GH Short Recap Friday, December 22, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Molly and TJ accept Kristina’s offer to be their egg donor as well as their surrogate, so they don’t have to wait six months to try to have a baby.

Adam gets angry with Josslyn when she offers to use her travel fund her dad set up for her to buy him a plane ticket to go see his parents for Christmas. Adam yells that the atmosphere at home is too aggressive and he doesn’t want to go home. Adam leaves Carl’s house before having dinner.

The Ashford family spends time with Curtis’ mom Irene before heading to the hospital for the children’s Christmas party.

Brook Lynn agrees not to wait too long for her wedding to Chase because Gregory wants to be there to see his son marry the love of his life.

Esme drops off Ace at Spencer and Laura’s place and then goes over to Wyndamere. Esme breaks into the mansion and memories of being held captive by Nikolas come rushing back to her mind. Esme also remembers arguing with Spencer and Trina about Cameron and Josslyn’s sex video.

Finn and Laura read Twas the Night Before Christmas to the kids at the hospital.

Nina lights a candle to remember Nell and then decides to confess her sins to the priest after she lights the candle.

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