Young & The Restless Transcript

Transcript provided by Suzanne
Billy: I know, I’m sorry, I’m a little bit late. Mwah. Just having a hard time getting motivated this morning.
Jill: Well, now, why would that be? The launch party was a tremendous success. I’ve been getting congratulatory messages all morning.
Billy: Yeah, Mother, don’t take this the wrong way, but there’s more to life than work.
Jill: Yeah, Billy, I understand that. But would you please tell me why you’re so disgruntled?
Billy: Can I at least just get a coffee, please, first?
Jill: Could you multi-task?
Billy: Fine, I got some disturbing news from Victoria right before the launch. And I promised Lily that I was not gonna let it affect the big night, and I didn’t, but I’m having a hard time letting it go.
Jill: Okay, so what happened?
Billy: Victoria came to me and informed me that she is — she’s starting over with Ashland. She’s leaving town. She’s leaving her job. She’s leaving her family. She’s leaving it all behind.
Jill: Why would they want to start over?
Billy: Do you not know?
Jill: Well, evidently not.
Billy: Wow. Okay, so no one told you. Uh…well, with everything else that Ashland has done, he was lying about having cancer.
Jill: What?
Billy: Yes. And he did it to deceive Victoria into marrying him so that then he could go and steal newman/locke after the merger. The guy was playing the long game.
Jill: Oh, my god, that’s — that’s just —
Billy: Deceitful, disgusting. It’s all those things, but it’s Ashland lLcke, so what else is new?
Jill: Okay, so who figured out what he was up to and blew the whistle?
Billy: Well, that is a very long and complicated story, one that I will share with you another time. But it’s suffice to say that the Newmans are doing everything they could to get rid of the guy, but it backfired and Victoria accepted all his sad tears and forgave him, and now she’s expecting me to let her take the kids to live with them, wherever they’re going. And because she’s not telling me, she’s being secretive, so Victor doesn’t interfere. And so I’m sorry if I’m a little, you know, out of sorts.
Jill: No, that’s okay. Ashland is a vile human being. I expected a little bit better of Victoria, but, honey, I mean, if — it’s her life. If she’s willing to throw it away on a man who’s not worthy of her, I — c’est la vie.
Billy: “C’est la vie”? How do you say that? You don’t expect me to sit here and just let it happen.
Jill: Oh, you just stop it. I know what you’re about to say. This is no longer your battle to fight.
Billy: Oh, god, you sound exactly like Lily.
Jill: Well, I take that as a compliment.
Billy: How do you not expect me to be concerned about this? This directly affects the wellbeing of my kids.
Jill: Well, you used them as an excuse the last time, when you were involved with that Jesse Gaines debacle and you were trying to stop Victoria’s wedding. Lily was right to call you out. There’s no way on earth that Victoria would put her children in danger. Look at me. You’ve got to let this go, Billy, and also, if you mess this up with Lily, I will never forgive you.
Devon: Good morning.
Lily: Good morning. Hello.
Devon: Hey.
Lily: How’s it going? I don’t know about you, but I’m still on a high from last night.
Nate: Mm, Chancellor-Winters’ first official business day is now underway.
Lily: I know, look at us. The three of us, working down the hall from each other in our newly merged company. Oh, speaking of which, do you like your offices? ‘Cause I oversaw the design, so I hope it’s all to your liking.
Devon: Um…I hate to put a damper on your day, but there actually is a problem.
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Amanda: Summer, hi.
Summer: Amanda, hi. How are you?
Amanda: I — I kind of feel like I should be asking you that question. Are you okay?
Summer: Oh, you know, Mom. What can I say?
Amanda: Oh. Any word on when she might be home?
Summer: Nothing solid, but these text messages of hers are a master class in evasion. I tried to call her, but she won’t pick up, and I want to keep her on the loop on certain decisions that Kyle and I are making, but not like this. And when I ask her what her plans are —
Amanda: She sends you shrug emojis and cheerful greetings.
Summer: So you’ve been getting them, too.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Summer: She is pulling the same stuff with Daniel — being vague about how long she’ll be visiting, and when he tries to get her to open up, she gets all moody. It’s gotten to the point where he and his daughter Lucy are walking on eggshells around her. And it’s — it’s so weird. I mean, she loves that kid.
Amanda: Do you think that we should be worried?
Summer: I sure am.
Michael: I can’t get over it — you and I, together in the same room.
Lauren: [ Chuckles ]
Michael: No, no, no, just it’s such a rare occurrence. I mean, here I am working very reasonable hours, courtesy of — wait for it — Victor, while your career is busier than ever. Oh, the irony.
Lauren: You know, you at least know where I am. I’m not in some Peruvian jail somewhere, okay?
Nikki: Oh, hello, you two.
Michael: Nikki, you look lovely.
Lauren: How are you?
Nikki: I’ve been better.
Lauren: Yeah, I heard that Victoria left with Ashland. You and Victor must be devastated.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] Yes, it’s been very difficult. I woke up this morning determined to not think about her departure. In fact, I’m so glad I ran into you, Michael.
Michael: Of course you are. But why?
Nikki: I intend to direct all of my rage and frustration into a worthy target — Diane Jenkins. And you’re just the person to help me do it.
Billy: Look, you’re right, okay? I know that I’ve got to let it go, just like I promised Lily.
Jill: You thought I’d be a more sympathetic ear, didn’t you?
Billy: Yeah, I did.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Billy: I thought you would be a little bit more supportive because, you know, you’re my mother, you’re supposed to be.
Jill: Not mindlessly supportive, Billy.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Jill: Look, with all the exciting things you have to focus on now, I can see that something is bothering you. How are you feeling about all the changes at the company?
Billy: How are you feeling?
Jill: Well, I thought I’d made myself very clear in my speech at the launch event.
Billy: Yeah, no, it was a great speech. It was heartfelt, it was touching, it was perfect.
Jill: Well, thank you, I think.
Billy: But it is the end of an era. I mean, you ran Chancellor by yourself for a very long time.
Jill: Yeah, I did. And Lily’s doing a bang-up job of bringing the company into a brand-new era.
Billy: She is. She’s doing great. I couldn’t be more proud of her.
Jill: Yeah, and it’s very brilliant the way she’s expanding both Katherine and Neil’s visions.
Billy: Yes, but, like you said, it is a major upheaval, so it’s got to be a little disconcerting for you.
Jill: The way it is for you, honey?
Lily: Wait, what’s — what’s wrong? Is there an issue with your office?
Devon: Yeah, the size is an issue. I’m gonna have to get used to it.
Lily: The si– wait, our offices are the same size. I mean, down to the millimeter. I made sure of it. But I can switch with you if you want.
Devon: Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. We should switch.
Lily: Okay. That’s fine.
Devon: I can’t believe you can’t tell when I’m messing with you. I’m joking completely. The office is fine. It’s perfect. Did an amazing job, as usual.
Lily: Oh, my god. Wow. Very funny.
Devon: I just need to hang some pictures and make it personal, I’ll be good to go.
Lily: Okay, never tell a joke again. Um, Nate, do you like your office?
Nate: Okay, are you kidding me? It’s spectacular.
Devon: Yeah, compared to that little hole in the wall they had you in at Memorial.
Nate: There is no comparison. Sweeping views of the city, beautiful new furniture. There’s even room for a putting machine.
Lily: A putting machine? You don’t golf.
Nate: I know, I’m just saying. Add in my very own espresso maker and some fancy snacks — I’m in heaven. Truly, this is a whole new world for me.
Lily: Well, good. Get used to it, celebrity COO, ’cause I got to tell you, the press loved you.
Imani: I’ll say. Everyone’s buzzing about the sexy, sophisticated addition to the executive suite.
Lily: Sexy? I didn’t see sexy. You saw sexy?
Imani: [ Chuckles ] You must be focusing on the stuffy business press your PR team sends over. If you do a deep dive into the gossip sites that covered our party, the “s” word definitely comes up.
Summer: I’m pretty sure that something went down between her and Jack.
Amanda: And you don’t know for certain?
Summer: It seemed like things were going well for them on the romantic front, but then Kyle and I walked in on this tense moment between the two of them. It was obvious that they’d been arguing.
Amanda: Did you ask Phyllis about this?
Summer: Yeah, she kept on insisting that it was a disagreement, “no big deal.”
Amanda: I’m guessing that you don’t buy that.
Summer: No way. How much do you know about what happened?
Amanda: Well, she did mention her disagreement with Jack.
Summer: Did it involve Diane? My mom hates her with a passion. Those two have so much history, and all of it is bad.
Amanda: Yeah, I gathered that from our conversation.
Summer: She even asked me to convince Kyle to reject her, which I wasn’t about to do. I mean, Kyle’s relationship with Diane is his own decision.
Amanda: I can’t help wondering if all of this has something to do with her sudden trip out of town. She was so excited to plan the launch party, and then, poof, she disappears. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Abby, she did an excellent job. The party turned out great, but I don’t know, I can’t help but be a little bit shocked.
Summer: The trip was actually my fault. I reached out to Daniel and I persuaded him to ask Mom to come for a visit. I was afraid that she and Diane were headed for a major showdown.
Diane: [ Laughs ]
Kyle: No, Harrison, make sure all the ducks get some corn. Have linda show you.
[ Laughs ] Yeah, that’s the way.
Diane: Yes. Oh, my gosh, he is so cute. I just can’t get enough of that little face.
Kyle: Oh, his nanny says the same thing.
Diane: Mm. Thank you for letting me know what time you’d be here so I could watch him play.
Kyle: Yeah, well, I know how much you enjoy it.
Diane: I do, so much. Although I almost slept through the alarm. I just tossed and turned all night.
Kyle: How come?
Diane: Oh, I had a bad dream, and then you know how it is when you wake up at 3:00 A.M., all your worst fears start ballooning.
Kyle: Ah. That sounds intense.
Diane: Mm.
Kyle: Remember what it was about?
Diane: My dream? You really want to hear it? Uh, okay. I dreamt that the deal to purchase Marchetti fell through and that you and Summer and that cute little boy moved back to Milan.
Kyle: Don’t worry about that. Acquisition is right on track.
Diane: Well, that’s a relief. Thank you for putting my mind at ease. Which brings me to another thing that has me up all night. Um…Kyle, I need to ask you a favor. A big one.
Kyle: What is it?
Diane: [ Sighs ] I was hoping that when the dust settles with Marchetti, that you could help me find a job around here.
Amanda: I am sure that you are right about Phyllis and Diane clashing, and finding a way to cool things down for a bit, it was a really good idea.
Summer: It won’t last, though. Sending her off for some quality time with daniel, it’s just postponing the inevitable.
Amanda: Well, I’m sorry, really, I don’t know what I can do to help. I don’t know how to engage Phyllis in a meaningful conversation about Diane when she is actively dodging all forms of communication.
Summer: Is there a cute little emoji for “call me back or I’ll haunt your dreams”?
Amanda: Listen, I promise that when she gets back, I will corner you, and maybe she’ll be ready to unload then.
Summer: I’m glad to hear that you’re willing to help, because if this little trip doesn’t provide the reset that I’m hoping for, I have a plan.
Amanda: Tell me.
Summer: I want to put together a team to save my mom from herself and to keep her and Diane from escalating this thing into a full-blown war. Are you up for being a peace broker?
Amanda: Count me in.
Summer: Thank you.
Michael: So what is it you had in mind?
Nikki: Please do us all a favor and look into Diane’s activities in Los Angeles.
Michael: Like what, her work, her friends?
Nikki: I don’t really care. There must be something that shows she came back to town with evil intentions, that she’s not the angel she’s trying to convince people she’s become.
Lauren: Mm, Michael’s probably the worst person for the job.
Nikki: Oh, no, he’s not. He uncovered the evidence that showed Ashland to be the snake that he is. Why not do the same thing for Diane?
Lauren: Because he’s one of the few people who isn’t horrified that she’s back in town.
Michael: Sitting right here, ladies.
Lauren: In fact, he couldn’t wait to call me when he saw fresh from the grave and then bought her a drink. Didn’t you, sweetie?
Michael: Oh, so you can see me.
Lauren: And now they’re palling around together again.
Nikki: I don’t believe it. Michael is too smart for that.
Michael: Invisible again.
Lauren: Oh, believe me, we could never miss you.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Lauren: Excuse me. Oh, it’s Summer. Something with work. Alright, well, you two seem like you have a lot to discuss.
Michael: No, no, no. Look, no, I want it on record that you cut our date short for work.
Lauren: Alright. Duly noted. Thank you. Love you.
Michael: Love you more.
Nikki: Bye.
Michael: Kind of.
Lauren: Ha-ha.
Nikki: I am appalled that you are spending time with Diane after everything she’s done. I need you to do something about her, and quickly.
Billy: I couldn’t be more proud of Lily than I am, truly. I mean, it’s so impressive to see what she’s done with this merger, even more impressive than what Victoria did with Newman/Locke. And she didn’t have to con anyone to get it done.
Jill: Oh, please, let’s not get into all that again.
Billy: Look, I am not gonna screw things up with Lily, and I am 100% on board with everything that’s happening at Chancellor-Winters and I am focused on being the best COO I can possibly be.
Jill: I believe you mean that.
Billy: Good.
Jill: But with everything that’s so positive you have to focus on, I can still see that you’re unhappy, sweetie. So I’m gonna sit here and just listen, okay? And I’m gonna try to be the supportive mother you were hoping I would be when you brought up Victoria.
Billy: I would love to tell you everything. I would love to be an open book, but if I do, you got to promise me that this stays between us.
Jill: Billy, this stays between us. You have my word. It’s covered under the mother-son privilege.
Nate: I hope neither of you is upset that I revealed more about our plans than you wanted me to.
Devon: I mean, what matters is that it worked out and we got great coverage from it, so…
Lily: Yeah, look, you followed your gut, and it worked out, so…
Imani: Sometimes relying on your instinct is better than playing it safe. I found that to be the case both personally and professionally.
Nate: I just want to make sure no one feels I stepped on anyone’s toes.
Devon: Well, you did, but as I’ve said many times already, it’s just a little bump in the road and hopefully there won’t be too many more of those, right?
Nate: Thanks for being gracious.
Devon: Yeah, not a problem, man.
Lily: Alright, well, let’s get down to work. Um…I think we should chat about the marketing plan for the 50 new podcasts that we’re launching. The PR team’s being inundated with interview requests, and honestly, I think based off of our pre-subscription numbers, we can definitely raise our advertising rates.
Devon: Well, I suppose we can thank Nate for that, since he detailed the rollout.
Lily: Well, I mean, I think that your team did a great job with the promos and with developing the podcasts themselves.
Imani: Mm-hmm, you got to have the right product.
Nate: Amen to that.
Lily: Yeah, I think we can chalk up this success to great family teamwork. Good job, everyone.
Imani: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: It’s been amazing to watch Lily, to watch her work, to put this whole thing together, and to help where I can, and to, you know, to see her working with her brother Devon and Nate — it’s a family and it’s a vibe and it’s beautiful. But there’s a little disconnect for me there. It’s like there’s something missing.
Jill: Do you have any idea where this is coming from?
Billy: No, I don’t. And it’s — like you said, I mean, everything’s great. It should be fine, right? But I’m just feeling a little bit restless. There’s this feeling like there’s something big out there for me, and I’m not sure what it is or — or, you know, where it’s gonna come from.
Jill: Well, I can see why this would be concerning for you.
Billy: It’s a little bit of a distraction, you know? I’m trying hard not to let it get to me.
Jill: Okay, I have a theory, if you would like to hear it.
Billy: Yes. Let’s hear it.
Jill: Alright, now don’t get mad, alright? But I’ve seen this behavior in you before. Are you sure you’re not self-sabotaging, Billy? ‘Cause I’ve seen you on top of the world, and then if you fail, you give yourself permission to fall back on your old ways.
Kyle: You want me to give you a job?
Diane: No, not give, just help. But not if it’s too much trouble.
Kyle: I don’t have many connections in the real-estate biz.
Diane: Kyle, I’m not trying to put you on the spot or take advantage. It’s quite the opposite. If everything goes well and you continue to want me to stay here, you can’t keep supporting me indefinitely.
Kyle: Really, it’s no problem.
Diane: No, no, no, you have been more than generous paying my bill at the Athletic Club, and I-I really appreciate it. But I need to pay my own way, and more than that, I-I-I need a career, a purpose.
Kyle: Well, how long would it take for you to get your real-estate license here?
Diane: Oh, real estate is just something I fell into. It was never a passion, like architecture.
Kyle: You want to get back into that?
Diane: Oh, no, no, no, I think that ship has sailed.
Kyle: Seriously? You were at the top of your field.
Diane: Yes, many, many, many years ago.
Kyle: So?
Diane: Kyle, I’m a realist. Even if I was interested, I’ve been out of it for so long that it would be almost impossible for me to step back in.
Kyle: Even with all your experience?
Diane: Well, for one thing, it is a very technical field, and I haven’t kept up with building codes or materials or software, and oh, my gosh, everything these days is about 3-d imaging. And even if I did have a firm interested in me, I would be competing against architects that are young and hungry, and I could go on, but it’s just too depressing.
Kyle: Sounds like you’ve given this a lot of thought.
Diane: I have.
Kyle: It’s got to be hard giving up on a dream you once had.
Diane: [ Sighs ] Well, life goes on. But seeing you and summer working so closely and doing something you love, and then, I don’t know, getting a peek at the launch party for Chancellor-Winters, maybe — maybe it’s being around all these family businesses and the people that are so devoted to their success. It — it’s got me thinking that it’s time to fully embrace life here in genoa city. And I know what I want to do.
Kyle: You do?
Diane: Yes. Back in LA, I started taking courses in communication, working toward a certificate in public relations, and I loved it.
Kyle: Why PR?
Diane: Well, I’ve always admired the way publicists handle difficult situations and personalities, such as myself.
Kyle: Mm-hmm. Like back in your modeling days.
Diane: Oh, I was a holy terror.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Well, I guess this is the part where I say, “I find that hard to believe” and I try to keep a straight face.
Diane: Don’t strain yourself.
Kyle: [ Laughs ] Well, anyway.
Diane: Anyway, while taking classes in branding and crisis management, I realized that these jobs are a lot about reinvention. Figuring out a way to turn around a bad image or to get the public refocused on positive qualities. And that is something I know I could excel at.
Billy: No, Mom, I’m not self-sabotaging. Trust me, I’ve got no desire to go back to being the Abbott family screw-up.
Jill: Oh, good, good.
Billy: And I really don’t see this as a regression. This is me just trying to find my place in the world. And it’s exciting.
Jill: Believe it or not, I get that.
Billy: You do?
Jill: Yeah, I do. After hearing all the compliments at the launch party, I stayed up really late and binged your podcast.
Billy: Okay.
Jill: No, no, no, I am so damn proud of you. You’re fearless. It’s very brave what you’re doing. You’re digging deep, you’re being honest, and then you’re turning around and sharing it with the world. But, sweetie, I can’t help worrying about that because it’s like ripping scabs off old wounds, and that could be really, really dangerous for a person like you.
Billy: You mean a recovering addict like me. You can say it. To be honest, these podcasts have been really helpful. They’ve been good for me. I finish them, and it’s actually a cathartic experience.
Jill: But then why the restlessness?
Billy: I haven’t figured that part out yet. But I am determined to keep searching until I do.
Imani: Save some of that sugar for me.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you followed me here.
Imani: I did.
Nate: Okay. Why?
Imani: I just wanted to make sure I didn’t get you in trouble by pushing you to be yourself at the launch — even though I think I was right.
Nate: Well, I acted on my own. It was my call. And I don’t regret it.
Imani: Great. Then I will take some credit for your success. The speech clearly raised your visibility.
Nate: I don’t see that as a plus.
Imani: Why not?
Nate: Because I didn’t want to overshadow Lily and Devon. And I could’ve done without your comments back at the office about the benefits of going with your gut versus playing it safe, which seemed like a veiled dig at Devon.
Imani: Well, I’m not one to stifle my opinions. You generated a lot of buzz for the company, and to me, that was worth the risk.
Nate: Pretty sure Devon thinks otherwise, even though he hasn’t said it.
Imani: I hope you won’t let him discourage you.
Kyle: I can’t promise anything. There are obvious issues with getting you a job at jabot.
Diane: Say no more. I don’t expect you to hand me a job. And I would, of course, want to be an asset to any firm that hired me. And it needn’t be at Jabot. It’s just that you know so many more business people in town. I thought maybe someone might mention something that’s right up my alley.
Kyle: I’ll give it some thought.
Diane: And while we’re on the subject of my pariah status —
Kyle: Look, I don’t —
Diane: No, no, no, Kyle. I know that there aren’t a lot of people in this town that are dying to associate with me. At least not yet. But I want you to know that I intend to earn the respect of as many of them as I can. If only just to make you and Harrison proud. I know that he would want the best for his deedee.
Kyle: Well, that makes two of us. And for the record, I think it’s impressive you want to pursue a new career. I’ll keep my ear to the ground.
Diane: Thanks. That’s all I can ask.
Lauren: Hi. I didn’t realize I was meeting with both of you. I thought this was about work.
Summer: Kyle and I do have a lot to discuss with you regarding Marchetti, but this is about Mom.
Lauren: Oh, is Phyllis okay? I know she left in a hurry to go see Daniel.
Summer: I orchestrated that visit so that there wouldn’t be blood in the streets.
Amanda: On account of Diane. Summer is trying to diffuse things.
Lauren: [ Chuckles ] Well, talk about a lost cause.
Summer: Please don’t say that.
Lauren: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be flip. I can see how concerned you are. It’s just that I was there for the original battles between the two of them, and I cannot imagine that Phyllis will ever cool down where Diane is concerned.
Summer: Exactly, but this getaway has bought us some time.
Lauren: To do what?
Summer: I was thinking that when Mom gets back to Genoa City that we could team up and try to keep the peace.
Lauren: You are ambitious.
Amanda: It’s not that hopeless, is it?
Lauren: Oh, really? The team that you would have to assemble to keep the peace would be damn busy.
Summer: Do you know something that we don’t?
Lauren: Diane is on my list, too. I have been keeping tabs on her since her return, and she has been lighting fires everywhere. Including igniting one with your grandmother. I just saw Nikki, and she is on a mission to get that woman out of town.
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Summer: If there’s one person Diane won’t want to tangle with, it’s my grandmother.
Lauren: Not if she’s smart.
Amanda: Well, with all of these enemies gunning for Diane, maybe we’ll get lucky. Maybe she’ll feel the heat and she’ll head back to la before Phyllis gets home.
Summer: I want to create peace for everyone, not drive Diane away from Kyle unless it becomes absolutely necessary.
Lauren: That is a very difficult position to be in. And I think it’s very noble that you are considering your husband’s feelings as well.
Summer: I love him.
Lauren: I know you do. And somehow Michael has a soft spot for her as well, which I find inexplicable.
Amanda: You are really not a neutral party in this peace-keeping effort, are you?
Lauren: [ Laughs ] No. I am far more on the Phyllis/Nikki side. And this town would be better without Diane in it. But knowing how she operates, you, too, may have to pick a side and decide to get some distance between Kyle and his mother.
Nate: Devon and I have a long history. We’re cousins. Sometimes we’re rivals. Other times, we’re best friends. You don’t need to worry about me feeling stifled by a little healthy competition.
Imani: I’m not worried. I’m just observing the dynamic. I’m impressed with your business instinct, and I would hate to see your spirit squashed.
Nate: Well, I appreciate your support.
Imani: We should look out for each other. We’re both new in this arena. Personally, I get worried that I’m being held back by my sister’s watchful eye. Something I suspect you should look out for with Devon.
Nate: I don’t think I’d go that far.
Imani: I’m not saying it’s conscious on his part, but it’s just a complicated family dynamic. Well, anyway, I need to get back to the office.
Nate: Okay. I’ll see you later.
Imani: Think about what I said, Nate.
Billy: Hey, there.
Lily: Hello.
Billy: Mwah. You still riding high after last night?
Lily: Oh, yeah, I am on top of the world. Although I do realize that we have to dig deep in order to make good on the promises that we made last night.
Billy: Including everything Nate shared in his speech.
Lily: Yeah, people are very curious about our podcasts. I really hope that Jill’s as excited as everybody else.
Billy: She’s thrilled. Honestly, she couldn’t be more excited about the launch and all the accolades that are pouring in. She also made it very clear that I’d better not screw things up with her star CEO.
Lily: Why would she say that?
Billy: I don’t know, just a little joke. [ Sighs ] You’re right. [ Chuckles ] I don’t want to do that.
Lily: Do what?
Billy: I shared some things with my mother that I didn’t want to burden you with. But I don’t want to keep secrets from you.
Michael: By now…it ought to be clear that I’m more willing than most to forgive Diane.
Nikki: Michael.
Michael: More tea?
Nikki: Please don’t change the subject.
Michael: I really don’t know what I can do to help.
Nikki: You can investigate her. How was she able to live under an alias all these years? Did she pay taxes? Maybe the authorities could get her on tax evasion. She used a fake name. Did she also use a fake social security number? I mean, there’s got to be some kind of fraud there. Identity theft, impersonating an actual human being.
Michael: You’re good at this. You ought to look into getting your own PI license.
Nikki: You are the legal expert. On retainer — a very handsome retainer, I might add — for us. So there’s got to be something you can use to bring her up on charges.
Michael: Nikki, even if I were to uncover something shady, I do not have standing to bring charges in California. I’m not in law enforcement there or here. I stepped down from being the district attorney, remember? And FYI, tax evasion is a federal crime.
Nikki: Why are you making excuses? You were willing to risk your life to bring Ashland down. Why the hell are you protecting Diane?
Lily: Secrets? Should I be worried?
Billy: Oh, I don’t —
[ Telephone rings ]
Lily: Sorry, this has been ringing nonstop all day. Hi, it’s Lily. Oh, my god, I’m so sorry. Um…okay. Uh, you know what? Just hang tight. I’ll be right there. Okay, thank you.
Billy: Is everything okay?
Lily: Uh, yeah, I — I did an interview with a Chicago paper and they sent a photographer to take pictures, and I completely forgot. I have to go.
Billy: Okay, go.
Lily: But I want to hear what you were gonna say ’cause I’m freaking out right now.
Billy: It’s okay.
Lily: You can tell me.
Billy: There’s nothing to freak out about. Really, I’m fine. And I did not mean to make it sound ominous.
Lily: Are you sure?
Billy: I am sure.
Lily: Positive?
Billy: Positive. This is your time to shine, okay? Go make us proud.
Lily: Okay.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: Harrison’s having a snack in the kitchen. He seems pretty hungry after your trip to the park.
Kyle: He had a nice visit with his deedee.
Summer: Good.
Kyle: You seem bummed. What’s up?
Summer: [ Sighs ] You know how worried I’ve been about our moms and trying to keep things as calm as possible between them.
Kyle: Right, and?
Summer: Now I’m hearing that my grandmother is also after Diane. According to Lauren, she is hell-bent on getting your mother to leave town.
Kyle: Thanks for the heads up.
Summer: I didn’t mean to upset you.
Kyle: It’s not you, babe. I just don’t want you getting in the middle of this. Hell, I don’t want to deal with it either. My mother is doing her best to turn her life around, and no one will cut her any slack. I just wish everyone would back off, give her a little breathing room.
Summer: [ Sighs ] That’s easier said than done. Seems like everyone we know has history with Diane and strong opinions to match.
Nikki: Whose side are you on anyway?
Michael: No one’s. I’m neutral.
Nikki: No, you’re not. You’re trying to protect her.
Michael: Years ago, everyone in this town wanted Diane Jenkins to get the hell out. Well, you got your wish. She disappeared, and no one was wrongfully convicted for her death. Look, she lived alone in exile, missing her son. I think she paid for her crimes.
Nikki: Well, I disagree. I don’t think relocating to sunny LA is a proper punishment for her misdeeds. I mean, the fact that she can waltz right back into our lives is outrageous. Even Jack has softened his stance on her. It boggles my mind.
Michael: Does that just kill you? That — that Diane is succeeding in making amends, that she slowly but surely is gaining people’s trust?
Nikki: Yes, it does. And she will never earn my trust. That woman is nothing but trouble, and I refuse to sit back and let her wreak havoc.
Michael: Would you be so adamantly opposed to peaceful coexistence with Diane if you had succeeded in ridding your family of Ashland?
Nikki: One has nothing to do with the other.
Michael: One wonders.
Nikki: Well, don’t wonder. Diane’s crimes are worthy of their own level of vitriol.
Michael: [ Sighs ] Fine. I will agree to doing a deep dive into her time away, if only to prove to the nay-sayers that Diane has changed. That she deserves another chance.
Nikki: And what if your investigation proves otherwise? What then? Are you gonna try to cover up for your old pal? Or are you gonna let her get what she deserves?
Next week on “The Young and The Restless”…
Gloria: Oh, you are getting so ramped up for your bold new adventure. Tension is high, nerves are frayed. You need a spiritual guru. You must be so happy to see me.
Nick: Can I see you outside? I heard from Victoria.
Diane: Phyllis has declared a truce with me. It’s wild, huh?
Imani: I just got off the phone with my father.
Amanda: What’s wrong?
Imani: It’s Mom.
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