Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Alex, Hey. I know you’re busy, but your assistant said you were working from home. No, it’s, it’s okay. It’s all right. Come on in. Thank you. I just need to vent for a minute about my infuriating relative, and I figured you might underst. Assuming you were talking about Zander. I’m audios.
Okay, here it goes. Watch this. Wait, wait. Why are you closing your eyes? To help me concentrate. Huh? Eh, eh, interesting stretch. I can’t go any worse than before. Are you sure? I didn’t draw? I’m quite sure it’s just, you know, if your eyes were open, you would see that I’m now standing as a very surface. Okay.
Okay. Wise decision. So when I sing, I always hear the pitch in my head before I produce a sound. So with this, I’m going to imagine where the dart needs to go before I throw it. Wait, you’re gonna throw it? That looking. No, no, no. I’m gonna open my eyes just as I am.
Oh my God. I did it. I hit the middle. Known in some circles as the bullseye. Yeah, the bullseye. Aren’t you impressed? Of course. I’m impressed. That was amazing. A total lie. Hi. Hey man.
Stephanie, can you still hear your mother’s voice on that call?
Okay. We’re gonna end this for today. Um, I’m gonna count you out of it. I’ll count to three. You’ll open your eyes and be wide awake. Can you’ll feel relaxed, refreshed. 1, 2, 3.
Good. How do you feel? I’m fine. Did it. Sorry, Stephanie. I think I, I think I messed it up. What do you mean? You were under, uh, recalling the conversation you had with your mom and you said you heard her, uh, say a name? I jumped in. I asked who it was. I think I threw you off. I did hear her say a name. Was it Thomas Bank?
No, I’m pretty sure it was. Victor. Victor, Kiki. Yeah, definitely. That’s what my mom said. And whatever I’m recalling through hypnosis should be accurate, right? Yes, it is. What do you think it means? What could Victor possibly have to do with your mom’s kidnapping?
You okay? Are you, are you okay? Are you okay? You okay? Sweet. Yeah.
Is it really,
this is really you. Yeah.
Like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.
Well, I’m sorry to disappoint as much as I have grown to detest my cousin Xander. I’m not here for him. I’m here for my aunt Maggie, a k a, the boss from hell. Oh, dear. What did she do now? You, you remember when I told you I needed to find a way to get on her good side? This unbelievable opportunity just lands directly in my lap.
Have you heard of the Cova Prisms? Uh, this, is that the thing that like is meant to kill cancer or something? Yes. Among other things. Now, the Demaris, the isa, a whole bunch of other people have been trying to get their hands on these damn things for like three decades. I get word from the Athens police that they just confiscated in from Dr.
Wolfe. Wow. Dr. Ro Shaw gets around, doesn’t he? He does get around. Anyway. I pull all the right strings with Uncle Vick’s contacts. I grease all the right palms. The prisms would’ve been Titans. It would’ve been the biggest deal of the century. Fuck. But Saint Maggie doesn’t understand that the best deals aren’t made in the boardroom.
She also doesn’t understand that I was about to make her look like the most brilliant c e o in history. So instead she makes me go crawling back to this guy to un bribe him for some like. Victory for the greater good, like vintage Maggie, right? Mm-hmm. Totally. But it’s not in reality, this is a category five catastrophe.
Why a catastrophe? Because we lost Gwen. Now a hundred percent of these prisms are gonna end up in the wrong hands, and who knows what the hell they’re gonna be used for?
Tell me I’m not dreamy. No, no. This is real.
Who, my sweetness. I have missed you so much. I thought I was gonna have to miss you forever. I have to live without you. What is this miracle? You’re here. God. Daddy, are you hurt? Oh, baby. After everything you’ve been through, you worried about me? Yes, I am worried about you. Do you, do you have, do you have double vision?
Are are you dizzy? No. No. I got maybe a, just a little headache from where both pistol whipped me. Uh, I don’t suppose I dreamed that, did I? I’d like to tell you. You did, but I, I don’t think so. I can’t believe it. And I saw him at that police station. My best friend, my brother-in-law, he’d been dead for years, and Barry was, he was standing there alive,
and then he treated me like I was his sworn enemy. Listen to me, Megan brainwashed him. He is not Bo. Not really Bo. He’s just some sort of. I don’t know. Heartless, uh, imposter. He said that he took you off Megan’s Island. Was he working with Thomas Banks? Thomas Banks? Uh, I don’t, I, I don’t know anything about that.
Why? Well, Megan said banks was the one who took you. Bank is a liar. Bo went rogue, like I told you, and she knew it. She probably just didn’t wanna give hope, the satisfaction of knowing that Beau was alive. Do you know why Beau brought you here? Oh yeah. Oh, he’s made it very clear. He wants me to use the Prisms to create the miracle serum that Ralph and Megan have been working on.
You know, even if I had any idea how to do. I, I don’t, we are never getting out of here. Hey, um, listen baby, so many people are looking for you and they know I’m here now. It’s only a matter of time until we’re found. Okay?
All right. Let me think this. We know my mom was in Greece when she called, and Victor’s from Greece. So do you think he was somehow involved in her disappearance? I don’t know what to think. I say we go straight to the source side. You mean go to Victor directly? Why not? Yeah, why not? And and if Victor stonewalls us, then we’ll get Maggie involved.
She’s kind and compassionate. She’ll definitely wanna help. She will. She will be on our side. You know, I will never understand why Victor decided to make Maggie the CEO of Titan. I mean, she doesn’t seem very bright for one thing, right? And does she even have experience? I dunno. She’s just run a restaurant and bosses all her servants about, yeah, that’s about it.
Well, that’s why she can’t afford to lose you, Alex. She, she needs your energy, she needs your business sense. You are a tremendous asset to their company. Well, thank you. Unfortunately, aunt Maggie thinks I’m a tremendous liability, which is why she’s dying to replace me, probably will any minute with whom and who would want to take what seems to be a thankless job at this point anyway.
Oh, here’s a hint. Starts with an X. No. Really? Yes. Really? Gwen Xander is miserable being your business partner, especially after the two of you broke up. So he is happy to abandon the spectator and make his mark on Titan. And what better way to punish me for taking his place in your bed than taking my place in the boardroom?
What’s going on here? Plain dart flowy head starts. Not anymore. You just got a, a bullseye, didn’t you darling? She’s actually quite pleased with herself, aren’t you? Uh, um, Sandra and I were eating alone at separate tables. We just ran into each other. So where’s the fun in that? So, yeah. Um, how’s Rachel doing?
She’s okay. She’s okay. She’s happy to have her grandma Marlena back, that’s for sure. I bet. I, I can’t even imagine Brady. I’m so sorry for what I said to her yesterday. I’m, I’m more than sorry. I am ashamed. Okay. That’s not an excuse the way that Rachel was treating me, I just was so hurt and I’d lost it, obviously.
Hey, Chloe, not with the Meia. Col, please. I told you, I’m sure Brady understands. Aaron, please stay out of this. If you don’t understand, it would be very unkind of you, Brady, since your daughter has been horrible to Chloe. Shut up. I mean, that child has provoked this kind caring woman over and over again until year finally.
Understandably she can take it anymore. Lost her temper and gave the kid a taste her own nasty medicine. Hey, Susanna, don’t, don’t, don’t talk about my kid. You have no right to talk about my kid. She has been through chaos. She’s had it really hard lately and her mother is now in. As a parent, you try to give her some, some tenderness and some understanding and some tolerance.
That’s what I’m trying to do, by the way. How is this any of your business? Who told you all about this? Oh, stupid question. You, you told him about all of this? I, I am sorry. I was upset. I needed someone to talk to. Everybody on Salem like, you’re gonna confide in this bastard here. Hey, yes, she confided in me cuz I happen to be compassionate and understanding.
I, for one, I’m glad that you finally stood up to his spiteful daughter.
You are shallow and you are insensitive. All right. And you don’t know what the hell it’s like to be a parent, so don’t talk like you do. You don’t even know how to be a decent human being. Ander, you know, I gave cousin Alex A. Black eye the other day. Maybe you’d like one to.
Oh sweet. When the kids see you, I can’t tell you how crushed they were losing you and poor Stephanie. She didn’t make it. To the hospital in time before you supposedly died. It wasn’t her fault, but she was so tortured by that sweet girl. I get wait to see Joey. Trent. Stephanie, you know this really, really needs a couple stitches.
No, no, no, no, no. It’s okay. It’ll heal just fine. You know, it’s bad enough that Bo kidnap me, but to hurt you this way, okay, we’re gonna be fine. And so is Bo. God, I hope so. I mean, I think that maybe he somehow broke away from Megan’s mind control. Look at everything. He’s been through his illness 10 years and kind of like limbo.
And who knows what Ralph and Megan did to him. And I just, I feel like he’s in war with himself, a certain pain. I don’t know, it’s just a lot of psycho fled, but it’s just that he kept talking to the body, wanted a, a fresh start, and he, he was just trying to figure out who he really is. What about being Bo Brady?
Oh, it doesn’t appeal to him anymore. Uh, not in the least. I kept trying to talk to him about it, you know, about our past, about about being Brady’s, and he just didn’t wanna hear it. He just dismissed it. I mean, what good is it to be a lowly Brady when you wanna build an empire? Oh, an empire. Wow. Lofty after the ambitions.
Ah, yeah. Love and ruthless. They just, He wanted wealth and power, and I think it’s all about being Victor Kiki’s son, or maybe even his clone.
Hey, you at Titan, Alex, that is your, it’s your birthright. Now listen to me. Don’t you dad bloody roll over and let Zander take your job. I mean, why? Why would Maggie want him to anyway, after the way he screwed her daughter over? It’s a damn good question. But Maggie has a soft spot for this guy. Seems like she just forgives him no matter what the hell he does.
For the life of me, I have no idea how she could give this obnoxious, amoral, neanderthal jerk the benefit of the doubt at every turn. Meanwhile, it gets pissed off at me if I so much sit in the damn c e o chair. I’m sorry. No four insulting ender. Go ahead. Insult away. I, I don’t care. Okay. What you no longer have a soft spot for the guy?
No. Why should I ever since he took a step back from the paper, he’s been avoiding me at every turn. You know you didn’t even bother to turn up at the office today for work. Why did he at least have an excuse? No, didn’t tell me. Didn’t call me. Didn’t even bother to give me a bloody. There’s no mystery where he’s spending his time now.
In fact, I’m sure that he’s closing up with Chloe Lane as we speak. Stop it right now. So I’m shallow and insensitive. Am I? As opposed to you an arrogant as who thinks he’s got his gift to the world? Who fathered a child with a sadistic psychopath? Once you go there, you son a bitch. Okay. That’s enough.
Okay. Enough. It, it, it is. It’s, it’s enough. You’re right. Okay. Brady, you can leave. No, Chloe, I’m not gonna leave until I talk to. Do you want to talk to him? Callander? She can speak for herself. Can we please talk? Yeah. Sureand, do you mind? Would you give Brady me a few minutes? Sure. I’ll get us another round.
I want to fix this. You do? Why are you surprised by? Because I was. Oh is so terrible to your daughter yesterday, and I feel horrible about it. But you know, being a parent, I would understand why that could be a deal breaker. It doesn’t have to be a deal breaker. My daughter just needs to understand that you didn’t mean what you said.
She thinks that you hate her, so she feels justified in her hostility towards you right now. Of course she does, and that’s why I’m so down on myself for that stupid des. Blur. Oh my God, how could I hate her? She’s just a child who’s been through way too much lately. I mean, my heart breaks for her. Having a mother like Kristen, thank God she has you and I.
I truly love Rachel and I wish that she wouldn’t see me as the enemy, that I’m the person who essentially. Came between her and her mother. The two, the two of you have not always been this way. You, you used to have a really great relationship. Remember? I know we did. I would do anything to have that again, and I can’t take back what I said,
and now she just thinks of me as being the evil step monster. How am I gonna change that, Chloe? I can talk to her. I’ll talk to her and talk to her and talk. Okay. Well, should I, do you think that maybe if I wrote her an apology, she would. I’m asleep. Probably not. I mean, I, I seem to be the only one that can talk to her and get through to her right now.
Right. Well, I’m not sure that talking to her is gonna be enough for her to view me in a better light. I mean, it’s gonna take a freaking miracle.
What are you saying? I mean, because of this issue with my daughter, you just want to, you want to give up. I, I know you are ready for a rematch.
Yeah. Yeah.
Zander and Chloe Lane, what are you talking about?
Leo saw them with their heads together the other day, and of course he was champing at the bit to let Lady Whistleblower let all of Salem know. I put a kibosh on that because I, I felt that, I was sure that he was making something out of nothing but.
Now I can’t help wondering.
Oh, look at that. Look, this is the picture that he snapped. Yeah, so. What do you think? I mean, does that look like a platonic hug to you,
Maybe I should have f let Leah run the story then, especially because he replaced it with something that the litigious Sloan Peterson would’ve gone absolutely mental over.
Meanwhile, I’m, I’m thinking maybe Leo was right about them. Why? Well, because after I told Leo that he was speaking absolute rubbish, I, I walked in, I saw it for myself. I saw the two of them in each other’s arms.
Your turn. And you are on a roll, my dear. You know if you keep doing that eyes closed thing, I’m betting that you’re gonna hit bullseye after Bullseye. Yes you go. I don’t wanna play anymore. Alright. Was hoping you were enjoying the distraction. Well, I’m not really distractable anymore. All right. Because Brady had to roll through and from what I’m observing, makes you feeling worse than you already did.
No, I feel pretty much the same, which is miserable. Full of regret and. Uh, you know, it didn’t really help that you threatened to beat him up in the middle of this place. Yeah. Sorry. That’s my, uh, inner and neanderthal coming out, I’m afraid. Yeah, well that inner, inner Neanderthal seems to make an appearance regularly, only when he is outraged and, oh, come on, Chloe.
A littley in you like dirt and Brady doing nothing to protect you from it. I mean, it’s outrageous. There’s nothing Brady can do to protect me from it. Kristen has convinced Rachel that I’m evil in trying to keep her away from her mother. Brady’s tried to talk to her, but the kid won’t budge. She wants me out of his life and hers.
Maybe I shouldn’t have Ned Leo’s column about you rating Rachel over the proverbial. It seems all I accomplished was postponing the inevitable. What do you mean postponing the inevitable? I’m only speaking from very recent, very personal experience, but there comes a point of no return in a failing relationship.
You tried to backpedal back to the time. The moment before everything started to fall apart, you start banging your head against the wall to make something work. And in your heart of hearts, you, you know, it’s already over. It’s just a matter of admitting it to you, son. I could have saved Sarah and myself so much heartache if I just let go at that.
A four mentioned point of no return. Instead, now we’re divorced. Sarah Ki even bring herself to continue living in Salem.
Do you think that Brady and I are at the point of no return? Doesn’t matter what I think. What do you think?
Hi. I thought you’d be done with that by now. I know, I know. I’m taking it slowly. I do not want it to end. I’m enjoying it so much.
Every time I see you lately, I, I still get these little goosebumps and call the, an adrenaline rush. I don’t know what it is, but I’m just so grateful that you’re, that you’re here. I’m not taking a minute for granted that you are here. Myself, dad, that everyone who loves you is just so grateful that you’re back.
Thank you for saying that. I feel the same way. I’m grateful to be alive. I’m grateful to be home and, and with this family that I love. So
it Is there any news about Kayla? We may be making some progress there. Uh, Chad and Stephanie were over earlier and. They think that richer may be able to shine some light on where Kayla is, my granddad. Why would, why would he? No, no, no. Don’t misunderstand. He’s not involved in it. Absolutely not involved in her disappearance, but, well, Stephanie was talking to her mother and she remembered her saying something about Victor.
Well, that could, that could be crucial to finding. I mean, if my granddad knows something, do you want me to talk to him? I, I, I could. Well, no, not yet. They’re good to talk to him and see how they do. And then if, if they don’t discover anything, then maybe you can give it a try. Yes. Hi Maggie. Hi. Hi. What can I do for you?
I hope this isn’t about time isn’t. What can I do for you? Is Victor around? Uh, he’s out of town. Oh, well we needed to ask him something. Well, how about you ask me? Maybe I can help. Yeah, maybe you can. Look, we know, uh, Kayla’s in Greece. Can you think of any reason why Kayla might have brought up Victor’s name when Stephanie asked where she was?
Well, um, no, I can’t be sure. Of course, Victor has investment properties all over. From, uh, the Athens brand of Titan to Vast that you grow up in. Is there any way that we could get a list of those properties or would we need to go through Victor? No, that wouldn’t be, uh, necessary because I have access to all that information.
I can get my assistant to draw them up for you right away. That would be very helpful. Thank you, Mary. And can you think of anyone that might know anything in Greece, anyone that’s connected to Victor, Liz? No, but I’ll keep my ear to the ground and ask Victor to do the same. Um, and, uh, if we hear anything.
You will be our first call.
Oh, so this is Victor’s childhood home, huh? Lovely, isn’t it? Yeah. Well, I know Victor came from poverty and I know from poor, but even that orphanage Marcus and I lived in didn’t smell like sheep. It’s goat. Goats. Mm-hmm. Okay. Goats and a wine cellar. What do you know? You know, speaking of wine, Bo did encourage me to, uh, crack open a white.
Oh, well, we might as well get the best of it while we’re stuck here. Mm. I don’t really think so because, uh, my prescription for you would be water and aspirin to get rid of that big headache. I know you are pretending not to have. Okay, Dr. Sweetness. Mm-hmm. We’ll hold off on the line until we’re outta here.
Oh, no, no, no. We are gonna have champagne. Oh, when we get out of here, champagne? Mm-hmm. Yeah. When we all get back to Salem, we’re gonna crack open the champagne and we’re gonna party. We’re gonna sing and dance. And you and I,
I’m gonna dance the night away. How about that? Sounds lovely. But the truth is just being with you, even in this old yucky wine cellar, far, far away from home, I’m just. So happy and grateful because you are all I really.
I don’t know how Brady and I can come back from this, but I also don’t know how to give up. I mean, I’ve loved him for so long. I understand that. But I mean, honestly, if you and Brady can’t work it out because of the kid, it’s. I know it’ll be hard for a while, but it’s not like Brady Black is only fish in the sea.
There’s plenty of handsome available men in Salem. Like who? What am I shot tag is. No, but you are the man who left me in the clutches of a Mexican drug. Lord, you were just never gonna let that go, huh? It’s kind of hard to fine. I admit that I have some flaws and I have behaved abominably at times. Now.
Come on. Compared to Brady. Come on. I’m much better looking. I’m more intelligent. I’ve broader shoulders. I’m, I’m wittier wise. I have this charming accent. Still can’t let the lefties die stuff go, huh? No. Still can’t let it go.
Rachel has been playing in a room for hours. I offered to take her out for an ice cream cone and she refused. Is she feeling all right? No, she, she, she. She didn’t want you to know that she was grounded. Oh yeah. I’ve been keeping close track of her because the other day she decided to skip school and then take an Uber to Statesville to see Kristen.
She Ubered to Statesville. She did, and that’s not all, although I, I, I forced Kristen to write a letter to Rachel. Saying that she accepted Chloe and that Rachel should too. Don’t, don’t ask me how I managed to force her to do this. Okay. Okay. It’s a whole nother story, but Rachel, she saw right through it.
And even before the letter, Kristen had done such a good job of convincing Rachel that Chloe was the enemy. I thought we could work through it, but it’s just escalated The other day at lunch, Rachel just told Chloe that she hated her. That she hated her, and out of anger and frustration, Chloe. Right back at her.
Oh, no, no, no. It’s, I don’t know what to do because I want to put my kid first as parent. I feel like I should. I don’t want Rachel to be miserable, but if I don’t fix this thing with Chloe, I’m gonna be miserable. I know. I had the same problem with John and Sammy and me. I, I, I remember how horrible I was as a teenager.
I remember the things that I said to you, but you, you, you took it with patience and grace. You were acting out of pain. That’s exactly what Rachel is doing too. But remember what happened? Hmm? You outgrew. Yeah, but it took years. I mean, you and John, you were, you were, you were married already. You were a solid couple.
There was no way I was gonna come between the two of you, but Rachel, Rachel thinks that with enough anger and enough anxiety, I’ll get back together with her mom and the top it all up, I got Xander moving in on Chloe. Wait, wait. Xander Cook, is there another Xander out? Harley, I just didn’t think he was her type.
Yeah. Whether he is or not, they’re, they’re hanging out. I’m sure they’re just friends, I’m sure for now. Oh honey, I’m so sorry. How can I help tell you what? Could you talk to Rachel? I mean, could I, I think you might be able to get through to her. Of course. I’ll do it right now. Yeah. Okay. Thank doc. Thank you.
Look, I don’t have any expectations. I just, with the exception of myself, I think you might be the one person in the world that can make her understand things well. I will do my best, but please don’t expect any miracles. Hmm. Actually, I think the fact that she has her precious grandmother, Someone to talk to and someone to comfort her.
I think that’s miracle enough. Love you.
My dad is still not picking up at Went street in voicemail. Could have all we. No reception there. Is it the best?
Maggie kept her. Her assistant just sent over a list of Victor’s properties in Greece. I’ll text it to my dad. Oh god, Chad. I mean, I know we don’t have anything concrete, but it feels like we’re getting closer because we are. We’re gonna find your mom’s stuff. What do you mean you’re gonna find her mom?
She’s alive. Hi, mom is alive.
Where do you think be went? I thought he would be eager to supervise my scientific endeavors. Yeah. And I’m surprised he put me in here with you. He must know. I try to break us outta here. Did you ever think we’re getting my brother? I do. I think the real bow is still in there. You know, back at the police station, he threatened me with a knife.
He said he was gonna take my other eye out, but he couldn’t go through with it. Fuck no. Instead, he just hit you with the butt of his gun. Well, he knew I’d be all right otherwise, why would he throw me down here and keep me alive? He’s not thinking ration.
I think that deep down Bo knows he needs us to save him from himself. Do you remember what got through to me and John when Megan messed with our heads? It was love and that’s what’s gonna get through to Bo, his sister, his best friend, his wife, his. He’s gonna feel all our love and he’s gonna come back to us just like I came back to you.
Ah, well, uh, in the good news department, Rachel is busy perfecting her 3D printing skills. Okay. I did ask her about Chloe and she was not. Very receptive. So I will, I will try again tomorrow. Actually. Uh, I know you said that this might be a long process, but time is something I don’t think I have. I feel Chloe just.
I’m slipping through my fingers as we speak. It may already be too late.
It’s amazing. I did it. Bullseye again. I am so good at this. Ah, I think actually you might be a millimeter off. Okay. Either you need glasses or you’re just a sore loser. Me Never. I’m proud of you. To your newfound dark prowess and to both of us for letting over the past and getting on with our wire.
Well, I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Looks like the rumors are true. What rumors? Well, according to Leo, your Salem’s new hottest couple. Looks like he was right.
I am really happy for you, Steph. I can’t tell you what a relief it is for me either. Relief. You barely knew my mom. True. What if she’s alive? Um, at least now I know that I didn’t deprive you. Being able to say goodbye to her. After all.
What’s Seth? It’s an old letter I found from Victor to my mother, a plea to come visit him here in Greece. I don’t think she ever read it. It said return to send her.
Looks like it makes you sad. Yeah, it does. I’m not really sure why. I mean, obviously I’m glad my mom stayed with my pop. I always felt like they had a wonderful marriage. But I find myself feeling sorry for Victor, Kiki. Why? I guess there’s just something tragic about him. Pining after her all these years kind of reminds me of when we found those letters from Emily and Didion.
Yeah. Remember how sad we were that we didn’t think that they would get there happily ever after
they did. And we will too, baby.
You’re right. You’re,
I love you.
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