Best Lines provided by Eva
Adam: There’s no way that you would simply let Victoria walk away from the family, fly off with Ashland Locke to who knows where, doing God knows what. No, this — this is a message. This job is what Victoria has always wanted, and now you’re just handing it over to me. I’m the last person she would ever want to sit in this chair because she knows I would have no problem dismantling her signature accomplishments if it did not align with my vision for the company. My very presence here is a jolt to her ego, it’s a slap in the face to bring her back to reality.
Victor: I always knew you were a very smart boy. But you cannot predict her reaction.
Adam: Why — why are we even doing this dance? Why are you even bothering denying it? Look, I don’t care why I’m suddenly CEO. I will play my part… better than you ever imagined.
Adam: Yes, I was CEO for a time when we all believed that you had died. I stepped in to continue your legacy. I felt a huge responsibility to preserve what you had built. I was determined to do it my way, and I was proud, even if i didn’t want to admit it.
Victor: You were arrogant, son.
Adam: Undeniably. I alienated people that were trying to help me. But then one day you walked through that door, alive and well, and you were determined to take back control.
Victor: I was appalled by your methods.
Adam: Rightly so. I was disgusted by them in retrospect. But I got results.
Victor: You did.
Adam: It was not my time. I had a lot to learn. But we are different men now. I have the temperament. I have the skill. I have the drive. I am the one that should be at Newman. I’m the one that should lead this company into the next decade. Someone that actually cares about preserving your legacy, dad. I am here. I am ready. I am willing. I’m a proven contender. If you let me do this, I swear to you I will do it better than vic–
Michael: There you are. I got your message. You wanted to discuss something.
Victor: Michael.
Adam: Yeah, come right on in. Don’t bother knocking.
Michael: Thank you.
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