Days Short Recap Monday, June 27, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Sami went to see EJ and found him with Belle. She wasn’t happy to see them together. She told him that she had divorce papers for him to sign. Chad talked to John about losing Abby. John told him what he went through when he lost Isabella. Sami continued to tell EJ that he should sign the papers. He let her know that he had a lot going on so he didn’t have time to worry about signing divorce papers. Kate advised Lucas not to marry Sami. She told him that he shouldn’t go through with it because of what happened. He wanted to know if she was trying to tell him to confess to the kidnapping. She didn’t want him to do that. She mentioned what happened to Abby. He got upset. He told her that he would never hurt his niece. He loved her too much to hurt her.

Chad continued to talk to John about Abby. He told him about wanting to go on a trip with her. He regretted not going to Boston with Abby. He felt like she would still be alive if they went on the trip. John reassured him that he didn’t know that would happen. John wanted to know what the last thing they to each other was. He said they said they loved each other. EJ finally signed the divorce papers. Sami warned Belle not to get locked up in the basement. She left the mansion. She went to Lucas’ place and told him that she got EJ to sign the divorce papers. Lucas proposed to her and she said she would do it.

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Days Short Recap Friday, June 24, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Leo ran into Brady and Chloe outside of the pub. He was shocked to find out about Abby’s death. Brady thought he wanted to get revenge on her. He wondered if he was finished getting his payback. Leo was offended that he accused him of killing Abby. He reminded them that Chad and Abby started the war by breaking up his relationship with Craig. Brady called him a child. Brady wondered why Leo didn’t come after him yet. Leo said he was tired of getting revenge and wanted to move on with his life. EJ wanted to know what was in Clyde’s bag. He refused to tell EJ. EJ warned him that if he did something to Abby, he would do anything to make him pay. Clyde said he didn’t kill her. Clyde said that EJ would have known if he was the one who killed Abby. Sami wanted to know why Lucas’ room looked so trashed. He said he was looking for jewelry. She wanted to know what jewelry he was looking for, but he wouldn’t tell her. She wanted him to talk to her because she would love him regardless of what he did. He told her that he was looking for a ring to marry her. He told her that he talked to Roman about it and had a ring for her. He said that the ring was gone. She said she couldn’t marry him because she was still married to EJ. She wanted him to keep looking for the ring while she confronted EJ.

Shawn thanked Belle for being there for him when Jan gave birth. He thought there was some hope for them. He wondered if she went home with EJ. She admitted that she went home with EJ, but they found out about Abby. Shawn was determined to find out what happened to her. She was surprised he was working on the case since Jan was going back to prison. She thought he would have to take care of the baby. He told her that he had Jan’s released extended. Belle was upset. He wanted to do what was right for his son. He told her that Jan named the baby Shawn. She cried and walked away. Leo looked at his revenge list. He noticed that Brady and Chloe’s names weren’t crossed off yet. He crossed Abby’s name off again. Belle went to the DiMera mansion to see EJ. She told him about what happened with Shawn. She wanted to finish what they started the other night. She kissed him as Sami was about to rind the doorbell.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, June 23, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady wanted to know why Lucas left their AA meeting. Lucas told him how he had to pick up Sami, but her flight was canceled. He admitted to Brady that he got drunk. Brady realized that Abby’s death might have made him drink. He admitted that he got drunk because of Abby. Brady told Lucas that the police were looking at the person who stole her jewelry as the culprit. Brady advised him to reach out to him if he was going to drink again. Brady promised him that he would keep quiet about what he told him. He said he didn’t have anything to tell him. Brady walked off so Lucas wondered if he stole Abby’s jewelry. EJ checked on Chad, but he snapped at him. EJ wanted him to go to the kids, but Chad couldn’t deal with it. EJ told him that the kids need their father and have been asking for him. He said he couldn’t do it without her. EJ comforted Chad.

Shawn sat in the hospital with Jan. She couldn’t believe how tiny their baby is and how she couldn’t comfort him. Shawn got a text from the warden wondering when Jan was going to return to the prison. Jan told Shawn that their baby needed her and he should do something about it. Shawn went to talk to Kayla about Jan. She finally came up with the idea that Jan could stay there until her baby was better. Leo read the paper and saw that the police were focusing on the person who robbed Abby. He had to get rid of the jewelry. Clyde was about to bus his table when he noticed Leo. He noticed the money clip he had. Leo told him about it and said that he could have more if he wanted it. Clyde noticed the jewelry looked stolen. He made an offer to Leo. He said he would get back to him. Lucas’ room looked ransacked. He didn’t find the jewelry, but Sami showed up in his room.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, June 24, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashland: Good morning.

Victoria: Good morning. There’s coffee.

Ashland: Well, thank you very much. Look at you, still in your robe, getting a late start. Did you not sleep well?

Victoria: Oh, no, I slept like a baby. I just wanted to enjoy a leisurely morning. There’s no need to rush into the office.

Ashland: Ah, well, I’m — I’m glad you’re getting a chance to relax, especially after the stress of the last few months.

Victoria: Are you hungry? Do you want to order some breakfast?

Ashland: Well, actually, i was gonna ask if you wanted to go out to brunch, you know, at that cute little café we both love on the upper east side.

Victoria: Well, I guess you haven’t checked the news. The whole business world is counting down to the big press event announcing my successor.

Ashland: Actually, I did read that last night before I went to bed, but I wasn’t sure if you had any interest in watching it.

Victoria: On the contrary. I’m gonna be glued to this tablet for the duration. I would not miss one minute of it.


Adam: Well, I could not be more pleased to be taking the helm of the company now. First things first, I have to give due credit to my sister for having the foresight to pull together the resources so we could thrive during these challenging times. Our talented executive team, cutting-edge technology, and amazing portfolio of intellectual property, and our unmatched global reach. My mission will be to integrate those assets to maximize our profit potential. At the same time, keeping with the values and the philosophy of our founder, my father, victor Newman, who has always been at the heart of our company’s success.

Ashland: “My sister went on a shopping spree, but I’m the only one who knows what to do with all the stuff.” And look at him, he’s still kissing up to Victor, even after he’s gotten the gig. Haven’t you had enough of this?

Victoria: Almost.

Adam: …Because I am leaving Newman Media in the very capable hands of my former COO and now CEO, Sally Spectra. And we’re available to take any questions you have.

Victoria: Okay, I am done. And you know what? My father deserves everything that Adam and Sally are gonna put him through. Let’s go. Let’s get to our meeting, shall we?

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, June 23, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Michael: I have one word of advice for you — patience.

Diane: That’s unusually succinct for you.

Michael: Look, you can’t force everyone to come around, but if you keep being the best version of yourself, they’ll have to acknowledge eventually that you’ve changed. Whether they’ll admit it to your face or not.

Diane: How long did it take you to convince everyone you’d evolved?

Michael: That’s beside the point.

Diane: So what is the point?

Michael: Anything is possible. Look, I reinvented myself. It was a long and hard journey. But it was worth it. And now I have the life of my dreams.

Diane: I would exactly put “thrown into a South American jail for doing victor Newman’s dirty work” on my vision board, but, hey, to each his own.

Michael: No, no, alright. My job keeps my life interesting. I was talking more about my personal life. I love Lauren now more than i did the day I married her.

 Diane  :Aww. That is disturbingly sweet.


Phyllis: How did you know i was there?

Michael: My “Phyllis-dar” is well honed. If you’re within a 50-yard radius of me, I know it.

Phyllis: Oh. That’s odd.

Michael: So is eavesdropping. So, what the hell’s going on? I thought you were supposed to be in Savannah.

Phyllis: I was. Now I am back.

Michael: And you’re really following Diane around and spying on her?

Phyllis: [Scoffs] Well, when you say it like that, it’s so dramatic. No, I was just, you know, looking around, getting the lay of the land, if you will.

Michael: Nothing’s changed since you left.

Phyllis: Oh, I beg to differ. A lot has changed. Yeah, some of my close, personal friends have seemed to, mm, uh, forgive Diane for her past deeds.

Michael: For Pete’s sake, will you stop lurking around in the shrubbery and acting like some crazed stalker from an “I Love Lucy” episode and maybe, maybe face the fact that Diane has changed, like you have claimed that you have more than once.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, June 20, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jill: No, that’s okay. Ashland is a vile human being. I expected a little bit better of Victoria, but, honey, I mean, if — it’s her life. If she’s willing to throw it away on a man who’s not worthy of her, I — c’est la vie.

Billy: “C’est la vie”? How do you say that? You don’t expect me to sit here and just let it happen.

Jill: Oh, you just stop it. I know what you’re about to say. This is no longer your battle to fight.

Billy: Oh God, you sound exactly like Lily.

Jill: Well, I take that as a compliment.

Billy: How do you not expect me to be concerned about this? This directly affects the wellbeing of my kids.

Jill: Well, you used them as an excuse the last time, when you were involved with that Jesse Gaines debacle, and you were trying to stop Victoria’s wedding. Lily was right to call you out. There’s no way on earth that Victoria would put her children in danger. Look at me. You’ve got to let this go, Billy, and also, if you mess this up with Lily, I will never forgive you.


Michael: I can’t get over it — you and I, together in the same room.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Michael: No, no, no, just it’s such a rare occurrence. I mean, here I am working very reasonable hours, courtesy of — wait for it — Victor, while your career is busier than ever. Oh, the irony.

Lauren: You know, you at least know where I am. I’m not in some Peruvian jail somewhere, okay?

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Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, June 22, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: There’s no way that you would simply let Victoria walk away from the family, fly off with Ashland Locke to who knows where, doing God knows what. No, this — this is a message. This job is what Victoria has always wanted, and now you’re just handing it over to me. I’m the last person she would ever want to sit in this chair because she knows I would have no problem dismantling her signature accomplishments if it did not align with my vision for the company. My very presence here is a jolt to her ego, it’s a slap in the face to bring her back to reality.

Victor: I always knew you were a very smart boy. But you cannot predict her reaction.

Adam: Why — why are we even doing this dance? Why are you even bothering denying it? Look, I don’t care why I’m suddenly CEO. I will play my part… better than you ever imagined.


Adam: Yes, I was CEO for a time when we all believed that you had died. I stepped in to continue your legacy. I felt a huge responsibility to preserve what you had built. I was determined to do it my way, and I was proud, even if i didn’t want to admit it.

Victor: You were arrogant, son.

Adam: Undeniably. I alienated people that were trying to help me. But then one day you walked through that door, alive and well, and you were determined to take back control.

Victor: I was appalled by your methods.

Adam: Rightly so. I was disgusted by them in retrospect. But I got results.

Victor: You did.

Adam: It was not my time. I had a lot to learn. But we are different men now. I have the temperament. I have the skill. I have the drive. I am the one that should be at Newman. I’m the one that should lead this company into the next decade. Someone that actually cares about preserving your legacy, dad. I am here. I am ready. I am willing. I’m a proven contender. If you let me do this, I swear to you I will do it better than vic–

Michael: There you are. I got your message. You wanted to discuss something.

Victor: Michael.

Adam: Yeah, come right on in. Don’t bother knocking.

Michael: Thank you.

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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, June 21, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Kyle: Here you go, babe.

Summer: Thank you.

Kyle: Mmm. I missed the iced tea when we were in Italy. I mean, how is the iced coffee in Milan so good but the iced tea was terrible?

Summer: I don’t know, it’s one of life’s great mysteries.

Kyle: You know, what I miss the most in Milan is the street food. Just being able to walk around and get anything anytime — sweet, savory.

[ Chuckles ] Harrison loved that gelato.

Summer: We all loved the gelato.

Kyle: Oh, the guy in the piazza with the fresh and the cart — oh, the best ravioli you’ve ever had for 5 euros.

Summer: You sound hungry.

Kyle: Oh, I wasn’t until i started reminiscing. I guess we’re just gonna have to move back to Milan. For the ravioli.

Summer:  Don’t even joke about this.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I’m sorry.


Kyle: This will be a moot point by the time Phyllis gets back. She’ll have cooled off.

Summer: No one cools off in Georgia in June.

Kyle: You know what I mean.

Summer: I know what you mean. I also know what Daniel means when he says that mom’s been moody. It means that she’s been stewing over what happened between her and Jack. She might even come back more upset.

Kyle: We do not want that.

Summer: No, we don’t. But what about your mom?

Kyle: What do you mean?

Summer: Is there a way that we could get her out of town for a while? I mean, doesn’t she need to go back to LA and tie up some loose ends or something?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I don’t think she’s gonna go for that. She feels like we finally reconnected. She’s getting to spend some time with Harrison. She’s even talked about putting roots down in Genoa City. She even asked me to help her find a job.

Summer: Really? What — what does she want to do?

Kyle: She mentioned PR. Apparently back in California, she took some classes, but we didn’t get into the details. And I didn’t make any promises. My point is she’s ready to settle down here. Maybe we can get Phyllis to hire her at the hotel.

[ Chuckles ] You are not amused by any of my jokes today.

Summer: No, no. That one was worse than the ravioli joke. Kyle, come on. This is serious.

Kyle: I know. But what more can we do? I think we should focus on things we can control. Like finding a new CEO at Marchetti. The deal with Jabot is about to be finalized, and we need someone in place — the sooner, the better.

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Week of 6/26/22 Primetime News and Schedule

Primetime TV News

TV Networks

MOST OF THESE POSTS BELOW are just the main part of each bit of news. For the rest of the news, video clips, photos, and links, go to our Primetime Forum!

This Week’s News by Angie and Suzanne!

NOTE: This schedule is always subject to change…


  • Adult Swim BIRDGIRL – Sunday, June 26, 11:30PM Show More
    Fil on Your Own Supply – Meredith invents a device which forces people to think positive. Promo
  • Amazon THE TERMINAL LIST – Friday, July 1 Show More
    The Terminal List, starring Chris Pratt (The Tomorrow War, Jurassic World), will premiere all eight episodes on July 1, exclusively on Prime Video. Based on the best-selling novel by Jack Carr, The Terminal List follows James Reece (Chris Pratt) after his entire platoon of Navy SEALs is ambushed during a high-stakes covert mission. Reece returns home to his family with conflicting memories of the event and questions about his culpability. However, as new evidence comes to light, Reece discovers dark forces working against him, endangering not only his life, but the lives of those he loves. Promo
  • AMC DARK WINDS – Sunday, June 26, 9:00PM Show More
    Chee and Manuelito investigate a kidnapping; Leaphorn brings home the bodies of the murder victims. Promo
  • BET Sistas – Wednesday, June 29, 9:00PM Show More
    Look Closely – TBA Promo
  • BET+ CARL WEBER’S THE BLACK HAMPTONS – Friday, July 1 Show More
    “Carl Weber’s The Black Hamptons,” from The New York Times best-selling author Carl Weber. From the executive producers of the popular BET+ original drama “The Family Business,” Tri Destined Studios and Urban Books Media, comes a new family drama set in the quaint town of Sag Harbor, known as “The Black Hamptons,” in Long Island, NY. From luxury communities to historic beachfront enclaves, this epic story will follow the brewing feud between the ‘Brittons’ and the ‘Johnsons,’ where the difference between old and new money is very apparent. “Carl Weber’s The Black Hamptons” not only features the glitz and gloss of the Black elite but also exposes the underbelly of wealth and prestige. With a mix of legacy families thriving for generations, friends, wannabes, and thirsty developers, drama can never be too far behind. The star-studded cast includes Lamman Rucker, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Elise Neal, Brian White, Karon Riley, Mike Merrill, Blac Chyna, Aaron Spears, Daya Vaidya, Cameo Sherrell, Franklin Ojeda Smith, Jordan Smith, Jennifer Freeman, David Andrews, and more! The highly anticipated television event “Carl Weber’s The Black Hamptons” will make its BET debut in Summer 2022. Promo
  • Crackle FUNNY GIRLS – Friday, July 1 Show More
    The series follows Laura and Rose as they produce sketches for a fictional comedy series, fielding ideas from their male bosses and their producer Pauline.   
  • The CW Riverdale – Sunday, June 26 Show More
    “Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: Biblical” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)
    PERCIVAL’S LATEST MOVE – As the gang plan an event celebrating two of their own, strange biblical plaques around town threaten to put a damper on the special day. KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes, Cole Sprouse, Madelaine Petsch, Mädchen Amick, Casey Cott, Vanessa Morgan, Erinn Westbrook and Drew Ray Tanner also star. Ronald Paul Richard directed the episode written by Janine Salinas Schoenberg & Brian E. Paterson (#618). Original airdate 6/27/2022. Promo
  • The CW Roswell, New Mexico – Monday, June 27 Show More
    “Dear Mama” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    GUESSING GAMES- Liz’s (Jeanine Mason) work to find out more about a found skin sample hits a roadblock. Meanwhile, Michael (Michael Vlamis) continues to gain Bonnie’s (guest star Zoe Cipres) trust, but Clyde (guest star Andrew Lees) may not be as easily persuaded. Also, Isobel (Lily Cowles) finally finds the courage to be honest with Anatsa (guest star Sibongile Mlambo) and Maria (Heather Hemmens) suffers a devastating loss. The series also stars Nathan Dean, Tyler Blackburn, Michael Trevino and Amber Midthunder. Ben Hernandez Bray directed the episode written by Ashley Charbonnet & Onalee Hunter Hughes (404). Original Airdate 6/27/2022. Every episode of ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO will be available to stream on The CW App and the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW In The Dark – Monday, June 27 Show More
    “Hard Pill to Swallow” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLSV) (HDTV)
    STAY ON YOUR TOES – Gene (Matt Murray) and Josh (Theodore Bhat) take a swing at tying Murphy (Perry Mattfeld) to their latest case and end up with something completely unexpected meanwhile, Felix (Morgan Krantz) tricks Max (Casey Diedrich) into revealing what he has been hiding and Leslie (Marianne Rendón) has to improvise when a plan she put into motion goes off course. Dinh Thai directed the episode written by Corinne Kingsbury (#404). Original airdate 6/27/2022. Promo
  • The CW Superman & Lois – Tuesday, June 28 Show More
    “Waiting for Superman” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)
    SEASON FINALE – Chrissy Beppo (Sofia Hasmik), with the authorization of the Department of Defense, has a message for the people of Smallville, not only is the merging of planets real, it is happening. Tyler Hoechlin, Elizabeth Tulloch, Jordan Elsass, Alex Garfin, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Erik Valdez, Inde Navarrette, Wole Parks, Taylor Buck and Dylan Walsh also star. The episode was directed by Gregory Smith and written by Brent Fletcher & Todd Helbing (#215). Original airdate 6/28/2022. Every episode of SUPERMAN & LOIS will be available to stream on The CW App and the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW Tom Swift – Tuesday, June 28 Show More
    “… And the Crashed Cotillion” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    GAUNTLET THROWN – Tom (Tian Richards), Zenzi (Ashleigh Murray) and Isaac (Marquise Vilsón) are on capsule piece rescue mission #3, and are determined that this time no detours, kidnappings or rogue dates will stop them, that is until Tom receives harsh news from Claire (guest star Brittany Ishibashi). Meanwhile, Lorraine (April Parker Jones) works on finalizing the Tubman Group Cotillion. Lastly, Lino (guest star Donovin Miller) drops a bomb on Isaac. Ruben Garcia directed the episode written by Michael Poisson & Brittany Northcross (#105). Original airdate 6/28/2022. Promo
    “Negative, Part Two” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    SEASON FINALE – With The Flash (Grant Gustin) still reeling from everything that just happened, the rest of the team rallies to support him when he needs it the most. The series also stars Jesse L. Martin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Danielle Nicolet, Kayla Compton and Brandon McKnight Marcus Stokes directed the episode written by Eric Wallace (#820). Original airdate 6/29/2022. Every episode of THE FLASH will be available to stream on The CW App and the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW Wellington Paranormal – Wednesday, June 29 Show More
    “Fear Factory” – (9:00-9:30 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
    THE STUFF OF NIGHTMARES – While out on patrol, Officers Minogue (Mike Minogue) and O’Leary (Karen O’Leary) encounter a series of people who’ve been attacked by manifestations of their worst nightmares. It soon becomes apparent that all of the victims have one thing in common… a recent, terrifying trip to an amusement house. Also starring Maaka Pohatu. Jemaine Clement directed the episode written by Paul Yates (#303). Original airdate 6/29/22. Every episode of WELLINGTON PARANORMAL will be available to stream on The CW App and the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required.   
    “My Family, My Blood” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV)
    THE CARRINGTON WAY – Fallon (Elizabeth Gillies) and Blake (Grant Show) come up with a plan to beat Ben (guest star Brett Tucker) and Cristal (Daniela Alonso) strongly advises against it. Dominique (Michael Michele) works hard to keep herself out of the family drama, no matter how much Ben tries to drag her in. Meanwhile, Adam (Sam Underwood) continues to push Alexis (Elaine Hendrix) to let him on her FSN show to promote his newest medical find. Sam (Rafael de la Fuente) tries to set up Culhane (Robert C. Riley), and he wants no part of it. Alexis seems to have a major change of heart. The episode was written by Elaine Loh and directed by Robbie Countryman (#516). Original airdate 7/1/2022. Promo
  • Disney The Villains of Valley View – Friday, July 1, 8:00PM Show More
    “Super Secrets”
    Jake and Hartley head off to confront Starling before she can rally the other superheroes to strike, keeping Amy and the rest of the villain family in the dark. TV-Y7 FV Promo
  • Disney Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion – Friday, July 1, 8:30PM Show More
    “¡Chisme! ¡Chisme! Read all about it!”
    When an anonymous gossip blogger at school starts spilling embarrassing secrets, Violet resorts to questionable measures to stop them.
    TV-Y7 FV Promo
  • Disney Raven’s Home – Friday, July 1, 9:00PM Show More
    “To Halve & Halve Not”
    Raven changes the Chill Grill, causing tension between her and Victor. Booker feels torn between the two of them. Meanwhile, Ivy and Neil become confused about their friendship.   
  • FOX DUNCANVILLE – Sunday, June 26 Show More
    **SEASON FINALE**–“DUNCANVILLE” – (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    Duncan gets a job and starts contributing to the household budget, believing he’s now entitled to be the head of the family. Meanwhile, Jack wants to impress his dad and prove he has control over his household in the all-new “Moneyballs” season finale episode of DUNCANVILLE airing Sunday, June 26 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (DUN-307) (TV-14 D, L, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Tress MacNeille as Reptila/Rob Reiner’s Mom/CPS Automated Recording, Gerald McRaney as Grampy Dick, James Adomian as Hal/Decapitated Head/Benjamin Franklin, Natalie Palamides as Toodles Nurse, Betsy Sodaro as Octavia (Bex’s Grandma), Joy Osmanski as Baby Yoda, Aaron Lee as Tom Hanks/Guy Fieri
  • Freeform Motherland: Fort Salem – Tuesday, June 28, 10:00PM Show More
    “The Price of Work”
    The group seeks sanctuary in the mysterious Cession. The Unit learns the Camarilla is directly targeting the Mycelium, inspiring them to strike back. Petra and Anacostia work to determine President Wade’s allegiance. Promo
  • FX Breeders – Monday, June 27, 10:00PM Show More
    No More Part One
    Jim and Jackie are both struggling under their new circumstances. Luke has to choose between Jacob and Ruby. At Alex’s 65th birthday party, Ally meets someone who makes her see Paul in a new light. Written by Simon Blackwell; directed by Ollie Parsons. Promo
  • FX The Old Man – Thursday, June 30, 10:00PM Show More
    Both Chase and Harper try to move forward with their plans, but their choices backfire. Written by Jonathan E. Steinberg & Robert Levine; directed by Greg Yaitanes. Promo
  • HBO WESTWORLD – Sunday, June 26, 9:00PM Show More
    WESTWORLD returns for its eight-episode fourth season SUNDAY, JUNE 26 (9:00 p.m. ET/PT) on HBO and will be available to stream on HBO Max. Promo
  • HBO IRMA VEP – Monday, June 27, 9:00PM Show More
    The Poisoner – Mira courts offers from the production’s financier and her agent as she becomes immersed in her role; René experiences a vision — and a crisis.
  • Lifetime ICE ROAD KILLER – Sunday, June 26, 8:00PM Show More
    During a road trip to a remote northern cabin, a mother and her teenage daughter pick up a young hitchhiker who turns out to be a thief fleeing a cold-blooded killer, only to become his next target. Stars Sarah Allen and Zoë Belkin (2022). Promo
  • Lifetime JAILBREAK LOVERS – Saturday, July 2, 10:00PM Show More
    Inspired by a true story, Jailbreak Lovers follows Toby (Catherine Bell), a woman who always played by the rules. Toby never ran a red light, married the only boy she ever dated, raised a family and went to church. She did everything she was supposed to do. When Toby loses her job and starts a non-profit to rehabilitate abused, rescued dogs at the local prison no one could have anticipated that she would end up on the run, shacked up with her younger lover John (Tom Stevens), a convicted murderer. The star-crossed lovers hatch a plan to break John out of prison by smuggling him out in one of the dog crates, sparking a federal manhunt.   
    07/02/2022 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Saturday) : Bash invites Rania to Amira’s dance recital. June confronts Dr. Bishop and Dr. Singh about her role in their departments. Theo treats a teen with a rare presentation of ADHD and gets a surprise visit from his father. Bishop reveals a new staffing development. TV-14
  • Netflix CAFÉ MINAMDANG – Monday, June 27 Show More
    A suspicious business that offers the services of a purportedly all-knowing shaman catches the attention of a tenacious police inspector. Promo
  • Netflix BASTARD‼ -HEAVY METAL, DARK FANTASY – Thursday, June 30 Show More
    When evil forces threaten to resurrect Anthrasax, the God of Destruction, the Kingdom of Meta-llicana calls on a volatile dark wizard for help.   
    Episode 109: “All Those Who Wander” – Available to stream Thursday, June 30
    The U.S.S. Enterprise crew comes face-to-face with their demons – and scary monsters too – when their landing party is stranded on a barren planet with a ravenous enemy. Written by: Davy Perez Directed by: Christopher J. Byrne Promo
  • PBS HOTEL PORTOFINO – Sunday, June 26, 8:00PM Show More
    Danioni worms his way into the Ainsworth’s affairs. Promo
  • PBS ENDEAVOUR – Sunday, June 26, 9:00PM Show More
    It’s the summer of 1971. Endeavour and the team are called to investigate the murder of a cab driver found dead in his taxi on the outskirts of Oxford. With a recent string of assaults on cab drivers, the team worry that assault has escalated to murder and the population of Oxfordshire is at this killer’s mercy. Meanwhile, Endeavour receives a guest at home who reminds him of a past he’d sooner forget. Promo
  • Showtime THE CHI – Sunday, June 26, 9:00 PM Show More
    Overnight Celebrity
    Emmett attempts to win Tiff back. Kiesha looks to start a new chapter for her and her son. Kevin takes his passion to a new level. Jake tries out for the basketball team. Papa’s announcement at the school pep rally quickly takes a turn for the worse. Jada hits a roadblock in her relationship with Suede. Trig takes a major step while continuing his efforts to protect the community. Douda and an old face return to visit Tracy. Promo
  • Showtime THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH – Sunday, June 26, 10:00 PM Show More
    As the World Falls Down
    Faraday and Justin must battle with rogue CIA operative Spencer Clay for their very lives. Promo
  • Showtime FLATBUSH MISDEMEANORS – Sunday, June 26, 11:00 PM Show More
    Kevin returns to his childhood home until the trouble in Flatbush dies down. Promo
  • Starz Becoming Elizabeth – Sunday, June 26, 9:00PM Show More
    Either Learn or Be Silent
    Elizabeth’s decision to side with one sibling leaves the Lord Protector Somerset trying to maintain the balance between the two opposing religions. As Catherine’s sworn enemy the Catholic Bishop Stephen Gardiner is released from the Tower, Elizabeth is horrified by the chain reaction she has unwittingly begun. Catherine and Thomas blame Elizabeth as they panic that the game is sliding out of their control. Having felt canny to the ways of court and politics, Elizabeth is left feeling very young and more aware than ever of how precarious peace in England is. But when Catherine and Thomas plan a large celebration for her 15th birthday she is relieved to think she is back in favour with them both, little knowing her step-parents see it as a chance to bring the court and king to Chelsea, and enact their plans to have Jane marry Edward. Promo
  • Starz P-Valley – Sunday, June 26, 10:00PM Show More
    While Keyshawn’s glow-up continues, Big Teak struggles with life on the outside. Back in Chucalissa, The Pynk is visited by a surprise guest. Promo
  • TNT ANIMAL KINGDOM – Sunday, June 26, 9:00PM Show More
    Pressure and Time
    Deran and Pope search for Craig; J tries to sell Gia’s diamonds; Julia gets a job at the mall. Promo
  • TNT ANIMAL KINGDOM – Sunday, June 26, 10:00PM Show More
    Inside Man
    J gets to know the new attorney; Craig scouts a potential job; Pope helps a kid at the skate park. Promo
  • UP Tv PLANNING ON FOREVER – Sunday, June 26, 7:00PM Show More
    Emma, an events planner with no time for love, agrees to plan her sister’s wedding – in just six weeks – with the help of Liam, who Emma had a disastrous blind date with years ago. Promo
  • UP Tv HEARTLAND – Thursday, June 30, 9:00PM Show More
    The man who shot Ty returns to Hudson and Amy and the rest of the family grapple with how to react. Jessica enlists Katie and Parker’s help to deal with a demanding Dude Ranch guest while Lou is away. Promo
  • UP Tv MYSTIC – Thursday, June 30, 9:00PM Show More
    The Lost Herd
    Issie gets a new vision of Mystic running through the forest along an old railway track, and wonders if this might be the clue that will lead her to Blaze’s herd. After some encouragement, Issie decides to ride out on Blaze to find the tracks, and Caroline, Caleb, Dan and Natasha join her on the mission. Promo



  • ABC Stanley Cup Final: Game 6 (6/26) Show More
    Game 6 (If Necessary): Colorado Avalanche At Tampa Bay Lightning
    Colorado Avalanche at Tampa Bay Lightning in Game 6 (if necessary) of the Stanley Cup Final. From Amalie Arena. Airing Sunday, June 26 2022 (8:00 PM-11:00 PM EST)
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of Atlanta – Sunday, June 26, 8:00PM Show More
    Healthy Glows and Low Blows
    Marlo and Sheree get into a steamy confrontation with Kandi about her lack of support. Sanya has a heart-to-heart with Ross over her concerns about expanding their family. Drew sets out to prove that “Drop It with Drew” is a legitimate business enterprise. Preview 
  • Bravo The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – Wednesday, June 29, 8:00PM Show More
    It Takes a Villain
    Crystal unpacks the outcome of the Mexico trip with Rob and Jeff, and Dorit finds comfort in her mother, who is in town for an extended visit. Meanwhile, Erika works on growing a new business venture. A text message sends shock waves through the group, leaving Kyle to wonder who will attend Garcelle’s upcoming birthday party. At the celebration, Sutton comes face to face with Diana and her pointed questions reveal a side of the newcomer no one has seen before. Preview 
  • CBS 60 MINUTES – Sunday, June 26 Show More
    “60 Minutes” Listings for Sunday, June 26 – 7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT
    TARGETING AMERICANS – For the past six years, U.S. diplomats stationed in foreign countries have been reporting a series of neurological symptoms, now known as “Havana Syndrome.” Scott Pelley reveals new reports of incidents that have occurred on U.S. soil, in a two-part story airing Sunday. High-ranking Homeland Security officials in the Trump administration say they were overcome with feelings of vertigo confusion, and memory loss while on White House grounds and in their Washington, D.C.-area homes. The incidents and symptoms they describe are similar to the “Havana Syndrome” that has been reported by American diplomats in foreign countries since 2016. The officials spoke to Pelley for Sunday’s report. Other stories of officials being stricken were corroborated by former national security adviser John Bolton, who fears there is a threat to the highest levels of the U.S. government. New CIA director William Burns tells Pelley why it has been difficult finding answers. Michael Rey and Oriana Zill de Granados are the producers. More Info and Sneak Peek
    TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE NIGHT – California firefighters battling some of the worst wildfires in state history have a new weapon: a fleet of high-tech helicopters – including the heavy-duty chinook that carries 10 times the water other helicopters can – that are able to fight the blazes at night. “A game changer,” says one fire chief. Bill Whitaker reports. Heather Abbott is the producer. Preview
    “60 Minutes Presents: An Hour of Music” – 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT
    THE FINAL ACT – Tony Bennett has Alzheimer’s disease. It’s taken a toll on his memory, and the 95-year-old singer has trouble holding a conversation. But when the music comes on, the legendary crooner can break through the fog to find his voice again. Anderson Cooper and 60 MINUTES cameras were at what would likely be his final performance, with Lady Gaga at his side. Nichole Marks is the producer. Preview
    THE GET BACK SESSIONS – Rock music’s greatest divorce, the breakup of the Beatles in 1970, was always associated with the film and album “Let It Be.” Half a century later, dozens of hours of that film left on the cutting room floor are telling a different story. 60 MINUTES reveals an intimacy and creative bond between the four musicians that belies the long-held narrative. Jon Wertheim reports. Michael Gavshon and Nadim Roberts are the producers. Preview
    CHRIS STAPLETON – His contemporaries will tell you he’s among the best that country music has these days. Kentucky-bred Chris Stapleton is a triple-threat: a powerfully gifted singer, prolific songwriter and skilled guitar player. His talents have connected with music fans across generations and genres. Sharyn Alfonsi traveled to Nashville, where Stapleton performed at the Bridgestone Arena and showed 60 MINUTES around town and inside his rehearsal space filled with artifacts and awards. Alfonsi also interviewed Stapleton and his wife and bandmate, Morgane, about their life together and making country music. John Hamlin is the producer. Preview
    Editor’s Note: These previously broadcast segments have been updated for this post-season edition.
  • CBS SUPERSTAR RACING EXPERIENCE – Saturday, July 2 Show More
    Stafford Motor Speedway – 8:00 PM, ET/PT
    Week 3 of Camping World SRX racing comes from Stafford Motor Speedway in Stafford Springs, Conn. Tony Stewart heads the former IndyCar and NASCAR stars racing on a variety of short tracks alongside guest drivers including Matt Hirschman.
  • FOX DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS! – Monday, June 27 Show More
    “DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS!” – (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Hosted by Emmy Award nominee Niecy Nash, the all-new revival of the popular game show challenges contestants’ musical memory, as they get one song closer to winning $1 million if they DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS! Contestants choose songs from different genres, decades and musical artists. Then they’ll take center stage to sing alongside the studio band as the lyrics are projected on screen – but when the music stops and the words disappear, will the contestants belt out the correct missing lyrics, or freeze under pressure? If they sing nine songs correctly, they are presented with a No. 1 hit and will attempt to sing the final missing lyrics for the top prize of $1 million. The season’s youngest singer and a father with a falsetto each try to take on the Million Dollar Challenge in the all-new “A True Belieber And The Falsetto Father!” episode of DON’T FORGET THE LYRICS! airing Monday, June 27 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (DFL-104) (TV-PG D,L)
  • FOX BEAT SHAZAM – Monday, June 27 Show More
    “BEAT SHAZAM” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    Hosted by Jamie Foxx, BEAT SHAZAM is the unique and interactive game show that pits teams of two against the clock and each other as they try to identify the biggest hit songs of all time. In the end, the team with the highest score will outlast the competition and go against Shazam, the popular song identification app, for the chance to win up to one million dollars. Teams of mothers and daughters battle to take home the million-dollar prize in the all-new “Million-Dollar Mommies!” episode of BEAT SHAZAM airing Monday, June 27 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BSH-506) (TV-PG D,L)
  • FOX MASTERCHEF – Wednesday, June 29 Show More
    “MASTERCHEF” – (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    For their first team challenge, the top 18 travel to the U.S. Coast Guard Base in Los Angeles. The chefs must collaborate to create a hearty and delicious lunch for more than 100 brave women and men. One contestant will be eliminated in the all-new “Back to Win: Feeding the U.S. Coast Guard” episode of MASTERCHEF airing Wednesday, June 29 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MCH-1206) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE – Wednesday, June 29 Show More
    “SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE” – (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    This week, the Top 10 will dance with new partners, as the studio rounds continue. Dancers will showcase their talents in various dance styles, including contemporary, tap, hip-hop, ballroom, animation, breaking and more, while they dance in pairs and two finalists are sent home in another double elimination in the all-new “Around the World” episode of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE airing Wednesday, June 29 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (DAN-1707) (TV-TBD)
  • FOX WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN – Friday, July 1 Show More
    “WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN” – (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1 Video Clips
    A unique combination of edge-of-your-seat action, unpredictable drama and world-class athleticism, FOX Sports presents WWE’S FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN airing Friday, July 1 (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) on FOX. (WWE-2426) (TV-PG D, L, S, V)
  • FOX BASEBALL NIGHT IN AMERICA – Saturday, July 2 Show More
    **FOX SPORTS**–“BASEBALL NIGHT IN AMERICA” – (7:00 PM-CC ET live/4:00 PM-CC PT live) CC- HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    FOX MLB continues its regionalized baseball broadcasts with three exciting matchups, airing Saturday, July 2 (7:00 PM-CC ET live/4:00 PM-CC PT live) on FOX. (FSP-2301) (n/a)
    Regionalized Games:
    Boston Red Sox at Chicago Cubs
    San Diego Padres at Los Angeles Dodgers
    06/27/2022 (08:00PM – 10:00PM) (Monday) : The qualifying rounds continue in San Antonio with competitors as young as 15 return in this first round of competition. Minions have taken over the course and brought new obstacle Despicaballs. Other new obstacles include Shattered Panes, Final Frontier in addition to the iconic Warped Wall. TV-PG
    06/27/2022 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Monday) : Jane Lynch leads eight strangers through the ultimate rapid-fire trivia game as teams build a bank worth up to $1 million. At the end of each round, it’s every player for themselves as they say goodbye to teammates they consider the weakest link. TV-PG
    06/28/2022 (08:00PM – 10:01PM) (Tuesday) : TV-PG D, L – The auditions continue for a fifth night on America’s Got Talent with judges Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel and Sofia Vergara voting for their favorite acts to go through in the competition.
    Featured tonight will be a former contestant who made it to the 2009 quarterfinals, a heavy metal choir, an impressionist, and more.
    There’s only one Golden Buzzer unspoken for, and it remains to be seen if Heidi will award it to one of tonight’s acts.
    06/28/2022 (10:01PM – 11:00PM) (Tuesday) : A football coach, salon owner, dentist and nine other contestants from across the country enter the Dancing with Myself pods to battle it out over six dance challenges set by celebrity creators Shakira, Nick Jonas and Liza Koshy. Camille Kostek hosts. TV-PG
    07/01/2022 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Friday) : Dateline NBC “The Knock at the Door” July 1 2022 New Episode
    Friday (July 1, 2022), an all-new “Dateline NBC” Will a mother’s search for answers bring justice? Preview
    The July 1 “Dateline NBC” episode airs at 10PM ET/9PM CT. Keith Morrison reports from Punta Gorda, Florida. Featuring Interviews with Tara’s family members, Detective Mike Gandy, Attorney Amanda Downing and more. You can watch previous episodes at NBC and Peacock. For more Dateline, check out the official podcast.
    The case of Tara Ord Sidorovich turns cold after the 19-year-old is found murdered in the woods. Will her mother’s search for answers bring justice?
    Dateline NBC is the longest-running series in NBC primetime history and is now in its 30th season.
  • TBS FULL FRONTAL WITH SAMANTHA BEE – Thursday, June 30, 10:00PM Show More
    6/30/22 (Th.) 10:00 PM – While Pride Month may be winding down, being an ally is a year-round venture. Sam has Betty Who break down how to be a good ally at Pride and beyond—for the straights. Also: we have a brand new edition of Ask Allana to help you close out the school year from hell. When the whole world feels like a scream, let Allana Harkin yell back for you.
  • USA Network WWE RAW – Monday, June 27, 8:00PM Show More
    From WWE Raw preview (June 27, 2022): John Cena is back
    Raw airs tonight (June 27) with a live show from Sames Auto Arena in Laredo, Texas. This is the final Raw episode during the four week build towards Money in the Bank, coming up this Saturday night (July 2). More
  • USA Network MIZ & MRS – Monday, June 27, 11:00PM Show More
    Fantasy Trip and Fall
    Maryse convinces Mike for a one night vacation but fantasy football negotiations get in the way.
  • USA Network CHRISLEY KNOWS BEST – Thursday, June 30, 9:00PM Show More
    Switchin It Up – Todd and Faye accidentally wind up at a swinger’s party while the kids seek adventure of their own.
  • USA Network AUSTIN DILLON’S LIFE IN THE FAST LANE – Thursday, June 30, 9:30PM Show More
    Daytona, Baby! – It’s the Daytona 500 and Austin’s stressed. Meanwhile Whitney, Paul and Mariel help him relax.



  • ABC America’s Funniest Home Videos: 3219 (6/26) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/1/22) Show More
    “3219” – It’s the ongoing rivalry of cats versus dogs, and get a load of kids saying funny things including a little girl who announces she has to go to the bathroom during a wedding toast on “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” airing SUNDAY, JUNE 26 (7:00-8:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG)
  • ABC Celebrity Family Feud: Selling Sunset vs. Bling Empire and Pentatonix vs. Wilson Phillips (6/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 9/19/21) Show More
    “Selling Sunset vs. Bling Empire and Pentatonix vs. Wilson Phillips” – Reality stars from Netflix’s “Selling Sunset” and “Bling Empire” go head-to-head and compete to win money for their chosen charities. Then, the Wilson Phillips family takes on GRAMMY® Award-winning a cappella group Pentatonix airing MONDAY, JUNE 27 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, L)
  • ABC Celebrity Family Feud: Dee Snider vs. Terry Bradshaw and OneRepublic vs. Mayans M.C. Cast (6/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 6/20/21) Show More
    “Dee Snider vs. Terry Bradshaw and OneRepublic vs. Mayans M.C. Cast” – “The Bradshaw Bunch,” led by legendary quarterback Terry Bradshaw, faces off against Twisted Sister front man Dee Snider with members from their respective families compete to win cash for their selected charities. The next game of the night features one of the biggest groups in pop music—OneRepublic—as they go head-to-head against the cast of FX’s critically acclaimed drama “Mayans M.C.,” in a hilarious showdown airing MONDAY, JUNE 27 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, D)
  • ABC Celebrity Family Feud: Deon Cole vs. Tisha Campbell and Kevin Smith & Jason Mewes vs. Justin Long (6/27) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 8/15/21) Show More
    “Deon Cole vs. Tisha Campbell and Kevin Smith & Jason Mewes vs. Justin Long” – Comedian Deon Cole takes on actress Tisha Campbell in a funny faceoff when they compete to win money for their respective charities. In the next game, dynamic duo Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes go head-to-head and test their skills against actor Justin Long and his family when “Celebrity Family Feud” airs MONDAY, JUNE 27 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC.
  • ABC Holey Moley: Fore-Ever!: Holey Moley, it’s the Muppets! (6/28) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/3/22)Show More

    “Holey Moley, it’s the Muppets!” – America’s favorite mini-golf competition series swings back into action with a super-collaboration for the ages as The Muppets head to the “Holey Moley” course determined to help the show stay on air fore-ever. Eight contestants face off for the golden putter, coveted plaid jacket and a spot in the finals as they fly through the air on The Trap-Tee-Zee, dive through Donut Hole, bring their A-game to Holeywood and make their mark on Full Mooney. Commentating duo Rob Riggle and Joe Tessitore return, along with sideline correspondent Jeannie Mai, resident golf pro Stephen Curry and more surprise guests, when “Holey Moley: Fore-Ever!” airs TUESDAY, JUNE 28 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, D) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/3/22)
  • ABC Who Do You Believe?: Slayed While Sleeping (6/28) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 6/7/22)Show More

    “Slayed While Sleeping” – If you cannot trust your own mother or your own child, who can you trust? After Sandra Garner’s husband is murdered in their bed the night of their anniversary, a series of wild alibis and a bizarre 911 call leaves mother and son pointing fingers and questioning whether the other is lying. In a curious case where evidence suddenly materializes and accusations fly, even the police is puzzled, but will you be? With each claiming the other had a motive and the opportunity to pull the trigger, it’s up to you to decide. “Who Do You Believe?” airs TUESDAY, JUNE 28 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, L) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 6/7/22)
  • ABC The Chase: What Color Is Uranus? (6/28) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/10/22)Show More

    “What Color Is Uranus?” – OG Chaser James “The High Roller” Holzhauer makes his season three debut as he faces off in a trivia battle against a market research manager, a hospital physician and a music journalist. Each hourlong episode continues the fast-paced battle of intellect, where contestants are challenged to think faster than they ever thought possible to answer up to 166 questions across varying topics. Sara Haines (ABC’s “The View”) returns as host on “The Chase,” airing TUESDAY, JUNE 28 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 5/10/22)
  • ABC The Conners: Patriarchs and Goddesses (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/19/22) Show More
    “Patriarchs and Goddesses” – Darlene continues to navigate her breakup with Ben, and when she and Becky head to the movies and see Ben on a date, Darlene can’t stop herself from interfering and making everyone uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Dan offers to talk with Aldo’s dad, Jesse (Joe Walsh), when he doesn’t approve of Harris and Aldo’s relationship on “The Conners,” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/19/22)
    Guest starring is Joe Walsh as Jesse, Tony Cavalero as Aldo, Charlotte Sanchez as Beverly Rose, Jaeden Bettencourt as Melvin and Santino Barnard as Marvin. Promo
  • ABC The Goldbergs: The William Penn Years (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 10/13/21) Show More
    “The William Penn Years” – Never a sports enthusiast, Adam finds himself in a pickle with his peers when he’s recruited to film his high school’s highly awaited last football game of the year and fails to capture his team’s winning touchdown. Meanwhile, Beverly discovers her neighbor Arnie Wolfy (Dan Lauria) is moving and she’s determined to buy his spacious home and move the family in. Murray’s long-standing and unresolved conflict with Arnie challenges Beverly’s plans, but the family comes to appreciate home is where the heart is on “The Goldbergs,” airing WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 (8:30-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, DL) Promo
  • ABC Abbott Elementary: Student Transfer (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/25/22) Show More
    “Student Transfer” – After a negative teacher review, Janine gets a confidence boost when a student gets transferred from Melissa’s class into hers, but it turns out the student proves to be too much to handle. While trying to forge a friendship with an uninterested Gregory, it is revealed that Jacob is constantly getting roasted by his students. The two bond after Gregory unintentionally gives Jacob the idea to incorporate the roasts in an educational way on “Abbott Elementary,” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 (9:00-9:31 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/25/22)
    “Student Transfer” was written by Brittani Nichols and directed by Randall Einhorn. Promo
  • ABC Home Economics: Box of King-Size Candy Bars, $48.99 (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 10/27/21) Show More
    “Box of King-Size Candy Bars, $48.99” – Trick or treat is not the only question on the Hayworths’ minds as they debate the best neighborhood for a spooktacular Halloween. Meanwhile, Connor navigates sharing the holiday with his ex-wife, Emily, on “Home Economics,” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 (9:31-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 10/27/21)
    Recurring is Justine Lupe as Emily. Guest starring is Hilty Bowen as Juliet, Damian Gomez as Adam, Ellen Colton as Ellen and Jaiden McLeod as Jason.
    “Box of King-Size Candy Bars, $48.99” was written by Melissa Hunter and directed by Dean Holland.   
  • ABC Press Your Luck: 2nd Annual 4th of July Spectacular (6/29) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 6/30/21) Show More
    “2nd Annual 4th of July Spectacular” – Host Elizabeth Banks is back to help contestants try to win those BIG BUCKS on “Press Your Luck,” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. The stakes have never been higher as contestants try to avoid the iconic and devilish WHAMMY for a chance at life-changing cash and prizes. In the spirit of the holiday, Banks is joined by essential workers Natalie Shore (hometown: Agoura Hills, California), Kristopher Hull (hometown: York Haven, Pennsylvania) and Anu Iwanefun (hometown: Nigeria). (TV-PG, L)
  • ABC Press Your Luck: Still Standing (6/30) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 10/1/20) Show More
    “Still Standing” – Host Elizabeth Banks is keeping the energy high as contestants try to win those big bucks on “Press Your Luck,” airing THURSDAY, JUNE 30 (8:00–9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14) The stakes have never been higher as contestants try to avoid the iconic and devilish WHAMMY for a chance at life-changing cash and prizes. Elizabeth is joined by contestants Tim Roberts (hometown: San Diego, California), Joannie Pashley-Baynes (hometown: Huntington Beach, California), and Gary Michael (hometown: Rancho Mission Viejo, California).
  • ABC Press Your Luck: Does He Know I’m from Boston?!?! (6/30) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 6/23/21) Show More
    “Does He Know I’m from Boston?!?!” – Elizabeth Banks is back to help contestants try to win those BIG BUCKS on “Press Your Luck,” THURSDAY, JUNE 30 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. The stakes have never been higher as contestants try to avoid the iconic and devilish WHAMMY for a chance at life-changing cash and prizes. Banks is joined by contestants Mark Tshuma (hometown: Dallas, Texas), Ann Raineri (hometown: Murrieta, California) and Cody Miller (hometown: Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California). (TV-PG)
  • ABC Press Your Luck: You Can’t Write this #”!*$ (6/30) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 6/16/21) Show More
    “You Can’t Write this #”!*$” – Host Elizabeth Banks is back to help contestants try to win those BIG BUCKS on “Press Your Luck,” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. The stakes have never been higher as contestants try to avoid the iconic and devilish WHAMMY for a chance at life-changing cash and prizes. Banks is joined by contestants Mathew Smith (hometown: Los Angeles, California), Falawna Barton (hometown: Augusta, Georgia) and Stephanie Winn (Mojave, California). (TV-PG)
  • ABC Shark Tank: 1305 (7/1) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/21/22) Show More
    “1305” – First into the Tank is a young entrepreneur from Baltimore, Maryland, who presents her easy-to-use organic skincare product line born from a personal need. A fashion designer from Los Angeles, California, introduces her all female company that makes confidence-boosting swimwear; while entrepreneurs from Longmont, Colorado, pitch their convenient tool that helps to combat an annoying problem. An entrepreneur from Orem, Utah, introduces his lifestyle jewelry brand made from a unique recycled material on “Shark Tank,” FRIDAY, JULY 1 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/21/22)
    In a Shark Tank update, Aaron Powell from Denton, Texas, updates his investor Barbara Corcoran on Bunch Bikes, his electric cargo bike line.
    The Sharks in this episode are Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, Daymond John and Barbara Corcoran.
  • ABC 20/20 (7/1) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/21/22) Show More
    20/20 – Airing Friday, July 01, 2022 (9:01 PM-11:00 PM EST)‘20/20’ Features Co-Anchor Amy Robach’s Interview With Scott Falater Who Made Headlines When He Claimed He Killed His Wife While Sleepwalking
    ‘20/20’ Features Footage From Prison Visit Between Falater and His Son, 24 Years After Murder ‘20/20’ Airs Friday, July 1 (9:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC
    When Scott Falater’s neighbor witnessed him drag his wife into their backyard pool and hold her head underwater after he stabbed her, it may have seemed to be an open-and-shut case. That was until Falater acted utterly stunned at the accusations and maintained he had no recollection of killing his wife. With no criminal record and a seemingly good marriage, Falater’s actions also puzzled his family and friends. But when Falater claimed to have a sleepwalking disorder, it raised the stunning question: Was he asleep during the murder? The intriguing case quickly made headlines as the media covered the trial gavel to gavel. “20/20” co-anchor Amy Robach sits down for a jailhouse interview with Falater in his first interview since his conviction 22 years ago. In the emotional interview, Falater opens up about the killing, his children and his life in prison. “20/20” features a conversation between Falater from prison and his son, Michael, who was just 12 years old at the time of the murder. The two-hour program also features the first interviews with Joel Tranter and Steven Stanowicz; the first network TV interview with Kemp Layden; and members of the Phoenix Police Department at the time of the murder about what they saw when they were some of the first to arrive at the crime scene. “20/20” also includes interviews with the renowned sleep experts who testified that they believed Falater was sleepwalking and some of the jurors. “20/20” airs FRIDAY, JULY 1 (9:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (Rebroadcast. ABC OAD: 1/29/21)
    ABC News’ “20/20” is an award-winning primetime program anchored by David Muir and Amy Robach. A proven leader as a long-form newsmagazine for over 40 years, “20/20” features unforgettable, character-driven true-crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high profile stories. The two-hour “20/20” events air Fridays from 9:00-11:00 p.m. EDT on ABC and are available to stream on ABC News digital platforms and Hulu.
  • ABC Shark Tank: 1314 (7/2) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/28/22) Show More
    “1314” – First into the Tank are entrepreneurs from Locust Grove, Georgia, who present their portable tool that instantly turns any standard dumbbell into a dynamic workout. Entrepreneurs from Chesapeake, Virginia, introduce their product designed to stick to anything and everything to help soothe anxiety and fidgeting; while entrepreneurs from Thomashire, Connecticut, pitch their device that allows you to partake in the tradition of blowing out birthday candles without spreading germs. An entrepreneur from Manheim, Pennsylvania, hopes his chicken coop creation built by Amish craftsmen will meet all those backyard needs on “Shark Tank,” airing SATURDAY, JULY 2 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-PG) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/28/22)
    In a Shark Tank update, entrepreneurs, Judy Schott from Mandeville, Louisiana, and Nita Gassen from Lacombe, Louisiana, update their investor, Lori Greiner, on Better Bedder, their giant headband that wraps around your mattress to make changing sheets and making the bed more convenient.
    The Sharks in this episode are Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec.
  • ABC The Rookie: Fight or Flight (7/2) (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/30/22) Show More
    “Fight or Flight” – Officers John Nolan and Lucy Chen must fulfill three quests if they want to get a stolen police helicopter back safely from a teenage thief. Meanwhile, Officer Nyla Harper and Aaron Thorson must guard a convicted cop killer in the hospital following a prison riot on “The Rookie,” SATURDAY, JULY 2 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (TV-14, L) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres. (Rebroadcast. OAD: 1/30/22)
    Guest starring is Tru Valentino as Aaron Thorson, Arjay Smith as James Murray and Jay Hunter as Officer Gil Webb.
    “Fight or Flight” was written by Brynn Malone and directed by Lanre Olabisi. Promo
  • CBS THE EQUALIZER – Sunday, June 26 Show More
    “What Dreams May Come” – McCall, Mel and Harry take a leap of faith when they help a self-proclaimed psychic, Julien (Yusuf Gatewood), find his missing sister who he says is in imminent danger, according to his visions. Also, Delilah’s PTSD returns as she struggles under the weight of keeping McCall’s secrets and her worries about her mother’s safety, on the CBS Original series THE EQUALIZER, Sunday, June 26 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 5/8/22)
    STORY BY: Jordan Bringert & Rob Hanning
    TELEPLAY BY: Rob Henning
    BASED ON: The original series by Richard Lindheim & Michael Sloan
    DIRECTED BY: Millicent Shelton Promo
    Peter Cambor Returns as Operational Psychologist Nate Getz
    “All the Little Things” – When a newborn child is found abandoned on a Navy ship, Kensi and Deeks search for the mother on board before she dies of complications. Also, Nate (Peter Cambor) meets with Admiral Kilbride and learns about the CIA project from the ‘70s and ‘80s involving children, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, June 26 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 3/13/22)
    WRITTEN BY: R. Scott Gemmill
    DIRECTED BY: Terrence O’Hara Promo
  • CBS THE NEIGHBORHOOD – Monday, June 27 Show More
    “Welcome to the Knockout” – As Dave nears his 40th birthday, Calvin offers to coach his friend for an amateur boxing tournament. Also, sparks fly when Marty meets a new woman at the gym, on the CBS Original series THE NEIGHBORHOOD, Monday, June 27 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 1/17/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Terrell Lawrence & Austen Faggen
    DIRECTED BY: Mimi Deaton Promo
  • CBS BOB ♥ ABISHOLA, Monday – June 27 Show More
    “Cats in a Bathtub” – When Bob accidentally reveals Morenike is gay, Abishola and Kemi are forced to defend her against their church, and even their own families. Also, Douglas comes clean to Olivia about not being poor, on the CBS Original series BOB ♥ ABISHOLA, Monday, June 27 (8:30-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 1/17/22)
    STORY BY: Al Higgins, Gina Yashere and Gloria Bigelow
    TELEPLAY BY: Nathan Chetty, Marla DuMont and Dave Pilson
    DIRECTED BY: Beth McCarthy-Miller Promo
    Episode Directed by Series Star Rocky Carroll
    “The Wake” – A gruesome mishap at a Navy petty officer’s gender-reveal party leads NCIS to the case of a missing teacher that was popularized on a true crime podcast, on the CBS Original series NCIS, Monday, June 27 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. The episode was directed by series star Rocky Carroll. (OAD 3/21/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Katie White
    DIRECTED BY: Rocky Carroll Promo
    “Breach” – When a ransomware attempt causes a dam to malfunction, Ernie and a team of hackers are tasked to find the culprit quickly, before all power and water is cut off on the island. Also, Lucy and Whistler work together, giving Whistler a chance to apologize to Lucy and mend their relationship, on the CBS Original series NCIS: HAWAI`I, Monday, June 27 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 3/21/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Yakira Chambers
    DIRECTED BY: Christine Moore Promo
    “Ghost from the Past” – The murder of a TSA agent leads the team to hunt down a killer who is using drug mules to exploit airport security checkpoints. Also, OA struggles to cope with the aftermath of the sarin gas exposure and the 10th anniversary of his army friend’s death in Afghanistan, on the CBS Original series FBI, Tuesday, June 28 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 5/10/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Rick Eid & Joe Halpin
    DIRECTED BY: Heather Cappiello Promo
  • CBS FBI: INTERNATIONAL – Tuesday, June 28 Show More
    “On These Waters” – Following a frenzied attack by gunmen aboard an American-owned river cruise ship on the Danube, the Fly Team heads to Vienna to investigate why the boat was targeted. Also, Forrester realizes his feelings of mistrust caused by his past are affecting his personal relationships, on the CBS Original series FBI: INTERNATIONAL, Tuesday, June 28 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 4/26/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Hussain Pirani
    DIRECTED BY: Michael Katleman Promo
  • CBS FBI: MOST WANTED – Tuesday, June 28 Show More
    “Overlooked” – The team searches for a businessman wanted for murder and an embezzlement scheme. Also, Jess takes advantage of his empty nest to properly court Sarah, on the CBS Original series FBI: MOST WANTED, Tuesday, June 28 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 2/22/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Stephanie SenGupta
    DIRECTED BY: Milena Govich Promo
  • CBS THE PRICE IS RIGHT – Wednesday, June 29 Show More
    CBS’ top-rated daytime game show THE PRICE IS RIGHT, hosted by Drew Carey, has newlywed actors Justin Hartley and Sofia Pernas “come on down” for a special primetime Valentine’s Day episode of THE PRICE IS RIGHT AT NIGHT, Wednesday, June 29 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAB 2/14/22)
    Hartley and Pernas, who were married last year, will play alongside an audience of fellow newlyweds. Contestants will compete for amazing prizes, including cash, romantic trips and luxury cars, while Hartley and Pernas play to raise money for Operation Therapy, a new organization that provides therapy and service animals to military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress. The two set a record, winning the most money for charity of any celebrity in show history.
  • CBS THE PRICE IS RIGHT – Wednesday, June 29 Show More
    CBS Original game show THE PRICE IS RIGHT, hosted by Drew Carey, welcomes Emmy Award-winning actress Rachel Brosnahan to “come on down” for a special primetime episode of THE PRICE IS RIGHT AT NIGHT, Wednesday, June 29 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
    Brosnahan will play alongside contestants to raise money for Covenant House. The charity offers support to young people in need, by providing shelter, food, crisis care and more. Additionally, contestants will compete for “marvelous” prizes, including a trip to Paris and a specially themed showcase, as well as cash and cars.
    Currently, the actress stars as Miriam “Midge” Maisel in acclaimed series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” for which she has won two Golden Globes, an Emmy Award and a Critic’s Choice Award. Season four of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” premiered earlier this year.
  • CBS S.W.A.T. – Wednesday, June 29 Show More
    “Short Fuse” – When a terminally ill inmate escapes from a hospital determined to settle old scores before he dies, SWAT must team up with a longtime rival of Hicks to protect the fugitive’s targets. Also, Nichelle faces a life-changing event that affects her relationship with Hondo, on the CBS Original series S.W.A.T., Wednesday, June 29 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 3/13/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Kent Rotherham
    DIRECTED BY: Guy Ferland Promo
  • CBS YOUNG SHELDON – Thursday, June 30 Show More
    Jason Alexander and Wendie Malick Return as Professor Lundy and President Hagemeyer, Respectively
    “A Pink Cadillac and a Glorious Tribal Dance” – Sheldon attends his first comic book convention. Also, Mary tries selling make-up, on the CBS Original series YOUNG SHELDON, Thursday, June 30 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
    STORY BY: Steve Holland & Nick Bakay & Yael Glouberman
    TELEPLAY BY: Steven Molaro & Eric Kaplan & Nadiya Chettiar
    DIRECTED BY: Beth McCarthy-Miller Promo
  • CBS UNITED STATES OF AL – Thursday, June 30 Show More
    “Punch / Musht” – When Hazel gets in trouble at school, Riley and Vanessa disagree on how to handle the issue, on the CBS Original series UNITED STATES OF AL, Thursday, June 30 (8:31-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 1/13/22)
    STORY BY: Chuck Lorre, Ursula Taherian, Bobby Telatovich
    TELEPLAY BY: Andy Gordon, Chuck Tatham, Habib Zahori
    DIRECTED BY: Mark Cendrowski Promo
    “Farnsby & B” – As Sam and Jay await the arrival of their first official B&B guests, they face obstacles triggered by a Norse curse placed upon them by Thorfinn. Also, Isaac takes a huge, centuries-in-the-making step in his personal life, on the first season finale of the CBS Original series GHOSTS, Thursday, June 30 (9:01-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
    WRITTEN BY: Joe Port and Joe Wiseman
    DIRECTED BY: Cortney Carrillo Promo
  • CBS B POSITIVE – Thursday, June 30 Show More
    “Payroll, a Waterwall and Valley Forge” – Gina struggles to keep Valley Hills running smoothly after Mrs. Ludlum quits and starts work at a rival assisted living facility. Also, Drew wonders whether he should go on another road trip adventure or stay close to Gina, on the CBS Original series B POSITIVE, at a special time on Thursday, June 30 (9:31-10:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 3/3/22)
    STORY BY: Jim Patterson, Warren Bell and Heide Perlman
    TELEPLAY BY: Adam Chase, Carol Leifer and Jessica Kravitz
    DIRECTED BY: Dana de Vally Piazza Promo
    “Family Matters” – The TAC team finds itself in a tense and unprecedented situation when Bull faces off against Marissa and her new boss in court, following her departure from the company. Also, Taylor’s professional life works against her during her custody battle with her ex-husband, on the CBS Original series BULL, Thursday, June 30 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 1/20/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Steven Paul Martinez
    DIRECTED BY: Leslie Libman 
    “Albatross” – When the team busts a group of dangerous robbery suspects, Tan is confronted with a pivotal figure from his past. Also, Luca is tapped to temporarily step in for Hicks, on the CBS Original series S.W.A.T., Friday, July 1 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 3/20/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Michael Gemballa
    DIRECTED BY: John Terlesky Promo
  • CBS MAGNUM P.I. – Friday, July 1 Show More
    Episode Co-Written by Series Star Zachary Knighton
    “A New Lease On Death” – When Rick is asked to assist with a federal investigation of his childhood friend Robbie (Devon Sawa), Magnum launches his own investigation to see what the Feds really have on him Also, Kumu goes undercover in a retirement community when Higgins is hired to investigate the disappearance of a resident’s life savings, on the CBS Original series MAGNUM P.I., Friday, July 1 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+. (OAD 11/19/21)
    WRITTEN BY: Barbie Kligman & Zachary Knighton
    DIRECTED BY: Ruba Nadda Promo
  • CBS BLUE BLOODS – Friday, July 1 Show More
    “Guilt” – Frank, Baker, Garrett and Gormley experience feelings of guilt when Detective Angela Reddick (Ilfenish Hadera), an officer they briefly worked with at 1PP, is shot after Frank reassigned her for not meshing with their team. Also, Eddie, Danny and Baez investigate a man’s murder after Eddie and her partner respond to an altercation between the victim and a neighbor, and Anthony finds himself at a crossroads when he’s offered a promotion that strains his relationship with Erin, on the 250th episode of the CBS Original series BLUE BLOODS, Friday, July 1 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. (OAD 3/11/22)
    WRITTEN BY: Brian Burns
    DIRECTED BY: Ralph Hemecker Promo
    “48 Hours” Goes Inside the Investigation in an Encore of “Peter Chadwick: Caught” Preview
    Tracy Smith and 48 HOURS take viewers deep inside the investigation into the search for – and capture of – a multimillionaire real estate investor accused of killing his wife and staging a kidnapping plot, in an encore of “Peter Chadwick: Caught” to be broadcast Saturday, July 2 (10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+. A 48 HOURS report is credited by investigators with helping trip up the fugitive after four-and-a-half years on the run.
    48 HOURS is broadcast Saturdays at 10:00 PM, ET/PT on CBS, and streams anytime on Paramount+. There’s also a new way to watch 48 HOURS. You’ll find us on the CBS News Streaming Network Wednesdays at 8:00 PM, ET. Download the CBS News app on your phone or connected TV. Follow 48 HOURS on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Listen to podcasts at CBSAudio.
  • The CW Penn & Teller: Fool Us – Sunday, June 26 Show More
    “The Penn-tagram” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, L) (HDTV)
    ALYSON HANNIGAN PERFORMS WITH PENN & TELLER – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The TV audience watches along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featured in the episode include Mellow, Paige Thompson, Stanley Zhou and Jonathon Lachance. Alyson Hannigan (“How I Met Your Mother”) serves as host (#810). Original airdate 1/14/2022.
  • The CW Wellington Paranormal – Wednesday, June 29 Show More
    “70s Ghost” – (9:30-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)
    WHO YA GONNA CALL? – Officers O’Leary (Karen O’Leary) and Minogue (Mike Minogue) investigate a noise complaint and stumble on a mysterious party. Jackie van Beech directed the episode written by Nick Ward (#103). Original airdate 7/18/2021. Promo
  • The CW Walker – Thursday, June 30 Show More
    “They Started It” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    SEASON PREMIERE – Walker (Jared Padalecki) realizes his life is at risk and confronts Captain James (Coby Bell) who confesses to him the real reason Micki (Lindsey Morgan) went undercover. Meanwhile, the Davidsons return home which sets Abeline (Molly Hagan) on edge as there is dark history between the two families. Trey (Jeff Pierre) almost blows Micki’s cover. Steve Robin directed the episode written by Seamus Kevin Fahey & Anna Fricke (#201). Original airdate 10/28/2021. Every episode of WALKER will be available to stream on The CW App and the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
    “Negative, Part Two” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, LV) (HDTV)
    SEASON FINALE – With The Flash (Grant Gustin) still reeling from everything that just happened, the rest of the team rallies to support him when he needs it the most. The series also stars Jesse L. Martin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Danielle Nicolet, Kayla Compton and Brandon McKnight Marcus Stokes directed the episode written by Eric Wallace (#820). Original airdate 6/29/2022. Every episode of THE FLASH will be available to stream on The CW App and the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Promo
  • The CW Penn & Teller: Fool Us – Friday, July 1 Show More
    “The Magic Toilet” – (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV)
    WILL PENN & TELLER BE FOOLED THIS WEEK? – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featured in the episode include Mac King, David Shareef, Vitaly Beckman and Alejandro Navas. Alyson Hannigan (“How I Met Your Mother”) serves as host (#724). Original airdate 3/19/2021.
  • The CW Whose Line Is It Anyway? – Saturday, July 2 Show More
    “Heather Anne Campbell 5” – (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, D) (HDTV)
    WITTY COMEDY – Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian Heather Anne Campbell, put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience. The four performers must use the little information they have and their wild imaginations to depict different characters and an array of scenes, as well as perform songs. After each round of improvisation, Aisha will dole out points to our four performers and declare a winner at the end of every episode. Directed by Geraldine Dowd (#1004). Original airdate 10/23/2021.
  • The CW Would I Lie To You? – Saturday, July 2 Show More
    “English Breakfast in Jail” – (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, DL) (HDTV)
    SPILL THE TEA – Hear more hilarious tales – which may be truth or may be a lie – when guest stars Jordan Klepper, Nikki James, John Hodgman, and Michael Urie join host Aasif Mandvi and team captains Matt Walsh and Sabrina Jalees (#113). Every episode of WOULD I LIE TO YOU? will be available to stream on The CW App and the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required. Original airdate 4/23/22.
  • The CW Masters Of Illusion – Saturday, July 2 Show More
    “Matters of the Head” – (9:00-9:30 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    TWISTED – Hosted by Dean Cain, “Masters of Illusion” features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines – all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include Ed Alonzo, Rob Lake, Shoot Ogawa, The Clairvoyants, Stuart MacDonald and Eric Buss (#801). Original airdate 4/9/2022.
  • The CW Masters Of Illusion – Saturday, July 2 Show More
    “The William Tell Experiment” – (9:30-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)
    RECIPE FOR MAGIC – Hosted by Dean Cain, “Masters of Illusion” features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines – all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include My Uyen, Chipper Lowell, Eric Jones, Farrell Dillon & Trino, Kevin Li and Jonathan Goodwin (#802). Original airdate 4/16/2022.
  • FOX I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE – Sunday, June 26 Show More
    “I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE” – (7:00-8:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Hosted by Ken Jeong, permanent panelists Cheryl Hines and Adrienne Houghton and an additional rotating panel of celebrity detectives must help one contestant tell the difference between good and bad singers, without ever hearing them sing a note. With $100,000 on the line and the celebrity panel by their side, the contestant will attempt to weed out the bad “Secret Voices” from the good, based on a series of clues, interrogation and lip synch challenges. Contestants also are given one chance to use the “Golden Mic,” which grants them advice from one secret mystery celebrity. In the end, the singer whom the contestant picks will reveal if they are good or bad in a duet performance with Jojo, resulting in an amazing musical collaboration or a totally hilarious train wreck on the all-new “Episode 11: Jojo, Drew Carey, Yvette Nicole Brown, Cheryl Hines, Adrienne Houghton” episode of I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE airing Sunday, June 26 (7:00-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (VOI-210) (TV-PG D, L)
  • FOX THE SIMPSONS – Sunday, June 26 Show More
    “THE SIMPSONS” – (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    John Lithgow, Krysten Ritter, Edi Patterson, Seth Green, Paul F. Thompkins, Nicholas Braun (“Succession”) and Charli D’Amelio Make Guest-Voice Appearances
    Grampa finds himself in a pickle when his hidden hamburger past comes back to “ketchup” with him in the “Meat is Murder” episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, June 26 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (SI-3313) (TV-PG L)
    Guest Voice Cast: John Lithgow as Gus, Krysten Ritter as Sheila, Edi Patterson as Jessica, Seth Green as Mav, Paul F. Thompkins as Colby, Nicholas Braun as Cousin Greg, Charli D’Amelio as Herself Promo
  • FOX BOB’S BURGERS – Sunday, June 26 Show More
    “BOB’S BURGERS” – (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Jillian Bell Guest-Voices
    Linda has a big day planned when her friend, Ginger, comes to visit. Meanwhile, Bob and the kids help Nat with her Limo competition in the “Clear and Present Ginger” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, June 26 (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BOB-1117) (TV-PG L, V)
    Guest Voice Cast: Wyatt Cenas as Announcer; Megan Mullally as Gretchen; Jillian Bell as Nat Promo
    “FAMILY GUY” – (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    PA: Viewer discretion is advised.
    In noir-style, Peter/Mac investigates the disappearance of Meg/Sister Megan in the “The Fatman Always Rings Twice” episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, June 26 (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FG-1906) (TV-14 D, L, S, V) Promo
  • FOX CRIME SCENE KITCHEN – Tuesday, June 28 Show More
    “CRIME SCENE KITCHEN” – (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    The bakers head back into the kitchen to take on a delicious, new challenge. The best dessert detectives will continue on in the competition and the duo that falls short will head home in the “Rock and Roll” episode of CRIME SCENE KITCHEN airing Tuesday, June 28 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (CSK-105) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE – Tuesday, June 28 Show More
    “I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE” – (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    Hosted by Ken Jeong, permanent panelists Cheryl Hines and Adrienne Houghton and an additional rotating panel of celebrity detectives, must help one contestant tell the difference between good and bad singers, without ever hearing them sing a note. With $100,000 on the line and the celebrity panel by their side, the contestant will attempt to weed out the bad “Secret Voices” from the good, based on a series of clues, interrogation and lip synch challenges. New this season, contestants are given one chance to use the “Golden Mic,” which grants them advice from one secret mystery celebrity. In the end, the singer whom the contestant picks will reveal if they are good or bad in a duet performance with Kandi Burruss, resulting in an amazing musical collaboration or a totally hilarious train wreck in an encore of the “Episode 10: Kandi Burruss, Vanessa Lachey, Jim Jefferies, Cheryl Hines, Adrienne Houghton” season finale episode of I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE airing Tuesday, June 28 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX (VOI-208) (TV-PG D, L)
  • FOX MASTERCHEF – Thursday, June 30 Show More
    **TIME-PERIOD PREMIERE**–“MASTERCHEF” – (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) CC-AD-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    For their first team challenge, the top 18 travel to the U.S. Coast Guard Base in Los Angeles. The chefs must collaborate to create a hearty and delicious lunch for more than 100 brave women and men. One contestant will be eliminated in the “Back to Win: Feeding the U.S. Coast Guard” episode of MASTERCHEF airing Thursday, June 30 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (MCH-1206) (TV-14 L)
  • FOX SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE – Thursday, June 30 Show More
    “SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE” – (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) CC-HDTV 720p-Dolby Digital 5.1
    This week, the Top 10 will dance with new partners, as the studio rounds continue. Dancers will showcase their talents in various dance styles, including contemporary, tap, hip-hop, ballroom, animation, breaking and more, while they dance in pairs and two finalists are sent home in another double elimination in “Around the World” episode of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE airing Thursday, June 30 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (DAN-1707) (TV-14 D, L)
  • FOX NAME THAT TUNE – Saturday, July 2 Show More
    Jennie Garth vs. Ian Ziering and Shaggy vs. Kim Fields
    Beloved one-hour musical game show NAME THAT TUNE is back for Season Two and is bigger than ever! This season features celebrity singers, actors, Olympians and NFL champions, all playing for their favorite charities. Tony Award winner Jane Krakowski hosts, and Grammy Award-winning producer Randy Jackson serves as band leader. Former “Beverly Hills 90210” sweethearts “Kelly” and “Steve” go note-to-note: Actress Jennie Garth, playing for the Equus Foundation vs. Actor Ian Ziering, playing for The Epidermolysis Bullosa Medical Research Foundation; and Grammy Award-winning artist Shaggy, playing for the Shaggy Make a Difference Foundation vs. Actress/Director Kim Fields (“The Upshaws”), playing for Back On My Feet. Each one-hour episode of NAME THAT TUNE is comprised of two stand-alone half-hour contests, each pitting two players against each other, as they race against the clock to test their knowledge of songs, performed by the live band. Each contest features a rotating variety of games from the original format, before the iconic Bid-a-Note round. The player with the most money at the end of Bid-a-Note wins the game and takes his or her bank into the final Golden Medley round, for a chance to win additional cash and potentially the $100,000 grand prize in the “The Good, The Shag, and the 90210 Icons” episode of NAME THAT TUNE airing Saturday, July 2 (11:00PM – Midnight PT) on FOX. (NTU-203) (TV-PG D, L)
    06/26/2022 (09:00PM – 11:00PM) (Sunday) : TV-PG It’s night four of the auditions on America’s Got Talent with judges Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel and Sofia Vergara giving yeses to their favorite acts, who, if they get a minimum of three yeses, go through to the Live Shows.
    Featured tonight will be a pole dancer, an impressionist, two singers, a danger act, a couple of dance crews, several magicians, and more.
    One of the 15 will win the Golden Buzzer, which will take them directly to the Live Shows.
    Last week, Simon selected 13-year-old Sara James from Ośno Lubuskie, for her performance of the emotional Billie Eilish song “Lovely.”
    06/29/2022 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Wednesday) : Goodwin assigns Med’s new compliance officer to a patient with a long-hauler Covid condition. Maggie helps Will treat a patient who’s been in an iron lung for 60 years. Stevie learns hard truths about her mother. Terrell returns to Med under dire circumstances. TV-14 Promo
    06/29/2022 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Wednesday) : Severide and Seager team up to investigate a fire at the home of a troubled young woman. Pelham moves into 51’s rumored cursed office. Kylie assists Kidd with Girls on Fire. TV-14 Promo
    06/29/2022 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Wednesday) : While out for a jog, Upton witnesses a horrible car crash and risks her own life to save the passengers. After learning more about the victims, the team must track down the man responsible for the brutal crash. TV-14 Promo
    06/30/2022 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Thursday) : After a family court judge is murdered, Bernard and Cosgrove dig into the many grievances against him. When the DA’s office is faced with unforeseen challenges, Maroun takes matters into her own hands to save the case. TV-14 Promo
    06/30/2022 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Thursday) : Benson investigations allegations against a popular radio personality. Rollins goes undercover when a shocking confession leads to another crime. TV-14 Promo
    06/30/2022 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Thursday) : A deadly bombing rocks the NYPD and leaves several suspects in the wind. Nova makes a major discovery. TV-14 Promo
    07/01/2022 (08:00PM – 10:00PM) (Friday) : The qualifying rounds continue in San Antonio with competitors as young as 15 return in this first round of competition. Minions have taken over the course and brought new obstacle Despicaballs. Other new obstacles include Shattered Panes, Final Frontier in addition to the iconic Warped Wall. TV-PG
    07/02/2022 (09:00PM – 11:00PM) (Saturday) : “The House on the Hill” Karl Karlsen’s wife dies in a house fire. Then his prized horses die in a fire. And his son dies in an apparent accident. How can one man can be so unlucky? Andrea Canning reports.
    07/02/2022 (11:29PM) (Saturday) : Zoe Kravitz is the guest host; Rosalia is the musical guest.
    Episode aired Mar 12, 2022
    sketches include – cold open: Joe Biden (James Austin Johnson) looks to TikTok creators for Ukraine social media advice;
    monologue: Kate McKinnon & Ego Nwodim wear Catwoman costumes in honor of Kravitz’s role in The Batman;
    skit: (Kravitz)’s wedding toast revelations about bride (Cecily Strong) unsettle groom (Kyle Mooney);
    TV commercial: Black shoppers suspect that checkout-less Amazon Go store is a trap;
    skit: via phone, Jason coaches Josh on requiting classmate’s (Kravitz) attention;
    skit: absent penis is dealbreaker in The Princess (Kravitz) & The Frog (Chris Redd) scene;
    film: Ben Marshall, Martin Herlihy, John Higgins, Paul Dano [real] look for cat;
    skit: undeceased (Kenan Thompson)’s secrets are revealed when family finds videotaped will;
    song: musical guest Rosaliaperforms “Chicken Teriyaki”;
    news: Terry Fink evaluates Oscar nominees through a lens of LSD hallucinations;
    news: everything’s insane with jacked lifestyle influencer Dan Bulldozer (Kyle Mooney);
    TV show: Word Crunch- contestant (Kravitz) wants points for spotting “momhole”;
    song: Rosalia performs “La Fama”; and
    skit: (Bowen Yang) is entranced by marching band version of “Don’t Stop Believin'”.



  • These TV shows come out on DVD this week: “The A-Team: The Complete Series” (also on Blu-ray); “Charmed: The Complete Series” (also on Blu-ray); “Doctor Who: Eve of the Daleks and Legend of the Sea Devils” (also on Blu-ray); “Hollington Drive: Series 1;” “Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan: The Complete Season” (Blu-ray only); “Rocco Schiavone: Ice Cold Murders: Season 2” (also on Blu-ray); and “Scooby-Doo! and Guess Who: The Complete Second Season.”

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Y&R Transcript Friday, June 24, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Sally: Hard at it, I see.

Adam: “Integrate those formidable assets in order to maximize our profit potential” or “in order to achieve market dominance”?

Sally: Well, business is all about money, so I would go with the first one.

Adam: Thanks. That is what I was leaning towards. And…wow.

Sally: You like?

Adam: It is phenomenal. You are killing it with this new look. It’s understated, yet powerful.

Sally: Good, ’cause that is the exact vibe that I am going for, like I do this kind of thing every day. Get named ceo of a major media corporation in a press conference headlined by victor newman himself.

Adam: Well, get used to it.

Sally: Yeah. Well, if I can’t, I will just have to learn to fake it.

Adam: Hey, look, you don’t have to fake anything. You just have to smile and pretend like you have the biggest secret in the world, and the press will eat it up.

Sally: For you, this is familiar territory — being the man of the hour, giving speeches, fielding questions like a pro, it’s just a normal day.

Adam: Yeah, not quite. It’s a little less thrilling when it’s not your first time.

Sally: Okay, well, I won’t tell if you won’T.

Adam: It’s different now. It’s — it’s better than my previous stints running newman.

Sally: Well, for one thing, you have me.

Adam: Yes, and that has made a huge difference.

Sally: Trust me, today is going to be a turning point for both of us.

Michael: There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. You’re not answering your phone.

Victor: Sit down. I don’t have much time. I have a press conference to go to.

Michael: Yeah, well, you’re gonna want to hear this. I found ashland and victoria.

Victor: Where are they?

Michael: New york, staying at a hotel.

Victor: So he went back to his home base.

Michael: There’s more. Ashland was spotted meeting with a high-end commercial real-estate broker.

Victor: [ Sighs ] So they’re looking for office space to start a new company.

Ashland: Good morning.

Victoria: Good morning. There’s coffee.

Ashland: Well, thank you very much. Look at you, still in your robe, getting a late start. Did you not sleep well?

Victoria: Oh, no, I slept like a baby. I just wanted to enjoy a leisurely morning. There’s no need to rush into the office.

Ashland: Ah, well, I’m — I’m glad you’re getting a chance to relax, especially after the stress of the last few months.

Victoria: Are you hungry? Do you want to order some breakfast?

Ashland: Well, actually, i was gonna ask if you wanted to go out to brunch, you know, at that cute little café we both love on the upper east side.

Victoria: Well, I guess you haven’t checked the news. The whole business world is counting down to the big press event announcing my successor.

Ashland: Actually, I did read that last night before I went to bed, but I wasn’t sure if you had any interest in watching it.

Victoria: On the contrary. I’m gonna be glued to this tablet for the duration. I would not miss one minute of it.

Jack: So that said, I really want your transition to marchetti to go smoothly.

Kyle: I am down with that. What do you need from me?

Jack: I want your thoughts on second-quarter projections, and then you’re pretty much done.

Kyle: That’s it? Seriously?

Jack: Yeah, I’ll handle the rest. My final offer, take it or leave it.

Kyle: Dad, are you sure?

Jack: I’m positive.

Kyle: You’re making this too easy for me.

Jack: You and summer are going to have your hands full wrapping up this acquisition, getting marchetti moved to the united states. The sooner you are in the ceo seat, the better for everyone.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Jack: Oh. There it is, the newman press conference will be in one hour, where victor will formally announce that adam will be taking the reins as ceo.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Think he hired a skywriter?

Jack: Oh, there will definitely be the intended hoopla.

Kyle: Alright. Kind of ironic. You know, all this fanfare for adam as he ascends the newman throne, while over here you’re quietly shunting your son off to another division.

Jack: Oh, I seem to recall this was your idea. I am in no hurry to lose my partner at jabot.

Kyle: Sorry, you’re stuck with me. Marchetti is a jabot subsidiary.

Jack: Where you will be sole head honcho. I could not be any prouder of you.

Kyle: Thanks. I’m looking forward to the challenge and to be working with summer again. Feels like everything is coming together.

Jack: You worked hard and you earned it. And does that include diane, this “everything coming together”? I mean, I haven’t asked for a while. How are things going between the two of you? Is there a problem?

Summer: Ready to go?

Phyllis: Is it 9:00 already?

Summer: It is 9:03 to be exact.

Phyllis: Okay. I’m so slammed after my trip. I have so much work to do, and there’s a luncheon for the chamber of commerce in the ballroom, and —

Summer: Mom, you promised me that you were going to do this. I’ve already arranged it with diane.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Where are we meeting?

Summer: At the park. Neutral territory so that you can extend an olive branch.

Phyllis: Okay.

Summer: Please don’t tell me that you’re gonna back out at the last minute. You’ve got to know how important this is to me. To my whole family.

Phyllis: No, I’m — I’ll do it. Yeah, let’s do it, let’s do it. Let’s go. Oh.

Summer: And let’s go. Nope

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Kyle: Mom and I are cool. We’ve been spending more time together.

Jack: Yeah?

Kyle: She’s been working hard to prove herself, hasn’t done anything wrong. At least not that I know of.

Jack: Well, there’s a curious way of expressing it. Wasn’t that long ago you were doing everything you could to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Kyle: Still am. Doesn’t mean I’m ready to wipe the slate clean.

Jack: Good. There is no rush. There is no deadline.

Kyle: I know. She accepts that, and we’re taking things slow.

Jack: I think you should. Deciding how much of a presence diane is gonna have in your life is a big decision, and one with lifelong implications.

Kyle: There’s a part of me that just wants to open my arms and let her all the way in and just cling to her until the wounds are healed like magic. And then I-I think back to when she was murdered. When I believed my mother was gone and never coming back. And some nights, in my room when I was finally alone, I would scream into my pillow ’cause i thought I had to be brave for everyone. And…to think about that kind of grief, at that age, it was exhausting. Exhausting. It was the most traumatic thing I’d ever been through. And to find out that it — it was all a lie inflicted on me by my own mother? Th-that — that’s not the kind of thing you get past overnight.

Jack: No, it’s not.

Kyle: She’s saying all the right things. She seems to mean them. She’s sentimental with harrison. Grateful to get to know her grandson.

Jack: But you’re having trouble trusting her completely?

Kyle: Dad, I want to, badly, but I’m wary. Because something will happen, and then I’ll wonder if it’s a warning sign. Like — like this thing with you and phyllis. And I don’t need to know details. It’s none of my business. But you admitted to summer and me that there’s a problem that ties back to my mother, and…i can’t help but wonder.

Jack: No, no, if diane is reverting to her old tricks, believe me, I will let you know. As far as this thing with phyllis and me, don’t let that change your evaluation. Look, these are two different issues.

Kyle: Okay. If you say so.

Ashland: You seem almost eager to watch the press conference.

Victoria: More like fascinated.

Ashland: And here I thought you’d be mostly irritated.

Victoria: Why? Because it’s rumored that my father might announce adam as my successor?

Ashland: Are you telling me that doesn’t bother you, not at all?

Victoria: I’m sure that my father would love it if I lost it over that and came racing back to defend my turf. I mean, it’s why he did it in the first place. Not because adam will run newman better than I will. It’s what he always does. He plays us against each other. It’s his usual move, and quite frankly, I find it tiresome. And I’m not falling for it.

Ashland: I’m just impressed that you’re so calm, so nonchalant, above it all.

Victoria: Well, I mean, come on, isn’t that why we left in the first place? So that I could break free of my father’s influence and stand strong on my own? Our patterns had just become so entrenched, and it had gotten to the point where I knew what he was gonna do before he’d even done it.

Ashland: There’s a certain satisfaction to that, being able to predict your rival’s every move. I’ve had that feeling myself from time to time.

Victoria: You know…no one’s ever gotten me the way that you do. I realized that about you when i first met you. It’s like we’re kindred spirits.

Ashland: I just wish I’d recognized that from the beginning, like you did.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] You’re a slow learner. I’ll adapt, don’t worry.

Ashland: [ Laughs ] Thank you for the effort.

Victoria: You’re worth it.

Ashland: Um…I’ll tell you what. Let me prove my value. Why don’t you order room service? I’m going to go change for the meeting, and then we will reconvene, sit right on this couch, and watch the press conference together, in case it’s a little tougher on you than you think.

Victoria: Oh, aren’t you thoughtful.

Ashland: I try.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Nick: Vick. I’m so glad you called. Are you okay?

Victoria: I’m fine.

Can a cream really

reduce wrinkles?

Adam: You don’t think my statement’s too long?

Sally: No way. Reporters love meaty speeches to pull quotes from.

Adam: Well, when you’re right, you are right.

[ Sighs ]

Sally: You could cut the last sentence, maybe. Save that thought for the q&A.

Adam: Hmm. Much tighter ending. Got it.

Sally: [ Exhales sharply ]

Victor: Well…the moment’s almost upon us. The press is waiting to come in.

Sally: Time to get this show underway?

Adam: Actually, I would like a moment alone with my dad.

Sally: Sure thing. I will go schmooze the reporters. Take as much time as you need.

Victor: So, son, are you getting cold feet?

Adam: Ha.

Victor: Hmm?

Adam: Not at all.

Victor: Good.

Adam: I meant what I said. I plan to use my time at the helm, however long or short that is, to show you what I’m capable of, and I promise you, you will be impressed.

Victor: [ Chuckles ] Now, we both want what’s best for you, right? We both want you to excel.

Adam: Oh, there’s no worries about that. Feel like my whole life has been leading me to this moment, to this opportunity, and I plan to make the most of it.

Victor: I’m banking on that, son. I’m betting on you.

Victoria: The move has gone great. Everything is happening just as I hoped.

Nick: Are you ready to tell us where you are?

Victoria: I’m surprised you haven’t heard. I assumed dad would have sussed it out by now.

Nick: If he knows, he hasn’t said anything to me.

Victoria: We’re in new york, visiting ashland’s favorite haunts.

Nick: I should’ve guessed that.

Victoria: I gather that you won’t be making it to our brother’s coronation.

Nick: So you heard about that.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] I assume that adam is thrilled. All of his dreams are coming true.

Nick: Well, you’ll have to ask him. We — we haven’t talked about it.

Victoria: Well, please be sure to give him my congratulations when you see him, since you’re the only one in the family that I’m communicating with.

Nick: Vick, call mom. Alright? You know how much she worries.

Victoria: I know. I will when the time is right. I have to go now, okay?

Nick: Are you gonna watch the press conference? I hear they’re gonna live-stream it.

Victoria: Well, I doubt that ashland and I will have time. We’re meeting with some big investors to see if they’ll bankroll our new venture.

Nick: Are these connections of ashland’s?

Victoria: They’re mine, mostly.

Nick: Does that mean your plan is to set up a company that will compete against newman?

Victoria: Nicholas, I didn’t call you to talk about my future business. I just wanted to check in and let you know that I’m okay. I should get going now. I got to get ready for this meeting. I’ll talk to you soon, okay? Bye.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Diane: Hello, summer. Don’t you look lovely. I love that top on you. And, phyllis, welcome back. I hope you had a nice time in georgia with your son and granddaughter.

Phyllis: I did. It was lovely. Thank you for asking.

Diane: Yeah, so what did you ladies want to meet about? Who would like to begin?

Summer: Well, while mom was out of town, she had a chance to do some thinking. Right?

Phyllis: Right. Um…well, I was able to center myself and gain perspective.

Diane: Really? That’s great. And so quickly. It took me years.

Phyllis: Ha, well, I’m a fast learner, and I mean, you… had a lot to work through.

Diane: I don’t know about that, because you strike me as someone with so many issues weighing you down.

Phyllis: Oh, do I? Really? Well, not really. No, no, I don’T. But what I realized is I just want to keep this calm…inside of me, and, um…I don’t want anger and resentment to fester and rot away inside. Like it’s done to you. You made it clear that you’re sticking in town. You’re gonna be at family events and such, so…yeah. I would just like to put the past where it needs to be — behind us. Starting today.

Diane: [ Chuckles ] Are you saying this is a fresh start for the two of us?

Phyllis: Well, I’m never gonna forget the things you’ve done to me.

Summer: Mom, but you can — you can forgive.

Diane: Right, the way so many people in town have forgiven you over the years for all the things you’ve done.

Phyllis: See? This is what I’m going to do. I’m not going to dwell on the things that you did to me. So just consider this a pact of non-aggression, a ceasefire, a detente.

Summer: Maybe something a little less war-like?

Phyllis: A truce.

Diane: Well, that is wonderful to hear. Thank you, phyllis, for sharing that with me. You just made my day. Hi, I’m denise.

Diane: I know this couldn’t have been easy for you, phyllis.

Summer: Well, you know, when you showed up with no warning, it brought up a lot of painful, unresolved issues for everyone.

Diane: Oh, I’m well aware, because pretty much everywhere i turn, people are there to remind me of the damage I’ve done. Not that I’m complaining. I know that I deserve every bit of their rage.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, you most definitely do.

Diane: Which is why I find it so impressive that you found a way to let it go and make peace with me. It must be so freeing.

Phyllis: It must be freeing for you to know that you can cross one person off the long list you have of people who don’t want you in town.

Diane: Well, it does mean a great deal to me, especially, as you pointed out, we’re part of the same extended family, and it’s best for everyone if we get alonG.

Phyllis: Yeah, it is. You know, nobody has any reason to give you a second chance in this town. But I will. You know, it’s unfortunate for you, ’cause the probability of people giving you dirty looks and just the outright hostility that you will experience by staying in genoa city, that must be very difficult, but you know what, diane? I…I’m not gonna be a part of that. Because I will not put my daughter through that. My daughter and her husband. I will not make my daughter uncomfortable. I will not make her choose sides ever.

Diane: Excellent point. And while I realize you’re not doing this for me, I do appreciate the effort. Thank you.

Phyllis: Well, you’re welcome.

Diane: You know, I’m just really happy for you, phyllis, that you’ve reached this level of serenity and maturity.

[ Chuckles ] Comes as a complete surprise. Oh, I hope you don’t take that the wrong way.

Phyllis: Oh, absolutely not. Let’s go, alright?

Summer: Okay. Thank you for coming, diane.

Diane: Of course.

Summer: Shall we?

Phyllis: Sure, let’s go.

Victor: Thank you all for coming. Today I have an important announcement to make. As you know, newman enterprises has expanded enormously during the last year. We not only merged with locke communications group, but we acquired chancellor communications and newman media. All this was done under the very capable leadership of my daughter victoria. She’s done a wonderful job. Unfortunately, for personal reasons, she decided to step away. And today I’m naming my son adam as new chief executive officer of newman enterprises, effective immediately. As some of you may know, adam has been intimately acquainted with the various departments of this company, but only someone who gathered the knowledge that he did on wall street and someone who graduated from harvard business school was able to, many times, step in and steer this enormous ship whenever I asked him to. He’s exactly what we need right now. He’s bold, he’s innovative, he’s right for the job. Please welcome my son adam.

Ashland: I believe that last comment was aimed at you.

Victoria: Oh, no doubt. Did you notice how my father didn’t mention your name, not even once? It’s as if you’ve ceased to exist.

Ashland: I’m sure he wishes that was the case.

Adam: Well, I could not be more pleased to be taking the helm of the company now. First things first, I have to give due credit to my sister for having the foresight to pull together the resources so we could thrive during these challenging times. Our talented executive team, cutting-edge technology, and amazing portfolio of intellectual property, and our unmatched global reach. My mission will be to integrate those assets to maximize our profit potential. At the same time, keeping with the values and the philosophy of our founder, my father, victor newman, who has always been at the heart of our company’s success.

Ashland: “My sister went on a shopping spree, but I’m the only one who knows what to do with all the stuff.” And look at him, he’s still kissing up to victor, even after he’s gotten the gig. Haven’t you had enough of this?

Victoria: Almost.

Adam: …Because I am leaving newman media in the very capable hands of my former coo and now ceo, sally spectra. And we’re available to take any questions you have.

Victoria: Okay, I am done. And you know what? My father deserves everything that adam and sally are gonna put him through. Let’s go. Let’s get to our meeting, shall we?

Ashland: Okay. Well [Clears throat] After you.

Adam: Well, we settled on ceo and not “division president” partly because it had been my title, but mainly because of the level of responsibility that it takes to run a media entity of that size. Something that I have every confidence ms. Spectra will handle with her usual aplomb.

Nick: Can I see you outside? I heard from victoria.

Adam: Next question? (Vo) red lobster’s seafood summerfest is fire!

“The young and the restless”

will continue. D a woman’s right to choice, her right to make intensely personal decisions from her doctor, free from interference from politics. To reaffirm basic principles of equality, and reinforced the fundamental right of privacy, the right of each of us to choose how to live our lives. Now with roe gone, let’s be very clear: The health and life of women in this nation are now at risK. As chairman and ranking member of the senate judiciary committee, as vice president and now as president of the united states, I’ve studied this case carefully. I’ve overseen more supreme court confirmations than anyone today. Where this case was always discussed. I believe roe V. Wade was the correct decision. As a matter of constitutional law and application of the fundamental right to privacy and liberty in matters of family and personal autonomy. It was a decision on a complex matter, that drew a careful balance between a woman’s right to choose earlier in her pregnancy the states ability to regulate later in her pregnancy. A broad consensus that most americans of faith and backgrounds found acceptable, and had been the law of the land for most of the lifetime of americans today. And it was a constitutional principle upheld by justices appointed by democrat and republican presidents alike. Roe V. Wade was a 7-2 decision, written by a justice, appointed by a republican president, richard nixon. In the five decades that followed roe V. Wade, justices appointed by republican presidents, from eisenhower, nixon, reagan, and george W. Bush were among the justices that voted to uphold the principles set forth in roe V. Wade. It was three justices named by one president, donald trump, in the core of today’s decision to up end the scales of justice and eliminate a fundamental right for women in this country. Make no mistake, this decision is a culmination of a deliberate effort over decades to upset the balance of our law. It’s a realization of an extreme ideology and a tragic error by the supreme court in my view. The court has done what it has never done before: Expressly take away a constitutional right that is so fundamental to so many americans that had already been recognized. The court’s decision to do so will have real and immediate consequences. State laws banning abortion are automatically taking effect today, jeopardizing the health of millions of women, some without exceptions. So extreme that the women can be punished for protecting their health. So extreme that women and girls were forced to bear their rapist’s child. A child of a consequence — it just stuns me. So extreme that doctors will be criminalized for fulfilling their duty to care. Imagine having a young woman having to carry a child of incest — as a consequence of incest with no option. Too often the casE. The poor women are going to be hit the hardest. It is cruel. In fact, the court laid out state laws criminalizing abortion that go back to the 1800s as a rational. The court literally taking america back 150 yearS. This is a sad day for the country, in my vieW. But it doesn’t mean that the fight is over. Let me be very clear and unambiguous: The only way we can secure a woman’s right to choose in the balance that existed is for congress to restore the protections of roe V. Wade as federal law. No executive action from the president can do that. And if congress, as it appears, lacks the votes to do that now, voters need to make their voices heard. This fall you must elect more senators and representatives who will codify a woman’s right to choose into federal law once agaiN. Elect more state leaders to protect this right at the local leveL. We need to restore the protections of roe as law of the land. We need to elect officials who will do that. This fall roe is on the ballot. Personal freedoms are on the ballot. The right to privacy, liberty, equality, they’re all on the ballot. Until then, I will do all in my power to protect a woman’s right in states where they will face the consequences of today’s decision. While the court’s decision cast a dark shadow over a large swath of the land, many states in this country still recognize a woman’s right to choose. So if a woman lives in a state that restricts abortion, the supreme court’s decision does not prevent her from traveling from her home state to the state that allows it. It does not prevent a doctor in that state from treating her. As the attorney general has made clear, women must remain free to travel safely to another state to seek care they need. My administration will defend that bedrock right. If any state or local official, high or low, tries to interfere with a woman’s exercise of her basic right to travel, i will do everything in my power to fight that deeply unamerican attack. My administration will also protect a woman’s access to medications that are approved by the F.D.A., The F.D.A., Like contraception, which is essential for preventive health care. If aprestone, which the F.D.A. Approved 20 years ago to safely end early pregnancies and is used to treat miscarriages — some states are saying they will try to ban or severely restrect access to this medications. But they’re looking to block the mail or search a person’s medicine cabinet or control a woman’s actions by tracking data on an app are wrong and extreme and out of touch with the majority of the americans. The american medical association, the american college of obstetricians and gon gon cologys, they say by limiting access to these medicines, morality will climb in america. That’s what they say. Today I’m directing the department of health and human services to take steps to ensure these critical medications are available to the fullest extent possible. And the politicians cannot interfere in the decisions that should be made between a woman and her doctor. My administration will remain vigilant as the implications of this decision play out. I’ve warned about how this decision risks the broader right to privacy for everyone. That’s because roe recognized the fundamental right to privacy. That has served as a basis for so many more rights that have come to take — we’ve come to take for granted, that are ingrained in the fabric of this country. The right to make the best decisions for your health. The right to use birth control. A married couple in the privacy of their bedroom, for god’s sakE. The right to marry the person you love. Justice thomas said as much today. He explicitly called to reconsider the right of marriage equality, the right of couples to make their choices on contraception. This extreme and dangerous path the court is now taking us on. Let me close with two points: First, I call on everyone, no matter how deeply they care about this decision, to keep all protests peaceful. Peaceful. Peaceful. No intimidation. Violence is never acceptable. Threats and intimidation are not speech. We must stand against violence in any form, regardless of your rationale. Second, I know so many of us are frustrated and disillusioned that the court has taken something away that is so fundamental. I know so many women are now going to face incredibly difficult sessions. I hear you. I support you. I stand with you. The consequences and the consensus of the american people, core principles of, quote,, quote,ofequality, liberty, dignity, and the stability of the rule of law demand that roe should not have been overturned. With this decision a conservative majority of the supreme court shows how extreme it is, how far removed they are from the majority of this country. They made the united states an outlier among developed nations of the world, but this decision must not be the final word. My administration will use all of its appropriate, lawful powers, but congress must act. And with your vote, you can act. You can have the final word. This is not over. Thank you very much. More to say on this in weeks to come. Thank yoU.

[Reporters. (Yelling) reporter yelling]O’connell: The president pledging to do everything in his power to protect women’s health. He says, let’s be clear, the health and life of women are now at risK. Let’s bring in nancy cordes. Nancy, what actions can the president take?

Reporter: We only heard him give one actual specific in that speecH. He says he is going to be directing the department of health and human services that abortion pills are more widely available, particularly to women who live in states where abortion is now illegal. What he did not say is whether he is going to push the F.D.A. To drop restrictions that currently limit the number of pharmacies that can provide those abortion pills. He didn’t announce any new executive orderS. It doesn’t mean those won’t happen in the days to come, but he didn’t lay out any specific plan right now to do things like issue travel vouchers to women so if they need to go a thousand miles to get an abortion, it can be a little cheaper for theM. He didn’t talk about giving service members time off if they live in a state that doesn’t allow abortions and they need to travel. So there are going to be a lot of questions on the minds of abortion rights activists about just how far he is willing to go personally. He says he is going to do everything he can. He called this ruling an extreme ideology and a tragic error, but we are still waiting for some of the details to be filled in.

O’connell: And, nancy, the president also making the case that this decision is not the final word. And he said congress should act, they could act, but he also said with your vote you can act. And laying out the case that this will be a central issue in the upcoming mid-term lacks elections.

Reporter: Very explicitly laying out a mid-term election message, saying that the only way to secure women’s rights is for congress to make the right to abortion a federal law. He said we don’t have the votes to do that right now, democrats don’t, so if people care about that, they need to vote in november and elect pro-abortion rights candidates at every level, at the state level and at the national level. That is an argument you’re already hearing today, norah, not just from the president of the united states but from the speaker of the house and virtually every democrat that has spoken so far.

O’connell: Nancy cordes at the white house. I want to bring in jan crawford because you heard him mention clarence thomas’ singular descent, in which he said he want to reconsider marriage equality. And they were saying this should go further.

Justice thomas has been the most conservative justice on the supreme court. He is the one who is willing to completely disregard precedent on a number of cases where other conservative justices are not. When you look at the majority opinion, which has five justices supporting the view, thomas is the only one. The other four say no, it does not. It could not be more clear. The right to contraception and the right to same-sex marriage — abortion is different because it involves a fetal life. There is an extensive analysis bulked up from the initial draft we saw where the majority is saying, no, we don’t agree with that. Thomas is only writing for himself.

O’donnell: Jan crawford. I want to bring in major garrett, who is there at the supreme court, which is a fortress with security, but also a number of protests.

Reporter: Norah, I’ve talked to protestors on both sides. They both use the same phrase: “This is an earthquake.” If so, this judicial earthquake has created a falt line right here in front of the supreme court. Those interested in this opinion have come in much larger numbers since 10:10 this morning. Some are curiosity-seekers, but some are deeply emotionally involved in this issue. I see tears on both sides, those who long opposed abortion rights, tears of gratitude, and those who support abortion rights, bitter tears about what the spreamplet supreme court has done. Americans coming in front of the supreme court, if you read the opinion today, the supreme court said don’t come here anymore. The supreme court has nothing more to say on abortion. Because they no longer recognize it as a constitutional right worthy of commentary. Go back to your states. But they’re coming here in larger numbers.

O’donnell: The president also calling for peaceful protests after the supreme court has struck down roe V. Wade. The president saying no intimidation or violence is ever acceptable. Our coverage will continue on cbs streaming, your local news, and we’ll have a wrap-up tonight on the “cbs evening news.” I’m norah o’donnell in for her to build a permanent life this close to you? I know that you’ve been hesitant to trust her, given the way that she abandoned you.

Kyle: I can’t erase all the things she put me through, and i don’t know if the scars will ever fade. But there’s no chance of that happening if I send her away without trying. I’ll wonder the rest of my life if I made the wrong choice.

Summer: Okay. Well, we’ll do our best and we’ll see what happens.

Jack: I have no idea what phyllis’ thinking is where you’re concerned.

Diane: Fair enough.

Jack: I do know there’s a better chance of her keeping her word if you don’t provoke her — something you’re very good at, something you seem to relish.

Diane: On my honor — and i do believe I have some now — i have no intention of kicking that hornets’ nest. Why would I?

Jack: Is that a real question?

Diane: [ Sighs ] I’m just thrilled that the woman has volunteered to back off. And as you’ve said, it brings the number down of people in this town who are out for my blood.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Jack: Excuse me, please.

Victoria: Well, I think that that meeting went rather well, don’t you?

Ashland: Extremely well, yes.

Victoria: I got the feeling that we’re gonna get some positive responses to our proposal.

Ashland: I just love the way the presentation went, the way we were playing off of each other’s ideas. I just — I can’t wait to be running a company with you again.

Victoria: Me too.

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GH Transcript Friday, June 24, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


brad: [ Clears throat ] Croissants from eckert’S. Almond or chocolate? One of each. Whichever one you don’t want, I will take. Or you can have them both. So am I forgiven? Even a little bit? I know you didn’t intentionally set out to make an ass of me. Never. Fine. I forgive you. Thank you. And I promise I will never, ever — wait a second. That was way too easy. I have ulterior motives. Oh, great. By all means, use me. What do I have to do? All you have to do is listen.

[ Sighs ] Easy enough. To what? I have a little mystery that I’ve been dying to talk to someone about. I love it. Spill. The parachute guy. Cody? Whatever. I found him in an alley the other night. Someone beat the spit out of him. Did he say who? No, but I’ve been going through possible scenarios, and… britt, you can stop. I know exactly what happened. Why didn’t you invite me here, man? What are you talking about? You spent the day on the couch, barely forming any words. Why would I think today would be any different? Still, be nice to be invited. Alright. Are you sure you’re supposed to be up and about anyway? Well, it’s hard to leave town if I’m just gonna be laying on your couch the whole time, right? So you’re feeling better, then? Feeling stellar. Excellent.

[ Clears throat ] Maybe now you can answer some questions you’ve been avoiding. I’m honored the commissioner herself would like to speak with me. Any incident involving a civilian and one of my officers warrants my attention. I understand you’re pressing charges against detective chase. Well, he’s got a mean right hook, that one. I was under the impression that he’s already under suspension for punching a guy, just like he did to me. That’s correct. Well, obviously, the detective has not learned his lesson. Brook lynn: When are you meeting with the commissioner? I’m just waiting for her call. Just like I was 5 minutes ago. Right. Sorry. It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay, right? Especially because you’re still on suspension. You’re not actually a cop again, so it’s not like the commissioner can punish you, right? Doesn’t really work that way. Oh. So you’ve had like two strikes, so to speak. Yeah. So you’re gonna get a third strike, or are you already out? Wow, we have a full house. I mean, between wedding receptions, seminars, and conventions, we’re booked through the fall. Business is good. Yeah, meanwhile, my hair is falling out by the fistful. What are you talking about? You’ve handled busy seasons before. What makes this time any different? Let us just say that the energy at crazy house is up to 11 this morning. And with — with the — with the elq shareholder meeting this morning, everyone is just wired. I bet. I will be so happy when this whole thing is over. You know, drew and michael and ned, they have bent over backwards to get valentin out of elq finally, once and for all. I think it’s exciting. You must be so proud of michael for pulling this off. Yes, I am. But I have a personal stake in this, as well. Valentin? Forgive me, are we here for a morning business meeting or a little poolside r&r? Maybe a little bit of both. How’s the day going, marty? My day is, uh…just fine so far. How about yours? Are you ready for your day of reckoning? Michael: Want a cup? Oh. Oh, no, thanks. I’m fine. Are you sure you need one? You are literally bouncing. Oh, yeah, I just feel like I’ve been waiting for the shareholders meeting forever. I-I cannot wait to see valentin ousted as ceo.

[ Yawns ] Clearly, not everybody is excited about the family business. Sorry. Sorry. Wiley got me up early this morning. Well, I didn’t hear him. That’s because our son knows that I’m a light touch and will get up to make him pancakes, even if it’s the crack of dawn. Alright.

[ Sighs ] Good morning, everyone. Morning. Good morning. Beautiful day. Certainly is. To… today. The day everything changes.

Is this better? Yeah. I don’t mean to seem, uh, paranoid. That’s fine. You never know what judgy eavesdropper’s lurking through the halls. Now, tell me, how do you know what happened to parachute boy? Cody. Whatever. Who beat him up and why? Okay, so I only really know some of it. And that would be? Cody was at my aunt selina’s poker game.

[ Scoffs ] Of course he was. Let me guess. He made bets he couldn’t cover, and now — actually, he won big. And my aunt was furious. Wait, are you saying your aunt ordered cody’s beating? I’m an open book, man. You got questions, fire away. Excellent. Why don’t we start by you telling me how you ended up on my doorstep, beat up, with britt westbourne?

[ Sighs ] I saw a way to make some fast cash, and it didn’t exactly work out. Oh, so you’re still playing cards?

[ Chuckles ] I’m better than I was when we were in summer camp. Clearly not. I had an off night. You know who did this to you? You know, they didn’t exactly introduce themselves. No kidding. Yeah. No kidding. Do you think you could identify them, though? I’d love to. Great. Why don’t you come down to the station, we’ll look at some photos? But the alley was really dark. Right. How did I know you were gonna say that?

[ Chuckles ] Well, you’re an excellent detective, clearly. Mm-hmm. So, do you think these guys are still after you? Maybe. You know, I’m not gonna stick around to find out. Did they let you keep any of your winnings? They did. Oh, how much? $50. Mm! Mm-hmm. $50?

[ Clears throat ] Listen, I’m gonna spot you some cash just till you get back on your feet, okay? Didn’t we already have this conversation? I don’t want you to pay my way, man. What, you’d rather get your ass kicked again? Yes, I would. Typical. Stubborn idiot. That’s why we get along so well.

[ Laughs ] Ow. Ha. They really worked you over pretty good, huh? Oh, doc westbourne said I should be fine. Doc westbourne. I still can’t believe brit actually stopped to help you. Isn’t that what doctors do? Yeah, typically. Yeah, but britt usually just does, you know, whatever’s best for britt. Sounds like there’s some history there. Yeah, there is. None of it good. The market has already reacted to the potential merger. Aurora stock just keeps going up. You know, our first priority should be to talk to the vps and confirm the merger. Just get everybody up to speed. Michael: Right. Ned, good morning. Good morning, all. I see the two of you are already making plans. We are. Yeah, actually, in fact, now is a perfect time to loop you in. I’m eager to hear it. Lucy: Oh, well, good morning, quartermaines. What a sight to behold. It’s good to see you, too, lucy. Thanks for coming. Lucy: Well, it’s my pleasure. I always love revisiting the quartermaine manse. I loved living here. And it’s so lovely to see all the heads of the family together. Look at you. My, how times have changed. Oh, there’ll be a reckoning, alright. I just don’t think it’ll take all day. You’re eerily calm. Does this mean you’ve heard from ned? What’s valentin doing? The shareholders meeting is in less than an hour, he’s lounging by the pool? He’s bluffing to give the impression he knows the vote’s going his way. I don’t know. That looks pretty convincing. It’s like he knows something we don’T. Cops don’t usually get a third strike when it comes to altercations with civilians. You could be fired? Maybe. I mean, I’d probably fire me. Absolutely not. I mean, how can a good guy like you get in trouble for slugging a sleaze like… maybe not. No, no, no, brook lynn. I know that face. Yes. That is your plotting face. Yes, this face. This is the face that is gonna fix everything.

Problem solved. I know exactly what to do. Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Huh? What? Oh, I can’t tell you, because then you’ll try to stop me. Only if it’s a bad plan. Oh, just trust me that it’s not. No, tell me. And then I can poke holes in it. Another reason why I can’t tell you. But if I can poke holes in it, then you’ll know where the flaws are and you can cover them up and exonerate me in the process. Okay, fine. Here it is. I go to the pcpd, and I amend my original statement. I make sure all of your colleagues know that you saved me from a violent criminal. I can’t let you lie to the police for me. I won’t be lying. It’s just that now that the initial… shock is wearing off, I’ve realized that my original statement just didn’t convey how terrified I was when linc attacked me. Terrified? Really? Oh, if I’m lying, I’m dying. Okay. But to me and presumably to officer cabrera, you were just really mad. Which is how I cope with extreme fear. I put on a facade of extreme rage. Look, the bottom line is, if you hadn’t stepped in to save me, I would have been abducted by linc. Brook lynn. Okay, abducted is a strong word, though I think I could sell it. Look, the point is, it was your civic duty to defend me from a predator. Case closed. Throwing a punch in a club doesn’t usually rate criminal prosecution. It’s still battery, though, isn’t it? It is. And shouldn’t police be held to a higher standard? Of course. I don’t condone what detective chase did, but I’m also not convinced it’s worth pressing charges. Why not, may I ask? Judges are cracking down on nuisance lawsuits. You won’t be doing yourself any favors if the courts feel you’re wasting its time. Well, I only want to see justice be served. So if I drop the charges, what are my options? Cody: How is this even possible? Well, britt is a fertility expert and her mother is a scientist, so they stole lulu and my embryo and implanted it. And then she carried the baby — your baby — rocco. To term? Yeah. Then tried to pass the kid off as her own child? Mm-hmm.

[ Scoffs ]

[ Chuckles ] How is she still a doctor? I don’t know, man. I don’t know. But she had her license taken away when she went to prison. When she got out, they gave it back to her. Okay, hold on, prison? Yeah. I thought she was this morally upstanding, outraged citizen.

[ Laughs ] Yeah, the only person who’d think that would be funnier than me is probably her. Britt’s been involved in some shady stuff, man, and that’s not even talking about the fact that she went on the run with her father. Alright, back it up. On the run? Like a fugitive from justice? Yeah. Okay. Who’s her father? Does the name cesar faison ring a bell? Britt’s father’s cesar faison? Well, was. He died like four years ago. Yo, cody. Hey, no, I’m — it’s just a lot to take in with the whole embryo-stealing thing, and — and to top it off, she’s faison’s daughter. Mm-hmm. I mean, it kind of explains things, doesn’t it? Anyway, I got to get out of here.

[ Sighs ] Alright, I’ll come with you. Ahh. Nope. That hurt. Are you sure you’re alright, man? You know, britt said that these were just ribs that are bruised, but I’m starting to wonder. Okay, let’s go. We’ll go to G.H. No, man. You know I don’t like hospitals. Although, second thought… yeah, hospital sounds like a great idea. Alright, let’s go. If aunt selina had cody beaten up over a poker game, what will she do to you if you screw up? Oh, the — the beating wasn’t her doing. Well, I didn’t think she did it herself. Then again, what do I know? Yeah, she just had cody thrown out of the game, but he was totally fine. Right. So now that I’ve solved the cody mystery, maybe you can answer the question for me. What was that look between you and your mother? What look? The look that passed between you and liesl right before she kicked me out of your room. Clearly, I said something that upset you. But what, I have no idea. I mean, does it have anything to do with whatever the hell’s been bothering you lately? Yes. No, I have actually not spoken to ned. Well, then… why so free and easy? How can you be sure he’s gonna throw over his family and vote with you? Because if I’m ceo, he maintains a shot of keeping some influence. He’ll pick me. Huh. Well, far be it for me to question a “sure thing,” but as long as we’re on the subject of family, I got a very important update on yours. What, the cassadines? Far as I know, that’s the only family you got. Stop staring. Shh. Don’t interrupt me. I’m in the middle of a curse.

[ Laughs ] Look, don’t let valentin get in your head. Hey. Drew, michael, and ned, they know what’s at stake. They’re all gonna come together. They’re gonna oppose valentin. Everyone’s doing their part, including me. Okay. What’s going on? This is the second time you’ve mentioned yourself. What’s going on? I didn’t have a chance to tell you. The merger won’t just be good for elq. It’s gonna be good for me. I’m now a major shareholder in aurora. Ahh. Well, thank you, kind sir. Mmm. Mm. So I take this to mean that valentin is on his way out? Yes. If we all vote against him, there will be absolutely nothing he can do. Hmm. Well, you know, from my perspective, I think the q’s owe valentin a great, big, huge thank you.

[ Coughs ] Look, I know that this family loves me as much as I love them, but sam and I created aurora to have something on our own. So the merger between aurora and elq, it… I don’t know, this may sound a little bit strange, but… kind of feels like two separate parts of myself finally coming together. I hear what you’re saying, and you’re right, you know? It’s like… it’s a union of sorts between your past and the present you fought to get back to. And now, well, there is no escape. Settle in, drew, because you’re not going anywhere.

youto open up about this. Whatever it is. I know. I just haven’t been ready to talk about it. Not a lot of people know. If not a lot of people know, and… one of those people isn’t me, it must be pretty heavy. What’s going on?

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Clears throat ] Yes. Okay, I’ll be right there. I have to go. Oh, come on. I have a patient. Really? Now? I have a patient, and this is… it’s not a conversation I want to rush. What do you know about the cassadines that I don’t? Relax, relax, relax. It’s a good thing. Maybe I get to be the judge of that. Your victor problem will soon be over. What are you talking about? My sister. She hit on a brilliant but simple way of getting rid of him. She’s pulling strings to have victor deported. Isn’t that a little outside of her reach? Not at all. Laura’s both well connected and very determined, and it makes perfect sense. Victor’s got a criminal record, goes back decades. Ample reason to have him deported for — wait for it — moral turpitude.

[ Cellphone chimes ] I got to go. But we — the quartermaines await. I know aurora’s stock price is climbing. On the rumors of a merger. And once the merger is officially announced, they’re gonna skyrocket. And the q’s will once again be in charge of elq. Yeah, I got to say, drew’s idea to merge these two companies, brilliant. That’s right. Which is why I sold my half of the metro court to raise the capital to help michael and drew. I’m sorry, you did what, now? Oh, wait. Are you okay? I’m fine. I’m fine. But what in god’s name can this family possibly thank valentin cassadine for? Well, elq has thrived under valentin’S…tenure. Not to mention the fact — you know what? — He has united all of you together against a common foe. Yes, and that unity deserves to be fought for and protected. Well, the quartermaines are nothing if not excellent fighters. Just think about what you could do if you all worked together for once. Willow: I’m going to check on wiley. Already? Don’t worry. I won’t hover. Wiley should be so lucky. I’ll be right back.

[ Chuckles ] Cody: Dr. Westbourne. Oh, god. You?

[ Chuckles ] There’s that bedside manner you must be so famous for. All the doctors in this hospital, and you ask for me? You’re the one most familiar with my case. You have bruised ribs. It’s not like you’re a case study the medical world is going to marvel at. Yeah, doc, turns out I might be more banged up than you thought. Well, the E.R. Is right down the hall. I will call an orderly to wheel you over.

[ Groans ] Come on. Can’t you just check me out? I’m an ob-gyn. Yeah, I heard. I’m sure you have. So here’s the problem. Um, as I told you the other night, when you were so kindly taking me to your car, trip to the E.R. Actually not really in the budget right now. Right. And you don’t have insurance, and whoever beat you up took all your money. Otherwise, I’d be happy to pay. Mm-hmm. Well, I can’t treat you off the books. Okay, well, you know what? I’ll cover his bill. Can’t put him on a bus out of here if he’s got broken ribs, right? You’re leaving town? That’s the plan. Right this way.

[ Chuckles ] Brook lynn. I can’t let you lie to the police. It’s a valid interpretation of the events of that night. No, brook lynn, it’s not. Well, who’s gonna contradict me? A club full of witnesses? Oh, please. A bunch of hipsters who were three sheets to the wind? Chase, I’m unworried. It will totally work. Okay, brook lynn… thank you. Really. It means the world to me that you would do this for me. Well, you pretended to be bailey’s dad. It’s the least I can do. Bottom line is, I got myself into this mess, and I’m ready to face whatever happens next.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hello? Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be — I’ll be right there. That was jordan’s assistant. The commissioner is ready to see me.

If the quartermaines united to run elq, that would be so incredibly formidable. That’s not ever gonna happen, though. What do you mean? I just mean that when valentin leaves, all the in-fighting that edward so successfully cultivated, it’s just gonna resurface again, which is really, really a shame.

[ Cellphone rings ] Oh, excuse me. Sorry. I — I do have to take this. Of course. Just a second. Okay. Hi. I’m alone. Now you know how I feel. You know how much I missed waking up to you this morning? I missed you, too, so much. But, you know, with the slot coming up on the home & heart shopping channel, I had so much work to do for deception, and then I had to come to this shareholders meeting, which is gonna be a total waste of time. Now, now, you never know. Well, ned and drew and michael, they’re all united on this crazy valentin front, and so I don’t get to vote unless there’s a tie, which there’s not gonna be. And that means I’m just gonna sit around twiddling my thumbs. I’m gonna feel totally superfluous. Now, that is nonsense. You are definitely the center of my world. Thank you. You do say the absolute sweetest things. Lucy, you’re more important than you know. Far more. I sold my half of the metro court to stillwater venture group to get the money to help michael and drew. So now I’m partners with stillwater venture group? No. God, no, I would never do that to you. I have 30 days to buy back my half of the hotel. The price has already been set, and I’m going to have more than enough money. Aurora’s stock is gaining value by the hour. It sounds risky. No way. I have faith in drew, and I will always bet on michael. Can I get a refill on my cup of coffee, please? Actually, just make it a whole new cup. I kind of — for sure. Thanks. Ugh. Don’t they make an ointment to get rid of you? Brook lynn, I don’t like this tension between us. This isn’t tension. This is hatred. I sold another one of your songs. Which one? “Morning rain.” I wrote that when my cousin died. Well, it’s very touching. Soft-tee paper towels thinks it’s perfect for their new commercial. My song is gonna be used in a paper towel commercial? A national paper towel commercial. So when anyone in the entire country hears it, they’ll think “absorbent.”

[ Sighs ] And I’ll be making a nice chunk of change from it, too. You know, I bet if you tried, you could come up with some catchy jingles. Then we can make money together. I would rather never write another song. You really want to work with me again? I do. Why? Okay, fine. I’ll do it. If you recant your accusation against chase. Commissioner. Detective chase. Close the door and let’s have a seat. I wonder if you realize how disappointed I am to find you in this position again, and so close to the end of your suspension. I’m sorry. I acted in haste, and while I was provoked, that is still no excuse. If there’s no excuse, why say you were provoked? Accuracy. Of course, now that I’m facing assault charges, I know you can’t bring me back to the force. I spoke with mr. Brown. He’s agreed to drop the criminal charges. You won’t be facing prison time. How d– thank you. Thank you for going to bat for me. You can save your thanks. Linc brown still wants you to lose your job. I hear you’re working for your aunt selina now. Yep. Yeah? What are you doing for her? Oh, this — this and that. You know, entry level stuff. Yeah. Errands and whatnot. Super…boring. Hmm. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, do you? Very colorful. Is it okay that it hurts to breathe? That would be a sign that your rib punctured your lung.

[ Groans ] It doesn’t hurt

that bad. Well, we shall see.

[ Sighs ]

[ Chuckles ] It’s cold. Take a deep breath in. Okay.

[ Inhales ] Yeah, hurts. Exhale it.

[ Exhales ] One more time.

[ Breathes deeply ] I should send you for an x-ray. I’m sure if you just wrap me up, I’ll be fine. Really? Just a moment ago, it hurt to breathe. Now you’re fine? You must have the healing touch. Yeah, we’re all set. The proxies are here, and we are good to go. Hey. Everything okay with wiley? Oh, yeah, he’s fine. And you? Are you — are you okay? Ned: Pascal, I think you know drew. Yes. We’ve spoken several times on the phone after your return. It’s a great pleasure to see you in person again. Well, it’s great to be seen. Thank you. Michael, hello. Pascal, thanks for coming. We’re just waiting for — oh, there he is. Good morning, everyone. What say we begin? I don’t think this is gonna take too long. No, no, it certainly will not.

[ Groans ] So dante and I weretalking about you earlier. I’m sure he had a lot to say. Well, he’s definitely not a fan. To me, it sounds like you got a raw deal, though. How do you figure? Well, your mom and dad, you know? Not the easiest role models to live up to. You can get dressed now. I just meant, you know, it’s got to be hard to live up to your dad’s legacy. Meaning what? Linc: So let me get this straight. I drop the assault charges, and you’ll write songs for me again? No charges, no civil suit, no other complaints or demand for apology. No comment to any reporter that chase attacked you. This never happened. Okay, you go to the D.A., You go to the commissioner, you tell them that you lied. You make this go away forever, and I’m all yours. It’s a tempting offer, but, um… no deal. What? All I care about is that detective friend of yours loses his job for good.

[ Exhales sharply ] But look on the bright side of things, blq. I’ve come around to your way of thinking. Some things truly are priceless. I just meant it must be tough to live down cesar faison’s reputation. Right? I mean, he was one of the wsb’s most wanted, wasn’t he? Continue with the ice packs. If the pain persists for more than two days, see a doctor. Have a nice trip. Oh, wait, wait. What — what just happened here? Dante said you were getting on a bus. Bon voyage. Jordan: Linc brown is filing a complaint with the civilian review board. As you know, the outcome of the board’s investigation could be censure or even dismissal. I know I was in the wrong. In the heat of the moment — this was not a life-threatening situation. No one was in any imminent danger except mr. Brown. Once again, you’ve shown that you can’t keep your head in situations, especially when brook lynn quartermaine is involved. So answer me this, detective. Why shouldn’t I fire you right now? Hey, sand or stone? Pardon? Well, I’m planning a deluxe family vacation. Oh. I mean, it’s been a rough few months, so I feel like we deserve it. So, should we go to the beach or should we go to some foreign city? Well, I guess that depends on who all’s going. Me and donna, of course. I’m hoping michael, willow, and wiley. Okay. And I was gonna ask ava if I could take avery. Ha! I wouldn’t hold my breath on a yes for that question. Well, ava and I — hate each other. Yes, but we will move heaven and earth for avery, so maybe there’s a possibility. Ooh, listen to the optimist. I mean, after the year I’ve had, things are finally going my way. Valentin: As ceo, I am calling this shareholders meeting to order. So… any new business? Chair recognizes drew cain. I make a motion to remove valentin cassadine as ceo of elq. I second. So moved. Anyone want to make a statement supporting the removal of valentin cassadine? I think we can just get this over with. I’ll take that as a no, but I want to make a statement on my behalf. Elq has grown significantly during my time as ceo. It’s no secret the rumored merger between aurora and elq, and it’s also no secret it has nothing to do with the strength of our company. It has everything to do with making drew cain a majority shareholder, and that’s a dangerous reason to make this decision. Anyone else want to say something? No. Okay. Well, then I will entertain a motion to bring this to a vote. So moved. Seconded. We’re gonna vote on the motion, and I will turn the procedure over to elq’s chief counsel, pascal everett. Thank you, chairman cassadine. The motion on the floor is to remove mr. Cassadine as chair. Before we get to those present, are there shareholders represented by proxy? There are. These are the proxies from family members who couldn’t attend in person authorizing me to vote on their behalf. And how do they vote? They all vote “yes” on the motion. Very well. And now to those present. Chairman cassadine. I vote no. Mr. Drew cain. Yes. Mr. Michael corinthos iii. Yes. Mr. Ned quartermaine.

You’re still here? We weren’t done. Right. Um…about that — it’s — it’s okay. I know now is not the right time for whatever this conversation is. Thank you. But I do want you to know that I’m here for you. Alright? Whatever’s going on, you can count on me. I know. But, um… I-I had a chance to think about it, and I’m fine. Well, that’s — that’s great. It is, yeah. And, you know, if — if anything changes, I’ll — I’ll let you know. But for now, you should focus on your fabulous new job. Chase. Cody: Bad news. Oh, broken ribs? Nah, they’re just badly bruised. Right? But the doc ordered me to take it easy, so… no hours on a bus right now. Okay. So you’re sticking around? I mean, if that’s okay. Yeah, man. I got to get out of here, but, uh…I’ll call you a ride-share. Dude, no, I’ll — I’ll take the bus. Are you sure? Look, it’s like a 10-minute ride to your place. Okay? I think I can gut it out. Oh, I’m in awe of your courage, sir. Mm-hmm. Thank you.

[ Grunts ] Actually, it did hurt. Seriously, man, I’m happy you’re sticking around. Dr. Westbourne, thanks for the tlc. Better hurry — I wouldn’t want you to miss your bus again. Yeah, yeah. I am hopping on a bus. It’s local. To dante’S. I don’t care where you’re going as long as you leave my hospital. I found a reason to stick around port charles, so…see ya around. You will be sitting pretty once this merger goes through. Your whole life’s gonna be like a big vacation. Oh, no, I’d be bored in a month. Maybe two.

[ Laughs ] Make it a business trip. World domination. You know what? You’re right. I’m gonna build a hotel empire.

[ Laughs ] The metro court will become an international brand. Mr. Quartermaine, the motion on the floor is to remove valentin cassadine as ceo of elq. Do you vote yes or no? I vote no. Very well. Between mr. Corinthos, mr. Cain, and the proxy votes voting “yea,” and mr. Cassadine and mr. Quartermaine voting “nay,” we have a 50/50 split. What the hell, ned? This was your idea. You’re the one who started this. You wanted to force valentin out. Valentin: The meeting will come to order. We have not finished voting. Ms. Coe, as bequeathed by your late ex-husband, alan quartermaine, you have the tie-breaking vote.

[ Chuckles ] Would you look at that? Wow. You know, last time I had a vote, I felt a wee bit of pressure, but this time, I get to vote my conscience. I vote an oh, no. The motion fails. Valentin cassadine remains as chief executive officer of elq. Excellent. Pascal, thank you for your time and your service. Always a pleasure. Well, as ceo, onto the next order of business, namely the rumored merger between aurora media and elq. It is not happening. And this is bad?

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Transcript Friday, June 24, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Maggie: Maybe I should play mozart’s “requiem mass,” and you could be even more depressed.

Victor: Well, if you think you’re going to cheer me up, you’re wrong.

Maggie: Oh, I’m not gonna even try to cheer you up when you’re in this kind of a mood. Victor, I know you’re upset, but one, there’s nothing you can dobout it and, two, it’s not the end of the world.

Victor: Thank you, mary poppins.

Maggie: Victor, this situation is complicated and it’s upsetting. But we’re talking about a baby. A new life.

Victor: A new life that was spawned by a woman who tried to electrocute me in my own bathtub. And now my grandson is going to have her hanging around his neck for the rest of his life. Get me another drink.

Belle: Were you leaving?

Shawn: I mean, not now that you’re here. I’m glad that you came. Should we grab a coffee or something?

Belle: Oh, I didn’t come to see you.

Ej: Looks like you’ve been caught red-handed, clyde. What are you up to?

Leo: You can help me with the jewelry? Clyde: Well, I’m on parole and i need to keep my nose clean. But I do have friends who deal in this kind of thing all the time. I can you get you 50 cents to the dollar for all this stuff, no questions asked. Just hanging out.

Ej: Oh. So what’s in the bag?

Clyde: Nothing you need to worry about.

Ej: Then you wouldn’t mind I take a look then.

Chloe: What kind of a savage would brutally murder the mother of two young children?

Brady: Someone who has no heart. The scum of the earth, the lowest of the low.

Leo: Who are you calling “the lowest of the low”?

Chloe: We’re not talking about you, leo.

Brady: Unless you were the sob who killed abigail.

Lucas: Oh, my god, this is great. You’re here. I really wasn’t expecting you.

Sami: Yeah, obviously not. What the hell happened in here, lucas?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Maggie: Victor, you have every right to be upset. But it’s just not good for you to feel sorry for yourself, to brood. That’s not who you are.

Victor: You said there was nothing I can do about it. I hate that.

Maggie: Yes, well, of course you do. And yes, there’s nothing we can do about that baby being born, but you can– you can stand by shawn. You can let shawn know that you’re by his side when he’s trying to put his life back together. And, victor, I know you hate looking at the bright side, but won’t jan be going back to prison again? And then– and then maybe shawn and belle can–can work it out.

Victor: [Harumphs]

Maggie: Oh, no, you didn’t just harumph at me. Shawn and belle, at least they have a chance. They still have their lives ahead of them. Sorry.

Victor: No, I’m sorry, maggie. I’m real sorry. I know–I know how much you loved abigail.

Maggie: Those sweet children without a mother. I’m sorry. Listen, whoever did that to abigail, they have to pay.

Leo: Yeah, I heard about abigail. What happened?

Brady: She was stabbed.

[Tense music]

Leo: Why would anybody want to hurt abigail?

Brady: The police think it might’ve been a robbery.

Leo: Oh, please. Please still be here. Oh. Yes. I’d have preferred an alamainian emerald, but you will do just fine. What a tragedy. Can’t imagine how hard this has been on her family.

Brady: Come on, stark. Cut the crap.

Leo: What is that supposed to mean?

Brady: It means that you went to a lot of trouble to inflict pain upon chad and abigail. Maybe you felt that they didn’t pay enough.

Leo: What the hell are you accusing me of?

Lucas: Here, here, let me help you. Sit down.

Sami: Oh, okay. Thank you.

Lucas: What are you doing here? I thought your flight was delayed.

Sami: It was, but then we made up time in the air.

Lucas: I really wanted to pick you up. I wanted to be there for you.

Sami: I know you did, but you have a lot going on, and you’re still grieving about abby. Hey, tell me how jennifer is doing.

Lucas: Oh, she’s barely hanging on, like we all are.

Sami: Which is why I took a cab. And I just left my luggage downstairs.

Lucas: All right, let me grab it for you.

Sami: What? No, no. Hey, wait a second. You’re not going anywhere until you answer my question, lucas. What is going on in here? It looks like a tornado hit this room.

Lucas: Um…

Belle: I’m actually here to see my mom. Chad’s at the house right now. Thomas and charlotte spent the night last night, and he’s telling them about abigail.

Shawn: Well, god help him.

Belle: Yeah, so I thought my mom could recommend a children’s counselor in case chad thought they needed one. Anyway, I should go.

Shawn: Look, belle…look, please, please wait. Moderate to severe eczema

Maggie: We’re somewhat in the same situation. I know what to do for chad and for jennifer and jack down the road, to be there, to listen and talk about abigail whenever they’re ready. But it won’t be for a while. And you can be there for shawn and belle when they’re ready. But not now.

Victor: No, we’re worthless.

Maggie: Well, to them. But hopefully not to each other. We can–we can to–we can try to treasure whatever time we have together.

Victor: I do. I do.

Bonnie: Come on in, honey.

Victor: Oh, god, spare me.

Bonnie: Oh, hi.

Victor: And it gets worse.

Bonnie: Maggie, I was just telling nancy about your figurines. Do you mind if she takes a peek?

Maggie: No, of course not.

Nancy: Oh. Oh, oh, maggie, this is lovely.

Maggie: Hello, nancy.

Nancy: Hi. Hello, victor. I guess the sun’s up over the yardarm somewhere, right?

Victor: Hmm.

Nancy: I do think this one’s my favorite, though.

Maggie: Oh, mine too.

Victor: Of course we value your opinion so much.

Bonnie: Nancy and I were just going to play some cards, so I just came in to get the pinochle deck. Honey, nancy, we can play in the conservatory.

Nancy: The conservatory? Ah, like “clue.”

Victor: Anybody seen my lead pipe?

Bonnie: Okay, so well, we’re just going to leave you two at it, unless you guys like to play. I mean, four-handed is much more fun.

Victor: No, we’re good.

Bonnie: Great.

Maggie: You know what? I would love to.

Bonnie: Really?

Victor: Really?

Maggie: Yes, victor, really.

Bonnie: [Chuckles]

Clyde: Why would you care what’s in this bag, ej? You know it ain’t none of your business.

Ej: Come on, clyde, I think you might have an illegal weapon in there.

Clyde: Well, now, that would violate my parole.

Ej: Oh, yes, of course, I forgot. You’ve been rehabilitated. You’re a new man.

Clyde: Absolutely.

Ej: So the way you just reacted right now, you know, like a low-life scum with something to hide, that was just reflex. That’s your lunch in the bag. Or maybe your knitting.

Clyde: Did you hear me say it’s none of your business?

Ej: Au contraire, it’s very much my business. You see, I think you’ve acquired said weapon in order to finish me off.

Clyde: It’s always about you, isn’t it, ej?

Ej: Well, you did try and have me killed once before.

Clyde: You need to let things go.

Ej: I really recommend you drop that glib crap with me. Before I got out of prison, you threatened to hurt my family. And my family was hurt. I’m not part of the legal system, so I don’t care about due process. If I think that you stabbed my sister-in-law, well, my last name is dimera. And we’re totally an eye-for-an-eye kind of family.

Brady: I’m accusing you of being a cold, heartless creep.

Chloe: You forgot cowardly.

Brady: You’re right, my bad. You’re a cold, heartless, cowardly creep that has zero, zero compassion for anybody but yourself. So this whole, “it’s to tragic. I can’t imagine how hard it this is on their family” makes me want to puke. You hated chad and abigail, you made him out to be a cheating husband, and you rubbed abigail’s nose in it. So don’t pretend to me that you’re grief-stricken.

Leo: Once again, I get blamed for things, even things that aren’t my fault.

Chloe: What are you talking about?

Leo: I don’t want to speak ill of the dead or her grieving husband, but they started it. When they destroyed what I had with craig, they made an enemy for life.

Sami: Lucas, what happened? Did you call the police? Were you robbed?

Lucas: No, no, it wasn’t anything like that.

Sami: Well, then why don’t you tell me what it was like?

Lucas: I–it was– it was me, all right? I–I did this.

Sami: You did this? I know you can be a slob, but this is ridiculous.

Lucas: I was looking for something.

Sami: Okay, what?

Brady: The cops think it could’ve been a robbery gone wrong.

Lucas: A robbery?

Brady: It was in the paper this morning. They found some jewelry and some cash that was taken from the house. The cops think if they can find the jewelry they’ll find the person who killed abigail.

Lucas: I was looking for some jewelry.

Sami: Jewelry? Okay, what jewelry?

Shawn: Look, I just–I want to thank you for being here when jan was in labor.

Belle: Well, I knew that the baby might not be make it. And I know how hard that would be for you. Because I know better than anyone what being a father means to you.

Shawn: Yeah, but belle, you– look, you waited. You waited with me. And–and I know how hard that was for you, so–so thank you.

Belle: No need to thank me.

Shawn: Look, when I–when i thought that the baby wasn’t going to make it, look, you were there, and you– belle, you held me, and I felt like there was hope for the two of us, and… look, I’m just hoping that you felt the same way too. Fishing helps ease my mind.

Maggie: You know, this is nice. I don’t know why, but sometimes time just kind of sits heavy in late afternoon.

Bonnie: I’m sorry. Are you guys up for this? I mean, I know you have a lot on your mind and everything.

Maggie: Maybe, maybe too much.

Nancy: I was so sorry to hear about abigail.

Maggie: She was a wonderful young woman. You know, she helped me bring sarah back.

Bonnie: Thank god.

Maggie: Poor jack and jennifer. I know how hard it is to lose a child.

Nancy: And, victor, I was so sorry to hear about philip.

Victor: He’s not dead.

Bonnie: He’s not? You guys have heard from him?

Maggie: No, but we just haven’t given up hope.

Nancy: Oh, that’s good. I know my chloe still misses him terribly.

Victor: It’s a good thing she can expunge her grief in brady’s bed. You dealt, right? I’ll open for 500.

Brady: “They started it”? What the hell is this? Third grade? You realize I’m not talking about getting pantsed in the hallway, leo.

Leo: Yeah, I know you’re not. I found the love of my life, and on a whim chad and abigail set out to destroy my once chance at happiness.

Chloe: No, I think you destroyed your one chance of happiness when tried conning my father into marrying you even though you already had a husband.

Leo: Getting married was your father’s idea. It would’ve crushed him if I turned him down.

Brady: Once again, reality just escapes you. Everything is everyone else’s fault, and you were never to blame.

Chloe: You think that sonny would disagree with that. I think that sonny would blame leo for drugging him and then publishing pictures of the two of you together in bed.

Leo: That was consensual. Once again, sonny is lying.

Brady: You know what I don’t get, though? You’ve spent all this time and energy into getting back at chad and abigail and sonny and will but not me. I’m the one who blew up your sham of a wedding. And I was very proud to do it.

Belle: I did feel it too.

Shawn: I knew it. Belle, this–we could–

Belle: And the baby was born, and you went straight to jan.

Shawn: Yeah, well, that’s because I knew that ej was there to hold your hand.

Belle: Don’t make this about ej.

Shawn: Belle, of course I went to jan. I mean, she just– she just gave birth. All right, the baby was premature, and she was scared. I couldn’t just leave her there wondering whether or not the baby was alive or dead. Hey, but then I came back here. I came back here, and you were gone. And I cannot help but think that you–you left here with ej, and you went back to his place.

Belle: I just want to forget about everything. I want this. I want you. Take me to bed. I did, and then we heard chad screaming. And I saw abigail lying there.

Shawn: I know. I know. Look, I’m sorry. Look, I know what you’ve been through.

Belle: Well, it’s nothing compared to what chad’s going through. Who would do something like that?

Shawn: Look, I swear to god we are going to find out.

Belle: We?

Shawn: I spoke to rafe. I asked him to put me on the case. Look, we’re going to find out what happened that night.

Clyde: I don’t know what the hell you think you’re talking about.

Ej: Oh, I’m pretty sure you do.

Clyde: Don’t you try to pin this on me. I did not kill your sister-in-law.

Ej: And your word is your bond, isn’t it? Only a low-life scum would stab a defenseless woman, and god knows you fit the bill. And as I said before, whoever did it is not going to get away with it.

Lucas: I–I don’t want to say.

Sami: You don’t want to say what kind of jewelry you were looking for? Lucas, okay, what’s going on?

Lucas: Nothing. There’s nothing going on.

Sami: No, obviously there is something going on. You’re a wreck. And I know it’s not just because of abby.

Lucas: Listen, I can’t, all right? I can’t say.

Sami: You can’t tell me what it is? Are you serious? After everything that I have told you? I’ve told you–I–I mean, I can’t even list it all. I told you about what a disaster my marriage to ej was. And you know what? It’s a good thing I did tell you, because telling you, talking to you helped me move on with my life. Lucas, I love you, and I’ll love you no matter what. So come on, just tell me.

Lucas: Okay. All right. I have something to confess. My asthma felt anything but normal.

Belle: You’re going back to work?

Shawn: Yeah, of course I am.

Belle: Well, there’s no “of course” about it. Jan’s going back to statesville. Even with help, you’re going to have your hands full just with the baby.

Shawn: Look, jan’s not– not going back.

Belle: What?

Shawn: At least–at least not right now.

Belle: Okay. All right. She has already played her whole high-risk pregnancy get-out-of-jail-free card, and she’s not pregnant anymore. And she is still a dangerous, violent psychopath. She’s not pregnant.

Shawn: Look, the warden–the warden extended her release just so that she can be with the baby a little bit longer.

Belle: What? How did that happen?

Shawn: Because he’s premature, and he needs–he needs jan’s breast milk.

Belle: And the warden just knows that? What, he’s like a really woke warden?

Shawn: No, kayla, she spoke to him, and she explained the situation.

Belle: Kayla? Well, I think she and i are going to have to have a nice a little chat.

Shawn: Look, she–she did it because I asked her to.

Belle: W…wow. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Jan always has an angle to work, and she always knows how to get you to work it for her.

Shawn: Look, belle, this is for the baby’s sake, all right? It’s temporary. It’s only until the baby gains a little bit more weight; that’s all.

Belle: Right, and then until the baby’s christened, and then until he goes to school, and then until he gets his driver’s license.

Shawn: Look, we’re talking about my son.

Belle: Yes, your son, the living ammunition jan uses to make you dance attendance for the rest of your life.

Shawn: I’m just trying to do what’s best for him. That’s all.

Belle: And she knows that. I’m sorry, I– I really try– struggle to not let my feelings about jan spill over onto your son.

Shawn: I know it isn’t easy.

Belle: So… did you decide on a name yet?

Shawn: Yeah. Look, we– we I named him shawn.

Nancy: The fact that chloe is now with brady does not mean she doesn’t care deeply for philip.

Victor: I agree, like she cared deeply for brady all the time she was with philip.

Nancy: And what exactly is that supposed to mean?

Maggie: It means that victor is doing his best to make everyone wildly uncomfortable. He’s so good at it.

Victor: I thought I was giving chloe a compliment. She seems to sense that whether she’s with my son or my grandson, eventually she’s going to drive that lucky young man to drugs, distraction, or out the door.

Bonnie: Okay, all right, you know what? Nancy, just ignore him; he’s trying to bait you.

Nancy: He’s insulting my daughter. And I’m sorry, but neither your son nor your grandson has led a blameless life.

Victor: “Neither my son nor my grandson has led a blameless life.” When “neither” is in the third person plural, it’s takes “have.”

Bonnie: He likes to torture people with grammar. Please.

Maggie: Well, I guess he also likes sleeping in the guest room, because that’s where he’s headed.

Victor: What do you know? We won, red. What a good idea you had, bonnie. Pinochle, a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

[Laughter] Don’t you think?

Clyde: For the last time, I did not kill your sister-in-law. And if I had wanted to send you a message, believe me, you would have gotten it, and you would have known it was from me.

Sami: Okay. Just tell me.

Lucas: I was looking for a ring.

Sami: A ring?

Lucas: Yeah. Yeah, I didn’t want to tell you like this after everything that’s happened, but I was going to ask you to marry me.

Sami: [Gasps]

It’s started. Somewhere between a cuddle

Clyde: You know, right now I’m wondering why you’re so paranoid.

Ej: Paranoid?

Clyde: Yeah. Why would I want to hurt anyone in your family? You gave me your word that you’d keep your mouth shut about our little arrangement. As far as I know, you have, unless you have told someone.

Belle: Everyone said that you were shot by a mugger in the park. You’re saying clyde did it?

Ej: He didn’t pull the trigger. He lured me to the park and threatened me. When things became heated, his man shot me, and then they left me there to die. No, I haven’t told anyone.

Clyde: Well, then, you got absolutely nothing to worry about. And I got a date.

Victor: You sure you don’t want to play some more? We’re having such fun.

Nancy: I’ve had more fun doing laundry.

Victor: Oh, you found a new career?

Bonnie: Oh, my gosh.

Nancy: I am so sorry to leave you alone with him, but I have a date.

Victor: How brave of you to try to put your shattered life together again.

Bonnie: Say hi to clyde for me.

Victor: What? You’re not talking about clyde weston.

Maggie: Victor.

Victor: Look, I know you’re desperate, but this is the bottom of the barrel.

Maggie: Okay, victor, that’s enough.

Victor: Maggie, the man had sonny stabbed in the back. Even she deserves better than that.

Nancy: I’m sorry, mr. Kiriakis, but given your history I don’t think you have the right to pass judgment on anyone.

Victor: I was just trying to help you out. I’m worried about you. I understand it’s very difficult to get a relationship going with a sociopathic criminal.

Maggie: Nancy, I’ll walk you to the door.

Nancy: Thank you. How do you put up with that?

Maggie: Massive denial.

Victor: You know, I always thought that dr. Wellsley was the bottom of the barrel.

Bonnie: Oh, wesley!

Victor: Oh, whatever. She sure can pick them.

Bonnie: Well, not everybody can be as lucky as maggie.

Victor: You know, when you’re right, you’re right.

Bonnie: [Scoffs]

Shawn: Look, the name was jan’s idea.

Belle: Yeah, of course it was. And then you went along with it.

Shawn: I guess, yeah, I did I–

Belle: So much for our moment of hope.

Shawn: Look, come on, belle, I just–

Belle: You know, I have to go, okay? I have to go talk to my mom. I hope you and jan and little shawn are very happy.

Brady: I mean, I’m the one that recruited sonny and will. I was the one that brought them to town, had them tell craig about your past. I mean, he would’ve never known about your other husband if it hadn’t been for me, so why don’t you just let everybody else alone and focus on me?

Chloe: I think that’s a great idea, except you should think of something new this time. I think the whole scandalous photoshop sex selfies are getting old.

Brady: Agreed. I think we should do this the old-fashioned way. Just a bare-knuckle fistfight. How about right here? How about right now?

Leo: Ugh. It would hardly be a fair fight. You’re bigger; you’re stronger than I am. Besides, you’re wrong; I’m no longer interested in revenge, I’ve given it up.

Chloe: Yeah, right.

Leo: I mean it. It weighs on me that those photos of chad in drag and the little memoir I wrote upset abigail, and now she’s gone, and I can’t tell her that I’m sorry.

Chloe: Well, that’s very sad for you.

Leo: I can’t change the past, so all I can do is look forward. I’m trying to move on with my life, I would appreciate it if the two of you would let me.

Chloe: Did you believe that?

Brady: Not one word.

Lucas: Before you came back, I asked your father for his blessing.

Sami: What?

Lucas: And I got a ring. And I was going to give it to you when you came back. I was going to surprise you, but I–I– I don’t know what I did with it. I think I lost it.

Sami: So you tore this room apart?

Lucas: I panicked, okay?

Sami: It’s okay. Lucas, you shouldn’t be doing this right now anyway. You’re still dealing with everything that happened with abby. And I can see that you haven’t been sleeping.

Lucas: I just– I feel bad, okay? I feel bad about everything and things that have happened, and I–I made a mess out of everything.

Sami: It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. I don’t need a ring on my finger as long as I know what’s in your heart.

Lucas: You know what’s in my heart. I want you to be my wife.

Sami: Lucas, I know you don’t want to hear this. Right now my answer is no. I can’t marry you.

From prom dresses

Lucas: Why not? Why can’t you marry me? You just told me you loved me and you know how much I love you.

Sami: It’s not about that. It’s I’m still married to ej. Remember? He tore up those divorce papers.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, okay, fine. That bastard.

Sami: Yeah, but I sent them, and I re-sent them, and he never signed them and I don’t know why. He has to know there’s no way I’d stay married to a man who lied to me about kidnapping me. But you know what? You keep looking for the ring, and I am going to go talk to ej in person, okay?

Lucas: All right.

Sami: I think that I’ll be able to confront him face-to-face, and then he won’t be able to weasel out of it.

Lucas: Well, I just– I’m not wild about you being alone with the guy, so why don’t we just let the lawyers handle this, okay?

Sami: I tried that. It didn’t work. No, I think I have to go with the direct approach. Don’t worry about me. But will you get the door for me?

Lucas: Yeah, yeah.

Belle: Mwah! See you later.

Lucas: All right.

Ej: So if there’s anything I can do… right. Tell charlotte and thomas I love them. And, chad, I love you too. Right. He sounded awful.

Belle: Oh, well, my mom cancelled all her appointments. She’s going to go home, spend some time with chad and the kids.

Ej: So what is it you’re not telling me? This is about shawn, isn’t it?

Belle: I ran into shawn at the hospital. Guess who’s not going back to prison.

Ej: You’ve got to be kidding me.

Belle: No. We knew she’d find a way to keep her hooks in shawn. And that’s where they’re going to stay for the rest of his life.

Bonnie: Ooh. You owe me 15 bucks. Want to play again?

Victor: Sure.

Bonnie: Cool.

Victor: I don’t think maggie’s talking to me.

Bonnie: [Chuckles] No.

Victor: Well, sorry if I offended your friend.

Bonnie: Well, she’s tough. And besides, I don’t think you can date clyde weston and not expect a little blowback, you know?

Victor: I’m in a foul mood.

Bonnie: Well, victor, who could blame you? I mean, you have a new baby in the family; everybody should be over the moon. But instead it’s like, “my grandson is going to have to deal with that woman for the rest of his life.” Jan spears. Ugh.

Victor: My sentiments exactly.

Bonnie: I mean, right? The woman has had way too many sequels. It’s like “alien 47.” The alien is still disgusting, but now she’s also boring. Because you know the alien’s never going to have a change of heart. The alien is never going to say anything funny. It’s just going to sit there waiting for that next crappy thing to happen. And you? You can’t share a nice meal. You can’t have a happy thought, because in the back of your mind it’s just sitting there. Whose chest is she going to pop out of next? Sorry. I know. Bonnie lockhart running her stupid mouth again.

Victor: What you said, it’s exactly what it’s like. Bonnie lockhart, unexpected depth.

Nancy: [Laughs] I don’t care if leo stark put his hand on ten bibles and swore that he’s seen the light. He is like– he’s like florence nightingale when it comes to nursing a grudge.

Chloe: Amen to that.

Nancy: Oh, and by the way, he told me to tell you that you’re on “his list.”

Brady: What list?

Nancy: I don’t know; he wasn’t specific. But it sounded like it was an enemies list.

Brady: Well, I’m sure as hell on that then.

[Tense music]

Need long-lasting freshness?

Clyde: Well, you look beautiful as always. Are you ready?

Nancy: As ever.

Clyde: Nice to see you two again.

Chloe: Ugh. I find it very, very, very not fun to be civil to that man.

Brady: With very good reason.

Chloe: It’s not only that he creeps me out, belle told me to keep my mom away from him. She said that he’s definitely bad news.

Clyde: I have something for you.

Nancy: Really?

Clyde: I didn’t get it wrapped, because I wanted to put it on you myself.

Nancy: Oh, my god, clyde. It’s lovely.

Clyde: Just like you.

Chloe: So belle me that you two are legally separated now. I’m so sorry.

Shawn: Thanks. It–it wasn’t my idea. I was actually hoping that we would be able to– to work things out once the baby was born.

Brady: Doesn’t seem like you think that anymore, though.

Shawn: I’m just afraid that– I’m afraid this whole situation is just pushing us further and further apart.

Belle: So shawn arranged for the warden to let her stay in the hospital with the baby, shawn brady jr.

Ej: They named the baby shawn?

Belle: It wasn’t bad enough that my worst enemy has my husband’s only son, but now the baby is his namesake.

Ej: I’m so sorry. What can I do?

Belle: Well, we could finish what we started the other night. Let’s go upstairs right now.

Sami: He has to know there’s no way I’d stay married to a man who lied to me about kidnapping me.

Ej: You sure this is what you want?

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B&B Transcript Friday, June 24, 2022

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Ridge: Humoring paris makes no sense at all.

Carter: It makes sense to me.

Ridge: How does it make– how? How does that make sense to you? You don’t love this woman. You are still in love with my father’s wife. You’re in love with quinn. Tell me I’m wrong.

Eric: I’m fond of carter. I really am. He’s a good man. He deserves everything good in this life. I believe that. I’m sure you believe that too.

Quinn: Of course.

Eric: Yeah. Quinn, come here. Sit. You know carter, you’re friends. He confides in you, right?

Quinn: Sometimes.

Eric: And about paris, obviously because you know more about that than I do.

Quinn: She’s come up.

Eric: Well, so what about this instant engagement? Do you think she’s the woman he really loves? It doesn’t really matter what I think, does it?

Paris: I can’t believe this ring.

Grace: Marriage is more than a flashy ring, honey. It needs a foundation of love and trust and you and carter have not built that.

Paris: How do you know that? Are you with us when we’re alone? Why can’t you just be happy for me?

Grace: I’m sorry, baby. But you’re making a huge mistake and I can’t support it. You and carter, it’s just wrong.

Paris: It doesn’t feel wrong. I hate being at odds with you, mom. But come to the wedding or not, I need to make one thing clear. Nothing and no one is going to stop this wedding.

Eric: But does carter love paris the way a man should love a woman who’s going to spend the rest of his life with? Is that what you’re questioning?

Quinn: He’s the one who proposed.

Eric: Yeah. And so…

Quinn: So, all we can hope is that carter and paris make the right decision.

Paris: Look, mom. I’m not trying to be harsh. I respect your opinion, and you’ve voiced it repeatedly.

Grace: Baby, I’m just worried about you.

Paris: Don’t be. Be happy for me. I mean, the man I love asked me to marry him and gave me this beautiful ring.

Hope: Oh, my god, you and zende are engaged?

Grace: If only. My daughter is engaged to carter.

Hope: Oh, you and carter, married.

Carter: I’m not talking to you about this.

Ridge: Stop. You don’t get to walk away from me. Either we’re friends or we’re not friends. I’m asking you a question. I’m asking you where you are. So tell me the truth. You want to lie to yourself, you go ahead.

Carter: Yes! Yes. I love quinn, and it’s driving me insane. I think about her all the time. How long ’til I get to see her, get close to her. And eric was very generous when he forgave us. But that means that I can’t be with the woman I love, ridge, and it’s stopping me cold, man. And I can’t live like this. I have to move on. I need to marry paris. Migraine hits hard, so u hit back with ubrelvy

Grace: I was just as shocked as you are, hope. They don’t come any better than zende forrester. He’s honest. He’s talented. He’s got a bright future ahead of himself. But somehow, a solid future and security just isn’t good enough. You want to just toss it all away and marry some hustler?

Paris: I’m in love, mom. And carter is too. He wouldn’t have gotten me a ring if that wasn’t the case. So if your take on him is correct, he should have been out there setting his sights on his newest conquest. But instead, he came back with a ring. Doesn’t that tell you something?

Grace: I don’t trust him. I don’t trust him to honor you. I don’t trust him to cherish you. I don’t trust him to make the promises that people make when they marry each other. I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t support you in becoming carter’s wife. It just won’t end well.

Paris: Okay. Well, if you can’t support my choice, then don’t come to the wedding. Now, I would like to talk to hope, please.

Grace: It sounds like you have some reservations of your own. Maybe she’ll listen to you.

Hope: You’re engaged?

Paris: I am.

Hope: I mean, uh… I am not even going to begin to get in the middle of that mother-daughter dynamic because believe me, I know all too well. But… are you happy?

Paris: I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.-Hope: I mean, that ring! It’s gorgeous.

Paris: You know, hope, you’re my friend and I would just really like your support. Please just say you’re happy for me.

Trainer: Ten of ’em. All the way to your chest. There you go. Four, five, five more. Are you ready?

Zende: Yeah.

Trainer: Ten of ’em. Good, good, good, good, good. Boom, good. All right, come on. There you go. There you go. All right. [Indistinct] Right. Good job.

Zende: Thank you, J.

Trainer: Next week.

Zende: You look like you got something on your mind.

Grace: All I have ever wanted from the first day my daughters were born was for them to live good lives. For them to be productive, contributing members of society. And to settle down at some point in their lives with good men of integrity who deserve them. Is that too much for a mother to ask?

Zende: Um, mrs. Buckingham, you have to excuse me. I’m feeling a little lost here. There’s something–

Grace: Carter proposed!

Zende: What?

Grace: And paris said yes. She said yes. You have to stop this travesty, zende. You cannot let this wedding happen.

Eric: That was a little enigmatic.

Quinn: What was?

Eric: That– that you hope carter and paris make the right decision. Does that mean you don’t approve of their wedding?

Ridge: I knew it. You and quinn aren’t over.

Carter: We are over. You need to understand that, ridge. There’s nothing going on and nothing ever will. I will never betray eric again. And as for quinn, she is totally committed to making their marriage work. I’ve accepted that I can’t have her, and it’s tearing me up inside. But I can’t stay frozen in my life. I have to move on.

Ridge: You have to move on with paris.

Carter: She loves me.

Ridge: I’m sure she loves you but you don’t love her. You love quinn. So how is that going to work?

Carter: One day at a time.

Ridge: One day at a time? Where does my dad fit into all this?

Carter: Where’s your father fit? Where does eric fit? With his wife where he belongs. Why do you think I’m doing this? A part of the reason I’m marrying paris is because she became suspicious of my feelings for quinn, because she said things to make me think she’s taking those suspicions to eric. And I refused to let anyone or anything disrupt quinn’s happiness. I brought in ensure max protein,

Ridge: So you’re rushing into a future with paris because you’re desperate to run away from your past with quinn? Am I understanding what we’re doing? Look at me.

Carter: I have to. Quinn’s not a possibility for me. She’s eric’s wife, and I meant what I said. I won’t hurt him again. Need to get on with things.

Ridge: Get on with things? What does that mean to paris? I have an idea. Why don’t you date her for a little while? Take her on a trip. Take her to some– take her to europe. Go to italy. It’s nice this time of year. Spend some time with her. Get to know her, get to know–

Carter: The decision is made. I intend to marry paris as soon as possible. Hopefully, tomorrow. And I need you there. I need my best friend who knows everything about me standing by my side in support. I’m counting on you.

Zende: Carter proposed to paris and she accepted?

Grace I know this must hurt, zende, but you have got to move past this and go to my daughter. Do whatever it takes to get paris back. You still love her. And I can see it right now in your eyes. Please, just don’t let carter take my baby away.

Zende: Dr. Buckingham, listen. I– I get that you mean well, you genuinely seem to think that paris is better off with me than with carter, but the problem is, she doesn’t agree and I’m not going to grovel.

Grace: Zende.

Zende: Dr. Buckingham–

Grace: You just have to go.

Zende: Listen, listen, listen. I thought paris was the one for me. Okay, I did. But somewhere along the line, she got caught up with carter. That doesn’t mean I don’t love her, but she’s made her decision, and I have to respect that. Thank you for letting me know.

Hope: And you’re sure that you and zende…

Paris: Yeah, I mean, great guy, but it just didn’t work out. And I know everything is happening really, really fast.

Hope: And you’re okay with that? Because, I mean, we are talking about the rest of your life here. And don’t get me wrong, again, carter is a terrific guy and any woman would be lucky to have him.

Paris: And you know what? That woman has me. Please don’t try to talk me out of this. No one will. Trust me. And my mom has tried. You can tell she’s not the most supporting person. But hope, you’re my friend. And I would really like your support to celebrate with me and carter on our wedding day. We’d love to have you.

Hope: All right. Well, then, I am going to need to hear you say it just one more time for me. Just one more that you are absolutely 110% sure.

Paris: I love carter. I want to be his wife.

Hope: Okay, then yes. Of course, I will be there. Of course.

Paris: Oh, thank you. Oh. Carter. I hear congratulations are in order. You and paris. You proposed. Wow.

Carter: You can say that again.

Quinn: I really don’t think it’s my place to have an opinion about carter and paris.

Eric: Well, everybody in the company is going to have an opinion about it. You might as well voice yours.

Quinn: I just hope they make the right decision.

Eric: Yeah.

[ Phone dinging ] Oh, I got to go.

Quinn: To the club?

Eric: Yeah, I have– I have an appointment. We’ll talk more later. All right?

Quinn: All right. Well, yeah. Don’t overdo it.

Eric: Okay.

Carter: Eric asked me

to get rid of it,

but how could I?

Quinn: So you brought

it here.

Carter: What else

could I do?

I couldn’t let something

so beautiful get destroyed.

Paris: You know, we have to be careful because my mom might still be in the building somewhere. She’s not taking the engagement well.

Carter: I’m sorry to be the cause of friction between you.

Paris: No, don’t apologize. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. And if she can’t get behind it, that– that– that has to do with her, not me. I’m not going to let her ruin the best day of my life. And we won’t be alone. I talked to hope, and she said she was going to come.

Carter: Well, speaking of the wedding, I meant what I said. I want to get married right away.

Paris: Oh! I just love that you want to marry me so quickly.

Carter: And it can’t happen soon enough.

Paris: Oh, wow. I mean, who should we invite?

Carter: I, uh, I spoke with ridge.

Paris: You know, I was thinking about zende.

Carter: Hmm.

Paris: Just because, I don’t know. I feel like he should be there. I hope he comes. He said he was cool with our relationship. And you saw how gracious he was about it. Oh. Also, I’m thinking about bill spencer. We should invite him.

Carter: Why?

Paris: Well, he’s been very generous to the foundation, and oh, we also need a minister because the man of the hour, he’s going to be occupied.

Carter: Uh… charlie. He’s ordained.

Paris: Get out.

Carter: Yeah. Yeah. I’ll see if he’s available. And um, speaking of the venue, I’m thinking, il giardino?

Paris: Oh.

Carter: You love that place. You love the food, it’s intimate and it was our first sort of lunch date.

Paris: It’s perfect.

Carter: I’ll make the call. Reserve it tomorrow.

Paris: Tomorr– tom– hm. Tomorrow?

Carter: I don’t want to wait.

Paris: I feel like I’m in a whirlwind. Oh. Oh, my goodness. This is really–

Ridge: I’m asking you

a question.

I’m asking you where you are.

So tell me the truth.

You want to lie to yourself,

you go ahead.

Carter: Yes! Yes!

I love quinn,

and it’s driving me insane.

Carter: Yes. Last name, walton. Yes. The wedding. Thank you very much. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I’ll call back later with more specifics. Thank you.

Quinn: Sorry, I– I… I couldn’t help overhearing. Making arrangements. Paris and I are getting married at il giardino. Tomorrow.

Quinn: Tomorrow? Tomorrow?

Carter: I can’t go on like this one more day, quinn. Loving you the way I do. Burning for you and what I can never have again. I mean, you have eric, you’re committed to your marriage. Me, I’m stuck in place and I have to move forward. I have to build a life that doesn’t begin and end with a woman who’s out of my reach… yet close enough to touch. This is torture.

Quinn: Sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am. But don’t marry paris so quickly.

Carter: Don’t, don’t, don’t, stop. Do not try to stop me. Do not try to slow me down, quinn, I have to let you go. I can’t live like this anymore. But make no mistake. I will always love you.

[ Quinn sobbing ]

Quinn: I’ll always love you too, carter.

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Interview with Hilda Martin, Lachlan Quarmby, and Rachel Boyd

TV Interview!

Hilda Martin and Lachlan Quarmby star in He's Not Worth Dying For premiering Saturday, June 25 at 8p/7cLachlan Quarmby and Rachel Boyd star in He's Not Worth Dying For premiering Saturday, June 25 at 8p/7c

Interview with Hilda Martin, Lachlan Quarmby, and Rachel Boyd of “He’s Not Worth Dying For” on Lifetime by Suzanne 6/1/22

This was from a press day featuring three “ripped from the headlines” movies airing this summer. It was great to speak with these young actors. I only wish star Robin Givens had been there.

MODERATOR: Hi, everybody. Our next panel for today is the talented cast of “He’s Not Worth Dying For.” Please welcome Hilda Martin, Lachlan Quarmby, and Rachel Boyd. Hi, you guys. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us today.

LACHLAN QUARMBY: Thank you. Happy to be here.

RACHEL BOYD: Thank you.

MODERATOR: Our first question is from Jamie Ruby.

QUESTION: Hi, guys. Thanks for talking to us. So how familiar were you all with kind of this story and kind you talk a bit about sort of the research that you did into it for all of you?


RACHEL BOYD: Do you want to start?

LACHLAN QUARMBY: You go, you go.

HILDA MARTIN: Well, I didn’t know much but I do have a liking for crime documentaries, so as soon as I got that and was told it was based/inspired by true stories, as a true story, I Googled it right away, but before then I had no knowing of the story.

RACHEL BOYD: Yeah. I think that like for me when I first got the audition script I actually somehow missed the words “based on a true story” when I was reading the description of it, so I had no idea until the callback that I was auditioning for something that was based on a true story, but I think, for me, like, seeing the sides and the character, I really connected to it, because it’s such an experience that a lot of young people on social media, and especially young women can relate to in how we are taught to, like, compete for a man’s exclusive love, and then how that manifests in different ways in the age of social media, and how that has real effects on our self-wroth and the way that we behave as people and change our character.

LACHLAN QUARMBY: Yeah, I hadn’t heard of it at the time. In 2009, I was living in Canberra, Australia, which might as well have been about as far away as you can be. But, yeah, I was the same, as soon as I got the script and heard it was a real story I looked it up and had such like an emotional reaction to just how much of a tragic experience it was and, yeah, it was kind of exciting to get to audient to play something like that.

QUESTION: Great. Thank you so much.


RACHEL BOYD: thank you.

MODERATOR: Thank you. Our next question is from Tamara Rollins.

QUESTION: Hi, guys. Can you hear me?



QUESTION: Hi. So nowadays social media can be used as a tool to destroy lives. Some people tend to separate social media from our actual lives. They deem it as two separate entities. Do you guys feel that social media in our real day-to-day lives are one entity or two separate worlds?

RACHEL BOYD: I would say that I think that social media is real but also fake, because what it is is it’s taking a person and letting them choose what they want to highlight and choose how they want to be perceived in the world, and what you see on social media as much as we often treat it, like that is that person and that is the full representation of them, it’s not a real accurate representation of a person, of a real human being who is full and flawed. So I think that they’re different in that way, but the really unfortunate thing and kind of what we wanted to tackle in the movie is that people blur those lines together, and they treat people like they aren’t really human beings on social media when it really is really us. We’re just kind of creating a highlight reel.

QUESTION: Thank you.

LACHLAN QUARMBY: Yeah. I’ll add to that. I agree. I think that a lot of people out there are probably having this sort of duality in personality versus real life on social media, but it’s not for me to say as to how you should manage it. I personally think that it’s best to just do everything in moderation. You know, if you are going to put something up there that is a version of you that may not be the exact version of yourself then it can be the kind of thing that you’re aspiring to be, or the kind of person that you’re trying to be like, but it’s just managing which is which and just being like honest with yourself. As long as you know what you’re all about and stuff like that then I think it’s manageable.

QUESTION: Thank you.

HILDA MARTIN: I think the same thing. I specifically had a hard time with kind of splitting — with kind of being the same person and having like a reality, being real on social media for the longest, and I don’t see that be a possibility now because you’re still — Like in social media you’re not you. You’re never going to be. You’re going to be torn apart, if you want like an extensive amount of people kind of following you, unless you just want yourself and close friends, but other than that it’s like you have to be someone that society wants on social media. So that’s like totally different, and I could see the same for Isla, who is trying to kind of be this person and this colorful person, this bright person, but on the other side in her real life it’s the total opposite, so totally different.

QUESTION: Thank you.

Robin Givens stars in He's Not Worth Dying For premiering Saturday, June 25 at 8p/7cMODERATOR: Thank you. We also have some pre-submitted questions from journalists who could not be here today. This question is for Hilda. Hilda, you have some pretty intense scenes with Robin Givens who plays your mother in the movie. What was it like working with a veteran actress, and did she give you any advice or were there any fun times together on the set?

HILDA MARTIN: It was great working with Robin. I think like she kind of let me — She didn’t really — You know, working with a veteran and you’re not one yourself, you kind of feel like you’re not good enough, but there’s a lot of moments where she kind of like, A, gave me tips on certain scenes and, B, kind of like applauded me for certain scenes, and kind of like validation, which I like, but there’s quite a few moments that she kind of made me laugh, and one of them was Grace is being a bitch to, like harsh mood to her mom, and as soon as the scene got cut she was like I would have whooped you in real life. I would have whooped you hard. Never do that to me in real life. My kids would never. And another scene was with Jake, Lachlan, and it was a family dinner and like you just never know when stuff happens. She had like this, she had a green bean that she was chewing mid-scene, and it was her turn to talk, and like it wasn’t going down, so like that cut was like the funniest part, because we’re just watching her chew. She’s like (imitates chewing), mm um hm, um hm, one sec, um hm.


HILDA MARTIN: And she hadn’t thought of like — She is fun. She’s great to work with. She’s like a mom. She was actually like a mom and, yeah.

MODERATOR: That’s awesome. Thank you, Hilda. Our next question is from Suzanne at TVMEG.COM

QUESTION: Hi, I was wondering if any of you had done any Lifetime movies before and whether you could compare them to other work that you’ve done elsewhere — whether they were slower or faster or what other things you can think of that would be different?

LACHLAN QUARMBY: Yeah, I had a small role on like a Christmas one before. So it was kind of fun to play the differences in tone in terms of like the sort of lighter Christmas one and then the darker reality of like this one. I really enjoyed it, the mixing up, because it is a different way to come about it from an acting point of view in terms of like the tone, the network, and like the genre as well. You got to play with all of those elements, and I have no idea what I’m doing typically, because it’s so early on. So it’s really funny to have like a producer or a director just say, like, “Hey, like this is actually more the way that it is done for this type of film,” and I was always like, “Oh, cool. Great.” That’s awesome to learn and use going forward, yeah.

RACHEL BOYD: Yeah. I also think that, I mean, personally, I hadn’t done anything, any other work with Lifetime before, but I also think it’s so interesting to mention that this was mine, Hilda’s and Lachlan’s, all of our first lead roles in a feature-length film. So that was really, really fun, and it was really great to experience that with the three of us. I think that all of us ending up being our first time really brought a new energy to the set that we really liked where we were just very eager to work and play and have a lot of fun with each other. So I had to mention that.

QUESTION: Great. Hilda.

HILDA MARTIN: It was also my, yeah, my first time as well. What I would interesting, what I like to find out is like what does Lifetime like cast to wear, and like the other show that I’ve done was a different wardrobe and seeing like how characters are kind of like created, developed like look-wise on different platforms like Lifetime, for example. That was cool. But like also the first time in having like a great cast to work with.


HILDA MARTIN: It kind of made it exciting and easier, I think, something you (inaudible @ 00:34:14), so, yeah.

QUESTION: Well, thank you.



MODERATOR: Thank you. Our next question is from Mike Hughes.

QUESTION: Yeah. I wasn’t sure if my mute — can you hear me now?

GROUP: Yes. We can hear you.

QUESTION: Okay. Cool. Rachel, actors obviously have to be able to turn it on quickly when the camera is on, but it’s much more so what Isla had to do, because just you’re solo on a camera and (just be big @ 00:34:40) the moment she goes on. So what’s it like to do the scenes where Isla is really over the top and on her own before a camera?

RACHEL BOYD: Yeah. I think that’s something for me that I really did a lot in preparation for the role was learning exactly what that physicality was, because I knew that Isla’s character needed — She needed to be able to walk into a room and command it and hold the power in it just with her body and how she moved around, so that was kind of something I really wanted to focus on. And, yeah, that just came through I think sometimes if she was putting on the performance of like “Influence Isla” then it was a lot for me finding those places in my body where that energy was. Like I think there’s like a scene at the beginning. Hilda and I were talking about it the other day, but it’s like she’s walking into the store, and she’s kind of doing like this crazy like “Clueless” walk, and it’s just I think it gives me that energy from within me instead of me keeping the same body language the entire time. And then I also liked working with the physicality, because it gave me space to also be Isla when she’s not being big and over the top, and she’s just being, you know, a regular girl who’s just lonely and confused, and how does her body change. And then I think having that like drastic difference helps, too, when you saw her being bigger.

QUESTION: Cool. Thanks.

Rachel Boyd stars in He's Not Worth Dying For premiering Saturday, June 25 at 8p/7cRACHEL BOYD: Thank you.

MODERATOR: Our next question’s from Cynthia Horner.

QUESTION: Hello. My question is for all of you. I really enjoyed the film, and I’d like to know what advice would you give to young people that are watching — They’re going to be watching the film, and we all know people who’ve been in similar situations even though the ending may not be the same, but the fact that there are so many situations where people are being cheated on or whatever, so can you each talk about your character and the way those dynamics were so that other people that are watching the film may decide not to make some of those mistakes.

RACHEL BOYD: Yeah. I can start. Are you guys —

LACHLAN QUARMBY: Go for it, Rach.

RACHEL BOYD: Okay. I think, for me, I’ve always, always wanted this to be the message that people take away from the whole movie, and with Isla especially is that there’s no manifestation of love or validation, be it like a boy or followers and likes and comments on Instagram that is ever worth losing yourself for and affecting your own self-worth to please. I think I want people to know that they are one hundred percent significant and one hundred percent enough just in themselves, and that outward validation will always come and go, but that it really is that inner self-worth that you should focus so much of your energies on. Yeah.

QUESTION: Good answer.

HILDA MARTIN: Yeah, I’d go with the same. I think for me it was value. I think we all, like the whole cast, like all three of us wanted to feel valued from social media, from a boy, but relationship-wise, I think that like what I want people to know, because like, again, nearly all of us have gone through it, it’s like not forgetting our worth, not feeling that we need someone else, and that could be a male or a female in a relationship, remembering your worth, and if you’re not receiving that worth it’s, as hard as it is, it’s just like let go, and when they say love is blind they also mean love is also deaf, because a lot of times you’re also told and you can hear the words, and I just hope that they remember how like valuable and like worthy they are, yes.

QUESTION: Okay. Thank you.

LACHLAN QUARMBY: Yeah. I would also just add that I agree with everything the girls said there but, you know, I think it’s in the title, right? It is a cautionary tale. That’s what we’re hoping people will take away is that it’s — and most of it is just not worth it. Even a lot of the stuff that seems really important at the time and seem so like at the forefront of your life, because it’s at your fingertips on that device, on that social media platform, it just seems like it’s so much worth it, but if you just put it down, and you take a step back, then it’s probably not going to be worth all of this pain or bleeding into your real, you know, personal life and causing you anxiety or whatever. And, I mean, for Jake, it’s the whole thing is just he brings all these problems on himself and stuff like that, and he doesn’t really have a support network around him to tell him like, “Hey, like you’re basically you’re being an idiot.” Again, flipping through the script, the first time I read it being like, you know, you’re not supposed to judge a character but idiot, dumb ass, that’s stupid —

RACHEL BOYD: He makes it hard.

LACHLAN QUARMBY: What are you doing? What are you doing, man? Somebody just needs to tell this guy, please, stop, stop doing these things. So I hope that people take away from that, that you need to help yourself but may also people who are close to people witnessing them going through stuff like this that you can also step in and help them with that as well. Yeah.

QUESTION: Fantastic answers. Thank you so much.

RACHEL BOYD: Thanks, Cynthia.


MODERATOR: Our next question is from Steve Gidlow.

QUESTION: Hey, everyone. Just I’m assuming you’re all on social media. So I was just wondering if being so immersed in the darker side of it, did it change your perception of how you deal with your own social media now?

RACHEL BOYD: something that I really like about the movie is that we’ve all been living in the dark side of social media, all the time. What this movie does though is holds up a mirror to the reality that we’ve been living in and how we reduce people and their self-worth and value to their viral abilities and how we turn real human suffering into its own like entertainment genre on social media, and it’s really horrible, and it’s something that everybody who’s on social media is immersed in one way or another. But what the movie does is it holds up a mirror to the realities of that and how those facets of social media have real-world repercussions on people, and their lives and their feelings.

LACHLAN QUARMBY: I would say that, for me, personally, the changes that I’ve made it’s just made me more conscious and more aware of purpose and point behind posts. Like why am I actually posting this, and I’ve stopped myself a couple times being like is this for me? Is this something that I like? Or is this actually for other people? Is this to get a reaction out of other people? Is this to make people feel a certain way about me and, at those points, I stop. So I’m just trying to be posting more positive stuff. You know, sometimes it’s cheesy, sometimes it’s silly but I’d rather put —

RACHEL BOYD: Sometimes it’s a dance.

LACHLAN QUARMBY: These guys make fun of me all the time but that’s fine. I’d rather post something that’s a bit cheesy and a bit more positive than something that was coming from the wrong place in my heart, I guess. So, yeah, I’m more conscious of that.

QUESTION: Gotcha. And Hilda.

HILDA MARTIN: It just, for me, it validated the change that I made before the movie of like just not giving in to like being that person, like that perfect person on social media and kind of giving in to the dark social media side, but — Because, again, there are — After the movie, obviously, there’s people who are going to be look at our social media and like kind of giving that image of me being perfect is not going to be the message I was kind of like that people — wanted people to take away from the movie itself. So kind of just of I did make a change, and I was kind of proud of that, and just loving myself, posting whatever I love whether it’s like a picture of a flower or just me unedited, hopefully.

QUESTION: Thank so much.

HILDA MARTIN: (Inaudible @ 00:43:25).



MODERATOR: Thank you. Our next question is from Luaine Lee.

QUESTION: Yes. Part of the danger of social media is rejection by your peers, but acting is involved with total rejection all the time. So I’m wondering how do each of you cope with the rejection that happens to you when you’re trying out for roles?

RACHEL BOYD: That’s a great question. Hilda, do you want to start?

HILDA MARTIN: Sure. Well, I’m pretty new to the industry, so I was researching a lot of like veteran actors and their comments on the whole industry, and the one thing that they mentioned is never take it as — Like always take it with a grain of salt, and so whenever I do an audition I like — like with this one, I — because I did watch the documentary before like right when I was auditioning, so I did see that it was a girl of not my shade, like white, Caucasian, so I knew I wasn’t going to get it. So it’s — I go in just giving my agents what they want without knowing what I’m going to get back, so I think I already implemented that in my head and not getting it doesn’t sting as much as other people — as it would other people but, yeah, I kind of like already ingrained it, “I’m not getting it.” And when I do it’s like cherry on top.

QUESTION: Great. Rachel?

RACHEL BOYD: Yeah. I think, you know, this kind of takes me back because Lochlyn Munro is in the movie as well, and the day that he was on set he was giving all of us young eager actors with big ears like advice about the industry, and something that he said in relation to auditions specifically that really resonated with me was he goes in when he gets sides, and he says, “I want to land the character. I don’t want to land the role.” Like his first priority is land the character and, for me, that really made me feel better, because then it takes the pressure off of it, and it just becomes this thing that I do because I love it, and it’s my craft, and it makes me feel so happy, so getting sides now since speaking with Lochlyn Munro and just seeing it as how do I give this character all of the emotional empathy that I can to claim them and have that be as true and honest to me as possible, and then when I do that, and I can watch it back and feel proud of myself that it — I’m working on that being enough satisfaction for myself and not depending on all of my happiness on like what a third party will think of it, and just kind of focusing on like being proud and celebrating little wins even if they don’t result in a job.

QUESTION: Lachlan?

LACHLAN QUARMBY: Yeah, look, in high school I was rejected by a few women, so I think that actually was good practice to set me — I say a few. It was all of them in high school. So, you know, it’s just you take it, you learn from it. When I submit an audition I just forget about it straightaway. It’s just, it’s gone. You just go in, be yourself, do your best. I was quite similar to Hilda. You know, when I got this and looked up the real person I was like, “Yeah, that is not me at all, so I’m just going to do something and send it, and then just completely forget about it,” and that way you’re not waiting by the phone, you know, and because that’s really when you suffer twice when you wait and you worry and all of that sort of stuff. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. Like I’m not going to lie. Sometimes the rejection does affect you personally, and it can hurt. But it’s all about, I think surrounding yourself with the right people in your personal life, friends and family and stuff, keeping your head on your shoulders like nice and straight and everything, and you just keep going because eventually, you know, good things will happen. It’s meant to be.

RACHEL BOYD: Yeah. And, Lachlan, now look at you. You’re in a movie, you got two girlfriends, so. And they don’t want to reject you. So you’re doing —

LACHLAN QUARMBY: That was the whole —

RACHEL BOYD: It’s like quite full circle for you.

LACHLAN QUARMBY: It’s a perfect opportunity, yeah.

RACHEL BOYD: perfect. A big slap in the face to those girls. Look at him now, (laughs.)

LACHLAN QUARMBY: I’m going to link them. I’m going to send them a link to it, yeah.

QUESTION: Thank you.

MODERATOR: Thank you, everyone. That’s our time for today.

RACHEL BOYD: Thank you.

MODERATOR: Thank you to Hilda, Lachlan, and Rachel for being here today, and everyone please tune into “He’s Not Worth Dying For,” Saturday, June 25th at 8/7 Central.





Poster for "He's Not Worth Dying For" on Lifetime

Inspired by a true events, He’s Not Worth Dying For follows the intertwined real and social media lives of Isla (Rachel Boyd), a 19-year-old girl who has established herself as a beauty and fashion influencer and Grace (Hilda Martin) the expected valedictorian of her class with hopes of a veterinary career. Though both are very different, they unknowingly share one thing in common – Jake (Lachlan Quarmby) – who is dating them both without their knowledge. When Isla and Grace discover that Jake was cheating on them, the girls turn on each other in a jealous rivalry and use their arsenal of social media platforms to badmouth and attack one another. While their followers take sides and pit them against each other, their hatred for one another escalates into a real life fight that ultimately turns deadly. Robin Givens stars as Grace’s mother, Cher, while Lochlyn Munro stars as the District Attorney investigating the case.

He’s Not Worth Dying For is produced by Doomed Productions Inc for Lifetime with Tim Johnson, Orly Adelson, Stacy Mandelberg and Jon Eskenas serving as executive producers. Kevin Fair directs from a script written by Jacqueline Zambrano.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Hilda Martin and Robin Givens stars in He's Not Worth Dying For premiering Saturday, June 25 at 8p/7c

Y&R Update Friday, June 24, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Michael tracked Victor down at Society. victor hadn’t been answering his phone, so Michael had to look all over for him. Michael said he found Ashland and Victoria in a hotel in NY. Ashland had been spotted meeting with a high end real estate broker. Victor surmised that the couple was looking for office space to start a new company.

Sally walked into Adam’s office, and he admired her new look, which he called understated, yet powerful. She said that was what she was going for. There was going to be a press conference headlined by Victor, announcing Sally as CEO of Newman Media and Adam as CEO of Newman Enterprises. Sally was nervous, so Adam gave her some tips. She said that being the man of the hour was familiar territory for him. He said this time was different and better than his previous stint running Newman. She said he had her now, and he replied that she made a huge difference. She predicted that today would be a turning point for them both. They kissed. Sally gave Adam advice on the statement he’d written, and he said she was right. Victor came in, and Adam asked for a moment with his dad, so Sally left. Adam reiterated his intention to use his time at the helm, however long that was, to show Victor what he was capable of. He promised to impress Victor. Victor said they both wanted Adam to excel. Adam felt his whole life had lead him to this moment, and he planned to make the most of it. Victor shook Adam’s hand.

Ashland woke up and came into the living room and saw Victoria enjoying a leisurely morning on the couch. He asked if she wanted to go to brunch. She assumed he didn’t hear the news that there was going to be a press conference announcing her successor. He’d heard, but he wasn’t sure she wanted to watch it. She said she didn’t want to miss one minute of this presser. He was surprised because he thought she would be irritated by it. She assumed he’d expected that because of the rumor that Adam would be named CEO. She was sure her father was naming Adam CEO in an attempt to get her mad enough to run back to Genoa City to defend her turf, not because he thought Adam would do a better job running Newman than she did. She said that Victor always played his kids above each other, and she was tired of it. He was impressed she was so nonchalant. She said she and Ashland left so she could break free.

Victoria said that her and her father’s patterns had become so entrenched that she knew what he was going to do before he did it. Ashland thought there was a certain satisfaction in knowing your rival’s every move. Victoria said no one had ever gotten her the way Ashland did – it was like they were kindred spirits. He just wished he’d recognized that from the beginning, like she did. She laughed and said he was a slow learner, but he was worth it. They were going to be meeting investors today, to seek funding for their new venture. He said he’d go change for the meeting, then they could watch the press conference together, in case it was tougher on her than she thought. She called him thoughtful and smiled. He left the room. She looked back to make sure he was gone, then she called Nick.

Victoria told Nick that everything was going exactly as she hoped. He asked if she’d tell them where she was. She was surprised Victor hadn’t sussed it out yet. She said they were in NY. She sent her congratulations to Adam. Nick asked Victoria to at least call Nikki. She said she would when the time was right. He asked if she was going to watch the press conference, and she said she didn’t think she’d have time because she and Ashland were meeting with some investors to try and get their next venture bankrolled. He asked if they were Ashland’s connections, and she said they were mostly hers. He asked if she was planning to start a company to compete with Newman. She said she didn’t call him to talk business. She had to get ready for the meeting, and she promised they’d talk again soon. The call ended.

Back in Genoa City, the press conference started. Victor said Newman Media expanded enormously in the past year – they merged with Locke Communications Group and they acquired Chancellor Communications and Newman Media. He said all this was done under the very capable leadership of his daughter, Victoria. He said Victoria stepped down for personal reasons, so he was appointing his son, Adam. Victor said Adam was intimately acquainted with this company and only someone who’d gathered the knowledge he did from Wall Street and someone who graduated from Harvard Business School was able to step in and steer this enormous ship. He said Adam was bold, innovative and right for the job.

In NY, Ashland told Victoria that he thought Victor’s last comment was aimed at her. She was sure of it. She noticed that Victor didn’t mention Ashland’s name once.

The press conference continued. Adam gave credit to his sister for pulling together the resources so Newman would thrive during these challenging times. He said he was going to integrate the assets so maximize profit and potential while at the same time keeping the values and philosophy of the founder – Victor Newman, who was at the heart of the company’s success. “My sister went on a shopping spree, but I’m the only one who knows what to do with all the stuff,” Ashland said, mocking Adam. Ashland said Adam was still sucking up to Victor even after he’d gotten the job. He asked if Victoria hadn’t had enough of watching this. She wasn’t ready to stop just yet.

Adam said he was leaving Newman Media in the hands of Sally Spectra. Victoria said she’d seen enough. She felt her father deserved everything that Sally and Adam were going to put him through. She was ready to get to their meeting.

When Ashland and Victoria got back from their meeting, they were in a good mood because it went well. Ashland loved the way he and Victoria had played off each other’s ideas. He couldn’t wait to run a company together again. He felt like that was what they were born to do, and he was sure her investor friends saw it. She said that it didn’t matter if the investors didn’t come through, since she and Ashland had enough money to fund the venture themselves. She wondered if that was what they should do, because it would give them total control. He said that meant they’d be taking all the risk. She knew, but the idea of the two of them going it alone and taking on the world together appealed to her. They smiled at each other.

Adam talked up Sally’s business skills to the press. Nick came in and whispered in Victor’s ear that he heard from Victoria. Victor left in the middle of the press conference to talk to Nick in the hallway. Adam took it in stride and took the reporter’s next question.

Victor asked if Victoria was upset about Adam’s promotion. Nick said Victoria said she and Ashland were fine, and in NY. Nick suspected Victor already knew Victoria was in NY. Victor wanted to hear what else Victoria said. Nick said Victoria and Ashland were looking for capital for a new business venture. Victor thought it was interesting that Nick was sharing this, since Nick and Victoria always kept each other’s secrets. Nick said he was doing the best he could in a difficult situation. He wanted Victoria to feel like she could tell him things without him using it against her. He’d been accused of that before, and it created a rift in their relationship. However, he also didn’t want Victoria getting more enmeshed with that creep. Victor didn’t want that either.

Later, Victor relayed the information he’d learned to Michael. Victor told Michael to discreetly approach the investors that Victoria and Ashland met with and convince them not to invest in Ashland’s new venture.

Summer went to the hotel to get Phyllis. Phyllis was supposed to be meeting Diane today to extend an olive branch. Phyllis was hesitant to go. Summer said she’d already arranged things with Diane. She hoped Phyllis wasn’t backing out at the last minute. “You’ve got to know how important this is to me. To my whole family,” Summer said. Phyllis said she was ready to go, but she stayed in her seat until Summer gently pulled her up by the arm.

At the park, Diane greeted Phyllis and Summer warmly. She asked about the purpose of the meeting. Summer said Phyllis had a chance to do some thinking while she was on vacation. Phyllis said she centered herself and gained perspective. Diane said the same process took her years. Phyllis called herself a fast learner and she said Diane had a lot to work through. Diane said Phyllis seemed like the type of person who had a lot of issues. Phyllis said she didn’t. Phyllis stated that she realized she didn’t want anger or resentment to rot her from the inside, the way it did to Diane. Phyllis said that she wanted to put the past behind them, starting today. Diane asked if Phyllis was saying this was a fresh start. Phyllis said she’d never forget what Diane did to her. Summer encouraged Phyllis to say she’d forgive. Diane noted that so many people had forgiven Phyllis over the years. Phyllis said she wasn’t going to dwell on the things Diane did to her. Phyllis suggested they consider this a truce. Diane said thanks and that Phyllis made her day.

Diane knew that couldn’t have been easy for Phyllis. Summer stated that when Diane showed up with no warning, it brought up a lot of painful memories for everyone. Diane knew, because everywhere she turned, people reminded her of the damage she’d done. Diane didn’t complain because she knew she deserved the rage. Phyllis agreed that Diane had it coming. Diane said that was why she was so impressed Phyllis found a way to let it go – that must be freeing. Phyllis said it must be freeing to get to cross someone off the long list of people who didn’t want her in town. Diane said it was meaningful to her, since they were part of the same extended family, and it was best if they got along. Phyllis said no one had a reason to give Diane a second chance, but Phyllis was going to do it. Phyllis thought it was unfortunate for Diane that she would face a lot of hostility from people in Genoa City. Phyllis said she wouldn’t be part of that though, because she wouldn’t make her daughter uncomfortable or make her choose sides. Diane knew Phyllis wasn’t doing this for her, but she appreciated the effort. Diane said she was pleasantly surprised Phyllis reached this level of serenity and maturity. She hoped Phyllis didn’t take that the wrong way. Phyllis said she didn’t, and she told Summer that they should go.

Phyllis was on edge in the hotel lounge. Summer invited Phyllis to lunch with her and Kyle. Phyllis said she had a lot of work to do. Summer was proud of Phyllis for calling a truce. Summer thought it would be good for Phyllis too, because it was unhealthy to center your life around hating someone. Phyllis agreed that she’d wasted a lot of her energy on this. Phyllis knew the negativity wasn’t good for Summer either. Phyllis said things were going well for Summer – she was married to Kyle, and she had this sweet little boy in her life, and she and Kyle were going to revitalize Marchetti. Phyllis said there was nothing she wouldn’t do for Summer, including making nice with that heifer. Phyllis corrected herself and called Diane Summer’s mother in law. Summer said she loved Phyllis, and they hugged

Jack and Kyle were at home discussing business. Jack was going to take over almost all of the CEO duties for Jabot immediately, because he knew Kyle and Summer would have their hands full wrapping up the acquisition, moving the company to the US etc. Jack got an alert for the Newman press conference which would officially announce Adam was the CEO. Talk shifted back to Kyle’s new role. Jack said he couldn’t be more proud. Kyle looked forward to the challenge and working with Summer again. He felt like everything was coming together. Jack asked if Diane was included in that.

Kyle said he and his mom were cool. She had been working to prove herself, and she hadn’t done anything wrong, as far as he knew. Kyle gave Diane the benefit of the doubt, but that didn’t mean he was ready to wipe the slate clean. Jack said good. He assured Kyle that there was no deadline. Kyle said he and Diane were taking things slow. Jack thought that was a good idea because deciding how much of a role Diane would have in his life was a big decision with lifelong implications. Part of Kyle wanted to wanted to let Diane all the way in and cling to her until the wounds healed, but then he thought back to when she was murdered. He used to scream into his pillow at night, because he felt he had to be brave for everyone. He said that kind of grief was exhausting at that age and the most traumatic thing he’d ever been through, then he found out it was a lie orchestrated by his own mother. Kyle thought Diane was saying all the right things, and she was good with Harrison.

Kyle badly wanted to trust Diane, but he was wary because things happened and he wondered if they were warning signs, for example, whatever happened with Jack and Phyllis. Kyle didn’t need details, but he said that Jack had admitted that whatever happened tied back to Diane. Jack promised he’d let Kyle know if Diane was up to her old tricks. Jack told Kyle not to let the thing with Jack and Phyllis affect his evaluation of his mother. Jack and Kyle watched the press conference, and they were mind-blown that Sally was heading up an entire division. Jack thought it was more mind-blowing that Victor allowed it. Jack wanted the best for Sally, and he was glad that keeping her in line was Adam’s job, not the Abbott’s.

Diane showed up to thank Kyle and Jack for the role she assumed they played in facilitating her meeting with Phyllis. Jack had no idea what Diane was talking about. Kyle said he knew it was happening, but he couldn’t take credit because that was all Summer and Phyllis’s work. Diane told Jack about the truce. She said if Summer was responsible, she owed her daughter in law a big thank you. Kyle said his wife was special. Summer texted Kyle and asked to meet at the hotel, so he left.

Jack congratulated Diane. He said the tiny little club of people she’d won over had a new member. She knew better than to think she’d won over Phyllis. Diane said not actively at war wasn’t the same thing as acceptance. She didn’t want to say this in front of Kyle, but Phyllis was so unpredictable that there was no telling how long this truce would hold. Jack asked if Diane didn’t think Phyllis was sincere. Diane thought that all depended on how you defined sincerity. Diane did think Phyllis made a sincere effort to rein in her hostility around Summer. Diane didn’t care what Phyllis’s motive was as long as she followed through. He asked if Phyllis explained why she had a change of heart. Diane said Phyllis said she did it for the kids’ sake, and Diane was sure there was some truth to that. Diane thought Phyllis also did it to impress Jack. She said Phyllis didn’t mention him by name, of course, because she wouldn’t want her daughter to find out how she used Jack to get back at Diane. Diane knew Jack didn’t want to talk about that, so she said she wouldn’t say more about it. She just wanted to suggest that Phyllis was doing the opposite – using Diane to try and make amends with Jack.

Jack had no idea what Phyllis was thinking when it came to Diane. He thought that Phyllis would have a better chance at keeping her word if Diane didn’t provoke her. Jack said Diane seemed to relish antagonizing Phyllis. Diane said she had no plans to kick the hornet’s nest. She was just glad Phyllis volunteered to back off, which reduced the number of people who were out for her blood. Phyllis texted Jack asking to talk. .

Kyle met Summer at the hotel bar. They were going to celebrate the truce. She crowed about pulling this off after he told her to stay out of their parents’ business. He said she made one hell of a diplomat. He shifted gears and revealed that he was thinking about hiring Diane at Marchetti. He asked how Summer felt about it. She was worried. She asked if he was sure he was ready for Diane to build a permanent life this close to him. He said he couldn’t erase what Diane put him through, and he wans’t sure the scars would ever fade, but he couldn’t send her away without trying, because if he did, he’d second guess his choice for the rest of his life. Summer said they’d do their best and see what happened.

Back at Newman, Sally read Adam some of the comments on social media about the press conference. It was very positive, for the most part. He gave her a gift, and she had one for him too. She got him his favorite scotch. It was her favorite now too. She brought up the day he introduced her to it. She said who would’ve guessed they’d end up on top of the world. Things started heating up, so they closed the office door.

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Days Update Friday, June 24, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Maggie enters the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion and comments on Victor being depressed. Victor tells her not to even try to cheer him up. Maggie responds that she won’t even try when he’s in this kind of mood. Maggie encourages that there’s nothing he can do about it but it’s not the end of the world. Maggie acknowledges that the situation is complicated and upsetting but they are talking about a baby, a new life. Victor complains about Jan trying to electrocute him in his own bathtub and now his grandson is going to have her hanging around his neck for the rest of his life. Victor then asks for another drink.

Shawn runs in to Belle at the hospital. Belle asks if he was leaving. Shawn says not now that she’s here. Shawn is glad she came and asks if they can go get coffee or something. Belle clarifies that she didn’t come to see him.

Clyde walks through the park with the bag of stolen jewelry. EJ approaches and says it looks like he’s been caught red-handed as he asks what Clyde is up to. Clyde thinks back to making his deal with Leo. Clyde then tells EJ that he’s just hanging out. EJ asks him what’s in the bag. Clyde says it’s nothing he needs to worry about. EJ says he shouldn’t mind if he takes a look then.

Chloe questions what kind of savage would brutally murder the mother of two young children. Brady says it would be someone who has no earth, the scum of the earth, and the lowest of the low. Leo then walks up. Leo questions who he’s calling the lowest of the low. Chloe says they weren’t talking about him. Brady says that’s unless he was the SOB who killed Abigail.

Sami arrives at Lucas’s hotel room on crutches, surprising Lucas, who says he wasn’t expecting her. Sami says she can tell and questions what the hell happened to his room.

Maggie tells Victor that he has every right to be upset but not to feel sorry for himself as that’s not who he is. Victor hates that there’s nothing he can do about it. Maggie encourages that he can stand by Shawn and let him know that he’s by his side when he’s trying to put his life back together. Maggie points out that Jan will be going back to prison again and then maybe Shawn and Belle can work it out. Victor says no. Maggie argues that Belle and Shawn at least still have a chance as they still have their lives ahead of them. Victor apologizes and acknowledges how much she loved Abigail. Maggie starts to cry and declares that whoever did that to Abigail has to pay.

Leo mentions that he heard about Abigail and asks what happened. Brady informs him that she was stabbed. Leo thinks back to taking the knife from his breakfast and putting it in his bag. Leo questions why anyone would want to hurt Abigail. Brady responds that the police think it might have been a robbery. Leo thinks back to stealing the jewelry from Abigail’s box. Leo calls it a tragedy and says he can’t imagine how hard this has been on her family. Brady tells Leo to cut the crap since he went to a lot of trouble to inflict pain upon Chad and Abigail, so maybe he felt that they didn’t pay enough. Leo asks what the hell he’s accusing him of.

Lucas sits Sami down on the bed and thought her flight was delayed. Lucas wanted to pick her up from the airport. Sami understands he has a lot going on and he’s still grieving Abigail. Sami asks how Jennifer is doing. Lucas responds that she’s barely hanging on, like they all are. Sami says that’s why she took a cab and left her luggage downstairs. Lucas wants to go get it for her but Sami says he’s not going anywhere until she answers her question about what went on in the room as it looks like a tornado went through.

Belle informs Shawn that she’s at the hospital to see Marlena as Chad is at the house, telling the kids about Abigail now. Belle thought Marlena could recommend a children’s counselor if Chad though they needed one. Belle starts to go but Shawn asks her to wait.

Maggie tells Victor that she knows to be there for Chad, Jack, and Jennifer to listen and talk about Abigail when they are ready, but it won’t be for a while. Maggie relates that Victor can be there the same way for Shawn and Belle when they are ready, but not now. Victor feels worthless. Maggie says they can try to treasure the time they have together. Bonnie and Nancy then arrive, upsetting Victor. Bonnie brings Nancy in to look at Maggie’s figurines on the mantle. Bonnie says they were just going to play some cards, so she came to get the deck and says they can play in the conservatory. Bonnie says they will leave them to it, unless they want to play. Victor says they are good but Maggie decides she would love to, surprising Victor.

Clyde questions why EJ would care what’s in his bag when it’s none of his business. EJ thinks Clyde might have an illegal weapon in there. Clyde reminds him that would violate his parole. EJ mocks Clyde behind rehabilitated and argues that he just reacted now like a lowlife scum with something to hide. EJ asks if Clyde’s lunch is in the bag or maybe he’s knitting. Clyde reminds him that it’s none of his business. EJ feels it’s very much his business. EJ thinks Clyde acquired a weapon to finish him off. Clyde argues that it’s not always about him. EJ points out that Clyde did try and have him killed once before. Clyde tells him to let things go. EJ recommends Clyde drop the act since before he got out of prison, he threatened to hurt his family and his family was hurt. EJ says he’s not part of the legal system, so if he thinks Clyde stabbed his sister in law. EJ warns that his last name is DiMera and they are an eye for an eye kind of family.

Brady tells Leo that he’s accusing him of being a cold, heartless, cowardly creep that has zero compassion for anyone but himself. Brady argues that Leo hated Chad and Abigail so he tells him not to pretend that he’s grieving. Leo complains about getting blamed again for things that aren’t his fault. Chloe asks what he’s talking about. Leo responds that he doesn’t want to speak ill of the dead, but says Chad and Abigail started it because when they destroyed what he had with Craig, they made an enemy for life.

Sami asks Lucas if he was robbed. Lucas says it wasn’t anything like that. Sami wants to know what it was then. Lucas informs her that he did this because he was looking for something. Sami asks what he was looking for. Lucas thinks back to Brady telling him that the cops think Abigail’s murder could have been a robbery gone wrong. Lucas admits to Sami that he was looking for some jewelry which Sami questions.

Shawn tells Belle that he wants to thank her for being there when Jan was in labor. Belle says she knew the baby might not make it and she knew how hard that would’ve been on Shawn because she knows better than anyone what being a father means to him. Shawn points out that she waited with him and he knows how hard that was for her, so he thanks her. Belle says there’s no need to thank her. Shawn says when he thought the baby wasn’t going to make it, Belle was there and held him so he thought there was hope for the two of them. Shawn hopes that Belle felt the same way.

Maggie and Victor play cards with Bonnie and Nancy. Bonnie asks if they are sure they are up for this with a lot of their minds. Maggie admits they might have too much. Nancy says she was sorry to hear about Abigail. Maggie calls Abigail a wonderful woman, who helped her bring Sarah back. Maggie feels for Jack and Jennifer as she knows how hard it is to lose a child. Nancy adds to Victor that she was so sorry to hear about Philip. Victor quickly responds that he’s not dead. Bonnie questions if they’ve heard from him. Maggie clarifies that they just haven’t given up hope. Nancy says that’s good as she knows Chloe still misses Philip terribly. Victor remarks that Chloe can grieve in Brady’s bed.

Brady questions Leo saying Chad and Abigail started it and asks if this is third grade. Leo argues that he found the love of his life but Chad and Abigail set out to destroy his one chance at happiness. Chloe blames Leo for destroying it by trying to con her father in to marrying him when he already had a husband. Leo argues that getting married was Craig’s idea, so it would’ve crushed him if he turned him down. Brady mocks that everything is everyone else’s fault and Leo is never to blame. Chloe brings up Leo drugging Sonny and then publishing pictures of them in bed. Leo claims it was consensual and that Sonny was lying. Brady doesn’t get why Leo spent all this time and energy in to getting back at Chad and Abigail and Sonny and Will, but not him when he’s the one who blew up his sham of a wedding and was very proud to do it.

Belle admits to Shawn that she did feel it too, but then the baby was born and he went straight to Jan. Shawn claims that’s because he knew EJ was there to hold Belle’s hand. Belle tells him not to make this about EJ. Shawn argues that he went to Jan because she just gave birth and was scared, so he couldn’t leave her there wondering if the baby was alive or dead, but then he came back and Belle was gone, so he assumed she left with EJ and went back to his place. Belle thinks back to kissing EJ at the DiMera Mansion. Belle confirms that they did go back to his place and then they heard Chad screaming and saw Abigail lying there. Shawn says he’s sorry as he knows what she’s been through. Belle responds that it’s nothing compared to what Chad is going through. Belle questions who would do something like that. Shawn swears they are going to find out as he asked Rafe to put him on the case so they can find out what happened that night.

Clyde tells EJ that he doesn’t know what the hell he thinks he’s talking about and tells him not to try to pin Abigail’s murder on him. EJ questions taking Clyde’s word and says only a low life scum would stab a defenseless woman and he fits the bill. EJ warns that whoever did it is not going to get away with it.

Lucas doesn’t want to tell Sami what kind of jewelry he was looking for. Sami questions what’s going on. Lucas says nothing but Sami says there obviously is something since he’s a wreck and she knows it’s not just because of Abigail. Lucas says he can’t say which Sami questions. Sami argues that she’s told him about her disaster of a marriage to EJ which helped her move on with her life. Sami tells Lucas that she loves him no matter what, so she asks him to just tell her. Lucas then sits down and informs Sami that he has something to confess.

Belle questions Shawn going to work. Shawn says of course he is. Belle argues that with Jan going back to prison, so even with help, Shawn’s going to have his hands full with the baby. Shawn reveals that Jan is not going back to prison right now which shocks Belle. Belle argues that Jan already played her high risk pregnancy get out of jail free card and she’s not pregnant anymore while still a dangerous, violent psychopath. Shawn explains that the warden extended Jan’s release so she could be with the baby a little bit longer because he’s premature and needs Jan’s breast milk. Belle questions how the warden knew that. Shawn informs her that Kayla spoke to him and explained the situation. Belle decides that she and Kayla will have to have a chat but Shawn reveals that she did it because he asked her to. Belle says she shouldn’t be surprised since Jan always has an angle to work and always knows how to get Shawn to work it for her. Shawn insists that it’s for the baby and only temporary until the baby gets a little more weight. Belle complains that it will always continue. Shawn says they are talking about his son. Belle argues that Jan will use his son for the rest of his life. Shawn insists that he’s just trying to do what is best for him. Belle says she tries to not let her feelings about Jan spill over onto his son. Shawn knows it’s not easy. Belle asks if they decided on a name yet. Shawn informs her that they named the baby Shawn.

Nancy argues that Chloe being with Brady now doesn’t mean that she doesn’t care for Philip. Maggie says that Victor is just doing his best to make everyone uncomfortable. Victor remarks that Chloe always eventually drives men to drugs, distractions, or out the door. Bonnie tells Nancy to just ignore him because he’s trying to bait her. Nancy complains that Victor is insulting her daughter. Nancy declares that Brady and Philip haven’t lived a blameless life. Maggie warns Victor that he’s going to be sleeping in the guest room. Victor mocks this being Bonnie’s pleasant idea to spend an afternoon.

Clyde assures EJ that he did not kill Abigail and if he wanted to send him a message, he would’ve gotten it and known it was from him.

Sami tells Lucas to just tell her. Lucas then claims that he was looking for a ring and he didn’t want to tell her like this after everything that’s happened, but he was going to ask her to marry him.

Clyde questions why EJ is so paranoid and asks why he’d want to hurt anyone in his family when EJ gave him his word that he’d keep his mouth shut about their arrangement and as far as he knows, he has, unless he has told someone. EJ thinks back to telling Belle about it. EJ claims to Clyde that he hasn’t told anyone. Clyde responds that he has absolutely nothing to worry about then. Clyde says he has a date and walks off.

Victor jokes that they are having so much fun as Nancy remarks that she’s had more fun doing laundry. Nancy apologizes to Bonnie and Maggie for leaving them alone with Victor, but says she has a date. Bonnie tells Nancy to say hi to Clyde for her. Victor questions if she’s talking about Clyde Weston. Victor remarks that he knows she’s desperate, but that’s the bottom of the barrel. Maggie tells Victor that’s enough. Victor argues that Clyde had Sonny stabbed in the back and even Nancy deserves better than that. Nancy doesn’t think Victor has the right to pass judgment on anyone with his history. Victor claims he was trying to help her out as he’s worried about her and understands it’s very difficult to start a relationship with a sociopathic criminal. Nancy asks how Maggie puts up with that as Maggie walks Nancy to the door. Victor jokes that he always thought Craig was the bottom of the barrel and Nancy sure can pick them. Bonnie remarks that not everyone can be as lucky as Maggie which Victor agrees with.

Shawn explains to Belle that the baby’s name was Jan’s idea. Belle says of course he went along with it and says she has to go talk to Marlena. Belle hopes Shawn, Jan, and little Shawn are very happy as she walks away.

Brady reminds Leo that he’s the one who recruited Will and Sonny, brought them to town, and had them tell Craig about Leo’s past. Brady says Craig would’ve never known about Leo’s other husband if not for him. Brady suggests Leo leave everyone else alone and focus on him. Chloe agrees and suggests Leo think of something new this time because the scandalous photoshopped sex selfies are getting old. Brady suggests doing it the old fashioned way in a bare knuckle fistfight. Leo argues that it wouldn’t be fair since Brady is bigger and stronger than him. Leo claims that he’s no longer interested in revenge and has given it up because it weighs on him that the photos of Chad in drag and the memoir he wrote upset Abigail and now she’s gone, so he can’t tell her that he’s sorry. Leo declares that he can’t change the past, so all he can do is look forward. Leo claims that he’s trying to move on with his life, so he’d appreciate it if they let him as he then walks away. Brady tells Chloe that he didn’t believe one word of that.

Lucas tells Sami that before she came back, he asked Roman for his blessing and he got a ring to give to her to surprise her, but he doesn’t know what he did with it and thinks he lost it. Sami questions him tearing the room apart. Lucas says he panicked. Sami tells him that he shouldn’t be doing this right now while he’s still dealing with everything that happened with Abigail and she can see he hasn’t been sleeping. Lucas says he just feels bad about everything that’s happened and he made a mess of everything. Sami says a ring doesn’t matter as she knows what’s in his heart. Lucas wants her to be his wife. Sami infoms him that she knows he doesn’t want to hear this, but right now her answer is no, she can’t marry him. Lucas questions why not when she just said she loves him and she knows how much he loves her. Sami reminds him that she’s still married to EJ because he tore up the divorce papers. Lucas calls him a bastard. Sami says she sent them and resent them but he never signed them and she doesn’t know why. Sami remarks that EJ has to know that she’d never stay married to a man who lied about kidnapping her. Sami tells Lucas to keep looking for the ring while she goes to talk to EJ in person. Sami thinks she’ll be able to confront EJ face to face without him able to weasel out of it. Lucas is not crazy about Sami being alone with EJ so he suggests letting the lawyers handle it. Sami says she tried that and it didn’t work, so she has to go with the direct approach. Sami tells Lucas not to worry about her as she kisses him and exits the room.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ finishes a call with Chad, telling him that he loves him and the kids and to call if there’s anything he can do. EJ hangs up and tells Belle that Chad sounded awful. Belle says that Marlena canceled all her appointments, so she’s going home to spend time with Chad and the kids. EJ asks Belle what she’s not telling him and guesses it’s about Shawn. Belle confirms that she ran in to Shawn at the hospital and found out that Jan is not going back to prison. Belle knew Jan would find a way to keep her hooks in to Shawn and says that’s where they’re going to stay for the rest of his life.

Bonnie and Victor continue playing cards. Victor comments on Maggie not talking to him. Victor tells Bonnie that he’s sorry if he offended her friend. Bonnie says Nancy is friend and she doesn’t think one can date Clyde Weston and not expect a little blow back. Victor admits he’s in a bad mood. Bonnie asks who can blame him since he has a new baby in the family and everybody should be over the moon, but instead it’s that his grandson will have to deal with Jan Spears for the rest of his life. Bonnie complains that Jan Spears has had way too many sequels and compares it to Alien. Bonnie says she’s just running her mouth but Victor agrees with her and states that Bonnie has unexpected depth.

Outside the Pub, Nancy complains to Brady and Chloe about Leo. Nancy brings up that Leo told her to tell them that they are on his list. Brady questions what list. Nancy explains that he wasn’t specific but it sounded like an enemies list. Brady says he’s sure as hell on that.

Leo sits in the park with his enemies list which has check marks next to Chad, Abigail, and Sonny with Brady and Chloe the two names left. Leo then crosses out Abigail’s name.

Clyde joins Nancy outside the Pub and says she looks beautiful as always and asks if she’s ready. Nancy confirms she is. Clyde tells Brady and Chloe that it’s nice to see them again as he and Nancy head in to the Pub. Chloe complains about having to be civil to Clyde when he creeps her out and Belle told her to keep Nancy away from him because he’s definitely bad news..

Clyde hides his bag of stolen jewelry behind the bar in the Pub. Clyde then goes to his table with Nancy and presents her with a silver bracelet from the bag. Nancy calls it lovely.

Shawn runs in to Brady and Chloe outside the Pub. Chloe tells Shawn that she’s sorry to hear he and Belle are legally separated now. Shawn says it wasn’t his idea and he hoped they would be able to work things out when the baby was born. Brady notes that it doesn’t seem like he thinks that anymore. Shawn is afraid the whole situation is just pushing them further apart.

Belle explains to EJ that Shawn arranged for the warden to let Jan stay in the hospital with the baby, Shawn Brady Jr. EJ is surprised that they named the baby Shawn. Belle says it was bad enough that her worst enemy has her husband’s only son, but now the baby is his namesake. EJ tells her that he’s so sorry and asks what he can do. Belle suggests they can finish what they started the other night and go upstaris right now.

Lucas looks at his ring while thinking back to Sami saying there’s no way she’d stay married to a man who lied about kidnapping her.

EJ asks Belle if she’s sure this is what she wants. Belle and EJ then start kissing.

Sami arrives outside the DiMera Mansion and prepares to ring the doorbell.


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GH Short Recap Friday, June 24, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Cody decides that he will stay in Port Charles after Dante tells him more about Britt.

Brook Lynn tells Linc that she will work with him if he drops all charges against Chase, but Linc turns down the deal because he wants Chase to lose his job. Jordan tells Chase that she persuaded Linc not to press charges against him, but Linc still wants him to be fired.

Carly tells Olivia that she sold her half of the Metro Court to the Stillwater Investment Group in order to buy Aurora Media stock. Carly explains that she has thirty days to buy back her half of the hotel which she will do once the ELQ Aurora Media merger is complete. The stockholders meeting takes place at the Quartermaine Mansion. Drew votes to remove Valentin as CEO of ELQ, as well as, voting to remove Valentin on behalf of several board members who could not attend the meeting. Michael votes to remove Valentin as CEO of the company. Ned and Valentin vote to keep him as CEO of the company. Lucy has to use her tie-breaking one share to keep Valentin as CEO and Valentin immediately votes down the merger between Aurora Media and ELQ.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, June 24, 2022

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Recap written by Eva

Victor has a big press conference to announce Adam as the new CEO of Newman Enterprises and Sally as the CEO of Newman Media.

Victoria calls Nick to tell him she is in New York to meet with some investors about a new venture. Nick runs to tell Victor the news confirming for him what Michael had already told him. Victor asks Michael to find out who the possible investors in Victoria’s new company are and persuade them not to invest in the company.
Victoria tells Ashland she thinks that they should use their own money to fund their new company.

Phyllis tells Diane she has decided to call a truce with her for Summer’s sake.

Phyllis sends Jack a text message telling him she is back in town and wants to talk to him.

Kyle tells Summer that he doesn’t trust Diane yet but he wants her to stay in Genoa City so he can slowly get to know her again and see if she can be trusted.

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Y&R Transcript Monday, June 20, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Billy: I know, I’m sorry, I’m a little bit late. Mwah. Just having a hard time getting motivated this morning.

Jill: Well, now, why would that be? The launch party was a tremendous success. I’ve been getting congratulatory messages all morning.

Billy: Yeah, Mother, don’t take this the wrong way, but there’s more to life than work.

Jill: Yeah, Billy, I understand that. But would you please tell me why you’re so disgruntled?

Billy: Can I at least just get a coffee, please, first?

Jill: Could you multi-task?

Billy: Fine, I got some disturbing news from Victoria right before the launch. And I promised Lily that I was not gonna let it affect the big night, and I didn’t, but I’m having a hard time letting it go.

Jill: Okay, so what happened?

Billy: Victoria came to me and informed me that she is — she’s starting over with Ashland. She’s leaving town. She’s leaving her job. She’s leaving her family. She’s leaving it all behind.

Jill: Why would they want to start over?

Billy: Do you not know?

Jill: Well, evidently not.

Billy: Wow. Okay, so no one told you. Uh…well, with everything else that Ashland has done, he was lying about having cancer.

Jill: What?

Billy: Yes. And he did it to deceive Victoria into marrying him so that then he could go and steal newman/locke after the merger. The guy was playing the long game.

Jill: Oh, my god, that’s — that’s just —

Billy: Deceitful, disgusting. It’s all those things, but it’s Ashland lLcke, so what else is new?

Jill: Okay, so who figured out what he was up to and blew the whistle?

Billy: Well, that is a very long and complicated story, one that I will share with you another time. But it’s suffice to say that the Newmans are doing everything they could to get rid of the guy, but it backfired and Victoria accepted all his sad tears and forgave him, and now she’s expecting me to let her take the kids to live with them, wherever they’re going. And because she’s not telling me, she’s being secretive, so Victor doesn’t interfere. And so I’m sorry if I’m a little, you know, out of sorts.

Jill: No, that’s okay. Ashland is a vile human being. I expected a little bit better of Victoria, but, honey, I mean, if — it’s her life. If she’s willing to throw it away on a man who’s not worthy of her, I — c’est la vie.

Billy: “C’est la vie”? How do you say that? You don’t expect me to sit here and just let it happen.

Jill: Oh, you just stop it. I know what you’re about to say. This is no longer your battle to fight.

Billy: Oh, god, you sound exactly like Lily.

Jill: Well, I take that as a compliment.

Billy: How do you not expect me to be concerned about this? This directly affects the wellbeing of my kids.

Jill: Well, you used them as an excuse the last time, when you were involved with that Jesse Gaines debacle and you were trying to stop Victoria’s wedding. Lily was right to call you out. There’s no way on earth that Victoria would put her children in danger. Look at me. You’ve got to let this go, Billy, and also, if you mess this up with Lily, I will never forgive you.

Devon: Good morning.

Lily: Good morning. Hello.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: How’s it going? I don’t know about you, but I’m still on a high from last night.

Nate: Mm, Chancellor-Winters’ first official business day is now underway.

Lily: I know, look at us. The three of us, working down the hall from each other in our newly merged company. Oh, speaking of which, do you like your offices? ‘Cause I oversaw the design, so I hope it’s all to your liking.

Devon: Um…I hate to put a damper on your day, but there actually is a problem.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: Summer, hi.

Summer: Amanda, hi. How are you?

Amanda: I — I kind of feel like I should be asking you that question. Are you okay?

Summer: Oh, you know, Mom. What can I say?

Amanda: Oh. Any word on when she might be home?

Summer: Nothing solid, but these text messages of hers are a master class in evasion. I tried to call her, but she won’t pick up, and I want to keep her on the loop on certain decisions that Kyle and I are making, but not like this. And when I ask her what her plans are —

Amanda: She sends you shrug emojis and cheerful greetings.

Summer: So you’ve been getting them, too.

Amanda: Mm-hmm.

Summer: She is pulling the same stuff with Daniel — being vague about how long she’ll be visiting, and when he tries to get her to open up, she gets all moody. It’s gotten to the point where he and his daughter Lucy are walking on eggshells around her. And it’s — it’s so weird. I mean, she loves that kid.

Amanda: Do you think that we should be worried?

Summer: I sure am.

Michael: I can’t get over it — you and I, together in the same room.

Lauren: [ Chuckles ]

Michael: No, no, no, just it’s such a rare occurrence. I mean, here I am working very reasonable hours, courtesy of — wait for it — Victor, while your career is busier than ever. Oh, the irony.

Lauren: You know, you at least know where I am. I’m not in some Peruvian jail somewhere, okay?

Nikki: Oh, hello, you two.

Michael: Nikki, you look lovely.

Lauren: How are you?

Nikki: I’ve been better.

Lauren: Yeah, I heard that Victoria left with Ashland. You and Victor must be devastated.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Yes, it’s been very difficult. I woke up this morning determined to not think about her departure. In fact, I’m so glad I ran into you, Michael.

Michael: Of course you are. But why?

Nikki: I intend to direct all of my rage and frustration into a worthy target — Diane Jenkins. And you’re just the person to help me do it.

Billy: Look, you’re right, okay? I know that I’ve got to let it go, just like I promised Lily.

Jill: You thought I’d be a more sympathetic ear, didn’t you?

Billy: Yeah, I did.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Billy: I thought you would be a little bit more supportive because, you know, you’re my mother, you’re supposed to be.

Jill: Not mindlessly supportive, Billy.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Jill: Look, with all the exciting things you have to focus on now, I can see that something is bothering you. How are you feeling about all the changes at the company?

Billy: How are you feeling?

Jill: Well, I thought I’d made myself very clear in my speech at the launch event.

Billy: Yeah, no, it was a great speech. It was heartfelt, it was touching, it was perfect.

Jill: Well, thank you, I think.

Billy: But it is the end of an era. I mean, you ran Chancellor by yourself for a very long time.

Jill: Yeah, I did. And Lily’s doing a bang-up job of bringing the company into a brand-new era.

Billy: She is. She’s doing great. I couldn’t be more proud of her.

Jill: Yeah, and it’s very brilliant the way she’s expanding both Katherine and Neil’s visions.

Billy: Yes, but, like you said, it is a major upheaval, so it’s got to be a little disconcerting for you.

Jill: The way it is for you, honey?

Lily: Wait, what’s — what’s wrong? Is there an issue with your office?

Devon: Yeah, the size is an issue. I’m gonna have to get used to it.

Lily: The si– wait, our offices are the same size. I mean, down to the millimeter. I made sure of it. But I can switch with you if you want.

Devon: Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. We should switch.

Lily: Okay. That’s fine.

Devon: I can’t believe you can’t tell when I’m messing with you. I’m joking completely. The office is fine. It’s perfect. Did an amazing job, as usual.

Lily: Oh, my god. Wow. Very funny.

Devon: I just need to hang some pictures and make it personal, I’ll be good to go.

Lily: Okay, never tell a joke again. Um, Nate, do you like your office?

Nate: Okay, are you kidding me? It’s spectacular.

Devon: Yeah, compared to that little hole in the wall they had you in at Memorial.

Nate: There is no comparison. Sweeping views of the city, beautiful new furniture. There’s even room for a putting machine.

Lily: A putting machine? You don’t golf.

Nate: I know, I’m just saying. Add in my very own espresso maker and some fancy snacks — I’m in heaven. Truly, this is a whole new world for me.

Lily: Well, good. Get used to it, celebrity COO, ’cause I got to tell you, the press loved you.

Imani: I’ll say. Everyone’s buzzing about the sexy, sophisticated addition to the executive suite.

Lily: Sexy? I didn’t see sexy. You saw sexy?

Imani: [ Chuckles ] You must be focusing on the stuffy business press your PR team sends over. If you do a deep dive into the gossip sites that covered our party, the “s” word definitely comes up.

Summer: I’m pretty sure that something went down between her and Jack.

Amanda: And you don’t know for certain?

Summer: It seemed like things were going well for them on the romantic front, but then Kyle and I walked in on this tense moment between the two of them. It was obvious that they’d been arguing.

Amanda: Did you ask Phyllis about this?

Summer: Yeah, she kept on insisting that it was a disagreement, “no big deal.”

Amanda: I’m guessing that you don’t buy that.

Summer: No way. How much do you know about what happened?

Amanda: Well, she did mention her disagreement with Jack.

Summer: Did it involve Diane? My mom hates her with a passion. Those two have so much history, and all of it is bad.

Amanda: Yeah, I gathered that from our conversation.

Summer: She even asked me to convince Kyle to reject her, which I wasn’t about to do. I mean, Kyle’s relationship with Diane is his own decision.

Amanda: I can’t help wondering if all of this has something to do with her sudden trip out of town. She was so excited to plan the launch party, and then, poof, she disappears. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Abby, she did an excellent job. The party turned out great, but I don’t know, I can’t help but be a little bit shocked.

Summer: The trip was actually my fault. I reached out to Daniel and I persuaded him to ask Mom to come for a visit. I was afraid that she and Diane were headed for a major showdown.

Diane: [ Laughs ]

Kyle: No, Harrison, make sure all the ducks get some corn. Have linda show you.

[ Laughs ] Yeah, that’s the way.

Diane: Yes. Oh, my gosh, he is so cute. I just can’t get enough of that little face.

Kyle: Oh, his nanny says the same thing.

Diane: Mm. Thank you for letting me know what time you’d be here so I could watch him play.

Kyle: Yeah, well, I know how much you enjoy it.

Diane: I do, so much. Although I almost slept through the alarm. I just tossed and turned all night.

Kyle: How come?

Diane: Oh, I had a bad dream, and then you know how it is when you wake up at 3:00 A.M., all your worst fears start ballooning.

Kyle: Ah. That sounds intense.

Diane: Mm.

Kyle: Remember what it was about?

Diane: My dream? You really want to hear it? Uh, okay. I dreamt that the deal to purchase Marchetti fell through and that you and Summer and that cute little boy moved back to Milan.

Kyle: Don’t worry about that. Acquisition is right on track.

Diane: Well, that’s a relief. Thank you for putting my mind at ease. Which brings me to another thing that has me up all night. Um…Kyle, I need to ask you a favor. A big one.

Kyle: What is it?

Diane: [ Sighs ] I was hoping that when the dust settles with Marchetti, that you could help me find a job around here.

Amanda: I am sure that you are right about Phyllis and Diane clashing, and finding a way to cool things down for a bit, it was a really good idea.

Summer: It won’t last, though. Sending her off for some quality time with daniel, it’s just postponing the inevitable.

Amanda: Well, I’m sorry, really, I don’t know what I can do to help. I don’t know how to engage Phyllis in a meaningful conversation about Diane when she is actively dodging all forms of communication.

Summer: Is there a cute little emoji for “call me back or I’ll haunt your dreams”?

Amanda: Listen, I promise that when she gets back, I will corner you, and maybe she’ll be ready to unload then.

Summer: I’m glad to hear that you’re willing to help, because if this little trip doesn’t provide the reset that I’m hoping for, I have a plan.

Amanda: Tell me.

Summer: I want to put together a team to save my mom from herself and to keep her and Diane from escalating this thing into a full-blown war. Are you up for being a peace broker?

Amanda: Count me in.

Summer: Thank you.

Michael: So what is it you had in mind?

Nikki: Please do us all a favor and look into Diane’s activities in Los Angeles.

Michael: Like what, her work, her friends?

Nikki: I don’t really care. There must be something that shows she came back to town with evil intentions, that she’s not the angel she’s trying to convince people she’s become.

Lauren: Mm, Michael’s probably the worst person for the job.

Nikki: Oh, no, he’s not. He uncovered the evidence that showed Ashland to be the snake that he is. Why not do the same thing for Diane?

Lauren: Because he’s one of the few people who isn’t horrified that she’s back in town.

Michael: Sitting right here, ladies.

Lauren: In fact, he couldn’t wait to call me when he saw fresh from the grave and then bought her a drink. Didn’t you, sweetie?

Michael: Oh, so you can see me.

Lauren: And now they’re palling around together again.

Nikki: I don’t believe it. Michael is too smart for that.

Michael: Invisible again.

Lauren: Oh, believe me, we could never miss you.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Lauren:  Excuse me. Oh, it’s Summer. Something with work. Alright, well, you two seem like you have a lot to discuss.

Michael: No, no, no. Look, no, I want it on record that you cut our date short for work.

Lauren: Alright. Duly noted. Thank you. Love you.

Michael: Love you more.

Nikki: Bye.

Michael: Kind of.

Lauren: Ha-ha.

Nikki: I am appalled that you are spending time with Diane after everything she’s done. I need you to do something about her, and quickly.

Billy: I couldn’t be more proud of Lily than I am, truly. I mean, it’s so impressive to see what she’s done with this merger, even more impressive than what Victoria did with Newman/Locke. And she didn’t have to con anyone to get it done.

Jill: Oh, please, let’s not get into all that again.

Billy: Look, I am not gonna screw things up with Lily, and I am 100% on board with everything that’s happening at Chancellor-Winters and I am focused on being the best COO I can possibly be.

Jill: I believe you mean that.

Billy: Good.

Jill: But with everything that’s so positive you have to focus on, I can still see that you’re unhappy, sweetie. So I’m gonna sit here and just listen, okay? And I’m gonna try to be the supportive mother you were hoping I would be when you brought up Victoria.

Billy: I would love to tell you everything. I would love to be an open book, but if I do, you got to promise me that this stays between us.

Jill: Billy, this stays between us. You have my word. It’s covered under the mother-son privilege.

Nate: I hope neither of you is upset that I revealed more about our plans than you wanted me to.

Devon: I mean, what matters is that it worked out and we got great coverage from it, so…

Lily: Yeah, look, you followed your gut, and it worked out, so…

Imani: Sometimes relying on your instinct is better than playing it safe. I found that to be the case both personally and professionally.

Nate: I just want to make sure no one feels I stepped on anyone’s toes.

Devon: Well, you did, but as I’ve said many times already, it’s just a little bump in the road and hopefully there won’t be too many more of those, right?

Nate: Thanks for being gracious.

Devon: Yeah, not a problem, man.

Lily: Alright, well, let’s get down to work. Um…I think we should chat about the marketing plan for the 50 new podcasts that we’re launching. The PR team’s being inundated with interview requests, and honestly, I think based off of our pre-subscription numbers, we can definitely raise our advertising rates.

Devon: Well, I suppose we can thank  Nate for that, since he detailed the rollout.

Lily: Well, I mean, I think that your team did a great job with the promos and with developing the podcasts themselves.

Imani: Mm-hmm, you got to have the right product.

Nate: Amen to that.

Lily: Yeah, I think we can chalk up this success to great family teamwork. Good job, everyone.

Imani: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: It’s been amazing to watch Lily, to watch her work, to put this whole thing together, and to help where I can, and to, you know, to see her working with her brother Devon and Nate — it’s a family and it’s a vibe and it’s beautiful. But there’s a little disconnect for me there. It’s like there’s something missing.

Jill: Do you have any idea where this is coming from?

Billy: No, I don’t. And it’s — like you said, I mean, everything’s great. It should be fine, right? But I’m just feeling a little bit restless. There’s this feeling like there’s something big out there for me, and I’m not sure what it is or — or, you know, where it’s gonna come from.

Jill: Well, I can see why this would be concerning for you.

Billy: It’s a little bit of a distraction, you know? I’m trying hard not to let it get to me.

Jill: Okay, I have a theory, if you would like to hear it.

Billy: Yes. Let’s hear it.

Jill: Alright, now don’t get mad, alright? But I’ve seen this behavior in you before. Are you sure you’re not self-sabotaging, Billy? ‘Cause I’ve seen you on top of the world, and then if you fail, you give yourself permission to fall back on your old ways.

Kyle: You want me to give you a job?

Diane: No, not give, just help. But not if it’s too much trouble.

Kyle: I don’t have many connections in the real-estate biz.

Diane: Kyle, I’m not trying to put you on the spot or take advantage. It’s quite the opposite. If everything goes well and you continue to want me to stay here, you can’t keep supporting me indefinitely.

Kyle: Really, it’s no problem.

Diane: No, no, no, you have been more than generous paying my bill at the Athletic Club, and I-I really appreciate it. But I need to pay my own way, and more than that, I-I-I need a career, a purpose.

Kyle: Well, how long would it take for you to get your real-estate license here?

Diane: Oh, real estate is just something I fell into. It was never a passion, like architecture.

Kyle: You want to get back into that?

Diane: Oh, no, no, no, I think that ship has sailed.

Kyle: Seriously? You were at the top of your field.

Diane: Yes, many, many, many years ago.

Kyle: So?

Diane: Kyle, I’m a realist. Even if I was interested, I’ve been out of it for so long that it would be almost impossible for me to step back in.

Kyle: Even with all your experience?

Diane: Well, for one thing, it is a very technical field, and I haven’t kept up with building codes or materials or software, and oh, my gosh, everything these days is about 3-d imaging. And even if I did have a firm interested in me, I would be competing against architects that are young and hungry, and I could go on, but it’s just too depressing.

Kyle: Sounds like you’ve given this a lot of thought.

Diane: I have.

Kyle: It’s got to be hard giving up on a dream you once had.

Diane: [ Sighs ] Well, life goes on. But seeing you and summer working so closely and doing something you love, and then, I don’t know, getting a peek at the launch party for Chancellor-Winters, maybe — maybe it’s being around all these family businesses and the people that are so devoted to their success. It — it’s got me thinking that it’s time to fully embrace life here in genoa city. And I know what I want to do.

Kyle: You do?

Diane: Yes. Back in LA, I started taking courses in communication, working toward a certificate in public relations, and I loved it.

Kyle: Why PR?

Diane: Well, I’ve always admired the way publicists handle difficult situations and personalities, such as myself.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Like back in your modeling days.

Diane: Oh, I was a holy terror.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Well, I guess this is the part where I say, “I find that hard to believe” and I try to keep a straight face.

Diane: Don’t strain yourself.

Kyle: [ Laughs ] Well, anyway.

Diane: Anyway, while taking classes in branding and crisis management, I realized that these jobs are a lot about reinvention. Figuring out a way to turn around a bad image or to get the public refocused on positive qualities. And that is something I know I could excel at.

Billy: No, Mom, I’m not self-sabotaging. Trust me, I’ve got no desire to go back to being the Abbott family screw-up.

Jill: Oh, good, good.

Billy: And I really don’t see this as a regression. This is me just trying to find my place in the world. And it’s exciting.

Jill: Believe it or not, I get that.

Billy: You do?

Jill: Yeah, I do. After hearing all the compliments at the launch party, I stayed up really late and binged your podcast.

Billy: Okay.

Jill: No, no, no, I am so damn proud of you. You’re fearless. It’s very brave what you’re doing. You’re digging deep, you’re being honest, and then you’re turning around and sharing it with the world. But, sweetie, I can’t help worrying about that because it’s like ripping scabs off old wounds, and that could be really, really dangerous for a person like you.

Billy: You mean a recovering addict like me. You can say it. To be honest, these podcasts have been really helpful. They’ve been good for me. I finish them, and it’s actually a cathartic experience.

Jill: But then why the restlessness?

Billy: I haven’t figured that part out yet. But I am determined to keep searching until I do.

Imani: Save some of that sugar for me.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you followed me here.

Imani: I did.

Nate: Okay. Why?

Imani: I just wanted to make sure I didn’t get you in trouble by pushing you to be yourself at the launch — even though I think I was right.

Nate: Well, I acted on my own. It was my call. And I don’t regret it.

Imani: Great. Then I will take some credit for your success. The speech clearly raised your visibility.

Nate: I don’t see that as a plus.

Imani: Why not?

Nate: Because I didn’t want to overshadow Lily and Devon. And I could’ve done without your comments back at the office about the benefits of going with your gut versus playing it safe, which seemed like a veiled dig at Devon.

Imani: Well, I’m not one to stifle my opinions. You generated a lot of buzz for the company, and to me, that was worth the risk.

Nate: Pretty sure Devon thinks otherwise, even though he hasn’t said it.

Imani: I hope you won’t let him discourage you.

Kyle: I can’t promise anything. There are obvious issues with getting you a job at jabot.

Diane: Say no more. I don’t expect you to hand me a job. And I would, of course, want to be an asset to any firm that hired me. And it needn’t be at Jabot. It’s just that you know so many more business people in town. I thought maybe someone might mention something that’s right up my alley.

Kyle: I’ll give it some thought.

Diane: And while we’re on the subject of my pariah status —

Kyle: Look, I don’t —

Diane: No, no, no, Kyle. I know that there aren’t a lot of people in this town that are dying to associate with me. At least not yet. But I want you to know that I intend to earn the respect of as many of them as I can. If only just to make you and Harrison proud. I know that he would want the best for his deedee.

Kyle: Well, that makes two of us. And for the record, I think it’s impressive you want to pursue a new career. I’ll keep my ear to the ground.

Diane: Thanks. That’s all I can ask.

Lauren: Hi. I didn’t realize I was meeting with both of you. I thought this was about work.

Summer: Kyle and I do have a lot to discuss with you regarding Marchetti, but this is about Mom.

Lauren: Oh, is Phyllis okay? I know she left in a hurry to go see Daniel.

Summer: I orchestrated that visit so that there wouldn’t be blood in the streets.

Amanda: On account of Diane. Summer is trying to diffuse things.

Lauren: [ Chuckles ] Well, talk about a lost cause.

Summer: Please don’t say that.

Lauren: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be flip. I can see how concerned you are. It’s just that I was there for the original battles between the two of them, and I cannot imagine that Phyllis will ever cool down where Diane is concerned.

Summer: Exactly, but this getaway has bought us some time.

Lauren: To do what?

Summer: I was thinking that when Mom gets back to Genoa City that we could team up and try to keep the peace.

Lauren: You are ambitious.

Amanda: It’s not that hopeless, is it?

Lauren: Oh, really? The team that you would have to assemble to keep the peace would be damn busy.

Summer: Do you know something that we don’t?

Lauren: Diane is on my list, too. I have been keeping tabs on her since her return, and she has been lighting fires everywhere. Including igniting one with your grandmother. I just saw Nikki, and she is on a mission to get that woman out of town.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Summer: If there’s one person Diane won’t want to tangle with, it’s my grandmother.

Lauren: Not if she’s smart.

Amanda: Well, with all of these enemies gunning for Diane, maybe we’ll get lucky. Maybe she’ll feel the heat and she’ll head back to la before Phyllis gets home.

Summer: I want to create peace for everyone, not drive Diane away from Kyle unless it becomes absolutely necessary.

Lauren: That is a very difficult position to be in. And I think it’s very noble that you are considering your husband’s feelings as well.

Summer: I love him.

Lauren: I know you do. And somehow Michael has a soft spot for her as well, which I find inexplicable.

Amanda: You are really not a neutral party in this peace-keeping effort, are you?

Lauren: [ Laughs ] No. I am far more on the Phyllis/Nikki side. And this town would be better without Diane in it. But knowing how she operates, you, too, may have to pick a side and decide to get some distance between Kyle and his mother.

Nate: Devon and I have a long history. We’re cousins. Sometimes we’re rivals. Other times, we’re best friends. You don’t need to worry about me feeling stifled by a little healthy competition.

Imani: I’m not worried. I’m just observing the dynamic. I’m impressed with your business instinct, and I would hate to see your spirit squashed.

Nate: Well, I appreciate your support.

Imani: We should look out for each other. We’re both new in this arena. Personally, I get worried that I’m being held back by my sister’s watchful eye. Something I suspect you should look out for with Devon.

Nate: I don’t think I’d go that far.

Imani: I’m not saying it’s conscious on his part, but it’s just a complicated family dynamic. Well, anyway, I need to get back to the office.

Nate: Okay. I’ll see you later.

Imani: Think about what I said, Nate.

Billy: Hey, there.

Lily: Hello.

Billy: Mwah. You still riding high after last night?

Lily: Oh, yeah, I am on top of the world. Although I do realize that we have to dig deep in order to make good on the promises that we made last night.

Billy: Including everything Nate shared in his speech.

Lily: Yeah, people are very curious about our podcasts. I really hope that Jill’s as excited as everybody else.

Billy: She’s thrilled. Honestly, she couldn’t be more excited about the launch and all the accolades that are pouring in. She also made it very clear that I’d better not screw things up with her star CEO.

Lily: Why would she say that?

Billy: I don’t know, just a little joke. [ Sighs ] You’re right. [ Chuckles ] I don’t want to do that.

Lily: Do what?

Billy: I shared some things with my mother that I didn’t want to burden you with. But I don’t want to keep secrets from you.

Michael: By now…it ought to be clear that I’m more willing than most to forgive Diane.

Nikki: Michael.

Michael: More tea?

Nikki: Please don’t change the subject.

Michael: I really don’t know what I can do to help.

Nikki: You can investigate her. How was she able to live under an alias all these years? Did she pay taxes? Maybe the authorities could get her on tax evasion. She used a fake name. Did she also use a fake social security number? I mean, there’s got to be some kind of fraud there. Identity theft, impersonating an actual human being.

Michael: You’re good at this. You ought to look into getting your own PI license.

Nikki: You are the legal expert. On retainer — a very handsome retainer, I might add — for us. So there’s got to be something you can use to bring her up on charges.

Michael: Nikki, even if I were to uncover something shady, I do not have standing to bring charges in California. I’m not in law enforcement there or here. I stepped down from being the district attorney, remember? And FYI, tax evasion is a federal crime.

Nikki: Why are you making excuses? You were willing to risk your life to bring Ashland down. Why the hell are you protecting Diane?

Lily: Secrets? Should I be worried?

Billy: Oh, I don’t —

[ Telephone rings ]

Lily: Sorry, this has been ringing nonstop all day. Hi, it’s Lily. Oh, my god, I’m so sorry. Um…okay. Uh, you know what? Just hang tight. I’ll be right there. Okay, thank you.

Billy: Is everything okay?

Lily: Uh, yeah, I — I did an interview with a Chicago paper and they sent a photographer to take pictures, and I completely forgot. I have to go.

Billy: Okay, go.

Lily: But I want to hear what you were gonna say ’cause I’m freaking out right now.

Billy: It’s okay.

Lily: You can tell me.

Billy: There’s nothing to freak out about. Really, I’m fine. And I did not mean to make it sound ominous.

Lily: Are you sure?

Billy: I am sure.

Lily: Positive?

Billy: Positive. This is your time to shine, okay? Go make us proud.

Lily: Okay.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Summer: Harrison’s having a snack in the kitchen. He seems pretty hungry after your trip to the park.

Kyle: He had a nice visit with his deedee.

Summer: Good.

Kyle: You seem bummed. What’s up?

Summer: [ Sighs ] You know how worried I’ve been about our moms and trying to keep things as calm as possible between them.

Kyle: Right, and?

Summer: Now I’m hearing that my grandmother is also after Diane. According to Lauren, she is hell-bent on getting your mother to leave town.

Kyle: Thanks for the heads up.

Summer: I didn’t mean to upset you.

Kyle: It’s not you, babe. I just don’t want you getting in the middle of this. Hell, I don’t want to deal with it either. My mother is doing her best to turn her life around, and no one will cut her any slack. I just wish everyone would back off, give her a little breathing room.

Summer: [ Sighs ] That’s easier said than done. Seems like everyone we know has history with Diane and strong opinions to match.

Nikki: Whose side are you on anyway?

Michael: No one’s. I’m neutral.

Nikki: No, you’re not. You’re trying to protect her.

Michael: Years ago, everyone in this town wanted Diane Jenkins to get the hell out. Well, you got your wish. She disappeared, and no one was wrongfully convicted for her death. Look, she lived alone in exile, missing her son. I think she paid for her crimes.

Nikki: Well, I disagree. I don’t think relocating to sunny LA is a proper punishment for her misdeeds. I mean, the fact that she can waltz right back into our lives is outrageous. Even Jack has softened his stance on her. It boggles my mind.

Michael: Does that just kill you? That — that Diane is succeeding in making amends, that she slowly but surely is gaining people’s trust?

Nikki: Yes, it does. And she will never earn my trust. That woman is nothing but trouble, and I refuse to sit back and let her wreak havoc.

Michael: Would you be so adamantly opposed to peaceful coexistence with Diane if you had succeeded in ridding your family of Ashland?

Nikki: One has nothing to do with the other.

Michael: One wonders.

Nikki: Well, don’t wonder. Diane’s crimes are worthy of their own level of vitriol.

Michael: [ Sighs ] Fine. I will agree to doing a deep dive into her time away, if only to prove to the nay-sayers that Diane has changed. That she deserves another chance.

Nikki: And what if your investigation proves otherwise? What then? Are you gonna try to cover up for your old pal? Or are you gonna let her get what she deserves?

Next week on “The Young and The Restless”…

Gloria: Oh, you are getting so ramped up for your bold new adventure. Tension is high, nerves are frayed. You need a spiritual guru. You must be so happy to see me.

Nick: Can I see you outside? I heard from Victoria.

Diane: Phyllis has declared a truce with me. It’s wild, huh?

Imani: I just got off the phone with my father.

Amanda: What’s wrong?

Imani: It’s Mom.

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Y&R Transcript Thursday, June 23, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Kyle: I thought he would be here by now.

Summer: He probably just got caught up with work. You’re nervous.

Kyle: Well, I wouldn’t put it quite like that, but this is a big deal. I just hope he understands. Even though he said he’d be okay with it, saying it and meaning it are two different things. Hey.

Jack: Hey.

Kyle: Thanks for coming home to meet with us.

Jack: No problem at all. Sorry I’m a little late. I gather from your text and from the look on both of your faces, you have some important information to share.

Kyle: We do. Not that the acquisition is essentially a done deal, I’ve decided to leave my job as co-ceo of jabot and take on the role of ceo at marchetti.

Diane: There he is.

Michael: There you are.

Diane: Hello, michael. My treat for inviting me to take a stroll in the park.

Michael: Well, I will definitely accept this awesome free lemonade. But just so you know, I don’t generally require a gift when I’m reaching out to friends.

Diane: Do you know how many people in this town — outside of my son — actually ask to spend time with me?

Michael: I can count them on one hand?

Diane: Try one finger.

Michael: Ah.

Diane: Yeah, so enjoy.

Michael: If you insist.

Diane: It’s so wonderful to have you back in my life. I’m — I’m glad we’re friends again.

Michael: I feel the same way. Which is why I thought it was only fair that I warn you about something.

Diane: Uh-oh, my mind is scrolling through the possibilities. It’s not about kyle, is it?

Michael: No, no, no, no. It’s nikki. She wants to run you out of town.

Diane: [ Scoffs ] Oh, that. Well, that’s not a secret. She has made it perfectly clear that she wants me gone.

Michael: No, don’t underestimate the depth of her determination. Off the record, nikki wants to get her hands on any and all dirt that may have gone on in your years in los angeles. And she asked me to do the digging.

Diane: [ Exhales sharply ] I’m not surprised. Well, how did you handle the request?

Michael: I told her I would do a deep dive, only to prove that there was nothing incriminating, that I was gonna show everyone that you deserve another chance.

Diane: Well, I appreciate that. Thank you.

Michael: Hey, I’m in your corner. I’m rooting for you. So, um…I think it would be best for both of us if you told me the truth here and now. Did you break any laws or pull any of your old stunts while you were out west, supposedly rehabilitating yourself?

Diane: [ Scoffs ]

Devon: Hey.

Elena: Hey, neighbor.

Devon: Look who it is. Hold that thought.

Elena: Was it something i said?

Devon: No, I’m sorry. You can come in. I, uh…I was heading to the office and realized I don’t have my tablet.

Elena: Oh. Well, where did you use it last?

Devon: I don’t know. That is a great question. But it’s got to be around here somewhere.

Elena: I’ll help you look.

Devon: Thank you. I appreciate that. How — how’s everything been at the hospital? I haven’t had a chance to talk to you in a minute.

Elena: I know. Honestly, it has been hectic. I’ve been working a lot of late hours lately. But I love my job and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Devon: Well, that’s good. That means you’re doing what you’re meant to do in life.

Elena: Yeah, I couldn’t agree with you more. You know, actually, I am particularly satisfied with my job today. Aha! Found it.

Devon: Ay!

Elena: Like finding change in a couch cushion.

Devon: Well, except this has our company’s plans for world domination on it.

Elena: Oh.

[ Cellphone rings ] One sec. Ooh. Hello? Yes. Oh, thank you for accommodating me so last minute. Yeah, I definitely will. Thanks.

Devon: Does that phone call have something to do with you being in a good mood?

Amanda: There you are. You’re late. Your coffee’s cold.

Imani: I don’t give a damn about coffee right now. I just got off the phone with my father.

Amanda: Oh, no. What’s wrong?

Imani: It’s mom.

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Imani: Mom had a stroke earlier today.

Amanda: Oh, my god, was she okay? Was she able to call 911?

Imani: My dad was there when it happened, so he got her straight to the hospital.

Amanda: Okay.

Imani: And she’s in stable condition now.

Amanda: Okay. Alright, well, let’s go. We — we can leave right now. I’ll drive.

Imani: Wait, wait, we can’T. They’re not allowing any visitors besides my dad right now, so we’ll have to wait. But he said that he will keep me posted.

Amanda: Okay, well, make sure that he calls you every hour on the hour with an update.

Imani: Yes, he assured me that she’s in excellent hands, and I believe him because he wouldn’t settle for less than the best, okay?

Amanda: Yeah, yeah, of course. And I’m grateful for that. I just — I think I’m just a little shocked.

Imani: I’m shaken up, too. After mom’s last incident, she regrouped and she kept following the doctor’s instructions, but I just couldn’t stop worrying.

Amanda: I remember how upset you were. And what did I do? I told you to stop jumping to the worst possible conclusion. I think it’s just my default setting. I’m just stoic and just I keep pushing forward. I keep thinking about the positive. Nothing — none of that — prevented this, so here we are, and…

[ Sighs ] I’m sorry. Okay, I’m sorry if I — if i dismissed or I downplayed your feelings.

Imani: No, no, there’s nothing to be sorry about. Okay, it’s not your fault. Optimism is a pretty good way to handle bad news.

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

Imani: This time, while mom’s recovering, we’ll stay positive together. Okay?

Amanda: Yeah.

Kyle: Dad, what do you think?

Jack: Well, I’m not surprised by your decision. I…I have to be honest, I’m a bit disappointed I won’t be working side-by-side with you any longer. I mean, don’t get me wrong, i understand that this move makes all the sense in the world with angelina stepping down at marchetti and summer agreeing to be creative director.

[ Sighs ] I have enjoyed working with you. It’s meant the world to me. I’m gonna miss it. I think we’ve grown closer because of it.

Kyle: We definitely have. I’ll miss it, too. You taught me everything I know about running a company.

Jack: We had a good run.

Kyle: We did. But we’ll still have business to discuss now that marchetti is a part of jabot. It just means we need to find more ways to spend time together outside of work. You know, lots of abbott family breakfasts and playtime in the park with harrison.

Jack: Yeah, sounds like a plan. Hey, pl– don’t get me wrong, i am thrilled for both of you. I know this is the end of one chapter, but the beginning of a thrilling new one for you, and i have been telling you all along this is your opportunity to spread your wings and show the world what you can do. I cannot wait to watch you soar.

Diane: I walked a very straight line the entire time i lived in los angeles. I promise you.

Michael: No, no, no, I’m talking compared to, like, other regular upright citizens, not compared to your own past behavior, because that would be a pretty low bar to clear.

Diane: Mm, you should know.

Michael: Mm. Yeah, I would. And as someone who is well acquainted with that shadowy area between fact and fiction, i understand how easy it is to tiptoe over that line and then justify why you did it.

Diane: Mm-hmm. But you also are aware that people can change. I mean, look at yourself. You went from lawyer to prisoner and back again.

Michael: You’re missing one of my stints behind bars if you count my wrongful imprisonment in a peruvian jail.

Diane: What?

Michael: Yeah, long story short, I was working on a case for victor, and I upset the wrong person.

Diane: Oh, my god, that sounds awful.

Michael: It was an unpleasant few weeks, but I managed to get out of it unscathed.

Diane: A few weeks in jail? Michael, you need to tell me all about this.

Michael: We’ll have to order much stronger drinks for that occasion. Um…

[ Clears throat ] But the reason I bring up my unfortunate trip to peru is i think you need to be warned that when I investigate someone, I am extremely accurate and thorough.

Diane: Mm-hmm. I am well aware of that. And you can dig around at my professional, personal, and financial history as taylor jenson. I have nothing to hide.

Michael: Oh, I hope that’s true, taylor.

Diane: Mm-hmm. Actually, it was the quietest time of my life, because it had to be. I mean, first of all, I was on the run. I couldn’t draw any unwanted attention. And secondly, my soul could not bear anymore bad behavior. I needed to turn things around. I needed to prove to myself that I was worthy of being in kyle’s life, and now I’m ready to prove that to him. Hi, I’m nancy.

Kyle: Summer and I are diving right in at marchetti. Already pursuing avenues to expand and grow.

Jack: Just so exciting. I assume phyllis is as happy as I am about this news.

Summer: Mom actually doesn’t know yet. I spoke with her briefly earlier today, but I didn’t get a chance to fully catch her up on everything. I’m gonna do that when she gets back from savannah.

Jack: Any idea when that might be?

Summer: Soon, evidently. And you should know that she claims she’s now willing to let go of her past hatred of diane so that we can all move forward. You don’t believe it. Not sure that I do either.

Jack: I-I hope it’s true. Certainly have my doubts.

Summer: Jack, I wish that you trusted me enough to just tell me what happened between you and my mom before she left town.

Jack: Summer, honey, this is not about trust. There — there is no subterfuge here.

Summer: But I keep asking because clearly something went on that’s more than what you or my mom is willing to say, and i have a feeling that it has something to do with diane.

Jack: You know everything you need to know about it. Yes, it does tie back to diane, but you just said yourself phyllis is determined to turn over a new leaf, to let go of her hate and anger toward diane, and that’s a good thing. You should not be worrying about this. Look, phyllis, diane, and I all want the two of you to be happy. That’s where our focus should be right now.

Summer: But more information can help me keep the peace.

Jack: You know what? I got somewhere I have to be. We’ll talk some more later, and you can fill me in on your marchetti ideas.

Kyle: Looking forward to it.

Jack: See you later.

Summer: Did you hear what i just heard?

Kyle: That depends. What do you think you just heard?

Summer: When I asked jack about my mom, he was still being evasive. It’s like he gave just enough information to seem like he was answering the question without actually answering it. He was just talking around it. Obviously there is something that he and my mom want to hide from us. I need to find out what that is.

Elena: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it, and I am sure nate will too.

Nate: Oh, it’s my pleasure. I’ll see you around.

Elena: See you. Hey.

Nate: Hey.

Elena: I didn’t know that you would be home.

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Elena: But I am certainly glad you are.

Nate: Well, I knew you’d be headed home from the hospital, so I figured why don’t we grab a bite to eat before I head back to the office.

Elena: Oh, is this part of your promise to spend more time together by working around my schedule?

Nate: Sure is. What do you think?

Elena: I think it’s very sweet of you. But you couldn’t have come at a more perfect time because I have something to tell you.

Nate: Well, judging by your face, I’m guessing I’m gonna like this. Bring it on.

Elena: I was asked to speak at a medical convention next week. It’s a little last minute because they just added the panel for surgeons, but my boss already gave me the go-ahead, so I’m just gonna get my shifts covered at the hospital.

Nate: That is fantastic. Congratulations.

Elena: Thank you. And there’s more. The convention is in hawaii, so I was thinking, if you could take a little time off, too, maybe we could go there together and make this a sort of work/mini vacation. Something I think we both need.

Nate: Uh, yeah, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.

Michael: I have one word of advice for you — patience.

Diane: That’s unusually succinct for you.

Michael: Look, you can’t force everyone to come around, but if you keep being the best version of yourself, they’ll have to acknowledge eventually that you’ve changed. Whether they’ll admit it to your face or not.

Diane: How long did it take you to convince everyone you’d evolved?

Michael: That’s beside the point.

Diane: So what is the point?

Michael: Anything is possible. Look, I reinvented myself. It was a long and hard journey. But it was worth it. And now I have the life of my dreams.

Diane: I would exactly put “thrown into a south american jail for doing victor newman’s dirty work” on my vision board, but, hey, to each his own.

Michael: No, no, alright. My job keeps my life interesting. I was talking more about my personal life. I love lauren now more than i did the day I married her.

Diane: Aww. That is disturbingly sweet.

Michael: [ Laughs ]

Diane: But aspirational. I might not give up on that whole “happily ever after” thing after all.

Michael: You mean you didn’t leave a trail of broken hearts behind you in los angeles?

Diane: Are you asking as michael, my friend, or as the guy that’s investigating me?

Michael: Is it possible that you could tell michael the friend so he could tell michael the consigliere to the newmans?

Diane: There is nothing to tell. I was working on myself. In real-estate jargon, I was a fixer-upper. I didn’t have time or energy for romance.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] I think you should put yourself back on the market, ’cause now that you’ve finished your “remodel,” someone’s bound to be interested.

Jack: Hello, you two.

Diane: Oh, hello, jack. What a surprise to see you in the park during a work day.

Jack: I’m just taking a little walk to clear my head. How about you?

Diane: Michael and I are having a chat.

Jack: Seem to have settled right back into your friendship.

Michael: I was as surprised as the next guy to learn that diane was still alive, but I did tell her that I was glad you were still with us, huh?

[ Chuckles ] And I meant it. I find that I enjoy her company more than ever. If more people were open-minded enough to really listen to her, perhaps they’d feel the same way. If you have copd,

Imani: Even though we can’t be with mom right now, my dad said that when she’s feeling up to it, we can call, and he’ll put us on speaker so she can hear our voices, okay?

Amanda: Okay, okay. Yeah, I appreciate that.

[ Sighs ] I think I’m just — I’m just still really anxious to see her in person, you know? Do you know anything else about her medical care, how long she’ll be in the hospital, any of that?

Imani: She’ll have to be there for at least another few days, but if things progress like we hope, they’ll discharge her and then they’ll send her home.

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

Imani: We’re — we’re really fortunate that we’re able to afford in-home caregivers and physical therapists.

Amanda: Yeah. No, you’re right. And she’ll be happier there, you know, in her own bed, in her home, with her husband.

Imani: And when we learn more today, we can plan to visit her, okay?

Amanda: Yeah.

Imani: Because she’s gonna need all the love and support she can get.

Amanda: [ Crying ]

Imani: I know this is a lot to take in.

Amanda: I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m just…

Imani: She’s gonna be fine, okay? And we’ll see her soon.

Amanda: Yeah.

[ Sighs ] I think I’m just trying to wrap my head around this still, you know? I just — I waited so long to find my mom. And now I find her, and her medical condition is just getting worse and worse and… I keep saying that we’re gonna spend more time together, and just it’s hitting me, you know, how precious — how precious life is.

Imani: You know, I’m thinking that there might be something you can do about that. Maybe you can go and visit mom for a while. You can spend some quality time with her, make it count.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: I know you’re frustrated, but our parents aren’t obligated to share every detail of their life. I mean, we have so many good things happening right now. I hate to see you tying yourself up in knots over this.

Summer: All I am trying to do is keep the conflict to a minimum. And that is a lot harder to do if I don’t know what’s actually going on.

Kyle: My dad just said there’s nothing to worry about. And phyllis said that she’s going to make an effort where my mother is concerned, which is more than I ever expected to hear.

Summer: Yeah, me too. I was pretty surprised when she told me she’d had this epiphany. And it happened awfully fast.

Kyle: I know, I’m not naive. I know it’s gonna take a lot of time and energy to create some semblance of civility between our mothers, but for the moment, it looks like everyone wants to move forward.

Summer: Given the way my mother was acting before she left town and what daniel has told me, I am not buying that she has miraculously sorted through all of her anger. Kyle, I am worried that she is taking this time to lay low and reassess and that she’s gonna come back home with a plan of attack.

Jack: I just came from seeing kyle and summer at the house. You might want to pay a visit. They have some exciting news.

Diane: Oh, I’m intrigued. I will head over there. I really appreciate you sharing that with me.

Jack: Oh, I’m sure he would’ve told you himself soon.

Diane: Michael. Thank you for everything, and i will see you soon.

Michael: Jack. Uh…perhaps my comment about being open-minded was unnecessarily aimed at you. I kind of enjoyed seeing you be so polite to diane. Not shutting her out of kyle’s life.

Jack: I have no intention of interfering with my son’s decision to reconnect with his mother.

Michael: Is there any chance of you coming around to the idea that diane really has changed?

Jack: I’m willing to admit it might be possible, but I hope it’s true, for kyle’s sake. I guess time will tell.

Michael: You can come out now, phyllis. If your moderate to severe crohn’s disease

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Phyllis: How did you know i was there?

Michael: My “phyllis-dar” is well honed. If you’re within a 50-yard radius of me, I know it.

Phyllis: Oh. That’s odd.

Michael: So is eavesdropping. So what the hell’s going on? I thought you were supposed to be in savannah.

Phyllis: I was. Now I am back.

Michael: And you’re really following diane around and spying on her?

Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] Well, when you say it like that, it’s so dramatic. No, I was just, you know, looking around, getting the lay of the land, if you will.

Michael: Nothing’s changed since you left.

Phyllis: Oh, I beg to differ. A lot has changed. Yeah, some of my close, personal friends have seemed to, mm, uh, forgive diane for her past deeds.

Michael: For pete’s sake, will you stop lurking around in the shrubbery and acting like some crazed stalker from an “I love lucy” episode and maybe, maybe face the fact that diane has changed, like you have claimed that you have more than once.

Phyllis: Oh, wait a second. Diane has not changed, and i will never, ever forgive what she did to me and some people i love.

Michael: Phyllis, have you looked in the mirror lately? Your past is littered with mines.

Phyllis: Those were faux-pas.

Michael: Fa– who are you talking to? Do you want me to start listing your oppsy-daisies?

Phyllis: Okay, listen, i didn’t fake my death, okay? And I didn’t come back to life in a secretive, manipulative way like diane did. I mean, the way that she entered jack’s life, oh, that just screams “I’ve changed.” Seriously? Are you expecting me to be less than skeptical?

Michael: No, no, no! I have no — I have no problem with your skepticism. It is completely understandable. Jack has plenty of questions still, but he is not letting himself be consumed with anger, which is the wise choice for his own sanity and for his relationship with kyle. I mean, have you… have you really thought about what’s at risk in this cyclone of — of fury that you’re in the eye of?

Phyllis: Let me tell you something. I know exactly — exactly what i stand to lose because of diane jenkins. Okay?

[ Sighs ]

Michael: Well, you obviously haven’t thought this strategy through, or you wouldn’t be acting this way. So I’m gonna spell it out for you. Your daughter is married to diane’s son. And kyle seems to be on the path of forgiveness, which means that summer and diane — who, by the way, is not acting like some crazy, vengeful person — will be in constant contact.

Phyllis: With my daughter, yes. That’s my worst nightmare.

Michael: Do you really want to put your daughter in the horrible position of having to choose between her husband and you?

Kyle: Look, I hope you’re wrong about phyllis plotting against my mother.

Summer: I do, too, but —

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Sighs ]

Kyle: Hey. Come in.

Diane: Thanks. Hi.

Summer: Hi.

Diane: I — I hope I’m not intruding, but I ran into jack at the park, and he mentioned you had some news.

Kyle: Yes, we do. Um…the acquisition is about to become official, so I’ve decided to leave my job at jabot and become the ceo of marchetti.

Diane: [ Chuckles ] That’s incredible. I’m thrilled for you.

Kyle: Thank you.

Diane: Oh, for both of you.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Kyle: What’s up?

Summer: Um…just a distribution hiccup that I need to deal with. Even with all of these exciting things happening, I still got to keep a close eye on the day-to-day. I will catch up with you later.

Kyle: Mm.

Diane: Bye. Oh. Congratulations.

Elena: Okay, hear me out. We could both work during the day and then the nights would be ours. Sandy beaches, romantic dinners, a hotel room overlooking the ocean.

Nate: That definitely sounds enticing, but the timing is rough with the launch of the new company.

Elena: I thought that might be a concern, but I talked to devon and he doesn’t have a problem with you going.

Nate: Wait, what? You — you talked to devon about this already?

Elena: Well, I didn’t plan on it, but we ran into each other in the hall, and I got a call about the trip while we were talking, so he asked me what was going on and I told him. And in that moment, I thought it would be amazing if you could come, so I asked devon how he felt about it and he said he wouldn’t mind if you worked remotely.

Nate: I really wish you would’ve talked to me first before you went to devon with this.

Imani: Mom could probably use both of us by her side right now, but if one of us needed to stay longer to help and comfort her, I think it should be you.

Amanda: Me? She has been a part of your entire life.

Imani: Yeah, that’s my point. I’ve had all these years with her. You want to make up for last time, and this is your chance. Like you said, you can’t take a single day for granted.

Amanda: Yeah, in my heart, I-I want to go, I want to stay for as long as I can.

[ Sighs ] But…

Imani: You’re worried about leaving town right after the merger.

Amanda: Yeah, I mean, I’m lead counsel. I have so much going on.

[ Sighs ] I’ll — I’ll do day visits. That should — that should be fine.

Imani: I mean, you definitely could, but it wouldn’t be the same as being there and spending quality time with her. I know it would mean as much to her as it would to you. And as far as work goes, I can handle whatever issues come up while you’re gone. And if I need you, I know where to find you.

Amanda: Okay. I’ll — I’ll think about it.

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Elena: Like I said, it wasn’t planned. But devon was literally right there when I got the call, so i figured it wouldn’t be a problem to at least ask if it was possible for you to come with me to hawaii. But obviously you disagree.

Nate: I just think that was a conversation we should’ve had before bringing anyone else into it. Look, I’m in a new role now at a new company in a new field, trying to prove myself. I’m working hard to be taken seriously. A lot of people are watching to see if I am up to the task.

Elena: And you really think working remotely for a few days is gonna make you look bad?

Nate: Yes, I am trying to be as professional as possible. And even though we’re close to my cousin, it’s not exactly cool to have my girlfriend ask the ceo “can I go on a trip.” If I want to request time off, i should be the one who does it.

Elena: Okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep.

Nate: [ Sighs ] Alright, I’m sorry. I understand. Look, I’m just trying to get you to understand where I’m coming from. I don’t feel comfortable leaving the company we just launched to go on a vacation so soon. But it doesn’t mean I’m not proud of you for getting this opportunity. I think you’re gonna be one of the best speakers out there.

Elena: It just sucks that our jobs keep coming in the middle of us being there for each other’s big events.

Nate: Mm.

Elena: I ju misstd your launch. And now you’re gonna miss this trip.

Nate: Maybe we should blame our families for raising us with good work ethics.

Elena: Yeah. What were they thinking?

Nate: And I look forward to us getting away at some point. No work, all vacation, pure indulgence. As soon as the time is right.

Elena: Okay.

Amanda: Thank you. Thank you for coming home. I know you have so much going on.

Devon: No, this is 1,000 times more important.

Amanda: I’m just — I’m so worried about my mom, you know? I just…

Devon: Listen, anything you need, I’m here for you, alright?

Amanda: Actually, there is something that I could use your help with.

Summer: When you said you were coming back soon, I wasn’t expecting you today. When did you get home?

Phyllis: Oh, well, right before I sent you the text.

Summer: What’s with all the mystery? Why didn’t you want me to tell anyone else?

Phyllis: Well, I wanted alone time with you, that’s all. So what did you want to tell me? What news do you have for me?

Summer: Well, we haven’t had a chance to discuss the marchetti deal in a while. Turns out, it’s going through.

Phyllis: Wow. Wow! You’re gonna be in genoa city indefinitely.

Summer: Yeah. We’re coming home for good.

Phyllis: That is amazing, summer. I am so excited.

Summer: Thanks, mom. And kyle is taking over as ceo of marchetti, so we’ll be working together again.

Phyllis: That is just fantastic. So what did jack say? He must’ve been excited.

Summer: He was great about it, very generous and gracious.

Phyllis: Oh, that’s jack. Yeah, that’s really great. He just wants the best for you and kyle. As I do.

Summer: Thanks, mom.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Awesome. Okay, so, uh, what’s going on here? What did I miss? Anything exciting? How’s harrison and how’s jack, diane?

Summer: Everyone’s great. There’s harmony within the abbott family.

Phyllis: Oh, I want nothing more than harmony within the abbott family.

Summer: To be honest, mom, you are the one that I’m worried about. I’m afraid that you are going to disturb that peace. Maybe even try to wreck it. And if that’s the case, I’m flat-out warning you — don’T.

Amanda: I’m kind of tempted to go and see my mom right now, but I’m thinking that I can just go for a short time now, and then I can go for a longer time maybe a little later.

Devon: You can do whatever you want. Why do you want to wait for later, though?

Amanda: Well, there — there’s just so much going on at work with the chancellor-winters launch and everything.

Devon: That’s — that’s not a problem. You know we have a whole legal team we can rely on. It’s fine. I appreciate your dedication, but, I mean, I’m sure you’d be available if we really needed you, right?

Amanda: Yeah, no, of course i would.

Devon: Okay.

Amanda: You really think i should go?

Devon: No, I know you should go because family comes first.

Amanda: Family first.

Devon: Yeah.

Elena: Oh, thank you so much for covering for me last minute. I am so glad my patients are gonna be in your hands. I owe you one. And I will definitely bring you a cool souvenir, and nothing quick from the airport.

[ Chuckles ] No, no, nate can’t make it. He’s busy with work. I wish he could come. But I will be alone in hawaii by myself.

Diane: You’re going to be sensational at this job.

Kyle: Thank you for your vote of confidence.

Diane: I can’t tell you how much it means to me to share this time with you. I — I don’t want to miss another meaningful moment of your life. Ever. [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Wow, listen to you. You’re warning me. Okay. Well, um…I meant everything I said to you on the phone. There is nothing that I would like more than to put this hostility with diane behind me. It’s not gonna be easy, but I’m willing to do it. Because I realize all that anger inside is not healthy for me.

Summer: Okay, very zen of you, mom.

Phyllis: Yes, I’m very zen. Very zen. So what about jack? Is he putting this anger behind him?

Summer: I mean, I know that it’s a struggle for him, but he’s doing it for kyle, which i find admirable.

Phyllis: I find that admirable, too. Jack is a great guy.

Summer: I have a question. I still don’t know what exactly happened between the two of you before you left town. All I got out of you is that you screwed up, but then you backpedaled from that. And I haven’t been able to get jack to open up either, no matter how many times I try. Why can’t I just get a straight answer?

Phyllis: Because you’re digging where there’s nothing to be found.

Summer: That’s exactly what jack said.

Phyllis: Good. I’m glad that’s what jack said. Good. Believe him. Believe me. We’re all gonna hit the reset button. That’s what we’re gonna do. No harm, no foul.

Summer: That’s really all you want?

Phyllis: Yes, that’s all i want.

Summer: Alright, then. In that case, come with me right now to face diane. Hit that reset button, mom. Let her know that you are ready to put all of your anger behind you and move on, starting today. Can you do that?

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Days Transcript Thursday, June 23, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Ben: Nice work. He’s sound asleep.

Clyde: Yeah. I wish I could stick around till he wakes up, but grandpa has got to get to work.

Ben: You are really good with him, grandpa.

Clyde: Pretty surprising, huh? Yeah, I just stand back and watch you and ciara. Learned from the best. But, you know, being around baby bo so much, seeing how much he needs both his parents makes me think of abigail dimera’s children losing their mom.

Ben: Those poor kids.

Clyde: Yeah. I mean, it’s a tragedy for the whole family, but for those kids. Well, I gotta go.

Ben: I’ll see you, pop.

[Soft dramatic music]

Lucas: Oh, what the hell? What the hell did I do last night?

Brady: Lucas.

Lucas: Hey, what’s going on?

Brady: You got a minute to talk?

Lucas: About what?

>>Brady: About falling off the wagon.

Lucas: What are you talking about, brady? I was in a meeting this morning. I’m 100% sober.

Brady: Why do you look so guilty then?

Ej: Chad? Did you sleep down here?

Chad: I didn’t sleep.

Ej: Well maybe you could try now.

Chad: No.

Ej: Come on, I’ll take you upstairs.

Chad: Ej, stop. I tried. Every time I got to the doorway and looked inside, I saw abigail. The way that I found her slipping away from me.

Belle: Thomas, I can’t believe you won again.

[Person knocking]

Charlotte: Mommy, mommy.

Belle: Chloe, hi.

Chloe: Hi.

Belle: Uh, come in. Charlotte, thomas, you remember my friend miss chloe, right?

Thomas: We thought it was our mom.

Jan: Our baby is the smallest one in the nicu by far.

Shawn: Yeah, but he’s doing really well, and he’S…

Jan: And he started crying.

Shawn: He put on weight.

Jan: And he, he… I couldn’t even comfort him. I just wanted to take his little hand so that he knew I was there.

Shawn: Hey, he knows, jan. All right, he knows.

[Phone beeps]

Jan: [Sobs softly] Who’s that?

Shawn: It’s nobody.

Jan: Well your whole face just changed. Who was it?

Shawn: It’s the warden. He’s asking when I’m gonna bring you back to prison.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Belle: Why don’t you two run into the kitchen and I think my dad is about to pull some chocolate chip cookies out of the oven.

Thomas: Come on, charlotte, let’s go.

[Soft dramatic music]

Chloe: They still don’t know about their mom?

Ciara: Off to dreamland.

Ben, what’s wrong?

Ben: Just thinking about abigail. Just how sad it is that she’s really gone, especially for her kids.

Ciara: Yeah. It’s–it’s really heartbreaking to think about thomas and charlotte growing up without a mother.

Ben: I tried to do that. I tried to take abigail away from her family.

Ciara: No. Ben, that was a long time ago. You were a different person back then. You’ve changed. You’re better now.

Ben: Yeah, well not a day goes by that I don’t think about all the people that I hurt.

Ciara: Yeah, but you’re with me now and our son, and everything’s gonna be okay.

Ben: Not for chad. His whole world just fell apart.

Ej: Harold told me you sent the staff away.

Chad: Yeah, there’s no reason for them to be here.

Ej: [Sighs] Chad, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be all alone in this house.

Chad: Well, guess what, ej, I’m alone.

Ej: That’s not true.

Chad: Really? Abby’s gone. She’s not coming back. Some evil son of a bitch decided to take her away from me.

[Dramatic music]

Leo: I can’t get caught holding that jewelry. I’ve gotta find someone to take it off my hands.

>>Lucas: Look, man, I’ve got nothing to feel guilty about, okay?

Brady: You–you walked out of the meeting this morning.

Lucas: You were there?

Brady: You looked right at me.

Lucas: Sorry. It didn’t register, okay?

Brady: Lucas, come on, man. We’ve been to dozens of these meetings. You saw that I was there, and you left.

Lucas: Listen to me, I didn’t see you, okay? And I had somewhere else more important I had to be.

Brady: Really? Where was that?

Lucas: Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ll tell you, I had to go pick sami up at the airport. She got in from italy this morning, and I checked on her flight, and it was cancelled, so I came back. Any more questions, detective brady?

Brady: Just one. What are you not telling me?

From prom dresses

[Upbeat rock music]

Clyde: Oh, relax, friend. I was just admiring your money clip. I’m not looking to rob you.

Leo: You sure about that? What you charge for a bowl of chowder here is criminal.

Clyde: It looks like you can afford it. If I’m not mistaken, that clip is solid platinum and gold. It’s a handsome piece.

Leo: I could be persuaded to part with it. Make me an offer.

Clyde: [Chuckles] No, thanks.

Leo: Just between us, I do have some other items for sale.

Clyde: Is that what you are, a salesman?

Leo: No. My dear old aunt eloise recently passed away. I’m the executor of her estate.

Clyde: So sorry for your loss.

Leo: Thank you. We were very close, aunt eloise and I. And as much as it pains me to part with her prized belongings, it’s what she wanted. She told me. She said that when the time came, I had to set sentimentality aside and focus on finding quality people who were willing to pay a fair price.

Clyde: So you’re liquidating her assets?

Leo: Specifically some jewelry. Do you like jewelry?

Clyde: I’d have to see it.

Leo: Not here. The park, ten minutes?

Clyde: Sounds like a plan.

Lucas: Look, brady, I’m just trying to sit here and enjoy my coffee in some peace, all right?

Brady: Sorry. I’m not trying to pry into your personal business, lucas. I was genuinely worried when you walked out of that meeting, all right. To be honest with you, you don’t look too good, man.

Lucas: Thank a lot, I appreciate it.

Brady: I would hate to think that you skipped out on a meeting that you may have needed because of me.

Lucas: Look, you’re right, okay? I went on a bender. It was one night, one night. That’s it.

Brady: Did it have anything to do with abigail?

Chloe: I came here to find brady. I just assumed he was here. Belle, I’m so sorry. I should’ve called first.

Belle: Oh, no, no, no, don’t be, listen, the kids are with my dad, let’s sit.

Chloe: Okay. Wow, those, those poor kids.

Belle: I know, I know. I’ve been trying to hold it together, but you just look in their sweet little faces and you know what’s coming, just…

Chloe: And speaking of kids, I, I heard that jan had the baby.

Belle: Shawn’s baby? Yeah.

Chloe: I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here for you to support you.

Belle: It’s okay. Actually I had a big broad shoulder to cry on. After the baby was born, I went to ej’S.

Chloe: Really? You stayed there?

Belle: Mh-hmm. Yeah.

Chloe: And?

Belle: And it was very comforting.

Chloe: Oh, my god, you slept together? No I’m sorry, it’s none of my business.

Belle: No, it’s fine, it’s fine, but no, we actually didn’T. But we came close.

Ej: I, um–I stayed at john and marlena’s last night. Belle was there.

Chad: How are the kids?

Ej: Fine. Fine. We kept them occupied. But chad, at some point soon…

Chad: Yeah. I know. I know.

Ej: They’ve been away from home for two nights already.

Chad: Ej, I said that I know! You said that they were fine.

Ej: Yes, but they’re asking for their father.

Chad: Well, I can’t really see them right now like this. Or I should tell them that I’m–I’m sick or that I’m slammed at work. You think you could do that for me?

Ej: Yes, of course. But they’re asking for their mother too.

[Soft dramatic music]

Ben: When I think how close I came to being where chad is right now… I just wish I could tell him how sorry I am.

Ciara: What do you have going on this afternoon?

Ben: Not much, babe.

Ciara: Okay. Well, I am going to the hospital to meet our new nephew. Would you like to come with me?

Ben: I would love that.

Jan: You can’t let them do this. I haven’t even held our son.

Shawn: Look jan, I don’t think the warden is gonna see that as a good enough reason for you just to not go back to prison.

Jan: Tell him that our baby needs my milk.

Shawn: But jan…

Jan: Premature babies are at a far greater risk of infection. Nothing compares to breast milk for strengthening our son’s immune system.

Shawn: Okay, look, listen, we’re gonna figure it out.

Jan: How? Do you expect me to pump in that dirty, disgusting hell hole? And what, you’re just gonna– you’re gonna bring the bottles back and forth every day? That’s ludicrous. I need to be here. Our son, he needs me here. And I need you to make that happen right now.

When you really need to sleep.

Lucas: Why would my drinking have anything to do with abigail?

Brady: Lucas, your niece whom you loved very dearly was brutally murdered. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to numb the pain, a little bit of that. I mean, I spoke to jennifer, you understand, she is devastated. I’m worried about her having a slip up. Are you kidding me? To lose your child like that suddenly and so horrifically and violently I mean, my god…

Lucas: You’re right, okay, you’re right. This is about abigail.

Chad: I’m sorry for lashing out.

Ej: You don’t have to apologize.

Chad: I know that I have to do this, but I have no idea how I’m going to. How do you tell your children that they’re never gonna see their mother again?

[Soft dramatic music]

Abigail was reading… “the hobbit” to thomas at bedtime. She had funny voices for each of their characters.

[Chuckles] Thomas just couldn’t get enough of it. And then charlotte is just… she’s a daredevil all of a sudden. And last week, she wanted to– she wanted to climb the tree outside of her window. You know, the big one? You know which one I’m talking about?

Ej: Yeah, sure.

Chad: So we took her out there and abby boosted her up thinking that she would get half way up and then wanna stop. No, I mean, she climbed almost to the top of it. And then abby, you know, kept telling her to come down…

[Chuckles] And she refused. Dared her mom to come up and get her.

Ej: [Laughs]

Chad: And abby did. She did even though she was absolutely terrified of heights.

They were so happy together. They were in heaven.

Ej: You’re not alone. You have your family.

Chad: [Gasps] I can’T. I can’t do this. I can’t do this without her. I…

Ej: I know it seems impossible right now, but you will find the strength to go on. You’ll finish that book with thomas. You’ll climb trees with charlotte. And everyone who loves you will help and support you, but you’re their father, chad, and they need you now more than ever, okay?

Chad: [Sobbing]

Belle: Well, as you know, ej has been really supportive through this whole nightmare with jan, and he knew I went to the hospital when jan was in labor, and came to check on me, and then after the baby was born, I asked him to get me the hell out of there.

Chloe: I don’t blame you.

Belle: So we went to dinner and had a couple of bottles of wine and ended up back at the mansion, and we were almost at the point of no return when we heard chad screaming for help.

Chloe: And if that hadn’t happened…

Belle: Oh, well, we’d have ended up in bed together. No question.

Chloe: So does that mean that you and shawn are over?

Jan: So?

Shawn: So I spoke with kayla, and she agrees. She agrees you should stay here with the baby, but just, you know, for a little while longer. So she’s gonna call the warden right now.

Jan: Oh, my god, shawn, thank you. Thank you so much.

>>Ciara: Hey, big bro.

[Chuckles] Centrum multigummies aren’t just great tasting…

Shawn: Sis. Ben.

Ben: Hey.

Ciara: Hi. What’s–what’s going on here?

Jan: Just got the most amazing news. I don’t have to go back to statesville.

Shawn: She doesn’t have to go back right away.

Ciara: And why is that?

Shawn: Well, the doctors feel that it would be best for the baby if she stays here for a little while longer.

Jan: Being a new mother yourself, you know how much a child needs its mother, especially in the beginning. I haven’t even gotten to hold our baby yet. I can’t even touch him.

Ciara: That–it must be really hard.

Jan: It’s torture. If I wanna see him, I have to walk down the hall and look at him in a glass box. That’s the closest I can get to our son, but yours is right there. So if it’s not too much trouble, maybe–maybe I can hold him?

[Soft dramatic music]

Belle: So jan is living in my house, and she just turned my office into a nursery, and my mother has just signed on to be her therapist.

Chloe: You’re kidding.

Belle: Oh, no, no she’s even making house calls because, you know, jan has an ankle bracelet. So I just couldn’t take it anymore. No, I had to create some distance.

Chloe: I’m so sorry, but do you see where this is going at all or?

Belle: Honestly, I really don’t know. So much has happened so fast, and I’m just feeling really just torn. You know, obviously, I still love shawn, but I just hate that he’s let this conniving, manipulative lunatic just take over.

Chloe: How can he not see how wrong this is and how incredibly hurtful? Jan has been trying to come between you guys for years.

Belle: Well, looks like she’s finally succeeded.

Chloe: So does that mean that you’re moving on with ej dimera?

[Door clicks]

Lucas: What happened to abigail was horrible. Ever since I found out yesterday, I can’t stop thinking about the terrifying possibility that maybe I…

Brady: You what?

Lucas: Maybe I won’t be able to help my sister. I mean, I saw her yesterday, and I tried to comfort her, but I don’t know, man. I don’t know if she’s ever gonna recover from this.

Brady: Lucas, lucas, she will be fine, all right? She’s tough. She’s strong. She has people around her to support her.

Lucas: I know you’re right, you’re right. I mean, I’ve been in the same hell that she and jack are in now with will–you know, will, he was a miracle, will came back to us, but abigail’s not coming back to us, not after what that monster did to her, god knows what reason.

Brady: The cops think it could’ve been a robbery gone wrong.

Lucas: A robbery?

Brady: It was in the paper this morning. They found some jewelry and some cash that was taken from the house. The cops think if they can find the jewelry, they’ll find the person who killed abigail.

Leo: Right on time, mr… I didn’t catch your name. Hey well for starters we… somebody’s a little grabby. That’s okay. I don’t mind a man who’s eager. You see anything you like?

Clyde: This stuff is hot, isn’t it? My asthma felt anything but normal.

Ciara: You want to hold my son?

Jan: The whole supervised babysitting idea never happened, so I thought it would be good practice for when I get to hold my own son. What do you think?

Ben: Well, that is up to ciara.

Shawn: I’m with ben, sis, it’s up to you.

Ciara: Sure. Yeah, you, you can hold him.

[Soft dramatic music]

All right, here we go.

Jan: Wow.

Ciara: Make sure you support his head.

Jan: He’s precious. Oh, my gosh.

Ciara: Just like that. That’s perfect.

Jan: Hi, little bo. Hi. I’m your auntie jan. I can’t wait for you to meet your little cousin. You guys are gonna grow up together. You’re gonna be best friends. Ciara’s little bo and my little shawn.

Ciara: I’m sorry, you named your baby shawn?

Chloe: Chad, I am so sorry about abigail. She was a really wonderful woman. I’m praying for you and your family.

Chad: Thank you.

Belle: Chloe just stopped by to see if brady– we were just chatting. The kids are in the kitchen with my dad having cookies.

Chloe: I should probably get going.

Belle: Sure. I’ll walk you out.

Chloe: Please give jack and jennifer my love.

So, you and ej, that’s quite some chemistry.

Belle: We didn’t even say a word to each other.

Chloe: Yeah, and i could still feel the heat between you two. Just be careful not to get burned.

Belle: Oh, speaking of, ej and I ran into your mom the other night on a date with clyde weston. Did you know that they were dating?

Chloe: Yeah, and I am not happy about it.

Belle: Everyone said that you were shot by a mugger in the park. You’re saying clyde did it?

Ej: He didn’t pull the trigger. He lured me to the park, threatened me. When things became heated, his man shot me, and then they left me there to die.

Belle: I was at statesville a lot when ej was there, and I can tell you clyde is exactly who he’s always been. I mean it was a huge mistake to let him out on parole.

Chloe: But there’s nothing we can do about that, right?

Belle: Well, no, but what we can do is whatever it takes to convince nancy to break it off with him. Chloe, I’m telling you, clyde weston is just as dangerous as he’s always been.

Leo: Hot? I don’t know what you mean. Now, if you are talking about yours truly…

Clyde: Hey, cut the crap. You didn’t get this from some dying old lady. You stole it.

Leo: Sir, you offend me and aunt eloise. God rest her soul. Wait! You’re right. This stuff is, as you say, “hot.” I’m looking to unload it as quick as possible.

Clyde: Well, I just might be able to help you with that.

Lucas: A robbery? So it’s possible that abigail didn’t know this person, that it wasn’t personal at all.

Brady: It’s possible. It’s possible that the things that were taken and the murder are completely unrelated. But either way, I know– I mean, rafe is gonna be working around the clock to figure out who did this.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah. I know.

Brady: And lucas, I know you wanna be strong for your sister, but you’re obviously hurting as well. If you feel that urge to pick up that bottle again, man, I just…

Lucas: I won’T. I won’t do it.

Brady: Just know that I’m here for you, okay? If there anything you wanna get something off your chest, whatever you say to me will stay between us, okay?

Lucas: Thanks… but there’s nothing more to tell. I just drank one time, you know, and I’m gonna regret it for the rest of my life.

Belle: Chad, I’m so sorry. We all loved abigail so much.

Chad: Thank you. Thank you for taking such good care of my kids.

Belle: Yeah, of course. Anything you need, we’re here. Is there anything that we can do for you now?

Chad: Yeah, can you go get my children for me? It’s time for me to tell them. Lemons.

[Soft dramatic music]

Brady: It was in the paper this morning. They found some jewelry and some cash that was taken from the house. The cops think if they can find the jewelry, they’ll find the person who killed abigail.

[Eerie music]

Lucas: I don’t remember anything from that night. Is it possible that I took abigail’s jewelry? If I did–if I did, maybe I stashed it in here.

Leo: You can help me with the jewelry?

Clyde: Well, I’m on parole, and i need to keep my nose clean, bt I do have friends who deal in this kind of thing all the time. I can get you fifty cents on the dollar for all this stuff no questions asked.

Leo: Discretion, that’s key. Because I, like you, need to keep my nose clean.

Clyde: But I don’t work for free.

Leo: No, of course not. You’ll get a cut.

Clyde: I’ll get one third of your cut, and that’s non-negotiable. If you don’t like it, you can go try to lowball somebody else.

Leo: One third it is.

Clyde: I need to hold on to these, give it to my friends so they can appraise it, but I do get the feeling you’d rather me have it anyway, right?

Leo: Uh, I suppose that would be best. I can trust you to hold up your end of the deal and not, say, disappear without a trace? You did mention that you were on parole. If you were to take off, I’d have to tell the police my version of what happened and, well, that could get messy.

Clyde: Are you threatening me?

Leo: No. No. I just wanna know when I’m gonna get my money.

Clyde: Check back in a couple of days. You know where to find me.

Brady: Hi.

Chloe: Hi.

Brady: Welcome back.

Chloe: Thanks. I missed you.

Brady: I missed you too. Did you come from my dad and marlena’s?

Chloe: Yeah, I just assumed that you were there, but when I walked in, I saw belle playing with charlotte and thomas. They don’t know about their mom yet.

Brady: Oh, man.

Chloe: Yeah. I was leaving. Chad showed up. I just pray that he finds the strength to be able to tell his kids.

[Soft dramatic music]

Belle: Look who’s here. Go.

Charlotte: Daddy.

Chad: Hey, hey. Oh, I missed you guys so much.

Thomas: We missed you.

Chad: Yeah? Hey, hi. How about the three of us spend some time together right now?

Thomas: Are you and mommy still taking us to boston?

Chad: You wanna go– go to fenway park? Sit on top of the green monster? Maybe catch a home run ball?

Thomas: Yeah.

Chad: Yeah? How does that sound?

Charlotte: Good.

Chad: Okay. Well, we’re definitely gonna do that at some point, okay? I promise, but right now, we need to stay here in salem.

Ej: Would you like to get some air? I’d like to stay close in case chad needs me, but perhaps we could take a walk in the park?

Belle: You know, I’d love to, but I actually think I’m gonna to the hospital and see my mom. See if she can refer a counselor for the kids in case they need it–not in case they need it, of course, they’re gonna need it.

Ej: That’s very thoughtful of you.

Belle: Well, we’re in this together.

Ej: Yes, yes, we are.

Shawn: This is the first I’m hearing about a name for the baby.

Jan: I think it suits our son perfectly. He’s handsome, just like his daddy, and for his middle name, I want him to have a good christian name, and what’s more christian than christian?

Shawn: So we’re going with shawn christian.

Jan: Brady. I think he should have your family name. God knows, there’s no one in my family worth honoring so… is that okay?

Shawn: Yeah. Yeah, sure, that’s fine.

Moderate to severe eczema

Ciara: [Sighs] Well, I’m sorry, ben. That visit was supposed to lift your spirits, and that was just weird.

Ben: Very weird.

Ciara: Very weird.

Ben: But at least we know our nephew’s doing well.

Ciara: Yes, yes, I agree. I just–I still cannot believe that jan spears is the mother. Speaking of mothers, my mother has been asking me to give her an update so I really should…

[Phone ringing] Oh my god, it’s her. Hi, mom. Yeah. I was actually just about to call you to tell you about your new grandson, shawn christian brady.

Ben: [Chuckles]

Jan: Can I see those photos that you took of shawn earlier?

Shawn: Yeah. Yeah. Ah, there they are.

Jan: Oh, my precious little angel. I’m so grateful to you for making it possible that I can stay here with him. I’d be even more grateful if you could run out and get me a chili cheeseburger with fries. I don’t know if I could survive another hospital lunch.

Shawn: Yeah, okay. No onion, extra pickle, right? Yeah, okay. I’ll bring it to you.

[Soft dramatic music]

Chad: So you guys know how much I love you, right? And that I’ll always be with you, no matter what? You know that? You know that? I need you– I need you to remember that. There’s something that I have to tell you about mommy.

Chloe: I can’t stop thinking about those kids.

Brady: Oh, I– I’ve had some conversations with rachel about her mom, but this.

Chloe: I know. It’s bad enough if it’s an accident or an illness or something, but what kind of a savage would brutally murder the mother of two young children?

Brady: Someone who has no heart. The scum of the earth. The lowest of the low.

[Ominous music]

Ej: Looks like someone left you holding the bag.

Lucas: The jewelry isn’t here. So what? So I still could’ve taken the jewelry and stashed it somewhere else. I could still be the one who killed abigail.

Sami: Lucas?

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B&B Transcript Thursday, June 23, 2022

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Zende: I don’t know. I don’t wanna lose the structure, but, uh, it looks too restrained, still.

Ridge: What are you doing? The design is perfect.

Zende: Maybe I can alter the lines, make it look a little bit more slim–

Ridge: Zende, zende, what’s our job? Our job is to highlight the individual, which is exactly what you did. Right, petra?

Petra: Nothing makes me feel more beautiful than a forrester.

Ridge: Oh, boy. Especially this forrester right here, huh?

Petra: Oh, no, was my flirting that obvious?

Zende: You were flirting with me?

Petra: Well, not if you’re still seeing paris.

Zende: Uh, no, actually, I’m– I’m not. Ris is seeing somebody else.

[ Carter sighing ]

Quinn: You shouldn’t be

talking like this, carter.

You’re caring, and handsome,

and passionate.

You’ve really made a difference

in my life at a time

when I didn’t think anyone

could make me feel better,

you did.

[ Paris gasping ]

Paris: Oh! There you are, my very, very handsome fiancé!

Quinn: I want you

to be truly happy.

Carter: You make me truly

happy, you know that.

You know how bad I want you.

But I can’t have you.

I can’t have us, it– it’s

a fantasy that can never be.

Quinn: That doesn’t mean

that you should propose

to paris. You don’t love her.

Not the way a man

is supposed to love

a woman he wants to spend

the rest of his life with.

Carter: The way I love you?

And I do love you, quinn.

I love you so damn much.

I’ll always love you.

Eric: Quinn, I’m thinking of ordering in for lunch. You want something?

Quinn: No, thank you. I’m not hungry.

Eric: You okay? You’re kinda quiet. It’s kinda of, uh, quiet quinn day here.

Quinn: Just thinking.

Eric: Yeah. About, um, the conversation we had the other day?

Quinn: I was just… thinking about how things can change. How you can make one mistake and it can change the direction of your entire life. Hohard it is, to find your way back. I was thinking about our marriage, and how it made me feel. I felt so sure of myself. Like I belonged here. I just– I want to feel that way again. And I hope you do, too.

Ridge: So, I don’t mean to pry, but, uh, but how are you doing with this whole paris thing?

Zende: I’m okay.

Ridge: Yeah. You’re going out?

Zende: Been out a couple days.

Ridge: Guy like you, you should be out every night.

Zende: Listen, uncle. It’s not really my thing. I’m looking for a more meaningful connection.

Ridge: Like what you had with paris. I’m here if you need to talk. I mean, I– I can see how much you miss her.

Quinn: Listen to me. Getting all heavy. You going to the club today?

Eric: I’m not sure. I haven’t decided yet.

Quinn: You get so much enjoyment from being there. I’m surprised you don’t go there every single day.

Grace: Take your lips off my daughter.

Paris: Mom, you– you can–

Grace: I’m your mother. So yes, I can. Take your hands off my girl.

Carter: You haven’t told her?

Paris: Well… um. Look, mom. I asked you to please just stay out of this.

Grace: Not when I know this isn’t what you want. This man is not serious about you. You cannot depend on him. The future you want is not going to be with carter.

Paris: It’s already happening. (Asaad) when I was little,

Ridge: So did you ever pick up anything between carter and paris?

Zende: No, you?

Ridge: No, I– grace came in here, [Indistinct], And I– I didn’t believe it.

Zende: Yeah, uh, let me guess, she asked you to stop it, huh?

Ridge: Mm hm. She definitely wasn’t as okay with it as you are.

Zende: “Okay with it” might be a bit of a stretch, ridge.

Ridge: Did carter misunderstand you?

Zende: No. I mean, I told them that I would not stand in their way, and I meant it. If carter can make paris happy, then I wish them all the best. But… thinking about them together is tough, especially remembering all the things that he said to me when I used to talk to him about her. I mean, he’s my friend, right?

Ridge: I know, I’m having trouble with that too.

Zende: I’m not going to rip on the guy.

Ridge: I’m not either. But I do have questions.

Eric: Quinn, if you’re wondering if you and I feel the same, the same way, I think we do.

Quinn: That’s good to hear.

Eric: Everyone wants to feel appreciated and secure, especially in their relationships.

Quinn: True.

Eric: But what about love? And passion? I mean, those are the two things that– that connect you to someone that only the two of you share. You can’t just– snap your fingers and– and– and make that happen no matter how much you want to. Building a lasting relationship it takes trust and it’s built over time.

Eric: I agree.

Quinn: Well, you’d think that would be obvious to everybody.

Eric: By everybody, you mean carter?

Quinn: What?

Eric: You mentioned carter, the other day. Um, there’s something that you’re concerned about, a decision he’s about to make.

Quinn: I don’t want to talk about carter. I don’t– I don’t wanna upset you.

Eric: No, no, no. That’s all right. I mean, if there’s something going on with carter, I want to know about it.

Grace: What’s that on your finger?

Paris: The most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen in my life. Carter asked me to marry him last night, and guess what I said? We want to get married right away.

Grace: Right away?

Paris: Yeah. Carter says he can pull this wedding off this week, so–

Grace: This week?

Carter: I’d marry your daughter today, if I could.

Grace: No, this is not happening.

Paris: What?

Grace: Take the ring off, and give it back.

Paris: Mom.

Grace: I won’t let you do this, paris.

Paris: I’m not asking for permission. I’m sharing my good news with you.

Grace: And what’s good about it? My beautiful daughter is giving her heart away to a man who’s done very little to earn it.

Paris: Carter and I kept our attraction private in the beginning–

Grace: Because you knew it was wrong.

Paris: Why can’t you just be happy for me?

Grace: I would be. If I thought carter was the right man for you, but he isn’T.

Paris: That’s not your decision to make.

Grace: Aren’t you going to say anything?

Carter: Grace, I know this may seem fast, but I’m certain this is the right path. I want to start our future with your daughter right now.

Grace: That’s what I need you to explain. What’s the rush to get my daughter to the altar?

With less moderate-to-severe


Grace: If you’re so certain about your future with paris, why not take your time? Give her a real courtship?

Paris: What does that even mean?

Grace: It means you deserve more than a ring and a promise, honey. Have you even talked about it? Have you made any plans? Or did this proposal just come out of the blue?

Paris: Carter loves me, and he wants me to be his wife. I am so sorry this is happening.

Carter: No, she’s trying to protect you. I understand.

Paris: She’s not being fair.

Grace: I just asked a simple question.

Paris: Carter answered it. If we both know what we wanna do, there’s no reason to wait.

Grace: Oh, I could think of quite a few reasons.

Paris: Carter. I need to speak to my mom in private.

Carter: It’s okay.

Grace: That man wants to run off and do a quickie wedding. Do you not have the sense to stop and think and ask yourself why? Come on, baby. This is wrong. This whole thing is wrong.

Quinn: It’s not my place to judge carter, or his personal decisions.

Eric: So this doesn’t involve the company?

Quinn: Well, I mean it– it could have ramifications for the company. I– I didn’t talk to you about it because I thought carter would come to his senses, but clearly he hasn’t!

Eric: Whoa, whoa, what do you mean, what’s he done? He took a ring that I was working on and he gave it to paris as an engagement ring.

Eric: He proposed?

Quinn: Yeah.

Eric: Well– I know that– that zende and paris broke it off, I know that, but– but, uh, I had no idea that carter and paris felt this way about each other.

Quinn: I know. It’s surprising. That’s why I was so concerned. And– and, look, I- I know that– that paris, she’s obviously smitten with carter, but I– I don’t I don’t think that carter feels the same way about her.

Eric: Why? I mean, he proposed.

Quinn: Yes, but he just wants to move on with his life and– and meet someone. He wants to build a future with someone.

Eric: And you don’t think paris is the one? Has he said anything to you to make you question his commitment to paris? Do you think he’s not in love with her?

Carter: Got specs for the new sewing equipment.

Ridge: Hold on a second. Close the doors. I was just talking to zende about you.

Carter: How’s he doing?

Ridge: You know, he’s having trouble accepting your relationship with paris.

Carter: Hm. Well, he’s not the only one.

Ridge: Grace buckingham is not a fan.

Carter: Heh. No. And I’m sorry she dragged you into this–

Ridge: Let me ask you something. Why did I have to hear from her, that there’s a new woman in your life?

Carter: Well, I wasn’t sure how to tell you.

Ridge: Well, maybe you’re just not sure. Is that what you want? Really? A future with paris?

Carter: I have to, now.

Ridge: You have to, now? What does that mean?

Carter: I proposed to her. I asked paris to be my wife. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Grace: I wish I could be overjoyed for you. I really do.

Paris: You’re not even trying, though. You took one look at the ring and you said, “no, this is not happening.”

Grace: Because I’m concerned, honey. You know how I feel about carter. His history with your sister and with eric forrester’s wife! And now he proposes to you out of nowhere?

Paris: I get it. You want me to be with zende.

Grace: This isn’t going to end well. You have to trust me on this.

Paris: Carter is not dad.

Grace: I know my failed marriage with your father has a lot to do with it. And I wish I could have taught you and your sister what a loving and committed relationship looks like. But I wish you weren’t so blinded by big talk.

Paris: It’s not big talk. Carter really wants to be with me. I’m his future.

Grace: Honey, he’s saying all the right words. But I’m just not buying it. There is something else going on here.

Quinn: Do I think carter loves paris?

Eric: Well, yeah, of course he does. He proposed to her.

Quinn: Yeah. That’s a– it’s usually a pretty good indication.

Eric: Yeah, it’s just surprising at how fast it was, how quickly it happened.

Quinn: Yeah, that’s what I mean. I mean, paris is– is getting out of one relationship and jumping into a marriage.

Eric: Well, it’s pretty impulsive. I know it– it seems that way, but, uh, carter has been looking for a– a relationship and love for a very long time, and if he– he thinks he’s found it with paris, then good, then good. I’m glad he’s going for it.

Quinn: Yeah, well, love can make you do some pretty crazy, reckless things.

Eric: Yeah, it can. But what better reason than, uh, than love to do something reckless? So if this works out between the two of them, this is where it’s going, then good for them. I’m happy. I hope it works out.

Ridge: You proposed to paris? You kidding me?

Carter: Why– why? Why would I kid about that?

Ridge: Uh– no one even knows that you’re dating.

Carter: We kept our relationship private.

Ridge: You kept it secret.

Carter: Okay, well, not anymore.

Ridge: Not anymore. Because you are getting married. What are you– she was with zende five minutes ago, and now you– you guys– what? You’ve been dating a couple of weeks? What’s–

Carter: What’s the matter? Why should we wait? For what? We’re not gonna change. What’s gonna change in a month? In a year? Not my feelings. Not what I want, ridge. That’s why I’m proposing. I want to move on. I want to move forward. I wanna start living a life that makes sense.

Ridge: This makes sense?

Carter: Yes. Yes, it does. It’s the first thing in a very long time. And you know what? I’m– I’m not debating with you. I get why grace and zende may have issues, but I was counting on my best friend to be supportive.

Ridge: I am going to be supportive. I’ll support you as soon as I understand what it is that you’re doing. You’ve been telling me for years you’re waiting for this one woman, the woman that makes your heart skip a beat. The woman that you see in your dreams. Is that paris? Is it? She’s the love of your life?

Eric: It’s okay, quinn. I know you still care about carter. And you’re worried. You don’t think that paris is the woman he truly loves?

Ridge: Paris is a beautiful young woman and she’s kind. And I– I know you respect her. But I know you don’t love her. Cause I know what you look like when you’re in love. I’ve seen that on you. I’ve seen you with my father’s wife. You love quinn.

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Days Update Thursday, June 23, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Ben and Clyde look over baby Bo as he sleeps at home. Clyde wishes he could stick around but he has to get to work. Ben acknowledges that Clyde is really good with Bo. Clyde calls it pretty surprising and says he just learns from the best in Ben and Ciara. Clyde adds that being around baby Bo so much and seeing how much he needs both his parents makes him think of Abigail DiMera’s children losing their mom. Clyde calls it a tragedy for the whole family and then says he has to go as he exits.

Lucas sits alone in the town square and thinks back to waking up from drinking and wondering what the hell he did the night before. Brady approaches and asks if Lucas has a minute to talk about falling off the wagon. Lucas asks what the hell he’s talking about since he was in a meeting this morning and is 100% sober. Brady asks why he looks so guilty then.

EJ enters the living room of the DiMera Mansion and finds Chad laying on the couch, unable to sleep. EJ checks on him and offers to help him upstairs but Chad says he tried but couldn’t bring himself to enter his bedroom as he just remembered finding Abigail slipping away from him.

Belle is with Thomas and Charlotte at John and Marlena’s house. There’s a knock on the door which makes Charlotte hope it’s her mom. Belle answers the door to see Chloe and invites her in. Thomas complains that they thought it was going to be their mom.

Shawn sits with Jan in her hospital room. Jan cries about her baby being the smallest one and how he was crying while she couldn’t comfort him. Shawn encourages her. Shawn then gets a text from the warden, asking when he is going to bring Jan back to prison.

Belle sends Thomas and Charlotte to the kitchen to get cookies from John. Chloe realizes they still don’t know about Abigail.

Ciara comes home to Ben and baby Bo. Ciara asks Ben what’s wrong. Ben responds that he was just thinking about Abigail and how sad it is that she’s really gone, especially for her kids. Ciara calls it really heartbreaking to think about Thomas and Charlotte having to grow up without a mother. Ben recalls that he tried to do that when he tried to take Abigail away from her family. Ciara assures that was a long time ago and Ben was a different person then but he’s better now. Ben says not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about all the people he hurt. Ciara encourages that he’s with her now and their son, so everything is going to be okay. Ben says not for Chad as his whole world just fell apart.

EJ mentions that Harold told him that Chad sent the staff away which he confirms. EJ doesn’t think it’s a good idea for Chad to be all alone in the house. Chad responds that he is alone. EJ says that’s not true. Chad argues that Abigail is gone and not coming back because some evil son of a bitch decided to take her away from him.

Leo sits in the Brady Pub as he comes across a headline in The Intruder that states a police source says “Stolen Jewels may lead us to Abigail DiMera’s Killer”. Leo thinks back to stealing the jewels from Abigail’s box and begins to panic as he declares that he can’t get caught holding that jewelry so he has to find someone to take it off his hands.

Lucas tells Brady that he has nothing to feel guilty about. Brady brings up Lucas walking out of the meeting this morning. Lucas didn’t know Brady was there. Brady says that Lucas looked right at him. Lucas says it didn’t register. Brady argues that Lucas saw he was there and left. Lucas claims he didn’t see him and that he had somewhere else more important to be. Lucas says that he had to go pick Sami up at the airport as she got in from Italy this morning but her flight was cancelled so he came back. Lucas asks if he has any more questions. Brady asks what he’s not telling him.

Clyde approaches Leo and comments on his solid platinum gold money clip. Leo complains about the price of the chowder. Clyde remarks that it looks like he can afford it. Leo tells Clyde to make him an offer for the money clip but Clyde declines. Leo then informs him that he has some other items for sale. Clyde asks if he’s a salesman. Leo claims that an old aunt of his passed away and he’s the executor of her estate. Clyde says he’s sorry for his loss. Leo thanks him and claims they were very close. Clyde asks if he’s liquidating her assets. Leo says specifically some jewelry and asks if he’s interested. Clyde says he’d have to see it first. Leo tells Clyde to meet him in the park in ten minutes as he then quickly exits.

Lucas tells Brady that he’s just trying to enjoy his coffee and some peace. Brady apologizes as he’s not trying to pry in his personal business and he was genuinely worried when he walked out of the meeting. Brady remarks that Lucas doesn’t look too good, so he’d hate to think he skipped out on a meeting that he may have needed because of him. Lucas then admits to Brady that he went on a bender but it was one night and that’s it. Brady asks if it had anything to do with Abigail.

Chloe tells Belle that she came assuming that Brady was here and apologizes for not calling first. They sit together and talk about Thomas and Charlotte. Chloe mentions hearing that Jan had Shawn’s baby and says she’s so sorry for not being there to support Belle. Belle responds that it’s okay as she actually had a big broad shoulder to cry on in EJ. Belle informs Chloe that she stayed at the DiMera Mansion and it was very comforting. Chloe questions if Belle and EJ slept together. Belle assures that they didn’t, but admits they came close.

EJ tells Chad that he stayed at John and Marlena’s last night where Belle was. Chad asks about the kids. EJ says they are fine as they kept them occupied. EJ brings up the kids being away from home for two nights already. Chad argues that he knows. EJ says they are fine but they are asking for their father. Chad argues that he can’t see them like this, so he asks EJ to tell the kids that he’s sick or slammed at work. EJ agrees to do so but notes that they are asking for their mother too.

Ben tells Ciara that he came close to being where Chad is now and wishes he could tell him how sorry he is. Ciara asks what Ben is doing this afternoon. Ben says not much. Ciara says she is going to the hospital to meet their new nephew and invites Ben to come with her. Ben says he would love that.

Jan argues that Shawn can’t let them do this as she hasn’t even held their son. Shawn doesn’t think the warden will see that as reason for her not to go back to prison. Jan argues that their baby is premature and he needs her breast milk. Shawn tells her they will figure it out. Jan asks if he expects her to pump in the dirty prison and that he’ll bring the bottles back and forth every day. Jan argues that she needs to be here because their son needs her and she needs Shawn to make that happen right now.

Lucas asks Brady why his drinking would have anything to do with Abigail. Brady says that Lucas’s niece, whom he loved very dearly, was brutally murdered so he wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to numb the pain a bit of that. Brady adds that he’s worried about Jennifer having a slip up after losing her child so violently and horrifically. Lucas then admits that this is about Abigail.

Chad apologizes to EJ for lashing out and says he knows he has to do this, but he has no idea how he’s going to. Chad questions how to tell his children that they’re never going to see their mother again. Chad talks about how Abigail was reading The Hobbit to Thomas at bedtime and how Charlotte climbed the tree outside until Abigail climbed up to get her, even though she was terrified of heights. EJ encourages Chad that he’s not alone as he has his family. Chad responds that he can’t do this without her. EJ knows it seems impossible right now but insists that he will find the strength to go on and everyone who loves him will help and support him. EJ declares that Chad is their father and they need him now more than ever. EJ hugs Chad as he breaks down crying.

Belle tells Chloe that EJ has been really supportive through the whole nightmare with Jan and he came to the hospital to check on her, so after the baby was born, she asked EJ to get her out of there. Belle says they went to dinner, had a couple of bottle of wines, and ended up back at the mansion. Belle adds that she and EJ were almost at the point of no return when they heard Chad screaming for help. Chloe asks what if that hadn’t happened. Belle confirms that she and EJ would’ve ended up in bed together without question. Chloe asks if that means Belle and Shawn are over.

Shawn informs Jan that he just spoke with Kayla and she agrees that Jan should stay at the hospital with the baby for a little while longer, so she’s going to call the warden now. Jan excitedly hugs Shawn to thank him right as Ciara walks in with Ben and baby Bo. Ciara questions what’s going on here. Jan says she just got the best news that she doesn’t have to go back to prison right away. Shawn explains that the doctors feel that it would be best for the baby if she stays for awhile longer. Jan talks about how much a child needs it’s mother and says she hasn’t even gotten to hold their baby yet. Ciara says that must be really hard. Jan calls it torture and asks if she can hold Ciara and Ben’s baby.

Belle explains to Chloe that Jan is living in her house and just turned her office into a nursery while Marlena has just signed on to be Jan’s therapist. Chloe can’t believe it. Belle says Marlena is even making house calls because of Jan’s ankle monitor. Belle says she couldn’t take it anymore and had to create some distance. Chloe says she’s sorry and asks if she sees where this is going at all. Belle admits she doesn’t know since so much happened so fast and she just feels really torn. Belle says she obviously still loves Shawn but she hates that he’s let Jan just take over. Chloe questions how Shawn can’t see how wrong and hurtful this is since Jan has been trying to come between them for years. Belle declares that it looks like she finally succeeded. Chloe asks if that means Belle is moving on with EJ DiMera. EJ then walks in with Chad.

Lucas tells Brady that what happened to Abigail was horrible and ever since he found out yesterday, he can’t stop thinking about the terrifying possibility but then switches and says it’s that he can’t help Jennifer. Lucas says he saw Jennifer yesterday but he doesn’t know if she will ever recover from this. Brady encourages that Jennifer will be fine as she is strong and has people around her to support her. Lucas relates to being in the same hell with Will but he came back to them. Lucas complains that Abigail is not coming back after what this monster did to her. Brady notes that the cops think it could’ve been a robbery gone wrong which surprises Lucas. Brady explains that it was in the paper this morning that they found some jewelry and cash missing from the house, so they think if they can find the jewelry then they will find the person who killed Abigail.

Clyde meets Leo in the park. Clyde takes Leo’s bag and looks at the jewelry inside. Clyde guesses the jewelry is hot.

Ciara questions Jan wanting to hold her son. Jan points out that the whole supervised babysitting idea never happened so she thought it would be good practice for holding her own son. Jan asks what they think. Ben says it’s up to Ciara. Shawn agrees. Ciara then agrees to allow Jan to hold baby Bo. Jan holds baby Bo and calls herself his Aunt Jan. Jan talks about how Bo will grow up with his cousin, her baby Shawn. Ciara then questions them naming the baby Shawn.

Chloe tells Chad that she’s so sorry about Abigail and calls her a really wonderful woman. Belle says that Chloe stopped by to see Brady so they were just chatting while the kids are in the kitchen with John. Chloe decides to get going and sends her love to Jack and Jennifer. Belle decides to walk Chloe out. Chloe tells Belle that it’s quite some chemistry between her and EJ. Belle notes that they didn’t even say anything to each other. Chloe says she could still feel the heat between them and advises her to be careful not to get burned. Belle then brings up how her and EJ ran in to Chloe’s mom, Nancy, on a date with Clyde Weston and asks if she knew they were dating. Chloe admits she’s not happy about it. Belle thinks back to EJ sharing the secret with her that Clyde had him shot. Belle tells Chloe that she was at the prison a lot while EJ was there and she can tell her that Clyde is exactly who he has always been. Belle thinks it was a huge mistake to let him out on parole. Chloe points out that there’s nothing they can do about that. Belle feels they must do whatever it takes to convince Nancy to break up with him as she insists that Clyde is just as dangerous as he’s always been.

Leo claims not to know what Clyde means. Clyde tells him to cut the crap and accuses him of stealing the jewelry. Leo acts offended so Clyde goes to leave but Leo stops him and admits that the stuff is hot and he’s looking to unload it as quick as possible. Clyde responds that he just might be able to help him with that.

Lucas questions Brady saying it might have been a robbery and it’s possible that Abigail didn’t know the person and it wasn’t personal at all. Brady states that it’s possible but also possible that the things that were stolen are completely unrelated. Brady adds that Rafe will be working around the clock to figure out who did this. Brady knows Lucas wants to be strong for Jennifer but he’s obviously hurting as well. Lucas assures that he won’t pick up the bottle again. Brady tells him that he’s here for him if he wants to get anything off his chest, adding that whatever he says will stay between them. Lucas thanks him but says there is nothing more to tell and that he just drank one time, but he’ll regret it for the rest of his life.

Belle heads back inside and tells Chad that she’s so sorry as they all loved Abigail so much. Chad thanks her for taking such good care of his kids. Belle says they are here for anything he needs and asks if there’s anything they can do now. Chad asks her to go get his children for him as it’s time for him to tell them.

Lucas goes to his room at the Salem Inn and thinks back to Brady telling him about the cops looking for the stolen jewelry. Lucas states that he doesn’t remember anything about that night and wonders if it’s possible that he stole Abigail’s jewelry. Lucas says that if he did, maybe he stashed it in the room, so he starts looking through his drawers.

Leo questions Clyde being able to help him with the jewelry. Clyde explains that he’s on parole so he needs to keep his nose clean, but he does have friends who deal in this kind of thing all the time. Leo adds that he also has to keep his nose clean. Clyde points out that he doesn’t work for free. Leo agrees to give him a cut. Clyde declares that he gets a third of Leo’s cut and that’s not negotiable. Clyde says if Leo doesn’t like that, he can try to low ball somebody else so Leo agrees to his terms. Clyde says he needs to hold on to the jewelry to have his friend appraise it, but he feels Leo would rather him have it anyway. Leo supposes that would be best if he can trust him to hold up his end of the deal and not disappear without a trace. Leo adds that since Clyde is on parole, so if he did disappear, he’d have to tell the police his version of what happened and that could get messy. Clyde asks if he’s threatening him. Leo says no and just wants to know when he’s getting his money. Clyde tells him to check back in a couple of days and that he knows where to find him as he walks away.

Brady joins Chloe outside the Pub and they kiss as Brady welcomes her back. Chloe thanks him and says she missed him. Brady asks if she came from John and Marlena’s. Chloe confirms that she did as she thought he would be there, but when she walked in, she saw Belle playing with Charlotte and Thomas. Chloe mentions that the kids don’t know about their mom yet. Chloe adds that as she was leaving, Chad showed up. Chloe prays that Chad finds the strength to be able to tell his kids.

Belle brings Thomas and Charlotte in to see Chad. Chad hugs them and says he missed them so much. Chad suggests they spend some time together now. EJ and Belle then exit the house. Thomas asks if Chad and Abigail are still taking them to Boston. Chad promises to take them at some point, but right now they need to stay in Salem.

EJ asks Belle if she wants to get some air. EJ says he’d like to stay close in case Chad needs him, but they could take a walk in the park. Belle says she’d love to but thinks she’s going to go see Marlena at the hospital to see if she can refer a counselor for the kids. EJ calls that very thoughtful of her. Belle says they are in this together. EJ agrees as Belle then walks away.

Shawn says this is the first he’s hearing of a name for the baby. Jan thinks it suits their son perfectly. Jan suggests the name Shawn Christian Brady and asks if that’s okay. Shawn says that’s fine.

Ben and Ciara return home with baby Bo. Ciara apologizes to Ben as that visit was supposed to lift his spirits but that was just weird. Ben agrees but says at least they know their nephew is doing well. Ciara still can’t believe Jan Spears is a mother. Ciara mentions that her mother has been asking for an update. Ciara then gets a call from Hope and answers the call, saying she was just about to call her to tell her about her new grandson, Shawn Christian Brady.

Jan asks Shawn to show her the photos he took of their baby Shawn earlier, so he does. Jan expresses being grateful to Shawn for making it possible that she can stay here with their baby. Jan adds that she’d be even more grateful if he got her a chili cheese dog with fries instead of hospital lunch. Shawn agrees to get it and exits. Shawn then runs in to Belle at the hospital.

Chad sits with Thomas and Charlotte and tells them how much he loves them. Chad informs them that there’s something he has to tell them about their mom.

Chloe tells Brady that she can’t stop thinking about the kids. Brady talks about having conversations with Rachel about her mom but not this. Chloe questions what kind of savage would brutally murder the mother of two young children. Brady says it would be someone who has no earth, the scum of the earth, and the lowest of the low. Leo then walks up.

Clyde walks through the park with the bag of stolen jewelry. EJ then appears and says it looks like someone left him holding the bag.

Lucas finishes searching his room and concludes the jewelry is not there but worries that he still could have stashed it somewhere else and he could still be the one who killed Abigail. Sami then arrives, entering the room on crutches and surprising Lucas.


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Y&R Update Thursday, June 23, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

At the Abbott house, Kyle and Summer waited for Jack to come home. Kyle hoped Jack would understand his decision. When Jack arrived, Kyle announced that he’d be leaving his job as co-CEO of Jabot and becoming the CEO of Marchetti. Jack understood that this plan made a lot of sense, but he’d enjoyed working with Kyle, and he’d miss it. Kyle felt the same way. He assured Jack that they’d still spend a lot of time together. Jack knew this was the beginning of a thrilling new chapter for Kyle and Summer. He couldn’t wait to watch Kyle spread his wings and soar.

Jack was curious when Phyllis would get back from Savannah and what she thought of the Marchetti news. Summer was waiting to tell her mom in person, and Phyllis was supposed to be back soon. Phyllis claimed she was willing to let go of her past hatred of Diane. Summer wasn’t sure she believed it. Jack hoped it was true, but he had his doubts. Summer wished Jack trusted her to tell her what happened between him and her mom. He said that it wasn’t about trust. He felt that Summer knew all she needed to know, and he didn’t think she should be worried about this. He stated that he, Phyllis and Diane all wanted Summer and Kyle to be happy. Jack had somewhere to be, so he left. Summer told Kyle that she thought Jack was being evasive. Kyle said that their parents weren’t obligated to share all the details of their lives. He wanted Summer to focus on the good things in her and Kyle’s life instead of tying herself up over this. Summer didn’t believe Phyllis had let go of her anger. She was worried that Phyllis was laying low and that she was going to come back with a plan of attack.

Diane met Michael for a stroll in the park, which he’d arranged. She brought him lemonade, because she was delighted that someone besides her son wanted to spend time with her. She was glad they were friends again. He agreed, which was why he felt he should warn her that Nikki asked him to dig up any dirt from Diane’s time in LA. Michael said he told Nikki he’d do a deep dive, only to prove there was nothing incriminating. He said he was rooting for Diane. He asked if she broke any laws while she was out west, supposedly rehabilitating herself. Diane said she walked a straight line in LA. Michael wanted to know if Diane was saying she’d lived a life comparable to regular people, or if she’d just been better than she used to be. Diane commented that Michael had a checkered past too. Michael said that was why he knew how easy it was to cross the line and justify your actions later.

Diane said Michael knew from personal experience that people could change, since he went from lawyer, to prisoner then back again. Michael revealed that he spent a few weeks wrongfully imprisoned in Peru because he upset the wrong people while working on a case for Victor. She wanted to hear all about it, but he said they’d need stronger drinks for that. He brought this up because he wanted her to know that when he investigated someone, he was extremely thorough. Diane was aware, and she said he could dig around her personal, professional and financial history as Taylor Jensen, because she had nothing to hide. She said it was the quietest time of her life because she was on the run and couldn’t risk negative attention, plus her soul couldn’t bear more bad behavior. She’d had to turn herself around and prove she was worthy of being in Kyle’s life. At some point, Phyllis, in her floppy hat and shades, came up and listened in.

Michael said that Diane should be patient. He told her that she coudln’t convince everyone to come around, but if she continued to be the best version of herself, people would have to admit she changed, even if they didn’t say it to her face. She asked how long it took him to convince everyone he wronged. He said that was beside the point. He said he re-invented himself, and it was a long and hard journey, but it was worth it and he had the life of his dreams. He loved Lauren more today than he did the day they married. Diane said that was disturbingly sweet and aspirational. She said she might not give up on the happily-ever-after thing. He asked if there were relationships in LA. She said she’d been working on herself, and she didn’t have time or energy for romance. Phyllis overheard Michael encourage Diane to put herself on the dating market. Jack walked up and noted that Michael and Diane’s friendship had picked up where it left off. Mcihael said he enjoyed Diane’s friendship more than ever, and he thought that if people really listened to Diane, they’d feel the same way.

Jack mentioned that Diane might want to visit the house because Kyle and Summer had exciting news. She appreciated him sharing that with her. He was sure Kyle was going to tell her eventually anyway. She left. Michael enjoyed seeing Jack be so polite to Diane and not shutting her out of Kyle’s life. Jack wasn’t planning to interfere in Kyle and Diane’s relationship. Michael asked if there was a chance Jack would come around to the idea that Diane had changed. Jack admitted it could be possible, and he hoped Diane had changed, for Kyle’s sake. Jack left. Michael told Phyllis she could come out of hiding, and she looked shocked he knew she was there.

Phyllis slipped out of the shadows. Michael asked if Phyllis was really spying on Diane. Phyllis was annoyed that some of her close person friends had forgiven Diane. Michael told Phyllis to stop lurking around in the shrubbery and acting like a crazed stalker from I Love Lucy and face the fact that Diane had changed. He pointed out that Phyllis claimed she’d changed more than once. Phyllis was adamant that Diane hadn’t changed. She said she’d never forgive Diane. Michael wondered if Phyllis had looked in the mirror sometime. Phyllis said she didn’t fake her death and come back to life in a manipulative way like Diane did. Phyllis thought it was right to be skeptical. Michael had no problem with Phyllis being skeptical. He said Jack was skeptical, but he wasn’t letting himself be consumed with anger. Michael asked if Phyllis had really thought about what was at risk, in this cyclone of fury she was in the eye of. She was near tears, and she said she knew exactly what she stood to lose because of Diane. Michael said Phyllis’s daughter was married to Diane’s son, so Summer and Diane would be in constant contact. He asked if she wanted to put her daughter in the horrible position of having to choose between her husband and Phyllis.

Back at the Abbott house, Kyle hoped Summer was wrong about her mother plotting against his. She did too. Diane showed up and explained what Jack said. Kyle told her about his new job. Diane was happy. Phyllis texted Summer and summoned her to the hotel, and she asked Summer not to mention she’d returned. Summer lied and told Kyle and Diane that she had a work matter to deal with. She left.

Diane was sure Kyle would be sensational at this job. It meant so much to her to share this time with him. She didn’t want to ever miss another meaningful moment in Kyle’s life.

Summer met Phyllis in the suite and asked when she got home. Phyllis claimed she arrived right before she sent Summer the text. Summer asked why Phyllis didn’t want anyone to know she was in town. Phyllis said she just wanted alone time with Summer. Summer announced that the Marchetti deal went through so they’d be coming home for good. Summer said Kyle would be running Marchetti, so they’d be working together again. Phyllis asked what Jack said. Summer said he was generous and gracious. Phyllis how Harrison, Jack and Diane were. Summer said everyone was great and the Abbott family was in harmony. Phyllis said she wanted nothing more than that. Summer said she was afraid Phyllis was going to try and wreck that peace. Summer warned Phyllis not to do that.

Phyllis claimed she meant everything she said on the phone – there was nothing she wanted more than to put the hostility with Diane behind her. She knew it would be hard, but she was willing to do it because she realized the anger wasn’t healthy for her. Phyllis asked if Jack was putting his anger behind him. Summer said it was a struggle for Jack, but he was doing this for Kyle. Summer asked what happened between Phyllis and Jack. Phyllis said Summer was digging where there was nothing to be found. Phyllis said they were all going to hit the reset button. Summer asked Phyllis to go with her so Phyllis could tell Diane that she wanted to move forward.

Devon ran into Elena in the hallway outside their homes. He suddenly stepped back into his place and invited her in. He’d realized he didn’t have his tablet. She helped him look, and he asked how thing were going at the hospital. She said it was hectic, but she loved her job and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. She found his tablet, then she took a phone call that put her in a good mood. Later, she thanked Devon for something and said she was sure Nate would be happy too.

When Elena got home, Nate was there hoping to surprise her with a lunch date. Elena had news. She’d been invited to speak at a medical convention in Hawaii, and she asked him to come with her. She said they could work during the day, and the nights would be theirs. He was tempted, but the timing was rough, due to the launch. She said she talked to Devon, and he didn’t have a problem with it. Nate tensed about Elena already running this by Devon. She didn’t plan it that way, but she got the call while she was with Devon’s, so she didn’t think it would be a problem to ask him about it.

Nate thought Elena should’ve talked to him first. He said he was in a new role, in a new company and in a new field trying to prove himself. He felt a lot of people were watching to see if he was up to the task. She asked if he really thought working remotely for a few days would make him look bad. He said yes – he was trying to be as professional as possible, and even though he and Elena were close to his cousin, it wasn’t exactly cool for Nate to have his girlfriend ask the CEO if he could go on a trip. Elena was sorry. Nate softened and apologized too. He said he didn’t feel comfortable leaving the company right now but that didn’t mean he wasn’t proud of her for the opportunity. She hated that their jobs were keeping them from being there for each others’ big events – she missed the launch, and he was going to miss this trip. He looked forward to them getting away for a vacation, with no work and all indulgence when the time was right. They hugged and kissed.

Imani met Amanda at Crimson Lights with bad news. Her father had informed her that their mother had a stroke. Naya was in the hospital and she was in stable condition. Amanda was ready to go to the hospital, but Imani said that Naya wasn’t allowed to have visitors besides her husband right now, but he was keeping Imani posted. Imani said her father assured her that Naya was in excellent hands. Amanda was grateful for that, but she was feeling shocked. Imani was shaken up too. She remembered that she couldn’t stop worrying after her mother’s last health incident. Amanda remembered that she’d told Imani to stop jumping to the worst possible conclusion. Amanda said her default was to keep pushing forward and focus on the positive. She was sorry if she dismissed Imani’s feelings. Imani didn’t blame Amanda. Imani thought that Amanda’s positive attitude was a good way to handle bad news.

Imani said that her dad was going to put them on speaker so they could talk to their mom once she was feeling up to it. A tearful Amanda asked about Naya’s medical care. Imani said that Naya had to spend a few days on the hospital, then she’d be able to come home. Imani said they were lucky to be able to afford in home care. Imani said they’d visit when they could because Naya would need all the love and support she could get. Amanda continued to weep, and Imani comforted her. Amanda said she waited so long to find her mom, and now that she had, her medical condition kept getting worse. Imani suggested Amanda could go spend some quality time with Naya.

Imani said their mom needed them both, but if someone needed stay longer, it should be Amanda. Amanda was caught off guard because Naya had been part of Imani’s entire life. Imani said that was her point – she’d had all these years with Naya, but Amanda was trying to make up for lost time. Amanda wanted to go and stay as long as she could, but she was worried about leaving town right after the merger. She said she’d do day visits. Imani said that wouldn’t be the same as staying and spending quality time with Naya. Imani was sure she could cover the workload while Amanda was gone.

Later, Amanda was home crying on Devon’s shoulder. He offered to be there no matter what she needed. She said she wanted to visit her mom for a short time now and have a longer visit later. He asked why she wanted to wait until later. She explained about the work issues, and he reminded her that they had a whole legal team to handle things. He was sure she’d be available if they really needed her. He told her family came first.

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