Days Opinions For The Week Of December 18, 2023

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Sloan from Days

Eric and Sloan’s baby was kidnapped
Sloan left Jude unattended to look for her wallet at Sweet Bits. We could focus on that stupidity alone. What type of parent would leave a child unattended to look for anything? She could have taken the baby inside with her to look for the wallet. We’re pretty sure Sweet Bits allows children inside. She took him inside to pay for her things. For some reason, she was careless with her money and left the wallet on the counter. It’s time to stop for a second. There’s no way she would be stupid enough not to put her wallet back in her pocketbook. What distracted her that much that she would do that? She doesn’t need to go out if she gets distracted like that. Sloan decided it was a good idea to leave Jude outside and go in to look for her wallet. Needless to say, that was the wrong choice to make. Speaking of her decision to leave her son alone, why would she go to Sweet Bits? She hates Chanel so why would she want to give her any business? She could have taken Jude somewhere else to get some air.

It’s time to get back to the point of this rant. Sloan left Jude alone and he got kidnapped. She panicked when she saw that he was missing. Sloan left her baby alone and he disappeared. What a shock! The police got involved with the kidnapping. Eric reminded Rafe that Nicole kidnapped Sami’s baby, so he went to see EJ. EJ vehemently denied Nicole’s involvement in the kidnapping. Monday’s episode ended with a cliffhanger when EJ caught Nicole with the baby. Nicole was the kidnapper. We liked how the writers didn’t drag out the identity of the kidnapper. They allowed us to find out in the same episode the kidnapping happened. We had to tune in to find out why Nicole took the baby. Her justification brings us to the next part of our rant.

The aftermath of the kidnapping
As we mentioned earlier, Sloan left the baby alone when Nicole kidnapped him. We brought it up again for a reason. Nicole used that as her reason for taking the baby. She told EJ that she took Jude because Sloan left the baby alone. Nicole felt like Sloan didn’t deserve to be a mother for that mistake. We’re sure Nicole’s fans felt like she was justified doing that to Sloan. The situation leaves us torn. We know that Sloan is wrong for what she did to Nicole and Eric. She took her baby and let Nicole think her son was dead. With that said, Nicole didn’t have the right to kidnap the baby. She thought she had the right because she lost her baby. We know that Jude is her son, but she doesn’t know that. As far as the law is concerned, she committed a crime. Nicole isn’t innocent because she has a bigger fanbase than Sloan. We were shocked when EJ was the voice of reason in the storyline. He told Nicole to give the baby back to Sloan and Eric. When EJ wants to do the right thing, that speaks volumes. Nicole agreed with him and gave the baby back.

EJ and Nicole turned the baby in, and Sloan wanted to throw the book at her. We saw the irony flag waving too. She had a lot of nerve to get mad at Nicole for taking her own baby. Sloan has to keep up false pretenses, so she has to be the upset mother. She did what any mother would do. Sloan wanted justice for the kidnapping. Eric expected her to show Nicole mercy for what she did. We couldn’t believe what we were hearing. He thought Sloan should show her mercy for what she did. If the shoe were on the other foot, Nicole would not do the same. Once she finds out the truth, she won’t forgive Sloan for taking her baby. Eric wanted too much leniency for Nicole because he felt sorry for her. We think he did it because he loves her. It’s not likely he would have sympathy for the kidnapper if EJ took the baby. He would expect Rafe to throw the book at him. Eric expects Sloan to take a lot where Nicole is concerned. He believed she just needed to talk to someone, and her problems would be over. Eric made the wrong call. Nicole should get some time in jail for what she did. We know the truth, but they insist on keeping them in the dark about it. He shouldn’t want Nicole to get a slap on the wrist for what she did since he wouldn’t let anyone get away with it.

Stephanie’s attitude with Chad
Chad listened to Paulina’s advice and decided to apologize to Stephanie for what happened. He poured his heart out to her about his concerns with Everett. The conversation didn’t go the way she thought. Chad broke up with her. Stephanie became vicious when he ended their relationship. Stephanie packed her stuff and moved out of their apartment. How did she think their relationship would work when she didn’t live there anymore? She drew the line in the sand when she moved out of the apartment. Stephanie got upset with him for leaving. We believe she wanted to be the one to dump him. Her ego couldn’t handle getting dumped. Chad and Stephanie are not a good couple and needed to break up. She wants Everett and it’s a matter of time before she gets together with him. Stephanie needs every eligible man in town.

The Horton tree trimming dinner
Long time fans know that Days has a tradition of showing the Hortons gather for Christmas. They gather at Tom and Alice’s house for the tree trimming dinner. They put their personalized ornaments on the tree. The traditional moment resonates with fans. It’s part of their tradition. We praise the writers for including the tradition, but something felt off about it. Most of the family weren’t there for the ceremony. You could count the amount of Hortons at the ceremony. There were people at the dinner who didn’t belong there. Xander, Stephanie, and Everett aren’t part of the family and shouldn’t have been there. The writers could have recasted the characters, so there could be more family members at the dinner. It didn’t feel the same watching the ceremony without the family. The writers missed the beat of talking about Bo and Hope. Hope was usually at the ceremony and her absence was felt. Belle didn’t leave town with Shawn so she could have attended the ceremony. The dinner gets smaller each year. We hope to see more Hortons at the next ceremony. The writers did give us a few flashbacks, so it helped ease the void. Thankfully we got a chance to see some of the family in flashbacks.


Hortons tree trimming

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


Harris, hey.

Chad. I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Merry Christmas.

Yeah, no, you too.


You meeting someone?

No, I was actually about to request a table for one.

Well, why don’t you join me then?

Yeah, sure. Yeah, why not? So I mean, what are you doing here alone on Christmas?

Uh, you know, just needed to get away for a few. You know, think about all the stupid mistakes I’ve made this year, all the people I’ve disappointed. You know, just cheerful stuff like that.

I get it. Hopefully you’re not beating yourself up too bad.

Ugh. No, you know, this–this helps.

Yeah, yeah, for now. What about your kids?

They’re at Doug and Julie’s, who adore and dote on them. You know? Thank God. What–what brings you here?

[inhales deeply] Um… I have nowhere else to be, actually. I was planning on spending the holidays with Ava. But the universe had other plans.

[soft rock playing]

[wind whistling]

[door opens]


You should have brought a thicker coat.

[sighs] Yeah, I mean, what the hell? How long is this supposed to take, huh?

[wind whistling] You could have brought me a cup of coffee too. I’m starting to get hypothermia out here.

You should have brought your own coffee too. Ava, you know how this works. We get word that we’re getting a shipment, we need to be here to receive it.

Yeah, I know how it works. And I’m sorry to be whining. It’s just that I didn’t expect to be spending my Christmas like this.

Huh. And I didn’t expect to be spending my Christmas, or most of it anyway, in the prison infirmary.

[tense solemn music]

Yeah. How, uh…how was that? How’s Gabi doing?

Never seen her so scared.

Oh, Justin, Merry Christmas. Oh!

Merry Christmas, Maggie. Merry Christmas, Sarah.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.



Thank you.

You’re welcome.

I’m delighted to be here.

Yes, yes, we’re delighted to have you.

We’re just sad that Bonnie wasn’t joining you.


Yeah, she was disappointed that she couldn’t be here. She had to fly out to Chicago this morning to see Mimi and Emily. And of course, she sends her love. And speaking of beautiful babies, where is your little one?

Right here.



The proud papa.

Oh, my goodness! Oh, I missed you so much. Did you have fun at daddy’s house?

Yeah, she missed you too. But we had quite a night, didn’t we, sweetheart?


We read “The Night Before Christmas” and we laid out cookies and milk for Santa, which were all gone by the morning, regrettably.

[Sarah laughs]

Xander, it looks like you have certainly taken to fatherhood.

More than I ever could have imagined.

[Maggie gasps]

[soft dramatic music]



Justin. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Theresa, Merry Christmas.

Yeah, Merry Christmas, Justin.

Welcome, Alex. Welcome, Theresa.

Thank you. And Merry Christmas, Maggie.

And the same to you. Alex, I’m so glad you came. * *

Yeah, well, I wasn’t going to, as you know, but out of respect for Victor, my father, I decided it was the right thing to do.

And I’m so glad you did, especially since… this is the first Christmas since Victor died. I know he would want all of his family together, so that’s the reason, the very important reason that I wanted you here. To make peace.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[wind whistling]

So yeah, Gabi’s in pain. I mean, hell, it’s not like I can expect the prison infirmary to be like University Hospital. I’ll tell you, that place is devoid of care and service. And I swear…

[sighs] I met the real-life Nurse Ratched today. She was actually yelling at patients to suck it up and shut up. Real peach, that one.

Yeah, well, I guess working in a prison infirmary on Christmas could do that to a person.

Guess it could.

[Stefan sighs]

So, uh… does Gabi know that what happened to her was because of us?

Yeah, she’s fully in the loop now, watching her back as best as she can.

[tense music] You know, it’s bad enough that she’s in there for a crime she didn’t commit. I don’t even want to think about what could happen if I don’t get her the hell out of there soon.

Yeah. And if we don’t keep Clyde happy until you do.


Yeah, well, I wish I could say this was my, uh, my first and only Christmas breakup. But a few years back, I was dating this girl. And I thought I was going well. Like really well, until she left me a breakup letter as a stocking stuffer.

[Chad chuckles] Merry Christmas. I haven’t seen or heard from her since.

Oh, that’s brutal.

Mm. Didn’t even tell me what I did wrong.

Breakups are rough anytime, but holidays, damn. I’ve–unfortunately for me– I don’t know–maybe– maybe fortunately, ’cause I would like to think that I have learned from my mistakes, I can pinpoint exactly why I deserve to be broken up with. I mean, unforgivable mistake.

Yeah, I made a mistake too. It was, um– it was with a good woman, you know? She was drinking a lot. I was–I was drinking. And I mean, nothing happened. We kissed, but, you know, Ava can’t forgive it.

It’s too bad.

Yeah. Yeah. So any chance you and Stephanie can work things out?

Unless there’s a Christmas miracle, no, I don’t– I don’t think so.


Everett. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you.

[soft rock playing]

Uh… Harris, this is is Everett Lynch, the– the guy who replaced me in Stephanie’s life.

[chuckles] That’s not exactly true. Stephanie and I are just friends. She made it very clear she’s taking a break from men and relationships.

Well, pull up a chair then.

Um… I just want to say to all of you, thank you. I’m so happy that you’re all here in my and Victor’s home for this Christmas Day.

[Maggie sighs] I know there’s been a lot of strain and stresses since Victor’s death. But we’re all family, not all by blood, but family nonetheless. And I hope we can put all our differences aside and agree to work through those differences as we go into the new year.

[baby cries]

Oh, it’s all right, sweetness.


Do you want me to take her from you for a little while, Sarah? Give you a break?

Oh, that’s very sweet, but no. I think she just needs her mommy.


Yeah, we’re really hesitant to let her go right now, and especially to let anybody else hold her, you know, since the– the kidnapping.


Uh-huh. Yeah, I totally understand.

[Sarah chuckles]


Oh, look, Brady’s here. Excuse me. Oh, sorry. Hey, Brady. Merry Christmas.

Same to you.

Mm-hmm. I spoke to Tate earlier. It sounds like you guys had a really fun Christmas morning.

It was good. It was good. Although, I missed– I missed my daughter.

Yeah. I know. I’m so sorry. I was so sad to hear that Kristen wouldn’t even let you see Rachel. I mean, that is just cruel.

Yeah, that’s the word for it.

I mean, I can’t even imagine if you deprived me of seeing my son or I deprived you of seeing your son on Christmas. Just–I mean, I know that we’ve– we’ve been through a lot together. But I’m just– I’m so grateful it never came to that.

Me too.

Alex, this is for you.

[chuckles] What’s this?

It’s a Christmas gift. What else? Something I think you’d like to have.


[tender dramatic music]

Maggie. This is Victor’s watch.

Yes, the one his father passed down to him. And he cherished it. I know he would like you to have it.

Maggie, thank you.

[watch clasp clicks] Thank you so much. This–this really means a lot to me. Thank you.


Aw, this has been such a joy. We miss you so much.

Yes, we do. OK, have a wonderful Christmas, Will, Sonny, and Arianna. So happy that we could do this remotely. But next year, I hope we can all get together in person. In fact, I’m going to insist on it.


Me too. And we love you very much.

Merry Christmas.

Bye, guys. all: Bye.

Aw, isn’t this great? Family can be so far away, and we can still have these video calls.

It really is.

And speaking of family, I got a beautiful flower arrangement from Philip. He called this morning. Hope called.

Oh, is there any change with Bo?

Apparently not. He doesn’t even know his father’s gone.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

[soft dramatic music]

Konstantin, come in. Come in.

Hope I’m not interrupting. I came to give you a gift, Maggie, and to say goodbye.


Yes. I have a flight out of Salem tonight.

So, Everett.


How do you– how do you know Stephanie?

Oh, we–we worked together a while back in Seattle.


[Chad chuckles]

I mean, you were–

[chuckles] sorry, you guys–it was a bit more of a working relationsh– more than a working relationship.



Yeah, it was. I just didn’t feel the need to get into all that right now actually.

Oh, yeah, right. No, I’m sorry. You are being tactful.

I was, yeah.

[soft holiday music playing]

Oh, Harris, since you don’t know Stephanie, you might be wondering why Everett and I were both so smitten by her. She’s kind of irresistible. Wouldn’t you say?

Uh, she’s a wonderful person.

Yeah, anyway, Everett, where are you from originally? How did you end up here in Salem?

You know what? I am so much better at reporting stories than I am telling my own. What about you? Navy SEAL, right? Pretty impressive.

Yeah, that was– that was a while ago, yeah.

Still, it’s a hell of a skill set to bring to a police department.

Yeah, you would think so. Um, but that skill set has not been much help so far. Um… not with the case I’m on right now.

[wind whistling]

And in case you weren’t grasping just how desperate I am to get Gabi the hell out of there… I went to EJ. Asked him for help to get rid of Clyde.

What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait. You went to EJ? Are you crazy? What did you tell him?


What? He knows what Clyde is making us do?


OK, Stefan, what– what if he goes to the cops? What if he blows this whole thing wide open? He is the DA for God’s sake.

He’s also a DiMera. And he has a history with Clyde. But you know what? it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s all moot. The SOB turned me down.

[ominous music]

Oh, it’s beautiful. Ah, tablecloth.

And just to be clear, it is not from Saxton’s. It is % handmade in Greece. My friend Kosta just shipped it to me.

Well, I’ll treasure it. But you shouldn’t have gotten so much trouble or so much expense.

Oh, it was no trouble. And as for expense, well, that was all very manageable, thanks to you, Maggie.

Well, I appreciate the gift. Um, thank you. I hope your flight doesn’t take off for a while.

Oh, not for several hours.

[soft suspenseful music]

Um, well, could you stay for dinner?

I could not impose, no.

It’s not an imposition. There’s plenty of food for everyone, believe me. Theresa.


Would you mind? Tell Henderson to set another place at the table.

Sure, no problem.

So this is a, um, lucky turn of events, huh? The three of us sad, lonely guys showing up at the– the same place, same time on Christmas Day.

[Everett chuckles]

Yeah, yeah. It’s quite the coincidence.

Yeah. We should make it a tradition, the three of us.




Bet it sure beats all the awkward drama at holiday dinners with the family. both: Yeah.

Well, especially since I don’t have family here, it’s been a great way to take a break from work.

You’re on duty on Christmas? What, you draw the short straw?

Actually, I volunteered to give someone with a family the day off.


So fortunately, it’s been– it’s been pretty quiet so far.

Damn it, Stefan!

[tense music] What the hell were you thinking, spilling your guts to the friggin’ DA? Now we’re going to have more than Clyde on our backs!

[mutters] Oh, this is just what we needed. Nice job.

I had to take that risk, all right? And who the hell do you think you are coming down on me? It’s not like you’ve done anything to rid us of this problem.

[huffs softly] OK, look. Turning on each other is obviously not the way to go. All right? It is going to be hard enough getting Clyde off our backs when we’re working together. It’s going to be near to impossible if we try to do this on our own. OK? So for now, let’s just focus on what’s going on here tonight.

Yeah, what’s going on here tonight? I’ll tell you what’s going on here tonight. We’re accepting a delivery. With Clyde Weston’s drugs mixed in it. And since our rejecting the last shipment resulted in Gabi’s broken leg, I’m not even going to think about what could happen if we reject another one. So we can’t afford to piss off this bastard anymore.

With this vintage grappa, which Uncle Victor did love and indulge quite often, I’d like to propose a toast in his honor.

Konstantin, perhaps you could start Victor’s toast off in Greek. I think he would like that.

Of course.

[speaks Greek] May his memory be eternal. To Victor. all: To Victor.

[soft contemplative music]

[indistinct chatter]


What a beautiful child you have. I hope someday you bring her to my country to visit.

Oh. Yeah, maybe–maybe someday.

I’m just going to go and warm up her bottle.

Yeah, it’s in the diaper bag up there.

Obviously a wonderful father.


Yeah, he is. He loves his daughter.

Your daughter is so lucky to have two loving parents like that. Please excuse me.


I for one am quite glad that that man’s headed back to Greece tonight.

Yeah, part of me is too. I mean, although he has been a comfort to my mom, so I do worry that she’ll miss him.

It is a lovely, lovely Christmas, is it not?

[Theresa sighs]

Not for me. Not with you here.

Oh, Theresa, where is your Christmas spirit?

Oh, it’ll be back once I know that you’re high above the clouds on your way back to Greece.

Then I’m afraid it will not be back. Your Christmas spirit, that is.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

It means I am not giving up on Maggie, nor am I leaving town. In fact, I plan on being back in this very house. Tonight.

All right, well, I’m ready for a refill. Anybody else?

[Maggie chuckles]

Yeah, I’ll take a smidge.

All right.

So if you’re free to discuss it, what exactly is your current case, Harris?

Well, you know, we all know too well that, obviously, drugs are a nationwide problem. There’s always been a drug scene here and drug-related crimes in Salem. But there’s been a concerning uptick lately.

Why do you think that is?

Well, there’s definitely a more potent products hitting the streets lately. We have no idea where it’s coming from or how it’s being distributed. But my gut instinct tells me with the activity, there’s a new player in town. And understandably, the mayor and city council are breathing down the commissioner’s neck.

So the commissioner’s probably breathing down yours.

That is correct.

You know, in a way, your job as a cop and my job as a reporter are not that dissimilar. We both got to keep digging, follow all the leads, leave no stone left unturned.

Exactly. And I intend to do all of that.

[tense music]

How long are we supposed to stand out here and freeze, huh?


[glass breaks] What the hell was that?

[cat yowls]

[Stefan chuckles]

Black cat knocked over an empty bottle. At least it didn’t cross our paths, right?

[cat growling]

[cat snarling]

[cat hisses]

So much for that.

You know, I’m starting to think maybe you shouldn’t have broken things off with your cop boyfriend. Might have been nice to be able to keep tabs on what the police know, what they’re doing.

OK, first of all, it’s kind of infuriating that you kept telling me how dangerous it was for me to be involved with Harris. And now that I broke up with him, you’re telling me it was a mistake? Make up your mind, OK? And just so you know, I didn’t break up with him because I was afraid that he might stumble upon what we’re doing here, I broke up with him because I didn’t want to take the chance that he might get caught in the crossfire if things go sideways.

Wow, you really care about the guy.

Yeah, I’m not talking about it.

[Stefan chuckles] It’s done between the two of us, OK?


It’s over.

[car pulling up] I guess this is it.

[brakes creak]

[car honks]

And what’s really annoying, not to mention who the hell has the time… I have to write all these, like, happy New Year rah-rah emails to the entire Titan staff, you know, about how grateful I am for their contribution and how hardworking and dedicated they are. It’s like, is the paycheck not enough, right?

[soft tense music]

That’s a terrible attitude, Alex. Titan owes much of its success to those employees. And as CEO, you should be grateful.

I am grateful. I mean, I show them my gratitude by paying them, Maggie, not kissing their asses.

Alex, you know I thought long and hard about this recently, and especially after what you just revealed to me now, I think Victor would just wish that I would step back in and help you run Titan.

Ugh. Oh, come on, Maggie. First of all, I think you’re overreacting to what I just said. I happen to treat our Titan employees very respectfully. I just don’t like writing phony, fawning emails to them.

I’m not overreacting, Alex. You spoke with great disdain for said employees. And that was very disturbing to me.

If I might chime in, I think it’s actually a great idea for Maggie to come back and help out at Titan. And I’m happy to help too, maybe as a consultant, wherever you need.

Right, I’ll just take advice from the ex-gardener.


[Maggie gasps] This ex-gardener was a better CEO at Titan than you’ll ever be.

I have no idea what you’re up to, but I am begging you please, please, just go away.

Watch this.

Watch what?

An old trick I picked up from a wily Spartan.

[ominous music]

[bones crack]

[Konstantin groaning]

[bones crack]

[Theresa gasps]

[Konstantin groaning]

You? You were a pathetic CEO. You didn’t have a clue.

Oh, and you do? You don’t even have a clue how to be a decent human being.

That’s enough. Stop. You’re a child, Alex Kiriakis, a spoiled brat, not to mention a misogynistic buffoon.

Guys, it’s Christmas. Why don’t we act like adults here?

I’m a buffoon? Coming from the guy who posed as a clown and kidnapped two women.

[Konstantin shouting]

[Konstantin groaning]

Konstantin, what happened?

It is nothing. I just tripped on the stairs. I think he’s my ankle. I hope it’s not broken.

That is so painful. Xander, Brady, help him to that chair.

[suspenseful music]

[Konstantin groaning]

Can you believe this?

I’m not sure I do.

Try to relax, Konstantin. Sarah, would you look at his ankle?

Oh, yeah. Oh, I know.

[Konstantin groaning] Careful. Uh-oh. Oh, I know. I’m so sorry. Ooh, OK. I don’t think it’s broken, but it is swollen. So it might just be a severe sprain. You should get x-rays right in the morning just to make sure it doesn’t have a fracture or it’s broken.

No, no, no, that’s impossible. I have a flight tonight.

Oh, you’re going to have to postpone.

Ugh. Oh, my goodness. I–I do not want to be a burden.

You’re not a burden. No arguments, OK? I’ll get Henderson to take your bags up to a guest room, and you’ll be x-rayed first thing tomorrow morning.

Oh, I’m sorry about all of this.

Was it possible for this family to have one uneventful dinner?

[scoffs] This family? No chance.

How are you doing?

How did this happen?

Um, it’s been difficult, actually. Alex seems to think that things are different between us. Not always, but tonight for some reason, he’s been especially distant, which is sad for me.


[somber music]

I understand. But I think– well, I know that Alex really loves you as a father. It’s just, you know, the shock of not being your biological son, I think that that’s still taking a while to wear off. But really, you’re still just the wonderful father to Alex that you’ve always been. Nothing has changed, Justin.

And yet, everything has it seems, for him. But not for me. My heart tells me Alex is my son. And always will be.

[car door shuts, engine turn over]

Well, this has got to be a new low.

[tires squeal]


Picking up a drug deal on Christmas Day.

Addicts. They don’t take days off. Neither do dealers, obviously. You know who I’m hoping is taking the day off?


Yes. Hopefully, those dudes have a lot of respect for the holidays.

Yeah, there’s hoping.

[clears throat] I should– I should check on my kids.

Who are very sweet, by the way.

Thank you. My proudest accomplishment. Well, mine and Abby’s.

[phone ringing] Anyway. I just going to text Julie to see if the kids are still having fun.

[phone ringing]

Sorry, I got to– I got to take this. Yeah, Michaels.

[suspenseful music] What? A transaction? Right now? Where?

[sighs] How–how reliable is this CI? OK, yeah. No, I’ll check it out. Well, I hate to cut the evening short, but I got to go.

How about a ride-along?

How about not today? Maybe fill out all the paperwork from the city attorney in case you get yourself killed.

I’ll do that. But in the meantime, why don’t you give me a call if there’s a development?

Will do.

Do you think this is it?

Can’t be sure. Could be nothing. Or it could be the break that I’m waiting for.

[tense music]

All right, so make sure that you stay off the ankle and keep it elevated as much as possible. You can take ibuprofen for the pain.

Thank you much, very much, Sarah, for your–

Yeah, just remember RICE. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.

[baby crying]

Thank you.

Oh, I think Victoria needs you, darling. I’ll make sure Konstantin follows your orders.

Good to know.

[baby crying]


All my usual tricks aren’t working. You think she’s hungry?

No, no, she just ate, remember?

Oh. I could take her for a spin in the car. That usually calms her down, doesn’t it?

Yeah, I’ll go with you.

Bye. Bye.

Love you, Mama.



Thanks, guys.

I’ll walk out with you.


Bye, Brady.

Bye, guys.

[baby crying]

Oh, you know, I think I’ve had enough family fun for the night. You ready to get out of here?

Mm-hmm, yeah.


[clears throat]

Are you going so soon?

We had a blast. Thank you. But we don’t want to wear out our welcome. Merry Christmas, Justin. Thank you for having us, Maggie.

Thank you for joining us.

[soft dramatic music]

See you.

Justin, would you bring some ice for Konstantin’s ankle, please?

Sure, I can do that.


[Maggie sighs] I was so hoping that this night was going to be about warmth and forgiveness, and…

[sighs] I thought we could all make peace.

A noble aspiration indeed, dear Maggie. But you did your best. Remember that. Families are so– so complicated.

[Konstantin sighs] They’re our greatest strength… and our greatest weakness.

That sounds exactly like something Victor would say.

[soft tense music]

So this–

Thank you.

Yeah. Drug problem in Salem… it’s pretty distressing.

It is, yeah. I–I’ve been reading about it. You know, Sarah’s just saying the ODs are trending upwards according to the police blotter and ERs. And I’ve also been reading that in Salem, the Salem PD is requiring officers now to carry naloxone. So I mean, you know, thankfully, the overdosers are pulling through.

Yeah, so far. I just, I get the feeling from Harris that the situation is spiraling out of control.

But cracking this could be pretty big for “The Spectator.”

Could be. Especially since, as you probably know, some people who won’t talk to a cop might talk to a reporter.

OK, Mr. intrepid investigative reporter. Are you ready to earn your stripes?

[tense music]

That is–

That’s a lot of pills.

[exhales deeply] All right, let’s get this crap inside.

Ava, Stefan. What’s–what’s going on?

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of December 18, 2023

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Eric from Days


Nicole didn’t change the way we’re supposed to believe. She expected EJ to use his money to hide Jude.

Eric called Sarah by her full name. He used to date her so he didn’t need to refer to her by her full name.

Is something wrong with Eric? Why would he want to show mercy to someone who kidnapped his baby? Would he show mercy if EJ took him and not Nicole?


What good did it do for Brady to hear Theresa’s conversation when he only heard part of it? He never sees or hears anything that she does.

Chad didn’t think about Clyde while he was dating Stephanie, but now he wants to make him pay for killing Abby.

Tom and Alice passed away before Chad got together with Abby, but he said they had trouble accepting him with her at first.


Maggie cried without any tears.

It’s wintertime, but the people in Salem aren’t dressing accordingly. They are wearing light jackets. Salem is in the Midwest so it’s most likely cold there.


It’s suddenly Holly’s birthday. Nicole didn’t say anything about her birthday. Holly didn’t mention it either.


Why did Julie have an ornament with Stephanie’s name on it when she’s not a Horton?


Holly from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Short Recap Monday, December 25, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Ava had a dream that Harris arrested her. He showed up to give her a Christmas gift he bought for her before they broke up. She appreciated the necklace, but Harris shouldn’t have wasted money. He put the necklace on her. She told him they couldn’t do this. He didn’t understand why she pushed him away. She lied and blamed it on his wandering eye. He let her know he only wanted to be with her. She said he was busy with work and asked about the drug ring. He said he wouldn’t stop until the person responsible paid for what they did. She gave him back the necklace, but he told her to keep it. He said he wasn’t giving up without a fight. At the hospital, Chanel tried to stop Paulina from leaving. Kayla came into the room. Paulina told Kayla about her symptoms. Chanel said Paulina had a lump on her neck. Paulina asked if it was cancer. Kayla told her she had a thyroid nodule. She told Paulina the vast majority of nodules were benign. Paulina was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The treatment required a daily thyroid hormone pill. Kayla scheduled blood work and gave Paulina a referral for a biopsy. Chanel thanked Kayla for her help. Kayla asked her to read The Christmas Story, but Paulina offered to read the story. Eric and Sloan spent time together. They thought it was the best Christmas ever. Things got worse when Eric wanted to put Jude in the outfit Nicole bought for him. Sloan wanted to keep Nicole away from Jude from now on. Eric wanted to take Jude out. When Eric and Jude left, Leo showed up. on

Nicole and EJ returned home from their trip. She felt guilty about not spending time with Holly on her birthday. EJ reassured her that Holly understood. She left to check on Holly. Stefan showed up and told EJ he was at the prison infirmary with Gabi. He said Gabi’s injury was a message from Clyde. Clyde wanted him to run the drug business. Stefan told EJ what was going on with Ava and the drug business. He asked EJ for his help. EJ wanted to help bring Clyde down but didn’t want Nicole subjected to more than what she was going through. Since he’s the D.A. now, he couldn’t and wouldn’t help him. EJ warned him about getting in trouble. He said on the bright side, Stefan could end up in prison next to Gabi. EJ walked away from him. Holly checked her phone and was relieved she didn’t send Johnny the text declaring her love for him. She was horrified that she called him. Nicole came into her room and apologized for missing her birthday. She smelled alcohol on Holly. Nicole asked if Holly was drinking. Holly said she had scotch because she was bored and sad over the baby and Johnny. Holly didn’t want to talk about it. Nicole let her know she loved her and suggested they get some air. While they were out, Holly confessed to liking Johnny. She said she couldn’t remember if she confessed her feelings to Johnny. Nicole reminded her that Johnny saw her as a little sister. Holly said she knew, but she loved him. Nicole told her it was infatuation, not love. When Nicole spotted Eric and Jude, she pulled Holly away. Eric stopped them from leaving. He wished Holly a happy birthday and Merry Christmas. Nicole apologized to him. He said he knew she wouldn’t hurt the baby. She let him know about her therapy sessions with Marlena. He was happy to hear it. Nicole told him about Holly’s drinking. Although he didn’t accept her drinking, he suggested getting something to eat. Sloan didn’t like the smell of Leo. He said it was from being at a shelter, which was changing thanks to her. He said she was placing a roof over his head to keep his mouth shut about Jude. She told him she could barely afford her apartment and was supporting a child. Leo didn’t believe her and said she was setting him up at the Salem Inn if she wanted to keep her son.

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Days Short Recap Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Stefan and Ava talked about Gabi being in prison. Gabi knows what Stefan and Ava are doing for Clyde and planned on watching her back in prison. He wanted to get her out of prison as soon as possible. Stefan admitted that he went to EJ to get help with Clyde. Ava didn’t like how he talked to EJ about private information. She thought he could expose what they were doing. He let her know that EJ turned him down. Stefan knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea to upset Clyde. He didn’t think she should have broken up with Harris because she could have found out what the police knew about them. Ava did it to protect him from getting involved in their situation. They were about to move their product when Harris arrived. He wanted to know what they were doing. The Kiriakis family gathered at the mansion for Christmas. Alex didn’t want to join them, but he did it for Victor. Maggie was glad he came since it was the first Christmas without Victor. She talked to everyone about being a family and putting things behind them. Maggie gave Alex a gift. She gave him Victor’s watch. Alex was moved by her gift. Justin looked on with an awkwardness. The Kiriakises were on a video call with Sonny, Will, and Arianna. Maggie said that Hope called. She told her there was no change in Bo’s condition. He didn’t know that Victor died.

Konstantin arrived at the mansion. He had a gift for Maggie. He wanted her to know that he was leaving town that night. She invited him to stay for dinner. Justin wanted to make a toast to Victor. Maggie wanted Konstantin to start. He started and complimented Sarah and Xander’s daughter. Xander was glad that Konstantin was leaving. Theresa met Konstantin in the hallway. He told her that he planned to continue pursuing Maggie and staying at the mansion. Theresa begged him to leave. He pretended to hurt his foot. Maggie and Alex argued about the way the company was being ran. Xander took Maggie’s side. He offered to go back to Titan to oversee things. Xander and Alex started arguing. Konstantin told everyone that he fell down the stairs. They helped him sit down. Sarah checked his ankle. She noticed it was swollen but it wasn’t broken. Sarah told him to get an X-ray in the morning and postpone his flight. He pretended to protest the decision, but Maggie assured him that Henderson would take care of his luggage. She told him that he could get the X-ray in the morning. After everyone left, Maggie told Konstantin that she hoped for a good Christmas. He told her that she tried her best to make it a good day.

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Y&R Transcript Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Victoria: Mom? Are you in here?

Victor: Well, then search ay be running out of time.

Victoria: She’s still not home?

Victor: Your mother has not been seen since she left the club last night.

Nick: Do you have people looking for her?

Victor: What do you think?

Victoria: Jordan got to her.

Nick: That’s the only explanation that makes sense.

Victoria: First, she took claire from the psychiatric ward and now somehow she’s lured mom to wherever she’s hiding or she abducted her.

Nick: There is no way that mom would take off on christmas eve without talking to us. She wouldn’t wanna worry us like that.

Victoria: No, she would never, ever spend the holiday away from her family.

Victor: There may be one other reason that’s keeping her away. I hate to even bring it up.

Victoria: What are you talking about, dad?

Victor: Your mother may be drinking again.

Nikki: Jordan? I am here. Where are you?

Jordan: Hello, nikki. So glad you could make it.

Jordan: Have any trouble finding the place?

Nikki: No, I did just as you said. I ditched my car where you told me to and hiked back up to the road and came here in the car you hired.

Jordan: Were you alone?

Nikki: The whole time, just as you instructed. Nobody followed me.

[ Jordan chuckles ]

Jordan: My god, you’re pathetic. What a sloppy drunk. You must have lost your touch. I used to read in all the gossip reports that you could hide it so well. How many years has it been since you last stopped drinking? How many years of sobriety have I destroyed?

Nikki: Shut up and take me to claire. To give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. What is cirkul? Cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. Cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. Cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. Cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. Cirkul is your gateway back home. So what is cirkul? It’s your water, your way. Cirkul, available at walmart and drinkcirkul.Com.

Limu emu & doug

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by.

Jordan: I’m surprised you agreed to come here. I’m surprised you care enough about your granddaughter after what she did to all of you newmans.

Nikki: Claire is just another victim of your sick obsession.

Jordan: Oh, that’s what you think this is?

[ Nikki scoffing ]

Nikki: You brainwashed her. You– you destroyed the very essence of who she was. She shouldn’t have to suffer for your insanity.

Jordan: [ Laughs ] You love throwing that around, don’t you? Telling me I’m deranged, that I’m some sort of psychopath. Well, look who’s talking, lady. You’re a falling down drunk, running all over this countryside looking for some girl you barely know who poisoned your family?

Nikki: Claire gave them the antidote and then she turned herself in and confessed.

Jordan: And you haven’t given me one rational reason why you agreed to come here alone and unarmed.

Nikki: Well, all right, I’ll give you one. I am doing this for my daughter, victoria. I would do anything for my children.

Jordan: Even die for them? Are you willing to do that?

Nick: I just have a hard time believing that mom would skip christmas to go on some bender. She hasn’t had a drink in years. She has come so far since then.

Victor: But you know that jordan destroyed that when she forced vodka down your mother’s veins.

Victoria: Mom is stronger than that. She’s been totally committed to her recovery. She’s been going to her meetings. She would not let jordan win.

Victor: I hate to bring this up, but I was approached by nate hastings at the club.

Victoria: By nate?

Victor: He believes your mother is drinking again.

Nick: It’s a cheap, low blow from some punk who has a grudge. He’d say anything to mess with you.

Victoria: He would never do something like that.

Nick: You’re still defending him, vic?

Victoria: No. I know you don’t respect him, but he would never lie about mom’s sobriety just to be cruel.

Victor: Both of you listen. I doubted his words at first, but then as I was sitting with him in the club, I saw your mother come down the stairs and she looked at us, saw that we were talking to each other and she turned around and disappeared as if she were ashamed.

Nick: Nah, it’s gotta be some other explanation.

Victor: And she wasn’t here when I got home and the car was gone.

Victoria: Oh god, no. God, what if she was driving drunk? I mean, she could have been in an accident.

Victor: I know. We alerted all the hospitals around and I told the state troopers to look out for her.

Nick: I just don’t believe that is why mom disappeared. It has to be jordan. She’s been harassing mom, leaving her all those creepy messages. We know she’s in town because of what the police found at that motel. The picture of eve, that photo album of practically our entire family in it.

Victor: Let me check something. That’s mostly water.

Jordan: I find it so touching how you newmans all care for each other, at least the ones that you deign to acknowledge. Unlike poor little claire, who you dismissed as if she never existed.

[ Nikki laughs ]

Nikki: You can’t even keep track of your own scam. You already admitted that you stole her and lied to her her entire life.

Jordan: To protect her from your despicable family.

Nikki: You keep my family out of this.

Jordan: Oh.

[ Jordan laughs ] Your family is right in the middle of this ugly little heart of it. You understand me? Besides that, you are not giving the orders around here, I am!

Nikki: Is that how you talk to claire? Making her feel small, chipping away at her confidence?

Jordan: Oh, my! It sounds like you finally believe the story that claire is your grandchild.

[ Laughs ] What did you do? Have a dna test done?

Nikki: Why yes, we did. And claire is cole and victoria’s daughter.

Jordan: [ Laughs ] Well, then I’m not so crazy after all, am I?

Nikki: Oh, baby, you are crazy as a loon. You put us through such hell. You are a psychotic sociopath.

Jordan: You can think what you like. It’ll matter even less very soon.

Nikki: You raised claire for 25 years. I mean, there had to have been some love from you. I mean, why not give her a chance for a real life? Haven’t you had enough revenge? You have already managed to turn me back into a pathetic drunk. Claire deserves a lot more than that, so get her out of this. Let her go. I told myself I was ok

Jordan: Pathetic really is the word, isn’t it? Can you even hear yourself? Slurring, slipping, begging, trying to make a deal in your drunken state?

[ Laughs ] Why didn’t I think to get this all on camera? What a show that would’ve been.

Nikki: What the hell do you get out of all of this? I mean, you can’t change reality. Eve was a failure. Her life was a mess. All her own fault. She got back at victor and me decades ago, so you don’t have to avenge her anymore. In fact, she probably wouldn’t like that because cole said that the two of you were estranged.

Jordan: Because of you and victor! Your fault!

Nikki: How so? Eve never mentioned a sister. We didn’t even know you existed.

Jordan: We had a falling out.

Nikki: Over what?

Jordan: Because I told her not to get involved with that narcissist that you’re married to and she wouldn’t listen to me. She was besotted with him, which if she hadn’t been, maybe she’d still be alive.

Nikki: You know, I have a sister. Casey. She’s a doctor. And when we were kids, she practically raised me.

[ Jordan laughs ]

Jordan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You’re trying to bond with me over sisters? That’s pretty funny, you know. You think you can con me into making a deal and we can be pals? Forgive and forget?

[ Laughs ] You’re even more stupid than I thought.

Nikki: For god’s sake. The past is the past. You can’t do anything that would be meaningful now. You can’t right any wrongs. You can’t bring eve back. Do you think that she would wanna know that you got caught and convicted and sent to prison to die alone? Because that’s exactly what’s gonna happen if you don’t end this now.

Jordan: Except watching you die will be reward enough. And watching victor and victoria and that idiot son of yours be in grief over your death.

Nikki: So, you’re going to kill me.

Jordan: I told you it was a trade, didn’t I? Claire’s life for yours.

Victoria: And we still don’t know where claire is.

Cole: Not yet, but we’re gonna find her. We will. We have security footage. Jordan dressed in disguise in a nurse’s uniform wheeling claire out of the hospital. We’re gonna start from there.

Victoria: Yeah, but by now, the trail’s getting cold.

Victor: Well, sweetheart, the police are on it, so are my people, okay?

Cole: Now, you said that nikki is missing too?

Victor: She was last seen at the club and apparently was driven here and she vanished.

Victoria: It’s possible the two are not connected.

Nick: It seems mom’s been drinking again, but nobody wants to believe it.

Cole: Because of what happened back in oregon? The iv she was given?

Victor: That’s the assumption.

Cole: Oh, my god. Poor nikki. I mean, how long has this been going on?

Victor: We don’t know, but, uh, perhaps since we returned.

Victoria: She’s been so strong. She’s been so committed to her recovery. She never would’ve taken that first drink if it weren’t for jordan stacking the deck against her. I’m telling you, that woman is pure evil.

Victor: Excuse me. Yes. What do you mean you don’t have enough people? Then hire more people! Find my wife! Now!

Cole: I’m just so sorry you have to go through all of this on top of worrying about claire.

Nick: With this many people looking for mom, we’re gonna hear something soon.

Victoria: Wait a minute. What is– this is mom’s purse. What is it doing in the sofa?

Victor: That’s the purse I saw her carry when she was at the club. Why would she leave that here?

Victoria: That’s a good question.

Victor: What else is in it?

Victoria: Wallet, lipstick, comb. What’s this?

Nick: What’s it say?

Victoria: 72 dockside lane, williams bay.

Victor: Does that ring a bell with any of you?

Victoria: Maybe it’s, um, where her sponsors–

Victor: What?

Victoria: Or– or rehab. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a bar.

Nick: I’ll look it up.

Cole: I know this address. I’ve been there.

Nikki: Oh man, I need a drink.

[ Jordan laughs ]

Jordan: I figured you couldn’t hold out. I came prepared. Here you go. No poison, no drugs. I promise. I have a far more gratifying way for you to die. So, come on. Drink up. It’s your last request. I think I’m being quite magnanimous here. Come on. There you go. Tastes so good, doesn’t it? Hurts so good. My god, you are pitiful.

Nikki: So, where’s claire? You said it was a trade. Is she even here or was this all just a setup?


Jordan: My niece’s loyalty has been put to the ultimate test.

Nikki: What the hell does that mean?

Jordan: Claire’s indeed here. She needed to be here. She needed to witness the grand finale of all of our years of hard work. It wasn’t easy paving the way into the newman inner sanctum, but she rose to the occasion and I expect her to do so again.

Nikki: Is she in on this with you? She come here willingly?

Jordan: Oh, shut up. Your questions are so tedious.

Nikki: Claire?

[ Jordan laughs ] Have a drink, nikki. I’ll be right back.

Cole: 72 dockside lane. That’s the address of a cabin where my mom took me as a kid. It’s a rental place. We stayed there once for a summer. It’s on a lake near williams bay.

Victoria: Why would mom have written it down?

Victor: Because I have a feeling she wanted us to find it and that’s where she’s at.

Nick: Or that’s where jordan took her. She wants to finish what she started at that house in oregon. And mom could be there now taking her on alone.

Cole: Well, if that’s the case, we need to have someone check it out right away.

Victoria: Or assuming jordan is involved, this could be just a decoy and she has mom somewhere else. That woman is so treacherous I wouldn’t put anything past her.

Victor: Let me see that, cole. It’s just the address. Nothing else. But it’s her handwriting.

Nick: I’m calling the police.

Victor: Please do because they’ll get there faster than we can.

Cole: Okay. Well, uh, victoria and I will stay here just in case this lead doesn’t turn out to be anything.

Victor: Please do.

Cole: I mean, nikki could be closer to home than we realize.

Nick: This is nick newman. I have information about my mother’s disappearance.

Victoria: Dad, look, if mom was drunk, so drunk that she fell into jordan’s trap, how could she do that? How– how could she? She knows what the woman is capable of. How could she allow herself to be so vulnerable?

Victor: Has it occurred to you that she may be trying to find your daughter?

Victoria: No. Because you’ve heard her talk about claire. She doesn’t care about claire. She doesn’t sympathize with her one bit.

Victor: But my sweet baby, she knows you care. Let’s go, son.

Nikki: What have you done to her?

Jordan: Oh, claire’s fine. She just sedated.

[ Jordan chuckles ] Look at you two. Grandma nikki’s all hammered out and poor little claire sedated. What a pair. Go ahead. Drink up. Okay? Drink up. Savor it. It’s gonna be your last. Time for this to end.

[ Claire groaning ]

[ Jordan grunting ]

Nikki: Claire. Claire. Claire, can you hear me? Can you hear me?

Claire: Nikki, where’s aunt jordan?

Nikki: Okay, can you stand? We’ve gotta get outta here.

Claire: I can’T. Everything’s so fuzzy. I can’t feel my legs.

Nikki: All right. It’s too rocky for me to wheel you out there, but you’ve gotta stand up. If you can stand up, put your arms around me, I will help you, okay? Come on.

Claire: Nikki, why are you here?

Nikki: Come on. Let’s go. We’ll talk about it later. Right now, we have to go.

[ Jordan shouting ]

Nick: You think vic’s right?

Victor: I have a feeling the police will be there long before we will.

Nick: You think vic’s right? Claire’s innocent in all this?

Victor: Uh, knowing what we know about that woman, I wouldn’t put anything past her.

Jordan: You can’t do anything right, can you? You can’t even die the way you’re supposed to. You have to try to be the hero. It’s always all about you. You! You! Ah!

[ Nikki screaming ]

Nikki: Get away from me.

[ Jordan chuckling ]

Jordan: You’re not a drunk. You’re nothing but a fake and a liar.

Nikki: Well, that’s the first thing you’ve gotten right.

Jordan: Oh!

[ Nikki screaming ] Hell of a stalemate, isn’t it?

Claire: Let her go.

Jordan: You better choose wisely, claire. Which one of us are you gonna save?

Victoria: If dad is right and mom has put herself in any kind of danger because of me.

Cole: Listen, victor was speculating. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Victoria: Well, it doesn’t keep me from going to the worst-case scenario. Mom totally out of it, confronting your aunt who overpowers her and now– now claire and mom are completely at her mercy. God, this is such a nightmare.

Cole: Listen, I hate to even think about it, let alone say it, but there’s another scenario here that no one has even mentioned this morning. What if claire is glad that jordan took her outta that psych ward? I mean, they– they– they could have teamed up together to– to go out and ambush nikki.

Victoria: You don’t believe that. You can’T.

Cole: No, I don’t wanna believe it. No. It doesn’t mean it’s not possible.

Victoria: Claire is not a villain. She’s not a villain. She’s one of the victims in all of this.

Cole: Vic, I know you wanna believe that, and so do I, but she was a willing accomplice in oregon. Jordan’s had a lifetime to warp that kid’s mind. I just, I– I– I don’t know how you can fully trust her after everything she’s done.

Victoria: Because I do. ‘Cause I talked to her. And when I knew that she was my daughter, something changed. There was a connection that we had. You know how lost that young woman is. You know. You heard about the tragedy of her childhood and everything that her aunt did to her. I don’t believe there’s any way she would ever turn back.

Jordan: You better choose wisely. It’s gonna change your life forever. Don’t screw up.

Claire: Get away from nikki. Do it, jordan. Now.

Jordan: Put the gun down.

Claire: No.

Jordan: You have sedatives running through your veins. You’re not thinking clearly. You’ve let the newmans mess with your mind. I’m not your enemy.

Nikki: Yes, she is, claire. She always will be. She doesn’t give a damn about you.

Jordan: That’s not true. We’re family. We’re the only ones that we have. Together. I’ve been with you since you were a baby. Don’t do this. Don’t turn on me now.

Claire: You– you abandoned me at the lake house.

Jordan: No.

Claire: You ran and you saved yourself and you– you left me for the police.

Jordan: No, I didn’T. I would never abandon you.

Claire: Where were you then?

Jordan: I hid in the house so I wouldn’t be found. So I could come here, to genoa city, and get you. I got you out of the psych unit. Remember? Where they were going to leave you for god knows how long. Look what she and the rest of the newmans were willing to do to you. Point the gun at nikki. She’s nothing to you. She never will be.

Claire: You don’t know that.

Jordan: Oh, yes, I do. I know how selfish they are. And my sister knew that too. She found out the hard way. For the love of god, wake up! If you think that the newmans are gonna bring you into the fold and make you part of their lives, you’re even more naive than I thought. And you’re in for a bitter disappointment.

Nikki: She’s lied to you your entire life. Don’t trust her now. She’ll say anything to get you to doubt yourself and my family.

Jordan: Shut up, would you? Nikki and victor ruined, destroyed your grandmother, my sister. And if they had their way, they would keep you locked up in a padded room for who knows how long. So, what are you gonna do? Put the gun down and we can run, both of us. Walk away. They– they would’ve and she never got over it.

Nikki: When victoria was told that you hadn’t survived, that her baby had died, she was devastated. Brokenhearted, and she never got over it.

Jordan: You owe these people nothing. Do you hear me? They threw you away.

Claire: That’s a lie! You stole me from them. They– they would’ve loved me.

Jordan: You think they love you? Have they told you that they love you?

Nikki: It will take time to undo all of the evil that jordan has done to you, but love will be there. It– it will be, I know that. As a mother, I know that.

Claire: They would’ve loved me! They would’ve raised me. I would’ve been a good girl and I would’ve been smart and I would’ve been strong. And I would’ve had friends and people who cared about me not whatever I had with you. Just hate and revenge and just never trusting anyone. You– you wanted me to be just like you. You don’t deserve to live.

Nick: Claire’s a newman. She’s known that her whole life, but that didn’t stop her from pumping vodka into mom’s veins. I mean, it’s her grandmother.

Victor: I tell you, that woman is capable of anything.

Nick: Well, so is mom. She’s strong and tough. She’s a fighter.

Victor: Your mother will put up a hell of a fight, I promise you. But you and I don’t know what we’ll find in that cabin. But if your mom has been hurt in any way, I promise you, there’ll be hell to pay.

Victoria: You don’t believe that claire wants to hurt us, do you? I mean, do you honestly see her willingly helping jordan again?

Cole: Does claire even have her own free will after the damage that jordan has done to her? And claire’s feelings towards us are so confused. This is not something she’s gonna get past overnight.

Victoria: It’s possible that my mom is at jordan’s mercy, but so is claire. How does jordan even see claire? Does she see her as a family or an ally? Does she see her as a traitor who needs to be punished? And maybe that’s why she took her from the hospital. Because she wants her to suffer like the rest of us newmans. And maybe, she’s just trying to reel her in again. I don’t know.

Cole: Okay. Well, listen, I– I don’t– I wish I had the answers. I just think we’re gonna have to just wait and see. But one thing I know, nikki is one of the most resourceful people on the planet and she’s gonna outsmart jordan. So if she is there, believe me, she didn’t go in without a plan.

Victoria: God, I hope you’re right about that. You know, last night, I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about– I was thinking about claire and what it would’ve been like if we would’ve raised her. She would’ve been an older sister to reed and johnny and katie. We would’ve shown her all the love in the world. Could’ve celebrated milestones with her, graduations, birthdays, holidays. Could’ve known what her favorite color was and what stuffed animals she had when she was a little girl. She would’ve had so much love. She would’ve been a part of our family. Can you picture that too, what it might’ve been like?

Cole: I can’t see it. I mean, I don’t know–

[ Cole sighing ] I don’t know if I’m just too numb or I’m just too scared to lose her all over again.

Victoria: Maybe you don’t have to picture it. Maybe, just maybe we’ll all be spending the next holiday together.

Nikki: Claire, don’t do this. She’s not worth it. Let her face her consequences the right way. Don’t throw your life away for her.

[ Sirens in the distance ]

Jordan: See, she tricked us. She didn’t come to save you. She came here to trap both of us.

Nikki: My plan was to get you and make sure you were safe, and then make sure that this one went to prison.

Claire: Prison is too good for her. She’ll probably just plead insanity like mr. Baldwin had me do and she’ll be sent to a hospital like mine that she can escape from. We can’t let that happen. We can’t let her hurt anyone else ever again.

Jordan: So, pull the trigger. Or do you not have the courage?

[ Jordan chuckling ] There you go. You’re weak. Just like you were when you helped the newmans escape.

Nikki: Oh, for god’s sake. Will you just shut up? Claire. Claire, give me the gun, please. It’s okay, honey. The police are on their way. She can never control you again. Just– just give me the gun. Come on. Good girl. Oh. Oh. Come here. Come here.

[ Claire sobbing ] It will be all right. It will be okay. (Oven ding audio mnemonic)

Jordan: You broke my heart.

Claire: You broke my entire life.

Nikki: Take her. Get her out of our sight.

Cole: Hey. It’s gonna be okay.

Victoria: The waiting.

Cole: I know.

Victoria: It seems like hours. Why haven’t we heard something?

Cole: We will. Nikki is a survivor. She’s one hell of a fighter and she always has been. She’s gonna use her instincts to protect herself, and claire, if it comes down to it.

Nikki: Here. Drink this. Whatever jordan drugged you with, this should help flush it from your system.

Victor: Nikki?

Nikki: Oh, my god. In here. Oh, victor.

Victor: Oh, my baby.

Nick: Mom, thank god.

Victor: Oh, my baby. Oh, my baby.

Nikki: Nicholas, I love you.

Victor: Come here. I’m so happy you’re all right. What were you thinking?

Nikki: I’m sorry I’ve worried you all. I’ll explain it all later, but it’s over. Please take me home.

Victor: You okay?

Nick: Are we, uh, taking her with us?

Nikki: We most certainly are. Claire saved me. If it weren’t for her, I might not be here.

Victor: Then, we owe you a debt of gratitude.

Claire: What’s gonna happen to jordan now?

Nikki: I don’t know. But I can promise you this, victor and i and cole and victoria will never let her near you. She can never hurt you again.

Claire: I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for everything.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, December 26, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


oh, what a great christmas eve. It never gets old, seeing how magical it is for the kids. Yeah, I know. I feel exactly the same way. And this year was even more special for me ’cause I got to see ace see it all for the first time. Oh, yeah. Where does the time go? You’re telling me. Josslyn’s in college. When did that happen?

[ Laughs ] I know, it’s crazy. Great job. I-I think I enjoyed your reading more than the kids did. Oh. Well, thanks. Yeah. Rumor has it that you are the one, uh, funding the hospital festivities this year even more generously than before. Rumor has it. And a lady never reveals her sources. But thank you. It’s just a shame that nina wasn’t here to see it all. I remember the year that she headed up the committee to plan for the party, so obviously it means something to her. Yeah. You said she was coming. Yeah. Willow said she’s staying at the church for a little bit. She’ll be here. Nina: I’ve never come to confession before, father. But something has happened and I need help. I don’t know where else to turn. I hope it’s okay that I’m here. God is eager to help all his children. Go on. I acted out of spite, and it’s spiraling out of control. I knew the second after I did it that it was wrong, but I had no idea that it would hurt so many people this much. And who did you hurt? Well, people who may not be saints, but they didn’t deserve what happened to them because of me. Who are these people to you? Friends? Family? Does it matter? To truly advise you, I-I need more information. Just let go. Open your heart. God wants to hear everything. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen ace fall asleep that fast. He was out before his head hit the pillow. Well, he was probably exhausted from all the excitement from the christmas party. Yeah. He was just so happy being around all those people fussing over him. Not half as happy as I was. How did I get so lucky to be able to spend christmas eve with both you and my little brother? Oh, well, it was very generous of esme to let you have him for tonight. Yeah, maybe this is part of her whole… turning-over-a-new-leaf thing. Maybe. Or there could be another explanation. What do you mean? Maybe esme wasn’t being generous. Maybe she just had plans. Doing what? Maybe esme had a date. I’m calling to report a case of revenge porn. I know who uploaded the sex video of josslyn jacks and cameron webber. I refuse to take the blame for what you did to your supposed friends. That is enough. Let’s go! No! Spence, I’m not gonna stand for it anymore. Mark my words, trina. The next time you lie about me, there will be consequences. Esme: You’re doing all of this

[Laughing] Because you think that you can win trina over? I clear her name and she’s all yours? Oh. Who is delusional now, spence? You drove away your daughter just like you drove away nikolas. Only, the problem is, when you drove away kiki, she didn’t just skip town. You drove her to her death.

[ Growls ]

[ Yelps ] No matter what happens, no matter how scary it gets, just remember that I… …that mommy is with you. Womb to tomb.

[ Fire alarm beeping ] Maybe this wasn’t such a brilliant plan after all.

[ Breathing shakily ]

[ Cellphone rings ] Hello? Man: Ms. Jerome? This is crosby home security. We received an alarm signal on spoon island. We’ve alerted the pcpd, and they’ll be arriving shortly. Okay. Thank you. But that may be too late.

Police! Don’t move.

[ Breathing heavily ] Dante. Ava, what the hell are you doing here? Who would esme be on a date with? She doesn’t know that many people here. And the people that she does know, they’re all well aware of her history. Well, I mean, esme’s circle isn’t as small as it was. She’s got a new job, a new apartment. Maybe she met someone who only knows the “new” esme, like a coworker or a neighbor. And you think that she’s on a date with that person? It’s possible. Would that bother you if she was? No, no. Come on. No. Absolutely not. Esme’s a grown woman. She can do whatever she wants. I — the only thing that — if esme were to start dating, the only thing that I would worry about is how that person would treat ace. As long as they’re good to my little brother, then no, esme should feel free to go off and have a life of her own. Good answer. Especially if it affords us more nights like tonight where, you know, ace is asleep in the other room and you and I are all alone, got the place to ourselves. Oh. Whatever will we do? Yeah. I wonder what we’ll do.

[ Cellphone ringing ] Speak of the devil. Okay, I’m gonna get us something from the kitchen. Hello? Spencer, I’m so glad you picked up. There’s — there’s something I need to talk to you about. Something wrong?

Look, I get it.

This is your first night away from ace

after moving into the new place, and, um, you’re naturally

worried about it, but you don’t have to be. He had an amazing time at the party, and now he’s fast asleep in the other room, dreaming about all the presents that he’s gonna unwrap tomorrow, so… I’m glad, but… that’s not exactly what I’m — trina: Hey, I’m making eggnog. I like mine plain, but do you want a little bit of cinnamon in yours? You know, I think this is the first year I can remember being at this party without bobbie being here. It’s taking her so long to settle luke’s estate. I know. I thought she’d be home weeks ago. Yeah. Estates can be complicated. You know, knowing luke, I’m sure he left bobbie a few surprises. Well, I did talk to her earlier on the phone, and she sounded cheerful. But when isn’t she, right? She did say luke’s affairs are a mess, but she is making headway. Well, I guess we’ll hear all about it when she gets back. If I had one wish, father, I would turn back the clock. I would tell the truth. And I would undo all of the damage that I have done. This spiteful act, did it cost someone their life? No, not their life, but something almost as bad — his freedom. Someone went to prison because I reported him to the authorities when I didn’t have to. And he suffered. Terribly. And so did the people who love him. I’m also letting an innocent man take the blame for reporting that crime. ‘Cause I’m a coward. People were so angry with him when they should be angry with me. I understand. Go on. I wish I could change it, but it’s too late. I can’t make it right. It’s never too late. You really think so? Because I would do anything to fix it. Then you need to confess not only to me here in this confessional but to the people you hurt. I can’T. I wish I was strong enough to tell the truth. But if I tell my family what really happened, I could lose them. I could lose everything. If you don’t, the guilt will continue to eat away at your conscience. And it’ll destroy any chance you have at future happiness. The truth will always set you free. To be free of this worry, this pain. If only… anything is possible. Be courageous. Have the strength to right the wrongs you did. And remember, you don’t walk alone. God is always with you. God is with me. Thank you, father. I won’t forget. Neither will I.

What are you doing here, ava? I thought you and avery moved into nina’s place. Yeah, we did, but I haven’t sold wyndemere yet. This is still my property. Well, I guess I can’t stop you from wandering around your house with a loaded weapon. So you’re not taking me in, then, detective? For defending myself in my own home after a break-in? You defending yourself, or you, uh… you’re looking for an intruder to shoot? Carly: I could not get over watching those kids’ faces while you were reading. It was so adorable. They were all sucking on those candy canes. There you are. I am so, so sorry. What’s going on? Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe I missed everything. How did it go? Hi. Laura: Oh, it was absolutely amazing, due in no small part to your husband’s generosity. Yes. The man I married is pretty great. Did you take a lot of pictures? Uh, no, but took a great picture of donna. Can you send it to me? Sure. Laura: Oh, could I see? Oh, yeah. Oh, there are so many good ones. I was — I was so worried. Well, didn’t willow tell you where I was? Yeah, you were at the church, but I thought you’d be here sooner. Well, you didn’t have to worry. Frank drove me here. I felt totally protected and safe. Did you get everything you needed at the church? Yeah, I think so. Willow says you were thinking of nelle? Yes, nelle. And others. Look at that. This won’t take long, I promise. It’s fine. It sounds like there’s someone else there, so I’ll make this quick. I just wanted to tell you that — what is she calling about? I don’t know, just — this isn’t gonna take long, okay? Hey, esme, you still there? What do you want me to know? I just wanted to let you know that I am not gonna be picking up ace tonight. He can wake up with you on christmas morning, and I’ll pick him up later tomorrow. Really? Wow. Okay. Um, yeah. That’s great. I’d love to be able to celebrate ace’s first christmas morning with him. Uh, are you sure that you don’t want to take him home? Positive. Merry christmas. Merry christmas. Okay, what was all that about? I’m not sure, but I’m starting to wonder. Maybe esme does have a heart after all. Sonny, I really needed something tonight. And I found it at all saints. I-I left with a new understanding. About what?

[ Cellphone chimes ] Well, it m– it’s probably a bigger c– hold on, hold on, hold on. Uh, it’s ava. What? Something wrong? There’s been a-a break-in on spoon island. Carly: What? Laura: What? Tell her to call the police immediately. I’ll back it up right now. Well, the police already know. Dante’s there. Ava probably just wants me to go ’cause dante’s my son, and I can keep it unofficial. But you can’t do that. I might be able to help you. I should go with you. It’s not a — I don’t think it’s a big deal. No, I-I really want to go. It’s — it’s just that it was my son’s home. And if this break-in is somehow related to him in any way, you know, for some reason he might be back, I-I just want to be there. Okay. I understand, I understand. Um, can you tell donna I love her? Merry christmas. Yeah. Um, don’t worry. I’ll take care of avery. I wish I could go with you. No, no, no. It’s okay, but thank you for picking up avery. Yeah, of course, of course.

[ Sighs ] Um, I’m gonna go grab donna and go home. Hey, carly, can you wait one second? I have something to say to you. I stayed at the church today b-because I wanted to ask the priest for guidance… about you.

Ace didn’t even flinch when I stubbed my toe, and I said a word that my grandmother would definitely disapprove of. So I think it’s safe to say that he is out for the night.

[ Sighs ] Okay, well, um, I should get home because my mom is planning a whole breakfast and opening presents… no. No, no, no, no. …Tomorrow morning, and it’s sounding like it’s starting early. But don’t you think that, um — that’s a bad idea,

[Laughing] And you should just stay here, because it’s so much harder to be away from you, especially after our trip to new york. I know. I feel the same way. Something wrong? Um, no, I’m — I’m sorry. I’m just… I-I can’t stop thinking about something else. Oh. That’s just what every man wants to hear right after he kisses the woman that he loves. It’s esme. Of course it is. Do you really believe what you said about her? That she has a change of heart? I don’t know. I’d like to. She put my grandmother and ace first tonight. And I think that that’s a big step for her. It is. So, yeah, I-I’d really like to think that she’s turning a corner here and that she’s becoming a better person. But we can’t know that, so… don’t you think that we’ve talked enough about esme for one night? We’ve talked enough about esme for a lifetime. Okay. So then maybe we should just stop talking altogether, huh? Dante. Do you think I’d be reckless enough to go after a burglar all on my lonesome? You really want me to answer that?

[ Knock on door ] Excuse me. I have a visitor. Hey. Oh, sonny. Hi, laura. Hi. Uh, I decided to tag along with sonny. Yeah. Sure. Come on in, please. Great. Thanks. Hello, dante. Laura. Hey. Wow. Whoever did this wasn’t looking to hide themselves, were they? And everybody knows this place has a security system, so whoever did it was willing to risk being caught. Let me take you home. Let dante do his job. No. Absolutely not. I am not leaving here until I find out who broke in here. Why don’t dante and i take a look around and see if we can find anything? Uh, laura, I don’t think that’s a great idea. I mean, this is a crime scene. The house hasn’t been cleared yet. It’s not… you know, I used to live here, and my son owned the property for many years. I’m very familiar with this very large, very confusing home. I’m happy to show you around if that doesn’t, I don’t know, interfere with your procedure at all. Yeah, it would probably fall under some kind of gray area. Great. Then let’s do it. Let’s do it. Okay. Just — we don’t know if the house is empty. Please stay behind me. Sure. What was I thinking, almost telling you the truth? What? D-did I believe I would just open up and you’d forget about all the things that I did to trina, and, w-what, you would congratulate me, say, “oh, my gosh, that’s great news,” and you’d forget about trina and all the things that I did? And you, me, and ace would just have this — this happily ever after?

[ Crying ] You only care about her and — and protecting her. And if I told you I remembered what I did…

[ Doors opening, closing ]

[ Footsteps ] You think whoever broke in here is the same person who sent you photos of dead austin? It’s possible. There’s no way to know. I’m sure the intruder is long gone by now. You asked for guidance about me? I-I did. You know, carly, whenever we’re together, we’re always snapping at each other or we’re arguing. But since it’s christmas eve, and in the spirit of christmas eve, I thought it would be nice if we spent some time talking. Talking about what? Well, when I was sitting in church, I realized that after all the pain, after everything that I’ve been through in my life, I am so blessed right now to be able to spend christmas eve with my family. Never thought I’d be able to say that. With my daughter and her children… you’re a lucky lady. Yes, I am. I’m so thankful for all of my family. And you and I, we have a lot of them in common. Then I started thinking about you, carly, what you’ve been through this year — the accusations of insider trading and then, um, financial problems and drew going to prison — is there a point to this? Because I have to go get donna. There is. I’m sorry. Yes, there is a point. There is. I’m sorry. And I’m trying to ask for your forgiveness. Forgiveness for what?

There’s just — you know, carly, there’s something about the holidays that get you thinking about your life and everything in it, and all the people that have meant a lot to you and all the mistakes that you have made. The church tonight was beautiful. It was all decorated for christmas and it was so peaceful, and I just sat there. I sat there and i thought about my life, what I’ve been through, the good and the bad. I let myself think about nelle, my daughter. And I let myself grieve for what could have been. And I realized blaming you for nelle’s death, that’s what led me to seek revenge. My pain was so great, I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t suffering alone. I’m aware of your need to lash out. Yeah, and it’s not pretty to realize that about myself, that it’s my need for revenge that drove me to hurt you by not telling you that sonny was alive in nixon falls. You’ve said this to me before, nina. I shifted tonight. Something shifted. I want to be a better person. I want to be the kind of mom that willow brags about. I want to be the kind of grandmother that wiley and amelia, they — they’re so proud of. And sitting in that church, maybe it was because I had this love around me, this support, this peace, I realized that there’s still a part of me that’s broken. I lie. There’s a part of me that still wants revenge for my daughter. That’s why I’m talking to you — I’m gonna stop you right there. I know what you’re gonna say. Anyone could have broken in here tonight. Maybe some kids playing a prank. On christmas eve, ava? Well, why not? There’s no neighbors on spoon island. And look at the break-in. It’s not exactly a professional job, right? Like something kids might do. It’s possible, but not only is there, you know, somebody out there sending you pictures of a dead guy, leaving a gun in your apartment, now he’s broken in here. So you think that would be kids or somebody playing mind games? I’m just so sick of the whole damn thing. Sick enough to do something reckless? That’s not gonna happen. ‘Cause I’m gonna do whatever I can to keep you safe. Well, thank you, sonny, but I think you know that I can protect myself. What if you’re not the real target? What if I am?

[ Indistinct talking in distance ] The turret door is open. I’m gonna go check it out. Not without me. Okay, but like I said, laura, please just stay behind me, okay? Sure. My skin has been so much smootherso much more hydrated. It’s olay!

Did you see anything? Nothing. I don’t know, maybe forensics can find something. Oh, yeah, I’m sure they can. I mean, this person wasn’t very concerned with hiding their footsteps. Well, whoever was here didn’t leave by jumping off the turret. But can we even be sure that the intruder was actually up here? It is possible that ava left that door open before she even moved out. No, I don’t think. I mean, it’s freezing out here. If ava had left the door open, it’d be colder in the sitting room, right? Someone must have left the door open more recently than that. You’re right. And it is cold. I’m going in. You know, I think I’m gonna go check on ava. She seemed really shaken up by this. Yeah. Okay. I’ll be down in a minute. Wait. The cops never found the gunman who put curtis in the wheelchair. Now, the target could have been anna, but it could have easily been me. So you think maybe whoever took that shot at the metro court pool is sending me pictures of dead austin and breaking into wyndemere? Could be, if it’s cyrus. So maybe cyrus is stalking me to get to you. I cannot rule anything out. Well, sonny, as much as I would love to blame you for my current situation, I do have enemies of my own. Whoever hurts you hurts avery. I cannot allow that. So that’s why I’m taking a personal interest in your security. You know? Yeah, it’s really not that hard to figure out what’s going on here. It isn’t? No. You went to church and you got caught up in the emotion of it all. Maybe it was the glow of the candles or the way the priest looked at you, I don’t know, but your guilty conscience started to get to you, and now you feel the need to apologize. Well, that’s part of it, but — but what’s really going on is that you feel that forgiveness is the last gift under the christmas tree, and you really, really want to open it and enjoy it… no, that isn’t — …which makes sense, because you’ve gotten everything else you’ve ever wanted, right? You got sonny, willow, your grandchildren, and the metro court. Yes, I admit that I have been very blessed this year. Great, well, at least you’re not going to insult me by pretending like you don’t see it. So why not feel entitled to ask for forgiveness, too? Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, nina. You’re gonna have to seek redemption somewhere else.

Excuse me. Is there something wrong, father? I was supposed to hear a confession, and I was unavoidably delayed. Did you happen to see a woman waiting? As a matter of fact, there was someone here, but I — I saw her leave. Well, I’m sorry I missed her, but hopefully she’ll be back soon. Thanks for your help. You know, I-I’m curious. How do you do it, father? Do what? Well, when the lost come to you, struggling to unburden the heaviness from their souls, h-how do you help them? Sounds like you’re asking for someone in your own life or for yourself. You’re very perceptive. I am asking for someone I know, but I-it’s not me. I’m thinking about a friend who’s feeling lost and alone tonight. The holidays can often affect people in that way. Well, I felt that way a time or two myself. But tonight I want to help them, and I would appreciate any advice you might have how best to do that. Your friend is lucky to have you looking out for them. Confession is good for the soul. Merry christmas, my son. Merry christmas to you, father. Confession is good for the soul. But if nina doesn’t do what’s good for her soul, I might have to do it for her. Carly, carly, carly, please. It’s christmas eve. It’s a time that people are supposed to come together. And you still won’t give me an inch? I’ve given you more than an inch. I’ve given you more than a mile. I’ve invited you to family gatherings and stood there while wiley gives you a hug and a kiss, and I bit my tongue till it bled. And I tell myself over and over again that for his sake, I have to make things work. And then I remind myself that sonny’s happiness affects donna and avery, so I keep things pleasant. But that’s not good enough for you. You helped yourself to my husband and my hotel, and now you want my forgiveness on top of it? And you assume that you’re entitled to it, that a sappy smile and a saccharine speech is gonna give you everything that you want? You don’t get to demand forgiveness. It’s a gift, nina. And I’m not giving it to you. You know what? I’ve come to you with the best of intentions, and you’ve decided to stomp all over them. You’re not even listening to me. So much for peace on earth, goodwill to men. What do you want to do next, carly? You want to kick over that christmas tree? You’re unbelievable. You don’t get what you want, and you’re so put upon. Man, you love playing the victim. You know, I don’t want to fight with you. I didn’t come here to fight with you. I came here to try to make peace, to tell you my truth. I have been sincere. I’ve had a really long day. I want to grab my little girl and go home with my family and enjoy what’s left of christmas eve. Tell your mom that you couldn’t get a rideshare because of just all the holiday parties, and they were just all so busy, so you just had to stay just a little bit longer. Spencer, we’re trying to get my mom to like you, remember? Right? Mm-hmm. So keeping her daughter away from her on christmas eve… mm-hmm. …It’s not a good idea. That’s true. And I-I stayed longer than I planned. And I promised her and curtis that I’d open one present at midnight. Okay, fine, but if I had it my way, I would spend this entire holiday with you. Oh, how are you so sweet? Must be the spencer side of my dna.

[ Laughs ] Okay. What did I say about leaving? [ Laughs ] That it was a dumb idea.

[ Cellphone chimes ] That’s my car. Okay, well, fine. I’ll let you go. But as long as you promise that I get to see you in the morning. Well, yeah, I still got to give ace his present. Okay. Then it’s a date. Merry christmas, trina robinson. Merry christmas, spencer. I don’t even really know what I’m doing here. It’s not like you’re some great father who raised me from birth and it hurts to live without you. You’re about as far from that as possible. But I can’t tell anyone else that I’ve got my memories back. And somehow I think you and crazy heather webber are the only people who would understand me keeping it a secret. I mean, how — how messed is that? My parents would be the ones telling me to lie. And, you know, I guess it’s true, what they say, that christmas eve is the loneliest night of the year. Because here I am talking to a serial killer who just happens to be my dad. Talk about desperate. But why is it so hard? I mean, I-it should be easy to be a good person. I-I should want to take that path. But you never showed it to me. I had to learn it all on my own. And even then, it’s really only because I-I lost my memory. But I have made a good life here in port charles. I — I have a good job and an amazing child and my own apartment with — with ace’s stuff scattered all around the place. It really feels like home… …our home, and I’m happy. At least I think I am. I-it’s hard to know because that feeling is so, so new to me. But there is another path, too. The crooked one that you showed me, and… …it would be so easy to go back. But what if I don’t have a choice? Maybe it’s out of my control and I’m just supposed to be bad because it’s in my dna. That is the legacy you left me, dad. Dante: Recognize this? I don’t know, maybe. Do you think maybe it’s nikolas’? Uh, look, laura, I know you’ve been looking for him, but I don’t see anything that would indicate that nikolas was here. And this isn’t a man’s glove. This wouldn’t fit him. Yes, of course you’re right. Uh, I’m sorry. I’m not thinking rationally, am I? I, uh — I guess ’cause it’s his house. And I just thought that… maybe, uh… I don’t know. It’s okay. I understand. Uh, maybe someone with smaller hands. Maybe — maybe it’s ava’S. I don’t want or need your goons following me around, sonny. You know what it’s like trying to get anywhere with them in tow? Very well, actually. I can handle whatever this world throws at me and you know it. I always come out swinging. But sometimes you need a little help, ava. Just like the help you got from dante and dex when you were kidnapped by mason. You were grateful to them. You had to bring that up, huh? Maybe think of this — I have to do what I need to do. It’s not just about you. What do you have in mind? I don’t like this any more than you do, but avery will. Why? Until we figure out what’s going on… you’re living with me.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, December 26, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Nikki finds Jordan in a cabin where Eve used to take Cole on vacation when he was growing up.

B. tells Cole Nick and Victoria that Nate saw Nikki drinking at the Athletic club. Victor is afraid that Nikki might be drinking since she returned home from Oregon. Victoria finds Nikki’s purse and there is an address inside which Cole recognizes and Nick calls the police.

Nick and Victor head to the cabin while Cole and Victoria wait at the ranch. At the cabin Nikki pretends to be drunk while Jordan tells Nikki she can have one last request before she dies. Nikki asks to see Claire and for a drink. Jordan gives Nikki a bottle of vodka while she gets Claire. Jordan brings out a sedated Claire, and while Jordan is distracted, Claire wakes up Nikki, and hits Jordan in the head with the empty Vodka bottle. Nikki tries to help Claire stand up so they can escape. Jordan gets up knocks Nikki to the floor and they fight. Claire grabs Jordan’s gun and tells Jordan to let Nikki go because Jordan has Nikki pinned to the cabin door and is choking her. Jordan tells Claire she is too weak to kill her. Claire doesn’t know what to do as Jordan and Nikki both tell her what to do. Nikki tells Claire not to kill Jordan because she will go to jail. Jordan tells Claire to kill Nikki because the Newmans will never accept her as part of their family. Claire cries as Jordan continues to tell her that she will never be loved. Nikki pushes Jordan towards the fireplace and she falls to the floor. Nikki takes the gun away from Claire and the police arrive to arrest Jordan. Nick and Victor arrive to take Claire and Nikki home.

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Days Transcript Monday, December 25, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


Merry Christmas.


Harris. What–what are you doing here? I told you it was over between us.

Yeah, I know, and I know why you told me that. Because you didn’t want me to find out the truth, and I did.

What are you talking about?

The Bistro is a front for drug trafficking, and you’re running the whole thing.

Harris, I don’t know what you are talk–

The increased crime, the ODs, Ava, it’s all on you.

OK, I–

[sighs] I didn’t want to do it. I swear to you.

Do not say another word without your attorney present.

[dramatic music] You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.


[exhales heavily]

Mama, are you all right?

[sighs] I am perfectly fine, apart from the rumble in my stomach, which probably woke you.

Oh, you’re hungry? I’ll go find a vending machine.

Forget about a vending machine. I want a hearty Christmas breakfast. Give me my shoes, baby.

Uh-uh. You can’t go. We’ve waited long enough.

Oh, I can go, and I am going.


Ah! Paulina.

Perfect timing. Mama was just fixing to bust out of here.

Well, why don’t you sit back and relax and tell me what’s going on?

Sweet dreams, little man.

[chuckles] I know what you’re probably thinking, a rocking horse for a one-month-old?

No, actually, I was thinking he’s gonna love it in, like, a few years. And then he’s gonna want a real one, which means we’re gonna have to, like–

Get a bigger house…


With a paddock and a big barn.

As long as I get to see you in a cowboy hat.

I’d rock a cowboy hat.

Oh, I know you would.

This has been one of the best Christmases I’ve ever had. Probably ever.

Mm-hmm. Me too. By the way, will you remind me later when he wakes up up to take a family photo? And then we can put him in the Baby First Christmas onesie.

Ah. The one Nicole got us? Yeah, he wore that for five minutes this morning and had a major blowout.

What? Or maybe you just don’t want to put him in that onesie because of what Nicole did.

Yup, I don’t want to put him in the onesie ’cause of what Nicole did.

OK, listen, I know you’re angry, and I was angry too. But I’m very grateful that Nicole, she came to her senses and she brought back our little guy to us.

That’s wonderful. I’m so happy you’re so grateful. I’m just not as grateful because nothing was gonna happen to him the whole two seconds I went into Sweet Bits, just to retain my wallet–

Sloan, listen. Hey. I know it took a lot for you to cover for Nicole so she wouldn’t be charged for kidnapping, but… you and I both know that Nicole needs help, not jail time.

What she needs is to stay the hell away from my baby. I don’t want her coming near him ever again.

I see all the presents are still under the tree and intact.

Oh. Yeah. Holly said she wanted to wait because she knew we were coming home early. You know, I’m–I’m really glad we went away last night. But I feel really guilty I missed Holly’s birthday.

Nicole, Holly knows how much you love her, and she knows what a terribly difficult time it has been for you and that getting away was a necessity. You are a terrific mother who has raised an amazing young lady. So no more guilt, OK?

[chuckles] No more guilt. Hmm.

[groans] Oh, why does everything hurt?

[groans] Johnny.

[gasping] Oh, my God. Oh, thank God I didn’t send it.

[sighs] Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I called him. Oh, my God! Someone kill me now.


[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

So you have a cough. Any other symptoms?

Nothing some bed rest won’t cure, I bet. I work–I’ve been working hours a week. I’m exhausted.

So fatigue. Anything else?

Sometimes a sore throat. Some hair loss, but I’m getting older, though. You know, that happens to everybody.

And she has a lump in her neck. It’s getting bigger.

[dramatic music]

You know, I’m surprised Holly is still in bed.

She’s a teenager. I used to sleep until noon when I was her age.

Yeah, but Holly loves Christmas. I mean, one time, she had me stay up till midnight to catch “Santa” coming down the chimney, and then she woke me up at : to open presents.


[chuckles] I’m gonna go check on her.




Ho, ho, ho! Looks like you had quite the Christmas Eve, little brother.

Shove it up your chimney, EJ.

[knock at door]

[knock at door]

OK. Harris. What are you doing here? Thought I made it pretty clear that I didn’t want to see you anymore.

Yes, you did, but… I already got you a gift. So I thought I’d drop it off. Merry Christmas, Ava.


Oh, you are awake.

Mom. Hey.

Hey. Why are you taking aspirin before you get out of bed? That is what those– those pills are, right?

Yeah, aspirin. I just woke up with a headache, a really bad one.

Oh, honey, I’m–I’m sorry. And, you know, I’m–I’m also sorry that I missed your birthday. So here it goes. * Happy birthday to you *

No, Mom, please don’t sing. Please.

No? Why? Is it awful?

No, of course not. It’s just this headache. I think it’s actually a migraine.

Oh. Sorry. That’s a first. Ooh! Honey.


You know exactly what. You have a hangover, don’t you?

Sloan, we all live in the same town. I think that’s a bit unrealistic.

OK, fine. I don’t want to– I don’t want to hear about Nicole anymore. I just–I want to bask in my first Christmas with my beautiful baby boy and my husband.

[baby fussing] Well, that was all of a -minute nap.

You know what? I’ll take him on a walk.

No, it’s freezing out.

Then I’ll take him on a drive. I mean, you like a good ride, don’t you, cowboy?


All right, here we go.

All right. Well, then I’ll grab a shower.

All right. We’ll be back soon.

I hope he falls asleep again.

Yeah, keep your fingers crossed.


I better get my coat. And… See you later.

[knock at door]

Oh. Now what did you forget, your car keys?

I’m back.



You should have just returned this.

Well, I didn’t– I don’t know. I didn’t save the receipt, and I sure can’t use it for myself, so… please, go ahead. Just–just open it.

[dramatic music]

It’s beautiful. But you shouldn’t be wasting your money on me.

I don’t consider it a waste. You’re worth every penny.


So a little too much fun out on the town last night?

No, actually, I spent the entire evening in the prison infirmary with Gabi.

[sniffles] She has a broken leg.

Ah. So she didn’t learn to keep her damn mouth shut since her last prison beating.

My wife is in excruciating pain, you insensitive ass.

My apologies for the snark. After all, it is Christmas.

What I’m most upset about is that it’s my fault.

Yeah, how’s that?

Well, Gabi’s leg was broken because… somebody was sending a message to me.

And who’s the messenger?

Clyde Weston.

Hungover? No. I mean…

[sighs] How did you know?

Well, because I’m your mother, and I can smell alcohol. Honey, what did you do, go to a party last night? Please tell me you didn’t drink and drive.

No, I didn’t. I just had some scotch from the bar downstairs. It was the first time I’ve ever done that. I don’t know, I guess I was kind of bored… and sad.

Well, of course you were sad about me losing the baby and… me kind of losing it when I took Jude.

Yeah, of course that’s all been really upsetting, but there’s more.

More? Holly, did something happen between you and Tate?

No. What happened… it was between me and Johnny.

OK. Well, can you– can you tell me about it?

Never mind. I–I don’t want to talk about this, not now, anyway, not when my mouth feels like cotton and my head is three times its normal size.

[chuckles] All right. You don’t have to tell me, but I just want you to know, honey, that I love you so, so much. And I’m here for you always.

I love you too, Mom. Come here.

[chuckles] Oh. Now, I know this is gonna hurt, but why don’t we get you changed and go out and get some fresh air?


I know. I know.

I don’t want to.


Girl, we’ve got some catching up to do.

Are you out of your mind? You just missed Eric. What if he’d have seen you?

Oh, relax. I hid around the corner and waited for him to leave.

Oh, God, I’m surprised he didn’t smell you.

[sniffs] Oh, must be the eau de faux turkey from my Christmas dinner at the men’s shelter.

Leo, it’s really bad.

Well, I would have taken a shower before I came to see you, but I couldn’t snag a shower slot for another three days. And I am not going to be there for another three days, no way, nohow, because you are not going to put me off again. Do you understand me? And you’re not gonna accuse me of kidnapping your child who isn’t really your child when I was trying to be a responsible citizen. I merely used my acute powers of observation to give a legitimate tip to the Salem PD.

Yeah, look, I’m really sorry about that. I–

Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m sure you are. Not nearly as sorry as you are going to be when this is all over.

Paulina, when was your last physical?

Oh. Well, I don’t know. Sometime before I moved to Salem.


I’ve been busy.

I’m just asking because your report here doesn’t indicate an enlarged thyroid on your last visit, so I don’t know if it’s a new growth or if they just didn’t check it.

Yeah, well, you know what? But let’s–let’s cut to the chase, Kayla, please. Do you think this is cancer?

Can I help you put it on?

[dramatic music]

[sighs] All right. Thank you.


It really is.

I wasn’t talking about the necklace.

Harris, we can’t do this.

Why? Why not? I still feel something between us. I think you do too. I just don’t understand why you’re pushing me away.

So you and Harris are…

It’s over.

[holiday music] We couldn’t risk being found out by him. So… as much as this really hurts now… I did what had to be done.


[dramatic music]

Is there something you’re not telling me?

[sighs, sniffles]

Clyde Weston? What does he have to do with you?

Well, initially, I said that this was all my fault, but this is actually because of you.

[chuckles] Excuse me?

Clyde needed somebody to run his drug operation. And since you declined–

He moved on to the next DiMera brother.

Mm. He used Gabi as leverage, threatened to harm her if I didn’t do his bidding for him.

The Bistro, of course. That’s why you had a sudden interest in the restaurant business.

Initially, we were just supposed to launder drug money through there, but eventually, he forced us to move the actual product through the place.

Us meaning you and Ava Vitali?

He threatened her son’s life, and now she is in as much of a bind as I’m in, and…

[sighs] If I make one wrong move, somebody pays the price.

My God, you need to extricate yourself from this situation immediately.

Well, that’s the idea, EJ, but I can’t do it alone. So the question is, do you hate Gabi so much that you’re willing to let her die? Or are you gonna help me out?

Well, I can tell you from physical examination that you do have a nodule on your thyroid.

OK. Well, is that serious?

Well, the vast majority are benign. And you have very classic symptoms of hypothyroidism. And if that’s what we are dealing with, we’ll treat this with a simple thyroid hormone pill every day.

One little pill, that’s it?

Yes, I am going to schedule your blood work to check your hormone levels, OK? And I’m also gonna get you a referral to an endocrinologist. She’ll probably want to do a fine needle biopsy just to be safe.

A biopsy?

It’s relatively painless. And the odds are in your favor. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

[exhales heavily]

Oh, it is such a beautiful day, although I could use some snow. Everyone loves a white Christmas, right?

[festive music]



I know I said I wasn’t ready to talk about it before, but now that my headache’s not as bad, well, you might as well know…


That I was never really into Tate. I just pretended to be.

Well, I mean, you did say before that whatever it was that made you upset last night was between you and Johnny.

Right. And the truth is… I like him, like, a lot.


But, Mom, I did the stupidest thing. I drunk-dialed him and I told him that last night. I mean, I think I told him. I don’t really remember exactly what I said, but I know I’m so humiliated.

Honey, I’m–I’m so sorry. I’m sure Johnny understands that you were drinking.

I hope so.

Mm. And aside from the fact that Johnny has a girlfriend and he– he is much older than you are, I also think he just thinks of you as a little sister.

I know, but… I’m kind of obsessed with him. I mean, like, I can barely breathe when I’m around him, and my stomach, it gets– it gets all fluttery. And I think maybe… I love him.

Honey, these–these feelings you’re having, now, I’m not saying they’re not real, OK? But when it’s one-sided, it’s not love. It’s infatuation. And if you have to jump through all these hoops just to get this one guy’s attention, then–

Hey, Ho–Holly.




Happy birthday.

Oh, thanks.

Yeah. Nicole. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


You know, at first, I was gonna take him for a drive, but I thought it might be a little too cold. And then I discovered that it wasn’t, so I found myself in this–

OK. You know what? I’m sorry, this–this is making me really uncomfortable, and I’m–I’m sure it is for you too. And I can’t apologize enough for what I did.

Nicole, I know you wouldn’t bring any harm to Jude when you took him. I know that.

OK, but I’m sure you don’t want me around your baby.

No, that’s not true.

Well, maybe not for you, but I’m sure your wife would beg to differ.


Stop threatening me, Leo.

Well, asking nicely hasn’t done the trick, has it? sighs] Look, I know how much you love that kid. When you thought I had kidnapped him, you almost spilled everything to the cops. You risked prison to let them know I may have had a motive for kidnapping him. Thankfully for both of us, it didn’t come to that. But since I know how far you are willing to go for the sake of Jude, I know you’re willing to pay me whatever it takes to keep my mouth shut. Am I right?

[dramatic music]

OK. I have your lab slip and a referral for a really outstanding endocrinologist here on staff.

Oh, wonderful.

We cannot thank you enough, Dr. Johnson.

Well, you know, there possibly is a way you could thank me.

Oh, what’s that?

I need to fill in for Santa last-minute. I think I’m probably the only one that would do that for the annual kids’ Christmas party. And I’m also supposed to read the Christmas story. And I just can’t do both. So I was wondering maybe you could spare Chanel for a little bit so she could read the story for me.


Sure. Yeah, I’ll do it.

Oh, wait a minute. Wait–wait a minute, why not me? Unless you want to do it, honey.

No, not if you want to.



Well, that would be great. It would be an honor to have the mayor read to the children, as long as you’re feeling up to it.

Kayla, I can’t count the times that I’ve asked the Lord to give me strength and he’s answered my prayers. It would take a lot more than a little nodule to keep me from sharing that nativity story with those children.



Look, if you hadn’t taken the draconian step of sending my Dimitri to Supermax, I may have been willing to settle for my initial set of demands.

Your initial set of demands were absolutely ridiculous. I couldn’t have possibly given you what you asked, let alone more.

Well, let’s start with this. You are a rich lawyer. I don’t have a penny to my name or a roof over my head. And you are going to give me both. Got it?

[festive music]

I told Sloan that it’s very unlikely that we were gonna run into each other. And I hope that we can keep it from being awkward, right?

Yeah, I hope so too. And I just want you to know that… I’m–I’m getting help. I start therapy with Marlena this week.

I’m really glad to hear that, Nicole. Holly, you OK?

Oh. Well, EJ and I went away last night, and Holly decided to celebrate her birthday on her own.

Jeez, Mom, tell the whole world.

Oh, it’s OK. I’m not gonna tell anyone, I promise. You know I don’t condone that, but I do have some good advice.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. It’s called a good, greasy breakfast will do the trick.


Oh, yeah, it could really help.


You know what? Actually, Salem Inn, they got a great Christmas buffet. If–maybe you want to– you want to grab a plate and we could be old friends?

I’d like that.

Well, if that’s the case, then so would I.


What do you think I could do to get Clyde off your back?

Oh, come on, EJ.

[dramatic music] I know you have the DiMera enforcement team at your disposal.

Exactly what are you implying?

You know I never wanted any part of that business, but I am stuck. I need to get rid of Clyde Weston, and you have the means to help me out. Now, you know I would not come to you unless I was desperate, and I am desperate now. I am begging you to help me, EJ, please. You got to help me.

[dramatic music]

There’s nothing that I’m not telling you. It’s just– Look, I don’t want to be with a guy who’s got a wandering eye. I mean, is it that hard to understand?

Yes, it is, because I only have eyes for you. I want to spend every moment I can with you.

OK, well, I’m sure you’re not gonna have much free time. Right? Work’s got to be keeping you busy. And I mean–

[sighs] I mean, any progress with that drug ring?

No. I mean, nothing concrete, but it keeps getting worse by the day. And as you know there’s a whole lot of collateral damage when it comes to drugs.

Yeah, it’s horrible. It’s tragic.

It is. And that’s why I’m not gonna stop until I bring whoever’s responsible to justice and make them pay.

Family first. That’s always been the DiMera credo. Even when we bickered and backstabbed, Father could always find a way to unite us against a common threat.

Exactly. And you want revenge against Clyde as much as I do.

Oh, yeah. But I haven’t taken it yet, have I?

[sighs] You see… I’m not the old EJ anymore who would take those kinds of risks, consequences be damned. I have a wife who desperately needs me right now, and I do not want to subject her to anything more than what she’s already going through.

Nicole’s not the one being threatened, EJ. It’s Gabi.

Gabi? Gabi, my nemesis? And Ava, my other nemesis? I am also the DA, Stefan. I am on the other side of the law now.


So I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I won’t help you.

A roof over your head? I can barely afford this place, and I’m supporting a child now.

Hmm. I see you bought a lovely rocking horse for said child. Must have cost almost as much as a real one. Yeah, I think you can afford to set me up at the Salem Inn indefinitely, upper floor, full minibar, unlimited room service.

I can’t do that. It would cost a fortune.

Well, then take out a loan or rob a bank. Or better yet, become a grande horizontale. That’s a woman of the night, and I think it would suit you well. Anyway, I’m sure you will find a way to support me in the style I am eager to become reaccustomed to. That is, if you want to keep your child.

I can’t believe how small he is.

Mm, you were that small once, a mere years ago. I can’t believe how long it’s been.

Me neither.

Can I hold him?

[baby fussing]


[festive music]

Hi there.

Hey, just remember to hold him behind the neck just like that.

Hey, Jude. My name’s Holly. It’s nice to meet you.

[baby babbling]

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas! children: Merry Christmas!

OK, boys and girls, we’re gonna give our attention to Mayor Price here as she reads the Christmas story.

[laughs] Thank you. “And it came to pass in those days “that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus “that all the world should be registered. “This census first took place “when Quirinius was governing Syria. “So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. “Joseph also went up from Galilee, “out of the city of Nazareth “into Judea to the city of David, “which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house “and lineage of David, to be registered “with Mary, his betrothed wife who was with child. “And she brought forth her firstborn son “and wrapped him in swaddling clothes “and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them at the inn.”

Paulina, that was wonderful, truly. Thank you.

[chuckles] It’s amazing how much energy a little good news can give a person.

[chuckles] Oh! Oh, come on, baby. Let’s eat, then we can go home and get ready for Abe to come over.

Have I told you what an inspiration you are?

Oh, child, tell me over breakfast. I’m starving.


Thank you.

No problem. Thank you.

[dramatic music]

Well… good luck bringing those dealers to justice.

Thank you.

Harris… You know, this–this necklace–

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I don’t want–

Ava, I thought it was settled. I can’t–I can’t return it. I just want–I–please.

OK, but–

I want you to have it.

I don’t want it, OK? I’m not–I’m not gonna wear it.

Well, then just– I don’t know, just put it away… for the future. I’m not giving up on you, Ava, not without a fight.

I wish you would.



You can’t really expect my help, Stefan, not after you and Gabi kicked me out of my own damn company. And as for Ava, she nearly killed my mother to get revenge on me. Why the hell would I even lift a finger to help her?

Don’t think of it as being charitable, EJ. Think of it as you getting revenge on Clyde Weston.

He’s not worth it.


Not to me. I will not jeopardize the family and the career I’ve worked so hard to build.


And since I’m the DA, Stefan, let me remind you that if you get yourself into trouble, you could find yourself in a cell at Statesville. Look at the bright side. They could put you in the one right next to Gabi.




So, Mom, you’re not gonna tell anyone else about what I did, right?

Who, me? I wouldn’t tell a soul.


Come on. Please!

Aw. Who would believe me anyway? I mean, look at this sweet little innocent face. Ooh. Do you remember how sweet she was when she was little?

Oh, she was so sweet and stubborn.

Oh, yes. You were stubborn.

Mm, stubborn.

Here we go.

Here we go. The reminisce train.


Oh, my goodness.


Oh, would you look at that? Isn’t that just the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen? What a perfect little family.

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Days Update Monday, December 25, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Ava has a nightmare about Harris finding out about her running drugs through the Bistro and arresting her, then she wakes up in a panic.

Chanel wakes up at Paulina’s side in the hospital and asks if she’s okay. Paulina claims she’s perfectly fine and just hungry, saying she wants a Christmas breakfast. Paulina wants to get up but Chanel says she’s not going anywhere after they’ve waited this long. Paulina responds that she can and she will. Kayla then enters the room which Chanel calls perfect timing. Kayla tells Paulina to sit back, relax, and tell her what’s going on.

Sloan puts baby Jude to sleep as she and Eric talk about getting him a rocking horse for Christmas. They talk about one day getting a bigger house and agree that this has been one of their best Christmases. Eric suggests later taking a family photo and putting Jude in his Baby’s First Christmas onesie that Nicole got him but Sloan doesn’t want to because she’s still mad about what Nicole did. Eric says he’s grateful that Nicole came to her senses and brought their baby back. Sloan says she’s not that grateful and complains that nothing was going to happen in the two seconds that she left Jude alone. Eric knows it wasn’t easy for Sloan to cover for Nicole but says that Nicole needs help, not jail time. Sloan declares that what Nicole needs is to stay the hell away from her baby. Sloan adds that she doesn’t want Nicole coming near him ever again.

EJ and Nicole return home to the DiMera Mansion. EJ comments on all the presents still being under the Christmas tree. Nicole mentions that Holly said she wanted to wait since they were coming home early. Nicole is glad they went away for a night but admits she feels guilty for missing Holly’s birthday. EJ encourages that Holly knows how much she loves her and what a terrible time she’s been through, so getting away was a necessity. EJ calls Nicole a terrific mother who has raised an amazing young lady. EJ tells her no more guilt.

Holly wakes up in bed with a hangover and frantically checks her phone, relieved to see she didn’t text Johnny but then remembers that she called him and begins to worry.

Paulina tells Kayla that she has a cough and nothing that some rest won’t cure as she’s been working so much that she’s exhausted. Kayla asks if there’s anything else. Paulina says a sore throat and some hair loss but blows that off as just getting older. Chanel then informs Kayla that Paulina has a lump in her neck that is getting bigger.

Nicole tells EJ that she’s surprised Holly is still in bed. EJ blows it off as her being a teenager but Nicole talks about Holly loving Christmas. Nicole decides to go check on Holly and exits the room as Stefan arrives. EJ comments that Stefan looks like he had quite the Christmas Eve. Stefan tells EJ to shove it up his chimney.

Ava sits at home until Harris shows up at her door. Ava asks what he’s doing there since she made it clear that she didn’t want to see him anymore. Harris informs her that he already got her a gift, so he thought he would drop it off. Harris wishes her a Merry Christmas.

Nicole goes to check on Holly and questions why she’s taking aspirin before getting out of bed. Holly says she just woke up with a really bad headache. Nicole apologizes for missing her birthday and starts to sing her happy birthday but Holly says she thinks her headache is actually a migraine. Nicole then realizes that Holly has a hangover.

Eric tells Sloan that they all live in the same town so he thinks that’s a bit unrealistic. Sloan decides that she doesn’t want to hear about Nicole anymore and just wants to bask in her first Christmas with her baby boy and her husband. Jude then wakes up crying. Eric suggests taking him on walk. Sloan notes that it’s freezing outside so Eric decides he’ll take him on a drive. Sloan decides she will grab a shower then. Eric takes Jude and exits. Leo then shows up at the door and tells Sloan that he’s back.

Ava tells Harris that he should’ve just returned the gift. Harris says he didn’t save the receipt and can’t use it himself so he tells her to just open it. Ava opens it and it’s a necklace. She calls it beautiful but says he shouldn’t be wasting his money on her. Harris doesn’t consider it a waste and calls her worth every penny.

EJ asks Stefan if he had a little too much on a night out on the town last night. Stefan informs him that he spent the night in the prison infirmary with Gabi as she has a broken leg. EJ jokes that she must not have learned to keep her mouth shut since her last prison beating. Stefan states that his wife is in excruciating pain and calls EJ an ass. EJ apologizes for the snark, pointing out that it is Christmas. Stefan adds that what he’s most upset about is that it’s his fault. EJ asks how that is. Stefan then reveals that Gabi’s leg was broken as a message sent to him from Clyde Weston which gets EJ’s attention.

Holly asks Nicole how she knew. Nicole informs her that she can smell alcohol and asks if she went to a party last night. Holly admits that she had some scotch from the bar downstairs which was the first time she ever did that. Holly guesses she was bored and sad. Nicole understands she was sad about her losing the baby and losing it by taking Jude. Holly says that’s all been really upsetting but there’s more. Nicole asks if something happened between her and Tate. Holly reveals that what happened was between her and Johnny. Nicole asks if she can tell her about it. Holly says nevermind as she doesn’t want to talk about this right now. Nicole tells her that she doesn’t have to tell her, but she loves her and is here for her always. Holly tells her that she loves her too as they hug. Nicole suggests she get changed and go out for fresh air.

Leo tells Sloan that they have some catching up to do. Sloan asks if he’s out of his mind as he just missed Eric. Leo says he hid around the corner and waited for Eric to leave. Sloan complains of Leo’s odor. Leo blames it on being at the men’s shelter and says he’s not going to be there much longer because she is going to help him. Leo brings up Sloan accusing him of stealing her child when he was trying to be a responsible citizen. Sloan says she’s sorry but Leo warns that she’s not nearly as sorry as she’s going to be when this is all over.

Kayla asks Paulina when her last physical was. Paulina says it was sometime before she moved to Salem because she’s been busy. Kayla notes that her last report doesn’t mention an enlarged thyroid so she doesn’t know if it’s a new growth or if it just wasn’t checked. Paulina tells Kayla to just cut to the chase and asks if she thinks this is cancer.

Harris offers to help Ava put her necklace on which she allows. Harris calls her beautiful but Ava says they can’t do this. Harris asks why not, arguing that he still feels something between them and he thinks she does too, so he doesn’t understand why she is pushing him away. Ava thinks back to telling Stefan about breaking up with Harris so they didn’t risk being found out. Harris asks if there is something she’s not telling him.

EJ asks Stefan what Clyde Weston has to do with him. Stefan says he initially said it was his own fault but it’s actually because of EJ. Stefan explains that Clyde needed someone to run his drug operation and since EJ declined, he moved onto the next DiMera brother and used Gabi as leverage by threatening to hurt her if he didn’t go along with it. EJ realizes that’s why Stefan bought the Bistro. Stefan confirms that initially they were just going to launder drug money through the Bistro, but eventually Clyde forced them to run the actual product. EJ guesses he means Ava. Stefan confirms that Clyde threatened Ava’s son’s life, so now she is in as much of a bind as he is. Stefan worries that if he makes one wrong move, somebody pays the price. EJ tells Stefan that he needs out of this situation immediately. Stefan says he can’t do it alone, so he asks EJ if he hates Gabi so much that he’s willing to let her die or if he will help him out.

Kayla tells Paulina that she can’t tell for certain but a vast majority are benign and notes Paulina having symptoms of hypothyroidism. Kayla says if that’s what it is, they will treat it with a pill every day. Kayla says she will schedule her for bloodwork and a reference to have a biopsy done which is relatively painless. Kayla adds that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Nicole and Holly walk through the town square. Nicole calls it a beautiful day as they sit together. Holly knows she said she wasn’t ready to talk before but now that her headache isn’t as bad, she might as well know. Holly then admits to Nicole that she was never really in to Tate and just pretended to be. Nicole brings up Holly saying it was between her and Johnny. Holly then reveals that she likes Johnny a lot and that she drunk dialed him last night, so she thinks she told him. Holly doesn’t remember what she said but that she’s humiliated. Nicole is sure Johnny will understand that she was drinking. Nicole adds that Johnny has a girlfriend and is much older than her, so she thinks he just thinks of her as a little sister. Holly admits that she’s kind of obsessed with him and can barely breathe around him. Holly thinks maybe she loves him. Nicole says she’s not saying her feelings aren’t real, but when it’s one-sided, it’s not love, it’s infatuation. Nicole adds that she shouldn’t have to jump through hoops just to get one guy’s attention. Nicole then sees Eric coming with baby Jude and tries to run away with Holly but Eric calls out to them. Eric wishes Holly a happy birthday and Nicole a merry Christmas. Eric talks about planning to take Jude for a drive because he thought it was too cold but it wasn’t. Nicole cuts him off and says this is making her uncomfortable and she’s sure it is for him too. Eric says he knows she wouldn’t bring harm to Jude when she took him. Nicole is sure that he doesn’t want her around his baby. Eric says that’s not true. Nicole is sure his wife would beg to differ.

Sloan tells Leo to stop threatening her. Leo complains that asking nicely hasn’t done the trick. Leo admits he knows how much she loves the baby and how she almost spilled her guts and risked prison when she thought he took him. Leo says he knows how far she’s willing to go for Jude, so he knows she’s willing to pay him whatever it takes to keep his mouth shut.

Kayla returns to Paulina with her lab slip and referral. Chanel says she can’t thank her enough. Kayla mentions that she has to fill in for Santa at the annual hospital kids Christmas party and also read the Christmas story and she can’t do both, so she asks Chanel to read the story. Chanel agrees but Paulina asks why not her. Kayla tells Paulina that it’d be an honor to have the Mayor read the Christmas story as long as she’s feeling up to it. Paulina says it would take a lot more to keep her from sharing the story with the children.

Leo tells Sloan that if she hadn’t sent Dimitri to super max, he may have been willing to settle for his initial demands. Sloan argues that she couldn’t have possibly given him what he asked. Leo argues that Sloan is a rich lawyer while he has no money and no roof over his head, so she’s going to give him both.

Eric tells Nicole that he told Sloan that it’s a small town, so they are going to run in to each other and he hopes they can keep it from being awkward. Nicole assures that she’s getting help and starts therapy with Marlena this week. Eric says he’s glad to hear that and asks Holly if she’s okay. Nicole informs him that she and EJ went away for a night while Holly decided to celebrate her birthday on her own. Holly complains about Nicole telling the whole world. Eric promises not to tell anyone. Eric says he doesn’t condone that but advises a good, greasy breakfast. Nicole agrees that could help. Eric points out that the Salem Inn has a Christmas buffet if Holly wants to grab a plate and be old friends. Holly says she would like that. Nicole says she would too.

EJ asks what Stefan thinks he could do to get Clyde off his back. Stefan knows EJ has the DiMera enforcement team at his disposal. EJ asks what he is implying. Stefan says he never wanted any part of that business, but he’s stuck and he needs to get rid of Clyde while EJ has the means to help him out. Stefan adds that he wouldn’t come to EJ unless he was desperate and he is now, so he’s begging EJ to help him.

Ava tells Harris that there’s nothing she’s not telling him and that she doesn’t want to be with a guy with a wandering eye. Harris insists that he only has eyes for her and wants to spend every moment he can with her. Ava points out that he won’t have much free time with work keeping him busy. Ava asks if there’s any progress with the drug ring. Harris says there’s nothing concrete but it keeps getting worse. Harris adds that there’s a lot of collateral damage with drug use. Ava agrees that it’s horrible. Harris declares that is why he’s not going to stop until he brings whoever is responsible to justice and makes them pay.

EJ looks at the portrait of Stefano and tells Stefan that family first has always been the DiMera creed. EJ says that Stefano could always find a way to unite them against a common threat. Stefan points out that EJ wants revenge against Clyde as much as he does. EJ admits he hasn’t taken it yet. EJ tells Stefan that he’s not the old EJ anymore, who would take those kind of risks, consequences be damned. EJ points out that he has a wife who desperately needs him now and he doesn’t want to subject her to any more. Stefan argues that Nicole isn’t the one being threatened, Gabi is. EJ calls Gabi his nemesis and Ava his other nemesis. EJ reminds Stefan that he’s also the district attorney now, so he’s on the other side of the law. EJ tells Stefan that he’s sorry but he can’t and won’t help him.

Sloan tells Leo that she can barely afford her place and she’s supporting her child now. Leo notices the rocking horse and thinks she can afford to set him up at the Salem Inn, indefinitely with unlimited room service. Sloan says that would cost a fortune. Leo tells her to take out a loan or rob a bank. Leo remarks that he’s sure she will find a way to put him up in the style that he’s eager to become re-accustomed to, if she wants to keep her child.

Eric, Nicole, and Holly sit together in the town square to eat. Holly can’t believe how small Jude is. Nicole talks about how Holly was that small once. Holly asks to hold Jude which Eric allows.

Kayla dresses as Santa Claus at the hospital and introduces Paulina to read the Christmas Story to the children. Afterwards, Kayla tells Paulina it was wonderful and thanks to her. Paulina says it’s amazing how much energy that a little good news can give someone. Paulina tells Chanel that they can eat and then go home to get ready for Abe to come over. Chanel calls Paulina an inspiration as they exit the hospital.

Ava wishes Harris luck in bringing the dealers to justice. Harris thanks her. Ava then removes her necklace. Harris tries to stop her and reminds her that he can’t return it. Ava says she doesn’t want it and isn’t going to wear it. Harris tells her to just put it away for the future then. Harris declares that he’s not giving up on her without a fight. Ava wishes he would but Harris says never as he then exits.

EJ tells Stefan that he can’t really expect his help after he and Gabi kicked him out of his own company while Ava nearly killed his mother to get revenge on him. EJ questions why the hell he’d even lift a finger to help Ava. Stefan tells him to think of it as getting revenge on Clyde. EJ says he’s not worth it and declares he will not risk the family and career that he’s worked so hard to build. EJ adds that since he’s district attorney, if Stefan gets himself in trouble, he could find himself in a cell at Statesville. EJ points out they could put him in the one right next to Gabi. EJ then exits. Stefan picks up a figurine off the table and smashes it in frustration.

Holly asks Nicole not to tell anyone else about what she did. Nicole asks who would believe her anyway. Nicole and Eric joke about how sweet but stubborn Holly was growing up. They laugh together as Sloan and Leo walk through the town square. Leo stops and points them out from a distance, calling it the sweetest thing and the perfect family.

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Days Short Recap Friday, December 22, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Julie and Doug reminisced about him getting his ornament on the Horton Christmas tree. There was a flashback of Doug being welcomed into the family by Tom and Alice. Chad brought the kids to the house. They weren’t able to match Julie’s good mood. The kids went upstairs. Chad told her the kids miss Abby and Stephanie. Theresa had gifts for Tate since he was going to be celebrating with both of his families. He told her that he wasn’t going to the Kiriakis mansion because he volunteered to work at the pub. She said she wasn’t going there either even though Alex invited her. Brady thought it was convenient that she started dating him after he inherited the Kiriakis fortune. Sarah and Xander arrived at the Horton house. Maggie and Konstantin showed up after them. Everyone was surprised to see her with him. Doug told Julie that Konstantin reminded him of himself when he was younger. Sarah told Maggie that she noticed how happy she seemed compared to earlier. Xander wasn’t sure whether to thank Konstantin for saving his daughter. Julie advised Chad to let the kids tell Stephanie goodbye. He called Stephanie and asked for a favor.

Tate didn’t want to keep hearing his parents argue. Brady wanted to spend the holiday as a family. Chad thanked Stephanie for coming over. He apologized for the way he handled things concerning their breakup. Sarah told Xander that she noticed how happy her mother was. He said she was forgiving. Xander looked at Konstantin talking to Maggie. He didn’t seem to like it. Xander thought she was too forgiving. Sarah believed her mother could take care of herself against Konstantin. Julie and Doug warned Konstantin not to hurt Maggie. Maggie thought about bringing Victor to the Horton’s house for Christmas. She thought he would be happy to know she was there with him. Everett arrived for the celebration since Doug invited him. Julie couldn’t believe Doug invited him to their celebration. He didn’t realize Everett was Stephanie’s ex. Stephanie and Chad were with the kids when Everett approached them. He hoped it was okay he was there. Chad said it was fine. Xander felt out of place at the party, but Sarah assured him that he belonged there. Julie started the hanging of the ornaments tradition. Everyone put their ornaments on the tree.

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Days Short Recaps Wednesday, December 20, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Alex and Xander ran into each other at the pub. Xander made fun of Alex for Bella not doing well. He said Alex shouldn’t have put Theresa in charge. While defending Theresa, Alex wondered why he would take advice from the person his father hired to mow the lawn. Xander tried to make peace by suggesting they break bread at Maggie’s Christmas gathering. Alex said they would break more than bread if he kept starting with him. Konstantin was upset about Theresa thinking she could walk away without consequences. He decided to call her. When Theresa’s phone rang, she saw Konstantin’s name. She ignored the call and hugged Andrew. Andrew told her Shane gave him Victor’s case. He said he saw Theresa’s face in one of the enhanced pictures. Theresa lied about Konstantin wanting to impress Maggie. She said he came up with the save the baby idea. Theresa said she wanted to help because Maggie was lonely. Andrew believed her because it sounded like something she would do. He said it made her an accomplice to kidnapping. Konstantin showed up and overheard Maggie talking to Sarah about Victor. Maggie told Sarah how sad she was. Sarah asked if Konstantin moving out made her feel lonely. Maggie said he had nothing to do with it. It was time for him to go because he put her family at risk. Sarah said she didn’t want her unhappy.

Jada complained to Rafe about not solving the Victoria kidnapping before Christmas. Rafe reminded her that Victoria was at home. He wanted her to let him know if she was moving in with him. Jada told him about Stephanie breaking up with Chad. It reminded Jada of her marriage breaking up. She said she moved too fast with Bobby. Jada didn’t know Bobby as well as she thought she did. They started to resent each other. They haven’t seen or heard from each other since then. She said running into Eric was another reminder that she moved too fast. When Sarah and Maggie finished talking, Maggie ran into Alex. Konstantin continued to listen to her conversation. Maggie told Alex how upset she was that Bella outweighed the ad revenues. Alex said it was a one time start up cost. She ripped into him for putting money in a dying commodity and for putting Theresa in charge. Theresa apologized to Andrew and wanted to know what he was going to do. He said he would tell John and Steve he couldn’t enhance the kidnapper’s face. She felt relieved. He told her what she was going to do. Jada told Rafe she wanted to take things slowly and do the right thing. He thought he could have avoided some of his pain if he did the same thing. Rafe wanted her to set the pace for them. He said he loved her and wanted her to let him know when she was ready. Alex told Maggie it would be better if he and Theresa didn’t show for Christmas given the way Maggie felt about him. Maggie tried to convince him to come. She said Justin missed him. Alex didn’t want anyone to have a bad time so he declined. Andrew warned Theresa to do the right thing and stay away from Konstantin. He told her he wasn’t covering up for her anymore.

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Days Short Recap Thursday, December 21, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Holly hinted to Johnny that it was her birthday. He felt bad because he was going to spend the night with Chanel. She informed him that she would celebrate with her mother. He asked her about Tate. Holly informed him that she and Tate were done. John and Steve talked about the ISA not being able to recognize the person who kidnapped Victoria. John was happy that Maggie kicked Konstantin out of the mansion and he’s on his way out of town. They went into the pub to meet Marlena and Kayla. They were thankful to be together. John and Steve reminisced about when they first met. Chanel noticed something was wrong with Paulina. She thought she was sleeping a lot lately. Paulina blamed it on her job. She brought her hand to her throat and coughed. Chanel gave her a glass of water, but she couldn’t drink it. She was worried because Paulina couldn’t swallow the water. She noticed the lump on Paulina’s neck. Paulina insisted that it was nothing. Chanel told her that she was going to the hospital. Johnny had a cake delivered for Holly’s birthday. She informed him that she reached the age of consent in their state. Johnny didn’t want to know how she found out. Chanel called him to let him know that her mother was in the hospital. He apologized to Holly and had to leave.

At the hospital, Paulina gave someone orders on the phone. Chanel wanted her to stop working so much. Johnny arrived at the hospital and found them. He wanted to know how he could help. Paulina assured him that she didn’t need any help. He didn’t agree with her and walked off. Johnny returned and there was an exam room ready for her. Chanel thanked him for his help. Holly poured herself a drink. She didn’t like it at first, but she started enjoying it. She wrote a drunk text expressing her love for Johnny. Holly realized that she couldn’t send it because it would ruin everything with Johnny. If he loved her, he wouldn’t have left her on her birthday. She realized that he didn’t care about her. No one cared about her. Johnny tried to comfort Chanel as they waited for Paulina to get examined. She was grateful he was there with her. Johnny got a call from Holly. She yelled at him for leaving her to hold Chanel’s hand. After he got off the phone with her, Chanel told him to check on Holly. John talked to Marlena, Steve, and Kayla about his past. Steve and John discussed working for Victor. John couldn’t stand him, but he ended up being his father-in-law. He realized that Victor knew his secrets and they went to the grave with him. John was thankful his past remained in the grave. Steve seemed concerned about that. Roman told them about Julie’s call. She was having unexpected guests and needed pies. Roman mentioned that Konstantin was one of her guests. Steve got upset at the mention of his name. John admitted to Marlena that talking about his past got to him.

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Days Update Friday, December 22, 2023

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Update written by Joseph

Doug sits in the Horton living room as Julie comes in with the box of Christmas ornaments to hang on the tree. Julie calls it the symbol of all Hortons past and present as she presents Doug with his ornament and they flash back to when Tom and Alice first presented Doug with his ornament. Julie states that just like a family, each ornament is a blessing.

Theresa goes to John and Marlena’s with presents for Tate and wishes Brady a Merry Christmas. Tate comes in and greets her. Theresa explains that she thought she would drop by with his gifts since he’s spending Christmas with his dad’s side of the family. Brady notes they are spending with both sides as they are having lunch with John and Marlena and then dinner at the Kiriakis Mansion. Tate informs Brady that he won’t be at that dinner because he’s working at the Pub tomorrow. Brady questions that while Theresa questions why the Pub is open on Christmas. Brady guesses Roman is opening as a safe haven for all the lost souls but says he didn’t know that Roman scheduled Tate. Tate reveals that he volunteered because Roman needed the help. Brady feels Tate is using it as an excuse to get out of dinner. Tate remarks that the Kiriakis dinners are like a boring Greek tragedy which Brady calls a good analogy. Theresa reveals she’s not going either. Brady questions her being invited. Theresa informs Brady that she was invited by Alex because they are not just roommates as they are now dating. Brady questions if that happened before or after Theresa found out that Alex inherited half of the Kiriakis fortune.

Chad brings Thomas and Charlotte to the Horton house. Doug declares that the party can now get started. Julie asks if the kids are ready for Santa Claus. Thomas says I guess. Julie asks about Christmas cookies but Charlotte declines and asks if they can just go play upstairs in their room so Chad tells them to go ahead. Julie says she’ll let them know when it’s time to open presents. Julie acknowledges that Christmas is hard for the kids. Chad confirms they are missing Abigail and adds that they are missing Stephanie a lot too.

Everett and Stephanie have coffee together in the town square. Everett thanks her for talking business with him tonight and asks if she’s sure he’s not keeping her from any holiday festivities. Stephanie assures that he’s not and that she could use the distraction. Stephanie asks why he’s working on Christmas Eve. Everett reminds her that he doesn’t celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah is over. Stephanie remembers lighting the menorah with him for their first Hanukkah together. Everett asks what her plans are for tonight after their meeting. Stephanie says she’s just going to watch her favorite holiday movie and go to sleep. Everett recalls watching Rudolph with her when they were together. Stephanie says that’s not her favorite holiday movie and just happened to be on. Everett then remembers her favorite holiday movie is Elf. Everett questions her not having any plans with family. Stephanie says she will celebrate with them tomorrow, but tonight she just wants to lock herself in her room and watch her favorite holiday movie as she just wants a quiet night by herself.

Xander and Sarah go to the Horton House with baby Victoria. Julie excitedly greets Victoria and says they are so glad she’s there. Xander thanks Julie for having him too. Julie acknowledges that it is a special occasion and a baby’s first Christmas only happens once, so if the parents want to be together then they should be. Xander calls that very kind of her and confirms they do want to be together with Victoria on Christmas. Sarah asks if Maggie is there yet. Julie mentions thinking she heard her coming in. Maggie then arrives with Konstantin as Julie comments that Maggie’s not alone. Maggie introduces Konstantin to Doug and Julie and says she hopes it’s alright that she brought him, explaining that he’s an old friend of Victor’s and he didn’t have plans. Julie says it’s alright. Konstantin says it’s an honor to meet them. Maggie goes to greet Sarah. Doug comments to Julie that Konstantin reminded him of his younger self and he’s afraid it’s a bad flicker in his eyes. Maggie hugs Xander. Sarah asks to speak to Maggie alone so they step out. Konstantin asks Xander about Victoria. Xander responds that she’s doing well but he’s not sure if that’s thanks to Konstantin or no thanks to him.

Maggie tells Sarah that it was a nice surprise to see she brought Xander. Sarah responds that Maggie had the bigger surprise as she thought Konstantin was gone. Maggie explains that he was staying with a cousin in Ohio but they had travel plans for the holidays, so he came back. Maggie adds that Konstantin is staying at the Salem Inn but she ran in to him in the town square and they got to talking, so she invited him because she was raised that no one should be alone on Christmas Eve. Maggie asks if Sarah is upset that she invited him. Sarah says no and that she was just surprised. Sarah tells Maggie that she likes Konstantin and she’ll always be grateful to him for rescuing her daughter. Sarah recalls Maggie being so upset when she saw her in the afternoon, but now she’s smiling.

Chad returns to the living room and tells Doug and Julie that the kids are on a video chat now with Jack and Jennifer. Julie hoped this year’s Christmas would be a little better for the kids. Chad doesn’t think it is for any of them, especially since things with he and Stephanie ended so abruptly that the kids didn’t get to say goodbye. Julie tells Chad that she loves him but this cannot stand and urges him to do something about it right now.

Everett tells Stephanie that he’s taken up enough of her time tonight. Stephanie calls it no problem and a welcome distraction. Stephanie says now she will head home to watch Elf and asks if Everett is heading home too. Everett mentions being invited to a Christmas Eve thing but he doesn’t think he’s going to go. Stephanie tells him to enjoy his evening. Everett tells her the same and walks away. Stephanie then gets a call from Chad. Chad knows it’s Christmas Eve and last minute but asks if he can ask her for a really big favor.

Theresa argues that she’s really tired of Brady implying that she’s a gold digger. Tate gets mad and goes to storm out. Theresa stops him and says he can’t go because it’s Christmas. Tate calls it the nightmare before Christmas and shouts that both of his parents are jerks as he laments this being a Merry Christmas to him. Theresa tells him that is not okay. Tate questions if it’s okay that they are fighting like this on Christmas Eve. Brady and Theresa apologize to him and ask him to stay, promising that they will get along. Tate questions why he would believe that. Brady insists that they will prove they are sincere by having Christmas Eve here tonight, together as a family which Theresa agrees with.

Stephanie goes to the Horton house. Chad thanks her for doing this as he knows it’s Christmas Eve and last minute. Chad asks if he stopped her from doing anything important. Stephanie says no and that she was just working. Stephanie adds that she loves his kids so much and she’s so sorry that they are having a hard time. Chad says they miss her a lot. Stephanie admits she misses them too and she hates that she didn’t say goodbye, feeling she should’ve handled it differently. Chad says he’s their father and he didn’t think about it at the time, but the kids love her and when the circumstances changed between them, he should’ve thought about the kids first and he didn’t so it’s on him. Stephanie acknowledges that they were both negligent in not thinking of the kids so she suggests trying to fix it. Chad suggests they talk to the kids together. Stephanie reveals that she brought the kids Christmas gifts on her way. Chad assures the kids will love that and says he really appreciates her doing this.

Xander and Sarah talk about being surprised that Victoria is sleeping through the Christmas party. Sarah tells Xander that Maggie is very happy he’s there. Xander calls her one of his favorite people and says she’s very kind and forgiving, but maybe too forgiving sometimes. Sarah knows he’s not Konstantin’s biggest fan but says he has a been a comfort to Maggie. Sarah notes that Maggie may be vulnerable now but she’s smart and tough, adding that she did kick him out of the house after learning of his connection to the Greek mafia. Sarah is confident that Maggie can handle it. Konstantin tells Maggie how much he’s enjoying his first American Christmas and comments on what a lovely family the Hortons are. Maggie calls herself an honorary Horton but Julie insists that she is a Horton and always will be. Julie declares that the Hortons stick together like glue, so when you hurt one of them, you hurt all of them. Doug tells Konstantin that when he watches them hang their ornaments, he will realize there are a lot of Hortons. Konstantin asks Maggie about bringing Victor here to celebrate Christmas. Maggie confirms that she did and says it took him awhile but he eventually grew to love the Horton family tradition. Konstantin knows it must be terribly hard on her without Victor. Maggie assures that it is but says remembering Victor on Christmas Eve warms her heart. Maggie thinks that Victor would be very happy that Konstantin is here with them tonight.

Brady, Theresa, and Tate eat Chinese food together. They talk about a past time when they went to Universal Studios when Tate was 10. Brady comments that all the memories weren’t so bad and they end up laughing together.

Sarah tells Konstantin that she and Maggie were just talking about him this afternoon and it’s a coincidence that he showed up. Konstantin calls it a Christmas miracle for him. Konstantin apologizes to Sarah for his past playing any part in the disappearance of her child. He adds that it’s all resolved now thanks to Maggie, so there’s nothing to worry about. Sarah says she’ll always be grateful to him for rescuing Victoria but she thinks it will be awhile before they feel safe. Xander warns that they will be keeping their eyes wide open just in case.

Chad tells Stephanie that he owes her an apology as he realizes now that it was too soon for him to be with anyone after losing Abigail and that wasn’t fair to her, so he’s sorry. Stephanie understands he didn’t mean it to be and knows the pain and tragedy he and the kids suffered. Chad suggests they go upstairs to talk to the kids. Stephanie adds that she’ll give them their Christmas presents upstairs too so she doesn’t intrude on the family party. Chad asks if she can’t stay.

Everett arrives at the Horton house. Doug welcomes him and says it’s wonderful to have him. After Everett walks away, Julie questions Doug about inviting Everett when he’s Stephanie’s ex-boyfriend. Doug says he forgot but he ran in to him in the town square, so he invited him for the holiday. Doug points out that Everett didn’t know a soul in Salem. Julie points out Stephanie. Thomas and Charlotte then come back in with Chad and Stephanie. Thomas announces that Stephanie is here and is going to open presents with them. Stephanie confirms that she will and informs them that she brought them special presents too. Stephanie adds that she is so happy to spend Christmas with them. Thomas says they are glad too as Stephanie hugs them. Everett then comes back in and wishes them all a Merry Christmas. Stephanie gives Thomas and Charlotte their presents. Thomas asks if they can open them now but Chad says it’s not quite time yet and has the kids put the presents under the tree. Chad tells Everett that he’s surprised to see him. Everett clarifies that he was invited this time but mentions being surprised to see Stephanie, asking what happened to watching Elf. Stephanie says it will have to wait and realizes this was the party Everett mentioned earlier. Everett explains that he ran in to Doug at the Bakery this morning and Doug invited him. Everett says he planned on working all night but figured he should make an appearance since Doug was kind enough to invite him. Everett hopes that is cool. Chad says of course as Stephanie smiles. Doug tells Julie that he didn’t know Stephanie would be there. Julie explains that she told Chad to call her for the children and she came over right away. Doug declares that it’s Christmas, so the more, the merrier. Stephanie asks if the kids are excited to open their gifts. Thomas assures that they are and that he knows he’s going to love it because she always gets good presents. Stephanie responds that her favorite gift this year is getting to spend Christmas with them. Thomas asks Stephanie if they will always be together on Christmas Eve. Stephanie says they’ll make deal that every year around Christmas, they will pick a day to meet up, exchange Christmas presents, watch movies, have cookies, and a dance party as she hugs the kids while Chad watches on. Maggie tells Konstantin that the ornaments are the most beloved Horton Christmas tradition that they are either born with or earned. Sarah comments on a whole box of retired ornaments. Konstantin asks if that means one can be removed from the tree. Maggie insists that all Hortons past and present are still a part of the family Christmas. Maggie says that nothing gets thrown away and some are just down in the cellar. Maggie and Konstantin then go to have cookies. Xander asks Sarah if he should leave since he feels a bit awkward being there for the hanging of the ornaments when he’s not family. Sarah points out that he will always be connected to the family through their daughter and her, so he will always be welcome there and his ornament will never be down cellar.

Brady asks Tate if he has any holiday plans with Holly. Tate tells him that was a bust. Brady says he’s sorry and asks what happened. Tate says he doesn’t know and that he’s finally starting to accept that Holly’s not in to him. Tate adds that it’s too bad since he already bought her a present for her birthday/Christmas so he guesses he will throw it away. Theresa stops him and urges him to hang on to it for the next girl, insisting there will be plenty more. Theresa calls him such a catch and says she’s sure all the girls are looking at him back in school. Theresa then asks if Tate is planning on going back to school after the holidays. Tate responds that nobody has really texted him since he left and admits that it would be nice to come home after school every day. Tate admits that Salem is kind of cool. Brady points out that the school he was going to in California is one of the best college prep schools in the country, so if he graduates from there, he’d be set. Tate questions if he’s saying that he has to go back. Brady states that when it comes to school, he and Theresa have decided that Tate can make the decision. Theresa tells him to take his time and think about it. Tate declares that he wants to say. Brady notes that was quick and asks if he’s sure. Tate confirms that he wants to go to Salem High. Theresa calls it the best Christmas present she could’ve asked for. Tate asks if Brady is disappointed. Brady says he’s not and he’s actually really happy about it because he’s gotten used to him being around.

Julie announces that it’s time to hang the Horton ornaments. Julie hangs her and Doug’s ornaments next to Tom and Alice. The ornaments for Eli, Lani, Carver, and Jules are hung. Chad hangs he and Abigail’s ornaments with Thomas and Charlotte’s. Stephanie hangs her ornament on the tree. Maggie hangs her ornament next to Mickey and Victor’s and hugs Sarah as the ornaments for Bo and Hope along with Jennifer, Jack, and JJ’s hang on the tree. Xander and Sarah hang their ornaments along with their previous baby Mackenzie’s. Maggie then presents a new ornament for Victoria which Xander hangs on the tree. Thomas jokes about Charlotte not being the youngest anymore. The Horton tree is filled with Ornaments as Peace on Earth plays.

Theresa gives Tate a Christmas present. Tate shakes it and says he’s relieved it’s not clothes. Tate opens it and is excited to get a tablet. Tate hugs Theresa and thanks her as she says she saved the best for last. Brady admits that will be tough to top. Tate comments that this whole Christmas will be hard to top. Theresa jokes about them getting a compliment from their son which Brady calls a Christmas miracle. Tate declares that he got to have a nice night with both of his parents and that’s the real Christmas miracle.

Doug and Julie sing “Up on the Housetop”. Maggie thanks Julie for everything and says it was a wonderful Christmas Eve. Konstantin adds that he’s grateful to have shared in the celebration. Konstantin looks forward to the opportunity of returning their kindness sometime soon. Julie says a thank you note will do and he can send it from where ever he ends up.

Chad and Stephanie step out of the living room where Chad thanks Stephanie for doing this and says it really turned the night around for the kids. Stephanie admits she’s really glad he called. Stephanie adds that just because they aren’t together anymore doesn’t mean they have to be strangers, so if he ever needs help with the kids. Chad says he appreciates that. Everett comes out and offers to walk Stephanie home since it’s dark out if she wants company which Stephanie accepts. Chad decides he will go round up the kids and get them home. Chad wishes Everett happy holidays and shakes his hand. Chad wishes Stephanie a Merry Christmas. Stephanie and Everett then exit together.

Sarah prepares Victoria for Xander to take her for Christmas day. Xander promises pictures and videos. Xander tells Sarah that he’ll see her tomorrow as he exits with Victoria while Sarah holds back tears.

Maggie and Konstantin walk through the town square. Konstantin tells Maggie that she didn’t have to call his driver as he could’ve walked to the Salem Inn. Maggie feels it’s too cold. Konstantin thanks her again for inviting him to the Hortons. Maggie wishes him a Merry Christmas and kisses him on the cheek. Konstantin hopes the year brings her much joy. Maggie wishes him the same. Konstantin says until they meet again and heads on towards the Salem Inn, stopping to look back at Maggie.

Doug and Julie sit together to end the night. Julie brings up Tom and Alice starting this tradition all those years ago with just seven ornaments and wonders if they ever would have imagined the tree that they have now. Julie comments on how proud they would be to know their legacy goes on as they flashback to bringing Christmas to Tom in the hospital and hanging the ornaments where Doug and Julie surprised Tom. Julie comments on all the traditions, memories, and love, saying it goes on and on. Doug and Julie emotionally wish each other a Merry Christmas and they kiss.

In Memory of director Phil Sogard (1932-2023)

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Days Transcript Friday, December 22, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


[light holiday music]

* Deck the halls with boughs of holly *

* Fa la la la la la la la *


And here are the rest of the Horton ornaments.

Yes. Each one…

[clicks tongue] Is ready to hang on our beautiful tree– a precious gem of our family history. Oh, my darling… a symbol of all the Hortons past and present.

Well, there they come, the Charge of the Light Brigade.

Where’s Addie?

I think she went upstairs.

Oh. Darling, would you go upstairs and call your mother? Tell her we want her down here for just one minute.


Is the party about to break up, or is this the vigilantes approaching?

Just relax, my friend, just relax. Now, uh, I know everybody doesn’t know what I’m going to do. Um, I think you will all approve.


[clears throat] Fair warning, I bleed very easily.

Oh, there are plenty of doctors around–don’t worry. Oh, here she is.


Addie’s here. Go ahead, start it off.

Pay attention, Addie.

All right.


[clears throat]

Uh, what is–what’s going on?

Doug, uh…

[chuckles] How do I begin? I-I suppose the most obvious way… how much we love you, how much, in the short time that we’ve known you, you–you’ve come to be practically a member of this family, perhaps the only family you’ve ever known, seeing that you were raised in an orphanage. Now, if you’ll look behind you on the tree, you’ll see ornaments with the names of everyone near and dear to us– all members of this family. But today we decided that we wanted to add another ornament… another name.

[soft music]

[light applause]

And just to make it official, though not exactly legal, Mickey’s drawn up a-a formal set of adoption papers here, which do not require you to change your last name.

[light laughter] Doug, I guess what we’re trying to say is that… Welcome to our family.

Just like a family, each one is a blessing.

And none more than you, my love.

You know, darling, you say that every year.

Well, it’s always true.


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas. I assume those are for Tate.

Yes, they are.

[gasps] Merry Christmas, my little honey bunny.

Mom, hey.


[smooching] How are you?

I just thought I’d, um, pop by and bring you all your Christmas presents, since I know you’re going to be spending Christmas with your dad’s family.

Both sides, actually. We’re going to have brunch with Dad and Marlena, and then we’re going to have dinner at Kiriakis.

Yeah, well, I, uh– I won’t be at that dinner.

What do you mean?

I’m working at the Pub tomorrow.

You–you’re working on Christmas?

Why is the Pub open on Christmas?

Well, if–if I know Roman, he’s probably creating a haven for all the lonely souls of Salem. Um, well, I didn’t know he scheduled you, son.

I-I volunteered. Roman needed the help, so…

I see. Ah, it also gives you a really good excuse to get out of dinner tomorrow night.

Those Kiriakis dinners– they’re like, uh–they’re like those boring Greek tragedies we’re forced to read in English lit.


[laughs] That’s actually a pretty good analogy.

Well, I’m not going to be going either.

You were–you were invited?


[clears throat] Mm-hmm. By Alex.

By Alex?

Yeah. See, we’re actually not roommates anymore. We’re actually dating.

Oh, okay, right. Did that happen before or after… you found out that he inherited half the Kiriakis fortune?

[dramatic music]

Three of my favorite people just arrived. The party may now get started.

[both laugh]


[sighs] Well… Tommy, Charlotte, are you ready for Santa Claus?

I guess.

Well, I’m sure you’re ready for some Christmas cookies.

No, thank you.

Can we just go upstairs and play in our old room?

Yeah, sure. Go ahead. Run on up there.

I-I’ll let you know when it’s time to hang the ornaments and–and open your presents and–

[sighs] Oh, Chad.


Christmas is hard for them, isn’t it?

It is. It is, yeah. They, um–they miss their mom.

Of course they do.

And Stephanie. You know, they’re missing her a lot, too.

Extra whipped cream. That’s how you like it, right?

Mmm. Thank you.

Well, it’s the least I could do, you agreeing to… talk business with me tonight. You sure I’m not keeping you from any holiday festivities?

No, you are not, and I can use the distraction.


Why are you working on Christmas Eve?

Oh, well…

[clears throat] I don’t celebrate Christmas, as you know.


And Hanukkah is over. The two don’t coincide this year.

Oh, right. I remember lighting a menorah with you every night for eight nights our first Hanukkah we were together.

That’s right. And you said the blessing with me. Baruch atah Adonai. You remember that?

I do.

What are your plans tonight? Um, I mean after our–our meeting.

I’m, uh– I’m just going to watch my favorite holiday movie and go to sleep.

Your favorite holiday movie is… “Rudolph”? Is it “Rudolph”?

Yeah, when I was eight.

I don’t know– I seem to remember watching “Rudolph” with you when we were together. You couldn’t figure out why that doll was on the Island of Misfit Toys.

Well, what was wrong with her, anyway? She wasn’t a misfit.

I guess you’re right.

And, uh, for the record, “Rudolph” is not my favorite holiday movie. It just so happened to be on while we were wrapping presents.

Mm, I remember what it is. “Elf.”

A classic.

Total classic.


So it’s you and Will Ferrell tonight, huh? No plans with family?

I’ll celebrate with them tomorrow. Tonight I just–I just want to lock myself in my room and watch my holiday movie. I just want a quiet night by myself.

[soft music]

The baby! Oh, Merry Christmas, Victoria Horton.

Ah, well, Victoria Horton-Cook, actually.

Uh, very well. Victoria Horton-Cook. You’re adorable, and we are so glad you’re here.

And thank you so much, Julie, for… having me, too.

Well, it is a special occasion. Baby’s first Christmas only happens once. And if her parents want to be together, then they should be.

That’s very kind of you. And, yes, we–we do want to be together… for Christmas with our– with our daughter.

[all chuckle]

Is my mom here yet?

Yeah, I think I heard her coming in. Ad she’s not alone.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Well, well, who have we here?

Uh, Julie, um, this is Konstantin Meleounis. Um, I hope it’s all right that I brought him. He’s a dear old friend of Victor’s, and he didn’t have any plans for tonight.

Of course it’s all right.

It is my honor to meet you both.

It’s our pleasure, sir.

Huh. Um, well, um, I really would like to excuse myself. I want to say hello to Sarah and Xander, okay?

Of course. Of course, dear.


Do you want to hear something strange?


That man, Konstantin, reminded me of my younger self.

Oh, in what way?

Well, I just saw something flicker in his eyes.


[whispering] Good flicker or a bad flicker?

Well, the latter, I’m afraid.

Merry Christmas, Maggie.

Oh, Merry Christmas.




You look lovely as always.

Oh, thank you, Xander.

Um, Konstantin, may I borrow my mom for a few minutes?


Um, she wants to talk to me alone.

Ah, yes, of course.

For a moment.

[soft holiday music]

I trust your little one is well.

She is.


Although, frankly, I’m not sure if that’s thanks to you or no thanks to you.

Well, it was such a nice surprise to see you brought Xander.

Oh, no, you win in the surprise department. Konstantin? I thought he was gone.

Ah, well, he was. He’s staying with a cousin in Ohio.


But they had travel plans for the holidays, so, uh, he came back here. He’s staying in the Salem Inn, in case you’re wondering. I ran into him in the Town Square right after you left this afternoon, and we got to talking, and so I invited him here tonight. I mean, because I was raised that no one should be alone on Christmas Eve. Are you upset that I did?

No, no, I was–I was just surprised, like I said. I mean, look, Mom, I told you, I-I… I like the guy, and I’m always going to be grateful to him for rescuing my little girl.

As will I.

And, uh, when I saw you this afternoon, you were so sad, and now look at you– you’re smiling.

Ah, you’re back.

And how are the children doing?

Oh, they’re okay. They’re, uh–they’re on a video chat with Jack and Jennifer right now.

Well, that should lift their spirits.


It was so hard for them last Christmas, losing their mother. I-I was hoping this year– this year it would be a little better, but–

Yeah, well, I don’t think it is for–for any of us, especially because, you know, things with Stephanie and me ended so abruptly, the… kids never got to say goodbye.

Chad… darling, you know how much I love you, but this cannot stand. Honey, you got to do something about this, right now.

Well, I have taken up enough of your time tonight.

Oh, it’s no problem. It was a welcome distraction, as I said. Now I’m going to head home and cuddle up with “Elf.”

[laughter] You’re headed home, too, I hope, not going back to work.

Yeah, I was invited to this Christmas Eve thing, but, um, I don’t think I’m going to go.

Right. Well, enjoy your evening.

Thank you. You too.

[cell phone ringing]

[soft music]


Hey, Steph, um, it’s me. I-I’m not interrupting anything, am I?

Uh, no. I was just having some hot chocolate. What’s up?

Uh, listen, um, look, I know it’s Christmas Eve, and it’s kind of last minute, but… could I ask you a really big favor?

You know, I am really tired of this perception you have of me, implying that I’m some sort of a gold digger!

I’m not implying a damn thing. I’m actually saying it flat out. Tate, where you going?

Anywhere but here.

Hey, no, no, no, no, no. You can’t go. It’s Christmas.

No, this–this is the nightmare before Christmas, and both my parents are a couple of jerks! Merry Christmas to me.

[dramatic music]

That is unacceptable, Tate. That is not okay.

Oh, but this is? You two fighting with each other, and on what, Christmas Eve no less?


[stammering] All right. You’re right. You are right. I’m sorry.

[dramatic music]

I’m sorry, too.

Son, please–please stay. Don’t go.

We, um–we’re going to get along…

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

From now on. For reals, we’re going to get along.

Why would I believe that?


[stammers, sighs] Well, he’s right. Why would he believe that, right? You’ve heard it a million times, but this time Theresa and I… we’re going to prove to you that we’re sincere about this.



Because we’re going to have Christmas Eve here, tonight, together as a family, right?

Yes, definitely. That’s what we’re going to do.

[indistinct chatter]

Um, thank you, uh, um, for–for doing this. Uh, I know it’s Christmas Eve and–and last minute. Uh, I didn’t–I didn’t, uh, stop you from doing anything important, did I?

No, no, you didn’t. I was–I was just working, actually… and, um, when you said it was about Thomas and Charlotte– I love those kids so much, and I’m so sorry they’re having a hard time.

They miss you a lot.

I miss them, too, and I hate that I didn’t say goodbye to them. I should have handled it differently.

Listen, no… I’m their father, and… I didn’t think about it at the time, but they–they… not only love you, they were attached to you. And when–when circumstances changed between us, I should have thought about their feelings first and foremost, and I didn’t do that. It’s on me.

We were both negligent. We were focused more on ourselves than on them, and that wasn’t right, so let’s try to fix it.

Okay. I mean…

[sighs] I was thinking that maybe we could just talk to them together.

Right. I-I brought them Christmas gifts. I picked them up on my way here. Should I give them to them after we talk, or is that–is that going to send the wrong message?

They’re going to– they’ll love them. And, uh–and I really appreciate you doing this.

She’s still out.

Can you believe it, with all this hullabaloo around her?


[chuckles] Well, I hope she wakes up for some of the party. Everyone wants to see her.

Hmm. My mom is very happy that you’re here.

Well, Maggie is one of my very favorite people, as you know– so kind and forgiving… maybe a little too forgiving sometimes.

Look, I know that you are not Konstantin’s biggest fan, but he has been a comfort to my mom, and if there’s one thing I have learned about her is that she’s a big girl. She may be especially vulnerable right now, but she’s smart and tough. I mean, hey, she kicked the guy out of the house, right, when she learned about his connection to the Greek Mafia?


And if anything further erodes her trust, then I’m confident that she will know how to handle it. I have faith in her.

[holiday music]

I must tell you how much I am enjoying my first American Christmas and what a lovely family your first husband has.

What a lovely family I have. I have been an honorary Horton for as long as I can remember.

Maggie, honorary? That has nothing to do with it. You married in. You’re a Horton. You’ll always be a Horton. And the Hortons stick together like glue. You hurt one Horton, you hurt all of us.

And, Konstantin, when you watch us hang our ornaments, you’ll realize there are a lot of us.


[both sigh]

Konstantin, have you seen our beautiful angel?

Ah, yes. The word “angel” derives from the Greek goddess Angelia, the spirit of good tidings.

Hmm. I didn’t know that.

Tell me, did you really bring Victor here to celebrate Christmas?

I did. It took him a while, but eventually he grew to love the Horton family tradition.

This time of year without Victor must be terribly hard on you.

Huh, it is, it is. Um, remembering Victor on Christmas Eve, well, it warms my heart.

[chuckles] I think he would be very happy that you’re here with us tonight.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, hey. You just had dinner.

I know. I just want a taste.

But– Yeah, a taste. Yeah, and then you’ll eat half of it, right, Dad?

No, hey, I’m Switzerland on this one. No, no, no, no, no.

Mom, remember when Dad came out and we went to Universal Studios and you asked for a taste of my butterbeer and then you ended up drinking the whole thing?


And I got that brain freeze.

Yep. And then you know what you did? I got you another one, and you spilled it everywhere.

All over my pants.

Her pants, my pants. You were kind of a clumsy kid back then.

I was .

You were–

Served you right, though.

Oh, and–

And then I think I got butterbeers for everybody. How many butterbeers did I buy that day?

I don’t know. A lot.


And you got me those shorts, you remember, to change into? Actually, I still have those shorts. Those are really good shorts.

Those are nice shorts. So she got nice shorts. We all got butterbeer.


All the memories weren’t so bad, were they?

Yeah, I guess not.


[sighs] Now, I just want a butterbeer.


[chuckles] Me too.

Oh, man, I want a butterbeer, too.



No, Dad.

Mom and I were just talking about you this afternoon, and what a coincidence– you show up.

For me, it is more of a Christmas miracle spending this evening in the bosom of your wonderful family. And, again, I-I must apologize, dear Sarah, if my past played any part in the disappearance of your–your sweet child. But it is all resolved now, thanks to Maggie.

[chuckles] Nothing for you to worry about.

Well, we will always be grateful to you for bringing our little girl back to us, but I think it will be a while before we feel safe.

Quite a while. So we’ll be keeping our eyes wide open, just in case.

[jazzy holiday music]

Steph, there’s something that I, um… I need to say to you.


I owe you an apology… not because of Everett and the paper thing, although I am– I am very sorry about that. Um… I realize now that it was too soon for me to be with anyone after losing Abby… and that was unfair you. So… I’m sorry.

Well, you didn’t mean it to be, obviously. I do understand the pain that you’ve been in. You suffered a terrible tragedy, you and your kids.

Should we… go upstairs, talk to them?

Yeah, and I’ll–I’ll, um– I’ll give them their Christmas gifts upstairs, too. I don’t want to intrude on the family party.

You can’t stay?

It’s Everett. Come in, my boy. I’m so glad you could join us.

Thank you so much. It’s– it’s wonderful to be here.



Thank you. Well, take off your coat and stay a while.

Thank you. Thank you.

[upbeat holiday music]

You invited Everett?

I did.

But he’s Stephanie’s ex-boyfriend.

He is?

I told you that.

Well, honey, I’m allowed to forget some things once in a while. I ran into him in the square, I invited him to join us for the holiday.

Oh, Doug.

What, “Oh, Doug”? He didn’t know a soul in Salem.

He knows one soul very intimately, Stephanie.


Hey, everybody, look, Stephanie’s here.

Oh, wonderful. Yay.


She’s going to open presents with us.

I sure am. And I brought each of you a special Christmas gift.

You did?

Mm-hmm. I did, because I love you guys, and I’m so happy I get to spend Christmas with you.

We’re glad, too.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

This one is for you, Charlotte. And, Thomas, this one’s for you.

Can we open them now?

Uh, honey, it’s not quite time yet, so why don’t we just put them under the tree for now, okay?


Uh… I have to admit, uh, I’m a little surprised to see you here, Everett.

Yeah, I was actually invited this time. Steph, I didn’t think you’d be here. What happened to Will Ferrell?

He’ll, um–he’ll have to be patient. Um, so–so this is the party that–that you were invited to?

Yeah, yeah. Um, Doug invited me. I ran into him at the bakery this morning. I was planning on working all night, as you know, and then I thought, I should go make an appearance at the Hortons. Doug was so kind to invite me. I hope that’s cool?

Of course.

[soft holiday music]

I didn’t know Stephanie was going to be here.

Well, I told Chad to call her, for the children’s sake.


And God bless her, she came over right away.

Well, it’s Christmas. The more, the merrier.


Are you guys excited to open gifts? both: Yes!


I know I’m going to like what you got me. You give really good presents.

Aw. You know what? I already know what my favorite Christmas present is this year.


Getting to spend Christmas Eve with you guys.

Will we always be together on Christmas Eve, Stephanie?

You know what? Let’s make a deal that every year at Christmastime, we pick a day, and the three of us meet up, and we exchange Christmas presents, and we watch movies, and we make cookies, and we have a dance party.

And jump on the bed.

Absolutely. Yeah.



The ornaments are probably the Horton family’s most beloved tradition. If you’re born a Horton, it’s a given, and if you’re not, it’s something earned.

Or lost. There’s a whole box of “retired ornaments.”

So one can get removed from the tree?

No, all the ornaments past and present are still part of the family history, so nothing gets thrown away. Some are just down cellar.

“Down cellar”?

The basement.


[gasps] How about some cookies?

Oh, sounds delightful.



Hey, um… maybe I should go.


I just feel a bit awkward being here for the hanging of the ornaments, me not being family and all.

You will always be connected to this family through our daughter and through me, so that’s why you are always welcome here and why your ornament will never be down cellar.



So, Tater Tot, you got any holiday plans with Holly? Jolly Christmas?


[chuckles] Uh… No, that was a– that was a bust.

Oh. Sorry, bud. Um, what–what happened?

I don’t know. I guess I’m finally starting to accept that she’s not really into me. It’s, uh–it’s too bad, though. I already bought her a present. It’s a birthday-Christmas combo gift. I guess I won’t be needing it anymore.


Are you crazy? What are you doing throwing this away? You save this, and you give it to the next girl, whoever that might be, because trust me, there’s going to be plenty more. I mean, come on, look at this gorgeous little face. You are such a catch, you know that? I’m sure all the girls are looking at you back home at school.

Mostly looking at themselves. I don’t know–they’re always taking selfies.


So, um… are you planning on going back to school after the holidays?

Um… nobody’s really texted me since I left. And I don’t know– it’d be kind of nice to come home after school every day. Salem’s cool, too, being near family, so…

You know, buddy, uh… the school you’re going to in California is probably one of the best college prep schools in the country. You know, you graduate from there, and you’re going to be set.

Uh, are you–are you saying I have to go back?

[dramatic music]

Well, actually, Tate when it comes to school, uh, your mother and I have decided… that you can make the decision.

Yes. You take your time, and you think about it.

I want to stay.


[scoffs] That was quick.

[chuckles] Are you sure?

Yes. Yes, I want to go to Salem High.

Oh, this is the best Christmas present I could have asked for.

[inhales deeply] Mm.

Are you, uh– are you disappointed?

Look at me. No.

[chuckles] I’m not disappointed. I’m actually really happy about it, because I have gotten really used to being around, buddy.

Thanks, Dad.

Gather round, everyone. It’s that time. Time to hang the Horton ornaments.

[soft holiday music]



You’re not the littlest anymore, Charlotte.


You’re still my baby, though. – * Peace on Earth * * Goodwill * * To men *


Oh, thank God. This one’s not clothes. What a relief.

Hey, that was a really cool sweater.

Yeah, it was, and Tate appreciates it because it’s the thought that counts, right?

Yes, Mom. You are very thoughtful.


[paper rustling] Oh, cool.


This is awesome. Thank you, Mom.

Of course. I saved the best for last. Mwah.

That’s going to be a tough one to top.

This whole Christmas is going to be tough to top.

Wow, did we– did we just get a compliment from our son?

‘Tis a Christmas miracle.


[gasps] Two in one night.

Three, actually. I, uh–I got to have a nice night with both of my parents. That’s the, uh–that’s the real Christmas miracle.

[holiday music] both: * Up on the housetop, click, click, click * * Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick *


Oh, Julie, thank you so much for everything. It was a lovely Christmas Eve.

Wonderful. It was wonderful to have you here, darling.

Oh, honey. Aw. Mm.

And I am so grateful to have shared in this wonderful family celebration. I look forward to the opportunity of returning your kindness sometime soon.

Oh, a thank-you note will do, and you can send it from wherever you wind up.



Thank you for doing this and for talking to the kids with me. I think it, uh– it really turned the night around for them.

I’m really glad you called.

Me too.

You know, just because we’re not together anymore doesn’t mean that we have to be strangers. If you ever need anything, any help with the kids…

I appreciate that.

Are you walking home, Steph?

Um, yeah.

Um, I’ll walk with you if you want. It’s dark out there, if you want company.

Yeah, sure. Thanks.

I should go round up the–the troops, get them home.


Happy holidays, Everett.

Same to you, boss.

And, uh, merry Christmas, Steph.

Merry Christmas.





[door closes]

Okay, so there’s a clean Christmas onesie in here. Will you please take photos of her in the morning?

I’m going to take videos of her all morning, and I’ll send them all to you. It’ll be like you’re there.

Okay. Santa’s going to leave you presents under Mommy’s tree, too, okay? I love you, pumpkin.

We’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?

Can’t wait.

Neither can I.

My dear, you did not need to ask your driver to deliver me here. I could have walked to the inn.

But it’s too cold to walk.

Yeah, but these stars are so beautiful, it makes up for the cold.

[both chuckle] Thank you again for bringing me along as a guest this evening.

It was my pleasure.


[speaking Greek] That means–

I know what that means.


[chuckles] Of course you do.


[giggles] Merry Christmas, Konstantin.


[sighs] I hope the year to come brings you much joy.

Same to you.

Until we meet again.


Honey bunny?

Yes, ma’am?

Do you suppose… when Grandma and Grandpa started these traditions all those years ago with just seven ornaments…

Yeah. They could have imagined the… the tree-ful we see before us?

My guess is no way.


[laughing] My guess, too. How proud they’d be… to know their legacy goes on.


[monitor beeping]

Ho, ho, ho.

Merry Christmas.

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!

Nobody listens to me. Thank heavens.

Of course not.

Oh, you have gotten around me with the on secret weapon that exists. You’re– Oh, my great-granddaughter.

She said, I want to spend Christmas with my grandpa.

Maybe we should hang her ornament on the tree first.


[gasps] Yes.

Oh, yes.

Oh, Abby, look at that. See that over there? All those ornaments have our names on them. We’re going to hang yours. Let’s see.

You have a hand free there?


Oh, you got to put Abby’s up there.

Look. Look at this one.

This is her first year.

Oh, look at that.

Oh, my gosh.

Her first year. There we go.


How’s this one?

Oh. Hey, Dad.

No, you do it for me this year. Yeah.

Okay. Just happen to have a spot right here for you.

I’ll take it. I’ll take it.

On the top. That’s where it belongs.


There you go.

Alice, right next to you.

We have Bill and Laura.

There’s Mom and Dad’s.

You want to do these?

Yeah, I’ll put up Mom’s.

[indistinct chatter] And Dad’s on his way home soon, we hope.


Yeah. Is this close enough?

Yeah, that’s good.

We have Doug and Julie.

Doug and Julie.


Just does not seem like Christmas without them.


I know, but, um, excuse me. Just a minute. I have another surprise.


What is this surprise your grandmother has planned?

Grandpa, I promise you, I don’t know.

Who can keep up with her?


Tom Horton, you must be very high on Santa’s list, because I have another wonderful Christmas surprise for you.

Oh, my gosh!

[all clamoring]

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Tom.

What a lovely surprise.

And, Grandpa, we have another surprise for you, too.

[person gasps]

We remarried in Switzerland.

[all cheering]

Now–now it really is Christmas.


[excited chatter]

Wow, you even wore the right colors, huh?

This is the end. This is it. Now I have everything.

I have everything now.

All of their traditions… all the memories.


All the love.


[inhales deeply] It goes on and on.

Right. From our hearts.

Yes. Yes. Merry Christmas, my love.

Merry Christmas, doll.

Merry Christmas… everyone.

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B&B Transcript Friday, December 22, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Ridge: You saw that, right? You all saw that.

Donna: Saw what?

Brooke: He opened his eyes.

Finn: Not quite open, but…

Brooke: Well, his eyes fluttered. That’s got to be good, right?

Donna: Eric, can you hear me?

Steffy: We were talking about the ventilator. Taking him off, seeing if he could breathe on his own.

Brooke: That’s a sign. He’s listening. He’s ready. Is that what you’re trying to tell us, eric? You’re ready?

Bridget: It’s time to give this a try, dad. Okay? Finn and I are a little worried if we wait too long.

Finn: We don’t want you to get an infection, eric. Eye movement’s a positive sign. It reinforces we’re making the right decision. He’s capable of breathing on his own.

Bridget: But will he?

Katie: Oh, thank you so much for doing this. Donna is gonna be so appreciative.

Zende: Of course. No problem.

Luna: Is this supposed to be a surprise or?

Katie: No, no. She just texted and said fill the house with holiday spirit.

Zende: I think we are accomplishing the goal.

Katie: Yes.

Zende: Best we can at least with– without granddad here to supervise us.

Katie: Yeah.

Rj: Hey. Found the carousel. I mean, is granddad even gonna see the decorations this year or ever again?

Luna: Well, if there’s any time of year for a miracle to happen…

Katie: She’s exactly right. This sense of holiday spirit that donna wanted us to create, it’s not just for the house. It’s– it’s so much bigger than that. Maybe this is the boost that eric needs. To bring him back to us.

Zende: I hope you’re right, katie, because I gotta say, doesn’t feel like the holidays without granddad in the house.

Rj: Him playing piano.

Katie: Pouring his lethal eggnog.

Rj: We should bring some to the hospital. I think the aroma alone, it might– it might wake him up.

Katie: I think bridget and finn might have something to say about that.

Rj: Yeah. It’s just– isn’t it hard just sitting here waiting for news?

Luna: Yeah, but your dad promised to update us.

Rj: I know– I know he did. I’m just worried that it’s gonna be bad news.

Zende: This can’t be what christmas is like for us moving forward. A holiday filled with so much joy and laughter is turned into a painful memory? Of losing the man who holds this family together?

Bridget: Thank you. We’ll see you in a minute. The respiratory specialist is on her way up.

Ridge: Specialist? What does the specialist do?

Bridget: Well, she’s the one that’s been in charge of dad’s ventilator.

Finn: And if we want to do this, remove it, she needs to have the final sign-off.

Donna: Yeah, okay, but you both think that eric’s ready.

Finn: No, we do. Plus, the risks of keeping him on this much longer.

Steffy: We have to do it. Granddad, you have to come back to us, I pray. I pray that you come back to us.

Brooke: I know you’re choosing to fight.

Steffy: Yes. Grandad, you have to fight. Fight.

Finn: Don’t lose faith, you hear me?

Steffy: He’s kept alive on these machines.

Finn: Yeah, kept alive after a very difficult procedure. Yeah, machines were needed, but he’s gonna be glad that he had them. After he’s up and about and back to the man that he was. Look, I don’t want you to lose any hope. I don’t want any of you guys to lose any hope.

Ridge: Hey, finn, no one’s given up. We’re gonna pray for a christmas miracle.

Brooke: Yes, we are.

Katie: All right. All right, no more talking about losing eric. I believe in the power of positive thinking and we are going to send your grandfather all of our healing thoughts.

Luna: I agree.

Rj: 100%.

Katie: Yeah.

Zende: So, let’s do it. Let’s send granddad every bit of positive energy we have. Maybe tell some stories, share some appreciations, memories of how awesome granddad is.

Katie: Yeah, that’s exactly what we should do. That’s how we should be spending our energy. Absolutely.

Zende: Yeah. I’ll start?

Katie: Yes. Go. Start.

Zende: You know, I wasn’t born into this family. I basically won the adoption lottery. And I’m not talking about the forrester wealth. I’m talking about the forrester heart. Particularly granddad’S. From day one, he was so welcoming. He must have thought my parents were crazy coming back from a honeymoon with the idea of throwing an orphan into the mix. But… he never let on, not for a second. He… always made me feel loved. That I was as much a forrester as anyone else in this family.

Katie: And you are. That’s just the kind of man that eric is.

Zende: Yeah. And years later, he was still so welcoming. I came back from europe and… he insisted that I live here with him. Granddad had such a gift. He knew exactly what to say, exactly how to lift your spirits up.

Katie: You’re so right about that. And he’s going to be that for you again ’cause he’s not going anywhere. Not yet.

Bridget: Okay, everyone heard what the specialist said, right?

Finn: She agrees eric’s ready. He needs to start breathing on his own.

Donna: Needs to, but there’s no guarantee he can.

Bridget: Well, there are risks.

Brooke: He wants to stay. He’ll fight. He’ll breathe.

Finn: Hey, eric, it’s finn. We need to remove the ventilator. Now bridget and I are gonna take care of that, but you have an important role to play too. Once we remove it, you’ll need to breathe.

Donna: He’s hearing you.

Bridget: You understand what you’re about to do, dad? You’re ready to breathe on your own?

Ridge: This is important. You want this tube out of your mouth or not?

[ Donna gasps ]

[ Monitor starts beeping ]

Donna: Oh, no. Please…

Steffy: Finn, do something. Save– save my grandfather.

Finn: Just hold on.

Brooke: Eric, stephanie’s bible here. “Then they cried to the lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them. He rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.”

[ Eric gasps ]

[ All gasping ]

Bridget: Oh, my god! Oh, my god.

Rj: I found them.

Katie: Oh, yay. Awesome.

Luna: Oh, my gosh. Please tell me that there’s embarrassing baby photos or, like, awkward teenage ones.

Rj: There might be one, or– I don’t know, a couple, like 50. You know what? Extra bonus points if you find any pictures of awkward teenagers of him.

Zende: Hey! Hey, hey, hey.

Katie: Oh, my god. I cannot believe he kept this picture. Or, should I say, I cannot believe that stephanie allowed him to keep this picture.

[ All exclaiming ]

Luna: Oh, my god.

Zende: Ooh, la-la.

Luna: Look at your aunt and your mother.

Zende: Incredible.

Katie: Oh, my god. He’s just…

Zende: Wow.

Katie: He’s meant so much to our family. He’s always taken such good care of us and… especially at this time of year. He’s been so kind and so caring and… wow. He’s been a miracle to so many people. He deserves a miracle himself.

[ Katie sighs ]

Donna: Eric, are you– is he getting air?

Steffy: Finn, he needs help.

Bridget: No, no, he’s okay. This is normal. It’s very hard to breathe at first.

Finn: We expect this. This is good. His body knows what to do. Just needs a little time.

Brooke: Come on, eric. You can do this.

Ridge: You gotta fight.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Bridget: Vitals are improving.

[ Eric grunts ]

Steffy: Granddad, please. Please.

[ Eric grunts ]

Donna: Eric? Eric? Eric?

Ridge: We’re here.

Donna: We’re all here, eric.

Steffy: We’re right here with you.

Finn: Eric, stay with us. Can you focus? Give us a sign.

[ Excited laughter ]

Donna: Oh, my god.

Steffy: Oh, my god.

Brooke: Welcome home, eric.

[ Rj playing “o holy night” ]

[ Cell phone rings ]

Katie: It’s brooke. Hello?

Brooke: Are you still with rj?

Katie: Uh, yeah, I’m here with rj and luna, and zende is here too. We’re at eric’S.

Brooke: Okay, well, put me on speaker.

Katie: Yeah, yeah, of course. Okay. Uh, what is it? Do you have any news?

Brooke: Eric is off the ventilator. He is conscious and he is alert.

Zende: He is?

Brooke: Yeah. He’s breathing on his own again.

[ Katie gasps ] And his vitals are improving. He still has a long road ahead of him, but this is the miracle that we were praying for. I got to go ’cause I have to make more calls and let everybody know. It looks like we’re gonna have a merry christmas after all.

Katie: Okay. All right. We love you. We love you so much. Tell eric we love him. Oh, my god, oh, my god!

Zende: Granddad did it!

[ Shouts ]

Rj: He’s gonna be okay. Yes!

Katie: Oh, my gosh. Okay, well, I think we need to celebrate. I think we need to celebrate. So, we’re sitting at the piano, one of the places that eric loves the most. We should celebrate with one of his favorite christmas carols. So you. You call it?

Rj: Yeah. “Joy to the world.”

Katie: “Joy to the world.” That’s it.

Rj: Yes. Okay.

Joy to the world

the lord has come

let earth receive her king

let every heart

prepare him room

and heaven and nature sing

and heaven and nature sing

and heaven and heaven

and nature sing

joy to the world

the lord has come

let earth receive her king

Ridge: Did you make some calls?

Brooke: Yeah. I called thorne and hope and katie spreading the beautiful news. Now, we can really celebrate the holiday.

Ridge: Yes, we can.

Steffy: Granddad, we’re so relieved that you finally came back to us.

Donna: Finn saved you, honey bear. Finn and bridget.

Steffy: Finn found a way to heal you.

Ridge: Dad… I know I made you a promise. And I wanted to honor it. But finn came up with an option and we took it. And I’m so glad we did. Please say something.

[ Eric inhales sharply ]

Eric: M– merry chr… that’s right, eric. It’s christmas. [ Laughs ]

Bridget: Merry christmas, daddy.

Brooke: It’s truly a miracle.

Donna: Merry christmas.

Bradley: From our family to yours.

All: Happy holidays!

[ All cheering ]

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GH Short Recap Friday, December 22, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Molly and TJ accept Kristina’s offer to be their egg donor as well as their surrogate, so they don’t have to wait six months to try to have a baby.

Adam gets angry with Josslyn when she offers to use her travel fund her dad set up for her to buy him a plane ticket to go see his parents for Christmas. Adam yells that the atmosphere at home is too aggressive and he doesn’t want to go home. Adam leaves Carl’s house before having dinner.

The Ashford family spends time with Curtis’ mom Irene before heading to the hospital for the children’s Christmas party.

Brook Lynn agrees not to wait too long for her wedding to Chase because Gregory wants to be there to see his son marry the love of his life.

Esme drops off Ace at Spencer and Laura’s place and then goes over to Wyndamere. Esme breaks into the mansion and memories of being held captive by Nikolas come rushing back to her mind. Esme also remembers arguing with Spencer and Trina about Cameron and Josslyn’s sex video.

Finn and Laura read Twas the Night Before Christmas to the kids at the hospital.

Nina lights a candle to remember Nell and then decides to confess her sins to the priest after she lights the candle.

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Y&R Transcript Friday, December 22, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Daniel: Psh!

Danny: Yes!

Lucy: Oh, I love it.

Heather: It’s an awesome tree. It’s beautiful.

Danny: Yeah. The prettiest one I’ve seen in a long time.

Daniel: Yeah. It actually came out pretty great.

Heather: Family uh, teamwork. Family…

Lucy: Are we doing it?

Heather: Family teamwork. We’re doing it. We’re doing it. Bring it in.

Lucy: Bring it in. Bring it in.

All: Teamwork for the win.

Lucy: Thank you. Dad, this tree is beautiful. I mean, I didn’t even know that we had this many ornaments. Where did they all come from?

Danny: Well, I pulled a few boxes out of storage and mixed them with the others, and voila.

Lucy: Oh, so they’re vintage. Cool.

Danny: Yes. They’re– they’re so vintage. They’re antiques.

Heather: I love this sequin and felt santa that you made when you were a kid. There’s so much glitter.

Daniel: There is so much glitter. You have no idea. I don’t think we ever got all the glitter out of the rug. Did we?

Danny: Four years old and already an artist.

Daniel: I can’t believe you kept this all this time.

Danny: Why? I’m sentimental.

Heather: I think it’s sweet.

Lucy: I mean, guys, I can’t even remember the last time that we spent christmas eve all together.

Daniel: Well, it’s been a while.

Danny: I can’t tell you how much this means to me. All of us together. Happy, healthy, enjoying life. Calling it a miracle might be pushing it, but I don’t know, it, uh, it kind of feels that way.

Heather: Oh, come here, you old softie. That was beautiful.

[ Knock on door ]

Daniel: Ooh, I’ll get the door. Here.

Heather: What else do you have?

Danny: Okay. I got more boxes here.

Lucy: I have to hang this one up.

Phyllis: Hey!

Daniel: Merry christmas.

Summer: Merry almost christmas.

Daniel: Merry almost christmas.

Danny: This is also from the ’80s, probably 1987 or ’89.

Lucy: Oh, another vintage one.

Danny: It’s another vintage one, yes, yes.

Lauren: Hi.

Christine: Oh, my god. Thank you for bringing those. You saved me.

Lauren: Of course. Absolutely no problem.

Christine: When the owner of fenmore’s goes out of her way to hand deliver a purchase.

Lauren: Oh, well, it was my pleasure. Your selection is exquisite. Danny is going to love that.

Christine: Oh, let’s hope so.

Lauren: Uh, you and I know him pretty well and that is exactly his taste.

Christine: It is the first christmas in uh, I mean, it seems like forever since we’ve been in the same city. I– I just wanted to get him something really special.

Lauren: So, what’s going on between the two of you? Are you still in the friend zone or are you inching back together after all this time?

Abby: I am so happy that we decided to do an early dinner because we’re gonna be wrapping gifts all night. I mean dominic is gonna have so many gifts to unwrap, between all the gifts my mom got him, that we got him, lily, all of his extended family. He’s gonna be unwrapping gifts for days.

Devon: I know. He’ll probably end up just playing with the boxes.

Abby: Always.

Devon: Right.

Abby: I cannot wait to see his sweet, little face when he comes downstairs and sees all the gifts that santa left under the tree.

Devon: I’ll be sure to have the camera ready for him. It’s great ’cause he’s finally old enough to actually enjoy the holiday. You know, all the songs and the decorations, special drinks and the food that we eat.

Abby: Which reminds me, are you gonna make those seven-layer bars that you made with your grandma? I love that story about you making them for dru and neil and lily on your first christmas with them.

Devon: Yeah. I was fresh out of foster care. I didn’t have a dime to my name. I remember dru gave me money to buy gifts for everybody.

Abby: And you spent it on baking supplies.

Devon: Yeah. I wanted to share one of my traditions with them. That was the first time in my life that I felt like I was a part of a real family too.

Abby: You know, I– I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve been a little bit quiet this whole dinner.

Devon: I have? I’m sorry.

Abby: No. Don’t be sorry. I just wanna make sure you’re okay. Is something on your mind?

Devon: Ah, kinda, yeah. I didn’t really want to dump it on you for christmas. But you’re gonna find out sooner or later.

Abby: Hm. Do I even have to guess?

Devon: Mhm. Probably not. You already know it’s about tucker.

Tucker: No, it’s not a scandal, unless you make it one. No, that’s not a quote. God, don’t you people take time off for the holidays? Okay. You want a quote? Here’s a quote. Bah freaking humbug.

Summer: Ah, good to see you guys.

Lucy: So good to see you. Merry christmas.

Summer: Merry christmas. Thank you.

Danny: Wow. Santa must be exhausted.

Phyllis: Oh, well, maybe I overdid it.

Danny: Hey, if you’re gonna go big, now’s the time, right?

Phyllis: Yeah. Well you know, I’m a sucker for christmas. Last minute shopping?

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…

Abby: Oh, wait a second. There were emails? I have been so busy today that I haven’t checked my phone.

Devon: Oh, yeah. It’s everywhere. It’s ugly.

Abby: So, not only did the company cover up abuse, I mean, then they left evidence of it? You would think that tucker would be smarter than that.

Devon: Yeah. You’d think so. Maybe his time at the ashram made him lose his edge. And it’s business 101 that you be transparent and you own up to your mistakes ’cause covering things up just always makes you look worse.

Abby: As soon as tucker found out, he should have apologized. He should have condemned the artist that targeted the teenage girls and the people who let it happen. It would have been one news cycle, but now it’s this huge mess.

Devon: Tell me about it. Although, I haven’t heard his side of the story.

Abby: Do you even want to?

Christine: When paul and I broke up, danny was incredibly supportive. And since then, things have evolved, we’ve gotten reacquainted. But beyond that, it is too soon to tell.

Lauren: But, the gift that you chose for him is, uh, far more personal than you would give just an old pal. Wouldn’t you agree?

Christine: What’s going on is– is something good. The way I feel when I’m with him. You know what? I don’t want to jinx this.

Lauren: Since when are you superstitious?

Christine: Oh, here’s michael.

Lauren: All right. I want a full report after–

Michael: Hello, my lovely bride.

Lauren: Hello.

Michael: Hello, christine.

Christine: How are you?

Michael: Couldn’t be better. And by the way, you two ladies look absolutely ravishing.

Lauren: Why thank you.

Christine: Really? Because I was about to pull out one of those ugly christmas sweaters.

Lauren: Oh, they are very much on trend right now. I’m not making it up.

Christine: Well, you would know. Um, okay, guys, I’m gonna leave you here. Christmas eve.

Michael: Oh, where are you off to? Some big holiday function?

Christine: Um, I am going over to daniel’s to give danny his present. And uh, beyond that, well, you just never know.

Lauren: Whoa. Okay.

Michael: Really?

Lauren: Well, good luck and uh, to be continued.

Christine: Thank you.

Michael: Bye.

Christine: Merry christmas.

Danny: This is good.

Lucy: You made this eggnog?

Daniel: Mm-hmm. It’s easy. Everybody knows it’s just eggs and nog. And homemade always tastes better.

Heather: Well, it is delicious. I’m impressed.

Phyllis: My son, he has many talents.

Daniel: Yes. Well, I’m not quite at the old man’s sauce status yet, but…

Danny: It’s good to have goals.

Summer: Ooh, you’ve got to get him to make you his chicken marsala with mashed potatoes. It is so good.

Lucy: Okay, dad. The pressure is on. What are you cooking for tomorrow’s christmas dinner?

Daniel: Ooh, I haven’t really thought about that yet.

Lucy: Ah, frozen pizza it is then.

Heather: Um, we could all just do a potluck and then– and then not one person is stuck doing the whole dinner and we would have more time to have fun and hang out. We could– we could even do games like we used to.

Daniel: Charades?

Lucy: Yes.

Phyllis: Okay, good. Nicely done. Nicely done.

Danny: I’m a fan of the hanging out and having fun agenda. That’s something we haven’t done in a long time together.

Summer: Well, I know what we should do. We should do what everybody does on thanksgiving and go around and say what we’re all grateful for this christmas.

Phyllis: Do you want to do that now?

Summer: Yeah. Yeah. Why not?

Daniel: Well, that’s easy for me. I mean, I’ve got good friends. A job that I love doing. A new place and, uh, well, I don’t have to fly halfway around the world to see my favorite kid anymore.

Lucy: Okay. Your only kid.

Summer: All right. Mine’s easy too. Um, despite pretty much a whole year of chaos, I’m grateful that my mom is back among the living.

Daniel: Mm. I probably should have led with that. I’m very grateful that you’re here with us. Especially today.

Phyllis: Ah, you guys…

Danny: Phyllis, are you getting misty-eyed?

Phyllis: Maybe a little. I’m really grateful to be here. I really am. And I’m grateful to my brilliant lawyer who made sure that I was among the living and not in some prison cell anywhere.

Heather: Of course. I filed a few motions and you did the hard part.

Lucy: So, mom, what are you grateful for?

Heather: Well, um, like– like danny said that– that we’re all happy and healthy. And– and– and every one of us is doing so well. I mean, you get to be with your kids again. You– you two get fresh starts. And you get to be here for daniel and– and for lucy and me. And there is truly nothing more special than having your family close.

Danny: That’s right. That and love are pretty much all we need.

Daniel: Okay. That was just plain corny.

Danny: Uh son, have you forgotten that I am the king of corn?

Daniel: And damn proud of it, apparently.

Danny: I am. That’s true.

Phyllis: Hey listen, corny or not, it’s the truth. I feel the same way.

Lucy: Yeah. I mean, dad, don’t be cynical.

Summer: Yes. Listen to your daughter. She’s giving you good advice.

Daniel: Okay. Clearly, I can see that I’m outnumbered here. So… to family and love.

Danny: Amen.

Heather: To family and their love.

Danny: Ching, ching. Oh… stuffed up again?

Michael: What’s going on there?

Lauren: Between danny and christine? Too early to tell or so she says.

Michael: Yeah, the sparkle in her eyes, dead giveaway.

Lauren: I know. Those two just gravitate to each other whenever they’re both free.

Michael: Kismet.

Lauren: You know, I don’t think she ever got over her first love.

Michael: Well, I wish her all the luck. That split with paul had to be painful. Whatever gets christine smiling again, I’m all for it. But the big question is… how do I get you smiling?

Lauren: Oh, me? My smile is permanent.

Michael: Blatant lie before your morning coffee, but I’ll allow it.

Lauren: Okay. You’re right. And, uh, what time do we need to be at chloe and kevin’s?

Michael: Uh, any time after seven.

Lauren: Mm. We have hours then.

Michael: Which means I get my christmas wish. Private time with my irresistible wife before the holiday mayhem begins.

Lauren: Ah, I like the sound of that.

Michael: Mm. Well. Hold. You can open this one now.

Lauren: Oh, yes.

Michael: In fact, you have to open it because it’s time-sensitive.

Lauren: Hm. Whatever could it be?

Michael: One way to find out. Open it.

Lauren: Ooh, a room key. Is this for our favorite suite?

Michael: But of course. I will see you there in 10 minutes.

Lauren: But you know, sweetheart. Sweetheart. I thought I saw another present in there. No.

Michael: If there is indeed another president, you’ll have to wait ’til we’re alone.

Lauren: Well, are you sure you just wanna leave it here for safekeeping?

Michael: See you there.

Devon: I mean, I feel like I should at least hear tucker’s side of the story before I condemn him completely.

Abby: And what could he possibly say that would make it any better?

Devon: Uh, probably nothing. Just know that I’ll be disappointed in him, one more time. So, what’s new?

Abby: Hey. I’m so sorry that all of this had to come out now. We should be happy and joyful and celebrating.

Devon: It’s okay. Don’t be sorry. It’s not gonna change anything about our celebration. I’m too excited to be spending our first christmas together in our new home.

Abby: Mm. I can’t wait.

Devon: No, me neither. And I promise you, this is going to be the best christmas we’ve ever had in our lives.

Dashing through the snow

in a one-horse open sleigh

o’er the fields we go

laughing all the way

ha, ha, ha

bells on bobtails ring

making spirits bright

what fun it is

to ride and sing

a sleighing song tonight

oh, jingle bells

jingle bells

jingle all the way

oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh


jingle bells, jingle bells

jingle all the way

oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh

Danny: Oh, yes! One more time. Faster.

Dashing through the snow (vo) get in the holiday spirit

Lauren: Hello, you two.

Abby: Lauren, hi.

Devon: Hey. How are you?

Abby: Happy christmas eve. What brings you by? As if we didn’t already know.

Lauren: Oh?

Devon: Yeah. We saw michael running upstairs with a big smile on his face.

Abby: Is he still that romantic after all these years?

Lauren: Uh, looks like I’m going to find out.

Abby: It’s a surprise? Even better.

Devon: Nice. I like his style.

Lauren: Uh, me too. And if I don’t see you guys in the next few days, have the most wonderful holiday.

Abby: You too. Tell michael we said hi.

Lauren: I will do that.

Devon: It’s good to see you.

Lauren: Good to see you. Bye.

Devon and abby: Bye.

Tucker: Oh, looking festive.

Lauren: ‘Tis the season.

Tucker: Hi. Merry christmas.

Devon: It’s probably not that merry for you, given what just hit the internet.

Tucker: Hm.

[ Michael growling ]

Lauren: Ooh, champagne. Lovely.

Michael: We’re celebrating.

Lauren: Yes. Christmas comes but once a year.

Michael: I’d say we have much more than a holiday to raise a glass to.

Lauren: So, let’s the– let the private festivities begin.

Jingle bells

jingle all the way

oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh


jingle bells, jingle bells

Danny: Cricket. This is a surprise.

Christine: Well, that was the plan. Sorry to interrupt.

Danny: No. You’re not interrupting at all. This is wonderful. Come in. Come on, join us. Please.

Christine: I didn’t mean to walk in on your family gathering.

Danny: Oh, hey, it was nothing planned. I mean, heather came and, you know, helped daniel and lucy trim the tree. And then I was on my way out, they roped me into helping. And then phyllis and summer showed up with presents for everyone and now you’re here. It’s the perfect christmas eve.

Christine: I just came over to uh, drop off a gift, for you.

Danny: Oh, wow.

Phyllis: My goodness. Well, danny is a special one for everybody, isn’t he? A mystery!

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Devon: When I heard that you covered up for a sleazy artist, I was surprised at first. And then I quickly wasn’t because it’s you. But would you care to, I don’t know, explain your side of the story or…

Tucker: Yeah.

Devon: Yeah?

Tucker: Well, may I?

Devon: Yeah, sure.

Tucker: First of all, I didn’t cover up that guy’s actions with that girl. Um, nor would I ever do such a thing. Uh, when I found out about it, he was already in jail. Um, so what I did was I– I cut ties with him. I voided his contract and um, I fired everyone responsible for keeping him on the tour instead of having him arrested. What I did cover-up, however, was the team’s unscrupulous actions. And I did so because I felt I had to protect the business.

Abby: Of course. Yeah. Because profit margins mean more than common decency.

Devon: Well, they do to him.

Abby: All you had to do was hold a press conference. Tell the whole story. All the sordid details. Condemn those actions. Say that you were disgusted by things that happened in your absence. But you didn’t do that, did you?

Tucker: No, I didn’T. And I readily admit that I could have handled it differently.

Devon: That’s it? That’s all you got?

Tucker: Well, what do you want me to say? I screwed up, devon. Yes, I should have known that it would eventually come out and that it would make me look pretty bad.

Devon: That’s what you care about? Is how it makes you look? Not that what you did was reprehensible because it’s like there’s no such thing as right or wrong to you. Which is why you’re always caught up in a lie or a scandal. But these are your issues and it’s the holidays, so abby and I don’t really have time for it.

Lauren: The, uh, elves have outdone themselves.

Michael: Well, I wanted our time together to be extra special.

Lauren: Well, you know what? It’s perfect, so far.

Michael: Hm. You have sharp eyes, my love. I do indeed have another gift for you. But first.

Danny: So we finished the show, dead tired, okay? It’s one of those seven cities in eight nights kind of thing, you know. You know what it was like back then, right. Constantly on tour.

Christine: You were in such high demand.

Phyllis: Some things never change.

Danny: Anyway, it’s christmas eve and all the band and I want to do is check into a hotel, order room service, and get some real sleep.

Heather: The glamorous life of a rock star.

Danny: Exactly. Okay. But there’s a little problem here. You see this town, which was, I don’t know, all of about 3,000 people, had one hotel and it was completely sold out. Yeah. Our tour manager neglected to make a reservation and the nearest big city was several hours down the road.

Summer: What did you do?

Danny: Well, we either sleep on the bus…

Lucy: On christmas eve?

Danny: Hey, you do what you gotta do. But anyway, the promoters, they found out what happened and they offered us a place to stay. Yeah. The band, the crew, the roadies, the drivers, background singers, and me. And, uh, yeah, they split us up and made calls and found us all places to stay.

Heather: Did they find enough beds for everyone?

Danny: Oh, yeah. Beds, couches, cots, air mattresses. But best of all…

Christine: Yeah. It was a horse barn with a tack house attached, right? There were no rooms left at the inn, so danny had to sleep in a stable on christmas eve.

Lucy: Okay. You are totally making that up.

Danny: Actually…

Phyllis: You know, it’s so funny because the way that danny always told me the story was that it was a converted barn. It was really nice. All the amenities and with a car collection, I think. You’re– I, you just make it sound like it’s donkeys and sheep and camel milling about.

Christine: Don’t embellish, phyllis.

Danny: Well, uh, actually the roadies, they’re the ones that stayed in the tack house. Not me. Yeah, I was offered though, a lumpy purple futon in someone’s basement. And I tell you, I was really glad to be there.

Christine: I always thought that it was you–

Phyllis: Well, I guess you thought wrong, right?

Daniel: You know what? I– I am going to side with my daughter here. Um, I don’t believe that most of that really happened. Are you sure that it did?

Danny: Okay. All right. I was there, all right? So, let’s just assume that I’m right and I remember the story how it went down and where I slept christmas eve. That’s it.

Heather: Where there were donkeys.

Danny: No, that was another holiday.

Christine: Oh, wait a second. Either way, it is fun to think about the past, but I think it’s even more special to think about the present and the future.

Phyllis: Oh, sometimes the past shapes us, you know?

Christine: Only if you learn from it.


Michael: Well, merry christmas, darling.

Lauren: You’re so sweet. Oh, michael.

Michael: Go ahead. Open it. It’s your favorite color, sparkly.

Lauren: Ooh, I love sparkly.

[ Lauren gasping ] Oh, my darling. Oh, it’s beautiful.

Michael: Lauren fenmore, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the world, a second time, by agreeing to marry me all over again?

Lauren: Oh, my love. Hold that thought.

Tucker: Thank you. I really appreciate your assessment of my flaws as a human being. I’ll give it some thought. Uh, but since you mentioned the holidays, I still have those gifts for dominic. How would you like to handle that? I know you’re not so keen on having me there on christmas eve. May I come by later to deliver them personally? Or would you like me to just leave them on the porch?

Devon: You can come by and you can drop off some gifts. And I’m only saying that because I know dominic would probably like to see you.

Tucker: I’m very grateful to you both for making a concession for me.

Devon: Well, you’re welcome. But I don’t want you to read too much into this because this is not an invitation for you and I to have a relationship. I’ve made it clear, it’s not what I want. But at the same time, I’m not going to penalize our son for enjoying his time with you.

Tucker: All right. That’s fine. I’ll take what I can get.

Devon: Okay. Well, have a good night.

Tucker: Yeah. You too. See you.

Devon: Did I just make the wrong decision?

[ Indistinct chatter ]

Summer: Um, mom, it– it’s past four.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. So, what?

Summer: We’re meeting dad at the club for dinner.

Phyllis: We have plenty of time.

Summer: Come on, mom. I know how you are getting ready for an event and I’m like that too. So let’s, uh…

Phyllis: Let’s go.

Heather: You know what? I hate to say it, I have to– I have to go too. I told dad I would call him in lisbon and, uh, he gets up so early.

Lucy: Yeah, because he wakes up early. He gets up at like dawn. It’s ridiculous.

Heather: He does. So he like, goes to bed early. It’s a whole thing, so I gotta.

Daniel: Yeah. Well, lucky for you, I plan on sleeping in tomorrow and since you’re staying here, there will be no getting up early.

Lucy: Excellent.

Heather: Pick you up at 10?

Daniel: Ooh, uh-uh.

Lucy: Um, better make it 11.

Heather: 11? Okay. Is that– is that possible?

Daniel: Better.

Heather: Okay. All right. Okay, I love you.

Lucy: I love you.

Heather: Okay.

Lucy: Bye-bye, mom.

Heather: Bye, sweetie. I love you. I love you. I love you. Um, thank you, daniel.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Lucy: Okay.

Heather: Okay.

Lucy: Bye.

Daniel: Yup.

Heather: I love you.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

Danny: I, uh, I hate to see the party break up. It’s been so good being with you all. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

Phyllis: Back at ya.

Daniel: You know, I’m gonna walk everyone to their cars.

Danny: Yeah, I’m gonna– I’m gonna join you. I’ll be right back, okay?

Phyllis: And are you coming, christine?

Christine: Uh, not just yet. Tell nick merry christmas from me, will you?

Summer: Yeah, we will. We’ll do that. Um, thanks. Come on.

[ Indistinct chatter ] A first child can be stressful.

Lauren: Before I answer your question…

Michael: Oh, the plot thickens.

Lauren: One great surprise deserves another. Michael baldwin… would you make me the happiest woman on the face of the planet and marry me all over again?

[ Michael chuckling ]

Michael: You didn’t?

Lauren: What are the odds?

Michael: Pretty good when you think about it. We are of one mind, you and I. And by the way, yes. Yes. 1,000 times, yes.

Lauren: I will take your 1,000 times and I will raise you 10. Here. Ah.

Michael: Hold on. Hold on.

Lauren: Let me remove my ring.

Michael: Perfect fit.

Lauren: Yes.

Phyllis: Hey.

Summer: Hey. Um, dad just called.

Phyllis: What’s wrong?

Summer: Um, he said that there’s some big family issue that he has to deal with.

Phyllis: All right. Do you know if it has to do with christian?

Summer: No. Christian’s fine. I– I asked that, but he wouldn’t give me any more details, but he’s gonna miss our dinner.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. Well, I– I’m sorry, I know you’re disappointed.

Summer: Yeah. I’m actually more worried than disappointed. He really did not sound good. Mom, I think that I need to go over there. I’m so sorry. Do you mind?

Phyllis: No, of course not.

Summer: Okay. I’m gonna see you tomorrow.

Phyllis: Yeah, for sure. All right. Call me if you need me.

Summer: I will.

Phyllis: All right.

Abby: Look, you know that I’m not crazy about dominic having a relationship with tucker. My gut has been telling me to keep tucker away since he got back in genoa city and I should have just listened.

Devon: Because of how he treated your mom?

Abby: For starters. But look, I get where you’re coming from and I know that he’s your dad and it’s probably better that he sees dominic under our supervision. That way, he won’t find another way to see him.

Devon: Yeah. Well, how about we make this the last time we mention tucker mccall for today.

Abby: Yes.

Devon: Because it is christmas eve and I want this holiday to be about you and me and dominic.

Tucker: Hey, phyllis.

Phyllis: Hey.

Tucker: No, wait a minute. What are you doing? Are you meeting somebody? You alone on christmas eve?

Phyllis: Uh, no, I’m not alone. I mean, I spent the whole day with my kids and it was lovely. Amazing.

Tucker: Good for you.

Phyllis: Yeah. You know, uh, I was supposed to have dinner with, um, with summer and nick. Nick.

Tucker: Yeah.

Phyllis: And uh, something happened with nick’s family, so he had to– he had to leave. Um, and summer went to go check on him because something happened to his family. Ah, I said that– anyway, I– I’m, you know, my plans for tonight are nonexistent now.

Tucker: Oh, well, let me buy you a drink then.

Danny: You know, daniel and lucy would probably bring us some takeout if we asked them. Or, I’ve got a lovely bottle of wine in the kitchen if you’re interested.

Christine: Well, that sounds amazing, but first I want you to open this.

Danny: Oh, well all right. Okay. Oh, cricket.

Christine: I know how you like a good robe.

Danny: Is this silk?

Christine: Yeah. Lauren can acquire these really rare items and sell them through her vintage collection, so according to the auction house, this was once owned by brian ferry.

Danny: You’re kidding? Wow. It is so elegant.

Christine: Yes.

Danny: Sophisticated.

Christine: Yes. Try it on. Come on.

Danny: Yeah?

Christine: Yeah.

Danny: Okay. All right. Here it goes.

Christine: Okay.

Danny: Okay. How’s that?

Christine: Oh, yes.

Danny: Yes.

Christine: I knew it would look perfect on you.

Danny: Thank you.

Christine: You’re welcome.

Danny: Thank you so very much. Okay. All right. I– let me see, have something for you.

Christine: Well.

Danny: Yeah. It’s okay. Uh, you can open it. You know, I won’t tell santa.

Christine: Oh, danny.

Danny: Do you remember this? I got you one on our honeymoon. That little boutique in wailea.

Christine: Yeah. Yeah, I remember.

Danny: Yeah. And then, a couple of years later, the, um, the airline lost the suitcase that it was in on the trip to cabo and…

Christine: Yeah. I was– I was heartbroken. That was my– my favorite bracelet. I wore it all the time.

Danny: Well, guess what? It looks like the universe has brought you another one. And you know what? They put it right under my nose so that I could see it while I was out there shopping.

Christine: Thank you. I– I– I love it. You… you couldn’t have given me a more meaningful gift.

Melody: Home is where the heart is.

Jason: And you, our viewers…

Jess: Are the heart of the y&r family.

Melissa: Thank you so much…

Eileen: For welcoming us into your homes.

Both: May your holidays be merry and bright.

Sean: Whether you’ve been naughty…

Bryton: Or nice.

Eric: From all of us at the young and the restless, we wish you all the best this entire holiday season.

Announcer: Next week on the young and the restless…

Michael: At the stroke of midnight, you will be my one and only wife, all over again.

Lauren: It’s inspired.

Phyllis: There’s something between us now. You feel it too. I know you do. I mean, what do you have to lose?

Nikki: Jordan?

Jordan: Hello, nikki. So glad you could make it.

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GH Transcript Friday, December 22, 2023

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


I can do both. It’s not too late to change your mind. I can’T. Of course you can. No, I can’T. I told you, I gave him my word. I-I’m doing it. And I-I need to do it for my grandchildren. Especially scout. You know, girl power. Of course. Grandma needs to show that she’s brave like her parents. What is wrong with the two of you? Something happen to scout? And what to my wondering eyes should appear but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. You’re not required to be off book, you know. In fact, those kids are gonna want to see the pictures. Everything okay? Yeah. Yeah, just… reading this, you know, it makes me… think about family and… past christmases. And how this might be your dad’s last one? How many times are you going to read that book? Alright, maybe I’m being a little bit silly. I just don’t want to disappoint the kids. As if you ever could. Spencer, is there any way that we could convince you to bring ace over to the hospital party tonight? I really wish that I could. I just don’t want to push my luck…

[ Knock on door ] …Especially after esme agreed to let me come over and watch ace tonight. Hi. Hey, esme. Uh, come on in. I thought that I was meeting you guys at your place. Oh, this is perfect. That way we can all go over to the hospital party together. I appreciate the offer, but I can’t stay. Wait, what? You promised me that I was gonna be able to spend tonight with my brother. That’s why I’m here. Um, I was gonna drop ace off with you so you could enjoy christmas eve together. Oh, okay. Alright. Thank you. You’re welcome. What about you? Where are you gonna be? Oh, my goodness, you look so nice. Thank you. I’m guessing you didn’t get this dressed up to go see santa, huh? Well, if that’s your way of asking if I’m going to see spencer later, no. He’s spending time with his little brother at esme’s house, so… but thank you, by the way. For what? It wasn’t lost on me that you included spencer. And I know that he appreciated it. And so did I. Well, you know, I’m not completely sold.

[ Chuckles ] But in the spirit of the season, right? I’ll take it. Okay. Good. Where did you and aunt stella disappear to earlier?

[ Clears throat ]

Hark! The herald angels sing papa now.

[ Both laugh ] Yeah.

‘Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la-la la-la don we now our gay apparel

[ Dramatic music plays ]

[ Elevator bell dings, doors open ] You shouldn’t be here. Merry christmas, grandma. I love you. Oh. Here. And that goes ditto for me.

[ Laughs ] Oh, please hurry home so we can ring in the new year together. I miss you. I love you. Merry christmas, mom. Bye. I don’t want to be late for story time at the hospital. I don’t want to be late, either. But we have to wait for your big sister. Josslyn: Ho ho ho! Josslyn!

[ Laughs ] Hi. Oh, someone’s super eager to get to gh. Hi, dex. Hi, miss. Spencer. Adam, right? Yeah. Nice to see you. I’m glad you could join us. Thank you. Merry christmas, father. Merry christmas to you both. Merry christmas. And this is, uh, for your collection plate. Yeah. Your generosity is much appreciated. Remember what we said? Best behavior. Best beha– this guy’s always well-behaved. You should have been at the house when we were putting on our dress socks. Ooh, fun times. Oh, yeah. You have a beautiful family. Thank you, father. We are truly blessed. Aren’t we? Yes, we are.

[ Chuckles ]

Thanks for being there for me. Always. You know that. You know, I’m not gonna let what’s hanging over me rob me of the joy of what’s right in front of me. Sounds like a plan.

[ Elevator bell dings ] Hey! Look at this festive bunch. Is it true? Are you reading the christmas story today? Yes, with the mayor. I don’t know. Benign storyteller? I think you make a better scrooge. Funny, and that’s not the first time I’ve heard that. You’re gonna be great. Daddy’s almost as good at reading stories as grandpa is. Thank you, sweetheart, I think. You know, I just love this time of year. Everything’s so cozy and beautiful and sparkly. Not as sparkly as your ring. What, this old thing? Speaking of… here we go. Here we go. If I’m gonna be the flower girl, I have plans to make. You two better set a date. You saw scout. She’s full of christmas joy. Yeah, what I saw was the two of you look at each other when I mentioned her name. What’s going on? Um, under normal circumstances, it would probably be good news. Drew got scout into westwood academy. That’s great. It’s a great school. The girls love going there. Yeah, I guess scout isn’t that interested in it. No, it’s — it’s more than that. She actively doesn’t want to go. Does drew know that? He’s got blinders on. It’s like he — he decided selfishly that this is where our daughter was gonna go, and he refuses to see anything else. It’s not that surprising. I think it is. Drew is normally really sensitive to other people’s feelings, but he didn’t even ask scout if this was something that she wanted, let alone he didn’t ask me. Well, that isn’t right. But drew has had a very challenging life, and I think he just wants the world for scout and a better world than he had, anyway. And I think this is his way of doing that. Kristina. No, no, no. Just — just hear me out. Just think about it. Don’t say no right off the bat, please. What you’re offering to do for us is beautiful. But… but it’s too much responsibility to put in my hands. No. You just think I’m gonna screw it up somehow? That’s — that’s not what molly’s saying. No, but I-I wouldn’t blame her if it was. But, hey, molls, just think of all the advantages, right? You know my medical history. We’re obviously in contact every single day. And if you use me as the donor, then you’ll have a biological connection with your child. I mean, those davis genes will be all up in there.

[ Chuckles ] I can give you guys the thing you want more than anything in this world without having to wait. Kristina, do not say it. I think I kind of have to. You really don’T. Well, I think I do. It’s me. Hi. I’m the donor. It’s me.

[ Laughter ] For the kids who are hospitalized over christmas and their families, this celebration isn’t just a party. It’s an act of courage. So can’t you honor that and go away?

[ Laughs ] You could be more charitable on this holy night. After all, you’re the one who fabricated the evidence that sent me to prison. I-if I can forgive you, why can’t you find it in your heart to do the same? I will never forgive you. There may not be a way to prove you ordered tj’s kidnapping now that mason gatlin’s been shipped off to prison. But one day, you’ll slip up. And when you do, I’ll send you right back where you belong. Merry christmas.

[ Chuckles ] Adam, this is my little sister donna. Nice to meet you, donna. Adam goes to school with me at pcu. Why didn’t you go home for christmas? Not everyone goes home for winter break. Hey, I, um — I brought you a present. It’s outside if you want to see it. I’ll — I’ll go with. Great. Okay. Thanks.

[ Laughs ] Come here. I understand why you invited adam. I do, especially after everything we talked about. Nobody wants their friend to be alone at christmas. But it is christmas. Shouldn’t he be with his family? I want to thank you for joining us. We’re family. And we’re — we’re very grateful that we could all be together. I’m very, very grateful. Are we gonna miss the party? No, we’re not gonna miss the story at general hospital. But we — we got to do what we came here to do. I’m gonna show you what we’re gonna do. Come here. We’re gonna light a candle, okay? You know — you know why you light a candle? Hold my hand. You light a candle… to remember the people that we love that aren’t here, like your uncle morgan. Okay? And… uncle jason. You’re thinking about nelle, aren’t you?

yes, I-I try not to dwell on it, but, uh, on a night like this, your sister’s definitely on my mind. My sister. That still sounds so strange. Yeah, I’m sure. All I knew about nelle was the pain she caused michael. I can’t help but think… if nelle was given a chance, would she have been able to turn her life around? That would have been a big change. But not an impossible one. I guess we’ll never know. We’ve come a long way, huh? Yeah, yeah, we have. A year ago, we were at each other’s throats. I hope we can put that all behind us. Yeah, so do I. So, wiley, we have one more candle to light. Who’s it for?

[ Sighs ] Grandpa mike. The holidays always get me thinking of the patients who have helped me over the years. Isn’t that the other way around? No, I, uh — I think I know what she means. Trust me, the mike corbins of this world have given me far more than I ever gave them. Well, I don’t think mike would agree.

[ Chuckles ] Then there’s the family members I miss every day. Thomas. Irene. Uh, is anybody hungry? I’m always hungry. Oh! Marshall: Oh! Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness, I am so sorry. Oh, my goodness. I’m so sorry. No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s fine. We have plenty in the kitchen. It’s absolutely fine. No, d-don’t you dare. I made the mess, and it’s on me to clean it up. Stop it. It’s okay. It’s okay. Pop, are you picking up strange vibes? From who? Aunt stella. She’s just not herself tonight. See? We got this. Thank you. No worries. Oh, my goodness. I just need some time to myself is all. Everything okay? Yeah. You know, it’s hard this time of year. It’s all peace on earth and goodwill to all. But people still see the old me, and I guess I don’t qualify for grace, so… look, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes. I can’t change that. It’s what we do moving forward that matters.

[ Gasps ] Look, ace. Isn’t that a beautiful ornament? You like that one? That’s grandmother’s favorite, too.

[ Both laugh ] You’re right. It’s what we do now that matters. Take good care of my boy. You know we will. Alright. Um, I’ll pick him up later. Bye, ace. “Bye, mama.” Mommy loves you. Oh. Adam’s afraid to go home and face his parents. I couldn’t leave him in the dorms alone on christmas eve. No, no, of course you couldn’T. And I get that you want to help your friend, and I love you for that. Maybe it’s not the help he needs, though. What do you mean? Well, you said he’s afraid to face his parents. Maybe you’re enabling that fear. Adam wrote a song for me. It’s my christmas present.

[ Laughing ] Oh. Do you guys want to go meet santa? I hear he’s passing out candy canes. Candy canes are alright. Let’s go find him. I think he was spotted in the cafeteria. Come on, let’s go. You doing alright? Yeah, can we get you anything? Or maybe you want to rest until the party starts. What I’d like is a moment with my future daughter-in-law, if you don’t mind. Well, you heard the man. Scram. Scoot. Skedaddle. Let’s skedaddle. Skedaddle. Buy you a cup of coffee. Thanks. You want to sit? Sure. Sorry if that was a bit forward. I’m an italian from brooklyn. Nothing’s too forward.

[ Chuckles ] Good to know. So, um, is this about your christmas list? Because chase did get you something, but I don’t know. Actually… oh, so there is something special you want. Something only you can give me.

Chase doesn’t want to facewhat’s happening to me. He wants me to live forever. Of course he does. We all do. But you and I know that isn’t reality. I hate it so much. Me too. Now, the last thing I want is to add to the pressure that violet’s already applying. Is she ever. But, uh, time isn’t exactly on my side here. So… my christmas wish is that you and chase… don’t wait too long for the wedding. I want to live to see my son, who I cherish, marry the love of his life. I think everything that drew went through, you know, just gonna mean a lot of change for him. Like maybe this is his new normal. I’m gonna go help scout ice cookies. Alright? Bye. Go that’s one smart boyfriend you got there. I know. Look, new normal I get. I just wish drew was home so we could actually talk about this together. Say something, anything. Please just don’t say no. Anything except for that. Not yet. It’s a lot to process. It was one thing when I was sharing my dna with a stranger. I felt removed from that person. Grateful to them. But it was like somehow they weren’t involved. But this, creating an embryo with your — with your sister — it’s a serious step that could complicate things for all of us. Christmas. It’s a tough time. Even for those with a close family, sometimes because of a close family. On the one hand, you’re — you’re surrounded by joy. On the other hand, you’re — it makes you even more aware of the ones who — who aren’t with you. You told me about how — how you — how you — stella and — and irene and irene and stella. Two peas in a pod. How they worked together to make — make christmas special for you and your brother. I imagine that stella is missing irene tonight. I know I am.

Heavenly peace are you feeling okay, aunt stella? Yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine. Oh, my goodness. Ooh. Let me see. What? No, no fever. I’m not sick. It’s just — that’s the thing about christmas. It’s never just about the one you’re celebrating now, but it holds the memories of all the other christmases and the people you shared them with. Like your grandmother. We really should be heading over to general hospital. Did esme seem weird to either of you? Huh? Weird how? I don’t know. I just think it’s very unlike her to just drop ace in my lap. I would hardly call that dropping him in your lap. And “needs time to herself”? Since when? Since becoming a single mother. On christmas eve, of all nights? I thought she seemed sincere when she said she wanted you to spend some more time with your brother.

[ Knock on door ] Maybe she’s had a change of heart. Cyrus.

Mommy. I know, I know. You want to get to the party at gh. Come on, I’ll take you. Let your granddad take you. Come on. You ready? Are you coming? Uh, can — can you tell sonny that I’ll meet him at the hospital? We’ll tell him. Okay. Come on, can’t keep santa waiting. Please, one more time? If we don’t leave soon, we’re gonna miss story time. Hey, how about this? I’ll send a recording of the song to your sister, and then she can share it with you whenever you want to hear it. That sounds like an excellent idea. Carly: Great. Come on. You guys coming? I think we’ll hang here, hold down the fort till you get home. Alright. Say hi to santa for me. Okay. We’ll be back soon. Uh, do you need me to set the table or anything? Already done, okay. Have fun, donna. Come on. Come on, come on, come on. Let’s go. Fire’s getting low. Hey, do you want me to grab more wood? No, I got it. Thanks, dex. That was really sweet of you, the whole song thing for donna. Yeah, she was pretty excited about it, huh? Yeah, I’ll say. Um, in the spirit of the holiday, I have something for you, too. Like a present? Yeah. You didn’t even know if I was coming until like an hour ago. How do you got a present? I just had the idea. My dad created a fund for me for traveling. I have free reign over the money as long as it’s used for flights. Okay. I know you said it was too expensive to go home for the holidays, but I found a flight that can get you home before midnight. You’ll be able to spend christmas with your family. No, joss, I can’t ask you to do that. Okay, you didn’T. I’m offering. And I know it’s a bit over the top as far as gifts go, but I’m not traveling anywhere, so why not put the fund to good use? Do you not listen?! I said I didn’t want to go home! Jordan: Sorry I’m late. Oh, we’re just glad you’re here. For dessert. Well, thank you so much. So, how’s our favorite couple doing? There’s been a bit of a setback. I think that tj and i need to talk. Yeah. No. Copy that. Krissy, whatever we decide, whenever we decide, we are incredibly grateful. What molly said. I love you, both of you.

Born the king of angels that was — yeah.

O come, let us… it’s christmas eve. You know, we don’t have to think about this right this second. True, true. Yeah. Yeah. But will you be able to think about anything else? No. No way. Me neither.

Christ the lord are you sure you want to be there when we say “I do”? After all, I’m the girl who was all wrong for your son. Oh. You’re never gonna let me live that down, are you? Nope. Yes. I want to be there when you and chase get married. More than anything. Then we’ll make it happen. Hey, how was santa? I mean, it was not really him, but his helper was good. Okay. When’s the story gonna start? Well, as soon as the mayor gets here, which I’m surprised wasn’t 10 minutes ago. Wonder what’s keeping her. We were just heading out. I-I won’t keep you. I just wanted to drop off a christmas present for the newest member of the family. For ace. Hopefully I can get to know him a bit in the new year. Thank you. I’m sure he’ll love it. I hope so.

[ Laughs ] We really are going to be late. A blessed christmas to all. You too. Okay, who wants to do the honors? Not it.

[ Handle rattling ] There’s no way out unless I grow wings or am willing to risk falling into the lake again. Let me go, nikolas! I’m the mother of your child! I deserve to be treated with respect!

[ Breathes shakily ] I can do this. I have to do this. Nikolas cannot keep us locked up in here.

that deliver excitement. So does everyone think this is a bad idea? It doesn’t matter what we think. I hate when parents say that. But it’s true. The only opinions that count are molly and tj’S.

We wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas everyone in the loop? Uh, kristina told us about her offer. Her loving, kind, and very generous offer. Absolutely. So, did you guys decide yet? Not that there’s any pressure or rush. Yes. Yes? Yes as in, yes, y-you decided, or yes as in, yes — yes? Yes? Yes, we accept, yes. Yes! If you would like to be our egg donor. Oh, my — yes, of course! We’d love it. Thank you, kristina. Thank you.

Now bring some out here good tidings we bring who wants to see the decorated cookies? Oh, wow! We do! Alexis: Look at that. Oh, my goodness. Can I have that one? Oh, yep, I want the green. These look so good. I call the green one. Dante: I actually already called it. You called it? Wow. Pop, remember when I told you that mom used to say her best christmas present was the smiles on our faces? She meant that. She meant that. She was always happiest when she was making her loved ones happy. And I know she would want the same thing for you. She would want you to be happy this christmas. And to think of her… with a smile. Yeah, you’re right. That’s — that’s what irene would want. And, uh, that’s what I’m gonna do. Yeah. I wish I could have known my grandmother. Oh, you’re a lot like her. She saw the beauty in things. She loved art and music. Th-that’s what attracted her to marshall at first is music. They’d go out dancing, stay all night long. Wind up closing down the club. Oh. But I am doing my sister a disservice, because she was never one to live in the past. If she was here, she’d tell us to enjoy the christmas we got and the time we get to spend together. Speaking of which, we — we got to get out of here. We’re gonna miss the whole thing.Oh! Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Come on, come on, everybody. Let’s get to moving. Oh, yeah, auntie. Okay, we’re coming. Babe, would you grab my coat? Portia: Yeah. Finn: Oh. Thank god you’re here. I thought I was gonna have to be a solo act. Oh, rest assured, I wouldn’t miss this evening for the world. Where’s violet? Oh, she and leo are — are decorating gingerbread houses with the other kids. I just dropped off amelia and wiley. Oh, good. I think every inch of leo’s house is covered with candy.

[ Laughs ] Madam mayor. Oh, come on, now. We’ve known each other too long for you to call me that. I know. I was just joking.

[ Laughs ] How you doing, laura? I’m doing well. Your bride didn’t accompany you? She’ll be here soon. She just wanted to light a candle. You alright? Yes. Thank you, father. I’m fine. I’ll leave you to your thoughts, then. Actually… father… is it too late to make a confession? It’s never too late. Give me a few minutes. Thank you. Yes, of course.

Daddy, it’s time. Oh. Um… you heard the little lady. You know what? Let’s do this.

[ Laughs ] Alright. Ready to hear the story? Yeah. Okay. Let’s see, now. “‘Twas the night before christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” I was just trying to help. But you’re not helping, okay? Okay. You don’t get what it’s like at my house. Everything is so oppressive. It’s — it’s hard for me to even breathe there. So if you can’t even understand that… please just stay out of it. Tell your mom I said thanks. I can’t stay for dinner. What was that about? I don’t even know.

[ Door closes ] “Now, dasher! Now, dancer! Now, prancer and vixen! On comet, on cupid, on donner and blitzen.” Laura: “To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall. Now dash away, dash away, dash away all.” Spencer. Hey. Say hi. Hi, trina. Hi! You look fantastic. Thanks. What are you doing here? Uh, ace was having a little bit of a moment, so we decided to take a little break, give him a chance to calm down. Aw. Well, you having a moment? I don’t believe it. He is doing a lot better now, aren’t you? Yeah. Well, I thought you were gonna be at esme’s tonight. Yeah, so did I. It’s bad enough that you have half of port charles blaming me for josslyn and cam’s sad little sex tape. Oh, only half? I better step up my game. Even though all of the evidence points to you. Spencer: Everything that josslyn had been saying and trina had done her best not to say, it was all true. You are the one who made that video, and you are the one who distributed it to the world. It was you all along! I just spotted a fugitive. Esme prince is on pier 55. Give me that!

[ Crash ] I survived the drop once before, and I’ll do it again. Finn: “He had a broad face and a little round belly that shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.” Laura: “A wink of his eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work and filled all the stockings and then turned with a jerk. And laying his finger aside of his nose and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.” “He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle.”

Hark! The herald angels sing forgive me, father, for I have sinned.

Glory to the newborn king “but I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight, ‘merry christmas to all and to all a good night.'”

On the next “General Hospital” —

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Days Update Thursday, December 21, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Holly sits alone in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Johnny comes in and greets her, then asks where everyone is since the garage was empty. Holly informs him that Stefan went to visit Gabi in prison, Anna and Tony left the country, and EJ took Nicole to Green Mountain Lodge to spend the night together, so Nicole could get away from everything for awhile. Johnny tells Holly that he’s sorry her mom is having such a hard time. Johnny knows EJ is handling it a little better, but he knows that he’s hurting too which is to be expected since they lost their baby. Johnny asks how Holly is doing. Holly responds that she’s not great, but looking forward to distracting herself by watching It’s a Wonderful Life and invites Johnny to join her. Johnny says he’s sorry but he’s heading over to watch it at Chanel’s. Holly guesses she will be spending her birthday all alone then.

Marlena and Kayla enter the Brady Pub where Kate is setting up for the Christmas dinner with an angel theme. Kate says they had a hell of a year and she was feeling sentimental as this time last year, they lied dying of a virus and thought they were saying their final goodbyes to their loved ones. Kate toasts to another Christmas in Salem.

John and Steve walk outside the Brady Pub. Steve questions Andrew saying that the ISA can’t give them anything on the loser who tried to kidnap Sarah’s daughter. John thought for sure they could hone in on the security photo. Steve guesses they are back to square one. John says at least Maggie kicked Konstantin to the curb and plans to send him on a one way trip out of Salem. Steve says he’ll be glad when Konstantin is someone else’s problem. John agrees and suggests forgetting about him to focus on spending the holidays with their loved ones.

Chanel and Paulina walk through the town square together. Paulina talks about doing a podcast with a holiday message and credits Abe for his help. Chanel is glad Abe stopped by but she’s worried that Paulina is taking on too much, bringing up Paulina being asleep on the couch when she came home. Paulina talks about her schedule and having to be in the mall on Christmas Eve which she swore she would never do. Paulina then starts having pains so Chanel asks if she’s having a panic attack. Paulina thinks she just needs something to drink so Chanel sits her down at a table.

Johnny apologizes to Holly for forgetting her birthday and wishes her a happy birthday. Holly calls it a lame birthday this year and says since Nicole is still sad over losing the baby, no one is really in the mood to celebrate. Johnny says they are all sad about losing the baby but this is Holly’s special day, so it would be wrong to ignore it. Johnny proposes that they eat cake before he goes to Chanel’s. Holly calls that really nice of him but says she doesn’t need a pity party. Holly adds that she and Nicole do have plans tomorrow, but she just needed to get away for a night. Johnny asks what about Tate. Holly reminds him that Tate walked out on her at dinner last night, so it’s over between them. Johnny says he’s sorry to hear that. Holly says she has other friends but holiday birthdays suck because nobody is ever around. Johnny promises her that this one is not going to suck and tells her to wait there.

Kate, Marlena, and Kayla continue having drinks. Kate jokes that it may be the alcohol talking but she thinks the three of them should get matching tattoos as a tiny little symbol of their apparent trip to Heaven. Kayla suggests the three angels which Kate says could be their little secret. Kayla compares it to Charlie’s Angels. They laugh together as John and Steve enter. Steve comments that it looks like somebody is having a party. Kayla and Marlena hug them and remark on going through Hell. Steve responds that they know what it’s like from being without them. Roman comes down and joins them, saying he thinks they’ve earned the right to join this party. Kayla calls it so wonderful and thinks they should make this gathering a holiday tradition. Kayla asks what they should call it. Kate suggests The Grateful to Survive Another Crazy Year in Salem which they toast to.

Paulina has a drink of water and says that’s better but starts coughing. Chanel worries but Paulina says it just went down the wrong windpipe. Chanel comments on her looking so tired and questions how long she’s been having trouble swallowing. Chanel thinks she needs to see a doctor. Paulina calls it just a winter cold. Chanel is sure a doctor will put their minds at ease and says it’s the only thing she wants for Christmas. Paulina argues that her doctor is on vacation and will be back on the first of the year, so she promises to make an appointment then. Chanel then notices a lump in her neck. Paulina tries to blow it off as just a swollen gland. Chanel can’t believe she didn’t notice before. Paulina calls it nothing but Chanel declares they are going to the hospital right now.

Chanel brings Paulina to the hospital which Paulina calls a terrible idea, complaining about being in the ER on Christmas Eve and says she’ll be sick when they leave from all the germs around. Paulina argues that her case is not an emergency so they could be there for hours. Paulina repeats that she will make an appointment with her own doctor when he returns from vacation. Chanel tells her to stop being so stubborn and sit down because she doesn’t want to think about how long she’s been ignoring her symptoms. Chanel compares it to her uncle waiting months to go to a doctor and finding out he had lung cancer. Paulina argues that this is not that. Chanel argues that she still knows how important early detection is. Chanel declares that nothing is more important to her than Paulina.

Johnny has a cake delivered and puts 17 candles on it. Holly remarks that she’s practically an adult now and points out that 17 is the age of consent in the state. Johnny responds that as her protective older brother, he doesn’t want to know how she knew that. Johnny says he will sing her happy birthday and tells her to make a PG wish that doesn’t involve being 17 and legal. Johnny then gets a call from Chanel. Johnny apologizes for running late but promises to be leaving in a few. Chanel reveals that they will actually have to postpone their gift exchange because she’s at the hospital with her mom. Johnny asks what happened. Chanel explains that Paulina has been feeling bad for weeks now and has been trying to hide it until she couldn’t anymore, so she dragged her to the hospital and it’s very busy, so they are probably going to be there for hours. Johnny says he’ll be right there but Chanel tells him there’s nothing he can do. Johnny argues that he can at least be there for her, so he’s on his way. Johnny hangs up and tells Holly that he’s very sorry but asks to put this on hold as Chanel’s mom is sick. Johnny hates to leave Holly alone. Holly tells him not to worry as it’s obviously important. Johnny thanks her for being so understanding and tells her to try to have some fun tonight because she deserves it. Johnny then exits the mansion.

Steve toasts to another crazy year in Salem. Roman jokes about how many of those they’ve had together. Kate comments on some of the years they were presumed dead. Kayla says all that matters is they were there for each other through all of it. John acknowledges Steve as the first friend he made in Salem. Steve jokes that he’s known him longer than anyone, including his wife. John recalls it being right around this time of year as they flashback to their first meeting. Steve says John was like some valuable asset that everyone was fighting over from Victor to Stefan’s man Petrov and even the head of the ISA. Steve says they all said John was like a killing machine, but when he found him all wrapped up in bandages, he was like a lost puppy that he had to take care of. John is thankful that Steve got him away from them or he can’t imagine where he would be today.

Paulina finishes a work call as Chanel brings her a glass of water. Chanel comments that it’s Christmas Eve and Paulina is in the hospital, so she shouldn’t be working. Paulina argues that she’s just doing her job. Paulina knows Chanel is concerned and she appreciates it, but says now is not the time to be bossing around her mom. Johnny arrives and hugs Chanel. Paulina questions calling him. Chanel explains that she had to cancel their gift exchange for tonight. Paulina complains about cancelling plans and tells Johnny to go home and be with his family. Johnny responds that he would, but they are all out of town except Holly. Johnny adds that Chanel said there’s nothing he can do to help, but he disagrees. Paulina questions if he has some medical degree they don’t know about. Johnny says not quite, but he’ll be right back and walks away.

Holly sits at home and turns off It’s A Wonderful Life after complaining that it’s a crappy life. Holly gets up and sadly looks at the Christmas tree and then looks over at the alcohol. Holly remembers Johnny drinking some scotch. Holly then declares that no one will ever know if she has a small taste, so she pours herself a drink. Holly then takes a drink.

Steve plays Silent Night on his harmonica. Marlena comments on John looking miles away. John says he’s just thinking about how lost he was when Steve first found him and then Marlena really found him. John adds that he was also thinking about the time he gave her that charm bracelet which Marlena says she treasures as they flashback to that moment. Kate comments that it really is a lovely bracelet. Marlena thanks her and says it’s very meaningful to her. John says if he was told back then, that they would be here swapping memories as lifelong friends. Roman calls those hard times. John mentions not having memories of before he became John Black as he only knew what he was told and he didn’t want to know anything else until he found out who his real father was a couple months ago and that he didn’t come from that monster Yo Ling. John declares that thanks to that wonderful man coming in to his life, he feels so blessed to be surrounded by so much love here. John states that he is one lucky man. Roman goes to get he and Steve beers while Kate notices her wedding ring is gone. Kate recalls putting it down while baking pies earlier and then got distracted and worries that it could’ve gone in to a pie. Steve assures that he, John, and Roman will get on the case and find it. John then coughs out the ring and reveals that he found it. Kate can’t believe it got there while John jokes that Roman got her a big enough ring that it didn’t go down his throat. Kate talks about what the ring means to her and how she thought she lost it until Roman rescued her as she flashes back to them reuniting. Roman states that the ring made it through death and the great beyond. Kate insists it will never leave her finger again as she and Roman hug.

Johnny returns and tells Chanel and Paulina that they are all set with an exam room waiting for her. Paulina remarks that she’s the Mayor and didn’t get special treatment, so she questions what kind of strings he’s pulling. Johnny responds that it helps when there’s a whole wing of the hospital in his family’s name. Paulina guesses she was wrong when she said there was nothing he could do to help and thanks him. Chanel thanks Johnny for coming to the rescue. Johnny says that he wouldn’t be anywhere else.

Holly finishes her drink and then pulls out her phone to try coming up with a message to send Johnny. Holly decides against just telling him that she loves him or bringing up being his stepsister. Holly puts in text that the time Johnny said she looked pretty in her prom dress was the day she fell in love with him and goes through the details of that night. Holly writes that she’s sure Johnny is her soulmate and now that she’s 17, there’s nothing stopping them from being together and that she loves him. Holly then realizes she can’t send it and says it would ruin everything if he found out. Holly remarks that if Johnny loved her back, he wouldn’t have left her all alone just because Chanel called and he would’ve stayed to watch her blow out candles. Holly complains that nobody cares about her.

Chanel tells Johnny that they got Paulina set up in the exam room and hopes she doesn’t make a run for it. Johnny asks how she’s doing, then calls it a stupid question as he’s sure she is worried about her mom. Chanel comments on even being in the hospital on Christmas Eve. Johnny calls it the worst. Chanel asks if he’s talking from personal experience. Johnny reveals that he has a prosthetic eye. Chanel asks what happened. Johnny explains that he had a type of cancer when he was a kid and this is the time of year that he had his surgery. Chanel can’t believe she didn’t know about that. Johnny assures he is okay now and just has to get checkups for the rest of his life. Johnny admits he still gets nervous but he’s very lucky in so many ways. Johnny adds that she never even knew he was sick and hugs her. Johnny encourages that Paulina is a very strong woman and the doctors are amazing, so he tells her to keep the faith.

Roman talks about being up late for wrapping gifts for the kids toy drive if he doesn’t get help. Steve agrees to help if he doesn’t expect much. Kayla calls Steve the original secret Santa and talks about their first Christmas and how many Santa hats he has. Steve says that Kayla is no slouch as Santa either as they flash back. Kayla talks about thinking Victor would kill her if she didn’t come home for Christmas. Steve recalls Victor as being his first employer in Salem while John calls him a tough son of a bitch who basically owned him but then he became his father in law and friend. John knows for a fact that Victor knew everything about his past, but took all those secrets to his grave. John declares that he’s grateful to have those secrets stay there forever.

Johnny gets a call from Holly, who is drunk and questions if he even had her number saved. Johnny assures that he did or else he wouldn’t have answered. Holly tells him not to lie to her. Johnny asks if she’s been drinking. Holly tells him that she’s all alone in the house with enough alcohol for a cruise ship so she has been drinking. Holly complains that nobody cares what she does. Johnny tells her that he does care. Holly argues that if he cared, he wouldn’t have left her to go hold Chanel’s clammy hand. Johnny tells her to slow down and points out that Chanel’s mother is sick. Holly then accidentally drops her drink glass, smashing it on the floor. Johnny asks what just happened. Holly admits she broke a glass. Johnny tells her not touch it and leave it there for Harold to clean up. Holly says that sounds good to her. Holly adds that she called him to tell him that he’s a big fat jerk. Holly then hangs up. Chanel asks if Holly is okay. Johnny responds that he doesn’t think she is. Chanel says he should go home as it sounds like she needs him. Johnny feels he’s the last person she wants to see. Johnny explains that it’s Holly’s birthday, she’s all alone, and he ditched her. Chanel feels that Holly clearly needs someone and it seems like he’s all she’s got so he can un-ditch her. Johnny asks if she’s sure. Chanel assures that they will be okay here. Johnny tells her to call if she hears any news. Chanel promises to do so and says she loves him. Johnny tells her to take care of her mom as they kiss and then Johnny exits the hospital.

Holly worries about what she has just done. Holly then passes out on the couch. Johnny comes home and checks on her, waking her up. Holly tells him that she’s so sorry about the glass. Johnny tells her not to worry about it. Holly then falls back asleep so Johnny covers her with a blanket. Johnny then gets a call from Chanel, who asks how Holly is. Johnny responds that she’s knocked out and judging by the amount of alcohol, she’s gonna have a rough Christmas morning but she’s going to be okay. Johnny asks how Paulina is doing. Chanel responds that she’s waiting to see a doctor, so she just wanted to call and check in. Johnny sends his love. They wish each other a Merry Christmas and hang up.

Chanel sits with Paulina and tells her about the Christmas carolers at the hospital. Chanel suggests calling Abe to let him know what’s going on but Paulina says no as they don’t even know what’s going on. Paulina feels Abe has enough to worry about. Chanel reminds her that she invited Abe over for Christmas, so he should probably know to make other plans. Paulina refuses and declares that she will be home and Abe will be coming over for Christmas. Paulina promises that she’s going to be fine.

Steve, Kayla, John, Marlena, and Kate wrap Christmas presents for the kids. Roman comes over and says he just got a call in for a last minute pie order. Kate asks why he didn’t tell them no until he reveals it was from Julie. Roman explains that Julie said she has some last minute guests coming over for Christmas and she didn’t bake enough. Roman remarks that he can’t blame Julie for being a little grouchy due to the presence of Xander and Konstantin, which shocks Steve, who says he thought Maggie already washed her hands of him. Roman says apparently not, as Julie told him that Maggie invited Konstantin to the Horton Christmas celebration. Marlena asks John if he’s okay. John admits that all the talk about the past got to him a little. John thanks everyone for a great evening and wishes them a Merry Christmas. Marlena thanks Roman as they all gather up their wrapped Christmas gifts.

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Days Transcript Thursday, December 21, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


[gentle music]

Hey, Holly.


Uh, where is everybody? The garage was empty.

Oh, um, Stefan’s visiting Gabi at the prison. Anna and Tony just left for Barbados or Bermuda or some place that starts with a B. And your dad just took my mom to Green Mountain Lodge to spend the night, so she could get away from everything for a while.

Yeah. I’m, uh… sorry your mom’s having such a hard time, Holly. Now I know my dad’s– he’s–he’s handling it a little better, but, um, I know he’s hurting too, which is, I mean, totally expected. They–they lost their baby, our little brother. How you doing?

[sighs] Um, not great. But I’m looking forward to distracting myself by watching “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

[chuckles] Nice.

Yeah. And hearing your director’s commentary since you will be joining me, right?

Um, I’m– I’m sorry. I’m actually headed over to go watch that at Chanel’s.

I guess that settles it then. I’ll be spending my birthday all alone.

[sighs] “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”]

Oh, sweet.

What do we have here?

Well, we have angel-hair pasta, angel food cake, ambrosia, and heaven.

I am sensing a theme.


Well, we had one hell of a year, right, last year– pun intended, and I guess I was just feeling a little sentimental.

Well, the holidays will do that to you.

Yeah, well, this time last year, we lay dying of that damn virus, and we thought we were saying our final goodbyes to our loved ones, our family, our friends. And yet, we were about to go on the most incredible journey of our lives, so here’s to another Christmas in Salem.

Hear, hear.

Hear, hear.


Cheers, girlfriends.

[exhales] So let me get this straight. Andrew Donovan says the ISA, with every image enhancement tool known to man, can’t give us anything on the loser who tried to kidnap Sarah Horton’s daughter?

Yeah, surprised me too. Thought for sure they’d be able to hone in on that security photo.

I guess we’re back to square one.

Well, you know, at least Maggie has kicked Konstantin to the curb, and she’s got plans to send him on a one-way trip out of Salem.

I’ll be glad when that guy is someone else’s problem.

Right. So let’s forget about him tonight. Let’s just focus on celebrating the holidays with the ones we love and love being with.


Problem with these podcasts is, you have to record then rerecord and re-rerecord.

Yeah, no wonder you sound hoarse. Well, maybe you should rest your voice for a little while.

Me? Me, rest my voice?

Yeah, I take it back. That would be impossible. But that was a very nice holiday message, Ms. Mayor.

Oh, well, I couldn’t have done it without Abraham’s help.

Yeah, I’m glad he stopped by.


But I’m worried that you’re taking on too much. I mean, you slept until noon. And then when I came back from shopping, you were sound asleep on the couch a few hours later.

Well, have you seen my schedule, baby? There’s a reason I’m in the mall on Christmas Eve night, which is something I swore I’d– I’d never do in my lifetime.

[clears throat, coughs]

Mama? Mama, are you all right? Are you having another panic attack?

Uh, I–I think I might– I just need to sit down for–for a minute, uh, get something to drink.

[exhales, coughs]

Okay. All right. Yeah, of course. Come on. Let’s just–come with me.


[eerie music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Holly, oh, my God. I am so sorry I forgot your birthday. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday.

Lose the “happy.” Just a lame birthday this year. Since my mom is so sad over losing the baby, nobody’s really in the mood to celebrate.

Look, we’re all sad about losing the baby, but this is your special day. It would be wrong to ignore it. So this is what I propose– you and I are going to eat cake before I go over to Chanel’s, how ’bout that?

[scoffs] That’s really nice of you, Johnny, but I don’t need a pity party. I should have mentioned this earlier, but my mom and I have plans tomorrow. She just really had to get away for a day.

Okay. Well, what about Tate?

Didn’t you see him walk out on me at dinner last night? It’s over between us.

Sorry to hear that.

Yeah. And, I mean, it’s not like I don’t have other friends. It just– holiday birthdays suck since nobody’s ever around.

Well, you listen to me, okay? This one is not gonna suck, all right? I promise. You wait here.

[soft uplifting music]

So ladies.


I need more. I need more to drink. It may be the alcohol talking, but, somehow, I think the three of us should get matching tattoos.


Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding. Of what?

Well, maybe little wings, a halo band. I don’t know, something small, something discreet, just a–a tiny little symbol of our apparent trip to heaven.


Hmm. Um, how about the three angels?

[gasps] Oh, yes, I like that.


That could be our little secret.

Mm-hmm, kind of like “Charlie’s Angels.”

Mm, yeah.

But whose angels are we?

Well, we are our own, of course.

[laughs] Yes. Cheers to that.

Well, it looks like somebody’s having a party.

Oh, hi.

What, we weren’t invited?


Well, you didn’t go through hell.

Literally, for all we know.

[laughs] Uh, yes, we did.


Yes, we did. It was hell on Earth without you, sweetness.

All right, I think we’ve earned the right to be invited to this party, don’t you think?



Oh, hey.

You know, this is so wonderful. I think that we should make this gathering a– a holiday tradition, you know? What should we call it?

Um, well, how about the gr– grateful to survive another crazy year in Salem?

Oh my gosh. Hear, hear.

Hear, hear. Cheers.

Drink to that.




And you.





Mmm, mmm, mmm. Ah. Ah, that’s better. Oh.


Okay. Mama, Mama, Mama. I know you keep telling me that everything is okay, but I am really worried about you.

Went down the wrong windpipe, that’s all. Oh.


And you look so tired.

Oh, you know better than to say that to your mama, baby.

Okay, but you’ve been having trouble swallowing. How long has that been going on?

Oh, I don’t know.

Okay, well, long enough that you need to see a doctor.

Oh, it’s just a little winter cold.

Okay, well, then if that’s what it is, then I’m sure a doctor will help put our minds at ease.


It’s the only thing I want for Christmas, Mama.

Oh, it’s too late.

[chuckles] I already bought you a– oh, wait a minute. Now look at me. I almost ruined the surprise.

Do you really think I’m gonna let you change the subject? Sticking your head in the sand and pretending that nothing is wrong isn’t going to help anything.

[sighs] My– my doctor is in the Caribbean on vacation. I’ll make an–he’ll be back the first of the year. I’ll make an appointment with him then, okay? I promise.

What is that?

What? What’s what? Uh, you know, I got something on my blouse from the water.

No. No, that. Is that a lump in your neck?

Oh, that? No, it’s nothing. It’s just–

Okay, would you please–

It’s a swollen gland.

[sighs] Okay. I-I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before.

No, it’s–it’s nothing.

Would you please stop saying that? Look, I’m–we’re going to the hospital, now.




Right now.


[tense music]

This was a terrible idea. I mean, going to the ER on Christmas Eve, all these people coughing and sneezing. If I wasn’t sick when we got here, I sure will be when we leave, all these germs flying around.

Okay, well, Mama, at least they let us sit up here where it is a little less crazy.

Yeah, well, you heard what they said downstairs. I’m a non-emergent case. We’ll be here for hours. Chanel, baby, please. Now I will make an appointment with my own doctor when he gets back from vacation.

Mama, would you please stop being so stubborn and sit down?


I don’t even wanna think about how long you’ve been ignoring your symptoms. You remember what happened with Uncle Stuart, when he had that cough for months? And then he didn’t go see a doctor, and then when he finally did, what happened?

He had lung cancer.


This is not that.

Okay, still, you know how important early detection is. And I know you’re busy with work and Abe and getting ready for Christmas and God knows what else, but nothing– nothing is more important to me than you.

[heartfelt music]


Voilà. I wished it, and you made it happen, like magic.

More like, uh– more like Grub Dash.


Yeah. How many candles are we doing again?

Uh, . I’m pretty much an adult now.

Oh, is that so?

Mm-hmm. I mean, ‘s the age of consent in this state, you know?

No, I– I did not know that. And uh, as your protective big brother, I don’t want to know how you knew that. So I am going to just sing you “Happy Birthday,” and you’re gonna make a wish. Please keep it PG so it doesn’t involve any of that stuff you were just telling me about being and legal, okay?

[sighs] Okay.


[cell phone rings] Just one sec.

[cell phone beeps] Chanel. Hey, uh, sorry. I’m running a little late, but I promise I’m gonna be leaving here in a few.

I was actually calling to tell you that we’re gonna have to postpone our gift exchange. I am at the hospital with my mom.

What? What happened?

Uh, she’s been feeling pretty bad for weeks now, and she’s been trying to hide it, but it finally got to the point where she couldn’t anymore, and, uh, so I dragged her down here against her will. And it’s very busy, so we are probably going to be here for hours.

Okay. I’ll be right there.

No, no, Johnny. There–there’s nothing you can do.

Well, I can at least be there for you. I’m on my way.

[cell phone beeps] Holly, I am very sorry, but can we put this on hold?

Um, what happened?

That was Chanel. Her mom’s sick. And look, I really hate to leave you all alone here, but–

No, of course, don’t worry. It’s obviously important.

Thank you for being so understanding. And hey, try to have some fun tonight, okay? You deserve it.


To another crazy year in Salem.


Hear, hear on that.

How many of those have we had together?

[glasses clink]

Well, if you count the years that some of us were presumed dead–

Yeah, the math gets just a little bit fuzzy.


Well, all that matters is that we were there for one another through all of it.



And you were the first friend that I made in Salem.

I’ve known you longer than anyone, including your wife.

[chuckles] You know, it was right about this time of year, wasn’t it?


[somber harmonica music] * *

[haunting music] Man, you were, like, some valuable asset everybody was fighting over. Victor Kiriakis, Stefano’s man, Petrov, even the head of the ISA. They all said you were some kind of killing machine. But when I found you wandering around, all wrapped up in bandages, you seemed more like a lost puppy dog. I just had to take care of you.

Well, thank God you got me away from them, or I can’t imagine where I would be today.


[glasses clink]

[sighs] Please, you–you– you need to increase patrols at the waterfront. Oh, yeah, thank you. And Merry Christmas.

[cell phone beeps]

[coughs] Mm. Whew, thank you, baby.

Mama, it is Christmas Eve, and you are in the hospital. You shouldn’t be working.

[clears throat] Baby girl, first of all, oh, I am at the hospital, not in the hospital. And second, I’m just doing my job.

[sighs] Now I know– I know you’re concerned about me and I appreciate it, but now is not the time to be bossing around your mama.



Found you. Oh.

You called him?

Well, I had to. I had to cancel our, um, gift exchange for tonight.

Oh, if I’d known you were canceling your plans– Johnny, you should go home and spend Christmas Eve with your family.

Well, I would, but, um, they’re all out of town anyway, except Holly. Besides, Chanel said that there’s nothing I can do to help, but I beg to differ.

What, you got some kind of medical degree we don’t know about?

Uh, not quite. Um, I’ll be right back, okay?

[gentle music]

[sighs] It’s not a wonderful life, it’s a crappy life. Why am I still watching this?

[unsettling music]

You know what? I’m gonna add some scotch to this. Why not?

Oh, I’ll take some too.

[laughs] Yeah, right. Maybe in about five years.

Hmm. I mean, no one will ever know if I have a small taste.

[breathes deeply] Happy birthday to me.


[coughs] Oh, damn it.


[“Silent Night”] * *

You look a million miles away.

Yeah, I just– thinking about how lost I was when Steve found me. And then you really found me. I was also thinking about that time I gave you that bracelet.

The charm bracelet. I treasure it.

Yeah. That one. * * That’s it. Rip into it.

Go, go, go, go. Oh. Oh, John. What beautiful, beautiful charms.

No, not just charms. Those are good luck charms for your second chance at life.


Now look closely here. These two little stones are for the twinners. We have opals for Sami and Eric.

[gasps] Oh, their birthdays, yes.

Carrie, none other than the aquamarine.



And a–and a star.

For light. We have an angel for protection and guidance.

And a life preserver?

Mm-hmm. For a safe journey. And we have an anchor– steadfastness. What the hell is this thing on the end? This is a, uh–

What is it? Looks like–

[laughs] it looks like a couch or a sofa.

Yeah, well, what the hell, you are a shrink, right? I figured with all the heavy-duty emotion running up and down this chain here, a little touch of whimsy is in order.


[wistful music]

You know, it really is a lovely bracelet.

Thanks. It’s very meaningful to me.

You know, if you would have told me back then that we all would be sitting around here decades later, swapping memories as lifelong friends–

Those were hard times for all of us.

Well, for me, as you all know, I don’t have any memories of who I was before I became John Black. I only knew what I was told, and what– what I was programmed to know. And frankly, I didn’t wanna know any more, not until I unexpectedly discovered who my real father was a couple of months ago, and I learned that I do come from– from good people, and not that–that– that monster Yo Ling. And–and thanks to that wonderful, spirited man coming into my life, I’m finally feeling at peace with myself, and right now, I feel so damn blessed to be surrounded by so much love here. So that John Black guy, he is one lucky man.

[heartfelt music]

Here you go.

Thank you.

You know what? No offense, but I’m just gonna grab myself a beer.


Hey, would you mind getting me one of those too?

What do you mean?

You got it.

Okay, fine. Fine. That’s all the more for us, right?


I’ll go with that.

[gasps] Oh, my God.

What, what?

What–my ring is gone.


What in the world? I was baking pies earlier, and I took it off and I put it down. And maybe I got distracted. What if it ends up in a– in a apple pie?

Look, I’m sure you would have noticed it was gone before now.

Hey, hey, don’t worry. You got two PIs here and an ex-cop. We’re gonna find it. We’re on the case.

Oh, my God.


You okay?

Yeah, I think we just solved the case. I found it.

Oh. What?


Oh, my goodness.

What in the– what was it doing there? What? I don’t understand…


All right.

What happened.


Oh, my God. Well, thank God you saw it before you swallowed it.

Thank God Roman got you a big enough rock, it didn’t go down my throat.


You don’t know what this ring means to me. When they took it away from me on the fishing boat, I thought I had lost it forever. And then that day when Roman put it back on my finger, it was just as magical as the first time you did it.

You stay here with me, you understand?

Why? You have big plans?

Yeah, matter of fact, I do need to show you something. And I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna want to miss it.

[romantic music]

Oh, Roman.

Katherine Elizabeth Roberts, will you again do me the honor of being my wife? That ring made it through death and the great beyond.

This ring has endurance, and it’s never going to leave this finger again.


[sighs] Okay. You guys are all set. There is an exam room waiting for you.

What? Well, I’m the mayor, and I didn’t get special treatment. What kind of strings are you pulling, young man?

Eh, it helps when there’s a whole wing named after your family.


Oh, I see. Well, I guess I was wrong when I said there was nothing that you could do here to help. Well, thank–thank you.

Yes, thank you, Johnny, for coming to the rescue.

I wouldn’t be anywhere else.

[gentle music]


[coughs] Ugh. Hmm. Maybe I should fill this with some water. Nah, I’ll just blame Harold.

[tense music] “Dear Johnny, I love you.” Nah, too abrupt. “Dear Johnny, “becoming your stepsister is the worst thing that ever happened to me because I’m in love with you.” Nah, no reason to bring up the incest thing. Come on, Holly.

[sighs] “Remember that day you told me I looked pretty “in my homecoming dress? “That was the day I fell in love with you. “Maybe you were just trying to be nice, “but you were a zillion times nicer than my immature date, “who ditched me at the dance “to go vape in the bathroom with his bros. “When I came home that night, “you ate rainbow sherbet with me “and told me he was an idiot. “You also let me listen to Taylor Swift in your car, “and you’re the only guy I know “that’s seen every Jane Austen movie. “You’re my soulmate, Johnny. I’m sure of it. “Now that I’m , “there’s nothing stopping us from being together. “I mean, I know you’re with Chanel now, “but I am so much better for you, and you know it. “For one thing, I would never leave you “for your twin sister, only if you had a twin brother. “JK, I would be loyal to you, and only you, forever and ever, “because I love you, Johnny DiMera.

[giggles] Oh, my God, I can’t send this. Ugh, that would ruin everything if he found out.

[sighs] Jeez.

[sighs] If he loved me back, he wouldn’t have left me all alone on my birthday just because Chanel called. He would have stayed and watched me blow out my candles. He doesn’t care.

[scoffs] Nobody cares about Holly.

Okay, she is having her vitals checked, so hopefully she doesn’t make a run for it.

[laughs] Yeah, hopefully. Um, hey, how are you feeling? Uh, that–that’s a stupid question. Obviously, I’m sure you’re worried about your mom.

Yeah. Yeah, I am. And, you know, just being in the hospital on Christmas Eve–

Yeah, it’s the worst, I know.

You say that like you’re talking from personal experience.

That’s because I am.

[somber music] You see this eye?


Yeah, it’s not the, uh, original.

What? Wait. So it’s, like, a prosthetic or whatever?

Yeah, believe it or not.

But it looks so real. But why? What–what happened to you?

Uh, when I was a little kid, I had retinoblastoma, which is a type of cancer. And how do I know that it sucks to be in the hospital on the holidays? Because this is exactly the time of year that I had my surgery.

I-I can’t believe I didn’t know about that. But you’re okay? You’re okay now, right?

Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. You know, I have to go get checkups for the rest of my life. I still get a little nervous every time, but I’ve been very lucky in so many ways. And, hey, you’d never even know I was sick, right?


So take heart in that, okay? Because whatever is going on with your mom, she is a very strong woman.

[chuckles] And the doctors here are amazing. So keep the faith, all right?

[soft music]

Hey, I hope you don’t mind if I put you to work, but Santa’s gonna be up very late wrapping gifts for the kids’ toy drive if I don’t get some help.

Well, I’ll help, as long as you don’t expect too much from my corners and bows.

Mm-hmm, especially after a couple of these.


Don’t listen to him. He is the original Secret Santa.

Am I?

Our first Christmas, he made me think that he was the most bah-humbuggiest kind of person.

[both laugh] You would not believe how many Santa hats this guy has.

Baby, you’re no slouch in the Santa department either.

I am not gonna let Kiriakis spoil my Christmas.

He’s gonna spoil a lot more than that if we don’t get back.

No, not until I see my family.

Kayla, you’ve got a new family to worry about. We got a baby coming.

Did you really think that Victor would kill you if you came home for Christmas?

You did not know him back in the day.

He was my first employer in Salem. I bit off more than I could chew when I took that job.

Yeah, he was one tough son of a bitch who basically owned me. Then he became my father-in-law and friend. But I know for a fact that that man knew everything about my past, and he took all those secrets to his grave with him. And I am grateful to have them stay right there forever.

[cell phone rings]

Uh. Hello?

“Hello”? It’s me, Holly.

[scoffs] D-do you even have my number saved? Wha–do you recognize my voice, at least?

What? Of course I have your number saved in my phone. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have answered.

Uh-huh. Whatever, Johnny. Don’t lie to me.

Holly, have you been drinking?

[laughs] Have I been drinking? Well, let me tell you, mister. I’m all alone in this big old house with enough alcohol to fill a cruise ship, so yeah, I’ve been drinking. And–and what is it to you? You don’t care. Nobody cares what I do.

Holly, I care.

Hmm. If you care, you wouldn’t have left me alone to go hold Chanel’s clammy hand.

Whoa. Hey. Slow down, all right? Her mother’s sick.


[glass shatters] Crap.

Holly, what just happened?

Uh, mm, I broke a glass.

Okay, all right. I want you to listen to me. Just don’t touch it. Don’t touch anything. Just leave it there. Harold will clean it up.

Sounds good to me. And–and just so you know, I called to tell you that– that you’re a big fat jerk, Johnny DiMera.

Is Holly okay?

Uh, no. No, I don’t think she is.

Well, you should go home. It sounds like she needs you.

Honestly, I think I am the last person she wants to see. Um, it’s her birthday, and she’s all alone, and I ditched her.

Okay, well, she clearly needs someone right now, and it seems like you’re all she’s got, so un-ditch her.

You sure?

Yes. We will–we’ll be okay here.

Okay, just, uh, promise you’ll call me if you hear any news?

Mm-hmm, I promise.


I love you.

I love you too. Take care of your mom.

[gentle music]


[elevator dings]

[grumbling] Oh, my God. What did I just do?


[low piano music] Hey. Hey, Holly. Holly.


Yeah, I’m here.

I’m so sorry about the glass.

Just don’t worry about it, okay? It’s all right.


Gosh, Holly.



[cell phone ringing] Hey.

Hey. How’s Holly?

Uh, knocked out. Judging by the amount of alcohol she drank, she’s gonna have a rough Christmas morning, but I think she’s gonna be okay. How’s your mom doing?

Uh, she is waiting to see a doctor. But I just–I just wanted to call you to check in.

Give her my love.

I will. Merry Christmas, Johnny.

Merry Christmas to you too.


There’s carolers in the hall and they’re headed this way.

[grunts] Thanks for the warning.

[laughs] They sound nice.

[clears throat]

Hey, uh, maybe we should call Abe and let him know what’s going on–

No, no, no. Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare call him. I don’t even know what’s– what’s going on with me, and that man has enough to deal with without worrying over what’s probably– what’s probably nothing.

Okay, but you invited him over for Christmas, so he should probably know that he needs to make other plans.

Other plans? Oh, no, no, no way. Oh, no. I will be home, and he will be coming over for Christmas. Don’t look at me like I’m in denial. I am a very stubborn woman.

Yeah, you don’t have to tell me that.

Oh, honey, come on now. Look, I’m going to be fine, okay? That’s a promise.

[breathes deeply]

[sweet music]

Many hands make light work. That’s what my mother used to always say.


There’s gonna be a lot of happy kids tomorrow.



Well, look, I’m sorry to break up the party, but I just got a call for a last-minute pie order. both: What?

Why didn’t you tell them no?

Would you tell Julie Williams no?




Yeah, she said she’s got some last-minute guests coming over for Christmas Eve. She didn’t bake enough so, uh– and I can’t blame her for being a little grouchy, given the friends are Xander Cook and, uh, Victor’s friend, Konstantin.

Konstantin? I thought Maggie washed her hands of him already.

Well, apparently not. Julie told me she invited him to the Hortons’ Christmas celebration.

Oh, damn.

Wow. Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, just, um, all this talk about the past has kind of– kind of got to me a little. Hey, everyone, thanks for a great evening. Merry Christmas.

Oh, yes. Merry Christmas.

This was sweet.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

That’s some good wrapping.

Roman, thank you for this.

Oh, you did such a nice job here.

Oh, neat.

Oh, nicely done. Well done.

Thank you.

Yeah, okay. Thank you. Thank you for that.

Good wrapping.


Okay, there we go.


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B&B Transcript Thursday, December 21, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Bridget: It’s really hard to see my father lying here like this. Hey, um thank you so much for letting me help you take care of him.

Finn: Of course. I’m glad we got to work together.

Bridget: Me too.

Bridget: Um, I was hoping to see some improvement today. I already looked at his chart and…

Finn: His temperature went up last night.

Bridget: Yeah, I saw that. I… I– I’m really worried about pneumonia, finn.

Finn: Yeah. Me too. I scheduled a meeting with the pulmonologist.

Bridget: Oh, good. Thank you.

Finn: The sooner we get him off that ventilator, the better.

Bridget: The question is, can he breathe on his own?

Steffy: I begged you to keep granddad alive. I just wasn’t ready to let him go.

Ridge: None of us were.

Steffy: Yeah, but he gave you medical power of attorney. Taking him off life support. That was, that was your choice and I pressured you not to do it.

Ridge: All right. Yours wasn’t the only voice.

Brooke: So did I, so did donna. We all pleaded with ridge to give eric one last chance.

Steffy: Well, what if we made a mistake? Seeing him last night, seeing him all in those tubes and the ventilator, I just.. maybe he was ready to go. Yes, we did bring him back in the recovery room, but… was it wrong that we didn’t let him go peacefully?

Zende: Luna?

Luna: Oh, hey, I was just thinking about eric and how wonderful he is.

Zende: He’s the best. I got to see him this morning.

Luna: How’s he doing?

Zende: Same

Luna: Sorry, zende.

Zende: The longer this goes on, the more I worry about my grandfather,

Zende: I just sat there in the hospital talking to him. Holding his hand.

Luna: I’m sure he heard you, felt your presence.

Zende: There’s so much more I should have said to him while he was here.

Luna: Your grandpa knows how much you love him.

Zende: Yeah, I know. I just wish there was something I could do for him. I wanted to finish his collection, but ridge already asked rj to help him. I– I don’t want to get in the middle of the two of them. It’s– it isn’t the same.

Luna: That’s tough, zende. I feel for you. I can see how that’s frustrating.

Ridge: Ultimately, it was my decision. I gave finn the go ahead.

Steffy: But we pushed you into saying yes.

Brooke: We all knew the risks. Finn made no promises.

Steffy: Yeah, exactly. There’s no guarantees. And I have faith in my husband, but he can only do what he can do. I mean the rest is just–

Ridge: Hey, the rest’s out of our hands.

Steffy: But, dad, it kills me to just think that granddad is suffering.

Finn: You heard what the respiratory specialist said.

Bridget: Um… yeah. Uh-huh. She’s– she’s afraid of infection.

Finn: Look, eric’s at risk for all kinds of complications. Blood clots, pulmonary edema, R.A.D.S.

Bridget: Yeah. We both know the drill. The longer he’s immobile and on a ventilator, the higher the chances that he won’t make it.

Finn: There’s no alternative, bridget. We’re at a critical part in eric’s recovery.

Bridget: I mean, they did say that he should be able to breathe on his own, right? You and I both know the risks at his age and his condition. My fear is if we do not do this today… it’ll be too late.

Finn: So, we’re in agreement.

Bridget: Yes.

Finn: It’s now or never. We need to remove eric from the ventilator. Whoa! The new iphone 15.With that amazing camera. I wish my family had them. You’re an action star… take action! Join t-mobile!

This holiday at t-mobile,

Zende: Everything that I love about designing, I learned from granddad.

Luna: It shows and you definitely inherited some of his swag too

[ Luna chuckling ]

Zende: That is a huge compliment. Granddad is the man I admire the most, besides my dad. It’s, uh, it’s granddad. He– he is the man. I feel so powerless. I can’t heal his body, but I could be putting this fire onto paper.

Luna: Yeah. But you’re not getting the opportunity.

Zende: No and I don’t need it for the status or the prestige. I just want to do it to be able to give back to granddad. That’s all. But this is a stressful time for the family. We all just want him to come home. Like I– the last thing I want is to be butting heads with ridge.

Luna: Yeah, but you feel passed over for rj.

Zende: The only thing that matters right now is granddad coming home to all of us.

Finn: Eric can’t continue like this much longer. It’s time to extubate.

Bridget: Obviously, that would be the best possible outcome.

Bridget: There is risk. There could be loss of airway protection, ventilatory muscle fatigue

Finn: Gas relay exchange. Yeah. It’s concerning, bridget, admittedly, but so was keeping him intubated. We have to weigh the risks.

Bridget: I don’t know. What if he stops breathing altogether? I wish you would just wake up and tell me what you want me to do.

Finn: Look, if we move forward today, you might be able to hear his voice again.

Bridget: Well, he certainly wouldn’t want to live like this. Incapacitated and trapped in his own body. You know what? You’re right. Let’s do this.

Finn: Okay.

Bridget: I’m gonna go reach out to ridge and the rest of the family and tell them.

Finn: I’ll stay here. I’ll recheck his vitals.

Steffy: I fought so hard to get finn to do this surgery on granddad. But now I’m questioning myself.

Ridge: Well, it’s too late for that. It’s done.

Brooke: We can’t give up faith that eric’s gonna make it through this.

Steffy: I believe he’s going to, I want to. But I have to be realistic. I mean, dad, you were right. What kind of life awaits granddad if he does survive? Like one on feeding tubes and a ventilator. Really?

Ridge: It better not be.

Brooke: I found stephanie’s bible. I’m gonna read you what she marked. “Then they cried to the lord in their trouble and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them. He rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.”

[ Phone ringing ]

Ridge: Bridget. Hey, is there any news?

Bridget: He’s still unconscious. Uh, finn and I just met with dad’s pulmonologist and we’re very concerned about the risk of infection and pneumonia and a multitude of other things. We want to try to take him off the ventilator.

Ridge: But, isn’t that too soon? Do you think he can handle it?

Bridget: Theoretically? Ridge, I cannot give you a definitive answer in his state. Just– I need you at the hospital.

Ridge: On my way.

Brooke: What did bridget say?

Ridge: They want to take dd off the ventilator.

Brooke: What?

Ridge: We gotta go.

Steffy: They don’t think he’s going to make it?

Ridge: I don’t know. Let’s go.

Steffy: Oh, my god.

Finn: All right, eric, you can do this. I need you to breathe on your own.

Zende okay. All right. Thank you. All right, bye. That was ridge. He and brooke and steffy are headed to the hospital.

Luna: Did– did something happen to your granddad?

Zende: They want to take him off the ventilator.

Luna: Already?

Zende: Ridge says that there’s the danger of pneumonia.

Luna: On top of everything else that eric’s dealing with?

Zende: I mean, granddad, he’s been unconscious for days. I just hope that he’s still able to breathe by himself.

Luna: Well, hopefully, this is positive news, right? It’s another step towards eric’s recovery.

Zende: I hope so. I mean, finn is in charge of the case. Bridget is there too.

Luna: Yeah. Eric’s in great hands.

Zende: I trust that they’re doing what’s best for granddad. What’s in his interest. I don’t think they would be taking this risk if it wasn’t the best move.

Luna: Zende, this is so much for you to deal with. I mean, especially during the holidays. Is there anything I can do?

Zende: Honestly, you just being here is enough. You calming my nerves, just letting me vent. You are… I mean, you have this way about you. You’re just so chill and relaxed. You’re never judgmental. You’re so genuine, smart, charming lady.

Luna: Okay. Okay. Now, you’re making my head big.

Zende: No, seriously, you have all the best qualities you can hope for in a person. I can see why rj’s crazy about you.

Ridge: Hey. Dr. Finnegan?

Nurse: Yes, mr. Forrester. I’ll let him know you’re here.

Ridge: Thank you.

Brooke: Donna texted. She’s down at the chapel for a bit.

Ridge: Well, maybe she’s got the right idea. Doing the right thing is just– it’s just too much of a gamble.

Brooke: He made it through the procedure, so I have to believe he’s going to make it through this.

Steffy: Are we putting him through more pain and suffering? Should we have let him go with dignity? I mean, he already crossed over. Maybe that’s what he wanted.

Ridge: We can’t think about that right now.

Steffy: Look, maybe the treatment did work, dad. Or say it does work? What, he’s gonna be around for us? A few more days of misery? Really?

Ridge: Steffy.

Steffy: Oh, my god.

Ridge: One step at a time.

Brooke: Look, finn and bridget wouldn’t have suggested this if they didn’t think that it was absolutely necessary for eric to breathe on his own. So, we have to be positive about this. We know eric’s strong. He’s survived so much. He is gonna survive this. We just have to believe in his strength and his resiliency.

Steffy: How– how’s he doing?

Finn: Um, well, as bridget told you over the phone, we want to remove him from the ventilator.

Ridge: And you’re sure this is the right move?

Bridget: It’s the only move we’ve got.

Zende: For real though, luna. Everyone here adores you.

Luna: Well, the feeling is definitely mutual.

Zende: Well, I’m glad that you’ve had such a positive experience.

Luna: I wasn’t expecting all this, though. You know, I was just hoping to come in, work hard and make a good impression, but it has been so much more meaningful than I could have ever imagined. I mean, I’ve actually formed real relationships and friendships like with you and eric. Everyone has gone out of their way to make me feel welcome. Like guys, seriously, I am just an intern.

Zende: You are not just an intern. You are an amazing addition to forrester creations. You’ve been so great with my grandfather. It means the world to my whole family.

Luna: It was an absolute honor to be in the same presence as eric. Like to get the opportunity to learn from someone so kind and brilliant.

Zende: Well, he is a big fan of yours as well. I mean, we all are. No one as much as my cousin, of course. Rj’s is a smart guy. He saw something special in you. He is very lucky to have you.

Finn: Any change in his vitals?

Nurse: His blood pressure is down.

Steffy: That doesn’t sound good.

Brooke: Hi, eric. It’s brooke. We’re all here for you and donna is down at the chapel, so she’ll be back soon. Finn and bridget, they’re doing everything they possibly can for you. You’d be so proud of our little girl. I just want you to know that we’re here for you. We’ll always be here for you. We love you so much. Oh, mom. I promise, we’re doing everything we can for him.

Brooke: I know, sweetheart. I know.

Steffy: Granddad. It’s me, steffy. I really hope you can hear me. I’m so sorry, but we couldn’t let you go. We’re just not ready to say goodbye and I just pray that you are not upset with us. I can’t do that. I can’T. I can’T.

Ridge: Steffy’s right. We wanted to exhaust every possibility because we didn’t want to lose you. And you know what? Maybe we were wrong. Maybe this is not your time to go. Maybe there’s some kind of miracle that can give you back the life you want. On your terms. Not attached to machines and wires and that’s why we’re here. I wanted to… and I want to talk to you about that ’cause… the doctors want to take you off the ventilator. They want you to breathe on your own. And we want that too and I know you want that because that– that means you get to be closer to running around and singing and dancing and creating things and drinking martinis with me. I know it’s scary, but you’re not alone. Look, you’ve– you’ve got your family, you’ve got your kids, your grandkids. You’ve got fans all over the world pulling for you. But you have to fight. You have to want this. So, if you do want this, you gotta show us a sign.

Steffy: Look, he’s moving his eyes.

Finn: Eric. Eric. Can you– can you hear us?

Steffy: Oh, my god. His eyes are moving.

Bridget: Dad. Daddy. Can you hear us?

Ridge: Dad? I know you’re in there. I know you can hear us. I know you can finn and bridget, they want to take this ventilator off. Are you ready for that? Are you ready?

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Days Update Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Tripp comes home to Wendy and apologizes for being late. Wendy says she understands his work but he’s here now and they get to spend their very first Christmas Eve together as they kiss. Wendy asks him what’s in his bag. Tripp responds that he picked up some stuff for tonight because their place could use a little Christmas cheer and she could too.

Maggie sits alone in the town square until Sarah approaches with baby Victoria. Sarah asks how she is. Maggie says she had some last minute Christmas shopping to do and wanted to see the lights and decorations before going to Doug and Julie’s tonight. Sarah sits with her and asks what’s wrong. Maggie cries that she misses Victor so much.

Alex exits the Brady Pub and runs in to Xander. Xander comments on noticing piles of unsold Bella magazines and how that must feel for him. Alex says he’ll see him around. Xander tells Alex to face that the new launch is tanking which is what he gets for putting a professional screw-up in charge, just because he’s sleeping with her.

Konstantin is in his room at the Salem Inn, complaining that Theresa thinks she can walk away with no consequences. Konstantin makes a call and declares this is not over yet.

Theresa sits in the park and rejects Konstantin’s call. Theresa’s brother Andrew then appears and greets her. Theresa hugs him and says she’s so glad to see him right now, right before Christmas. Theresa then stops and asks why he looks so sad. Andrew informs her that John and Steve asked the ISA to investigate the attempted kidnapping of Victoria from the Kiriakis Mansion. Andrew reveals that Shane passed the case over to him and they used technology to enhance some surveillance photos. Andrew tells Theresa to imagine his shock when the face in the photos was her.

Maggie tells Sarah that Victor would be so honored that she named her daughter after him, so it’s too bad he didn’t get a chance to know her. Konstantin appears in the town square and hides behind the Christmas tree to watch them. Sarah tells Maggie that she knows it must be hard as it’s her first Christmas without Victor. Maggie cries that she misses him every day, but especially the holidays. Sarah understands a piece of her heart is missing and she’s lonely. Sarah can’t help but wonder if that feels worse because Konstantin moved out.

Alex tells Xander to keep Theresa’s name out of his mouth and says she’s doing a spectacular job as new launches take time. Xander mocks that it will take forever. Xander says when he ran Titan, Bella was already on it’s last breath and that Maggie made the right decision in shutting it down while Alex made the wrong decision in resurrecting it. Alex tells Xander to focus on his third rate newspaper and keep his thoughts to himself. Alex questions why he would ever take business advice from the guy his father hired to mow his lawn.

At the police station, Rafe asks Jada if there’s a problem. Jada complains that she promised herself that she would solve the attempted kidnapping of Victoria by the end of the year but she can’t catch any breaks. Rafe tells her not to be so hard on herself as there hasn’t been any movement on that case in weeks and if the Greek mafia is involved, there probably won’t be any. Rafe adds that the baby is home safe and sound, so it’s not a pressing case and it won’t be solved by Christmas day. Rafe tells Jada that there is one mystery that he hopes they can solve right now. Rafe then asks Jada if she’s going to move in with him or not.

Andrew shows Theresa the photos and asks if it’s her. Theresa remarks that it looks like her, then admits that it is her. Andrew question what the hell she has gotten herself into. Theresa thinks back to Konstantin ordering her to kidnap Victoria. Theresa tells Andrew that she doesn’t know what to say. Andrew tells her that John and Steve think that Konstantin is somehow involved in the kidnapping and possibly even the Greek Mafia. Andrew questions why the hell Theresa would get involved with something like this. Theresa tells him that it’s not what he thinks and asks him to let her explain.

Tripp decorates he and Wendy’s apartment with Christmas decorations. Wendy thanks him for doing it. Tripp says she’s been through a lot so he knows it’s going to be a tough Christmas without her brother. Wendy cries that she misses Li so much while the rest of her family is halfway across the world in China. Tripp sits with Wendy and suggests she tell him about her Christmases growing up. Wendy talks about the Chinese not really celebrating, but spending time in Hong Kong and the US, they picked up some traditions while her parents did keep some Chinese traditions. Wendy informs Tripp that on Christmas Eve, they all give each other apples because in China it is believed that eating a peace apple means you will be blessed with a peaceful year ahead. Wendy recalls Li getting a saxophone one year for Christmas but he was horrible at it so his father made him give up on it. Wendy adds that Li later got a flute and was pretty good at that. Wendy admits she got sick of him playing it over and over, but she never told him that because he was proud of himself. Tripp is glad that she has these memories and says he wants to hear a lot more of them.

Rafe and Jada go in to the interrogation room. Jada tells Rafe that she’s been giving it a lot of thought and even started cleaning out her closet and getting rid of clutter in her room. Jada admits that she’s been going back and forth on the decision. Jada says her heart tells her to move in with Rafe and start their lives together with the man she loves, adding that she wants to get a moving truck and start this next chapter of her life. Rafe senses there’s a “but” coming.

Konstantin continues listening in as Maggie tells Sarah that Konstantin leaving has nothing to do with what she’s feeling now. Sarah asks if she’s sure since she knows Maggie was enjoying his company and his memories of Victor. Maggie says she was but it was time for him to go. Maggie thinks she honored Konstantin and Victor’s friendship by helping him and paying off his debts, but she couldn’t have him putting her family in danger, especially Victoria. Sarah points out that they don’t know for sure that Konstantin was a danger. Maggie wasn’t willing to take the risk. Sarah doesn’t want her to be unhappy because she’s trying to protect them. Sarah admits she thought Konstantin was trouble at first, but decides she likes him, especially after what he did to get Victoria back. Maggie thinks it’s best for him to keep his distance. Maggie says she’s glad that Sarah and Victoria are there as it’s just what she needed. Maggie invites her to join her in finishing Christmas shopping. Sarah says she has to meet Xander to go over Victoria’s Christmas schedule.

Xander tells Alex to do what he wants, but that he warned him about Theresa. Xander guesses he’s been warned by everyone who has had the misfortune of knowing Theresa. Xander then stops and says it is Christmas, so he assumes Alex and Theresa are going to Maggie’s Christmas dinner tomorrow. Alex says unfortunately. Xander says that Maggie probably wants them all to get along, so out of respect for Maggie and Victor’s memory, they can make peace for one day. Alex agrees they can put their differences aside, but remarks that Xander is the one who can’t keep his jealousy in check. Alex warns that they might break a lot more than bread if he keeps this up. Alex then wishes him a Merry Christmas and walks away.

Theresa informs Andrew that she met Konstantin in Greece and he was really nice to her, friendly and generous. Andrew asks if that means they are right that Konstantin is involved in this. Theresa says technically yes, but it isn’t some big mafia plot or something the ISA needs to worry about. Theresa says that Konstantin is just a sweet old man who really likes Maggie and wanted to impress her, so he came up with this saving the baby idea. Andrew calls it a hero complex. Theresa adds that Konstantin assured her that the baby would never be harmed and be returned immediately, so she agreed to play matchmaker and help him out since Maggie’s been so lonely. Theresa claims that she was just trying to help. Andrew says he’d call utter BS coming from anyone else, but admits this sounds like the kind of thing that she would get mixed up in. Theresa comments that he really does know his sister. Andrew calls her an accomplice and accessory to a kidnapping, then asks for one good reason not to turn her in right now.

Jada informs Rafe that she ran in to Stephanie yesterday and was surprised to learn that things didn’t work out for her and Chad. Jada says that Stephanie had just moved out and was very upset about it, so she felt the universe was sending her a sign as it brought up bad memories with her ex-husband, Bobby, and how she blamed her problems on moving too fast. Rafe notes that she had never mentioned his name before. Jada says she realized she didn’t know Bobby well enough before making that plunge, but they were madly in love and talked about growing old together so they got married but unfortunately, they didn’t know each other as well as they thought and for various reasons, they started to resent each other and then one day they decided it was over and done. Jada adds that she hasn’t seen or heard from him since. Jada mentions also running in to Eric yesterday and it was like the universe was giving her all these reminders of what can go wrong when she moves too fast.

Sarah tells Maggie that she should get going as Xander is waiting for her and she’ll see her at Doug and Julie’s tonight. Sarah calls it Victoria’s first Christmas and tells Maggie that she loves her and will see her later as she walks away. Alex then walks through the town square. Maggie greets him and wishes him a merry Christmas Eve. Maggie mentions meaning to call him as she’d like a word with him about Titan. Alex reminds her that it was her choice to not be involved in Titan. Maggie points out that she inherited half of Victor’s estate and she’s seen the numbers, so she was disturbed to realize the cost of the first issue of Bella far outweighed the ad revenues. Alex says it’s just startup costs and assures the next issues will have no trouble. Maggie understands he was resurrecting Bella to make a point to her, but says you don’t make business decisions based on emotion. Maggie argues that magazines are dying and everything is going computerized. Maggie adds that Alex not only brought it back but put someone unqualified in charge of it, just because he’s in a relationship with her. Konstantin continues to listen in.

Theresa sits with Andrew and tells him that she’s really sorry as she feels really terrible for what she did. Andrew responds that she always does, but nothing seems to change. Theresa cries that she doesn’t want to disappoint their parents and worries that everyone is going to hate her. Andrew asks what she expected and tells her that she’s so lucky the baby is okay and that Konstantin moved out. Theresa asks what Andrew is going to do. Andrew responds that he’s first going to tell John, Steve, and Shane that they were unable to reveal the kidnapper’s face. Andrew then says he’s going to tell Theresa what she’s going to do.

Tripp has two apples delivered to the apartment which Wendy calls so sweet. Wendy thanks him for the wonderful gift of peace apples. Wendy now wants to hear about Tripp’s Christmas traditions growing up. Tripp responds that he actually didn’t have any but he vaguely remembers his adopted mom always trying her best to make things nice when he was little, but after she died, he just tried to stay out of the way. Tripp says his adopted dad was abusive, so this isn’t the most cheerful topic for Christmas Eve. Wendy apologizes as she didn’t mean to bring up bad memories. Tripp says it’s okay as it’s in the past. Tripp declares that it’s time that they start making their own happy holiday memories.

Jada hopes Rafe understands that she really wants to be with him, but she really wants to take things slowly and do it right. Jada guesses that Rafe is disappointed. Rafe says he has a string of exes too and maybe if he took things slower, he would’ve avoided some heartache himself. Rafe tells Jada to set the pace of their relationship as he loves her and wants her to be at peace with the decision she makes. Rafe says she can let him know when she’s ready.

Alex tells Maggie that he thinks it’s better that he and Theresa don’t come to Christmas dinner tomorrow. Maggie argues that they have to come and apologizes for bringing up business now. Maggie promises to not talk business during Christmas dinner and tells Alex that Justin really wants to see him there and misses him. Maggie adds that Victor would want the family together on Christmas. Alex says he gets that, but all they do recently is fight, so he doesn’t care what it means if it’s just going to be another miserable experience. Alex tells Maggie to have a wonderful Christmas, but to consider him out, as he walks away. Konstantin watches with a smile as Maggie looks on disappointed.

Andrew tells Theresa that he needs no more funny business or antics from her and that she’s going to walk the straight and narrow from now on. Andrew tells her to stay the hell away from Konstantin. Theresa claims that he left town anyway so she’s never going to see him again. Andrew advises Theresa to stop getting involved in schemes that she knows are wrong which she promises to do. Andrew warns her to keep that promise because he will be watching. Andrew says this will be the last time he covers for her. Theresa hugs him and thanks him. Andrew adds that he’s only giving her this chance because she’s his sister and he loves her. Andrew asks her not to jeopardize his job or her future. Theresa assures that she will take his advice. Andrew says he has to get going as the ISA jet is waiting for him. Andrew wishes her a Merry Christmas. Theresa calls him the best and says she really loves him. Andrew then walks away.

Maggie complains that she made things worse on Christmas Eve. Konstantin then appears and greets Maggie, surprising her. Konstantin says it’s so wonderful to see her. Maggie didn’t know he was still in town. Konstantin says he hasn’t been in town and that he was staying with his cousin in Cincinnati but he went off with his wife’s family for Christmas, so he ended up back in Salem which he finds a very special place. Konstantin calls it very fortunate to run in to her and offers her egg nog as he invites her to have a Christmas Eve drink together. Maggie hesitates but agrees.

Alex finds Theresa in the park and asks what she’s doing here. Theresa says he scared her half to death. Alex asks if everything is okay.

Jada tells Rafe that she hopes they can keep having lots of sleepovers which Rafe agrees with as they kiss. Rafe surprises her with a gift of keys, even though they aren’t moving in together, so she can come and go as she pleases. Jada calls it the best gift she will get this Christmas as they kiss.

Xander and Sarah sit together at the Brady Pub. Xander thought it was his turn to have Victoria tonight but Sarah explains that she wanted to take Victoria to Doug and Julie’s for her first Horton Christmas and adds that Maggie’s been having a tough time without Victor. Xander says he understands and tells Sarah to drop Victoria off with him afterwards because it’s his first Christmas with her too. Sarah gets upset and points out that means she won’t get to spend Christmas morning with Victoria. Xander says one of them has to miss her first Christmas morning and he’s willing to give up her first Christmas Eve. Sarah decides this isn’t working.

Tripp brings out Jenga but Wendy thought they could play a different game and they start kissing until Wendy gets a phone call from her mom. Wendy says she knows it’s been difficult lately. Wendy says she’ll call her back later and to give her love to her dad as she hangs up. Tripp asks if everything okay. Wendy informs him that it was her mom, who is very concerned with her dad as he hasn’t been doing well since Li’s death and his health is declining. Wendy then reveals that her mom wants her to move back to China.

Jada suggests to Rafe that they take things elsewhere. Rafe agrees and jokes that it is Christmas Eve so they have to go to bed early as they exit the police station together.

Xander reminds Sarah that they agreed to shared custody. Sarah clarifies that it isn’t working tonight since Victoria is only going to have one first Christmas and she won’t remember it, but they will. Xander says that’s why he wants to spend time with her too and points out that she chose Christmas Eve, so he gets Christmas Day. Sarah then suggests Xander came to Doug and Julie’s with them. Xander questions participating in the hanging of the Horton Ornaments and said he would be honored, but asks if they would even have him. Sarah says of course and reminds him that they got married in their living room. Sarah tells Xander that it would mean so much to Maggie and her.

Konstantin and Maggie sit together in the town square as he tells her about his past Christmas traditions with Victor. Maggie asks what his plans are for Christmas. Konstantin says he has no plans at the moment as he doesn’t know much about American Christmas traditions. Maggie tells him that there is one unique tradition that is very special to her late first husband’s family. Maggie invites Konstantin to accompany her to the Horton tree trimming. Konstantin calls that unexpected and wonderful, saying he’d be most grateful to attend with her.

Alex asks Theresa what’s wrong. Theresa claims she’s just really feeling the Christmas stress as it’s already Christmas Eve and she hasn’t done her Christmas shopping. Alex tells Theresa that they aren’t going to Maggie’s because of family drama, so they can forget about it all and enjoy the holiday. Alex informs her that he made a reservation for them at the Bistro to enjoy a nice Christmas Eve dinner. Theresa says that sounds really nice, but she really does have Christmas shopping to do so she’s hoping the stores are still open. Alex tells her to go finish up while he goes home to change and he will see her soon. Alex then walks away.

Konstantin was starting to worry that he would be alone this Christmas but thanks to Maggie, he has reason to celebrate. Maggie says she’s happy he’s still there and that they ran in to each other, calling it an unexpected gift. Konstantin tells her that he will pick her up at her place and they will go to Doug and Julie’s together. Maggie says she will see him later and walks away.

Theresa makes a call about a Christmas gift. Theresa then hangs up as she gets another call and it’s Konstantin, who says he didn’t appreciate her hanging up on him earlier. Konstantin warns that he can make her life very difficult if she does not cooperate. Theresa says there’s nothing she can do for him and tells him not to call her again. Theresa adds that she cannot help him with Maggie at all. Konstantin responds that she can and she will.

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GH Short Recap Thursday, December 21, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Michael gives Ned half his ELQ shares so he won’t tell Sonny and Willow Nina turned Drew and Carly into the SEC. Michael later tells Nina that he took care of Ned for Sonny and Willow’s sake.

Nina tells Sonny someone is threatening Ava. Sonny tells Ava to tell him everything, so Ava tells him about the anonymous notes and the gun someone left at her apartment. Sonny tells Ava to bring him the gun tomorrow so Brick can run a trace on the gun. Spinelli calls a truce with Cody for Maxie’s sake, but he makes it clear to Cody he will be watching him to make sure he doesn’t hurt Maxie or her family.

Felicia tells Maxie and Sasha that she can’t stop thinking about the DNA test Cody and Mac took because she thinks Cody is hiding something that has to do with the test.

Molly and TJ tell Kristina that it might take them six months to find an egg donor for the surrogacy. Kristina offers to be the egg donor as well as the surrogate for Molly and TJ.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, December 22, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

The Roma family spends Christmas Eve together and Christine arrives at Daniel’s apartment to give Danny his present.

Christine isn’t happy that Phyllis is there celebrating Christmas Eve with Daniel, Heather, and Lucy. Everyone shares Christmas memories and say things for which they are grateful. Summer tells Phyllis they must leave because they have dinner plans with Nick.

Daniel and Lucy go out to dinner in order to leave Danny and Christine alone. Christine gives Danny a robe once owned by Bryan Ferry. Danny gives Christine the same bracelet that he gave her on their honeymoon that she lost when the airlines lost their luggage when they went on a trip.

Michael and Lauren spent a romantic evening in a suite at the Athletic Club. Michael and Lauren give each other rings because they want to renew their wedding vows.

Devon decides to let Tucker drop off gifts for Dominic on Christmas Eve..

The episode ends with members of the cast thanking the viewers for watching the show and wishing everyone a Happy Holiday season.

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