GH Transcript Tuesday, April 25, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


[Knock on door]

[Soft dramatic music]


Sorry to keep you waiting.

[Knock on door]

[Door opens]

Come in. Hi.

Hi. I’m sorry to barge in. I know that you’re recovering.

No, it’s good. I-I’m happy for the company.

Um, so I just got this call from valentin. I thought he would be here. And he left me this cryptic message, and I texted him back. I even called him, and it’s radio silence.

Yeah, he doesn’t have a choice.

Sounds like you know where he is.

He’s with laura and curtis and drew. They’ve–they’ve gone to find victor, bring the hostages back.

Sounds risky.

It is. But valentin was determined to go, no matter the risk.

Mommy, what’s that?

This is a very special gift.

But it’s not your birthday.

Even better. It’s a gift that your daddy and I are going to give to each other tonight. But we can’t do that without your help.

What do you need me to do, mommy?

Family is about coming together, celebrating the good times and comforting each other through the bad.

Today is a little bit of both.


But we’re not gonna cry. There’s gonna be no tears. I mean, we heard drew. He’s gonna find liesl. Willow’s gonna have her bone marrow transplant. And before you know it, we’re gonna be celebrating michael and willow’s ten year wedding anniversary.

Hear, hear.

I like the sound of that.


And we’re all gonna be stronger, because this family’s bonds are unbreakable, no matter what life throws at us.

[Door slams]


What was that?

What on earth was monica thinking, planting daffodils all the way up the drive? It looks like the easter bunny threw up out there. Thank god I’m home to put things to rights.

[Sighs] Hello? Isn’t anyone gonna welcome me home?

[Splutters] Welcome home, tracy.

That’s better.

Granny, what a nice surprise.

Oh! And what have I told you about calling me that?

Mother dear, why don’t you give us some notice for once?

Ned, dear, thank you for that heartfelt greeting.

Hello, aunt tracy. Welcome home.

Thank you, michael. That’s much better. Now what is she doing here?

Mmm. Oh. Wow. Not that I’m complaining at all, but what was that for?

How soon can you drop everything and get away with me somewhere?

What do you mean, go away? What are you talking about?

I promise you, all you’re gonna–you need sandals, uh, maybe some sunglasses, bikini, sunblock-

forget the bikini. We’ll–we’ll travel light.

Okay, slow down.

No. I don’t want to. ‘Cause you know what I wanna do? I want us to fly to the islands and soak up the sun. Okay? We’re gonna have a moonlight dinner on the beach and let the world just go right by us. Is that a deal?

I love you so much. But I also know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. So the answer is… no deal.

[Dramatic music]

All I wanna do is spend some time alone with you.


I know we’re both busy. You got “crimson” and the hotel, and I got, you know, a business deal coming in.

[Dramatic music] But I think we–we can carve out a little long weekend and go to the caribbean. I know that-

that willow is a factor. We’ll have our phones. If her condition changes, then, you know, we’ll get on a plane and come back to port charles in a few hours.

Clearly you have thought of everything.


And I love you for that.

And I love you.


So? We both need a change, come on.

Yes, yes.


Oh, exac-

we need this.

Yes. And I’m not arguing with that, but I want you to be honest with me, sonny.


Okay? Are you suggesting this because you were invited to michael and willow’s wedding and I, very specifically, wasn’t?

I was invited here today, tracy. What about you?

I don’t need an invitation. This is my house. All: It’s monica’s house. Alan gave it to her.

Oh, my god, because he was an idiot!

Mother, we are thrilled to have you here. But as usual, you didn’t let us know that you’d be visiting, which makes me wonder, why now? Are you concerned about elq’s latest share price?

Ugh! If I live to be 100, I hope I never hear those three letters ever again. As a matter of fact, there’s a lot of much more important things happening out there in the world. And while you all were spending time entertaining… aj’s worst mistake-

also known as my mother.

Yes, well, my sympathies. As I was saying, while you all were wasting time, I was risking life and limb to rescue luke’s son, ethan.

Oh, robert, you can’t believe what I’ve just been through. It feels so good to be back. Diane, nice to see you again.


Oh. Did I just walk in on some high-stakes legal negotiation?

No, forget about that. I can’t believe I’m looking at you here in the flesh. You know you took quite a risk.

Yes, but it was worth it. There’s nothing that victor can hold over my head anymore. But you already knew that, didn’t you?

[Sighs] Felicia went down to south america, according to mac, on an errand. I never heard any more after that. Now, I’m assuming that the two of you found ethan and set him free.

But it took more than the two of us. We ended up getting some extra help from a most unexpected source.

Tracy, you took on victor cassadine’s goons all by yourself?

It started out as a solo mission, but then I ultimately got a little help.

Okay, hold on. Are you saying you found victor? Where is he? Were you able to stop him?

He, unfortunately, was not at the auction, so, much to my dismay, I did not get to put an end to his miserable life.

Tracy quartermaine’s back in town?

[Chuckles] Well, that explains the creepy feeling I had this morning like there was something crawling over my grave.

Felicia and I were able to locate ethan, but if it weren’t for tracy and her sizable bank account, ethan would still have a bullseye on his back. Fortunately, tracy came through when needed, so there’s no reason to hide anymore. My son is free, and so am I.


[Clears throat] Holly, at some point, I have got to ask you, who is your plastic surgeon? Because I see no traces of burns or even a scar. In fact, you look good as new.

Diane, I realize that I-

I have some explaining to do.

No, no, no. Let’s see if I’ve got it. You fooled victor into thinking that you were toast, literally, in that cabin fire. Of course, this was after I had been duped into thinking that you had drugged robert’s drink so that you could steal the ice princess. In other words, for your brilliant plan to succeed, you needed a witness, otherwise known as a stooge. And I was cast in the role.

Valentin texted me, you know, right before he got on the plane.

I’m sure he was thinking about you. I’ m sure you’re wondering why,at such a fraught moment, he was thinking about me. So I’m gonna just let you see for yourself.

Okay, “must be quick, cousin. I don’t know when or…”

[Sighs] “Or if I’ll be coming back. But as the executor of my will–” oh, I–I didn’t realize that you were the executor of his will.

Mm, keep reading. Um, “I trust that you will make sure “charlotte is taken care of and loved. “And I’m cc’ing martin on this too. Gotta go.”

Thank you for showing me that.

Of course. You and valentin are a real thing. That’s nice.

If I wasn’t stuck in this bed, I’d be with him, you know? I’d have his back. But, uh, I can’T. It just feels awful not being able to do anything.

Well, it’s awful when you feel powerless, you know, when you feel like you’re failing someone when they need you.

[Clears throat]

You’re not failing valentin, though. Oh, I guess that’s not what you mean. If you wanna talk about anything, I’m just sitting here. I’m not going anywhere.

It’s okay. Thank you, though. It’s–it’s not my story to tell.


[Soft dramatic music]

I’m worried about valentin. I am. But the two of us have learned to trust each other. It’s funny, because I used to lump him into being one of the horrible, homicidal cassadines.


It turns out, he’s one of the good ones, and, now I think, because of you.

I don’t know. I think that we’ve changed each other, valentin and I, for the better.

I apologize if you feel used. Th–that wasn’t the intent.

Robert, don’t sugarcoat it. Because you’re right.


We needed an unimpeachable witness, or victor would never have believed that I’d stolen the necklace. All I can say in my defense is that it bought me time to find my son. And it kept the real necklace out of victor’s hands.

Until now. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled that your son is safe and that that fire was as fake as the necklace you tried to pass off as the real thing. But your brilliant plan didn’t prevent victor from getting his hands on the actual ice princess or keep him from taking all those hostages. Word of advice: Next time–hm. Mm. Trust me a little more and use me a little less. Excuse me.


diane, let me walk you to the car.

Oh, that’s special. No, I can find my car by myself. Thank you.

Is it my imagination, or did she take that rather personally?

I didn’t-

I didn’t plan this getaway because I–I feel guilty. If anything, I wanna say thank you.

Thank you?


For–for what?

For urging me to go to the wedding when you can’T.

Well, don’t give me too much credit.

I know… how important it is for you to have a–a daughter, and–and how much you want to go to the wedding. But instead of being resentful and bitter, you put willow first. You’re only thinking about her.

Willow’s a person. But you don’t get it. You don’t care. The only thing you care about is that she’s yours. No wonder willow doesn’t wanna be with you or around you. And instead of you facing that fact, you wanna blame it all on me.

I own my part. But it’s your fault that I don’t have a chance to earn willow’s forgiveness because we’re running out of time. My daughter’s dying,

and it is your fault, carly. Don’t–don’t make me out as a saint, sonny. Because I’m not. I’m far from it. I am glad that michael put his anger aside, at least for the day, for willow. You know, there’s no promise for tomorrow for any of us. But I truly want this to be the happiest day of my daughter’s life.

It will be.

So the way it works, wiley, is that I give one ring to daddy, and he gives one to me. And it means that we promise to love each other until…

until when, mommy?

[Soft dramatic music]

Until forever.

But like I was saying before, we’re going to need your help. So before uncle drew walks me down the aisle to stand beside your daddy, the flower girls, avery and donna, will go first. And then you will follow them, carrying the rings. Do you think you can do that?

Whatever you need, mom.

Oh, I knew I could count on you.

Do I have to wear a tie?

You get to wear one. And that’s because you’re a big boy now and mommy’s counting on you.

Until forever?

Yes, sweetheart. Until forever.

So, um, tracy, you haven’t told us, about how long might this little visit be lasting?

Don’t let us keep you, mother. We know what kind of whirlwind life you lead. Here today, gone tomorrow.

What have I walked in on?

Um… well, there’s actually gonna be a wedding tonight.

A family wedding? I wasn’t invited? Who’s getting married?

Willow and me.

[Laughs] Because the first one was such a rousing success?

Well, I mean, the first time we got married, we weren’t in love. We were just trying to, uh, protect wiley from–from nelle. So…

well, not my fault that monica left that out of the christmas letter.

Yeah, quite, but the point is, now we are very much so in love-

actually, we just had our second child together-

so it’s time to make things official.

Well, I can’t say that I’m surprised, because serial marriage seems to run in your family. I can’t count the number of times carly said “I do” to sonny and then got divorced because… she didn’T.

Well, michael and willow are getting married for all the right reasons. Can you say that about your, what, six trips down the aisle?


Ooh! That sounds like a fun parlor game. Counting my mother’s former husbands. Well, let’s start with her first husband, my father, lord larry ashton.

Okay, well, then, um, dillon’s father was paul hornsby.

Uh-huh, and you married mitch williams even though you caught him in bed with susan moore, who would later become jason’s biological mother after her affair with uncle alan. That’s three, if anyone’s keeping track.

Enough! All right. I admit that my marital track record is not exactly spotless.

Well, that’s putting it mildly.

Okay, as fun as this has been, I need to go tell the bride-to-be about one more shock.

[Soft dramatic music]

What did carly mean, one more shock?

What else have you been keeping from me?

you, I’m-

I’m really worried about them, especially that little baby. He shouldn’t be there. He should be with his mother, no matter what anyone thinks about her.

Hopefully, spencer has access to him. Turns out, he’s quite devoted to that little boy.

[Cell phone chimes] Ooh, okay. It’s my friend diane. It sounds kind of urgent.

Sure, yeah. Oh, okay. No, no, fine. Thank you for the visit.

Yeah, uh, she’s usually very unflappable, so I can’t imagine what this is about, but duty calls. I’ll let you know if I hear from valentin.

Thank you.

You be well. Yeah.

[Somber music]

A lot’s happened in port charles since you were here last.

So I can see. What exactly did I walk in on?

Well, we were deconstructing a dinner we had last night.

A working dinner?

Mm, something like that.

At the very least, I hope it was… productive.

Well, yes… and no.

Oh. The da and the defense attorney have learned to coexist. How very modern and enlightened of you.

Well, without cooperation, the law is… just words.

I don’t know what that means.

There’s no spirit behind it. There’s no soul. There’S…

no heart.



Oh-ho-ho! Come here! Oh, let me look at you. You’re so handsome.

Somebody’s gonna be the ring bearer tonight.

[Gasps] Is that somebody you?

I told him he was a big boy now, and that comes with responsibilities.

Oh, it doe-

you better go practice!

[Laughs] Slow down.

I’m okay if he runs.


I was so afraid this day would never happen, and now that it’s here, I just-

I’m gonna put all my worries aside. I’m gonna soak up every moment.

I hope tonight is everything you want it to be… even if…

even if what? Carly.

Well, for starters, tracy’s here.

Well? Anybody gonna tell me what I missed?

Okay, um… well, willow is sick.

Oh, michael. All brides get last-minute jitters.

No, willow has… she has stage iv leukemia.


Yeah. She was diagnosed shortly after she found out she was pregnant.

Why didn’t you tell me? And you–we had phone conversations! It didn’t occur to you to mention this?

Mother, don’t blame brook lynn. Michael and willow wanted to keep this news private, first, and then, by the time they were ready to share the news, you were unreachable. Clearly, you were on your way to ethan.

What can I do?

[Soft melancholy music]

I’m sure willow’s wedding’s gonna be nice, especially since the quartermaines are gonna all out ’cause they’re letting me in.

Yeah, the quartermaines have some nerve. They lord that over you. You know, they managed to keep their hands clean this time, but it doesn’t mean that quartermaines don’t play dirty, especially if their precious elq is at stake. You know, drew and car-

don’t stop. What about drew and carly?

[Dramatic music]



Okay, what’s wrong?

What–what do you mean, what’s wrong? I just wanted to see you and catch up.

Oh, okay. I was worried that… you were upset with me because I canceled our last dinner plan.

Must be something about me and dinner plans.

What’s that supposed to mean? What’s wrong with you? Why are you drinking so early?

Okay, if you must know, it’s about robert scorpio.

Oh, the da. You were supposed to have a date with the da.

Dinner, just dinner.

And that’s your story, and you’re sticking with it.

Okay, it was kind of a date, but then he ended up having car trouble, which led to him receiving an extraordinary dry cleaning bill from me.

Sounds like it potentially could’ve been a lot of fun.

[Snorts] Okay, we kissed.


And we might have kissed again today, had we not been interrupted by–wait for it-

his ex-wife, holly sutton.

[Dramatic music]

You may have saved your son, but there’s a lot of good people still in harm’s way out there.

Ah, yes. Felicia told me about anna. How’s she doing?

She’s lucky to be alive, no thanks to victor.

What about laura?

Kind of dropped off the grid, along with curtis and drew. She wants to corner victor and rescue the hostages.

I always knew victor was dangerous, but it seems like he’s spinning out of control.

That’s because he’s getting close to implementing his plan, whatever it is.

I know you wish you could be with laura and the rest.

I feel so bloody useless, chained to this desk. I can’t help anyone.

Maybe you can. Do you know, can anna have visitors?

Sure. Why?

Well, firstly, I need to apologize to her, and… you both need to hear what ethan told me.

[Quiet dramatic music]

Thank you, tracy, but we’re already doing everything that we can.

Problem is, we don’t know if liesl obrecht will be found in time.

What does that frau from hell have to do with this?

She’s a donor match for willow.

They were all set for a bone marrow transplant when obrecht disappeared from the nurses’ ball.

And the police think that victor kidnapped her.

But we know we’re not losing hope, right? Willow and I are getting married tonight, and it’s gonna be everything she wants. Now, if you’ll excuse me…

michael, I meant what I said. I have contacts everywhere. If there is anything you need… you’ll be surprised what I can accomplish when-

when I put my mind to it.

Well, thank you.

[Soft music]

We ll, it’s no secrethow I feel about carly and her holier-than-thou attitude, and drew-

he’s just an enabler. And, you know, I’ve been thinking about what happened the other night a lot, about how carly had to be the one to go to willow and tell her that my aunt liesl was missing.

Yeah, but she told willow because she didn’t want willow to hear from somebody else.

Baby, are you on my side?

Yeah, I’m on your side. Is that the same night that you asked me to do what I could to find liesl, that I let you down?

No, no, you did everything that I asked you to do, and more.

Then you gotta let go of this resentment you feel towards carly and drew, ’cause it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is us.

[Moody music]

I know tracy can be a handful…


Okay, more like two hands full, but she loves her family, and after tonight, that makes me her family too.

Helpbut see the good in people, even tracy.

She’s welcome to be there.

All I want is to walk down the aisle on drew’s arm and slip one of-


[Melancholy music]


What is it?

[Doorknob turns]



So, uh… you tell willow the news?

What news?

Drew’s not gonna be able to walk you down the aisle.

Uh, what’s wrong? It’s not like drew to back out at the last minute.

No, no, he has the location on victor cassadine. And we know, wherever victor is, liesl is there too.

Yeah, drew’s gone to find liesl and bring her back.

Somebody needs to tell maxie that drew’s not gonna be at the wedding. You know how sensitive she is about her seating chart. Unless you, tracy, might want to fill the empty seat.

Or maybe mother has other plans.

No, I wouldn’t miss it. My wedding gift is gonna be my contact list of specialists from manhattan to mumbai.

I know you mean well, but if you really wanna help, you’ll make this day all about michael and willow.

[Moody music]

Are you implying that I would try to steal the spotlight?

You? Never.

Grandmother, let me-

let me show you to your guest room, huh?

My guest room? I have my own room.

Uh, actually, that’s drew’s room now.

Why would he take my room?

Because it’s got the best view.

That’s why it’s my room.

Okay, you know, you can share my room, okay? And that would be great because we have a lot to catch up on. Go ahead.

It is so like monica to give my room to yet another of alan’s illegitimate offspring. What is wrong with her? Why doesn’t she just pay them off and show them the door? Why does she ask them to move in?


no, don’T. Do not give me another lecture on “this is monica’s house.”

I’m not trying to lecture you. I’m trying to thank you.

I don’t want drew risking his life for me. No, no, somebody has to stop him.

Hey, no, no, we’re not gonna stop drew. He would be so proud to walk you down the aisle, but he’s doing what he thinks is right, for you and for all of us.

[Soft music]

You are right. Nothing matters more to me than what we have.

All right, don’t tempt me now.

Oh, would I do that?

Probably, but if I don’t go, then I’m not-

yeah, you’re gonna be late. You’re gonna be late for the wedding, and we don’t want that, because who’s gonna be blamed for that? This guy. I know. Let it go.

As long as I don’t have to let you go.

[Soft guitar music]


Holly’s back in town, and more beautiful than ever.

Really? What happened to the…

oh, you mean the third-degree burns? Well, turns out, that was all part of an elaborate scam to fool victor. Yeah, robert and his ex work seamlessly together. They’re quite the pair.

They have not been together for years.

[Scoffs] You could’ve fooled me.

I’m sure that robert was happy to see holly, but it was your dry cleaning bill he was picking up.

Yeah, that’s just guilt. Look, nice try, my friend, but the more I think about it, the more I realize holly came back into town just in the nick of time, just before I risked having a second date.

[Knocking at door]

Yeah. I was just thinking about you. I need you to use your connections to track a plane without anyone knowing. Can you do that?

Before I do that, there’s someone who I think you should talk with.

[Suspenseful music]

It’s good to see you, holly.

That’s incredibly generous, given… what I put you through.

No, it’s okay. I mean, victor put you in a very difficult situation.

Yes, but I could’ve… I could’ve resisted, and instead, I helped him frame you for a murder that never happened. I put on a wig and your overcoat, and I shot lucy with your gun.

Hmm. It’s not your best moment, is it? But at least you used a rubber bullet.


Right. Then you knew she wouldn’t be hurt or die.

Why are you making excuses for me?

Because I’ve been backed into corners before and forced to do things I didn’t wanna do to help someone that I love. I mean, that’s why it’s called a devil’s bargain. You’re gonna suffer either way, right?

Thank you for understanding.

How is ethan?

[Sighs] Alive.

[Both laugh]

In one piece.


And on his way to australia.


When victor faked my death in monte carlo and killed my sister-

my half-sister, paloma-

god knows where he was holding me, and I kept waiting for him to interrogate me, but he never did. He didn’t want me to talk. Victor… just wanted me.

To get close to robert.

Yeah. And then, one day… he had ethan, and I’ve no idea where he was holding ethan. Could’ve been in the cell next to me, or–or in a compound on the other side of the world. But victor made one thing very clear: That my son would only live if I agreed to cooperate.

So you played along until you could figure out your next maneuver, right?

At your expense.

Right. So, yes, it happened to me, so I get to choose who I blame for that, and I don’t blame you. And you really should stop blaming yourself.

[Laughs softly] Again, thank you.

Right, now that we got that out of the way, we can have a strategy session. I was expecting to see valentin here, but–well, since he’s been beside your bed through this whole entire ordeal…

he’s not here.

[Sighs] He’s with laura and curtis and drew. They’ve–they’ve gone to find victor.

[Dramatic music] What?

When ethan was victor’s captive, he persuaded his guards to play with cards with him. Ethan’s very good at cards. He can make any hand come out exactly the way he wants, and he let his marks win just enough that they’d keep playing… and talking, which is how he learned that victor plans to revive a technology that the cassadines developed in the ’80s.

You a quitter?

You know… maybe.

You a quitter? Why would you give up so easily?

There’s nothing to give up! I’m just gonna go back to doing what I do better than anybody else, and that’s besting robert in court, and he can have holly sutton if he wants.

What if he wants you?


You know, life is too short to stand on ceremony. If you feel something, say something.

You okay, hon?

It’s a mixed blessing, having my mother home with us.

[Laughs] Yes. My feelings are also mixed. It’s the blessing part I’m not exactly clear on.


[Soft music]

Gratitude is not your best event, but have at it.

Look, I turned to you when chase was really in trouble, and you came through. I mean, if you hadn’t pulled all the right strings, chase might never have gotten his badge back. I owe you.

You’re right, and don’t you forget it, because I won’T. Bag, please.

[Laughs] Mm. I–no! You’re–you are actually going to be late for this wedding.

All right, listen.

Hold that thought, okay? Till I get back.

I want–I want pictures, lots of them.

And, uh, wedding cake. You know why? ‘Cause it’s good luck.

Well, I don’t need any luck ’cause I have you.

[Tense music]

Martin, it’s nina. W–I just need to know, have you had the conversation with the SEC about carly and drew?

Carly, since drew can’t be here, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have give me away than you.

[Soft music]



Are you sure?

I–I’d be honored. Are you okay with it?

Me? [Laughs] What do you think?

Okay, well, I mean, if I’m gonna play my part, I’d better go get changed.

Hey. Your mother is putting up a brave front, but if something happens and drew doesn’t come back…

hey, come on. Don’t lose hope. Hey, drew will make it back with liesl, okay?

Okay. But it could be doubly heartbreaking for carly if it all goes wrong. She’s so in love with drew.

No, martin, I haven’t changed my mind.

[Dramatic music] Just the opposite. I want you to go all out and expose drew and carly for engaging in insider trading.

Just make sure to keep my name out of it.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Come on, Wendy. Pick up. Damn it.

Hey G. Hey. Something wrong. Uh, yeah, yeah. Something is wrong. Windy is. Rejecting my calls. She’s obviously still upset that I proposed to you. Really? But didn’t you hear me Word drugged like everyone else who ate those tainted biscuits. Apparently she did not hear that she, uh, no, she left town right after she ran into us left town.

Where’d she go? Well, where do you think to see Trip?

Where Johnny? Yeah. He called four more times, so I blocked him. Yeah, I, I don’t get it. If he’s marrying Chanel, why don’t he keep calling you? Oh, probably to alleviate his guilt by groveling, but forget it. I’m not giving him the satisfaction anyway. I don’t wanna deal with him right now, especially since you and I are technically on our first date.

Hmm. And how’s it going so far in your estimation? That is well, considering you made a scrumptious dinner and then insisted on doing all of the dishes. I’d say it’s going great. I can’t wait to see what you have planned next.

Thank God he showed up. When you did that form for you would be missing in your lobe. Or worse. Yeah, once I got your texts, I got here as fast as I could. Excuse me. But who are you? Sorry, mom. This is Harris Michaels. He’s been helping Aunt Hope look for you and Papa. Oh. I, I’m Hope Sister-in-law, Kayla Johnson.

Nice to meet you. I’m glad you’re safe. Well, thank you. But my husband isn’t, in fact, he’s being held captive in a villa. Not for you’ll never hear. Believe who kidnapped. My parents. Actually, I know who it was. The only way. I could be the man I’m meant to be.

Just to get rid of you. No,

no. Damnit, you’ll listen to Pete Brady and, yes, yes, that, that is your name and that is who you are. Your full Brady. The best man. I know. You’re the love of my life. And it’ll never, ever change. Just like I know that your love for me is never gonna change. And no matter what you say or what you do, you’ll never convince me otherwise.

Because you know what? There is one fundamental truth between I’m trying you and Megan, that is the. We love each other to the very depths of our soul.

So then what happens here today? Nothing will ever extinguish that love. Not anything. Ralph couldn’t do it. Nobody else could either. So many people both. Helped tried to keep us apart, but they couldn’t do it. They couldn’t.

Hey, so many things, so, So many obstacles. So many obstacles have stood in our way. And you know what? We’ve overcome them. Every single one of them. So you could stand there with that gun pointing at me with your finger on the trigger, telling yourself that you’re better off without me. But you know what?

I’ll never ever really believe it. Cause what’s what’s talking at you? It’s your heart. It’s the truest, purest part of you and it knows the only place you belong is with me

with your fancy face. I’m your fancy face Baseball.

Just told me I should write fight songs. That’s what we do half the time. We’ve been together forever through thicker and dinner, like the day that we promised.

The best things life was a of friendships and traveling. Why make me much better ever?

It’s unruly. Sometimes it comes at.

And the,


still love you.

Hi, love you.

The one true love of my life. I love you. Oh, William.


Like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

So is Beau who’s keeping Stephanie’s parents hostage? How do you know that? Well, when I checked out Victor Kiki’s Childhood Home, that’s, that’s when I ran into him. And you didn’t say anything. I, I know I should have spoken up earlier. I’m sorry, but I You didn’t wanna lose hope.

See, you just kept your mouth shut even though my parents’ lives were in danger. Oh. Mentioned that somebody came by the place, but he. Didn’t say it was you? No, I asked him where you were. He denied it and I didn’t really believe him, but I, you know, I just told myself there’s no way he could hurt his own sister, and if he had hurt her, then what?

I, I was wrong. Okay. I was wrong for not telling everybody I. I’m sorry. That’s why I finally came clean to Hope. Did you tell her about Bo? Not exactly. I sent her to the Villa, but I did not tell her that Bo was alive. Oh, she obviously knows now. You can’t imagine what she’s going through.

Fuck is he? He had his phone, his lemonade, ambulance, ambulance. Hey, he’s gonna help mom. I’m so sorry. I’m gonna, he had the gun pointed at you and I didn’t, I didn’t know what to do. I, I, I, I couldn’t tell me. I didn’t do, it’s gonna hurt. How do you know that Michael said he was brainwashed, that he wasn’t the man?

You don’t understand. I got screwed to him. I came back to.

Hear my heart. I shot him.

Look, I’m sorry to hear that Wendy left town, but. If she won’t take your calls, then maybe you should just give her some space and, and then when she comes back to town, you can explain what happened. What if she and Trip are together? By then, I told you the guys got a thing for her. Oh, right. Well, what else can you do?

I was gonna go to Seattle tonight, but my flight got canceled.

Oh, great. Now my texts aren’t even going through. She must have blocked my number. Damn it. These. The drug biscuits really screwed everything up, huh? Yeah. You can blame Sloan Peterson for that. Please tell me the police were able to prove it was her. Not yet. God, that is so obvious. She tried to destroy my business and she may have succeeded.

I’m really sorry you’re going through all this tuchi. Well, well, if it is in Salem’s newly engaged couple, so tell me when’s the big day?

Uh, well, to be honest, I haven’t really thought of anything else, uh, for our date yet. Oh, that’s fine. I mean, I showed up out of the blue. No, no, that doesn’t mean I’m giving enough though. Okay. I mean, not a few traveled, you know, like 2000 miles to get here at least I can do is bring my A game, right? So, We were going out.

Okay. We can go to a club or something. Um, well, you’ve seen my dance moves, right, son? Are you really willing to subject yourself to that level of public humiliation? Yeah, that’s good point. Yeah. Uh oh. We can go to the pier. They have a, they have a Ferris wall there, you can see like half the west side of Seattle in the waterfront.

And, uh, you don’t like Ferris wheels? Well, it’s. Okay. It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just that I have a strange phobia of getting stuck in them. Come on. That’s, that’s not gonna happen. All, it’ll be fun. We can just stay home. No, no, no, no, no, no. You, you did not come all this way to hang out in this apartment.

Okay, so we are going to ride the Ferris wheel, which will not get stuck for promise. And then we walk around the pier. There’s some cotton candy. I am going to show you a good time, even if it kills me.

Okay, let’s go. I’ll want you back. Good call.

What? Well, maybe seeing hope will shake off my brother’s brainwashing. You don’t think you’d hurt, or do you? No, I mean, he, he couldn’t bring himself to hurt your father, so I can’t imagine he would hurt. Hope. Have you heard from her yet? No. But her son Sean arrived in town. He went straight there. So I’m hoping he’ll be in touch soon.

Well, you know what? We can’t wait. Steve is in trouble and we need to go rescue him. Okay. Um, if hope’s there, I’m sure I’m the last person she wants to see. So in the meantime, I’ll return banks to local authorities. You can’t. He bribed them last time. That’s how he got free. Then I’ll contact the ISA and I’ll return these as well.

I just, I, I wanna say that I regret not telling you the truth sooner. I’m really sorry.

I just didn’t wanna lose hope. Blood pressure is dropping. We need to stabilize him. Hang on. Fighting. I can’t. I’m sorry man. You cannot be here. I’m not leaving. Not shall I know he’s okay. It’s fine, but stand. Get me the puddles.

Uh, thanks.

How you doing, buddy? I honestly don’t really know how to answer that. I’m just, man, I’m trying to process the fact that, that my dad’s alive and thanks to me, I might lose him all over again. Hey, buddy, listen. What was a fighter after everything he’s been through, do you think one little bullet is gonna take him down?

I don’t think so.

Yeah, you’re right. You’re right. He’s gonna be okay. Like he’s gotta be.

Oh God. Go on. Ready?

Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What are you doing? Wait, why are you stopping? Wait, what are you doing? What? I’m so sorry. Here. Stop. He’s gone. Yeah. Oh please, no.

Oh, come on. Don’t be stingy. Give lady whistleblower all the juicy deeds. Share your premarital bliss with all of Leo. I don’t know what you heard, but hey honey, I heard all the tea. My spies. I mean, sources told me that Johnny got down on his knee in this very spot and asked for your hand in marriage again, and you said yes again.

Look, that’s true, but it’s okay. Chanel girl, let’s see the ring. Come on. Show that bad boy off. Okay. I can’t, there isn’t one. What? No ring. You cheaps skate. Surely a damira can afford to give a lady a proper rock. Leo, I am going to say this one time in hopes that you’ll stop talking and go away. Huh? Chanel and I.

Are not getting married. Wow. Okay. You don’t have to yell, you know? What is it with you two anyway, off again on again. Married, divorced, doing the dirty with the other one’s. Twin sister, few millennials, you’re so hard to keep track of. There’s nothing to keep track of. Johnny isn’t interested in me anymore.

Oh. Is there someone else? Oh, come on. I won’t print it. I’m just curious. Johnny, if you don’t tell him, he’s just gonna make something up. Fine. I’m dating Wendy, shit. Oh wow. That must have been awkward. How did she handle the news of your engagement?

Okay. When you said you’d show me a good time, even if it killed you, I didn’t think you were being literal. Yeah, me neither. I did try to tell you that Ferris wheel was a bad idea. Well, at least we didn’t get stuck that No. That would’ve required us to actually get on a ride. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder if I’m the only clutch to manage to trip in fall getting into one of those, uh, Ferris wheel pods or whatever they’re called.

Right. Operator allow so hard and not as hard as you did. I just, I couldn’t help him. Ok. The way you missed. That little step in the face that you made when you fell. Hey, I injured myself. Oh, come on. It’s just a bruise. Yeah, just like my ego. Okay, well look on the bright side. You said you’d showed me a good time and I had one, even if it was at your expense.

Oh no. Where’s Papa? This is where I left him. Uncle Beau wasn’t upstairs. Do you think he took him somewhere else? Or maybe Hope got through to him and he let your father deal.

I think he escaped. That sounds about right. Well, Papa did get free. Where do you think he went? So Michael’s knew Beau was alive and he said nothing. Son of a bitch. Yeah. He said that he didn’t tell my mom because he thought that he was gonna lose her. And, uh, I guess his, his conscience got the better of him, and so he sent her to the villa.

And, uh, once he relayed the story to me, I raced over there too, and I, I didn’t, I didn’t know what to expect. I, and I get there and my dad just got a gun and it’s, and it’s pointed at my mom. And it’s like all I could think of how was how Michael said that Megan had turned him and that he had, that he had probably shot and killed Kate.

And I just, I just knew that there was no damn way I was gonna let that happen to my mom too.

I understand. It looked the same way to me. Yeah, but you were both wrong. Like my mom had gotten through to him. He was the same, same man that we once remembered. And I mean, he would call her fancy face. Look, which means it, it means that I shot my dad for no reason.

Look, and if he look at he dies. Oh my God. I.

Please must be something more you could do. We tried everything. I’m three. Too late. I already lost you once. I can’t lose you again, please. Three easy. Four. Oh. There we please. Come on please. Wake up. Open your damn eyes. Would you open them please? Oh. Oh, wake up. I understand that this is difficult. No, we don’t understand.

We were apart for so long and I just got him back and we didn’t get any time together.

So let’s get the, how it ends.

I’m very sorry. There’s anything we can do. He’s calm dead.

Fancy face.

Thank God. Welcome back. Welcome, welcome back, Brady. I missed you. I missed you.

Wendy was obviously upset. Not that it’s any of your damn business, but I hope to smooth things over by explaining to her that I was high on biscuits. Biscuits, biscuits. What are these biscuits everybody keeps talking about? Are they some new designer drug? Am I missing out? He’s talking about my breakfast biscuits.

Oh, so you are the hookup. My. When did our little Pat TCA break? Bad? Okay. I didn’t break bad Leo. That would be Sloane Peterson because of her half the town was on a powerful hallucinogenic. So if you want something juicy for your column, you should just go ahead and write that. Okay? I’m afraid I can’t.

Why not? Well, thanks to Chanel and her previous hot tip, Sloane is threatening to sue me for libel. So unless you have concrete proof,

you don’t. I can tell by your expression. Right. I don’t. Well then I’ll be running my original story. Johnny and Chanel Salem’s answer to the bene reunion and poor Wendy Shin, the jilted arod left out in the cold. The story practically writes itself. We’re not even together. We only did this because of the damn drugs.

Or is it possible that the drugs brought your true feelings to the surface?

Food for thought.

I come bearing a peace offering. Gross peace. Yeah. Maybe I should have said a Pease offering. Wow, man. You are Roll today for your bruise obviously fell with the swelling here. It looked like your shirt. I, I appreciate that, but it’s fine. No. It’s sore and swollen.

It’s pretty cold. Yeah, that’s the point, which I’m sure you know, Dr. Johnson, you just enjoy torture me, don’t you? I have been told I have a slight Sadomasochistic Street. Wow. Okay. Well, what have I gotten myself into? Seriously? Do you want me to stop? No, no, actually, it’s starting to feel pretty good. I’m glad.

We know what my kid make it feel even better. What this

look, I’m sorry. Hey, come on. There’s nothing to be sorry for. Listen. Uh. I hate to leave you like this, but I need to get over to the Titan lab and make sure Kayla’s all right. Yeah. No, no, no, no. You should go. Yeah, you should go. I’m gonna stay here with my mom and, uh, we’ll, uh, I’ll call you. I’ll call you if something changes.

Okay. Good? Yeah. Oh, do you have my, you have my phone? Oh, yeah, it’s right here,

Stephanie. Hey, Stephanie. Papa, I was just calling Sean to see if he knew where you were. Uh, we’re at a local hospital. Sorry, the connection’s bad. Did you say you’re at a hospital? Yeah. Are you okay? Yeah, I’m fine. So is Sean.

It’s your Uncle Bo.

I’m so, so sorry. For what? Just I had a gun on you. I was gonna kill you. No, you weren’t. I didn’t believe that for a second. No matter what, Ralph did you, I knew that you would never hurt me, and he really messed with my head. Tried to make me forget who I am. Forget our love. You may have messed with your head, but you could never touch what’s in your heart.

Nothing can erase our love. Not Ralph, as it turns out, not even dead. I can’t believe you’re really here, I believe. I thought I’d lost you forever. Sorry for what you went through.

What’d he say? Let’s. Let’s never be apart again.

Listen about what Leo said about the drugs, somehow revealing our true feelings for each other. Yeah. Please, Leo. Lives for the drama. And besides, I, I already know that Wendy’s who you wanna be with. Well, the question is, does Wendy wanna be with me? She, uh, she probably hates me right now. Maybe I can help with that.

Well, don’t, don’t tell me you wanna broadcast this story too, only to the person who matters. You already tried calling, so now it’s my turn. But Lee already tried that. Okay. Didn’t work. If Wendy’s not gonna listen to her own brother, I doubt she’s gonna listen to her ex-roommate, especially if she thinks you stole me from her.

You’re probably even blocked too. Okay? Which is why I am going to call Tripp. He and I are friends, so he should answer, and then I can explain to him what really happened.

This could be about Kayla. Oh, of course. Take it. It’s Chanel. Chanel, why would she be calling? I don’t know, but after the way she screwed you over, I might as well. Here’s what she have to say. Huh? I hear congratulations are an order trip. You have to let me explain what Wendy saw. Wasn’t real, not not real.

Okay. So, so what are you saying That she, uh, she imagined it, that she was hallucinating? No, she wasn’t. But Johnny and I were, what, what are you talking about? When Johnny proposed and I accepted, we weren’t in our right minds. We were high on biscuits. Okay. Okay, now I’m really confused. And then we’re way past April Fools.

So, hey, look, I know it sounds crazy, but I’m telling you the truth. Johnny and I accidentally ingested a powerful hallucinogenic, so did a lot of other people in Salem. It is a long story, but Johnny and I aren’t engaged. He wants to be with Wendy,

Steve. Oh my God. Tell how good it’s to see you, baby. Are you all right? I’m fine. She definitely is. I took her to get checked out after everything that happened, but she insisted on coming here before she even got out of that hospital gown. Stephanie said that Bo’s been shot. Yeah, I’m wait near from the doctors.

Hope is in there with him now. Well, what happened? Who shot him? It was me. I, uh, I made a terrible mistake

almost there. Hold on. Stop. Stop. Oh, okay.

You did all this? Mm-hmm. Well, you know, when we’re together, anything is possible. Hey, I was thinking that what if we buy this place from Victor? Huh? Then we would have a place to get away to you and I to be alone. Maybe have some. Romantic time. What do you say? What do I say?

I think it sounds pretty spectacular. Brady.

And speaking of Victor, do you think we should call him? Huh And the rest of the family tell me Good news. The good news, the Spectacular Miracle visit, at least our children. Yeah, yeah, I, we should do that. It’s like right on the top of my list of things to do.

But right now, this is some US time and we deserve it cuz we were torn apart a long time ago. But despite the odds, we found our way back to each other. Don’t we always. Now we get to spend the rest of our lives together, ready the way it was meant to be. You know? To our future. To our future.

Let’s move to the fireplace. Love you. I wanna share life with,

oh my gosh.

I never thought I could be this happy.

What? I just love you so much.

I love you. You are my heart and always will be.

Oh, I think so. Perfect. It feels like a train.

Oh, Mrs. Brady,

welcome back. You look familiar. Do I know you? Perhaps you saw me earlier. I’m Angela. I work here in the trauma unit. It’s right, I’m the hospital.

Did they already take? No, they took him to surgery.

Wait, wait. They took surgery after you pass out? His heart started beating again. I’ve never seen anything like it. I mean, it was a true miracle. Oh my God. Thank you. Thank you. God, thank you. No, no wait. He’s not outta the woods yet. But it’s clear he is not giving up. And I suspect you may be the reason. Yes.

So you were drugged? Yes. Yes. That’s what I’ve been trying to explain to you and, and it really. It mess with my head. You know, I was lost in, in my memories of my wedding to Chanel. Uh, but, but now that I’m sober, I, I, I swear to you that you are the only woman I want.

That sounds so crazy. It must be true. See, believe me, actually I do. Oh, thank God. You have no idea how happy that makes me. Now things can just go back to the way they were.

Hey grandma. Oh, thank you sweetie. Yeah. Where’s Chad? He, uh, he went back to the hotel to get some of my clothes. I figured he might wanna change into something fresh. Thank you. Any word on Uncle Beau? Not yet. What is taking so long? Sean? I’m, I’m sure they’re doing their best. Well, I can’t just sit here and do nothing, so I’m gonna go get some answers.

Hey, come on. How’s dad? I almost lost him again. But he’s in surgery. Yeah.

Hey, hey. Oh, thank God. You’re all right. Yeah. Thank God. Same for you. Sean told me that you got through to my brother. I did, but he was fighting and you know how stubborn he is. I do. So I just kept talking to him and talking to him until, until they finally go through and call me a fancy face. And you and dad would be together at this very moment if it wasn’t for me.

Hey, hey. Uh, how to cold? Thanks. Well, he’s uh, he’s out of our hair. He is in ISA custody. Did you guys find Steve? Yeah, we did. Everyone’s at the hospital. The hospital. Why? What happened, Sean? It was an accident. You had a split second to make a decision and you did what you thought was best. Kayla’s right buddy.

So listen, why don’t we all focus our energy on Bo, send him some prayers so he knows we’re here for him. Yeah.

Doctor, how is he houseful? Mr. Brady made it through surgery and his vitals have stabilized. Thank God.

Hey, I see there is something you should know first. His injury caused a lot of damage to his system and as a result, There is a new complication. What? What complication? Tell me what is it? I’m afraid Mr. Brady has lapsed into a coma.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

surprise, little brother. Although, look at you now, not so little anymore.

Ridge: If we’d known you were coming, we could’ve thrown you a party with big “ridge jr.” Banner.

Brooke: Oh-ho!

Rj: That– that would’ve been fun, but honestly I’m– I’m happy to spend some alone time with my parents and my sister, my favorite people on the planet, but seriously I– I really did miss you guys.

Brooke: We missed you, rj.

Ridge: Life is just not the same without you here.

Brooke: The baby of the family. Always knew you’d come back home.

Hope: Now, we just need to find a way to convince rj to stay forever.

Brooke: Yes!

Ridge: Oh, I know how to do that.

[ Brooke gasps ] One more group hug!

Brooke: Oh! Yes!

Ridge: Yeah, come on, check it out.

Hope: All right.

Ridge: See? That’s it, done.

[ All laugh ]

[ Brooke sighs ]

Taylor: Well, this is– this is big news, right? I mean, here at forrester and in the family?

Thomas: Yes, my half-brother is back in town.

Taylor: Yeah, I bet brooke is so excited.

Thomas: Yeah, dad too.

Taylor: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah, I bet he’s really excited. I’m sure he’s feeling really proud right now, having all of his kids in one city. You, steffy and his only child with brooke. How do you feel about it, mom?

Finn: Wow, did I win the lottery or what?

[ Steffy laughing ] Every morning, I get to wake up and see your beautiful face. This incredible force of a woman just lying there, snoring her head off.

Steffy: Stop that! I do not snore!

Finn: When I first heard it, I thought it was the sea lions on the beach.

Steffy: What?

Finn: Or like a wild parrot.

Steffy: Stop. No, I don’T.

Finn: No, in fact it was my gorgeous wife just laying there, drooling just a little bit.

Steffy: Whatever, you know you love it.

Finn: I do. I love everything. I love everything about you.

Steffy: Don’t even.

[ Finn grunts ] Do not talk to me about snoring.

Finn: Oh, does the truth hurt?

Steffy: Yeah. You know, especially after a night of one of your overnight shifts and you come in like a 90 year old man, sounds like you have a chainsaw, just like cutting down trees–

Finn: Yeah, okay.

[ Steffy imitating a chainsaw ] Okay yeah that’s, um, that is accurate, that’s a good one. Okay, you got me there.

Steffy” well the truth hurts, so.

Finn: Does it? Come here.

[ Steffy laughs ]

Liam: Hey, steffy? Oh, sorry.

Steffy: No.

Finn: No, no worries liam, come on in.

Liam: I know I’m interrupting, I know that, I’m sorry.

Finn: No, no we were just, you’re not– we were just talking about steffy’s snoring.

Steffy: Don’t even think about weighing in.

Liam: I– don’t– dude, I plead the fifth.

Steffy: Smart man.

Finn: Yeah, very smart.

Steffy: Oh, I have kelly’s homework for you.

Liam: Ah, thank you, thank you, thank you. Um, do you have a second?

Steffy: Yeah. Yeah. What’s, uh, what’s goin’ on?

Thomas: You, uh, you haven’t given me an answer.

Taylor: Huh? Oh, what about rj being home? I mean, am I happy? Yeah, why?

Thomas: I mean, look he’s– I know that you– you like him, he’s a good kid. Got no issue with him.

Taylor: Of course not, honey. I mean, come on, he’s– he’s ridge’s son, he’s your brother.

Thomas: Half-brother.

Taylor: Whatever. He’s family.

Thomas: Right.

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Thomas: Dad and brooke created him together.

Taylor: You mean they–

Thomas: Oh my god.

Taylor: Is that how conception works?

Thomas: Haha, mom, I’m just saying that him being back, it could change all the dynamics.

Taylor: Maybe, I don’t know. How do you feel?

Rj: Hope, you’ve been seriously killing it. The line is so hot right now, not to mention all the philanthropy it’s generating.

Hope: Aw, thank you, rj. That’s so sweet and thank you for letting me run ideas by you.

Ridge: Ah-ha! So, you’ve been paying attention to the family business after all.

Hope: Oh, let me guess, your dad is already trying to recruit you to work here.

Brooke: His father would like nothing more.

Ridge: No, all I’m saying is that, you know, your sister and I, we run this joint, so we can probably find you a nice table next to donna and pam.

[ Rj chuckling ] Angel soft toilet paper is… strong… and soft!

Steffy: Liam, I understand you wanting reassurance about thomas and trust me, it wasn’t easy for me to forgive him too, I was upset.

Finn: I was hesitant. But, I saw how important it was to taylor and the family, so I sucked it up and I’m glad I did.

Steffy: Yeah, me too, and it’s nice having thomas back in our lives. Look, I wouldn’t have forgiven him if I didn’t truly believe he’d changed.

Liam: I know, I know, I know, I just– I wish it were that simple for me.

Steffy: I…

Finn: Okay, I know it’s more complicated for you, liam, but, uh, I gotta work.

Steffy: Yeah, yeah I gotta get to the office too so, uh.

Finn: Why don’t you, uh, call me about this later?

Steffy: Okay, I’ll call you. I love you.

Finn: All right. Have a good day.

Liam: I– I don’t want to put you on the spot, I swear. The problem is that I trust you. You’re telling me thomas is improving, he’s really working on himself, he’s making great strides, okay, cool. What’s the degree, though? Like, uh, like how much of a change are we talking about? Is this a radical change? Is this enough of a change that I don’t have to worry about him working with my wife all day and all night?

Taylor: I feel like I kinda asked you first, but okay, fine. How do I feel about rj being back? I’m happy, I am– I am– okay here, I am happy that brooke and ridge have their son back home.

Thomas: Are you though, really?

Taylor: Yes! Am I happy that they have their son back home? Of course, I am! I mean, I know what it was like, you know, when I was away from you, thousands of miles away. It’s A… it’s a terrible feeling, you know? And rj, rj left home when he was so young, you know. He was probably like, what, this big? And now, he’s probably, like, this big?

Thomas: Kinda like this big. He’s like– he’s big. He’s almost out of school!

Taylor: You know what, babies are always gonna be our babies and you’re gonna feel the same way about douglas when he gets older. I mean, I… I look at you and I cannot believe how old you are.

Thomas: Thanks.

[ Taylor laughs ]

Taylor: Come on, if you’re old, then I’m ancient. Come on, it’s gonna be nice to see your half-brother.

Thomas: Yeah, it is. It’ll be great and I’m– and I’m looking forward to catching up with him.

Taylor: Good, I mean, I think there’s going to be a lot to catch up on, I– I do. And hopefully you and steffy are going to be able to spend a lot of time with him, you know? It’s important. Um, don’t think I don’t notice you are still dodging the question.

Taylor: Yeah, I… I do seem nervous. I– I– I know that there are some factors at play here and you’re wondering how I feel about rj being back and if, um, if I think his presence is gonna get ridge and brooke back together and I would say… probably so.

Ridge: I’m only kidding! You wanna come work here, you get your own office and we’ll put “rj” or “ridge jr.” Or– or “mr. Forrester” on the door.

Brooke: Well, now that’s a pretty sweet deal, rj.

Ridge: It is and I’ll make it even sweeter. You know what? Own parking spot, next to mine.

Rj: You’re crackin’ me up.

Ridge: What?

Rj: You’ve– you’ve gone from offering me an internship to just, like, handing me the keys to the company.

Ridge: I’m not a good negotiator, everybody knows that.

Rj: No offence, dad, but come on, you know how I feel. This is a fashion house, forrester creations. It’s a company that granddad and grandma built from the ground up. One that mom helped innovate, one that you and steffy have been running like pros and that’s awesome and I’m proud of this place and everything you guys have accomplished but… I really wanna try to do my own thing, you know? Establish my own identity.

Ridge: By being an influencer?

Rj: Yeah, I’m– I’m building my brand. I’ve got a lot of followers. I’ve– mom, hope, can you please back me up on this?

Hope: He does have a ton of followers. He is doing quite well.

Brooke: Yes, he is. Gosh, so much pressure, right? Sorry, honey. Will you stop, please? Don’t drive our son away before he’s even spent one night here. – They get it.

Steffy: Here.

Liam: Thank you. Here’s the thing, you’re just– you’re the only person I know who is both close to thomas and at least capable of being objective about him.

Steffy: Liam, I wouldn’t lie to you. If I had any misgivings about thomas, if I doubted him, then I wouldn’t have accepted his apology. I wouldn’t have rehired him at forrester. Remember, we were not in a good place.

Liam: Oh, I do remember.

Steffy: I blame thomas for taking away my parents’ chance at a future together.

Liam: As you should have.

Steffy: And we hit a rough patch and I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to trust him again.

Liam: So, what– what now? Is it– is it just that you, like, feel it in your bones? I mean, you sure you’re not caving into pressure because it’s the sisterly thing to do?

Steffy: I truly believe thomas is a different person.

Liam: Really? Like, what– so, what made the difference for you?

Steffy: I know my brother. I know when he’s struggling and I can sense when there’s something to be concerned about. And right now, all I feel is… his calmness, his humility, his determination. Thomas is not hung up on hope anymore. He is focused on being a dedicated father and a designer and my father and my mother sees it too. I gotta tell you, it’s– it’s really a wonderful time for our family.

Thomas: Okay, so, you– you do think that rj being back in town could bring dad and brooke back together?

Taylor: There is no doubt in my mind.

Thomas: And you’re– you’re, what? You’re just cool with that?

Taylor: I am– I am– I am– I don’t know, I’m indifferent? I don’T… you know, they– they share a child together and…

Thomas: Yeah, dad shares multiple children with you.

Taylor: Oh– oh, yes and… this isn’t just about sharing a child, obviously. You know, there… brooke and ridge are gonna wanna spend time together with the family and– and, because that’s what families do and– and you and steffy are gonna be a part of that. And you know what? I’d even be able to have some big, crazy dinner with both families, which could be kinda fun.

Thomas: Okay.

Taylor: Come on. We can put the “fun” in dysfunctional.

Thomas: Mm.

Taylor: It’ll be really good to see rj.

Thomas: Okay, yeah, well as much fun as we could have, um, this could still cause you a lot of pain.

Taylor: I trust my friendship with brooke and all I care about is honesty and transparency from her when it comes to ridge because that’s what our pact is. Friends first.

Brooke: Ooh, I can’t believe you’re back, I just don’t wanna let you go.

Hope: Mom, I don’t think he can breathe.

Brooke: Oh, I’m not squeezing too tight, am I honey?

Rj: No, no, you’re fine, mom. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss your hugs.

Brooke: Oh, my sweet boy.

Ridge: Also, we have a gym here at forrester, I don’t know if you knew that.

Rj: Yes, I know we have a gym, dad.

Ridge: It’s open 24 hours. You could take pictures of yourself in the mirror, doing whatever you guys do.

Rj: That’s very funny, dad, but, you know, that’s not really my kinda thing. That’s a nice pose though.

Ridge: Thank you and we could work out, once a month or whatever, you know, you think is appropriate.

Hope: Okay, you know what? He only just got home and I don’t think we should be pushing so hard to get him to work here just yet. I don’t want him feeling cornered, so–

Rj: No, it’s okay, I don’t feel cornered. I know my dad’s just lookin’ out for me.

Ridge: I am looking out for him, that’s what I’m doing.

Hope: Okay.

Ridge: Also looking out for the company a little bit because I know how talented you are and you could help us.

Rj: Thank you, dad. That’s high praise coming from you, actually. I really appreciate it, but… I mean, I don’t know, I– I just, I really wanna try to do my own thing, you know?

Ridge: Well, I hope that doing your thing will bring you back to this office, working with me. Martial arts is my passion.

Taylor: I don’t wanna talk about me anymore, I wanna talk about you and how you feel about ridge jr. Being home.

Thomas: Okay, look, I don’t exactly know what you mean. Like, how do I feel about what?

Taylor: How do you– thomas. How do you feel about your half-brother being home?

Thomas: I don’t know. Good, I guess? Look, it’s– it’s not like we, uh, hang out all the time and like you adorably pointed out, um, I am much older than him, like really old apparently.

Taylor: Super old.

Thomas: But at least not ancient. Okay look, and especially after everything that’s gone down recently… I don’t know, look, I’m sure that we’ll get together and we will bury the hatchet.

Taylor: Hm, I think that’s a good idea and there is no time like the present. Come on, let’s go.

Thomas: Why do you have to be so pushy?

Taylor: Uh, have you met me? Come on, let’s go, age before beauty.

Thomas: Ancient before old.

Taylor: Oh, my god, you did not.

Thomas: Yup.

Taylor: Come, thomas, let’s go. Come on!

[ Thomas sighing ]

Steffy: Don’t feel bad for having reservations.

Liam: Huh, reservations. That’s– that’s, uh, diplomatic, especially when hope’s spending her entire work day with thomas, well into the night.

Steffy: Well they’re– they’re creating a line, that’s what designers do and there’s a lot of pressure to perform.

Liam: I know. You know what? You’re– I– I know that, you’re right. I’m proud of hope’s career, I want to be supportive, I want her to succeed. It’s– it’s just that when it comes to thomas specifically, she… I don’t wanna talk this to death and– and hope knows how I feel.

Steffy: Your opinion has changed?

Liam: I can’t really put my finger on it, I just… I started thinking maybe it’s not just thomas. Maybe there’s something… with hope that keeps bringing her back to him.

Ridge: Door is always open.

Brooke: I think he gets the picture, ridge.

Hoep: Yeah, loud and clear.

Ridge: What he doesn’t get is that he was given a talent. Same talent that your grandfather has and thomas, zende, sometimes me. It’s a gift, you can create things. But you have something else and that could make you the best out of all of us because you inherited your mom’s brain.

Hope: Okay, ridge is right there.

Ridge: Yeah.

Hope: You got the best of both worlds and while I don’t want to add to the arm-twisting by ridge sr. Over here, working here does have its perks.

Rj: Oh, no, there’s no doubt about that. The work you guys do here is amazing and it’s known worldwide, I mean… I’m not gonna lie too, it has opened some doors for me but… I just, I wanna try to pave my own way, whatever that is.

Taylor: Oh, my gosh, there he is.

Rj: Taylor, hey!

Taylor: Hey. Wow, look at you, it’s wonderful to see you!

Rj: It’s great to see you too. Thomas.

Thomas: Little brother. It’s good to see you. I missed you.

Rj: It’s good to see you too. I, uh, I was just sayin’ how I’ve been keeping up with hope for the future. Dude, incredible work, truly. You’ve– you’ve really developed into a world-class designer.

Thomas: Thanks, man. I appreciate that.

Rj: But, uh, I do believe your success is because you take after dad.

Thomas: Our weird, mischievous father.

Ridge: What– what is that? Where’s that comin’ from? There’s nothin’ weird about me. I created the two of you, right?

Thomas: That’s a good point, yeah sure.

Ridge: It’s not a question, it’s a great point!

Thomas: Sure, yeah.

Ridge: My two boys, all grown up. This is the kind of moment that a man, a father lives for, ’cause I helped raise both of you with these two amazing women. I love you guys. Glad you’re home.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Victoria asks Nate to go with her to Los Angeles to buy some new streaming platforms for Newman Media. Nate turns down Victoria’s invitation at first, but she tells him that the trip is strictly business.

Adam tells Victor that he will think about being the CEO of McCall Unlimited.

Diane thinks Jeremy and Phyllis were working together to frame her for murder. Diane asks Michael to arrange for Jeremy to visit her in jail. Chance tells Jack that a fisherman found Jeremy’s body floating in Pheasant Lake. Jack goes home to tell Kyle and Summer and then Kyle calls Michael to tell him the news.

Daniel and Summer talk in the park and he tries to get her to let out her grief, but she wants to keep her grief down inside and not let her feelings out.

Summer is alone at the park when she is stunned to see Phyllis.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Diane tells Alexis that Holly returned home and interrupted a second kiss between her and Robert. Diane is also upset with Holly and Robert for using her as a witness when they wanted to make Victor think that Holly stole the ice princess necklace from him. Diane is also upset with Holly and Robert for using her as a witness when they wanted to make Victor think that Holly stole the ice princess necklace from him. Diane thinks Holly came back at a good time before she and Robert got more serious.

Holly goes to the hospital to see Anna and tell her that, when Ethan was held captive by Victor, the guards told him Victor wants to revive an old formula that the Cassidine developed in the 1980’s.

Brook Lynn thanks her grandmother Tracey for pulling some strings, so Chase could get back his job at the police department.

Willow asks Carly to walk her down the aisle since Drew can’t do it.

Sonny asks Nina to let go of her hatred of Drew and Carly because it isn’t important anymore. Nina tells Sonny she will let go of her hatred of Drew and Carly but later she calls Martin to tell him to contact the SEC and tell them to investigate Carly and Drew.

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Days Transcript Monday, April 24, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, what do you, what do you mean? Oh, yes, Kayla Andrew. Sounds like, I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what Megan told us, but that’s who it was. What are you talking about? When we were on the island, we found another cryogenic tube. Um, we just assumed that Megan had been keeping somebody else alive. We thought it might have been Stefano, but then Ralph said it was not Stefano.

He was about to tell us who it was when Megan walked in on us. Marlena, what do he say? I’m saying I think Megan might have been telling the truth. Truth. We’re done, Megan. We’re done. There’s nothing left to say.

Commander Michaels, I’m, uh, I’m Hope son, Sean Douglas. Brady. Hey, your mom showed me pictures. Very proud of you. Come on in. Thanks. So, um, Why are you here in Greece? Uh, well after my mom told me, not only is my aunt Kayla missing, so is my uncle Steve figured I’d come here and see if I could help. You have any leads yet?

Nope. Not a word on any of them. I went to my mom’s room, she’s not in there, so I’m assuming she’s out looking for them now. You know where she’s at. Yeah, I do. Hey, is anybody out there?

You gotta get yourself outta here, man.

Oh, thank God we found you. You don’t know how good it is to see you, but where’s dad? Is he in another room? He’s not here. He’s being held captive. But what do you mean who is holding him?

Anybody here? Hello.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

My God, Bo Alive. Let’s definitely one for the books. Keep him for Salem. So all this time, Megan has kept him locked away in some cryogenic too. That’s what it sounds like. Okay. Well, if Bo has Kayla’s and Kayla’s, okay. Bo wouldn’t hurt his own sister at hell. Bo wouldn’t hurt anybody. I’m not so sure that’s true.

Of course it is. Andrew, you know Bo, I know how he used to be, but Megan also told us that. He was the one who killed Kate.


Be another way outta here.

It’s gotta be

is alive. You’ve actually seen him. Yeah. On the island where Megan was keeping us, I managed to get away from Ralph and I just ran right into him. So Megan’s had him all this time. Cryogenically preserved just like Marlena and Kate and me. If you and Paul managed to escape, why didn’t he just take you back to Salem?

Because Beau doesn’t wanna go back to Salem.

This possible.

Am I seeing what I think? I’m


That’s not possible. My brother wouldn’t kill anyone, let alone my wife, Kate. I didn’t wanna believe it either. But Megan was adamant that Thomas Banks was not the one who killed Kate. It was Beau. Let’s just, let’s just back up here a second. Since winter, we believing a word that comes outta Megan Hathaway Smart.

I say, Andrew, judge us right back to that prison. We get the truth out of her tonight. By any means necessary. Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’re a civilian and it’s long past visiting hours. Yeah. What if I have an ISA agent at my side? Even if I could get you in there, there’s no guarantee that Megan would give us any other information that she hasn’t already given me.

Andrew’s Wright partner here. If she’s lying, which she is. I doubt that she’s gonna change her story now. I’ll just have to give her a reason. You’re not gonna do that. First of all, Andrew won’t let you anywhere near her. And secondly, that isn’t who you are. See what the hell am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to wave around here and find out if my brother who’s now suddenly alive kills a woman?

I love?

I know this is so hard on you. It’s hard on everybody. But we are focusing way too much on Megan here. We’re not going to get any answers tonight, and I think you’re gonna know all your strength when you do get the answers. So why don’t I drive you home and you can, you can get some rest.

None of this makes any sense, ma. After all those years of being held captive, bow doesn’t wanna go back to his family. To, to his life in Salem? No, he doesn’t. That’s why he is holding me here, Megan and Ra, for using those prisms to make a serum. And that’s why Megan was holding Marlena and Kate and I, because she wanted to use us as Guinea pigs to test out her youth serum.

And, and so that’s what Uncle Bell wants. Now the this serum, oh, that’s part of it, but he really wants, is to use it for a. A fortune. He wants to build his own empire like Victor did. Since when does Uncle Beau wanna be anything like Victor? He may have Keri’s blood, but he is always been a Brady at heart.

Mom, what is going on? None of this sounds like Uncle Bo. No, it doesn’t. He’s not himself. Not at all. And now I’m afraid that your father’s gonna pay the price.

A cross face,

no air events.

All right. Okay.

Take one.

My mom went to my grandfather’s childhood home. What? Why would she do that? Well, your cousin Stephanie, put together a list for places to search. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. My aunt Kayla mentioned something about Victor on the phone, and that’s the reason why you guys are searching his properties. Yeah, but my mom texted me yesterday and she said that the farm was a dead end.

Well, I was the one who searched the farm, and that’s what I told your mother. But that wasn’t really, that wasn’t really true. The place wasn’t empty. Okay. Well, did you find something? No. I found someone who? Your father?

I can’t. Paris didn’t tell me what I would find. Just said I would, I would understand what I got, but never, I mean, never in a million years I ever think. I think it would be you.

How. How is this possible? How that you’re here? That, that you’re, what am I dreaming? Am I? No. Is it real? No. Dream. And you’ve been here this whole time, just the past few days. Harris found you here? Yes. He found me.

I don’t understand. He told me this place was a deserted. If he knew you were here, why didn’t he tell me? Why did you lie to me? I told him to lie.

All right. Here you go, kid. Thanks. I don’t, don’t, don’t thank me yet. You know, I would’ve spiked yours, but I know you have to drive back to the field office, Coco Doc’s weakness, which you indulge. You know? I do. Hmm. No marshmallows. Those are only for Marlena. I can’t take my life on my hands by busting into her stash.

Hey, listen, before you showed up, I made up a late night snack here while I was working on the case. So, um, feel free to help yourself if you want. Thanks.

You thinking about Roman, huh? Isn’t it that obvious? Well, only to someone who knows the situation here. Well, I have reason to worry about him, don’t I? What with Bo being alive and learning that he’s the one who might have killed Kate. Yeah, it’s um, so after take in, that’s for damn sure. I just can’t help but think if there is a way that I put, if not told him, oh, no, no, no, no.

Can’t even think like that. Can’t tell him the truth. Uh, Even if it hurts, it’s always the right thing to do. And besides, we’re talking about Megan Hathaway here. I’m gonna, I’m gonna bet you dollars to donuts. There’s a hell of a lot more to the story than she’s saying. Certainly possible. I’m more like probable, you know, right now let’s just focus on getting Aunt Kayla back and, and there’s as crazy as the sounds bow, but you know what we need to keep in mind that.

The, if this is Bo and if he has done all these terrible things, we have to remember that he was under Megan’s influence, and I know from personal experience just how powerful. It influences, but I also know that it’s reversible. Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping for. Yeah, me too. So with any luck, this story ends with Bo getting well and reuniting himself with hope.

What are you thinking about? You don’t think that can happen? No, I, uh, I hope you’re right. That bow makes a full recovery and I know how happy that would make on hope. Mm-hmm. And the rest of the family for that matter, I guess I. I, I just can’t help thinking about Harris Michaels and how this is all going to affect him.

No, no, no. That’s, that’s not possible. You, you couldn’t have found my father cuz he’s dead. I, I know this is shocking and I know this is what you’ve all believed for a very long time, but I am telling you the truth. Your father is alive. Sean, I’m not lying to you.

Oh my God. I Wait, does my mom know I, oh, wait, wait. Hold on. Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait. You said that you found my father at Vicker’s Childhood Home, right? Wait, you told my mother that the place was empty? Yes, I did. Okay. Why would you lie to her? I like that. I was afraid to lose her. You, you said on a bitch you didn’t, you didn’t tell my mother that her own husband is alive, that you’re upset.

I felt terrible about that. That’s why I sent her to Victor’s home. And listen, I felt I knew. That she needed to see him for herself.

My God,

my, my father is, my father’s alive. There’s, there’s something else that you should know. What? He’s not the man. You remember

you told Harris. Not to tell me that you were here.

Why would you do that? I figured your boyfriend wouldn’t want the competition. You are involved with him, right? Yeah. I was, I thought you were dead.


If I had known you were alive in the love of my life,

you’re the only one I want.

Yeah. Well, I don’t want you.

Okay, here we go.

How could Uncle Vo hold you and dad prisoner? I don’t know. I just, I just think that Megan got into his head somehow. I get that, I think. But no matter what’s going on with Uncle Vo, no matter how Megan May have messed with his head, you don’t think he’d hurt dad, do you? Well, he hasn’t so far. But that doesn’t change the fact that we need to get him out of the cellar, and we’re not gonna do that if we’re standing around here.

So when we all get back together, we can talk about how we’re gonna help fa

meeting you here.

Thomas Banks, you’re supposed to be in jail. Didn’t you get out? That’s a funny thing. Turns out cops are criminally underpaid, so you bribed them. And I wasn’t the first one. Some Americans swept, screwed ’em outta what they thought was theirs. Three very PCI prisms, speaking of which, I’ll be taking them with me.

And now that I got what I want, I’ll be on my way except for my revenge.

Harris Michaels, why would you be worried about him? I spent some time with him when he was being deprogrammed. He was so guilt ridden over what he had done under Megan’s control, his torture for him, the regret, the time lost. The only thing that seemed to lift his spirits was the possibility of a relationship without hope.

Only He was reluctant to pursue it because of. Well, sculpt of Uncle Beau. I see. But I encouraged him and told him to go for it. I mean, since Uncle Beau is thought to be dead and. Now that we know otherwise. I mean, obviously I’m thrilled for all of us, but I mean, after everything that Michael’s has been through, I hate to get his heart.

What do you mean? My father’s not the man I remember. I think he’s been brainwashed by Megan Hathaway. Look, I don’t, I don’t know who he was before, but something was off and he pulled a gun on me. Yeah. I mean, he doesn’t know you. I mean, he probably thought you were a threat. He knew Kate Roberts, right?

Yeah, of course he, he knows Kate. Would he perceive her as a threat? Where are you going with this? We know that Megan had Bo on the same island where she was holding Kate and the rest captive. Yeah. But we also know that Kate was killed by Thomas Banks. We don’t, we don’t know that Thomas Banks denies having anything to do with Kate’s murder.

Yeah. What do you expect him to do you think He’s just gonna confess? He, he has an alibi. No, no, no, no, no. There’s no way. There’s no way that my father would kill Kate. No.

Look, the father you knew wouldn’t have. But that’s what I’m, I’m trying to tell you, something’s changed. Look, I know what Megan’s brainwashing can do to somebody. Firsthand because it happened to me when I was under her control. I killed two men in cold blood and I have to live with that every single day and all the other horrible things I did when I wasn’t myself.

Okay, so do you wait, do you think, do you think that my father would hurt my mother if he’s under Megan’s controls? You think that my mother is in danger? I honestly, I don’t know, but I know how much they love each other. I know how strong their connection was. And if anybody can bring Bo out of this, it’s your mom.

And it’s just better if I wasn’t there. Damn it, we, if you don’t know what my father is capable of, why the hell did you send my mother out there alone?

You don’t want me. That’s what I said. You don’t mean it. You can’t mean it. You don’t. What’s the matter with you? What’s wrong? Foam? Are you angry? Are you mad? Are, do you blame me for not finding you sooner? Is that it? What? What is it?

If I had known that you were alive, I never would’ve stopped looking for you. I would’ve spent every waking second looking for you. Oh my God. All these years. All these years. Great. So worry. I was always there when I wake up in the morning when I get into bed.

Had lost you. Look at me.

I thought that I’d seen you for the last time I touched you for the last time I thought you were dead.

That was the last time.

I am no longer that man thanks to Rolf. You could say I was reborn.


you were a reborn Brady. Don’t call me that. What? Brady? That’s not who I am. Oh, it is. I am Victor. Kik, his son. I have Kiki’s blood running through my veins. I’m gonna make something of myself like he did. Why would you have to do that? You’re already a wonderful man. You’re a great husband. Grandfather, I know you’re, you’re a grandfather.

Wait until you meet. Little bow. So you’re named him after you.

He looks just like here, baby.

But you’re see for yourself. Our family and friends of love who missed you,

you’re gonna be so happy and thrilled when you come back home with me. I’m not going anywhere with you. You’re, yeah, you’re just like them. You don’t listen. Just like Steve and Kayla. Steve and Kayla, they are,

Kayla is taking care of something for me and Steve is locked up in the wine cellar.

Yeah, Steve locked up. Can’t let you do that. Put it down now

put it down.

Oh kid, it’s, uh, it’s kind of you to think of this guy. You know, it’s, um, you got a really big heart here, but if, if Michael’s loses hope, that’s not on you. If I encouraged him, yeah. With the best of intentions though, you know, love doesn’t come with any guarantee. I think you know that better than anybody.

I mean, I, I, I’ll go, I don’t wanna bring up something so personal here, but I think about you and my son Paul, quite a bit. You know, the, the connection that you two had, I found that to be really, really special. And then for one reason or another, you know, it just doesn’t work out. Uh, actually, I should probably let Paul tell you this, but.

He and I decided to give it another shot. No way. Yeah. Really nice. Can’t tell you how happy I’m for you. That’s great. Thanks. But with everything else going on, it just seems kind of trivial, trivial. Come on. What are you talking about, man? There’s nothing trivial about love. I, I’m not. Assuming that the two of you, I love running like that.

I’m just, I’m trying, I’m trying to, I really stuck my foot in an air, haven’t I? No, you haven’t. You haven’t. But you know, Paul and I haven’t gotten as far as to call it love. Yeah. And we know it could be a challenge, you know, making it work with my career with the ISA and his baseball career, but we realize that.

You think we have something really special? And you’re right. Something to hold onto. Um, we just wanna see how far it can go. Well, I am only wishing the two of you the very best and Andrew, you know, you know, God and I, we’ve, we’ve, we’ve had, you know, a lot of ups and gallons over the years, but I wouldn’t trade a moment of that.

You know, I guess what I’m, I’m trying to say is that there is a risk that, that relationships aren’t gonna work out. But, but what you have to do is you have to, you gotta weigh the rewards. And when you do that, that, that, that risk is what I hope my kids will always want to take

revenge. Obviously you’re the little bitch that shut my ear little off. He was an accident. I don’t think so. Judge Strap and me telling me a terrible story about Suzie’s fiery crash and then you didn’t hesitate to ma may Ma. Still says scratch. Quite honestly, it’s an improvement. I think I’m everything right.

You can’t blame Chad. You are struggling over the gun and whose fault was that missing? Because little blue eyes here, I gotta walk around Madison Earlobe now you know what they say? One good turn deserves another. My God, you are afraid that my father was gonna hurt my mother. Why didn’t you just go to the farm with her?

Who is that? Is that my mom that Stephanie, she and Chad are trying to track down Stephen K’s and sos. I know we’re there. I’ll go to them. You get to your mom as fast as you can

reach for the gun again, you’ll regret it. Okay.

I wanna check on Steve. Why don’t we both go to the cell and see how he’s doing. Steve is staying put.

You’re coming with me.

Chair girl, sweetness. Oh, where are we going? Where you taking me? I’m not taking you anywhere. This is the end of the line. You’re not making any sense. What are you talking about? The end of the line.

I can’t be the man I’m meant to be with you in the world.

That don’t mean to get too biblical, but it’s an ear for an ear, my friend. You can’t just shoot him. What if you miss? Oh, a pretty good shot, but. If I happen to hit there, just set it there. Well, it’s just collateral damage in it. Now you hold real steel. We would want you to lose your baby maker. Now, would we?

Looks like he showed up right there.

Hey. Oh, hi. Wheres Andrew? Well, he had to head back to the field office, finish up his report for the isa, and wanted to see how the investigation’s going on. Megan’s claims. How’d you leave Roman? Well, he was a lot calmer once I got him back to the pub. His head is spinning, you know, trying to imagine that Bowie has been alive all this time.

I can’t even wrap my head around this. I mean, all these years thinking that he was gone. Could he really be back?

How can you even say that and what in God’s name does that even mean? You can’t be the man you’re meant to be? If, if I’m in this world, don’t sing, I’m making a new life for myself, becoming the man I was born to be. And you people, you, you keep pulling at me, yapping at me. You’re like, and now here, here, you’re ruining everything.

I’m Victor Koch’s son, and I’m becoming the man I’m supposed to be. You keep trying to pull me back to that life. Oh God.

Back to that old love.

The only way I could be the man I’m meant to be.

This to get rid of you? No.

No. Dammit.

You’ll listen to Pete Brady and Yes. Yes. That that is your name and that is who you are. You’re pro Brady the best man. I know. You’re the love of my life. It’ll never, ever change. Just like I know that you are in love for me, it’s never gonna change it no matter what you say or what you do. You’ll never convince me otherwise because you know what?

There is one fundamental truth between, between you and Megan that is that we love each other to the very depths of our soul.

So don’t matter what happens here today, nothing will ever extinguish that love. Not anything. Ralph couldn’t do it. Nobody else could either. So many people both have tried to keep us up. Barbara, they couldn’t do it. They couldn’t,

and so many things, so, So many obstacles. So many obstacles have stood in our way. And you know what? We’ve overcome them, every single one of them. So you could stand there with that gun pointing at me with your finger on the trigger, telling yourself that you’re better off without me. But you know what, you’ll never, ever really believe it, because what’s what’s talking at you?

It’s your heart. It’s the truest, purest part of you and it knows the only place you belong is with faith,

with your fancy face. I’m your fancy.

Just told me I should write fight songs. That’s what we do half the time. We’ve been together forever through thicker and dinner, like the day that we promised.

The best

with friendships and.

Make me much better ever.

Easy At times it’s unruly. Sometimes it comes at

the deep in.

And the,

I still love you.

I still love you.


are the one true love of my life. I love you.

Fancy– Fancy Face?

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Days Update Monday, April 24, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

John questions what Andrew means by saying Bo has Kayla. Roman asks if he’s saying that his brother Bo is alive. Andrew knows it sounds crazy but that’s what Megan told them. Marlena declares that’s who it was then. John asks what she’s talking about. Marlena explains that they had found another cryogenic tube and assumed Megan was keeping someone else alive but didn’t know who. Marlena adds they thought it might be Stefano but Dr. Rolf said it wasn’t and he was about to tell them who it was but Megan interrupted. Roman asks what she is saying. Marlena responds that she thinks Megan might have been telling the truth.

Harris tells Megan on the phone that they are done and there is nothing left to say. Harris then hangs up and Shawn shows up at his door. Harris invites him in and asks why he’s here in Greece. Shawn responds that after Hope told him that Kayla and Steve are missing, he decided to come see if he could help. Shawn asks if there’s any leads but Harris says there has not been a word. Shawn mentions Hope not being in her room, so he assumes she is out looking for them now. Shawn asks if he knows where Hope is at. Harris confirms that he does.

Steve bangs on the wine cellar door, asking if anyone is out there. Steve decides he has to get himself out.

Stephanie tells Kayla how good it is to see her and asks where Steve is. Kayla responds that Steve is not there as he’s being held captive. Stephanie questions who is holding him. Kayla responds that it’s her Uncle Bo.

Hope arrives at Victor’s childhood home with her gun raised and asks if anyone is there. Hope looks around the house, asking if anyone is there. Bo then comes in behind her, leaving Hope in shock.

Roman can’t believe Bo is alive. John calls it one for the books, even for Salem. Roman questions if Megan has kept him locked away in a cryogenic tube all this time. Andrew confirms that’s what it sounds like. Roman argues that if Bo has Kayla then Kayla is okay because Bo wouldn’t hurt his own sister or anybody. Andrew is not so sure that’s true. Roman insists that he knows Bo. Andrew states that he knows how Bo used to be, but reveals that Megan also told them that Bo is the one who killed Kate.

Steve tries breaking down the door but can’t and decides there has to be another way out.

Stephanie questions Kayla saying that Bo is alive. Chad asks if she actually saw him. Kayla confirms that she managed to get away from Dr. Rolf on the island and ran right in to Bo. Kayla explains that Megan had Bo cryogenically preserved just like she and Marlena were. Chad questions why Bo didn’t just take Kayla back to Salem if they managed to escape. Kayla responds that Bo doesn’t want to go back to Salem.

Hope questions if this is possible and if she’s really seeing what she thinks she is seeing. Hope asks Bo if it’s really him as she puts her gun down. Hope approaches Bo and touches his face as she begins to cry and hugs him.

Roman argues that it’s not possible because Bo would not kill anyone, let alone his wife Kate. Andrew says he did not want to believe it but Megan was adamant that it was not Thomas Banks, it was Bo. John questions believing a word from Megan. Roman wants to go back to the prison to get the truth out of Megan tonight. Andrew argues that Roman is a civilian and it’s long past visiting hours. Andrew adds that there is no guarantee that Megan would give them any more information. John doubts Megan will change her story now. Roman says he’ll give her a reason. Marlena tells Roman that he won’t do that because it’s not who he is. Roman questions what the hell he’s supposed to be and if he’s supposed to wait around to find out if his brother killed the woman he loves. Marlena knows it’s hard on him but argues they are focusing way too much on Megan. Marlena declares that they aren’t getting any more answers tonight. Marlena offers to drive Roman home so he can get some rest.

Stephanie tells Kayla that none of this makes any sense and questions Bo not wanting to go back to his family and life in Salem after all these years. Kayla confirms he doesn’t and says that’s why he’s holding her here. Kayla explains that Megan and Dr. Rolf used the prisms to create a youth serum and that’s why Megan had her and Marlena to use as guinea pigs. Stephanie questions this serum being what Bo wants now. Kayla says that’s part of it but he really wants to build his own empire like Victor did. Stephanie questions when Bo ever wanted to be like Victor since he’s always been a Brady at heart. Stephanie asks what’s going on since none of this sounds like uncle Bo. Kayla agrees that it doesn’t at all but now she’s afraid that Steve is going to pay the price.

Steve searches the wine cellar but can’t find a crawl space or an air vent. Steve grabs a spoon and begins digging away at one of the room’s old walls.

Harris tells Shawn that Hope is at Victor’s childhood home. Harris explains that he checked it yesterday and he didn’t find something, but someone. Harris then reveals that it was Shawn’s father.

Hope cries that she still can’t believe this as Harris didn’t tell her what she would find here and just that she would understand when she got there. Hope says she never in a million years thought it would be Bo. Hope asks Bo how this is possible that he’s here and alive. Hope asks if she’s dreaming. Bo confirms it’s not a dream. Hope asks if Bo has been here the whole time. Bo says it’s just been the last few days. Hope asks about Harris finding him and says she doesn’t understand since Harris told her the place was deserted. Hope questions why Harris lied to her if he knew Bo was there. Bo responds that he told Harris to lie.

John has cocoa with Andrew. John guesses Andrew is thinking about Roman. Andrew feels he has reason to worry about him with Bo being alive and learning that Bo might have killed Kate. John calls that a lot to take in. Andrew can’t help but think if there’s a way he could have not told Roman. John encourages him not to think like that because telling the truth is always the right thing to do. John bets that there’s more to the story than Megan is saying. John suggests they just focus on getting Kayla back and as crazy as it sounds, Bo. John adds that they need to keep in mind that if Bo has done all these terrible things, they have to remember he was under Megan’s influence and he knows how powerful that can be but also that it’s reversible. John declares that if all goes well, the story will end with Bo getting better and reuniting with Hope. Andrew hopes John is right that Bo makes a full recovery and he knows how happy that would make Hope and the rest of the family. Andrew adds that he can’t help thinking about Harris Michaels and how this is all going to affect him.

Shawn tells Harris that it’s impossible because his father is dead. Harris responds that he knows that’s what they’ve all believed but assures that he found him. Harris insists that he’s not lying to him. Shawn is shocked and asks if Hope knows. Shawn questions Harris finding Bo at Victor’s childhood home and then telling Hope that the place was empty. Shawn asks why he would lie to her like that. Harris admits that he was afraid to lose her. Shawn calls him a son of a bitch for not telling Hope that Bo is alive. Harris gets that he’s upset and explains that’s why he sent Hope to Victor’s home because he knew that Hope needed to see Bo for herself. Shawn reiterates that he can’t believe his father is alive. Harris adds that there’s something else he should know and states that Bo is not the man that Shawn remembers.

Hope questions Bo telling Harris not to tell her that he was here and asks why he would do that. Bo remarks that he figured her boyfriend wouldn’t want the competition since she is involved with him. Hope confirms that she is or was but cries that she thought Bo was dead. Hope calls Bo the love of her life and cries that he’s the only one she wants. Hope hugs Bo, but Bo then responds that he doesn’t want her.

Steve continues digging a hole in to the wall of the wine cellar.

Stephanie asks Kayla how Bo could hold her and Steve prisoner. Kayla responds that Megan messed with Bo’s head. Stephanie understands but asks if Kayla really thinks Bo would hurt Steve. Kayla points out that he hasn’t so far but they still need to get Steve out of the cellar which they can’t do by standing around. Kayla decides when they get back together, they can figure out how to help Bo. Thomas Banks then bursts in to the lab with his gun raised. Chad questions how he got out of jail. Thomas implies bribing the cops and swipes the prisms that Kayla had. Thomas says he now got what he wanted, except for his revenge as he aims his gun at Chad.

John asks why Andrew would be worried about Harris. Andrew explains that he spent some time with Harris while he was being deprogrammed and he was so guilt ridden over what Megan did to him and he was tortured by the time lost. Andrew adds that the only thing that seemed to lift his spirits was the possibility of a relationship with Hope but he was reluctant to pursue it because of Bo. Andrew admits that he encouraged Harris to go for it since Bo was thought to be dead but now that they know otherwise, he’s thrilled for all of them but after everything Harris has been through, he hates to see him get his heart broken.

Shawn questions Harris saying his father is not the man he remembers. Harris thinks Bo was brainwashed by Megan and mentions that he pulled a gun on him. Shawn argues that Bo doesn’t know him and probably thought he was a threat. Harris asks if he perceived Kate as a threat. Shawn asks where he’s going with this. Harris brings up Kate being on the island with the others. Shawn says they know she was killed by Thomas Banks. Harris argues that they don’t know that because Thomas denies it. Shawn questions just expecting him to confess. Harris informs Shawn that Thomas has an alibi. Shawn argues that there is no way that his father would kill Kate. Harris says the father he knew wouldn’t have but he’s telling him that something has changed. Harris knows what Megan’s brainwashing can do to somebody because it happened to him. Harris brings up that when he was under her control, he killed two men in cold blood and he has to live with that every day along with all the horrible things he did. Shawn asks Harris if he thinks Bo would hurt Hope and if he thinks Hope is in danger. Harris admits that he doesn’t know but he knows how much they loved each other and how strong their connection was, so if anybody can bring Bo out of this, it’s Hope. Harris feels it’s just better if he wasn’t there. Shawn angrily questions why the hell Harris sent Hope out there alone if he doesn’t know what Bo is capable of.

Hope questions Bo saying he doesn’t want her. Hope argues that he doesn’t mean that. Hope asks what is the matter with him. Hope asks if Bo is angry or mad or if he blames her for not finding him sooner. Hope argues that if she knew he was alive, she never would’ve stopped looking for him and would have spent every second looking for him. Hope cries about all these years of grief over thinking she had lost him. Hope states that she thought she had seen him for the last time and that he was dead. Bo says that was the last time because he’s no longer that man. Bo declares that thanks to Dr. Rolf, he was reborn. Bo tells her not to call him Brady because that’s not who he is. Bo declares that he is Victor Kiriakis’ son with Kiriakis blood running through his veins, so he’s going to make something of himself like Victor did. Hope asks why he would have to do that when he’s already someone. Hope calls him a great father, husband, and now a grandfather. Hope tells him that Ciara named her son after him and he looks just like Ciara did as a baby. Hope encourages that Bo will see himself as their family and friends have missed him and they will be so happy and thrilled when he comes back home with her. Bo shouts that he’s not going anywhere with her and complains that she doesn’t listen, just like Steve and Kayla. Hope then asks if Steve and Kayla are here. Bo responds that Kayla is taking care of something for him and Steve is locked up in the wine cellar.

Steve continues digging a hole in the wall and manages to push it through.

Hope questions Steve being locked up and reaches for her gun but Bo pulls his gun and says he can’t let her do that as he orders her to put it down.

John tells Andrew that it’s kind of him to think of Harris, but if he loses Hope, that’s not on him. Andrew points out that he encouraged Harris to go after her. John understands he had the best intentions. John comments that love doesn’t come with any guarantees and knows Andrew can relate. John brings up the connection Andrew had with his son Paul and thinking it was really special but it didn’t work out. Andrew then reveals that he and Paul have decided to give it another shot which excites John. Andrew says it feels trivial with everything else going on. John encourages that there is nothing trivial about love. Andrew talks about how he and Paul know it can be a challenge to make it work with their careers, but they realize they have something really special and he agrees it’s something to hold on to, so he wants to see how far it can go. John wishes them the best. John says he and Marlena had ups and downs over the years but he wouldn’t trade a moment of that. John feels there is a risk that relationships won’t work out but you have to weigh the rewards. John hopes his kids will always want to take that risk.

Stephanie sends a text while Thomas calls Chad the little bitch that shot his ear off. Stephanie calls it an accident. Thomas disagrees and argues that Chad didn’t hesitate to maim him. Stephanie argues that he can’t blame Chad when they were struggling over the gun. Thomas blames Chad and remarks that one good turn deserves another as he holds the gun up to Chad’s ear.

Shawn again questions Harris as to why he didn’t go to the farm with Hope if he was afraid that Bo was going to hurt her. Harris then gets a text from Stephanie that says SOS. Harris tells Shawn that he knows where they are, so he’ll go to them while Shawn gets to Hope as fast as they can and they rush out together.

Bo warns Hope that if she reaches for her gun again, she’ll regret it. Hope suggests they both go to the wine cellar to check on Steve. Bo responds that Steve is staying put, but Hope is coming with him.

Steve reaches through the hole in the wall and finds the door handle to unlock it. Steve escapes the wine cellar and goes to look for Kayla.

Bo brings Hope outside to the edge of a cliff. Hope asks where they are going. Bo tells her that they aren’t going anywhere and this is the end of the line. Hope questions what he means. Bo complains that he can’t be the man he’s meant to be in this world with her in it.

Thomas Banks tells Chad that it’s an ear for an ear. Stephanie asks what if he misses. Thomas argues that he’s a good shot and anything else is just collateral damage. Thomas warns Chad to hold still. Harris then bursts in and grabs Thomas from behind. Harris chokes Thomas out and declares that it looks like he showed up right in time.

Marlena returns home and asks John where Andrew went. John explains that he went to go check in with the ISA for any updates on Megan’s claims. John asks Marlena how she left Roman. Marlena responds that he was a lot calmer once she got him back to the Pub but his head is spinning, imagining that Bo has been alive all this time. John says he can barely wrap his head around it and questions if Bo could really be alive after all these years.

Steve searches the house for Kayla and Bo. Steve finds Hope’s gun and then exits.

Hope asks how Bo can say that and what that even means. Bo tells Hope that he’s making a new life for himself and becoming the man he was born to be. Bo complains that people keep pulling at him and now Hope is here, ruining everything. Bo screams that he’s Victor’s son and becoming the man he’s supposed to be while Hope keeps trying to pull him back to that life. Bo then gets a headache as he starts having flashbacks to his relationship with Hope. Bo declares that the only way he can be the man he’s meant to be is to get rid of Hope. Bo then aims his gun at Hope. Hope says no and tells Bo to listen to her. Hope calls him Bo Brady and says that is who he is, the best man she knows and the love of her life which will never change. Hope adds that she knows his love for her is never going to change no matter what he says or does. Hope declares that the one fundamental truth between them is that they love each other to the very depths of their soul. Bo continues having flashbacks. Hope adds that no matter what happens here, nothing will ever extinguish their love. Hope says so many people tried to keep them apart but they couldn’t do it and they’ve overcome every obstacle in their way. Hope says Bo can tell himself that he’s better off without her but he will never believe it. Hope adds that his heart is tugging at him because it’s the truest part of him and it knows he belongs with her. Hope reminds Bo that she is his Fancyface as they flashback to their relationship over the years. Bo holds back tears as Hope seems to have gotten through to him, but Shawn and Steve arrive and upon seeing Bo holding Hope at gunpoint, Shawn shoots Bo. Hope then rushes to Bo’s side to check on him and cries over him on the ground.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, April 24, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Billy: No comment. The family is requesting privacy at this moment. No need to call tomorrow ’cause you’re gonna get the same two words. Know them. Learn them. No comment.

Kyle: You doing the same thing I’ve been doing?

Billy: Trying to find new and exciting ways to tell these reporters to buzz off?

Kyle: Mm. Mariah’s coming back from maternity leave early to help us manage the situation.

Billy: That’s good. All hands on deck. We’ve been at this for a few hours right now and I don’t see it slowing down.

Kyle: I was hoping work would be an distraction from my family’s problems. Instead, the problems are swallowing up everything else.

Jack: Have you had any luck getting a trace on stark’s money? Well, that’s a disappointment. Have you tried overseas? That’s where he usually stashes his cash. Okay. Leave no stone unturned, please. My fiancé’s freedom is at stake.

[ Groans ]

Ashley: You okay? Sure I don’t have to ask you what that phone call was about.

Jack: What is happening to diane is in travesty of justice.

Ashley: Okay, and you’re gonna set things straight.

Jack: Well, I’m certainly gonna help.

Ashley: What does that exactly mean? Who were you talking to?

Jack: Michael put me in touch with a financial forensics expert who is working on diane’s defense.

Ashley: Okay. Well, michael’s her attorney, so let him handle things, jack.

Jack: I’m trying to help him.

Ashley: What kind of help can you provide?

Jack: I am trying to save my fiancee from a life behind bars.

Ashley: I get it. So, you’re gonna make sure that once again, diane doesn’t have to take responsibility for her actions.

[ Daniel groaning ]

Daniel: No!

Lily: Hey. Hey. It’s okay. You just had a bad dream. You okay?

Daniel: Mm-hmm. Yeah, um, it’s just a dream. Just a dream.

Lily: Hey, I’m here, okay? You’re okay.

Victor: Tucker, my man.

Tucker: Thanks for meeting me.

Victor: Thank you. It’s a rather strange venue for you to choose to have this meeting. I mean, considering what happened here.

Tucker: For me, it’s just a bar with a good bourbon selection and good music.

Victor: That’s a really cavalier description of this place.

Tucker: I can tell you that phyllis would feel the same way if it were me in the morgue.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Tucker: Anyway, you ready to talk business?

Victor: Yeah. So I read through this contract, I liked it. I put my signatures to it. And so can you. Um… then, your company will become mine.

Tucker: You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?

Victor: I don’t give a damn how I feel. When it comes to business, I’m cold as ice. You know that. So, would you sign? Unless, of course, you have some reservations. That’s me before dawn powerwash.

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by… eggland’s best.

Lily: Do you remember your dream?

Daniel: I was, uh, outside of the coffee house and I see mom at the end of the street, so I started racing towards her. It was like just as I got to her, suddenly I was back in my house in savannah. It was– it was just like before I came back to genoa city. Heather wasn’t there, lucy wasn’t there. I mean, the house, it– it just felt bigger. Emptier. Really lonely.

Lily: I know. I had that happen when my dad died. It’s like I would wake up and think for a second that he was back and–

[ Lily sighing ] Or I would be walking somewhere and see someone that I thought resembled him.

Daniel: It actually happened.

Lily: Really?

Daniel: Yeah. It was the day at the memorial. There was this woman there who must have been her height. I– I saw her like just real quick from the side, but I mean, I still had to do a double take. Obviously, it wasn’t her, but you know, for a minute there gave me hope. And then, it’s just back to reality. That kind of crushed me.

Lily: I know. I’m sorry. But listen, once you get through this wave of grief, you’re gonna have random moments that remind you of your mom and it’s gonna help keep her spirit alive.

Daniel: I’m really glad you’re here. Does– it helps being with someone who gets it. Look, I also, I know it’s a lot, so if you need to go–

Lily: Where would I go and why would I?

Daniel: I’m just saying. You know, if you wanna pretend like what happened here between the two of us, it didn’t happen, then I’d understand.

[ Pours drink ]

Billy: Here you go. Cheers to you because you’ve been burning the candle on both ends.

Kyle: Yeah. I’m doing everything I can to help my parents. I’m fielding media requests and whatever else I can do to help my dad free up his time because he needs to be spending it proving my mother’s innocence.

Billy: Have you talked to her lately?

Kyle: Briefly. At the arraignment. Dad went to visit her this afternoon. She told him not to come back. She doesn’t want us to visit her, supposedly for her own good.

Billy: I’m sorry, man. That’s tough.

Kyle: I’m hoping she’ll change her mind. She needs to know we’re in this together, doing everything we can to get her out of there.

Billy: Look, it’s good that you’re supporting her and of course, you would and jack for that matter, but you cannot neglect your own life in the process. You know, you’re telling me that this situation is affecting your marriage. Take it from the king of failed relationships, you’ve got to fix that problem before it’s too late. You cannot lose summer.

Jack: Maybe this is not a good day to take jabs at diane. I thought on maybe some basic human level, you might actually sympathize with her plight.

Ashley: Why would I?

Jack: She’s being locked up for a crime she didn’t commit. That doesn’t resonate with you? At least you know what it feels like to be wrongly accused.

Ashley: Oh, I do, indeed, because of diane. And just for the record, I think she’s rightfully accused.

Jack: Wow. You take some pleasure in saying that, don’t you? Like you won something. You are wrong. She is innocent and she is suffering and because she has been denied bail, she refuses to even see me.

Ashley: Okay, well that’s the wisest decision she’s ever made. Listen to her and move on, please.

Jack: Even if you actually believe diane was guilty of murder, the level of spite in this conversation is outrageous. She was framed, ash.

Ashley: You keep saying that. But the way I see it, she had every reason to want phyllis out of the picture so she could have everything. So she could have the loving relationship, the job at marchetti, the home in the abbott mansion and your ring on her finger.

What are folks 60 and older

up to these days?

Tucker: I have no reservations about selling my company. I’m done with this town and I’m done with mccall unlimited. It used to be my passion, now it’s just a burden I no longer wish to carry.

Victor: Oh, my god. How touching, tucker. You expecting my sympathy or what?

Tucker: I think I know you a little better than that.

Victor: All right. If it makes you feel better, I just want you to know that your company will continue to thrive, you know. Although, I may change its name.

Tucker: I couldn’t care less what you call it. I just– I’m looking forward to it not being my problem anymore.

Victor: Well, then why don’t you put that pen to paper.

Tucker: Just for due diligence, I would like to look it over one last time.

[ Victor laughing ]

Victor: Do I need to remind you that you are the one who came running to me?

Tucker: Mm. I know that. And I’m gonna sign it soon. You have my word.

Victor: Well, in that case, I’m looking forward to the confirmation of your signature.

[ Both sighing ]

Kyle: Summer moved into a guest room.

Billy: Uh-oh. Separate rooms is the first step towards separate lives. Are you two fighting?

Kyle: That’s the thing. We’d almost be better if we were. She’s just completely shut down. She said she’s moved rooms because she didn’t want to wake me with her tossing and turning. But I think she can’t bear to look at me. She’s convinced my mother killed hers.

Billy: That’s a relationship dilemma I’ve never dealt with.

Kyle: Yeah. And the only solution I see is to clear my mother’s name, not only for her innocence but for my marriage. Summer is so inside her head right now.

Billy: What do you mean by that?

Kyle: She only comes out of her room when she wants to spend time with harrison. And when she does, she puts on a good front, laughing and smiling and reading stories. But once she’s alone again, she completely shuts down.

Billy: Sounds like she’s dealing with grief in her own way.

Kyle: I get that. And I want her to have all the space and time she needs, but I’m not so sure she can heal on her own. So, I don’t know what to do because if I can’t talk to her, I can’t help her. And every time we do talk, it only makes things worse. The only solution I see is to clear my mother’s name.

Billy: I hear you. But you’re dead wrong.

Kyle: Why did I even start this conversation with you?

Billy: Because you need someone to talk to and I’m the only one here. You may not like my advice and I can’t force you to listen to me, but there’s a better way to help summer.

Jack: You seem to think I accepted everything diane said without any doubt. I had my doubts. I expressed them. I took a good look at them and I set them aside. Here’s what I believe. Diane is not capable of committing what she’s been accused of.

Ashley: And here’s what I believe. I think she is absolutely capable.

Jack: And I did not choose diane over phyllis. My relationship with phyllis had run its course long before diane came back into my life. One did not preclude the other. And just so we’re clear, while I am defending diane, I am mourning phyllis’s loss. I loved that woman very much and she was once a part of my family.

Ashley: Okay. But here’s the thing, jack. You know that I was never a phyllis fan, but even I saw what was going on. You took every opportunity to turn your back on phyllis when diane came to town. You did. And there was still something going on with phyllis. You know that. You can’t deny it.

Jack: Diane did not steal anything from phyllis. Not her job, not me, not any part of her life. Phyllis was an amazing woman, but she had a habit of getting in her own way a lot and you know that.

Ashley: Kind of sounds like you’re blaming phyllis for her own murder and that’s worse.

Jack: I want the actual killer of phyllis to face justice every bit as much as I want diane to be exonerated, but I believe diane is in jail right now for a crime jeremy stark committed.

Ashley: Yeah, you’re right. Diane’s a martyr. She is paying for all the sins that everybody else has committed. I see that now.

Jack: Diane is not perfect. No. She has made more than her share of mistakes. She’s hurt a lot of people. But unlike you, I believe people can change, people can grow, people can transform and I think diane has changed. And I think she is incapable of murder. So, I am going to defend the woman I love, the woman I intend to marry.

Ashley: Oh, my god. You still intend to marry her. You are such a fool. And you are reckless, jack. Not just with your legacy, but with my family’s and I’ve got a problem with that. I’ve got a big problem. You are willing to tie the entire abbott clan to a woman who’s gonna drag everybody down with her! Hi, my name is tony cooper. And if you have both medicare and medicaid, I have some really encouraging news that you’ll definitely want to hear. Depending on the plan you choose, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. All these plans include a healthy options allowance. Depending on the plans available in your area, you could get up to $3300 a year to help pay for essentials like eligible groceries, utilities, rent, pet care and over-the-counter items. Other benefits on these plans may include free rides to and from your medical appointments. And our large network of doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies. So, call the number on your screen now and ask about a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. Better care begins with listening. Humana. A more human way to healthcare. I used to wait to run my dishwasher

Lily: We’re still in bed, so I think it’s a little late to pretend nothing happened.

Daniel: But you want to?

Lily: No. No. We have a connection and a history and I think we both wanted and needed this.

Daniel: I’m just glad this won’t mess things up between the two of us.

Lily: No, it won’T. You know, we don’t have to pretend like nothing happened, but we also don’t have to make it more than it was.

Daniel: And when I look at you, the lonely feeling that was in my dream just feels very far away.

Lily: Well, I’m really happy that I can help you find some solace from things, but no one else can help you but you. I know that grief transforms you and you will carry the loss of your mom with you forever. And there will be times that it feels like it just happened, even though it’s been a long time, but you have to take care of yourself. That is the most important thing right now.

Daniel: That’s what I’m trying to do.

Kyle: Billy, you’re not listening. I have tried every approach. She doesn’t wanna be around me. She doesn’t wanna look at me or be in the same room as me, so pushing her isn’t going to work.

Billy: Kyle, you’re a good person, okay? Of course, you’re gonna respect her time and her space, but you take that too far, those wounds, they become scar tissue. The distance becomes a chasm. Trust me, it’s really difficult to get back to where you were.

Kyle: What are you suggesting?

Billy: You gotta get her to listen. You go home. You make sure she knows how much you love her. You don’t mention diane, you don’t mention phyllis, you don’t mention any of the noise that’s swirling around you. You reassure her that you are not going anywhere. And when she’s ready to open up that door to you, you are standing there waiting with open arms.

Audra: Drinking alone?

Tucker: No, I’m here with all my friends.

Audra: [ Chuckles ] Well, that’s what happens when a guy burns every bridge.

Tucker: Hmm. Did you drop by just to rub it in?

Audra: Not necessarily. So, what are we, uh, drinking and thinking about?

Tucker: That’s funny you should ask. I was just thinking about the difference between being alone and being lonely. You know, I spent months in that ashram alone.

[ Laughs ] I never felt as lonely as I do right now.

Audra: Hmm. Look, I– I know I gave you a hard time about ashley, but I’m sorry it didn’t work out.

Tucker: I have no idea how I got here. Sure has been a long and winding road though. You know when I never felt lonely when I was young, just starting out in the music business.

Audra: Yeah. I’m– I’m sure a young tucker mccall was really alone.

Tucker: No, but it was all exciting, being around engaging, interesting people and managing bands, signing new artists.

Audra: All right. All right.

[ Chuckles ] Those glasses are pretty damn rosy. What you loved was signing artists to contracts they didn’t understand so they could make hits for you without getting properly compensated.

Tucker: Yeah. The good old days.

Audra: Okay.

Tucker: You and I had some good times, didn’t we?

Audra: We had our moments.

Tucker: Hey, I’m gonna go back up to my room. Would you join me? Moderate to severe eczema

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Billy: Thank you. See you later. Hi.

Lily: [ Laughs ] Are– are you heading out?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah. Just grabbing some takeout.

Lily: Yeah. Yeah, we’re gonna eat as well.

Billy: How you holding up?

Daniel: As good as I can be, I suppose.

Billy: Yeah. I thought I should let you know that the media scrutiny around diane’s case is only growing, especially now that leanna love’s article published today. I really hope you don’t have to deal with any of that garbage, but you might.

Daniel: Mm. Thanks for the heads up.

Lily: We’ll get the pr team to draft a statement.

Daniel: I appreciate it, but that’s not necessary.

Lily: No, I know, but you’re an employee now now at chancellor-winters, so just direct any questions to us.

Daniel: I can handle it.

Lily: I know. Just let me do this for you.

[ Chuckles ]

Daniel: She’s hard to say no to.

Billy: Really? I hadn’t noticed. You’re in good hands. Lily knows how to take care of people. That’s why she’s in the big chair.

Lily: We should probably get a table, so have– have a good night.

Billy: Yeah, you too. Goodnight.

Audra: This is the contract for the sale of mccall unlimited?

Tucker: Mm-hmm.

Audra: That’s a big deal. This could be very rewarding for you.

Tucker: Hey, but you wanna know the best part? Check this out. It’s victor’s pen. I stole it from him.

Audra: This is a big change. No wonder you were ruminating on your start in the music business. It’s the foundation of your empire.

Tucker: It was the foundation.

Audra: You said you wanted to be free, right? There’s your ticket.

Tucker: It wasn’t supposed to end this way, audra.

Audra: Okay. It’s just one chapter coming to an end.

Tucker: What– whatever comes next for me, it’s not gonna happen in genoa city, I’ll tell you that.

Audra: So you’re definitely leaving town then? Makes sense. You’ve always been more of a big city kind of guy.

Tucker: Hey, you know, the money from this sale will mean that I can start over anywhere. What do you say? You wanna blow this town? Hm? Come on, let’s go. You wanna be my right hand again?

Billy: Got all your favorites. And I was thinking that maybe we can go have a picnic in the park because it is a beautiful night out there.

Chelsea: Two meals together in one day. You are setting a dangerous precedent.

Billy: I am willing to risk it if you are.

Chelsea: [ Laughs ] Let’s live on the edge.

Billy: Yeah.

Chelsea: What?

Billy: Nothing. Nothing. I’m just– I’m happy.

Chelsea: Well, I’m glad you’re happy

Billy: And I’m feeling lucky.

Chelsea: Why? I know the ceviche is really good. It’s society but–

Billy: [ Laughs ] Actually, speaking of society, I ran into, uh, lily and daniel while I was there.

Chelsea: Huh? How’s daniel?

Billy: He seemed okay, but I think your instincts were right to give him a little bit of space right now.

Chelsea: Okay. Well, good. I’m glad I didn’t approach him then.

Billy: You know, I picked up on a little something between the two of them.

Chelsea: Really?

Billy: Mm.

Chelsea: Something romantic? How do you feel about that?

Jack: You won’t allow me to marry the woman I love. That is ridiculous. My relationship with diane has nothing to do with you, and it will hardly bring down the family name.

Ashley: You know you had a problem with me going on a date with tucker, but it’s okay for you to marry a murderer.

Jack: Okay. I’ve had enough of that conversation. Diane didn’t kill anyone.

Ashley: You don’t know that for a fact! And what about the fallout? What about when word gets out that you’re marrying a woman that’s going on trial for murder? You don’t think people are gonna be affected by that one, jack? People like summer, like daniel. You don’t think jabot’s reputation is gonna take a huge hit trying to survive that?

Jack: I’m doing everything I can to exonerate diane before this ever goes to trial.

Ashley: Well, good luck. Let’s just push the physical evidence aside. What about the– the– the history diane has with phyllis, the hatred that goes back decades. She faked her death. Remember that? Diane faked her death. Let innocent people be arrested for it. When the word gets out about that, people are gonna understand that she’s absolutely capable of killing phyllis. They’ll know that if–

[ Door slamming ]

Kyle: Don’t bother trying to hide what you’re arguing about. I could hear you from outside the door.

Jack: No, I’m sorry. This is a difficult time for all of us, especially you and–

Kyle: Dad, I– I don’t wanna get into it right now. I need to talk to summer.

Jack: Can’t you see the pain he is in? We have enough heartache, enough misery in this house without you injecting your bitterness. If you can’t hold back your rage for diane, I suggest you move out. (Vo) get them to open up.

Audra: You’re moving fast, tucker.

[ Sighs ] You know, we went from an invitation to your suite to an invitation to anywhere in the world.

Tucker: Yeah. Is that a yes?

[ Audra laughs ]

Audra: You know, I have senior executive position at newman media with room for growth.

Tucker: You’re telling me that working for victoria newman is a dream of yours?

Audra: No, but I’m learning from her, okay, and I plan to teach her a thing or two as well.

Tucker: Ah, yes. Always an agenda, right?

Audra: You taught me well. Besides, genoa city has grown on me. Now, there are some fascinating people here too.

Tucker: I should have known you’d hedge your bets just like ashley and devon. Just like them, you’re pushing me away because you think– you think there are greener pastures somewhere, right? Let me tell you something, audra, most of the time there aren’T.

Audra: Oh, my god. You know what your problem is? You crave to be the center of other people’s lives. And when you don’t get total devotion or allegiance, you turn bitter. Now, I guess all that work you did on yourself didn’t really take. Ashley is right. You haven’t changed, but I knew that all along.

Tucker: I’m sorry that I asked you up here. I guess you should go, huh?

Audra: Yeah. Don’t wallow in your misery too long, tucker, because when you finally come out of that hole, no one will care you’re back.

[ Door slamming ]

Daniel: Did running into billy– was that awkward?

[ Lily laughing ]

Lily: Uh, yeah. A little. But I mean, we broke up months ago and, you know, I’m entitled to my own personal life too.

Daniel: Sure. Sure you are. But, you know, I couldn’t help notice that you were avoiding eye contact with him.

Lily: Yeah. Well, I mean, maybe the timing wasn’t ideal.

[ Laughs ]

Daniel: Look, everyone’s got complicated feelings when it comes to their exes, but, you know, you’ve been so generous listening to me talk about heather, and now losing my mom that I just– why don’t you let me repay the favor by listening to whatever you have to say about billy.

Lily: Well, thank you. But I mean, how long have you known me?

Daniel: Really? Um… many, many years. I– I don’t know. Too many to count.

Lily: Right. And how many times have I, you know, wallowed over a failed relationship?

Daniel: I can’t think of any.

Lily: Yeah. I just, I– I don’t do it. You know, even with kane. It’s like, that hurt a lot but, you know, I was back on my feet in no time.

Daniel: I don’t know how you do it. You know, you’re not the love him and leave him type. You– you get in a relationship and you’re committed and you’re caring.

Lily: I don’t know. I just, I don’t– I don’t like looking back. I wanna look forward. And I think it has a lot to do with being a cancer survivor. You know, when you go through something like that, you realize that life is way too precious to get bogged down by a failed relationship.

Daniel: Are you insinuating that I should be more like that?

Lily: [ Laughs ] No, I mean, you’re different. You– you wanna know why something didn’t work. You know, you need to analyze all the details. Like, I– that’s not me. Like, we’re just, we’re different that way.

Daniel: Maybe that’s why we get along so well.

Lily: Yes. Maybe.

[ Daniel chuckling ]

Daniel: Can you, um, can you do me a favor though?

Lily: Oh, god. What?

[ Laughing ]

Daniel: Can you wallow just a little bit? You know, just for me. Just give me something. Anything.

[ Lily laughing ]

Lily: What?

Billy: I guess I’m relieved if lily’s moving on with– with daniel. You know, she deserves more than I could give her in the end and uh, I hope that’s what she’s looking for.

Chelsea: Look at you. That healthy attitude of growth and maturity.

Billy: Pretty impressive, isn’t it? I’m just simply taking a page out of your book, you know? You– you seem to have really good relationships with your exes.

Chelsea: Except when I went off the deep end over adam and sharon.

Billy: You had a stroke. I would chalk that up to a severe medical issue.

Chelsea: Oh, that’s generous. But the rough patch I went through definitely lasted longer than I care to admit.

Billy: But you came out the other side. I mean, look what you’ve overcome. And I see a fully realized beautiful woman in front of me that deserves happiness.

Chelsea: Well, you make me happy.

Billy: Back at you. You know, I guess that’s why I’m– I’m okay with lily and daniel because it allows me to move on as well.

Chelsea: And is that what you’re doing?

Billy: Pretty sure I am. Yeah.

Chelsea: You know, conner is spending the night tonight at the ranch.

Billy: Is that right?

Chelsea: I can’t believe I just said that out loud.

Billy: Yeah, you did say that out loud, but you can’t take it back now.

Chelsea: I don’t wanna take it back. I’m feeling very strong emotionally, mentally.

Billy: But?

Chelsea: But it’s been a long time since I’ve been with someone.

Billy: It’ll be okay. It’s like riding a bike.

[ Chelsea laughing ] Tv: Try tide power pods with 85% more tide in every pod.

Lily: Look, I don’t think about billy. You know, we had a moment and it was beautiful, but it’s over. So, I am here with you now. Very present.

[ Laughing ]

Daniel: Still no regrets?

Lily: What? Of course not. No. What happened with us was organic and natural. You know, it’s funny ’cause I feel like we’ve known each other for a very long time, since we were teenagers and we have always managed to navigate all the twists and turns of our relationship and I hope that continues. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. And you know, with billy, I mean, if we’re meant to be friends, then we will be. And if we’re not, then we won’T.

Daniel: That is very zen for a ceo.

Lily: Yeah. I may continue to surprise you.

[ Both laughing ]

Billy: You know what? I just realized that I forgot the food downstairs. Can I– can I go get it?

Chelsea: Don’t you dare.

Billy: No? You’re right.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Billy: That’s a stupid question.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Billy: But I am gonna ask you one more time.

Chelsea: I am.

Billy: Are you sure you’re okay?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Billy: I can ask another way, you know.

Chelsea: No. I’ve never been so sure.

[ Chelsea panting ]

Kyle: Summer? You don’t have to open the door or say anything. I know you can hear me. I’m not gonna let you push me away. I’m worried about you and I wanna make it easier for you. I don’t know how yet, but you need to know I’m not going anywhere. I’m gonna keep trying until something works. So, my latest idea is this: But talking but to– together. I– I– I promise you, if you open this door, we don’t have to say a word. I just wanna hold you. Summer, please open the door.

Ashley: I am so sick and tired of you trying to kick me out of my own home. And you’ve been doing this ever since you got back with diane and it’s just more evidence of how she has infected your attitude towards this whole family.

Jack: You are the one who has instigated all conflict, both with and about diane, all because I wouldn’t give into your preposterous demand that I ban the woman I love from this house. That’s not going to change. The minute diane is released, she’s coming back here.

Ashley: Are you threatening me? ‘Cause I’m not going anywhere. This is my home too, jack. It’s my birthright just as much as it is yours.

Jack: This is untenable, ash. This is not gonna work.

Ashley: Then you better move out. Why don’t you find yourself a nice little house next to whatever prison that diane is sent to once she’s convicted? And once that happens, I’m sure the jabot board will remove you before you take the entire company down with you. So yeah, you’re gonna have your nice little jailhouse wedding, but diane’s gonna cost you everything that ever meant anything to you.

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GH Transcript Monday, April 24, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


okay, I think that we’ve got the entrées covered. I just hope we have enough appetizers.

Are there 50 more guests coming that I don’t know about?


We can always order pizza.

Ah! Bite your tongue. If you weren’t the groom, I would throttle you right now.

Okay, hey, hey.

Why aren’t you dressed?

The same reason you’re not dressed. The wedding’s not for hours.

Yeah, but I’m cooking.

Okay, I will do you a favor. I will stay out of the kitchen. But there has to be something else I can do to help get ready.

You’re supporting willow. That’s more important than anything. So how is she?

She’s sleeping soundly, and so is amelia. How are you?

Just trying to be cool, pretending to be checking his work on his phone.

Michael, you’re not working.

No, no, no, I just had to make sure that a project was on track for later. Putting it away now. Besides, I am getting married today.


You are.

You are.

All right. I’m gonna head down to the gatehouse soon, help willow get her things ready when she wakes up. And it’s tradition, remember? I was the one who helped her get ready the last time she married you.

Oh, yeah.

That’s right, you did. And she looked lovely then, and she’s gonna look lovely today.

She’s gonna blow you away, michael. Just wait till you see her.

Oh, I bet. I can’t wait to see my beautiful bride.

Moll, what did dr. Navarro say?

It’s highly likely that I have endometriosis.

How likely?

It’s an unofficial diagnosis. We won’t know for sure until the results of the biopsy are back.

Oh, a biopsy.

[Dramatic music]


Mother, I’m not gonna disappear. I’m not even wearing a parachute.

You’re gonna have to indulge me. I searched the globe looking for you. And now you’re next to me. I’m not letting go.

Hey, I appreciate the save.

Mm. Much though I hate to admit it, tracy is the one who saved the day.

I still can’t get over you showing up at a black market auction dressed in all white. You do have a flair for the dramatic, don’t you?

Well, wardrobe critique aside, I couldn’t very well let luke’s son get executed. Although, I didn’t expect to spend that much money to save him. What was holly thinking driving the price up to 10 million?

You only paid 4.

It should have been 2.

Well, I think it’s incredibly kind of you to save luke’s son, no matter what the price.

That’s easy for you to say. But to tell the truth, I only got involved because victor cassadine was behind the auction, and I will not rest until I prove that man killed luke.


Any news on your father?

You mean have I had any updates in the five minutes it took me to get this cup of coffee?

Yes, that’s what I mean.


Oh. I can’t just lie here, do nothing.

Look, take it easy, will you? You just got out of the icu. Doesn’t mean you’re ready for dancing.

[Machine beeping]

I’d settle for a little walk.

Look, I know how frustrated you are.

So frustrated.

Your job is to heal. Victor will be caught, and he’ll be dealt with.

Really? Haven’t we been saying that for the last six months?

Okay, but now he’s overreaching. He’s getting close to his goal, and he’s overconfident. He’s making mistakes-

letting me live, for one, and kidnapping laura’s grandsons for another.

I think we’re making some pretty big jumps. Just because victor wanted information on project demeter doesn’t mean-

it’s not a guarantee that he’s headed for the spot right here on the map.

Robert, thank god you’re here.

I pulled in to see anna. What’s happening?

We have a lead on victor.

Show me.

Yeah, so this is a map I think my seal team used when we were working on project demeter.

Demeter, demeter… victor was interested in that.


Well, what are all these locations?

We’re not sure, but we think they’re connected to mikkos cassadine.

Look at that one right there. You recognize that?

1981. [Chuckles] A good year for stopping mikkos.

Right, and then that’s cassadine island right there. So I think it stands to reason that all of these different sites are somehow related to the cassadines, right?

But why are they spread out? There’s no logic in that.

Trina was able to provide us with the heading from the haunted star. If we combine that heading with this map of circled locations, there’s one shared point.

It’s that island right there, right off the coast of greenland. That’s where we think victor is headed.

It’s a long shot, but that’s all we’ve got.

He’s a cunning bastard. I think I’ve figured out how to find them.

[Dramatic music]

Let me guess. Valentin?

He’s not answering my calls. And now his voicemail is full, probably from all the messages that I’ve left already or from members of the board with whom I’m in constant contact with.

Sorry, dad. I know valentin’s at the hospital. Maybe I could head over there, ask him to give you a call?

No, it’s not your responsibility. It’s his responsibility. Elq’s stock has taken a major hit, and our ceo is mia. Michael and drew were right. Only a quartermaine will truly make elq a priority, and only a quartermaine should run elq.


Is it drew?


Oh, ned. He wants to talk about elq. You’ll have to call him back eventually, you know?

Yes, I will, but not right now. I’m trying to stay focused. I’m racking my brain. What my father told me about his master plan, I just wish we’d cracked the code.

[Knock on door]

Hi. I’m so sorry to bother you. How are you feeling, anna?

Yeah, I’m actually feeling better, you know? Are you all right?

Since the demented man that has my daughter is your father, I’d like you to tell me everything that you know about victor cassadine.

Anna and I always suspected that luke’s death wasn’t an accident. But how did you find out?

The longer I lived with it, the less sense it made. Luke spencer dying in a random accident, in switzerland of all places. What was he doing there? Certainly not there for the chocolate or for the skiing. He used to go to switzerland, zurich, do his banking, and get out. So I went to see that twit jennifer smith in prison. Something about her having the ice princess diamond just didn’t add up. She’s a schemer, but she’s a nincompoop. Certainly couldn’t mastermind a theft from luke spencer. So when I looked her straight in her vapid eyes and she told me she’d been framed, I knew she was telling me the truth.

The wsb just wanted to tie it all up. As far as they were concerned, they got the diamond back. Case solved, except it wasn’T.

Too bad nobody ever bothered to tell me, luke’s widow.

[Stammers] We thought you were getting on with your life. We didn’t have actual proof.

No, you didn’t want me in on it. You wanted to do it your way. And meanwhile, I spent 14 months trying to prove that luke has been murdered by myself.

Oh, tracy, luke wouldn’t want that.

If the site belongs to the cassadines, wouldn’t victor already know about it? I…


We’ve been assuming that the code etched into the diamond has been a set of coordinates. But what if it’s completely unrelated?

The best information we got is the heading from trina. And that site in greenland is directly on that heading.

You know, we have so many pieces of this puzzle, but we’re missing that one crucial piece that just brings it all together.


Hey, did your contact help?

Satellite imagery has a ship parked in the cove there just off greenland. Interesting point is there’s not supposed to be anything there. But there was a research station back in the ’50s, and then they abandoned it. What’s even more interesting is that the ship is running in the dark, no transponders.

That’s it. That’s the haunted star.

We got them. We got victor.

Okay, how soon can you get the wsb there?

Well, I can’T. There’s a problem.

Well, the way dr. Navarro explained it, endometriosis develops when the tissues that usually line the inside of the uterus grow on the outside of the uterus. They’re usually non-cancerous, but these growths can cause painful periods, which I have definitely experienced.

And how long has this been going on?

I don’t know, a few months maybe. But mom, I mean, remember, I’ve always had bad cramps. But lately they’ve just gotten more and more intense.

Sweetie, you have to take your health seriously, all right. You can’t get so wrapped up with work that you put self-care on the back burner.

Yeah, I wonder who I inherited that from. I seem to recall you not necessarily leaping to get your bone density checked.

Okay, okay, we’re not doing tit for tat right now. Do as I say, not as I do.

Yeah. I hear you, mom. It took me a while to realize that each month was getting worse. And honestly, when we decided to have a baby, I was looking forward to getting pregnant right away so that I wouldn’t have any periods at all.

You’d have a whole lot of other things.

Yeah, well, it didn’t happen, so I’m back to dealing with this.

Is there a treatment?

Dr. Navarro says usually hormone therapy is prescribed.

Okay, so that’s bad because…

the hormone is estrogen.

The treatment stops ovulation, mom, which means I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant.

We were told that trina made contact. Yeah?

Yes, yes, she found a satellite phone. And she was able to relay the ship’s heading.

Your daughter is a very brave woman.

I would rather her be cowardly and safe at home. And I’m sure you can imagine how terrified I am right now not knowing what’s going on with her, whether she’s safe, whether they found her or not. What about jordan? Has she reached out to you at all, or maybe your agency?

No. Sorry, there’s been no updates on victor’s whereabouts. Listen, I really understand how you’re feeling, ’cause I’ve been in your position.

I have too. And if we hear anything, we will tell you directly. You have my word.

[Tense music]


It’s ned again.

I think that you really need to take that call.

Okay. I will. I’ll be back in a minute.


Dr. Robinson-


anna, please, please, I’m here as-

as a mom right now, not as a doctor, a mother who’s very terrified for her child. And I hate to ask you this right now, but I need to know, how much danger is my daughter really in?

Is victor cassadine, is he-

is he capable of harming trina?

I’m sorry I took so long to get to you.

I’m sorry victor used me to make you do his bidding. You were in prison too. Besides, the mess was entirely of my own making. I should have seen victor’s men coming.

It seemed there were quite a few participants at that digital auction. You had quite a following, none of whom were admirers.

You know me. Rob from the rich and give to the poor, plus a small commission for personal expenses. The poor are fine with the arrangement. But the rich tend to be sore losers.

Any particular charities you are benefiting these days?

A couple of orphanages and a wildlife sanctuary in zimbabwe. I’ve been out of commission for a while, so they’re definitely gonna need some funding.

Befo re you go running backto monte carlo or wherever, you’re going to need some time to recuperate. Please reconsider.

I’m sorry, mom. I can’t stay with you in port charles. Too many people after me. It’s best that I continue to australia, where I know the players, who’s got deep pockets, and equally important, who not to cross. I need an influx of cash to continue my charity work and pay off a couple of the bastards who want to kill me.

I don’t suppose there’s any point at all in asking you to be careful.

I will if you will.

Who are you to tell me what luke spencer would or wouldn’t want for me?

I’m his friend, someone who knew him and knows that he genuinely loved you, tracy. And he wouldn’t want you spending your time and your money trying to avenge him. I think it’s good that you’re coming back to port charles. You need your family around you right now.

[Laughing] Have you met my family?

Valentin, you really are alive. I was starting to wonder.

Ned, knock it off. What do you want?

Need I remind you that since you are not dead, you’re still the ceo of elq.

Yeah, I have other priorities at the moment.

Did you even listen to the messages that I left you?

No. Listen. Anna has been in the icu. She’s been fighting for her life. You’re the chairman of the board. I figured you could handle anything that comes up.

I have been for months. But that was when you were dead. Now you’re very much alive. Is it too much to ask to put out a statement? The shareholders, the board members, the general public are all very curious as to why you pulled that stunt.

Okay, it wasn’t a stunt. My daughter’s life was in danger. Victor cassadine had to be stopped.

Yes, let’s talk about your father, who I understand is now a wanted man. Not a good look on the heels of your disappearance. No one understands what the hell is going on, let alone our ceo’s involvement in it. Look, from our shareholders’ perspective, you have perpetuated a major fraud.

My attorney will be handling that.


Cut the crap, valentin. You need to step up and do your damn job.

Wherever you go, you have to keep in touch. No disappearing off the face of the earth this time.

Hey, that goes for you too. Look. Victor knows you weren’t really burned in that fire you and robert staged. He knows you tricked him. He’s not likely to forget.


Satisfying though it may be to know you got the best of a megalomaniac, is going back really good idea? I mean, is there anything left in port charles for you now?

I realize how frustrating this is.

The wsb won’t act because of jurisdictional issues?

When has that ever stopped them before, robert?

There must be someone you can call, robert.

It’s all about the increased scrutiny on intelligence agencies that we have to put up with these days.

You said there was nothing on that island. What difference does it make what nation it belongs to?

Look, four innocent people have been kidnapped, and one of them is an infant.

And another is a bone marrow donor for a woman with stage four leukemia.

Exactly. I just don’t see how anyone could object to sending out a rescue team under these circumstances.

Nobody hates red tape more than I do, and I’m doing my best to plow through it, but it just takes a bit of time.

They don’t have time.

And neither do I. The hell with the wsb. I’m getting our families home now.

that you could never get pregnant?


The hormone therapy is not permanent. Once molly stops taking the medication, ovulation will resume. And that’s probably why dr. Navarro wanted to wait. Until we know exactly what we’re dealing with, it’s all speculation. And worst case scenario, baby, this might be a speed bump, not a dead end.

But what if it is? I mean, I’ve already done a search on endometriosis. I know that it can cause infertility.

In some cases, definitely not all.

Right. Okay. I know you’re right. We just need more answers. You know what? I’m gonna note some questions. I’ll do research and ask dr. Navarro also.

[Tense music]

Hey, there’s an er patient I needed to check in on. Will you be okay for just a bit?

I got this.

Yeah, sure, go.

Okay. It won’t be long.

I’ll be okay. I need to check my messages. I’m waiting on discovery for a case.



Talk to me.

I’m just being irrational.

You’ve got nothing-

possibly. You know, feelings are not always rational. Tell me how you really feel.

[Crying] I feel like I just got told that I’ll never be a mom.

[Sighing] Oh, baby.


I’m just realizing what a ridiculous question that was for me to ask. I’m asking the woman who victor cassadine shot if he’s capable of harming someone. Oh, trina. I’m sorry. I really don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so sorry.

You’re not thinking. You’re feeling helpless, aren’t you? Because your child’s in danger.

[Machine beeping] And I’m feeling useless because I can’t be out there to help bring trina and spencer and ace back safely.

Well, don’t even think about getting out of that bed, ’cause that’s not happening. As much as I would love for you to be out there leading the charge.

I’ve been told I can’T. You’re not gonna get any answers out of these agencies. You know, they’re just-

they have to be really careful about the information that they put out there. But I’m gonna be very straight with you. Victor is ruthless. He hates me, but he is very smart. And he knows that trina is his leverage over spencer. So he’s not going to hurt her. You see, because then he would lose spencer.

Okay, but see, what I’ve heard about victor, I mean, does he really care about his family?

I believe he does. He could have killed valentin, but he didn’T. He went for me, and he let his son live.

Portia, there are some very good people out there on that man’s trail. And we’re gonna get a break soon. I feel that.

I pray that you’re right. And I pray that they find victor. But I’m also getting the feeling like it might be too late.


Ned, I’m not gonna get into it right now, but there’s more at stake than elq stock.

My point exactly. If our stock doesn’t rebound, there are real world consequences for our employees. It’s our responsibility to protect not only our shareholders, but our employees’ livelihoods.

Okay, ned, what do you want?

I want you to either get back to work or step down so I can officially take over.

Ned, that’s not gonna happen. I am not stepping down. Once my father’s been apprehended, I will recommit to elq. In the meantime, I trust you can handle whatever might come up. Goodbye, ned.

Valentin, valentin!

[Dramatic music] Unbelievable.

Thank you, we’ll be there. Okay. We’ve got a charter plane fueled up and ready to go. I’ve got a helicopter coming here in less than an hour. We can use the helipad on the roof.

Oh, that’s great. That gives me just enough time to get home, update the family, and then get what I need.

Right, and for me to check in at the club.

Yeah, I have to check in with kevin too.

I’m in.

No, no. You’ve got to stay here and keep putting pressure on the wsb to act quickly.

I can do that anywhere.

No, you can’T. Listen, my friend, you and anna and valentin are the only ones who are going to know exactly what’s going on. So I need you here as backup.



listen, this is the right way to do it. You know that.

Stay in touch.

Okay. Lean on the wsb. Okay? Meet me back here in less than an hour.

You got it.

I am gonna head to the club and brief n’neka and retrieve a little something.

Yeah, you do that. And what about portia?

Yeah, I’ll see portia before I go. She’s still upstairs in her office trying to distract herself with work.

Well, I’m sure she’s gonna appreciate the fact that we finally have a lead.


How many roses did you get?

Enough to fill the baskets, of course.

I can’t believe we were able to pry these baskets away from donna and avery. Donna has been practicing nonstop. She can’t wait for avery to get here so they can practice together.

Oh, that is adorable.

And donna insists that her big brother deserves the best flower girls ever.


I really appreciate how hard the whole family’s working to make this day so special for willow.

And you, michael. We all love you for some reason.


I know, I’m just being stupid.

Stupid? My daughter? Impossible. Honey, it’s very normal to be upset when you think something’s not right with your body, and especially if it’s something that you were counting on that you might not be able to do, like get pregnant. It’s very upsetting.

I mean, logically, I know that I could still be a mom even if I am infertile. Being a parent is so much more than just biology.

Absolutely. But we’re also getting ahead of ourselves here, right? We don’t even know if you have endometriosis until the biopsy comes back, yes?

Dr. Navarro seemed pretty certain. And I have all of the classic symptoms.

One step at a time.


And stop looking-

I’m taking this. Do not look at the internet to get your medical information. It’s just gonna leave you terrified.

I know, but mom, sitting around and waiting is just not in my dna.

I know, it’s not mine either. I’d be all over this thing, looking and trying to face the worst news head on.

Yeah, exactly. Knowledge is power.

So they say.


Yes, petite, she’s doing a lot better. Oh, you know what? I’m gonna let you go. I’ll give anna your well wishes. I love you too. What’s going on? What happened?

We think we know where victor is.


A small island off the coast of greenland.

Greenland? What’s in greenland?

According to the satellite, the haunted star and nothing else. But robert thinks that there was some kind of a lab there that was abandoned in the ’50s.

Mikkos preferred his underground bunkers. They were easier to conceal.

Okay, do you remember anything about a cassadine holding in greenland?

No, not at all.

Okay, well, I guess I’m about to find out. I am leaving with curtis and drew in less than an hour.

I’m going with you.

Oh, good. Great.

No, wait. I can’t do that.

Okay, I understand. Anna needs you. I’ll keep you updated as much as I can.

Laura, good luck.

[Dramatic music]


Look, the situation is critical. I need the director to authorize an operation now. Okay? It’s critical. I’ll be waiting for the call.

Robert, someone bothering you?

Not for long.

I’m sensing this is a bad time.

No, no, no, no, please. Come in. I’m waiting for a call. I can’t do anything. So what brings you by?

Well, I was at an arraignment. And I was on my way out when I heard your dulcet tones. So I’m glad I ran into you.

Wait, wait. Well, you didn’t really run into me. You came to me.

That’s absolutely-

that’s absolutely true. That’s actually true because I have something for you.

Oh, my day is about to look up.

[Both chuckling] Well, what do we got here?

That’s my dry cleaning bill.

I have unfinished business in port charles.

Good or bad?

That’s yet to be determined. Are you–are you up for a few questions?

Go ahead.

When you were victor’s prisoner, did he ever mention what he was up to, anything about his organization?

Well, I was there so long, the guards did get rather comfortable with me. They talked in front of me more than they probably should have.

Tell me everything.

Glad to be the catalyst of such mirth.

Do you really think that I would go running home to the bosom of my family to be embraced and comforted? My family doesn’t do team sympathy. We should have “survival of the fittest” engraved on our family crest. But it makes us sharp and strong. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Shall I pour you a drink?

No, I’m okay. Maybe later. So were you finally able to reach valentin?

For all the good it did.

I’m sorry, ned. Look, I wish I could pitch in or strategize with you.

No, no, no, no, you need to focus on your family. I’ll handle elq.

I appreciate you understanding. Look, at the end of the day, we both want elq to thrive, despite whatever our differences may be.

Maybe we aren’t so different after all.

How’s that?

Look, today is not the day to talk business. But one day soon, I’d like to sit down with you and drew, talk about elq. It might be time for some changes.

Hi, guys.


Michael, is willow around?

She’s at the gatehouse, resting.

Oh, okay. I need to speak to her. Obviously, I don’t want to disturb her, but-


what’s up?

What’s going on?

I can’t walk willow down the aisle today.

What’s this?

Why not?

We got a lead on the haunted star.

You found liesl?

I think so. I mean, I hope so. Curtis, laura, and I, we’re headed there right now.

Drew, “thank you” doesn’t even seem like enough. I know you can handle yourself, but you’re also putting yourself on the line.

Are you kidding? This has to be done. You don’t have to thank me. You know I would do anything in my power to rescue those hostages from victor and get liesl back here.

I just pray it’s soon.

Are you in any pain now?

No, mom. I’m okay right now. But I mean, ask me again in a month, and I will be curled up in the fetal position.

[Sighs] You know what really burns me up?


Even though I’ve been experiencing some of the symptoms for a while, I never thought anything serious could be wrong with me. I mean, I’ve always been so healthy. I’m a vegetarian. I drink plenty of water. I exercise when I can. God, I mean, how could I be so foolish? Why did I put this off for so long?

Molly. Molly, don’t do that now. What’s the point, right? The good news is you’re getting it checked out now. I mean, women way too often put their health on the back burner. You know that whatever happens, your sisters and i are here for you.

I never doubted it.


That’s all I know. I hope it helps.

You’ve given me a better idea of what victor’s up to.


Passengers, we are making our final approach to port charles airport. Please fasten your seatbelts and secure your carry-on items.

I want more time with you.

This is just goodbye for now. Buckle up, mom.



Let’s go back, shall we? Hold your finger right there while I start the engine. Next thing you know, motor oil all over me and my beautiful suit.

It was an accident.

Uh-huh, uh-huh. Vosburg versus putney, the offending party assumes all risk for the party affected.

Okay, I’ll pay the bill. Just don’t sue me.

[Laughs] Thank you.

Look, once again, I apologize for the evening’s disaster.

[Tense music] Yeah, who am I kidding? Come on, you’d look great wearing a paper bag.

Well, let’s not test that theory, shall we? No, w–no.

What do you mean no?

No, no. I don’t want you to kiss me like this. Well, as I recall, it didn’t end too badly.

You know, every guy really wants to hear something like that.

Of course, there’s always room for improvement.

Ah. Practice makes perfect.


Hey, how did things go with dr. Robinson?

Uh, well, I tried to convince her that victor wouldn’t hurt trina because she’s his leverage over spencer.

Did she believe that?

She wants to. I think she’s really trying to.

Do we believe that?

I don’t know. I wish–I wish I had more confidence that we were gonna pick up his trail.

Then you’ll be glad to know the haunted star has been located. Laura, chris, and drew are gearing up to go after victor as we speak.

That’s good. What about you?

[Dramatic music]

I know where I should be.

So do I.


I will bring trina home. That is a promise.




Have everything you need?

I do.

Well, where are you going? Can you tell me?

I’m going to an island off the coast of greenland.

I wish you didn’t have to go. I’m grateful because I know willow’s life depends on it.

Michael and willow are my family.

Please be careful. Please.

I’ll see you soon.


Please come back.

I’m gonna come back.

Everything okay?

Everything’s okay. And now that you’re back, I’m gonna leave.

Thank you again, mom.

I’m here for you.

[Soft music] And you.

Thank you.

You’re looking better. Good talk?

Yeah. How’s your “patient”?

Oh, I see definite improvement.

[Both laughing]

Well, hey, thank you for giving my mom and me some time to talk. It really helped.

We’ll get through this together, moll.

I know. I’m glad you’re back. I mean, my mom was definitely comforting, but she can’t do this.


[Knock on door]

[Dramatic music]



There’s one lesson in business that I’ve been slow to learn: Work can’t love you back. You figured that out before I did, and I admire you for it.

Yeah, well, don’t give me too much credit, because willow was the one who set my priorities straight.

Hey. Wow, those baskets look great.



That’s nice to see.

How about that? It just goes to show you, family really is about coming together, celebrating the good times and comforting each other through the bad.

Today’s a little bit of both.

But we’re not gonna cry. There’s not gonna be any tears, right? Because you heard drew. I mean, he’s gonna find liesl, willow is gonna have her bone marrow transplant, and before you know it, we’re gonna be celebrating michael and willow’s 10-year anniversary.

Hear, hear. Hear, hear.

I like the sound of that. You know what? And this family is gonna be stronger because this family’s bonds are unbreakable, no matter what life throws at us.

[Door slams]

What was that?

What on earth was monica thinking planting daffodils all the way up the drive? It looks like the easter bunny threw up out there. Thank god I am home to put things to rights.

[Dramatic music]


Helicopter is 10 minutes out. We should really go up to the roof. I just hope to god that victor doesn’t find what he’s looking for and leave before you even have a chance to get there.

Well, we can’t think like that, okay? Our mission is to rescue trina, spencer, ace, and liesl, and that’s what we’re gonna do.

Amen to that. You got everything you need? Hi.

Yeah, I did. Is that bag what I think it is?

I’m just happy we’re not going through airport security.

Me too.

So how long is this flight?

About seven hours, plenty of time for us to go over everything and know what we’re gonna do when we hit the ground.



I changed my mind. Is it too late to hitch a ride?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Monday, April 24, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

[ Phone clicking ]

[ Brooke laughs ]

Rj: Aw, nice. Look at us.

Brooke: Look at us. Rj, I– I still can’t believe you’re here.

Rj: The look on your face when you saw me… priceless.

Ridge: It was good.

Rj: Hey, don’t you laugh too hard. I got you too.

Ridge: You know what? Your surprise was so good, you almost didn’t make it in the building.

Rj: Almost. Keyword almost. All right? Ridge forrester jr. Always finds a way.

Ridge: Apparently, he does. Yes.

Brooke: Okay. You know what? You can play a trick like that on me anytime you want as long as it means you’re home, okay?

Thomas: Sorry, mom. Just… just one more second. When inspiration hits, you know?

Taylor: Oh, no, I do. I do know actually. You know, inspiration always used to hit your dad when we were just sitting down for dinner. So, I always… always kept extra napkins laying around so he could sketch on ’em.

Thomas: Yeah. Yeah. No, I remember. Um, okay. Sorry. Uh, what’s up?

Taylor: Um, it’s kind of annoying. I stopped by to really just see how things are going with hope.

Thomas: With hope?

Taylor: Yeah.

Thomas: They’re great.

Taylor: Okay. So, I have to ask. No urges or desire?

Thomas: That’s a very weird conversation to have with my mother.

Taylor: That’s a very fair conversation considering everybody’s worried. So…

Thomas: Okay. Mom, I– I promise I’m not having any urges or desires. Okay.

[ Laughs ] I– I’m not gonna try and manipulate anyone or force you and dad together. I– I honestly, I just wanna be the best designer I possibly can and I wanna prove to everybody that they can trust me, especially you.

Taylor: Oh. You don’t need to prove anything to me. I– I’m not the one, you know. I wouldn’t have backed you if I didn’t trust you. You know that, right?

Thomas: Yeah. I– I appreciate that. Thank you. I’m great.

Taylor: I know you are. You’ve done a lot of work on yourself and it’s all paying off, and I’m very proud of you. So is your dad.

Thomas: Aw. Thanks, mom.

Taylor: Yeah.

[ Taylor laughs ]

Thomas: I get it. I get it. Look, I’ve made strides before forward and then I fall back and I appreciate you looking out for me.

Taylor: Yeah. Look, you’ve– you are working harder than you’ve ever worked before and it shows, you know. But doesn’t mean that it’s not challenging working with hope day in and day out ’cause you’ve loved her for a long time.

Thomas: It’s not challenging. Yes, I do love hope. I still do ’cause she’s my friend, right? We’re coworkers. Co-parents. She’s a great person, right? But– but I’m not pursuing her in any way. I– I– I don’t want to be with her. I– I know she doesn’t want to be with me–

Taylor: I know, I know.

Thomas: And she’s with liam. And I respect their relationship and I will never, ever do anything to break them apart.

Taylor: Okay. Okay. I’m sorry I asked. I get it. I love you. Have I told you how proud I am of you?

Thomas: You just did, but it’s okay. You can tell me again ’cause I really like hearing it.

Taylor: Oh, my god. I am so proud of you.

Thomas: Thank you so much.

Taylor: Oh, my god. Sorry to just bombard you with all the questions.

[ Taylor laughs ]

Hope: Hi. Hi, taylor. Hi. I was actually– I was just about to go over some designs with thomas.

Taylor: Oh.

Ridge: Are you ever not on that thing?

Brooke: Ridge!

Ridge: What?

Rj: Check it out.

Ridge: That’s us. You uploaded the picture of us.

Rj: Yep.

Ridge: That’s got 3,000 likes already.

Rj: Yep.

Ridge: And this… you get paid for this?

Rj: Yes.

Ridge: Wow. Well, enjoy it.

Rj: Mom, I almost forgot. I come bearing gifts.

Brooke: Oh, you got me something?

Rj: Oh, yeah.

Brooke: Oh, chocolates.

Rj: Not just any old chocolates. It’s chocolates from switzerland.

Brooke: Chocolates from switzerland? I can’t believe this. Thank you, sweetie. Wait. Wait. When were you in switzerland?

Ridge: Boy gets around.

Rj: You know, it’s great seeing you two so happy. I know you guys have been through a lot lately.

Ridge: It’s an understatement.

Brooke: Yeah. But things are better now.

Rj: Yeah. I’m happy to hear it. How are all my brothers and sisters doing?

Brooke: They’re great. Bridget is in new york working at the hospital and rick’s still at international.

Rj: I know. We linked up in paris.

Brooke: Yeah, that’s right. And hope, she’s doing fabulous with her family, liam and the kids. And oh my gosh, her line, hope for the future is going crazy. It’s so successful.

Rj: I’ve– I’ve been keeping up with the latest and its fire. I gotta admit.

Brooke: Yeah.

Rj: Dad, how’s steffy?

Ridge: Steffy’s good. I mean, you know her. Force of nature, she’s got kids and a husband, a house and she’s running this company with me. It’s all effortless with her.

Rj: Yeah. Well, I’m glad that her and finn can finally put the whole sheila nightmare behind them. We all finally can, which is good.

Brooke: Hm.

Ridge: Didn’t ask about thomas. Didn’t ask about your brother.

Rj: Yeah. How– how is my big brother?

Ridge: He’s good. He’s doing really well. Have you spoken to him?

Rj: Um, no. Not in a while.

Ridge: Huh. But would you say that things are okay between the two of you? I’m steve, I lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo

Thomas: Okay. So this is what’s so amazing about lace, right? And– and keeping with the boho design. But you put it in there sort of as a base and then you can add something else on top of it like– like leather.

Hope: To give it a little edge.

Thomas: Exactly.

Hope: I like it. And we could also play with the colors and use the leather to create kind of a richer, darker tone, but then use the lace to soften it up.

Thomas: Like taking both worlds and bringing them together.

Taylor: You know what, kind of like the two of you. You know, I’ve– I’ve– I’ve never seen you guys so creatively in sync and it’s– it’s pretty cool. I’m– I’m sorry that liam is not okay with this, you know?

Hope: Oh, you know, hopefully, he gets used to it because we are co-workers.

Taylor: Yeah, of course. And god, he– he has no reason to be concerned anymore.

Thomas: Yeah. And that may be true, but he has every reason to be skeptical of me. I mean, I’ve– I’ve done some pretty horrible things in the past and hurt their relationship and I never want that to happen again. And I promise that I will, moving forward, you know, win him over. Are you okay?

Hope: Yeah. Yeah. It’s just everything is, I don’t know. We’re finally coming together with douglas, with hope for the future. And heck, I mean, even our moms are besties now.

Taylor: Yeah.

Thomas: I don’t– I didn’t see that coming.

Taylor: Yeah. Nope. Neither did I.

Thomas: I don’t think anyone could have.

Taylor: No. No. Look, brooke and I will always care about ridge. We really will. But you know, it’s– we have families with him, but it’s– it’s nice just to be done with all the drama.

Thomas: It is. You know, and dad, he wants the best for everyone honestly. I think that he really respects your friendship with brooke and I don’t know, he wants– he wants this family to be great. This– this very big, very weird and complicated family.

Rj: What’s my relationship like with my brother?

Ridge: Yeah. That’s the question.

Brooke: We understand if things are a bit complicated between you and thomas.

Rj: Complicated… it’s just what he did was messed up. Making that call to cps pretending to be mom. I’m not gonna lie, it hurt when you two got separated, but I can’t get caught up in all the family drama. I just can’T. I’ve watched my brothers and sisters go at it against each other just too many times. The whole forrester-logan rivalry, it isn’t fun, especially when you’re a forrester and a logan. And I’m proud to be both. I have great parents and amazing brothers and sisters. We’re all really, really blessed.

Ridge: Could have used your sound mind a few years ago.

Rj: Well, I think I needed to step away to develop it.

Brooke: You’ve really grown up, rj.

Ridge: We’re both proud of you.

Rj: Thank you, dad. I hope I’m not coming across like I don’t care. It’s just, I really don’t wanna get caught up in any of the family drama. It’s one of the reasons why I haven’t been back in so long.

Brooke: Of course. I mean, we understand. We don’t want you to have to feel like you need to pick a side.

Ridge: No, not at all. Family is supposed to help and inspire. It’s not something we should run from.

Rj: I’m not running, dad. I’m just trying to stay focused. You know, I think this whole latest encounter with sheila really proves that our family is much stronger unified than fighting against each other. Hell, if dad and bill can get along, there’s no reason our family can’t, right?

Ridge: Yeah, that’s a good point. Um, we’ve been doing pretty well.

Brooke: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Pretty well. It’s even better now though, right? Now that he’s back home? And I’m not gonna let you leave. I’m not. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition.

Hope: This is the collection so far.

Thomas: I wanted vintage hope for the future to inspire the collection, not– not be a reboot, right?

Hope: No, but showing its growth and development.

Thomas: Yeah. As we all have grown and developed over the time since hope for the future was launched, right? Actually, this one was zende’S.

Taylor: I– I love it. I– I love everything. I really do. I’M… you guys are a– a good team. You– you really are. You collaborate very, very well. I– I bet the bond is strengthened even more from parenting douglas together.

[ Door opens ]

Charlie: Sorry for the intrusion, but you might wanna lap up this grand cru before I spill it. Some might call it news, others might call it gossip.

Hope: What is it?

Charlie: Well, here I am, hard at work when the front desk wakes me– walkies me and says that ridge forrester is trying to get in the building.

Thomas: That’s the news, charlie?

Taylor: What?

Charlie: Well, security said ridge forrester was at the entrance, but ridge forrester was in his office working.

Hope: So someone is pretending to be ridge and trying to break into forrester.

Charlie: Oh, the tale of two ridges is far more complex than that my friends.

Thomas.: Can you get to the point?

Charlie: Well, the ridge at the front entrance was a real ridge. The ridge in this office was a real ridge. What? Two ridges? Two ridge forresters? How can that be? Well, there was a big ridge and a little ridge. Well, not so little anymore, I guess you’d call–

Hope: Are you talking about rj? Like our rj?

Charlie: Bingo.

Thomas: Why didn’t you just say that in the first place?

Hope: Thomas, our baby brother is home.

Thomas: Yeah.

Ridge: Well, what do you think? You– you just gonna stay for a while or you– you just gonna stay until the next festival kicks off?

Rj: That’s a fair question. But no, I’m not just passing through. I’ve– I’ve– I’ve really missed you guys. I miss being home.

Brooke: Oh, honey. You don’t know how good it makes me feel to hear you say that.

Ridge: So maybe since you’re gonna stay for a while, you could be in the office.

Brooke: Uh, ridge…

Ridge: Yeah. He could work as– as an intern.

Rj: Dad?

Ridge: What?

Rj: What are you doing? You know how I feel about the fashion industry. I–

Ridge: I know, but it’s been a while and maybe now coming back, it– it would be different. You know, you could spend some time with me, with your granddad. We’d just be here and we’d, I don’t know, we’d love to have you.

Rj: I– I appreciate the offer, but I got my own thing going on.

Ridge: Yeah. The– the online stuff.

Rj: Yeah. I mean, that’s stuff, being an influencer, it allows me to travel the world. Collaborate with so many artists. And–

Ridge: I know because you are an artist. We– we– we are artists.

Brooke: Ridge, don’t pressure him. Okay? He’s just finding his–

Ridge: I’m– I’m not! I’m just talking about the sketches you used to make. And they were good. You remember? They were good.

Rj: Dad, thank you. I appreciate it. But come on, isn’t it already busy enough here between you and granddad and hope and steffy? And not to mention thomas and zende are killing it.

Ridge: Just because they’re designers it doesn’t mean that we don’t have room for you. What?

Rj: Dad, I’ve got my own followers. I’m– I’m building my brand. I’m making my own content and it’s–

Ridge: Okay. I know. I– I get that. I’m– I’m hip to all that. But here’s the thing. Wait. Hey, if you’re gonna create some stuff here, you design some stuff here, you could make your brand bigger. Get more followers. You know what I’m saying? Please.

Brooke: Yes, I know what you’re saying, but can you just stop for a second? He just got here.

Ridge: I know.

Brooke: Look, he’s– he’s here. I don’t wanna scare him away, ridge. Stop. I really missed you so much. I did. I missed you.

Rj: I missed you too. Martial arts is my passion.

Hope: Wait, so rj is here in los angeles?

Charlie: Not just in los angeles, but in the building, mon amie. In fact, he’s in the office de grand fromage with brooke as we speak.

Thomas: Wow. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen rj.

Charlie: Well, he is not such a kid anymore. In fact, he turned out to be quite the handsome jack. Chip off the old block, if you ask me. You can tell tell ridge I said that, okay?

Thomas: Okay.

Charlie: Okay. Well, I will get outta your hair and charlie, will go back to what charlie does best and that is keeping forrester safe from neferocity.

Thomas: It’s not a word, charlie.

Charlie: Oh.

Taylor: This is exciting. Your little brother’s back.

Hope: I know. We– I was actually talking about rj with my mom this morning. I mean, she always misses him, but sometimes it just hits her really hard. So, I am sure that she is thrilled. So I am… I’m gonna go see our brother.

Thomas: Yeah, you go ahead. I’ll catch up.

Hope: Okay.

Thomas: Yeah.

Taylor: Um, okay. Um… why didn’t go with hope to see your brother?

Thomas: ‘Cause I have stuff I have to do right now.

Taylor: Really? Have you talked to rj at all?

Thomas: No. Not in a while.

Taylor: No? Why?

Thomas: Because being at odds with his mom makes for some pretty awkward conversation.

Taylor: Okay. But you’re not at odds anymore, so.

Thomas: He doesn’t know that.

Taylor: Yeah, because you haven’t talked to him in a while. See? See how that works? Come on. It’d be good for you to reconnect with your brother.

Thomas: Do you have to do the psych thing all the time?

Taylor: Do you have to avoid the psych thing all the time? I wanna know how you feel about rj being back.

Thomas: You know, I could ask you the exact same question. How do you feel about the only child that dad and brooke ever had being back?

Rj: So we’re cool, dad?

Ridge: Yeah. I’m just happy you’re home.

Brooke: We both are. And don’t worry, there’s gonna be plenty of time to figure out what you wanna do while you’re back here in la.

Rj: Well, I mean, I know I wanna work on my online brand. But don’t worry, dad, I’m not gonna slack off.

Ridge: I’m not– why do you– no, I know. I’m– I’m not worried about you slacking off. I know how you get when you’re passionate about something. I just don’t want you to forget that you have designer blood running through your veins. That’s all.

Hope: Rj.

Rj: Oh, hey, hope.

Hope: Excuse me. Come here. Come here. Hi. Oh, my gosh. I can’t believe you.

Rj: What?

Hope: When we talked yesterday, you didn’t tell me you were coming home.

Rj: Well, I wanted to surprise you and all of them.

Brooke: And what a wonderful surprise it was.

Hope: Well, you look great.

Rj: Aw, thank you. So do you. Not to mention you have been killing it with hope for the future.

Hope: Ah, yeah. Well, thomas does deserve some of the credit, but what about you? I mean, I’ve been keeping up to date on all your exciting adventures.

Rj: Yeah. It– it’s been amazing, but I, you know, I was ready to come home. I missed everybody, especially you.

Hope: Does this mean you’re going to stay for more than a week?

Brooke: He better be.

Rj: Yes. I… like I was telling mom and dad, I’m gonna be hanging around for a while and my plans are open.

Ridge: That’s what we like to hear.

Hope: Well, you were certainly missed. Right, mom?

Brooke: Yes. So much.

Hope: Oh, my gosh. Look at you. I mean, it feels just like yesterday that we were running around these halls and having dance parties in the showroom after everyone left for the day.

Rj: Yeah. Such are good times.

Hope: Yes, they were. And now we get to have some more. It’s good to have you home, rj.

Rj: It’s good to be home.

Hope: Oh, group hug.

Brooke: Let’s do a family hug.

Hope: Everyone get in here. I’m so happy.

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General Hospital Character Description: Brook Lynn Quartermaine

AMANDA SETTON (Brook Lynn) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Amanda Setton As Brook Lynn. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Brook Lynn Quartermaine

Brook Lynn is the daughter of Ned Quartermaine and his ex-wife, Lois. She grew up in Bensonhurst with Lois, but Ned visited. She’s very close with both of her parents. She came to Port Charles to stay for a while in 2004 and was involved in teen storylines off and on. She’s been back in town as an adult since 2019.

Brook Lynn is a singer and songwriter, but she lost her singing voice when her throat was slashed by Nelle. She is a very strong and smart woman. She works for ELQ and also in the music business. She has an on=again, off-again relationship with police officer Chase, who sang some of her songs and had a brief music career.

Brook Lynn is very loyal to her friends and will go to great lengths to help them. She is a good friend to Maxie.

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AMANDA SETTON (Brook Lynn) on General Hospital “04/05/23” Episode “15193” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)

General Hospital Character Description: Ava Jerome

GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Maura West as Ava Jerome. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Ava Jerome


Ava came to town in 2013 with her daughter, Kiki. She was revealed to be part of the Jerome crime family, which had ruled Port Charles in the 80’s. Her brother, Julian, also came to town.  Ava had a past with both Franco and Silas. She claimed that Franco was the father of Kiki. She’d had an affair with Silas while he was married to Nina, and he was the real father.

Ava was also a cold-blooded murderer when she first arrived, but they toned down that aspect of her character as time went on. Although she is still a strong person and a force to be reckoned with (especially when crossed), she’s no longer a murderer. She tries to be a good person most of the time and has long left the family business.  She had a daughter, Avery, with town mobster Sonny.

Ava owns an art gallery and has friendships with some of the people in town, including Nina, Trina, and Austin. She has suffered a lot, including: the death of Kiki; having been burned in a terrible fire; losing boyfriend Morgan, losing her husband, Nikolas, who cheated on her, and the death of her brother, Julian.

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MAURA WEST (Ava) General Hospital “12/06/21” Episode “14865” – “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Eric McCandless)

General Hospital Character Description: Austin Gatlin-Holt

GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Roger Howarth as Austin Gatlin Holt. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Austin Gatlin-Holt


Austin (Roger Howarth) showed up in May, 2021. He was living in Pautauk, where he grew up, and found Maxie about to give birth in the nearby woods. He delivered her child and ended up moving to Port Charles. His parents are the late Jimmy Lee Holt and Charity Gatlin (characters from the show back in the 1980’s).  Although he is a dedicated doctor, he’s a bit of a strange person – quirky – and is not entirely honest. He has used people when it suits his needs and can be a bit sleazy.

Austin has been revealed to be the grandson of Edward Quartermaine (Jimmy Lee was his illegitimate son) and tried to prove that he was an heir to part of the family fortune. In the meantime, Britt hired him at General Hospital.

He is good friends with Maxie, the late Britt, and Ava. He helped Ava cover up Nikolas’ near-death.  His family in Pautauk is involved with the mob.  He is threatened by his cousin Mason.  Not much else is known about him so far.

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ROGER HOWARTH (Austin) with KIRSTEN STORMS (Maxie) Episode: 0811 “08/11/22” GENERAL HOSPITAL – Episode “15031” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Frank Micelotta)

Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

Y&R logo



Recap written by Eva

Tucker finalizes the deal to sell McCall Unlimited to Victor and later gives Ashley a check to pay his debt to her. Ashley asks Tucker to move in with her to see if their relationship can work. Tucker wants Ashley to prove to him that she has feelings for him. Ashley kisses Tucker to prove she has feelings for him and doesn’t want him to leave town.

Victor wants Nick to be Adam’s COO but Nick turns down the offer because they would only argue all the time. Adam and Sally talk about their fears about raising their soon-to-be-born baby girl but they agree to support each other through their doubts about parenting.

Chance gets a call and is told that Jeremy Stark has been found dead.
Y&R Recap Here

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Y&R cast animation

General Hospital Character Descriptions

General Hospital cast 2023 from Disney/ABC press site

GH Characters List


More descriptions to come! Characters past and present.  Click on the links to see the description!


Recurring Characters

  • Aiden Spencer (Adrian & Brett Ritter/Jason David/Enzo De Angelis)
  • Amy Driscoll (Risa Dorken)
  • Avery Corinthos (Ava and Grace Scarola)
  • Bailey Louise Jones (London & Jett Prinzo-Berendt)
  • Bobbie Spencer (Jackie Zeman)
  • Book (Brad Schmidt)
  • Brad Cooper (Parry Shen)
  • Brick (Stephen A. Smith)
  • Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud)
  • Cameron Webber Spencer (Michael Leone/William Lipton)
  • Carolyn Webber (Denise Crosby)
  • Charlotte Cassadine (AnaSofia Bianchi)
  • Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober)
  • Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson)
  • Danny Morgan (Zakary Risinger)
  • Detective Bennett (Kendrick Cross)
  • Diane Miller (Carolyn Hennesy)
  • Deanna Sirtis (Dioni Michelle Collins)
  • Emma Scorpio-Drake (Brooklyn Rae Silzer)
  • Ethan Lovett (Nathan Parsons/James Ryan)
  • Felix DuBois (Marc Anthony Samuel)
  • Frank (Frank Lyn)
  • Georgie Spinelli (Lily Fisher)
  • Gladys Corbin (Bonnie Burroughs)
  • Grant Smoltz (David Lautman)
  • Heather Webber (Robin Mattson/Alley Mills)
  • Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers)
  • Holly Sutton Scorpio (Emma Samms)
  • Jake Spencer (Hudson West)
  • James West (Curtis & James Rufca)
  • Jeff Webber (Richard Dean Anderson/William R. Moses)
  • Jennifer Arden (Jennifer Field)
  • Johann Bauer (Max Decker)
  • Dr. Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom)
  • Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Kali Rodriguez/Sarah & Emma Smith/Lindsey MorganLexi Ainsworth)
  • Leo Quartermaine (Easton Rocket Sweda)
  • Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati)
  • Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring)
  • Mac Scorpio (John J. York)
  • Marcus Taggert (Réal Andrews)
  • Martin Grey (Michael E. Knight)
  • Mason Gatlin (Nathanyael Gray)
  • Molly Lansing Davis (Haley Alexis Pullos)
  • Monica Quartermaine (Leslie Charleston)
  • N’neeka (Arlondriah Lenyea)
  • Ned Ashton (Wally Kurth)
  • Nikolas Cassadine (Tyler Christopher/Coltin Scott/Tyler Christopher/Marcus Coloma/Adam Huss)
  • Olivia Falconeri Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero)
  • Phyllis Caulfield (Joyce Guy)
  • Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers)
  • Robin Scorpio-Drake (Kimberly McCullough)
  • Rocco Falconeri (Finn Francis Carr)
  • Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner)
  • Scout Cain (Cosette Abinate)
  • Selina Wu (Lydia Look)
  • Sergeant Robinson (Nathaniel Harris)
  • Dr. Sofia Navarro (Christina Ferraro)
  • Stella Henry (Vernee Watson)
  • Sly Thomas (Gavin Houston)
  • Sterling Robinson (Ricco Ross)
  • Terry Randolph (Cassandra James)
  • Trish (Trish Ramish)
  • Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart)
  • Violet Finn (Jophielle Love)
  • Wiley Quartermaine (Viron Weaver)
  • Yuri (Cyrus Hobbi)


Past Characters

Updated cast info from Wikipedia

Other Character Lists: ATWT, B&B, The City/Loving, Days, GH:NS, GL, OLTL, Passions, PC, Y&R

GH Cast List

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General Hospital Store

General Hospital cast photo from ABC


Buy GH Merchandise here!

Click on the title to get information about the book and to buy it from Amazon. com!

These make great gifts for your favorite GH fan and help out our site, too…

In Association with

  • General GH Books etc.

General Hospital: The Complete Scrapbook cover
General Hospital: The Complete Scrapbook [Hardcover]

General Hospital: Night Shift - Complete First Season DVD cover

General Hospital: Night Shift – Complete First Season
3 disc DVD set – 530 minutes

Love, Honor, and Cherish cover
Love, Honor and Cherish: The Greatest Wedding Moments from All My Children, General Hospital, and One Life to Live by Gary Warner (Hardcover)

The Music of General Hospital CD cover

The Music of General Hospital (CD)
with Wally Kurth (Ned), Brad Maule (Tony), and Vanita Harbour (Dara).

The Official General Hospital Trivia Book by Gerard J. Waggett (Paperback)
The Official General Hospital Trivia Book by Gerard J. Waggett (Paperback)
Soap Opera Digest - General Hospital Turns 60 cover Soap Opera Digest – General Hospital Turns 60
General Hospital Quizzes: How Well Do You Know General Hospital? book cover General Hospital Quizzes: How Well Do You Know General Hospital? by Mr Joshua Fealing
PEOPLE General Hospital 60th Anniversary magazine cover PEOPLE General Hospital 60th Anniversary

An Insider's Guide to the GH Fan Club Weekend
An Insider’s Guide to the
General Hospital Fan Club Weekend
by Katrina Rasbold

People Celebrates GH

People Celebrates General Hospital
(Hardcover) 50th Anniversary Special by the Editors of People Magazine

Daytime's Greatest Weddings: General Hospital VHS

Daytime’s Greatest Weddings: General Hospital
(September 8, 1993)

Love Affair CD
Love Affair CD
Timeless love songs performed by ABC’s stars, including GH’s Bradford Anderson (Spinelli), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany), Tony Geary (Luke), and Rick Hearst (Ric).

ABC: A Holiday Affair CD

ABC: A Holiday Affair CD
Performances by GH’s Jason Thompson (Patrick) and Scott Clifton (Dillon).

Soap Dishes: The Cookbook-- Collectors Edition
Dishes: The Cookbook
GH’s Steve Burton (Jason) & Derk Cheetwood (Max), Co-Creators
Contains many recipes from 35 soap stars, including GH’s Kelly Monaco (Sam), Maurice Benard (Sonny), Drew Cheetwood (Milo), Bradford Anderson (Spinelli), Dominic Zamprogna (Dante), Rick Hearst (ex-Ric), Carolyn Hennesy (Diane), Scott Reeves (Steve), Tyler Christopher (Nikolas), Laura Wright (Carly), and Brandon Barash (Johnny).

Hot Guys of AMC, OLTL, and GH 2009 Calendar
Hot Guys of AMC, OLTL, and GH 2009 Calendar
featuring Maurice Benard (Sonny), Jason Thompson (Patrick), Greg Vaughan (Lucky), Brandon Barash (Johnny), Bradford Anderson (Spinelli), and Steve Burton (Jason).

Carpool Guy DVD cover

Carpool Guy
Movie directed by Corbin Bernsen (John Durant), starring Bernsen, Tony Geary (Luke), Rick Hearst (Ric), Sean Kanan (ex-A.J.), Lesli Kay (ex-Lois), Sharon Case (ex-Dawn) and other soap stars!


Port Chuck Volume 2
[Audio CD]
Port Chuck Volume 1
    • Maurice Benard (Sonny)

screenshot of Sonny (Maurice Benard) and Diane (Carolyn Hennesy) on GH

The Ghost and the Whale [Amazon Video]
Maurice Benard (Sonny) May 17, 2016
Nothing General About It: How Love (and Lithium) Saved Me On and Off General Hospital by Maurice Benard book cover Nothing General About It: How Love (and Lithium) Saved Me On and Off General Hospital by Maurice Benard Kindle Hardback Paperback
Maurice Benard Notebook cover Maurice Benard Notebook


  • Carolyn Hennesy (Diane) Books

The Secret Life of Damian Spinelli [Hardcover]

The Secret Life of Damian Spinelli
[Hardcover] by Carolyn Hennesy (Diane) As the finest computer hacker in Port Charles, Spinelli has decided to put his talent to good use as a private detective.
Here are his tales of intrigue, kidnapping, murder, and more.

Pandora Gets Greedy
[Hardcover] (The Mythic Misadventures) by Carolyn Hennesy (Diane)

Pandora Gets Angry
[Paperback] by Carolyn Hennesy (Diane)

Pandora Gets Heart
[Paperback] by Carolyn Hennesy (Diane)

Pandora Gets Vain
[Paperback] by Carolyn Hennesy (Diane)

Pandora Gets Lazy
[Paperback] by Carolyn Hennesy (Diane)

Pandora Gets Jealous
[Hardcover] by Carolyn Hennesy (Diane)
Pandora Gets Frightened cover Pandora Gets Frightened  by Carolyn Hennesy (Diane)
A Snow White Christmas key art A Snow White Christmas Starring: Michelle Randolph, Carolyn Hennesy, Liam McNeill, et al.
  • Michael Easton (Finn/Silas/John) Books

Michael Easton (Finn/Silas/John) from his site

Credence [Paperback] by Michael Easton April 1, 2014

Soul Stealer: The Collector’s Edition
[Hardcover] by Michael Easton  February 1, 2014
The Green Woman (Hardcover) The Green Woman (Hardcover) by Peter Straub, Michael Easton and John Bolton
18 Straight Whiskeys paperback by Michael Easton (cover) Eighteen Straight Whiskeys Paperback by Michael Easton
  • Rick Springfield (ex-Noah/Eli) CDs

Rick Springfield (ex-Noah/Eli) on GH from his site

An Affair of the Heart
[DVD] [2-disc Blu-ray] Documentary film by Rick Springfield & Sylvia Caminer

Magnificent Vibration: A Novel
[Hardcover] by Rick Springfield

Rick Springfield: Live in Rockford

Rick Springfield: Live in Rockford
 DVDFeaturing 17 of his greatest hits including “Jessie’s Girl” as well as bonus material.

Rick Springfield CD
Springfield – The Day After Yesterday
Late, Late at Night by Rick Springfield cover Late, Late at Night by Rick Springfield (Hardcover)
Original Album Classics CD Box Set Rick Springfield Original Album Classics CD Box Set
Working Class Dog: 40th Anniversary Special Live Edition Working Class Dog: 40th Anniversary Special Live Edition
Springfield - Deluxe Edition CD Springfield – Deluxe Edition CD
Extended Play, Reissued, Extra Tracks, Remastered
Mission Magic CD Mission Magic CD
Rick Springfield - Greatest Hits Rick Springfield – Greatest Hits
Nick Knight (movie) Nick Knight (movie) Prime DVD
Ricki and the Flash (movie) Ricki and the Flash (movie)

Prime DVD  Blu-Ray

Rick Springfield - To The Beat of the Live Drum Rick Springfield – To The Beat of the Live Drum

Prime  DVD

Confessions of a Rick Springfield Fan Paperback by Michele L. Mathews cover Confessions of a Rick Springfield Fan Paperback by Michele L. Mathews

Buy more Rick Springfield Merchandise on his site!


  • Sean Kanan (ex-AJ)

Sean Kanan as AJ on GH and now

Way of the Cobra: Unleash Your Inner Badass book cover Way of the Cobra: Unleash Your Inner Badass (Paperback) by Sean Kanan (Author), Michele Kanan (Editor), and Jason Gonzalez (Illustrator)
The Modern Gentleman: Cooking and Entertaining with Sean Kanan book cover The Modern Gentleman: Cooking and Entertaining with Sean Kanan (Paperback)
Success Factor X: Inspiration, Wisdom, and Advice from 50 of America's Best book cover Success Factor X: Inspiration, Wisdom, and Advice from 50 of America’s Best (Hardcover) by Jill Liberman and Sean Kanan (Author)
Studio City on Prime Video Studio City starring Sean Kanan (AJ), Carolyn Hennesy (Diane), Tristan Rogers (Robert), Sarah Joy Brown (Carly) and Lilly Melgar (Lily)
  • Thaao Penghlis (ex-Victor)

DAYS OF OUR LIVES -- “Day of Days” -- Pictured: Thaao Penghlis at the Xbox Plaza at L.A. Live on November 12, 2022 -- (Photo by: Todd Williamson/Peacock)

Places: The Journey of My Days, My Lives
by Thaao Penghlis (ex-Victor)

Kindle Edition
July 15, 2014
Seducing Celebrities One Meal at a Time Hardcover by Thaao Penghlis book cover Seducing Celebrities One Meal at a Time (Hardcover) by Thaao Penghlis
  • Adrienne Barbeau (ex-Suzanne)

There Are Worse Things I Could Do book cover

There Are Worse Things I Could Do
by Adrienne Barbeau (Suzanne)

Love Bites [Hardcover]

Love Bites
[Hardcover] by Adrienne Barbeau (Suzanne)

Vampyres of Hollywood [Paperback]

Vampyres of Hollywood
[Paperback] by Adrienne Barbeau (Suzanne)
  • Other GH stars

Anna Lee: Memoir of a Career on General Hospital and in Film (Paperback)

Anna Lee: Memoir of a Career on General Hospital and in Film
(Paperback) by Barbara
Cooper.   Email the author at

Amazon Prime Video: Marc Anthony Samuel (Felix) and Kathleen Gati (Obrecht) star in “Ladies of the Lake” and the sequel, “Ladies of the Lake: Return to Avalon.”

Miles Away
[Paperback] by Anthony Montgomery (ex-André)May 28, 2013

Girl Go Home
[Audio CD] by Scott Clifton (ex-Dillon)January 27, 2015

Main Squeeze
Maine Squeeze (Kindle Edition) by GH’s Molly Lansing-Davis

Love in Maine

Love in Maine
(Paperback) by GH’s Connie Falconeri

Baby, It’s Cold Outside
[Audio CD] Jen Lilley (ex-Maxie, GH) & Eric Martsolf (Brady, Days)

Radio Cinematic CD

Radio Cinematic
[CD] By Jonathan Jackson (ex-Lucky) & Enation

How We Got Away With It
(DVD) Jon Lindstrom (Kevin) directs and stars (or watch it on
Amazon Instant Video

Dead Extra (Episode 1 of 6) (A Liberty Strong Series) [Kindle Edition] by Michael Saucedo (ex-Juan)

Robin's Diary by Claire Labine, Judith Pinsker (Paperback)
Robin’s Diary by Claire Labine, Judith Pinsker (Paperback)

Luke and Laura, Vol. 1: Lovers on the Run VHS

Luke and Laura, Vol. 1: Lovers on the Run


Luke & Laura Vol.2:Greatest Love of (1994) VHS cover

Luke & Laura Vol.2:Greatest Love of (1994)


Undisputed III: Redemption DVD cover

Undisputed III: Redemption

Movie starring Mykel Shannon Jenkins (ex-Officer Murphy)

On the Brink of Bliss and Insanity (Paperback)

On the Brink of Bliss and Insanity
(Paperback) by Lisa Cerasoli (ex-V.)A novel about Annie, a self-deprecating, authentically-raw, 28-year-old who freefalls from an all-time low to rock bottom.

Greatest Hits? 1993-2010
Greatest Hits? 1993-2010 Kurth & Taylor CDFeaturing Wally Kurth (ex-Ned)

Live Kurth & Taylor CD
Live Kurth & Taylor CD Featuring Wally Kurth (ex-Ned)

I’m Not Done With U Yet [MP3 Music]
by Ilene Kristen (Delia)

Daytime's Greatest Weddings DVD cover

Daytime’s Greatest Weddings

Jacob Young CD

Jacob Young
CD (ex-Lucky)

Palo Alto Stories [Hardcover]

Palo Alto Stories
by James Franco (Franco)

Keeper of the Wind cover
Keeper of the Wind  (Paperback) by Charlotte Boyett-Compo
The heroine of this saga is based on Vanessa Marcil (Brenda)

35 Daytime Stars One Scandalous Secret


Also check out our stores for Various Soaps, All My Children, Another World, As the World Turns, Bold & the Beautiful, Days of Our Lives, Guiding Light, One Life to Live, Passions, Port Charles, The Young and the Restless, & Primetime!

We get nothing from the sale of the items below, and we have no idea if they all are still for sale or not. Please let us know if you find that one is not working or is no longer for sale. Thanks!

Search here for posters for GH actors Jack Wagner, James Franco, Elizabeth Taylor, John Franco, Richard Dean Anderson, Ricky Martin and more!

Click here for your favorite eBay items  Search Ebay for General Hospital collectibles!

Buy CD’s and DVD’s of Jen Lilley (ex-Maxie) music and movies on iTunes

Buy the GH 2014 Nurses’ Ball Soundtrack on iTunes

Ingo Rademacher (ex-Jax) and his Hawaiian wife, Ehiku, sell colorful, original Mahiku Activewear at

Tony Geary movie

Amsterdam: On the move with Anthony Geary (ex-Luke) [DVD]

To purchase a 25-minute whirlwind tour of Amsterdam (Tony’s adopted Dutch city), send a $20 money order to Jim Warren, PO Box 3555, Hollywood, CA 90078.


The Stafford Project

The Stafford Project: Season One [DVD]
by Michelle Stafford (Nina)




Wally Kurth (Justin, Days; ex-Ned, GH) and Christian Taylor have released their first new song in five years. An homage to Kurth’s home state of Montana, “Big Sky Country” features their trademark harmonies over a bed of electric and acoustic guitars. The tagline of the chorus, “The Last Best Place You Can Find,” is Montana’s state tourism slogan. It’s available as a digital download on iTunes, Amazon, and CD Baby. View a lyric video on YouTube, featuring historical concert footage of the band’s more than 20 years of live performances as well as footage of Kurth shot in Montana.

Some of the offers below may not still be available…we don’t know, sorry! If you find a bad link or an offer has gone, please let us know.

In celebration of GH’s 50th anniversary, ABC has released prints capturing iconic moments from past decades, including the 50th anniversary cast photo at

See excerpts and order the book “YOU (and Me!) at the General Hospital Fan Club Weekend” by Katrina Rasbold. It’s an insider’s guide to surviving the GH Fan Club Weekend without making an ass of yourself and getting talked about like a dog all over the Internet.

Shades of ElvisShades of Elvis: John Stamos (ex-Blackie), Rick Springfield (Noah) and many other celebrities are in this photo book!

Brandon Barash (Johnny) takes beautiful photographs, which he sells on his website

Candles made by Chad Brannon’s wife, Carly. Chad played Zander on GH.

General Hospital music – Fundraiser CD!
Title of CD: “Stretch Productions: The Answer”
Part of EACH sale goes to ACD research. Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia is a rare & fatal infant lung disease. (This is a great CD for anyone who is a ‘General Hospital’ or a ‘Kurth & Taylor Band’ fan! This is a compilation CD- and there is also a song given to us from the wedding episode from TLC’s ‘The Duggars: 19 Kids & Counting’.)
Wally Kurth & Christian Taylor are very popular from ABC’s ‘General Hospital’ and gave 3 songs to be used on this compilation fundraising CD. (Christian Taylor has been faithfully working with us since 2006, and is really behind this project.)
Over the years, these songs became very popular from the show but were not commercially recorded until now. Track #1 – “The Answer”, Track #2 – “Only One I Love”, & Track #7 – “Let It Go”.
You will be very uplifted by this music, and will be helping out a very worthy cause at the same time! The Kurth and Taylor Band are playing on the CD. We provided the singers but they are playing the music.
You can hear clips and order downloads here:  ITunes  And you can also order a physical CD through our website (I can mail anyplace in the world- just be sure to either click on “USA” or “International” when you order!) Also, let me know if you want to put a few CDs in a store- and I’ll give you the wholesale price. – Cami McCraw

Maurice Benard & Steve Burton Photo BooksMaurice Benard & Steve Burton Photo Books
New pocket-size photo books with over 40 pages of the best of Steve Burton and Maurice Benard, printed in the USA. Many never before seen photos, more than half in full color, as well as actor favorites, all taken by Jim Warren.

Brandon Barash Photography
Photos that Barash (ex-Johnny) takes and sells for charity.

Enation -- The Future is a Memory: Live from the Northwest

ENATION — The Future is a Memory: Live from the Northwest
Download Album (MP3)
Released: 2009

Featuring Jonathan Jackson (ex-Lucky)

Benefiting the Desi Geestman Foundation, which provides financial and emotional support to young cancer victims and their families, Steve Burton (GH’s Jason) & Derk Cheetwood (GH’s Max) have co-created “Soap Dishes:  The Cookbook,” featuring 35 of your favorite daytime soap opera stars who have come together with their most delicious recipes on over 200 pages with exclusive intimate interviews that will take you through a behind the scenes look at the private lives of your favorite actors with gorgeous color photos. To pre-order this special hardcover collectible first-run edition for $39.95, click here.  The estimated ship date is between November 15 and December 1.

ABC is releasing some favorite songs from GH that mirror the storylines of the show about undying love, heartbreak, lust, and loss. Some of the songs which have been themes for couples are: “Ours to Keep” (Jason and Elizabeth), “So Right” (Luke and Tracy), “Patience” (Jax and Carly), “Something About You” (Lulu and Logan), “Just Close Your Eyes” (Nikolas and Nadine), and “One Thing On My Mind” (Ric and Claudia).  Log on to, or to buy each song for $.99 starting December 15.

Book coverPublicist Tommy Garrett, who represented General Hospital’s Anna Lee (ex-Lila)  and still represents Constance Towers (Helena) and many other TV and film stars, wrote the book, “The Making of Hollywood Stars.”  Get the gossip on your favorite stars!  Tommy Lightfoot Garrett, the author of “So, You Want To Be In Pictures: The Making Of Hollywood Idols, also wrote his second in a series of four tell-all books. Titled “The Making Of Hollywood Stars,” this tome from the press agent/television and radio show host ties the biggest performers of today to their counterparts of yesteryear. Included amongst the list of Tinseltown A-listers are daytime celebrities:  Las Vegas’ Josh Duhamel (ex-Leo, AMC), Susan Flannery (Stephanie, B&B), Ingo Rademacher (Jax, GH), and Cameron Mathison (Ryan, AMC). “Mathison is a star. He’s handsome and talented. But I think people would be shocked to know that his almost Canadian blue blood breeding makes him one of the most genuine and interesting people I have ever worked with,” Garrett relates. “Dancing his heart out on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars is a dream come true for him… he’s come a long way from being a disabled child in a leg brace.” The Making Of Hollywood Stars, which retails for $16.95, is available from,, and retail.

Stretch Productions in Texas records some of the Kurth & Taylor music (Wally Kurth, Ned of GH, is half of this duo). There are several versions of “Only One I Love” available (a beautiful song!), and one new release of the duet “The Answer”, which was written by Christian Taylor for Wally Kurth’s wedding. The CD is only 5.00 USA dollars. You can send a message to the following website for ordering details:  -and to hear the songs before you order a CD:  -and to see the video of “The Answer”:

Buy a T-shirt with an almost-naked Jason Thompson (Patrick) to help fight skin cancer:

Stretch Productions in Texas records some of the Kurth & Taylor music (Wally Kurth, Ned of GH, is half of this duo). There are several versions of “Only One I Love” available (a beautiful song!), and one new release of the duet “The Answer”, which was written by Christian Taylor for Wally Kurth’s wedding. The CD is only 5.00 USA dollars. You can send a message to the following website for ordering details:  and to hear the songs before you order a CD:  and to see the video of “The Answer”:

Download Rie Sinclair songs played on GH and GH: Nightshift!

Scott Clifton (ex-Dillon) has released a CD, UNTITLED. To order, send $16.95 (check or money order payable to Brother Wolfe Inc.) for U.S. orders or $17.95 in Canada to UNTITLED c/o Jeff Pescetto Music, P.O. Box 1781, Agoura Hills, CA 91376, or visit

GH Nurses’ Ball Soundtrack! 2 CDs! 1994-2000! Complete collection of songs (and a couple speeches) from all Nurse’s Balls. Custom made compilation! Choose the tracks you want included. 39 tracks to choose from. (Future Nurse’s Ball tracks will be sold at discount for those who buy first set). Price: $22 (includes shipping costs). May accept trades!

Daytime Treasures

Buy Ricky Martin and other calendars  cal_rickymartin_full.jpg (85862 bytes)

So Love Returns

So Love Returns–  new indie movie based on Robert Nathan’s book of the same name. Nathan was Anna Lee’s husband and the film was made by relatives of Suzanne, our president/founder.


1. A bunch of the actors contributed recipes to a charity “cuisine recipe card collection” for raising breast cancer awareness. Brad Maule (Tony) also created the artwork for the cover of the collection. You can order them by sending $20.00 to Promotion Management Network, 1125 Lindero Canyon Rd. Suite A8229, Westlake Village, CA 91362. California residents must add sales tax.

2. Here’s a special you might be interested in:
“As you know GH has been using Janis Ian’s song “When Angels Cry” in key scenes when Stone died. We’d like to introduce as many GH fans to Janis’ new album Revenge as possible. We’d like to offer a giveaway to fans – which is buy a copy of Revenge, send us the receipt and we’ll give you a free cassette copy of the record to give to a friend. If you’re interested, give me a call 213. 653. 4269. or you can Email me at Chevy1994 @ AOL. Com I hope to hear from you. Thank you, Len Fico – Beacon Records, Ltd.”

6. Brad Maule has two albums, “Living it Up” and “Chameleon”, and a video 1-800-964-brad

7. videos: Luke and Laura I: Lovers on the Run, Luke and Laura II: The Greatest Love of All, GH’s Greatest Weddings, and Daytimes’ Most Wanted: Men of Passion $14.95 or 3/$34.95 Premeire Marketing P.O. Box 2284 South Burlington, VT 05407 1-800-225-5222

8. Steve Burton autographed poster $10.00 + $2.00 S&H Red Star 3555 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90078

9. The High Lonesome album “Feel Free to Do So” $13.98 – CD, $9.98 – cassette 1-800-653-7720 or Spark Records 8391 Beverly Blvd. Suite 252 Los Angeles, CA 90048

10. Kurth and Taylor album Awareness Records P.O. Box 7401 255 Studio City, CA 91604 $12.00/$9.00 + $2.00 S&H

11. Prepaid phone cards:

b. Brad Maule’s: Personal Calling Card with messages from him 5 min. of phone usage and proceeds go to the Brad Maule Scholarship for Fine Arts $5.00 each or 2/$8.00. Brad Maule Fan Club C/O Eileen Bengelsdorf 1658 Tahoe Circle Dr. Wheeling, IL 60090

12. Ashenafi Senait’s (ex-Keesha) Egyptian Goddess skin and hair care products; botanically-based. Free color brochure: 1-800-987-9999

13. GH Snowglobes. See your favorite character’s photo inside a snowglobe!  Turn upside down & back again to see the snow(glitter) fall! Really Cute.  $15.00 plus shipping/handling. E-mail me to place your order or if you have questions….. MManx (Can also make custom globes with your favorite photo!)

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Jackie Zeman, Blake Coleman, Rick Hearst and John J. York of "General Hospital" on ABC

Y&R Best Lines Friday, April 21, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Kyle: Marchetti’s operating expenses rose because the employee headcount increased when we acquired those textile factories from Newman. If you had looked carefully, you would have noticed–

Billy: That wasn’t at all condescending, was it?

Kyle: If you had looked carefully, you would have noticed that those costs are more than offset by the contractor fees. Not to mention all the other added benefits of bringing manufacturing in-house.

Billy: Yeah, see the problem with that is that historically deals between Jabot and Newman haven’t worked out very well for Jabot.

Kyle: I made that deal with victor with my eyes wide open and it led to Adam’s departure. Paved the way for your return. So, how about a thank you, instead of criticizing?

Billy: No, I’m not criticizing, Kyle. My issue is with victor. I wouldn’t put it past the guy to force a bunch of troubled properties on Jabot.

Kyle: Targeting those factories was my idea, not Victor’s. I knew exactly what I was doing. The numbers are high right now, as expected, but everything is going according to plan.

Billy: Yeah, I still think we need to pay attention–

Kyle: Billy, Billy! I don’t need your opinion. I have complete autonomy over Marchetti, so whatever you think about my business decisions doesn’t really matter.

Billy: Just trying to get the lay of land before I actually dig in.

Kyle: The land is just fine.

Billy: Good to know. Since you are in the office today, I do have an idea on how to bring jabot and Marchetti together. If you’re willing to listen.


Billy: This is not my first stint at Jabot.

Kyle: No kidding. You’ve been CEO how many times? Co-CEO, your mom fired you, my dad fired you. Everybody has fired you.

Billy: But there’s a positive there, I’ve learned from my mistakes. And I’m also bringing the experience that I have from working at Chancellor-Winters when they went through their merger. I know how to bring two companies together. And under the current configuration, jabot is not maximizing the potential of having Marchetti under its umbrella.

Kyle: Thanks for your input, but our strategy of keeping Marchetti and Jabot separate from the beginning has proven successful. I see no reason to change course.

Billy: Sometimes, you gotta think outside the box, Kyle.

Kyle: And what about the Jabotiques? Weren’t those another one of your failures?

Billy: I’m gonna let that one slide because you’re under tremendous personal pressure.

Kyle: Yeah, I know you pride yourself on being that guy, the innovator, the idea guy, but sometimes, outside the box is just outside of the box.

Billy: And sometimes, it’s exactly what you need. And because this idea involves both Marchetti and Jabot, you can’t unilaterally veto it.

Kyle: And by the same token, you can’t unilaterally implement it. It’s my dad’s call.

Billy: Great. I’ll talk to jack, see what he has to say.

Kyle: Fine by me.

Billy: Wonderful.

Kyle: I’m going to lunch. I know what you’re trying to do, distract me with stupid business ideas. Thanks.

Billy: You’re welcome.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 20, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Aw, you shouldn’t have. I didn’t get you anything.

Sharon: I love that every time you see a gift you just assume it’s for you.

Adam: Uh, I’m sure if you look hard enough in your psychology books, that’s probably a symptom of some disorder.

Sharon: I don’t doubt that.

Adam :So, uh, who’s the gift for?

Sharon: Um, it’s for Mariah and Tessa. It’s their surprise baby shower this afternoon. They didn’t get to have one before aria was born, so…

Adam: Mm. Afraid they might jinx things?

Sharon: In a way. They were with the baby’s mother in Portland for weeks until she went into labor, and then Mariah insisted that it wasn’t necessary. But, you know, this has been such a long journey for them. I think it’s time to just soak up the joy.

Adam: Hmm. Well, not to mention, it’s your first grandchild. How is that not reason to celebrate?

Sharon: You are absolutely right.


Victor: That spectra woman can never be trusted. Yet here she is reeling in both of my sons. To tie herself closer to our family. Why on god’s green earth would I ever approve of that?

Nikki: You wouldn’t?

Victor: Then why the hell did the rest of you decide to keep this from me?

Nikki: No, that’s not it. It’s about letting things play out on their own. I mean, someday soon nicholas is going to wake up and realize that sally is totally wrong for him. And then it will be his decision to break up with her. If we interfere, I worry that it could blow up in our faces.

Victor: Baby, what if that never happens? What if she decides to carry this charade on indefinitely?

Nick: And what charade would that be?

Victor: A charade that you are involved with, son. The hell is the matter with you? You carry on with a woman that’s pregnant with your brother’s child. Are you mad? Why are you doing this? You torment your brother.

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, April 19, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Mariah: Hi, mom.

Sharon: Well, hey. What are you doing here?

Mariah: There’s the maternal warmth I was looking for?

Sharon: No, i am being maternal. It was just A…reflex because I know that you hate leaving Tessa and the baby at home, and who could blame you? But I’m always glad to see you.

Mariah: Well, I am going to be heading home soon, but I just wanted to come here, pick up some treats and some much-needed coffee on my way back from jabot.

Sharon: The office? Why? I thought you were on parental leave.
Mariah: I am, but, uh, with Diane’s arrest, I just thought I could put in a few hours at work. I mean, she can’t handle her own pr crisis.

Sharon: The whole situation is so horrible.

Mariah: Yeah.

Sharon: But I’m sure that jack will really appreciate you stepping up at a time like this. You know, on the other hand, it’s also okay for you to put yourself and your family first. I mean, the first few days with your new baby are so precious.


Sharon: Oh, look how cute. I am so grateful to know this sweet little girl.

Mariah: Yeah. This is from this morning. It was her first time waking up in her new room. Although she had, uh, been up for a few hours before that ’cause she needed to be fed. And it definitely wasn’t daytime out. The sun was not out, uh, but, uh, there’s no need to get into that. I am extremely grateful for every second.

Abby: Even when they’re fussy and they’re having their meltdowns.

Mariah: Uh, though, right here, she happens to be very cute and very, very bubbly. Are they not like this all the time?

Sharon: Oh, yeah, they are. They’re always a bundle of sunshine and rainbows.

Abby: Oh, yeah, and I’ve heard they stay that way. Yeah, the terrible twos are just a myth.

Mariah: Wow. Okay. Well, the less cute moments make the cute moments 10 times better. I mean, just look at those cheeks and those eyes. Oh, God, she’s an old soul.
[Gasps] I have become one of those people that won’t stop gushing about their kid.

Abby: Well, it’s a good thing you’re with two people who can’t hear enough about her.

Sharon: I could talk about this baby 24/7.

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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 18, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nikki: Well, if it isn’t the man who restored my faith in attorneys.

Michael: What could I possibly have done to be worthy of that compliment?

Nikki: Ah, it’s what you didn’t do. Now, I know you have a soft spot for Diane and I will never understand why, but the way you refused to rush to her rescue at Phyllis’s memorial, trust me, we all got the message, loud and clear. If the best attorney in genoa city thinks she’s guilty and won’t go near her with a 10-foot pole, well…

Michael: Well, yeah. Well, have a seat, please. Nikki, our constitution assures all citizens are innocent until proven otherwise, even the ones who don’t measure up or haven’t earned your seal of approval.

Nikki: According to the constitution, yes. But the founding fathers never met Diane. We know what she’s capable of. She’s dangerous and now Phyllis is dead.

Michael: Correlation doesn’t equate causation.

Nikki: Your clever tone has me a little worried. Please tell me I don’t need to be.

Michael: Last night, I got a call from jack asking me to represent Diane.

Nikki: Oh, my god. That is outrageous. Michael, you can’t defend the woman who killed one of your best friends.


Victor: Hello, Michael.

Nikki: I can only imagine the kind of nonsense jack was trying to feed you.

Victor: Well now, Michael is a very smart man and I’m sure he would do the right thing. Right, Michael?

Michael: I probably will.

Victor: You know, otherwise, you’d have to ask for a leave of absence and then I would have to approve it and then I might be inclined to fire you.

Michael: We wouldn’t want that.

Victor: We wouldn’t, would we?

Nikki: That’s what I love about you, Michael. You always manage to do the right thing.

Michael: Your faith in my decency is humbling. I’ll do my best to live up to it. Have a good meal.

Victor: Have a good day, Michael.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, April 17, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sally: I’m embarrassed to say I hadn’t even thought of that.

Adam: I’m surprised.

Sally: Right?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: But now that you mention it, I mean, how can I resist? Our baby can’t wear clothes off the rack, right?

Adam: No! Never.


Nick: Well, I don’t know about dad, but I’m definitely not here to see you.

Adam: Oh, well maybe you’re here to dangle some fresh new company in front of me, only to yank it away again just for fun.
Victor: Surprised to see you here, son. Especially with that lady.

Sally: Adam and I just ran into each other.

Adam: That’s right. I, uh, I insinuated myself into sally’s private tea time. You know how pushy I can be and she was too nice to ask me to leave, but I will not keep her any longer. She’s all yours.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, April 14, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: Where are Tessa and the baby? You know I’m dying to see her.

Mariah: Oh. You thought you were gonna see the baby tonight? At this hour? No, no, no. I sent Tessa and the baby to the tack house. That’s okay, right?

Sharon: You are teasing me, right? Stop, where are they? Are they waiting outside? ‘Cause I’ll go out there and get them myself.

Mariah: No, no, no, no, no. Hold your horses. I will text her to come in. I just wanted to come in first to make sure the place was warm enough and, you know, there wasn’t anybody with any strong perfume, or nobody was, like, hacking up a lung. I know, I sound ridiculous. It’s a little embarrassing.

Sharon: No, no, it’s perfectly normal. You sound like a first-time parent. But now that you see none of those horrors are going on in here, bring her in here. Hurry up! I can’t wait to meet her.

Mariah: Well, there’s, uh– there’s no need. Ta-da.

Tessa: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: Hi, Tessa. Finally. Oh, my gosh. Aw.

Mariah: Well, here she is. Meet Aria Porter Copeland.

Sharon: She is perfect. She’s absolutely perfect.

Tessa: Isn’t it crazy how pink her lips are? They’re so perfect.

Mariah: It’s the cheeks that get me.

Tessa: The cheeks, I know.

Mariah: The cheeks, they’re just so round. There are times, I wonder…


Nick: I know I’m not the most observant guy in the world, but even I could see the smudge of lipstick on Nate’s neck. What about the button you missed there? And what in the hell is going on with your hair? Is that the way you normally wear it?

Victoria: Fine. You got me.

Nick: You think?

Victoria: Look, why are you freaking out about this? When you have other things that you should be concerned about. Why are you not focusing on your family right now?

Nick: You are my family. I care about you. You’re making a terrible mistake.

Victoria: Well, there you go again, making another leap without any evidence to back it up.

Nick: He is in a relationship, Vic, with my friend.

Victoria: Yeah, yeah, I know. And you– you have a saintly past, free of guilt. Right, nick?

Nick: Well, he’s an executive here. He could have some ulterior motive. Maybe, uh, looking for some personal gain.

Victoria: What gain? That’s not Nate. That’s not who he is. Look, if he was up to something, I would know it anyway.

Nick: Oh, like you saw everything that was going down with Ashley?
Victoria: That was a completely different situation, and don’t you ever mention his name to me again. Do you understand?

Nick: [Sighs] Yes. Sorry. But this could be more of the same, you know?

Victoria: I’m not interested in your opinions or your judgment. I’m just not. I– I… you yourself had a relationship with the ceo of newman media, remember? And you– you firmly told me to stat out of it
And I have been nothing– nothing but respectful of your relationship with Sally.

Nick: Yes. And I appreciate it.

Victoria: So, would you please show me the same courtesy? You told me to keep quiet about her pregnancy and that adam is the father and I have done that. So, please, do the same for me. Keep my private life private. Do you understand, Nicholas? Now, if that’s everything, I– I have some things that I need to finish.

Nick: Start by brushing your hair.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 13, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Abby: Do you believe all this stuff? I mean, this is insane. I am insane. My stuff, it’s grown exponentially. All my clothes, all of my shoes and don’t even get me started started on Dominic’s things. This is what happens when you have two of everything. One for when he’s with me, one for when he’s with you. I mean, uh, what are we gonna do? We need more storage? Do I need to rent another place downstairs for extra storage?

Devon: Hang on. Shh. Get your breath, okay? Welcome to your home.
Abby: Aw.


Daniel: Um, I think that’s maybe my cue to speak. You know my mother, um, I don’t really know if I could sum mom up in mere words. A friend of mine once described her to me as fierce. I would definitely say that that is an understatement. You know how when you’re a kid, you think that your mom is the most beautiful person in the world. That’s how I saw her. That’s how I’ll always see her. You know, this is, um… just paint and paper. Um, it resembles her. But my mom, she… she was an adventure. I mean, she crackled, she dazzled.

[ Chuckling ]

She was unpredictable– you know, at the center of all of that there– there was this intense, just laser focused love. And it was that intensity that touched everything that she did, for better or for worse. I need to tell you, sometimes it was really hard to– to watch her just waste that brilliance. That sheer power that she had on the wrong things because she was that amazing. She really was and she shouldn’t be gone. No, I mean, not yet. Yeah, even in this, um, horrible, senseless death, I feel like she’s still trying to teach me. You know, she’s trying to teach me how to love better and to fight harder for and I feel like she’s trying to teach me how to protect the ones that you love and care about the most with everything that you’ve got. I just wish I could have learned those lessons while she was still alive. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t understand. I’m sorry that we fought. I’m sorry that I spent so much time away from you and I’m sorry that I won’t get any more time with you. I love you, mom. I always will. Why give your family just any eggs

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, April 12, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: Why don’t you, uh, grab a table and I’ll order?

Sally: Okay, yeah. Sounds good. Summer, I’m– I’m really sorry about your mom. I mean, what a terrible shock. I can’t even imagine what you must be feeling. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask, and feel free to give me a job at the memorial. I would really like to be useful in some way.

Summer: To be honest, Sally, it never occurred to me that you would come to the memorial, when you so clearly don’t belong. You know we’re mourning my mother. Do you really think that she would want you there? Especially now that you’ve glommed onto my father. I hate that he is still with you when you’re pregnant with Adam’s baby. That is who you should be with. Adam. Because the two of you deserve each other. So, please just stay far, far away.

Nick: Hey, the, uh, barista had a question about your order.

Sally: Yeah.

Nick: What are you doing?

Summer: Everybody’s been telling me to stop being so stoic, so I was just sharing how I felt. You don’t seem to like that either.

Nick: Look, if you need someone to take something out on, I am right here. I mean that. Whatever I can do to help. Is there any part of the service I can take off your hands?


Sally: First, some ground rules.

Adam: Oh. Should I, uh, take some notes?

Sally: I don’t want to talk about Nick and me. Or you and me. And anything too serious is off limits. I really need less stress in my life right now.

Adam: What about babies? Parenthood? I mean, I could let you in on some of my trade secrets.

Sally: Please do. ‘Cause I could use some. When I think about all that I don’t know, it scares the crap out of me.

Adam: [Chuckles] Well, you and everyone else who is new to this. I mean look, even if you’ve read every book there is on this, when the kid arrives, it still throws you. Plus, every kid is different. So, whatever you’ve read or you’ve heard or you have planned to do, I mean, within the first few months it’s– gets thrown completely out the window.

Sally: So, learn to roll with the punches?

Adam: Mm. Exactly.

Sally: Mm. Well, that’s actually my forte.

Adam: Look, everyone’s a beginner. They just learn on the job. And eventually, the kid is gonna get older, and then you will become an expert on potty training, nighttime routines, discipline, homework, carpooling. You will not realize how boring your conversations have become, but how fascinating you still think they are.

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Days Short Recap Friday, April 21, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Roman went to John and Marlena’s place. When John was about to tell Roman about Marlena, she came out. Roman was shocked to see her. He asked her about Kate. Harris thought about the deal he made with Bo not to tell anyone that he is alive. Hope went to see him. She wondered why Megan would lie about Thomas taking Kayla. Harris said he had something to tell her. Steve told Kayla that once Bo brought her the equipment for the serum, they would have chemicals. He said they could disarm Bo and be free. Bo came in the wine cellar and told Kayla they were leaving. He said he found a Titan research lab with everything she needed for the serum. Steve said Kayla was leaving over his dead body. Bo said that could be arranged. At Statesville, a guard brought Megan to see Andrew. He told her the deal was off since she lied about who took Kayla. She stood by her story. He said Thomas was in a sex club when Kate was killed and Kayla disappeared. He said there were witnesses that could testify seeing him there. He threatened her unless she told him who took Kayla. Chad and Stephanie talked about who kidnapped her parents. Chad said the kidnapper hasn’t asked for a ransom and let Kayla use the phone. He said the person wasn’t a real criminal. He said the person probably wasn’t taking orders from Megan because she was in prison. He said their best clue was Kayla saying Victor’s name. He said she was probably at one of his properties. Bo told Steve separating them gives Kayla an incentive to so what he wanted. He said they could go back to their lives once he got the serum. Steve asked what would happen if someone came looking for them. Bo said that wouldn’t happen. He said someone came by but they wouldn’t be back. Steve and Kayla wanted to know who it was. Bo said it didn’t matter. He took Kayla out of the wine cellar. Steve banged on the door.

Harris told Hope how much he cared about her. He apologized for the role he played in what her family was going through. She said she knew he was doing all he could to help. She said she hoped the sketch artist would give them a lead. Chad and Stephanie called to let Hope know they were searching the properties on the list. Harris started to feel guilty. Marlena told Roman that Kate was alive, but she was killed on the island. He wondered whose ashes he had. She told him Steve went looking for Kayla. He wanted to choke Megan. John told them Hope and Harris were looking for Kayla. Roman wondered if Harris could be trusted. Kayla started to get through to Bo, but it didn’t last. He told her once he had the serum, he would sell it to the highest bidder. He said everyone would know their names. She said she didn’t want this. Bo said that was the Brady way – humble and quiet. He said he was never those things. He left the lab and locked her in. Hope told Harris they should go to the police. He said there was no need to do that. He said he lied when he told her he didn’t find anything at Victor’s. She said she should go there and find out on her own. They kissed before she left. Megan called Harris. She said if he wanted a chance with Hope, he had to take her far away. He said it was too late for both of them. Chad found a locked door. Kayla grabbed a tray as the door handle moved. Stephanie picked the lock. Kayla raised the tray over her head when Chad and Stephanie came in the room. Kayla put the tray down and hugged Stephanie. Andrew went to John and Marlena’s place. He told them Megan changed her story. He said the person who took Kayla was Bo. Hope had her gun when she looked around Victor’s childhood home. Someone came in behind her. She turned around and pointed her gun. She was shocked when she saw Bo.

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