Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Kayla collapsed in Steve’s arms. He took her to the couch, but she was barely breathing. Steve took matters into his own hands and called 9-1-1. Alex and Stephanie admitted they wanted to be together, but he fell to the couch before kissing her. She was able to wake him after he passed out. Stephanie called the police. She was put on hold so she decided to take care of him by herself. The hospital sent someone out, but Stephanie was able to help him. Johnny wondered why Leo killed off Seth from the show. He didn’t feel right and passed out. Chanel helped him by waking him up. She called an ambulance, but she was told to wait because there were a lot of people calling. She took matters into her own hands and took him to the hospital. Leo put it together and realized the stalker created the new scripts for the show. Hattie fell on his bed, and he wanted her off the bed. He started panicking when he realized that she wasn’t waking up. Leo thought about their times together, but she was gone. He tapped her head with his gloved hand. Leo tried to figure out who she died until she started murmuring. He was shocked that she was alive. Abe figured out who was behind the attacks. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t figure it out sooner. Abe’s picture was crossed out with a red X by the stalker. Whitley was in her hospital room when Abe showed up. She wondered what took him so long to get there. He saw the board with everyone’s picture crossed out. Abe accused her of attacking his cast. Whitley informed him that his suspicions were right. Abe figured it was her when Kassandra was killed by a cat. Whitley admitted she did it and would do it again. She explained that Abe and the rest of the cast ruined her favorite soap opera. He couldn’t believe her reasoning for stalking the cast. She wanted to show him the error of his ways before the show was destroyed. Abe wanted to know how she went after Bonnie while she was in Bayview. Whitley explained how the people at Bayview thought she was harmless. She followed social media to find out everything she needed to take them out. Whitley explained how the show was all she had after losing her husband and said that Abe was next. The nurse was about to inject him with a vial of poison when Paulina arrived to stop her. Paulina wasn’t going to let Abe deal with Whitley alone. She hoped that the other people she attacked got help too.
Sarah found Seth reading a script. He informed her that he’s been fired from the show. Seth couldn’t believe his character was getting killed off the show when he was a great actor. He ranted about letting the show to get filmed at the hospital. Seth continued his rant and talked about dying the way Whitley King’s husband died. Sarah defended Whitley by reminding him about the way she lost her husband. Seth was more concerned with how he died on the show. He started coughing and clutching his chest. Seth was in pain so he sat down. Sarah raced to check on him. Steve brought Kayla to the hospital and explained what happened to Sarah. Sarah told him what happened to Seth. After talking with Steve, she was convinced they were poisoned. Steve sat by Kayla’s bed and wished for her to come back to him. Chanel and Johnny arrived at the hospital. Sarah told them that she thinks the scripts were poisoned. Later Sarah created an antidote to stop the poison from harming anyone. She took the antidote to Kayla’s room and injected her. After she left Kayla’s room, she went to Johnny’s with the antidote. She assured Chanel that he would make a full recovery. After Sarah left the room, Johnny promised he wouldn’t leave Chanel again. Chanel realized how much he meant to her when she almost lost him. She believed that everything that happened will make them stronger. They promised not to take each other for granted again. The couple kissed each other.
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