Y&R Best Lines Friday, April 22, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: Beautiful morning. It’s like the universe is trying to make us feel better.

Noah: What’d you say, dad?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Nothing. Did you call Mariah?

Noah: Yeah, yeah, her and Tessa are coming over. God, man, it was — it was just awful having to tell the that Rey died.

Nick: Look, it’s gonna be a difficult next couple days. There’s a lot of things we’re gonna have to do to help your mom, you know, to help her get through this.


Mariah: Mom, wait. There’s just something I have to tell you. And it’s what you would have — and you have — told me in the past. Please let your emotions out. We’re strong enough to handle your grief and we want
to help you through it.

Faith: Yeah. You said we’re all in this together. Let us be here for you.

Noah: You’re always worried about everyone else.

Mariah: But you just lost your husband.

Tessa: You can be yourself with us. We’re not afraid of your tears.

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