Days Short Recap Thursday, June 23, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady wanted to know why Lucas left their AA meeting. Lucas told him how he had to pick up Sami, but her flight was canceled. He admitted to Brady that he got drunk. Brady realized that Abby’s death might have made him drink. He admitted that he got drunk because of Abby. Brady told Lucas that the police were looking at the person who stole her jewelry as the culprit. Brady advised him to reach out to him if he was going to drink again. Brady promised him that he would keep quiet about what he told him. He said he didn’t have anything to tell him. Brady walked off so Lucas wondered if he stole Abby’s jewelry. EJ checked on Chad, but he snapped at him. EJ wanted him to go to the kids, but Chad couldn’t deal with it. EJ told him that the kids need their father and have been asking for him. He said he couldn’t do it without her. EJ comforted Chad.

Shawn sat in the hospital with Jan. She couldn’t believe how tiny their baby is and how she couldn’t comfort him. Shawn got a text from the warden wondering when Jan was going to return to the prison. Jan told Shawn that their baby needed her and he should do something about it. Shawn went to talk to Kayla about Jan. She finally came up with the idea that Jan could stay there until her baby was better. Leo read the paper and saw that the police were focusing on the person who robbed Abby. He had to get rid of the jewelry. Clyde was about to bus his table when he noticed Leo. He noticed the money clip he had. Leo told him about it and said that he could have more if he wanted it. Clyde noticed the jewelry looked stolen. He made an offer to Leo. He said he would get back to him. Lucas’ room looked ransacked. He didn’t find the jewelry, but Sami showed up in his room.

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