GH Short Recap Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Finn and Violet spend a daddy-daughter day at a nail salon where Finn and Ava talk about how special it is to be parents of daughters.

Dante goes to the hospital to question one of the men who robbed Charlie’s Pub. The man doesn’t answer any questions because he is scared of Sonny. Dante goes to the gym to question Sonny whom he knows is responsible for what happened to the two thieves, but he can’t prove it.

Marshall sends a package to T.J. and gives him his clarinet.

Austin and Marie have a date and Austin helps throw out a paparazzi photographer who has pictures of Sasha taking pills, but Gladys takes the memory card out of the camera and returns the camera to the photographer, but she is unaware Sasha is taking pills.

Nina talks to Brando and tells him Sasha is still very fragile and hurting over the loss of Liam.

Alexis and Carly manage to fight off Harmony who runs into the woods. Alexis calls the police. When officer Rory arrives, they tell him Harmony killed Brendan and Neil Byrne and also tried to kill them. Carly asks Rory to let Michael and Willow know they could be in danger because Harmony is on her way to see them. Harmony wants to see Willow and make her understand the truth.

Sasha is driving and Gladys is in the passenger seat when Harmony emerges from the woods and is hit by Gladys’ car.

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sharon remembers Rey and cries a little but when she realizes that Faith, Nick, and Noah are in the house she shuts down her emotions.

Tessa asks Sharon to walk her down the aisle for her wedding to Mariah. Mariah asks Nick to walk her down the aisle to Tessa.

Kyle is confused as to whether he should talk to Diane. Kyle can’t understand how Diane could do something so terrible as to let him think she was dead all these years. Kyle also wants to get to know his mother.

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Y&R Update Wednesday April 27 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Kyle and Jack were at the Abbott house. While Kyle knew Jack wouldn’t lie or joke about this, he was also just as certain that his mother was dead. Murdered. He had vivid memories of the heartbreaking funeral. Jack said Diane wasn’t in the coffin – he wished he’d known so he could’ve spared Kyle the pain. Kyle became open to the idea of Diane being alive, and he asked if she’d been held captive by one of the people who wanted her dead. Jack explained that Diane faked her death and stayed away by choice. Kyle asked what his mother had been doing all this time. The doorbell rang, and Kyle asked if it was Diane. Jack said it better not be. It was Ashland. He was sorry to show up like this, and Phyllis told him to wait until Kyle reached out. However, he’d love to see Harrison. Kyle saw Ashland’s medical boot and bandaged hand and asked if he was okay.

Harrison entered and hugged Ashland. “Father, you have two big ouchies,” Harrison observed. Ashland said he was in an accident, but he’d be okay. Ashland started crying, and he asked if he could take Harrison on a short outing. Jack thought that was a lovely idea, since he also needed some time with Kyle. Kyle told Harrison to be good, and Ashland took the boy and left. Kyle said he was new to parenthood, but he had a hard time saying goodbye to his son for any length of time. He asked how his mother disappeared all those years.

Jack was trying hard to answer Kyle’s questions without letting his personal feelings get in the way, but it was hard because he felt Kyle deserved the truth. Kyle said he was counting on Jack to be straight with him. Jack said Diane claimed she concocted this plan to get away from the bad things she’d done to nearly everyone in town. Kyle didn’t think that made sense. He asked if she didn’t think it was bad to let her son think she was murdered. Jack explained that Diane said she hit a low point and saw no way out but to start fresh. Kyle asked why Diane left her new life to reach out to the son she literally ghosted. Jack said Diane claimed it took her all these years to finally face what she was done. Kyle had missed Diane so much – there had been so many things he’d wanted to share with her, and now he found out she could’ve been there, and she chose not to, and now she was back and wanting to reconnect. Jack wished he could take away Kyle’s pain. Kyle couldn’t process his emotions now. He wanted to just stick to the facts.

Kyle was disgusted that Diane anonymously lured Jack into finding about Keemo’s death and his daughter as an olive branch. Jack said Diane’s methods were devious, which was typical for her, but in truth, if she’d just come to Jack directly, he would’ve shut her down instantly. Diane had waited until Jack was with Allie to reveal herself. Kyle was near tears over Diane. Jack said that Kyle could take Harrison and go back to Milan – he was under no obligation to see Diane. Part of Kyle wished Jack never told him. Jack said that was his first instinct, but Phyllis helped him realize this wasn’t his call. Kyle needed to phone Summer before he made any decisions.

Kyle asked where his mother was. Jack said he’d told Diane to keep her distance, but in classic Diane fashion, she moved to Genoa City. Kyle was dismayed and asked why. Jack said Diane claimed she wanted to be close so she could make her own claim on the chance that Kyle left for Milan without seeing her. Jack guessed he should be grateful that Diane let him be the one to break the news to Kyle. Kyle said that he’d heard the whispers about his mother for years. Some people trashed her to his face. Despite that, he still tried to believe the best of his mother. All his memories of his mom were loving and fun. For years it was just the two of them, and she used to call him her little hero. Jack was glad Kyle had good memories. Kyle said Diane was a good mom, but a good person didn’t deliberately put their son through hell. Kyle asked if there were things about his mother that he didn’t know. Jack never wanted to destroy Kyle’s love for his mother – he’d thought it best that Kyle always saw the good in Diane. Jack said there were things Kyle probably didn’t know, and he didn’t need to. Kyle remembered reading the Restless Style article about Diane. Jack said Kyle was a child back then, and Diane did several unforgivable things long after that article was published. Jack said Diane was saying there was a reason she did those things, and she wanted Kyle to hear her out. Kyle asked if Diane was as bad as people said. “The simple answer is yes,” Jack stated. Jack had a hard time believing Diane had truly had this dramatic transformation. Jack wished Kyle didn’t have to go through this. Part of Jack wished Diane had just stayed dead, so Kyle could’ve held onto the few good memories he had, but she wasn’t dead, and she wasn’t going to let this go.

Diane paced around her suite and said she was cooped up like a prisoner in a gilded cage. She grabbed her hat and sunglasses and left.

At Crimson Lights, Mariah asked if Tessa wanted to invite her roadies to the wedding. Tessa didn’t know. It was clear their minds were elsewhere. Elena came in and hugged Mariah and asked about Sharon. Mariah said Sharon was putting up a facade that Mariah worried was going to come crashing down. Mariah kept expecting Rey to walk into Crimson Lights. He’d been a rock for the whole family, and now Sharon thought she needed to be that rock. Elena said Rey was a protector of the entire community, and everyone was devastated by his loss. Elena noticed the wedding planning stuff. Tessa said Sharon wanted it to go forward. Elena understood. She thought everyone could use a celebration and a reminder that life went on.

Diane walked into the coffeehouse, and there was no barista there, so Mariah served her. Mariah explained that things were a little out of order because there was a death in the family. Diane asked who died and who owned the place. Mariah said it was Sharon Rosales’ husband. Diane asked if she was once known as Sharon Newman, and Mariah said yes. Mariah asked if she’d seen Diane here before. Diane said it had been awhile. She took her coffee over to the sugar and cream station, then for some reason, she got shaken up and rushed out.

Amanda went to The Grand Phoenix for a manicure to repair a chipped nail. Phyllis noted that it’d been awhile. Amanda said the merger was keeping her busy. It was challenging from a legal standpoint. Phyllis assumed managing the different personalities was also a challenge, but Amanda said that Lily and Devon agreed on most of the important things. Nate was excited to join the family business, and Amanda was thrilled she got to work with Devon, so it felt like a family business to her too. Phyllis wished she wasn’t dealing with family drama. It was about Jack. Amanda said every time she talked to Phyllis, her mind seemed to be on Jack. She asked what was going on. Phyllis couldn’t say. She stated that there was a person in town who could create so much danger for Kyle, Jack and so many others in town.

Amanda surmised that this person was a danger to Phyllis too. Phyllis said this person knew she was no match for Phyllis. Amanda asked if it was Jack’s ex, and Phyllis said yes, among other things. Amanda asked if Phyllis was concerned this ex would want Jack back. Phyllis said Jack would never do that, and if this woman tried, Phyllis would take her out. Amanda suggested Phyllis wanted Jack for herself. Phyllis reiterated that she and Jack were platonic, and she noted that she’d already told Amanda this a million times. Amanda asked why Phyllis was so concerned about his ex’s return. Phyllis’s concerns had very little to do with the fact that this was Jack’s ex. She said this woman took people’s weaknesses and manipulated them. Phyllis noticed Diane walk back in, and she hurried Amanda off to the manicurist. Once they were alone, Phyllis confronted Diane about leaving her room.

Diane didn’t want to talk. She just wanted to go back to her suite. Phyllis asked why Diane was so rattled – who did she see? Diane said no one recognized her. She saw nothing but a bunch of old memories. She got into the elevator. “Reconsider being dead!,” Phyllis spat at the closing doors. Jack showed up and told Phyllis that Kyle knew the truth. Phyllis revealed that Diane snuck out of her room again. Jack said it didn’t matter what they said or did to Diane – she would always be a wildcard. Phyllis asked what Jack thought Kyle would do. He didn’t know. Phyllis was pleased that Kyle wasn’t just running into Diane’s open arms. “He did love her very much. He knew she had issues, but he still thought the world of her,” Jack said. He wondered if he protected Kyle from the truth about Diane for too long. Jack had wanted Kyle to hold onto the cherished memories of his mother, not spend his whole life haunted by her crimes. Jack said Kyle asked if Diane was as bad as everyone said, and Jack hadn’t been able to bring himself to condemn her completely. Phyllis said that once everyone in town found out Diane was alive, they’d think she was even more wretched than before. Jack didn’t care about how everyone else would react – he only cared about Kyle.

Kyle went to Society and he called Summer and left her a message. He didn’t go into detail. He assumed she was still at her dinner meeting. Traci ran into him, and they hugged. He told his aunt he was having a hard time processing things. She said that talking to someone you trust could help. He called Summer, but she didn’t answer. Traci offered to fill in. Traci said Diane’s behavior had been outrageous and cruel. As a mother, Traci couldn’t imagine walking away from your precious child. Kyle said he’d never do that to Harrison. Part of Kyle never wanted to see Diane again, but on the other hand, he remembered her being an incredible mom to him. There was so much about Diane that Kyle didn’t know. He didn’t understand how she let him believe she was dead. He didn’t know what to do.

Sharon was at the cottage, which was filled with sympathy baskets and flowers. She was looking for the wedding planning folder, and she found a post-it from Rey saying he’d bought more paper towels. She started crying. She flashed back to the early days with Rey. He’d told her he loved her, and he asked if she felt the same way. She said she loved him too. She remembered their wedding night and their first anniversary. Sharon had told Rey she had high hopes for 2022, and Rey said he couldn’t imagine being happier. Noah came downstairs at the same time Faith and Nick came in.

Sharon admitted she thought she was alone. She demanded to know what Faith was doing out of school. Faith was sorry to upset Sharon, but school was rough, so she asked to leave. Nick added that the principal said it was okay. Sharon softened. She was sorry Faith had to go through that. Sharon noted that Faith already missed a lot of school this past year, though. Faith said she was a second semester senior who already applied to college, so the rest of the school year was basically coasting. She just wanted to be with her family. Sharon agreed and said sometimes family was more important than anything, which Rey knew. Sharon was grateful they were all here with her.

Noah suggested Sharon nap while they handled the coffeehouse and dinner. Sharon had plans with Mariah and Tessa. She wanted to make sure they wouldn’t postpone. Noah knew they were moving ahead as planned. Sharon said that was all the more reason for her to go, since they had a lot of things to get done in a short amount of time. The wedding was less than a month away. Sharon was going to go to Crimson Lights alone, but Nick needed to go too because Mariah had something she wanted to ask him.

Elena gave Sharon her condolences on Rey. When she and Lola were roommates, Rey used to stop by the apartment and fix things, and he was always smiling. Elena would remember that. She offered to be there if Sharon needed anything. Sharon said thanks, and Elena left for work. Sharon wanted to get to the wedding. Mariah and Tessa suggested Sharon might want to take a couple days off planning. “Please stop babying me,” Sharon stated. Sharon didn’t know how many times she had to tell them that she needed this. Mariah and Tessa were apologetic, but they were worried about Sharon. Sharon said she’d probably be up and down over the next few weeks. She didn’t know when the grief and shock would bulldoze over her, but she couldn’t sit and wait for it. She had to grab onto what she could do stay afloat, and the wedding was a life raft. She asked him not to take that from her. Mariah said she and Tessa understood, and they’d move forward without reservations.

Tessa knew she and Sharon hadn’t always seen eye to eye. Sharon said that was ancient history. Tessa said that she and Sharon had become true friends and a source of support. Sharon felt the same way. Tessa wished her sister, Crystal could be her maid of honor, but she had legal issues that meant she couldn’t come back to the US. Tessa’s family wasn’t in the picture, so she was wondering if Sharon would walk her down the aisle. Sharon said she’d be honored. Sharon said Tessa was already family. Sharon would be proud to walk down the aisle with her beautiful daughter and daughter in law on her arm. Mariah loved Sharon, but she had another idea. Mariah knew Nick wasn’t her dad, but he’d been an amazing person in her life, and he loved her like a daughter. She knew he’d been an amazing father to her twin. She was hoping he’d do for her what he couldn’t do for Cassie. She asked him to walk her down the aisle. He said he’d be honored, and they hugged.

Back at the cottage, Faith and Noah looked at pictures of Rey, and she cried. Faith was glad Noah was there. Faith didn’t understand why Sharon was rushing things instead of just letting it all out. Noah didn’t think Sharon wanted them to see her break down. Faith said they all wanted to help. Noah knew, but Sharon got to deal with her pain the way she wanted.

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Y&R Update Tuesday, April 26 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

At the Abbott house, Kyle sent Harrison into the kitchen for some of Mrs. Martinez’s cookies. He wondered why Jack had him come to town.

“What the hell makes you think you can show your face in Genoa City after the devastation you have caused,” Nikki asked Diane. Jack and Phyllis were also in Diane’s suite, watching the confrontation. Nikki said she’d been charged with murder, which she was sure thrilled Diane. Diane said she didn’t enjoy any part of this. Diane had assumed Jack had explained her intentions for returning. Jack said he had no interest in making excuses for Diane. Diane said she’d been desperate, and she knew she had to run. Nikki asked why Diane didn’t just go without faking her death. Diane said she’d crossed some very powerful people, and she was afraid they wouldn’t leave her alone. Diane wasn’t thinking rationally, and she’d boxed herself into a corner. “If you had to play dead, you could’ve had the courtesy to stay that way,” Nikki spat.

Diane understood how Nikki felt. Nikki didn’t believe that. Nikki said Diane’s “death” set off a chain of events that wreaked havoc in the Newman family. Nikki and Victor had faced legal charges. Diane noted that the charges were dropped. Nikki assumed Diane was disappointed Nikki and Victor didn’t get life sentences. Nikki said she and Victor suffered – it had been agonizing. Nikki added that Diane’s partner in crime, Deacon, took full advantage of that. Phyllis asked if it was Diane’s idea for Deacon to blackmail Nikki for a murder she didn’t commit. Diane said she’d been a wreck, and she had no control over what was happening in Genoa City. Nikki argued that Diane could’ve come forward and revealed she was alive.

Jack got a text and told Phyllis that he had a meeting. She realized he was alluding to Kyle’s arrival. Jack wanted to take Nikki out of the room, but she insisted on staying. “It’s not like Nikki can be charged with the same murder twice,” Phyllis said. Phyllis grabbed a lamp on her way out of the room, to prevent Nikki from using it to bludgeon Diane. Jack and Phyllis left. Diane was relieved to have a chance to explain what she did and try to make amends. Diane was sure Nikki could relate. Nikki didn’t want to be compared to Diane. Diane said Nikki had changed – back then, she was drinking and violent. Nikki said when she attacked Diane, she was acting in self defense. “So was I, and that’s what you need to understand. I was scared and I was trying to protect myself,” Diane said. Deacon offered Diane an escape route, and she took it. Diane figured Deacon had his own reasons for what he did, probably involving his twisted relationship with Nikki. Nikki said she and Deacon did not have a relationship. She hadn’t thought of him in years. Diane said Deacon gave her a way out, and she was going to repay him by making the most of her life and not making the same mistakes. Nikki didn’t believe a word of that. She said Diane was still the same conniving little bitch she always was, and an apology wasn’t going to cut it, because everyone in town saw through her.

Nikki supposed she understood Jack allowing Diane to reach out to Kyle. She noted that Diane was Kyle’s mother, unfortunately for him. Nikki didn’t want Diane anywhere near her loved ones – she told Diane to stay away from Victor, Victoria and especially Nicholas. Diane said to relax – she had no designs on Nikki’s husband and son. Nikki thought Diane should stay away from Adam too. Nikki was sure people would hate Diane even more now. Diane didn’t think everyone was as unforgiving as Nikki. Nikki said that Diane would find no redemption here. “As much trouble as your murder caused me and my family, we were so relieved to finally have you out of our lives. No one has ever wanted you here, and no one ever will,” Nikki stated. She left. Diane called Jack and left a message asking him to let her know when Kyle was in town.

Jack and Phyllis went to his place and talked with Kyle. Kyle said Summer wished she could’ve come, but she’d asked him to give Phyllis a hug for her. Phyllis accepted the gesture, but she grumbled that it wasn’t the same. Jack asked about Harrison, and Kyle said he was playing upstairs. Kyle heard Rey died. Lola posted about it on social media. Jack said it was heartbreaking. Kyle was going to call Celeste and Lola. Jack thought that would be appreciated. In the few conversations he had with Celeste, she seemed close to her son. Phyllis said things like this made you count your blessings. Kyle agreed and said family was everything. Phyllis excused herself and left. Kyle knew it wasn’t like Phyllis to excuse herself. He sensed that she knew something he didn’t. He also knew Jack wouldn’t have called him here if it wasn’t something major.

Jack said this was about what happened in LA. He thanked Kyle for stepping up at Jabot and giving him the time and space to deal with his son’s passing. Kyle said of course – Keemo had been on his mind ever since he heard he died. Kyle knew it must’ve been painful that Jack missed the chance to reconcile with Keemo. Jack said that he was grateful he got to know Allie.

Jack said he didn’t even realize Keemo was back in the States. He’d received a cryptic anonymous text, and Phyllis responded to it. He’d received hints that lead him to Allie. Jack said that the person was sending him the texts because of Kyle. Kyle didn’t understand. Jack said the texter was someone they used to know. Someone who wanted their forgiveness. Jack wanted Kyle to know that opening or closing this door was completely up to him. Jack would support whatever decision Kyle made. Kyle wanted Jack to just tell him what was happening. “The person reaching out to me was your mother, Diane. She is alive. She is here, and she wants to see you,” Jack said.

At Society, Sally asked Adam how long Sharon and Rey were married. A little over a year, Adam said. Sally didn’t know Sharon that well, but from their encounters at the coffeehouse, she could tell Sharon looked content, like she was where she was supposed to be, and that she and Rey adored each other. She asked if he’d reached out to Sharon. He thought about it, but he didn’t think it’d go over well with her family, given the history. He didn’t want to do anything that would add to Sharon’s emotional burden. Sally didn’t think Adam should worry about Sharon’s family’s perception. Sally thought that What was important was if his visit made Sharon feel better. She said it was never wrong to tell your loved ones you were there for them. Adam was a little surprised Sally was encouraging this. Sally didn’t have an issue with Adam still caring about his ex. He said everyone else seemed to. She told him she wasn’t like everyone else. He knew. She’d be a lot more concerned if he didn’t give a damn about what Sharon was going through. She asked if he really thought his family would have an issue with him reaching out after what he did to save Victoria and the company from Ashland. Adam was wondering if Ashland caused the crash.

Adam spotted Ashland at the bar, and went over and loudly confronted him, despite Sally trying to keep him at their table. “You were supposed to leave town. You were paid a half a billion dollars to do it,” Adam snapped. Ashland said he only agreed to surrender control of Newman Locke and annul his marriage, not leave town. Adam said there was nothing left for Ashland here. Adam theorized that Ashland was sticking around to punish Victoria. Ashland thought Adam wouldn’t mind if that were true. “You have no affection for your sister. You just want to see her brought down a peg,” Ashland stated. Adam said that was rich coming from Ashland. Adam noted that he’d helped Victoria by removing the parasite that was Ashland from her life. Adam asked why Ashland had a bandaged hand and a boot on his foot – was he trying to garner more sympathy? Ashland said he was injured saving Victoria from the car. “You’re probably just faking your injuries like you did your cancer,” a skeptical Adam replied. Adam said that even if Ashland did rescue Victoria, it wouldn’t be enough to win her back, because no one held a grudge longer than her. Ashland said Adam would know. Adam wanted Ashland to do them all a favor and get the hell out of town.

Sally and Adam went back to his office. He wondered why Ashland was still around. Sally said that Ashland probably didn’t have much experience losing, so he might be trying to find a way to be the victor. She didn’t think he should let it get to him. He said it was hard not to when Ashland was sitting on 500 million dollars of Newman money. Victor walked in, and Adam revealed that Ashland was still in town, and he’d looked quite smug. Adam got the sense Ashland was cooking something up. Victor wasn’t going to allow Ashland to take that kind of money from him and mock him. Sally asked after Victoria, and Victor said she was okay. He thought Rey’s death added another layer of trauma to Victoria. He wondered if she knew Ashland was in town. He said they had to do everything they could to keep Ashland away from Victoria.

Adam mentioned that he was thinking of visiting Sharon and offering his condolences. Victor didn’t think that was a good idea. Sally didn’t see why not. Victor said if Adam approached Sharon now, a lot of people would think he was being opportunistic. Adam hoped Victor wasn’t one of those people. Victor said he was not. He appreciated that Adam went his own way and allowed Sharon to do the same. Adam didn’t want it to come off like he didn’t care about Sharon. Victor said Sharon knew the depth of Adam’s feelings, and she didn’t need any added conflict and stress – she had Nick and her children to comfort her.

Ashland went to The Grand Phoenix. He told Phyllis that Kyle texted him saying he was bringing Harrison to town. Now Kyle wasn’t returning his texts. Phyllis asked what Ashland wanted her to do about it. Ashland was wondering if Phyllis heard from Kyle and Jack. Phyllis pretended that when she was at the house earlier, Harrison had been sleeping. She suggested that Ashland just wait to hear from Kyle. Phyllis then changed her mind and said that she and Jack would bring Harrison over to Ashland and Victoria’s later. Ashland said thanks. He didn’t let on that he didn’t live there anymore. Phyllis asked if Ashland was okay after the accident. He lifted his hand and said he had minor burns.

Later, Nikki was exiting the elevator when she saw Ashland in the hotel lobby. She rushed to him and demanded to know what he was doing in town. He said he was here because he loved her daughter. She didn’t care about his feelings. Her concern was about helping Victoria heal. She didn’t want him to see Victoria again. He said she didn’t mind him seeing Victoria last night, when he rescued her. She appreciated him saving Victoria, but it didn’t erase the lies and deceit. Nikki would never forgive Ashland. Nikki thought that if Ashland loved Victoria, he shouldn’t insist on staying and making things worse for her. Ashland just wanted to make sure Victoria fully recovered from the accident, physically and emotionally. Nikki said that wasn’t Ashland’s place. He didn’t agree. She said Victoria’s family would help her recover. He said Victoria had free will and a beautiful fiery independent spirit, and she would decide how she wanted to deal with him. He was fed up with Nikki’s family’s constant complaints. “You’re not gonna be able to get rid of me, short of murder. So I would suggest you get used to seeing my face around here,” he stated. “We’ll see about that,” Nikki replied.

Sharon and Nick were at her place. She thanked him for insisting that she eat so she could keep her strength up. She knew Rey would’ve said the same thing. Nick told Sharon that she didn’t have to go to the morgue if she didn’t feel up to it. Sniffling, she said she needed to see Rey one more time. She didn’t think she could do it without Nick’s support. They hugged. Victoria came in, using her cane for support. Victoria said she was there if Sharon needed her. Victoria said that she was fine – the kids were there for her, and Nick had been wonderful. Victoria offered to bring meals or hang out with Faith. Nick said that was kind, but they had this handled. He said they were about to take off. Sharon excused herself and went upstairs, where she quietly shook and cried.

Victoria wished she’d been able to stay with Rey after the crash, so she could’ve told Sharon he wasn’t alone. Nick said that was beyond Victoria’s control, since she’d been unconscious and lucky to survive. Nick asked if Ashland chased Victoria and forced her off the road. She said he’d been following her, and he said he’d been worried about her driving in the fog while she was upset. Nick wanted to know what Ashland said at the office. Victoria said the details weren’t important now – she made it clear to Ashland that they were done. She admitted Ashland was right – she shouldn’t have been out driving in that state. She felt guilty. He said it wasn’t her fault, it was Ashland’s. Sharon returned. She’d overheard. She wasn’t looking for anyone to blame – it was an accident. Victoria appreciated that. She didn’t come here looking for absolution. Sharon knew why Victoria came.

Victoria went to Crimson Lights. Chelsea saw the cane and offered to get Victoria’s order, so the could have a seat. Victoria said it looked worse than it was. Chelsea said Victoria got lucky. Victoria agreed. Chelsea admitted that came out wrong. Chelsea said she’d been a little off – Rey’s death was so shocking and horrible. Victoria thought Rey’s death must be strange for Chelsea because she tried to kill him a year ago. “What happened last night is something that you tried to make happen before,” Victoria stated. Chelsea said she wasn’t in her right mind then, and she never wanted Rey to die. This was hitting her hard because Rey was a good friend.

Chelsea said Rey had every reason not to trust her, but he treated her with compassion and forgiveness. He was a sweet man who was good with Connor. He was on the road last night because he was taking her and Connor to hockey game. He left the tickets at home, went back to get them, and he never returned. Chelsea knew something was wrong, because Rey would never disappoint Connor like that. Victoria had no idea. She was sorry for Chelsea’s loss. Chelsea said Rey was one of the greatest men she’d ever known.

Nick and Sharon arrived at Crimson Lights after Victoria left. Chelsea approached and said Rey was a wonderful man, and she was truly sorry. Nick wanted to take Sharon home. Sharon had some things to do here, and she wanted to talk to Mariah about the wedding. Chelsea thought that Sharon could put that aside for now while she mourned. “I shouldn’t be mourning at all,” Sharon snapped.

When Victoria got to her office, Victor was there. He announced that Ashland was in town. She knew. Ashland had called her. Victor was angry about that, but Victoria said Ashland was just checking on her. She said that Ashland was out of the company, and the marriage was being annulled so he had no power over them. Victor thought things might be more complex than that. Victoria said she’d told Victor yesterday that she couldn’t just make her feelings for Ashland disappear, and that was even before he saved her life. It wasn’t an issue though because she was moving on.

Victoria learned her lesson, and she wasn’t tempted to trust Ashland again. She wished she’d caught on sooner. She knew Victor tried to warn her. He wasn’t there to scold her. He said that the hour between Victoria’s call to Nikki being cut off and finding Victoria in the cabin was arguably the most difficult moment of his life. He was so glad she was okay. She was sorry she scared him and her mom. She was sorry for so many things. They were sitting on the couch together. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. He didn’t want her to be sorry about anything. He promised everything would be okay.
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Days Update Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Jake has a nightmare about fighting Devil Johnny and then wakes up in a panic. Ava wakes up next to him and asks if he’s okay.

Rafe works in his office at the police station and complains about being stuck with all the paper work like he has nothing better to do than stay here all night. Nicole arrives and questions how the hell all the charges against Ava were dropped.

Eric works the bar at the Brady Pub. Marlena arrives and says she had to see for herself that he was really back as they hug. Eric feels bad that he just went back to Africa so soon instead of sticking around and making sure she fully recovered. Marlena assures that she’s fine and that Eric saved her soul and set her free.

Gabi sits at her desk at DiMera Enterprises, reading an article in The Intruder about Ava going free. EJ arrives and asks if she’s having a rough day at the office. Gabi sees EJ and questions if Melinda is just letting everybody out of jail. EJ notes that she seems surprised as he’s sure she would have heard about his exoneration by now. Gabi guesses she blocked it out. EJ informs Gabi that he’s innocent as it turned out the Devil used Belle to set him up.

Belle goes to the police station and sees Shawn. Shawn thanks her for coming to see him but Belle clarifies that she came to see a client. Shawn asks if she will give him a few minutes to make his case first to try and convince her that she should come home. Shawn calls the situation Jan challenging and a total nightmare. Shawn says he misses Belle and he knows she misses him too. Belle argues that Shawn slept with a homicidal maniac whose only mission in life was to drive them apart and now she is having his baby. Shawn says he’s so sorry. Belle brings up Shawn impregnating Jan four months ago on Christmas Eve/their wedding anniversary and allowed her to believe that she interrupted them. Shawn complains that he believed Jan was Belle. Belle continues on that he didn’t confide in her what happened. Shawn explains that he knew it would hurt her and traumatize her, so he didn’t want to do that to her. Belle asks if it never occurred to him that Jan could get pregnant. Shawn argues that he thought it was Belle so it never occurred to him. Belle thinks maybe it should have which Shawn admits. Shawn says he was ashamed and asks what telling her would have done. Belle complains that this entire thing could have been avoided if Jan took the morning after pill. Shawn argues that Jan would have never agreed to that but Belle says she could have gotten a court order because it was sexual assault. Shawn apologizes for being so clueless but he doesn’t have a law degree so the thought never crossed his mind. Shawn says he knew he made the biggest mistake of his life and that’s been compounded by Jan being pregnant. Shawn assures Belle that this is a total nightmare for him and he can’t think of anything that would make him more miserable. Belle responds that she’s just shocked and disappointed that months went by without him telling her the truth and that she had to find out from Jan showing her. Shawn says she has every right to be angry but he can’t change the past or what the Devil did. Shawn promises Belle that he will spend the rest of his life making it up to her. Belle asks how he will do that. Shawn responds that he will prove and show her that she is the most important thing in the world to him. Shawn knows he can do it if she gives him a chance.

Eric is relieved that Marlena is okay but he’s disappointed himself as he really thought he got rid of the Devil for good but he let him jump in to Belle. Marlena argues that Satan is a master of deception.

Gabi asks EJ if she’s supposed to feel sorry for him that the Devil set him up. EJ responds that he didn’t come for her sympathy, but for his job. Gabi points out that the position has been filled and she told her assistant that she was not to be disturbed. EJ brings up recently being co-CEO. Gabi reminds him that when the evidence showed he kidnapped Sami, Mr. Shin fired him. EJ points out that now they both know Satan planted the evidence, so if not for him, he wouldn’t have been removed from his position and Satan is the only reason that Gabi is in that chair. Gabi argues that he can blame the Devil all he wants but the truth is, Johnny is the one who got her in to the chair. Gabi declares that Johnny got her in to this position and then tried to get her in to his bed.

Ava asks Jake again if he is okay. Jake says he just had a nightmare. Ava guesses it was pretty bad. Jake claims he’s fine. Ava puts her hand on his chest and notes that his heart is racing, so he doesn’t seem fine. Ava apologizes if she made things weird. Jake asks if she means weirder than sleeping together without actually sleeping together. Ava tells Jake that she is his friend, so if he wants to tell her about his nightmare, she is happy to listen. Jake claims he can’t remember and gets up to go shower.

Belle asks Shawn what if she gives him another chance. Shawn says he will follow her lead and do whatever she wants. Shawn knows he made a huge mistake and hates that he hurt her but he doesn’t want this to destroy their marriage. Shawn wants to figure this out with her and asks what she wants. Belle responds that she doesn’t want Jan Spears to be part of her life in any way. Shawn assures that she won’t have to worry about that. Belle argues that if the baby is in his life, and he is in her life, then Jan is in her life. Belle thinks it is best if she steers clear since Jan has tried to kill her. Shawn argues that they don’t know what Jan will do and maybe motherhood will calm her down. Shawn points out that he hasn’t heard from Jan once since she told him about the baby. Shawn then gets a call from the prison.

Nicole complains to Rafe about Melinda letting Ava walk. Rafe argues that Melinda just did it and ordered him to arrest Gwen which led to his pile of paper work which is why he couldn’t see Nicole last night. Nicole asks if Rafe could take a break. Rafe says he’d love that and suggests breakfast at the Pub. Nicole stops and remembers seeing Eric working at the Pub.

Eric apologizes to Marlena for not coming back sooner to help with Belle since he was off the grid. Marlena says he doesn’t have to apologize as they all pulled together and saved Belle. Eric questions no one being aware that Belle was possessed. Marlena mentions that Susan Banks thought the Devil got in to Belle, but Ben thought that it was Johnny.

EJ questions Gabi about Johnny trying to seduce her. Gabi explains that she and Jake had big plans and Johnny did too, so she suggested they all work together. EJ guesses Gabi wanted to use Johnny’s shares to take over the company. Gabi says she’s all about business but Johnny wanted more and kept pushing her to ditch Jake, to team up with him in more ways than one. Gabi tells EJ that she refused until she found out Jake was stabbing her in the back, but now they know it wasn’t Jake, it was Satan. Gabi says she wanted to confront Jake about double crossing her but Johnny stopped her and convinced her to ambush Jake at the meeting, to vote Chad out and her in. EJ questions it being Johnny’s idea to make Gabi CEO. Gabi says it was more about the power grab and notes how quick Johnny was to throw EJ under the bus. Gabi adds that afterwards, Johnny wanted to take their relationship to the next level but she found out that Jake didn’t betray her and she tried to fix it. Gabi adds that EJ doesn’t have to take her word for it, as she could ask his son. EJ responds that he wishes he could, but Johnny is gone. EJ tells Gabi that Johnny is in Italy doing some soul searching. Gabi hopes that works out for him. Gabi tells EJ that he’s all caught up now so he can see himself out since she has an international corporation to run. EJ reminds Gabi how well that they used to get along. Gabi asks if he means that was before he booted Jake out of the family business. EJ points out that Gabi and Jake are through, so he asks Gabi to step aside and let him have his job back but Gabi says no. EJ suggests she remember that he’s not as naïve as his son then and he will always respect his father’s legacy, so he won’t let it be run in to the ground by an interloper. EJ warns Gabi not to get too comfortable in that chair as it won’t be long before he puts her in her place and reclaims his. Gabi asks if that’s a threat. EJ calls it a promise and then walks out of the office.

Nicole tells Rafe that there is something he should know before they go to the Pub. Ava walks in and jokes about not interrupting if they were about to go at it on the desk. Rafe asks Ava what the hell she wants.

Gabi goes back to her desk and complains about who is more insufferable, Ava or EJ. Gabi decides she will forget them since Ava is a loser and EJ is unemployed while she is CEO. There’s a knock on the door, so Gabi complains that she’s not supposed to be disturbed, but it’s Jake who enters the office.

Eric asks Marlena if Johnny was possessed. Marlena explains that is what Ben originally thought. Eric asks if it was true since Johnny was in the room for Marlena’s exorcism. Marlena says that Belle as Satan tried to choke her to death but Johnny broke it up. Eric asks if Belle is okay. Marlena says physically she is okay and the Devil is gone, but when he was there, something happened that absolutely devastated Belle..

Jan is informed that Shawn refused her call. Jan complains that Shawn is the father of her child so he can’t just blow her off. Jan asks to call Shawn again and for him to be told that it’s an emergency.

Belle remarks that Shawn should have taken the call from his baby mama and says this is how it’s going to be from now on, when Jan calls he has to talk to her. Shawn argues that he’s taking to Belle now about saving their marriage, so Jan can wait. Shawn gets another call from the prison so Belle grabs his phone and accepts the charges. Belle tells Shawn to talk to Jan because she has nothing left to say. Shawn tries to argue but Belle says she will be at her parents’ and walks out of the station. Shawn asks Jan what she wants. Jan asks if that’s any way to talk to the mother of his child and guesses he’s been talking to Belle. Shawn threatens to hang up but Jan warns him not to if he cares about the life of their unborn child.

Eric is shocked to hear that Jan Spears is pregnant with Shawn’s child. Marlena adds that she feels responsible. Eric argues that Belle and Shawn can’t blame Marlena for the Devil’s work. Marlena explains that Belle is upset with Shawn for not telling her that he slept with Jan. Eric feels he should go check on Belle to see if there’s anything he can do. Marlena is sure Belle would love to hear from him. Marlena asks if he’s bumped in to anybody else since coming back to town. Eric confirms that Nicole stopped by and they talked for a bit. Marlena asks how that felt. Eric acknowledges that he and Nicole are divorced, while he’s committed to the priesthood and she’s committed to somebody else.

Rafe tells Ava that the good thing about the charges being dropped is that he doesn’t have to see her around here anymore. Ava says she didn’t come to see him, she came to see Gwen. Nicole asks why since Ava sold Gwen out. Ava argues that she did what she had to do to save herself but she took no pleasure in it and she came to apologize. Nicole questions believing her making amends with Gwen when she hasn’t even apologized to Rafe setting him up. Ava argues that Gwen didn’t have sex with her best friend or her boyfriend behind her back like some other people she knows. Nicole argues that Rafe didn’t deserve to go to prison and Ava doesn’t deserve to be free. Ava asks who she speaks to about seeing Gwen. Rafe agrees to let Gwen know that Ava wants to talk to her. Rafe tells Nicole that it won’t take long so he’ll meet her at the Pub. Nicole kisses Rafe and then exits. Ava tells Rafe that she will wait here while he goes to check with Gwen but Rafe refuses to leave her in his office and orders her to get out.

Gabi asks what Jake is doing here. Jake says he needed to talk to her. Gabi argues that she already knows how his new girlfriend Ava threw his old girlfriend Gwen under the bus and framed her brother. Jake clarifies that Ava is not his girlfriend, but even if she was, it’s not Gabi’s business. Gabi asks if Jake is okay with Ava throwing Gwen under the bus to save her own guilty ass. Jake argues that Gwen put Abigail and her family through Hell so he won’t lose sleep over that, but he’s not here to talk about Gwen or Ava, but about The Devil.

Shawn goes to see Jan at the prison and tells her that she has one minute. Jan complains about him being so cold to her when she’s really vulnerable. Shawn warns that she has 30 seconds. Jan argues that she knows he cares about their baby as much as she does. Jan starts crying that she’s really scared. Shawn tells her to skip the tears and games and just cut to the chase to tell him what the hell she wants.

Belle goes to the DiMera Mansion and tells EJ that she got his text and he said it was important. EJ informs her that he needs her help to take DiMera back from Gabi. Belle reminds him that she is DiMera’s general counsel, so Gabi is her boss. EJ says that’s only until she advises him on how to get rid of her. Belle asks why EJ would take her advice since he ignores it all the time. Belle reminds EJ that she told him not to hand over his shares to Johnny but he did it anyway and that’s how Gabi became CEO. EJ clarifies that Gabi said it was Johnny’s idea that she run the company. Belle points out that EJ handed Johnny all the power. EJ repeats that at the time, he trusted his son and never imagined he would undermine him. Belle argues that he should have trusted his attorney more. EJ agrees that he should not have been so dismissive, but promises to listen from now on. Belle appreciates that but says she still can’t advise him on this. Off the record, Belle suggests that EJ get Johnny to sign a document handing over his shares and then he can form a voting block to remove Gabi and put himself back in. EJ says there is just one problem with that strategy as Johnny has left town to Italy to find himself. Belle guesses he must first find Johnny to get his signature and that’s all she is going to say about it. EJ knows she’s heard all about him, so he asks how she is doing. Belle says that’s not a question she can answer in just a few words.

Jan claims she’s not trying to manipulate Shawn as she’s been cooperative and completely honest since telling him about their baby. Jan says that’s why when she learned something about their child today, she thought he would want to know immediately. Shawn says he’s here so she can tell him. Jan explains that she had a more thorough exam and she’s afraid there’s some bad news as she has a medical condition with a long, complicated name. Shawn doesn’t buy it but Jan says what she has is serious and she needs to be on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. Shawn asks what that has to do with him. Jan complains that nobody can rest in prison, so he needs to get her released immediately for the sake of their baby.

Gabi questions Jake wanting to talk about the Devil and asks if he means his girlfriend. Jake repeats that Ava is just his roommate and it’s none of her business, but he needs help and Gabi is the only person he can turn to. Gabi asks what he needs help with. Jake says it’s about a dream that feels more like a memory. Jake reminds Gabi that she left him alone in the conference room at DiMera with Johnny, but in his dream, Johnny seemed possessed with the freaky voice and glowing eyes. Gabi guesses Jake hit his head pretty hard because when she got back, Jake was out cold. Gabi recalls Johnny saying that Jake attacked him. Jake doesn’t remember that, but in his dream, he punched the Devil. Gabi says what she remembers from that day is that she got this job and lost Jake. Jake decides this was a mistake and apologizes for bothering her. Gabi stops him and says they both know the Devil and Johnny broke them up. Gabi asks if he’s thinking they are one in the same.

Rafe informs Ava that Gwen doesn’t want to see her. Ava guesses that she’s holding a grudge. Rafe doesn’t want to see Ava either, so he tells her to get out and not come back. Ava argues that she’s a free woman so she can go where ever she damn well pleases. Rafe warns that Ava got away this time, but if she thinks about hurting him or Nicole, she won’t have to worry about speaking with Gwen because she’ll be in the same cell with her in prison. Ava mocks him playing bad cop and says he never showed her this side when they were dating because if he had, they’d probably still be together. Ava then walks out of the station.

Eric mentions Nicole being with Rafe now. Marlena is surprised she told him and wants to know that Eric is okay. Eric assures he’s fine, acknowledging that Nicole was his first love so they will obviously have a connection but they realized they are two different people who want two very different lives. Marlena asks if seeing Nicole now is just like seeing an old friend. Eric admits his heart skipped a beat when he saw Nicole so she will still have that power over him. Nicole then enters the Pub and sees them.

Jake tells Gabi that there was a time when he, Ben, and Ciara thought Johnny was possessed but it turned out the Devil was in Belle and Johnny was just a jerk. Gabi asks what about his dream since it must mean something for him to come ask for her help. Jake calls it a mistake and repeats that he’s sorry to bother her. Jake tells Gabi to get back to running DiMera all by herself. Gabi blames living with Ava for giving him nightmares. Jake then reveals that he and Ava are now sharing the bed. Gabi gets upset but Jake assures that nothing happened and they stayed on their sides of the bed. Jake then exits the office. Gabi remarks that it won’t last.

Marlena and Nicole greet each other. Marlena says she has to get going and tells Eric that she will be in touch, so she exits the Pub. Nicole informs Eric that Rafe is meeting her here for breakfast at his suggestion. Eric tells her that she doesn’t have to explain. Nicole apologizes since this is a little strange. Eric points out that it wasn’t strange yesterday. Nicole says now Rafe will be walking through the door. Eric assures Nicole that seeing her happy will never make him uncomfortable as he’s truly happy that she’s met someone who will put her first and can give her their whole heart. Eric holds Nicole’s hands and tells her that she deserves that as Rafe walks in to the Pub, surprised to see Eric with Nicole.

Belle informs EJ that she ran in to Shawn at the police station and he wants her to come back home. EJ asks what she wants. Belle cries that she wants to go back in time to stop Shawn from sleeping with Jan so she wouldn’t be carrying his baby. EJ wishes he could help her with that. Belle wishes she could do what EJ did to Sami when he found out she cheated with Lucas. EJ points out that he banished Sami from his life. Belle cries that she wants to banish all of this and erase it forever but she can’t because she loves Shawn. EJ hugs Belle as she cries.

Shawn informs Jan that he just spoke to the prison doctor. Jan guesses she backed up what she said and tells Shawn that she told him that she wasn’t making it up. Jan warns Shawn that if she stays in prison, their child will not survive.

Jake returns home and thinks back to his nightmare about Devil Johnny. Ava asks if he’s still shaken up about his nightmare but Jake claims he’s fine.

Gabi declares that she will get Ava out of Jake’s bed if it’s the last thing she does.

Rafe greets Eric and they hug. Rafe asks when Eric got in to town. Eric says it was yesterday and questions Nicole not telling him. Nicole explains that they didn’t see each other last night and she tried to tell him this morning but they were interrupted. Nicole informs Rafe that she and Eric ran in to each other yesterday morning. Rafe says it’s great and welcomes Eric back, asking how long he’s here for. Eric says it’s just a visit and mentions that Nicole told him about her and Rafe, so he wishes them both happiness.

Belle tells EJ that she feels like she’s never going to be happy again. EJ encourages that she is smart and strong, so she will find a way to make the best of all of it. Belle asks how when Jan is crazy, heartless, and is now pregnant with her husband’s baby. EJ says if Belle wants her marriage to work then it will. EJ believes in Belle and urges her to believe in herself.

Shawn asks what Jan wants him to do. Jan argues that he’s an officer of the law so he can pull some strings or call in a favor to get her released. Shawn argues that they won’t let a nutjob with her record out of prison just because she’s pregnant. Jan argues that they are options other than letting her free, like house arrest. Shawn asks whose house, so Jan suggests his.


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GH Short Recap Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny is upset that Michael has decided not to have anything more to do with him. Sonny heads to the gym to let off some steam. Sonny talks to Brando and Dante at the gym by boxing. Brando takes Sonny’s side and advises Sonny to give Michael time to calm down while Dante doesn’t take sides in the ussue.

Sasha helps Nina throw Smoltz out of her apartment. Sasha tells Nina she thinks Liam died as a punishment for her past mistakes. Nina tells Sasha that Liam’s death was nobody’s fault. Sasha tells Nina that if she wants a relationship with Sonny she must decide how much she wants to know about his business.

Michael tells Willow that from now on he wants to make the Corinthos name stand for good things so Wiley can be proud of his last name. Willow warns   Michael that in his quest to redeem the Corinthos name he doesn’t become the evil from which he is trying to protect Wiley.

Elizabeth moves into the Metro Court so she can be safe until they figure out who is causing the strange incidents in her house. Elizabeth considers Lucy’s idea of having a seance to call out Franco’s spirit.

Alexis (temporarily being played by Stephanie Erb) arrives at the cliff and finds Harmony who admits to her she killed Neil and Brendan because they were going to tell Willow she
isn’t her mother. Alexis hears Carly pounding her hand on the inside of the trunk and gets her out of the trunk. Carly is weak and has a faint pulse. Harmony tells Alexis she can’t let her or Carly leave because she won’t lose Willow.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sharon continues to seem strong to everyone while she cries in private. Sharon tells Victoria she isn’t blaming anyone for the accident that took Rey’s life. Sharon tells Victoria not to blame herself for the accident either since it won’t do any good since everyone involved in the accident is in pain.

Adam, Nikki, and Victor are very upset that Ashland hasn’t left town yet. Ashland tells Nikki that unless somebody kills him he isn’t leaving town.

Nikki tells Diane that she should have never come back to town and let people continue to believe she was dead. Nikki also tells Diane to stay away from everyone in the Newman family. Kyle is shocked and confused when Jack tells him Diane is alive and wants to sew him.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Kyle: I’m not sure how long we’ll be waiting for grandpa, but in the meantime, I got a heads-up that mrs. Martinez made some of your favorite cookies. So how about you go to the kitchen and get some of those and go play in your old bedroom?

Harrison: Yum!

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ] While I wait to hear grandpa’s big news.

Nikki: I cannot believe what I’m seeing.

Diane: [ Sighs ] I know this must come as a shock.

Nikki: “Shock”?! Shock doesn’t begin to cover it. What the hell makes you think you can show your face in genoa city after the devastation you have caused?

Sally: [ Sighs ] I know I keep saying it, but it is just so awful. Poor sharon. How long were she and rey married?

Adam: Um…little over a year.

Sally: I mean, I don’t know sharon very well, but whenever i saw her at the coffee house, she always just seemed so content, happy and at peace, like she was genuinely grateful to be exactly where she was in her life. And rey just adored her — that much was obvious. And vice versa.

Adam: Well, sharon must be reeling. I’m just glad that noah is home from london, and it’ll help her to have all her kids around her.

Sally: Have you reached out to her?

Adam: I thought about it, but I don’t think that would go over well with her family, given my history with her. You know, I think she considers us friends now, but I just —

Sally: Wow, I am used to people thinking the worst of you, but seriously? You can’t even express your condolences to a friend?

Adam: I don’t want to do anything that will add to her emotional burden. She’s got enough to handle right now.

Sharon: [ Clears throat ] Thank you for insisting that i eat something. Um…you’re right, I need to keep my strength up. Rey would’ve said the same thing. And I feel better now, so… we can leave.

Nick: Sharon, there’s no rule about seeing rey at the morgue. If it’s too much for you, i mean, the last time you saw him, you told him you loved him. If you want that to be your goodbye, when you were happy, then just do it.

Sharon: No. No, I need to do this. I need to see him one more time.

[ Sighs ] Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for driving me. I don’t think I could do this without your support.

Nick: Whatever you need.

Sharon: Thank you.

[ Knock on door ]

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: Hey. I’m so sorry.

This is the story of two homes.

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Sally: If I were you, I would not be worried about what her family’s perception might be. Sharon will know that your concern for her is genuine, and if it makes her feel even just a little bit better, that’s all that really matters. It’s never wrong to tell your loved ones that you’re there for them.

Adam: Well, thank you for that.

Sally: You’re surprised?

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Um, a little bit.

Sally: Why? Look, I don’t have an issue with the fact that you still care about your ex.

Adam: Well, everyone else seems to.

Sally: Well, I hoped you would’ve realized by now that i am not like everyone else.

Adam: Hey. I do.

Sally: Well, I would’ve been a lot more concerned if you didn’t give a damn about what sharon was going through, ’cause honestly, I can’t imagine anything worse. Do you really think your family’s gonna have an issue with you reaching out to her after what you just did to save victoria and the company from ashland?

Adam: I am still wondering if he somehow caused the car crash. What was he doing anywhere near victoria? That son of a bitch was supposed to be gone a long time ago, and — unbelievable.

Sally: Adam, adam —

Adam: Hey! We made a deal. You were supposed to leave town. You were paid half a billion dollars to do it, so why are you still here?

Nick: Vick, how you feeling? Are you sure you should be out and about?

Victoria: I’m fine. I, um…I haven’t been able to stop thinking about rey since ashland told me what happened. I really — I — I can’t wrap my mind around it.

Sharon: Yeah, neither can I.

Victoria: It’s just not fair. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, and I just wanted you to know that if you need me for anything, if there’s anything that I can do…

Sharon: Um…well, thank you. You know, I’m — I’m fine. I have a lot of love and support around me, and nick has been wonderful. And the kids have been just a well of strength for me to draw from.

Victoria: Yes, your family always does come together when the times get tough. You and nick should be really proud about that. But if there is anything that i can do to help, I mean, if — if you need me to bring meals or maybe hang out with faith, if there’s anything at all you can think of…

Nick: That’s — that’s very kind of you, but I think we’ve got everything handled. We were actually just about to take off.

Sharon: Um, you know, actually, I forgot something in my room. I’ll be right back.

Nikki: Where in god’s name have you been all this time?

Diane: Living a quiet life under the radar while I pulled myself back together.

Nikki: Oh, you had to fake your own death to pull yourself together?

Diane: I needed a fresh start.

Nikki: How lovely for you. So you just gallivanted off to who knows where without a care in the world, leaving a trail of destruction in your wake. Back here, people’s lives were upended. I was charged with murder, which I’m sure you were thrilled to hear about that turn of events.

Diane: [ Sighs ] No part of this was enjoyable for me. I thought jack might have explained why I came back, what my intentions are.

Jack: I have no interest in make excuses for you.

Phyllis: Yeah, I second that. You decided to come back here and face the music. Start singing.

Diane: [ Scoffs ] Nikki, I was utterly desperate. I didn’t know what I should do. I just knew that I had to get away.

Nikki: Well, then why didn’t you just go away? Nobody would’ve objected to that.

Diane: Because I had crossed some very powerful people, and i was terrified that they’d never leave me alone. Okay, maybe it wasn’t rational, but I wasn’t thinking rationally. I had boxed myself into a corner.

Nikki: Oh, and apparently you decided that the only way to get out of that box was to ruin my life. You know, if you had to play dead, you could’ve had the courtesy to stay that way. I have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis.

Victoria: I really wish so much that I was able to stay with rey after the crash, and that way I could tell sharon that he wasn’t alone.

Nick: Come on, that was beyond your control. You were unconscious. You were lucky to survive that accident yourself. I still don’t understand what happened. I mean, why was ashland there? Was he chasing you? Did you force you off the side of the road?

Victoria: No. He was following me. I didn’t realize it. He said he was worried about me driving in the fog and being so upset.

Nick: Because you guys had it out at the office?

Victoria: Yes.

Nick: What’d he say to you?

Victoria: Nicholas, the details aren’t important now. I — I made it perfectly clear to him that things are over between us. But he’s right, I probably shouldn’t have been out driving in that state. You know, mom tells me that i shouldn’t feel guilty, but I do. If I weren’t driving, if i weren’t on that road…

Nick: Vick, this isn’t your fault. All of this is on ashland. None of it would’ve happened if it weren’t for him.

Sharon: Sorry, um…couldn’t help overhearing. I’m not looking for someone to blame. It was an accident, that’s all. I don’t want you to feel guilty. That wouldn’t help anyone. We’re all experiencing a lot of hurt as it is.

Victoria: I really appreciate you saying that. I didn’t come here looking for you to make me feel better.

Sharon: I know why you came. I appreciate the gesture, but, um… nick, I’m ready to go.

Ashland: It sounds like you need to reread our agreement. There was no mention of me leaving genoa city. I agreed to surrender control of newman/locke and to have my marriage to victoria annulled. That was it.

Adam: Why would you even want to stay in town? There’s nothing left for you here. Your career is over. Your former wife despises you. Oh. So it is about victoria. I mean, what move could you possibly have left when it comes to her? Were you angry that she rejected you? Now you want to punish her?

Ashland: Why do I get the feeling you wouldn’t mind if that was my motive? Because, adam, you have no affection for your sister. You just want to see her brought down a peg in any way possible.

Adam: That is rich coming from you. And I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not bringing my sister down. I’m doing the opposite. I actually lifted her up by eliminating you from her life — an annoying parasite who latched onto its host and wouldn’t let go.

Ashland: I’m sure she’s very grateful to you for that.

Adam: What’s with the little bandage on your hand and the boot on your foot? This another bid for sympathy?

Ashland: I was injured pulling your sister from the wreckage of her car.

Adam: Well, excuse me for not taking your word for it. I don’t know anyone who would believe you at this point. Well, you’re probably just faking your injuries like you did your cancer. And even if you did rescue victoria, it’s not gonna be enough to win her back because there is nobody in this world that holds a grudge longer than my sister.

Ashland: You would know.

Adam: Look, why don’t you just do us all a favor and get the hell out of town?

Diane: I understand how you must feel.

Nikki: No, you don’T. You don’t have a clue. You have no idea how furious i am.

Diane: I bet you’re about to make that very clear.

[ Chuckles ]

Nikki: Your quote-unquote death set off a chain of events that wreaked havoc with my entire family, starting with legal charges for me and my husband.

Diane: That were dropped.

Nikki: Yes, you must have been so disappointed that victor and I weren’t given a life sentence for your murder. But you’ll be happy to know that we still suffered greatly. Just the anxiety and fear was agonizing. Nobody really knew what had happened or who was responsible for it. And, of course, your partner-in-crime deacon took full advantage of that.

Phyllis: Oh, wait a second, i have a question about that. Was it your idea to have deacon blackmail nikki for a murder she didn’t commit?

Diane: No, it wasn’T. Nikki, I know you won’t believe me, but it’s the truth.

[ Cellphone chimes ] I was a wreck at the time. I was barely hanging on. I had no control over what was happening back here.

Nikki: Well, you could’ve come forward. You could’ve let people know that you were alive and end this nightmare.

Jack: Okay, this is getting a little out of control. You wanted to see her for yourself, you’ve seen her. I am late for a meeting with someone.

Phyllis: Oh, the person we were talking about ear– okay.

Jack: Yeah, yeah. Why don’t we go now and you can pick this up later?

Nikki: Jack, you and phyllis go. I still have some things I want to talk to diane about.

Jack: Nikki.

Nikki: It’ll be fine. I promise.

Phyllis: Well, it’s not like nikki can be charged with the same murder twice, so…

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Just in case, I’m taking this lamp. I warned you not to come out of here.

Diane: Goodbye, phyllis.

Nikki: Have a seat. There are some things we have to get straight.


Diane: [ Sighs ] Phyllis was right about one thing — I put myself in this position by coming back here. I needed to be prepared for people’s reactions, however stressful they might be.

Nikki: Oh, I’m sorry, it’s stressful for you?

Diane: But it’s a relief to finally have a chance to explain what I did and try to at least make amends for it. I’m sure you can relate to that.

Nikki: Oh, please, don’t even think about comparing yourself to me.

Diane: Well, you’ve obviously grown and changed a lot in the years since we’ve seen each other. Back then, weren’t you drinking? You were violent.

Nikki: When I attacked you, I was acting in self-defense.

Nikki: So was I, and that’s what you need to understand. I was scared and I was trying to protect myself. Only everything I was trying wasn’t working. Deacon offered me an escape route, and, yes, I took it. He might’ve had his own reasons for doing what he did, probably had to do with his twisted relationship with you, but that’s between the two of you.

Nikki: Oh, don’t make it sound like we’re still involved. I haven’t given that man a moment’s thought in years.

Diane: All I know is he gave me a way out and a chance to start over, and I’m going to repay him the only way I can — by making the most of this new life and not repeating mistakes of the past.

Nikki: Hmm. Well, you know what, diane? I don’t believe one word of this. You are still the same manipulative, conniving little bitch you always were. And an apology tour isn’t really gonna cut it, because everybody in this town is gonna see right through you.

Chelsea: Hey. Do you — do you want to sit down? I can get your order.

Victoria: Oh, thank you. That’s not necessary. It really just looks worse than it is.

Chelsea: You got lucky.

Victoria: Yes, I did.

Chelsea: I’m sorry, that — I’m sorry, that came out wrong. I just — I’ve been a little off today. Adam told me about rey. It’s just so shocking and horrible.

Victoria: Yes, it is. I — I would think that rey’s death might seem strange to you, since you tried to end his life a year ago.

Chelsea: What?

Victoria: Well, all I’m saying is that what happened last night is something that you tried to make happen before.

Chelsea: I wasn’t in my right mind. I never wanted rey to die. This is all hitting me very hard because rey was actually my friend. My good friend.

Adam: What could ashland hope to gain by sticking around? He’s ruined here, and victoria is done with him.

Sally: My guess is a man like that doesn’t have much experience coming out the loser, so maybe he still thinks he can snatch some sort of victory from the jaws of defeat. In any case, you should not let it get to you.

Adam: Well, it’s hard not to when he’s sitting on $500 million of newman money.

Victor: Hello, hello. Just came by to check in.

Adam: Well, it’s perfect timing because I was just about to call you. You will never believe who I ran into at society — ashland locke, bellied up to the bar, hanging out, having a cocktail.

Victor: Why is he still in town?

Adam: I don’t know. But he looked pretty damn comfortable. Downright smug, actually. I got the sense he was cooking something up, like he’s not done with us yet.

Victor: As if that bastard hasn’t done enough damage already. If he thinks he can take $500 million from me and mock me, he has another thing coming.

Sally: How is victoria doing?

Victor: Doing alright. I think rey’s death has added another layer of trauma to her. Otherwise, I think she’s okay. I just wonder if she knows that that bastard is still in town.

Adam: I’m not sure.

Victor: You know, we have to do everything in our power to keep him away from her, okay?

Adam: Mm-hmm. Speaking of rey, have you talked to sharon? I was thinking about stopping by to see her later and offer my condolences.

Victor: Son, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Jack: It is good to have you back. Oh! You look good.

Kyle: You too, dad.

Jack: I think italy agrees with you.

Kyle: Summer and I are loving it, and she was disappointed she was too swamped with work to make the trip, but she asked me to give you a hug on her behalf.

Phyllis: Okay, I mean, it’s not the same thing, but I’ll take it. Taking care of my little girl?

Kyle: Like my life depends on it.

Phyllis: Good.

Jack: So where’s harrison?

Kyle: Upstairs playing.

Jack: Okay, eager as I am to see him, it gives us a chance to talk, then.

Kyle: Yeah, first, I just heard about rey. Lola posted about his passing on social media.

Jack: Oh, it is just heartbreaking, and I haven’t had a chance to talk to sharon yet.

Kyle: Yeah, I thought I’d call celeste and lola in a bit.

Jack: I’m sure they’d appreciate that. The few conversations I’ve had with celeste, it sounded like she had a very close bond with her son.

Phyllis: Yeah, when things like this happen, it makes you count your blessings, right?

Kyle: Absolutely. Family’s everything.

Phyllis: Yes, yes. I’m needed at the hotel, by the way, so I got to go. We’ll catch up later.

Jack: Thank you.

Kyle: So…since when does phyllis politely excuse herself?

Jack: What do you mean?

Kyle: She knows something i don’t, doesn’t she? And you wouldn’t have asked me to come all this way unless it was something major, so what’s going on, dad?

“The young and the restless”

will continue. (Cyclist) why is ice t in a speed walking crew?

Adam: Well, I admit, I have been debating with myself whether I should reach out to sharon.

Victor: Well, then your gut is telling you the right thing, okay? She has all the support she needs right now.

Sally: But couldn’t she always use more support? I mean, I’m just saying, why hold back?

Victor: If adam approached her now, a lot of people would misinterpret that and would think that he was being opportunistic.

Adam: I hope you’re not one of those —

Victor: No, son, I’m not. I appreciate the fact that you went your own way and you allowed sharon to do the same thing. It was the right thing to do.

Adam: Look, I just — I don’t want it to come off to her like I don’t care about what she is going through.

Victor: Son, I assure you, she knows the depths of your feelings. She doesn’t need any added conflict and stress. So let nicholas and her children comfort her now.

Chelsea: I know it must seem strange that rey and I became friends. Trust me, no one was more surprised than I was. I mean, he had every reason not to trust me. Yet, instead, he treated me with compassion, forgiveness. He was just a sweet man. Oh, and he was so good with connor.

[ Sighs ] That’s why he was on the road last night. He was about to pick us up for a hockey game.

Victoria: I had no idea.

Chelsea: He left the tickets at home, went back to get them, and never came back. I knew something was wrong. I knew he would never disappoint connor like that unless something terrible had happened.

[ Sighs ] Connor just adored him. He thought he hung the moon. Adam and I, we had to tell him earlier what happened, and it was really, really hard.

Victoria: I’m sorry for your loss.

Chelsea: It was a loss for everyone whose life he touched. Rey was just a great man. One of the greatest men I’ve ever known.

Nikki: I suppose I can understand jack feeling compelled to let you reach out to kyle. You are his mother, as unfortunate as that may be for him. But I don’t want you anywhere near my loved ones. Do you understand me? You stay away from victor and victoria and especially nicholas.

Diane: Hmm. Relax, I’ve got no designs on your husband or your son.

Nikki: And while you’re at it, you should probably avoid adam, too. As much as you thought people hated you back then, that’s nothing compared to how they’ll feel about you now.

Diane: Not everyone is as unforgiving as you.

Nikki: Oh, diane, you are in for a rude awakening. You’ll find no redemption here. As much trouble as your murder caused me and my family, we were so relieved to finally have you out of our lives. No one has ever wanted you here and no one ever will.

Jack: This is about what happened on my trip to los angeles after keemo died. And thank you again for stepping up business-wise. Gave me the space and time i needed to deal with my son’s passing.

Kyle: Of course, dad. Keemo’s been on my mind ever since you told me. Must have been incredibly painful for you to miss the chance to reconcile with him.

Jack: Yeah, it was a difficult time, but I’m grateful I got to know allie. Spent some time with her, got to know her — she’s a pretty amazing young woman. I hope you get to meet her soon.

Kyle: Is that what you wanted to talk to me about? Is there something about allie you want me to know?

Jack: No, that’s not it. I wanted you to know, though, how I first got to meet her so that you could understand the whole story…of who it was that led me to this discovery and why. We hit the bike trails every weekend

Phyllis: Okay, so take this to conference room B. Thank you. Oh, wow, hi. Lots of interesting people coming into my lobby today. How are you, ashland?

Ashland: Uh, I’m okay, thank you. Actually, I got a text from kyle this morning that he and harrison were coming into town, and now he’s not returning my texts or my phone calls.

Phyllis: Okay, what do you want me to do about it?

Ashland: Well, I was wondering if you had heard from him or from jack or if you knew where they were, what they’d be doing.

Phyllis: Um, I saw them earlier, and harrison, he was wiped out from the flight. He was taking a nap. He’s — he’s probably still napping. You should just wait for kyle’s response. You know, or I’ll just get with jack and we’ll get harrison and we’ll bring him to you. We’ll — we’ll come to your and victoria’s house.

Ashland: Okay, thank you.

Phyllis: I heard about the accident. Are you okay?

Ashland: Uh, minor burns, that’s all. Thank you, phyllis.

Jack: Keemo and I were not in touch with each other for many years. I didn’t even know he moved back to the states. In fact, I wouldn’t have known much about happened to him if i hadn’t gotten a cryptic, anonymous text.

Kyle: Okay, that’s strange.

Jack: So strange I almost didn’t respond. And when I did — or more accurately, when phyllis did — there were clues, there were hints that led me to allie. She was just as confused as i was, and it seemed for a time that I would never know who had sent me those mysterious texts.

Kyle: But you finally figured it out?

Jack: I did. The person sending me those texts, their reason for sending them…it was all about you.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Daddy, what are you doing here?

Victor: My poor girl. Wanted to see how you are.

Victoria: I’m okay.

Victor: I’m glad to hear that. I just wanted you to know that ashland locke is still in town.

Victoria: I’m aware. He called me.

Victor: I paid that man $500 million to leave you alone. He knows it.

Victoria: Dad, please, don’t get frustrated. Ashland was just checking on me after the accident, and even if he did want something else, it’s not gonna happen. We’ve terminated his contract. Our marriage is being annulled. He has no more power over us.

Victor: Legally, you’re right. But I am afraid it’s a bit more complicated for you, right?

Victoria: I told you yesterday, I can’t just make my feelings for the man disappear. And that was before he saved my life. But it’s not an issue. I’m moving on. Ashland knows it, and so do I.

Victor: [ Sighs ] You’re saying that now. But is it gonna be that easy for you?

Nikki: What are you still doing here? Why haven’t you left town?

Ashland: That seems to be a popular question for me today.

Nikki: So answer it.

Ashland: The answer is simple. I’m still here in town because i love your daughter. My moderate to severe plaque psoriasis…

Victoria: I am not the slightest bit tempted to trust ashland again. I’ve learned my lesson. I just…I wish I would’ve caught on a little sooner. I know, I know you tried to warn me, so you don’t have to remind me of that.

Victor: Didn’t come here to scold you, my sweetheart. That’s the farthest thing from my mind. I got to tell you, the hour between when your phone call to your mother was cut off and we found you…was arguably the most difficult moment of my life, okay? I’m so glad you’re alright.

Victoria: I’m sorry I scared you and mom. I’m sorry for so many things, dad.

Victor: Come here. I don’t want you to be sorry about a damn thing, okay? Everything will be alright.

Nikki: Your feelings are entirely irrelevant to me. My main concern is victoria. To protect her and help her heal. And the best way to do that is to keep her as far away from you as possible. I don’t ever want her to come face-to-face with you again.

Ashland: You didn’t seem to mind me being face-to-face with her last night. While I was saving her life.

Nikki: I appreciate you dragging her from the car. But that does not erase all of the things that you did leading up to that moment. Your lies, your deceit. The pain that you put victoria through. I will never forgive you for that. You say you love her? Then why would you insist on staying here and making things worse for her?

Ashland: That is not at all my goal. I want to make sure that victoria recovers fully from the accident, both physically and emotionally.

Nikki: You’re the last person to do that.

Ashland: I disagree.

Nikki: Her family will be the ones to help her recover, thank you.

Ashland: If you get your way, yes. But it’s not a forgone conclusion.

[ Sighs ] Victoria has free will and a beautiful, fiery, independent spirit. She will decide how she wants to deal with me. And quite frankly, I’m getting very tired of your family constantly complaining. You’re not gonna be able to get rid of me, short of murder. So I would suggest you get used to seeing my face around here.

Nikki: We’ll see about that.

Chelsea: Sharon. I don’t know what to say. There are no words. Rey was such a wonderful man.

Sharon: Thank you.

Chelsea: Uh…I mean, I don’t mean to intrude, I just wanted you to know how truly sorry i am.

Nick: Uh, sharon, why don’t you, uh, let me take you home?

Sharon: No, no, um…there’s some things that I want to do here. Plus, I want to talk to mariah about the wedding.

Chelsea: Oh, I’m sure that can wait. I mean, you’ve just been dealt this terrible blow. You should take as much time as you need to mourn your loss.

Sharon: I shouldn’t be mourning at all.

Diane: Jack, it’s me. I’m — I’m so anxious to see kyle and explain everything. Please — please let me know when he’s in town.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Kyle: Okay, I don’t understand how this mystery in los angeles connects back to me.

Jack: The person who wrote me these texts is someone we used to know. Someone who wants our forgiveness. It turns out these messages about keemo and allie were sort of a show of good faith.

Kyle: But why? I don’t get it.

Jack: Kyle, I’m gonna tell you who it is, but before I do, I want you to know opening or closing this door is completely up to you and I will support any decision you make.

Kyle: This story just keeps getting stranger and more confusing. Why don’t you just give it to me straight, please? Just tell me what’s happening.

Jack: The person reaching out to me was…your mother. Diane. She is alive. She is here. And she wants to see you.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, April 26, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Anita

[ Knocking on door ]

Nina: Okay. Okay. I am coming!

Smoltz: Reeves. Grant Smoltz. You haven’t been taking my calls.

Nina: Yeah, there’s a reason for that. How’d you get past the doorman?

Smoltz: I have a gift for improv.

Nina: Oh, well, that’s fantastic. Goodbye.

Smoltz: Oh. Ms. Reeves, this is your last chance to comment on Michael Corinthos and Willow Tait’s assertions that you’re unstable and how you’d be an undesirable influence on your grandson, Wiley. If I were you, I’d want to get my two cents on the record.

Nina: Well, fortunately, I’m not you. I’m calling security.

Smoltz: I’m bending over backward, trying to get your side of the argument on record.

Nina: What are you doing in my apartment?

Smoltz: Look, we both know your case is a long shot. To start, your daughter, the late Nelle Benson, was a murderer. And now you’re capitalizing on her death to give you access to Wiley Corinthos.

Nina: I am actually almost speechless at how you’re grossly distorting the situation.

Smoltz: Alright.

Sasha: Hey. Get the hell out.

Brando: I really appreciate you helping Sasha and I find a home. Although I’m — I’m a little surprised that, uh, you’re still working as a realtor, considering deception’s IPO’s done so well.

Lucy: I know. It’s kind of weird. But listen, I kind of love real estate, and I don’t think I will ever give it up, because, yes, you’re right, the IPO has done very, very well, but I learned a long time ago, do not get too cocky. So what I’m gonna do — I think I’m gonna hire some extra staff, maybe have them do all the grunt work. But I love this. I mean, somehow it makes me happy to find folks their forever home, not to mention the fact that I love going through those beautiful homes and just checking them out. I’m a little nosy.

Brando: [ Laughs ] I don’t blame you.

Lucy: Besides, you and Sasha are my very good friends. So, uh, where is she? Is she gonna join us?

Brando: Um, actually, Sasha and i have discussed in great detail all the things that are important to her and what’s important to me in our dream home. So I’m gonna be taking care of the early searches. And, you know, Sasha’s just got so much going on right now. I’m doing whatever I can to — to make things easier for her.

Willow: How are you doing?

Michael: Fine.

Willow: You sure?

Michael: A little. I don’t know. That — that — that argument was a long time coming. Ever since my father got back from Nixon Falls, he’s — he’s been acting like a stranger.

Willow: I blame Nina. All those months Sonny thought he was a man with no family, he was alone in the world. Clearly, that changed him.

Michael: I agree. And I don’t like the man he’s become.

Willow: Did you mean what you said? Are you really prepared to cut your father out of your life?

Sonny: [ Exhaling sharply ]

Michael: You tore this family apart, and I’m not gonna excuse it or gloss it over. You know, I even — I even thought about changing my name back to Michael Quartermaine, but I thought, why should I do that? Why should I change my last name because of you? It’s best to redeem it. Make “Corinthos” stand for something good, so that when people think about it, they think of me, they think of — think of Wiley. And you and all your lies, your — your disloyalty, violence, crimes — eventually that will be forgotten, like you never even existed.

Dante: Oh. I got your message, decided I would join you.

Sonny: Do me a favor. Put your gloves on so I can let off some steam.

Dante: Yeah, it looks like you got some steam to let off.

Sonny: Yeah.

Dante: Alright, I’ll show you a thing or two. Get my gloves on.

[ Bag thudding ]

Dante: Hey, uh, you know, I heard that the, uh, guys who tried to rob you at Charlie’s, they got some fancy lawyer hired for them and then made bail.

Sonny: Yeah.

Dante: Well, you don’t know anything about that, do you?

Sonny: Okay, l-let me just — can we just — is this an official interrogation? ‘Cause I — I-it — it would just be nice if I could talk to my son instead of a cop.

Elizabeth: Laura and Kevin have been so great about watching Jake and Aiden. And I know it’s the best situation for their safety, but, man, I miss my boys.

Finn: I know you do.

Elizabeth: I just hope that being away from this house and everything that’s going on is gonna be good for Aiden.

Finn: Agreed. Hopefully he can let go of the idea that it’s Franco’s ghost that’s behind the break-ins. You know, if only we had a clue as to who the intruder was, you know, like a fingerprint or maybe an image from a security camera. That would go a long way in convincing Aiden that it was a person harassing you and not a, you know, ghost.

Elizabeth: So far, they haven’t left a trace.

Finn: You know what, though? They’re gonna slip up and they’re gonna make a mistake. But you can’t be here when they do that. I really would like you to reconsider staying with me just until this is resolved.

Elizabeth: I’m sorry. I can’t do that.

[ Car door closes ]

[ Beep ]

Harmony: I’m gonna make this look like a tragic accident. I never meant for it to go this far. But after everything I’ve done to protect Willow, I can’t stop now.

Finn: Chase was attacked in your house, alright? It’s not safe for you to be here. And I get it — you don’t want to be forced from your own home. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

Elizabeth: You’re right. I-I didn’t want to leave. But that was before Chase was knocked unconscious. Jake and Aiden are safe with Laura. Cameron is with friends at the dorm. And now it’s time for me to find someplace to go.

Finn: But not my place.

Elizabeth: I don’t want to bring the danger to your home. I won’t put Violet at risk, which is why I won’t be staying with Jake or Aiden, either. I’m gonna get a room at the Metro Court.

Finn: Are you sure that’s the best option?

Elizabeth: It’s a hotel. [ Scoffs ] Filled with people and security. I’ll be safe there.

Lucy: I’m so excited. I’m gonna set up a bunch of viewings. Of course, I’m gonna fit it into your schedule, right? Because I just know that your perfect dream house is out there waiting for us to find it.

Brando: I hope so. Yeah, I-I-I just think it’s really important for Sasha and I to focus on the future and — and how we move forward together.

Lucy: Yeah. Hey, I really hope that, as time passes, that maybe it’ll ease some of the grief that you and Sasha feel.

Brando: Yeah. Most days, I’m doing okay. You know, then every once in a while, something occurs to me, and my first thought is, “man, I can’t wait to do that with Liam.” And, uh… uh, but, you know, then I remember he’s — he’s gone. But, uh, you know, I’m — I’m focusing more on my love for Liam rather than the pain of losing him.

Lucy: And that is beautiful. Is — is Sasha able to do the same?

Brando: Sasha and I grieve differently. But that’s why I’m hoping that the prospect of our future together is, um, comforting to her.

Nina: So glad he’s gone. But I shouldn’t blame him. He’s only following Michael and Willow’s orders.

Sasha: I’m really surprised that they’re trying to use the press against you.

Nina: Well, Michael, he blames me for the end of his parents’ marriage, and that sleazy reporter is my punishment.

Sasha: I’m — I’m sorry there’s so much discord.

Nina: Yeah.

Sasha: But I-I can’t get in the middle. Michael and Willow are my friends.

Nina: No, Sasha, I would never ask you to choose sides.

Sasha: Thank you.

Nina: Yeah.

Sasha: Look, from Michael’s perspective, it’s probably easier to blame you for what happened. But I have seen enough to know that nobody tells Sonny Corinthos what to do.

Nina: Hey, what’s going on? Something bothering you?

Sasha: Do you, um… do you ever feel unsafe with Sonny?

Nina: Because of Sonny’s business?

Sasha: No, I mean more because of what Sonny needs to do to stay in business.

Nina: Are you — are you referring to the attempted robbery at Charlie’s? Sonny — yeah, he was there, and he was protecting me. And Brando was right next to him.

Sasha: Yeah, that’s — that’s part of the problem. Brando didn’t hesitate. He just ran right into the fight.

Nina: I know how much the idea of losing Brando just terrifies you. But he doesn’t work for Sonny anymore. He just happened to be there.

Sasha: Still, Nina, I-I heard the robbers made bail. I mean, what if they come after Brando as some kind of revenge?

Nina: Sonny’s aware of the bail. And he’s taking care of it.

Sasha: Does that mean that he killed them?

Dante: I’m listening, as your son.

Sonny: I went to see Michael. Him and I got into it, and, uh, he — he turned his back on me.

Dante: I know things have been strained between you two for a while.

Sonny: It’s not just strained now, ’cause we’re done. He — he doesn’t want anything to do with me.

Dante: I mean, I — whoa. Just slow down. Hold on. Hey. Now, just tell me what happened. Maybe it’s not as bad as you think it is.

Sonny: I went to, you know, uh, the gatehouse, talked to Willow, ’cause maybe she could get us together. And Michael walks in, he blames me for using her to get to him.

Dante: Well, yeah. Okay, dad, I can see how he might think that.

Sonny: Oh, really? So now two of my sons see me in the worst possible — no, I don’t want to ta– I don’t — I can’t talk about this.

[ Vehicle bell dinging ]

Harmony: You won’t feel a thing. Okay. Just got to get you in the driver’s seat. A-and then I got to get the rock from the brake pedal to the gas and then the car will go right off the cliff.

[ Rustling ]

The role of Alexis is temporarily being played by Stephanie Erb.

[ Beeping ]

[ Engine shuts off ]

Alexis: Harmony? What are you doing up here?

Elizabeth: I’m glad they have non-caffeinated tea here. I’m wound up enough as it is.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Elizabeth: It’s Cameron. Oh, good. He’s staying with a friend in the dorms tonight.

Finn: Good. Yeah. And your room should be ready soon.

Elizabeth: Okay. This actually feels pretty good.

Finn: Yeah, what’s that?

Elizabeth: It feels normal seeing people out and about, meeting for dinner. You were right. It was good for me to get out of that house.

Lucy: Hey, there.

Elizabeth: Hi.

Finn: Hi, lucy.

Elizabeth: Hi.

Lucy: Listen, um, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I just wanted to know, how did Aiden’s school project go?

Elizabeth: Oh, uh, yeah, Chase told us that Aiden was questioning you about the spirit world. You should know there was never a school project. He was just using that as a cover story.

Lucy: Oh, wow. Okay, but I can empathize, because, you know, you do tend to get ridiculed if you show any belief in the supernatural.

Finn: There’s an explanation for that. The supernatural isn’t, you know, real.

Lucy: Okay, doctor, we will have to agree to disagree, because I do believe that when our loved ones die, they don’t just disappear.

Finn: Are you the reason that Aiden believes that Franco is haunting his family?

Franco? Uh, we didn’t talk about Franco at all. He was just asking me questions. And he seemed really genuinely curious.

Finn: What you did was incredibly irresponsible, Lucy.

Michael: I want to apologize for having that — that argument in front of you.

Willow: No. No, don’t apologize. Look, as painful as it was to witness the argument, it also helped to clarify things.

Michael: Look, my father always claimed to put his family first, right? It was his justification for everything that he did. He was a dangerous man, but he was loyal to his family. He’s an alleged crime lord, but he’s devoted to his family. And now he just looks like a hypocrite. I mean, where was his loyalty to — to my mother and — and our family? He went after what he wanted, and he wanted Nina.

Willow: Nina obviously wanted him, too.

Michael: My parents… have broken up before, and my dad’s cheated on my mom before, but… …I was too young to understand then, but now? Ah. Being a father, I just — I see how destructive and — and selfish my father’s ways are. I don’t want Wiley having that as a role model.

Willow: I can understand that.

Michael: I want to be better for Wiley. I want him to be proud of the name Corinthos.

Willow: You didn’t just say that to hurt your father.

Michael: No, I said it because it’s true. I don’t — I don’t want to take back the name Quartermaine. Yes, that — that’s the easy way out. But — but Morgan was a Corinthos, and I want to share that name with him forever. What I want to do is I want to remove the stain from our family name and — and tear down my father’s corrupt empire that he built on greed and violence.

Dante: I’m not taking sides here.

Sonny: Well, it just kind of sounded that way.

Dante: Really? Because I said that I, uh, understood Michael’s perspective?

Sonny: I understand that — that Michael wants to protect his mother, but there’s a lot more going on here, Dante. And this should be between me and his mother. What goes on with — with me and Nina, our relationship is no one’s business.

Dante: Hm.

Sonny: So — I mean, that’s what I think.

Dante: So you don’t see how Michael can take you having Nina in your life as being a tough pill for him to swallow? I mean, forget the fact that she kept you in Nixon Falls that whole time. She’s now going around town trying to erase all the bad stuff that Nelle did, too.

Sonny: Right, but we shouldn’t hold, uh, Nelle’s sins on Nina. Nina didn’t know that Nelle was her daughter until after she was dead, right?

Dante: Okay, fine, so put Nelle to the side. Nina’s done enough things on her own personally…

Sonny: Right.

Dante: …Questionable things, maybe even illegal things.

Sonny: Okay, listen to me.

Dante: Yeah.

Sonny: We’ve all done things in our past that we regret. Even you.

Dante: Yeah. You’re damn right I have. I never said I was perfect.

Sonny: No, you didn’t, but sometimes, you know — we should not judge until we’ve walked in somebody else’s shoes. But if that’s what you came here to do, tell me how you really feel.

Harmony: How did you know I was here?

Alexis: Something you said last night. That it was peaceful up here. Harmony, what is going on? Whose car is that? Carly’s?

Harmony: You shouldn’t be here, Alexis.

Alexis: I want to help you, but — but first, I need to understand what happened. When I got home, the living room was torn apart.

Harmony: It doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter. I’m handling it.

Alexis: You burned some papers in the fireplace, but one of the sheets didn’t burn completely. I-I recognized Neil Byrne’s handwriting. Harmony, those were Neil’s papers. How did you get them?

Harmony: Why did you have come looking for me, Alexis.

Alexis: All the times I mentioned Neil, you never said that you knew him. A-and now you have some of his papers? How is that possible?

Harmony: I wish Neil’s brother never came to Port Charles.

Alexis: Brendon? I-I don’t understand. Are you saying that Brendon had some of Neil’s papers?

Harmony: I was hoping that he would — he would just go away, that he would just disappear!

Alexis: Harmony, what are you saying?

Harmony: He — he was — he was threatening me. [ Breathes heavily ] I had to stop him.

Alexis: Harmony. Did you kill Brendon?

Dante: You really want the truth? Well, here it is. You can be a real prickly son of a bitch. You know that? And you got a mean temper. We all do, but the problem is, once that anger gets ahold of us, we can’t be reached. So you just bit my head off because I said I understood where Michael was coming from. You — you really don’t think that he’s gonna be angry about the fact that you picked Nina over his mom?

Sonny: All I want is for him to act like an adult and respect his father.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Sonny: That’s all. That’s all I want. Is that — is that a lot to ask?

Dante: [ Chuckles ] Alright. I better take this. Maybe after, we’ll both cool down a little bit. What’s up?

Brando: Not exactly sure what I walked in on. You okay?

Sonny: After everything I’ve done for my family… …Michael has the audacity to tell me he’s ashamed of the Corinthos name. All I’ve done my whole life is try to give my kids a better life than I had.

Brando: I understand. If you ask me, that’s — that’s part of the problem.

Lucy: When Aiden was asking me all those questions about the spirit world, he — he wasn’t frightened at all. He seemed really, really interested. And I was not telling him ghost stories. I was just explaining that I do believe there are other planes of existence. And like I just said, Franco’s name never came up. We didn’t mention it. He didn’t, and neither did I.

Elizabeth: It’s okay. Thank you for clarifying. I know your intentions were good.

Finn: If I was out of line, Lucy, I sincerely apologize.

Lucy: Thank you. Apology accepted. You know, I-I get it. This whole situation has to be so nerve-racking for all of you.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Finn: Hey, that’s the front desk. Your room is ready. Um, I’ll tell you, why don’t I take your stuff up to your room and you can stay and finish your tea.

Elizabeth: Okay, sounds good. Thank you.

Finn: Alright. Have a great night, Lucy.

Lucy: Okay, you, listen, don’t — don’t take this the wrong way, okay? I’m just a little worried about you. You look exhausted.

Elizabeth: [ Laughs ] I am so tired. And now I’m hearing things.

Lucy: What? A-at your house?

Elizabeth: No, at — at work. I picked up the phone, and I could have sworn I heard a man say, “Don’t forget me,” which is the same message the intruder painted on a piece of artwork in my house.

Lucy: It’s really scary, huh?

Elizabeth: Yeah. Turns out it was just a patient reminding me to bring him an extra blanket, but for a moment… I don’t know.

Lucy: So, have you had… other moments like this?

Elizabeth: Wait. [ Chuckles ] Do you think I was talking to a ghost?

Harmony: Brendon found Neil’s files, and he found out the truth about Willow.

Alexis: Neil was your therapist?

Harmony: Court-appointed, and I never should have trusted him.

Alexis: You told Neil in a session that Willow wasn’t your biological daughter?

Harmony: I told him everything! Because he told me it was a safe space! And then he lost his license, and then guilt got the better of him. And that’s why I did it. I did it to protect Willow. I didn’t want to do it. Alexis, I begged him not to, but he was gonna tell.

Alexis: Who was going to tell? Brendon?

Harmony: No! Neil!

Alexis: Neil is dead. So is his brother. Explain this to me. What was Neil going to tell?

Harmony: Neil said he wanted to do the right thing, that Willow deserved to know who she really was. So…he was gonna tell. I had to stop him.

Alexis: Neil died of a drug overdose, which never made sense to me. Never seen him use drugs, let alone abuse them. And I was right. It was you. You injected Neil with those drugs. Oh, my god, Harmony. You killed Neil!

Elizabeth: Do you think Franco’s trying to contact me?

Lucy: Well, there are, uh, many documented cases of loved ones reaching out from beyond the grave.

Elizabeth: Documented how?

Lucy: Okay, in a lot of cultures, um, most cultures, really, uh, there are tales of supernatural beings. So why, if the acceptance of ghosts is sort of universally out there, why isn’t there more to that? Think about this. Think about this. This whole thing, these occurrences are really scaring you, right?

Elizabeth: Yes.

Lucy: Okay. But what if — what if you could look at it in a different way? What if you could take comfort in the fact that maybe, just maybe, somehow Franco is still with you?

Nina: Sonny said that he was handling the men that tried to rob us at Charlie’s. And he also told me that the men got the message.

Sasha: And you didn’t ask him what that meant?

Nina: No, I-I didn’t ask him.

Sasha: Because you didn’t want to know what Sonny did?

Nina: I just didn’t think it through.

Sasha: Nina, if — if you are gonna be part of Sonny’s life, don’t you think you have to decide how much you want to know about what he does in the name of business?

Nina: But Sonny isn’t part of my life. Not the way that you mean.

Sasha: But you would like to be involved with him, right?

Nina: I would.

Sonny: You know what, Brando? I just had it out with my two sons. I can’t really do it with you. I really can’t.

Brandon: Just to be clear… I’m not agreeing with Michael. Just the opposite, really. I happen to find Michael’s black-and-white perspective to be a bit naive. And that — that attitude, I mean, that comes directly from the privileged life that you provided. Unlike me, you know, didn’t have a dad around, or you, who grew up with Deke, who I know was violent. Michael — he’s never had to make it on his own. He’s always had you or the Quartermaines backing him up. Michael’s always had you putting him first. Always. And now that you’re finally thinking about your own happiness, he feels betrayed. Personally, I-I don’t think he should be treating you this way. I think he owes you more respect than that.

Willow: You’re furious with Sonny, deservedly so. But saying you want nothing to do with him, that’s a big decision.

Michael: No, my decision’s been made. I mean, you heard my father. If I wanted his forgiveness, I have to beg. I don’t want his — I don’t want his forgiveness. I called him out on his failure to live up to his own code. That’s it. I’m done.

Willow: I-I know. I totally understand what you’re saying. I just can’t help thinking about my own situation. I shut Harmony out of my life, also for good reason. But it’s only now that we’re developing an honest mother/daughter relationship. I missed out on having a mom in my life. I just don’t want you to face that same pain with your dad.

Harmony: When you came to Spring Ridge, I went out of my way to avoid you. Then I saw how much you needed a friend. I thought if I could help you that maybe it might make up —

Alexis: You thought that would make up for killing Neil?

Harmony: I just thought it was all over. And that no one would find out the truth about Willow. And I could just be your friend. And I could try to make you happy. But then Brendon came — came to town. And he found Neil’s files. And then he found out the truth about Willow. And he blackmailed me. We met right there, and I tried to give him money, but it wasn’t enough. And he threatened to tell Michael. And Michael was gonna tell Willow the truth — that she’s not my biological child. [ Crying ] And then we struggled. And then he — he fell over the c-cliff.

Alexis: Oh, my god, harmony. You’re out of your mind. You killed two people.

[ Thud ]

Alexis: What was that?

[ Thud ]

Alexis: Is someone in the car?

Elizabeth: I have thought about the possibility that it’s Franco’s presence behind all of these strange happenings. And in a way, I-it’s comforting to know that it’s just his spirit wanting to be remembered. I mean, it’s tempting. But it’s a stretch for me, especially after Chase got hurt.

Lucy: Yeah, I know. I-I am not trying to convert you or make you into some sort of believer or anything. I’m just offering you an alternative explanation, ’cause, see, if it were me, if it really was me going through this, I would want to do everything possible to figure out what is going on, right? So, well, I just — for me, peace of mind is everything.

Elizabeth: Okay, what do you mean by everything possible?

Lucy: If you were up for it, I would just suggest a very well-respected, trusted medium who I could maybe have go to your house and see if she senses a presence.

Finn: Room’s all set.

Lucy: Oh, and — and I-I have to go. I-I-I have another appointment. I got to go. So — but take care of yourself. Ta.

Finn: I really hope I didn’t scare Lucy away.

Elizabeth: [ Chuckles ] Nah, she’s tougher than that. And she’s used to people discounting her beliefs.

Finn: Mm. She’d have to be tough, considering what she believes in is total nonsense.

Michael: My father’s real business is organized crime and racketeering. Do we really want Wiley to idolize his grandfather?

Willow: Wow. I’ve never heard you say that so bluntly before.

Michael: Well, there’s no reason to — to protect him or to turn a blind eye. I’m not gonna sugarcoat who he is or what he does anymore.

Willow: I’m not defending Sonny in any way. I’m just thinking of you. I just know how much you love your dad.

Michael: I — [ Exhales sharply ] I love the man that my father used to be. I don’t even recognize this man. The father I grew up with had a code of honor. He valued loyalty. And now he’s broken the very code that he instilled in me. Right, I’m not — I’m not saying that I’m blameless. I-I’ve made — I’ve made mistakes in my life, but nothing compared to what my father has done to my family. I can’t forgive that.

Willow: [ Sighs ] I’m so sorry that this rift is tearing your family apart. Hey, I promise, I’ve got your back.

Sasha: Is that the first time you have admitted that to yourself, that you want to be in a relationship with Sonny?

Nina: It was. At least out loud. [ Chuckles ]

Sasha: Look, Nina. All I want is for you to be happy. But being in a relationship with Sonny Corinthos comes with a lot of strings. So I’m just gonna say… be careful, okay? I wouldn’t want to lose you.

Nina: Thank you for your honesty. And I feel the same way about you. I wouldn’t want to lose you, either. Okay, have we talked enough about me? How are you doing?

Sasha: It’s, um — it’s definitely difficult at times. But I’m just — I’m trying to focus on the future. God knows there are plenty of things in my past that I would love to forget… including what I put you through.

Nina: No, mnh-mnh. You never have to apologize to me about that ever again. Okay? We’re way beyond that.

Sasha: Oh. I’ve definitely had to pay a steep price for my mistakes.

Nina: W-what do you mean? Paid how?

Sasha: Just that, you know, you — you — you can’t lie to people and — and get them to love you under false pretenses and — and do things that you know to be wrong and then take drugs to dull the pain and think that it won’t cost you. There’s always a price. The scales get balanced.

Nina: Sasha… do you think that Liam’s death was a punishment of some sort for your past mistakes?

Harmony: There’s no one in the car!

[ Thud ]

Harmony: Just go. Alexis, please. Please. I’m gonna disappear. Okay?

Alexis: You’re really leaving town?

Harmony: Yeah. I promise.

Alexis: Alright, then. I won’t stop you.

[ Vehicle door closes ]

[ Trunk opening ]

Harmony: Alexis, no!

Alexis: Oh, my god. Carly! Carly! What have you done to her?

Elizabeth: Come on. Ease up. Aiden went to lucy with questions. She didn’t seek him out.

Finn: Mm. Did lucy have any other words of wisdom? Let me guess. Commune with the spirits. No, no. Cleanse the house with sage.

Elizabeth: Her heart is in the right place.

Finn: I don’t disagree with that for a moment. I-I just believe that science and common sense will lead us to the answers we need, not a Ouija board.

Nina: I’m begging you, begging you to listen to me. Liam’s death is not your fault. You’re not responsible for that.

Sasha: I know that.

Nina: Do you really know that, or are you just saying that so I’ll change the subject?

Sasha: No, Nina, I, um… I really do understand that.

Nina: I’m so sorry you have to go through this pain. But I want you to remember that there are so many people who love you. So many. Brando just happens to be first in the line.

Brando: I think that you just have to hope that once Michael calms down, he’ll come to his senses.

Sonny: Yeah. Thank you. I-I appreciate your feedback, Brando.

Dante: Hey. Uh, I just want to say one more thing. I’m not picking sides. Okay? I love you and Michael both. And I can understand his perspective. And at the same time, it does not mean that I’m judging you for keeping Nina in your life.

Sonny: Yeah, I see that. And…I apologize. I just get frustrated.

Dante: I know.

Sonny: And I take it out on you and…

Dante: It’s okay. I appreciate it. But maybe, uh, you know, you and Michael should fix this thing before you say something, you go too far, and can’t come back from it.

Sonny: I think you may be a few hours too late for that warning, ’cause Michael and I have — have already gone beyond that point.

Michael: I really appreciate your support on this. Means a lot.

Willow: I love you. I’m always going to be on your side. But I do have to say one thing.

Michael: Yeah, of course. I always want you to be honest with me.

Willow: As you work to distance yourself from your father, you need to guard against adopting the very ruthlessness that you hate to see in Sonny. You’re a good man. But Sonny was at one time, too, I imagine. I-I don’t want you to become the very thing you’re trying to protect Wiley from.

Alexis: Carly, can you hear me? Thank God you’re still alive. Harmony, what does Carly have to do with any of this?

Harmony: She came to your house. She saw Neil’s notes about me, and she — she knew too much. And now you do, too. I can’t let you leave.

On the next “General Hospital” —

Drew (to Portia): The less you know, the better.

Ava (to Finn): Never too soon to experience the finer things.

Maxie (to Brook Lynn): Why would you say something like that?

Dante: Who did this to you?

Nina: That’s the kind of emptiness that never goes away.

Curtis (to Sonny): Why the sudden interest?

Harmony: I won’t let you take Willow away from me!

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Days Transcript Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[Unsettling music]

Demon johnny: Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Jake: I gotta to warn gabi.

[Door slams] Guess I’m dancing with the devil after all.

[Sighs]Va: Jake? You okay?

Jake: [Sighing]

Rafe: Stick me with all this damn paperwork. Like I’ve got nothing better to do than stay here all night.

Nicole: Hey. I just heard that all the charges against ava were dropped. How the hell did that happen?


[Door closes]

Marlena: So it’s true. The prodigal son returns.

Eric: What, you didn’t believe it?

Marlena: No, you told me on the phone. I just had to see it with my own eyes. Oh, bring it, bring it. Oh, my darling. Mm, mm. How I have missed you.

Eric: I’ve missed you too.


Marlena: What, what, what– what is it?

Eric: No, it’s just that I– I feel bad that I just went back to africa so soon. I should have stuck around, made sure you fully recovered.

Marlena: No, no, no, I’m fine. And thanks to the help and the love of family and friends, you saved my soul. You set me free.

Eric: [Sighs]

Gabi: [Sighs]

Ej: Rough day at the office?

Gabi: What, is trask letting everybody out of jail?

Ej: [Chuckles] You seem surprised. I was sure you’d have heard about my exoneration by now.

Gabi: Guess I blocked it out.

Ej: Mm. Well, in case you blocked out the other equally-important part, I’m innocent. It turns out that the devil used belle black to set me up.

[Phone ringing]

Shawn: Thanks, uh– thanks for coming to see me.

Belle: Oh, I didn’T. I, uh–I came to see a client.

Shawn: Oh. Well, uh, look, before you do that, can you give me a few minutes to make my case?

Belle: What case?

Shawn: Like, the one where i try to convince you, my wife, the woman that I love more than anything in this world, that she should come home?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Shawn: This–this situation with jan is, um– it–it’s challenging.

Belle: Challenging?

Shawn: It–all right, it’s a nightmare, all right? It’s a total, total nightmare. But I miss you, belle. Look, and I know that you miss me, too.

Belle: This “situation” you’re referring to, let’s just call it what it is. You slept with a homicidal maniac whose only mission in life is to drive us apart. And now said maniac is having your baby.

Shawn: I am so sorry.

Belle: [Sniffles] You impregnated her, what, four months ago?

Shawn: Look, come on, can we not do this, please?

Belle: Yes or no?

Shawn: Yes.

Belle: Yes, on christmas eve. Otherwise known as our wedding anniversary. And did you tell me then that you had slept with her? Or did you allow me to believe I’d interrupted you before you had had sex?

Shawn: I thought that I was having sex with you, all right? But then you walked in, the real belle, and then the belle that was in bed with me, she turned into jan, and I was horrified.

Belle: Oh, so horrified that you confided in me? Your wife, the woman you love more than anything, you told me that moments after it happened?

Shawn: Look, no.

Belle: No. Did you tell me the next day?

Shawn: N-no.

Belle: No. In fact, you never told me at all.

Shawn: Listen, the reason why I did not tell you was because i knew that it was gonna hurt you. Worse than that, it was gonna traumatize you. You’d be devastated. All right? Just as I was. I just–I didn’t want to do that to you.

Belle: And it never occurred to you that that woman could be pregnant?

Shawn: I thought that I was in bed with you. And you’re on birth control.

Belle: But when I walked in on you, it was clear that the woman you were sleeping with was not me. And it still did not occur to you that she could have been knocked up?

Shawn: No, it did not.

Belle: Oh, my god. Well, can you concede that maybe it should have?

Shawn: Okay, yes. Yes, I can. Okay? But like I said, I was rattled. I was ashamed. I was–I was embarrassed. Okay? And even if that thought had crossed my mind, I mean, what would telling you have done?

Belle: God. Shawn, you really don’t get it, do you? This entire thing could have been avoided. She could have taken the morning after pill.

Shawn: Oh, no, no. You know damn well that jan would never have consented to that.

Belle: I could have gotten a court order.

Shawn: Wait, a court order?

Belle: Yes, shawn. What she did to you– making you believe that she was your wife and then manipulating you into bed with her, that is sexual assault. [Sighs] You know, the devil made it possible, but jan is the one who got you to have unprotected sex with her under false pretenses.

Shawn: Well, you know what? I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I’m so damn clueless. But unlike you, I don’t have a law degree. So that thought never even crossed my mind, all right? All I know is is that at that moment, I had made the biggest mistake of my life. And the horror of that mistake has been compounded– exponentially compounded by jan being pregnant. And if you think that this isn’t a total nightmare for me, let me assure you, aside from anything happening to you or to claire, god forbid, well, I cannot think of anything–anything in this world that would make me more miserable.

Belle: And I’m sorry that you’re so miserable. But still, I am just shocked and so disappointed that months went by without you telling me the truth and that I had to find out by some lunatic that you knocked up by having her call me down to statesville and showing me so proudly the fruits of this situation.

Shawn: Hey, listen– listen, you have every right to be angry. You do. Look, worse than angry. You–horrified. Okay? Just like I am.

Belle: [Sniffles]

Shawn: But belle, I can’t change the past. I can’T. I–I can’t change what the devil did. Okay? All I can do is I can promise you–promise you that I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.

Belle: And how are you gonna do that?

Shawn: Look, by each– by each and every day proving and showing you that you are what is the most important thing in the world to me. You. Belle, I can do that. I can get us back there. I know I can do it. You just gotta give me a chance.

Eric: I’m relieved you’re okay, but I’m also disappointed.

Marlena: In what?

Eric: In myself. I really thought that I got rid of the devil for good, but then I let him jump into my sister.

Marlena: You didn’t let anything happen. Satan is–is a– a master of deception. Has been ever since the–

Eric: Minute he talked eve into tempting adam with an apple.

Gabi: [Sighs] So the devil set you up. Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

Ej: [Chuckles lightly] I didn’t come for your sympathy, gabriella. I came for my job.

Gabi: Well, the position’s been filled. I mean, I told my assistant I wasn’t to be disturbed.

Ej: Obviously, she recognized me. Until recently, I was ceo of dimera.

Gabi: Co-ceo. And when the evidence turned up that you kidnapped sami, she fired you.

Ej: Evidence we now both know was planted by satan. If it were not for him, I wouldn’t have even been removed from my position. He is the only reason you are in that chair.

Gabi: Look, you can blame the devil all you want, but the cold, hard truth is johnny was the one who got me into this chair. Johnny gave me this position, and then he tried to get me into his bed.

Ava: Jake? You okay?

[Dramatic music]

Jake: [Sighs] Yeah, just had a nightmare.

Ava: Must have been a pretty bad one.

Jake: I’m fine.

Ava: You sure?

Jake: Yeah.

Ava: Hey, you don’t seem fine. Your heart is racing.

Limu emu

Ava: Sorry. Didn’t mean to make this weird.

Jake: You mean weirder than, uh, sleeping together without actually… sleeping together? Sharing a bed with a friend?

Ava: But I am your friend, jake. So if you want to tell me about your nightmare, I am happy to listen.

Jake: You know, honestly, I can’t remember. I’m gonna grab a shower.

[Soft emotional music]

[Phone ringing]

Belle: Okay, for argument’s sake, let’s say I do give you another chance. Then what?

Shawn: Then whatever– whatever you want. I–I’ll follow your lead. Look, I made a huge mistake not being honest with you. I hate–I hate that I didn’t tell you, and I– I hate that I hurt you. Okay, but I don’t want this to destroy our marriage. Just, I want–I want to figure this out with you. I mean, what do– what do you want?

Belle: Well, I know what I don’t want. [Sniffs] I don’t want jan spears to be a part of my life in any way, shape, or form.

Shawn: Well you–you’re not gonna have to worry about that.

Belle: Jan is the– the baby’s mother. If the baby is in your life and you’re in my life, then jan is in my life. Okay? And–and considering she’s tried to kill me, like, a dozen different ways, I just–I think it’s best if I steer clear.

Shawn: Hey, jan– jan is unpredictable, all right? So, I mean, we don’t know what she’s gonna do. So I don’t, maybe– maybe motherhood is gonna calm her down and mellow her out.

Belle: Oh, my god, you’ve got to be kidding me.

Shawn: No, look, I haven’t heard from her once since she told me about the baby. Not once.

[Phone rings]

[Phone beeps] Hello?


Belle: [Sniffles]

Shawn: It’s statesville.

Belle: As you were saying?

Nicole: So ava tries to ruin your life and she walks? That’s insane. I hope you gave trask a piece of your mind.

Rafe: I would have, had she let me know before she released ava. But she just did it. Then she ordered me to arrest gwen, which led to this pile of paperwork, which is why I couldn’t see you last night. Sorry.

Nicole: No, I’m– I’m sorry, rafe.

Rafe: Yeah.

Nicole: Do you think you could take a break?

Rafe: I would love that. Yeah, I would. Maybe we can grab some breakfast at the pub?

Nicole: The pub?

Rafe: Yeah. That okay?

[Uneasy music]

Nicole: [Sighs]

Eric: I’m sorry I just didn’t come home sooner to help with belle. I was just, you know, i was off the grid. And I know you and john reached out.

Marlena: You don’t have to apologize. Look, we–we all pulled together and we saved your sister.

Eric: Thank god for that. And nobody was aware that she was possessed? Not even shawn?

Marlena: Well… susan banks did think the devil had gotten into belle, but ben thought it was somebody else.

Eric: Who?

Marlena: Johnny.

Ej: Johnny was trying to seduce you? Wasn’t he aware that you were dating my brother?

Gabi: Oh, yeah. He was aware. He just didn’t give a damn. Long story short, jake and I had big plans. And obviously johnny did too, so I suggested the three of us work together.

Ej: [Chuckles] In other words you wanted to convince my son to pool his shares with yours so you could take over dimera.

Gabi: Look, I’m all about business, but your little casanova wanted more. He kept pushing me to ditch his uncle jake and team up with him in more ways than one.

Ej: But you refused?

Gabi: Until I found out that my boyfriend was stabbing me in the back.

[Sighs] I mean, now we know it wasn’t my boyfriend, it was satan. I–I wanted to confront jake, to ask him why he tried to double-cross me.

Ej: So what stopped you?

Gabi: Oh, it was johnny. Johnny suggested that we make jake think we’re all on the same page and ambush him at the shareholder meeting, and vote chad out and me in.

Ej: So it was johnny’s idea to make you ceo?

Gabi: It was less about me and more about a power grab. I mean, you do know your son loves to flex. He was very quick to throw you under the bus, that’s for sure.

Ej: And after your victory, my son continued to pursue you romantically?

Gabi: Yeah, he wanted to “take our relationship to the next level.” But before that could happen, I found out that jake didn’t betray me. And I–I mean, I tried to fix things, but– well, it doesn’t even matter. You could–you don’t even have to take my word for it. You can ask your son.

Ej: I wish I could, but he’s gone. Giovanni is in italy doing some “soul-searching.”

Gabi: Great, well, I hope that works out for him. All right, well, you are all caught up now, so you can see yourself out. I do have an international corporation to run.

Ej: Gabriella… surely you remember how well we used to get on.

Gabi: What? When was that? Was that before you booted jake out of the family business?

Ej: And now it appears as though you and my brother are through. So why don’t you step aside and allow this innocent man to have his job back?

Gabi: [Scoffs] No.

Ej: Well, in that case, then, I suggest you remember I’m not as naive as my son. And I will always respect my father’s legacy. And by that, I mean I will not let it get run into the ground by an interloper. So don’t get too comfortable in that chair. It won’t be long before I put you in your place and reclaim mine.

Gabi: Ej, is that a threat?

Ej: No, no, no, gabriella. That’s a promise.

[Uneasy music]

Trelegy for copd.

Nicole: Uh, rafe, before we go to the pub, there’s something you should know.

Ava: Oh. Hope I’m not interrupting. I’m not sure if you just keep your trysts to the basic black conference table, or if maybe you were gonna sweep all those papers off the desk and go at it right there.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Rafe: Ava, what the hell do you want?

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: [Sighs] Now who’s more insufferable? Ava vitali or ej dimera? You know what? Forget them. She’s a loser, he’s an unemployed loser, and you’re ceo.


[Knock at door] Damn it. I thought I told you I was not to be disturbed!

[Tense music]

Eric: Johnny was possessed?

Marlena: Yeah, that’s what ben originally thought.

Eric: Well, is there any truth to that? I mean, he was in the room when the devil left you.

Marlena: Yeah. Uh, but then– then belle tried to choke me to death. I–it was–it was satan. And–and it would have been disastrous if johnny hadn’t come in when he did.

Eric: Belle? I mean, is she okay? I mean, I haven’t spoken to her yet, so–

Marlena: Yeah. Yeah, well, physically– physically, she’s okay. Um, and the devil is gone, but when he was here, something happened that absolutely devastated her.

Jan: What do you mean he refused to accept the call? Shawn-douglas brady is the father of my child, which means he can’t just blow me off. [Exhales] Try him again, please? And tell him this is an emergency.

Belle: Should have taken that call from your baby mama.

Shawn: Look, come on. That is not funny.

Belle: Who’s laughing? This is exactly what it’s gonna be like from now on. When jan calls, you have to talk to her.

Shawn: Okay, well, I’m talking to you right now about saving our marriage. All right? Jan can wait.

[Phone rings]

Belle: Apparently not.

[Phone rings]

[Phone beeps] Detective brady’s phone. Yeah, he’ll accept the charges. Here, now you can talk to her ’cause I don’t have anything left to say.

Shawn: Belle, just come home. Please let me–

Belle: No, I’m gonna be at my parents’.

Shawn: Okay, what, jan?

Jan: Is that any way to talk to the mother of your child? I can hear the anger in your voice. You’ve been talking to belle, haven’t you? We both know how she upsets you.

Shawn: I’m hanging up now.

Jan: You wouldn’t dare. Not if you care about the life of our unborn child. Stuff. We love stuff.

Eric: [Sighs] Jan spears pregnant with shawn’s baby? I mean, she’s done some horrible things, but this is–

Marlena: Yeah. And I feel a bit responsible.

Eric: Mom, belle can’t blame you for doing to devil’s work. Neither can shawn.

Marlena: No, no, no, they– they don’T. Thing is that belle is upset with her husband for his lie of omission. You know, he never told her that he slept with jan.

Eric: Oh.

Marlena: Oh, good. Thank you.

Eric: Well, you know what? I better go check on belle and see if there’s anything I can do.

Marlena: I’m sure she would love to hear from you.

Eric: Yeah.

Marlena: Have you bumped into anybody else since you’ve been back in town?

Eric: Nicole stopped by. Talked for a bit.

Marlena: Mm-hmm. How did that feel?

Eric: Are you asking as my mom, or the highly-esteemed psychiatrist?

Marlena: As both.

Eric: Well, we’re divorced. And I’m committed to the priesthood, and she’s committed to somebody else.

Rafe: Well, the one good thing about the charges being dropped is I don’t have to see you around here anymore.

Ava: Great, well I didn’t come to see you, I came to see gwen.

Nicole: Why? Rafe just told me you sold her out.

Ava: I did what I had to to save myself. I took no pleasure in it, and not that it’s any of your business, but I have come here to apologize.

Nicole: You expect us to believe that you’re gonna make amends with gwen when you haven’t even apologized to rafe for setting him up?

Ava: Oh, okay. Well, you see, gwen didn’t have sex with my best friend, or my boyfriend, behind my back and lie about it. Unlike some other people I know. Mm-hmm.

Nicole: Rafe didn’t deserve to go to prison, and you don’t deserve to be free.

Ava: Who do I speak to about seeing gwen?

Rafe: I’ll let her know you want to talk to her. This won’t take long. Uh, meet you at the pub?

Nicole: Yeah, I’ll, uh, see you there.

Rafe: Okay.

Ava: [Chuckles] Yeah, um, I’m just gonna wait here while you go check on gwen.

Rafe: Yeah, right. After everything you’ve done to me you think I’m gonna leave you alone in my office? Let’s go. Get out.

Ava: Okay, okay, okay.

Gabi: Jake, what are you doing here?

Jake: I need to talk to you.

Gabi: No, I already know all about how your new girlfriend threw your old girlfriend under the bus to frame my brother. And I told trask there’s no way–

Jake: Ava is not my girlfriend. Okay? And even if she was, once again, it’s none of your damn business.

Gabi: And you’re okay with her ratting out gwen to save her guilty ass?

Jake: Gwen put abigail and her family through hell, so no, I’m not gonna lose any sleep over that. But I’m not here to talk about her or ava.

Gabi: Then what do you want to talk about, jake?

Jake: The devil.

Jan: Shawn. I knew you’d come.

Shawn: Ah, ah, ah. Whatever it is, you have one minute.

Jan: Gosh. You’re being so cold to me. And I’m really vulnerable right now. Can you at least show a modicum of compassion?

Shawn: 30 seconds.

Jan: You can act like you don’t care, and like you feel nothing, but I know you do. I know you love our baby as much as I do.

[Sobs] And I’m scared, shawn. I’m really, really scared.

Shawn: Let’s skip it.

Jan: Skip what?

Shawn: The tears. The games. All this manipulative crap. Okay? Why don’t you just cut to the chase and tell me what the hell you want.

Belle: I got your text. You said it was important.

Ej: I need your help to take back dimera enterprises from gabi hernandez.

Belle: I am dimera’s general counsel. Gabi’s my boss.

Ej: Only until you advise me on how to get rid of her.

Belle: And why would you take my advice, ej? Because you ignore it all the time. I told you not to hand over your shares to–to johnny, and you did it anyway. And that is why gabi is ceo. And she got johnny to throw in with her.

Ej: Actually, I just spoke with gabriella, and she informed me that it was johnny’s idea that she run the company.

Belle: Well, you handed him all the power.

Ej: [Sighs] I told you at the time that I never imagined he would undermine me. I trusted my son.

Belle: Well, you should have trusted your attorney more.

Ej: [Sighs] You’re right. I was a fool to be so dismissive. But from now on, I will listen. I promise.

Belle: I appreciate that. But I still can’t advise you on this.

Ej: [Sighs]

Belle: [Sighs sarcastically] Off the record though, I would suggest that you get johnny to sign a document handing over his shares. And then you can form a voting block and remove gabi and put yourself back in.

Ej: There’s just one problem with that strategy.

Belle: What’s that?

Ej: Johnny’s left town. He’s gone to italy to “find himself.”

Belle: Hmm. Well, then I guess you’d have to first find him and then get his signature. And really, that’s all I’m gonna say about it.

Ej: [Chuckles] Terseness. Wonderful quality in an attorney. Means fewer billable hours. And now that you’ve heard all about me, why don’t you tell me how you’re doing. Please.

Belle: Well, that’s not a question I can really answer in just a few words.

Jan: I’m not trying to manipulate you.

Shawn: [Chuckles]

Jan: I have been cooperative, straightforward, and completely honest since I told you about our baby. And that’s why when I learned something about our child today, I thought you’d want to know immediately.

Shawn: Okay, well, I’m here. So tell me.

Jan: Well, as you obviously know, I’m in my second trimester and so I’ve had a more thorough exam. And I’m afraid there’s some bad news. I have a medical condition with a long, complicated name.

Shawn: You are so full of it.

Jan: I am not. What I have is serious. It’s so serious that I need to be on bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy.

Shawn: And, okay, what does that have to do with me?

Jan: Shawn, do you think that a person can get any rest in this hell hole? It is a nonstop cacophony. Shawn, you need to get me released immediately. For the sake of our baby.

Gabi: You want to talk about the devil. You mean your girlfriend?

Jake: For the last time, ava’s my roommate. It’s none of your business, but–

[Exhales heavily] I need help, gabi. And you’re the only person I can turn to.

Gabi: What do you need help with?

Jake: It’s about a dream that I had this morning.

Gabi: You came to talk to me about a dream?

Jake: Well, it’s more like a, I don’t know, it feels more like a memory I– you remember that stunt you pulled at dimera? Afterwards you left me in the conference room alone with johnny?

Gabi: W–what does that have to do with the devil?

Jake: Because in my dream, johnny wasn’t johnny, he was– he seemed possessed, all right? He had the–the freaky voice, the glowing eyes, the whole nine yards, and we went at it.

Gabi: You must have hit your head pretty hard, because when I got back you were out cold. Jake, jake, jake. Can you hear me? Jake! Johnny–johnny said you attacked him.

Jake: I don’t remember that. Okay, but in my dream, I punched the devil. Do you remember anything strange from that day?

Gabi: No.

Jake: You sure?

Gabi: Jake, what I remember from that day is that I got this job and I lost you.

Jake: This was a mistake. Sorry to bother you.

Gabi: Jake, hold on, wait–

Jake: What?

Gabi: Look, we–we both know the devil and johnny broke us up. Are you–are you thinking they’re one and the same?

[Phone rings]

Rafe: Gwen doesn’t want to see you.

Ava: Oh. Someone’s holding a grudge, is she?

Rafe: Mm. I don’t want to see you either. Get out of here and don’t come back.

Ava: Oh, I’m a free woman which means I can go wherever I damn well please.

Rafe: You know what? You got away this time. You so much as think about hurting me or nicole, you’re not gonna have to worry about speaking with gwen, because you’re gonna be in the same cell with her at statesville.

Ava: Hmm. Is this your “bad cop,” rafe? You never showed me this side when we were dating. If you had… we’d probably still be together.

[Phone rings]

Eric: Nicole’s with rafe now.

Marlena: She told you.

Eric: You want to know how I feel.

Marlena: I want to know that you’re okay.

Eric: I’m fine, mom. She’s my first love. Obviously, we’ll always have that connection, but we realized that we’re two different people who want two very different lives.

Marlena: So seeing her now is like seeing an old friend, hmm?

Eric: I may be a priest, but I’m still a human. But to be honest, when nicole, she–she walked through that door, my heart skipped a beat. She’ll still have that power over me.

[Emotional music]

We hit the bike trails every weekend

Jake: You know there was a time that I thought johnny was possessed? Ben and ciara did, too. Turns out the devil as in belle, and, well, johnny was just a jerk.

Gabi: What about your dream? I mean, it must mean something if you came all the way down here to ask for my help.

Jake: [Scoffs] It was a mistake. Again, sorry to bother you. Now get back to running dimera all by yourself.

Gabi: Jake, are you surprised that living under the same roof as ava vitali is giving you nightmares? I mean, I know you’re sleeping on the floor, but–

Jake: Eh, not anymore. In fact, we’re sharing a bed.

Gabi: Oh. Great. Thank you for the update!

Jake: Yeah. Nothing happened, for what it’s worth. I stayed on my side of the bed, ava stayed on hers.

Gabi: Yeah, that’ll last.

Marlena: Oh, nicole. How nice to see you.

Nicole: It’s nice to see you too, marlena. Are you good?

Marlena: Yes. All is well. Uh, but I’m afraid I can’t stay. I’ve gotta be– I’ve gotta be going. I will–I’ll be in touch with you?

Eric: You got it.

Marlena: Bye, sweetie.

Eric: Bye.

Marlena: Bye.

Nicole: Bye.

Eric: Coffee?

Nicole: I’ll–I’ll wait. Rafe’s meeting me here for breakfast. I–it was his suggestion. And I–I–

Eric: It’s okay. You don’t have to explain.

Nicole: Sorry.

Eric: What do you have to be sorry about?

Nicole: It’s just that– well, this is a little strange.

Eric: Wasn’t strange yesterday.

Nicole: Yeah, well– but now rafe’s about to walk through the door.

Eric: You’re afraid that I’m gonna be uncomfortable. Seeing you happy will never make me uncomfortable. Nicole, I’m truly happy you found somebody that puts you first, and can give you their whole heart. You deserve that. You really–you really do.

Rafe: [Sighs]

Eric: [Clears throat]

Belle: [Clears throat] I ran into shawn at the police station and…he wants me to come back home.

Ej: And what do you want?

Belle: I want to go back in time, and stop him from sleeping with jan, and make it so she’s not carrying his baby.

Ej: If only I could help you with that.

Belle: [Sniffles] You know what I wish? I wish that I could do what you did with sami when you found out she cheated with lucas, you know?

Ej: I banished her from my life.

Belle: I know. And as much as I want to banish all of this and just erase it from my consciousness forever, I can’T… because I love him. I love my husband.


Shawn: I just spoke to the prison doctor.

Jan: And she backed up what I said, didn’t she? I told you I wasn’t making this up. And now it’s as clear to you as it is to me. If I stay here, our child will not survive. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Jake: [Sighs]


[Unsettling music]

Ava: Hey, roomie.

Jake: Hey. You still shaken up about your nightmare?

Jake: No, I’m fine.

Gabi: I will get you out of jake’s bed, if it’s the last thing I do.

Rafe: Whoa.

Rafe: Hey, man.

Eric: Hey.

Rafe: Hey, hey, hey.

Eric: Wow.

Rafe: When did you get into town?

Eric: Ah, yesterday.

Rafe: Ah.

Eric: You didn’t tell rafe?

Nicole: We didn’t see each other last night, and, um, I tried to tell you this morning at the station, but we were interrupted. Eric and I ran into each other yesterday morning.

Rafe: Yeah, well– that’s great, welcome back.

Eric: Thanks.

Rafe: So, uh, how long are you here for?

Eric: Ah, just a visit. Yeah, nicole, she, uh– she told me about the two of you and, uh– I–I wish you both happiness.

Rafe: Nice.

Belle: [Sniffles] I just, um– I just feel like I’m never gonna be happy again. You know? Like this is a life sentence.

Ej: I understand.

Belle: [Chuckles weakly]

Ej: But I can assure you that it’s not. You are a smart, strong, resilient woman. And I have no doubt you’ll find a way to make the best out of all of this.

Belle: How? Jan is crazy. And she’s heartless. And now she’s pregnant with my husband’s baby.

Ej: If you want your marriage to work, then it will. And if anybody tries to get in your way, they do so at their own peril.

Belle: [Chuckles]

Ej: I believe in you, belle. Believe in yourself.

Belle: Thank you. [Sniffles]

Shawn: So what do you want me to do, jan?

Jan: You’re an officer of the law. Pull some strings, call in some favors. Get me released.

Shawn: They’re not gonna let a nutjob with your record out of prison just because you’re pregnant, all right? Even if it is high-risk.

Jan: There are options other than letting me free.

Shawn: Okay, like what?

Jan: House arrest?

Shawn: Okay, whose house?

Jan: Yours.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Thomas: So, steffy still doesn’t remember?

Ridge: No, she doesn’T.

Taylor: Steffy is trying her best, thomas. It’s going to be so hard on her when she remembers about finn.

Hope: Look, the longer that this goes on–

Brooke: Steffy can’t go on this way believing that she’s married to you, liam. You know, she’s becoming more and more emotionally dependent on you as the days go by.

Hope: But it’s not even that, mom. It’s the fact that she doesn’t even remember finn or that she shares the child with him.

Liam: Okay, listen. You know, I hear you guys, you’re preaching to the choir, and I’m concerned about hayes too. It’s just– from what taylor says, steffy is already regaining her strength. Right? So maybe her memories are not far behind.

Hope: But that could still take weeks or months or even years. We don’t know. Look, liam, if she’s going to find out that she isn’t married to you, then I do believe that you should be the one to tell her as gently and as sensitively as possible. But… steffy should know that you’re not her husband.

Brooke: We know it won’t be easy telling steffy. Knowing what this will do to her.

Hope: It will be a challenging time. But we are all committed to helping her through it.

Liam: No, no, no. I know. I get that. It’s just– like we all heard what taylor just said though, right?

Hope: But we also can’t let it go on forever. Liam, you aren’t married to her. And while letting her believe what she needs to believe right now might seem like the compassionate thing to do, it’s just delaying the inevitable. I truly believe that helping her come to terms with reality and working through that pain will be the kinder thing in the end. Plus, it might actually help her recall who shot finn and her.

Sheila: Why, steffy?

Why did you have to fight me?

Why couldn’t you just

let me be a part of your life?

I never meant for any of this

to happen. Finn is gone.

The son that I loved is dead

and now, now you’ve given me

no other choice.

Taylor: Sheila. How did olay top expensive creams?

Liam: Hey, I hear what you guys are saying, and it makes perfect sense. It’s just I’m thinking, like, if you’re coming from taylor’s–

Bridget: Sorry, am I interrupting?

Liam: No, no, no. Come, come.

Brooke: Maybe you could help. Hope and I are struggling with this plan that liam is supposed to play along with this idea that he is steffy’s husband.

Hope: And we know that you urge caution about telling the truth–

Bridget: Actually, I have just been reviewing steffy’s latest test results with neurology and everything is looking really good. She’s stable. She’s getting stronger. I think steffy can handle hearing the truth now.

Hope: Okay, that’s great. So, I mean, the longer this went on, it’s sort of been really hard to tell–

Ridge: Hey.

Liam: Hey, good timing.

Hope: Yeah, actually, we think that steffy is able to hear the truth that liam isn’t her husband.

Brooke: She’s getting stronger, so we don’t need to keep going on and on about this. Ridge, of course, there’s no pressure here. You and taylor should discuss it. Just as steffy’s doctor. I was just reviewing–

Thomas: Yeah, my mom is a doctor, too, her opinion–

Ridge: And she wants us to be catious, right?

Thomas: Yes. And for good reason. We shouldn’t rush into anything.

Liam: It’s not rushing. Nobody wants to do that. Nobody wants to put steffy’s recovery in jeopardy.

Hope: Well. If liam tells her, then we actually–

Thomas: Hold on, wait a second, why is liam telling her?

Ridge: Tell us.

Thomas: No, no, no, hold on. Look, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t tell her some of it, but– but– but about her husband and what happened to him. And that they have a child together and– look, you and mom should at least weigh in on this.

Liam: I agree with that. I didn’t– you and taylor should have this decision. I don’t want to overstep.

Ridge: I know you will tell her in the gentle, gentlest of ways, but we– this is concerning to us.

Hope: We are all concerned. We want– all of us want what’s best for steffy.

Ridge: You know what I want? I want to be there when you talk to her.

Sheila: I didn’t hear you come in. I’m sorry. I hope you don’t mind; I was just–

Taylor: I know what you’re doing. Sheila.

Sheila: You do?

Taylor: Yeah. Seeing steffy here, knowing that finn is gone, trying to make sense of how that’s even possible. But sheila, you have finn’s son, your grandson. We are so happy that steffy has regained consciousness. Soon, she’s going to remember who did this to her and finn. You want that too, don’t you? Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?

Liam: Hey. How’s she doing?

Steffy: Much better now.

Thomas: What’s going on? Big brother in the house. Not going to get a hello.

Steffy: I’m glad you’re here. That all of you are here. I just don’t understand why you’re here.

Liam: So, steffy, the reason that sheila is here, is that she suffered a loss as well. We all have.

Taylor: Liam, what are– what are you doing?

Liam: Especially you.

Bridget: Taylor. I know how you feel, but after running all of her latest tests and consulting with the head of neurology and considering her progress, I– I do believe it’s time.

Taylor: I disagree. She’s still too fragile.

Steffy: Wait, for what? What’s going on? Liam, you’re my husband, you can tell me.

Liam: Yeah, uh… steffy, your memory– that– there are some things that you still can’t recall. And we all– we all feel like it’s– it’s our job now to help you fill in the blanks. I’m amber, I’ve lost 128 pounds with golo,

Hope: I hope I wasn’t being too demanding with liam because I don’t want him to think that I’m like being–

Brooke: No, no, no, no, no. Don’t worry. Liam understands why you feel the way you do. Besides, you heard bridget. Steffy is on her way back. And to carry on this illusion that she and liam are a married couple, that isn’t fair to anybody, especially to steffy. Bridget, is everything okay?

Hope: I mean, shouldn’t you be in there with them when they’re telling steffy?

Bridget: Oh, I’m close by if I’m needed, although I’m really hoping that I won’t be.

Brooke: How did taylor react when she found out what liam intended to do?

Bridget: Let’s just say she was not pleased.

Hope well, I’m sure you explained, right?

Bridget: Yeah, I told taylor exactly why I felt that it’s finally time.

Brooke: And I’m sure liam will be very gentle, very sensitive.

Hope: The entire family will be. No one wants steffy to suffer any more than she already has.

Bridget: Right. The reality is no one can protect her from what she’s about to hear.

Liam: Steffy, we are so grateful that you’re recovering. And look at you. You’re getting– you’re getting stronger and stronger every day.

Ridge: It’s what we hoped and prayed for.

Thomas: Yeah, you’re going to be up and around before you know it.

Liam: But there’s– there’s still some things that you have to know that you just haven’t been able to remember yet.

Steffy: That night, you mean? When I was shot?

Ridge: We’re going to find who did this to you. To both of you.

Steffy: Both? You said both of us.

Ridge: Yeah.

Liam: Um, there was someone else with you that night.

Steffy: I was with someone?

Liam: Yeah. Yeah. Finn. Dr. Jonathan finnegan. Does that sound familiar to you at all?

Taylor: Sweetie. He came into your life when you needed him most. An exceptional man.

Ridge: He saved your life.

Liam: Do you– do you remember that? Do you remember him at all?

Ridge: This, um… this is you and him.

Liam: I’m always going to love you and we do have a child together, kelly. But, you have another child. Hayes.

Steffy: What?

Liam: Beautiful little boy. A child that you share with finn.

Steffy: Hayes.

Liam: I’m not your husband. Steffy. You’re married to finn.

Steffy: Finn. Finn. Finn. Finn.

Liam: Yeah. Do you–

Steffy: I remember.

Liam: Do you remember?

Steffy: Yeah, I remember. Finn.

Taylor: That’s wonderful, sweetheart.

Steffy: My husband. My husband. Hayes, my son. My son. I want to see them. Please let me see them. If I go to sleep right now, I can get more….

Brooke: How are the kids?

Hope: Amelia says that they’re fine. Hayes is down for a nap, and she is putting together a puzzle with kelly too. Thankfully, they aren’t aware of what their mom is facing right now.

Bridget: Or what they’re about to face when they realize that finn is never coming home.

Hope: Kelly thought of him like a second dad and hayes, I mean, he’s so young, he’s barely had any time with him.

Brooke: Steffy will make sure that hayes knows how much finn loved him. And that finn would be here for him now if that were at all possible.

Hope: Only it’s not because some maniac with a gun went and– I just hope that steffy is able to identify whoever did this. And I get that it’s going to be horrific for her to relive. But the police barely have any leads, and without steffy’s help–

Bridget: Then the murderer could absolutely get away with this.

Brooke: Ridge will never let that happen. He’ll track down this criminal himself if he has to.

Hope: I just feel awful for steffy. She’s already been through hell and it’s not over yet.

Steffy: Finn and hayes. Where are they? When can I see them?

Ridge: Steffy–

Taylor: You have been through a very, very hard time and there are still some pieces that are– that are missing from that night.

Steffy: I just want to hold my son. I want to be with him and his daddy.

Liam: And we completely understand that. Just know for now that hayes is great. He’s in good hands.

Steffy: Good. Thank– thank you. So, hayes is at home with finn?

Thomas: Actually, hayes is with amelia right now.

Liam: Yeah, I’ve been, um… I’ve been going over the house to just kind of be with hayes and kelly, but usually he’s with amelia.

Steffy: When finn and i are at work?

Liam: Yeah, that’s right.

Steffy: Where is he now? Why isn’t finn here?

Ridge: I should be the one to tell you that you weren’t alone in that alley when you were shot.

Steffy: What are you saying, dad?

Ridge: Finn was there. He was brave and he was protecting you.

Taylor: He loved you so much, sweetheart.

Thomas: Yeah. Uh… finn was completely and totally devoted to you. To the very end.

Steffy: Loved. Very end. Why are you talking this way?

Taylor: I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Finn is gone.

Steffy: Gone?

Taylor: Yeah.

Ridge: He was shot that night and he didn’t survive.

Steffy: Finn’s gone? Finn’s gone.

Liam: I’m sorry, steffy.

Steffy: Why? What?

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GH Update Monday, April 25, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Dustin

Sonny arrived at Michael and Willow’s house hoping that Willow would help Sonny in making amends with Michael. But, everything went sideways when Michael showed up and caught Sonny speaking to Willow. Michael said if Sonny had anything to say it should be to him directly.  Sonny told Michael that he never wanted the divorce, but Carly insisted and forced it through. Michael defended Carly and made it clear that she had made the right decision after catching Sonny in bed with Nina. 

Sonny said that he had forgiven Carly for infidelity once when he found Carly in bed with Jax, but Michael felt that his father was trying to justify cheating on Carly. Michael told Sonny that he was done with him and that he had contemplated changing his name back to Quartermaine.  But, he said that he would rather keep the name Corinthos and make the name stand for something that is not at all associated with Sonny’s business, crimes and violence.  Michael said that he and Wiley would make the name something to be proud of and Sonny’s legacy would just fade away. Sonny told Michael that he loved him, but he also said he would never forget the things that Michael had said.  He left Michael’s house, but once he was outside, he said, “Goodbye, son.”

Jordan  informed Liz that someone had jammed the cameras that Chase installed. Jordan also added that it was now clear that this was a deliberate action, possibly by someone who had once again bypassed the security system.  When Jordan left, Aiden argued that Franco’s ghost was behind all of these occurrences. But Finn told Aiden that Franco would never want Liz or her boys to feel unsafe in their home or frightened. So, they should consider living possibilities, and all of this left Liz extremely worried and concerned. Finn suggested the boys should live elsewhere and that Elizabeth should move into the Metro Court until they could find out exactly what is going on at Elizabeth’s house.  Elizabeth objected, saying she didn’t want to leave her home, but she did send Aiden back to Laura’s house.

Chase brought flowers to Brook Lynn and explained why he was late for Leo’s big day. Brook Lynn told Chase that she was concerned about him. Chase reassured her, and when he tried kissing her, they were interrupted by Michael and then later by Leo. Speaking of Leo, he got an explanation for why Chase missed his adoption party. Chase also gave Leo some advice about stage fright.  Leo told Brook Lynn that when Chase was living in the Quartermaine mansion, he would sometimes sing Brook Lynn’s songs.  Brook Lynn was surprised and Chase was a little embarrassed.  He admitted he really liked her demos.

Curtis met Marshall on the pier and confronted him over the sealed arrest record. Marshall said that Curtis had broken the law to get his records and got furious at him for invading his privacy. But, Curtis was more upset over Marshall pretending that he left his family for some life-changing thing. In reality, Marshall was arrested over a protest and sent to a mental hospital for evaluation. Marshall claimed that it was a mistake to reconnect with Curtis, but Curtis wanted to know the truth. Curtis wanted his father to stay in Port Charles. Curtis wanted a fresh start, so he asked about Marshall’s condition. This time Curtis told his father that he wanted answers from him. Marshall told Curtis to read the file he had stolen, because if the answers weren’t in there he certainly wouldn’t be getting any from him.

Alexis met Diane in her office and told her about Harmony’s recent behavior, which included how Harmony wanted to kill the Smoltz story. But, Diane convinced Alexis to run the story. And the duo also made a plan to put Harmony up at the Metro Court, while Diane would meet with Lucy and try to find Harmony permanent living arrangements.

Harmony told Carly that she was just burning personal documents and tax stuff when Carly arrived unexpectedly at Alexis’ house. Carly began grilling Harmony about her connection to Nina. Harmony denied that Nina was blackmailing her and denied that she had ever worked with Phyllis. Carly wanted to know why Harmony had said that she wished that Willow was part of her family. When Miller left the room for a while, Carly looked at the notes she left behind and found some pieces in the fireplace. Carly realized that Harmony was burning Dr. Neil Byrne’s psychiatric file notes from his sessions with Harmony and realized that Willow isn’t her biological daughter. Suddenly, Harmony confronted Carly while holding a syringe, she then attacked Carly. But, the syringe fell on the floor, and the two fought for it. Harmony is later shown sitting in Carly’s car with Carly unconscious in the trunk.  Harmony has a crazed look in her eyes.


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Y&R Short Recap Monday, April 25 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Christine

Jack decided to visit Sharon to give her his condolences. Phyllis and Jack caught Diane leaving the hotel. They made her go back inside so that Kyle didn’t find out she was alive from anyone except Jack. Phyllis and Diane had words. Diane said she didn’t care what Phyllis thought. Phyllis said she was part of this because Kyle was her son in law. Jack told Nikki that Diane was alive, and the women came face to face. Kyle and Harrison arrived in Genoa City. Mariah and Tessa wanted to postpone the wedding, out of concern for Sharon. Noah convinced them to respect Sharon’s wishes and hold the wedding on the scheduled date. Sharon and Rey’s tragedy made Mariah fear losing Tessa. Tessa offered Mariah reassurance, promising to do everything she could to stay by her side, and Noah spoke about the importance of holding onto love when you found it. After a talk with Nick, Sharon decided that Rey would prefer to be buried in Miami near his family. Abby and Chance spent time with Sharon and reminiscing about Rey. Nick drove Sharon to the morgue for a final goodbye to Rey.

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Y&R Update Monday, April 25 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Jack and Phyllis were at the hotel talking about the accident. He marveled at the odds of three people they knew in separate cars being in the same accident. Jack thought the merciful part was that, according to the news, Rey died instantly, so he didn’t suffer. He was sure Ashland and Victoria were devastated. Phyllis knew Sharon was having a horrible time. Jack was going to visit Sharon later today. Phyllis shifted gears and said Diane was upstairs, and Kyle was on his way to town. Jack was dreading the conversation he had to have with his son. Phyllis was glad Jack didn’t tell Diane Kyle was on his way, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to restrain herself. Jack grumbled about Diane showing up unannounced and unwelcome.

Upstairs, Diane seemed upset. She remembered Jack lashing out at her. He was angry that she went back on their agreement and came to town before he spoke with Kyle. Diane had explained that she’d thought Phyllis was right that Kyle would leave without seeing her. She came because she just wanted to be close by. Jack said Kyle had the right to leave without seeing Diane. Furthermore, that’s what Jack wanted to happen. Diane wished Jack wouldn’t be so heartless. She asked if it was that impossible for him to believe she’d changed and was worthy of being a Kyle’s mother. He didn’t believe she changed. He couldn’t ignore the past and just take her word that she wouldn’t break Kyle’s heart. He spat that he didn’t want her in their lives.

Downstairs, Phyllis was glad to hear Jack put Diane in her place. He said it didn’t do any good, since she was still here and determined to spend time with Kyle. Phyllis had ways of keeping an eye on Diane. According to Phyllis, Diane was staying in her room, for the most part. Jack was hoping to tell Nikki about Diane soon, but given what happened last night, he was sure Nikki would be focused on Victoria and Ashland. He hoped Diane would stay hidden. Phyllis said Diane would stay hidden if she knew what was good for her. Meanwhile, Diane got fed up with hiding out. She put on her hat and sunglasses and left her room.

Jack was telling Phyllis about Kyle’s travel plans when they saw Diane exit the elevator. They rushed over and ordered her to go back to the room. Diane wasn’t planning to see anyone, she just wanted to stretch her legs and go for a walk. Jack didn’t want any of Diane’s enemies finding out she was alive before he had a chance to talk to Kyle. Phyllis said this was her lobby, and she wanted Diane out of it. She said perhaps they’d send a masseuse up to the room, and a bottle of wine, without arsenic. Diane commented that it sounded like a threat. Nikki came in, and Jack went over to her, while Phyllis hustled Diane back into the elevator.

Nikki wanted to know who that woman was that Phyllis put into the elevator. Jack asked how Victoria was. She was physically fine, but they were all shaken up about Rey. Jack said Rey was a good man. Nikki said Victoria was quite upset, even though it wasn’t her fault. Jack asked how Ashland was, and Nikki said he’d be fine. Nikki asked why Jack evaded her question about the woman in the elevator. She could tell he was hiding something. He asked if she had the time and emotional strength to discuss this. She was doing fine, and her meeting was canceled, so she had the time. He announced that Diane was alive, well and in Genoa City.

Nikki thought that this woman was an impostor, since Diane was dead. Jack said he and Phyllis had spoken to Diane at length. He explained that Diane had made an enemy of everyone in Genoa City, so she faked her own death and started a new life. Nikki spent years thinking she killed Diane in self defense. She asked how Diane pulled this off. Jack said Deacon Sharpe helped. Nikki called Deacon an SOB. He said Diane was still a master manipulator. Nikki insisted on seeing Diane.

Don’t you dare leave this room without a word to me first, please,” Phyllis said. She and Diane were back upstairs in the suite. Diane wanted the free wine, and Phyllis said no. She wasn’t giving Diane a free massage either. Diane noted that Phyllis lied to her face. Phyllis was unapologetic. Phyllis said she’d lie to Diane until she understood the severity of the situation. Diane did understand. Phyllis said she could take more stringent measures, like taking Diane’s phone, handcuffing her to the bed or locking her in the closet. Diane told Phyllis to stay out of this, because this was about her, Jack and their son, not Phyllis. “This is very much about me,” Phyllis stated, noting that Kyle was her son in law. She refused to go anywhere.

Diane knew Summer and Kyle were married, but she refused to acknowledge she and Phyllis were on the same family tree. Phyllis found it equally abhorrent. Phyllis said whatever Diane did to Kyle affected Summer. Phyllis noted that Diane made an agreement not come to Genoa City until Kyle knew the truth and had time to process this. Diane asked when that would be. Phyllis said she had no idea. Phyllis said Diane was free to broadcast her return and parade around town, but she didn’t think Kyle would appreciate the lack of sensitivity. Diane said Phyllis had a talent for blowing things out of proportion. Diane was going to take a walk in disguise – she had a teeny bit of experience remaining undetected. Phyllis said not in Genoa City. Diane didn’t care what Phyllis believed – the only people who mattered to Diane were Jack and Kyle. Jack brought Nikki up to the room, and she came face to face with Diane. Phyllis smiled.

Kyle and Harrison arrived at the Abbott house. Their plane got in early. Nobody was home, even though Jack had said he’d be there all day. Kyle wondered what came up.

Mariah and Tessa were at home. Tessa was surprised Mariah wanted to be here instead of at Sharon’s. Mariah thought that Sharon would want some space after getting home from the morgue, since it seemed like having all those people around was getting to her. Tessa was surprised Faith decided to go to school. Mariah suggested that Faith wanted to keep busy. Mariah called Faith and left a message saying to reach out if she needed to talk. Mariah thought Rey and Sharon should’ve gotten many years together, but that was lost now. Noah dropped by to check on Mariah and Tessa. Noah felt horrible, but he knew it was nothing compared to what Sharon was feeling. He left the house hoping that Nick could help Sharon the way the rest of them couldn’t. Noah wanted to do something. Tessa suggested that just being there for Sharon would help. Noah felt like nothing would be enough. He couldn’t wrap his head around Rey’s life being cut so brutally short. He said Sharon and Rey were happy together. Tessa said Rey and Sharon worked really hard. Tessa said there was a quiet, beautiful intimacy between Rey and Sharon. Tessa said Rey made an effort to plan romantic nights, and Sharon always had a coffee waiting when he got off work.

Fireworks are fabulous, but it’s nothing without a foundation,” Tessa added. What Rey and Sharon had felt like it could survive everything. Noah said it survived Sharon’s illness and Adam’s interference. Mariah worried for Sharon, and she felt sick about Rey, but underneath that, she was thinking about what it would be like to lose a person who was your whole life. Mariah felt selfish and guilty for even thinking that. Tessa thought Mariah’s feelings were natural. Mariah wondered if people were insane to even love so deeply when there was so much to lose. Noah said that it was hard to find love, so when you did, you had to hold onto it as hard as you can without fear. Tessa said she was safe and well, and she’d do anything to stay by Mariah’s side, for better or worse. Mariah believed that, and she said Tessa’s reassurance sounded a lot like wedding vows. Mariah thought the wedding should be postponed. Tessa agreed, but Noah didn’t think that was fair to Sharon.

Noah noted that Mariah and Tessa chose a date – Friday the 13th. Tessa knew the next one wasn’t until January. He thought they should honor Sharon’s wishes and have the wedding. Mariah doubted Sharon knew what she wanted since she was in shock after the death of her husband. Noah conceded that in the past, Sharon didn’t always realize what was best for her, but after everything she’d been through, she was stronger than ever. He suggested that this wedding could help Sharon cope. Noah didn’t mean to pressure the couple. He said if they needed to postpone because of their grief, they should do so, but he didn’t think they should push it back for Sharon, when she made it clear that she didn’t want that. Mariah said Noah was pretty smart. Mariah suggested it was the perfect time – saying their vows while they grieved Rey and spreading a little hope and joy.

Nick and Sharon were at her place. He thought she should hold off on going to the morgue until she made plans about Rey’s funeral. Sharon realized it made sense for Celeste to want Rey buried in Miami. She asked what she should do – let Rey be buried in Miami or keep him here, where he built a life with her. He asked if she really wanted his opinion, or if she was thinking out loud. She truly wanted to know what he thought. He thought she should think about what Rey would want. Sharon smiled as she thought back to visiting Miami with Rey. A couple of times, Rey asked if Sharon could see herself moving to Florida and getting away from snowy Wisconsin. She thought he was joking, though. She thought part of Rey never left Miami, more than he was willing to admit. She knew he wished he could spend more time with his family there, and now they’d never get to see him again. She thought Rey would want to be buried near his family, where they could visit him and feel close.

Sharon said she’d call Celeste so she could make arrangements. Sharon was going to do as much as she could to help Celeste with that. Nick wanted Sharon to let the family help her with this, but she said she needed to do this herself. Once she was finished, she could focus on the wedding. Abby and Chance came by with food and condolences. Sharon knew Chance must be shattered to lose his partner and friend. Chance said some kind things about Rey’s impact on the community.

Nick said he’d call Celeste back while Sharon visited with her guests. He just wanted to do this for her. She appreciated that. He left the room. Abby and Chance said they were there for Sharon. Sharon noted that Chance was the last one to hear Rey’s voice. She asked how he sounded. Chance said Rey sounded normal. Sharon said the last time she saw Rey, she kissed him and said she loved him. It was very casual, and they’d done that many times before. She was glad she did that. She had no idea it would be their last goodbye. She cried, and Abby took Sharon’s hands.

Sharon apologized, but Chance and Abby made it clear they didn’t mind. Sharon said she had to keep herself together, or she’d turn into a puddle. According to Chance, Paul often said he respected Rey’s instincts. Rey was a good influence on the younger officers. Everyone knew Rey always had their back, and not just at work. Rey had been kind and patient and supportive with Chance. Chance knew Rey would be straight with him, even when it was tough. Chance would never forget Rey. Later, Abby and Chance left. Nick said Celeste was grateful Sharon was honoring her request. Nick called and made arrangements to have Rey transferred to Miami after the autopsy. Sharon realized that meant she didn’t have that much time to get to the morgue to say goodbye. She asked Nick to go with her. He said yes, but he asked if she was up for that. She wasn’t sure how she could ever be ready, but she knew she needed to see Rey.

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Days Update Monday, April 25, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

In Eli’s hospital room, Beth informs Lani that there is something that she needs to tell her. Beth thinks back to TR warning her to keep her mouth shut. Lani then asks if she’s okay. Beth tells Lani that she found out something tonight that Lani deserves to know.

Paulina asks what TR wants to prove to her. TR says he’s not the man he was back then and he’ll never hurt her again. TR asks Paulina for another chance and then they kiss.

Johnny remains chained up in the DiMera Crypt where he’s forced to watch the screen that the Devil created, showing Tripp and Chanel kissing at the Bistro. Tripp says he got Chanel’s mind off Johnny and Allie. They continue kissing as Johnny is furious.

Devil Allie has Ben drink the tea that she drugged. Ben talks about it being relaxing for his anxiety. Allie brings up how Ben was initially scared to have a baby because of his genes. Ben says he’s grateful that Marlena set him straight. Allie remarks that Ben obviously had nothing to worry about as the baby is going to be absolutely perfect..

TR tells Paulina how long he’s wanted to be with her like this again, like no time has passed at all. Paulina admits that he makes her feel like a young woman swept off her feet. TR points out that the twins are asleep and Chanel is out, so maybe he could sweep her off her feet again tonight.

Tripp and Chanel laugh together about being wasted and forgetting Johnny and Allie as they continue kissing. Johnny remains forced to watch. The waiter comes over and asks if they want to get a room. Chanel responds that it’s not a bad idea while Johnny argues having to watch.

Allie encourages that Ben and Ciara will be the best parents. Ben says he’s sorry but he suddenly feels sleepy. Allie says she will get going and let him sleep then. Allie shows Ben pictures of baby items they could have that belonged to Henry. Allie shows Ben a photo of a baby devil costume and says it’s her favorite which Ben questions. Allie calls it baby’s first Halloween and remarks that their little guy will be the most handsome devil…

Lani asks Beth what she deserves to know but Julie arrives, interrupting them. Julie says she didn’t know anyone else was there. Lani introduces Julie and Beth. Julie asks if Beth is a friend of Eli’s. Lani explains that Beth used to date TR. Julie asks what she is doing here. Lani informs Julie that Beth brought flowers. Beth explains that she met with Eli at the police station right before he went to the park, so she was probably the last person to see him before he got shot. Julie recalls being told that Eli was questioning her about TR and his background and that Beth confirmed TR had turned his life around. Julie asks if she has that right.

TR tells Paulina that he will make her a drink. Paulina stops him and says she’d love for him to sweep her off her feet again, but not tonight and not yet. TR questions if that’s because of Abe.

Abe goes to the Brady Pub and finds Kate working behind the counter. Abe didn’t know Kate was working at the Pub again. Kate explains that she’s just helping Roman out because she has a lot of free time on her hands. Abe doesn’t suppose she’d be interested in coming back to the mayor’s office. Kate thinks he’s fine without her. Abe is not so sure and then orders a double gin and tonic. Kate notes that it sounds serious. Abe responds that it’s just one of those days. Kate points out that she’s not an official bartender but she can listen if he wants to talk.

Johnny continues being forced to watch as Tripp suggests he and Chanel order another round of drinks. Johnny is hopeful that they don’t leave together. Tripp tries to order another round but the waiter decides they’ve had enough and he will call them a cab. Chanel guesses it’s destiny then and asks if they are going to her place or his.

Ben questions Allie dressing Henry up like the Devil for Halloween. Allie says it was adorable. Ben doesn’t remember that and gets weakened. Allie asks if he’s okay. Ben thinks there’s something in the tea. Allie claims it was just tea leaves from England. Ben sees an evil face in the bottom of his cup as Allie asks if he’s alright.

Abe tells Kate that love can be tricky. Abe explains to Kate how he had to bring Jules’ pacifier to Paulina and it looked like they settled in to a new normal as friendly co-grandparents and that’s all, but then Paulina kissed him and it rattled him, but he wishes it hadn’t. Kate asks Abe if he still has feelings for Paulina. Abe responds that he forgave Paulina for what she did but questions how he could ever trust her. Kate thinks he could find a way. Abe understands why Paulina lied to cover up Lani’s birth, but it wasn’t the first time, and he knows if he got involved with her again, then it wouldn’t be the last.

TR urges Paulina not to let Abe get her down on herself. TR argues that Abe doesn’t appreciate her the way he does. Paulina brings up how he used to appreciate her in the beginning and says it was the best feeling in the world, but along with that he had to be the center of her universe. TR says he was a kid. Paulina says she was naïve and it happened so fast with them. TR reminds her that he’s apologized for that. Paulina mentions that she forgave him for that but it’s not so easy to forget. TR asks if she’s trying to let him down gently. Paulina responds that she’s glad he is sober and that he’s here, but she wants to take things nice and slow. Paulina asks if he can understand that. TR clenches his fist behind the couch, but says he can understand. TR declares that he loves Paulina but he will be patient because she is worth it. TR tells her that whenever she’s ready, he will be waiting.

Tripp and Chanel talk about them her living with her mom and him living with his dad. Chanel decides on her place since Paulina will probably be tired from running after the twins all day. Tripp doesn’t know, so Chanel asks if he’d rather go home alone but Tripp says definitely not. Johnny screams that he loves Chanel and wishes she wouldn’t do this. Tripp and Chanel then exit the Bistro together.

Ben tells Allie that he must be seeing things. Allie offers to get him more tea but Ben says no as he’s done. Allie asks if Ben and Ciara are thinking about baby names. Devil Allie remarks that she’s always loved the name “Damien” and says you don’t hear it much anymore because of that damn movie. Ben tells her that something is wrong. The Devil then informs Ben that he’s not Allie as her eyes turn yellow.

Lani confirms to Julie that Beth told Eli that TR was clean and sober for their entire relationship. TR then walks in and asks what Beth is doing there. Julie points out that Beth brought Eli flowers. Beth decides she’s intruded on their family time enough, so she wishes Lani and Eli the best. Beth then exits the room. Lani brings up that Beth said she had something to tell her, but guesses it wasn’t that important.

Abe tells Kate that the lies Paulina told shook him to his core. Abe thought Paulina made Kate’s blood boil. Kate responds that she’s come to appreciate Paulina after a conversation they had a while back, the same day that Abe told Paulina that he could forgive her but didn’t think he could ever trust her again. Abe questions Paulina confiding in Kate. Kate confirms that Paulina told her everything about her story and her suffering, so she understood why Paulina lied to everybody. Kate says she was sorry for judging Paulina without knowing the facts. Kate hopes that Abe will give Paulina another chance because they obviously have feelings for each other and she remembers when Paulina made Abe a very happy man.

Paulina sits alone at home now and thinks back to kissing Abe and then to kissing TR. Chanel and Tripp then come in drunk. Chanel thought Paulina would be in bed. Paulina says she’s wrong and questions what’s going on here. Chanel tries to say goodnight and says they are just going to her room but Paulina says the hell they are.

Ben realizes Allie is the Devil and that the Devil drugged him. The Devil reminds Ben that he was after his baby and he still is.

TR asks how Eli is doing. Lani tells him that he’s the same. TR says he’s sorry but encourages her to hang in there and she’ll get her miracle. TR asks about Beth wanting to tell Lani something. Lani says she doesn’t know but Beth just said she found out something today that she thought she should know. TR finds it strange that she didn’t say what it was. Lani guesses it wasn’t that important if she left without telling her. Julie notes that Beth was distracted by TR coming in and guesses their relationship didn’t end well. TR questions why she would say that.

Abe tells Kate that when he went to Paulina’s, she was expecting TR since he promised to help with the twins but didn’t show. Kate thought she was terrified of him. Abe explains that she was when he first came to town, but he’s using the crisis with Eli since Paulina is so vulnerable. Abe thinks TR sees the opportunity to be there. Kate guesses TR swears that he turned his life around which Abe confirms. Kate asks if Abe believes it. Abe says it doesn’t matter what he believes because Paulina does and that’s what matters.

Paulina declares that Chanel and Tripp are not going in to Chanel’s bedroom. Chanel argues that she owns her own business and makes her own way so she can do whatever she wants. Paulina says not under her roof and while they are both drunk. Paulina refuses to let them try to pay back Johnny and Allie when they just would hurt themselves more in the process. Chanel complains that they just want to have fun. Paulina says they might just be looking for comfort but it would be cold in the morning.

The Devil tells Ben that he has big plans for his baby boy, but he needs Ben out of his way. Ben mentions Ciara. The Devil says she is sound asleep as he didn’t poison her since she is the vessel and he would not hurt the baby. Ben tries to get up, but collapses. The Devil declares that it’s curtains for Ben Weston.

Julie tells TR that it’s been her experience when a relationship ends, things are not going swimmingly. Julie adds that when TR showed up, Beth couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Lani suggests she could have somewhere to be. TR gives Lani pastries from the bakery. Julie comments on Eli’s hospital room having unexpected visitors. TR retorts that Eli is loved by a lot of people. TR assures that he won’t stay as he has a meeting. Julie asks for a moment of his time before he goes. TR asks what is on her mind. Julie points out that TR has been spending a lot of time with Lani and the twins. TR claims he’s just doing his best to lend a hand. Julie is sure Lani appreciates it but warns that those are her great grandbabies too. Julie knows that TR was a grave danger to Paulina and Lani in the past. Julie hopes that it’s all true that he’s really turned in to a new man, but if not and he hurts anybody that she loves, he will have her to deal with. TR says he understands loud and clear. TR assures that she has nothing to worry about and tells her to have a good evening as he then exits the room.

Paulina tells Chanel that she just told her the other day that she wanted a break from relationships. Paulina brings up Tripp reading Chanel the riot act about her relationship with Allie. Tripp admits he feels bad about that. Paulina questions this being how he says sorry. Paulina instructs Tripp to go home and sleep it off. Paulina decides that she will get Chanel some water and call Tripp a cab. Chanel hopes Tripp isn’t upset but she thinks Paulina is right. Tripp says he won’t remember this tomorrow but he’s glad they didn’t screw things up between them, so they can still be friends. Chanel says she would like to still be friends.

The Devil visits Johnny in the DiMera Crypt and asks how the show was. Johnny responds that Chanel and Tripp got wasted, were all over each other at the bar, and then they left together. The Devil asks if he wants to watch them hop in bed. Johnny says he doesn’t want to see that. Johnny asks what the Devil did to Ben. He responds that he did exactly as he promised and dealt with Ben Weston once and for all. Johnny asks what that means. The Devil calls it good news since Johnny won’t be alone anymore as he’s getting a crypt mate. Johnny asks if he didn’t kill Ben then. The Devil points out that no one else alive is in crypts and he’s not sure how much longer Johnny will be living either…

Chanel apologizes to Tripp for being a mess. Tripp says they were a mess together. Chanel talks about pretending to be cool and confident but it really hurts that Johnny went halfway around the world to get away from her. Tripp says if that’s really why Johnny left, then he’s an idiot. They joke about not remembering this in the morning. Paulina comes over with waters and tells Tripp that his cab is there. Tripp apologizes to her. Paulina tells him to sleep it off. Tripp thanks her for making him feel welcome. Chanel then walks Tripp out. Paulina gets a text from TR, wishing her sweet dreams and saying that he will be dreaming of her.

Kate asks if Abe really thinks Paulina would take TR back. Abe says he doesn’t know but she seems to be giving him a chance. Kate says that’s actually not surprising at all since that’s how abusive relationships work. Abe says he’s aware but it’s not easy to watch. Kate declares that if Paulina does take TR back, she feels it won’t end well and she’s going to need someone there to pick up the pieces.

Julie asks Lani if she came on to strong with TR. Lani says she loves Julie being direct and fierce. Julie wonders what Beth wanted to tell Lani. Lani is sure if it was that big of a deal, she will reach out again.

TR goes to Beth’s room at the Salem Inn. TR knocks on the door, saying he knows it’s late but he really needs to talk to her. Beth answers the door and asks what he wants. TR questions what she was doing at the hospital with Lani. Beth assures that she didn’t say anything. TR argues that she was going to. TR thought they had an agreement and that he could trust her, but if he can’t, they are going to have to find some other way to make sure she keeps their little secret. Beth says it’s late and tries to shut the door but he stops her and demands she not shut him out. Beth asks what he’s going to do. TR declares that he’s going to do what he should have done in the first place. TR slams the door shut as Beth screams.

The Devil chains Ben to the wall in the Crypt and tells Johnny that Ben is not dead yet. Ben wakes up and calls out for Ciara. The Devil tells Ben that Ciara isn’t there, but Johnny is, so they can keep each other company while he goes to keep Ciara company and their baby too.

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GH Update Friday, April 22, 2002

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Dustin

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ned and Olivia welcomed their family and friends to celebrate the official adoption of Leo as Ned’s son, thus making Leo an official Quartermaine. Everyone toasted to Leo, Ned, and Olivia’s happiness.

Leo asked Brook Lynn why Chase hadn’t attended the celebration. Brook Lynn (unaware of what had happened to Chase) wondered the same thing and called Chase to leave a voice message. Olivia then mentioned that she’d encouraged Leo to enroll in theater therapy. Drew asked Olivia what theater therapy was, and Olivia explained that it was an afterschool program for kids on the spectrum to use theater to learn about speech, taking turns, and other cognitive behavior. Olivia asked Leo to recite the poem he was scheduled to read at the school production, at first Leo seemed receptive to the idea, but when it was time for him to do the reading, he screamed “No”, and ran out of the room. Leo told Olivia that he didn’t want to read the poem, either at the mansion or at the school production. Olivia was worried about Leo’s outburst, but Brook Lynn tried to assure Olivia that it was only a case of stage fright.

Also at the Quartermaine mansion, Carly recalled to Sam about Harmony being heavily drunk the previous night. Carly thought the situation with Nina had taken a rough toll on Harmony. Carly then confided to Sam that she felt Harmony knew more about “the Nina situation” than Harmony had let on.

Sam apologized to Dante again for going behind his back and retrieving a file from his phone. Sam told Dante that it had been a long time since she’d been with someone who “played by the rules.” Dante said that he had come down too hard on Sam. Dante told Sam he loved her; Sam told Dante that she loved him, too, and they kissed.

Elsewhere at the mansion, Ned overheard Drew and Michael discussing Aurora and ELQ and wanted to know what they were speaking about. Drew told Ned that the executive coach he’d met with the previous night had suggested a merger between ELQ and Aurora. Michael explained to Ned that merging the two companies would dilute Valentin’s shares and make it practically impossible for Valentin to continue serving with a majority of shares. Ned remarked that if the two companies merged, it would give a clear majority of shares to Drew. Ned wondered where that would leave him. Drew explained that they had not even thought about things that far ahead, the idea was just in its infancy stage.  But, Michael agreed it was a valid way to take power out of Valentin’s hands and put it somewhere else.

At Alexis’ house, Harmony stumbled down the stairs and was shocked at how much she’d had to drink the previous night. Harmony was appalled when she learned from Alexis that she had ordered Alexis a drink and insisted that one wouldn’t kill her. Alexis wanted to know what had upset Harmony so bad for her to get so drunk. Harmony was beyond furious when Alexis told her of Smoltz’s plan to do a five-part series on Nina’s background. Harmony not only refused to cooperate but demanded that Alexis not publish the piece at all. Harmony said that this was just opening up a can of worms that could not be closed. The more people looked into her past the more likely it would become that someone would uncover the fact that Willow was not Harmony’s biological child. Alexis encouraged Harmony to tell Willow the truth and reasoned that if anyone could understand how a person could be a mother to a child she hadn’t given birth to, it was Willow. But, Alexis assured Harmony that it was Harmony’s secret to keep. Harmony continued to push the idea of killing Smoltz’s series outright. “After everything I’ve done for you, it’s the least you can do for me!” Harmony said to a stunned Alexis. Harmony recalled that she had supported Alexis when she first arrived at Spring Ridge. Harmony added that she had stood by Alexis even after Alexis had made it clear that Harmony wasn’t worthy to be anyone’s friend. Alexis left for work and told Harmony that they needed to have a serious discussion to re-evaluate their living arrangement when she returned home. After Alexis left, a distraught Harmony smashed a vase on the floor.  Harmony takes her psychiatric file, which she stole from Brendan’s hotel room at the Metro Court and puts it in the fireplace.  She believes if she burns it, she will be set free from her racing thoughts.  She leaves the room to find matches and comes back to start the fire.  At that moment, Carly (who had been knocking while Harmony was out of ear shot), walks in the front door and sees Harmony preparing to burn the files.

At General Hospital, Chase was waiting for Portia to discharge him from his stay for observation.  Chase was found unconscious on the floor with a concussion at Elizabeth’s house the previous evening by Finn and Cameron.  

Finn and Elizabeth escorted Jordan (at her request) to Elizabeth’s house so that she could check the security feed from the security cameras Chase had installed.  When they arrived at Elizabeth’s house, Elizabeth downloaded the security app just as Chase had told her to do, but when the three of them went to review the footage it cut out right before whatever happened to Chase occurred.  Elizabeth inquired as to how that was possible.  Jordan said that the file had been corrupted.  Elizabeth looked extremely uneasy as yet another mysterious occurrence had not happened at her home.

At Pier 54, Trina found Marshall alone with his bag packed. Marshall confirmed that he was leaving town and said it would be easier on everyone involved. Trina didn’t understand Marshall’s sudden decision to leave. Trina reminded Marshall that he’d told her the truth was always worth fighting for, and she pointed out that Marshall seemed to be ignoring his own advice. Trina said that nothing could be worse than Marshall never seeing his family again. Trina added that she hoped to see Marshall again. Marshall replied that it had been a privilege getting to know Trina.

After Trina left, Marshall sat alone and waited for his ferry.

Selina dropped by the Savoy to provide Curtis with the documents he had requested. Selina placed the file on the bar and warned Curtis that while she hadn’t read the file herself, there would always be skeletons in a person’s closet if someone looked close enough. “Once you cross that line and open that file, there is no going back,” Selina cautioned.

Selina left as Curtis picked up the sealed file and started to go through its findings. Trina arrived and told Curtis that she’d just seen Marshall and that Marshall was leaving town.

Curtis headed to the Pier immediately and caught up to Marshall just as he was about to board his ferry.

“Running away again, huh?” Curtis asked Marshall.

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B&B Transcript Monday, April 25, 2022

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Baker: So steffy, are you sure you’re up for this? You’re ready to pick up where we left off?

Steffy: I can try.

Baker: I know it’s a lot, but we’re hoping that today you can remember a little more about what happened that night you were shot.

Ridge: There’s no pressure. You can do this.

Baker: Now, you said that you’ve been having some memories. Do you remember who shot you?

Steffy: I’m starting to remember.

Taylor: Hi.

Liam: Hi. Any uh… any new information?

Taylor: Nope. But she is continuing to gain her strength.

Hope: Well, that’s good.

Brooke: What about her memory?

Taylor: Parts are still missing.

Liam: What about the part that lets her identify the shooter? Any luck there?

Hope: I mean, it’s scary to think that that person is still out there somewhere.

Brooke: Deputy chief baker and his team are excellent detectives. I can promise you, they will leave no stone unturned.

Liam: Well, they better not. I mean, they need to– to solve the case and put the shooter behind bars because that’s what finn deserves. That’s what steffy deserves.

Taylor: Yes, they do. They do. And we will stop at nothing to hold whoever did this accountable. But please, be patient. Okay? This is going to take a minute. Just don’t set your expectations too high. Steffy hasn’t been able to recall much of anything.

Brooke: Including who her husband is and isn’T.

Eric: Well, apparently no memories have resurfaced yet, but steffy is on the mend. She’s going to be all right. She’s regained consciousness. She’s gonna get better.

Quinn: That’s wonderful news, eric.

Eric: Yeah. It’s unbelievable. For steffy to be gunned down like that, like an animal. And finn… murdered in cold blood.

Quinn: It’S… horrific. And I– I can understand why you’ve been so distant lately. You know, it’S… you’ve a lot on your mind.

Carter: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.

Eric: Carter. I guess you weren’t expecting to see me here.

Carter: Steffy has a lot of people rooting for her, eric.

Quinn: That’s for sure.

Carter: And we all miss having her around the office.

Eric: Oh, I miss her too. I’ve been working from home a lot lately, and I come in here today and I realize that she’s not here. You know, what can I say? I’m a proud, hopeful grandfather. I know she’s gonna recover physically from this. She’ll be back, but emotionally, I worry. When her memory comes back and she realizes what’s happened and finn is gone and… but we’ll all be there to help her, won’t we?

Taylor: Steffy just regained consciousness yesterday. She’s in a– she’s in a very, very fragile state.

Hope: And– I mean, we all understand that, and we all want her to get better just as much as you do.

Brooke: But, do you really think it’s wise to let her think that finn never existed?

Taylor: Oh, well, that’s– that’s not what we’re doing.

Brooke: Steffy believes that she’s married to liam and that she only has one child.

Taylor: That’s right, brooke. Because my daughter is recovering trauma induced memory loss. Now, god willing, it’s only temporary, but we can’t force steffy to conjure up painful memories just because we think she’s ready. That could have damaging, long term consequences.

Baker: Can you give us anything about who put you here? Was it a male? A female?

Ridge: You’re in the alley. It’s dark. See anything? A face?

Steffy: Why? Why do I see… sheila?

And it’s easier than ever to get

your projects done right .

Eric: I have complete faith that steffy will get back on her feet.

Quinn: Well, we’ve all been praying for her, eric.

Carter: And we’ll continue to do so until she’s completely recovered.

Eric: Thank you. I have an appointment. I’ve gotta go.

Quinn: You do?

Eric: Yes. I’ll see you tonight, later. Okay?

Quinn: Okay, yeah. Looking forward to it. Poor eric.

[ Quinn sighing ] I think steffy’s shooting is really taking a toll on him.

Carter: Yeah, I can’t imagine how anxious he must be.

Quinn: Yeah, yeah. Well, he’s been in constant contact with ridge and with bridget, but I– I– I think it’s affecting him a lot more than he’s letting on. At least, I assume so, which is why he took off the way he did.

Carter: Quinn, what’s going on?

Quinn: Well, you know that eric and I have been working on our relationship and– and, I think we’ve been doing really– really well. You know, we found some solid ground. But, who knows? Maybe I’m kidding myself. Maybe my marriage is… is never gonna be the same after my affair with you.

Taylor: You know that I’m not going to risk my daughter’s health to ease your concerns, right?

Brooke: Taylor, I don’t want steffy to experience any setbacks either, but eventually, she is going to have to accept reality.

Taylor: And eventually, she will. But right now, the reality is that steffy doesn’t have the emotional capability to even understand and process what happened that awful night. She is experiencing a dissociative response to trauma.

Hope: We all get that. Liam is bringing steffy peace and comfort right now and that is fine, but at what point in letting that go on does it become a detriment to her recovery, to the kids, to hayes?

Brooke: How long are you going to keep hiding the truth from your daughter?

Taylor: As long as it takes for her to remember everything safely.

Liam: O– okay. All right. We’re all a little on edge here. Obviously, this is a very stressful, very– very complex, a very surprising chain of events and none of us anticipated it.

Brooke: That’s for sure.

Liam: And– and at some point, steffy is going to regain her memory, okay? And when that happens, she’s gonna have… she’s gonna have a lot to grieve. But, in the mean time, I’m just, I– what I want is for her to be able to identify who it was that shot her and finn.

Ridge: Sheila, what about her?

Steffy: Her face.

[ Sheila’s heart beating ] She was here the other day. I don’t want her here. What she’s done to our family.

Ridge: You need to go. Now.

Sheila: Of course. Fine. I– I don’t want to upset her. Steffy, I’m really so sorry, more than you’ll ever know.

Steffy: Seriously, dad, what is she doing back in our lives?

Ridge: We’ll get to all of that. We’ll explain all of that. Right now, you need to focus. Try to recreate what happened that night in the alley. It’s dark. What do you see? Do you see anything?

[ Steffy sighing ]

Steffy: I’m trying.

Baker: What about their clothing or hair color?

Ridge: Anything at all. Anything to find this guy.

Steffy: I can’t, I can’T.

Ridge: Okay.

Steffy: I’m sorry, dad.

Ridge: It’s all right. Don’t be sorry. It’s all right. Take a break. We’re gonna take a break. You just rest. You did a great job, kiddo. Her mind is still a blank.

Baker: She just needs a little more time. I’ll come back later. Try again.

Baker: Ms. Carter. I’d like to speak with you for a moment. And tonight’s winning numbers are 18,

Quinn: I really believed eric would be able to move past our affair.

Carter: Quinn, anyone can see how much your husband loves you. Never forget that, all right? Eric, he’s just… he has a lot on his plate with steffy in the hospital.

Quinn: I know that.

Carter: And not only that, but everything that brooke and ridge are dealing with and how eric’s affected by it?

Quinn: I know, I know. He’S… I just, I don’t know. What if… what if my husband is never going to be able to love me or trust me the way he used to.

Brooke: Now that we can talk privately, I mean, you have to understand how absurd this plan is, liam. Steffy can’t go on thinking that you’re her husband.

Steffy: I felt like I was getting close.

Ridge: It’ll come to you.

Steffy: All I can see is shadows. But nothing’s clear. It’s just… darkness. It all seems so hazy.

Taylor: Hey, cutie. How are you feeling?

Steffy: Frustrated.

Taylor: Why?

Ridge: Baker was here asking more questions.

Steffy: Thought I was making progress, but all I’m getting is just these… fuzzy images.

Taylor: Honey, fuzzy images are more than you had yesterday. That’s progress.

Steffy: But I’m not sure if it’S… if it’s real or am I just… creating a memory from what you and chief baker told me. All I know is I just wanna catch this person. They’re out there and they’re dangerous and… I don’t want them to hurt anyone else.

Taylor: You’re going to remember when you’re ready, okay?

Ridge: Your mother’s right. You will remember and when you do, we’re gonna put that person away forever.

Sheila: You want to talk to me?

Baker: I’m well aware of your criminal past with the forresters. Quite frankly, I find it remarkable that they allow you anywhere near them.

Sheila: My son is dead, deputy chief baker, and I am finn’s birth mother.

Baker: I realize that. And I am sorry for your loss.

Sheila: It’s a mother’s worst nightmare. To think that my son took his last breath in the middle of an alley that he was never even supposed to be in in the first place. Finn was not supposed to be there. He’d be alive. He’d be with me and my grandson. I’m devastated that he’s gone. I’m– you– uh… if you don’t have anymore questions, I could just really use a moment.

Baker: Oh, no, no. I’m done now. Um… but I would like to speak with you later in the future. Ms. Carter, please think. Is there anyone you could think of who would shoot your son and steffy forrester. Hi, I’m karen.

Brooke: I understand we need to be careful and sensitive to steffy’s mental state, but this situation is not sustainable. Steffy needs to know the facts. That finn is her husband and he was tragically taken from her during the shooting. And that he was taken from hayes, his son. A son that she has no recollection of. She’s not even aware that he exists.

Hope: That poor boy does need his mother. And yes, hayes has all of us, but…

Brooke: How long are we expected to play along?

Hope: I do think that deep down, steffy would want to know and… I think you know that as well as I do.

Brooke: She needs to be informed and somebody needs to tell her.

Hope: Well, if anyone is going to tell her, I think it should be–

Liam: Ridge.

Hope: You, liam.

Liam: Me?

Hope: You should be the one to tell her that you’re not her husband.

Taylor: No one’s going to force you to remember anything. You just– you just need to focus on letting us take care of you and healing. The rest will fall into place.

Steffy: I wanna get back home. Back to normal.

Ridge: Um, you will. You’re getting better every day. Everyone’s impressed how quickly you’re bouncing back.

Taylor: We’re just so grateful that you’re still with us, steffy. We… we almost lost you. You’re such a fighter. I have a feeling you’ll be walking out of here before you know it.

Steffy: I just want to get home. Back to kelly and liam. They’re the reason I keep fighting.

Taylor: I know. Why don’t you get some rest, sweetie? Love you.

Ridge: We’ll be right outside if you need us. I’m worried about her. She remembers some things, but nothing about finn and hayes?

Taylor: I know.

Ridge: So, how– how– how long do we wait? How long before she remembers everything?

Taylor: Everything? I– that’s really hard to say. But, we need to be patient, okay?

Ridge: Yep. It’s a long day, huh? Let me buy you some coffee.

Taylor: Let’s do it.

Ridge: Come on.

[ Intense music ]

Steffy: You hurt people to get what you want. You hurt brooke to have access to finn and hayes. Access you’re never gonna have. Everyone’s gonna know what you did, sheila. Everyone’s gonna know the truth. Finn is my husband. Hayes is my son. I’m in control. So, know when to give up.

Sheila: No!

Steffy: You shot your son. We need to get help.

Sheila: I didn’t even know he was here.

Steffy: Well, you’re going to prison for the rest of your life.

Sheila: Put it down, now!

[ Sheila’s heart beating ]

[ Heart rate monitor beeping ]

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Y&R Transcript Monday, April 25, 2022

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Jack: What are chances that three people we know — three people — in separate cars are in the same awful accident?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I can’t wrap my head around it, actually.

Jack: The only mercy in it all, if you can call it that, is that rey didn’t suffer. The news said that he died instantly. Victoria and ashland are not as badly hurt. But, god, they’ve got to be devastated.

Phyllis: I’m sure sharon is having a horrible time.

Jack: Yeah, I’m gonna drop by and see her a little later today.

Phyllis: Mm, that’s nice. Yeah, in between knowing that diane is stuck upstairs in one of my hotel suites and kyle’s on his way from europe with harrison —

Jack: I barely slept last night thinking about the conversation I have to have with my son. When kyle finds out that diane is still alive, it’s gonna turn his world upside down.

Phyllis: Well, I’m glad you didn’t tell diane that he’s on his way. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to restrain herself.

Jack: Oh, which was made abundantly clear when i confronted her about showing up unannounced and unwelcome.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Jack: Not gonna answer me, huh?

Diane: Jack, I —

Jack: We had an agreement! You had no business being here until after I spoke with kyle.

Diane: Right, but — but I — I thought that maybe phyllis was right, that he wouldn’t want anything to do with me, that he would just turn right around and go back to milan and I wouldn’t have a chance to see him. So I — I just wanted to be close. I’m — I know that you can understand that.

Jack: It is still kyle’s prerogative to leave without seeing you.

Diane: And that’s what you’re hoping will happen, isn’t it?

Jack: Oh, you are damn right it is.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Tessa: I was surprised when you said you wanted to come home. I…thought you would want to be with sharon.

Mariah: Well, faith wanted to see moses before school, and my mom made it very clear that we couldn’t do anything for her. So I…I figured she would want some space after she came back from the morgue. Seemed like all those people around her, it was getting to her.

Tessa: Yeah, I was stunned when faith said she wanted to go to class.

Mariah: Maybe she thought being busier today was better.

Tessa: I hope that’s all there is to it.

Mariah: Should I call her?

Tessa: Couldn’t hurt.

Mariah: [ Exhales sharply ] Hey, uh, faith. I know you’re at school and you seem to be holding up alright, but, um, I just — I wanted to let you know, if — if you need to talk or text me or — or even if you want to come by. Tessa and I are always here for you. Okay, I love you. Bye.

Nick: So now that the kids are gone, I think you should hold off going to the morgue until you figure out what you want to do about rey’s funeral.

Sharon: I don’t know why i was so caught off guard by celeste’s request. She is his mother. It makes perfect sense that she would want him buried in miami. I guess I just wasn’t prepared for it, you know? I wasn’t prepared for any of this.

Nick: How could you be? It was…so sudden.

Sharon: So should I just agree to this…or should i fight to have my husband buried here in genoa city where he’s made a life here with me, with so many other people who loved and admired him?

Nick: Are you asking my opinion or just thinking out loud? ‘Cause I definitely don’t want to overstep.

Sharon: No, you wouldn’t be overstepping. I’d really like to hear your take on things.

Nick: Well, in that case, i think you should think about what rey would want.

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Diane: I wish you wouldn’t be so heartless. I explained myself to you. I told you how much it would mean to me to reconnect with our son. Is it really so impossible for you to believe that I could’ve become a better person? Someone worthy of being kyle’s mother?

Jack: Yes, quite frankly, it is almost impossible for me to believe. Whether it’s true or not, i can’t ignore what you did in the past. I can’t just take your word for it that you won’t break kyle’s heart again.

Diane: Jack, please —

Jack: I told you this is why I don’t want you in our lives! And I hope to god kyle agrees.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: So you put diane in her place. Good for you.

Jack: Yeah, fat lot of good it did. She’s still here and she’s determined to spend time with kyle.

Phyllis: Um…I have ways of keeping an eye on her. Just saying.

Jack: Well, hopefully diane will cooperate.

Phyllis: Well, she’s cooperating so far. She’s mainly in her room. She’s ordered room service about four times.

Jack: Okay, well, I thank you for any help you can give me. There are a lot of other people in this town who should know that diane is among the living — chief among them, nikki.

Phyllis: Yeah, since nikki thought she killed her.

Jack: Yeah, I was hoping to talk to her in private, soon, but given what happened last night, I’m sure she’s focused on victoria and ashland. I don’t want to add to her woes if the situation’s under control and diane continues to stay hidden.

Phyllis: Oh, she’ll continue, alright, if she knows what’s good for her.

Diane: [ Sighs ] This waiting is driving me nuts. I can’t — I can’t just sit here like this.

Tessa: [ Sighs ] Here you go.

Mariah: Thanks. You know, this used to be rey’s apartment before he moved in with my mom.

Tessa: That’s right.

Mariah: He loved my mom so much. And they should’ve had years and years together, and…that’s lost now. How did this happen?

Tessa: You’re right, it doesn’t make any sense.

[ Knock on door ]

Noah: It’s noah. Anyone home?

Tessa: Oh, yeah, come in.

Noah: Hey. You guys keeping it together?

Tessa: Trying.

Mariah: I imagine we’re doing about as good as you are. Just hating every minute of this.

Noah: Yeah. Yeah, it’s just…

[ Sighs ] I don’t know. I guess I really don’t have any words. Despite how horrible I feel, i know it’s nothing compared to what mom’s going through.

Mariah: How was she when you left?

Noah: Just trying to be strong. Not fall apart completely. I think she didn’t want to be vulnerable in front of us. I don’t know.

Tessa: Mm, that sounds like sharon.

Noah: I mean, that’s why i took off. I’m hoping that, you know, spending some time with dad will help. Maybe he can do something the rest of us can’T.

Sharon: Even though rey lived in wisconsin for years and made it his home, a part of him never left miami. When we would go visit there, he’d have the biggest smile on his face. He loved showing me his favorite spots. We had A…really great time just hanging out in celeste’s kitchen with his family, sitting around a table, laughing, playing cards. Nibbling on whatever celeste was cooking. You know, a couple of times, he asked me if I could ever make myself leave the snow and cold here, go live in sunny florida. He was joking, of course.

Nick: I mean, he wasn’t really joking, right? Especially not in february.

Sharon: I think a part of him never left miami. A lot more than he was ever willing to admit. And I know that he wished that he could spend more time with arturo and lola and celeste, and…now they’ll never see him again. I think rey would want to be buried near his family, where they could visit him and feel close to him.

Nick: Are you sure?

Sharon: I’m positive. Thanks, nick. Talking this out really helped.

Nick: Of course. Glad I could help.

Sharon: I’ll make the arrangements to have rey’s body transported to miami. Do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? Now you can sell your policy – even a term policy – for an immediate cash payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. If you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. Don’t cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it’s worth. Visit coventrydirect.Com to find out if your policy qualifies. Or call the number on your screen. Coventry direct, redefining insurance. For people who are a little intense about hydration.

Sharon: I should call celeste back and let her know the plan right away, so she can start getting things coordinated on her end. She’s gonna need to call a funeral home, priest for the services, and…a cemetery. But, you know, I’ll do as much as I can to help her out on my end.

Nick: Well, uh, you don’t have to do all this by yourself, you know.

Sharon: But, nick —

Nick: I’m just saying, let me and the rest of the family take some of this responsibility off your shoulders.

Sharon: It’s really okay. I — I want to do this. I need to do this for rey.

Nick: I understand.

Sharon: And then once everything’s taken care of, i can turn my attention to mariah and tessa’s wedding, because they are not going to delay their marriage because of this, not if I have anything to say about it.

[ Knock on door ]

Nick: Hey.

Abby: Hey.

Sharon: Hi.

Chance: Sharon, we’re — we’re really sorry.

Sharon: Thank you. Me too. He was your partner and he was your friend. I know how close the two of you were. You must be shattered.

Chance: This is a terrible loss for all of us, especially you and your family and all the people in this community that were inspired by him.

Abby: We just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing.

Sharon: Um, I’m hanging in.

Abby: Well, we don’t want to impose, so if you’d like, we can just drop this food off and, you know, come back and reach out another time. What would you prefer?

Mariah: I’m sure you’re just as lost as we are. Trying to figure out how to be there for mom.

Noah: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I can take care of things around the house, look after faith, make sure she’s doing okay. That’s all important, but… I don’t know, I want to do more.

Tessa: I don’t know, I would just spend time with sharon. Show her how much you love her. That’ll bring her comfort. Maybe in time she’ll be willing to lean on you more. Just by being her amazing kids. That already makes such a world of difference.

Noah: Yeah, maybe. I don’t know, it’s just I feel like nothing’s gonna be enough. Nothing’s gonna take away the agony of rey’s death. His life was cut so brutally short, and I can’t seem to wrap my head around that. I mean, he was just — he was a really good guy.

Mariah: Rey was the best.

Noah: He was great to mom, all of us.

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Noah: They were ridiculously happy together.

Tessa: I mean, that wasn’t by accident. They worked really hard. They went through a lot of stuff.

Mariah: Yeah, and they always came out the other side stronger for it.

Tessa: You know what always made an impression on me? There was this quiet, beautiful intimacy between the two of them. She always had coffee waiting for him whenever he had a break from work. And he always made an effort to plan these romantic nights — dinners, nights in.

Mariah: Yeah, that was really sweet.

Tessa: Fireworks are fabulous, but it’s nothing without a foundation. And what sharon and rey had…it felt like it could survive anything.

Noah: Adam’s interference, a battle with cancer.

Tessa: The way that rey took care of sharon when she was sick…took my breath away. He was so devoted to her, and she drew so much strength from him.

Mariah: That’s why I am so scared for her to lose him now, and I —

Tessa: What were you gonna say?

Mariah: No, I feel — I feel guilty and selfish for even thinking what I’m thinking. I mean, what’s wrong with me?

Jack: Kyle is gonna call me as soon as the jet lands. As much as I’m — whoa, whoa, whoa.

Phyllis: Oh. Oh, no.

Jack: Hey, where do you think you’re going?

Diane: I can’t stay cooped up in here. I am going crazy.

Phyllis: Well, you should’ve thought about that before you came into town.

Jack: Get back in the elevator now.

Diane: Who’s gonna recognize me? No one.

Phyllis: Oh, until you open your mouth, and then they’re gonna hear your voice and know it’s you.

Diane: I wasn’t planning on speaking to anyone, phyllis, just to walk around the park to stretch my legs. That is literally all I’m doing.

Phyllis: Are you kidding? She’s gonna screw everything up. You’re gonna screw everything up.

Jack: Yeah, and when one of your old enemies knows that you’re alive and in town before I have a chance to speak to kyle, this whole thing could blow up in your face. Are you willing to risk that just because you’re feeling a little antsy?

Diane: [ Scoffs ] Be ready for whatever life throws your way.

Phyllis: Diane, this is my hotel. Get out of the lobby — I’m serious. You don’t belong down here. If you want to relax, perhaps we’ll send a masseuse up to your room. That’d be great. Maybe a bottle of rosé. On the house, no arsenic.

Diane: Oh, that sounds lovely and not a threat at all.

Phyllis: No, let’s get up there. Come on, let’s go.

Jack: I’ll touch base later. Nikki. Hi.

Nikki: Hello.

Jack: I’m glad I saw you this morning. I’ve been thinking a lot about you.

Nikki: Before we get into that, what’s going on over there?

Jack: Where?

Nikki: Uh, phyllis leading some woman into the elevator in quite a hurry, too. Who was she?

Noah: Whatever you’re thinking, I’m sure it’s not nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be. And even if it were, who are we to judge?

Mariah: I feel sick about rey, and I’m so worried about mom. But underneath that, there’s this terror of what it would be like to go through that myself. To lose the person that…you love, who’s your whole life — I mean, how do you even move on from something like that?

Tessa: I wouldn’t feel guilty about having thoughts like that. After a tragedy like this, it brings up a lot of intense feelings and questions.

Mariah: Like, are people insane to love so fiercely when there’s so much to lose?

Noah: No. No, not at all. It’s hard enough to even find love. So when you do, you got to grab it and hold onto it for as long as you can. You can’t be scared of losing it. You just got to live it, come what may.

Tessa: Mariah…I am here, safe and well. And I would do anything to stay by your side, for better or for worse. You believe that, don’t you?

Mariah: I do. You know, it’s funny. The way you chose to reassure me, it sounded a lot like wedding vows.

Tessa: I thought the moment called for it.

Mariah: Well, we’re probably gonna have to wait a while for our wedding. I know mom said we couldn’t postpone, but I — I just can’t see how we should go through with it.

Tessa: I agree. We should wait.

Noah: Well, I don’t think we should just jump to any decisions. That wouldn’t be fair.

Mariah: Well, I mean, we wouldn’t be robbed of anything. A month ago, we didn’t even have a date.

Noah: I wasn’t thinking about you guys. I meant it wouldn’t be fair to mom.

Sharon: Why don’t you stay? I know how much you both cared about rey.

Nick: Yeah, sit down. Let me take this. I’ll put it away.

Abby: Sure, thanks.

Nick: While I’m doing that, let me get back to celeste, okay? You just visit with chance and abby. Like you said earlier, it would be better to get things underway sooner rather than later. Just let me do this for you, okay?

Sharon: Okay. I appreciate that.

Abby: Sharon, if there’s anything that you need, anything we can do…

Chance: Just say the word and we’re on it.

Sharon: Thank you. Things are pretty much under control right now.

Abby: Okay, well, if you change your mind…

Sharon: I appreciate that. Chance, you were the last person to hear rey’s voice.

Chance: Yeah, we — we spoke briefly on the phone as he was leaving the ranch.

Sharon: How did he sound?

Chance: Good. Like his usual self. Nothing stood out, if that’s what you’re asking. It was, uh — it was totally normal.

Sharon: When he was on his way out to go back to the house and pick up the tickets he’d left, I kissed him and said, “i love you.” It was very casual. It was no different than any of the other times we’d done that before, but…just I’m really glad we did that. I’m glad I told him. I had no idea that would be our last goodbye. Good checkup?

“The young and the restless”

will continue.

Sharon: Sorry about that.

Abby: Please don’t apologize.

Chance: Yeah, we want to hear whatever you feel like sharing.

Sharon: Well, I think I’ve shared enough for the moment ’cause if I get started, I’ll turn into a puddle on the floor, and I don’t want that to happen.

Abby: Understood.

Chance: You know, earlier, when you said you knew how much we cared about rey, you were so right. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner, a better friend. I was truly glad to be working with him again.

Sharon: I know he felt the same way about you.

Chance: And everyone at the force held him in such high regard. I mean, paul would say all the time how much he respected his instincts and what a good example he was for the younger officers and rookies.

Sharon: Yeah, he really liked mentoring. It was kind of — it was his thing.

Chance: I remember he used to say that it’s better to teach someone to do the right things from the beginning rather than make up for the mistakes along the way. You know, he wasn’t just a good investigator. We always knew you can count on rey, no matter what. You know, if things got hairy out in the field, you knew rey had your back. And that went way beyond work. When I was in a crisis, I was changing my mind 10 times a day about whether I was ready to go back to work or not, rey was kind and patient with me. He always gave me stellar advice. You know, he always supported me. Even when the conversations were tough, I…I knew rey would be straight with me. I’m gonna miss that very much. Rey was a good friend.

Abby: To both of us.

Chance: He’ll never be forgotten.

Phyllis: Go. Don’t you dare leave this room without alerting me first, please.

Diane: Okay. So are you going to call room service?

Phyllis: What are you talking about?

Diane: Well, you promised me a bottle of rosé, remember?

Phyllis: Get it yourself.

Diane: On the house.

Phyllis: No, we’re not doing that for you.

Diane: Phyllis —

Phyllis: And by the way, the masseuse, he’s not coming up. If you want a masseuse, you call for it on your own. Got it?

Diane: So in other words, you will lie to my face if it means keeping me locked up in here.

Phyllis: Yes! I will lie to your face until you understand the severity and the stakes of the situation.

Diane: I understand them perfectly.

Phyllis: Well, then act like you understand it, diane. Or more stringent measures will have to be taken.

Diane: [ Chuckles ] Like what?

Phyllis: Well, like possibly taking away your phone or…handcuffing you to that bed. Or locking you in the closet.

Diane: Hey, I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t you leave me the hell alone and stay out of this? Because you are constantly butting in where you don’t belong, and whether you like it or not, this is about jack and our son and me. Not you.

Phyllis: Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. This is very much about me. I’m not going anywhere.

Jack: How’s victoria doing?

Nikki: Physically, she’ll recover. But we’re all pretty shaken up about rey.

Jack: Just so tragic. He was a good man.

Nikki: From what i understand, nothing could’ve been done to save him. Victoria’s quite upset about it, even though it wasn’t her fault.

Jack: I’m sorry to hear that, but thank god she survived.

Nikki: Yes. Her injuries are minor. She’s gonna be okay.

Jack: What about ashland? How’s he doing?

Nikki: He’ll be fine.

Jack: Well, if there’s anything I can do to help, if —

Nikki: How about answering my earlier question? Why did you dance around the subject of that woman who got on the elevator with phyllis? Jack, I know you. I know when you’re being evasive, and if you keep it up, I’m gonna be more suspicious than I am now.

Jack: You’re bound to find this out eventually. I just don’t want you sandbagged. Are you sure you have the time and the emotional strength to handle this? I know you’re dealing with a lot at home.

Nikki: I’m quite well, thank you. And as far as my schedule, I was going to meet somebody here on newman business, but they canceled at the last minute.

Jack: There’s no easy way to say this.

Nikki: My god, jack, how bad can it be?

Jack: What I’m about to tell you is gonna blow your mind and then some.

Nikki: Okay, now you’re making me nervous. Whatever it is, will you please just tell me?

Jack: This is about diane jenkins and a dreadful night years ago when she was murdered in the park. Only she wasn’T. There was no murder — self-defense or otherwise. Because diane is not dead. She is alive and well and here in genoa city.

Why hide your skin

Noah: You have a date set — friday the 13th of may, last one of the year, right?

Tessa: Yeah, the next one isn’t until january.

Noah: Alright, then. You know, mom asked you to go along with the wedding as planned. I think you should honor her wishes.

Mariah: Noah, her husband just died. She’s in shock. I doubt she knows what she wants.

Noah: I’m sure she’s overwhelmed right now, and i agree, in the past, mom has not always realized what was best for her, but I can’t help but thinking that after everything she’s been through over the years, that she’s stronger now more than ever. So if she asks you to go along with the wedding, I think she means it. And who knows? Who knows? Maybe this will help her work through the pain of losing rey. This can be how you two help her cope. And I think the celebration needs to happen now more than ever.

Phyllis: Need I remind you that your son is also my son-in-law, so this is very much about me.

Diane: Hmm. Believe me, phyllis, I haven’t forgotten that kyle is married to summer. I just refuse to acknowledge that you and I are part of the same family tree.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, I find it equally abhorrent. Whatever you do to your son affects my daughter, you got it? You made it an agreement that you wouldn’t show up in genoa city until he had a chance to talk to kyle so kyle could process this.

Diane: And when exactly will that be?

Phyllis: I have no idea. Soon, I guess. Diane, if you want to parade around town and broadcast your resurrection, be my guest. I mean, I’m sure that kyle will appreciate your complete lack of discretion and your sensitivity.

Jack: I’m sorry, I know this is a giant bombshell I am dropping on you. I had hoped to sit with you and tell you all of this in private.

Nikki: I know you wouldn’t lie to me about this, jack, but it isn’t true. Diane jenkins is dead. Whoever that woman is is lying to you. It’s a trick.

Jack: Nikki, I’m telling you the truth. It is diane. I have seen her, I have spoken with her at length several times. So has phyllis. We both heard her sordid story. It is diane.

Nikki: Well, I don’t believe it. It simply cannot be.

Jack: Think back to that time. Diane had made an enemy of pretty much everyone she knew in genoa city with her lies and her schemes and her personal attacks. She felt the walls closing in, and she faked her own death to get out of this town and start her life in a new town.

Nikki: And how is that possible? Because there was a huge investigation into her death. I have spent all these years believing that I killed her in self-defense. So how did she manage to pull this off?

Jack: With a big assist from deacon sharpe.

Nikki: Deacon? That son of a bitch. And she has decided to rise from the dead now why?

Jack: She claims she is a changed woman. That she is reformed. And she wants another chance with kyle. She saw a giant opportunity, and she is still a master manipulator.

Nikki: Take me to her.

Jack: No, wait, nikki —

Nikki: Jack, I want to see this for myself. Does your plug-in fade too fast?

Mariah: I’m not sure you made your point, noah. Tell us how you really feel.

Noah: Alright, I might have gone a little overboard. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pressure you guys. Obviously, it’s your decision, and if you want to push the wedding ’cause, you know, you’re grieving for rey and it all feels like a little too much to deal with, then by all means, please postpone. All I’m saying is don’t push it back for mom’s sake when she stated very clearly that’s not what she wants you to do.

Mariah: You’re pretty smart.

Noah: Don’t sound so surprised.

[ Chuckles ]

Tessa: Okay, so the wedding is still happening on schedule.

Mariah: Yeah.

Noah: Great.

Mariah: You know, now that i think about it, maybe it is the perfect time, say our vows in front of all the people we love while we’re hurting and missing rey. You know, try to spread a little hope and joy.

Tessa: And promise to be there for each other, no matter what.

Sharon: Thanks, you guys, for everything, for the food and the kind words about rey. That — it really meant a lot to me.

Chance: Well, if you need anything, consider us on call.

Abby: Make sure she doesn’t forget that.

Nick: I will, I promise.

Abby: Take care.

Chance: Bye.

Sharon: Appreciate it, you guys.

Nick: So I talked to celeste.

Sharon: What did she say?

Nick: Well, she is very, very grateful that you’re honoring her request. So I went ahead and made the arrangements to have rey transported down to miami after the autopsy’s finished.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] The autopsy. Oh, that means that I don’t have that much time to go to the morgue and see him. Um…would you go with me right now?

Nick: Sure. You up for that? Earlier, you weren’T.

Sharon: I don’t know how i could ever be ready to walk into that place, but…I need to see him. I need to say goodbye.

Kyle: This is your grandpa jack’s house, remember? He’s gonna be so happy to see you.

[ Groans ] Dad, we’re here! The plane got in early.

Harrison: Grandpa?

Kyle: Dad? Anybody home? Huh. Well, your grandpa said he’d be here waiting for us all morning. Something must’ve come up. Wonder what it could be.

Diane: You have a real talent for blowing things out of proportion when it suits your purpose. All I wanted to do was take a walk, get some fresh air, in disguise. I do have a teeny bit of practice when it comes to remaining undetected.

Phyllis: Not in genoa city, you don’T.

Diane: Oh, fine, fine. Fine! Go ahead and paint me as reckless and egocentric. I know I’m never going to convince you I’m a different person. And you know what, phyllis? I don’t care, because the only people that matter to me here are jack and kyle.

Phyllis: All the more reason to stay inside.

[ Knock on door ] That’s probably jack.

Jack: Change of plans.

Nikki: Where is she?

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GH Transcript Monday, April 25, 2022

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Anita

Willow: Sonny. Hi.

Sonny: Is it alright if I come in?

Willow: Of — of course. [ Breathes sharply ] Um… Michael’s up at the main house.

[ Door closes ]

Willow: There was a little party today for Leo, to celebrate his adoption.

Sonny: It’s official? That’s great.

Willow: Seems really happy.

Sonny: Well, it’s — I think it’s best that Michael’s not here, ’cause I j– I wanted to talk to you in private.

Willow: About…?

Sonny: I just — I-I-I need to ask you a favor.

Chase: I’m sorry I’m late.

Brook Lynn: You should be. But these help.

[ Door closes ]

Brook Lynn: [ Clears throat ] You missed the party.

Chase: I figured. There was a, uh, situation.

Brook Lynn: I’m sure there was. Leo was really counting on you being here and was so bummed when you didn’t show.

Chase: Well, I tried to call, but my phone was smashed, and I don’T…have your number memorized.

Brook Lynn: Well, you should work on that.

Chase: I will.

Brook Lynn: Does your phone being smashed have anything to do with the situation you mentioned?

Chase: Yeah. Yeah. I was knocked out cold.

Brook Lynn: What? Oh, my god. Chase, are you okay? How badly were you hurt?

Chase: I’m okay.

Brook Lynn: Are you sure?

Chase: Yeah. I got a hard head.

Brook Lynn: [ Scoffs ] Don’t I know it.

Michael: Hey, Brook Lynn, do — do you have a minute? I need to talk to you about ELQ.

Finn: This can’t be a coincidence. Chase gets knocked out, and the footage that would show us what happened is mysteriously corrupted?

Jordan: I’d like to get my tech people on it. With your permission, Elizabeth, we can start by accessing the network remotely. If we hit a dead end, we can come in and retrieve the hardware.

Elizabeth: Yeah, whatever you think is best.

Finn: You know, this — this — this all but rules out the possibility of an accident, right? This has to be the intruder.

Elizabeth: Unless you believe in ghosts.

Curtis: Gate’s closed.

[ Air horn blows ]

Curtis: I guess you are too late to board. Looks like you’re gonna have to wait for the next one. That’ll give us an opportunity to talk.

[ Water splashing softly ]

Curtis: [ Sighs ]

Marshall: What’s that?

Curtis: It’s your arrest record. Your sealed arrest record.

[ Bag thuds on bench ]

Curtis: You know, man, I don’t get you. You made it seem like your arrest was some horrible, life-changing incident that justified you leaving your family. But now I know that wasn’t it at all.

Alexis: What would you like me to do? Do you want me to kill the story?

Harmony: Yes! It’s the least you can do! After everything I’ve done for you, you owe me that.

[ Knock on door ]

Diane: Is this a good time?

Alexis: [ Sighs ] I was just having an editorial debate with myself.

Diane: Oh, those are the best. About what?

Alexis: On whether to run Smoltz’s feature on Nina Reeves or kill it.

Diane: Why would you even think about doing that?

Harmony: [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] I’m gonna burn these, and that’ll be the end of it. Damn. No matches.

[ Knock on door ]

Carly: [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] Alexis?

[ Knock on door ]

Carly: Alexis? [ Sighs ] I know that’s Harmony’s car in the driveway.

[ Door opens ]

Carly: Hm. Harmony?

[ Door closes ]

Carly: I’m sorry to interrupt.

Harmony: Sure. Just give me one sec. I’m — I’m just burning some personal papers — tax documents, stuff like that.

Brook Lynn: Does this ELQ issue need to be ironed out right this second?

Michael: I’ll — I’ll — you know, I’ll keep it brief. You — you can stay if you want to, Chase. I know you already know enough about this company than you want to, anyway.

Chase: Truth.

Brook Lynn: [ Sighs ] Okay, then. Lay it on me.

Michael: Okay. So, Drew and I have been brainstorming, and we think it’s a good idea to merge ELQ and Aurora, thereby diluting Valentin’s shares.

Brook Lynn: I can see the benefit in that. Good thinking.

Michael: I’m worried that Ned is less than enthusiastic.

Brook Lynn: Okay, so now we’re getting to the real problem.

Michael: Yeah, I-I think he — he feels his position is being threatened, and I just — I just want you to know that everything is aboveboard.

Brook Lynn: You want me to know so I can talk my dad off a ledge in case he goes into “scheme mode”?

Michael: Yeah, I-I — it would be nice to avoid the usual, uh, family dysfunction if we can.

Brook Lynn: Okay. I’ll keep an eye on him.

Michael: Alright. Thank you. Was good seeing you, Chase.

Chase: You, too.

Brook Lynn: If only someone had one of those conversations with me before I decided to fake a pregnancy. [ Scoffs ]

Chase: I don’t know. I think that pregnancy wound up doing a lot of good.

Jordan: Thanks. Keep me posted. The team was able to access the cameras and network remotely.

Finn: That’s good news.

Jordan: Yeah. So they’re running diagnostics. If all goes well [Sighs] We’ll have some answers soon.

Elizabeth: Thank you.

Finn: That’s good, yeah. Hey, listen, how concerned should we be that these incidents are escalating — they’re getting more threatening?

Jordan: That’s often the case with stalkers, and there is a need to be concerned. Have you thought of anything else since you were last questioned? Uh, someone close to you that’s no longer in your life that maybe had access to your home at some point?

Elizabeth: No. N-no one. And certainly not with access to the house. I’ve had all the locks changed. And — and you said when you and Cameron got home, the alarm was armed, right?

Finn: And working, yeah, yeah.

Jordan: The ability to circumvent the alarm indicates meticulous planning, similar to when Franco’s studio was destroyed. [ Breathes deeply ] The studio itself was deserted, the floor on the building was empty, and no one was in danger.

Finn: The timing seems deliberate.

Jordan: If I were to lob a guess, I would say that the perpetrator doesn’t want to harm anyone, which is consistent with the other intrusions. While unsettling [Sighs] None of them were violent.

Finn: Until now.

Jordan: What is it about Chase? Why attack him?

Finn: I think the only explanation is that Chase was here to protect Elizabeth, and…the intruder wanted him out of the way.

Marshall: Did you get a court order to open my records?

Curtis: I used other methods.

Marshall: So — so you broke the law. Why would you do that? Why? You have — you have everything to lose, Curtis. You have a successful club, a new home, a wonderful woman with a terrific daughter. Your life is ideal. You have everything I would want my son to have. Why would you risk all of that to get your hands on a file you have no right to see?

Curtis: Because you left me no choice.

Diane: I certainly don’t want to tell you how to run your newspaper.

Alexis: Not to mention, you have a vested interest in the story being published.

Diane: Very true. Michael and Willow are my clients, and Smoltz’s story goes a long way to bolstering their argument that Nina should never be allowed visitation. That’s said — it’s a good story.

Alexis: I know it is.

Diane: How the loopholes in the legal system that allow a person like Nina, with an endless history of bad behavior, to even file a petition in the first place.

Alexis: I know. I-I read Smoltz’s notes. I’ve seen the rough draft. It could be an exceptional feature.

Diane: The why even consider killing it?

Alexis: Because Harmony begged me to.

Harmony: Identity theft’s an epidemic these days, and since I don’t have a paper shredder…

Carly: Doing it the old-fashioned way, huh?

Harmony: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, exactly.

Carly: Mm. That’s smart. You can never be too careful.

Harmony: Well… so…how can I help you?

Carly: Well, you can tell me what’s really going on between you and Nina Reeves.

Willow: If this has anything to do with Nina or her petition for visitation…

Sonny: No, it doesn’t. It’s about Michael. I know we have our — our differences, and it’s not the first time we’ve been estranged.

Willow: Michael told me about how he blamed you after AJ’s death, that he even went so far as to get temporary custody of Avery.

Sonny: Yeah, it was a brutal time, but we reconciled ’cause Carly, uh, built a bridge. But here we go again. Um, Michael’s angry, lashing out, and I don’t — I-I’m sure now Carly is not gonna build a bridge. She’s gonna… encourage the distance. So that leaves you, Willow. I’m — I just — I just want to know if you can talk to Michael. Let him know that I — that I love him, you know?

[ Door opens ]

Marshall: I could think of a lot of other choices — namely, respecting my privacy and leaving it alone.

Curtis: How?

Marshall: By focusing on the future instead of digging in the damn past.

Curtis: Marshall… I thought you were in the witness protection program.

Marshall: [ Scoffs ]

Curtis: I thought you had enemies that had a target on my back, that — that — that could make Portia and/or Trina and/or TJ collateral damage. But it was all a big lie, wasn’t it? Your ass wasn’t in no witness protection program.

Marshall: I never said that. You came up with that theory all on your own.

Curtis: Yeah, but you let me believe it. Why wouldn’t you just tell me what happened, huh? Because the truth — it don’t justify you ghosting your family.

Sonny: Good to see you, son.

Michael: What are you doing here?

Sonny: I just — I don’t like us to be at odds with each other.

Michael: At odds. That’s — that’s a polite way of putting it.

Sonny: You’re angry, and I get it. But I think we should move forward now, Michael.

Michael: Right, and you were, what, just chatting with Willow, waiting for me to come home?

Sonny: No, I wanted to talk to her directly, and I thought maybe she could, you know, work things out between us. And I-I — it’s not fair to put you in that position. I understand that.

Michael: Right. So — so since when did you start caring about what’s fair?

Sonny: I never said I was perfect. I’m just trying to do the best I can do as a father.

Michael: Right, okay, then don’t make your case to Willow. Make it to me.

Harmony: I’m not sure I understand. Nina and i are connected through Wiley.

Carly: I know, but I have a feeling there’s something more to it. When you came to ask for a job at the Metro Court, you said you “owed” Nina.

Harmony: I misspoke. [ Chuckles ]

Carly: Really? Because something’s obviously bothering you.

Harmony: [ Breathes sharply ] Uh, no offense, Carly, but I hardly know you.

Carly: I know when someone’s wasted, like you were last night, and you got really jumpy every time Nina’s name was mentioned, so I just want to know — is Nina blackmailing you?

Harmony: [ Laughing ] No. What? No. I’m sorry, why would you even think that?

Carly: Was it from back when you worked with Phyllis in Manhattan?

Harmony: I never worked with her.

Carly: You were in the same building. Phyllis took care of Nina when she was in a coma. Did you have contact with Nina, too?

Diane: Why would Harmony care if you — oh. Oh, she’s afraid that all of Smoltz’s background research is gonna reveal the truth that Willow is not her daughter.

Alexis: Not her biological daughter.

Diane: Not even her adopted daughter, legally speaking.

Alexis: [ Sighs ] She’s afraid she’s going to lose Willow.

Diane: So, of course, she’s adamant that the story doesn’t run.

Alexis: I told her that she was overreacting, and she just dug her heels in and said that, if I were her friend, I would kill the story after everything that she’s done for me.

Diane: I hope you didn’t agree.

Alexis: I didn’t answer. However, I did tell her we need to — to reevaluate our living situation.

Diane: Reevaluate nothing — kick her keister to the curb!

Chase: [ Sighs ] I miss her.

Brook Lynn: I do, too.

Chase: Actually, I — I miss all of it.

Brook Lynn: You miss pretending to be Bailey’s father to protect her from a complete psychopath?

Chase: Well, maybe not that part.

Brook Lynn: [ Laughs ]

Chase: It was fun, co-parenting with you.

Brook Lynn: [ Laughs ]

Chase: Our little routine in the kitchen…

Brook Lynn: [ Chuckles ] Yeah.

Chase: …And I made the first pot of coffee.

Brook Lynn: Oh, thank God for that coffee.

Chase: [ Chuckles ] Then we’d kick our feet up after bailey went down. Man, we had a nice little groove going.

Brook Lynn: We did, huh?

Chase: [ Breathes sharply ] Minus the time that you were mad at me and refused to talk to me.

Brook Lynn: Only because I overheard you dragging me to Dante.

Chase: Yeah, I still feel really bad about that.

Brook Lynn: Don’t. I know you were just trying to throw Dante off. I get it.

Chase: No, I hate that I hurt you.

Brook Lynn: [ Sighs ] Well, those things that you said… they did hurt… a lot, because… some of them are true.

Jordan: I just got the report. The cameras were jammed.

Elizabeth: Jammed? How?

Jordan: There are devices on the market that are used to corrupt images on surveillance cameras.

Finn: And that’s what happened in this case?

Jordan: I’m sorry. [ Sighs ] Someone did this to you deliberately.

Curtis: I got to admit, your little tales of witness protection and hiding out from gangsters… makes letting us believe you were dead all these years almost understandable, even defensible. So maybe that’s why you lie so much — ’cause it makes you feel better.

Marshall: You don’t know what you’re talking about, Curtis.

Curtis: No?

Marshall: No. You weren’t in my shoes. You weren’t facing what I was facing.

Curtis: You were arrested in a protest that got out of control. You weren’t tried. You weren’t sentenced to prison. Instead, the judge remanded you to a mental institution for evaluation and treatment.

Marshall: Well, look at you. All in the know. Are you happy now, Curtis?

Curtis: [ Sighs ] What do you think?

[ Exhales deeply ]

Brook Lynn: It’s no secret I’ve told my fair share of lies over the years. I would totally get it if you don’t trust me.

Chase: I do.

Brook Lynn: Really?

Chase: Well, maybe not to be 100% truthful all the time, but…

Brook Lynn: [ Laughs ] Impossible.

Chase: …I trust you to do the right thing. You are someone I can count on. You’re someone who – who gets me…like I get you.

Brook Lynn: You get me, huh?

Chase: I’d like to think so, yeah.

Brook Lynn: Then what am I hoping for in this exact moment?

Chase: I better not be wrong.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Leo: Chase, you weren’t there!

Brook Lynn: Leo!

Leo: Why not? Why did you miss my party?

Sonny: I apologize. I should have gone directly to Michael, and, uh, I shouldn’t — I shouldn’t have put you in the middle.

Willow: Do you want to talk to your father alone?

Michael: Well… look, it’s your call. I hate involving you in this, but, uh… since you’re already involved…

Willow: yeah, I’ll s– I’ll stay. Alright.

Michael: [ Sighs lightly ] Okay. I’m listening.

Sonny: I-I just hope that you – you hear what I’m saying, even if you don’t understand, uh… or agree with it. You’re my son. There’s too much love between us to throw it away.

Diane: [ Chuckling ] I’m sorry. That was a little blunt. Even for me.

Alexis: Relax. I’ve already decided that she needs to move out.

Diane: Excellent.

Alexis: Too many warning signs to ignore. [ Breathes deeply ] Still… she was a friend to me when I really needed someone to be, and I feel obligated to help.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Alexis: She’s desperate to stop this feature.

Diane: So you comply as — what — a parting gift?

Alexis: Why not? I help out Harmony, I pay off Smoltz, and the two of us go our separate ways.

Diane: I understand the impulse. I absolutely do. And, yes, you’re right when you say I have a vested interest in this story running. It would help me a lot. So stipulating to that, I’d like you to consider one other thing. What happened the last time you went against your instincts and you did something wrong to support someone?

Alexis: I lied for Neil and ruined everything.

Harmony: I was a caregiver for another patient in the building, and part of that entailed walking their dog. So we struck up, um — I don’t know how you’d describe it — like a superficial acquaintance with Madeline Reeves.

Carly: Nina’s mother.

Harmony: Yeah, yeah. Nina I was in a coma — I knew that, but that was the extent of it. It wasn’t until she contacted me to help her with Wiley that I even made that connection.

Carly: So you don’t feel like you owe Nina?

Harmony: No. No. [ Chuckles ] I mean, I do feel for her. You know, being deprived of your child. When a woman wants to be a mother, she reaches a point where she will do anything.

Carly: Last night, you said you wish Willow was yours.

Harmony: What?

Carly: Last night. How is Willow not yours?

Harmony: We’ve been estranged for years. That’s entirely my fault.

Carly: Yeah, but you repaired that relationship, right?

Harmony: [ Sighs ] Yeah, we’re — we’re working on it. But, you know, sometimes I still feel that separation, like she’s not, uh, fully mine. Where are my manners? [ Chuckles ] I haven’t even offered you a drink or — or some water. So, um… I’m just going to run upstairs and grab my phone, and I will be right back to take your order, okay? [ Chuckles ]

[ Paper rustling ]

Michael: You know, it’s classic that you say it like that.

Sonny: Like what?

Michael: Like you’re not fully responsible for trashing our relationship, that I’m — that I’m — that I’m somehow to blame.

Sonny: So this is all on me, you’re saying.

Michael: Yeah, dad. It’s all on you.

Sonny: We — we’re — we’re a lot alike in many ways, Michael.

Michael: No. No, we’re not.

Sonny: We both struggle with anger. Mine is hot — yours runs ice cold, but in the end, it’s the same result. We lash out, and we regret what we say.

Michael: No, you’re — you’re right about one thing — I am angry. I am, actually — I’m furious at the way that you treated mom. Did you know that she literally risked her life to hold your business together, and what — you — you pay her back by dropping her for Nina?

Sonny: That’s not what happened.

Michael: That’s exactly what happened!

Sonny: Okay, my business with your mom is my business. I tried to work it out with her over and over again. I did not want the divorce, Michael. She filed for divorce.

Sonny: Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Oh, my god. Do you — do you hear this?

Sonny: What?

Michael: [ Sighs ] Mom filed for divorce because she caught you in bed with Nina. What the hell did you expect her to do?!

Curtis: I get the stigma attached to mental illness. I know it was bad for you, especially back in the day. I imagine it was very hurtful for you, but, Marshall, there’s nothing in this file about a diagnosis. So if you were sick or if the — the judge sent you to a mental institution to avoid a trial —

Marshall: I’m not talking about this.

Curtis: Look, t-there’s no judgment here, okay? I-I’m trying to understand. Can you please help me with that? No matter, uh, uh, how difficult or torturous your ordeal was — and I’m sure it was plenty of both — but you had a wife and two sons, and you thought the best option was to walk away from us?

Finn: If you don’t want to stay with me, that’s — that’s fine. But it can be Laura’s, it can be the Quartermaine’s’, it can be the Metro Court, but it can’t be here, not after what happened to Chase.

Elizabeth: I know you’re right.

Finn: [ Scoffs ] Here comes the dreaded “but”.

Elizabeth: But my instinct is to say put.

Finn: Nope!

Elizabeth: This is my home. I don’t want to leave.

Finn: Mnh-mnh. Even if it means risking getting hurt or, God forbid, worse?

Elizabeth: I can’t explain it. I just have this feeling.

Finn: What feeling?

[ Door opens ]

Elizabeth: Aiden! What are you doing here?

Aiden: Cam told me what happened. How Chase got hit on the head. It’s Franco. It has to be.

Leo: This was my special day. I’m Leo Quartermaine now!

Chase: I know you are.

Leo: And you were supposed to be there, but you weren’t.

Brook Lynn: Leo, sweetie, Chase was planning to come, but he had to help some people who were in trouble.

Leo: Are those people your friends?

Chase: They are.

Leo: More your friend than I am? Do you like them better, and that’s why you didn’t come?

Alexis: It’s always a mistake for me not to follow my instincts.

Diane: Amen.

Alexis: And while killing this feature is not rising to the level of perjury… it does compromise my ethics.

Diane: The Invader is thriving, and so are you.

Alexis: Thank you.

Diane: You are active. You’re engaged. You are a powerful voice for progress and fairness in the community. You’re fighting the good fight, Alexis, just like you did as an attorney. So don’t sabotage your second act. Most importantly, don’t sabotage yourself.

Alexis: That’s quite a closing argument, Counselor.

Diane: I’m Diane Miller, and you are my best friend.

Alexis: Smoltz’s feature has to run. Now what do I do about Harmony?

Harmony: What are you doing?

[ Papers rustle ]

Carly: You’re not burning tax documents. These are notes from a therapy session with Dr. Neil Byrne.

Harmony: What?

Carly: [ Chuckling ] What? “Harmony suffers from intense guilt about the child”?

Harmony: Those are private. Give them to me.

Carly: “Harmony rationalizes keeping the child.”

Harmony: This is all lies. Neil Byrne was a drug addict. Give it to me.

Carly: No. This is what you meant about Willow not being yours. That’s what you’re doing here, right? You’re burning papers that prove that Willow isn’t your biological daughter.

Harmony: [ Grunts ]

Carly: Oh! What the hell are you doing?

[ Both grunting ]

Carly: Get off of me!

[ Both grunting ]

Diane: Harmony provided support when you needed it, yes. But that does not mean you are indebted to her for life, Alexis. There’s a lot you don’t know about Harmony. Clearly, she is a very troubled woman.

Alexis: Yes.

Diane: And that’s sad, okay? But it’s not your job to fix her.

Alexis: I know that. But troubled or not, I’m not gonna like myself very much if I don’t try and help her. She doesn’t even have a place to live.

Diane: Okay. Uh, how’s this? You pay for first month, last month, security deposit on a decent apartment. And until that lease is signed, you put her up at the Metro Court. That’s fair.

Alexis: More than fair. [ Breathes deeply ] Thank you for helping me to talk this through.

Diane: My pleasure.

Alexis: Now I’m gonna go home and I’m gonna have this conversation with my soon-to-be ex-roommate.

Diane: I can come along for moral support. I’ll just stand in the back and look pretty.

Alexis: I need to handle this by myself. However…

Diane: Uh-oh.

Alexis: …Could you talk to Lucy and see if maybe she could do a search, see if she can find Harmony a decent place to live?

Diane: Lucy Coe, the woman who just took her company public?

Alexis: The one and only.

Diane: I suppose as a favor to you, she’ll take the commission.

Alexis: She’d better.

Diane: Very well. I shall deal with Lucy Coe.

Alexis: You’re my good friend.

Diane: I’m your best friend.

Alexis: [ Chuckles ]

Diane: Don’t forget it.

Sonny: I think y-your mom could have, given a little more time, maybe we could have resolved something. But y-you’re — right now, you’re acting like a child. You’re an adult. You don’t have to take sides.

Michael: The sides are clear — you cheated.

Sonny: Okay, before you judge me, not too many years ago, I walked in on your mom in bed with Jax.

Michael: Right.

Sonny: Okay?

Michael: Okay, yeah.

Sonny: So what does that mean?

Michael: Just — just — no, yeah —

Sonny: Huh?

Michael: Just keep telling yourself that. Do — say whatever excuse you need to justify it. Aah. No one’s going to believe you…

Sonny: I’m not jus–

Michael: …maybe except — maybe except for Nina. You know what’s funny? Before all this stuff happened, if someone were — were to have asked me to sum you up in two words, I would say “honorable” and “loyal.” See, that’s — that’s what you used to be.

Sonny: Yeah, I still am, Michael.

Michael: Really? Then where’s your loyalty in — in putting Nina first?

Sonny: I’m —

Michael: Where’s your — where’s your honor in abandoning your family?

Sonny: I’m here. I’m not running. I’m not hiding. I’m trying to make this right. So you know what? All I’m asking you to do, as my son… is to meet me halfway.

Michael: Now, see, there you go again — refusing to take responsibility.

Sonny: I’m taking responsibility! I said —

Michael: Yeah, I don’t — I don’t want I don’t want to hear it anymore. I don’t want to hear it anymore. I just —

Sonny: Yeah, of course.

Michael: Honestly… I don’t want to see you anymore.

Sonny: [ Sighs ]

Michael: From this point on, I want nothing to do with you. I am done.

Chase: Hey, I love hanging out with you, Leo. And I really wish I could have been there to celebrate your adoption, but my other friends needed me, and I can’t be in two places at once.

Leo: No one can, except in comic books.

Chase: Right. So when that happens, when — when I can’t be there for you, someone else has to cover for me.

Brook Lynn: Like those whale pods you were telling me about, buddy, you remember? The whales sometimes have to babysit each other?

Leo: When one has to be away from the pod, the other whales help out.

Chase: Exactly. That is a perfect comparison to Brook Lynn and me.

Brook Lynn: Except the whale part.

Chase: Well, yeah, yeah. Except for that. Okay. Well… uh. But how — how was the party? Did you have fun?

Leo: Yeah. Until they wanted me to perform, and I couldn’t do it.

Chase: Ohh.

Brook Lynn: Olivia wanted Leo to recite this poem that he’s learning for his theater group performance.

Chase: Well, that’s — that’s cool.

Brook Lynn: Yeah, but Leo didn’t want to, which is totally fine, by the way.

Chase: Hmm. Too many people? It can be scary standing in front of a lot of people. I mean, I know that’s how I felt when I performed at the Nurses’ Ball. Hey, can I let you in on a little secret?

Leo: Mm-hmm.

Chase: If you pretend that you’re performing for just one person, it can feel like you’re just in your living room with a friend.

Leo: Like you and me listening to Brook Lynn’s songs?

Brook Lynn: Whoa, you guys listened to my demos?

Chase: [ Chuckles ]

Leo: Yeah. When Chase lived here — sometimes Chase sings them, too.

Brook Lynn: He does, does he?

Chase: O-okay. Uh. Do you remember when you shared your playlist with me?

Brook Lynn: Yeah.

Chase: You may have accidentally included some of your demos.

Brook Lynn: You didn’t think to mention that?

Chase: I thought you wanted me to have them.

Brook Lynn: I got to comb through that playlist.

Chase: I loved singing for you. Do you think you could, uh, say your poem for me?

Finn: I was talking to Chase. I hope you don’t mind. But he — he told me that you think that Franco is behind all the stuff that’s been happening.

Aiden: Ghost can move things.

Finn: Mm-hmm.

Aiden: Franco’s ghost must have moved whatever hit Chase. He’s been trying to reach us.

Finn: Why?

Aiden: Because he’s mad that we’ve gotten so close with you.

Finn: Franco loved you, right? He loved you and your brothers and — and your mom. Would he really want to scare you?

Aiden: Why don’t we ask Franco and find out?

Marshall: I did what I thought was best for my family!

Curtis: It is like we are going in circles! How was it best for you to leave us to grieve? How was it best for me growing up my whole life without my dad?

Marshall: How can you be certain that you all would have been better off had I stayed? Isn’t it possible that the exact opposite is true? That I gave you a gift by vanishing from your lives?! That the real act of selfishness, the — the real mistake was coming back?!

Brook Lynn: Do you want to try it now, bud? Recite it only for Chase?

Leo: Okay. Sit over there and stand over there where I can’t see you.

Brook Lynn: Copy that.

Chase: Okay, buddy, it is just you and me. I am a friend in the living room.

Leo: Spinning through space for eons, our earth — oceans, rivers, mountains, glaciers, tigers, parrots, redwoods — evolving wonders. And our vast array, generations of humans — all shapes, colors, languages. Can I be the only me? Our earth: So much beauty, hate, goodness, greed. “Study. Cool the climate,” advises my teacher. “Grow peace.” Can I be the only me, become all my unique complexity?

Elizabeth: I know you want to help, but I agree with Finn. I mean, Franco loved us. He would never, ever want to frighten us this way.

Finn: Yeah, I think maybe before we start blaming the ghost of Franco [Breathes deeply] we might want to make sure it’s not someone alive and well who’s doing this, you know, for whatever reason.

Aiden: Okay, I guess that makes sense.

Elizabeth: Why don’t you go to your room and grab some extra clothes? You’re gonna be staying with grandma Laura just for a little while longer. [ Sighs ] Thank you for handling that so well.

Finn: What’s there to handle?

Elizabeth: Where do I begin?

Finn: [ Chuckles ]

Elizabeth: [ Sighs ]

Finn: Yeah. Hey, listen. Aiden’s gonna figure this out eventually, you know? This has nothing to do with ghosts.

Elizabeth: Oh, God.

Curtis: When you first got here, I was the one that wanted you gone. And now you regret making contact. Although I’m — I’m grateful that you did. I’m not okay with any of this. The lies, the cover-ups, the questions that still need answers. But I would rather have my father with me, no matter how difficult, then go on believing that he was dead. So can we use this as a turning point? An opportunity to start fresh? No more secrets. What happened in the mental institution? Did you undergo treatment? What was the diagnosis?

Marshall: Why don’t you consult that precious file you’re holding? The one you broke the law to get, the one you violated my privacy to read. And if the answers ain’t there, then you’re just out of luck, ’cause you ain’t getting them from me.

Sonny: You need to be sure about this, ’cause, uh, some words can’t be taken back.

Michael: I don’t want to take them back, okay? You tore this family apart, and I’m not gonna excuse it or gloss it over. You know, I even — I even thought about changing my name back to Michael Quartermaine, but I thought, why should I do that? Why should I change my last name because of you? It’s best to redeem it. Make “Corinthos” stand for something good, so that when people think about it, they think of me, they think of — think of Wiley. And you and all your lies, your — your disloyalty, violence, crimes — eventually that will be forgotten, like you never even existed.

Sonny: I love you. You’re my son. I’m always gonna love you.

Michael: Yeah, so you keep saying.

Sonny: But I’m not gonna forget this. And if you want me to forgive… …you’re gonna have to beg.

Michael: Well, don’t hold your breath.

Sonny: I won’t.

[ Door slams shut ]

Sonny: Goodbye, son.

Alexis: Harmony, we need to talk. Harmony? Harmony, are you here?!

[ Line rings ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Alexis: Harmony, will you please call me? I am extremely worried.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Alexis: Diane.

Diane: Hey, honey, I’m just checking in. Did you make it home alright?

Alexis: Yeah, I’m home. My house is torn apart. Harmony’s car’s in the driveway, but there’s no sign of her. I think she’s having some sort of a breakdown.

Harmony: Up there on Rana Point… …it’s a good place to think, right? Wrong. It’s quiet. It’s away from everyone. It looks peaceful, but… looks can be deceiving.

Alexis: I think I know where she is.

[ Car running ]

[ Ominous music ]

On the next “General Hospital” —

Sasha (to Nina): Does that mean that he killed them?

Brando: If you ask me, that’s part of the problem.

Elizabeth (to Finn): I’m sorry. I can’t do that.

Lucy: Then we will have to agree to disagree.

Willow (to Michael): Are you really prepared to cut your father out of your life?

Sonny (to Dante): Do not judge until we’ve walked in somebody else’s shoes.

Harmony: I can’t stop now.

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Days Transcript Monday, April 25, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Beth: There’s something I need to tell you.

Lani: Okay. What is it?

Beth: You’re the one who shot that cop, aren’t you? I knew you were lying.

Tr: [Growls] Stop sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. You keep your mouth shut. You learn your lines and leave the rest to me.

Lani: Beth… are you okay?

Beth: Yeah, sure. It’s just… I found out something tonight you deserve to know.

Paulina: Just what do you want to prove to me?

Tr: That I’m not the man that I was back then. That I will never hurt you again. Tr: I’m asking you for another chance. Tr: I hope I haven’t been too forward. Is this okay?

Paulina: Yeah. It’s okay.

[Chains rattling]

Tripp: You got your mind off johnny and allie?

Chanel: Johnny and allie who?

Johnny: [Scoffs] I don’t believe this.

[Tripp and chanel chuckle]

[Chains rattling]

Johnny: [Grunting]

Allie: So how is your tea?

Ben: It’s good. It’s really good.

Allie: I figured you could use some relaxing too. I mean, a new life is a miracle and all that but having a baby on the way is super stressful.

Ben: Yeah. I’ve got to admit, I’ve been a little anxious recently and my dad bunking here with us isn’t helping.

Allie: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I figured you’d be kinda freaked, especially since, um…

Ben: What?

Allie: Well, before she got pregnant, ciara told me that you were worried about having kids. That you were afraid that clyde’s genes might be passed down and you’d end up with some… demon seed or something. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that.

Ben: No, it’s–it’s okay. And, um, that’s exactly how I was feeling back then. Yeah. I’m just grateful dr. Evans set me straight.

Allie: Yeah, me too. And obviously, I mean, you had nothing to worry about. Your baby is going to be absolutely perfect.

Ben: [Sighs]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Tr: You have no idea how I’ve longed to be with you like this, paulina. It’s as if no time has passed at all.

Paulina: But so much time has passed, and yet, somehow you–you make me feel like that young girl who was swept off her feet by a handsome young boy.

Tr: The twins are asleep?

Paulina: They are.

Tr: Chanel is out?

Paulina: She is.

Tr: Maybe I could sweep you off your feet again… tonight.

Tripp: Mmm. You taste like cherries.

Chanel: [Chuckles] Well, four cherry bombs will do that. Don’t you like cherry?

Tripp: No. I love it.

Chanel: [Laughs] Oh, you’re definitely wasted.

Tripp: Probably. You?

Chanel: Same.

Tripp: So I guess it’s the alcohol making you forget about those two twins, you know? What were their names again?

Chanel: I have no idea who you’re talking about.

[Both laughing]

[Chains rattling]

Johnny: [Scoffs]

Waiter: You two wanna get a room?

Chanel: [Laughs] Oh, but that is not such a bad idea.

Johnny: Damn it, chanel. It’s a terrible idea. Chanel, don’t!

Allie: So you and ciara must be so excited about having a little boy. I mean, you two, you’re gonna be the best parents ever.

Ben: [Sighs] I’m sorry. Um… just feel a little, like, sleepy… all of a sudden. [Clears throat]

Allie: I guess I’m boring you.

Ben: You are not boring me. Never. No. Maybe it’s just this, uh, relaxing tea of yours.

Allie: Well, I will get going and I’ll let you get a good night of sleep, but, um, before I go, I actually wanna show you some pictures of a few things I told ciara I’d bring over for the baby. Just, you know, some stuff henry outgrew. So, you know, that’s some– some blankies and some onesies. And this one is my fave.

Ben: What is that?

Allie: Baby’s first halloween. Isn’t it cute? Your little guy is going to be the handsomest devil on the block. When it comes to pain medicine, What do I deserve to know?

Beth: I don’t know quite how to–

Julie: Lani, darling. Oh, I–I didn’t know anyone else was here.

Lani: Uh, this is beth. Beth, this is eli’s grandmother, julie williams.

Beth: Nice to meet you.

Julie: You’re a friend of eli’s?

Beth: Not exactly.

Lani: She used to date my biological father.

Julie: Really? Well, what are you doing here?

Lani: She brought eli these beautiful flowers.

Julie: Even though you don’t know him?

Beth: Well, like I was telling lani, I’ve had her husband on my mind. I don’t know if you know, but I met with him at the police station right before he went to the park. I was probably the last person to see him before he got shot.

Julie: Yes, I–I was told that eli was… questioning you about tr. Checking up on his background to make sure he’s telling the truth about turning his life around. And you said yes. Indeed, that’s just what he’s done. Have I got that right?

Tr: What do you say, huh? I’ll put on some coltrane, make you a manhattan in a martini glass just the way you like.

Paulina: You remember?

Tr: Just like it was yesterday. You wait here. I’ll get that manhattan.

Paulina: Ray, wait.

Tr: What? What do you need?

Paulina: As much as I’d love for you to sweep me off my feet again, not tonight. Not yet.

Tr: I see. And that would be because of… abe carver… am I right?

Abe: Oh, kate. I didn’t know you were working here again.

Kate: I’m not working here. I’m just helping roman out behind the bar because I have a lot of free time on my hands.

Abe: Well, I don’t suppose that you would be interested in coming back to the mayor’s office?

Kate: Uh… I think you’re just fine without me.

Abe: Well, I’m not so sure about that. Look, I’ll have a g&T.

Kate: Okay.

Abe: No, make it a double.

Kate: That sounds serious.

Abe: It’s just one of those days.

Kate: Okay, well, I am not really an official bartender, but I do think that I have the ability to be a good listener if you wanna talk about it.

Tripp: Mmm, yeah. What do you say we get another round to celebrate our liberation? Huh? What do you say?

Johnny: Yeah, that’s it. That’s it. Just stay there. Don’t leave together.

Chanel: Uh, I say, yes. Yes, I will definitely do another round.

Tripp: Excellent, excellent. Hey, excuse me, sir. Another round, my friend.

Waiter: I think you two have had enough.

Chanel: Aww, you’re no fun.

Tripp: Yeah, no fun at all. In fact, do you even know the meaning of the word?

Waiter: I’ll call you a cab.

Chanel: Well, I guess that’s destiny, then. Your place or mine?

Johnny: [Sighs]

Ben: You dressed up henry like the devil for halloween?

Allie: I did. And it was adorable. Those little horns, to die for, honestly.

Ben: I don’t– I don’t remember you dressing him like–

Allie: Ben, are you okay?

Ben: I think there’s something in the tea.

Allie: Tea leaves. I lived in england, remember? They take their tea very seriously there and it rubbed off. Nothing like a good cuppa, right? Allie: Ben, are you all right? The lows of bipolar depression

Abe: [Chuckles] Love can be tricky, can’t it?

Kate: Mm-hmm. Ergo, the double gin and tonic.

Abe: Mm.

[Chuckles] You know, I– I had the kids last night and… when I returned them to paulina, I forgot jules’ pacifier and she can’t sleep without it. So I had to run it back over to paulina and, um… well… looks like we had settled into a new normal. Friendly co-grandparents, that’s all. But then–


Kate: [Chuckles] And then what?

Abe: She kissed me. And it rattled me. And I wish to hell it hadn’T. The truth is that–

Kate: Ah, the truth is you still have feelings for her?

Abe: I forgave paulina for what she did, but how can I ever trust her?

Kate: Well, I think maybe you could find a way.

Abe: How? I mean, I–I understand why she lied to cover up lani’s parentage, but that wasn’t the first time. And I know that if I got involved with her again, it wouldn’t be the last.

Tr: Don’t you let that man get you down on yourself, paulina. And you listen to me. Look at me. Abe carver does not appreciate you, not the way I do.

Paulina: I remember the way you used to appreciate me. In the beginning anyway, and it was the best feeling in the world. But along with that, you had to be the center of my universe.

Tr: I was a kid, paulina.

Paulina: And I was naive. It happened so fast with us. One day, we’re necking in the back of your car and the next, I’m in over my head.

Tr: I have apologized for that and will never stop.

Paulina: Well, and i forgive you for that, but it’s not so easy to forget.

Tr: You’re not letting me down gently, are you?

Paulina: Ray, I’m glad you’re sober and I’m glad you’re here. I just– I just wanna take things nice and slow. Can’t you understand that?

[Ominous music]

Tr: Of course. I understand. I love you, paulina, and I will be patient because you are worth it. And… whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting.

Tripp: Hmm, so your place or mine? Wait a minute, don’t you live with your mom?

Chanel: Don’t you live with your dad?

Tripp: Oh, okay. Obviously not the best idea. My–my place, I mean.

Chanel: Okay, so… we go to mine. Yeah, yeah, ’cause mama, she’ll be there, but she’s been running around after jules and carver all day, so she’s probably tired and she’s probably in bed already, and she– she won’t even know we’re there.

Tripp: I don’t know.

Chanel: Well, would you rather go home and be all by your lonesome and think about what’s her name?

Tripp: Definitely not.

Johnny: Chanel! I love you! Please don’t do this!

Tripp: So… shall we?

Chanel: Absolutely. Such a gentleman. I’m not used to that lately.

Johnny: No, chanel. Please don’t go.

Ben: The.. the tea leaves… look like a–

Allie: Reading tea leaves? That doesn’t seem like your thing, ben.

Ben: I must be seeing– I’m seeing things.

Allie: Could I top you off? Get you some more? Warm it up?

Ben: No. No–[Mug clatters] I’m–I’m–I’m done.

Allie: So… are you and ciara thinking about names?

Ben: We are. We have a–

Allie: I know you didn’t ask for my opinion, but I’ve always loved damian.

Ben: Damian?

Devil as allie: You don’t hear it so much anymore because of that damn movie.

Ben: Allie… something’s wrong.

Devil as allie: Oh, ben. Don’t you get it? I’m not allie.

Ben: Who are you?

[Sinister music]

We women are in the know about everything.

Lani: That’s right, julie. Beth told eli that tr never raised a hand to her and that he was clean and sober their entire relationship.

Beth: I did tell him that. Yes.

[Door opens]

Tr: Beth? What are you doing here?

Julie: She brought eli these lovely flowers. Wasn’t that thoughtful of her?

Tr: Very.

Beth: You know, I have already intruded on your family time for too long. Detective price, I wish you and your husband the best. And I hope he gets well soon.

Lani: Thank you. She…said she had something to tell me, but I– I guess it wasn’t that important.

Abe: You know, the lies paulina told, they weren’t just lies. They shook me to my core.

Kate: Understood. But I’m going to play devil’s advocate here just for a moment.

Abe: Hmm. Does he really need an advocate?

Kate: Mm, probably not.

[Chuckles] But paulina might.

Abe: I thought that paulina made your blood boil after that price town debacle.

Kate: [Laughs] Oh, please. Just about everyone has made my blood boil at one point or another. But, um, I’ve come to appreciate paulina after a conversation that I had with her a while back. In fact, it was the same day that you told her that you could forgive her, but you didn’t think you’d ever trust her again.

Abe: She confided in you?

Kate: She did. She told me everything. She told me her story. She… told me how she had suffered. She told me the reason that she gave up her daughter and the pain it cost her, the pain it still causes her. And I–I understood why she had lied to you. I understood why she had lied to everybody. And I was sorry that I had judged her without understanding all the facts, without knowing the facts. So I’m hoping that you will give her another chance. Because obviously, you have feelings for her and vice versa. And I remember a time that paulina made you a very happy man.

Paulina: [Sighs] I’m glad you came by. It means the world to me.

[Both chuckling softly] Mm!

Tr: I’m asking you for another chance.

Chanel: Shh! My mama might be here, and–

Paulina: Your mama might what?

Chanel: Mama! I–I thought you’d be in bed.

Paulina: You thought wrong. What’s going on here?

Chanel: Oh, you know tripp.

Paulina: Yes, I do.

Tripp: Nice to see you again, ms. Price.

Paulina: Oh, yeah? You sure about that?

Chanel: Okay, then goodnight.

Paulina: Goodnight?

Chanel: We’re just going to my room.

Paulina: The hell you are!

Devil as allie: Who do you think I am, ben?

[Sinister music]

Ben: You’re the devil.

Devil as allie: Took you long enough.

Ben: You–you drug– you drugged me?

Devil as allie: I did. I drugged you.

Ben: Why?

Devil as allie: Remember how satan was after your baby? Well, I still am.

[Cacophonous laughter]

Your mission:

Tr: How is eli?

Lani: The same.

Tr: [Sighs] I’m sorry, sweetheart. You just have to hang in there. You’re gonna get your miracle. I know it. Those are very pretty flowers that beth brought. What was that about her wanting to tell you something?

Lani: I don’t know. She just said that she found out something today that she thought I deserved to know.

Tr: And she didn’t say what it was? Huh, strange.

Lani: Yeah, well, like I said, it couldn’t be that important if she left without telling me.

Julie: Oh, she was distracted when you came in. I gather your relationship did not end well?

Tr: Why would you say that?

Abe: You know, when I went over to paulina’s, she was expecting ray. Now apparently, he had promised to help with the twins. He was a no-show.

Kate: Wow. I thought she was terrified of him.

Abe: She was. She was, when he first came to town. But ray is using this crisis with eli to ingratiate himself with her. You know she’s– she’s so vulnerable. And I think that he sees this opportunity to be there.

Kate: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Let me guess, let me guess. Did he swear that he’s “turned his life around?”

Abe: Swears he’s a “new man.”

Kate: Mm-hmm. So do you believe it?

Abe: It doesn’t matter what I believe. Paulina does. That’s what counts.

Paulina: Back it up, missy.

Chanel: Excuse me?

Paulina: You heard me. You two are not going into your bedroom.

Chanel: I–I own my own business. I make my own way and I can do whatever I want.

Tripp: Yeah.

Paulina: Not as long as you’re living under my roof. And certainly not when the both of you are four sheets to the wind. And I certainly– I won’t let you make the mistake of about trying to pay back johnny and allie when all you’ll end up doing is hurting yourselves even more in the process.

Chanel: But, mama, we–we just wanna have fun.

Paulina: Nothing good comes from the kind of fun that you’re talking about. Now maybe it’s not just for revenge. Okay, maybe it’s just looking for some comfort in someone’s arms, but it will be cold comfort come morning. Now, I’ve been there, you two. Now, trust me on that one.

Devil as allie: I have big plans for your little boy child, ben. Big plans. Unfortunately, I need you out of my way.

Ben: Ciara?

Devil as allie: Sound asleep. I didn’t poison her. At least, not yet. I mean, she is the vessel and there is no way in hell I’d do anything to hurt a hair on the head of that precious baby.

Ben: [Mumbling]

Devil as allie: I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

[Heavy thud]

Devil as allie: Looks like it’s curtains for you, ben weston. No matter who you are,

Julie: No offense, mr.–

Tr: Coates.

Julie: Mr. Coates. But it’s been my experience that when the relationship ends, it’s not because things are going swimmingly. And when you showed up, beth couldn’t get out of here fast enough.

Lani: Maybe she had someplace to be.

Julie: Oh, I’m sure she does.

Lani: Um, those– I’m guessing those are for me?

Tr: These long nights by eli’s side, I thought maybe you could use a little pick-me-up.

Lani: Thank you. Really sweet of you.

Julie: Pastries, flowers, unexpected visitors? Eli’s hospital room is turning into a regular grand central station tonight.

Tr: Because eli is loved by a lot of people. And don’t worry, I won’t stay. I have a meeting with a west coast backer.

Julie: Mr. Coates, please. Just one moment of your time before you go.

Tr: Of course. What’s on your mind?

Julie: Well, you’ve been spending a lot of time with lani and the twins.

Tr: Just doing my best to lend a hand.

Julie: Yes. I’m sure she appreciates it. But those are my great-grandbabies too.

Tr: Oh, I’m aware.

Julie: To be blunt, I know that you were a grave danger to paulina and lani in the past.

Tr: That was–

Julie: Yes, years ago. I know that. And I sincerely hope it’s all true and you’ve really turned into a new man. But if that is not quite the case, and you hurt anybody that I love, you’ll have me to deal with. Understand?

Tr: Yes, I do. Loud and clear, mrs. Williams. And I can assure you, you have nothing to worry about. You have a good evening.

Paulina: Chanel, I say this to you because I love you, baby. You just told me the other day that you wanted to take a break from relationships, that you needed to spend some time getting to know yourself. And as for you, didn’t you read my daughter the riot act a few days ago about her relationship with allie?

Tripp: I do feel bad about that.

Paulina: Oh, and this is the way you say you’re sorry? Ooh, you drunk as a skunk, dr. Johnson. Go home. Sleep it off.

[Sighs] I’m going to get you some water. And I’m gonna call you a cab.

Chanel: Awkward.

Tripp: To the nth degree.

Chanel: I–I hope you’re not upset, but I– I think mama’s right.

Tripp: She strikes me as a very, very sensible woman. Mm-hmm. And, like, between you and me, I don’t even know if I’m gonna remember this tomorrow, but… I’m glad we didn’t do anything like, screw anything up between us, you know? That way we can still be friends.

Chanel: Oh, yeah.

Tripp: I mean, we can still be friends, right?

Chanel: Yeah, I’d like that.

Devil as allie: So, how was the show?

Johnny: Chanel and tripp got wasted. They were all over each other at the bar and then they’d left together. But you probably already knew that.

Devil as allie: Want me to change the channel so you can watch them hop into bed?

Johnny: [Scoffs] Hell no, I don’t wanna see that!

Devil as allie: Suit yourself.

Johnny: Did you see ben? What did you do to him?

Devil as allie: I did exactly what I promised. I dealt with ben weston once and for all. Entresto is the number one heart failure brand

Johnny: You “dealt with him?” What does that even mean?

Devil as allie: Stop being such a scaredy cat. It’s good news. Especially for you. See, you’re not going to be alone anymore because you are getting a crypt mate.

Johnny: So you didn’t kill him?

Devil as allie: Johnny, how many living people do you know residing in crypts besides you? And I’m not sure how much longer you’ll be among the living either.

Chanel: Sorry, I’ve been such a mess tonight.

Tripp: Oh, no apologies. We were a mess together.

Chanel: You know, as– as much as I pretend to be all cool and confident and all, it really– it really hurts that– that johnny went halfway around the world to get away from me.

Tripp: Look, look if– if getting away from you was really the reason that he left, then it’s– that jerk is an idiot, all right? I mean that idiot, he’s a– little jerk, you know?

Chanel: Yeah, maybe both are true.

Tripp: Damn, right. I’m not just saying this to make you feel better too. I–I’m–I’m being totally and completely sincere.

Chanel: You sure?

Tripp: Mm-hmm.

Chanel: Even if you won’t remember any of this in the morning?

[Both giggle]

Paulina: Your car is here.

Tripp: Sorry again for being so, you know.

Paulina: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know, I know. Go home, sleep it off.

Chanel: I’ll walk you out.

Tripp: Oh, you will? That’s so nice of you. And thank–thank you again for your hospitality. You– really, you made me feel very welcome.

[Phone beeps]

Paulina: Tr. “Sweet dreams, paulina. I know I’ll be dreaming of you.”

Kate: Do you really think that paulina would take ray back?

Abe: I don’t know. But she seems to be giving him a chance.

Kate: Actually, that’s not surprising at all. That’s how abusive relationships work.

Abe: Well, I am well aware. But it is not easy to watch.

Kate: I know. If she does take that man back, I feel it won’t end well though. And she is going to need someone to be there to help her pick up the pieces.

Julie: Lani, darling, did I come on too strong with your dad?

Lani: You were direct and fierce. You know I love that about you. We all do.

Julie: [Scoffs] Well, I just wonder what– what beth wanted to tell you.

Lani: I’m sure if it was that big of a deal, she’ll reach out again.

Tr: Hey, bethy. It’s tr.

[Knocking on door] Beth, it’s me. I know it’s late, but I really need to talk to you.

Beth: What do you want?

Tr: What the hell do you think you were doing at the hospital with my daughter?

Beth: I didn’t say anything.

Tr: But you were going to, weren’t you?

[Sighs] I thought we had an agreement, beth. I thought I could trust you! But if I can’t, we’re gonna have to find some other way to make sure you keep our little secret.

Beth: It’s late.

Tr: Don’t you shut me out.

Beth: What are you gonna do?

Tr: What I should’ve done in the first place.

Beth: [Screams]

Johnny: Why are you chaining him up if he’s dead?

Devil as allie: You always were the stupider twin. He’s not dead. Not yet anyway.

[Chains rattling]

Ben: Ciara?

Devil as allie: Apparently, he only knows one word. Ben, ciara’s not here, but johnny is. And the two of you can keep each other company. I’m going to go keep your beautiful wife company and your baby too, of course.

[Sinister music]

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Days Short Recap Monday, April 25, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

T.R. told Paulina that he wanted to be back with her. She said it might not be a bad idea. Johnny had to watch Chanel and Tripp kissing each other. Allidevil drugged Ben’s tea. She talked to him about his baby. Beth told Lani that she had to tell her something. Lani wanted to know what she was going to tell her. Before Beth could tell her, Julie walked in the room. Lani introduced Julie to Beth. Julie wanted to know why Beth was there. Beth said she was the last person to see Eli before he got shot. T.R. wanted to set a romantic mood for Paulina. Paulina said she didn’t want to do anything with him tonight. He thought it was because of Abe. Johnny heard Tripp tell Chanel that they should get a room. Johnny didn’t want them to get a room. Allidevil asked Ben if he was alright. He said he thought there was something in the tea. Paulina told T.R. that she wasn’t ready to move on with him. He thought it was because of Abe. She said she wasn’t ready He said he would be patient. Tripp and Chanel decided to go to her place. Johnny screamed out to Chanel not to be with Johnny. Ben told Allidevil that the tea leaves looked strange. She offered to get him something else to drink, but he didn’t want anything. She asked if they were thinking of names. She told him she wasn’t Allie. He asked who he was.

T.R. showed up at the hospital while Beth was still there. Beth left Eli’s room. Lani told T.R. that Beth said she had something to tell him, but she never said anything. Abe went the pub and talked to Kate. She gave him advice on what to do about Paulina. Allidevil asked Ben who he thought she was. He said he was the devil. She said it took him long enough. He wanted to know what she wanted. She asked him if he remembered how the devil wanted his baby. She said she still wanted the baby. Kate continued to give Abe advice about Paulina. Chanel and Tripp went to her place. Paulina said they weren’t going to do anything in her house. Allidevil told Ben she wanted his baby and needed him out of the way. She said she wouldn’t hurt the baby. Tripp told Chanel that he was glad they didn’t do anything to ruin their friendship. Allidevil went to see Johnny. She asked if he was enjoying the show. He said he wasn’t. He said Chanel and Tripp got wasted and left together. Allidevil wanted him to see them in bed together. He asked if she went to see Ben. She said she did.

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Days Short Recap Friday, April 22, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Lani held Eli’s hand and begged for him to come back to her. Tripp arrived in the room. He told her that his condition was the same. She thanked him for what he did considering what happened with Chanel and Allie. He felt bad for the way he treated Chanel. He knew it wasn’t her fault. He told her not to give up hope that Eli would wake up.

Beth went to see TR after she found out Johnny left town. He was passed out because he was high. He woke up and hid his drugs. She walked in and realized he was high. She asked him about the movie. He told her not to worry because he could finance the movie by getting the money from Paulina. She didn’t think Paulina would allow him to use her money to make a movie. He said if it was a problem, he could make it go away like he did Lani’s husband. She realized he was the one who shot Lani’s husband. He told her to keep her mouth shut. He was going to take care of everything. Johnny was weak, but he called out for help. Chanel walked in the room and he asked her to get him out of the chains. She turned into Allidevil. She put a gag on his mouth and called Chanel. She used his voice to taunt Chanel about the divorce and Allie dumping her. She couldn’t believe she ever loved him. She hung up on him. Allidevil reminded Johnny that the last time she broke Chanel’s heart she slept with Allie. She wondered who she would sleep with next.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, April 21, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Trask went to the interrogation room to tell Ava that her deal was formalized. She told her that she had full immunity. Ava knew she was happy that she was getting what she wanted by arresting Gwen. Gabi and Rafe had a drink at The Bistro. Gabi thought he should be gloating about Ava getting arrested. Rafe didn’t want to rub it in. He did agree to toast that Ava was going to Statesville for a long time. Ava walked by them and told them she might not be going. She gloated when she told them she got immunity. She wanted him to tell Nicole that she said hello. She was willing to give Jake a message from Gabi. Ava walked away. Gabi and Rafe went to the station to see Trask. Trask said Ava was a witness in a more high-profile case. She didn’t want Rafe to take it personally. She thought he should arrest Gwen immediately. She wanted him to make the arrest as public as possible. Rafe walked away, but Gabi stayed behind. She warned her that she was going to talk to Abe about what she did. Abby told everyone at the town square that she got the goods on Gwen. She said she overplayed her hand and the game was done. Xander felt that Abby could say what she had to say in private. She had no intention of saying it privately when Gwen publicly destroyed her family. Jennifer stopped Jack from getting involved. Abby told everyone that the pilot wasn’t the one who knocked her out at the airstrip. She asked Gwen if she wanted to answer who did or did she want her to do it.

Xander thought Abby was enjoying this too much. Abby admitted that she did enjoy it. She told everyone that Ava said Gwen hit her on the head. Gwen tried to discredit Ava. Abby said what Gwen did to her was nothing compared to what she did to Sarah. Gwen begged Xander not to listen to Abby. Abby said that Gwen knew that Kristen was keeping Sarah locked away at the island. Abby showed everyone a copy of Ava’s statement. She said Gwen knew Sarah was on the island in November. Xander begged Gwen to tell him that it wasn’t true. She said she couldn’t do that. Abby said that Gwen impersonated Sarah when everybody thought she was back in town and treated him badly. Xander wanted to know how Gwen could do that. Gwen told him that she was afraid she would lose him. She thought Sarah was being taken care of. Abby let her know that Kristen drugged Sarah. Gwen thought that would make it better for her. Xander yelled at Gwen to stop talking so Abby could finish what she had to say. Abby told Xander that the antidote Anna injected in Sarah wasn’t what Rolf created. Gwen switched it out for another drug. Jack wanted to know if what Abby said was true. She told him that he was gone. He never wanted her to call him “dad” again. He told her that he was finished with her. Gwen cried as he walked away from her. She asked Xander if he was finished with her too. He told her that she may as well have shot Sarah after what she did. He said she’s the worst person he’s ever met. He walked away from her. Gwen yelled at Abby for what she did.  Jennifer gave her a piece of her mind. Rafe showed up to arrest Gwen. Abby wanted to make sure Jack was okay with what she did. He told her that she did what she had to do. She didn’t want to be right, but Gwen had to be stopped. Rafe led her away, but she stopped by Abby. She told her that she killed Laura on purpose. Jennifer wanted to know what Gwen said to her.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, April 22, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: Beautiful morning. It’s like the universe is trying to make us feel better.

Noah: What’d you say, dad?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Nothing. Did you call Mariah?

Noah: Yeah, yeah, her and Tessa are coming over. God, man, it was — it was just awful having to tell the that Rey died.

Nick: Look, it’s gonna be a difficult next couple days. There’s a lot of things we’re gonna have to do to help your mom, you know, to help her get through this.


Mariah: Mom, wait. There’s just something I have to tell you. And it’s what you would have — and you have — told me in the past. Please let your emotions out. We’re strong enough to handle your grief and we want
to help you through it.

Faith: Yeah. You said we’re all in this together. Let us be here for you.

Noah: You’re always worried about everyone else.

Mariah: But you just lost your husband.

Tessa: You can be yourself with us. We’re not afraid of your tears.

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Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 21, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: No, just — just tell me again. Just tell me one more time, because I — I don’t think I’m hearing things right.

Ashland: I didn’t want to believe it either, but it’s true.

Victoria: I was talking with my mother on the phone, and then, uh… you have to be wrong. I mean, he can’t be — you don’t even know Rey.

Ashland: I’ve seen him around town. I recognized him.

Victoria: I know Rey. I know rey really well. I know how hard he works and i know — I know how much he loves his wife, and I know that he took time off of his job so that he could help her when she got sick because he adores her. And she told me that he’s the one that saved her life, so, no. No, no. No, I — you can’t sit there and tell me that it’s Rey.

Ashland: Victoria, I’m positive. I’m sorry.


Connor: Okay. What was your favorite hockey game?

Chance: Ooh. My favorite favorite? Okay, wow. Walnut Grove Warriors versus the Rock Creek Rowdies.

Connor: Seriously?

Chance: Seriously. I mean, those Rowdies got more grit than any team I’ve ever seen. I mean, those kids lived, breathed, and they ate ice. All year long, they actually eat ice. They got no teeth. They’re all gum.


Nick: Um…sharon, I —

Sharon: I just took a tray of brownies out of the oven. That’s why it smells so amazing in here. They’re Rey’s favorites. I also whipped up a batch of cinnamon buns. He’s just gonna flip when he sees those. He always sneaks a few home to Faith. Must be working on something really important. Just never ends, you know? I don’t know which one he likes the most — the brownies or the buns or…or me. You know what’s amazing? He could be dead asleep, and i would some of those babies in the oven and like that, he would be awake. Must be growing up with Lola’s cooking, you know? He has a cast-iron stomach now.

Nick: There’s something i need to tell you.

Sharon: I know. I know.

[ Cries ] Just give me a minute, please. Just a minute before everything falls apart. Because if you tell me what i think you’re about to tell me?

Nick: Uh…Rey was involved in the accident.

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