B&B Transcript Friday, June 24, 2022

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Relaxing music ]

Ridge: Humoring paris makes no sense at all.

Carter: It makes sense to me.

Ridge: How does it make– how? How does that make sense to you? You don’t love this woman. You are still in love with my father’s wife. You’re in love with quinn. Tell me I’m wrong.

Eric: I’m fond of carter. I really am. He’s a good man. He deserves everything good in this life. I believe that. I’m sure you believe that too.

Quinn: Of course.

Eric: Yeah. Quinn, come here. Sit. You know carter, you’re friends. He confides in you, right?

Quinn: Sometimes.

Eric: And about paris, obviously because you know more about that than I do.

Quinn: She’s come up.

Eric: Well, so what about this instant engagement? Do you think she’s the woman he really loves? It doesn’t really matter what I think, does it?

Paris: I can’t believe this ring.

Grace: Marriage is more than a flashy ring, honey. It needs a foundation of love and trust and you and carter have not built that.

Paris: How do you know that? Are you with us when we’re alone? Why can’t you just be happy for me?

Grace: I’m sorry, baby. But you’re making a huge mistake and I can’t support it. You and carter, it’s just wrong.

Paris: It doesn’t feel wrong. I hate being at odds with you, mom. But come to the wedding or not, I need to make one thing clear. Nothing and no one is going to stop this wedding.

Eric: But does carter love paris the way a man should love a woman who’s going to spend the rest of his life with? Is that what you’re questioning?

Quinn: He’s the one who proposed.

Eric: Yeah. And so…

Quinn: So, all we can hope is that carter and paris make the right decision.

Paris: Look, mom. I’m not trying to be harsh. I respect your opinion, and you’ve voiced it repeatedly.

Grace: Baby, I’m just worried about you.

Paris: Don’t be. Be happy for me. I mean, the man I love asked me to marry him and gave me this beautiful ring.

Hope: Oh, my god, you and zende are engaged?

Grace: If only. My daughter is engaged to carter.

Hope: Oh, you and carter, married.

Carter: I’m not talking to you about this.

Ridge: Stop. You don’t get to walk away from me. Either we’re friends or we’re not friends. I’m asking you a question. I’m asking you where you are. So tell me the truth. You want to lie to yourself, you go ahead.

Carter: Yes! Yes. I love quinn, and it’s driving me insane. I think about her all the time. How long ’til I get to see her, get close to her. And eric was very generous when he forgave us. But that means that I can’t be with the woman I love, ridge, and it’s stopping me cold, man. And I can’t live like this. I have to move on. I need to marry paris. Migraine hits hard, so u hit back with ubrelvy

Grace: I was just as shocked as you are, hope. They don’t come any better than zende forrester. He’s honest. He’s talented. He’s got a bright future ahead of himself. But somehow, a solid future and security just isn’t good enough. You want to just toss it all away and marry some hustler?

Paris: I’m in love, mom. And carter is too. He wouldn’t have gotten me a ring if that wasn’t the case. So if your take on him is correct, he should have been out there setting his sights on his newest conquest. But instead, he came back with a ring. Doesn’t that tell you something?

Grace: I don’t trust him. I don’t trust him to honor you. I don’t trust him to cherish you. I don’t trust him to make the promises that people make when they marry each other. I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t support you in becoming carter’s wife. It just won’t end well.

Paris: Okay. Well, if you can’t support my choice, then don’t come to the wedding. Now, I would like to talk to hope, please.

Grace: It sounds like you have some reservations of your own. Maybe she’ll listen to you.

Hope: You’re engaged?

Paris: I am.

Hope: I mean, uh… I am not even going to begin to get in the middle of that mother-daughter dynamic because believe me, I know all too well. But… are you happy?

Paris: I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.-Hope: I mean, that ring! It’s gorgeous.

Paris: You know, hope, you’re my friend and I would just really like your support. Please just say you’re happy for me.

Trainer: Ten of ’em. All the way to your chest. There you go. Four, five, five more. Are you ready?

Zende: Yeah.

Trainer: Ten of ’em. Good, good, good, good, good. Boom, good. All right, come on. There you go. There you go. All right. [Indistinct] Right. Good job.

Zende: Thank you, J.

Trainer: Next week.

Zende: You look like you got something on your mind.

Grace: All I have ever wanted from the first day my daughters were born was for them to live good lives. For them to be productive, contributing members of society. And to settle down at some point in their lives with good men of integrity who deserve them. Is that too much for a mother to ask?

Zende: Um, mrs. Buckingham, you have to excuse me. I’m feeling a little lost here. There’s something–

Grace: Carter proposed!

Zende: What?

Grace: And paris said yes. She said yes. You have to stop this travesty, zende. You cannot let this wedding happen.

Eric: That was a little enigmatic.

Quinn: What was?

Eric: That– that you hope carter and paris make the right decision. Does that mean you don’t approve of their wedding?

Ridge: I knew it. You and quinn aren’t over.

Carter: We are over. You need to understand that, ridge. There’s nothing going on and nothing ever will. I will never betray eric again. And as for quinn, she is totally committed to making their marriage work. I’ve accepted that I can’t have her, and it’s tearing me up inside. But I can’t stay frozen in my life. I have to move on.

Ridge: You have to move on with paris.

Carter: She loves me.

Ridge: I’m sure she loves you but you don’t love her. You love quinn. So how is that going to work?

Carter: One day at a time.

Ridge: One day at a time? Where does my dad fit into all this?

Carter: Where’s your father fit? Where does eric fit? With his wife where he belongs. Why do you think I’m doing this? A part of the reason I’m marrying paris is because she became suspicious of my feelings for quinn, because she said things to make me think she’s taking those suspicions to eric. And I refused to let anyone or anything disrupt quinn’s happiness. I brought in ensure max protein,

Ridge: So you’re rushing into a future with paris because you’re desperate to run away from your past with quinn? Am I understanding what we’re doing? Look at me.

Carter: I have to. Quinn’s not a possibility for me. She’s eric’s wife, and I meant what I said. I won’t hurt him again. Need to get on with things.

Ridge: Get on with things? What does that mean to paris? I have an idea. Why don’t you date her for a little while? Take her on a trip. Take her to some– take her to europe. Go to italy. It’s nice this time of year. Spend some time with her. Get to know her, get to know–

Carter: The decision is made. I intend to marry paris as soon as possible. Hopefully, tomorrow. And I need you there. I need my best friend who knows everything about me standing by my side in support. I’m counting on you.

Zende: Carter proposed to paris and she accepted?

Grace I know this must hurt, zende, but you have got to move past this and go to my daughter. Do whatever it takes to get paris back. You still love her. And I can see it right now in your eyes. Please, just don’t let carter take my baby away.

Zende: Dr. Buckingham, listen. I– I get that you mean well, you genuinely seem to think that paris is better off with me than with carter, but the problem is, she doesn’t agree and I’m not going to grovel.

Grace: Zende.

Zende: Dr. Buckingham–

Grace: You just have to go.

Zende: Listen, listen, listen. I thought paris was the one for me. Okay, I did. But somewhere along the line, she got caught up with carter. That doesn’t mean I don’t love her, but she’s made her decision, and I have to respect that. Thank you for letting me know.

Hope: And you’re sure that you and zende…

Paris: Yeah, I mean, great guy, but it just didn’t work out. And I know everything is happening really, really fast.

Hope: And you’re okay with that? Because, I mean, we are talking about the rest of your life here. And don’t get me wrong, again, carter is a terrific guy and any woman would be lucky to have him.

Paris: And you know what? That woman has me. Please don’t try to talk me out of this. No one will. Trust me. And my mom has tried. You can tell she’s not the most supporting person. But hope, you’re my friend. And I would really like your support to celebrate with me and carter on our wedding day. We’d love to have you.

Hope: All right. Well, then, I am going to need to hear you say it just one more time for me. Just one more that you are absolutely 110% sure.

Paris: I love carter. I want to be his wife.

Hope: Okay, then yes. Of course, I will be there. Of course.

Paris: Oh, thank you. Oh. Carter. I hear congratulations are in order. You and paris. You proposed. Wow.

Carter: You can say that again.

Quinn: I really don’t think it’s my place to have an opinion about carter and paris.

Eric: Well, everybody in the company is going to have an opinion about it. You might as well voice yours.

Quinn: I just hope they make the right decision.

Eric: Yeah.

[ Phone dinging ] Oh, I got to go.

Quinn: To the club?

Eric: Yeah, I have– I have an appointment. We’ll talk more later. All right?

Quinn: All right. Well, yeah. Don’t overdo it.

Eric: Okay.

Carter: Eric asked me

to get rid of it,

but how could I?

Quinn: So you brought

it here.

Carter: What else

could I do?

I couldn’t let something

so beautiful get destroyed.

Paris: You know, we have to be careful because my mom might still be in the building somewhere. She’s not taking the engagement well.

Carter: I’m sorry to be the cause of friction between you.

Paris: No, don’t apologize. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. And if she can’t get behind it, that– that– that has to do with her, not me. I’m not going to let her ruin the best day of my life. And we won’t be alone. I talked to hope, and she said she was going to come.

Carter: Well, speaking of the wedding, I meant what I said. I want to get married right away.

Paris: Oh! I just love that you want to marry me so quickly.

Carter: And it can’t happen soon enough.

Paris: Oh, wow. I mean, who should we invite?

Carter: I, uh, I spoke with ridge.

Paris: You know, I was thinking about zende.

Carter: Hmm.

Paris: Just because, I don’t know. I feel like he should be there. I hope he comes. He said he was cool with our relationship. And you saw how gracious he was about it. Oh. Also, I’m thinking about bill spencer. We should invite him.

Carter: Why?

Paris: Well, he’s been very generous to the foundation, and oh, we also need a minister because the man of the hour, he’s going to be occupied.

Carter: Uh… charlie. He’s ordained.

Paris: Get out.

Carter: Yeah. Yeah. I’ll see if he’s available. And um, speaking of the venue, I’m thinking, il giardino?

Paris: Oh.

Carter: You love that place. You love the food, it’s intimate and it was our first sort of lunch date.

Paris: It’s perfect.

Carter: I’ll make the call. Reserve it tomorrow.

Paris: Tomorr– tom– hm. Tomorrow?

Carter: I don’t want to wait.

Paris: I feel like I’m in a whirlwind. Oh. Oh, my goodness. This is really–

Ridge: I’m asking you

a question.

I’m asking you where you are.

So tell me the truth.

You want to lie to yourself,

you go ahead.

Carter: Yes! Yes!

I love quinn,

and it’s driving me insane.

Carter: Yes. Last name, walton. Yes. The wedding. Thank you very much. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I’ll call back later with more specifics. Thank you.

Quinn: Sorry, I– I… I couldn’t help overhearing. Making arrangements. Paris and I are getting married at il giardino. Tomorrow.

Quinn: Tomorrow? Tomorrow?

Carter: I can’t go on like this one more day, quinn. Loving you the way I do. Burning for you and what I can never have again. I mean, you have eric, you’re committed to your marriage. Me, I’m stuck in place and I have to move forward. I have to build a life that doesn’t begin and end with a woman who’s out of my reach… yet close enough to touch. This is torture.

Quinn: Sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am. But don’t marry paris so quickly.

Carter: Don’t, don’t, don’t, stop. Do not try to stop me. Do not try to slow me down, quinn, I have to let you go. I can’t live like this anymore. But make no mistake. I will always love you.

[ Quinn sobbing ]

Quinn: I’ll always love you too, carter.

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