Days Best Lines For The Week Of January 27, 2025

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Leo)
Javi: Who do you have to sleep with to get a drink around here?

(to Leo when he thought his dimples attracted him)
Javi: Creative guys are my weakness, but creative guys with dimples? Guardame.

Kristen: I’m too work up.
Brady: I know. Me too.
Kristen: I mean, especially after I talked to EJ.
Brady: Talked to—what are you, a glutton for punishment?
Kristen: No. I mean, he was actually kind of being great.
Brady: EJ?

Kristen: Yeah.
Brady: EJ DiMera? Great?
Kristen: Well, we do have our moments sometimes.

Leo: You just focus on planning an unforgettable bachelor party. Although now that I think about it, the ones people can actually remember are probably the best ones.
Javi: Well, a night of debauchery is my plausible deniability.
Leo: Don’t forget—more alcohol, the better. Words to live by.

Doug: This is supposed to be the time of your life that people write songs about.
Holly: I’m sure a ton of people write songs about their boyfriends getting another girl pregnant, too.

(about EJ)
Kristen: He seemed curious about some of the more, well, shall we say colorful aspects of my upbringing.
Brady: Yeah, who wouldn’t be?
Kristen: Well, it was all in my memoir.
Brady: It’s going to be a Pulitzer Prize-winner for sure.

(to Doug)
Leo: There is only enough space in this dubiously decorated room for one drama queen, meaning—Why don’t you come work for me?

Stephanie: Do you know what this party needs?
Paulina: An exorcism?

EJ: Make a wish
Rafe: I wish you were dead.
EJ: You said it out loud, now it won’t come true.

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Days Of Our Lives Best Lines For the Week Of December 23, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Leo: Hattie Adams.
Hattie: Hmm. Thought I’d never have to see that ugly mug again.
Leo: And yet, here you are, still wearing that sickly sweet cologne.
Hattie: Strawberry almond banana. I love it, and I gets lots of compliments on it.
Leo: Well, it’s making me want to toss my cookies.
Hattie: Makes me like it even more.

(When Hattie was brought in for being Lady Whistleblower)
Leo: This is a Christmas miracle.
Rafe: I think it had something to do with my detective skills.

Hattie: I’d like a little groveling from you.
Leo: Ok. So you expect me to grovel? Um how about we also throw in a private jet, a Ferrari 250 GTO Tipo, and a lifetime supply of pork rinds?

Hattie: Wow, yeah. I mean, except for the pork rinds. They tend to give me gas.
Leo: Yeah, I knew it.

(When Brady barged in the mansion)
EJ: Uh so usually, we prefer our guests to be announced. But hey, why stand on ceremony?

(When Rafe brought Hattie to the station)
Jada: So this is my present?
Rafe: Yeah. Sorry I couldn’t wrap it for you.
Hattie: You try that, you’ll be singing soprano.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of December 2, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Marie (to Maggie): Oh, but I’d count myself lucky if I never laid eyes on Liz Chandler again.
Liz: Well, then I guess today’s not your lucky day, huh?

Liz: And I gather you’re not that delighted to see me, Marie.
Marie: You gather correctly especially not here in this town square named after my parents.
Liz: Well, for the record, I thought the world of your parents. It was you I couldn’t stand.

Liz: Lest you think I hold a grudge over what happened with Neil—how-how absurd would that be after all these years?
Marie: So I don’t have to look forward to your shooting me in another jealous rage?

Leo (to Steven): Forgive me for eavesdropping on your private conversation with a plaque, but I must confess, I used to make my living overhearing things I wasn’t meant to hear and then writing about them in my very popular gossip column. But rest assured, those days are behind me.

Lucas (to Steven): Aunt Marie told us about your history with diamonds and now you’re here with this guy? Give me a break.
Leo: This guy? The name is Leo.
Lucas: Is he helping you? Is he helping you fence it? Is that what he’s doing?
Steven: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Lucas: Drop the innocent act. You know your pal here? Your pal, your pal stole your, your cousin Abigal’s jewelry and then he tried to get her murderer to sell it for him.
Leo: That was a coincidence. I had nothing to do with Abigail’s murder, and I didn’t even know the two of you were related. My God, is everyone in this town cousins?
Leo (to Ciara and Lucas about accusing Steven of stealing Alice’s necklace): As if the two of you have any business judging anybody.
Ciara” And what is that supposed to mean?
Leo: You’re kidding, right? You (Lucas) kidnapped your own wife. You (Ciara) are married to a convicted serial killer. So, if I were you, I would consider putting that glass house on the market before you throw any stones.


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Days Best Lines For The Week Of November 18, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Leo (to Javi when he was speaking to him in Spanish): What? I hope that wasn’t your grocery list.

Leo: So, what did you think about the show? Be honest I want the naked, unadulterated truth
Javi: About?
Leo: About? About Body & Soul.
Javi: I told you, your body’s a ten, but we’re leaving your soul out of it.
Leo: Boy, my show, Body & Soul.

Paulina: I have a bone to pick with you.
EJ: You didn’t have to take it out on a defenseless cupcake.

Kayla: I’m serious. You look terrible.
Roman: Thanks, sis.

Chad (to Cat about getting Mark out of jail): I’m not thrilled at the idea of trying to help a guy who tried to put a bullet in my head.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of September 9, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Xander (to Justin): Well, if it isn’t my traitorous cousin. Just so you know, I’m going to be at Brady’s arraignment.

Ava: Am I uh, consorting with a wanted fugitive?
Brady: Really not in the mood for that.
Ava: Sorry, not funny. I know. I’m sorry. Home? I thought you’d be in jail.
Brady: I should be. Apparently confessing to a crime isn’t enough to get you there.

Justin: Xander seemed pretty upset. I should probably sleep with one eye open tonight huh?
Maggie: Well, I’m sure he’ll calm down. Although it couldn’t hurt to start locking your door just in case.

Melinda (Connie had trouble cutting her food): You know I could help you with that.
Connie: Even on your best day, do you think I’m that stupid?

Johnny (to EJ): You slept with Gabi?! Were you trying to start World War 3?

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Days Of Our Lives Best Lines For The Week August 19, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Stefan: I was just trying to convey to you that I was missing you and how hard it was to live without you.
Gabi: Oh, I am so sorry for you. It wasn’t hard for me at all. You were all alone in your big soft bed, but I was lucky. I had a double murder cell mate to keep me company.

Johnny: Grandma?
Hattie: Do I look like a grandma?
Johnny: Uh, well, you certainly look like mine.
Hattie: Sorry kiddo. I don’t have any kids, so I probably don’t have any grandkids either.

Leo (reading from a book): A person suffering from DID may not be aware of what their alters are thinking or experiencing thus each can operate as separate, but distinct personas. Oh my God that describes Dr. Evans to a T. One minute she’s wolfing down pork rinds and calling my hunty, and I’m telling her about the time I thought Andy Cohen was hitting on me at Whole Foods, but it turns out he was just looking for ketchup and he thought I worked there.

Leo: I’ll stage an intervention. It worked for Everett or did it make it worse.

Alex (to Justin about Theresa): It’s gotta be some kind of record. We were married for a whole 30 minutes before it imploded.

Leo: You look and sound exactly like Marlena.
Hattie: Geez, like I haven’t heard that a gazillion times.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of July 29, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Abe: Your assistant said you were willing to talk
Marlena: Well, I’m always willing to talk

Connie (to Bobby): I know this. I got a perfect record. Whenever I commit a crime, I get away with it.

Stephanie: Eavesdropper. Do you ever get tired of sneaking up on people?
Leo: Are you kidding? It’s a gift and when it’s about Mr. Everett Lynch, I smell a story or at least something that could have a negative impact on me.

Connie: You’re the one who wanted a favor in exchange for keeping your mouth shut about me.
Bobby: Yeah, a favor not a murder.
Connie: What did you think I was going to do when I said I would get rid of him? Gift him a cruise around the world?

Bobby (to Connie): Try not to murder anyone else.

Hattie: You will not regret it.
Kate: I already do.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 17, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Esther: Hi there, what can I get you?

Claire: Um, I’m actually not sure. What would you recommend?

Esther: Well, the double mocha latte is very popular and so is the butter pecan swirl. Oh, and the caramel macchiato. And you give it some zhuzh, extra whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles, and you’re good to go.

Claire: Rainbow sprinkles?

Esther: Yeah, you only live once, right?

Kyle: Hey, Esther. I’ll have what she’s having.


Esther: Two drip coffees, no whipped cream, no foam, no chocolate sprinkles and no… fun.

[ Kyle and Claire chuckle ]

Claire: I promise you, I will order something extra decadent next time.

Esther: Okay. I’ll hold you to that.

Claire: Thank you. So much for living large. You could have ordered something a little bit more interesting, though.

Kyle: This is exactly what I needed. You care to join me?

Claire: I don’t know.

Kyle: Well, if you’re worried about summer showing up, we could sit at two different tables and just sort of yell a conversation back and forth. Sound good?

Claire: It sounds loud.

Kyle: Yeah, one table it is then, if you have time.

Claire: I do. But do you? I mean, shouldn’t you be at the office?


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Audra: So, uh, what did you think about the article?

Nate: You’re officially an A-list mover and shaker, Audra. I’m impressed.

Audra: As you should be.

Nate: I also read the press release. You know, for a woman who’s so focused on every detail, it’s funny. You failed to mention that you’d be partnering up with another ex-lover. Fascinating.


Heather: Wh– why? Why would I want to leave the man of my dreams and our wonderful daughter and our beautiful, if slightly underfunded at the moment, life? Come on. We’ve worked too hard to get here. There’s absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be than sitting next to you in a park, drinking coffee on a work day.

Daniel: Well, it is pretty perfect. Minus the no jobs part.

Heather: Yeah. Minus that. But otherwise…

Daniel: You know, we could take these coffees and go back to the apartment. There are certain perks to being unemployed


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Diane: Do you really think Victor’s behind this?

Jack: It would explain his sudden interest in Kyle’s future.

Diane: But this seems extreme, even for Victor.

Jack: No, this is classic Victor. The powerful puppet master pulling all the strings.

Diane: True, but Newman hasn’t been in the cosmetics business for years. I mean, would he really go out and buy a company, just to give Kyle a job and stick it to you?

Jack: Now, keep in mind, he’s sticking it to Tucker as well by bringing Audra on board. No, this is classic Victor. He’s taking care of both of his enemies with one grand gesture.

Diane: And he’s using our son as a weapon.

Jack: Because he knows it would drive me crazy. God, we’ve been here before, luring Kyle away from his family. I should have seen this coming.

Diane: And you know what set happened


Jack: Victor?

Victor: What are you doing in here?

Jack: I warned you. My family is off limits!


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, July 8, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: At what point is another espresso a bad idea?

Nick: At the point when you get so wound up about Summer, I can start to see you twitch.

Phyllis: Oh, I’m not– I’m not wound up. I’m not stressed. I’m not. I’m just, I’m thinking methodically. Thinking methodically about all the things we put on the table as to what could really be going on with our daughter.

Nick: Have you got a winner yet?

Phyllis: I do. The last thing we came up with. I think that she is really going for custody for Harrison, or– or thinking about it, rather, because it’s a knee-jerk reaction. Because she’s angry, and maybe a little jealous.

Nick: Okay. Putting yourself in her shoes. Total stretch.

Phyllis: Yeah, but I’m not 100 percent sure. Because also, Nick, she knows Kyle. She knows when he’s distracted. And she knows when he’s reckless. And she knows if he’s going to be a bad influence on their son.


Claire: Grandpa, are you following me around tonight?

Victor: No.

Claire: Because I told you I was fine.

Victor: I came here for a croissant. Now, look at these eclairs. You know, those were your mother’s favorite when she was a child.

Claire: They’re my favorite, too.

Victor: Really?

Claire: Yeah.

Victor: Okay. Well, why don’t we sit over there? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.

Victor: Mmm. Mm-hmm. Good.

Claire: Do you want to hear something kind of funny?

Victor: What?

Claire: When I was a kid, I thought eclairs were named after me.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Claire: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Perfect.

Claire: Note to self, don’t eat an eclair on a date.


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Days Best Lines For The Week Of July 1, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Steve: I assume this felony has something to do with me breaking Clyde Weston out of Statesville?
Jada: Are there any other felonies that I should be aware of?
Steve: Not that I can recall

Jada: I have no choice but to formally charge and book you
Steve: It won’t be my first time posing for a mug shot.

Jada: There were two people in hazmat suits who escorted Clyde Weston to safety after that chemical spill. You’ve already admitted that you were one of them. Who was the other?
Steve: Rebecca Goldman. Who else?
Jada: Was it John Black?
Steve: John? No of course not.
Jada: You two are partners.
Steve: We’re partners at Black Patch, but we’re not partners in crime.

Stephanie: I care about Everett.
Bobby: You only care about yourself. You’re such a liar.

Bobby (to Stephanie): You have that annoying personality that thinks she’s always wanted. Don’t you? Let me say something to clear the air about it because it’s not totally getting through. I want nothing to do with you. I find you desperate and pathetic and unattractive. You do nothing for me.

Chad (talking about staring at the footage of the mystery woman): This is going to make me crazier than I already am.

Julie: We don’t need that do we?

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of June 10, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to John after he got shot)
Steve: How much you think Maggie will bill me for staining her carpet?

Alex: You could have shot Theresa.
Xander: But I didn’t, did I? I hit my target.
Alex: Yeah, you’re lucky you hit your target.
Theresa: I’m luckier.

Xander: I’ve always been an excellent marksman.
Brady: Yeah, Yeah, I’ve got the scar to prove it. Weren’t you the guy that accidentally shot Marlena at her wedding when you were trying to hit my brother Eric.
Xander: Yeah, you have one off day and that’s all anyone remembers.

(when Jada showed up and saw Konstantin’s dead body)
Jada: Who’s gonna start?
Alex: Xander killed him.
Xander: Way to throw me under the bus, cuz.

(about the gun in Xander’s hand)
Jada: Is that the murder weapon?
Xander: Yes, but it’s a bit harsh calling it a murder.

(about Steve getting shot at the wedding)
Stephanie: You were the one who got hit.
Steve: Yeah, I was too slow. Maybe I shouldn’t have skipped that second cup of coffee.

Marlena: Leo, what kind of help do you need?
Leo: Mental health help of course. My brain needs major fixing, but then so does my heart.
Marlena: Well cardiology is one floor up. As far as your brain, you can make an appointment.

(to Marlena)
Leo: I bet in this crazy town you have a line of nuts waiting around the block for your services.

(about Gabi)
Rafe: She’s innocent.
Clyde: Come on, man. The last thing your sister is is innocent.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of June 3, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Stefan when he wanted to talk in public)
Kristen: We couldn’t have talked in the mansion with the 52 rooms.

(to Rafe)
Melinda: Anything I discussed with Ms. Peterson is under attorney privilege. I’m sure you heard of it.

(to EJ)
Leo: Make it quick. I have a low tolerance for boredom.

(to Roman when he ignored her)
Kate: I thought bartenders were supposed to be good listeners.

(to Kristen about Melinda not opening Gabi’s case)
Stefan: Do they want a signed confession from Gil from beyond the grave?

Leo: Can you tell me about the specials?
Roman: How about a knuckle sandwich? How’s that sound?

(when Goldman wouldn’t tell Ava and Lucas where Clyde was)
Ava: I guess Montana is as good as a place as any to get rid of a body.

(to Clyde when she was about to shoot him)
Ava: Give my best to the devil.

(when Clyde said Abby was alive)
Chad: What did you say?
Clyde: Did you need me to speak more clearly? Your wife is alive and well in the land of the living.

(when Konstantin said the door at the Horton house was open)
Konstantin: Did you realize no one in Salem lock their doors?

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of May 20, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(about EJ coming after her for taking his job)
Paulina: What’s he gonna do? Put a horsehead in your bed?
Melinda: You never know.

Leo: This lady is not going to blow your whistle.
Holly: Why not?
Leo: You sound disappointed.

(to Kate)
Ava: I think you should know by now since word gets around in this town that I don’t like being threatened.

(to Sloan)
EJ: I wouldn’t turn this into a trashy reality show if I were you.

(to Everett and Stephanie)
Leo: Have you two decided if you’re a thing or a thing thing?

(to Everett and Stephanie when they were talking gibberish)
Leo: Is this some ancient straight person language I know nothing about and don’t want to know about?

(to Theresa when she told him he would find love again)
Brady: Love will find you? You got any more greeting card expressions?

(about the prom)
Theresa: Let’s hope there aren’t any telekinetic kids trying to get revenge.
Brady: This is Salem. They are probably everywhere.

(about Everett getting arrested)
Stephanie: What are you saying? You think Everett got what he deserved?
Chad: Yeah, when you go around punching people in the face.

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Days Best Lines For The Week Of May 13, 2024

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Sloan)
EJ: You weren’t lying. Not this time anyway.

Everett: I’m going to order the hot dog.
Stephanie: You’re going to order the hot dog?
(when Stephanie started laughing)
Everett: Is there something funny about that that I don’t know about?

Eric: You’re a hot mess.
Leo: Zaddy? You’re putting me to bed again? It’s like gayja vu.

(when Leo was upset about Dimitri dumping him)
Leo: Did everything work out for you two?
Nicole: We have both moved on and are happily married to other people
Leo: Sure Jan.

(to Leo)
EJ: You don’t remember letting me in? How many sheets to the wind are you?

Leo: Nicole and Eric were here.
EJ: You don’t remember Nicole and Eric being here?
Leo: I remember because I wanted Nicole to leave so I can be with the salt and pepper…

(to Theresa when he looked up to Victor)
Alex: I forgive you Dad. If I’m looking in the right direction.

(to Stefan)
Kristen: I know that you love Gabi and for the life of me I can’t figure out why.

Sloan: I have been looking all over for you.
Leo: Let me know when you find me.

(to Leo)
Sloan: Guilt is a waste of time. Nobody gets anywhere by suffering.

Rafe: Can we talk?
EJ: I’ll assume I have no choice.

Rafe: The truth is Gabi is innocent.
EJ: Your sister is far from innocent.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Ah, oh, no. No, blegh. No, mm-hmm.

Daniel: Not a fan of what you were listening to?

Phyllis: Oh, ah, I am not. I was just having a great morning, and then I was listening to some music, and– and a song of your dad’s came on. Ow, my ears. Not a fan. Ow, not a fan at all.

**************************Phyllis: I don’t know, I just think it’s kind of disgusting that your dad is touring with Christine all over the world. I just think it’s gross. I just don’t understand it. I mean, why he would pick Christine over having a real adult relationship with a real woman?

Daniel: I think that dad and Christine seem quite happy and I think that their relationship is very mature and very adult.

Phyllis: Oh, really? Oh, okay. So, are you paying attention? Because it’s obvious that they’re trying to go after some sparkly version of the past. I think your dad is actually losing his mind. What’s going on with you? I’m talking disparagingly about your dad and you’re not doing it. What is going on with you?

Daniel: So tell me about your heart attack.

Phyllis: Why are you laughing right now? Are you mocking me?

Daniel: No, no, no. I’m not– maybe. I don’t know. Maybe a little. Yeah. Yeah, it’s– it’s– it’s just amazing how self-absorbed and involved you are. Anytime that my life is just falling apart, I can just– I can count on you to be you. That’s for damn sure.


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, May 15, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Alan: Ashley, you know I don’t use words like that.

Ashley: Right. But I must be a delicate flower, and you just can’t cross that line.

Alan: It’s– it’s not about you, all right? Obviously, you are a beautiful, intelligent and fascinating woman.

Ashley: Well, I definitely felt an attraction. And I felt it from both sides.

Alan: I just don’t think it could go anywhere.

Ashley: So, stop dancing around it. Tell me why.

Alan: This is not my home. And, uh, you know, I can’t stay here indefinitely. And it is your home. Your family lives here. And I just don’t see how it could work out.

Ashley: Are you actually telling me that I’m geographically undesirable?

Alan: I wouldn’t use that phrase exactly. But, yeah, it would be a long-distance relationship. And in my experience, those kinds of things rarely work out.

Ashley: I don’t buy it.

Alan: What?

Ashley: Well, who’s to say I wouldn’t move to paris if someone, you know, made me want to?

Alan: Well, I couldn’t ask that of you.

Ashley: Then, why are you here at all?

Alan: Ashley, I–

Ashley: You’re here because you wanna psychoanalyze me. Just admit it, Alan


Traci: Good. Um, where did you go?

Ashley: Out.

Traci: Yeah, I– I know you went out, Ashley. I’m just curious. Did you have a chance to see alan?

Ashley: And wouldn’t you like to know?

Traci: I’m just making conversation.

Ashley: No, I know what you want. You wanna know if alan has fixed me, right? You wanna know because, uh, god forbid Ashley have any feelings or emotions. I mean, the family just gets so uncomfortable when she’s like that, right? She’s just so much to handle. Ashley’s just too much, period. Isn’t she?

Traci: No. No one in the family thinks that at all about you.

Ashley: The hell, you don’T. You say you love me. You’re trying to convince me something’s wrong with me, traci. That’s not love. That’s hurtful. But I’ve accepted you. I’ve accepted jack. I’ve accepted all of you. So,why is it different for me wht can’t you just accept me?


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, May 14, 2024

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Audra: Oh, look who it is.

Ashley: Yeah, so please tell me you’ve wised up about tucker.

Audra: Oh, my god, we’re back to that?

Ashley: I know, I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I really can’T. I mean, I just don’t understand why you’re so taken with him. Oh, well. I guess everybody has their blind spots.

Audra: Um, of the two of us, I’m the one with the issues here.

Ashley: You know what, here you are all by yourself, right? A grown woman ready to take on the world. So maybe you really have ditched that snake?

Audra: Sorry to disappoint you, but tucker and I are solid. We’re connected.

Ashley: Aw.

Audra: We’re actually leaving town for a bit.

Ashley: Travel? I love that. Where to?

Audra: You know where.

Ashley: No? Seriously, you’re going to… what? I mean, oh, I know, because tucker’s relationships always work out so well for him in Paris.


Audra: You know, you either don’t want to see how solid tucker and I are or you just can’t understand. But I don’t give up on him when things get tough. I don’t give him mixed messages or patronize him. That’s the difference.

Ashley: Wonderful. Love should be cherished and celebrated and I wish you only the best.

Audra: You know, maybe that visit from your therapist friend is helping. You seem a little more even-keeled.

Ashley: Alan, mm. He’s a charmer, isn’t he?

Audra: You might wanna be careful there.

Ashley: Oh, why?

Audra: Well, you know, the whole doctor-patient thing. Might not be the best idea to get involved with your therapist.

Ashley: Look at you. You’re gonna give me dating advice? Now, that’s adorable.


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, May 13, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: Well, looky here. Shouldn’t you be working on your super important case?

Christine: Ah, shouldn’t you be minding your own business?

Phyllis: I guess you’re drowning yourself in coffee and muffins because danny’s about to hit the road.

Christine: You don’t have to worry about me. I’m getting plenty of cardio these days.

Phyllis: Hm. Slacking off, I see. You know, if I were your client, I’d be mad. I would think I wasn’t getting my money’s worth.

Christine: Well, you couldn’t afford me and…

[ Christine laughs ] …I would never defend you. So, actually, I’m doing exactly what I should be at the moment.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness, so I guess your important case wasn’t really that important after all.

Christine: You’re right about that.

Phyllis: You didn’t really want danny, did you? You just wanted to make sure I didn’t get him.


Phyllis: Oh, great, great. Well, I will let you guys say your goodbyes. You know, I bet it’s gonna be exciting going in front of all your adoring fans and washing the stink off of an old flame. Somebody who chose work over romance.

Danny: You didn’t tell her?

Christine: No, she was too busy reading me like an open book.

Phyllis: Tell me what?

Christine: Uh, a little plot twist. I turned down the case. I’m going with danny after all.


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Days Best Lines For The Week Of May 6, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Chanel when he was trying to convince her she wasn’t immature)
Johnny: If there’s anyone who’s immature it’s me. My only job title is trust fund baby.

(to herself)
Theresa: They say the best things in life are free, but I just happen to be shallow enough to think a few things are not enough.

(about Konstantin being upset about Maggie donating her money)
Sarah: I was thrown by it.
Xander: Thrown? I was more than thrown. I was appalled.

(when Sophia was upset about her black eye)
Holly: Swelling’s supposed to go up before it goes down.
Sophia: Thank you doctor.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 10, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jordan: I knew it. You need me. You’re not just let me rot in here when I have something that I can offer you. I have a skillset that you need.

Victor: I don’t need you. I’m merely considering my options right now.

Jordan: Okay. Okay. Okay, victor. Then, you tell me. You tell me, okay? Whatever it is, I’ll do it.

Victor: It’ll be at a time of my choosing.


Jordan: Oh, surely. Surely, you don’t doubt my capabilities. My ability to take risks, push the limits. I have a special talent for you. Only I can do… what I can do. You know that. I can smell fear, I can manipulate it, I can weaponize it. Just ask your lovely wife.

Victor: You’re a delusional, vicious bitch. And don’t ever mention Nikki again.

[ Jordan laughs ]

Jordan: Whatever the great and powerful Victor Newman wants. But I think that you want me to do your dirty work. And I think… I’m right. I mean, what is it? My hands are already awash in blood. What’s a little more?


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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, May 9, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Okay, I’m not gonna argue this with you. Nikki finally made her own decision about going to rehab.

Victor: And that was up to me to convince her to do that.

Jack: No one decides when or how Nikki gets sober. Only Nikki can get herself there. And she did. Isn’t that what matters?

Victor: And what you did was unconscionable.

Jack: My conscience is clear.

Victor: That only shows me how delusional you are.

Jack: Hold on.

Victor: Is your ego that big and that fragile, you can’t admit that you made a huge mistake?


Jack: My giant ego? Isn’t this about your giant ego and your being shattered that you did not know how far gone Nikki was? Isn’t that why you’re coming after me?

Victor: Don’t you turn this back on me.

Jack: All I care about is that Nikki survived. Had I not stepped in at the rate she was going, she would be drinking herself to death right now. Victor, I know how much you love her. Isn’t that the most important thing? She found the help she needs.

Victor: I want her to become strong and healthy around professionals, not amateurs like you.

Jack: I never claimed to be a professional, merely a friend trying to help someone I care a great deal about.

Victor: You put her life in jeopardy.

Jack: Nikki is okay.

Victor: She was absolutely petrified when you collapsed on that– she called the paramedics for heaven’s sake. You could’ve died!


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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nate: Busy, yeah, yeah, I get it. Me too, me too. So, uh, where’s, uh, tucker?

Audra: Hm. I don’t know. Around.

Nate: Ah, well, you two are usually joined at the hip. Hope that means you got wise and kicked him to the curb.

Audra: Oh, well, sorry to disappoint you, but tucker and i are as solid as ever.

Nate: Ah, too bad.

Audra: Is it?

Nate: Isn’t it?

Audra: Well, we’re independent people who do independent things, which i think it’s healthy in a relationship. You should try it sometime.

Nate: Ooh, smack.

Audra: Well, you deserved that.

Nate: Look, look, I didn’t come over here to argue with you, Audra. Um, truth is, I miss our friendship


Alan: Well, I was beginning to wonder after our last visit.

Ashley: I have to apologize for my very unpleasant behavior. It’s living with this family. You know, they’re just picking at me and prodding me. It’s like living under a microscope, you know?

Alan: Yeah, that must be– that must be difficult.

Ashley: Yeah, I have no words for it. But here I am treating you like you’re their guard dog instead of my dear friend. I hope you can forgive me.

Alan: Of course, I forgive you.

Ashley: Okay, ’cause the last thing I want is for you to think that I’m pushing you away.

Alan: Well, not too long ago you did tell me to pack my bags and head off to Vienna.

Ashley: Don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to me at all. No, that was just me in the heat of the moment dealing with horrible siblings that don’t believe anything I say. I mean, I’m not mad at you. Honestly, I feel like you’re the only person in my life I can actually trust.

Alan: I’m very glad to hear that. And I want you to know that I am here to listen to whatever you have on your mind


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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: He said mom told him that it was just to shake some sense into her. Is that true? It was just about saving my mom and not about you falling off the wagon?

Jack: Nikki had given up. She had no fight left in her. I could not get through to her. At that moment, I would’ve done anything.

Nick: Dad said the paramedics were there. You had passed out.

Jack: Yeah, that part’s a little hazy.

Nick: So, it’s true. You took the pills and sabotaged your own sobriety.

Jack: It was a necessity. Hey, I saw a friend in danger. I went out on a limb. Maybe too far out, but at least it succeeded.

Nick: You know it was crazy, right? It’s a crazy thing to do, Jack. I can’t even wrap my head around a gesture like that.

Jack: I take it you disapprove.

Nick: It’s not my place to judge you. I mean, my mom is finally in rehab and you seem to have made it out the other side. You okay?


Sally: Well, you guys will have to play catch up, now that he knows more than you.

Adam: I just wish it was about video games or soccer moves. But I guess I’ll take it. I can see in his eyes how badly he wants to get better. And I wanna hold onto hope.

Sally: You should. Let him see that.

Adam: I’m not sure what else to do. You know, I feel like an observer in all of this. You know, letting an outsider look after my kid.

Sally: But you feel like Connor feels empowered. Like he has a say in all this.

Adam: Well, he feels like they get him. He’s not alone.

Sally: That’s positive. You know, you’re– you’re feeling your way through this. And so’s connor.

Adam: Yeah. I guess.

Sally: Why do you say it like that?

Adam: Just, I feel like my son is moving on without me. He’s leaving me behind


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