Days Short Recap Friday, January 31, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kayla and Steve talked about the bachelor party. He told her about Rafe taking the case from EJ. Steve said he was going to talk to Rafe after the honeymoon and wanted Kayla to keep it quiet. While they were talking, Paulina showed up. They talked about Body and Soul as well as Paulina officiating the wedding. Jada told “Rafe” that she thought he got cold feet for why he didn’t call her sooner. They talked for a little while before they got off the phone. Jada talked to her mother and told her to get better soon. Stephanie comforted her and gave her a gift from Talia. Javi told Leo that he ruined Jada and Rafe’s wedding because Rafe slept with the stripper he hired. Leo and Javi talked about Rafe cheating on Jada. Rafe escaped from the tunnel leaving EJ unconscious. EJ’s assistant Rita was at the DiMera mansion and saw Rafe coming out of the tunnel. Rafe asked to use her phone so he could call the police. He told her EJ held him hostage and that another man was posing as him. Rita looked in her pocketbook for a phone but pulled out a taser. She used the taser on Rafe. EJ came out of the tunnel. Rita told him what Rafe said and what she did to him. She told him that she wanted him to secure her silence and wanted him to tell her what was going on.

Rita was upset that EJ didn’t tell her about Arnold being in town. She reminded him of what happened when Arnold was in town the last time. EJ told her why Rafe was in the tunnel. He said he was paying Jada back for what she did to him. EJ asked Rita to stay with Rafe so he could deal with Jada. Everyone showed up to the wedding. The wedding got started. When Paulina asked if anyone objected to the wedding, Leo stood up. Leo told Javi he was going to tell what Rafe did. Paulina was upset that he ruined the moment. Javi stopped Leo and decided to say something himself. When Rafe woke up, he realized he was back in the tunnel. Rita told him not to waste his time. EJ hoped Arnold didn’t mess up the plan. Arnold got a text message and said it could wait. He told Jada that he couldn’t marry her.

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GH Short Recap Friday, January 31, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Jordan tries to make peace between Drew and Curtis in order to get the McConky Esplanade project back on track, but Curtis and Drew get into another argument.

Trina tried her best to get Kai to take advantage of the fact that PCU can’t take away his scholarship since he was injured during a game. Kai is upset because he got a second opinion, and the second doctor said he can’t play football again.

Cody assures Brook Lynn that he never told Dante she had his baby and gave it up for adoption. Cody tells Brook Lynn that Sasha is pregnant, and she shouldn’t have to deal with it alone.

Lulu talks to Laura and tells her she loves Dante, but she blames herself for Sam’s death and she thinks Dante will always blame her for it too. Laura advises Lulu to be Dante’s friend while he grieves for Sam.

Dante gets upset with Anna because he won’t let him work on Sam’s case. Dante yells at Anna and she puts him on paid leave and tells him that when he returns to work, he must go see the police department phycologist.

Dante talks to Brook Lynn about his argument with Anna. Dante tells Brook Lynn that he blames himself for Sam’s death. Brook Lynn reminds Dante that the only person to blame for Sam’s death is the person who killed her.

Cody asks Anna if she can help him contact Robert. Anna tells Cody that she can help contact Robert, but she wonders why Cody needs to contact him. Cody tells Anna that Sasha is pregnant and Jason is the father of her baby.

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Days Transcript Friday, January 31, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[soft music]


Oh–oh, my.


Lordy, Lordy, Lordy. You look so beautiful.

Oh, well, you are not bad yourself.

Oh, is that right?

Yes. Mm! You know, I really wanted to break out and go to Jada’s bachelorette party, but I got stuck in the ICU all night. I mean, do you see the bags?


What? Bags?

Yes, these bags under my eyes. You know, if I was traveling today, they would make me check them.

Baby, don’t check those bags. They’re beautiful, just like the rest of you. All you have to worry about today is that you don’t upstage the bride. [cell phone ringing] – It’s Rafe.

Ah, see? Told you he didn’t let you down. [cell phone rings]


Hey, baby. Sorry I didn’t hit you sooner.

Oh, it didn’t even cross my mind.

Well, I just wanted one last call with my gorgeous fiancée before she becomes my wife.

I was just telling Dr. Evans– I mean my best friend, Marlena– how happy we are.

No, I’m mad at you.

Me? What? Why?

Because you ruined Jada and Rafa’s wedding.

What are you talking about? Look, I have been blamed for many things, but how did I ruin a wedding that hasn’t even happened yet?

Well, it might not ever happen because… last night Rafa cheated on Jada. [ominous music]

I’m so glad you called. You know, when I didn’t hear from you this morning, I started getting a little paranoid. Thought maybe you were getting cold feet.

Cold feet? [scoffs] No way, baby. My feet are so damn hot, you could fry an egg on them. But listen, listen, all right? There is nothing that can stop me from making you my bride today. [dramatic music]

There’s not going to be a wedding, you son of a bitch. It’s been fun, but it’s over now. [soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So how was the bachelor party?

Well, I hope you have some of those, uh, hangover remedies in your bag because I think some of the dudes are gonna need ’em today.

Wow. That good, huh?

Ah, I wouldn’t exactly say “good,” uh, at least not for me.

What? Why?

Well, I found out that, uh, Rafe took a case working for EJ DiMera and decided not to tell me about it.

I thought he and EJ hated each other.

They do, but that obviously didn’t stop Rafe from taking the job.

What sort of case are they working on?

Well, Rafe claims that EJ hired him to track down Sloan Peterson.

What do you mean by “claims”?

Well, a couple of weeks ago, Rafe told Jada that I sent him out of town on a case, which I did not do.

What do you think’s going on?

I don’t know, but I didn’t think last night was the night to get into it with him. But I’ll tell you something– after the honeymoon, Rafe and I are going to have a little tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte about our working relationship. [dramatic music]

Come on. That’s crazy. Rafe is head over heels in love with Jada. I can’t believe he would cheat on her.

Well, he did, with a complete stranger.

Okay, okay. I’m sure that everyone had a lot to drink. Are you sure you didn’t see him just with a very attractive mannequin?

No, it was with a human being, if you want to call her that. It was with the stripper. No, excuse me, the exotic dancer that you hired for the bachelor party.

No, no. Sally would never do that. She and I go way back. We did this off-Broadway– well, it was an off-off-off-Broadway play together about the rivalry between Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. Obviously, I played Joan, and Sally… Well, frankly, she never got it. She never got it. All of that is to say, Rafe is not her type. Men are not her type.

Okay, well, that Sally must have called in sick, because that skank– her name was Savannah.

Oh, God, no. They sent Savannah? She would sleep with a lamppost. In fact, last year she did sleep–

Leo, I don’t care about the stripper or the lamppost. I care about my cousin, and I care about Jada. I mean, how could he do this to her? I-I don’t understand. This isn’t the Rafa I know… at all.

Yeah, well, you know what I was thinking? I know it’s last-minute, but I was thinking that maybe we could do one of those, uh, you know, photo-booth setups. Yeah, maybe we’ll get one that looks like, uh– you know, it looks like one of those old VW campers or something.

That sounds fun, but Javi did pretty much all the planning, uh, since work has been so crazy these past couple of weeks. I am beyond grateful to him. But I have a feeling that we’re in for a few surprises.

Yeah. Well, uh, what’s a wedding without a few surprises, huh?

And speaking of which, have I got a surprise for you, birthday boy.

Well, I can’t wait to see it.

I love you so much, Rafe.

Right back at you, babe.

[chuckles] See you soon, husband-to-be. [cell phone beeps]


Well, he sounded upbeat… like he, you know, can’t wait to marry me.

See? I told you– nothing to worry about.

[chuckles] [sighs]

Hello? Where’s Harold? Hello? Buongiorno! Buenos dĂ­as. Anyone? It’s Rita Lesley! This would have never happened when you were alive, sir. There’d always be someone here to greet a guest. My, how times have changed. [dramatic music]

What the–

You know… [scoffs] Rafe is such a man of his word. He’s trustworthy. I mean, there must be a rational explanation for him to go behind your back.

To take a case working for EJ DiMera? I sure as hell hope so.

Yeah, so do I.

[sighs] Listen, uh, don’t say anything to Jada about this. This is her day. I want it to go off without a hitch.

Absolutely. I will not say a word. Mm.

Right. [soft music] Uh… I sure wish Marcus was here to see his little girl today.

Me too. I would love to see him give her away, wouldn’t you?

But I know that he would be so grateful that you are stepping into his shoes.

He would.

I love you, Steve Johnson.

I love you, too, baby.

Get a room, you two.



Javi, I am so sorry. Who’d have thought, right? Like, Rafe is so straight, in every sense of the word.

I know, he is.

Like, he’s the kind of person who would say something like, “Everybody ready to rock and roll?” before leaving a restaurant. Like, I would bet he has the full “Band of Brothers” DVD set. He’s that kind of straight.

[laughs] Yeah, he is. And he pulls out these “Wedding Crasher” quotes from time to time. And then I think to myself, imagine being this into women.

Okay, so do you think that maybe you might have caught my case of “jumping to the wrong conclusion” syndrome? Because it is very contagious, and I was sneezing earlier.

No, no, no. I am sure. I walked in on them in his hotel room. She was wearing nothing but a towel.

Maybe her shower wasn’t working.

Rafa admitted it, Leo. He slept with her! And then he begged me, pleaded with me not to say anything to Jada. How am I supposed to keep this a secret from her?

[voice breaking] Mom, believe me, I would give anything to have you here today. And Dad, too, of course. [sniffles] Yeah, yeah. No, we’ll send you lots of pictures. I promise. Listen, you just focus on getting better, okay?

I love you, too, Mom… so much. Bye. [cell phone beeps] Ah, I can’t cry anymore. Thank you.

Yeah. How’s your mom?

Uh… she’s okay. She has a really bad flu– like, shivers, 104 fever. But I’m just–I’m really glad that she didn’t try to fly out tonight, even though I really– I really wish she’d be here.

I know.

Yeah. [sniffles] [sighs] You know, she wasn’t at my, uh, first wedding either, obviously, since me and Bobby eloped. But, you know, I-I-I didn’t get at all emotional… actually. That should have been the first clue that something was off… more than off, given that I thought the man I was marrying was someone completely different altogether. – Commissioner Hernandez– I mean, former Commissioner Hernandez.

Yeah, who are you?

What in the world? I’m Rita Lesley, executive assistant at DiMera Enterprises.

Okay, do you have a phone? I need to call the police.

The police? Why? What’s going on? And what were you doing coming out of the walls?

EJ, EJ DiMera– he’s been holding me hostage.

What? Why would Mr. DiMera do that?

This guy Arnold Feniger– he has been posing as me.

Posing as you?

Yes. Yes. And my fiancée, she is about to get married right now, today. I need to stop this.

Oh, well, my goodness, of course. I-I have a phone in here somewhere. [dramatic music]

[exhales deeply]

[cell phone ringing]

[line trilling]

Come on, come on, come on. [line beeps] EJ, hey, it’s Arnold. Listen, man, I need to hear from you to get my final marching orders. I thought I was going to hear from you, like, um… yeah, like, an hour ago, man. Yeah. Call me. [cell phone beeps] [knock at door] Hmm, must be him. About time, EJ–

Hairspray, pepper spray– dangerous world out there– movie ticket… [chuckles] Oh, a coupon! Oh, dear, expired.

Please, can you hurry? I think I’m about to pass out.

You know what they say. Patience is a– Aha! Got it.

What is that? That’s not a phone.

No, it’s not. It’s a Taser. [Taser clicking]

[groaning, screams]

I’m sorry. We didn’t know you were there.

Oh, I jest, you two. I am all for PDAs for people in love, like you two.

[giggles] Well, speaking of people in love, where’s Abe?

Oh, well, he and Kate– they got stuck at the office. Oh, and, you know, they fell behind in taping because of Bonnie’s hapless fall down that elevator shaft. Oh, and God forbid that you fall behind in production.

Right. Right. I’m just so glad I didn’t have to tape today.

Oh, yes. I heard about that new role of yours, Kassandra. [laughs] Congratulations.

Ah, thank you, but I am just filling in.

Oh, still, still, Abe is, oh, so grateful that you agreed to step in while Bonnie’s convalescing.

Well, he’s a very hard person to say no to.

Oh, don’t I know it. You know that man almost got me to go skydiving with him once, until I got a hold of some video online. I watched it. I said, oh, hell, no.

Yeah, yeah, no skydiving for me either, absolutely.

Well, since you’re flying solo tonight, Paulina, why don’t you sit with us?

Oh, that’s mighty kind of you, but I’ll be standing. I’m the officiant.


Oh, right. We should have realized.

Mm-hmm. All these directions from Mr. Javier Hernandez– micromanaging wedding planner. Oh! Hoo! Say this. Oh, don’t say that. Stand here. Stand there. Yeah, right there, right there. [laughter] Oh, and shoulders up– posture, posture, posture. Posture is very important, Mayor Price. Oh, you’d think that man was trying to get his own reality show. Oh, but you know what? Rafe and Jada– they are going to get hitched without a single hitch. [soft music]

How are you supposed to keep this secret from her? Well, you could just never, ever, ever tell her. I’ve done that a lot in my life, and, yes, it causes crippling anxiety and nightmares, but it beats having to see the deeply sorrowful and/or hopping-mad expression on somebody’s face.

Okay, maybe you don’t want to live that way. So does this mean you are going to tell Jada about what you saw?

Like, how can I? Rafa gave me this whole bro-code speech and then proceeded to lay this huge guilt trip on me. So… I agreed to keep quiet.

But what? Now you’re not so sure?

I mean, don’t you think Jada has a right to know? She’s about to marry this man. She’s wearing my mom’s engagement ring. Mami would be turning in her grave if she knew what Rafa had done. On the other hand…

On the other hand, what?

Family was everything to her. Rafa’s my flesh and blood. I-I planned the wedding, the whole thing. A-and so, what, I’m just going to destroy it? How can I do that?

Jada? Is everything okay in there?

Yeah, I’ll be right out.

Oh, my God. You are stunning.

Thank you. You know, it’s not really my usual style.

Oh, who’s ever style it is, honey, you are… stunning.


Oh, my God, Jada, you are every bit the queen that you are in this dress. Believe me–Rafe is not even going to know what hit him. [ominous music]

Rita? Whoa.

Mr. DiMera.

What on earth happened here?

Let me just start by saying that I’ve just come from the police station, and I’ve brought with me that information you requested on Jada Hunter.

That’s great, but what the hell happened here?

Well, I was looking for you, and Mr. Hernandez came staggering out of that door. He told me you had kidnapped him, were holding him prisoner in the basement. Then he asked me for my phone so he could call the police.

And after that, he just collapsed?

Oh, no, I Tasered him.

You Tasered him? What, you just carry around a Taser with you?

In my line of work, it pays to be covered for all eventualities.

[sighs] Okay, so, if I’m understanding correctly, you took it upon yourself to–

Stop him from blabbing to the whole world about your latest criminal exploit? Yes. I did it out of loyalty to you, to this family… Especially now that you’re no longer in a position to make those charges– poof–vanish.

Thank you, Rita. Believe me, your loyalty is very much appreciated. I’m in your debt.

Yes, you are. And to secure my silence, I do hope that this will be reflected in my yearly bonus.

Of course.

And now I’m going to need you to tell me exactly what you’re up to.



In the flesh. Why did you think it was EJ?

Uh, well, ’cause he hired me…


To, uh–to do some work for him, and then the son of a bitch stiffed me on the bill.


Yeah. And, uh–and I told him, I said, hey, uh, EJ… [chuckles] I need this money so that I can pay the caterers today. And, uh, well, I thought he was coming, but it looks like he’s a deadbeat.

That tracks, the cheap bastard.


But, Rafe, if you needed money, you should have asked me.


Come on, you’re my brother. And you know getting involved with EJ, it never leads anywhere good. That man is a slimy, malignant narcissist.

I know. I know. No, no, trust me–I hate the guy as much as you do. I mean, if he were drowning, I’d throw him a bowling ball.


But, um… yeah, you know, the money is green.

It doesn’t matter what color his money is if it stays in his pocket. Listen to me. EJ has the moral scruples of a tin-pot dictator.


Any time I’ve ever done any kind of business with him, I get burned, badly. Promise me– promise me you’re not going to let that happen to you. [dramatic music]

Rita, I am beyond grateful for your loyalty–

Enough with the gratitude. Start talking.

Fine. Fine. I’ll tell you everything. But, first, do you mind giving me a hand here?

Oh, no, not with my back problems. I did the Tasering. You do the lifting.

[sighs] Fine. Not again.

If I’m being honest, I am somewhat surprised that Rafe would have me officiate today. I mean, it’s not as if he and I have exactly been BFFs as of late, since I relieved him of his official duties.

Well, maybe he’s trying to mend fences.

Oh, maybe. Ooh, it’s chilly out here. You know, if I was planning a January wedding… [scoffs] Everyone would fly their asses to Turks and Caicos.

Oh, that would be lovely.

Ooh, still, I know they’re going to have heaters around, but I doubt they can keep up with this cold. What do you think Javi would think if I put my puffer coat on over this dress?

If you ask me, I think the only opinions that matter today are the bride and groom’s.

Oh, definitely, and, you know, Jada and Rafe seem to be pretty low-key about all these things.


I think all they care about today is that at the end of the ceremony, they will be married and be husband and wife. [soft music]



I’m ready. You’re ready. Let’s do this.

Wait. Before we go…

What’s that?

Talia wanted me to give this to you.


She would have given it to you herself, of course, if she wasn’t already building homes in Ecuador.

My noble sis.


Oh, wow. This is the necklace that Daddy got her when she was a little girl. She never took this off. She always wanted him close to her heart. Wow, I can’t believe she sent this to me.

She did.

Can I put it on for you?

Yes, please.

I’m just so sorry that your family couldn’t be here today.

Yeah, well, they are. They’re right here. And I have an adopted family– the Johnsons. Not to mention I am gaining a whole new family. Or should I say familia? [both chuckle] [sighs] Yeah. So… am I good?

Ah, you are more than good.

[gasps] One more thing.


Mm-hmm. All right.

W-what is–

This is a sixpence for your shoe… for luck. Mm-hmm.

Not that you’ll need it. I have a hunch that you and Rafe are going to live happily ever after… no luck necessary.


Oh, don’t worry, sis. I know how to handle EJ.

Yeah, I thought I knew how to handle him, too, but, um… Oh! I almost forgot.

Hmm. – Feliz cumpleaños to my big brother.

[chuckles] Wow. You brought me a present.

Actually, it’s not from me. It came to the house this morning– special delivery from Eli and Lani.

Oh, Eli and Lani, huh?

Yeah, it’s a little bubbly for your wedding night. Figured you’d want to chill it.

Ooh. Oh, thank you. Yeah, can never have too much bubbly, huh?

Oh, yeah, that’s for sure. So you ready to go? I, uh, thought we could drive together.

Come on, what, y-you don’t have, like, a hot date or something?

Well, I did. JJ was supposed to be my plus-one, but he got called into court at the last minute. He and Shawn have to testify for some major case. It’s one of Belle’s.

Oh, well, that’s too bad.


Well, you know, maybe, uh– maybe Jada will throw you the bouquet or something.

[laughs sarcastically] Maybe.



I just want to say that… from the bottom of my heart, I am so happy that you and Jada found each other.


You’re such a great brother and a great guy, and you deserve all the happiness in the world. I love you so much.

Oh. Mm. [chuckles]

Uh, Rafe, you’re cutting off my air supply.

Oh, sorry. I-I…


I just, um… I love you, too. Yeah. All right, so, uh, we should get going.


Yeah. Let’s do this. Right? [door opens]

Leo, seriously, what do you think I should do?

You’re asking for my advice?

Yeah, I am.

Wow, I’m flattered… also a little thrown off. People rarely ask for my input when it comes to moral decisions. But okay, uh, before you came to Salem, I was privy to a doozy of a secret. And I’m not talking about the kind of secret like, oh, somebody stole prescription drugs from the medicine cabinet at a gender-reveal party. This was a secretsecret. And it caused me so much guilt, so much angst, and if I had to do it over again, I would never.

So you’re saying I should tell Jada?

That’s what I’m saying, 100%. Although… I don’t know what it’s like to come from a loving family with siblings and cousins and a mother who would call a babysitter instead of giving you a Little League bat, saying, if you see the doorknob jiggling, run.

My God, Leo.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I’m not telling you any of that to make you feel bad for me. It’s just to say that if I had had that, I might feel a sense of affection and therefore obligation to the family member with the secret. I mean, you live with Rafe.

Yeah, I do.

And I would hate for him to shoot the messenger. I mean, he’s not going to actually shoot you, but he might yell at you a bunch, throw you out on the street, and then I would be happy to pick up the pieces. But on the other hand…

“On the other hand”? Leo, you’re not helping me at all!

Rita, could you help me with this knot, please?

God knows you were never a Boy Scout, Elvis Junior. I suppose that’s why the ex-commish escaped in the first place. [grunts] Constrictor knot– nearly impossible to slip. Take note in case you are planning a future hostage situation… which I fervently hope you are not.

Thank you, Rita– I knew I could count on you, even if Kristen is your current employer of record.

I’m loyal to all the DiMeras. Besides, you never know when the next palace coup might happen. Oh, you’re CEO, then she’s CEO, and on and on and on. I will note that it would have helped had you told me the entire story from the beginning.

It was on a need-to-know basis. I was protecting you.

Of course, you were. So, just to get some clarity– if right now Ms. Hunter is on her way to the altar with Rafe, I assume Mr. Feniger has something to do with this plan of yours?

You would assume correctly.

[chuckles] But I thought he was paid off ages ago– you know, when you and your father faked his death.

He was paid off, but he recently resurfaced. Apparently, his tiki bar in Argentina wasn’t doing so well.

[scoffs] If I recall correctly, the last time he stood in for Rafe Hernandez, the situation went very far south very quickly.

[sighs] Believe me, Rita, I had no intention for this particular history to repeat itself. But Rafe happened to stumble upon Arnold, and he foolishly blurted out everything, so I had no choice but to put Rafe on ice.

How long has he been down here?

Just a few weeks, but I only recently realized I could use the situation to my advantage.

Do I want to ask?

Well… I was ousted from my DA position by his fiancĂ©e.

Oh, and let me guess… you’re going to use this information to return the favor.

[elegant music playing]

Uh, who invited you?

[scoffs] Nice to see you, too, Mayor. Uh, and to answer your question, my boyfriend did. He convinced me I needed a day off.


That’s right. I would like you to meet Javier Hernandez. Javi, this is our… esteemed mayor, Paulina Price.

Oh, yeah, I already know Javi. We’ve met. Wedding planner extraordinaire.

It’s good to see you again, Mayor. I love the dress.

Why, thank you.

Oh, uh, sorry. And this is Steve and Kayla Johnson.

Actually, I met Javi at the bachelor party.


Well, I haven’t met you. Kayla Johnson. Pleasure to meet you.

Same here. Uh, would you excuse me? I have to, uh, check on the fireworks. [chuckles]

Fireworks? * *

Have you decided what to do?

No, I haven’t… not yet. * *

Well, that is, I suppose, a novel way to exploit this information, though will it allow you to accomplish your goals? That remains–

To be seen. I know. Listen, Rita, the clock is ticking, and I’ve already wasted valuable time dealing with this distraction. [Rafe groans] I’m sure he’ll have plenty of questions when he comes to. Do you mind keeping an eye on him while I attend to business?

I assume that question is rhetorical?

Thank you. I owe you one.

You owe me more than one. [dramatic music]

[elegant music playing] * *

Your window of opportunity to do something about this situation is dwindling rapidly.

Leo, I know. I just need a little more time to think, please.

Javi, this garden– it’s amazing. You really outdid yourself, primo.

Well, well, well… look who it is. My handsome cousin Javi. You know this day would not have been possible without you, right? Right? * *

Oh, baby, hello. You look beautiful.

Wow. Back at you, Mom. Oh.

Thank you, gorgeous.

Wow. Hi, Dad.

Hi, baby.



So tell us, how’s the bride?

Oh, she’s good. She obviously didn’t want Rafe to see her until she walks down the aisle.

Right. [chuckles]

And, Dad, it means the world to her that you’re stepping in for her dad today.

Well, it means the world to me that she asked. It’s a privilege.

Yeah. Well, I think we need to sit down.

Okay. * *

When Marcus and I were growing up in the orphanage… the only family we had was each other. So… when he made a family with your mom, your sister, and you… it was everything he ever dreamed of. And I want to tell you… he was so proud of you, Jada.

[sighs] I hope so.

Yeah. And I wish you all the happiness he had in his marriage… and all the happiness I have in mine. You know, when you find the right person… and you make a family with them… there’s nothing better in the whole world. [Wagner’s “Bridal March” playing] Okay. I think we’re on. * * Take good care of her, you hear?

Oh, I will. I will. * *

Dearly beloved… we are gathered here to join Rafael Alejandro Hernandez and Jada Louise Hunter in holy matrimony. The contract of marriage is a solemn one… not to be entered into lightly but thoughtfully and seriously… and with a deep realization of its obligation and commitments. Now, if anyone here… can show just cause as to why this couple should not be lawfully joined together… let him speak now or forever hold his peace.

I have something to say. [dramatic music]

What is going on here?

Leo, what the hell are you doing?

Well, remember when I said Rafe might shoot the messenger? Let me take the hit.

Leo, these– your interrupting behavior is becoming a bad habit! First at Jude’s christening, now at this wedding!

I know, but this is important.

Oh, for God’s sake.

Commissioner Hunter, I know we don’t really know each other. Well, there was the whole Dimitri fiasco, of course. But there is something I need to tell you.

Okay, what is it?

It’s nothing. Nothing.

Are you sure you don’t want me to–

Thank you for trying to protect me, but this is my secret to tell. Ladies and gentlemen, I have something to say. [dramatic music]

[weakly] You…

I thought you were going to help me.

Well, I didn’t, did I? Oh, and don’t waste your energy trying to slip out of those bonds again. It won’t work this time around.

I should have known. Just a… DiMera stooge… a pawn.

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’d be a shame if you didn’t get any.

I should have known.

I should have known.

Everything’s in place, Feniger. The rest is up to you. Don’t screw this up. [exhales deeply]

Javi… my dear cousin, I am sure whatever wedding surprise you have in store, it can wait. [cell phone beeps] I swore I turned this damn thing off.

Oh… my God.

Rafe, what is it? Is everything okay?

Whatever it is that you have to say is gonna have to wait, because I’ve got something to say now.

Rafe, you’re scaring me. What is going on?

I’m sorry… but I can’t marry you.

[people murmuring]

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Days Update Thursday, January 30, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Marlena sits at home until Leo shows up at her door. Leo says he knows he shouldn’t drop by unannounced but he brought scones. Marlena says that’s kind but she’s not really in the mood. Leo walks in anyway and asks what’s wrong. Marlena informs him that she had an argument with her daughter this morning, so Leo asks what it was about. Marlena explains that she went to bring Belle some coffee but she wasn’t alone. Leo tries to guess who she was with until Marlena lets it slip that it was EJ.

EJ brings a tray with a cupcake to Rafe in the secret room of the underground tunnels where Rafe is tied up. EJ sarcastically wishes Rafe a happy birthday and tells him he ha so many reasons to celebrate.

Gabi calls out to Jada that coffee is ready and asks who is ready to get married today. Jada gets up with a hangover and remarks that she feels like there’s no chance this wedding is going to happen.

Arnold is passed out on his bed in his room at the Salem Inn until he’s woken by Javi knocking at the door. Javi comes in wishing him a happy birthday and says he had a feeling “Rafe” would look like hell after how wild last night got. Javi brought him shrimp as his Grandma’s hangover cure. Arnold informs him that he already ordered room service and questions why he’s here so early anyway. Javi reminds him that he’s here to help him get ready for his wedding. Arnold thanks him but says he’s got it covered and suggests he go help Jada get ready because she will need more help. Before he can get Javi out of the room, the stripper from the bachelor party comes out of the bathroom in a towel, asking if breakfast is ready. She then stops and says she didn’t know he had company. Javi says neither did he.

Marlena tells Leo that she can’t believe she blurted it out. Leo assures he won’t repeat a word to anyone and he’s honored that she confided in him. Marlena admits that she doesn’t have anyone to confide in with John gone and she can’t with Belle. Marlena brings up what this will do to Belle and Sami’s relationship as well as Shawn since he showed up while all that was going on and then EJ walked out, making it pretty clear to Shawn that Belle and EJ had spent the night together. Marlena and Leo agree that was awkward. Marlena can’t believe she’s talking about this to a gossip columnist. Leo says he’s a former columnist and all of this has been on Body and Soul. Marlena says this is real life and she can’t believe she’s been so indiscreet as this is the type of thing she’d only tell to a really close and trusted friend. Leo believes Marlena confided in him because she thinks of him as a really close, trusted friend.

EJ puts a little birthday hat on Rafe and says now they are appropriately festive as he lights a candle on his cupcake and tells Rafe to make a wish. Rafe responds that he wishes EJ were dead. EJ says he said it out loud so now it won’t come true. EJ adds that he’s in a good mood so he won’t take that personally. Rafe remarks that knowing EJ, the cupcake is poisoned. EJ says then he wouldn’t be able to see the look on his face when he tells him the good news that today is also Rafe’s wedding day.

Jada complains to Gabi that her head is pounding. Jada worries that she’s supposed to get ready in four hours and she can’t even think straight. Gabi encourages that she just needs caffeine but Jada doesn’t think she has a chance. Gabi assures that she has her back as starting today, they are family. Gabi promises that Jada will walk down the aisle or else Javi would kill her because he’s so invested in planning the wedding. Jada asks where Javi is. Gabi explains that she told him that she and Stephanie had everything under control and that Stephanie will be there soon. Gabi adds that Javi has a much more difficult task ahead of him as he is helping “Rafe” get ready. Gabi remarks that Rafe is the only one who partied harder than Jada did last night.

Arnold tells the stripper that Javi was just leaving. She remembers Javi from the party last night. Javi questions what she is doing in “Rafe’s” room in just a towel. She goes back to the bathroom to get changed. Arnold tells Javi that it’s not what it looks like and that he can explain.

Leo declares he and Marlena to be best friends. Marlena reminds him that he’s still her patient. Leo argues that he hasn’t had a real appointment in ages. Leo tells Marlena that he came here because something wonderful happened and he wanted it to share it with her, so Marlena asks what happened. Leo reveals that he and Javi got back together.

Javi tells “Rafe” that he can’t believe him. Arnold repeats that he can explain, claiming he forgot his scarf at the bachelor party and that Savannah was kind enough to bring it to him and she had been drinking, so he didn’t think she should drive and decided it was best if she spent the night here. Javi questions where exactly she spent the night.

EJ reminds Rafe that he and Jada planned on getting married today. Rafe says that was before he saw EJ with Arnold which EJ calls the beginning of Rafe’s stay here. EJ then reveals to Rafe that Jada went along with their plans, so she is getting married today.

Jada admits to Gabi that she was surprised at how much “Rafe” was enjoying his bachelor party. Gabi guesses everyone gets a little wild the night before their wedding. Stephanie then arrives and says she brought Hollywood level cosmetics from the Body and Soul studio. Jada continues to complain about how she feels. Stephanie says she will take her look to the next level. Gabi says she will see them at the church as she has something to take care of first, but promises that she’ll be back in time to see Jada and “Rafe” get married.

Rafe tells EJ that he’s out of his mind as Jada would be chasing down every lead looking for him. EJ explains that Jada isn’t looking for him because she doesn’t think he’s missing which means she’s had plenty of time to plan her wedding to Arnold.

Arnold tells Javi that Savannah slept in the bed while he slept on the floor. She backs him up and says “Rafe” was a perfect gentleman. Javi doesn’t believe a word and tells them to just admit that they slept together.

Gabi goes to the Horton house where JJ answers the door without a shirt on and asks to what he owes the pleasure. Gabi responds that the pleasure is all hers.

Jada tells Stephanie that she feels a little more human after her third cup of coffee. Stephanie asks if she has any butterflies. Jada insists that she’s not nervous, reminding her that she has done this before which brings up Everett/Bobby. Jada says the silver lining from that is that it brought her and Stephanie closer together. Jada tells Stephanie that having her as her maid of honor feels so right. They say they love each other as they hug.

Rafe calls EJ a sick bastard and vows to make him pay for this. EJ says to blame Jada as this all could have been avoided if she hadn’t conspired with Paulina to have him fired. EJ warns against messing with a DiMera. Rafe questions this being his revenge and asks what he thinks is going to happen on their wedding night. EJ assures him that Arnold is not sleeping with anyone today.

Arnold tells Javi that he and Savannah had sex and questions why he’s making such a big deal out of it. Javi reminds “Rafe” that he’s getting married to Jada in four hours and that he proposed to her with his mother’s ring and now he’s making a mockery of that by sleeping with the stripper. Savannah corrects him that she’s an exotic dancer and points out that she didn’t cheat on anyone. She decides that if there’s no breakfast, she will just leave and spare herself the judgement as she storms out. Javi asks how he could do this to Jada. Arnold tells Javi to get over it because he’s not going to breathe a word of this to anyone.

Leo explains to Marlena how he exposed Kerry as Lady Whistleblower, so Javi threw him out of the house and then he and Javi kissed and it was everything. Leo adds that he spent the night and they had lots of sex. Marlena questions if he’s sure that was a good idea. Leo remarks that sex is always a good idea. Marlena reminds Leo that the last time they behaved so hastily, it ended badly for both of them. Leo says that was because he accused Javi of spying on him. Marlena advises Leo that he can’t go in to a relationship on a faulty foundation. Leo asks if she’s saying his relationship is doomed.

JJ tells Gabi that she looks amazing. Gabi says he does too and thanks him. JJ asks where she is off to. Gabi reminds him that it’s Rafe’s wedding. JJ says he’s happy to see her but asks what she’s doing here since she must be busy. Gabi says she has been helping Jada get ready and putting out fires all morning, so she’s exhausted but there’s one detail she forgot to take care of which she hopes JJ can help her rectify. Gabi then tells JJ that she hoped he would be her plus one to the wedding.

Stephanie asks if Jada is feeling up for this. Jada assures that she’s feeling much better. Stephanie says after everything she and Rafe have been through, she must be so happy to be getting married. Jada calls it amazing but Stephanie asks what’s wrong. Jada claims she’s fine but Stephanie says she can’t fool her and asks her to talk to her. Jada brings up that she hasn’t heard from Rafe and she thought she’d at least get a call from him before they walk down the aisle.

EJ reminds Rafe that he gave his word that Arnold would not lay a hand on Jada. Rafe reminds EJ of what Arnold did to Sami and asks how the hell he could let this happen. EJ assures that would never happen again. Rafe asks if he doesn’t think Jada is going to want to be with her husband on her wedding day. Rafe tells EJ that he needs to stop this. EJ tells him to calm down and that he has it all set up that before Jada and “Rafe” get married, the whole city of Salem will get the shocking news that Jada is a corrupt cop.

Stephanie tells Jada that she thought it was adorable that “Rafe” wanted to spend the night somewhere else. Jada says she did too but thought she would at least get a text goodnight and feels like she’s being ghosted. Stephanie points out that the phone works both ways and she didn’t call him. Stephanie adds that it’s still early and bets Javi is putting him through the wringer. Jada says it’s not just about some silly text or call, but something has been really off about “Rafe” lately.

Javi questions “Rafe” wanting him to keep quiet about the fact that he cheated on Jada. Arnold argues that they aren’t married and it’s not Javi’s secret to tell. Javi asks how he could hurt Jada like that. Arnold says he didn’t hurt her because she doesn’t know about. Arnold asks if Javi is going to tell Jada and ruin their big day. Javi complains that most bachelor parties don’t end up with the groom having sex with the stripper. Arnold argues that Javi said he’d never been to a bachelor party. Arnold says it’s not unusual while Javi says this just doesn’t seem like Rafe. Arnold warns Javi again not to breathe a word about this.

Marlena tells Leo that she never said his relationship was doomed. Leo thought she’d be more encouraging since he and Javi finally put Lady Whistleblower behind them, so it just felt right and asks why they would wait after being apart for so long. Leo thinks Marlena is projecting as she’s thinking about walking in on Belle and EJ while he’s talking about he and Javi. Marlena admits that he’s right as she was concerned that Leo might get hurt and she doesn’t want that to happen because she cares so much about him, just like a best friend as Leo hugs her.

Gabi tells JJ that she was going to ask him earlier but she lost her nerve. Gabi notes they haven’t been seeing each other very long but she knows being her date to a family wedding is a big deal, so she was worried that he might think she was rushing things. JJ admits he was wondering if she was going to ask and what it would mean. Gabi suggests they could disregard any meaning it might have and treat it like just a party. Gabi says maybe it’s just as simple as they like each other, so it would be really fun to go together. Gabi asks if JJ wants to be her date.

Javi tells Arnold that he hates this. Arnold says family looks out for each other. Javi argues that Jada is his family now too and tells Arnold that he can get ready without him. Javi reluctantly agrees not to say anything as he storms out of the room.

Stephanie asks Jada what she means by saying something is off with “Rafe”. Jada says he’s just been different for awhile now and brings up how he was getting handsy with the dancer last night which was so not him. Stephanie admits she didn’t love that either. Jada adds that “Rafe” hired EJ as a client when he hates him like poison, so she questions why he’d work with him. Stephanie encourages the idea of “Rafe” wanting some extra cash for the wedding. Jada argues that Black Patch is not short on funds and he didn’t tell her or Steve. Jada adds that EJ practically lost his job because of her but he’s totally fine with hiring her fiancĂ©e. Jada feels something about this doesn’t add up.

EJ explains to Rafe that Jada will lose her job, allowing Paulina to re-appoint “Rafe” and Arnold will then convince Paulina to rehire him. EJ states that “Rafe” and he will have a job while Jada will be the only one out on the street. Rafe says the problem with his plan is that Jada isn’t a dirty cop. EJ points out that Rafe isn’t either but Ava managed to do a number on his reputation. EJ admits he’s not Ava’s biggest fan but calls it a good idea. EJ declares that when all is said and done, Jada will be toxic. Rafe argues that he won’t get away with this. EJ feels he already has. EJ tries to feed Rafe his cupcake but Rafe suddenly breaks free from being tied up and charges EJ.

JJ agrees with Gabi that they haven’t been seeing each other very long and it is kind of a big deal for him to go with her to her brother’s wedding. Gabi starts to give up on it but JJ says he didn’t say no and he likes that it’s kind of a big deal as he wants to go with her. Gabi says she wants him to as well as they kiss until they are interrupted by JJ getting a call from Belle. JJ says he’s off today but says he can be there in an hour. Gabi guesses JJ won’t be her plus one after all. JJ informs her that they are prosecuting a perp that he arrested awhile back and the trial got moved up, so he has to be there as Belle needs he and Shawn to testify. JJ apologizes while Gabi understands that she sprung this on him out of nowhere. JJ says he’d much rather be spending the day with her than doing anything else. Gabi realizes that justice never takes a day off. Gabi says she has to go and that she’ll save him a piece of cake. JJ says even though he can’t go, he knows that even being asked was a big step and he likes that for them. Gabi says she does too as they kiss.

Javi runs in to Leo in the town square. Leo says he was just telling Marlena how happy they are. Javi says no and that he’s mad at Leo because he ruined Jada and Rafe’s wedding.

Stephanie tells Jada that she doesn’t blame her for overthinking things since the last time she was married, she got blindsided by the groom’s personality change so she would be a little sensitive to “Rafe” cutting loose. Jada then gets a call from “Rafe”. Arnold says he just wanted one last call with his gorgeous fiancĂ©e before she becomes his wife.

Rafe knocks out EJ and declares there’s not going to be a wedding.

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Days Update Wednesday, January 29, 2025

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Update written by Joseph

Shawn is at home on the phone with Paulina, assuring her that Chanel is fine. Shawn asks Paulina not to say anything to Johnny because Chanel specifically didn’t want him to know where she spent the night last night, as Chanel then comes out from the bedroom behind Shawn.

Johnny sits in the living room of the DiMera Mansion, texting Chanel that he’s worried about her and to let him know that she’s okay. Kristen comes in and greets him. Johnny says he heard they found Rachel and brought her home which Kristen confirms. Johnny asks where they found her and if she’s okay. Kristen says she’s fine and wishes she was more sorry for what she put them through. Kristen admits she thought she was never going to see Rachel again, so she’s tremendously relieved. Johnny asks again where she ended up finding her. Kristen reveals that Rachel holed herself up in her family’s vacation home.

Rachel calls The Woman in White from her room and says she’s calling to check on Ava. The woman responds that Ava is fine and they are having a lovely breakfast as Ava remains tied up in a chair.

Brady calls Ava, leaving a message that he’s wondering why she’s not calling him back. Brady asks her to call him when she gets this as he’s starting to worry. Marlena comes in and asks if everything is alright. Brady tells Marlena that he’s just trying to get a hold of Ava to let her know the good news about Rachel and hoping she calls him back soon. Marlena mentions making coffee and suspects Belle might need some since she went to Jada’s bachelorette party last night and she’s still in bed, so she guesses she came in pretty late.

Belle wakes up complaining of a headache and then rolls over to see EJ in bed next to her. Belle hits EJ with a pillow to wake him up and questions how this happened. EJ says everything is a bit foggy. EJ remembers one minute they were arguing in the living room and the next minute, they were ripping each others’ clothes off in the bedroom. Belle continues to question how this happened and how she ever slept with him again after she just told a room full of women that he was her biggest regret.

Shawn thanks Paulina for keeping things quiet and says Chanel will appreciate that. Paulina asks to speak with her but Shawn claims she’s still asleep and he can have her call when she wakes up. Chanel thanks Shawn for covering as she’s not in the mood to deal with Paulina. Chanel calls it pretty pathetic as she used to be able to party all night and wake up fine, but now she’s completely destroyed after a couple round of Jell-O shots. Shawn says he heard it was a little more than that and asks what she remembers about last night. Chanel recalls being at the bachelorette party, crashing the bachelor party, fighting with Johnny and then running off to the bar. Chanel says it kind of goes blank after that but she remembers Shawn showing up at some point and that she kissed him. Chanel says it goes blank again after that and she just remembers waking up here in Shawn’s shirt, so she asks Shawn if they had sex last night.

Johnny asks Kristen how Rachel even knew about her family’s vacation home. Kristen explains that Rachel found a scrapbook she had all about her family with the information in there. Johnny recalls Sami mentioning the old Blake house. Kristen mentions it being where Peter married Jennifer back in the 90s and also where Andre set John up for his own murder. Johnny jokes that there was a lot of drama in that house. Kristen says the most dramatic surprise was finding out that her mother didn’t die in the accident when she was little and that she was just roaming around alone in that house.

The Woman in White says that’s enough about Ava and asks Rachel how her plan went and if her parents got back together, but Rachel says not even close. She says she’s sorry to hear that but encourages Rachel to be patient as it’s only a matter of time before they are one big happy family again.

Brady tells Marlena about Rachel running away to Kristen’s family’s home. Marlena asks if she said why she went. Brady says she admitted that she thought it would reunite he and Kristen. Brady thinks this has proved that Rachel needs therapy. Marlena agrees and says she has the number for a wonderful child therapist named Jillian Shaw. Brady says he’ll call on the way to see Rachel, noting that he and Kristen are going to need all the help they can get with Rachel.

Rachel tells the Woman in White to keep an eye on Ava because she’s very sneaky. She assures that she will take care of Ava and tells Rachel to just concentrate on getting her family back together which she agrees to do as they hang up. The Woman in White then tells Ava that she must be hungry and asks if she wants breakfast. Ava nods. She removes the gag from Ava’s mouth and warns her that screaming will do no good because everyone has thought the house has been haunted for years. Ava questions why Rachel was here. She explains that Rachel came for her help as she just wants her parents back together, so she’s keeping Ava from interfering. Ava asks why she cares and who the hell she is.

Johnny comments to Kristen that it must have been a shock to find out her mother was alive. Kristen talks about how everyone thought she was a ghost and they referred to her as the Woman in White. Kristen talks about how she was frightened and confused after the accident, but eventually got her memories back and she was very grateful to have extra time with her even though it was short lived. Johnny asks what happened. Kristen responds that a couple months after finding her, she and Stefano had a confrontation and the tunnels collapsed. Kristen says that Stefano found a way out but her mother did not.

Shawn assures Chanel that they did not sleep together. Chanel is relieved and asks what did happen. Shawn says after she kissed him, he tried to convince her to let him take her home but she refused because she didn’t want a lecture from her mother, so he brought her to his place, gave her water, his t-shirt, and now coffee.

EJ questions Belle telling a room full of women that he was her biggest regret. Belle explains that it was a game at the bachelorette party where everyone had to say a hookup that they regretted. EJ jokes that in her case, it had nothing to do with not enjoying the hookup. Belle says it was wishing it never happened and adds that Gabi also named EJ. EJ remarks that he didn’t hear any complaints from either of them at the time. Belle says they didn’t want to hurt his feelings. EJ asks if he was so regrettable, why she allowed him to take her home last night. Belle says he offered and she needed a ride. EJ argues that any number of people could have given her a ride and she could have got a taxi. Belle says if she was sober, she would have. EJ thinks she wanted him to take her home because she wanted this to happen. Belle asks EJ if he did or didn’t want this to happen. EJ asks why he’d want to sleep with her when she stole his job. Belle accuses him of seducing her out of revenge. EJ says he didn’t have to do much seducing because she kissed him first. Belle argues that he was the one who started taking her clothes off. EJ says he was caught up in the moment. Belle says she was too and then they start kissing again.

The Woman in White tells Ava that she’s just a woman who believes that families shouldn’t be separated. Ava says she has a family too and talks about her son, Tripp. Ava says he was taken from her when she was born and she wouldn’t wish that torture on her worst enemy, but she found him and now they are spending every moment they can making up for lost time. She responds that her children were taken from her too. Ava asks her to let her go, bringing up that Tripp just got engaged on Christmas and they are going to get married in Hong Kong, so she has to be there because she’s missed so many important moments in his life. She tells Ava that she does feel for her but letting her go would only hurt Rachel and she’s already hurt her so much by coming between her parents which she calls selfish of her. Ava argues that she wasn’t selfish and tried to break things off with Brady but he wouldn’t let her. She suggests that maybe she shouldn’t have let Brady get his way and she should’ve just disappeared, like she’s going to now.

Brady goes to the DiMera Mansion where Johnny tells him that he was glad to hear he and Kristen got Rachel home safe. Brady mentions having to take Rachel to her appointment for therapy. Kristen questions when he was going to tell her. Brady says Marlena had a recommendation so he called on the way over and she had a last minute opening. Kristen says she will clear her schedule to be there. Brady says that’s not necessary and that he can take her himself, but Kristen insists that she wants to be there. Kristen declares that afterwards, she and Brady will sit down and figure out what else they can do to protect their daughter, especially now that child protective services have been contacted, unless he has plans with his girlfriend Ava. Johnny questions Brady dating Ava now. Brady confirms that he is, but he doesn’t have plans with her right now. Brady adds that he will though, as soon as he can reach her.

Chanel tells Shawn that she’s so sorry for coming onto him last night. Shawn understands she’s going through a rough time. Chanel says it was inappropriate and adds that even though she’s furious with Johnny, he is still her husband. Chanel remarks that her wedding vows meant something to her even if they didn’t mean anything to Johnny. Shawn knows it’s none of his business but he doesn’t think that last part is true. Shawn acknowledges that Johnny screwed up, but at the bachelor party, he could tell that Johnny deeply regretted what he did and is miserable. Chanel argues that he should’ve thought about that. Shawn points out that he got drunk and made a mistake. Shawn suggests Chanel focus on the good things in their relationship and the good times she and Johnny had together instead of fixating on the one mistake he made, then she might be able to find it in her heart to forgive him.

EJ and Belle finish having sex again, so EJ asks who is to blame for round two. Belle says it’s obviously him and declares they have made a huge mistake. EJ asks how, arguing that they are consenting adults. Belle remembers when Sami found out about them the first time and asks if EJ wants to face her wrath again. EJ recalls them making jokes about Sami finding out about them and her response, so he questions why she’s so serious about it now. Belle says she never joked about Sami finding out about them and that his memory must be false. EJ says if she can’t handle the potential wrath of Sami, they can call the whole thing off. Belle tells EJ to go ahead and leave then. EJ says he has to tend to an urgent matter anyway. EJ then gets out of bed right as Marlena walks in and catches them together. Marlena questions how Belle could do this and says she doesn’t understand. Belle argues that she’s a grown woman and that she could’ve knocked. Marlena thought she was alone while Belle thought she was at the office. Marlena says she’s working from home and she’s sorry for barging in, but she doesn’t know what to call this. Marlena tells Belle that she’s so disappointed in her as she never thought she would get involved with this amoral man again since she knows how he hurts people including her brother. Marlena declares that if Belle is going to keep seeing EJ, they will not do this in her home. Marlena then storms back out.

Chanel tells Shawn that she does appreciate his take and can tell that his heart is in the right place, but it’s not just the fact that Johnny betrayed her but that he lied to her about it for months. Shawn relates since Belle cheated on him more than once but admits he’s been in Johnny’s shoes too. Chanel remembers hearing about he and Talia which Shawn calls a huge mistake as he hated himself for hurting Belle. Shawn can tell Johnny is carrying around the same guilt, so he can’t help but feel for him too. Chanel points out that Belle and Shawn had such a loving relationship and if they couldn’t make it work, what hope does she and Johnny have. Shawn says there were a lot of factors that led to their divorce and if he thought there was any chance, he would’ve kept fighting for their marriage but there was too much damage done that couldn’t be repaired. Chanel tells Shawn that she’s sorry. Shawn asks if she thinks it’s the same case for her and Johnny. Chanel admits she’s not sure. Shawn thinks she should take his advice then because if there’s even the slightest chance they could work their marriage out, they got to fix it before it’s too late.

Kristen questions Brady being unable to reach Ava and asks if she’s ghosting him. Brady tells her to leave it alone. Kristen suggests maybe Ava needs some space or he was being clingy. Johnny asks when he last heard from Ava. Brady says it was a voicemail but he couldn’t hear it because of the bad reception. Johnny suggests Brady play the voicemail so they can try to figure it out, so he does. Johnny says it sounded urgent but he can’t understand it either. Brady says he’s tried calling back and texted multiple times. Brady mentions that he thought about trying to have Steve enhance the audio, but declares that if he doesn’t hear from Ava soon, he’s going to get the cops involved.

Ava tells the Woman in White that she tried to be reasonable but she’s out of patience. Ava warns that she obviously has no idea who she’s messing with. Ava states that she could have her killed with one phone call. She responds that she used to know a man like her who was very powerful and made all kinds of threats. She says for a long time, she would cower in fear but then one day, she finally stood up to him and realized there was nothing to fear so her threats don’t phase her. Ava says that’s fine because Brady will be coming any moment to rescue her because she left him a voicemail, letting him know that she was coming to pick up Rachel, so he will come running when he listens to it. She points out that Brady hasn’t come yet, so maybe he never will.

Kristen tells Brady that she just cleared her schedule, so they are all ready for Rachel’s appointment. Kristen adds that she thinks Brady is being overdramatic about Ava since she’s tough and she’s sure nothing happened to her. Kristen remarks that she wouldn’t care if Ava dropped off the face of the earth, but she knows she has a thing for Brady, so she hopes nothing happened to her and that she gets in touch soon. Brady says she almost sounded sincere. Kristen jokes that she put a lot of effort in to it.

The Woman in White says she knows Ava is upset about Brady not coming to find her but she still has to eat. Ava questions the food not being poisoned and says she’ll take her chances with starving, so she decides to put the gag back on Ava. Rachel then calls back and tells the woman that they have trouble as Ava left a voicemail for Brady. She says she heard that. Rachel calls it a big problem because Brady just played it for Kristen. She tells Rachel that she will put Ava in another room so they can speak freely and when she comes back, Rachel will tell her exactly what was in the message.

Belle tells EJ how awkward and embarrassing that was. EJ says he’s sorry. Belle says he is too but blames herself for not locking the door. EJ says he would say she’ll know better for next time, but there obviously won’t be a next time.

Chanel returns home to Paulina’s where Johnny is waiting. Chanel asks what he’s doing here and how he got in. Johnny tells her that Paulina let him in and he came by because he was worried about her since she was in bad shape last night and wanted to make sure she was okay. Chanel is surprised Paulina didn’t slam the door in his face. Johnny thinks she saw how concerned he was so she took pity on him. Johnny says that Paulina said she was fine, but he needed to see for himself. Chanel confirms that she is fine, so Johnny says he’s glad to hear that. Johnny then asks Chanel where she has been. Chanel then informs him that she spent the night with Shawn Brady.

Shawn goes to see Marlena and says he was in the area so he asks if it’s a bad time. Marlena says she’s just getting some work done. Shawn says he won’t keep her but he came to return the photos of Rachel that he borrowed from Brady since the search is over. Marlena thanks him and says she’ll make sure he gets them. Shawn then looks past her in the open door and sees Belle in her robe with EJ. Belle tries to explain but Shawn says she doesn’t owe him an explanation as her personal life is none of his business. Shawn then quickly walks away. Marlena turns to Belle and says her personal life is none of her business either, but anyone who comes in to her home is her business and EJ is not welcome here. EJ says he understands and exits.

Johnny questions Chanel sleeping with his cousin, Shawn. Chanel clarifies that they didn’t sleep together, but she did kiss him which she calls a drunken mistake and he did not kiss her back, he just took her home to sleep it off. Johnny guesses he should thank Shawn for looking out for her. Chanel responds that he was looking out for him too since he asked her this morning if there was any chance that she could ever forgive him. Chanel admits that Shawn urged her to forgive him and she told him she wasn’t sure she was ready to do that. Johnny says he understands. Chanel adds that Shawn advised that if she thought there was any chance to save their marriage, she should act on it before it’s too late. Chanel thinks that Shawn was right.

Brady hugs Rachel and tells her it’s so good to see her. Rachel asks if he’s not mad at her anymore. Brady says he’s not happy that she ran away and scared him but he’s very happy that she’s okay and he will always love her no matter what. Rachel asks if they can do something fun like go to the zoo. Kristen reminds Rachel that they are going to therapy today. Rachel brings up that Kristen told her that she could tell her therapist how much she hates Ava which Brady questions. Kristen says that’s what Rachel said and she only said that she would be free to talk about her feelings. Rachel calls it the same thing. Kristen sends Rachel to get her coat. Brady questions Kristen, who insists that’s all she said. Brady then gets a text from Ava’s phone.

The Woman in White tells Ava that she solved her little mystery as she knows why Brady hasn’t come looking for her. Ava asks if he didn’t get her message. She informs her that there was apparently bad reception so he didn’t hear her say she was coming to pick up Rachel. Ava argues that Brady will still come looking for her when she doesn’t show up. She informs Ava that thanks to her big mouth, she was able to help Rachel send the perfect response.

Kristen reads the text on Brady’s phone that came from Ava’s phone, claiming that she just landed in Hong Kong. Kristen guesses she went to visit Tripp and suggests that she left so that Rachel would be inspired to come home. Kristen guesses she’ll be back soon but Brady informs Kristen that the rest of the message says Ava is apparently staying in Hong Kong so she doesn’t come between he and his daughter. Brady then states that Ava is breaking up with him. Rachel listens in from outside the door and declares “mission accomplished”.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, January 30, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn wants to tell Chase the truth about the baby she had in high school that she gave up for adoption but to do that she would have to tell Chase. Dante is the father of the baby. Brook Lynn doesn’t want Chase to have to keep a secret from his best friend so she would have to tell Dante that she had his baby and gave it up for adoption.

Alexis tells Kristina and Molly that Sam was murdered and that they were going to wait until they had more information to tell Danny the truth about how Sam died. Alexis thinks Scout is too young to know the truth about Sam’s death. Jason tells Diane thar he needs to tell her something under attorney client privilege.

Jason tells Diane that Sasha is pregnant with Michael’s baby. Jason doesn’t believe that Michael agreed to let Sasha raise the baby alone, so he is going to go to Germany to talk to Michael. Jason tells Diane that she shouldn’t tell Carly about Michael and Sasha’s baby and asks Diane to watch over Sasha while he is in Germany. Jason asks Diane to get anything Sasha needs as discreetly as possible.

Cody tells Maxie that he found out Sasha is pregnant and is surprised that Maxie already knew Sasha was pregnant. Lulu tells Maxie she is still in love with Dante, but she knows that he is still grieving Sam.

Chase deals with his being sterile by hitting a punching bag at the gym. Dante arrives at the gym and talks to Chase about Dex and Sam being murdered.

Carly and Jack have a romantic dinner and talk about Jack’s friendship with Valentin and share another kiss.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, January 31, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Nick tells his family Victor made it through surgery to remove the bullet and he will be fine.

Chelsea moves into Adam’s house on the ranch. Nick warns Chelsea that Adam thinks that he almost has what he wants because she moved into the house with him. Nick tells Chelsea that, if Adam stops over the line with her, she should let him know, so he can set him straight.

Michael tells Sharon all the charges against her have been dropped and she is a free woman.

Michael and Sharon explain to Daniel that Ian killed Heather in order to frame Sharon for Heather’s murder. Michael explains to Daniel that Jordan drugged Sharon with LSD, so she wasn’t in her right mind when she threw Heather’s body in the river. Sharon hopes that Daniel will someday forgive her for her part in what happened to Heather.

Claire tells Kyle everything that happened with her Aunt Jordan and that she killed herself by taking poison because she didn’t want to go back to prison.

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Days Short Recap Wednesday, January 29, 2025

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Shawn talked to Paulina on the phone and let her know that Chanel was fine. She didn’t want anyone to know where she was staying. Chanel appeared in the room after he got off the phone. She was wearing Shawn’s shirt. He asked her if she remembered what happened the night before. She remembered seeing him at the bar, their kiss and going to the house. Chanel wondered if they hooked up the night before. Shawn assured her that nothing happened between them. Chanel apologized for flirting with him when she’s still married. Johnny forgot about their vows, but she didn’t want to do that. Shawn let her know that Johnny would be miserable without her. He advised her to focus on the good times they shared and not on one mistake. She appreciated his advice. They talked about their marriages and how infidelity played a part in destroying his marriage. She’s not sure if she’s ready to end her marriage. Shawn advised her to fight for her marriage. Johnny tried to reach Chanel when Kristen walked in the room. They talked about Rachel being back home. Kristen told him about her family scrapbook which led to Rachel going to Aremid. She began telling him about the woman in white being her mother and how thankful she was that she was alive only to find out that she and Stefano were presumed dead in the Paris tunnels. Rachel called the woman in white to check on Ava. Ava was tied to a chair. The woman in white assured Rachel that her parents would get back together now that Ava is out of the way. Rachel warned her to keep an eye on Ava because she was sneaky. The lady took the gag off Ava’s mouth letting her know that no one would hear her scream. Ava wondered why Rachel was there. The woman told her that she helped Rachel get her out of the way so her parents could get back together. Ava wondered who the woman was. The only thing the woman said was that she was someone who wanted to see people get back together. Ava knew about family and told her about her son. She asked the woman to let her go so she could go to her son’s wedding. The woman said that letting her go would hurt Rachel. Making her disappear would help Rachel get what she wants. Ava warned her that she could have her killed with one phone call. The woman wasn’t intimidated by her threat because she dealt with a truly dangerous man in her life. Ava believed Brady would rescue her soon. The woman felt like Brady didn’t care enough  to bother looking for her.

Brady got worried when he couldn’t reach Ava. Marlena walked in the room saying that Belle had a hard night since she was still sleeping. Brady talked to Marlena about Rachel. Marlena couldn’t believe that Rachel went to Aremid by herself. He admitted that Rachel wanted him to get back together with her mother. They decided to let Rachel get therapy, and Marlena gave him the name of a doctor. Belle woke up and found EJ next to her in bed. She woke him up and hit him with a pillow. EJ remembered what happened between them. He wondered why she allowed him to go home with her. They realized they got caught up in the moment and made love again. After they made love again, EJ and Bell talked about what would happen if Sami found out. EJ and Belle started arguing over it when Marlena walked in the room. EJ struggled to get his clothes while Marlena and Belle got into a heated discussion about what happened. Belle reminded her that she was a grown woman and that she should have knocked on the door. Marlena couldn’t believe she hooked up with EJ after he hurt their family. If Belle wanted to keep seeing EJ, she wouldn’t do it under her roof. After Marlena left the room, EJ and Belle talked about how embarrassed they were at getting caught. He thought they should be more careful next time. Belle informed him there wouldn’t be a next time. Brady showed up at the DiMera mansion telling Kristen that he made an appointment for Rachel to see the therapist. Kristen demanded to go and made a comment about Ava. They listened to her voicemail. They couldn’t figure out what her message meant. Rachel overheard Brady talking about having trouble reaching Ava. Chanel went to Paulina and Abe’s place to find Johnny waiting for her. He told her that Paulina let him in the place because he was worried about her. Johnny wondered where she was, and she told him that she spent the night with Shawn. Shawn arrived at the townhouse to bring Rachel’s pictures back. Marlena tried to get him to leave when Belle and EJ came out of her bedroom.


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Days Short Recap Thursday, January 30, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Leo went to Marlena’s place and noticed that she was upset. Marlena told him she was upset because she walked in on Belle with EJ. She apologized for telling him about it. He thanked her for telling him. She thanked him because she didn’t have anyone to talk to. Marlena told him that she was worried about what Belle’s fling will do to her family especially Sami and Shawn. She said Shawn showed up and saw them together. After they talked about Belle and EJ, Leo told her about getting back together with Javi. Marlena advised him to take things slowly. Leo thought she felt that way because of Belle and EJ to which she said she was concerned about him. EJ went in the tunnels to check on Rafe. He told Rafe that it was his birthday and wedding day. Rafe said it couldn’t be his wedding day because Jada was looking for him. EJ told him about Arnold and said that everything was Jada’s fault for getting him fired as the D.A. He said doing things to a DiMera had consequences. EJ let Rafe know that he wouldn’t let Arnold in Jada’s bed. Rafe reminded him that Arnold raped Sami and wanted him to stop Arnold before he did the same thing to Jada. EJ said before Arnold and Jada went on their honeymoon, Jada was going to be depicted as a corrupt cop. When she was fired, Arnold would be the commissioner and convince Paulina to hire him back. While EJ was talking, Rafe attempted to go after him.

Stephanie went to the Hernandez house to help Jada get ready for the wedding. Jada was concerned that Rafe didn’t call her. She felt like she was getting ghosted. Stephanie suggested that she call Rafe. Jada noticed that something has been going on with Rafe. She said he has been acting differently for a while and was suspicious of him working with EJ. Javi went to see “Rafe” at the Salem Inn. Arnold tried to get rid of Javi, but Savannah (the stripper) came out of the bathroom. Arnold lied and said he forgot his scarf and she brought it back to him. He said she was drunk and spent the night. Savannah went with Arnold’s story. Javi didn’t believe them and demanded the truth. Arnold said he slept with Savannah. Javi was upset about it. Savannah ended up leaving. Arnold told Javi not to say anything. Javi said he couldn’t believe him to which Arnold reminded him that he wasn’t married yet. Javi couldn’t believe his behavior. Arnold warned him again not to say anything. Javi agreed not to say anything. He ran into Leo at the town square and blamed him for ruining Rafe and Jada’s wedding. Stephanie told Jada that she was worried for nothing. While they were talking, “Rafe” called Jada. Rafe ended up knocking EJ out and said there wasn’t going to be a wedding.

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Days Transcript Thursday, January 30, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


[doorbell ringing]

Coming. Oh, Leo, what a surprise.

I know, I know, I know. I shouldn’t just drop by unannounced for an impromptu session or even just to shoot the breeze, but I’m hoping you won’t be too annoyed with me, because, ta-da, I brought scones.

“Scones”? That’s so kind of you. I’m really not in the mood.

Oh, no, what’s wrong?

Well… I had an argument with my daughter this morning.

About what?

Well, I wanted to take her some coffee, and–




And she wasn’t alone.

Ah. So you walked in on Belle and some guy in flagrante delicto? Who was said guy?

I’m not going to talk about that.

Oh, you’re gonna make me guess? Fine, I’ll throw out names. You blink twice if I’m right. Shawn Brady, Philip Kiriakis, Dr. Seth Burns.

EJ Di– [gasps] [dramatic music]

* For he’s a jolly good fellow * * For he’s a jolly good fellow * * For he’s a jolly good fellow * * Which nobody can deny * Yay. Happy birthday, Rafe. Should be a good one. After all, you have so many reasons to celebrate. [ominous music] [clapping hands]

[humming Wagner’s “Bridal Chorus”] * * Rise and shine, bride-to-be. Coffee’s almost done. [resumes humming tune] Who’s ready to get married today?


Wow. That was meant to be rhetorical.

How are you feeling?

Like there is no chance that this wedding is going to happen.

[sighing] Okay.

[knock at door]

Oh, room service. Finally. [grunts] Hey.

[imitates fanfare] [chuckles] Happy birthday!

Can we turn that down a little bit?

Yeesh, you look like hell. I mean, I had a feeling you would after how crazy last night got. Here.

What’s this?

Come on, you know what it is. Ceviche.

Shrimp… for breakfast?

Yes. Abuela’shangover cure.

Yes. Yes. Right, right. But, uh, I already ordered room service, so, um… Yeah. What are–what are you doing here so early for, anyway?

What–what do you think? I’m here to help you get ready for your wedding.

Yeah. That’s go– I got it covered, though. So you know what? Why don’t you– why don’t you go help Jada? Because I’m sure that she has got, like, a million things to do.

I smell something good. Is our breakfast here? Sorry. I didn’t know you had company.

Neither did I.

[soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Oh, I can’t believe this.

Yeah, I’ll bet seeing EJ DiMera naked is pretty unbelievable.

No, I mean, I can’t believe that I just blurted that out.

Oh, Dr. Evans, it’s all right. And I assure you, I won’t repeat a word of this to anyone. And, frankly, I’m honored that you confided in me.

Well, you know what? I don’t have anyone to confide in anymore. I mean, John is gone, and… well, I can’t very well confide in Belle about this.

I can see you’re very upset.

I’m so upset. Not just because of the way I feel about EJ, but… because I know what this will do to– to Sami and Belle’s relationship, not to mention Shawn.


Shawn. Shawn showed up when all that was going on. – Shawn BradyShawn?



Yeah. And then EJ walked out. And it was pretty clear to Shawn… Belle and EJ had spent the night together.

Wow. Awkward.

Very awkward.

Oh. I am so, so sorry.


Was EJ still naked when Shawn showed up?


What? It’s not exactly irrelevant, because if he had been dressed, Shawn could have assumed that he was there for a business meeting?

Oh… no… he wasn’t fully dressed.


So Shawn could have assumed… very well what was happening… that the two of them had spent the night together. Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe that I’m saying all this to a gossip columnist.

Uh, no, a former gossip columnist. And you’re not telling me anything that hasn’t already been in a “Body & Soul” script.

Yes, that’s true. That’s true. But that’s a script. I mean, this is– this is real life. Oh! I can’t believe I’ve been so indiscreet. I mean, that’s the kind of thing that you only tell to a really, really close, trusted friend.

You know what this means, right? Maybe you’ve confided in me because you think of me as a really close, trusted friend. [chuckles]

Boom, there. Now we’re appropriately festive. And let’s not forget. [tense music]

Well… make a wish. Come on.

[exhaling weakly]

Oh, for God’s sake… Come on.

I wish you were dead.

Ah, ah, ah, you said it out loud. Now it’s not going to come true. But since I’m in a very generous mood, I’m gonna take that wish personally. You can have your cake and eat it, too– or muffin, in this case. Come on. Here, have at it. What’s the matter? Too vain to, uh, dive in face-first? Come on.

Knowing you, it’s poisoned.

Now, why would I do that? I wouldn’t be able to see the look on your face when I share the good news.

What good news?

Well, today is not only your birthday, it’s also your wedding day.

[groans] My head is pounding.

Oh, boy, okay. Uh, On a scale of one to ten, how bad?

Way beyond ten. Like, we’re talking a whole new scale. [groans] How am I supposed to get ready in four hours and I can’t even think straight?

It’s okay. You just need a little caffeine. Here.

Oh, thank you. But short of mainlining it, girl, I don’t think I stand a chance.

Relax, I got your back, okay? Starting today, we’re family. So put all the worries out of your mind. I promise, you’re going to walk down that aisle, because if you don’t, a certain someone will kill me.

No, Rafe wouldn’t blame you.

Mm. No, forget Rafe. I’m talking about Javi. He’s so invested in planning this wedding, you’d think he was the one getting married.

[chuckles] Well, speaking of Javi, where is he? Why isn’t he here?

Oh, I told him that Stephanie and I had everything under control. She’ll be here in a few, by the way. And as for Javi, he’s got a much more difficult task ahead of him.

Mm, more difficult than reviving the corpse bride?

[laughs] Yeah. He’s, uh, helping Rafe get ready. My brother is the only one who partied harder than you did last night, so…

Yeah, uh, don’t mind Javi. He was just, uh, leaving.

Wait a minute. I know you. You were at the party last night.

[mockingly] And you were the entertainment. So what are you doing here, in my cousin’s room, wearing nothing but a towel?

[chuckles] I should get changed.

Yeah. [door opens, closes] All right, listen, this– this is not what it looks like, all right? I can explain.

Oh, you better. So go ahead, explain.


Best friends.

Best friends?

Listen, don’t be concerned about offending anybody. Best friend is a tier, not a title. Not that I’m aware of anyone else in the running.

Oh. Well, I-I did have several best friends. I guess they’ve left town by now. But that’s what texting and social media is for, huh?

Dr. Evans, you cannot watch “Drag Race” with an avatar. Well, you can, but it would be a different experience. Bonding over who should sashay away is sacred.

Leo, you’re still my patient.

I haven’t had a real appointment in ages. That professional boundary has long been breached.

Yeah. I have only myself to blame for that, don’t I?

Oh, no, no, don’t think of this as some deep, dark shame. Look, I didn’t haul my tush over here with fresh pastry so you could bill me for an hour. I came here because something wonderful happened, and… I just–I just wanted to share it with you.

Tell me what happened.

Javi and I got back together. [chuckles] [soft music]

I can’t believe you, man.

Listen, man, you got it all wrong, all right? I can explain.

Oh, this should be good.

Yeah, okay? I-I, um– I forgot my scarf at the bachelor party.

Oh, your scarf.

Yeah, my scarf, okay? And Savannah was nice enough to bring it to me. The problem was, when she got here, she’d been drinking, so… Yeah–So I didn’t think it was smart for her to drive, and I thought it was best if she spent the night here. [dramatic music]

So she spent the night? Where exactly?


[ominous music]

You and Jada planned on getting married today? Don’t tell me it slipped your mind.

We never set a date. We only talked about getting married today… right before I saw you with Arnold.

The beginning of your stay in my lovely home.

How the hell did you know about our plans?

Because your bride-to-be went along with them. Jada is getting married today.

I have to admit– I was surprised at how much Rafe was enjoying his bachelor party.

Yeah, well, I guess everyone gets a little wild the night before their wedding, right, Commissioner?

I suppose. [knock at door]

Mm, I’ll get it.

Mm-hmm. [door opens] There you are.

Hey! Oh! Sorry for the delay. I, um–I stopped by the “Body & Soul” studio on the way here. And not to brag, but your glam squad scored some Hollywood-level cosmetics for your big day.


[chuckles] Not that you need it. You are already the most beautiful bride in the world.

Well, given how I feel, that is debatable.

Oh, don’t be ridiculous. I’m just taking your look to the next level.

Well, if you’re all set here, I’ll meet you both at St. Luke’s.

Oh, you’re leaving?

I just have to take care of something. But don’t worry–I promise I’ll be back in plenty of time to watch you and my brother tie the knot.


Okay. [light music]

Jada’s getting married today. [scoffs] You’re out of your mind. She’s out there following every lead, knocking on every door, looking for me.

Rafe, Rafe, Rafe, look, I know that you’re rattled, but it’s still a bit concerning to me that you don’t recall what I told you when this first came up. And that is, Jada is not looking for you because she doesn’t think you’re missing, which means she’s had plenty of time to plan her wedding to… [dramatic music]


[imitates gunshots]

I didn’t want Savannah driving home, so I thought it was best that she sleep in my bed. I slept on the floor, of course. Isn’t that right?

That’s right. Rafe was a perfect gentleman.

So you’re saying nothing happened between you two?

Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Yeah, well, there’s just one problem. I don’t believe a word of it. So just fess up and say you guys slept together. [soft music]

Gabi. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Believe me, the pleasure is all mine.

So how are you feeling?

Well, a little more human now that I’m on my third cup. [chuckles]

I wasn’t talking about your hangover. I mean, how are you feeling? Any butterflies?

No, no, I’m–I’m not nervous. I mean, no more than anybody would be before their wedding. You know, I have done this before, after all.



Everett. Or, um, Bobby, technically.

Yeah. I mean… that marriage, it didn’t end how I had hoped.


But if there was one silver lining through that whole disaster, it’s that it brought you and me closer, so… Uh, I mean, having you as my maid of honor, it just really feels so right.

I love you, Jada.

I love you, too.

You’re sick. You’re a sick bastard. I will make you pay for this, EJ.

Don’t blame me. Blame your fiancĂ©e. This could have all been avoided had she not conspired with the mayor to have me fired. When you cross a DiMera, there will be a reprisal. If you take a shot at the king, as they say.

And this is your revenge? This is your revenge? Marrying an unsuspecting woman off to a maniac? What do you think’s gonna happen on their wedding night?

Relax. Arnold Feniger is not sleeping with anyone today.

Okay, fine. We had sex, okay? Why are you making such a big deal out of it?

Are you kidding me? You’re getting married to Jada in, like, four hours. You proposed to her with my mother’s engagement ring– you know, the one she left to you instead of me so that you can give it to the love of your life.


So? So now you’re making a mockery of that gift by sleeping with a stripper.


I am an exotic dancer, thank you very much. And for the record, I didn’t cheat on anyone. So, if there’s no breakfast coming, then I’ll just leave and spare myself your judgment. [dramatic music]

[door slams]


How could you do this to Jada?

I can see that you’re upset.

Yeah, damn right, I’m upset.

Yeah, well, get over it. Get over it, because you are not gonna breathe a word of this to anyone. Do you hear me?

So, then after all the details about the new “Body & Soul” storyline show up in Lady Whistleblower’s column…

Oh, the one about devil possession?

Well, you know what they say– imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So, anyway, then I head over to Javi’s place, where I find him in bed with Kerry, who I blow the whistle on just in time, because five minutes later, a different whistle of Kerry’s would have been blown, if you catch my drift.

Well, subtlety was never your long suit.

Point is, Javi then throws Kerry’s sorry ass out of the house. It was incredible. Better than “Waiting to Exhale.” Full-on Angela Bassett walking away from that cheating bastard’s car after setting it on fire. So then, Dr. Evans, Javi takes me into this big romantic kiss. It was everything.

I’m so glad it worked out.

Oh, I’m not done. Then I spent the night, and we had sex–lots and lots of sex.

Are you sure that was a good idea?

Not a good idea? I thought sex was like Paris– always a good idea.

Paris, yes. Sex, not always. The last time you behaved so–so hastily, it ended up badly for both of you.

Mm, that breakup had nothing to do with our relationship speedometer, as you know all too well, because I kvetched to you about it endlessly. It’s because I accused Javi of spying on me.

I know. I’ve told you so many times– you can’t build a relationship on a faulty foundation.

So are you saying my relationship is doomed? [dramatic music]

May I say, wow… you look amazing.

So do you. [chuckles] I mean thank you.

So where are you off to looking so gorgeous?

My brother’s wedding.

Right, that’s today. Not that I’m not happy to see you, but, uh… what are you doing here?

Excuse me?

It’s just, aren’t you a little busy?

I most certainly am. Well, I’ve been helping Jada get ready and putting out fires all morning. I’m exhausted.

I’ll bet.

[chuckles] But there is one very important detail that I totally forgot to take care of, which I hope that you can help me rectify.

Whatever you need.

It’s about my plus-one.

Your plus-one?

Well, someone needs to be mine, and… I was hoping that someone could be you. [romantic music]

[humming] Mm, mm-hmm. Are you still not feeling up for this?

No, no, I’m feeling much better now. Thanks.

Oh, okay, good. After everything you and Rafe went through this past year, you must be so happy to finally be getting married.

Yeah. Yeah, it’s amazing. [chuckles]

Jada, what’s wrong?

Nothing, nothing. I’m fine.

You might have been able to fool Gabi but not me. Talk to me.

It’s–it’s stupid. It’s just that I haven’t heard from Rafe, you know? I mean, I know he wanted to be traditional and sleep apart the night before the wedding, but… I thought that I would for sure get a call from him at least before we walked down the aisle.

I already gave you my word that Arnold wouldn’t lay a hand on Jada.

You know what that monster did to Sami. How the hell could you let this happen to someone else?

I will never let that happen again! I made sure of it!

How, EJ? How? Jada thinks that she is marrying me. You don’t think that she’s going to want to be with her husband on her wedding night? Oh, and, what, Arnold’s just going to be like, oh, no, it’s okay? You need to stop this, EJ.

Settle down, Rafe. I’ve taken all of this into account. Before the happy couple heads up to the honeymoon suite, all of Salem is going to receive some very distressing news.

What news?

Oh, I didn’t mention it? Jada Hunter is gonna be outed as a corrupt cop. [dramatic music]

I thought it was kind of adorable that Rafe wanted to spend the night somewhere else.

So did I, but just because we slept apart the night before, you know, I thought I would at least get a text good night. I mean, I understand him not wanting to see me before the ceremony, but… I don’t know. I just– I feel like I’m being ghosted.

Well, this may come as a surprise to you, but that phone of yours, it works both ways. Did you call him?

[sighs] Fair enough. [chuckles]

Besides, it’s still early. I bet Javi is putting him through the ringer, trying to make him look presentable. I mean, I’m sure he’ll call you as soon as he can.

Yeah, but… it’s not just about some silly text or phone call.

Then what is this about?

It’s just that… something’s been really off about Rafe lately.

Are you kidding me, Rafael? You want me to keep quiet about the fact that you cheated on your fiancée?

Exactly. FiancĂ©e. FiancĂ©e. We are not married, so no commandments were broken. And besides, it’s not your secret to tell.

Oh, s-so, what? So, no harm, no foul? How could you hurt Jada like this?

I didn’t hurt her, all right? I didn’t hurt her because she doesn’t know about it. What are you going to do, huh? Are you going to tell Jada, huh? You going to ruin her big day, my big day? Because of what? Because of a little extracurricular activity at a bachelor party?

This isn’t some ’80s movie. Most bachelor parties don’t end up with the groom having sex with someone else.

Yeah, you said you never even went to a bachelor party. From where I stand, that actually was pretty tame. I mean, it’s not like the stripper died or anything.

Oh, my God.

It was a joke, okay? A joke. The bottom line is this– it is not unusual for people to sow their wild oats before they settle down, all right?

This just doesn’t seem like you.

Okay. Well, agree to disagree. The bottom line is this– you do not breathe a word about this. You hear me? Not one.

I never said your relationship was doomed.

Well, you may as well have. Dr. Evans, I’d think you’d be a little more encouraging. Javi and I finally put this Lady Whistleblower business behind us, and it just felt right. Why would we wait after being apart for so long? [gasps] You know what I think? I think you’re projecting.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, that’s right. I remember all the terms you taught me in therapy. I’m telling you about Javi and me, but you’re thinking about walking in on Belle and EJ. Projecting.

You’re right.

And another thing, if you– I’m what?

You’re right. You’re right. Yeah, I was–I was thinking about you and Javi, and I was–I was concerned that you might get hurt… because I don’t want that to happen, because I– I care so much about you.

[scoffs] Sort of like a… best friend?

[scoffs] Best friends. You and your best friends. Yes, just like best friends.

Come here. Come here.


So what happened? Someone cancel on you?

No, I was gonna ask you earlier.

Well, then why didn’t you?

Because I lost my damn nerve. [chuckles] Uh… I– Look, we haven’t been seeing each other for very long, and I know being my date to my family wedding is sort of a big deal. I was worried that you might think I was rushing things.

Well, I’ll admit– I was, uh… wondering whether you were going to ask… and what it would mean.

Or we could disregard any meaning this might have. And it’s just a party… a very elegant party where people will profess their love to each other in front of all my family…


But a party, nonetheless. And, uh, maybe it’s just as simple as, I like you, and you like me. And it would be really fun to go together. So what do you say? You want to be my date?

I don’t like this. In fact, I hate it.

All right, well, noted. [chuckles] But you’ll still do me this solid, right? Hey, we’re family. We’re family, and family looks out for each other, right? Come on, huh?

Jada’s my family now, too.

What are you– Where you going?

You can get ready without me.

All right, but you’re not going to say anything, right?

No. I won’t.

All right.

God, help me.

All right, well, I’ll see you at St. Luke’s. [dramatic music] [door closes] [sighs]


What do you mean something’s off with Rafe?

He’s just been different… for a while now.

How so?

Well, like the fact that he was getting all handsy with the dancer last night… that was just so not him.

Yeah, I mean, I didn’t love that.

Me neither. And the fact that he hired EJ as a client– He can’t stand that man. He hates him like poison. Why on Earth would he want to work with him?

Well, didn’t he say that he was trying to get some extra cash for the wedding? That’s kind of sweet, if you think about it that way.

Yeah, yeah, and–and I did appreciate that gesture, but… Okay, Black Patch is not short on clients. He didn’t tell Steve, and he didn’t even tell me. It’s just–it’s so weird. And then EJ practically lost his job because of me. But he’s totally fine hiring my fiancĂ©? Something about this doesn’t add up.

I don’t blame you for needing me to put the pieces together. You do have a lot on your mind, after all. So I will tell you how this is going to work. Jada will lose her job. That will then allow Mayor Price to reappoint you– oh, well, Arnold. Arnold will then convince Paulina to reinstate me as district attorney. I will have a job. Rafe will have a job. Jada will be the only one out on the street.

There’s only one problem with your plan.


Jada’s not a dirty cop.

Mm. Neither were you. Me and Ava Vitali manufactured enough evidence to do a real good number on your reputation. I mean, I’m not Ava’s biggest fan, but a good idea is a good idea. When all is said and done, Jada will be toxic.

There’s no way you’re gonna get away with this, you know.

Would it be clichĂ© to say I already have? Because… Now, there is somewhere that I must be. So if you want to enjoy any of this, I suggest you open wide. Choo-choo! [imitates train chugging]


Well, Gabi, you’re right. We haven’t been seeing each other for very long, and as–as much as we want to downplay it, it is kind of a big deal for me to go with you to your brother’s wedding.

[chuckles] Oh, my God. I’m such an idiot. I’m sorry. I’ll go.

No, no. I didn’t say no.


I like that it’s kind of a big deal. And I want to go with you.

I want you to go with me, too. [soft music]

[cell phone ringing]

That’s the DA.


I got to take this. Deveraux. No, I’m off today. Wait, it got moved? Since when? Yeah, I can be there. Give me an hour. Damn it.

I have a feeling you’re not going to be my plus-one after all.

That was the ADA, prosecuting a perp I arrested a while back. The trial wasn’t supposed to be for a few weeks, but it got moved up.

And you have to be there.

Yeah. Belle needs Shawn and me to testify. Hey, I’m–I’m sorry.

You don’t need to apologize. I sprung this on you out of nowhere.

Yeah, but I’d much rather be spending the day with you than taking the stand.

Well, not exactly a high bar.

Let me try that again. Um, I’d much rather be with you than doing anything else.

Hmm. Well, it’s all right. You know, my brother being on the force for so long, if there’s one thing that I have realized, it’s that justice never takes a day off. I have to go. Uh, I will save you a piece of cake.

Hey, Gabi…

Even though I can’t go, I, uh… I know that even being asked was a big step. And, well… I like that for us.

So do I.

Ah, isn’t this the most pleasant of coincidences? Mwah. I was just telling Dr. Evans– I mean my best friend, Marlena, how happy we are.

No, I’m mad at you.

Me? What? Why? Because you ruined Jada and Rafael’s wedding. [dramatic music]

Look, I get that Rafe has been acting a little strangely lately. And I don’t blame you for overthinking all of this.

What do you mean?

Well, not to bring up the Everett in the room again, but the last time you were married, you got blindsided when the groom was experiencing a literal personality change. So… [chuckles] No wonder you’re a little sensitive when it comes to Rafe cutting loose. [cell phone vibrating]

It’s Rafe.

Ah. See, told you he didn’t let you down.


Hey, baby. Sorry I didn’t hit you sooner.

Oh, it didn’t even cross my mind.

Well, I just wanted one last call with my gorgeous fiancée before she becomes my wife.

There’s not going to be a wedding… you son of a bitch.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

At the DiMera mansion, EJ talked to himself about keeping Rafe in the tunnels. He told himself that he had to get revenge on Jada. Johnny walked in and wondered what he was talking about. EJ said he was talking about Jada firing him. Johnny said Paulina had issues with him too. EJ advised him to keep working on his relationship with Chanel. He said he and Sami forgave each other. When Johnny noticed a tray of food, EJ said it was his food. Johnny told him he was going to Rafe’s party to which EJ said he didn’t know about. When Johnny left, EJ was afraid Arnold would ruin the plan. Paulina convinced Chanel to go to Jada’s bachelorette party. She told Chanel that she cried over Johnny enough. Shawn and Jada talked about Rachel and the fact that Child Protective Services was getting involved in her case. They also talked about Rafe’s bachelor party. Jada said she was grateful that Rafe was different from the other guys she was with. Belle showed up to take Jada to the party. While Arnold was looking at explicit videos, Javi walked in. Arnold closed the laptop. Paulina and Chanel showed up at Stephanie’s apartment for Jada’s bachelorette party. Stephanie let Chanel know that she would be there for her when it concerns Johnny. Everyone showed up at the party and started having fun.

The ladies at the bachelorette party played games and got drunk. They talked about the men they regretted being with. Gabi and Belle said they regretted being with EJ and told why they were with him. Chanel said she regretted being with Johnny and talked about Joy. Stephanie decided they should all get a change of scenery. Steve and Johnny were at the pub waiting for the bachelorette party to start. Johnny talked to Steve about Chanel. Steve said a mistake doesn’t mean the end of a marriage. He said he made plenty of mistakes with Kayla. Everyone, including EJ, showed up at the bachelor party. The guests were surprised that EJ showed up. EJ said he and Rafe called a truce since he was helping him with Sloan. Steve wasn’t happy that Rafe took a case without letting him know about it, but Rafe wondered why it was a big deal. Steve reminded him that it was his and John’s business. When Rafe told him to relax, Steve was more upset. Rafe wondered if he was being threatened. Shawn and Javi stopped Steve from going after Rafe. Johnny suggested that EJ leave. Rafe agreed with him. When Arnold and EJ were alone, Arnold let him know that the night was ruined. EJ said he was playing a dangerous game with Rafe’s friends. He told Arnold that he needed to keep his eyes on the prize and remember that he wanted to get revenge on Jada. A stripper showed up at the bachelor party. When she performed for Arnold, the ladies at the bachelorette party showed up. Jada asked if he was having a good time. Arnold said he wanted her to give him the lap dance. Gabi wondered why EJ was at the party. Johnny told Chanel that he was surprised that she was there. She told him to leave her alone because he was Joy’s problem now. Paulina wanted to go after her, but Shawn told her he was the only sober one there and knew what she was going through. EJ took Belle home. They got into an argument which led to them making out. Shawn found Chanel at a bar drinking. She ended up kissing him.

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Days Short Recap Monday, January 27, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Holly apologized to Doug for showing up at the Horton house. She talked to him about her drama with Tate and Sophia. Doug tried to calm her down as she started getting excited about the situation. She felt like the baby would never be out of Tate’s life, and he could still marry Sophia. Tate reminds her that she’s dealing with a lot. They had a close moment when he held her, but he ended the hug when the doorbell rang. Leo arrived at the house to talk about the necklace. He tried to cover, but Doug let him know that Holly knew everything. Leo could get the necklace back, but it would cost him more than he got selling it. Doug wanted to pay Holly back first and then worry about the necklace. He wanted a job so Leo suggested he work for him as his assistant. Sophia looked through flyers about Rachel being missing when Tate arrived. He let her know that there hasn’t been any news about Rachel. Tate suggested they split up to search, but she wanted to talk about the adoption. She wondered if they could give the baby up for adoption with or without her mother’s approval. Sophia said she would be 18 before the baby was born so her mother didn’t need to know about the adoption. Tate wasn’t sure that was a good idea because she couldn’t explain why she didn’t have the baby after she gave birth to it. Sophia felt like it would be too late for her mother to do anything about it. He thought they would decide not to pay for her to go to college. Sophia wasn’t too worried about it because she could support herself if she got disowned. Tate suggested they give the baby to a couple her mother would like. Sophia thought they would have to be super religious for her to approve of them.

Ava arrived at the Blake house and got distracted by Rachel’s stuffed snake. The distraction allowed Rachel and the woman in white to sneak up on her. They attacked her with a candlestick. Brady checked his messages, but Ava’s message cut off before he could hear it. He tried to call Ava back, but he didn’t get an answer. The woman in white heard Ava’s phone ringing and let it go to voicemail. Rachel wanted to know if Ava was dead. The woman told her that she was alive. She thought it was better that Rachel’s parents could get back together without Ava being in the way. Rachel thought things would be okay until she woke up. The woman in white suggested they come up with a new plan for Ava so Rachel could get what she wanted. Brady went to Kristen’s place to tell her that JJ didn’t find anything. Kristen informed Brady that EJ was supportive of her even though they aren’t blood related. She said that EJ was interested in the Blake family. Kristen said that her scrapbook was missing. Brady realized that Rachel took the book. If Rachel took it, that might be a clue. They realized that Aremid isn’t that far and rushed out. Brady and Kristen arrived at the house, but it looked empty. He noticed Rachel’s shoe and pulled it from under a sheet. They found Rachel, and she was happy to see her parents. Brady and Kristen were thankful they found Rachel, but they wished she said where she was going. They assumed she was alone, but she said she had her snake with her. Kristen informed her daughter that she was in trouble, and they would talk when they left. Rachel went back inside to let the woman in white that her parents found her. The plan could still work for them. Rachel had to take Ava’s phone, and the woman would take care of Ava.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Portia tells Anna that the hospital believes that several people were murdered with overdoses of digitalis including Dex and Sam. Anna later tells Dante and Lulu that the hospital did an internal investigation, and they think Sam was murdered.

Sasha asks Jason not to tell anyone that Michael is the father of her baby. Sasha is worried that if Willow finds out about the baby, she will use it as proof of Michael’s infidelity at the custody hearing and the judge might give sole custody of Michael and Amelia to Willow. Sasha also asks Jason not to tell Sonny because his dangerous business associates might want to hurt his newest grandchild.

Gio tells Cody that Sasha and Tracy got into an argument because Sasha told the family she was pregnant. Cody I’d walking by the dock when he sees Jason with his hand on Sasha’s stomach because the baby moved for the first time.

Chase and Brook Lynn begin to deal with the fact that he is sterile and can’t get her pregnant. Chase goes for a walk so he can think about things. Brook Lynn cries and talks to her mom about Chase. Brook Lynn wants to tell Chase about the child she gave up for adoption when she was in high school.

Valentin almost kills Jack by choking him, but Valentin runs away quickly when Carly opens the door to the spa room. Jack thanks Carly for saving his life. Jack goes to Carly’s room later and gives her a kiss.

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Y&R Short Recap Thursday, January 30, 2025

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Recap written by Eva

Tessa arrives at Sharon’s house with Aria and tells Sharon and Mariah that she was driving Aria around in the car because she wouldn’t stop crying. Tessa explains that she forgot to charge the phone and the car before she left the house, so she had to wait until someone came to help her. Tessa tells Mariah and Sharon that Abby found her and drove her home.

Ian dies from his injuries before the ambulance gets to the ranch. The paramedics tell Victor that he will be okay because the bullet won’t straight through but ne is taken to the hospital. Ian is also taken to the morgue in an ambulance, and everyone is relieved that their long ordeal is over because Ian and Jordan are dead. The audience sees Ian open his eyes as he is lying on the gurney in the back of the ambulance.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


I understand perfectly, Mayor Price, but it’s exactly like I told you last night– your daughter, she’s fine. Yes, yes, I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. No. No, no. Please, don’t say anything to Johnny. All right, Chanel, she specifically said she didn’t want Johnny to know where she stayed the night last night. [soft apprehensive music]

Oh. Morning, Johnny.

Hey, Aunt Kristen, I heard you guys found Rachel and brought her home.

Yes, we did.

Thank God. Where’d you end up finding her? Is she okay?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, she’s fine. She’s fine. I just–I really wish she was a bit sorrier for what she put us through. But our Rachel is not big on contrition.

Yeah, well, I doubt I was, either, at her age.

Yeah, nor was I. Nor am I even now, quite honestly. Oh, God, for what felt like eternity, I thought I was never gonna see her again. So I am tremendously relieved, obviously.

I can imagine. So where did you end up finding her?

Oh, our resourceful little girl holed herself up in my family’s vacation home in Aremid. [phone ringing] [soft suspenseful music]


It’s me.

Rachel? – Yeah. I’m just calling to check on Ava.

Oh, she’s doing just fine, dear. We’re just having a lovely breakfast.

Ava, hey. It’s Brady again. Listen, I’m wondering why you’re not returning my calls. Please call me back as soon as you get this, ’cause I’m starting to worry.

Everything all right?

Yeah, I’m just trying to get ahold of Ava and let her know the good news about Rachel. I’m hoping she’ll call me back soon.

Yeah. Well, while we’re waiting, would you like some coffee? I made a big pot.

No, I’m good. Thank you.

Well, that’d be more for Belle. I suspect she might need some.

Why is that?

Oh, she went to Jada’s bachelorette party last night, and she’s still in bed. I guess she came in pretty late.

[groaning] Ugh, my head. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this bad. I stand corrected. [soft orchestration]

announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

EJ, wake up. EJ. EJ, wake up.

What the hell? [grunts]

My sentiments exactly. How did this happen?

What? What?

How did this happen?

Give me a moment to collect myself. [groans] Ugh. I don’t do well in the mornings, especially after a pillow attack. [soft quirky music] Do you hear that banging as well?


All right, all right, all right. Let me think. Everything’s just a little bit foggy. Okay, I remember one minute we were arguing in the living room. The next minute, we were ripping each other’s clothes off… in here.

Damn it, EJ, I know that. The question is, how did this happen? I mean, how did I ever sleep with you again, after I just told a room full of women that you were my biggest regret? Ugh.

Thank you, Mayor Price. I’m sure Chanel will appreciate you keeping this quiet. Oh, you wanna speak to her? Um. You know what? I, uh… I’m sorry, I think that she’s still asleep. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I can have her call you as soon as she wakes up. Okay. Okay, bye.

Thank you for covering for me. I am not in the mood to deal with Mama right now.

I figured you’d need this.

Yes. More than you can imagine. You know, it is pretty pathetic. I used to be able to party all night and then wake up perfectly fine for Dr. Selbo’s 8:00 a.m. seminars, and now I am just completely destroyed after a couple of rounds of Jell-O shots.

Mm, from what I heard, I think it was a– a little more than a couple of rounds.

Yeah. Yeah, I don’t know. Must’ve been.

So… what do you remember about last night?

I–well, I remember that we were at the bachelorette, and then that led to us crashing the bachelor party. And then I remember I fought with Johnny, and then I ran off to the Small Bar. And then after that, it just kind of goes blank. But then you showed up at some point. I remember that. And then I remember… well, that I kissed you. And then it just kind of goes pretty blank again after that. And then I remember waking up here, and I was– I’m in what, obviously, is your t-shirt. And so I guess that just– it begs the obvious question– Shawn, did you and I have sex last night?

So, Rachel made it all the way to Aremid?

Mm-hmm. She’s gonna be the death of me.

How’d she even know about that place? Had you taken her there when she was younger?

No. No, never. I mean, I haven’t been there myself in decades. No one has. She found a scrapbook I had of– it was all about my parents and my brother, Peter– had all this information about our summer home in Aremid. It’s time we spent as a family. This is before my parents passed away and Peter and I were adopted by Stefano.

Yeah, I do think I remember my mom mentioning something about the old Blake house?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. That’s where your Uncle Peter married Jennifer in the ’90s. And it’s also where your Uncle Andre set John up for his own murder.


Yes. “Wow” is right.

A lot of drama went down at that house.

[laughs] Yes. Yes, it did. But, I mean, the most dramatic surprise was discovering that my mother hadn’t died in an accident when I was a kid, that she was still alive and she was just roaming around all by herself in that creepy old home. – Enough about Ava. Tell me, Rachel, how did your plan go? Were your mother and father so happy to have you back that they fell into each other’s arms?

Not even close.

Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. But be patient. Now that we have the biggest obstacle out of the way, it’s only a matter of time before you’re one big, happy family again. [tense music]

Rachel got all the way to Aremid by herself?

Yeah. Yeah, that’s our little girl– she’s just smart, resourceful, and defiant as hell.

Well, thank God nothing bad happened to her. Did she say why she went? [soft music]

Actually, she did. She admitted that she thought if she ran away, it would reunite her mother and me.

Yeah. I should have guessed that was the reason.

Well, it was. I think this ordeal has proved that Rachel needs a little bit of therapy.

I agree. In fact, I got that number that you wanted. She’s a wonderful child therapist. Her name is Jillian Chong, and I will text you her information.

Thank you for doing that. I was gonna go see Rachel. I’ll probably call the doctor on the way over there. Oh, Kristen and I, we are gonna need all the help we can get when it comes to that little girl.

Make sure you keep an eye on Ava. She’s very sneaky.

Like I said last night, I’ll take care of Ava. You just concentrate on getting your parents back together again.

Okay, I will. Bye.

Sweet little girl, that Rachel. You must be hungry. Do you want some breakfast? If I remove that, will you play nice? You try and scream, it’ll be wasting your breath. This house has been haunted. Everyone thinks it’s been haunted for years. So no one ever comes around anymore, except maybe the parrot man. And he won’t be of any help. He’s completely out of his gourd.

What was Rachel doing here with you? Why was she here?

She was here to get my help. That poor, troubled girl just wants her parents back together. I’m keeping you from interfering.

Why do you care? Who the hell are you?

That must have been quite a shock, right, finding out your mother was still alive?

Yeah, it was. It really, really was. But, yeah, everyone thought she was a ghost haunting the mansion. I mean, people referred to her as “the woman in white.” She, um–she used to wear this heavy veil around her face because she was scarred from an explosion.

But you eventually– you realized she wasn’t just some phantom of Aremid, right?

Yes. Yes, yes, yes. No, I mean, but she– but initially, I mean, Peter and I, we didn’t recognize her as our mother.

She didn’t say anything to you? Did she at least recognize you guys?

No. No, she was too frightened and confused. I mean, her memories were jumbled. I mean, eventually, she did get them back. And, well, I was very grateful to have that extra time with her– short-lived, though, as it was.

What happened?

A couple of months after we found her, she and your nonno had this confrontation in Paris. The tunnels collapsed. And both were thought to have perished, except later we found out that Stefano had found a way out. Unfortunately, my mother did not.

No, Chanel. No, we didn’t sleep together.

Oh, thank God. Okay, so then what did happen?

Well, after you kissed me, I tried to convince you to let me take you home, but you resisted. No, you said you didn’t wanna go home because you didn’t wanna get a lecture from your mom, so I brought you back here, gave you a glass of water, gave you that t-shirt. And then, this morning, I gave you that cup of coffee.

And that’s it?

Yeah, that’s it. [soft music]

So you told a roomful of women I was your biggest regret?

I did.

Just out of the blue, you made this pronouncement?

No, not out of the blue. It was a–it was a game at a bachelorette party, and everyone had to say a hookup that they regretted, and we all took turns.

Ah. Ah. And I would venture to say that in your case, it had nothing to do with not enjoying said hookup.

Uh, it had everything to do with wishing it never happened. And just FYI, Gabi also named you.

I see. Well, FYI, I didn’t hear any complaints from either of you at the time.

Oh, well, we didn’t wanna hurt your feelings.

[laughs] Oh, right– such thoughtful, sensitive women, you and Gabi.

Yes, we are, especially with very thin-skinned men like you who have very, very fragile egos.

Yeah, right. But I’m wondering, my fragile ego aside, if I was so regrettable, why did you allow me to take you home last night?

You offered.

You didn’t have to say yes.

Well, I needed a ride.

[laughs] Oh, come now, Belle. Any number of people could have given you a ride. And not to mention, you also pointed out last night that you could have got a cab or a rideshare.

And if I would have been sober, I certainly would have. [soft quirky music]

No, I don’t think so. I think you wanted me to take you home because you wanted this to happen.

Oh, right, and you didn’t.

We weren’t talking about me.

Well, now we are. Did you or did you not want this to happen?

Why would I want to sleep with you? You stole my job.

Oh, okay, so I get one over on you, and then you get one over on me? Got it.

So I seduced you out of revenge?

Well, it is totally in character.

Perhaps. [clears throat] But in this case, I didn’t have to do much seducing, as it turns out, because you were the one who kissed me first.

And you are the one who started taking all of my clothes off.

I was caught up in the moment.

Well, so was I.

Who am I? Hmm. Well, I guess I’m just a woman who believes that families shouldn’t be separated.

I have a family too. I have a son named Tripp. And he was taken from me when he was born. And I wouldn’t wish that kind of torture on my worst enemy. [soft suspenseful music] But I found him. And now we are spending every moment we can making up for lost time.

I know what that’s like. My children were taken from me as well.

Please, then let me go. Tripp just got engaged to his girlfriend, Wendy, at Christmastime, and they’re gonna get married in Hong Kong. And I have to be there. I have to. I have missed so many of the important moments in his life. I cannot miss that too.

Oh, Ava, I do feel for you. But letting you go will only hurt Rachel. You’ve already hurt her so much, coming between her parents. It was very selfish of you.

I wasn’t selfish, I swear. Look, I tried to break things off with Brady. I told him that Rachel needed to come first, and he wouldn’t listen, okay? He was the one who wouldn’t let me break it off with him.

Well, maybe you shouldn’t have let him get his way. Maybe you should have just disappeared, like you’re going to do now.

Aunt Kristen told me you guys tracked Rachel down at Aremid. That’s great news. I’m glad you guys got her home safe and sound.

Yeah, thank God we did.

Uh…so, have a seat. You want–you want some coffee?

No, no, no, no. I actually have to take Rachel to an appointment for her therapy in an hour.

You are? When were you gonna tell me?

I was about to. Listen, Marlena made a recommendation for a therapist, and I called the doctor on the way over, and she had a last-minute opening.

Okay, great, great, great. Well, I wanna be there, so I’m gonna have Rita clear my morning schedule.

Kristen, it’s okay. It’s not necessary. I can take her by myself.

Brady, I said I wanna be there. So you and I, afterwards, we’ll sit down and figure out, aside from getting her therapy, what else we can do to help our daughter. Especially now that Child Protective Services have been contacted. [soft tense music] Unless you have plans with your girlfriend, Ava?

You’re dating Ava now?

Yeah. Yeah, I am. And, no, I don’t have plans with Ava. But I will– as soon as I can reach her.

God, Shawn, I am so sorry I came on to you last night. I am so embarrassed.

Come on. Don’t be. I know you’re going through a really rough time.

Yeah, but still, it was completely inappropriate. I mean, yes, I am furious at Johnny, but he is still my husband. And my wedding vows, they meant something to me, even though they didn’t mean anything to him.

Okay, Chanel, I know that this is probably none of my business, but I’m just gonna go ahead, and I’m gonna say it– I think that last part, I don’t think it’s true. Okay, look, come on, all right, there is no arguing that my cousin screwed up big time. He screwed up. But when I was hanging out with him at the bachelor party, you could tell– you could tell that he deeply regretted what he did. I’m telling you, the guy is miserable without you.

Well, he should have thought about that before he–

What? Before he got drunk and he made a mistake? [soft music] Look, again, I know that this is none of my business. I’m just gonna throw it out there. Maybe if you could just, I don’t know, try to focus on all the good things about your relationship with Johnny– you know, think about all the great times the two of you have had together instead of being fixated on the one mistake that he made. I don’t know, you might be able to find it in your heart to forgive him.

Ah. [both groan] So, who’s to blame for round two?

You, obviously.


Oh, don’t do that.

Don’t what?

Don’t. This is serious. We have made a huge mistake.

A huge mistake, how so? We’re consenting adults. We’re both single.

Okay, but I remember when Sami found out about us the first time, and she was mad. Do you really wanna face her wrath again?

I don’t get it.

What don’t you get?

Well, as I recall, you and I have made jokes about Samantha finding out about us and her ballistic response, as only Samantha can. And why are you so serious about it now?

I have never joked about Sami finding out about us.

You’re obviously suppressing that memory.

Uh, your memory is totally false.

Okay. Okay. Well, since you can’t handle the potential wrath of Samantha, why don’t we just call the whole thing off?

Fine. Good. Go. Leave.

I was going to anyways. I have to attend to an urgent matter.

Well, I thought you might– [soft dramatic music]

[soft tense music]

How could you do this? I don’t understand.

[sputters] I am a grown woman, Mom. And you know, you could knock before you come in my room.

I thought you were alone.

And I thought you were at the office.

I’m working from home. Look, I’m sorry that I barged in. I just–I didn’t know any of this was going on. And I don’t know what to call it– you know what? Yes, I do know what to call it. Belle, I am so disappointed in you. I never thought you would get involved with this immoral man again. You know who he is. You know what he does. You know how he hurts people. You know how he hurt your brother. Look… if you’re gonna keep on seeing him, you may not do this in my home. I will not have it.

Look, Shawn, I really do appreciate your take on this, and I can tell that your heart is in the right place, but I don’t think you really understand what happened, okay? It’s not just about the fact that Johnny betrayed me when he almost had sex with Joy, but it’s also about the cover-up. He lied to me about it for months.

I get it, all right? It’s no secret that Belle cheated on me when we were married, more than once. So I get what you’re going through. But, I mean, I hate to say that I’ve been in Johnny’s shoes too.

Oh, yeah, right. I heard about you and Talia.

Yeah. Yeah, that was a terrible mistake. I hated myself for hurting Belle. And I can tell– I can tell that Johnny is carrying around that same type of guilt, which is why I can’t help but to feel for him too.

Yeah, I get that, okay? But, hey, since you brought it up– I mean, you and Belle, you had such a strong and loving relationship. And if you guys couldn’t make your marriage work, then what hope do Johnny and I have?

Look, well, there were a lot of factors that led to our divorce. But if I knew– if I knew that there was a remote possibility of our marriage working out, I would have kept fighting. But, in the end, it just– just too much damage that was done, couldn’t repair it.

I’m sorry. Sorry to hear that, Shawn.

So what about you? Think that’s the same case with you and Johnny?

I’m…not sure.

Okay, well, then, I think that you should take my advice, because even if there is the slightest chance that you two could work your marriage out, Chanel, you gotta go for it. You gotta fix it. You gotta fix it before it’s too late.

As soon as you can reach her? Brady, it’s 2025. I mean, if you can’t reach someone, obviously, they’re either ghosting you or they’re dead.

Yeah, that’s funny.

No, seriously. Is your new girlfriend ghosting you?

Will you leave it alone? Just stop.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know how hurtful it is to be neglected. I mean, maybe Ava just needs some space. Or could it be maybe you’re being a little too needy, a little too clingy?

When’s the–when’s the last time you heard from Ava?

Johnny, it was a voicemail. And I couldn’t really understand what she was saying on it because the reception was bad.

Okay, well– I don’t know, you wanna play it back? Maybe we can figure it out.

Sure. Give it a try. Cool. – Brady, it’s Ava. You need to call me back as soon as you get this. [static crackling]

Yeah, I mean, it definitely sounds urgent, but I’m sorry, I can’t make it out. Have you tried calling her back?

Yeah, multiple times. I’ve texted her, and I haven’t gotten a response. I was gonna have Steve try to enhance the audio on it, but– I’ll tell you what, if I don’t hear from her soon, I’m gonna call the cops. [soft tense music]

All right, listen up, you old crone. I’ve tried to be reasonable about this, but I’m out of patience now.

Are we playing good captive, bad captive now?

You obviously have no idea who you are messing with. So let me enlighten you. I can have you killed with one phone call, and then you’re gonna be haunting these halls for real.

You know, Ava, I used to know a man just like you. He was very powerful and made all kinds of threats. And for years, for a long time, I would cower in fear. But then one day, I finally stood up to him. And I realized there was nothing to fear– nothing at all. So you can threaten me all you like, doesn’t faze me one bit.

It’s fine. Because Brady is going to be coming through those doors any moment to rescue me.

Ooh, what makes you say that?

Because I left him a message. And I let him know I was coming to pick up Rachel. So as soon as he listens to that message, he’s gonna come running.

Hmm. But as he still hasn’t come to rescue you, maybe he’ll never come running. Maybe he doesn’t give a damn if he never sees you again.

All right, so I just cleared my schedule. We are all set for Rachel’s appointment. Where did Johnny go?

He said something about having to solve a missing persons case of his own.

Well, Brady, in all seriousness, I think you’re being a bit dramatic about Ava. She’s a tough cookie. She’s–I’m sure nothing happened to her. I mean, not that I care. But if it were not for you, honestly, I wouldn’t care if she dropped off the face of the Earth. But I know she is a thing for you right now, and God knows why. But, uh, I do hope that nothing’s happened to her and, well, that she gets in touch with you soon.

That almost sounded sincere.

Well, it almost was. I put a lot of effort into it. [soft suspenseful music]

Oh, stop your pouting. I know you’re upset because Brady hasn’t come to find you, but you still have to eat. Come on. Open wide.

How do I know you’re not gonna poison me?

You don’t. But if you don’t eat, you’ll starve to death.

I’ll take my chances.

Oh, well, I guess we’ll just put the gag back on again.

Open up. [phone ringing] Hello?

It’s me again. We got trouble.

What’s wrong?

Ava left a voicemail for my dad.

Yes, I heard about that.

Big problem. He just played it for my mom.

Listen, I’m going to put our guest into another room and– so I can speak freely. And when I come back, you’re gonna tell me exactly what was in that message, okay?

Well, that was awkward. Actually, no, awkward doesn’t quite capture it. That was excruciatingly embarrassing, and I don’t think I will ever live it down.

I’m very sorry, Belle.

Yeah, me too– that I didn’t lock the door, for one thing.

A wise idea.

Yes, especially in my parents’ house, where nobody ever seems to knock.

Well, I’d like to say that you’ll know better for next time, but there’s obviously not going to be a next time– not here, anyways.

Not anywhere.


[groans] Johnny.

Hey, Chanel.

What are you doing here? How did you get in?

Your mom let me in. I came by ’cause I was– I was just– I was worried about you. You were in pretty bad shape when you ran off last night, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Well, I’m surprised that my mom didn’t slam the door in your face.

Yeah, so was I. I think she saw how concerned I was when I showed up, so she took pity on me. She insisted you were fine, but I needed to see for myself.

Yeah, well, Mama was right. Aside from a bit of a hangover, I–I’m fine.

I’m glad to hear that. [soft music] Chanel, if you don’t mind my asking… where have you been?

I spent the night with Shawn Brady.


Hi, Marlena. I probably should have called first, but I was in the area. Is this a bad time?

Well, I’m just getting some work done.

Oh, okay, well, then I won’t keep you. I borrowed some pictures of Rachel from Brady, and I just wanted to return them since the search is over.

Yes. Uh, thank you. I’ll make sure that he gets them. And thanks for stopping by.

Yeah. [soft tense music]


Shawn, uh, EJ–

You don’t owe me an explanation. Your personal life, it’s none of my business. [soft tense music]

Your personal life is none of my business, either. But anyone who comes into my home is my business, and you– you are not welcome here.

Understood. I’ll be on my way.

You, uh–you slept with my cousin Shawn?

No. No, we didn’t sleep together, but I did kiss him.

I see.

It was a drunken mistake. And for the record, he did not kiss me back. He just took me home so that I could sleep it off.

Well, I guess– I guess I should thank him for looking out for you.

Well, he was looking out for you too.

What do you mean?

Well, this morning he asked me if there was any chance that I could ever forgive you. And, um… [apprehensive music] Actually did more than that. He urged me to forgive you, and I told him that I wasn’t sure if I was ready to do that.

I understand.

And then he offered me some advice. He said that if I thought that there was any chance at saving our marriage, that I should act on it before it’s too late. And I think– I think that he was right.

[groans] So good to see you, pumpkin.

You’re not mad at me anymore?

Uh, I’m not happy, honey, that you ran away. You scared me half to death. But you’re my little girl, and I’m very happy that you’re okay. And I will always love you no matter what, okay?

Can we do something fun, like go to the zoo?

Well, actually, sweetheart, honey, no, no, no. We’re gonna go to your therapy today. Remember, we talked about that?

Yeah, I do. You said I could tell them how much I hate Ava.


I’m sorry, what is that?

I think that’s what you said. All I said is that you can feel free to talk about your feelings, right?

Same thing.

Okay, why don’t you go get your winter jacket, all right?






No, that’s all I said. That’s all I said, Brady. [phone beeps] What is it? A text from Ava?

Yes. Finally.

Hmm. [suspenseful music]

Well, I solved your little mystery. I know why Brady hasn’t come looking for you.

Why? Did he not get my message?

Well, not all of it. Apparently, there was a bad connection and he didn’t hear you say you were coming to Aremid to fetch Rachel.

Oh, well… He’s still gonna wonder where I am when I don’t show up in Salem again.

No, he won’t. Thanks to your big mouth, I was able to help Rachel send Brady the perfect response.

“I’m sorry I haven’t returned your calls. I just landed in Hong Kong.”

Really? Really? Excuse me.

I’m sorry. I’m just curious. Why is she in Hong Kong?

It’s none of your business. I don’t know.

Well, it’s not hard to guess. She’s probably there to visit Tripp and Wendy. And maybe, just maybe, she’s kind enough to go there so that our little girl might have been inspired to come back home. I take it from your silence that I’m right. Oh, come on, Brady. What’s with the sad face? I mean, Ava–I mean, she’s going to be back soon.

No, you know? No, she’s not. It appears that she’s gonna be staying there for quite a long time because she doesn’t wanna get between my daughter and me.

Oh, dear. So is Ava breaking up with you?

Yes, she is.

Mission accomplished.

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Beyond the Gates Birthdays

Actors from "Beyond the Gates" interviewed by CBS This Morning (screenshot from video)


Your favorite “Beyond the Gates” stars’ birthdays

Lauren Buglioli 1/7/87
Brandon Claybon 10/10/86
Clifton Davis 10/4/45
Daphnee Duplaix 8/18/76
Timon Durrett 7/12/73
Marquita Goings 4/9/?
Jibre Hordges 6/14/93
Jen Jacob 2/13/89
Maurice Johnson 2/10/79
Trisha Mann-Grant 11/3/?
Mike Manning 4/12/87
RhonniRose Mantilla 2/15/00
Karla Mosley 8/27/81
Colby Muhammad 9/8/?
Tamara Tunie 3/14/59

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The Dupree estate on "Beyond the Gates" on CBS

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Episode #1.001 Coverage of the CBS Original Series BEYOND THE GATES will premiere Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, and air weekdays (2:00-3:00 PM, ET; 1:00-2:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+*. Pictured: Clifton Davis as Vernon Dupree and Tamara Tunie as Anita Dupree. Photo: Quantrell Colbert/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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Links checked and added 1/28/25

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Creator, Executive Producer, Showrunner and co-headwriter Michele Val Jean on Facebook, X, Instagram, Threads and BlueSky

Executive Producer Sheila Ducksworth on Facebook, X and Instagram.

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Karla Mosley (Dani) Official Site, Facebook, and Instagram

Maurice Johnson (Ted) Facebook, X, Threads and Instagram

Brandon Claybon (Martin) Official Site, Facebook, X, Instagram and Bluesky

Colby Muhammad (Kat) Official Site, Facebook and Instagram

Sean Freeman (Andre) Instagram

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Arielle Prepetit (Naomi) Facebook, and Instagram

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Pictured: Daphnee Duplaix as Nicole Dupree Richardson and Tamara Tunie as Anita Dupree. Photo: screencap from teaser.

Days Update Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ complains to the portrait of Stefano about the hassle of holding someone captive and how taking care of Rafe is becoming a full time job. EJ remarks that he doesn’t have a job thanks to Jada, but declares that woman will rue the day that she crossed a DiMera. Johnny walks in and questions what woman that would be. EJ says he was just complaining to Stefano about Jada going behind his back and getting him fired. Johnny responds that he would put in a good word for him with Paulina, but he’s not exactly high on her list after what he did to Chanel.

Chanel lays on the couch at Paulina’s, eating popcorn. Paulina comes in and tells Chanel that she is going to Jada’s bachelorette party and tells Chanel to get dressed because she’s coming with her.

Gabi and Stephanie decorate Stephanie’s apartment for Jada’s bachelorette party. Gabi brings out jell-o shots for her and Stephanie to have before the party.

At the police station, Shawn informs Jada that he just finished a report on Rachel and apparently child protective services are getting involved. Jada says what happened was unfortunate but was nobody’s fault. Shawn mentions heading to “Rafe’s” bachelor party. Jada jokes for them not to get too wild. Shawn asks how wild it can get when they are talking about Rafe.

Arnold sits at Rafe’s home with his laptop, looking up adult films until Javi comes home and he shuts the laptop so Javi questions him being so jumpy. Arnold says he’s just anxious about getting married tomorrow. Javi tells him to relax and reveals he’s throwing him a bachelor party tonight. Javi wasn’t sure Rafe would be in to but Arnold talks about his excitement for it and says he wants first lap dances. Arnold, not knowing Javi is gay, asks what kind of hot blooded male wouldn’t want a lap dance from a beautiful woman.

Paulina tells Chanel to get a move on and get dressed because they have a party to attend. Paulina says she’s been watching her moping around for days and crying over Johnny, so she knows she’s still hurting but just sitting around isn’t going to change anything. Paulina urges her to get up and get dressed. Paulina declares that she will get Johnny off Chanel’s mind if it’s the last thing she does.

Johnny tells EJ that Chanel wants nothing to do with him. EJ encourages him not to give up hope, bringing up all the times that he and Sami forgave each other. Johnny questions EJ having a tray of food, which he was bringing down to Rafe. EJ claims that he had Harold make him a light dinner to have in his quarters. Johnny questions EJ eating in his room. EJ claims he’s just mixing things up. Johnny decides to get going as Javi is throwing “Rafe” a bachelor party at the Brady Pub. EJ says he didn’t know about this. Johnny asks why he would since he despises Rafe. EJ says he hired Rafe for a job and argues that he should be focused on the task. Johnny says Rafe deserves a day to let loose but notes that Rafe is not known as a party animal. EJ then tells Johnny to have fun as Johnny exits. EJ remarks to himself that the last thing he needs is for Arnold to let loose in front of Rafe’s friends and family because one drunken slip of the tongue could ruin everything.

Javi asks “Rafe” if he forgot he was gay. Arnold says he didn’t and suggests that tonight, he should just go with the flow. Javi remarks that stranger things have happened. Arnold says he’s going to shower and get ready for tonight as he can’t wait for some quality lap time and to get hammered which Javi calls weird.

Jada comments that with Shawn being newly single, she’s sure he’d be up for a wild party. Shawn says it’s Rafe’s big night, so they will go at his speed. Jada calls Rafe the most loving and loyal guy that she could ever want and says how good it feels to know exactly where she stands at all times, especially after some of her past relationships. Belle arrives and greets them. Belle informs Jada that she was sent to escort her to her bachelorette party. Belle sends Jada to her office to change clothes. Shawn tells Belle that she looks great. Belle thanks him and asks what he’s doing tonight. Shawn informs her that he’s about to head to Rafe’s bachelor party and he thinks it should be fun. Belle says she’s really happy for Jada and Rafe. Shawn says he is too and guesses he will see Belle at the wedding tomorrow then. Belle goes to see if Jada needs any help.

Paulina and Chanel arrive for Jada’s bachelorette party. Paulina says Chanel needs some cheering up as she and Johnny are going through a rough patch. Chanel complains about her putting her business out there. Paulina is sure Stephanie and Gabi know what it’s like to be cheated on. Stephanie assures Chanel that they have her back. Chanel thanks them and wishes her husband was as loyal as her friends.

Johnny joins Steve at the Brady Pub for Rafe’s bachelor party and asks where everyone is. Steve says they should be there soon and notes that Javi said “Rafe” was still getting ready. Johnny asks if Roman is in the back but Steve reveals that Roman is in Chicago, visiting Rex, so he left him in charge. Steve asks Johnny what’s going on and if he’s okay. Johnny says he’s fine but was hoping to talk to Roman as he could use some advice. Steve says he’s not his Grandpa, but he is a good listener. Steve adds that he and Kayla had dinner with Abe and Paulina the other night, so they saw Chanel. Johnny guesses he knows how badly he messed up then. Johnny thinks he really blew it and he doesn’t know if Chanel will ever be able to forgive him. Steve says they all make mistakes but a mistake doesn’t have to mean the end of their marriage. Steve tells Johnny that he can ask Kayla about how many times he screwed up. Johnny asks how they came out on the other side. Steve says they trusted in the power of their love, no matter how stupid he was to take it for granted.

Chanel starts drinking at the bachelorette party while Paulina advises her to pace herself. Belle and Jada then arrive. Jada says she’s ready to turn up tonight and takes her first shot.

Shawn goes to the Brady Pub and tells Steve and Johnny that he expected something more rowdy. Steve encourages that they will get there. Arnold and Javi then arrive. Arnold declares it’s a party for him and it’s anything goes. EJ then arrives, surprising them. Johnny reminds EJ that the Pub is closed for Rafe’s bachelor party. EJ asks why he wouldn’t want to raise a toast to Rafe. Steve and Shawn point out that they hate each others’ guts. EJ says he won’t deny they have had their clashes, but they are trying to turn a corner. Shawn calls that hardly a ringing endorsement. EJ then informs Shawn that he’s hired “Rafe” to investigate on his behalf and he’s come for a progress report. Steve questions that being true. Arnold confirms that it’s true and says EJ hired him to track down Sloan. Arnold asks if that’s a problem. Steve argues that he can’t just take on new cases without running it by him first. Arnold doesn’t see what the big deal is. Steve argues that it’s he and John’s name on the door, not Rafe’s, and it’s never a good idea to get involved with the DiMeras. Arnold tells Steve to chill out. Steve asks “Rafe” to tell him he understands or they will have a real problem here.

Chanel gets drunk and starts talking to the inflatable pool float while the girls continue drinking. Stephanie wonders if the guys are having as much fun as they are. Chanel says to hell with all the guys and pops the pool float.

Arnold asks Steve if they have a problem while Javi and Shawn break it up. Javi reminds them that this is supposed to be a party. Shawn takes Steve to go check on the food and suggests Johnny see if EJ has somewhere else to be. Steve complains that EJ is just trying to start trouble and that “Rafe” is playing right in to it. Johnny tells EJ that maybe it would be a good idea if he found somewhere else to go. EJ calls that nonsense and says “Rafe” is fine having him there. Arnold agrees to let EJ stay. Johnny tells “Rafe” that it’s his night and goes to join Shawn and Steve while Javi decides he will go check on the entertainment and exits the Pub. Arnold then tells EJ that he’s ruining his night. EJ reminds Arnold that this party is for Rafe, not him. Arnold argues that he has Rafe’s face. EJ warns him that Steve is a professional sleuth, so if anyone could figure it out, it’s him. Arnold blows it off that Steve didn’t spot anything. Arnold argues that EJ is the one screwing things up as he didn’t have to tell Steve that he’s working for him. EJ explains that he had to have a reason to attend a party for someone he detests. Arnold remarks that he just can’t wait for the strippers. EJ tells Arnold he’s not paying him for that and to focus on his mission, which is to help him get back at Jada.

Chanel tells Paulina that she’s just blowing off some steam while Paulina tries to keep her calm. Stephanie calls for a game where each card has a personal question and you either answer honestly or take a shot. Stephanie goes first and it says name a hookup you regret. Stephanie goes first, naming Jeremy Horton as a world class dirtbag and then decides to take a shot anyway. Stephanie asks the question to Paulina, who says 50 Cent and that they ran in the same circles in Miami. Jada doesn’t think she would regret that because 50 Cent is fine. Paulina clarifies that she doesn’t regret anything as they had a fabulous time, but she just regrets what happened after as he wouldn’t stop blowing up her pager. Paulina jokes that she knows she’s hard to get over. Jada and Gabi praise Paulina for that while Stephanie says they should’ve used that in her campaign. Stephanie then turns to Belle, who says she can’t follow that and takes a shot. Stephanie asks Jada about a hookup she regrets. Jada responds that it was actually her first time in high school and they went to band camp. Jada says it was sweet until the guy went around and told everyone at the camp that they hooked up. Jada tells Gabi that she’s next. Gabi says that’s easy, EJ DiMera. Jada is surprised to learn that Gabi hooked up with EJ. Gabi explains that she was trying to get back at Stefan for sleeping with Ava while she was in prison. Chanel shouts that every DiMera is a cheater. Gabi calls it a huge mistake that completely ruined her marriage. They then toast to saying screw EJ. Stephanie goes back to Belle and insists on her giving an answer. Belle jokes that Gabi stole her thunder as she reveals her most regrettable hookup was also with EJ. Belle explains that it was when she and Shawn were separated and she thought they had something, but her sister Sami showed up, freaked out, and scared EJ away which made him go on about how Belle meant nothing to him. Gabi remarks that EJ has no conscience for going after his ex’s sister. Chanel thanks the rest of the group for not hooking up with her father-in-law. Gabi then tells Chanel it’s her turn, so Chanel says that’s easy, her husband Johnny who she calls every bit as nasty as his father EJ.

EJ asks if Arnold is listening to him. Arnold assures that he knows what to do. EJ warns that he’s starting lose his patience. Steve, Johnny, and Shawn then return from the kitchen with the food. Javi comes back in and says he couldn’t get in touch with the entertainment but suggests they play darts while they wait. A woman dressed as a cop then arrives and declares play time is over for one of them.

Chanel talks about thinking Johnny was the love of her life, but he shattered her heart when he cheated on her with Joy. Chanel says she should’ve known when he got possessed by the Devil, that he was not the one for her. Jada questions what is going on. Stephanie decides the party needs a change of scenery and suggests they hit the road.

Steve, Shawn, and Johnny try to explain the bachelor party to the woman while she says she’s there to arrest “Rafe” for identity theft, worrying EJ and Arnold. She then declares it’s because he’s claiming to be a married man when he’s not for one more night and removes her outfit, revealing to be the stripper that Javi hired. EJ breathes a sigh of relief while Arnold gets excited.

Stephanie calls a car for the girls. Jada asks where they are going. Stephanie says they will see. Paulina tells them to go ahead while she gets Chanel home since she wasn’t up for this. Chanel argues that she doesn’t want to go home and she’s just starting to have fun. Paulina argues that she’s still hurting. Chanel remarks that the night is young and free and so is she, so she asks Stephanie where they are going.

Arnold gets a lap dance from the stripper until the girls arrive at the Pub and interrupt. Arnold tries to explain but Jada tells “Rafe” to calm down as they know what happens at bachelor parties so he can finish his lap dance. Arnold tells Jada that he’d rather have a lap dance from her. Gabi questions what the hell EJ is doing there. EJ says he could ask her the same thing. Gabi warns EJ not to ruin the night for her brother. Gabi then joins Javi at the bar. Shawn asks Belle what happened to the bachelorette party. Belle jokes that someone had to make sure the boys were behaving. Johnny greets Chanel, who tells him that she doesn’t have to tell him her plans anymore. Chanel mocks Johnny’s wedding vows and tells him that he is Joy’s problem now. Chanel then takes Johnny’s beer, drinks it, and smashes the bottle on the floor. Chanel storms out of the Pub. Paulina wants to go after her but Shawn says he will go since he’s the one who is completely sober and he knows about letting anger and alcohol get the better of you. Paulina thanks him as Shawn then goes after Chanel. Jada tells “Rafe” that as much fun as tonight has been, she thinks they should go home so they aren’t hung over for their wedding day tomorrow. Arnold informs her that he already got a room at the Salem Inn since they aren’t supposed to be together before the wedding and says it will make their wedding night all the more special. Jada comments on him being old fashioned and admits she’s not thrilled to spend the night away from each other, but she’ll allow it if it makes tomorrow as special as they want it. Jada hugs Arnold as EJ watches on.

Steve brings Stephanie home and says it looks like the ladies had a good time. Stephanie says she will be paying for it tomorrow. Stephanie worries about cleaning up but Steve says it can wait. Steve sits her down and asks what’s up as he wants to make sure she’s okay after her break up with Philip. Stephanie feels like she’s been defeated. Steve encourages her to not let one bad experience cause her to give up on bad love. Stephanie reminds him that this is her second time with Philip, not to mention Chad, Everett, and all the other failed relationships. Steve tells her to forget about those guys and assures that there is someone out there that is as perfect for her as Kayla is for him. Steve tells Stephanie that one day, she will find him and have her own bachelorette party and he will walk her down the aisle. Stephanie thanks him and says she needed to hear that.

EJ brings Belle home. Belle says he did not need to drive her home or walk her to the door. EJ feels she had a lot to drink. Belle disagrees, says she only had six jell-o shots and that she could have called a rideshare. EJ points out that his driver was already waiting outside the Pub. Belle mocks him and says she doesn’t think he’s a gentleman at all. EJ asks what her problem is with him. EJ says if anyone had a reason to be upset, it’d be him because she stole his job. Belle complains that EJ ghosted her after Sami found out about them. EJ asks if that’s what this is about and if she went after the district attorney position because she hadn’t gotten over him yet. Belle argues that the only person who hasn’t gotten over him is himself. Belle tells EJ to get the hell out of her house. EJ feels he struck a nerve. Belle calls him smug and says she doesn’t know what she ever saw in him but then they start kissing.

Shawn finds Chanel, dancing at the bar. Shawn says he came to get her home safe but Chanel says she doesn’t want to go home, she wants to dance. Chanel dances and tells Shawn that she plans on getting more drunk and who knows where the night will take them. Chanel then grabs Shawn and kisses him.

Javi and Gabi bring Jada home. Jada drunkenly praises them. Javi says he’s just glad she had fun and that she wasn’t too upset walking in on the stripper. Jada jokes that the stripper may have had one dance with “Rafe” but she gets to spend her whole life with him. Jada talks about how lucky she is and says she better get to her room to get some sleep so she can be fresh for her wedding day tomorrow. Jada declares that in a few short hours, she will be Mrs. Rafe Hernandez.

Arnold goes to his room at the Salem Inn and continues drinking until the stripper shows up at his door. Arnold says to get the party started as they start kissing onto the bed.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Ian demands that Victor call all of his children and tell them to come to the house because he intends to kill the entire Newman family to get justice for Jordan. Ian tells Victor he loved Jordan. Victor tells Ian that Jordan killed herself by taking pills because she didn’t want to go to prison. Ian tells everyone that he was in love with Jordan and she would never leave him alone.

Claire tells Ian that Jordan never loved anyone.

Victoria, Nick, and Adam are in the living room along with Claire and Michael. The only one not there is Abby because Victor only pretended to call her.

Ian tells Nikki that he is going to kill her last because he wants her with him off the property and give him to watch her family die one by one. Victor tells Ian that he will drive with him off the property and he will give him a lot of money to make his getaway. Ian tells Victor he doesn’t care about money he just wants the Newman family dead. Victor tells Ian to take him hostage and let his family go. Victor starts coming toward Ian and tries to grab the gun from him and Ian shoots Victor in the stomach. Victor is bleeding a lot but he manages to tackle Ian and shoot him as they struggle for Ian’s gun.

Michael calls an ambulance. Nikki and Victoria tell Victor not to close his eyes because they think he will lose consciousness. Ian is on the floor by the fireplace bleeding and he dares Nick to take the gun and kill him. Nick tells Ian he wants to kill him because of all the pain he has caused his family.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Ugh, they never warn you how much of a hassle it is keeping someone captive, do they? Holding Rafe in the tunnels is becoming a full-time job. Not that I need to tell you that. Of course, I don’t have a job, thanks to Jada Hunter. But I’ll get my revenge. The woman will rue the day she crossed a DiMera.

What woman would that be, Dad?

[laughs] You caught me. I was just complaining to your nonno about Commissioner Hunter.

What’d she do?

Well, besides going behind my back to Mayor Price and getting me fired.

Right, that. Well, look, I’d be happy to put in a good word for you with my mother-in-law, except I’m not exactly high up on Paulina’s list after what I did to her daughter.

[tense music]

Well, hello, hello. Hey! [chuckles] Well? How do I look?

You look good, Mama. Yeah, where are you going?

Oh, to an event for my police commissioner.

Mm. A fundraiser?

Hell, no. It’s Jada’s bachelorette party. So put down that popcorn. Get dressed. You are coming with me.

[music playing]

Well, tonight is Jada’s last hurrah as a single woman.

Ah. It’s our job to make sure it’s a night she never forgets.

I brought just the thing to help with that.


All right.

[whimsical music]


Oh, you know it, girl. All right. Here.

Party doesn’t start for an hour.

Well, don’t tell me Patch Johnson’s daughter is scared of a little pre-game. Yes! OK, now we’re talking. On three?

Sure. One, two–

Mmm. [laughing]



Shawn, what are you still doing here?

Well, I just finished the report on Rachel Black. Apparently, Child Protective Services are getting involved.

Oh. Let’s hope nothing comes of that. Rachel was upset and ran away because her parents aren’t together. It’s unfortunate, but it’s– it’s nobody’s fault.

Yeah, I agree. And now that I’m done with that, I’m about to head over to your groom-to-be’s bachelor party.

Hmm. You boys better not get too wild.

Oh, come on. This is Rafe we’re talking about here. How wild do you think it’s going to get?

Ah. Well, let’s see. What are we in the mood for? Wild, Wild Cheerleaders or MILFs Gone Wild?

Oh, what’s up, primo? Why are you so jumpy?

Ah. I don’t know. I guess because I’m anxious about getting married tomorrow.

Which is why you need to relax. So I’m throwing you a bachelor party tonight.

You said bachelor party? As in booze and strippers bachelor party?

Yeah, you down with that?

Hell, yeah, I am.

Wow, I thought you might have been resistant to it.

Are you kidding me? Just don’t hog all the lap dances, OK? Groom gets first pick.

Oh, you don’t worry about that. You know tonight’s entertainment’s not my flavor.

Yeah, right. What kind of hot-blooded man doesn’t want a lap dance from a beautiful woman?

A hot-blooded man that likes other hot-blooded men.

[soft orchestration]

Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so arethe “Days of Our Lives.”

Come on, you. Get a move on. Get dressed. We’ve got a party to attend.


Don’t you Mama me. Now, I’ve been watching you moping around here for days, crying over that trifling ass Johnny DiMera.

Who happens to be my husband.

Well, look, I know– I know you’re still hurting. But just sitting around here feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to change anything. So chop, chop. Get a move on. Get dressed. Get cute. Come on. Get up. Get up! Come on. I am going to get that man, that Johnny DiMera off your mind if it’s the last thing I do.

Oh. Ooh!

I take it there hasn’t been any improvement in your marital situation.

No, Chanel wants nothing to do with me.

Well, don’t give up hope. I can’t tell you the amount of times your mother and I forgave each other.

Till you didn’t. What’s with the tray?

Oh, I– I just got Harold to prepare me a light meal, light dinner, in fact, to have in my quarters.

You’re eating in your room? [chuckles]

Just trying to mix things up.

OK, well, I’d better– I’d better get going.

OK. Where are you off to?

Rafe’s cousin is throwing him a bachelor party down at the Pub.

A bachelor party?


I didn’t know about this.

Well, why would you? You can’t stand Rafe.

Well, of course, the man is insufferable. But as you well know, I recently hired him to help me on a case. And he should be focused on the task at hand, not sowing the last of his wild oats.

Don’t you think Rafe deserves one night to let loose?

How loose are we talking?

I don’t know. I don’t have all the details. And it’s not like Rafe is known as a party animal.

Of course, you’re right. Well, please go have fun.

Thanks. I’ll see you later.

[chuckles] Bye. [sighs] The last thing I need is for Arnold to let loose in front of Rafe’s friends and family. One drunken slip of the tongue, and he could ruin everything.

Primo, did you forget that I’m gay?

No. No, I– of course I didn’t forget. I just figured that maybe tonight– tonight you go with the flow.

The flow? Well, yeah, stranger things have happened.

I guess. All right, well, I’m going to go get showered and get ready for the big night. Can’t wait to get some quality lap time with a hot little number and get hammered. Hammer time. [laughs]


Sorry, my fiancé is so straight-laced.

Why are you apologizing to me?

Well, considering you’re a newly single guy, I’m sure you’d be up for a real party.

Hey, this is Rafe’s big night, so we go at his speed.

Well, I am glad to hear that. And, hey, I don’t want you to think that I’m complaining. Rafe is the most loving and loyal guy that I could ever want. I can’t tell you how good it feels to know exactly where I stand at all times, especially after some of my past relationships. Madame DA.

Hi there, Bridey. Hi, Shawn.

Hey, Belle.

Please tell me we don’t have an appointment that I forgot about.

Well, kind of. I was sent here to escort you to your bachelorette party.


Stephanie thought I needed an escort?

Well, she knew you had to work late and didn’t want you to weasel out of having a good time the night before your wedding.

But I’m not even dressed.

Oh, well. Tada! [laughs] Here, go change in your office. Go!

All right.

I was going to say, you look a little overdressed for police work.

Oh. [laughs]

I mean, come on. You look great.

Aw. Thank you. What are you doing tonight?

Well, as a matter of fact, I’m about to go to a bachelor party.

Oh, I wasn’t sure there was going to be one.

Yep, there’s one. And I think it should be fun.

Yeah. I’m really happy for Jada and Rafe.

Yeah, me too. So I guess I’m going to see you at the wedding tomorrow, then?

Yeah. Yeah, I’ll see you there. Ah, I should probably go and see if Jada needs any help.



Ha! Ha! Someone told me there’s a party.

Come on in, boss.

Oh, no, I am not your boss tonight. I’m just here for the fun. And I brought a friend.

Hi. I hope you don’t mind me crashing.

Are you kidding? The more the merrier.

Oh, Chanel, she needs some cheering up. She and Johnny, they’re going through a rough patch.

Dang, Mama. Why do you have to put my business all out in the street?

We’re among friends. Besides, I am sure that Stephanie and Gabi both know what it feels like to have a man cheat on you and break your heart.

Oh, you bet I do.

Your mom is right, Chanel. We’ve got your back.

Yeah, well, thank you. I really do appreciate that. Too bad my husband isn’t as loyal as my friends.

There you go, buddy.

Thanks. Where’s– where’s everybody else?

They should be here soon. Javi said that Rafe is still getting ready.

Is my– is my Grandpa Roman in the back?

Oh, no. No. Roman is in Chicago visiting with your Uncle Rex. He left me in charge of the joint, which is a decision he might live to regret. That was supposed to be a joke.

Ah. Right. Yeah. I’m sorry.

What’s going on? You OK, buddy?

Yeah. No, I’m fine. I just– I was– I was kind of hoping to talk to my Grandpa Roman about some stuff. I could use some advice.

OK, well, I’m not your grandpa, but I’m a good listener. And, you know, Kayla and I were over at Abe and Paulina’s the other night for dinner. We saw Chanel.

So then you– you know how badly I messed up.

I got the gist.

I think I really blew it, Uncle Steve. I– I don’t know if Chanel’s ever going to be able to forgive me.

Come on, Johnny. Listen, we all make mistakes, OK? A mistake doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage. Just ask your Aunt Kayla about how many times I screwed up.

So then how’d you come out on the other side?

I’ll tell you how we did it. By trusting in the power of our love no matter how stupid I was to take it for granted.



That a girl.

OK, chica.

Maybe– maybe we should try to pace ourselves, baby.

I’m good, Mama. I know my limits.



Oh, the bride has arrived.

I told you I’d get her here looking fabulous.

I’m not overdressed?

Va va voom!

Oh, my god, are you kidding? You look amazing.

Come on in. The water’s fine.

It looks like you started without us.

Well, then you better catch up.

Are you ready?

Oh, yeah.

You know what? I am ready to turn all the way up tonight. Let’s put those boys to shame!


There you go.

Thanks. You know I got to admit, I was expecting something a little more rowdy.

We’ll get there. The night’s still young.

Yeah! So how awesome is this? Party for me with all my bros to celebrate.

Yeah. You deserve it, pal. There you go. Yeah.

So this party is anything goes, right?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, whoa, whoa. It’s a bachelor party, OK? You can say or do anything, and no one is going to tell you to stop, all right?

Good evening, gentlemen.

So much for that.

Dad, the Pub is closed for Rafe’s bachelor party.

I know.

Then what are you doing here?

Why wouldn’t I want to raise a toast to the lucky groom?

Well, maybe because you hate the guy’s guts.

And vice versa.

Well, I won’t deny that Rafe and I have had our clashes. I think we’re trying to turn a corner. Right, Rafe?


It’s hardly a ringing endorsement.

Well, Shawn, if you really must know, I’ve hired Rafe to investigate on my behalf, and I’ve come for a progress report.

Is that true, Rafe?

Yeah. Yeah, he did. It’s a– he just– he hired me to track down that Sloan Petersen chick. Is there a problem?

Yeah, there’s a problem. You can’t just take on new cases without running it by me first.

OK. I don’t see what the big deal is, man. I mean, we’re PIs. And he hired me, paid me a bunch of cash to do PI stuff.

The big deal is it’s my name and John’s name on that door, not yours. And it’s never a good idea to get involved with the DiMeras.

OK, buddy. You need to chill out.

Hey, hey, hey, Rafe, tell me you understand what I’m saying or we’ve got ourselves a real problem here.

Chug, chug, chug!


[dance music playing]

What are you looking at, hmm? Thinking you’re all cool with your little sunglasses and your little six-pack abs. I bet you cheat on your little inflatable wife all the time, too, don’t you?

Well, OK.

What did you put in these, because you’re not supposed to taste the alcohol.

Well, I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.

No, you– you can’t threaten me. I am the commissioner. OK, honey? I’m–

Yeah, Jada’s right. That’s actually a prosecutable offense, and I would know because I’m the DA.


OK, I’m the mayor, and I don’t give a damn what’s in them.


It tastes good.

Wow, you think the guys are having as much fun as we are?

To hell with the guys, OK? Death to all straight cisgender men.

You’re trying to start something with me, Patchy?

Hey, boys, boys, boys, boys, boys. This is supposed to be a party. You can talk about who’s hiring who next week.

Yeah, you know what? Javi’s right. Let’s go– let’s go check on the food, you guys. And Johnny, maybe you could see if your dad has someplace else to be, so that’d be great.

Yeah, Dad–

Ah, Shawn, I’ll take a veggie and hummus tray if you have any back there. Just trying to cut back on the fried foods, you know?

Rafe, you see he’s just trying to cause trouble, and you’re playing right into it.

Come on, Uncle Steve. Come on. Let’s go see how those wings are doing. Let’s go. Come on.

It’s OK.

Dad, maybe– maybe it’d be a good idea if you found someplace else to go.

Nonsense. Rafe’s more than happy to have me here, aren’t you?

Yeah. Yeah, no, I’m fine if he stays.


Well, it’s your night. I’m gonna go see if they need help bringing the food out of the kitchen.

I’m going to check on the entertainment, see if they’re on their way.

OK. Yeah, yeah, see, now you’re talking. This guy. You’re ruining my night.

This party isn’t for you, you pathetic slug. It’s for Rafe Hernandez!

Oh, yeah. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have his stupid face.

These are some of his closest friends. And Steve Johnson is a professional snoop. If anyone can spot that you’re a fake, it’s him.

Oh, yeah. You know what? He didn’t see nothing. That’s why he was tweaking out, this guy. Besides, you’re the one who’s screwing things up. You didn’t have to tell Cyclops that I’m working for you, did you?

I needed to come up with a reason why I would attend a party of someone that I detest.

OK, whatever. I’m just waiting for the strippers.

You need to keep your eye on the prize. I am not paying you to get lap dances. You have one mission and one mission alone– to help me get back at Jada Hunter.

Easy now.

What? I’m just blowing off a little steam.

Oh, well, breathe, breathe, baby. That nice lifeguard didn’t do anything to you.

OK. OK. You know what, everyone? How about a game? Huh? Huh?

OK. What kind of game? Because I am at the point where I can’t remember any trivia.


No trivia. No trivia. Each of these cards has a personal question on it. So you pick one and you answer honestly or you take a shot. [laughter]

Oh! Hey!

Perfect. OK, first card. Oh! Name a hookup you regret. I’ll go first. Jeremy Horton, world class dirtbag.


And I’m going to take a shot anyway, to wash his name out of my mouth.

Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Aha.



Oh! That’s easy. 50 Cent.


You hooked up with 50 Cent?

It’s pronounced Fitty Cent.


Oh, yeah, we ran in the same circles, back in my Miami days.


OK, I don’t think I would regret that one because that man is fine.

Oh, no, no. I don’t regret anything. We had a fabulous time.


Ooh, I just regret what happened afterwards.

What happened afterwards?

Ooh, brotha wouldn’t stop blowing up my pager.


Oh, I said “Curtis, boo, enough. I know I’m hard to get over, but please try.”


That is an incredible flex.

Yes, you– you are a legend.

Wow. We should use that story during your campaign.


Oh my god. Wow. OK, well, who’s next? Belle?

Oh, god, no, I’m not following that. I’ll take a shot.


All right, then, what about our bride? Yeah. Commissioner Jada Hunter, soon-to-be Hernandez. Give us a hookup you regret.

OK, well, it was actually my first time.


This is good.

Yeah, I was in high school, and we went to band camp.


Like in “American Pie”?

No, no, no. It was not like that in the movie. It was– it was actually like– it was pretty sweet.


Yeah, until the gorgeous saxophone player that I hooked up with went around and told every single person at the camp that we slept together.

Oh, no.

What a tool.

I know.


Did you find him and shove his sax down his throat?


No, I was too embarrassed. I was too embarrassed. But even– even after all this time, if I ever catch him out, it is a one trip ticket to taser-town.


OK, OK. Hey, no one heard me say that.

No, no, please, please, please. We’ll help you do it. What’s this loser’s name?

No, no, no, no. Forget about it. Gabi, you’re next. What hookup do you regret?

That’s easy. EJ DiMera.

Wait, you hooked up with EJ?

Uhh. I wanted to pay Stefan back for sleeping with Ava while I was in prison.

You see, every damn DiMera! Cheaters!


It was a huge mistake, and it completely destroyed my marriage.

Screw EJ!

Screw EJ!

Oh my god. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Here’s another one. All right, all right. You know what? Belle, quit keeping us in suspense. Spill.

Well, Gabi here already stole my thunder because my most regrettable hookup was also EJ.

[tense music]

You hooked up with EJ?

OK, listen, this was when Shawn and I were separated. And, you know, I actually thought that we had something. And then my sister showed up, a.k.a. EJ’s ex-wife, and she completely freaked out. So–

So Sami scared you away?

No, Sami scared EJ away. And he was, like, tripping all over himself, telling her how much I didn’t mean anything to him.


I know, I probably deserved for breaking girl code, so–

No, no, to hell with them. EJ went after his ex’s sister. That man has no conscience.


I can attest to that.

Is there anyone in the room who has not slept with my father-in-law? Praise the Lord. Some of y’all got taste.

Chanel, your turn. Tell us the hookup that you regret.

Oh, that’s easy. My husband, Johnny. He is every bit as nasty as that father of his.

Are you listening to me?

You’re as bad as one-eyed Willie. I know what to do, OK?

You better, because I’m starting to lose my patience.

Dinner is served. All the deep fried goodness you could ever want, and some rabbit food for Lord Fauntleroy over there.

So I couldn’t get in touch with the entertainment. But would anyone like to play darts while we wait?

I’m afraid playtime is over, boys. At least for one of you.

You don’t mean that about Johnny.

The hell I don’t. You know what? I thought that Johnny was the love of my life. But all he did was shatter my heart into a million little pieces when he cheated with that skank, Joy Wesley.

Ooh, boy.

And, you know what? I should have known– I should have known when he was possessed by the devil that he was not right for me.

Say what now?

You know, the devil, he only preys on the weak-minded.

Oh, well, we know that’s not true from experience.

OK, what is going on here?

You know what this party needs?

An exorcism.


A change of scenery. What say we hit the road?

Can we help you with something, officer?

I’m the one asking the questions here, Pirate Pete.


What’d she just call me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, I’m sorry. I don’t– I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Detective Shawn Brady. OK, look, my family owns the place, and we’re having a private bachelor party for a good friend of ours who just happens to be the ex-commissioner.

Good for you.

I’m sorry, officer. What’s going on here?

You’re the groom?

Yeah. Is there a problem?

Oh, you better believe it. I’m here to arrest you for identity theft.

[dramatic music]

Identity theft?

You heard me. You’re going around Salem claiming you’re someone you’re not.

Yeah, I don’t know–

A married man. When you’re still very much single.


At least for one more night. Woo!

I told you there’d be entertainment.

That’s what I’m talking about.

Let’s go.

[upbeat music]

OK, guys, our car is here, and we should all be able to squeeze in.

OK, OK, where are we going? Are we going clubbing?

Yeah! You’ll see. You’ll see.


You know what? Why don’t you girls, you go on ahead. I think I’m going to get Chanel home.

Are you sure?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. She wasn’t really up for this, and I just– I didn’t listen to her, so let me– come on, let me get you to bed.

No, I don’t want to go home.

Well, I think you do.

No, I don’t. I’m just starting to have fun.

Now, baby, you’re still hurting.

No, I feel great, OK? Look, the night is young and free and so am I. So where are we going?

[music playing]

Oh. I’ve been a bad boy. Want to arrest me?

Uh-uh-uh. You can look, but you can’t touch.

Oh, come on, baby. Just one little touch. I’m a good tipper.

Your bride is a lucky lady.



Hmm. Having a good time?

Jada? Jada, I was–

Oh, don’t let us interrupt you, big brother.

No, no, no, I– we were just doing–

Calm down, Rafe. You know what happens at bachelor parties. Go ahead. Finish your lap dance.

[laughs] No, no, no. Because I would rather have a lap dance from you.

What the hell are you doing here?

I could ask you the same thing.

OK, well, you better not ruin this night for my brother. I’m going to go get a drink.

OK, nice talking to you, Ms. Hernandez. [gags]

Hey. What happened to the bachelorette party?

Well, someone needed to make sure that your boys are behaving. [laughs]

Yeah. Well, let’s just hope that these two behave.

Hey, I– I didn’t know you were going to Jada’s party.

Yeah? Well, that’s because I don’t have to tell you my plans anymore.

It’s not what I meant.

No. No, because you never say what you actually mean, like when you said that you promised to– what was it? Love, honor, and be faithful to me?


No, no. Save it. Or matter of fact, you know what, tell it to Joy Wesley, OK? Because you are her problem now.

Oh! Chanel!

I’m on it.

No, no, no. Let me go. Let me go. I’m the only one that’s completely sober. And plus, I know a little bit about letting alcohol and anger get the better of you.

Thank you.

All right.

[laughs] Well, as much fun as tonight has been for the both of us, I think we should be heading out.

What? Now?

Yeah. We don’t want to be hung over for our wedding day tomorrow. I’ll get us a car.

Yeah, well, actually, I already got a room at the Inn.

You do? Why?

No, no, no. Well, because it’s– I mean, you’re not supposed to be together before your wedding, right? It’s bad luck. Besides, it’s going to make our wedding night all the more special, right?

Wow, you really are old-fashioned.

Is that a bad thing?

Well, I’m not thrilled that we’re going to spend the night away from each other, but I’ll allow it, if it means that it will make tomorrow as special as we both want it.

Oh, I know it. Yeah.

Oh, well, looks like you ladies had a good time, huh?

I will be paying for it tomorrow.

No, you won’t.

Oh, boy.

No, no, no. Come on. No, no, no. We’ll clean up later. Come here. Yes, you come over here with your Papa. Have a seat.

It’s such a mess, though.

The mess can keep. Come on. Sit down.

OK. What’s up?

Well, why don’t you tell me? I know that you and your mom had an ice cream and rom-com night so you could process your break up with Phillip. I just want to make sure you’re OK. Because she said you sounded kind of defeatist.

Maybe that’s because I’ve been defeated.

Come on, baby girl. You can’t let one bad experience cause you to give up on love.

One bad experience? Are we forgetting that this is my second time at bat with Philip, not to mention Chad and Everett and all the other failed relationships.

Come on. Forget about those guys. Listen to me. There is somebody out there who’s just as perfect for you as your mom is for me.

I don’t know about that.

Oh, I do. And one of these days, you’re going to find him. And you’re going to be having your own bachelorette party.


Yeah. And after that, I’m going to walk my little sweetness down the aisle.

Thanks, Dad. I needed to hear that.

Come here. Oh, my baby girl.

You know you did not need to drive me home, and you certainly did not need to walk me to my door.

You seem to have had an awful lot to drink tonight.

Oh, please, I barely had anything to drink. I had, like, six Jell-O shots. Maybe seven. I don’t know.

Oh, was that all?

I know how to call a rideshare.

My driver was already sitting outside the Pub.

Oh, well, you’re nothing if not a gentleman.

Well, you know, I have my moments.

Oh, well, do you have your moments where you recognize sarcasm? Because I was being sarcastic. I don’t think you’re a gentleman at all.

[sighs] What is your problem with me, Belle?

My problem?

I mean, if there was any reason to be upset, it’d be me.

[scoffs] You?

Yes, yes. You stole my job.

Well, you ghosted me after Sami found out about us.

Is that what this is about? Did you go after the DA position because you hadn’t gotten over me yet?

Oh, please, the only person here who hasn’t gotten over you is you. Now get the hell out of my house.

Ooh, I seem to have struck a nerve. In vino veritas and all that.

Oh, my god. You are so smug. I don’t know what I ever saw in you.

I don’t know. You tell me.

[soft music]

[dance music]

Oh, there you are.

Finally, a friendly face.

It’s good to see you, too.

Wait, wait, did Mama send you?

No, no, she didn’t send me. I volunteered. I’m here to make sure you get home safe.

I don’t want to go home. I want to dance. Come on. Come on. Dance with me, Shawn.

Chanel, you are drunk.

Yeah, I know. And I plan on getting even drunker. And then who knows where the night will take us.


You guys are so sweet to make sure that I got home OK.

Well, we live here too.

I have the bestest future in-laws ever.


Well, I’m just glad that you had fun tonight and that you weren’t too upset walking in on that stripper.

Oh. Why would I be upset? That stripper might have had one dance with my man Rafe. But I– I get to spend my whole life with him.

Hell, yeah, you do.

Yeah. How lucky am I? Well, I better get to my room because I got to get some sleep so I can be fresh for my wedding day tomorrow with your brother. Oh. You know, just think, in a few short hours, I am going to be Mrs. Rafe Hernandez. [giggles]


Oh, you came.

Why else would I have taken your number?

Oh. All right, then. Let’s get this party started, shall we?

[music playing]



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Beyond the Gates Cast

Beyond The Gates Season 1 Table Read (cast and crew of the show) - photo from



Derek Baldwin – Ben Gavin
Anita Dupree – Tamara Tunie
Dani Dupree – Karla Mosley
Vernon Dupree – Clifton Davis
Andre Hamilton – Sean Freeman
Bill Hamilton – Timon Durrett
Chelsea Hamilton – RhonniRose Mantilla
Jacob Hawthorne – Jibre Hordges
Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne – Arielle Prepetit
Katherine “Kat” Richardson – Colby Muhammad
Hayley Lawson – Marquita Goings
Vanessa McBride – Lauren Buglioli
Ashley Morgan – Jen Jacob
Tomas “Tom” Navarro – Alex Alegria
Martin Richardson – Brandon Claybon
Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson – Daphnee Duplaix
Ted Richardson – Maurice Johnson
Bradley “Smitty” Smith – Mike Manning
Dana “Leslie” Thomas – Trisha Mann-Grant
Eva Thomas – Ambyr Michelle


Tamara Tunie stars as Anita Dupree in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and Paramount+.Tamara Tunie stars as Anita Dupree, matriarch of the family. A famous singer back in the day, Anita worked hard for her success, and raised two daughters with her now-retired senator husband. But underneath her glamorous and refined exterior is a fierceness she gained from her humble beginnings in Chicago. Tamara Tunie is a seasoned daytime star appearing on “As the World Turns” for many years. Also, she originated the role of medical examiner Dr. Melinda Warner with a now landmark 23 seasons on the legendary series “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” In addition, she has held recurring roles on shows including BLUE BLOODS, THE GOOD WIFE and ELEMENTARY for the Network.Daphnee Duplaix stars as Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Daphnee Duplaix stars as Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson, daughter of Anita, and Dani’s sister, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson is a high-achieving and competitive philanthropist and psychiatrist, and exudes warmth, empathy and compassion. Nicole’s success in life extends to her marriage to her surgeon husband. She has the perfect life 
 from the outside. Daphnee Duplaix boasts an illustrious acting career that has spanned over two decades, most notably earning her an NAACP Award nomination for her outstanding portrayal of Rachel Gannon on “One Life to Live.”

Clifton Davis stars as Vernon Dupree in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.Clifton Davis stars as Vernon Dupree, the Dupree family patriarch married to Anita and father to Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Dani Dupree. A venerable former senator, Vernon is gentle, humble and generous with his knowledge and experience. Retired now, Vernon was at the forefront of the civil rights movement. Clifton Davis is a veteran actor with a 60-year career that spans television, film, Motown and nine Broadway shows. His most recent recurring roles include the series “Clipped,” “Godfather of Harlem” and MADAM SECRETARY on the Network. Recently on Broadway he played Dr. Dillamond in “Wicked” and originated the role of The Sultan in “Aladdin.” Davis is a Tony Award nominee for “Two Gentlemen of Verona,” a Theatre World Award winner for the Gershwin Review “Do It Again” and a GRAMMY nominee for writing “Never Can Say Good-bye” for The Jackson 5.Karla Mosley stars as Dani Dupree in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Karla Mosley stars as Dani Dupree, Anita’s other daughter, and a former model turned momager who gave up her career for love. Dani was the Dupree family wild child. Free-spirited, headstrong and uninhibited, she dropped out of school to pursue a high-flying modeling career and she has always marched to the beat of her own drum. Karla Mosley starred as Maya Avant Forrester on THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, for which she was nominated for an NAACP Image Award. Additional credits include “Guiding Light,” “Gossip Girl,” “Hart of Dixie,” “Deadly Cheer Mom” and “Burn After Reading.”



Maurice Johnson stars as Ted Richardson, Brandon Claybon stars as Martin Richardson, Colby Muhammad stars as Katherine “Kat” Richardson and Sean Freeman stars as Andre Hamilton in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Maurice Johnson stars as Ted Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson’s husband and father to Martin and Katerine “Kat”. Ted is a brilliant plastic surgeon with an ultra-exclusive private practice and women clamor to put their faces and bodies in what they call his blessed hands. Ted has created an impeccable life with his wife – whom he loves passionately – and sleeps well at night, secure that his past will never disrupt his perfect world. Maurice Johnson’s credits include “Chicago Fire,” “Good Girls” and “To Catch a Killer.”

Brandon Claybon stars as Martin Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Ted Richardson’s son and older brother of Katherine “Kat” Richardson. Martin is a congressman who lives outside “the gates” in a Washington, D.C., brownstone with his husband and two adopted children. Following his grandfather’s path into politics, he has ambition to be the first openly gay Black President. Brandon Claybon’s credits include “Grey’s Anatomy,” Tyler Perry’s “Zatima,” and “General Hospital.”

Colby Muhammad stars as Katherine “Kat” Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Ted Richardson’s miracle baby. She is the younger sister of Martin Richardson and lives in her parents’ guest house. Kat’s been indulged all her life, which has made her spoiled, entitled and dismissive of those she considers beneath her. She’s confident and secure and has never doubted herself or her privileged position in the world. She doesn’t like to share but doesn’t know that the day when she is forced to may be fast approaching. Colby Muhammad recently starred in the first national tour of the Broadway hit play “Jaja’s African Hair Braiding.”

Sean Freeman stars as Andre Hamilton, the sophisticated nephew of Ted Richardson. Andre tragically lost his parents in a plane crash and inherited a double fortune, which allows him to live his bliss as a photographer. Nicole and Ted stepped up for Andre when his parents died, and he depends on their support and wise counsel. A playboy who is smooth on the surface, there is something elusive about Andre that occasionally makes people question his intentions. Sean Freeman’s credits include “Finding Happy,” “Tales” and “Boxed In.”


Timon Durrett stars as Bill Hamilton, Arielle Prepetit stars as Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne, RhonniRose Mantilla stars as Chelsea Hamilton, and Marquita Goings stars as Hayley Lawson in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Timon Durrett stars as Bill Hamilton, Dani Dupree’s ex-husband and father to Naomi and Chelsea. Bill is an opportunist, publicity hound and narcissist, according to his ex-wife, Dani. He is a charismatic and calculated criminal defense attorney who is well-connected, well-received and gets what he wants by any means necessary. Timon Durrett’s credits include “Cheaper by the Dozen,” “Queen Sugar” and “Stuck with You.”

Arielle Prepetit stars as Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne, Dani Dupree and Bill Hamilton’s oldest daughter and Chelsea’s older sister. Naomi lives outside “the gates” in Washington, D.C., where she humbly serves as a civil attorney. She’s whip smart and the only one in the Dupree family who inherited her grandmother Anita Dupree’s gift for singing, which bonds them. Arielle Prepetit’s credits include “BMF,” “Found” and “The System.”

RhonniRose Mantilla stars as Chelsea Hamilton, Dani Dupree and Bill Hamilton’s youngest daughter and Naomi’s younger sister. Chelsea is a social media influencer and has been a successful but reluctant high fashion model since she was 18. Her career expertly guided by Dani, Chelsea is charged with recreating the life her mother gave up, which doesn’t fit her own life vision. She has a lot of money, which allows her to follow her dream of designing a line of purses and building her brand. Chelsea indulges in the good things in life, like beautiful people, parties, her new condo in D.C. and the freedom to experiment. RhonniRose Mantilla recently starred in “Harmony the Musical” on Broadway.

Marquita Goings stars as Hayley Lawson, a paralegal at Bill Hamilton’s firm. Hayley is gorgeous, intelligent, charming, witty and the new fiancĂ©e of Dani Dupree’s ex-husband, Bill Hamilton. Considered a husband-stealing tramp in Dani’s circle, Hayley is nothing if not confident. With time, patience, charm and effort, she will try to win them over – and if not, so what? Hayley has what matters: Bill. Marquita Goings’ credits include “Woke” and Tyler Perry’s “Zatima.”


Trisha Mann-Grant stars as Dana “Leslie” Thomas and Ambyr Michelle stars as Eva Thomas in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Trisha Mann-Grant stars as Dana “Leslie” Thomas, Eva Thomas’ mom and a long-time waitress and bartender. Dana “Leslie” is not wrapped all that tight and intense, but she’s charming and easy out in the world. The only person who sees what’s disturbing about her is her daughter, Eva, and very soon all will see what is unsettling about her, too. Trisha Mann-Grant’s credits include “Family Business” and “A Royal Christmas Surprise.”

Ambyr Michelle stars as Eva Thomas, Dana “Leslie” Thomas’ daughter and Nicole Dupree Richardson’s new assistant, who vibrates with intensity and purpose. Eva is determined to right a grievous wrong done to her mother as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Ambyr Michelle’s credits include “The Runarounds,” “Running Point” and “Snowfall.”


Jibre Hordges stars as Jacob Hawthorne, Mike Manning stars as Bradley “Smitty” Smith, Jen Jacob stars as Ashley Morgan, Ben Gavin stars as Derek Baldwin, Lauren Buglioli stars as Vanessa McBride and Alex Alegria stars as Tomas “Tom” Navarro in "Beyond the Gates" on CBS daytime and on Paramount+.

Jibre Hordges stars as Jacob Hawthorne, Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne’s husband and a robbery/homicide detective with the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia. Jacob hails from a family of law enforcement. He is proud of his wife, the family he comes from, serving the community and seeking justice for victims. Jibre Hordges’ credits include “Grown-ish,” “9-1-1” and “The Resident.”

Mike Manning stars as Bradley “Smitty” Smith, husband to Congressman Martin Richardson and father to teenagers Tyrell and Samantha. A former political reporter turned househusband, Smitty is a fantastic dad who has guided his children with warmth and good humor. Smitty is thinking of resuming his writing career but is hesitant to tell Martin, who likes their home life the way it is. Mike Manning’s credits include “The Bay,” “Days of Our Lives” and “This Is Us.”

Jen Jacob stars as Ashley Morgan, Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne’s best friend, who is the only child of a young single mother. Ashley was a latchkey kid who has never been afraid of rolling up her sleeves. She is a nurse at Washington D.C.’s Garland Memorial Hospital and has the perfect temperament for her profession – positive, cheerful, brisk, resourceful and independent. She can be serious but is also fun-loving with a smile that lights up a room. Jen Jacob’s credits include “The Union” and “Law & Order: Organized Crime.”

Ben Gavin stars as Derek Baldwin, a devoted firefighter in a relationship with Ashley Morgan and best friend to Jacob Hawthorne. Derek is fearless, holds nothing back and goes into a zone when he fights fire – which is almost personal for him rather than just a professional calling. Incredibly handy, Derek can fix almost anything. Ben Gavin’s credits include “Super 8,” “The Dark Tower,” “My Christmas Love” and “Missing at 17.” His recent roles include the films “A Place Called Home,” “Going for Two” and “Winterset.”

Lauren Buglioli stars as Vanessa McBride, a high-end real estate agency owner who specializes in luxury property and is neighbors with Dani Dupree and best friend to Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. The mother of twins, Vanessa is in a loveless marriage with her high school sweetheart. Lauren Buglioli’s credits include “Bad Monkey,” “Florida Man” and “A Jazzman’s Blues.”

Alex Alegria stars as Tomas “Tom” Navarro, a handsome and confident young attorney at Bill Hamilton’s law firm. Tomas has an eye for Katherine “Kat” Richardson. Alex Alegria’s credits include CSI and “Gossip Girl.”

List updated 1/28/25


Table read with some of the cast of "Beyond the Gates" on CBS/Paramount+

All info is from CBS/Paramount.

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Beyond the Gates News

Episode #1.001 Coverage of the CBS Original Series BEYOND THE GATES will premiere Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, and air weekdays (2:00-3:00 PM, ET; 1:00-2:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+*. Pictured: Daphnee Duplaix as Nicole Dupree Richardson and Tamara Tunie as Anita Dupree. Photo: Quantrell Colbert/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


BTG News and Information!


Soap Opera Digest: “Beyond The Gates Is Doing ‘Something That Hasn’t Been Done Before,’ Execs Say” Jan. 2

Episode #1.001 Season 1 Episode 1
Series Premiere: The holiday season is upon us and in the spirit of scandals, backstabbing, grudges and family drama, CBS brings you the first look at the new scintillating daytime series BEYOND THE GATES.
BEYOND THE GATES will premiere Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, and air weekdays (2:00-3:00 PM, ET; 1:00-2:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+*.

Meet the Cast



CBS announced today that BEYOND THE GATES, the new daytime drama series and debut project from the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, will premiere Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, and air weekdays (2:00-3:00 PM, ET; 1:00-2:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+*.

The series began production in Atlanta, Ga., this month and stars Tamara Tunie, Clifton Davis, Daphnee Duplaix, Karla Mosley, Alex Alegria, Lauren Buglioli, Brandon Claybon, Timon Kyle Durrett, Sean Freeman, Ben Gavin, Marquita Goings, Jibre Hordges, Jen Jacob, Maurice Johnson, Trisha Mann-Grant, Mike Manning, RhonniRose Mantilla, Ambyr Michelle, Colby Muhammad and Arielle Prepetit.

BEYOND THE GATES is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington, D.C., and in one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those who live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have “made it” and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life 
 and some with more grace than others.

BEYOND THE GATES is developed and produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, led by Sheila Ducksworth, in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble. The series is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution. This marks the first-ever one-hour Black daytime soap and the first daytime drama to premiere since “Passions” in 1999.

Michele Val Jean is the creator, executive producer and showrunner alongside executive producers Sheila Ducksworth, Robert Guza Jr., Julie Carruthers, Leon W. Russell, Derrick Johnson, Kimberly Doebereiner and Anna Saalfeld.

*Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers will have access to stream live via the live feed of their local CBS affiliate on the service, as well as on-demand. Paramount+ Essential subscribers will not have the option to stream live, but will have access to on-demand the day after the special airs.

BTG Scoops and Spoilers

Note: Dates mentioned may not be accurate due to pre-emptions.

By Suzanne

Beyond the Gates trailer and Promo




Veteran Actor Clifton Davis to Star as Dupree Family Patriarch

Additional Cast Includes Alex Alegria, Lauren Buglioli, Ben Gavin, Jibre Hordges, Jen Jacob and Mike Manning

New Daytime Series Premieres on CBS in Early 2025

CBS announces the final cast members for BEYOND THE GATES, including veteran television and stage actor Clifton Davis starring as Vernon Dupree, the Dupree family patriarch and husband of Anita Dupree (Tamara Tunie). Also joining the new daytime series are Alex Alegria, Lauren Buglioli, Ben Gavin, Jibre Hordges, Jen Jacob and Mike Manning. From the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, BEYOND THE GATES begins production in November and will premiere on CBS in early 2025.

Clifton Davis stars as Vernon Dupree, the Dupree family patriarch married to Anita and father to Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Dani Dupree. A venerable former senator, Vernon is gentle, humble and generous with his knowledge and experience. Retired now, Vernon was at the forefront of the civil rights movement. Clifton Davis is a veteran actor with a 60-year career that spans television, film, Motown and nine Broadway shows. His most recent recurring roles include the series “Clipped,” “Godfather of Harlem” and MADAM SECRETARY on the Network. Recently on Broadway he played Dr. Dillamond in “Wicked” and originated the role of The Sultan in “Aladdin.” Davis is a Tony Award nominee for “Two Gentlemen of Verona,” a Theatre World Award winner for the Gershwin Review “Do It Again” and a GRAMMY nominee for writing “Never Can Say Good-bye” for The Jackson 5.

Jibre Hordges stars as Jacob Hawthorne, Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne’s husband and a robbery/homicide detective with the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia. Jacob hails from a family of law enforcement. He is proud of his wife, the family he comes from, serving the community and seeking justice for victims. Jibre Hordges’ credits include “Grown-ish,” “9-1-1” and “The Resident.”

Mike Manning stars as Bradley “Smitty” Smith, husband to Congressman Martin Richardson and father to teenagers Tyrell and Samantha. A former political reporter turned househusband, Smitty is a fantastic dad who has guided his children with warmth and good humor. Smitty is thinking of resuming his writing career but is hesitant to tell Martin, who likes their home life the way it is. Mike Manning’s credits include “The Bay,” “Days of Our Lives” and “This Is Us.”

Jen Jacob stars as Ashley Morgan, Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne’s best friend, who is the only child of a young single mother. Ashley was a latchkey kid who has never been afraid of rolling up her sleeves. She is a nurse at Washington D.C.’s Garland Memorial Hospital and has the perfect temperament for her profession – positive, cheerful, brisk, resourceful and independent. She can be serious but is also fun-loving with a smile that lights up a room. Jen Jacob’s credits include “The Union” and “Law & Order: Organized Crime.”

Ben Gavin stars as Derek Baldwin, a devoted firefighter in a relationship with Ashley Morgan and best friend to Jacob Hawthorne. Derek is fearless, holds nothing back and goes into a zone when he fights fire – which is almost personal for him rather than just a professional calling. Incredibly handy, Derek can fix almost anything. Ben Gavin’s credits include “Super 8,” “The Dark Tower,” “My Christmas Love” and “Missing at 17.” His recent roles include the films “A Place Called Home,” “Going for Two” and “Winterset.”

Lauren Buglioli stars as Vanessa McBride, a high-end real estate agency owner who specializes in luxury property and is neighbors with Dani Dupree and best friend to Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson. The mother of twins, Vanessa is in a loveless marriage with her high school sweetheart. Lauren Buglioli’s credits include “Bad Monkey,” “Florida Man” and “A Jazzman’s Blues.”

Alex Alegria stars as Tomas “Tom” Navarro, a handsome and confident young attorney at Bill Hamilton’s law firm. Tomas has an eye for Katherine “Kat” Richardson. Alex Alegria’s credits include CSI and “Gossip Girl.”

They join previously announced cast members including Tamara Tunie, Daphnee Duplaix, Karla Mosley, Brandon Claybon, Timon Kyle Durrett, Sean Freeman, Marquita Goings, Maurice Johnson, Trisha Mann-Grant, RhonniRose Mantilla, Ambyr Michelle, Colby Muhammad and Arielle Prepetit.

BEYOND THE GATES is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington, D.C., and in one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have “made it” and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life 
 and some with more grace than others.

BEYOND THE GATES is developed and produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, led by Sheila Ducksworth, in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble. This marks the first-ever one-hour Black daytime soap and the first daytime drama to premiere since “Passions” in 1999.

Michele Val Jean is the creator, executive producer and showrunner alongside executive producers Sheila Ducksworth, Robert Guza Jr., Julie Carruthers, Leon W. Russell, Derrick Johnson, Kimberly Doebereiner and Anna Saalfeld.



Brandon Claybon, Timon Durrett, Sean Freeman, Marquita Goings, Maurice Johnson, Trisha Mann-Grant, RhonniRose Mantilla, Ambyr Michelle, Colby Muhammad and Arielle Prepetit to Star

New Daytime Series Begins Production in November and Premieres on CBS in Early 2025

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Oct. 25, 2024 – CBS reveals the next round of casting for BEYOND THE GATES, including Brandon Claybon, Timon Durrett, Sean Freeman, Marquita Goings, Maurice Johnson, Trisha Mann-Grant, RhonniRose Mantilla, Ambyr Michelle, Colby Muhammad and Arielle Prepetit. Joining previously announced stars Tamara Tunie (Anita Dupree), Daphnee Duplaix (Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson) and Karla Mosley (Dani Dupree), the new cast members round out the extended families of the Duprees and key characters who influence their worlds. BEYOND THE GATES, from the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, begins production in November and will premiere on CBS in early 2025.


Maurice Johnson stars as Ted Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson’s husband and father to Martin and Katerine “Kat”. Ted is a brilliant plastic surgeon with an ultra-exclusive private practice and women clamor to put their faces and bodies in what they call his blessed hands. Ted has created an impeccable life with his wife – whom he loves passionately – and sleeps well at night, secure that his past will never disrupt his perfect world. Maurice Johnson’s credits include “Chicago Fire,” “Good Girls” and “To Catch a Killer.”

Brandon Claybon stars as Martin Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Ted Richardson’s son and older brother of Katherine “Kat” Richardson. Martin is a congressman who lives outside “the gates” in a Washington, D.C., brownstone with his husband and two adopted children. Following his grandfather’s path into politics, he has ambition to be the first openly gay Black President. Brandon Claybon’s credits include “Grey’s Anatomy,” Tyler Perry’s “Zatima,” and “General Hospital.”

Colby Muhammad stars as Katherine “Kat” Richardson, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson and Ted Richardson’s miracle baby. She is the younger sister of Martin Richardson and lives in her parents’ guest house. Kat’s been indulged all her life, which has made her spoiled, entitled and dismissive of those she considers beneath her. She’s confident and secure and has never doubted herself or her privileged position in the world. She doesn’t like to share but doesn’t know that the day when she is forced to may be fast approaching. Colby Muhammad recently starred in the first national tour of the Broadway hit play “Jaja’s African Hair Braiding.”

Sean Freeman stars as Andre Hamilton, the sophisticated nephew of Ted Richardson. Andre tragically lost his parents in a plane crash and inherited a double fortune, which allows him to live his bliss as a photographer. Nicole and Ted stepped up for Andre when his parents died, and he depends on their support and wise counsel. A playboy who is smooth on the surface, there is something elusive about Andre that occasionally makes people question his intentions. Sean Freeman’s credits include “Finding Happy,” “Tales” and “Boxed In.”


Timon Durrett stars as Bill Hamilton, Dani Dupree’s ex-husband and father to Naomi and Chelsea. Bill is an opportunist, publicity hound and narcissist, according to his ex-wife, Dani. He is a charismatic and calculated criminal defense attorney who is well-connected, well-received and gets what he wants by any means necessary. Timon Durrett’s credits include “Cheaper by the Dozen,” “Queen Sugar” and “Stuck with You.”

Arielle Prepetit stars as Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne, Dani Dupree and Bill Hamilton’s oldest daughter and Chelsea’s older sister. Naomi lives outside “the gates” in Washington, D.C., where she humbly serves as a civil attorney. She’s whip smart and the only one in the Dupree family who inherited her grandmother Anita Dupree’s gift for singing, which bonds them. Arielle Prepetit’s credits include “BMF,” “Found” and “The System.”

RhonniRose Mantilla stars as Chelsea Hamilton, Dani Dupree and Bill Hamilton’s youngest daughter and Naomi’s younger sister. Chelsea is a social media influencer and has been a successful but reluctant high fashion model since she was 18. Her career expertly guided by Dani, Chelsea is charged with recreating the life her mother gave up, which doesn’t fit her own life vision. She has a lot of money, which allows her to follow her dream of designing a line of purses and building her brand. Chelsea indulges in the good things in life, like beautiful people, parties, her new condo in D.C. and the freedom to experiment. RhonniRose Mantilla recently starred in “Harmony the Musical” on Broadway.

Marquita Goings stars as Hayley Lawson, a paralegal at Bill Hamilton’s firm. Hayley is gorgeous, intelligent, charming, witty and the new fiancĂ©e of Dani Dupree’s ex-husband, Bill Hamilton. Considered a husband-stealing tramp in Dani’s circle, Hayley is nothing if not confident. With time, patience, charm and effort, she will try to win them over – and if not, so what? Hayley has what matters: Bill. Marquita Goings’ credits include “Woke” and Tyler Perry’s “Zatima.”


Trisha Mann-Grant stars as Dana “Leslie” Thomas, Eva Thomas’ mom and a long-time waitress and bartender. Dana “Leslie” is not wrapped all that tight and intense, but she’s charming and easy out in the world. The only person who sees what’s disturbing about her is her daughter, Eva, and very soon all will see what is unsettling about her, too. Trisha Mann-Grant’s credits include “Family Business” and “A Royal Christmas Surprise.”

Ambyr Michelle stars as Eva Thomas, Dana “Leslie” Thomas’ daughter and Nicole Dupree Richardson’s new assistant, who vibrates with intensity and purpose. Eva is determined to right a grievous wrong done to her mother as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Ambyr Michelle’s credits include “The Runarounds,” “Running Point” and “Snowfall.”

BEYOND THE GATES is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington, D.C., and in one of the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have “made it” and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life 
 and some with more grace than others.

BEYOND THE GATES is developed and produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, led by Sheila Ducksworth, in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble. This marks the first-ever one-hour Black daytime soap and the first daytime drama to premiere since “Passions” in 1999.

Michele Val Jean is the creator, executive producer and showrunner alongside executive producers Sheila Ducksworth, Robert Guza Jr., Julie Carruthers, Leon W. Russell, Derrick Johnson, Kimberly Doebereiner and Anna Saalfeld.



Tamara Tunie, Daphnee Duplaix and Karla Mosley to Star

The Series Will Premiere on CBS in Early 2025

NEW YORK – Sept. 19, 2024 – CBS announces first cast members for BEYOND THE GATES with Tamara Tunie, Daphnee Duplaix and Karla Mosley starring as prominent members of the Dupree family. Formerly known as “The Gates,” this series from the CBS Studios / NAACP Venture is the first Black one-hour daytime drama to air on television. BEYOND THE GATES begins production later this fall in Atlanta and will premiere on CBS in early 2025.

Tamara Tunie stars as Anita Dupree, matriarch of the family. A famous singer back in the day, Anita worked hard for her success, and raised two daughters with her now-retired senator husband. But underneath her glamorous and refined exterior is a fierceness she gained from her humble beginnings in Chicago. Tamara Tunie is a seasoned daytime star appearing on “As the World Turns” for many years. Also, she originated the role of medical examiner Dr. Melinda Warner with a now landmark 23 seasons on the legendary series “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” In addition, she has held recurring roles on shows including BLUE BLOODS, THE GOOD WIFE and ELEMENTARY for the Network.

Daphnee Duplaix stars as Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson, daughter of Anita, and Dani’s sister, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson is a high-achieving and competitive philanthropist and psychiatrist, and exudes warmth, empathy and compassion. Nicole’s success in life extends to her marriage to her surgeon husband. She has the perfect life 
 from the outside. Daphnee Duplaix boasts an illustrious acting career that has spanned over two decades, most notably earning her an NAACP Award nomination for her outstanding portrayal of Rachel Gannon on “One Life to Live.”

Karla Mosley stars as Dani Dupree, Anita’s other daughter, and a former model turned momager who gave up her career for love. Dani was the Dupree family wild child. Free-spirited, headstrong and uninhibited, she dropped out of school to pursue a high-flying modeling career and she has always marched to the beat of her own drum. Karla Mosley starred as Maya Avant Forrester on THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, for which she was nominated for an NAACP Image Award. Additional credits include “Guiding Light,” “Gossip Girl,” “Hart of Dixie,” “Deadly Cheer Mom” and “Burn After Reading.”

BEYOND THE GATES is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington D.C., and in one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have “made it” and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life 
 and some with more grace than others.

BEYOND THE GATES is developed and produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP Venture, led by Sheila Ducksworth, in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble. This marks the first-ever one-hour Black daytime soap and the first daytime drama to premiere since “Passions” in 1999.

Michele Val Jean is the creator, executive producer and showrunner alongside executive producers Sheila Ducksworth, Robert Guza Jr., Julie Carruthers, Leon Russell, Derrick Johnson, Kimberly Doebereiner and Anna Saalfeld.



New Daytime Drama from CBS Studios/NAACP Venture in Partnership with Procter & Gamble Studios

LOS ANGELES – CBS today announced the series order for the new daytime drama THE GATES for broadcast on the Network in January 2025. The specific time period, launch date and other series details will be announced at later dates.

THE GATES follows the lives of a wealthy Black family in a posh, gated community. Michele Val Jean, who has written more than 2,000 episodes of daytime dramas and won multiple Daytime Emmy and WGA Awards for her work on THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL and “General Hospital,” will serve as writer and showrunner. Val Jean will also be an executive producer alongside Sheila Ducksworth, Leon Russell, Derrick Johnson and Kimberly Doebereiner.

THE GATES was developed from the joint venture between CBS Studios and the NAACP. The series will be produced by the CBS Studios/NAACP venture in partnership with P&G Studios, a division of Procter & Gamble.

The CBS Studios production venture and development deal with the NAACP was established to help elevate a diverse range of voices as well as increase the visibility of Black artists on broadcast and streaming platforms in an ever-evolving media landscape.

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CBS Presents BEYOND THE GATES ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Billy tells Sally that he is thinking of starting his own communications company. Billy also tells Sally he is looking forward to competing with Newman Media but isn’t the reason that he wants to start the company.

Victor sends Michael and two members of his security team to pick up Ian and bring him to the ranch. Victor wants Ian to sign a confession that says he kidnapped Sharon and killed Heather. Ian tells Victor that he didn’t kill Heather or kidnap Sharon because he is a changed man.

Mariah is frantic because Tessa and Aria are missing. Mariah blames herself for Heather’s death and Sharon’s kidnapping. Mariah is also sure that Ian kidnapped Tessa and Aria and Mariah tells Tessa she wants Ian obliterated.

Nick demands that Ian tell him where he is holding Tessa and Aria.

Victor tells Ian that if he doesn’t sign the confession he will soon see Jordan again. Ian reminds Victor that he sent a letter to the police that says that if he should be harmed they should investigate the Newman family.

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