Star Trek Character Descriptions

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"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" Mr. Spock, Captain Pike and Number One

Star Trek Character Biographies


Original Star Trek

Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Enterprise

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"Star Trek" original cast

Star Trek Character Biographies by Suzanne

Original Star Trek

Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the Starship Enterprise

Captain James T. Kirk (portrayed by William Shatner) is the ultimate hero. Modeled in part after the literary character Horatio Hornblower, he also embodies the lawmen of 60’s TV who went with their guts as well as their heads and hearts.  Kirk is very intelligent and was the top of class as well as being the youngest officer to make captain in Starfleet. He’s shrewd and has outwitted many strange space aliens, some of whom were foes and some of whom became friends.  Although Kirk generally follows regulations, he will sometimes divert from or even ignore them, when his crew is at risk, or when he feels that the greater good is more important (such as saving people on a planet).  Kirk’s crew is very loyal to him, and he to them.  Kirk is the model of the 23rd century man who believes in humanity and peace, not brute force (for the most part).  Kirk boxes to keep in shape, so he’s able to easily defend himself.

Kirk had a son, David, a scientist who resented Kirk at first. David was a pacifist and seemed to be the opposite of Kirk in most ways. He and Kirk grew to admire each other, but then he died when the Klingons stole the Genesis device and threatened Saavik and Spock. Kirk blamed the Klingons for David’s death. He had a hard time letting go of his hatred for them.

Captain Kirk has an eye for beautiful women, but his ship, the Enterprise, is the lady he always chooses to return to. He had a long career as both Captain and Admiral. Kirk dies when he and Captain Picard fight against an evil being named Soran who tries to destroy a planetary system in order to get back to a an extra-dimensional area called The Nexus (in the movie “Star Trek: Generations”).

Mr. Spock, Science Officer of the starship Enterprise

Mr. Spock (portrayed by Leonard Nimoy) is half-human and half-Vulcan. Vulcans suppress their emotions and use logic and science in their lives. Spock is the first Vulcan to serve in Starfleet. He’s the First Officer and Science officer of the Enterprise. Although he has learned not to show his emotions, it’s clear that Spock values his friendships, including those of his captain, James T. Kirk, and Dr. “Bones” McCoy and Nurse Chapel.  Spock gave his life to save the ship when it was about to explode due to the Genesis device. He went into the anti-matter core to adjust it manually, dying of radiation poisoning (In “Star Trek: Wrath of Khan”). He subsequently was resurrected by the same Genesis device and rescued by the crew of the Enterprise (in “Star Trek 3: Search for Spock”).

Later in his life, Spock worked to reunite the Vulcans and Romulans in peace, with help from Jean-Luc Picard (In “Star Trek: The Next Generation”). He also tried to help the Romulans when their planet was threatened. He ended up accidentally creating an alternative timeline because of a vengeful Romulan, Nero (in the 2009 reboot movie “Star Trek”). Spock meets the younger version of himself and Kirk in the other reality, and they defeat Nero. However, Nero had destroyed Vulcan, so Spock remained in the alternate universe to help rebuild New Vulcan. He also aided the younger Spock and Kirk with some advice in their fight with Khan (in the 2013 film “Star Trek: Into Darkness”).

Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy of the starship Enterprise.

Dr. Leonard McCoy (portrayed by DeForest Kelley) is the Chief Medical Officer of the starship Enterprise. He calls himself “an old country doctor” because he’s from Atlanta and studied at the University of Mississippi. He was divorced at a young age and had many failed romances, perhaps because of high moral standards. He’s good friends with Captain Kirk. Where Mr. Spock is very logical, Dr. McCoy is a bit emotional (even though he’s a man of science himself). He believes strongly that sometimes the body can heal itself.  He is very folksy, and he doesn’t trust all of the modern technology, even though he uses it to save lives. He and Mr. Spock were often at odds during tense situations, and McCoy often would call Spock a freak or some other insulting term, but they came to admire and respect each other. Indeed, they became friends.

Dr. McCoy became Chief of Starfleet Medical later on in life, also becoming an admiral. He lived a long life and appeared at age 137 on the Starship Enterprise once again (in “Star Trek: The Next Generation”) to inspect the medical bay of the new Enterprise-D; he was escorted by Lt. Commander Data.


Lt. Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (portrayed by James Doohan) is the Engineering Officer on the Enterprise. He’s Scottish and very proud of his heritage. He’s even prouder of the ship and its engines, which he treats as if they’re his babies. He’s able to perform miracles and get the ship and its crew out of many jams. He likes to drink Scotch Whiskey or other alcoholic drinks. Scotty gets along fine with his shipmates, and he’s very loyal to them (especially Captain Kirk).

Scotty served on 11 ships in his long career. He was about to retire when his shuttlecraft was hit by a Dyson Sphere. He put himself in the pattern buffer to survive, and he was there for 75 years until revived by the crew of the Enterprise D (in “Star Trek: The Next Generation”). Scotty didn’t adjust well to life in the 25th century because his knowledge was too outdated. After helping to save the Enterprise D, he was given a small starship (called a runabout) and went off to explore space in his remaining days.

Nurse Christine Chapel

Nurse Christine Chapel (portrayed by Majel Barrett) is the nurse that assists Dr. McCoy on the Enterprise. She originally had a career in bio-research, but she abandoned it to go into space when her fiancé went missing. Once they found him, and he died, she decided to stay on the ship.  She’s a capable medical officer who does a lot to help the crew. Eventually, she became a doctor (in the movie “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”).

In the series, Nurse Chapel has a crush on Mr. Spock, who can’t return her feelings because he’s a Vulcan. She kept trying to get close to him, despite that.

Lt. Hikaru Sulu

Lt. Hikaru Sulu (portrayed by George Takei) is the ship’s helmsman. He has a background in physics and was the ship’s staff physicist when it started. Then he became the helmsman.  Sulu has many hobbies, including botany, fencing, gymnastics and ancient weaponry. He later, in the movies, became Lt. Commander, Commander and then Captain. He commanded his own ship, the U.S.S. Excelsior.

In the movie “Star Trek: Generations,” we learn that he has a daughter, Demora Sulu. Sulu is also seen in a flashback by Lt. Tuvok, who served under Captain Sulu, in an episode of “Star Trek: Voyager.” We learn nothing else about Sulu’s personal or romantic life.

Lt. Nyota Uhura Lt. Nyota Uhura (portrayed by Nichelle Nichols) is the Chief Communications Officer on the ship. She can also fill in at the helm, navigation or science stations when needed. She speaks many languages, but she mostly interacts with the technology on the ship. She is religious (Christian) and also loves to sing for the crew when off-duty (sometimes with Spock playing the Vulcan lyre). Like most of the ship’s crew, she’s very loyal to the ship, its crew and to Captain Kirk.  She comes from the United States of Africa.

When challenged, especially by obnoxious aliens, she stands up for herself as a strong woman. One alien robot, NOMAD, erased her memory, so she had to relearn her whole life (with the help from the ship’s computers). It didn’t take her long, thankfully.  She has a good working relationship with the other crew, but no mention is ever made of any romantic relationships.  When some of the crew went to the mirror universe, she flirted with the mirror Sulu in order to distract him. Nothing else is known about Uhura’s personal or romantic life.  Later, Uhura was promoted to Lt. Commander and then Captain.

Ensign Pavel ChekovEnsign Pavel Chekov (portrayed by Walter Koenig) is a junior officer compared to the rest of the bridge crew. He’s younger and more naïve.  Chekov is later promoted to Lieutenant, and then to Lt. Commander. He’s the ship’s navigator. Later, he became the ship’s tactical officer and security chief. Hailing from Russia, he enjoys making jokes about how everything is a Russian invention.  However, his youthful arrogance hides the fact that he was an honors graduate of the Space Academy and is almost as good with science as Mr. Spock.

Like Captain Kirk, Chekov always admires beautiful women and frequently flirts with them. Chekov became the Executive Officer aboard the Reliant (in “Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan”) and showed up later on the Enterprise-B as a guest on its first voyage (in “Star Trek: Generations”).  His son, Anton, became President of Earth, but nothing else is known about Chekov’s life outside of the ship.

Yeoman Janice RandJanice Rand (portrayed by Grace Lee Whitney) is Captain Kirk’s Yeoman, which is similar to a personal assistant.  Captain Kirk showed his sexist side when he was uncomfortable having a woman in that position (probably because she was so beautiful, and he had a hard time ignoring that). There is always a lot of sexual tension between the two.  Yeoman Rand seemed quiet and shy at first, but she is clearly a capable officer who frequently goes on away missions with a tricorder, and she’s able to stand up for herself when necessary.

Later, Rand became the Transporter Chief on the ship (in the movie “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”) and then a Communications Officer on the U.S.S. Excelsior (in the film “Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country”).

Lt. Arex, Navigator of the Starship Enterprise (James Doohan)Lt. Arex (voiced by James Doohan) serves as one of the ship’s navigation officers (in “Star Trek: The Animated Series”). He’ss an Edosian, and that species has 6 limbs.  He is adept at using the science station and has commanded the Enterprise a few times when the captain was away. Arex has a very high, whiny voice.

Arex is known as one of the best navigators in Starfleet and was Ensign Chekov’s instructor at the academy. Arex got his start as a technician on merchant vessels but became an officer through a field promotion. He never went to Starfleet Academy. He has had many commendations and citations for bravery and valor, but he is quiet and unassuming.

Lt. M'Ress, Communications Officer of the Starship Enterprise (Majel Barrett)Lt. M’ress (voiced by Majel Barrett) is the ship’s Operations Division Officer and frequently fills in for Uhura as Communications Officer and sometimes as Science Officer. Her species is Caitian; she has a tail and a cat-like appearance. Also, she purrs when she speaks. She is close friends with Lt. Uhura and Nurse Chapel, and she also hangs out with Lt. Arex. She has interests in anthropology, archaeology, poetry-writing and performing in plays.




"Star Trek: The Animated Series" Kirk, Spock and Scotty

Information from watching the series, as well as from Wikipedia and Memory Alpha.

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General Hospital Character Description: Dr. Kevin Collins

JOHN LINDSTROM (Kevin) of GENERAL HOSPITAL – The Emmy-winning daytime drama “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday (3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Dr. Kevin Collins


Kevin is a good guy who tries to help people. He’s a psychiatrist who devotes his time to helping others; he has a lot of compassion. His twin brother, Ryan Chamberlain, was a psychopath who came to Port Charles in 1992.  Kevin came to town a year later, wanting to treat his brother. Kevin always felt a lot of guilt because he was more mentally fit than Ryan. When he was on “Port Charles,” we also learned that that their mother, Marilyn, sexually abused Ryan when they were children (and she had also mistakenly did the same to Kevin once, thinking he was Ryan, which resulted in their father taken Kevin away – but leaving Ryan behind).  Ryan came in and out of the lives of Port Charles’ residents and was thought to be dead when he resurfaced in 2018 and took over Kevin’s life for a time, while imprisoning Kevin in his stead in the mental hospital. Kevin was eventually rescued by Franco and Jason, along with Carly and Laura.

Kevin always had a lot of sympathy for his brother, even though he was a killer and attacked Kevin many times. It is his greatest flaw. He always sees the good in people. He met Lucy Coe and fell for her. He helped her to become a better person, but she did let him down many times over the years, until he’d finally had enough, in 2014, when she cheated on him with Scott. They went through a lot together, including adopting little Christina and fighting vampires.

Kevin was temporarily psychotic in 2002 when he was injected with a drug and had a psychotic break.

Kevin has helped many people over the years, including Stone Cates, Carly Corinthos, Franco Baldwin, Lulu Spencer, Morgan Corinthos, Livvie Locke (who turned out to be his daughter) and others. Besides Lucy, he was married to Eve Lambert (on “Port Charles”) and is now married to Port Charles mayor Laura Spencer.

Kevin wrote a best-selling book called “General Homicide.” A psycho named Greg Cooper decided to take his revenge by copying the murders in Kevin’s book.

Kevin is great friends with Mac Scorpio, who was police commissioner for a long time. In 1995, the pair was very funny when they dressed up in drag as Norma & Eve to infiltrate a psychic’s seminar, to prove that she wasn’t really psychic.  Mac is the one who fatally shot Ryan in 2023, but Kevin didn’t blame him. Mac has been more of a real brother to Kevin that Ryan ever was.

Kevin learned in 2023 that he has a niece, Esme (Ryan’s daughter with Heather), and a grand-nephew, Ace.  Esme was a terrible person, but she has amnesia, so she is good (for now).  Ace (among others) was kidnapped by Victor Cassadine in his plot to save the world (by killing millions of people).

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Jon Lindstrom (Kevin) - photo from the Official ABC General Hospital Facebook Page

General Hospital Character Description: Lucy Coe

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Lynn Herring as Lucy Coe. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Lucy Coe


Lucy was introduced in 1986 as a “mousy librarian” who tried to give Kevin O’Connor an alibi for his murdering several people.  She was quickly found to be lying on the stand because she and Kevin were having an affair. Lucy was a schemer and liar but also smart and sexy. Lucy slept with Jake while he was married to Bobbie, which started a long feud with the nurse. She married Tony, which didn’t work. Then she married Alan for his money and had an affair with Scott.  Lucy became pregnant by Jake, Scotty and Kevin, but she miscarried each time.

Lucy left town and returned later. Scotty was married to Dominique, who was dying of cancer. Lucy agreed to carry their baby as a surrogate. This was when the kinder side of Lucy started to emerge. She gave birth to their daughter, Serena, but then Scott and Serena left town because he became targeted by the mob. Lucy then took up with Kevin, and he helped her to become a better person. Their relationship had many ups and downs.

The show “Port Charles” was created, which centered around Lucy, Scott, Kevin and many interns.  Lucy developed psychic abilities for a time, which led to her interfering in other people’s lives. Although engaged to Kevin, Lucy became jealous of his friendship with Eve, which led to her tampering with her car, and Serena became blind for a time as a result. This broke up Lucy and Kevin for a long time. She became involved again with Scott, and they got married, raising Serena. Eventually, they divorced.

Lucy and Kevin found their way back together, and he learned that he had a daughter, Livvie (a grown woman).  Lucy discovered that there were vampires in town, and that she was descended from a long line of vampire slayers. She also met her cousin, Rafe, who was also a vampire slayer. After more ups and downs, they finally married. They also adopted a little girl, Christina.

Lucy and Kevin continued to have many struggles, most of them involving the supernatural. Kevin was injected with a drug that made him have a mental breakdown. Lucy fell in love with Ian, who became a vampire. However, he saved her life at the end of the series. Kevin and Lucy both returned (separately) to “General Hospital” in 2004 for Lila’s memorial service.  She returned for good in 2012 to help with the Nurses’ Ball and became involved with a Quartermaine battle for control of ELQ, since she had voting shares.

She was committed to Ferncliff mental facility when she stabbed police detective John McBain with the leg of a chair, believing him to be Caleb (the vampire). It turned out that he was related to Caleb, and he was killed. Kevin and Lucy stayed in town, but she had an affair with Scott, which broke up her marriage.

Lucy continued to be nosy, and manipulative, and resourceful. She blackmailed Ava for a time. She ran the company “Deception” and also wrote a travel guide for Port Charles. She started dating quirky lawyer Martin Grey in late 2021.

In 2023, Lucy worked with Anna to get Victor Cassadine, which resulted in her being targeted by him for death. She was thought to be dead for a while, but she was just hiding out with Martin, Anna and Valentin.

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Lynn Herring (Lucy) - photo from the Official ABC General Hospital Facebook Page

General Hospital Character Description: Marcus Taggert

RÉAL ANDREWS (Marcus) on "General Hospital" (photo from his Instagram page)

Marcus Taggert


When Marcus Taggert came to town in 1996, he was out for revenge on Sonny. Sonny’s abusive stepfather, Deke, had been a mentor to young Marcus back in Bensonhurst and encouraged him to become a cop. He thought Sonny had gunned him down in an alley. He also hated Sonny when his wife, Lily, was murdered by a car bomb.

He has a sister, Gia, and his mother was Florence. He dated several women, but none of them became serious relationships.  He clashed with Scott Baldwin about his professional ethics in 2003 and ended up leaving to take a job in Portland.

He returned in 2020 and seemingly died, but his death was faked in order to catch Cyrus. We learned that Trina was his daughter and that Portia was his ex-wife. Also, he’d worked with Jordan before. Marcus was able to return to the world after Cyrus was put away. He’s been there to support his daughter, Trina.

When Portia was about to marry Curtis, she was forced to admit that Curtis might be Trina’s dad, not Marcus.

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General Hospital “02/14/23” RÉAL ANDREWS (Marcus) Episode “15158” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)

General Hospital Character Description: Robin Scorpio-Drake

Kimberly McCullough (Robin) - photo from the Official ABC General Hospital Facebook Page

Robin Scorpio-Drake


Robin is a kind and compassionate person with a strong moral core. Both of her parents were international spies or cops when she was growing up. She didn’t know her father at all until she was five years old, and she didn’t know that Anna was her mom. She thought she was just a family friend. Anna had hidden her away to protect her; she was a target for her parents’ enemies. When she was about 12, both of her parents seemingly died in a boat explosion. Her Uncle Mac and later, Aunt Felicia, raised her. Felicia’s daughter Maxie and Georgie were like her sisters. Robin had many adventures, but she saved a lot of people’s lives as both a doctor and a hero.

A few years later, Robin fell for teen Stone, not knowing that he was HIV positive. She also became HIV positive, but Stone died. After that, she fell for Jason Morgan, who helped her get over Stone’s death. Both Stone and Jason worked for mobster Sonny, which didn’t make Mac (the police commissioner) happy. Robin became good lifelong friends with both Jason and Sonny.  She and Jason have had an on-again, off-again romance over the years.

Robin went to Yale for college. At some point, she become a doctor, specializing in drug protocol research. In 2001, she learned that her mother, Anna, was alive and living in Pine Valley, but she had amnesia. Anna remembered Robin but couldn’t remember what happened to Robert. A few years later, Robin returned to Port Charles and joined the staff of General Hospital.  There she met Patrick Drake. They dated, had a few breaks here and there, but eventually married and had their daughter, Emma.

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Robin was thought to be killed in a lab explosion and fire in 2012, but she was kidnapped and held captive by Jerry Jacks and Cesar Faison (among others). She was rescued by her parents and reunited with her family, but then she had to help Jason, who was also being held captive. Her family is threatened so that she has to stay and work on Jason and also find a cure for Helena’s illness. Eventually, Jason gets free and rescues her, and she reunites with her family.

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KIMBERLY MCCULLOUGH (Robin) of GENERAL HOSPITAL – “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Todd Wawrychuk)

General Hospital Character Description: Valentin Cassadine

JAMES PATRICK STUART (Valentin) of GENERAL HOSPITAL – The Emmy-winning daytime drama “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday (3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Todd Wawrychuk)

Valentin Cassadine


Valentin was thought to be the disowned son of Mikkos Cassadine when he first came to Port Charles, and he was a villain. He took Sam, Jason, Ava, Laura, Kevin and Nikolas hostage at Wyndemere and shot Nikolas, who fell out of a window. He was presumed dead for years. He also shot Kevin and left them all there. Then he met Nina. Enchanted, he had a one-night stand with her and later returned to woo her. He tried to kidnap Spencer but was caught and arrested. He returned and claimed the Cassadine inheritance, including Wyndemere, as his own. He also claimed his daughter, Charlotte, whom Griffin thought was his. He and Nina were together for a while. Nina and Charlotte loved each other as well.

Nikolas returned in 2020, and he reclaimed Wyndemere. Eventually it was revealed that Victor and Helena were actually Valentin’s parents. Also, Lulu Spencer was revealed to be Charlotte’s biological mother. There was a lot of conflict between Nina, Valentin and Lulu, and between Valentine with Laura, Spencer and Nikolas. Also, Valentin played a cat-and-mouse game with Anna, leaving clues about their past. It turned out that he had some major deformities as a child, but he went to work for the DVX. He blamed Anna for rejecting him when he tried to kiss her. Later, they determined that it was her twin sister, Alex, not Anna, that had rejected him.

Meanwhile, Nina divorced Valentin because she blamed him for her brother’s death. He tried to win her back with lies, so she rejected him.  He wormed his way into ELQ, with the help of lawyer Martin.  Later, his father Victor threatened Charlotte if Victor didn’t do his bidding, including poisoning Laura. Valentin couldn’t go through with it. His years spent in Port Charles, along with his love for Charlotte and Nina, have made him a better person. Valentin worked with Anna to protect Charlotte and get rid of Victor.  Along the way, they fell in love. Valentin went from villain to hero.

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CYNTHIA WATROS (Nina) and JAMES PATRICK STUART (Valentin) of GENERAL HOSPITAL – The Emmy-winning daytime drama “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday (3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Todd Wawrychuk)

General Hospital Character Description: Portia Robinson

BROOK KERR (Portia) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Brook Kerr as Portia Robinson. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Portia Robinson


Portia is a dedicated doctor at General Hospital. Her daughter is Trina Robinson. Marcus Taggert is her ex-husband. She almost married Curtis Ashford. Most people love Portia.  She worries a lot about Trina and is very protective of her.

Portia had an affair years ago with Curtis while she was married to Marcus, so Trina might be his daughter. Her father, Sterling, and her brother, Zeke, were at the wedding, but it was called off due to her lying to Marcus about Trina’s paternity.

Portia gets along really well with her hospital co-workers, especially Elizabeth and Dr. Randolph.

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BROOK KERR (Portia) with (Zeke) GAVIN HOUSTON and RICCO ROSS (Sterling) on General Hospital “02/14/23” Episode “15158” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)

General Hospital Character Description: Marshall Ashford

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Robert Gossett as Marshall Ashford. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Marshall Ashford


Marshall is Curtis’ father. He came to town as a mysterious figure because years ago, he had left Curtis and his mom, and they thought he had died of a heart attack. It turned out that he was arrested during a protest and then put into a mental hospital. He was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, which is why he stayed away all these years.  Marshall is a professional jazz clarinet player.

Marshall is now close with Curtis, Stella, TJ and Portia. He briefly dated Nurse Epiphany Johnson.

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Robert Gossett as Marshall Ashford 2/15/23 from screen shot of clip on General Hospital Official Facebook Page.

General Hospital Character Description: Harrison Chase

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Josh Swickard as Chase. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Harrison Chase


Harrison is kind, smart, brave and sensitive. He’s a detective at the PCPD and very good at his job. He also sings very well and plays the guitar.  Harrison is Finn’s younger brother, but they were estranged for many years before Chase came to town. Now they’re very close. Harrison has a sunny disposition and smiles a lot, unlike Finn.

Harrison’s father is Professor Gregory Chase, and his mother is journalist Jackie Templeton. His partner at the PCPD is Dante Falconeri. After being in a relationship with Nelle, Sasha and Willow, Chase met his true love, Brook Lynn. It took them both a long time to admit their feelings, and circumstances keep pulling them apart. Such is the nature of soap love.

When Brook Lynn’s sleazy manager insulted her, Chase got into a fight with him, resulting in his suspension from the police force. He became a singer for awhile, with Brook Lynn’s songs, but he missed being a detective. Eventually, he was reinstated back into the PCPD.  Chase and Michael are good friends.

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AMANDA SETTON (Brook Lynn) with JOSH SWICKARD (Chase) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – Episode “15079” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

General Hospital Character Description: Gregory Chase

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Gregory Harrison as Gregory Chase. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Gregory Chase


Gregory, formerly a professor a UC Berkeley, is the father of Dr. Hamilton Finn and Detective Harrison Chase. He was estranged for years from Finn because Finn slept with Gregory’s wife, Jackie, right before their wedding, and Finn was worried that Chase might be his son. Gregory thought that Finn was just angry with him for moving on too soon after his mom died. They have since reconciled.

Gregory and Jackie divorced. Gregory is also close to Finn’s daughter, Violet, and has recently started dating Alexis Davis.  Gregory admitted to Alexis that he’s been diagnosed with ALS. Gregory is a smart, nice guy, much like his two sons. He would do anything for his kids or his granddaughter.

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GREGORY HARRISON (Gregory) with NANCY LEE GRAHN (Alexis) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – Episode “15062” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

General Hospital Character Description: Sasha Gilmore

SOFIA MATTSSON (Sasha) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Sofia Mattsson as Sasha Gilmore. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Sasha Gilmore


Sasha came to town in 2018 after Valentin paid her to pretend to be Nina’s long-lost daughter (and after Curtis followed the clues he’d set to “find” her and convince her to get a DNA test). Sasha went along with it at first but then realized it was the wrong to do. Sasha worked at Crimson for Nina for awhile and later became a model for Deception.

She had a relationship with both Chase and Michael, but it was Brando that won her heart. She became pregnant with his child but lost it. Sasha turned to drugs while she was modeling but kicked them. After she lost the baby, she became hooked again and also had a mental breakdown. After being appointed as her guardian, Brando was murdered. Sasha and her mother-in-law, Gladys, never got along very well, but they grew closer for a while after Brando died.

Sasha is beautiful and kind, but she has a lot of baggage. For someone who’s only been on the show for a few short years, she’s had more than her share of soap opera heartbreak.

Sasha is good friends with Brook Lynn and Willow.

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SOFIA MATTSSON (Sasha) with JOHNNY WACTOR (Brando) on General Hospital “11/16” Episode “14853” – “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

General Hospital Character Description: Dr. Hamilton Finn

MICHAEL EASTON (Finn) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – The Emmy-winning daytime drama “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday (3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Dr. Hamilton Finn


Hamilton, or “Finn” as everyone calls him, is a dedicated doctor and research scientist. His former wife, Reiko, died of a deadly disease, Blackwood’s Syndrome, so he tried to find a cure. He had the disease as well, for years, and he was like an addict with the necessary drug to keep him alive, until he finally found the right cure. He later learned that, as a child, Elizabeth had pushed Reiko down the stairs, as a child, and Reiko caught the virus when in the hospital from that fall. Elizabeth’s father, Jeff, had an affair with Reiko while she was married to Finn.

Finn was a loner at first, but later he was revealed to have a brother, and a dad, Gregory. His younger brother, Chase, is a cop. Finn thought for a time that he might be Chase’s dad because he’d slept with Gregory’s fiance, Jackie, but it turned out that Finn is not Chase’s father. Finn’s dad, Gregory, has forgiven him, and they’re all friends again.

Finn has a daughter, Violet, from when he was with Hayden Barnes (Elizabeth’s sister). They didn’t meet until she was a toddler.

Finn almost married Anna Devane, but she lied to him about Peter August possibly being her son.  Finn is pretty honest and forthright. He’s been quite a hero on the show, not only as a doctor, but in doing spy and detective action when called for.

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MICHAEL EASTON (Finn) with REBECCA HERBST (Elizabeth) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – Episode “15127” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)

General Hospital Character Description: Jordan Ashford

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Tanisha Harper as Jordan Ashford. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Jordan Ashford


Jordan is a cop and a former DEA agent. She came to town in 2014 to reconnect with her estranged son, TJ. She had sent him to live with his uncle, Shawn, because she had to go undercover. Shawn turned out to be his real father. Jordan’s a really fantastic cop, but her personal life is often a mess.

Curtis Ashford has long been the love of her life. He was her brother-in-law longer before they both came to town.  Eventually, they got over their past differences and were engaged to be married. His Aunt Stella didn’t like Jordan and blamed her for her son, Tommy’s death. She forgave them, eventually.  Jordan and Curtis married, but the fact that she was still a cop, and he wasn’t, meant that she had to keep secrets from him. He couldn’t live with the lies. The final straw was when she lied to him about Marcus Taggert faking his death (in order to keep him and his family safe).

Jordan has a strong streak of right-and-wrong, and she is a by-the-book cop, for the most part. Still, she sometimes will work with mobsters or other non-police in order to get the job done.  It’s clear that she still loves Curtis, even though he’s in love with Portia.

Jordan has cracked many cases and works closely with D.A. Robert Scorpio and PCPD detectives Chase and Dante. She and her son, TJ, are very close. She’s also close to TJ’s domestic partner, Molly. However, Jordan is no longer a major character, so she’s rarely shown outside of investigating crimes or interacting with Curtis or TJ.

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TANISHA HARPER (Jordan) with JOHN J. YORK (Mac) on General Hospital “04/06/23” Episode “15194” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)

General Hospital Character Description: Josslyn Jacks

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Eden McCoy as Josslyn Jacks. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Josslyn Jacks


Josslyn is the daughter of Carly Jacks and Jasper “Jax” Jacks.  Sonny is her step-father.  Despite having a chaotic upbringing, Josslyn is very strong-willed and smart. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, and she isn’t loathe to share her opinions.  When she was young, she hung around with Spencer Cassadine and had a crush on him. She also hung out with Cam, who became her boyfriend later on.

Josslyn’s first boyfriend was Oscar, who died of cancer. She became involved with Cam after him.  She and Cam made love, but Esme filmed them and streamed in online, so that was traumatic for both teens. It was the beginning of their breakup.

Josslyn had cancer as a baby and had to get a kidney transplant. Nelle Benson’s father sold her kidney to Jax. (Nelle later came to down and wanted revenge)

Her next boyfriend was Dex, who does security for Sonny (but is secretly working for Michael, her brother).

Josslyn has a large extended family, which includes her late brother, Morgan. She was also very close to Jason Morgan. She’s had to endure a lot of loss in her young life, but she is very resilient. She can handle just about anything.

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EDEN MCCOY (Josslyn) with WILLIAM LIPTON (Cam) on General Hospital “08/23” “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Nick Argo)

General Hospital Character Description: Spencer Cassadine

NICHOLAS CHAVEZ (Spencer) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Nicholas Chavez as Spencer Cassadine. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Spencer Cassadine


Spencer grew up on the show, more or less. His mother was Courtney, Sonny’s sister. She died after giving birth to Spencer in 2006 (from a virus).  Nikolas raised him, but he wasn’t a very good dad because the Cassadines are all a little crazy. Many of them selfish, evil and psycho. They don’t treat each other well, and they often struggle for power and control of the family assets. They can be murderous to each other or to those outside the family,

Nikolas’ mother, Laura, is a good person, so she has been a positive influence on Spencer’s life. She gave him reasons not to become like the other Cassadines. His Uncle Sonny did the same thing, even though he’s a mobster.

Nonetheless, Spencer was spoiled for most of his childhood and got away with a lot. With his father’s wealth and his own intelligence, he did what he wanted. Unfortunately, he had to be sent away to boarding school when his life was threatened by other Cassadines.

After getting into a fight with Valentin Cassadine, Nikolas faked his own death.  This was very hard on Spencer, who was now a full orphan. Laura, and her husband Kevin, raised him for a while, when he wasn’t in boarding school.  Spencer was also close to Ava Jerome, but she betrayed him when she refused to be a witness against Valentin for killing Nikolas.  Later, when it was revealed that Nikolas was still alive, and married to Ava, Spencer had a difficult time forgiving either of them.

When he was a young boy, Spencer was good friends with Elizabeth’s son, Cameron; Carly’s daughter, Josslyn; and Emma Scorpio, Robin’s daughter (whom he had a crush on).  When he returned to town as a teen, he met up with Cam and Joss again, as well as Joss’ friend, Trina (Emma had moved away). He brought his girlfriend, Esme, to town. She seemed to be a spoiled brat, but it soon became evident that she was much worse.

Spencer is still close to Laura and Kevin, but he’s a grown man now.  He was sentence to Spring Ridge for stalking Ava, and then he was briefly in prison because he left Spring Ridge to visit his mother’s grave. His Uncle Victor was able to get him out of prison with bribes. Spencer tried to like his uncle and trust him, but he knew that the Cassadines were not to be trusted.

Spencer and Esme did their best to make life difficult for Nikolas and Ava.  Spencer also fell in love with Trina, complicating his relationship with Esme.  After Nikolas slept with Esme, Spencer vowed to get custody of Esme’s baby (his little brother), to keep him safe.  He also has to fight his Uncle Victor, who is trying to take over the world.

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NICHOLAS CHAVEZ (Spencer) with KRISTEN AVERY POHL (Esme) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Nick Argo)

General Hospital Character Description: Nina Reeves

CYNTHIA WATROS (Nina) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Cynthia Watros as Nina Reeves. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Nina Reeves


Nina was born into wealth, but happiness has largely escaped her, thanks to her evil mother, Madeline. She poisoned Nina, putting her into a coma for many years. She also stole Nina’s twins in utero and sold or gave them away. She did all of this to hang on to her fortune. Nina’s only solace growing up was her love for her brother, Nathan, who became a cop. Madeline also killed Nina’s lover, Silas (and the father of her children). Liesl Obrecht was revealed to be Nathan’s real mother. It was a great loss to Nina when Nathan was murdered by his real father, Cesar Faison. All of these losses in Nina’s life have caused her to be very insecure. She tries to be tough on the outside (and can come over as a real bitch), but she’s very frail on the inside. She’s the type of person who creates drama everywhere she goes, intentionally or not.

When Nina came out of her coma, she had a hard time adjusting to life. She pretended to still be in a coma for a long time, so that she could get revenge on Silas for cheating on her. She ended up going into a mental institution later when she found out that her children had died and that Ava was pregnant (Ava had an affair with Silas while Nina was with him years ago). She tried to steal Ava’s baby, but the baby was rescued. Franco had helped her, and he, too, went into the institution. They had a brief romance. She also met and fell in love with Valentin Cassadine. Eventually, he had lied to her too many times for her to forgive him.

Although Nina ran a successful magazine for awhile, her main focus was on having children. She fell for Valentin’s daughter, Charlotte, so it was very painful for her when she and Valentin fell apart.  Later, she found out that Nelle was her daughter, which made her start a long feud with Carly (she blamed Carly for Nelle’s death).  For a time, Nina thought Sasha was her daughter.

In 2020, Sonny fell off a bridge and was thought to be dead, only to be found alive in 2021 in a small town in Pennsylvania called Nixon Falls.  After learning that Nelle was her daughter, Nina sought out Phyllis, the nurse who had taken care of her when she was in the coma. Phyllis just happened to be in Nixon Falls and friends with Sonny. Nina fell in love with Sonny, who had no memory of his previous life as a mobster. She kept the truth from his family, in part because she blamed Carly for Nelle’s death.

Willow adopted Nelle’s baby, Wiley, so Nina tried to be a part of Wiley’s life. Things didn’t go well, and she was barred from seeing her grandson after the truth came out about Sonny.  Later, she found out that Willow is also her daughter, and dying from leukemia.

Strangely enough, Nina and Ava are now friends.

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CYNTHIA WATROS (Nina) with MAURICE BENARD (Sonny) on General Hospital “08/23” “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Nick Argo)

General Hospital Character Description: Esme Prince

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Avery Kristen Pohl as Esme Prince. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Esme Prince


When Esme first arrived in Port Charles with her boyfriend, Spencer, she seemed like just a spoiled young rich woman. As time went on, she was revealed to be seriously disturbed. She did a number of terrible crimes to young Trina, Josslyn and Cameron out of jealousy and spite. Later, we found out that Esme murdered her adopted parents and that her biological parents are killers Ryan Chamberlain and Heather Webber. She worked with Ryan for months to put his plans of murder and revenge into action.

Esme lost Spencer because he fell in love with Trina, and he found out that she targeted Trina and his other friends. She then slept with his father, Nikolas, and got pregnant.   Not wanting a psycho to raise his son, Nikolas kept her locked away in a tower of Wyndemere.  However, she escaped and was rescued.  She claimed to have amnesia, which made her a nicer person. She was still put in jail for her crimes, but Ryan and Heather escaped with her. They were captured and Esme had her baby. It’s unclear whether she really has amnesia or not, and whether she can be redeemed.  She’s very similar to another character, Nelle, who also caused a lot of havoc in town.

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AVERY KRISTEN POHL (Esme) with NICHOLAS CHAVEZ (Spencer) on GENERAL HOSPITAL Episode “14853” – “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

General Hospital Character Description: Drew Cain

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Cameron Mathison as Drew Cain. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Drew Cain


Drew is a hero. He was in the military a long time, and even when he was tortured and brainwashed to be an assassin, his true nature came through. Drew is Jason Morgan’s twin brother, which makes him a Quartermaine. He was kidnapped at birth and raised by Franco’s mom, Betsy. He was a hero in the military but was derailed by Shiloh, who was trying to cover up his crimes. Shiloh had Drew’s memories erased, and he was kidnapped. Kim Nero and Drew had a son, Oscar, who died very young from cancer. For a time, Drew had been implanted with Jason’s memories, so he lived his life…until the real Jason re-appeared.

Drew was first involved with Elizabeth, and then later with Sam (when he thought he was Jason). He and Sam had a daughter, Scout, but they divorced when Jason returned. Drew was thought to be killed when Peter sabotaged his plane. He re-appeared recently, after being rescued, and has become involved with Carly.

Although he supposedly doesn’t have all of his former memories, he seems to remember them sometimes. It’s a little unclear whether he’s still missing some of his memories or whether he still has some of Jason’s.  At any rate, he is definitely a lighter character than he was and is a true hero. Much like Curtis, he helps out the police and others when needed. He owns Aurora Media, which is part of ELQ. He seems to spend more time having adventures or canoodling with Carly than he does doing business.

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Cameron Mathison (Drew) and Laura Wright (Carly) screenshot from 3/10/23 video General Hospital official Facebook page

General Hospital Character Description: Dex Heller

EVAN HOFER (Dex Heller) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Evan Hofer as Dex Heller. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Dex Heller


Dex was hired by Michael to get information on his father, Sonny’s, organization, so that Michael can destroy his father’s business. In the process, Dex and Sonny became very close. Dex also fell for Sonny’s step-daughter, Josslyn. They kept their relationship a secret so that Sonny wouldn’t punish Dex.

Dex also works security for Sonny when needed. He has been violent on occasion (such as against slimy reporter Felty) and also heroic (such as when he helped save Anna).  Dex is a vet and also ran a gym for his friend, Chet.

He clearly stands up for the little guy and wants to be a hero, but he does a sleazy job for Michael and looks up to his mobster father. Both men are ethically compromised. Time will tell whether Dex can be the good guy that he wants to be for Josslyn.

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EVAN HOFER (Dex Heller) on General Hospital “09/19/22” Episode “15057” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

General Hospital Character Description: Trina Robinson

TABYANA ALI (Trina) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Tabyana Ali as Trina Robinson. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Trina Robinson


Trina is a strong young woman who first came on the show as a teen who liked to party. She became good friends with Josslyn Jacks. Her mother, Portia, is a doctor. She was told that her father, Marcus Taggert, had died, but he faked his death in order to protect his family. Then she found out that Curtis, her mother’s fiancé, might be her real father.

Trina is smart and a great student, but she’s had trouble in her young life. She had an attraction to young Spencer Cassadine, but Spencer’s evil girlfriend, Esme, saw her as a threat.  She drugged Trina and made it look as if she streamed Cam and Josslyn’s first sexual encounter to the world.  Trina almost went to jail because of Esme framing her.  Spencer loves Trina, so he worked hard to prove what Esme did.

Trina worked in Ava’s art gallery for a time as an intern. She always tells the truth and is frequently hurt by friends and family who lie to her.

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TABYANA ALI (Trina) on General Hospital “02/14/23” Episode “15158” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)

General Hospital Character Description: Victor Cassadine

CHARLES SHAUGHNESSY (Victor) on General Hospital “04/07/23” Episode “15195” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)

Victor Cassadine


Victor comes from a long line of rich, greedy, power-mad, evil Cassadines. It was revealed that Valentin is his son. The Cassadines are known for their treachery and cold-blooded ruthlessness, even to their own family. Victor spent some time in jail and then faked his death many times and has done many awful things to people in Port Charles. He came to town recently and pretended that he wanted to get to know his family, but he was really working to put his evil plan in motion. He plans to kill off most of the world in order to save the environment from over-population. He doesn’t care who gets in his way. He treats people like they’re disposable.

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Charles Shaughnessy (Victor) and James Patrick Stuart (Valentin) on "General Hospital" July 8, 2022 from the Official General Hospital Facebook Page

General Hospital Character Description: Willow Tait

KATELYN MACMULLEN (Willow) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Katelyn MacMullen as Willow Tait. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Willow Tait


Willow is a sweet but very strong woman. She was raised by her adopted mother in a cult, never knowing that Nina was her real mother and that Silas was her father. The late Nelle is her sister. Her grandmother, Madeline, sold her and Nelle when they were babies so that she could keep comatose Nina’s fortune.

Despite having such a tragic childhood, Willow stays optimistic and kind. She was a teacher and now has her own children. Wiley is Nelle’s daughter, but Willow has raised her like her own after her first child died.  Willow got leukemia in 2022 but married Michael and will probably recover.

Willow’s friends include Sasha and Brook Lynn.

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KATELYN MACMULLEN (Willow) with CHAD DUELL (Michael) on GENERAL HOSPITAL – “General Hospital” airs Monday-Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Todd Wawrychuk)

General Hospital Character Description: Curtis Ashford

GENERAL HOSPITAL – ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Donnell Turner as Curtis Ashford. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Curtis Ashford


Curtis came to town in 2018. He’s had many jobs, including soldier, cop, private eye and club owner. He was addicted to drugs before he came to town, but he kicked them. He and Jordan have had an on-again, off-again relationship. He’s had the same relationship with Portia.  Both women lied to him, and so did his Aunt Stella and his mother, but he loves them all. His father, Marshall, came to town, and they reunited after years. Marshall had faked his own death because he got into some legal trouble and because he was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia 40 years ago.

TJ is his nephew and Trina is probably his daughter. Although Curtis runs a nightclub, he still sometimes helps out local law enforcement or does PI work for friends. Curtis is a hero and all-around great guy.

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DONNELL TURNER (Curtis Ashford) with Robert Gosse7t (Marshall) on General Hospital “01/30/23” Episode “15147” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)

General Hospital Character Description: Cody Bell

ABC’s “General Hospital” stars Josh Kelly as Cody Bell. (ABC/Ricky Middlesworth)

Cody Bell


Cody is a fairly nice guy with some rough edges. He has trouble connecting with people. He doesn’t always say or do the right thing and can easily get in trouble. He works well with horses and gets along with children. His biological father is Mac Scorpio and his mom was Dominique. He’s an old friend of Dante’s from childhood summer camp.

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JOSH KELLY (Cody Bell) on General Hospital Episode: “06/02/22” “14988” – “General Hospital” airs Monday – Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christine Bartolucci)