Y&R Short Recap Thursday, April 13, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Abby and Dominic move in with Devon and Devon is excited for the future of his family.

The memorial service for Phyllis continues and Summer demands that Diane speak and the only thing Diane says is that she knows Phyllis loves her children.

Daniel tells everyone how unique and special his mother was and how much he will miss her. Daniel also regrets not spending more time with his mom. Danny sings a beautiful song to honor Phyllis. The song touches everyone’s heart.

Chance gets a text message telling him that they are searching the Abbott mansion for evidence in Phyllis’ case. Once the memorial services is over, police arrive and after the officers talk to Chance, Chance arrests Diane for Phyllis’s murder. Diane asks Michael to represent her, but he says he will not represent her.

Nate and Victoria drink some very expensive bourbon and, when they are drunk, they have, sex on Victoria’s desk. Audra is in the hallway outside Victoria’s office and hears Victoria making pleasure noises.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Sloane Sloane.

Hello Eric. What the hell’s going on Jada? What are you doing here?

Hey ish, Talia. Hey. Hey. I was just looking for my sister. Is she around? She’s actually out on a call. You wanna leave a message for her? No, it’s okay. Um, but since I’m here I was just wondering, uh, you and Jada enjoy your dinner last night. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dinner.

So how was the bakery busy? We almost completely sold out, but I managed to save some ginger scones for eight. I told you to stop doing that. Gonna give that man diabetes. You can just toss that box in the trash. And that would include the bear claw I put in there for you. Gimme that. Okay. So Abe who hits the gym at least four times a week, he’s on a restricted diet.

But you, I don’t go there now. You know Big mama blessed us with her amazing jeans. I’m as healthy as a horse. Mm. And that’s why I had to make an appointment for you with the cardiologist. Well, I was given a clean bill of health even after you had a panic. Oh, oh, you know, that reminds me when I left for that appointment, you, you told me that you were going to handle Sloan Peterson.

So, uh, I’m assuming this is your doing.

Oh, open up Stark. I know you’re in there.

Girl. What is your problem? This, oh, bad manicure. I’m talking about your stupid little gossip column here is Salem’s top legal Eagle. A total psycho. So you read that immediately. Came over here and freaked out there by proving the story is true. This isn’t funny. If you don’t fix this, I will destroy it.

Well, seems the rumors are true. What rumors, according to Leo you two are Salem’s hottest new couple. Looks like he was right. Why are you talking about, oh, come on. Don’t try to deny it. I walked in here. I heard you giving a toast about letting go of the past and moving on with your lives. It’s very clear to me that you are moving on with each other.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

You don’t understand what’s not to understand. You lied to me. You told me you couldn’t be with me because you were still so very much in love with Sarah, but now I. You were causing it to her. Craig Wesley stuck up. Daughter. It’s good to see you too, Gwen. Yeah. And you treated Leo like dirt because that’s how you treat dirt, like dirt.

And that was nothing compared to the way you treated me. You know what? As far as I’m concerned, you two deserve each other.

I am here on official police business. Did anything happen to Sloan? No. I mean, not that I know of. I came here to question her and she wasn’t home, so I decided to take a look around. So you broke in. No the super very nicely. Let me in once I showed him my warrant. Would you like to see it? Look Judy, if this is about that later.

No, there’s actually been a new development in the case last night. Paulina Price for received a very threatening text message and I think your girlfriend might know something about it.

You and Jada had dinner together. We talked about this. Ray, Abe. Abe. It was a very platonic dinner. Okay? I went to the pub. I went there to pick up takeout, and then I ran into Detective Hunter and her sister, and then, well, we decided that we would sit at a table together. Now, is that against apartment regulation?

Should I have sat at a table across the room, or should I have fled the place entirely to maintain the department’s sparkling reputation? Talia, I don’t know if you have met the mayor. This is Detective Hunter’s, sister Talia, and she was also there the other night. Hello, today, Dave Garden. Hi, nice to meet you.

Oh, Talia Hunter, you work with Chanel, right? Mm-hmm. And you helped my wife when she had that panic attack? I did, and I’m hoping she’s feeling a lot less stress. Well, not so much. This situation with Song Peterson is Ah, it’s getting to her.

Oh, I hope that article didn’t hurt Sloan’s feelings. She’s such a delicate little Sherman tanked. So this is your, You went trotting off the lady, what’s his face? And toll all, uh, Leo doesn’t reveal his sources well, even with Leo’s socks reference for journalistic ethics, she is gonna know who gave this to him.

Good. It’s about time. She knows that if she hits us, we hit back and this is gonna hit her where it hurts. As far as I can see, the only thing she cares about other than making us miserable is her law practice. Hmm. And. I just wonder how many people are looking for a psycho lawyer. Well, I hope you are right that this backs her off and that that text last night will be the end of it.

What text? Gosh. Take up chill pill. She Hulk. What exactly are you asking me to do? You need to run an immediate retraction. Just admit you made the whole. I didn’t, I got my intel from a very reliable source. Do you mean polling a price? Uh, as a respected journalist, I’m not at liberty to reveal my sources.

You’re not a journalist. You’re an insignificant little worm. I was about to have his ass sued, liable. Ah. It’s not liable if it’s true, isn’t true. I have not been harassing Paul Price. No. You sure as hell had motive? You keep insisting that Chanel Dure killed your mother. That would’ve been a matter of public record had her mother not paid to have the whole thing covered up.

Giving you even more motive. But it’s a sad story and I’m sure the public would be on your side if you just, you know, confessed in detail in my column. We can get the whole town to hate that, not just you tell Lady Whistleblower everything.

Well, if you don’t have the phone, then you have no proof that Sloan sent that text. Well, that’s kind of why I’m here to find proof. Yeah. Well, I’m pretty sure that Sloan took her phone with her. Well, maybe she’s a different phone, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to poke around a bit. Couldn’t hurt you. You don’t have to clean it up.

Did you find anything? Nothing yet. But I did notice that you have your own drawer now. Things are getting pretty serious. I really don’t need a lecture of why I shouldn’t be dating Sloan. No lecture. Just an observation. Okay. Okay. Maybe, maybe a little judgment, but I know it’s none of my business. And honestly, I just want you to be happy no matter who you’re with.

I want you to be happy too. What about you? Everybody new in your life?

Is Paulina okay? She got a clean zone of health. All the harassment and. Just doesn’t let up. Well, I swear to God, I am gonna give it to the bottom of this. I know, I, I, I know that. Have you heard from Detective Hunter? Is she able to question Sloan Peterson about the texts? Well, she has not checked in yet, but as soon as I do hear from her, I will let you know.

I’ll give you a call. Thank you. Thank you. And, uh, I’m sorry about before you do know that I trust you implicit. Yes. Yes. Right. It’s nice to meet you. To meet you. Same to you, Mr. Mayor. Yes, Abe. Abe. Talk to you later. Yep.

Sorry, I got you in trouble. Nah, it’s okay. But’s, uh, do me a favor, right? Yeah. Anything. Just tell me what it is. Yeah. Uh, stop trying to push me and Jada together. Okay. Wow. Was I that obvious? Well, only to a trained detective. Oh, you’re nasty. Hmm. No wonder why Jada likes you so much. You heard ape. I am Jada’s boss.

There are rules against this. All right. Nothing can happen. Well, you know that’s just a shame cuz you two would make a great couple. I mean, you’re funny. Both great looking available Talia, nothing can happen. All right, fine. I guess. But just tell me. If it wasn’t for that stupid policy, you’d be making a move, wouldn’t you?

Hmm? Your husband can’t save you. I can’t believe Sloan sent this text. Well, technically it was anonymous, but we both know it was her. Well, well, did you report it to the cops? Abe’s taking care of it. Oh, that woman is so twisted. No, tell me. Uh, when I ran into her last night, she practically gloated when I.

When you what? I wasn’t gonna say anything, but I had another panic attack. No, no, no, no. It was no big deal. No, no, no. Uhuh. I remember what tall you said to do and was able to calm down. Okay, good. I’m glad. But wait, there’s more, isn’t there?

But when I started losing it, Sloan mocked me. Walked the way before she knew I was okay. Oh that bitch. I swear to God. If something had happened to you, don’t. Don’t even think about it. I’m fine. I’m fine. And that’s what Sloane Peterson, she will get hers eventually, one way or another. There’s nothing to confess.

I’m innocent. Fine. Stick with your old. But you should read the comments section of my column. Everyone thinks you’re guilty. I know. That’s why I want a retraction. It’s too late. The public has already made up its mind. The only way to turn things around is to share your sob story and get people to feel sorry for you.

And why would I do that? You’ll just twist my words. You’re a lawyer. You’ll choose your words carefully. Just not too carefully. We do need some juicy details, so question number.

Which magazines did you use to cut out those letters? Vogue, vanity Fair. Why does it matter? I don’t know. It’s the first question that came to my mind. Gosh, you’re such a total hack. Listen, work with me here now. You listen here, you little twerp. I expect an immediate retraction by tomorrow. Otherwise, I’ll sue those hideous pants off of your little scrawny ass.

They’re not hideous. They’re cut.

Not that it’s any of your business, Gwen, but Chloe and I were just having a drink together. There’s nothing romantic going on. Oh yeah. Okay. What about last night then when I walked in here and you were in each other’s arms? Oh, for goodness sake, I was upset about Brady, and Xander was comforting. What about the photo that Leo took of you?

To what photo? This picture right here,

a sneaky little pip squeak. If Leo thinks he’s using this picture in his column, don’t worry. I killed it. It’s like how you killed the story about this one being a child hater. And when he killed that so-called story, I was happy and I hugged him. Oh, is that how the two of you shacked up? Then you traded Sex for Fathers.

There’s nothing going on between Oz Gwen. Why do you care anyway? You’re sleeping with Alex. I don’t care. I just don’t like being lied to. I mean, if you, if you didn’t wanna be with me, you could have just told me so. So making up some rubbish excuse about how you still hung up on your ex, Sarah, you know what?

You were a coward then and you are a coward now. Just have the bloody guts to admit that the two of you are a couple. Fine, you’re right. I fallen madly in love with Chloe Lane. I don’t care who knows anymore.

I am not seeing anyone. Right. I am focused on work. Yeah. Well, I hope you don’t neglect your personal life for too long. You deserve to be to some degree. Thanks. Anyway, I better get going. I left Sloane a voicemail, but if you can please remind her to stop by the PD first chance she gets and she should bring her phone or phones.

Okay. Okay, I got it. I’ll tell her also. I hope Sloane is aware that we have ways to access any deleted messages. Jenna, I really don’t think Sloan has anything to do with this. Well, if that’s true, it would still be in her best interest if she cooperated. Owen, sorry about the mess. Right.

I really should get back to work. You’re avoiding the question. Hey, you catch on eventually. I’ll let Jayden know you stopped by. You know what? Fine. You don’t even need to answer the question. I can see that both you and Jada are attracted to one another. We just need to figure out a way around those stupid regulations.

All right, Talia, lemme tell you something. There are a lot of people in this town that I know very well and that I trust, and I have not discussed this situation with them. So don’t be offended that I don’t wanna discuss it with you. Direct, forceful man. You are right up Jesus Alley. Uh.

Wow. God bless Chanel. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. These are for later. Chanel went to the bistro to pick up something for dinner. Oh, well that’s nice her. Mm-hmm. It is. But I also think she wanted to get out and get some air. Yeah. Yeah. She was pretty upset when I told her about Sloan Peterson Walking away from you while I was having my panic attack.

Yeah. And that nasty text message I told RA about that he got a. He sent Jada Hunter over to search her apartment and as soon as she reports back to him, he’ll give me an update. Oh, good. I hope they nail it to the wall. Me too. But in the meantime, I think we should leave Salem.

Hey, do. Tell your mother to stop spreading those lies about me, especially to the reporters. Oh, she didn’t do that? I did. And they weren’t lies. Oh. Like hell, they weren’t. And if you are the one who went and spoke to Leo Stark, then you’re gonna be the one to go back and set that record straight. Oh, the record’s already straight.

You trashed my mom’s office. You sent that threatening note. And then last night after walking away from my mother when she could have been dying, you sent that text, excuse me, I’m sorry. What text that your husband. Save you. Okay. I didn’t send that text. Oh no. Then who did? I don’t know. Maybe one of the hundred thousand other people who hate that old obnoxious bitch.

Oh, I know you did not just call my mama an old bitch. You just forgot. Obnoxious.

I will kill you.

You want to move out of. I didn’t say that. I, I, I just think it’s, uh, it was time for an extended vacation and we never did have a honeymoon. This isn’t about a honeymoon. This is about getting away from Sloan Peterson, right? Yes. Yes. I, I, I, yes it is. Look, look, the police are on the case, and once she’s behind Barbara, we can come back.

So we’d be running. Don’t think of it like that. Oh, what other way is there to think about it? Think that you are under a lot of stress and Paris is beautiful this time of year. Well, as much as I would like to go to Paris with you, I can’t leave Chanel here all alone, but she can come with us. She won’t, she won’t leave her bakery for that long, which means I have to stay here and protect her from Sloane, especially after she got Leo’s start to run that column in the Spectator.

Ah, yeah. I’m not sure about that. Eh, well, with what we know about Sloan Peterson, I am not sure. It’s a good idea.

Willie are psycho me. You’re the one who killed my mother.

Oh, she started it. Oh wow. We, I’m not afraid to finish it. No, this ends now leave. Before I call the. I already had to file a restraining order against your mother. I guess I had to file one against you too. Are you all right? Yeah. God, I hate her. Yeah, I would’ve never guessed. Come outta your bleeding. She’s just a scratch.

Yeah, that can get infected. Come on, let’s go to the bakery. They have a first aid kit there.

Yeah. Oh, hey, how’d it go with Peterson? Uh, she wasn’t home, so I looked around the apartment, find anything. Uh, she has crap taste in music, and she has more handcuffs than the department has, but no burner phone and no cutout magazines. All right. You left our message both on her cell and with Eric. Oh, he was there.

How’d that go? Strained. You know how it always is when you’re talking to an ex? Yeah. Tell me about it. But in a way it was good. You know, I, as I’m living there with that woman, a dominatrix who listens to cold clay, and I thought to myself, dude, I am over you.

You are a pig.

That one is not. Yeah, well she’s right around one thing. You are a pig.

You’re not gonna believe what I’ve been through. Yeah. Well, I’m not gonna believe this either. I went into the pub. You were right of Alexandra and Chloe there. They were her showing off her cleavage to her best advantage while he’s undressing her, his eyes. So you quietly backed away to weep in private.

No, I did. I walked over there and I told him off how out of Charact. First he said there was nothing going on, and then. She kissed her right in front of me. Yes. What gwenny don’t you see? This means we’re winning.

Ow. God, what was that for? You assaulted me. How was it? No, I just gave you a kiss. In public for someone else’s benefit. You know, I don’t like being dragged into your deeply icky relationship with that limey psycho, but I especially don’t like being used as a prop in your gotcha moment for your ex upon reflection.

You have a point. Reflection, you don’t even know what the word means. Did you stop for one second to think about what you just did upon reflection? She’s gonna run straight to Leo and tell him what happened, and then he’s gonna write some truly disgusting column about it, and then Brady will read it.

Give, I thought even moving on, I never said that, but even if I did, it doesn’t give you a right to maul me in public to prove your pros. I’m sorry, Chloe. I, you’re right. I, I didn’t think on, even when I do think I usually. Mess things up. Bye. I’m sorry. Really, I, because I don’t know, this is a long shot, but I really would like it if we could be friends.

I’ll get started on that report. There is one more thing your sister stopped by. Why o c you? But she did manage to speak about our dinner together last night in front of the mayor. I’ll kill her. Well, I’d have to report that. Okay, fine. I won’t kill her, but I’ll tell her to back off. Yeah. Well I already did that.

Did not seem to phase her this. Um, she, uh, she started talking about our dinner together and then segued into, uh, an aria about how unfair the new policy regulations are and then concluded with, uh, how clearly we are attracted to each other. I am mortified. I am so, so sorry. No more. It’s okay. I. Wanted you to know she clearly hasn’t given up her campaign.

I will handle her the commissioner. I want you to know that I have never, ever encouraged that. I never said that. I, I mean, I know there can be nothing between us. I know you have no interest in me, you know, in that way. Right. I think the problem is, um, I actually am,

Hey, I didn’t expect you to, What the hell is all of this? Jada? She executed a search warrant. What? Yeah. Well, someone sent, Pauline had threatening text message last night. Yeah, no, I know. Apparently I’ve already been tried and found guilty. You know. Jen left you a message. I want you to come down the station.

I’m really getting sick of all of this. Well, they said you should probably bring your phone. I want to take a look at it. You better do what they say. Of course, I, I have nothing to hide. I here if I don’t, why don’t you see for yourself?

Apparently it’s a good idea to hire a baker who’s also a doctor. Yeah. Especially if you love street brawls. It literally looked like you two were gonna kill each other. Hold on. This is might sting a little bit.


You know, I’m really glad you showed up when you did. It looked like the white chick was getting the worst of it. No, I, I mean, not just now, but in general. You know, when Allie and I broke up, I didn’t just lose my girlfriend, but I also lost my business partner, and I’ve just been feeling so overwhelmed.

And then you showed up and I feel like I’m finally starting to see a path forward, so thank you.

I don’t get it. How exactly am I. Your sexual exploits with Alex have made Xander mad with jealousy, so now he’s trying to make you jealous by stripping. Chloe Le doesn’t feel like wanting to me. Don’t you see? He’s using her so that you’ll come back to him maybe. Or maybe your plan backfired and now he has real feelings for her.

Huh? I hadn’t thought of that.

Chloe, I really am sorry. Could you please, please just gimme another chance. Well, as someone who just told a little kid that I hated her, I know what it’s like to be provoked into doing something you regret really. And for what it’s worth, I’ve actually. Really enjoyed hanging out with you. Never thought I’d be leaning on you for emotional support, but here we are.

So we’re good. We’re good as long as you keep your dirty paw away from me. Okay.

Did what you just said mean what I think it.

You know, I think that maybe I should clarify this further. So, um, if I wasn’t your boss, then I would ask you out all for further clarification. I’d say yes. Okay. Well, right. I just, um, I just thought if we were aware of the situation, then we could be more in control of the situation. Yeah, I agree. Right, and And to be clear, yeah, I don’t think the problem is that you’re my boss because you are a very good professional boss.

I think the problem are those departmental regulations. But they’re real. And, uh, what are the consequences? Meaning nothing can happen. That’s right.

Well, um, now that, that’s settled and out the way, I should keep going. Good night. Quiet. Yeah, boss. Okay. Yeah. Good night, detective. I’m.

I don’t need to see your phone. I believe you, Ali. Someone does. But I do have one question for you. What. I have baby’s breath in your hair. Let me get it. It’s been a long day. I know. I’m going up to shower. I’m done. Can we make dinner please? Yeah, sure. Or we can order in, but I’m just not in the mode to go out.

I have up to here with the good people of Salem.

Well, um, you. I wasn’t just trying to get you away from Sloan Peterson. No, no. Uh, look, I, I, I, I, it’s not that I don’t like having Chanel here. I love her. But I would like to spend a little alone time with you.

Oh, well, once that cycle is behind bars, we are Paris bound. Promise.

Oh, well, table’s all set. Oh, we’re missing as the food, I’m wonder was taking Chanel so long? Uh, let me text her and see. Mm-hmm. Where.

Oh, I should get going. Mama wants her dinner. Well, you all bandaged up. You’re good to go. You know, we always order way too much. Why don’t you join us for. Sure. I mean, I don’t wanna intrude or anything. Are you kidding me? Mama loves you. She’ll be happy to see you again. All right, well, okay. Sounds nice.

Thank you. No, thank you for all the free medical assistant, a girl ain free. You just haven’t gotten a bill yet.

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GH Short Recap Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Cody persuades Sam to post bail for him because Gladys set him up and put the necklace in the pocket of his tuxedo. Cody tells Sam he intends to handle the situation so Sasha won’t get in trouble.

Curtis, Portia, and Josslynn think that Trina is on the Haunted Star with Ace and Spencer since all the text messages they have sent to her since last night have not been delivered. Trina tells Spencer that she found maps of the ship in the supply closet and she figured out how to get to the communications office of the ship and it isn’t heavily guarded. Spencer and Trina decide that he will create a diversion for his Uncle Victor while she sneaks into the communications office to call for help.

Laura and Felicia think that Victor is headed to Venezuela because he has a compound there that can only be reached by boat.

The nurse tells Valentin that Anna lost a lot of blood and she went into cardiac arrest during surgery but when the doctor brought her back she was able to remove the bullet. The nurse tells Valentin that the bullet didn’t touch any of Anna’s organs. Valentin sits at Anna’s bedside and promises her he will bring down Victor, but he needs her to open her eyes.

Willow tells Brook Lynn and Sasha that she worries that they won’t find Liesl in time to do the bone marrow transplant. Willow tells Brook Lynn and Sasha, she wants to marry Michael now so her family can have nice memories of her in case she dies.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Alex, Hey. I know you’re busy, but your assistant said you were working from home. No, it’s, it’s okay. It’s all right. Come on in. Thank you. I just need to vent for a minute about my infuriating relative, and I figured you might underst. Assuming you were talking about Zander. I’m audios.

Okay, here it goes. Watch this. Wait, wait. Why are you closing your eyes? To help me concentrate. Huh? Eh, eh, interesting stretch. I can’t go any worse than before. Are you sure? I didn’t draw? I’m quite sure it’s just, you know, if your eyes were open, you would see that I’m now standing as a very surface. Okay.

Okay. Wise decision. So when I sing, I always hear the pitch in my head before I produce a sound. So with this, I’m going to imagine where the dart needs to go before I throw it. Wait, you’re gonna throw it? That looking. No, no, no. I’m gonna open my eyes just as I am.

Oh my God. I did it. I hit the middle. Known in some circles as the bullseye. Yeah, the bullseye. Aren’t you impressed? Of course. I’m impressed. That was amazing. A total lie. Hi. Hey man.

Stephanie, can you still hear your mother’s voice on that call?

Okay. We’re gonna end this for today. Um, I’m gonna count you out of it. I’ll count to three. You’ll open your eyes and be wide awake. Can you’ll feel relaxed, refreshed. 1, 2, 3.

Good. How do you feel? I’m fine. Did it. Sorry, Stephanie. I think I, I think I messed it up. What do you mean? You were under, uh, recalling the conversation you had with your mom and you said you heard her, uh, say a name? I jumped in. I asked who it was. I think I threw you off. I did hear her say a name. Was it Thomas Bank?

No, I’m pretty sure it was. Victor. Victor, Kiki. Yeah, definitely. That’s what my mom said. And whatever I’m recalling through hypnosis should be accurate, right? Yes, it is. What do you think it means? What could Victor possibly have to do with your mom’s kidnapping?

You okay? Are you, are you okay? Are you okay? You okay? Sweet. Yeah.

Is it really,

this is really you. Yeah.

Like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Well, I’m sorry to disappoint as much as I have grown to detest my cousin Xander. I’m not here for him. I’m here for my aunt Maggie, a k a, the boss from hell. Oh, dear. What did she do now? You, you remember when I told you I needed to find a way to get on her good side? This unbelievable opportunity just lands directly in my lap.

Have you heard of the Cova Prisms? Uh, this, is that the thing that like is meant to kill cancer or something? Yes. Among other things. Now, the Demaris, the isa, a whole bunch of other people have been trying to get their hands on these damn things for like three decades. I get word from the Athens police that they just confiscated in from Dr.

Wolfe. Wow. Dr. Ro Shaw gets around, doesn’t he? He does get around. Anyway. I pull all the right strings with Uncle Vick’s contacts. I grease all the right palms. The prisms would’ve been Titans. It would’ve been the biggest deal of the century. Fuck. But Saint Maggie doesn’t understand that the best deals aren’t made in the boardroom.

She also doesn’t understand that I was about to make her look like the most brilliant c e o in history. So instead she makes me go crawling back to this guy to un bribe him for some like. Victory for the greater good, like vintage Maggie, right? Mm-hmm. Totally. But it’s not in reality, this is a category five catastrophe.

Why a catastrophe? Because we lost Gwen. Now a hundred percent of these prisms are gonna end up in the wrong hands, and who knows what the hell they’re gonna be used for?

Tell me I’m not dreamy. No, no. This is real.

Who, my sweetness. I have missed you so much. I thought I was gonna have to miss you forever. I have to live without you. What is this miracle? You’re here. God. Daddy, are you hurt? Oh, baby. After everything you’ve been through, you worried about me? Yes, I am worried about you. Do you, do you have, do you have double vision?

Are are you dizzy? No. No. I got maybe a, just a little headache from where both pistol whipped me. Uh, I don’t suppose I dreamed that, did I? I’d like to tell you. You did, but I, I don’t think so. I can’t believe it. And I saw him at that police station. My best friend, my brother-in-law, he’d been dead for years, and Barry was, he was standing there alive,

and then he treated me like I was his sworn enemy. Listen to me, Megan brainwashed him. He is not Bo. Not really Bo. He’s just some sort of. I don’t know. Heartless, uh, imposter. He said that he took you off Megan’s Island. Was he working with Thomas Banks? Thomas Banks? Uh, I don’t, I, I don’t know anything about that.

Why? Well, Megan said banks was the one who took you. Bank is a liar. Bo went rogue, like I told you, and she knew it. She probably just didn’t wanna give hope, the satisfaction of knowing that Beau was alive. Do you know why Beau brought you here? Oh yeah. Oh, he’s made it very clear. He wants me to use the Prisms to create the miracle serum that Ralph and Megan have been working on.

You know, even if I had any idea how to do. I, I don’t, we are never getting out of here. Hey, um, listen baby, so many people are looking for you and they know I’m here now. It’s only a matter of time until we’re found. Okay?

All right. Let me think this. We know my mom was in Greece when she called, and Victor’s from Greece. So do you think he was somehow involved in her disappearance? I don’t know what to think. I say we go straight to the source side. You mean go to Victor directly? Why not? Yeah, why not? And and if Victor stonewalls us, then we’ll get Maggie involved.

She’s kind and compassionate. She’ll definitely wanna help. She will. She will be on our side. You know, I will never understand why Victor decided to make Maggie the CEO of Titan. I mean, she doesn’t seem very bright for one thing, right? And does she even have experience? I dunno. She’s just run a restaurant and bosses all her servants about, yeah, that’s about it.

Well, that’s why she can’t afford to lose you, Alex. She, she needs your energy, she needs your business sense. You are a tremendous asset to their company. Well, thank you. Unfortunately, aunt Maggie thinks I’m a tremendous liability, which is why she’s dying to replace me, probably will any minute with whom and who would want to take what seems to be a thankless job at this point anyway.

Oh, here’s a hint. Starts with an X. No. Really? Yes. Really? Gwen Xander is miserable being your business partner, especially after the two of you broke up. So he is happy to abandon the spectator and make his mark on Titan. And what better way to punish me for taking his place in your bed than taking my place in the boardroom?

What’s going on here? Plain dart flowy head starts. Not anymore. You just got a, a bullseye, didn’t you darling? She’s actually quite pleased with herself, aren’t you? Uh, um, Sandra and I were eating alone at separate tables. We just ran into each other. So where’s the fun in that? So, yeah. Um, how’s Rachel doing?

She’s okay. She’s okay. She’s happy to have her grandma Marlena back, that’s for sure. I bet. I, I can’t even imagine Brady. I’m so sorry for what I said to her yesterday. I’m, I’m more than sorry. I am ashamed. Okay. That’s not an excuse the way that Rachel was treating me, I just was so hurt and I’d lost it, obviously.

Hey, Chloe, not with the Meia. Col, please. I told you, I’m sure Brady understands. Aaron, please stay out of this. If you don’t understand, it would be very unkind of you, Brady, since your daughter has been horrible to Chloe. Shut up. I mean, that child has provoked this kind caring woman over and over again until year finally.

Understandably she can take it anymore. Lost her temper and gave the kid a taste her own nasty medicine. Hey, Susanna, don’t, don’t, don’t talk about my kid. You have no right to talk about my kid. She has been through chaos. She’s had it really hard lately and her mother is now in. As a parent, you try to give her some, some tenderness and some understanding and some tolerance.

That’s what I’m trying to do, by the way. How is this any of your business? Who told you all about this? Oh, stupid question. You, you told him about all of this? I, I am sorry. I was upset. I needed someone to talk to. Everybody on Salem like, you’re gonna confide in this bastard here. Hey, yes, she confided in me cuz I happen to be compassionate and understanding.

I, for one, I’m glad that you finally stood up to his spiteful daughter.

You are shallow and you are insensitive. All right. And you don’t know what the hell it’s like to be a parent, so don’t talk like you do. You don’t even know how to be a decent human being. Ander, you know, I gave cousin Alex A. Black eye the other day. Maybe you’d like one to.

Oh sweet. When the kids see you, I can’t tell you how crushed they were losing you and poor Stephanie. She didn’t make it. To the hospital in time before you supposedly died. It wasn’t her fault, but she was so tortured by that sweet girl. I get wait to see Joey. Trent. Stephanie, you know this really, really needs a couple stitches.

No, no, no, no, no. It’s okay. It’ll heal just fine. You know, it’s bad enough that Bo kidnap me, but to hurt you this way, okay, we’re gonna be fine. And so is Bo. God, I hope so. I mean, I think that maybe he somehow broke away from Megan’s mind control. Look at everything. He’s been through his illness 10 years and kind of like limbo.

And who knows what Ralph and Megan did to him. And I just, I feel like he’s in war with himself, a certain pain. I don’t know, it’s just a lot of psycho fled, but it’s just that he kept talking to the body, wanted a, a fresh start, and he, he was just trying to figure out who he really is. What about being Bo Brady?

Oh, it doesn’t appeal to him anymore. Uh, not in the least. I kept trying to talk to him about it, you know, about our past, about about being Brady’s, and he just didn’t wanna hear it. He just dismissed it. I mean, what good is it to be a lowly Brady when you wanna build an empire? Oh, an empire. Wow. Lofty after the ambitions.

Ah, yeah. Love and ruthless. They just, He wanted wealth and power, and I think it’s all about being Victor Kiki’s son, or maybe even his clone.

Hey, you at Titan, Alex, that is your, it’s your birthright. Now listen to me. Don’t you dad bloody roll over and let Zander take your job. I mean, why? Why would Maggie want him to anyway, after the way he screwed her daughter over? It’s a damn good question. But Maggie has a soft spot for this guy. Seems like she just forgives him no matter what the hell he does.

For the life of me, I have no idea how she could give this obnoxious, amoral, neanderthal jerk the benefit of the doubt at every turn. Meanwhile, it gets pissed off at me if I so much sit in the damn c e o chair. I’m sorry. No four insulting ender. Go ahead. Insult away. I, I don’t care. Okay. What you no longer have a soft spot for the guy?

No. Why should I ever since he took a step back from the paper, he’s been avoiding me at every turn. You know you didn’t even bother to turn up at the office today for work. Why did he at least have an excuse? No, didn’t tell me. Didn’t call me. Didn’t even bother to give me a bloody. There’s no mystery where he’s spending his time now.

In fact, I’m sure that he’s closing up with Chloe Lane as we speak. Stop it right now. So I’m shallow and insensitive. Am I? As opposed to you an arrogant as who thinks he’s got his gift to the world? Who fathered a child with a sadistic psychopath? Once you go there, you son a bitch. Okay. That’s enough.

Okay. Enough. It, it, it is. It’s, it’s enough. You’re right. Okay. Brady, you can leave. No, Chloe, I’m not gonna leave until I talk to. Do you want to talk to him? Callander? She can speak for herself. Can we please talk? Yeah. Sureand, do you mind? Would you give Brady me a few minutes? Sure. I’ll get us another round.

I want to fix this. You do? Why are you surprised by? Because I was. Oh is so terrible to your daughter yesterday, and I feel horrible about it. But you know, being a parent, I would understand why that could be a deal breaker. It doesn’t have to be a deal breaker. My daughter just needs to understand that you didn’t mean what you said.

She thinks that you hate her, so she feels justified in her hostility towards you right now. Of course she does, and that’s why I’m so down on myself for that stupid des. Blur. Oh my God, how could I hate her? She’s just a child who’s been through way too much lately. I mean, my heart breaks for her. Having a mother like Kristen, thank God she has you and I.

I truly love Rachel and I wish that she wouldn’t see me as the enemy, that I’m the person who essentially. Came between her and her mother. The two, the two of you have not always been this way. You, you used to have a really great relationship. Remember? I know we did. I would do anything to have that again, and I can’t take back what I said,

and now she just thinks of me as being the evil step monster. How am I gonna change that, Chloe? I can talk to her. I’ll talk to her and talk to her and talk. Okay. Well, should I, do you think that maybe if I wrote her an apology, she would. I’m asleep. Probably not. I mean, I, I seem to be the only one that can talk to her and get through to her right now.

Right. Well, I’m not sure that talking to her is gonna be enough for her to view me in a better light. I mean, it’s gonna take a freaking miracle.

What are you saying? I mean, because of this issue with my daughter, you just want to, you want to give up. I, I know you are ready for a rematch.

Yeah. Yeah.

Zander and Chloe Lane, what are you talking about?

Leo saw them with their heads together the other day, and of course he was champing at the bit to let Lady Whistleblower let all of Salem know. I put a kibosh on that because I, I felt that, I was sure that he was making something out of nothing but.

Now I can’t help wondering.

Oh, look at that. Look, this is the picture that he snapped. Yeah, so. What do you think? I mean, does that look like a platonic hug to you,


Maybe I should have f let Leah run the story then, especially because he replaced it with something that the litigious Sloan Peterson would’ve gone absolutely mental over.

Meanwhile, I’m, I’m thinking maybe Leo was right about them. Why? Well, because after I told Leo that he was speaking absolute rubbish, I, I walked in, I saw it for myself. I saw the two of them in each other’s arms.

Your turn. And you are on a roll, my dear. You know if you keep doing that eyes closed thing, I’m betting that you’re gonna hit bullseye after Bullseye. Yes you go. I don’t wanna play anymore. Alright. Was hoping you were enjoying the distraction. Well, I’m not really distractable anymore. All right. Because Brady had to roll through and from what I’m observing, makes you feeling worse than you already did.

No, I feel pretty much the same, which is miserable. Full of regret and. Uh, you know, it didn’t really help that you threatened to beat him up in the middle of this place. Yeah. Sorry. That’s my, uh, inner and neanderthal coming out, I’m afraid. Yeah, well that inner, inner Neanderthal seems to make an appearance regularly, only when he is outraged and, oh, come on, Chloe.

A littley in you like dirt and Brady doing nothing to protect you from it. I mean, it’s outrageous. There’s nothing Brady can do to protect me from it. Kristen has convinced Rachel that I’m evil in trying to keep her away from her mother. Brady’s tried to talk to her, but the kid won’t budge. She wants me out of his life and hers.

Maybe I shouldn’t have Ned Leo’s column about you rating Rachel over the proverbial. It seems all I accomplished was postponing the inevitable. What do you mean postponing the inevitable? I’m only speaking from very recent, very personal experience, but there comes a point of no return in a failing relationship.

You tried to backpedal back to the time. The moment before everything started to fall apart, you start banging your head against the wall to make something work. And in your heart of hearts, you, you know, it’s already over. It’s just a matter of admitting it to you, son. I could have saved Sarah and myself so much heartache if I just let go at that.

A four mentioned point of no return. Instead, now we’re divorced. Sarah Ki even bring herself to continue living in Salem.

Do you think that Brady and I are at the point of no return? Doesn’t matter what I think. What do you think?

Hi. I thought you’d be done with that by now. I know, I know. I’m taking it slowly. I do not want it to end. I’m enjoying it so much.

Every time I see you lately, I, I still get these little goosebumps and call the, an adrenaline rush. I don’t know what it is, but I’m just so grateful that you’re, that you’re here. I’m not taking a minute for granted that you are here. Myself, dad, that everyone who loves you is just so grateful that you’re back.

Thank you for saying that. I feel the same way. I’m grateful to be alive. I’m grateful to be home and, and with this family that I love. So

it Is there any news about Kayla? We may be making some progress there. Uh, Chad and Stephanie were over earlier and. They think that richer may be able to shine some light on where Kayla is, my granddad. Why would, why would he? No, no, no. Don’t misunderstand. He’s not involved in it. Absolutely not involved in her disappearance, but, well, Stephanie was talking to her mother and she remembered her saying something about Victor.

Well, that could, that could be crucial to finding. I mean, if my granddad knows something, do you want me to talk to him? I, I, I could. Well, no, not yet. They’re good to talk to him and see how they do. And then if, if they don’t discover anything, then maybe you can give it a try. Yes. Hi Maggie. Hi. Hi. What can I do for you?

I hope this isn’t about time isn’t. What can I do for you? Is Victor around? Uh, he’s out of town. Oh, well we needed to ask him something. Well, how about you ask me? Maybe I can help. Yeah, maybe you can. Look, we know, uh, Kayla’s in Greece. Can you think of any reason why Kayla might have brought up Victor’s name when Stephanie asked where she was?

Well, um, no, I can’t be sure. Of course, Victor has investment properties all over. From, uh, the Athens brand of Titan to Vast that you grow up in. Is there any way that we could get a list of those properties or would we need to go through Victor? No, that wouldn’t be, uh, necessary because I have access to all that information.

I can get my assistant to draw them up for you right away. That would be very helpful. Thank you, Mary. And can you think of anyone that might know anything in Greece, anyone that’s connected to Victor, Liz? No, but I’ll keep my ear to the ground and ask Victor to do the same. Um, and, uh, if we hear anything.

You will be our first call.

Oh, so this is Victor’s childhood home, huh? Lovely, isn’t it? Yeah. Well, I know Victor came from poverty and I know from poor, but even that orphanage Marcus and I lived in didn’t smell like sheep. It’s goat. Goats. Mm-hmm. Okay. Goats and a wine cellar. What do you know? You know, speaking of wine, Bo did encourage me to, uh, crack open a white.

Oh, well, we might as well get the best of it while we’re stuck here. Mm. I don’t really think so because, uh, my prescription for you would be water and aspirin to get rid of that big headache. I know you are pretending not to have. Okay, Dr. Sweetness. Mm-hmm. We’ll hold off on the line until we’re outta here.

Oh, no, no, no. We are gonna have champagne. Oh, when we get out of here, champagne? Mm-hmm. Yeah. When we all get back to Salem, we’re gonna crack open the champagne and we’re gonna party. We’re gonna sing and dance. And you and I,

I’m gonna dance the night away. How about that? Sounds lovely. But the truth is just being with you, even in this old yucky wine cellar, far, far away from home, I’m just. So happy and grateful because you are all I really.

I don’t know how Brady and I can come back from this, but I also don’t know how to give up. I mean, I’ve loved him for so long. I understand that. But I mean, honestly, if you and Brady can’t work it out because of the kid, it’s. I know it’ll be hard for a while, but it’s not like Brady Black is only fish in the sea.

There’s plenty of handsome available men in Salem. Like who? What am I shot tag is. No, but you are the man who left me in the clutches of a Mexican drug. Lord, you were just never gonna let that go, huh? It’s kind of hard to fine. I admit that I have some flaws and I have behaved abominably at times. Now.

Come on. Compared to Brady. Come on. I’m much better looking. I’m more intelligent. I’ve broader shoulders. I’m, I’m wittier wise. I have this charming accent. Still can’t let the lefties die stuff go, huh? No. Still can’t let it go.

Rachel has been playing in a room for hours. I offered to take her out for an ice cream cone and she refused. Is she feeling all right? No, she, she, she. She didn’t want you to know that she was grounded. Oh yeah. I’ve been keeping close track of her because the other day she decided to skip school and then take an Uber to Statesville to see Kristen.

She Ubered to Statesville. She did, and that’s not all, although I, I, I forced Kristen to write a letter to Rachel. Saying that she accepted Chloe and that Rachel should too. Don’t, don’t ask me how I managed to force her to do this. Okay. Okay. It’s a whole nother story, but Rachel, she saw right through it.

And even before the letter, Kristen had done such a good job of convincing Rachel that Chloe was the enemy. I thought we could work through it, but it’s just escalated The other day at lunch, Rachel just told Chloe that she hated her. That she hated her, and out of anger and frustration, Chloe. Right back at her.

Oh, no, no, no. It’s, I don’t know what to do because I want to put my kid first as parent. I feel like I should. I don’t want Rachel to be miserable, but if I don’t fix this thing with Chloe, I’m gonna be miserable. I know. I had the same problem with John and Sammy and me. I, I, I remember how horrible I was as a teenager.

I remember the things that I said to you, but you, you, you took it with patience and grace. You were acting out of pain. That’s exactly what Rachel is doing too. But remember what happened? Hmm? You outgrew. Yeah, but it took years. I mean, you and John, you were, you were, you were married already. You were a solid couple.

There was no way I was gonna come between the two of you, but Rachel, Rachel thinks that with enough anger and enough anxiety, I’ll get back together with her mom and the top it all up, I got Xander moving in on Chloe. Wait, wait. Xander Cook, is there another Xander out? Harley, I just didn’t think he was her type.

Yeah. Whether he is or not, they’re, they’re hanging out. I’m sure they’re just friends, I’m sure for now. Oh honey, I’m so sorry. How can I help tell you what? Could you talk to Rachel? I mean, could I, I think you might be able to get through to her. Of course. I’ll do it right now. Yeah. Okay. Thank doc. Thank you.

Look, I don’t have any expectations. I just, with the exception of myself, I think you might be the one person in the world that can make her understand things well. I will do my best, but please don’t expect any miracles. Hmm. Actually, I think the fact that she has her precious grandmother, Someone to talk to and someone to comfort her.

I think that’s miracle enough. Love you.

My dad is still not picking up at Went street in voicemail. Could have all we. No reception there. Is it the best?

Maggie kept her. Her assistant just sent over a list of Victor’s properties in Greece. I’ll text it to my dad. Oh god, Chad. I mean, I know we don’t have anything concrete, but it feels like we’re getting closer because we are. We’re gonna find your mom’s stuff. What do you mean you’re gonna find her mom?

She’s alive. Hi, mom is alive.

Where do you think be went? I thought he would be eager to supervise my scientific endeavors. Yeah. And I’m surprised he put me in here with you. He must know. I try to break us outta here. Did you ever think we’re getting my brother? I do. I think the real bow is still in there. You know, back at the police station, he threatened me with a knife.

He said he was gonna take my other eye out, but he couldn’t go through with it. Fuck no. Instead, he just hit you with the butt of his gun. Well, he knew I’d be all right otherwise, why would he throw me down here and keep me alive? He’s not thinking ration.

I think that deep down Bo knows he needs us to save him from himself. Do you remember what got through to me and John when Megan messed with our heads? It was love and that’s what’s gonna get through to Bo, his sister, his best friend, his wife, his. He’s gonna feel all our love and he’s gonna come back to us just like I came back to you.

Ah, well, uh, in the good news department, Rachel is busy perfecting her 3D printing skills. Okay. I did ask her about Chloe and she was not. Very receptive. So I will, I will try again tomorrow. Actually. Uh, I know you said that this might be a long process, but time is something I don’t think I have. I feel Chloe just.

I’m slipping through my fingers as we speak. It may already be too late.

It’s amazing. I did it. Bullseye again. I am so good at this. Ah, I think actually you might be a millimeter off. Okay. Either you need glasses or you’re just a sore loser. Me Never. I’m proud of you. To your newfound dark prowess and to both of us for letting over the past and getting on with our wire.

Well, I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Looks like the rumors are true. What rumors? Well, according to Leo, your Salem’s new hottest couple. Looks like he was right.

I am really happy for you, Steph. I can’t tell you what a relief it is for me either. Relief. You barely knew my mom. True. What if she’s alive? Um, at least now I know that I didn’t deprive you. Being able to say goodbye to her. After all.

What’s Seth? It’s an old letter I found from Victor to my mother, a plea to come visit him here in Greece. I don’t think she ever read it. It said return to send her.

Looks like it makes you sad. Yeah, it does. I’m not really sure why. I mean, obviously I’m glad my mom stayed with my pop. I always felt like they had a wonderful marriage. But I find myself feeling sorry for Victor, Kiki. Why? I guess there’s just something tragic about him. Pining after her all these years kind of reminds me of when we found those letters from Emily and Didion.

Yeah. Remember how sad we were that we didn’t think that they would get there happily ever after

they did. And we will too, baby.

You’re right. You’re,

I love you.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Lauren: Hi. Beat me here. I hope you didn’t wait too long.

Christine: Not at all. How are you?

Lauren: I am numb. I’m– uh, all cried out. For now, anyway.

Christine: So many people are in so much pain.

Lauren: I can’t believe she’s gone. I mean, this never should have happened.

Christine: I absolutely agree.

[ Cell phone buzzes ] I’m so sorry. I just have to take this. This is christine.

Chance: Hi, it’s chance. We got the tox screen back from phyllis’ blood sample.

Christine: And can I assume the results, based on the fact that you’re calling me at all?

Chance: Fatal levels of alkaloids in her blood stream, possibly from strychnine.

Christine: Poison?

Chance: Yeah. Christine, this is officially a homicide investigation.

Christine: Okay. Make me a case. I’ll take it from there.

Chance: Yeah, I’ll be in touch.

Lauren: Look at this. Michael took this picture of phyllis and me after a girl’s spa day. We had some bubbly and…

[ Sighs ] I will never understand why the universe chose now to take phyllis.

Chance: Summer. Hey.

Summer: I need your help.

Chance: All right. What can I do for you?

Summer: You and I are gonna expose my mom’s murderer.

Victoria: No, we don’t have to hold back anymore. I’m no longer saving my pennies from mccall unlimited. So if there is some sort of passion project that you want to pursue, or– or maybe some high-end acquisition, then I’d like to hear about it. Great. Yes. Put together a presentation and we can bring in finance and marketing and we’ll get a meeting on the books. All right.

Nick: Good afternoon.

Victoria: Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you’d be spending the day with summer.

Nick: I mean, that was my plan but every time I try and talk to her or offer to help with the service, she just tells me to back off and says she’s got it handled.

Victoria: Well, imagine that. The daughter of two unstoppable powerhouses, and… the granddaughter of an unmovable force wanting to take on the world herself.

Nick: What do you think I should do?

Victoria: Maybe don’t hover so much. Just give her a little space and make sure that you keep an eye on her, though, in case she’s taking on too much.

Nick: Yeah. She could also just be going all in as like a coping mechanism.

Victoria: Which is why you’re also at work today, I assume.

Nick: That’s part of it.

Victoria: Well, you know that your boss is not going to fire you for taking bereavement leave.

Nick: Well, you can’t fall behind, vic, with all of your grand plans and your corporate shopping sprees.

Victoria: I’m planning on putting some of my purchases on hold for a while.

Nick: Really? You waiting for a bigger fish to come along?

Victoria: No. No, I’m waiting for a whale.

Nick: Something bigger than the deal you just passed on?

Victoria: Gargantuan. There are far more lucrative fish in the sea than mccall unlimited.

Devon: Hey.

Tucker: Hey.

Devon: Come on in.

Tucker: Thanks. I wasn’t sure if you were gonna be up for company after what happened last night.

Devon: I still can’t believe that that happened at all.

Tucker: I know.

Devon: It is– phyllis was one of a kind.

Tucker: Yeah. Just a reminder to live life to the fullest, huh?

Devon: Yeah.

Tucker: Cherish the people around you… and don’t take the time you have left for granted, right?

Devon: Yeah, I agree with every word of that. Is that why you came over here?

Tucker: Yeah. If we’re gonna build a better relationship, we gotta start somewhere.

Devon: Baby steps.

Tucker: Right.

Devon: Yeah. Want a drink?

[ Chuckles ]

Tucker: What’s this?

Devon: It’s apple juice.

Tucker: I see.

Devon: It’s dominic’s favorite.

Tucker: Okay. Is it a good vintage?

Devon: I think so. Check the year.

Tucker: No, that’s right. Uh… family is all about give and take and I have something of relative value that I would like to pass on to you. You, um–

Devon: You’re talking about wanting me to buy your company as a backup plan in case the lawsuit goes bad, right?

Tucker: It’s the perfect solution.

Devon: Right. Uh. So, you need to know that lily and I had a conversation at the gala, after they had the dedication to neil.

Tucker: That was a beautiful gesture, by the way.

Devon: Yeah, it really was. And it made me stop and realize just how important family is. And for me that’s lily. So, she and i talked things through and that is why I will not be buying mccall.

I have type 2 diabetes,

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Tucker: [ Sighs ] Given that bit of news, you wouldn’t happen to have anything stronger than apple juice, would you?

Devon: Listen. I know it’s– it’s not what you want to hear but it is what it is.

Tucker: What is it, exactly? I’m trying to understand your thought process in this.

Devon: Yeah, I’m gonna be going back to work at chancellor winters, so I’m not gonna need to buy mccall unlimited.

Tucker: It is– it’s terrific news about you and lily mending fences. I– I mean that and, um, I’m happy for you.

Devon: Thank you.

Tucker: Um. But… do you really think there’ll be any lasting peace between you with the company going public?

Devon: It’s not gonna be an issue anymore.

Tucker: Since when?

Devon: Since jill decided to keep chancellor winters a private company.

Tucker: Oh. Well, congratulations all around then.

Devon: Thank you.

Tucker: Correct me if I’m wrong, but… that wouldn’t preclude you from acquiring mccall on your own, would it? Having a little something on the side.

Devon: I don’t– I don’t want to have anything on the side or any easy way out. This is my family company.

Tucker: Yeah. Leaves me on the horns of a dilemma, however. What to do with mccall?

Devon: Well, actually jill said that she would buy your company if you weren’t included in the deal.

Chance: Summer, you have more than enough on your plate right now.

Summer: Look, just hear me out. I know that it might sound crazy, but I am convinced that my mom’s death was not an accident and I’m not gonna give up until I know the whole truth.

Chance: We are investigating every possibility.

Summer: What if stark married her for her money and then he killed her to get it?

Chance: That’s the theory that your working with?

Summer: Well, diane has got to be involved. This feud has been going on for decades. She left town in disgrace. She had years to plot her revenge. She threatened my mom’s life the very same night that she died.

Chance: And you don’t think that could have been a coincidence?

Summer: Don’t you owe it to us to find out for sure?

Chance: That is what I plan to do, summer.

Summer: I know how to find out the truth.

Chance: Summer, I can’t let you get involved in a police investigation. Okay? Not only could you compromise the case but if anything would happen to you–

Summer: Just come to my mom’s memorial service. That could be part of a murder investigation, right? Come, see who shows up, study their demeanor.

Chance: Yeah, that is something that we are interested in doing.

Summer: Everyone who cared about my mom is gonna be there and people who wanted her dead. It’s guaranteed to be emotional. Tears, sadness, disbelief, and you’re gonna be there to see it all. Okay? Watch the mourners’ reactions. Study their behavior. Watch diane.

Chance: Summer–

Summer: No. No one was closer to my mom than I was and she tried to warn me. She tried to warn all of us and we just– we ignored her. We refused to believe her. She must have felt so alone and I know how that feels right now. Look, you don’t have to believe me. Just be there. Watch diane. Find the evidence and make her pay.

Chance: Okay. Listen. There’s something you should know.

Lauren: The gala wasn’t supposed to end that way. Phyllis’s life was not supposed to end in that moment. She had so much more life to live… with her kids, her– her grandkids and her new career path. I mean, she was always reinventing herself, from… the computers and the cosmetics and the magazine and the hotel. And I always held out hope that she would find… her true love. And then years down the line, we would be sitting in– in our caftans, poolside, drinking martinis and laughing. And talking about the extraordinary life that we had lived.

Christine: It’s, uh, heartbreaking… to lose someone. Yeah, you– you lose their laugh, their support…

[ Chuckles ] Their bad taste in movies. But most of all you, you… you miss the future that you expected to share together.

Lauren: I don’t think that we’re talking about phyllis anymore.

Christine: Uh, maybe not.

Lauren: Oh, honey. Are you ready to talk about what happened with paul? I– I mean, unless you think I’m overstepping.

Christine: Can friends really overstep at this point in our lives? I mean, we– we know each other so well and I know… that you’re hurting over phyllis.

Lauren: But you’re hurting too. So, talk to me.

[ Sighs ]

Christine: Paul and I had something really special, for a really long time. But now, that– that time has come…

[Staggered breath] To an end. Living with metastatic breast cancer

Victor: Hey, baby.

Nikki: Poor lauren. She’s really broken up about phyllis. A lot of people are.

[ Sighs ] So, what do you think you’re gonna have?

Victor: Oh, I don’t know.

[ Sighs ] What goes best with ungrateful daughter?

Nikki: Oh, victor. What were you expecting from victoria?

Victor: Loyalty, sweetheart. Loyalty. It’s as if she enjoys going up against me.

Niki: That is not true.

Victor: Yes, it is.

Nikki: She was merely making a sound business decision. You can’t take that personally.

Victor: Let me explain something to you. She refuses to buy mccall unlimited. Not because it’s good business, simply because she doesn’t want adam to be at the helm of it.

Nikki: I can see how upset you are about this. But I love how you’re allowing victoria to run newman enterprises without your assistance.

Nick: Well, I can’t say that I’m mad that the mccall deal isn’t moving forward.

Victoria: You were never a big fan of the idea.

Nick: No. But last time I talked to you, you were ready to go all in. What changed?

Victoria: Well, many factors played into my decision. Too many competing interests, too much interaction with tucker. It was just gonna be more trouble than it’s worth. That’s all.

Nick: Huh. You know, it’s a shame that nobody mentioned that much earlier in the process that those were the potential hazards or that you would be better off putting all of your energy and passion into a much more lucrative project.

Okay. Fine. You were right all along. I should have listened to you. Moving on.

Nick: No, no, no, no. Let’s– let’s not rush this. Let’s enjoy this moment. It feels great. So, how did dad take the news that you’re not buying this company for adam to run on his own? Is he on board with this?

Victoria: Oh, no, quite the opposite. And he’s making his disapproval terribly clear.

[ Chuckles ]

Nick: I do not like that smile.

Victoria: Nothing. I was just thinking about how I told dad that if he really wants to give adam a shiny new toy that he can break, well, he can buy him mccall unlimited with his own money. But I am keeping newman very, very far away from that disaster.

Tucker: Now, the deal was devon… to sell to you. Not jill. Not lily. You.

Devon: And why does that matter to you?

Tucker: Because I want it to be a family company. I– you’re my son. And I know that you don’t have much… loyalty to me, but… I want to be a part of your life. I wanna be a part of my grandson’s life and future.

Devon: Well, listen, man. I’m sure that you and I can figure out something. It’s just when it comes to doing business together–

Tucker: The thing is that– that… that I think you need mccall as much as it needs you, because, now, you can like it or not, you and I are cut from the same cloth.

Devon: I don’t–

Tucker: Yes. Yes. No, you are a lone wolf like me. You work best when you’re the one calling the shots, because you– you go with your gut and you follow your instincts. Which were spot on, by the way, when they told you to pull out of that chancellor merger. Right?

Devon: Right. My instincts are telling me right now that I need to get to my next meeting.

Tucker: Wait. Wait. Hold on. No, no, sit down. I wanna talk to you more about it.

Devon: I have nothing left to say to you. Okay? I’m sorry I’m not gonna buy your company. I appreciate you offering it to me. I’m sure you’re gonna figure out what to do with it. And as far as having a relationship with me and your grandson, just keep showing me that you’ve actually changed.

Tucker: I have changed.

Devon: All right. Like I said, there’s somewhere I need to be.

Chance: I’m gonna share some information with you. But I want you to promise to leave the detective work to me. I can’t have you snooping around, jeopardizing this case. You’re not nancy drew. So, leave it alone fine.

Summer: Fine.

Chance: Now, take a breath. Prepare yourself. This is gonna be tough.

Summer: Just say it.

Chance: We ran a toxicology test on your mother’s blood and we found a lethal amount of poison. Now that is all the details that I have right now. But what I can tell you–

Summer: So, it’s true.

[ Exhales ] She was having trouble speaking. She couldn’t stand, and… someone did that to her and they watched it happen.

Chance: The me says that the symptoms do line up with a severe case of poison.

Summer: It was diane.

Chance: We don’t know that.

Summer: Come on. They were up in that suite alone before they started fighting. It would have been the perfect opportunity for diane to poison my mom. Do they know her cause of death? Was it the accident, or–

Chance: The amount of toxins found in her blood was at a lethal level. So that is the probable cause of death.

[ Breathing shakily ] Hey. I understand this is a lot to take in right now. But summer, I really need you to understand that I am at the beginning of this investigation. So, I have to insist that you keep this between us.

Summer: I just found out that my mom was poisoned and you want me to keep it a secret?

Chance: If the truth gets out before I build a case, it could hinder our ability to get a conviction. That’s it.

Summer: How long?

Chance: Until I get more answers.

Summer: Oh, my god. Everybody has been trying to tell me that it was just a medical issue and then the accident. But I knew– I knew that that was wrong.

Chance: Can I count on you to keep this between us?

Summer: Can I count on you to be at the memorial service?

Chance: Summer, it’s your mother’s celebration of life. Do you really want to make that a part of the investigation?

Summer: Are you kidding me? She would love it. All the drama, the excitement. Besides, you already know all the players in her story. So, everybody’s gonna be comfortable around you. Chance… if you want to find my mom’s killer, that is where you need to be.

[ Sighs ]

Chance: All right. Let me know when and where.

Summer: I’M… saving those details.

Chance: Oh, so I guess you can keep a secret.

Summer: I’m just trying to prevent any of her enemies or… the media from causing any trouble.

Chance: Huh. Interesting choice.

Summer: I’ll let you know the details when the time is right. Will I see you?

Chance: Look, I can’t make any promises with any of this… but I’ll see what I can do. Not flossing well?

Victor: Baby, by telling me how impressed you were with my hands off attitude towards victoria, you’re also telling me you don’t want me to interfere in whatever she does.

Nikki: Darling, I would never presume to tell you what to do.

Victor: No, you would just… gently suggest it.

Nikki: Well, that’s what marriage is, a series of gentle suggestions.

Victor: What if I have a suggestion of my own for you?

Nikki: Well, I don’t need them because I’m already perfect.

Victor: Oh.

Nikki: And that is what you always tell me.

Victor: Oh, I forgot, baby. I forgot. How can I forget.

Nikki: And I know that you will stay out of victoria’s way because that is the smart thing to do.

Victor: Well, I can assure you that under no circumstances, will I interfere in what victoria endeavors to do. However, adam needs my full attention. More than any of his siblings. He is my priority.

Lauren: And being your friend for so long, you can’t convince me that you’re fine when I know you’re not. Tell me what happened.

Christine: Things have been off for months. Maybe longer. His frustration with his work and–

Lauren: I thought his retiring was so he could enjoy this next phase of his life.

Christine: In theory, yes. But… you know, the build up… to get to that decision was… intense. And then at christmas–

Lauren: You guys went skiing and you barely made it home in time to see danny.

Christine: Yeah, we went away to see if we could fix things. Not so long after we realized… we couldn’T.

Lauren: I’m so sorry. And I’m really glad you’re opening up about this now.

Christine: Yeah. It just felt really… strange to talk about it. And now, you know, paul’s in portugal and I’m back in the da’s office, so.

Lauren: You know that michael and I love you both. Right?

Christine: I do.

Lauren: And we’re here for you. Oh, honey. And if you want to complain about paul. I mean, honestly, who better to. Who would understand more than me, right? And if you want to talk, cry or scream, you call me. I’ll be there for you.

[ Sighs ]

Christine: Thank you.

[ Jeremy sighs ]

Chance: What are you doing here, stark?

Jeremy: In my late wife’s suite, collecting her belongings. What are you doing here?

Chance: Looking into all potential evidence, which I’m sure you can appreciate.

Jeremy: And just now you’re coming to this room? I guess you’ll have an arrest by the end of the year.

Chance: Arrest for what?

Jeremy: I told you. Diane. She was responsible for phyllis’ death. Now, I don’t know how, but she did something. So, I guess you’re here collecting more evidence against her.

Chance: Yeah, we got all hands on deck, don’t you worry about that.

Jeremy: I want to see everything you’ve uncovered so far. I want to know your next steps.

Chance: Yeah, I forgot that’s how it works. I usually share every facet of my investigation with ex-cons.

Jeremy: Well, I’m her husband. Doesn’t that count for something?

Chance: Yeah. Sure. You get a mention in the obituary. You know what? Now, that I got you here, stark. I’d like to ask you some questions.

When moderate to severe

ulcerative colitis

“The young and the restless”

will continue. (Lucky) uh-oh the magic’s disappearing!

Devon: Mr. Newman.

Victor: Hey, devon.

Devon: It’s good to see you.

Victor: Yeah, please have a seat.

Devon: Thank you very much.

Victor: How are you, my man?

Devon: Doing well.

Victor: Probably wondering why I asked you to join me.

Devon: Oh, I have a couple of guesses.

Victor: Oh, yeah. Why don’t you give me an update.

Devon: What would you like an update on?

Victor: Well, my grandson, for one, and then what’s your involvement now with chancellor winters?

Devon: Your grandson is doing fantastic.

Victor: I’m glad to hear that.

Devon: Really fantastic. He’s getting bigger by the minute. And, uh– I think you’ll be happy to hear that, after some careful consideration, I’ve decided to drop the lawsuit and give my partnership with lily another try.

Victor: Well, that’s great news. All I can tell you is that, you know, family working together, there’s nothing like it. Primarily when it’s successful.

Devon: Yeah. Well, you seem to swear by it.

Victor: Yeah.

Devon: But, uh, I know that your interest in chancellor winters goes a little beyond friendship.

Victor: How do you mean that?

Devon: I mean that there’s only like a handful of people in town with the kind of money to invest enough to get jill to forget about the ipo.

Victor: Hmm. Well, it isn’t even a handful, you know.

Devon: No.

Victor: You know one person.

Devon: Yeah.

Victor: You’re looking at him.

Devon: I thought so. Now, uh, did you invest for the reason I think you did?

Victoria: I don’t believe you. Dad is bending over backwards for somebody who despises us. That doesn’t bother you?

Nick: Vic, he’s like any other father out there trying to help his kid navigate some tough terrain. Would you do any different for katie or johnny?

Victoria: Adam is a grown man.

Nik: Does it matter? I know there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for summer right now… or you.

Victoria: There it is.

[ Sighs ] One of your insufferable qualities. Any time I’ve tried to push you out of my life, any time I’ve asked you to leave me alone, you’ve… always refused to give up on me.

Nick: Stubborn, I guess. Runs in the family, you know.

Victoria: You know, that’s what summer needs right now.

Nick: Yeah, she said–

Victoria: No. She’s lost her mother and her best friend. So no matter what she says, she’s never needed you more, nicholas.

Nick: Yeah, I’ll… try to track her down–

Victoria: No, no. The rest of the world can wait. Summer needs you right now.

Chance: Well, I spoke with the county register. I confirmed your marriage to phyllis.

Jeremy: Well, I hope that means you’ll be trusting me now.

Chance: Are you aware that she signed a new will? Had it notarized?

Jeremy: Well, that’s nothing new. A new marriage and all.

Chance: Where you stand to inherit a very large portion of her estate. That’s a big chunk of change.

Jeremy: I haven’t even had time to grieve. Why would I be worried about paperwork and finances?

Chance: That’s a good question.

Jeremy: So, you’re probably working on a theory, detective. So, tell me, why did I marry phyllis?

Chance: The money. You needed it. She had it. You convinced her that you two are a lot alike, wanted the same things. And she was lonely enough to believe you. And then you were in such a hurry to get your hands on your new inheritance, that you terminated your new bride. Now, if you could frame diane at the same time… that’s even better. Right? Keep it quilted means you keep it the best…

Victor: Neil winters was a good friend of mine. Wish he was still around. Having said that, as a father… I have also been witness, unfortunately, to a lot of fights between my kids, you know.

Devon: Yeah.

Victor: So I’ve decided I want to bring peace, wherever I can.

Devon: Well, that’s very kind of you.

Victor: Yeah.

Devon: That is. You didn’t also do it to get a foothold in our company, did you?

Victor: Well, don’t you worry about that because I’m mostly concerned with newman enterprises and will remain concerned about that. Okay?

Devon: Okay. What about down the line when we, uh, may become rivals?

Victor: It’d be great.

Devon: Yeah?

Victor: Just remember that I have an advantage. I invested in both companies. So it’s a win/ win situation for me.

Devon: This is true.

Victor: You know what I’m saying?

Devon: Listen, I also– I appreciate you looking out for my and lily’s relationship and for also wanting to honor neil the way you did with that tribute. It was very, very kind. Um, but… I had thought that you may have invested to keep me from buying mccall unlimited.

Nikki: Well, how’s my favorite granddaughter?

Summer: I, uh, promise not to tell faith that you said that. Grandma, what are you doing here?

Nikki: Darling, even the strongest people need someone to lean on at a time like this.

Summer: Do you feel better now?

Nikki: Yes, I do. Thank you for humoring me. So, what are we doing?

Summer: Um, I’ve got it all covered. At least 95% of it.

Nikki: Planning phyllis’ memorial?

Summer: It’s the last thing that I’ll be able to do for her. So… it’s gotta be perfect.

[ Knock on door ]

Nikki: You want me to get that?

Summer: I’ve got it.

Nick: Vic made me track you down.

Summer: Is this whole family secretly plotting against me?

Nick: Yeah, I guess we are.

Nikki: Yes, we are secretly scheming to show you how much we love you.

Summer: Well, your secret’s out.

Nick: Summer, we’re here and we’re family. You don’t need to put a brave face on, okay? If you need to cry, then just do it.

Summer: I don’t want to cry. I’m not sad. I’m furious. It’s just not fair. I don’t know why this had to happen to her.

Nick: It’s just a senseless accident.

Summer: No. See, that’s the thing. That’s just it. That is what is driving me crazy and I just– I wish that I could make you understand.

Nick: I know. It’s gonna be okay.

>>Nikki: Darling, I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but… we will get through this.

Jeremy: I would never cause phyllis harm.

Chance: Because of your deep, abiding love, huh?

Jeremy: Well, we never know what could have been. If we’d only had more time. I’m sure our relationship shocked friends and family and certain enemies.

Chance: How did you two, uh–

Jeremy: Find each other?

Chance: Yeah.

Jeremy: Age old story of two lonely souls, both rejected by polite society and who found comfort with each other. But more than that, phyllis thought that I could do what no man could do for her, protection.

Chance: From what?

Jeremy: Diane. Phyllis was afraid of diane and what would happen if they were ever alone together. She believed that diane was more afraid of me and thought diane would keep her distance.

Chance: So you married her?

Jeremy: Phyllis saw what everyone refused to acknowledge. Diane is dangerous. She tried to sound the alarm, but no one believed her. Instead, they chose to excuse and ignore all the hatred that flowed from that woman towards my wife.

Chance: Well, some people might say that was a two-way street.

Jeremy: Phyllis was just telling the truth. Trying to warn her family and friends, nothing more. Diane wanted to silence phyllis and the only way she could would be to destroy her.

Chance: And no one thought that they should contact the police?

Jeremy: Yeah, like some disinterested officer could write it off as some petty disagreement? Why don’t you stop blaming the victim and go out and get the evidence you need to prosecute the guilty.

Chance: That is the plan. So, if you’ll excuse me.

Jeremy: By all means. I don’t want to get in the way of your work. For people who are a little intense about hydration.

Victor: Well, devon. Here’s to you returning to chancellor-winters.

Devon: Thank you very much.

Victor: Yep. Having said that, I have to be honest with you, I would hate to go into a bidding war for tucker mccall’s company.

Devon: Oh, you will not have to worry about that one bit. Because I’ve given it a lot of thought and it’s– it’s just not where I’m meant to be. My heart wouldn’t be in it.

Victor: Your relationship with tucker mccall is difficult, isn’t it?

Devon: Uh, if by difficult, you mean I don’t really trust him, then it’s very difficult. Yes. And as bad as things got with lily…

Victor: You don’t need to add mccall to your list of problems.

Devon: Not the man or the company. So, if you still want it, I’m out. You can take your shot.

Victor: Well.. I would be disingenuous if i wasn’t hoping for this outcome. So, cheers, my friend.

[ Glasses clinking ]

Devon: Cheers.

[ Knock on the door]

Jeremy: What’d you find?

Chance: We’ve been through this, stark. You’re not in the loop.

Jeremy: It’s diane’s room. That’s the room you should be searching.

Chance: I appreciate it. I’ll put it in the suggestion box.

Jeremy: Look, we’re all working on a common goal here, detective. Justice for phyllis. Look, have you any idea what my wife went through? Knowing that the person she feared somehow got to her. Was she still conscious in the ambulance? I mean, was she– was she dead when it caught fire? That’s what I think about. I think about what my wife went through. And you know what? I want someone to pay.

Chance: Did you come all the way back here to tell me that?

Jeremy: Yeah, that and if you want to search my room, it’s available. I assume you’re gonna go after the husband instead of the actual killer.

Jeremy: The last time I searched your room, stark. I scored enough evidence to put you away for a long time.

[ Jeremy laughs ]

Jeremy: We know that was wrong. But this time, do it better. Get the truth and make it stick.

Chance: It’s chancellor. Yeah, I need you to check on a commercial gray bottle of strychnine for me. Serial number h869312. Need to find out where it came from, who bought it.

Nikki: Whenever and wherever you need me, darling, I will be there.

Nick: And get used to having a helicopter dad again. Not because I think you need one, but I know it’s what your mother would want.

Summer: It’s funny. I do, uh, still feel like she’s watching over me.

Nick: Well, that kind of love that phyllis had for you and daniel, it never disappears.

Summer: You know what? I’m glad that you two came over here. It’s inspired me to get this done.

Nikki: Okay, I apologize in advance, but honey, do you need any help?

Summer: No. I just need to nail down the most important part, the location, and then I can make the announcement.

Nick: What is so important about the location?

Phyllis: The jazz lounge? What are you up to, summer?

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GH Transcript Tuesday, April 11, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


it is time to get you to bed. And I’m not taking no for an answer. You need to be rested and ready for your big day tomorrow.



Hey, mom, drew.


What are you doing here?


is something wrong?

Um, we’re here about liesl.

What about her?

Obrecht can still have her bone marrow cells collected tomorrow, right, for willow’s transplant?

It doesn’t look like it. As of now, liesl obrecht is nowhere to be found.

[Soft dramatic music]

Yeah, I need you to track down liesl obrecht’s electronics for a location.

Hey, so what’s so important? I was–had to walk away from a card game with a winning hand.

Scott, I didn’t want to deliver bad news over the phone.

Oh, brother, last time I saw you, I had bad news for you about britt. Now what?

It’s aunt liesl. She disappeared.

She was doing a magic act with–with-

what the devil are you talking about?

Well, she never reappeared, scott. Aunt liesl, she’s missing.

Well, she didn’t text me, so you know what? I’m gonna call commissioner ashford.

I already called the pcpd. And they found a charm that once belonged to britt in a crawl space underneath the stage. The police promised that they’d look into it, but-


but what?

Scott, I have a feeling that we’re gonna have to find aunt liesl on our own.

[Dramatic music]

Robert? My sources at the pcpd told me what happened to anna. Is she all right?

She’s in surgery. What else have you heard?

Ah, I’ve heard that it’s been quite the night here in port charles.

You don’t know the half of it.

We have officers searching everywhere for your child, esme.

[Groans softly] Did–did you find my baby?

Not yet. Just try to stay calm, esme.

How can I do that when someone has my baby?

We found surveillance footage from the building of a man entering the building and leaving.

That–that’s him. He forced his way into the apartment, and then he kidnapped my baby. He–he’s got my baby.

We put out an apb on our kidnapper and made sure our press liaison got his face on every news broadcast.

I’m gonna go see if we’ve got any updates.

Don’t worry. We’ll find your little boy.

[Soft dramatic music]


How could nikolas do this?

He didn’T.

How can you be so sure?

Because I know who did.

How about I make you a deal? I will agree to go with you wherever you want to take me, but then you have to let my little brother go home.

[Laughs] Oh, spencer, you still don’t understand. He is home. And so are you, here with me on the “haunted star.” Look, as long as we have each other, we have everything we need.

The “haunted star” may be our home, at least for now, but I do plan on returning to port charles eventually, even if you have wrecked my reputation by taking ace. There is no way that a judge will grant me custody now.

Oh, spencer, you’re worrying unnecessarily. Ace isn’t gonna fall under the jurisdiction of family court for the simple reason that he won’t be returning to port charles. None of us will.


[Dramatic music]


Maxie’s kids were performing a magic act with dr. Obrecht.

Yeah, I saw it on tv.

Right, so you saw obrecht walk into the vanishing cabinet, and she never reappeared.

Yeah, I mean, she would never disappoint those kids by not finishing the act.

There was a trapdoor at the bottom of the vanishing cabinet.

And also a corresponding trapdoor on the stage, while a piece of britt’s jewelry was found in the crawlspace beneath. This is a piece of jewelry that liesl hasn’t parted with since britt died.

What does all this mean?

[Dramatic music]

The evidence suggests that liesl didn’t disappear willingly.


So what did the cops say?

Well, not much. I mean, there’s several crises that they’re dealing with tonight. And you know what? Liesl hasn’t been missing long enough to warrant suspicion.

[Sighs] So poof, she vanishes in the middle of a crowded ballroom, and also, the cops don’t think that’s important?

Well, they’re-

hey, any luck?

Cops are tracking liesl’s phone and computer. Brick had some luck with the location information, like as far as her earbuds and fitness track.

Well, it seems like you’re more on top of it than the cops.

Well, they’re not refusing to investigate. They’re just really overwhelmed right now. And if we were honest with ourselves, scott, aunt liesl hasn’t been the same since britt’s death.

Oh, come on. So you’re saying that she-

she walked away from her magic act so that she could grieve? That’s horse hockey here, all right? Because she would never ditch her family like that. I’m telling you. Every bone in my body says that she’s in trouble.

What makes you so sure?

Well, ok. I was chucked out of an airplane by a guy that’s obsessed with her, and he’s probably still obsessed with her.

[Ominous music]

Victor cassadine.


Home is where your family is, spencer, myself, your little brother. We’re all we need.

What about my other family? What about my grandmother and uncle sonny and aunt alexis and my cousins?

Those who aren’t with us are against us.

With us? Uncle victor, you’re not making any sense. And I will agree, and I will do what you say at least for the time being because I have no other choice, but I will never agree that i can’t go back to port charles because there are people back there that I care about. And I have a life, one that was starting to get good, really, really, really good!

I heard about lucy coe’s surprise arrival at the nurses’ ball. At least sonny saved her from a pursuer. I know that anna’s been shot. Is there anything else?

Well, let’s just say that sleep’s gonna have to wait. What are you doing here anyway? You working late?

No. I’m checking up on you.


I know how important anna is to you, and I didn’t want you to have to wait for word alone.

If nikolas didn’t take my son, then who did?

It was his uncle, victor.

I knew there was something wrong with that man. I mean, he was so polite and smooth when he came to see me at the hospital, but he kept calling my baby a cassadine heir, and then he came to the apartment, and-

do you think he was planning on taking ace then?

I don’t know, sweetheart. I really don’T. Victor is a treacherous man. He’s ruthless. And to stoop this low, I-

even I’m surprised.

I mean, did–did the police know that he’s involved?

Yes, they do. They absolutely do. It’s just a matter of time before they locate victor and they bring ace home.

I hope you’re right.

Yeah. You know something? I am really proud of how brave you were when you were fighting back for your son.

You sound surprised.

No, no. I’m not surprised at all. I mean, I’ve always known that you’re a very, very determined girl, but it’s nice to see that determination flipped around towards something good in service of somebody else.

Look, I–I don’t know how the old esme would have felt right now, but all I know is that I need to get my son back.

I know, sweetheart. I want that too.

Would kidnap liesl?

Well, we don’t know for sure that’s what happened. That’s just one theory right now.

Hey, you should sit down. Ok?

Ok. Look, you know it’s possible this could be a big misunderstanding. Liesl is very eccentric, right? I mean, maybe she wanted to be alone before the transplant.

Yeah, look, I don’t see obrecht sabotaging georgie and james’ magic act. And what would be the point of leaving the stage through a trap door?

Michael’s right. It sounds to me like liesl’s in danger. Nina and maxie must be out of their minds with worry.

This is textbook victor cassadine. He’s held liesl hostage before, and he’s done it again probably. And we know he’s behind lucy’s disappearance, even though we can’t prove it.

Nothing victor cassadine does surprises me.

Listen, I don’t understand all this mumbo jumbo technical stuff, but maybe your bodyguard, brick, you know, maybe he can check liesl’s devices, maybe it pinged somewhere by the cassadine-

tower or anything like that.

I’ll let him know.

Ok. Well, I’m gonna try and call her again if that’s gonna do any good.


[Soft dramatic music]

Poor scott. It’s killing him. I’m so worried. Do you think he’s right? Did victor cassadine take my aunt liesl?

I don’t know, but I tell you what. I’m gonna find out.

I really appreciate you dropping by to check up on me, but anna’s gonna be tied up in that surgery for hours, and there’s no point in us both wearing the floor out.

A little distraction can make a long wait a lot easier. So we can talk about the law or sports or, ooh, favorite travel destinations. I know that you have traveled widely for your work, but here’s a question. Where does an ex-spy go to get away from it all?

It’s not gonna work.

Trust me, rob.

Ok. All right. Now there’s this little string of islands in the south pacific. I managed-


[Phone ringing]

Hang on. Hang on. I’m so sorry.


Don’t–don’t go nowhere. Hello? Yeah, what can I do for you? I’m currently at general hospital. Ok, I’ll see you then.

[Sighs] I’m so sorry. Here I ask you to open up, and now I have to dash. I want to hear about those south pacific islands someday though. Oh, it looks like we’re both gonna be working late tonight.

Robert, I need to speak to you.

I was just on my way out. I hope anna’s surgery goes well.

Diane, thank you.

Any time.


All right, do we have an update on victor? Do we have an update on the abduction of esme’s baby? Do we-


both, actually.

It seems the two cases are linked.

Victor’s into stealing babies now? Man, this guy’s a one-man crime spree.

Nina reeves reported liesl obrecht missing. Officers are searching her residence now, but evidence found at the scene of her disappearance indicates a struggle.

[Ominous music]

I chose you, spencer, to help me carry out my life’s mission. Don’t let me down.


I don’t understand.

All in good time. For now, just no more futile escape attempts, all right?

I’m not going anywhere so long as you have my brother.

Well, I’m counting on that. Play your cards right, I might let you see him again. Ambrose, why don’t you show my nephew to his stateroom?

Right this wa-


don’t touch me!

It’s all right, ambrose. I think spencer knows the stakes by now. I’m sure we can trust him to walk out on his own.

Why must family be so challenging?

Not only family, your guest is also troublesome.

Yeah, well, that was to be expected. Spencer’s another matter. I’ve intervened on his behalf so many times you’d have thought I’d have earned his trust by now. But he is young, romantic. He’ll need a little more persuading. As for the other, well, you know what to do.


In here.

There’s a deadbolt on the outside of this door.

Your uncle had it fitted especially.

You’re locking me inside?

On mr. Cassadine’s orders. And if you try to escape, remember that he has your kid brother.

Oh, wait, stop!

Ah! Oh!

[Panicked breathing]

[Laughs] Oh, not very ladylike.

[Soft dramatic music]

[Sighs] I’m only a lady in the presence of gentlemen.

Oh, my dear liesl, saucy as ever. Oh, I have missed this.

Is this a game for you, victor? First you abduct me by air, now water. What’s next?

Oh, there is no next. You’re here to stay.

[Laughs] How much humiliation can a man endure before he realizes a woman isn’t interested in him romantically?

Ah, still the most passionate, fiery woman I know. That’s neither here nor there. No, I brought you here for an entirely different reason.

[Ominous music]

I got nothing from liesl. Where’s sonny?

Oh, he went to follow a lead.

You know, I know he saved lucy, and I’m not a big fan of sonny’s, but, you know, when the chips are down, he’s kind of there, and he’s got resources to help, you know? So-


yeah, and he’s definitely committed in helping us find aunt liesl.

Well, he’s committed to you. He doesn’t want to see you in any pain. And I don’t want to see liesl in any pain. And if that son of a bitch cassadine-


hey, scott, scott, please, don’t-

don’t go to the worst-case scenario yet.

I feel guilty because liesl felt that I was protecting elizabeth at britt’s expense. So had we been together, I might have seen this danger, and I might have been there to protect her. Do you know?

Yes, unfortunately, I do know what you mean. I understand all too well.

Nina and maxie will be devastated if something happens to liesl. So will georgie and james.

Willow… only you would be thinking about everyone else instead of yourself right now.

Everything possible is being done to locate liesl right now. What you need to do, you need to focus on preserving your energy.

He’s right. You need to rest. And I know it’s gonna be hard, but you cannot stress. You have to be strong enough for the bone marrow transplant when liesl is found.

Do the police have any leads?

All we know is that they’re investigating.

Not only the police. Sonny’s involved too.


Boss, I’m over here. Well, your call was a surprise. What can I do for you?

The guy who tried to kill lucy coe is at the pcpd at this moment. He has information that I need.

I’m sure he’s being questioned right now.

Yeah, but he’s just gonna stall while we-

look, this is-

we got to get to him now because lives are on the line.

What do you need from me?

I need you to persuade him that we need to find victor cassadine.

What am I gonna offer him?

The best lawyer money can buy.


He’s not gonna talk to the police, but if you’re defending him-


I’m sure he’s already got representation, courtesy of victor cassadine.

I doubt it. He failed his mission. Cassadine’s gonna kill him. He is our only hope to finding victor cassadine. So…

[Whispering] If anybody can get him to spill the beans, I know you can.

Victor’s always had this thing for liesl obrecht. Two years ago, he abducted her and took her to a compound he has in crete.

The wsb gave him immunity.

Yeah, it’s not their finest hour. But I think he’s getting ready to pull out of port charles for good, and he’s taken a few people with him that he thinks are important. Whether they want to go or not is another thing altogether.

Well, he made a big mistake letting lucy get away. And now we’ve got the guy who tried to kill her in custody.

Victor’s getting sloppy, not to mention reckless. I’m sure he knew that shooting anna would spark a big retaliation. Well, she’s gonna be tied up in surgery for a while. My phone is on. Anything you guys hear, and I do mean anything, I want to know about it.


Most men treat a woman to a nice dinner, take her to the movies, but you-

you have your henchmen abduct me in the middle of the nurses’ ball? Why am I here, victor? Enlighten me.

You are a woman of considerable expertise, liesl. But your talents were wasted in port charles. However, soon, your skillset will be employed in the service of a much greater endeavor.

And what would that be?

I plan on finishing the job my brother and i started 40 years ago. Now, can I count on you to behave yourself?

Of course not.

Oh, for heaven’s sakes. You’ve nowhere to go. Start acting with some decorum, or you will not make it to our destination.

I won’t reach the destination you have in mind. I’ll be found long before then!

Oh, how? I’ve had the ship’s vessel tracker left on a buoy. Might as well be a ghost ship.

Then you’ll be the first ghost. You have pushed me too far.

Get–get her off me!


Spencer, where are you? Please, call me the minute you get this message.

[Device beeping]

So you think that maybe spencer might be ignoring your calls because… he might have helped victor kidnap ace?

No, I don’t think that. I told you. Spencer would not do anything like this. My fear–my fear is that spencer is in as much danger as baby ace is right now too.

[Suspenseful music]

[Soft footsteps]




Well, rumor has itthe cat’s got your tongue. Hm. Well, that is your right. But I have a few ways of making you change your mind. Don’t–don’t worry. I’m not gonna rough you up yet. I’m here to make a deal.

I’ll make you a better one.

Commissioner, dante, how’s anna?

No news from the operating room.

Ok, what’s the next steps? How–what do we got to do to nail victor cassadine?

What if nikolas cassadine’s disappearance is related to victor’s? Did nikolas go into hiding and ask his uncle to deliver his son ace to him?

What about ace?

Esme was at home alone with ace at laura’s apartment, and a man forced his way in, knocked out esme, but we got security footage. We got an image of the guy. Turns out he works for victor cassadine.

Lucy, anna, obrecht, now ace…

[Tense music] We got to stop victor.

Thank you for coming in-person to tell us about liesl, and for everyone’s efforts in finding her.

Yeah. Look, if you need anything, please let me know. I can even take wiley and amelia in case you need to rest.

Yeah, the kids can come and sleep at the main house if you want and hang out with scout and leo. You know scout can’t get enough amelia.

Thank you. But I’m fine, really.

If you change your mind, the door is always open.

If you need anything, will you call me?


I’m here for you, both of you.

Thank you for everything.

[Somber music]


[Sighs] Hey, look, willow, it’S… it’s ok if you’re not fine, whether that’s fear, disappointment, anger, frustration, whatever it is, it’s ok to feel.


And we got to track down victor and fast. He’s abducted an innocent child. If he’s got liesl obrecht, that means willow’s life is in the balance too, right?

Do you think this is related to fugitive nikolas?

It’s possible. If victor’s hoping to make this a family exodus, he may try to enlist other cassadines, even by force.

Cassadines like alexis and sam, kristina, and molly.

Pretty clear that ace and i aren’t safe here in port charles.

Victor will be found, and he will be punished, and you have more support and protection here than you would on your own.

You know what? Maybe I–I can’t keep ace safe anywhere, but I have to try, and as soon as I get my baby back, I am taking him far away from here.

Oh, my god, trina. Get in here. Are you ok?

Thanks for the warm welcome.

Oh, my god. Are you all right?

I’m good. And to answer your question, I followed you here.

Why? Why would you do that?

Because I had a feeling you were in trouble. And, god, was I right. Victor is going crazy.

Yeah, he has ace.

And dr. Obrecht.

What? What the hell? Why–why does he need obrecht?

I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out later. If that guard comes back and sees the deadbolt unlocked-

let’s just get off of this floating prison now, please.

Trina, trina, I want to. I want to.


I want to, but I can’t right now.

Liesl, I can make thiseasy for you or hard.


Hmm. There was a time when that might have caused a stirring in my loins. But right now, it’s just annoying. You know me well enough to know that I mean business.

I know you well enough to realize that I want nothing to do with whatever demented plot you have in mind.

Oh, liesl, liesl, liesl, we don’t have to be antagonists. Work with me, and your family, whatever’s left of it, we’ll be safe and unharmed.

Are you threatening maxie and my nieces, nina and willow, my grandson james?

All of the above. And I’ll throw in scotty baldwin for good measure.

I understand what you mean. You know, sometimes you feel an outsider looking in with the people that you love. And like sonny, he will share with me his emotions, but he won’t necessarily share what’s happening in his business.

I don’t think we’re talking about the coffee business.

And then willow, she’s the opposite. She will tell me her condition, but she won’t-

she won’t share her heart.

I’m sorry. I’ve been so concerned about liesl, I-

I forgot about you. Your aunt is missing. Your daughter needs a life-saving surgery that can’t happen if we don’t find liesl.

I know. What if I never get a chance to be a mother?

Oh, willow, it’s not-

it’s not self-indulgent to worry about your situation. If you feel resentment, I won’t judge you.

[Tender music] If you feel defeated, I will-

I will bolster you, ok? Just–just talk to me. Ok?


Do me a favor?

Yeah, name it.

I could really use some warm cocoa. And if you want to shoot the moon, whipped cream would be welcome.

Ok. I’m on it.



Willow has been through so much.

Yeah, and she’s so selfless. And after everything she’s been through, she’s thinking about everybody else first.

She’s remarkable. And so is her support system.

I don’t feel like I’m giving her much support. I feel so helpless right now.

Drew, we can’t do a thing.


Please don’t make any hasty decisions, esme, especially after a head injury.

You think because I got knocked on my head that I don’t know what’s best for my son?

No, that’s not what I’m saying. You have been through a major trauma. Your body right now is in fight or flight. So all of your-

your fears and your anxieties are heightened right now, esme. And on top of that, you may have a concussion. So right now, what you need to do is just breathe and take it easy. We need to focus on your health so that when ace comes back, he will have his mother at her best.

That is the most important thing, that ace does come home.

He will. Listen, I’m gonna go find your doctor. I want to see if he has any results from your test.

[Somber music]


The pcpd will clear anna’s name in lucy coe’s shooting, but as an officer of the law, I can’t condone anna’s escape or her months spent as a fugitive. But I do admire the people who went so far to help a friend.

All right, alexis, sam, and her sisters, they are fine. They will stay vigilant.

I heard about esme’s baby. You must be out of your mind worried for your grandson.

Grandsons, plural. Spencer may have also been taken by victor against his will.

Son of a bitch.

I know.

I just want you to know I’m already on it. Don’t worry.

What the hell is going on here, diane? This guy–this guy here, he tried to kill lucy. He works for the guy who shot anna, and he stole a baby.

Stole a baby? What baby? Come on. If you want my client to give you information, you have got to do the same. Quid pro quo, robert.

One of victor’s other employees stole spencer cassadine’s baby brother.

Spencer must be devastated.

Now do you get what’s going on around here?

More than ever, which is why I’m gonna need you to refrain from questioning my client.


I’ll handle this.

How does this garbage bag turn out to be your client? What’s going on, diane?

You asked me to trust you when we broke into victor cassadine’s room at the metro court hotel. Now, I’m gonna ask you to do the same. Can you do that, robert? Can you trust me?

[Soft dramatic music] Thank you.


I cannot abandon my baby brother. I don’t know which state room he’s in, but I do know that the nanny from hell is guarding him.

Look, look, your uncle might be a power mad freak, but I doubt that he’ll hurt a baby. If we get away, we can send back help here.

Trina, even if we were close enough to shore to use a tender to get back, victor could be far enough away that the authorities can’t reach him. How are they gonna find the “haunted star”?

Victor did tell dr. Obrecht that the boat is untraceable. But nobody knows that I’m here. And my phone–my phone doesn’t have reception. I can–I can float around this ship unseen and find a way to raise the alarm.

What, like the phantom of the “haunted star”? Trina, even if you were somehow able to evade those guards, we could be on this ship for days. How are you gonna eat? Where are you gonna sleep?

I may be our only hope of getting home.

Ok, fine. Then I’m going with you.

And how long before the guards notice that you’ve escaped? If you have to stay put to buy me time. What?

Trina, I am in awe of your bravery, but for once, I really need you to be a coward and not a superhero.


Thank youfor telling me about liesl. You know, we hit a bit of a rough patch, but I’m still crazy about her.

Me too.

Liesl, she’ll be fine. And willow, she’ll be fine. The surgery might be delayed, nina, but it will happen, I promise you.

As her mother, I know that. I know that with my entire heart. And I should be the one telling her that right now.

Someone might see us.

I don’t care.

[Tender music] Look, if what’s happened tonight has taught us anything, it’s that the good things in our lives, they’re not guaranteed, so I want to hold onto the good things in my life while I can.


Willow. What’s wrong? Are you ok?

I was so close, michael. I was so close to forever.


I talked to the doctor, and he wants to keep you overnight for observation. But tomorrow morning when he releases you, I can come back and pick you up and take you back home. I mean, if you-

if you want to. Oh, esme, sweetheart… I wish that I could guarantee you that you are going to be safe 24/7, but I can’t make that promise. You know, as mothers, we all have to come to terms with the fact that we can’t protect our children from absolutely everything. And the same is true as grandmothers.

But, honey, I can make you two promises. One, we will bring ace back home. And two, I’ll make sure that victor is punished for the things he has done.

And you’ll find spencer too?



Ok, then yeah, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow when you pick me up.


I’m so glad.


You know what your biggest fault is, victor?

No, but I’m sure you’re about to tell me.


[Speaks german] You suffer from delusions of grandeur. They’ve led you to failure time and time again, first, as director of the wsb, second, the debacle at crichton-clark, third, the catastrophe on crete. You’re never content with mere power and wealth. Nein. Your exploits must be epic, monumental.

Can you blame a man for wanting to leave his mark on the world?

I can’t when all he has to show for it is a trail of bodies and a family he either causes to hide or forces onto a barge. Like your previous schemes, this one will blow up in your face, pun intended.

Get her out of here!

[Soft dramatic music]

Auf wiedersehen, victor.



Well, you asked me to trust you. Now, I assume that your mission was to extract information.

It was. Sonny, I did as you requested.

Was obrecht taken on victor’s orders?

She was. And if my client had not been apprehended, he was to join his boss on a voyage out of town.


Thanks, diane.

Do you have information relevant to my investigation?


I know where we can find victor.

Britt tried to be a hero, and now she’s gone. Will you promise me that you’ll be careful?

Of course, I will.

I mean it. I can’t stand to lose you too.

You can’t get rid of me if you try.

[Tender music]

All right.

[Tense music]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Ridge: Turn for me, please.

Thomas: What’s that look?

Zende: You don’t like it?

Ridge: I do like it a lot. Comfortable?

Sloane: And fun.

Thomas: It’s boho chic.

Zende: This style really speaks to me.

Thomas: Shows in your work.

Zende: Your design. I just included your notes.

Thomas: Take credit where it’s due, all right? This is a team sport.

Ridge: Quite a departure from the last collection.

Thomas: Yeah. Well, I thought it would be really cool to take one of the old designs and update it. Very poetic, you know. And also show the public we’re a force to be reckoned with. Hey.

Hope: Thomas.

Thomas: You like?

Hope: It’s–

Zende: I think you took her breath away.

Liam: The marketing proposal, can you have that for me like tomorrow, end of day?

Wyatt: I can do one better. How about by noon?

Liam: Also, we have to talk about that cover before we meet with dad.

Wyatt: Oh, he came roaring back, didn’t he?

Liam: Well, ever since sheila went bye bye.

Wyatt: Right. I’m sure the same thing is going on for ridge. Missed all those months of work, right? Oh, you guys had that dinner last night? The family dinner? You and the kids and hope, brooke, ridge. Is he as amped to be back?

Liam: I– I wouldn’t know. Um, change of plans. Hope and i spent the evening alone, so.

Wyatt: Oh.

Liam: Yeah.

Wyatt: Oh, really?

Liam: Okay. Don’t– don’t do that.

Wyatt: Really?

Liam: That’s weird, wyatt. That’s–

Wyatt: Really?

Liam: Can you– can you– wyatt, why are you–

Wyatt: Really?

Liam: Okay, we’re in a restaurant. Please stop.

Wyatt: Am I right?

Liam: Yeah.

Wyatt: Yeah?

Brooke: Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get advances. Yes. Very exciting. And thank you for your enthusiasm.

Taylor: Hello.

Brooke: Hi. Ever since we announced that thomas is coming back as lead designer for hope for the future, we’ve had so much interest.

Taylor: Well, that makes sense to me. Our kids are a brilliant design team. The whole world knows it.

Brooke: I’m just so happy for hope. She’s so excited and she’s so energized.

Taylor: Yeah. Thomas feels the same way really, you know? God, there are so many things to celebrate right now. You know, I’ve been, um– I’ve been curious how your family dinner went last night with ridge.

Brooke: Oh, um… about that.

Taylor: What happened?

Brooke: Liam and hope and the kids, they couldn’t make it.

Taylor: Oh, okay. I’m sorry. So, you had to reschedule?

Brooke: No.

Taylor: No? So, you and ridge had dinner alone?

Taylor: But it was supposed to be a family dinner, really, right?

Brooke: Right.

Taylor: Right.

Brooke: Yeah. I mean, that was the plan. It’s just that at the last minute, hope came in and she told me she decided to spend some time alone with liam instead, and then she arranged these sleepovers for the kids, so.

Taylor: Okay. And so it was– it was just you and old ridgey?

Brooke: Yep. It was.

Taylor: Hmm.

Liam: Yeah, man. I came home to this uber romantic setting, courtesy of my beautiful wife.

Wyatt: Nice. Nice.

Liam: The kids were already at play dates, so.

Wyatt: Place all to yourselves. Judging by that stupid grin on your face, you made the most of it.

Liam: Did indeed. And oh, my god, did we need that.

Wyatt: Yeah. Good.

Liam: Yeah.

Thomas: I think I wanna bring this in just a tad. Make it a little bit more body conscious.

Zende: It’s subtle, but it does the trick.

Sloane: You really are an amazing designer.

Thomas: Thank you.

Sloane: I’d love to hear how you got that way. Maybe you’ll let me buy you a drink some night soon?

Thomas: Ah, well, I think that could be arranged. All right, well, we’re good. Here. I’ll– I’ll give you a call.

Sloane: I’ll be waiting.

Ridge: Oh, boy. To be young again, huh? Have fun, but–

Thomas: Be respectful and be smart. I remember.

Ridge: Okay.

Thomas: Okay.

Ridge: I was concerned about hope for the future, but you guys are pulling it off. I’m impressed.

Zende: It’s so good to have you back. No one gets hope for the future like you do. Am I right?

Hope: He certainly does.

Brooke: Nothing happened. It was just dinner with ridge.

Taylor: God, I cannot believe this, brooke. You cooked?

Brooke: What? God, no. No, I– I didn’t cook. I ordered out from il giardino.

Taylor: Okay.

Brooke: This is nice to spend some time with ridge.

Taylor: I’m really glad that you can be transparent with me about everything, especially when it comes to ridge. Thank you. God, we’ve come such a long way, haven’t we?

Brooke: Yeah.

Taylor: I trust you.

Brooke: I trust you.

Taylor: Good.

Brooke: Look, you have to know this. I take our vow very seriously. Men, they can come and go, but girlfriends, they last forever.

Taylor: Come here.

Wyatt: Thanks. So hold on. Let me– let me get this straight. Thomas caught hope as she fell off a riser in the design office?

Liam: I swear to god, wyatt, if you had seen what I walked in on.

Wyatt: Oh, I would’ve done a lot more than shove him, that’s for sure.

Liam: Yeah.

Wyatt: So– so you and hope, what, cleared things up last night then or no?

Liam: You know what, it was nice. It was really nice to just kinda like table thomas and– and focus on each other. Here’s the– here’s the thing. I know that hope and I are never going to agree on thomas because I look at him and I don’t see a better man. I see a better liar. I see an algorithm that is just learning with every failed manipulation.

Wyatt: So, did you tell hope though? Does she know how you feel about this?

Liam: Of course, she knows.

Wyatt: Okay. Then, unfortunately, you have to trust her. I mean, if she says one more move and thomas is out, then you have to believe that. You have to believe that she’s gonna handle it.

Liam: I mean, I know. I know. I– and– and the problem is I trust hope and I don’t trust thomas.

Wyatt: Right.

Liam: But you know what? It’s nights like last night that make me feel better because she made an effort. She showed up. She– she acknowledged my point of view. She thanked me for my– my– my patience. I mean, it was just– it was– it was really nice. And it– and it– it gives me certainty that thomas isn’t gonna interfere in our marriage.

Thomas: Have you, uh, heard from chief baker?

Ridge: Yeah. No, I talked to him earlier. Sheila still recovering from her heart attack and yeah, she’s gonna end up behind bars.

Zende: I am still blown away that you and bill were able to pull this off.

Thomas: Yeah. Teamwork makes the dream work. We know a lot about that, don’t we?

Hope: Absolutely.

Zende: We sure do.

Ridge: You know what’s nice? Being excited about a line again. Hope for the future, I think, is gonna be better than ever. And hope, I know you had some reservations about rehiring thomas. I think you made the right choice. A strong choice makes you the leader that you are, doing what’s right for the company. You guys make a good team. Ultomiris is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis

Liam: Not to uh, overshare, but hope and I, we have not uh, connected like that in a long time.

Wyatt: I mean, you need that. I’m happy for you guys.

Liam: Yeah, I mean–

Wyatt: What?

Liam: Just– no, nothing. It’s not– there were like a couple of moments where she seemed a little off, I guess.

Wyatt: What do you mean?

Liam: No, she’s not– it wasn’t– I’m overplaying it. It wasn’t– she wasn’t off. She was just like– she would– oh, my god. And then, when it was over, she like got dressed like really, really fast and said she had to go see her mom.

Wyatt: Really? That’s odd.

Liam: Yeah, it was. It was super abrupt and weird. And I don’t know, it kind of freaked me out a little bit. So, I went up to the main house after she did, and I don’t know what she and brooke were talking about, but– but by the time I got there, it was– it was tense. Like hope was tense.

Thomas: So, what do you think?

Hope: It reminds me of, I don’t know, a different time when things were less complicated? I mean, it feels relaxed, comfortable.

Thomas: Yeah. Unstructured, but sensual. You know, that’s what this line’s all about.

Hope: Exactly. I mean, I’ve always been drawn to that sort of style. The– I don’t know, hippie-esque, flowy, ’60s vibe.

Thomas: Yeah. ’60s for sure. ’70s a little bit as well. I mean the– the hippie fashions and the boho were very similar in a lot of ways, but they’re also different. I mean, you know, boho is a little bit more– a little bit more romantic, right? I mean, the boho designs sort of incorporate the fringe and the– the flare, all those kind of things, right? I mean, it’s– it’s– it’s really impressive and cool how you see the– the– the designs expand over time and– and– and that sort of boho get a little bit more artistic and– and kind of complicated in a lot of ways and this is a lot of information you already know and I don’t need to tell you ’cause it’s boring you to death.

Hope: No, not boring. Not boring at all. It’s just– it’s nice to see you so passionate.

[ Thomas chuckles ]

Brooke: So did chief baker call you?

Taylor: He did. He told me that sheila was recovering from her heart attack in the prison hospital and that we don’t have to worry about her anymore. We don’t have to worry about her coming after any of us.

Brooke: Still blows me away actually, that we thought ridge was out there traveling around trying to find himself, and he was right here in town trying to help trap sheila.

Taylor: Yeah, yeah. You know, keeping us safe and most importantly, keeping the futures of our grandchildren safe and secure, which is amazing.

Brooke: He truly is a hero. I– I don’t even know how we can begin to thank him.

Ridge: Well, you’re off to a pretty good start, but don’t let me stop you.

Brooke: Hey, you.

Ridge: Hey.

Taylor: So, how long have you been standing there?

Ridge: Oh, long enough.

Taylor: Okay. So, did you hear me and brooke talking about your– your dinner last night?

Ridge: Maybe, it wasn’t there long enough. No, I missed that.

Taylor: Oh, god. You missed the juicy part. I’m glad you had fun.

Ridge: Yeah, it was– it– it was wonderful.

Brooke: Yeah, it was. If your moderate to severe crohn’s disease

Taylor: So, does it surprise you that brooke and i are friends?

Ridge: Honestly, it’s– it’s gonna take some getting used to.

Taylor: Yeah.

Brooke: Well, it was like that for us too. It was strange, but in a really good way.

Taylor: Yeah, that’s a good way to put it. Yeah, it was. I mean, things are… things are really different now and I’m glad that the two of you had a good time last night. Alone even.

Brooke: Yep. Mm.

Taylor: Yeah. See, in the past I would’ve thought that– that brooke had that whole thing planned out.

Brooke: And nine times out of ten, you would’ve been right.

Taylor: I know.

Brooke: Mm-hmm.

Taylor: But not anymore. Gone are the days when brooke comes downstairs in a sexy nighty to lure you, you know? You okay?

Brooke: Yeah. I’m sorry.

Taylor: We trust each other now.

Brooke: Yeah.

Taylor: Yeah.

Brooke: We do.

Ridge: Yeah. I always wanted you guys to get along and I– I’m realizing that I– I made that very challenging, but you guys found a way to rise above it and um, I admire you for it.

Brooke: Aw. We weren’t sure how you’d feel about this alliance.

Ridge: Hey, I’m behind whatever this is.

Brooke: Yeah.

Ridge: A hundred percent. It means our families aren’t fighting anymore.

Taylor: That’s right. Our kids aren’t gonna have to choose sides anymore.

Brooke: They can make their own decisions. What’s best for them. What they need.

Ridge: Absolutely. I– I saw hope and thomas over there and they were– they weren’t fighting there. There was– there was no weird energy. It was just creativity and they’re gonna come up with a really, really good line. Proud of thomas. He’s working hard and I’m– I’m proud of hope too. She’s giving him another shot.

Taylor: Yeah.

Brooke: Okay. Well, I think I have to go talk to hope.

Taylor: Is everything okay?

Brooke: Yeah. Yeah.

Taylor: Okay.

Brooke: See you later.

Taylor: Bye.

Ridge: You’re not gonna hug it out? It’s another– okay.

Taylor: I know. Maybe, um, I think we’re up next. Family dinner.

Ridge: I would like that.

Taylor: Yeah, me too. And if thomas and steffy and finn and kelly and hayes can’t show up, then well, I’m just gonna cancel, so. I’m kidding. I’m kidding. We’ll be fine.

Ridge: I think so.

Liam: Thank you very much.

Waiter: No problem.

Wyatt: Um, so you didn’t overhear anything? You have no idea what they were talking about?

Liam: No, I have no idea. All I know is that it was something in the air, man. I mean, hope– hope loves her mother more than anything, but she’s made a very particular effort to live a different life from brooke and I think that there’s a small part of hope that just doesn’t wanna turn into her mother maybe? Or, I don’t know.

Thomas: This is zende’s latest design. I think he’s doing some pretty great work.

Hope: Oh, my gosh, yes. I mean, he just needed a little guidance and you know the line so well and exactly what will speak to me. Hell, even better than I know sometimes. I mean, your designs have been inspired.

Thomas: You can say that again. I have felt very inspired lately. Inspired in a lot of different ways. Inspired to be a– a better man, you know. I wanna be the best person I possibly can. The best father most importantly, but also the best brother and the best friend.

Hope: Well, you know, this– this whole gratitude thing goes both ways, right? I mean, you’ve been thanking me a lot for giving you a second chance, but really I should also be thanking you for giving my line another chance. And not just that, but also being a man of your word, actually doing the work. You have– you’ve– you’ve changed. Douglas has noticed it and I have too and I like what I’m seeing. Mom.

Brooke: Sorry to interrupt. I’d like to speak with hope alone, please.

Thomas: Sure, of course.

Hope: Is everything okay?

Brooke: Uh, well, just would like to catch up on our conversation we had the other night. Some of the things that were said. How you don’t want to be like me and fall for the wrong man, the bad boy. But hope, I have to ask since I just overheard some things… are you having feelings for thomas?

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Days Update Wednesday, April 12, 2023


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Update written by Joseph

Eric goes to Sloan’s apartment and finds the door cracked open. Eric rushes inside and calls out for Sloan but Jada comes down the stairs. Eric questions what is going on and what Jada is doing there.

Talia goes to Rafe’s office and asks if Jada is around. Rafe says she’s out on a call and asks if she wants to leave a message for her. Talia says no, but since she’s here, she asks if Rafe and Jada enjoyed their dinner last night. Abe overhears this from outside the door and enters the office, questioning what dinner.

Chanel goes home and tells Paulina that the bakery was busy and almost sold out, but she managed to save some for Paulina and Abe. They joke about her diet as Chanel brings up Paulina seeing the cardiologist. Paulina points out that she was given a clean bill of health. Paulina recalls when she went to the appointment, Chanel said she was going to handle Sloan, so she assumes this is her doing as she shows her laptop with Leo’s latest column about Sloan, titled “Is Salem’s Top Legal Eagle a Total Psycho?”

Sloan goes to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn. Leo asks what her problem is. Sloan says it’s his stupid little gossip column. Leo jokes that she read that and immediately came over assuming it was about her, so that means the story is true. Sloan warns Leo to fix this or she will end him.

Gwen enters the Pub and sees Xander and Chloe together. Gwen remarks that it looks like the rumors are true. Chloe questions what rumors. Gwen responds that according to Leo, they are Salem’s new hottest couple and it looks like he was right. Xander questions what she is talking about. Gwen responds that she walked in and heard them toasting to letting go of the past and moving on, so it’s very clear that they are moving on with each other. Xander tells Gwen that she doesn’t understand. Gwen argues that Xander lied to her when he said he couldn’t be with her because he was still very in love with Sarah, but now she sees he’s cozying up to Chloe. Gwen complains about how Chloe treated her and Leo. Gwen declares that as far she’s concerned, they deserve each other.

Jada informs Eric that she’s here on official police business. Eric asks if anything happened to Sloan. Jada says not that she knows of and explains that she came to question her but she wasn’t around, so she decided to take a look around. Eric accuses her of breaking in. Jada informs Eric that the supervisor let her in when she showed her warrant. Eric asks if this is about the letter. Jada responds that there’s been a break in the case as last night, Paulina received a very threatening text message and she thinks Sloan might know something about it.

Abe questions Rafe and Jada having dinner together, reminding Rafe that they talked about this. Rafe assures that it was very platonic and explains that he ran in to Jada and Talia at the Pub, so they decided to sit at a table together. Rafe asks if that’s against the policy or if he should have fled the Pub entirely to maintain the police department’s sparkling reputation. Rafe introduces Abe to Talia and notes that she was also there the other night. Talia tells Abe it’s nice to meet him. Abe recognizes her name as working with Chanel and helping Paulina through her panic attack. Talia hopes Paulina is feeling a lot less stress now. Abe says not so much because this situation with Sloan is getting to her.

Chanel mocks the idea of the article hurting Sloan’s feelings. Paulina asks if it was Chanel’s work then and told all to Leo. Chanel responds that Leo doesn’t reveal his sources. Paulina says that Sloan will know who gave this to Leo. Chanel feels it’s about time that Sloan realizes that they hit back and this will hit her where it hurts. Chanel states that the only thing Sloan cares about other than making them miserable, is her law practice. Chanel wonders how many people will be looking for a psycho lawyer. Paulina hopes she’s right that this backs Sloan off and that last night’s text will be the end of it. Chanel questions what text.

Leo tells Sloan to chill and asks what exactly she wants him to do. Sloan tells Leo to issue an immediate retraction and admit that he made the whole story up. Leo responds that he got his intel from a very reliable source. Sloan guesses that was Paulina. Leo says as a journalist, he does not reveal his sources. Sloan argues that he’s not a journalist and calls him an insignificant little worm, who is about to have his ass sued for libel. Leo argues that it’s not libel if it’s true. Sloan calls it untrue that she has been harassing Paulina. Leo points out that she has motive and keeps insisting that Chanel killed her mother. Leo calls it a sad story and he’s sure the public would be on her side if she confessed in detail in his column, then they could get the whole town to hate Paulina and Chanel instead of just her. Leo turns on his recorder and suggests that Sloan tell him everything.

Eric argues that Jada has no proof that Sloan sent that text. Jada says that’s why she is here. Eric is pretty sure that Sloan has her phone with her. Jada says she could’ve used a different phone, so she decided to poke around a bit but admits she hasn’t found anything yet. Jada notes that she did notice Eric has his own drawer now, so things must be getting pretty serious. Eric states that he doesn’t need a lecture on why he shouldn’t be dating Sloan. Jada says it was just an observation but she knows it’s none of her business. Jada tells Eric that she just wants him to be happy, no matter who he is with. Eric responds that he wants her to be happy too. Eric then asks Jada if there is anybody new in her life.

Rafe asks Abe if Paulina is okay. Abe responds that she got a clean bill of health but all the harassment and pressure doesn’t let up. Rafe swears to get to the bottom of it. Abe knows he will and asks if he’s heard from Jada on if she was able to question Sloan about the text. Rafe says she hasn’t checked in yet but he will call Abe know as soon as he does. Abe apologizes for before and assures Rafe that he does trust him. Abe tells Talia that it was nice to meet her and says he’ll talk to Rafe later as he then exits the office. Talia apologizes to Rafe for getting him in trouble. Rafe says it’s okay but asks her to stop trying to push he and Jada together. Talia jokingly asks if she was that obvious. Rafe reminds her that he’s a trained detective. Talia jokes about Jada liking him so much. Rafe tells Talia that she heard Abe, he is Jada’s boss and there are rules against this so nothing can happen. Talia calls it a shame because they would make a great couple. Rafe repeats that nothing can happen. Jada asks if Rafe would be making his move if not for the policy.

Paulina shows Chanel the text she got that says “your husband can’t save you”. Chanel can’t believe Sloan sent this. Paulina says it was technically anonymous but they both know it was Sloan. Chanel asks if she told the police. Paulina assures that Abe is taking care of it. Chanel calls Sloan twisted. Paulina adds that Sloan practically gloated when she ran in to her last night. Paulina then reveals that she had another panic attack but claims it was no big deal and she got calmed down. Chanel guesses there is more. Paulina informs her that Sloan mocked her and walked away before knowing she was okay. Chanel calls Sloan a bitch. Paulina assures that she’s fine and that Sloan will get hers eventually, one way or another.

Sloan tells Leo that there is nothing to confess because she’s innocent. Leo suggests she read the comments of his column where everyone thinks she’s guilty. Sloan says that’s why she wants a retraction. Leo argues that it’s too late because the public has already made up it’s mind, so the only way to turn things around is to share her sob story and get people to feel sorry for her. Sloan asks why she would do that when Leo would just twist her words. Leo tries asking her which magazines she used to cut out the letters for the note. Sloan asks why that matters and calls him a hack. Leo urges her to work with him. Sloan demands an immediate retraction by tomorrow or else she will sue him. Sloan then storms out of the room.

Xander tells Gwen that it’s none of her business, but he and Chloe were just having a drink together and there’s nothing romantic going on. Gwen asks what about last night when she walked in and they were in each others’ arms. Chloe explains that she was upset about Brady and Xander was comforting her. Gwen asks about the photo that Leo took of them and shows it to them. Xander asks if Leo thinks he’s using the picture in his column. Gwen says not to worry as she killed the story like Xander did about Leo’s story on Chloe. Chloe points out that she was happy that Xander did that, so she hugged him. Gwen asks if that’s how they shacked up and traded sex for favors. Xander repeats that there’s nothing going on between them and asks why Gwen cares anyways when she’s sleeping with Alex. Gwen responds that she doesn’t care, she just doesn’t like being lied to. Gwen says if Xander didn’t want to be with her, he could’ve just told her instead of making up an excuse about being hung up on Sarah. Gwen calls Xander a coward and tells him to just admit he and Chloe are together now. Xander then gives in and tells Gwen that she’s right. Xander declares he’s fallen madly in love with Chloe and doesn’t care who knows it as he then grabs Chloe and kisses her, shocking Gwen.

Jada tells Eric that she’s not seeing anybody right now as she’s focused on work. Eric hopes she doesn’t neglect her personal life for too long as she deserves to be with somebody great. Jada thanks him and decides to get going. Jada asks Eric to remind Sloan to stop by the police station the first chance she gets. Eric agrees to tell her. Jada hopes Sloan is aware that they have ways to access deleted messages. Eric really thinks Sloan had nothing to do with this. Jada says it would still be in her best interest to cooperate as she then exits the apartment.

Rafe tells Talia that he should get back to work. Talia complains that he’s avoiding the question. Rafe says he will let Jada know that she stopped by. Talia argues that he doesn’t need to answer the question because she can see in their eyes that they like each other and they just need to find a way around the regulations. Rafe tells Talia that there are a lot of people in this town that he trusts and he hasn’t discussed this situation with them, so she shouldn’t be offended that he won’t with her either. Talia jokes that Rafe is right up Jada’s alley.

Abe comes home and sees what Chanel brought from the bakery but Paulina says that’s for later as Chanel went to the Bistro to pick up dinner. Paulina adds that Chanel was pretty upset when she told her about Sloan walking away from her during her panic attack and about the text message. Abe mentions talking to Rafe about that and that he sent Jada to Sloan’s apartment, so as soon as she reports back, he will give him an update. Paulina hopes they nail Sloan to the wall. Abe declares that in the meantime, he thinks they should leave Salem.

Sloan confronts Chanel in the town square and tells her to tell Paulina to stop spreading lies to the reporters. Chanel reveals that she did it, not Paulina, and says they weren’t lies. Sloan warns that if Chanel was the one who talked to Leo, then she’s the one who will go back and set the record straight. Chanel argues that the record is already straight. Chanel accuses Sloan of trashing Paulina’s office and sending the text. Sloan questions what text. Chanel tells her about the text that said “your husband can’t save you”. Sloan denies sending it so Chanel asks who else would send it. Sloan suggests one of the other hundred thousand people that hate that old obnoxious bitch. Chanel responds to that by slapping Sloan. Sloan shouts that she will kill her and attacks Chanel.

Paulina questions Abe wanting to move out of Salem. Abe clarifies that he didn’t say move but just an extended vacation and points out that they never had a honeymoon. Paulina argues that this is about getting away from Sloan. Abe admits that it is and says the police are on the case, so once Sloan is behind bars, they’ll come back. Paulina complains that they would be running away. Abe encourages her not to think about it like that. Abe says she’s under a lot of stress and Paris is beautiful this time of year. Paulina says she would love to but she can’t leave Chanel alone. Abe suggests she come with them but Paulina argues that Chanel won’t leave her bakery for that long which means she has to stay and protect her from Sloan, especially after she got Leo to run that column in the Spectator. Abe is not sure that’s a good idea with what they know about Sloan.

Chanel and Sloan fight in the town square. Chanel calls her a psycho while Sloan says Chanel is the one who killed her mother. Chanel grabs a bouquet of flowers and starts hitting Sloan with them until Talia runs out to break it up. Sloan argues that Chanel started it. Chanel responds that she has no problem finishing it. Talia declares it ends now and warns Sloan to leave before she calls the cops. Sloan remarks that she had no problem filing a restraining order against Paulina and guesses she will have to file one against Chanel too. Sloan then walks off. Tanel checks on Chanel, who shouts that she hates Sloan. Talia sees that Chanel is bleeding. Chanel calls it just a scratch while Talia worries that it could be infected. Talia decides to take Chanel to the bakery where they have a first aid kit.

Jada joins Rafe in his office. Rafe asks how it went with Sloan. Jada informs him that she wasn’t home so she just looked around the apartment and only found that she has crap taste in music and more handcuffs than the department, but no burner phone or cutout magazines. Rafe asks if she left a message. Jada confirms that she did on Sloan’s phone and with Eric. Rafe asks how it went with Eric. Jada says it went how it always does with an ex but she thought it was good thing because she saw him living there with a dominatrix who listens to Coldplay and realized she is over him.

After Xander suddenly kissed Chloe, he asks Gwen if she’s satisfied. Gwen calls him a pig and storms out of the Pub. Xander calls Gwen a nut. Chloe remarks that Gwen was right about one thing, he is a pig, and she then slaps him.

Gwen goes home where Leo tells her that she won’t believe what he just went through. Gwen says he won’t believe her day either as she tells Leo that he was right about Xander and Chloe. Gwen says they were at the Pub and she was showing her cleavage while he was undressing her with his eyes. Leo asks Gwen if quietly walked away but Gwen says she went over to confront them. Gwen adds that at first, Xander said nothing was going on but then he kissed Chloe right in front of her. Leo is happy and exclaims that this means they are winning, leaving Gwen confused.

Xander questions why Chloe slapped him. Chloe argues that he assaulted her. Xander says he just gave her a kiss while Chloe complains that it was in public for someone else’s benefit. Chloe doesn’t like being dragged in to his relationship with Gwen and especially not being used as a prop for his ex. Xander admits she has a point. Chloe asks if he stopped to think for a second about what he did. Chloe complains that Gwen will go straight to Leo, who will put it in his next column, and then Brady will read it. Xander thought she was moving on. Chloe argues that she never said that but it still doesn’t give him a right to maul her in public. Xander apologizes and admits he didn’t think. Xander repeats that he is sorry because he really would like them to be friends.

Jada tells Rafe that she’ll get started on the report. Rafe adds that her sister stopped by to see her and then mentioned their dinner last night in front of Abe. Jada says she will tell her to back off. Rafe notes that he already did that but it did not seem to phase her. Rafe says Talia went from their dinner together to how unfair the policy is and then concluded with how clearly attracted they are to each other. Jada says she’s sorry and she’s mortified. Rafe says it’s okay and he just wanted her to know that Talia clearly hasn’t given up her campaign. Jada assures that she will handle her but insists that she has never encouraged that as she knows there can be nothing between them and that Rafe has no interest in her in that way. Rafe thinks the problem is that he actually is interested.

Sloan comes home and finds Eric cleaning up the apartment. Sloan questions what all this is. Eric explains that Jada executed a search warrant after someone sent Paulina a threatening text message last night. Sloan remarks that apparently she’s already been tried and found guilty. Eric mentions Jada leaving a message that they want Sloan to come to the police station. Sloan complains that she’s getting tired of this. Eric adds that they want her to bring her phone and she better do what they say. Sloan assures that she has nothing to hide and offers her phone so Eric can see for himself.

Talia takes care of Chanel’s wound at the bakery. Chanel jokes that it was good to hire a doctor. Talia comments on Chanel getting in a street brawl and that it really looked like they were going to kill each other. Chanel admits she’s really glad Talia showed up when she did in general. Chanel says when Allie left, she lost not only her girlfriend but also her business partner and she was feeling overwhelmed until Talia showed up and now she’s finally seeing a path forward. Chanel thanks Talia for everything.

Gwen tells Leo that she doesn’t get how she’s winning. Leo encourages that her sexual exploits with Alex have made Xander mad with jealousy, so now he’s trying to make her jealous by stripping Chloe. Gwen remarks that it doesn’t feel like winning to her. Leo insists that Xander is using Chloe so that Gwen will come back to him. Gwen suggests maybe Leo’s plan backfired and now Xander has real feelings for Chloe. Leo admits he hadn’t thought of that.

Xander tells Chloe that he’s really sorry and asks for another chance. Chloe relates to being provoked in to doing something you regret. Chloe admits she’s actually really enjoyed hanging out with Xander and she never thought she’d be leaning on him for emotional support. Chloe jokes with Xander that they are good as long as he keeps his dirty paws away from her.

Jada questions what Rafe just said. Rafe clarifies that if he wasn’t her boss, he would ask her out. Jada responds that she would say yes. Rafe says he thought if they were aware of the situation, they could be more in control of the situation. Jada agrees but thinks the problem is not that he’s her boss because he’s very good and professional. Jada thinks the problem is the policy. Rafe says the policy is still real so nothing can happen. Jada decides to get going now that that’s settled. They say goodnight to one another as Jada then exits the office.

Eric tells Sloan that he doesn’t need to see her phone as he believes her. Sloan states that at least someone does. Eric does have one question and asks why she has baby’s-breath from a bouquet in her hair. Sloan says it’s been a long day and she’s going to shower. Sloan asks Eric to make dinner or order in because she’s not in the mood to go out as she’s had it with the good people of Salem. After Sloan goes to shower, Eric picks up her phone.

Abe tells Paulina that he wasn’t just trying to get her away from Sloan and it’s not that he doesn’t like having Chanel here, but he would like a little alone time with her. Paulina says once Sloan is behind bars, they will be Paris bound and they kiss. Paulina and Abe get the table set for dinner while Paulina decides to text Chanel to find out where she is.

Chanel and Talia are interrupted by Paulina’s text. Chanel says she should get going since Paulina wants her dinner. Talia tells Chanel that she’s all bandaged up and good to go. Chanel notes that they always order too much and invites Talia to join them for dinner. Talia asks if she’s sure as she doesn’t want to intrude. Chanel assures that Paulina loves her and will be happy to see her again. Talia accepts the invite and thanks her. Chanel thanks Talia for the medical assistance and they leave together. After they leave, someone sneaks in to the bakery and pours something in to a bowl of dough to tamper with their product..

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Days Update Tuesday, April 11, 2023


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Update written by Joseph

Alex goes to Gwen’s room at the Salem Inn. Alex says he knows she’s busy but her assistant told him that she was working from home. Gwen says it’s okay and invites him in. Alex says he just needs to vent about his infuriating relative and figured she might understand. Gwen assumes he’s talking about Xander, so she says she is all ears.

Chloe and Xander play darts at the Brady Pub. Chloe talks about her bad last shot and how this time she is closing her eyes to concentrate first. Chloe then throws and hits a bullseye which excites her. Xander congratulates her and they hug as Brady walks in and greets them.

During hypnosis, Marlena asks if Stephanie still hears the sound of her mother’s voice but she doesn’t so Marlena brings her out of the hypnosis. Marlena asks how she feels. Stephanie says she’s fine and asks if it worked. Chad worries that he messed it up by asking who’s name Stephanie heard and thinks he threw it off. Stephanie confirms that she did hear Kayla say a name. Chad asks if it was Thomas Banks, but Stephanie reveals that she’s pretty sure it was Victor Kiriakis. Stephanie confirms that’s definitely what Kayla said. Chad wonders what it means and what Victor could possibly have to do with Kayla’s kidnapping.

Kayla helps Steve up and sits him in a chair in the wine cellar, asking if he’s okay. Steve asks if it’s really her and kisses her as they tearfully reunite.

Alex tells Gwen that he’s sorry to disappoint and as much as detests Xander, he’s here about Maggie, who he calls the boss from Hell. Gwen asks what she did now. Alex says he had an unbelievable opportunity land in his lap with the four prisms that the DiMeras and ISA were trying to get their hands on for decades. Alex says he found out Dr. Rolf had them and he pulled some strings so the prisms would’ve belonged to Titan in the biggest deal of the century but Maggie didn’t understand and made him go crawling back. Alex calls this a catastrophe because they lost and now the prisms will end up in the wrong hands and who knows what they will be used for.

Steve hopes he’s not dreaming and Kayla assures that it’s real as they kiss. Kayla tells him that she’s missed him so much. Steve thought he was going to have to miss her forever and to live without her. Steve calls this a miracle. Kayla asks how badly he’s hurt. Steve questions her worrying about him after everything she’s been through. Steve says he just has a little headache from where Bo pistol whipped him and doesn’t suppose that was a dream either. Steve can’t believe it and talks about Bo being dead for years but there he was alive and then he treated him like his sworn enemy. Kayla explains that Megan brainwashed him so he’s not really Bo and is like a heartless impostor. Steve asks if Bo was working with Thomas Banks in taking Kayla off the island. Kayla doesn’t know anything about that and asks why. Steve informs her that Megan said Thomas was the one who took her. Kayla calls Megan a liar and complains that Bo went rogue and Megan knew it. Kayla figures Megan just didn’t want to give Hope the satisfaction of knowing that Bo is alive. Steve asks if she knows why Bo brought her here. Kayla explains that Bo wants her to use the prisms to create the miracle serum that Dr. Rolf and Megan have been working on. Kayla says she doesn’t even have any idea how to do it, so they are never getting out of here. Steve encourages that so many people are looking for her and they know he’s here now, so it’s only a matter of time before they are found.

Stephanie goes over that they know Kayla is in Greece and Victor is from Greece. Marlena wonders if Victor was somehow involved in Kayla’s disappearance. Stephanie doesn’t know what to think. Chad suggests going straight to Victor directly. Stephanie agrees and adds that they could get Maggie involved to help. Chad assures that Maggie will be on their side.

Gwen tells Alex that she still doesn’t understand why Victor made Maggie the CEO of Titan and argues that she doesn’t seem very bright or have much experience. Gwen insists that Maggie can’t afford to lose Alex because she needs his energy and business sense. Gwen calls him a tremendous asset to the company. Alex thanks her but says unfortunately Maggie thinks he’s a liability so that’s why Maggie is dying to replace him and probably will. Gwen questions who she would replace him with and who would want to take a thankless job. Alex tells her that it starts with an X. Alex says that Xander is miserable as Gwen’s business partner so he’d be happy to abandon the Spectator and make his mark on Titan. Alex adds that Xander would also be punishing him for taking his place in Gwen’s bed, by taking his spot in Titan.

Brady questions what’s going on here. Xander says they are just playing darts while Brady points out that Chloe hates darts. Xander says not anymore as she just got a bullseye. Chloe tells Brady that she and Xander were eating alone at separate tables, so they just ran in to each other. Chloe asks how Rachel is doing. Brady says she’s okay and happy to have Marlena back. Chloe tells him how sorry and ashamed she is of what she said to Rachel and says it’s no excuse but she was so hurt from Rachel saying she hated her. Xander assures that Brady understands, but Brady tells him to stay out of this. Xander argues that if Brady doesn’t understand, that would be very unkind of him since Rachel is being horrible to Chloe. Brady tells him to shut up while Xander continues saying that Rachel has provoked Chloe over and over again until she finally couldn’t take it anymore, lost her temper, and gave Rachel a taste of her own nasty medicine. Brady warns Xander not to talk about his daughter and that he has no idea what she’s been through. Brady adds that Rachel’s mother is in prison, so as a parent, he tries to give her tenderness and understanding. Brady questions how any of this is Xander’s business and then questions Chloe telling him about it. Chloe apologizes but says she was upset and needed someone to talk to. Brady questions confiding in Xander of all people in Salem. Xander argues that he happens to be compassionate and understanding. Xander remarks that he’s glad that Chloe stood up to Brady’s spiteful daughter. Brady calls Xander spiteful and insensitive, arguing that he doesn’t know what it’s like to be a parent so he can’t talk like he does. Brady adds that Xander doesn’t even know how to be a decent human being. Xander brings up that he gave Alex a black eye the other day, so maybe Brady would like one too.

Steve tells Kayla how crushed their kids were to lose her and brings up how Stephanie didn’t make it to the hospital in time before she supposedly died and she was so tortured by that. Kayla can’t wait to see Joey, Tripp, and Stephanie. Kayla worries that Steve needs stitches but Steve assures it will heal fine. Kayla says it’s bad enough that Bo kidnapped her, but now to hurt him this way. Steve insists that they will be fine and Bo will be too. Kayla hopes so but feels that Bo somehow broke away from Megan’s mind control. Kayla talks about all Bo has been through over ten years in limbo with whatever Dr. Rolf and Megan did to him. Kayla worries that Bo is at war with himself because he kept talking about wanting a fresh start and figuring out who he really is. Steve asks if being Bo Brady doesn’t appeal to him anymore. Kayla says she kept trying to appeal to him about their past but Bo didn’t want to hear it and just dismissed it. Kayla adds that Bo wants to build an empire with wealth and power. Kayla thinks it’s all about being Victor’s son or maybe even his clone.

Gwen encourages Alex that Titan is his birthright, so she warns him not to roll over and let Xander take his job. Gwen questions why Maggie would want Xander anyway after he screwed her daughter over. Alex remarks that it seems Maggie has a soft spot for Xander and just forgives him for whatever he does. Alex can’t believe Maggie gives Xander a pass at every turn, but get pissed off at him if he even sits in her CEO chair. Alex stops and apologizes but Gwen tells him to go ahead and insult Xander because she doesn’t care. Alex asks if she no longer has a soft spot for Xander. Gwen asks why should she. Gwen adds that ever since taking a step back from their relationship, Xander has been avoiding her at every turn and didn’t even bother to show up at the office for work today. Alex asks if he at least had an excuse but Gwen says he didn’t call or even bother go give an excuse. Gwen remarks that it’s no mystery where he’s spending his time now and that he’s probably cozying up to Chloe as they speak.

Chloe tries to stop Xander and Brady from fighting. Xander calls Brady arrogant and self righteous, bringing up that he fathered a child with a sadistic psychopath. Brady warns him not to go there. Chloe says that’s enough. Brady agrees and then Chloe tells him he can leave. Brady refuses to leave until he talks to Chloe. Xander asks if Chloe wants to talk to him. Brady argues that Chloe can speak for herself and asks if they can talk. Chloe asks Xander to give them a few minutes. Xander agrees and goes to get another round of drinks. Brady sits with Chloe and says he wants to fix this which surprises Chloe. Chloe cries that she was so terrible to his daughter and feels horrible about it. Chloe says she would understand why that would be a deal breaker. Brady says it doesn’t have to be and that Rachel just needs to understand that Chloe doesn’t hate her. Chloe asks how she could hate Rachel when she’s just a child who has been through way too much lately. Chloe says her heart breaks for her having Kristen as a mother. Chloe adds that she truly loves Rachel and wishes she didn’t see her as the enemy or as the person who came between her and her mother. Brady encourages that they used to have a great relationship. Chloe wishes she could have that again but cries that she can’t take back what she said, so Rachel just thinks of her as the evil step monster. Chloe asks how to change that. Brady says he will talk to her. Chloe offers to write an apology but Brady says he seems to be the only one who can get through to her. Chloe is not sure talking will be enough to get Rachel to see her in a better light, feeling that it’s going to take a miracle. Brady questions if she’s saying she wants to give up because of this issue with his daughter. Chloe cries that she doesn’t. Xander then comes back and asks Chloe if she’s ready for a rematch at darts. Brady then gets up and walks out of the Pub.

Alex questions Gwen about Xander and Chloe. Gwen informs him that she saw them with their heads together the other day. Gwen says she stopped Leo from putting it in his column, thinking he was making something out of nothing, but now she’s having second thoughts. Gwen shows Alex the photo that Leo sent her of Xander and Chloe hugging and asks if that looks platonic to him. Alex says maybe. Gwen says maybe she should’ve let Leo run the story then, especially since he replaced it with something Sloan would have gone mental over. Gwen wonders if Leo was right about Chloe and Xander because after she told Leo it was rubbish, she walked in and saw the two of them in each others’ arms.

Xander tries to encourage Chloe to another game of darts but Chloe doesn’t want to play anymore. Xander blames Brady for making her feel worse. Chloe says she’s just miserable and full of regret and guilt. Chloe adds that Xander threatening to beat up Brady didn’t help. Xander apologizes and argues that Rachel treating Chloe like dirt and Brady doing nothing to protect her from it is outrageous. Chloe argues that there’s nothing Brady can do to protect her from it because Kristen has convinced Rachel that she’s evil and that she’s keeping her from her mother, so now Rachel just wants her out of her and Brady’s life. Xander guesses all he did by nixing Leo’s article was postpone the inevitable. Chloe asks what he means. Xander says from personal and recent experience, there comes a point of no return in a failing relationship. Xander talks about trying to go back to before it all fell apart and trying to make it work, but it’s already over and just a matter of admitting it to yourself. Xander says he could have saved he and Sarah so much heartache if he just let go, but now they are divorced and Sarah can’t even bring herself to live in Salem. Chloe asks if he thinks she and Brady are at the point of no return. Xander responds that it doesn’t matter what he thinks and asks what she thinks.

Brady goes home where Marlena is reading. Brady talks about still getting goosebumps when he sees her because he’s so grateful that she is there. Marlena feels the same and is grateful to be alive and home with family she loves. Brady asks if there’s any news about Kayla. Marlena responds that they may be making progress as Chad and Stephanie were over and they think Victor may be able to shine some light on where Kayla is. Brady questions that. Marlena explains that Victor is not involved in Kayla’s disappearance but Stephanie remembered Kayla saying something about him. Brady says that could be crucial to finding Kayla and offers to talk to Victor. Marlena says they will see how they do and if they don’t discover anything, then maybe Brady can give it a try.

Chad and Stephanie go to the Titan office where Maggie asks what she can do for them. Chad asks if Victor is around. Maggie says he’s out of town. Stephanie says they needed to ask him something. Maggie suggests asking her and maybe she could help. Chad explains that Kayla is in Greece and asks if Maggie can think of any reason why Kayla would bring up Victor’s name when Stephanie asked where she was. Maggie says she can’t be sure but Victor has investment properties all over Greece. Stephanie asks for a list of those properties. Maggie says she has access and get her assistant on it right away. Stephanie says that would be very helpful. Chad thanks her and asks if she can think of anyone in Greece that is connected to Victor. Maggie says they will keep their ears out and if they hear anything, they will be their first call.

Steve and Kayla talk about this being Victor’s childhood home. Steve comments on the smell of goats. Kayla mentions that Bo did encourage her to open up a bottle from the wine cellar. Steve suggests making the best of it while they are stuck here but Kayla thinks he should stick to water and aspirin for his headache. Steve agrees to hold off on wine until they get out. Kayla assures they will have champagne when they get out. Steve agrees that they will party, sing, and dance back in Salem. Kayla states that just being with him makes her so happy and grateful because he is all she really needs as they kiss.

Chloe tells Xander that she doesn’t know how she and Brady can come back from this but she also doesn’t know how to give up since she has loved him for so long. Xander says he understands but it’s not like Brady is the only fish in the sea as there are plenty of handsome single men in Salem. Chloe asks like who. Xander asks what he is. Chloe brings up that he left her in the clutches of a Mexican drug lord. Xander says she’s just never going to let that go. Xander admits he has some flaws and has behaved abominably at times, but jokes that he’s better looking and more intelligent than Brady. Chloe jokes that she still can’t let the left her to die stuff go as they toast their beers.

Marlena tells Brady that Rachel has been playing in her room for hours and she offered to take her out for ice cream but she refused. Brady explains that Rachel didn’t want Marlena to know that she’s grounded because she decided to skip school and take an uber to prison to see Kristen. Brady adds that he forced Kristen to write a letter to Rachel, telling her to accept Chloe, but Rachel saw through it. Brady thought they could work through it but it’s just escalated and then Rachel told Chloe that she hated her and out of anger and frustration, Chloe gave it right back. Brady doesn’t know what to do as he wants to put his kid first because he doesn’t want her to be miserable, but if he doesn’t fix things with Chloe, he’s going to be miserable. Marlena relates to having the same problem with John and Sami. Brady remembers how terrible he was to her as a teenager but she took it with grace. Marlena understands he was acting out of anger like Rachel is, but he outgrew it. Brady says that John and Marlena were already married and a solid couple, so there was no coming between them while Rachel still thinks that he and Kristen could get back together. Brady adds that to top it off, Xander is moving in on Chloe. Marlena is surprised as she didn’t think Xander was her type. Brady says whether he is or isn’t, they are hanging out. Marlena assures they are just friends. Brady agrees, for now. Marlena says she’s so sorry and asks how she can help. Brady asks Marlena to talk to Rachel, thinking she might be able to get through to her. Marlena agrees to do that right now. Brady says he has no expectations but thinks she might be the only other person in the world that can make her understand things. Marlena agrees to do her best but says not to expect any miracles. Brady thinks Rachel having her grandma back is miracle enough. Marlena then heads to Rachel’s room.

Chad and Stephanie walk through the town square as Stephanie tries calling Steve but says it’s going straight to voicemail. Chad gets a text from Maggie with the listings of Victor’s properties in Greece which Stephanie says she will text over to Steve. Stephanie knows they don’t have anything concrete, but she feels like they are getting closer. Chad encourages that they are and they are going to find her mom. Alex then appears and questions what they mean by finding her mom. Stephanie then reveals to Alex that her mom is alive.

Kayla wonders where Bo went as she thought he would be eager to supervise her scientific endeavors. Steve wonders why Bo left him with her, knowing he’d try to break them out. Kayla asks if he thinks anything will bring her brother back. Steve assures that he thinks the real Bo is still in there. Steve talks about how Bo threatened to take his other eye out but he couldn’t go through with it and kept him alive. Kayla says Bo isn’t thinking rationally. Steve believes that deep down, Bo knows he needs them to save him from himself. Steve brings up that it was love that got through to he and John when Megan messed with their minds. Steve encourages that will get through to Bo as he will feel all of their love and come back to them, just like he came back to her.

Marlena comes back from Rachel’s room and informs Brady that Rachel is busy perfecting her 3D printing skills. Marlena adds that she did ask about Chloe but Rachel was not very receptive, so she will try again tomorrow. Brady knows she said this might be a long process but he doesn’t think he has time as he feels Chloe slipping through his fingers as they speak and it may already be too late..

Chloe resumes playing darts with Xander and gets another bullseye. Xander says he’s proud of her. Xander toasts to Chloe’s new found dart prowess and to both of them letting go of the past and getting on with their lives, right as Gwen enters the Pub. Gwen thinks the universe is trying to tell her something and remarks that it looks like the rumors are true. Chloe questions what rumors. Gwen responds that according to Leo, they are Salem’s new hottest couple and it looks like he was right.

Alex tells Stephanie that he’s really happy for her and can’t tell her what a relief it is for him either. Stephanie points out that he barely knew her mom. Alex says that’s true, but if she’s alive, at least now he knows he didn’t deprive her of being able to say goodbye to her after all.

Kayla shows Steve the old letter she found from Victor to Caroline, a plea to come visit him in Greece, but she never read it as it was returned to sender. Steve notes that it looks like it makes Kayla sad. Kayla confirms it does but she’s not really sure why. Kayla is glad Caroline stayed with her father as she always felt they had a wonderful marriage, but she finds herself feeling sorry for Victor and questions why. Kayla guesses there is just something tragic about Victor pining after Caroline all these years. Steve says it reminds him of when they read the story of Emily and Gideon. Kayla recalls how sad they were, thinking they wouldn’t get their happily ever after. Steve points out that they did and they will too. Kayla hugs Steve and says she loves him.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, April 12, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Sally invites Adam to go with her and Nick next week to her doctor’s appointment where she will find out the gender of the baby. Adam and Sally also feel the baby kick for the first time.

Chance escorts Jeremy out of the memorial service for Phyllis. Jeremy gets a call from someone who tells him Phyllis never got on the plane last night to leave Genoa City. Jeremy goes to the motel room where Phyllis was hiding and she isn’t in the room so Jeremy wonders where she is and hopes she won’t ruin the plan. Phyllis is in the Jazz Lounge in disguise listening to her friends and family talk about how much they will miss her and love her.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, April 11, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Drew and Carly tell Michael and Willow that Liesl is missing and Willow starts crying after Drew and Carly leave and tells Michael that she was so close to being with him and her and their kids forever.

Scott tells Sonny that he thinks Victor took Liesl, and he should tell the police.

Trina hides on the Haunted Star and sees that Victor has also taken Liesl and she is on the Haunted Star with Spencer and baby Ace. Trina gets into Spencer’s locked state room when she takes the room key from the guard. Trina tells Spencer about Liesl being on the ship, and she decides to keep hiding on the ship until she can find a way off the ship and go bring back help so everyone can get home. Spencer doesn’t like the idea, but he knows it is the only way they can all get home. Spencer worries that Victor will discover that Trina is also on the ship. Sonny works with Dante and Jordan to find Victor because he is worried about Spencer, Liesl, and Ace.

Sonny asks Diane to defend the man that tried to kill Lucy in hopes that the man will tell her Victor’s location. Diane is, able to find out the location from the man that works for Victor and she calls Sonny to tell him the news. Sonny then tells Dante and Jordan Victor’s location.

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Days Update Monday, April 10, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Marlena is reading at home until Chad shows up at the door. Marlena says it’s nice to see him and asks if he’s alright. Chad says he’s fine and that he heard she’s alive but he had to see it with his own eyes. Chad asks how she is and tells her she looks amazing. Marlena says she’s just so happy and thrilled to be back with the people she loves. Chad assures that everyone else is just as happy and calls it a miracle but notes that it’s just too bad that Kate didn’t make it too.

Stephanie is with Tripp at his apartment when her phone rings and she answers hoping it’s Kayla. Stephanie is shocked by what she hears and questions how did this happen.

Kayla opens the locked box she found in the wine cellar in Greece and finds a stack of envelopes. She wonders what could be so important for Victor to keep hidden all this time. Kayla picks one up and sees it’s a letter addressed to her mother, Caroline Brady.

Steve introduces himself to the cop in Greece and says he’s working with the ISA and needs to see the evidence found in Dr. Rolf’s room. The cop responds that he’s afraid his colleague already made that request as he arrived a few minutes before him. Steve asks if he’s still there. The cop informs him that “Mr. Donovan” is in the other room. Steve questions Shane being there. The cop suggests Steve join him while he checks to see what’s taking so long on their end. Steve goes to the room looking for Shane, but is shocked to find Bo instead. Steve asks if it’s really him and how this can be. Steve questions him being alive which Bo confirms that he is. Steve hugs Bo in shock while asking how this is possible that he’s alive. Steve then questions what Bo is doing in Greece, posing as Shane Donovan.

Hope and Harris show the photo of Thomas Banks around the restaurant until the bartender calls out that he wants to talk to them.

Stephanie says she’ll be there as soon as she can and hangs up. Tripp asks about the call. Stephanie reveals it was a hospital in Seattle as their brother Joey has been in an accident.

Kayla questions Victor keeping this letter to Caroline all these years. Kayla opens the envelope reads the letter where Victor wrote that he had just arrived in Greece and how it was terrible to leave her behind in Salem but that it was for the best after what happened between them.

Steve questions Bo about what is going on, how he’s alive, and what he’s doing here. Bo calls it a long story. Steve says that’s a story he’d like to hear. Steve explains that the cop told him that Bo said he was Shane Donovan and that he was trying to get all the evidence from Dr. Rolf’s room and asks why he would say that. Bo claims that he’s working undercover for the ISA but he can’t go in to detail. Bo says he just has to get some evidence and get the hell out. Steve asks if he’s in some kind of trouble. Bo claims he’s working a case and just has to go. Steve says not until they talk. Bo says he can’t talk as this is a highly sensitive operation. Steve argues that Kayla is missing and some psycho has her which is why he’s in Greece because he’s trying to track down Thomas Banks. Bo asks why Banks. Steve says that he and Hope have reason to believe Thomas is the one who took Kayla. Steve adds that Hope is here in Greece. Steve pulls out his phone and says he has to call Hope to tell her that Bo is alive. Bo grabs Steve’s phone away from him and says he’s not calling anyone.

The bartender in Greece introduces himself as Konstantin and says he’s the owner. He acknowledges that Hope might not mean any trouble but he recognizes seeing Harris on the news, being arrested for many crimes including trying to kill Hope on their wedding. Hope tries to explain as Konstantin questions how Harris got out of prison, assuming he must have escaped and is now a wanted man. He asks Hope if Harris is holding her against her will and then says she must be too scared to say so. He declares that Hope is safe now because he will make sure Harris never hurts anyone again.

Tripp asks Stephanie about Joey’s accident. Stephanie notes that he’s fine but pretty banged up with cracked ribs and a broken leg, so he’s in surgery now. Stephanie says that Joey is all alone and going to need help getting around so she’s going to Seattle since Steve and Kayla can’t. Tripp tells her that he will go. Stephanie argues against that, pointing out that Tripp has a job here. Tripp says she does too but Stephanie says she can work from anywhere. Tripp points out that Stephanie hasn’t slept since hearing from Kayla, so she needs to go see Marlena to see if Kayla left any clue as to where she might be. Tripp adds that Joey would want her to focus on finding Kayla. Tripp decides he will book his flight now. Stephanie thanks him and says she really appreciates it, but reminds him about his big date with Wendy.

Chad asks Marlena about Kate being in the lab too. Marlena confirms that Megan was holding all three of them. Chad goes over how now Marlena is home, Kayla is missing, and Kate’s gone. Marlena says she’s so sorry. Chad says he can’t stop thinking about Kate and trying to put all the bizarre pieces together. Chad asks what Megan wanted and what she did. Chad knows she doesn’t want to relive the nightmare, but Kate was like a mother to him and had a second chance but his own sister took it away from her. Chad states that losing Abigail how they did was a shock and having the answers made it a little easier. Marlena understands and wishes she could tell him more, but they were sedated most of the time and there was only one day where they were conscious together. Chad asks how Kate was. Marlena says she was alright and kept demanding to know what Megan planned to do with him but Megan wouldn’t tell them much and then she put them under again. Marlena adds that when she and Kayla woke up, Kate wasn’t there, so they tried to escape and find her but Dr. Rolf stopped them. Chad asks if he told them where Kate was. Marlena responds that Kate was with Megan as she was apparently going to be the first test subject of Rolf’s new serum which he said would be life changing. Marlena mentions that Megan came back and said that Kate had refused to cooperate so she was going to be taking a different path. Marlena adds that she and Kayla remained in the lab and a few minutes later, they heard a gunshot. Marlena assumes it was the same henchman who took Kayla off the island. Chad brings up Thomas Banks. Marlena says she hadn’t considered him and asks if his name came up. Chad informs her that Steve told Stephanie that Megan is claiming that Thomas Banks took Kayla.

Hope stops Konstantin and tells him there has been a misunderstanding. Hope explains that what he saw was old news and shows him an article on her phone that says Harris was cleared and found innocent of all charges. Harris confirms it’s true and says he feels terrible about all the people he hurt. Konstantin apologizes. Harris says he had every right to be upset and he’s glad that he was looking out for Hope. Hope thanks Konstantin and promises that Harris is not a danger to anyone. Hope adds that he’s actually helping her find her sister in law who was kidnapped. Hope shows Konstantin a picture of Kayla and asks if he’s seen her.

Kayla continues reading Victor’s letter to Caroline about how he wanted to stay in Salem but it had become too much of a risk with his feelings for her and that he loved her, so he didn’t want to destroy her life or her family.

Steve asks what the hell Bo is doing and says they need to call Hope and find Thomas Banks. Bo disagrees. Steve repeats that Thomas took Kayla. Bo responds that Thomas didn’t take Kayla, because he did. Steve asks what he’s talking about. Bo says he doesn’t have time to explain. Steve demands to know where Kayla is and asks if she’s alright. Bo says of course and asks if he really thinks he would hurt his own sister. Steve says he doesn’t, but he doesn’t get why Bo took Kayla off Megan’s island without telling anybody when he and John were there searching for her. Steve doesn’t know how they missed him. Bo asks what difference it makes. Steve shouts that Kayla is his wife and argues that Bo had to know how worried everyone would be. Steve questions Bo not letting anybody know and that he couldn’t find a way to make contact. Bo says he doesn’t have time for this. Steve tells Bo that he can trust him. Bo says that’s enough and he has to get this evidence. Bo tries to leave but Steve grabs him. Bo tells him to get the hell off of him.

Konstantin says he has not seen Kayla. Hope shows a photo of Thomas Banks and Konstantin confirms he has seen him but not in a few years. Hope tells Harris they should get back to the hotel and check in with Steve. Konstantin stops them and offers them a meal since he couldn’t provide them any information.

Tripp tells Stephanie that he hates to cancel on Wendy, but Joey needs him and Wendy will understand. Stephanie tells him to call her when he gets there. Stephanie hugs him and says he’s the best. Tripp wishes her luck with Marlena, hoping that she remembers something that helps Steve find Kayla. Stephanie then exits the apartment.

Kayla continues reading Victor’s letter to Caroline where he said he could never hurt her family but dreamed of them having a child together. Victor then wrote suggesting Caroline come there to Greece so they could be together.

Chad asks Marlena if she thinks Thomas took Kayla. Marlena admits it’s possible since Thomas had worked for Megan before. Chad asks if she saw Thomas in the lab. Marlena says she only saw Megan and Dr. Rolf. Marlena then remembers that there was someone else there.

Bo repeats to Steve to get the hell off of him and pulls a knife. Steve doesn’t believe he will cut him and reminds Bo that even if they haven’t seen each other in 10 years, he’s still his best friend in the world. Bo brings up that there was a time they hated each other and he took Steve’s eye. Steve asks Bo to put the knife down and talk. Bo says he’s done enough talking and warns him to let go before someone gets hurt. Steve doesn’t know what’s going on with him or what he’s been through but argues that this is not him as Bo Brady would never hurt him. Bo asks if he’s sure about that. Steve says he is but Bo then hits him and pins him against the wall with his knife held up. Bo declares that he took one of Steve’s eyes and now he’s going to take the other. Bo takes the knife and stabs through the wall next to Steve’s head. Steve laughs and says he knew Bo couldn’t do it. Bo then instead pulls out a gun. Steve says he doesn’t know what’s changed in Bo, but he can’t change 40 years of history and he’ll always be his closest friend. Bo tells him to shut the hell up and knocks him out.

Marlena tells Chad about the fourth tube in the lab and Dr. Rolf was about to tell her and Kayla who was in it, but Megan walked in so they never got a name. Marlena doesn’t think it could’ve been Thomas Banks if he’s been causing problems all around the world. Chad asks who she thinks it was then. Marlena is not sure they will ever know. Chad thanks her for telling him what happened and he’s glad to know that she and Kayla were with Kate in her last days and that she went out fighting. Marlena is glad he came by as they hug. Marlena tells Chad to call if he has any more questions. Chad says he appreciates that. Chad goes to leave and opens the door right as Stephanie arrives.

Kayla continues reading Victor’s letter to Caroline, saying he’s come to learn that nothing is more precious than time with the people you love and that he could send her a plane ticket so they could be together for awhile.

Hope tells Konstantin that she would normally say yes but they have lots of work to do. Konstantin encourages them to keep up their strength and calls Hope his best customer, saying he can’t let her leave without taking good care of her. Konstantin recalls Hope and Harris being there on the day they met and how happy they looked. Konstantin says that everyone there loved Hope and encourages them to have a seat, so they do. Konstantin announces he will recreate the magic of that night.

Wendy comes home and sees Tripp’s bag is packed. Tripp comes out of the back on his phone, booking his flight to Seattle. Wendy questions him going to Seattle. Tripp confirms that he is going this afternoon. Tripp apologizes but says his brother Joey was in an accident.

Stephanie tells Marlena that she knew she was back but it’s wonderful to see her as they hug. Stephanie asks how she’s feeling. Marlena says she’s fine and her family is taking very good care of her. Stephanie wasn’t expecting Chad to be there. Chad explains that he wanted to see a miracle with his own eyes and Marlena was kind enough to tell him what happened to Kate. Marlena repeats that she’s so sorry and asks Stephanie if there’s any news about Kayla. Stephanie says not yet, but that’s why she’s here because she was hoping Marlena might be able to help them find her. Marlena asks how she can help. Stephanie explains that Kayla called her but there was a lot of static and she could only make out that she was in Greece. Stephanie adds that Tripp thinks maybe her subconscious mind heard more, so maybe if Marlena hypnotizes her, she might remember. Stephanie knows the chances are slim but she will try anything that might help her mom. Marlena says she will too.

Hope and Harris get their dinner. They talk about this being a dead end with Thomas Banks. Harris suggests they finish their meal and then get back to the search. Harris jokes that Konstantin hopes for Hope to have an encore of smashing plates from their first night together. Harris recalls seeing Hope the same way everyone else did, as the beautiful American that everyone fell in love with.

Bo drags Steve back out to the main room of the Greece police station and asks the cop about the prisms. The cop hands over a bag with all three prisms and asks about Steve, thinking he was his colleague. Bo claims that Steve just told him that to get access to the prisms but he’s a con artist. Steve starts to regain consciousness. Bo claims that Steve came after him so he had to bash him in the head. Bo says he has to get him to a secure facility as Steve tries to say not to listen to him. Bo then drags Steve out of the room.

Wendy asks Tripp if Joey is going to be okay. Tripp says he has a broken leg but he should be just fine. Wendy asks if Joey is in surgery now. Tripp says that’s why he’s leaving now, to be there when he wakes up. Tripp tells Wendy that he’s really sorry that he’s going to miss their dinner. Wendy tells him not to worry as his brother needs him. Tripp thanks her for understanding. Tripp doesn’t know exactly when he’ll be back, but asks for a rain check on dinner. Wendy tells him to count on it and to tell Joey that she hopes he gets better soon. Tripp says he will see her soon and kisses her goodbye as he then exits.

Marlena begins to hypnotize Stephanie. Stephanie remembers talking to Kayla on the phone but there’s too much static. Marlena encourages Stephanie to block out all the static until all she hears is Kayla’s voice. Stephanie remembers that Kayla told her a name of who took her. Chad asks who it is. Marlena asks if she still hears the sound of her mother’s voice but she doesn’t so Marlena brings her out of the hypnosis. Marlena asks how she feels. Stephanie says she’s fine and asks if it worked. Chad worries that he messed it up by asking who’s name Stephanie heard and thinks he threw it off. Stephanie confirms that she did hear Kayla say a name. Chad asks if it was Thomas Banks, but Stephanie reveals that she’s pretty sure it was Victor Kiriakis.

Kayla continues reading Victor’s letter to Caroline, saying he knows it may be impossible but he hoped she would consider it. Bo returns and says he got the prisms she needed and another present. Bo then drags Steve in to the wine cellar which shocks Kayla. Bo tells her to stay back and that maybe Steve will live.

Harris and Hope enjoy their dinner and people in the restaurant begin dancing. Harris recalls Hope dancing on a table the last time. One of the men invite Hope to join them. Hope tries to decline but gives in and dances with them. Hope then joins in their tradition of smashing plates. Hope declares she’s not dancing alone and brings Harris into it as well. Hope and Harris hug in the center and end up kissing.

Bo tells Steve and Kayla to behave themselves and leaves them locked up in the wine cellar. Kayla then rushes to wake Steve up as they are reunited.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, April 10, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Jack: Hey, nick. It’s jack. I’m just checking in. I’m still reeling from phyllis’s death. I imagine you’re feeling the same way. If– if you feel like talking, gimme– gimme a call.

Ashley: Wow, how sweet. You’re actually taking a break from fawning all over diane to show compassion for somebody else.

Jack: I don’t know why you’d be surprised. My heart goes out to anyone who cared about phyllis. She was a big part of my life, a big part of this family’s life.

Ashley: Yeah. Seems to me though, you’ve forgotten about all the people you say you care about ever since you got back involved with diane.

Jack: That is not true, ash.

Ashley: I think it is, jack. I almost expected to find you down here consoling her because your big engagement news got overshadowed by phyllis’s dying.

Jack: It is amazing to me even at a time like this, my own sister can’t set aside her vitriol for the woman I love.

Ashley: Oh, god.

Tucker: This where the town pariahs gather to meet?

Diane: I’m not in the mood, tucker.

Tucker: Yeah. I should think not. Things took quite a turn last night, eh? Got the whole town talking.

Diane: Why don’t you go harass someone else?

[ Tucker laughs ]

Tucker: You’re the– by far, the most fascinating person to talk to in town, at least about this topic. Most people have conflicted feelings about phyllis’s death, not you.

Billy: Hey.

Sharon: Hey, billy.

Billy: How you holding up?

Sharon: Well, I’m still working through what’s happened.

Billy: Do you have any therapists secrets on how to cope with grief?

Sharon: I wish there were one. I’m just processing my emotions like everyone else. Such a strange void knowing that phyllis is no longer in the world.

Billy: She was larger than life and it’s funny. Everything seems a little less colorful all of a sudden.

Sharon: That’s true. The question now is how do we fill that absence?

Summer: I know that the flower choice isn’t conventional, but neither was my mother. Quiet and sedate just wasn’t her style. Okay, send me the invoice.

[ Summer sighs ] That takes care of the flower arrangements. Now, I’ve gotta do the programs.

Kyle: Let me take some of this off your hands. What can I do?

Summer: Can you please stop asking so I can stop saying it? This is something that I need to do myself.

Sharon: Phyllis’s passing really makes you realize how important it is to spend every minute with the people you love.

Billy: You thinking about rey?

Sharon: This month will be a year since we lost him.

Billy: Wow.

Sharon: It’s hard to believe that it’s been that long. Some mornings, I still wake up and turn over and expect to see him lying there next to me. Sometimes, I listen to this message he left for me that I haven’t been able to erase. For a few seconds, it feels like he’s still here.

Billy: I’m sorry. He was a good guy.

Sharon: He was a great man with a beautiful soul. And in many ways, I was lucky to find a love like that. My life was made better because I met rey rosales and I know that he would want me to be happy now, so I do my best to find things that make me happy.

Billy: The simple pleasures.

Sharon: Right now, it is mariah and tessa’s new baby girl, aria. I have been video chatting with them from portland. It’s impossible to be sad when you look at that adorable little face.

Billy: Oh, no. Babies are like dopamine hit straight into the system.

Sharon: It doesn’t make up for the loss, but new life is definitely giving me something worth holding onto.

Billy: That’s good. I’m happy for you. I’m happy for– for everyone, and please tell mariah and tessa congratulations. And when I’m having a bad day, I’m gonna hit you up for a baby picture.

[ Sharon chuckling ]

Kyle: You were clear about your wishes. You want to plan the memorial alone.

Summer: Okay, then why do we need to keep talking about it? Alone means that no one can help. Not you. Not my grandma. I haven’t even talked to daniel about the arrangements.

Kyle: You think that’s a good idea? It might matter to him, too.

Summer: Then I will tell him that I’m sorry. This service is my apology to my mom for the pain that I cost her in her final days.

Kyle: Phyllis knew how much you loved her.

Summer: You don’t know that.

Kyle: I knew her and I knew how she felt about you. You fought and had differences over the years and made up. A lifetime of love does not get undone by a rocky last few months.

Summer: It was her last memory of us, of our time together.

Kyle: Summer, I am worried. You are running yourself ragged, handling all of this on top of dealing with your grief and mourning. It’s too much. I am begging you to let me help you.

Summer: I’m not gonna leave the details to anyone else, okay? It’s too important. And if you’re worried about me wearing myself out, then stop making me expend my energy fighting with you about it.

Kyle: No, no. I’m– I’m not trying to argue with you. I am just saying that the way your mom’s life ended is not your fault and it is not your burden to carry.

Summer: She was not a burden. She was a gift and she was loved. And this service is gonna show anybody who doubts that just what a force was taken from us all. Hi, my name is tony cooper. And if you have both medicare and medicaid, I have some really encouraging news that you’ll definitely want to hear. Depending on the plan you choose, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. All these plans include a healthy options allowance. Depending on the plans available in your area, you could get up to $3300 a year to help pay for essentials like eligible groceries, utilities, rent, pet care and over-the-counter items. Like vitamins, pain relievers, first-aid supplies and more. Other benefits on these plans may include free rides to and from your medical appointments. You could pay nothing for covered prescriptions all year long. Most plans have dental coverage, which includes 2 free cleanings a year, plus dentures, crowns, fillings and more. They also have vision coverage, including eye exams and eyeglasses. And hearing coverage, which includes hearing tests and hearing aids. You could also get many no-cost vaccines, including the shingles vaccine, at in-network retail pharmacies. Plus, your doctor, hospital and pharmacy may already be a part of our large humana network. So, call the number on your screen now to speak with a licensed humana sales agent. You may be able to enroll in one of our plans several times throughout the year. Wouldn’t you love benefits like up to $3300 a year to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, pet care, and over-the-counter items? So, if you have medicare and medicaid, call the number on your screen now and speak with a licensed humana sales agent. If you’re eligible, they can even help enroll you over the phone in a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. So, call now. Better care begins with listening. Humana. A more human way to healthcare. (Buzz) morning!

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Ashley: You brought diane into our company, then into our home, and now you wanna make her a member of our family. When is it enough? When is the damage that she’s caused to all of us enough?

Jack: I am not having this conversation.

Ashley: Let’s just be honest, jack. After all the stress and anxiety that diane caused phyllis all these months, is it really just a coincidence? You announce your engagement to diana and phyllis collapses and then dies?

Jack: You have no evidence of that. That is speculation.

Ashley: I don’t have to speculate about all the misery that she’s brought to us because I have personally lived it. And now, you’re willing to turn your back on everyone and everything that you say you care about and you still wanna marry her.

Jack: That is enough.

Ashley: It’s not enough because I can’t get through to you and nobody can get through to you. I’m worried for you. I’m worried that you’re gonna suffer the same consequences of being involved with diane that phyllis did.

[ Stomping footsteps ]

Kyle: Who doubts that phyllis was loved?

Summer: I can think of two people off the top of my head. My mom’s supposed husband’s, stark, and… his ex-lover.

Kyle: Ex? You mean my mother?

Summer: I’m not gonna forget what she said to my mom the night that she died. That she would be doing the world a favor if she killed her.

Kyle: That was in the heat of the moment. You yourself pointed that out to phyllis.

Summer: I was wrong.

Kyle: You are suffering a terrible pain. I know what it’s like and I understand and am hoping you will come out on the other side realizing no one is happy phyllis is gone.

Summer: That’s not true. Oh, my god. I can’t believe that you still have these blinders on when it comes to your mom. How can you not see it?

Kyle: Okay. Please just stop. You’re spinning out and it’s killing me. I get that you are suffering, but you couldn’t possibly have convinced yourself that my mom would wish something so tragic.

Summer: Not just tragic. Malicious.

Tucker: Were you even able to shed a single tear for phyllis? At least put on a concerned face for jack and kyle and the cops.

Diane: Don’t be perverse. I am not glad that she’s dead and I am sad for those who loved her.

Tucker: Yes, of course, of course. Still, having phyllis dead is gonna make your life a lot easier.

Diane: Well, there’s more of where she came from.

Tucker: Oh, you mean ashley?

[ Diane sighing ]

Diane: Yes. You two seem awfully cozy these days.

Tucker: Mm. Not cozy enough for my liking, but I’m working on it.

Diane: Maybe you could convince her to show jack some courtesy while he’s grieving.

Tucker: Of course, I will. ‘Cause he would show me the same courtesy. So, it’s not even a little tinge that jack is mourning his once great love?

Diane: You’re awful. You know that?

Tucker: Yeah. I’ve heard. Well, I’d wish you a nice day, but I don’t think your day is going to get any better from here.

[ Diane scoffing ]

Jack: I am not gonna play into your guilt trip. Phyllis wasted the last few months of her life fixated on diane, with your encouragement, she chose to spin her wheels spewing hate rather than living her life. Her daughter came back to town, as did her son. She had plenty to celebrate. Instead, she focused all of her energy on rage and spite and vengeance. Her death is a terrible loss! And if stress had anything to do with it, it is stress phyllis brought on herself.

Ashley: Do you hear– you’re gonna blame phyllis, the dead woman? You’re blaming her? Of course, it couldn’t be diane’s fault, right? She’s been an angel during this whole thing. She’s not a victim.

Jack: You think I need to learn a lesson about phyllis’s death? I think you do. Instead of digesting what phyllis did, what happened to phyllis and choosing a different direction? No. You’ve doubled down. You’re gonna get back to the work that you and nikki and phyllis started together. Wasting your days working toward the same spiteful goal, doing exactly the same thing you now claim led to the death of your co-conspirator.

Ashley: I am trying to protect the people I care–

Jack: I don’t need your protect protection.

Ashley: You do! You do!

Jack: Get on with it. Is your life really that empty? Is your heart really that dark?

Ashley: [ Voice breaks ] This is what love is… right here. I’m gonna keep fighting for you, jack, because you’re too blind to fight for yourself.

[ Door opens ]

[ Jack sniffling ] (Man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over?

Kyle: You’re saying you believe someone killed phyllis.

Summer: It is the only thing that is making sense. Everything surrounding my mom’s death is just too convenient. Like it could have been set up by someone who wanted her gone.

Kyle: Okay. I– I– I think it’s time for us to bring in someone for you to talk to about your grief.

Summer: I’m not crazy.

Kyle: No. No, no, no. I’m not saying you are. I just think it might be helpful for you to talk to someone who’s trained in this, maybe even sharon.

Summer: Sharon? Kyle, you know my mom’s history with her. Why would I talk to her about this?

Kyle: All of that stopped mattering years ago. And sharon knows enough about all of us where she wouldn’t have to familiarize herself with the personalities or situation. Hopefully, she can help us through this huge loss.

Summer: What you’re really saying is that you want her to brainwash me into thinking that my mom’s death was just a series of coincidences.

Kyle: That’s what it was. I know the instinct is to find answers and blame someone, but none of this was planned.

Summer: The more I think about it, the less I think that’s true. And I don’t need you or sharon or anyone else to try to convince me otherwise.

Kyle: All right. All right. Let’s talk about other options.

Summer: I have things that I need to take care of, okay?

Kyle: I’ll come with you.

Summer: No. I’m leaving alone.

[ Footsteps thudding ]

Sharon: Oh, hey, summer. Summer? I don’t mean to intrude, but I just saw summer. How is she dealing with everything?

Kyle: I hate seeing her like this. I don’t know what to do. I suggested she see a professional.

Sharon: But she’s not ready yet to do that?

Kyle: Bad call on my part.

Sharon: It’s hard being the loved one of someone who’s grieving. Just ask nick or faith or mariah. I know that I was pretty tough to deal with at times when we lost rey.

Kyle: I just feel like I can’t win. Somehow, I’m always saying and doing the wrong thing.

Sharon: I don’t know that there is the right thing. Just don’t be so hard on yourself.

Kyle: I just want and need to be there for summer, but I’m dealing with my own feelings. And summer’s personal attacks on my mother, I– what do I say to that?

Sharon: I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but time will help. Heightened emotions will subside. Summer will always grieve her mother, much like you did yours before we knew that diane was alive, but in time, the pain will become bearable.

Kyle: I remember every step of that journey. It’s not an easy road.

Sharon: Now you will go down that road with your wife. And you know what I see happening? You’re going to give summer the best support possible, even when her pain won’t allow her to accept it.

Kyle: What if I am doing everything wrong?

Sharon: Just being there is enough. When I had my family around me, it meant the world to me just to have their support, even if they were just giving me my space. You are summer’s family and the two of you are gonna get through this together.

Summer: How are you doing?

[ Daniel sniffling ]

Daniel: Everything hurts.

Summer: I get it. Talking hurts. Not talking hurts.

Daniel: I– I saw the announcement for mom’s memorial service. You didn’t think to talk to me about it first?

Summer: I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. I just had to make it happen.

Daniel: Right. Right. But I mean, it’s not how this works, you know? I deserve to be involved in those decisions. She was my mother, too.

Billy: I can guess what that was about.

Jack: Our sister has a one-track mind. She’s singularly focused on her loathing for diane above everything else. Her own brother, her nephew, the death of someone who was part of this family.

Billy: Yeah. I’m not gonna defend ashley, jack. I wasn’t here. I was just talking to sharon about the nature of grief in all its different forms.

Jack: You think a tragedy like this would bring us closer together. Seems to be tearing us further apart.

Billy: It’s hard to wrap your mind around. Yeah, I for one, I’m gonna miss her. She was chaotic, but electric, fiery and brilliant.

Jack: Yeah, she was all that.

Billy: And now she’s gone and uh, people are looking for explanations. Someone to blame. It’s not just ashley.

Jack: What does that mean?

Billy: There’s been some comments made, jack.

Jack: About what?

Billy: That maybe diane was involved.

Trelegy for copd.

Tucker: Hi, come in.

Ashley: Why are you here now?

Tucker: Oh, the grand phoenix is being renovated. Got a little noisy. Why are you here? How can I help?

Ashley: I don’t know if you can help. I guess I turn to you like a bad habit.

Tucker: Okay. Well, let’s be bad, then.

Ashley: Are you always like this? Just, nothing affects you ever? Just flip and unaffected?

Tucker: Well, don’t you think one of us has to be, um, levelheaded and emotionally detached to solve whatever the problem is?

Ashley: I don’t have to be unemotional to be effective.

Tucker: Okay. Why don’t you just tell me what’s going on and I– I promise to be as indignant as you.

Ashley: My brother is blind when it comes to diane. You know, I mean, unwaveringly loyal to her. Jeremy stark basically called her a murderer, but it doesn’t matter to jack, you know, it just strengthens his, uh, devotion to her.

Tucker: [ Laughs ] Sorry.

Ashley: Well, you should be sorry, because it affects you.

Tucker: Really? How so?

Ashley: Yeah. There’s no point in trying to steal diane and jack’s thunder, their engagement announcement, by saying we’re gonna get engaged. Everybody’s concentrating on phyllis’s death and rightfully so.

Jack: Get to your point. You think diane caused phyllis’s death?

Billy: No, I don’T. I’m just telling you that the implications are out there.

Jack: Name names. Where these rumors coming from? Jeremy stark, a known criminal with an axe to grind? I’m surprised you of all people would fall for that. Jeremy is blaming diane after mysteriously marrying phyllis, a woman he doesn’t even know! This is insanity.

Tucker: I’m sorry you feel that way. I had high hopes for our fake engagement.

Ashley: Yeah. I was kind of warming up to the idea myself.

Tucker: Hmm.

Ashley: If for no other reason than just to get jack to look in the mirror, realize the stupidity and the absurdity of actually forgiving somebody who’s caused you nothing but pain. I mean, just wreaked havoc in your life and then you do something ridiculous like turning around and marrying that person.

Tucker: I think that person should be insulted at this point, but…

Ashley: Did I hurt your feelings?

Tucker: Yeah, no, you don’t think I have any feelings, do you? But you’re wrong. I am a human being, or at least I’m doing my best to become one day by day.

Ashley: How’s that going?

Tucker: [ Chuckles ] You’re not helping. You’re the only one who can penetrate my armor.

Ashley: Ah. Yet to be determined.

Tucker: Yeah. See, the thing is, you would see, eventually, that I’m telling the truth about the fake engagement. It might start out as a– as a union based on spite, but I’m certain it would… it would end up being a union of love.

[ Ashley laughs ]

Diane: Kyle? Oh! Have heart failure with unresolved symptoms?

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Summer: I am so sorry. I know that you lost your mom, too, and everybody’s been trying to tell me that I shouldn’t plan this memorial on my own. But… when I think about how I treated mom when she needed me the most, I’m just… I’m so ashamed. And I just… I want…

[ Sighs ] I just want the service to be perfect, as my amends to her.

Daniel: Well, I have a lot to make up for, too. You know, neither of us were particularly good to mom recently. We weren’t exactly the best kids a mother could ask for. I just thought we had more time.

Summer: If I had known that this was gonna happen I would’ve– I would’ve tried so much harder to make up with her. And… it’s too late.

Daniel: Look, I, um… I get why you handled the arrangements yourself. To be completely honest with you, I– I probably wouldn’t have been much use to you anyway. I just haven’t been thinking straight and my mind’s been racing. I know that I need to refocus on omega sphere. I know that mom was really proud of what I was trying to build, but every time I try and focus on work, all I can do is think about her. I couldn’t sleep last night. Surprise, surprise, right? So, I drew this.

Summer: Daniel, this is beautiful. This should be on the programs at the service.

Daniel: Just like it is?

Summer: It’s perfect.

Daniel: Right. But, um… I can make it better. I’ll make it better. That’ll be my gift to her. Do you, um… do you have all the– all the details finalized yet? I mean, is there anything left to do?

Summer: No, I’ve got it under control. I was– I was actually trying to find a photo of mom, but this is so much better. It’s almost divine running into you here and you drew this. You can trust me to take care of the rest. This memorial, it’s gonna be exactly what our mom deserves.

Diane: Hey. Hey, it’s– it’s okay.

Kyle: No, I don’t usually do that.

Diane: No, no. There’s nothing wrong with needing a hug from your mother. I’m sure that phyllis’s death has brought up a lot of painful memories for you. And kyle, I will never stop apologizing for being the source of that.

Kyle: No, I– I know what summer is going through, but she won’t let me help her. She can’t let me in. And I’m wondering if the reason could be that I got my mother back.

Diane: Hmm.

Kyle: And she’s feeling alienated because of that. And say what you want about phyllis, but summer loved her. And I think it hurts her seeing how close we are.

Diane: Well, that’s probably not an uncommon reaction for someone who’s suffered a sudden loss like she has.

Kyle: Yeah, but if she feels that way, I can take it. I can. She can yell at me or cry to me. I will be there for her. But shutting me out like I’m a stranger, it doesn’t help anyone. She’s my wife. We should be working through difficult situations.

Diane: Well, maybe the way she’s acting isn’t all about summer.

Kyle: What do you mean?

Diane: Well, if she’s shutting you out and if she’s distancing herself from you, it might be because of somebody else.

Kyle: Who?

Diane: Me.

Daniel: I am fine with you planning mom’s service. I know you’ll make sure that everything’s done right.

Summer: I’m putting everything I have into it.

Daniel: And I’ll take care of what comes after.

Summer: What does that mean?

Daniel: Let’s just say mom’s gonna get the glorious sendoff that she deserves, and then jeremy stark is gonna get the brutal takedown that he’s earned.

Summer: Okay, so, I’m not the only one that thinks that something’s off? What do you think happened?

Daniel: I don’t know. I think that the whole situation just seems suspicious. You know, stark announces to everyone that he and mom got married, as the ambulance is on the way to the hospital. No one, I mean, no one knew about this. How was that possible? And what– what was the purpose? I’m telling you that smarmy son of a bitch had something to do with mom’s death. And I’m gonna find out what it is. (Vo) purina one has the inside story on your pet’s health.

Summer: Someone was behind what happened to mom. I mean, kyle thinks that I’m crazy, but I know that what happened to mom couldn’t have been just a coincidence.

Daniel: First thing I’m gonna do is follow up on that marriage license. Gcpd’s checking to confirm if it’s real.

Summer: Okay. What if it is?

Daniel: Well, then I think it’s pretty obvious. Stark married mom for the money and then he killed her.

Summer: Kyle was saying something similar, but… you’re both missing the connection. Diane.

Ashley: Well, you seem pretty darn confident how things would turn out if we did get, you know, faux-engaged.

Tucker: Yeah, I have faith.

Ashley: Uh-huh.

Tucker: I have belief.

Ashley: Okay, well, you know me. I like that scientific methodology. So, give me some facts.

Tucker: As much as I admire that big analytical brain of yours, love is not about that. And you know it. You know, you don’t show it very often, but there is a romantic hidden underneath all that armor of–

Ashley: Okay? Give me an argument. Come on.

Tucker: All right. Well, first of all, I would absolutely dazzle you with a incredible engagement party.

Diane: Another party? What are you gonna do this time? You gonna drive a tank in or something?

Tucker: Yeah.

[ Both laughing ] Yeah, I might. I might. But that would be– be the first move. I– I’ve got all sorts of ideas, how to wow you and the whole town. You just ain’t seen ’em yet.

Ashley: Okay.

Tucker: Our wedding announcement alone, it would put jack and diane’s to shame. And the rock I would put on your finger, baby, you could see it from space.

Ashley: I make my own money, baby. And in case nobody’s ever told you, money can’t buy love, so…

Tucker: But it can accentuate it. And our love, my dear, would be accessorized with diamonds.

Ashley: Just one problem. We’re not in love.

Tucker: [ Clicks tongue ] Yeah, one of us isn’T. It’s true. Well, that’s why, uh, at first, the whole engagement would be an act, but we’d have to make it believable. We’d have to sell it. So, we’d have to spend all our free time together.

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GH Transcript Monday, April 10, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Loui – does sonny have you working all night? – I’m not sure. What about you? You got any plans? – Me and shane are going to go back to the dorm, and I guess there’s an after party. – Have fun. – Will you text me when you’re off? Maybe we can meet up. – Where? – [Laughs] Quartermaine boathouse? No one will know we’re there. – Dex, josslyn.

[Ominous music] Why do I always keep finding you two together?

– –After specific

pushing for the bill

for nine years and taking–

[Television turns off] – I really wish I didn’t have to disturb you.

[Inhales] Hey, willow? Willow? Hey. Hello, sleeping beauty. It’s, uh, it’s time you get to bed. You have a big day tomorrow. – Wait. The nurses’ ball is over? – Yeah. It ended a few minutes ago. – [Sigh] What did I miss?

[Ominous music] – Ok, what happened during the magic show? Is liesl backstage? – No one has seen aunt liesl. No one has seen her since she stepped into the vanishing cabinet. – Ok, liesl was supposed to donate her bone marrow for willow’s transplant tomorrow. Where the hell is she?

– [Knocking] Trina? It’s mom. Sweetheart, are you there?

[Indistinct chatter] – Esme? Esme, can you hear me, sweetheart? Oh– oh, god. Are you all right? – [Groans] – Oh, honey. Oh. It’s ok. Take it slow. Take it slow. Here. Come on. Let’s get you on the sofa. Come on now. – Ok. Ok. – Here, sit down. Sit down. – It– it– it all happened so fast. I mean, I opened the door, and then this man, he forced his way in, and then– – oh, my god. – I tried to fight him off, but he knocked me over, and– – oh, sweetheart. – He– he took my baby. – We’ll get your baby back. I promise you that. Come on now, honey. – Why? Why? Why? Why did he do that? Why did he– – I don’t know. – –Take my baby? – We will find your baby, sweetheart, I promise you. – [Sobbing] – It’s going to be ok. – I’m powerless. I hate being powerless to help her. – I know what you mean, but we have to trust that the doctors are doing everything that they can for her. – Anna would be the first to tell us to focus on stopping victor. – First, we’ve got to find that bastard.

[Suspenseful music] – Spencer, please, make yourself comfortable. Leave everything to me. – The boat is moving. – Well, technically we call it weighing anchor. – Uncle victor, where are you taking me?

[Dramatic music]

– I’m disappointed in you, dex. I’ve known for months you two were together. I gave you the chance to come clean, and you lie to me repeatedly, unless you want to deny what’s right in front of me. – No, sir. – You risked your life to save me. You’re lucky, because otherwise we’d be having a different conversation. You proved yourself to me, so how you handle your personal life is your business. Does your mom know that you’re seeing dex? – Yes. – And I should take your word for that? – You can ask her if you want to. Um, she– she doesn’t love it, but she respects that it’s my decision. – Ok. Well, you know what? I don’t like to be lied to. – No one does. – I’ve got a job for you. I have no interest in being the romance police. Josslyn is carly’s daughter. If that– that’s all right with her, that’s her business. As long as it does not interfere with your work. – It won’T. – Good. We’ve got a job for you.

[Suspenseful music] – I think you’ll find the accommodations on the haunted star are really first rate. Oh, speaking of which, your stateroom is ready for you if you want to make yourself comfortable. Alternatively, I can have someone escort you to the upper decks. You can take in the harbor lights. – But why do I need a stateroom or an escort, and why are we taking a tour of the harbor? – Oh, this is much more than the harbor tour, spencer. No, soon we’ll be heading to the open sea. – We’re leaving port charles. Why didn’t you tell me? Where are we going? – Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ve checked everything out. The haunted star is as safe as any ocean liner. – Like the “titanic”? Yeah, I’m out. Whatever the next stop is, I’m– I’m going to get off this boat. – Well, I’m afraid that’s out of the question. You see, we won’t be stopping for quite a while. – Then I’ll swim for it. The shore isn’t that far off.

[Suspenseful music]

– We have to find him. – We will. – My baby needs me. – Honey, we called for help, all right? They’ll be here soon. The police are coming–

[Knock at door] That’s them. – Pcpd. – [Sobbing] – Dante, thank god. A man broke into the house. Please, come in. I think she’s been hit in the head. – Please, we have to find them. He has my baby. – Who has your baby, esme? Who did this to you? – Who else? This is probably nikolas cassadine. – [Scoff] I can’t believe I slept through magic milo. Wait, I knew milo was coming to town to dance, but who else is in it? – Well, tj danced again. – Oh. – And somehow they recruited cody and dex. But you’re never going to guess who else they got to dance. – Who? – You remember that bodyguard that valentin hired to watch brooklyn and bailey? – Uri? – Yeah. – Oh, my god. Big burly yuri danced on stage?

[Gasp] I can’t believe I missed that. – Well, yeah, I recorded it so we can watch it another night.

[Soft music] But remember…

[Clears throat] I used to be a magic wand. So maybe when you’re back on your feet, I can give you a private show you’ll never forget.

[Laughter] – Promise? – No doubt. – What else did I miss? – Oh, your bone marrow donor was part of a magic act. – Liesl did magic tricks? – Well, more like she was the magic trick. Yeah, maxie’s kids, georgie and james, they put her in a box, and she disappeared. – I can’t wait to watch. – Yeah. Yeah, I know it was just a, you know, magic trick, but it– it looked a little too real. – [Laughs]

[Ominous music] – I’m assuming you called liesl? – Yes, carly. I called aunt liesl. She left her phone in the dressing room when she went on stage during the magic act. – Ok. Well, does sonny now that she’s gone? – He’s gone to look for her, and hopefully by now he’s already– hey. Any– any luck finding aunt liesl? – I have dex searching for her. Speaking of dex, did– did you know that he’s seeing josslyn? – You want to get into this right now? – It’s just a simple yes or no– – I don’t want to talk about my daughter right now. Come on. – A question, that’s all– – yes, I’m aware. I am aware. I’m not crazy about it, but it’s josslyn’s life, so she can make her own decisions. – Oh, ok. – I’m sorry to interrupt, but can we focus on aunt liesl right now? Did you talk to the stage manager? Did she fall through the trapdoor? – Trapdoor? – Yeah, there was a trapdoor in the vanishing cabinet and another one on the stage. – Excuse me, guys. Sonny, I need a minute. – Ok, if this is about how lucy made it from the safe house to the stage at the nurses’ ball, just go ahead and say it, drew. – What are you talking about? What safe house? – I gave valentin and lucy and anna a place to stay so they could be safe from cassadine. – Are you saying that valentin’s alive? – I just saw him a few hours ago. – I–I don’t know– I don’t know how to feel. I mean, whether to be relieved or furious. – In valentin’s defense, he was trying to exonerate anna. He was trying to protect lucy. He had to make victor think that he was dead, but something went sideways. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Anna was shot. She’s in the or right now fighting for her life.

[Suspenseful music]

– So according to robert, victor and some gunmen breached the house, all right? Lucy escaped through the bedroom window. Anna and valentin were captured. Valentin gave up the necklace. – Damn it. – Oh, I don’t understand. What necklace? What are you talking about? – The necklace your cousin britt inherited from peter august. – The stones were cut from the ice princess, but one of the stones had a coat on it– a coat that victor had been looking for for a while. Now he’s got it. Before he left, apparently victor felt like the best form of revenge for what he felt was betrayal was to hurt what valentin loves the most. – So victor shot anna as payback?

[Suspenseful music] – We’re all concerned about anna. But, jordan, you’ve got to remember something. You want to play the blame game? Anna was part of this right from the start. – You gave me your word that mac wasn’t part of the equation, right? – Yes, that’s right. – I appreciate your honesty, even if it’s belated. I have to assume eileen ashby’s murder was part of this as well? – That’s what anna believed, yes. – And that implies that the mayor was a part of this plan too? Don’t bother to deny it. I know laura would do anything to avenge luke’s death and protect her family at all costs. – It’s more about– it’s more than laura’s family. It’s more than all our families combined. And anna knew that. And that’s what…

[Gasping] – What did victor want so badly that he was willing to kill for it? – It concerns the ice princess necklace. – That holly sutton stole? But– that was burned in the fire that injured holly. – Holly’s injuries were faked along with the destruction of the necklace. We had it, victor’s now got it, and god knows what he’s going to do with it.

[Suspenseful music] – Dr. Robinson? Hi. – Hi. Joss, I– I was coming here to see trina. – Oh! – I knocked and– – I don’t think she’s back yet. Here, come on in. – Ok. I was on my way home, and i found myself coming over here. – Oh. – After seeing her on stage tonight at the nurses’ ball, she just looked so happy and beautiful. I kind of wanted to tell her how proud I was of her. – Yeah. Well, um, she should be back soon. We were just going to change and then head to a party. – You know what? You know what I’m thinking? I’m thinking this might not have been such a great idea. Just don’t– don’t tell her that I came by, ok? – Dr. Robinson, wait. I know that you and trina are having some issues, and this is not me trying to get in the middle, but, you know, maybe you could stay and just see how trina reacts. – Is– is it true nikolas showed up and took the baby? – I wasn’t here when it happened. – But– – esme, did you see nikolas here tonight? – Uh, no, but– I mean, if not nikolas, then who? Spencer? Maybe you were helping him. Is that why you left? – No! No, honey. Esme, I’m on your side. You know that. – Esme, paramedics got to take you to gh. – No, I’m not going anywhere without my baby. – Sweetheart, we need to know whether or not you were seriously injured, ok? In the meantime, detective falconer is going to do everything he can to try to find your baby. Now, come on. You go. You go. – My baby. Please, she’s all I have in the world. – I’ll get to the hospital as soon as I can, all right, honey? In the meantime, you do everything the paramedic tells you to do. Do you know what happened tonight? – Yeah. Deputy mayor ashby is dead, and anna’s been shot and is now in surgery. – And now esme’s baby has been kidnapped. How far do we have to look to find the common denominator? – It’s all right, ambrose. My nephew was just kidding. No one’s swimming anywhere. – Hey, I thought that you said that we were going to be working together. You were going to help me find a way to send esme to prison, and then I was going to make sure that my little brother gets the life that he deserves. – That was the plan, but plans change. – I don’t understand. You send your man to tell me to follow your instructions without question, I did exactly that. I’m here when you asked, when you called, and now I find out that you’re taking me somewhere against my will. Is that right? – Oh, come on, spencer, stop being so dramatic. I’m not abducting you. I’m saving you.

[Suspenseful music]

Remember when youguys moved into this dorm last fall. – [Laughs] – You two were so excited, because you got better rooms as sophomores. – That – [Sigh] So much has happened since then. Oh! Trina’s still misplacing her socks, of course. – [Laughs] Oh, god. Misplaced, leave out– neither one of us is clean freaks. Um, I’m going to go to the bathroom, and I’m going to change, but I’m also going to text trina that you’re here so she doesn’t feel ambushed or anything. – Thank you for that. – Ok.

[Gentle music]

– Well, the details are still a little bit sketchy, but yeah, valentin was able to call 911, get anna to gh in critical condition– like I said, she’s in surgery as we speak. – Oh, my god, this is crazy. I mean, victor shot anna just to get back at valentin. That’s attempted murder. He can’t bribe or charm his way out of this, and he can’t stay in port charles. – So I’m guessing he doesn’t care that his plans or whatever they are don’t involve port charles anymore. – Which makes him more dangerous. He’s not even bothering to cover his tracks. – That’s right. – He’s– he’s just going to target anybody that stands in his way.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Ominous music]

You ok?


– Look, I’m only going to

say this because sonny is the father of my kids, and if you’re going to be with him, there’s something you need to know. Sonny needs to be with someone who knows the good, bad, and ugly about him and his business, who will stand beside him no matter how dirty things get.

– You know, anna’s a fighter.

[Indistinct chatter] – I’m ashamed. I thought she was indestructible. But that was before. – Before what? – Before she came in contact with my family. There’s something truly toxic about the cassadines. They poison everyone and everything they touch. – No, no, no. That’s not true about all of you. You proved yourself differently. That was one of the big reasons why anna fell in love with you. – You really think so? – I do. Anna’s in that or right now fighting to come back to you. – Listen, if the worst should happen–

[Ominous music] – No. You can’t lose hope. She won’t let you.

[Bell dings] – You can’t speak for anna. – I’m not. I’m speaking for charlotte. – [Sobbing] – Thank you, kevin. Yeah. No, I think a visit from you would be just what she needs, you know? You’re one of the few people that she learned to actually trust, and she is frantic right now. It’s going to take every one of us to try to keep her calm until we’re able to find her baby. Ok, yeah. I know. I love you. Bye.

[Ominous music] Has there been any update about anna? – She’s still in surgery. – Ok. What I don’t understand is how somebody can walk in the building and walk out carrying a baby and nobody saw that. – I know. Look, I got people pulling surveillance footage from the building, we’re going to pick up ace’s trail, and we’re going to get your grandson back to you. – You’re trying to save me? From what? – From yourself amongst other things. Oh, come on. I was there for you when your father turned his back on you. Now, listen, it’s true. Nikolas has been nothing but a big disappointment to all of us, but you’re different. See, I trust that you will step forward and do whatever is necessary for our family. – I am so grateful for everything that you have done for me. I am so grateful. But I was under the understanding that you did those things for me out of love, not to compel me to obey you. – I don’t want your obedience. I want your loyalty. – You demand loyalty, and yet you won’t trust me with the truth! Or perhaps my grandmother was right about you all along. – Oh, come on. You can’t believe a word that woman says. – Then let me go home to my family. – Oh, spencer, don’t you understand? Your family is right here. – I have more family than just you, uncle victor! – I am well aware of that. Ambrose.

[Suspenseful music]

– Ace? What is he doing here?

– As I told you, spencer, your family is all here on this boat.

– Give me my brother. – Oh, spencer, don’t worry. I’ve arranged a wonderful nursery on board for little ace. God, we really have to do something about– – where is esme? – –That stupid name– esme? Oh, miss prince won’t be joining us. – There is no way that she would give that baby up. – Ambrose can be very persuasive. Oh, I don’t know why you’re so shocked, spencer. You agreed with me that esme should have no part in little baby ace’s future. – I know what we said, but– – esme is back there with all the other mediocre people of port charles, and we are here because we’re different. We’re cassadines. We deserve better. So for you, for me, for our entire family, it’s full steam ahead. – Man, I wish my mom cleaned my side of the room. Dr. Robinson, is everything ok? Ah. Yes. You know trina. Any chance she can get to add a little extra art in her life.

[Laughs] – I, um, didn’t mean to pry. I wanted to look at the art, but something’s written inside. – “Trina, every day with you is a gift.” – It’s not signed. But then again, it doesn’t need to be, does it? That’s from spencer, isn’t it? – Hey. Did the doorman see something? – No. Not a thing. – Nothing? – We did put out a missing child alert for esme’s baby. – Ok. Well, hopefully somebody saw something. But you know you can’t go with that. – Right. Hopefully forensics gets me this footage and– look, all we need is a picture, one image of the person who broke in here tonight and took ace.

[Phone chimes] – Is that them? – Yeah. They’ve emailed me the footage. – Ok. – Maybe this is the break we need.

[Ominous music] – When did you get here? How did you get here? – I was staying at my friend melissa’s house when felicia sent a police car to pick me up. – It was mac who sent the car. I just told him you needed to be together. – Thank you. – I’ll give you some time alone.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Suspenseful music]

– How is anna? How bad is it? – It’s bad. But she’s got really good doctors, and she’s in good hands, and she is the strongest person I have ever met. – Is it my grandfather, victor? – Yeah, it was. – I hate him. – No. Don’t hate. I don’t want that for you. That just makes him too important. Your life is your own,

mon petit, then it marches by. Please don’t spend it hating. I don’t want that for you. You’re better than that. – Don’t ask me to like him. – No. I would never do that. I just want him gone. You’re going to have such a life, you are, with people to see and places to go, and I just want it to be so full that there’s no room for thoughts of victor. – It would be a lot easier to forget about him if he was locked up. – Yeah. Yeah. And I promise you he will be. One way or another, he’ll be stopped.

– Lucy’s alive? – Yeah. – She showed up at the nurses’ ball? And sonny saved her life? – Yeah, that’s what’s being reported. – You’re proud of your dad, aren’t you? – I mean, I’m happy lucy is safe– absolutely. And I’ve always known my dad is this physically courageous. It doesn’t– doesn’t make me like him any more. – None of us can change the past, michael. We can only try to be better in the future. – Does that go for nina too? Sorry, that was a cheap shot. – No. No, it’s fair. I do hold what n ina’s donein the past against her. But I have to admit that she’s a big part of why liesl has agreed to be my donor. And I owe her for that. – I’m just– I’m trying to understand this. So victor, he shot anna in cold blood just to punish valentin? And then– and then he’s going to target other people who opposed him? Dex! Did you find her? Did you find my aunt liesl? – Go ahead. Say what you need to say. You can talk in front of everybody. – I checked the crawl space under the trapdoor on stage, and I found this. Looks like a– a charm from a bracelet. Does it look familiar? – The– the charm was my cousin britt’S. It’s very precious to my aunt liesl. I can’t imagine her being careless with it.

[Suspenseful music]

– I wish you had better news. I’ll be in touch soon. – Now what? – Missing child. – Oh, no. That’s awful. – It’s esme prince’s baby. – Nikolas cassadine’s the father of that child. This can’t be a coincidence. – No. It sounds like victor’s getting all of his ducks lined up in a row. – His ducks and his diamonds. Let me know the minute you hear a word about anna. – Where are you going? – To get answers.

[Ominous music] – Ok, it’s going to be much easier to see this footage from your computer. – Yeah, good idea. – Ok, here’s a nighttime view of your building. – Uh-huh. Ok. Oh, ok. So that’s the service elevator. Is that the kidnapper right there? – Could be. We don’t see his face. He’s got a hoodie on. Let me see. Freeze this and zoom in. Well, look at that. He’s got a gun. – Oh, my god.

[Suspenseful music]

– I’ve known for a while now. I’ve known that spencer had become more than just a friend to my daughter. – Especially after rory died. – And after seeing them together tonight, the connection that they have– pretty obvious. – I take it you don’t approve. – Do you? – [Sigh] I mean, it’s not really up to me. It’s up to trina. – And I’ll take that as a no. – Look, I’ve known spencer for a really long time, and I know that he can be a– a jerk, but I also know that if there’s anyone that’s going to make him want to be better, it’s trina.

[Suspenseful music] – I’m going to go. I appreciate you, but I’ve been here long enough and– you know what? If you could just tell trina– just– just tell her that I miss her. – Ok. Dr. Robinson? – Yeah? – Um, no matter what mistakes spencer may or may not end up making, I do know he would never knowingly hurt trina again. – Knowingly. And that’s the part that scares me. – Look, victor, I know that you’re doing what you think is best for me and for my little brother, but leaving port charles means leaving the people who we care about– people who are going to start to wonder where I am as soon as they realize that I am missing. – If you’re referring to your grandmother, it’s high time you stop letting laura control your life. Or is this about the young lady who always seems to bring out your weaker, more sentimental side? – Do not talk about trina like that. – Oh, romantic attachments are all very well and good, spencer, but now is the time to make your family your priority. Take it from me. I’m speaking from experience. In no time at all, you’ll have forgotten all about miss trina robinson.

[Ominous music] – Is it possible it fell off britt’s charm bracelet without old britt knowing? – Well, sonny, that doesn’t make me feel any better. I mean, aunt liesl knew how important tomorrow is for willow. What was she doing in a crawl space beneath a trapdoor? That definitely wasn’t part of a magic act. – Um, I think michael and willow need to know what’s going on with liesl. – You want me to have dex drive you? Because he can drive you. – No, I got it. It’s ok. I can take her. – Oh. – Thank you. I appreciate that. – Yeah, of course. Come on. – I’ll go pull the car around. – Well, for once, I’m not upset that carly gets to be the one with willow. Carly will be able to reassure her and comfort her. Because I have to find my aunt liesl, and you’re going to help me.

[Suspenseful music]

– I need to find out what happened to my aunt liesl. – You want my help? You realize what you’re asking, right? – I know what I’m asking you, sonny. My aunt liesl and willow’s lives are at stake, and my aunt liesl is the only one who can save willow. I want you to do whatever it takes to find her. – Are you absolutely sure? – God help me. I am. – Ok, ok. Let’s get– let’s get to bed, and I’m not taking no for an answer, all right? We need to get you rested for your big day tomorrow. – Ok.

[Knock at door] – Hey, mom, drew. What are you doing here? – Is something wrong? – Ok, so we should see the same hooded figure leaving the building, right? – Yep. – Ok. Oh, my god.

[Tense music]

Stop right there. – What? You recognize that face? – It’s hard to forget. It’s ambrose. It’s victor’s bodyguard.

– [Gasping]


[Heart monitor beeping] – You were just having a bad dream, esme. – I kept seeing the face of the man that broke in and took my baby. – Did you recognize him? – [Stammering] I don’t know who he is. All I know is that he has my little boy. But why? Why did he take my baby?

[Ominous music]

[Sobbing] – Jane, I think it’s time you took this little sleepyhead back to his crib.

[Ominous music] – Isn’t it past your bedtime as well? – That’s very kind of you to be concerned. I’m a night owl. – Ambrose is here for my protection and yours, as well as your little brother’S. And he sooner you understand that, the better off you’ll be.

[Tense music]


[Indistinct chatter] – Charlotte? I’m, um, I’m going to speak to robert for a second. – How are you holding up? – I hate waiting. – Me too. – What’s the word on anna? – There’s been no update. Well, that in itself is an update. It means she’s still fighting, and we– we knew she would. – Anna’s going to make it. Robert, I want victor found, and I want him dead. And then I want to dig a hole and bury him with my bare hands. – [Sighs]

[Groans] Where are you, trina?


[Ominous music] – How about I make you a deal? I will agree to go with you wherever you want to take me. But you have to letmy baby brother go home. – [Chuckles] Spencer. You still don’t understand. He is home. And so are you, here, with me. As long as we have each other, we have everything we need.

[Ominous music]

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Monday, April 10, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Chad, how nice to see you. Are you all right? I’m, I’m fine. I You’re alive. I’m alive. I, I heard, I heard that, that you were alive. I just had to seat with now and two eyes. I’m glad you did. Come in, come in.

How are you? Hey, you look amazing. Oh, well, thanks. I feel amazing. I’m just so happy. Happy and thrilled to be back with the people that I love. Well, everybody who knows and loves you is every bit as happy. It really is a. It is, she’s too bad that Tay didn’t come into,

I’m sorry, C can you repeat that? I didn’t hear you. Is, is it your mom? What is she saying?

Oh no, wait. How did this happen? I don’t understand.

Could be so important that Victor would keep all

a letter to my mother. My name is Steve Johnson. I’m working with the isa. I need to see any evidence you have from the raid on Will Helm, Rolf’s hotel room. I’m afraid your colleague has already made that request. My colleague? Yes. He arrived a few minutes before you did. Is he still here? Yes. Derek Donovan is waiting on that room.

Shane. Donovan is here. Why don’t you go and join him and, uh, we’ll go see what’s taking so long.



is it really you?

How can this be

your You’re alive. That I am.

How is this possible? How are you

and what are you doing here in Chris posing as Shane Dono?

Let’s see if we can get these people to talk to us about Thomas Banks. I want to.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Thank you so much for calling. Yes, I will be there as soon as I can. Was that about Kayla? Was she all right? No, I mean, that call wasn’t about, my mom seemed urgent. Who was it? A hospital in Seattle. She’s been in an accident.

I’ve sent this back to Victor without even opening it.

Victor kept it all these years. Why?

Oh, miracle. Thank you.


My dear is Caroline, I have just returned to Greece. It was terribly painful to leave you behind in Salem, but I knew it would be the best after what happened between us.

What’s going on? How are you alive, bitches? What are you doing here? It’s a long story. Well, that’s a story This dude would like to hear

C that cop out there. He told me that you said you were Shane Donovan, and you were trying to get all the evidence that was collected from Dr. Rolf’s hotel room. Now why would you say that

I’m working undercover for the isa? What? I can’t go into detail. I just have to get some evidence and get the hell outta here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Are you in some kind of trouble? No, I’m not. I’m working the case and the clock is ticking. I just gotta go. No, not until we talk. I can’t talk. This is a highly sensitive operation.

It’s true. So I don’t have your operation. Listen to me. Kayla is missing some. Psycho has her. That’s why I’m here in Greece. I’m trying to track down Thomas Banks. Why banks? Hope, and I have reason to believe that he’s the one who took Kayla

Hope is here in Greece. We gotta call her and tell her you’re alive. You’re not calling anyone,

sir. We mean no harm. I know you don’t, but this one is a different story. Sir, my name is Constantine. I own You were in here a couple of years ago. Yes. I’m surprise you. Remember I never forget the face. And imagine my surprise when I saw yours again sometime later. And where was this? In the newspaper. We get a lot of tourists in here, always leaving their international papers behind.

I saw your picture on the front page. You been arrested for committing many terrible crimes. Including trying to kill you at your wedding. If I recall correctly, uh, Harris was in, how did you get outta prison, sir? You just, you must have escaped and now you are a wanted man wanted by the police. I, I can assure quiet is he holding you against your will.

Sir, of course you cannot say you are too scared. It is. All right. You are safe now and we’ll make sure he never hurts anyone again.

Joey’s been in an accident. Is he okay? He’s fine, thank God. But they said he is pretty banged up. He cracked a few ribs and he broke a leg in two places. He’s in surgery right now to have it repaired. Oh man, that’s, that’s tough. And. He’s gonna be all alone, so I, I gotta get to Seattle. Stay. He’s gonna need help getting around.

No, I know, but Dad’s in Greece looking for mom, so obviously neither of them can get there quickly. Someone has to, someone has to go right away. I will. I, I’ll go to Seattle. What? No, you don’t have to do that. No, I, I want to. Okay. Joey’s my brother too, and I do have some medical expertise and a job here.

Same as you. I can work from anywhere. Steph, you haven’t slept since you talked to your mom. Okay. You need to go see Marlena and figure out if Kayla left you any clue of where she might be. I just don’t want Joey to think that he, he won’t trust me. He wants you to focus on finding your mom and getting her back home.

Hey, look, I, I, I’ll book my flight right now. He, I’ll be in Seattle before he even wakes up.

Thank you. Trip. I really appreciate this. Of course. Oh wait, what about your big date? So when you and Kayla were in the lap, Kate was, Megan was holding all three of us

and now you’re home. Kayla’s missing and Kate’s, uh,

I’m so sorry, Chad. You can’t stop thinking about her. You, I’m trying to put all these bizarre pieces together. You know, I mean, at, at first we thought that Kay was dead and then it turns out that she’s actually alive on some island. And, uh, now,

What did Megan want? What did she do?

I, I, I know you don’t want to relive this nightmare. It’s just that Tate was like a mother to me, and knowing she had a second chance and my own sister took it away from her.

With Abigail, it was a shock. You know, losing her the way that we did, having the answers and, and knowing what happened, it didn’t take away the pain, but, uh,

um, it made it a little easier. I understand. I wish I could tell you something more. In fact, as we were, we were sedated most of the time. There actually was only one day that the three of us were, were conscious together. How was Kate? Was she all right? She was all right. She kept going after Megan, demanding to know what Megan planned to do with us.

What did Megan tell you? Not much, unfortunately.

And then she put us under again. When Kayla and I woke up, Kate wasn’t there. We tried to escape. And, and, and find her. But Ralph, stop this. Did he tell you where Kate was? She was with Megan. Apparently Kate was going to be the first test subject of Ralph’s new serum, five new. I don’t know. He just said it was going to be life changing.

How or what? I don’t know. So Megan made Kate her own personal Guinea pig. Yeah. Megan came back into the lab at one point and said that Kate had refused to cooperate, so she was going to be taking a different path.

So Kayla and I were left in the, in the lab for a while,

and then a few minutes, and then a few minutes later

we heard a gunshot. Very shot.

Uh, she said she didn’t pull the trigger, so I imagine it was her henchman, the one that had. Taking Kayla off the island. Thomas Banks, I hadn’t ever considered him. Did his name come up? Stephanie was talking to Steve yesterday and Megan is claiming that Thomas Banks is the one that took Kayla.

Sir Constantine, there’s been a misunderstanding. If you would allow me to explain, I’d be happy to. Fine. I know they read. It is not fake news, but it is old news and if you let me show you, you’ll see Commander Harris Michaels cleared of all charges. Yes. That was a few days ago. You see Harris was found innocent on all charges.

Is this true? Yeah. Look, I feel terrible about what happened to all the people I heard, but yes, it’s true. My apologi. Now you had every right to be concerned. I’m, I’m glad you were looking out for Hope. Hope Reading Forer. Thank you so much for looking out for me. And I promise you this guy here is not a danger to anyone.

In fact, he is helping me. We’re working together to find my sister-in-law who is kidnapped. Um,

her name is Kayla Johnson. Have you seen her?

As much as I wanted to stay in Salem, I could not. It had become too much of a risk. My feelings for you longing, my, my desire. It had grown so strong. I feared that simply by looking at you. I give myself away. Give away what’s in my heart.

And each day the temptation grew stronger to throw caution to the wind and tell the world just how very much I love you. That made me dangerous, Caroline. I was a ticking bomb that could go off at any moment and destroy your life, but I could never hurt your family. Not Sean or your beautiful children, not Roman or Kimberly or Little Kayla

Bo. What the hell are you doing? We need to call Hope and we need to find Thomas Banks. No, you don’t. Didn’t you hear what I said? He’s the one who took Kayla. Yeah, I heard. But no, he didn’t take her. I did. What are you talking about? I don’t have time to explain. What do you mean you can’t explain? What do you mean you took Kayla?

Where is she? Answer me. Is she all right? Of course she, you think I’d hurt my own sister? No, but I don’t understand why you took her off Megan’s Island without telling. John and I were there searching for her. I don’t know how we missed you. What difference does it make? What’s done? What’s done? What difference does it make?

Kayla’s my wife, you had to know how worried everybody would be. You couldn’t let someone know she was okay and then you were alive for God’s sake. I told you, I know you told me you were working undercover, but you couldn’t find a way to make contact. If, if not with me, at least with hope, okay? I don’t have time for this.

No, listen, well listen to me. Whatever’s going on, you can talk to me. You can trust me ina. I gotta get this evidence now. Move. No.

Get the hell off of me.

No, I have not seen this woman. You’re sure? I’m sorry. No. All right. What about this character? Oh, yes. Here. May have seen that is a face I wish I could forget. So he was standing here. He asked a few years ago when you were here Commander, but I have not seen him since. Well, thank you. Anyway, we should head back to the hotel, see if Steve Penny, you’d like the police station.

Wait, wait, wait. If I could not give you any information, at least let me provide you with a nice meal. Hmm.

Okay. As much as I’d hate to can on Wendy, Joan needs me and, and Wendy has a brother. She’s close to She’ll, totally underst. Okay, well if you’re sure. Put my flight. Alright. You should go see Marlena, right? You’ll call me when you get there. Gimme an update. Absolutely. Thanks Trev, you’re the best. Tell Joey I.

And that he better get well soon, or his big sister’s gonna kick his butt. Will do. Good luck. I hope you remember something that helps Dad find Kayla.

I could never hurt your family, Caroline. But I must confess that I’ve dreamed many times that you and I have a child together. Sometimes it’s a son and sometimes it’s a daughter. How I hate waking up from those dreams. I know it can never be that we can’t be married and have a family. I’ve so often seen in my dreams, but I wonder if we might have something else that’s just our own.

If perhaps you could come here to Greece. There’s a little house in the hills where I grew up, a secluded little villa where the two of us, just you and I could be together.

Do you think that Thomas Banks is the one that took Kayla? It’s possible. I mean, he. Worked for Megan before. Did you see him in the lab? No. No. The only people that I saw were Megan and Ralph.

Wait, what is it? There was someone else there.

Get the hell off of me. Whatcha gonna do? You gonna cut me? I don’t think. And we may not have seen each other for almost a decade, but I am still your best friend in the whole world. No, that’s right. You remember that, don’t you? There was a time we hated each other and I took bad eye. Do you remember that?

How could I forget? Yeah. Now please put the knife down. And let’s talk. You’ve done enough talking. Now let go made before someone gets hurt. Listen to me, Paul. I don’t know what’s going on with you. I don’t know what you’ve been through, but the things you’re saying, the way you’re acting, It’s not you. Oh, Brady would never hurt me.

You sure about that? Damn right. I am.

Hey, I took, why? How about I take the other? You can’t. Oh, yeah. Watch me.

I knew you couldn’t do it.

Okay. Hey, man, I don’t know what’s happened to you. But you can’t change 40 years of history. You will always be my closest friend in the world. Oh, do me a favor friend, and shut the hell up. Oh,

so there was a fourth tube in the lab. There was Kayla and I kept pressuring Ralph to tell us who was in it, but. Well, as he was about to tell us, Megan walked in. So he didn’t give you a name? No, but I don’t think that it could have been banks. I mean, how could he be gallad all over the globe causing problems and, and still be frozen?

Frozen banks? Who do you think it was? I’m not sure we’re ever going to know.

Um, uh, thank you for telling me what happened. Of course. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of some comfort to you. No, you were, I’m glad to know that you and Kayla were with Kate in our last days. Unless you wanna fight,

I should go.

I’m so glad you came by

and if you have any more questions, please just call me. I appreciate that.

I am an ambitious man, as you well know, but I’ve come to learn that nothing is more precious than time. The people you love. I want time with you, Caroline. I want that so badly and we can have it here in our own private paradise. Oh gosh. I could send you a plane ticket tickets, continue. A plane ticket, and you could, you could tell Sean that you’re visiting a relative, perhaps a sick aunt in Ireland.


It would allow you to steal away even if it’s only for a little while. For a little while. You could be.

You could be my wife,

Constantine, that is very kind of you. And normally I would absolutely say yes, but we have a lot of work to do. Yeah, we have a big search ahead of us. Oh, be more reason to keep up your strength. Besides, I cannot let my best customer leave without taking. Would care of her. Me? Are you talking about me? As I said, I never forget the face.

And I remember you being in here as well, who a year or so ago that was, uh, the first night we met, the two of you were sold. You look so happy together. You were practically glowing while you laughed and talked and ate, danced on tables. I never, I never danced the table special. A lot of plates that you did do?

Yes. All right. That I idea. I did. I remember I special a lot of plates. True. Yes, you did. It was a celebration of joy, of life, of love, and all the people that would hear, they couldn’t have enough of the beautiful American. They all fell in love with this woman. Please sit, sit, please,

and allow me to recreate the magic of that night.

Yeah, at two 30 to Seattle.

Great. Thanks. You’re going to Seattle this afternoon. Oh, I saw that we were having dinner. Yeah, I know, and I’m, I’m really sorry about this, but my brother Joey, he, uh, he’s been in an accident.

I knew you were back, but Oh my God. It’s so wonderful to see. So good to see you, drew. How are you feeling? I’m, I’m fine. Uh, my family’s taking very good care of me. I’m sure they have been. I wasn’t expecting you to be here. Well, I, I wanted to see a miracle with my own two eyes, and Marlan was kind enough to tell me what happened.

I’m so sorry.

Uh, is there any news about your mother? Not yet. That’s why I’m here. Actually. I was hoping that you might be able to help us find Finder. How can I help? She called me yesterday and what did she. The connection was very bad. There was tons of static, so I could barely hear her, but to sure. It was your mother, definitely.

We were on for a few minutes, but all I could make out was that she’s somewhere in Greece, which is where my dad is now. Did she say exactly where? If she did, I couldn’t hear it, but Tripp thinks that maybe my subconscious mind might have, and that if you hypnotize me, I might be able to remember. I know the chances are slim, but I will try anything that might help my mom and so will I.

Wow. He really went all out. Yeah. You can always stay here. Yeah. But we already know that this is a dead end when it comes to Thomas Banks. Okay. So let’s eat and then get back to the search for care. Okay. You know, Constantine copying this meal had nothing to do with him. Feeling bad about threatening me with a bad, or not being able to help us find Kayla.

I think he’s hoping for an encore performance. Really but of me breaking more plates, I sincerely don’t. You can, you can deny it all you want hope, but I was here that night. And to my purpose, my purpose was to find prisms. I was programmed to find those prisms, but I saw the same thing Constantine did.

Beautiful American who made every person in this place fall madly in love with her.

Have you retrieved those prisms yet? Well, I don’t suppose they say it’s prepared to offer me a reward. Huh? For my trouble. Are you asking for a payoff? Of course not. Director Donovan. I have all three prisons right here. Well done.

What’s with him? I thought he was your colleague. Ah, he just told you that to get access to these prisms, he’s a con artist. It’s not who he claims to be. It’s not me.

Sorry. It was ah. Battering rather violent. Two came out me. I had to bash him in the head. Poor fella. The sooner I get him to a secure facility, the better. Cheers. Don’t.

Is Joey gonna be okay? Yeah. Yeah. His leg is pretty badly broken apparently, but yes, from what they told us, he should be just fine. Oh, thank God. So what, he’s in surgery now or? Yeah, that’s why I’m leaving for Seattle right away. I wanna be there when he wakes up. I’m just really sorry that I’m gonna miss our dinner trip.

Please don’t worry about it. I am brother needs you. Thank you for understanding. Of course. And look, I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back, but, uh, is there any chance I can get a rain check on dinner? Count on it, and hey, please tell Joey that I hope you get well soon, okay? Will do. See you.

Stephanie, now that you’re completely relaxed, I wanna take you back to yesterday, a Newton in the square was Chad. Did you get a phone call? Yes. And who was it?


It was my mother. What did she say?

I know it’s shock honey, but it’s true. I’m, I’m alive. She said that it was really her. She was alive. And then what?

What did you say, mom? The connection’s getting really wonky. Mom, I’m sorry. The connection’s really bad. I can only hear every third word or whatever. There’s lots of static. Tell me where you are. Okay. Greece. I’m in Greece. Greece? Yeah. Yeah. Greece. Where in Greece? What’s the name of the city? There’s so much static.

I, I can’t hear what she’s saying. Okay. That’s all right. I, I want you to try to black blackout all the. Until you only hear the sound of your mother’s voice.

You said Megan Henchman was who? Where are you in Greece. What’s the name of the town? She said a name. I heard a name. Who’s up?

Stephanie, can you still hear the sound of your mother’s?

All right. It’s okay. I’m gonna bring you out of it. Wanna count to three? Just open your eyes. 1, 2, 3.

How do you feel? I’m. Did it work? Sorry, I think I messed it up. What do you mean? You were under, um, recalling your conversation with your mom? You said you heard a name and I I jumped on it. I said, who was it? I think I, I threw it off. I did hear her say a name. Was it Thomas Banks? No, I’m pretty sure it was.

Victor, Kiki.

Caroline, my darling. I know what I’m asking may be impossible, but I hope you will consider it.

Please know that whatever you decide, I am forever your. Victor.

Oh, hello. You’re back. Yes, with the prisms you needed. Pen. Another thing, a little present.

Stay back. He’ll live maybe.

Hmm. This is the best lamb I’ve ever had. This puts my seafood dish to shame, that’s for sure.

Oh, you’re feeling it. You feeling it? I’m feeling what? I think you know. Oh my gosh. Paris Michaels for the last time, I have never, ever danced on a table. Not ever. Hey, I know, I know. But you look so happy that night. You look free and relaxed. It’s not hard to imagine you getting up there again. Time again, house.

What is happening right now? Well, I think they want you to join me. I can see that. But thank you so much. But we’re eating and drinking. I don’t think he’s gonna take no for an answer. All that please. Woo.

Okay, come on. You know what? Screw me. This

one more.


You kids behave yourself.

Can you hear me? Steve? Steve, can you hear me? Yeah. Can you hear me? Can you, can you.

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B&B Transcript Monday, April 10, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Romantic music ]

Brooke: I– I really shouldn’t be talking to you dressed like this.

Ridge: To be fair, I didn’t think you were gonna come down here dressed like this. Looks nice.

Brooke: Oh, ridge. We can’T. My friendship with taylor means too much. She and I promised.

Thomas: Are you sure you’re okay?

Hope: I just– I just want you. Why are you so good, liam?

[ Thomas sighs ]

Brooke: Okay. Wait. Okay. Taylor and I made a pact.

Ridge: You made a pact to stay away from me?

Brooke: Um, to avoid conflict, competition, for the sake of the family and for ourselves. Ridge, we’re not teenagers anymore. We can’t give in to every impulse, every desire.

Thomas: I am dedicated to

being the best person I can.

The best coworker,

the best father

and the best friend.

Hope: Great. In that case,

I think

it will work out.

Thomas: This is my last

chance. I get that and

possibly hope for the future.

So, look, I promise I will

not mess this up.

Liam: Well, that was– that was amazing. That was– you were amazing. Where did that come from?

Hope: I just wanted you to feel my love. Never forget that, liam. Never. We’ve seen what you would do for a klondike,

Liam: Hey, what you doing?

Hope: Um, I just– I need to go check on my mom.

Liam: Like– like now?

Hope: Yeah.

Liam: Uh, okay. Is everything all right? ‘Cause it kind of seemed like you were maybe dealing with something earlier.

Hope: No, no, no. Everything– everything’s fine. I just need to make sure that a situation is under control.

Liam: Situation? So, this has to do with your mom?

Hope: It has everything to do with my mom.

Liam: Oh. Okay. I’ll just–

[ Thomas sighing ]

Thomas: Hope’s gonna love it.

Ridge: Listen, I don’t want to cause any trouble between you and your new bff, taylor.

Brooke: Took us a long time to become friends. And I’m not gonna break our pact the first evening that I’m alone with you. But doesn’t mean you need to rush off. This is a big empty house and I just need some company sometimes, so let’s talk.

Ridge: You want to talk, dressed like that? That is what you want to do, is talk?

Brooke: Yeah, I do.

Ridge: Mm-hmm.

Brooke: You’ve seen me in a lot less, ridge.

Ridge: Not lately.

Brooke: Well, thanks to thomas and his phony cps call. Sorry.

Ridge: No, I’m sorry. I– I can’t believe I thought that was real.

Brooke: But you did. You took off after taylor. You went to aspen and I followed.

Ridge: I should have just stayed and we could’ve talked and figured it out.

Brooke: Ridge, come on.

Ridge: What? Why– why can’t you just say it? You owe me that.

Brooke: Okay. I’ll say whatever it is you need to hear me say so we can get through this.

Ridge: What I need to hear is the truth from you.

Brooke: I love you and I don’t want to lose you and that is the truth.

Ridge: That’s not all of it. Why can’t you take some responsibility and just say it. Say it to me.

Brooke: Say what?

Ridge: Instead, I didn’t say anything. I just ran. And everything changed forever.

Brooke: Well, I wouldn’t say everything. We’re here together, now. Do me a favor. Don’t tell taylor about this. I mean it. Don’T.

Ridge: Okay. Don’t tell her about what? You coming down here in this little number? Is that what you mean?

Brooke: Yeah. That. Ah, I don’t understand why you can’t stay here, you know? Just seems silly–

Ridge: Yeah.

Brooke: With all this love that we have between us.

Ridge: Mm-hmm.

Brooke: But maybe that just means we’re maturing. Relating on a different level.

Ridge: Yeah, maybe.

Brooke: Yeah. So… are you gonna spend the night at eric’s?

Ridge: I– I guess.

Brooke: It’s probably the best thing to do.

Ridge: Huh?

Brooke: Mm-hmm.

Ridge: Oh, so this is good night now?

Brooke: Yep. Good night, ridge.

Ridge: Good night, logan.

Brooke: Ugh. Whenever you call me logan, oh, it just kills me.

Ridge: Can I, um…

Brooke: What?

Ridge: Can I have my jacket back? See you.

[ Brooke sighing ]

Brooke: Mm.

Hope: Mom.

[ Brooke gasping ]

Hope: What are you doing? And what are you wearing? Put that on. You’re supposed to be friends with taylor. How could you? Why give your family just any eggs

[ Door slamming ]

Ridge: I remember those days. My head buried in the design for hours and hours.

Thomas: I got all these wild ideas going on in my head. I got to get them on paper as quickly as possible.

Ridge: Yeah. May I? Do you mind?

Thomas: No. Come on. Ah. It’s– it’s coming together. It’s not finished yet though.

Ridge: It’s confident. There’s boldness in your vision. It’s coming out in your hand for sure.

Thomas: Yeah. It’s like, um– it’s like I’m not even thinking about it. Everything’s just flowing right through me onto the page.

Ridge: That’s when you know that you got something.

Thomas: Yeah?

Ridge: Yeah.

Thomas: Oh.

Ridge: Okay. No, no, no, it’s all right. I just– look, it’s my opinion if you think you can draw the eye a little further down, that’s always a good idea, but that’s up to you. It’s– uh, it’s yours. It’s good. You’re good. In the right path. Shows in your work.

Thomas: I really appreciate that. I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. I didn’t know how you were gonna react finding out that steffy just brought me back on.

Ridge: I didn’t know either. I’m glad you’re here. I love you. Keep your head on straight. You can do anything.

Thomas: Hopefully, what i can do is make hope with the future’s next– next line a massive success.

Ridge: And what about outside of work? How’s that going?

Thomas: Um. Do you mind if I ask you the same question first? I was over at steffy’s and, um, mom was there. She– she told us you had dinner with brooke. How’d that go?

Brooke: You knew ridge was gonna be here. You, liam and the kids, you were invited to dinner, but you had other plans.

Hope: It looks like you did too.

Brooke: What are you talking about?

Hope: Oh, please. Mom, I was right there. I saw it. I mean the candles, the flirting, the giggling. I mean, you wearing that. I mean, really, mom? When is it going to stop?

Brooke: Ridge and I were just talking.

Hope: Oh, please, you expect me to buy that? I mean, I have eyes, mom, and I’ve seen this play out time and time again because this– this is what you do. You just jump from man to man. And the more inappropriate, the better.

Brooke: Stop it. That is not fair.

Hope: You know what is not fair? Having to put up with it for as long as I can remember. Oh, gosh. Mom, this is– this is just what you do. But I– I have not made your mistakes. No. I have a good husband and a beautiful family, and I have a great marriage. Nothing like you, mom. I’m not.

[Tap tap]

Ridge: You’re concerned that brooke broke her promise to your mom. Well, she did not.

Thomas: Good. I mean, their bond is pretty awesome.

Ridge: Man, I’m aware of that.

Thomas: But they– they’ve really been there for each other, you know? And I think that mom, weird to say, but I think that she actually got brooke to see that I’ve changed. You know, I think that their relationship really is a good thing.

Ridge: Mm-hmm. And you don’t want me to mess it up.

Thomas: I’m not– I’m not the person who can go around telling people what to do. I’m just– I’m just asking–

Ridge: Asking what my intentions are. I get it. Well, son, I don’t know what the future holds.

Thomas: Me either. Think I’m kind of in that same place. I’m not thinking about the future. I’m in the present and you know, making sure I’m not turning into the person that I was in the past. I manipulated people. I hurt people and I’m never gonna do that again.

Ridge: Glad to hear it.

Thomas: Believe it.

Ridge: I do believe it. I believe in you. I’m proud of you. But it’s okay to look ahead. There are possibilities.

Thomas: Here at work?

Ridge: Here at work and life. Are you dating anybody or?

Thomas: Uh, um, no, I don’t really have time. I’ve been focused on this.

Ridge: Yeah. Okay. All right. You interested in somebody?

Thomas: Ah, I get it. No. Hope and I, we are– we’re just working together on the line. We’re co-parenting douglas and I– I just want to make sure that I earn back her trust and I’m not gonna do anything to derail that.

Hope: I come up here wanting to talk to you for a minute and what do I find? I find you and ridge together with you dressed like that. It’s like you can’t even control your impulses with them. I mean not with him, not with my dad, not with anyone.

Brooke: Hope, you need to calm down. What is going on with you? I’ve never seen you like this. Nothing happened between ridge and me, but obviously something is going on with you.

Hope: I saw you, mom.

Brooke: Oh, my god. Your reasoning is not making sense.

Hope: And thank goodness I’m nothing like you.

Brooke: Oh. Okay. I know you’re not saying that to hurt me, so what is it? Are you having issues with liam?

Hope: What?

Brooke: Honey, I know that your marriage has been under stress lately because you’re working so closely with thomas. And now, you’re talking about how you’re never gonna be like me. So, what does that mean? Are you having feelings for another man? Is it thomas?

Hope: This isn’t about me. This is about you. And liam and I, we’re fine. We work through our issues. I mean, we just had a beautiful evening together.

Brooke: That’s good, but I know how marriages can be, how things come up. Challenges and feelings and you have to deal with them. And yes, some of the things that you were saying about me are true. Yes, I’ve made mistakes with men in the past, but not this time. I want to just set the record straight, okay? I went upstairs to go to bed and ridge said he would finish his glass of wine and then let himself out. And then, when it came back downstairs, he was still here. I just needed to blow out the candles, but nothing happened. I wasn’t making a play at ridge.

Hope: You weren’t?

Brooke: No. I just was going upstairs to go to sleep, alone.

[ Brooke sighing ] Oh, gosh, honey. What is it? Please. You can talk to me. I know that you’ve been having problems with liam, problems in your marriage, but please don’t let that affect anything. I know you love liam. He’s your husband and you’ve got two great kids, beth and douglas and they bring you so much joy. And that’s what I want for you. Don’t give up on this. Don’t lose liam.

Liam: Hey. Hi. Everything okay? I just– you left the cabin kind of suddenly and I started to get a little wor– oh. Oh, hi. What’s going on?

Hope: No– nothing. We were just, um, talking with my mom about how lucky I am to have you and how much I love our life together and how I won’t ever let anything, or anyone come in between that.

Liam: Okay. I’ve been telling everyone.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Christine admits to Lauren that her marriage to Paul is over and she and Paul have been having trouble for months.

Devon tells Tucker that he doesn’t want to buy McCall Unlimited because he intends to stay at Chancellor-Winters and work with Lily. Devon tells Tucker that Jill wants to buy McCall Unlimited as long as he isn’t a part of the company. Tucker tells Devon he doesn’t want to sell the company to Jill because he wants the company to be run by family. Devon tells Tucker that he can do whatever he wants with his company because he doesn’t intend to buy it. Devon tells Victor that if he wants to buy McCall Unlimited he can do it because he isn’t going to buy the company since he is going to stay at Chancellor Winters.

Summer asks Chance to attend Phyllis’s memorial service and watch the reactions of the mourners especially Diane and Jeremy. Summer thinks Jeremy married Phyllis for her money and intended to split the money with Diane. Chance questions Jeremy who continues to pressure him to investigate Diane since he thinks she killed Phyllis. Chance tells Christine that the toxicology report on Phyllis’s blood showed a lethal dose of strychnine in Phyllis’s blood. Chance finds an empty bottle of strychnine in Phyllis’s hotel room and calls the police station and asks someone to investigate who bought the bottle of strychnine. Phyllis reads an article on her iPad about her memorial service and wonders what Summer is up to having the service at the jazz lounge where she collapsed.

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Interview with Cedric the Entertainer, Max Greenfield, Beth Behrs, Tichina Arnold, Sheaun McKinney, Marcel Spears, Hank Greenspan and surprise guest Jerry O’Connell

TV Interview!


Cedric the Entertainer, Max Greenfield, Beth Behrs, Tichina Arnold, Sheaun McKinney, Marcel Spears, Hank Greenspan and surprise guest Jerry O'Connell of "The Neighborhood" on CBS

Interview with Cedric the Entertainer, Max Greenfield, Beth Behrs, Tichina Arnold, Sheaun McKinney, Marcel Spears, Hank Greenspan and surprise guest Jerry O’Connell of “The Neighborhood” on CBS by Suzanne 1/31/23

This was a very fun interview. There was a lot of laughter.  The cast is so great and obviously get along very well after 5 seasons and 100 episodes! This CBS press day was, in part, to celebrate the show’s 100th episode, which airs this week, April 10, 2023. As you’ll read below, you’ll see how funny the panel was, and how the surprise guest made it even funnier! However, he did interrupt my question, and I wish they would have another crossover episode between their show and their sister show, “Bob Hearts Abishola!”




Cedric the Entertainer

 Max Greenfield

 Beth Behrs

 Tichina Arnold

 Sheaun McKinney

Marcel Spears

 Hank Greenspan

  Virtual via Zoom January 31, 2023

SHAWNA MALCOM: Good morning, everyone. I’m Shawna Malcom with CBS Publicity. And along with my CBS Studios counterpart, Tagan Lee Green, I’d like to welcome you all to the panel for our hit comedy “The Neighborhood,” which, as you just saw, is celebrating its 100th episode this season. The milestone episode, directed by Cedric the Entertainer, just wrapped filming last week and includes guest appearances from the hosts of “The Talk.” We will be sending out a screener of the episode closer to when it airs in April.

Today, we are happy to have the full cast joining us here during a break in production, starting with Cedric, who is also an executive producer of the series, Max Greenfield, Beth Behrs, Tichina Arnold, Sheaun McKinney, Marcel Spears, and Hank Greenspan. In a moment, Cedric will kick things off with some opening remarks, but, first, just a quick reminder that if you’d like to ask a question during the panel, please use the “raise hand” icon, and when I call your name, please remember to unmute your microphone before asking your question. And with that, I’ll turn it over to Cedric.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Hey. Good morning, everybody. Thank you, Shawna. Good morning. Welcome, everybody, to the panel. It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these. So I appreciate it. I’m really excited to be here, talking about our show still, man. We are in our fifth season. The show has grown a lot. Of course, the cast is just really dynamic. That’s been really one of the key things, I believe, to the longevity and the success of the show that we’ve had. It’s such a dynamic cast and the way that we gel together, of course, our writing staff and just the whole family environment here. I’m really excited to meet this milestone this year of 100 episodes, something that’s very rare in the business of television these days. So we don’t take it for granted. We feel very blessed to be able to be doing a show on a big, major network at this time. And so I’m really proud of that milestone as well as getting the great news that we’ll be back for a sixth season. So, again, I’m very excited that we have the support of CBS, our fan base, people who watch us on Monday nights, love this show, and continue to support us. So thank you, guys, for being here, and go ahead and spread the word even more so. Thank you.

QUESTION: Hi. Thank you. It’s great to see you guys. Most of you have been on hit sitcoms before. What makes this one special compared to those? And will there be another “Bob Hearts Abishola” crossover?

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Is that for anybody in particular?

QUESTION: Any of the actors.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Well, I guess I’ll jump in. I mean, of course, having someone I was a part of a show that did a hundred episodes. That was rare. I’ve been a part of shows that did nine, you know, ten episodes, and so we just are very excited about you know, I think there’s a real opportunity of having a show where you come to work, you love coming to work.

(Jerry O’Connell joins the panel.)

JERRY O’CONNELL: What’s up, Ced? Ced, what’s up? It’s Jerry. I’m getting ready to do “The Talk.” How are you, man?

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Jerry O’Connell, you look good, man. I was just talking about you. I wasn’t, right?

JERRY O’CONNELL: Is anybody else on this meeting?

BETH BEHRS: Hi, Jerry.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Just me and you, Jerry.

MAX GREENFIELD: Jerry, you have your shirt off, and you are putting on spray deodorant. You are kind of

JERRY O’CONNELL: I’m getting ready.

MAX GREENFIELD: getting dressed.

JERRY O’CONNELL: We do a live show here. Hey, guys, congrats on a hundred episodes. I just wanted to ask, who was your favorite guest? your favorite guest costar? your favorite guest star?


MAX GREENFIELD: Jerry, your shirt is off, and you are putting on deodorant


MAX GREENFIELD: and it’s inappropriate.

JERRY O’CONNELL: A hundred. Max, we’ve been friends for a long time.

MAX GREENFIELD: Jerry, is that hair spray or deodorant? I’m so confused because you were spraying it under your armpits, and you are spraying it in your hair, also totally inappropriate, what you are doing right now.

TICHINA ARNOLD: He’s shaving.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Is he shaving under his arms now?

TICHINA ARNOLD: Let him shave.

MAX GREENFIELD: I don’t think you know that you are on camera, Jerry.

JERRY O’CONNELL: By the way, such an honor to be a part of “The Neighborhood” and the hundred episodes. If anyone wants, I have these little autograph cards that I give out. I signed my name. I’m going to give them to anybody.


JERRY O’CONNELL: I get to sign my name.

MARCEL SPEARS: Jerry, I’d like one.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: I’ve been folding those up and using them to balance out my table at restaurants.


JERRY O’CONNELL: Hey, guys, I did want to jump in, and I wanted to say congratulations. It was so much fun seeing how everybody works. And you realize why there’s been a hundred episodes, and there will probably be a hundred more. I’m going to go do a live show.

MAX GREENFIELD: You so should have done that just the way you did and not had to open up with your shirt off and spraying hairspray under your arms.

JERRY O’CONNELL: I just wanted to show everyone my process and the magic of TV. I love you guys.

SHEAUN MCKINNEY: Thank you, man.

TICHINA ARNOLD: We love you, Jerry. We love you, Jerry.

MAX GREENFIELD: We can get in a lot of trouble for showing your process to people, Jerry.

TICHINA ARNOLD: Jerry is a nut, man.

MAX GREENFIELD: Jerry guest starred in our hundredth episode, for those of you who are confused.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: It was literally one scene, guys. So I don’t know what the whole thing is where he needed all of this.

MARCEL SPEARS: I think it was a memorable scene. It was memorable.

TICHINA ARNOLD: Very memorable, yeah.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: We could not get him to take his shirt off, and, eventually, I guess, it finally happened, like, days later where he decided, like, “Yes. Do you know what? I’ll do it.” So he made an effort.

MARCEL SPEARS: I was honestly jealous because I didn’t get a chance to none of my scenes were with him, but I know, like, Max and Beth, you guys got a scene with him.


CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Yeah. Beth got, on her own, to be approved by Jerry O’Connell.

BETH BEHRS: Monkeying, too, to Jerry O’Connell, I

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: From Max, from Jerry O’Connell, but it was a very tight group.

TICHINA ARNOLD: Inside joke. Inside joke.

BETH BEHRS: As you can see, this cast has many inside jokes. That’s why we are all dying right now.


BETH BEHRS: Well, to piggyback off of the question that you asked 20 minutes ago

TICHINA ARNOLD: Yes, please, do that.

BETH BEHRS: this that you saw right here is different from any job I’ve been a part of, and I think you can tell, like, there is a certain camaraderie here and a certain amount of fun. Like, there’s never a day where I wake up and I’m, like, bummed to go to work. It’s, like, no matter what’s happening in my personal life, I come here, and I laugh all day long with these people. And our crew is the same way. I’ve never been around a tighter crew of 300 people, and, you know, the way everyone stands up for each other. And when someone gets cancer or someone needs fertility treatments, this is a cast and crew that literally comes together and pools all of our money and fights for our own, and I’ve never been a part of something like that. So that’s why we want to do 200 more. We just want to hang out all day.

TICHINA ARNOLD: And, hence, why we were able to laugh. We are survivors. We are survivors. We are here five seasons later and still, you know, coming into people’s homes and making you feel better.

QUESTION: Hi. My question is for Cedric. You have the unique opportunity to say your own words on stage as a stand up comedian and saying the words in a sitcom situation. How are they different? And how are they the same?

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: You know, I guess, one, by being the executive producer of this show, I actually have a lot of voice and opportunity to make sure that the show is in tone, that we do try to be very real to the characters and what the characters are saying and what we want to convey. Each actor has an opportunity to as we are developing the show, we get the words from the writer. We get the scripts. But almost every actor on this show, if they have something that they want to say with a scene, if they have something that they feel like they want to get off, I’m a big supporter of that.

So I think that that is where it kind of parallels the stand up is the opportunity for inside the show, inside the character, for us to actually take on subject matters, say things in a different way, find the words in which either you, as a person, as an actor, would like to say something or uncomfortable with saying something and then have the ability to be able to change that and make it work. The thing about stand up I always say this about being the last stand up performing: You just don’t get any better than that as an opportunity of just, kind of, walking out and truly voicing your own opinion and letting that go into the world.

Now, of course, in the day of the cancel culture, even that is something that you have to approach with great care and trepidation. You can’t be careless and reckless knowing that for me, it is that I do have all of these other people that are counting on me to be able to come to work and do a job. And if I go out there and get us canceled by saying some joke that was reckless and careless and ruthless and mean spirited, then I can damage it for other people. So these are things that you have to be a lot more aware of nowadays than you used to be as a comedian, but I do embrace the freedom of being able to go on stage and just, kind of, saying what I’m thinking.

QUESTION: Well, thank you, guys, and I wish you another 200.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Thank you, brother.

QUESTION: Hello, everyone. Thanks for doing this. My question is for Beth. A hundred episodes, Gemma wears a lot of hats: neighbor, family woman, school administrator.

What is your view, over 100 episodes, of the arc that Gemma has gone through?



BETH BEHRS: Good to hear your voice.

QUESTION: Thank you.

BETH BEHRS: It’s been a long time.


BETH BEHRS: Yeah, she has worn a lot of hats, and I really think, especially her, sort of, relationship to motherhood I think Tichina’s character, Tina, and Gemma have really gone on a journey, both, in their friendship, but I was thinking about it recently, about also what she’s learned from Tina as a mother. And I think that that’s something super special that I’ve seen play out on this show and also in my personal life with Tichina as my friend now becoming a mother. So I think she’s grown in a lot of ways, as I have.

That’s one of the cool things about being on even on “Two Broke Girls,” it was my whole twenties, and this has been almost my whole thirties. And it’s like you are growing up with your character. So it’s just kind of meta and cool to play out. But I’m excited to see what we can do in the future because, like Cedric said, I think there’s just so many ways to go with this because these families are growing in real time, in real world society, like all of us are. And so, yeah, I’ve really enjoyed growing up on this show and growing together with this group of people.

QUESTION: Thanks a lot.

QUESTION: Yeah. This is for Max and Cedric. They say, nowadays, a lot of people just don’t see their neighbors very much. They just don’t meet them. So I was wondering, for you guys, first of all, when you were growing up, did you have a neighborhood like this where you knew your neighbors and talked to them? And, nowadays, do you have that kind of a situation, or do you wish it was like on the show? Max first.


MAX GREENFIELD: Yeah, I don’t know. When I was growing up, I grew up in a neighborhood where we definitely knew our neighbors. You were able to walk around the town, and it felt like I had a lot more freedom back then. It was a smaller town in upstate New York. And now I know none of my neighbors, and I care not to.


QUESTION: How about you, Cedric?


MAX GREENFIELD: People are weird these days. I’m not I’m not I don’t know.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Yeah, the same thing. I grew up in St. Louis, definitely the kind of neighborhood where you knew everybody up and down the block, the different families. You knew their parents, you know. You knew the houses not to go to. All of these things were a part of being a great neighborhood. Now, of course, it’s very different. One, I’m extremely rich. I have to live behind 13 gates, I believe, right now, if I’m counting. There’s, like, several security guards to even get to my own bedroom, I believe.

No. But it is so different. It is one of these things, like you know, the pandemic was really good for that, though, for that particular reason in the sense that everybody had to get outside. We were walking. And that was the first time that, you know, in recent years, that I must say I had an opportunity to kind of find out people who lived near me and see their faces and knew who they were. We didn’t live in a car.

MAX GREENFIELD: You didn’t meet any of those people.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: I did, man. I know them.

MAX GREENFIELD: No, you didn’t.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: I know people now. I forgot their names.

MAX GREENFIELD: You didn’t meet any of those people.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: I met them. At the time, I knew them well.


CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: But, since then, we are back in our cars. We don’t see each other.

MAX GREENFIELD: Name one neighbor.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: It’s, uh oh, here Victor. Victor.

MAX GREENFIELD: That’s our director, Cedric.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Oh, yeah. John and Karen. John and Karen, they live around there.

MAX GREENFIELD: Those aren’t real people, Cedric. Those aren’t real people.

QUESTION: Hi, guys. Thanks for talking to us today. So a couple of minutes ago, you were talking about growing. So I’m just curious, after having doing this so many years, are there still things that you learn about acting, about comedy, that kind of thing, from each other, just kind of as you go?

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: Sheaun, Marcel, are you guys going to jump in?

SHEAUN MCKINNEY: Yeah. For me, absolutely. I’m surrounded by some of the funniest people, I think, on TV and in this profession from Cedric, of course, and Tichina and Beth and Max. And Marcel is freaking hilarious. Hank is funny. So I’m learning still how to craft jokes, how to make something work that’s not working in physical comedy because Tichina and Beth are amazing at physical comedy, and that doesn’t come easy. And they are naturally great at it, and so is Max and Marcel. And Hank’s capacity to understand things at his age is amazing. So I’m learning every single day to be a student of each one of these people.

MARCEL SPEARS: Yeah. I think, personally, I’m learning how to teach because I am a complete human being. I’m perfect, and I don’t


MARCEL SPEARS: have to learn anything from any of these people.


MARCEL SPEARS: I do have a master’s degree

SHEAUN MCKINNEY: A great actor.

MARCEL SPEARS: from Columbia University.

BETH BEHRS: He’s the only one with a master’s, so

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: A master’s from Columbia.

MARCEL SPEARS: Yeah, Columbia. No. Every day is, like, the best class ever. It’s the best acting class. It’s the best class in how to be a producer. It’s the best class in directing. It’s an honor and a privilege every day to come to work because of how much I am learning from these people, and then I just get to turn up and have fun, which is also so really good for me.

QUESTION: The rest of you have to say you have a master’s degree from the Columbia Broadcasting System.


QUESTION: But when was the turning point for this show? Because, in the beginning, it was just this antagonistic kind of relationship between neighbors, but it shifted. When was that, and when did you see that shift?

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: You know, it was actually very intentional, though. It was one of those things that in order to really get to the show that we were intending to do is to show the kind of contentious nature of what happens when people just assume somebody is different from you because of skin color, religion, background, whatever these things that this natural assumption that we kind of live in a culture where, if somebody is different from me, I don’t like them.

That’s what it is; right? It takes you back to the, kind of, early Norman Lear shows with, you know, “All in the Family,” “The Jeffersons.” And so that was, kind of, very intentional in the way we — especially me, the way I wanted to approach the show. And so, of course, Max the actors and the people that you meet just come in, and they are just, you know we were friends. We were friendly. We enjoyed each other. We laughed a lot. We got each other’s sense of humor, and so it’s harder to act that when you have this kind of natural connection.

So, eventually, it just made sense to kind of lean towards the friendship if we wanted to tell a funnier show. Plus, we didn’t want to be like this was a situational comedy. We are not here to argue each week or everybody stand on their soapboxes. So it started to be toward the end of the first season where we wanted to lay in this idea that there was hope, that there was this opportunity for these guys to find common ground. And so, when we kind of started this second season, we had a great opportunity to do something unique there, and so that was the spirit of the attitude of the show, and I think that’s the thing that people can really chew on about it. And now it’s just really fun, digestible, fun people, watching them be on the show together. We don’t really care about the racial dynamics or anything anymore. We are just, like, “They are friends.” I love it.

QUESTION: Thank you.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: But you earn that.

QUESTION: Hi. One of the things that we talked about one of the things that is promoted here is the idea that you can take really serious subjects and explore them more if you make people laugh about them. Have you found that to be true? Let’s ask Max and Tichina and Marcel.

MAX GREENFIELD: Yeah. I think it goes back a little bit to what Cedric said. When we discovered these characters and we discovered their relationships with each other, I think that then allows you to tackle more difficult subjects with a sense of humor because we and the audience are familiar with who these people are and where they are coming from.

TICHINA ARNOLD: Well, I love uncomfortable laughter, and the reason why I love uncomfortable laughter, there’s a reason why a person is uncomfortable. That’s because they are learning as they are laughing. And I am a true believer in, if it’s funny, I’m doing it. And I think, if a lot of people in the industry took more of that type of approach, we would be able to they would be able to be like this show and what this show has done. It has opened a lot of doors. It’s bridged a lot of gaps racially.

Just between each other on set, you know, like Beth said earlier, we teach each other about each other and about each other’s culture. So it’s a very fine line, and it’s awesome to have someone like Cedric The Entertainer, who is at the helm of that, because he keeps the integrity, he pulls us back, mainly me, but you have to have that because it comes from an honest place. So this show comes from an honest place. So we can get away with certain things. And I say “get away” loosely because, unfortunately, you have a lot of content out there, and it’s saying a lot a bunch of nothing, but this show says a lot. And so that’s pure testament to having somebody like Cedric that actually is looking it over, mulling it over, thinking it over, and culminating it to a place where it’s presentable.

MARCEL SPEARS: Yeah. I think comedy disarms you. Comedy lets down the defenses. And it’s the artist’s duty to reflect life, and I think Cedric has been really intentional. And our showrunners and our creative team has been really intentional about making a show about who we are right now as a country, as a community, like, who are we and really looking at that through the lens of comedy and creating a safe place for the people who watch this show to really reflect on maybe some serious things but also, like, laugh and get a chance to enjoy each other, laugh with each other, grow together, learn about each other from the safety of their homes, obviously from the safety of their living rooms. But I think it does the comedy of it does a lot to bridge that gap and make it more approachable and understandable and digestible.

TICHINA ARNOLD: And, Hank, how do you feel about our comedy night? Because you are, like, the only kid. And sometimes we go a little too far, but he gets it. And so I always wondered watching it because I always used to be the kid. So I always ask Hank questions as we go on. But how does it feel being a part of this type of comedy?

HANK GREENSPAN: I don’t know. It feels weird because I’ve grown up on the show. We started when I was seven, I think. That was when we shot the original pilot. And now I’m 12. So it’s really bizarre because a lot of the jokes I really just simply don’t get, and everybody will be dying laughing. And I’m “What’s the punch line? Did you say it already?”

TICHINA ARNOLD: Thank God for that. Thank God for that.

HANK GREENSPAN: Yeah. No. It’s really bizarre, but watching everybody perform, it’s a learning experience, not only for me, but for everybody involved, so yeah.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: It’s interesting. It’s funny because immaturity I said this on another interview recently is that Hank, in his latest especially in this season and watching him grow up, his timing, his ability to deliver a joke has been impeccable. Of course, when you have a young character on the show and the only kind of kid that’s in this show as a child, you are trying to figure out how to tell your tone and your adult story, and you try to give him some lines to not just let him be a straight man. And so now that he’s getting more and more maturity, you find the ability to give him lines that a kid that’s 12, that’s preadolescent, that’s, you know, in the world can say and question. I’ve just been enjoying it more and more this season. He just knocks them out of the park with these little, cool, like, flash through, walk through lines that are just awesome. Oftentimes, they are one of the funniest things in the show, and he’s just been able to, as an actor, I think, kind of grow into that and see it in that way. So it’s been fun to watch his growth.

MAX GREENFIELD: Hank, do you think that’s natural, or do you think that you learned it from somebody?

HANK GREENSPAN: Oh, it’s definitely natural. No.

MAX GREENFIELD: Do you think maybe you just picked it up somewhere? It just rubbed off on you, or are you just saying it’s all you?

HANK GREENSPAN: Yeah. Thank you, Marcel, for teaching me how to deliver jokes correctly.

TICHINA ARNOLD: There you go, Hank. That’s nice.

HANK GREENSPAN: I did it. I said a funny.


MARCEL SPEARS: I’m telling you, man, this is good.

MAX GREENFIELD: Just think about who set you up for that. No credit.

TICHINA ARNOLD: That was so good.

SHAWNA MALCOM: We have time for one last question.

QUESTION: Cedric, do you remember when you first realized you had this comedic skill? And when you realized it, what did you do about it?


MAX GREENFIELD: I can answer that. It was somewhere in Season 4.



BETH BEHRS: I’m dying.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: That late in life?

MAX GREENFIELD: I’m going to mute myself.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: You know, I think it was definitely you know, for me, it was in the junior high school, you know, eighth, ninth grade kind of era of your life when you are kind of transitioning from being your mother’s kid to this guy that’s going to have your own identity and your friend group. You are getting a little more independence. And I think that’s when my sense of humor started to, kind of, like, jump out and when I was aware of it, especially when I started getting in trouble at school for being funny, like, doing things that I thought was just, like, me being myself and find out I would have the kids all laughing.

And then the teacher would blame me for being disruptive. And I was, like, “Oh, this is something.” But because my mother was a school teacher, it was something I never really chose to look at as a kind of life goal until much later in life. I didn’t even approach stand up or anything until after I was out of college. So I never even knew I could do this as a kind of profession or anything until it was much later in my life. But I always knew that I had this thing where I could make people laugh, and I enjoyed it. So that was much younger.

SHAWNA MALCOM: Okay. Before we wrap, I’ll throw it to Max for some closing remarks.

MAX GREENFIELD: I just wanted to say thank you, everyone, for coming. But, first, before I say that, I just want to apologize for Jerry O’Connell’s behavior. He guest starred on the hundredth episode and has sort of been showing up ever since, trying to back into the show.


MAX GREENFIELD: We thought it was possible he would join this Zoom, a slim possibility. But, nonetheless, here he was today. So if anyone was offended, I apologize. I know Beth was offended. Sheaun, I could tell, was really upset. Marcel, I’ll have to Hank doesn’t understand it, what happened, but

HANK GREENSPAN: Unfortunately, I do. I saw everything.

MAX GREENFIELD: Again, that’s the timing that I taught Hank if he found it very funny. It’s quick. You know, the secret of comedy is the timing. Isn’t that right, Hank?


MAX GREENFIELD: Got it. So here


We just want to thank you guys for coming and continuing to support this show. As you can see, we have no fun here. None of us like each other. It’s a very tense environment.

TICHINA ARNOLD: Borderline embarrassed.

MAX GREENFIELD: And the idea that you have continued to support us through now six seasons or what will be six seasons, which very, very few shows are able to do nowadays and, trust me, there’s not a person on this panel or on this set that doesn’t understand that, know that, and is unbelievably grateful and appreciative of that reality. We thank you all, and you are such a part of what we do here. And thank you for joining us today. It’s so nice that we get to do this. We haven’t been able to do it since, Shawna had told us, 2018.


MAX GREENFIELD: This was a real treat. Thank you, guys, so much.

CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: We appreciate you guys starting this big campaign to get us an Emmy nomination. We thank all of you on there for your sincere over, overwriting about this show, saying “Hey, guys, don’t skip over sitcoms because they are multi-cams and they don’t deserve Emmys.” And this is you use our show as an example of why a show should be Emmy nominated as a situational comedy. And, just, each and every one of you, I’m looking at you on here, at your blank screens, and I’m saying, hey, congratulations, guys. Thank you so much. We appreciate it.

BETH BEHRS: If Jerry O’Connell gets an Emmy before any of us, we’re going to have a real problem, especially for guest starring. I’m just saying.

TICHINA ARNOLD: You know he’s banking on it. You know he’s banking on it.


SHAWNA MALCOM: On that note, thank you, everybody, on Zoom for joining us for “The Neighborhood” panel. Please stay tuned for a message from Emmy winning host Jeff Probst and a sneak peek at “Survivor’s” two hour premiere airing Wednesday, March 1st, at 8 p.m. on CBS and available to stream on Paramount+.

TICHINA ARNOLD: God bless. God bless.

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"The Neighborhood" key art Max Greenfield as Dave Johnson, Cedric the Entertainer as Calvin Butler, Beth Behrs as Gemma Johnson, Tichina Arnold as Tina Butler from the CBS series THE NEIGHBORHOOD, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Chris Patey/CBS © 2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.THE NEIGHBORHOOD stars Cedric the Entertainer in a comedy about what happens when the friendliest guy in the Midwest moves his family to a neighborhood in Los Angeles where not everyone looks like him or appreciates his extreme neighborliness. Dave Johnson is a good-natured, professional conflict negotiator. When his wife, Gemma, gets a job as a school principal in L.A., they move from Michigan with their young son, Grover, unfazed that their new dream home is located in a community quite different from their small town. Their opinionated next-door neighbor, Calvin Butler, is wary of the newcomers, certain that the Johnsons will disrupt the culture on the block. However, Calvin’s gracious wife, Tina, rolls out the welcome wagon; their chipper younger son, Marty, thinks the Johnsons could be good for the community; and their older son, Malcolm, finds Dave may finally be someone who understands him. Dave realizes that fitting into their new community is more complex than he expected, but if he can find a way to connect with Calvin, they have an excellent chance of making their new neighborhood their home.

The fifth season premieres Monday, Sept. 19 on the CBS Television Network, and will be available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.


Milestone Episode Directed by Series Star and Executive Producer Cedric the Entertainer

The Hosts of Daytime Emmy Award-Winning “The Talk” – Akbar Gbajabiamila, Amanda Kloots, Natalie Morales, Jerry O’Connell and Sheryl Underwood Guest Star as Themselves

“Welcome to the Milestone” – Calvin struggles to find the perfect birthday gift for Tina. Also, Gemma works a connection to actor Jerry O’Connell, whose kids attend Walcott Academy, to secure VIP tickets to THE TALK for her school’s fundraiser, on the100th episode of THE NEIGHBORHOOD, Monday, April 10 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. Series star and executive producer Cedric the Entertainer directs the milestone episode, featuring guest appearances from the hosts of Daytime Emmy Award-winning THE TALK: Akbar Gbajabiamila, Amanda Kloots, Natalie Morales, Jerry O’Connell and Sheryl Underwood.

WRITTEN BY: Jacqueline McKinley & Antonia F. March

DIRECTED BY: Cedric the Entertainer

*Paramount+ Premium subscribers will have access to stream live via the live feed of their local CBS affiliate on the service as well as on-demand. Essential tier subscribers will have access to the on-demand the following day after the episode airs.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Cedric the Entertainer, Max Greenfield, Beth Behrs, Tichina Arnold, Sheaun McKinney, Marcel Spears, Hank Greenspan and surprise guest Jerry O'Connell of "The Neighborhood" on CBS


Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, March 21, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nate: I think we need to address what happened the other night.

Victoria: I thought that we were pretty clear with one another.

Nate: Saying everything is fine is one thing, but is it really?

Victoria, I don’t want what happened to change our work dynamic, and I hope it doesn’t alter the trust and comfort we have with one another.

Victoria: Nate, don’t give it any more thought. Really, it bears little to no weight on my end.

Nate: I hope that’s the case.

Victoria: Look, if it would make you feel better, I will willingly admit that i overstepped, and I’ll apologize. I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable.

Nate: No apologies necessary

[Chuckles] Because you wouldn’t mean in anyway.

Victoria: Excuse me?

Nate: You don’t feel like you overstepped, now, do you?

Victoria: No, I don’t.


Victor: Let me ask you, how do you think Katherine would feel? She realized you drew a very hard line with Devon. I mean, Devon is her grandson.

Jill: You’re playing the Katherine card, aren’t you? Look, Katherine had a lot of opinions, a lot of opinions about a lot of things, and most of them I did not agree with. But make no mistake, there are times when I miss her like crazy.

Victor: Yep.

Jill: What I don’t miss is when she harped at me on how to run the company all the time. She and I can discuss that in the afterlife.

Victor: [Chuckles] Well, that’s fair enough.

Jill: Just

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, March 20, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Daniel: Is everything okay? Are you ready for your arbitration hearing?

Lily: Um, yeah, everything’s fine. I just — I didn’t sleep very well last night.

Daniel: Figured as much, seeing that very large cup of coffee. Did you ask them if they’d sell it to you by the gallon?


Jeremy: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, god. What are you — what are you — what are you doing, yelling my name? I just made this whole show that I washed my hands of you and your plans for Diane. I — I — I just made a big deal out of it. W-we can’t be seen here together. That’s why we’re meeting in your room.

Jeremy: I just finished my morning workout, and my endorphins are in overdrive. Now I’m ready to sit down and discuss next steps.

Phyllis: Okay, well, let’s do that, but let’s leave before we get busted. Let’s go and get out of this…

Diane: [Exhales sharply] I should have known. Every word out of your mouth was a big, fat lie.

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 15, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Hmm, it’s an interesting offer.

Adam: It is? I, um — I didn’t mean it to be interesting. I just, uh, wanted somebody to drink with, you know.

Tucker: Actually, on the upswing these days. If you’re looking for someone to commiserate with, you got the wrong guy.

Adam: Do you want a drink or not?

Tucker: Uh, I’ll have a bourbon, neat, please. Thanks.

Adam: So, is, uh, one of the things on the upswing you selling McCall?

Tucker: [Sighs] You’re not much of a small talker, are you?

Adam: Well, word on the street is, your company is for sale.

Tucker: Word on the street? Ah. You and I must be hanging out on different streets. Where’d you hear that? Thank you.

Adam: Well, you know, I keep my, uh, ear to the ground.

Tucker: Hmm. Your sister and dad told you, right? I didn’t know you were in the Newman inner circle these days.

Adam: Yeah, we’re, um — we’re tight. We’re — we actually, um — we’ve never been closer.

Tucker: Hmm. I’m sure. You relish your role as the black sheep of the family, don’t you? Having plunged a dagger into your dad’s heart by going to work for Jack Abbott, I can’t imagine that put you on his good side. Frankly, everyone knows Victoria’s distaste for you. So, honestly, where did you hear this?


Adam: You obviously don’t have your ears as low to the ground as I do. Um, [Inhales deeply] I’m actually no longer at jabot.

Tucker: No, I know that. Ashley told me you underperformed your way out the door there.

Adam: It wasn’t a good fit.

Tucker: The c-suite press-release lingo. Did you also quit to spend more time with family?

[Chuckles] Of course, that doesn’t track, because your family can’t stand you.

Adam: No, Victoria, dad, and I — we have our issues, but, uh, at the end of the day, we’re family. And we always will be.

Tucker: Mm-hmm.

Adam: I know you can understand that, with everything that’s going on with Devon.

Tucker: Indeed, I can. Father-son relationships are, uh, huh, complicated. Yeah.

Adam: Yeah, that’s the thing about Victor me, is we — we understand each other on a cellular level because we are so much alike.

Tucker: Yeah. Yeah, you are. You’re both miserable, ruthless.

Adam: See, you, on the other hand, you are nothing like Devon. You know, him being principled, thoughtful.

Tucker: [Chuckles]

Adam: Yeah, you really botched that relationship. It sounds like he doesn’t want anything to do with you, including acquiring McCall. Which means I might actually end up being the CEO of your empire.
[Slaps bar top] We should drink to that.

Tucker: Adam…

[Sighs] Over my dead body will you ever have anything to do with my company

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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, March 14, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: And we are trying to keep this quiet for right now. Of course, we wanted to tell you both, but if you could keep this to yourselves, we would appreciate that.

Summer: I will be very quiet, silent.

Jack: Well, we are headed to Society. We’ll talk later.

Diane: Oh, kiss Harrison for me.


[Door closes]

Summer: What the hell was that?


Victoria: Look, Nicholas, i understand where you’re caution is coming from, but I am not gonna pass on this phenomenal opportunity so that dad can use McCall to lure Adam back into the family, which is only gonna make him more beholden to dad, like some emotional hostage. It’s bad business. It’s miserable parenting. You and I — we’ve seen this movie before. We know that it ends in disaster for both of them.

Nick: So, now you’re worried about Adam’s emotional well-being?

Victoria: I don’t want to fight with you right now.

Nick: Alright. Should we reschedule this fight for some other time?Victoria: Hi, Nate. What a pleasant surprise.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, March 13, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Kyle: That smile didn’t exactly reach your eyes. Are you worried about my parents fleeing town? Or Jeremy Stark? Or maybe it’s your dad’s strange relationship with Sally? Or are you concerned about the safety and well-being of our son?

Summer: How about all of the above?

Kyle: I know there’s a lot going on right now, but we’ll work through it.

Summer: How? How are we going to work through this, Kyle? I mean, I… I’m trying to stay positive, but there’s so much going on, and I haven’t even told you about the run-in that I had with my mom earlier today.

Kyle: What happened with Phyllis?

Summer: I just have a bad feeling.

Kyle: About what?

Summer: I thought that she was letting go of her obsession with Diane, she was going to focus on rebuilding her relationships with me and Daniel. But now that that doesn’t seem to be working out for her.


Audra: You know, I really admire you. Your laser-like focus on achieving your goals is inspiring. You decide you want McCall Unlimited, and nothing will stand in your way. And, you know, despite how much you obviously value your own family, you don’t hesitate to get in the middle of other families. You know, like when you worked with Nate to acquire Chancellor-Winters.

Victoria: That was strictly a business proposition.

Audra: Yeah, but you understand that people are responsible for their own choices. You focus on Newman’s bottom line and not on Nate ruining his relationship with his cousins. And now you’re not at all afraid of getting between a father and son.

Victoria: You know, unlike the people that you just named, the Newman family has always been united. Even when we’re fighting and struggling to see eye-to-eye, our allegiances are very clearly defined and unquestionable.

Audra: I suppose few families can claim that.

Victoria: And if one family member can be swayed in a particular direction, they’re the weak link, and the person doing the swaying, they’re not the issue, right? Because everybody has to be pulling together in the same direction, working for the same goal on the same page, or else everything falls apart.

Audra: So, just to be clear, we’re talking about swaying Tucker away from Devon, right?

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