Days Short Recap Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Paulina went to see Justin at the Kriakis mansion. She saw Alex and ripped into him for what he did to Stephanie. He said he understood what she was saying. He told her she didn’t know what it was like to make a mistake that caused pain. She told him how she gave up on Lani. She said Lani forgave her. He said it made him feel hopeful that Stephanie might forgive him. He told her that Stephanie hasn’t returned his messages. She told him to stop hiding behind a screen. She said he should make the apology in person. When Paulina left, he wrote a letter to Stephanie. Jack told Chad that he cut Gwen out of his life for good. Chad brought up how he cheated on Abby with Gwen. Jack said he made Abby happy when they got back together. Chad said he wished he could keep doing that, but he knew she wouldn’t want him to keep wallowing. He said she would want him to be strong for the kids. Jack said he has done that. He said Chad deserved to have good days. He told Chad that he hoped he found love again. He said he thought Abby would want the same thing. Chad said he couldn’t think about finding love again when Abby was still in his heart. He said she would always be in his heart. He told Jack that he saw Abby at the cemetery. Jack said that was his subconscious giving him permission to move on. He told Jack that he has been getting close to Stephanie. Jack said Chad’s love for Abby wouldn’t lessen because of it. He said Chad would find room in his heart to live the life he deserved. He said Chad would live the life Abby wanted. Jack told him to explore his feelings for Stephanie.

Steve told Stephanie that thanks to Kristen, Kayla couldn’t be an organ donor which she wanted. He said Joey and Tripp were talking to the hospital about donating Kayla’s body to science. Stephanie told him about the eulogy she wrote for Kayla. He said the right words would come in time. She said she kept thinking about what she would have said to her mother if she got there on time. He told her to let that go. He said Kayla knew she loved her. He said it wasn’t her fault. She talked to him about Alex. He said Kayla was at peace and would want her to be at peace too. She said she wanted to be like her mother. She wanted to help people. He said she does that and was proud of her. She brought up what happened when he first came home years ago. He said he knew they were fine without him. She said they had each other. When Steve left, Chad showed up. At the town Square, Leo couldn’t believe Gwen would choose Xander over her father and everything else in her life. She said she disappointed Jack ever since she has come into his life. She said she loved Jack, but she decided to do the unselfish thing and let him go. Leo said she walked away from Jack because she couldn’t quit Xander. Gwen said she was still in love with Xander even if he didn’t love her back. Leo said Xander loved her too. He said Xander might be giving up on Sarah. He told her to go to Xander and tell him of the sacrifices she has made for him. Xander told Sarah that he loved her. She told him to sign the divorce papers and let her go. He tried to tell her what she saw when Gwen was in his room. He asked her why she came over. She said Bonnie convinced her to give him another chance. She said she couldn’t give him any more chances to hurt her. She said he wasn’t the man she fell in love with. She said she didn’t want to be married to him anymore. When Sarah left, Gwen showed up. He kissed her. Stefan told Gabi he didn’t want to be deprogrammed. Gabi said it would have been what Stefano wanted. She told Rolf to get the equipment he had stashed in the tunnels. Stefan said he hated her. She said he would thank her. Rolf came back with the equipment. He said there would be some risk involved including death. When Rolf said there was a little chance of Stefan dying, Gabi told him to do it. Stefan told him he didn’t want it. She taped his mouth shut. Rolf told Stefan to remember falling in love with Gabi. Stefan remembered falling in love with Gabi. While Stefan was remembering, the machine malfunctioned. Stefan started to convulse. Gabi took the tape off his mouth. He said her name.

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Days Short Recap Monday, January 30, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Jack was hoping to talk some sense into Gwen about turning on Xander. She defends Xander to him and she knew she disappointed him. He told her that he was disgusted now, but she could change that by doing the right thing. She couldn’t do that to Xander. She was afraid she would lose him. Jack wondered if she would rather lose him than Xander. He said that Abby’s death changed everything for him. He couldn’t deal with the drama her actions brings. He told her that she would lose him, her job and her living arrangements if she didn’t tell Rafe what he wanted to know about Xander. Leo went to see Xander. He let him know that he was going to testify against him. Leo told him that he nothing else to lose by testifying against him. Xander was willing to do whatever it took so he would keep his mouth shut. Xander started to seduce him and Leo wanted him to take him. He walked Leo to the bed and he fell on it. Xander grabbed his throat. He choked him for a while until he let him go. Xander warned him that he would die if he testified against him. Leo understood his threat and got out of Xander’s room. Stefan was tied to a chair in the wine cellar. He tried to get out of the restraints. He tried to reach for his phone, but it fell to the floor. He took his foot out of his shoe and used it to answer a call from Statesville. The call was from Vivian. He begged his mother to send him help. She called him out for not visiting her since he was reincarnated. He groveled and she agreed to consider helping him. Li came out of the shower and noticed that Gabi was trying to leave his room. She told him that she changed her mind about sleeping with him. He realized she never had any intention of getting back together with him. He wanted to know why she was really there. He grabbed her arm and threw her on the bed. He showed her the burner phone and wanted to know if that’s why she was there. She lied and said she never saw it before. He saw a call that was made while he was in the shower.

Gabi admitted that she called Rolf. She told him that he was going to deprogram Stefan. Li reminded her that Stefan didn’t want to go through that. She said she wasn’t giving Stefan a choice. She refused to give up on Stefan. She walked out of the room. Li called someone and told the person to make sure Rolf stayed away from Salem permanently. Sarah told Justin and Maggie that she wasn’t giving Xander another chance because she found him with Gwen. Maggie tried to defend Xander, but it didn’t work. Sarah said she wouldn’t be able to trust him again. Justin said she made Xander a better man the same way Maggie makes Victor a better man. She felt like Victor wouldn’t do the types of things that Xander does. Justin said that Xander isn’t a bad person. She wanted him to draw up the paperwork for the divorce. Maggie started crying. Justin agreed to do the paperwork. Xander was drinking when Sarah arrived at the door. She walked in the room and let him know that their marriage was done. Leo ran into Gwen. He told her that he decided not to turn on Xander. She let him know that she chose Xander over her father. She told him that Jack kicked her out, fired her and she didn’t have a father anymore. Jack threw Gwen’s picture into the garbage. Gabi went to the wine cellar and heard Stefan begging Vivian for help. Gabi took the phone and told Vivian that he had no time to visit her, but he had time to take Chloe to Miami. She assured her that she will have him visit her once as week as soon as he’s deprogrammed. She told him that Vivian wanted them to get back together. Rolf knocked on the door. Gabi was happy when she realized that Rolf was there for the deprogramming.

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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, January 31, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Oh, no. Have the tables finally turned? Has Diane driven you out of town?

Phyllis: You’re an ass.

Tucker: Where are you going?

Phyllis: I’m trying to catch a flight.

Tucker: Oh, yeah?

Phyllis: Mm.

Tucker: Business or personal trip?

Phyllis: Uh, a little bit of both. And unlike you, I will be successful at both


Tucker: Portugal? Isn’t that where Daniel’s partner and daughter are living now? That’s interesting.

Phyllis: Well, that’s interesting to me, of course. It shouldn’t be interesting to you.

Tucker: Is Daniel going with you?

Phyllis: What I do and what my son does — it’s none of your business. By the way, I told my son to keep away from you.

Tucker: So, he’s sticking around in town?

Phyllis: [Sighs] It’s not your concern.

Tucker: Yeah. He’s sticking around, isn’t he? Gonna work on his gaming platform. Yeah, he’s got a bold vision. When I talked to him, I was really impressed with how creative he is, and yet he’s also savvy, focused. It’s a nice combination.

Phyllis: Leave my son alone.

Tucker: Come on. He’s got the hottest project in town. It would be, uh — [Chuckles] It would be business malpractice if I didn’t try to get a piece of it.

Phyllis: Um, you seem desperate, Tucker.

Tucker: Is that so?

Phyllis: Yeah, because you’re a billionaire. You own a huge conglomerate. You’re here in this sleepy town trying to poach a gaming platform. I mean, what is that? You’re trying to take it out from under chancellor-winters. That’s your son’s company. What are you doing? You know, I’ll tell you. It seems like you haven’t had a win in a while.

Tucker: Mm.

Phyllis: And you’re just kind of jonesing for one. Just saying.

Tucker: Yeah. Well, Phyllis, you have a nice trip. [Chuckles]

Phyllis: Damn it.

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GH Transcript Tuesday, January 31, 2023

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript proofread and provided by Suzanne

Ava: Spencer. I know Britt’s memorial is today, so I won’t take up too much of your time. I have been giving a lot of thought to our last conversation.

Spencer: When I asked you to help me fight my father for custody of Esme’s baby, yes.

Ava: Yeah, that’s the one. Did you talk to Trina like I suggested?

Spencer: I did.

Ava: And did she convince you to abandon this highly risky scheme?

Trina: There’s my long-lost roommate.

Josslyn: Hi.

Trina: Hi.

Josslyn: What are you doing here?

Trina: Oh, Britt Westbourne’s memorial is today.

Josslyn: Oh, right. Um, yeah. I-I want to swing by if I can. I owe Britt a lot.

Trina: You do?

Josslyn: Yeah. Um. She helped Willow with her cancer diagnosis, so… I didn’t realize that you knew Britt very well.

Trina: Uh, I don’t. I’m just… here as support. For Spencer. That’s a lot of food. You feeding an army?

Josslyn: Uh, sometimes it feels like it, the way we fight. But, no, this is just for my family, which is about to get one person bigger.

Trina: Oh!

The role of Nikolas Cassadine will now be played by Adam Huss.

Nikolas: Cassadine and Webber. Yup, right there. We good?

Guard: Mm.

Nikolas: Glad you came around to my way of thinking.

Carolyn: I’m here as a doctor, to evaluate that young woman. Nothing more.

Nikolas: You’re here as a mother, as well. Help me — and you help Elizabeth.

Carolyn: Because this woman is a threat to you both?

Nikolas: A very real and dangerous one.

Stella: Is there some reason you don’t want our conversation overheard?

Jordan: It’s just quieter in here, that’s all.

Stella: Huh. Okay, out with it. Why were you asking Trina and I about the DNA tests we took?

Jordan: Just research for a case.

Stella: What case? You investigating the genealogy website? Don’t tell me that they’re guilty of unethical practices.

Jordan: No, it’s nothing like that.

Stella: Then what?

Jordan: I’m just fact-finding, Stella. Can we leave it at that?

Stella: [ Scoffs ] And here I thought you knew me well enough not to play me for a fool.

Curtis: Man, thanks for coming, drew. You know this could have waited.

Drew: What? What are you talking about? A tux fitting — that waits for nobody.

Curtis: No, I’m serious. I mean it.

Drew: I mean it, too. Your wedding is days away, and I intend — I look forward — to fulfilling my best man duties.

Curtis: And, see, this is why you’re best man.

Drew: Ah, come on.

Curtis: Especially with everything your family’s going through.

Drew: Yeah, the last couple days has definitely been a whirlwind.

Curtis: So…

Drew: [ Sighs ]

Curtis: …How is Willow?

Austin: Big day.

Michael: Yeah. To, uh, admit, I pictured this going a little differently.

Austin: You mean you didn’t a picture yourself dressed up like a big blue marshmallow?

Michael: [ Chuckles ]

Austin: This isn’t your thing?

Michael: Not really.  [ Chuckles ]

Austin: [ Laughs ] The OR is generally a pretty sterile environment, but with Willow being immunocompromised, we’re just taking some extra precautions.  How’s it feel?

Michael: Uh… [Sighs] Awkward.

Austin: That’s probably about right. Here you go.

Michael: So, you’re s-sure I’m not putting Willow at risk by being in the room with her?

Austin: No, the only way you’re going to hurt Willow is if you’re not there for the birth of your daughter. These things are the worst. I’ll help you out.

Michael: Sure.

Austin: There you go.

Michael: Thank you.

Austin: Yup.

Michael: Okay, thanks.

Austin: You know, babies — hands down the best part of my job.  Mind if I join you in the OR?

Elizabeth: How are you feeling? Ready to meet your baby girl?

Willow: I can’t wait. [ Sighs ] But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious.

Elizabeth: That’s understandable. Dr. Navarro will be in soon, but in the meantime, I can answer any questions for you.

Willow: I’m sure you’ve observed a lot of C-sections.

Elizabeth: Too many to count. And I’m sure you’ve seen a few in your training here. So you know they’re usually pretty routine.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Willow: But have you ever seen one performed on a patient with stage iv leukemia?

Elizabeth: Your situation is the first in my career. That being said, you know this hospital. You work in this hospital. You have the most prepared and proficient team to get you through this.

[ Door opens ]

Elizabeth: And the best support system. [ Chuckles ]

Michael: Hey.

Willow: Hi.

Michael: So, how are you feeling?

Willow: I’m hanging in there. You?

Michael: Oh, you know…

Austin: Cool as a cucumber, this one.

Willow: You lie.

Michael: Uh, yeah. Yeah, he lies.

Elizabeth: It’s totally normal to be nervous, right, doctor?

Austin: Oh, yeah. Sure. Having a baby is a pretty big deal from what I hear.

Elizabeth: And this is dr. Adler, your anesthesiologist. He’ll be doing your spinal block.

Willow: I’ve witnessed the procedure, but I’ve never had one myself.

Dr. Adler: Well, first I’ll administer a local anesthetic. Once that takes effect, I’ll insert the needle between your lumbar vertebrae and through the dura to inject the medicine.

Michael: Is that — is that gonna be painful, or…?

Dr. Adler: Shouldn’t be any pain. She may experience some pressure as I insert the needle. You may also feel some tingling as the anesthesia takes effect, and that is normal. But once it’s fully working, you won’t experience any pain below the waist.

Elizabeth: And you won’t be able to feel your legs or move them.

Michael: So, Willow, don’t even think about running off, okay?

Willow: [ Chuckles ] I’m staying right here with you and our daughter.

Michael: Forever.

Willow:  That’s the plan.

Stella: You were very interested in my DNA test. Oddly so. You even took it upon yourself to send it to your friend in forensics.

Look, Curtis and I were just trying to help you. The markers indicated you had a close relative in town.

Stella: Which was a glitch in the website. We realized that after we discovered the match was my cousin in London.

You know, TJ always felt the chances of a glitch were low, and I agree. Your second match, yes, was your distant cousin, but the first one [Sighs] was likely someone else.

Stella: [ Scoffs ] After all this time, why can’t you let this go?  Unless you still believe I have a secret love child here in Port Charles. Hold on. Jordan, are you implying that someone else has a child out there? And that person is related to me?

Trina: I had no idea things got so bad with Willow. Why didn’t you tell me?

Josslyn: Um. I-I’ve been meaning to talk to you. It’s just been so crazy.

Trina: [ Sighs ] I know. I-I get it. I just — I wish I was there to support you. Not just through that, but…through your breakup.

Josslyn: Spencer told you?

Trina: Cam did. Are you okay?

Josslyn: Um… you know, it’s been rough. What did he say?

Trina: Oh…not much. I-I think he was hurting so bad, he can’t talk about it.

Josslyn: [ Exhales deeply ] I hate that he’s hurting, and it’s because of me. [ Sighs ]

Trina: I’m sorry, Joss.

Josslyn: Don’t be. It’s on me.

Trina: [ Scoffs ] Just because you were the one who ended the relationship doesn’t mean that you’re not hurting, too.

Josslyn: Thanks.

Trina: I mean, I just saw how hard that you were trying to make it work with Cameron. I just — [ Sighs ] You must have truly felt like there was no other option.

Josslyn: I just wish that Cameron could understand that.

Trina: He’ll get there.

Josslyn: What?

Trina: What?

Josslyn: You want to say something?

Trina: No, I just — I — Spencer just thinks that there was more to your break-up than you and Cam growing apart.

Josslyn: Spencer’s not wrong.

Spencer: Trina has…reservations about me seeking custody, but she is… supportive.

Ava: Hmm. Well, that’s Trina — loyal as they come.

Spencer: She’s a good friend. She’ll be meeting me here momentarily, actually.

Ava: You used the “F” word. So you and Trina are friends after all?

Spencer: For now. So you think that my scheme is risky, huh?

Ava: [ Chuckles ] I think I said, “highly risky.” That doesn’t mean I’m against it, however. But didn’t Diane Miller tell you that your — your odds of winning custody are very slim?

Spencer: Still have to try.

Ava: Mm. What if I could increase your chances exponentially without you even having to step foot in a courtroom?

Nikolas: Esme, hi. Nikolas Cassadine.

Esme: You’re, um… Spencer’s father.

Nikolas: I’m also the one who arranged for your legal representation.

Esme: Thank you. Um. It’s nice to know that there’s at least one person looking out for me, even if they’re being paid to do it.

Nikolas: [ Chuckles ] Make that two of us looking out for you. Dr. Webber is also here to help.

Esme: Hello. [ Chuckles softly ]

Carolyn: I understand you’re experiencing some memory loss.

Esme: Well, not just some — I can’t remember anything about who I am.

Carolyn: We’ll try to get to the root of that and see if anything can be done to restore it.

Nikolas: Or determine if your condition is permanent.

Michael: So, um, after the C-section, what will Willow’s recovery be like?

Austin: Ah, for most patients, it’s just a couple of weeks.

Willow: Unfortunately, I’m not most patients.

Austin: Okay, now, listen, I-I have [Laughs] delivered my share of babies.

Elizabeth: Including one in the woods.

Austin: Exactly. Maxie and Bailey — they’re doing great. Mothers and infants, even under less-than-ideal circumstances, they never cease to astonish me with their ability to thrive.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Dr. Adler: What do you feel, Willow?

Willow: Almost nothing.

Dr. Navarro:  Excellent. Exactly how we want you to feel. So, what do you say, guys? Ready to meet your daughter?

Jordan: You know what? You’re right. There’s no point in rehashing a test you took years ago.

Stella: No, no, it’s not only me. You were asking about Trina’s test, too. Why?

Jordan: I shouldn’t have done that.

Stella: But you did. And you obviously did it for a reason. This isn’t about a case, is it? From what Trina told me, she took her test back in high school around the same time I took mine.

Jordan: TJ and I thought it was strange that your first test indicated a match right here in town —

Stella: Uh-huh.

Jordan: …And then vanished. I called the company —

Stella: Back then?

Jordan: Recently. A match can only disappear if that person withdraws their profile from the website.

Stella: Trina said that she deleted her account after finding out she had a close match here in Port Charles. Jordan, are you telling me you think that Curtis and Portia are related to each other?

Salesman: Here we are. Back with the second one.

Drew: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Curtis: Thanks, man. So, Willow — she’s having a C-section today.

Drew: She is, yeah.

Curtis: So why are you here, man? Why aren’t you at the hospital?

Drew: I have plenty of time to meet the baby. Plus, the waiting room is packed full of people looking after Willow, including her mother — who is Nina.

Curtis: Nina?

Drew: Yes. Nina —

Curtis: W-w–

Drew: …is Willow’s mother. You know, Nina gave birth to twins — Nelle and Willow. And — and then Nina’s mother gave Willow to Harmony Miller to raise.

Curtis: When did all of this come out?

Drew: Just recently.

Curtis: Wow. [ Sighs ] Look, I don’t know if you know this, but, years ago, Nina hired me to track down her missing child, and that’s when I eventually tracked down Phyllis.

Drew: I did not know that.

Curtis: Yeah, so you can imagine how invested I became.

Drew: Yeah. Hard not to.

Curtis: You know, Nina was crushed when she, uh — when she found out that Nelle was her daughter, especially after she had died. She thought she had blown her only chance to become a mother. Turns out that, uh, she didn’t.

Drew: Hmm.

Curtis: So were you the one who uncovered the truth?

Drew: No, no, it was — it was Carly. Well, while Harmony was dying, she told Carly that Nina was Willow’s mother.

Curtis: Wait a minute. Harmony died months ago. So Carly waited all this time to reveal the truth?

Trina: So you didn’t break up with Cam because you two grew apart?

Josslyn: No, I did. Mostly.

Trina: What’s the rest?

Josslyn: I’m really sorry that I didn’t tell you. I mean, it must have been really weird to hear it from Cam and not me.

Trina: A little.

Josslyn: I think I was just scared.

Trina: How come?

Josslyn: Well, I don’t feel too great about how it all went down.

Trina: How did it go down? What — what’s — what’s going on?

Josslyn: [ Sighing ] Oh, god. It is way too much to get into right now, but I promise I will tell you everything.

Trina: You better. I’ll text you after the memorial.

Josslyn: You won’t be too busy with Spencer? What’s going on there?

Trina: Hmm… we’re friends again. For real this time.

Josslyn: And you trust him after everything that’s happened?

Trina: Spencer’s changed.

Josslyn: And do you really believe that?

Spencer: Avoiding court sounds ideal.

Ava: Doesn’t it?

Spencer: How?

Ava: Leverage.

Spencer: Blackmail.

Ava: Potato, “potahto.”

Spencer: It would have to be legit, something that he absolutely cannot get out of.

Ava: Oh, trust me. There’s one thing in this world that Nikolas doesn’t want coming to light — and this is it.

Spencer: Could he go to jail?

Ava: Even if he doesn’t, it will irreparably harm his reputation.

Spencer: Can’t have that.

Ava: Certainly not.

Spencer: What is that?

Ava: Dynamite. And if you use it, it’ll clear any and all obstacles in your path.

Trina: You forgave Spencer, like, what? A thousand times? Why — why can’t I?

Josslyn: Okay, there’s a big difference. Cameron and I never had feelings for Spencer that went beyond friendship.

Trina: W-well, speaking of… do you think you two will be able to stay friends?

Josslyn: Cam and me? Well, I’d — I’d like to say “yes.” I know that I want him in my life. But ultimately, that’s up to Cam.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Josslyn: And my niece is on her way.

Trina: Oh!

Josslyn: So I got to go.

Trina: Yeah, you do.

Josslyn: [ Sighs ] We’ll continue this later.

Trina: Yes. Alright. And kiss that little girl for me, please.

Josslyn: I will. Britt was a really brave woman. Tell Spencer I’m really sorry.

Trina: I will.

Ava: There’s a Web address on here. Go to it and you’ll find a video.

Spencer: A video…of what?

Ava: Something that will give you power over Nikolas.

Spencer: Why?

Ava: Why what?

Spencer: Why are you helping me? My father already gave you what you wanted.

Ava: All the Wyndemeres in the world wouldn’t make up for his betrayal. Betrayals. [ Breathes sharply ] But let me warn you, Spencer, you cannot unsee this. And if you choose to use it against your father, there will be no going back. You will be his sworn enemy. Are you ready for that?

Spencer: I can’t let him parent another child.

Ava: Okay.

Spencer: Thank you, Ava. Unless you’re having second thoughts.

Ava: I no longer care what happens to your father.

Spencer: He will resent you, too, you know. Assuming that he’s going to know where I got this.

Ava: Oh, he’ll know. But not to worry. I’m an expert at watching my back.

Carolyn: I’m assuming you had cognitive and diagnostic testing at General Hospital?

Esme: It felt like they ran every test under the sun.

Carolyn: And no sign of a brain injury?

Esme: That’s what they say.

Carolyn: Last question — what’s your earliest memory?

Esme: Um… seeing Spencer and his friend on that ship before I collapsed. Your son seems very kind. I hope he gets that from you. [ Chuckles ]

Carolyn: Well, from everything you’ve told me, I’m leaning towards dissociative amnesia.

Esme: What’s that?

Carolyn: It’s when someone is unable to recall important personal information, as opposed to not being able to recall a few hours, or even days. You can’t recall your identity. This amnesia is usually caused by trauma or stress.

Nikolas: Which, considering you washed up on a boat, you’ve clearly endured plenty of.

Esme: Is it fixable?

Carolyn: Psycho and cognitive therapies have proven valuable in these instances.

Esme: That’s great. So you can help me regain my memory.

Nikolas: There’s also clinical hypnosis, isn’t there? Dr. Webber is an expert in the field.

Esme: If hypnosis can help, then [Chuckles] I am all in. I need to remember who I am so I can help raise your grandchild right.

Dr. Navarro: Willow, I’m going in to get your baby now. You’ll feel pressure and a tugging sensation, but no pain.

Willow: Okay.

Michael: You got this.

Elizabeth: You’re doing great, Willow. Home stretch.

Dr. Navarro: Almost there.

Willow: [ Exhales sharply ]

[ Baby crying ]

Michael: She’s here. Our daughter’s here.

Austin: Yes, she is. And apparently, she wants us all to know it.

Willow: Is the baby okay?

Elizabeth: She’s perfect.

Michael: Told you.

Willow: Yes, you did. [ Sobs ]

[ Baby whines ]

Stella: Is Curtis about to marry his own kid?!

Jordan: No. No. Curtis and Portia are not related.

Stella: Oh, thank god. For a minute there, I was worried that whatever this is would threaten the wedding. Jordan…? What are you not saying?

Jordan: This is your family matter, not mine.

Stella: My family? This isn’t about Curtis and Portia, it’s about me and Trina. If she was my first match, a-am I a distant relative of her father? No, no, that — that can’t be right because the indicator says it’s a closer relation. And if I’m not related to Portia or Taggert, how could I poss– unless Taggert isn’t Trina’s father — and Curtis is.

[ Baby cries ]

Willow: Hi, baby!

Austin: Does she have a name?

Willow: No, not yet. We were afraid to make plans.

Elizabeth: Well, you better put your thinking caps on. She can’t go by “baby girl” forever.

Willow: [ Laughs ]

Michael: Uh, we can’t thank you enough. I wish Dr. Randolph was here, too, but… everyone here has been — been so supportive, and you made an incredibly difficult situation more tolerable.

Willow: Yes. All of you. And Dr. Westbourne.  Her memorial is today? She helped us get this far. We’ll never forget it. Hi, baby.

Dr. Navarro: Let’s get you to recovery so you can hold your daughter.

Willow: Sounds good to me. [ Chuckles ]

Dr. Navarro: And while you get settled, nurse Baldwin will go with her to the NICU for a routine exam.

Willow: Okay. Okay. Okay.

[ Baby coos ]

Willow: [ Chuckles ] Can you go with her? I don’t want our little girl to be alone.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] Our little girl. We have a daughter.

Willow: [ Laughs ] You sound surprised.

Michael: I’m just — I’m just in awe.

[ Both sigh ]

Michael: And I’m so incredibly grateful.

Willow: [ Chuckles ] Me, too. [ Sobs ] [ Sniffles ]

Ava: Oh, I miss you.

Trina: I miss you, too.

Ava: We should have dinner soon. Maybe at my new home.

Trina: You’re moving?

Ava: Y– back to Wyndemere.

Trina: I thought you said “new.”

Ava: It’s newly mine and mine alone. We’ll talk soon, okay?

Trina: Okay.

Spencer: Hey.

Trina: Hi. I’m confused.

Spencer: Okay.

Trina: [ Chuckles ] So your father sold Wyndemere to Ava?

Spencer: No, he gave it to her.

Trina: Why?

Spencer: [ Breathes sharply ] Um, believe me, he didn’t do it willingly.

Trina: [ Laughs ] And what did she give you?

Spencer: I’m sorry?

Trina: When I walked in here, she was giving you a slip of paper. Okay. Never mind. You don’t have to tell me.

Spencer: No, it’s okay. Um. I want to tell you. No more secrets between us anymore, right? [ Sniffles ] [ Clears throat ] [ Breathes deeply ] It is a link to a video. Evidence of my father at his worst and, apparently, just what I need to beat him out for custody of Esme’s baby.

Trina: Huh. That sounds… sketchy at best. And I don’t want to even think about what “worst” is.

Spencer: You don’t trust Ava?

Trina: I do, but I also have no illusions about Ava.  Are you sure you want to use what’s on that video?

Carolyn: It was nice meeting you, Esme. I wish you nothing but the best.

Esme: Thank you…?

Nikolas: I’ll be right back.

Carolyn: [ Whispering ] What is wrong with you?

Nikolas: I’m not sure what you mean.

Carolyn: You never mentioned that woman was pregnant!

Nikolas: Does it matter?

Carolyn: [ Scoffs ] You’re asking me to influence and exploit someone carrying your own grandchild?

Nikolas: That baby is not my grandchild.

Carolyn: Then why did she s– you know what? I don’t care. You know this is plain unethical. You know it.

Nikolas: And you’ve never done anything unethical, have you? Why don’t we call your daughter and ask her?

Carolyn: [ Sighs ] God help you.

Nikolas: If only.

Carolyn: [ Exhales deeply ]

Curtis: You and Carly are good friends.

Drew: We are.

Curtis: And she never let on about Nina and Willow?

Drew: I wish she had. Then Nina would have known a lot sooner that she was Willow’s mom.

Curtis: What about your search for Willow’s birth parents? Wasn’t Carly helping you with that?

Drew: Yeah, I thought so, too. Turns out that she was impeding the progress so the truth wouldn’t come to light.

Curtis: Wow.

Drew: Yeah. Wow.

Curtis: Drew, tell me you didn’t let that go.

Stella: How long have you known?

Jordan: I don’t know anything for sure.

Stella: But you suspect!

Jordan: Yes.

Stella: Curtis and Portia’s affair… would line up with how old Trina is.

Jordan: Stella —

Stella: Why didn’t Curtis tell me?! He doesn’t know. Oh, my god. He doesn’t know.

Jordan: None of us do. Not even Trina.

Stella: Have you and Portia discussed this?

Jordan: I urged her to tell Curtis it was a possibility. Warned her that a marriage with secrets was doomed to fail, just like mine did.

Stella: Well — well, maybe she mentioned it. Maybe she — she listened to you… and she talked to him after all.

Jordan: You know your nephew, Stella. Do you really think Curtis could go through with the wedding if he knew Portia had kept that from him?

Stella: No, no, he — he would need time to work through this, and even that wouldn’t suffice.  So — so what now?

Jordan: What?

Stella: Well, what are you going to do about it? I mean, you’ve been quite the detective, gathering the evidence. Now what? Are you going to tell Curtis?

Jordan: It’s not my business to tell.

Stella: Okay, well, if you won’t tell him, I will.

Trina: You came such a long way since you came back to Port Charles after you pulled all that crap.

Spencer: Fun times.

Trina: So if you’re serious about getting custody of your sister or brother —

Spencer: I am.

Trina: Then shouldn’t you go about it the right way?

Spencer: In an ideal world, yes. But the “right way” isn’t guaranteed to work.

Trina: [ Sighs ] You know, I’ve — I’ve been telling people you’ve changed.

Spencer: I have changed. And I’m not saying that I’m going to use whatever is in this video for sure, but I am saying that I need to look at it in order to know.  Trina, I could have lied to you, but I told you because I trust you.

Trina: I appreciate that. I really do. But what if I’m not on board with you fighting dirty?

Spencer: Even if it means saving my little sibling, Trina?

Trina: Who is going to save you?

Spencer: I thought that was your job.

Trina: [ Scoffs ]

Spencer: Trina, for once, this isn’t about me. This is about protecting an innocent life. And I’m going to do whatever I have to do, starting with watching that video.

Trina: [ Breathes deeply ] Fine. But you’re not watching it alone.

Drew: I am not okay with what Carly did, and she is well aware of that. Now, I got to take a look at the fit here. [ Laughs ] See [Laughs] How good everything looks. Come on, now.

Curtis: I would say this is tailored to your specifications.

Drew: Don’t I look good? So, does the wedding feel real?

Curtis: Oh, brother, it is feeling realer by the day. I’m just counting the minutes. And I got to say, I am jazzed to have you standing by my side.

Drew: It’s a privilege, alright? I will always stand by you — just the way that you have stood by me.

Curtis: The way I will always stand by Nina.

Drew: And we’re back.

Curtis: [ Laughs ] Drew, I just — I don’t appreciate what Carly did to Nina or to you.

Drew: Well, okay, so for what it’s worth, Carly does truly regret lying to me.

Curtis: Mm-hmm. But not to Nina. Look, Drew, I-I-I don’t know. Carly’s going to do what Carly’s going to do, but I’m just really glad the two of y’all never got together. [ Sighs ]

Jordan: Stella, now, hold on.

Stella: You are not talking me out of this.

Jordan: Just stop and think. What will you accomplish by telling Curtis something that will blow up his life?

Stella: I will be giving him the courtesy of the truth.

Jordan: No, you’ll be sharing an unproven theory. Listen, I’m with you, okay? I think Curtis has a right to know. But don’t you think he should hear it from Portia, his fiancée, the possible — possible — mother of his child? And not for nothing — don’t forget you have a history of meddling.

Stella: I meddle out of love.

Jordan: I know that. But Curtis could perceive it differently, especially if it turns out we’re wrong.

Stella: Well, then, let’s find out.

Jordan: What, if we’re wrong?

Stella: Yes, before Curtis walks down that aisle.

Spencer: [ Sighs ]

[ Both sigh ]

Trina: Are you sure?

Spencer: Last chance to bail.

Trina: We’re in this together.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Nikolas: “I, Nikolas Cassadine, of sound mind and body, do hereby acknowledge and confess that I, and I alone, am responsible for the disappearance of Esme Prince.”

Esme: Is Dr. Webber upset, Mr. Cassadine?

Nikolas: Not at all. And please — call me Nikolas.

Esme: [ Sighs ] I thought I said something wrong or —

Nikolas: Nothing you said was wrong. But one part did confuse me. What gave you the impression that Spencer is the father of your baby?

Dr. Navarro: As we discussed, it was a very simple process to collect the cord blood. Only took about 10 minutes.

Willow: Is Michael with the baby?

Dr. Navarro: Michael’s with your daughter in the NICU.

Willow: We have to keep an eye on Jonah.

Dr. Navarro: I thought you hadn’t picked out a name yet.

Willow: [ Softly ] He can’t slip away again.

Dr. Navarro: Willow, what’s today’s date?

Willow: It’s the fourth of July.

Dr. Adler: BP’s dropping.

[ Monitor beeping slowly ]

Willow: She’s hemorrhaging. Give her oxytocin bolus and methergine I.M. Call a code OB. Willow, I need you to keep talking to me. Willow! Willow!

Drew: Well, that’s a bold statement.

Curtis: You don’t agree?

Drew: That it’s a good thing Carly and I never got together?

Curtis: Yeah, man, lies are hard to get past.

Drew: Oh, this coming from a guy who said he’d never forgive his father, and now look at the two of you.

Curtis: Fair point.

Drew: I hear a “but” coming. So you might as well just go ahead and say it.

Curtis: But it was from Marshall, my dad, okay? That was family, okay? His lies were to protect me.

Drew: Well, in Carly’s mind, she was protecting her family.

Curtis: At the expense of someone else’s. If you want to be friends with Carly, look, that’s all you, okay? But if someone had kept a life-altering secret like that from me? I just — there’s no getting past that.

Jordan: The only way to be sure is a DNA test. And we can’t do that without Curtis and Trina’s consent.

Stella: What, are you telling me that my hands are tied, and that’s it?

Jordan: [ Scoffs ] I’m saying it’s not our place.

Stella: Well, I don’t accept that. What am I supposed to do? Officiate Curtis and Portia’s wedding like everything is fine and dandy?

Jordan: Yes, because that’s what they asked you to do.

Stella: Well, that’s insane. I will not stand by and watch the woman who’s lying to my nephew’s face walk down the aisle and marry him. No way, no how!

Nikolas: “…Any chance I had of reconciling with Spencer was ruined. In effect, Esme destroyed my life. When she attacked me on the turret, relishing every second, I grabbed her in a fit of rage and pushed her to her death. Honestly, my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner to spare the people I love the pain I’ve caused them. This I solemnly swear.”

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Esme: Spencer came to see me at the hospital, and he said that he might be the baby’s father.

Nikolas: I’m sorry, Esme. I’m not sure why Spencer told you that. He’s not the father.

Esme: [ Sighs ] I was really hoping that I’d found my baby’s family.

Nikolas: You have. That baby is more loved and wanted than you can imagine.

Esme: And how do you know that?

Nikolas: Because it’s mine.

Carolyn:  You need some rest. Lizzie, you look exhausted.

Elizabeth: [ Sighs ] It’s Elizabeth, Mom, not Lizzie. What can I do for you?

Carolyn:  Nothing. My hope is to do something for you.

Ava: Oh, hey, Doc. You know, I made an appointment with that plastic surgeon you recommended. And so, pretty soon, this scar from the stabbing will be a thing of the past.

Austin: That’d be great.

Ava: Yeah.

Austin: Listen, I’m — I’m really sorry that you walked in on that scene in my office. I — I — I’d like to apologize for that.

Ava: No, no, no, no. If there’s anybody who understands complicated family dynamics, you’re looking at her.

Austin: Yeah. Would that all scars were so easily fixed.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Ava: Yeah, right on.

Austin: Excuse me. This is an emergency.

Ava: Yeah, well, I-I certainly hope whoever it is, is — is okay, so…

[ Monitor beeping, baby fusses ]

Michael: You have no idea [Sighs] how loved you are. But you will.

Josslyn: That’s a promise. Is this my niece?

Michael: Yeah, that’s her, in all her glory.

Josslyn: [ Gasps ] Oh! Michael, congratulations.

Michael: Thank you.

Josslyn: So the surgery went okay?

Michael: Yeah, everything went great.

Josslyn: Oh, thank goodness. And now she’s here.

[ Both chuckle ]

Josslyn: You know, I’m biased, but I cannot handle how beautiful she is.

Michael: Yeah, right? Yeah, just like her mother.

[ Monitor beeping ]

[ Monitor beeping slowly ]

Dr. Navarro: Hand me the clamp. Stay with me, Willow. Suture scissors and retractor.

Woman: Got it.

[ Monitor alarm blaring ]

Dr. Navarro: She’s going into v-tach. We need to defibrillate.

[ Monitor alarm blaring ]

Dr. Navarro: Charge to 200.

[ Paddles whine ]

Dr. Navarro: Clear!

[ Thump ]

[ Alarm continues ]

Dr. Navarro: Charge again. Resume compression. Get ready 1 milligram epi.

Harmony: Don’t be afraid, Willow. You’re not alone.

On the next “General Hospital” —

Elizabeth (to Carolyn): What exactly did he tell you?

Trina (to Spencer): Why not go straight to the cops?

Esme: Should we really trust him?

Portia (to Stella): If you had to do it all over again, would you make the same choice?

Curtis (to Jordan): If it’s not about the wedding, then what’s wrong?

Austin: What happened?

Michael (to baby): I’m your daddy.

Sonny (on phone): The doctors are looking for Michael.

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B&B Transcript Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Katie: Wait, so… you’re the reason why bill is able to blackmail steffy and finn into not testifying against sheila because–

Taylor: Yes, that’s what I’m saying. It’s– it’s true.

Steffy: Mom, don’T.

Taylor: Bill is using sheila’s freedom for mine.

Katie: Oh, my god.

Taylor: If sheila goes to prison, so do I. Because of what I did all those years ago. I shot bill.

[ Katie scoffs ]

Sheila: Oh, I love moments like this. Just the two of us all alone, holding each other. I used to be so phonetic, you know. I– I just– I– I just didn’t know how to– to be.

Bill: I’d say you’re getting the hang of it.

[ Sheila laughing ]

Sheila: You have taught me a new way to live. You’ve given me a– a second chance at life, bill. And– and I can’t– I can’t even begin to tell you how humbled and grateful I am. Really.

Deacon: Okay, great. So, four people at seven o’clock? Okay. Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Hope: Oh, hello.

Deacon: Hey! Look at this. My two favorite ladies.

Brooke: Look at you, running your restaurant.

Deacon: I know. It’s kinda hard to believe, right?

Hope: No, not at all. All you needed was a chance.

Brooke: And when that chance came, you made it count in a major way. The new owner of il giardino. Congratulations, deacon. I am so proud of you.

Hope: We both are.

[ Hope laughing ]

Brooke: So, how does it feel to own your own restaurant?

Deacon: It’s a lot of work, let me tell you. I’ve been here pretty much 24/7. So, my vision for this place is that I want it to be as authentic as possible. I’m talking all locally sourced ingredients, and I’m gonna bring in the finest olive oil. And I’m even thinking of doing a rooftop garden so I’ve got the freshest herbs.

Brooke: Wow. Impressive. I’m really happy for you.

Deacon: Thanks, brooke. I really appreciate your support. And you guys have perfect timing. Uh, I need a little bit of your help. Okay? Get a little feedback.

Brooke: Sure.

Deacon: Okay. Thank you. Uh, I am trying to get my signature pizza just perfect. And, uh, what I need is for you both to try a slice and give me your honest opinion. Oh, wait. Okay.

Brooke: Oh, you drive a hard bargain.

Hope: I know, right?

Brooke: Mm.

Deacon: There you go. All right. Dig in.

Brooke: Okay.

Hope: Mm. Okay.

Brooke: Okay, here goes.

Deacon: Okay.

Brooke: Mm.

Hope: Mm.

Brooke: That’s good.

Deacon: It’s missing something though, right?

Hope & brooke: Mm…

Hope: You know, now that you say that, I mean, it’s just my preference, but I know I do prefer a bit of a thinner crust.

Deacon: Okay, I am importing my own water for this, so…

Hope: Oh, well, it’s great because the crust makes the pizza, right?

Brooke: The sauce could be a little less… american and more italian.

Deacon: Okay.

Brooke: Mm. Were the tomatoes cooked down or did you use the paste?

Deacon: I think for this one I– I don’t–

Hope: Mm. And, you know, again, it’s just my preference, but a little bit of smoked mozzarella really goes a long way. Mm. Mm-hmm.

Brooke: And the cook time could be a hair shorter, just so it’s not so crispy.

Deacon: Okay. This is all valuable input.

Hope: Mm-hmm. But, you know, it is the first taste. Um, so, I do think I am going to need a– an another slice for, um, evaluation purposes.

Brooke: Mm-hmm. Make that two.

Deacon: Okay. I– I see what you’re doing here. This is– you guys are messing with me, right? All right, all right. But you can still have another slice.

Hope: That is great.

Brooke: Oh, thank goodness.

Deacon: Yes. Get in closer.

Bill: What are you saying?

That you would take me back?

If sheila goes to prison,

that you would forgive me?

That our family could be

one again?

Sheila: Oh, uh… you seem a little distracted.

Bill: I’m right here.

Sheila: Well, your body is right here. And I’m very happy about that. But your head seems a million miles away. Oh, come on, bill. Hey, whatever katie said, just put it out of your mind.

Katie: I can’t believe this.

Taylor: I know. I– I can hardly believe it myself. I–

Katie: All those years ago, when bill was shot, that was you? It was you. She is fearless

Brooke: So, hope told you sheila is out of prison?

Deacon: Yeah, she did.

Brooke: It’s outrageous! That woman is a criminal. She never should’ve gotten out of prison, but somehow, she always manages to land on her feet.

Hope: Yep. Sheila is free to terrorize innocent people yet again.

[ Brooke sighing] Dad?

Deacon: Hmm?

Hope: You okay?

Deacon: Yeah. No, I just– I guess I’m tired. You know, I’ve been so immersed with everything going on here, I– I don’t really know what else is going on.

Brooke: Oh, of course. I mean, why would you be thinking about sheila?

Sheila: This mood… has to do with katie?

Bill: Her visit got me thinking.

Sheila: About?

Bill: The past. What could’ve been.

Sheila: If only you had been different.

[ Bill sighing ] The logans and the forresters, they never accepted you. And katie and brooke, they gave you love on condition. And they– they twisted you. You constantly twisted yourself in knots over and over again to try to fit into the logan-forrester world. And– and what did that get you? Disappointment, abandonment. They left you time and time again. And then the worst part, taylor. She shot you in cold blood.

Steffy: Let’s not discuss this right now.

Katie: Are you kidding me?

Steffy: There’s a lot of moving parts, katie.

Katie: That’s why taylor here is gonna fit them all together.

Taylor: I’m going to try. I’m trying to piece them together myself. I don’t know what happened to me that night. I don’t know. I lost control. I– the only reference that I can think of, of that behavior is sheila. How she consistently disregards human life when she feels threatened or harmed. She has this darkness that she can’t control. She doesn’t know how to find the light. And that’s what makes her dangerous. But, you know, thank god not everybody is like that. Right? But– but there’s still a darkness that is inside of all of us.

Katie: I don’t know if I think that’s true, but go ahead.

Taylor: No, it’s– it’s human condition, katie. We all have a contrast of light and dark. And I don’t know what happened to me, but– but I allowed my rage and my anger to just take over me, just to wipe out any logical thought. Just block any light. I’m trying to understand what happened and I can’T.

Katie: I need to know exactly what happened that night. I know that people don’t think very highly of bill, especially now, but he is my son’s father. Will could’ve lost his dad forever. I mean, what were you thinking? What could have possibly possessed you to pick up a gun and shoot bill? If you think all pads are exactly the same…

Deacon: Hey, honey, uh, do you know the name of any good planners? Think I’m gonna do a relaunch. You know, generate a little buzz.

Hope: Yeah. Absolutely. I– I will send you a few contacts.

Deacon: All right. I appreciate it. You know, I’d also like to try and get a few good reviews here. Though I don’t know how that would fly in, uh, bill spencer’s publications. You haven’t noticed, he’s not exactly my biggest fan.

Hope: Yeah. Well, bill is not making the best decisions as of late.

Deacon: Hmm.

Brooke: Yeah. I am shocked. I mean, I– I’m really disappointed in bill actually shacking up with sheila and… blackmailing finn and steffy to keep her out of prison. I mean, I don’t get it. What’s going on in his head? What’s he doing?

Hope: A man would have to be crazy to develop feelings for someone like sheila carter.

Sheila: I’m sorry. Is it wrong of me to bring up taylor shooting you? If– if you don’t wanna talk about what happened–

Bill: It’s something I’ll never forget.

Sheila: Something I never guessed would happen in a million years. I’ll bet you it’s something taylor will never forget either. Now she’s gonna have to live with this for the rest of her life.

Katie: I need to know why, taylor. Why would you shoot bill? It goes against everything you supposedly stand for.

Taylor: It does. It does on every single level. I– I thought bill had done something unforgivable. I– I don’t know. I– I– I was– I was– I was consumed by– by this rage, by this anger. I– I– I went over to bill’s just to confront him. I– I never– I never was gonna kill him.

[ Wind howling ]

[ Classical music playing ] There were santa anas that night.

[ Wind howling ] The wind was howling. And– and the gates were open. I– I approached the door. There was classical music playing. It was loud. So I just walked in. I was so confused. I– I saw bill. He was– he was standing with his back to me. He was– he was drinking, looking out the terrace. And I– I– I looked around and– and I saw– I saw a gun. And I just picked it up. I picked it up and I… I started walking towards bill. All I could think about was this awful thing that he had done. What he had done. What a terrible person he was. And– and then I was not gonna let him get away with it. And then all of a s-sudden, I just– I pulled the trigger.

[ Taylor sobbing ] I did it.

Brooke: Sheila has zero redeeming qualities. She’s a criminal. She’s a sociopath. How could any man be in a relationship with her?

Hope: Well, maybe bill is going through his midlife crisis.

Brooke: Mm.

Hope: Or maybe he’s just going through another one of his self-destructive streaks again. I don’t know.

Brooke: Well, there’s self-destructive, and then there’s insane. I mean, maybe bill really has lost his mind. Or maybe sheila’s better at manipulating people than we thought. Maybe sheila is using bill, or bill could be using sheila.

Hope: Well, for what?

Brooke: I don’t know. I– I don’t know, honey. I’m just trying to make sense of all of this. I mean, how could he really have feelings for sheila? How could any man be in love with her?

Hope: I’m not exactly sure, but… I don– I just– I don’t think there is making any sense of this right now.

Brooke: No, but there’s got to be a reason. What is going on?

Sheila: What a horrible night that must have been for you. Being ambushed in your own living room. Shot in the back. You could’ve died, bill. It’s chilling to think that I could’ve lost you all those years ago. And before we ever had a chance to find one another.

Bill: Well, that didn’t happen.

Sheila: You know why?

Bill: Why?

Sheila: Because of this.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Sheila: Us. We’re meant to be. I remember when you got shot. I didn’t know you well. Just remember the stunning news. How this incredible force of a man was– was taken down by a coward. And then to find out that it was taylor. God, she– she falls victim of the dark side. You know, I– I realize now that I am– I am not a monster. I simply made mistakes like everyone else. And I love how you understand that about me.

[ Sheila chuckles softly ]

Taylor: I am so sorry, katie.

Katie: You shot him and you just left him. You never gave it another thought?

Taylor: No, I did. Of course, I did. I shot someone, katie. I– I was horrified by what I did. I still am. Katie, I think about will and I think about if I would’ve taken his father out of this world, I couldn’t have lived with myself. I– I don’t know who I was that night. I– it wasn’t me. It wasn’T.

Steffy: Katie, you know my mom. She is a good person. Yes, she– she snapped that night. And– and I’m not condoning what she did, but it was a long time ago. We moved on. Bill– bill forgave my mother. He promised he wasn’t gonna say anything… until now.

Katie: I’m– I’m sorry, but this is– this is just a lot.

Taylor: I know.

Katie: I mean, I– I– I can’t even wrap my head around it. I– bill and I loved each other for a really long time, and he is the father of my son. And you could have killed him.

Taylor: I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say. I–

Katie: Well, at least I know the whole story. But it still doesn’t answer the question of how sheila was able to get in his head. Find him at his most vulnerable and use this against him. Turn him against everyone that he loves. His kids, his grandkids. He’s putting them all in danger.

Steffy: You have a lot of questions. And yes, we want answers. But we need to figure out a way how to get her out of our lives. How we’re gonna stop sheila once and for all.

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Y&R Best Lines Monday, January 30, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Michael: Oh. Well, I’m sorry to hear that.

Lauren: Yeah, Daniel must be so frustrated.

Phyllis: Yeah. So, I decided to be proactive and, um, shop the project around to see if I can get financial backing from another company, and, um, you know, just in case things at chancellor-winters imploded.

Lauren: Wait. What? Without consulting Daniel?

Michael: Why would you meddle with that?

Phyllis: Well, I wasn’t meddling. It was just an exploratory conversation.

Lauren: And you don’t think that’s overstepping just a wee bit?

Phyllis: Well, no, because Daniel gave me the authority. I’m his right-hand man.

Michael: On the technical and staffing side so he could keep his eye on the big picture…

Phyllis: Okay.

Michael: …Like deciding which company to choose to ally himself with.

Phyllis: Well, I just wanted to be proactive. I knew how important this project is to my son, but it has him doubting me again, so, i mean, I don’t know what to do. I can’t win. I mean, do I try too hard? I don’t get it.

Michael: Ohh, Phyllis, i think there’s a common denominator with these problems with the children. Diane. Your intractable hostility towards her. It cost you your job at Marchetti, and from what you’ve already told us, it’s creating friction between you and Daniel.

Phyllis: Um, okay, Diane has nothing to do with this issue right now with me and Daniel. And I don’t want to get lectured about Diane. Please.

Lauren: Too bad


Audra: I assure you I work for you and you alone because you have the drive and instincts of a winner. I want to share in the success Newman Media is gonna become under your leadership, which is why I responded to tucker’s request to go meet with him. I was curious to see what his next move will be so I can keep you informed.

Nate: And?

Audra: Well, Tucker’s original goal — okay? — His big master plan, was to gain control of Jabot and put Ashley at the helm and then do the same thing with Chancellor-Winters, putting Devon in charge, so he can work side by side with the two people he claims to love the most in the world.

Nate: Ambitious.

Audra: Yeah, a little too ambitious. His plan went down in flames. But I know Tucker’s mind, okay? He’s the kind of man who needs a target, and now he’s doubly motivated after this big failure.

Nate: I assume Tucker wants to use you to feed him information about Newman, the way he did Chancellor-Winters, to find some vulnerability?
Audra: I thought that at first, too, but, I mean, he seemed more curious about our interest in Daniel Romalotti’s Omega Sphere Project — because, of course, he’s interested, too.

Nate: Mm. Well, props to Daniel for creating what’s suddenly the hottest new business venture in town.

Audra: Yeah.

Nate: The good news is… I’ve got a secret weapon.

Audra: Which is?

Nate: You

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Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sally tells Nick that her doctor called to tell her the baby is fine but the doctor is concerned because her blood pressure is a little high and the doctor wants her to make an appointment so they can see if they need to give her medicine to fix the problem.

Tucker lets it slip to Daniel that Phyllis went to Portugal to talk to Heather and Lucy, and Daniel calls Phyllis to tell her not talk to Heather and Lucy.

Abby persuades Devon to talk to Lily again but Devon and Lily’s talk doesn’t go well because Devon thinks Lily is putting Jill’s agenda ahead of her family.

Diane has a talk with Kyle and assures him that if her relationship with Jack doesn’t work out she won’t abandon him again like she did when she faked her death.

Adam tells Jack that Nick told him Victor is trying to sabotage his job at Jabot so that he will go back to Newman Enterprises and the family. Adam also tells Jack he thinks Kyle is working with Victor to sabotage him.

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GH Short Recap Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Drew tells Curtis that Nina is Willow’s mother and that Carly kept it a secret from Nina. Curtis thinks that Drew is a better man then he is because he could never forgive someone who kept something so important from him. Curtis also thinks that it is good that Drew and Carly are just friends and don’t have a romantic relationship.

Stella talks to Jordan and wonders why she was so concerned about the close relative she found months ago when she did a search one of those websites that helps your family. Jordan and Stella talk for a long time and Stella figures out that Jordan suspects Curtis is Trina’s father. Jordan tells Stella not to tell Curtis anything because they don’t have any proof. Stella tells Jordan that she won’t officiate Chris’s wedding without him knowing he might be Trina’s father.

Nikolas (now played by Adam Huss) and Carolyn go to Spring Ridge to see Esme and Carolyn thinks that Esme has disassociate amnesia brought on by trauma. Esme agrees to hypnosis to get back her memory. Carolyn feels conflicted because she doesn’t want to suppress the memory of a pregnant woman, so she decides to go talk to Elizabeth.

Ava gives Spencer the link to the video that has Nikolas fake confession saying that he is responsible for Esme’s disappearance so Spencer can get custody of Esme’s baby. Spencer tells Trina about the video and they watch it together to decide if they should use it against Nikolas.

Michael and Willow’s baby girl is born by c-section and is healthy. The baby is taken to the nursery and Willow asks Michael to go with their daughter, so she won’t be alone. Once Michael is gone, Willow’s blood pressure drops because she is hemorrhaging, so the doctors use the paddles to try to revive her. Willow sees a light and she sees Harmony telling her she isn’t alone.

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Interview with the cast of “The Ark” on Syfy

TV Interview!

Actors from "The Ark" on Syfy

Interview with actors and showrunners of “The Ark” on Syfy by Suzanne 1/27/23

I’ve watched 4 episodes of this show, and it’s already hooked me. Like the show’s creator, Dean Devlin, I’ve been a fan of good science fiction TV since I was a child. This is a good new show to add to the list. I hope it survives and does well. I’ve enjoyed many of Devlin’s shows, such as “Leverage” and “The Librarians.” Syfy was great about letting me interview most of the main cast from the show. I hope you enjoy the videos below of our interviews as much as I did!

Interview with showrunners Dean Devlin and Jonathan Glassner of “The Ark” on Syfy

Dean Devlin and Jonathan Glassner of "The Ark" on Syfy - photos from Instagram


Interview with Christina Wolfe and Shalini Peiris of “The Ark” on Syfy

Christina Wolfe plays Cat Brandice and Shalini Peiris plays Dr. Sanjivni Kabir in the new SYFY original series “The Ark.”


Interview with Christie Burke, Richard Fleeshman and Reece Ritchie of “The Ark” on Syfy

THE ARK -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Christie Burke as Lt. Sharon Garnet, Richard Fleeshman as Lt. James Brice and Reece Ritchie as Lt. Spencer Lane -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)


Interview with Ryan Adams and Stacey Read of “The Ark” on Syfy

THE ARK -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Stacey Read as Alicia Nevins and Ryan Adams as Angus Medford -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)



THE ARK -- Pictured: "The Ark" Key Art -- (Photo by: SYFY)

The Ark

Premieres Wednesday, February 1, at 10 PM ET/PT on SYFY

“The Ark” takes place 100 years in the future when planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first of these missions on a spacecraft known as Ark One encounters a catastrophic event causing massive destruction and loss of life. With more than a year left to go before reaching their target planet, a lack of life-sustaining supplies and loss of leadership, the remaining crew must become the best versions of themselves to stay on course and survive.

The series stars Christie Burke, Richard Fleeshman, Reece Ritchie, Stacey Read and Ryan Adams.

Dean Devlin (“Independence Day,” “Stargate”) and Jonathan Glassner (“Stargate SG-1”) are co-showrunners and executive producers alongside Marc Roskin and Rachel Olschan-Wilson of Electric Entertainment. Jonathan English of Balkanic Media and Steve Lee serve as producers.



Watch and Share the Teaser:

Created by Dean Devlin, “The Ark” takes place 100 years in the future when planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first of these missions on a spacecraft known as Ark One encounters a catastrophic event causing massive destruction and loss of life. With more than a year left to go before reaching their target planet, a lack of life-sustaining supplies and loss of leadership, the remaining crew must become the best versions of themselves to stay on course and survive.

The series stars Christie Burke, Richard Fleeshman, Reece Ritchie, Stacey Read and Ryan Adams.

Dean Devlin (“Independence Day,” “Stargate”) and Jonathan Glassner (“Stargate SG-1”) are co-showrunners and executive producers alongside Marc Roskin and Rachel Olschan-Wilson of Electric Entertainment. Jonathan English of Balkanic Media and Steve Lee serve as producers.

Christie Burke

Lt. Sharon Garnet, “The Ark”

THE ARK -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Christie Burke as Lt. Sharon Garnet -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Christie Burke plays Lt. Sharon Garnet in the new SYFY original series, “The Ark.”

Christie Burke’s recent television credits include recurring roles on Netflix’s “Maid,” Netflix’s “The Haunting of Bly Manor” and CBC’s “Strange Empire.” Guest star credits include the CW’s “Two Sentence Horror Stories” and “Supernatural.” Burke can be seen in the upcoming EPIX series “Billy the Kid.”

Richard Fleeshman

Lt. James Brice, “The Ark”

THE ARK -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Richard Fleeshman as Lt. James Brice -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Richard Fleeshman plays Lt. James Brice in the new SYFY original series, “The Ark.”

Richard Fleeshman can currently be seen in the wrestling comedy “Deep Heat” (ITV). He has also recently finished filming series such as “Chivalry,” opposite Steve Coogan (Channel 4/ Baby Cow), Neil Gayman’s “The Sandman” (Netflix) and “Four Weddings and a Funeral” (Hulu). On the film side, Fleeshman appears in “A Christmas Number One” (Sky TV), and will be featured in “R.I.P.D.2” (1440 Productions). Fleeshman has also starred in a number of theatrical productions on both Broadway and the West End and was nominated for an Olivier Award for his performance in the West End revival of “Company.”

Reece Ritchie

Lt. Spencer Lane, “The Ark”

THE ARK -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Reece Ritchie as Lt. Spencer Lane -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Reece Ritchie plays Lt. Spencer Lane in the new SYFY original series, “The Ark.”

Reece Ritche’s most recent television work includes his role in the CW series “The Outpost.” He made his film debut in Roland Emmerich’s fantasy/drama “10,000 BC.” Other film roles include “Desert Dancer,” “Hercules,” “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” and “The Lovely Bones” directed by multi-award-winning director Peter Jackson. On the stage, Ritchie performed alongside Dame Judy Dench in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” directed by Sir Peter Hall at the Rose Theatre in Kingston.

Stacey Read

Alicia Nevins, “The Ark”

THE ARK -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Stacey Read as Alicia Nevins -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Stacey Read plays Alicia Nevins in the new SYFY original series, “The Ark.”

Stacey Read was born and grew up in Zimbabwe, the daughter of a Zimbabwean mother and British father. She first started acting in her Senior School drama club and it was there performing in school plays that she found passion. She soon came to the UK to train at Performance Preparation Academy.

Ryan Adams

Angus Medford, “The Ark”

THE ARK -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Ryan Adams as Angus Medford -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Ryan Adams plays Angus Medford in the new SYFY original series, “The Ark.”

Ryan Adams graduated from ArtsEd in 2021 with a BA in acting. His theater credits include “All the Things” and “Dan in Totally Over You” at Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation Theatre, and “Ren in Footloose” and “Billy Casper in Kes” at Bury St Edmunds Theatre Royal.” He has had previous roles in short films, including “Orange Peel,” “Exposure” and “Asking Price.”

Christina Wolfe

Cat Brandice, “The Ark”

Christina Wolfe plays Cat Brandice in the new SYFY original series “The Ark.”

Christina Wolfe plays Cat Brandice in the new SYFY original series “The Ark.”

Wolfe can now be seen opposite Leighton Meester in feature film A “Weekend Away” on Netflix. Other credits include “Batwoman,” “The Royals,” the Idris Elba-directed “King for a Term” and “Very Valentine.”

Shalini Peiris

Dr. Sanjivni Kabir, “The Ark”

Shalini Peiris plays Dr. Sanjivni Kabir in the new SYFY original series “The Ark.”

Shalini Peiris plays Dr. Sanjivni Kabir in the new SYFY original series “The Ark.”

Peiris’ recent screen credits include “Good Karma Hospital,” “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” and “Vera.” She’s also an established stage actress on the UK theatre scene with credits that include “Hobson’s Choice” at the Royal Exchange Theatre, “The Duchess of Malfi” at the Almeida Theatre and “Lions and Tigers” at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.

Dean Devlin

Creator/Executive Producer/Co-Showrunner, “The Ark”

Dean Devlin is the creator, co-showrunner and an executive producer on the new SYFY series “The Ark.”

Devlin has produced and co-written some of the most successful films of all time – “Independence Day,” “Stargate” and “Godzilla” – that collectively grossed more than $41.4 billion worldwide. In 2001, he founded Electric Entertainment where he serves as chairman and CEO. The full-service film, television and worldwide sales and distribution company also houses Electric Post, a state-of-the-art digital effect and postproduction facility.

Electric is rapidly expanding under Devlin’s leadership. The company recently launched its OTT linear channel, ElectricNOW, which is a one-stop shop for fans to enjoy all their favorite shows free, and is also available in a 24/7 live streaming broadcast. ElectricNOW hosts Electric’s newly launched podcast network, Electric Surge, and is available on numerous platforms, including the Roku Channel, Vizio, Fire TV, Plex, STIRR, Local Now, Sling TV, Tivo Plus, IMDB TV and XUMO.

Electric Entertainment is currently in production with several highly anticipated films and TV series. Devlin recently served as executive producer, writer, and director on the reboot of “Leverage” and “Leverage: Redemption,” which is now streaming on Amazon’s Freevee. He also serves as co-showrunner, co-creator and writer for “Almost Paradise,” starring Christian Kane, which is currently available on Freevee. He’s also executive producer of “The Outpost,” which aired its fourth season on The CW in 2021.

Devlin executive produced five seasons of the TNT series “Leverage” and three “The Librarian” movies of the week for the cabler. That led to four seasons of “The Librarians” series that starred Noah Wyle, Rebecca Romijn and John Larroquette.

Devlin directed and produced “Bad Samaritan,” which stars David Tennant, and was released on 2,000 screens through Electric’s distribution arm. Also, under the Electric banner, Devlin produced the upcoming full-length feature “The Deal,” the dystopian drama directed by Orsi Nagypál.

Prior to forming Electric Entertainment, Devlin produced the Mel Gibson drama “The Patriot,” which was nominated for three Academy Awards and earned Gibson a People’s Choice Award for Best Actor.

Jonathan Glassner

Executive Producer/Co-Showrunner, “The Ark”

Jonathan Glassner is the co-showrunner and an executive producer on the new SYFY series “The Ark.”

Glassner is best known for writing, producing and directing “Stargate SG-1,” which ran for 10 seasons. Prior to that, he was showrunner on “The Outer Limits.”

Following “Stargate SG-1,” Glassner moved on to work as a co-executive producer, writer and director for “CSI: Miami” and as a director for “CSI: NY.”

Other credits include “Standoff,” “Covert Affairs,” “Falling Skies” and “The Outpost.”

A graduate of Northwestern University, Glassner has accumulated more than 450 hours of television as either a writer, producer or director.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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THE ARK -- “Everyone Wanted to Be on This Ship” Episode 101 -- Pictured: Christina Wolfe as Cat Brandice -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)

Y&R Transcript Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Jack: Hi.

Kyle: Do you have time to talk?

Jack: It’s about Marchetti?

Kyle: No. Personal stuff. Um…I want to know what’s going on with you and mom.

Jack: Yeah. Okay. Um, what is it you’re curious about?

Kyle: How serious the two of you are. I know things are going well right now.

Jack: Yes, they are.

Kyle: Do you really think that will last? Because I know you’ve been able to get past the lies and mistakes so far, but I think your relationship may be what finally blows up this family.

Diane: Summer. Do you have a minute?

Summer: Um, I just came home to check on Harrison really quick, and then I was running back to the office. Is — is it something Marchetti-related or…?

Devon: Oh, no, no, no. I would save that for the office. This is more personal.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Okay. What’s up?

Diane: Well, I get the sense that you’re less than thrilled that Jack and I are romantically involved again.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. I don’t want to see Jack get hurt. And I really don’t want to see Kyle caught in the middle of the fallout when things go wrong, which I’m pretty certain that they will go wrong.

Chloe: You know, I just can’t believe we flew all the way to L.A. — I left Kevin with the kids — just to be rejected so harshly.

Sally: Yeah, I mean, what a colossal waste of time.

Chloe: Well, I’m not so worried about the time. It’s more about the mess I had to deal with when I got home.

Sally: I thought Kevin was pretty tidy around the house.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Yeah, he is. But men are just very simple creatures. They can focus on the house and they can focus on the kids, but they cannot do both. You will learn this soon enough.

Sally: Okay. Well, that seems like a massive generalization. Maybe Nick will be different. I have to text him that I’m back.

Chloe: The point is, we could have been rejected just as easily here in genoa city.

Sally: I know. And as I said before, I-I’m really sorry. I knew that this venture would be a difficult climb, but i don’t understand why Jill would just slam the door in our face without actually hearing our pitch.

Chloe: You have no idea?

Sally: I think she said that she had a change of mind? I got the sense that maybe she learned something unpleasant about my history. But that also doesn’t make sense because the first time i met Jill, she seemed to admire the fact that I left my past behind and changed my life.

Chloe: So, she admired you, and then she wouldn’t let us in the door to meet with her. What the hell happened?

Victor: Business meetings get canceled all the time, son.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Why won’t you just give me a straight answer? Did you convince Jill to call off that meeting with sally and Chloe?

Victor: I talked to Jill, yeah.

Nick: About sally?

Victor: I gave her an honest assessment of sally’s qualifications.

Nick: [ Exhales heavily ] I knew it. You killed that meeting. It’s a meeting that meant nothing to you but everything to them. It’s not enough that sally was fired from Newman Media by Victoria for no good reason. Now you’re sabotaging opportunities for her?

Victor: Jill Abbott is a very clever businesswoman. She’s not gonna get involved with someone that’s not worth the effort. Whatever happened to sally spectra is her own doing.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Tucker: Oh, no. Have the tables finally turned? Has Diane driven you out of town?

Phyllis: You’re an ass.

Tucker: Where are you going?

Phyllis: I’m trying to catch a flight.

Tucker: Oh, yeah?

Phyllis: Mm.

Tucker: Business or personal trip?

Phyllis: Uh, a little bit of both. And unlike you, I will be successful at both. [ Chuckles ]

Lily: Yep, that’s right, Jill. Look, it’s not gonna be easy, but we’ll come up with a plan. Okay. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.

Daniel: Sounded important.

Lily: Uh, yeah. If I’m talking to Jill, then it probably is. She doesn’t really chitchat.

Daniel: Hmm. So, no resolution yet on Devon taking Hamilton-winters back from chancellor?

Lily: No. We made him an offer. He declined and won’t budge. And neither will Jill.

Daniel: Which means you’re caught in the middle.

Lily: Yeah, exactly. And I have to figure out a way to make chancellor functioning and profitable in the meantime.

Daniel: That’s unfortunate. It must be incredibly difficult.

Lily: I feel like what you really want to ask me is, is there a future for your project?

Nick: Why are you trying to destroy sally?

Victor: Son, to be frank with you, I don’t give a damn about sally spectra, okay? So stop this nonsense. I know the kind of woman she is. She has ruined your brother. She’s gonna ruin you.

Nick: She did no such thing.

Victor: What the hell is he doing now? He’s sitting at jabot doing nothing, selling lipstick and perfume, only because he was infatuated with her! She has dragged him down!

Nick: No, it’s the other way around.

Victor: No!

Nick: He dragged her down. Sally’s the one with the work ethic and the ambition who makes the most of every opportunity.

Victor: Yeah, with the ambition. You’re right.

Nick: Adam has been handed everything over and over again, dad, and he blows them all up, whether it’s career or romance. He fails at everything because of his attitude. And for you to assume I’m gonna end up like Adam for any reason at all is beyond insulting.

Sally: I just can’t believe my past would be an obstacle to starting this company. I’m really sorry. You should not be punished for the things that I’ve done.

Chloe: It’s okay. My own sordid past has reared its ugly head once in a while. And Jill is not the only game in town. We just need to find funding somewhere. What about Nick’s offer to loan us the money?

Sally: No. No, absolutely not. My situation with him is already uncomfortable enough now that he knows that I’m pregnant, okay? So let’s not add the money issue to the situation. I’m already worried that he’s gonna feel obligated to make things more serious than he might have wanted.

Chloe: But I thought he cleared all that up.

Sally: Nick has been sweet and supportive, but it’s not like we, you know, spoke about anything long term. You know, there’s a lot of time between now and the miracle of childbirth. You know, anything could happen. I mean, Nick could decide to up and bail on us altogether.

Chloe: Nick would never do that. He is such a good guy.

Sally: Yeah. He’s the best. I’m just not feeling very secure right now. What Nick and I have is really great. He’s sexy and he’s sweet and he’s honest. But like I said, things could change.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] The Adam possibility.

Adam: What is the Adam possibility?

Phyllis: And can you please, please tell them to just leave all my mail and the package that I’m expecting back here until i get back from Portugal, please?

Tucker: Portugal? Isn’t that where Daniel’s partner and daughter are living now? That’s interesting.

Phyllis: Well, that’s interesting to me, of course. It shouldn’t be interesting to you.

Tucker: Is Daniel going with you?

Phyllis: What I do and what my son does — it’s none of your business. By the way, I told my son to keep away from you.

Tucker: So, he’s sticking around in town?

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] It’s not your concern.

Tucker: Yeah. He’s sticking around, isn’t he? Gonna work on his gaming platform. Yeah, he’s got a bold vision. When I talked to him, I was really impressed with how creative he is, and yet he’s also savvy, focused. It’s a nice combination.

Phyllis: Leave my son alone.

Tucker: Come on. He’s got the hottest project in town. It would be, uh — [ Chuckles ] It would be business malpractice if I didn’t try to get a piece of it.

Phyllis: Um, you seem desperate, Tucker.

Tucker: Is that so?

Phyllis: Yeah, because you’re a billionaire. You own a huge conglomerate. You’re here in this sleepy town trying to poach a gaming platform. I mean, what is that? You’re trying to take it out from under chancellor-winters. That’s your son’s company. What are you doing? You know, I’ll tell you. It seems like you haven’t had a win in a while.

Tucker: Mm.

Phyllis: And you’re just kind of jonesing for one. Just saying.

Tucker: Yeah. Well, Phyllis, you have a nice trip. [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Damn it.

Daniel: You’re right. I am concerned about the future of omega sphere. I came to you with a business venture, and you signed on. But I know that that was in part because of our friendship. And, yes, this project means the world to me and I want nothing more than to move forward with it, but I’m also worried about what all this turmoil at your company is doing to you. Are you okay?

Lily: Yeah. I’m fine. I just — I have a lot going on right now.

Daniel: Well, if anyone can handle that, it’s you.

Lily: [ Sighs ] Thank you. I just — I — I feel very overwhelmed, you know, ’cause I want to do right by you. I want to do right by Jill, by the company. But it’s like Devon has thrown everything into chaos. I mean, he’s ready to enter a lawsuit with chancellor. And so we have to shelve the IPO again, you know? And I don’t have Billy. I don’t have Nate or Audra. So I just feel like I’m entering this hurricane by myself.

Daniel: Well, you’re not totally alone.

Lily: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I don’t think you can really help me with this one.

Daniel: I meant Jill. And you must have some good, smart people at the company that you can rely on.

Lily: Yeah, no, of — of course I do. I just have to be realistic about what could happen because I think being in denial could be a recipe for disaster.

Jack: Look, I appreciate your concerns. I want to alleviate them. What is it that has you worried about my relationship with your mother?

Kyle: All of it.

Jack: Can you be more specific?

Kyle: Your past. Look, you’ve tried this before. It has always blown up. I mean, she faked her own death, which I have forgiven her for, but it’s —

Jack: You’re worried that she’s going to revert to old patterns.

Kyle: Yes.

[ Sighs ] I love her. I love seeing her with Harrison. But she is who she is. She doesn’t play by the rules. Look at this situation with stark.

Jack: Wait — in fairness, most of that plan was my idea. No, you can’t judge her for that. Look, I don’t think that what she did to get out from under stark’s thumb is indicative of any moral failing.

Kyle: There were already shady things happening.

Jack: Yes, because there were difficult circumstances. Kyle, I would do the same thing again in a heartbeat. It worked. Look, I will take full responsibility. The last thing I want is for my decisions to come between you and your mother.

Kyle: You really care about her, don’t you?

Jack: I really do.

Kyle: After all this time, how do you know the two of you will be a good fit now?

Jack: We are older. We are wiser. We have both mellowed. We are each more accepting of the other’s faults.

Kyle: You sure the two of you aren’t in denial?

Jack: Our eyes are wide open.

Kyle: What if she hurts you? What if you hurt her? What if she runs away and leaves us again? There will be no coming back from that, not for me.

Diane: You’re bound to have doubts. And who knows? Maybe Jack and I won’t last. But I can tell you that I have deep affection for him.

Summer: That I believe.

Diane: Yeah, he’s thoughtful and considerate. He — he makes me happy. And I feel stronger when I’m with Jack, if that makes any sense.

Summer: Sure. I get the same feeling from Kyle.

Diane: Well, I’m going to do whatever I can to make things work. And, really, the only thing i see getting in our way is your mother.

Summer: I really don’t think you should worry about her.

Diane: [ Chuckles ] Really? Phyllis has such deep resentment and anger towards me. She’s determined to cause me not just trouble, but pain. And, frankly, it’s a little disturbing. And, you know, where does that leave Jack?

Summer: What do you mean?

Diane: Well, she claims that she cares about him, but she clearly doesn’t respect his choices.

Summer: [ Laughs ] She might not agree with his choices, but I — I don’t think it’s about respect. And honestly, Diane, if you think that my mom is the only thing that could disrupt your happiness, you’re either naive or you’re just as steeped in those old hatreds as you claim she is.

Diane: I’m not naive.

Summer: So, you realize that you could really hurt Jack and Kyle and Harrison with all of this. And they care about you. They trust you. And you’re looking for a scapegoat for when things go wrong.

Diane: Not at all.

Summer: So then why would you just randomly bring up my mom?

Diane: There’s nothing random about it. But you know what? Fair enough. I have survived Phyllis so far, and I will continue to do so. I just hope she puts her energy elsewhere because I have had more than enough of her attention, and, sadly, nothing good ever comes from it.

Nick: So, you think sally is the reason Adam is making so many bad decisions lately.

Victor: Yeah. What do you think he’s doing? He’s doing that ridiculous job at jabot. He’s sleepwalking through his job. He’s failing because of her — sally spectra. The same thing will happen to you.

Nick: How do you know how he’s doing at jabot? You spying on him, dad?

Victor: What the hell do you think?

Nick: What are you planning? You know what? I already know. You hope he fails so he has to come crawling back to Newman yet again.

Victor: I want him here. I want him with his family and with my company.

Nick: You are obsessed with bringing him back to the family. When are you going to get it? It never, ever works. This is getting pathetic.

Victor: This is my company, son. I don’t give a damn who’s CEO or coo. This is my company.

Nick: But now your obsession is spilling over to sally, and i won’t stand for it. She doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment. I’m mad at you, and I’m disappointed in Jill. She doesn’t deserve this kind of interference, especially not right now.

Victor: What do you mean, “especially not right now”?

Nick: She just needs a break, alright? She’s had a rough go of it ever since she was fired from Newman. Now, if I can’t convince you to leave her be for her sake or for mine, then maybe you need to do it for the company.

Victor: What do you mean by that?

Nick: Things are going well here, right?

Victor: Right.

Nick: I love working with mom and Vick. But if you continue down this path and continue to harass sally, given everything, do not force me to choose between her and this company.

Victor: What do you mean by “given everything”? What are you not telling me?

[ Door opens ]

Victoria: Let me guess. This is about Nick and sally.

Chloe: Eavesdrop much?

Adam: I just walked in and i heard my name. So maybe try talking a few decibels softer. So, what’s the Adam possibility?

Sally: Chloe was just talking about the possibility of you luring me up onto another rooftop to win me back. Only in this version, you don’t screw it up by insulting me.

Chloe: And of course you not screwing up is the worst possibility I could ever imagine.

Adam: Well, I’m just glad to be in your thoughts, Chloe. Although I do find it odd that you’re speculating on sally and I reuniting. I mean, what would make you think that’s possible? You made it clear that we’re done. Has something changed for you?

Jack: I should have known this would lead to some complicated emotions for you, that you would see any change in your parents’ relationship as leading to a chaos and eventual loss.

Kyle: I’m not that pessimistic. But I wanted to let you know it’s on my mind.

Jack: Of course it is. You can forgive your mother for leaving you, but you can never forget.

Kyle: I just think this could end badly — for all of us.

Kyle: I had the same feelings when I let Dina back into my life. I now regret the time I could have spent with her when I was trying to anticipate the very worst. I hope you can avoid that particular pitfall.

Kyle: Maybe I will. I’m just not there yet.

Jack: Look, the most important thing for you to know now is that Diane and I are happy. It’s very early, Kyle. Do we want this to lead to more? Do we want it to grow? Yes, but in a happy, healthy way. So, there is nothing dangerous about my relationship with her.

Kyle: But that’s the hard part for me. Of course I want the two of you to be happy. Part of me is thrilled you’re back together, but —

Jack: Kyle, Kyle, don’t worry. Whatever happens, your family will be okay. It is said that I am a hopeless romantic. Okay. I won’t deny that. I am also very pragmatic. I knew when it was time to end my relationship with Phyllis. Look, I think what I have with your mother is very special, but if this does not work out, we will both be fine. We will both be here for you and your family. That will never change.

Summer: I wouldn’t be too concerned about my mom. I find that she only really goes on the attack when someone she loves is threatened. It’s, um — it’s the mama bear phenomenon.

Diane: [ Laughs ] So, is that a warning for me to behave myself or risk the wrath of Phyllis?

Summer: No, not at all. Because, actually, I’ve realized recently that I share a lot of those same mama bear qualities. And Kyle and Harrison are my world. Their happiness means everything to me. So if someone hurts them…

Diane: So, that’s the warning.

Summer: I’m glad we had a chance to talk.

Adam: Come on, sally. Tell me what initiated the conversation about us reuniting.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Chloe: Ooh! Is that Nick?

Sally: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. He was just dealing with his dad. He wants to meet.

Chloe: Aww. He’s so sweet.

Adam: Mm.

Sally: Nothing has changed. You know, we both agreed that there is no future for us.

Adam: I seem to recall that conversation. But I also remember the context, where it took place.

Sally: No matter where or when that conversation took place, the point is, is that we both agreed that we don’t belong together.

Adam: And yet you and Chloe are here, talking about us.

Chloe: Well, you know me. I love coming up with doomsday scenarios.

Adam: You two enjoy your lunch, okay?

Sally: How am I gonna deal with nine months of this? I mean, what is he gonna think when I start showing?

[ Door opens ]

Phyllis: Hey!

Summer: Oh, hi.

Phyllis: Ohh, it’s freezing.

Summer: What are you doing here?

Phyllis: Okay, I wanted to tell you I’m going out of town. Um, I just wanted to let you know.

Summer: Okay. Where — where are you going?

Phyllis: Portugal. Yes. I’m going to meet with Heather. [ Sighs ] I’m gonna convince her to take your brother back.

Summer: Mom, that is a monumentally bad idea. That is between Heather and Daniel. You can’t just jet off to Europe and try to fix it.

Phyllis: Well, I can. And that’s what I’m doing.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: My relationship with Heather is very, very good. She respects me.

Summer: Heather? Really? And Daniel is okay with this?

Phyllis: He doesn’t know. I need you to keep it quiet. Listen, I need to do this. I need to fix this for your brother. I’ve got to make this right.

Daniel: There is no one tougher than you. I mean, think of everything that you’ve been through. This is just a bump in the road compared to — I don’t know — fighting cancer.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, thank you for the moral support, but I could use some business nuts and bolts right now.

Daniel: I could also contribute support to chancellor’s bottom line once my platform launches to success and acclaim.

Lily: [ Laughs ] That’s true. That’ll be a big revenue stream for us. Can it be ready this afternoon?

Daniel: [ Laughs ] Look, I get it. You need something that’s gonna bring in a lot of money right now. And that would help with your upcoming fight with Devon.

Lily: Yeah.

Daniel: You do currently have divisions that are very profitable. Maybe you should be focusing on those and not this video game platform that’s barely in development. And if you think that it is too much to swing right now for the company, that’s okay.

Lily: Wait. I’m sorry. Are you — are you backing out of our deal?

Daniel: No. I’m letting you off the hook. If you feel like my project is just another burden to you, then get rid of it. Lighten the load.

Chloe: You still have some time to come up with a plan. But you can hide it for a while. You just need to wear some, you know, baggy clothes.

Sally: I don’t like baggy. What about flowing?

Chloe: Sure. Call it whatever you want. But you’re not going to be wearing leather pants. I can tell you that much.

Sally: Okay. Well, the longer I can keep Adam from suspecting, the better.

Chloe: Okay, well, the problem is, is that he is so keenly aware of every little detail. And he is the most suspicious person I’ve ever met.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Nick: Hey. So glad you’re back.

Sally: So glad to be home.

[ Both smooch ]

Sally: I’ve never been healthier.

Victoria: What happened with sally?

Victor: Nothing that wasn’t warranted, you know? Both of your brothers are obviously very attracted to that woman. And as far as I’m concerned, she should get the hell out of town. And the reason she won’t is because she needs to latch onto one of them. You know why? She needs the money.

Victoria: Ah, I see. So you are hoping that she will leave by eliminating her opportunities. And Nicholas caught onto that and he’s dug in his heels. I get it now.

Victor: And then he said that he would choose her over our family, over our company. That’s absolutely preposterous. Why would he do that? I mean, she was a fling. Or is a fling. Nothing more than that. Why would he say something like that? There’s something going on that you and I don’t know about.

Victoria: I’m not her biggest fan, either. But I think we should just forget about sally. We should let Nicholas live his life. He survived Phyllis. He can survive this relationship, too.

Victor: Eh, I’m not so sure.

Victoria: Daddy, please. Everything is running so smoothly at Newman. Please don’t risk driving Nicholas away again.

Victor: [ Breathes deeply ]

Chloe: Well, I’m gonna leave the two of you to catch up.

Nick: See you, Chloe.

Chloe: Bye.

Sally: Well, I was hoping our return to L.A. Would be cause for celebration.

Nick: Oh, we’re gonna celebrate. Seriously. I will order some sparkling cider and we can go crazy ’cause very soon there is going to be some good news for you.

Sally: I hope so.

Nick: I’m really sorry your meeting with Jill fell through.

Sally: Yeah, I don’t know what happened. It was so abrupt, and it felt personal. I don’t know. I just assumed maybe someone from los Angeles told her some awful story about me.

[ Sighs ] It just sucks because I’ve changed so much since I’ve been here. You know, and I’m sure Jill loves a good redemption story, so — I don’t know — there has to be some way to salvage it.

Nick: Hey, you know, Jill may not be the only person who likes your idea.

Sally: Yeah. Chloe said that.

Nick: If you were willing to work with chancellor-winters, would you consider bringing your pitch to Newman?

Sally: [ Laughs ] Yes, I’m sure Victor and Victoria would love to have me on their payroll again. And even if I could get them to buy the idea, they would make my life a living hell just for the sport of it.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. You might be right about that.

Sally: Look, I really appreciate the idea, but I am determined to get this company started on my own. Chloe and I really need to make it work. And I’m not gonna be the kind of person that just folds at any kind of setback.

Nick: Well, I think the most important thing is that you don’t worry about it, alright? I don’t want you to get stressed. It’s not good for you. And you know what I’m talking about.

Sally: Yeah. I do.

Lily: No, no, no, no. You are not getting away that easy. I want omega sphere, okay? This is the perfect opportunity. And we are the perfect home for it. We’re gonna do amazing things together. You said you would give me a week, right? So give me a week. I’m gonna get Jill on board, okay? I can do it. I just need you to trust me. Can you trust me?

Daniel: I can. I do, more than just about anyone else.

Lily: Thank you. I… I needed to hear that more than I even knew.

Summer: I’m sure that Heather does respect you, but that doesn’t mean that you can persuade her to take Daniel back.

Phyllis: Oh. I can. Listen, I’ve spent a lot of time with Heather and Lucy on my trips to savannah. I could talk to her, you know, woman to woman and let her know how far Daniel’s come.

Summer: Mom, you’re not exactly objective when it comes to Daniel.

Phyllis: Don’t you think your brother’s a good man?

Summer: Yeah, well, I’m not objective, either. He’s my brother. I’ve always thought he was a good man.

Phyllis: Exactly! He’s an incredible man. Incredible. I need to convince Heather that he just hit a rough patch. That’s it.

Summer: Mom, Daniel is not gonna be happy about this.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, you’re not gonna tell him. He’s not gonna know.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: And trust me — he’ll be plenty happy when Heather decides to take him back and give their relationship another try. Listen, I need you to do a couple things for me. First of all, if he or anybody else asks, I’m in Florida for a couple days, okay? And most importantly, do not let Daniel sell any part of his project to Tucker McCall while I’m gone.

Summer: How am I supposed to do that?

Phyllis: I don’t know. Just figure it out. If you see them together, separate them. Do what you got to do.

Summer: You know what, mom? You are so much better at that sort of thing. So why don’t you just — why don’t you stay here and you can keep Daniel and Tucker apart?

Phyllis: Ha ha. Nice try. Please do this.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Listen, I’m doing this for your brother. I’d do the same thing for you.

Summer: That worries me.

Phyllis: You are an amazing woman. I love you so much. I believe in you. And the reason we butt heads is because we’re so much alike.

Summer: [ Inhales deeply ] I love you, too, mom.

Phyllis: I love you! Thank you! Ohh. Trust me. And wish me luck. Wish me luck.

Summer: Good luck.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ]

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

Music (“I swear”) plays

Victoria: You know, I think we should just forget about whatever’s going on with Nicholas and sally and Adam. Just forget about it and let’s focus on work right now.

Victor: Yeah. Do you have news?

Victoria: I do. After you shared what you learned, I had our people digging deeper into Tucker McCall’s finances.

Victor: And?

Victoria: His lender is growing very impatient. He’s late on some of his payments. Sometimes he doesn’t make them at all.

Victor: Hmm. A debt problem. Well… I like the sound of that.

Victoria: We buy up his debt. We own him.

Victor: You think like your father. I love that.

Daniel: [ Sighs ]

Tucker: Ah! Just the man I was looking for. I want to buy you a drink, and i want to explain to you in more detail why McCall unlimited is where you ought to be.

Jack: What a nice surprise.

Diane: Good. Hi.

Jack: Hi. Let me take your coat.

Diane: Oh, thank you. I just had an unsettling conversation with our daughter-in-law.

Jack: Oh? What’s on her mind?

Diane: Well, she clearly feels that this relationship is bound to fail and bring her family down with it.

Jack: I had a similar conversation with Kyle. Turns out you were right, what you said before, that he is not pleased that we are getting back together. You know what? I should have anticipated his concerns. They were legitimate.

Diane: Well, what are they?

Jack: Kyle thinks that if anything happens between the two of us, if things go wrong… that you’ll leave town.

Diane: What?

Jack: I guess a fear of abandonment is a hard thing to walk away from when you’ve lived with it for so long.

Diane: Oh, poor Kyle. Jack, are we selfish to be pursuing this? I mean, should we slow things down, maybe not rush things?

Jack: We are not rushing anything. We have known each other for decades.

Diane: [ Laughs ]

Jack: I think we will agree we have taken our time getting reacquainted. And we’re battle-tested. We have been through more — you and I — in the last couple of months than most couples ever go through.

Diane: [ Sighs ]

Jack: And what’s most important — we both want this.

Diane: Mm. You’re right. But we have to agree that, whatever happens, we will be there for Kyle.

Jack: Of course we will. Right now, I just want to be here for you.

Diane: [ Laughs ] Well, good, ’cause here is the only place that I want to be.

Jack: Yeah?

Diane: Mmm.

Nick: You know, I’m just not that hungry.

Sally: I am.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Cellphone buzzing ]

Sally: I — I have to take this, but if the server comes, can you order two of everything on the menu for me?

Nick: Sure.

Sally: Thanks.

[ Footsteps departing ]

Adam: [ Clears throat ] Nicholas.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Adam. Hey, I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but I feel like I should give you a heads-up. Dad thinks he can lure you back to Newman.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] To the company or the family?

Nick: Both, actually.

Adam: Mm. Yeah. I, um, heard rumblings to that effect. I’m sure Victor has already got a plan in the works.

Nick: Oh, he definitely does.

Adam: Mm. Well, did you want to share that with me?

Nick: I think he’s gonna try and sabotage your position at jabot so Jack kicks you to the curb and then Dad will be there to welcome you with open arms.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Oh, yeah. I had a feeling he was gonna do something like that. But my question right now is, why do you care, Nick? Why would you tell me any of this?

Nick: I think you’re better off with Jack as a mentor than our father.

Adam: That’s your only motive in sharing this valuable information with me? You’re just looking out for my well-being?

Nick: I’m just trying to help, Adam.

Adam: And you really don’t want to see me back at Newman, though, right?

Nick: No, I don’t.

Adam: [ Laughs ] Oh, you really do have it all, don’t you?

Sally: Okay. Thank you, dr. Chandler. [ Sighs ]

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Days Update Monday, January 30, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Gwen works at home while on a call until Jack returns home. Gwen is surprised and hugs him, saying she’s glad to see him but Jack responds that he’s not sure she will feel that way when she finds out why he’s there. Jack informs Gwen that he spoke to Rafe and he knows what she did.

Xander lays in bed drinking while watching TV until Leo shows up at his door.

Li comes out of the shower as Gabi was trying to leave the room and questions where she’s going. Gabi says she can explain. Li tells her to go ahead since she sent him off to shower so they could consummate their marriage, only to find her sneaking out like a cat burglar. Li asks Gabi what is going on here.

Stefan struggles with being tied up and having tape over his mouth in the secret room in the DiMera Tunnels.

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Maggie tells Justin that Bonnie is a very understanding person. Sarah then walks in. Maggie informs her that Justin was just telling her about how Bonnie convinced Sarah to give Xander another chance. Sarah responds that she did, but it didn’t stick. Sarah says she’s sorry to get her hopes up, but saving her marriage to Xander is not in the cards. Maggie is shocked as Justin asks what changed Sarah’s mind. Sarah then reveals that she found Xander half naked with Gwen.

Gwen can’t believe Rafe called Jack to disparage her. Jack asks if it’s true that Gwen helped Xander cover up a kidnapping spree. Gwen complains about Rafe just trying to cover the police department. Jack explains that Rafe thought he could talk some sense into her if that’s still possible. Gwen questions what Rafe told him. Jack says enough to let him know that Gwen could be in serious trouble if she does not cooperate with the police. Jack questions what Gwen is thinking when Xander kidnapped two women and one ended up dead. Jack asks why she is trying to help Xander.

Leo reminds Xander that he saved him by putting on the clown suit while Xander tells him to keep his voice down and brings him inside. Xander questions what he wants. Leo wants Xander to acknowledge what he did for him. Xander guesses he did owe him one and offers him a drink. Xander questions what Leo is doing here. Leo wanted to give him a heads up that he’s going to be testifying against him to a grand jury.

Gabi tells Li that she’s obviously leaving because she changed her mind which Li questions. Li doesn’t believe she wanted to get back together or make love to him, so he questions why she really came. Gabi responds that she doesn’t have to explain anything to him after everything he did to her and Stefan. Li asks again why she is here. Gabi declares that she will never be able to get past what he did to the only man she ever loved. Gabi says goodbye to Li but Li grabs her and says she’s not walking out of here until she tells him what she’s doing here. Li then lets her go and grabs the burner phone from his drawer, asking if that’s why she came to his room.

Stefan struggles to try to reach his phone which rings with a call from Statesville Prison. Stefan manages to answer the phone with his foot and tries to say he accepts the charges but has tape over his mouth.

Jack asks Gwen to help him understand why she would cover for Xander’s crimes. Gwen explains that Xander was in terrible debt and didn’t have enough money for a place to stay so he took a job with Ava Vitali that was meant to be a simple transaction and he never meant for Susan to get hurt. Jack argues that it doesn’t matter to EJ or Johnny. Gwen points out that Xander did let Susan go. Jack asks what about Bonnie, who is in his family. Gwen argues that Bonnie’s not some saint, reminding him of what she did to Adrienne. Jack questions if that makes what Xander did okay. Gwen says she didn’t say that. Jack asks what she is saying then. Jack questions why Gwen is still defending Xander after everything he’s done.

Xander asks Leo if this is a joke. Leo explains that his lawyer thinks testifying is the only way to keep himself out of prison. Leo says he didn’t want to testify and hoped he could do it anonymously. Xander asks if this is because he was worried about Sonny would react if he found out. Leo says that Sonny believed he changed. Xander asks why Leo decided to rat him out. Leo responds that Will Horton overheard him talking to his lawyer and told Sonny everything, so now it’s every man for himself.

Li asks Gabi if she was after his burner phone. Gabi claims to have no idea what he’s talking about and that she’s never seen the phone. Gabi remarks that he probably uses it for shady deals. Li then admits to her that he used it only to communicate with Dr. Rolf. Li suspects she already knew that and then sees that a call was made to Rolf while he was in the shower. Li asks if Gabi still wants to pretend she’s never seen the phone.

Stefan manages to get the tape off of his mouth so that he can answer the call from prison which turns out to be from his mother, Vivian Alamain! Stefan tells her how happy he is to hear her voice. Vivian questions that. Stefan tells her that Gabi totally snapped and locked him up in the DiMera tunnels secret room, so she has to send help. Vivian questions why she should lift a finger to help such an ungrateful son.

Li tells Gabi to admit that she sent him to the shower so that she could snoop around and then call Dr. Rolf. Gabi asks so what if she did. Li admits he almost believed her but he should’ve known that she will never give up her obsession with Stefan. Gabi confirms that she won’t give up until she undoes everything that Li did to him. Gabi then reveals that Dr. Rolf agreed to help and he’s on his way to Salem.

Maggie can’t believe that Xander would take up with Gwen again. Justin brings up that Gwen put her through. Sarah says she should’ve seen it coming but just didn’t think it would be this soon. Maggie asks if she’s sure she didn’t misunderstand the situation. Sarah notes that Xander did insist that he could explain why they were in a state of undress, but she questions if it even matters when it’s just going to be more excuses. Maggie points out that Xander could be telling the truth. Sarah remarks that maybe he is, this time, but seeing him like that with Gwen just proved to her that she’ll never be able to trust him again. Maggie thinks she’s being a little rash. Sarah argues that she’s given Xander so many chances, so she knows what she’s doing. Maggie points out that if even Bonnie was willing to give Xander another chance, surely Sarah can too.

Gwen tells Jack that Xander was about to lose everything; his relationship with Justin, his freedom, and his marriage to Sarah. Jack brings up Gwen creating a fake company for Xander to pretend to work at. Gwen argues that Xander just wanted to prove to his family that he wasn’t a screw up. Jack remarks that he certainly failed at that. Gwen knows he’s disappointed in her. Jack shouts that he’s graduated from disappointed to disgusted. Gwen argues that this is different because she had nothing to do with the kidnappings. Jack calls her an accessory after the fact while Gwen insists that she was just helping a friend. Jack complains that she was helping him cover up multiple felonies. Gwen admits it wasn’t the best judgment. Jack adds that it’s happened over and over again but she has a chance to salvage it and make it right for him and all the people she’s hurt by telling the police everything she knows. Gwen responds that she can’t do that to Xander because turning him in would mean losing him. Jack then asks if she’d rather lose him.

Xander questions what Leo was thinking. Leo asks how he was supposed to know Will was eavesdropping. Xander worries that Will could write an expose about him or turn his tragic downfall into his next flick for Peacock. Leo tells Xander that he doesn’t have to worry about Will because he wasn’t snooping for a story, but to get him out of Sonny’s life and it worked as now Sonny wants nothing to do with him. Xander questions Leo selling him out because his love triangle blew up in his face. Leo says it’s nothing personal and he just has to look out for his own interests. Xander asks what if he offered him another incentive which Leo questions. Xander puts his arm around him and says he’s open to negotiation. Leo asks what he’s proposing. Xander then puts Leo’s hand on his body and asks what he thinks.

Li tells Gabi that she’s making a mistake. Gabi says her only mistake was trusting him and says she’s out of here. Gabi tells Li that he can’t keep her here against her will and warns that Rafe is itching for a reason to lock him up. Li responds that he would never do that and says he doesn’t think she wants to leave. Gabi assures that she does. Li feels part of her must know she’s wasting her time with Stefan DiMera and how much better it is to be with a man who actually wants her and understands what they can be together. Gabi questions thinking it’s a waste of time to want her husband back. Li calls it a waste because Stefan doesn’t want to love her and keeps telling her that she makes him sick. Li says Stefan has no interest in being deprogrammed. Gabi then asks who says she’s giving him a choice.

Stefan tells Vivian that this is not the time for her sense of humor and repeats that he’s been abducted by a crazy person. Vivian questions where his concern was when he rose from the dead months ago and never came to visit her. Stefan apologizes and says he’s been busy. Vivian points out that he wasn’t too busy to have his attorneys sent to her to have her sign over Jake’s voting proxy for DiMera Enterprises.

Gwen asks if Jack is saying he can’t forgive her for helping Xander. Jack responds that he’s lost track of all the things he’s forgiven her for; almost destroying his marriage to Jennifer, tormenting Abigail, and the whole Sarah debacle. Gwen tells him that she’s truly sorry for all that she’s done. Jack states that she says that over and over again. Jack says he accepted that because he wanted to believe in her. Jack adds that he’s risked his relationship with his entire family because of her. Jack declares that if Gwen was truly grateful for his love and support, she would stop doing the things she does. Jack asks if she understands the position she has put him in by helping Xander. Gwen questions how he is involved. Jack shouts that she is living in his wife’s family home and working at his newspaper. Jack accuses her of using the paper to launch an attack on the police department. Gwen says she never meant for any of that to blow back on him. Jack then questions how Gwen can go to such lengths for a man who is in love with another woman. Gwen responds that Xander is still her friend and asks if Jack forgot that he was his friend too. Jack acknowledges that Xander is his friend but he will not throw his life away for him. Jack declares that Gwen has given him no choice. Jack then orders Gwen to go to the police department now to swear out a statement against Xander, or else…

Sarah knows Maggie means well but her mind is made up that it’s over between her and Xander. Sarah states that once the trust is gone, there’s nothing left. Maggie is very sorry to hear that. Sarah knows Maggie was rooting for them but says they were never going to make it work as they are too incompatible. Justin notes that Sarah made Xander want to be a better man like Maggie does for Victor. Sarah remarks that even Victor has lines he won’t cross while she can’t say the same for Xander.

Leo questions what is happening. Xander tells him that he knows he wants it and remembers when getting him in bed was on the top of Leo’s agenda. Xander asks if he doesn’t find him attractive anymore. Leo admits that he does. Xander points out that Leo said he had nothing to lose by testifying against him, so he wants to show him what he has to gain by keeping his mouth shut.

Stefan admits that he has failed Vivian miserably as a son but he’s been so distracted by everything and he didn’t take the time to think about her. Stefan promises that if she gets him out, he will do everything in his power to get her out of prison and back home with him where she belongs. Vivian responds that she’s just thinking about how he’d say anything to get her help. Stefan admits that he’s desperate but insists that he’s telling the truth and asks her to get him out of here. Vivian declares that she will take it under consideration.

Li questions what Gabi means by not giving Stefan a choice about the deprogramming. Gabi claims it was just a figure of speech and that she just meant she’s never going to give up on him. Li argues that’s not what it sounded like. Gabi says unlike Li, EJ, and Kristen, she would never take away Stefan’s freedom. Li says Stefan has told her over and over that he’s not interested. Gabi says she’ll never stop fighting for the life they had together and Dr. Rolf is going to help her accomplish that. Gabi then storms out. Li says not to be so sure about that as he pulls out his phone and makes a call.

Gwen questions Jack ordering her to go to the police and asks if he’s going to send her to her room if she doesn’t comply. Gwen argues that Jack can’t force her to do anything. Jack admits that he can’t. Jack says sometimes he wonders if he could’ve been a father to her when she was little, if he could’ve taught her the difference between right and wrong because it’s obvious that she doesn’t know the difference. Jack acknowledges that Gwen is a grown woman, capable of making her own decisions, so the choice is her. Jack then orders Gwen to either go to the police and tell them everything she knows to help them in Xander’s prosecution or she is out of his life for good.

Leo asks if Xander would really have sex with him just to stop him from testifying against him. Xander points out that they almost did it before. Leo complains that was when Xander tricked him and hooked up with Sarah instead. Xander points out that Sarah is gone now, so it’s just them. Leo asks if this is real. Xander assures this time he doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve. Xander asks Leo if they have a deal. Leo says they definitely do and tells Xander to take him now. Xander then takes Leo to the bed and begins choking him. Xander lets him go and calls him a nasty little bottom feeder. Xander asks what made Leo think he could just walk in and threaten him with no reprecussions. Leo argues that he wasn’t threatening. Xander asks if he’s forgotten who he is and what’s to stop him from snapping his neck. Leo says maybe he doesn’t want to add murder charges to his list of offenses. Xander doesn’t care since he’s already lost Sarah and she was his conscience. Xander says there’s nothing to stop him from turning in to the worst version of himself as he has nothing to lose. Leo tells Xander to stay away. Xander warns that if he tells the cops that he helped him, he will make sure he joins Susan Banks in the afterlife. Leo says he understands and runs out of the room.

Maggie points out that Justin said that Sarah makes Xander a better man. Sarah remarks that not good enough to stop him from kidnapping Justin’s wife. Justin states that he went along with Bonnie’s decision to give Xander a second chance, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to overlook what Xander did to Bonnie and Susan. Maggie points out that Xander is not a bad person while Justin states that he does bad things and at a certain point, you just have to accept that’s who he is. Sarah is glad to hear him say that and asks Justin to draw up the divorce papers. Maggie questions doing that so soon but Sarah assures that she’s ready to move on from this marriage. Justin agrees to get the paperwork started right away as it should be pretty straightforward. Justin asks how soon she wants them. Sarah says as soon as possible.

Gwen questions if Jack really means that he would cut her out of his life if she doesn’t flip on Xander. Jack understands why she’s skeptical after all the times that he’s threatened to disown her, only to bring her back in to his life and his heart but he has to be dead serious this time. Gwen argues that they can fix this and asks how it’s different than any other time. Jack responds that losing Abigail has changed everything for him. Jack wants to spend the time he has left, making Jennifer as happy as he can, honoring the legacy of Abigail, and spending time with JJ and his grandkids. Jack doesn’t want to lose Gwen but he can’t keep dealing with the negativity and drama that she brings. Jack tells Gwen to do the right thing and go to Rafe to tell him everything she knows about Xander, or else she will lose the roof over her head, her job at the Spectator, and him as a father. Jack declares that the choice is hers and asks what it’s going to be.

Stefan tells Vivian that there’s no time for her to think it over as she has to get him out of here before Gabi comes back. Stefan continues pleading with Vivian until Gabi comes back. Gabi takes Stefan’s phone and tells Vivian that Stefan was just being dramatic. Gabi remarks that she knows Vivian is upset that Stefan hasn’t visited her, but he had plenty of time to take Chloe to New York and Miami over Christmas and New Year’s. Stefan tries shouting to get through to Vivian. Gabi tells Vivian that the Stefan they know and love would never treat her this way. Stefan argues that Gabi never liked Vivian. Gabi suggests that Dr. Rolf’s brainwashing affected his feelings towards Vivian as well. Stefan calls that a lie. Gabi puts tape back over Stefan’s mouth and then tells Vivian that they are on the same page in wanting Stefan to be in his right mind and no longer under DiMera mind control. Gabi states that once Stefan is deprogrammed, she’ll see to it that he visits her once a week. Gabi then hangs up and tells Stefan nice try.

Li calls someone and says he has an assignment for them to keep Dr. Rolf out of Salem, permanently.

Justin hopes Maggie’s not upset with him for agreeing to represent Sarah in her divorce. Maggie understands it’s what Sarah wants. Justin knows it’s not what Maggie wants. Maggie says she learned long ago that you can give advice and be there for your children, but in the end you have to support their decisions. Justin guesses Sarah is at the motel as they speak, breaking the news to Xander. Maggie cries that Xander loves her so much, so he’s not going to take this well.

Xander lays in bed and continues drinking until Sarah shows up at the door. Xander says he wasn’t expecting her. Sarah comes in and says she won’t be long. Sarah then serves Xander with their divorce papers and declares their marriage is over.

Leo finds Gwen sitting alone in the town square. Leo informs Gwen that he has decided not to testify against Xander because telling the truth might be hazardous to his health. Gwen responds that it makes two of them who have decided not to turn on Xander today. Leo thought Gwen already made her decision to not cooperate with the police. Gwen explains that she did until Jack showed up and gave her an ultimatum which Leo questions. Gwen reveals she either testifies against Xander or Jack will disown her. Leo questions her choosing Xander. Gwen looks to her packed bag and declares that she’s on her own again as Jack made good on his threat and kicked her out of the house, fired her from the Spectator, and said she no longer has a father.

Jack picks up a framed photo of he and Gwen from the mantle and then drops it in to the trash can.

Gabi removes the tape from Stefan’s mouth. Stefan calls her insane. Gabi says she’s determined and there’s a difference. Stefan argues that no matter what she does, he will not fall in love with her again. Gabi says they’ll see about that as Dr. Rolf then shows up at the door. Gabi asks who is down for a little deprogramming.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Hey, Steph. It’s me, a k, a, the jackass. Look, I know I don’t have the right to ask you for anything, but could you maybe just give me a chance to make this up to you? I’m talking groveling here. You and I had something so great going and I don’t want to give up on that. That’s all I wanted to say.

You’re right, Alex. There’s nothing left to say.

Hello, Alex. Hey, this price. Something I can do for you. I was looking for your father. My defense team could use another lawyer and I, I know he’s one of the very best. He is one of the best. Unfortunately he’s not here right now. No. I see. Um, as long as I’m here, um, put those man toys down and put on a shirt.

I’m gonna give you a piece of my mind.

Jack, you’re home. Hi. Hello. We’ve missed you. The kids are gonna be so happy to see you. What’s up? Is everything okay? No, I just cut Gwen outta my life for good. So if I understand you correctly, you chose Xander over your job, your home, and your relationship with your father.

You understand correctly? I don’t get me wrong, as you know, I find the man highly pleasurable to look at in that accent to die for. But is he really worth sacrificing everything else that matters to you? Especially when he’s still very much in love with his wife force papers. Just sign them, Xander. No, I will sir.

I still love. I love you. It’s all my heart. And don’t fight me on this. Just do the right thing for once. Let me go.

Voila. Our one and only genius Deprogrammer, doctor Roe, I told you I would find him stuff in and now he can put you back to the way you were before. When I was the only woman you loved

like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

You asked her to do the right thing. She just refused. No. Jen, I told her that she didn’t testify against Sandra. I not only kick her out of this house, fire her from the spectator, but I’d essentially sonner and she still chose to cover for Xander. I never thought she’d define me like that, but she did.

She walked out the door

and now I’ve lost both my daughters. But you and your dad, you’ve gotten so close. We have and yet, and yeah.

Well, you very well known. When I first came to Salem, I, I wanted to destroy his family.

I was so angry at him for throwing me away. I devoted myself to getting revenge and I did terrible things to Jennifer advocate.

Yet my father, he was so guilty when he learned that Laura had sent my mother away without telling him that I existed, that he still, he still found in his heart to try and have a relationship with me. So it was all out of guilt, you mean? Of course. I mean, that’s how he was able to be so kind. So forgiving and how did I reward him By giving him trouble.

At every turn, you are being awfully hard on yourself. Connie, come on, Matt know it’s true now. I can’t seem to break that pattern. How hurting him, disappointing him.

You know, this last time he was so upset with me that I just accepted the fact that he would probably be better without me in his life because I love him

so much.

I decided to just do the unselfish thing and let him go,

which is what I ultimately had to do with Santa Sarah, please just. Just gimme a chance to try and explain to you what you thought you walked in on the other, what I thought I walked in on. I know what I saw. You were here with Gwen and you were both half naked. Yeah, but that was only cuz I was trying to drown my sorrows and cheap scotch and I got so sashed that Gwen had to shove me under the shower to sober me up and we both got a little wet and had to change clothes and, and nothing.

So there’s absolutely nothing romantic going on. So God’s honest truth. I’m begging you to believe. Please. Okay. I don’t understand. I thought Dr. Rolf was Mia that no one had seen or heard from him since he left Jakarta. Well, turns out Lee new is another thing he lied to me about. He’s been bankrolling Rolf the entire time.

Not completely. I never seize a Petri dishes. I specifically requested how, which is why our genie brainwashing slash. De programmer over here was headed to Salem to make sure that Lee followed through on his promises. Okay, and just how is it that you’re privy to all this information? Well, I figured that I would find something incriminating in Lee’s hotel room, so I made up a story that I wanted to get back together with him.

He let me in the room and I was able to find his burner phone, which then gave me Dr. Ball’s number, but Rolf is already on the way over here. It seems that fate wants us to be together.

It doesn’t matter if, I believe you are not

we’re here. When you came here the other night and you saw I’m going night together, you said it was a mistake coming here, but you never said why you came here in the first place. I came because,

nevermind, forget it.

It wasn’t to bring the divorce papers, was it?

No, it wasn’t.

Justin and Bonnie convinced me to give you another chance. But then you changed your mind because you saw Gwen now together. But as you know, that was all just a huge misunderstanding. There’s, there’s absolutely no reason not to give me another shot.

Let’s be real Gwe. You didn’t walk away from your father out of love and concern for him. You did it because you can’t quit Xander. You know? That’s the reason. Yes. Okay. That did enter my decision. Oh, Mattie, I know that you want me to testify against Sander and cut a deal and get us both off. And believe me, I was quite tempted when my father urged me to do so.

So yield to temptation. So what? Isand Falls’ heels in prison for a couple of years. You’ll still have your relationship with your father, Mattie. It could be so much more than just a few years. If they charged Sandra for Susan’s death, he could go to prison for the rest of his life. And the thought of that just, it was too painful for me.

I just couldn’t do it. And I realized that as, as much as I tried to tell myself to just let him go, as much as I told myself that we are just,

you’re right.

I just. I can’t give up on him,

and that’s because I’m still in love with him. Even if he doesn’t love me back.

I gave GU so many chances because God knows my family gave them to me. But Abigail went through such hell because of her. I blame myself for that.

Blame myself too. I believed Gwen’s lives. I doubted Abby’s commitment to our marriage, and then I betrayed her. No, you worked through all that. Chad, you and Aga worked through all that, and when you did, after you did, I’m telling you, you made her so happy.

I wish I could keep doing that. Make her happy. She made me happier than I could have ever dreamed. I think I, um, I’ve persuaded myself that Abby would want me to live my life without her. She wouldn’t want me to wallow when God knows I, I, uh, I did. I I do. But

for the kids’ sake, you know, I just have to be strong at least in front of them. You have been strong, Chad. You’ve been strong and you’ve helped keep your mother’s memory alive and you’re letting them experience joy, just daily joy. I gotta tell you, Charlotte was so excited talking about going skating with you and, and Stephanie.

It was, that was a good thing.

Chad, you deserve to have more good days. I don’t want to, I don’t wanna be presumptuous or overstepping or anything, but

you have a lot more to give. You do. You’re a good man. You’re a good person. You’re kind. And I, and I hope, I hope you find love again. And I think, I think Abi going through the same way.

We are gathered here today in the memory of my precious mother, Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson,

so that together we may acknowledge and share both our joy in the gift that her life was to us and the pain that are passing springs.

If I’d had the chance to say goodbye to her,

I would’ve told her that.

I didn’t expect you to get back home so soon. Yeah.

Joe and Trip are still at the hospital. They’re talking to somebody about, um, donating your mom’s,

your mom’s body is science. You know, she always wanted to be an organ donor, but now thanks to Kristen, we can’t even grant her her last wish.

I was, um, I was just writing her eulogy and most of what I type, I just end up deleting.

Well, I think, uh, the right words will come to you at the right time. Yeah. I just keep thinking about what I. Would’ve said if I’d been there, if I’d been at the hospital in time. Listen to me. You have to let go of that. Stephanie, your mother knew how much you loved her. I know, but I just, I wanted to say goodbye to her.

I sh I should have been there with her. No. Listen, baby. Please stop blaming yourself for that. It was not your fault. No. It was someone else’s. You want to give me a piece of your mind about Stephanie Johnson? I should have known that one. Look, I, I, I just want to let you know that I, she told me that you turned off her phone while you two were doing the, the whatever it is that you were doing, and so she lost her chance to give her final goodbye.

Say, Hadai Mama, I know. And Ms. Price, there is nothing you could say to me right now that Stephanie hasn’t already said. Oh. Oh, good. Good. You deserve every insult that she threw at you, cuz if she had no way to get you to the curb, I’ve got plenty of my own kicking to do that. And trust me, as much as you could possibly beat me up right now, I’m beating myself up more.

Okay. I know my brain was a bit scrambled at the time, but Ralph, I recall at your lab there was a ton of equipment. When you programmed me, there’s nothing down here, but cobwebs, wine and psychosis. That won’t be a problem. I stashed some of my equipment in the lab of tunnels, so set up may be a bit makeshift, but I will make it, uh, make it work.

I don’t want you to make it work. And what the hell? Why are you going along with this anyway? Because it’s what Stefano would want. You’re loving father and the boss of Dr. Rolf worshiped and adored. So the good doctor knows that the man that he was completely devoted to would never want his son just walking around.

Brainwash, get what you need. No foot raw.

I hate you. Not for long. And you know, once your real feelings from me, come back. You’re gonna thank me. I promise. I promise I won’t.

Uh, I can’t think about finding love again, Jack. Oh, and Abby still has my heart.

The showers will, you know,

I went to her grave site on Christmas Eve and I thought that she appeared to me. Just talk to me about how I should move on with my life. So you haven’t been thinking about the idea? No, I wouldn’t say that. You just did. When you said that Abi talk to you, I believe that was your subconscious trying to give you permission to move on.

Cuz deep in your heart, you know that that’s what Abigail wanted to. So you and Stephanie have been growing closer? No. No, Stephanie, me. No, there’s nothing going on between me and Stephanie. It’s not in the way that, you mean.

I mean, there might have been,

but I, I put a stop to it cuz I, I realized I wasn’t ready and I didn’t know if I ever would be Stephanie. Understood. You know, she, she loved Abby too. So, so Stephanie’s willing to wait No. Until you’re ready. She’s willing. No, I told her that wouldn’t be fair. I’m not gonna hold her back. No. So she moved on with, uh, with, um, Alex Carus.

Alex, it’s funny. Doesn’t seem like her type. Wow. You might not be after all they broke up. Well, maybe it is indeed the time for you to make your move.

I, I can’t believe I ever thought I loved that. Sure. I mean, Sarah Verman, anyone as self-consumed and narcissistic as Alex Kiki. Hey, I’m just so angry at him and I’m just as angry at myself forever trusting him. Baby, listen, I’m so sorry that happened to you, but I’m gonna say it again. Your mom knew how much you loved her, okay?

And at the end, she was at peace. She would want you to be at peace too

falling. It could be, if I had any idea why Chad was trying to reach share, my God, this price, I would’ve never turned her phone off. I just thought this guy was looking for another reason to interrupt us. Not that that’s any excuse, because it’s not. It’s not. And that’s not what I’m trying to do. What I did was wrong.

I did it for the wrong reason. And I admit that, and I can’t take that back now, obviously. And honestly, I don’t think there’s even a way I can fix this. I don’t know if Stephanie would even let me. And I don’t expect you to understand what it’s like to make a mistake. This’s terrible one that just causes so much damn hurt.

Oh, I know exactly what it’s like. Look, you know, I wish you would turn on Xander. I mean, how could I not? Since it would get both of us out of this pickle. But I get that you still love him, which makes it impossible for you to Well, you’d pretty much be ruining his life. Yeah, I would be. And like you said, I just can’t, it’s impossible.

Even if I know that it won’t work out for the two of us, why not? I know he still loves you too. He just loves Sarah more, but she wants nothing to do with him. And if we’re being totally honest here, based on what he told me while he was threatening my life, um, I think he might be giving up on Sarah.

Every time I give you another chance, you make me a regret it, and then you ask me for another one. I Right. Next time I promise. No, you won’t because I’m done.

Maybe nothing happened between you and Gwen, but you two have a connection that you and I don’t. What are you talking about? You woman? I love loved Gwen too.

And even after she helped

having kidnapped, and even though she fried my brain, you went out and did capers with her. I mean, I know. I shouldn’t be surprised because if you need help kidnapping someone who, who else would you turn to? But then, and you lied. Oh my God, you lied and you lied. I’m just so sorry, sir.

Sorry. Won. Cut it. Not this time.

Look, I know that you didn’t mean for anybody to get hurt, but

you kidnap people. Xander,

Susan is dead. Bonnie is traumatized for life.

So please don’t make me say this again. It’s the last time I’m gonna say it.

You are not the man that I fell in love with. And I don’t wanna be married to you anymore.

I remember our life together, Gabby. It wasn’t all flowers and hearts. It was far from it. It was at the end. It’s just before I lost you. That’s, that’s what makes this so devastating. Things are wonderful between us before and, and I know that you’ve had these feelings come back to you. I know that you have those feelings can’t stay buried forever.

Okay? If you really believe that, then why not just let the feelings resurface on their own? Huh? Why make me be a Guinea pig in another one of roll stupid experiments?

Oh, good God. Does this guy even know what he’s doing? There will be a bit of improvisation involved. And I have to warn you, there are always risks for anybody expanding the course of science. I’m sorry. Risks. Risks. Did you hear that? Huh? You let this lunatic poke around in my brain knowing that there are risks involved.

You just admitted it. Calm down. R Ralph. Risks. What kind of risk can we talk about here? Oh, so usual. Amnesia, aphasia, ag, agnosia, death. What? What? I sense some doubt. Hmm. Um, so it’s up to you. Mr. Hernandez. Do you still want me to go through with the procedure?

What exactly did Zander say about Sarah? He was a drunken mess. He probably won’t remember much himself, but in vodka veritas, technically it was scotch, but you get the idea. Anyway, once he was done almost throttling me to death, he told me he pretty much lost Sarah. Well, that doesn’t mean that he’s ready to give up on Ha Guinevere.

He, he’s sitting in his room drunk, vulnerable, half naked. If it were me, I would skedaddle on over there and let him know about the sacrifice you have made to save his fine, fine ass. And if you play cards right, you may have a piece of that ass before the night is over.

I have to hire a lawyer of my own. Look these over it’s boiler plate, Xander. It’s basically a form. There’s no assets to divide up. You don’t have anything of value. And unless you’re planning to ask for alimony from my meager salary, of course not. And quit stalling and just, and just sign the papers, please.

Oh God. I tried so hard not to let you down. Don’t do that. Don’t you dare try to put this on me. I wasn’t, none of this had to happen. None of it. I am a doctor for God’s sake. My mom was offering to give us money to tie us over until I was off probation and making my full salary. But you, you wouldn’t take her support because of your ego.

I never once made you feel inadequate. I never once asked for you to support me. You could work at Buddy’s Burger Barn for all I care. All I ever wanted was to be with the man that I love. And who is that? The man I thought you were. Well, don’t give me that. She knew exactly who I was when you married me.

I mean, sure. Yeah. Every now and then I’d try and turn over a new leaf, but it never worked, did it? I always failed. As you keep reminding me and you, you admitted part of what drew you to me in the first place was that was a bad boy, that you were drawn to the side of me. That breaks the rules. That is the man you fell in love with.

You know? It’s true. Can you find Yes.

When I was around your age, I gave up my baby girl, Milani. I sent her to my sister to raise her own. I did it to protect her. I thought it was the only choice I had at the time, and when it was done, oh, I realized that I had changed the lives of everyone I loved. I couldn’t undo it. My daughter and I, we had lost so much time together.

I’m sorry.

Lonnie was a grown woman by the time the truth came out and when it did it, it was ever a bit as ugly and traumatic as you’d imagine. But in the end, much to my amazement and with profound gratitude, I, my precious daughter, she was able to forgive me. Wow, that’s really good to hear. It makes me happy.

actually gives me a little bit of hope. Maybe one day Stephanie will amaze me too.

I know you’re probably not hungry, but Mom would be so mad if she knew you weren’t taking care of yourself. You see, I’m just like her. Isn’t that why you call me a little sweetness? Yeah. As much as I know you hate it, . Yeah. Well my feelings about that have changed.

I wanna be like her now. Just like her. I wanna help people like she did. I wanna, I wanna lift people’s spirits like she did. You do baby girl. Just by being, you sure do lift my spirits and I am so proud of you.

I can’t make a move right now. That wouldn’t be fair to Stephanie or anyone else. I, I’m, nah, I can’t get involved in a relationship. You miss out, Miguel. Of course you do. You always will.


There’s never gonna be a right time.

There’s never gonna be the, the time when you say, I am ready to take that next step. And maybe I’m, I’m overstepping here, but

you have to take it. And it doesn’t mean the memories of Abigail are gonna be any less, any less important. It doesn’t mean that you’re gonna love her any less. It just means that you’re gonna find room in your heart. It’s gonna grow. So there’s space for you to live the full life that you deserve,

that Abigail would want you to have.

God Rolfe, you didn’t tell me that deprogramming could kill him. You didn’t ask. That’s a risk of him suffering. A severe side effect is approximately 0.12%. Negligible ne, my life is not negligible, Rolf, and I am not willing to risk. Okay, well you just went out in the tunnels and you found a bunch of tubes and wires and put ’em together on your little train and wheeled it back in here to poke around in my brain.

Not I elbow, not I ear. Not my little pinky in my brain. And face it. You don’t know what the hell you’re doing. , are you questioning my genius? I’m questioning your sanity, which is why I’m not letting you lay a finger on me, Gabby. Come on. I like the odds. Just do it wrong. You psychotic. Selfish bitch. How somebody in?

We’re gonna need to. Alright, we are ready to begin.

Alex, I see you’re suffering. Mm-hmm. I sure know what that feels like too. But I don’t have a crystal ball, honey. It’s not for me to say if Stephanie might ever forgive you. Right. I guess that would be a rhetorical question. And really the whole thing is just moot right now because I can’t even get her to talk to me.

I call her, I leave her messages. She doesn’t respond. Messages, huh? I guess you mean her. Texting and tweeting and tics and talks, and however the hell less that You young people now talk to each other. Yeah. You know, here’s what I think, and not that you ask now, I think you, you, the younger generation, y’all need to stop hiding behind a screen if you think that’s the way to get through through each other, because it’s not, you need to, you need to be with the person in the flesh so they can you see your face, look in your eyes.

Maybe even take them into your arms if you have something important to say. Especially if it’s an apology. Yeah.

Tell your father, you know, I said bye. Have him gimme a call. I will. Hey, thank you Ms. Press.

I’ll put it back in the fridge. Maybe we’ll have a little appetite later on. Yeah, I’ll, uh, I’ll take the container back to Roman. Okay. Well, before you do at least have a few bites of the pie on Maid. What dessert before dinner. Mm-hmm. , your mother would not approve. Woo. She says you When mom was in med school and it was just the two of us, we used to eat pie for dinner every Friday night.

You’re kidding me. I’m totally serious. And she was the first one to put a piece on her plate and ladle on the whipped cream. God, I wish I could have seen that.

You know, your mom didn’t talk too much to me about that time. But I’m pretty sure the two of you got along just fine. Without me. It wasn’t fine, but we managed because you had each other. Because we had each other.

And now without her, I just, I don’t know, dad, I just, I don’t know.

Yeah. Okay. I’ll just turn up at Zander’s door with a smile and all my worldly goods. Mm. It might be a bit much. Tell you what, you’ve been working out the paper. You got some bucks to rub together. Why don’t I go over to the Salem End book us a room. Better yet a suite? No. Sweet. I can afford a room. A small one.

Two queen size beds. Twin. Twin beds, fine. Cheap scape. Okay, while I take care of our lodgings, you go over to Xander’s motel room and you claim your prize. Bit of a crass way to put it, don’t you think? Crass smash. He is a major prize and you are gonna win now go get him, girl.

I meant there’s an element of danger being with you that part of me liked.

I said I liked it with reservations. I thought that I could soften your rough edges, but instead the other way around happened. We changed each other, Sarah. That’s how love’s supposed to work, isn’t it? Yeah, but not when one person keeps lying to the other and commits crimes and betrays your trust. That is not how love works.

Here we go again. I mean, you lecture me on how I’m not good enough for you. Then you leave, but then you come back. Sarah,

I’m not coming back this time,

so you might as well.


dears. Stephanie, I know you have no reason to forgive me. But

Dad, we are going to get through this. Mom would never forgive us if we didn’t. You’re right about that.

And Dad, I’m sorry. I’ve been so wrapped up in my personal problems that I haven’t appreciated how lucky I’ve been. Not just in having mom for as long as I did, but finding that pie and the note from her. It was like, it was like she got to say goodbye to me even if I didn’t have the chance to say it to her.

That’s a beautiful way to look at it.

We are going to be okay. Because we have each other.

Yes, we do.

Hey, yeah. I, I think, I think maybe you should at least go and talk to Stephanie. I don’t know. I, I, um, she, she just lost her, her mother. I can’t just show up at her door and bear my shoulder. I disagree. I disagree. I think, I think maybe this is the exact time that she needs to hear from people who care about her shrink.

Oh. Years of therapy will do that to you.

I’ve just said so much loss lately. Abigail, Arlene, Kate, Kayla, I, I just think maybe we’re, we’re forgotten. That we’ve, we’ve gotta live as well as grieve, which is just, I guess, a common way of saying that Maybe, maybe if there is a, a connection between the two of you, between you and Stephanie, and maybe you, you should, you should explore it.

I know, I know Abigail loves Stephanie, and I know, I just think that she, she wouldn’t be all right with, with you finding out, seeing if you could get close to her. Who knows?

I think that’s what you want. And listen, whatever you decide,

it’s your choice. I will support you.

It’s time for you to remember when you first realized you were in love with Gabriela Hernandez, when you were locked up together in the Secret Room. I should have admitted it before now, but my pride, my ego wouldn’t let me do it. I am done with all that now. If we never get outta here, I’m not leaving anything unfinished.

That’s why I’m laying it all out on the line. I care for you. Get me Hernandez, and I’m done pretending. I don’t

it’s worth

what’s going on. The equipment. He’s a bit older than his.

Hi. Ah, watch where you’re going. Oh, I see Zander finally signing the papers. It’s none of your damn business.

You go Gwenny.

I, Steve, I’m so sorry my Kayla. I’m so sorry.

Ready or not. Steph, you’re right. Come. Are you, can you.

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Days Transcript Monday, January 30, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, oh no. Oh my God. No. Please don’t believe us. I’m so dying.

I didn’t get to tell her how much in loved. I don’t wanna die. I’m not here.

Yes, skip. Of course. I want you to hold the front page, this new expose on the sale and police department’s gonna send our online subscription. Soaring. Yes, I’m talking rampant corruption, gross incompetence, and personal benefits.

Skip. I’m gonna have to call you back. Yeah, right. Bye Dad. , I didn’t know you were coming in. It’s um, that’s really lovely to see you. Hi. I don’t suppose that you’ll feel that way when you find out why I’m here. Okay. I spoke to ra. I know what you did.

Oh, come on Nate. Well, you’re gluten for punishment. We all know you’re never gonna be good enough for Meg Ryan, so all you do is all a favor and just stop trying. We’ve never watched a romcom before.

Who is it?

This very bloody important.

Going somewhere I can explain. Uh, please do, because I’m having trouble falling along. You send me off to take a shower so we can consummate our marriage and when I come out, I find you sneaking outta my suite like a cat burglar. What’s going on here, Gabby?


Like Sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

I must say Bonnie is a very understanding person. that she is Sarah, honey. Justin was just telling me that Bonnie convinced you to give Xandra another chance. Mm-hmm. , she did. Unfortunately, it didn’t stick. What? Yeah. I’m sorry to get your hopes up, mom, but stating my marriage to Xander is not in the cards.

Oh, no. What changed your mind? Oh man, I don’t know. I was probably finding my husband half naked with Gwen Rizk.

Can’t believe the police commissioner had to call you in Boston to disparage your daughter. Is it true? Did you help Sandra cover up some kidnapping spree? Is just trying to create cover for himself. I mean, is there any wonder why the Salem Police Department’s reputation is in the bloody toilet? If you ask me, Hey, I think he’s doing his both a favor, how do you figure he thought maybe your father could speak to you, took some sense into you, if that’s still possible.

What did the Fair Commissioner have to tell you then? Enough for me to know that you could be in serious trouble for not cooperating with the police? Is that what you told you, Gwen? What are you thinking? Sandra kidnapped two women when who ended up dead. Why are you trying to help him cover up his crimes?

Is that any way to treat the guy who saved your magnificent? Or have you forgotten how I dawned on that muscle bound clown suit? Oh, I thank you, Mr. Cook. I’d love to come in for a visit. Looks like I interrupted quite the party. What do you want? Well, for starters, I’d like for you to acknowledge what I did for you.

I guess you, you do, I do. Can owe you one, uh, more than one. Yeah. Yeah. Don’t rub it in. Yeah. Start with a drink. Have we given up on glasses? It’s come to that. Just trying to cut out the middle man. How? How the mighty have fallen to think that gorgeous temple of yours used to luxuriate on Egyptian cotton at Curios Mansion.

Sheets are overrated. So is my family. What are you doing? I wanted to give you a heads up concerning, I’m kind of, sort of testifying against you to a grand jury.

Well, isn’t it obvious why I’m leaving? Uh, no, it isn’t. Well, I’ve changed my mind in case you weren’t aware. It’s a woman’s prerogative to do so. You changed your mind about being with. That’s right. I don’t believe you. You don’t believe that I’ve changed my mind. I don’t believe that you had any intention of getting back together with me, let alone making love to me today.

That’s why’d you really come here. I don’t have to explain anything to you. Not after everything you did to me and Stephan, why the hell are you here, Gabby? I thought for a second that. Then I could forgive you, but after I was in this room waiting for you to get outta the shower, I realized how wrong I was.

I, I never could have been able to get past what you did to the only man I’ve ever loved. Goodbye. Hey, hey. You’re not walking outta here until you tell me what you’re up to. Let go with me. Pick none. Whatcha you doing? I’m get out. Go. Hey,

this why you came to my room.

This is a collect call from Statesville Prison. Do you accept?

Please help me understand why on earth would you cover for crimes?

Van was desperate. He is always desperate. Look, he was in terrible debt and he didn’t have enough money for a place to stay, so he took a job with Ava Vitali just to get back on his. And by job you mean kidnapping Susan Banks and ransoming her to EJ Damira. It was meant to be a simple transactions. Zer never meant for Susan to get hurt.

I’m sure that’s a comfort to ej who lost his mother and Johnny who lost his grandmother. Zander lets Susan go. Well that’s really swell of him, isn’t it? Tell me about Bonnie. She’s in his family. Oh God, dad, come on. It’s not like Bonnie’s some sort of a saint or she to your sister, and that’s supposed to make it what Sandra did.

Okay. I didn’t say that then. What are you saying after everything he’s done, Gwen, why are you still defending?

Is this some kind of junk? I’m afraid not. Butter. My lawyer thinks, telling the police what I know is my only chance of staying outta prison. You told a lawyer what I did. Well, yes, but it’s nothing to worry about. I, it’s privileged or whatever. Nothing to worry about. He says, after his barrister advises him to throw me under the bus and back repeatedly over the body, she thinks she can get me a generous plea deal.

Oh, bully for you. Well, look, I didn’t wanna testify against you, at least not at first, especially since I couldn’t do it anonymously. So you were hoping that you could ruin my life with without anyone discovering your planet. Yes. I’m trying to go a jet. Hey, this is because of my cousin Sonny, isn’t it? You were worried how he’d react if he learned that you helped me kidnap his stepmom.

He believed I’d changed. Huh? Why did you decide to wrap me up? Will Horton. If that messy little queen overheard me talking to my lawyer and told Sonny everything, so now it’s every man for himself.

This is what you were after, isn’t it? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never seen that phone before. It’s my burner. Why would you need a burner phone? You know what? Don’t even answer that. It’s probably to make all your untraceable shading deals. I use it only to communicate with Dr. But I suspect you already knew that.

Oh, and looks like someone made an outgoing call to him while I was in the shower. Still wanna pretend like you’ve never seen this before?

I’m sorry, sir. I’m having trouble hearing you. You have a collect call from Statesville Prison. Will you accept? Hello? Yes, yes. Hello? Hello. Accept. I’ll accept. Hello. Who is this? Hello, son. It’s your mother.

Mother, you have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice . Is that so? Yes. My ex-wife, Gabby, she totally snapped. She locks me up in the secret room, in the Demer mansion. You need to send help. You have to. I don’t have to do anything. And why should I lift a finger to such an ungrateful son?

Admit a cab. You send me into the shower so you could snoop around and then you called Rolf on this phone. What if I did, you know? For a second. I actually started to believe you, but I should have known, you’ll never give up this obsession you have with Stephan. Never. Not until he’s back to himself. Not until I undo every single thing that you have done to him.

I talk to Ralph. Not only has he agreed to get Stephan back to how he was, but he’s on the way to Salem as we speak.

I can’t believe that Zander would take up with that awful Gwen again. Especially after what she put you through. I should have seen it coming. I just, I didn’t think it was gonna happen this soon. Are you sure that you didn’t misunderstand the situation? I look, Xander insisted that he could explain why they were in a state of undress.

But does it really matter? Of course it does. He’s just gonna be more excuses mom. And maybe he’s telling you the truth this time. Maybe he is telling me the. This time

seeing him like that with that woman, it, it just proved to me that I’m never going to be able to trust him again. You don’t think, you don’t think you’re being a little rash, rash, mom. I have given him so many chances. I know what I’m doing. Of course you do. But if even Bonnie was willing to give Xander another chance.

Surely you can too.

Dad, Sando was about to lose everything. His relationship with Justin, his freedom, his marriage to Sarah. So you created a fake company where he could pretend to work to cover his tracks.

Yes, that was dodgy. Yes, but Zander had told me that he was done working for Ava. He just wanted to prove to his family that he wasn’t a complete screw up. He certainly failed in that attempt, didn’t he? I know you’re disappointed in me, sweetheart. We have graduated from disappointed to disgusted about three schemes ago.

This is different how? Because I had nothing to do with Bonnie or Susan’s kidnapper. You are an accessory after the fact. I was helping a friend. No. Helping a friend is giving them a truck to move, not enabling them to cover multiple felonies. Okay? So it wasn’t the best judgment, it was the worst judgment.

And this happened over and over again. But you have a chance to salvage all of this. To make it right for me and all the people you’ve heard,

wow. Go to the police and tell them everything, you know, I can’t. I can’t do that to Zander. If I turn him in, I would lose him. Would you rather lose me?

Little Horton knows what I did. What the hell are you thinking? How was I supposed to know that little sneak was eavesdropping? What if he writes one of his exposes about me? Worse shit turns my tragic downfall into his next flick. For peacock, I could think of worse faces. I could see a Hemsworth doing you justice, which.

Not Chris. What are we even talking about? I don’t know. Hot Aussies, she was just trying to distract me from the situation at hand. Uh, relaxed cookie. You don’t have to worry about Wilhelmina. She wasn’t snooping in my life for a story then what was Will snooping about for? She wanted to get me out of Sunny’s life and you know what?

It worked. He wants nothing more to do with me. It’s because your shabby little love triangle blew up in your face. You’re gonna sell me out. Well, it’s nothing personal, big guy. I just have to look out for my own interests.

What if I offered you another incentive? What incentive?

I dunno. By opens negotiation. What are you proposing?

You’re making a mistake, Gabby. The only mistake I ever made was trusting a man like you and I’m out of here. You think you can keep me here against my will? I would never do something like that. Gabby. Smart man. And my brother’s just itching for a solid reason to lock your ass up. I don’t need to keep you here by force because I don’t think you really wanna leave.

Really? No, I really do wanna leave. But see, there’s a little part of you that must know you’re wasting your time with Stephan Damir. Part of you that knows how much better it is to be with a man who actually wants you, who understands what we can be together, you think it’s a waste of time to want my husband back.

Back to the way he was before you and your mad scientists were playing in his. It’s a waste because Stephan doesn’t want to love you. He keeps telling you over and over that you make him sick. He has no interest in being Deprogrammed who says I’m giving him a choice.

Mother, this is not the time for your macab sense of humor. Please do. I sound like I’m joking. I, I tell you that your son has been abducted by a crazy person and you’re not even the least bit concerned. Where was your concern for your grieving mother when you rose from the dead? How many months now? And you haven’t visited me even once.

Mother, I died. You’re right. I am sorry. It’s just that I’ve been busy. Yes. And yet you send your attorneys to have me sign your late brother Jake’s Tamira Enterprise’s proxy. Over to you. Plenty of time for that. Am I right?

Dad, what are you saying? Are you saying that you can’t forgive me for helping Zander?

I’ve lost track of all the things that I have given you for four, almost assuring I’m marriage to. Tormenting Abigail, the whole Sarah debacle.

I truly, truly am sorry for all of that. So you always say over and over and over again, I have accepted that I’ve believed in because I have wanted to believe so deeply in. I have risked my whole relationship with my family, my wife, my other kids. Because of you, you know how grateful I have to have you in my life.

If you are truly grateful for my love and support, you will stop doing the things that you’re doing. Do you have any idea the position that you have put me in by helping Xander? How are you involved? You are living in my wife’s family home. You are working at my newspaper. You have weaponized a spectator launching an attack on the Salem pd.

I swear I never meant for any of this to blow back at you, and yet it has, and this is what I don’t understand. Tommy, how can you go to such desperate lengths for a guy who’s in love with another? Because he’s still my friend, whether he loves Sarah or not. And actually he’s your friend too. Did you forget that?

No. No. I have not forgotten. He is my friend too, but I will not throw my life away for him.

When you gimme no choice,

what does that mean? That means.

I am ordering you to go down to the Salem PD right now, and you swear out a statement against Sandra or else

Mom. I know that you mean well, but my mind is made up. It’s over between Sandra. , once the trust is gone, there’s just, there’s nothing left. I’m very sorry to hear that. I know that you care about Tanner and I know that you were, you were rooting for us, but we were never gonna make it work. We’re just, we’re too incompatible.

Namely, I have a moral compass and he does not well from what I have witnessed, you made my cousin want to be a better. It’s like Maggie, as for Victor. Yeah. And Victor has done some truly terrible things in his lifetime, but even he has lines he won’t cross. I can’t say the same for Xander. I’m sorry. What is happening?

I go shy now. You know you want it. It, I can remember a timer getting means bed was at the very top of your. That was a long time ago. You don’t find me attractive anymore.

I do. You’re definitely still attractive. You told me that you have nothing to lose by testifying against me, so why don’t you let me show you what you have to gain by keeping that pretty little man shut.

Okay, mother, you are right. Okay. I have failed you miserably as a son. I’ve just been so distracted by everything I. I didn’t take the time out to think about the one person who loves me most in this world. And I am sorry, but look, I promise you, I promise if you get me outta here, I will do everything in my power to get you out of that hell of a prison you’re in and back here at home with me.

Where you belong, please, mother. Are you still there? Oh, I’m here. I’m just thinking about. About how you’d saved just about anything right now to get my help. Okay? Yes. I am desperate. I am, please. I am telling you the truth. Just please get me out of here. Mother, I’ll take it under consideration.

You aren’t giving stuff on a choice about the deprogramming. What do you mean by that? Uh, nothing. It’s just a figure of speech. A figure of speech. Yes. I was just trying to say that I’m never gonna give up on him. That’s not what it sounded like, Lee. I’m not like you and Kristen and ej. I would never take away Stefan’s free will, but you would hound and harass the guy despite him telling you over and over again that he’s not interested.

I’m never gonna try to stop convincing Stefan to fight for the life that we had together, and Dr. Rolf is gonna help me accomplish.

I’m be so sure about that. Gabby,

you are ordering me to go to the police. I mean, what are you gonna send me to my bedroom if I don’t comply? Take me in for a time. You can’t force me to do anything.

No, I can’t.

You know, sometimes I wonder if I could have been a father to you when you were a little girl. Perhaps I could have taught you the difference between right and wrong. Yeah. But you weren’t

all right. I wasn’t. And I will always regret that because it’s obvious that you don’t know the difference.

So here we are.

Here we are.

Like you say, Gwen, you’re a grown woman capable of making your own decisions, so the choice is yours.

Either you go to the police and tell them everything you know about Sandra to help in his prosecution, or oh,


You are outta my life this time for good.

You would really have sex with me to stop me from testifying against you. Well, it’s not like we didn’t almost do it before, huh? Yeah. But that time you tricked me and hooked up with Sarah Horton instead, and Sarah’s gone. It’s just you and me.

We’re doing this now. Okay? Is this real? Oh, it’s very real. And this time I don’t have any tricks on my sleeve. I thought you happened. These, please. Yeah, I know that, son. Do you have a deal?

Yeah, definitely. We have a deal. Take me. Take me now.

I like it. Rough but safe for. Safe word.

You nasty. Little bomb feeder. What made you think you wal in here and threatened me with no repercussions? How is it threatening? Oh, no, she was just casually informing me. Then you intend to testify against me in court if you’ve forgotten who I am. This a storm from snapping your neck. Right. Maybe not wanting to add murder charges to your list of offenses, baby, I don’t care.

Already lost Sarah. Most people would say that she was my conscience. Don’t only thing keeping me from turning into the worst version of myself. Is this the worst version of you? Like you said, what have I gotta lose?

You, you keep away. Make no mistakes, doc. If you tell the cops, then you help me and we’ll make sure that you join Susan Banks in the afterlife. You understand perfectly.

Justin, you said yourself, Sarah makes Xander a better. , well, not good enough to keep him from kidnapping his wife. I went along with Bonnie’s decision to give Xander a second chance, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to overlook what Xander did to Bonnie and Susan. I he, he’s not a bad person. No, but he does bad things at a certain point.

You just have to accept that that’s who he. I am really glad to hear you say that Maybe you could drop the divorce papers so soon. Mom, are you not listening to me? I am ready to move on from this marriage.

Justin, I can get the paperwork started right. Thank you. Uh, should be pretty straightforward. No kids. Not much in the way of marital assets. How soon do you want them? As soon as possible.

You would, you would cut me out of your life. If, if I don’t flip on. I couldn’t understand why you’d be skeptical after all the times that I have threatened to disown you only to to, to bring you right back into my life and into my heart for your dead time. I have to be No, no, you don’t, dad. No. We, we can, we can fix this.

I mean, h how is this different from an hit any other time? Losing Abigail has changed everything for me. Everything, my relationship to life, to family, to the preciousness of time. I wanna spend the time I have. Making Jennifer as happy as I can, honoring the legacy of my daughter, spending time with JJ and the grandkids.

I don’t want to lose you,

but I can’t keep dealing with the negativity and the drama that you bring.

I can’t. It’s too, it’s everything’s unsafe. So do the right thing. Go to Rafe, tell him everything you know, Alexander, or you will lose not only the roof of your head and your job at the Spectator, but me as a father, the choice is your.

What’s gonna be

No mother, please. There’s no time for you to think this over. You gotta get me out of this room. Okay. Before Gabby gets back, there’s no telling what she might do. Mother, please. I’m begging you. Just gimme mother. What did you just say mother? What the hell? Oh. Hi. Hi, Viv. Yes. This is your once and future daughter-in-law, Gabby Hernandez.

He said what? Always so dramatic. Yeah, no. I know that you’re upset that Stefan hasn’t come visit you, but you, he’s had plenty of time to take Chloe to, uh, New York for Christmas and Miami for New Year’s. Mother, can you hear me? Yes, exactly. Chloe Lane. No, I need to talk to, I know it’s really awful what she did to your beloved Philip.

It’s crazy because the Stephan that we both know and love would never treat us this way. She never liked you mother. You never liked her. You know, I’m just thinking that when Rolf brainwashed step to hate me and love Chloe, maybe he did something to make him stop caring for you too. It’s a lie. Mother.

You can’t believe her. No, no, no, no. Sleep. Okay. Sorry about that. Yeah. Oh, no, that was, um, no, that was nothing. Listen, you and I, we are on the same page. We want Stephan to be 100% in his right mind and no longer under Dara’s mind control. Yes. Once he’s deprogrammed, I, I will see to it myself that he visits you at least once a week.

Okay. Nice talking to you. What? Okay. Bye. In.

Nice try, but funny story. Mommy. Weirdest is team stabby. Ha, I’m telling you. Oh, that’s right, stabby live with it. Ha.

It’s leash shin. I have an assignment for you. I need you to make sure Dr. Wilhelm Rolf stays away from Salem permanently.

Thank you. I hope you’re not upset with me for agreeing to represent Sarah in this divorce. No, of course not. It’s what Sarah wants, but it’s not what you want. Oh, Justin, I learned a long time ago. You can give advice and you can be there for your tournament. In the end, you just have to. You have to step back and support their decisions.

Sarah is probably at the motel as we speak, breaking the news to Zander.

He loves her so much. You know, he’s not gonna take this well.

I swear to God, if that’s you, I am ready to commit murder. I am ready to. Sarah, I wasn’t expecting you. Uh, can I commit? Yeah, course. I just, I put some quotes. You don’t have to. I’ve seen it fall anyway. I won’t belong.

What’s this? Divorce papers. Our marriage is over. Zander.

Go here.

I thought you’d like to know. I’ve decided not to testify against Sander. Turns out telling the truth may be hazardous to my health. Hello? Well, that makes two of us. You decided not to turn on Zander today. I thought you’d already made up your mind not to cooperate with the police. Yeah, I did until my father turned up and gave me an ultimatum.

What kind? Ofum? The kind where I either testify against Sandra or he will disown me. Oh my God. And you chose Xander.

Looks like I’m on my own again. Jack made good on his threat. He kicked me out the house fired me from the spectator. He said I no longer have a father.

You trying to, if you scream, it goes back on

you’re insane. You know that. I’m determined there’s a difference. How many times do I need to tell you no matter what you do, I will not fall in love with you again. We’ll see about that. Oh, looks like we have a visitor.

All right. Now who’s down for a little deprogramming.

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Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Lily once again tells Daniel to give her a week and she will figure out a way to get Omega Sphere off the ground.

Kyle tells Jack that he is worried that if his relationship with him doesn’t work out she will leave and hurt him. Jack assures Kyle that he and Diane are more mature now and if he and Diane don’t work out they will both be fine. Summer warns Diane that if she hurts Kyle and Harrison she will go mama bear on her and protect them.

Nick talks to Victor who admits he talked to Jill about Sally. Nick tells Victor that if he continues to interfere with Sally’s job opportunities he will leave Newman. Victoria asks Victor not to drive Nick away from the company. Nick tells Sally that he is sure her luck will change soon, and she will get some good news.

Phyllis tells Summer she is going to Portugal to talk to Heather and Lucy. Phyllis tells Summer not to tell Daniel, and to not let Daniel partner with Tucker on his gaming platform.

Victoria tells Victor that she spoke to Tucker’s banker and he owes a lot of money and he has missed some of his loan payments. Victoria wants to buy Tucker’s debt so they can force Tucker to sell McCall Unlimited to them. Victor thinks that is a wonderful idea, and exactly what he was going to do.

Tucker asks Daniel if they can talk about bringing his gaming platform to McCall Unlimited.

Nick tells Adam that Victor is trying to sabotage his job at Jabot so he will return to Newman Enterprises. Nick also tells Adam he thinks he is better off with Jack as a mentor than Victor.

Sally gets a call from her doctor about the baby.

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GH Transcript Monday, January 30, 2023

General Hospital Transcript

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Transcript proofread and provided by Suzanne

Marshall: Trina, you think it’s a good idea to attend this memorial with the attacker still out there?

Trina: Thanks for the concern, but I — I —

[ Doorbell rings ]

Curtis: I’ll get that. [ Exhales deeply ] Aunt Stella! When did you get back in town?!

Stella: Hugs first. Answers second. [ Laughs ] Ohh!

Portia: I was just making sure that you got the final guest list and the dinner orders? Oh, great. Great. Can you send it to the venue? Okay.  Thank you so much. And I will talk to you soon. [ Chuckles ] Okay. Bye.

Terry:  You’re in the homestretch. Your wedding day will be here before you know it.

Portia:  [ Sighs ] If I can get everything done on time.

Valentin: So? Anything off?

Anna: Oh, it was, uh — thank you. It was a delivery next door, and the driver lingered a bit. You know?

Valentin: Come on, darling. You’ve been at this since 2:00 A.M.

Anna: We didn’t get here by lowering our guard.

Felicia: Too early for a little kick?

Anna: Oh. Uh, no. It’s 5:00 P.M. in Paris.

Valentin: Being a fugitive really messes with your sense of time.

Felicia: Oh, you won’t be fugitives for long. We will nail Victor Cassadine. Eventually.

Valentin: In the meantime, the world goes on without us.

Willow: Just think — by this afternoon, our daughter will be here. I’ll get to see her beautiful face.

Michael: Beautiful just like her mother.  Our family is expanding today. I just — I just know that this stem-cell transplant is going to work.

Willow: Michael…

Michael: E-everything is working out. Our own child’s stem cells can save you, and I cannot be more grateful. I couldn’t face life without you.

Willow: I’m not going anywhere. Not when I’m finally evening the playing field in our house. Two males. Two females.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Michael: Oh. [ Muttering ] Oh, Melanie is here to pick up Wiley. I just got to find the nurse that took him to get apple juice. I cannot wait to tell him that his baby sister is being born today.

[ Door closes ]

Willow: Won’t be long now. You have to be strong, sweetie. Mommy’s praying for your health first…and then hers.   Of course, I want it to all work out, but if it doesn’t… …I’m thankful for the chance to see your face.

[ Knock on door ]

Drew: Carly! What is it? D-did Willow have a setback?

Carly: No. No. It’s just the opposite. Willow — I think she’s gonna be okay.

Drew: Really?

Carly: Really!

Drew: That’s incredible.

Carly: It’s incredible! Incredible!

Drew: We probably shouldn’t have done that.

Carly: Ah. No. No. I know, I know. Seems, um, risky. I don’t think anyone saw us.

Stella: Cousin Wanda sends her love to all. Ohh! I cut my trip short so I can come back and help with the prep. Come here!

Curtis:  Aunt Stella, you didn’t have to do that.

Stella: Oh, please. It was just a few days. And I-I wanted to help.

Marshall: Well, I hope your cousin wasn’t too disappointed.

Stella: Oh, look, I love London, and I really love spending time with Wanda, but she understood how important this is. And on the subject of weddings, where’s Portia?

Trina:  Oh, she’s at work right now.

Stella: Look at you. Ohh! Just as pretty as can be! How are you doing? I’m sorry to hear about your friend Rory. It’s tragic. What is the world coming to?

Marshall: I don’t know, Stella.

Trina: It was thoughtful of you to send the card. I really appreciate it.

Stella: And what about that awful Esme Prince? [ Scoffs ] I heard she showed up.

Curtis:  Yeah, she’s been remanded to spring ridge until her trial.

Stella: Good. I hope she stays there. On a permanent basis. That way, justice can be served and Trina can finally move on.

Trina: [ Chuckles ]

Stella: But until then… we have a wedding to lift our spirits! And I have a surprise for the bride-to-be.

Portia: Jordan. You’re here for Britt Westbourne’s memorial?

Jordan: I am. Tj’s attending, and I wanted to be there for him.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Portia: Oh.

Terry:  Your wedding planner again?

Portia: It’s the boutique, checking on my appointment to pick up my wedding dress.

Terry:  That’s so exciting! You’re gonna be beautiful.

[ Device beeping ]

Terry:  Oh. Ahh. That’s me. I have a meeting. I’ll see you at the memorial, Commissioner Ashford.  [ Softly ] Good luck with the dress.

Sasha: I have to admit — manicures before the memorial seemed a little out there when you made the suggestion, but I’m starting to see the wisdom.

Maxie: On days like today, when the sadness is overwhelming, but I still have to go out and face the world, I found that feeling like I look my best gives me this strange sort of strength to get through it.

Sasha: Really? I can barely muster the energy to comb my hair.

Maxie: Oh, yeah. I totally fall apart afterwards, when I’m alone. But then I have to figure out dinner or read a bedtime story.

Sasha: Right. It’s different with kids. I will always remember the kindness that Britt showed me and Brando when we lost Liam.  I’m so sorry for your loss, Maxie.

Maxie: Thank you. I’m sorry for yours, too. I would totally grab your hands right now, but don’t want to mess up my nails. I still can’t believe that I’m saying goodbye to Britt today.

Sasha: I get that. I feel like all I do is say goodbye to people.

Anna: Any signs of life from Lucy or Martin?

Felicia: I left coffee and muffins outside their room. I imagine they’re pretty tired.

Anna: [ Chuckles ]

Valentin: Or they died with smiles on their faces.

Anna: I hope that they continue to cooperate because we’re all gonna have to lay low. Despite everything we know and despite everything we’ve been through, we still don’t have enough concrete evidence to nail Victor. We need irrefutable proof. You know, and I, for one, am feeling like I’ve lost my patience, honestly.

Felicia: We need to refocus and regroup, because taking down Victor and getting justice for Luke is the most important thing, right?

Anna: Yeah, of course. I think, uh, not being home for the holidays has kind of affected me more than I realize. I haven’t seen Robin or Emma or Noah for I don’t know how long.

Valentin: Hey. You got messages to them. They know you’re safe.

Felicia: You and Charlotte were just reunited after she was away in Europe for so long. And now you’re on the run. Leaving her again must be really hard on you.

Valentin: It’s not as hard as her thinking that I’m dead.

Michael: What are you doing here?

Willow: I was just about to tell him to… Dr. Randolph says there may be another way to treat my leukemia. I’m about to have a C-section. Our baby’s being born today.

Sonny: Is that safe?

Willow: She’ll be premature. But she’s developed enough to withstand it.

Michael: And, uh, yeah, once the baby’s born, the doctors will take the stem cells from the umbilical cord and the placenta to treat Willow’s leukemia.

Willow: That is, after more rounds of chemo.

Michael: It’s the answer we’ve been waiting for.

Sonny: Well, I’m gonna pray for both of you. I mean, I’m gonna pray for all three of you. And I can’t wait to see… my granddaughter.  I’m sure Nina’s gonna be overwhelmed, you know? Unless, uh, we’re not welcome to see our grandchild?

Drew: I hope you know that this drives me crazy. I can’t wait to show you how I feel about you out in public.

Carly: I know. I know. This will be over soon. But right now we have to practice restraint. Right?

Drew: Hmm. Easier said than done.

Carly: Come on. [ Chuckles ]

Nina: My… aren’t you two cozy?

Drew: Nina! I didn’t know you were here.

Nina: I just arrived to see my daughter because I lost so much time with her.

Drew: Ohh. I just got here myself. We must have just missed each other in the elevator.

Nina: Yes. I’d imagine you were in a rush to see Carly.

Drew: And Michael and Willow. You know, the family needs support right now.

Nina: You know, I have to say, Drew, I’m really surprised on how quickly you forgave Carly after she lied to you. But I should expect it because no matter how much damage Carly does, people still flock to her side.

Carly: You really want to compare damage, Nina? Or the people who forgive you no matter what?

Anna:  Charlotte isn’t going to grieve you. Alright? Laura will explain everything to her. She will understand. Charlotte’s a very smart cookie.

Valentin:  I know. She’s remarkable. She’ll read between the lines. She knew I was planning her escape from boarding school without having to be told. And if Victor thinks that we’re dead underground in Paris, then we need to capitalize on that. So if I have to stay away from Charlotte to keep her safe, then I’ll manage.

Felicia: I’ll be back shortly. I have a quick errand to run.

Anna:  No. Where are you going?

Felicia: To the pharmacy. My allergies are acting up.

Anna:  Uh-huh… hm.

[ Door closes ]

Valentin:  I don’t believe her. Do you believe her?

Anna:  She doesn’t have allergies.

Valentin:  Was Felicia giving us a little alone time?

Anna: I don’t know.

Valentin:  Because if she was… thank you, Felicia.

Maxie: Days like these are really hard. I know they bring to mind Nathan for me… and probably Brando and Liam for you.

Sasha: I think about them every day. And then we lost Lucy. Now there’s Britt.

Maxie: Wait. We don’t know that Lucy is gone yet. I’m keeping hope alive.

Sasha: It’s been so long, and she still hasn’t turned up.

Maxie: She hasn’t turned up dead yet, either. We have to stay positive. That’s the Lucy Coe way, right? I mean, what if — what if we had a defeatist attitude when the deception stock was tanking? We turned things around by remaining positive.

Sasha: True. It’s a good thing that we did not give up.

Maxie: Right. We kept the faith. Because our company is resilient.

Sasha: We are resilient. And, damn it, Lucy Coe is resilient, too.

Curtis:  Aunt Stella, what are you up to?

Stella:  Nothing! I just want to take Trina and Portia to lunch.

Trina:  Oh, well, Mom’s picking up her dress from the bridal boutique today.

Stella:  [ Gasps ] Even better! We could have lunch and all go to the boutique together!

Trina:  I’m sorry. I can’t go. Dr. Westbourne’s memorial service is this afternoon.

Stella:  Oh, dear. I didn’t realize. Such a tragedy.

Trina:  I’m sorry if I’m ruining your plans.

Stella:  No, no, baby. It’s okay. It’s okay. I understand.

Trina:  I hadn’t planned on going, but a friend needs me.

Stella:  I can’t argue with that. You’re a good friend, Trina.

Trina:  Okay. I should probably get going to G.H.

Stella:  Oh, wait a minute! I can take you! And then I’ll pick up Portia while I’m there.

Trina:  Oh, really?! That would be great! Thank you. Oh, wait. I forgot that my phone is still charging upstairs.

Stella:  Okay. Go ahead. Okay. Well, how are you doing, Marshall?

Marshall: Terrific. How are you?

Stella:  I’m so looking forward to this wedding. I got my officiant’s license and speech all prepared. How’s the music coming for the reception? What’s going on?

Curtis: Uh, it’s a work in progress.

Stella:  Okay. “A work in progress.” What’s the hold-up, Marshall?

Curtis: Well, you know, Aunt Stella, these things take time. H-have you talked to TJ? Does he know you’re in town?

Stella:  Oh, I just talked to him last week. He was on his way into surgery, and he was so excited about it! [ Laughs ]

Jordan: How’s Trina holding up?

Portia: She’s doing as well as she can be.

Jordan: Having a wedding to concentrate on must be a welcome distraction.

Portia: I suppose. Well, it was so nice catching up with you. If you’ll excuse me.

Jordan: Actually… I need to speak with you about a sensitive subject.

Portia: Okay.

Jordan: I had an intense conversation with Taggert earlier.

Portia: About what?

Jordan: You and Curtis. And Trina.

Nina: You try and judge me?  Carly, you know what? You can pretend that I don’t exist, but I’m telling you this — I promise you this. I’m not going anywhere!

Sonny: Is there a problem?

Carly:  Really?

Drew:  No, no. There’s no problem. We’re leaving. We are leaving.

Nina:  [ Sighs ]

Sonny: You okay?

Nina:  I hate your ex.

Sonny: You want some good news?

Nina:  Hmm.

Sonny: There may be a way to save Willow’s life.

Nina:  [ Exhales sharply ]

Drew: Hey, hey. Do you think Nina caught on to what’s going on between us?

Sasha: At least Deception stock is thriving now, so when Lucy comes back, we’ll be solvent.

Maxie: Because we were able to think on our feet.

Sasha: Surprisingly, we have Gladys to thank, as well. If she hadn’t signed off on the plan, the stock would still be tanking.

Maxie: Can I ask — is it — is it weird for you that Gladys gets to make all of your financial decisions?

Sasha: Heh. I think her heart is in the right place. But it has definitely taken some getting used to. Gladys can be persistent about what she wants.

Maxie: Like what? Oh, you don’t — you don’t have to tell me. It’s okay to say that I need to mind my own business.

Sasha: No, it’s — it’s okay. Um, I think, of all people, you would understand. Gladys wants to sell Brando’s garage.

Maxie: Oh.

Sasha: We’ve already turned down one offer. But she got another one recently, and she’s been hounding me about it. She really wants my blessing to sell it, but I got the distinct impression that she’s gonna go through with it, whether I like it or not.

Portia: Why is Taggert talking to you about Trina?

Jordan: It’s not about that.

Portia: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Jordan: Taggert was concerned about the security at your wedding. He’s worried the killer may consider it an opportune time to strike. And Trina will be there, as well as everyone closest to her.

Portia: I’ve already talked to Marcus about all of this, so I don’t know why he’s going behind my back and talking to you. All of a sudden, he’s gonna second-guess me about our daughter. Oh, oh, I see. There it is. There’s the judgment. I was looking for that.

Jordan: I’m not judging you.

Portia: Whatever decisions I make with my life are my business. I have made that perfectly clear to you, Jordan.

Jordan: I know that. [ Chuckles ] But I have to say, you seem very stressed out by these decisions. It might do you some good to unburden herself.

Portia: So you can have Curtis all to yourself?

Trina:  It’s so nice of you to arrange this surprise for my mom. It’ll mean the world to her.

Stella:  [ Chuckles ] Your mom is part of the family now, and so are you.

Trina:  It’s so nice of you to feel the way you do about us. I mean, I know that family’s, like, the most important thing to you in the world. I mean, you fly out to Europe multiple times a year just to see a cousin that you just met.

Stella:  Yeah, that’s ’cause Wanda and I are two peas in a pod, even though we just found out about each other in recent years. And I am so thankful we did.

Trina:  You found each other on a genealogy site, right?

Stella:  Yeah, that’s right.

Trina:  [ Sighs ] It makes me wish I followed up on my match.

Stella:  You had a match?

Trina:  Yeah. Back in high school, I took a test, and I found out that I have a-a relative right here in Port Charles. But then I got freaked out because I didn’t want to meet random people, and then I deleted my account.

Stella:  You did?! Yeah, well, maybe one day you’ll feel ready. Everybody’s doing it. Even Jordan was contemplating finding more family members before I left. And — and I gave her the name of my site. I wonder if she used it. Hmm.

Trina:  Huh. I don’t know, but she seems to be thinking about it. I remember she asked me about it at my celebration party after my charges got dropped.

Stella:  And you say you took your test when?

Trina:  Senior year. You ready to go?

Stella:  Yeah…

Nina: So you’re saying that my daughter could be saved by my grandchild? It’s — that’s a miracle!

Sonny: Well, I hope so. You know?

Nina: W-what are you saying?

Sonny: Willow’s putting on a brave face, but she — she seems anxious.

Nina: Yeah.

Sonny: Yeah.

Nina: She’s having a C-section, which is a major surgery. I mean, it’s routine, but it’s still risky, and I would imagine more so if you have leukemia.

Sonny: Right, and I just think she’s — you know, she’s nervous, but she’s acting like she’s not for — you know, for Michael.

Nina: I see.

Sonny: Yeah. There may be something that I can do for my daughter after all.

Anna: Mmm.

[ Five knocks on door ]

Valentin: No one knows we’re here.

Anna: No. Wait. That’s Felicia’s knock. Felicia?

Felicia: Anna, open up. It’s cold out here!

Anna: Okay. Ohh. Did you get everything you needed?

Felicia: You know that I don’t have allergies.

Anna: I know you don’t have allergies.

Felicia: But I do have a surprise.

Charlotte: Papa!

Valentin: Ma petit!

Drew: Nina could have seen us. Or at least heard us. She was right there!

Carly: She doesn’t know anything. Okay? Nina has no self-control.

Drew: What’s that supposed to mean?

Carly: If Nina had seen or heard anything, she would’ve made a huge deal out of it. You saw how nasty she got when she realized that you had forgiven me. Seriously, if — if Nina knows anything, there’s no way she could stop herself from making a comment.

Drew: What about Sonny? Sonny does know about us. Would he tell her?

Carly: No. No way. No way. Sonny knows the stakes. Okay? He might be mad at me, but he knows we have to be discreet.

Drew: I’m just saying if Ned or one of his allies reports us to the SEC for insider trading, knowing that we’re in a relationship, that gives them a very good case.

Carly: Okay. As long as we stop ourselves from any more spontaneous displays of affection… we’re okay.

Michael: Our loving and giving son, Wiley, decided that he wanted his little sister to have this when she comes out.

[ Both laugh ]

Michael: Uh, now is not a good time, Nina.

Nina: I promise I won’t jeopardize her health in any way. I-I was just hoping that I could talk to you alone. Just for a few minutes.

Willow: It’s okay. I’ll be fine.

Michael: Just a few minutes.

Nina: Yeah. T-that’s all I need.

Michael: I’ll be right back.

Willow: I assume Sonny told you about the C-section?

Nina: Yeah, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here for you.

Willow: I have plenty of support. Thanks.

Nina: I know. I know. People like Michael and his family, ones that you have to keep up a brave face for… when, really, you’re terrified.

Willow: I wouldn’t say terrified.

Nina: I can, um — I can understand if giving birth like this — it’s fraught for you. And I also understand if you can’t express your true feelings to… people like Michael. But you don’t have to worry about my feelings. You can say your concerns and worries and your fears and your frustrations to me. You just let it rip if you want to. You — totally be honest with me.

Michael: What do you want?

Sonny: I just — I just want to be here for my son.

Marshall: Coast clear?

Curtis: Yeah. Aunt Stella and Trina left.

Marshall: Ohh. Man, I love your Aunt Stella, but… [ Chuckles ]

Curtis: No, no. You don’t have to explain, Dad. I know at times Auntie can be a bit much.

Marshall: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, Stella already knows Portia wanted me to get those genetic tests done.

Curtis: Portia and I didn’t tell Aunt Stella anything else. She doesn’t know that we asked you to perform at our wedding ceremony; she doesn’t know that we discussed the possibility of genetic counseling. We respect your privacy.

Marshall: Well, Stella’s gonna know soon enough. Son… I went ahead and I got those tests done.

Jordan: This isn’t about me and Curtis.

Portia: Don’t patronize me, Jordan! I see what you’ve been doing. I see it! You have been trying to use Trina as a wedge between us ever since you got back.

Jordan: What are you talking about?!

Portia: You are questioning me about this, questioning me about that. And then before that, you interrogate my daughter — without the courtesy of giving me a call? And then you arrest her?

Jordan: You know how a member of law enforcement should not contact the family of a suspect being questioned? What about contacting a family friend?

Curtis: Oh, well, that depends on the suspect and the situation.

Jordan: Suppose the P.O.I. is the daughter of a long-time friend and former partner of said law-enforcement officer.

Curtis: You’re talking about Trina.

[ Bell ringing ]

Jordan: It’s my fault. I am very sorry, Curtis.

Curtis: Help me understand, Jordan. You said you filed those papers.

Jordan: I thought I had.

Jordan: You don’t know the things I’ve done to protect you, Curtis, Trina, and the family you’re building. I don’t have designs on Curtis, and I’m damn sure not holding anything over you to get to him, Portia.

Portia: And yet you keep bringing things up, don’t you?

Jordan: If I was going after him, I promise you — I would have said something to Curtis months ago.

Stella: Said what to Curtis?

Curtis: You already got genetic counseling? All the tests and everything?

Marshall: I did it all.

Curtis: And?

Marshall: Well, I haven’t gotten the results back yet, son.

Curtis: Wow. Dad, I-I know how reluctant you were. I know what this means to you. I’m just glad you pushed through a-and did it.

Marshall: Well, I got tired of all the uncertainty.

Curtis: I’m proud of you.

Marshall: You and, uh — you and Portia. You pushed me. You convinced me. I’m just sorry I hadn’t told you sooner.

Curtis: I suppose you didn’t have to tell us at all.

Marshall: Actually, I considered that. But then I realized that I was just falling into my old ways. 40 years, I’ve been afraid of this disease, of this stigma. And it — it just — son, it just became second nature to go it alone.

Curtis: Well, we’ve learned to respect that your business is your business.

Marshall: No, no. I want it to be yours, too, son. Son, I’m tired. I’m tired of running. I’m tired of being afraid. I got a wonderful son. And I got a family who loves me, and I — and I want to share everything with them — the good, the bad. Man, I got loved ones. And I’m ready to let them in.

Curtis: In the words of Aunt Stella… amen to that.

Marshall: Ah.

Curtis: And I am just glad you feel comfortable with us. And, please — please don’t ever feel like you have to keep secrets from me.

Marshall: Well, Portia — she pushed me to get the test. But you, son — you’re the reason I did it.

Curtis: This is great news, pop.

Marshall: But what if it isn’t?

Jordan:  I thought you were still in London.

Portia: You weren’t supposed to be here for another few days, Stella.

Stella: Oh, well, I knew you had a million things to do, and I wanted to help. Now…what’s this that Curtis needs to know?

Jordan:  Remember how I misplaced those divorce papers?

Stella: Mercy me. Don’t tell me you two are still married!

Trina: What?!

Jordan:  Uh — no, no. We are officially divorced. There are no obstacles from me that would prevent Curtis and Portia from marrying. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to make a call. It was great seeing you, Stella.

Stella: Uh-huh. That seemed a bit tense.

Portia: Yeah, it — you’re right. You’re right. I just have so many wedding details to deal with. It was just me.

Stella: Which is why I’m here.

Portia: Yes! Yes, yes, yes! And I’m so happy now that the two of you are here.

Trina: And Aunt Stella came to take you to lunch and pick up your dress.

Portia: Oh. Aunt Stella, that’s so sweet. Um, can I just have five minutes? I have a consult with Dr. Randolph.

Stella: Oh, it’s okay. I can entertain myself.

Charlotte: I missed you so much, Papa. I even confronted Grandpa Victor, thinking he’d taken you away from me again.

Anna:  That was a really kind thing you did.

Felicia: It didn’t seem fair for Charlotte to grieve her father’s pretend death after everything the two of them have been through. Plus, he’s helping us take down Victor.

Anna:  That’s true. I think there’s more to it than that, though.

Felicia: You got me.

Anna:  Yeah.

Felicia: I missed so much of my daughters’ lives, always off on one adventure or another. Yeah. I know that toll.

Anna:  As do I.

Felicia: Seeing how vulnerable Valentin was, missing his daughter… it triggered something in me. But don’t tell him I said that. I need him to live in fear of me in case he hurts you.

Anna:  Oh, that’s sweet. Your secret’s safe with me.

Felicia: Okay.

Valentin: You confronted Grandpa?

Charlotte: I ran into him and couldn’t help myself.

Valentin: Oh, Charlotte. You are so strong, and you are so outspoken. And I’m so grateful that you want to take care of me. But I need you to promise me something. Don’t ever do that again. Just know I will always come back for you.

Charlotte: Promise?

Valentin: Yeah. Yeah, I promise. It’ll take more than Victor Cassadine to keep us apart.

Charlotte: So you went away because Anna needed help?

Valentin: Yeah. Yeah, that’s right.

Charlotte: She must be pretty special to you.

Valentin: She is. But she’s not as special as you.

Maxie: On one hand, I understand how selling Brando’s garage could be… really upsetting. Probably feels like another goodbye. And with Gladys more or less calling the shots, I would hate how powerless that would make me feel. On the other hand, the garage is just sitting there empty.

Sasha: I know that, logically. But it’s really hard for me to let it go. Right after Brando died, I used to just… go there a-and sit. Hoping to feel his presence. Selling it would feel like I’m — I’m giving up a part of Brando. I’m so sorry, Maxie. I’m — I’m making this about me when we’re mourning your sister-in-law.

Maxie: No, no, no. There is no monopoly on grief. No right or wrong time for it. I lost it and cried when I found Nathan’s favorite can of soup. You’re allowed your own moments.

Sasha: How do you do it, Maxie? You have suffered almost as much loss as I have over the years. And you’re not just surviving, you’re thriving. How did you learn to keep going? Not just give up on life?

Willow: You have a point. The last thing I want is to bring down Michael’s spirits.

Nina: Yeah. You don’t have to keep up a brave front for me. You can tell me anything you want.

Willow: But I can’t, though. This is all so new — us. And with our relationship being what it is, I — I need my boundaries. If I give in, the — the lines get blurry, and I — I just — I can’t, um — I can’t take that right now. I appreciate your effort, but I-I just — I can’t.

[ Knock on door ]

Terry:  Forgive the interruption. Willow, I was able to move you up and get you into the O.R. right now. Time to prep you for your C-section. Uh, you’ll have to go.

Nina: Huh. Yeah.

Willow: Yes?

Nina: Good luck, Willow.

Sonny: You’re dealing with a lot. How you doing?

Michael: Um, you don’t have to worry about me.

Sonny: Well, you’re still my son, and I’ll always be here for you. If you need anything, you know I’m here for you.

Nina: Michael. Michael. Dr. Randolph just went into Willow’s room.

Michael: Excuse me.

Sonny: How’d it go with Willow?

Nina: She doesn’t want to have anything to do with me.

Sonny: Aren’t you supposed to be at Britt’s memorial?

Nina: Yeah. Uh, yeah. But I-I can be late. I-I want to stay here until she goes to surgery. They’re prepping Willow right now for her C-section.

Sonny: Alright.

Nina: You know, Sonny, it looks like Drew has already forgiven Carly for lying to him for months about Willow being my daughter.

Sonny: He’s that kind of guy.

Nina: When did you all of a sudden become Drew’s best friend?

Sonny: I’m not his best friend. You can’t let Carly get in your head. We have to focus on Willow. That’s it.

Nina: Willow…

Sonny: Forget them.

Nina: …Doesn’t want anything to do with me. You know why? Because she lied. If she would have told me the truth, I wouldn’t have fought with Willow all these months!

Sonny: We are in this situation because of revenge. You don’t want to go down that road. Fighting does not help anyone.

Nina: Well, sometimes wars… are unavoidable.

Sonny: What are you planning?

Nina: Nothing. Nothing. I am agreeing with you, Sonny. Right now we need to focus on helping Michael and Willow.

Carly: Hey. Is she delivering already?

Michael: They moved the surgery up.

Carly: Oh.

Terry:  Willow, you’re in good hands. I’ll be monitoring everything. And I’ll see you in recovery after your baby’s born!

Carly: Oh. Hey. I love you. And everything’s gonna be fine. And I can’t wait to meet your little girl, okay?

Drew: Godspeed, Willow. We’re gonna be right here waiting for both of you, okay? Alright. You got this.

Valentin: Thank you. For bringing Charlotte to me. Means more than you’ll ever know.

Felicia:  You’re welcome.

Anna: I’m really sorry your — your father hasn’t been here with you these past few months.

Charlotte: You don’t owe me an apology. Actually, I owe you. You took care of my papa and brought him home to me. So thank you.

Maxie: Over time, you’ll learn that you don’t need to hold on to the physical things or personal mementos that remind you of your loved ones. You’ll accept that you don’t need them to hold on to your memories. Ultimately, they’re just things. And your love can never be sold or torn down, whatever. Your memories of your loved ones — they’re gonna stay with you forever. They’re still wet.

Sasha: [ Chuckles ]

Curtis: Pop, if it’s bad news, we’ll get through it together.

Marshall: Look, I’m not sure I’m gonna get the results back in time for your wedding.

Curtis: Okay. So?

Marshall: Well, then I’m not gonna be able to perform, I don’t think, if I don’t get these results back.

Curtis: Don’t even worry about that.

Marshall: Son, I could not bear if my illness overshadowed your big day.

Curtis: Trust me. It’s not a thing. Okay? I’m not mad that you can’t perform at the ceremony, and I don’t want you to be, either. The only thing that matters to me is that I have my father — my father — at my wedding. And, sir, that is the greatest gift of all.

Marshall: Alright. Alright.

Stella: I’m not gonna beat around the bush. You and I have been through too much together, and we know that we can trust and rely on each other. Am I right?

Jordan: Yes. What’s on your mind?

Stella: Trina told me about a genealogy test that she took in school, around about the same time I took mine. But something feels… off about it.

Jordan: Oh?

Stella: Yeah. She also said that you spoke to her about the genealogy test, and I wonder if that’s because you think there’s something suspicious about it, too.

On the next “General Hospital” —

Stella (to Jordan): Of course, you knew me well enough not to play me for a fool.

Curtis (to Drew): Tell me you didn’t let that go.

Ava (to Spencer): What if I could increase your chances exponentially?

Jordan (to Josslyn): You must have truly felt like there was no other option.

Austin: Mind if I join you in the OR?

Esme: You can help me regain my memory.

Nurse (to Willow): Ready to meet your daughter?

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Y&R Transcript Monday, January 30, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Nikki: I won’t try to talk you out of whatever you’re planning to persuade adam to rejoin the family. He’s your son, you love him, and that’s all there is to it.

Victor: Good. I’m glad you see it that way.

Nikki: However, I would like you to consider a few things.

Victor: I’m listening.

Nikki: Right now, everything is peaceful, for the most part.

Victor: Right.

Nikki: Nicholas and victoria are in a good place again. The company is running well. It is thriving. Now, you put adam into that mix, and that lovely equilibrium will go right out the window.

Victor: Well, not necessarily.

Nikki: Especially if he doesn’t come back for the reason that nicholas did. Nicholas felt it was the right thing to do. He wanted to be in a position to support his family, not because you were pulling strings behind the scenes.

Victor: My darling, I appreciate your thoughts.

Nikki: Yes, but you’re going to ignore them, anyway.

Victor: No, no, no, I didn’t say that. It’s always important to me to hear what you have to say. Okay? You know that.

Nikki: Well, I’m not going to tell you how to handle this. I just want to reiterate that I don’t see this scenario ending the way you do. What if adam likes his life the way it is? What about when he finds out that you are manipulating his downfall? He may never have anything to do with you again.

Victor: My baby, I hear what you’re saying, but I want to assure you that… I know my son, and I have the situation well in hand.

Kyle: I’m compiling information before the jabot board meets in february. Would you have some time this afternoon to pull some things together for me? Excellent. Please bring me the most recent status reports for all the accounts adam newman has been overseeing. Yes. All of them.

Victoria: So, uh, now that it’s just the two of us again, is there anything that you want to tell me?

Nick: You’re just not gonna let it go, are you?

Victoria: I just felt like there was something that maybe you wanted to share before tucker interrupted us.

Nick: You mean before you invited him over here to toy with him and mess with his mind?

Victoria: Well, I have to admit, it was fun turning the tables on him and watching him squirm for a change.

Nick: I highly doubt tucker is used to being the entertainment for his competitors.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. I’m sure that he’s not. You’re trying very hard to change the subject, which makes me more determined to find out what’s wrong with you. And don’t say nothing because I know better. So whatever it is, spill. I won’t say a word to anyone. I promise.

Nick: I already told you. It’S…dad.

Victoria: I know. You said it was business. And I’m not buying that. So what’s the real story?

Nick: Alright. I’m sick and tired of the way he keeps tearing down sally and pressuring me to end our relationship. Uh… you know, it’s, uh… he just dismisses it, and I’m tired of it, you know? And I just want to know when it’s gonna end.

Victoria: Is that a serious question? Come on. Dad is always going to feel the need to control our lives. Not that I condone it, of course. Look, to be honest with you, I don’t really see a future for you and sally. You are — you’re just too good for her, nicholas.

Nick: Vick —

Victoria: You’re so far out of her league, it isn’t even funny.

Nick: I don’t need this from you, either, okay?

Victoria: Why do I get the feeling that there’s something else you’re not telling me?

Lauren: My head is still in the clouds after last night. I mean, I can’t believe fen flew in to watch me accept my award.

Michael: I know what you mean. And finally meeting trey.

Lauren: Wasn’t he the sweetest?

Michael: They make a great couple.

Lauren: It’s so touching watching them in love and… even more amazing that our son is happy and healthy and excited for the future.

Michael: Yeah, their happiness is infectious.

Lauren: It is. Oh, there’s phyllis.

Michael: Hey, phyllis.

Lauren: Hi!

Phyllis: Hi! Hi. I didn’t know I’d run into you two.

Lauren: Well, now that you do, please join us.

Phyllis: I don’t want to impose.

Lauren: Oh, come on.

Michael: Don’t be ridiculous. What are friends for? Sit. Yeah.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Lauren: You were on my list to call later.

Michael: So, how are you today?

Phyllis: Terrible. Terrible. Um, I can’t catch a break with my kids.

Lauren: Oh. Are things still strained with summer?

Phyllis: Well, I mean, of course, because she fired me, so… but now there’s tension between me and daniel.

Lauren: Oh, no. I thought everything was okay.

Phyllis: What’s my crime? All I’m trying to do is help my kids. All I was trying to do with daniel is support his project and support something that was important to him.

Michael: Why am I sure there’s more to this?

Nate: So, come on — tell me. How do you know tucker mccall is interested in daniel’s gaming platform?

Audra: Because he’s the person I went to see earlier.

Nate: What?

Audra: Tucker’s the one who texted, wanting to meet with me.

Nate: The personal business you said you had to handle.

Audra: Yes.

Nate: And when you got back, you were in a great mood. You know, someone else in my place might wonder if you’re working tucker… or me… or both of us. When a cold comes on strong,

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Phyllis: Okay, well, what I’m about to tell you — it can’t leave this table.

Lauren: Well, of course.

Phyllis: Alright. Um, it seems that, uh, chancellor-winters may not be the home for my son’s new project.

Lauren: You mean the gaming platform?

Phyllis: Yeah. It seems that chancellor-winters is in corporate limbo.

Michael: Oh. Well, I’m sorry to hear that.

Lauren: Yeah, daniel must be so frustrated.

Phyllis: Yeah. So I decided to be proactive and, um, shop the project around to see if I can get financial backing from another company, and, um, you know, just in case things at chancellor-winters imploded.

Lauren: Wait. What? Without consulting daniel?

Michael: Why would you meddle with that?

Phyllis: Well, I wasn’t meddling. It was just an exploratory conversation.

Lauren: And you don’t think that’s overstepping just a wee bit?

Phyllis: Well, no, because daniel gave me the authority. I’m his right-hand man.

Michael: On the technical and staffing side so he could keep his eye on the big picture…

Phyllis: Okay.

Michael: …Like deciding which company to choose to ally himself with.

Phyllis: Well, I just wanted to be proactive. I knew how important this project is to my son, but it has him doubting me again, so, i mean, I don’t know what to do. I can’t win. I mean, do I try too hard? I don’t get it.

Michael: Ohh, phyllis, i think there’s a common denominator with these problems with the children. Diane. Your intractable hostility towards her. It cost you your job at marchetti, and from what you’ve already told us, it’s creating friction between you and daniel.

Phyllis: Um, okay, diane has nothing to do with this issue right now with me and daniel. And I don’t want to get lectured about diane. Please.

Lauren: Too bad.

Victor: Just to calm your mind, I’ve taken into consideration how adam’s return would affect both victoria and nicholas. That’s why I want to find something for adam that he can run independent of them. That way, we all win.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] I hate to see you make an enemy of jack again, not to mention tucker. And then you’ll be let down when adam rejects you again.

Victor: You make that sound as if it is inevitable.

Nikki: I believe that it is.

Victor: No, it isn’T. I don’t think so. Adam will come to his senses. It’ll all work out as I have planned.

Nikki: Well, I hope it does, for your sake.

Victor: Now, there’s another issue we need to discuss, involving the break-in into our home in chicago.

Nikki: Yeah. What about it?

Victor: Jack and diane jenkins were behind that, weren’t they? They stole your jewelry in order to set up that stark fellow. When were you gonna tell me?

Nikki: I was so upset when i realized what they had done. I was this close to telling chance that jack was the real culprit.

Victor: Then why the hell didn’t you?

Nikki: Ohh, there doesn’t seem to be anything to be done now. I mean, jack and diane were very careful not to implicate themselves. I’ll get my necklace back soon. And, frankly, I’m relieved that jeremy stark is off the streets.

Victor: That bastard belongs back in prison.

Nikki: I wish phyllis had never reached out to him. She’s the reason why he was here in town, putting us all in danger. But given the circumstances, I’m willing to look the other way.

Victor: I’ve got to tell you, I’m furious with jack abbott breaking into our home there. He took a huge risk.

Nikki: Yeah. For diane. Makes me sick.

Victor: Baby, put that woman out of your mind! She’s jack’s problem. They deserve each other.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Look, I could use some back-up here, alright? You may not see a future for me and sally, but that’s up to me, alright? I’m gonna decide where it goes from here and what it looks like.

Victoria: Okay. I hear your frustration.

Nick: I’m just tired of feeling like I have to defend sally — or why it’s even an issue. She’s done nothing to deserve the constant attacks or dad’s never-ending insistence that i end things with her. Vick, I’m asking you, if you have any negative thoughts about it, just keep them to yourself and accept that sally is a part of my life, alright?

[ Cellphone ringing ] Oh, it’s sally. She and chloe went to meet with jill to pitch her a business idea. I have to take this. Hey. I was hoping you’d call. How’d the big presentation go? Jill did what?

Tessa: Okay, so…

Mariah: Yeah.

Tessa: That’s the head, right, that’s facing us?

Mariah: Elena!

Tessa: Hi.

Mariah: Hi! Okay. You have to come see this.

Elena: What’s up?

Tessa: It’s from delphine, the woman whose child we’re gonna adopt.

Elena: Ah.

Mariah: They’re both healthy and doing fantastic, but she just came from her latest check-up with her ob and… ta-da!

Elena: Ah!

Mariah: It’s her latest ultrasound. Isn’t it amazing?

Elena: Aww, that is so sweet of her to send this.

[ Chuckling ] Ooh. You two must be so excited. I’m so happy for you.

Mariah: Ah. [ Laughs ]

Tessa: Thank you.

Mariah: Are you okay?

Elena: Yeah. Why do you ask?

Mariah: Uh, because you don’t seem okay.

Elena: I’m fine.

Mariah: Come on. Elena, it’s us. If something is bothering you, we want to know about it.

Elena: You’re celebrating today. I don’t want to dampen the mood.

Tessa: You wouldn’t be.

Mariah: Please talk to us. If you don’t, we’re just gonna worry, so…

Elena: [ Chuckles ] Okay.

[ Sighing ] Uh… it’s about nate and his new job, specifically this new woman he hired as his coo. I don’t trust her.

Audra: I assure you I work for you and you alone because you have the drive and instincts of a winner. I want to share in the success newman media is gonna become under your leadership, which is why I responded to tucker’s request to go meet with him. I was curious to see what his next move will be so I can keep you informed.

Nate: And?

Audra: Well, tucker’s original goal — okay? — His big master plan, was to gain control of jabot and put ashley at the helm and then do the same thing with chancellor-winters, putting devon in charge, so he can work side by side with the two people he claims to love the most in the world.

Nate: Ambitious.

Audra: Yeah, a little too ambitious. His plan went down in flames. But I know tucker’s mind, okay? He’s the kind of man who needs a target, and now he’s doubly motivated after this big failure.

Nate: I assume tucker wants to use you to feed him information about newman, the way he did chancellor-winters, to find some vulnerability?

Audra: I thought that at first, too, but, I mean, he seemed more curious about our interest in daniel romalotti’s omega sphere project — because, of course, he’s interested, too.

Nate: Mm. Well, props to daniel for creating what’s suddenly the hottest new business venture in town.

Audra: Yeah.

Nate: The good news is… I’ve got a secret weapon.

Audra: Which is?

Nate: You.

Audra: Hmm.

Nate: You’ve worked closely with tucker long enough to have gotten adept at predicting which direction he’ll take.

Audra: Allowing us to stay a step ahead of the competition.

Nate: I like the sound of that.

Audra: And I like seeing you like this — hungry, loving the game.

Nate: You know, I never got a chance to experience this at chancellor-winters because devon held me back. But now that I’m the boss, I see why people like victor and victoria find the — the power intoxicating.

Audra: It looks good on you.

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: Unreal.

Victoria: What? What happened?

Nick: Sally and chloe flew to los angeles at jill’s request to pitch her their new idea of their interior design business. They’ve been working for weeks — seriously, day and night — so they could dazzle jill. And then out of nowhere, she just cancels.

Victoria: Hmm. Did she offer any explanation?

Nick: Nah, she just said that she was having second thoughts and she wasn’t sure their concept would be a good fit with chancellor-winters. When sally asked her what changed — because she was so enthusiastic the day before — jill wouldn’t elaborate.

Victoria: Maybe she thought that it didn’t make sense right now, given all the turmoil that the company is going through.

Nick: Then why didn’t she just say that?

Victoria: I don’t know. There could have been any number of reasons for the change that jill didn’t feel the need to share.

Nick: No. Something’s not right about jill so abruptly pulling the plug. And I intend to get to the bottom of it. I’m feeling better.

Kyle: Huh. Well, adam, I definitely see a pattern here.

Summer: Kyle?

Kyle: Hey! How was, uh, your lunch with the new head of accounting?

Summer: It went well. I think she’s gonna be a really good fit. What were you looking at?

Kyle: Uh, just some corporate reports I requested. Bunch of boring numbers.

Summer: Really? You looked pretty engrossed.

Kyle: Well, that’s why I’m the suit and you’re the creative genius.

[ Elevator doors opening ]

Daniel: Hey. Uh, sorry to interrupt, guys. Summer, if you’ve got a minute, um, to talk, there’s something i could really use your help with.

Summer: Uh…

Kyle: It’s fine. Go ahead. I was just gonna drop these off in my dad’s office.

Daniel: Want to go?

Summer: Yeah. Yeah.

Lauren: How many times have we talked about how your hatred for diane is going to eat you up alive?

Michael: It’s so not worth the trouble.

Lauren: And worse yet, it’s affecting the relationships with both of your kids.

Phyllis: Mnh, no. The situation with daniel has nothing to do with diane. It’s about me being clear-eyed about the situation. Listen, I don’t want all of my son’s hard work being destroyed by some vague promises from lily.

Lauren: I thought you said they had a signed contract. I mean, that’s not exactly vague.

Michael: The last time you clashed with him, daniel told you that he was worried he’d made a mistake hiring you because of your animosity towards diane, remember? It was — it was — it was consuming you so much, it was interfering with your ability to do your work.

Phyllis: No, that conversation was based on me just being distracted. But I was still doing my work.

Lauren: In your opinion. It seems like daniel has disagreed with that.

Phyllis: Okay, well, there’s very little I could do anyway because the project hasn’t been greenlit, alright? So I just shopped it around to see if I could get some interest, and I did.

Lauren: Yeah, but it doesn’t matter if daniel doesn’t want to work with that company.

Phyllis: Well, lauren, it’s not like I closed the deal. It’s up to him if he wants to work with them or not. And that’s what I told him. But he didn’t listen to me.

Michael: Well, these things tend to be cumulative. You know, any previous conflict could have intensified your son’s reaction to you today.

Phyllis: Guys, he’s upset at me because of his own conflicts. Trust me.

Daniel: [ Sighs ] Thanks for taking this walk with me. After my blow-out with mom, i just really needed to get some air. What is with her lately, huh? God knows she’s never been easy to deal with, but, I mean, this seems like next level. Hey. You alright? You seemed a little off at the office. Did you and kyle have a disagreement?

Summer: Um…not exactly. It’s — it’s nothing kyle said or did. It’s this feeling that I got, like — like he’s hiding something from me. I just… I really hope I’m wrong.

Victor: Hello, kyle.

Kyle: Hello.

Victor: Please close the door. So…what have you got for me?

Kyle: I’ve been going over all the accounts adams’s been handling at jabot, all the duties my dad’s assigned to him, every decision he’s made since he took the job. Then I spoke with the various department heads of jabot who report to him.

Victor: And?

Kyle: I found something interesting, something I think you can use to get adam out of the company.

Victor: Let’s hear it. Tyson boneless buffalo bites and hot wings

“The young and the restless”

will continue. What’s the #1 retinol brand

Mariah: You’re talking about audra charles.

Elena: Yeah. How’d you know?

Mariah: Well, word gets around fast. And the newman media coo is a very high-profile position. Also, I think you’re right to be wary of her.

Elena: Why? Have you had any bad experiences with her?

Mariah: No, not personally. But she and noah were a couple when they lived in london, and the relationship and its aftermath — it messed him up pretty badly.

Elena: Oh. I had no idea. Although, I mean, I think we’ve all been through some messy breakups, myself included.

[ Laughs ] So I’m not really sure that that’s particularly damning?

Mariah: Well, you are very logical and understanding and willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, which, on one hand, makes it very, very hard to gossip with you, but on the other hand, it means that if you’re getting a bad vibe from somebody, there’s probably something to it.

Tessa: Well, when you say that you don’t trust her, is it because you think that she has designs on nate?

Elena: I think she’s exerting an influence on nate. No, not romantically. I can imagine him cheating on me with her.

Mariah: Yeah, I would certainly hope not. After everything he had to do to get you back? No, he should feel that he’s lucky to be with you and even to have another chance at all.

Elena: Yeah. No, I think the thing that’s bothering me is that she seems to be stoking nate’s ambitions, which I think she started when they were first working at chancellor-winters.

Tessa: How do you mean?

Elena: Well, I mean, nate’s always been driven. That’s what made him such a brilliant surgeon. But ever since he joined the corporate world, that drive for success has suddenly warped into this lust for power. And he’s done some things he’s not proud of. So he made the decision to get back to who he is at his core and to focus on behaving ethically as much as being a success.

Mariah: And your fear is that his new coo is going to bring him back to the dark side.

Victoria: Hi. You wanted to talk?

Nate: Uh, yes. I’ve been pursuing something. It’s in the early stages, but i thought I should fill you in.

Victoria: Shoot.

Nate: Daniel romalotti has designed a video game that chancellor-winters has been developing.

Victoria: Ah. Well, I’m afraid that’s an industry that I’m not particularly well versed in.

Nate: Suffice it to say, chancellor-winters intended to use his concept to launch an entire gaming platform called omega sphere.

Victoria: Ooh. Well, that sounds impressive. But, uh, you used past tense. “Chancellor winters intended to use it.”

Nate: I’ve heard rumblings of more internal problems over there.

Victoria: Really?

Nate: Nothing too specific at this point, just some hints of instability. But I see potential for great opportunity.

Victoria: Look, I appreciate your instinct, but are you sure that you want to provoke your family, trying to steal this project away from them? You’ve already been through so much with them.

Nate: It’s business, not personal. If I may quote from the master.

Victoria: Point taken. But you know I had to ask.

Nate: Look, I’m not talking about an end run here, nothing to get their lawyers riled up. I just happened to get a glimpse at how serious their problems are after phyllis asked me for a meeting.

Victoria: Phyllis?

Nate: She’s daniel’s technical director.

Victoria: Ah.

Nate: She wanted to gauge our interest, should they lose their corporate backing. We had an intriguing discussion. Lily found out about it afterwards and wasn’t too happy.

Victoria: I can imagine.

Nate: She got all territorial on me, made it clear that she and daniel had a deal in writing. But if that falls through, i want to be the first one to grab this and run with it. It would be a great fit at newman media. It has potential for massive growth. Now, if you want me to fill you in on the details —

Victoria: Oh, no, there’s — there’s no need for that. Actually, just put something in a memo. I trust your instincts. And if the opportunity arises to acquire, um…

Nate: Omega sphere.

Victoria: Right. You have my full support.

Nate: Good. Just so you know, there is one wrinkle.

Phyllis: Listen, I’m gonna tell you something. Uh, please keep it to yourself. Things haven’t been going that well for daniel. Uh, his art career stalled in georgia. The commissions weren’t coming in, you know? Therefore, money wasn’t coming in. Uh, the business just fell apart. It just wasn’t happening anymore.

Lauren: That must have been so rough on him.

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. I didn’t even know about it. But he said, um, he took out his frustrations on heather and he felt like he wasn’t holding up his end of the marriage, right? And things got more tense. I guess they were arguing a lot. And so heather decided to take lucy and leave…

[Voice breaking] And, um, go to portugal.

Michael: I am surprised that heather would go to such an extreme.

Phyllis: Well…

Michael: Oh.

Phyllis: According to daniel, he pushed heather away. That’s according to daniel.

[ Stammers ]

[ Voice breaking ] It’s really raw right now. You know, he’s raw and he’s not doing well. And this project is a way for him to pull himself out, right? So, it means so much to him. Therefore, it means a lot to me. But he’s just finally pulling himself out of the mud. And, you know, he feels like this way, he can — he can make it right by heather and… oh. I can solve this. I know how to solve this problem. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. I love adore me. Especially for valentine’s day. They always have a different style and color. The details are amazing, I always find the perfect fit. Valentine’s day special – get your first set for just $24.95. That’s 50% off at adoreme.Com.

Without the right start

to your day…

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, heather is the key.

Lauren: I don’t like where this is going.

Michael: Neither do I.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. Just — just hear me out. Hear me out. So, if I go to heather and i convince her that she should give daniel another chance, i really do believe I can help him out of this situa– I don’t believe — how come I didn’t think of this before?

Lauren: Are you even listening to yourself? The whole reason that daniel lost it on you is because you didn’t honor his boundaries. I mean, in fact, you went crashing straight through them. You disrespected him, you decided that you knew best, and you over-functioned.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] Good on you. Fancy word for “meddling.”

Lauren: Yeah, you took everything into your own hands. You pitched his business to another company without informing him. You cut him out of the whole process. He had literally no say on his own project. Of course he’s gonna be royally pissed off at you and lash out. Honestly, I would, too.

Michael: And now you’re talking about doing it in his personal life.

Phyllis: I don’t consider me going to heather and telling her how great daniel is doing right now and how he’s changed his life around would be considered meddling.

Michael: [ Sighs ]

Lauren: [ Sighs ] You know, you have a beautiful heart. And I completely understand why you’d want to do this.

Michael: [ Chuckling ] I don’t because it is gonna backfire spectacularly.

Lauren: So I think that you should call heather once. And if she does not pick up and she doesn’t respond to your voicemail, please, please walk away from this.

Summer: Basically, my grandpa wants to drag kyle into this scheme to mess with adam’s life.

Daniel: Mm. For his own good, of course.

Summer: Exactly! That’s how he sees it, only it’s really not funny. But my grandpa has convinced himself that he can screw up what adam has going at jabot, have some epic opportunity lined up for him at newman, and then adam will just come running back into the family’s open arms.

Daniel: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I would say it’s unbelievable, but look at our mom living in her own alternative reality.

Summer: They never learn.

Daniel: [ Laughs ]

Summer: Grandpa doesn’t realize that this isn’t gonna work out, just like every other time he’s tried to manipulate adam. But he’s just gonna do what he wants to do. And kyle — kyle hates that adam is working at jabot.

Daniel: Well, what’d kyle say?

Summer: He was considering it at first and then I laid out all the ways that it could go wrong and he claimed that he wanted no part of it.

Daniel: Hmm.

Kyle: Without sharing too much company information, here are my notes on adam’s performance. Based on what I’ve seen of his output so far and the feedback from jabot’s management team, the effort he’s putting forth is mediocre at best. He started strong and then quickly slid, and now he’s treading water more than anything. Nothing egregious, but hardly the caliber of work I would expect from a guy at his level.

Victor: Well, kyle… thank you for the information. Now let’s see how we can take advantage of that. (Vo) yoplait has something for everything you do.

Summer: Kyle told me that he wasn’t gonna take part in my grandpa’s scheme, and I — i know he hates the idea getting swept up into newman family drama. I mean, he’s got enough of that already with his mother and ours.

Daniel: Mm. Yeah. Mom has been a little out of control lately. She went behind my back. She — she started making decisions about my project without telling me. And then she says, oh, you know, it’s to protect my interests. I finally lost it with her.

Summer: What took you so long?

Daniel: [ Chuckles ] I don’t know. I had to tell her. You know, I was like, “we are not partners. You are my employee. You work for me.” Then I, uh — then I might have mentioned that I was wondering if it had ever been a good idea to hire her in the first place.

Summer: I mean, I don’t blame you. It’s not fair for her to put you in that position.

Daniel: She did the same thing to you.

Summer: I know, and I hate that I had to let her go. I mean, she was doing great work at marchetti, but she just would not let up. And kyle and I couldn’t take it anymore. Her feud with diane — it was just too big of a distraction.

Daniel: [ Chuckles ] Tell me about it.

Summer: I know that firing her was the right move, but — i got to be honest — I am a little worried at how rattled she’s been since diane came back to town.

Daniel: Well, I’m just hoping this most recent confrontation makes her take a good, long, hard look at her recent behavior, and, you know, maybe she’ll rein it in. I didn’t say I was holding my breath.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Phyllis: Guys, um, i appreciate the feedback. You know I do. I am under no illusion that a simple phone call can take away all the pain that daniel and his family have been through — okay? — And fix everything. I got it.

Lauren: Alright. Good. I’m glad you realize that.

Michael: Okay. Okay. What aren’t you telling us? Because I know that look. There’s more to this.

Lauren: Is michael right?

Michael: I think I know. You’re not just making a phone call.

Phyllis: No. This is a conversation that needs to be in person. I am going to portugal, and I’m going to talk to heather and lucy face-to-face.

Mariah: Not that you’re asking for my advice.

Elena: No, please. I would love to hear your take on this.

Mariah: I think that you should be discussing this with nate, openly and honestly, you know, like good partners do.

Elena: Which is how we got out of the rough patch that we just went through, when things were so contentious with devon and lily.

[ Sighs ] It took a lot of energy, but nate and I are finally on the right track. And I trusted that the changes he talked about making would be real and lasting.

Tessa: But now you’re having some doubts because of this woman who’s a bad influence.

Elena: Pretty much. So now I am reluctant to share my fears with nate again.

Mariah: Well, you shouldn’t be, not if the issues are still there.

Elena: [ Sighs ] What worries me about audra is i can tell that she thinks business is all about winning. And that was the mind-set that nate had when he was working with chancellor-winters. When he got this new job, I was really hoping that it would be a fresh start. He didn’t have to deal with the conflict of working with his family any more. But I’m starting to see that his drive for power — I don’t think it ever really went away. And given the chance, I think it’s only gonna get worse.

Victoria: A wrinkle, huh? Well, I guess they make life interesting.

Nate: Turns out there’s someone else in the mix. Tucker. He’s snooping around omega sphere, too. Not that I can’t outmaneuver him.

Victoria: Well, I appreciate your confidence, but —

Nate: In fact, I’ve already devised a strategy.

Victoria: Well, that’s what I like to hear. But you don’t need to worry about tucker mccall. I’m gonna take care of him myself very soon.

Nick: Dad, I know you don’t like sally, and I know you like that I’m with her even less. But does that give you a right to intervene?

Victor: Explain yourself, son.

Nick: Sally had a huge opportunity with chancellor-winters to pitch her new idea, but when she and chloe got to L.A., Jill wouldn’t even take the meeting.

Victor: Stuff happens, you know?

Nick: Did you speak with jill and convince her to rip this away from sally? Yes or no?

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B&B Transcript Monday, January 30, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Bill: Is that what you’re saying, katie? If I see to it that sheila goes back to prison and pays for her crimes, there could be a chance for us? We could be a family again?

Steffy: It’s so hard to comprehend. Bill falling for sheila, falling for her lies.

Hope: Well, let’s not pretend, you know, like he hasn’t made bad decisions in the past. But I mean, you’re right. I mean, this– this is beyond.

Steffy: Blackmailing us to keep sheila free. Bill’s totally fine with just a– a murderer out there. Puts us all in danger. He doesn’t seem to care about us.

Charlotte: Steffy? Oh, excuse me. I hope I’m not interrupting. I just wanted to let you know that the eye on fashion interview was postponed. But I’ll update you as soon as it’s rescheduled.

Steffy: Great. Thank you, charlotte. But honestly, I don’t know if I’m gonna wanna reschedule. I don’t think I wanna give spencer publications that much publicity.

Taylor: Knock, knock.

Steffy: Mom, hey.

Taylor: Hi.

Steffy: You remember charlotte?

Taylor: Oh, hi, charlotte. Yes, of course. Forrester’s new up-and-coming exec.

Charlotte: Well, I wouldn’t say that.

Taylor: Oh. See, and she’s modest too. You throw in a sense of humor, they’ll never let you go.

Steffy: Hey, you gotta laugh. Especially these days.

Taylor: Yeah. Well, with sheila, on the loose happy moments are few and far between.

Charlotte: I really feel for you, steffy. I mean, your whole family. Knowing that justice wasn’t served, it makes no sense. How is it possible that sheila carter isn’t spending the rest of her life behind bars?

Steffy: None of us are happy about it, that’s for sure.

Charlotte: Have you thought about maybe bringing a civil suit against her? There’s gotta be some way to make her pay for what she did.

Steffy: I don’t know if that’s in my best interest.

Charlotte: Well, my dad’s a lawyer. I’d be happy to put you in touch. You know, if you ever change your mind. I mean, anyone who puts a bullet inside of another human being should not be walking around free. Oh, it’s the reporter. Reschedule or cancel?

Steffy: Reschedule.

Charlotte: You’ve got it. Nice to see you again, dr. Hayes.

Taylor: Yeah, you too. Thanks. Anybody that puts a bullet in another human–

Steffy: Do not go there, mom. Do not.

Taylor: No, I’m fixing this. I’m– I’m fixing this. I’m turning myself in.

Steffy: We will figure out another way, okay?

Taylor: Nope.

Hope: Someone needs to get through to bill and get him to change his mind. That– that is what needs to happen.

Steffy: Right. We just have to figure out how.

Bill: Could there be a chance for us katie? Sheila goes back to prison and we could be a family again?

Katie: Yes. Yes. You, me, and will I want us to be close. I– I want us to be a family and for us to put our son’s happiness first, his wellbeing. And if sheila is in prison, then of course that’s possible. But as far as you and me, I–

Bill: You won’t even entertain the idea.

Sheila: Hello, katie. This is surprising. Didn’t think we were expecting any company. Did you offer her any– any tea? And we have some cake leftover as well.

Katie: That’s okay. I’m good.

Sheila: You sure? It’s really no trouble.

Katie: I get it, sheila. I get it. You’re lady of the house now.

Sheila: Yeah. I certainly am.

Introducing astepro allergy.

Taylor: I’m the only one who can put an end to this. I– I’m just gonna go to the police.

Steffy: All that guarantees you, mom, is you getting locked up? Not sheila.

Hope: Steffy has a point. I mean, with bill’s influence, he– he’ll probably find a way to keep sheila out of jail.

Steffy: He’ll just bribe another judge and another judge if he has to.

Hope: Exactly. Taylor, I– I don’t think it’s worth it. I– I really don’T.

Taylor: Okay, but appealing to bill isn’t working, so.

Hope: Not yet, but maybe eventually.

Taylor: Eventually. Eventually, after sheila hurts someone that we love. God, I’m so mad at myself. All of this, all of this is happening because I lost control that night. Because of what I did back then, sheila’s free.

Steffy: Come here.

Katie: I wouldn’t get too comfortable around here, sheila, because bill is going to catch on to what you’re doing.

Sheila: What I’m– I’m doing. I– I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Katie: You’re using him.

Sheila: For love and companionship, sure. Then, I guess we’re using each other.

Katie: You don’t love him. You love that you’ve brainwashed him into keeping you out of prison.

Sheila: You don’t know what I’m feeling.

Katie: You feel? Really? Like a normal human being feels? Because I don’t think so.

Sheila: Why is it everyone thinks they can talk to me like this? Such horrible, vicious attacks.

Katie: It’s not an attack if it’s the truth. It’s just a fact. You have tried to kill people we love. You are horrible and vicious. You put a bullet in your son. You left him to die.

Sheila: I don’t wanna argue– I don’t wanna argue about this! And I’m really tired of defending myself to people like you.

Katie: Because it’s indefensible. There’s no defense. None.

Sheila: God I feel terrible for the pain that I caused them.

Katie: Oh, okay.

Sheila: It’s a pain that I– I’ve never had before in my life, to know that I was responsible for hurting my own son.

Katie: Yeah, but you still did it. You still left him to die in that alley. You didn’t call for help. And this is the woman that we’re supposed to trust with our child? Really, bill? She solves her problems by shooting people. I don’t know how you trust her with yourself.

Sheila: It’s because he knows I’m the one person that won’t hurt him. Just like he won’t hurt me.

Katie: You almost killed your child, but bill’s safe with you? Yeah, sure.

Sheila: If you ever truly understood him, you’d see how safe he finally is. He’s with a woman that can stand next to him. You wouldn’t understand that, would you? Because you never did. You never could appreciate the man that he truly is. It scares you doesn’t it, katie? The sword that he wears around his neck, how it symbolizes power and protections, those are things that you never wanted him to have. How this symbol defines him. And I admire that. Now, for the first time in our lives, bill and i have found our true partners because I accept and I admire him for the man he is just as he does me.

Katie: A sociopath that puts everyone around her in danger. You embrace this? You accept it? Well, I can’T. I won’T. I won’t accept it for you or for me or for our son. She has somehow convinced you that your kindred spirits, that you deserve each other. But she’s wrong because you’re nothing like her. I don’t know how she’s managed it, but she’s convinced you to blackmail steffy and finn. But you, you can make that right. You can undo it, and I believe you will. And I won’t give up on you. You hear me? I will fight for you. I will fight to bring you back to us. I will fight for you to see reality. And I don’t give up. You know that. I don’t care how long it takes. I won’t lose you. I won’t lose the father of my son to sheila carter. Listen, I’m done settling. Because this is my secret.

Bill: You’re upset.

Sheila: No, it’s– it’s just–

Bill: You can tell me. You don’t have to hide anything.

Sheila: It’s really hard for me to see you two together. She’s your ex-wife. You share a son. I just can’t help wonder if she were to give you another chance.

Bill: You overheard katie and me talking, didn’t you? About being a family again. I really need you to hear me. Did I get caught up in the memories? Sure, I did. I miss the family we were. It’s probably more accurate to see the family we were trying to be. It wasn’t sustainable. Not like this. Not like us. I appreciate you, sheila. You came into my life when I needed you most. I’m committed to you. You don’t have to question that.

Sheila: Thank you. Oh, it means so much for me to hear you say that. Guess I just have to remind myself that the bad outweigh the good. The way she treated you, the way she tried to change you. Walking out on your time and time again. I can see why you finally felt it was time to move on to someone else. Everyone deserves to be fully accepted for who they are. Even the two of us.

Taylor: You didn’t have to leave work.

Steffy: Well, it’s not like I can speak freely at the office.

Taylor: Because your mom almost killing someone isn’t really water cooler talk, right? Are the kids here?

Steffy: They’re– they’re out. They’re out with amelia. They’re safe. Have I talked to you off the ledge? You’re not still thinking about turning yourself in, are you?

Taylor: Oh, god. Steffy, this– this isn’t just about sheila going to prison.

Steffy: What do you mean?

Taylor: Even if bill wasn’t blackmailing us, I’d– I’d still be holding this terrible secret. I should have never gotten away with this.

Steffy: Mom, you had no idea that you were gonna go over to bill’s house and harm him.

Taylor: Yeah, but I did. I shot him in the back. He didn’t even do what I thought he did.

Steffy: Hey, you can’t change what happened.

Taylor: No, I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t sleep. I– I am tossing and turning. My thoughts or ruminating.

Steffy: Mom. Mom. Go upstairs. Lie down. Get some rest. Just close your eyes and relax. You need to take care of yourself, okay?

Taylor: Yeah. Okay.

Steffy: We’re gonna get through to bill. Sheila’s going to prison, not you.

Bill: Your mother tried

to kill me, not liam.

She shot me in the back

and put me in the hospital.

[ Knock on the door ]

Steffy: Katie.

Katie: Hi.

Steffy: What is– what’s going on?

Katie: I just came from bill’S. Seeing the hold that sheila has on him, knowing what it means for all of us, especially my son, I can’t let it go on. I need to know what he has on you.

Steffy: Excuse me?

Katie: I need to know why you and finn are not testifying against her. If I’m gonna get bill away from sheila, I’ve got to know what’s going on. And I need you to tell me right now. Postmenopausal women with hr+ her2-

Sheila: You know, you always put on such a brave, strong front, such bravado. But I– I know that you hurt just like everyone else. Your heart breaks too. Other people seem to forget that about you, but I never will. Now, to think that taylor shot you in this very room in the back, you had no chance to defend yourself. It’s too bad you’re holier than thou ex-wife doesn’t know about that. Maybe then she would shut up a bit, if she knew that we weren’t the only ones that did something bad.

Steffy: It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what bill has on me, okay?

Katie: Of course, it matters. If it’s keeping you from testifying against sheila. Steffy, you’ve gotta help me here. I was just with bill. He is so unlike himself. He is a shell of himself. I’m scared.

Steffy: I am too. For many reasons.

Katie: The bill I know, the bill I married never would’ve done anything like this. He would never have put his grandchildren, his children in danger. Steffy, please. I need to know what’s going on. Sheila shot your husband, her own son. Then she turned the gun on you and left you both to die in that alley. She shot your mother. She shot your grandmother. Are you really okay with her not being in prison?

Steffy: I’m not. I’m not okay with it. I want sheila in prison for the rest of her life.

Katie: Then you can do something about it. You don’t have to give into bill. Why? Why didn’t you give a statement to the judge?

Steffy: It’s complicated.

Katie: It’s not that complicated. Sheila belongs in prison. What does bill have on you? What is he blackmailing you with?

Taylor: It’s me.

Steffy: Mom, no.

Taylor: It’s because of me. I shot him.

[ Voice breaks ] I’m the one who shot bill.

Katie: I don’t–

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GH Update Monday, January 30, 2023

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Angela

Marshall questions if it is safe for Trina to attend Britt’s memorial. Stella rings the doorbell. Portia and Terry talk about the wedding plans. Jordan shows up at the hospital. Anna, Felicia, and Valentine at the safe house and Anna is on guard. Felicia assures them they will nail Victor. Michael and Willow discuss the baby being born. Michael gets a text and Willow talks to the baby after he leaves, telling her that she is her first priority. Sonny comes in. Carly tells Drew that she thinks Willow will be ok and they hug. Drew says they probably shouldn’t have done that and Carly says she doesn’t think they were seen. Nina sees them and spies on them talking.

Stella says she is back for the wedding and talks about her trip. She offers Trina condolences for her loss of Rory. They also discuss Esme. Stella says she has a surprise for Portia. Jordan is at the hospital to support TJ at Britt’s memorial. Portia gets a message about her dress. Sasha and Maxie talk about grief and sadness at the nail salon. Anna, Valentine and Felicia talk about the plan. Michael comes in and asks Sonny what he is doing there. Willow and Michael tell him about the c-section and stem cell procedure. Sonny says he can’t wait to see his granddaughter and that Nina will be overwhelmed. He asks if they are allowed to see her. Drew and Carly talk about having to practice restraint and Nina confronts them over being cozy.

Nina calls Drew out for forgiving Carly no matter how much damaged she caused. Carly asks if she really wants to compare damage and the people that forgive you no matter what. Anna comforts Valentine about his fears of Charlotte thinking he is dead. Felicia says she has an errand to run for her allergies. Valentine and Anna don’t believe her story. They kiss. Maxie and Sasha talk about Nathan, Brando and Liam. Maxie says she is keeping hope alive for Lucy to be ok and they have to remain positive. Sasha agrees. Curtis asks Stella what she is up to. Stella wants to take Portia and Trina to lunch but Trina says she has to go to Britt’s memorial to be there for a friend who needs her. Stella offers to take her to General Hospital for the memorial. Stella says she is prepared to officiate the wedding and asks about the plans for the music. Jordan asks Portia how Trina is. Portia says she is fine and excuses herself. Jordan stops her and says she had a conversation with Taggert, and they have something sensitive to talk about involving Portia, Curtis and Trina.

Nina attacks Carly about daring to judge her and Carly tries to walk away. Nina says she is not going anywhere, and Sonny comes up to them, asking if there is a problem. Drew says there is no problem, and they leave. Nina tells Sonny she hates his ex and he tells her there is good news, that there may be a way to save Willow. Drew asks Carly if she thinks Nina caught on to them, Maxie and Sasha talk about Deception stock doing better and Sasha says Gladys gets some credit. Maxie asks if the guardianship is weird. Sasha tells her about the disagreement they have about selling Brando’s garage. Portia asks why Taggert is talking to her about Trina and Jordan says he is worried about the security for Trina at the wedding. Portia says her and Curtis have it handled and tells Jordan to stay out of her business Jordan tells her she seems stressed and should unburden herself. Portia asks if she wants that so she can have Curtis to herself. Trina and Stella talk about how important family is. Trina tells her about finding a family match on the genealogy website but tells her she chickened out on finding them. Stella is curious about Trina’s use of the website. Nina is happy there is hope to save Willow. Sonny says Willow is putting on a brave face for Michael. Nina thinks there is something she can do for her.

Valentine and Anna are making out. There is a knock at the door. Felicia has brought Charlotte to see Valentine. Drew is worried Nina saw them or heard them. Carly says if Nina knew anything she would have said something. Drew asks if Sonny would say anything. Carly says he wouldn’t since he knows the stakes. Carly said they are fine as long as they don’t go public. Nina goes into Willow’s room and asks to talk to Willow alone. Nina tells Willow she is there for her and Willow tells her she has plenty of support. Nina tells her that she doesn’t have to keep up a brave face for her like she does with Michael. Sonny approaches Michael and says he wants to be there for him. Marshall and Curtis talk about Stella and Marshall’s issues. Marshall says he got the tests done. Portia accuses Jordan of using Trina to drive a wedge between her and Curtis and throws her arresting Trina in her face. Portia flashes back to different conversations she has had with Curtis and she tells Portia she has no idea the things Jordan has done to protect them. She says if she wanted Curtis, she would have told him the secret months ago. Stella comes up and asks what she would tell Curtis.

Marshall tells Curtis he hasn’t gotten the test results back and they discuss why he didn’t want to get the tests done. Marshall says he wants Curtis involved. Portia and Jordan are surprised to see Stella. Stella pushes them for an answer to her question and Jordan lies and tells her that it was about the divorce papers. Charlotte and Valentine catch up and Anna thanks Felicia for bringing her. They talk about their daughters and the toll their jobs took on them growing up. Maxie and Sasha talk about selling Brando’s garage. Sasha asks Maxie how she kept going after all her loss. Nina tells Willow she can tell her anything she wants and Willow says she can’t and has to have her boundaries. Terry comes in and tells Willow it is time to prep her for her c-section. Sonny asks Michael how he is doing, and Michael tells Sonny not worry about him. Nina interrupts to tell Michael Dr. Randolph just went into Willows room and he leaves. Sonny asks Nina how it went and she tells him Willow doesn’t want anything to do with her. They hug. He reminds her about Britt’s memorial, but she says she wants to stay until Willow is taken into surgery. Nina complains to Sonny about Drew forgiving Carly. Sonny tells her to let it go and focus on Willow. Nina blames Carly for her bad relationship with Willow and Sonny tells her they are in the situation because of revenge and fighting helps no one. Nina tells him that sometimes wars are unavoidable.

Sonny asks Nina what she is planning, and she says nothing. She says she agrees they need to focus on helping Michael and Willow. Carly and Drew rush over to see Willow as she is being wheeled towards surgery. They wish her well. Nina watches on jealously. Valentine thanks Felicia as Anna talks to Charlotte. Charlotte thanks her for bringing Valentine home and they hug. Maxie tells Sasha it gets better in time and the material things their loved ones owned matter less as time goes on. Curtis tells Marshall they will handle the test results together. Curtis tells him it is ok if he can’t perform at the wedding as long as he is there. Stella quizzes Jordan about the genealogy test Trina took in high school.

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Y&R Short Recap Monday, January 30, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Nikki warns Victor that his plans for Adam may lead to disaster, but he thinks he knows better. Victor guesses that Jack and Diane broke into their place in Chicago to set up Stark. Nikki thinks there’s no point in telling the police the truth now, and they both agree that Stark belongs in jail. She blames Phyllis for bringing him to town. Victor is angry at Jack, but Nikki is still blaming Diane for everything.

Kyle looks over Adam’s projects. Summer returns from lunch and wonders what he’s been looking at. Daniel drops by to ask for Summer’s help with something. Daniel and Summer take a walk. He vents about Phyllis. She feels that Kyle is hiding something from her. She fills him in on everything that’s going on with Kyle and Victor, and he tells her what’s been going on with him and Phyllis. They’re worried about how Phyllis has been acting because of her obsession with Diane.

Kyle visits Victor to tell him that he found something that he can use to oust Adam from Jabot. Company reports show that Adam’s work has been mediocre. Victor thanks him and plots how to take Adam down with the info.

Victoria wants to know the secret that Nick is keeping that’s bothering him, but he won’t tell her the truth. He claims that he just doesn’t like the way Victor is trying to interfere with his relationship with Sally. Victoria thinks that Nick is too good for Sally. He lets her know that it’s his choice, so she agrees. Nick takes a phone call from Sally about her presentation with Jill. Nick is annoyed to hear that Jill canceled on Chloe and Sally. He is suspicious that something else influenced Jill.

Nick goes to Victor and yells at him for interfering in Sally’s potential business deal with Jill.

Lauren tells Michael how excited she still is about getting the award, and about Fen flying in for it. They both love Fen’s boyfriend, Trey. Phyllis comes over to say hi, so they invite her to join them. Phyllis tells them that Daniel is angry with her and fills them in on what happened. They can see right away that she overstepped. They think that her hostility toward Diane might be the problem and try to make her see that. Phyllis confides tearfully that Daniel hasn’t been doing too well with his business or family, so this is why the game is so important to them both. Phyllis realizes that she can solve Daniel’s problems by convincing Heather to get back with him, but Lauren and Michael think it’s a bad idea and will upset Daniel more. Lauren advises Phyllis that if she phones Heather, to only try once. However, Phyllis intends to travel to Portugal to chat with Heather.

Nate wants to know how Audra learned that Tucker is after Daniel’s gaming platform. She confides that she visited Tucker. He wonders whose side she’s on, so she assures him that she’s on his side. She fills him in on what Tucker’s plans were for Jabot and Chancellor-Winters, and how he’s interested in Daniel’s game. Nate likes the idea of Audra spying on Tucker for the company. Nate is enjoying playing the corporate games, now that he’s in power. Later, he tells Victoria about his plans for Daniel’s game, the history with Chancellor-Winters and his meeting with Phyllis. Victoria thinks it’s a great idea to get the game if Daniel’s deal with Chancellor-Winters falls through, but he informs her that Tucker is also after the game. He’s got a strategy for him, but Victoria has her own plan for Tucker.

Mariah and Tess show Elena the latest ultrasound from the baby they’re adopting. Elena informs them that she doesn’t trust Audra. Mariah tells her that Audra didn’t treat Noah very well, either. Elena worries that Audra is playing on Nate’s ambition. Mariah advises her to sit down and talk to Nate about her concerns, but Elena is afraid to do that.

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B&B Short Recap Monday, January 30, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Sheila listens in sadly while Bill asks Katie if she’ll get their family back together again if he turns Sheila in to the police. Katie agrees that they should put their son’s welfare first, but she won’t discuss getting back together. Sheila comes out, greets Katie warmly and kisses Bill. Katie insults Sheila, saying that she’s brainwashed Bill and lists her crimes. They argue. Katie doesn’t know how Bill can risk his own life with Sheila, since she shot her own child. Sheila sticks up for Bill, saying Katie doesn’t understand him. Bill stays quiet as he has been, lately. Katie keeps trying to reason with Bill, saying she won’t give up on him and will keep fighting for him. After Katie leaves, Sheila worries that Bill will fall for Katie again, so he knows that she overheard them. He swears that he just got caught up in the memories they had. He swears that what he had with Katie is nothing compared to what he has with Sheila and that he’s committed to her. They kiss. Sheila brings up Taylor’s shooting Bill, saying that it’s a shame Katie doesn’t know what Taylor did, so then she’d know that they’re not the only ones that have done something wrong.

Steffy and Hope discuss how crazy it is that Bill is with Sheila (and blackmailed Steffy to get her out of prison). Taylor drops by to visit and meets new executive Charlotte, who can’t believe that Sheila is out of jail. Taylor still wants to turn herself in to the police. Steffy and Hope don’t think it’s a good idea and might not even guarantee that Sheila will get locked up. Later, Katie visits Steffy to demand how Bill was able to blackmail her and Finn. Steffy won’t tell her. Katie is scared for Bill as well as for the rest of them. Taylor comes out and tells Katie that she’s the one who shot Bill.

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GH Short Recap Monday, January 30, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Angela

Marshall is concerned for Trina’s safety. Stella arrives. Portia and Terry talk about the wedding plans. Jordan shows up. Anna, Valentine and Felicia at the safe house. Felicia assures them they will nail Victor. Michael and Willow discuss the baby being born. Sonny comes in after Michael steps out. Carly and Drew hug and talk about having to be careful. Nina spies on them.

Stella says she is back for the wedding and talks about her trip. Stella says she has a surprise for Portia. Jordan is at the hospital for TJ. Sasha and Maxie talk about grief at the nail salon. Anna, Valentine and Felicia talk about the plan. Willow and Michael tell Sonny about the c-section and stem cell procedure. Sonny asks if he and Nina are allowed to see the baby. Drew and Carly talk about having to practice restraint and Nina confronts them over being cozy.

Nina calls Drew out for forgiving Carly. Carly asks her if she wants to compare. Anna comforts Valentine over his fears for Charlotte thinking he is dead. Felicia leaves on an errand. Maxie and Sasha talk about the people they have lost and keeping hope alive for Lucy. Stella says she is prepared to officiate the wedding and asks about the music. Jordan and Portia discuss Taggert, Trina and Curtis.

Nina lashes out and Carly walks away. Sonny asks if there is a problem. Drew and Carly leave. Nina tells Sonny she hates Carly, and he tells her the news about Willow. Drew asks Carly if she thinks Nina caught on to them, Maxie and Sasha talk about Deception stock doing better and the guardianship. Portia accuses Jordan of wanting Curtis back. Trina and Stella talk family and the genealogy website they both used. Nina thinks there is something she can do for Willow.

Felicia comes back with Charlotte. Carly assuages Drews concerns about Nina and Sonny. Nina asks to speak to Willow alone. Sonny approaches Michael. Marshall tells Curtis he got the tests done. Portia accuses Jordan of trying to come between her and Curtis. Stella questions what they are talking about.

Marshall says he wants Curtis fully involved in his life. Stella pushes Portia and Jordan. Jordan covers with a lie. Charlotte and Valentine catch up as Felicia and Anna talk about their daughters. Maxie councils Sasha about Brando’s garage. Nina reaches out to Willow, but Willow rejects her overtures. Terry says it is time for Willow’s c-section. Michael rejects Sonny’s offer of support and Nina tells Michael they are prepping Willow for surgery. She tells Sonny Willow rejected her. She lashes out about Carly and Sonny tries to talk her down to no avail.

Sonny questions Nina and she deflects, pretending to agree with him. Nina watches as Carly and Drew wish Willow the best. Valentine thanks Felicia as Anna talks to Charlotte. Maxie tells Sasha it gets better in time. Curtis tells Marshall he just wants his father to be there with him. Stella quizzes Jordan about the genealogy test Trina took in high school.

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Days Short Recap Friday, January 27, 2023

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Allie walked in and saw Johnny and Chanel hugging. Allie yelled at them for cheating on her. They told her they were wishing each other well in their relationships. Allie didn’t believe them. He said she sounded like their jealous mother. She said he was acting like his self-absorbed father. They argued over whose father is worse. Chanel stopped them from arguing. She told him to leave. Allie said she would let Wendy know he stopped by and hooked up with her girlfriend. Wendy showed up. He tried to talk to Wendy, but she left. He yelled at Allie before he left. Chanel told Allie that nothing was going on between them. Allie said that was what Alex said. Chanel said she was a hypocrite for going to Alex. She wondered why Allie couldn’t trust her when she wasn’t the one who cheated before. Allie said she cheated on Tripp with her. They apologized to each other. Chanel wanted to stop arguing before they said something they didn’t like. Allie thought they should take a break. Chanel packed and said she would stay with her mother. Johnny found Wendy at the park. He told her nothing was going on with Chanel. He told her that he almost kissed her. Wendy asked if he still had feelings for Chanel. He said he would always care for her. He said Chanel was committed to Allie. He said he liked her. He asked if he could take her out on a date. She said she would like to, but things were complicated right now. She wanted to know if they were in it for the right reasons. He said they could go out when things settled down. She said she would like that.

Eric tried to calm Sloan down after her argument with Paulina and Nicole. Sloan said she hoped Nicole realized that he moved on. She said it was time for Nicole to move on. She said her food was cold, so he got her some chowder. She didn’t like the chowder. He said he hoped his father never heard that. Roman walked in and heard her talking about it. She hoped he wouldn’t hold it against her. He said he wouldn’t, but he would hold the fact that she was going after Abe and Paulina. He said they were like family. He said nothing was more important than family. Sloan said that was why she was going after Paulina and Chanel. They talked about why she wanted to sue them. Sloan left to take a call. Roman asked Eric about Sloan. Eric defended her. Roman asked him about Nicole. Eric said it was over between them. Nicole tried to talk EJ into having sex with her. He said she wasn’t in the right mind to make decisions like that. She told him she was fine, before she threw up. When she was finished throwing up, she told him she couldn’t believe she threw herself at him. He said it was hard to turn her down. He said she was too drunk to know what she was doing. She didn’t think it made sense when she didn’t drink that much. She wondered if something was wrong with the champagne. He said he had some and he was fine. He brought her some tea and toast. She thanked him for being a gentleman. She said everything she did wasn’t because of the alcohol. She said she was ready to move on from Eric. She asked if he was willing to move on with her. He wanted to know if they were going to have a relationship or sex. She asked if they could figure it out as they go. He was willing to do it. He said he was willing to have either one. He said they should go out on a date and see where it would lead them. Gabi called Li and told him she and Stefan had a fight. She wanted to know if they could talk. He said he would be waiting for her. She went to his room and told him she was right about her wasting her time with Stefan. She said she wanted to be with him. He was shocked about her changing her mind. She said she wanted to give their marriage a second chance. He put the ring on her finger. He asked what they were going to do now. She said they never consummated their marriage. He was willing to do that. She told him to take a shower first. While he was in the shower, she searched his room. She found his burner phone and called a repeated number. Rolf answered the phone. She told him she needed his help, and she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She said he would be back in the DiMera good graces if he does what she says. She said he would also stay out of prison. She told him to come back to Salem as soon as possible. Before she could leave, Li came out of the bathroom.

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Y&R Best Lines Friday, January 27, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: You know, I’ve had a lot of time to think. I don’t have a job. Living alone at the Grand Phoenix, you know, plenty of time to ponder my loneliness, my likes, my dislikes, my joys, despair. I’ve had a lot of sobering moments. But, you know, it’s like I said last time we were hanging out. When I see you, it’s, uh — you know, it’s like a highlight of my day. I guess I’m realizing in all of this that we’ve — we’ve lived parallel lives for quite some time.

Chelsea: Well, that’s kind of a stretch.

[Both chuckle]

Billy: Well, maybe my issues haven’t been quite as intensive as yours, but, you know, there are similarities there, both emotionally and mentally. You know, this — this journey that we’re on — I don’t know. I guess that’s maybe why we connect. I guess what I’m saying is I’m very grateful for this friendship.


Tucker: A, uh — [Laughs] an invitation from the Newman siblings? That’s…a suspicious surprise.

Victoria: No, we — we just wanted to talk.

Tucker: Oh, really? What about?

Nick: Your future plans.

Tucker: Yeah, I figured. Say, did you fill him in on the nasty rumor you started that I’m coming after your company?

Victoria: Oh, that? Uh, no, I — I hadn’t given it a second thought since we spoke, since the idea of you being successful at it is dubious at best.
Tucker: What, then?

Victoria: Oh, we just wanted to let you know that there’s another nasty rumor floating around.

Tucker: Oh. Do tell.

Nick: Your company’s in trouble.

Tucker: Well, you know you’re on top when people feel the need to start gossiping about you. But, uh, I don’t believe rumors. Neither should you.

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GH Short Recap Friday, January 27, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Ava is there to support Nina who is devastated that Willow doesn’t want anything to do with her. Ava makes Nina promise not to give up on Willow.

Martin gets taken to a safe house and has a romantic reunion with Lucy. Laura and Alexis are brought in on the plan thought up by Anna, Felicia, Robert, and Valentin to make Victor think Valentin is dead hoping that Victor will be so grief stricken he will confess to his crimes. Victor refuses to believe that Valentin died because the catacombs were flooded in Paris when the pipe burst and flooded the catacombs.

Willow decides to give birth early so that Terri can use the stem cells from the baby’s umbilical cord and placenta to cure her leukemia.

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Y&R Short Recap Friday, January 27, 2023

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Recap written by Eva

Chelsea tells Billy her doctor told her it was too soon for her to do a podcast about her depression and suicide attempt because it may trigger those bad thoughts, again.

Daniel considers taking his gaming platform to Small Unlimited if his deal with Lily doesn’t work out. Victoria calls a meeting with Nick, Nikki, and Victor because she wants to acquire Small Unlimited. Victor loves the idea because he knows Tucker’s company is in financial trouble. Victor also wants Adam to run the company if they acquire it. Victoria and Nick talk to Tucker about his company being in financial trouble but Tucker tells them that is a rumor.

Daniel listens to a pitch by Nate and Audra about why he should bring his gaming platform to Newman Media.

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