Y&R Best Lines Monday, August 21, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: Now, tell me it wasn’t totally worth it though. The chocolate, the coconut.

Lily: Yes, yes, it was so good, but I’m very full and sleepy and I have a room full of department heads wondering why their CEO is late.

Daniel: Eh, totally worth the wait.

Lily: Yeah, easy for you to say because your Omegasphere meeting is later. You can go take a nap if you want to.

Daniel: You know what? That, uh, nap idea actually sounds pretty good and having a room right upstairs, I don’t see why I shouldn’t do something like that.

Lily: Oh, my god. I hate you.

Daniel: I’m kidding. Look, I’m gonna sit here, I’m gonna drink my coffee and I’m gonna be on time for my meeting because… at least one of us should be punctual.

Lily: Okay, fine. It can be you.


to think we are anyway.

Chelsea: Your dad’s right. We can handle whatever you throw at us, but next time, just talk to us. Tell us what you’re feeling. Tell us that you need help. Don’t let it get to the point where you wanna run away


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