GH Short Recap Friday, August 25, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny and Nina decide to get married in the wintertime although they don’t have a specific date yet. Nina wants to make sure Willow will be in good health so Willow can go to the wedding.

Gregory tells Elizabeth about his ALS diagnosis and she promises to help Finn and Violet help him with anything they need.

Tracy tells Brook Lynn that she and the company she is working with plan to take over Deception. Brook Lynn thinks that Luke’s death has hardened Tracy and she tells her she understands why Ned doesn’t want to remember that he is her son.

Kristina feels left out of Molly’s life when she sees Molly, her surrogate Andrea Gates, and Alexis having dinner. Alexis tells Molly she likes Andrea, and she feels Andrea understands what it means to be a surrogate.

Cody persuades Sam to have him committed to Fern Cliff so he can help Sasha.

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