Days Transcript Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


Harris, hey.

Chad. I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Merry Christmas.

Yeah, no, you too.


You meeting someone?

No, I was actually about to request a table for one.

Well, why don’t you join me then?

Yeah, sure. Yeah, why not? So I mean, what are you doing here alone on Christmas?

Uh, you know, just needed to get away for a few. You know, think about all the stupid mistakes I’ve made this year, all the people I’ve disappointed. You know, just cheerful stuff like that.

I get it. Hopefully you’re not beating yourself up too bad.

Ugh. No, you know, this–this helps.

Yeah, yeah, for now. What about your kids?

They’re at Doug and Julie’s, who adore and dote on them. You know? Thank God. What–what brings you here?

[inhales deeply] Um… I have nowhere else to be, actually. I was planning on spending the holidays with Ava. But the universe had other plans.

[soft rock playing]

[wind whistling]

[door opens]


You should have brought a thicker coat.

[sighs] Yeah, I mean, what the hell? How long is this supposed to take, huh?

[wind whistling] You could have brought me a cup of coffee too. I’m starting to get hypothermia out here.

You should have brought your own coffee too. Ava, you know how this works. We get word that we’re getting a shipment, we need to be here to receive it.

Yeah, I know how it works. And I’m sorry to be whining. It’s just that I didn’t expect to be spending my Christmas like this.

Huh. And I didn’t expect to be spending my Christmas, or most of it anyway, in the prison infirmary.

[tense solemn music]

Yeah. How, uh…how was that? How’s Gabi doing?

Never seen her so scared.

Oh, Justin, Merry Christmas. Oh!

Merry Christmas, Maggie. Merry Christmas, Sarah.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.



Thank you.

You’re welcome.

I’m delighted to be here.

Yes, yes, we’re delighted to have you.

We’re just sad that Bonnie wasn’t joining you.


Yeah, she was disappointed that she couldn’t be here. She had to fly out to Chicago this morning to see Mimi and Emily. And of course, she sends her love. And speaking of beautiful babies, where is your little one?

Right here.



The proud papa.

Oh, my goodness! Oh, I missed you so much. Did you have fun at daddy’s house?

Yeah, she missed you too. But we had quite a night, didn’t we, sweetheart?


We read “The Night Before Christmas” and we laid out cookies and milk for Santa, which were all gone by the morning, regrettably.

[Sarah laughs]

Xander, it looks like you have certainly taken to fatherhood.

More than I ever could have imagined.

[Maggie gasps]

[soft dramatic music]



Justin. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Theresa, Merry Christmas.

Yeah, Merry Christmas, Justin.

Welcome, Alex. Welcome, Theresa.

Thank you. And Merry Christmas, Maggie.

And the same to you. Alex, I’m so glad you came. * *

Yeah, well, I wasn’t going to, as you know, but out of respect for Victor, my father, I decided it was the right thing to do.

And I’m so glad you did, especially since… this is the first Christmas since Victor died. I know he would want all of his family together, so that’s the reason, the very important reason that I wanted you here. To make peace.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[wind whistling]

So yeah, Gabi’s in pain. I mean, hell, it’s not like I can expect the prison infirmary to be like University Hospital. I’ll tell you, that place is devoid of care and service. And I swear…

[sighs] I met the real-life Nurse Ratched today. She was actually yelling at patients to suck it up and shut up. Real peach, that one.

Yeah, well, I guess working in a prison infirmary on Christmas could do that to a person.

Guess it could.

[Stefan sighs]

So, uh… does Gabi know that what happened to her was because of us?

Yeah, she’s fully in the loop now, watching her back as best as she can.

[tense music] You know, it’s bad enough that she’s in there for a crime she didn’t commit. I don’t even want to think about what could happen if I don’t get her the hell out of there soon.

Yeah. And if we don’t keep Clyde happy until you do.


Yeah, well, I wish I could say this was my, uh, my first and only Christmas breakup. But a few years back, I was dating this girl. And I thought I was going well. Like really well, until she left me a breakup letter as a stocking stuffer.

[Chad chuckles] Merry Christmas. I haven’t seen or heard from her since.

Oh, that’s brutal.

Mm. Didn’t even tell me what I did wrong.

Breakups are rough anytime, but holidays, damn. I’ve–unfortunately for me– I don’t know–maybe– maybe fortunately, ’cause I would like to think that I have learned from my mistakes, I can pinpoint exactly why I deserve to be broken up with. I mean, unforgivable mistake.

Yeah, I made a mistake too. It was, um– it was with a good woman, you know? She was drinking a lot. I was–I was drinking. And I mean, nothing happened. We kissed, but, you know, Ava can’t forgive it.

It’s too bad.

Yeah. Yeah. So any chance you and Stephanie can work things out?

Unless there’s a Christmas miracle, no, I don’t– I don’t think so.


Everett. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you.

[soft rock playing]

Uh… Harris, this is is Everett Lynch, the– the guy who replaced me in Stephanie’s life.

[chuckles] That’s not exactly true. Stephanie and I are just friends. She made it very clear she’s taking a break from men and relationships.

Well, pull up a chair then.

Um… I just want to say to all of you, thank you. I’m so happy that you’re all here in my and Victor’s home for this Christmas Day.

[Maggie sighs] I know there’s been a lot of strain and stresses since Victor’s death. But we’re all family, not all by blood, but family nonetheless. And I hope we can put all our differences aside and agree to work through those differences as we go into the new year.

[baby cries]

Oh, it’s all right, sweetness.


Do you want me to take her from you for a little while, Sarah? Give you a break?

Oh, that’s very sweet, but no. I think she just needs her mommy.


Yeah, we’re really hesitant to let her go right now, and especially to let anybody else hold her, you know, since the– the kidnapping.


Uh-huh. Yeah, I totally understand.

[Sarah chuckles]


Oh, look, Brady’s here. Excuse me. Oh, sorry. Hey, Brady. Merry Christmas.

Same to you.

Mm-hmm. I spoke to Tate earlier. It sounds like you guys had a really fun Christmas morning.

It was good. It was good. Although, I missed– I missed my daughter.

Yeah. I know. I’m so sorry. I was so sad to hear that Kristen wouldn’t even let you see Rachel. I mean, that is just cruel.

Yeah, that’s the word for it.

I mean, I can’t even imagine if you deprived me of seeing my son or I deprived you of seeing your son on Christmas. Just–I mean, I know that we’ve– we’ve been through a lot together. But I’m just– I’m so grateful it never came to that.

Me too.

Alex, this is for you.

[chuckles] What’s this?

It’s a Christmas gift. What else? Something I think you’d like to have.


[tender dramatic music]

Maggie. This is Victor’s watch.

Yes, the one his father passed down to him. And he cherished it. I know he would like you to have it.

Maggie, thank you.

[watch clasp clicks] Thank you so much. This–this really means a lot to me. Thank you.


Aw, this has been such a joy. We miss you so much.

Yes, we do. OK, have a wonderful Christmas, Will, Sonny, and Arianna. So happy that we could do this remotely. But next year, I hope we can all get together in person. In fact, I’m going to insist on it.


Me too. And we love you very much.

Merry Christmas.

Bye, guys. all: Bye.

Aw, isn’t this great? Family can be so far away, and we can still have these video calls.

It really is.

And speaking of family, I got a beautiful flower arrangement from Philip. He called this morning. Hope called.

Oh, is there any change with Bo?

Apparently not. He doesn’t even know his father’s gone.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

[soft dramatic music]

Konstantin, come in. Come in.

Hope I’m not interrupting. I came to give you a gift, Maggie, and to say goodbye.


Yes. I have a flight out of Salem tonight.

So, Everett.


How do you– how do you know Stephanie?

Oh, we–we worked together a while back in Seattle.


[Chad chuckles]

I mean, you were–

[chuckles] sorry, you guys–it was a bit more of a working relationsh– more than a working relationship.



Yeah, it was. I just didn’t feel the need to get into all that right now actually.

Oh, yeah, right. No, I’m sorry. You are being tactful.

I was, yeah.

[soft holiday music playing]

Oh, Harris, since you don’t know Stephanie, you might be wondering why Everett and I were both so smitten by her. She’s kind of irresistible. Wouldn’t you say?

Uh, she’s a wonderful person.

Yeah, anyway, Everett, where are you from originally? How did you end up here in Salem?

You know what? I am so much better at reporting stories than I am telling my own. What about you? Navy SEAL, right? Pretty impressive.

Yeah, that was– that was a while ago, yeah.

Still, it’s a hell of a skill set to bring to a police department.

Yeah, you would think so. Um, but that skill set has not been much help so far. Um… not with the case I’m on right now.

[wind whistling]

And in case you weren’t grasping just how desperate I am to get Gabi the hell out of there… I went to EJ. Asked him for help to get rid of Clyde.

What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait. You went to EJ? Are you crazy? What did you tell him?


What? He knows what Clyde is making us do?


OK, Stefan, what– what if he goes to the cops? What if he blows this whole thing wide open? He is the DA for God’s sake.

He’s also a DiMera. And he has a history with Clyde. But you know what? it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s all moot. The SOB turned me down.

[ominous music]

Oh, it’s beautiful. Ah, tablecloth.

And just to be clear, it is not from Saxton’s. It is % handmade in Greece. My friend Kosta just shipped it to me.

Well, I’ll treasure it. But you shouldn’t have gotten so much trouble or so much expense.

Oh, it was no trouble. And as for expense, well, that was all very manageable, thanks to you, Maggie.

Well, I appreciate the gift. Um, thank you. I hope your flight doesn’t take off for a while.

Oh, not for several hours.

[soft suspenseful music]

Um, well, could you stay for dinner?

I could not impose, no.

It’s not an imposition. There’s plenty of food for everyone, believe me. Theresa.


Would you mind? Tell Henderson to set another place at the table.

Sure, no problem.

So this is a, um, lucky turn of events, huh? The three of us sad, lonely guys showing up at the– the same place, same time on Christmas Day.

[Everett chuckles]

Yeah, yeah. It’s quite the coincidence.

Yeah. We should make it a tradition, the three of us.




Bet it sure beats all the awkward drama at holiday dinners with the family. both: Yeah.

Well, especially since I don’t have family here, it’s been a great way to take a break from work.

You’re on duty on Christmas? What, you draw the short straw?

Actually, I volunteered to give someone with a family the day off.


So fortunately, it’s been– it’s been pretty quiet so far.

Damn it, Stefan!

[tense music] What the hell were you thinking, spilling your guts to the friggin’ DA? Now we’re going to have more than Clyde on our backs!

[mutters] Oh, this is just what we needed. Nice job.

I had to take that risk, all right? And who the hell do you think you are coming down on me? It’s not like you’ve done anything to rid us of this problem.

[huffs softly] OK, look. Turning on each other is obviously not the way to go. All right? It is going to be hard enough getting Clyde off our backs when we’re working together. It’s going to be near to impossible if we try to do this on our own. OK? So for now, let’s just focus on what’s going on here tonight.

Yeah, what’s going on here tonight? I’ll tell you what’s going on here tonight. We’re accepting a delivery. With Clyde Weston’s drugs mixed in it. And since our rejecting the last shipment resulted in Gabi’s broken leg, I’m not even going to think about what could happen if we reject another one. So we can’t afford to piss off this bastard anymore.

With this vintage grappa, which Uncle Victor did love and indulge quite often, I’d like to propose a toast in his honor.

Konstantin, perhaps you could start Victor’s toast off in Greek. I think he would like that.

Of course.

[speaks Greek] May his memory be eternal. To Victor. all: To Victor.

[soft contemplative music]

[indistinct chatter]


What a beautiful child you have. I hope someday you bring her to my country to visit.

Oh. Yeah, maybe–maybe someday.

I’m just going to go and warm up her bottle.

Yeah, it’s in the diaper bag up there.

Obviously a wonderful father.


Yeah, he is. He loves his daughter.

Your daughter is so lucky to have two loving parents like that. Please excuse me.


I for one am quite glad that that man’s headed back to Greece tonight.

Yeah, part of me is too. I mean, although he has been a comfort to my mom, so I do worry that she’ll miss him.

It is a lovely, lovely Christmas, is it not?

[Theresa sighs]

Not for me. Not with you here.

Oh, Theresa, where is your Christmas spirit?

Oh, it’ll be back once I know that you’re high above the clouds on your way back to Greece.

Then I’m afraid it will not be back. Your Christmas spirit, that is.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

It means I am not giving up on Maggie, nor am I leaving town. In fact, I plan on being back in this very house. Tonight.

All right, well, I’m ready for a refill. Anybody else?

[Maggie chuckles]

Yeah, I’ll take a smidge.

All right.

So if you’re free to discuss it, what exactly is your current case, Harris?

Well, you know, we all know too well that, obviously, drugs are a nationwide problem. There’s always been a drug scene here and drug-related crimes in Salem. But there’s been a concerning uptick lately.

Why do you think that is?

Well, there’s definitely a more potent products hitting the streets lately. We have no idea where it’s coming from or how it’s being distributed. But my gut instinct tells me with the activity, there’s a new player in town. And understandably, the mayor and city council are breathing down the commissioner’s neck.

So the commissioner’s probably breathing down yours.

That is correct.

You know, in a way, your job as a cop and my job as a reporter are not that dissimilar. We both got to keep digging, follow all the leads, leave no stone left unturned.

Exactly. And I intend to do all of that.

[tense music]

How long are we supposed to stand out here and freeze, huh?


[glass breaks] What the hell was that?

[cat yowls]

[Stefan chuckles]

Black cat knocked over an empty bottle. At least it didn’t cross our paths, right?

[cat growling]

[cat snarling]

[cat hisses]

So much for that.

You know, I’m starting to think maybe you shouldn’t have broken things off with your cop boyfriend. Might have been nice to be able to keep tabs on what the police know, what they’re doing.

OK, first of all, it’s kind of infuriating that you kept telling me how dangerous it was for me to be involved with Harris. And now that I broke up with him, you’re telling me it was a mistake? Make up your mind, OK? And just so you know, I didn’t break up with him because I was afraid that he might stumble upon what we’re doing here, I broke up with him because I didn’t want to take the chance that he might get caught in the crossfire if things go sideways.

Wow, you really care about the guy.

Yeah, I’m not talking about it.

[Stefan chuckles] It’s done between the two of us, OK?


It’s over.

[car pulling up] I guess this is it.

[brakes creak]

[car honks]

And what’s really annoying, not to mention who the hell has the time… I have to write all these, like, happy New Year rah-rah emails to the entire Titan staff, you know, about how grateful I am for their contribution and how hardworking and dedicated they are. It’s like, is the paycheck not enough, right?

[soft tense music]

That’s a terrible attitude, Alex. Titan owes much of its success to those employees. And as CEO, you should be grateful.

I am grateful. I mean, I show them my gratitude by paying them, Maggie, not kissing their asses.

Alex, you know I thought long and hard about this recently, and especially after what you just revealed to me now, I think Victor would just wish that I would step back in and help you run Titan.

Ugh. Oh, come on, Maggie. First of all, I think you’re overreacting to what I just said. I happen to treat our Titan employees very respectfully. I just don’t like writing phony, fawning emails to them.

I’m not overreacting, Alex. You spoke with great disdain for said employees. And that was very disturbing to me.

If I might chime in, I think it’s actually a great idea for Maggie to come back and help out at Titan. And I’m happy to help too, maybe as a consultant, wherever you need.

Right, I’ll just take advice from the ex-gardener.


[Maggie gasps] This ex-gardener was a better CEO at Titan than you’ll ever be.

I have no idea what you’re up to, but I am begging you please, please, just go away.

Watch this.

Watch what?

An old trick I picked up from a wily Spartan.

[ominous music]

[bones crack]

[Konstantin groaning]

[bones crack]

[Theresa gasps]

[Konstantin groaning]

You? You were a pathetic CEO. You didn’t have a clue.

Oh, and you do? You don’t even have a clue how to be a decent human being.

That’s enough. Stop. You’re a child, Alex Kiriakis, a spoiled brat, not to mention a misogynistic buffoon.

Guys, it’s Christmas. Why don’t we act like adults here?

I’m a buffoon? Coming from the guy who posed as a clown and kidnapped two women.

[Konstantin shouting]

[Konstantin groaning]

Konstantin, what happened?

It is nothing. I just tripped on the stairs. I think he’s my ankle. I hope it’s not broken.

That is so painful. Xander, Brady, help him to that chair.

[suspenseful music]

[Konstantin groaning]

Can you believe this?

I’m not sure I do.

Try to relax, Konstantin. Sarah, would you look at his ankle?

Oh, yeah. Oh, I know.

[Konstantin groaning] Careful. Uh-oh. Oh, I know. I’m so sorry. Ooh, OK. I don’t think it’s broken, but it is swollen. So it might just be a severe sprain. You should get x-rays right in the morning just to make sure it doesn’t have a fracture or it’s broken.

No, no, no, that’s impossible. I have a flight tonight.

Oh, you’re going to have to postpone.

Ugh. Oh, my goodness. I–I do not want to be a burden.

You’re not a burden. No arguments, OK? I’ll get Henderson to take your bags up to a guest room, and you’ll be x-rayed first thing tomorrow morning.

Oh, I’m sorry about all of this.

Was it possible for this family to have one uneventful dinner?

[scoffs] This family? No chance.

How are you doing?

How did this happen?

Um, it’s been difficult, actually. Alex seems to think that things are different between us. Not always, but tonight for some reason, he’s been especially distant, which is sad for me.


[somber music]

I understand. But I think– well, I know that Alex really loves you as a father. It’s just, you know, the shock of not being your biological son, I think that that’s still taking a while to wear off. But really, you’re still just the wonderful father to Alex that you’ve always been. Nothing has changed, Justin.

And yet, everything has it seems, for him. But not for me. My heart tells me Alex is my son. And always will be.

[car door shuts, engine turn over]

Well, this has got to be a new low.

[tires squeal]


Picking up a drug deal on Christmas Day.

Addicts. They don’t take days off. Neither do dealers, obviously. You know who I’m hoping is taking the day off?


Yes. Hopefully, those dudes have a lot of respect for the holidays.

Yeah, there’s hoping.

[clears throat] I should– I should check on my kids.

Who are very sweet, by the way.

Thank you. My proudest accomplishment. Well, mine and Abby’s.

[phone ringing] Anyway. I just going to text Julie to see if the kids are still having fun.

[phone ringing]

Sorry, I got to– I got to take this. Yeah, Michaels.

[suspenseful music] What? A transaction? Right now? Where?

[sighs] How–how reliable is this CI? OK, yeah. No, I’ll check it out. Well, I hate to cut the evening short, but I got to go.

How about a ride-along?

How about not today? Maybe fill out all the paperwork from the city attorney in case you get yourself killed.

I’ll do that. But in the meantime, why don’t you give me a call if there’s a development?

Will do.

Do you think this is it?

Can’t be sure. Could be nothing. Or it could be the break that I’m waiting for.

[tense music]

All right, so make sure that you stay off the ankle and keep it elevated as much as possible. You can take ibuprofen for the pain.

Thank you much, very much, Sarah, for your–

Yeah, just remember RICE. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.

[baby crying]

Thank you.

Oh, I think Victoria needs you, darling. I’ll make sure Konstantin follows your orders.

Good to know.

[baby crying]


All my usual tricks aren’t working. You think she’s hungry?

No, no, she just ate, remember?

Oh. I could take her for a spin in the car. That usually calms her down, doesn’t it?

Yeah, I’ll go with you.

Bye. Bye.

Love you, Mama.



Thanks, guys.

I’ll walk out with you.


Bye, Brady.

Bye, guys.

[baby crying]

Oh, you know, I think I’ve had enough family fun for the night. You ready to get out of here?

Mm-hmm, yeah.


[clears throat]

Are you going so soon?

We had a blast. Thank you. But we don’t want to wear out our welcome. Merry Christmas, Justin. Thank you for having us, Maggie.

Thank you for joining us.

[soft dramatic music]

See you.

Justin, would you bring some ice for Konstantin’s ankle, please?

Sure, I can do that.


[Maggie sighs] I was so hoping that this night was going to be about warmth and forgiveness, and…

[sighs] I thought we could all make peace.

A noble aspiration indeed, dear Maggie. But you did your best. Remember that. Families are so– so complicated.

[Konstantin sighs] They’re our greatest strength… and our greatest weakness.

That sounds exactly like something Victor would say.

[soft tense music]

So this–

Thank you.

Yeah. Drug problem in Salem… it’s pretty distressing.

It is, yeah. I–I’ve been reading about it. You know, Sarah’s just saying the ODs are trending upwards according to the police blotter and ERs. And I’ve also been reading that in Salem, the Salem PD is requiring officers now to carry naloxone. So I mean, you know, thankfully, the overdosers are pulling through.

Yeah, so far. I just, I get the feeling from Harris that the situation is spiraling out of control.

But cracking this could be pretty big for “The Spectator.”

Could be. Especially since, as you probably know, some people who won’t talk to a cop might talk to a reporter.

OK, Mr. intrepid investigative reporter. Are you ready to earn your stripes?

[tense music]

That is–

That’s a lot of pills.

[exhales deeply] All right, let’s get this crap inside.

Ava, Stefan. What’s–what’s going on?

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