratiate himself to her?   I don’t mean to rain on your parade, Connie,   but this plan of yours could possibly   just blow up in your face.   – I appreciate your concern, Li,   especially since I’m the reason you’re, you know, dead.   But I’m not worried.   Bobby will be careful around Detective Hunter.   He’s shrewd.

So is Jada Hunter.   And Bobby’s her ex.   What if she figures out he’s faking?

She won’t.

I hope you’re right.   Because if he’s caught,   Bobby will have no reason   not to throw you under the bus.

I appreciate your offer to help, Everett.   But I have to admit I’m a bit confused by it.

Why is that?

Because you and I, we barely know each other.

True.   But I was in a coma for a year.   So I have a lot of sympathy for the situation.   – Right.   And you have a lot going on.   So you got to get your life back on track.   I don’t want to be an imposition.

You could never be that.   Look, um…   The truth is I–   I’ve been continuing my outpatient therapy   with Dr. Evans.   And…   the integration process has been, like,   really successful so far.

That’s great.

Yeah.   I mean, I can’t say I fully understand it yet,   but I don’t know.   I’m–I’m starting to feel   like Bobby’s becoming   part of who I am.

Really? Already?

I’m sure I’ve got a long way to go.   But yeah, I feel like–   I don’t know–like, I think I’m starting to remember   some of Bobby’s life.

Do you happen to have any memories   on the murder of Li Shin?

Li Shin?   Yeah, you’ve mentioned that before.

Well, Bobby claimed that he had some information   on the death of Li Shin.   – Oh.   Wow.   No.   No, I don’t know anything about that.   Sorry.   – No need to apologize.   But if something comes back to you, you let me know.

Of course.   And just to clarif,   what I said before about remembering Bobby’s life,   I meant I’m starting   to sort of feel   what he’s feeling   now,   especially when it comes to you.   – Sweetheart, I–sorry.   I know how excited you were that Everett was coming back.   – I was, foolishly in retrospect,   since I was all set to tell him   that I was ready for a serious relationship.   It turns out he’s just not ready.   – Well, that’s understandable.   He might just want to focus on his mental health, you know?   – Which I fully support.   – But it still hurts.   – Yeah, it does.   Everett’s a great guy.   And I’m really gonna miss him,   even if it seems he won’t miss me.   – What?   – He seemed pretty glad to be rid of me.   – What are you talking about?

Before you got here, I ran into him.   Mom, he was so dismissive,   so cold.   – All set.   You know, some would say   this was the savviest negotiation since the big man   himself was in charge.   – Are you now comparing yourself to Stefano?

Just saying.   – All right, leave before your head gets too big   to fit through the doorway.   – You know what?   I am going to get out of here before I bump into Ava.

Oh, don’t worry about it.   She’s not here.   She’s off trying to convince your wife   to bring Gabi Chic back to DiMera.

Oh, Gabi.

Ava.   – Hey. – Hey.   I know this is a really bad time.   I’m very sorry about Rafe.

Sorry you’re not the one who did it?

Oh, come on, Gabi.   Come on.   I know things ended badly between us,   but I care deeply about Rafe.   I would never wish this on him.

Right.   So what do you want?   – Well, if you’ve got a few minutes,   I’d like to talk business.

Is this about Gabi Chic?

I talked it over with Kristen,   and we decided we would love to have you revive   your brand with DiMera.

So I was right to go over your head.

I wouldn’t say that.

Kristen forced you to come to me, huh?   It couldn’t have been easy for you.

Look, we completely understand   if you need to concentrate on your brother right now,   but it is a standing offer.   So if you’d like to take a few months before jumping in–

That’s very considerate of you,   but we don’t know when Rafe’s situation might change.   And jumping back in the game with Gabi Chic   would be a welcome distraction.

Are you sure?   – Yes.   In fact, one of the last things that Rafe said to me before he   was attacked was that I needed to start thinking about getting   my life back together.   It’s almost like he gave me his blessing.

That’s great.

So got a contract for me to sign?

Seems surprisingly fair.

Well, Kristen is eager to have you back in the fold.   Feel free to have your lawyers take a look at it,   get a second set of eyes on it.   – That’s OK.   When I was CEO of DiMera, I worked with plenty of contracts   like this.   Seems pretty standard.

Um, Wait.

What’s the problem?

No, no, no problem.   I just–I want to make sure that you realize   how much work it’s going to take   to start your company again.   – Are you trying to talk me out of this?   – No, not at all.   And Kristen is eager to have you on board.   And therefore, so am I. I just–   you know, I don’t want you to sign and then have regrets   when the workload starts to come on in,   especially since you’re going to have to be   juggling Rafe’s medical needs.   – Oh, I see.   – You see what?   – You’re right. I may not be up for it.   – No, I didn’t say that.   – Look, I ran all of DiMera.   I can certainly handle the pressure of Gabi Chic.   It’s a deal.   I know you have your personal doubts,   but I can promise you, neither one of us   are going to regret working together.   – I’m sorry.   Did you just say that Gabi and Ava   are going to be working together?   – That’s the plan.   – OK, why? Why?   Why?   Why the hell would you do that?   – Hey, it was Gabi’s idea.   I mean, she’s the one who wants to restart   Gabi Chic here at DiMera. – OK.   But of course, she didn’t realize   that she’d be working with the woman   who slept with her husband.

Yeah, but she doesn’t know about that.   And Ava’s not gonna tell her.   I mean, Ava wasn’t too thrilled about the situation either.

Of course, she wasn’t.   So why did you move forward with it?

Because it’s good for business.   – Right.   You sure about that?   Or is this your way of getting back at me and Gabi?

Listen to me.   Do not take Everett’s behavior personally.   Look, he has been locked in his psyche for months.   I’m sure it is just really disorienting to be back,   you know? – Yeah.   Yeah, you’re right.   I shouldn’t take it personally.   And I shouldn’t complain.   I’m glad that Everett is himself again.   And he deserves to   live a life he chooses for himself.   – I am so proud of you.   – Thanks, Mom.

Oh.   My break is over.   Listen.   Why don’t we have a girls’ night tonight?

Really?   You sure you’re up for it?

%.   Look, your dad’s still in Greece.   You can come over.   We’ll order in.   We’ll watch a movie.

Well, can we do   popcorn and ice cream?

You know it now, huh?   I love you, baby girl.

I love you too.

All right.   See you in a bit, OK?   – OK.   – If you’re suggesting that you’re developing   feelings for me–

No, no.   I just–   I know Bobby really cared about you.   And I guess I’m starting to feel that affection.   I just wanted to come and offer my support   as a friend.   – OK.   Sorry if I misunderstood.

Not at all.   It’s a very confusing situation.

Yeah, for all of us.   But the important thing is that you’re getting healthy.

That means a lot coming from you.

You know, I am suddenly starving,   so I’m gonna grab some takeout.

You know, I’m headed into town.   I can pick something up for you.   – Oh, no, I could–   I could use the fresh air.   – I understand.   If you need anything, just call.   I’m just trying to busy myself, you know, other than work.   I’m trying to stay busy   now that I’m alone.

Alone?   What about Stephanie?   – Oh, yeah, we–   we’re not seeing each other anymore.   Sadly, that had to end.

So sorry to hear that.   – That’s OK.   It’s for the best.   Anyway, I’ll see you around.   – I’ve been ruminating on what you said about Bobby.   And maybe you’re right.   He could turn out to be a liability.   – What are you gonna do about it?   – Well,   I guess if it comes to it,   I’ll have to get him out of the way   just like I did the Commish.   – And now, why would I want to get back at you and Gabi?   – I don’t know, Kristen.   Maybe for the way we stole your DiMera shares?

You mean the way you made it look like   I was abusing my own daughter?   – Yeah, that. – Yeah, that.   And I was very upset about it.   But…   we can let all that go, right?   Because now we have a mutual disdain that we can bond over–   our brother EJ.   – I’m glad we’ll always have something to bond over.

Mm-hmm.   So you can let go of your paranoia   and know that I am not out to get you and Gabi.   And I am not gonna spill the beans   over your one-night stand.   I wouldn’t do that to Ava.   – What about Ava?   – Oh, I was just filling Stefan in   on how you’ll be working with Gabi.   – It’s a done deal.   – Jada.   – Steph, hi.   – I’m so sorry about Rafe.   How are you holding up?   – I’m hanging in there.   But how are you?   I saw Everett, and he told me that you two broke up.   – Yeah, we did.   I’m surprised he told you about that,   considering all you’re going through.

Right. Well, he was acting very weird.   – Well, what do you mean?

Let’s just say he just wasn’t acting like himself   at all.

Oh, my God.   Do you think it’s possible–   – That Everett really isn’t Everett?   Yeah, I do.   – Everett.

Dr. Johnson.   – Hi. You know what?   I was so glad to hear about your breakthrough   that you’re doing better.

Yeah, I am.   Thank you. Thank you.   – Wait. Do you have a minute?   Actually, I’d like to talk to you about my daughter.

Oh?   What about?

Well, Stephanie told me that the two of you   aren’t seeing each other anymore.

Yeah, I’m sure she told you I really need to focus on   my–on my recovery.

Yeah, she did.   But she also was very upset about how dismissive   you were with her earlier.   And I just thought that you should know   how much she cares about you.   And maybe it’s none of my business,   but I was just hoping that you would be a little more   sensitive to her feelings.

You’re absolutely right.   It is none of your business.

What are you doing in here?

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


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Days Transcript Monday, July 22, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


  If there’s anyone present   who knows any reason why these two   should not be joined in matrimony,   speak now or forever hold your peace.

[intriguing music]

– I’m so sorry I’m late.   – Who’s that?


I’m so sorry.   Forgive me, everyone. I didn’t mean to–   Alexander, is that really you?

Hello, Mother.

Look at you.

[laughs] So handsome.   You’re so grown up.

Yeah, it tends to happen when you miss a decade or so   of someone’s life.   – Yes, I suppose it does.   Here we all are now together.   At long last.



[exhales]   Xander’s mother sure knows how to make an entrance.   Paul.

Oh, sorry.   I’m just sending Brady a text,   making sure he’s okay.   –


[tense music]


Mum, but why didn’t you tell us you were coming?

Well, I would have,   but I was traveling when the invitation arrived.   I did put the RSVP in the mail,   but when I realized that it wouldn’t arrive on time,   I threw caution to the wind and hopped on a plane.   And I am just thrilled to be here for the happy couple.   – Speaking of happy couple.   – Oh, Xander, is this your lovely bride?   – It is, yes.   Mum, meet Dr. Sarah Horton.   Sarah, this is Fiona Cook, my mother.

I’m so happy to meet you, and I’m very glad that you’re here.

I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– We are so happy that you’re here, Ms. Cook,   to share in our special day.   – Oh, Fiona, please. – Oh, okay. Fiona.   It really–it means a lot to all three of us.

All three?

Oh, of course. Um…   this is your granddaughter, Victoria.

Whoa.   Oh, my.   Victoria?   Named after Victor?   – That’s right.   – Huh, I suppose that’s appropriate.   Mm, what a lovely, lovely child.   Hello, darling.   I’m your grandma.   Yes, I am.

Hello, Fiona.   I’m Victoria’s other grandmother.   – Uh, I’m so sorry. Yes.   This is my mom, Maggie Kiriakis.   – Kiriakis?   – I’m also Victor’s widow.   – Oh. – It’s nice to meet you.   – Likewise.   And I’m very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Victor and I were close many years ago.   – Of course.   You were, uh, married to Victor’s brother.   – Um. You know what?   We could just catch up later, can’t we?   Can we just get on with this wedding?

Wow. – Mm.   both: Hey.   – Oh, is it nighttime already?   Wow, I was starting to get cabin fever up there.   Oof.

Oh, no.   You weren’t being held prisoner again, were you?

I might as well have been.

[laughs]   I’m really grateful that Kristen gave me this job,   but after an entire day of studying spreadsheets,   I, uh, could really use one of those.

Mm. Mm.   – Wait, wait, wait.   I thought you didn’t drink.

I don’t.  

[enigmatic music]


[exhales]   – I’m sorry.   And you are?   – Theresa Donovan.   – Um, don’t you mean Theresa Kiriakis?   – Yeah.   – See, you may have noticed not one bride,   but two, Ms. Cook.   This here is a double wedding.   One down, one to go.   See, uh, Theresa here just married Victor’s son.

Victor’s son?

Hi there.

Oh, you must be Philip?

No, Victor’s other son, Alex.

I’m sorry. I thought Bo Brady   was Victor’s only other son.   Forgive me.   Been out of the loop this last–well, many years.

Mm, don’t even worry about it.   Honestly I just found out   I was Victor’s son after he died.   All my life I thought I was his nephew.

Hmm. How interesting.


And how did this revelation come–

You know what? What does it matter?   Really, we’re just wasting time here.   I mean, aren’t we here for a wedding?



Take it easy, Theresa.   I mean, what’s the hurry?

“What’s the hurry?” The hurry is   that I just wanna finish this double wedding   so that we can get to the celebration.


Yes, of course you do.   Well, you all do.   I’m so sorry, I just brought everything to a crashing halt.

No, no. It’s okay, Fiona.

No, it’s just that having been gone so long,   I have many questions about   the Kiriakis side of the family.

Mm, it’s not all that complicated.   After we found Victor’s will,   it included a letter from my mother   that he wrote to Victor naming me his son.

Did you say a letter?


[tense music]


You said you learned you were Victor’s son from a letter?

Yeah, my mother wrote a letter   to Victor many years ago.

Really?   Do you still have it?

Why do you ask?

Uh, Maggie, can we just get on   with the ceremony, please?

No, I’m sorry, this won’t wait.

I’m–I’m–I’m very confused.   I don’t understand.

Mum, what is this about?


[sighs] Well, I’m sorry to tell you this, dear,   especially on what’s supposed to be a joyous occasion,   but your cousin Alex here is a fraud.  

[dramatic music]


You–uh, you want me to call someone for you?

Who are you gonna call?

I don’t know, your sponsor maybe?

Sponsor? Oh, that’d–ooh– that’d be Maggie.   And she is–she’s busy.   She’s officiating her daughter’s wedding.

Ah, right.   Xander and Sarah’s wedding.   What? You didn’t want to go?

No, I went.   I-I left at the half.   Ergo my dapper attire.

Oh, you left the wedding at halftime?

Yeah, it was–it was– it was a twofer.   Double wedding, big deal.   Uh, you have Xander Cook and Sarah Horton,   and then on the other side you have, uh,   my ex-wife Theresa and my, wait for it,   newly discovered uncle, Alex Kiriakis.   So I-I-I stayed for the latter, watched them get hitched,   and then I got the hell outta there.

Mm. I see.

You know what?

[sighs]   They deserve– they deserve a toast.   They deserve a toast that other,   the latter couple.


So I’m gonna do that, all right?


Here we go.   To the happy couple, to the–   to them, you know, may they live happily ever   whatever in their whatever is happy to them   in the ever after–

[laughs] Whatever’s happy for them.

Yes. Brady, Brady, Brady.

Yay!   – Um, listen. Mm, okay, there you go.   – What? – Na–   you know, I’m just– I’m just thinking that, um,   the way you’re knocking those back,   I’m thinking that you’re very much not happy.   You want to talk about it?  

[light ambient music]

– How dare you.   My husband is not a fraud.

My God, Mum. What–what is this about?   What are you trying to do?

Trying to stop a travesty of justice.   –

[scoffs] –

[laughs]   You’ve all been fooled by this man.   – Lady, I have no idea what you’re talking about.   – Oh, I think you do.   You see, Alex here has been posing as Victor’s son,   but it’s all a lie.

What?   He’s not posing.   We all saw the letter.

Victor wanted him to know the truth.  

[intriguing music]

Show it to me, Alex.

Show you what?

The letter.

Mum, you’re making a scene.

If you’re not hiding anything, let me see it.

I have it.   I have it right here.

Convenient.   – As Alex said,   it’s from his mother.   She wrote it to Victor not long after Alex was born.


“Sincerely Anjelica”?

Yeah, my late mother, Anjelica Deveraux.

This Anjelica person may well be your mother,   but I can assure you she did not write this letter.

Huh, and how do you know that?

Because I did.


You’re saying you wrote this letter?

I did, yes.   I wrote it, and I sent it to Victor.

Listen, I don’t know you, but this is my wedding   and that letter has nothing to do with you.   It’s about me, my mother, and my father.

I’m afraid it’s not.

Mum, what are you doing?

Something that I should have done many years ago,   but I was too ashamed.

Fiona, just say what you were trying to say.

I’m really sorry that it has to come out like this.

[sighs softly] But many years ago,   when I was married to his brother Titus,   I slept with Victor and I got pregnant.

Ooh! Now it’s a Salem wedding.


You–you got pregnant with Victor?

Yes.   I didn’t want Titus to know I’d betrayed him,   so I privately wrote to Victor   telling him about his son, Alexander.

I’m Alexander.

Yes, but it’s–

But what?   That’s the name he was given at birth.

And it’s also the name I gave you, Xander.   Titus and the rest of the family   might have called you Alexandros,   but to me, you were always my little Alexander.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry.   But we’ve all seen that letter, and it was signed by Anjelica.

Mm-hmm, yeah. Well, I don’t know   how this woman’s signature got here,   but when I wrote this letter, I signed it myself.   Someone else must have changed the signature later.

No, no, no. This can’t be right.

Dear God.

How did you obtain this letter?   – It was in a briefcase among Victor’s personal effects.   The ISA returned it to us after Victor’s plane crash.

Could someone else have had access to the briefcase?  

[tense music]


Um, that one’s on me.

Thanks.   But, Brady, um, for the record,   I do not think you should be drinking.   But I’m not your sponsor, and I’m not your mother.

[laughs] And I am the last person   who should be lecturing anyone on the choices that they make.

And plus, you can’t stop me.

No, I cannot.

So come on.   There you go.

So I am guessing that since you are   not at the wedding reception and you are here   basically chug-a-lugging these martinis   that you, uh– you still got feelings for your ex.


[sighs] I didn’t think I did.   You know, I thought it was over, I really, really did.   But you know what she did? She–she lured me–   lured me– lured me in the bed.   – Oh, did she?   She lured you, huh? – She did.   She was on the outs with Alex at the time.   And she got into my ear, and she went,   “Brady, remember how good we used to be?   “Remember? Remember how it felt?   Maybe we should be a little more than co-parents.”   – Oh. So you slept with her.   – Yeah, I did. – Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.   But hey, hey, hey, it was the first time   in a long, long time, okay?   – Mm.

But then, hey, the morning came and everything changed.   Alex comes crawling back in.   “Theresa, I-I want to be with you.   I-I want this to work,” you know.   And then–then kicked my ass to the curb.   How ’bout that?   – How ’bout that?   I’m sorry. That sucks.   – It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s my own fault.   I fell prey to her–her BS.   – Right. Right.   Now, listen, I’m not– I’m not so sure   this is gonna make you feel any better,   but, uh, I got my own doomed love story.   – Tell me a Harris story, come on.


[laughs] Yeah.   Well, you know, I thought that we were going somewhere.   Turns out he was going right out of town.   Right out of town.

Oof. Ah.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.


[sighs]   Ava, what do they say?


“Love makes fools of us all.”


[sighs] Ain’t that the truth?   Amen.   – It was you, wasn’t it?

What–what was me?

You had access to the letter.


In Greece.   Your father left Victor’s briefcase   in that hotel room with you.   And you were alone while Brady and I   were out looking for answers about Victor’s death.

What are you accusing me of?   – Damn it, Theresa!   Tell me the truth.  

[tense music]   Tell me the truth.

This is crazy.

No, no!   You’re crazy. You’re crazy.   Brady was right, wasn’t he?   You opened the damn briefcase,   but you didn’t find a letter   that said that I was Victor’s heir, did you?   – You found a letter naming Alexander.

And you made it look like that Alexander was me.

No. No. You’ve got it–

Admit it!


Admit it!

You have it wrong.   They have it wrong.

For once in your miserable life, tell the truth.   You changed the letter?   Tell me the truth!   You changed the letter.   –

[breathing heavily]   I–yes.



Yeah, it was me.   I changed the letter.   I’m sorry.


Oh, my God.   You made me and everybody else believe I was Victor’s son.  

[unsettling music]   How could you do that?   – Isn’t it obvious?

Go ahead.   Explain yourself, Theresa.


Well… okay.   When my father left, I was alone with the briefcase,   and I just got curious, so jimmied it open and I–   I found Fiona’s letter.   And as I was reading it,   I realized that the circumstances   of the letter fit you just as much as they fit Xander.



You even had the same birth names.   So… all it took was just changing the signature.

You are a sick woman, you know that?

You really hated Xander that much?

I hated the thought of him being so rich and powerful.   The damage–

Damage?   You want to talk about damage, Theresa?   You lying, vindictive– – No.   Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.   – So this was more about punishing Xander   than it was about me, right?

No. – No?   – No, no. – That’s not it?   – No, no. It wasn’t–it wasn’t like–   – That it wasn’t like that? How was it?   How was it?   How was it? We all want to know.   We all want to know, how did you do it?   huh?   What, are you some expert in forgery now?   Or did somebody help you?   – Yes.

So you, what, found a forger in Greece? On short notice?   – We weren’t gone that long, Theresa.   Where–how did you do it?   How did you find somebody?   –

[sniffles] I didn’t have to. They found me.   – Who?   Who found you?   – Konstantin Meleounis.

[sighs] so Harris got a lead on Megan Hathaway from Hope,   and then he took a leave from the force, and poof!   He was just gone.   –

[sucks teeth] Poof! – Poof.   – Then he just–just ended your relationship with that.   – Yeah. Mm-hmm. – Ugh.   Yeah, he said he just couldn’t get past, um, trust issues.


[laughs] – Yeah.   But, you know–no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.   In his defense, he– I will say I did lie to him.   Repeatedly.   About, um…   – Ooh. What? Tell me.   – Well.   – Come on. – Yeah.   Let’s just say, unlike you,   I brought it all upon myself.

Doesn’t make it hurt any less, does it?   – No.   No, it doesn’t.


[sighs]   I’m glad–   I’m glad that Harris is God knows where,   because then you don’t have to see that face,   which is a constant reminder of what you lost.

You mean like how you have to see Theresa and Alex?


[sighs] God, Ava.   Right now, right now they are over there in the Horton Square   just–just having a hell of a good time,   a hell of a good time on their wedding night.

Konstantin was there?


[tearfully] Yes.

Why was he at the hotel?

He’d–he’d heard about Victor’s briefcase.   And he thought he was in the will, and…   When he found out that he wasn’t,   I mentioned my idea to him.   And he offered to forge Anjelica’s signature.   – Theresa, are you saying that you’ve been working   with Konstantin this whole time?

I didn’t intend to be.   I didn’t know he was just gonna show up in Salem like that,   the way he did.

So all that time   he was conning us into believing   that he cared about my mother,   you knew that he was just after her money.   – I didn’t know that he was dangerous.   I didn’t know he was planning to kill her.   – This whole thing was a lie. –

[gasps shakily] No.

This whole thing was a lie, Theresa.   You never loved me. You loved the money.   This was about Victor’s money.

No. No.   That–that’s really not true.

Yes, it is.

Alex, can we just–can we just go somewhere and talk?

There is nothing–

Let’s go somewhere and talk.

There’s nothing to talk about.   Brady accused you of knowing that I was there   before you slept with me, and you were so insulted.   And you insisted that you were falling in love with me   before you knew.   Everything was a lie.

Just let me explain.   Just let me explain.

But you already have explained.   You’ve been deceiving everyone for months.   And you took something that was rightly mine, Theresa,   and you gave it to him   for your own vile and greedy purposes.   – Xander, don’t even feel bad.   Don’t feel bad, because the way I see it,   you got a better end of the deal, really.   ‘Cause she may have screwed you over,   but at least you didn’t– you didn’t marry her.



[somber music]

– You okay?   – I can’t believe it.

I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened.   – I just feel so stupid.   Brady tried to warn me, you tried to warn me.   I was so caught up with being Victor Kiriakis’ son,   I didn’t even question it.   This whole thing was a lie, just like this marriage.

Well, there’s one good thing.   Justin is actually your father.  

[gentle melancholic music]   – That is a good thing.   Hey, Dad. –

[laughs]   Son, come here.   Oh.   I love you. – I love you.

[breathes deeply]   Love you.

And looks like I’m still your kid brother after all.   –


Another good thing.   – Get in here. –




[sighs]   Oh, man.   Oh, I’m so damn grateful for both of you, really.   I mean, I just can’t stop thinking about the fact that   this woman that I married was lying to me   about who I was for all these months.   – Okay. Look.   Alex, we’ll get the marriage annulled.   I’ll call the police, report the fraud.   I’ll make sure that Theresa can never ever hurt you again.   And if you want to make a statement right now,   we can do that.   – Look, I’m sorry.   I-I, uh–I think right now,   I just need to get outta here.

[laughs]   –

[hums] Mm.   – Oh, thank you.   Yeah. No. Mm-mm. – Hmm?   – No, I think I’ve had enough.   – Are you sure? –

[laughs] Yeah.   Oh, God. I think I’m just gonna–   I’m gonna go upstairs, and I’m gonna go to bed early.   – Okay.   Hey, um, you want some company?

Oh.   You, uh, offering?   – Yeah, um, I thought   you want to feel good, I want to feel good.   Maybe we could feel good together.

Yeah, we probably would.   Tonight.


But then tomorrow,   probably not so much when my new boss skins me alive.


Look at me. Hey, Kristen–   Kristen, she doesn’t need to know anything.   She doesn’t need to know anything.   –

[laughs] Brady.   – It’s fine. It’s fine.

You know as well as I do   that secrets do not stay buried in this town.   And, uh, as tempted as I am…  

[light jazz music]   Yeah, you know, I have made impulsive choices before,   especially when I have been drinking.   – Yeah. – And, uh…   they have always turned out to be a mistake.   – Okay.   Can’t blame a guy for trying, right?

No. Yeah.   Listen, Brady, I understand why   you may want to drown yourself in booze, in me.


[sighs] Well.

But come on. Listen to me. Listen to me.   Try not to think about Theresa for too long.   She’s a married woman now.   You gotta move on, right?   –

[sucks teeth] You gotta move on.

Hey. Listen to me, listen.   It’s her loss, ’cause you’re a great guy.

Appreciate that.


Thank you.

Uh-huh.   Wait. Wait. No. How you getting home?


[sighs]   Roller blades. – Oh, fun.   – I’m kidding. I’m gonna order a car.   I’m gonna order a car, right? –

[laughs]   Hey. – I promise.   Promise.

All right.   Take care of yourself.

You too, Ava.

That poor kid.

Yeah.   This is a tough one.   But we’ll be here when he’s ready.   – Justin, I know this is gonna sound really weird right now,   especially with Alex hurting so much, but honestly I–   I couldn’t be happier that he’s your son.

[sobs] Oh. – Yeah.   Oh, my God.   – Hey, come here, you. – Come here.

[laughs] – Buddy.   – What kind of despicable human being is that Theresa woman?   And how on earth could you want to share your wedding   with someone like that?   – What about you?   – Me?   – You lied to me my whole life.   – Alexander. – You knew   that Victor was my father and you–   you kept that from me.   – Yes, because we didn’t want to hurt Titus.   Victor and I agreed that he would be devastated   if he found out about our affair,   and especially that you weren’t his son.   – Okay, but what about after he died?   –

[sighs] Do you think I was in any kind of shape   to deal with this then?   I fell apart after your father–   after Titus died.   And you and I,   we were barely speaking at that point.   – You had no idea?   – How could I?   Titus was my dad.   When he died–

[sobs] when he died, I fell apart too,   but my mum was nowhere to be found.   She was off somewhere drinking herself to oblivion.   – I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you.   – Well, I don’t want you here now either.   So go.   Just get out of my sight.   – But–but–but I came to your wedding.   I want to get to know my grandchild.   – He asked you to leave, Fiona.   So please do.  

[dark music]

– Hey, are you okay?   – Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s, uh–   let’s get married.   – Now?   – Xander, we could move the ceremony to another time.   – Right, but we’ve–   we’ve waited so long for this day.   – I know, baby, I know.   We can wait a little bit longer, okay?   Let’s just–let’s go home   and we’ll sort everything out, Okay?   – Okay. – Okay.   – All right. I’ll see you back there.  

[somber music]

– Hey.   – Hi.   – So…

[sighs]   Where’s your boyfriend?   Hey, just between you, me and Lady Whistleblower–   never mind, this could be just between you and me.   You are a lovely guy, very handsome to boot.   Andrew wasn’t conspiring with his sister, was he?  

[intriguing music]


[gasps]   – Going somewhere, sis?

– You know, just once I wouldn’t mind   a simple boring wedding.   People exchange rings, they say the vows,   and everyone goes home happy.

I’ve actually been to a couple of those.   I wouldn’t call ’em boring. They’re actually pretty nice.   – Oh, I don’t know.   I like a little drama with my romance.   Paul, Jackson, would you like some cake?   – Whose cake is that?   – Well, it’s Theresa and Alex’s, of course.   Figured they’re not gonna be using it any time soon.

You cut into it yourself?

What?   Just because the wedding was a disaster   is no reason to let a perfectly good cake go to waste.  

[playful music]


[phone beeps] –

[sighs]   Hey, sis.   Um, Theresa didn’t call you about the wedding?   Okay. I see.   Well, um, you might want to sit down.

Whatever you have to say to me,   I really, really don’t need to hear it right now.   – I don’t care what you need.   My God, it was not enough for you to lie   to your fiancé and his entire family.   You had to lie to me too? – Wha–   what are you talking about?   – Your little kidnapping adventure with Konstantin.   Ring a bell?   – Just let me explain– – Stop.   I-I don’t want to hear any more lies.   I… you convinced me not to turn you in   when I saw you on that footage.   You swore that you’d only agreed to help Konstantin   as part of some harebrained matchmaking scheme,   but you were working with him the whole time   so that the two of you could get your hands   on Victor’s fortune.   And you convinced Maggie that he was some hero   just so he could help you sink your claws into Alex.   – I care about him, I really do–

Stop, stop, Theresa! – I swear I do.   – Stop lying.  

[soft dark music]

[sniffles] Are you gonna turn me in now?   Are you gonna tell everyone that–   that I was Konstantin’s accomplice   in Victoria’s kidnapping?

– No.   But if you had a shred of dignity left, you would–   you would do it yourself.   –


[despondent piano music]


[approaching footsteps]   – Sorry, I know you probably wanted to be alone.   I just wanted to see if you’re okay.

No.   No, I’m not.

– Oof, I know a lot of crazy things have happened today.

Oh. – Mind-blowing in fact.   – Uh-huh.   – But you got the best news   about two people you love very much.   Victor didn’t lie to you all those years.   And Alex is your son now and forever.  

[gentle music]

Yeah. – Yeah.   –

[laughs] – Yes.   Mm, sweet girl,   Mommy and Daddy will get married soon, I promise.

Hardly the wedding you were expecting.   – I’ve had worse.

[laughs]   – Are you all right?   – Yeah, I’m okay.   I just–I don’t know what happens next,   but whatever it is,   I’m gonna be there to help Xander through it.


[liquid pouring]


[mysterious music]

To you, Father.   Looks like you saved the best joke till last.

[glass shatters]

Someone sitting here?

[sighs]   Uh, she’s gone.   So that–that drink is up for grabs.   No one’s touched it.   – Really?   – Really.   It’s all yours. It’s nice and strong.

How gallant.

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Days Transcript Friday, July 19, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[gentle music]

– Nice night for a wedding.  

[tense music]

– Well, I picked up the bouquets.   – Oh.

Is everything all right in here?   – Yeah, we’re just trying to solve a mystery.   When the wedding invitations went out,   Xander’s mother’s ended up in a trash can.

And I just assumed that Sarah changed her mind and tossed it.

Well, that’s the thing. I didn’t.

Well, then, who did?


Look, Justin, I get why you’re hurt.   I do.   But I don’t think it’s right for you to stand here   in my father’s house and drag his name through the mud   when he’s not even here to defend himself.

What he did was indefensible.   And I, for one, don’t know how you can stand there,   waxing sentimental about him!

Because he was my father.

So was I, damn it!  

[dramatic music]


But you’re not anymore.   And it’s about time you accept that.

– Yeah, Kim, it is too bad you and Shane can’t   make it back for Theresa’s wedding.   You’ll be missed.   Oh, you better believe I’ll be there.   Got to have at least one Brady to represent, right?

Let’s make it two, just so we’re covered.  

[mellow country music]


[cars honking]

[keys jangling]   –


[soft dramatic music]

Stop thinking about it.   You and Theresa, you were–   you were never good for each other.   You were never good for each other.   You were never…   good for each other.

[heavy breathing]



[laughs]   How am I gonna get through this wedding, huh?   How are you gonna do this?   How are you gonna do–



– Whatcha up to there, bro?

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”


Oh, hey, man.   It’s great to see you.   I had no idea that you were gonna be in town.

Ah, well, my boyfriend’s sister’s getting married,   and Dad always says you have to show up   for family when you can. – Ah.   True, true.   – Which is why I’m sure he’d want me to ask about that.


[sighs] – You off the wagon?

No.   No.   No. I was–I was–   I was thinking about it.   – Why, Brady?   I mean, is it because of Theresa?   Is it because she’s marrying someone else?  

[soft dramatic music]

– How many times did you tell me that we would   always be father and son?   I guess that was all talk.

I didn’t mean to lash out like that.   – Then what the hell did you mean?

I mean, I think it’s time for you   to get over your anger at Victor.   You don’t know why he let you believe   you were my biological father; I don’t either.   But I’m sure he had his reasons.   – Then tell me one.   – Well, I can’t do that–

Just tell me one reason that makes sense!

I can’t do that right now.   And why does that matter?   – It matters to me, Alex.   It matters a whole lot, actually.   Because a man that I considered my second father   has pitted us against each other,   and he’s doing it from his grave!   – That’s what you think.   You think I’m your enemy now?   Because if that’s what you think, Justin,   you think it’s all his doing, then you probably shouldn’t   be officiating my damn wedding ceremony tonight.

Maybe I shouldn’t.






Doesn’t look so good and fine to me.


Well, sis, you do know how to keep a secret.   Yep, Andrew just walked through the door.   Of course I’ll give him your love.   Talk soon.

[phone beeps]   Oh.

[laughs]   Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes, young man.

Well, since Mom and Dad couldn’t make it,   I’m the designated family rep.

Which is just great.   Theresa will be thrilled you came.

I hope so.

What do you mean?   Why wouldn’t she be?  

[tense music]

John and Steve asked the ISA to investigate   the attempted kidnapping of Sarah Horton’s baby   from the Kiriakis mansion.

Oh. And?

Well, Dad passed the case on to me.   John and Steve sent in some surveillance photos   to be enhanced by our technology.   Imagine my shock when the face in the photos was yours.


Well, I don’t understand, Bonnie.   Why would you think that Sarah would throw   Xander’s mother’s invitation in the trash?

Well, because that’s where I found it   when I accidentally knocked over the trash can.

Oh.   – Finish your story!   Well, did you ever find your clothes?   Did you–did you have to jump into the flooded quarry?   Was it deep enough?   It was pitch black. You almost died.

Has anyone seen the stamps?

No.   Wait, are you sitting on them?

Oh, no, wait!   Oh. Oh.

I just assumed that Theresa got into Sarah’s head.


Mm-hmm.   Well, she kept going on and on how she thought   it was not a good idea to invite   Xander’s mother to the wedding.



That’s right.   She did go on and on about it.   And I didn’t change my mind.

Well, if you didn’t do it, then who did?

Yeah.   If you didn’t do it, and I didn’t do it,   that means–

Okay. Yes, it was me.  

[tense music]


Jack, I didn’t know you were back in town.

Yes.   I am in Salem.   My daughter’s body was being exhumed,   except it wasn’t there.

I’m sorry. What was that again?

It seems Abigail may still be alive.

Jack, that’s–   oh, my God. How is that even possible?

It’s complicated.   I don’t want to talk about it.

No, I understand. I–   well, I pray that it’s true.

As do I, of course.   She died too young.   Never had a chance to realize her full potential,   raise her own children,   or run the newspaper that was her birthright and legacy.  

[soft dramatic music]   You know the one I mean,   the one you stole from us.


Hold on, Jack–

You don’t have to say anything.   You–   you have more important things on your mind.   And I do hope that this double wedding goes better   for you than your last one.

Jack, I–

Although I have to say that   both you and Gwen landed on your feet,   blackmailed “The Spectator” right out   from under Jennifer and me.

Look, I admit–   – And I–   I wish you the best today on your wedding day.   I do.   I look forward to reading all about it   in “The Spectator” tomorrow.   I still read it, by the way.   Force of habit.   – Jack, wait, I–   Take it back.  

[soft dramatic music]   – Excuse me?   – The paper, Jack.   Take the paper back.

– I didn’t tell Theresa I was coming.   Maybe I should have.   She doesn’t like to be caught off guard.   – Oh, come on.   Who doesn’t like a good surprise?


[gasps] Oh, my God!   Andrew!   Oh!   I didn’t know you were coming.

I didn’t know if I could get away from my assignment.   It helps to know people in high places.

Aw. Well, Theresa is gonna   be so happy to see her big brother.   She always worshipped you, you know.

Well, I am so happy to see you.


And I can’t wait   to catch up with Aunt Kayla and Uncle Steve.

Oh, no.   Neither of them are going to the wedding.   My dad’s out of town,   and my mom’s stuck at the hospital.


Well, Kate’s gonna be missing tonight too.   She’s in LA trying to secure the rights to a soap opera,   believe it or not.



Long story.   Hi, honey.

Hi.   Hi.

So how you been, Andrew?

Oh, I’ve been great, really.   Oh, Paul’s in town, too, by the way.   He stopped by to see Brady.   – I can’t wait to see him,   but for now, if you’ll excuse me,   I need to get back to the kitchen,   get some things squared away.



I hope Brady is doing okay.   I got the impression at one point that   maybe he and Theresa–   you know what? Never mind.   She’s marrying Alex.   If there was anything between her and Brady, it’s over now.

Hmm.   I’m sure Brady’s fine.   But how about you?   You were dating Alex not too long ago, right?   How are you doing with all this?




Hey.   So…   did I come at a bad time?

No. No, not at all.   I just didn’t think you’d be able to make it.   This is great.

Of course.   What, are you kidding me?   You’re my brother, or cousin.   Whatever.   It doesn’t matter.   Although I’ll always see you as my brother, no matter what.   – I feel the exact same way.   Thank you.   I should probably go get ready.   And I will let you catch up with your real son.  

[soft dramatic music]


So I’m not sure what I just walked in on.

Don’t worry about it.

Of course I’m gonna worry about it.   Are you okay?   – No.   I’m not.


I thought you and Theresa were over a long time ago.


[sighs] We were.   We were.   Look, right now, we’re just focusing on co-parenting,   now that Tate and Theresa are back in town.

How is he, by the way?   – He’s good. He’s good.   He’s off to lacrosse camp right now, but I don’t know.   Theresa was really upset that he couldn’t   make it to the wedding.   And honestly, this whole wedding came up   like that, you know?   I don’t– I still don’t understand   why there was such a rush.

You don’t think–   – That Theresa is doing it for the money?   Yeah.   Yeah, Paul, it crossed my mind, okay?   But she–she did agree to sign a prenup, though.   – Oh, so maybe not.

Yeah.   – But if–big if–   Theresa happens to still have feelings   for someone other than the very wealthy guy   she’s about to marry–   – Look, if you’re subtly suggesting   that I’m that guy, no, no.   No, Theresa and I are over.   We’ve been over for a long time.   Why are you looking at me– don’t–   why are you looking at me like that?   – Because, I mean, I just get the impression that   maybe you wish you and Theresa weren’t over.


[sighs]   – That you still have feelings for her.   Am I wrong?  

[soft dramatic music]   – You threw out the invitation?   – How could you do such a thing?

Well, like I said, you know,   Xander’s mother is an alcoholic.   What if she– what if she causes a scene   and she disrupts the whole wedding?

Or she’s sober now and would have loved to see her son   and meet her granddaughter.   I cannot believe you did that, Theresa.   It’s really awful.   It’s appalling, actually.   – I know. That’s true.   It is.   I’m really sorry.

Well, no harm, no foul.


Yeah.   Because I mailed the invitation myself.


[gasps, chuckles]




– I mean it, Jack.   I want you to take back my half of “The Spectator.”

But you–

I know what I was.   I was angry. I was–   I was desperate and leaning in to my worst impulses.   And I regret it now, profoundly.   And you should know.   You–you actually got the better end of that deal.

How is that?   – Well, you might have lost the paper, but I lost–   I lost my best friend.   Maybe the only one I’ve ever had.   And “The Spectator,”   it belongs to your family, not mine,   to the extent I even have a family.

What will you do for money?


[exhales] I’ll figure something out.   I mean, my wife is a doctor.   It’s not like I have to worry   about our daughter going hungry.   I don’t want “The Spectator” anymore.   I mean it.   I’ll hire Justin to draw up the papers.

I’ll keep an eye on the mail.  

[soft dramatic music]

You give my love to your bride.   What exactly did she see in you?

That is the burning question, isn’t it?   – Well, you got a good one.   Earn it.

– Look, I just want to help. Okay?   And I want to understand about that drink I saw   in your hand from earlier.


[sighs]   I never thought that I would feel that   Theresa was the one that got away.

Well, you know, if–   you don’t have to go to the wedding if you don’t–   – No, I–   I’m gonna go.   I gotta go.   I’m not gonna– not gonna back down now.

You gonna be okay?  

[light tense music]

Yeah.   I’m not going to drink this thing.   I don’t need it.   It was just a weak moment.

– I’ll go pour this out.   – Hey, man.   I’m really glad to see you.

– Sonny, I’m so grateful you’re here,   ’cause I’ll be honest, I’m–   I’m having a hard time.   – I know.   I am too.   I mean, it’s surreal that…   Uncle Vic would do this to you.   I mean, to all of us.   – I mourned him, I miss him,   but I will never forgive him for this.   – I won’t either.   – Alex has.   He’s perfectly content with the way things have turned out.   And the more he embraces Victor,   the more it feels like a slap in my face.

[sighs] And I’m–   I’m having a hard time even believing that it’s true.   I carry around this damn letter that Angelica wrote to Victor,   reading it, rereading it,   trying to find just one thing that   will tell me that it’s all a mistake,   that Alex really isn’t Victor’s son.


[paper rustles]   Tell me I’m crazy.   – You’re not crazy.   You’re not crazy, okay?   You’re kind.  

[tender music]   You’re caring.   You’re an all-around great person.   And I’ll always be your son, no matter what.   I love you.

I love you, too, son.   Oh, Sonny.


[door opens, shuts]   Well, I’ll let you two catch up.

No, no, don’t–   don’t go.   I thought about what I said earlier,   and I’m truly sorry.   If I’m being honest with you, I would be grateful   to have you marry Theresa and me today,   if you’re willing.

– It would be my honor.

I’m very happy that Alex and Theresa are   getting married.   I gave her my blessing, and I meant it.   Alex and I have been over for a long time.

Seeing anyone new?

I was.   But not anymore.   – Hmm. I’m sorry.   – Oh, it wasn’t meant to be.   And you know what? It’s kind of funny.   I’ve been going through this revolving door of men lately,   and meanwhile, wild child Theresa,   she’s the one settling down.

She’s settled down a few times.   Let’s just hope this one sticks.

I keep thinking about all the trouble we used to get into   when we were growing up.   – You mean that she got into.   – Yeah, yeah.   She’s a wild child, like I said.

[laughs]   And you must be happy she turned over a new leaf.

That’s the dream.  

[mellow acoustic music]


You did what?

Oh, I put a stamp on Fiona’s invitation   and put it in the mail myself.   Now, I know it wasn’t my place to do so,   as it was not your place to throw it in the trash,   but I figured Sarah would thank me later.

And I do thank you, Bonnie.   It was very kind of you.   I just wish Xander’s mom would have RSVP’d.

Well, maybe it never got to her.

Or maybe she just didn’t want to come at all,   that or– it’s one or the other.   – Well, again, truly, I’m sorry.   But honestly, maybe you kind of dodged a bullet.   – I don’t see it that way.   And you should be sorry, Theresa.

[baby crying]

Oh, oh.

I’ll get her.

Thank you, Mom.

You know what? You need to get back there   and start getting dressed, missy.   – Okay. – Let’s go.   March.   Wedding march.


[door shuts]   – Oh, my God.   That woman better not show up or I am screwed.


[dramatic music]

[knocking at door]   Sarah’s–Sarah’s in the–   Andrew!   Oh, my God, I can’t believe it!

[laughs]   – You look gorgeous.   – And you look so handsome, of course, as always.   –

[chuckles]   Come in.   – Uh…   – Oh, yeah, that’s, Victoria.   I’m just watching her while Sarah’s getting ready.   – Oh, the kid you kidnapped. – Shush.   – Ironic.

[chuckles]   Well, I haven’t said anything.   I told you I wouldn’t, not even to Paul.   And I’m assuming that you’ve been staying   on the straight and narrow, like you promised.   – I have. Totally have.   – Hmm.   Well, you sure misjudged Konstantin.   You thought he was a sweet old guy trying to woo Maggie.   He could have killed you, you know.   – I know. That was the–   one of the scariest moments of my whole life.   – Mm. Well, you don’t have to worry   about him anymore,   and I don’t have to worry about you.

I’m so thankful for you.   Thank you for covering for me.

Mm, yeah, I still don’t feel great about it.   Sarah checked in the other day and asked   if the ISA had any leads on Konstantin’s accomplice.   I hated not being able to tell her that–   – Not being able to tell me what?  

[tense music]

– Thanks for letting me get changed in here.

Oh, consider this the Home for Naked Scots.   – How’s that?

I said, anything for the boss.   – Well, I’m not really your boss anymore.   You know, I just gave my half   of “The Spectator” back to Jack.

What? Why?   – Well, let’s just say I had an attack of conscience.

What about having an attack of looking after me?   Am I going to get fired?

Of course not.   Who doesn’t love Lady Whistleblower?

Everybody whose whistle I’ve blown.

Well, lucky for you, that list does not include Jack.   Now, I should get changed.   I’ll see you downstairs, yeah?  

[light jazzy music]


I thought you weren’t supposed to wear   underwear under that thing.

The Scots did invent going commando,   yes, but I’ll see you downstairs.

Oh, fine. Be that way.   Have the place to yourself,   just you and all the hidden cameras.

Cameras?   – I’m teasing.   – Ah.

I’ll be downstairs where I’ll be covering   the wedding for my ex-boss.



Maggie, hello.

Hi.   – Sarah, I was just saying that I hated not being able   to tell you that we had a lead in Victoria’s kidnapping,   but with Konstantin dead, unfortunately,   the trail’s gone cold.

Oh. Well, what do you know?

Well, we still assume that he hired a local thug   to help him out, someone who would have no interest   in causing you any more trouble now that Konstantin’s dead.  

[soft dramatic music]

Yeah, I’m sure you’re right that there’s no danger,   but still, just, whoever it was being out there,   it’s disconcerting, to say the least.   – You know, I just–   I just realized something.   Since Dad can’t come to the wedding,   I don’t have anyone to walk me down the aisle,   so could you maybe–

Jeannie Theresa,   of all the nervy, pushy, last minute–   I’d love to. – Oh!   – Oh, wonderful.

Oh, wow.   Well, it’s getting late.   Look at the time.   Why don’t you say we go have a wedding or two?   – Well, Bonnie’s still doing her makeup.   – Oh, well, put your feet up.   We got a while then.

[laughs]   – I must say, I’m so glad that   the two of you are gonna be sharing the stage tonight.   I mean, you’ve both grown up so beautifully,   and you make me so proud.   I love you,   and I’m beyond thrilled for you both.  

[tender music]

[elegant violin music]

[indistinct chatter]   –

[sighs]   Sonny!   – Jeez.   – Well, of course, you’re here for your brother–   your cousin’s wedding.   Where is your not-better-half?   – Will couldn’t make it.

There it is.   – There what is?   – The angle for this wedding story   I have desperately been seeking.   Now, Will is related to both brides,   if I parsed the family tree correctly?   Is this surprise absence indicative   of trouble in paradise?

Oh, does that question earn you a punch in the nose?   – Jackson!   There is no reason to take that tone.   I do have journalistic ethics.

Oh. Here’s another of your exes.   Hey, you two made such a better couple than Swill–   or would it be Wonny?   Literally the worst of the portmanteaus.   But if you ever wise up and dump that buzzkill,   you should go for this guy.   – Is that a fact?

– Sorry, Sonny. I tried.   – Hey, handsome devil.   Congratulations.   – Steph, how are you?

Oh, you are one lucky groom.   And you know what?   My cousin is one lucky bride.   I’m so happy for you both.   – Thank you.

– Oh, Victoria, those are beautiful flowers.


[chuckles]   Well, she was supposed to be the flower girl,   but she fell asleep.   – Mm.   I’m sure it’s gonna be a perfect day anyway.   – I hope so.   Are you doing okay?

Yeah.   Yeah, I’m good.

Well, if you need anything.

Maggie, the last thing you need   today is to worry about me.

So do you have your lines memorized?   – I have a cheat sheet. – Oh, good.   I mean, just kidding.   You’ll be great. – You think?   – Oh, yeah.   – Well, I almost got fired from the job a few hours ago.


Ah, it’s okay.   Alex and I– I guess we’re just destined   to be a work in progress.

Oh, honey.   I hope one day Alex realizes how lucky he is   to have a father like you in his life,   as blessed as I am to have a husband like you in mine.   – Everyone, please take your seats if you haven’t already.   We’re about to get started.   Places, you two.

Oh, look at us, the heir and the spare.


[chuckles]   That’s a cute skirt.   Are you ready to do this?   – Share the spotlight with Victor’s billionaire bastard?   Can’t wait, mate.  

[soft tense music]

[harp playing wedding march]


[music stops]

Oh, wait.   Oh, my God.   We forgot to plan one of the most important details.   – What? What is it?   – Who’s getting married first?  

[dramatic music]

[indistinct chatter]   – Okay, I think that Xander and Sarah   should go first since this was their wedding to begin with.   – Well, maybe that’s why they should go second   because you’re like the opening act to their star attraction.

Oh, thank you, Bonnie.   – I really don’t care.   – Me neither.   – How about– how about we flip a coin?   – Seriously?   – Heads.   – Tails.   – All right.

[coin clinks]   Heads it is. – Yes.   – Wait, but does heads go first or last?   – Oh, for God’s sake.   – All right, you know what?   I’m going to make another executive decision here,   all right?   Theresa, Alex, you’re on.   How about that?  

[gentle acoustic music]   –


– Welcome, all, on this joyous day,   family and friends here to celebrate   the joining of two couples.   We’re here to unite in matrimony   Jeannie Theresa Donovan and Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   and Sarah Horton and Alexander Cook Kiriakis.   The marriage contract is not to be entered into lightly,   but rather thoughtfully and seriously,   with a deep appreciation of its obligations   and responsibilities.   If there’s anyone present who knows any reason why   these two should not be joined in matrimony,   speak now or forever hold your peace.   The groom and the bride will now say their vows.   – For a long time, Theresa knows,   everybody knows,   I was nothing but a player.   After coming to Salem, all of that changed.   A lot of things changed.   The biggest of them all was realizing that   I was Victor Kiriakis’s son.   That turned my world upside down,   to put it mildly.  

[soft dramatic music]

Theresa, I would never have made it through that   if it weren’t for you.   You helped me embrace who I really am.   And for that, I will be eternally grateful.

You okay?   – Yeah, I’m just a little choked up.   – Okay.   –

[clears throat]   So I’m gonna keep this brief.   I just have one thing I want to say to you.   And that is, I–   I just want to make you happy,   and I will, Alex,   because you deserve that.


Alex, please repeat after me.   I, Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   take you, Jeannie Theresa Donovan,   to be my lawful wedded wife.  

[tender music]   – I, Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   do take you, Jeannie Theresa Donovan,   to be my lawful wedded wife.

To have and to hold from this day forward,   for better or worse, for richer or poorer,   in sickness and in health,   to love and to cherish,   so long as we both shall live.   – To have and to hold from this day forward,   for better or for worse,   for richer or poorer…

Through sickness and in health,   to love and to cherish,   as long as we both shall live.

Now you, Theresa.   I, Jeannie Theresa Donovan,   take you, Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   to be my lawful wedded husband.

– I, Jeannie Theresa Donovan,   take you, Alexander Neil Kiriakis,   to be my lawfully wedded husband.

To have and to hold from this day forward,   for better or worse,   for richer or poorer,   in sickness and in health,   to love and to cherish,   so long as we both shall live.   – To have and to hold from this day forward,   for better or for worse,   for richer or poorer,   through sickness and in health,   to love and to cherish,   as long as we both shall live.

– May I have the rings, please?

Alex, place this ring on Theresa’s finger   and say these words.   With this ring, I wed you as a symbol   of my commitment to love, honor, and cherish you.   – With this ring, I wed you…   as a symbol of my commitment   to love, to honor and cherish you.   – Theresa, please place this ring on Alex’s finger   and say these words.   With this ring, I wed you   as a symbol of my commitment   to love, honor, and cherish you.

With this ring, I wed you   as a symbol of my commitment   to love, honor, and cherish you.

– It is with great pleasure that I,   by the power vested in me,   now pronounce you husband and wife.   You may kiss each other.

[cheers and applause]  

[tender music]

– Allow me to introduce for the first time   Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kiriakis.

[cheers and applause]  

[tense music]

– Brady.   – Hey. I got to go.   I got to go.   Listen, I’m headed to a meeting, all right?   So, no, I’m fine.   Please stay.

– Hey. Don’t print that.   – Ugh.   Do you have X-ray vision?   Can you read upside down?   How do you know what I wrote?   – I’m a spy.   I know all.   Plus, I saw you watch Brady walk out of here.   – Not my fault that’s the best view.

– Okay, if everyone could please take your seats,   ’cause guess what?   We’ve got to do this again.


Well, are you two ready?  

[sentimental music]

Okay.   Well, it is my honor and pleasure   to preside over the final wedding tonight   of my beloved daughter, Sarah,   to the only man who she’s ever truly loved.   I’m blessed to have known Xander for many years   and watched him come into his own   and be changed by my daughter’s love.   It gives me great joy to see them walk through the fire   and emerge stronger with a beloved daughter,   my granddaughter,   who was named after my husband,   who we lost recently.   I know that Victor–   he would be very happy that his family has come together   in this way tonight.

So if there is anyone here who knows any reason   why these two should not be joined in matrimony,   speak now or forever hold your peace.

I’m so sorry I’m late.

[dramatic music]

Who’s that?


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Days Transcript Thursday, July 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[jazzy music]

Leo, come on, babe.   You’ve gotta come up with something.   Think of your fans, your Little Whistles   or whatever they’re called, foaming at the mouth,   waiting for their daily hit of titillating gossip.   Fans like that woman who was waiting outside   of Everett’s room.   She was an odd bird, wasn’t she?

[knocking on door]   Who is it?

Bonnie Kiriakis.

[door clicks open]

Speaking of odd birds.

Sorry.   Old habits die hard.

Hello, Bonnie. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Well, I thought Lady Whistleblower   just might be interested in the story of a century.   –

[panting]   – What’s going on here?

Well, what does it look like?   Getting all pumped up for the big event tonight.


[laughs]   Big event?   I’m very confused.   Are you preparing for a wrestling match?

[gasps]   Is El Erótico coming out of retirement?   – No, no, no, no, no.   Tonight I–I’m marrying the most beautiful woman   in the entire world.

Margot Robbie.   Ana de Armas?

Wrong on both counts.


The woman I’m marrying…


Is none other than Dr. Sarah Horton.

Oh, her?   Yeah, she’s all right, I suppose.   – She’s a bit more than all right.   She’s absolutely perfect.  

[sweet music]


Listen, I am elated we were able to lock in this deal.   Seriously. And according to the forecast,   Q and Q of this year are looking very profitable.   Agreed.   Yeah, so now that we’ve got that all taken care of,   I am gonna go ahead and get ready for my wedding now.   I appreciate the well wishes.   Thank you. Take care.

[knocking on door]   Come on in.

Hey. – Hey.

I just came by to see if you were ready for your big day.

Getting there.   I just need to shower and change.

Yeah, and I won’t keep you.   But there is something that I need to say.   – Theresa, don’t you think it’s a little late in the game   to have Tate come to your wedding?   I mean, uh, the lacrosse camp is in–   – Yeah, I know, it’s in upstate New York.   I’m well aware. Flight’s only a couple of hours away.   – Yeah, but it’s– it’s summertime.   I mean, the likelihood of finding a flight, there’s the–   the direct flights are gonna be sold out by now.

Well, then I’ll have Alex send the Titan jet.

You–you’re gonna– you’re gonna have the Titan jet   pick our kid up at summer camp?   You don’t think that’s kind of extravagant?   – No, not for the future heir to the Kiriakis fortune.   – Ah.   I forgot you were marrying Jay Gatsby.   –

[laughs mockingly] You know what?   I’m gonna call that camp myself, actually.   I’m gonna tell them to get ready   because I’m sending a charter jet over there   to pick up one of their campers.

[birds calling]

[knocking on door]

Oh, my God.   – Who is that?   – I don’t know.   Just be quiet, and maybe they’ll go away.   – Tate, Holly, I know you’re both in there.  

[tense music]

And you two are so busted.

– Sophia?   What are you doing here?


[sighs] I hope you two have enjoyed your little staycation   because it’s all about to come to an end.  

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”


Listen, you’re not gonna talk me out of marrying Theresa.   – No, no.   She signed the prenup. End of story.   – Okay, good.   Because I don’t want to fight with you, Justin.   Not today.   – Believe me, Alex,   I don’t want to fight with you either.   – Good.   Well, then if you’re here not to warn me about Theresa,   what’d you come here to say?

If it’s all right with you,   I would like to perform your wedding ceremony.  

[gentle music]


Theresa, Theresa. No, no, no, no.

What are you doing?

Let our son–just let him be.   Let him get settled into camp.   Let him make some friends.

His mother is getting married.   You don’t think he wants to be there?

Theresa, I think you’re just overestimating   a teenager’s interest in weddings in general.   Look. Look at the time. Look.   There’s no way you’re gonna get the jet fueled   and prepared to go.   And you’re gonna run out of time.   It’s not gonna work. I’m sorry.





I suppose you’re right.

[clicks tongue] Damn it.   I really wanted him to be there.

Theresa, all right. I’ll send him a bunch of videos   from the ceremony, okay?   Why do you have that look on your face?   What?

Because I just–   ugh, I can’t help but just think   this is all Holly’s fault, you know?   Because if she would have just kept her distance from Tate,   we wouldn’t have had to send him off for the summer.

[scoffs, sniffs]   But at least now we know that he’s not in her clutches.

You know, I thought this place would be harder to find.   But, oh, the wonders of GPS. You should hear mine.   I programmed it to have this, like, cute English accent, so.

Sophia, how–how did you even know that we were here?

Oh, I spotted you two lovebirds scuttling off   into the park on the th of July.

Wait, you followed us?

And overheard you plotting to trick your parents   into believing that Tate had gone away   to lacrosse camp for the summer.   But I’m looking around,   and I don’t see a lacrosse stick anywhere.

[gasps] Oh, that’s right.   You sent Aaron in your place, didn’t you?   I’ll admit, that was a pretty slick move.

Hey, Sophia.   Look, I can explain this to you.   And I think you should just listen before you–

I do wonder, though, Tate,   what would your parents say if they knew you weren’t there?   Because I bet they’d freak, hmm?   What do you think?   Should we call them?  

[tense music]


Sophia, wait. Please.   You can’t tell our parents about this.

Of course I can.   In fact, when I ran into Tate’s mom   in the square earlier, I nearly did.

Whoa. What do you mean, “You nearly did”?

Yeah, well, we were chatting,   and it was on the tip of my tongue.   But then I changed my mind.

Oh, thank God.   Sophia, thank you for not saying anything.   And look, I get that you’re angry with me,   but we’re still best friends, right?

Best friends?

[scoffs] Wow, okay.   I think the best-friend ship set sail   when you became a backstabbing bitch.   No, the real reason I didn’t say anything   to Tate’s mom is because she’s–   drumroll, please–   She’s getting married.   Tonight.  

[tense music]


Theresa, come on.   We can’t put all the blame on Holly, all right?   Number one, she’s a kid.   Number two, our son did go out of his way   to lie to our faces and go behind our back.

You don’t get it, Brady.   I have known girls like Holly all my life.   You see, they have this little hobby   that they have where they– they like to manipulate   the nicest-looking guy   into doing whatever they want for them.

Ooh, okay. Yeah.   Sounds like someone I know.   – Hey. Hey.   It’s my wedding day. Be nice.   Okay? – Mm-kay.

And though it’s not my first wedding, obviously,   it is my first proper ceremony, so–   – Proper ceremony.   both: Yeah. – Well, you might have   a proper ceremony, but it’s not gonna be   as cool as the one we had.   You remember that little Vegas chapel, right?   –

[chuckles] Yeah.   Yeah, that was cool. – Yeah, it was.   Although I don’t remember everything,   every moment, because I was–   I was high as a kite, if I recall.

Yeah.   I may have taken advantage of the situation just a little.

Yeah.   You mean, like–like if a girl would manipulate a boy   into getting whatever she wants kind of thing?

Okay. All right. Point taken.   I got it, Brady.



[laughs]   In hindsight, it was more of a scheme than a wedding.


You know, to me, the, um,   actual wedding was… the unofficial one.   You remember that?

Yeah, um–   – Upstairs, in your bedroom.

I remember that one very well, yeah.

It was like for one shining moment,   the stars were all aligned, and we were actually happy.



[sighs]   Shame that didn’t last.


[laughs sadly]  

[wistful music]

– You want to officiate my wedding?

I was talking to Maggie.   Xander and Sarah asked her to officiate their ceremony.   And since it’s a double wedding,   I thought I would take one of the ceremonies off her hands.

Now, why would you want to marry Theresa and me,   when deep down you know, or think you know,   that I’m making this big mistake?   Unless this was some kind of a trick.

You know what? I’m looking at this list,   and I have barely checked off any of these boxes.   We have so much to do before this ceremony.

Well, make Alex and Theresa do it.   They’re the ones that are horning in on our wedding.

You having second thoughts about sharing our big day?

Well, I mean, I know it’s too late to back out now.   But if I’m being honest,   and especially since we’ve been through a lot   to get here, Sarah,   yeah, I’d prefer the day be all about us.   – Well, it’s like you said.   It is too late to back out now.   But as we’ve talked about,   it’d be really nice if this brought your family together.

Sure. Yeah.   I mean, that’s all well and good.   As long as the young scion pays for his half of it.   I mean, really.   He should probably pick up the whole bill.   Don’t you think? Considering.   – Considering what, that he inherited all that money,   and now he’s rolling in it?

[laughs] Are we a little bit jealous?

No, I’m not jealous.   I mean, it’s like I told you.   Having tons of money is–   it’s no longer my goal in life.   I just–I want to make a good, honest living,   make my wife and my daughter proud of me.   And look how lucky I am,   marrying the woman of my dreams, again.



That’s all that matters.

I’m very lucky too.   I get to marry the man of my dreams,   who manages to be sexy and loving   and goofy all at the same time.

Just had to throw “goofy” in there, huh?

It’s my favorite thing.

You know, I’m gonna dig into the storage and find   that Lucha libre mask,   and I’m gonna bring back El Erótico   just to remind you how macho and suave I can be.

Mm.   I mean, I think you can accomplish that   without any mask at all.   But maybe.


A double wedding?   That’s the story of the century?   – Well, they don’t happen every day, you know.   – True.   But just the idea that Lady Whistleblower   would betray her readership with a story   so overly sentimental as a double snoozefest–

I’m sorry, but didn’t you have one?   A double wedding, I mean.

Did I?   Must have repressed that memory.   – Oh, you couldn’t have.   Not possible.   It was Xander and Gwen   and you and Nancy Wesley’s ex-husband, Craig.   And just as the wedding ceremony was getting going,   that drag queen crashed the hell out of it   and told everyone that you were marrying Craig for his money.   Mm, mm.   – God, that wedding was more camp than a row of tents.   –

[snorts] – Thank you for bringing up   that shameful and humiliating time in my life,   for which I hope you don’t judge me   because I’m in very serious therapy now,   working / towards becoming a more honorable   and substantial person and less of that shallow   and manipulative dirtbag that I was.

Oh, Leo, I do not judge, especially since I’ve been   that shallow, manipulative dirtbag myself, truth be told.   Anyhoo, this wedding will not have the drama   of that wedding–   at least not the drag queen part.   – Not the–well, if not the drag queen part,   then what part will this wedding have,   Ms. Bonnie Kiriakis, whose very expressive punim   is giving her away right now?   The marrying-for-the-money part?

Yeah, I just–I think I’ve said too much.

Wait, wait, wait. I’ve got it.   It’s Theresa Donovan, isn’t it?

[gasps]   Are you saying what I think you’re saying?   That she’s only marrying that minted hunk Alex   because he’s the heir to the Kiriakis fortune?


[humming strangely]

Look, I don’t know much of anything and I just–

I knew I was right about Theresa.   That lying little minx! Okay, Bonnie. Spill the tea.   I want the who, the what, the when, the where, and…


Whatever the last one is.

Okay, okay, fine! Fine.   There have been some concerns   about Theresa’s motives for marrying Alex.   But please, I beg you,   you cannot put that in your column.

Ugh. Fine.   Though I could really use the content.   My last column was a profile   on this Canadian expat, gorgeous trainer   who adopted this doe-eyed Siamese little cat.


That’s it.   That was the story. I thought he was gay,   possibly into me, but it turned out–   – Okay, okay. I get it. You need content.   But you have to understand, Alex is family,   and Theresa is soon to be.

Okay, fine.   Kinda like that lying little minx anyway.   She reminds me of my former BFF.

Oh, you mean G–

My beautiful Gwennie, yeah.   Yeah, whom I betrayed,   who now hates me with a vengeance, so.

[breathes deeply]   –

[clears throat]   –

[inhales] – What are you doing?

Well, though I haven’t talked to my therapist,   Dr. Evans, but I plan to,   I read in “Stop Kvetching and Get a Life”   that when you’re having terrible guilt   for having ruined a friendship,   you should inhale the shame…

[inhales deeply]   Exhale the serenity.   – Is it working?   – No. – Oh.

Anyway, although I don’t blame Theresa   for wanting Alex’s fortune and all that it can offer her,   I would marry that beefcake if all he had was a Styrofoam cup   with some loose change in it.   I mean, between him and Xander, every day is like a dry run   for another “Magic Mike,” right?

I think we may have done this out of order, Mr. Kiriakis.

Oh, well.   I thought it was pretty perfect, to be honest.   I’m just hoping that it’s not bad luck,   you know, for the bride and groom   to see each other before they walk down the aisle together   and maybe a little bit more than see each other.


[laughs]   I think you and I have had our share of bad luck.   So I say no more worrying.

What? You mean like that time right before   one of our other weddings, when Kristen stuffed you   into a bloody trunk and shipped you off to a deserted island?   – Yeah, that one–   or when you were falsely imprisoned for a murder   that you didn’t commit.   Yeah, I think, uh, the list goes on and on   and on and on and on and on.   But that’s all in the past.   It’s gonna be clear skies from now on.   You’ll see.   – A trick?   You think I’m trying to trick you?   –

[scoffs] I mean, didn’t you do exactly that   with Konstantin and Maggie?   I mean, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if,   you know, mid-ceremony you burst out of your seat,   and you accuse Theresa of embezzling money from Titan.   – You can’t be serious.   You know damn well why it went down the way it did   with Konstantin and Maggie!   And for you to not trust me because of that–   – Oh, okay.   –

[exhales] – Okay. Fine.   I am–I’m sorry for making that analogy or whatever.   But can you really blame me, Justin?   You’ve given me a whole lot of pushback about Theresa.   –

[sighs]   I can assure you, Alex, I have no ulterior motives.   I just thought it’d be nice.   That’s all.   I may not be the father of the groom,   but I just want to be a part of your special day–   but not if it doesn’t work for you.  

[gentle music]

– Actually, it does work for me.   And I am sorry for accusing you of ulterior motives.   I really am.

Apology accepted.   – But I am gonna have to ask Theresa first, obviously.   I don’t think she’s gonna have a problem with it, but still.   – Okay.   – Okay? – All right.   Well, I’ll go start preparing my script for the ceremony.

All right.   Justin…   thank you.



Sort of been our problem, hasn’t it?

Hmm?   – We get together, and we’re–   we’re good for a while, and…

[laughs] Can’t seem to make it last.

Yeah, yeah.   Why do you think that is?

Hmm.   I don’t know.   I would say it’s probably my fault.   I think I screw up a lot.

Yeah, that’s been–no, that’s–   you can’t take all the blame.   I was so stubborn, so stubborn.   Most of the time. Almost all the time.   Also pretty unforgiving.

Okay. Yeah, you’re right.   We’re both at fault here.

[both laugh]

I just hope things are different with Alex, you know?

Yeah.   I’m rooting for you, you know.   I am, for–for both of you.

Really? You mean that?   – I do.   Despite everything, I just want you to be happy–   truly.

I want that for you too. You know that, Brady.

Hey, at least one of us found true love, right?   You deserve it. You deserve it.   I mean that.



I have to confess something to you.

– I–I’m–I’m sorry.   My mother is getting married tonight?   – Yeah, she was outside the bakery   going on about her wedding cake.   Wait.   You didn’t know.

No, I mean, I knew my mom was engaged to Alex Kiriakis.   But no, I didn’t realize that the wedding was tonight.

Well, it is.   And I didn’t want to spoil your mom’s special day   by telling her that her darling son is a big fat liar.   – Oh, well, thank you.   – I’ll just tell her tomorrow instead.  

[unsettling music]


Sophia, please.

Like, pretty please with sugar on top?

Seriously? Do you really wanna hurt us this badly?

Well, yeah, that’s why I ratted you out the first time.   – What first time?   –

[scoffs] Hello.   How do you think Tate’s mom caught on to your plans   to sneak off on prom night?   – Oh, my God.   You told her?


[scoffs] Oops. – Oh, my God, Sophia.   How could you do something so spiteful?   – I suppose the acute sense of betrayal I felt after you let   me, your so-called best friend, make a complete fool of myself   by asking Tate to the prom when, in fact,   you two were secretly seeing each other the whole time.   Yeah, that made telling her a whole lot easier.   Do you have any idea how humiliating that was?

Sophia, look.   I-I had no intention of hurting you.   I thought that maybe you would just–you’d get with Aaron,   and then everyone would be happy.   – Really, Tate?   Even though I have never, not once,   expressed interest in Aaron?   – Okay. You know what? You’re right.   He screwed up royally, and I’ve been a terrible friend.   – We’re sorry.   We never should have lied to you.   We just–with everything that’s happened, you know,   we got so caught up in keeping this thing   between us a secret that–   I don’t know– we didn’t think about   how it would affect other people.   – Ugh, the groveling.

What are you talking about? We’re apologizing.   – So I won’t snitch on you.   Because as we both know, the stakes are kind of high.

No, that’s not–

[sighs]   Sophia, look, I’m sorry, okay?   I really am sorry.   But yeah, it’s true we don’t want you to tell our parents.   If you do, Tate’s probably gonna be shipped off   to military school, and we’ll never see each other again.   –

[inhales sharply] That sounds like a you problem.   – Sophia, we have known each other   for a very, very long time.   If our friendship ever meant anything to you,   would you just please keep our secret?   I’ll do anything.   – Anything?   – What is it you want to confess?   – Well–   – What in the world is my gorgeous bride doing here?   Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the wedding?   – Yeah, uh–   um, I was just telling Brady here that, um,   despite our differences, I’m really happy that–   that he’s coming to the wedding.   I mean, you are Tate’s father, after all.   And even if he can’t be there, I’m really glad that you can.

Hey.   Um, I’ll see you two at the ceremony.

Yeah, we’ll see you.

[sighs] Mm.   – I should–I should probably get to Sarah’s now.   – Oh, before you do, I wanted to run something by you.   – What? Did you, like, hire Ed Sheeran   to perform or something?   I know you’re a big-shot CEO.

Uh, no.   Actually, Justin offered to officiate our wedding.   I wanted to see if you had any objections.

No.   Of course not. That’s fine.   – Okay, good. Good.   I just wanted to, you know, talk with you about it first.   So it wasn’t like the prenup all over again, you know?   – Oh, yeah.   You learned your lesson, did you?

I did.   Because I just wanna be the best husband   that I possibly can be for you because I love you,   and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

I feel exactly the same way.  

[mysterious music]


[sighs]   – Can you believe our precious little girl is still asleep?

Good, she’ll be well rested for the ceremony.

What have you got there?

Just looking over our final guest list.

I see my mom never got back to us.

No.   I assume that she moved, and who knows where?   – Or maybe she just doesn’t give a damn.

Baby, I am so, so sorry   that I pressured you to reach out to her.   I didn’t–I didn’t mean to reopen old wounds.

It’s fine. I-I understand.   It was worth a shot, you know, for Victoria’s sake.

Of course.

Anyway, honestly,   it’s probably just as well that she’s not coming.   – Look, I’m sorry for wasting your time.   I didn’t realize a double wedding was,   as you say, a snoozefest.

No, hold on, Bonnie. Wait, wait, wait.

[sighs] Okay, look.   As vanilla as it is, four very straight,   very good-looking people getting married,   maybe we can find an intriguing angle here.

Intriguing angle?   Like what?   – Like, did anything scandalous happen   at the bachelor and/or bachelorette party?   Something involving drugs, strippers?   – No, they skipped all that.

Huh.   What about the ceremony?   Any inside details?


[gasps] They’re gonna have a chocolate fountain.   – Well, that’s great.   Anything else?   – Oh.

[gasps] Well, actually…

[sucks teeth]   There might be a surprise guest.   – A surprise guest, eh?   – Mm.   – Do tell.   – Xander’s mother? – Mm-hmm.   – I didn’t know he had a mother.   I mean, I guess we all have mothers,   though I think of mine as a spiritual black hole.   – Oh. Sorry to hear that. – It’s okay.   I’m learning that I’m eminently lovable despite all that.   – Oh. I’m happy for you.   That’s good.   And yes, Xander certainly does have a mother,   and she might–might– key word being “might”–   be coming to the wedding.   – And this is a surprise because?   – Mm, she and Xander have been estranged for years.   – Really? – Mm-hmm.   – Why?   – Probably because she had a drinking problem.   – Oh, so she likes to wet her beak, eh? Go on.   – Well, Sarah worked really hard to track her down,   and she finally got an address for her in Paris.   And she was all set to send her an invite.   And then I found the invite in the trash.   – Really? – Mm-hmm.   – Why would she throw it away?   – I think Theresa got in her head.   She kept discouraging her from sending Mama Cook an invite   and kept saying over and over again what a bad idea it was.


So then how did Mama Cook get the invite?  

[tense music]   –

[giggles] – Bonnie, you didn’t!   – Guilty! –

[gasps]   – I sent it.

[laughs]   I figured Xander and Sarah would thank me later.

[chuckles]   – So they don’t know? You never told them?   – Honey, a surprise is not a surprise if no one’s surprised!   Hello!

[giggles]   – You know, there is at least one potential positive   of my mom not attending. – Hmm?

At least our open bar won’t get ransacked.

You’re terrible.

Come on.   The woman’s skipping her own son’s wedding.   I’m allowed a few barbs.


[rapping on door]   – Hi. – Hi.   –

[sighs]   Well?   – Well what?

You don’t have anything to say?   Like, for instance, oh, I don’t know, uh,   “Thank you for letting us join in on your wedding”?

Okay.   Thank you for letting us be part of your wedding.   We are eternally grateful.   – And you are eternally beholden.   Hey, I better go get ready.

Okay.   I am so sorry about him.

Oh, it’s okay.   And thank you, Sarah, for letting us crash your wedding.

It’s no problem.   I mean, in a few hours, we’re all gonna be family.

Hmm.   – So what’s the word?   Have you run it by Theresa?

I have.   We’d love to have you perform our ceremony.   – Oh.   Well, that’s great.   I’m very happy, Alex.

Me too.   I know how much family meant to my father,   and I know this is what he’d want.   – Look, I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead,   but I really don’t give a damn what Victor would have wanted.   – I will consider keeping your little secret,   but I want something in return.   – Sure. Anything.   Just name it.   – Well, I figure since Aaron took Tate’s place   at lacrosse camp,   it’s only fair that you take mine.   – Wait, you’re going to camp?   – Not exactly.   My parents are making me get one of those pesky J-O-Bs,   waiting tables at the Bistro.   What do you think, Holls?   I’m sure Stefan DiMera won’t mind   if I give up my spot to you,   though there is one small stipulation.   I collect every last cent of your paycheck.   – Sophia, if I work your job at the Bistro,   that means that I’ll never get to see Tate.   – Sure you will, as soon as you get off work.   So what do you say?

– Ugh, I can’t believe   I have to work all summer at the Bistro.   I’m not even gonna see a single penny from it.

Holly, no. No.   It’s–I don’t want you to make such a big sacrifice.   It’s not fair to you. I’ll just go to camp.   It’s gonna be a couple of months.   – No. – Yeah.   – No way. – Holly, come on.   – “Come on” what, Tate?   Rather be doing what we’re doing now   than not see you at all.   – You sure?   – Yes, I’m sure.   We’ll just have to make the most out of the time   we do have together.   – Oh. Well, in that case–   – Come here. –


[gentle music]


[laughter]   – “Lend me your ear, dear reader,   “for ’tis the summer of love here in Salem,   “as two scorching-hot couples are about to tie the knot   “in what promises to be the social event of the season.   “But let’s hope that this wedding has a happier ending   “than the last Kiriakis nuptials,   “a dumpster fire in which the would-be groom   “was shot and killed.   “Not that anyone shed a tear, since the victim   “of said shooting was responsible for the death   “of the famously witty and intimidating family patriarch,   Victor Kiriakis.”   – That man up there was a narcissist   of the highest order, a manipulative control freak.   To him, everything was a means to an end.   He could be cruel– – I didn’t think   that you were still so angry with him.   – How could I not be?   He robbed me of a son!   – Justin, I was never your son to begin with.   – And he should have never lied to me about it.   Or he shouldn’t have revealed the plot twist in his will.   – I don’t think it was a plot twist.   I think he was trying to make things right.   – Make things right?   It was too late for that.   – I know it hurt you. I-I do. I get it, and I’m sorry.   But I don’t think you should be standing here   in my father’s house and dragging his name   through the mud when he’s not here to defend himself.   – What he did was indefensible.   And I for one don’t know how you can stand there   waxing sentimental about it!

Because he was my father!

So was I, damn it!  

[tense music]

[sighs]   Don’t think about it.   You and Theresa? Come on.   You were never good for one another.   You were never good.   You were…  

[mysterious music]



[breathing heavily]   How are you gonna get through this wedding?   How you gonna…  

[ominous music]

Come on.

[bottle clinking]

[sighs]   Aha.


[groans]   – Hi. I hope I’m not late.   – No, come in. Come in. Come in.   We’re just getting started. – Oh, good.   Well, I be here bearing gifts.   I have everything from hairpins to Spandex to ibuprofen.   I got you girls covered.   – You are an angel.   Um, and the bouquets?   – Oh, damn. I’m–

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.   We will just– we’ll grab them on the way.   –

[exhales] Okay. – It’s totally fine, all right?   I now need a very hot shower.   – Um, Sarah, before you go,   there’s something I need to tell you.   It’s–it’s about Xander’s mom.

What about her?   – Well, I know you threw her invitation in the trash–   – Wait, wait, wait. – And–   – What are you talking about?   I-I didn’t throw any invitation in the trash.  

[dramatic music]

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Days Transcript Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[gentle music]

[phone ringing]

Hey, Johnny.

Hey. How’s it going?

Oh, so busy, I can barely breathe.   But other than that–

You’re not pushing yourself too hard, are you?

I’m fine.   And since Dr. Greene says that there is   no reason why I can’t get back to work,   I want to reopen Sweet Bits ASAP.

OK.   Are you sure you don’t just want me  to come down there and help?   I mean, while you’re short-staffed   and I’m unemployed?

No, thank you.   I think you’d just be more of a distraction than anything.

Eh, I’m sure you could find something for me to do.   I’m a man of many talents, as you well know.

That’s true.   But unless those talents include piping frosting  on cupcakes or making a Hogwarts cake  out of fondant, then I think  you should just let me do my thing.


Oh.   Love you. Gotta go.

Hi. I’m so sorry.   I didn’t mean to interrupt your call.

No, no, no. It’s fine.   Uh, what can I do for you?

I’m really hoping you can help me,   and it’s kind of an emergency.

[birds cawing]






[exhales]   I didn’t hear you.


Yeah. Yeah, I can’t imagine why.

[chuckles]   I brought you a present, though.

What is this?

Figured you might be missing your Buddy’s   fix out here on Smith Island.

Aw.   Yeah, sure, I missed my Buddy’s,   but I missed you a lot more.



Hey, Alex. Is Maggie here?

No.   She ran out to do some errands for the wedding.   But I’ll let her know you stopped by.

OK. Yeah.   I wanted to– I wanted to check on her.   I know she’s busy with Xander and Sarah’s   big day and everything,   but with everything that went down with Konstantin,   and the whole idea of a wedding,   I thought that might be traumatic for her.

No, for sure.   Well, hopefully after tonight,   we can make some better memories   for her and for all of us.


[soft dramatic music]   – I guess you didn’t hear.   It’s gonna be a double wedding.   Theresa and I are getting married tonight too.

[sighs]   – It’s a little early for a drink, don’t you think?

It’s : somewhere.

Hmm.   What’s that?

Ah.   That is a petition from Nicole’s attorney,   suing me for divorce.

– Look who’s here. It’s your mommy.   – Yes.   Hi, little man.   Were you a good boy for your daddy?   Huh? – Sure was.   He went right down.   He slept through the night, unlike his daddy.   – Oh.   You kept checking on him?

Yeah, to make sure I wasn’t dreaming   that he was still here. – Oh.

You know? Thank you.   Thank you for letting him stay here.

Of course.   He’s your son.   Oh, my little angel.   I know it was only one night,   but Mommy missed you like crazy.

[laughter]   Aw.  

[gentle music]  

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– How are you doing?   – I stayed at the Salem Inn last night…   after I left EJ.

[chuckles]   And now I’ve just got to find a place big enough   for me and my daughter and Jude–   you know, when he’s not with you.


[laughs]   How’s Holly taking it?   I mean, me being Jude’s dad?

Well, I mean, Eric, she adores you.   She’s really happy for you.   But she’s been grounded a lot lately.   So she’s miserable, obviously.

Yeah, she told me.

She did?

Yeah, I ran into her.   And let’s just say she needed to vent a little.

Well, thank you for letting her vent.   I’m sure it was mostly about me.

No, no, it wasn’t.   I mean, she’s a smart kid.   Loves you very much, Nicole.   You know that.

Yeah, I do.   I love her too, with all my heart.   And I let her stay at a friend’s last night   because I needed some time alone to think things through.

Yeah.   What are you gonna do?

Well, I, uh–   I called my lawyer,   and I had him serve EJ divorce papers.  

[dramatic music]   Because he and I, we’re–   We’re done.


Look, Dad, you–   you can’t be that surprised that Nicole   wanted a divorce, right?   I mean, once she–   you know, once she took Jude and Holly and moved out,   it seemed kind of inevitable.   Don’t you think?



[clears throat] It did, yes.   And, Johnny, I assume you’re quite upset with me.  

[soft dramatic music]

Well, I feel horrible for Nicole,   obviously, and for Eric.   And beyond that, I mean, I thought   that I had a little brother.   I told everyone that I know how happy I was   that you got your son back and that we’d be   raising our babies together.

I’m sorry I let you believe that.

Yeah.   Yeah, me too.   Anyway, now none of it’s gonna happen, so…




An emergency?

Yes.   So I know that you just reopened,   and I know this is really last minute,   but, um, I desperately need a wedding cake.

Oh, OK. When’s the wedding?



Mm-hmm. Yeah. OK.   See, so Alex and I, we got engaged,   and we were planning on having a wedding   in a couple of months,   but then we agreed on having this double wedding   with Xander and Sarah.

Oh, OK.   Um, well, why don’t you just share the wedding cake   that I made for them? It’s definitely big enough.

Oh, it is.   And it’s gorgeous.   It’s just, uh, there’s just this little tiny problem.   It’s a spice cake.

And you hate spice.

Uh-huh. Yeah. I’m sorry.

No, no, no, no, no, no. I get it.   I’m not a fan either.

No, you know?   I just don’t want to gag, you know,   when I have that first slice that Alex feeds me.   So I’m really hoping that we can just have our own cake.

OK, um, well, what are you thinking?   How big would you want it? What flavor?   What kind of icing?   – Honestly, as long as it’s not spice cake,   I’m good with anything.   –

[laughs] All right.   Um, let me see what I can do.   – Oh!   – Hopefully they’re not too cold.   I don’t think there’s a microwave here.   – Oh, these are great, even cold.   Mm.   –

[laughs]   – You know, I never thought that I would see the inside   of the mythical Horton cabin.   It’s beautiful.   It’s peaceful.

Mm.   Boring.   – No, not with you around.   I’m telling you, it’s the perfect   summer hideout. There’s the lake.   There’s hiking.   The ferry makes it easy to get back and forth to Salem.   – Mm-hmm.   I’m just glad it was available.

Yeah, no kidding.

Oh, have you heard anything from Aaron yet?

Uh, just that he ran six miles today at lacrosse camp.

Wow.   You’re gonna be in great shape when you get back.

Oh, most definitely.




[laughs] By the way, thank you so much   for saving me from what would have been   the worst summer of my life.

Of course.   I mean, it wouldn’t have been that great for me either.   I just hope our parents never find out   we’re here at the Horton cabin.

How would they?   As long as we’re careful, they’ll never know.  

[tender music]

– You and Theresa are getting married tonight?


When– when did that happen?

Well, we just decided.

[laughs] You look shocked.

Uh, no, no.   I’m not shocked, Alex.   I’m just, uh– that was fast.

Yeah, well, you said the same thing when we got engaged.

I did.   Um, that’s because that was only a few days ago.

Well, look.   This was Bonnie’s idea to do the double wedding,   and Theresa said there was really   no reason for us to wait.

So did–   I mean, did Theresa push for this?

No, she didn’t– she didn’t push.   She just said that it was a good idea,   and I agreed with her, and–   I mean, Xander and Sarah have done all the work.   The guest list is already overlapping,   so it kind of made sense.

I thought you hated Xander’s guts.

We’ve definitely had our differences, yeah,   but Maggie is hoping that this big family event   might bring us all together and help eliminate   some of the baggage.

That’s a lot of baggage.

Speaking of, Brady, I know you and I have gone through it   the past few months.   So if you are uncomfortable being there today   to support Theresa and I, I’m sure Xander   and Sarah will understand if you rescind your RSVP.  

[soft dramatic music]

Actually, yeah, I don’t want to–   I don’t want to–   I don’t want to crash your big wedding, man.   I don’t want to ruin your day.   So please give Xander and Sarah my deepest regrets.



Brady, don’t get me wrong, man.   I’m not hinting at the idea that I don’t want you   to come to our wedding.   I just want to give you the option of just bowing out   if you’re uncomfortable.


[sighs] Alex, actually, you know,   I am a little bit, truthfully.   Partly because I should have–   I should have never had the idea that Theresa was,   you know, just gonna marry you for the money,   and I– look, the two of you can’t be happy   that I even said something like that.

It’s fine.   Honestly, I’m done being upset over it,   and I’d be lying to you if I told you that thought   never crossed my mind.

And the fact– look, the fact that she’s willing   to sign this prenup… – Yeah.

That pretty much proves me wrong.   – Yeah.   – Look, man, you– you’re a smart, successful,   decent-looking guy. – Ah!

[laughs]   – There’s a lot of reasons why Theresa   would want to marry you.   – Well, thank you for the ego boost, my man.

Hey.   – And hey, if you accept the fact that Theresa is not   marrying me for my money, and really just because of   how amazing and awesome I am… – Alex.   –

[laughs]   Why wouldn’t you want to be there to watch us   tie the knot together, man?   Unless there’s another reason why you’d be uncomfortable   coming to our wedding.  

[tense music]

– OK, so chocolate cake,   raspberry filling, and a monogram design.   – Oh, that is perfect.   Thank you so much, Chanel.   – Yeah, uh, let me go check and see if I have everything   to make that happen. I’ll be right back.   – Oh, Ms. Donovan. – Oh.   Hi, Sophia. – Hi.   Um, I was wondering if I could talk   to you about Holly and Tate.

– Hey, sorry I couldn’t make it last night.   By the time I felt I could leave my mom,   I’d missed the last ferry.

I just still can’t believe that EJ pretended   that my Uncle Eric’s kid was his.

I know.   I feel so bad for Eric and my mom.

Hey, how are you doing in all this?

You know, after all the lies EJ said, I–   I’m totally in my mom’s corner.   I know she and I haven’t really been getting along lately,   but this was just so wrong.

Yeah.   Kind of blew up your whole family.

Yeah.   But it’s not– it’s not really about that,   at least not for me.   I mean, the only time I ever felt like   I had a real family was when Eric was my stepdad, so…

Do you think that there is a chance?   – That Eric and my mom might get back together?   – Sure. – Who knows?   I’m just glad to be away from all that drama,   even if it’s for a little while.   And is it horrible to say that the timing   kind of works out perfect for us?   I mean, I can’t be grounded if I don’t have a home, right?

Yeah, and your mom’s not worried   about you seeing me because I’m away at lacrosse camp.

Exactly.   But enough talking about that.   Now that we’re finally alone, what should we do?  

[soft dramatic music]

Johnny, I am so sorry you were hurt.

Oh, you mean you’re sorry that you hurt me.   I think that would be the appropriate thing to say.


[sighs]   I am sorry that I hurt you–   and a lot of other people, too.


[scoffs] It’s just–   look, I’ve done some crazy things, OK,   to hang on to a relationship, Dad,   but Uncle Eric is, like, the nicest guy on the planet.   How could you let him hand you his child?

I am not going to relitigate this with you, son,   nor am I going to try and justify my actions to you.

Yeah, well, good because you can’t.   And I know you know that.


I do.

– You know, I remember when I was a little kid,   and I’d do something wrong,   and you’d look at me, and you’d tell me   how disappointed you were in me.   Well, now I know how you felt.


Divorce, that’s– that’s a big step.   Nicole, you don’t think you need more time   to think it through?   – Well, how much time did you take   to end your marriage with Sloan?




Because what EJ did to me, and to you, and to our son   is just as bad as what she did.   I mean, he’s lived in your home,   and then he was in our home.   And who knows where he’s gonna end up next?   I mean, Eric, we’re gonna have to figure out   a custody arrangement.   I mean, unless–   – Unless?  

[gentle music]   – Are you still planning to move to Paris?

– My dad asked me the same question.   I said I didn’t know.   I– that I needed to talk to you about that.

– Alex, I just– look, I just think   it’ll be awkward for Theresa if I’m at your wedding.   – Why?

[chuckles]   You told me that our being together was good for you,   that your relationship with Theresa was toxic–   unless you didn’t mean that.

No, no, I– no, I meant that. – OK.   – We– we–   Theresa and I, we haven’t always brought out   the best in each other.

Yeah.   – But she– look, she has moved on,   and I have as well. – Yeah.   –

[sniffs]   – We can just celebrate this connection   that you and I have, and we can just have this   great old lovely time together.   – Lovely time together.   Yeah, you are– you are really aiming high on this one.   You know that?   – Why not?   I know you’re not seeing anyone.   So I bet you are really lonely,   and I bet you would like   to have some companionship.   – You know what?   – Hmm?

Alex, I’m gonna–   I’m gonna– I’m gonna do a total  on this.   We’re family. We’re family.   And if you don’t have a problem with me being there,   yeah, man, I’d love to be at your wedding.   – Done. Done.   It’s settled. Good.   I’ll see you there.

Great, man.   Great.


So I–

OK, Sophia.   Before you say anything, I just–   I want to apologize for the way my son treated you.   I know that must have been so hard for you to tell me   that Tate was seeing Holly behind my back,   but I am so glad that you did.

I’m cool with Tate.   Actually, I– I blame Holly.   She was supposed to be my BFF.   And she knew I liked Tate,   but she didn’t bother to tell me   she was in a relationship with him.   – Mm-mm.   God, I just– I cannot stand that girl.

[sighs]   But look, if it’s any consolation,   they are gonna be really far away from each other   this summer because we’ve just sent Tate   to lacrosse camp in New York.  

[dramatic music]


[fireworks exploding]

– So is everything a go?   – My mom is totally on board with me   going away to lacrosse camp.   And since Aaron agreed to take my spot–

That means we’ll be able to spend   the whole summer together.

And no one will ever know.

[fireworks exploding]

– Ms. Donovan, there’s something you should know.

– You know, there’s not a lot to do here.   Um, I found some board games over there.

Oh, which ones?

Uh…   the Game of Life.

Oh, my God, my Grandma Maggie and I   used to play this all the time. I always won.

Maybe because she let you?   – Uh, no.   My Grandpa Victor used to call her cutthroat.   – OK. Sure.

I swear.   And she is.   But so am I, actually.   I take after her.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah.   So do you want to play or what?  

[soft dramatic music]

– Look, Dad, I don’t mean to kick you   while you’re down here, OK?   I understand that it sucks that you lost Nicole,   that you lost Jude, and you lost the CEO position   to Aunt Kristen. I know that.   – I may lose my DA job as well, if I’m charged as an accessory   after the fact.   – Well, I hope that doesn’t happen.  

[tender music]

– Thank you for saying that.   – Look, Dad, I am mad at you right now.

But that doesn’t mean that   I’m not always gonna have your back,   the same way you’ve always had mine.   You’re my dad.

– And you’re my loyal son.

I’m sorry I wasn’t as supportive of   Chanel’s pregnancy as you needed me to be.   – Yeah.   You came around eventually.   – Speaking of, are you and Chanel   still thinking of getting a place of your own?

– Uh, we haven’t really talked about it, honestly.

Well, I–   I would understand if you wanted to put   some distance between us,   but I just wanted you both to know   that you’re more than welcome to stay here   for as long as you wish.   In fact, it would mean   a great deal to me if you did.

– Well, uh, obviously it’d be   a lot easier to share custody of Jude if you were–   were here in Salem,   but after everything you’ve been through, Eric,   I don’t want you to give up anything because of me.   – I was leaving because it was too painful   for me to be around Jude,   but now that I know he’s mine–   –


[tender music]   You could stay.   And I’m sure Chad and Xander would love   to have you back at “the Spectator.”   I know I would.   And I know it’s not Paris, but–   – I just wanted a fresh start.

There’s no reason why I can’t have that   with Jude…

And with you.

– What about Tate and Holly?   – Well, the other day, I was at the park, and I–   – Oh, I’m so sorry, Sophia.   Just give me a second. Hi.   So can you do it?

Uh, so I can do the cake and the frosting,   but the filling has got to be chocolate mousse.

That is totally fine.   Thank you so much.

Yeah, yeah, of course.   And I promise you that your wedding cake   will be made with love.   – You’re an angel.   You know that?   You are.

You’re getting married?

Yeah, I am.   Today, actually.


Thank you.   So I’m sorry for the interruption.   What– what did you want to tell me?   – It’s your big day, so it can wait.   Um, it’s– it’s not important. – No, no, no, no.   If this is about Tate and Holly, I–

It’s really nothing.   Enjoy your wedding.  

[bright acoustic music]


Seven, eight, nine.   Are you serious?   – Told you, you should’ve got the insurance.

K? That’s crazy.   I don’t have that kind of money.   I have triplets, and I just lost my job.   You– you have that kind of money.   Why don’t you just– why don’t you just   give me some money?

No, no.   That’s not how the Game of Life works.   So how about you call it quits and say I’m the winner?   – No. OK, fine, yes.   You win.   OK.   Do you, uh– do you want to play something else?   – How about trivia?  

[bright music]   – Oh.   Yeah.   Yeah, sure.   Do you, uh– are you always this competitive?   – Yeah, only when I want to win.   I told you I take after my Grandma Maggie.

[chuckles] OK.

Ready? – Yeah.   All right.   Three, two, one, go.   Uh, OK.   Um, like…

– OK.   That’s  for me, and, uh,  for you.   – Was that even movie trivia?   I mean, there wasn’t a single name   from this century.   Danny Kaye, Gary Cooper, Macdonald Carey?   – At least you got Dick Van Dyke.   – How do you even know all these old movies anyway?

Oh, I used to watch a ton of them   when I had a thing for this guy who’s this big movie buff.

[chuckles]   – You mean Johnny DiMera?  

[soft dramatic music]   – Chanel and I are not gonna live here forever.   We’ll stay a little while longer.   I know you’ve lost a lot, Dad.   You know, I know.   But you’re not gonna lose me–   not ever.  

[tender music]

– That means the world to me, son.

– Well, um, I should get going.   I, uh– Chanel told me to stay away from the bakery   because she’s so busy, but I’m gonna go see   if I can take her to lunch. –

[chuckles]   You’re a good husband, Johnny.   That is something that you definitely   did not learn from me.   – Eh, I don’t know.   Maybe you just haven’t found the right person yet.   You and Nicole just weren’t meant to be.   Obviously.

I think you should sign those divorce papers   and move on.   –

[sighs]   I’ll take that under advisement.

You’re gonna be OK, Dad.   I’m sure of it.   –


[somber music]

– So you’re really staying here in Salem?

Jude’s been moved around too much already.

Are you sure?

I’m positive, Nicole.   If we’d found out that he was mine   when you were first pregnant–   – Things would have been a lot different.   – Yeah.   And if I’m being honest, I–   I wanted to put some distance between us, because–   – Because whenever we’re together,   we can never seem to get it right.

[sighs] You know…   when EJ and I committed to each other, I–   I think he knew that I never really got over you.

And maybe that’s why he went to such extremes   to hold on to our marriage.

– Did you know that, too?


In my heart of hearts, I did.


Hey, you.   I saw you lurking over there.

Yeah.   I was about to come in and see if I could take   my wife out to a late lunch.   – Mm, I wish you could, but I am so swamped.   – Oh, come on. You still got to eat.   – Yes, I know.   And I have been eating very well all day, I promise.   But it is really sweet of you to check up on me.

Am I smothering you?


[chuckles] A little bit, but I like it.


[bright acoustic music]   – Tate, I didn’t mean to bring up Johnny.   Actually, I tried not to, but you guessed him anyways.

Well, yeah.   I mean, when you said movie buff–   hey, it’s not like I didn’t know   that you had a thing for him.   He’s all you talked about when we first met.   – Yeah, I know. I remember.   And he was super into Chanel.   So it was just a dumb crush, a stupid fantasy.   – So what am I?   – You are very real,   and I’m so lucky I have you now.  

[dramatic music]

– It’ll mean a lot to Theresa to have you there tonight.


[sighs] I’m not so sure about that.   – Not so sure about what? – Hey.   I was just telling Brady how happy you’ll be to know   that he’s coming to our wedding.   – Why would you not be sure about that?   Of course, I want you there.   – Is that the dress?

It is. – Oh, my God.   I cannot wait to see you in it.

[laughter]   Look, I know we’ve had a whole lot of ups and downs,   but I truly am hoping that after this wedding,   we can all come together as family.   – Me too.  

[soft dramatic music]

– I’ve–   I’ve never admitted this out loud to anyone.   So here it goes.

If I had known Jude was ours back then…   And you would have taken me back…   I would have left EJ.  

[gentle music]

– From the moment   that I found out you were pregnant,   I wished, I–   I prayed that baby was mine.

And I did want the same thing that you did.


[knocking]   –


[tense music]

– So…

[sighs]   I’ve ordered the wedding cake. It’s all ready.   And now I just need to get ready.

Good. We probably both should.

[phone ringing]   Oh.   Oh, I have to take this.   Um, OK.   I’m gonna take off, but I will see you at the altar.   – Mm-hmm.   – Mm. Mm.

[phone beeps]   – I didn’t know that you were getting married today.  

[soft dramatic music]   – Yeah, I didn’t know that either…   till the other night.

[clears throat]   I know that– that you’re on   Xander and Sarah’s guest list.   So I really– I should have just told you,   given you a heads up.

I– I told you before, I’m–   I’m happy for the two of you.

Great.   So there’s no problem then.

And again, I’m–   I’m really sorry that I brought up   the whole money thing to Alex.   – It’s OK.   You’ve already apologized. I get it.   And you know my history.   –

[laughs]   I do, but I also know that you–   You have a huge heart.   Alex is a really lucky guy.



[sighs]   I’m really sorry things didn’t work out between us, Brady.   I am.   You are always gonna be   so, so very special to me.   I mean, you’re Tate’s dad.   Oh, my God.   Oh, my God, Tate. – What?




Oh, my God.


Um– oh!   When Alex and I got engaged,   I just assumed that Tate would come home from camp   for the big day, but when we agreed   to this double wedding, I–   I didn’t even think about the fact   that Tate wasn’t gonna be in town.   I can’t– I can’t get married without my son.   Brady, I need– I need Tate.   I need my son there at my wedding.  

[dramatic music]


[knocking]   –

[whispers] Oh, my God.

Who– who is that?   – I don’t know.   Just be quiet, and maybe they’ll go away.   – Tate? Holly?   I know you’re both in there.

And you two are so busted.

– Johnny. – Mm-hmm?   – You know the bakery is my dream,   but I want you to follow your dreams too.   We could still move to LA.   – No. No, not a chance, Chanel.   I’m not even thinking about that right now, OK?   And my dad just asked me if we’re still looking   for a place of our own here, which we’re gonna do, OK?   – OK, sure.   You know, just as soon as I get the bakery back up   and running full speed.   – I mean, not that he probably minds having us in the house   for a little while, anyway.   I think he’s, uh–   he’s a little lonely.

Mm. Yeah, I’m sure he is.   Any chance he and Nicole can get past this?   –

[exhales] No.   No, I don’t–   She’s already served him with divorce papers.   I, uh–

[clears throat]   I told him he should   just sign them, move on.   I don’t know. I just–   I guess I just hope he takes my advice.   – Mm.   Yeah, I thought I’d find you here.   – What are you doing here, EJ?   – I brought the divorce papers.   – You didn’t sign them.   – No, I– I did not, nor do I plan to.  

[dramatic music]

If you two think I’m going to just roll over   and let you take that child and go wandering off   into the sunset together,   well, I’m afraid you are sadly mistaken.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[Jude coos]

[chuckles]   You know, pretty soon, you’re gonna get  your first taste at the Brady Pub chowder.

[Jude coos]   And you’re a part of a family legacy,   so I’m guessing you’re gonna love it.   Oh, yeah.

[Jude cooing]   – Eric.

Hey, Dad.

Aren’t you supposed to be in Paris?

Change of plans.

But why?   And the baby, is–   is that Jude?

Yeah, it is.

[Jude coos]   Would you like to say hello to your grandson?

[Jude cooing]   –


[phone ringing]

Leo, we’ve discussed this.   You have to call and make an appointment–

Actually, this isn’t a professional call, Dr. Evans.   I was calling to see if you might want to watch   “Drag Race” with me this week.   And if that silver fox husband of yours is back in town,   we could do it at my place.   I can order some room service.

I’ll get back to you.   – Well, just don’t take too long.   You’re not the only RuPaul-loving shrink in Salem.   Actually, I bet you are, and I love that about you.   I mean I respect that about you.   That’s more appropriate, right?

We’ll talk soon, Leo.

Oh, was I too thirsty?   I think I was.   – Oh, there you are.   – Why, Ms. DiMera, we’re here bright and early today.   Suppose you heard that your days   of keeping bankers’ hours are over.

What the hell does that mean?

Oh, I guess you haven’t heard.   Everett Lynch got released from the nuthatch,   which means he’ll probably be back in the office soon.   Nose to the grindstone for all of us.

The only nose I want to put to the grindstone is yours.  

[dramatic music]

[clears throat] Marlena.   I wasn’t expecting you.   Are you–are you here to see Johnny?   I know he’ll be comforted by your presence.   It’s been a tough time for him, obviously–   Chanel’s miscarriage.

I’m not here to see my grandson.   I’m here to see you.   I think you know why.

– You’re sure you got Rafe out of the picture?

I told you I would, didn’t I?   And when I make a promise, I keep it.   – OK.   So how’d you do it?

In the back, with a very sharp knife.


[birds chirping]

– Jada, where’s my brother?   – They’re working on him now.   – How is he?   – He’s lost a lot of blood.   Someone stabbed him from behind.   – Oh, my God! Who could have done this?

I don’t know.   When I got to the cemetery,   he was just lying there, bleeding.   – What did Kayla say?   How bad is it?

She made me leave the room.

– Kayla, what’s happening?   How is my brother?

[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– Rafe’s in surgery.   – What? Why?

The knife penetrated his lung.   We need to repair it.   We won’t know the extent of the damage   until we get in there.

Oh, God.   – I need to join the team.   I will come find you as soon as I know something.  

[dramatic music]

– My God.   Jude is your son.   Eric, I–

[laughs]   I am stunned, obviously,   but also very happy for you and for me and for Marlena.   But yeah, I’m–   I’m kind of overwhelmed.   – Yeah, I thought you might be.

Yeah, when did you find out?

Yesterday. I waited to tell you in person.

But how? How did–how did this happen?

I was at the airport, and Nicole showed up   to say that her son was mine,   that I was Jude’s father.

Nicole knew?

No.   Well, she didn’t know either,   not until yesterday.

But why is that?   Why didn’t we know that Jude was your son before now?

Turns out, we have her husband to thank for that.  

[light music]

You’re being kind of loaded for bear here.   Does this have anything to do with that press conference?

What the hell else would it have to do with?   Do you have any idea how my life   is just turned upside down because of all of this?   I mean, my God, first I thought my baby was dead,   and EJ and I had to mourn that terrible loss.   And then we finally get him back, and I think,   oh, my God, what a miracle we’ve been given,   and only to find out that EJ is now not the father of Jude   and Eric is.   And you knew about it this whole time.

Me?   OK, look, I get why you would think that, but–

OK, you know what?   You have caused our family so much pain   for the last few months.   And you think, what,   we’re just gonna be jovial coworkers,   trading gossip like nothing ever happened?  

[dramatic music]   Well?   What do you have to say for yourself?



[dramatic music]

Looks like we’re gonna be here for a while.

Yeah.   It does.

None of this makes any sense.   I was just with Rafe at the pub.

I know. You’re the one who told me   that he was going to the cemetery.   Good thing you did.   Otherwise, I wouldn’t have found him there.

Did you see anything else?   Was anybody else there?

No.   By the time I got there, he was just laying there on the ground   with a knife sticking out of his back.

Just like Li.


You stabbed the police commissioner in the back?

Would you have preferred poison, maybe,   or a good old-fashioned bullet to the brain?

I didn’t want him murdered at all.

Well, you said you wanted me to get him out of the picture.   How else was I going to do that?   I don’t know about you, but I don’t happen to own   a private island or two where I can ship people.   The only way I know how to get rid of someone   is to put him six feet under.


I can’t believe that son of a bitch EJ   knew the truth about Jude’s paternity all this time   and kept it from you.

That was pretty much Mom’s reaction.

Yeah, well, as it should be.   Should be anybody’s reaction.   And, Eric, I know you’re a man of God,   but don’t tell me that you have already forgiven and forgotten.

Dad, I’ll never forget.   I want EJ to pay for what he did.   But I–at the moment, I have other priorities.

Well, of course you do. Yeah.   No, you got to focus on this little guy, your son.

I missed him so much.

Yes, we all did.   Hey, kiddo.   This is your Grandpa Roman here,   and I am so grateful to have you back in this family,   my young Mr. Brady.   I cannot wait to spoil you rotten.

Oh, I’m sure you’ll do that.

Oh, I’m planning on it.   I am planning on it.   Hey, but now, you know, Eric,   since you’ve been reunited with your son…   – Yeah?   – What about being reunited with Nicole?  

[light music]

– Oh, I don’t even know why I bother.   You don’t give a damn about anyone but yourself.   – That’s not true. –

[scoffs]   – I’ve been doing a lot of work on myself lately   in order to give a damn about other people.   – Mm.   – Even though we have to love ourselves   before we can love other people, as we all know.   As a matter of fact, I’m even starting to care   about what’s happening in the world.   Well, major historical events, anyway.   – All right, what the hell does that even mean?

It means that Dr. Marlena Evans   is helping me work through my issues   so I can become a better person.   – Oh.   And does Dr. Marlena Evans,   who is helping you become a better person,   does she know that you helped give birth to her grandchild   and let us all believe that he was a DiMera   and not her grandson at all, hmm?   Does she know that little piece of information?

Well, I don’t know what she does and doesn’t know   because our relationship is strictly professional   and all about me and my lack of self-esteem.   But more importantly, I didn’t know that little Jude   wasn’t a DiMera, I swear.   I’m being honest.


[scoffs]   Do you even know the meaning of that word?

Nicole, listen to me.   I thought that EJ was that little munchkin’s real father   because that’s what I was told.

Oh, and I suppose you’re also gonna tell me   that Sloan gave you all that money   out of the goodness of her heart.

No. Sloan doesn’t have a heart.  

[dramatic music]   And I feel really terribly guilty about all of that.   But I swear to you, I never knew   that Eric was Jude’s real father,   his biological father.

So you mean to tell me, all this time,   you were convinced that EJ was Jude’s father?

Yes, I was.   And I guess because that guy doesn’t seem like much   of a nurturer to me, which is putting it mildly,   I think it’s part of the reason why I thought that Jude   would be better off with Eric,   because he was obviously so in love with that little boy.

His little boy. His!

Yes, his little boy.

I’m also finally realizing why EJ   paid me to keep my mouth shut.


All right, would you like–   would you like a drink, some tea?

I don’t want anything from you.   Thank you.

All right.   Well, I can see that you’re not in the mood for pleasantries.   And since you’re not here to see Johnny,   I can assume that–

I came to talk about Jude.   – Well, yes.   But if you want to see him,   I’m afraid you’ve wasted a trip.


Well, when I want to see Jude,   I know how to do that.   What I actually came to do   was this.


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised   you stuck a knife in Rafe after what you did to Li Shin.

Oh, no, you don’t.   That was completely different.

Oh, really?   Because it sort of sounds like it was exactly the same.

How was it the same?   I never wanted to hurt Li.   That was all Gabi’s fault and that awful Melinda Trask’s.   Those harpies turned Li off to the very idea of love.


[chuckles] Yeah,   that’s the reason he wasn’t interested in you, right?   – Of course it was.   If they hadn’t hurt him, his heart would have been open   and he and I could have been together.   We would have had a chance at a wonderful life.  

[dramatic music]

[sighs] He was so romantic   and handsome and intelligent.   And, oh, that smile, it just lit up a room.

Connie!   Snap out of it!   – OK.   Sorry.   I was just thinking about what could have been.   But that’s all in the past now.   – You’re damn right it is.   Li’s dead.   You and I need to stay laser focused.   – OK, OK, I’m focused.   You said you’d keep my secret if I helped you out, and I did.   The commissioner’s out of commission,   and you’re free to be with Jada.   Satisfied?

– I can’t believe that somebody hurt Rafe   in the exact same way that Li was killed.   I mean, couldn’t there be a connection?   – It’s possible, but Li’s assailant is dead, so–

Wait.   Didn’t you tell me that your ex said   that Gil Carter didn’t do it?   – Yeah, but that might have been a ploy,   you know, just to keep me close,   keep me wondering,   just a reason for me to keep going back to visit him.   – What if it wasn’t a ploy?   And what if it’s true?   And what if the person that killed Li   is the same exact person that stabbed Rafe?   It feels more than just a coincidence, doesn’t it?

Yeah, no, it does.   And we are going to investigate every possible lead, Gabi.   – What about the knife?

The knife? What about it?

Well, I’m assuming you weren’t as stupid as I was   when I pulled it out of Li’s back with my bare hands.

No, I waited for the EMTs to arrive.   I think they removed it when they brought him here.

Well, where is it?

I’m not sure.   You know, I haven’t had any time to even   have the team come and process the trauma room yet.   – Then it must still be here.   With any luck, you can prove who did this to my brother.


I suppose I deserved that.

You deserved that and more.

You knew that the baby that Eric and Sloan adopted   was Nicole’s,   so you must have known that baby was Eric’s.   And you let him come to you and give you that baby,   even knowing that it was breaking his heart.


You have every right to be angry with me, Marlena.


Wow.   You’re not gonna give me some lame excuse?   You’re not gonna try to tell me that you and Nicole could   raise Jude in a wonderful environment,   give him every privilege?   –

[clears throat]   There is no excuse for what I did.

The only defense that I could come up with   is that I was terrified of what would happen   if the truth came out.   I knew that I would not only lose my son   but my wife,   my everything.

– EJ paid you to keep quiet about the baby?   – More or less.

Oh, don’t you give me more or less.   You tell me all of it now, or I’ll make you eat   one of those very expensive shoes.

OK, OK.   So a while back, I had a few too many,   and I may have spilled the truth to EJ   or at least what I thought was the truth.

That the baby Eric and Sloan were raising   was actually his and mine.   – Right.   I thought he would be delighted–overjoyed, even.   But instead he paid me to keep my mouth shut.


[scoffs]   And that didn’t strike you as odd?

Of course it did, especially once I sobered up.   But I would have been up you-know-what creek   without that money, so I put my suspicions aside.   Only now it all makes sense.   He didn’t want to claim Jude as his   because he knew that Jude wasn’t really his.   He was Eric’s.

Oh, that son of a bitch.

Nicole, I’m sorry.   Truly.   I know it doesn’t mean much now,   and I don’t expect you to accept my apology,   but I know that I should have protected you   and I should have protected your son.   I mean, I helped you give birth to that beautiful little boy,   which is the proudest moment of my life, truly.

– If you really are sorry, Leo,   then I think there’s a way you can make it up to me.   – Really?   I will do anything. Just tell me.   – Great.   I want you to testify to all of this in court.

– Why would you ask me about reuniting with Nicole?   You think, after finding out about Jude,   I’m just gonna get back together with her?   – Eric, come on.   You can’t tell me it hasn’t crossed your mind.   I mean, all the obstacles that kept you two apart–   her marriage to EJ, having a child with him–   they’re all gone.   – I don’t know for a fact   that her marriage to EJ is over.   – You haven’t spoken to her about it?

No, not since I saw her at the airport.   I mean, she texted me to check in on Jude,   but I think this is just her way of giving me a chance   to reconnect with him, to bond with him.   – Yeah, but, my God, I can’t imagine   that she’s ever gonna forgive EJ for what he did.   – I can’t imagine it either.   – Yeah, so that means, when all the dust clears,   she’s gonna be able to very clearly see   there’s nothing standing in her way   of getting back together with you.

– There’s gonna be a murder investigation.   You know that, right? – A murder investigation?   I never said Rafe was dead.  

[dramatic music]   – He’s not?   – I didn’t say that either.

Well, which one is it, Connie?   It can’t be both!   – What I’m trying to tell you is,   I don’t know if he survived.   I didn’t stick around long enough to find out.

Well, so you just, what,   you just left him there, bleeding out?

My plan was to roll him   into a conveniently located open grave,   but someone showed up before I could move him.

Someone showed up? Who showed up?   Who? Did they see you?   – What am I, an amateur?   No, they didn’t see me.   I got the hell out of there as quickly as possible.

You’re sure?

I’m sure.

OK, but you don’t know if Rafe is dead or alive?


[sighs] If I had to put money on it,   I’d say odds are against him walking away from this.   He looked like a goner when I fled the scene.

Damn it.   This is not what I wanted.

– I don’t understand why you’re so upset,   and it’s starting to make me mad.   Poor Detective Hunter is going to be devastated,   and she’s going to need someone to console her.   And you’ll be there to pick up the pieces.   How is that not what you wanted?

[somber music]







[sighs]   You know what?   I think I’m gonna drop this bag off   and give Smitty a break behind the bar.   – I can pitch in if you need me.

Absolutely not.   You’ve got my grandson to look after.

Yeah, but don’t you want to hang out with him?

Of course I do, but now that I got him back   and my son is gonna stick around Salem,   I got all the time in the world to hang with him…

Dad, I don’t–

And you.

I don’t know if I’m sticking around.

What do you mean?   I mean, you told that job back in France   that something came up, right?   – Yeah, we just pushed back my start date,   but that’s as far as we got.

But you’re not gonna take that job now, are you?   I mean, my God, Eric, why in the hell   would you even think about leaving Salem   when you finally got a chance to have   everything you’ve ever wanted?  

[light music]   – You want me to walk into a court of law   and testify against EJ?   – That’s what I want.   – EJ DiMera, the district attorney of Salem?   – Leo, EJ is not only an immoral bastard,   but he broke the law.   And it’s not enough for me to just divorce him.   I want him locked up.   Look, just testify to the jury   that EJ paid you to keep quiet,   and that should be enough evidence to put him away.  

[dramatic music]   – That makes a lot of sense.   And I wish you the best, Nicole–   not just you but you and Eric and that little boy.   But I don’t want any part of that.

– I’d be a fool not to have worried   that the truth would end my marriage,   that I would be certain of it, in fact.   Everyone knows the epic love story   between Eric Brady and Nicole Walker.   It’s a tale for the ages.   – Spare me your self-pity.   – I’m speaking from the heart, Marlena.

And I would have you know that as soon as even   there was a question of Jude’s paternity,   Nicole was already planning her escape.   – What does that mean?   – Oh, you want details? – Oh.   – About how I caught your son and Nicole together,   over and over again,   looking at each other longingly,   how I witnessed their addiction to one another?

Then why didn’t you let her go?   –

[sighs]   – I mean, you can’t believe   that a lie of that magnitude would keep her with you.   EJ, you’re smarter than that.   – Apparently not.   Apparently not.

[sighs]   And I know now that I deluded myself   because I love her so much.   I loved the life that we were creating together   with Holly and my children.   I just thought to myself, if I just had the time,   I could make her happy, and she would come to love me   more than she ever loved Eric.

Something funny?

– Sometimes I forget who you are   and how very much you are like your father.


Thing is, I’m not sure   how much consoling I can offer Jada at the moment.

Why not?   Is it the meds?   I know there can be side effects.   – No, Connie!   It’s not the meds.   It’s because I’m pretending to be Everett, remember?



Right, right.   But hey, that doesn’t change our deal.   I did what you asked.   I cleared the way for you to get back together   with your ex-wife.   – Yeah, by stabbing the police commissioner   in the back with a knife.   – For you, Bobby.   So whether you’re calling yourself Everett or Dr. Jekyll   or whoever the hell else you’ve got in there,   I need to know that you’re not going   to tell anyone that you saw me in the park   the night of Li’s death.


[sighs]   Fine.   I’m not gonna tell anyone.   But you need to understand that no one–   no one–can see us together,   especially now that Jada thinks   that the identity of Li’s killer   is locked somewhere in Everett’s brain.  

[dramatic music]


Hey.   Where’d you go?   – I was down in the chapel, praying.   Feels like the only thing I can do right now   to help my brother.   Did you find the knife?

Yeah, I sent it over to the forensics lab,   so hopefully they’ll be able to pull some prints, DNA,   something that points to who did this to your brother.

Yeah, hopefully.   Although when I found the knife that killed Li,   it was just the beginning of my problems.

– But, Eric, unless I’m missing something,   the reason you took that job in France was,   you thought it would be too painful to be around Jude.   – Yes.   – And now you know Jude is your son,   so it is not painful anymore.   – No.

Not to mention that Nicole is his mother,   and I don’t see her pulling up stakes anytime soon.   – It’s doubtful.   I mean, Holly’s about to start her senior year in high school.   – Yeah, so why would you want to move   halfway around the world from your son,   who you just finally got back?   – Dad, I’m still figuring things out.   I mean, this is all still so new.   – Understood, and I don’t mean to press you.   Look, all I’m– all I’m saying, son,   is that there are decisions to be made here.   And I think a good start would be talking to Nicole.  

[light music]

[sighs]   – Look, Leo, if you’re worried about testifying against EJ   because you’ll actually have to admit   that you were blackmailing EJ and Sloan,   then I will talk to Rafe, OK?   I don’t know who will be prosecuting the case,   but I’m sure there’s a way to get you immunity   in exchange for your testimony.   – Maybe.   But that’s not why I don’t want to take the stand.   – Are you afraid EJ would come after you?

No, it’s not that either.   – Well, if you’re not afraid of the law   and you’re not afraid of EJ, then what’s the problem?

– I guess I just feel like…   hasn’t that guy suffered enough?   –

[scoffs]   – He lost his kid. He’s losing his wife.   – Because of his own actions.   – Sort of.

– What does that mean, sort of?   – It means…   wasn’t he gonna lose you both anyway?   I can only assume that that is why EJ kept quiet about Jude,   because he knew if the truth came out,   it would bring you and Eric closer together.   Now he’s got to watch his worst nightmare come true.

– Stefano never gave up on you, did he,   no matter how many times he was reminded   that John was your one true love?   – Well, I’m not sure that it was about me,   maybe just more about the desire to win.   –

[chuckles]   Mm.   I’ll admit that we DiMeras   don’t like to find ourselves with a losing hand.   – So then you just try to stack the deck.

[sighs]   OK.   I’ll admit that maybe my lying about Jude’s paternity   was about losing   and that I’ve been especially terrified of losing   because of the years I lost after the accident   and because I lost Samantha and the life we shared…

And that I went over the top in my effort   because of my desperation to not lose Nicole,   whom I do truly love.

But that’s all moot now, isn’t it?   Truth is out. Nicole’s divorcing me.   She and Eric now have their son back, and,   well, I have nothing.

– I don’t feel sorry for you.   – Just stating a fact.   And as far as you’re concerned,   well, I’ve got my comeuppance,   and hey, all is right in the world.


Well, I’m so glad the truth is out.   And I’m so glad that Eric has his son.

But as far as your comeuppance goes   and all’s right with the world,   because of the way you have hurt my family,   I can only hope that your suffering   has just begun.

[dramatic music]



You’re back from Chicago.

What gave it away?   – Did you have a good visit with Rex?

I had a great visit with Rex and an even better return home.   I just ran into Eric and our grandson Jude.   – You heard the news.

I heard the best news.   – It is the best, isn’t it? – Oh, my God.

Oh, my gosh, I’m so happy.   And was Eric simply beaming?

Oh, he was. He was.   I mean, our boy has waited for this for so long.   And to see Jude back in his arms again,   to say it did my heart good,   my God, that would be just a huge understatement.

He deserves to be happy.   – Yes, he does, and now I’m hoping   that there’s even more good news on the horizon   for Eric and his future happiness.   – You’re talking about Nicole.   – Well, what do you think?   Think they got a chance to get back, work it out again?   – Well, only time will tell.   But after the last few months,   I think we have reason to be hopeful.



[Jude cooing]   Ah, what do you think, cowboy, hmm?

[Jude coos]   Your grandpa, he brought this back for you.   It’s one of the best baby toys ever, right?

[Jude cooing]   He’s a real wise man.

Think he was right about your mommy too.

[Jude cooing]


[knock at door]

[sighs]   I don’t understand why the courier   didn’t drop this off at my office.


[sighs]   Well, Marlena,   I guess my comeuppance is coming   faster than you thought.


[sighs]   – Excuse me. – Yes?   – Aren’t you Lady Whistleblower?   – Why, yes, I am.   Wait, I didn’t write anything bad about you, did I?   – Not at all.   I love your column.   I read it every day.   People in this town are bat poop crazy, huh?   –

[chuckles] To say the least.   Well, it’s always so nice to meet a fan.   Are you a friend of Everett’s?   – Everett?   – Everett Lynch, my editor.   Isn’t that his room?   – Yes, it is.   He and I go way back.   Nice meeting you.   – Wait, don’t–don’t you want an autograph?   Selfie?

Thank you.   Just make sure you put a rush on those results.   This is for Commissioner Hernandez.   Forensics should have something for us soon, OK?   – Feels like he’s been in surgery forever.

I know.   Kayla, is there any update?   – Is Rafe out of surgery?   – There’s been a complication.   Rafe has a pulmonary embolism, a clot to the lung.   The surgeons have worked to remove it,   but I’m afraid he’s slipped into a coma.



Oh, my God.

I need to get back there.   I will get back to you, but pray for him, OK?   – Yeah.

It’s gonna be OK. It’s gonna be OK.

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Days Transcript Monday, July 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


Uh, sorry. I, uh, forgot that you were stopping by.

Is it a bad time?

Uh, no. So uh, you had a– a business thing that you wanted to talk about?

Well, yes, I did. I mean, Abe and I are looking for investors for an exciting new project, and I was hoping that you would come on.

OK. So what’s the pitch?

Are you sure this is a good time? Because you seem distracted. I mean, is something going on?

Um, yeah, I’m sorry. Uh, so there was a bit of a surprise when we, uh, went to Abby’s grave.

[ominous music]

Abigail’s coffin was empty?

Yeah. Chad and your Uncle Jack saw it with their own eyes.

So does this prove she’s alive?

Well, no, not necessarily. I mean, Clyde could have had one of his guys remove the body just to back up his story.

That would be so horribly evil.

Well, that about describes Clyde Weston.

I wish Papa weren’t in Greece right now so he could help Chad figure this out.

I know. But hopefully your father will be back soon.

But if Abigail is alive, that would mean she’s been apart from her family for so long. And where, and under what conditions?

I know. It’s just too much to fathom right now.

It is. But even before this possibility came up, I’ve been thinking a lot about Abigail.

Because of Everett?



I’m sorry, baby. I know that this has been rough.

I want so badly to help him, Mom. But Bobby’s making it impossible to reach him.

Not too many choices, huh, Everett? Gray T-shirt or black T-shirt? Black one it is.

[tense music]


[gasps] Oh my god! It is so good to see you. Oh, and such a relief that you are finally free.

I still feel like I’m dreaming.

Well, you are not. You are right back here, right back at home where you belong. And your brother is so happy. It broke his heart when he couldn’t find a way to prove your innocence.

I know Rafe did everything he could.

Yeah, well–

And so did you.

Oh, thank you. But your brother and your husband, they deserve all the credit. They’re the ones who got the evidence in front of the judge to get your conviction overturned.

And I am so grateful for that.


And relieved that we finally know who really killed Li.

Actually, maybe we don’t.

[foreboding music]

Yes, Paulina, I’m at the gravesite now. We finished processing the scene. Hey, make sure you send someone down here to fill in this hole. Thanks. Yeah. An open grave can definitely be dangerous. Yeah.





Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries.

[dramatic music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Rafe, are you there? Hello? Hmm.

[phone beeps] Hmm.

Something wrong?

Well, I was just talking to Commissioner Hernandez, and then he just cut off. Probably just bad reception. I’m sure he’ll call me back if he needs me.

[ominous music]




Nothing personal, Commish. It’s just a deal’s a deal. Bobby Stein wants to be with Jada Hunter, and you are in the way.

– I’m not worried. Commish or no commish, Jada will come around.

What, you think she’s going to be so grateful to you for helping her solve Li’s murder that she’s going to fall into your arms and declare her undying love for you? Please. You’re just part of the job to her. And when the job is done, she’s going back to the boyfriend. The one with only one personality.

You did your research.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to sneak a look at a chart around here.

Well, either way, I think I’ll take my chances.

Or– what if there’s an easier solution for both of us?

Which is what?

You keep my name out of this, and I’ll take care of the commish.

Now Bobby has a clear path for winning back his ex and no reason to out me as Li Shin’s killer.

So you don’t think Gil Carter murdered Li because your ex claims it was someone else?

Rafe told you, huh?

He did, yeah. So what exactly did Bobby tell you?

He just told me that he saw the killer. Like, shortly after the crime happened.

Did he describe him to you? Or her?

He didn’t get a chance to. He was about to tell me, but then we got interrupted by Everett.


Have you talked to your Aunt Kimberly for advice about Everett?

I have, actually. She mostly said just to be patient, which I’m not good at, as you well know.

Yes, I do. It’s also hard to be patient when you care about somebody, and they’re suffering.

Especially when you can’t do anything to help.


Although I did ask Jada to talk to Bobby. I was hoping that she could convince him to let Everett out.

How’d that go?

I don’t know. Jada and I have been playing phone tag. But I’m assuming if she’d made any progress, I would have heard by now.

[phone rings] It’s Marlena.


[phone beeps]

Hello. When? Where is he now? That’s great. Thank you for letting me know. I will. Talk soon.

I take it it’s good news?

Everett’s re-emerged. He’s been released from Bayview. I have to go see him.

Steph, wait. I– are you sure that’s a good idea?

[tense music]

You know, honey, maybe you need to give Everett a little time, you know, to reacclimate.

But we just talked about how impatient I am. And if you don’t count that disaster of a visit that I had with his alter, I haven’t seen Everett in a month and a half. Mom, I– I need to go talk to him. I need to– I need to know that he’s really back.

You really care about him, don’t you?

I do. And I think watching him go through all of this has made me realize just how much.

Then go. Go be with him. Go on.

[elevator dings]


[liquid sloshing]

Jada and I, when we were good, man, we were crazy about each other.

[slurps] Mmm. Can’t wait to pick up where we left off. Assuming that freak who killed Li Shin keeps up her end of the bargain.


[exhales] Whew. Wow. Detective Hunter, uh, it’s so great to see you.


[chuckles] Detective Hunter? You don’t have to pretend anymore, Bobby.

How’d you know it was me?

My cop instincts. And the way you looked at me.

I, uh– I’m sorry I tricked you. I just– I had to get out of that cuckoo’s nest. You’re not going to make me go back, are you?

Well, if I did that–

[door slams] –then I couldn’t do this.



[exhales] Let’s hope all my dreams come true. Mmm.

So now that Everett’s back in control–

I can’t get what I need from Bobby.


Yeah. Um, the information that he claimed to have on Li Shin’s murder, you know, Everett can’t access what Bobby saw that night.

Unfortunately, I’m well acquainted with split personalities and how challenging they can be, to put it mildly. Abigail DiMera even named one of her alters after me. Gabby with a Y.


So I know all too well how one personality can know one thing, and not the other. It– yeah.

Wow. Uh, well, as much as I am relieved that Everett’s back, I just can’t help but hope that there’s a way to get that information from Bobby.

You know, Rafe thinks Bobby is bluffing, playing games just so he can spend more time with you.

Yes, I do know that. But I’m telling you, my gut– my gut tells me that he was being straight with me.

And what about Li’s bloody fingerprint on Gil’s book? If Gil wasn’t the killer, then how do you explain that?



[tense music]

OK, time to make you disappear.

And isn’t it lovely how things work out sometimes? At least no one can say I didn’t give you a proper burial.

Please have the cemetery workers fill in Abigail DiMera’s grave. The last thing that this city needs is a lawsuit from some poor soul who tripped and fell in. Mm, thanks.

[phone beeps] Oh.

You know, I’m just trying to process Abigail’s coffin being empty.

I know. It’s creepy as hell.

Yeah. I mean, it could mean that Abigail is really alive.

Mm, if only. Oh my god, but it must be so hard on Chad to not know. Oh, poor– poor guy. He must be going out of his mind.


I mean, that’s unbelievable. Do you really think there’s a chance that Clyde has Abigail?

Well, I mean, you know, the empty coffin seems to back up his story.

Yeah, but I mean, that could be it. It could be a story. We all know that– that Clyde is capable of some crazy stuff.

Yeah, I know, I know. Rafe and Kayla, uh, said the same thing.

But you believe that he might be telling the truth.

There’s a video.

There’s a video?

Yeah. Uh, Clyde told me about a safe deposit box. Inside of it was a flash drive. And uh, it’s a video of a woman. And uh, you can’t really tell. You can’t see her face, but it could be her.

Oh my god.

Yeah. And it’s– it’s killing me to think that that, uh– that she could be out there somewhere. And I have no idea how to find her.

[tense music]

Yeah, I must have watched the video a thousand times.

So it could be Abigail, or–

Yeah, or it could just be another one of Weston’s games.


[sighs] I am so sorry this is happening to you. I really am. I– is there anything that I can do?

No. Thank you, but no. I, um, I sent the video to be enhanced, and Jack’s there right now pushing them to get it done. So you know, nothing to do but sit around and wait.

OK. Can I wait with you?

Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. Uh– um, the– your business proposition. Uh, what’s it about? I could use a distraction.

Are you sure?

Yes. Yeah. What are you and Abe working on?


[exhales] How do you feel about soap operas?

What you doing?

I’m reading up on “Body & Soul.”

Aw, are you missing your favorite TV show?


[laughs] Well, the reason I’m doing this research is that Kate and I might try to save my favorite TV show.

Save it how?

By producing it ourselves.


[laughs] Abraham Carver, I didn’t know you had an interest in TV production.

Well, it’s– it’s Kate’s idea. She thinks that we can create a soap opera.

Oh. And now that “Body & Soul” has been canceled–

We might try to buy the rights.





Well, uh, that sounds perfect to me.

So you don’t think it’s– it’s too ambitious? I mean, it’s going to be a lot of hard work.


[laughs] The way you feel about those characters? Oh, it would be a labor of love. Not to mention you already have a built-in audience, and you– you already know that show so well.

Well, I thought I did. But I mean, there are decades of history with this show. I mean, you have no idea of all the outlandish stories that have been told over the years.

Mm. Try me.

OK. All right. Well, there are aliens, talking dolls, split personalities.

[tense music]


[sighs] Stupid.

[knock at door] Jada.

[snaps fingers]

[panting] Oh, it’s you.

Who were you expecting?

[mystical music]

I’ll admit, I don’t know how the pieces of this puzzle fit together. Not yet.

So you think Bobby really saw something that night?

I do.

OK. So if Gil was the one that murdered Li, then we know he’s dead. And if it wasn’t him, I don’t like the idea of the killer just walking around free.

Me neither. Anyway, uh, I should probably go find your brother and fill him in on what happened today with Bobby.

I’ll save you some trouble. He said he was headed to the cemetery to check on Abigail’s grave.

Once I get you into this grave, I’ll cover you with enough dirt that no one knows you’re down there. Then they’ll fill in the rest for me, and no one will ever be the wiser. Sounds like something you’d hear on one of those true crime podcasts.


Oh, shoot.

Rafe, you here? Oh my god, Rafe!

[dramatic music]

So if Abe and I secure the rights to “Body & Soul,” we’ll be able to produce it right here in Salem.

Well, look, I don’t– I don’t know anything about soaps, you know? I know my mom used to watch them, but I don’t remember anything about them, so…

Yeah, well, there’s definitely a lot fewer than there used to be. But Abe and I are very confident that we can grow the existing audience and make a substantial profit.

[contemplative music]

Well, look, I had a good time, you know, working on Johnny’s project with him, you know, even though it never got off the ground. So yeah, sure. I’ll dip my toe in the entertainment world one more time.

What? OK. Is that a yes?

Yes. Definite yes. Sure. Let’s make some soap.


Oh, I would love being married to a big-time TV producer.

[laughter] Ooh, do you think we’ll get to go to the Daytime Emmys?

Oh, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Kate and I have to secure the rights first.

Oh, wait. Does this mean we need to move to LA?

No, no, no. Definitely not. Definitely not. There are tax incentives to shoot locally.

Oh, OK. But, well, do you think you could convince those actors to leave the glamour of Hollywood and move to our little humble little hamlet here in the Midwest?

I don’t know. I hope so. I– I know the, uh, the fans, they would prefer to use the same person. But, well, if we have to, we can always recast.


Yeah. I mean, on soaps, they– they do it all the time, and fans seem to be cool with it.


Ava, hi. Sorry I ambushed you earlier. I don’t blame you for rushing off. I want you to know that I’m serious about reviving the Gabi Chic brand at DiMera. Call me back so that we can make this happen. I’m already putting together a team.

How exciting! Where do I sign up?

[tense music]

Oh my god! Oh my god! Who did this to you? All right. OK, good, you still have a pulse. Stay with me. Stay with me, baby. I’m going to get you some help.

[phone beeps]

Sorry about that. Um, I ordered room service. And so I thought it was the food.

Oh, that’s OK. I should have called first.

Yeah. No, no. Um, how did you know, I was discharged?

Marlena told me. I just– I can’t believe you’re really back.


I was so worried I’d never see you again.

Um, I appreciate your concern. Uh, it means a lot to me.

There’s so much I need to tell you. I– I don’t even know where to begin.

Yeah. There’s– there’s something I need to tell you too.

You go first.

OK. Um, it’s about us.

What about us?


[exhales] I’m afraid you and I, we can’t see each other anymore.

[dramatic music]

Well, I am relieved that we can stay here in Salem while you work on “Body & Soul.”


Well, I’d hate to be so far away from Chanel.

You know, if this had happened a few weeks ago, you would have been pushing us to move to LA.

Mm. But not now, now that she and Johnny are staying. Oh, and she’s– she’s doing– you know, she’s doing a little bit better. You know, psychologically, I mean. She’s really anxious to reopen the bakery.

Well, for the record, I would never ask you to leave your children. Or your job as mayor.

Well, I appreciate that. But with all the things going on at city hall, I just might have to give all that up anyway.

What now?

Well, as you know, I had to deal with all that recall nonsense. And now there’s this whole fallout from EJ’s press conference. Stephanie Johnson thought it would be a good opportunity for my new DA to improve his image. But then Gabi DiMera exposed him as a liar.

Yeah. It was pretty shocking.

Ooh, yes, it was. Oh, whew! And if you and Kate ever have any trouble coming up with any stories for “Body & Soul,” well, you– you can feel free to steal that one. Ooh, a district attorney trying to pass off another man’s baby as his own. Oh, sheesh! Ooh.

Well, this, uh– this town has some pretty wild stories.


So if we ever needed inspiration–



OK, then. I’m going to send the paperwork over for you to sign.


But no rush on it, because I know you have a lot on your mind. You’ll keep me notified about Abigail?

Yeah, I will.

Look, I don’t want to get your– your hopes up. But I think it’s worth noting that you have lost Abigail before, and by some miracle, she came back to you. So it’s really not a remote possibility that that could happen again.

Well, I definitely have thought about that too. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been able to move on all these years. Because subconsciously, I feel like she’s still out there.

[gentle music]

You don’t want to see me anymore?

It’s not about what I want. It’s– it’s about what I need. Dr. Evans thinks that I have a long way to go, you know, before I’m– I’m fully integrated. That it’s– it’s– it’s going to take a lot of therapy.

Sure. Of course.

Which means I really– I shouldn’t be dating anyone right now. Because you know, I have to focus all my energy into– into becoming mentally healthy.


I’m so sorry.

No– oh, don’t be. Don’t be. Your mental health comes first. And, um– and I will be there for you as a friend.

Thank you. I– I feel awful about this. But I– but I know it’s for the best.

[sighs] It wouldn’t be fair to you either, you know? Just given my mental struggles, for us to– for us to be involved.

Right. I get it. And I respect your decision. But I want you to know if you need me, I’m here for you.

You really are the best. I’ll never forget how hard you fought for me.

I just want you to be happy, Everett. Take care.

You too. Oh, god.



Anyway, Ava, uh, call me. Hi. You’re–

Connie. Connie Viniski. I was at your press conference.


I congratulated you on your release.

I remember now.

I knew you didn’t kill Li Shin.

Right. Uh, I’m glad that they finally found the evidence to prove my innocence.

Sorry to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help but overhear. You’re reviving Gabi Chic.

That’s the plan.

Well, I’d love to come work for you.

OK. Uh, do you have any experience in corporate retail?

I sure do. And I have so many of your products. Your wigs, your lavender candles, your jade eggs.

[chuckles] I’m a Gabi Chic stan.


[chuckles] OK. So you know a lot about my brand. Uh, why don’t you send me your résumé?

Will do. And I promise if you give me the chance, you won’t regret it. I’m extremely loyal, for one thing. You’d never have to worry about me stabbing you in the back.


We got a four-centimeter stab wound. He’s lost a lot of blood. Type and cross for two units.

On it.

We need to keep track of his BP, OK? We don’t want him going into hypovolemia. I need an X-ray to check his spine, an ultrasound eval to make sure that there’s no renal laceration or any other organs affected.

Kayla, how bad is it?

Listen, I know you’re worried, but you need to step outside, please.

OK, OK. Please, just don’t let him die.

I promise you– I promise you we will take care of him, OK? Please go out.

[machine beeping]

Rafe, I love you.

[tense music]

Good news. Chad is going to invest in the show.

Oh, Kate, that is wonderful.


I believe that we have the capital to pull this off, Abe.

Oh. Well, I want in on it too. I can write you two a nice big check.

Um, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Why not?

Because we’re going to need city permits to shoot here locally.

Yeah, and you’re the mayor.

Oh. OK. Yeah, I think I see where you’re going with this.


You know, that’s why I didn’t ask you to invest. Yeah, it’s, um– well, we do appreciate the offer.

Yes, we do. We definitely appreciate the offer. The other good news is that I managed to arrange a meeting with the studio.

You mean they’re– they’re interested in selling the rights?

Yes, they are.

Oh, that is just– this is actually going to happen.

Yes. Yes. Believe it, Abe, because you and I are going to bring “Body & Soul” back from the dead.


When my mom told me about Abigail, I had to stop by and see how you’re doing.

Yeah, I’m hanging in there.


[sighs] I just– I hope so much that there’s a, you know, a positive outcome.

Yeah, you and me both. So, um, any updates on Everett?

Actually, he was released from Bayview today.

Yeah? Well, that’s good news, right? – I feel awful about this. But I– but I know it’s for the best.

[sighs] It wouldn’t be fair to you either, you know? Just given my mental struggles, for us to– for us to be involved.

Right. I get it. And I respect your decision. But I want you to know if you need me, I’m here for you.

You really are the best. I’ll never forget how hard you fought for me.

It is, yeah. I mean, he has a long way to go. But at least Bobby is not in control of his life anymore.

What are you doing here? If someone sees us together–

Relax, Bobby. I was careful. You are still Bobby, right?

Yes. I faked being Everett so that I could get out of Bayview and avoid telling Jada that you killed Li.

So you’re keeping quiet about that?

Just like I promised. What are you doing to hold up your end of the bargain?

[ominous music]

You search every inch of that cemetery, and you find the son of a bitch who stabbed the commissioner. Keep me posted.

[tense music]

So you think I should ask you again, huh?

Well, like I said earlier, just because I turned you down the first time– I don’t know. Maybe I see things differently now.

Oh, differently?


Differently how?

Well, if I can be serious for a moment–



[sighs] My failed marriage, you know, which you now know way more than I’m sure you wanted to. And before that, there was Eric, which also ended very badly, as you know as well. And they were just– they were just disasters, both of them. And uh, I don’t know, it just really got me kind of cynical, you know, about– about relationships in general. And I just viewed relationships, that they just– I don’t know, like men couldn’t be trusted. I just couldn’t trust them. And I don’t know, then you came along. And you’ve really proved me wrong.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, because you are such a sweet person. And you are loyal, and you’re honest, and you’re kind. And you are sexy.



[laughs] And I’m just so lucky to have you. You, Rafe Hernandez, you’re my person. And I think you should ask me again.

Do you?


All right, Jada Hunter. Jada, the sweetest girl I’ve ever met, who also is sweet and kind and loyal and sexy.



You want to move in with me? Oh–

Yes, I do.


I do. Yes, I do.


[melancholy music]

[elevator dings]

Jada, where’s my brother?

They’re working on him now.

How is he?

He’s lost a lot of blood. Someone stabbed him from behind.

Oh my god. Who could have done this?

How soon is Rafe Hernandez out of the picture?

It’s already done.

What? Really? You sure?

Trust me, honey. The police commissioner is not going to be a problem for you, or anyone else, ever again.

[dramatic music]


There’s no spinal involvement. It looks like–

[machine beeping rapidly] Increase the oxygen flow. He’s going into shock. We’re losing him.

[dramatic music]

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 17, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Esther: Hi there, what can I get you?

Claire: Um, I’m actually not sure. What would you recommend?

Esther: Well, the double mocha latte is very popular and so is the butter pecan swirl. Oh, and the caramel macchiato. And you give it some zhuzh, extra whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles, and you’re good to go.

Claire: Rainbow sprinkles?

Esther: Yeah, you only live once, right?

Kyle: Hey, Esther. I’ll have what she’s having.


Esther: Two drip coffees, no whipped cream, no foam, no chocolate sprinkles and no… fun.

[ Kyle and Claire chuckle ]

Claire: I promise you, I will order something extra decadent next time.

Esther: Okay. I’ll hold you to that.

Claire: Thank you. So much for living large. You could have ordered something a little bit more interesting, though.

Kyle: This is exactly what I needed. You care to join me?

Claire: I don’t know.

Kyle: Well, if you’re worried about summer showing up, we could sit at two different tables and just sort of yell a conversation back and forth. Sound good?

Claire: It sounds loud.

Kyle: Yeah, one table it is then, if you have time.

Claire: I do. But do you? I mean, shouldn’t you be at the office?


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Audra: So, uh, what did you think about the article?

Nate: You’re officially an A-list mover and shaker, Audra. I’m impressed.

Audra: As you should be.

Nate: I also read the press release. You know, for a woman who’s so focused on every detail, it’s funny. You failed to mention that you’d be partnering up with another ex-lover. Fascinating.


Heather: Wh– why? Why would I want to leave the man of my dreams and our wonderful daughter and our beautiful, if slightly underfunded at the moment, life? Come on. We’ve worked too hard to get here. There’s absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be than sitting next to you in a park, drinking coffee on a work day.

Daniel: Well, it is pretty perfect. Minus the no jobs part.

Heather: Yeah. Minus that. But otherwise…

Daniel: You know, we could take these coffees and go back to the apartment. There are certain perks to being unemployed


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Diane: Do you really think Victor’s behind this?

Jack: It would explain his sudden interest in Kyle’s future.

Diane: But this seems extreme, even for Victor.

Jack: No, this is classic Victor. The powerful puppet master pulling all the strings.

Diane: True, but Newman hasn’t been in the cosmetics business for years. I mean, would he really go out and buy a company, just to give Kyle a job and stick it to you?

Jack: Now, keep in mind, he’s sticking it to Tucker as well by bringing Audra on board. No, this is classic Victor. He’s taking care of both of his enemies with one grand gesture.

Diane: And he’s using our son as a weapon.

Jack: Because he knows it would drive me crazy. God, we’ve been here before, luring Kyle away from his family. I should have seen this coming.

Diane: And you know what set happened


Jack: Victor?

Victor: What are you doing in here?

Jack: I warned you. My family is off limits!


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, July 8, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: At what point is another espresso a bad idea?

Nick: At the point when you get so wound up about Summer, I can start to see you twitch.

Phyllis: Oh, I’m not– I’m not wound up. I’m not stressed. I’m not. I’m just, I’m thinking methodically. Thinking methodically about all the things we put on the table as to what could really be going on with our daughter.

Nick: Have you got a winner yet?

Phyllis: I do. The last thing we came up with. I think that she is really going for custody for Harrison, or– or thinking about it, rather, because it’s a knee-jerk reaction. Because she’s angry, and maybe a little jealous.

Nick: Okay. Putting yourself in her shoes. Total stretch.

Phyllis: Yeah, but I’m not 100 percent sure. Because also, Nick, she knows Kyle. She knows when he’s distracted. And she knows when he’s reckless. And she knows if he’s going to be a bad influence on their son.


Claire: Grandpa, are you following me around tonight?

Victor: No.

Claire: Because I told you I was fine.

Victor: I came here for a croissant. Now, look at these eclairs. You know, those were your mother’s favorite when she was a child.

Claire: They’re my favorite, too.

Victor: Really?

Claire: Yeah.

Victor: Okay. Well, why don’t we sit over there? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.

Victor: Mmm. Mm-hmm. Good.

Claire: Do you want to hear something kind of funny?

Victor: What?

Claire: When I was a kid, I thought eclairs were named after me.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Claire: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Perfect.

Claire: Note to self, don’t eat an eclair on a date.


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Y&R Transcript Friday, July 12, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ phone pinging ]

[ Audra sighing ]

[ phone pinging ]

Sally: So, these are the looks that we talked about for the winter line. That’s the outerwear.

Summer: Mm.

Sally: Mm-hmm?

Summer: Okay.

Sally: You can see, I shortened the coat a little bit. And this is the formal piece. Chelsea really nailed the silhouette.

Summer: Yeah. Mm.

Sally: And we– we tweaked the collar just a little bit. And– and Chloe also mentioned that in addition to the black, we should do this in a midnight blue.

Summer: Sure. Sure.

Sally: You don’t seem really happy with these looks.

Summer: Ugh. I’m sorry. I… I’m not really happy. But it has nothing to do with these designs. Usually, a winter collection has a heaviness about it, but there’s a lightness here. It’s really smart, and unique.

Sally: Oh, good, because that’s exactly what I was going for.

Summer: Honestly, Sally, it’s really great.

Sally: Is everything all right? What’s going on?

Summer: Um, you know what? Can we just keep focused on work? I actually kind of need the distraction.

Sally: Yeah. I mean, you’re the boss. And I– I can make any changes that you want me to make to these.

Summer: I appreciate you bending over backwards to play nice.

Sally: I mean, it’s kind of easy to do when you like what I’ve done. I– Part of me was ready to fight to the death if you were going to try and kill any of these designs, even though it’s Chelsea’s vision for the brand.

Summer: Hey, you didn’t just execute Chelsea’s vision. I mean, what you added made these looks better. Honestly, Sally, I’m– I’m still kind of surprised at how well this is working out. You know, when Chelsea came to me and she wanted to take a step back to focus on Connor, I really didn’t have many choices. Hiring you was kind of an act of desperation on my part.

Sally: Yeah, I mean, I– I know we have a history and I had to prove myself.

Summer: Well, you have. And now that this winter collection is back on schedule, I think it’s time that we make some changes.

Chelsea: Okay, well, Connor, we know you have to go, but we’ll talk soon, all right?

Adam: All right, keep up the good work, buddy. We love you.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

Chelsea: Did that really just happen?

Adam: It’s hard to believe after everything he’s been through, but our son might actually be getting better.

Chelsea: I mean, we’re not supposed to get our hopes up, you know, after every phone call. The doctors keep saying, we can’t expect too much.

Adam: Hey, not today, though. Dr. Hammond said this really is a breakthrough in the treatment of his OCD.

Chelsea: I mean, he was so direct. He was so articulate about his condition, about his treatment. It’s like he– it’s like he’s finally understanding what’s really happening to him.

Adam: And– and he’s not hurting himself again. And now he thinks if he has those feelings again, he has tools to stop that from happening. He’s gonna beat this, Chelsea. I know he is.

Chelsea: Oh, my God, I hope you’re right. I mean, even if he has to live with this for the rest of his life, for the first time since his diagnosis, I can see what that life may look like.

Adam: Yeah. And the hopes and dreams that we had for our son.

Chelsea: Yeah. We– we can dare to have ’em again. Oh, my gosh.

Adam: Oh. Mm.

[ Adam sighing ] Uh, sorry.

Chelsea: No, I’m– I’m sorry. I– I initiated that hug. That was…

Adam: No, look, I… I took your hand when we were on the call–

Chelsea: No, that’s big, but we– we had gotten good news, so…

Adam: Well, yeah, we– I mean, we got really good news. So, we don’t have anything to feel badly about.

Chelsea: No, we’re–

Adam: Well, not anything that we did today.

Chelsea: We’re allowed to feel good, Adam.

Adam: Yeah, anything to spite guilt and pain.

Chelsea: This isn’t about us. You know? This is about our son.

Adam: Well, I have been the biggest pessimist about his condition. And I believe he’s gonna get better, so you should, too.

Chelsea: I do. So, I should, um… I’m gonna go find Billy.

Adam: Chelsea. Look, we’ve been there for each other because it’s what Connor needed.

Chelsea: I know, Adam. And I know Connor still needs that from us. But what happened between us in that hotel room–

[ knocking on door ]

Adam: Dad, what are you doing here?

Victor: I hope I’m not interrupting.

Victor: Thank you. Hello, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hello, Victor.

Victor: Everything all right?

Adam: Um, we just got off a call with Connor.

Victor: Oh. How’s my grandson?

Adam: He’s getting better.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, the doctors think he’s making some real progress.

Victor: Happy to hear that. Will he be home soon?

Adam: Well, he’s taken a big step, but he’s still got a long way to go.

Victor: Any way I can help?

Chelsea: Oh, that’s so nice. Uh, not really. I wanted to thank you, though, for letting us borrow the jet for our visits to Baltimore.

Victor: I’m very glad to do it. Anytime, all right? Must have been tough for both of you, to have him so far away.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: But things are really looking up now.

Victor: Good. Chelsea, if you don’t mind, I’d like a word alone with Adam.

Chelsea: No problem. I was on my way out. I have a meeting with Summer.

Victor: All right.

Adam: Oh, you’re already back to work?

Chelsea: Well, she wanted to meet with me. She didn’t say why. It’s probably something I have to fix with the winter line.

Adam: Mm.

Chelsea: Adam, what happened today with Connor, it really puts things in perspective. I’m starting to feel like maybe things will be okay.

Adam: They will be.

Chelsea: All right. We’ll talk later. Bye, Victor.

Victor: Bye, Chelsea.

Adam: So, what brings you by?

Victor: You know why I’m here.

Adam: You want to know if I’m going to take you up on your offer to head up Newman Media?

Victor: Yeah. Can I count on you?

Sally: I’m confused. I thought we just established that you were happy with the work that I was doing.

Summer: I am.

Sally: Okay. Well, I mean, if this is about Chloe, she was a huge part of these designs, and really the only reason that we could stay under budget.

Summer: That’s great. Thank her for me. I am learning to appreciate someone’s passion, even if I don’t always appreciate their personality.

Sally: Well, Chloe has been on her best behavior. And so have I.

Summer: No, I’ve noticed. I haven’t felt any attempts at sabotage. I haven’t received any offers from fashion houses in Paris or Milan.

Sally: Yeah, well, I’m really glad that we can joke about that now. But it is kind of ironic that my scheme to get you out of a job here in Genoa City…

Summer: Has brought us to the point where you’re now working for me at Marchetti?

Sally: Yes, and now we’re…

Summer: Finishing each other’s sentences?

[ both laughing ]

Sally: Yeah.

Summer: I– I don’t think that we’ll ever be best friends.

Sally: Eh– understandable. I am just thankful and grateful to be a part of your team.

Summer: How would you feel about leading a team of your own?

Sally: I’m listening.

Summer: Okay, good. ‘Cause I thought that we could discuss this–

Chelsea: Hi. Sorry, I thought this meeting was just going to be with Summer. Sally, you didn’t mention you would be here when I saw you today at lunch.

Sally: I didn’t realize you were going to be a part of it.

Summer: No, I wanted you both here, so that we could all discuss this idea that I have for a more permanent position for Sally at Marchetti.

Chelsea: Are you firing me and giving my job to Sally?

Nate: Don’t you want to come up for air for just a minute?

Audra: Uh…

Nate: First day at Glissade, and she’s still at it. You know that work will keep until tomorrow, right?

Audra: Yeah, it’s already tomorrow in Paris.

Nate: The sun never sets on the Audra Charles Empire, huh?

Audra: Something like that.

Nate: So I shouldn’t take it personally that you barely looked at me since I sat down.

Audra: Look, I’m just trying to prove you wrong.

Nate: About?

Audra: Me.

Nate: How was I wrong about you?

Audra: It’s clear you think I’m not up to the challenge of running a multinational cosmetics startup.

Nate: Hang on. I never said that.

Audra: You said my new venture might be more trouble than I can handle.

Nate: If it was just you, world, look out. You know my main concern is you having to watch your back because of Kyle Abbott and this mysterious investor of yours.

Audra: And you also brought up the threat of Tucker crawling from beneath whatever rock he took refuge under.

Nate: Well, Tucker definitely didn’t crawl under that rock. You dropped it on him.

Audra: Which proves I can handle things just fine.

Nate: No doubt. I’m just looking out for a friend.

Audra: And I’m glad you’re looking out for me. But do you have to be so literal about it? Are you seriously going to sit there and watch me work?

Nate: No, I am not. Please, come with me.

Summer: I have no intention of replacing you with Sally. I am very committed to you and your vision.

Sally: So am I.

Chelsea: So, then what did I miss here? I mean, Marchetti isn’t big enough for two creative directors.

Summer: Actually, I have been thinking about expanding the brand. And I heard that you were in town, and I wanted to discuss it with you.

Chelsea: Oh. Okay, I’m intrigued.

Summer: So, basically we have the market cornered in classic and upscale, right? And I’ve been thinking about creating a new line at Marchetti that’s trendier. For a younger demographic. We could call it Marchetti Z. Target that generation.

Sally: That’s a great idea.

Summer: You think so? Because actually, I was considering making you the lead designer.

Sally: Seriously? I mean, I’d be thrilled.

Chelsea: I love this idea.

Sally: Do you? Because I know after this opportunity you gave me to help you with your winter line, I just wouldn’t want to take anything away from you.

Chelsea: No, I’m sorry if I acted territorial before. I– It’s just, I– You know, I needed to step away, but this job does mean a lot to me.

Summer: And look, I completely relate to that. Sometimes work is the only place that you feel like you have any control.

Sally: And given everything that you’ve been through with Connor, I do not want to in any way threaten that.

Chelsea: Listen, I’m the one who pitched you to cover for me. So, you don’t have to sell me on this. I think it is a win-win, for Marchetti and for Sally.

Summer: So? What do you say?

Sally: Uh… okay. Well, uh, I’m just going to skip over the part where I attempt false modesty, and just say, the truth is, I– I think it’s a great concept, and I think I would absolutely crush it.

Summer: All right. Well, I’m glad we don’t have to waste any time building up your confidence. Look, we definitely need to discuss this further, but, um… first, I would really love to hear how Connor’s doing.

Sally: Yeah, yeah, me– me too. I– I know that he was released from inpatient, but I haven’t had a chance to talk with Adam about how your video call went.

Chelsea: Well, uh, I don’t want to get too excited, but it seems that Connor’s turned a corner. He seems to be getting better. When this all first started, you know, we didn’t see that he was sick. We didn’t see the disease. And then once we did realize it, and he was getting help, it was hard to look at our son and not see the OCD, and not feel this intense guilt, thinking we might have caused it.

Summer: Wow.

Chelsea: Yeah, but now, um, after this video chat, I saw my son again. My– my son, you know, and he– and he’s really– He’s fighting this thing with everything he’s got.

Summer: That is so great. I’m– I’m so happy for you, and for Connor and Adam.

Sally: Adam must be thrilled.

Chelsea: Uh, yeah, you know, we’re just trying to keep our feet on the ground. Um, here can be setbacks along the way, uh, but the doctors feel like this is a great first step, so.

Summer: Well, it seems like you and Adam are really in sync with the whole co-parenting thing. That’s amazing. Not everyone’s that lucky.

Chelsea: Mm. Yeah, no, I don’t know. Um, Adam and I don’t really always bring out the best in each other, so…

Sally: Uh, well, that’s not really what I’ve been seeing. I mean, Adam has been an emotional wreck, and I do what I can to understand and be there for him, but I’m really grateful that Adam has you to lean on too.

Adam: Dad, I’m not going to waste my breath trying to convince you of a parent’s need to put their kids first. I know Victoria tried to get you to understand why she wanted to focus on Claire and Johnny and Katie, and that argument fell on deaf ears.

Victor: Victoria will come around in time. She realizes her proper place is at Newman Enterprises, alongside her brother, Nicholas.

Adam: And here, I thought that was my place.

Victor: Your place, really.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Um… Nick and I are getting along just fine at work. I mean, unless he’s told you different.

Victor: Mm-mm, he hasn’t.

Adam: I’ll admit, I do need a distraction from my personal drama, so I am intrigued by your offer. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to get dragged into one of your wars without knowing who it is we’re fighting.

Victor: No reason to know who that is.

Adam: You want me on the front lines, I’m going to need a name.

Victor: All right. If that is what it takes, I will let you know who it is that I’m targeting.

Audra: Why are we here?

Nate: To watch the sunset on your first day as head of Glissade.

[ Audra sighing ]

Audra: Yeah, it’s been quite a day.

Nate: Is that why all the sighs?

Audra: No, today started with the high of the posting of that article that built me up, all about how I’m living the dream. And then, people started coming at me with all sorts of real-world problems.

Nate: Such as?

Audra: Did you know the price of glass went up 30% last year? Which means those little bottles we put nail polish in either have to get smaller or the price we charge to the consumer has to get bigger.

Nate: Ah. That is a real-world problem.

Audra: Yeah. Then, there’s the supply chain issues, as they relate to a certain shade of pink pigment for any lipstick line. Oh, and the fight to keep cheap knock-offs of our fragrances from getting to market. But I won’t bore you with any of the details. Wait, I just did, didn’t I?

Nate: Audra, you’re a lot of things, okay? But you can never be boring.

[ Audra sighing ]

Audra: Yeah, I’ve dealt with stress before, but this, this is just the next level.

Nate: Hm.

Audra: And you keeping me from work isn’t helping.

Nate: Maybe this will.

Audra: Well, if this is coffee in any form, it might.

Nate: No, it is not. This is oolong tea.

Audra: Oh, no thanks.

Nate: Uh-uh, hear me out. Look, this tea is filled with amino acids that improve brain function. It also helps with sleep, reduces stress, and anxiety.

Audra: Hm. It also tastes like wet socks.

Nate: It will grow on you.

Audra: You say it like it’s a good thing.

Nate: Listen, when I was in med school and then doing my residency, I was a coffee addict. Some of my friends literally shot that stuff into their veins.

Audra: Oh, so you’re saying you can hook me up with an IV?

Nate: No joke, people did that too. But, uh, for me, I– I couldn’t keep up. It got to the point where if I didn’t have a cup of something strong in my hands, they would shake.

Audra: Yep.

Nate: And no one wants a doctor with shaky hands standing over them with a scalpel.

Audra: Oh, no.

Nate: So, I switched to tea. It evened me out. I got better sleep, had more focus, and I got through.

Audra: Hm. So, this is what the doctor ordered?

Nate: That, and a few deep breaths. You need to take a moment and just be.

Audra: Yeah, no, I don’t do that. Deep breathing and meditation, the “ohming” and the unplugging of chakras, that was Tucker’s thing, and I don’t want to be reminded of it.

Nate: Tucker knows nothing about being in the moment. You need to get out of your head and listen to your body. It’s telling you everything you need.

Audra: And what I need is a triple shot of espresso, and to get back to my tablet.

Nate: Audra, those sighs earlier, a sigh is just a short breath. It’s a release and a reconnection.

Audra: Do you really believe all that? Or is it just some pitch you worked up to impress the women in your yoga class?

Nate: Do you think everyone has an angle?

Audra: Hey, I’m all about angles, but I just like it when people are up front about it.

Nate: This isn’t some play to be with you, Audra. It’s an apology. I’m sorry if I made you think I wasn’t a true believer. This Glissade thing? You got this.

Audra: Thank you for saying that.

Nate: And this, what we’re doing right here, right now. It isn’t a seduction in any way, shape, or form. I like having you as a friend, Audra. I know we talked a lot about you needing one right now, but what I haven’t said is I’m in a place and time in my life where I need one, too. So, how about we, um, sit here for a little while longer?

Audra: I think I can do that.

Chelsea: Wow, Sally, this is such great work.

Sally: It’s just working with what you gave me.

Summer: Oh, hey, I thought we weren’t doing false modesty here.

Chelsea: The way you solved the closure problem on that skirt? It’s genius.

Sally: Thank you.

Summer: Guys, I am loving this collaborative spirit we have going on here. I have been wanting to create this kind of atmosphere at Marchetti.

[ phone dinging ] Oh, it’s my realtor. I am looking for a new house for me and Harrison.

Chelsea: Oh, I take it that means you and Kyle still aren’t on the same page?

Summer: Um, Kyle and I aren’t even in the same book anymore. Uh, Sally, thank you so much for all of your hard work.

Sally: Yeah, thank you again for this opportunity.

Summer: And Chelsea, just know you have a place here whenever you’re ready to come back. Bye, you guys.

Chelsea/Sally: Bye.

Chelsea: Uh, well, I’m so glad that all worked out.

Sally: Uh, do you have to leave? I think there’s something we need to talk about.

Victor: Now, son, very few people are privy to this, but I’ve taken steps to acquire Glissade, a cosmetics company.

Adam: Oh, I wish I could have seen the look on McCall’s face when he found that out.

Victor: You may still have a chance, you know. Just know that the financing of it was anonymous, and I want to keep it that way, for now.

Adam: Yeah. I heard that, uh, Audra Charles and Kyle Abbott were handpicked to run Glissade. That’s an interesting pairing. But what’s the connection between Glissade and Newman Media? It sounds like you’ve already cut Tucker off at the knees.

Victor: He’s not the target. I just want Newman Media to create a massive buzz about Glissade.

Adam: Well, that’s easy enough.

Victor: All right. And at the same time, I want you to go after the competition.

Adam: That’s it?

Victor: Yeah, that’s it.

Adam: What is it that you’re not telling me?

Nate: Look, I– I don’t want to keep you from your work, Audra. I just want you to remember why you’re so excited about it in the first place.

Audra: I am excited about running Glissade. And it’s not just about the money, or power. Though, unlike most people, I’m not afraid to admit I want both those things.

Nate: What else is it about? Showing Tucker he was wrong to underestimate you? That he was the only thing holding you back?

Audra: Yeah, I fell into that trap before, trying to get a man’s approval. But now I know I don’t need that. And I want to bring that lesson I learned to Glissade.

Nate: How so?

Audra: I know I have a partner and an investor, so I won’t have total control, but I’m the one who buys and uses makeup. Tucker, or Kyle, or any man can read a marketing report. They can hold focus groups. They can talk about margins and profit and loss, but I’m the one who knows what it means to look into a mirror and… And see myself for what I really am. Not how a man wants me to be. Life can get real ugly sometimes. And I know what it means to need to feel beautiful in those moments. You know, Glissade needs to be not about being beautiful for a man, but about women being beautiful for themselves.

Chelsea: Can it wait? Uh, I’m sure it’s something you want to discuss about the winter line, and you didn’t want to bother Summer with it.

Sally: Well, I just think we need to clear the air.

Chelsea: You know, if– if you’re worried about stepping on my toes at Marchetti–

Sally: Well, yeah, it’s that, but it’s also about Adam, too.

Chelsea: Um, what about Adam?

Sally: Well, I am trying to be more open and honest with my feelings. It’s not something I’ve been great at in my past. But listening to you and Adam talk about Connor, and seeing how you two are there for each other, it’s made me want to step up my game.

Chelsea: Well, you have been there for Adam. He tells me all the time how wonderful you are.

Sally: Well, thank you, but I want to be wonderful for Adam. You know, I mean, I’ve never been involved with a man who’s going through what you and Adam are going through.

Chelsea: Yeah, I don’t know. I think maybe you should– maybe you should just tell Adam all this.

Sally: No, I will, but I also want to tell you.

Chelsea: Okay.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: When Summer asked me to stay on more permanently at Marchetti, I also thought that she was going to ask me to take your place and I just want you to know that I would never do that.

Chelsea: I appreciate that.

Sally: I mean, I came here not only driven by ambition and the need for a job so I can pay my bills, but to support you. And that was clear to me from the very beginning. But what wasn’t clear to me was how I can support you and Adam without feeling threatened. You have done nothing at all to make me feel that way.

Chelsea: Sally, you have supported me and Adam. Honestly, you’ve been amazing, and I really want to thank you for that.

Sally: No, Chelsea, I should be thanking you. Seriously, you did not have to take Adam’s suggestion to pitch me to Summer, and with everything that you have going on with Connor right now, I’m the last person that you should be thinking about, so I owe you, Chelsea.

Chelsea: No, Sally, you really don’t.

Adam: I get why you want to pump up Glissade now that we own it, and why you want to give bad press to our competitors to gain market share.

Victor: Do you have a plan how to do that?

Adam: Well, I can make it happen. And I can make it appear that we’re being fair and balanced. But that’s not what’s giving me pause.

Victor: What is?

Adam: All seems a little… What’s the word I’m looking for? Reasonable.

[ Victor chuckling ]

Victor: You know I’m very reasonable.

Adam: Come on, you could have sold this to Nikki and Victoria. Why do you need me?

Victor: Because, son, you know everything about Newman Media. You started the darn company. It’s your baby.

Adam: You’ve talked about the competition, but you still haven’t specified your enemy.

Victor: Jabot is one of the large companies in the sector.

Adam: Yeah, and Nikki would never agree to go after Jack Abbott.

Victor: Bingo.

Adam: But I respect Jack Abbott.

Victor: I don’t give a damn what your feelings are about Jack Abbott, okay? You have never hesitated in the past to go for the kill. It’s like your father. I don’t hesitate. Even if it means to hurt someone you like.

Victor: Son, you’re like me. You get that you can’t be soft to survive, can you?

Adam: Well, I’m like you in the fact that I’m not afraid to fight dirty.

Victor: So, Glissade was well positioned, so I went after it.

Adam: Come on, you are not someone that lets the chips fall where they may. You want me to use Newman Media to improve your odds.

Victor: I want you to do damage to Jabot.

Adam: Okay, well I hurt Jabot, I hurt Jack. It’s the same as Newman. If Newman took a hit, you would feel it.

Victor: I don’t give a damn about what the hell happens to Jack Abbott. Look what I’m offering you. I’m offering you autonomy to run the damn company you started as you will. And you don’t have to share any power with your brother or your sister. I’m handing the company to you. What are you going to do with it? Can I trust you?

Adam: Are you sure that you can trust Kyle and Audra?

Nate: You opening up to me like that means a lot.

Audra: Don’t go reading into it, Nate.

Nate: Oh. And the armor’s already back on. Mm-hmm.

Audra: Oh, now that’s a shade of violet I need for a new line of eyeshadow.

Nate: And she’s back to work. But I’ve already seen a little more of you than maybe you meant to show. Now, I can’t speak for what you see when you look in the mirror. And you’ve already made it clear that you aren’t interested in what any man thinks. But for the record… the more of you I see, the more beautiful you are to me.

Audra: Does that ever really work for you?

Nate: The pretty damn annoying charm?

Audra: That’s the one.

Nate: Oh. You tell me.

Audra: I think you already know the answer.

Sally: Chelsea, did your call with Connor not go as well as you said?

Chelsea: No, the call went great.

Sally: Okay, so, what is it? I mean, you can be honest with me about this awkwardness between us. >

Chelsea: Awkward? Is it awkward? I don’t think it is.

Sally: Yeah, of cour– Chelsea, of course it is. I’m doing your job.

Chelsea: No, you stepped in for me at Marchetti, and you’re doing great, and I knew you would.

Sally: Okay, then– then what is it? I mean, I… I– I– I don’t know. It– it almost seems like…

Chelsea: Like what?

Sally: Like you’re guilty?

Chelsea: No, I mean, I– I feel… Of course, I feel a little bad walking away at such a critical time. You know, when Summer needed me. But, um– But you made it so everything’s okay. And I’m really grateful to you for that.

[ Chelsea and Adam panting ]

Sally: Chelsea.

Chelsea: Sorry, I think, um, I think I’m a little jet-lagged.

[ Chelsea and Adam panting ]

Sally: You’re tearing up. Now, I know something is really wrong. Can you please just tell me what it is?

Chelsea: Sally, I…

Sally: You’re a mess. I– I– I get it. I mean, how could you not be after everything that you’ve been going through with Connor?

Chelsea: Ah, yeah, um, I just feel like everything that’s happened with my son has me on this emotional rollercoaster. And like I mentioned to you at lunch, I don’t… I don’t feel like I have control over any aspect of my life. What I say, what I do.

Sally: Yeah, I mean, I’m sure you have so much anxiety and frustration. I know that Adam does. I mean, is it selfish of me to say that I’ve been afraid of losing him over this?

Chelsea: Sally, you are not going to lose Adam. He cares about you so much.

Sally: Yeah, I– I know he does, but I mean, his heart is so broken over Connor that sometimes I just wonder if there’s even a piece left for me.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

Chelsea: I’m really sorry if– if me needing Adam has come between the two of you.

Sally: No, no, no. No, no. That’s not at all what– what I’m trying to say, okay? I’m– I’m really, really glad that Adam has you. You know, when Adam and I lost our baby… it bonded us. And Connor is your baby. So, of course, you and Adam are going to get closer, because you’re his parents, and I really hope that you guys are always there for each other. I mean, I’m sure that you can help Adam out in ways that I can’t even imagine. Billy and I–

Chelsea: You know what? I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Sally. I can’t talk about this right now. Um… Just know Adam loves you and you just have to stand by him. No matter what, okay? I’m really sorry. I have to go.

[ Sally scoffing ]

Victor: Now, Audra is very ambitious and savvy. She demonstrated that again when she turned Tucker’s board against him.

Adam: So, she stabbed someone in the back who trusts her? Yeah, that’s not very reassuring, Dad. Who’s to say we won’t end up the same?

Victor: You leave her to me.

Adam: And Kyle?

Victor: Well, so it happens that apparently, he had a huge falling out with his parents. Neither Jack nor Diane expressed a lot of faith in his talents. So understandably, he wants retribution. And I think we can use Newman Media to help him do that.

Adam: Hm. By crippling Jabot?

Victor: By crippling all competition. Now, that I’ve told you what’s going on, will you resume with leadership of Newman Media?

Adam: Uh… I’ll seriously consider it.

Victor: I can’t wait too long, okay? Time is of the essence.

Adam: I’ll sleep on it. I’ll let you know in the morning.

Victor: All right. Nice talking to you. I’m very happy that things are going well with Connor.

Adam: I am too.

Victor: Now, you can help your son and help your father.

[ door closing ]

Audra: I just want to be clear about something. We’re just in the moment, Nate, okay? Uh… I’m just getting out of my head and listening to my body.

Nate: I’m listening too, and I like what it’s saying.

Audra: I’m serious.

Nate: Hey, hey. I want this. Only if you want it too. If not, we stop.

Audra: I don’t want to stop. I just want to make sure we’re agreed, this is just for fun. It means nothing.

Nate: Right.

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GH Transcript Friday, July 12, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


Felicia: Oh, thank you for returning my phone, Cody. Thank you. We are just about to have dinner. You should join us. –

[ Gasps ] Great idea! -Yeah! Look, I appreciate what the two of you are trying to facilitate here. I’m sure your hearts are in the right place. But… Mac knows where to find me if he wants to talk. Okay. Sorry. Not sorry. Look, I know this wasn’t the most honest way to get the two of you in the same room, but my mom and I felt like you guys needed to talk face to face, and then we should all have a conversation — as a family. See, that’s just it, Maxie. We’re not a family. You guys are. I’m just the guy who gives your son riding lessons. Maybe it’s better we keep it that way.

Care to explain the point of that humiliating exercise?

Hey. Hi. Uh, I was just on my way to the gatehouse with this. Oh. Thank you. I — I didn’t expect you to be my delivery service when I put out the SOS. I figured I’d just pick up the food when the nanny was, uh, packing up things to go. No problem. I was bringing a basket to Cody anyway. So, um, there’s chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans sautéed with garlic inside. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I just got home and found out I have the kids for the evening, so, uh, thank you. Oh, uh, well, there’s enough for Willow, too. Where is she tonight? Uh, she’s working late with Drew. Ace went down? One book, and he was out. Wow.

[ Chuckles ] Are you reading that article? Yeah. What do you think? Uh, well, first of all, thanks for sending it to me. Um, I’m not sure that it’s a good comparison to Heather’s case because this guy got cobalt poisoning from an industrial exposure. True, but he suffered from extreme neurocognitive disorders, dementia, and uncontrollable rage. Which is exactly how we would have described Heather not too long ago.

[ Sighs ] I don’t know. Do you think this article could help people to understand how Heather could have changed?

Who is this stranger in my house? Kind of looks familiar. Kind of like someone who used to live here. What are you doing home already? Mom said that you’d both be working late, and Marshall’s at the club. So you thought you’d have a romantic dinner here at the house? Is there something I should know? No. This is actually a surprise dinner for you and Mom. It was from the Metro Court, and the sommelier said that he recommended the wine. Which he didn’t sell me. It was a gift from the hotel owner. You’re adorable. Honey, you didn’t have to do this. It’s an occasion that needs to be marked on the calendar. It’s been a year. Since I was shot and almost lost everything. It’s been a year… since your family rallied around you. And you found everything. And look at you now. I don’t have a lot of time. Alright. So, I’m — I’m on my way to Valentin’s right now. I’m gonna drop by unannounced, and I’m gonna walk out with the satellite phone that he uses to communicate with Pikeman. Assuming it’s still there. Well, why would he move it? I mean, he doesn’t know that I found it. It’s — It is the best way we have to prove that Pikeman is trafficking illegal arms… and that Valentin is in charge of that. So where am I gonna be able to find you once I’ve secured the evidence? Well, that’s not gonna be a problem. I’m gonna be parked two cars down from his house like I was before. That would be a problem. No. I’m going it alone this time.

Dialysis restored the patient in that article to baseline behavior. No more decreased mental functions or rage. Wow. Now, that’s a good indicator for recovery. Yeah. Possible. And that seems to be what’s happened with Heather. Yeah. You know, ironically, the best argument for Heather’s transformed state of mind is the fact that she doesn’t want her case reopened. Based on what I’ve learned, from a medical and a legal standpoint, a strong argument could be made that there was a rush to judgment and that the case should be opened. If that were to happen, Heather could even get a new trial. Yeah, maybe she could. But that’s not what Heather wants. I thought I was the only one that kept track of my shooting at the Metro Court. No, the whole family is aware. And I asked Aunt Stella if I should mention it to you or not, and she said, “To heck with mentioning! We should celebrate!” So…ta-da! I am celebrating… not only you being alive and well, but standing and walking. Thank you, baby. Yeah. Being able to walk again means everything. But what I am most grateful for… is spending time with my family. But I did notice only two, uh, place settings. You’re not joining us? Nope. I just want my mom and dad to celebrate privately. I mean, the way you two just pulled together, it was really inspiring. So you just — just observe this. That’s, uh, very thoughtful of you, but we are putting a dinner or a cookout on the schedule, so it doesn’t matter how busy you are. Well, you had me at “cookout.”

[ Both laugh ] Yeah, the meeting came up suddenly, but it’s for the New Tomorrow Institute, so Willow could hardly say no. Oh. For sure. Yeah. So, how’s it been for you, with Willow’s new job? Well, I’m happy as long as Willow’s happy. I know she’s pretty conflicted with the long hours she was working at G.H. and not having the valuable time to spend with the kids, but, luckily, Drew came up with a solution. Drew? Yeah, yeah. He pitched Willow as a spokesperson of the New Tomorrow Institute and he got her on board. So Willow can spend more time with the kids and still do work she can be proud of. A win-win. Yeah, the kids sure think so. So does Willow. She — She does seem happier, though, don’t you think? No question. Okay. I should get this to the troops. Thanks for dinner. And have a good evening.

Well, last time you went to Valentin’s alone, you came out empty-handed. I was searching the place. I-I didn’t — Now I know where the evidence is. Did you mean to spend the night last time? That just happened. Alright? It’s none of your business. And it won’t happen again. Okay, I-I’m not trying to call you out, but I am a little concerned. I know how complicated this is — Noted! I still don’t want you there. Valentin has security cameras. He will notice if the same car with the same driver is parked outside each time I visit. So, no! This is a solo operation! I will meet you back here once I have acquired the phone.

Alright. Use this when you do. It’s a key to my place. Okay. I’m on my way, then. And I’ll see you back here when I have the phone.

[ Door closes ]

[ Knock on door ]

Hey. Hey. Sorry for just stopping by. I hope it’s okay. No, no. It’s okay. Is everything okay with Jake? See for yourself. Escuela de Arte en Barcelona? Is that Barcelona Academy of…Art? Well, my Spanish is not good, but is — is this an acceptance letter? Jake has been accepted into the Drawing and Painting Program. Anna. Hi. Surprised? I am. Yeah. But it’s my favorite kind of surprise. Please come in. I’m not a wine aficionado like you are, but I hope I did good. Yeah, yeah, you did well. Yeah? Good. I’m happy. Are we gonna share this? Shall I get us some glasses? Are you in a hurry? Would you like to stay for dinner? I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t hoping you’d ask. You’re such a good cook. And I’m just a lowly small-town Police Commissioner in need of a hot meal and some good conversation. Well, then you’ve come to the right place. Because I would never want you to waste away… or be bored. Well, hey. Hey! You didn’t come up to pester me about dinner, so I figured you might be busy, so I brought it to you. Have you eaten? No. Thanks, but I don’t really have an appetite right now. That’s impossible to believe. Hey. What’s going on? Nothing I really want to get into right now. But I’m — I’m glad you’re here. I could use the distraction. Well… There’s a lot of that going around. Hmm. So keeping me fed isn’t what drove you out of the kitchen and down here. I mean, of course, I always care for your nourishment, but, no. What’s going on? If I tell you, I have to swear you to secrecy. This — This has to stay between you and me. I am not going to apologize for scheming to bring you and Cody face to face. I was hoping that you would let reason take hold in that stubborn brain of yours… and maybe, just maybe, you and your son could actually talk with each other. I think stubbornness is an inherited trait, uh, because Cody’s really digging in now. I don’t get it! You and Cody liked each other just fine before he told you the truth. He’s the one who had to live with the secret. And now it’s out in the open. He — He came to you of his own volition, Mac. Nobody forced him to do that. Nobody was twisting his arm. Why can’t you just let this bring you closer together instead of driving you apart? Maybe I liked the liar better. No. Don’t you do that. Don’t you play this off like you don’t care. What you like better is your own pride. And, you know, Maxie’s right. Cody is just like you — too proud to beg to be accepted as your son. And maybe, deep down, you want him to — as penance for lying until you can forgive him. Cody jerked all of us around with his lies. I’m not letting anyone — anyone — do that to my family! Not a would-be relative. Not anyone. Funny. Now you’re the one that’s lying. Alright. Send her up. Bad dream. He’s gone back down. Good. Yeah. And then I stayed to watch him sleep for a while. He’s just so beautiful, you know? Like an angel.

[ Sighs ] And I realized that Heather is never going to get to see that unless I take a photo of it — and I will. I’ve made a decision. I’m going to honor Heather’s request and let this go. It just feels like such a shame, though, you know? Now we will never know whether or not she could have gotten a reduced sentence.

[ Knock on door ] Oh, uh, the doorman called. Ah. Trina’s here to see you. Yeah. Okay.

[ Sighs ]

Hi. Hi. I’m sorry just to show up, but, um, it’s important. Um…

[ Door closes ] Oh, my goodness! Ooh.

[ Soft jazz music playing ]

[ Chuckles ] Curtis, honey. Did you do this? I cannot take credit. This is all 100% our beautiful daughter’s idea. When I came home, she was putting on the finishing touches. The food, this amazing bottle of wine, it’s all from the Metro Court. She thought that, you know, after the year we had that we needed some time with each other. She is so incredibly sweet. I have to call her right now and thank her. -Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. -She’s so cute. You can call her tomorrow. Tonight… Tonight is about us. Oh… Well, you know what? That’s perfect. Because I’ve been thinking about you all day. How happy I am that you’re here and that we’re still together. Ugh! I was so afraid of losing you. Look, why don’t we celebrate what’s ahead a-and we can leave all the fear, all the pain behind. The pain, yes, maybe. But, uh… the fear. I’m having a hard time leaving that behind.

[ Sighs ] Look, I hate to admit this, but it’s really hard for me to celebrate when I’m worried about the safety of my family. he wanted to apply to Barcelona. Now, it’s such a prestigious school, I didn’t want to discourage him, but I had no idea he would actually get in. And not because I-I don’t recognize his talent. I mean, his portfolio is amazing and his teacher references are glowing. But you never know if someone else is gonna see your kid the way you see them. Is Jake excited? He’s trying to be low-key about it, but I can tell he’s — he’s over the moon. I actually made a point of not talking about it after he applied because I didn’t want to get his hopes up, but I guess I worried for nothing ’cause they think he’s the real deal. Well, that’s great. I’m gonna have to take your word for it. Does Jake even speak Spanish? He’s had six years — two years in middle school and then all through high school. This is a dream come true for him. Jason, our son is going to study art in Spain!

[ Chuckles ] Thank you for letting me know. Do you think Jake will mind if I reach out to him about this? Well, that’s why I’m here. You might want to spend whatever time you can with him before he leaves. It’s sooner than you think. I’d like to do one more thing. Let me cover Jake’s tuition and his expenses. You are always welcome, Trina. Please, come in. Tell me. What’s going on? Um… It’s an Ace emergency.

[ Gasps ] Oh! I found this in my car. I was at my mom and dad’s house trying to grab some clothes to take to my place, and this must have been there from the last time I babysat Ace. I-I hope he hasn’t missed it too much. Oh. Thank you. That’s so thoughtful of you. You know, I’d have you give it back to him yourself, but he’s already gone down for the night. No, that’s okay. I-I figured. Well, it’s good to see you, Trina. I have some cases I still need to review tonight. Thanks. Would you like to sit down for a minute? I would really like the opportunity to catch up with you a bit. I heard that you had moved on to the Quartermaine grounds. Um, I, uh — I thought maybe I would have seen you at the Fourth of July. Yeah, well, I’ve just been keeping a low profile. I mean, I think it’s important to vote and all, uh, but I’m just not into the political scene these days, and it’s just a little too chaotic and overwhelming. And, I mean, I know what I’m for and what I’m against. Not saying that I’m not interested in those issues. I just — I’ll make sure that I’m up on them before I vote in November. I’m sure you will be. Your mother’s very invested. Yeah. Because of Heather Webber. Has she said anything to you? Um, for years, I lived in apprehension because Taggert was pursuing his career in law enforcement. And I was so happy that you had left that job when you and I finally got together. Because I knew that you would be safe. No risk of life or death every time you walk out the front door. And then this mad woman who was fixated on our daughter, she was finally captured and put in prison where she belongs. And I thought I could actually have some peace. You know, and I was doing real, real good for a while there. But now this madwoman might just be casually walking our streets again? I seriously doubt that will happen again. See, and I know that you think I’m being paranoid, but I think the lesson over the past few years is that — that maybe I haven’t been paranoid enough. Because I didn’t listen to that scared inside voice. I tried to quiet it. And — And what happened? Trina almost died in France. Spencer did die.

[ Scoffs ] And that’s why I’m sounding the alarm about Laura trying to reopen Heather Webber’s case. Because I just fear that the worst… Curtis, I know it. The worst — it’s yet to come. Valentin: Well, you’re actually in luck, because I just made a caprese salad, and I was about to sauté some fillets of sole that I picked up earlier. Why do you enjoy cooking so much? It relaxes me. Oh. But, you know, Charlotte’s gone now, and I’m not used to cooking for just myself, so I almost always have too much. So it’s gonna work out. So uncork the wine, and I will finish dinner. Wine opener’s over there. Okay. Hey. I’m really glad you’re here. Me too. Right. So, one dinner for two coming right up.

Can I help you find something? You found it! Oh, yeah. It was in the kitchen with me. Oh! Great. I’m sorry. I gotta get back to the fish.

Crack that open! Let it breathe! Dinner’s pretty much ready! Okay!

Wow! Nobody has lied more to this family than me. Well, Maxie, that was different. Yeah, it was different because you forgave me. A-And when it was my turn, I wasn’t so quick to forgive. I remember clinging to some sort of misguided pride and pushing my mother away, saying I didn’t want her in my life. And even though it didn’t happen overnight, I realized that my pride was not nearly as comforting as my mother’s love. Look, the moral of this story is… you never turned your back on me. Why can’t you do that for Cody? We’ve been over this, Maxie. I raised you. I always knew your intentions were good. Cody is a stranger who I happen to share biology with. I don’t know what you expect — that I suddenly forgive and forget? We’re not suggesting that, Mac, but we’re also not letting you give up on your only child — your son. You know that Michael and I dated, right? Yeah. And you’ve managed to be friends afterwards. Right. We’re better off, actually. Mm-hmm. But now I have stumbled into something that might blow up Michael’s life, not to mention his business with Aurora and ELQ. Sounds ominous. You promise to keep this between us, right? Yeah. Like I said. What is it? It — The other day, Nina confided in me that she was having a — “Affair” isn’t really the right word. She — More like a situation-ship with Drew. Okay. Why would that bother Michael? Because they all work together? Oh, right, right, right. Him and Willow. They have bad blood with Nina. I gotcha. Am I telling the story or — or do you already have it figured out? No, no, no. Proceed. Proceed. During the fireworks on Fourth of July, I walked into the Solarium… and I saw Drew and Willow kiss! No. Yes. You — Are you absolutely sure? I wish that I wasn’t, but it was Drew and it was Willow, and they were lit up by the fireworks, and they were too into the kiss to even notice that I was there! Whoa. I mean, that’s a — that’s a curveball. Right?! I mean, I just had a conversation with Michael and I was squirming inside the entire time. He — He clearly has no idea. And Drew and Willow are working together, a-and they’re out tonight at a meeting. I-I don’t know what to do. That’s really generous of you, but I’m already looking into loan applications. No, no. We’re gonna forget the loans, okay? Please. Just let me do this for Jake. It’s something I can do. And you’ve been carrying the load for way too long. Okay.

[ Chuckles ] Thank you. That’ll — That’ll be a really big help. I’m still paying for Cameron, and I know I’ve got Aiden coming up, and I’m looking at a lot of expenses with Jake, with traveling. He’s got to go there for orientation and got to update his passport and get a student visa and the books and the art supplies and… Yeah, you know, all that’s — all that’s — all that’s fine. Do you think Jake will be okay with me helping him? Well, I guess that’ll be up to him. But I got the impression that when you guys went to the game, things went well. Yeah, I thought so. Good. Um… I really appreciate the effort you’re making and for wanting to help me shoulder the cost. I guess there’s just one problem left. What’s that? How much I’m gonna miss him. Your mother has a right to all her feelings. Heather does evoke a lot of fear and rage in people. Rightly so. If I were your mother, I would also be very protective of you. I mean, after all, Heather did target you. But when I came to see you in the office, you were so great. And I understand why you feel the way you do. I appreciate that, sweetheart. I really do. But I have to tell you something. I have just come from visiting with Heather today, and she made it abundantly clear to me that she would like me to drop the whole thing. Are you going to? It’s Heather’s life. It is her decision, and I think I have to respect that. Well, I’m glad to hear that, but you do raise an important question. If Heather wasn’t in her right mind and she had no control over her actions… should she be locked up for the rest of her life? I honestly don’t know what the right thing is here, but I do know that I am going to respect her wishes. I’m curious, though. What do you think should have been done with Heather? I need to find out how many names I need on a petition to have Laura recalled as mayor. Honey, that’s been tried before. It didn’t work then, and I doubt it’ll work now. Well, then, I’ll just have to make it an issue. I don’t think the public would take too kindly to their mayor’s attempts to try to overturn Heather’s conviction. Okay. I-I get it. You’re fired up about this. Yeah, and you’re not! And I get that Laura’s your friend. I get that, And, hopefully, that woman will come to her senses. But I can’t afford to take that chance. And, more importantly, Trina can’t.

I hadn’t told you this before, but, um… I went to Pentonville… to visit with Heather. I had to see for myself. So we’re just not telling each other things? Is — Is that what’s happening now? I was still processing the whole thing, and I didn’t know how to talk to you about it until I had. Why?

[ Scoffs ] Was it that bad? It’s not that bad. Look. After, uh — After talking with Heather, I can see what Laura sees. You know, from a legal standpoint, maybe Heather doesn’t deserve to be behind bars for the rest of her life.

[ Groans ] how disappointed you were when Cody told you he wasn’t your son… and, even afterwards, how you couldn’t let go of the connection that you felt with him. Do you deny that? I’m not denying I like the guy. He lied to me, Felicia. And he kept up that lie. Every interaction we had, every conversation, every laugh we shared, he was lying to my face! How do you expect me to accept that?! Cody grew up with people he wasn’t close to. They never treated him like a son. Are you gonna continue that and not treat him like one, either? You two are ganging up on me. No. We’re loving you, Mac. We know how difficult it is for you to welcome Cody with open arms. Because you’re angry. And for good reason. He lied to you. He cost you a year of your lives. But ask yourself, Mac — how much time are you willing to let your anger cost you now? I don’t know what Willow is thinking. I mean, Michael loves her so much, and I know that she loves him. They have two small children! All you saw was a kiss. Right? Right. So maybe that’s all it was. I mean, they were probably drinking. Fireworks were going off. Maybe they just got carried away. So it was a one-time thing? I don’t know. I mean, you know these people better than I do. Do Willow and Drew seem like the type of people to sneak behind Michael’s back? No. Absolutely not. Okay, well, then… my advice is you forget that you saw it. Unless you want to blackmail ’em. My recommendation would be Drew. He’s got deeper pockets. Uh, I need to go finish cleaning up. Hey. Forget I said anything. Okay. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Okay? I was just joking. It was supposed to be a joke. I was just trying to lighten things up for you in my own clueless way. You really are clueless, aren’t you? Yeah, about most things. But with this, I see pretty clearly. And how is that? People can be reckless and crazy. I totally include myself in that, but that doesn’t really matter right now. One of the hazards of working in someone else’s home is sometimes you’re gonna find out things that you wish you hadn’t. And the fact that the Q’s are stinking rich only magnifies that problem. No, no. Mnh-mnh. She’s still Heather, but not cruel or violent. Nothing like the maniac I remember. It’s just — It makes me crazy to sit there and think that you’re sitting across from someone who is an absolute threat to our family. But I-I had to see it for myself. And I’m glad I did. Because if Laura makes some effort to try to free Heather — and I’m not saying she has, because she hasn’t — But if she does, we don’t have to fight her. Why are you even saying this? Because Heather made it clear to me that — that she doesn’t even want her case reopened. She told me that she’s right where she belongs and she would tell that to any judge or parole officer who reviewed her case. Oh, Heather said that, so… She did. And she was adamant about it, babe. So no matter what Laura does, I am 100% confident that Heather Webber will stay right there in that cell where she is for the rest of her days. The house is gonna be so empty. Cameron’s already gone. A-And now Jake. It’s good. It’s all — It’s good. I’m gonna be — I’m fine. And Cameron is loving California. And I-I would never deprive Jake of this opportunity. Do you remember when I wanted to be an artist?

[ Chuckles ] I do. I do remember. You were good. But I gave up on it. I kind of went back to it a little bit after I met Franco. I know how you feel about him, but he did a lot for those boys — and for me. You — You get the credit for the boys. You’ve done an amazing job raising them. Thank you. Well, like I said, um, it’s gonna be up to Jake if he allows you to pay for Barcelona.

Um, y– I just want to say that I-I do see that you’re trying to make up for lost time with him. And Jake sees it, too. You’re making good on your word to be a better father. I appreciate that.

You’re right. The best thing I can do is ignore that it ever happened. And whatever’s going on between Willow and Drew will hopefully work itself out. Just don’t try to blackmail them. What’s it worth to ya?

[ Chuckles ] Cody wanted me to believe that he wasn’t my son, and now he wants me to know that I’m his father? If his circumstances have changed, that’s on him. But I don’t have to automatically fall in line. And neither do you, Maxie. Cody can go through whatever he’s going through, but that has nothing to do with us. I have to tell you that, to a degree, um, I have compassion for what Heather is going through right now. As she becomes more lucid… …maybe she can get some counseling. I don’t know. Maybe I can arrange for her to have a psychiatrist see her in Pentonville. You know, somebody who can help her to deal with the things she’s done. Because I believe that she is truly remorseful. Well, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Is it fair that someone who’s mentally ill gets punished for something they have no control over? Should they be treated the same as someone who knew what they were doing? I don’t think so. Heather couldn’t help that she was sick. She didn’t choose it. It’s easy for me to see why Spencer loved you so much. You have a very loving, compassionate heart. And you asked what I — what I think should be done to Heather. Mm-hmm. And I think that she should get justice according to the law of this country. Because that’s what I’d want anyone to get. Me too. I wish I could believe that Laura will do what Heather asks and just let this whole thing go. I still believe in Laura’s integrity. She will do the right thing. Well, I think that we’ve talked about Heather Webber enough for one night.

[ Both laugh ] Yeah. I certainly don’t want her to derail this absolutely lovely celebration that our daughter has planned for us. Before the first course… Oh?

[ Soft R&B music plays ]

May I have this dance? It would be my absolute pleasure.


Have you given any thought to my proposition? Of leaving Port Charles with you and going… Wherever we feel like. I have thought about… how hard it would hit me… if you were to disappear without me.

Then don’t let me.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Friday, July 12, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[crickets chirping]

Steffy: I said goodbye to Douglas, Paris, and Thomas. Looks like maybe you have, too.

Hope: Thomas was here earlier. And I gave him my blessing.

Finn: Mom. Hey.

Li: Oh.

Finn: Are you just gonna walk by and not say hi?

Li: I guess I just didn’t realize which floor I was on.

Finn: Are you okay?

Jack: Finn. You got a sec to talk?

[Li scoffs] Li.

Li: Not again. I swear, Jack, I’m beginning to think you’re stalking me.

Bill: I can’t tell you how much you have both changed the energy around here. I’ve been alone in this big, empty house for a very long time. And now there is laughter again. And I have a reason to come home. And that’s thanks to you two Nozawa women. Well, Nozawa-slash-Spencer. I wanna make that happen, Luna. I wanna give you my name.

Hollis: This is crazy.

Deacon: Hollis! Dude, where are you?

Jack: I’m here for our son, Li. I stop by every now and then whenever I get the chance. You may have cut off all ties with me. Thankfully, Finn has not.

Li: You’re here for Finn? Or are you actually here scouring the halls looking for pretty nurses?

Finn: Okay, can we keep this cordial, please?

Li: Yes, yes. Not a problem. I was just reminiscing.

Finn: And what’s this about? “Not again.” Have you two been seeing each other?

Li: Absolutely not. We ran into each other at Il Giardino the other day. I was just picking up take-out, that’s all.

Jack: And I was having a drink with the bartender Hollis. I was planning on staying for the live music, but the guy was terrible.

Li: You know what happened after you left, don’t you?

Jack: Songs got worse?

Li: He died.

Finn: Wait, you were at Il Giardino the night Tom died? You both were?

Poppy: Blows my mind that you wanna do this and give Luna your name.

Bill: Well, yeah. We gotta get a few years in as a– as a Spencer before R.J. asks her to become a Forrester.

Luna: Okay, slow down there.

Bill: Just saying. Just saying. Look, seriously, it is important to me that you have my name and everything that goes along with it. It’s your birthright, Luna. And I want you to have everything that you’re entitled to.

Deacon: Oh, you’re back.

Hollis: Um, well, yeah, actually, I think I have something very interesting that you want to know.

Deacon: What’s going–Great.

Hollis: Yeah, the last time this happened, the power was out for like six hours.

Deacon: Yeah, I know. Believe me, I’m paying the bills. You know what? Thank God it’s closing time. So, what do you say we, uh– What do you say we just don’t take any more customers? You know, we finish these guys off, you and I grab a beer after?

Hollis: Sounds great.

Deacon: Yeah?

Hollis: Okay. Let’s do it.

Sheila: Poor Tom.

Steffy: You gave Thomas your blessing to marry Paris?

Hope: I did.

Steffy: I’m impressed. I know you were against the idea. You thought Thomas was coming back to be with you.

Hope: Something that I wanted very much. But I have been doing some soul-searching, and I have come to realize that I needed to take a step back and figure out why I want what I want.

Poppy: Well, as much as I enjoy the three of us hanging out like this, there are some errands that I need to run.

Bill: Yeah. Unfortunately, I have to get going as well. I would ask you to come to the office with me, but we’re prepping tonight for tomorrow’s painfully boring tax code meeting, and I don’t wanna scare you away from the company.

Luna: You know, that actually sounds really exciting, but I think I’m good just staying home here. As long as you both swear that we’re gonna have many more days like this ahead.

Bill: Oh, I can easily swear that. Many more days. That’s a promise.

[piano playing soft tune]

Sheila: Hey, Hollis. Is there a problem with the power again?

Hollis: Uh, what?

Sheila: The lights. They were flickering earlier.

Hollis: Oh, right. Yeah. No. Deacon, he’s looking into that.

Sheila: Is something going on with you?

Hollis: I found something out today.

Sheila: Okay.

Hollis: And I don’t know what to think about it, but I think it’s important. And I mean really important.

Sheila: All right, Hollis. So, what do you think you found out?

Hollis: It’s about Tom and how he died.

Finn: Wait. Why am I just now hearing you were there that night?

Li: Didn’t cross my mind to mention it.

Jack: Now I feel badly I called him a terrible singer.

Li: Oh, that you feel bad about? You’ve done far worse.

[phone ringing] Oh, I have to take this. Hi, Peggy. Uh-huh. No, just adjust the meds.

Jack: Hey. Sorry for the pop in. Obviously, I didn’t realize your mom was here. She still wants nothing to do with me.

Finn: Yeah, Dad, just…

Jack: No, no. I get it. I’ll text in the future.

[Finn chuckles] Speaking of texting, before I go, I just wanna say I’m glad you’re communicating with Poppy and Luna. Family is everything. Poppy is wonderful. There’s really nothing I wouldn’t do for her. She’s a gentle soul despite what your mom says. Poppy deserves the very best in life. And I’m glad that she found out that Luna is… Spencer’s daughter.

Steffy: So, there was something driving you to back away from Thomas?

Hope: I guess. Yes. I’ve– I’ve had a lot going on, and I’ve just been doing a lot of thinking.

Steffy: Yeah. Interesting. I mean, that’s why you gave him your blessing. I think it’s good, Hope. I think it’s good for everyone. I am proud of you. I am. And I’m proud of Thomas. You managed to untangle yourselves from a relationship that was never gonna work out.

Hope: Well, I mean, that’s your opinion. And the jury is still out on Thomas and Paris. That is still a very new relationship.

Steffy: It is, but I have a good feeling about it. Yes, they rushed into an engagement, but they’re not gonna rush into a wedding. They’re taking their time solidifying their bond as a family.

Hope: Well, let’s hope so, especially for Douglas’s sake. And I meant it when I wished Thomas my best.

Steffy: So, what triggered this? I mean, something did. Or was it someone?

Li: I don’t want to talk about your father. Have you seen much of Luna lately or your Aunt Penelope?

Finn: In person, no. But I did talk to Luna, and I heard all about Bill Spencer being her father, if that’s what you’re asking. You don’t approve, do you?

Li: You know, I have my issues with my sister. The way she’s lived her life, I– She’s definitely getting what she’s always wanted. She’s incredibly lucky to be embraced by Bill and everything the Spencer name has to offer. Oh, look at the time. I have somewhere to be. Thank you for reminding me what floor I’m on.

Steffy: So, what’s this realization?

Hope: Oh, I–I don’t want to make it something bigger than it is. It’s–It’s fine. It’s just a conversation I had with my mother where she is helping me to see things a little more clearly and make sense of what’s been going on inside of me.

Steffy: Some inner turmoil?

Hope: Sure. You could say that. But I’m– I’m moving past it now, so…

Steffy: Moving past what? What are you talking about?

Hope: It’s really– It’s not important. Don’t give it another thought. It is nothing that concerns you.

Sheila: We’re all really sad about what happened to Tom, but there is nothing to figure out about his death. Hollis, we all know what happened. He fell off the wagon. He overdosed.

Hollis: Yeah. Sure. Okay, maybe. But– But I found something out, all right? And I want to show it to you, okay? So just–

Sheila: Hollis, I don’t have time for this right now.

Hollis: Seriously, just give me one second. I just wanna show you something.

[electricity buzzing]


Sheila: What? What is that?

Hollis: It’s Tom’s backpack.

Sheila: Why on earth would you have Tom’s backpack?

Hollis: I’ve been trying to wrap my head around how and why Tom died. I think I discovered something.

Sheila: What? What are you doing? Are you rifling through his stuff to find his drug stash?

Hollis: No, no, not at all.

Sheila: Because that’s how he died, Hollis. There’s nothing for you to wrap your head around.

Hollis: Yeah, okay, maybe, but look–

Sheila: Stop.

Hollis: I just found–

Sheila: Stop. No. It is wrong to go through his personal belongings. Besides, God, look at it. It’s–It’s filthy. This is a classy place. That is probably a health code violation. So you know what I want you to do with that? You take that dirty thing and you throw it in the dumpster.

Hollis: Throw it in the dumpster?

Sheila: Yes. Take it…

Hollis: Why would I–

Sheila: …and throw it in the trash. Do you hear me? Just do it.

[electricity buzzing]


[electricity buzzing]

Hollis: What are you doing here? Okay, look, I’m glad you’re here, because I really have to talk to someone about this.


Finn: Oh. Hey. Hope. Is Steffy not in yet?

Hope: Hey. Uh–Um, I don’t think so. No.

Finn: Darn. I, um– I was gonna surprise her on my way home. I worked the graveyard shift last night.

Hope: You must be tired.

Finn: Yeah. A, um, power nap is definitely in my future. How are you doing? I heard about Thomas leaving with Douglas and Paris. Hey, I know it’s tough, but it’s for the best. You’ll see. You’ll find the man that you’re meant to be with, Hope.

Steffy: I appreciate you calling me back. And, yes, this is about Sheila. I heard about that singer’s death. Tom Starr. They’re reporting that it’s an overdose, but have you investigated this, Chief Baker? I mean, they’re saying it’s accidental, but I have a very hard time believing that it’s just coincidence that a man dies where Sheila Carter works.

Deacon: All right, the day is off to a good start. Power’s gonna be restored to the restaurant. We can open up on time as scheduled.

Sheila: That’s great.

Deacon: Come here. I didn’t get a chance to do that last night because I was already in bed when you came back. What took you so long to get up here?

Sheila: Yeah, well, I just wanted to make sure everything was stocked, ready to go for this week. You know, it’s therapeutic for me. Checking everything, making sure the numbers are there.

Deacon: Hmm. I like that. What do you say I go downstairs and make a couple of my soon-to-be world-famous espressos, start the day off for you?

Sheila: Why don’t you stay here and let me do that.

Deacon: Okay. Um, everything all right?

Sheila: Yeah. I’m fine. I’m just thinking about how much I love you and our life here together, and… I’m not gonna let anything or anyone take that away from me.

[gasps, screams]

[screaming continues]

Sheila: No!


Deacon: Sheila, what’s going on? Hollis. Sheila, come help me. Call 911. Oh, my God. Come on. No, don’t say it.

Sheila: He’s gone, Deacon. Hollis is dead.

Here’s a look at what’s ahead.

Luna: I know exactly who did it.

Finn: He died of the same drug that killed Tom.

Deacon: I lost my friends. I want answers. I wanna know what the hell happened.

Hope: I find you attractive.

Finn: You can’t talk this way.

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GH Transcript Wednesday, July 10, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


Good morning, Sasha. Good morning. May I interest you in a cup of coffee? Yes. Yes, that would be amazing.

Oh, thank you. Thank you. I got to warn you, though, I’m kind of dragging a little bit this morning, so this might be the first of a couple. Yesterday was a long day. But your speech, I mean, the part that I heard, it was really inspiring. Oh, well, thank you for saying that. I mean, I’ve given other speeches before, you know, to shareholders or whatever, but I was surprised at how different last night’s felt. Last night was, uh, full of surprises. Willow, hi. Good morning. Um, coffee, beignet? Uh, yes, to both, please. I, uh… don’t want to brag, but Wiley says that these are his new favorites. He calls them bayonets. [ Laughter ] Well, I made a bunch of them, so help yourself. Bless you. All right. Well, um, I should get going and, uh, see Cody at the stables and talk about house stuff. Well, is there anything I can do for you while you’re gone? No, no. Uh, coffee pot is full. There’s milk and sugar. You guys just, uh, enjoy your morning. Thank you, Sasha, for everything. No problem. Thank you.

I can’t believe it. I always thought there was this connection between Cody and Mac. I could feel it. Yeah, well, your Spidey senses have always been borderline terrifying. And then when my off-the-books DNA results came back negative, I — We thought it ended there. Yeah. Could something have happened to the DNA sample you sent in? No. I’ve used this lab a hundred times. They’re the best. But even if the lab did contaminate my sample, which they didn’t, the contamination would only add to the DNA results. It wouldn’t take anything away from it. Right. Contamination wouldn’t overwrite Cody’s DNA. No. It wouldn’t. Look, I know you’ve gotten to know Cody as a friend, and… Yeah, Mom, I have. Spinelli, Sasha, and I, we’ve all spent a lot of time with him together lately. And you’ve seen him around here, assembling furniture, fixing cabinets. Not to mention the riding lessons he’s been giving James. Cody’s been wonderful. Which is why I don’t want you to get mad when I say what I’m gonna say. But I desperately want to be wrong about this. Cody was lying before. Could he be lying now? Right. Why should we believe him now when he says Mac is his father?

Scott! [ Grumbling loudly ] Briefcase is 40 years old. Let’s get you a new one. Because that does not exactly inspire confidence. Who you looking for? Oh, um, a certain FBI agent had me followed. It’s an unfortunate circumstance of spending time with Sonny. Well, would that be, uh, Agent Jagger Cates? Or — Or, his name is John Cates now. Yeah. Yeah, that’s the one. I knew him since he was in high school. He’s a good guy. Well, the best thing I can say about him is that he appears to despise Sonny. Like I said, he’s a good guy. What’s wrong with that? So, what are you doing here, Scott? And are you billing me for it? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I got Diane’s countersuit here. Sonny wants sole custody of Avery.

I’m glad that, uh, you know, I’m able to bring Avery over here to play with Donna. Oh. Well, you know, they’re doing crafts with Pillar, so I — don’t be surprised if they’re covered with glitter, right? Well, I’ll blow it off right before she gets in the car. [ Chuckles ] Well, good luck with that. And you know what? Uh, thank you. ‘Cause it’s nice to spend time with Donna. And, you know, she’s growing up so fast. Yep. Kids do that, huh? Don’t you think it’s a little too fast? Yeah. But I think that’s why we need to enjoy these glitter-filled days. Yeah. So, now that Ava’s moved out, is there any way you can reconsider having, you know, Donna spend overnights? I mean, Avery would love it. I would love it. [ Knock on door ] Hey –

I, uh, didn’t come up here looking for you. Oh, no, no. I know you didn’t. But I am glad I ran into you. I want to be clear. I love Michael with all my heart. I know you do. It was wrong for us to — to kiss. It never should have happened. That’s not — That’s not who I am. It was — It was a… It was an accident. Like, a result of too many drinks, too many fireworks. Look, I… I love Michael, too. He’s my nephew. I would — I wouldn’t — I would never hurt him any more than you would. Too late. We already did. We did something impulsive, something…stupid, really. But we both regret it, and… I mean, one kiss doesn’t have to change anything. Anything for anyone. You, me, or Michael. Mom, I talked to Cody last night, and I don’t think he’s lying. I really like Cody, too, but I saw the DNA results that proved that Mac wasn’t Cody’s father with my own two eyes. Right. But those were the results from the top-secret, “Don’t tell anyone I did this” test. Cody claims that the results from the first test prove he and Mac are related, and although he lied about it at the time for reasons that are not so great, he’s convinced that Mac is his father. Could Cody be working an angle or making a play of some kind? Like what? A big payout? I don’t know. I’m asking you. Who’s writing the check for this big payout? The father that he lied to or the wife of the father that he lied to? Oh, stop making me sound like I’m crazy just because I asked a question. Mom, you’re not crazy. When I talked to Cody last night, I could tell he was ready to bolt. How could you tell? I recognized the look of panic in his eyes. And I know what it feels like to want to run as far as you can from the mistakes you’ve made. Because if you can’t see them, then you can pretend they never happened. I don’t remember his exact words, but he said something about James being wonderful. James is wonderful. I know James is wonderful, Mom. Cody was trying to say goodbye without actually saying it. I knew it, he knew it, and I had to threaten him into staying. He cannot leave town right after telling Mac he’s his son.

Cody? Have you got a second? For you — and Comet? Yeah. Sure, whatever. Thanks for that compliment. I never thought I’d be in Comet’s league. Okay, uh, I was gonna keep this to myself, but I can’t. And you’re the only person I trust to tell. So, last night — Yeah, last night, I told Mac that I’m his son. I told him. Oh, wh– why? I mean, good. But why last night? I just kept thinking about what you said, and I hated lying to him, so, I don’t know, it just — just came out. And how did it go? I should’ve kept my mouth shut. Cody… Yeah. It was just like I thought. No, it was worse. It was worse. Mac’s furious with me. I’m so sorry. He said that, uh, he had given me plenty of chances to tell him the truth, and I didn’t, and he’s right. He did, I didn’t. It wasn’t exactly that cut and dry. No, it kind of was. I also told Mac about the whole Taub/WSB stuff with Scott. Okay. D-Did that help? Did Mac understand? [ Scoffs ] What Mac understands is that he opened himself and his family up to me, and I betrayed them all. The reasons why don’t matter. Look, it’s a lot to take in for both of you. Yeah. Well, Mac stormed out of here, so it seems like he took in enough. Only person he was madder at than me was himself for believing that I could be anything other than a grifter. Okay. That — that is harsh and wrong. Give him some time. You dropped a lot of information on him that he wasn’t expecting. He’s probably in shock. He seemed pretty clear at the time. Well, for what it’s worth, I’m really proud of you for telling him. You must feel a little better having that secret off your chest. I feel like garbage, and there’s still a weight on my chest. It’s just for a different reason. So what do you want to do now? I want to get the hell out of town.

It’s no surprise that Sonny is suing for sole custody of Avery. It’s exactly what we thought he would do. Yes. Yes, it is. But, you know, you pay me for my legal expertise. And after reading Diane’s filings, I think your expectations should be a little lower. Is Diane really that formidable an opponent? No, I’m not afraid of anybody in the courtroom. No one. But I don’t like the facts of this case. Avery’s father is a dangerous man working in a dangerous business with other dangerous people. What other facts do you need? Well, but you’ve been living with him for a while now with Avery. I was at Sonny’s to keep Avery safe and to be a sort of loving touchstone for her in an otherwise stressful time. Yeah, well, I’m just saying that, uh, Avery has been ping-ponged around here, back and forth, and, you know, judges, they like stability. They don’t like seeing kids being ping-ponged around. I don’t, either! That’s precisely why I want Avery here with me, full-time. Yes, Ava, I know it is, but you’re at the Metro Court. You’re in a hotel. It’s a nice suite. But at Sonny’s, Avery has a routine. She likes living with her father. So do you think a judge is gonna take a kid away from that? Didn’t you say that if Sonny had a public meltdown… Well, yeah, yeah, all bets would be off. But I doubt that Sonny is gonna have a public meltdown during a custody battle. He’s not that stupid. Good morning, Sonny. Uh, um, I got personal matters to discuss with Carly. Uh, Sonny and I are talking about the kids. I love Avery. Everybody does. She is welcome to be here with Donna any day. Well, I appreciate that. Um, well, um… I got — I got something I gotta take care of, so… Like this garbage right here. Ava, you know, served me because she thinks she deserves to have sole custody of Avery.

Well, I’m really happy I don’t have to wade into this mess. Well, you could be called to testify. Why? Because you and I share custody of Avery’s sister. Right? And I need to know what you’re gonna tell the judge as far as my suitability as a parent.

had our problems, and, uh… I-I-I just need — I just want to know that you’re not gonna go into the courtroom and say that I’m a terrible father. It’s true. We’ve had our problems. It’s no secret that I’ve had issues with you, Sonny. Right. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry. But if I’m gonna walk into a courtroom and trash anyone, it’s gonna be Ava. Well, that’s not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I’ll take it.

So, uh, did you and your FBI buddy, Jagger Cates… find anything about me?

You’re leaving? I said I wanted to leave. No, it would be a hell of a lot easier to disappear than to face Mac again. But, no. Maxie made me promise not to leave. Oh, good for Maxie. Yeah, well, Maxie’s not the reason I’m not leaving. You are. At least for now. Hey, you — you have to stop doing this. You want a connection so bad with something, with someone, but… every time you feel like getting close, you — you make up some reason to bolt. You and I, we’re — we’re building something.

You can’t go.

If you do, you will have a lot more than Maxie to worry about. I will hide Tracy’s secret cashbox, and I will tell her that you took it. And she will have anyone with ICE looking for you, and they will have badges. Wait. Tracy — Tracy has a secret cash box? Not a very well-kept secret. [ Both laugh ] Promise me you won’t go. Okay. How about this? You will talk to me before… if you decide to go. I can do that. Great. Well, should be getting back up to the house. You have no idea what could be going on up there.

You’re not supposed to be back here. What can I say? I’m a rule-breaker. You, more than anybody, should appreciate that. I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. I have a staff meeting in 15 minutes. Oh, I have time to sit in. I’m sure I’ll find it fascinating. And I bet your staff will find it fascinating, the special way you fill the bipolar medication of a certain Sonny Corinthos. So is there gonna be coffee at this meeting, or…? I know you’re not Mr. Corinthos’s wife. He doesn’t even have a wife. Give him time. He will. But for our purposes, it doesn’t matter. Because, wife or not, I happen to know you’ve been filling his prescription with less than a quarter dose prescribed. I think that’s frowned upon in your profession. But then you’re the pharmacist, not I. You have to understand — No, you have your reasons, I’m sure. I don’t care what they are. I do care about Sonny’s dosage, though. I’ll change it to the proper dose immediately. You’ll change it to zero. Zero milligrams? You want me to give Mr. Corinthos placebos? What’s in the placebos? Sugar powder, sometimes starch. Yep. Give him that. But — Oh, I don’t care who’s paying you off or threatening you. Unless you want Sonny Corinthos to know what you’ve been doing, you’re gonna do what I want. What you want is dangerous. Well, I think that we’re willing to take that risk. And Sonny’s going full placebo until I tell you to stop.

We… We kissed, and we regret it. And we both agree that it won’t happen again. Absolutely not. So… So then, the worst thing that we could do is — is to dwell on it, you know, like, let it make things awkward between us, let it affect our friendship and our work together, and, most of all, how either of us are with Michael. You’re right. Michael and I are so happy right now, I — I don’t want to compromise that happiness for any reason. Least of all a kiss on July 4th. So let’s just put it behind us, okay? Like in a week, in a month, I’m sure it’s not gonna, um… feel as big of a deal. In a year or two years, we probably won’t even remember it. Our mind will be too crowded with a bunch of other stuff. Hey. I knew I smelled beignets.

you before you headed out. Um, did you get the — the budget proposal for the wellness division that Curtis worked up? This conversation sounds like it’s going to be too exciting for me, so…

So… The budget? Oh, yeah. Right. Um… If you’ve got the time right now, sure, let’s, um… Let’s take a look at that. So maybe Cody isn’t lying or trying to pull something. Maybe he’s just mistaken about the first set of DNA results. I don’t know, Mom. It seems like DNA test results are pretty conclusive. You either are or you are not related to someone. I mean, I know they give you percentages, but there’s no real room for interpretation. Maxie, my results were 0% match for Mac and Cody. Zero. I don’t know what to tell you, Mom. I can’t explain it. [ Knock on door ] Oh, Maybe Mac is looking for you. Oh! Hi. Hi. Um, come in. I’m — I’m sorry to just drop in like this. Uh, is this a bad time? No, no, no. No, it’s just a — a time. I would have called, but, uh, this is important. I know that Cody is Mac’s son. If you’re mad at Cody, then you should be mad at me, too. Cody told me the truth months ago.

I understand completely, and I’ll take care of it. There’s something about you, Clement. I knew I could count on you. Thank you. Oh. Has anybody come around here asking about me? No. Why would they? I don’t know. But if anybody does, tell them I was here for a consultation. About what? Doesn’t matter. Drug interactions, side effects, my annual flu shot, whatever. Just make it believable. Got it. Good. And I hope your staff meeting is… What do you hope it is? Informative. Efficient. Supportive. Then I hope it’s that. I also hope you don’t do anything that’ll make me have to come back here.

I’m not working against you, Sonny. Okay. I hope it stays that way. I gotta go. Um… I’ll be back to pick up Avery. Okay.

He’s not wrong.

You’re working with Cates. Yeah, I am working with Cates but not to take Sonny down. Then tell him that. Why don’t you tell him the only reason you’re working with Cates is to protect me?

are going to be a variable — gas, electricity, depreciation on equipment, but… You want to put a pretty nice chunk of capital at Curtis’s disposal, I see. Oh, yeah. We’re launching a new division in an expanding but very highly competitive market. And you’re going to be campaigning all summer, and if you win, well, Curtis is gonna have to bring on some new C-suite stuff. Yeah, that’s true. But in the meantime, I’m, uh — I’m guessing you’re gonna take full advantage of last night’s momentum and get out there, huh? I was thinking about that, yep. All right, um, just one more, uh thing before you go, you know, sort of shaking hands and kissing babies. Um, this morning, before I showed up, did Willow seem — I don’t know — off to you?

Cody. I — I’m sorry. I hope it’s okay that I’m down here. Yeah. Yeah, of course. I mean, I’d be jealous of all the friends that Comet’s made, but used to it by now. He is — He’s so sweet. [ Both laugh ] Yeah, he gets me, too. I was wondering how the horses are doing after all the fireworks last night. Oh, they — they did all right. You know, I left the lights on so that the flashes didn’t scare them and gave them some extra hay. That seemed to help. Really? Yeah. Yeah, some people say you’re supposed to play, like, classical music or something like that to soothe them, but I know these guys. They’re metalheads.

[ Fireworks exploding ]

Everyone says fireworks are beautiful, but they’re kind of disorienting. You get so distracted, you kind of lose your bearings. I knew that Cody had lied about the DNA test, and that Mac was — is his biological father. I’m sorry. You knew about this months ago? I’m so sorry for not saying anything, but it — it didn’t feel like my secret to tell. I understand. Okay. I guess I do, too. Felicia: I just don’t know how you can be so sure. I ordered my own DNA test results, and they came back negative. Well, you remember, Sasha. You were there at Deception. When I told Cody that I did that test behind his back. I was also at the “Home & Heart” set when you ordered the DNA test. I saw you take a strand of hair from Cody’s brush, and I, uh… switched it out for my own hair.

I don’t get it, Jason. Why can’t you tell Sonny the truth from start to finish it? I can’t. Because? Because Sonny despises Cates, and if he finds out that Cates is threatening you, God only knows what he’ll do. [ Sighs ] Well, you’re right. I mean, he’s already had Cates beat up. Who knows what’ll happen if he goes after him again, especially with how volatile he’s been these past few months. Anything with the meds? I checked. He’s taking them. And Sonny has a lot of faults, but he is always disciplined when it comes to taking his medication. I know, but something — something is off. I agree. When Sonny was sitting here, in my kitchen, for a minute, it was like Sonny was his old self. It must’ve been nice to see. It was a relief. It means that the old Sonny is still in there somewhere. I mean, for a minute, I thought we were turning a corner. Until I walked in. Yeah. And that’s when the Sonny I don’t recognize showed up. I just — I can’t — I can’t tell Sonny the truth. Not yet. What if he goes after Cates again, and this time, he kills him?

[ Knock on door ] Is this garbage supposed to mean anything to me? Uh, I don’t know. Scott put it together. Right. You allege that I am — I’m unstable? Emotionally unstable? Is that what you said? I’m not talking to you when you’re like this. Should I call security? Taking a page out of your book. [ Beeps ] Just in case something’s, you know, uh, misinterpreted later on. Don’t do it, Ava. I will bury you.

Not a fan of fireworks? Not last night, anyway. Yeah. Yeah, me too. The view from here wasn’t great. You should’ve come up to the house. No, no, I wanted to stick around here, make sure these guys were okay. What, I miss a good time? Well, obviously you were in better company, but the people were pretty good, too, and the mood was nice. People are really upbeat about Drew’s run for Congress. Yeah. Uh… You think the Quartermaines are gonna get behind him or…? not try and sabotage him? [ Chuckles ] Someone in the family is actually running for Congress. Even Tracy is on board. You, uh, think you’re gonna campaign for him? Me? Yeah. I mean, why not? You’re beautiful. You’re warm, sincere, you got P.R. experience. I know I’ve done a couple of PSAs for the New Tomorrow Institute, but that does not make me some savvy campaigner. Well, you are also a teacher, so you have experience talking to large groups of people. Of children, about geography, not town meetings full of would-be voters. Children are people, too. [ Both laugh ] I’m just saying, okay, Drew is running as a Quartermaine. It would probably help out if the Quartermaines supported him. You know, get the family involved. And let’s be honest, aside from the kids, you are one of the more appealing family members. Cody has been wrestling with his decision to tell Mac, and I knew that if he just had more time, he would get there. So I switched out the hair samples to buy him that time. But I really hated lying to you both. Please believe that. I do. Okay, okay. Um, I don’t understand Cody’s need to wrestle with the decision to tell Mac. I mean, Mac is a great guy. Oh, he is, and Cody knows that. But Cody has this whole thing about not being good enough, and he’ll have to tell you the rest, but I owed you an explanation and an apology. I accept, and so does my mom. What? You are much nicer than I am and way more forgiving. And we appreciate your honesty. Well, now that it’s out in the open, what — what happens next? Well, this could work out to be a wonderful thing for Cody and Mac. It could, but Cody said that Mac was really hurt and angry. Yeah, he is, and it’s gonna take some time for him to trust Cody again. He was really hurt that Cody put off telling him all of this time. He might never have known that he had a son. I know. I was trying to help, but by delaying the inevitable, I — I only made things worse. You’re peddling some kind of bull about me like I’m, you know, emotionally unstable. No wonder Scotty Baldwin is the only lawyer you can get. Unlike you, I don’t need to keep a lawyer on retainer. Well, how do you think that’s gonna match up once Diane starts revving up? It’s the strength of the case that matters, not the strength of the lawyers. Is that what your slip-and-fall guy told you? I’m not sure all the time you and Diane have racked up in courtrooms together over the years is gonna be the big advantage. you seem to think. Defenseless mothers tend to do well in family court. Oh, you got a defenseless mother to stand in for you? ‘Cause that’s something that you’re not. Then you’ll be right at home in court. Respectful. Polite. Stable. Unless, of course, somebody says something you don’t like or looks at you funny. Then all bets are off. Diane can find 20 witnesses that will testify that you are an unfit mother. And you think what? That your reputation is off-limits? Irrelevant? Really? What judge is going to award custody of an innocent child to a notorious mobster who used to run a strip club?

ard on yourself. This whole thing was gonna be rough on everyone the second Cody decided to lie about the first test results. You were just trying to give him time to figure out how to tell Mac. I appreciate you understanding, but I don’t know what to do anymore. Cody is devastated, and he’s talking about leaving Port Charles. Oh, I know. I made him promise that he wouldn’t. So did I. Okay. Well, his promise to you definitely carries more weight. Although I threatened him, and I’m more dangerous than you are. Mm. Not really. You’re so sweet. You could be related to my mom. These days, for all we know, maybe you are. I would know. Mac is devastated, too. But neither one of them is going to approach the other, at least not for a while. Like father, like son. Yeah, it does seem like they share the same stubborn gene. Okay. So, what are we gonna do about it?

Okay. Don’t get me wrong. I like all of the Quartermaines, but, uh, let’s be honest, some of them are more approachable than others. Like, uh, can you — can you — can you picture Tracy on the campaign trail? No. No, not so much. Mama Q, yeah, totally. I mean, she’s salt of the earth. And, um — And Brook Lynn, Chase, to a point. What’s the catch? Well, Chase is a hero cop, so some people are gonna want to vote for him. You don’t want to split the vote, right? Definitely not. Right? Exactly. Now, all kidding aside, though, I do think Drew should run as a part of a family. I mean, ’cause that’s the dream, right? Be a part of a family? Be surrounded by people that love you, care for you, want the best for you, even sometimes when you don’t deserve it. Yeah, you’re right — about being part of a family. The Quartermaines have done that for me, and especially Michael. He’s given me… everything.

What do you mean Willow’s off? Like, sick? Because she seemed fine to me. Oh, okay. Good. What? Did she say that she wasn’t feeling well? Like, did she say something? No, no, no, nothing like that. It’s just, um… Willow doesn’t always tell me when she’s not feeling well. She doesn’t want me to worry, so she just, you know, muscles through. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds about right. And maybe I’m just being oversensitive, but every single time she comes down with something, I’m, uh… I get afraid that, um… the cancer came back. Yeah, no, um… I mean, that’s, uh… that’s a very normal human reaction for someone that’s been through what you have. Oh, Willow’s the one who actually went through it. I mean, I just… You just witnessed the person that you love go through a terrible disease, and you witnessed her fear and your own, and… and you got to give yourself a break. I’ll try. You know, just, like, last night, though, she — she was tossing and turning all night. She probably didn’t even get an hour of sleep. Well, yesterday was a big day. Maybe she just had a tough time kind of winding down. You’re right. Yeah, you’re right. I mean, it was a big day. It sure was. All right. Well, if you tell me that she seems fine to you, I will take a breath. I’ll stop worrying. It’s probably nothing. All right.

What happens to Donna and Avery if Sonny’s in prison for killing a federal agent? I get it. And I hear you. Especially now that there’s a possibility that I could go to prison. Well, no, that’s not — that’s not gonna happen. I’m not gonna let that happen. Jason, I know you believe that. And if there was anyone who could stop that from happening, it’s you. But it may not be up to you.

I’m glad you’re recording this. I think anybody who listens to it will find it quite illuminating. I know I have, and I thought I’d seen the worst of you. Not even close. Keep talking, Sonny. Howl at the moon for all I care. And then go home and listen to yourself. Then you can judge how suitable you sound as a parent. I’m not going anywhere. Man: Is there a problem here?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, July 11, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Devon: I mean, I think the key is communication, right? In order to divide these companies successfully, we’re gonna need cooperation from leadership in all the divisions.

Nate: Agreed. Word is already starting to spread about the board vote. People wanna know how to proceed. What’s to come?

Devon: I mean, the message is simple. The company is strong. Just gonna be two separate, solid entities.

Nate: As it was before the merger.

Devon: Exactly. And I wanna be fair to Billy and Jill, but obviously I’m gonna be more focused on our side of things.

Nate: Oh, speaking of which, I’ve got some ideas on how to streamline the overall process. In particular, to shore up the Winters entities.

Devon: Nice. Well, let’s hear it.

Nate: Well, um… You know, should I hold off until Lily has a chance to hear this? I imagine we wanna get her input.

Devon: Yeah. I don’t know if she’s gonna be joining us today. I’m not really sure where we stand. I haven’t talked to her since the vote.

Nate: Well, I hope that’s not a bad sign.

Devon: I think we’re about to find out.

Nate: Hello, Lily.

Lily: Hello.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: Hi. Uh, sorry, I haven’t been in touch. I just wanted to wait until after the board meeting for things to calm down.

Devon: Yeah, it’s okay. Have things settled down enough for you to tell Billy you’re not gonna be joining him at Chancellor?

Claire: All right. First, I think we should check our supplies. Are you ready? All right. Do we have snacks?

Harrison: Yes, for us and for the ducks.

Claire: Very important. What else?

Harrison: Zippy stayed home, but we have other toys and water.

Claire: Fun, food, water, all the essentials. We are prepared.

Harrison: Don’t forget, we have shovels for digging and journals so we can write down what we find. But what are we looking for?

Claire: Today, we continue to be scholar adventurers, and our topic this afternoon is worms. You see, worms are really important. They’re not just long and slimy. They actually help the soil to make sure it gets all the best nutrients.

Harrison: Does what they do help the caterpillars and other animals?

Claire: There’s only one way to find out. We will conduct our research. Let’s go find some earthworms to study.

Harrison: You’re the best, Claire.

Claire: No, you are. Come on, let’s go.

Katie: The rule is whoever calls shotgun first sits in the front seat.

Johnny: The rule is whoever’s older. Besides, I’ve called it way before, like, in my head while I was sleeping last night.

Katie: That doesn’t count.

Johnny: Yeah, it does. You snooze, you lose.

Victoria: Do I need to step in here?

Johnny/Katie: No.

Victoria: Okay, then. Lemonade is on me.

Billy: Ooh, Mom’s buying. Soak it up.

Victoria: Don’t encourage them.

Billy: Let me see. Let me see the eyes. All right. Bags don’t look too bad. That’s good. In between the riding and the swimming and the gaming and the sleepovers, you’re getting a little bit of rest.

Johnny: I mean, you can’t blame us for making the most of our summer.

Billy: You will never hear me complain about you being happy. Plus, you both look healthy, and I’m grateful for that.

Johnny: Aw, you’re getting soft in your old age.

Billy: You make fun of me all you want, but I know how lucky I am and I will never forget that.

Victoria: Well, um, we’ll let you go, but give Chelsea my best.

Johnny: Oh, same with me. And Connor, too.

Billy: I will. Hey, how about we do movie night later this week? Pizza, popcorn, the whole thing.

Katie: We don’t have to do everything as a family.

Billy: One of these days, you’ll be glad we did. And if it makes your old man happy, you’re gonna have to suck it up. I love you both. Be nice to Mom, okay?

Billy: Hey.

Chelsea: Hi. Uh, I don’t want to interrupt. You should– you should go. You should– you should go be with the kids.

Billy: It’s okay. They’re with Victoria and I want to be with you. Hey. You’re trembling. Are you okay?

Sally: Thanks. Yeah. So, it’s like we never left. Chloe and I are back. Literally. All systems go. Everything’s firing.

Adam: That’s good.

Sally: Yeah, I’m just so relieved to be back doing what I love, where I belong. And it really feels like the right move for Chloe, too.

Adam: How so?

Sally: Well, our work together is tied in fashion. We’re great partners, and not to brag, but Summer is thrilled with the work we’re doing.

Adam: Of course, she is.

Sally: Oh, my gosh. Wait until you see Marchetti’s new evening gown, designed by yours truly. It is gorgeous, if I do say so myself.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: And maybe I can even model it for you at home.

Adam: I can’t wait.

Sally: Adam, is something wrong?

Adam: Hm?

[ Chelsea panting ]

Sally: Adam?

Adam: Mm-hmm?

Sally: Where did you go just now?

Billy: Look, I think I know what happened.

Chelsea: You do?

Billy: You saw Johnny, you didn’t expect that and it kind of threw you. I mean, that’s– that’s understandable, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Yeah, it’s true. It did.

Billy: Don’t feel bad that he didn’t come over here, okay? He told me to say hello to you and to Connor. He asks about you all the time.

Chelsea: You know, I completely understand. I wouldn’t want to put him on the spot, you know, when he’s in front of Katie and Victoria. I think it’s just me. I think my emotions are just all over the place right now.

Billy: Of course, that makes sense.

Chelsea: And it’s hard, you know, to see Johnny like that when Connor is…

Billy: Yeah, it’s tough. Connor’s suffering. Connor’s going to be all right. He’s going to be back and better than ever. He’s strong, just like his mother.

Chelsea: And, you know, I mean, it makes me happy to see how well he’s doing. He’s thriving. He’s– he’s growing up. It warms my heart. It gives me hope.

Billy: I’m glad. How about you? How are you feeling? Did you get some rest?

Chelsea: A little bit. I– I took a nap. I’m not 100%, but I’m getting there.

Billy: Okay, well, we can fix that. Did you get something to eat?

Chelsea: Uh, no, and I’m actually pretty hungry.

Billy: Good. Plus, you owe me a do-over for breakfast. So, how about we go grab lunch? Society?

Chelsea: Sounds perfect.

Lily: Um, Nate, would you mind giving Devon and me a moment to chat?

Nate: Yeah, definitely. Uh, we’ll talk later.

Devon: Okay.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: What do I get the feeling I’m not gonna like what you’re about to say?

Lily: I haven’t told Billy that I’m not joining him yet.

Devon: Hm. And why’s that?

Lily: I think it’s too soon.

Devon: Okay. Well, Nate and I have already started discussing the details of the separation, so it’s probably a good time to pick a side.

Lily: Devon, I told you that I needed time after the vote to think about this before I just jumped ship.

Devon: And how much time will you need?

Lily: I don’t know. I need time to process, given what the separation means.

Devon: Right. I hope you can understand that I’m finding it a little difficult to trust that you’re being honest with me.

Lily: Why?

Devon: Because you knew that Jill was sick this whole time, and that’s just another secret that Billy shared with you that you didn’t share with me. I had to hear it from him right before we had a board meeting.

Lily: I wanted to share it with you, but Billy told me that in confidence.

Devon: I understand, but were his feelings more important than mine?

Lily: No, but Jill swore him to secrecy. He wasn’t supposed to tell me, so it wasn’t my information to just pass along.

Devon: No, I understand that. And I also respect Jill’s decision not to tell us about her health issues. But still, it all just adds to the uncertainty of this whole situation. And last time you and I talked, things got a little heated. So, I just want to know where your head’s at. That’s all.

Lily: I don’t know. I didn’t expect Jill to react negatively to the demerger, so now everything just feels off to me.

Devon: And hearing you say that makes me feel like you’re starting to pull away, and that you’re thinking about throwing away our plan and choosing to join Billy over me.

Adam: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to space out. Um, I’m really happy that things are going so well for you at Marchetti.

Sally: Thank you. But you don’t have to force enthusiasm. Look, I know you’ve been through a lot lately and I’m here for all of it. The good, the bad, the ugly. Whatever it is, you can tell me.

Adam: I’m just, I’m thinking about the trip to Baltimore and how stressful it got, the worry, the intensity.

Sally: Look, I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through all this. I mean, what you and Chelsea have had to endure, it’s just unbearable.

Adam: Sally, um, there’s something that I need to–

Billy: Hey.

Sally: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi. Nice to see you both.

Adam: You too.

Sally: Are you guys here for lunch?

Billy: Yeah. That’s the plan.

Sally: Well, why don’t you join us?

Billy: Yeah. We can do that.

Victoria: Ah, this is nice.

Johnny: Can I say something?

Victoria: I don’t know. Can you?

Johnny: Ha ha. It’s just, Chelsea seemed kind of sad at Crimson Lights.

Victoria: Oh, well, you know, I think she’s just stressed out with everything that’s going on with Connor. Billy said not to worry. He said that she’s managing.

Johnny: Good. I just don’t want her to get too upset, you know?

Victoria: I do.

Johnny: And Connor’s been through a lot, finding out we were brothers, what happened to his mom, going to that special boarding school, and that was all before the OCD.

Katie: Do you think he’ll be okay, Mom?

Victoria: I know that Connor’s receiving some excellent treatment at that clinic in Baltimore.

Johnny: I just wish there was more I could do for him.

Victoria: Honey, you have his back and he knows that. That’s what counts, all right?

Katie: Maybe we can do something with Connor when he comes home, like all of us together.

Victoria: Oh, so you are willing to do things with us.

Johnny: Maybe there’s hope for you.

Claire: Hey, Harrison, look who it is.

Victoria: Hi.

Lily: I haven’t decided to let our plan go.

Devon: You haven’t decided to let it go yet. And you also haven’t told Billy the truth, which is why I’m concerned.

Lily: Jill was just so disappointed when she found out that we’re breaking up the company, and if she knows that I’m leaving, she’s gonna be devastated.

Devon: She’ll be sad for a minute, and then she’ll understand because you’re gonna be joining your family and she’s never gonna knock you for doing that.

Lily: Well, I’d also be leaving Billy hanging.

Devon: I– No, you’d be doing Billy a favor.

Lily: How is that?

Devon: Because you and I both know that he’s wanted to run this company for a long time now by himself and he gets to do it.

Lily: I don’t think he wants that. He proposed a very solid partnership.

Devon: Billy’s not gonna tell you that he secretly wants you out.

Lily: I think I could read Billy Abbott.

Devon: Yeah, I bet you can. But why do you trust him so much?

Lily: Because we have history and we make a good team and I don’t think he’s gonna wanna lose that.

Devon: But what do you get out of this whole situation? Because you know that he’s a loose cannon, and all you’re gonna be doing is keeping him in line.

Lily: I’ve done it before.

Devon: Is that fulfilling to you, though? Because, clearly, the guy is desperate for more power and maybe he’s convinced himself that he wants to work with you, or he knows that it’s gonna make his mom feel better to have you on board.

Lily: Oh, right, because he could never just value me as a partner.

Devon: That’s not what I’m saying at all. My point is that he should value you as a partner. He’d be stupid not to.

Lily: Well, he was smart enough to know what we were up to.

Devon: What do you mean?

Lily: He called me out. He told me that he knew I was playing him and that I was gonna back out.

Devon: And how’d you respond?

Lily: I denied it, of course. I told him that I needed time to think. I mean, I think he bought it.

Devon: Hm. Well, I mean, I guess the good thing is, is at this point, Billy can’t stop our plan. The only person who can do that is you.

Sally: Have you had any updates on Connor?

Chelsea: Uh, not yet. And believe me, I check my phone every two minutes.

Adam: Yeah, doctor said it could be a little while.

Billy: Well, hopefully, you get some good news soon.

Adam: Thank you. Us, too.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sally: You ordering your usual?

Billy: Oh, yeah. Can’t go wrong with the empanadas.

Adam: I didn’t realize the two of you knew each other so well.

Billy: My love for the empanadas is no secret.

Sally: Hardly.

Billy: Actually, Sally and I ran into each other a few times while you were away.

Sally: Yeah, we’ve gotten coffee and touched base about Connor. Nothing for you to be jealous of. And I know from Adam what a roller coaster this has been. I’m really impressed with you two and how you’re handling it. It can’t be easy.

Chelsea: I– I actually don’t think I’m handling it well, to be honest. I break down a lot. There are moments I think I’m just gonna completely lose it.

Billy: Well, you may feel that way, but–

Adam: But you never do. You’ve stayed so strong throughout everything.

Billy: I agree.

Chelsea: You’ve done the same.

Billy: Both of you have been great, you know? You’ve been able to put your history aside and really be there for your son. That’s important.

Sally: Yeah, exactly. And that’s not always easy.

Adam: You do what you have to do when your kid is hurting.

Harrison: Claire, these are my cousins. That’s Katie and Johnny.

Claire: We’ve actually already met.

Victoria: Harrison, you– you know that Katie and Johnny are Claire’s brother and sister, right?

Harrison: Wow, you’re so lucky.

Johnny: Yeah, she seems pretty cool.

Victoria: Claire and Harrison have become really good pals.

Harrison: We’re studying worms. Do you want me to show you? We’re digging them up over there.

Johnny: Sure, why not?

Harrison: Great, come on. You can use my shovel.

Claire: Uh, I hope that’s all right. I don’t want to interrupt your family time.

Victoria: No, what are you talking about? You’re family, too. I just, I hope that we’re not, you know, getting in the way of work for you.

Claire: No, the more the merrier. Uh… Katie, do you want to come, too?

Katie: Worms? I’ll pass.

Claire: No problem. If you change your mind, we’ll be over by the big trees.

Victoria: It sounds like a good time. Worms and all.

Katie: If you like that kind of thing.

Lily: I just wish that you could understand this isn’t easy for me.

Devon: I do understand this isn’t easy for you. I just think you’re trying to please too many people. Especially Jill.

Lily: Well, she means a lot to me.

Devon: Yeah, she means a lot to me, too.

Lily: No, it’s more than that. I feel guilty.

Devon: What do you feel guilty about?

Lily: She took a huge chance on me. It was a risk for her to have me run Chancellor. I mean, she basically handed me her company.

Devon: Right, and you did a great job. You exceeded all of her expectations. And now she has her son running the show. And she has Chance here. And they’re going to carry on her legacy. That’s her family.

Lily: I know that. I just, I will always feel grateful that she had faith in me.

Devon: Well, yeah, of course you will. But you also know that Jill picked you because she knew you would do great things.

Lily: Yeah, and I did. She gave me the leeway to make my own decisions. And this company grew beyond anything I could have expected.

Devon: And that’s just a testament to what you’re capable of.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, she saw something in me that I didn’t. She saw me as a leader.

Devon: Lily, you can tell me. Are you hesitating because you don’t want to walk away from everything you created at Chancellor? You can’t let it go, can you?

Sally: Well, the trip to Baltimore must have taken a lot out of you both. You saw Connor, had a good day. Then you heard he was going into inpatient treatment.

Adam: It just, it was– it was so abrupt. I mean, one minute we’re hanging out with him and he’s happy and he’s positive and then, the next…

Billy: You get the news.

Adam: Yeah. It, uh, it was a gut punch.

Sally: Man, I would have been climbing the walls with nothing to do but wait.

Chelsea: It was excruciating, not being able to see Connor or speak with him.

Adam: And not know what was going to happen next.

Sally: Well, I hope you two were at least able to find ways to distract yourself from all the waiting and worrying.

Billy: Yeah, I think that’s the worst part about it, you know? Then, you start to spiral.

Sally: It’s an awful feeling, having no control over the situation and feeling like you can’t help but just fixate on all the what-ifs.

Adam: Well, last night, we got blind drunk. That helped.

Billy: I don’t blame you, you know? Of course, that’s probably why you’re tired today.

Chelsea: No, he’s exaggerating. We ate a couple drinks and we called it a night.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: Um…

[ phone ringing ]

Chelsea: Oh, this is the clinic. It must be one of Connor’s doctors.

Adam: Ooh, answer it.

Chelsea: Hi, this is Chelsea.

Chelsea: Well, that’s great to hear. What a relief. Yes, yes, he’s here with me right now, actually. I will let him know. Thank you, Dr. Hammond.

Adam: What happened?

Chelsea: Connor was released from inpatient an hour ago. He’s back in his room.

Adam: Oh, my God, that is great. Thank God. Um, what else did she say? I mean, how’s his state of mind? Is he doing okay?

Chelsea: Um, she said he’s doing great. He had a breakthrough. He’s, uh, stopped himself from disassociating.

Adam: What? He did?

Chelsea: I know. Yeah, I’m getting so excited. I know I shouldn’t get too excited, but I can’t help it. I mean, this– this feels big. The doctors think he’s turning a corner.

Adam: That’s our boy.

Chelsea: I know.

Adam: That’s our boy.

Victoria: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Where are you going? No, sit down. Come on. I know, I’m your boring mom.

Katie: You’re not that bad.

Victoria: Gee, thanks. Sit. Talk to me.

Katie: About?

Victoria: I don’t know. Tell me. How was your last day of school?

Katie: It was fine. Just packed up, said goodbye to everyone.

Victoria: How did your Spanish test go? Did you talk to your dance teacher about next fall?

Katie: I think I did muy bien on the test, and Miss Scott says I’m ready for intermediate ballet next year.

Victoria: Oh, that’s fantastic! I’m so proud of you. So, um, is there anything in particular that you want to do this summer? Any friends that you want to hang out with?

Katie: Some people from Walnut Grove wanted to hang out, and some friends from my old writing class.

Harrison: Do you think ducks eat worms?

Johnny: You could try to feed them one.

Harrison: Can I, Claire?

Katie: Gross.

Victoria: Maybe you and I could go to Chicago one weekend, and we could do some shopping and see a show.

Katie: Just you and me?

Victoria: Yeah, would you like that?

Claire: Let’s stick with the peas and oats for the ducks.

Johnny: No fun, Claire.

[ group laughing ]

Victoria: Uh, I would like that. I mean, I would like to spend as much time with you as I can while you’re home.

Victoria: I figured you’d be too busy with Claire, your first daughter.

Johnny: I’m going to make an ice cream run. You guys want anything?

Victoria: Uh, would you like anything, sweetheart?

Katie: Oh, for once in my life, I actually get a vote?

Victoria: Uh, you know what, just get us both chocolate. Thank you.

Johnny: Get you some, Mom. But not for the grump. What’s wrong with you?

Billy: I mean, again, it’s just such great news.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Billy: I’m so happy for Connor.

Sally: And for you two. I mean, for all of us, really. It’s just a relief.

Chelsea: It really is. I’d like to call Connor. You think it’s too soon?

Adam: Well, why don’t we text him? Tell him we heard the news and we can video chat him. You know, whenever he’s up for it. No pressure.

Chelsea: Good idea. I like that.

[ phone ringing ]

Adam: Oh–

Chelsea: Oh, it’s Connor.

Adam: He wants to video chat. Should we do it at my place, since it’s closest?

Chelsea: Uh, do you mind if I head out?

Billy: No. Of course not.

Adam: I don’t want to dine and dash, but–

Sally: No, go, go, go. Talk to your son.

Adam: You’re the best.

Chelsea: I’ll text you.

Billy: Bye.

Chelsea: Bye. All right, yeah. It’s okay.

Billy: Bye.

Sally: Bye.

[ Sally sighing ]

Billy: Quite the day.

Sally: Yeah, really. Mmm. Really happy for them, though.

Billy: Yeah, of course. Me too.

Sally: Yeah. I have to admit, I was holding my breath when Chelsea got that call.

Billy: Mm. Me as well.

Sally: It’s kind of a glimpse into what they’ve been dealing with. You know, all the ups and downs. This whole ordeal has really bonded them, hasn’t it?

Billy: Yeah, it has.

Devon: Listen, I understand how you’re feeling.

Lily: You do?

Devon: I do, yes. Completely. Because before today, I mean, this all was just an idea that we were talking about. It wasn’t real. But then when we had the meeting, and we had the vote and we divided the companies up, you’re suddenly faced with everything you stand to lose.

Lily: Yeah, maybe you’re right, you know. It’s just really hard to leave this all behind.

Devon: Yeah, but you have to remember, you’re not leaving behind the same company that you started at. Billy is running the show now. And I promise you, he is not going to give you the same freedom that you had when you worked with Jill.

Lily: And you will?

Devon: Well, what’s that supposed to mean?

Lily: I mean, come on, Devon. It’s not a secret. We all know how much you love to be in charge.

Devon: You’re saying that I’m a– a control freak?

Lily: I mean, you said it.

Devon: Well, I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

Lily: Okay, well, then fine. Like, tell me how you think this is going to work. Do you really think that we’re going to be equal partners?

Devon: Yes, of course I do. I mean, I was equal partners with Neil. And you were right there with us. You saw it. We worked out just fine. And now this is our opportunity to build something together as a team.

Lily: I really want to believe that.

Devon: Then believe it. It’s just going to be you and me. There’s no one to answer to. It’s us.

Lily: I know, but we have had issues at work before. I mean, it hasn’t been easy.

Devon: Okay, and when we had those issues, we got past all of them. Right? You know what I come from, Lily. There is nothing that would make me happier than to run our family’s company, with my sister. And I know Neil would want the same thing for us. And regardless, that has to sound better than working for your power-hungry ex.

Lily: You know, sometimes I feel like you just don’t want me to be around Billy because you have issues with him.

Devon: Well, that’s ridiculous to think. You can take Billy completely out of this scenario. It’s not about Billy. Okay? It’s about you and me. Are you really ready to just give up on the idea of running our family’s company?

Lily: I didn’t say that.

Devon: Yeah, but the fact we’re even having this conversation means that you are considering doing that and joining Jill and Billy, right?

Lily: I mean, if I said yes, what would that mean for us?

Devon: I mean, is that something you would actually do? You’d stay at Chancellor and not come to Winters with me?

Lily:: I asked what that would mean for us.

Devon: Yeah, I don’t know what that would mean. Because I already kind of suspected you felt this way, so–

Lily: I mean, look, you don’t even need me. You and Dad started Hamilton Winters, and I came on board later.

Devon: Right, I understand that. That’s not the point. The point is that I agreed to pull the trigger to separate these companies, because you made me believe that you were going to come and work with me.

Lily: I know. I know. I know.

Devon: And now you’re telling me that that might not happen. So, it’s disappointing.

Lily: I know. At– I don’t mean to let you or Dad down. Okay? That is not my intention.

Devon: I know. I’m sure it’s not your intention, but the end result is the same.

Lily: Look, Devon, I have to do what’s right for me. Okay? And I honestly don’t know if you and I would work well together.

Devon: Okay. All right. Do I count you out, then?

Lily: No, I didn’t say that. Just– I just — I, I just need some time. Okay? Please.

Devon: Okay. I hope you make the right decision.

Lily: So do I.

Nate: So, what happened? Where do things stand with Lily?

Devon: I wish I knew.

Adam: So, how about that lunch?

Chelsea: Oh, my God. So awkward.

Adam: Right?

Chelsea: I’ve never been more uncomfortable in my whole life. I can’t believe you told them we got drunk in Baltimore. Why would you do that?

Adam: Because it’s true.

Chelsea: Well, yeah, and it’s what led to us making a huge mistake, Adam.

Adam: Chelsea, I figured the more honest that we can be, the better. We can just talk about the surrounding circumstances and avoid this specific issue.

Chelsea: I’m not sure I can do this. The lying and the guilt, it’s eating at me.

Adam: What good would it do to tell them the truth? It’s only going to hurt them to know. Okay? It was a one-time thing. We were– we were desperate, and we were confused.

Chelsea: Overwhelmed.

Adam: It was about solace, and comfort. But we have to put it behind us and move forward. Connor needs us, and he needs our attention. We got some really good news today. Let’s focus on that.

Chelsea: You’re right. I know you’re right.

Adam: Are you ready?

Chelsea: Yes.

[ video ringing ]

Adam: Hey, buddy.

Chelsea: Aw, it’s so good to see you.

Connor: You guys, too.

Chelsea: How are you?

Adam: We heard you had to go into inpatient treatment. If you want to talk about it, we’re– we’re happy to listen.

Chelsea: But only if you feel comfortable.

Connor: I’m good. I guess they told you what happened. The nurse caught me with a pen, trying to hurt myself.

Chelsea: Yes, Dr. Hammond told us.

Connor: Inpatient was scary. I was alone, and I couldn’t leave my room the first day. They checked on me every half hour.

Chelsea: Sounds intense.

Connor: The OCD was really bad. I couldn’t control it. Couldn’t stop it. It was like it was mad, and wanted to hurt me, or make me hurt myself.

Adam: That does sound scary.

Connor: But then I realized, I wanted to fight back. It was all up to me, and I knew I could do it. I don’t know how exactly, but all of a sudden I forced myself not to zone out, to stop the hitting.

Chelsea: Dr. Hammond said you had a breakthrough of some kind.

Connor: I took control. I pushed the OCD voice away, the one that told me I didn’t deserve to be happy. I called the nurse for help.

Adam: Good for you.

Connor: The next day, the voice got weaker and weaker. Same with the urge to hurt myself. It was like everything I’ve learned finally snapped into place.

Chelsea: Oh, Connor, that’s wonderful.

Connor: There is something else. It might scare you, but I think it’s important for you to hear.

Sally: Well, I’m glad that Adam and Chelsea were able to work past their differences for Connor’s sake. I would hate to think what it would be like otherwise.

Billy: Me too.

Sally: Hi, Lily.

Lily: Hi.

Billy: Hi.

Lily: Hi.

Sally: Well, I’m guessing you two have work to discuss, and I have work to do. So, I will see you around.

Billy: See you.

Sally: You as well.

Lily: Good night. I’ll see you.

Sally: Bye, you too.

Billy: Is– is Sally right? Do we have work to discuss?

Lily: Uh, have you spoken to Jill? Is she feeling better after the meeting?

Billy: I haven’t been able to catch up with her yet. She’s in another round of treatment, so she’s focusing on that.

Lily: Yeah, as she should.

Billy: Look, she’s going to be fine with the separation, Lily. She’s going to come around.

Lily: Does Jill ever come around?

Billy: Well, she will, once she finds out what we have intended for the company. However we got here, whatever plans or deals were made, it doesn’t change my faith in what we can do together. But the truth is, you have been hesitant, so it’s hard to know what you think.

Lily: Well, you’re not the only one who feels that way.

Billy: Well, I won’t have to doubt you anymore, if you just tell me that you’re in.

Victoria: Okay, you guys just take a breath. Okay?

Harrison: Katie! These are for you.

Katie: Oh, did you put him up to this?

Claire: Honestly, I thought he picked them for Summer.

Harrison: My mom can have some too, but you look sad. I thought they’d cheer you up.

Katie: Thank you.

Harrison: I was sad for a while, but Claire helped me feel better. She’s fun. Maybe we can all have fun together.

Katie: You know what, Harrison? I’d like to go with you for ice cream after all. What flavor do you like?

Harrison: Chocolate, duh.

Katie: Okay then, chocolate it is. Can you hold these?

Johnny: You’re such a sucker, falling for some flowers.

Victoria: Well, that was, um…

Katie: Come on.

Adam: Well, whatever it is that you want to tell us, we’re ready to hear it.

Connor: Before I went into inpatient, sometimes I would just let the OCD take over, give in to the obsessions, to hurting myself. It just felt too hard to keep fighting.

Chelsea: I’m sorry. That sounds hard.

Connor: It was easier to give the OCD all the power, because then I got a break. But then I realized when I fight the OCD, I’m fighting for myself. The way you both have always fought for me.

Chelsea: Mmm.

Adam: And we always will, Peanut.

Chelsea: We love you so much.

Connor: Now that I’ve faced it, I don’t feel like I want to hurt myself anymore. Give in to the OCD. That’s over.

Chelsea: Well, Dr. Hammond said all the doctors are very pleased with your progress.

Connor: They think I’ve turned a corner. And for the first time, it feels like it might actually get better.

Chelsea: Oh. You are so brave, Connor.

Adam: And we’re so proud of you.

Nate: What did she say? Is she going with our plan?

[ Devon sighing ]

Devon: She hasn’t decided yet. But she’s definitely wavering.

Nate: Did you try to convince her otherwise?

Devon: I really did. I gave it my best pitch. But, uh, she won’t commit.

Nate: Seriously?

Devon: Yeah. I mean, if she wants to stay at Chancellor, that’s going to be something that we have to respect.

Nate: There’s got to be a way we can fix this.

Devon: Mm.

Nate: What’s our next move?

Devon: Hell, I think at this point, the only thing we can do is prepare for the possibility that the new Winters company will not have Lily Winters.

Billy: You’re doing it again. You’re hesitating.

[ Lily sighing ]

Lily: Billy, I just… I…I don’t know.

Billy: Lily, I just need to know. Are you in or are you out?

Lily: I’m in. I’m in. I’m– I’m ready to move forward.

Billy: You sure?

Lily: Yes. Yes. We’ll make an announcement. We’ll– we’ll plan a launch. And it’ll be Lily Winters and Billy Abbott. Force to be reckoned with.

Billy: Damn straight. Great. Let’s get this thing rolling. Trust me. You’re not going to regret this.

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GH Transcript Thursday, July 11, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


[ Footsteps approach ] Felicia. What brings you by? I am going to guess I am the last person that you want to see today. Or maybe the second to last. Uh, yeah. No. I-I didn’t expect to see you. But, you know, thinking about it, that’s pretty foolish, considering you now know that I’ve been lying to your entire family for the last few months. So, uh, go ahead. Let me have it. Yeah, well, I have plenty to say. And I want you to promise me that you’ll hear me out. Absolutely. I totally deserve what’s coming. Obviously, you’re conflicted about your relationship with Mac. Don’t give up on him. I always say the best way out is through. So, please, don’t even think about leaving. -Hi! -Hi! It’s so nice to have you home and available to stop by like this. It’s unusually quiet around here. Where are the kids? Oh. Um, I asked Spinelli to take them to the pool so they could blow off some steam and we could talk without any interruptions. If this is about Cody — No one ever said you weren’t perceptive. Of course, this is about Cody. Mac, you always forgave me when I messed up. Now you have to forgive Cody.

[ Knock on door ] Jordan, am I interrupting at all? No, no, I was just responding to some e-mails. Come on in. Okay. I know that you’re very busy, so I will get straight to the point. I’m thinking about gathering some signatures so that I can put a measure on the fall ballot. What kind of measure? I want a recall vote to remove Laura Collins from office. And if it passes, Port Charles will have a new mayor — you. Thank you so much for coming. I know how busy you are. I-I just really needed to talk to you. Oh! Before I forget, uh, this is for you. It’s a photo of our beautiful grandson… Ohh! …taken just a few days ago.

[ Chuckles ] Will you look at this little guy! He is just getting more and more adorable every time I see him. Is this for me? Can I keep it? Yes, of course. That’s why I brought it. I-I know how much you treasure the photos, and I’ll try to bring one to you every time we visit. Um, speaking of visit… I had an unexpected one — from Curtis Ashford. Curtis? That surprises me. Yeah, he told me that you were looking into my case and maybe even thinking of challenging my sentence. Oh, for —

[ Chuckles ] All I’ve done is request your transcripts. That’s it. But… There’s a possibility that a lawyer might find grounds to petition the court to reopen your case, but that is still a long way off. Yeah, but, see, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Laura. I really appreciate you caring about me. But don’t do it. I need to stay locked up. Kristina, hi. Come on in. I’m sure it’s obvious why I asked you and Blaze to meet me here. Look. Natalia’s words are all over the Net. I think that it is time that we explore some strategies about how to deal with the fallout. Is there a strategy for un-canceling someone? I think that we can mitigate some of the negative publicity, but, first, has Blaze spoken to her mother? Not that I know of, no. But I have. …And? I told Natalia exactly what I think of her bigotry and her hateful words towards her daughter — for all the good it did. I know that this is a sensitive situation, but do you think that Blaze would be willing to make a public statement denouncing her mother’s words? Look. What Natalia did is wrong, but she’s still her mother. Yeah. I get that.

[ Groans ] I cannot imagine being in Blaze’s position right now. There is no question about it — what Natalia did did a lot of damage. But Ava is the one who’s responsible for releasing that recording, so Ava is the one who should have to pay. Keep talking, Sonny. Howl at the moon for all I care. Then go home and listen to yourself. Then you can judge how suitable you sound as a parent. I am not going anywhere. Is there a problem here? Mind your own business. Yes. As a matter of fact, there is a problem here. I’m having some difficulty getting this man to leave. He threatened me. And if you don’t believe me, you can confiscate Sonny’s phone and you can listen to the whole conversation.

Is this true? Sonny… Did you threaten Ava on tape?

[ Beep ] Why would I record Ava when she has nothing to say? So, what are you doing here, Jagger? The FBI wants you to go door to door looking for handouts? I’m staying here.

[ Sonny chuckling ] I heard raised voices as I walked by. Surprise, surprise — it’s Sonny fighting with someone, who, if I’m not mistaken, he was living with just a week ago. A mother to another one of your children. I care about my kids. I fight to keep them safe. What about you, John? Where’s your son? To be continued.

How could you not be angry with me? Well, I like to hear all sides of an issue before I make up my mind about something. But this is your chance to tell your side of things. But, please, just be honest. You’ve wasted enough of everyone’s time already by lying. Well, what’s the point? Mac made it very clear there’s no place in his life for me. Well, Mac is very hurt, and he’s lashing out, and, you know, well, that doesn’t really surprise me. I wouldn’t take what he says at face value.

[ Sighs ] As wonderful a father as Mac is to my children, he never had a biological child of his own, and I think he came to accept the fact that, you know — that was just something that life was going to deny him. But then when he thought that you might be his son, can you imagine how delighted he was? I know he didn’t want to get too invested in it, but I knew he was thinking about it a lot. And then when you told him that the DNA test results were not a match, it was a crushing disappointment.

Now that he knows that you lied to him, what is he supposed to think? He certainly doesn’t feel wanted. And who can blame him? Mac thinks the only reason you came forward is that you have an agenda.

[ Scoffs ] What? Like hustling him for a kidney? Are you? No. Well, then maybe you just don’t want to accept a blood connection to Mac? It was never that. Kristina: I am so sick of Ava and her petty B.S. She released that recording as a way of hurting Natalia because she was upset that my dad invited her to your wedding. Seems like a bit of an overreaction, huh? A-And just to be clear, there are no circumstances, not a single one, where Ava ever would have been welcome at that wedding. She murdered Connie Falconeri, and every one of the Falconeris knows it, plus all of the Cerullos know it, too. I know! But do you think Ava cares? She likes to pretend that it never even happened, and she assumes everyone else will, too. Unbelievable. Please. It’s Ava we’re talking about. She plunked herself down in my father’s apartment and in his life, and when he wised up and kicked her out, she retaliated. She had dirt on Natalia, and now she used it. And Allie is the collateral damage. She is suffering. She’s devastated that the label dropped her. No. It’s their loss. Okay? They are idiots for giving up on Blaze, especially after all the money that she’s made for them. Well, is there anything we can do to turn it around, to — I mean, is that even possible? Hi, everyone. Hey. Sorry I’m late. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Perfect timing. I was just telling Kristina, um, that I am trying to set up an interview to give you an opportunity to respond to everything that’s happened — not just Natalia’s words, but, you know, the public’s reaction. Online cancellation. I think it’s a great idea. I’ll do it. Okay. That’s not the whole idea. It would actually be a joint interview. Kristina, you’d need to be there, too. t have to play detective here to know why you’re considering this. Laura is trying to get Heather’s convictions overturned. Have you logged on to any of the community message boards recently? The people are outraged that a convicted murderer might be set free, that she might be roaming the streets. And are they wrong? You may disagree with Laura’s position on this, but you have to acknowledge that she is the epitome of fairness. And, besides, she’s just asking questions at this point. I don’t think she has any specific goal or outcome in mind. Yeah, but, see, that’s precisely my point. Laura isn’t thinking. She isn’t thinking about consequences. She’s not thinking about the lives that are gonna be put at risk if Heather goes free! Well, we now know that Heather’s judgment was impaired at the time she committed those murders. So can she be fully held responsible if she didn’t know what she was doing? That’s such an interesting response. That sounds like something that a politician would say. Not someone that used to be the Police Commissioner. Thank you for stepping in when you did. I appreciate the assistance. Right place at the right time. I’m still getting used to this particular place. I’ve only been here a couple of nights. But, of course, you already know that, seeing as you’re having me followed. Right? Well, let’s just say that… when I’m following somebody, a tail, and it reaches the point where they’re not giving me anything relevant or useful, I tend to suspend it. Do you think Sonny’s gonna come back? Do you want me to call security? I haven’t seen this side of you, Agent Cates. You’re almost sounding… chivalrous. I think I know how to discourage Sonny from returning. Stay for a bit. Have a drink with me. I started asking myself some very tough questions, starting with, um, who would want a son like me? “No one” was the obvious answer. Hmm. No, no, no, no, no. You couldn’t be further from the truth. The very first thing I noticed about you is how alike you and Mac are. You both have this sense of decency. Such kind and patient people. And like Mac, you’re both very good with kids. They love you. I think the two of you are both teachers at heart. I’ve spent most of my life trying to make a buck.

[ Chuckles ] Not working on decency. Played it pretty fast and loose with the truth. Oh, well, you’re not alone. Mac can play that kind of game, too, when he really wants to.

[ Chuckles ] No. No, I don’t believe it. Oh? That’s because you haven’t known him very long. When he was your age, he used to get in all kinds of trouble. Maybe I do take after him. It’s not complicated. Cody hid the fact that he was my son! It doesn’t sound like someone begging for a relationship! Okay, look, I am not saying that Cody is a saint who never screws up, but he certainly doesn’t screw up as consistently or as frequently as I did. It’s not the same thing, Maxie. But every time I messed up, you never decided that what I did was irredeemable. You always gave me your loyal support. Why are you taking such a hard line with Cody? Just got served. Ava’s suing me for sole custody of Avery. She’s coming at it. First me, then our daughter, now you. Well, you’d think she would be smart enough not to come after me. So I’m gonna — I’m gonna countersue. Because I don’t want her seeing Avery again. Don’t you think that’s a slight overreach? Well, I-I had sole custody of Avery before. I can do it again. She’s gonna come after you with everything she’s got. All I need to know… Will you support me? Heather? That you want to stay in prison? Do I want to? Of course not! T-This place is like some kind of hell. I hate that I will never get to see my grandchild again. I hardly ever get to see the light of day. Most of the inmates are people I can never talk to. I mean, they’re here because they’ve done something horrendous — like me. But at least I know that what goes on inside here is real. Okay. What do you mean, Heather? Laura… I can’t remember why I killed those people. I know that I did it. I remember doing it. I remember all of it. I even remember thinking that it was somehow justified. But it wasn’t! Heather, you were suffering from cobalt poisoning. Right. From a bad hip replacement, which has now been removed, and I’m feeling better and, theoretically, I’m thinking more clearly. Yeah. But I can’t sit here and tell you that if I was let out tomorrow that I know I wouldn’t hurt anyone or do all those crimes again. Because I don’t know! And I don’t want it to be put to the test. Okay? Kristina isn’t a public figure, and it wasn’t her mom who was put on blast. It also wasn’t her idea to keep our relationship a secret from the fans. I feel guilty enough without dragging her into the spotlight. Oh, I just want to clarify that there’s no blame here, guys. We are not on an apology tour. Your personal life is nobody else’s business. And the people who are attacking you for not being fully out, they can think whatever they want to think, okay? This interview is to engage people who haven’t fully made up their minds yet, mostly Blaze’s fans who just want to know what’s really going on with you. We want to show the world who you really are — sweet and loving and completely at ease with one another. I have a few contacts, okay? I feel really confident that I can find the right interviewer. Let’s do it. Really? Are you sure you’re okay with being in the limelight? Telling the truth is a lot easier than hiding it.

We’re in.

I loathe Ava with the heat of a thousand suns for what she did to our daughter, to Blaze, and to me. But as a mother, I am uncomfortable keeping a mother away from her child completely. Now, is visitation out of the question? Ava takes every chance she can to poison my daughter against me. I am not letting her do that anymore. You know that I can’t agree to help you unless you act within the confines of the law. Are you willing to take the stand… …and say that I’ve been a good father to Kristina? You don’t have to say anything about Ava. Diane will figure that out. If you’re asking me to testify that you love your daughter, I can do that. But if they ask me if I approve of what you do for a living, I’m gonna have to tell the truth. You made a mistake, and you’ve made the same mistake more than once. But that doesn’t mean it’s the end of everything. Unless you can stand right here, right now, and tell me that you don’t want any part of the Scorpio-Jones family. I can’t say that. We’ll be in touch. Thank you. Hey! You have to taste these. Ohh. Mhm. Mmm! Oh, my God. They are so sweet. I’m surprised they’re ripe already. Yeah, they came early this season. I think it’s ’cause we had such a warm spring. Violet and I were out picking blackberries all morning together. And where’s Violet now? She went down to the gatehouse. She wanted to impress Wiley and Amelia with her fruit-picking skills. I’m just so glad that all the kids are getting along so well. Yeah. I think it definitely takes some of the strain off her. She obviously misses her dad, but having all these kids here, having so much to do, keeps her engaged. I mean, she was really quiet initially, and now she seems really happy. Was she sleeping when you checked on her last night? Oh. I’m sorry. Did I wake you? Not enough to keep me up, but I did feel that you were up a couple times, and I just figured you went to check on her. How’d you know? Cause that’s the kind of guy you are. I’ve been alone for so long. I, um… I don’t really know how… it’d feel like to suddenly become a part of a family. Especially one that I already know. But I’d like to find out. You know, getting to know Maxie and her kids, it’s kind of felt like I’ve been… I’ve been watching life through a window, you know, observing, not — not participating in something I wish I had. Well, you’re not so far removed from the family. Whenever Maxie needs help, you’re there. And you love kids, particularly James, who loves you already.

[ Chuckles ] He even told me how he asked you to be his big brother… and how you accepted… and how you spit on your hands and you shook on it. Yeah, yeah. About that — That was — But that’s a sacred bond. There’s no way you can go back on that. I have here… an adorable picture of you and James at the Fourth of July party eating hot dogs. Yeah, I-I couldn’t believe it when James asked me to be his big bro. But that was before I told Mac that I was his son. Mac’s furious with me now. He told me to stay away from James. He’ll — He’ll never trust me again. Well, you know, Mac will be fine. Just give him a little bit of time. He’ll find his way to forgiveness. That’s exactly what Maxie said. Right. Maxie and I both know Mac inside and out. And although it will never happen overnight, he always forgives the people that he loves. Well, Mac doesn’t love me. Mac doesn’t know you. But I truly believe with all my heart that if you’re willing to give Mac time, to give your father time, that you’ll both get what you really want. Maybe if things had been different, Cody and I might have had a chance at being father and son. Maxie: This is that chance. Why aren’t you taking it? I-It’s not too late, Mac. I don’t understand what’s stopping you. I wanted to love and accept Cody, but he didn’t want that love and acceptance from me. I wanted to make up for lost time, but he denied being my son! He made a mistake. Just like I made mistakes. Cody has changed. Has he?

[ Sighs ] Look. I think that Cody wants to be your son. Why now? Why now? What does he really want? There must be some ulterior motive. Because if there wasn’t, Cody’s already proven he wants nothing to do with me! Where’s Avery? My daughter is still at Sonny’s. I’m not happy about it. He’s doing everything in his power to turn Avery against me. And now he’s trying to take her away from me. Which is — It’s cruel. To me and to her. She’s a little girl. She needs her mother. It seemed like you and Sonny were getting along pretty well there for a while. What’s caused this rift between you? You know, I don’t have any idea. It’s just — It’s been very difficult dealing with Sonny lately. He’s become so volatile. I mean, haven’t you noticed? You saw how he was behaving just now. It’s been like walking on eggshells with him. And I will do everything I can to keep Avery safe and to get her away from Sonny.

How do you plan on doing that? I’ll have to prove in court that he’s an unfit parent… which, of course, you know firsthand. Look at the terrible way he treated your late wife, Karen, when she was so young. Surely you’d agree he has no business having sole custody of a child. Especially not a little girl like Avery. No question. As someone who’s known Sonny for decades… would you be willing to make a statement to that effect to my attorney, Scott Baldwin? Laura has done everything in her power to undo all the hard work you’ve done, all the hard work that the PCPD has done to get Heather off the streets! Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t see it that way. I was proud to play a role in getting Heather Webber off the streets and into prison, but as a cop, I realize that evidence is evidence, even if it comes at an inconvenient time. Okay. Wait, wait. So are you telling me that you support Laura’s actions? I advised Laura against pursuing this because I know Heather is a lightning rod. She invites scrutiny, and questioning her sentence could hurt Laura’s political career. And unlike most politicians, Laura’s main concern is and has always been fairness.

[ Portia scoffs ] Was it fair for Heather to target Trina because Spencer fell in love with her and didn’t fall in love with Esme? Was it fair to the five people that she murdered?! Was it fair to their families?! Heather had a medical condition that compromised her judgment, and in light of that, it may be fair to reconsider her sentence. Because the law isn’t just for people we like or approve of, any more than medicine is. so much fun picking berries with Violet. I wish I could have joined you guys. Well, you have a lot going on with Blaze. It must be challenging knowing everything you advise her to do is being scrutinized. Yeah, it’s a lot to navigate. Do you have any strategies to help restore her image? Of course, I do! I’m her manager. I’m actually in the process of setting up an interview with a major outlet. It took some convincing, but I think Blaze and Kristina are both on board. So just hope it works. Yeah. You know, speaking of work… my bereavement leave ends tomorrow. I’m wondering what that will mean for Violet. Well, childcare isn’t a problem. We got Melanie and Sasha. And there’s always Cody. And he’s really great with kids. Yes, they are all great, but they’re not Violet’s aunt and uncle. It’s important that we are physically present for her. I totally agree. We have to make Violet our priority, make sure she feels secure, like she really belongs here with us. And it’s really great that I can do most of my work from home. And I can pitch in, too. Oh! I see. What are you gonna do? Detecting from the boathouse? Are you gonna interrogate your suspects on video conference calls? What I am gonna do is talk to Anna — and Mac, now that he’s back as Chief of Detectives — and see about working three days a week. I can do whatever it takes to make sure that Violet is in a loving home with family here. Hi. I think I left my phone here. Have you seen it? No. I’m sorry, Mom. I haven’t. When was the last time you had it? Well, I’m not sure. Maxie, please call it. Maybe we can hear it. Maxie: Okay.

[ Line ringing ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Maxie. It’s Cody. Maxie? Uh, do you guys hear anything? No, nothing. Maybe it’s really lost! Well, no. You know, we’re not giving up. Uh, maybe you left in the kids’ room. I’ll go check.

Dad. Hi. I’m glad you’re here. I need to speak to both of you. Did something else happen? No, not yet, but it’s going to. Should we be worried? I hope not. Ever since the recording went viral, I have been talking with Allie and we’ve been debating how or even if we should respond. We have together mutually decided that we are not going to address Natalia’s comments directly. So that’s it? Well, instead we are gonna just — We’re gonna show the world who we are. We’re people who are very much in love. And, you know, there’s something wrong with the world if it can’t accept love in whatever form. So, if you don’t address Natalia’s comments, you’re just hoping the scandal dies down and the cancel mob moves on to somebody else? Well, we are gonna — We’re gonna approach this head-on. And Brook Lynn is setting up an interview for myself and Allie to just present ourselves as we are, you know, two people who are very much in love. It’s a good strategy. You guys, you know, got nothing to hide. Nothing. I think it’s great, as long as it’s handled right. You’re really brave. And if you can’t control what happens to you, at least you can not let it diminish you. It’s really thanks to both of you because you’ve always taught me to know who I am and to stand up for myself and what I believe in. So thank you both for that.

Laura… my blood runs cold whenever I think of Heather Webber, the killer! But, Heather, do you think you would ever want to kill again?

[ Sighs ] No! Yeah. But what if that all changes? What if I find myself in a situation and suddenly those feelings all come back again and consume me like they did? And before I know it, I’m doing terrible things again. I can’t risk that, Laura. So, please… whatever you’re thinking of doing, don’t. I’m in here for a reason. This is where I belong. But, Heather… what if those feelings were triggered by a medical condition, one that you have no control over? Heather, listen to me. I’m trying to help you. I know. I know. But if you really want to help me, take care of our little grandson. Come and visit me every once in a while. Bring me pictures when you do. But just… let me pay for my crimes in peace. Well, as much peace as one can get in a joint like this. Okay? Okay. If that is what you want. e procedure that removed and replaced the hip that was streaming toxins into Heather’s bloodstream. You mean doing my job. Yes. I agreed that Heather should receive appropriate medical care. Absolution? No. If the courts find that her sentence was inappropriate, they can alter it. Heather has rights just like anybody else. Yeah, well, you know what? I have rights, too. And I have rights to question the legitimacy of our mayor. At this stage, it’s just an inquiry. Laura is just asking questions. So give it a little more time, and we’ll see where they lead. If you think that I’m just gonna sit around and wait for Heather to be released… Oh, no. You got another thing comin’. You know what I wonder? If Heather targeted your son and if Heather murdered him… how you would feel about this conversation then.

[ Scoffs ]

[ Door slams ] Lucky for me, I have parents who are just a little bit experienced with dealing with press, so I’d really appreciate any advice or guidance you have to give me. Of course. You have raised an outspoken daughter, and we all know I have a tendency to step in it and say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but I really — I can’t afford to make any mistakes. That’s a good plan. In the heat of the moment, let’s just say you don’t hold back. Yeah. But I really — I mean, Allie’s not worried about this, but I am. I-I can’t get anything wrong. I have to get this right. You know, her whole career is at stake. You know what? You’re gonna be great, honey. Come here. Thanks, Dad. Uh, also, I wanted to ask you. I don’t know how you’re gonna feel seeing my name on the screen. “Kristina Corinthos-Davis.” I don’t want it to bring you any sort of negative attention or — I don’t know — any bad exposure that I’m doing an interview on national TV. Don’t even give it a second thought. You know how I’m gonna feel? I’m gonna feel even more proud of you than I already am. Okay. Okay.

[ Chuckles ] How about we play some croquet with Violet? We can even ask Wiley and Leo if they want to join us, too. Well, I’d love to, but don’t you have to stay here and work? Oh, I’m just waiting for some people to call me back. Just be warned. I am a fearsome croquet player. Oh. Bring it on. And for the record, you have been absolutely amazing with Violet. Well, it’s not difficult. Violet is a wonderful kid, and I absolutely love having her here with us. You know… I’m a very lucky girl. Most brides don’t get a preview of what their husbands gonna be like as a father, but I watched you take care of Bailey Lou, seen how sweet you are with Violet. Just makes me more certain that I picked the right guy. You know, maybe we should schedule a little time for, after croquet, to, uh… you know, argue about who picked who.

[ Chuckles ] Of course, I know Scott Baldwin. I know him very well. He’s Karen’s dad. And apart from being a really accomplished attorney, Scott’s a great guy. He has spoken highly of you, too, as a matter of fact. Just to be clear… I’m in Port Charles in a professional capacity, and although I have some…history here, it’s not in my brief to get involved in custody battles. I understand that. But I’m not asking you as an FBI agent. I’m asking you as John… as a father. I fear for Avery. Because, as you and I both know, if Sonny remains in her life, she’s the one who will ultimately be hurt. I just want to keep her safe. I’m sure you can relate. You have a son. Wouldn’t you want to protect him from Sonny? I can’t promise anything. But I will think about it. I hope you will. Because I need all the help I can get keeping him away from us. I don’t think you’re gonna have to worry about it for too much longer. Sonny’s gonna be far away from Avery soon enough — behind bars, where he belongs — if I have anything to say about it. Okay. How’d it go with Cody? He definitely wants another chance with Mac. How about Mac? Not much. Stubborn as a mule. Okay. Have we considered — Felicia, you know, there are two kind of people in this world — people who, uh, lose things that are not really lost… and people who lose things that are gone forever. You know, I always thought that you were in the first group. But after all these years being together, I’m starting to think you’re in the second.

[ Knock on door ] Oh. Um… -Oh! -Hey, uh, Felicia left this at the… Quartermaines’.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Thursday, July 11, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Brooke: You were wanting to go back to Thomas to run away from your feelings for Finn. And you’re terrified of becoming just like your mother. You didn’t want to make the same mistakes. Come on, Hope. Tell me that you see that.

Eric: Thomas. Hey.

Thomas: Hey.

Ridge: There you are. I’ve been looking for you.

Eric: What are you doing?

Ridge: I was looking for you.

Eric: I’m here. I live here. Yeah? And how about you? I mean, are you excited? I mean, the big day’ll be here any minute now.

Thomas: Big day? What big day?

Eric: The day you exchange vows with your beautiful fiancée in front of a throng of well-wishers.

Ridge: A what? A throng?

Eric: A throng.

Ridge: How many people in a throng?

Eric: I’m not exactly sure.

Ridge: Okay.

Eric: All right. A small group of friends and well-wishers watching you marry the beautiful Paris Buckingham.

Thomas: Hmm.

Eric: You excited?

Thomas: Don’t I look excited?


Eric: It actually does show. I’ve never seen you happier.

Thomas: Well, that’s thanks to Paris.

Eric: I can’t wait to welcome Paris into this family. I can’t wait.

Ridge: Hear, hear.

Eric: And whatever the two of you decide, whenever you decide to do it, I’m just happy you’re gonna do it here in this room. In this house.

Luna: God, this is so great, hanging like this, my mom and my dad.

Bill: You wouldn’t rather be hanging with R.J.?

Poppy: Well, next time, we can invite him to join us.

Luna: Yes. I’d like that. And R.J. would, too, I’m sure.

Bill: Really? I’m not R.J.’s favorite person.

Luna: No. He knows how much this means to me, finally finding my father after all these years. He’s been totally supportive.

Bill: Good. I’m glad.

Luna: And he loves that I’m happy, and what makes me happy is this. My dad and my mom. My family. Nothing’s ever gonna come between us ever again.

[Bill chuckles]

[electricity buzzing]

[light switch clicking]

Deacon: Hollis, I need another case of cabernet out here, pronto!

Thomas: You know, Paris and I were thinking when we finally do the ceremony, we might wanna do it out by the pool. We could have everybody in their swimwear, including the bride and groom. What do you think?

Eric: I think that’s an interesting idea.

Thomas: Yeah. It’s very interesting. It’s different, and I think that Douglas would really love it.

Eric: You know, I have– I have some shorts I like that I wouldn’t mind wearing. And I even have some little black ones like your father used to wear in the ’80s.

Ridge: Oh.

Eric: And Donna has dozens of suits to pick from. I could probably wear one of hers, though it might pull focus.

Thomas: Granddad, you’re right. That would definitely pull focus. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I tried to put one over on him.

Ridge: You should know by now that he’s always gonna be one step ahead of you.

Thomas: Yeah.

Eric: Whatever the two of you decide and whenever you decide, it’s gonna be a very special day.

Ridge: I agree. It’s gonna be amazing. Everyone’s behind you.

Thomas: Well, everyone except for Hope. She’s still really upset about this whole engagement thing.

Brooke: I know you never wanted to be like me.

Hope: You’re my mother. I look up to you, and I have always admired your strength and your accomplishments. It’s just…

Brooke: It’s just I haven’t been a very good role model in my personal life. And I know that. I do. Especially when I was younger, I was… very selfish. I would do whatever I wanted, and I didn’t care. I hurt a lot of people– my friends, my family, my children. You were right there, honey. You were right there in the middle of it. And I know you experienced a lot of that fallout. And I’m… so, so sorry. I mean, that’s why you’re the person you are today, why you’re so cautious with everything, and… you are, um– you’re careful, you know? You don’t wanna make the same mistakes that I made, and I understand that. But the reason why I’m saying these things is because I need you to see what’s driving your desire to be with Thomas. You need to see that, honey. Just… let him go. Please, just support his engagement to Paris.

Poppy: Okay.

[Luna laughs] Well, this, um– this is definitely a first for me.

Luna:, Oh, come on, Mom, we used to have caviar every single day when I was growing up.

Bill: Yeah, doesn’t everyone?

[Poppy laughs]

Poppy: Okay. You two are making fun of me.

Bill: No, we’re not making fun of you. We’re enjoying watching you experience something new.

Poppy: Mm-hmm.

Luna: And did you know that Italian caviar is considered one of the best, if not the best in the world?

Poppy: Oh, is that so? And, um–And who told you that?

Luna: Dad, of course. He’s been giving me a crash course on the finer things in life.

Bill: Well, what can I say? I wanna expose both of you to everything that the world has to offer.

[Hollis sighs]

Deacon: Hey, what are you doing? You’re crushing the grapes yourself back here? What’s taking so long with the vino?

Hollis: I’m sorry, boss. I’m coming right now.

Deacon: Come on, come on.

Thomas: Yeah, so, my relationship with Paris really threw Hope big time. I mean, when I came back to town, she thought that I was coming to restart our relationship.

Eric: But you had already moved on with Paris, so…

Thomas: Yeah. And I know that that hurt Hope. And I’m sorry it did.

Ridge: I am, too, but you need to find a woman that was devoted to you.

Thomas: I’m glad you understand.

Eric: Hope will, too, I’m sure, one day.

Thomas: Yeah, I just… I hope that my happiness doesn’t come at her expense.

Ridge: You make that sound that this is–it’s your fault. It’s not.

Thomas: I know it’s not my fault. But, look, I’ve moved on with my life. I’ve found happiness, and it seems like Hope is kind of lost, and that makes me sad.

Ridge: She’s a strong woman. She will find her way. She will move forward.

Thomas: Yeah. Well, speaking of moving forward, I hope you understand I’m heading back overseas with Paris and Douglas.

Ridge: No, we understand. We just don’t like it. But you gotta do what’s best for your son and what’s best for you. That’s what I want.

Thomas: Thanks, Dad.

Eric: Me, too. Me, too, Thomas. Good for you.

Hope: What you’re saying makes sense. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it until now.

Brooke: Sweetheart. Don’t beat yourself up. You’re going through a complicated, emotional time, and you need to be patient with yourself.

Hope: I do care about Thomas, though.

Brooke: I know this is hard, sweetheart. But you don’t need a man. And I know that you would like to meet the love of your life.

Hope: Like you and Ridge?

Brooke: Well, like an idealized version of Ridge and me. I mean, we have had our challenges.

Hope: Yeah, still you did always find your way back to each other.

Brooke: Yeah. We realized that we didn’t wanna live without each other. And I don’t see that for you and Thomas. Honey. You are a catch.

[Hope scoffs] You are. And your perfect man is out there somewhere. But it’s not gonna be Finn. It can’t be Finn. For obvious reasons. Hmm. You do know that, don’t you?

Hope: Oh, I would never, Mom. I’m not a homewrecker.

[Brooke sighs]

Brooke: I know that, sweetie.

Poppy: Okay, wait. You actually went with your dad to Spencer Publications the other day?

Luna: Yeah. And it was crazy. I mean, talk about impressive and exciting.

Bill: Yeah, Forrester Creations pales in comparison, doesn’t it?

Poppy: Ooh.

Luna: Well, um, they are very different companies, that’s for sure. And…you know what? All my life I’ve dreamt of being in fashion. But after visiting Spencer, I can see that there are other possibilities.

Bill: Aha. An open mind. I like it. That means I can lure you over to my team, to the good guys. You have Spencer blood, and that means the family business is your birthright now.

Deacon: Oh, you know that table for six tonight? It’s a table for 10 now. Apparently, they got some last-minute out-of-town guests. Mr. Harper himself called, asked if we could accommodate. The guy runs a studio. Are you even listening to me?

Hollis: Huh? Yeah. What?

Deacon: No. Like hell you are. Come on. You’re zoning out here. What’s going on with you?

Hollis: You wanna know the truth?

Deacon: Yeah.

Hollis: Man, I can’t stop wondering why Tom overdosed that night.

Brooke: Mmm. My goodness.

[laughs] You’re in a good mood.

Ridge: Oh, yeah. Just had a great talk with my son.

Brooke: Oh. I had a… good talk with my daughter.

Ridge: You did? You don’t… seem sure.

Brooke: Yeah.

Ridge: Is she on board finally with Thomas and Paris being engaged?

Brooke: Mm, yeah. I think so.

Ridge: Good. That’s what I want. I want everyone to be happy.

Brooke: I want that, too.


Thomas: Sorry to interrupt.

Hope: Thomas, hi.

Thomas: You look busy. I won’t take too long.

Hope: Uh, no, it’s– it’s fine. What’s–What’s up?

Thomas: I wanted to let you know my plans.

Hope: Actually–Okay, uh, before you do that, I– I believe I owe you an apology.

Thomas: An apology for what?

Hope: Well, you came back here to Los Angeles, excited to start this next chapter of your life with your engagement to Paris, and I, uh, didn’t exactly handle it well. And for that, I am truly sorry, Thomas. You deserve better from me.

Bill: I mean it. You’re a Spencer, the daughter I never knew I had. But now that I do, I want you to have everything that comes with being a Spencer.

Luna: Thank you.

Bill: No. Thank you. Thank you for coming into my life, for being the amazing young woman that you are. I know I’ve said it before, but I could not be prouder as a father to call you my daughter.

Luna: I feel the same way. I am so proud and thrilled to be your daughter.

Bill: Does that mean you still want me to adopt you? ‘Cause if so, I am ready when you are.

Luna: I was ready the moment the paternity test said that you were my father.

[Luna sniffles]


Hollis: Tom, man, I’m sorry…

[electricity buzzes] …about going through your personal stuff.

Thomas: You do not need to apologize, Hope. I left town and we were completely in love with each other. And I come back and Douglas runs into your arms. Of course you thought I was back to pick up where we left off.

Hope: Oh, it’s, uh– it is no secret that this has been a struggle for me, learning about you and Paris and what it means for you, for us, for our family. So, yes, my feelings have been a bit all over the place. But, um, you know how I feel. You know that I feel like it’s a bit of an overnight engagement, that you were just rushing into a future with another woman and trying to leave our past behind as quickly as possible.

Thomas: That’s not what this is.

Hope: No, I know. You’ve explained it to me what evolved between the two of you over in Europe. I know. Ultimately, what I am trying to say with this apology is that if that is what you want, a future with Paris, then I wish you the best.

Thomas: You mean that?

Hope: Yeah. I mean, maybe this is all meant to be, right? And if it is, I–I– I hope it is everlasting and wonderful.

Thomas: That does mean a lot to me. Look, I, uh– I meant to tell you about my plans. I’m heading back to France with Paris and Douglas. And I know that you wish you had spent more time with our son.

Hope: Yes. But I am sure we will be able to work it out. I understand that he now has a home in France and he is happy there, so…

Thomas: You know, I am never gonna take our son away from you. I promise. Douglas loves you so much.

Hope: And I love him… so much. Look…

[Thomas sighs]

[Hope sighs] This is really hard. Um, I’m sorry for everything. And, uh, I hope you understand me having to move on with my life. And I know that’s exactly what you’re gonna do. But… I want you to make me a promise. A lot a guys are gonna come calling. Pick the right one. And promise me you’ll make it work no matter what. Come here. Bye, Hope.

Hope: Bye.

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Y&R Transcript Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ light footsteps ]

Sharon: Oh, Cassie. [ knocking on door ]

Lucy: Oh, hi.

Sharon: Lucy, hi.

Lucy: Hi, Ms. Newman. I’m so sorry to bother you. I was just, uh, looking for your daughter. Is she around?

Daniel: So, any interviews today?

Heather: Nope.

Daniel: How about tomorrow?

Heather: Maybe. Uh, waiting to hear back.

Daniel: Well, they’ll– they’ll call. They will. Soon.

Heather: Or not. I, you know, not sure.

Daniel: Hey, where is that can-do attitude? Hm?

Heather: Maybe I can be a barista.

Daniel: I just think that, you know, the right opportunity is going to come along. You just haven’t found the perfect fit yet. And besides, who wouldn’t want to hire you?

Heather: So far, everybody.

Daniel: Listen, you are an amazing, kick-ass lawyer. Don’t you forget that.

Heather: Who’s drinking an iced coffee in a park on a work day. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a sign.

Daniel: A sign of what?

Heather: Maybe it’s time for me to go back to Portugal.

Audra: Hm. I’ll get you an autographed hard copy, if you like.

Nate: The woman of the hour. Please, uh, join me. That is, if you have the time.

Audra: Hm. For the man who toasted me with champagne and caviar last night, I guess I can spare a moment from my very busy and exciting schedule.

Nate: So, what’s on the agenda?

Audra: More press interviews than I can count. Staffing particulars. Final details on coordinating with and coalescing the companies in France under the Glissade umbrella, so we can hit the ground running.

Nate: Sounds like you already have. Where do I send the flowers?

Audra: 1123 Franklin Avenue.

Nate: That new state-of-the-art building?

Audra: Penthouse suite.

Nate: Of course. I’d expect nothing less.

Audra: So, uh, what did you think about the article?

Nate: You’re officially an A-list mover and shaker, Audra. I’m impressed.

Audra: As you should be.

Nate: I also read the press release. You know, for a woman who’s so focused on every detail, it’s funny. You failed to mention that you’d be partnering up with another ex-lover. Fascinating.

Kyle: If you want a comment on Glissade, I’ll give you one. Prepare to be wowed. Sure. I’d love to sit down for an interview at some point in the future. Okay. Talk soon.

Summer: Is it true?

Kyle: What, not even a good morning? Congratulations on the new job? Although, you are kind of killing the vibe.

Summer: You’re moving and you didn’t tell me? If you think that I’m going to let you take Harrison away, you’re delusional.

Daniel: You want to leave Genoa City? I thought that things were good between us. Where– where is this coming from?

Heather: I meant, I’m not working, so it’s a good time to visit my dad.

Daniel: Oh. [ chuckling ]

Heather: Yeah.

Daniel: Oh, God. Good. Um, you had me worried there.

Heather: Really?

Daniel: Yeah.

Heather: Wh– why? Why would I want to leave the man of my dreams and our wonderful daughter and our beautiful, if slightly underfunded at the moment, life? Come on. We’ve worked too hard to get here. There’s absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be than sitting next to you in a park, drinking coffee on a work day.

Daniel: Well, it is pretty perfect. Minus the no jobs part.

Heather: Yeah. Minus that. But otherwise…

Daniel: You know, we could take these coffees and go back to the apartment. There are certain perks to being unemployed.

Heather: There are. And there’s nothing I’d like better.

Daniel: But?

Heather: But I am about to meet our wonderful daughter really soon. So, rain check?

Daniel: Uh-huh. Rain check. What’s up with your dad? Is– is he okay?

Heather: Yeah. I just, I haven’t seen him in a while and the last time I spoke to him on the phone, he seemed pretty lonely.

Daniel: Well, I think going to visit him is a great idea. I’ll miss you like crazy, obviously. But, you know, it is the summertime. Lucy’s done with school. I’m not really doing anything, obviously.

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Daniel: We can make this like a family trip. We could all go, see Paul, do some exploring. We could hit up Nazaré, catch some waves.

Heather: But since when do you surf?

Daniel: Since it’s like a bucket list thing of mine.

Heather: Okay. All right. I’m, uh, I’m all for it. But there is someone else in our family who has a vote, too, so.

Daniel: Ah, yes. Right. It’s gonna be tough to pull her away from town and away from fangirling over Faith Newman.

Heather: Yeah. But I remember when I was young and I wanted to hang out with the older girls. They just, they seemed so cool. You know, like, they have it together. And– and then the freedom? Oh, I wanted to be them and I could not wait to grow up fast enough to get there.

Daniel: Well, that’s not gonna happen to Lucy.

Heather: Oh, that’s so sweet. Full-on daddy denial.

Daniel: Stop. I just got my little girl back. There is no way I’m letting her grow up anytime soon.

Heather: Yeah. You don’t really get a choice, but I guess, uh, you’ll learn that the hard way, huh?

Daniel: I’m gonna learn it the hard way?

Heather: You’re gonna learn it the hard way. I’ll be here.

Sharon: Faith, uh, she’s not home right now. She went to a friend’s house. But come on in. I’m sure she will be home soon. Come in.

Lucy: Thank you. I, um, I knew I was taking a chance finding Faith at home. She’s so popular.

Sharon: Yeah, yeah, she does have a lot of friends. Everyone’s home from college, so they have a lot of catching up to do. Can I, um, get you a soda? Or some water?

Lucy: Oh, no, I– I’m okay. Thank you. I just, uh, I came to drop off this super cute bracelet I found at this vintage shop on Madison. I don’t know. I saw it, and it just kind of reminded me of Faith, so I got it for her.

Sharon: Oh, well, that’s so sweet. I’m sure she will love it.

Lucy: Oh, how cute. Is this Mariah when she was my age?

Sharon: Um, no, no, that, um, that’s Mariah’s sister, Cassie.

Lucy: I had no idea that Mariah had a twin.

Sharon: She died years ago in a car crash. She was 14.

Lucy: Oh, that’s, um, that’s terrible. I’m– I’m so sorry. You must think about her a lot.

Sharon: More than you could possibly know.

Kyle: Yeah, I was going to tell you.

Summer: When? After you’d moved?

Kyle: How do you even know?

Summer: Your mom told me.

Kyle: Of course, she did.

Summer: She wants me to convince you not to take Harrison away from here.

Kyle: And she knows how much you hate her, so she must be getting desperate.

Summer: She’s concerned, Kyle.

Kyle: No, she’s trying to run my life, which isn’t going to happen anymore now that I’m starting at Glissade.

Summer: Wait, Glissade is based in Paris. If you think that I’m going to let you take Harrison to France–

Kyle: I don’t know. Paris is kind of nice this time of year.

Summer: No, you cannot just be making unilateral decisions.

Kyle: Relax, I’m not moving Harrison to Paris. I’m just moving out of the house. Something I should have done a long time ago.

Summer: Why, though? This is Harrison’s home.

Kyle: Summer, do you have any idea what it’s like to live under the same roof as the woman who fired you and the father who stood by and did nothing?

Summer: You know what? I have an idea. How about we not make this all about you and instead we focus on our son?

Kyle: Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. Do you really think it’s healthy for Harrison to live in a house full of anger and resentment?

Summer: Kyle, that’s a dynamic that you helped create. This is the only home that Harrison has known since we got back to Genoa City. And it’s filled with all the people that love him most. His grandparents, Aunt Traci, Aunt Ashley, Mrs. Martinez. He’s happy here, Kyle. He feels safe.

Kyle: And he’ll get to decorate a whole new bedroom. I may even throw in a swimming pool. Ooh, and a puppy.

Summer: So, you’re going to bribe him?

Kyle: I’m kidding.

Summer: Yeah, I don’t think you’re taking this very seriously.

Kyle: You’re making too much of it. He’ll still go to the same school, have the same friends. Hell, you can still visit him at will. I figured you would appreciate the fact that you wouldn’t have to run into my mother anymore.

Summer: I cannot believe how selfish you are. I’m an adult. I can tolerate seeing Diane for the sake of continuity for our son. Why can’t you?

Sharon: She was pure joy. She was funny and smart and kind. She loved to draw. And she loved flowers and every four-legged creature in the world.

Lucy: Well, she sounds amazing.

Sharon: She was.

Lucy: Hello.

Faith: Hi.

Lucy: I hope you don’t mind me coming by like this. I just got this really cute bracelet and um, I thought you might like it. Um, the beads are jasper. They’re supposed to bring peace or something. I don’t know. I just thought they looked really pretty.

Faith: You got this for me?

Lucy: Gosh, is that weird? I’m so sorry. I just– I saw it and it reminded me of something that you were wearing the other day and I– I got it. I really didn’t mean to be weird.

Faith: No, it’s– it’s super thoughtful. I’m just surprised. Thank you.

Lucy: Then, uh, you like it?

Faith: I do. It even goes with my outfit.

Lucy: It does.

Faith: What were you guys doing? It looked like I was interrupting something.

Lucy: Oh, your mom was just telling me all about Cassie. I had no idea that Mariah had a twin until now.

Sharon: I explained that Cassie died years ago in a car crash.

Lucy: It’s the most terrible thing ever. I really can’t imagine anything worse.

Faith: Yeah. So, what’s up?

Lucy: Oh, um, I was just wondering if you could maybe hang out if you’re free.

Faith: We totally can, but I’ve got some stuff to do. Um, wanna meet up later?

Lucy: Yeah, that– that would be great. Just, um, text me when you’re free and I’ll come find you.

Faith: Sounds good. And thanks again for the bracelet.

Lucy: You’re welcome. Okay, I’ll– I’ll see you in a few.

Faith: Bye.

Sharon: Well, you definitely have a new fan.

Faith: She’s sweet. But, Mom, I’ve got to ask, why were you looking at Cassie’s scrapbook?

Sharon: Um… I was just, uh, thinking about her.

Faith: Is it my fault? Because of all those questions I was asking you and Dad the other day?

Kyle: Kids move to new schools, new houses, new states all the time and they’re not warped for life.

Summer: How many of those kids were just recently kidnapped and still have nightmares? Harrison already lost his mother to prison. Ashland died. You and I got a divorce. I mean, there’s been so much upheaval in his life already, Kyle.

Kyle: Harrison and I are thinking about this more like an adventure.

Summer: You are unbelievable.

Kyle: No, I am tired of having you in my face about a decision that’s not going to change. Harrison is excited about this move, so how about you just get on board and help him pick out some things for his new bedroom?

Summer: I cannot believe that you told Harrison about this before you talked to me about it.

Kyle: You don’t get a say about where I live anymore.

Summer: I get a say in where my son lives.

Kyle: Do you?

Summer: Really? So, you’re just going– You’re going to cut me out?

Kyle: Of course not. You’re the one hurling accusations and creating a problem where there isn’t.

Summer: I just, I don’t understand how you can be so dense.

Kyle: You know this lecturing me about how to behave is unbelievable. You barge in here unloading on me in self-righteous mommy mode when the truth is you refuse to agree with me about anything these days. It’s like your whole personality.

Summer: What Harrison needs right now is stability. And you refuse to see that. Or, you know what, I’m thinking maybe you actually just don’t care.

Kyle: That’s your opinion.

Summer: No, it’s what I’ve seen, Kyle. You would much rather be spending extra time with the babysitter or getting back into business with your ex-bed buddy, Audra, than doing what’s best for our son. And if that’s the kind of father that you want to be, then yes, I am going to do something about it.

Audra: I didn’t mention partnering with Kyle because it’s not a big deal.

Nate: Are you lying to me or to yourself?

Audra: You know, I liked you better last night.

Nate: All I’m saying is you had a relationship with Kyle that didn’t end well. Kind of like the one you had with Tucker. And now, you’re about to work side by side with the guy.

Audra: My relationship with Tucker ended very well for me. I mean, I wouldn’t be sitting on top of Glissade otherwise.

Nate: With Kyle Abbott?

Audra: I can handle Kyle.

Nate: You used to say that about Tucker.

Audra: Okay. Maybe I learned more than I care to admit from my time with Tucker. But I also used it to my advantage. As for Kyle, he couldn’t be more different than Tucker.

Nate: Not sure about that. They’re both rich, cocky, entitled. Wait. Kyle’s not this mystery investor, is he?

Audra: There’s no way Kyle could afford Glissade’s price tag out of his own pocket.

Nate: Then, if you needed a co-CEO so badly, why hire Kyle of all of the choices out there?

Audra: Having someone who’s run a cosmetics company that’s an industry leader is a huge asset to Glissade. So, maybe admire my business savvy for making such a smart hire.

Nate: I really do want to admire your business savvy, Audra, but Kyle, really? Look, I don’t care how much experience he has or how sparkly his resume is. Why hire a man you have such a complicated history with?

Audra: You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d almost say you’re jealous.

Faith: I just, I hate if my nosiness of the past is making you think about Cassie. How much you miss her.

Sharon: Cassie is never far from my thoughts. But I will admit, our conversation did cause me to start thinking a little more about the past.

Faith: I’m sorry.

Sharon: There’s no reason to apologize. Or look at me like that. Really. Everything’s fine. Nothing to worry about.

Faith: Cassie’s scrapbook is out and you’re obviously not exactly happy.

Sharon: Okay. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Every once in a while, I need to have a good cry. Cassie was just so special and I don’t want to forget a moment we ever had together, so I– I look at her photos so that it will keep her memories fresh for me and– and it makes me feel connected to her.

Faith: I just, I hate seeing you sad. I– I still kind of feel responsible.

Sharon: Absolutely not. Okay, maybe Cassie has been on my mind a little bit more than usual lately, maybe, but that’s all. There’s nothing to be concerned about.

Faith: Okay. So, you’re good?

Sharon: I’m more than good. Thinking about Cassie, thinking about Cassie’s life and the joy that she brought us, that’s a good thing.

Nate: I am not jealous of Kyle.

Audra: Are you sure? You really wouldn’t want to be the one running Glissade with me, taking on the world together, showing the doubters what we can do?

Nate: I like what you did there. Avoiding my question. I’ll ask it again. Why Kyle, of all people?

Audra: He and I are not lovers anymore, if that’s what you’re actually fishing to hear.

Nate: Good. Wise decision.

Audra: Why is that?

Nate: Because you don’t want a repeat of the situation you had with Tucker. That’s why.

Audra: I learned my lesson, all right? I’m not putting myself in a vulnerable position like that ever again. At least not by mixing business and pleasure.

Nate: Then, why does it seem like this conversation has suddenly putting a damper on your big day?

Audra: Okay. You’re right. Things are not quite as ideal as I hoped.

Nate: Talk to me. What’s going on?

Audra: Well, it’s day one and I’m already under attack.

Kyle: You’re calling me a bad father. I would do anything and everything for my son. You know that.

Summer: Up to a point, apparently.

Kyle: I am really trying to be fair here. I have been thinking about what your brother said.

Summer: You saw my brother?

Kyle: Yes, we ran into each other.

Summer: Okay, what does this have to do with Daniel?

Kyle: He said I need to see things from your perspective.

Summer: You– you talked to him about me?

Kyle: You just want to be a part of Harrison’s life and that I should give you more compassion.

Summer: So, I’m needy now? Is that what you’re saying?

Kyle: Okay, maybe this is your way of trying to feel more involved. Pushing the custody issue. Trying to have a say in my decisions. Because you feel like you’re being squeezed out of Harrison’s life.

Summer: That’s ridiculous, Kyle.

Kyle: I am just saying, you don’t have to come at me with lawyers because you feel insecure about Claire or my professional decisions.

Summer: Do you see how you’re trying to make this my problem now? My concern has nothing to do with Claire. I know how important she is to Harrison, okay? This has to do with all the bad decisions that you’ve been making lately. Suddenly yanking our son out of his home? Getting back into business with Audra? That can only end in disaster, Kyle. You’re starting a war with Jack and Diane, Harrison’s grandparents. So yes, clearly, you are not putting his best interests first. You are practically handing me ammunition to win primary custody.

Kyle: Okay, you want what’s best for Harrison? Then, stop it with the threats. You want to come at me because you disapprove of the way I’m living my life? Bring it. I will be ready and I will win.

Summer: Oh, is that a threat?

Kyle: No, it’s a fact. You are not even Harrison’s biological mother. So, go after custody. You will fail. attack? Is it Tucker?

Audra: It’s nothing like that. This attack is coming directly from inside the C-suite.

Summer: I have been Harrison’s mother in every single way.

Kyle: But you’re not his biological mother.

Claire: Sorry.

Summer: Claire, um, you’re here. Is– is Harrison here?

Claire: I picked him up from camp early. He’s in the backyard. I just came in to make him a snack and I– I heard voices.

Kyle: The doctor’s appointment.

Summer: Don’t think you could have warned me that our son might be able to overhear us.

Kyle: You know his schedule as well as I do and you didn’t exactly give me a chance because you came in here swinging.

Claire: I can leave.

Summer: No, it’s… I need to get back to work. This conversation is not over.

Kyle: Hm. [ Kyle sighing ] Damn it! [ door slamming ] [ Claire sighing ]

Claire: I’m sorry for interrupting.

Kyle: Sorry you had to witness that.

Claire: Harrison and I just planted a little vegetable garden. We have radishes and peppers, but not the hot ones. And some tomatoes. He’s really excited about it. He’s telling Mrs. Martinez all about it.

Kyle: So, he didn’t hear us fighting?

Claire: No.

Kyle: There’s that.

Claire: Why don’t you come check it out? Get some fresh air.

Kyle: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I could do some air. Um, how about a walk? I don’t want my son to see me like this. Could you ask Mrs. Martinez if she can watch Harrison for a bit? Will you join me?

Claire: Of course, I’ll join you. [ Sharon sniffling ]

Heather: You know we’re going to be over-caffeinated, right?

Daniel: Sure. But, you know, the sugar is going to compensate for it.

Heather: Okay. Maybe you can get a job as a comic.

Daniel: Hm. Maybe not.

Heather: Maybe we need you to.

Daniel: Hey!

Summer: Hi. Um, can I talk to you? In private?

Heather: Yes, because I have to meet Lucy. Soon. So, I’ll catch up with you later.

Daniel: Sure. Sounds good.

Heather: Okay.

Daniel: Bye.

Heather: Bye. Good luck. Hi, Summer.

Summer: What were you thinking?

Daniel: About what?

Summer: You talked to Kyle about me?

Daniel: Yeah, that. Yeah. Yeah, I did.

Summer: Uh, do you want to walk me through how you thought that was a good idea?

Daniel: Well, I’m concerned. I know that you’re upset about his new job he’s taking, about how it might affect Harrison and I know how you feel about Claire. And last night I ran into him, totally unplanned, and I got to hear his side of the story.

Summer: And what, you thought you’d help by offering him advice on how to handle me?

Daniel: No, no, no, no. He was being a jerk. All I did was tell him that he should look at things from your point of view. That you love Harrison.

Summer: Daniel, you should have stayed out of it.

Daniel: I was just trying to help.

Summer: Your help made it seem like I’m being irrational. Like I’m overreacting to Kyle’s choices and how they will affect Harrison. Wait, is that what you think?

Daniel: Okay, listen, I think that you are upset. I think that Kyle has made some choices that you were unhappy with, and I get that, but jumping straight to a raging custody battle without trying to talk it out? I mean, it– it seems like a mom move.

Summer: Seriously? You too?

Daniel: What is that supposed to mean?

Summer: I did talk to Mom and my dad about this and they suggested I not get lawyers involved.

Daniel: Look at that. Too extreme for Mom. That doesn’t tell you something?

Summer: What am I supposed to do? If Kyle’s not going to listen to me, what choice do I have?

Daniel: I don’t know. You could choose to take a step back, and take a breath, and just let reason prevail.

Summer: Daniel, this is not just about Kyle getting into business with somebody who’s going to bring nothing but chaos into his life, okay? Did Kyle tell you that he’s planning on taking Harrison out of the only home that he’s known since we’ve been in Genoa City?

Daniel: He did not.

Summer: Yeah! Because Kyle is only thinking about Kyle right now. He’s ripping Harrison out of a home where he has grandparents who dote on him, and all of these people who love him, and where he actually feels safe. All because Kyle is fighting with his parents. So no, I don’t feel like I’m being unreasonable when I’m just looking out for my son’s well-being.

Daniel: You can’t talk about stability in one breath, and then talk about dragging your son through a custody battle in the next. I went through that as a kid and it was an absolute nightmare. I don’t think for one second that’s what you want for your son, and you know what it did to my relationship with Mom. You really want to risk that?

Claire: It’s a beautiful day.

Kyle: Hey, um… Look, I– I feel like a bit of an ass for what you walked in on earlier.

Claire: Don’t worry about it.

Kyle: Yeah, Summer and I need to learn to tone it down. At least when Harrison’s around. Probably in general. [ Claire sighing ]

Claire: People disagree.

Kyle: Eh, this is turning into a full-blown battle. Look, we both want what’s best for Harrison, but we have two completely different ideas on what that means.

Claire: So, the custody agreement?

Kyle: Am I moving us out of the house? Am I working with Audra Charles?

Claire: Yeah, you did mention that Summer had an issue with her. Your… How did you put it? Your tumultuous past?

Kyle: Which has nothing to do with Harrison. Look, these days, Summer looks at everything as a threat to Harrison’s happiness. Or maybe she’s feeling a lack of control, and that’s why she’s pushing for a new custody arrangement. Making me the bad guy in the process. I don’t know, it’s ironic that all this tension she’s stirring up is not good for Harrison either.

Claire: It does take two to stir things up.

Kyle: Okay, okay, yeah, maybe– maybe I have been a little hard-headed or a little difficult, but I really do want to find some compassion where Summer’s concerned. I mean, even you called me on it earlier, a couple weeks ago maybe. I– I’m trying to see things from her perspective. Unfortunately, our arguments are just getting louder and more frequent. We’re even further apart.

Claire: It doesn’t help when one of the people that Summer has a problem with walks into the middle of things.

Nate: And you didn’t lead with this? All your talk about being able to handle Kyle, and he’s already got the knives out.

Audra: All I know is that he’d prefer to be running Glissade without me. And now that you know, I could use your advice.

Nate: Really? Not sure I should chime in here, Audra.

Audra: I trust you, Nate. As a friend and as someone who’s no stranger to corporate intrigue.

Nate: Well, I do have one idea about how to deal with Kyle Abbott.

Audra: I’m all ears.

Nate: Fire his ass before he takes you down. udra: I would like nothing more than to fire Kyle. But that can’t happen. At least not right now.

Nate: Why the hell not?

Audra: I can’t fire Kyle because he was handpicked for the job by my investor.

Nate: Oh, my… You gotta be kidding me. What happened to being able to run the company as you see fit, Audra?

Audra: With one caveat.

Nate: Kyle.

Audra: Saying no wasn’t an option, so I have to make it work.

Nate: Are you sure Kyle and this mysterious investor of yours aren’t somehow in this together, using you?

Audra: Not a chance.

Nate: How can you be so sure?

Audra: My investor was the one who warned me about Kyle, that he wants me out.

Nate: This investor. It would be helpful to know who this mysterious person is, Audra.

Audra: I can’t take the risk of telling you.

Nate: Even though you trust me. I hate to say this, Audra, but this venture might be more trouble than even you can handle.

Kyle: Claire, do not apologize for walking in on Summer and me. None of this is about you. Okay, maybe it’s a little about you, but you were one of the most amazing things to happen in Harrison’s life. Especially given what he’s been through. If Summer can’t see the positive effect you’re having on him, that’s her issue, not yours.

Claire: The way you defend me and your kindness means more to me than you know.

Kyle: And you’re a good friend. Especially given I don’t have much of a support system these days. Claire, I’m glad you’re in Harrison’s life. And mine.

Summer: No, of course I don’t want to put Harrison through a custody battle. But Kyle keeps on making decision after decision that’s not in Harrison’s best interest. So, if I have to fight for my son, I’m going to.

Daniel: I think you should try and have a real conversation. I mean, up until recently, you guys had the whole co-parenting thing figured out, so everybody knows it’s possible. Look, no drama, no yelling, just Harrison front and center.

Summer: Daniel, how am I supposed to talk to a man who’s made it clear that he will weaponize the fact that I’m not Harrison’s biological mother? Does that sound like somebody who’s willing to sit down and talk?

Daniel: I just think you’re both running hot. You know, everybody’s emotional. Nobody is putting Harrison first.

Summer: Says the guy that practically bailed on his own daughter.

Daniel: Okay, no, no, that’s not fair.

Summer: No, you’re out of line.

Sharon: What’s going on here?

Summer: I know what I’m doing and it’s what’s right for everybody.

Daniel: You keep pushing and you are going to regret it.

Summer: Stop it! Stop interfering. Stop giving advice to Kyle and to me.

Daniel: Oh, my God. Family, right? [ chuckling ]

Sharon: It happens. Just hope everything’s okay.

Daniel: Me too.

Sharon: Actually, I’m glad I ran into you.

Daniel: You are?

Sharon: Yeah, um, Lucy stopped by to see Faith.

Daniel: Yeah, uh, she is very excited at the prospect of having an older friend. Hope she wasn’t a bother.

Sharon: Oh, not at all. I just wanted you to know that she saw my scrapbook photos of Cassie, and it was clear that she didn’t know anything about the history.

Daniel: What did you tell her?

Sharon: I only said that Cassie died in a car crash. I thought it would be best that you’re aware in case Lucy asks more questions.

Daniel: You know, that night, it, um, still haunts me. All these years… it never goes away.

Sharon: For any of us.

Lucy: Oh, Mom, I, um, I went to Ms. Newman’s to see Faith and give her that cute bracelet that we found at the vintage store. She totally loved it.

Heather: Of course, she did.

Lucy: You know, um, before Faith came home, Ms. Newman had this scrapbook out. All these pictures of Mariah’s twin sister, Cassie. She seemed really sad. I felt sorry for her.

Heather: Cassie’s death was terribly tragic. It’s taken your dad a long time to get past what happened.

Daniel: I appreciate you not telling Lucy more about the accident. I don’t know if she’s ready to face knowing the truth about

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B&B Transcript Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Steffy: What was that for?

Finn: I just don’t want you to forget.

Steffy: Forget what? That my husband is an amazing kisser?

Finn: No. I just– I don’t want you to forget how much I love you. Never question that, okay? [sighs]

Brooke: Is everything okay over there?

Hope: No, it’s fine. It’s just I– I’m having a hard time concentrating, and I’m making all of these little mistakes.

Brooke: Would you like an extra set of eyes on it?

Hope: Well, you know what I have to inventory today? Jewelry. And you know what kind of jewelry? Rings. So…

Brooke: Honey, I know you’re upset to find out about Thomas and Paris’s engagement. But he made a decision because you made a decision. More than once.

Hope: We both understand the situation. It’s just… I’m having difficulty understanding how he was able to move on so quickly.

Brooke: I think there’s more going on here. I think you wanted to reunite with Thomas so badly for another reason.

Deacon: I keep looking to where the stage was set up, expecting him to play. Just can’t wrap my head around the fact that Tom’s gone.

Hollis: The place just really isn’t the same without him.

Deacon: He was only with us for a short time, and he really became a part of the team, didn’t he?

Hollis: Yeah, he did.

Deacon: Hey, welcome back.

Luna: Hi.

Deacon: Sit down.

Luna: Thank you.

Poppy: Thank you.

Bill: Uh, I read about what happened with your employee. My condolences.

Poppy: I’m sorry, Deacon. It was a real tragedy.

Deacon: I appreciate that. Tom’s deeply missed.

Bill: One of Deacon’s employees died here. It was during the live music night.

Luna: Oh, my God. Deacon, I’m so sorry for your loss.

Deacon: Thank you. Just like your mom said, it was a real tragedy. We’re all still in shock.

Luna: Yeah, I can only imagine.

Bill: Did Tom have any family? Siblings? Kids?

Deacon: I– Not that I know of.

Steffy: I have never questioned your love for me or our family. Okay?

Finn: Mmm. Look, I know. But wait. I just– [sighs] Look, I wanna tell you this. I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I want you to fully understand that… I know I have given you reason to wonder if I’ve truly been putting you first. I mean, especially recently. And I don’t want that to be a worry. Okay? Not anymore. I’m really sorry.

Hope: Well, of course it is about more than just Thomas being able to move on from me.

Brooke: Well, good. I’m glad that you can see that.

Hope: Douglas is involved, so obviously it becomes so much more complex. But I know that this was my choice. I had ample opportunity to say yes to a marriage with Thomas, and I just– I wasn’t ready to say yes.

Brooke: Mm-hmm. And we know Thomas can be impulsive.

Hope: Oh, is that what this feeling is, all these knots in my stomach? Because I am worried that he is going back to that impulsive nature.

Brooke: Well, that could be it, but I think there’s something else going on here that I’m not even sure you’re aware of.

Hope: Like what?

Brooke: Honey. Your feelings for Finn.

Hope: Mom–

Brooke: Just hear me out. You told me you were having these feelings. And then Thomas comes back in town, and suddenly you’re trying to pick up where you left off with him. Maybe this is just a way for you to run away from your attraction to Steffy’s husband.

Bill: Thank you.

Deacon: I didn’t know Tom for a long time, but he never mentioned a family. Definitely not any sons or daughters.

Luna: It’s awful. I mean, I remember suggesting that we come here for live music that night. Did you know him well?

Deacon: I was learning about Tom, about his music. He was so excited that he was gonna play again on stage. I guess back in the day, he was actually pretty successful. And the thing I know about Tom or remember about him, was he always had a smile on his face. I mean, he had his challenges, you know, but he was working through ’em. At least I thought so. Apparently, Tom died of a drug overdose.

Finn: I let myself lose sight of what’s important. Sometimes I get carried away with helping people and believing in the good.

Steffy: I mean, you were like that with me when we first met, and I never want you to change that about yourself.

Finn: Yeah, okay, but that’s no excuse. I asked that you embrace Sheila and include her. This woman who has been nothing but destructive in her life and our happiness. You forgive me? [sighs]

Hope: The connection between Thomas and me was very real. It was passionate. It was exciting. He made me feel like I was the only woman that he ever saw, that I was the only woman that he would ever want to be with.

Brooke: And I’m glad that he made you feel secure, honey. It was probably a breath of fresh air after everything that Liam put you through. But I just feel like maybe… it’s a false sense of security.

Hope: What does that mean?

Brooke: Well–[sighs] I have had experience in this area. I’ve been involved in passionate relationships, and… sometimes you ignore very important key ingredients that should be involved. I feel like maybe you’re covering up. You’re just running after Thomas in order to forget about the feelings that you have about Finn.

Hope: Are you suggesting that I am using Thomas?

Brooke: No. Not intentionally.

Hope: I love that man, Mom, and I have been grieving the loss of our relationship. And now that I know that there is no chance for us, that we don’t have a future, I–

Brooke: I know the feelings that you two have. Those were real. But I also know the history you had. I know what Thomas put you through and how hard you worked to get past all of that. [sighs] You know what I want for you? I want you to find the man of your dreams, somebody that makes you happy, makes you feel secure, respected, and loved. And you will find that, you know? You will. It just won’t be Finn. It can’t be Finn.

Luna: Hey, Hollis, I’m sorry about your co-worker.

Hollis: I really appreciate that. Yeah, he, um– he was a really good guy.

Luna: Hey, if it makes you feel better, maybe you should come out with us next time I go out.

Hollis: Yeah, for sure. That’d be awesome.

Bill: Yeah. With R.J. Her boyfriend.

Hollis: I’m well aware… [clears throat]…sir.

Luna: Okay, we’re all friends, Dad. I’ll just text you.

Hollis: Sounds good.

Bill: What? Oh, come on. Can you blame me? All right, until you graced my life, I’ve only had boys, and… I know how guys’ minds work.

Luna: Oh! [scoffs]

Poppy: And you thought you missed out on all the years of your father embarrassing you in front of cute guys.

Luna: Stop.

Bill: Oh, no. Listen. I can do embarrassing really well. But, more importantly, I will always look out for you and for your mother.

Poppy: Aw, Bill. You really have changed our lives in so many wonderful ways. All these new experiences and the fact that Luna doesn’t have to wonder anymore. She has the doting father that she’s always wanted and deserved. And I can’t wait to witness it all, to live it. Truly, Bill, I’m so grateful for this future that we now have… with you. And I don’t wanna look back ever again.

Finn: I handled this whole thing wrong. I said things and I did things that I wish I could take back. And you deserve none of it. What you really deserve is to be loved and respected and heard. And I’m gonna do all of it. I promise that from this day forward, I will always put you first.

Brooke: I truly believe that you wanna reconcile with Thomas because you’re afraid of the feelings you have for Finn.

Hope: Okay, hold on. I am not afraid of my feelings. I am just trying to understand those feelings and what they mean. But obviously Thomas’s return was unexpected and it has caused a bit of confusion, given the fact that my feelings for him haven’t just disappeared.

Brooke: I know.

Hope: It’s still very fresh for me.

Brooke: Okay. I understand that. I won’t expect for you to be over it. But, honey, if you really wanted to be with Thomas, you would have accepted one of his proposals. [Hope sighs] And you didn’t. I know you said that you’re not ready. But I don’t think I’m far off saying that you’re trying to reconcile with Thomas ’cause you wanna push those feelings away. Those feelings that you have, you know, at least make them easier to ignore.

Hope: Mom, none of this has been easy.

Brooke: Honey, you are a good person, and you deserve so much more. But I just don’t want you to fall for Steffy’s husband. I know you don’t wanna get involved in that.

Hope: No. Of course I don’t. [sighs]

Deacon: I’m sorry. Uh, Hollis, what were you making?

Hollis: Marg. Rocks. No salt.

Deacon: Okay. No problem. Uh, this one’s on us. If you just give us a second, take care of that for you, all right?

Man: Okay. Thanks.

Deacon: Okay. Hey. You all right?

Hollis: Yeah. You know, I’m just–I’m still kind of struggling with everything, you know?

Deacon: Yeah, I know. I know. It’s tough to march on. As far as feeling off, I mean, Spencer really took me off guard.

Hollis: Yeah. I know the feeling. He’s a very protective guy.

Deacon: Well, I mean, he’s got a daughter now. That’s to be expected. But that’s not what talking about. I mean, he gave me his condolences for Tom, and he was–I don’t know– understanding. Kind. Definitely not the guy I know.

Hollis: I just–I–I still can’t get it, man. I mean, he was such a nice guy. Overdose. It doesn’t make sense. He was in such a good place, man.

Deacon: I know. Look, you know, we may never know what challenges Tom was dealing with, you know, what demons he was wrestling with. I can’t stop thinking that we must have missed something. How did we not pick up on something? [sighs] Look, Hollis, you, uh– you wanna get off the floor for a few minutes? Maybe go in the back and do something for me?

Hollis: Yeah. Sure. Whatever you want, boss.

Deacon: Just go back and, uh–I don’t know– straighten up the supply closet, you know, take a little inventory, take a few breaths. Okay?

Hollis: Okay.

Deacon: Okay.


Hollis: Tom’s bag.

Luna: Okay, renting out an entire venue for a father/daughter dance is where I draw the line.

Bill: Just tell me who you’re listening to, and I’ll hire them.

Luna: No, it’s not gonna happen.

Poppy: I have to admit that our girl has never been a big fan of parties in her honor.

Bill: How about a dance party right in our living room? How about that?

Luna: Okay, fine. If we have to.

Poppy: By the way, have I mentioned it how thrilled I am that your Luna’s father?

Bill: She’s mentioned that.

Brooke: I can see it clearly because I’m on the outside looking in. And you getting involved with Thomas would be a distraction from Finn, a way to push down those feelings. I also know that you’re afraid of turning into somebody else.

Hope: Who?

Brooke: Me. It’s okay. I know how you feel, sweetie. You’re terrified of that. And you’re on the precipice of becoming exactly like your mother if you allow yourself to have those feelings for Finn.

Steffy: I appreciate everything that you’re saying. I really do. Look, I have to admit it was– it was really hard at the beginning. I mean, the way you were just talking about Sheila, it was– it was really upsetting. And I thought I was losing you all over again.

Finn: No. Honey, never, okay? I was just– I was just momentarily led astray by my emotions.

Steffy: Sheila knew how to fan those emotions.

Finn: Yeah.

Steffy: Look, I don’t wanna talk about her anymore. I can’t. I’m done. [sighs]

Finn: Okay. And, like, I– I understand if you can’t forgive me right now. But just know that I will spend the rest of our lives trying to get forgiveness for this, okay?

Steffy: Finn, I– I believe you. I believe what you’re saying. That’s why I forgive you. [sighs, laughs]

Finn: Okay. I will never let you down again. Okay? I love you.

Steffy: Oh!

Finn: I love you so much.

Steffy: I love you. I– It’s you and me, Finn. [Finn chuckles] We can’t lose sight of that. And we can never let anything or anyone come between us again. Okay?

Finn: Okay.

Steffy: Oh, I love you. [Steffy sighs]

Brooke: With Thomas engaged to Paris, it’s more important than ever that you don’t let these feelings take over. I’m serious, Hope. You can’t allow yourself to feel that way for Steffy’s husband.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Victoria: Is everything okay with you? You seem a little quiet this morning.

Claire: Yeah, sure. Everything’s fine.

Victoria: There’s no new drama with Summer or anything like that?

Claire: Nope.

Victoria: The job’s okay?

Claire: Everything’s good, really.

Victoria: All right.

Claire: I was just thinking about Grandpa.

Nikki: Oh? What about him?

Claire: Well, I ran into him last night at Crimson Lights, and he asked me to join him. But I think it was really more of an excuse to check in and see how I’m doing.

Nikki: Hm. You’ll find that’s not unusual with your grandfather. He is very protective over his family.

Claire: And I love that he cares so much, that he’s so supportive, but… I mean, I’ve never had anything like that in my life.

Victoria: Well, you better get used to it, because your family is going to shower you with it all the time.

Claire: And I feel very lucky.

Nikki: So do we.

Victoria: So what else did my dad have on his mind last night?

Claire: He kept trying to talk me out of pursuing a friendship with Kyle. Do you think it has something to do with Kyle’s father? I know that Grandpa doesn’t like him very much.

Nikki: Unfortunately, that part is true. There are few people on this earth that Victor despises more than Jack Abbott.

Diane: Hey, good morning.

Jack: Morning.

Diane: How long have you been up?

Jack: I didn’t get to bed last night.

Diane: Why? What happened?

Jack: Kyle came home late. We had a discussion. It got very heated.

Diane: Well, you should have woken me up.

Jack: I didn’t want you to have a sleepless night, too.

Diane: Oh, no. Was it that bad?

Jack: Kyle’s revolt against the family is a lot worse than we thought.

Audra: Yeah, you bet we’re excited. Although, you know, I can’t comment on anything specifically until it’s official. You will absolutely be among the first to know. Okay, talk soon. Yeah, I’m already getting calls about the Glissade coup. The press is champing at the bit. We’re gonna be leading the news everywhere today. Is your phone blowing up?

Kyle: Not yet, but I’m surprised it’s not, after the bomb I dropped last night.

Audra: What do you mean? What bomb?

Kyle: Well, I filled my father in on what we’re doing.

Audra: Hm. Was that smart?

Kyle: What can he do about it now? Like you said, we’re about to be all over the news, and there is not a damn thing he can do to stop it.

Audra: I guess that was the classy thing to do.

Kyle: Oh, I wasn’t taking the high road. I just wanted him to know.

Audra: I get it.

Kyle: Mm.

Audra: After the way your family treated you, you wanted to see the reaction. So what was it, Kyle? Threats and guilt, or shock and awe?

Kyle: Ah, I didn’t stick around to find out.

Audra: I sure would have. Just for the satisfaction.

Kyle: I already know what their reaction’s gonna be. Once my folks have time to process it, it’ll be game on.

Billy: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

[ Chelsea and Adam panting ]

Sally: Hi.

Adam: Hi.

Sally: I didn’t know if you wanted to eat, or rest. You tell me, whatever you want. Anything you want.

[ Adam and Chelsea panting ]

Victoria: Here’s something you should remember about your grandfather. He can be the most loving and generous and protective person in the whole world, but sometimes he goes a little bit overboard.

Nikki: A little?

Victoria: Okay, a lot.

Nikki: He always means well. But it can be suffocating, unless you call him on it.

Victoria: I can’t tell you how many times that he and I have butted heads over the various men in my life. I mean, few, if any, were ever good enough. Although, sometimes, he was absolutely right, even though I didn’t care to admit it.

Claire: But it isn’t like that at all with Kyle. I mean, we’re just– we’re just friends. And I work for him.

Nikki: Maybe you should remind Victor of that.

Claire: I did. He still was trying to warn me off of Kyle. So what do you think it is? Is it just guilt by association because he’s Jack’s son?

Nikki: Jack is a good man. And so is your grandfather. The problem is, they have been at war with each other for so long, I doubt that either one of them remembers what started it, or why it still continues.

Claire: What do you think I should do?

Nikki: Be respectful, but take his warnings with a grain of salt.

Victoria: And just remember, it’s your life. You get to make your own choices.

Jack: Remember when Tucker came to me in Paris and accused me of being the mystery investor that got him booted from Glissade?

Diane: Yeah, and you promptly told him to take a hike.

Jack: I did, and I continued to wonder where he got this crazy idea. Turns out it wasn’t such a crazy notion after all.

Diane: What do you mean?

Jack: Someone apparently did drop a chunk of money, enough that Audra Charles backstabbed Tucker and took his company from him.

Diane: Oh, no, Jack.

Jack: Kyle and Audra Charles are back in bed together. Uh– Professionally speaking, anyway. They are the co-CEOs of Glissade.

Diane: I can’t believe this.

Kyle: Yeah, the giant irony here, this is a job Kyle was pretending to want months ago, when we thought Tucker McCall was our big problem.

Diane: I can’t believe he’d do something like this. I mean, yes, I know he’s upset with us, but he would be competing directly with his family’s company. Wh– what is this, payback?

Jack: Payback, revenge, whatever you want to call it. It’s real, and it’s about to hit the press any minute. I think we need to get to the office, and be ready to answer some calls today.

Diane: My God, Jack. Does our son really hate us this much, to want to do something like this?

Jack: I wish I knew the answer to that.

Victor: Good morning.

Audra: Hello. Morning.

Victor: My goodness. Nice to see both of you.

Audra: Nice to see you, sir. Everything’s on schedule. The press release will hit the news soon.

Victor: Excellent.

Kyle: You should know, I already told my father about what’s going down. Figured he would find out soon enough. I imagine my mother probably knows now, too.

Victor: Now, I have leased a suite of offices for both of you to work out of. Although, I assume you’ll spend most of your time in Paris?

Kyle: Yeah. Audra and I were just discussing that.

Victor: And?

Audra: We think it will be a better use of our time and talents if we split up the duties of co-CEOs.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Explain to me how that would work.

Kyle: Well, the goal is to relocate Glissade to Genoa City, correct?

Victor: Oh, but you first have to consolidate all of the satellite companies into one entity. That’s going to take effort, and time.

Kyle: It will, but that’s why we think having boots on the ground both here and in Paris makes sense for us. Audra already knows the players in Paris, so she’ll handle that. And meanwhile, I will handle getting ready for the relocation here.

Victor: But I’d assumed the two of you would be working together, as a team.

Audra: And we will be, Victor. We’ll just be doing it on different continents.

Sally: So, any new news on Connor’s inpatient status? How long does he have to be there?

Adam: Oh, it, um, it depends. He was still struggling this morning, so they’re probably going to keep him for another day or two. It’s usually a minimum of 72 hours, but it could also be weeks.

Sally: And when you say struggling, is he still hurting himself?

Adam: We– we haven’t really been given any specifics. But the way that I understand it is, the whole reason he’s in lockdown is so they can keep an eye on him. Make sure there’s no more physical harm.

Chelsea: Deciding to come home, it, um, it was agony.

Billy: I hope Adam didn’t push you into that decision.

Chelsea: No. No, we, um, we were both just torn about what to do.

Billy: I just feel awful. For Connor. And for you, of course. I mean, you– you said that the positive trip is– is part of what triggered him and made him act this way. How does that work?

Chelsea: The OCD was punishing him for having a good time with us.

Billy: I mean, I just don’t understand how that happens. I– I– It’s hard to grasp.

Chelsea: Tell me about it. It started to make more sense when the doctors explained it to us, though. Because we were having a great time. We were seeming like a normal family again. You know, we went for a long walk around the harbor, and Adam and Connor were kicking around a soccer ball, and we were really talking about everything. Connor was discussing, you know, his treatment, and all the strides he– he’s been making, and then he said, um…

Billy: It’s okay. Just take your time.

Chelsea: He said, um, he was really proud of himself, because he had eaten a new food. Now, to someone else, maybe that’s not a big deal. But to Connor, why, that’s– that’s conquering his fears. He was doing great, and he was getting better. And then, it all fell apart.

Adam: You know, maybe it was a mistake to– to go there.

Sally: But the doctors cleared it, Adam. They obviously thought that Connor was ready.

Adam: I know, but we were pushing them to see him. It was selfish. We were thinking more about our needs than his. You know, it just would have been better all the way around if I would have just stayed home.

Sally: What did the doctors think?

Adam: Well, they think it could actually be a positive thing. Since his OCD doesn’t have a grip on Connor anymore, it has to fight back with everything that it has.

Sally: And you don’t think it could be that?

Adam: I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.

Billy: How can I help?

Chelsea: I wish I had an answer for you, Billy.

Billy: You know that I’ll do whatever it takes. You know that.

Chelsea: I do know. You’ve been there for me through everything, and I’m so grateful for you.

Billy: How’s Adam handling this? I’m assuming not well. I just hope he’s not taking this out on you.

Sally: I wish I’d gone with you. At least I would have been able to help you through all this.

Adam: I– I do too.

Sally: How were things between you and Chelsea? I know that she can go off on tangents, and be a little difficult to deal with sometimes, but I hope that you guys were able to support one another, and find some comfort in each other through all this.

Diane: Thanks. You know, I ran into Kyle having a drink with Audra the other day, and I didn’t like what I saw, and I tried to warn him about her.

Jack: Was this after you fired him?

Diane: No, it was a few days before, actually. I mean, he claimed it was nothing. But then Audra made some cryptic remark about keeping an open mind. Could she have been trying to recruit him already?

Jack: And firing him just pushed him to say yes.

Diane: She seems devious enough to take advantage of a situation like that.

Jack: Now, what doesn’t make sense to me is that he already sold her out before, when she and Tucker were trying to recruit him months ago. Why would she want to team up with him again?

Diane: I don’t know. Maybe she admired him for trying to take Tucker down?

Jack: No, no, no. I think this is far more strategic than that. This– Maybe she’s not the one calling the shots.

Diane: The mystery investor?

Jack: Who would benefit from something like this? Creating a scenario where our son becomes our competition, drives a bigger wedge between us and the rest of the family. We can’t blame Tucker anymore. Now, who would have the motive and the means to create this kind of a nightmare?

Diane: I don’t even want to say his name out loud.

Jack: I’ll say it for you. Victor Newman.

Victor: We’ll discuss the separation of your duties at a later time, all right? Meanwhile…

Kyle: What’s this?

Victor: That’s the address where you can pick up the keys for the suites.

Kyle: I’m on it.

Victor: Why don’t you take a look at the offices while I have a– a word with Audra?

Kyle: Uh, does it have to be now?

Victor: Yes.

Kyle: Yes, sir.

Victor: Thank you. Please have a seat.

Audra: Of course.

Victor: I need to warn you about something.

Audra: Okay.

Victor: Kyle wonders if you will be able to pull your weight in this endeavor. He thinks you need to prove yourself.

Audra: I have to prove something?

Victor: He seems to think that two executives are one more than necessary.

Audra: He said that to you?

Victor: He said, “Why do we need Audra?”

Diane: Do you really think Victor’s behind this?

Jack: It would explain his sudden interest in Kyle’s future.

Diane: But this seems extreme, even for Victor.

Jack: No, this is classic Victor. The powerful puppet master pulling all the strings.

Diane: True, but Newman hasn’t been in the cosmetics business for years. I mean, would he really go out and buy a company, just to give Kyle a job and stick it to you?

Jack: Now, keep in mind, he’s sticking it to Tucker as well by bringing Audra on board. No, this is classic Victor. He’s taking care of both of his enemies with one grand gesture.

Diane: And he’s using our son as a weapon.

Jack: Because he knows it would drive me crazy. God, we’ve been here before, luring Kyle away from his family. I should have seen this coming.

Diane: And you know what set him off? You and Nikki.

Nikki: Oh, my God. Did you just get this, too?

Victoria: Yeah, I got it.

Claire: Got what?

Victoria: “Breaking news, Kyle Abbott and Audra Charles take over Glissade from Tucker McCall.”

Claire: That’s pretty big. Good for Kyle.

Nikki: You don’t seem very surprised.

Claire: Really? I’m not. Kyle told me last night, and he asked me not to share it with anyone.

Nikki: He must trust you very much to tell you something like that.

Claire: I guess so. I hadn’t really thought about it. We were just talking.

Victoria: But why would Kyle make a move like this? Glissade would be a head-to-head competitor with Jabot. That’s not going to make Jack very happy.

Nikki: No, it is not.

Jack: Well, now it’s official.

Diane: And no mention of the mystery investor.

Jack: None. And nobody should be surprised. Victor is a genius at covering his tracks, at keeping his fingerprints off his dirty work.

Diane: Damn him. This is just one more side effect of you trying to get Nikki sober. I mean, talk about your grand gestures.

Jack: Could we not go there right now?

Diane: But it’s true, isn’t it? I mean, Jack, things were pretty calm between you and Victor before you decided to save Nikki and almost kill yourself in the process.

Jack: Which you remind me of every chance you get. Victor doesn’t need a reason to come after me. Anything will work. You should know that of all people. And if he’s using that as his reason now, my impulsive, ill-advised, stupid, wrong choice to help Nikki keep from killing herself, then I will live with that.

Diane: I’m sorry.

Jack: I’m sorry, too. I was wrong.

Diane: And I’ve forgiven you. And– really, I have. I’m– I’m blaming you when I’m just as responsible for not making things work with Kyle at work. I mean, that’s– that’s who I’m really angry at, myself.

Jack: The only person who’s responsible is Victor Newman. And I’m gonna find out what he’s up to.

Diane: You think there’s more?

Jack: There is always more with him.

Diane: Well, be careful.

Jack: Maybe you should warn him.

[ Diane sighing ]

Kyle: Hello, ladies.

Victoria: Hello.

Nikki: Hi.

Victoria: So, uh, we hear, uh, congratulations are in order. We just saw the news.

Kyle: Ah, yeah. Thanks.

Victoria: It’s pretty sudden. Doubt many people saw this coming.

Kyle: Well, it’s been in the works for a while, but kind of sped up at the end.

Nikki: What do your parents think about this?

Kyle: Uh, we haven’t really spoken much about it.

Nikki: Well, seeing as you are about to be direct competitors, I’m sure some sort of conversation will be taking place soon.

Kyle: Yeah, it was such a golden opportunity for me. They understand why I couldn’t pass it up.

Claire: I’m happy for you, Kyle.

Kyle: Thanks, Claire. Hey, um, would you mind if I had a word with you for a minute alone?

Claire: Sure.

Kyle: Just some, uh, playdate scheduling for Harrison. It’ll only be a moment.

Victoria: Take your time.

Kyle: Thanks.

Victoria: Don’t say it. Don’t even think it.

Nikki: What? What am I thinking?

Victoria: Exactly the same thing that I am.

Claire: I’m guessing this isn’t really about Harrison.

Kyle: It’s not. I just want to thank you for not mentioning my family drama in front of your mom and Nikki.

Claire: Wasn’t my news to tell.

Kyle: Yeah, but still, I appreciate it. I want to keep this as professional as possible.

Claire: Kyle… is there… is there something going on between you and my grandpa?

Kyle: No. Why do you ask?

Claire: He warned me to be careful around you.

Victor: Interesting.

Audra: What?

Victor: Your reaction to what I said about your co-CEO.

Audra: I expected it, Victor.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Audra: Well, Kyle and I have a rocky history, as you well know. But we’ve made our peace with it and we’re ready to move forward.

Victor: Good. So, while you’re working in Paris, I will keep an eye on things around here. Just in case.

Audra: Well, I appreciate you going to bat for me. I’m grateful for the chance. I won’t let you down.

Victor: I didn’t tell you about Kyle to earn your gratitude. I told you about him so that you can watch your back.

Audra: I will. I never trust anyone a hundred percent. Makes me curious, though.

Victor: About what?

Audra: Do you trust Kyle?

Victor: Let me put it this way. I think he’s very gifted, but very ambitious. He wants to prove something to his father.

Audra: Well, that motivation can be a strength.

Victor: It can also be a weakness. However, I know that he will work his behind off to make Glissade a massive success.

Audra: But?

Victor: I never trust anyone completely. I always hedge my bets.

Kyle: Victor warned you about me.

Claire: Pretty clearly.

Kyle: Why would he do that? Wha– what did he say?

Claire: He said you had a lot going on in your life right now. He didn’t want me getting caught up in the middle of it.

Kyle: I don’t know why he would do that. Especially now.

Claire: What?

Kyle: Um, yeah, no– nothing. It doesn’t matter. Um… You know, it– it’s just that I’ve grown closer with Victor lately, and I’ve shared with him what’s going on with my parents, and my new job, so…

Claire: That’s probably where it’s coming from, then.

Kyle: Yeah. Yeah, uh, probably. Um… Look, Claire, I want you to know that I genuinely like you. I would never hurt one of my son’s favorite people.

Claire: I never doubted that for a minute.

Kyle: So, you’re not reconsidering the nanny position?

Claire: Not at all.

Kyle: Good. That makes me happy.

[ both chuckling ]

Audra: Hello there.

Kyle: Hey, how did you know where I was?

Audra: I just followed the breadcrumbs. Hi, Claire. It’s so nice to see you again.

Claire: Hi, Audra. Congratulations on the new company. I just heard the good news.

Audra: Yeah, it seems we, uh– We’ve both come a long way since working at Newman Media.

Claire: Yes. I’m a very different person now.

Audra: Well, that’s certainly good to know.

Kyle: Oh, um, I almost forgot. I need you to pick up Harrison early from camp today for his doctor’s appointment.

Claire: Summer already texted me about it. I’m on it.

Kyle: Thanks.

Audra: Did you, uh, pick up the keys to the offices yet?

Kyle: Not yet. I was on my way. Should we go together?

Audra: Yes, we shouldn’t waste any more time getting to work.

Kyle: See you back at the house.

Claire: Yeah, Harrison and I’ll be there.

Audra: Oh.

Claire: Bye, Audra. I sure hope you two don’t have to fight over the corner office.

Audra: Yeah, it’s– it’s not a contest. Come on.

Kyle: So, what were you saying about Victor?

Audra: Nothing important.

Kyle: If you say so.

Audra: Don’t get all paranoid on me, Kyle.

Kyle: Hm.

Audra: Life is good. We’re winning. Let’s go check out those new offices.

Kyle: Um, actually, I– there’s something I need to take care of first. I’ll meet you there.

Sally: Adam? Is everything okay between you and Chelsea?

[ Chelsea panting ]

Adam: Why do you ask?

Sally: Well, when I brought up her name just now, you suddenly got quiet, which leads me to believe that maybe something happened?

Adam: Oh. I’m sorry. I…

Sally: Oh, hey, don’t apologize. I know how hard this has been for both of you.

Adam: That’s probably what you’re picking up on. I’m just… I’m distracted. I’m worried about all this.

Sally: Yeah. It just feels like it’s more.

Adam: No, it’s not.

Sally: Listen, I– I know that I’ve been singing your praises about leaning on each other, and– and maybe I was wrong to do that.

Adam: Why would you say that?

Sally: Well, because it just puts a lot of pressure on you two to get along, and it’s like I’m pushing you towards each other.

Adam: No, you– you haven’t.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: Okay, look. I know that sometimes stress can bring up old issues. So, if you two are fighting again, you can tell me. I’m not gonna judge.

Adam: It isn’t, Sally. That part is fine. Chelsea and I, we are… We’re good. There’s no problem at all.

Sally: Well, I’m glad. Because Connor needs both of you pulling together for him.

Billy: Have you eaten anything since you got back?

Chelsea: I’m not hungry.

Billy: Well, might make you feel better.

Chelsea: I don’t think anything could make me feel better.

Billy: Look, you gotta keep your strength, Chels. For you and for Connor. This is gonna be a battle. There’s no doubt about that. But I guarantee you, Connor’s gonna be okay.

Chelsea: But you can’t guarantee that, Billy. No one can. The doctors can’t even guarantee it.

Billy: I get that. And look, of course, I don’t have a magic wand, but I know one thing. You are not a quitter. And you’re gonna do everything in your power to make sure that you are there for your son. There’s no doubt about that. But you’re gonna have a better chance of doing that if your blood sugar’s not all out of whack, okay? Humor me. Let’s go get some breakfast.

Chelsea: Okay.

Billy: Okay? Come here.

[ Chelsea sighing ]

Billy: Thank you very much.

Chelsea: I hope you don’t mind. I just want to leave this here in case one of Connor’s doctors call.

Billy: Yeah, of course. It makes total sense. Like I said, anything you need, okay? I got you.

Chelsea: Thank you. Well, you can distract me.

Billy: Distract you? How am I– how am I gonna do that?

Chelsea: Conversation. Gossip. Oh, you can tell me about Johnny and Katie. They’re home from school, right?

Billy: They are. They are home, yeah. I can fill you in on how it’s going with their new sister, Claire.

Chelsea: Oh, that’s right. I totally forgot. So, Johnny has found out about two new siblings this year?

Billy: Yeah.

Chelsea: How’s he handling that?

Billy: Like a champ. You know him, making inappropriate comments about her crazy aunt.

Chelsea: Oh, dear.

Billy: Yeah. But, uh, you know, Claire handled it well. She rolled with it.

Chelsea: And what about Katie? Is she excited to have a big sister?

Billy: Excited? Not the word I would use, no.

Chelsea: She’s having a hard time.

Billy: Yeah. She’s being a little bit prickly about the whole situation.

Chelsea: Well, that’s a lot to take in.

Billy: Yeah, it is. Victoria’s having to handle the moodiness and everything else, but, uh, I know Katie. She’ll come around.

Chelsea: Yeah, I don’t know. With kids, it’s– it’s not really so much about coming around, you know? Learning that you have a sibling you didn’t know about, that’s a big deal. You just have to give her time, you know, and space, and support. You’ve got to give her a lot of support, and– and make sure she doesn’t feel alone in all this.

Billy: Of course. You’re right. Hey, why don’t we have a bite to eat, okay? Then, I can take you home and tuck you in and you can get some rest. Take a look, see if anything, uh, looks appetizing.

Chelsea: You know what? To be honest with you, I’m so sorry. Nothing really looks appetizing right now. I know we came all this way. I think I just need to rest.

Billy: Okay, that’s fine.

Chelsea: I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, and, um, I think I should just go home and I’ll make sure I eat later.

Billy: Okay. I– I’ll take you home.

Chelsea: I really appreciate it. I’m sorry.

Billy: It’s okay. We’ll stop, and we’ll get you some groceries, and, you know, get you all settled in.

Chelsea: You’re amazing. I don’t deserve you.

Billy: You’re stuck with me, okay? At least for as long as you want me around, which I hope is forever.

Sally: What do you want to do today?

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: Honestly, doing nothing at all sounds pretty good right now.

Sally: Okay. Then, I will stay here and we can do nothing together.

Adam: Mm. What about work?

Sally: Chloe can cover for a couple hours. What?

Adam: You are so patient with me. You are so generous.

Sally: Well, we’ve… We’ve been through a lot together, Adam. And now that we actually are together, I know that we can get through this, too.

Kyle: Hello.

Diane: Well, I didn’t expect to see you here. Are you here to steal corporate secrets for your new job? Should I call security?

Kyle: Oh, that won’t be necessary. Jabot doesn’t have anything I need.

Diane: You sound awfully confident.

Kyle: That’s because I am.

Diane: Well, should I show you the sales figures, so you know how high a mountain you need to climb?

Kyle: You know, Glissade may not win tomorrow, but we will eventually. Having young, dynamic leadership goes a long way in this day and age.

Diane: Ah, youth. Hm. That, plus having access to all of Jabot’s marketing and research over the last several years.

Kyle: You know, I’ve actually found Jabot’s marketing to be kind of dated. I mean, you would know that if you listened to any of my suggestions.

Diane: I don’t want to do this.

Kyle: Do what?

Diane: This back-and-forth, this tit-for-tat. Kyle, you’re my son. And I love you more than anything in this world. But right now, I am really angry at you.

Kyle: Yeah, no kidding. I never could have guessed. So, um, where’s Dad?

Diane: Are you really not going to talk to me at all about what you’ve done?

Kyle: Oh, I think all the talking is over. We both know where we stand.

Diane: Then, why are you here? Hm? What do you want?

Kyle: I suppose you could say I came to pack up my desk or bury the hatchet, no hard feelings, all that stuff. But really, I’m just here to see how you and Dad are taking the Glissade news.

Diane: Oh, so you’re here to gloat, in other words.

Kyle: Well, you can call it that if you want, but I wouldn’t.

Diane: Kyle, this is breaking your father’s heart, and mine. Do you really not care about that at all?

Jack: Victor?

Victor: What are you doing in here?

Jack: I warned you. My family is off limits!

Victoria: So, what do you think Dad was really up to, warning Claire about Kyle?

Nikki: I think it’s all about the fact that Kyle is an Abbott, and your father doesn’t want any Newman involved with them.

Victoria: You know, talking about this has made me realize something.

Nikki: What’s that?

Victoria: Claire is a Newman.

Nikki: Yes, of course she is.

Victoria: So… she should be a Newman.

Nikki: I’m not sure I’m following you.

Victoria: Mom, I’m talking about Claire’s last name. Yeah, a while ago, Cole and I talked about her changing her last name to Newman, but we just never brought it up to her. I don’t know if that’s even something that Claire would want, honestly.

Claire: I would want to do what, Mom?

Victoria: Look, you don’t have to say yes right now. You don’t have to decide at all right now, but have you ever thought about changing your last name? You are a Newman and we’re your family. So, what do you think? Would you want to make it official?

Diane: Are you really so angry with us that you would go out and build a rival company, just to take a shot at your father, when you know it will hurt him the most?

Kyle: Well, uh, most fathers, most parents, want their children to succeed.

Diane: And you believe we don’t?

Kyle: Yeah, as long as it’s on your terms. As long as I don’t reach too high, or ask for too much, before I get my hand slapped like an insubordinate little boy.

Diane: Oh, come on, Kyle. What you’re doing is much more than insubordination.

Kyle: According to you.

Diane: You are going after the company that your family built.

Kyle: The company I was supposed to inherit.

Diane: And you still can. If you would just stop this nonsense.

Kyle: Oh, that’s what my ambition is to you, huh? Nonsense?

Diane: Yes, when it makes you hurt your father, when he would give his life for you? I’m– I am sorry. I can’t condone it.

Kyle: Well, luckily I don’t need your approval anymore.

Diane: Kyle, listen to me. This is not who you are. You are better than this.

Kyle: I will prove to you my worth the only way that either of you understand. I will beat you at your own game, and I will work 24/7 to do just that.

Diane: We do know your worth.

Kyle: Hm.

Diane: We always have. You’re our son. We love you. Even now. Even when we we’re so angry at you. Even when you were making foolish decisions. Our love is unconditional.

Kyle: Seems pretty damn conditional to me.

[ Diane sighing ] Tell Dad I stopped by.

Victor: Well, are you ready to throw another chair through the window?

Jack: I told you, you want to take me on, take me on. You leave my family out of this.

Victor: Get out.

Jack: I’m not going anywhere. I know exactly what you’re doing here. You are the mystery investor. You’re the one who bought Glissade out from under Tucker, and now you’re using my son to get back at me.

Victor: That’s nonsense.

Jack: You know it’s not.

Victor: Some more grandstanding? Is that what you’re doing?

Jack: This is a promise. You will pay for this.

Victor: Why don’t you face the truth? You’re a lousy father to your son Kyle. Now, you’re paying for that. Now, you’re dealing with the consequences.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, July 9, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


Transcript provided by Jim


[ Fireworks popping ] It’s amazing how much more elaborate fireworks are since I was a kid. I’ve never seen one that looks like rain before. [ Popping continues ] I’m your son. I’m sorry. What did you say? Mac, you’re — you’re my father. So you say you’re just asking questions. But isn’t that just a signal to your handpicked DA Robert Scorpio so that he can take the onus off of you? Robert Scorpio holds an elected office. He doesn’t answer to me. Even if Robert doesn’t petition to reopen the case, some enterprising defense attorney looking to make a name for themselves absolutely will. But that’s your goal, isn’t it? What? I-I’m sorry. My goal is to see that justice is served. I am also living up to an oath. Now, look. If new evidence comes to light after a conviction, the guilty party has the right to have their case reexamined. And if a mayor is indifferent to crimes committed by a family member, the people in her city absolutely have a right to ask questions, no matter how much you wish that we wouldn’t. Curtis is right. You’re gonna be spending a lot more time together at Aurora, and I think it’s best that we try to remove as much awkwardness as possible. Good. I know that we’ve had our problems, Michael, and I’ve done a lot of things to harm our relationship, and I truly regret it. But because of Drew and Willow’s big heart, I feel like I’m getting a second chance to make things right. [ Fireworks popping ]

I-I am so sorry. Why are you sorry? Because we — I shouldn’t have done that. Why did I do that? Willow, Willow, it’s — it’s okay. No, it’s not. It was just one kiss. I am married to your nephew, who I love, by the way. Yeah. No. I-I — Nobody’s questioning that, least of all me. Now I’ve put you in this hugely uncomfortable position. Yeah, the uncle-nephew thing makes it a little bit more complicated. I’m sorry. I-I’m just — I’m just trying to make you smile here. Look. We gave in to a random impulse. Doesn’t have to mean anything more than that. I just… What? I’m starting to wonder if it was completely random. On my part, at least. Are we being honest here? I guess so. ‘Cause in a different world, with vastly different circumstances… I really think there could have been something between us. How do you know? I ran a DNA test. Which said you and I weren’t father and son. That’s, uh — That’s the part I lied about. Why? The reason sounds — sounds so stupid now. Tell me anyway. Okay, well, you remember all that stuff with the Ice Princess necklace going down on that ship in Greenland? Yeah. Well, I had a claim to the necklace, but in order to file damages, I had to [Sighs] sign an affidavit swearing I was Leopold Taub’s son. Which, by that time, I’m assuming you knew to be false? But you signed it anyway. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, fraud, prison, all that stuff. You kept this secret out of greed? I’m not proud of it. You found out over a year ago. Yeah. And in all that time — in all that time, I’ve done everything I possibly could to reach out to you. I’ve opened my family to you. I’ve opened my heart to you. I know. And at every turn, you slammed the door in my face. Finally have the boathouse to ourselves. And we deserve it after wrangling all those kids. We sure do. To you. [ Bottles clink ] To me? What did I do? You spent your day off from lifeguarding at the Metro Court lifeguarding at the Quartermaines’ instead. Well… Blessings. It’s a small price to pay. It is a really pretty setup, though, living here. Yeah, it is. And our rent is more than fair. And, I mean, we have full run of the place. And it really pays having your doting big brother as the landlord. How does that work, by the way? How does what work? It’s Monica’s house. But next to her, isn’t Tracy the senior Quartermaine? And then Ned and then Olivia. And Olivia seems to be the one who runs the house. So why did Michael get to decide that we could rent the apartment? Well, Michael is Monica’s grandson. Ohh. Mm-hmm. So he is a direct descendant of the owner. Mm-hmm. This is like the War of Roses. [ Chuckles ] Pretty much. You know the Quartermaines. They’re always at war with one another. Um, but anyway, Monica gave responsibility of overseeing the house to Michael because Michael’s a businessman and responsible, and Olivia oversees housekeeping and the staff. So lucky us, Michael gets to decide who lives in the apartment. Hm. Well, then I congratulate you for your good taste in brothers, and I congratulate myself in good taste in roommates, I will cheers to that. [ Both laugh ] [ Bottles clink ] Before we move forward, let me be clear. Your family business is your business, and I’m not trying to intrude. This is strictly about Aurora and how to move the company forward. I… agree. I will, uh, try for the sake of the company. But previous attempts for me and Nina to reach a truce has not ended well, and I own my part in that. I haven’t been willing to trust Nina, but she hasn’t really given me much of a reason to. I know that I’ve broken too many promises to count, Michael, and I don’t expect you to accept my apology on face value. But there’s something that you can believe in, and that’s my motivation behind my desire to make peace. Which is? My own self-interest. You have the right, along with any other citizen in Port Charles, to ask all the questions you want. But I’d like to be clear about something. I am not indifferent to Heather’s crimes. New evidence has come to light about why she may have committed them. Heather already pled guilty. I’m not okay with some sort of “friends and family” discounted sentence. That is not what’s happening here. If Heather’s case is to be reopened, and no one is saying that it will be, it would be up to the court to review it, just as they would for anyone else in Heather’s situation. Anyone else? Heather isn’t “anyone else.” She murdered five people. And if given the chance, she will do it again, Laura. We don’t know that. Okay, let’s go there. Let’s say Heather goes free and she goes after Trina. What are you gonna do? You gonna admit you’re wrong after the fact? No, this is my kid that we’re talking about here, and I will not stand for this. more than anything in this world is to have a relationship with my daughter and her children. And if I continue to be at odds with you, that won’t happen. So that’s motivation enough. But on top of all that, I love my job at Crimson, especially after the stint at The Invader, and I would be an idiot if I continued to antagonize Aurora’s CEO. Look, I realize you’re both — you both share a family, and not always comfortably. But I’ve also realized in the last month or so that you share similar work ethic. You’re both professionals. You’re both damn good at what you do. Your work is interdependent. The simple fact is… you guys need each other. And Aurora needs you both. Yeah, I’m starting to believe that, too. You really are? I’m — I’m willing to put down the past and focus on the here and now. And hopefully the future. And look, it doesn’t just apply to Aurora. Yes, I’m committed to the company and I want it to succeed. But I am a husband and a father, and I don’t want Willow feeling torn. So whatever she decides regarding you, I’m on board, because my top priority is always Willow’s happiness. You can defend Heather’s rights so easily, knowing that she won’t come after your family. I don’t have that luxury. The law is for everyone, Portia. Even people we don’t like. Did you just say “don’t like”? Okay, then people we hate. This is not about the law, Laura. This is about you feeling bad keeping one of your family members locked up. That’s not true. You are uncomfortable. And sitting in discomfort, it’s hard. Well, so is fearing for your daughter’s life. Has anyone seen Aiden? Oh, sorry. I’m obviously interrupting. You got your backup here. Oh, come on. She’s here just in time to take your side.

I’m sorry. That — That was a, uh — That was a rotten thing to say. That if we’d met someplace else, under vastly different circumstances, that we might have… meant something to each other? That’s — That doesn’t sound so rotten. It’s just a trap to think about things that might have been, you know, ’cause it’s not real. The people in “might have been,” they don’t mess up. They say and do all the right things. They don’t doubt their choices. The only way that you and I were gonna meet is the way that we did, and — and when we did, you were already in love with Michael. And I-I do love him so much. That’s why I-I can’t believe what I did. Willow, I was right there with you. Please d-don’t put all this on you. I just don’t know what I’m doing. Hey. Hey, listen, we — we just — Look, we just had a couple drinks and — and we got caught up in — in — in the fireworks and in the proximity and probably a little bit of election enthusiasm. I don’t know. I just — Things happen. It’s not the end of the world. Not even the end of the day. It happened. It’s over. It’ll never happen again. Ever. You see, we’re already on the same page. Well, what a coincidence. Us too.

I think we’re gonna be able to see the fireworks from the country club soon. Mm. Gio, hey! Hey. How was the concert? It was really good. Uh, my Aunt Lois said that there’s food in the house if anyone’s hungry. Oh, boy. I’m still so full. Yeah, me too. Why don’t you have a beer? Thanks. How was the barbecue? It was very eventful. In a good way, bad way? In a good way. Uh, Drew Quartermaine announced that he’s running for Congress. I thought he was Drew Cain. He was about 24 hours ago. According to my dad, Quartermaine has a higher recognition factor. [ Sarcastically ] No, I never would have guessed. So he brought a bunch of people back to the house, including the mayor and another congressman. But it wasn’t all business. There were friends and family here. But my Uncle Sonny wasn’t here, right? No, I-I didn’t see him. Why wasn’t he invited? Well, maybe he was and then couldn’t come. I don’t know. You’d have to ask the Quartermaines. I wanted to be your son, Mac. I… I wanted to be a part of your family. You have an interesting way of showing it. I wanted to — I wanted to tell you. I just didn’t know how. So you decided to actively lie. Like I said, I’m not — I’m not proud of it, Mac. You know what upsets me the most? I would imagine the list is long. I hate that you couldn’t be honest with me. Or you felt you couldn’t be. Mac, no, it wasn’t because of you. [ Stammers ] The worst part, Cody, is that you lied to Felicia. And Maxie and Georgie. You lied to James and Bailey Lou. Everyone you keep claiming you give a damn about. I-I do give a damn about them. I love those guys. You don’t give a damn about them. You know why? If you gave a damn, you wouldn’t treat them like that. Does it help at all that this has been killing me? No. No, it doesn’t help me. That I’m eternally sorry, Mac? It doesn’t help at all, Cody, because I don’t trust you. For all I know, you being sorry [Sobs] is just another lie.

in-law, right? Well, technically, yes, but that’s a — Of course you’re gonna agree with Laura. This conversation is over. Okay, okay, fine. But let me leave you with this. Heather Webber is a serial killer. And there’s every reason to believe that Trina was her real target. You think I’m gonna allow her to be placed at risk again? You continue this campaign to set Heather free, and I promise you this next conversation that you and I have, oh, it’s gonna be in public.

We’re not interrupting, are we? No. Not at all. Curtis: Good. No, no, we were just, uh — we were just watching the fireworks, talking a little politics. Yeah, which you’ll be doing a lot more of with this campaign ahead of you. Drew: Yeah. [ Claps ] So what’s up? You said something about being on the same page. Yeah, we just had an impromptu meeting about Aurora. And? Michael and I have agreed to put aside our differences and move forward. Yes, it’s counterproductive to keep rehashing old grievances. So, uh, yeah, it’s — it’s time to move forward. So you’ll be happy to know that Aurora is in capable and cooperative hands. No infighting or backstabbing. Or secrets. Everything aboveboard and all of our agendas put to bed. Wow, that — that is such a relief to hear. It really is. Yeah, it feels like the, uh — the beginning of a whole new era, doesn’t it? Like a…clean slate. With endless possibilities. So, how did it all come about? Well, talk to the head of the Wellness Division. You know, it occurred to me, while you’re on the campaign trail, in order for things to move smoothly, I think the CFO and the editor in chief of Crimson should be able to stay in the same room for more than two minutes at a time. Mm. Curtis, I need to go home. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Portia so angry. Yeah. I understand how she feels. She went through hell with Heather and then Esme, and she is genuinely concerned for her daughter. Yes, but Esme’s gone. And as strange as it is, Heather’s situation has changed. Oh, thank God you can see that. Portia can’t at all. A-And it — it surprises me. Why, because she’s a doctor? Yes, she knows. She knows that Heather was sick. She knows what caused it. She knows what the medical ramifications of it are. She was right there with all of us as we were trying to figure it all out, you know? But she won’t even consider the possibility that once the faulty hip has been taken out and the poison has left her body that perhaps — perhaps Heather is no longer as dangerous. But, Laura… Laura, it’s easier for you to see the possibility that Heather has changed and she’s not a threat. All Portia sees is the monster who tried to hurt her child. It’s kind of like my experience with Franco. I was able to look past what the brain tumor made him do. But the victims of Franco the serial killer, they couldn’t. And they certainly never forgave him. Do you think it’ll be the same way with Portia? I hope not. I hope she realizes that you’re not trying to set Heather free, that you’re just asking questions only a court can answer. And it’s not up to you or me or Portia to decide what happens to Heather. That’s why we have laws in place. And it’s supposed to be justice for all. Oh, my goodness, this is all I’ve been saying. Thank you for being able to hear it. Thank you. Now, you go along and you find Aiden and you guys get on home. Not before I give you this. Oh, it’s okay, really. [ Crying ] And tell you that I’m proud of you. And so are your grandkids. Thank you. [ Exhales sharply ] Oh, good. You’re here. Hey, have you seen James’s new riding gloves? He said he left them behind on accident, and he needs them for his next lesson, which he is obsessed with, by the way. He keeps asking me to come by and watch. Maxie. Well, he’s asking everyone to watch. He even asked the grocery bagger at the store the other day. Maxie. You might need to get some stadium seating. Maxie! Yeah, what’s up? I don’t think that I should keep giving James riding lessons. Why not? Did he say something or do something? Because I can talk to him. No. No, no, no. No no. It’s — It’s nothing like that. Cody, you cannot take these lessons away from me. It’s my only leverage. James will clean his room and help with the dishes as long as he gets to come to the stables. Mac’s furious with me. Mac? My Mac? That doesn’t sound like him. Yeah, well, uh… actually, it’s our Mac. Please explain. I’ve been lying to all of you for a while now. Everyone was right. I am Mac’s son. But the DNA test… Yeah, I told you, I lied. You? And Mac. I mean, I can see it. I can totally see it. But you lied. And now Mac knows the truth? I told him tonight. And to say that he is not happy would be a massive understatement. You know, this is my first boathouse party. Well, hopefully not your last. You ladies keep inviting me, I’ll keep showing up. Oh, we will. So, what do you normally do for the Fourth? [ Exhales deeply ] We have this huge block party in Bensonhurst. The Cerullos, Falconeris. [ Chuckles ] And everybody within a 10-block radius. Everyone within a 10-block radius is a Cerullo or a Falconeri. Of course. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but not much. These are big Italian families. For every one kid who grows up, moves out of town, there are three kids who stay in the neighborhood. Not to mention all the cousins who come from Italy, like my mom. Your mom’s Italian? Like, from Italy, Italian? She was. Yeah. She always used to tell me that one of her proudest moments was officially becoming an American citizen, that I should never, ever take it for granted. So I never do. Neither do any of my relatives, which is why the Fourth of July is such a big deal. Wow. I love that, that it’s not just an excuse to have a picnic or fireworks, that it means something to your family. Is everything okay? Look, I’m sorry to barge in, but I really need to go home. Okay, that’s what we’ll do. Um, Drew, congratulations again. The future looks bright, man. Thank you so much. Yeah, I hope so. Drew, you want my vote? I’m gonna need you to pledge to keep Heather Webber in prison where she belongs, no matter what our mayor has to say.

Well, that was, uh… Yeah. Portia’s a mom. She’s entitled to her feelings. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. We’ll, um — We’ll go with that. I’m exhausted. Should we round everyone up? Well, the kids are staying here, so we can head back to the gatehouse whenever you’re ready. Ready. Okay. Good night. Good night. Good night. I’m really happy that you and Michael have made up and that you’re helping Drew with his campaign. It’s nice being on the same side again. I couldn’t agree more.

[ Chuckles ] There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere. You found me. What’s wrong? Cody’s my son. N-No, he’s not. Yes, he is. No, he can’t be. I did my own DNA test. I’ll give you the details later. Well, Cody must have found out and doctored the results. Better than the first paternity test, I guess, Where he just straight-up lied. How do you know this? Cody told me. He confessed at the stables not 45 minutes ago. And he’s known all this time? And he’s never said a word. Just gave me some convoluted excuse, but I was barely listening. Mac, this is — How do you feel? I’m furious! I have a son. I have a son. He knew it. And he lied about it on purpose. [ Exhales sharply ] You were right about him. You were right about Cody. He’s nothing but a grifter. A grifter who has some agenda, some reason that this had to come to light now. Come on. You don’t think he came clean because he needs a kidney or some points removed from his driver’s license. Well, I can’t think of another reason. Can you? e Cody doesn’t need an internal organ. I’m guessing not. But I’m telling you, Felicia — I’m telling you, that kid’s coming at me from some kind of angle, and I’m not having it. That kid is your kid. On paper only. Well, I think it’s Cody’s loss for him to not recognize a beautiful thing that’s right in front of him. Well, it’s sad, really. I would have welcomed him into the family. You did welcome him. It would have taken some adjusting. You don’t just become someone’s dad. I would have found a way to love him. Of course you would. Why are we talking about this now? It’s too late for that. Hold on a second, ’cause I feel like my brain is melting. You — Wait. Why did you lie? I mean, Mac is, like, hands down, the best father in the whole world. Why — Why wouldn’t you want to be his son? Uh, at first I thought that I wanted money more than I wanted a family. I know, I know. Pathetic. And by the time I changed my mind, the lie had been going on so long, I didn’t know how to take it back. You tell the truth. That’s easy for you to say. I was afraid that Mac would hate me. And guess what. I was right. No, Cody, Mac is upset. He doesn’t hate you. Anyways, um, I just want — want you to know I’m really sorry I messed all this up, because you guys are all — I mean, you’re a really terrific family. Uh, yeah, we are. Especially me. I am a fantastic sister. You do know we’re not related, right? Yeah, by blood or whatever, but Mac is my father in every way that counts. And that kind of makes you my brother and my kids your nieces and nephew. I have really loved teaching James how to ride. Not as much as he’s loved being your student. And when he finds out you’re Mac’s son, he’s gonna be over the moon. Might hold off on telling him, at least till after you’ve talked to Mac. I just want you to know that James is — He’s a really, really smart kid. And he — he’s actually — he is a good rider. I mean, it wasn’t much of a jump the other day that he went over, but he stayed in the saddle. And, I mean, you can’t beat James for enthusiasm. So, I don’t know. I just — I just want you to know that, uh, I’m really grateful for all the time that we’ve had together. Okay. I can see what you’re doing, Cody. And if you think you’re gonna get rid of us that easily, think again. It’s definitely patriotic, but even more than anything, Fourth of July is a reason for everyone to get together, to see each other. Thanksgiving, Christmas, it’s — it’s the same thing, but it’s cold. Fourth of July, you’re out in the street, even though it’s so hot, you feel like you’re just gonna melt into a puddle. Gee, I wouldn’t know anything about that. Have you been to the classic soft-serve truck yet? Not yet. Oh, boy, I should have warned him first. Look, it’s easy to overlook, but once you tried it, it’s — Oh, there’s nothing else like it. It is so good. It’s a classic old-school soft-serve truck. It’s usually parked on Van Ness, kind of by the west entrance of Rice Park. Okay. They only do chocolate and vanilla, no other flavors. They only serve in cones, no cups, utensils, anything. Yeah, they make sure that nothing’s in a landfill. They don’t even do milkshakes. Sometimes I wish they did. It’s just a classic cone, but, oh, my God, on a hot day, there’s nothing like it. It is so good. It’s my afternoon treat when I’m at work. I’ll take my break at the gallery, and then I’ll walk up to the park and just go to the soft-serve trailer. I’ll make a point of finding it, then. Are there any other Port Charles traditions I should know about? Well, one’s about to start. Country club fireworks. Usually starts an hour after the city fireworks, which you probably missed because you were playing. Yeah, I was maybe a little bit distracted. Well, now you can relax and enjoy the view. The company’s not bad, either. Honey, you want to tell me what’s going on? I had a chat with Laura. I gathered that when you stayed behind. I also gathered that it didn’t go so well. As long as Laura is continuing to help Heather go free, she’s the enemy. Whoa, whoa, don’t you think that’s going a little overboard? And so is anybody that decides to support her. And that includes Drew and the Quartermaines. Let’s be clear. I want Heather Webber to stay locked up till the end of time, and I’m gonna do everything I can to advocate for that. But that’s not my call to make any more than it is yours. Why aren’t you as angry about this as I am? What good is it gonna do? Because it’ll make me feel like you’re on my side. I am on your side. But if the court decides to reopen that case, that’s their decision, not ours. And that sounds like spin. That sounds like something straight out of a press release. Trina is your daughter, and you don’t even care. Okay, it’s one thing to fight Heather. It’s another thing to fight me. You know I want our daughter to stay safe. I know. I’m sorry. You’re not the one — You’re not the one that I’m mad at. I’m sorry. Okay. Gio: Beautiful. So, how do they rate compared to the ones in Bensonhurst? Let’s just say these are more tame. That tracks. Gio? Do you miss home? Be totally understandable if you did. I-I do miss my family, of course. I miss the neighborhood, how everyone knows me and how I know everyone. But I needed a change. To branch out, try something new. I really like it here in Port Charles. Feels like the perfect fit. Well, to finding your place. And making new friends. Together: Cheers! [ All chuckle ] [ Fireworks popping ] Admit it, in your mind, you’re already packing up your stuff, saying your goodbyes. Don’t do it. I don’t really see what other choice I have. Um, stay. Trust me, I have lots of experience with huge lies and life-wrecking mistakes. Running away is only gonna make things worse. I don’t think things can get worse. [ Laughs ] Okay. Uh, remind me to tell you sometime about how I pretended to be pregnant so I could get a guy to be in a relationship with me. What? My point is, you need to stay and process things. Give Mac time to figure out how he feels. Give us time to adjust. But don’t leave. For Mac, for Sasha, but mostly for you. Promise me, Cody. Okay. I’m gonna need you to say the words. I promise. That’s too vague. What exactly are you promising? I promise not to leave. Thank you. You won’t regret it. Maxie? Yeah. Aha. Thank you. [ Fireworks popping ]

Was I dreaming just now? I mean, Willow said “happy” and “you,” meaning me, all in the same sentence. Mm. She did. I never thought this day would come. I’m really happy for you, Nina. I — Look — Look at that. There it is again. Yeah, happy. Mm-hmm. Maybe I’ll start spending time with Wiley and Amelia, and I don’t know, maybe I’ll… be part of their family. It’s, um — It’s — It’s looking that way, yeah. Thank you. You, um, built a bridge between me and my daughter, and I’ll forever be grateful. You’re welcome. [ Fireworks popping ]

[ Fireworks popping ]

It’s a beautiful night. Yeah, it really is. Too bad Wiley’s missing the fireworks. Yeah, he was so zonked out from all the running around and swimming, he barely even budged when I came in to give him a kiss good night. Yeah. Amelia either. She looks so cute sleeping with her mouth wide open. So do you. I do not sleep like that. How do you know? You’re sleeping. I’m kidding. You do not sleep with your mouth open. But, you know, even if you did, you’d still look gorgeous.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Hope: You always know how to make me feel better, Finn.

Finn: Look, you don’t have to pretend with me, Hope. I can see you’re reeling,

Hope: But should I be?

Finn: So you have to forfeit your right to be upset because he’s marrying someone else? No. Look, your feelings are justified.

Hope: Thomas and Paris’s engagement really caught me off guard.

Finn: [sighs] Well, maybe you were hoping that he would come home and pick up with you.

Hope: You really do know me well.

Finn: We’ve been sharing a lot lately. Look, and I hope you know that I’m saying this to you as a friend, but I do think that Thomas is truly committed to Paris. And look, that’s a good thing, okay? Not only for him, but especially for you.

Thomas: Hey, buddy, show your aunt those pictures you took in the Luxembourg Gardens.

Douglas: They’re just practice.

Thomas: No, they’re not just practice, they’re amazing.

Douglas: Dad’s just saying that because most of them are of Paris.

Steffy: Oh, I like this new hobby.

Douglas: Paris said it’s a great way to get to know a place. We go out exploring. She even lets me use her cool camera.

Paris: And you take some awesome photos. His natural composition is so, so impressive. You can tell he’s an artist, the way he sees the world. And I know Steffy’s gonna love them.

Steffy: I’m sure. But you know what else I love? I love this. This beautiful little family. And the smile on my brother’s face. I can see how excited you are about the future. And I’m really thrilled how close you all become.

Eric: Well, I have to say, it makes me very, very happy that my grandkids are– are willing to carry on our family traditions. There you are.

Brooke: Weddings in this house are always beautiful.

Eric: I was very touched that he wants to do it here. I can’t wait to get started.

Ridge: All right, we don’t know when that’s gonna be.

Brooke: Thomas and Paris may have a long engagement.

Eric: Maybe. But whenever it is, I’m thrilled that it’ll be here in this room.

Ridge: Same.

Donna: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we all want Thomas and Paris to be happy and satisfied, but, I mean, come on. Are you guys all buying this whole wedding thing? Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against Paris or their relationship, I– I just have to wonder if Thomas is over Hope.

[theme song playing]

Donna: Look, I’m not trying to stir anything up.

Brooke: No, you’re just concerned.

Ridge: But why? What are you concerned about? I talked to Thomas. I discussed it with him. And you saw him with Paris today, right?

Donna: Yeah. Yeah, sure. They were cute, and everyone is happy for them, so of course he’s gonna deny his feelings for Hope.

Ridge: He’s not denying his feelings for Hope.

Eric: No, he’s not, is he?

Ridge: No, he’s not. He will always have feelings for Hope. There’s gonna be a part of him that will always love her, and the same with Thomas. They’re always gonna be a little family together. But he’s with– with Paris now. This is what he wants. And I think they’re good for each other.

Thomas: Is my sister giving us the stamp of approval?

Steffy: You don’t need my approval but I will say that I am elated.

Paris: Ah, so are we.

Thomas: Yes, we are, and we’re even more excited to share the good news.

Steffy: You have more news?

Douglas: What is it?

Paris: It’s about the wedding.

Steffy: Oh, the wedding. I mean, are you thinking about eloping? Because if you want to, you could probably, you know, do it here. Douglas and I, we could be your witnesses.

Thomas: As fun as that might be, we wouldn’t want to disappoint great granddad.

Steffy: Granddad? Why?

Thomas: Well, we’d love to do the wedding at his house, make it a traditional Forrester family wedding.

Hope: Finn, I appreciate your support more than I can say.

Finn: Oh, I feel a “but” coming.

Hope: But I still think it is way too soon for an engagement, let alone planning a wedding.

Finn: Hope, no one is pushing them.

Hope: Steffy is.

Finn: Does she even know about the ceremony?

Hope: I don’t know if she knows about the ceremony, but she knew about them being together and said nothing, so Steffy would do anything to keep me and Thomas apart. And she certainly, I guarantee you, is probably pushing Thomas and Paris together.

Finn: Yeah, I don’t think she is. Yes, she believes in them. But you know what? I believe in you. And no offense to my brother in law, but I really mean it. I think you can do a whole lot better than Thomas.

Donna: Look, I’m not questioning Thomas’ love for Paris. I’m just curious about the timing of this wedding.

Ridge: Don’t be too curious about that. We don’t even know when they’re gonna do this.

Donna: But then why did he have to stand here and announce–

Ridge: Because he’s in love with somebody, wants to move on with his life. What is so hard to–?

Eric: I understand this here. Thomas’ feelings for Hope do complicate things.

Ridge: [sighs]

Donna: You think? Really? Because Hope had to leave the room. I mean, is she even okay?

Brooke: She was rocked by this.

Ridge: And I get that. I’m not insensitive to it, I’m– I’m sorry for what she’s going through.

Brooke: What she shared with Thomas was very special to her, and when it ended that way, it knocked her completely off her feet. Look, I am not lobbying for them to be together. I’m not. She’s my daughter, and I’m concerned. She’s lost, and she’s– confused by this. Do you think that maybe Steffy might be playing a part here? Maybe she is pushing Thomas and Paris together to keep him away from Hope.

Steffy: Wow, Douglas, these photos are incredible.

Douglas: We had a lot of fun taking them.

Thomas: Yeah, and Paris is a great subject.

Paris: Hey, I give all the credit to the photographer, though I must say, the selfie is my favorite.

Steffy: [laughing] I’m impressed you could do that with this camera. You’re really good. I’m really surprised, actually. You almost look as happy as you do right now.

Douglas: I’m excited about the wedding.

Thomas: Yeah, but it’s gonna take a little while to plan, right? We want everything to be perfect.

Douglas: As long as we’re all together, it will be.

Thomas: [chuckles]

Douglas: I miss my mom and my little sister, but I like my life the way it is now. Paris makes dad really happy. That means a lot to me.

Paris: Oh, and you and your dad mean so much to me. You make me feel very special.

Steffy: Having the three of you here makes me feel really special, too.

Paris: It’s good to be back.

Steffy: I’m so glad that you’re back, my goodness. It’s been way too long. Oh, hey, um, Kelly and Hayes, they’re playing in the guest house if you want to go join them.

Douglas: Yeah.

Steffy: See you in a minute.

Douglas: Bye.

Thomas: [sighs] Thanks for having us over, sis.

Steffy: Are you kidding? All the times we’ve texted and spoke on the phone, I finally get to see you face to face. It’s so nice. Here, let me get you a refill. Um, Douglas? I mean, how sweet and– and just a kind, smart boy in the way he talked about the two of you. It’s really beautiful.

Thomas: I know, I know. And we’re so proud of him. He’s so mature. He’s always just right there.

Paris: Yeah, he really knows how to express himself.

Thomas: Yeah.

Paris: I just hope that he can talk to Hope and actually get through to her.

Steffy: Talk to Hope about what?

Paris: I think she still wants to be with Thomas.

Finn: Thomas and I, we get along, and my kids love their uncle. I just– I don’t think he’s the right guy for you.

Hope: Well, I think that’s a bit of a moot point now.

Finn: You’re having a hard time with his engagement. I understand.

Hope: Oh, you do? You understand? Because I don’t understand any of this. It wasn’t long ago, he left town, and then he comes back engaged. It just–

Finn: Look, I can only tell you what I’ve heard from Steffy, but Thomas and Paris are in love, and they want a life together.

Hope: Why?

Finn: Wait, why do they want a life together?

Hope: No, I just, I keep asking myself that. Why did I turn him down?

Finn: Well, I can’t answer that question, but I do think it’s the right one to ask.

Hope: I can’t say yes. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I mean, Thomas proposes. I say no, but I don’t want to lose him. But the idea forever absolutely terrifies me. It’s just like– I don’t know what is happening to me.

[birds chirping]

Ridge: Steffy didn’t push Thomas and Paris together.

Brooke: She did tell Thomas that he can’t trust Hope.

Eric: Paris is not someone that Thomas just met. They used to live together.

Donna: Yeah, look, we all know that. But they weren’t lovers.

Brooke: They were roommates.

Eric: They were friends.

Ridge: Yes, they were friends. And then they fell in love with each other. Isn’t that amazing? No one forced them together.

Brooke: Okay, look, I’m not saying that’s the only reason. It’s just Thomas does value his sister’s opinion very much.

Ridge: Okay. [chuckles] Thomas is excited about his future with Paris, and so is Douglas. He loves Paris. And I’m– I didn’t even know what to say to this. I’m sorry about Hope. I’m sorry she’s going through this. But Thomas has moved on, not because of Steffy, but because of what he wanted. He’s moved on. And maybe your daughter can do the same. Maybe… she will find someone else, somewhere else.

Paris: I wasn’t gonna bring this up around Douglas.

Steffy: You have an issue with Hope?

Paris: No. No, I just– I’m aware of her feelings for Thomas.

Steffy: Well, she hasn’t exactly been hiding them. She may say that she’s worried that this is going way too fast, but I know that’s not the truth.

Thomas: That’s right. When it’s right, you know. You know, we just, we popped in over there. We dropped the news on everyone, and so it’s a very new thing.

Paris: Yeah, and it’s gonna take a little bit of time to adjust, but I’m not feeling insecure about it at all. I’m completely confident in our love for each other.

Steffy: You should be. I haven’t seen Thomas this happy and content in a very long time. And if Hope truly cared about him, she would see it, too.

Thomas: Steffy–

Steffy: I’m not wrong. The way Hope has been acting lately… makes me wonder what’s really going on with Hope.

Hope: I don’t know what this is.

Finn: It’s a shock.

Hope: No, shock… I would understand. Envy, even regret. But this, what I am feeling, it– It doesn’t make any sense. If I wanted Thomas, if I really wanted Thomas, all I had to do was say yes.

Finn: Yeah, but you didn’t.

Hope: No, I turned him down. And I am starting to wonder, is it just because I can’t have him?

Finn: Oh, like, I– I don’t know about that. But one thing that I do know is that you will find love again. Okay? People are drawn to you, Hope. All right? People want to be around you. And someday, someone is gonna show up and make you feel the same way. I assure you, Hope, There is life after Thomas.

Ridge: You don’t want to go down the pool with dad and Donna?

Brooke: No.

Ridge: Might clear your head on.

Brooke: [chuckles] Could take a lot more than fresh air to make me feel better about this.

Ridge: I’m sorry. I think Hope is gonna bounce back.

Brooke: You do? She’s all over the place right now.

Ridge: And I am sorry about that. I am. But it doesn’t change the situation. Thomas has moved on, he’s– He’s found some joy in his life. Hope’s gonna find somebody. Someone special to share her life with. Okay?

Brooke: Okay.

[distant birds squawking]

Thomas: Paris and Douglas are taking a little walk on the beach.

Steffy: She really is incredible with him.

Thomas: She is.

Steffy: And he absolutely adores her.

Thomas: We both do.

Steffy: So, uh, a wedding at Granddad’s.

Thomas: Yeah, well, you know, feels like, at some point, you gotta keep the tradition alive.

Steffy: What better way than to become a Forrester?

Thomas: That’s what I was thinking. Though I hope I didn’t make it weird asking granddad in front of everyone.

Steffy: Oh, you mean in front of Hope.

Thomas: [sighs] She’s struggling, Steff.

Steffy: She turned you down, Thomas. She didn’t want a life with you. You know who wants a life with you?

Thomas: [clears throat]

Steffy: Paris. She wants to be your wife. I mean, more than that. She’s just fantastic. She’s wonderful.

Thomas: Yeah, she really is.

Steffy: And I can really see how much you and Paris love each other and I know Douglas sees that, too.

Thomas: Yeah, well, he’s definitely her biggest fan.

Steffy: Well, I don’t blame him. Like I said, she’s wonderful. She’s kind. She’s sweet. She’s beautiful. Like I could go on and on.

Thomas: Yeah, she’s all of those things and more.

Steffy: I can really see how much she lights you up. I haven’t seen you this free and at ease in a very long time, probably since you started wanting Hope. Look, I don’t want to put all of it on her, but you were never enough. And as hard as you tried, you could just never measure up. And that’s not right, Thomas. And it’s not fair, because I know you, and I know that you’re an extraordinary man. All right, let’s, let’s put all of this behind us, okay? Put Hope behind you. Take Paris, take Douglas, and go to Europe and live a spectacular life. ‘Cause I’m telling you, when you come back, Hope will have moved on. She’ll be on to another man.

Finn: You and Thomas were more about timing than anything.

Hope: Timing?

Finn: Yeah. I mean, he offered you something that you needed in that moment, a one woman man. And I understand that kind of appeal and that kind of security and why it would have a huge impact on you.

Hope: Well, then why did I reject his proposals? People do have long engagements, and we were committed. So did I let the right guy go? We had incredible chemistry. I mean, did I make a mistake?

Finn: No, Hope, listen, the– the right guy for you is still out there.

Hope: Except I shouldn’t have to hear that. I have a wonderful life. I have a happy family. I have a great career.

Finn: You want love, too, right? And if anyone deserves it, it’s you. People look up to you. Hope you have a message that affects people all over the world, but you gotta be your best self. Don’t let these guys get you down. Right? You thought it was… Liam, and it never really was Thomas. But when you least expect it, the guy that you are meant to be with is gonna be standing right in front of you.

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