B&B Short Recap Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Brooke continues to worry about Hope being vulnerable to Thomas (since Liam dumped her). Ridge tries to console her. Ridge and Carter go off for a mysterious meeting. Thomas and Hope continue to make out in a Forrester office. She tells him that she’s not in love with him, but he’s fine with that. They agree to just live in the moment. She locks the door, and they have sex.

At the Forrester Mansion, Eric talks RJ into helping him with his new designs. Eric shows him an old drawing he did when he was 3. He’s convinced RJ has the skill to draw for him, so RJ helps him. Eric also makes him promise not to tell Ridge.

Meanwhile, Sheila thanks Deacon for letting her stay with him. He’s very happy about his new restaurant, but he worries that the Forresters and Logans will find out about Sheila staying with him. They start to have sex when Ridge and Carter arrive at his door and knock on it, looking for Sheila.

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Days Update Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Belle calls Shawn from Marlena’s office and leaves a message, asking him to call her back and says they don’t have to talk about anything, she just wants to hear his voice to know he’s okay. Belle complains to Marlena that Shawn isn’t answering and she’s tried calling, texting, and tracking his phone. Belle adds that she doesn’t know where he is.

Shawn sits in his office at the police station and sees 4 missed calls from Belle as well as 7 messages. Shawn declares that he’s sorry but he has nothing to say to Belle or anyone anymore as he picks up his gun.

Jada goes home and is surprised to see her place is cleaned. Rafe then comes out from the bathroom and says he was just finishing up. Jada is impressed as Rafe jokes that he can’t spend all his time lying around and watching Body and Soul.

Steve and Abe sit at home watching Body and Soul where they comment on one of the character’s sons being back from the dead…

Philip asks Chloe if this means she forgives him. Chloe states that she’s furious at him for what he did, but she’s also really glad that he’s alive. Philip says he is too, especially now that he’s back home in Salem. Philip knows Kate think it’s a mistake for him to be here as she told him not to come to his dad’s funeral, but he can’t spend the rest of his life hiding. Chloe asks what he’s going to do. Philip declares that he will take responsibility for what he did and let the chips fall where they may. Philip then goes to leave but comes face to face with Brady when he opens the door. Philip says it’s good to see him while Brady is in shock and hugs Philip, questioning him being alive.

Belle complains to Marlena that this is all her fault for trying to get Brady to take Shawn to AA and says she doesn’t know what she was thinking. Marlena understands she was concerned and was trying to be supportive. Belle states that she needs Marlena to tell her what Shawn told her in their sessions. Marlena argues that she can’t do that. Belle points out that he’s not her patient anymore. Marlena says she can’t break their confidentiality. Belle argues that if Shawn is in danger, she has legal duty to say so. Belle asks if Shawn is a danger to himself. Marlena says she can’t say for certain but admits that after seeing him today, she is concerned. Belle begs Marlena to tell her what Shawn told her so that she can help him. Marlena then agrees to do so.

Shawn holds his gun in his office until there’s a knock at the door, so he puts it away. Paulina enters and says she hopes she didn’t come at a bad time. Paulina adds that she can come back later if he’s too busy. Shawn says it’s fine and asks what he can do for her. Paulina hopes that he can understand that even though Clint Rawlings just put him in the chair, she’s here to take him out. Paulina then announces she is giving Rafe his job back.

Rafe and Jada drink margaritas at home. Rafe talks about how he used to run a nightclub and jokes about what Jada doesn’t know about him as they kiss.

Brady can’t believe Philip is alive and he’s okay. Philip says he’s glad to be home and that he missed all of them. Brady tells Chloe that they were right the whole time as obviously Kristen had to be behind it all and gone after Philip to get to him. Brady asks where Philip has been and if Kristen had locked him in a dungeon. Brady says this means they can appeal the custody case and he needs to call Belle. Brady goes on about how the judge will realize that Kristen is a nutcase and everything will be fine. Chloe stops Brady and tells him that Kristen didn’t do it. Brady argues that she did and she framed him for murder. Philip then reveals that he framed him. Brady asks what he’s talking about. Chloe suggests this isn’t the best time but Brady wants to hear it. Philip admits he was insanely jealous of them and thought they were having an affair behind his back, so he came up with a plan to make him pay. Philip adds that he’s deeply ashamed of all of it. Brady demands to know the plan. Philip explains that Brady was on the phone outside the Pub and he came up behind him, knocked him out, and dragged him to the park where he stole his credit card and charged a bunch of shots to it to make it look like Brady drank them by filling a syringe with alcohol and injecting it to Brady’s blood stream. Philip adds that he sent threatening text messages from Brady’s phone to his own, then drove Brady to the park and dropped his watch there to be found later. Philip continues that he dragged Brady to the river bank, where he took out a knife and cut himself, then smeared his blood all over them, tossed his prosthetic leg in to the water and disappeared. Philip declares that he framed Brady, not Kristen. Philip knows how wrong it was but back then he was out of his mind and lost his grip on reality as he felt humiliated and betrayed. Philip says he could only focus on punishing Chloe and Brady for making a fool of him. Philip declares that he is sorry for all of it and will be sorry for the rest of his life. Philip knows it’s unfair as he asks if Brady can forgive him. Brady responds by punching Philip.

Steve and Abe watch Body and Soul until Abe sees a commercial for a memory supplement which Steve worries might be a sensitive subject for Abe. Abe informs him that Kayla told him that the supplement isn’t for amnesia. Steve says he’s sorry as he knows how frustrated Abe is. Abe doesn’t know why nothing comes back to him. Abe says he doesn’t remember Paulina or anything about their life together.

Shawn tells Paulina that he’s glad Rawlings is gone and brings up that Rawlings ordered him to arrest Paulina after the press conference but he refused. Paulina says she appreciates that and calls Shawn a valued member of the force, which is why she wants him to stay on as a detective. Shawn questions stepping down immediately. Paulina knows it must be disappointing for him, but she thinks it’s the right call to reinstate Rafe.

Rafe and Jada kiss until she jokingly apologizes in advance for him making the bed all nice when they’re about to mess it all up as they continue kissing. After they finish, they joke about making the bed being a waste of time. Jada suggests they take a break by getting a burger and a beer at the Pub. Rafe agrees but says first they can make the bed a little messier as they continue kissing.

Steve and Abe’s viewing of Body and Soul gets interrupted by the announcement of Paulina being the new Mayor. Abe hopes Paulina can undo the damage that Clint Rawlings did and then once he’s in the rearview mirror, he wouldn’t be surprised by anything Paulina can do. Steve comments that it sounds like Abe has a lot of faith in his wife, as she does in him. Steve assures Abe that Paulina really loves him. Abe confirms he can see that in everything she does, so it kills him that he doesn’t remember how much he loves her. Steve knows Abe came to stay because he needed space from Paulina, but he thinks maybe it’s time that they got close again.

Shawn agrees with Paulina that Rafe should be running the police department. Paulina is surprised and appreciates how classy he’s being about this. Paulina decides she’s going to go find Rafe to tell him that Shawn graciously agreed to step down and that he fully supports Rafe’s return. Paulina gets up but stops to ask if Shawn is sure he’s okay. Shawn claims he’s fine. Paulina notes he seemed a bit unsettled. Shawn repeats that he’s fine and that he thinks Paulina will make a great mayor. Paulina thanks him and tells him to take care as she exits the office.

Belle talks to Marlena about how Shawn came to her for therapy voluntarily and she thought he was making real progress. Marlena says he was but he’s decided that it won’t help anymore because it won’t help Bo or bring Victor back. Belle worries that Shawn is giving up. Marlena feels he’s hitting rock bottom which everyone has to do before deciding to make things right. Belle asks what if he doesn’t decide to do that and keeps spiraling. Marlena states that he’s not in a position to do much as he’s drinking a lot and is full of guilt and grief. Belle brings up that the last time Shawn and Victor talked, Victor was very hard on him with no understanding or forgiveness. Marlena understands that’s why Shawn can’t forgive himself and why he’s in so much pain. Belle cries that she’s terrified of what Shawn might do to get rid of that pain.

Shawn looks at his police commissioner name plate and then tosses it in the trash. Shawn then pulls his gun back out of the drawer.

Brady tells Philip that he doesn’t forgive him and yells at him to get up so he can hit him again. Chloe tells him no. Brady shouts that Philip that he went to jail and that Philip could’ve killed him by injecting alcohol in to his veins. Chloe argues that Philip wasn’t in his right mind. Brady questions where Philip has been. Philip informs him that he was in a mental institution in Europe and he’s better now, but he still feels horrible about what he did and he’s committed to make amends. Philip declares that he knows it won’t be easy, but he has to find a way to make this right or he can’t go on. Brady pulls out his phone and announces that he’s calling the police because this bastard is going to jail. Chloe takes his phone and says Brady can’t call the police. Brady argues that Philip is guilty of 12 crimes, so he needs to be arrested. Chloe repeats that he was mentally ill. Brady says he can go to Bayview though as long as he’s locked up somewhere. Chloe tells Brady to have some compassion since Philip just lost his father and it’s the only reason he came back. Brady calls Philip a vindictive and psychotic coward. Brady adds that Victor would be proud. Philip then reveals that Victor did know as he and Kate are the ones who sent him to Europe because they knew he needed help. Brady mocks that his mom and dad fixed it for him. Brady shouts about his grandfather being okay with him going to jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Philip explains that Victor and Kate wanted to help them both which is why they signed the documents, declaring him legally dead, since without a body Melinda had no choice but to drop the charges against Brady. Brady brings up the agony that Chloe went through, not knowing if Philip was dead or alive, and the guilt he felt thinking Kristen was behind it. Brady adds that he hired Steve to investigate and then realizes that’s why Kate didn’t want him to, because she knew he was alive. Chloe argues that Kate was just trying to protect her son. Brady declares that Philip has to go down and pay for what he did to everyone as he takes his phone back from Chloe. Chloe tells Brady to stop and that Victor didn’t want his son to go to prison. Brady shouts that Victor won’t know now. Chloe argues that she knows Brady loved Victor and Victor wanted peace in his family. Chloe asks Brady to just let Philip try to make things right.

Abe complains that Steve is pressuring him about Paulina. Steve apologizes as he didn’t mean to do that. Steve then asks if Abe is attracted to Paulina. Abe admits she’s intelligent, strong, and beautiful but that doesn’t mean he wants to share a bed with her. Steve says nobody said that and he’s getting ahead of himself. Steve suggests instead of thinking about sleeping his wife, he should think about going back to the beginning and starting over again.

Rafe and Jada eat together at the Brady Pub. Jada comments on what they have going being great. Paulina then enters and tells Rafe that she’s sorry to interrupt but she’s glad she found him. Rafe asks what he can do for Salem’s new mayor. Paulina responds that he can go back to being police commissioner.

Belle wishes Shawn would talk to her or Marlena instead of pushing them away and beating himself up. Belle decides to go to the police station for help since they care about Shawn. Shawn then enters Marlena’s office. Belle tells him that they had been so worried about him. Shawn responds that he doesn’t want anyone else to worry about him anymore. Shawn pulls out his gun and says he needs Belle to take it away from him because he’s not in a good place right now as he places the gun down. Marlena asks if Shawn was thinking of hurting himself. Shawn admits he doesn’t know but he knows he needs help. Marlena tells him it’s alright as there is no shame in asking for help. Belle promises they will help him.

Chloe begs Brady not to call the police, arguing that the Kiriakis family is in mourning. Chloe tells Brady to think about Maggie and asks if he will have Philip arrested. Brady decides he doesn’t know and he’ll have to think about it as he storms out of the apartment. Philip thanks Chloe. Chloe feels Brady is just in shock and in time, he will realize that Philip is not responsible for what he did while he was sick. Philip worries that now that he’s out, the truth is going to come out and he’s going to need a lawyer. Chloe offers to call Belle but Philip points out that Belle is Brady’s lawyer and sister. Chloe argues that she is also his friend.

Marlena wants to put Shawn on a 24 hour hold to assess him and figure out the next step. Belle admits she’d feel a lot better if he agrees to that. Shawn agrees to whatever Marlena thinks is best. Marlena says they can talk for awhile. Belle assures they are in this together and will get through it. Shawn apologizes to Belle for letting her down. Belle says he didn’t and that she’s so proud of him coming to ask for help. Belle assures that everything will be okay as she kisses him. Belle then exits the office.

Rafe reminds Paulina that Shawn was just appointed commissioner. Paulina reveals that she just came from telling Shawn he’s out and he will stay on as a detective. Paulina asks if Rafe will accept the job. Rafe and Jada remind Paulina about the policy preventing them from dating. Paulina declares that as mayor, she will have no problem with colleagues dating as long as it doesn’t interfere with their work. Paulina adds that she will tell the city council as well. Paulina feels they need to start handling relationships on a case by case basis. Rafe says that’s great but he will hold off on making a decision until the policy is amended. Paulina questions if Rafe doesn’t want his job back. Rafe assures that he loves being a cop and police commissioner but he’s really enjoying spending time with Jada. Paulina acknowledges that and guesses she needs to hurry and get the policy changed because they need Rafe back in charge.

Abe appreciates Steve trying to help, but he doesn’t think he can since he has no idea what this is like. Steve responds that he actually does. Abe asks if he had amnesia. Steve confirms he did, courtesy of the DiMeras. Steve tells Abe that the short version is that a little more than 15 years ago, his brother Jack brought him back to town when Kayla thought he was dead, so she was ecstatic until finding out that he had no memory of her or their life together. Steve says his reaction was like Abe’s, questioning how he could be Kayla’s husband when he had no idea who she was but Kayla wouldn’t give up and eventually, something in his heart let him know that Kayla was his destiny, so he did his damndest to get those memories back and feel that love again and the rest is history. Abe asks if he thinks that could happen for him. Steve thinks it’s possible if he starts spending time with Paulina again. Steve says he doesn’t have to move back in right away but encourages taking her to dinner and talking to her. Steve adds that maybe he’ll remember or maybe he won’t, but he bets that Abe will fall in love with his wife all over again.

Jada thinks Rafe should take the police commissioner job. Rafe points out they’d have to stop seeing each other. Jada says that’s just until the policy changes. Jada feels Paulina is right that the city needs Rafe in charge and he loves that job. Rafe is not sure he wants to go back to the police department, but he is sure that he’s falling in love with Jada.

Paulina goes to Steve’s to let Abe know that she asked Rafe to take his job back and he’s considering it. Abe says that’s great and thanks her for letting him know. Paulina then tells Abe to have a good night and goes to leave but Abe stops her. Abe asks if Paulina would like to go on a date with him if she’s not too busy with her job. Paulina responds that she thinks she can make some time.

Shawn apologizes to Marlena for his behavior earlier. Marlena says he doesn’t have to apologize. Shawn understands she was just trying to help him, so speaking to her like he did and walking out was wrong. Shawn adds that quitting therapy was a big mistake, so he’s ready to get started again if she is. Marlena tells Shawn that he will be her patient and she will do everything she can to help him. Marlena then reminds Shawn that he is her family and she loves him beyond words. Shawn says he loves her too as they hug.

Belle goes to see Chloe. She stops outside the door and texts Shawn that she loves him and always will. Belle then knocks on the door. Chloe answers and thanks her for coming. Belle says she got her message and asks what’s going on. Chloe clarifies that needing a lawyer is not for her or Xander. Chloe then tells Belle to see for herself as she opens the door, revealing Philip. Belle is shocked as she rushes up to hug Philip. Belle can’t believe he’s alive and says she’s so happy to see him. Philip responds that he hopes she still feels that way after she hears what he’s done.

Brady goes to the police commissioner’s office, looking for Shawn but finds it’s empty. Brady then leaves a note on the desk to call him and storms back out.

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Days Update Monday, August 28, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Brady meets Belle in the town square. Belle thanks him for agreeing to do this. Brady clarifies that he didn’t agree to do anything but to meet with her and he thinks they need to talk first but Belle says she doesn’t have time to talk because Shawn is falling apart in front of her. Belle talks about Shawn drinking himself sick last night. Shawn then arrives and questions what Brady is doing there since he thought they were having lunch. Belle explains that Brady is on his way to an AA meeting and offered to take Shawn with him. Shawn refuses but Belle tells him that he has to go.

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Xander asks what Sarah wanted to tell him. Sarah knows he came to see Maggie and she hates to interrupt, but Maggie made her see that she needs to be honest with him about her and Rex.

Rex surprises Kate at the Pub. Kate hugs him and admits that when Roman said her son was home, she was afraid it might be Philip.

Chloe answers her door at home and is shocked to see Philip. Chloe says this can’t be real but Philip assures that he’s alive and he’s come back to her. Chloe then faints in to Philip’s arms.

Kayla goes to Marlena’s office and says she wanted to see how she’s doing. Marlena says she’s fine but assumes Roman told her that they’ve decided the best way to help Eric is to accept Sloan in to the family. Marlena calls it her personal idea of Hell but notes that she volunteered to give the baby shower. Kayla then realizes that Marlena has been at Bayview and hasn’t talked to Roman, so she doesn’t know which Marlena then questions.

Rex doesn’t understand why Kate thought Philip was coming back. Kate explains that she had to call him about Victor. Rex realizes that Philip wants to be there for the funeral. Kate talks about Philip and Victor having such a complicated relationship but his father died and he never got to say goodbye, so he said he had to come home. Kate adds that she begged him not to until he agreed but she doesn’t know if she got through to him. Roman adds that if Philip does come home, everyone will know that he’s alive. Rex worries about Brady seeing him. Roman points out that if Brady doesn’t kill Philip, he’ll end up in prison, so they hope that Kate got through to him.

Philip sits Chloe down on her couch and apologizes for scaring her, explaining that he wanted to see her alone before whatever happens. Chloe doesn’t understand how he’s alive and questions where he’s been this whole time. Chloe asks if he’s hurt and about his leg. Philip says he’s good as new. Chloe asks if Philip was held hostage and hurt. Philip reveals that was one of a lot of lies. Chloe asks for the truth. Philip reveals that he’s been in Europe in a mental institution because he was out of his mind with jealousy. Philip states that back then, he felt if he couldn’t have her, he had to make sure Brady couldn’t, so he faked his death and framed Brady for his murder.

Shawn mocks Belle giving him a direct order to go to AA. Shawn questions Belle saying she would be by his side. Belle argues that she was by his side, watching him get sick all night and not knowing if she needed to call an ambulance. Belle cries that it’s killing her watching Shawn do this to himself as she loves him and doesn’t want to lose him. Shawn warns her that the only way she’s going to lose him is by trying to run his life. Shawn insists that he does not need AA and remarks that those meetings haven’t done Brady any good since his life is a hot mess. Shawn warns Belle not to send Maggie after him because he’s done with all this. Shawn then storms off as Brady holds Belle back and tells her to let him go.

Xander asks Sarah what about her and Rex. Sarah starts to respond but gets cramps. Xander asks if she thinks she might be in labor.

Kayla informs Marlena about Sloan losing the baby and apologizes as she thought she knew. Marlena feels she has to find Eric but Kayla asks her to give that a second since Sloan is taking tests and Eric is with her as she needs him. Marlena agrees to wait a while but questions how much Eric has to go through as Kayla hugs her. Shawn then arrives and asks to talk to Marlena.

Belle apologizes to Brady and says that Shawn has just been a wreck since Victor’s death. Brady remarks that when a drunk wants a drink, there’s always an excuse. Belle asks Brady not to call Shawn that but Brady says that’s what he is right now and that Shawn doesn’t need anyone feeling sorry for himself because he’s taking care of that himself. Brady explains that it’s what Maggie has told him over the years and he’s been where Shawn is. Brady feels there’s nothing Belle can do but be strong for herself. Belle hates that he’s right. Belle brings up how Brady is telling her that she can’t will Shawn in to doing what she wants, just like she was telling Brady the same about Chloe. Brady guesses they are in the same boat as he thinks Chloe marrying Xander is as self-destructive as Shawn’s drinking. Brady says she can’t talk to Shawn and he can’t talk to Chloe. Brady adds that he told Chloe that Xander was proposing because he can’t have Sarah and that she knows it. Brady complains that Chloe didn’t care and that she basically said she’s marrying Xander because she can’t have him because of Rachel and she can’t have Philip because he’s dead. Belle points out that they don’t know that for sure.

Chloe questions what Philip had done. Philip says he’s so sorry. Chloe argues that doesn’t quite catch it because he put them through Hell and let them believe he was dead. Chloe talks about how they mourned him and were sick for grief. Chloe goes over Brady being arrested, what Philip did to him, and what Brady’s life was like having everyone think he murdered Philip. Philip responds that he knows what he did and that there were days he thought he’d rather die than face what he had done to the people he loves. Philip mentions Kate and Victor sending him away, so Chloe stops and questions them knowing he was alive while letting them all think that he was dead. Chloe points out that Victor let his grandson go to jail while Philip notes that Victor made sure Brady was released. Chloe can’t believe this and tells Philip to stay away from her. Chloe asks how she knows he’s not still crazy and that they just let him out because he father died. Philip reveals they let him out awhile ago, so Chloe questions that he’s been free and still let them think he was dead. Philip argues that he couldn’t come home. Chloe complains that Philip never pays for what he’s done. Philip admits he’s had his mom and dad for his entire life, but now no matter the price, he had to come home for his dad and to see Chloe.

Kate informs Roman and Rex that she had a conversation with Chloe, who told her that Rex and Sarah are together again. Kate talks about Rex not saying a word to them about it. Roman suggests with their history, Rex wanted to wait and see if the relationship got more serious before saying anything. Rex confirms it has gotten more serious and that he was about to inform them that he and Sarah are getting married.

Sarah tells Xander that she is not in labor, reminding him that she is a doctor and it’s her body. Sarah insists that she’s not in labor but the cramps continue, so she admits maybe she is in labor but that it’s too soon. Xander decides to take her to the hospital.

Shawn apologizes as the door was unlocked. Kayla says she was just leaving anyway and adds that she’s sorry to hear about Victor as she can’t imagine a world without him. Kayla tells Marlena that she will let her know when Sloan’s tests are done as she exits. Marlena reminds Shawn that their appointment was for tomorrow but Shawn reveals that he’s here to cancel. Marlena points out that he could’ve called unless he wanted to talk to her in person. Shawn clarifies that he wanted to tell her in person that he’s quitting therapy for good.

Xander has Sarah set up in a hospital room and asks about her pain. Sarah admits it’s much better. Kayla enters and asks what she can do for her as she was surprised to see her name. Sarah explains that she was in town to visit Maggie. Kayla mentions that she planned to see her as well and tells Xander that she’s sorry about his uncle. Kayla notes that Sarah’s pulse is steady and adds that she didn’t know Sarah was pregnant, so she congratulates them. Xander clarifies that he’s not the father and it’s actually Rex’s. Kayla asks about Sarah’s contractions. Sarah says they haven’t been regular and have been very painful and close together but she thinks they are subsiding. Kayla notes Sarah’s blood pressure being a little elevated. Kayla assures they will take good care of her and asks Sarah how many weeks along she is. Sarah then fakes a pain to get Kayla to ask Xander to leave the room. After Xander leaves, Sarah says the pain is gone, so Kayla asks her again how many weeks pregnant she is.

Brady knows Belle cares about Philip, but points out that it’s been two years so he thinks Philip would’ve shown up by now if he was alive. Belle agrees and says it was weird when John called to tell her about Victor, she kept thinking about how hard it would be on Shawn, Brady, and Philip, so she realized she never really accepted that Philip is gone and she doesn’t know if she ever will.

Philip tells Chloe that when he got out of the bin, he wasn’t a threat anymore and wouldn’t hurt anyone but he also wasn’t really alive as it started to sink in what he had done. Philip feels he lost his father before he died because he stopped being his son and somewhere along the line, he stopped being the Philip who loved Chloe and became the Philip who wanted to own her. Philip states that he’ll never be able to prove to Victor that Philip is alive again but he’d like the chance to prove to Chloe. Philip clarifies that he’s not going to try to win her back, but he wants her to know that the Philip who got to know a goth girl and discovered the coolest person he’s ever met, is back.

Kate questions Rex saying that he and Sarah are getting married. Rex confirms that he proposed to Sarah and she told him yes last night over the phone which Kate mocks as being romantic. Rex explains that he got an early flight to surprise Sarah and pick up her favorite scone on the way to the Kiriakis Mansion. Roman congratulates Rex. Kate stops Rex and questions if he’s sure he’s not rushing this marriage. Rex responds that he is rushing it and asks why he wouldn’t since Sarah is pregnant with his kid. Rex then exits the Pub, leaving Kate and Roman shocked.

Xander returns to Sarah’s hospital room. Sarah informs him that she’s not in labor and it was just Braxton-Hicks which Kayla confirms. Xander asks how they can be sure the cramps won’t start up again. Kayla says she can’t be sure but if it starts again, she can come back. Kayla notes wanting to get Sarah some fluids because she’s a little dehydrated but after that, she can go home. Sarah thanks Kayla as she exits the room. Sarah then thanks Xander for bringing her since Kayla was very reassuring. Xander feels she has enough to worry about. Xander reminds Sarah that she said earlier that she had something to tell him about her and Rex.

Roman tells Kate that they are going to be grandparents again after all. Kate wonders when Sarah is due. Roman talks about Rex not giving them time to ask as he was out the door. Roman goes over how Eric lost a baby and now Rex is telling them that Sarah is pregnant. Roman can’t believe it. Kate says she can’t either and she just hopes that they aren’t in for any more surprises…

Chloe tells Philip that she’s been thinking about him a lot lately and she is glad that he’s alive, but informs him that she is engaged. Philip is not surprised since she and Brady always seemed to find their way back to each other. Chloe then reveals that she’s not engaged to Brady but to his cousin, Xander.

Sarah tells Xander that she doesn’t know how to say this but Rex rushes in and says he heard Sarah was in the hospital, so he asks if everything is okay. Sarah confirms it was just Braxton-Hicks and they are fine. Rex then questions what Xander is doing there. Sarah explains that Xander came to visit Maggie when the contractions started, so he took her to the hospital. Rex thanks Xander. Rex then talks to the baby and remarks that he and Sarah are old fashioned so they have to get married before the baby appears, which shocks Xander.

Kate tells Roman that she’s sorry as this is all too crazy. Kate says she talks to Rex once or twice a week and he barely even mentioned Sarah, much less that she’s pregnant with his child. Roman suggests that Rex might have thought she would interfere. Kate acknowledges that Rex has been pining for Sarah for ages while Roman points out that Rex cheated on her. Kate says they got past it, they’re both doctors, compatible, and mature so it looks good on paper. Roman asks what she is worried about then. Kate has no doubt that Rex is head over heels in love with Sarah, but she has great doubts about that feeling being reciprocated by Sarah.

Xander questions Sarah marrying Rex. Sarah says that’s what she was trying to tell him as she didn’t want him to find out from someone else. Xander says it’s great and shakes Rex’s hand as he congratulates him. Xander relates the feeling to when Chloe accepted his proposal last night, which surprises them as Rex remarks that he didn’t know Chloe lost her senses. Sarah tells Xander that she and Rex are very happy for he and Chloe. Xander says they are very happy for Sarah and Rex too. Xander comments on them all getting married and jokes that they won’t have a double wedding. Rex tells Xander that he can take it from here. Sarah thanks Xander for being there for her. Xander says he’s just glad all is well with her and the baby as he then exits the room. Rex calls Xander a jerk.

Marlena thinks Shawn leaving therapy is not a good idea right now since he’s made so much progress. Shawn asks why the first thing he did after finding out about Victor was get drunk out of his mind. Marlena says that tells her that he should continue therapy. Xander feels tired about talking about his life and how the bad things keep winning out. Marlena is not sure that’s true. Shawn complains that Belle thinks this is fixable too and she wants Brady to take him to AA, but he’s not an alcoholic. Marlena states that you don’t have to be an alcoholic to need help. Shawn argues that this is not fixable as he put his father in a coma and his grandfather in a grave. Shawn tells Marlena that she can’t fix this and walks out of her office.

Belle checks her phone and says there’s nothing from Shawn, so she just hopes he went to work. Brady feels in his state, maybe it’s best that he didn’t. Belle worries about Shawn being angry with her. Brady comments on treating the people they love the worst. Belle encourages Brady that Chloe does love him. Brady acknowledges that he hurt Chloe badly and he has no right to keep her away from Xander. Belle suggests Brady suck it up, apologize, and tell Chloe that he’s happy for her and Xander. Belle says that what she did eventually. Belle knows it’s hard but says when it all goes south, Chloe will need her friends. Brady agrees, so Belle tells him that he knows what he needs to do.

Philip questions Chloe being engaged to Xander. Chloe explains that they originally just decided to get an apartment together, but then they got close. Philip says it’s hard to process after everything Xander did to her. Chloe says he’s not the same person now and none of them are. Philip states that he just wants her to be happy, no matter who it’s with. Philip decides he should go. Chloe stops him and hugs him as she cries.

Belle goes to see Marlena in her office and asks if she’s okay. Marlena informs her that she just let Eric and reveals that Sloan lost the baby. Belle is shocked and asks if she should go see Eric. Marlena suggests giving him some time and asks how she is. Belle admits she’s not good and really worried about Shawn. Belle says she was trying to get through to him but thinks she pushed him too far, so she’s really worried about what he might do.

Shawn goes to his office at the police station and pulls out his gun.

Rex asks if Sarah is really okay. Sarah thinks it was just the stress of Maggie ripping in to her for not telling Xander about the baby and then when Xander showed up, she was on the verge of telling him but then the pains started. Sarah says she was on the verge of telling him again when Rex walked in, but then she just figured that if fate interrupted her twice, she should just stick with the original story. Sarah states that she agreed to marry Rex and calls it the perfect cover story for Xander. Rex asks if she’s sure that she wants to go through with this. Sarah says only if he does. Rex confirms he does and then presents her with a ring. Sarah tells him that he has no idea what it means to her that he’s willing to do this. Sarah admits that Xander being so concerned about her and the baby earlier made it easy to forget that he’s controlling, dangerous, and someone she doesn’t want anywhere near the baby. Sarah thanks Rex for helping her make sure that Xander never knows he’s the father of the child. Rex then puts the ring on Sarah’s finger.

Philip asks Chloe if this means she forgives him. Chloe states that she’s furious at him for what he did, but she’s also really glad that he’s alive. Philip says he is too, especially now that he’s back home in Salem. Philip knows Kate think it’s a mistake for him to be here as she told him not to come to his dad’s funeral, but he can’t spend the rest of his life hiding. Chloe asks what he’s going to do. Philip declares that he will take responsibility for what he did and let the chips fall where they may. Philip then goes to leave but comes face to face with Brady when he opens the door.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Tucker plants a seed of doubt in Jack by telling him he and Ashley offered Billy the CEO position at Jabot if he helped him and Ashley take over the company.

Billy is hurt that Jack’s first instinct is to assume that he would betray him and participate in a takeover of Jabot.

The audiologist does a house call for Mariah and Tessa and runs some tests on Aria. The audiologist tells Mariah and Tessa that Aria’s hearing loss might be in her inner ear and it may be inherited from one of her biological parents. The condition is treatable but can’t be cured. The audiologist wants to run more tests on Aria to confirm her condition and decide on a treatment for Aria. Devon and Abby promise to help Mariah and Tessa and be there for them when they are needed.

Ashley chokes on a grape while arguing with Diane at Society. Diane performs abdominal thrusts and the grape comes out. Diane drives Ashley back to the Athletic club where Ashley tells Tucker she can’t understand why Diane would help her. Diane arrives home and tells Jack that she saved Ashley’s life.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, August 25, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: You know, you’re the one who seems to be making enemies left and right. And that’ll happen when you mix ambition and a disregard for the rules of the game.

Nate: Wow. [ Chuckles ] Hard to believe you managed that with a straight face considering you just tried to muscle your way into getting control of Newman Media.

Adam: What do you mean? You keep trying to make this about me.

Nate: You’re giving me way too much credit. Do you really imagine that I can influence your father?

Adam: There is something going on.

Nate: Even if I did have that kind of sway, you are getting what you wanted. Will it only be satisfying if it’s on your terms? Are you that arrogant?



Sharon: Okay. Here are some emergency numbers in case something comes up. It’s an electrician, a plumber. And I made a checklist of things that need to be done for setup and after closing, just while you’re getting the hang of being the manager.

Esther: Oh, managing crimson lights. I just like hearing it.

[ Laughing ]

Sharon: Well, do you have any other questions?

Esther: Nope. I got this.

Nick: I have no doubt.

Esther: [ Chuckles ] Well, go enjoy moguling. And don’t worry about a thing.

Sharon: Okay. I’ll talk to you later.

Esther: Okay.

[ Soft exhale ] What if I got a badge that said, “Esther valentine, manager”? Too much?

Chloe: [ Laughing ] You are too much.


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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, August 24, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: Thank you very much, Simone. Appreciate the tip. How’s married life?

Tucker: Oh, it’s sheer and utter bliss. I’m the luckiest man alive.

Billy: Yeah, let’s hope you deserve her.

Tucker: Your sister would definitely tell you that I do not.

Billy: My sister’s usually right. I’m actually glad I ran into you, I was– I was thinking about you and Ashley, wondering what the status is about the plan for Jabot.


Billy: Yeah. [ Sighs ] Diane has no clue how to run jabot, okay? My family’s company is nothing more to her than an opportunity to grab more power and control, which means that the threat to my father’s legacy still very much exists. I don’t think Ashley has changed her mind about that.

Tucker: But she has realized how futile it is to fight with Jack when he insists on making this fatal mistake with Diane.

Billy: You’re dead right about that one, tucker. This is a fatal mistake and I just don’t believe that Ashley has decided that she doesn’t care about protecting my father’s legacy.

[ Tucker chuckling ]

Tucker: Billy, come on, man. This isn’t really about Ashley or John Abbott. I see right through you.

Billy: Is that so?

Tucker: Yeah. Hm. You were intrigued by the idea of running jabot all on your own and now you just can’t get it out of your head and now, you’re scared. Scared that maybe you missed your chance


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Y&R Best Lines Monday, August 21, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: Now, tell me it wasn’t totally worth it though. The chocolate, the coconut.

Lily: Yes, yes, it was so good, but I’m very full and sleepy and I have a room full of department heads wondering why their CEO is late.

Daniel: Eh, totally worth the wait.

Lily: Yeah, easy for you to say because your Omegasphere meeting is later. You can go take a nap if you want to.

Daniel: You know what? That, uh, nap idea actually sounds pretty good and having a room right upstairs, I don’t see why I shouldn’t do something like that.

Lily: Oh, my god. I hate you.

Daniel: I’m kidding. Look, I’m gonna sit here, I’m gonna drink my coffee and I’m gonna be on time for my meeting because… at least one of us should be punctual.

Lily: Okay, fine. It can be you.


to think we are anyway.

Chelsea: Your dad’s right. We can handle whatever you throw at us, but next time, just talk to us. Tell us what you’re feeling. Tell us that you need help. Don’t let it get to the point where you wanna run away


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B&B Short Recap Monday, August 28, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Brooke can’t believe that Liam won’t forgive Hope, but she supports her daughter. However, she advises her not to go back to Thomas, whom she still believes is dangerous. Hope angrily blames herself for what’s going on with Liam. Meanwhile, Thomas visits Liam to ask him to forgive Hope, but Liam refuses. Thomas calls him a fool. He goes back to Hope and tells her what happened. He urges her to be with him, and they kiss passionately.

RJ goes by the Forrester Mansion, noticing that Eric is not happy. Eric tells him that he wants to do another collection, but Ridge wants him to retire. RJ is outraged. Eric asks RJ to help him, since his hands hurt him now, due to arthritis.
Meanwhile, Ridge mentions to Steffy that Eric is annoyed with him, but he seems a bit clueless about why. He asks Steffy what’s going on with Thomas and Hope. He’s worried that Thomas will become obsessed with Hope again. Brooke comes by and tells them that she’s worried that Hope will run back to Thomas.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, August 28, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Sharon: Is the baby asleep?

Mariah: Yeah, tessa finally got her down.

Tessa: Aria was exhausted from all the poking and prodding and testing the doctor put her through. But she didn’t wanna close her eyes. She just wanted to be held.

Sharon: Oh, poor baby. Well, at least now we know it is a hearing problem and they can begin to fix it.

Mariah: If they can.

Sharon: Mariah–

Mariah: Mom, we– we don’t know anything, okay? We don’t know if it can be fixed. We’re gonna have an audiologist here later, and they may say something completely different, so we– we just don’t know anything. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry, I just–

Sharon: I know. I know. You’re scared, and you feel helpless. Your daughter has something wrong and you desperately wanna make it better, but you can’T. I know that feeling. It’s the worst feeling in the world. But now is not the time to panic or lose hope.

Sally: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Sally: Oh. Seems like you’re not having a good morning.

Nick: No, I’m not.

Sally: Okay, look. If this is about me not telling you about adam offering me the job, I–

Nick: No. Sally, obviously, I would’ve preferred you told me about that, but I’m not upset with you at all.

Sally: Okay. I’m sorry. What’s wrong?

Nick: It’s adam.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: What did he do now?

Nick: He just… you know what? I don’t wanna talk about him. I don’t even wanna think about him.

Sally: Okay. Yeah. This– this is an adam-free space as of right now.

Nick: Thank you.

Sally: But I do know something that might cheer us both up.

Adam: Well, thanks for meeting with me.

Victor: You said it was important.

Adam: Yes, I believe it is. Look, when this merger goes through, I wanna be ceo of newman media. It’s obvious that it’s gonna be the dominating force when the companies are folded together and I think that I am most qualified to run the company that I created. With your help, of course.

Victor: How magnanimous of you to acknowledge my contribution.

Adam: This merger was my idea to begin with. So for that reason, and a hundred other reasons, I think I deserve the seat at the head of the table.

[ Victor scoffing ] Rsv is in for a surprise.

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…

Victor: I can’t say that I’m surprised at your request.

Adam: Well, I didn’t think that you would be.

Victor: Have a seat, please. To be frank with you, I think it is brazen as hell, but then, I’m not surprised because that’s in keeping with your former actions, isn’t it?

Adam: Or would you have preferred false modesty? Some bs that you’d see right through?

Victor: I would’ve preferred a number of things. By the way, did you run this gambit by nicholas and sharon?

Adam: They will, eventually, see the logic in this idea.

Victor: You cannot form a partnership with them, and then, suddenly, run this gambit.

Adam: How can you not see the wisdom in this move?

Victor: Son, it’s your methods that I criticize.

Adam: Okay, well, I apologize for my bad manners for going after something that I want. And by the way, dad, something that I deserve.

Victor: That’s up to debate.

Adam: Meaning what?

Victor: Why the hell would we now upset the dynamics that we had set in place? There’s no reason.

Adam: Of course, you would think that.

Victor: Combining sna with newman media is a complex process that requires a number of people and their input. It’s not just you who’s in charge. What? Now, you’re disappointed with my decision?

Adam: But I’m not surprised. You always like to keep the carrot just out of reach for me.

Victor: Please, son. Stop that self-pity nonsense.

Adam: I’m just stating the facts from a long, painful experience.

Victor: You got what you wanted for heaven’s sake! You got the merger! Why the hell do you have to constantly upset the–

Adam: Nate convinced you about the merger, not me.

Victor: Oh, that’s why you’re upset? Because someone else’s input may have swayed my decision-making.

Adam: How many times did i tell you this was a good idea and you shut it down? And then suddenly, nate hastings opens his mouth and it’s a billion-dollar idea? What’s really going on, dad? Is this some backhanded punishment because of the blackmail scheme?

Victor: Can you blame me if it were?

Adam: But it’s nothing you haven’t done in your career. So, don’t get sanctimonious with me.

Victor: Son, it is not about me, it’s about you. Don’t you get it? It’s about your methods. What’s the matter with you?

Sally: Now, are you feeling better?

Nick: Oh, you have the magic touch.

Sally: Mm. So do you. Okay. There is something that I have been meaning to talk to you about, but now, it feels kinda wrong or maybe awkward given the circumstance.

Nick: What circumstances?

Sally: Well, you, me just now.

Nick: Really? You could ask me for like, anything right now. You know what I’m saying?

Sally: Okay, that does not make it any easier.

Nick: Just kidding. All right. What is it? What can I do?

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: Is your offer to fund a business for me still on the table?

Nick: Yes, of course. Always.

Sally: Okay, ’cause i don’t want it to interfere with our relationship. That has always been my biggest fear.

Nick: What?

Sally: Look. Okay. I– I will give you a business plan, a profit and loss margin, and–

Nick: Sally. Sally. You don’t have to do this. Seriously, you don’t have to pitch me. Whatever it is you set out to do, I have complete trust and faith in you.

Sally: Thank you.

Nick: Of course. Was that so hard?

Sally: You have no idea.

[ Both laughing ]

Nick: Well, I guess, that means you’re not gonna be working with adam.

Sally: I haven’t told him yet, but no, I will not.

Nick: Well, you know how I feel. I think you’re making the right decision.

Sally: Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t easy. I definitely thought a lot about it, but something just felt wrong about adam’s offer, you know? Especially, since he didn’t even discuss it first with you or sharon.

Nick: Well, that’s the way he operates, you know. He isolates you and then, uh, tells you you’re invaluable, and that you are the only person who truly gets him.

Sally: Yeah. Yep. That sounds about right.

Nick: But in the end, it’s just about what he wants or needs. If you try and stop him, or get in the way of that, he’s just gonna roll right over you. He won’t think twice about it. I really think you dodged a bullet.

Sally: Here we are talking about adam again.

Nick: Right? Ugh. It’s my fault too, right?

Sally: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Nick: All right, um, let’s talk about something better. You. What made you change your mind?

Sally: You mean about starting my own business?

Nick: Yeah, about letting me fund you. I only asked you, like, I don’t know, nine times.

Sally: I don’t know. I just wasn’t ready. You know, we were so new and I just didn’t– I didn’t want you to think that I was taking advantage of you.

Nick: Never occurred to me. Not once.

Sally: Okay, well, definitely would have to other people. And to be honest, the old me probably would’ve taken you up on your offer in a heartbeat without even thinking it through.

Nick: Okay. Well, I love this new you.

Sally: So do I.

Nick: After what you went through, a lot of people would’ve just crumbled and fell apart, but you didn’t do that. You’re a very strong woman, sally.

Sally: Yeah, it was definitely touch and go there for a while. After losing the baby, I– I really didn’t think I was ever gonna smile again. And now, I smile all the time. Because of you.

Nick: I know. I really missed it.

Sally: You’ve been wonderful. And kind and caring and sensitive. It’s allowed me to dream. To think bigger than I ever have and to want to create something and– and build, and– and nurture something of my own that maybe I can leave to my kids that I really still hope to have one day.

Nick: You’re gonna soar. I mean that. You’re gonna fly higher than all of us.

Sally: Soar. I like that.

Tessa: So, I was doing a little research on the internet this morning. I know, I know. Terrible idea.

Sharon: Yeah, I did the same thing when I was diagnosed. Everything I read, every side effect, every symptom I read about, I immediately started feeling.

Mariah: If it makes you feel any better, I did it too. Yep, it’s, uh, like the darkest, deepest, scariest hole you could ever fall into. It’s just a library full of worst-case scenarios.

Tessa: Yep, the internet is certainly not always our friend.

Mariah: Nope. So, uh, how is sna?

Sharon: Um, it’s just a lot of complicated stuff. It’ll work itself out one way or another, eventually.

Mariah: Okay, well, lay it on me.

Sharon: Mariah–

Mariah: Mom, you’re kinda forgetting who you’re talking to. See, when somebody I care about tells me that they don’t wanna talk about it, I kinda just become like annoying, yapping, little terrier until eventually you do.

Tessa: Yeah, that’s absolutely true.

Mariah: So, you might as well just save us both the aggravation.

Sharon: Okay. We are merging with newman media.

Tessa: Oh!

Mariah: What? Really? When?

Sharon: Well, the papers haven’t been signed yet, and now adam is making a power play. He wants to take control and put nick and me in a secondary position.

[ Mariah chuckling ]

Mariah: Oh, no. No. Hell no. You’re gonna fight that, aren’t you?

Sharon: Oh, yeah, we are going to fight. But it has been my experience that, well, when a war breaks out, victor tends to take adam’s side. So, to answer your question, no, I do not know when it’s happening or if a merger will even happen. Everything’s just up in the air right now.

[ Mariah scoffing ] (Woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over?

Mariah: You know, it– it’s typical adam. You know, he has to go and ruin something good because everything always has to be about him. And daddy keeps letting him.

Tessa: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Well, whatever adam or victor have planned, I have no intention of giving up my third of the company.

Tessa: Good. You should not have to. They are lucky that you agreed to team up with them in the first place.

Sharon: I will fight adam if he tries to take my stake away from me and I will fight victor too if I have to. This is too important to me to just step aside and let the boys divide things up among themselves.

Mariah: Yes. Go, mom!

Sharon: Well, I have been a part of too much newman family drama in my life. I know how it goes and I know how to survive it.

Mariah: Wow. You are so strong and so fearless. I– I– I wish I had some of that energy right now with everything aria’s going through.

Tessa: Hmm. You’re the strongest and bravest of all three of us.

[ Mariah chuckling ]

Mariah: Really? Oh, come on.

Sharon: You are mariah.

Mariah: You guys can’t be serious. I mean, mom, look at everything that tessa has had to overcome in her life. And you just beat cancer for god’s sake. I– I know I talk a very tough game, but on the inside, I mean–

Sharon: Hey, you know what? You are someone who never gives herself enough credit. Your baby girl, she is so lucky to have you, both of you, as parents. Aria’s life is going to be a journey. This is just a moment along the way. And I’m not pretending that it won’t be challenging or that there won’t be bumps in the future. But you’re both very capable and loving and determined, and you have a lot of support. You are not alone. You will survive anything that life throws at you. And your daughter will too.

Mariah: I love you, mom.

Sharon: I love you too.

Mariah: You know what? I love both of you.

[ All chuckling ]

Victor: So, what are your plans now that I’ve refused to anoint you as ceo of the new company? You gonna sulk? Be angry at me, everyone else?

Adam: Well, honestly, I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I figured that you would see this was the best move to make. And nick and sharon would think the same thing.

[ Victor chuckling ]

Victor: I see. Okay.

Adam: But I will accept that you have not seen the logic that I’m most qualified to run newman media. So, I’ll back off for now.

Victor: You mean until we come to our senses?

Adam: You will. I promise. Hey, maybe nate will suggest it, and then it’ll suddenly become a great idea.

Victor: Son… you have known me long enough to know that I do not take one man’s opinion or one man’s suggestion when it comes to business. His influence is far less than you think it is.

Adam: Well, one thing I know for sure is audra charles is redundant in any scenario. You certainly don’t need four people running the company.

Victor: You’re right about that. Too many cooks, no good.

Adam: So, she’s out. Correct?

[ Victor sighing ]

Victor: We’ll see.

Sally: So, where are you off to now?

Nick: Gotta meet up with sharon. See if we can figure out how to deal with adam. How about you?

Sally: Oh, I am going to meet up with adam to tell him that I will not be coming to work for him and get that off my plate. Then, I have a business plan to dust off and update for a certain new investor.

Nick: Well, sooner rather than later, okay? I gotta get my team going so they can put together an investment package.

Sally: God, it’s really happening.

Nick: Yeah, I’d be a fool not to fund you. You’re a hell of an investment.

Sally: Well, thank you. Again.

Nick: Sure. Now, if I could just convince you to come and live with me.

Sally: One life-changing moment at a time.

Nick: Okay.

[ Sally chuckling ] -Fixed. -That’s my son.

Nikki: I just saw adam leaving. What was that about?

Victor: He was just here and he suggested that he become ceo of the newly merged companies.

Nikki: And where would that leave sharon and nicholas?

Victor: They would answer to him.

Nikki: Oh, that just means he’ll continue to force his influence and cause more trouble.

Victor: I wouldn’t worry about that.

Nikki: Well, I do worry about it. I mean, the only reason you sent nicholas over there was to keep adam in line. Although, at the time, I remember telling you I didn’t think that would be possible.

Victor: Yeah, you told me that several times

Nikki: But you didn’t listen to me.

Victor: Sweetheart, I always listen to you. I take what you say seriously. It just takes time to sink in, you know?

Nikki: Well, I have an idea.

Victor: What?

Nikki: I don’t know if you’re gonna like it though.

Victor: Try me.

Nikki: Okay. What if adam were in the secondary position and you let sharon and nicholas be in charge? I mean, that would be fair. It would be good for the company. What do you think?

Esther: Uh, what will it be?

Adam: Esther?

Esther: Yep. The new manager of crimson lights. Thank you very much. What do you think about that?

Adam: Uh, uh, I’ surprised. I had no idea that sharon hired you.

Esther: Well, she had a lot on her plate, as you already know. So, coffee?

Adam: Um, uh, espresso.

Esther: Coming right up on the house in celebration of my new job.

Sally: Adam. Hi. Thanks for meeting with me.

[ Adam sighing ]

Adam: Yeah, of course, I, uh, I headed right over as soon as I heard from you. I’m hoping this is good news about you coming to work with me.

Sally: I am afraid it’s not.

Nick: So, how are we gonna deal with adam’s latest power play?

Sharon: Well, what else is there to say except, “no, you cannot be king or boss or whatever it is that you think might soothe your gigantic ego.”

Nick: We both know if adam doesn’t get what he wants, he’s gonna find some other way to make our lives miserable. We need to anticipate what that’s going to be.

Sharon: Why, nick?

Nick: So, we can stay one step ahead of him.

Sharon: No, i understand that. But why are we jumping through all these hoops just to keep adam on a leash? He says he’ll behave, he promises that he will work collaboratively, but he doesn’t do that. Or I don’t know, maybe he can’T. I’m not sure, but you know what? I am just really getting sick of the whole thing already. I can’t imagine what things are gonna be like a month or a year from now.

Nick: So, what are you suggesting?

Sharon: What if we back out of the whole deal? We take back kirsten and make it our own. Free of newman, free of victor, and especially, free of adam. Somedays, I cover up because of my moderate

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. Long weekends are for you time.

Tessa: Hey. Do you wanna go on a hike or something? Put the baby in the backpack and go see some butterflies or something?

Mariah: Um, maybe later.

Tessa: Okay, um, just remember that aria is seeing the specialist later.

Mariah: Right. Right. I’m– I’m sorry, I just… I don’t know where my brain is at. Um, yeah, let’s– let’s go.

Tessa: I mean, I don’t really want to, I’m just trying to figure out a way not to think about it.

Mariah: Well, you can’t and I can’t until we know our daughter can hear, so…

Tessa: Yeah.

Mariah: I don’t know, I just keep thinking I should have noticed this sooner.

Tessa: Look. We could have a million what-ifs, but we have to remember that that’s our brains torturing us. That’s not reality.

Mariah: I know, I know, but I can’t help it, tessa. I mean, maybe if– if they had been able to find this sooner, they could have done something or anything. I don’t know, I just– my wheels are spinning, and I’m kinda going crazy.

Tessa: Yeah, look, I totally get it. I just think that we need to think about–

Mariah: We need to think about…

Tessa: Uh, hold on. I am gonna make a call.

Nikki: Esther?

[ Esther laughing ]

Esther: Hi, nikki.

Nikki: What are you doing back there?

Esther: Oh, not much. Just being a master barista.

Nikki: Oh, hard times?

[ Esther laughing ]

Esther: No, it’s not hard times, nikki. This is me on top of the world. I still have my job at chancellor-winters and now, I’m also working here as manager while sharon is off becoming a mogul. Reinvention is the rage these days. You should really try it.

Nikki: Oh, no. No. I’m– I’m just fine where I am, thanks.

Esther: This was supposed to be sort of temporary, but I can’t see sharon coming back to work here anytime soon. I have never seen her so excited or so committed to something like this new business. So, good for her and good for me.

Nikki: I’d hold off ordering business cards if I were you.

Esther: Why?

Nikki: Esther, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but confidentially, seems like this great new wonderful venture for sharon could be blowing up. So, don’t get too accustomed to being behind that counter.

Nick: Are you serious about this? You wanna blow up the deal and just go off on our own?

Sharon: That was the plan from the start, nick. To take kirsten’s company and turn it around, build it into something positive.

[ Nick sighing ]

Nick: But then you brought on adam.

Sharon: Yeah, I know. That is on me.

Nick: But even I saw the benefit to that. And frankly, if adam was a normal human being and could work along with other people, we might have been able to pull it off.

Sharon: I guess it was naive and stupid of me to think that adam could ever be anything more than he has always been.

Nick: Why does everyone keep clinging to that hope?

[ Sharon laughing ]

Sharon: I don’t know. So, what are we gonna do?

Nick: Are you serious about this?

Sharon: Well, if we stay on this track, adam will scheme, victor will meddle and the two of us will be pushed to the sidelines while they work out their familial issues. No, thank you.

Nick: I mean, I hear you. And I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, but the problem is the paperwork’s already been filed. The merger’s almost done. If you pair that with the fact that dad is focused on this, it is front and center for him. It’s gonna be very difficult to get out of this deal.

Sharon: I already have attorneys reading over the contracts.

Nick: I mean, that’s good and it’s smart, but is it the right move for us? Could we fight dad on this? Absolutely. But it would mean a bunch of lawsuits and delays and some more family drama. It would dominate your life and mine. But we’ve been there before.

Sharon: More times than I care to remember.

Nick: So, what if we just grit our teeth and stick with it?

Sharon: The idea of that makes me shudder.

[ Nick laughing ]

Nick: I’m just trying to play devil’s advocate.

Sharon: Okay.

Nick: But could it be done? Could we get mccall and kirsten into the company we both want it to be?

Sharon: I don’t know.

Nick: It’d be hard. It would mean pushing back every time dad and adam tried to mark their territory. But is it possible to turn kirsten into the vision that you originally had for it with dad and adam involved?

[ Nick sighing ] If your moderate to severe crohn’s disease

Esther: So, you’re telling me that sharon’s new business could actually fold before it even gets off the ground?

Nikki: That’s what I’m hearing.

Esther: But why? What happened?

Nikki: All I can tell you is that once again, adam is rocking the boat and if he hasn’t sunk it yet, he’s well on his way.

Esther: Darn him.

Nikki: Yeah. Double darn.

Esther: All the work that sharon put into it, all the hopes and the dreams.

Nikki: I know. I wish her well. I really do. We’ve mended our fences, but right now, I’m more concerned about my family.

Esther: Got it. So, what did victor’s son exactly do this time?

Nikki: What he always does. He’s making things difficult and giving his father false hope that this time, this time, he’ll turn into the son that victor has always wanted him to be. That’s where we are right now. And as usual, nicholas is caught in the middle.

Esther: That’s– you know what? I just don’t get it. I just don’t get this whole business plan.

Nikki: What?

Esther: Well, nick and adam working together. I mean, they hate each other, right?

Nikki: There’s no love lost.

Esther: And they each had a relationship with sharon and she’s the third partner. So exes working with exes? I mean, that just sounds like trouble. The hopes and dreams. I can just kick mine to the curb now.

Nikki: What are you talking about?

Esther: Nikki, I had real plans for this place. Me moving things out and spicing up the menu and then entertainment. I was thinking about a jazz trio and a piano bar, you know, like the great american songbook. And now, look, it’s just all gone. And after all the time that I have invested.

Nikki: Esther, you’ve been in charge for five minutes. You’ll get over it.

[ Esther sighing ]

Adam: So, you still haven’t given me an answer. Do you wanna come work with me or not?

Sally: I am very flattered by your offer.

Adam: Well, flattery has nothing to do with it. This is about wanting someone who’s super talented to join my team.

Sally: I appreciate that. I– I appreciate all of your kind words and your support, but…

Adam: You’re turning me down.

Sally: Yes.

Adam: Hm. Uh, may I ask why?

[ Sally chuckling ]

Sally: I have decided to take nick up on his offer to fund my own business.

Adam: Wow. Um… I admit, I was not expecting that.

Sally: It’s time, adam. It’s time for me to create something for myself.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, I– I think it’s a mistake.

[ Sally chuckling ]

Sally: I figured you would.

Adam: I mean, not because I don’t think that you will thrive in whatever it is you choose to do. That I believe with all my heart. But how do you know it’s gonna be yours with nick’s money behind it?

Sally: Well, we discussed it. He knows that it would just be an investment and he is gonna be hands off of everything else.

Adam: And you– you believe him?

Sally: Yeah. I do.

Adam: Well, who knows? Maybe– maybe, you’re right. But I think that I know nick pretty well and he might pretend like he’s gonna be hands-off, but in the end, he won’t be able to resist. It’s a trait that he and our father share.

Victor: Well, may I join you?

Nick: Yes, of course.

Victor: Thank you. So, I assume you have spoken with adam.

Nick: Oh, yes. He informed us that he wants to be top dog at newman media, which I’m sure he then went and told you the same thing.

Victor: He proposed the idea to me.

Nick: Well, I hope you said no. A, because he doesn’t deserve it. And b, if that happens, I walk.

Victor: Uh-huh. What do you think?

Sharon: Well, I’m with nick. I believe if adam were in charge, unchecked, that would be a mistake. He would work to marginalize us and do whatever he wants.

Victor: Are you both forgetting that I still run newman enterprises?

Sharon: Yes. In fact, I have a few questions for you about your intentions with kirsten incorporated, the company that I still own.

Victor: Go ahead.

Sharon: Do you feel that kirsten is crucial to this venture?

Victor: Well, otherwise, I would not have approved of the merger, would I?

Sharon: And yet you believe it should be stripped down to its bare essentials, essentially becoming a cog in a bigger machine called newman media.

Victor: It should be stripped down because only a stripped-down and lean company can compete in today’s marketplace.

Nick: Are you talking about the company itself or the three of us working together? You love rich, delicious ice cream.

Mariah: So, are you ever going to tell me what this big surprise you have planned is?

[ Knocking on door ]

Tessa: Oh, you are about to find out right now. Thank you for coming.

Devon: Hey. Of course.

Mariah: Hey. [ Laughing ]

Devon: Hello. Hey. So, um, tessa here told me that aria might be experiencing some hearing loss. And, uh, I just wanted to come over and help in any way that I can or answer any questions you both might have.

Nikki: You left before we had a chance to talk about my idea.

Victor: What idea?

Nikki: You know, about having sharon and nicholas run newman media and adam would be reporting to them.

Victor: Well, there may be some other issues.

Nikki: What?

Victor: Sharon may become the sticking point.

Nikki: How so?

Victor: She’s threatening to pull out of the whole arrangement.

Nikki: Can she do that?

Victor: Legally debatable. But I’m worried that our son, nicholas, may… follow suit.

[ Nikki clicks tongue ]

[ Nikki sighing ] What?

Nikki: Is it really worth it? First, the endless drama with adam and now this? I mean, how does that benefit you in any way?

Nick: So?

Sally: [ Sighs ] I told adam I will not be working for him.

Nick: And how’d he take that?

Sally: Mmm. [ Clicks tongue ] As well as can be expected. He doesn’t trust you. And I’m sure he assumes you talked me out of it.

Nick: You know what? I couldn’t care less, you know, what adam assumes or how he feels about me. Frankly, I’m beginning to wonder why I’m even involved in this merger in the first place. Dad and adam are never gonna change. Sharon herself is thinking about pulling the trigger and just going out on her own. I don’t know. Maybe I should just bag the whole thing and focus on your new business venture.

[ Sally chuckling ]

Sally: I totally get where you’re coming from and why you would say that.

[ Sally clicks tongue ] Uh, there is something that, um, I need to talk to you about. And please don’t take this the wrong way.

Nick: Okay.

[ Sally sighing ]

Sally: I am accepting your capital as an investment. I’m not looking for a business partner. The quickest way for there to be trouble between us is if I feel like I suddenly have to answer to you. So, can we please make an agreement right now that I am running the show? Otherwise, there’s no deal.

Esther: Oh, no. It’s over, isn’t it? You’re taking control of crimson lights? I had such high hopes for this place. But I understand, it was premature. We got ahead of ourselves. But you never should have gone into business with two of your exes.

Sharon: Are you finished?

Esther: Yeah. I’ll leave you the keys.

Sharon: Esther, you do not need to leave me the keys. Nothing’s changed. I’m not taking back crimson lights.

Esther: So, your new business hasn’t been blown straight to hell?

Sharon: Nope. Everything is right on track. In fact, things look even better than they did before.

Esther: Oh! Oh, good.

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GH Transcript Monday, August 28, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Elizabeth: I thought I told you this was my spot.

Finn: Just going to have to thumb wrestle me for it.

Elizabeth: [ Chuckles ] You’ve been up here a lot lately. Must have something on your mind.

Finn: I found out something yesterday and… I came up here to try and process it, but I still can’t wrap my head around it. And I don’t think I ever will.

[ Knock on door ]

Alexis: Come in.

Kristina: Hello, mother.

Alexis: Hello, middle daughter. What brings you here?

Kristina: Well, I wanted to thank you for talking to Diane. She agreed to be on the board of the Corinthos-Davis House.

Alexis: I told you she would be a real asset.

Kristina: Yeah, she is. I’m so excited to have a lawyer of her caliber on board. Uh, but that’s not the only reason I’m here. I also, uh, I owe you an explanation.

Alexis: For what?

Kristina: The reason I ignored you at the pool earlier.

Josslyn: Oh. [ Chuckles ] Welcome to Kelly’s. May I take your order?

Trina: Wow. So professional.

Josslyn: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Well, might not be as glamorous as the art gallery, but I’m happy to help out my mom.

Trina: [ Exhales deeply ] Well, at least you found a way to be there for her. I don’t know what to do for my mom.

Josslyn: Uh-oh. Does that mean things still aren’t any better between your mom and Curtis?

Trina: I think they’ve gotten worse. Curtis is still in rehab, and my mom is trying to visit him, but he keeps pushing her away.

Josslyn: I’m so sorry.

Trina: [ Scoffs ] [ Voice breaking ] I don’t know what to do, Joss. There’s got to be a way to bring them back together.

Marshall: Portia.

Portia: Thank you so much for coming, Marshall.

Marshall: You sounded worried on the phone. What’s going on?

Portia: I heard from the rehab facility.

Marshall: Don’t tell me Curtis had a setback?

Portia: No, no, no, no. He’s — he’s fine. He’s actually getting released tomorrow.

Marshall: Isn’t that good news?

Portia: It should be. But Curtis hasn’t gotten in touch with me. I only spoke to the rehab director, and it looks like Curtis hasn’t reached out to you either. So, I don’t know what that means. Does that mean that Curtis doesn’t plan on coming home?

Curtis: [ Inhales, exhales sharply ]

Stella: What are you doing, Curtis?

Curtis: Isn’t it obvious?

Stella: I see that you’re working out, but where’s your physical therapist?

Curtis: [ Inhales, exhales deeply ] I don’t need him.

Stella: Why is that?

Curtis: Well, Brent taught me everything I needed to know, so now I’m just getting stronger every day.

Stella: Does he know that you’re in here on your own?

Curtis: I don’t know. I don’t care. But I’m ready to get out of here. I’m ready to go home.

Stella: Oh, no, you’re not.

Carly: Oh, Diane.

Diane: Hi.

Carly: Thank you for coming.

Diane: Oh, I am at your beck and call.

Carly: [ Sighs ]

Diane: How’s it going?

Carly: Great.

Diane: Yeah?

Carly: Yeah, yeah. I-I never thought I’d enjoy this place like The Metro Court, but I do, and I didn’t realize, but I have this, like, emotional connection to Kelly’s. Yeah, I mean, it makes me feel close to my family, to my Aunt Ruby and my mom. I don’t know, I-I, uh, can’t explain it. [ Chuckles ]

Diane: Some things never need explaining.

Carly: And the people — I mean, they’re so down to earth. No one’s complaining that there’s no beluga on the menu.

Diane: [ Chuckles ] There’s no beluga on the menu? Goodbye. [ Chuckles ] I’m kidding. It’s nice to see you and customers happy.

Carly: Yeah. I’d be even happier… if Drew wasn’t in prison.

Diane: Well, yeah.

Carly: You’re going to have to get him out.

Robert: Well, I can’t recall the last time you bought me a drink, but what’s the occasion?

Anna: Obviously, I need a favor… and no questions asked.

Martin: There’s my little buttercup. It is so good to s–

Martin: What the hell’s that about?

Lucy: You know what? You deserve that and a whole lot more! Not only have you been getting $50,000 — $50,000 every single month in alimony from that third ex-wife of yours, you didn’t tell me. Why did you keep it a s– you kept it a whole secret!

Martin: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Lucy: That’s good. Okay. You know what? I know you now, and I know when you lie, your little ears turn red. And right now, they’re bright crimson.

Martin: Could be sunburn.

Lucy: You’re going to go with that? Spill it, because your pants are going to catch on fire.

Martin: Okay, fine. I admit it. It’s true. Why do you care?

Lucy: How — how could you ask me that? Why do I care about it? Because now I know why you do not want to marry me. You don’t want to give up all that beautiful money, do you?

Martin: Lucy Coe, you are one beautiful, but confusing creature. You said you didn’t want to marry me, and I quote, “I am through with the institution of marriage.” Unquote.

Lucy: And you actually believed me? Then you are an idiot. [ Sighs ] I was — I was going for the, you know, the whole reverse psychology thing where if I say no, then you insist that we get married and you propose, and then you carry me off like “An Officer and a Gentleman.”

Martin: You know, I never saw that movie. I never much cared for Richard Gere, actually.

Lucy: Oh, my god!

Martin: Come on. Who cares? That’s in the past. It has nothing to do with us. I love you.

Lucy: Well, clearly, all that money from your ex-wife, that alimony, is more important to you… than love.

Robert: Pikeman. Hmm.

Anna: I have to find out if Valentin is still on Pikeman’s payroll. Okay, so you have to use whatever connections you’ve got with the feds or any contacts still with the WSB to get me some information.

Robert: It sounds like you’re convinced that Valentin’s being paid by them. Look, why don’t you just simply tell me everything that’s going on?

Kristina: I stopped by your office earlier, and Esme told me that you were meeting someone up by the pool.

Alexis: No, not the most discreet assistant, huh? Did she tell you what I was eating for dinner?

Kristina: So, when I saw you there with Molly and another young woman I didn’t recognize, who, I’m assuming, was the surrogate —

Alexis: She was.

Kristina: [ Quietly ] Right.  [ Normal voice ] Well, I wanted to talk to you, but, uh, I-I just thought maybe it would be better if I, uh, stayed out of the way, after my last interruption. I practically barged in on T.J. and Molly when they were meeting with the surrogacy consultant, and [Inhales deeply] If looks could kill, [Exhales sharply] Let’s just say I-I made a quick exit. That, on top of the fact that Molly didn’t invite me to the sushi party with everyone, and [Inhales deeply] I just wanted to steer clear.

Alexis: That was probably a wise decision.

Kristina: I sort of stormed out after you waved at me, so I wanted to let you know I wasn’t trying to avoid you.

Alexis: I kind of figured there was something else going on.

Kristina: Yeah, but whatever’s going on between Molly and me, I don’t want that to come between us, because our relationship is in such a good place now, and I want it to stay that way.

Alexis: I — believe me, I do, too.

Kristina: Okay.

Alexis: Alright?


Alexis: Whatever is going on between you and Molly will not affect us.

Kristina: Thanks.

Finn: I saw you talking to my dad, so… I’m guessing he told you.

Elizabeth: Yes, he did.

Finn: My father’s dying. It’s the first time I’ve been able to say that out loud.

Elizabeth: I’m so sorry.

Finn: I’m sorry for him. Not only is he dying, but that’s one of the worst ways imaginable. ALS is brutal. I’ve seen patients with it, and I know what’s coming. And I still can’t believe that it’s happening to my father.

Stella: I-I’m sorry, Curtis. I didn’t mean to sound harsh, but you need to think about this. Going home is going to be a huge adjustment.

Curtis: Portia already made the house wheelchair accessible, so…

Stella: I’m not talking about handrails and ramps. You need to talk to your physical therapist before you’re discharged to make sure you’re prepared for your new reality.

Curtis: [ Sighs ] I don’t need a therapist to tell me how I’m feeling. I get the same standard answer that you give anyone in my situation — empty words. I don’t want that. I don’t need that, auntie. They don’t know who I am.

Stella: But I do. So, talk to me.

Portia: I made sure that the whole house could accommodate a wheelchair. But for all I know, Curtis made other plans. Maybe he decided to move into an assisted living facility?

Marshall: No, no, I-I can’t see him doing that, Portia. And — and just because he hasn’t called doesn’t mean he’s not coming home.

Portia: But I would have heard from him by now. I just want to know what’s going on with him. Why won’t he reach out to me?

Marshall: Portia, you have to let Curtis do this in his own time. Let him figure it out for himself, and then I’m sure — I’m sure he’s going to let you in.

Carly: You are going to have to do something.

Diane: Honey, you know I’d do almost anything to get Drew out of Pentonville. But — but because there was no trial, I basically don’t have a leg to stand on. I can’t argue for an appeal. I can’t argue that there was a-a-a-a procedural flaw.

Carly: [ Sighs ]

Diane: I can’t argue for a reduced sentence. The moment he took the plea deal and pled guilty, his sentence was at the absolute discretion of the judge.

Carly: So, let’s find another judge.

Kristina: How was the surrogate?

Alexis: Well, obviously, it’s a little hard to get to know a stranger in an hour, but from what I could tell, I liked her. I-I-I think she’ll be a good choice for — for both of them.

Kristina: Yeah, that’s great. I’m so happy for Molly. And I know she’s going to make such an amazing mother. Hopefully by then, our relationship will be back on track.

Alexis: Honey, the two of you love each other, and that’s not going to change. Maybe you could just try to be a little patient. This whole infertility thing has been really overwhelming for her.

Kristina: I know.

Alexis: And now that they have a surrogate, she’ll maybe get past her struggles.

Kristina: Yeah.

[ Knock on door ]

Gregory: Hey, boss. Oh, hi, Kristina. Sorry. Not a good time?

Kristina: Oh, no, stay. I, uh, was just leaving. Goodbye, Mom. Thank you. Love you.

Alexis: I love you, sweetie. Bye. Okay, you’re here to work on that AI piece?

Gregory: Yes, but I’m not sure how many working days I have left.

Curtis: Auntie, thank you for your advice. I appreciate it. I know what you’re trying to do, but… …it’s like this place is a — it’s like a safety net. You know, every time I fall, there’s somebody there to catch me. And I know that’s not how life is. I got to get back out there and do things on my own, and I can’t expect anyone to hold my hand.

Stella: I’m not talking about that, Curtis, and you know it. Of course you’re going to get out of rehab. I just need to know that you’re ready.

Curtis: I just can’t sit here any longer, you know? [ Exhales deeply ] What am I supposed to do? Feel sorry for myself that I can’t walk?

Stella: Maybe that’s exactly what you need to do. You have a right to feel sorry for yourself. You have a right to be mad. This should have never happened! So, you can’t just put those — push those feelings aside. You got to let them out. Open the window and scream if you have to. Because if you don’t, baby, it’s going to eat away at you bit by bit until it explodes on the people you love and care —

Curtis: Look, Auntie —

Stella: No, don’t “Look, Auntie” me. I’m not done yet. It’s going to take everything you’ve got to face this head on. God has placed an obstacle in your path, and you need to show him that you are up for the challenge.

Robert: We know that he lied about being at ELQ the night of the fire, but… do you think he had anything to do with burning down your house?

Anna: You promised me you wouldn’t ask any questions.

Robert: I lied. Look, the difference between my lies and Valentin’s lies are that his lies tend to get you killed.

Anna: Alright. I mean, he’s complicated. But he doesn’t do anything without a reason. I don’t know why he said he was at ELQ when he wasn’t. I also don’t know what else he’s lied about.

Robert: But you suspect something.

Anna: What if his connection to Pikeman goes deeper? Alright, he admitted to working for them years ago as a logistics contractor, and he claims that it ended with that. I don’t buy it. What if he’s still in bed with Pikeman?

Martin: To be fair, neither one of us has been particularly successful when it comes to marriage.

Lucy: Yeah, but–

Martin: [ Stammers ] Wait. Hang on just a second. Something doesn’t make sense. How on earth did you find out that I’m the one getting the alimony?

Diane: Carly, that’s not the way the law works. It’s not like you’ve gone to a doctor. You don’t like what he says. You go to General Hospital for a second opinion. No, this is the justice system. You can’t handpick a judge.

Carly: Yeah, but the sentence they gave Drew was just over the top and wrong. And besides, Drew agreed to six months in Spring Ridge, not three years in Pentonville. I mean, it’s — it’s cruel and unusual.

Diane: I wholeheartedly agree.

Carly: And b– and besides, there is nothing whatsoever in Drew’s past to justify the sentence. It’s like the judge had some kind of vendetta against Drew. There is something that we have to do. Come on.

Diane: You know, that’s an interesting point, though. I might be able to argue bias. I can go back into this judge’s past cases and see if there was any sort of history of prejudicial behavior.

Carly: Okay, great. So you’ll take the case?

Diane: Well, that depends. Who’s hiring me? You or Drew?

Trina: Part of this is my fault.

Josslyn: How is it your fault?

Trina: When I found out that Curtis was my father, I lashed out at my mom. Then she found out that Curtis kissed Jordan, and she was already so upset by how I was treating her that she went off on Curtis.

Josslyn: I still don’t understand how that’s on you.

Trina: If I had not put her in a vulnerable state, maybe she wouldn’t have been as angry with Curtis about the kiss. He said that it meant nothing, and she didn’t let it go. And that’s on me.

Josslyn: No. No, it’s not, Trina. They are responsible for their actions, not you. And they’re adults, and they’ve got to figure this out for themselves.

Curtis: If God wanted to put an obstacle in my path, he didn’t have to take away my ability to walk. Talk about timing. Right when everything was looking up, Auntie. Not only did I reconnect with my father and make peace with him, I found out that I have a daughter, an amazing daughter. And yeah, I struggled with — with the fact that Portia kept it a secret from me, but we were working past that.

Stella: You still have those things, baby. You still have all those good things in your life, your family. The accident didn’t take us away.

Curtis: But that’s it. It wasn’t an accident. That shooter intended to pull that trigger. It doesn’t matter if I was the intended target. I was hit. [ Exhales deeply ] And here I am, and you expect me to believe that that’s God’s plan?

Stella: Maybe this experience can enrich your life in ways you never expected. Show you how strong and resilient you are.

Curtis: I don’t feel strong. I can’t even walk.

Stella: [ Sighs ]

Curtis: I can barely do anything, Auntie. So much of who I am… is tied to how physical I was. You know, Curtis, hitting the bag… rough and tumble, even a run in the park. But I can’t do any of that anymore.

Stella: You’re saying a disabled person should just give up? We have nothing to fear but fear itself. You know who said that? FDR. He didn’t give up. He ran this country from a wheelchair. Now, that’s a real hero. Not like the ones that you… read in those comic books you used to love.

Curtis: “Falcon”?

Stella: Baby, you have a superpower. You just don’t know it yet, but it’s in there. And until you find it, we are all here standing right beside you.

Marshall: Part of me understands where Curtis is coming from.

Portia: How do you mean?

Marshall: Years ago, when I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, I made a tough choice. Looking back, it probably wasn’t the right one, but back then, I chose to leave my family to protect them.

Portia: So you think that Curtis is pushing me away for the same reason?

Marshall: I can’t say for sure. But what I do know, Portia, is that my son… my son loves you. But what he doesn’t know is what your — your relationship is going to be like. And I’m not just talking emotionally, I’m… I’m talking physically, Portia.

Portia: So, he’s avoiding me?

Marshall: Yeah. He’s avoiding you. And he’s — he’s avoiding the questions he doesn’t have the answers to yet. And it’s not because he doesn’t love you. It’s because he does love you.

Gregory: I told Finn about my diagnosis. It’s still surreal saying I have ALS. You’d think it would have sunk in by now, but every time I say it, it hits me all over again.

Alexis: How did he take it?

Gregory: Finn usually plays everything close to the vest, but he was obviously devastated. And then I only added to that by telling him you already knew.

Alexis: We ran into each other, um, a little bit ago, and we talked about it.

Gregory: Was he upset that you knew?

Alexis: I think he’s more concerned about you, not who was told first.

Gregory: So, hopefully it won’t damage your friendship.

Alexis: No, it will not. Finn and I are fine. And we’re both worried about you.

Gregory: Well, thank you, again, for keeping my confidence. And I’m sorry I put you in that position. It wasn’t fair. I hope you can forgive me.

Elizabeth: I know your dad is facing something horrible, but hopefully he can hang on to those moments of joy he has right now. You said he talked about going on a trip?

Finn: Yeah. He wanted to take Violet to Disney World.

Elizabeth: [ Chuckles softly ]

Finn: But that was before his symptoms started getting worse. I-I think he’s afraid of losing his mobility, and he doesn’t want Violet to see that.

Elizabeth: You know that’s inevitable. But kids are super resilient. “One day at a time.” That’s what they say in A.A., right?

Finn: That’s what they say. But it’s still hard to see what lies ahead.

Elizabeth: I know. I know. But your dad is — he’s still independent, and he still has his freedom, and you have to take advantage of that while you can. Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you.

Martin: The particulars of my financials, especially that alimony, now, that’s confidential. And I’m not the kind of man who leaves documents lying around, so how on Earth did you get your hands on that information?

Lucy: Well, perhaps… I went to Pine Valley, and I snooped.

Martin: Huh. I see. That “girls trip” you took with Felicia — you said you were in Llanview.

Lucy: I lied. I lied. And we — we — we met this guy there named Jackson Montgomery. He’s a lawyer.

Martin: Oh, lord. I know who Jackson Montgomery is.

Lucy: Right. Well, we also, um, had a-a-a look at some of his files, and perhaps without his permission.

Martin: So, you were willing to, what, break the law? Get a look at my private something-something? You know you could have been arrested, Lucy? How could you have done something like that?

Lucy: Really? How could I have done something like that? How about how could you keep this whole thing, this whole money, alimony thing, a secret from me all this time? How?!

Martin: Because that’s in the past. It has nothing to do with you and me. There is nothing that is more important than my relationship with you.

Lucy: Okay. Give it up. Give up the money. You tell your third ex-wife you just don’t want that alimony anymore. No alimony, ever. Ever.

Martin: [ Quietly ] It’s $50,000. Is that really what you want?

Lucy: I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t think I’m really free to make demands on you to give up $50,000, especially when I’m going to be bankrupt soon.

Robert: I’ll take care of Valentin.

Anna: Okay.

Robert: But why don’t you just… confront him directly?

Anna: I can’t do that.

Robert: That’s because you don’t trust him. [ Laughs ] I often wondered what you really saw in that dude.

Anna: Can you just stop? I-I didn’t ask you for this. I really just want you to find out the truth, because I don’t know what it is anymore.

Oh, nobody told me we’d have company.

Robert: You don’t. I’m leaving.

Valentin: Darling.

Anna: Hi.

Valentin: What’s with Robert?

Anna: Well, he’s a bit worried about Robin.

Diane: Does Drew even know that you are trying to relitigate his sentence?

Carly: Yes, he knows I want him out of there. I was just with him earlier at Pentonville.

Diane: How’s he holding up?

Carly: You know, he’s Drew. He’s strong mentally and physically, so he’s not going to complain. And, yeah, he can survive, but that’s not the point. He shouldn’t have to.

Diane: Okay. Look, in a standard case — and this is far from a standard case — the appeals process can take years, and it can be torturous. It’s a — it’s a constant cycle of hope and disappointment, hope and disappointment, so instead of putting Drew through all of that, the wisest course of action might be to let him finish out his sentence.

Stella: So, what does life at home look like for you now?

Curtis: What do you mean?

Stella: you going to try to do everything on your own and continue to shut out your wife? I know it’s hard for Portia to see you this way. Every time she comes to see you, she feels you pushing her away. Is that how it’s going to be when you get home?

Curtis: We were making progress. I was on my way to talk to her at the pool when I was shot. I never got my chance.

Stella: But now you have a chance.

Curtis: Auntie, once I found out that I was paralyzed, I said some horrible things to Portia. I didn’t want her pity. And so I was deliberately hurtful, and I thought it would drive her away. But it didn’t.

Stella: That woman loves you unconditionally. Now, I know she was hurt, but she understood why you lashed out. We’re always toughest on the ones we love. This might be a long road, baby, but let us ride along with you. We love you. So let us in.

Alexis: There is nothing to forgive.

Gregory: No, it was wrong. Especially knowing you and Finn are friends.

Alexis: Okay. What about Chase? How did he take it? Ooh. Haven’t told him yet, huh?

Gregory: I will, I-I just keep… putting it off. Chase has always been so sensitive. It practically killed me having to tell him that his mother and I were getting divorced. I-I can’t imagine how he’s going to take this news. I just want a few more days with him not knowing so our time together won’t be about my illness.

Alexis: I understand.

Gregory: I know it’s been difficult, but thank you for respecting my wishes and staying silent about my diagnosis. It gave me more time with my family. Time to be a father and grandfather and not a man with a debilitating disease.

Alexis: Again, it is not my place to share this information. And you’ll tell Chase when you’re ready.

Finn: You’re right. I need to focus on the present. [ Breathes deeply ] I need to enjoy this time with my dad. I just wish I hadn’t wasted so damn much of it, you know? For years, I wanted nothing to do with my family. I — I turned my back on my father. But he never gave up on me.

Elizabeth: And now it’s your turn. Because you won’t give up on him.

Finn: I’m going to be there for him. I’m going to be there for him every step of the way.

Elizabeth: But now is the time to be completely honest with him. Put everything on the table. Tell him how you feel guilty about shutting him out and how you want to make up for it. You can’t save him, Finn, but you can love him.

Trina: Hi. I thought you could use some company.

Portia: I sure do. [ Sighs ] It’s been such an emotional night. [ Sighs ]

Trina: You’ve been having a lot of those lately.

Portia: Mm. Well…

Trina: Talk to me.

Mm… I’ve really been dumping on you a lot lately, so, ah…

Portia: Mom. I want to help you. What’s going on?

Portia: Marshall was here earlier, and we had a pretty heavy discussion about Curtis.

Trina: Is something wrong with Curtis?

Portia: No, no, no, no. He’s fine. But I heard from the rehab facility, and he’s being released tomorrow.

Trina: That’s great. I was just telling Joss that once we’re all under the same roof again, I-I know things will get better.

Portia: But I’m not quite sure that he’s going to be coming back home.

Stella: You’re a very proud man, Curtis Byron Ashford. And I know… I know it’s difficult for you to be so vulnerable. But we’re not looking at you with pity. Especially Portia. And you need to open your heart and let her in. And if you can do that, maybe you are ready to go home.

Curtis: I’ve been shutting down emotionally because it’s easier than admitting how difficult this is. Sure, the physical part’s demanding, but it’s the only way I know how to work through this. But… I know I have to put my life back together. Yeah. And it’s just going to look a little different from this angle.

Stella: Does that mean… that you’re ready to take on the challenge of your new reality?

Curtis: [ Breathes deeply ]

Anna: So, what have you been up to?

Valentin: I was with Charlotte.

Anna: Oh, good.

Valentin: We were supposed to have lunch here by the pool, but she actually had a pizza place she wanted me to see, so we may have ordered a large sausage and mushroom and finished half a dozen zeppole for dessert. So, I don’t think I’m going to be terribly hungry for dinner, but I will join you.

Anna: Okay. You can make it up to me by ordering another glass of wine. Just going to go to the ladies’ room, okay? I’ll be right back.

Lucy: Deception’s stock is tanking, and how dare they claim that I stole the whole idea of the Deceptor? I didn’t, and you know that. I came up with the idea. We were together in bed, remember? You were my inspiration.

Martin: Intellectual property theft is very difficult to prove.

Lucy: Okay, but what if they do? What if they actually prove it? That means we’re out of business, and I’m broke.

Martin: Honey, would you excuse me for a second? I just need one minute.

Lucy: What?

Martin: I’ll be right back.

Lucy: What is more important than this?

Martin: Nothing, nothing.

Lucy: Me? What’s im–

Martin: I promise you. Just — where are you — ho– hold that thought.

Lucy: [ Scoffs ] [ Scoffs ]

Valentin: Have you heard back?

Martin: Yes. And it’s not good news.

Carly: You think Drew should stay in Pentonville for three years?

Diane: Oh, stop it. I don’t think Drew should stay in Pentonville. Of course not, I’m just saying that at this point, it might be wise to let him serve out his sentence.

Carly: It’s not, okay? It’s not, and — and I wouldn’t ask you to pursue this if Drew wasn’t on board.

Diane: Really?

Carly: Okay, I would. I would. But he is, so come on, please? You’re the best lawyer I know. There has to be something you can do.

Diane: Carly, there’s just not a lot to work with here. This is a federal case, and it’s very tricky to get federal cases reassigned to a different judge.

Carly: Can’t you pull some strings? I mean, seriously. What about Robert? I know things are awkward between the two of you, but maybe he has some federal connections —

Diane: Yes, things are awkward between the two of us.

Carly: Oh, my god.

Diane: What? What?

Carly: Well, hello, DA Scorpio.

Robert: Good evening, ladies.

Diane: Hmm.

Diane: [ Laughs ]

Robert: I didn’t think you frequented this establishment, Ms. Miller.

Diane: Oh. Well, there’s boatloads you don’t know about me. [ Chuckles ]

Robert: Well, I dropped by to tell you I bought a new set of wheels.

Finn: I’m glad my dad confided in you.

Elizabeth: He did it for you. He wanted you to be able to share the burden.

Finn: Between you and me, there’s no one else I’d rather share it with.

Elizabeth: He also said that he hasn’t told Chase yet.

Finn: Yeah, it’s going to be hard. It’s gonna be hard on him, but I’m going to be there to help him. I’m just really grateful to have you in my corner. I couldn’t imagine doing this on my own.

Elizabeth: You don’t have to. I’m here for you. Every step of the way.

Finn: Yeah.

Elizabeth: Yeah.

Gregory: What if I’m never ready to tell Chase? I keep waiting for the right time, but he’s been so happy lately with Brook Lynn and getting his badge back. This will crush him.

Alexis: I don’t think you’re giving him enough credit. He was raised by a hell of a dad.

Gregory: [ Chuckles ]

Alexis: And I want you to stop me if I — if I’ve said this before, but I’m here for you.

Gregory: Stop.

Alexis: I’m really lucky to have you in my life.

Gregory: Stop.

Alexis: You’re a great writer.

Gregory: Go on.

Alexis: [ Laughs ]  And you’re a hell of a pal.

Gregory: The feeling is mutual, boss.

Alexis: [ Chuckles ]

Diane: Now, why would you buy a new car when you told me you were perfectly comfortable with the old one? You said you weren’t good with change.

Robert: Oh, I thought about what you said, and, uh, yes, you were right. I thought I’d open myself up to new possibilities.

Diane: Out with the old, in with the new. Is that it? Well, groovy. Good on ya. Not quite sure it’s that simple, but enjoy those wheels.

Robert: Uh, would you, uh, like to come for a spin? Yeah?

Diane: I will have to check my spin schedule, but I’m sure I can squeeze you in.

Robert: Well, I’m sure your friend Chris… what — what’s his name?

Diane: Uh, yes. Yes, Chris is her name, and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.

Carly: Uh, the other thing, Diane?

Diane: On it.

Valentin: The clock is ticking, Marty. I need you to get this done.

Martin: Valentin, it’s not that simple.

Valentin: It is simple. I can’t take the next step until you get it done. Will you get it done?

Anna: Hey, what’s with you and Martin? It’s a little tense. Is everything okay?

Valentin: Yeah. I mean, just boilerplate talk, nothing interesting. But at least now he can deduct his meal as a business expense.

Anna: [ Chuckles ]

Valentin: I’m here for you. How was your day?

Anna: Oh, kind of like you and martin. Nothing interesting.

Martin: So, what can I get you? Are you hungry? You want something to eat? You do love their burgers.

Lucy: Nope. Not hungry. Don’t have an appetite. Too nervous. You know, that hearing is tomorrow. And my entire future is riding on that hearing. This really could be the, um, end of Deception. And the end of me.

Trina: Did Curtis say he’s not coming home?

Portia: No, but I haven’t heard from him. So, I’m worried maybe he has second thoughts about coming back.

Trina: I’m sure Curtis just has a lot on his mind being discharged. I know he’ll come home. So, I better get to the house and make sure everything’s ready.

Portia: Trina, honey, I-I don’t want you to get your hopes up. If Curtis does come back home, things are going to be different. It — it — [ Sighs ] It’s going to be an adjustment for all of us.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Portia: Curtis.

Curtis: Hey, Portia. How are you?

Portia: I’m okay. Um, how are you?

Curtis: Better than I have been in the last few weeks. I’m coming home.

Portia: You have no idea how happy that makes me.

Curtis: It’s not going to be easy, but we can make it work. Together.

On the next “General Hospital” —

Gladys (to Nina): We have to talk now. It’s a matter of life and death.

Dr. Montague (to Sasha): I’m going to give you something to help take all your pain away.

Marshall (to Curtis): There’s trouble at the club.

Cyrus (to Drew): I now have Sonny’s protection, too.

Sonny (to Brick): Stay as far away from Port Charles as you can.

Carly (to Michael): I may have come up with a way to get Drew out of Pentonville.

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Days Transcript Monday, August 28, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Thank you so much for agreeing to do this. I know you have a lot. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I didn’t agree to do anything. Brady, you said… I said that I would meet you here. But I think we need to talk about this before you have time to talk, Brady, okay? Sean is falling apart in front of me. Last night, he got so drunk.

He drank himself into a stupor and got so sick that I did not know if I needed to call Hey. Um, hey. Uh, what’s he doing here? I thought we were having lunch. Um, Brady is on his way to an AA meeting and he offered to take you with him. No, no, no. No, and I think that you need to go. Sean, you have to go.

What did you want to tell me? Look, I, I know that you came to see my mom. And I’m really sorry that I interrupted your visit. I just, I need to… Need to what? My, my mom made me see that I need to be honest with you. Honest about what?

About me and Rex.

Rex, it’s you! Who’d you think I’d be? Well, your father said that my son was home and I was afraid that it might be Phillip.

Oh my god. Phillip?

Chloe? No, no, this can’t be real. It can’t. It’s real. Touch me.

I’m alive. And I’ve come back to you. Like sand through the

hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

I just wanted to come by and, uh, see how you’re doing. Oh, well, I’m fine. A little behind on my work, as you can plainly see, but… Oh, I assume that Roman told you that we’ve decided the best way to help Eric is to accept Sloan into the family. Which is my own… Personal idea of hell, but… Anyway, in addition to all this work, I volunteered to give the baby shower.

No, no. What? What’s the matter? You’ve been at Bayview, so Roman didn’t get a chance to talk to you. You don’t know what? I

don’t… I don’t understand. You thought Phillip was coming back? I had to call him about Victor. Oh, okay, right. So he wants to be here for the funeral. He’s such a mess. He’s such a mess on the phone. You know that he and Victor had such a complicated relationship. Victor only had complicated relationships.

So, his father dies, and he never even gets to say goodbye. Oh, that’s so awful. For the both of you. Yeah. Anyway, he told me that he was coming home. That he had to come home. And I pleaded with him, I begged him not to do that. And he finally agreed not to, but I don’t know if he was actually just trying to get me off the phone.

Because in all honesty, I never know if I’m getting through to him. I never know. If he does come home. Everyone will know he’s alive. And that’s just for starters. The funeral. Oh my god, if Brady sees him. Yeah, and if Brady doesn’t kill him, he’ll end up in prison. So for Phillip’s sake, let’s hope you got through to him.

I know, I know. I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just, I wanted to see you alone. Before. Before. Before whatever happens, happens. I don’t, I don’t understand. You’re, you’re alive? That I am. But where have you been this whole time? I mean, are you hurt? What about your leg?

Good as new. Physically. But you were being held hostage. How did, how did you get away? Did they hurt you? Chloe, I wasn’t held hostage. It was a lie. One out of a whole lot of lies. And the truth? The truth is, I’ve been in Europe. In a mental institution. What? I was out of my mind with jealousy. Chloe, literally out of my mind.

Back then, I felt if I couldn’t have you, I had to make sure Brady couldn’t. So I faked my own death and framed Brady for my murder.

Wow. A direct order. I’ll go directly to AA. Do not pass go and do not collect 200. Maybe I, I said it wrong. Okay, whatever happened, go ahead and drink yourself into oblivion and I’ll be there right by your side. Well, you might not remember this, but I was there right by your side watching you get sick all night and not knowing whether I needed to call an ambulance or wondering if you listening to this, Brady?

You getting all the juicy details here? Huh? Sean, listen. It is killing me watching you do this to yourself. I love you. I just don’t want to lose you. The only way you’re going to lose me is if you keep trying to run my life. Look, you know what, and thank you very much for the invite, but I don’t need AA.

It’s not like all those meetings have done you any good. Your life is a hot mess. No, and if you’re thinking about sticking Maggie after me, then don’t even bother. Don’t. You know what, because I’m done. I’m done with all of this. No, wait, Sean, Sean, wait! Belle,


hey! Let him go. Let him go. What about you and Rex? The

truth is…

What is it? What’s wrong? Nothing. It’s just a little cramp. It happens. It’s fine. Are you sure? Maybe you should sit down. Should I get you some water? I’m not sick! I’m pregnant! Oh my god! Sarah, this doesn’t seem like just a little cramp to me. Wait. Do you think you might be in labor?

Oh my goodness. Slow and last the baby. I’m so sorry. I, I really thought you knew. No. No, uh, no, I didn’t. And, and of course, you wouldn’t have said it otherwise. I’ve

got to find Eric. No, no. Can you just give that a second? You know, Sloan has some tests that she’s having done now, and there may be complications, and Eric is with her, and I, I think that she really, she needs him. Right now. Of course she does, I’ll, I’ll wait a while. Oh, my gosh. How much does he have to go through?

I know. Oh, Sean. Hi. Come in. Hey, uh, Kayla. Hi. Um, Elena, can I talk to you?

Brady, I’m sorry. Sean’s just been a wreck since he found out what happened to Victor. Well, when a drunk wants a drink, there’s always an excuse. Please don’t call him that. I’m sorry, but that’s, that’s, that’s what he is right now. He doesn’t need you, he doesn’t need me, he doesn’t need anyone feeling sorry for him because he’s taking care of that himself.


I’m just telling you what Maggie has told me over the years. I’ve been where Sean is, and if he wants to make a change, until it’s his decision, there is nothing you can do, sis. Except be strong for yourself. God, I hate that I know you’re right. Babe. It’s ironic, though. It’s ironic? Yeah, today you’re telling me I can’t will Sean into doing something I want him to do, and I was just telling you that about Chloe last night.

Oh, you were. Touché, touché. I guess we’re in the same boat. I think Chloe, Mary, and Xander is about as self destructive as Sean’s drinking. You can’t talk to Sean and I can’t talk to Chloe. You know, I, I told Chloe that the reason that Xander is proposing to her is because he can’t have Sarah. Ooh. Bet that went over well.

Yeah, but she knows it as well as I do.

She basically told me she doesn’t care about, she said she’s ready to marry Xander because she can’t have me because of Rachel and she can’t be with Philip because Philip is dead. We don’t know that for sure, do we?

You did what? Chloe, I am so sorry. Sorry? You’re sorry? Sorry doesn’t quite catch it, Philip. You put us through hell, and then you let us believe that you were dead? We warned you! We were sick with grief and worry! Brady was arrested! Oh, oh my god! What you did to Brady! He could have died from the amount of alcohol that you poured into him!

And do you have any idea what his life was like when everyone thought that he had murdered you? I know what I did, Chloe. I have been over and over and over what I did. There were days in therapy I thought I’d rather die than face what I had done to the people I love. Only now I see, if Mom and Dad hadn’t put me in that sanatorium, I would have gone on my own.

Wait, wait a minute! I’m, I’m sorry, but… Kate and Victor knew that you were alive this whole time and they let us think that you were dead? Victor let his grandson go to jail! He made sure Brady was released. Oh, how big of him. I can’t believe this. Chloe. No! No, stay away from me. How do I know you’re not still crazy and they just let you out of there because your father’s dead?

Chloe, they let me out a while ago. Oh, wow. Okay, so, you’ve been free and you let us think that you were dead? I couldn’t come home or they’re… Or what? You’d have to pay for what you’ve done? Suffer some consequences? Oh God forbid Philip Kiriakis ever pays for what he’s done. That’s what mommy and daddy are for, right?

You’re right. That’s been true for my entire life. Till now. Now, no matter what the price, I had to come home for my dad.

And to see you.

So, I had a conversation with Chloe. And here we go. She told me that you and Sarah, um, are together again. Did she now? Mm hmm. Yeah. And I assumed it was true, even though you hadn’t said a word about it to your father or me. You know, maybe, given their history, you know, Rex might have wanted to just kind of wait and see if the relationship got more serious before he said something.

And, actually, it is quite serious. I was about to tell you that. Sarah and I are getting married.

I am not in labor.

You’re holding your lower back, and you’re flushed. I don’t have a fever! Okay? I am the doctor here. It’s my body, and I am telling you, for the last time, I am not in love! Sarah, come on. No! I’m taking you to the hospital. Come on, no more arguing. I am not arguing! Look,

I’m, uh, I’m sorry the door was unlocked. No, no, no, it’s okay. I was just leaving anyway. Um, and I’m sorry about Victor. I can’t imagine a world without him in it. Um, I’ll let you know when Sloan’s done with her tests. Thanks, Kayla. Bye.

Did I make a mistake or is our appointment tomorrow? Um, yeah. It, uh, it was. Um, I’m here to cancel. Oh. Okay. Well, you, you, you could have called for that? Unless you wanted to talk to me in person? Yeah. I mean, yeah, I guess. Alright. You want to have a seat? Uh, no, no. You know what? Actually, actually, you know what?

I should probably get going. I… Okay, well, then do you want to reschedule? Uh, no. Look, the reason why I came here is because I wanted to tell you in person that I’m quitting therapy. For good.

Okay, it’s coming in? Yeah. Sure. How’s your pain? It’s much better. Good. So where’s the doctor? Right here. Sorry. Hi, Kayla. Oh, that’s all right. Hi. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long. No, we just got here. Oh, good. So, uh, what can we do for you? I was so surprised to see your name on the chart. Uh, yeah, I was, I was visiting my mom.

Ah, of course. I was planning to go see her today myself. And Xander, I’m sorry about your uncle. Thanks. Um, yeah. Let me just take your pulse real quick. Oh, your pulse is steady. I’m sorry, I didn’t even know that you were pregnant, so congratulations, you two. Actually… Yeah, I’m not the father. It’s actually your nephew, Rex.

Oh. Oh. Wow. Um, I understand you are having contractions. Are they regular? Um, how far apart? Uh, no, they’re not regular. Uh, very painful and, and close together. Although, I think they’re subsiding. Okay. Uh, looks like your blood pressure is a little elevated. Wait, my blood pressure has been normal throughout the entire pregnancy, so I just think…

Xander’s nerves are contagious. Well, you are in good hands here. We’re going to take good care of you and your baby. Um, so, um, how many weeks are you?

Sarah! Xander, why don’t you wait outside? Is she alright? Yeah, yeah, you go ahead and wait outside, okay? I’ll take good care of her. And the baby. Go on. It’s okay. It’s okay. Alright. Of course. It’s okay. It’s okay.

How’s the pain? It’s gone. Oh. So, um, how many weeks are you?

Look, I know you care about Philip, alright, but it’s been two years. I think if he were alive, he would have shown up by now. I know you’re right. You know, it really was weird when dad called to tell me what happened with Victor. I just kept thinking about how hard it would be on Sean and you and Phillip.

And then I realized that I just have never… Really accepted that he’s actually gone. I don’t know if I ever will.

When I got out of the bin, It looked like a villa. Trust me, it was the bin. I wasn’t a threat anymore. I wouldn’t hurt anyone. But I also wasn’t really alive. It was only then that it started to sink in what I had done.

I lost my father before he died. Because I stopped being Philip, his son, who loved him and hated him and everything in between. And somewhere along the line, I stopped being Philip who loved you. And became Philip who wanted to own you.

I’ll never have a chance to prove to my father that this is true. Phillip is alive again, but I’d like to try to prove to you. Phillip, don’t. No, no, I’m not gonna try to win you back, Chloe. I, I just want you to know that the Phillip who got to know a goth girl

and discovered she was the coolest person he’d ever met,

he’s back.

I’m sorry, did you just say that you and Sarah are… Yes, I proposed to her and last night she said yes. You were in town last night? No, no, no. She was over the phone. Oh. Oh, that’s romantic. You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Anyway, I caught an early flight so I figured I’d surprise her and pick up her favorite scone on my way to the mansion.

Oh, okay. Blueberry. Yep. You got it. Okay. Thanks. Alright. Obviously on the house. Congratulations. Much appreciated. I’ll see you soon. Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure you’re not kind of doing this too fast? I mean like rushing this marriage? Are you rushing this marriage? I am. Yeah. And why wouldn’t I? Sarah’s pregnant with my kid.

I told you I’m not in labor. It’s just Braxton Hicks. Are you sure? Yes, um, she’s not dilated. There’s no bleeding or amniotic fluid. The contractions were irregular and they’ve stopped. But how can you be so sure that they won’t start up again? Well, I can’t really be sure, but if they start again, she can come back.

You’re sending her home? Well, first I want to give her some fluid. She’s a bit dehydrated. Um, I’m gonna go get a nurse to start your OVU, okay? I’ll be back soon. Okay, and you’re gonna be out of here lickety split. Kayla, thank you. Of course.

Thank you. Thank you for bringing me. Kayla was very reassuring. Good, I mean, you’ve got enough to worry about already. But, earlier on, you said you had something to tell me before you didn’t go into labor. Was that about you and Rex?

Uh, well, well, um, okay. Guess we are gonna be grandparents again after all. Wonder, wonder when Sarah’s due. Yeah, he didn’t give us much time for questions, did he? I mean, he walked out that door a millisecond after he said pregnant. He didn’t even break stride. Eric loses a baby and now, uh, Rex is telling us Sarah’s pregnant.

I didn’t believe it. No, I can’t believe it either. I just hope we’re not in for any more surprises.

I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately. Especially since Victor died. And I am glad that you’re alive. But there’s something that you should know. I’m engaged.

Well, that’s not surprising. You and Brady always did seem to find your way back to each other. I’m not engaged to Brady.

No? No. I’m engaged to your cousin, Xander.

I, I don’t know how to say this, I’m just gonna say it. Hey, you okay? Edison said you’d gone to the hospital. Is it the baby? What’s up? No, no. No, we’re, we’re both fine. It was just, it was just Brooks and Hicks. Good, okay. What’s he doing here? Um, he came to visit my mom, uh, when the contractions started. He’s the one that took me to the hospital.

Thank you. No problem. Uh, you allowed to eat? Bless you. Yes. Thanks for staying put there, kid. Mom and I are old fashioned. We have to get married before you make an appearance. Wait, what?

I’m sorry. This is all too crazy. I mean, I talked to Rex at least once or twice a week. He never, he barely mentioned Sarah, much less say that she’s pregnant with his child. Maybe he thought you might interfere. Of course, that would be totally out of character for you, right? Okay. I don’t interfere. I gently guide.

And we both know that he’s been pining away after her for ages. Despite their little issues. Well, that’s a nice way of saying he cheated on her. Yeah, but they got past it, right? Both doctors, they’re compatible, mature. It looks so good on paper, doesn’t it? And what are you worried about? Well, I’m not worried about him.

I, I have no doubt at all that he’s head over heels in love with Sarah. But I have great doubts that that feeling is reciprocated by her. You’re marrying this guy? That’s what I was gonna tell you before he, he came in. I, I just didn’t want you to find out from someone else. Right! I mean, that’s great.

Congratulations, mate. I know how happy I was when Chloe finally accepted my proposal last night. She did? Yeah, you don’t act quite so surprised. Well, I just didn’t know that Chloe took leave of her senses. Such a funny guy. You’re just gonna be laughing all the time.

Rex and I are very happy for you and Chloe. Oh, so we’re just gonna act like grown ups now. I see. Chloe and I are very happy for both of you as well. Wow. So we’re all getting married. What are the chances? Before you ask, we’re not gonna have a double wedding, if that’s okay. And I was so hoping for that.

Look, man, if you just want to shove off, I can totally take it from here.

Thank you. For being there for me today. Of course. I’m just glad all is well with you and the baby.


a jerk.

Sean. I think leaving therapy is not a good idea right now. You’ve made so much progress, really, then. Okay. Then tell me then why is it The first thing that I did when I found out about Victor was go and get drunk outta my mind. Well, that should tell you how much you need therapy. No, no, Marlene, it tells me…

No, it tells me that I’m sick and tired of coming in here and just talking about my miserable life, because, I mean, it’s bad enough just living it. I think there’s some very good things about your life. Okay, but then why is it that the bad things, they keep winning out right now? Well, I’m not sure that’s true.

God, it’s… You sound exactly like Belle. What does that mean? She thinks that this is fixable. She wanted me to come in here and talk to you, and I did. And now she wants Brady, she wants Brady to take me to AA. But, Marlena, I’m not an alcoholic. Well, you don’t have to be an alcoholic to need help. This is not fixable.

I put my father in a coma, and I put my grandfather in a grave. Can you tell me, can you fix this? Can you? No. No, I didn’t think so.

Anything from Sean? No, I just hope he went to work. Gal in the state he’s in, maybe it’s best if he didn’t. He’s just really angry at me. I know. Why is it we always hurt and treat the people we love? The worst. Because we know that they will love us back no matter what. You know, Chloe does love you. You know that, right?


hurt her. I hurt her badly. And I have no right to keep her away from Xander, do I? No, you don’t. If you try and tell her how to live her life, she’s gonna do her damnedest to prove me wrong. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, you just need to suck it up. You need to apologize. Tell her that you’re happy that she’s marrying Xander.

That’s what I did. Eventually, anyway. Listen, I know it’s hard. It was hard for me too, but when all of this goes south, and it will, she’s gonna need her friends. And preaching to her obviously doesn’t help anything.

You’re right, Belle. Yeah. I know what you need to do.

So, you’re not engaged to Brady. You’re engaged to Xander. Yeah, that’s what I just said. I mean, originally, we just decided to get an apartment together and then we got close. Okay, that’s a little hard to process after everything he did to you. He is not the same person that he was back then. I mean, none of us are.


And Chloe, I just… I want you to be happy, no matter who it’s with.

I should go. Phillip, wait. What is it?


mom, can I come in? Yes, hi. Hi. Hi, are you okay? Uh,

I just left Eric. Sloane lost the baby. What? Oh no. Should I go see him? No, um. I think just give him some time. How are you? Uh, I’m not good. I, uh, I’m really worried about Sean. And I, I was just trying to get through to him, I was trying to help him, and I think I pushed him too far. And I’m really, Mom, I’m really worried what he might do.

You doing okay? Really? Yeah, I honestly just think it was the stress. From seeing Xander? My mom ripping into me about not telling him about the baby. And when Xander showed up, I was on the verge of telling him. Really? Yeah. And then these pains started happening. You decided not to. No, not then. I was actually on the verge of telling him again a second time when you walked in.


then I just figured that fate interrupted me twice. And I probably should just stick with the original story. I agreed to marry you. Hmm. It’s the perfect cover story for Xander.

Sarah, are you sure that you want to go through with this? Only if you do. I do. I have something else for you. Not exactly the most romantic setting.


You have no idea what this means to me. That you’re willing to do this. You know, tonight, Sandra being so concerned about me and the baby, it just, it’s easy to forget that he is controlling and dangerous and someone that I don’t want anywhere near this baby. Thank you. Thank you for helping me. Make sure that Xander never ever knows that he’s the father of this child.

Does this mean you forgive me? I am furious at you for what you did. But I’m also really glad that you’re alive. Yeah, me too. Especially now that I’m back home. In Salem. And I know my mother thinks it’s a mistake for me to be here. She told me in no uncertain terms not to come to my dad’s funeral. But, I can’t spend the rest of my life hiding.

So what are you gonna do? Take responsibility for what I did. Let the chips fall where they may.

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B&B Transcript Monday, August 28, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Brooke: I can’t believe Liam wouldn’t forgive you.

Hope: I tried to give it one last shot. For our family. I– I tried to let him know how sorry I was, that I would do anything to try to make it right again, but–

Brooke: But… he wouldn’t listen? He just couldn’t forgive?

Hope: Mom, Liam knows how much I love him, and our family, but… I don’t think he’s ever going to be able to get past what happened with Thomas.

Liam: What are you doing here?

Thomas: Hear me out.

Liam: Uh, no. Whatever it is you have to say, I don’t– I don’t care.

Thomas: It’s about Hope.

Steffy: Oh, I needed that.

Ridge: You’re going through a lot. I’m sorry. But I’m here for you.

Steffy: I know you are. And I admit, it’s– it’s been hard, you know. I miss Finn. My husband. I miss my home. I miss being able to just look out the window and see and smell the ocean.

Ridge: Yeah, that’s hard. Being in Beverly Hills sucks, doesn’t it?

Steffy: That’s not what I–

Ridge: You’re at Granddad’s house because it’s a safe place for you to be. It’s important.

Steffy: Yes. And I’m really grateful that he opened his home to us. The kids are having so much fun.

Ridge: He loves those kids. He loves you. Not sure how he feels about me at the moment.

Eric: Come– [ Groans ] Ah, come on! Come– [ Groans ]

[ Eric sighs ]

[ Door clicks open ]

RJ: Hello? Hey, big man himself. How are you? Um, uh– Marta. I– I contacted her, she said I left my charger here? Would you happen to know where it is?

Eric: Yeah, it’s in the kitchen.

RJ: Is– is everything okay?

Eric: No. No, everything is not okay.

RJ: Granddad, what’s– what’s going on? You seem a little upset.

Eric: Uh, nothing I can’t handle. Uh, and certainly nothing for you to be concerned about.

RJ: Well, that just makes me more concerned. Come on, you– you’re the one of the most easy, laid-back people I know. What’s– what’s bothering you?

Eric: I had a bad day, that’s all.

RJ: Well, tell me about what happened today.

Eric: It’s about your father.

Steffy: Why would you say that about Granddad? What happened?

Ridge: I’m not entirely sure. I think I offended him.

Steffy: What? How?

Ridge: Uh, I threw out his stapler.

Brooke: I don’t understand. Liam is very kind and forgiving. Besides, it’s not like he hasn’t hurt you before in the past. Wait. He only knows about that one kiss you and Thomas shared, right?

Hope: Yes, that is all he knows about. And given his resistance to that, I don’t think he’s exactly ready to hear that Thomas and I have now been together. But it doesn’t matter now, right? He can’t even forgive me for the kiss. What makes me think that he would be able to forgive me for anything else?

Liam: You really– you need to go. You should go.

Thomas: Look, I realize you saw what happened in Rome.

Liam: Yeah, it– Thomas, I saw what happened. I got a front-row seat to my wife kissing the guy who is content to let us grieve our daughter for the rest of our lives, so yeah, I–

Thomas: I’m not– I’m not going to try and make any excuses, all right? I realize that you’re never going to forgive me, but… you can forgive Hope. She’s your wife, she loves you. She deserves it, okay? You have to find forgiveness for her.

RJ: But what’s going on with you and Dad? Is it just, like, work stuff or–

Eric: You could say that. RJ, I’m– I’m– I’m inspired. I’m inspired, I– I– I’m going to come up with a whole new collection.

RJ: You’re doing a new collection?

Eric: Yes, I am.

RJ: That’s amazing! That’s awesome.

Eric: Well, your father doesn’t seem to think so.

RJ: He actually told you that?

Eric: Not in so many words, but, uh… but he feels that my time would be better spent playing golf or pickleball.

Steffy: Sounds like Granddad was pretty upset. Not just about the stapler.

Ridge: No. He was adamant about people not using his office, including you, believe it or not.

Steffy: Where is this coming from?

Ridge: I have no idea. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Steffy: Yeah, but, uh, I don’t want Granddad to be upset.

Ridge: Yeah, I don’t want that either. This whole thing is about him wanting to design again, not resting on his laurels, but we’ll figure it out. We always do. Now, on another note, not necessarily a happier one.

Steffy: Oh, god, where is this going?

Ridge: Have you spoken to your brother? I’d like to know where he stands with his relationship with Hope.

Thomas: Like, obviously, you don’t like me very much.

Liam: Oh, yeah? What gave it away?

Thomas: Especially after what you saw in Rome.

Liam: Yeah, Thomas. Convincing me my daughter was dead probably would have done the trick on its own, but seeing my wife make out with you didn’t help.

Thomas: Okay. But we do have something in common. We both care about Hope. I mean, come on. She loves you.

Liam: How do you not see that you are not the person who should be pitching me on this?

Thomas: No, you’re right. I don’t want to be the person who’s pitching you on this, but I am because she loves you and she wants you back.

Liam: Okay, is– is it not obvious that– that you are not in a position to be telling me what I should or shouldn’t be doing and is it not obvious that my conversations with Hope are none of your business? You– fine, fine. Just– you’re here. You’re here anyway, so whatever. Look. Yes. I’ve seen Hope, yes. We had a conversation and… yes, you’re right. We love each other. She still loves me and I still love her.

Thomas: Good. Then, you will be able to forgive her.

Liam: I didn’t say that.

[ Brooke groans ]

Brooke: Honey, I am– I am sorry about this. I can see how much you’re hurting.

Hope: Oh. I’m not just hurting, Mom. I’m also angry.

Brooke: At Liam?

Hope: No! No. At myself. I brought this on myself. I was reckless and now I– that might be at the expense of my family. I didn’t think it through.

Brooke: Honey! You made a mistake, okay? Everybody makes mistakes. You have to just take responsibility for it, which you’re doing, and move on. What more can you do? Don’t worry. We’ll be here for you. Ridge, me, RJ, your father. We’re here for you to lean on us, okay? We’ll support you.

Hope: I do appreciate that. But if I’m being honest, I don’t even think I deserve that right now.

Brooke: Honey, stop that. I’m your mother. There’s nothing you could do that wouldn’t be deserving of my love. Just know that we’ll always be here for you. But don’t you dare go back to Thomas.

Thomas: Hope has been completely and totally devoted to you. She messes up once and you’re out.

Liam: You– hm. You’re… really trying my patience, Thomas.

Thomas: Look, you have messed up multiple times. You’ve stepped out on her. You– you had a pregnancy scare with another woman. Oh, yeah, that’s right. That was my sister. Hope messes up once, she kisses one guy and you’re what? You’re done?

Liam: Hope knew, you know. She always knew. That there was just one thing, only one, that I couldn’t forgive. You. She knew it. She chose it. Here we are.

Thomas: You’re a fool.

Liam: I’m a what?

Thomas: You’re a fool. You have this amazing, beautiful, wonderful woman who loves you and wants to repair your family.

Liam: Door handle sticks. Use the one on the right.

Thomas: Yeah, okay. Just so you know, Liam, you’re going to regret this. There aren’t that many things in life that are certain, but that is.

Brooke: I know that you’re heartbroken and I know that you’re vulnerable right now, but please, whatever you do, don’t turn to Thomas.

Hope: Mom, you get that I have hurt Thomas in this too, right? He hasn’t even been in contact with me.

Brooke: Oh, well, he will make a play. He will sense that there’s an opportunity.

Hope: Mom, Thomas has done nothing wrong in any of this. And I get that it’s hard for people to wrap their minds around the fact that little miss innocent Hope has feelings for Thomas, but I do– did. I told Thomas that I want to repair my marriage to Liam. I want to give it one last shot, for the sake of our daughter. And guess what, mom? He promised to step aside because he does love me.

Brooke: Okay, uh, well, Thomas’s love caused a lot of people a great deal of pain. It’s caused you a great deal of pain. Just remember that.

RJ: So, my dad told you that you should retire? That’s insane.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, it really is.

RJ: Yeah.

Eric: Now, he wants me to go fade off into that good night, but I have no intention of doing that. You know, I’ve never, uh– I’ve never really backed away from any kind of a challenge in my life. And this is going to be a very big deal. Biggest collection I’ve ever done. I’m going to do this. And you’re going to help me.

Steffy: I have no idea what’s going on between Hope and Thomas. I am rooting for Liam and Hope. I hope they find their way back to each other and we can just put this whole mess behind us.

Ridge: Yeah, well, I’m worried about Thomas. I’ve seen what happens to him when he gets obsessed with Hope. I don’t want him back there again.

Thomas: Hi.

Hope: Hey. Um, how long have you been standing there?

Thomas: Not too long. Uh, I was going to knock, but then I… I didn’t want to disturb you. You seemed very lost in thought.

Hope: Well, could use a distraction.

[ Thomas clearing throat ]

Thomas: I’m sorry.

Hope: What do you have to be sorry for?

Thomas: I saw Liam.

Hope: You what? Why– why would you–

Thomas: Okay.

Hope: I mean, what did you–

Thomas: I– I– I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to confront him about the reality that you want to put your life back together, to move on, that you– you made a mistake and you’re willing to own that. And it’s just ridiculous that he can’t see the reality there, and, um, it turns out that he is a bigger fool than I ever thought.

RJ: Granddad, um, I’m honored, truly, I am, but I mean, you’re going to make one of the greatest collections of your life. You don’t need me to help you.

Eric: But I do. I do. Look, I can’t, um… I can’t hold a pencil very long. My hand starts to shake and it ends up being very, very painful. It hurts.

RJ: Like, painful? But, like, have you talked to a doctor?

Eric: Yes, it’s arthritis. It hurts.

RJ: Oh, Granddad. I’m so sorry.

Eric: Yeah. No, I asked, uh… I asked your father to help me, but I didn’t tell him why I needed his help and I don’t want you to tell him either.

RJ: I mean, what did he say, though, when you talked to him?

Eric: Well, he turned me down. Told me how busy he is running couture, and, uh, running my business. But I told him, I’m not going out to pasture. I have too much energy, I have too much invested in this new line. This is going to be the– the best collection I’ve ever done. RJ, look at me. I want you to help me. Will you do that?

Ridge: I love my kids more than anything. When they’re in pain, I’m in pain. Thomas is obsessed with Hope–

Steffy: I– I know. I know. But I am proud of Thomas. He’s put everything that’s happened behind him. He’s really proving himself.

Ridge: That’s why he can’t backslide.

Steffy: We just need Hope and Liam to reconcile. But I don’t know if that’s going to happen.

Brooke: Oh! Good, you’re both here.

Ridge: Hey.

Brooke: Something I need to talk to you about. Um, I just left Hope and she did go to talk to Liam to ask for his forgiveness. And he said no. So, I am worried about my daughter. I am extremely worried about her. She’s in a very vulnerable place right now.

Hope: So, you went to see Liam?

Thomas: Yeah. Look, um, I– I– honestly, I did not go to cause any kind of trouble. I just went to talk to him and to try and convince him that you actually are doing what you said you wanted to do, which is you’re trying to put your family back together.

Hope: What did he say?

Thomas: Um, he made it clear that he is… unwilling to forgive what happened between us. But I– I– I– I don’t get it, Hope. Honestly. It doesn’t make any sense to me. He’s putting you through this pain. Now, that hurts me because you really are trying. He just won’t accept it. It’s like he saw one thing. You made one mistake. It’s not like he knows about everything else that happened between us.

Hope: So, you– you didn’t–

Thomas: No, no. I would never tell him about everything. [ Thomas chuckles ] That’s something that was, um, wonderful. And it’s just ours. Liam doesn’t get to be a part of it. I care so much for you, Hope, and I don’t understand what Liam’s doing. It doesn’t make any sense to me. Because what I see in front of me is beauty and grace. Hope, I love you so much. And I know I– I made mistakes, but this is like a true love. And that moment we shared, that first kiss in front of The Colosseum, that lit a fire inside of me. It’s given me so much energy and passion and all I want is to be yours. To be there for you, to create for you. To love you. To make love to you. This is our time, Hope. Let’s not throw it away.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, August 28, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Terry

Adam’s suggestion that he be CEO of Newman media after it is merged with Sharon’s company was not well received by his business partners, Nick and Sharon, and it wasn’t appealing to Victor, either. Sharon had second thoughts about the whole merger and told Nick she haattorneys who searched for loopholes in the agreement she signed. Adam will scheme and Victor will meddle and she Nick will be pushed to the sidelines, she predicted. Sharon suggested that she and Nick go into business together, without Adam. Sharon vowed to fight both Adam and Victor if she needed to do so.

Adam argued with Victor over Adam’s insistence he should be CEO of the pending merged companies, Newman media and Sharon’s company, formerly known as Kirsten Incorporated.

Adam noted that Victor was against the merger until Nate Hastings spoke in favor of  it. Victor responded that maybe that was so, but later told Adam that the opinion of one man does not sway his decisions. Adam accused Victor of holding against him the blackmail scheme Adam had against Audra Charles. Victor told Adam the problem is not that he is unqualified to be CEO of Newman media again – the problem is Adam’s methods to get what he wants. Nikki asked Victor what he thought about putting Sharon and Nick in control of the merged companies, with Adam in a secondary role. Victor appeared to consider the idea.

Sally’s telling Adam that she will not be joining SNA disappointed Adam. She told him that she will be establishing her own company, financed by Nick. Sally said it’s time she have something of her own.  Adam warned her Nick will not be a hands off investor.  

As Sally and Nick spent time together, she told him he’s been wonderful, kind and sensitive during her difficult time. She asked him if his offer to fund her next venture was still good. He readily agreed to fund Sally’s next business. He said he had complete faith and trust in her and told Sally that she will soar. She made it clear she wanted to work on her own, with no oversight. Nick agreed. He was happy to hear Sally turned down Adam’s job offer, and told her she dodged a bullet. Sally explained that something about the offer didn’t feel right.

Victor joined Nick and Sharon as they discussed Adam, his role and how he would behave if he was head of Newman media once it was merged with Sharon’s company. Sharon said Adam would marginalize her and Nick and do whatever he wanted. Nick said he would quit if Adam was made CEO of Newman media. 

Doctors delivered news to Tessa and Mariah that baby Aria had a hearing problem. Sharon urged them not to panic. Tessa called Devon, who consoled a worried Mariah because baby Aria had a hearing defect.  Years ago Devon struggled with his hearing deficiencies and got a cochlear implant.

GH Short Recap, Monday, August 28, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Finn and Elizabeth run into each other on the roof of the hospital. He’s having a hard time dealing with the fact that his dad his dying from ALS. She consoles him.

Kristina drops by Alexis’ office to thank her for getting Diane for her board and explains why she avoided her at the pool (because she didn’t want to interfere when Molly, TJ and Alexis were meeting with the surrogate). Alexis thinks the surrogate is nice and that Kristina and Molly will eventually make friends again. Gregory drops by and commisserates with Alexis about having told Finn about his ALS; he regrets that Finn found out he told her before him, and he’s worried about telling Chase. Alexis is supportive.

Trina visits Josslyn at Kelly’s. Trina is worried about whether Curtis will come home and make up with Portia, and she blames herself. Joss tells her that it’s not her fault.

Marshall visits Portia in her office. She’s worried about whether Curtis will be coming home after he gets out of rehab. Marshall figures that Curtis is just worried about what the future will hold.

Stella is dismayed to find Curtis working out without his therapist. She thinks he may not be ready to go home because he’s not expressing how he feels. He admits that he’s scared, so she tells him that he needs to find the strength necessary to face the challenges he’s up against now.

Trina drops by to see her mom; they worry about what’s going to happen with Curtis. Curtis phones Portia to tell her that he’s coming home. Portia’s glad to hear it. He says that they can make things worth together.

Diane drops by Kelly’s to see Carly. Carly wants her to work to get Drew out of prison, but Diane isn’t sure she can.

Robert meets Anna at the pool for a drink. She wants him to find out if Valentin is still working for Pikeman or not. Valentin arrives, so Robert leaves.

Nearby, Lucy throws a drink all over Martin because he lied to her about the alimony he’s been getting. She explains that she had to sneak into Jackson’s office to get it. Lucy is worried that she’ll lose the lawsuit and Deception.

Martin meets with Valentin for a minute to tell him that the news is not good. Valentin tells him to “get it done.”

Robert visits Kelly’s and tells Diane that he’s bought a new car. She looks surprised. He invites her to go for a ride with him, so she says she’ll check her calendar.

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Days Short Recap Friday, August 25, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric apologized to Roman for snapping at him about the baby shower. Roman understood and offered his condolences. Eric wanted to get back to Sloan. Nicole was shocked that Sloan lost the baby. Sloan told Melinda that she and Eric had to start off with a clean slate. She wanted to tell Eric the truth. Melinda reminded her that telling Eric the truth about the baby would be a bad idea. Sarah told Maggie that she saw Xander. She told her what happened when she talked to him. Maggie wanted to know what she told Xander. Chloe wanted to tell Xander about Sarah’s pregnancy, but he told her that he already knew about it. He told her that he knew about it the day before. Roman told Eric that he was sorry about his loss. After his phone call, Nicole told Eric that heard the news about the baby. She told him that she was sorry. Sloan knew that Melinda didn’t want her to tell Eric the truth because she wouldn’t have any leverage over her. Melinda warned her that if she told Eric the truth about Nicole’s baby, they will want to be a family. Maggie was shocked that Sarah told Xander that she was pregnant. She revealed to Maggie that Rex proposed to her. Chloe was upset that Xander proposed to her knowing that Sarah was pregnant. Sloan was convinced that Eric will forgive her once she reveals the truth. Melinda reminded her that she thought she had a chance with Eric because they were both having Eric’s baby. Nicole was surprised that Sloan lost the baby since she was fine when she talked to her earlier. Eric told her what Kayla said to them. She reminded him that she was told the same thing, and she was able to get pregnant.

Melinda promised Sloan that she wouldn’t tell her secret. Nicole wanted to be there for Eric. She placed her hand on his chest and he noticed the ring. Sarah told Maggie about her engagement. Maggie reminded her that Rex cheated on her. Sarah told her that she lied to Xander about the father of her baby. Maggie let her know that she will have to keep lying about who the father of your baby is. Maggie wanted to know what she would do if everything blew up. Xander told Chloe that Rex is the father of Sarah’s baby. She wanted to know if that was true. Sarah told Maggie that she couldn’t tell Zander the truth about the baby. She said that Xander was engaged to Chloe. Maggie said that he is fool. Sarah couldn’t believe that she was defending Xander. Chloe and Xander went back and forth about Sarah’s pregnancy. Xander told her that Sarah was with Rex after they broke up. Xander assured her that they were going to be together. Nicole told Eric about her wedding plans. Melinda continued to Sloan to keep quiet about Nicole’s baby. She thought EJ would deserve to suffer by raising another man’s child. Melinda apologized to her again about the baby. Sloan told her that she was about to tell the truth when she lost the baby. If she didn’t tell Eric the truth, she didn’t know what she would tell him. Sarah let Maggie know that she couldn’t tell Xander the truth about the baby. She didn’t want to be tied to him together. She explained why she couldn’t tell him the truth. She insisted that she was marrying Rex. Maggie wanted to know if she loved Rex the way she loved Xander. Nicole saw Melinda at the hospital. She called Melinda out for telling EJ that he probably shouldn’t marry her. She wanted her to mind her business. Eric went back to Sloan’s room. He didn’t want to talk about what she was going to tell him. She told him that she didn’t call her doctor when she was in pain. She blamed herself for losing the baby.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, August 24, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Sloan woke up and told Eric that she had a dream that she lost the baby. Eric told her that she did lose the baby. EJ had a dream about the night his mother died. Ava screamed when she thought she saw Susan at Bayview. Harris wanted to know why she was screaming. Ava told him that Susan Banks came back from the dead. Harris assured her that she wasn’t seeing Susan. Ava wasn’t convinced because she told her to leave her alone. Marlena and Roman talked about Victor passing away. Marlena had a memory of Victor. They talked about Eric being engaged to Sloan. They weren’t happy about it. Sloan was heartbroken over losing her baby. Kala walked in to check on her, but she snapped at her. Sloan wanted to know why she lost her baby. Melinda snuck out of Li’s bed and started searching through his things. She found his phone and started to look through it when he woke up. He wanted to know what she was doing. He wanted to know why she was looking through his phone. She lied and made it seem like she was using her phone. He wanted to make love to her again, but she had to go to work. Kayla told Sloan that she had an auto immune disorder and that’s what caused her to miscarry. Sloan told Eric the disorder wasn’t why she lost her baby. She thought she was being punished for the decisions she made. He told her that wasn’t true, but she didn’t believe that. EJ talked to Nicole about the night Ava killed his mother. Ava continued to think that Susan was at Bayview. Ava told the woman that she didn’t mean to kill her. She demanded that Susan leave her alone. Harris told the lady to walk away from Ava. She didn’t think she would ever be okay because she still sees dead people. She didn’t think she would ever be well again.

EJ revealed to Nicole that he was having nightmares about Ava killing his mother. He felt like he was having them because he didn’t get revenge on her. Ava continued to tell Harris that she wasn’t getting any better. Eric wanted to know why Sloan was being punished. He wanted to know what she did. She said she did terrible things. Eric reminded her that she was trying to tell him something before she collapsed. Sloan was about to say something when Kayla returned with information about her disorder. Sloan wanted to know if she would be able to have another baby. Kayla said the treatment was curable. Nicole didn’t want EJ to get revenge on Ava. She thought he should try to let it go. He told her that she’s a threat to his family. Harris thought Ava should talk to Marlena, but she said she had a past with her. She told him about the things she did to Marlena. He said that he did things to Marlena too, but she was a good therapist. Melinda went to see Sloan at the hospital. She apologized for what happened. Sloan wasn’t sure if she meant that. Nicole continued to talk EJ out of going after Ava. He finally gave in and decided not to go after Ava anymore. Nicole had to go to the hospital pharmacy to pick up her prescription. Melinda told Sloan that her apology was sincere. Sloan didn’t care anymore since she lost her baby. She thought that Eric deserved the chance to be a father. She was going to tell Eric that he’s the father of Nicole’s baby. Melinda didn’t think she should do that.  Eric talked to Roman on the phone and told him that Sloan lost the baby. Nicole arrived and heard Eric’s news.

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B&B Short Recap Friday, August 25, 2023

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Recap written by Suzanne

Finn continues to try to persuade Steffy to come back to him. He promises her that he’ll have no contact with Sheila. They reminisce. Steffy confesses that she still has nightmares about that alley when Sheila shot them both. They agree that they love each other.

Liams tells Wyatt that he turned down Hope’s offer to reconcile because he can’t forgive her. Wyatt is shocked and points out that Liam’s feelings for Steffy (and her breaking up with Finn) might have had something to do with it. Liam thinks that Finn is too much like Sheila because he has her DNA.

Deacon and Sheila have sex. He admits he can’t stay away from her. Sheila hopes that Finn one day will realize he feels the same way (Ewww). Deacon isn’t too sure that will happen, but she is sure it will. It makes Deacon nervous when Sheila mentions that things with Finn would be different if Steffy wasn’t in his life. He worries that she’ll go to jail again, but Sheila promises that she’s not going anywhere. They have more sex.

Ridge apologizes to Eric for throwing away his old stapler because he didn’t know it was important to him (had been there since the first day of Forrester). Eric takes Ridge’s words as if he’s saying Eric isn’t useful any more. Eric gripes that everyone in the company uses his office for their own purposes; Ridge doesn’t think that’s a big deal, but Eric feels it’s disrespectful. Ridge points out that he’s in charge of the company now and that the fashion industry has to change and grow constantly, with new blood. He offers to step down and retire but wonders who will take his place. Eric says he will do it and will create this new line with or without Ridge.

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B&B Short Recap Thursday, August 24, 2023

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Recap written by Suzanne

Hope asks Liam to forgive her and asks if they can get back together for their family. They talk about how Thomas and Steffy have impacted their marriage. Liam tells her that he loves her but can’t forgive her. Hope is very disappointed.

Finn keeps begging Steffy to forgive him and to take him back because he misses her and the kids so much. He asks her to remember when they found each other again in Monaco (after she thought he was dead).

Ridge finds Eric sitting at his desk, in his old office. Eric accuses Ridge of avoiding him and acts like Ridge is trying to keep him out of Forrester. Ridge is shocked, but he makes things worse by not being sensitive to how Eric is obviously feeling. Eric wants to get a new collection together of their classic Forrester designs, but Ridge brushes the idea aside, angering Eric. Eric gets annoyed when he can’t find the stapler that’s been sitting on his desk since he first started the company. Ridge tells him someone probably threw it out because it hasn’t worked in a long time. Eric, upset, asks if Ridge wants to throw him out, too. Ridge is stunned.

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Days Update Friday, August 25, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Sarah joins Maggie in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. Sarah hugs Maggie as she asks how she is doing. Maggie mentions that people sending cards has helped as she reads one from Victor’s barber that says Victor kept them laughing for 30 years. Sarah agrees that Victor was funny. Maggie adds that a lot of people have said nice things. Sarah credits Maggie for that and calls her the best thing to ever happen to Victor. Sarah feels that people felt if Maggie saw the good in Victor, it must be there. Maggie brings up that Xander said she was the one thing he and Victor had in common and that she brought them back together for a while. Maggie mentions that Xander plans to come by later and she knows Sarah doesn’t want to see him. Sarah then reveals that she actually already did which surprises Maggie.

Chloe comes home to Xander at their apartment. Xander informs her that he is cooking their engagement lunch. Chloe says before they eat, there is something she needs to tell him. Xander feels it’s something pretty serious. Chloe responds that it could change their whole future.

Eric apologizes on the phone to Roman for jumping all over him about the baby shower as Nicole listens in behind him. Roman says it seems that he called about it at the worst possible time. Eric says he will tell Sloan that they wanted to do it as it will mean a lot to her. Roman asks if there’s anything he can do for them. Eric says if he thinks of anything, he’ll let him know but he has to go be with Sloan. Roman tells him to tell Sloan how sorry that he and Marlena are which Eric agrees to do. Nicole comments to herself that it sounds like Sloan lost her baby.

Sloan tells Melinda that she had so many plans for her and Eric and their baby, but now it’s just going to be her and Eric. Sloan feels they have to start over with a clean slate, no secrets, so she’ made up her mind that she’s going to tell Eric that he is the father of Nicole’s baby. Melinda guesses it didn’t register the first time so she repeats that telling Eric that he’s the father of Nicole’s child is a terrible idea.

Maggie didn’t know Sarah saw Xander and asks how that happened. Sarah explains that Xander came by yesterday to see Maggie and found her instead. Sarah states that Xander was very shocked by how pregnant she is. Maggie asks what she told him. Sarah admits that she lied through her teeth.

Xander questions what Chloe has to tell him that’s going to affect their whole future. Xander asks if she’s breaking off their engagement and if it’s about his past, insisting that he’s learned his lesson. Chloe assures that she’s not breaking their engagement, but he may want to. Chloe informs Xander that she just found out that Sarah is pregnant. Xander asks who told her that. Chloe explains that she ran in to Henderson at the grocery store and he told her. Xander guesses Henderson was getting food for Victor’s funeral. Chloe questions why they are talking about Henderson instead of Sarah as she thought he would be shocked. Xander then reveals that he already knew as he found out yesterday.

Eric tells Roman that he really has to go but he’ll stop in later in the week to talk. Roman tells him to go be with Sloan. Roman knows how much Eric wanted this baby and says he’s so damn sorry. Eric thanks him for calling as they hang up. Nicole then approaches Eric and apologizes as she couldn’t help but hear what he was talking about and says it sounds like Sloan lost the baby which Eric confirms. Nicole tells Eric that she’s so sorry.

Sloan argues that Melinda doesn’t want her to tell Eric about Nicole’s baby because then she’ll have nothing to hold over her head and she’ll have to nail Li on her own. Melinda insists she’ll get him another way. Sloan questions why Melinda cares what she tells Eric. Melinda says she is speaking as her friend and warns that the clean slate that Sloan wants could blow up in her face. Melinda adds that if Eric and Nicole have the baby, he could decide that he wants them to be a family which means Sloan could lose Eric forever.

Maggie assumes that Sarah told Xander that the baby is Rex’s. Sarah confirms that she did, noting it was simple and made sense. Maggie asks how Rex feels about it. Sarah admits that Rex is crazy about the idea and wants to marry her.

Chloe questions Xander already knowing that Sarah was pregnant. Xander explains that he found out when he went to see Maggie but he ran in to Sarah and she was obviously with child. Chloe questions why Xander wouldn’t tell her that Sarah is pregnant.

Sloan questions Melinda wanting her to keep quiet about Nicole’s baby being Eric’s and expecting her to believe she’s doing it for her. Melinda questions Sloan thinking she can give Eric this huge news and it will all be fine. Sloan argues that Melinda doesn’t know how close they’ve become and brings up how he chose her side over his whole family. Melinda asks if she thinks it will still be that way if he finds out what she did. Sloan insists that Eric will forgive her. Melinda reminds Sloan that she said it would be okay if Eric knew about Nicole’s baby because she was carrying his baby too but that’s not true anymore. Sloan says that’s enough and tells her to leave her alone. Melinda refuses until she gets through to her, reminding Sloan that she said their baby would bond them together for life but now the only one carrying Eric’s baby is Nicole, so she rests her case.

Kate goes to the Brady Pub and brings Roman bags of everything he needs for the baby shower. Kate mentions not being a fan of Sloan either but she heard from Marlena that they wanted to throw a baby shower and smooth things over. Roman stops Kate and informs her that there is not going to be a baby shower because Sloan lost the baby.

Nicole tells Eric that this is so sudden since last time she talked to Sloan, she said everything was great. Eric says that it was and then Kayla discovered some kind of auto immune disorder that Sloan didn’t know she had which caused the miscarriage. Eric adds that Kayla also said it would be risky for Sloan to even get pregnant again. Nicole knows that must have been hard to hear, especially after what happened. Nicole reminds Eric that they told her that too so she encourages him not to give up hope. Eric feels it’s too soon for that. Nicole tells Eric that this is so unfair as she knows how much he wants a child and that he would make a wonderful father.

Kate tells Roman that Eric has to be devastated. Roman confirms that he was definitely blindsided. Roman feels he was useless on the phone just now. Kate encourages that Roman will help Eric through this as they all will. Kate then informs Roman that he was right about telling Philip that his father was dead, so she took his advice and called Philip to tell him.

Sloan hates it but admits that Melinda is right that if she tells Eric what she has done, he’ll never forgive her and without a baby, there’s no reason for him to stay with her. Melinda points out that then Sloan would be childless and single, but Eric won’t find out if she keeps her mouth shut. Sloan asks if Melinda is going to continue threatening her. Melinda says she couldn’t do that to her now. Sloan questions Melinda really only thinking of her. Melinda assures that she came as her friend, not a prosecutor. Melinda vows to not tell a soul what Sloan did or that she’s keeping it from Eric and she won’t use what she knows against her. Melinda suggests that even if Eric did know about Nicole’s baby, it might not change a thing since Nicole is engaged to EJ, who is rich and handsome and they both are delighted to have the baby together so Melinda asks what Nicole would need Eric for.

Eric asks if Nicole is at the hospital to see her OB. Nicole says she came to pick up a prescription. Eric supposes he should get back to Sloan. Nicole tells Eric that if he ever needs someone to talk to who gets it, he knows where she is. Eric thanks her and then notices Nicole’s engagement ring.

Maggie asks Sarah if she’s sure that Rex sincerely wants to marry her. Sarah responds that Rex told her that losing her was the biggest mistake of his life and that he never stopped loving her which he said when she was still with Xander. Sarah tells Maggie that this is her future and reveals that she called Rex last night to accept his proposal. Maggie reminds Sarah that Rex had an affair the last time they were engaged, so he’s not reliable. Sarah argues that Rex is a changed man and guesses that Maggie won’t give them her blessing. Maggie responds that she can’t because Rex has cheated on her. Maggie declares that Sarah cannot go in to this marriage with the father of her baby not knowing the truth. Sarah argues that she told Xander that Rex is the father and he totally bought it. Maggie calls it a lie and insists that the baby’s father deserves to be part of the baby’s life. Sarah questions why Xander deserves anything from her after what he did. Sarah can’t believe Maggie is on Xander’s side. Maggie says she’s on her side too but Sarah doesn’t feel that way. Maggie warns Sarah about what it’s going to be like having to lie to her child about who their father is and asks if she can really live like that. Maggie asks what if somehow the truth comes out and it all blows up in her face.

Xander promises Chloe that he was eventually going to tell her all about Sarah, but when she came home and accepted his proposal, he was so excited that it was all he could think about. Xander adds that this doesn’t change anything for them. Chloe argues that Xander’s ex-wife is pregnant with his child but Xander tells her that it’s not. Xander informs her that the father is Rex Brady. Chloe asks if he’s sure about that.

Sarah doesn’t want to fight with Maggie while she’s grieving the love of her life. Sarah knows Maggie wants her and Xander to be together and to raise the baby together, but says she can’t do that and it’s not a possibility for either of them at this point. Maggie asks what she’s talking about. Sarah informs her that Xander told her that he proposed to Chloe. Maggie hopes she doesn’t accept and argues that Xander is on the rebound. Maggie declares that Sarah is the only woman for Xander and she always will be. Sarah laughs at that and argues that Xander is incapable of being loyal. Sarah calls Xander a con artist who scams people and argues Maggie is fooling herself by thinking Xander is harmless or deserving of her forgiveness. Sarah brings up the things Xander said to her after they broke up. Maggie shouts they were both hurt and angry. Maggie feels they are now wasting time because they are too proud to admit the truth. Maggie tells Sarah that she’s right that she lost the love of her life, so she doesn’t want Sarah to lose hers.

Xander informs Chloe that Sarah told him that Rex is the father of her baby and argues that she wouldn’t lie about something like that. Chloe comments that Henderson said it looks like Sarah is in her final trimester. Chloe asks if Xander’s sure since she had to have gotten pregnant before leaving Salem. Xander reveals that Sarah slept with Rex before she left Salem, right after they broke up, which Chloe admits she did not know. Xander tells Chloe that Sarah and Rex are having a baby and Sarah says they really happy just like they are. Xander assures Chloe that she is the woman he wants to be with as they kiss.

Roman asks Kate how Philip took learning about his father’s death. Kate says like most of them, he thought Victor would live forever, so he was stunned and he wants to come back but she reminded him that he did everything to convince people he’s dead and that Brady killed him. Roman adds that it wouldn’t go unnoticed by the police, so Philip needs to grieve from a distance, not a jail cell. Kate says that’s what she told him but she couldn’t get through to him because he wants to honor his father and doesn’t care about the consequences. Roman worries that Philip will care when it gets real. Kate says she offered to send him some of Victor’s ashes which he agreed to consider. They hope he will realize she’s right. Roman wonders if Philip ever thought he’d have to leave Salem forever when he was setting Brady up. Kate complains that Philip was always obsessed with Chloe. Kate admits she feels so bad about trying to convince Philip not to come to his father’s funeral. Roman assures that she’s doing the right thing.

Nicole confirms to Eric that EJ proposed and she accepted, so EJ is picking up the marriage license now. Eric is surprised they are already planning the wedding. Nicole says it won’t be a big deal and probably just them and the kids. Eric asks if the wedding is happening soon. Nicole responds that it is.

Sloan asks how Melinda is so sure that Nicole and EJ are such a love match. Melinda clarifies that she never said that and it’s probably a business deal but for the moment, they are committed to each other so keeping her mouth shut is the practical thing to do. Melinda admits she would love for EJ to find out that Sloan played him and that EJ would spend the next 20 years raising another man’s child. Sloan jokes that Melinda must really hate EJ’s guts. Melinda says she hates EJ wiggling out of the rotten and illegal things he’s done. Melinda remarks that EJ will find out about this one day and will suffer in ways the legal system could only dream of, which Sloan did. Melinda decides that’s enough about EJ as she came to see Sloan. Melinda tells her that she’s so sorry about the baby. Sloan admits that she had started to tell Eric the truth, to the point that she told him she had to tell him something that would upset him but then she got the awful pains and that’s when she miscarried. Melinda guesses Eric probably forgot what she said before the trauma but Sloan reveals that he hasn’t forgotten because he asked her about it today. Sloan decides that if she’s not going to tell him about Nicole’s baby, she doesn’t know what the hell she’s going to say instead.

Eric wishes Nicole and EJ the best. Nicole thanks him and hopes that Eric and Sloan can work through this. Eric says he better go check on her and then heads to Sloan’s hospital room.

Sloan tells Melinda that she doesn’t know how to explain to Eric what she said and she is no place to come up with a strategy. Melinda responds that luckily, she is and she knows exactly what she can tell Eric.

Roman wonders if Eric would mind if he showed up at the hospital. Kate encourages that Eric has probably been by Sloan’s side since it happened, so he can bring him something to eat. Kate tells Roman to stay as long as he’d like and she will hold it down at the Pub. Roman calls her the best and hugs her.

Chloe apologizes to Xander for realizing that Scottish cuisine is not really her thing. Xander encourages that she has plenty of time to acquire the taste but feels bad for turning her stomach. Xander decides he should go see Maggie and that he will do the dishes when he gets home. Chloe says she will do the dishes and decides she will try the food. Xander and Chloe say I love you to each other and kiss as Xander then exits.

Sarah doesn’t want to argue with Maggie as she knows the kind of pain she’s in while grieving the loss of her husband. Sarah says she would do anything to comfort her but she cannot tell Xander about the baby because then they would be tied together forever and she does not want that. Sarah calls Xander two different people, the wonderful sweet man she fell in love with but also the scary man who kidnapped Bonnie and Susan, so she would never know which Xander they’d get. Sarah declares that she is marrying Rex. Maggie asks if she loves Rex the way she loved Xander. Sarah says not yet, but she will and he will be good to her and the baby. Sarah says they will be a happy family and Xander will find happiness but she doesn’t care. Maggie thanks her for being honest with her if that’s the way it has to be. Maggie then gets a text from Xander and tells Sarah that he is on his way.

Melinda exits Sloan’s hospital room and runs in to Nicole. Nicole tells Melinda that she’s pissed off because she knows that she tried to tell EJ there’s some reason he shouldn’t marry her. Melinda claims she was just playing with him. Nicole tells her to go play somewhere else because her relationship is none of her business. Melinda agrees and apologizes. Melinda understands they are expecting a child together and want to be married, so she hopes they have a long and happy life together. Nicole doesn’t believe her and remarks that Melinda wants everyone to be as miserable as she is. Melinda says it was nice chatting with her and quickly exits the hospital.

Eric returns to Sloan’s room and apologizes for taking so long as he was taking to Roman. Eric asks if Sloan is still in pain. Sloan says not really. Sloan brings up Eric asking what she was going to talk to him about last night. Eric says they don’t have to talk about that right now but Sloan says she wants to. Sloan informs Eric that what she was about to tell him is that before any of this happened, she woke up and felt like something was off but she didn’t know what and convinced herself it was nothing. Sloan says she didn’t call her doctor and that’s what she was about to tell him but then the pain started. Sloan cries that she should’ve done something, called her doctor, or gone to the ER and then maybe they’d still be pregnant. Eric encourages that Kayla said there’s nothing she could’ve done. Sloan cries that they may never have a baby and it’s all because of her. Eric urges her not to give up hope. Eric brings up Nicole being told that she could never carry a baby to term and he just saw her in the hallway and she said her pregnancy is going beautifully. Eric adds that Nicole also said to tell Sloan that she’s sorry. Sloan calls that sweet of her and asks Eric to hold her which he does.

Xander goes to see Maggie and tells her that he still can’t believe Victor is gone as he thought he would outlive them all. Maggie thought she would be with Victor at the end. Xander jokes about who’s going to give him hell now. Maggie states that Victor had a certain grudging respect for him. Xander thanks her for saying that even if it’s not true. Sarah then comes back in to the room and asks Xander if they can talk for a few minutes. Maggie says they can talk now as she was leaving. Maggie tells Xander not to be a stranger as they hug. Maggie then exits the room. Xander asks what Sarah didn’t say yesterday.

Kate sits at the Pub and toasts to Victor, commenting that there will never be another one like him. Roman returns. Kate thought he was going to the hospital. Roman responds that he is, but reveals that he just ran in to her son and Kate assumes he means Philip.

Chloe’s doorbell rings.

Kate asks Roman why Philip didn’t come in with him. Roman reveals it’s not Philip as Rex enters the Pub and surprises Kate.

Chloe says the doorbell was perfect timing for saving her from having to eat the Scottish food. Chloe says she loves whoever it is and answers the door, shocked to see Philip.

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GH Short Recap Friday, August 25, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny and Nina decide to get married in the wintertime although they don’t have a specific date yet. Nina wants to make sure Willow will be in good health so Willow can go to the wedding.

Gregory tells Elizabeth about his ALS diagnosis and she promises to help Finn and Violet help him with anything they need.

Tracy tells Brook Lynn that she and the company she is working with plan to take over Deception. Brook Lynn thinks that Luke’s death has hardened Tracy and she tells her she understands why Ned doesn’t want to remember that he is her son.

Kristina feels left out of Molly’s life when she sees Molly, her surrogate Andrea Gates, and Alexis having dinner. Alexis tells Molly she likes Andrea, and she feels Andrea understands what it means to be a surrogate.

Cody persuades Sam to have him committed to Fern Cliff so he can help Sasha.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, August 25, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Mariah: Tell me it’s gonna be okay.

Tessa: It is. Now, you tell me.

Mariah: Whatever our daughter needs, we’ll do it. Whatever this turns out to be, we’re gonna face it. Just like we face everything.

Tessa: Yes. Um, one step at a time. We’ll make sure that she has whatever she needs. Our baby girl.

Mariah: Elena.

Elena: Hey.

Mariah: Hi. [ Laughing ]

Tessa: Oh, hi.

Elena: I don’t mean to interrupt.

Tessa: Oh no, you’re not interrupting. It’s fine.

Elena: You sure?

Tessa: Um, we just had an appointment with aria’s pediatrician.

Mariah: She gave us some upsetting news.

Esther: Ah, sharon. I was hoping to see your granddaughter. Aria, what a beautiful name. How is she?

Sharon: Um, she’s good. She’s very, uh, feisty and wonderful.

[ Both chuckle ] And mariah and tessa, um, they’re settling into being parents.

Esther: Ah, I’m so happy for them and so happy for me too. The new manager of crimson lights.

Sharon: I can’t thank you enough for taking this on.

Chloe: Mom, you really don’t think it’s gonna be too much? I mean, you’re still doing work as a receptionist at chancellor winters.

Esther: Honey, uh, that’s part-time. I could do that with my eyes closed. But running things here, well, that’s exciting. And sharon’s excited to have me too.

Chloe: And I think it’s great. I, you know, I’m just looking out for you. I mean, no offense.

Esther: Well, hey, it’s not like working for jill, which was basically indentured servitude. This is perfect for me.

Sharon: Well, you know what? Come up with a schedule that you’re comfortable with and we will make it work.

Esther: Consider it done.

Nick: Hi, ladies. Sorry if I’m interrupting. Sharon, could I talk to you for a minute?

Victor: You know, sweetheart, I have decided to start the process of merging sna with newman media.

Nikki: After finding out that adam blackmailed audra for the same result? Why would you give in now?

Victor: It has nothing to do with any of that. It has to do with me wanting to merge the two companies. But I think now is the right time.

Nikki: You seem pretty nonchalant given the circumstances. How did nicholas respond to this?

Victor: I don’t know.

Nikki: And adam?

Victor: Well, adam, obviously, suspected I had some ulterior motives.

Nikki: I would imagine he’s right to wonder what you are up to.

Adam: Why did you meet with my father last night?

Nate: I’m coo of the company with his name on it. He wanted to talk.

Adam: About what?

Nate: Business.

Adam: Specifically.

Nate: Ask him.

Adam: I’m asking you. What was the topic of conversation? And what the hell are you up to?

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Nate: My private conversations with victor are exactly that. Private.

Adam: Except 10 minutes after you left he did a 180 and he decided it was time to merge sna with newman media.

Nate: Which is exactly what you took great pains with audra to force. Congratulations on the win.

Adam: Nate, how do you figure into it? You know, nick told me that you could not be trusted.

Nate: [ Scoffs ] That’s almost funny.

Adam: Why? Because you’re such a standup guy?

Nate: Because this is what you and your brother managed to agree on, me. But you couldn’t put together a solid business plan for the company you’re creating.

Adam: Wait a minute. That’s the angle that you’re playing? That’s how you’ve managed to ingratiate yourself with my father, the loyal soldier who is offering the brilliant business insights?

Nate: Victor came to me. He wanted my take on how things were progressing with sna.

Adam: And you were just more than eager to offer your opinion, weren’t you?

Nate: Newman enterprises controls all entities involved. I am the coo.

Adam: Hm.

Nate: Of course I made it my business to know where things stand.

Adam: And what did you tell him?

Nate: What I believe. What I’ve always believed. That folding sna into newman media is a smart move. It’s why I was willing to risk pushing for the merger even after victor made it clear he was against it.

Adam: I was right.

Nate: Yes!

Adam: All along.

Nate: Yes. Yes, you were. But your tactics, as dirty as it gets. Blackmailing audra, using a scandal to damage the business. You were willing to risk burning everything down just to get what you wanted.

Adam: But it never would’ve come to that.

Nate: Victor should have cut you lose, but instead he’s given you the prize. Newman media on a silver platter combined with sna. Can’t you just take the win? Or do you always have to find a reason to create another enemy?

Nikki: So what made you change your mind?

Victor: Been my plan all along. To create a powerful media company.

Nikki: And how does nate fit into this?

Victor: His analysis of mccall and kirsten incorporated impressed me. And, uh, it reinforced my doubts about what was wrong with those two companies. Then we both realized that the company that sharon and nicholas and adam started needed reinforcement, hence newman media. I don’t wanna delay that merger any longer.

Nikki: And who’s going to run it?

Victor: I don’t know yet.

Nikki: So somebody stands to lose out. Darling, please consider the consequences of pushing your sons too hard. Nicholas has already done what you asked to keep an eye on adam. I mean, there has to be a limit.

Victor: Sweetheart, you know me. I’m setting this company up for success.

Nikki: Yes, but you’re adding a wild card into the mix. I still believe that nate is too ambitious for his own good as well as victoria’S. And what does she say about all of this?

Victor: You know, I’m waiting for her to return my call, but she is in an emergency meeting in la.

Nikki: Oh, please tell me you’re not going to finalize anything until you speak to her. Give her a chance to weigh in.

Victor: Well, I’m moving forward. The merger will take place. And when the young lady comes back from la, they’ll be a whole new dynamic at newman media.

Sharon: Has victor done something?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Not yet. Not that I know of.

Sharon: Okay. Well, adam warned us and he was right. Victor had his own plans for our company.

Nick: Now that you’ve had time to think about everything my dad has said, how are you feeling about things?

Sharon: I hung on to kirsten incorporated because I wanted to do something positive with the company. I wanted to have some kind of, I don’t know, a good impact. But with victor’s plans of getting it, there won’t be much left.

Nick: We can fight him on that.

Sharon: That will be a tough battle. I don’t think that victor would’ve told us of his plans unless he had all of his bases covered. And I keep going back to the way that he worded it. He wants to fold sna into newman media. To me, that doesn’t sound like a merger. It sounds more like newman media will be swallowing us up.

Nick: I get the same feeling that this is just some plan to make newman media a bigger, more formidable division. But then what? Are we gonna suddenly find ourselves in a position where we are answering to adam?

Adam: You know, you’re the one who seems to be making enemies left and right. And that’ll happen when you mix ambition and a disregard for the rules of the game.

Nate: Wow. [ Chuckles ] Hard to believe you managed that with a straight face considering you just tried to muscle your way into getting control of newman media.

Adam: What do you mean? You keep trying to make this about me.

Nate: You’re giving me way too much credit. Do you really imagine that I can influence your father?

Adam: There is something going on.

Nate: Even if I did have that kind of sway, you are getting what you wanted. Will it only be satisfying if it’s on your terms? Are you that arrogant?

Adam: No.

Adam: Look, there is something going on and I don’t know what it is yet, but I will find out.

Nate: Hey, call me as soon as you can. Victor is merging sna with newman media after all. Did you know this was coming? When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd

Tessa: The thunder was so loud it made us both jump.

Mariah: And aria slept right through it. She didn’t react at all.

Tessa: I realized that I had some similar feelings when I would sing to her. And sharon thought it was just us being new parents, just feeding each other’s worry.

Mariah: So she said that we should go get aria’s hearing checked so we could put our minds at ease. But after all of these tests…

Tessa: The doctor said that she could have severe hearing loss.

Elena: Wow. That’s a lot to process. Uh, what else did the doctor say?

Mariah: Uh, I don’t know. My mind was racing, so I took notes.

Tessa: Uh, the pediatrician couldn’t test aria further to try to identify a possible cause or try to put a name on it.

Mariah: Okay, so she said it could be conductive hearing loss. Uh, that’s a problem with the outer ear, I guess.

Elena: Yeah, which is easily treatable.

Mariah: Yes. But if it’s the inner ear, which is sensory neural loss, that– that could be permanent.

Elena: Right. Um, I take it you already made an appointment with a specialist?

Tessa: Yes.

Mariah: Yeah, we have.

Elena: Good. They’ll be able to give you specific information. Let you know what you’re dealing with. In the meantime, try not to drive yourselves crazy thinking about the worst-case scenario. Aria’s diagnosis can be anywhere on a very broad spectrum, and there is a chance that it’s curable. And even if it’s not–

Tessa: There are hearing aids. And I’m sure that there’s stuff that we haven’t even heard of.

Elena: Exactly.

Mariah: Or a– a cochlear implant like devon had. Whatever aria needs. Whatever we have to do for our daughter, we’ll do it.

Elena: Of course you will. And the best thing you both can do right now is just take everything one step at a time.

Sharon: Let’s not jump to conclusions.

Nick: We need to be prepared.

Sharon: I’m aware. It is my company that victor is talking about cutting down to the bone. And adam, after what he pulled, victor only kept him on because of the optics.

Nick: That’s what dad says.

Sharon: Well, finances were secured in part because of adam’s involvement in it. Cutting him loose before a merger even took place would’ve been a bad look.

Nick: The bottom line is we just have no idea what is going on in dad’s head.

Sharon: Which is why we should not overreact.

Nick: But it’s the constant push and pull with dad and adam. I mean, one minute dad is furious with adam and the next, he’s handing him yet another golden opportunity that adam has never earned.

Sharon: We need to see the details of victor’s plans for the rollout. Speculating is pointless.

Nick: Well, trust me, adam has got visions of the big chair dancing in his head.

Sharon: It won’t be up to him.

Nick: But he already resorted to blackmail. This is just going to fuel his worst instincts.

Sharon: I hope you’re wrong.

[ Knocking on the door ]

[ Sally sighs ]

Adam: Hey.

Sally: Hi. I’m so sorry. Is this a bad time?

Adam: No, I’m just–

Sally: Okay.

Adam: I’m surprised to see you. Uh, what’s on your mind?

Sally: The offer that you made me to come work for the company that you’re creating? I have been thinking a lot about it, you know, weighing all the pros and the cons.

Adam: Well, I hope this means that you have come to take me up on it.

Sally: Well, before i give you a definitive answer, I need to discuss it first with nick.

Adam: [ Clicks tongue ] Oh, you haven’t told nick yet?

Sally: Well, I didn’t want him to talk me out of it or into it. You know, I wanted to make this decision on my own.

Adam: Of course– of course, you do.

Sally: Also, I have some questions. These hands used to hold me as a little girl.

Sharon: Okay. Here are some emergency numbers in case something comes up. It’s an electrician, a plumber. And I made a checklist of things that need to be done for setup and after closing, just while you’re getting the hang of being the manager.

Esther: Oh, managing crimson lights. I just like hearing it.

[ Laughing ]

Sharon: Well, do you have any other questions?

Esther: Nope. I got this.

Nick: I have no doubt.

Esther: [ Chuckles ] Well, go enjoy moguling. And don’t worry about a thing.

Sharon: Okay. I’ll talk to you later.

Esther: Okay.

[ Soft exhale ] What if I got a badge that said, “esther valentine, manager”? Too much?

Chloe: [ Laughing ] You are too much.

Esther: I can handle this, honey.

Chloe: I know you can. Um, so what are you thinking? You want me to redecorate?

Esther: [ Chuckling ] No, no. The coffee house is an institution. It’s perfect the way it is.

Chloe: Well, I really am happy for you.

Esther: [ Chuckling ] Me too.

[ Softly groaning ] Oh, honey, it is so sweet how you worry about me. Even if you roll your eyes and you make those heavy sighs, I know that it comes outta love. Don’t you try to deny that. I love you so much.

Chloe: Aw, mom.

[ Esther chuckles ]

Audra: Thank you.

[ Sighs ] Start with the good news, if there’s any.

Nate: Well, it’s not official yet, but victor seemed to have decided it’s time to fold sna into newman media.

Audra: I meant good news for me.

Nate: Newman media is going to be an exponentially bigger company.

Audra: Yeah, which I will no longer be running.

Nate: You’ve exceeded all expectations in the role. The numbers speak for themselves.

Audra: Okay. Something tells me, nick, sharon and adam aren’t sitting around talking about what a great job I’ve been doing.

Nate: How can that not be a part of the conversation?

Audra: Because they’re in it for themselves, jogging for position.

Nate: Look, there are a lot of moving parts to this.

Audra: You know, and what makes this even worse, what is so galling, is that adam blackmailed me to try to force this merger through.

Nate: Yes, and risked endangering the company.

Audra: You know, victor was so furious. Not just about the coercion, but that adam went directly against him and now he’s just gonna turn around and do what adam wanted. He’s just gonna give that to him?

Nate: It– it’s a mistake to think that you know what victor is thinking or how this is going to end.

Sally: Well, this is what you’ve wanted all along. To merge the two media companies that newman owns.

Adam: [ Laughing ] After all the grief that my father gave me, he now thinks the timing is right.

Sally: Yeah, well, victor just needed to remind everyone who’s still in control, but who cares, right? ‘Cause it’s happening. So you must be thrilled.

Adam: It is smart business. It makes sense that my dad’s gotten behind it, but I’m not sure that I trust his motives though.

Sally: I mean, victor might surprise you.

Adam: Let’s say I’m cautiously optimistic and even more so because you wanna be a part of it. There’s just– still, there’s a lot of variables.

Sally: Yeah. I get it.

Adam: Like nate.

Sally: Nate?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sally: Why nate?

Adam: The guy has somehow managed to make inroads with my dad. He– he’s a problem. There’s simply too many cooks in this corporate kitchen.

Sally: What do you mean?

Adam: Look, I– I’m– I’m finally gonna get back control of the company that we built together. It’s gonna feel so good to slip back into that chair. And I intend to have you right there beside me.

Sally: [ Scoffs ] I assumed that when victor merges sna and newman media that you and nick and sharon would run the company together.

Adam: No. That– that would never work. And my dad knows that.

Sally: He told you that?

Adam: He’s not even calling it a merger. He says he wants to fold sna into newman media and make newman media a powerhouse, okay? There has to be one vision, one leader. The guy who built the company from the ground up. It’s my company. It never should have been taken away from me to begin with.

[ Knocking on the door ]

Nick: Adam. It’s me and sharon.

[ Sally sighs ]

[ Sally sighing ] With moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, With cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero calories. And cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. Try cirkul at drinkcirkul.Com angel soft toilet paper is… strong… and soft!

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue. Kayaking is my thing.

Tessa: So are you on a break?

Elena: Actually, I’m heading home. I ended up picking up an extra shift for a colleague.

Mariah: Wow. You pulled another all-nighter?

Tessa: And you’re here giving us medical advice?

Elena: Oh, I was talking to you both as a friend, not as a doctor.

Tessa: Well, it helped. You are such a calm presence.

Mariah: When we were feeling anything but calm.

Elena: Well, of course. We’re talking about aria’s health.

Mariah: So other than saving lives and calming down new parents…

[ Laughing ] …How are you?

Elena: You know.

Mariah: No. No, I don’T. That’s why I was asking.

Elena: Uh, huh. What can I say? Um, I have been working in the hospital a lot. I got involved in some new research.

Mariah: So you’re doing that on top of subbing for colleagues? [ Laughing ]

Elena: I actually don’t mind working the extra shifts. I kind of welcome it.

Tessa: We worry about you.

Mariah: I– I think we’re just concerned that you’re piling on all of this work as a way to deal with what happened with nate or not deal with it.

Elena: Well, I mean, right now work is the one thing that hasn’t disappointed me. Probably the only thing.

[ Chuckles ]

Tessa: You have your friends.

Mariah: You have us.

Audra: Was that your way of saying you have more information about what victor’s planning?

Nate: No.

Audra: Come on. Am I gonna get demoted? Are they just gonna fire me?

Nate: I promise not to let that happen.

Audra: I like to believe you have that kind of influence, nate, but I’m up against victor’s sons.

Nate: Adam’s actions haven’t exactly inspired confidence, audra.

Audra: You know, victor has an uncanny knack when it comes to his kids. And it’s clear that he wants the whole brood working at the business. Just one big happy family. We’re miserable either way.

Nate: We have no idea what victor has planned for adam, sharon, and nick. It’s possible you’ll stay right where you are.

Audra: You can’t seriously think that victor’s gonna keep me on as ceo of his shiny new media empire.

Nate: Again, it’s a mistake to think that you can predict what victor’s going to do. Just keep showing that you deserve this job. Stay the course.

Audra: No, that’s exactly what I’m not gonna do. Just wait around and hope for the best. Look at adam.

Nate: He’s the last person you wanna emulate.

Audra: He has relentlessly gone after what he wanted. He understood exactly how far he could push. You know, maybe, despite all the noise victor’s made, a part of him respects that.

Nate: What are you thinking?

Audra: That I like my job. I like the lifestyle it affords me. And I think it’s time I go fight for it.

[ Audra sighs ]

Sharon: Hello, adam.

Adam: Welcome. Welcome.

Nick: What’s going on?

Sally: Adam offered me a job at your new company and there were some things I needed to discuss with him before I told you about it.

Nick: Yet another unilateral decision.

Sharon: What job did he offer you?

Sally: Well, we actually didn’t talk specifics, which is exactly why I did not feel the need to mention it until I got a better idea of what exactly I would be getting into.

Nick: Oh, you’d be an incredible hire, sally. But this is something he should have run by his partners first.

Sally: This is what you’d be getting into.

Adam: We had a conversation. What’s the problem?

Nick: You are not in charge.

[ Adam sighs ]

Sally: Okay, I realize you guys have a lot more important things to discuss, so I will be on my way.

[ Sally sighs ] Are you mad that I didn’t tell you sooner? Adam told me that victor is on board with merging the companies now, so everything’s on hold.

Nick: Obviously this is something I wish you would’ve run by me first, but I’m sure you didn’t want me to influence your decision.

Sally: You know me well. There was also some things I needed to make clear to adam before I could even consider it. You know, what it would mean and what it would not mean for him and me.

Nick: Yeah, I– I get it. But adam will say whatever it is he thinks you want to hear.

Sally: I’m not naive.

Nick: I know. Can we meet up later?

Sally: I would love that.

[ Lips smack ]

Adam: Well, I assume you wanna talk about how to make this work moving forward.

Sharon: Well, this certainly isn’t working.

Nick: Took the words right outta my mouth.

Adam: Then we are all in agreement. And since newman media is the major player in this, I think it is only natural that I take charge.

Victor: Hello, audra.

Audra: [ Sighs ] Hello, mr. And mrs. Newman.

Victor: Please have a seat.

Nikki: To what do we owe the pleasure?

Audra: I heard a rumor about sna and newman media.

Victor: Nothing has been determined yet.

Nikki: No. Information is being shared on a need-to-know basis.

Audra: Well, the ceo, I think, uh, might be allowed some grace. Newman media’s profits were up 17% last quarter.

Victor: 17.4%.

Audra: Look, I have been an effective leader and I will continue to be to deliver results, okay? No matter what you decide.

Nikki: How did you find out about this?

Audra: Adam confronted nate. He thinks that nate is orchestrating a power play with mr. Newman. He told me as a courtesy. Now I’m asking you this, with all due respect, am I gonna be out of a job? Kayaking is my thing.

Elena: I am grateful to have you both as a friend. And I appreciate your support and your candor.

Tessa: Yeah, well, that’s a part of the deal.

Mariah: My uncensored mouth.

Elena: [ Laughing ] I was a bit of a mess after the breakup, but I think I am doing a lot better.

Mariah: Trust me. I get it. I’ve been through it before.

Tessa: Yeah, we both have.

[ Both laugh ]

Elena: And honestly, I really love the work that I’m doing. It fulfills me and I don’t need a partner to do that.

Tessa: Yeah, of course not.

Mariah: We just want you to be aware. You know, burnout is no joke. And I’ve seen people who haven’t even been aware of how hard they’re pushing themselves until they hit that wall.

Elena: Oh, I will be aware. I promise. And just so you both know, I have released all of the hurt and anger that I’ve been carrying around.

Tessa: That is a big step.

Elena: Yeah. I think nate is completely out of my system.

Mariah: Good for you.

[ Elena laughs ]

Tessa: I mean, if you ever need to talk or vent–

Elena: Thank you. Both of you. But I know you have a lot on your plate right now.

Mariah: Get some sleep.

Elena: Okay, I will. Let me know what the specialist says.

Tessa: Okay.

Mariah: [ Sighs ] Okay. I think it’s time we tell my mom.

Nick: How is it you’re the natural choice to run things on your own? The plan was to merge the two companies.

Sharon: Three. Just a reminder, I still own kirsten incorporated.

Adam: You already agreed in principle to the merger. Guys, this is happening. I’m giving you a vision for success.

Nick: With you in charge and me and sharon answering to you.

Sharon: You act as if you are owed the position because you were pushed out of newman media in the past. This is about a lot more than you, adam, and your hurt feelings, and your need to make a point.

Adam: I am being logical.

Nick: You are incapable of being logical because your ego’s taking up too much space.

Adam: Fact, victor is going to streamline kirsten even more than we already have. And what’s left, it will be a fraction of the original company.

Sharon: Nothing has been decided yet. And don’t underestimate my resolve.

Adam: Sharon, you wanted to hang onto the company to do good and as a bigger entity, you’ll get to do much more of that. Does it really matter what your title is?

Nick: Yes. Because it gives you the power to make good decisions and to stop people from making bad ones.

Adam: This isn’t a merger. Newman media is taking over sna. And there’s no one who knows newman media better than I do.

Sharon: All your talk about collaboration and needing this to work–

Nick: It’s all talk when it comes to this partnership because your plan all along was to regain newman media and drag our company along for the ride.

Victor: You know, audra, it’s quite brazen of you to walk in here and make demands.

Audra: That was not my intention at all. I just wanted to know where I stood.

Victor: It showed guts.

Nikki: It showed something.

Victor: I must tell you that I was impressed how you managed your position as ceo of the company. You brought a lot of innovation to it.

Audra: Thank you.

Victor: And I wouldn’t be a good businessman if I let you go. So whatever happens, however, this shakes out… you will find yourself having a position at newman.

Audra: I appreciate your faith in me. And I mean it. I will continue to give everything to the job.

Victor: I have no doubt.

Nikki: That is what we pay you for.

Victor: So I shall keep you apprised of whatever decision I make, okay?

Audra: Thank you so much for your time.

Victor: Thank you for coming by.

Nikki: She is as driven and ambitious as nate.

Victor: Yeah, I know. I kind of like that.

Nikki: Well, yeah, you’ll like it until it becomes a problem. (Wheezing)

Chloe: Okay, well, give my love to connor and I hope things get better. Okay, you too. Talk soon.

Sally: How’s chelsea?

Chloe: Good. I– but wait. Are we celebrating? Tell me that you got the job at sna.

Sally: Oh, it’s not a specific job.

Chloe: But it will happen. I was just– I– I’m– I’m so glad because I was really starting to feel guilty that I was taking this gig with chelsea as her number two while she’s away with connor.

Sally: You have nothing to feel guilty about. I told you to take the job.

Chloe: I know, but you know, I– I– I was feeling bad that, you know, I was moving on and you were not.

Sally: I’m happy for you.

Chloe: And I wanna be happy for you too. So tell me everything. Is nick thrilled that you’re working for him?

Sally: Um, nick wasn’t thrilled that I didn’t immediately tell him about adam’s offer.

Chloe: But he’s okay with it now?

Sally: Honestly, the whole thing’s really complicated. Maybe more complicated than I am ready for.

Esther: Oh, hi guys. I’m so happy that you stopped by. I was just telling sharon how much I wanted to see the baby.

Mariah: Um, is my mom here?

Esther: Uh, no. She just left with nick to handle something with the new company. And I told her just to focus on c-suite business and not worry about a thing. Oh, aria is such a cutie.

Tessa: So have you started working already?

Esther: Yeah. I’m officially the new manager of crimson lights!

[ Baby cries ] Oh, gosh. Me and my big mouth. Honey, I’m so sorry. I– I scared her. I’m so sorry.

Mariah: No, esther. Esther, you’re– you’re totally fine. She’s fine.

Victor: Well, now, truth is that audra has proven herself to be very useful to the company. And she has been able to withstand adam’s threats, you know.

Nikki: She only came to you when she ran out of options.

Victor: Yeah, but the way she did it, I admire that. Maybe she’s the one I should be mentoring.

Nikki: Are you kidding me?

Victor: Why not? Look what I could do if I channel all that drive, all that ambition, all that innovative energy, my goodness.

Nikki: You will never really be able to trust audra or nate. They don’t need mentoring. They need a short leash.

Audra: Hey, hey. I was hoping you’d still be here.

Nate: Had a meeting with, uh, some division heads. Very, very productive. You?

Audra: Huh. I went to see victor. I asked him straight up what this merger meant for me, for my future.

Nate: And?

Audra: Well, he praised the work that I’ve been doing, guaranteed that there’ll be a spot for me at newman no matter how things fill out.

Nate: [ Laughs ] Just when I thought I couldn’t be any more impressed with you.

Audra: Well, you know, it’s not exactly what I wanted to hear. But…

Nate: You’re not just talented and ambitious. You’ve got that– that something extra.

Audra: Star quality?

Nate: Grit.

Audra: Hmm. I’ll take it.

Nate: You should.

Sharon: You told us this partnership is all you have left.

Adam: Well, you heard what nick said. I just say what people wanna hear.

Sharon: No one gave this partnership a chance in hell of working out. But it can if we stick to the original plan, co-ceos. It doesn’t matter if it’s called sna or newman media.

Nick: Sharon is right. Work with us.

Adam: Why would you even want to? I– I’ve– I’ve just been a constant source of aggravation.

Nick: Adam. Adam, you gotta let go of the past. You gotta stop feeling like you have something to prove. And let go of this ridiculous need to be in charge. Have you learned nothing from this blackmail plan? I’m telling you, you better get your ambition in check or you’re gonna destroy everything that we’ve accomplished.

Sharon: What if we back out of the whole deal, free of newman, free of victor, and especially free of adam?

Mariah: Is it treatable?

Doctor: It is treatable, yes. But there is no cure.

Ashley: [ Panting ] Did you just save my life? [ Coughing ]

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GH Transcript Friday, August 25, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


elizabeth: Okay. Thank you. Willow! Hey! Hi, elizabeth. Are you okay? Have you had a setback? No. Uh, just the opposite. I want to get back to work. Do you have room for one more nurse? I hope you’ve been practicing. You’re gonna need it. You’re kidding, right? Hey, I have an 8-year-old daughter. There’s not a day that goes by at the hospital there’s not a new disease to try to challenge me with. I mean, you really think I have time to practice backgammon? Okay. The minute I knew you were coming back to town, I start practicing my ass off. Good choice because… according to my calculations, tracy 47, finn… 29. 47-29? Wait a minute. You kept that all this time? What do you think? Of course you kept it. You’re winning. I love to win. Uh-huh. And go. Sam, I’m desperate here, okay? Sasha’s in trouble. You could be my only chance. To get yourself locked up in ferncliff? To get to sasha. I think it’s a terrible plan. Well, it’s the only plan I got. Sam, please. No, I-I won’t help you, much less be the one who commits you. What do you got for me? Has the fake information that betty stole from my computer been downloaded? No, I get that, but I just — I’m impatient. I just want some answers. We have to figure this out. You know what I mean? Alright, I’ll see you later, brick. Sonny. What’s wrong? Nothing. Beautiful woman is in front of me. What could be wrong with that? Nothing’s wrong with that. Right? Absolutely nothing. Thanks for coming, mom. Honey, of course I would — I would be here. I know how much this means to you and tj. I really want you to like her. I think it’s more important that you and tj like her. Oh, we really do. She’s here now. That’s her. Andrea! Hi, this is my mom, alexis davis. Mom, andrea gates. Hi, ms. Davis. Oh, “alexis,” please. It’s very nice to meet you. You too. Let’s go sit down. Yes. Okay.

So, it’s all true?

[ Scoffs ] Can’t say I’m completely surprised. Ugh! I could kill her with my bare hands. Oh, no, no, no, no. Not — not you. I’m sorry. A certain member of my family. How’s your father? He’S…fine. Fine? Really? I was supposed to have dinner, uh, a few days ago with my sister-in-law who had to cancel at the metro court. There, I ran into your father, who coerced me into having dinner with him. Ah. How bad was the dinner? Actually, the food was much improved now that carly spencer is no longer running the show. No, no, I meant, um, how was my dad’s company? He’s charming. But he couldn’t hide the fact that his hand was cramping. Finn, what’s wrong with him? I’ll need to ask you not to pursue that line of questioning. Why? I prefer not to lie to you. Fine. Um… how’s, uh — how’s ned doing? Oh, he is still singing on street corners and hanging out with my favorite person, sonny corinthos. And how is detective chase? Well, he’s convinced you’re forcing brooke lynn to give up her music career to work at deception. I need to ask you to… not pursue that line of questioning. Why? I prefer not to lie to you.

[ Laughs ] I’m feeling stronger every day and I’ve got my energy back and I’m just — I’m really starting to feel like my old self again. Oh, that’s such great news. And, you know, as much as I love my time with michael and the kids, what I really want is to get back to nursing, taking care of people who need help, like I did during my transplant. This hospital is just full of excellent nurses who took such amazing care of me and really supported me when I needed it. And I’m not sure what I would have done without them. Well, we do have excellent nurses here. But you weren’t just any patient. You’re one of us. Well, I want to pay it forward and give that type of care back to other patients who need it. Well, that’s why we do this. And I am all for you coming back to gh because you are an amazing nurse and I can’t wait to have you back on rotation — as soon as your doctors approve your return. You know, it’d be a bad way to repay all those nurses by coming back too soon and pushing yourself too hard, compromising your immune system. Of course. I agree. That’s why I’m here — to talk to dr. Randolph and find out when she’ll clear me. Okay, great. This place needs people like you. And I can’t wait to get that documentation that says you’re ready to work. Thank you, elizabeth. Well, you know what? I don’t want to keep you from your work. Maybe you should check to see if something urgent came up. No, I’m okay. I’m just fine in your arms. Besides, there’s nothing that can’t wait. You sure about that? Yeah. I’m sure about that. I would have gotten a text or an e-mail from one of my assistants. Well, maybe it’s one of those old-fashioned phone-note things, you know? I mean, why don’t you just go check it out? Why are you acting so weird? Well, I don’t want you to miss something important. Sonny!

[ Grunts ] Huh? What’s this? Uh, I don’t know. Maybe you should open it.

[ Laughs ] It, you know, could be, you know… what — oh! Oh! My gosh. It’s from a secret admirer, isn’t it? I love it. It’s beautiful. It’s gonna be even more beautiful when I put it on you. Is this an apology for being so secretive with me? Uh, yes and no. Which is it? Uh, well, there’s a lot going on right now. Why don’t you turn around, let me put it on you? Okay. It is gorgeous. I know. Isn’t it?

[ Laughs ] Thank you. Just absolutely amazing. Okay. There we go. Wait. How does it look? You look beautiful, and that just complements it.

[ Laughs ] You always have a way of making me feel special, don’t you? What happened to you to put you so at ease? I’m just…happy. You’re just happy? ‘Cause when I saw you the other night in your office talking with ava… right. …You both seemed pretty tense. Even if I wanted to, which I don’t, I couldn’t have you committed because I’m not related to you. Therefore, there is no legal standing to do it. Easy fix. Oh, god. I can’t wait to hear this. I give you power of attorney. You become my medical executor. So, you appoint me one day, and I commit you the next. That’s not gonna look suspicious at all, is it? It’ll be enough to get me into ferncliff. And if people start asking questions about it afterwards, who cares? I care. This is a bad idea. No, it’s not. It could work. No, cody, this is a pointless discussion because I’m not gonna do it. Why? Because I won’t do anything that’s gonna make sasha worse. The sunset from this view is amazing. It is, right? You can see most of port charles from up here. Tj and i like to come here and go swimming to blow off steam. And afterwards we usually grab something to eat. I brought my husband, ben, here for his birthday dinner. It was a lot of fun. They have luau-themed nights here sometimes. Oh, we’ve come to those, too. What’s your favorite dish? Ooh. I love their chicken marsala. Mine is the vegan pesto pasta. Ooh.

I win. I have a feeling that’s your favorite phrase. Oh, it is definitely one of my favorites. Aren’t you gonna even try to beat me? Just wait till next game. Mm, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Mm. The running score is now… 48 to 29. You don’t have to say it so loud. You know, I’m surprised you don’t have your own quartermaine score tab stationery, you know, with the little family crest on it. I can see it now — one for brooke lynn, two for tracy, ned, zero. That’s a clever idea. You’re welcome. So, what are we gonna talk about now that you have removed your father from the topic of conversation? I have removed my granddaughter, and I know you don’t want to waste any more time talking about stationery. Hmm. I discovered a fascinating new bacteria at work — no, no, no, no. Um, infectious diseases is definitely off the table. Hmm. I have a topic. Monica’s cheap china or business cards? How about luke? Yep. I’ll send the labs right over. Mm-hmm. Gregory! Hi. Hello, elizabeth. Are you here to see finn? Actually, I was hoping to have a word with you. Sure. Is everything okay? Let’s just, uh, say that it’s extremely important. Cody, we have been over this. Sasha has suffered a psychotic break. Right now, she needs medical attention because she is dangerous and delusional. No, she isn’T. What are you talking about? You have a scar on your side where sasha stabbed you. I’ve been telling you, she’s being drugged, and somehow gladys is responsible for it. How am I the only one who sees it?! You may think that, but she also has a history of mental illness. Yeah, yeah, I know all about her history, but one minute she’s fine, then the next minute she’s hallucinating. How does that happen? I’m telling you, something isn’t right. Okay. Say you do get in to see sasha and you push her further into her delusion. I wouldn’T. You don’t know that. Or maybe even the worst-case scenario. Maybe she thinks that you’re cyrus renault again and she attacks you for a second time and you’re not so lucky this time and you wind up in the hospital or worse. Alright, sam, I’ve thought through all of that, okay? I’ll be on my guard this time. And, trust me, I can defend myself from sasha. I’m not worried about you, cody. Well, gee, thanks, sam. I am worried about sasha and you traumatizing her more. Are you willing to take that risk? I understand why you would feel excluded. Good. Because, sonny, I did. First, dex and gabe wouldn’t let me in the penthouse, and then when I went to your office, I found you talking with ava, and she seemed to be in the know about what was going on. Because ava and I share avery. Yes, but then you tell me that it’s for my safety that I don’t know. Come on. Who wouldn’t feel left out? Because some things in my business are better left unsaid. We’ve gone over this a thousand times. And I don’t want to put you in danger. Well, you’re willing to put ava’s life in danger?

[ Sighs ] Listen, I came here to apologize for making you feel like an outsider. I don’t — I don’t let you in on things because it puts you at risk. You know everything else. I just — [ Sighs ] Sonny, I feel like frank or gabe when your office door is shut in my face. I — I don’t ever want you to feel like an employee. I knew from day one what I was getting into when I fell in love with you. I did. And I accept all of you — this charming, amazing man in front of me and the ruthless business man. I love all of you. I don’t ever want you to forget how much I love you. That’s all that matters. Just let me in. Maybe I can help you. I can handle it. Some things are best not knowing.

Hi. Is dr. Randolph available, please? Oh, uh, dr. Randolph had an emergency that pulled her away. Hi. Willow. Hi, kristina. Hey. You — wow, you look great. It’s so nice to see you out. It’s good to be out. I’m feeling a lot better. Wow. I’m sorry I didn’t come see you. I just — I didn’t know when you were accepting visitors again and — oh, no, no, it’s okay. After I first left the hospital, I had to restrict my visitors to a small group… sure. Yeah. …Because of my immune system being compromised. But now I’m almost fully recovered, so we can see each other anytime. That’s amazing news. I couldn’t be more grateful for what liesl did for me. And I’m actually here to see dr. Randolph, too. I’m hoping she gives me the all-clear to go back to work. What about you? Wow. Um… you okay? Eh, not really, no. Um… actually, it’s probably best i don’t see dr. Randolph tonight. I’m officially on break, so I’m all yours. What’s going on? Are finn and violet okay? Yeah, they’re fine. Um… I need you to accept my apology. Apology for what?

[ Sighs ] I’ve been keeping something from you, from everyone close to me. But the time has come for me to be up-front and transparent. Okay.

[ Sighs ] I waited too long. I-I should never have agreed to watch violet the other night. What happened? I fell. And violet came in and saw me on the floor. Oh. Well, I’m — I’m sure that was really scary for her, but she’s gonna be okay. What about you? Are you hurt? Do you want to go see a doctor? No, no, no. The fall was nothing serious, but… violet was worried, and so was I. I’ve told finn, and now I’m telling you. I have als. I keep forgetting that luke is gone. The, uh… the fact that he’s no longer around to — to drive me crazy is something that I find impossible to wrap my head around. You really miss him, don’t you? Yeah. He’s left me at loose ends. So I concentrate on my good friend and focus on A… business project I’m involved in. Oh? You want to talk about it? Or is that one of those subjects that we, uh, shouldn’t pursue a line of questioning? I prefer not to lie to you.

[ Laughs ] How could you?! We’re in the middle of a game. Now you’re not.

Well, one of the perks of having my office in the metro court is that I can have them bring us dinner down whenever we’re feeling hungry and romantic. Speaking of romantic, we haven’t even, you know, talked about the details for the wedding. Well, sonny, we’ve been a little preoccupied, you with…whatever you’re doing and michael and then me with the metro court and the magazine and willow. Can we focus on us? We haven’t even set a date when you want to marry me. Well, I’m glad you asked because I want a winter wedding, and I want our table centerpieces to be filled with anemones and orchids and roses. And I was thinking about wearing an off-white gown. You thought about this?

[ Chuckling ] A little. A lot. And if we have a winter wedding, I saw these amazing gold and emerald green invitations. They’re gorgeous. And you would look dashing in a burgundy tux. And I could feature us in crimson’s january issue. What? I’m just not very happy being, you know, splashed across your magazine. But I do like a winter wedding because, you know, we have time to plan and you can have whatever you want. There’s another reason why I want to wait until winter. I want to make sure that willow is fully recovered. She’s gonna recover. Because if we have a wedding before she’s completely cleared, I think that would be disrespectful to her. You want her to come around so she can be part of the wedding? I don’t know if you heard, but I am starting an lgbtqia+ youth center here in port charles. Yes. Michael told me. I think it’s an amazing idea. Thanks. Yeah. So I asked dr. Randolph if she would be on the board of directors. She would be excellent. What did she say? She seemed interested, but I don’t know. She didn’t commit yet. So I’m here hopefully going to convince her to get on board. She will. Yeah. To be honest, I’m really glad I ran into you first. I’m just realizing I’m not really in the right head space to talk to dr. Randolph tonight, and the worst thing I could possibly do would be to throw myself into business, to distract myself, and potentially risk messing up things for the foundation, so… distract yourself from what, kristina? Uh, from — from feeling really left out of my sister’s life. So, what led you to wanting to become a surrogate? Well, like I said, I’m married. My husband, ben, and I have a young son — randy. He’s just a baby. Mm. My husband’s a plumber, and I used to work as an executive assistant. So, you’re no longer working? I really wanted to stay home with my son and not look for another job. So, after talking with my husband, we decided that becoming a surrogate would allow me to do that. And randy’s young enough that he won’t remember me being pregnant. And, you know, someday we’ll explain to him, of course, when he’s old enough to understand. We don’t want any deep, dark secret. Mm. It’s good to come clean about things like that. Yeah. At this point, he’s so young that, you know, he won’t anticipate a sibling when he sees me pregnant, so it won’t mean anything to him. What will it mean to you? I can’t think of anything more traumatic than sasha being trapped in ferncliff. Sam, please just — just hear me out. Okay. So, sasha had a breakdown after her baby and her husband died within a year. And she started using drugs. That’s when she cracked. That’s when she smashed in a windshield. Okay, well, are you trying to prove my point or yours? It’s all bad. There’s no denying it. I get it. But then she got help. She made a full recovery, and she was doing so great that she was even able to go back on tv selling deception’s beauty products. And just when she’s ready to dump gladys as her guardian and start to take control of her own affairs, she cracks again, bigger and worse than before, leaving greedy, debt-ridden gladys in control of her money? I mean, come on, sam. Don’t you find that way too convenient? I was — I was winning! Uh —

[ Clears throat ] I was gonna win. Alright, it doesn’t matter. You two should talk. It’s important you talk. Alright, I — I’ll show myself out. Good night. I apologize for the rudeness of my granddaughter. She was clearly raised by her mother. Okay. I’ll, uh — I’ll call you later. Why’d you do it? Huh? Why? Do what? Go after deception and, in the process, hurt my friends. Oh, brooke lynn, please. I have told you time and again there are no friends in business. Do you think that your great grandfather could have built elq into what it is today by making friends? Besides, they got what was coming to them. How can you say that? Easily. Lucy coe stole the designs for the deceptor. From who? You? No. Then from who?The company I’m working with. Wow. So, there it is. You just revealed the whole plot. You used me. You used me to get chase back his job. And you used that to blackmail me into hurting my friends so that you could help some random company. For what, granny? Some revenge on lucy coe? Some bizarre vendetta? What’s happened to you? Where are you going?

Sasha isn’t in ferncliff because she’s a danger to me or to herself. She’s in ferncliff because she’s a threat to gladys controlling her money. Okay. So, do you really believe that gladys had sasha drugged, had her sent to ferncliff so she could remain in control of her assets? I’ve played cards with gladys. She is an addict, just like anyone who’s addicted to booze or coke. That’s a big accusation to make. Yeah, and gladys has an even bigger debt to pay. Sam, addicts are liars. I have no idea what lies gladys has told herself to justify what she’s doing to sasha. And, frankly, I don’t care. All I care about here is the victim. So, are you gonna let sasha just rot in ferncliff? Or are you gonna help me get in there and help her? So, willow’s on the road, you know, to making a full recovery. So we have to believe that. And I do. I do. I saw her earlier at kelly’s, and she looked, sonny, a lot better. I just don’t want to tempt fate. She’s going through a lot. She’s been through a lot. She’s a fighter. She is a fighter. Right. But I still worry about her. It’s hard not to worry. We’re always gonna worry about our kids. Nothing’s gonna change that. But you’ve been doing a lot of praying, and now your prayers seem to be answered. You know, sonny corinthos, you know me a little too well, don’t you? Don’t you forget that. Listen. I know how important it is to have willow at our wedding. Yeah. I mean, we’ve made a lot of progress. We have. We’ve had some really good conversations, and she’s made it clear that she wants more of a relationship with me. That’s great. Yeah, it’s just gonna be a long, hard road, you know, to rebuild that trust. But I want her at the wedding. And we both know that she won’t attend as long as michael’s not there. And how do you feel about that? If michael wants to show up, nothing would make me happier. I mean, look, if you asked me six months ago if there was a chance that michael was gonna come to our wedding…

[ Laughs ] …I would say no way. But you got to have hope. And…him and I are doing a lot better. That’s great ’cause I know how important that is to you. We got to be thankful for everything we got. And things seem to be… looking up for us. You can talk to me. Kristina. What happened? I know I can trust you with this, willow. And the secret’s gonna be out in nine months anyway. Molly and tj have been having some infertility issues, and molly specifically has been. Poor molly. Yeah. She’s been taking it really hard. And ever since they found out, she — well, they have been talking about alternate ways to have a baby of their own. So I stepped up and committed the unpardonable sin of offering to be their surrogate. Wow. Wow. Kristina, that is — that is quite an offer. Mm-hmm. I’m taking it that didn’t go over well? No. But it should have. I mean, you’d think that molly would see it as the selfless and loving gift I intended it to be. And instead, she’s insulted and — and has completely shut me out. As I’m sure you know, alexis, there is no greater joy than being a mom. And I was blessed with an easy and healthy pregnancy. And if I can somehow pass that joy on to you and tj by being your surrogate and giving you the gift of becoming parents, while also providing for my family, then I’m willing to do it. Tj and i can’t thank you enough. And we’ll both be there for you every step of the way. Well, luckily I know what to anticipate with the pregnancy, and going into it knowing that I’m carrying yours and tj’s baby and not my own will make it possible for me to do this. And that’s why I signed the contract. Now, I know something about contracts, having been a lawyer for most of my life. I also know what they can’t do. And they really can’t spell out or capture the emotional part of what it means to have a child. So, thank you. This is an incredible gift that you’re giving to my child. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Thank you. It’s been a struggle trying to wrap my mind around it. I put off facing it for as long as I could, which is why I hid my diagnosis from finn and chase for so long. I still haven’t found the strength to tell chase. Now that finn knows, on the one hand I’m relieved, but on the other hand, I know my son. He’ll do everything he can for you. That’s what I’m afraid of. Finn will act as both my doctor and my son, and he’ll forget to feel. But he’ll need to be in touch with those feelings. And for that, he’ll need you, elizabeth. I dread what’s on the horizon for me. But knowing that finn has you beside him supporting him, I can dread it a little less. What’s happened to me? What’s happened to you? Chase has softened you beyond recognition. Thank you. That wasn’t a compliment. And luke’s death has hardened you more than I could have possibly imagined. You’ve not only destroyed a company. You have destroyed dreams. Do you understand that? Oh, please. If there is any merit to this suit, it could bankrupt deception. Well, then, lucy coe has not kept very good books if her company is that financially fragile. You’re unbelievable. This could leave deception vulnerable to a hostile takeover. Or it could crumble before it even has a chance to get back up on its feet. That’s the plan.

I’ll do everything I can to support finn and you. And I’ll be there for chase and violet. I had no doubt you’d say that. Thank you, elizabeth. Who else knows? At this point, it’s you, finn, and alexis davis. I know I’m being a coward, but I am dreading telling chase. No, no. You are anything but a coward. Facing us alone for months takes way more strength than you’re willing to admit. You’ll find the right moment to tell chase. He’S…the baby of the family. He’s my boy. The optimist. The one who always believes, no matter how bad things get, it’s gonna be okay in the end. I don’t know how I’m gonna tell him that I’m sick and getting sicker and one day I’ll be helpless. There are days when I can’t even believe it myself. But then my hands cramp up or I struggle to stand up or I fall down like I did with violet, and…it hits me. I’m going to die. This is real. Yeah. It’s real. But there are still good days ahead. And I’m gonna help you enjoy them. Thank you. What plan? What are you really after? You haven’t been interested in elq in years. You have enough money to run a small country. What’s really going on here? Who sets out to ruin people’s lives, tracy? Oh, wait. I’m sorry. Of course. A quartermaine. Well, look how well that’s turning out for this family. No wonder my dad woke up thinking he was someone else. Who’d want to be your kid? I want to thank you both for a lovely meal and even lovelier company. I’m so glad I’m in the position to help you and tj, molly. We’re the fortunate ones to have found you. Alexis, it was my pleasure. It was a pleasure for me, as well. Have a — have a wonderful night, andrea. Thank you. Bye. Bye.

[ Exhales heavily ] What did you think? And please, mom, be honest. This is too important for anything else. I like her. I think she has a good head on her shoulders. I think she has a good understanding of what it’s like to be a surrogate.

[ Sighs ] I am so relieved to hear you say that. I think you and tj are gonna make fantastic parents. Thanks, mom. If I’m honest, it feels like molly is punishing me because I can have a baby and she can’T. And I know that sounds really harsh. No, look, you — you have a right to your feelings. And I won’t pretend to have the answers. But one thing I’ve learned is that babies are great bridge builders. You know, once a child is there, once you’re interacting with this small miracle, the immediacy of them makes the old wounds seem less painful. So don’t assume that you and molly will feel this way forever. It is possible that once the baby gets here, you will just be auntie and molly will be mom and neither one of you will feel the need to be so territorial. It’ll all get easier. I hope you’re right. I really hope you’re right. And I hope — I hope the same for you and nina, too. I know there’s been some negative history there. And I get it. But I’ve been spending some time with nina, and she’s a really good person. My dad loves her a lot. Maybe it’s like you just said. The immediacy will make the old wounds less painful. I hope things get easier for you, too — and nina. I like the sound of that. You know, we —

[ Laughs ] We have to have these romantic dinners more often. Yeah, I know. I’ll see what I can do.

[ Laughs ]

[ Cellphone ringing ] Mnh. Mnh-mnh. I got to get — no.

[ Sighs ] Ohh. I got to get this. No. Go. Alright. What’s the update? Sam, what if it was you in ferncliff or — or one of your sisters, alone and afraid, being held against your will, being told by the doctors and staff that you’re crazy? Wouldn’t you want someone to check on you to make sure you’re safe? Wouldn’t you want someone to do something for you if you weren’t? Wouldn’t you want someone to save you if they could? Or would you prefer that everyone just stands on the sideline, do nothing, and hope for the best? ‘Cause when that doesn’t work out, sam, you and everyone that you love would regret it for the rest of your life. Okay. Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll have you committed.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Friday, August 25, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne



Hi. How are you doing? Uh, you know,

people’s cards, they, they really help. This one’s this. Um, Victor kept me laughing for 30 years. It’s from his barber. And Victor is, he was definitely funny. Yeah, a lot of people said nice things about him. It’s because of you. No. You were the best thing that ever happened to him. I think that people just probably figured, if you saw the good in him, that it must be there.

Xander said that I was the one thing that he and Victor had in common. That I brought them back together. At least for a while. That Xander called? Uh, no, I got a text. He’s, um, he’s planning on coming over later, so… Since I know you don’t want to see him, I… Um… Actually, I I already did. Oh. Oh, hey!

What is in that pot on the stove? I could smell it as soon as I got off the elevator. That is our engagement lunch. Oh, how sweet. I bet none of your other bows ever made haggis for you, did they? Haggis? My mom taught me how. She’ll need to make it on special occasions. Okay, then Haggis, it is, but before we eat, there’s something that I need to tell you.

Oh, the look on your face, it must be something pretty serious. It is. It could change our whole future.

I’m sorry if I jumped all over you about the baby shower. It was, uh, really nice of you and mom to think of it. Seems like I called you about our… Brainstorm at the worst possible time. I’ll tell Sloan that you wanted to do it. It’ll… It’ll mean a lot to her. Is there anything I can do for you to do?

Anything at all?

If I, uh, if I think of it, I’ll let you know. I… I have to go, uh… I should be with Sloane. Okay, well please tell her how sorry Marlene and I both are. I will. Oh my

god. Sounds like

Sloane lost the baby. I had so many plans for Eric and me and… Our baby.

Now it’s just gonna be Eric and me. He and I… We have to start over with a clean slate. No secrets. I’ve made up my mind, Melinda. I’m gonna tell him that he’s the father of Nicole’s baby. I guess it didn’t register with you the first time, so I’ll say it again. And I hope this time you will actually hear me.

Telling Eric that Nicole is carrying his child is a terrible idea.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

I didn’t know you had seen Xander. How did that happen? Uh, he came by yesterday to see you and ran into me and got waylaid. Mm. I can only imagine. Yeah. He was very shocked by how pregnant I am. Mm. So, what did you tell him? What? What do you think I told him? I lied through my teeth. You have something to tell me that’s going to affect our whole future.

Chloe, you’re not breaking off the engagement, are you? You can’t do that. Come on, we’re fantastic together. I know it’s been a whirlwind, but look, if this is about my past, I’ve learned my lesson from losing Sarah. I’m gonna be the best husband you could ever want. Okay, stop. No, no, I am not breaking the engagement.

You’re not. No, but… You may want to. What?

I just found out that Sarah is pregnant. Oh. Yeah. Who told you that? Henderson. I just saw him at the grocery store. Wait, Henderson was at a grocery store? Yeah, it was weird. I’ve never seen that man out of uniform. Oh, he must have been getting the food for the buffet after the funeral. I mean, if anyone would know what Victor would have wanted…

Okay, why are we talking about Henderson and not Sarah? I thought you would be shocked. I was. When I find out. Yesterday. I already knew.

I really have to go. Dad, I’ll stop in later in the week and, uh, talk. Yeah, you go be with Sloane. And son, I know how much you wanted this baby and I just… I am so damn sorry. Yeah. Me too. Thanks for calling.


I’m sorry, I, I, I… I couldn’t help but hear what you were talking about. Sounds like someone lost a baby?

Yeah. I’m


I’m so sorry.

Of course you don’t want me to tell Eric about Nicole’s baby, because if I do, then you’ll have nothing to hold over my head. And you’ll have to nail Lee on your own. I’ll get him another way. Why the hell do you care what I tell Eric? Don’t tell me you got a soft spot for EJ. Like you’re so worried about this poor guy being disappointed.

I couldn’t care less what happens to EJ and Mira. You may not believe this, but I am speaking to you as your friend. This clean slate that you want, it could blow up in your face. If Eric and Nicole share this child, he may decide that he wants them to be a family. Meaning you could lose Eric forever.

I assume you told Xander that the baby is Rex’s. Yeah, of course I did. It’s, it’s simple, it makes sense. So, how does Rex feel about this? He’s, he’s fine with it. He’s more than fine with it. He’s crazy about the idea, actually. He’s crazy about me. He wants to marry me.

So, you already knew that Sarah was pregnant. And when did you find out? Last night, when I went over to the mansion to see Maggie, I, I ran into Sarah and she, yeah, she was very obviously with Charlotte. And then you came back here, and I accepted your proposal without knowing about Sarah. Why would you not tell me?!

Why would you not tell me she’s pregnant? You want me to keep quiet about Nicole’s baby being Eric’s, and you expect me to believe that you’re doing this for me? Hey, fellow lawyer, let’s um, imagine we’re in a courtroom, okay? You never ask a Witness a question that you don’t know the answer to. Isn’t that right?

You know damn well it is. And yet you think you can give this huge news to Eric and it’ll all be fine? Yeah. Because you don’t know how close we’ve grown. He took my side over his entire family’s because he believes I’m a good person and he loves me. Yeah, well he still thinks that when he knows what you did.

Yes! He will. He will forgive me. Sloane, when we’ve argued about this before, you said that it would be okay if he knew about Nicole’s baby because you were carrying his baby too. That’s not true anymore. Stop. Enough. Just leave me alone, Malika. Not until I get through to you, dammit! You said that this baby you just miscarried would bond you and Eric for life.

Right? Right?! Yes, I did. And now the only one who’s caring Eric’s baby is Nicole. I rest my case.

Hey, Private Roberts Brady reporting for duty. What’s in the bag? Well, everything you need for the baby’s shower. There’s pink and blue crepe paper, there’s a centerpiece, there’s also a pad with those stupid word games. Look, Kate. Look, I know. I know, I wasn’t a big fan of Sloane’s either, but I talked to Marlena and she told me that the two of you wanted to give her a baby shower, kind of smooth things over, and I am a team player, so…

Kate, it’s not going to be a shower. Sloane lost a baby.

This is so sudden. The last time I talked to Sloane, she said everything was great. Yeah, it was. And then Kayla discovered some kind of autoimmune disorder that Sloan had. She didn’t even know she had it. I guess it’s what caused the miscarriage. Kayla also said that, uh,

it would be risky for her to even get pregnant again.

That must have been hard to hear. Especially after what happened.

Wait, you know what? They, they told me that too, and…

Just don’t give up hope.

It’s a little too soon for that.

No. Eric, this is so unfair. I know how much you want a child, and you would make such a wonderful father.

Eric has to be devastated. Yeah, he was definitely blindsided and uh, I was useless on the phone just now. You are never useless. And you’re a wonderful father. And you’re gonna help him through this. We all, we all are. Yeah. By the way, speaking of fathers… You were right. About what? About telling Phillip that his father was dead.

So, I took your advice and I called him. I told him.

I hate it. But you’re

right. If I tell Eric what I’ve done, he’ll never forgive me. And without a baby to think of, there’s no reason he should stay with me. And then you’ll not only be Childless, and that you’ll be seen. But he won’t find out if you just keep your mouth shut.

And if I don’t tell Eric, and I don’t do what it is you want me to do, are you gonna continue threatening me? Of course not. I couldn’t do that to you, not now. So you’re really only thinking of me. Sloan, I didn’t come here as a prosecutor. I came here as your friend. I will not tell a soul what you did and that you’re keeping it from Eric.

I won’t use what I know against you. You being straight with me? Absolutely.

And all my dire predictions aside. I have no crystal ball. So who knows? Even if Eric did know about Nicole’s baby, it might not change a thing. Nicole is engaged to EJ. And, he’s rich, he’s handsome, and they both seem delighted to be having this baby together. So what does she need Eric for?

So are you, you uh, on your way to see your OB? No, actually I’m here to pick up a prescription. Oh, uh, well I, I suppose I should go back to Sloan. Listen, Eric, if, if you ever need someone to talk to, someone who gets it, you, you know where I am.

Thank you. Is

that a, is that an engagement ring?

Are you sure? Rex sincerely wants to marry you. Yes. He told me that losing me was the biggest mistake of his life, and he wants me back. He said that when Xander and I were still together, that he never stopped loving me. Rex is my future, and I am his. I called him last night to accept his proposal, and why are you looking at me like that?

I’m sorry. It’s just Sarah, he had an affair the last time the two of you were engaged. He’s not reliable. When was the last time you even spoke to him? Rex is a changed man and… There’s that look again, so you’re not going to be giving us your blessings. I can’t. Aside from Rex not being reliable, he’s cheated on you, Sarah.

You can’t go into this marriage. When the father of your child doesn’t know the truth. Zander knows that I am pregnant. I told him that it’s Rex’s baby and he totally bought it, so… Well, he bought a lie. Sarah, the baby’s father deserves to be a part of the baby’s life. Why? Why does he deserve anything from me after what he did?

I cannot believe that you are on his side. I’m on your side, too. No, it doesn’t feel that way. Well, you know, maybe, um, that’s because you haven’t given any thought to what it will be like when you have to lie to your child about who his or her father is. Can you really live with that, Sarah? You will not only be deceiving your child about something that’s so important, but what if somehow the truth comes out?

What if it all blows up in your face?

Look, I promise I was going to tell you all about Sarah eventually. I just, it’s just when I came home and you said that you wanted to marry me, you wanted to be my wife, it just, I was over the moon. I was so excited, it was all I could think about. Seriously Chloe, this doesn’t really change anything for us.

Doesn’t change anything? That your ex wife is pregnant with your baby? No, but it’s not. It’s not? No, no, the father’s Rex Brady. Rex Brady?

Are you sure about that?

Mom, I don’t want to fight with you. You are grieving the love of your life. And I know that you want Xander and I to be together and to raise this baby together, and I truly would do anything for you right now, but I just, I can’t, I can’t do that. I just can’t. It’s not a possibility for me, and it’s not a possibility for Xander at this point.

What are you talking about?

He told me he proposed to Chloe Lane, so… Well, I hope she didn’t accept. I mean, how could she not know that he’s on the rebound? You are the only woman for him. And you always will be. The only woman? Xander isn’t capable of that kind of loyalty. The only thing that he is capable of is scamming people. He’s a con artist.

You’re fooling yourself. No, you are fooling yourself into thinking that he’s just some lovely person who made some harmless mistakes. I never said that. I know his mistakes weren’t harmless. And he is deserving of my forgiveness. But you wouldn’t if you heard all the things that he said to me after we broke up.

He was hurt. And he was angry. You both were. And now you’re wasting precious time. Because the two of you are too proud to admit the truth.

You said I lost the love of my life. You’re right. I don’t want you to lose yours.

You’re asking how I know that Sarah’s baby is Rexy’s? I know because Sarah told me. And she couldn’t possibly be lying to you because she wants nothing to do with you. Sarah wouldn’t lie about something like that. What? What’s that look? Henderson told me it looks like Sarah’s in her final trimester. That doesn’t mean it’s mine, Chloe.

Are you sure? She obviously got pregnant before she left Salem. And she slept with Rex before she left Salem. It happened right after she and I split up, apparently. Oh, I didn’t know that. No, no you do. Look, Sarah and Rex are having a baby, and from what Sarah says, they’re really happy. Just like we are. If I haven’t made it abundantly clear, you are the woman that I want to be


Now, let’s tuck into that haggis.

So how did Philip take it? I mean, learning about his father’s death. Like most of us. He thought that Victor would live forever. So he was stunned. And he wants to come back here. What did you say to that? I reminded him that he did absolutely everything to convince people that he was dead and that Brady was the one who killed him.

And I asked him if he was really ready, prepared to face Brady at the funeral. And also, like you said, if he comes back here, he’s very much alive. That is not going to go unnoticed by the police. He needs to grieve for Victor. From a distant, not a jail cell. I know. I know. That’s exactly what I told him.

Did you get through? No. No. Of course not. Because he wants to honor his father, and he doesn’t care about the consequences. Well, he will care when it starts getting real. I know. I mean, I told him that I would, I would try to send him some of Victor’s ashes so he could share in the ceremony. He said that he would consider it.

Alright. Well, hopefully. You’ll realize you’re right. Yeah, hopefully. You know, Kate, When he was setting Brady up, Do you think it ever entered his mind that he would have to leave Salem, forever? No, no, because at that time he was completely obsessed with Chloe. He’s always been obsessed with Chloe. Right. Oh, God, Roman.

I have to tell you, I feel so… So badly about trying to convince him not to come to his father’s funeral. Kate, trust me, you are doing the right thing. Um, EJ


And you accepted his proposal? Well, yes, I did. In fact, he’s picking up our marriage license now. You’re already planning the wedding? I mean, it’s not gonna be that big of a deal. It’s probably just gonna be us and the kids. So is it gonna happen soon?

Yes. Yes, it is.

How come you’re so sure that EJ and Nicole are a love match? I never said that they were a love match. And knowing the two of them, it’s probably some business deal. But at the moment, EJ and Nicole are committed to each other. So keeping your mouth shut is the practical thing to do for that reason too.

Yes. Not that I wouldn’t love for EJ to find out that he was played by you. It’s a certain amount of satisfaction knowing that he’ll spend the next 20 years raising another man’s child. Gee, God, you really hate this guy’s guts. No, what I hate is how he wiggles out of paying for all the rotten and illegal things that he’s done.

Luckily, you stepped in where the law failed. He’ll find out about all this someday, and he will suffer in ways that the legal system could only dream of. And you did that. Yeah, good for me. Well, enough about him. I, I came to see you. Look, I am so, so sorry about the baby.

Yeah, well, before I lost,

before I lost the baby, I was about to tell Eric the truth. But you didn’t. Well, I started. You started? What do you mean? How much did you say? I mean, I just said that I had done something that I was afraid would make me lose him. That’s it? Yes, that’s it. And then I had these awful pains.

And that’s when I, um, when I miscarried. Well, I don’t see what the big deal is. He probably has forgotten what you told him just before such a traumatic event happened. It’s not an event, Melinda. I’m sorry, uh, poor choice of words. Something so heartbreaking happened. Yeah. Well, he definitely hasn’t forgotten about it because he asked me about it today.

So if I’ve decided to not tell him about Nicole’s baby, I don’t know what in the hell I’m gonna say instead.

Well, I, uh, I wish you and EJ the best. Thank you. And I hope that you and Sloan can work through this.

Yeah. Yes,

why. But, better go check on her. Of course. Go.

I don’t know how to explain to Eric about what I said. And right now I’m, I’m in no place to come up with a strategy. Luckily for you, I am. What does that mean? That means, I know exactly what you can tell him.

You know, I wonder if Eric would mind if I, uh, showed up at the hospital. No, he, he’s probably been by her side, I mean, since it happened. You could bring him something to eat. Good idea. And by the way, just stay as long as you want, because I will hold down the fort here. You’re the best. I keep telling you that.

You, uh, you can’t eat it, can you? I’m really sorry. I have eaten throughout most of Europe, and I’m realizing that Scottish cuisine is probably not my thing. It is definitely an acquired taste. But lucky for us, you have plenty of time to acquire it. Right. Typical. Tried to do something nice and instead I’ve turned your stomach.

You have not turned my stomach. It’s nice of you to I should finally go and see Maggie. Do not touch these dishes. I’ll clean them when I get home. I will do the dishes and haggis.

You don’t have to. No, I want to. If I’m going to be a Scotsman’s wife, I’m not going to turn my nose up at the national dish. I love you. I love you too.

Mom, I don’t want to argue with you. I know the kind of pain you’re in, grieving the loss of your husband. And I would do absolutely anything to comfort you. I would, but I cannot tell Xander about this baby. Because if I did, we would be tied together forever. And I do not want that. He’s, he’s two different people.

He’s this wonderful, sweet man that I fell in love with. And this scary person who kidnapped Bonnie and Susan. I would never know which Xander I’m going to get and neither would our child. So, I’m marrying Rex.

Do you love Rex the way you loved Xander?

Not yet, but I will. I mean, he will, he will be good to me and the baby and we will be a happy family and Xander and Chloe will be happy. Or he’ll find happiness wherever the hell he finds it, I really don’t care. Okay, well, thank you. Thank you for being honest with me. And if that’s the way it has to be, it is.

Okay, well, you better make yourself scarce. Xander’s on his way here.

Hey Trask. Hello Nicole. You’re looking well. And I probably look pissed off, too, because I am. Whoa, whoa. I know what you’re up to, Melinda. Enlighten me, why don’t you? You tried to tell EJ there’s some reason he shouldn’t marry me. Please, I, I’m… I was just playing with him. Oh yeah, well go play somewhere else because a relationship is none of your business.

When you’re right, you’re right. I apologize. You and EJ are expecting a child together, and of course you want to be married. I hope you have a long and happy life together. No you don’t. You want everyone to be as miserable as you are. Nice chatting with you.

Hey. Sorry I was talking to my dad. How you feeling? Still in any pain? No. No, not really.

You asked me about what I was good. Talked to you about last night. Oh, hey, come on. We… We don’t have to talk about that right now. No, I want to.

What I was about to tell you… Is that… Before anything happened to me with this… I woke up. And I just felt like… Something was off. You know? I didn’t know what, that I could just tell something, something wasn’t right.

But I, I couldn’t face it being true, so I just convinced myself that it was nothing. And I didn’t call my doctor. And that’s when I was about to tell you. And then you started having pain.

Oh God, I should have done something. I should have called my doctor. I should have gone to the emergency room. If I would have, maybe we’d still be pregnant. Oh, no. Hey, you heard Kayla. There’s nothing you could have done to stop what happened.

Oh, God. I mean, we may never have a baby. And it’s all because of me. No. Don’t say that, please. Don’t give up hope. Nicole was told that she could never carry a baby to term, and I just saw her in the hallway, and she said her pregnancy is going beautifully.

What? She also said to tell you that she’s so sorry. That’s really sweet of her. Would you please just hold me? I still can’t believe this. I feel like the ground under me is just…

Crumbled. Another dealing. I really thought that old man would outlive us all. Hmm. I thought I’d be with him. At the end.

Who’s gonna put me in my place now? Give me hell about losing my latest job. And make me work as his gardener. Hmm. You gave as good as you got.

Victor had a, a certain Grudging respect for you. Thank you for saying that. Even if it’s not true. Oh. So. Um, I was just wondering when you and mom are done if we could talk for a few minutes. Um, you can talk now. I’m, I’m going to be leaving. Don’t be a stranger. Wouldn’t think of it. Okay,

so what was it you didn’t say yesterday?

So here’s to you, Victor. There’ll never be another one like you.

Hey, I, I thought you were going to the hospital. I am, but I thought I would let you know who I ran into Outside. Who’s that? Your son.

Philip? Saved by the bell. Why didn’t Philip come in with you? Not Philip. Perfect timing. Keeping me from trying that disgusting slop. Whoever you are, I love you.

Oh my god. Philip?

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B&B Transcript Friday, August 25, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

Finn: You say you love me. And I can see it in your eyes, you miss me just as much as I miss you. So don’t fight it, Steffy. Come back to me.

Steffy: I wish it were that simple.

Finn: It can be, Steffy. Look, we almost lost each other once. We can’t let that happen again. I can’t be apart from you ever again. I can’t spend one more night away from my beautiful wife.

Wyatt: Hey, I got your text. Uh, is this about the Eaton deal?

Liam: Uh, no. No. We’re actually still waiting to hear back on that.

Wyatt: Okay. So, what’s up?

[ Liam chuckles ]

Liam: So hope called me, and she wanted to talk. And she asked for forgiveness.

Wyatt: What– what did you say?

[ Liam sighs ]

[ Deacon chuckles ]

Deacon: All right, look. You know this isn’t my first rodeo, right? I mean, I– I have never done that, whatever the hell that was. Insane.

Sheila: Something to be said for experience.

Deacon: Yeah. We can’t keep doing this.

Sheila: That’s not what you were saying a few minutes ago.

Deacon: Well, I say it every time we’re together, and we always wind up right back there.

Sheila: So, are you saying I’m irresistible?

Eric: So you think you can just throw me away? Just replace me?

Ridge: What are you– that’s not what I’m doing. We’re talking about a stapler.

Eric: No, my stapler. That stapler was very significant to me. That stapler was on my desk here the very first day of Forrester. It stapled together all of our orders and our receipts. It was– it held together all the evidence of my very first success in this business.

Ridge: Okay, I’m sorry, Dad. I’m sorry. I had– I didn’t know it meant that much to you. I didn’t– it was old. It didn’t work anymore.

Eric: Like me?

Eric: You know, the past needs to be valued, Ridge. It can’t just be thrown away like some piece of garbage.

Ridge: Okay, Dad, I think you’re overreacting–

Eric: I keep telling you about this line, this new line I want to produce and you keep putting me off. I’m not gonna let you put me off any longer.

Wyatt: Look, I know you and hope signed divorce papers, but I– you also told me that you weren’t gonna file ’em. I kinda thought there was a ray of hope there. Sorry. That’s a– that’s a poor choice of words.

Liam: It’s okay, I’m used to it. No, listen. I– [ Clears throat] I’m always going to love Hope. And I told her as much. I mean, I– we’ve just shared so much together. It’s just… I just know that I’m never gonna be able to forgive what she did with Thomas, especially after everything he’s done to us. And– and the fact is, she’s probably never gonna get over my history with Steffy.

Wyatt: Yeah, but… [ Laughs ] …Liam, come on. I mean, Steffy is the reason you’re not exactly running back to your wife. Am I right?

Sheila: Come on, admit it! You can’t say no to me.

Deacon: Mm, it’s one of my many character flaws.

Sheila: Yeah, well, you know what? I want you flaws and all. And I know that you want me.

Deacon: You picked up on that, did ya?

Sheila: Yeah, you gave me a hint or two.

Deacon: Should probably have my head examined. But yeah, I just, uh… can’t seem to stay away from you, can I?

Sheila: You know, and I’m really hoping that Finn is gonna feel that way one day, too.

Steffy: Finn, I never wanted this. I hate being away from you. Keeping Hayes away from his father, it is killing me. I never envisioned this, raising my children without their father, the man that I love. And I do love you.

Finn: Well, that– that’s all that matters.

Steffy: You know it’s not that easy. I had to leave. I had to protect my children from Sheila.

Ridge: Dad, no one is putting you off.

Eric: No, I think it’s pretty clear that you are. My input and my– my opinions are not treated with any respect anymore. They’re not valued anymore. My whole position here is not respected anymore. The use of my office is not respect–

Ridge: The use of your office? What are you talking–

Eric: I’m talking about everybody being in here. Every time I try to come in here to do some work, it’s full of people. Everybody’s in here. You and Steffy and Thomas and Hope and– and– Zende and Paris, for god’s sake. And Pam– Pam and Charlie have lunch in here.

Ridge: Steffy’s your CEO.

Eric: This is my office. Look, I just don’t feel that my place in this company is being treated with any respect, and that’s gonna stop right now.

Wyatt: Hope was concerned about your feelings for Steffy, right? So, I mean, was she really that far off? I mean, you said to me yourself that you kissed Steffy despite the fact that she was still married to Finn.

Liam: I know. And– and I– I really shouldn’t have. I never wanted to be a– a homewrecker.

Wyatt: I wasn’t suggesting that, but… now how do you feel?

Liam: We– now? I mean, now my respect for Finn has obviously taken a hit ever since I saw him hugging Sheila. Oh, and that whole thing where, you know, he almost got my daughter killed.

Wyatt: Yeah. So the good doctor’s not so good because of his connection to Sheila.

Liam: Exactly right.

Deacon: So you’re still holding on to hope that you and Finn can have a relationship.

Sheila: Oh, my gosh. Are you serious? After everything we’ve been through, you’re doubting me?

Deacon: I gotta admit, you and your nine little piggies have wiggled your way out of some pretty tight situations.

Sheila: Finn and I, we– we have a connection. It’s something that only a mother and son can experience. I– it’s– when he embraced me, it was– it was visceral. It was like an electric current running through the two of us. And I know he felt it. I felt it too. Finn is a part of me, and I’m not gonna let that go.

Finn: All right, look. I completely understand your feelings about Sheila–

Steffy: No. No, my fears. That is why I’m here and I’m not at home with you.

Finn: Okay, I know. And I hate that you had to leave our home, and that you– you had to leave me in order to feel that way. It kills me that you don’t trust me to protect you and the kids!

Steffy: I’m sorry, Finn, but I didn’t have a choice. My children’s safety comes first.

Finn: Okay, I know. But you need to believe me when I tell you that I will do everything in my power to keep Sheila away from us. Steffy, Sheila will have no place in our lives. She will have no place in our family.

Ridge: Dad, this office– I’m sorry, your office–

Eric: My office.

Ridge: Has been a common space for a long time.

Eric: Common space? It’s not a common space. This is my space, Ridge. This is where I’ve been coming for decades. A private space where I can feel creative. Where I can do my work. This is– this is where I came up with Forrester creations and where I created the legacy that you’ve all been living off of–

Ridge: You know what? That’s on me. I didn’t know how strongly you felt about all this. I’ll be in the design office, is that okay?

Eric: Nah, it’s not about that, Ridge. I just feel that everybody’s become a little too complacent about my role around here. I think I’m just now degenerated into some kind of a figurehead.

Ridge: That’s not true at all.

Eric: Yes, I think it is. I’m the soul of this company! Every line and every design that’s come out of this company over these decades has been born of a seed that I planted a very long time ago. You can’t dismiss me, Ridge.

Ridge: I’m not dismissing–

Eric: That’s what you’re doing, you’re doing it right now! You’re not listening to me, Ridge. You’re not hearing me. That’s gonna stop, and it’s gonna stop right now.

Wyatt: So you think Finn–

Liam: Bottom line… Finn’s got Sheila’s DNA in him, right? Now, either he’s more like his bio-mom than any of us thought, or he’s not. But either way, I’m not taking that chance with Steffy and the kids’ safety.

Deacon: Lord help me, but you are damn sexy when you get fired up. What do you say to another round?

Sheila: Ooh, cowboy.

Deacon: Yippee-ki-yay.

Sheila: But you really don’t believe in me. You don’t think I have a chance at a relationship with Finn, that that’s crazy.

Deacon: Well, I think we’ve established that you don’t like the C-word, but there was that little incident in the alley with the gun.

Sheila: You keep bringing that up. You know, shooting Finn, it was a terrible, terrible accident.

Deacon: Mm-hmm. What about Steffy?

Sheila: Okay, Steffy was a mistake.

Deacon: Uh-huh.

Sheila: She wouldn’t move on from the past. She couldn’t accept that I’ve changed.

Deacon: I’m guessing she still hasn’t accepted it.

Sheila: Well, that’s too bad, because I really believe things could be very different if Steffy wasn’t in Finn’s life.

Finn: You know, I love you so much I would give my life for you.

Steffy: You almost did that night in the alley.

Finn: And I would do it again. Never doubt that.

Steffy: I don’t. I still have nightmares. [ Sighs ] I wake up in a sweat from the sound of a gunshot in my head. Even happens when I’m awake. I hear a door slam and then I’m suddenly transported back in that alley, and I just see you on the ground, bleeding. Sheila pointing a gun at me. God, she had so much hatred in her eyes.

Finn: God, I’m sorry I brought Sheila into our lives.

Steffy: No, you didn’t… you didn’t know who she was. When I found out that Sheila held you prisoner, while I know that you were just so terrified.

Finn: I knew that I needed to find my way back to you, and Sheila wasn’t going to stop me. You know what it was for me? It was the thought of you that kept me alive. Steffy, we were meant to be together. Because we saved each other. I took a bullet that was meant for you that night. And you… you gave me the will to live. You gave me the strength to fight. Nothing was gonna stop me from getting back to my family. Or my beautiful wife that I love more than life itself. It wasn’t gonna happen then. And nothing is gonna keep me from you now.

Eric: Ridge, I’m the surviving founder of this company. And if I choose to put out a new line, I expect the full force of Forrester Creations behind it, including you.

Ridge: You have that. We’ve always supported each other. You’ve always been there for me. You’ve asked me to run this company.

Eric: What’s your point?

Ridge: No, what’s your point? I’m your son, so what, you have to teach me a lesson or two every day? What is that? I’m not a novice. I’ve been doing this. I’ve been doing a really good job with this. Let me tell you the truth. There’s a whole generation of people behind me that are pushing up, that want my job because they have new, fresh ideas. And that’s good, because the fashion industry is a living, growing thing. That’s what makes it so great. And that’s why we’re successful at it. That’s why.

Eric: At my expense, apparently.

Ridge: No, but– okay. You want me to step down? Is that what you want? Fine. And I will enjoy my retirement. I’m not gonna play golf or pickleball. I’m gonna be on my 1949 Chris-Craft with a couple of beers, watching the sun go down, and that’s it. But who’s gonna run this place? Steffy? She’s a great CEO, but she doesn’t know design. Thomas? He’s not ready to do this. And RJ doesn’t even wanna be here. So who’s gonna do it? Who?

Eric: Me. It’s gonna be me. Everything you know, Ridge, you learned from me. I cultivated you. I fed you. I built this business. I built you. People think about Forrester Creations, they don’t think Ridge Forrester. They think Eric Forrester. I’m gonna create this new line, Ridge, and it’s gonna be the crowning achievement of my career. And I’m gonna do it, with or without you. You can go.

Liam: Not gonna let anything hurt you, Steffy.

Deacon: Sheila, it makes me very nervous when you say things like, things would be different if Steffy wasn’t in Finn’s life.

Sheila: It’s a musing, okay? A hypothetical.

Deacon: Musings have a way of taking up space in your brain, and you have been known to act on some very dangerous hypotheticals. Just– just think about this for a second. You’re out of jail. You won. You beat them. Don’t do anything that’s gonna put you back behind bars.

Sheila: Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere, cowboy. Nowhere at all. Hey. Promise.

Steffy: I wish I could just put Sheila out of my mind. If only Bill’s stupid plan hadn’t backfired.

Finn: Yeah, I’m just as upset that Sheila’s free again.

Steffy: Yet… you embraced her.

Finn: Look, that was one of the biggest mistakes in my life, okay? I– I can’t explain it.

Steffy: You can’t explain it? See, that, that’s what scares me.

Finn: No, but, Steffy, whatever connection that I had with Sheila, nothing, nothing… compares to the love that I have for you and the kids.

Steffy: I don’t want to be apart from you, Finn. And I really, really do hope that we will find our way back to each other and be together. Please believe me when I say I love you. I still love you.

Finn: Okay, I can live with that. That’s what I need. I just… I need to know that you love me. Okay, and that you still believe in me.

Sheila: I am staying right here. Where I’ll eventually be a part of my beautiful son’s life.

[Sheila chuckles]

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Days Update Thursday, August 24, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Sloan is tossing and turning in her hospital bed. Eric wakes up from the chair next to her and asks if she’s having a bad dream. Sloan responds that she had the worst dream that she lost the baby. Eric sadly informs her that was not a dream and their baby is gone.

EJ has a nightmare about the night his mother died when Ava drove Susan off a cliff. EJ then wakes up in a panic.

Ava envisions Susan Banks in Bayview and screams, telling Harris that Susan has come back from the dead. Harris encourages her that it’s okay and it’s not Susan. Ava rushes up to the woman and says she didn’t mean for her to die. The woman remarks that Ava must be off her meds. Ava argues that she’s trying to trick them and shouts for Susan to leave her alone.

Roman and Marlena sit together at the Brady Pub, talking about how they still can’t believe Victor is gone. Roman questions if Marlena is mourning him. Marlena admits they had their issues as she flashes back to arguing with Victor in the past. Marlena knows that Victor caused a lot of chaos and difficulty in Salem but admits that he did make the place more interesting which Roman agrees with. Marlena adds that they are very close to a lot of people who did love Victor. Roman acknowledges that Victor and Kate share a son and they know the lifelong bond that creates. Roman asks how Brady is holding up. Marlena says he’s alright but it’s a little more complicated because of what’s going on with Kristen and Rachel. Marlena adds that Belle said her family is having a hard time too. Roman states that Victor was a big part of everyone’s life and a force to be reckoned with. Roman and Marlena toast their coffee to Victor and those who loved him. Marlena guesses Roman has heard that Eric is engaged. Roman says not to remind him. Marlena admits she wasn’t thrilled when he told her that Sloan is pregnant, but that would mean Eric is a dad and they’ll be grandparents. Marlena notes that regardless of how they feel about Sloan, they are going to get married.

Sloan asks why this happened to them when she was having a healthy pregnancy. Eric responds that he doesn’t know and they are running tests but the doctors said that sometimes this happens. Kayla comes in to ask how Sloan is feeling. Sloan asks how she thinks when her baby is dead, then apologizes for snapping at her. Kayla expresses being sorry for their loss. Sloan asks if they got their test results back because she needs to know why she lost her baby.

Melinda wakes up in bed with Li. Melinda slips out of bed while Li is asleep and says she’s going to look for the proof she needs that Li was behind Stefan’s attempted murder. Melinda searches the room and finds Li’s phone. Melinda begins to go through it when Li wakes up and questions what she thinks she’s doing. Melinda pretends that she thought it was her phone and jokes that they will have to get different cases as Li takes his phone back. They talk about the good time they had last night and this morning. Melinda states that she didn’t plan on coming over to sleep with him. Li guesses that he swept her off her feet. They start kissing again and Melinda says she really wants to but she has to get to the courthouse. Li jokes that this is so much more fun than putting bad guys behind bars. Melinda agrees but says she has to earn a living. Melinda then goes to take a shower. Li grabs his phone and wonders what exactly Melinda is up to.

Kayla asks Eric to give her and Sloan a moment alone but Sloan wants Eric to stay. Sloan gives Kayla permission to share everything with Eric since it was his baby too. Eric thanks her. Sloan asks what the tests revealed. Kayla reveals the test results show that Sloan has an auto immune disorder where her body mistakenly creates antibodies that attack healthy tissue which is most likely why she passed out. Kayla thinks that is probably what caused the miscarriage but encourages that there are effective treatments. Kayla says she will print out papers for them to read and understand more of what they are dealing with. Eric thanks Kayla as she says she’s so sorry for their loss. Kayla then exits the room. Eric tells Sloan that at least they know now why this happened. Sloan cries that she knows exactly why it happened and it has nothing to do with an auto immune disorder. Eric questions what she means. Sloan cries that she’s being punished for being who she is and the choices she’s made. Eric argues that God does not work that way. Sloan complains that God took their baby for the decisions she’s made.

Nicole joins EJ in the bedroom and asks if he’s okay. EJ says he’s fine and claims it’s nothing. Nicole worries that he looks like he’s seen a ghost. EJ responds that he has in a matter of speaking but it was just a nightmare. EJ calls it a series of memories of the night that Ava Vitali killed his mother.

Ava continues envisioning the patient Midge as Susan Banks and says she’s come back for revenge. Midge questions what she’s talking about while Harris says she’s just confused. Ava argues that Susan is standing right there and insists that she didn’t mean to kill her. Ava screams for her to leave her alone. Harris holds Ava and says it’s okay while Midge walks away. Ava cries that Susan came back for revenge to punish her and she deserves it. Ava repeats that she can’t handle it. Harris assures that he is there and that woman was not Susan. Ava then sees Midge and not Susan so she says she’s so sorry. Harris tells her it’s okay. Ava asks how it will ever be okay if she’s still seeing dead people which means she’s still psychotic and she’s never going to get out of here or be well again. Harris hugs Ava as she breaks down crying.

Nicole asks EJ how long he’s been having nightmares about Susan and Ava. EJ says ever since the night Susan died. Nicole questions why he didn’t tell her. EJ says it’s not every night and seems to occur when he’s under duress. Nicole asks if he’s talked to anyone but EJ says he doesn’t need anything like Marlena. EJ declares that it’s obvious that his loss is unresolved because he hasn’t been able to avenge his mother’s death. EJ argues that Ava faked a mental breakdown to get shipped off to a mental hospital and questions where the justice is in that. Nicole doesn’t think Ava is faking mental illness and attests that Ava is deranged. EJ complains that Ava is still alive and well while his mother was sent to an early grave so he feels the nightmares will continue to plague him until he makes sure Ava gets what she deserves.

Ava tells Harris that she thought she was getting better after her visit with Tripp. Harris tells Ava that he’s the last person to give advice on mental health but he’s learned that reclaiming your sanity is not a straight line as there will be good days and bad days. Harris suggests maybe she just needs to adjust her meds. Ava wonders if she’ll ever get better and asks what if the doctors see this as a major setback and isolate her without any visitors. Harris doesn’t think they will do that. Ava cries that she needs to see her son. Ava worries about if they see her as incurable and as always a threat to society. Harris encourages that he can get her a psychiatrist that will see her without judgment in Dr. Marlena Evans.

Marlena tells Roman that it would be nice to have a grandbaby to spoil again which he agrees with. Roman admits he misses it since Allie moved to New Zealand with Henry. Marlena suggests they have a baby shower for Sloan right here at the Pub. Roman asks if she’s serious. Marlena says it would be for Eric too but Roman says he’ll pass. Marlena thought he was looking forward to another grandchild. Roman argues that it doesn’t mean he has to throw a big party for Sloan Peterson. Roman complains that Sloan also insulted his clam chowder. Roman declares that Sloan might be carrying Eric’s baby and she might marry him one day but that doesn’t mean he has to feed or like her.

Eric doesn’t understand why Sloan is saying she deserves punishment and asks what she did. Sloan thinks back to altering Nicole’s test results. Sloan tells Eric that it’s all the terrible things she’s done. Eric feels she’s being way too hard on herself. Sloan cries about if he knew some of the things she’s done. Eric remembers her trying to tell him something before she collapsed and asks if that’s what this is about.

Kayla talks to Tripp on the phone. Tripp asks if she’s sure he doesn’t need to come in. Kayla assures him and encourages him to rest. Tripp asks about Sloan. Kayla calls it quite a blow for her and Eric. Tripp asks if Kayla has figured out what might have caused Sloan to miscarry right as Melinda walks in and questions Tripp about Sloan losing the baby. Tripp thanks Kayla for the update and hangs up. Melinda asks Tripp what happened but Tripp says he’s not at liberty to discuss patients. Melinda argues that she’s friends with Sloan, so Tripp tells her to talk to her. Melinda says she will then. Tripp tries to remind her that she’s not supposed to know but Melinda rushes out.

Eric asks Sloan what she was about to tell him before she got sick and passed out but they get interrupted by Kayla coming back in with the papers on what she found about Sloan’s auto immune disorder. Sloan asks if this condition means she will never be able to have a baby. Kayla says there is a medication that she can take to lessen chances of a miscarriage. Eric asks if it’s curable. Kayla responds that it’s treatable but not curable. Sloan realizes it’s something she will have to live with for the rest of her life.

Nicole tells EJ that when it comes to revenge schemes, she usually jumps in with both feet but says things are different now because they are having a baby. Nicole reminds EJ that there were casualties last time he went to war with Ava and they don’t want anything to happen to their baby. EJ assures he would never let anything happen to her or their baby. Nicole asks him to let this go then. EJ is afraid he can’t do that because as long as Ava is out there, she’s a threat to his family and so is anyone else willing to help her.

Ava asks Harris why Marlena would want to help her. Harris says that’s what she does. Ava says Harris doesn’t understand as she and Marlena have history. Ava acknowledges that she’s done really dirty things to the people Marlena cares about, including sleeping with her husband. Ava adds that John and Marlena are really good friends with Steve and Kayla and she made their lives hell when she first returned to Salem. Ava brings up Shawn Brady dying in a plane crash that she caused and Marlena being close with Susan. Ava then informs Harris that she also blew up the church at Susan’s funeral which Marlena was at. Harris admits that is a lot but that he’s also done terrible things to Marlena’s loved ones and she’s been helping him. Harris calls Marlena remarkably non-judgmental. Ava points out that Marlena did treat Ben Weston. Harris asks Ava to let him give Marlena a call so Ava tells him to knock himself out and go ahead to call Marlena. Harris goes to use the phone while Ava tries to approach Midge from before but she runs away from her.

Marlena gets the call from Harris and says he’ll be right there and see him soon. Roman asks if everything is okay. Marlena tells Roman that a patient needs to see her so she has to run. Roman appreciates the time they had. Marlena says she enjoyed it and asks Roman to call Eric to let him know they’ve decided to give them a baby shower. Roman questions why he still can’t say no to her. Marlena says she’ll be in touch with Kate about the details. Marlena hugs Roman and then exits the Pub. Roman feels he’s going to regret this as he picks up his phone to call Eric.

Sloan asks Kayla if she has to worry if she tries to get pregnant again. Kayla encourages that the doctors will keep an eye on it and there are medications. Sloan asks what kind of percentages they are talking about. Eric thinks they are getting ahead of themselves and need to focus on her recovery. Eric then gets a text from Roman to call him but says he’ll do it later. Sloan tells Eric to go ahead and call Eric as she admits she could use a moment alone to process everything. Kayla says she will be in her office if they need anything as she then exits. Eric asks Sloan if she’s sure she wants him to go. Sloan confirms that she’s sure so Eric says he’ll be right outside by the nurses station. Eric kisses Sloan and then exits the room. Melinda then enters and asks if Sloan is okay. Sloan questions what she’s doing there. Melinda says she heard about the baby. Sloan asks how. Melinda admits she overheard Tripp on the phone. Sloan complains about him saying it out in the open. Melinda repeats that she’s so sorry about the baby but Sloan questions if she is.

Li comes out of his room and asks Tripp where Melinda is. Tripp informs him that she left. Li asks if he should be offended that she didn’t say goodbye. Tripp says she said that she had to run. Li jokes that he hopes they didn’t disturb Tripp and Wendy last night or this morning. Tripp tells him it’s all good. Li says he was worried they might have been a bit too active. Tripp claims he didn’t even notice. Tripp guesses Li took his advice in giving Melinda another chance. Li says he could say that. Tripp asks if they are back together then. Li responds that they will see what happens. Tripp asks what that means. Li says it means they’ll see and he knows a lot of men would find it hard to get past a woman trying to trick them in to confessing to attempted murder. Tripp calls it good that he’s more forgiving. Li adds that it helps that Melinda is a fascinating woman. Tripp wishes him luck with that and says he’s going for a run so he’ll see him later. After Tripp exits, Li pulls out his phone.

Nicole asks EJ how Susan would feel about his plan to go after Ava. Nicole says she could hear Susan quoting a bible passage and the Susan that she knows would want EJ to turn the other cheek. EJ argues that Susan is not here now and Ava is the reason. Nicole says if the memory of Susan’s faith is not enough for him to drop this, she reminds EJ that they are getting married and calls it unattractive and distracting for him to be plotting revenge when they should be in the honeymoon phase and focused on each other. EJ insists that he can multi-task but then gives in and admits that the timing is not ideal. Nicole tells EJ that they are building a life together and vengeance plots don’t seem to fit in. Nicole then gets a text from her doctor who has refilled her prescription. EJ offers to give her a ride but Nicole says she will go while EJ goes to get the forms for their marriage license. EJ remembers not making it last time because he ran in to Melinda. EJ complains about Melinda implying a secret reason that he shouldn’t marry Nicole. Nicole argues that she’s not worried because for once, her conscience is clear and they are committed to each other and the baby. Nicole wonders what reason there could possibly be as they kiss.

Melinda insists to Sloan that she is sorry about her baby. Sloan complains that less than 24 hours ago, she was trying to blackmail her. Melinda says that was nothing personal. Sloan tells her to save her excuses as it doesn’t even matter now. Sloan declares that this is what she gets for lying to Eric; her baby is gone while Eric could still be a father. Melinda feels she shouldn’t worry about that right now. Sloan questions why Eric should suffer like she is and declares that she gets the message loud and clear. Sloan declares that she’s going to tell Eric that he’s the father of Nicole’s baby as soon as he gets back because she’s done with the lying. Melinda responds that she doesn’t think she should do that.

Eric calls Roman and asks him what’s up. Roman thanks him for getting back so quickly. Eric asks if something is going on. Roman explains that he and Marlena have decided they’d like to throw a baby shower for he and Sloan at the Pub. Roman acknowledges that he hasn’t been Sloan’s biggest fan but Marlena has convinced him that he needs to get over himself since Sloan is having Eric’s baby and no grandchild of his will go without a proper baby shower. Eric stops him and shouts that he doesn’t understand as Nicole arrives at the hospital behind him. Eric then declares that there can’t be a shower because Sloan lost the baby which Nicole overhears.

EJ walks through the town square with his forms for the marriage certificate as Tripp comes through on his run and runs right into EJ. EJ calls it a coincidence to run in to Tripp since just this morning he was thinking about how Tripp’s mother killed his. Tripp argues that Ava was suffering from a mental health relapse at the time which EJ helped exacerbate. EJ asks if he’s blaming him for Ava’s crimes. Tripp recalls being kidnapped by EJ’s goons. EJ remarks that lack of remorse must run in the Vitali bloodline. Tripp is sorry that EJ lost his mom and calls it a terrible tragedy. Tripp adds that his mom is finally getting the help she needs and is actually getting a lot better. EJ doubts that but Tripp calls it the truth and they hope one day she will fully recover and be released. Tripp declares that when that day comes, EJ will just have to deal with it. Tripp then continues his run. EJ remarks that they’ll see about that.

Marlena goes to Bayview. Harris thanks her for coming as Ava greets her. Marlena questions what is going on here. Harris asks if they can talk in private so he steps out with Marlena while Ava waits. Ava then imagines Susan appearing behind her and warning her that no one can help her until she starts telling the truth.

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