Jordan Ashford
Jordan is a cop and a former DEA agent. She came to town in 2014 to reconnect with her estranged son, TJ. She had sent him to live with his uncle, Shawn, because she had to go undercover. Shawn turned out to be his real father. Jordan’s a really fantastic cop, but her personal life is often a mess.
Curtis Ashford has long been the love of her life. He was her brother-in-law longer before they both came to town. Eventually, they got over their past differences and were engaged to be married. His Aunt Stella didn’t like Jordan and blamed her for her son, Tommy’s death. She forgave them, eventually. Jordan and Curtis married, but the fact that she was still a cop, and he wasn’t, meant that she had to keep secrets from him. He couldn’t live with the lies. The final straw was when she lied to him about Marcus Taggert faking his death (in order to keep him and his family safe).
Jordan has a strong streak of right-and-wrong, and she is a by-the-book cop, for the most part. Still, she sometimes will work with mobsters or other non-police in order to get the job done. It’s clear that she still loves Curtis, even though he’s in love with Portia.
Jordan has cracked many cases and works closely with D.A. Robert Scorpio and PCPD detectives Chase and Dante. She and her son, TJ, are very close. She’s also close to TJ’s domestic partner, Molly. However, Jordan is no longer a major character, so she’s rarely shown outside of investigating crimes or interacting with Curtis or TJ.
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