Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of July 8, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



It was obvious that Eric wasn’t talking to Holly on the phone. He didn’t give Holly a chance to respond to some of the things he said before he spoke again.

Gabi was in prison when Sloan switched Nicole’s paternity test so she shouldn’t have known she did it.

Nicole planned to leave the DiMera mansion without taking Holly with her.

Nicole didn’t have Jude’s stroller with her when she left the mansion, but she had it when she went to the airport.


If Gabi was so worried about Arianna, she should move out to wherever Will and Sonny are living with her this week.

Brady referred to Eric as his brother as if Theresa wasn’t related to him.

EJ had the fireplace going in the summertime. Salem may be a fictional town, but it’s still summertime.

Alex conveniently needed Theresa to sign the prenup when she wanted to take Tate to the airport.


Leo wasn’t at the press conference, but he knew that Gabi exposed EJ at the conference.

Xander could have ordered a glass of water instead of drinking out of Leo’s glass. Why do the joggers insist on drinking out of Leo’s glass?


Connie conveniently found Bobby’s room at Bayview.

How did Leo know where Marlena lived?

Rafe and Jada were able to find their way to the plot where Abby was buried without anyone taking them there. If anyone has been in a cemetery, you know it’s hard to find plots without any help.

Who was watching Chad’s kids? Doug and Julie were with Kayla, and Chad was with Jack at the cemetery.


If Ava didn’t want Gabi to know that she slept with Stefan, why did she mention it so freely?

Why would Li tell Connie where he lived when they only went out on one date?

Gabi didn’t hear Kristen and Ava talking about Stefan.

Connie didn’t have blood on her dress after she killed Li. When Bobby saw her there was blood on her dress.

Connie knows too much about people in Salem when she never interacts with them. She conveniently knew Gill and that he was Ava’s boss.

Connie was hidden behind a door so she shouldn’t have seen Gill with Li. It should have been an audio flashback and not a visual one.

Marlena needs to lose her license since she couldn’t tell that Bobby was pretending to be Everett.




The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of July 8, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Connie and LI

It was a week of flashbacks. For some reason, the writers drowned the episodes with flashbacks. Most of the week was filled with flashbacks of Connie and Bobby. Connie kept thinking about Li and everything that happened after the murder. Bobby flashed back to seeing Connie after she murdered Li. We know the writers wanted to show the audience what happened when Li was killed, but they didn’t have to go overboard with the flashbacks. There were only two days out of the week that didn’t feature flashbacks which means there were too many shown.

Speaking of Li’s murder, we felt completely ripped off by the outcome. We didn’t really care who killed him in the first place, but the writers made the killer someone who was on for about two episodes. Connie went out with Li one time and suddenly became obsessed with him. The woman who plays Connie won a role on the show and became part of a major story for the week. It was such a waste of time because she’s an insignificant character. Thankfully we didn’t invest much interest in the mystery, but other fans might have liked the story. It’s a letdown for the killer to be a minor character. Bobby’s involvement in the story makes even less sense. Let’s get to that now.

Bobby suddenly had the answer to who really killed Li. He conveniently saw Connie in the park the night she stabbed Li. Connie was stupid enough to admit out loud that she stabbed Li. It’s convenient how he knew to keep that information to himself until he approached Jada with it. There was no need for him to know that information when he wasn’t in town at the time it happened. The writers clearly want to make Bobby’s role bigger by tying him to Li’s murder and to Connie. His role doesn’t need to be any bigger than it is. He and Connie are now in cahoots with each other. Connie suddenly realized that he was Jada’s ex and heard them talking about the investigation. She put two and two together to figure out that he was the one who saw her in the park. Connie suddenly knows everything about everyone in Salem. She told Bobby that Jada went home to Rafe every night. Connie had no way of knowing about Jada and Rafe, but she threw them up in his face like she did. She offered to take care of Rafe if he stopped talking about the murder investigation. Bobby jumped at the opportunity. We’ll get into that in the next section.

As we said, Bobby jumped at the opportunity to take Connie’s deal. He did his part by pretending that he was Everett again to get out of Bayview. As Everett, he wouldn’t have any memories of what Bobby saw in the park. His plan worked, and Marlena made sure he was released. Marlena clearly needs to think about getting out of psychiatry if she couldn’t tell that Bobby was pretending to be Jude. On a side note, she didn’t cure John of the brainwashing that Konstantin did to him. She allowed Bobby to get out of Bayview. Connie had to get rid of Rafe. She is the town stalker, so she found him at the cemetery to stab him. The woman has lost her mind and needs to be stopped before she goes crazy. We’re surprised that she didn’t target Gabi since Li loved her.

Jack was upset about Abby’s body being exhumed. It was strange that he wouldn’t want to know if it was possible that his daughter was alive. For some reason, he had a hard time believing that Abby could be alive. Did he forget that he was presumed dead at one point? His organs were donated, and he came back to life. There are several people in Salem who have come back to life, but he had trouble believing it. Kayla had trouble believing it too. She just came back to life but thought Abby had to be dead. We think that the citizens have taken a selective amnesia pill because they forgot that people come back from the dead on a daily basis in that town.

As Days fans know, the truth about Jude’s paternity has finally been revealed. Gabi announced that Eric was the father of Nicole’s baby at EJ’s press conference. She was supposed to keep quiet about the truth, but she told it anyway. Gabi claimed that she did it because Eric had a right to know the truth. We have a hard time believing that. If that were true, she would have called Eric and told him the truth. She wouldn’t have announced it publicly. Gabi clearly forgot that Stefan asked her not to say anything. She had the gall to be smug about revealing something that would make EJ target them. Stefan showed his anger towards Gabi, and we cheered him on for doing that. Gabi had the nerve to get mad because she thought he was siding with EJ. Stefan had the right to side with EJ because she violated a trust. He shouldn’t have told her the truth in the first place because she didn’t hesitate to open her mouth. We are hoping that EJ goes after Gabi for opening her big mouth. EJ needs to go after her with everything he has left because he has nothing to lose, so he can destroy her without blinking twice.

The confrontation between Nicole and EJ happened this week. Nicole found out the truth (thanks to Gabi), and they had it out at the mansion. EJ tried his best to explain why he did what he did, but she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. She told him that he didn’t get to say that he loved her again. Nicole had a right to be upset, but she always forgets that she has done things too. She forgot that she cheated on him to conceive Jude in the first place. EJ felt like she would run to Eric if she knew the truth, and he was right. We were surprised that Nicole didn’t yell at EJ. She had a subdued performance. We’re not sure what we expected, but we thought it would be bigger than that. Nicole went running to Eric and forgot about Holly. She didn’t tell Holly the truth about Jude. EJ had to tell her the truth. Nicole proved that she was only worried about Jude and didn’t care about Holly at all. She showed up to give him the rings and to get a divorce. It must have been too much to ask that she remember to take her daughter with her.


EJ and Nicole

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of July 1, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Kristen and Ava


Nicole didn’t hear Melinda tell EJ that she was going to tell the truth about Jude’s paternity. Melinda wasn’t yelling so she should have heard her talking.

Did Tate forget that he’s supposed to be working at the pub? He told Brady that he wanted to work at a club to pay him back.

Why would Ava and Kristen talk about her sleeping with Stefan in a public place? Anyone could have heard them talking about it.

Did we miss something? Will and Sonny went to New Zealand when they left the show, but they are back in Phoenix.

It was convenient that Gabi thought Stefan would be tempted by other women when we know he slept with Ava.


Chanel and Johnny were crying one minute, but their tears dried up the next time they were shown.

What made Kate think she and Abe were qualified to produce a TV show? How big would the show be since they live in Salem?


Julie talked about Clyde as if she knew him. We didn’t realize she knew anything about Clyde.

Stephanie told Paulina that the people of Salem didn’t like her firing a woman of color to rehire a rich, white man. It didn’t make sense for her to tell an African American woman about hiring a woman of color.

Chad wanted to talk about something private with Kayla, but he kept her office door open. Anyone could have heard them talking.


Tate balled up the pamphlet for lacrosse camp, but it was straightened out when Theresa looked at it.

The flashback Alex had could be heard before it was shown.

Brady managed not to hear Holly and Rachel talking about her bribing her to keep quiet about Tate.

Aaron could be heard talking while Holly was shown.


What are the odds that Connie would approach Melinda out of the blue.

Why would Melinda want to work for the woman who killed her daughter?

Nicole cried without any tears.

How did Connie get the keys to Tripp’s apartment? She used them to get inside and think about stabbing Li.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 24, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



Why would Hope call Harris out of the blue to tell him about Megan?

EJ told Nicole about seeing her kiss Eric because he didn’t want anything between them, but he wouldn’t tell her that Eric’s the father of her baby.

Chanel mentioned closing Sweet Bits last week so how did Eric and Marlena get cake from there?

Nicole and EJ had ice cream in their bowls in one scene, but it was gone the next time they were shown.


When did Eli and Lani leave Salem again?

When did Marlena have time knit anything for Johnny and Chanel’s baby when he just told her they were leaving?

Chad and Julie were acting like Jack didn’t have a right to know that Abby could still be alive. Abby is his daughter, so he had a right to know the truth.

Lucas said he wanted to be with Will and Alli in Phoenix. Did the writers forget that they are in New Zealand? They moved out there so why would Lucas go to Phoenix?


Mark told Leo he was gay when they met, but he made it seem like he didn’t tell him that.

Johnny and Paulina didn’t get Chanel to the hospital with any urgency. They took their time getting her there.

Mark was heartless about Chanel’s miscarriage. He could have been more caring than that.

Chanel and Johnny didn’t have any tears even though they were supposed to be crying.

Theresa was with Sarah and Bonnie one minute and with Alex and Brady the next.


Gabi said she was getting beat up, but she didn’t have any bruises on her face.

Johnny cried without any tears while he told EJ about Chanel miscarrying.

Paulina could be heard talking while EJ and Johnny were shown.


Stefan mentioned that Arianna was in Phoenix, but Will was in New Zealand. Did we miss something? When did Will and company move back to Phoenix?

Nicole managed not to hear Melinda tell EJ that she planned to blow up his life. The door was open while Melinda was talking, but Nicole didn’t hear anything.



The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of June 17, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

EJ from Days

Why would EJ be dumb enough to put Jude’s genetic test in the safe at the DiMera mansion? He should have known Kristen, Stefan, and anyone else who lives in the mansion would have opened the safe. Did he really think he was the only one who would go in there? We understand Stefan had to have a way to blackmail EJ, but that didn’t make sense. EJ wouldn’t have been careless enough to put the results in a place where anyone could find it.

It could be just us, but we are sick of seeing Theresa get away with her scheme. It’s beyond time for her to get exposed for her scheme. We are also sick of Alex walking around like he’s the man because he thinks he’s Victor’s son. He needs to be knocked off his high horse. The writers are taking too long to expose that Xander is Victor’s son. We can’t wait to see the look on Alex’s face when he finds out he isn’t Victor’s son. It will also be great to see Theresa’s face when she’s exposed for her plan.

Thumbs up to the writers for acknowledging Juneteenth. It’s good that they acknowledge the holiday. The other soap operas ignore the holiday, but Days always take the time to acknowledge it. With Abe and Paulina’s anniversary being that day, it’s an extra way for the show to acknowledge the day. The other soaps need to do the same especially since they have African Americans on their shows.

Speaking of Juneteenth, what are the odds that the high school prom would be the same day? Most proms are in May or early June. They aren’t usually near the end of the month especially since kids should be getting out of high school by then. We know the writers think we all want to see the prom, but they should have gotten the time right for it.

We loved hearing Tate rip into Theresa for hurting Brady. She needed to hear about what she did to Brady. Tate had us cheering him on when he told her that she only cares about herself. He was right on the money about that because all she does is think about what she wants. When she tried to use what Konstantin did to her to let her off the hook, Tate didn’t fall for it. He walked away from her.

How did Leo know what happened during Konstantin and Maggie’s wedding when he wasn’t there? When he ran into Theresa, he asked her about Konstantin holding her hostage. Leo also knew Konstantin said there was an enemy in the midst. Since Leo wasn’t at the wedding, he shouldn’t know what was said. It wasn’t likely they had all that information online.

The writers missed the mark when they had Jack in Salem. He went to see Chad and Julie at the Horton house, yet he didn’t take the time to see Steve. You would think Jack would have taken the time to see his brother while he was in Salem. Steve is his family too. We know Jack isn’t staying on the show long, but they could have had him talking to Steve.

Why didn’t Paulina invite Johnny’s family to the going away party? Johnny has family members in town so she could have invited them to the wedding. It’s not like she doesn’t know who his family is so there’s no reason why she didn’t invite them. Johnny shouldn’t have had to invite EJ to the party. Did Paulina think Johnny’s family wouldn’t have come to send him and Chanel off.


Johnny and Chane from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 17, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Paulina from Days


-Who reported the story about Konstantin online? The only one who could have reported it was Xander and he wouldn’t have put that story online.

-Paulina could be heard talking to herself while Alex and Theresa were shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to himself while Nicole was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Nicole while Stefan was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking to Brady while Theresa was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Eric while EJ was shown.


-Bonnie didn’t hear Theresa telling Victor’s painting that Alex wasn’t his son, but she heard her saying Xander deserved to be screwed. As loud as Theresa was talking Bonnie should have heard the entire conversation.

-Chad could be heard talking to Clyde’s picture while Xander was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking to Julie while Bonnie was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking while Julie and Chad were shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to Marlena while Xander was shown.

-Leo wasn’t at Maggie and Konstantin’s wedding so how did he know Konstantin said before he died?

-Maggie cried without any tears.


-The music playing in Chanel’s scene could be heard while Paulina was shown.

-EJ could be heard walking while Chanel and Lani were shown hugging.

-Chad could be heard talking to Julie while Johnny, EJ, and Stefan were shown.

-Paulina could be heard talking to Eli while Johnny was shown.

-Why didn’t Paulina invite more members of Johnny’s family to the going away party? She could have invited Marlena, Roman, Kayla, and Steve to the party.


-Nicole could be heard talking to Dr. Greene while EJ was shown.

-Holly could be heard talking to Tate on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-Holly didn’t hear Stefan blackmailing EJ even though the door was open, and they were talking loudly.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Nicole was shown.

-While Tate and Aaron were talking about Sophia, Aaron didn’t see Sophia eavesdropping on their conversation.

-Tate could be heard talking to Brady while Stefan and EJ were shown.


-Why would Alex be running at night?

-When Alex wanted something to drink, he asked Leo for his water. Why couldn’t he order his own drink?

-Holly could be heard talking to Aaron while Brady was shown.

-Roman could be heard talking to Kayla while Steve was shown.


Holly from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of June 10, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Maggie from Days

We’re sure it was no surprise to anyone, but Maggie and Konstantin didn’t get married. Maggie and company let Konstantin know that they were on to him and his schemes. Konstantin revealed why he wanted to get revenge against Victor. Victor suddenly left him out of his will. He admitted that he had Victor killed. It felt underwhelming because Konstantin is too new of a character for us to care about. We did notice that no one saw how scared Theresa looked when Konstantin was getting grilled about his accomplice. Theresa didn’t hide the fact that she was afraid of being busted. During the revelation Konstantin managed to shoot Steve before he left the mansion with Theresa as his hostage. There’s rarely a dull moment at a Salem wedding.

The writers left the audience hanging by not revealing that Xander is Victor’s son. Konstantin managed to die without us finding out Xander’s true paternity. What was the point of having Xander be Victor’s son if he wasn’t going to find out? They may as well have let Alex be Victor’s son. We were happy that Konstantin’s story is over, but it could have ended with Xander finding out the truth.

Marlena must not have done a good job of de-programming John since he was still affected by the pawn card. He kept hearing Konstantin tell him to shoot Steve, but he was supposed to be immune to the pawn card. It’s funny how the pawn card didn’t work when Konstantin gave him orders, but once he died, the card work. Does the card have a selective hold over John? It’s something how all it took to break John out of the trance was a phone ringing. Speaking of the pawn card, you would think someone would have burned the card so John wouldn’t be under the spell. Was it that hard to get rid of the card?

Kayla was upset that Steve kept her in the dark about what happened at the wedding. She wanted him to warn her that he was going to be in danger. We understand that she was concerned about him, but if he told her what was going on, what would she have done? Knowing what happened wouldn’t have changed the outcome. She practically ordered him to tell her what’s going on like she is his mother.

We’re surprised that Chanel defended Paulina to EJ. It wasn’t that long ago when Chanel blamed Paulina for risking her baby’s life. Once EJ wanted Paulina to pay for what she did, Chanel suddenly did a 180. If Chanel didn’t blame Paulina for what she did, why was she giving her such a hard time? Guess Chanel’s the only one that can say bad things about Paulina.

Marlena doesn’t have any loyalty towards Eric. Why would she agree to be his psychiatrist after what he did to Eric? We know Marlena is the only psychiatrist in Salem, but she could have recommended someone else to listen to him. Roman didn’t want Leo in the pub because of what he did to Eric, yet Marlena was willing to be his psychiatrist.

Why was it so hard for Chad to believe that Abby was alive? With everything that has happened in Salem, Chad shouldn’t have been shocked that Abby could be alive. People in Salem come back to life all the time, so Chad didn’t need to question if Clyde told him the truth. The only thing he should have focused on was where she was. We know Chad had to have dramatic scenes of questioning Clyde’s word, but it didn’t make sense when it’s Salem the town where everyone comes back to life.


Chad from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 10, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Konstantin from Days


-Sarah showed up at the mansion out of the blue when she was supposed to be at the hospital.

-No one at the Kiriakis mansion notice how nervous Theresa was when they asked Konstantin who helped him kidnap Victoria.

-Konstantin’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Theresa’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Maggie cried without any tears.

-Alex managed not to hear Konstantin talking about him to Theresa when he walked by them.


-Jada could be heard talking to Kayla while Marlena was shown.

-John had blood on his hand that wasn’t there in Monday’s episode.

-The blood on John’s hand disappeared.

-Sarah didn’t have blood on her hands after helping Steve.

-Stephanie could be heard talking to Steve while John was shown.


-Leo could be heard reading out loud while Johnny was shown.

-Johnny could be heard talking to Marlena while Leo was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Roman while Marlena was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Chanel while Eric was shown.

-Eric didn’t hear EJ say he was Jude’s father even though the door was open.

-Dr. Greene could be heard talking to Chanel and Johnny while EJ was shown.


-Roman could be heard talking to Kate while Chanel was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking to himself while Lucas was shown.

-Chad’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Stefan could be heard talking on the phone while Clyde was shown.


-It was daytime in Thursday’s episode but nighttime in this episode.

-Abe could be heard talking on the phone while Chanel was shown.

-The music playing in Chad’s scene could be heard while Kristen was shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Kristen while Abe was shown.


Stefan from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of June 3, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Roman from Days


-Nicole could be heard talking to Sloan while Leo was shown.

-Sloan didn’t have a bruise on her face from when Nicole hit her.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Kristen while Rafe was shown.

-Roman’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Leo could be heard talking to EJ while Kate was shown.

-Sloan cried without any tears.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Stefan while Nicole.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Melinda while Sloan was shown.

-Sloan’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-The music playing in the Montana scenes could be heard while Roman and Kate were shown.

-Snake could be heard talking to Harris while Goldman was shown screaming.

-Goldman could be heard screaming while Snake was shown.

-Harris could be heard talking to Snake while Ava was shown.


-EJ could be heard closing a door while Nicole was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Nicole while Melinda was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Clyde while Rafe was shown.

-Harris could be heard talking to Ava while EJ was shown.

-Stefan’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Nicole cried without any tears.


-The music playing in the Montana scene could be heard while Kristen was shown.

-It was still daytime when Chad was about to kill Clyde in Wednesday’s episode, but it was nighttime in this episode.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Julie while Chad was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Konstantin while Julie was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Julie while Brady and Theresa were shown kissing.


-Why was Sarah so concerned about meeting Xander’s mother? Sarah and Xander were married before, but she didn’t want to meet his mother. Now she suddenly wants to meet her.

-What were the odds that Sarah didn’t request the day off for Maggie’s wedding? Why would she choose to go to work instead of going to Maggie’s wedding?

-Maggie could be heard talking to Sarah and Bonnie while Justin was shown.


Ava from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of May 27, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

John from Days


-Rafe could be heard knocking on the door while Maggie, Xander, and Sarah were shown.

-The music playing in John, Steve, and Rafe’s scene could be heard while Ava was shown.

-John could be heard talking to Rafe while Maggie was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Eric while Harris and Ava were shown.

-Steve’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Harris while John was shown.


-EJ could be heard talking to Nicole while Bonnie and Maggie were shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Melinda while Alex and Maggie were shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking on the phone while Stefan and Melinda were shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to EJ while Rafe was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Theresa while Stefan was shown.


-The music playing in Steve and Jada’s scene could be heard while John and Marlena were shown.

-The music playing in Harris and Ava’s scene could be heard playing while Steve was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking to Stephanie while Steve was shown.


-How do Theresa and Stefan know each other? They have no reason to know each other.

-Alex and Kristen could be heard moaning while Stefan was shown.

-Alex and Kristen could be heard talking while Theresa was shown.

-Ava could be heard arguing with Harris while EJ was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Stefan while Ava and Lucas were shown.

-Kristen could be heard talking to EJ while Marlena was shown.


-Melinda could be heard talking to Sloan while Eric was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Jude while Rafe and Melinda were shown.

-Nicole didn’t hear EJ telling Jude that his paternity was their secret even though she heard the end of the conversation.

-Jada could be heard calling out Bobby’s name while Stephanie was shown.

-Melinda’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


Melinda from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinion For The Week Of May 27, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Eric from Days

We felt sorry for Eric when he told Nicole and EJ Jude was their son. His pretending to be strong while he told them made it even worse. You could tell in his eyes that he wanted to break down while he was talking to them. We liked how Nicole and Holly took the time to acknowledge that he was losing his son in the process.

We’re surprised Rafe would be willing to comfort Eric over losing Jude. Rafe and Eric weren’t friends after Eric had an affair with Nicole while Rafe was with her so it was a shock that he would comfort Eric. It shows that Rafe is a forgiving person. He’s better than we are because we aren’t sure if we would comfort someone who was with our spouse.

Is Bonnie a new character on the show? Of course, we were kidding when we said that. It’s been so long since she has been on the show. She was shown as if she hadn’t been gone for months. The writers made it seem like she was out of town even though there was no reason for her to be gone. What was the point of bringing her back to the show if she’s going to disappear again? Was she shown just so we know that Bonnie still lives in Salem?

It’s understandable that Nicole wants Sloan to pay for kidnapping her baby, but she comes off hypocritical considering what she did. Nicole did the same thing to Sami when she kidnapped Sidney, yet she expects Sloan to be fully punished for what she did. Was Nicole really in a position to want Sloan to pay when she never paid for what she did to Sami? We give Sloan credit for reminding Nicole that she wasn’t innocent when it concerns kidnapping babies.

The writers deserve a thumbs up and down for remembering the history of the show. When Eric talked to John about losing Jude, John reminded him how he felt when he found out Eric and Sami weren’t his children. John said he was glad he stayed in their lives. We congratulate the writers for getting the history right. The problem is they forgot to have John mention Carrie. He thought he was her father too. Just because Carrie isn’t on the show anymore doesn’t mean the writers should have forgotten about her. Besides, Sami isn’t on the show, but they knew to acknowledge her.


Nicole from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of May 20, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Melinda from Days


-Melinda could be heard talking to Paulina while Holly was shown.

-The music playing in Sloan’s scene could be heard in Nicole and Eric’s scene.

-Johnny called Roman “Uncle”, but Roman is his grandfather.

-Eric could be heard talking to Sloan while Leo was shown.


-Sloan could be heard talking to EJ while Leo was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Roman while Chad was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Sloan while Chad was shown.

-When Eric answered his phone, he thought it was Sloan. It’s likely that he has caller ID so he should know that it was Roman.


-The music playing in Alex’s scene could be heard while Chanel and Johnny were shown.

-Julie could be heard talking to herself while Theresa was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Chad and Julie were shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Theresa while Alex was shown.


-Melinda could be heard talking to Sloan while Eric was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking on the phone while EJ was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking on the phone while Stephanie was shown.

-Why would Stephanie defend Everett after he punched Eric? Eric is her cousin, yet she chose to defend the man who punched him in the face.


-Rafe could be heard talking to Marlena and Jada while Stephanie was shown.

-Sloan cried without any tears.

-Nicole could be heard using a laptop while Johnny was shown.

-Sloan’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


Rafe from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of May 13, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Holly from Days


-The music playing in Everett and Stephanie’s scene drowned them out.

-Jada could be heard shuffling papers while Stephanie was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Eric while Kristen was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Nicole while EJ was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Sloan while Stephanie was shown.


-Holly apologized to Tate for the fight she had with her mother earlier. The fight should have happened the day before since it happened on Mother’s Day.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Alex while Tate was shown.

-Brady could be heard opening a door while Theresa and Alex were shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to Theresa while Holly was shown.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Stefan while Rafe was shown.

-When did Roman become Tate’s grandfather? Tate said he had to help his grandfather at the pub. Roman is Tate’s uncle not his grandfather.


-The music playing in Rafe and Ava’s scene could be heard while Eric was shown.

-Sloan could be heard talking to Leo while Kristen was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to EJ while Leo was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Ava while Nicole was shown.

-Chad could be heard talking on the phone while Ava was shown.


-Steve could be heard talking to Kayla while Sarah and Xander were shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to Maggie while John and Marlena were shown.

-Marlena could be heard talking to John while Alex was shown.

-Sarah could be heard talking to Xander while Jada was shown.


-Marlena suddenly noticed that Jude smiles like Eric. Why didn’t she notice it sooner?

-The music playing in Stefan’s scene could be heard while Ava was shown.

-Stefan referred to EJ as his big brother, but Stefan is the older one.

-Steve could be heard talking to Ava while Nicole was shown.


Sloan from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of May 6, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Jada from Days


-The music playing in Paulina and Abe’s scene could be heard while Stephanie was shown

-Paulina cried without any tears.

-Nicole’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Jada could be heard talking to Rafe while Nicole was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Sloan while Jada and Rafe were shown.

-Chanel cried without any tears.


-Theresa could be heard talking to Alex while Maggie was shown.

-The music playing in Kristen and Brady’s scene drowned out the scene.

-Brady could be heard talking to Kristen while John was shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to Theresa while Maggie, Sarah, Xander, and Konstantin were shown.

-John’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Theresa could be heard putting glasses on a table while Maggie was shown.


-Tate could be heard talking to Aaron while Holly and Sophia were shown.

-Harris could be heard sighing while Tate was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Sloan was shown.

-Nicole didn’t hear EJ yelling about the test results even though she was in the room with him.

-Sloan and Melinda could be heard talking while Holly was shown.


-The music playing in Sarah’s scene could be heard playing while Stefan was shown.

-Ava could be heard talking to Harris while Sarah and Xander were shown.

-Marlena could be heard talking to Maggie while Sarah was shown.


-The music playing in Theresa and Tate’s scenes could be heard while EJ was shown.

-Thomas could be heard talking to Abby’s grave while Theresa was shown.

-Johnny could be heard talking on the phone while Julie and Paulina were shown.


Alex from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of April 29, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Ava from Days


-The music playing in Ava’s scene could be heard while Tripp was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Alex while Brady was shown.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Alex while Brady was shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to John while Kristen was shown.

-Brady told Rachel that Kristen was dating a guy named Alex as if Alex isn’t related to her.


-Marlena could be heard talking to Everett while Paulina was shown.

-Everett’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Maggie could be heard reacting to flowers while Johnny was shown.

-The music playing in Konstantin and John’s scenes could be heard while Maggie was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Julie while Chad was shown.

-Konstantin could be heard talking to John while Julie and Maggie were shown hugging.

-Stephanie’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-The music playing in Chad’s scene could be heard while Sloan was shown.

-Kayla could be heard talking to Paulina while Chad was shown.

-Sloan could be heard talking while EJ was shown.

-Eric could be heard talking to Jude while Paulina was shown.

-Nicole’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Paulina cried without any tears.


-Kristen could be heard talking to herself while Nicole was shown

-Why would Nicole choose to lie to EJ about who she was working with? She should have told him the truth.

-Ava could be heard walking while Stefan and Kristen were shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Eric while EJ was shown.

-Leo could be heard crying while Nicole was shown.


-Holly could be heard using her phone while John was shown.

-Jude could be heard crying while Holly was shown.

-It’s darker outside than it was in Thursday’s episode.

-Leo could be heard talking to EJ while Sloan was shown.

-Leo was talking like he was drunk one minute and functioning the next.


Leo from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of April 22, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Paulina from Days

Why was everyone judging Paulina for risking her life to save Chanel? They would have done the same thing she did to save their children. Steve risked going to prison to help break Clyde out of prison to save his son. The people in Salem should have understood why Paulina would leave the hospital to save her daughter. Paulina did risk her life, but Chanel wouldn’t have been rescued if it weren’t for her.

It took long enough for Eric to find out what was going on between Sloan and Leo. We’re not surprised it finally happened since Sloan never stops talking about it. It was only a matter of time before Eric got a clue and realized something was going on between Sloan and Leo. We guess Eric’s obsessiveness over her money paid off.

Brady cares about Kristen more than he’s letting on. If he didn’t care, why did he listen to her telling him about Alex and his relationship with Rachel? He wasted time talking to her when he could have left the mansion sooner. Brady does a bad job of showing that he doesn’t care about Kristen. He needs to stay away from her if he doesn’t have feelings for her. Brady is clearly torn between Kristen and Theresa.

Speaking of Brady, he and Nicole made up this week. It’s better to see them getting along as friends the way they used to. We enjoyed their friendship and missed seeing them getting along with each other. They didn’t work as a couple, but they do have a good friendship. We will see how long their friendship lasts before something else comes between them.

Why did Stephanie give herself credit for why Everett signed the divorce papers? She made Jada think she talked Everett into signing the papers. Stephanie could have told her Everett decided on his own because he wanted to have a chance with her. Clearly, she wanted to keep that bit of information to herself so Jada wouldn’t be upset with her.

Eric assumed Sloan was having an affair when he saw her charges. If she was having an affair, it would serve him right. He doesn’t treat Sloan right and puts Nicole ahead of her. Why wouldn’t Sloan have an affair? We know she’s not cheating on him, but he would deserve it if she were cheating. Also, why did Eric feel as if he could check into her bank account? It’s her account so he had no right investigating charges from her account.


Stephanie from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of April 22, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Johnny from Days


-Johnny could be heard talking to Chanel while Paulina was shown.

-Roman could be heard talking on the phone while Chanel and Johnny were shown kissing.

-Ava could be heard talking to Harris while Roman was shown.

-Abe’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Brady could be heard talking to Tate while Holly was shown.

-Alex could be heard talking to himself while Sloan was shown.

-Why didn’t Brady see Holly and Sophia going into the pub while Tate was there?

-Why would Tate leave the pub when no one else was watching the front?


-Ava could be heard talking to Tripp while Harris was shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Kristen while Ava was shown.

-Stephanie could be heard talking to Jada while Kristen was shown.

-The music playing in Everett’s scene could be heard playing while Jada was shown.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Stefan while Stephanie was shown.


-Kristen could be heard talking on the phone while Theresa was shown.

-Steve could be heard talking to John while Kristen was shown.

-Maggie could be heard talking to Sarah and Xander while Steve was shown.

-Alex was in the office one minute and at the Kiriakis mansion the next.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Konstantin while Alex was shown.


-Chanel wasn’t limping in this episode. Earlier in the week she couldn’t walk but now she’s walking like nothing was wrong.

-Abe could be heard closing a door while Johnny and Chanel were shown.

-Leo could be heard talking to himself while Nicole was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Chad while

-Chanel could be heard talking to Johnny while EJ was shown.


Stefan from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of April 15, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Nicole from Days


-The music playing in Nicole’s scene could be heard while Johnny and Chanel were shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Tate while Holly was shown.

-If the weather was so bad, why were the people in Salem dressed like it was summertime?

-A police siren could be heard while Tate was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Tate while Chanel was shown.


-The music playing in Julie and Johnny’s scene could be heard while Paulina was shown.

-Harris could be heard talking to Ava while Johnny was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to EJ while Ava was shown.

-Johnny could be heard talking to Julie while Paulina was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking to Chad and Xander while Johnny was shown.

-Julie’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-John could be heard talking on the phone while Sloan was shown.

-Konstantin’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-The music playing in Julie’s scene could be heard playing while Marlena was shown.

-Julie’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-How did Paulina get to the Horton cabin when the first responders couldn’t get there?


-Stefan could be heard talking to EJ while Wendy was shown.

-The music playing in Stefan, EJ, and Kristen’s scene could be heard while Alex was shown.

-The music playing in Alex and Theresa’s scene could be heard while Konstantin and Maggie were shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to Kristen and EJ while Ava was shown.

-Theresa cried without any tears.


-Marlena could be heard talking on the phone while Chad was shown.

-Rafe could be heard talking to Jada while Marlena was shown.

-When did Konstantin have time to get Maggie a ring?

-Why would Maggie marry Konstantin if she wasn’t ready to accept his ring?

-Thomas could be heard talking to Stephanie while Marlena was shown.


Rafe from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of April 8, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Harris from Days


-Harris could be heard talking to Ava while Steve was shown.

-The music playing in Harris and Ava’s scene drowned out their dialogue.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Julie was shown.


-Chanel could be heard talking to Johnny while Paulina was shown.

-Why did Sarah have the key to the Horton cabin? You would think Julie would have the key.

-Kristen could be heard reading to herself while Johnny was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Kristen was shown.

-Ava’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Sloan could be heard talking to Sloan before Eric was shown.

-Xander could be heard talking to Sarah while Everett was shown.

-Kristen could be heard talking on the phone while Xander and Sarah were shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Kristen while Everett was shown.


-John could be heard talking to Tate while Steve was shown.

-Holly’s text was shown on screen before she finished texting.

-Everett could be heard talking to Stephanie while Holly was shown.

-Harris could be heard talking to Ava while Everett was shown.

-Stephanie could be heard talking to Everett while Kayla was shown.


-Konstantin could be heard talking to Maggie while Paulina was shown.

-Julie could be heard talking to herself while Konstantin was shown.

-Abe could be heard talking to Sarah while Johnny and Chanel were shown kissing.

-Julie said it was cold, but Holly was dressed as if it was summer.


Konstantin from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of April 1, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Brady from Days


-The music playing in Sarah’s scene could be heard while Abe was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking to Theresa while Xander was shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Eric while Theresa was shown.

-Holly cried without any tears.

-Nicole cried without any tears.


-The music playing in Chanel’s scene could be heard playing while Harris and Ava were shown kissing.

-Chad could be heard talking to Abby’s grave while Everett was shown.

-Chad cried without any tears.

-Chanel could be heard talking to Johnny while Ava was shown.


-The music playing in Tripp and Wendy’s scene could be heard playing while Ava was shown.

-Stephanie could be heard closing the door at the Brady Pub while Wendy was shown.

-Sarah could be heard talking to Xander while Rafe was shown.

-Everett’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-The music playing in Alex’s scene could be heard playing while Lucas was shown.

-Holly could be heard talking to Nicole while Tate was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking to Theresa and Brady while Lucas was shown.

-The music playing in Brady and Theresa’s scene could be heard playing while Tate was shown.

-The music playing in Nicole and Holly’s scene was drowning out the scene.


-The music playing in Nicole and Holly’s scene could be heard playing while Tate and Brady were shown.

-How much time went by between Thursday and Friday’s episodes? Nicole told Holly that she has been going to therapy for weeks, but in Thursday’s episode she just told her about going to therapy.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Nicole was shown.


EJ from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of April 1, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Nicole from Days

We loved watching Brady ripping into Holly when she confessed to the drugs being hers. She deserved to hear his wrath because she was willing to let Tate be in trouble for her lie. Just because she lied to protect Nicole doesn’t change the fact that she didn’t tell the truth. Tate suffered because of her yet she acted as if she deserved sympathy. She didn’t deserve any sympathy.

Nicole managed to make Holly’s confession about her. Holly was right about Nicole blaming herself for what she did. Eric also made it about Nicole by comforting her. Nicole didn’t deserve any comfort after what Holly did. Holly also didn’t deserve any sympathy for what she did. She knew what she was doing and didn’t care that Tate was “suffering” in rehab because of her. Holly may have had a change of heart but that didn’t change what she did to him.

Eric needs to realize where his priorities lie. He chose to comfort Nicole and Holly after the confession as if they were the victims. If anything, he should have comforted Brady about Tate being wrongfully accused of giving Holly drugs. We know Holly considers Eric her father, but he is related to Tate. Where was Eric’s loyalty to Tate? Eric acted as if he couldn’t care less about Tate’s situation. His concern was making sure Holly was okay.

It doesn’t say much for the police force that Xander was able to solve who shot Harris by looking at a computer, but they turned up empty. The police should have done the same thing Xander did and looked at the computer. Maybe Xander should join the police force since he figured out what happened based on looking at a computer for a few minutes.

Why was Julie so willing to help Stephanie after what happened between her and Chad? Chad is the one linked to Julie through Abby, yet she keeps showing loyalty to Stephanie. We get that Stephanie needs someone to talk to, but it doesn’t have to be Julie. She has plenty of relatives in Salem she could talk to about her problems with Everett. Why would Stephanie talk to someone linked to Chad?

As much as we think Holly deserved the wrath, she received for what she did to Tate, Theresa didn’t have a right to judge her. Let us explain. Theresa accused Xander of raping her and he suffered for it. She also got JJ hooked on drugs. Let’s not forget that she let Alex think he was Victor’s son. She also helped Konstantin kidnap Sarah and Xander’s daughter. This list is just some of the things she has done in the past which means she shouldn’t judge Holly for what she did to Tate. Now that Tate fell victim to false accusations, it’s wrong to lie. Theresa is such a hypocrite.

Stephanie must not want to be friends with Jada the way we are supposed to believe. If she wanted to be friends with Jada, she would have stayed away from Everett. Stephanie doesn’t have to be his support system just because he doesn’t have anyone else in Salem. If she’s going to stand by his side, she may as well get back together with him. What was the point of breaking up with him if she’s going to support him? It will serve her right if she finds out something about his past she doesn’t like.

We applaud Nicole for not letting Holly off the hook for lying about Tate. Nicole wanted her to apologize and held her accountable for what she did. Holly deserved to be held accountable for lying about Tate. We thought Nicole would have let Holly manipulate her into feeling sorry for her, but she didn’t. Nicole stayed strong and let her have it without being too rough on her. She managed to hold Holly accountable without flying off the handle. If Nicole did go off on her, Holly would have used that as an excuse to do something else.


Holly from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of March 25, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

John from Days

Maybe it’s just us but we find it hard to believe that John was so broken up about killing Konstantin’s daughter. John has killed people in the past and some of them were probably innocent. Now he is suddenly so upset that he killed Konstantin’s daughter. Speaking of Konstantin, we find it hard to believe he forgives John for killing her. He was like a man on a mission trying to make John pay for what he did. Now suddenly Konstantin wants to forgive John. Since he still has the pawn card, Konstantin probably has plans to make John his pawn.

Was Theresa really angry about Alex was “dating” Kristen because she loved him or was she trying to hold on to her meal ticket? She was the one who didn’t want to be with Alex so she didn’t have a right to be upset that they could be together. Theresa should have thought about her plan before she decided to break up with him. She must have thought she could have things both ways.

Brady wasn’t acting like a man who wasn’t interested in Kristen. He seemed jealous at the idea of Alex being with Kristen. When Alex and Theresa got together, he seemed jealous that they were dating. Now that Alex is “dating” Kristen, Brady was jealous again. Does Brady secretly have feelings for both women? Brady is in denial about his feelings for Theresa and Kristen.

Eric proved he’s the worst husband in the world. We don’t know why Sloan would even want to be with him. Eric always puts Nicole ahead of her no matter what the situation is. We know Sloan is a kidnapper, but Eric doesn’t. He continues to put Nicole ahead of Sloan regardless of her feelings. Eric should think about his wife’s feelings instead of his ex’s. How would he feel if the shoe were on the other foot? He would expect Sloan to choose him over her ex.

Do the writers need to consult the soap bible so they can remember the history of the characters? The people in Salem tend to forget that they are related. Theresa referred to Sloan as Sloan Peterson as if they aren’t related through marriage. Tate referred to Johnny as Holly’s stepbrother as if they weren’t cousins. Johnny and Tate are linked more than Holly and Johnny, yet Tate acted as if Holly was closer to Johnny than he was.

We loved seeing Jada rip into Stephanie about Everett. At first, we thought Jada was being a little hard on Stephanie when she said she wouldn’t have hooked up with Everett if she knew he was married, but the longer they were talking, we were Team Jada. Jada was right about Stephanie standing by Everett’s side when Jada told her what he did to her. Stephanie was acting as if Everett needed her by his side just because he didn’t have anyone else in Salem. She didn’t care about her friendship with Jada. Jada doesn’t have family in Salem either, but Stephanie’s concern was Everett.

Why wouldn’t Eric’s siblings be at Jude’s christening? It’s not believable that Carrie and Rex would miss the christening. You would think the writers would have written an excuse for why none of them were there. It’s a safe bet that the christening wasn’t planned on short notice, so they had time to be there. We understand they aren’t on the show anymore, but they could have recasted them or made an excuse for why they are there.


Eric from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of March 25, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Sarah from Days


-Sarah could be heard putting cups down while Kristen was shown.

-Xander could be heard talking to Sarah while John, Marlena, Steve, Maggie, and Konstantin were shown.

-Theresa called Sloan “Sloan Peterson.” She didn’t have to say Sloan’s last name when she’s married to her cousin.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Brady while Sloan was shown.


-Stephanie could be heard talking to Kayla while Wendy and Tripp were shown.

-Abe could be heard talking to Paulina while Wendy and Tripp were shown.

-Alex’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Jada could be heard questioning Tripp while Theresa was shown.


-Nicole could be heard talking to Holly while Eric was shown.

-Everett could be heard talking to Stephanie while Tate was shown.

-Everett could be heard talking to Stephanie while Harris was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Holly while Eric was shown.

-Tate referred to Johnny as Holly’s stepbrother as if he’s not his cousin.

-Stephanie could be heard talking to Everett while Tate was shown.


-Earlier in the week Sloan was okay with Nicole hosting Jude’s christening. When she was recasted, she suddenly had an issue with Nicole hosting.

-The music playing in Eric and Sloan’s scene could be heard while Leo was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Sloan was shown.

-Brady’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Holly while Eric and Sloan were shown.


-Tate could be heard reading from his journal while Leo was shown.

-The priest could be heard talking to Leo while Tate was shown.

-Tate could be heard reading from his journal while Sloan was shown.


Tate from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week of March 18, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Stefan from Days


-The music playing in John, Marlena, and Steve’s scene could be heard playing while Sloan was shown.

-The music playing in EJ’s scene could be heard playing while Harris was shown.

-Stefan could be heard talking to EJ while Harris was shown.


-Sarah’s phone could be heard ringing while Xander was shown.

-Chanel could be heard talking to Paulina while Sarah was shown.

-Paulina could be heard talking to Chanel, Johnny, and Abe while Xander and Sarah were shown kissing.

-Sarah could be heard talking to Xander while Johnny and Chanel were shown kissing.


-Victoria could be heard crying while Eric was shown.

-The music playing in Johnny and Chanel’s scene could be heard while Xander and Sarah were shown.

-EJ could be heard yelling on the phone while Chanel and Johnny were shown kissing.

-Theresa’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-The music playing in Chanel and Paulina’s scene could be heard while Abe was shown.

-The music playing in Steve’s scene could be heard while Chanel was shown.

-Chad’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Paulina didn’t have a scar on her neck from her surgery.


-The music playing in John and Marlena’s scene could be heard while Nicole was shown.

-A siren could be heard while Konstantin’s hand was shown holding John’s pawn card.

-The music playing in Nicole and Sloan’s scenes drowned out the scene.

-Why would Sloan listen to Nicole talking about Holly and Tate as if she wasn’t representing Tate?


Nicole from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of March 11, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Tate and Holly from Days

Tate took the risk of going to see Holly so she could help clear his name. We get why he felt he needed to leave the rehab center to see her, but he shouldn’t have risked getting caught doing that. Did he really think no one was going to find him at the DiMera mansion? There was no way he was going to get away with seeing her without getting caught. He should have waited to see her.

Speaking of Holly, she was so selfish when she didn’t tell Nicole and EJ that Tate wasn’t the one who drugged her. She would rather have them think Tate drugged her instead of letting them know she wasn’t the saint they think she is. Holly was able to live with the fact that an innocent person was being punished for something she did. We don’t believe she doesn’t want to stress out Nicole. She’s looking out for herself.

Abe finally got his memory back this week. It was about time he got it back. We didn’t care for the way he got his memory back out of the blue. Lexie came to see Abe when Paulina was dying. After her visit, he suddenly got his memory back and Paulina was suddenly cured. We understand that the writers wanted us to believe that it was a miracle, but we didn’t buy it. They could have come up with a better way to have Abe and Paulina get their miracles.

What was the point of having Eli and Lani come back to Salem if they were going to write them off so soon? Why would Eli suddenly accept a promotion when he knows what his family is going through? He could have gotten his job back in Salem. The writers could have said Eli and Lani were staying temporarily. They didn’t have to have him accept a promotion.

Did the writers forget that Maggie has two children? When she and Konstantin were talking about her children, she only mentioned Sarah. She said she lost two children which means Melissa is still alive. Konstantin has no way of knowing about Melissa, so we didn’t expect him to mention her, but Maggie knows she has another daughter and forgot about her. Just because Melissa isn’t on the show anymore doesn’t mean she couldn’t mention her.


Maggie from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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